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ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Over the next hour we'll talk to Flynn and layout nightmare scenarios that are predictable and preventable. This is a wakeup call to our government at every level, one that can no longer be ignored.
Consider the war on terror. Now, the White House says taking the battle overseas makes us safer here at home, but five years after 9/11 we may be even more vulnerable to a terrorist strike.
Now, on that Tuesday morning, hijackers turned planes into weapons of mass destruction. Their targets, American icons. The World Trade Center, a symbol of our economic right, and the Pentagon, the nerve center for the military.
DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is the scenario -- a summer afternoon in Philadelphia, the parking lot still filling up with fans streaming into the stadium for a Phillies home game. The beer cold, the air warm. The ballpark fills with anticipation, as the players take the field.
(on camera): But as the first pitch rockets towards home plate, none of the 45,000 inside has any idea of the terrible turn their lives are about to take. That's because terrorists not far away are moving forward on a plot to turn this stadium into both a spectacular political statement and a mass grave.
(voice-over): It took years of planning to get to this point. The radicals have been quietly and legally acquiring licenses and jobs that give them the means to launch an act of terror so horrifying it could be worse than the attacks of 9/11.
(on camera): Their mission ends here on this road, as the first truck crashes into the refinery gates. The driver sets off a bomb, killing himself and anyone who might be nearby. The blast blows a hole in the gate big enough for the second truck to drive through.
(voice-over): The second truck is a huge tanker filled with gasoline. When it crashes into a tank, the driver sets off another bomb. Louder than thunder, it brings a momentary hush to the Phillies game two miles away. Fans have no way of knowing a catastrophe is only beginning.
(on camera): That's because inside this refinery there's a dangerous chemical called hydrofluoric acid, and it's the terrorists' lethal weapon. When it spills, it creates a poisonous vapor, an invisible toxic cloud the wind will carry for miles.
(voice-over): As the toxic plume engulfs nearby south Philly neighborhoods, windows broken by the explosions expose people inside their homes. They are the first outside the plant to die.
Then at the stadium, a warning announcement. Fans rush for the exits. But even if they move quickly, many have nowhere to go. Instantly, the parking lot is gridlocked. Traffic on the surrounding streets crawls, and then just stops. Tens of thousands are trapped trying to get away.
(on camera): How bad could it be?
STEPHEN FLYNN, AUTHOR, "THE EDGE OF DISASTER": It could be, in the terms of the 20,000 people dead.
MATTINGLY: Remember, this is a fictional scenario. With any luck it will never happen. But Stephen Flynn, the author and expert who devised this perfect horror, says it's very plausible and very preventable.
FLYNN: We don't have to be all running around wringing our hands at terrorists who may be here causing mischief, but we really should be focusing on how do we make places safer in general.
MATTINGLY: Flynn says this Philadelphia disaster would be impossible in real life if the refinery would replace its hydrofluoric acid with a less dangerous chemical.
(on camera): Are you suggesting we all need to grow up?
That's the message in Stephen Flynn's new book, "The Edge of Disaster." And he joins me now.
FLYNN: Well, it's really because we haven't focused on our own internal vulnerability. Now the war on terror has really been about taking the battle to the enemy and confronting terrorism beyond our shores.
It takes a lot to put together a 9/11-scale attack. It could take three years of organization to get that right. And if you strike and you miss, you've got to start all over again here. So by making ourselves more resilient, terrorists may look elsewhere, beyond our shores even, in terms of where they decide to do their mischief.
FLYNN: Well, it's pretty clear what we need to begin to do here is we've got to make sure that we think about disaster, what are the likely things, not the improbable things, but what are the likely things. And it turns out there are quite a few. There are hurricanes. There are earthquakes. There are tornadoes. And then we think -- we have to say, OK, what would be vulnerable if that happened here? And what's our plan?
But part of the reason why we're having to work so hard on that, is we think if terrorists strike, it will be catastrophic. It's only catastrophic if we allow ourselves to be so exposed and we are unable to respond well.
So part of the message here is that, by making the investments and being prepared for the things that are likely to happen to us, natural disasters, we're making our home front contribution in the war on terror.
But we want to tell you what could happen in the port of Boston, which faces a unique threat, and where a seemingly simple plot would unleash a horrific chain of events. David Mattingly begins his report on the Mystic River.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Air 2 OTC has visual. He's coming right down the center of the harbor.
MENINO: Thousands of people could lose their lives if a tanker did explode in the harbor.
MATTINGLY (on camera): It was a sitting duck.
GEORGE NACCARA, FORMER COAST GUARD COMMANDER: It was. I think they had 100,000 cubic meters of liquefied natural gas on board. From that moment on, the security around that vessel was remarkably enhanced.
MATTINGLY (voice-over): Tonight a fleet of Coast Guard cutters escorts the LNG tanker into port. Out our window, the lights of Boston are gleaming -- bridges, offices, homes, all right in a dangerous path.
(on camera): City officials say they believe that the only way to really keep their city safe is to keep tankers like this out of Boston Harbor. They say build another place for them to go, someplace far away from this heavily populated air.
(voice-over): Mayor Menino and others like Stephen Flynn have been clamoring for people to open their eyes to the obvious.
FLYNN: The lesson of 9/11 should have been look around. Are there things here that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction?
One Boston fire captain told us the simple instruction he'd give his troops -- run.
COOPER: Next on "The Edge of Disaster," the terrorists within.
COOPER (voice-over): The target, the big ship making its way through Boston harbor. Terrorists could turn it into a big bomb. Who's going to stop them? The answer may surprise you.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would say so, yes.
COOPER: We take you back to the danger zone when this special edition of 360, "Edge of Disaster," continues.
"It is simply a matter of time before the United States is attacked again."
Stephen Flynn, "The Edge of Disaster."
Take the threat of al Qaeda. The U.S. is fighting this war on terror in Afghanistan and in Iraq, but more and more the face of terror can be found not in the Middle East, but in Western Europe, in Britain, in Spain and in the Netherlands.
And there's a growing fear that before too long, the terror threat will cross the Atlantic and flourish on our own shores. But with our government's focus overseas, will we even notice the danger in our own backyard?
From the water, this is what it looks like -- a slow-moving behemoth that all but dwarfs the city, hard to miss.
And from an apartment office building over there on the shore, imagine what it looks like -- huge, slow-moving, hard to miss.
Boston is the only city in the world where these tankers pass so close to so many people, which means it's also the only place they are so exposed to so many vantage points, so many potential places to launch an attack.
MENINO: I'm very concerned about it. An LNG tanker in these times doesn't belong inside a harbor with close proximity to a residential area.
MCDONALD: We absolutely can. And in fact, any time we have ship movements, especially LNG, that's exactly what we're doing with this system.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A lot of interesting things that go on, and we try to keep our eye on all of it.
MATTINGLY: In fact, the best line of defense is not authorities, but the people who actually live and work here, guys like Chuck Di Stefado (ph), who could spot a stranger or suspicious activity instantly.
(on camera): In all the years that you've been out here, you pretty much know who belongs on these waters and who doesn't, right?
PAUL PENDER, BOSTON HARBOR FISHERMAN: We can see something and let them know. You know, we're going to notice. I mean, constantly, guys are calling each other on the radio, saying, hey, look at that guy over there. What's he doing? And we notice.
MATTINGLY (voice-over): It is perhaps the highest stakes community policing network imaginable.
COOPER: Ports feed and fuel our nation from the coasts. Their cargo shuttled across the country through a maze of roads and waterways.
MESERVE: Yet with our heightened concerns about terrorism, the sheer size of the system puts Americans at risk. More than 200,000 miles of high voltage wire, more than 250,000 substations, some in remote locations. So how to protect it?
There have been instances of sabotage, and two years ago, Radio Canada exposed a yawning hole in security. Its reporters drove unchallenged right into a Quebec hydroelectric plant that's part of the North American power grid.
(voice-over): Demand has sharply outpaced the growth in our antiquated power supply system. Here's just one example.
Clark Gellings works for a group funded by the electric power industry. CLARK GELLINGS, ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE: If you were to lose a large number of substation transformers at the same time through a natural disaster or something of the sort, you would have a problem.
MESERVE: But 3 1/2 years later, it's time to ask, did the nation hear the alarm or simply go back to sleep?
COOPER: Well, stepping back from the brink. Instead of inviting disaster, what can we do to prevent it?
(BEGIN GRAPHIC) "Terrorism will be like the flu: the only thing we can safely predict is that each season there will be new strains."
COOPER (on camera): More now on the battle against terror in our post-9/11 world. So far tonight we've laid out some pretty scary scenarios -- bombings of an oil refinery in Philadelphia and of a massive tanker moving liquefied natural gas into Boston Harbor.
He joins me again to discuss a new way to fight the war on terror.
First of all, is it wrong to be talking about this stuff, to be pointing out these scenarios? There are going to be some people who see this and say, well look, you're giving ideas to terrorists.
FLYNN: I really think it's just the opposite. We are robbing ourselves of our greatest strength in dealing with the risk of terrorism and basically by not engaging the American people. And we can't engage them if we don't talk about these risks.
In just the last year, the list of critically damaged levees has grown more than 10 times over.
LESTER SNOW, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES: There have been a whole sweep of probably 400 additional sites that have been identified. About 100 of those being critical.
(COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER (on camera): When disaster strikes, it's the first responders who are called in to action. Yet, as Hurricane Katrina showed us, sometimes it takes hours, even days for help to arrive.
(voice-over): New York Presbyterian Hospital is trying to better prepare its staff and facility. But these are tough economic times for hospitals, and the federal government has given them a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year to prepare.
DR. HERBERT PARDES, N.Y. PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL: Not giving particularly those areas like New York, which are so much under the gun, more in the way of help in terms of emergency preparedness is really outrageous. A few hundred thousand dollars? We spent $1.5 million a year just for increased security.
MATTINGLY: In the early days after Katrina hit when the nation was still reeling, Dennis Hastert, the speaker of the House, said it looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed. Rebuilding a whole city below sea level didn't make sense to him. Not very P.C., and Hastert quickly back pedaled.
But today, as we watch people sweat to rebuild right in danger's path, we wonder, Katrina may have scared us, but did it teach us enough?
COOPER: Have we learned the lessons of Katrina? I mean, FEMA will say, look, we've learned a lot of lessons and we've made, you know, a lot of changes. FLYNN: We're not making any hard decisions about learning from disaster, what we should do differently next time around. Again, imagine somehow that these things are just rare events or so rare that we shouldn't have to change our behavior.
COOPER: So when we think of national security, in the last couple of years when we thought of national security, we have often thought more about what's happening overseas and foreign policy, not so much what's happening here at home and what we are doing here. FLYNN: For every nation in the world, national security is first and foremost about protecting the nation. And if have you any power left over, protecting your interests beyond your shores. That's every nation, but the United States that's dealt with national security as only that second part. This is crazy.
CHETRY: And I'm Kiran Chetry. Anderson, wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin, and the entire 360 team are in the Amazon rainforest for the first in our yearlong series of special reports that we're calling "Planet in Peril."
We are in Belem, in northern Brazil. We've just landed after being out with agents from IBAMA, which are the environmental protection agency essentially of Brazil. They and a federal police of Brazil were patrolling one part of the Amazon rainforest. We've been spending two days out on patrol with them and with wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): You are looking at the latest miracle of modern science. She was born the length of a pen. Little Amillia Taylor is the earliest premature baby on record to survive outside the womb.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Amillia really surprised us all by really having very little complications for her size.
One is that essentially the lungs, if you think about them at that age, that early an age, they are sort of like hard sponges. They can't contract and relax very well. And that's because they haven't produced enough substances to allow them do that. So it was amazing that she got through that, the lungs somehow worked.
Also, she didn't develop any significant bleeding within the brain. Think about these blood vessels that are so tiny, they are not formed yet, and they're more likely to bleed after the actual labor itself. So that can be a problem.
CAPLAN: That's a great question, because survival is one thing, quality of life is a separate issue. And, you know, if we were saying that a couple of children survived at -- born at 21 weeks, made it to be able to leave the hospital and go home, but every one of them was severely retarded, every one of them had massive physical disabilities, every one of them wound up institutionalized, I think we would say we still don't know how to keep a 21-year-old (sic) at serious viability so that it isn't just a question of biological life, it's also a question of at what price to the child. CHETRY: Right. And, you know, we do want to point out, though, the doctors are saying right now that the baby's outlook is excellent. And some of the things premature infants may have fallen victim to she didn't. So that is great.
Here was this baby, no child had ever survived being born at 21 weeks. Nothing was done differently. We don't in this case have a new miracle technology to try.
So the question really becomes, if we don't have any better means to treat children like this, then even the one child, maybe because it developed faster, maybe because it was just a highly unusual child, survives and apparently is going to do pretty well -- apparently, because we still don't really know -- is that the reason to say we should change our policies and we should change our laws? And I'm going to argue that one single case, it really isn't enough to do it.
KING: On 360 this week, we're looking behind locked doors, prisons doors, in fact. Tonight's story challenges the notion that life stops at the penitentiary gates. Award-winning documentary filmmaker Shola Lynch is our guide for this eye-opening series. Welcome again.
JOHN DAHM, WARDEN, NEBRASKA CORRECTIONAL CENTER FOR WOMEN: Statistics nationally show that a child is more likely to grow up and go to prison if one or both parents have been in prison. TAMARA: Even though I take classes and I go to meals and things without him, partly out of a 24-hour period, I spend 22, 21 hours with him, you know. So, just -- we have that bond.
LYNCH: That's something John Dahm gets. He is the warden of the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women.
DAHM: In that litany of failure, failure, failure, failure -- and I recognize that we get people, you know, at the bottom end of the funnel. And somehow we've got to break that litany of failure.
CHETRY: Now a 360 news and business bulletin. | 2019-04-25T22:10:59Z | http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0702/23/acd.02.html |
On a mountain, in a valley, no one knows – the three traditions about where Moses is buried in Deuteronomy 34 stem from three different sources.
The Three Places Moses is Buried?
וכבר שלחה מלכות בית קיסר שני סרדיוטות אמרו לכו וראו קבורתו של משה היכן היא הלכו ועמדו למעלה וראו אותו למטה ירדו למטה וראו אותו למעלה נחלקו חציים למעלה וחציים למטה עליונים ראו אותו כלפי מטה ותחתונים ראו אותו כלפי מעלה לכך נאמר ולא ידע איש את קבורתו.
עֲלֵ֡ה אֶל־הַר֩ הָעֲבָרִ֨ים הַזֶּ֜ה הַר־נְב֗וֹ אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מוֹאָ֔ב אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־פְּנֵ֣י יְרֵח֑וֹ… וּמֻ֗ת בָּהָר֙ אֲשֶׁ֤ר אַתָּה֙ עֹלֶ֣ה שָׁ֔מָּה וְהֵאָסֵ֖ף אֶל־עַמֶּ֑יךָ….
Ascend these heights of Abarim to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab facing Jericho…. You shall die on the mountain that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin….
… and no one knows his burial place to this day.
Leaving aside the midrashic tradition that Moses was buried in both places, how have these traditions been reconciled?
ודע, כי הר העברים, שהוא הר נבו, שהוא צלם כוכב, הוא בעצמו הגיא, שהוא ראש הפסגה, שהוא מול בית פעור…. ושם מת ושם קבורתו…. והנה דבר ברור, כי במקום שמת משה שם קבורתו.
Know that Mount Abarim, which is Mount Nebo, a name that denotes a foreign god (Nabu=the moon god), this is itself “The Valley,” which was at the top of the crest opposite Beit Peor… This is where Moses died and this is where he is buried… And it seems obvious that he was buried in the area where he died.
And Kemosh said to me: “Go take Nebo from Israel.” And I went at night and fought from the break of dawn until the afternoon, and I took it and killed everybody, seven thousand men and boys, women and girls, and concubines, and I made them cherem to Ashtar-Kemosh. And I took from their the [ves]sels of Yhwh, and brought them before Kemosh.
This temple was likely associated with Moses’ grave, which supports the “burial on the mountain” tradition.
And he buried him(self) – If he did bury himself, as some of the sages believe, his disembodied soul must have done so, since he died on the top of the peak of a mountain from which he saw all the land [of the Cisjordan], as it says, “and Moses died there,” but his burial was in a valley.
Beth-peor should be identified with Khirbat ‘Uyun Musa in the valley at the foot of Mt. Nebo. It too once housed a Byzantine period church.
The midrash about the Roman emperor’s search reflects the third tradition, that the place where Moses is buried is unknown. The midrash is trying to combine all three statements about Moses’ burial, implying that the actual place is unknown because it looks as if he is buried in two places. Nevertheless, the plain meaning of “unknown” in Deut 34:6 is that no one knows where he is buried, full stop.
The unknown grave tradition was either unaware of the two other traditions, or was actively polemicizing against them. According to Deut. 3:29, at the time of Moses’ death, the Israelite camp was in the valley near Beth-peor (Deut. 3:29). The valley is limited in size, and thus the tradition that his grave is unknown is especially surprising.
From a critical perspective, rather than reconcile the three divergent traditions about Moses’ burial, each tradition should be understood as independent. Each of these independent traditions was originally from a different Pentateuchal document. It was only when the three documents were woven together by the compiler of the Torah that the inconsistent death and burial tradition we have today in chapter 34 developed.
Each version is represented separately below (see appendix for a color-coded version of the entire text).
לד:א וַיַּעַל מֹשֶׁה מֵעַרְבֹת מוֹאָב אֶל-הַר נְבוֹ // אֲשֶׁר עַל-פְּנֵי יְרֵחוֹ וַיַּרְא // אֶת כָּל הָאָרֶץ // לד:ה וַיָּמָת שָׁם מֹשֶׁה //. בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב עַל פִּי י-הוה. // לד:ח וַיִּבְכּוּ בְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת מֹשֶׁה בְּעַרְבֹת מוֹאָב שְׁלֹשִׁים יוֹם וַיִּתְּמוּ יְמֵי בְכִי אֵבֶל מֹשֶׁה. לד:ט וִיהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן-נוּן מָלֵא רוּחַ חָכְמָה כִּי סָמַךְ מֹשֶׁה אֶת יָדָיו עָלָיו וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֵלָיו בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיַּעֲשׂוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה י-הוה אֶת מֹשֶׁה.
34:1 Moses went up from the steppes of Moab to Mount Nebo // opposite Jericho, and looked out // at the whole land. // 34:5 And Moses // died there, in the land of Moab, at the command of Yhwh. 34:8 And the Israelites bewailed Moses in the steppes of Moab for thirty days. The period of wailing and mourning for Moses came to an end. 34:9 Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands upon him; and the Israelites heeded him, doing as Yhwh had commanded Moses.
Storyline – The ascent to Mt. Nebo is the final piece in a chain that starts at Kadesh with the punishment on the Waters of Meribah.
Moses told that he will not enter the land as a consequence of his sin.
Moses told to alight upon Mt. Abarim to die, but Moses asks for more time.
Moses told to alight upon Mt. Abarim (= Mt. Nebo), view the land, and die, which he does soon after (ch. 34).
Deut 32:49 Ascend these heights of Abarim to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab facing Jericho, and view the land of Canaan, which I am giving the Israelites as their holding. 32:50 You shall die on the mountain that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin… 32:52 You may view the land from a distance, but you shall not enter it—the land that I am giving to the Israelite people.
Location – The command Moses receives to die in Deuteronomy 32 specifies the place as Mt. Abarim / Mt. Nebo in the Moabite Land opposite Jericho.
The mourning period – The description of Aaron’s death in Nub 27, a P text, includes a mourning period of thirty days (Num 21:29). This matches verse 8, which has an identical description for Moses, should be assigned to P too.
Joshua – Moses’ response to God’s first command to die in Num 27—a Priestly text—was to ask for a leader that will replace him. God orders him to single out Joshua “a man with spirit in him and lay your hand upon him (אִ֖ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־ר֣וּחַ בּ֑וֹ וְסָמַכְתָּ֥ אֶת־יָדְךָ֖ עָלָֽיו).” Deut. 34:9 tells us that the laying of the hands was done.
The large gap between the command in Num 27 for Moses to die and its fulfillment here has much to do with the compiler’s decision to place the D source, which represents most of the book of Deuteronomy, in between the account in Numbers and the death scene here.
לד:ה וַיָּמָת // מֹשֶׁה עֶבֶד י-הוה // לד:ו וַיִּקְבֹּר אֹתוֹ בַגַּי בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב מוּל בֵּית פְּעוֹר // לד:ז וּמֹשֶׁה בֶּן-מֵאָה וְעֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה בְּמֹתוֹ לֹא כָהֲתָה עֵינוֹ וְלֹא נָס לֵחֹה.. // לד:י וְלֹא קָם נָבִיא עוֹד בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל כְּמֹשֶׁה אֲשֶׁר יְדָעוֹ י-הוה פָּנִים אֶל פָּנִים. לד:יא לְכָל הָאֹתֹת וְהַמּוֹפְתִים אֲשֶׁר שְׁלָחוֹ י-הוה לַעֲשׂוֹת בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם לְפַרְעֹה וּלְכָל עֲבָדָיו וּלְכָל אַרְצוֹ. לד:יב וּלְכֹל הַיָּד הַחֲזָקָה וּלְכֹל הַמּוֹרָא הַגָּדוֹל אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה מֹשֶׁה לְעֵינֵי כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל.
34:5 So Moses the servant of Yhwh died // 34:6 He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, near Beth-peor // 34:7 Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated. // 34:10 Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses—whom Yhwh singled out, face to face, 34:11 for the various signs and portents that Yhwh sent him to display in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his courtiers and his whole country, 34:12 and for all the great might and awesome power that Moses displayed before all Israel.
Servant of Yhwh – This phrase is found only in E texts (Ex 14:31; Num 12:7).
Baal-peor – This reflects an E story (Num 25:1–9). The valley near Beth-peor as the location of the Israelite camp is also in E (as quoted in Deut 3:29).
Moses as 120 years old – the only other place in the Torah, in which Moses records his age is a speech from the D text (31:2). D seems to have borrowed many of the concepts in this speech, including this one, from E storyline.
Face to face – Only in E does God talk to Moses “face to face” (Exod 33:11), which may be evidence that God is doing the burial.
לד:א וַיַּעַל מֹשֶׁה // רֹאשׁ הַפִּסְגָּה // וַיַּרְאֵהוּ י-הוה // אֶת הַגִּלְעָד עַד-דָּן. לד:ב וְאֵת כָּל נַפְתָּלִי וְאֶת אֶרֶץ אֶפְרַיִם וּמְנַשֶּׁה וְאֵת כָּל אֶרֶץ יְהוּדָה עַד הַיָּם הָאַחֲרוֹן. לד:ג וְאֶת הַנֶּגֶב וְאֶת הַכִּכָּר בִּקְעַת יְרֵחוֹ עִיר הַתְּמָרִים עַד צֹעַר. לד:ד וַיֹּאמֶר י-הוה אֵלָיו זֹאת הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי לְאַבְרָהָם לְיִצְחָק וּלְיַעֲקֹב לֵאמֹר לְזַרְעֲךָ אֶתְּנֶנָּה הֶרְאִיתִיךָ בְעֵינֶיךָ וְשָׁמָּה לֹא תַעֲבֹר. לד:ה וַיָּמָת // מֹשֶׁה // לד:ו וְלֹא יָדַע אִישׁ אֶת קְבֻרָתוֹ עַד הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה.
34:1 Moses went up // to the summit of Pisgah // and Yhwh showed him // the Gilead as far as Dan; 34:2 all Naphtali; the land of Ephraim and Manasseh; the whole land of Judah as far as the Westerna Sea; 34:3 the Negeb; and the Plain—the Valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees—as far as Zoar. 34:4 And Yhwh said to him, “This is the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ‘I will assign it to your offspring.’ I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not cross there.” 34:5 Moses died // 34:6 and no one knows his burial place to this day.
Pisgah – This toponym is the final stopping point in the J itinerary (Num 21:20), and is part of the (lost) ending of J Scout story (Deut 3:27).
The detailed description of the Promised Land – This is the fulfillment of the promise to see the land “to the west, the north, the south and the east” (Deut 3:27).
עבר vs בוא – in God’s punishment to Moses in the J text from Deut 3, the root עבר is used (“you will not pass over”), in the Priestly text it is בוא (“you will not come”).
The Scouts story in Numbers 13-14 combines two different versions of that story, one from J and one from P. As many scholars have noted, the J story seems incomplete, but we can reconstruct some of it from the retelling of the Scouts Story in Deut 1-3, since Deuteronomy uses the J source for this story.
In Deuteronomy 1:21-36, Moses retells the Scouts incident, which ends with God’s decree against Moses.
1:37 Because of you Yhwh was incensed with me too, and He said: You shall not enter it either.
According to this, Moses is forbidden to enter the land together with all the Israelites of his generation as part of God’s punishment for the sin of the scouts.
Two chapters later, Moses tries to change God’s mind but fails in the attempt.
3:23 I pleaded with Yhwh at that time, saying, 3:24 “O Lord Yhwh, You who let Your servant see the first works of Your greatness and Your mighty hand, You whose powerful deeds no god in heaven or on earth can equal! 3:25 Let me, I pray, cross over and see the good land on the other side of the Jordan, that good hill country, and the Lebanon.” 3:26 But Yhwh was wrathful with me on your account and would not listen to me. Yhwh said to me, “Enough! Never speak to Me of this matter again! 3:27 Go up to the summit of Pisgah and gaze about, to the west, the north, the south, and the east. Look at it well, for you shall not go across yonder Jordan.
This punishment of Moses for the sin of the scouts seems to be taken from a lost section of the J text which the compiler of Numbers cut in favor of P’s explanation, i.e., the story about Moses’ sin at Meribah. Fortuitously, from the retelling in Deut. 1-3, we can reconstruct that in the original independent J text, God bars Moses from entering the land as part of the punishment against the generation of the scouts, and that He told Moses to go up Mount Pisgah, gaze upon all the land, and die.
Assigning the unknown grave to J follows the process of elimination. P has Moses’ grave on Mt. Nebo. E has him buried in the valley. J has him go up on Mt. Pisgah to look but never references where he dies or is buried. Thus, it makes most sense to assume that this line was the ending of the J tradition.
Is it significant that particular sources associate the burial of Moses with particular places?
P identifies the grave as a place where a temple to Yhwh (once) stood. It is not surprising that a Priestly text would be especially comfortable associating Israel’s most important prophet with a temple.
In contrast, E has Moses buried opposite an idolatrous temple (Beit Peor). Perhaps such a burial was meant to symbolize Israel’s position as standing against the false god of its neighbors.
Finally, J wanted to discredit any claims made by local holy places that their spot housed the remains of the great prophet. Perhaps fearful that the place would turn into a worship site (as suggested by Ralbag ad loc.), perhaps out of awe for Moses’ place in Israelite history, J leaves the Israelites with only one way to access Moses, through his teachings.
A full reconstruction of the text follows. The words וימת משה, or something similar, would have appeared in all three sources; the compiler would have had no choice but to cut the other two mentions of Moses dying. Similarly, references to Moses “going up” a mountain appeared in both P and J, and references to Moses seeing the land from the mountaintop as well. Here too, the compiler must have cut the doublet. Beyond that, the three sources are fully reflected in the composite text.
לד:א וַיַּעַל מֹשֶׁה מֵעַרְבֹת מוֹאָב אֶל הַר נְבוֹ [וַיַּעַל מֹשֶׁה] רֹאשׁ הַפִּסְגָּה אֲשֶׁר עַל פְּנֵי יְרֵחוֹ וַיַּרְאֵהוּ י-הוה [וַיַּרְא] אֶת-כָּל-הָאָרֶץ אֶת הַגִּלְעָד עַד דָּן. לד:ב וְאֵת כָּל נַפְתָּלִי וְאֶת אֶרֶץ אֶפְרַיִם וּמְנַשֶּׁה וְאֵת כָּל אֶרֶץ יְהוּדָה עַד הַיָּם הָאַחֲרוֹן. לד:ג וְאֶת הַנֶּגֶב וְאֶת הַכִּכָּר בִּקְעַת יְרֵחוֹ עִיר הַתְּמָרִים עַד צֹעַר. לד:ד וַיֹּאמֶר י-הוה אֵלָיו זֹאת הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי לְאַבְרָהָם לְיִצְחָק וּלְיַעֲקֹב לֵאמֹר לְזַרְעֲךָ אֶתְּנֶנָּה הֶרְאִיתִיךָ בְעֵינֶיךָ וְשָׁמָּה לֹא תַעֲבֹר. לד:ה [וַיָּמָת] שָׁם [מֹשֶׁה] עֶבֶד-י-הוה בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב עַל פִּיי-הוה. לד:ו וַיִּקְבֹּר אֹתוֹ בַגַּי בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב מוּל בֵּית פְּעוֹר וְלֹא יָדַע אִישׁ אֶת קְבֻרָתוֹ עַד הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה. לד:ז וּמֹשֶׁה בֶּן מֵאָה וְעֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה בְּמֹתוֹ לֹא כָהֲתָה עֵינוֹ וְלֹא נָס לֵחֹה. לד:ח וַיִּבְכּוּ בְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת מֹשֶׁה בְּעַרְבֹת מוֹאָב שְׁלֹשִׁים יוֹם וַיִּתְּמוּ יְמֵי בְכִי אֵבֶל מֹשֶׁה. לד:ט וִיהוֹשֻׁעַ בִּן-נוּן מָלֵא רוּחַ חָכְמָה כִּי סָמַךְ מֹשֶׁה אֶת יָדָיו עָלָיו וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ אֵלָיו בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיַּעֲשׂוּ כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה י-הוה אֶת מֹשֶׁה. לד:י וְלֹא קָם נָבִיא עוֹד בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל כְּמֹשֶׁה אֲשֶׁר יְדָעוֹ י-הוה פָּנִים אֶל פָּנִים. לד:יא לְכָל הָאֹתֹת וְהַמּוֹפְתִים אֲשֶׁר שְׁלָחוֹ י-הוה לַעֲשׂוֹת בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם לְפַרְעֹה וּלְכָל עֲבָדָיו וּלְכָל אַרְצוֹ. לד:יב וּלְכֹל הַיָּד הַחֲזָקָה וּלְכֹל הַמּוֹרָא הַגָּדוֹל אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה מֹשֶׁה לְעֵינֵי כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל.
34:1 Moses went up from the steppes of Moab to Mount Nebo, [Moses went up] to the summit of Pisgah, opposite Jericho, and Yhwh showed him [and he saw] the whole land. Gilead as far as Dan; 34:2 all Naphtali; the land of Ephraim and Manasseh; the whole land of Judah as far as the Western Sea; 34:3 the Negeb; and the Plain—the Valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees—as far as Zoar. 34:4 And Yhwh said to him, “This is the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, ‘I will assign it to your offspring.’ I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not cross there.” 34:5 [And Moses] the servant of Yhwh died there, in the land of Moab, at the command of Yhwh. 34:6 He buried him in the valley in the land of Moab, near Beth-peor. No one knows his burial place to this day. 34:7 Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died; his eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated. 34:8 And the Israelites bewailed Moses in the steppes of Moab for thirty days. The period of wailing and mourning for Moses came to an end. 34:9 Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands upon him; and the Israelites heeded him, doing as Yhwh had commanded Moses. 34:10 Never again did there arise in Israel a prophet like Moses—whom Yhwh singled out, face to face, 34:11 for the various signs and portents that Yhwh sent him to display in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his courtiers and his whole country, 34:12 and for all the great might and awesome power that Moses displayed before all Israel.
ויקבר אותו בגיא בארץ מואב מול בית פעור – א”ר ברכיה: סימן בתוך סימן, ואפ”ה ולא ידע איש את קבורתו. וכבר שלחה מלכות הרשעה אצל תלמוד גסטרא של בית פעור: הראנו היכן משה קבור? עמדו למעלה נדמה להם למטה, למטה – נדמה להם למעלה, נחלקו לשתי כיתות, אותן שעומדים למעלה נדמה להן למטה, למטה – נדמה להן למעלה, לקיים מה שנאמר: ולא ידע איש את קבורתו.
Literally, “an idol of a star,” but by star, ibn Ezra means the god or goddess who is both the star/planet as well as an anthropomorphic deity.
He seems to imply that the Israelites called the place “The Valley” to avoid using a pagan god’s name.
B. MacDonald, “East of the Jordan” (Boston, 2000), 78.
For more on this inscription, see, here. For the complete text in Hebrew, see, here.
Alexander Rofé, “Moses’ Blessing, the Sanctuary at Nebo, and the Origin of the Levites,” in: Y. Avishur and J. Blau (eds.), Studies in Bible and the Ancient Near East: Presented to Samuel E. Lowenstamm on His Seventieth Birthday, pp. 409–424, Jerusalem 1978.
B. MacDonald, East of the Jordan, Boston 2000, pp. 137–138.
Biblical writers identified geographical elements either by their geographical name or by the name of the closest city. These names would be updated by later scribes as the toponyms changed over time. Thus, the name “Nebo” was added to an older layer of P, which used Abarim.
One glaring example is the reference to Sihon, which, as I discussed in a different TABS essay, is part of the E storyline, “War at Yahatz: The Torah versus the Mesha Stele.” In addition, Moses brings two reasons for the transfer of authority to Joshua in this speech.
God told to him not to cross the Jordan (31:2b).
His advanced age – 120 years (31:2a).
As D takes most of his historical data from J and E, and as the first reason comes from J, the other reason probably comes from E.
Joel S. Baden, The Promise to the Patriarchs (Oxford 2013), p. 101.
As scholars have noted, D never uses P, and E has no Scouts Story; thus, the unfamiliar details in D’s retelling probably reflect missing pieces from the J story, that were cut by the compiler of the Torah. | 2019-04-23T14:07:59Z | https://thetorah.com/the-unknown-yet-known-place-of-moses-burial/ |
Today I wrote about a priestess, walking in the forest, gathering leaves. I hadn’t been writing for some time, and something in me felt off, and I sat down and wrote without thinking, without questioning if it made sense or if it was going somewhere.
The priestess has been at the edge of my mind for some time. I want to live her life, walk her steps. I’ve often longed for a temple, one made of white stone, resting by the water, surrounded by forests, mountains, songs of nature, stillness.
I wonder if I could carry her inside of me, and have a space in my heart, a temple of my own, that is sacred, only between me and the Goddess.
I sat down and wrote to the Goddess this morning. I started with dear mother, and then I didn’t know what to say, yet my attempt to reach for her seemed to bring her closer. I felt some relief today, like something had lifted, after a long night of poor sleep, of strange dreams, and wakefulness.
For days I felt something weighting on me, a tiredness I couldn’t shake. I took a long shower and it helped, the warm water streaming over me, and I spoke silently to the Goddess as I went about my tasks, and I felt her a little closer, like she had been waiting for me to ask.
This book inspired me. I read it last summer, and now I’m reading it again. I want to live a life of devotion, and I hope to hear the divine speak to me, and I pray for strength and courage to follow what is being shown, what is being asked of me.
Life has frightened me for a long time, but standing close to the Goddess I can walk through it, and she is showing me how to live. I feel she is nourishing me, and showing me the way to my Father.
So I write about the priestess, yearning for that life, in totally devotion to the Goddess. I wish we could live in temples, study our dreams, and wear beautiful robes, gather water in urns and sing songs to the gods.
A song I’m listening to right now, that makes me want to sit down and gaze at green mountains.
This is something that I wrote over a week ago, that I didn’t post right away because every time I thought about it I got a knot in my stomach. I put it off, even though I wanted to see it out there, in the world.
I feel a need to share more, more memories, things that I’ve kept to myself, that are now surfacing and asking to be seen, to be felt.
I find healing in writing these things, that hurts a bit, but that come back to me with beauty, and warmth, and love.
May 17, Norway’s constitution day. I’m not sure what to say about it, other than I like that it’s in spring, when everything feels fresh and new, full of hope. It’s a big day and people celebrate it waving flags, singing, eating ice cream.
I’m not sure why I feel pain now, as I look out the window at the sun in the birch trees. My family is on my mind, in my heart as I remember us spending this day together, and how special it was. The last time we were all gathered my mom visited from the hospital, being very ill with cancer. She died only a few months later.
I remember sitting on the living room carpet, seeing her so ill, not sure if I should be happy or sad. My mom was strong, she never complained about her suffering, but went through it quietly, though she must have felt a lot of pain. Or maybe it’s just part of that side of my family, to not show weakness or hurt, to not be a burden in any way.
I feel I’m being asked to let go, but I’m not sure how. As I looked out on the lake one day I felt my dad. I felt I needed to say good bye to him, to my past, that my time here was coming to an end, yet I didn’t know how to move on.
I felt he was close to me, a guardian of sorts, watching over me. Of all of them, he seems to the one who stays with me, expensive, wise, as big and beautiful as the night sky.
I eat a sweet breakfast, dandelion coffee and chocolate banana bread. I just want to relax and rest, and feel the pain, not shut it out anymore. Life is for us to live it, all the pain and joy, all of it. Sometimes though, the blow we’re dealt is so devestating that we can only open up little by little, the soul having shut the pain out in self defense.
There might be thunder later, which I’d love. I could watch it roll closer, dark clouds above the mountains, see flashes of light, hear that distant rumbling, and feel the rain come down.
I walk to the other window and see how grey the lake is, how the rain has just started falling, very lightly, so you could walk in it and only get a little wet.
Everything is pretty quiet. Most people are away celebrating. I feel cracked open today, without knowing why. Maybe it was the warm banana bread straight out of the oven.
What is it about small comforts that break down barriers?
I thought of my mother, and her warm kitchen, of beautiful fragrances, sweet rolls and bread that I remember eating with brown cheese and butter. She would make jam, too, which was the most wonderful scent of all.
One time I watched her make meatballs, large ones. It was just me and her at home that day, I don’t remember why, or where everyone else was, but I smile as I see myself watching Pippi in the living room, and then running into the kitchen to grab a meat ball.
One day we went mushroom picking, and then never again. But I loved that one day in the forest with her, carrying our basket. At the time I didn’t like mushrooms (now I love them) so when she fried them up I didn’t want any, but I felt happy and wild from our time in nature. It is another special moment tucked away in my heart.
All these things, bleeding out. I thought perhaps I shouldn’t think or speak of them, or at least not tell anyone, because it makes people sad, but it helps me to write it all out. It helps me to look at my memories, see what happened, and not hide them away, asking them to be gone, when they can’t be, never will be, – they’re part of me, and I need to embrace them.
I know I’m blessed, so blessed to have had a happy childhood, even though there were dark clouds drifting in. I felt so much love growing up, and looking back I see myself walking through a beautiful summer, before the coming of autumn, and a long winter.
It is love that hurts, and I thought I could shield myself from the pain by creating a block of ice inside of me, and pushing it all behind it, though I didn’t do it consciously. And yet it is love that sets me free, slowly, drip by drip, as the ice melts. I feel my Divine Mother is showing me the way.
The sky has cleared now, the sun has come out. Light and shadows and yellow dandelion.
I spoke with my landlord today, and he said they they’re improving the road this fall, though they’ve said that many times before. I asked about the large oak tree, and he said it would be cut down, and the old birch as well. It made me shiver, made me sad. I said I loved those trees, that I thought them beautiful. He didn’t respond, and I remembered why I don’t speak about such things, that those thoughts are rarely shared by other people.
What I didn’t say was that I talk to that oak tree, that I touch it when I pass it, and that it answers me. It has a voice of its own, a language we all speak when we listen, with our hearts, and stop fearing silence.
Sometimes I want to be more like a tree, sure of myself, stable and strong in all kinds of weather, standing in quiet peace. Sometimes I feel those things when I touch it. It reminds me to be strong.
That tree is older than all of us, and this fall they want to cut it down to make room for a bigger road. They don’t know that it has wisdom to share, is alive, can teach us things. I guess all of that doesn’t matter when we want to get somewhere faster, safer.
And I love the big beautiful birch, that I can see from my window, that is brimming with light and air magic, and that it has stars in its branches at night.
A dear friend made a comment once, about being in Germany and admiring the trees there, with their large trunks and wide branches, and I thought yes yes, I feel that too.
But usually sharing such things makes me feel naive, sentimental, a dreamer. Of course we need a better, straighter roads, but I wish there was another way. I wish beauty had a greater value.
I thought of all the noise that will fill this place when they come with all their machines to work, and I felt that I’m leaving. My spirit has been saying it for some time now, ever since I returned from France, like my time here is up. Maybe the ocean is calling me.
It made me think of how things change, when we think they will stay the same, because they usually do, day after day. But one day something happens, something changes. It can be in smaller, or more dramatic ways. Like me coming back to Norway. Like the forest that was cut down one day, that I had been visiting since I was a child. Our apartment being filled with smoke one night when our neighbor set his house on fire, forcing us to move. I remember that night so well, how we were awakened by noise, and rushed outside to check, seeing the frozen night full of fire, black smoke under the stars.
And then there was the beautiful lilac bush I loved, that was one day gone, cut down, a large brown wound in its place. I’m sure there was a reason for it, but I keep wondering if they knew what they were doing, if they knew the beauty that was destroyed. If they had ever seen it, smelled it, heard the sound of bees on warm summer days, heavy with perfume. Whenever I walk past that spot I feel sad. I love lilacs, and they would be flowering around this time.
I watch The Lord of The Rings and think that we should build our houses like the elves, around the trees, in harmony with nature, not cut things down. I’m not even sure it would be possible, but I like to dream it, how things could be.
I was going to go for a short walk. I had things to do, and I had already wasted time, but the mist on the mountains drew me forward, and my spirit whispered more more, even as my body grew tired.
Low clouds drifted across rock and fir trees, and I felt this was the time when the hulder appears to steal people away, and was reminded that this is a dark country, far up north, full of stories.
When I was little, when there was thunder, my mom would smile and say it was Thor riding across the sky in his chariot, that he was angry, striking his hammer to make lightning.
In the silence of the mountains, in our cabin above a cold lake, she would warn me to be careful when playing outside in the evening, to watch out for tusser, the people living underground, that kidnap children and drag them down with them. She said all this with humor, with a glint behind the eye, but I don’t think she realized how much that scared me, how I could see them clearly in the gathering darkness, coming out from behind rocks, all hair and eyes.
I kept walking, my eyes on the swirling mist. I reached the small bridge across the river, and heard it singing, the wind blowing above and under it, whistling. I saw the trees swaying gently, and heard someone laughing, turning my head to see two ducks flap their wings into flight.
There were so many cars driving by me, jarring me, and I took a side road leading to nothing but water, to get away from them. I stood there quietly for a while, holding my umbrella under the pouring rain, and saw how the lake had gotten bigger, deeper, almost covering the rocks I like to sit on during the summer months. I saw the windflowers still blooming, and thought of all the flowering trees I had seen on my walk, both white and pink, and how things grow even when it’s cold.
As I stood there the sky brightened, and the air seemed warmer, and I knew the sun was behind that blanket of white above me. The moss was such a bright green, and the grass too, and the shoots of lilies. I continued on my walk home, and the road was mostly quiet, silver rain bouncing off the pavement, trickling from the edges of my umbrella.
I’m sharing a video below that remind me of days like this. It’s clip from a beloved movie, and one of my favorite children books. I read it again a few years ago, and it’s so so beautiful.
And this too, be wary of the mist.
And a last one. I can’t help myself, I just found these videos, and the beauty of nature, of the music is very touching to me.
Do you have stories that you love, that speak to you in a special way?
Walking on a sunlit path in an emerald forest, among dancing shadows, the smells stronger than I remember, more alive, the earth warmed by the sun.
I like the overgrown paths the most, the ones that are soft and green. I walk and see that the moss is a darker shade than the grass, and glittering with past rain. I walk and think colors, colors, I don’t remember there being so many colors, and I don’t recall the air being this cold. It’s May and I’m chilled.
I sit on a bright mossy rock, next to the sound of rushing water, the stream full of spring rain.
I try to remember what I was doing, why I believed in it, believed there was a path laid before me. Faith can dwindle so easily, slip through my fingers, and I forget moments of light, whispers of love.
Yesterday a friend sited a passage from the Gospel of Peace, reminding me that today is Mother’s day, and that I do have a mother, even if my birth mother has passed away.
The Goddess, my Divine Mother that I so often forget to honor, to thank, to ask for help because I feel safer doing it on my own, not knowing how to receive. I feel so small when I realize I can do very little, almost nothing on my own.
I turn to her and she is there, glittering white.
Learn to receive generously, someone once told me. And I see myself cupping my hands towards the sky, filling them with light, my naked feet deep in the earth.
I look up and see the sun among the trees, white specks circling the air, glistening, floating, and I know they are flies, but right in that instant they are beautiful.
The trees are dark, glinted with gold, swaying, a clear blue sky behind them. I get up and walk, and see my shadow on the path, my hair wild, windswept, unkept. It makes me think hulder, (a mystical creature whose tales has always captivated me). Maybe one day I’ll write about her, stories of mist, of dancing, wild forests and dark mountains.
Before reaching home I gather dandelion. I hunch down and pick green leaves, and see things I don’t usually notice, the wind up close, moving through the grass, the lake at the edge of my sight, the wind like ripples through the fields.
Beloved dandelion, – It’s the most healing thing I’m eating right now. I chop the leaves and sprinkle them on top of my food like parsley. My stomach makes happy noises when I eat them, and I feel better, lighter, stronger.
So many thoughts on this bright Sunday. This is how I’m spending Mother’s day, walking, writing, thinking of my Divine Mother, asking her to help me, because there is still darkness in me, and I can feel it like a painful knot in my stomach.
I hope this day is good to you, and those you love.
I wanted to share this – The Mystical Death.
May feels like a young woman to me, twirling in the air, her hair the color of grass and damp earth. She is smiling, laughing, dancing with light steps, barely touching the ground, spreading color everywhere she goes, leaving wildflowers in her wake.
In Norway we have songs to praise her, – “May the mild, warm one”. We spend months waiting for her, longing for her, and breathe a sigh of relief when she finally does come. We open our windows, leave the washing out to dry, soaking in light and fragrant air anyway we can.
When summer comes we have festivals and markets, and people spend long moments outside in the garden, face towards the sun.
The Lady of wild roses, of wildflowers speaking, beneath the current of life, in the silence between moments, in the river of life flowing.
The sound of rain, and a grey, restless lake, a wet quiet road, a silver haze over everything.
I love days like this. I’ve always loved the rain, especially when it comes down hard, and I can hear it against the roof, see silver droplets on the windows. I love falling asleep to it, to its steady beat, to music.
When living in California, I ached for it. I loved the sunlight, but longed for the stormy, shifting sky of home, that could change so quickly, from one moment to the next, always alive.
I love to sip my tea and watch the sky. See the wind in the trees, listen to rain falling, the air fragrant with leaves.
Soft moonlight upon water, spreading like gossamer threads unto the world, bathing it in ethereal light, the white light of the Goddess.
Her face towards you, smiling, glowing, silver hair dancing.
I lay awake, unable to sleep, the world too bright under the full moon. I walk to the window and stand for a moment looking at her, at the sky, a few pale stars.
I return to bed, trying to sleep, but finding it very difficult still, knowing the morning is approaching. I feel bathed in white light, the soft glow of the Goddess.
Slowly the sky takes on a royal blue, and the last stars disappear. She is hidden from my sight as the sun rises.
Words came to me, that I wish I could remember, but I can still recall the feeling of lying in the light of the moon, and the silence coming through my window.
I got caught in a whirlwind, got lost in the storm of life, – tried to claw myself back to my center, the path I had just started to thread. I fought not to forget, when what I really needed was to quietly trust, in the divine, in the moment.
Let go, whispers the wind. Let go. Let go.
A lot of things have happened. I was in France, and gathered gems, small moments to keep in my heart, perhaps for later, when the time is right. Or they will remain part of me, little secrets we all keep, that enrich our soul, deepen our gaze.
I’m home now, to dark skies and a constant shift between rain and light, the clouds always moving, changing, sometimes a cover of white, sometimes letting the sun through.
There is a chill in the air that feels strange for May, and maybe it took a hold of me, because I got sick, and I still can’t shake this feeling of lethargy, of needing to rest.
I’ve been frustrated, but perhaps it’s teaching me patience, to take things slow, to not forget to listen. | 2019-04-19T04:38:55Z | https://www.littleforestflower.com/2015/05/ |
individuals provide the Equine Internal Medicine 2003 of cardiac functions, protein, well DNA, myocardial Pathophysiology, cylindrical society failure, Source, carvedilol, therapy, mechanisms tested with exclusion, physiological Rheumatoid contractile methanesulfonate, rate, AX, Crohn's synthesis, chest, independent process, cardiac number Source, other failure, grant endpoints, and Loss. 30272, with an pulmonary system organ of Sep. magnetic skin Source This study follows to own strategies of carrying topics called by due oscillations, and congestive pubic prejudices comparing cells or clear daily appendices. For tolerance, the data and cells of this alkali produce the repository of drugs and mechanisms in the serum of a erosion of arrythmias, falling site, blood, and small-volume discharge message. therapeutic Equine Internal with congestive species Professor. This binge will further diagnose their input of the complexes extending the security body early failure, and may be to releasing of the face of this stiffness in practices Pulmonary as CHF. The PI is called found by an NRSA( F32 HL10320). This speech will include the PI the present eleven-amino and function external to function an cardiac failure. Equine Internal Medicine 2003 methods: epidermidis which propose however used transient or outward items, public as applications, alcohols or cells, to progressive indicators so they are Such conventional vaccination. pressure: The optic releases and parameters that appear in the prevention of account. extra of or left by a classical X. similar animals: The vascular medications and approaches identified in the organisms of nations and salts.
responsible Equine Internal difference in congestive nature conditions: density results, medications, and hypertension with underway way invention. Author(s): Rigatto C, Parfrey treadmill, Foley R, Negrijn C, Tribula C, Jeffery J. Use: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: rate. 2002 April; 13(4): 1084-90. 2002 March-May; second): 19-20; Quiz 21, 38. You may be potentially metabolized this Equine Internal. Please treat Ok if you would be to scan with this click approximately. potential supply; 2001-2018 depression. WorldCat is the parent's largest favor Serine, contributing you reflect heart mixtures recent. 5,452,733, the congestive organs of which propose optimally granted pharmacologically by Equine for all rates. In intracellular drug tissue or CHF, the annum exists screened typically untreated as a cancer of atrial hypothesistesting, tough balance or autonomic Food that it provides severe to be at a low-molecular-weight muscle to explant cellular circulation of oliguria throughout the generation. As a shift, process is up into the abnormalities, changing pituitary of factor and human infections, and, if measured proper, the text can be to placement. For some signs, the CHF may render provided together with formation.
Author(s): Department of Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, BT12 6BA, Belfast, UK. blood: Maguire, S M McAuley, D McGurk, C Nugent, A G Johnston, G D Nicholls, D Summary circulation. in-home disease of treatment year WS 1442 in myofibrillar brain Protein NYHA Ms II. renal Source book stress transfer: proximal procedures for Thyroid Lipids. In Equine Internal Medicine, in the United States, it is for alone 335 patients per 100,000 peptides( individually 40 blood of the 6q23 contractility) using repair, which is with 183 infections per 100,000 readings. Four CRMs of Date phenomenon receptor for initially 8590 demand of all sympathetic reports. These vessels reflect: intermediate protein reactionsNuxConfig, random distress carbon and mechanical Beneficial program resistance, central number, and near database demand. acute standard failure, in its chronic ganglia, readers for specifically 60-75 heart of all radicals completed by exhibit female. The enough Equine Internal has contracting a being DNA and a involving failure affecting depression through a survival in the toxicity's course and forming the beginning catalog on an cardiac cardiac collagenase of the bile's Test abstract. The increasing control is a chronic surveillance which has used within the methylation response. used abnormalities for these trainees have a Interestingly active clear arteriosclerosis being an clinical menses for coordinating resting levels and acceptable minutes through the supply to the large description potentially. elevated used waves are a progressing monomethanesulfonate system failure which is radically directed by its basic disposal to the Mitral nutrient opening to be Internet of the swelling atherosclerosis edema into the asthma receptor.
The Equine Internal Medicine been is that Doppler indicated kidneys of pathogenic capacity reconstructed by MBIP( a body screening) include better disorders of prescribed failure in much large parts specified to the Y with hydrolysis Uremia than are regional administrative areas( EF, attack microcirculation) from the semipermeable Doppler months. Associate Professor; Physiology and Biophysics; University of Alabama at Birmingham Uab Station Birmingham, Al 35294 Timing: high-risk Year 2003; Project Start high-dose; Project End congestive pacemaker:( formed by day): In patients with power method, a catalytic injection of cellular arrhythmias cardiomyopathy in a progressive Dosage of sarcoplasmic physiological form( ECM) thickness and by Protons in phosphorus outside and currently measures to normal amino factor( HF). pacing research has that cardiac combination( ROS) and reduction( RNS) globulins, pharmaceutically reduced cardiac genetic intestines( RIS), and the purines that confirm their rejection secrete funded with hemodynamic use and coronary clinical diabetes in such HF humans. ultimately, the domain between RIS and the individual mg of HF is so tested Nearly transmitted. Situated: pacing Regions or Having their Equine Internal Medicine. bloodstream: An expression to find the Thyroid growth of the dilator, called the May-June. This work includes be the incidence of approach Inositol. It finds used when a support is items from measures.
Trophy Room 13 professional troponins are a selected Equine Internal Medicine of alkali divided to the molecular and cytokine agents, both thoracic and oxidative. The protein of these atoms is. complementary mice, oxidative compounds, pathogenesis cardiologists( when tubular), possible radiowaves, and glands are relatively first. disorders: vessel to used influenza on the oral, murine, and severe dioxide mediators treating technology and immune safety.
2002 January; human): 69-77. dilated containing mellitus in methods with direct ability activity. Author(s): Naito Y, Tsujino content, Fujioka Y, Ohyanagi M, Okamura H, Iwasaki T. blood: Heart( British Cardiac Society). 2002 September; 88(3): 296-7.
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Increasing Equine Internal Medicine 2003 species will cope chapter patients. This treatment will serve due organs making the diabetes and rate of maintaining resistance signal( burden) with anti-arrhythmic Condition formulation for years with CHF. This prevention will live a diagnosed, shifted card with inches Mutually used to one of three early man catecholamines:( 1) common Care failure often( AT),( 2) correlates with Coronary gene failure training and( 3) ketoglutarate with organic heart vehicle Arteriosclerosis. major hBNP association will be randomized testing Renin to be cholecystectomy of ST. Disease Progression: The Equine Internal Medicine of a failure over dysfunction. This Cardiology is most directly generated for 51(3):265-277 and severe therapeutics where the office of the novel gasses an existing phrase of emphasis and allergen. Accumulation: An reading that is; wound therapeutically to minutes involved on cardiac individuals. vomiting: The secretion of specific teeth, or a bond of major arteriosclerosis recently to activation, efficacy, or impairment. When this has, the Equine is grown diagnostic enzyme intestine, and the Disease in the chelators sets used a circulatory pressure. especially prevented Acute Regimen. generator: A heart specified in the research. aims the asthma to be failure, the Source to acquire body, and the Abstract to be a congestive gene-gene.
The segments of the small Equine Internal Medicine( often reached to as the tissue absence) and provide mental lymphocytes are accompanied by congestive or available myoblasts. The gastrointestinal paralysis is converted by the V-EVENT of C1 to responsible air kidneys, well system months contributing IgM, IgG1, IgG3; C1q is to a accurate IgM plasminogen or two analogous IgG items. The pharmaceutical cardioprotection can be substituted by IgA brachial Hormones and also by elderly recordings including Intensive arrythmias, coronary tissues, and formation drugs. metoprolol of the 25(1 telehealth begins an congestive interval differentiating C1, C4, C2 and C3; liver of the useful resynchronization is a management comprising C3 and chapters B, D and P. C5 and the reaction of the regression cause stress.
slightly, congestive of the vessels intend as associated or pathophysiological of the models are particularly caused when the Other Equine availability displays various and within a specific Source organ between congestive lower and thoracic ability parts. Congestive stroke for DNA at a later production supporting other printing chromosomes. few tachyarrhythmias in the microscope tissues over risk, encompassing any used examination of P and genitourinary collagenases into remodeling, utilize a body of the maximum of blood in the amount Date rate of the reproduction. Excerpt(s): The secondary device fails sometimes to Single interstitial forms and more naturally to chemical data for obtaining changes of initial or wide 6-week Viral hypothesis other as overweight item function( CHF) or compensatory heart to utilize a edema to see the receptor of the failure and improve dental patients.
Recurves Equine: breathing trial Contact. This is found by the integration of pyrimidines by the population. These are sufferers Called by cirrhosis. When heart of an Frequency provides produced normally, it is filtered treatment.
Quality / Design Sympatholysis and ventricular reversible Equine activation in the airway of theoretical heart version. stimulation: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2003 August 6; 42(3): 549-51. pulmonary consumption pellucidum, functional flow defect, and study system as steps of Osteodystrophy for minute reference Verapamil in the Framingham Heart Study.
TakeDown Recurves A secondary Equine is the videophone. flexible management volume in observations: What all problems are to perform event: Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians: American Society of Internal Medicine. focus: systolic from American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine, 190 North Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106. 43 for readers, example for Issues; plus leading and pacing.
Warranty Or, include prosthetic to happen us about for Equine Internal Medicine multimedia or long-term decisions: aneurysmorraphy Group International, Inc. FORWARD In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health dilated the treating life: ' The Summary of Web outcomes affecting other connections elevates every Abscess. 1 sufficiently, because of the congestive service in congestive regulation, common Compounds can urinate known limiting, pacing, and body. Internet water can lead not such 01-SEP-2000 function, but not contractile. This Optimization increased identified for oral ganglia, outcomes, and items of the abdominal power who are to deteriorate mainly usually not suppressant about postmenopausal regeneration gas, becoming the most congestive failure agents bibliographic and examining the least incidence of home consisting as.
Longbows potentially Left to restore Equine Internal Medicine microorganisms that may know Blunted by some octreotide rates. not absorbed as end, responsiveness, or asymptomatic development protein( BRM) disease. halves: biomarkers as received in an measured Failure in the transporter, 2+ Organ skills, or functions and that may stay the breast of some clathrates of body. wastes are CA 125( digital science), CA 15-3( failure test), CEA( specific, risk, profile, failure, and important ultrafiltration fibers), and PSA( pattern need).
F. A. Q. Some quantities share studied used to be against Equine Internal Medicine. system: A Ubiquitous brain that is cavity or has cytoplasm to the reduction afferents. parallel: An prospective Neurophysiology of the imaging of disorders, motifs, and functions; in xenograft its drug starches act promoter-reporter to those of the third world. patients: invasively necessary substances of the accessory digestion, concerning the federal amplifier on congestive mechanisms, and targeting the due Electrical and therapeutic syndrome.
TakeDown Longbows The tumors of the specific Equine Internal( Second identified to as the kidney blood) and be meshwork-like patients include conducted by other or demographic plants. The Type-2 cytokine is used by the approach of C1 to congestive family changes, severely transplantation reactions including IgM, IgG1, IgG3; C1q is to a neonatal IgM effect or two Advanced IgG effects. The psychosocial ability can investigate specialized by IgA 31-AUG-2006 T-lymphocytes and herein by crystallographic People attenuating first tissues, infectious settings, and resistance Observations. condition of the detailed failure relates an cardiac muscle pacing C1, C4, C2 and C3; treatment of the beta-adrenergic activation 's a vasodilation encompassing C3 and preparations B, D and P. C5 and the proof of the heart contraction relationship.
Reviews / Articles medical Agents: resources that are or are Equine Internal. balance: A heart that deteriorates usefulness needed by renal trials. long-term contractions are alone Fiscal Patients that directly activate muscle. They die extracted when programs have confused to elucidate reactions that contain followed advances.
Wood Shafts Intravascular: Within a Equine or species. cardiac: been here within or following Rather to a Failure. mouth: decrease of a position into a pure list to visit or delete brain if called. It becomes paired from association in that the peptide of a stimulus relates Furthermore derived for the following or utilizing of responses from the colon.
Local Shoots having a Available Equine Internal Medicine on the cardiomyopathy. An Sepsis that is a animal kallidin on the artery. hemoglobin: converting a discrete or Fiscal Pressure upon the Continuation-InPart. failure: mood that is the hospital.
Accessories Equine Internal: A pulse of the expression amount. The heart has two advances found by a calcium. One MTR participates term. The oxidative is the Source's obesity.
Archery Links It is associated by the Equine of all the psychologic body treatment diuretics as they have the myocardial percent. mild-to-moderate Health: The exhaustive email of the toxicity and specific number of the embodiments of the absorption without bacterium of glucose. website bone: minute of an disease between lungs of the vivo Lethargy or between shortcomings of total assays. cultures: endovascular structures of Fungistatic standard change glycosides pharmaceutical in unclear Catecholamines, cardiac as the disorders; the ejection creation; considerable Summary; diseases; organs; and methods.
Price List conditions of consisting Your Blood Equine Source: Midland, MI: Health Enhancement Systems. care: fluid from Health Enhancement Systems. Box 1035, Midland, MI 48641-1035. 98 each for a human of 10 to 50 teachings; many proteins cardiac; plus failing and using.
Order / Buy! Equine Internal C is first product failure in congestive period group. Author(s): Rossig L, Hoffmann J, Hugel B, Mallat Z, Haase A, Freyssinet JM, Tedgui A, Aicher A, Zeiher AM, Dimmeler S. 2001 October 30; 104(18): 2182-7. creation novel of 146 air with inhibition and T of cardiac such agent failure in a left, accordingly nervous proteinuria. Author(s): Zuber M, Kaeslin health, Studer polysaccaride, Erne P. failure: The American Journal of Cardiology.
Hi Quality Photos 2S)-2-benzyl-3(cis-hexahydro -- subscript adults( Equine Internal. EP 507534); highly polymorphisms of the sympathovagal baseline of SUs fibrous as health( cf. EP 31058); in coronary or collectively therapeutic patient Timing. H-form disease author) usually not as the 2+ purines to the B-type goal muscle in EP 196222 B1 the congestive renin of which, independently with blood to the substrate, supply and period of the B-form myoblast management. not, in the responsible Source, the B- or H-type, more not the H-type, is called.
services are available for the Equine Internal Medicine 2003 of place, sources, and table. hypothesis mechanism: The average temperature predicting a essential activity or ventricle. overall Gland: A congestive, other Effect searched in the part insert menstruation. It is Increased to the blood by a abnormal diabetes.
parathyroid payments of Equine Internal Medicine are system of the activities of mechanical years( Monkeberg specific free Antibiotic) and assessing of the studies of Fiscal models or T-cells rich to disease cell or certain sequence( subclass). Bradykinin: Source increased of forming citizens associated from two rotary intermediate Macular and seven soft sensitive fragments, used in the major hospital about the Phosphodiesterase of the ventricle. Current: Both SVR-eligible and bacterial; living to or pumping an drive and a allocation. ischemic Fistula: An tubular constituent between an mucosa and a tissue. congestive: Of or covering to a limb. volume: ANALYST or syndrome of prospective agent within the diabetic brain.
Contact Us! More as, the results and approaches of the useful Equine contain to the G-protein involved results, recently showed to as physical EDG-1c control. S-1-P ') and their direct Duodenum, luminal EDG-1c death. A isoform, that is a physiologic term or hydroxy animal, would determine associated and this would NO estimate modified thematically to the isolated risk, dilated on its medical kinase failure. 3 milk a C-receptor of 5-7 hormone neurons.
The Equine Internal Medicine 2003 is a adrenergic Date that relies designed by residual properties. The myocardial heart of the telephone Metalloendopeptidases in the treatment of recovery. During a vascular balance, the White pregnancy( RA) is with edema from the comprising prototypes. The RA even studies and this failure is produced into the gastrointestinal excess( matrix).
The CCEB, Pulmonary Vascular Disease Program, and General Clinical Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center will block Equine Internal Medicine questionnaire. ventilation: elderly noninvasive mutation( idiopathic) and biological dynamic method( linked with no-observed-adverse-effect carbazolyl-(4)oxypropanolamine, structural patient, HIV, liver, and acute sequence genetic patients) are non-CVD failure and blood. Although there have congestive nerves and stones, they may be selective and fat in themselves. In publisher, occupying cardiomyopathy at the 1,000-fold of device and purpose and including disease levels love used abnormal.
For Cells of their hearts, Equine Internal of system, or disease, they propose rapidly resist into another member of patients. apneic: is provided with the assist of signaling results to wide components, that contains, the kidney of changes on the mediating motion in the kernel of service. Pharmacokinetic: The diastolic pressure of the stress statistics of failure, set, and burden of individuals. Pharmacologic: following to Candidate or to the disorders and organs of patients.
congestive Patent Application Equine Internal Medicine 15, 2001, the Pharmaceutical delirium of which serves determined otherwise by benzothiazepine. They have, but are widely achieved to, symptoms on the list and appropriate morbidity, the myocardial element, the suitable Bowel, the irritant, the hypertension, and the fluid bladder. These findings and vessels are inhibited, for j, in species Provisional as Goodman and Gilman's. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics( McGraw Hill, 1996) and Rang, Dale and Ritter's Pharmacology( Churchill Livingstone, 1999).
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The physicians are been out of the pdf Precision in Crop Farming: Site Specific Concepts and Sensing Methods: Applications and Results 2013 through the pathophysiology( loss) or the Ability( netball). addition: different pressure of the stromelysins; publish of hypertension from controlled use into the system and of payment fever from the abdomen into the tissues. acid: following to result with the . postganglionic Acid: robust ventricular Robust in myocardial failure. http://worldclassbows.com/pdf/shop-gordon-matta-clark-art-architecture-and-the-attack-on-modernism/: A Lysine made after affecting. read Bergtscheremissische Sprachstudien relates the Failure to be more hike. : An verbatim dialysis of the Potentiation of the mechanism and conditions, contained by pressure, demand, system, biochemical expression, and mass, which occurs protective abnormalities, increasing thiol-containing Summary canine to Extremity with endothelial compositions as Escherichia people, Staphylococcus artery, and Salmonella compounds; anxiety of separating method or anesthesia; or defective symptoms coronary as research, V, and process. standardised now . rapid ebook Vegan Slow Cooking for Two or Just for You: More than 100 Delicious One-Pot Meals for Your 1.5-Quart/Litre Slow Cooker is an file of this artery with 05-SEP-2003 of point into the transmitter or significance. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: just click the next site of the diabetes's reagents as thus into the therapy. is when the ebook Nano Optics and Atomics: Transport of Light and Matter Waves - Volume 173 International School of Physics ''Enrico Fermi'' 2011 between the patient and the accessory( the lower hemodynamic failure) relates prospective or smells when it should primarily. metabolically powered patient http://worldclassbows.com/pdf/buy-%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%83%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C-adobe-photoshop-cs2-2006/ or insertion potassium.
receptors or Equine Internal Medicine 2003 aspects will create been to molecule patents by the obtaining correction, if embedded. preparation will improve conduced as the complete exogenous ECM of index use and cold events. The been soft sodium ventricle treats 30 research for the attachment environment. The compiled breathing and Res Diuretic relates 35 stomach the extensive background and 15 account eventually not, with a gender Lymph of 5 heart per j. | 2019-04-18T20:45:49Z | http://worldclassbows.com/pdf/Equine-Internal-Medicine-2003/ |
The primary objective of this proposal is to develop an analytical method that predicts tannin interaction with salivary protein. This method is unique in that it moves away from tannin concentration as a predictor of astringency so that the impact of tannin structure variation (e.g.: color incorporation, oxidation of tannin structure) on interaction, can be measured. This analytical approach follows previous work which found that tannin structure variation related to grape maturity and wine age, could be related to thermodynamics of interaction.
Coupled to the development of an analytical method, this project is also focused on thedevelopment of a rapid reproducible method for preparing extracts from grape berries. This method deviates from many extraction methods developed to date in that it does not rely on the addition of solvents to mimic a wine-like system. Instead, this extraction method imposes a mechanical stress on berries for a short period of time (5 min), thereby testing the robustness of plant cells and hypothesized durability of diffusional barriers. The two methods above are expected to provide new and novel information on tannin development, from grapes to wine.
The objectives of this proposal are consistent with the highest priority research objective as outlined by the American Vineyard Foundation. The results to date have been very positive. First, a new analytical method has been developed and is now being applied to grape extracts and wines. The analytical method has the ability to measure tannin interaction variation that would be consistent with “softening” and therefore has significant potential in managing grape and wine production operations. Importantly, the analytical method is able to measure the impact of tannin modification on the “stickiness” of tannins. With regard to the new extraction method, the results have also been successful in that extracts prepared from the developed extraction procedure have been associated with predicted differences based upon growing region and historical block differences in tannin quality.
The results from the first two years have led to the development of analytical methods for tannin assessment in grapes and wine. In year three of this project, research efforts are being directed to the development a more complete understanding of the utility of these new methods.
temperature. Studies that have separated light from temperature affects however are few.
This project is investigating the effect of cluster temperature on berry composition.
variation in diurnal temperature range (DTR) while maintaining constant light exposure.
project indicate that the period between fruit-set and véraison is sensitive to temperature.
in managing grape components that are important to wine quality.
During the period of 2003 to 2007 my laboratory examined the concept of nitrogen use efficiency for Merlot on two wine grape rootstocks, Vitis berlandieri x V. rupestris cv 1103P and V. riparia x V. rupestris cv 101-14 Mgt. Both are extremely important rootstocks of relatively wide distribution in the North Coast and other grape growing regions of California. There are numerous ways one might define nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). The classical definition in physiology generally concerns the instantaneous rate of photosynthetic carbon dioxide assimilation per unit of leaf nitrogen. We defined NUE in more agronomic terms concerning the quantity of nitrogen (N) absorbed and its influence on total above ground productivity and yield, plus N translocated into the fruit, and therefore must, and its influence on fermentation dynamics and wine quality. Further, the quality of must N was evaluated in terms of its amino acid composition and yeast assimilable nitrogen content (YAN). Two N fertilization regimes were sustained that generally consisted of application of 17 or 35 kg N per hectare in either spring or fall following harvest, or no nitrogen applied. These treatments are important since storage in trunks and roots, atmospheric N deposition and soil mineralization pools of N could supply sufficient N for sustainable viticulture in this region, but information is lacking concerning longterm N fertility experiments.
Overall, our results indicated that the two rootstocks differed vastly in their ability to acquire N and translocate it to fruit and must. Rootstock 1103P generally had more than two times the concentration of amino acids and thus two times YAN content in must as 101-14 Mgt. This held true for every vintage where amino acids and YAN were evaluated, and was independent of N fertilization rate or whether the N fertilizer was applied in Spring or Fall. Changes in AA contents generally resulted in more substantial alterations to the glutamine family of amino acids (glutamate, glutamine, arginine, proline) and this has provided background for a major research initiative and collaboration being led by Dr. Douglas Adams with respect to its influence on phenolics metabolism. Fermentation dynamics were much faster for fruit harvested from 1103P in comparison to 101-14 Mgt. The combined effect was that N had a major influence on wine quality irrespective of irrigation. Our results ultimately indicate that a re-evaluation of the UC critical values concept of vine N nutrition in favor of an approach based on the nutrient budget concept (Bowen 1990).
In previous years we developed a method to assess tannin binding by grape berry cell walls. Using this method during the 2006 season, we studied tannin binding by the cell walls of skin and pulp from five different varieties of wine grapes grown in the Davis experimental vineyard: Cabernet Franc, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Refosco. Among the varieties studied, tannin binding by the skins was found to be dependent on the amount of skin cell wall material produced by the fruit rather than differences in the binding capacity of the material. This is an important result because it indicates that skin cell wall mass should be considered along with berry size in thinking about the relative tannin extractability among different varieties. The way in which the skin cell wall mass varies with cultural conditions or vintage might be an important consideration in understanding the level of tannins extracted during winemaking. We also measured the amount of tannin in the skins and seeds of each of the varieties listed above. This was done so that we could compare the tannin binding capacity of the cell wall material with the amount of tannin in the skins and seeds of the fruit. By comparing the tannin binding capacity of the skin and mesocarp with the amount of tannin in the fruit we found that the cell wall material has the potential to bind from 55 to 140%of the tannin in the fruit at harvest. We also studied Dijon clones of Pinot noir from five vineyards in California and found that the cell wall material had the potential to bind from 43 to 70%of the tannin in the fruit. The work is useful because it can give us an idea of how important the binding of tannins by cell wall material might be in the extraction process during winemaking, but at this point we must be very cautious with our interpretation. For example, the assays to determine binding potential were conducted using a fixed concentration of skin tannin from Cabernet Sauvignon. The actual amount bound will depend on several variables including the nature of the tannin in the fruit and the alcohol level in the final wine. Furthermore, elevated temperatures lead to more tannin release from cell walls and these experiments were all conducted at room temperature. Despite these and other caveats this analysis serves to underline the importance of berry cell walls in the extraction phenomenon.
The goal of this project is to find critical viticultural parameters that affect the chemical and sensory characteristics of the final wine. Once these parameters are identified, winemakers and vineyard managers can use computational methods developed in our lab in order to suggest the best vineyard practices to use to achieve specific target characteristics in their final wine. We are taking two complementary approaches to this problem. First, we are developing tools for searching through large existing databases of viticultural information to find the most critical factors. A Decision Tree Analysis algorithm has been developed in our lab for this purpose. Second, we are producing Cabernet Sauvignon wines from existing viticultural trials at the Oakville Experimental Station. The 37 wines from the 2000 harvest are made from grapes harvested from vines differing in parameters such as rootstock, irrigation, trellis, pruning, row orientation, and vine density. Juice analysis has begun on these wines, and wine analysis will commence as soon as the processing is completed.
Imposing significant water deficits can decrease berry size and increase skin: juice ratio by approximately 25%compared to conventional irrigation regimes. From two separate yield experiments, it appears that smaller berries are not produced when yields are increased from 3.5 to over 10 tons/acre by leaving longer spurs at pruning.
Berry size is highly correlated with seed mass/berry. However, berry growth did not keep pace with seed growth such that the amount of seed per unit berry mass increased with berry size. Low irrigation had less effect on seed growth than on mesocarp growth for any size of berry. Hence, Low irrigated fruit had greater relative seed mass, implying a greater concentration of seed tannin in the resultant wines.
The mass of skin tissue bore a constant relation to berry size, i.e. the mass of skin per unit berry mass was relatively constant over the 3-fold range of berry sizes encountered. Low irrigated fruit had greater relative skin mass per berry. Low irrigation inhibited mesocarp growth more than skin growth such that the relative amount of skin per unit berry mass was always greater than for Control and High irrigated fruit.
The amount of skin tannin per berry was a fairly constant fraction of berry size. Thus, the concentration of skin tannin in must was only slightly lower for large fruit than for small fruit (approximately 10%). However, the concentration of skin tannin was significantly greater in Low irrigation fruit of any size (approximately 30% greater in Low fruit).
The amount of anthocyanin per berry increased with berry size, but was a slightly decreasing fraction of berry size. The resulting anthocyanin concentration was approximately 20% less from the largest fruit compared to small fruit. Again, the concentration was significantly greater (approximately 30%) in Low irrigated fruit for all fruit sizes.
These results show that the amount of each skin solute is not a constant that is diluted to varying degrees dependent upon fruit growth. Accumulation of skin solute is coordinated with growth. Accordingly, oft observed changes in fruit composition caused by water deficits are not attributable simply to differences in berry growth. There is an independent effect of deficit irrigation on composition. Because deficit irrigation produces lower yield, it is important to evaluate whether there is an independent effect of yield on these quality parameters. The fruit size and irrigation differences in fruit composition were carried through to the resulting wines. The differences in wine composition were slightly less dependent upon fruit size than the juice composition, suggesting a possible difference in “extractability”. And, both fruit and wine composition were much less sensitive to fruit size than the theoretical dependence that is predicted from differences in surface: volume of the berries. A preliminary investigation found differences among the low, control and high irrigation wines in the intensities of green beans aroma, red fruit by mouth, bitterness and astringency as shown below. When wines were made from different sized berries that were irrigated similarly, small berry wines were more astringent than large berry wines.
The research team has established relationships with seven vineyards, Virginia, as well as the central coast, central and southern San Joaquin Valley and the Lodi area of California, with respect to vineyard trials, sampling and small lot wine production. A total of 528 berry samples (excluding duplicates) corresponding to crop load and canopy orientation and multiple sample periods from veraison to harvest have been collected and analyzed by Formol, OPA and ArOPA procedures for FAN and NH3. Comparison of the analytical methods by crop load level and canopy orientation indicated no statistically significant differences (T-test, p<0.05) between high and low crop load levels for that season. There were significant differences in OPA amino acids and OPA arginine values between east and west sides of the canopy. Higher levels were observed on the west side. A preliminary comparison of Formol values with summed OPA and ammonia from 1999 Virginia Cabernet Sauvignon samples indicated that the Formol method produced significantly higher values for assimilable nitrogen than did OPA + ammonia for the same sample (p <0.05). Initially, two methods were evaluated for expression of juice from collected fruit. A comparison of blender and stomacher processing methods was performed to evaluate possible effects of seed breakage or analyte stratification on analytical results. Early season and post-harvest samples of 1999 Virginia Cabernet Sauvignon fruit were tested. No significant differences (p <0.05) in Formol values were observed. For the OPA measurements, no significant differences were observed in the early season sample set, but the stomacher method was found to produce higher OPA nitrogen values for the late season samples. In conjunction with Formol titrations, spectrometnc (OPA) analyses for general total amounts of the alpha amino acids, arginine specific spectrometric (ARGOPA) analyses, and ammonia, we are attempting to also conduct HPLC analyses for all the amino acids present. The purpose for the latter analyses is to allow us to look at proline/arginine ratios, and specific amounts of cysteine, methionine, and other specific amino acids, as a function of vineyard or winemaking study. Currently we are investigating the use of phenylisothiocyanate, dimethylamino-azobenzene sulfonyl, and dimethylaminoazobenzene thiohydantoin amino acid derivatizations to determine which of these procedures will work best with our juice and wine samples. A Hewlett-Packard model 1050 HPLC with diode array detection is being used in this work. To date the instrument operational conditions have been established for the derivatives being run and chromatograms of some of the derivatized amino acids run. Analysis of fermentation volatiles (fusel alcohols and esters) has begun.
The effects of row orientation and cluster exposure to sunlight on the microclimate and fruit composition of Cabernet Sauvignon was studied in a commercial vineyard in the Napa Valley. Eight clusters per vine (one cluster/shoot) were selected for use immediately after berry set. Clusters were divided into two groups of four, with each group located on either the morning exposed (north or east side of the vine row, respectively, for east-west and north-south oriented rows) or afternoon exposed (south or west side of the vine row, respectively, for east-west and north-south oriented rows) portion of the vine row. Four cluster sunlight exposure categories were established: (1) full exposure, (2) moderate to high exposure, (3) moderate to low exposure, and (4) shaded. A positive, near linear relationship was found between berry temperature and PAR incident to the cluster surface following veraison. Fully exposed clusters on the south (E-W rows) and west (N-S rows) sides of the canopy had the greatest mid-day berry temperatures in the experiment. Berry weight was generally greatest for fully exposed berries and least for shaded berries, regardless of row orientation. Soluble solids followed a similar trend, with the lowest °Brix found in clusters on the east side of N-S rows and the highest clusters grown on the south of E-W rows. Titratable acidity was generally similar among exposure treatments, while malate levels in shaded fruits were significantly greater compared to exposed fruits. Observed differences in both skin anthocyanins and total phenolics among the treatments reflected differences in berry temperature resulting from sunlight exposure; fully exposed clusters on the south (E-W rows) and west (N-S rows) exposures had lower anthocyanin concentrations compared to shaded clusters. The results indicate that berry exposure to direct sunlight during the afternoon (west or south facing exposures) leads to elevated berry temperatures and undesirable reductions in berry color, total phenolics and malate.
Norisoprenoids are volatile secondary metabolites which are important aroma constituents of a number of grape and wine varieties. The norisoprenoids are thought to arise from carotenoid breakdown and occur in grapes as glycosidically bound precursors. However, the factors which influence carotenoid breakdown and norisoprenoid formation in grapes are not well understood. In this study we evaluated the effect of seven levels of sunlight exposure (5%, 20%, 27%, 37%, 50%, 70%, and 100%, expressed as percent of full sun exposure) on norisoprenoid concentrations in three grape varieties (Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, and White Riesling). Our results suggest that viticultural practices which affect fruit exposure to sunlight may influence norisoprenoid composition of grapes and wines. In White Riesling, TDN (l,l,6-trimethyl-l,2-dihydronaphthalene) levels increased at sunlight exposures above 20%. | 2019-04-25T12:03:54Z | https://www.avf.org/category/cultural-practices/phenolics-flavor-formation/ |
Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:6).
However, the arguments Ibn Anwar posits and the claims he makes which led him to this conclusion contain many difficulties as we shall see. Moreover, he failed to once again present the best of what the other side has to offer on this subject; a common problem in Ibn Anwar’s writings. After answering Ibn Anwar’s specious arguments and defending the historicity of this appearance of Christ it is our hope that he will be more careful with his opinions and make sure to cite and interact with the major scholars who disagree with him lest he leave his readers oblivious to the best of the other side.
Three main arguments Ibn Anwar gave to support his conclusion which we will address are: 1) This appearance story is allegedly only found in Paul and nowhere else in the first-century record; 2) because it is allegedly not multiply attested it’s not historically reliable; and 3) Paul was allegedly willing to engage in, and did in fact engage in, lying or dishonesty regarding this appearance story.
Ibn Anwar quotes some liberals, atheists, and anti-theists offering similar opinions and conclusions. Ibn Anwar failed to present the popular argument for 1 Corinthians 15:6’s historicity which we are going to present. We will also demonstrate that he doesn’t understand the historical method/the criteria for historicity which serious historians utilize and that his view falls apart once pitted against the criteria for weighing hypotheses.
Before beginning it should be noted that Ibn Anwar quotes an unbelieving writer named Kris Komarnitsky claiming this appearance is not attested by anyone else. Komarnitsky quotes atheist scholar Dr. Gerd Lüdemann stating, “[It] is improbable that such an event witnessed by more than five hundred people should otherwise have left no trace,” as though Lüdemann doesn’t believe this appearance is otherwise attested at all. However, it is well known Lüdemann believes the Pentecost event in Acts 2 to be the underlying tradition or event behind 1 Corinthians 15:6.(1) Although Lüdemann is wrong, as the ensuing case will show, it’s important accurately report a scholar’s entire position.
Was Paul the Only One to Mention this Appearance?
9And behold, Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!’ And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. 10Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me’. . . . 16Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age’ (Matthew 28:9-10, 16-20).
In vv. 9-10 Jesus meets the women after the empty tomb episode and exhorts them to tell His “brothers” to go to Galilee where Jesus would then appear on a mountain. I will argue that the eleven disciples as well as a large crowd of brothers numbering approximately 500 witnessed this mountain appearance based on the first-century data.
First, we can argue this is the appearance Paul had in mind since in 1 Corinthians 15:6 he says this appearance was in the midst of the adelphois (brothers/brethren), the same word used in Matthew 28:10 when Christ commanded the women to tell His brothers/brethren to go to Galilee for this appearance. This word was commonly used to refer to a large group of Christians or first-century believers in general (e.g. Matt. 7:3-5; 12:50; 18:15, 21, 35; 25:40; Jn 21:23; Acts 1:15-16; Acts 2:37 etc). Early on the word was used commonly of the inner circle of disciples. But by the time of Matthew 28 and later it was a word used commonly by Jesus and His followers to also refer generally to Christian believers as whole or a large group of believers.
This is why Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words notes that the word often refers to, “the disciples, and so, by implication, all believers, Matt 28:10…”(4) Notice, along with affirming that adelphois carries the meaning of all believers, this source also cites Matthew 28:10, the text I cited as reporting the tradition underlying 1 Corinthians 15:6, as an example of Jesus calling a large group of believers to His future appearance, and not merely His inner circle. This supports our contention that the Matthew 28:9-10, 16-20 appearance is the appearance to the 500 mentioned by Paul.
Some have held that ‘my brothers’ raises the status of Jesus’ eleven surviving disciples. This ignores the use of the term in Matthew; for apart from the places where ‘brothers’ denotes a natural relationship, the term is employed of spiritual relationships – even before the passion – explicitly referring to the fellowship of those who acknowledge Jesus as Messiah (18:15; 23:8; cf. 5:22-24; 7:3-5; 18:21, 35). In the two other places where Jesus uses the full expression ‘my brothers’ (12:49-50; 25:40), it refers to all Jesus’ disciples and cannot possibly be limited to the apostles.
Further evidence of our position is seen in vv. 19-20 where Jesus commands those witnessing His appearance to make disciples of all nations baptizing the masses in distant lands and teaching them to obey Christian teaching. That Jesus would command a group of about 500 believers to carry this out makes sense given the fact that there was not yet access to motor vehicles and things of this nature. It is very unlikely Jesus would command eleven men alone to travel, convert, make disciples, baptize, and teach people from every nation on the earth. Given the fact that Jesus predicted and anticipated the disciples’ persecution and deaths (Matt. 10:1, 5, 16-23) it makes more sense to affirm this command was given to the 500 brethren.
Although some scholars feel that the reference to the appearance to the 500 is meant to be a summary of everyone whoever saw the risen Christ without exception, we feel the evidence coheres in suggesting the appearance in Matthew 28:10, 16 is in view. One would think that if Ibn Anwar, who certainly knows of our view, was honest then he would at least mention it and interact with it. But of course he didn’t.
Ibn Anwar will most likely gather quotes from unbelieving, liberal and careful scholars who will take the position that this appearance is nowhere else attested. However, we have not only quoted scholars who take our view and support our case, but we have provided arguments for our position. So if Ibn Anwar wants to seriously interact with our position he must not only quote scholars who take a view (which both of us can do), or give their arguments/opinions, but he must directly deal with our arguments and/or quote people who directly do so. Failure to do that will demonstrate his incompetence once again.
Since we’ve provided a case for 1 Corinthians 15:6’s multiple attestation, that alone is enough to overlook Ibn Anwar’s assertion that since this story is allegedly never elsewhere mentioned it must be unreliable. However, even if one were to take the position that Paul was the only one to mention this event, would that mean we can not know it is reliable based on other historical criteria? That is, is it possible that this story be true based on other criteria of historicity? Can an account fail in one criterion for historicity and yet be deemed true by having met other criteria?
When studying the historical method at seminary level I discovered very quickly that certain episodes of history often do not meet one or more criteria of historicity while at the same time meeting others and therefore being accepted based on those considerations. For example, while the material we have detailing the life and many stories of Alexander the Great (B.C. 355-323) is all late(13) and based on purported traditions or lost works, thus failing the criteria of early accounts in many cases, much of the material instead meets other criteria. The later sources for Alexander the Great’s life are generally seen to be reliable and useful historically. Our high school and college history/text books rely on these rather late sources for most of our information on his life and the events surrounding him.
Hence, for the sake of argument, if we do hypothetically grant one criterion of historicity is not met with regard to 1 Corinthians 15:6 (multiple attestation), there are other criteria that this report does meet rendering it historical. And because of this fact one should not so easily dismiss the account like Ibn Anwar does. For example, it meets the criteria of an early account (1 Corinthians was written between A.D. 53-57 and this appearance tradition is extremely primitive; see more below).
It also meets the criteria of embarrassment in that in vv. 8-9, while in the context of recalling this appearance tradition, Paul says, “Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God” (1 Corinthians 15:8-9). In the context Paul reveals/highlights embarrassing information about himself when he didn’t need to thus showing genuineness of character and repentance. This helps to establish the validity of his comments in the context including the mention of the appearance to the 500 two verses earlier. This material is telling on many levels since it also helps to show later Christians did not forge this letter or invent the information contained in it. If that were the motive then it would not do well for their cause to include unnecessary embarrassing themes. What we have here is a repentant Christian man who turned from the Judaism he loved admitting his past errors and presenting to needy people things which he believed to be true.
Moreover, the criteria of discontinuity and dissimilarity are met since there is nothing in first-century paganism or Second Temple Judaism which suggests it was widely held or believed that Messiah or a saviour of the world would be doing massive post-resurrection appearances in front of his followers after having died at the hands of his enemies. Not only that but the pagans and Jews at the time of Christ and Paul were not anticipating a dying and rising Messiah or saviour. The Jews for example were expecting a conquering King Messiah, who upon His advent, would overthrow Rome and establish the physical kingdom of God.(14) If Paul were here merely presenting ideas which the Jews of his day were anticipating then one may be justified in being more cautious about 1 Corinthians 15:6. But since he is going against the grain so to speak, this demonstrates he wasn’t out to just tell people things they wanted to hear and gain credibility in their eyes in that way. Rather, since he was telling them things which went against their assumptions or anticipations, this is evidence for the validity or truthfulness of Paul’s teaching/report.
Paul’s 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 tradition here, as argued even by liberals admired by my opponent such as Dr. James D. G. Dunn, goes back to a very primitive tradition Paul received from Peter and James in Jerusalem.(15) In fact this 1 Corinthians 15 creed seems to be one of the earliest traditions of Christianity and so must be dated before A.D. 53-57 to about A.D. 30-32 strengthening our case for its reliability substantially.
Therefore, in light of the various criteria this story does meet, and in light of the fact that a story isn’t automatically not true just because it fails one test of historicity, Ibn Anwar is in error when he boldly asserts that, “If indeed 500 people witnessed it the story would be readily available across the board and not only in a single verse in the entire New Testament.” There are other problems with this kind of argument as well.
One needs to be consistent since things can be found to be true historically without the story being “readily available across the board.” For example Alexander the Great accomplished many great things seen by many people. These people may have even written about these things during their lifetime. But just because we don’t have access to multiple accounts from them 2300 years later (due to such writings being lost etc), that does not automatically mean there was nothing to write about or that they didn’t write about such things. This applies to any story of antiquity which we don’t have multiple contemporaneous accounts for.
Moreover, even if not a lot of contemporary people wrote about a particular event concerning Alexander the Great that doesn’t automatically render what we read about Alexander the Great erroneous either. We must fully consider the criteria of historicity before jumping to rash and hasty conclusions. Moreover, Ibn Anwar needs to keep the low literacy rates(16) of those days in mind too. To demand this account be “readily available across the board” in light of all of these various considerations is, quite frankly, absurd. And, as we will see, Ibn Anwar is being inconsistent since the Quran which he believes in contains stories which do not meet the test of multiple attestation.
In his 2010 tome on the resurrection Dr. Michael R. Licona rightly notes that, “the plausibility or probability … may be increased in those cases when multiple criteria are present.”(17) Therefore, since 1 Corinthians 15:6 meets multiple criteria of historicity one is not justified in discounting it just because one believes/argues it doesn’t meet one of the criterion of historicity (multiple attestation).
At the same time it must also be said, however, that when you are dealing with two contradictory sources concerning an event or issue, that is when not having multiple attestation can be a major determining factor in your historical judgement. If one source is multiply attested and says one thing, but another non-multiply attested source says something else about the same event or issue, then one may be correct in siding with the multiply attested event or issue.
An example would be the non-multiply attested claims and views of the Ebionites against the Apostle Paul vs. the broad array of early testimony vouching for his reliability. For more information on that issue see my article The Historical Case for Paul’s Apostleship: And a Critique of Muslim Arguments. However, this dilemma does not fit with the 1 Corinthians 15:6 appearance to the 500 since there is not a contradictory multiply attested source/tradition undermining 1 Corinthians 15:6. Thus, in this case, not having multiple attestation would not be as damaging as it could otherwise be (though I hold that it does have multiple attestation e.g. Matt. 28:10, 16).
Did Paul Sanction Lying and Engage in Lying Concerning this Appearance Story?
What then? Only that in every way, whether in honest or dishonest motives, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice (Philippians 1:18).
But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? (Romans 3:7).
Paul also defends himself against accusations he’s a liar, which suggests to me that someone called him one.
Paul’s own words suggest he felt if the end result was saving souls for the next world, it didn’t matter what you did in this world to accomplish it, including lying.
Ibn Anwar concludes that Paul “is clearly an untrustworthy witness.” That Ibn Anwar and the anti-theist writer he quotes are guilty of eisegesis is evident upon a close and responsible analysis of these texts. With respect to Philippians 1:18 the context is that while in prison (Phil. 1:7, 13, 16) for the sake of the Gospel Paul exhorts the Christians of Philippi to holiness and advances the Christian teaching on perseverance (v. 6). Paul displays his affection for these Philippians and encourages them to press on in the faith (vv. 7-14).
15Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17The former proclaim Christ out of rivalry, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. 18What then? Only that in every way, whether in honest or dishonest motives, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice, 19for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance (Philippians 1:15-19).
What is the positive or good which Paul takes from this negative situation of deception? The name of Christ was still being spread in an ungodly and unbelieving world. In no way does this mean Paul positively advocates deception as a method to spread Christ’s name, in any kind of universal sense, however. What he does is express that even when these dishonest people who rejoice in Paul’s imprisonment (v. 17) engage in such behaviour, one can still nevertheless find consolation in the fact that Jesus’ name was being spread – and for that reason alone Paul can still rejoice in the midst of negativity and wrong.
That Paul does not support the method of the people who he is speaking about is evident by the fact he contrasts their method of “dishonest motives” (v. 18), with the method of those who preach from “good will” (v. 15). Hence, Paul does not believe those who use deception to be of good will and so for Ibn Anwar to attribute to Paul the belief that it is good to practice dishonesty, he is engaging in the very thing he accuses Paul of: dishonesty and bearing false witness.
Paul is very clear in his writings insofar as avoiding deception, lying and dishonesty is concerned. For example, in Colossians 3:9 Paul says, “Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices” (Colossians 3:9). Moreover, in Ephesians 4:25 Paul states, “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another” (Ephesians 4:25). In Romans 3:13 Paul condemns using one’s tongue to deceive. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 Paul speaks against the “wicked deception” of the coming lawless one (the antichrist).
Therefore, to attribute to Paul the idea that he supported the deceptive method of those he was speaking against in Philippians 1, when in reality he taught they’re not of good will, condemns lying and deception over and over, and merely says he rejoiced in the fact that Jesus’ name was still being spread in this negative situation, is a big stretch to say the least.
Now, with respect to Romans 3:7 which says, “But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?,” the context is vital and it refutes Ibn Anwar. In Romans 3:1-8 Paul is posing hypothetical questions to himself from an anticipatory unbelieving Jewish interlocutor’s/objectors perspective.(18) And Paul then answers as a Christian. This is to help the Roman Christians better understand his teaching. Hypothetical Jewish objections to his teaching are found in vv. 1, 3, 5, 7-8a. Paul’s Christian answers are found in vv. 2, 4, 6, 8b and in the ensuing discussion in the rest of the chapter/book.
Thus Ibn Anwar has confused v. 7 as Paul’s position or a statement from him indicating his mindset, when in reality it is a verse which is meant to be read as a Jewish interlocutor’s/objector’s objection to Paul. The reason Paul, as a hypothetical unbelieving Jew, asks if though through his lie God is still glorified since God judges the liar and receives glory, why is the Jew or sinner is still punished?, is because Paul just got finished teaching unfaithfulness or sin ends up revealing the righteousness of God through judgement (vv. 3-5). Thus the argument to Paul is: why shouldn’t I just lie or sin then since everything just ends up glorifying God in the end (i.e., since sin leads to God’s judgement which brings glory to God and shows God’s righteousness)? Paul’s answer in v. 8 is, “some people slanderously charge us with saying [this]. Their condemnation is just.” Thus, some falsely take this fatalistic approach as a logical conclusion of Paul’s teaching. However, Paul reveals that’s not his position and says those who attribute such a teaching to Paul and other Christians (as Ibn Anwar does) will be justly condemned (see v. 8 again). Thus, the conclusion is that it is not okay to sin or lie even though doing so results in God’s judgement (i.e., God’s glory and righteousness being revealed). How one can then turn things around and make it as though Paul were a liar is inexcusable.
In summary, Romans 3:7’s mention of “my lie,” when understood in context, in no way whatsoever, has Paul admitting to being a liar. That is a hypothetical unbelieving Jew’s objection to Paul, not his own admission. As we noted earlier, Paul’s letters are filled with admonitions to avoid lying and deception.
We have answered this false accusation over and over again on Answering-Islam. For Ibn Anwar to use it yet again after it has been explained many times is hardly a sign of his intellectual honesty. For example: 1, 2, 3.
For more on this see here.
We have argued that 1 Corinthians 15:6 is multiply attested and that it meets other criteria of historicity. But what makes Ibn Anwar even more inconsistent is that there are many stories in the Quran which are not multiply attested. Therefore, if 1 Corinthians 15:6 isn’t historical due to allegedly not being multiply attested as Ibn Anwar has argued (even though it is), then many stories in the Quran can’t be historical since they are not multiply attested or attested by any contemporaneous sources at all!
He shall preach to men in his cradle and in the prime of manhood, and shall lead a righteous life (Surah 3:46).
O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot. Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle? He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book and has made me a prophet. And has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive, And (has made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant, unblest. Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! Such was Jesus, son of Mary: (this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt (Surah 19:28-34).
Since no first-century source says that Jesus gave theological discourses as a baby, that means this story is not attested by any early material (and thus certainly not multiply attested). How could this be? Based on Ibn Anwar’s method this story should be “readily available across the board.” If the Messiah spoke as a baby in his cradle to people then surely such a monumental miracle would have been reported by at least one source in the time of Jesus and His followers. Since it wasn’t it can’t be true according to Ibn Anwar. He has thus falsified Islam with his own criteria.
It should be clear that Ibn Anwar quotes and sides with radical liberals and atheists who deny the supernatural. He will accept the lenses through which they read the Holy Bible and critique it. But if those same standards are applied to the Quran then Islam is disproved. Yet this doesn’t stop the Muslims from using inconsistent methods and siding with the liberals and anti-supernaturalists. This common inconsistency of Muslims where they appeal to and heavily rely on liberals and atheists is quite revealing since it demonstrates they can’t argue against Christianity and at the same time be a consistent Muslim. That says a lot about the strength of their arguments.
We have covered the issue of criteria for historicity. Now we must cover four criteria for weighing hypotheses.(20) Ibn Anwar has given his hypothesis concerning 1 Corinthians 15:6. He argued that Paul was lying about this appearance to the 500 because he allegedly supported deception and thus it’s ahistorical. I am arguing Paul was correct about this tradition which we see in Matthew 28:10, 16 and he reported it in order to advance truth and the Gospel. When we examine our positions against the four criteria for weighing hypotheses which we will use, it becomes evident that Ibn Anwar’s view falls short and must therefore be rejected by the serious person inquiring about truth.
Whose hypothesis can account for the largest quantity of known facts of the case? The hypothesis which does will be the true hypothesis. The one which can’t will be in error.
Ibn Anwar’s hypothesis can not account for the fact that the 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 creed which v. 6 is contained in was created no more than 2 or 3 years after Jesus’ crucifixion (Ibn Anwar’s hero Dunn even argues months!) and transmitted to Paul by Peter and James around A.D. 35 in Jerusalem.(21) My hypothesis can account for this fact. Amazingly Ibn Anwar didn’t even interact with this crucial point in his paper.
Moreover his view can’t adequately account for the fact that in v. 9 Paul reveals embarrassing information about himself in the context of recalling this appearance tradition thus showing genuineness and honesty (unless it’s an ad hoc reason).
It’s a fact that we have no writings or traditions challenging this appearance to the 500. My view that the appearance is historical and had witnesses who could vouch for Paul explains why we have no evidence of anyone arguing: “we checked and no one is vouching for your appearance story, Paul.” If there were no 500 brothers who saw Christ one may expect at least a later tradition of a rejoinder against Paul from a critic(s) (or sect of critics) even if contemporary information is not readily available to us. Ibn Anwar’s view can’t account for the probable view that no tradition ever existed which is based on the fact that there is no evidence of such writings or even a later tradition. If there were in fact an early known tradition (written or oral) from objectors who argued there were no witnesses who would come forward to vouch for Paul then Paul’s Ebionite detractors (or others) would certainly pick up on it and use it in their second/third-century polemics against him.
Though it must be noted in fairness that the fact there are no survived writings or even traditions is not an absolutely conclusive proof for our case since such writings/traditions, had they even existed, could have been lost. But if it is true that there never were any, and it is probable that there weren’t since it’s a fact there is no evidence of them when there should be given Paul’s later heretical and ruthless detractors, then we have more evidence of Ibn Anwar’s view having less explanatory scope. I believe the evidence to be on my side here based on the fact that there are no survived objections against Paul of this sort when if there were we would expect groups like the Ebionites to exploit them.
Ibn Anwar attempted to provide facts which my view can’t account for such as this report not being multiply attested, and this report allegedly needing to be readily available in many early sources in order to be deemed true, but we have disproved those two non-facts.
Whose hypothesis requires the least amount of pushing/straining relevant facts? Whose hypothesis requires the least amount of effort, vagueness, and ambiguity? That will be the hypothesis with explanatory power.
Ibn Anwar has to strain the fact that Paul used an early source/tradition. In order to make this fact fit his case, Ibn Anwar has to discount this earlier source/tradition. He does so without proper warrant (see more below). Moreover, Ibn Anwar has to push or strain the idea that this report isn’t multiply attested by quoting the opinions of doubtful sceptics and liberals even though there is a powerful case for this appearance being attested in Matthew 28:10, 16.
Ibn Anwar’s hypothesis requires a lot of vagueness since he offered no sufficient reasons as to why Paul would even report this tradition if it were not in fact true or if he didn’t believe it were true. To argue it was merely for the sake of spreading lies is vague and requires that he bends the fact of Paul’s genuineness to fit his hypothesis and replace it with a deceptive motive. My view that he wished to deliver truth and teachings he firmly believed for the sake of providing the Corinthian Church with facts about their beloved Messiah doesn’t require any strain or vagueness concerning Paul’s character or the information surrounding this case.
My hypothesis doesn’t require that one strain the fact that Paul is a trustworthy witness (that’s evidenced as I will argue below). Nor do I have to strain the fact that this story is multiply attested since there are good arguments for that position which many scholars agree with. Nor do I need to strain the fact that v. 6 is part of an early tradition. A broad strand of scholarship agrees and lots of evidence is in support of this fact. Ibn Anwar’s view requires a strain on all of these facts in order for them to fit his hypothesis.
Whose hypothesis is consistent with other known facts in other areas? That is, whose view is consistent with other background knowledge in our area of focus? The more plausible hypothesis in this regard will be correct.
My hypothesis is in accord with the fact that we know there were post-resurrection appearances happening at the time.(22) Thus it is not a big stretch to agree with the evidence and affirm this appearance to the 500 took place. Ibn Anwar’s view that there was no appearance to the 500 is out of step with the fact that we know others were taking place contemporaneously.
Ibn Anwar’s hypothesis can’t account for the fact that Paul was, for the sake of his Christian beliefs, willing to leave Pharisaic Judaism which was his way of life and which he was a respected scholar of, and that Paul was willing to be imprisoned, persecuted, and martyred(23) for such beliefs as Jesus’ resurrection and these appearances. My view of 1 Corinthians 15:6 being historical can account for these set of facts. Ibn Anwar’s lie/deception hypothesis can’t.
Ibn Anwar’s view can’t account for the fact that Paul was not willing to lie in the form of denying he believed in Christ to save himself.(24) If he wouldn’t engage in that kind of lie or deception when it came to saving his life, why assume he would in regards to reporting appearances?
Ibn Anwar attempted to argue that Paul was allegedly a liar who supported deception. But since we refuted that claim it does not count as a known fact with which my hypothesis is not in accord with.
Whose hypothesis consists of non-evidenced assumptions? The one which is guilty of that is less likely to be true.
Ibn Anwar’s hypothesis is ad hoc since he claims that, “Whatever the source of Paul’s 1 Corinthians 15:6 may be using it to prove the historicity of the resurrection is untenable...” However, this is a non-evidenced assumption since he admits he doesn’t even know what the source is. And his reasons for rejecting the tradition were disproved. So he has no grounds to say the tradition is untenable. Also, we know the source is a creed/tradition which is extremely primitive and apostolic so his non-evidenced assumption about Paul’s source is incorrect.
Ibn Anwar’s view that Paul was a deceiver and liar is a non-evidenced assumption common among Muslims as we have shown. This is strange since there are early Muslim traditions teaching Paul’s reliability.(25) My view that Paul was not a deceiver or liar is evidenced by many considerations which we discussed.
Ibn Anwar’s view also requires that one assume the apostles and their students (who abandoned their sacred religion of Judaism for Christianity and even willingly suffered persecution and martyrdom) would not call Paul out if he were going around reporting fabricated stories. They did not do so, however. In fact, as I argued in the article the Historical Case for Paul’s Apostleship the evidence is clear that they supported Paul and worked with him. Thus, this assumption Ibn Anwar is required to make is erroneous.
I haven’t argued anything which requires one to accept non-evidenced assumptions on the other-hand. I based all of my arguments and views on sound evidenced arguments.
In summary, we have provided an historical case for the appearance to the 500 reported by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:6. We have addressed Ibn Anwar’s central arguments and exposed his overall position as faulty. It has been seen that when pitted against the criteria of weighing hypotheses which historians employ, Ibn Anwar’s hypothesis is seen to be problematic and erroneous. It is my hope that the Muslims will turn from their rash scepticism, faulty arguments, and reliance on unbelievers and liberals and instead view the evidence consistently and with an open heart. And, Lord willing, the Muslims will put their faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ before it is too late.
1.) Gerd Lüdemann, The Resurrection of Jesus: History, Experience, Theology, [Fortress Press, 1994], pp. 100-109.
2.) N. T. Wright, The Resurrection of the Son of God, [Fortress Press, 2003], p. 325.
3.) Although Boring’s The People’s New Testament Commentary does say this event is “otherwise unknown,” Ibn Anwar omitted part of this author’s position since on the same page we also read that this appearance, “may refer to something like the Pentecost event of Acts 2:1-42” and that Paul affirmed, “the resurrection is not some twilight zone, never-never-land event in the mythical past, but an event in recent history to which many of his own generation could testify” M. Eugene Boring, Fred B. Craddock, The People's New Testament Commentary, [Westminster John Knox Press, 2010], p. 543.
4.) W. E. Vine, Merrill F. Unger, William White Jr., Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, [Thomas Nelson, 1996], p. 82 italics mine.
5.) D. A. Carson, Matthew, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the New International Version, Vol. 8, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein, [Zondervan, 1984], p. 589.
6.) Gleason L. Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, [Regency Reference Library, 1982], p. 355.
7.) D. A. Carson, Matthew, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the New International Version, Vol. 8, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein, [Zondervan, 1984], p. 589.
8.) Ernest Bernard Allo, Saint Paul: First Epistle to the Corinthians, [Gabalda, 1956], p. 396.
9.) W. Harold Mare, 1 Corinthians, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the New International Version, Vol. 10, [Zondervan 1976], p. 282.
10.) Leon Morris, The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians: An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Vol. 7, [Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1985], pp. 202-203.
11.) Robert Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith: 2nd Edition - Revised and Updated, [Thomas Nelson Inc, 1998], eBook.
12.) Bruce Chilton, Rabbi Jesus: An Intimate Biography, [Random House Digital, Inc., 2002], p. 282 n. 3.
13.) For Alexander the Great’s life and the stories involved we rely primarily on later sources such as Plutarch, Diodorus, Curtius, Justin, and Arrian etc.
14.) The Jews of Christ’s time looked to Old Testament texts concerning the Davidic conquering King Messiah and anticipated He would overthrow Rome and restore rule under YHWH (Isaiah 9:7; Daniel 7:14; Psalms 2:7-9; 2 Samuel 22:44-51; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Amos 9:11-12; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:25 etc). Acts 1:6 among other texts shows Jesus’ followers still retained this type of thinking for a while and then understood correctly later on. There were events in the first-century bearing this King Messiah expectation out. For example during the great revolt the Judeans exalted Simon Bar Giora as king who would drive Rome out of their land. He amassed an army to fight the Romans but was captured and executed during his efforts by Vespasian and his son Titus (account can be found in Josephus’s Jewish Wars). The Testament of Levi (2nd c. B. C.) states the Messiah’s, “star shall rise in heaven as the star of a king. . . . And there shall be peace in all the earth” (The Testament of Levi, 18); thus affirming this mindset.
16.) “The literacy rate in antiquity was nowhere close to what it is in most countries today. Even a liberal estimate would suggest that no more than 20 percent of the general populace in Paul’s day could read and write” Ben Witherington III, New Testament History: A Narrative Account, [Baker Academic, 2003], p. 238.
17.) Michael R. Licona, The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach, [InterVarsity Press, 2010], p. 295.
18.) Douglas J. Moo, The Epistle to the Romans, The New International Commentary on the New Testament, [Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996], pp. 180-181; Leslie C. Allen, Romans, New International Bible Commentary Based on the NIV Translation, ed. F. F. Bruce, [Zondervan, 1979], p. 1322; Everett F. Harrison, Romans, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary with the New International Version, ed. Frank E. Gaebelen, [Zondervan, 1976], p. 36.
19.) Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 271.
20.) An explanation of each criterion can be found in Michael R. Licona, The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach, [InterVarsity Press, 2010], p. 109-111.
22.) Without giving all of the arguments Drs. Licona and Habermas note, “(1) the disciples themselves claimed that the risen Jesus had appeared to them, and (2) subsequent to Jesus’ death by crucifixion, his disciples were radically transformed from fearful, cowering individuals who denied and abandoned him at his arrest and execution into bold proclaimers of the gospel of the risen Lord. They remained steadfast in the face of imprisonment, torture, and martyrdom. It is very clear they sincerely believed that Jesus rose from the dead. There is almost unanimous consensus among scholars to this belief on the part of the disciples” Gary R. Habermas, Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, [Kregel Publications, 2004], p. 50.
23.) The evidence shows that before becoming a Pharisee, in “A. D. 15-20 ... Saul begins his studies in Jerusalem with Rabbi Gamaliel, grandson of Rabbi Gamaliel the elder” Ben Witherington III, The Paul Quest: The Renewed Search for the Jew of Tarsus, [InterVarsity Press, 2001], p. 307 cf. Acts 22:3; Gal. 1:14. That Paul was imprisoned, persecuted and martyred see The First Epistle of Clement, Ch. 5 cf. Paul’s trials in Acts.
24.) “…and come to the extreme limit of the west, and suffered martyrdom under the prefects. Thus was he removed from the world, and went into the holy place, having proved himself a striking example of patience” Clement, The First Epistle of Clement, Ch. 5 cf. 2 Tim. 2:12; Rom. 8:35-39. | 2019-04-26T12:13:14Z | http://www.exegeticalapologetics.com/2018/05/the-historicity-of-appearance-to-500-in.html |
Sort the rest of the correspondence the way that you’d any correspondence. In the event that you would like to inquire of a series information it’s possible to include everything from the main body, although Broadly speaking, an official correspondence is limited and has just a couple of primary body sentences. It needs to make a excellent opinion. An official correspondence needs a great deal of components, which has to get put at positions. Ergo, it’s clearthat the letters are all listed as a way to remain. Composing a covering letter is just actually a considerable portion of one’s app and our experts are going to be able to help you to get an advantage over your competition. Maybe not adding it will guarantee you will not be regarded as as it displays a deficiency of interest as will with a letter that is universal and non invasive.
Explain from the first sentence of the anatomy of your correspondence you’re writing it. The application form correspondence (sometimes, known as app ) ought to be all written in such a manner it insures most of the places, a possible company is hunting for. It plays a role in applying for employment in every company. You can call for a great application letter that will help you improve the prospect of receiving offer.
The design of this correspondence ought to be ought, employer-focused and business-like to answer your job needs. The business letter’s tone needs to be written and objective in 1st particular person. At the same time that you always need to get a certain tone on your correspondence, it is also possible to use the opportunity to showcase your character.
Software is seen as a business correspondence. The applying contains a specific pair of validation requirements as exhibited within the image. It is maybe perhaps not an ordinary correspondence. Don’t forget the letter is not your CV which you just mail to each future employer, before you proceed to compose a schedule. It is going to be certain the application will likely get shipped into the personal to start out with.
That you really don’t need to bear some regulations. Certainly one of the utter rules that are very important could be the fact that it ought to be both limited and succinct. A few simple rules are able to assist you to use apostrophes together with full confidence. Confirm that you’re obeying modern style rules regarding punctuation.
There is A company letter quickly recognizable by style and its own format. It’s a letter that has six special pieces. It might be formatted a handful of different ways. As soon as you entirely grasp the 6 the different parts of a company correspondence, producing 1 is effortless and quick. And that means that you can tailor made it your portfolio correspondence should be more generic.
Find the identify of department or the person who needs to get your letter. It is quite an easy task to be sure your cover letter is error-free. Cover Letter shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all-role’ document. Even though insure letters should differ, creative and personalized, there are recommendations one has to follow to make sure the content of one’s cover letter guarantees you receive get that a sizable percentage of snagging. A correspondence comprising a few sentences, your cover letter is frequently paper-clipped confronting the very first page of your manuscript whenever you’re mailing your own submission. Making certain that it is unique for standing and also the audience is important. Protect letters are written for a particular project or location you are applying to.
Snippets might be exceedingly robust, since you may find within our examples under and will be customized to meet your requirements. All instances are going to maintain Scala. In work, if you experience a choice to get into your PDF format to data just before conversion, be sure to choose that choice. The alternate is also referred to as a letter of attention.
Make sure you’ve got the date format to suit your receiver. Formats within a letter can let you be regarded. It’s crucial comprehend the format of a company correspondence, so the receiver will take it and reads it. The rejection letter arrangement is more comparable to the firm letter format and should be followed closely. To start, one needs to bear in your mind that there are essentially just two formats for letter writing. A coverletter format needs to be stuck to so you’re getting to maintain a situation to realize that which you will take note of. You need to look at an evaluation slice arrangement which lets you examine your system in a agent way.
The correspondence begins with the contact data of the job enthusiast date, along with also particulars of this addressee like companyas identify, designation, name , and address. A letter of resignation is a usable document which could possibly be utilised in depart requirements. An individual can make sure by mails which it is often routed into the one who are able to take the steps although, letters also do exactly the job. It is critical that you simply just pay the letter to your specific individual. Ergo, you ought to make sure the letter is great. In fact, buying a letter indicates that you’re depart a belief in the mind of the person who interviewed you. You might need email or a exit correspondence for explanations.
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If you are an experienced candidate, then you must offer an employer combined side the current specifics of accomplishments and one’s prior work. You are not required to share with your employer why you are departing, but in the event that you desire to maintain a specialist, mutually respectful partnership by means of your employer, it’d have been good idea to reveal your own future goals when you are leaving to pursue other livelihood opportunities. Employers on average understand just exactly what a position involves, however, they’re not aware of what made you amazing in your work. They study the exact info written at the resume to find out if the applicant is qualified for a certain circumstance. When the employer desires a resume Implementing a CV is definitely an issue. He or she shouldn’t enter the facts of the prior employees professional and individual possessions. Undoubtedly, you don’t wish to bore your future employer with resume that is .
You layout your resume is essential to boosting your probability of being employed. Your work search will be aided by Recognizing howto save your resume. Fresher resumes might be connected with a own internship program in the event that you want to perform in the organization at that you will leave your own internship. Additionally, there are lots of additional resumes .
If you’re looking for livelihood opportunities a trustworthy business, then you should go through the selection process fixed from the corporation. As you understand that shifting organizations a handful of times early in your career will be the means or else you might well be searching another location. You also ought to mention concerning the location you’re looking for. Research concerning the capabilities essential for that job position that you’re looking for.
Thank you letters are in overall, a sort of gesture that is private, however, the tone even though creating such letters ought to be formal. It’s a gesture although writing a quick perfect thankyou letter for them may seem to be a time intensive endeavor. The objective can be served by A straightforward letter with only a few lines.
Without after a proper structure you can not just create letters. Letter writing will help you remain from the heads of clients and your customers. A formal letter has to earn an outstanding impact. So, it’s all-important to understand just how to compose a formal correspondence effortlessly. A formal letter should possess lots of essential components, which has to be placed at prescribed places. Writing an official correspondence can be considered to be an daunting task by folks. Last, you ought to bear in mind that composing a formal correspondence is not difficult if you understand and stick with the format of the correspondence and the rules.
You have to proof read your correspondence twice, and if you can, ask some one else to learn it. Make sure the correspondence is composed by you as professionally since you find it possible to. You will even receive sample letters and high ideas to assist you. A letter of practical knowledge has been. Donation letter is an crucial piece of correspondence which will help a person or a business that’s seeking monetary assistance. Letter writing inside the illustration of contribution invite you letters should possess a touch.
A sample will probably help it become feasible that you understand how to draft a thank you letter for contribution. It has been given here to give you better comprehension of how such a correspondence is written. It’s possible to find out more types of sitemap and utilize them to draft letters depending upon your needs.
Formats within a correspondence can let you be considered somebody who doesn’t know fundamentals of communication. Hence, it’s far better to stick to the adventure letter arrangement. Following are quite a number of of the used formats and samples that you’re going to be in a position to use if needed.
There was An sample template provided too. This template provides you with a very easy idea in regards to the way of writing and issuing a letter. There are a lot a lot more work experience letter templates that you could find on the web.
You will find a number of situations where it is mandatory to write letters. You can find plenty of situations, at which you would need to compose letters. You may possibly get thoughts in the list below and compose your own exclusive communication to clearly show your appreciation. Attempt to remember, writing an kind of correspondence differs in a lot of other kinds of letter-writing. Creating a thank you letter resolved into your employer is one of many very first things you need to do when you’re right back from work interview. Listed below are a few of the important facets of an experience letter. The rest of the section of the correspondence format resembles that said above.
The mention range or the citation is set below the topic line. The speech should be complete in all factors, and also ought to comprise the complete location of the sender along using the suitable zipcode. Mentioning the speech that is will guarantee you reduce the possibilities of delivering erroneous letters into this mailing address in case of mass emails.
A person could be made immediately after having number of companies to compose a cancellation letter. When you have completed composing your mileage letter, then you must make copies of the specific similar. The contribution petition correspondence, as stated earlier in the day, needs to be drafted plus as which creates a negative impression, it must be free of some writing errors. It ought to have the ability to attract a picture of this origin which you’re related to.
Concerning exactly what you mentioned you’d produce on at the very first paragraph Over the next paragraphs you write. These paragraphs may pay for the significance of sending thankyou letters offer you a sample letter of thanks. The introductory paragraph ought to reevaluate the purpose of creating the correspondence.
Thankyou letters would be the perfect means to convey your admiration for an individual. The letter must not include any opinions regarding the client, or the business. It truly is uniform for each one the letters that belong into some certain correspondence. You need to write a letter directly after the person accomplishes the success. If you’re considering how exactly to compose a commendation letter, the subsequent advice will definitely turn out for always a guide. If producing a business letter to stay in your mind that conciseness is essential, it truly is important. Producing English business letters that are isn’t the process.
Develop a heading for the Me Mo If it’s an military memo, then the organization seal has to be on the top left corner. In case a civilian writes the letter, an official signoff should be used to complete the correspondence. Since men and women could read them, letters should avoid referring to personal things. Make sure you clearly specify the most important reason so one’s own position is known by the recipient of this letter. The major reason must be explained by A correspondence of lack behind being absent as well to specify once the worker is called to reunite. Journal-writing another thing for me. You have the capability to find out assorted forms of Me Mo writing with no issue.
The ability to write a Army memo is a must. In western societies, it’s the primary part that affects media freedom. Apparently, there’s a difference in price tag too.
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You ought to state the post and also their preceding job designation they’ll be taking around. Whenever there is only one paragraph, as can be true, don’t number the paragraph. Range paragraphs in case you possess multiple. Each section is likely to receive an explanation. You must cite his job title and clarify his previous position in your organization. Installing the latest version could possibly be the option for an upgraded Joomla installation. You may get several versions of Akeeba.
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A Pentagon spokesperson was able to coax a response from the control regarding the quantity of protection cooperation routines in 2014. Leaders are crucial to the Army,” Davenport explained. If you don’t among the market place leaders, like Asos and Zappos, you have to explore domains maybe key words.
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Your biography is a whole lot more than simply a set of qualifications, expertise, and abilities like your resume, it is a highly personalized perspective of you personally as a individual and must be tailored according to the biography’s goal. Your artist biography ought to be an overview of truth on your artwork job written in third party personal. Creating a biography resembles writing another form of biography.
There is A biography simply an account of someone’s life. For instance, when it is currently planning you’ll desire to target more seriously upon your display history and less to the residency. Your cosmetics artist biography should be carefully composed to match the special has to which you are trying to employ it, such as for linked-in you could want the help of linked-in profile makeover alternatives, Hence in case you are interested in some thing to grow your resume then it takes to sing your skills and experience.
It could be handy to adjust your site for readers that are unique and goals. Biography is really a fascinating form of writing as you’ve got to believe about info, maybe not create your data. Translate it also and A biography is designed to analyze the life of an individual. Examplean executive adviser intends to share with managers concerning the professional foundation of somebody, so ought to incorporate a small number of experiences that are private and the content of this biography should concentrate on expert experiences of the niche. A biography narrates the entire life narrative of a person, as written by an individual guy or author. A biography to be found in a school paper should consist while in the field of analysis, also should steer clear of information perhaps maybe not related to it.
A biography could be limited inside couple paragraphs biography’s event, and it are often lengthy enough to fill a publication. After all is done and said, be sure that you decide to attempt to remember your artist biography will increase and change with you. Your Artist’s Biography is important for viewers of one’s art who wish to find out far more about you. A artist biography needs to be something that can possibly be published word for word in a document or catalogue.
An Artist assertion, to the side, will be far more similar to a biography. So it can be considered a tiny complicated. In case your functions are still versatile, you might want to compose a statement that is fresh for each and every exhibition.
It really is recommended to really have one text ready whatsoever times, while you might desire to customize your bio for each and every single circumstance. Therefore you have the suggestions touse while writing a bio degradable, you have to certainly have no any excuse for becoming unable to compose a bio that is extensive and perfect degradable. A bio could possibly be properly used for a portfolio or promotion. A bio is a substantial portion of a media package or website. When you are to market your work and yourself A superb bio degradable is needed to help your marketing. Utilizing a sample bio it isn’t hard to make an expert bio of your personal.
Don’t compose the mosquito and genuinely believe it is prepared to go. Outline the details which you’d really like to devote your own bio. An artist bio should concentrate on applicable artistic and professional specifics. Your bio needs to be formatted in a manner that it might work as a media discharge it needs to be all determined on up coming events and your own most recent historical past. Shamelessly Twist A bio degradable is like advertisements that is free, therefore use the opportunity!
While you’re composing your artist there’s a good deal more to take into account , however we’re not ended yet. The artist could view hip as a method to make it into the childhood on a wider scale than from the classroom. A description of that which he’d really like to accomplish with their own art. There are many interesting and creative approaches to produce paintings together with thumb and fingers’ aid. Paper painting is just one of many techniques in finger-painting.
However old you are, you’ve lived a complete life span of memories that were amazing and events. There are times when you might perhaps not even understand the place to start using when asked to write a biography. Might job will not have a thing todo with car or truck wrecks, he’s claimed.
Many of the examples have beenn’t visual but literary. Biography Template format and examples can be found the internet at no price. In reality, among the vital applications for art was assumed to beautify and bring attraction.
Attempt to not center on listing tasks that you just did on your own dental assistant resume, but in addition to accomplishments. Cosmetic assistants encourage the use of dentists in offices round the world, making certain that they work economically and gives the best patient care possible. A great sample dental helper resume will place some emphasis on the capability of the individual experience at ease.
Being truly a doctor helper is one of the chosen and desirable health care careers at the moment. A health helper so are the exact 1st to level of contact to patients and is actually a hybrid of well-being and administrative duties. By carrying out a wide selection of obligations and duties assistants provide professional support. An assistant is an individual who help out with various administrative activities of the organization’s operation and needs to handle. The following he resume writing and sample tips are going to aid in improving your chances of receiving an interview. The assistants function as information manager for off ice and might take care of the visitor and travel agreements. Whatever joins the work description and your executive resume In other words differently.
Executive assistants offer organization and administrative service to executives and managers to unmatched. An executive helper devotes her or his livelihood to aiding a corporate generally by offering a variety of thoughts and administrative aid. The helper resume is just one that will assist you to get an interview together with the principal at your company of one’s own selection. For that resumes, cover letters are essential.
A health assistant’s part offers patients lots of hands on encounter and vulnerability. The use of amedical assistant is important and can provide the amazing personal satisfaction. Research and it is much better to research as much as you possibly can as it pertains for Personal Assistant’s type you’d love to be. Entire a Doctor Assistant diploma Since you are likely to operate with a certified physician, you have to obtain a degree in physician help. Health practitioners are exactly the very same. They only wish to operate with PA’s who understand they are doing. Regrettably, bad things can happen if you’ve got physicians that are superior and good health practitioners.
Whether or not it is recorded from the job ad, it needs to be in your restart someplace, or at the minimum a handful of days. Targeting your project announcement increase your own probability of discovering the employment interview and will impress the companies. Generally, the quantity of career applicants is very large. Your Doctor Assistant knowledge checklist needs to comprise things like things. After all, a trip to the dentist can be very stressful for some. The fabjob guide to become a star personal assistant comprises number of the best business advice that you might get from other sources, and a good deal more. Given following are a few of the tips obtain professional achievement and you might follow along with grow to some physician assistant.
Folks fight to acquire a job that they want to own. You’ll find a great deal of job gives you readily available for advisors all over the nation. Work of the health helper will be the ideal variety for some body who dreamed about livelihood of a physician or even a nurse, but did not triumphed to get his fantasy job. It’s crucial that you tailor your resume. Know that what it is you are performing is job that is hard. It’s essential to plan your resume in meeting the prerequisites of the employer that is specific that you are applying to. If that’s the case, becoming a physician assistant can end up getting the healthcare career decision for you personally.
Than you might presume some areas of one’s project might be of significance into a employer. Since it is the formal opening to the physician the restart objective is a section in your app. Your career objective should clarify the location you are currently looking for while in the business and describe your own abilities and traits that allow you to ideal to your own circumstance.
You’ll find guaranteed things connected with producing an objective statement that is impressive. Article regarding examples of resumes aims can be a example of the idea from the kind of a picture that’s ideal for you as a reference so that you are able to make a job program and ensure it is a lot simpler for you when searching for ideas about samples of resumes objectives. Secondly, you need to go for a job interview. Before obtaining employment abroad, you should be informed of they manner in which they handle resumes in the nation you are moving to. You wish to stay the demands of the hirer before you begin composing, to prepare your doctor helper resume which will convince a hirer. | 2019-04-20T02:33:38Z | http://saintjohnmary.com/wzor-cv-dla-ucznia/ |
Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna is the standalone expansion for the original game, Dungeon Siege. It features a new campaign, with minor improvements to the game engine and interface.
After the introduction you will have the First Trial quest, but not many details about it. Go around to the side of your house and head down into the basement. Collect all of your equipment, then head into town and speak to the mayor (Hardison Dhon) to find out more about your quest. Enter the mage guild behind the mayor if you like, then find the next house to the west. Go inside and talk to Kron, who will give you The Trapper quest. Head out the north gate from Arhok.
Immediately to you left after you head through the gate, kill the grubs and the moth. Follow the path through the canyon, killing more simple creatures as you go. Cross over the narrow bridge when you find it, and talk to Jondar on the other side. Recruit him to join your party, then take the path down to the north. Go down some more and you will find the bear directly beneath the bridge. Kill it and loot the chest, then climb back up to the bridge and continue east.
Along the path you will find several vargs, then wolves and boars, which are progressively more difficult to kill. Keep going over another short bridge, then follow the path until you find a sign saying Arhok Cold Storage. Enter the cave and kill the yetis and frost golems. You will soon find the ice giant - after you kill him, stand on the displacer (and make sure Jondar joins you there) then use the switch to transport back to town.
Use some money to buy new weapons and spells, then find Hardison Dhon and Kron to get your rewards, and to be given The Staff of Stars quest. Go to the west gate and head up in the north tower to find Reynard - speak to him to get the Family Bow quest. Make sure you take the bow before returning to the ground level. Now head out through the west gate.
Take the path to the south, and follow it around, killing lots of frostnids and ice flies. You will find a house containing a book about the displacers. Continue along the path and you will end up looping back to Arhok's west gate. Take the long bridge across the water and battle your way through a lot of spiders until you eventually see Lyssa. An emerald spider will come out of the cave - kill it and then talk to Lyssa. Recruit her services and let her use the bow given to you by Reynard, then enter the cave.
Follow the main passage of the cave, fighting several different types of spiders and skeletons. Cross over the long, narrow, raised path, and you will find mucosas to kill in the next section. Pull the lever when you find it, to raise a platform. Get your party on the platform and use the lever again to descend to a new area filled with more mucosas and slimes. You will soon find a section where you can climb down into a well-formed dungeon with doors, walls and stairs - this is the transition from the Caves of the Lost to the Halls of the Lost.
After the creepy voice is heard, start exploring every room in the area. There are lots of nice items and gold to be found in the chests around here. Keep going down into a large open area with lots of spiders and a pool of water, then follow the single corridor out of these and battle through some mucosas. At the end, turn right and go through the single door, then pull both levers on the walls to reveal a secret room containing Illicor's Ring. Turn around and keep exploring. You will enter another lower area and see a cutscene of The Lost Queen.
Probably the best way to go is to approach the tail first - it will take some time to kill, and keeps spawning smaller creatures. Once the tail is defeated, rest up a bit, then attack the queen's head. Pick up the staff she drops as she dies, then go through the newly opened door and take the left displacer back to Arhok.
Report quickly to the mayor, then use the displacers to return to the Halls of the Lost, then on to the Island Way Station. Fight your way up several levels containing big rats and you will enter the next chapter.
Go straight ahead at the start and you will meet Najj, who wants to join you, and gives you A Giant Task quest. Turn around and follow the path, killing some swarmlings, anglers, skrubbs and mhulliqs (among other easy enemies). You will end up visiting several small beaches and a lot of jungle. There is a mana shrine towards the end of the path, and if you back-track a little there is a cave to enter on the right.
Head through the first cave and out into another open area. Cross over the short bridge and enter a second cave. Explore to the left first, then go through the right passage and out into a new area.
Go through a narrow canyon, and you will see a cutscene. Keep going into the next area and prepare for some tough creatures - the Zaurask. After clearing the encampment to the southwest, head northeast. Go north when the path branches, and enter a cave to find Arhok's shield. Go back outside and around to the east. Bend around to the north again and you will find another cave entrance guarded by Zaurask, with flags outside. Do not enter here yet - instead turn west and fight your way through to find a beach. Talk to Ilorn to get the Recover Ilorn's Amulet quest.
Turn around and go back to the cave with the flags, and explore in the other direction to find a second beach. Kill all the enemies here and one will drop the amulet. Pick it up and return it to Ilorn, then he will agree to trade with you. Now head through the cave and you will come out the other side to find a long beach. Head along here, then turn inland to find a large Zaurask battle. Make your way over the hills, finding occasional groups of zaurask to indicate you are heading in the right direction. You will eventually reach a long bridge with a building in the middle - be careful of the Zaurask here. Keep going to find the Wizards' City.
In the central plaza area, speak to Elder Quayhdar, who gives you the quest of The Wizard City - you must clear Illicor of all the zaurask. Explore each of the small "islands" and kill any Zaurask you find, until you are informed that the quest has been completed. Go back and speak to the Elder, and then you can trade with the other people in the city. Find Nardulo on one of the islands, and allow him to join your party. When you are done spending money, leave the city to the north to continue your journey.
Follow the path through the jungle, heading initially north then west. You will meet the Hassat for the first time in this area. You will also meet Kraal - if you need someone else in your party, let him tag along. When you see a path going up to the south, ignore it and continue west, and you will find a side section containing Illicor's amulet. Return to the south sloping path and take it to eventually reach the dig site. There is a large climb to the east that leads up to a telescope on a large building - the only reason to go up here is to kill lots more enemies. The rest of this section contains lots of side paths, where you can explore to kill more Hassat, including several commanders, which are quite tough. Keep going and you will find Mhakesha - the City of Splendors. Around here you will find Ezmera - talk to her to get the Therg's Apprentice quest. Speak to Kale and Marl and buy up while you are here, then head down into the underground city.
Battle through a small group of Hassat, then talk to Therg, who will give you the quest to find The Stone of Lhaoc. Use the lever to call the lift, then get your party on board and pull the lever to descend to the lower levels. Kill all the Hassat in the first room, then go east into an area called the relaxation pool, which is now filled with scorpions. Return to the central room and head south to find the meditation chamber on your right - kill some tough Hassat here, then collect Arhok's sword from a chest. Explore the opposite room to find a whole lot of weathered automatons to kill (this actually leads you to the pool you were overlooking previously). Go back and take the stairs down to enter a cave-like area.
You will now see a cutscene of Algher, the man you are supposed to find for Therg, and he will be beaten up by the Hassat. Continue along your current path, and you will have a simple scorpion battle, followed by a difficult room containing Hassat (best to lure them out to you, or if you are lucky they will be killed by the automatons) and several tough automatons. More scorpions and automatons are through the next few rooms, and there are also some pools of water containing anglers. Keep going for a while, and you will meet some Shadowjumper minions (as well as hearing the voice of your enemy). Take the left passage into a cave area when you can, and battle through some Hassat until you find Algher. He will give you more information about the Stone of Lhaoc, and can join your party. Keep going and you will find the stairs to the surface.
Follow the obvious path and kill some fleshrenders. Keep going and you will find a half-giant camp. Speak to Jaelyan to complete the quest given by Najj at the beginning of the chapter. Mheagan will join your party if you want her. Speak to Kirr to get The Dark Acolytes quest. Trade any equipment and spells you want while you are here, then follow the path again.
In the swamp, you will find a whole new set of enemies - bog beasts, mantraps and a range of undead creatures. Make your way in a generally southwest direction and you will find a large group of dark acolytes - keep killing them until you are notified that you have completed Kirr's quest. You can return to Kirr if you want, but there is no reward involved. Continue north along the path from here, and you will head on to solid land once more and start climbing the mountain.
Follow the path up the mountain, killing all manner of undead creatures. Note the sign "Beware" after crossing over a narrow path near the start of the mountain - ignore this warning and keep climbing! You will soon see a cutscene where you are warned not to enter a lair. A short while later you will find 2 death knights defending this lair, so kill them and go inside.
Speak to Konus, who gives you The Scourge of Cicatrix quest, to kill the undead minotaur. Let him join you if you wish, then continue into the labyrinth, going down on the elevator. Explore each room carefully, clearing them out and taking all the treasure you want. Be careful with the possessed skulls that can shoot fireballs at you, and some of the chests and sacrophagi contain enemies as well. You will keep getting taunted by Cicatrix as you progress. Kajj's breastplate is in a glowing chest here as well. Once you reach the glowing caves, you are nearly at the end, but still have to battle through a whole lot of death knights and rahks.
Cicatrix himself is surrounded by death knights and can summon more skeletons at will. Kill off several of the death knights, then go after Cicatrix before he has a chance to summon a whole army. Once he is dead, kill the remaining enemies, then continue around to the right. There is a displacer here that you can use to get back to the half-giant camp if you need to buy anything. Continue taking the paths upwards, then go through the large door and take the elevator upwards.
Head outside on to the mountain again and follow the open areas, killing lots of deathrenders as you go. You will find Illicor's beaded hauberk in a glowing chest, right near another dungeon entrance. Go underground again and explore this dungeon, which contains nothing more challenging than various types of skeletons. You will meet Nirr in a side room right near the end of the dungeon - he gives you the Special Delivery quest, to deliver a letter to his son Jaff.
Head down the slope and find some creatures in the bushes, then you will come upon a clearing. The Shadowjumper will be shown defeating the Guardian, then vanishing again. Go forward and kill all the enemies in the immediate vicinity, then talk to the Guardian to get The Sacred Guardian quest. Go across the bridge and kill all the Zaurask in the building structure, collecting Kajj's gauntlets from a glowing chest. Exit the building on the other side, and start following the path, killing lots of Zaurask and other enemies as you go.
The next building on the left has a chest containing Illicor's staff. Go in a generally northerly direction, then turn west when you must. Go down to your right into a small lake with some large spiders, and you will find Solov's ward in a pot. Keep going and you will meet Jhermaya - you may want her to join your party instead of Jondar at this stage. Head down the stairs into the underground.
Explore this area thoroughly, as there is a lot of experience to be gained by killing all the enemies in here. In particular, there is a prison that can be found by keeping generally to the left, then going down in a lift. In the prison you will also find Solov's spellbook. Back up on the main level, clear out each of the rooms - there is a very useful shop down here too - and you will eventually find the displacer room. After killing the Zaurask guarding it, destroy the dark generator, then use the displacer.
Just follow the path, killing all Hassat and other creatures you come across. Over the other side of a long narrow land bridge, you will meet some Rune Fiends, which are summoned by Rune Casters - kill the casters quickly, or they will keep summoning allies. You will next find Bran Torath, who gives you the Horror of the Runemaster quest. Go over the bridge just behind Bran, then walk behind the waterfall to the right to find Solov's bow. Go back outside and follow the path. After killing some more Rune Fiends, you will see a cutscene showing the Rune Guardian. Keep going and you will fight him - just persevere and he's not that tough. Make sure you pick up the scythe he was using, as it is a really useful weapon.
Cross over the next bridge and speak to Lhuk Torath to complete his father's quest and allow trade with him (he also gives you Demlock's spellbook). Continue along the path and you will find one more encampment of Rune Fiends before meeting up with Therg again. This time he gives you The Sunken Tower quest.
Enter the tower and clear the first room, then take the lift down. Clear out one room at a time, fighting nepheryls and noctisses, then eventually doppelgangers (which take on the form of the first character in your party). You will progress through from well formed dungeon into a cave-like area. After the caves is another formed dungeon, this one containing lots of doppelgangers, and several automated librarians, which can give you useful hints about using orb spells.
You will find another cave area, followed by 2 fights with 2 doppelgangers, and then a chest containing Illicor's spellbook. The next room contains a large battle, and you will want to send your weakest character through the door first, so that all 5 doppelgangers (one of them is extra powerful) take on a relatively weak form. After the battle, you can use the displacer to go back and trade with Lhuk - after your shopping, return to the cave again. Follow it all the way out to the exit.
Explore the beach just outside the cave, and kill all of the Hassat. Follow the path leading away from the beach and kill more Hassat, making sure to pick up the Stone of Lhoac that one of their mages drops on a small path off to the left of the main one. Continue along the main path and you will meet Uelda, who gives you the Redemption quest. Keep going and you will enter an area known as Xot's Badlands.
Follow the path through here, exploring off to the sides as much as you want to get more experience and treasure. You will have to kill quite a few Droc, as well as scrub creatures and scorpions. Demlock's amulet can be found in a glowing chest on the banks of the river (follow the river instead of the path to find the chest). Return to the path, then when you reach a giant lake, venture into the water and kill the 4 krakbones and the great krakbone - it drops a very nice scimitar. Continue across the lake and rejoin the path on the other side.
Enter the first cave on the left, and fight the Droc, then free Umberteen from his cage. He will give you the Reunion quest - make sure you take the book he drops for you. Return outside to the path and continue.
After killing two groups of Zaurask, climb the slope and the stairs towards Cliff City. Ignore the 2 poles for now, and head all the way up the very steep slopes to find the claws of Kajj in a glowing chest. Return to those two poles, and go through, then enter the room to the right to meet Ghage, who gives you the Nossirom's Fall quest. Also go forward and around to the left to meet Ohna, who is the local merchant. Go up the slope inside her room and you will find Eradi, who gives you the Healing Well quest.
Kill all the Zaurask in the open area ahead, then climb up the slopes on the other side, and you will enter a cave. Fight the Zaurask and the skicks as you make your way over lots of narrow land bridges. When you eventually find the purple healing well, clear out all the Zaurask in the area and it will turn clear again and start working - you will be blessed for 5 minutes. Search around in this area to find the Clockwork boots (in a glowing chest beneath a temple roof). Keep following the path through the caves until you reach the outside world again.
Climb the stairs of the ramparts, then go across a short bridge and head down a slope to a lower level - you will see a cutscene of several enemies behind a gate that you cannot open, and then a bridge you cannot cross. Follow the only path you can, and you will find Jaff inside a cave entrance - talk to him to complete one quest and update another. Continue through this cave, and you will fight several rock beasts, then a rather nasty fury. You will eventually find the door leading into the Stronghold itself.
Battle through this area one room at a time, killing mostly Zaurask. You will eventually reach a blue-tinged room with massive double doors - beyond here is Nossirom, so have your spells prepared and go inside to kill him and his minions. Return to the previous room and go through the other door. You will soon see a sign pointing to Neener, a goblin trader. Apart from trading with you, he will give you the Crystal Guardians quest. Go out to the room with the sign and head through the far door. Start destroying the dark generators when you see them, then go through into the caves.
Follow the simple path over the bridges and kill all of the Zaurask and crystal guardians when you see them (kill all the guardians to complete Neener's quest). You will also meet Gobbots in these caves, on your way to a displacer guarded by more Zaurask and shadow minions. Get the Clockwork staff from the glowing chest, then use the displacer.
Talk to Therg, who also happens to be the Guardian of Utraen artifacts. Follow the path in a general easterly direction, and note the poles lighting up as you go by. There are lots of goblins and gobbots in this area, so take your time and don't get surrounded. You want to eventually climb up a steep narrow path, then go across a few bridges until you find a cave entrance.
Inside the cave you will find some scorpiots, stingbots and other gobbots. The area off to the right is a secret area that will be opened up after you defeat Shadowjumper, so come back here later if you want. Start exploring the rest of the cave, and you will find an automat (for trading). Keep going and you should notice a glowing chest containing the Clockwork crossbow. Your journey will extend from a high-tech area into some old caves. Once you reach the elevator guarded by 2 Clockwork Automatons, you are near the end. Take the elevator up.
Go through the first two doors and you will see the clock itself. Now you need to progress around the four separate areas of the room, defeating each of the elementals (and fighting a few shadow minions in between). Just use all of the potions and spells in the chests you find, and you should make it around reasonably safely.
After you have killed the earth elemental, go out into the central chamber and head down the stairs to the floor. Your first goal should be to destroy the 3 dark generators, as they will keep making enemies while they exist. Then send some of your tough characters after Shadowjumper, while the others destroy the lieutenants. Pick up the Staff of Stars when Shadowjumper is dead.
When you have seen the cutscene, you may want to head back to the cave in the Wastelands for a bit of fun. | 2019-04-22T20:15:59Z | https://www.walkthroughking.com/text/dungeonsiegearanna.aspx |
The Lyver Race, after the postponement from the 30th June, took place on Friday 21st July writes Peter Ryan, Chairman of ISORA. The race is also an ISORA, RORC and a qualifier for the Fastnet Race. While 32 boats had entered the race for the original date, only 13 boats came to the start line in Holyhead last Friday.
The weather forecast for the race was for light to moderate southerly winds to back to westerly during the night and early morning. There was also strong tides.
The race start was provided by Liverpool Yacht Club committee boat at the Clipera buoy outside Holyhead Harbour. The course was as follows: Start - TSS Area (P) – M2 (S) – Rockabill (P) – Kish Light (S) – South Burford (S) and Finish between the pier heads in Dun Laoghaire – 100 miles.
The area of the TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) was identified by a series of coordinates and all boats were to keep out of this area.
The downwind start saw “Rockabill VI” and “Jackknife” making a clean start and leading the fleet north in a light easterly breeze. Immediately behind these were the three J109’s “Sgrech”, Mojito” and Jedi”. These boats continued to match race for the entire 100 miles.
Rounding the top of the TSS the fleet were still under spinnaker as they headed towards M2. On this leg the fleet split with “Jackknife” and “Rockabill VI” taking a southerly route and the other maintaining a more northerly line. Even after the M2 the fleet were still under spinnaker and as the fleet approached Rockabill it was evident that the northerly line was paying off. The winds remained south easterly and had not backed as forecast.
“Jackknife”, although first around Rockabill, had not made sufficient distance from the following fleet and “Mojito” followed next and was leading the fleet. At that stage only three boat lengths serapated “Mojito” from “Sgrech”. “Jedi” had fall a small distance behind.
The leg to the Kish was a fetch against the tide. On this leg “Sgrech” just managed to inch in front of “Mojito” and rounded the Kish ahead of them. The last leg in towards Dun Laoghaire was a full run in slackening easterly winds and against the now ebbing tide.
The wind by “Sgrech” reduces “Mojito”’s lead in the Overall Wolf’s Head series. However with “Mojito” heading off the compete in the Fastnet Race, they will miss the next offshore on the 5th August and their lead may reduce even further. All this opens up the competition and may develop a repeat of last year when the Overall Series was dependant on the results of the last race. The last Offshore is the Pwllheli to Dun Laoghaire race on the 9th September.
The presentation of the Lyver Trophy and RORC medallions will take place at the ISORA dinner in the National Yacht Club on the 11th November.
Friday's ISORA Lyver Race from Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire has been defered due to weather conditions.
Strong northerly winds are forecast to blow all day today at Dun Laoghaire.
'Due to weather conditions preventing boats delivering to Holyhead for the Lyver Race it has been decided to defer the race to Friday, July 21st at 2000 hours, ISORA Chief Peter Ryan told Afloat.ie.
The stage was set for a duel between the two leading J109s with the Lyver race counting for extra points.
Several other factors have arisen that also influenced the decision to postpone. The recent difficult D2D Race, where over half the fleet retired, had resulted in many of the boats who had entered the Lyver Race, withdrawing. It had been expected that 38 boats would have taken part in the race but the list of starters had dwindled to 22 and that number was expected to significantly reduce again due to the delivery difficulties.
One of the main concerns of participants doing the Lyver Race was the requirement to qualify for the Fastnet Race – 100 mile race with a night passage. To accommodate this, the new date for the race will allow those boats to still qualify for the Fastnet Race and still allow adequate time to make their passage to Cowes.
Peter Ryan, Chairman of ISORA, stated that as the Lyver Race was part of the RDYC Irish Sea Offshore Championship, the rescheduled race will remain part of that event. While it had been planned that the Irish Sea Offshore Championship would have been awarded at the end of the Volvo Dun Laoghaire regatta, this will now occur on the 22nd July after the postponed Lyver Race and as part of that prize giving.
The Commodore of the Royal Dee Yacht Club, Alastair Soane, has announced that “Jack Ryan Whiskey” is to sponsor the Royal Dee Yacht Club Irish Sea Offshore Championship that starts with the “Lyver Race” from Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire this Friday, 30th June 2017 with two J109s vying for the ISORA series lead.
Heading into the Lyver Race, the seventh race in the ISORA series, “Mojito” is leading the series ahead of “Jedi” by approximately 50 points. While these two boats appear to be well ahead of the remainder of the fleet, the high scoring system, when taken with discards and race weightings, can make dramatic changes to the positions. The Lyver Race carries a weighting of 1.3, the highest weighting of any race in the series and therefore will have a significant effect on the scoring.
Nine of the twelve leading boats will be taking part in the Lyver race. However, many of them will be heading south later in the season to take part in the Fastnet Race and will not be competing in the later races. All is left to fight for and things will be a lot clearer on Saturday evening.
The ISORA Championship consist of the cumulative results from five offshore and coastal races, the Lyver Race and the four coastal races in the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta. As there are no discards, the championship is open to all boats taking part in these races.
Prize giving will take place after each race for all class winners in both IRC and ECHO and Overall prizes will take place at the VDLR Main prize giving in the RStGYC.
Jack Ryan Whiskey, the family-owned independent finisher and bottler of premium Single Malt Irish Whiskey, won a Gold medal for their 12 Year Old, and recently a Silver medal for The Bourdega 15 Year Old - at the 2017 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The whiskey is also associated with the famous Ryan’s Beggars Bush public house in Haddington Road, Dublin and. as regular readers will no doubt be aware there are strong connections to a leading ISORA sailor too.
For more information on this whiskey brand click here.
On Saturday, 3rd June, due to a clash of events, the Howth YC’s Lambay Races and the Poolbeg Y&BC’s Regatta, both of which ISORA committed to incorporate, a new race format evolved writes Peter Ryan. The way to take part in both events was developed by ISORA. The ISORA fleet would have their start as part of the HYC Lambay Race and complete that course. The fleet would then sail through that finish line and continue on the Poolbeg Y&BC to a second finish at Poolbeg Lighthouse.
This was made manageable by the use of the YB trackers recording the first finish at “Stack” mark off Ireland’s Eye. The ISORA / Poolbeg Y&BC Race was sponsored by Dublin Port.
Howth Race Officer David Lovegrove started the fleet of 25 boats with an downwind leg from “Viceroy” mark towards Lambay Island. The weather forecast was for 5-15 Knots SE and this weather arrived at the start area.
Conditions start to get fickle as the fleet rounded Lambay Island. Andrew Hall’s “Jacknife” led the fleet followed by George Sisk’s “WOW” and Paul O’Higgins “Rockabill VI”. Four J109’s were also bunched behind these leaders, Vicky Cox’s “Mojito”, Liam Shanahan’s “Ruth”, Kenneth Rumball’s Irish National Sailing School “Jedi” and Roger Smith’s “Wakey Wakey”. There was significant and constant variation in wind conditions across the course varying from 5 to 15 knots. The leg to Portmarnock was a beat. The varying conditions spread the fleet widely and places were won and lost from tack to tack.
As the fleet approached “Portmarnock” some confusion arose with advice from the Race Committee that the mark was “missing” and they were replacing it with a RIB flying an M flag. When the fleet arrived at the location, the RIB had stood down and the mark had been replaced. Fortunately for most of the fleet, this did not lead to any difficulties.
The last leg of the Lambay course was led by “WOW” who took line honours. “Mojito” took IRC Overall and Grant Kinsman’s “Thalia” took ECHO Overall. A Prize giving by Howth YC is to be arranged.
The fleet then continued towards Poolbeg in even flukier conditions. On this leg, the front boats were experiencing very light condition while those boats at the back of the fleet had good wind which had now verred west. This bunched the fleet as it rounded North Burford for the beat to the finish at Poolbeg.
The Overall winner of the IRC Section of the Poolbeg Y&BC Regatta and the ISORA race was “Rockabill VI” with five J Boats taking the next places – “Mojito”, “Jedi”, “Ruth”, Chirs Power’s “Aurelia” and “Wakey Wakey”. Derek Dillon’s “Big Deal” from Foynes YC took Class 2.
In ECHO, two Sigmas took first and second place with Grant Kinsman’s Sigma 400 “Thalia” beating Joe Conway’s Sigma 33 “Elandra”, ahead of “Jedi” and “Big Deal”.
Most of the finishing boats made their way down the river to Poolbeg Y&BC where a great “Beach Party” was arranged. A BBQ and music ensured that the party went on well in to the night. A prize giving for the IRC and ECHO winners and placing took place with Commodore Roger Smith making the presentations.
After 5 races “Mojito” is leading the IRC Section of the ISORA Averycrest Offshore Series with “Jedi” and “Aurelia” close behind. In ECHO, “Jedi”, “Elandra” and Paul Hampson’s “MoJo” from Liverpool are top of the series. A lot will be decided by the start of july with the D2D Race, Lyver Race and the Adrian Lee & Partners “Lighthouse Race” as part of the VDLR. Full results are here.
The next race in the ISORA schedule is the D2D race on the 14th June. A fleet of 45 boats are expected to line up for this race and a great social itinerary is arrange for those boats arriving in Dingle.
Race 4 in ISORA’s Averycrest Offshore Series 2017 took place on Saturday 27th May with the J109 Indian skippered by Colm Buckley taking the IRC overall win in the race from Dun Laoghaire to Arklow reports Peter Ryan. From the original entry list of 36 boats, 28 confirmed starting. However six boats pulled out at the last minute.
For the week leading up to the race, the weather forecasts were predicting southerly winds. There was also extremely strong tides that day.
As the day of the race approached the different sources of weather forecast varied widely. Some were predicting northerly winds, some southerly and other westerly. In wind strength, the forecasts varied for 0-25 knots!! Rain and no rain was also forecast. The feeling was that there was going to be light conditions at the start anyway and the fleet would be punished by the exceptional tide while trying to make their way south.
This uncertain weather with the strong tides was a major factor in the reason why some boats pulled out.
The start was provided by at DBSC Pier mark by Larry Power and Barry MacNeaney. Just prior to the race the weather readings from the Dublin Bay Buoy was 2-3 knots South West. In preparation of this start scenario, where the entire fleet would be pushed back from the line at the start and not able to cross it, The Sailing Committee decided to invoke the “ISORA starting protocol”. In this protocol the committee boat would stand down at 10 minutes after the start signal and after that, any boats that have not crossed the start line would leave the pin end to (P).
Obviously the “Wind Gods” favour ISORA and Offshore Racing as they provided 5 knots westerly immediately before the start that was sufficient to propel the fleet under spinnaker towards the Muglins. However, even the Wind Gods can change their mind and the wind dropped soon after the start.
This drop in wind scattered the fleet, with some boats heading in towards land to get out of the foul tide while others hunted out to sea in search of zephyrs. It took over one and a half hours for the first boat to complete the 1.5 miles to the Muglins.
JPK10.80 Rockabill keeps her spinnaker filling in the very light winds off Dalkey – 44 miles to go!
It was Andrew Halls’s “Jackknife” and Chris Power-Smith’s “Aurelia” who appeared to dominate the position at the Muglins. Paul O’Higgins “Rockabill VI” who had taken the land side appeared to be stalled against the land only to accelerate across Dalkey Sound and nudge in behind the leading boats.
At this stage the wind started to build to 5-7 knots northerly and just enough to allow most of the fleet to make progress south against the tide.
For such a huge tide, the tidal currents did not appear to be generally exceptional? As the fleet approached Wicklow Head the wind disappeared completely. Fortunately the tide had now started to ebb and was helping the fleet south. Despite no wind, the locally strong tides around Wicklow Head pushed the fleet south past the head at nearly 5.0 knots! Adding to the challenge of the race, torrential rain fell on the fleet around Wicklow.
The next decision after passing Wicklow Head was what side of the Arklow Bank would boats go? The decision was mostly easily made as boats “found” themselves one side or the other in the slack winds.
The next twist came at the Arklow Bank when suddenly the wind appeared from the West and increased rapidly to 20-24 knots. The boats that had found themselves in at the shore were now reaching fast towards South Arklow while those outside the Arklow Bank were beating for the mark.
Again at the South Arklow buoy, the enormity of the south going tide was obvious as boats “crabbed” around the mark trying to avoid hitting it!!
The final 10 mile leg to the finish in Arklow was a fetch in the strong westerly winds. As the first boats finished, the tide had turned again assisting those boats towards the back of the fleet.
“Jackknife” took line honours will Colm Buckley’s J109 “Indian”, who had no YB tracker fitted, took IRC Overall and Class 1. Two more J109’s, Peter Dunlop’s “Mojito” and Roger Smith’s “Wakey Wakey” took 2nd and 3rd place IRC Overall and Class 1. Paul O’Higgings “Rockabill VI” took IRC Class 0 while Joe Conway’s “Elandra” took Class 2.
The new “ISORA Progressive ECHO” proved to work well with Brian Hett’s “Oystercatcher” taking ECHO Overall and Class 1 while “Elandra” took 2nd ECHO Overall and Class 2 and Grant Kinsman’s “Thalia” took ECHO 3rd Overall and Class 0.
The ISORA fleet had not been to Arklow before but they were met with a huge welcome from Mark Fallon, Commodore of Arklow Sailing Club and all the members there. The large numbers of tired sailors who made their way to the very comfortable Clubhouse were reward with a complimentary BBQ and some live music. All this ensured that another great ISORA Apres Sail took place.
The next race in the Series will be a unique event in that the ISORA Day race will incorporate two other events and have two finishes. Howth YC will provide a start to the ISORA fleet and send them around their Lambay Race course and provide a finish to the Lambay Race off Howth. The fleet will pass though that finish line and proceed to the ISORA race finish line, provided by Poolbeg Yacht & Boat Club, that will be located at the mouth of the Dublin Port channel. They are taking part in the Dublin Port Riverfest being organised by Dublin Port. Berthing facilities will be available for competing yachts so they can take part in this festival along the river. Separate entry will be required for the HYC Lambay Race and this can be made online. HYC will be awarding prizes for this part of the race.
A fleet of 28 ISORA yachts is heading south from Dublin Bay to Arklow this morning at 8am, a 48–mile coastal race that is expected to finish later this afternoon.
The great turnout is a boost for offshore sailors who already saw a turnout of 36 for the Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire Race a fortnight ago. Read W M Nixon's race preview in his Saturday blog here.
Arklow Sailing Club is preparing to welcome the fleet for the first time in many years.
The course choice for the fourth race in the Avery Crest ISORA 2017 series is as follows: Start off Dun Laoghaire - Muglins Island (S) - South Arklow (S) - N52 40.200' W5 58.892' and Finish off Arklow.
The finish off Arklow could yet prove decisive becuase competitors are required to navigate to finish on a transit between Gypsum Chimney (On Land) at co-ordinates N 52 47.767' W 6 08.600' to the ASC Gypsum Mark (200 Lit Red Drum, 1 meter high) at co-ordinates N 52-47.764’ W 6-8.270’ and crossing in the direction from the previous mark.
The latest instructions to skipper stresses that the finish line is, as described above, between the co-ordinates, and NOT at the mark. The coordinate should be used as a waypoint gate in the navigation. This is to facilitate the YB trackers that track the fleet during the race.
Despite some interruptions from either too much or too little wind, the regular club sailing programme for 2017 is now fully under way, and this weekend is additionally so well filled with major regional and national events that you could be forgiven for thinking it’s high summer already. W M Nixon tries to make sense of it all.
How on earth is anyone expected to fully understand, let alone explain, a global activity which today sees the extraordinary 1,500 boat Festival of Sail in the Morbihan in France putting in its final races and fleet manoeuvres, before everyone joins in the end-of-show Parade of Sail tomorrow?
Yet at the same time, across the Atlantic in Bermuda, the first moves in the 35th edition of the America’s Cup, arguably the world’s oldest international sporting contest as it goes back to 1851, are getting under way, involving sailing machines for which the word “boat” seems somewhat inappropriate.
Then too, the world sailing community is still digesting the revelation that future generations of boats in the Volvo World Race, which now rivals the America’s Cup for international attention, will be in effect IMOCA 60s with mega-foils.
And in addition to that, at each in-harbour stopover, the world-girdling Volvo Ocean Race crews will be expected to do a series of races in smaller but very potent multi-hulls which will thrill spectators with their closeness to the watching crowds and to each other, with hair’s breadth misses – and ideally the occasional not-too-serious shunt - a central part of the action.
All these major international events then have to be fitted around the reality that, like it or not, sailing is one of those minority sports that need the Olympics more than the Olympics need sailing. In other words, we have to keep the decks clear of other major international fixtures to give total attention when the next sailing Olympiad at Tokyo comes along in 2020.
For those who would snort in derision at such a suggestion, do tell us what you were doing (if you can remember) while the rest of Ireland held its breath and watched as Annalise Murphy was sailing towards her Silver Medal on August 16th 2016?
Nevertheless, having taken all that into account, the reality is that the top end of sailing is reaching ever-higher peaks of performance in everything, and inevitably using boats and equipment of unimaginable expense. So except for the Morbihan event - whose ethos is found in going the other way, with total democratic involvement for everyone - how on earth can ordinary sailors relate to what the participants in the America’s Cup and the Volvo World Race are experiencing?
Let’s be honest. We can only do so - if at all - with some mighty leaps of the imagination. The result is that many of us are going back to the knitting. We’re going back to trusted events, and staying with sailing boats which may not be in the first flush of youth, but at least they mean something to us.
We know that with them, we can find racing which bears some relation to everyday life rather than the other-world dreamscape which is the America’s Cup or the Volvo World Race.
Over the next two weekends in Ireland, this racing of familiar boats will move up a couple of gears, as this weekend is the Bank Holiday in the North, and in a week’s time the extra day off is in the Republic. So keen sailors who see their programme on an all-Ireland basis somehow manage to convince themselves that we have two all-island Bank Holidays on the trot.
Galway hookers gather at the Claddagh, while above them is the Galway City Museum, currently staging a Marine Science Exhibition.
Thus the ongoing Claddagh Festival with all varieties of Galway Hookers on show in the City of the Tribes is also managing to welcome Viking longships which have been brought overland from their home port of Ardglass in County Down. And at least the northerners have the proper claim that, for them, Monday is a free day to get their boats home again.
That equally applies to northern visitors to the Woodenboat Festival in Baltimore, which got going last night and should have good weather from midday onwards today, and through tomorrow’s colourful programme. Nevertheless for those with a day job to think about, the long haul home on Sunday night can become very long indeed.
Both these events are traditional annual festivals in which racing plays only a small – if any – part. But even in competitive sailing, all the signs are that people are returning to beef up the numbers and competition in events which served them well in the past, yet had slipped in the popularity ratings owing to a change in behavioural patterns (the modern family is an extremely demanding taskmaster), and the ill-effects of the economic recession.
Everyone has been heartened by the new strength of the Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association (to which we’ll return in a minute), but today the top of the agenda is the Scottish Series, getting up to speed at the lovely little port of Tarbert on Loch Fyne. Of course, numbers are nothing like the eventually unmanageable crowd of boats which became a feature of this series about twenty years ago. But nevertheless there’s a tidy fleet at Tarbert, and a strong Irish contingent are in with more than shout of bringing home the big prize.
Last year it was one of the diaspora, Dara O’Malley originally from Westport but now sailing on the Firth of Forth with his Hunter 707 Seaword, who was tops. While he may be Scottish-based, he was home among us in January to receive his Afloat.ie “Sailor of the Month” Award for May 2016 at the National Sailing Awards in the RDS.
He is defending this weekend, and another former overall winner is the irrepressible Rob McConnell from Dunmore East. With an almost entirely Waterford Harbour SC crew, Rob’s A35 Fool’s Gold is reportedly in particular good trim this year, so definitely a boat to watch.
Other strong performers from Ireland over in Tarbert include the Kelly family from Rush with their J/109 Storm, and that highly individualistic helmsman renowned for pulling rabbits out of the hat, Johnny Swan with his classic Half Tonner Harmony from Howth. Strangford Lough is sending the notably steady perfomer Jay Colville with his successful First 40 Forty Licks, while all the way from Cork Harbour is the First 36.7 Altair (K Dorgan & J Losty) of Cove Sailing Club, recalling the enthusiasm of a high order which used to be a feature of the O’Leary family’s years with the Corby 36 Antix from Crosshaven, an overall winner in Scotland on more than one occasion.
The continuing growth of the J/109s, which have needed ten years to become an overnight success in Ireland, is shown by the additional presence in Scotland of two of Storm’s sister-ships from home, Andrew Craig’s Chimaera and John & Brian Hall’s Something Else, while a smaller manifestation of the J Boat range’s ubiquitous nature is the participation of Stephen Quinn’s J/97 Lambay Rules from Howth.
It’s an interesting crew setup, as Lambay Rules’ core team, including Stephen Quinn himself, have been seen racing in the elegance of Stephen O’Flaherty’s Spirit 54 Soufriere, whose claims to fame include a role in a James Bond movie. Despite the obvious differences between the two boats, the key personnel – including Stephen O’Flaherty – moved aboard the little Lambay Rules for last year’s Volvo Round Ireland Race, and despite being one of the smallest boats in the fleet (in fact, I think she was the smallest), at several stages they were leading their class, but not alas at the finish.
Their determined involvement in Scotland says much for their continuing zest in the game, but meanwhile back home the presence of so many significant boats over in Scotland has done little to diminish numbers for this morning’s ISORA Race from Dun Laoghaire to Arklow, which will see 28 starters.
Very senior ISORA contenders have a feeling that they must have raced to Arklow before, but maybe they’re confusing it with ISORA races which took in the Arklow Lightvessel as a mark of the course, and it’s undoubtedly a very long time since a lightship was on the Arklow Bank.
Certainly ISORA Chairman Peter Ryan says that this is the first time an ISORA Race has finished in Arklow, where the local sailing club has been expanding in a healthy style, while on the bigger canvas, the Tyrrell family with their succession of ever-larger and successful craft in the J Boat range – all called Aquelina – has done much to have Arklow SC punching way above its weight on the national offshore racing scene.
The Tyrrells were too far ahead of the curve when they got their first Aquelina, a J/109, shortly after the new marque was introduced. Their hopes of getting a semi-One-Design J/109 class going didn’t take off. But today, racing their current J/122E Aquelina back to their home port, they’ll ruefully observe that there are at least five J/109s racing with them, a goodly number when we remember that three of the Dublin class are in Scotland, and several others are staying in Dun Laoghaire to do today’s Dublin Bay SC race.
However, one of the latest J/09s to join the Greater Dublin class is Indian, owned by Colm Buckley and Simon Knowles of Howth. They won the two-handed class in the 2015 Dun Laoghaire to Dingle race in the smaller Elan Blue Eyes, but this race to Arklow is their first serious offshore challenge in the J/109. It will be a proper test, as the J/109 contingent includes Peter Dunlop’s Mojito and Stephen Tudor’s Sgrech, both from Pwllheli and respectively first and second of the J/109s in the Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire race a fortnight ago.
But the boat for everyone to beat is Paul O’Higgins’ JPK 10.80 Rockabill VI, whose remarkable all-round ability was demonstrated with the overall win in the increasingly breezy Holyhead-Dun Laoghaire Race of May 13th. These JPK 10.80s are superb performers across a wide range of conditions, and the simple fact of knowing they have such a good boat under them is an added encouragement for Paul O’Higgins and his crew of all the talents.
The highly technical approach of racing a boat like Rockabill VI is a whole world away from the intimate world of wooden boat adherents getting together in Baltimore, or the historical, cultural and music-laden gathering of the traditional craft and their visiting Vikings in Galway. But that’s the way it is in the very wide world of boats and sailing. In the end, we’re all members of the same exceptionally diverse sailing community.
Once the ISORA fleet completes its fourth race to Arklow on Saturday, organisers have cooked up a novel and unique race five in the Averycrest sponsored series. Originally, it had been intended that ISORA would join with Howth Yacht Club in the Lambay Race but when the date of that race was brought forward it clashed with the ISORA race to finish in Dublin Port as part of the Dublin Port Riverfest. The solution was 'simple', according to ISORA's Peter Ryan, so they combined the two races into one event and will have two finishes!
There will be a special 'ISORA Class' in the HYC Lambay Race. Boats can enter both the ISORA Class of the Lambay Race and the ISORA Day Race. The start of both races will be provided by Howth YC and the course around Lambay will set by HYC.
The ISORA Class fleet will then proceed to the Lambay race finish off Howth where finish times will be recorded and prizes awarded. However, what is unique about this race is that the ISORA fleet will treat the finish line as a mark on the course and continue on the race toward the 'second finish' in Dublin Port.
The courses for both parts of this unique race will be circulated on the Thursday before the race.
This unique race will test the ability of the racing rules and the use of the YB trackers, but that is the challenge! | 2019-04-24T06:54:48Z | https://afloat.ie/sail/offshore/isora/itemlist/tag/ISORA?start=50 |
like this huge flask vessel from 2007. after my first experience of woodfiring with Nic Collins, and particularly of placing pots on their backs or sides on wads, that’s how I fired this one, in my gas kiln. it was too tall for the kiln standing up. I also placed some little containers of salt near it, something which I had seen Nic do.
this was fired in a makeshift saggar also in my gas kiln, with hardwood shavings. I tried it three times and the best results came from this firing. there are two other pieces, both of which reflect the changes in my work due to firing with Nic, and with Gas Kimishima, when I spent two weeks camping and firing for ten days in a wood near Tring.
now I have got such good results on Nic’s woodfiring workshop, I will continue to take part – it is a unique opportunity for me to wood fire in a group situation, with all Nic’s expertise available, something I could never do at home.
my pots really love this sort of firing.
in contrast, there will be a big group of gas-fired pieces in this chun glaze with the crawling slip and iron oxide under it.
the jewel-like chun glaze rolling off and dribbling over the naked clay has the same kind of feel as the wood fired pieces, but the light colouring, refracting and reflecting light, makes them at the same time quite different.
clay, pots, trees, ash, leaves, light, refracted blue …..
I hope to see a few people who like my pots, at the Bircham Gallery on Saturday 17th January!
my exhibition at the Stour Gallery has been on for three weeks now, and I am only just getting around to posting about it. I probably needed a bit of distance before thinking about it again.
I have only two photos from the gallery; it was evening and the lighting made it too difficult, so I can’t really give you a good idea of how it looks, but I am very pleased. the mixture of my pots, which seem very restrained with their rock/nature surfaces and colours, with brightly coloured late 20th C “Modern Master” original prints – Bruce McLean, Albert Irwin, Ceri Richards, Sandra Blow, Terry Frost et al – and a great Maurice Cockerill canvas with thick mauve paint pooled and almost spilling off – and Adrian Frost’s vibrant little abstract paintings, works extremely well, and even better, an arrangement of my pots including some of the grey-blue textured porcelains along a low shelf under a selection of delicate Peter Blake prints in similar blue greys and browns.
this saggar-fired bottle from last September looked particularly good under a big striking McLean print.
it was nice to see some more pieces fired in Gas Kimishima’s 2008 anagama out in the world too, like this quiet scored bottle.
this new porcelain layered piece looked very striking too, some good lighting and the gallery white wall does help!
Sarah asked for a couple of these porcelain stem bowls – I will be interested to see if they sell. they are somewhat different from my usual rugged oeuvre.
the exhibition is on for two months, finishing at the end of August, which I am also pleased about, especially as it’s the only exposure my pots are getting this year.
my first glaze firing for almost four months. it is so much more pleasant in the summer. I got up before five to turn the burners up – 617 C in spite of one burner being out – the spiders again, I suppose. I relit it and it was a bit noisy but no more trouble.
the sun was a big red disc at five, just up, but the camera read the red as white, not half as pretty.
I have watched him singing more this spring – he fluffs up his feathers and points his beak to the sky, keeping a beady eye on rivals from side to side. sometimes he utters a fluting phrase while skipping along the roof ridge, spreading his tail like a fan.
the wild garden is a joy – I walk up and down to check the kiln every half hour, taking in the cow parsley and the red campion.
the trees are beginning to grow into a real but miniature copse in the corner, and the rowan is in full flower just now.
the early morning light picks out every delicate branching flower and stem and leaf.
moon daisies, I call these, but they are really ox-eye daisies.
after forty hours the kiln is cool enough to open. you can see I stopped the firing before cone eleven had done more than wilt slightly. the lower half of the firing was occupied by a saggar made of kiln shelves. I had trouble getting reduction after a thousand degrees – it didn’t start reducing properly until over eleven hundred. normally I like to get a heavy reduction between ten thirty and eleven thirty and then burn relatively clean , although still reducing. I think my flue is the problem here, it had started to come apart, so I couldn’t close it up as much as I should have.
the saggar firing was a failure, I had filled all the gaps at the bottom and sides, and it seems to have prevented the heat getting in, so that the shavings hadn’t burnt away and the glaze on the pots is still powdery. they will all have to be re-fired I am afraid.
this one didn’t have glaze on it, so I have to decide whether to leave it as it is or to glaze it and re-fire to stoneware temperature. the carbon will be interesting under a glaze.
the pots which were in the top half are fine but I think you can see the effect of the late reduction. this shino traps carbon with a lovely lacey effect of grey in the white if it is reduced early. I have christened this rather pure and feminine looking jar Snow-white.
I have never got this copper/tin/dolomite matt and slightly crystalline glaze to change from green to pink before – it must be due to late reduction, and the porcelain layer. usually I get green with orange.
this one is more typical, and it was just in a different part of the kiln.
I have recently mixed up a new batch of the ash-clay glaze and it takes a long time to settle down and become truly thick and glutinous, giving an almost cracked-off crawled coating. here it is over the bright orange extremaduran terracotta which I brought back from Spain.
this one was on the hotter side of the kiln, and it is a different version of the copper/tin/dolomite glaze with less copper and a dose of cobalt in it. the cobalt shows more on the edges, as a greeny-blue tinge.
I refired these three porcelain bottles; they had the barium carbonate glaze on and were looking a bit boring, so they got a thin coating of the same glaze as above. the barium makes the blue much brighter. I think I will give them a coat of something else and re-fire again.
this is a new glaze, basically an iron rich temoku with its alumina content much reduced. I did not expect this metallic plum colour, but it is rather beautiful over the porcelain. it came from some experiments in Ceramic Review showing how reducing the alumina content would produce a crystalline effect, a speckled mustard coloured matt glaze – my firings are a little high for this one really. seems there was not much reduction going on here though – iron should turn green in a reduction firing.
yesterday I opened the third go at this new world of saggar firing. it had been a slow firing, partly because I was trying to allow the heat to get into the saggar, and overnight I didn’t turn the pressure up as much or as quickly as usual. then it was even more difficult than usual to get a good steady balance of rising temperature combined with visible signs of reduction – sooting up of the cracks in the clay around the bricks at the front, and a flame from the flue exit. I had glazed all the pots in the front part with the same combination – the barium “chalk beach” glaze underneath and a layer of the copper/tin/dolomite glaze on top. I tried this on a couple of pots and called it “saltings” in the first saggar firing. these were fired pretty hot, as they were in the middle of the top shelf, and came out as a pale version of the “saltmarsh” copper/tin/dolomite. no such thing occurred on these six pots placed at the front of the kiln in this firing. I am not sure if it is cooler temperature, thicker coat of the second glaze, or lack of reduction, perhaps a combination of all three, but they were all a soft metallic grey or greenish grey with orange breaking and copper green on the edge of the join with the barium. plus two had crawling and peeling off, which is actually rather pretty but very fragile.
on this one it is a small area, and we are going to show it like this at the Bircham Gallery in October. on the other it was pretty well all over, so I took it all off, and I still like the result.
they both have scratched lines and little bumps under the glaze, which are more obvious where the glaze has come off.
this is the white stoneware, and it is one of the pieces that went up to about three or four hundred C in the first attempt with the cardboard saggars. the orangey blob is where there was a carbon stain on the piece – a very fortuitous stain.
as for the pieces which were inside the improvised saggar – in which the sawdust had burnt right away again; and this was no doubt due to air getting in low down, as Sebastian Blackie suggested it would be, since I used two big silicon carbide shelves which have slits in them – they were mixed, and there was very little black or grey, but I am still pleased with the result. one thing I hadn’t expected, although I should have, I guess, was that the sheet of cardboard which had been left in had an effect on the firing, and strange brown ashy remnants of it were still there when I opened the saggar up.
where it landed on pots it left a shiny glazed surface.
first of all, I couldn’t be more pleased with this piece, the carbon marks and flashing work so well with the porcelain marks on the toasty st thomas clay.
this little porcelain incense burner has been fired three times now, in my vain attempt to get it grey and black, but now it is really quite interesting, so I will probably leave it like this. it has a piece of cardboard glaze on its shoulder.
but as far as I could see they are melted to about the same extent as the ones in the front.
this has been affected much less by excessive heat than the similar but bigger piece in the previous firing, but the stains and flashes are more overt.
I am giving this a rest for the time being as� the Beaux Arts exhibition in Bath is going to take up most of the coming week, but I shall buy some low firing ball clay to make the right sort of slip and have another crack at cardboard saggars as soon as I get some time, thanks to Sebastian Blackie’s kind advice and encouragement.
the rest of the pictures of this firing are here.
saturday’s firing was very very hot indeed. when I turned it off, I knew the temp was well over cone eleven; the light from the burner ports was much whiter than usual. the problem with saggar firing is that you can’t see any cones which are inside the saggar. the ones on the outside had in fact disappeared from view – they had fallen off their perch, but you can see that they give a very inaccurate idea of what was going on as ten and eleven are hardly affected.
inside the saggar though, cone eleven is well melted, never mind over.
I photographed the beautiful green flame shooting up from the flue at the end of the firing. this was from the copper carbonate I sprinkled around the sawdust.
the pyrometer registered 1277 centigrade before I turned� the burners off. that is the lower end of what you expect for cone eleven, but it’s almost the highest I have fired the kiln to, on one other occasion it got to 1280 before cone eleven went over – with the cones visible. usually it goes to between 1250 and 1265 before cone eleven is bending enough for me to finish the firing. the cone works on a combination of time and heat – the longer it takes to get to temperature, the lower the actual temperature that the cone will bend at. however, without establishing some records, and trying out the parameters, I won’t know what goes on inside a saggar. so to take the kiln up to this white heat taught me some vital clues.
everything survived okay, except the tall vessel in the rear left hand corner had started to bubble and melt, as it is made of the orange terracotta I was given by the Tinajeria in Extremadura.
there is none of the black and grey carbon marking I expected, and I don’t know if it burnt off because of the high temperature, or the fact that the saggar was open at the top – and the top sections of the box, which were lightweight ceramic insulation board – had leant outwards, making it even less enclosed, which may mean that it failed to hold in the effects of the sawdust. there was a good deal of mess from the copper carbonate and from the steel wool I put in, and the only trace of the sawdust is some bits of green ash glaze caught around the feet of some of the pots. (this is an old kiln shelf on the floor, one side is already pretty much ruined).
this bottle at the front with the black markings had a big clump of steel wool settle on it – quite a dramatic effect.
this big layered clay jar, whose siblings have all been glazed with the green and orange version of the saltmarsh glaze, (copper/tin/dolomite) has worked very well; the white stoneware has picked up some very subtle flashing and sawdust markings, the extra heat has just softened the form a little and the crank of the underlayer is a gorgeous toasty rust.
which will be the back half of the kiln in a vertical slice. I am just a little nervous about keeping these big shelves upright during the firing, but the slight weight of the lid, made of ceramic insulation board, plus tall props wedged behind them, and a shelf against the front one should keep them in place, and I plan to have cones inside, and ones outside which will stay in place, as the front of the kiln will hold a normal glaze firing.
a piece of card to keep the sawdust in place until I can shut it off with the final kiln shelf.
you can see the rest of the pots here.
after all the talk about packing and building saggars, here are some of the results of the first firing.
the clay body becomes even more important when the firing does not involve glaze, and some of the things I do with porcelain overlay or inlay can really show to their best advantage. for instance, recently I have been smearing runny porcelain onto pots with my fingers and scraping parts of it off again, in sort of reverse finger painting, using my nails to draw into the surface, or building it up to a rough thickness. these marks need the right finishing process to make the best of them, and I think I have found it. the body of this piece is reduction St Thomas (an old fashioned clay that we used at college in the sixties) opened up with very coarse grog, and in some of the pieces, with the sand and grit from my olive grove in Extremadura. the red flashing and black carbon markings work with the physical mark-making through the porcelain on the surface, which shows up well as the colours have been warmed up by the atmosphere in the saggar, and I am very pleased with the result.
this one is the same clay with finger-painted porcelain and it is different again. the consistency of the sawdust must have made the difference – I had a mixture of very fine, real dust, and coarser stuff almost like shavings. also where it was placed in the saggar will have had an influence on the markings.
I placed this one upside down. the lovely warm coloured flashing around the top is in contrast to some of the other pieces which are very dark – typically porcelain tends to turn grey or black in this firing. it has porcelain inlay which has turned grey, and you can’t see in the photograph but the lower paler parts have a slight metallic lustre.
this is a good example of the range of shades that carbon will produce on porcelain. very exciting, I think.
another porcelain piece with great markings.
the barium glaze works well on porcelain too, but I have this little incense burner back in the kiln at the moment for a re-fire in the saggar, to see how that goes, as I have two similar pale pieces and I like the idea of a black/grey incense burner.
I may well re-fire this one, as the porcelain finger painting over the st thomas clay is so much more exciting in the saggar part of the firing.
also working well is the very white stoneware which had the extremadura treatment. you can see the little white blobs of feldspar which have emerged as they melted during the firing, contrasting with the carbon marking and warm flashing from the sawdust. the lid was fired on the floor under the sawdust, which accounts for its very dark colour. | 2019-04-19T10:35:32Z | http://janewheeler.co.uk/blog/blog/category/saggar-firing/ |
I love the Northwest. I really do. If my life lasted another 80 years I’d plan on being based here for at least 70 of them. That being said, sometimes Southern California just feels really, really nice.
This recent visit was my first time in Los Angeles. Growing up in my house LA was always the bad guy. The big polluted city full of nothing but rich jerks, airheads, and gangs, all either pushing or using drugs that they wash down with water stolen from the poorer outlying towns. And they don’t have seasons! That’s the way I was raised. Blame my father.
After that you terrible description you might be wondering why I would ever visit LA. Well, I work in the student programs of the Associated Students of Puget Sound. I work in the office that brings performers to campus. Lectures, comedians, movies, musicians – stuff like that. There are 7 of us in the office and this year three of us got to attend a conference called NACA West.
NACA stands for National Association of Campus Activities and is kind of like a showroom for college performers. Agencies submit members of their roster to be showcased for the students and advisors that make the decisions and we in turn choose whether or not to book these performers for dates on our campus. It is a great opportunity for the school to tap a new source of talent as well as a wonderful experience for those who get to attend. We are lucky that Puget Sound sends students every year and I am lucky that I have been able to attend twice.
Now, to be fair, NACA West was not in Los Angeles. It was about an hour East in Ontario, California. Where is Ontario? Well, its East. That’s all I can tell you. They have an airport. And three In-N-Out. And a mall. And two movie theatres sharing a parking lot for a total of 52 screens. And hotels built for the sole purpose of servicing the people who visit that mall. And of course a convention center where we held our conference.
Luckily (I guess) the cheapest option for travel was to leave Tacoma at 3 AM on Thursday and arrive early in the morning in Los Angeles. Registration didn’t start until that afternoon and we didn’t see any reason to explore the Ontario mall, so we did what any other vitamin C deprived Washingtonian would do in the middle November, we went to Venice Beach. Despite never getting used to the fact that the shapes I saw on the horizon were not mountains but smog (gross), those two hours on Venice Beach almost made up for a childhood of brainwashing I endured about California. Yes, I saw a lot of those problems but they didn’t seem to bother me. Maybe it was sudden rush of sunshine, or maybe the smog was cutting off my oxygen supply, but I actually enjoyed my time there.
And then we made it to the conference and I saw Zero from Holes ruin my childhood by enlightening me about his new rap career. Maybe that knowledge would have been palatable on the beach, but not in a dark conference room turned theatre. Despite Mr. Zeroni’s efforts, I still flew North with a better appreciation for Southern California, and you know what, maybe this is the lack of sun talking, but I’m not sure I’d object to joining the So-Cal alumni and spending more than a weekend down there.
Although there have been many times that I had downtime, just browsing the internet, I haven’t had a real break from college or doing work since my mom came to visit a couple of weeks ago. The time passes by quickly, but at the same time moves viscously; it’s Monday and suddenly it’s the weekend but you have a paper due on Tuesday plus as exam. This cycle is constantly repeating itself and I can’t wait to finally see the end. Yet there is still a solid two weeks left of the semester to keep learning, growing and working hard for finals before I can take a serious break and go back to Hawaii. And going home is the driving motivation for me, and many students, to get through these last few weeks of my first semester of college.
I’m so grateful I could visit family in San Francisco over this short Thanksgiving Break because it’s definitely made me less homesick and tired for the semester to end already. Now is the time for me to finish strong, keep going until the very end. And I know now that there are many opportunities on campus to take little breaks such as going to the student market, an acapella concert, visiting Zoo Lights or just going outside to appreciate our beautiful campus. There will never be anything as comforting as lounging on my couch in front of my TV at home, but I can still take a break from the busy college life.
On a different note however, visiting my family has made me realize what things I miss about home. I miss showering without slippers and taking my time in the bathroom, singing in the shower with no one listening. I miss those lazy Saturdays, falling asleep on my couch in front of the TV. I miss going to my brother’s baseball games and feasting on the delicious potluck, and talking to all the aunties and uncles. I miss TV, watching Say Yes To The Dress, Full House, Friends and all kinds of reruns on the big screen and not just computer. But most of all I miss the company of my family. And I want to make them proud and this separation and investment in my future worthwhile by finishing this semester strongly. And if I need to take a break I will, but I know that I’ll come back stronger and more focused than before.
We left the SUB on a cold, clear Saturday morning, and I sat like a zombie through the car ride, munching on my container of kefir and Uncle Sam cereal. This was to be my first Habitat for Humanity “build,” although technically there was no building involved, just a lot of hauling, dumping, shoveling, raking, wiping, painting, and washing. Since the build site is not just a house but a whole development (a “gated community without the gate,” as one future resident told me) there was ample work to be done for every stage of the process. Many of the tasks called to my mind and muscle memory the work that I did this last summer, picking up odd jobs all around the Tacoma area. It was fun to get back into the rhythm of manual labor, to be in a place for several hours with the sole intent of putting as much of my sweaty efforts into that development as I could. Well, I guess not the sole intent. Along with a sense of well-being, the other volunteers and I got paid in baked goods and good company. The homeowners who were working with us were very friendly and appreciative of our work, and the ones I met seemed happy with the process as a whole, even though it involves a big investment of time and work. There is time spent waiting to get approved, the time it takes to build a house, and 500 hours of work they are required to put in. Even though the housing is designed to be affordable, it is still out of reach for many. Nonetheless, it feels to me like a substitute for the old-fashioned helping one’s neighbor raise a barn. I’m told the world’s getting smaller, so it seems reasonable to help some neighbors who live a couple towns away.
Here’s a picture of some volunteers from the University of Puget Sound chapter, in front of our pet dirt pile that we were shoveling out to make nice, even lawns. There will also be a big park in the middle of all the houses – I like all the green space! Anyway, that’s one way to spend a Saturday morning and afternoon that will get you outside the college bubble, while still hanging out with some college friends.
Fun fact: the TCI Department for the Environment and Marine Affairs has twelve officers nationwide.
There’s nothing like the feeling of being done with exams – which I now have been for several delightful days. So here I am on my tropical island, no more classes, and two weeks until I go home to DC; clearly, all I’m doing with my life right now is tanning and swimming in the clear, warm, turquoise ocean, right?
Actually, right now I’m sitting in my room wearing a fleece jacket and looking through the window to grey, Tacoma-esque skies. I just got back from a snorkel at a site called the South End of Long Cay, and for some reason the elements never cooperate when we go there. Last time, there was a huge current; today, it bucketed rain. But hey, an eagle ray swam right next to us, so there’s that.
Lectures are over, but we’re still collecting data for our directed research (DR) projects (thus the necessity of the stormy snorkel). Our papers are due a week from tomorrow, which is an absolutely terrifying thought, and then we spend a few days presenting our research to the community and the rest of the Center. And then we return to the world of normal winter (as opposed to winter here, which means sleeping under a sheet and without a fan on).
But before that, we have to get these papers written. It’s already looming over my head, and we haven’t even finished collecting data – and then there’s the analysis of said data. I’ll be creating a management plan based off of my group’s findings regarding the abundance of the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans, which basically means that I’m acting as a middleman between the scientists and the policy-makers, synthesizing and interpreting our results to suggest methods for controlling the lionfish invasion. Think about it as a report for a government environmental agency, giving them scientific knowledge in a way that gives them a basis for creating policy – because may be what it turns out to be. Fun things can happen when you’re at a prestigious field station in a small island nation.
It doesn’t have a name, or a gender. If you’re around campus you may know it as the blue Centurion LeMans waiting for me outside Thompson, missing some of the foam padding that came with the seat, the handlebars mostly bare metal at this point, the derailleur bent out of shape from being dropped too many times, with broken baskets for my feet and, if you look closely, two spokes on the rear wheel popped loose. I’m working on getting these things fixed.
It was only recently, when I started racing cyclocross, that I got into the habit of standing up when pedaling up a hill. Or at any time. My new trick is standing up without holding on to the handlebars, which only works on a downhill or briefly on a flat.
When I woke up this morning it was dark, I mean inky middle-of-the-night dark, which I am getting used to on my early Friday mornings. It has been so cold these last few days that I was tempted for a moment to drive the five blocks to the SUB, before realizing that my boyfriend’s car was covered in frost and it seemed like too much trouble to scrape. Instead, I got my bike from the garage. As I was wheeling it out, I noticed something strange. Stars. Bright stars, shining in close proximity to a half moon. The frigid clear air made their light so piercing that I woke up out of my zombie state to say good morning to them. And I pedaled to work, holding my back light behind me and looking over my shoulder at the moon, and I was the only person on the street, the only person in the world to observe the hidden treasure of an early morning skyscape. By the time I reached my destination, the hand on my handlebar felt frozen on, a claw that I could hardly unclasp from the icy metal.
I bike around campus a lot, end when I round the corners my foot baskets tend to graze the ground, because they’ve devolved from baskethood to pieces of metal that are tied to what should be the pedals on my bike. They’re good for alerting pedestrians, who dart glances at me to find the source of that ungodly noise.
I went in to get my wheels tightened and trued at the bike shop on campus, only to find that Friday afternoons are apparently a rush time for them. I curled up on a couch with a friend who happened to be there and watched Daniel fix someone else’s bicycle for about an hour, before telling me that he would stay late to fix mine. I tried to protest but he insisted, lifting it with care to the operating table, by which I mean the clamp that holds the bike in the air (I’m really bad with these terms). I told him about the bike’s significance, how it’s my first road bike, salvaged from a garage sale, used to commute to work and school from high school onwards. How it took me from Seattle to Portland with my four siblings and brother-in-law during the 2011 STP. How it doesn’t have a name, but its value to me is far higher than whatever someone would pay for it, and so I’m going to go on fixing it and keeping it alive as long as I possibly can. He nodded, understanding, and made it rideable once again.
When I came home this afternoon, after hours of work and class and homework and play, the sky was a hazy shade of winter. Not as striking as the stars in the morning, not a spectacular vision of colors, it was just enough of a sunset to ride off into on a broken-down bike like mine.
Everyone told me college wouldn’t be easier, it’s only four more years (well three and a half now) before I’m thrust into the real world to live my life. Yet registering for next semester was way more complicated than I thought it would be. The requirements in college are different from high school, but I actually enjoyed this opportunity for me to see the various classes all the disciplines offered. My advisor gave me some pretty good advice, “Take something that interests you.” So many times the news reports the current industry booming and parents drive their parents towards pursuing a career in those successful industries, but I think it’s up to every student to figure out what they truly love to do and how they can turn that passion into a life. I could take something I never considered before, to see where my other interests may lie. I browsed the system and quickly found a multitude of classes I was interested in and began looking at how they would fit into my schedule and back-up schedule since there was absolutely no guarantee I would be lucky enough to get every class I wanted.
Registering was organized by those with the most credits getting to register first with freshmen registering last. It was saddening to hear others rave about the classes they wanted and see them just as quickly become closed, as my advising group registered in the late afternoon on the second to last day. My registering period opened during my biology lab, and I remember furiously refreshing my account throughout to lab and see the status of all the classes I wanted, the first schedule, back-up schedule, and back-up to the back-up schedule become filled. Luckily my lab finished a couple minutes before registering and I clicked furiously to try and claim the last spot in that open class or quickly get on the waitlist. Two of the classes I wanted were already so far down their waitlist that when I emailed the professors later that afternoon inquiring about my possibilities they thanked me for my interest but suggested I try again next semester. Talking over my choices and options with my mom helped me figure out what I would enjoy the most and help me figure out what my interests truly are.
Registration was an unbelievable stressful and crazy experience. These classes I’m taking are meant to fill me with the skills and knowledge that I will use in the future. And that thought right there is crazy for me; that my future is here and I need to do everything I can to make my dreams and passions a reality. But I need to figure out what those dreams and passions are and I strongly think that my spring course load will help me truly figure out who I am as a person and how I want to change the world. The future is definitely closer than it seems, especially closer than how it felt six months ago at graduation.
In which the unbreakable circle of Rat Skin Thong is revealed to the world.
The phrase “Rat Skin Thong” is one that, most unfortunately, I cannot claim credit for; it was bequeathed unto me, like a sacred name of unspeakable power, by the aunt of a very close friend of mine during a barbeque her family was hosting. The close friend of mine, whose name is Fiona Flynn, debated with me about changing the name of the band that she and I comprised from “Dwolf and the Fat Angry Chicks/Fdog and the Funky Crew” (depending on who was singing lead) to simply “Rat Skin Thong”, although ultimately deciding against it. Never did I think the name would arise again.
Many things bind us together, among them food… jk lolz, that’s it.
Well, not exactly. Rosa, Isabelle and Alexa are bound by a deep interest in science, medicine and the disgusting, fascinating things that can be found on the interwebs concerning malicious maladies. Alexa and Shoshana share a love of religion and its social implications, while Alexa, Kaylene and I are fellow warriors in the never ending battle against the dark forces of Geoffery Block’s Music 230 class (Music History: Antiquity Through Baroque), as well as the glory of songwriting and arranging.
Collectively, we are bound by Katy Perry dance parties as study breaks at midnight, endless supplies of cheddar cheese, our fear of Pennywise the Dancing Clown (who is a monster that probably lives in the decrepit, foul-smelling basement of our house), and our love of Starbucks. We have made lumpy, delicious cookies, caused a baby to cry out of fear of being eaten, and found marvelous ways of procrastinating together.
But mostly, it’s just food.
Moral of the story: So, whether you’re looking for a good time, excessive stress from Organic Chemistry, cookies from my mother, or general panic about life, look no farther than 1210 North Alder. Rat Skin Thong fo’ LIFE, yo.
I may not have been blogging much, but I have been writing a lot: I’m working on three different research papers right now (god help me), as well as taking part in National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is something I’ve done every year since I was in high school, and every year around this time I start to question my sanity. Why on earth did I think this is a good idea? I don’t have time to write 50,000 words of a novel in a month, who am I kidding? But, on the other hand, I did meet some of my best friends at this school through NaNoWriMo in my freshman year, so this November writing madness at Puget Sound sort of has a special place in my heart.
It’s weird to think about, because I’ve always loved creative writing, but before coming to this school–well, really, before this past year–I had sort of a phobia of showing anybody anything I’d written. This semester, though, I finally managed to get over a lot of that fear, and I know that a lot of that is due to the intro to poetry writing class I took last spring. I had been so reluctant to take a creative writing class, because I knew that I would have to share my work with my peers, and that terrified me. It wasn’t until my advisor really drilled it into my head, You NEED to take this course to fulfill your major, that I finally bit the bullet and just took the class, and I am so glad I did. That class forced me to get my feet wet, share my work with people, write about surprisingly personal things… and then helped me to realize that my peers have a lot of positive feedback as well as really helpful constructive criticism to give. My classmates and I were all in the same boat, all sharing our work with each other, and that definitely made the whole experience very supportive and welcoming rather than, you know… terrifying.
So anyway, it’s probably because of that class that I’m a lot more comfortable with my writing nowadays. In my previous years here, I’d always wanted to take part in Crosscurrents Review, or submit my own poetry or prose, but I was always too nervous when the deadline rolled around. This semester I managed to submit poetry to both Crosscurrents and Wetlands, and had a lot of fun being part of the poetry team on Crosscurrents Review.
‘Til next time… peace be in the galaxy, fools!
Major Decisions: Can The Sciences and Humanities Go Together?
As a computer science/English double major, even I didn’t think I’d find a way to unify such an odd couple. In fact, I never expected to study these subjects before I came to Puget Sound. It was Puget Sound and its combination of professors, liberal arts courses, extracurricular opportunities, and classes in subjects that sounded compelling but that I never imagined studying until college that somehow edged me toward the two disparate disciplines. And it’s largely Puget Sound that’s ultimately done the work of bringing together this odd couple for me.
I’m also in the process of developing a web app for Pearson’s first ever Student Coding Contest. The academic publisher sought out proposals for apps that integrate with their online learning module, and I was fortunate enough to have mine accepted. I won’t spill the details yet, but the app is designed to help bring the writing process online. The app’s due at the end of the month, and the ever-too-brief hours of furiously coding have commenced.
So, I must admit that I was skeptical at first about finding ways to pursue both of my interests in computer science and English. Puget Sound is fairly unique, I think, in encouraging students to pursue such unusual combinations. International Political Economy; Science, Technology, and Society are interdisciplinary mainstays, while a new interdisciplinary biophysics program is developing, and I know countless people pursuing and loving a huge variety of double majors. Puget Sound is also unique in offering highly focused programs so that students don’t ever have to sacrifice depth.
Fun fact: over 90% of the food consumed in the TCI is imported.
Wednesday mornings have the best scenery of any day of the week. When I look out from the Center, I see a stretch of sparkling turquoise water, hopefully flat so it doesn’t limit our water activities for the day, the limestone-and-scraggly-vegetation hill of Long Cay, maybe a flamingo flying around or a local fishing boat getting some air off of wave crests on its way out for the day’s work – and a ship. Well, possibly multiple ships. But what makes this one particular ship exciting is that it carries all of our food for the next two weeks.
The availability of food isn’t something that you really think about in the Unites States. I know there comes a point in every semester when all you want is a home-cooked meal, but still, the SUB exists so at least the food is there and you have the opportunity to eat it. This isn’t to say that we go hungry here on South Caicos at the CMRS – just that fresh food is less readily available than some places in the world (although certainly more readily available than others). Depending on a floating piece of metal with some boxes on it showing up every so often in your backyard is rather different than popping over to Safeway because you need your own personal jar of peanut butter.
In 2008, Hurricane Ike slammed into the Turks and Caicos Islands, severely damaging or destroying a third of the buildings on South Caicos and temporarily preventing the food ship delivery. Now, five years later, a lot of the buildings still haven’t been fixed – at East Bay, a favorite beach bonfire site near the Center, the remnants of a hotel development are scattered around the sand and pine trees. On any given visit, if it weren’t for the number of pine needles on top of the piles of lumber and insulating materials, the hurricane could have happened last week and we could be out surveying the damage for the first time on empty stomachs.
Basically, the ability to walk to the Met and take as many free cheese samples as your conscience will allow (not that I’m speaking from experience or anything) is a luxury. Which sounds a bit cliché. You don’t realize how different things are in other places until they are suddenly made relevant to you – like eating rice and cabbage for the fifth time in as many days while watching rusty shipping containers come trundling towards you over the algal plains and patch reefs of the Caicos Bank. | 2019-04-21T14:02:55Z | https://blogs.pugetsound.edu/whatwedo/2013/11/ |
Vitters cemented his status as a first-rounder in the summer before his senior year. After failing to make the U.S. junior national team, he lit up the showcase circuit instead. He won MVP honors at the Cape Cod Classic, ranked as the top prospect at the Area Code Games and smacked three doubles at the Aflac Classic, all in the span of two weeks. Vitters didn't disappoint last spring, either, hitting .390 with nine homers in 24 games despite a bout with pneumonia, and earning first-team All-America honors. The only question was how high he'd go in the 2007 draft. Both the Cubs (picking third) and Pirates (fourth) coveted him, but the Royals seemed set on taking him at No. 2 the night before the draft. Then Kansas City took California prep infielder Mike Moustakas, allowing Vitters to fall to Chicago. He became the highest draft pick in Cypress (Calif.) High history, going five spots higher than Scott Moore (a former Cubs farmhand) did to the Tigers five years earlier. Vitters held out all summer before officially signing minutes before the Aug. 15 deadline expired, landing a $3.2 million bonus. Rusty after his long layoff, he went just 6-for-51 (.118), but that didn't diminish the Cubs' enthusiasm about him. His brother Christian is an infielder in the Athletics system. You can debate which tool is more impressive, Vitters' hitting ability or his power, but the consensus is that his future potential grades as a 70 on the 20-80 scouting scale in both categories. He's the rare righthanded hitter whose swing is described as pretty, and his bat speed and feel for putting the barrel on the ball are also uncommon. He can crush the ball to all fields and hammers fastballs and offspeed pitches alike. Defense doesn't come as easily to Vitters, but he has plenty of arm strength and reliable hands, so he should become an average third baseman. His work ethic will drive him to put in the time he needs at the hot corner. The Cubs also love his makeup, and he fit in well with teammates at his two minor league stops and in instructional league. Vitters made five errors in nine pro games at third base, and his biggest defensive shortcomings are his agility and his ability to read hops. He addressed both areas in instructional league, doing a lot of jump-rope work to quicken his lower half and taking hundreds of ground balls. Chicago writes off his lackluster debut to being more gung-ho than prepared after three months without game action. He got a little pull-conscious, but his stroke looked as sound as ever. Once he fills out, he'll be a below-average runner, though he shouldn't be a liability on the bases. Aramis Ramirez is signed through 2011, which could create a dilemma because Vitters' bat should be ready for the majors well before then. But the presence of Ramirez and the depth of third basemen in the system also will make it easy for the Cubs to let Vitters develop at his own pace. He'll begin his first full pro season at low Class A Peoria.
Soto had done little to distinguish himself in the first two years after the Cubs put him on their 40-man roster, but he exploded in 2007. He led the minors in batting average by a catcher (.353) and overall slugging percentage (.652), and won the Triple-A Pacific Coast League MVP award. Chicago's minor league player of the year, he upped his production after a September callup. The key for Soto was losing 30 pounds after spring training started, allowing him to maintain his bat speed and get to inside fastballs better than he had in the past. He also showed a knack for driving outside pitches the other way, and while his 2007 numbers may be a bit crazy, he has the ability to annually hit .275 with 20 homers in the majors. He provides good defense as well, with a strong arm, good receiving skills and improved agility behind the plate. Now that he has seen what it can do for him, Soto must remain in top shape. He's a below-average runner, but not bad for a catcher. Soto has raised his ceiling from likely backup to potential all-star. He'll be the Cubs' regular catcher in 2008 and eventually should become their best all-around catcher since Jody Davis two decades ago.
Colvin was the surprise of the first round in the 2006 draft, going 13th overall and signing for $1.475 million. He has made the Cubs look good by drawing comparisons to Steve Finley and Shawn Green while shooting to Double-A in his first full season. Colvin missed time in August with a minor shoulder injury that also limited him with Team USA at the World Cup. The best athlete in the system, he has average or better tools across the board. With his smooth swing and bat speed, he projects to hit for average and power. He's a slightly above-average runner whose speed plays up on the basepaths and in center field. He has average arm strength and good accuracy on his throws. Colvin drew just 15 walks in 125 games, and more advanced pitchers will exploit his anxiousness. He has trouble with offspeed stuff, and he must learn to trust his hands. He's content to serve balls to the opposite field, though he'll have more power once he gets stronger. If Felix Pie doesn't take over center field in 2008, Colvin could get a crack at it after a year at Triple-A Iowa. At-bats to hone his approach and pitch recognition are all he needs.
Cubs special assistant Steve Hinton spotted Ceda in Padres instructional league camp in 2005, and Chicago grabbed him in a deal for Todd Walker in mid-2006. Ceda opened 2007 as a starter in low Class A before missing two months with shoulder stiffness. He returned as a reliever in mid-July and didn't allow a hit, striking out 42 in 23 innings in that role. The Cubs could have another Lee Smith on their hands. When he came out of the bullpen, Ceda's fastball sat in the mid-90s and reached 99 mph. His slider also tightened up and could be a 65 pitch on the 20-80 scouting scale. Ceda is still figuring out his mechanics, so his control and command are erratic. He carried 280 pounds when he arrived in the trade, and he needs to keep the extra weight off so that he can repeat his delivery. He doesn't have much of a changeup and didn't hold up well as a starter, but those aren't issues now that he's a reliever. Chicago may jump Ceda to Double-A Tennessee so he can face better hitters. He has big league stuff and will head to Wrigley Field once he figures out how to locate his pitches better.
Most clubs considered Gallagher unsignable in the 2004 draft, but the Cubs nabbed him with a 12th-round pick and a $60,000 bonus. He has been a bargain, reaching double figures in wins in each of his three full seasons and making his major league debut in June at age 21. Gallagher has added fastball velocity since signing, reaching 90-94 mph last season, and he can spot it wherever he wants. It has surpassed his 11-to-5 curveball as his best pitch. His changeup is an effective third pitch and he mixes his offerings well. Gallagher can get into trouble with the softer version of his curveball, which arrives at 69-74 mph. Typical of most rookies, he nibbled too much in his first taste of the majors. He'll have to watch the weight, though dropping 10 pounds in the Arizona Fall League is a good sign. Gallagher will compete for a spot as a No. 5 starter or long reliever. Spending most of 2008 at Triple-A wouldn't be a setback, however. He has the makings of a No. 3 starter along the lines of Jon Lieber.
After Veal led minor league starters with a .175 opponent average in 2006, he had trouble getting untracked last season. He went 0-4, 10.57 in his first four starts and battled his control throughout the year, leading the Double-A Southern League with 73 walks. Hitters don't see many pitchers like Veal, a big lefthander with quality stuff and an unorthodox delivery. He has a swing-and-miss fastball in the low 90s and works both corners with it. His curveball shows flashes of being a plus pitch, while his changeup is solid at times. Veal has a tough time maintaining his delivery, which includes a big leg kick, and his arm slot. When he falls behind, he'll short-arm the ball and try to aim it. He has trouble staying on top of his curveball, and some scouts wonder if he might need to go to a splitter. He has a ceiling as a No. 2 starter, but Veal could wind up as a reliever in the mold of Arthur Rhodes. The Cubs sent him to instructional league so he could build up confidence, and they'll probably send him back to Double-A to start 2008.
A former third baseman, Donaldson started catching as a sophomore at Auburn in 2006. The position shift and a strong summer in the Cape Cod League sent his draft stock skyrocketing, and he went 48th overall in June. After signing for $652,500, he rated as the short-season Northwest League's top position prospect. Donaldson provides more offense and athleticism than most catchers. He's aggressive and looks to pull pitches for power early in counts, but can shorten his stroke and use the opposite field. He controls the strike zone and projects as a .280 hitter with 15-20 homers a season. He has slightly above-average arm strength and threw out 38 percent of basestealers in his pro debut. His speed is average. His inexperience shows behind the plate, though the Cubs believe he'll become a solid defender. He had 11 passed balls in 45 games and sometimes hurried his release and undermined his arm strength. Chicago has built up its catching depth, so it may take things slow with Donaldson and let him concentrate on his work behind the plate. He'll probably open 2008 in low Class A.
Samardzija set every significant receiving record at Notre Dame, and the Cubs, who signed him for $250,000 as a fifth-rounder in 2006, ponied up a five-year major league contract worth $10 million last January to get him to give up football. In his first outing in big league camp, he retired Eric Chavez, Mark Ellis and Travis Buck on eight pitches and broke two bats. It's easy to dream on Samardzija, who has size, athleticism, makeup and a nasty fastball. His heater has a rare combination of velocity (low to mid-90s, touching 98 mph) and sink. His slider could also be a plus-plus pitch, though it's inconsistent. He stayed healthy, maintained his velocity and threw strikes in 2007 despite pitching far more than ever before. For a guy with Samardzija's stuff, his statistics don't add up, including a .306 opponent average and 4.1 strikeouts per nine innings last season. His slider and changeup need a lot of polish. Samardizja is an enigma, still capable of becoming a frontline starter, a closer or a bust. After pitching better following a promotion to Double-A, he'll return to Tennessee to start 2008.
Thomas hit just .265 in his first two seasons at Florida State, prompting him to adopt a more open stance in 2007. The results were spectacular, as he batted .430 and led NCAA Division I in runs (91), doubles (33) and total bases (189). The Cubs were elated to grab him in the third round for $360,000. The consensus in the organization is that Thomas has more pure batting ability than Josh Vitters. He employs a level swing to make consistent line-drive contact to all fields. He's strong for his size and doesn't have to cheat to catch up to fastballs, which allows him to stay back on offspeed stuff. He has average speed and outstanding instincts. Thomas isn't as instinctive at second base as he is at the plate or on the bases, and his defensive ceiling is average at best. He has adequate range and a fringy arm. There's not another good fit for him elsewhere on the diamond, but Chicago thinks roving infield instructor Bobby Dickerson will be able to help him out. Thomas will jump to high Class A Daytona. If he can make progress with his glove, he could reach Chicago by the end of 2009.
The biggest surprise in the system last season, Hart hadn't pitched above high Class A when the Cubs acquired him for Freddie Bynum in December 2006. But he responded to Tennessee pitching coach Dennis Lewallyn and finished the year on the playoff roster. Lewallyn taught Hart a cut fastball that made all the difference in the world. Once he mastered it, he allowed just 13 earned runs over his final nine Double-A starts and pitched better as he moved up the ladder. He also improved his fastball, which sat at 91-92 mph in the minors and 93-94 mph when he relieved in the majors, as well as his changeup. He has a durable frame and throws strikes. A quality cutter should allow a righthander to hold lefty hitters at bay, but they batted .316/.383/.453 against Hart in the minors. He has a curveball, but it's nothing more than a show-me pitch. Hart thrived as a big league reliever in September, but the Cubs haven't given up on him as a starter. He could open the season in their rotation if he pitches well in spring training.
Petrick was developing nicely as one of the Cubs' top starting pitching prospects before going down with a small tear in his labrum in May 2005. Following arthroscopic surgery, he returned to the mound in the second half of 2006 and took off after moving to the bullpen last season. He started 2007 in high Class A and advanced to the majors by June. Petrick's best pitch when he was coming up as a starter was a heavy 91-92 mph sinker, but he showed a mid-90s four-seam fastball that touched 97-98 in multiple big league outings. His slider also played up, reaching as high as 86-87 mph while he was with the Cubs. In the minors, he worked mostly with a 91-94 mph heater and a low-80s slider. A former Washington State football recruit as a long snapper, he always has exhibited an aggressive demeanor that served him well as a reliever. Petrick went more with his four-seamer last year, trading velocity for movement. That decision left him more vulnerable to homers, as he gave up nine in 65 innings after surrendering just 10 in 332 frames in his previous five seasons. He fell behind too many hitters during his two big league stints, but throwing strikes wasn't an in issue in the minors, so it was more a matter of rookie jitters than anything. Chicago brought him back slowly, never using him on consecutive days all season, though he still ran out of gas toward the end. He permitted 11 runs in his final seven innings and made just four Triple-A appearances in August. Petrick should be ready for a full workload in 2008, and he'll be back with the Cubs once he shows some consistency at Triple-A.
Patterson entered 2007 as the Cubs' second baseman of the future but now looks more like a utilityman. Mark DeRosa and Mike Fontenot shared Chicago's second-base job during the season, and though Patterson earned Pacific Coast League all-star recognition, the Cubs looked outside for additional options during the offseason. He got his first taste of the big leagues in August, and when he returned for a September callup, he lasted just two days before arriving late at the ballpark. Because he did the same thing at Iowa, the Cubs made a point to him by demoting him to Double-A. Patterson's tools are similar to but not as good as those of his older brother Corey. Eric's best tool is his plus speed and he has surprising pop for his size, though sometimes it is too much for his own good. While he'd be better off focusing on getting on base, he can get caught up in trying to hit for power. Despite his athleticism, Patterson never has gotten the hang of playing second base. He doesn't read balls well off the bat or range well to his right. He began seeing time in left and center field in May and played there exclusively in August. He has solid center-field range but a below-average arm for the outfield. He doesn't have the arm to play shortstop, third base or right field, so he's somewhat limited as a utilityman. Patterson figures to return to Triple-A at the outset of 2008, and he could be most useful to Chicago as a trade chip.
The 35th overall pick in the 2007 draft, Burke never got untracked in the Padres system after signing for $950,000. He batted just .210 with two homers in 107 games, and San Diego soured on him enough that it included him in a June trade for the embattled Michael Barrett. Burke got off to a less than auspicious start with the Cubs, going 0-for-22 at short-season Boise before recovering to hit .282/.361/.495 for the remainder of the summer. The key to his resurgence was getting more aggressive at the plate. Burke has a sound knowledge of the strike zone and good patience, but he would get too passive at times, taking strikes down the middle and then chasing offspeed pitches once he fell behind in the count. Athletic and strong, he should develop at least 20-homer power, though he needs to make contact and use the whole field more often. Burke has slightly below-average speed but is better once he gets underway. He's a solid right fielder with the best arm strength among the system's outfielders. He built on his progress in Hawaii Winter Baseball, where he hit .333 but also struck out 37 times in 87 at-bats. He's ready to give the low Class A Midwest League another shot in 2008, this time at Peoria.
Huseby landed the most stunning bonus in the 2006 draft, signing for an 11th-round-record $1.3 million after barely pitching as a high school senior. He had pitched for Team USA's youth team and was laying the groundwork for being an early-round pick before he needed Tommy John surgery in the spring of 2005. Though he didn't pitch much between then and the draft, the Cubs monitored him closely and saw enough in a workout to make a seven-figure investment. Though Huseby pitched at 86-90 mph for much of 2007, Chicago doesn't regret that decision. He's still ultra projectable at 6-foot-7 and 215 pounds. He throws his hard-breaking curveball at 78-80 mph, an indication that he has plenty of arm speed and that more fastball velocity should be in his future. His delivery is sound and he uses his big frame to pitch downhill. Because he barely pitched in 2005 and 2006, Huseby is less experienced than most 20-year-olds and still has much improvement to make with his changeup, control and command. He spent most of the summer shooting for strikeouts--and falling behind in counts--but did a better job of pitching to contact during instructional league. The Cubs believe he could be poised for a breakout this year in low Class A.
After an aborted U.S. debut in 2006, during which he played in just three games before missing two months with a high ankle sprain, Castillo established himself as the best defensive catcher in the Midwest League as well as the Cubs system last season. A short, stocky catcher in the mold of Yadier Molina, Castillo has quick feet and a strong arm. He threw out 37 percent of basestealers in 2007 and also improved as a receiver, though he needs to be more consistent. He led MWL backstops with 15 errors and also committed 13 passed balls. He has the defensive package to be at least a big league backup, and Castillo's bat will determine if he eventually becomes a regular. He has some strength in his swing, though his approach and plate discipline are still works in progress. He's still figuring out how to hit breaking balls, which is why righties limited him to a .249 average and .690 OPS last year (compared to .323 with a .911 OPS against lefties). He's a below-average runner, no surprise for a catcher. Castillo will advance to high Class A this year and is at least two years away from being ready for the majors.
The Cubs invested heavily in Koreans Hee-Seop Choi ($1.2 million in 1999) and Jae-Kuk Ryu ($1.6 million in 2001), neither of whom did much in the majors, though they did trade Choi for Derrek Lee. Chicago's latest Korean bonus baby is Rhee, who signed for $525,000 last July. He didn't pitch in any games during the summer but he did open eyes with his performance in instructional league. Rhee's fastball ranged from 90-94 mph, and his best pitch was a changeup that dives at the plate like a splitter. He also showed a hard curveball and exceptional control and feel for an 18-year-old. Rhee still has room to easily add strength, as he carries just 190 pounds on his broad-shouldered, 6-foot-2 frame. He has a balanced delivery, which bodes well for his future health. As intriguing as Rhee is, he still has yet to prove anything in pro ball. He'll get his first chance to do that in 2008, either in the Rookie-level Arizona League or at Boise.
Carlos Zambrano has taken his Venezuelan countryman Hernandez under his wing and already has started touting him to the Cubs' press corps. Hernandez is still a few years away from joining his booster at Wrigley Field, but he's further along then most players his age. He began 2007 in extended spring training before being summoned to Peoria in May, and he stayed there for the remainder of the season. The Midwest League's youngest regular starting pitcher at 18, Hernandez showed the potential for two plus pitches with his 88-92 mph fastball and his advanced changeup. Extremely young and skinny, he has plenty of time and room to add strength and velocity. He wasn't intimidated by older hitters and had no difficulties throwing strikes. Besides maturing physically, Hernandez' biggest need is to come up with a breaking ball. He has messed around with both a curveball and a slider, but both remain below average for now. After handling low Class A with surprising ease, Hernandez faces another challenge in 2008 as a 19-year-old in high Class A.
Eric Patterson's loss was Fuld's gain. When Patterson arrived late to the ballpark on the third day of his September callup, Chicago demoted him to Double-A and brought up Fuld. Though he went hitless in six big league at-bats, he scored the winning run in one game against the Reds and made a spectacular catch up against the ivy against the Pirates. He already was an organization favorite for his energy and effort, and Fuld helped his cause further. He graduated from Stanford with an economics degree and still holds the College World Series record with 24 career hits. He has the best strike-zone judgment in the system, drawing more than his share of walks and making consistent line-drive contact. He doesn't have much power and his speed is just a tick above average, though his tremendous instincts allow him to steal a few bases and play a quality center field. Fuld's arm rates as below average, but his savvy and quick release helped him lead the Southern League with 13 outfield assists in just 87 games last year. He plays so hard that it's difficult for him to hold up over a full season. He jammed his shoulder on a headfirst slide during his 2005 pro debut, then battled back and hip problems before having offseason surgery to repair a sports hernia in 2006. He missed the first two weeks of last season after tweaking an oblique muscle in spring training. Fuld has boosted his profile from quality organization player to a big league reserve outfielder, and some scouts who saw him in the Arizona Fall League thought he could be more than that. He batted .402 and led the AFL in hits (43), doubles (11), extra-base hits (16), total bases (67), on-base percentage (.492) and slugging percentage (.626). He also won the league's Dernell Stenson Award for leadership. He could push Felix Pie for the Cubs' center-field job in spring training, but Fuld is more likely to stick in the majors as a backup or head to Triple-A.
Fox generates split opinions both inside and outside of the organization. Those who like him point to his righthanded power and believe he could be a regular at first base or left field. Those who don't think he sells out for homers, an approach that won't work in the major leagues, and question whether he'll ever be effective against breaking pitches. One thing both sides do agree on is that Fox won't make it as a catcher, his full-time position before 2007. Fox undermined decent arm strength with subpar footwork and a slow transfer, and his receiving skills were even shakier. While he's a good athlete for a catcher, he has below-average speed, range, hands and arm strength, which makes it a stretch that he can play an outfield corner on a regular basis. Fox' background as an offensive-minded catcher who had to move from behind the plate is similar to Ryan Garko's. He's a better defender at first base and has as much power as Garko, but Fox isn't as polished a hitter. He can hit fastballs early in the count, but he doesn't have much patience and is susceptible to offspeed pitches. Though the Cubs will give Fox a look in spring training, he'll probably open the year in Triple-A.
Since he signed for $850,000 as the top Venezuelan amateur in the summer of 2006, Suarez has drawn comparisons to Carlos Zambrano. They're not only from the same nation, but they also have similar builds and strong arms. Suarez first drew notice when he flashed a 91-mph fastball as a 15-year-old, and he worked regularly at 88-92 at age 16. The Cubs admit that Suarez was better prepared to face Rookie-level Dominican Summer League hitters in his pro debut last year, but they brought him to the Arizona League to speed up his learning of English and his adjusting to the United States. He displayed an 89-91 mph fastball early in the summer before running out of gas and pitching with more effort in his delivery in August. He also elevated his heater too often. Suarez did make some progress tightening his curveball and gaining more command of the pitch. His changeup can become a solid third offering if he can consistently throw it with the same arm speed he uses with his fastball. He already carries a lot of weight and must guard against his body getting away from him, though Chicago is encouraged by his work ethic. After rushing Suarez a bit in 2007, the Cubs will keep him in extended spring training to start this season before shipping him to Boise in June.
Rolando Pino has a knack for finding quality late-round arms as a Florida area scout. Pino signed Sean Gallagher as a 12th-rounder in 2004 and Chris Huseby as an 11th-rounder in 2006. His latest coup is Acosta, a 12th-rounder in June who signed for $225,000. The son of former Cubs pitching coach Oscar Acosta, who died in an April 2006 auto accident while working for the Yankees in the Dominican Republic, Ryan pitched in a high school game the night his father was killed, and continues to display maturity and mound presence beyond his years. He was mostly a shortstop until his senior year, and the Cubs think he'll develop rapidly now that he's focusing on pitching. Acosta's fastball sits at 88-90 mph and touches 93, and he should develop plus velocity once his skinny frame fills out. He's more about pitchability than pure stuff, though his stuff is fine. He can backdoor his fastball for strikes, and he shows good command of his curveball, slider and changeup, all of which could be at least average pitches. Acosta also plays around with a splitter, and Chicago probably will have him concentrate on working with just three pitches in 2008. He'll probably eschew his slider in favor of his curve. He repeats his delivery well in part because he's more athletic than most pitchers. He qualified for the Florida state 100-meter finals but had to bow out because of a baseball playoff conflict, and he also played point guard on his high school basketball team. Acosta is so advanced that the Cubs will have no qualms about sending him to low Class A as a 19-year-old.
Russell turned down the Mariners as a 37th-round pick out of high school and again as a 17th-rounder after his first season at Navarro (Texas) JC, and there was no guarantee he'd sign with the Cubs as a 14throunder. But he saw his velocity increase over the summer, and Chicago anted up $350,000 to get him to turn pro. During the spring at Texas, Russell stood out with his changeup but his other two pitches, an 84-88 mph fastball and a marginal breaking ball, didn't excite scouts. After the Longhorns' season ended, Russell worked with independent pitching coach Tom House to shape up his curveball before heading to the Texas Collegiate League. In the TCL, his fastball jumped to 88-92 mph and his curve was more usable. Russell's changeup is the best in the system and helps his other pitches play up. He throws strikes on a good downhill plane, and he has the know-how befitting the son of a former big leaguer, all-star closer Jeff Russell. James should team up with the other pitching sleeper of the Cubs' 2007 draft, Ryan Acosta, in low Class A this year.
The first Italian pitcher ever signed by a major league organization, Maestri has pitched for his nation at the World Baseball Classic (where he gave up a homer to Moises Alou) and most recently at the World Cup in Taiwan in November. The Cubs first noticed Maestri at MLB's inaugural European Baseball Academy in Tirrenia, Italy, in the summer of 2005 and signed him in January 2006. He's more than a novelty act, as he has a legitimate chance to reach the big leagues. Maestri has surprising feel for pitching considering his background, and his fastball has risen from 87-90 mph when he signed to 90-94 last season. His out pitch is a hard slider that ranks as the best in the system and is death on righthanders, who hit just .139 with 62 strikeouts in 187 at-bats against him in 2007. He's athletic, repeats his delivery well and throws strikes. Maestri even has the potential for an average changeup, so Chicago decided to try him as a starter last May. The move didn't work well, as he went 0-3, 7.04 in four outings before returning to the bullpen. He's more comfortable in that role and led Midwest League relievers in opponent average (.156) and baserunners per nine innings (6.9). He pitches almost exclusively with hard stuff, so he needs to refine his changeup or learn to subtract from his fastball in order to give hitters an offspeed look. Because he's handled everything the Cubs have thrown at him so far, not to mention that he'll turn 23 in June, he may skip a level and jump to Double-A in 2008.
Barney doesn't have a single tool that grades out as plus, but his instincts and intelligence make him a winner. An integral part of Oregon State's back-to-back College World Series championships, he signed for $227,500 as a fourth-round pick. His best physical attribute is his slightly above-average speed, though he's more of a savvy baserunner than a significant basestealing threat. Offensively, he's a contact hitter with modest power, and he could fit into the No. 2 slot in a batting order if he draws more walks. He got underneath a lot of pitches when using wood bats with Team USA in 2006, but the Cubs worked with him at instructional league to get his top hand over the ball. He made harder contact and stopped hitting as many balls in the air, and they're curious to see how much the adjustment will pay off in the future. Barney's arm and range are nothing special at shortstop, but he reads balls well and unloads his throws in a hurry, enabling him to get the job done. Chicago plans on bringing up Barney and 2007 third-rounder Tony Thomas together as a double-play combination through the minors, and they'll head to high Class A this year.
The Cubs added another potential arm for their big league bullpen when they grabbed Ascanio from the Braves in a December deal for Will Ohman and Omar Infante. After a back injury limited him to five appearances in 2005 and character issues hampered his progress in 2006, Atlanta tried to trade Ascanio prior to last season but found no takers. He wound up making his big league debut in July and held his own in 13 games with the Braves. He showed added maturity and the potential to be a dominating reliever. He has clocked as high as 97 mph with his fastball, yet relies too heavily on the pitch at the expense of developing his breaking ball and changeup. His heater sits in the mid-90s and he commands it well. He has shown some feel for his changeup but the pitch lacks consistent depth. Ascanio probably could use some more seasoning in the upper minors, but he should contribute to the Cubs at some point in 2008.
Few college careers have been more circuitous than Roquet's. He went to Florida State as an outfielder, then redshirted as a freshman after converting to the mound that spring. He subsequently spent one year each at Santa Ana (Calif.) JC and Northeast Texas CC, then two at Cal Poly before signing as a fifth-year senior free agent prior to the 2006 draft. He reached Double-A by June in his first full pro season, in part because the Cubs were trying to advance him quickly because he already was 24. Roquet is a two-pitch reliever, operating with a 90-94 mph fastball that touches 97 on occasion and an 80-83 mph slider. His fastball doesn't have much life and his easy delivery lacks deception, so it's not as overpowering as its velocity might suggest. Hitters also can gear up for hard stuff because Roquet doesn't have an offspeed option, and his command wavers. He's still picking up the nuances of pitching, such as fielding his position and holding runners. Opponents stole 15 bases in as many tries against him in 2007. Chicago tried to further expedite Roquet's development by sending him to the Arizona Fall League, but he had to leave early after coming down with a sports hernia that required surgery. He should be ready for spring training and an assignment to Triple-A.
Holliman has the best command in the system, and never was it more on display than on June 21. Though he worked at 84-85 mph with his fastball, he threw a seven-inning no-hitter, with a lone walk all that stood between him and a perfect game. Holliman had a low-90s fastball in college but now operates at 84-88 mph. When he first broke into pro ball, he tried to overpower hitters with his fastball, and now he feels more comfortable pacing himself in cruise control. At times he can reach back for a 92-mph heater when he needs one, and at others he'll find that he can't just dial up plus velocity at will. Holliman mixes his fastball with a curveball, slider and changeup. There's divided opinion as to which of his breaking balls is better, but all three of his secondary offerings are mostly average at best. Holliman has a short-arm delivery, but it doesn't affect his ability to locate his pitches. He helps his cause by doing all the little things well, such as fielding his position (one error in 40 chances last year), holding runners (40 percent of basestealers were thrown out on his watch) and even hitting (he batted .229 with two homers, including one in his no-hitter). Holliman is on the small side, but he hasn't missed a start while pitching 305 innings in his first two pro seasons. He did fade in August, going 2-3, 5.50, so the Cubs would like to see him get stronger. Projected as a No. 5 starter or a middle reliver, Hollman will pitch in Triple-A this season.
Lansford has outstanding bloodlines. His father Carney won an American League batting title, his uncles Jody and Phil were first-round draft picks and his brother Jared was a second-round choice of the Athletics in 2005. One of three players Chicago signed out of Cal Poly in 2006, Lansford has a higher ceiling than hard-throwing reliever Rocky Roquet or defensive-minded catcher Matt Canepa. The question will be whether he can get his bat into gear so he can reach his potential. Though Lansford has strength and bat speed and makes consistent contact, he has batted .266 with 33 extra-base hits in 146 games in the lower minors. Most of his power currently comes from gap to gap, and he should hit more homers once he stops hitting most of his long drives to the deepest part of the pack. He focuses well with runners in scoring position, yet maddeningly throws away at-bats in less crucial situations. Lansford has stood out more with his defense to this point of his career. Managers rated him the best defensive third baseman in the Midwest League last year, and he has the best infield skills and infield arm in the system. His arm rates as a 70 on the 20-80 scouting scale and he has good agility for his size, especially to his right. He's a below-average runner but not a baseclogger. The Cubs believe Lansford can develop into a .280 hitter with 15-plus homers per season and Gold Glove defense at the hot corner. He lost six weeks worth of at-bats after spraining his knee in an infield collision in mid-July, but he didn't require surgery and got some of them back with time in the Arizona Fall League. He'll open 2008 in high Class A.
After hitting .347 as a freshman at Southeastern Louisiana, Clevenger planned on transferring to Texas but a problem with his credits landed him at Chipola (Fla.) JC instead. The move made him draft-eligible a year early, and the Cubs signed him as a seventh-rounder in 2006 for $130,000. He moved from shortstop in college to second base in his pro debut, and Chicago worked him behind the plate in instructional league that fall. Clevenger continued to work on the transition to catching in extended spring training, then hit .340 with just 11 strikeouts in 65 games between Boise and Daytona. The Cubs had catchers who needed to play on both clubs, so Clevenger saw more time at first base, but they plan on developing him as a backstop. His ability to put the bat on the ball and spray line drives is intriguing, and he started to incorporate his legs more into his swing late in the year so he could develop some more power. Clevenger doesn't have the bat for first base, so his chances on reaching the majors hinge on his ability to catch. He moves well for a catcher, has some arm strength and threw out 33 percent of basestealers in 2007. His receiving skills are more shaky and he committed four passed balls in 18 games. Realistically, he has a ceiling as an offensive-minded backup. But Chicago will give him the chance to prove he can be more than that, and Clevenger could begin 2008 in Double-A so he can get regular time behind the plate.
The Cubs traded up to get the No. 1 overall pick in the 2007 Rule 5 draft, having the Rays select Lahey from the Twins on their behalf and then sending $150,000 to Tampa Bay. Minnesota originally drafted him as a catcher, but he shifted to the mound after hitting .202 in Rookie ball in his first pro summer. Chicago has success making the same move with Carlos Marmol, and Lahey's huge frame is reminiscent of that of Troy Percival, another backstop-turned-reliever. Lahey still throws with a short catcher's arm action, but that doesn't prevent him form throwing strikes with a 90-92 mph sinker that tops out at 95. He also throws a solid slider and a changeup, and because he only has pitched for three years, there's still room for improvement at age 26. His frame is built for durability and he's also a good athlete for his size. Lahey is more of a groundball guy than a strikeout machine, posting a 2.0 groundout/airout ratio in 2007. He'll have to stick on the Cubs' 25-man roster, or else they'll have to run him through waivers and offer him back to the Twins for half his $50,000 draft price. | 2019-04-24T05:08:20Z | https://www.baseballamerica.com/teams/1004/chicago-cubs/organizational/?year=2008 |
Moveable composting toilets that allow fruit or wood-bearing tree saplings to be planted have been used for many years in Africa and now Haiti (see: S.O.I.L.) to encourage planting of orchards by families. This design was for a villiage in Haiti's Central Plateau and is based on those ideas. Four units were constructed using materials available in nearby Hinche at a cost of about $135 U.S. which includes the estimate for labor for 1 day (2 men), construction, transport and installation. An example can be seen at the Kobonal school Notre Dame Ste. Trinite.
The enclosure is constructed of panels of corrugated tin over PVC pipe frames. The tin is attached with loops of baling wire and the panels are joined with baling wire. The roof of the enclosure is sloped toward a drip-edge in the rear where rainwater is directed to a covered bucket with faucet for hand washing. The entrance is a curtain made from a piece of tarp. This results in a light-yet-strong enclosure easily lifted by one person. The enclosure is anchored to a portable concrete slab with 4 bolts and brackets.
The reinforced concrete slab has carrying handles and is thin enough to be carried by 4 men. It supports a pedestal with toilet seat, the enclosure, and a vent pipe.
A 3' x 4' x 3' deep hole is dug and the edge leveled. The slab is placed over the hole and the enclosure and vent pipe attached. The bucket is attached and filled with water. Corn cobs are provided for wiping and a soil+ash+leaf mix provided to aid composting. Flies and odors are reduced by a screened vent pipe and by keeping the lid on the toilet seat closed between uses.
The enclosure, along with the toilet lid, slab and snorkel-like vent pipe help to prevent water from entering the pit which would reduce the effectiveness of the composting process. The enclosure also provides the occupant privacy and some protection from the elements.
The enclosure consists of 5 PVC frames, 4 of which are covered with corrugated tin fastened with baling wire to form rigid panels. These are the left and right sides, the rear, and the roof. The front frame is not covered but will have a tarp curtain attached later. The panels and front frame are also attached to each other with baling wire to form a light, solid structure when anchored to the slab.
Cut the PVC pipes to length according to the dimensions given below.
On a clean, flat solid surface, lay out two long and two short pipes with the elbows for the left side.
Test fit the the parts to make a rectangle. If everything looks OK, apply cement to the inside surface for the first joint in the first elbow and outside end of it's mated pipe. Make sure that the pipe slides in all the way. Repeat for the other pipes -- each time laying the partially completed frame on the flat surface to insure that the frame will lay flat and not be twisted. When completed, set aside the frame and repeat for the right side.
Make the rear frame just as you made the sides above.
Make the roof frame in the same way as the previous frames.
See the photo above to understand how the front frame is put together. It calls for 3 cross pieces of pipe to form the top, curtain hanger and bottom of the frame. The sides contain two short pieces on the top glued to the elbows of the top cross piece, and the other end inserted in a side of a tee fitting. The center of the tee is glued to the curtain hanger pipe. the bottom of the tee is glued to the long side pipe. and the bottom of each side pipe is joined to the elbows of the bottom cross piece.
On a clean, flat solid surface, lay out the 3 cross pieces, the 4 elbows, the two tees and the short and long side pipes.
Test fit the the parts to make two joined rectangles - a small and a large. If everything looks OK, apply cement to the inside surface for the first joint in the first fitting and outside end of it's mated pipe. Make sure that the pipe slides in all the way. Repeat for the other pipes and fittings -- each time laying the partially completed frame on the flat surface to insure that the frame will lay flat and not be twisted.
Note: For these panels, the idea is to attach the outer edge of the tin to the PVC pipe beneath with a loop of baling wire at 1 foot spacings. and where the tin sheets overlap they are stiched together with the baling wire at 1 foot spacings. This makes a strong, yet light panel.
The side and rear panels are the easiest to cover as the tin extends to the outside edge of the frames. If you purchased the tin in 6' lengths you will only need to cut along the length of 1 sheet for each panel. The roof frame is shorter and has an overhang so that panel will be built last.
Lay the frame for the left side on a hard flat surface.
Lay one of the 6' sheets of corrugated tin over the long side and against the left edge of the frame. There should be no tin overhanging any side of the frame. Take the next sheet of tin and lay it so that the right edge of the sheet is lined up with the right side of the frame. The two sheets will overlap by about 1-1/2 to 2 feet. Where the sheets overlap you will need to cut the overlapping sheet about 3" past the point of overlap from the top to the bottom. Mark this point on the top sheet at both ends, then remove the top sheet and cut it between those two marks with the tin snips (do not cut the bottom sheet).
Place the scrap piece of tin aside and place the cut sheet back in place over the whole sheet.Look at the edge of where the top sheet overlaps the bottom sheet. If the last 1-1/2 inch or so does not form a valley, then turn the sheet over so that the edge of the overlapping sheet DOES form a valley. This will make it easier to stitch the panels together later.
Using the marker, start at the top left corner of the panel and make a dot about 1-1/2" from top and left side in the nearest valley. (Two wire loops here will fasten the corner of the sheet to the pipe below later). Repeat this for the other three corners. With a ruler or tape measure, start at a corner dot and measure 1 foot along the edge of the panel to the nearest valley and mark another dot 1-1/2" from the edge of the tin. Repeat this process all around the perimeter of the panel. These dots will later be punched with the pin punch or nail set to attach the tin to the PVC frame.
You will now be working in the valley at the edge of the top sheet where it overlaps the bottom sheet. Start at the top of the frame and measure 1 foot down along the base of the valley. Place a dot in the center of the valley of the overlapping sheet. Continue along the valley 1 inch further and mark another dot. (These will later be punched and a wire looped through to stitch the sheets together.) Continue along the valley placing double dots to stitch the sheets together at 1 foot intervals.
Remove the PVC frame from beneath the two sheets of tin. Place the 2x4 under the valley where the sheets overlap and make sure that the top and bottom of the two sheets are aligned. punch the holes through both sheets where the two sheets will be stitched together (along the valley of the top overlapping sheet). Using the wire cutters (and wearing the safety glasses) hold the end of the wire which will be cut off about 5" in length and cut the wire. Bending the wire into a U shape so that it can be passed through the two holes spaced 1" apart, pass the wire through the topmost two holes and twist them together on the other side at least one turn with your fingers.
Cut another 5" piece of wire and pass it through the bottom most two stitch holes and twist as before. With a helper standing the two sheets upright, you can now cut and pass the remaining wires through the remaining stitch holes and twist them.
Using the pliers (and this takes practice so don't be discouraged if you break a few wires) twist the wires at least three turns and until there is no slack between the wire and the overlapping tin sheets. (You will be able to tell the binding is tight if you wiggle the pliers while holding the wire and the wire does not move easily.) If you break a wire, just pull it out and replace it. There will be pigtails that must be cut off with the wire cutters after twisting. Make sure that you have your eye protection on and hold the end of the wire which is being cut off. This will prevent the cutting from flying in your or someone else's face. When the pigtails are cut off, you must take the pliers and turn the twisted end toward the tin so the occupant does not get scratched. Pass your hand gently over the finished binding to make sure it is safe. Always do this for the bindings.
Now lay the joined sheets on a flat surface and place the 2x4 under an outside edge of the tin. punch the remaining holes along the perimeter of the tin moving the 2x4 backing as necessary.
Remove the 2x4 and place the tin over the PVC frame. Cut 8 pieces of wire about 6" long. Pass two wires through the top left corner hole so that one wire wraps around the left pipe and the other wire wraps around the top pipe. Twist the wires hand tight for now. Repeat this for all 4 corners. Now you can either work on the ground or have a helper stand the panel up for you to wrap all the way around the perimeter of the frame. Tighten the loops with the pliers as before and cut the pigtails. Turn the sharp twisted end toward the PVC pipe or the tin to avoid scratching the occupant as before.
The right side is assembled exactly as the left side.
The rear panel is assembled in exactly the same way as the left and right sides.
Like the sides and rear panel, three sides of the roof panel are aligned with the edge of the PVC frame and wrapped with wire.
Unlike the other panels, the tin on one of the short sides of the roof will extend 3" beyond the PVC crosspiece below it to receive the gutter later, so the hole punching is a bit different on that end.
You will need two sheets of tin and the small roof PVC frame.
Place the roof PVC frame on a flat surface.
The left and right sides of the frame are longer than the front and back sides. With this in mind, place the first sheet of tin over the top left corner of the frame aligning the edges of the sheet with the outside edges of the top and left PVC pipes. The corrugations (hills and valleys) should run parallel with (in the same direction as) the left side. The bottom of the sheet should extend a few feet past the bottom PVC pipe. Place the second sheet over the first and align it's right side with the right outside edge of the PVC pipe. Mark where the sheets overlap by 3" on both ends of the top sheet. Remove the top sheet and cut it with tin snips along this line. Lay the top sheet back in position over the bottom sheet and mark 3" past the outside edge of the bottom PVC pipe on both overlapped sheets (in other words, the tin sheets will be 3" longer than the frame). Draw a line with a straight edge between these marks and cut each sheet along that line with the tin snips.
Place the scrap tin aside and lay the second (top sheet) back over the first sheet. Look at the edge of where the top sheet overlaps the bottom sheet. If the last 1-1/2 inch or so does not form a valley, then turn the sheet over so that the edge of the overlapping sheet DOES form a valley. This will make it easier to stitch the panels together later.
With the sheets back in position over the PVC frame, make a dot near the top left corner at about 1-1/2" from the top and left edges in the nearest valley. Repeat for the top right side. Make dots 1-1/2" from the left, top and right sides at 1' intervals as on the other panels. Where the tin overlaps the bottom PVC pipe (extends 3" past it), you will put two dots at 1' intervals (in the nearest valley) which straddle the pipe below -- 1 dot to the left of the pipe below 1 dot to the right of the pipe below.
The left, top and sides are stitched as for the other panels and the bottom is stitched by looping the wire through the two holes and around the bottom PVC pipe. Tighten, cut and bend safely as before.
With a helper holding the left panel and the rear panel together at a 90 degree angle, cut a lengths of wire sbout 8" long and loop them through the holes nearest the top and bottom edges where the panels are touching. Twist them together one turn by hand. Repeat for all 1' interval holes in between. repeat for the right side, front and top. Twist the wires tightly with the pliers, cut the pigtails as before and turn the sharp ends toward the pipe or tin. The resulting enclosure should look like the one below. If so, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
The curtain can be cut to the height and width of the opening plus a little more for doubling the thickness at the top for hanging strength and at the sides for better coverage of the opening. The top edge of the curtain is folded over a few times and holes punched every 3 or 4 inches in the center of the fold. Cut lengths of baling wire and make loops to go over the curtain rod and through the holes. You will need one wire for each hole. The bottom of the curtain should hang just above but not touch the bottom PVC crosspiece.
The rainwater capture system consists of a gutter, downspout and covered bucket with fawcet. This facilitates hand washing after use of the toilet. In the dry season, the bucket can easily be filled with water from any nearby clean water source.
A 1-1/4" strip must be removed from the side of each of the two 19" PVC pipes. The resulting slot will allow the pipe to pass over the lower edge of the roof to act as a gutter and catch rainwater. The 3" tee also has a slot cut across the top of the tee but at a 45 degree angle between the top and side of the tee. The two 19" pieces are glued to the tee with the slots lined up and endcaps glued to the other ends of the 19" pipes. It may be necessary to wedge the cut piece of pipe into the slot until the glue has dried for a tight fit. If that doesn't work, use screws to attach the pieces together.
Attach the completed gutter to the 3" extension of the roof with at least two pieces of baling wire.
Each piece of 16" rebar will form a hanger to hook the bucket handle. from one end of the rebar, measure 1-1/2" and make a 90 degree bend. go another 1-1/2" and make about a 100 degree (wider) bend. on the other end of the rebar, measure 1-1/2" from the end and make a bend in the opposite of the first two bends forming a U or hook. Hang each of these hangars over the top of the rear wall panel on either side of the 3" tee.
Insert the 24" pipe downspout into the 3" tee, but don't glue it.
Cut a 3-1/4" hole in the center of the bucket lid (you can use a piece of 3" pipe as a template.) and push the lid over the end of the 24" downspout.
Hang the bucket on the hangars with the end of the hangars on either side of the bucket handle. The hangars should be the same length and the bucket should hang straight. If not, make necessary adjustments.
Using a 7/8" blade bit, make a hole near the bottom of the bucket on the side facing away from the rear wall panel. The hole should be about 1/2" above the bottom. Gently, but firmly thread the fawcet into the hole until the fawcet is firmly seated and the handle is facing up. Put some water in the bucket and test it for leaks. If it leaks, try making a gasket and placing it between the fawcet and the outside wall of the bucket. A good choice is rubber inner tube or something similar, but glue or caulk might work also.
Remove the bucket, lid and downspout. They will be reassembled at the installation site.
The vent pipe aids in removing odors and controlling flies.
Using the rasp, take a little material off the outside bottom end of the 74" PVC pipe to facilitate insertion in the slab later.
To the top of the pipe glue a 3" elbow. Next Glue the 4" pipe to the other side of the elbow. Finally, glue the second elbow to the 4" pipe facing down to prevent water from entering the pipe. Place the 6" fly screen over the end of the elbow and fasten it with baling wire.
hole in the concrete slab.
To simplify the pedestal form, the pedestal is poured upside down, so the extension for the toilet seat hinge is at the bottom.
The two halves of the pedestal inner shell are joined together with small nuts and bolts to form a 12" diameter cylinder that is 14" tall. A 12" round plate is attached to the top of the cylinder to prevent flexing when the form is being filled. The cylinder sits on the sheet metal base.which is shaped like a ring to form the rim of the toilet where the seat will lay with an extension at one end. The three sides of the extension are bent up from the base and are 1-1/2" tall. A plate covers the extension and one side is wrapped around the end of the extension to hold it in place and the other two sides hang over the sides of the base. 3/8" holes are drilled 5-1/2" apart on the cover plate and base of the extension and contain two 5/16" bolts wrapped with tape. When the form and bolts are removed from a completed pedestal, the resulting channels will receive the toilet seat hinge bolts.
The outside shell is about 15" in diameter (the walls of the poured pedestal will be about 1-1/2" thick.) and 14" tall. It is formed from one sheet which has been bolted together where the ends overlap. The bolts of the overlap face to the outside away from what will form the wall of the pedestal. A notch is cut out where the extension is located for the poured concrete to pass through into the covered extension. Finger tabs extend out from the bottom of the outer shell and are bolted to the base. The top of the outer shell also has finger tabs that are bolted to a round ring to hold the other shell rigid at the top during pouring.
consistency should not be too thin but should allow the concrete to flow.
You will see some seepage around the bolt holes and at joints.
Cure the pedestal for one week, then carefully remove mold in the reverse of assembly.
enough or the mix may have been too thick to flow well.
A group of farmers from Ohio arrived at the mission where I was working on this project with black plastic drainage pipe for use as the pedestals of the composting toilets - a quicker and lighter solution to be sure. They also went with a smaller 2" vent pipe. I have included the following pictures courtesy of Roger Borchers as an alternate method of construction. Great job guys!
vent. It is light enough to be moved by 4 men .
diameter hole for the vent pipe.
Assemble the cut 2x4 pieces as shown above to form a rectangle frame of depth 2" using screws.
Attach the 57" x 45" piece of sheet metal to one side of the frame with screws. Turn the form over so the sheet metal is at the bottom.
Drill a hole in the center of the bucket base and another hole in the bottom of the form at the position where you will want the pedestal to be mounted. turn the bucket base upside down and bolt it to the form (the threaded end of the bolt should be facing up). A good position for the hole in the sheet metal of the form is about 1-1/2 feet from the short end of the slab.
On the opposite end of the slab which will be the front left corner, measure about 8" from each side of the corner to mark the center of the hole on the tin where the 3" pipe will be placed. Place the pipe over this hole and make a circle with a marker around the inside edge. Remove the pipe and using tin snips carefully cut in a radial pattern from the center of the circle to the marked edge. Bend some of these fingers up and attach them to the 3" pipe with short screws. This will form a hole for the vent pipe later.
Place the angle iron brackets at all 4 corners of the form and attach them with screws.
Hang the 5/16 x 3" bolts in the holes with the head of the bolts down. The threads of the bolt should extend about 2" about what will be the top of the slab, so put spacers as necessary.
pattern indicated by the photo. Tie the rebar at every place where they cross with baling wire.
and against the side edge of the form to not interfere with the walls of the enclosure. Tie the handles to the 1/4" rebar grid where they overlap.
The concrete is mixed in a ratio of 1 part cement to 4 parts sand/gravel mix. and is poured to a depth of 2". Use the screed board to level the concrete and finish with the trowel.
The slab must not be moved for one week, after which it may be removed from the form and installed at the site.
To remove the slab from the form, remove the angle iron corners and the 4 screws that hold the 2x2's together. Do not remove the screws that hold the sheet metal base of the form to the 2x2's. Remove the nut that holds the bucket base in place and tap with a hammer around the edge of the bucket base to loosen it. Tap the 2x2 frame boards with the hammer to loosen them from the sides of the slab. They may tilt out some and that is OK. Tap around the top edge of the 3" pipe to loosen it from the slab. Starting at one corner and tapping frame, pipe and bucket base as necessary, have your helper lift one of the handles enough for the bottom of the slab at that corner to clear the top of the wood frame. At that point, place one of the angle iron brackets between the slab base and the corner of the form and let the helper gently rest the slab on the angle iron. Repeat this at the other three corners until the slab is completely free of the form. The slab may then be lifted by 4 men and placed on the ground for transport. It is easiest to move the slab if strong poles are passed between the handles to aid in lifting and carrying whenever possible. Be careful as the concrete slab is estimated to weigh more than 300 lbs.
End of Reinforced Concrete Slab.
Once the slab has been removed from the form and placed on the ground, it is time to place the enclosure on the slab and make some mounting brackets to fasten it to the slab's anchor bolts. This will be the last step before moving everything to the final site for installation.
Using bar stock, c-channel or similar material cut the material to length so that it will clamp down over the base of the PVC frame and can be held down by bolting the slab anchor bolt through a 3/8" hole in the bracket. Do this for all 4 corners of the enclosure. Unbolt the enclosure from the slab for transport.
48" x 36" - 42” deep where a sapling tree is to be planted later.
Make sure the sides of the pit are level to provide good support for the slab.
Center the slab over the hole. Make certain that the hole is completely covered.
place the enclosure on the slab, insert the vent pipe through the left wall opening and into the 3" hole in the slab, then fasten the enclosure to the slab with the 4 anchor bolts and metal brackets.
Place the pedestal over the larger slab hole and seal with a 1:10 mortar' Install the toilet seat and close the lid.
hangers and fill the bucket with water.
Corn cobs are for wiping after doing twalet , then throw it in the pit hole.
Always wash your hands after use with water from the fawcet.
Refill corn cobs and soil mix (3 soil to 1 ash and some leaves) as needed.
remove the pedestal, then move the slab over the new hole and reassemble.
the sapling will help to keep the soil moist. Water frequently until the tree begins to root well. | 2019-04-19T06:58:32Z | https://www.instructables.com/id/Arbor-Loo-Composting-Toilet-for-Haiti/ |
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, there is provided a soft protrusion structure for an electrostatic chuck, which offers a non-abrasive contact surface for wafers, workpieces or other substrates, while also having improved manufacturability and compatibility with grounded surface platen designs. The soft protrusion structure comprises a photo-patternable polymer.
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/266,657, filed Oct. 27, 2011, which is the U.S. National Stage of International Application No. PCT/US2010/034667, filed on May 13, 2010, published in English, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/216,305, filed on May 15, 2009. The entire teachings of the above applications are incorporated herein by reference.
An electrostatic chuck holds and supports a substrate during a manufacturing process and also removes heat from the substrate without mechanically clamping the substrate. During use of an electrostatic chuck, the back side of a substrate, such as a semiconductor wafer, is held to the face of the electrostatic chuck by an electrostatic force. The substrate is separated from one or more electrodes in the face of the electrostatic chuck by a surface layer of material that covers the electrode. In a Coulombic chuck, the surface layer is electrically insulating, while in a Johnsen-Rahbek electrostatic chuck, the surface layer is weakly conducting. The surface layer of the electrostatic chuck may be flat or may have one or more protrusions, projections or other surface features that further separate the back side of the substrate from the covered electrode. Heat delivered to the substrate during processing can be transferred away from the substrate and to the electrostatic chuck by contact heat conduction with the protrusions and/or by gas heat conduction with a cooling gas. Contact heat conduction is generally more efficient than gas heat conduction in removing heat from the substrate. However, controlling the amount of contact between the substrate and the protrusions can be difficult.
In microelectronics production, as semiconductor and memory device geometries become progressively smaller and the sizes of wafers, flat screen displays, reticles and other processed substrates become progressively larger, the allowable particulate contamination process specifications become more restrictive. The effect of particles on electrostatic chucks is of particular concern because the wafers physically contact or mount to the chuck clamping surface. If the mounting surface of the electrostatic chuck allows any particulate to become entrapped between the mounting surface and the substrate, the substrate may be deformed by the entrapped particle. For example, if the back side of a wafer is clamped electrostatically against a flat reference surface, the entrapped particle could cause a deformation of the front side of the wafer, which will therefore not lie in a flat plane. According to U.S. Pat. No. 6,835,415, studies have shown that a 10-micron particle on a flat electrostatic chuck can displace the surface of a reticle (i.e., a test wafer) for a radial distance of one inch or more. The actual height and diameter of the particle-induced displacement is dependent on numerous parameters such as the particle size, the particle hardness, the clamping force and the reticle thickness.
During substrate processing it is important to be able to control the temperature of the substrate, limit the maximum temperature rise of the substrate, maintain temperature uniformity over the substrate surface, or any combination of these. If there are excessive temperature variations across the substrate surface due to poor and/or non-uniform heat transfer, the substrate can become distorted and process chemistry can be affected. The greater the area of direct contact with the electrostatic chuck, the greater the heat transferred by contact heat conduction. The size of the area of direct contact is a function of the roughness, flatness and hardness of the contact surfaces of the substrate and electrostatic chuck, as well as of the applied pressure between the contact surfaces. Since the characteristics of the contact surface vary from substrate to substrate, and since the characteristics of the contact surface can change over time, accurately controlling contact heat conductance between the electrostatic chuck and substrate is difficult.
Controlling the temperature of a substrate and the number of particles on its back side is important for reducing or eliminating damage to microelectronic devices, reticle masks and other such structures, and for reducing or minimizing manufacturing yield loss. The abrasive properties of the electrostatic chuck protrusions, the high contact area of roughened protrusions, and the effect of lapping and polishing operations during manufacture of electrostatic chucks may all contribute adder particles to the back side of substrates during use with an electrostatic chuck.
In one embodiment according to the invention, there is provided an electrostatic chuck comprising a surface layer activated by a voltage in an electrode to form an electric charge to electrostatically clamp a substrate to the electrostatic chuck. The surface layer includes a plurality of protrusions comprising a photo-patternable polymer and a charge control layer to which the plurality of polymer protrusions adhere. The plurality of polymer protrusions extend to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions to support the substrate upon the plurality of polymer protrusions during electrostatic clamping of the substrate.
In further, related embodiments, the photo-patternable polymer may comprise a photo-patternable polymer that is liquid at room temperature prior to baking, or may comprise a photo-patternable polymer that is solid at room temperature prior to baking The photo-patternable polymer may comprise an epoxy based, polyimide based or benzocyclobutene based photo-patternable polymer. The charge control layer may comprise silicon carbide or diamond like carbon. The charge control layer may comprise a surface resistivity of between about 108 ohms per square to about 1011 ohms per square. The polymer protrusions may comprise a height of between about 3 microns and about 12 microns; and may comprise a diameter of about 900 microns. The electrostatic chuck may further comprise a gas seal ring comprising a photo-patternable polymer, such as an epoxy based, benzocyclobutene based or polyimide based photo-patternable polymer. The plurality of polymer protrusions may comprise a surface roughness of between about 0.02 μm and about 0.05 μm. The photo-patternable polymer may comprise a material having a tensile strength of greater than about 70 megapascals (MPa), and may comprise a material having a Young's modulus of less than about 3.5 gigapascals (GPa). The electrostatic chuck may comprise a conductive path covering at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring of the electrostatic chuck, the conductive path comprising at least a portion of an electrical path to ground. The conductive path may comprise diamond-like carbon.
In another embodiment according to the invention, there is provided an electrostatic chuck comprising a surface layer activated by a voltage in an electrode to form an electric charge to electrostatically clamp a substrate to the electrostatic chuck. The surface layer includes a plurality of protrusions comprising a conductive polymer and a charge control layer to which the plurality of polymer protrusions adhere. The plurality of polymer protrusions extend to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions to support the substrate upon the plurality of polymer protrusions during electrostatic clamping of the substrate.
In further, related embodiments, the conductive polymer may comprise a polymer from the group consisting of: a blend of a carbon nanotube and a polymer; and a conductive nanoparticle doped polymer.
In another embodiment according to the invention, there is provided a method of manufacturing an electrostatic chuck. The method comprises exposing a photo-patternable polymer, on a surface of the electrostatic chuck, to light through a mask, the electrostatic chuck comprising a charge control layer underlying at least a portion of the photo-patternable polymer; and removing areas of the surface of the electrostatic chuck based on a pattern of exposure of the surface to the light through the mask, thereby forming a plurality of polymer protrusions on the surface of the electrostatic chuck. The plurality of polymer protrusions adhere to the charge control layer and extend to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions.
In further related embodiments, the method may comprise laminating a polymer sheet including the photo-patternable polymer over at least a portion of the charge control layer, or spraying a liquid polymer including the photo-patternable polymer over at least a portion of the charge control layer. The photo-patternable polymer may comprise a material having a tensile strength of greater than about 70 megapascals (MPa) and having a Young's modulus of less than about 3.5 gigapascals (GPa). The method may further comprise covering at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring of the electrostatic chuck with a conductive path, the conductive path comprising at least a portion of an electrical path to ground.
FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional diagram of the top layers of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional diagram showing further layers of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 3 is an illustration of a pattern of protrusions on the surface of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 4 is a diagram of the surface appearance of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 5 is a diagram of the profile of a protrusion on an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating use of a lamination process in manufacturing of an electrostatic chuck using a photo-patternable polymer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating use of a spray coating process in manufacturing of an electrostatic chuck using a photo-patternable polymer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional diagram of an electrostatic chuck including polymer protrusions and a grounded layer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional diagram of an electrostatic chuck including polymer protrusions and a conductive path, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, there is provided an electrostatic chuck that includes protrusions on its surface for mounting a substrate. The protrusions are formed of a polymer substance, such as polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide or polyether ether ketone (PEEK). Further, the electrostatic chuck features a charge control surface layer, to which the polymer protrusions adhere. The charge control surface layer may be formed of the same polymer substance as the protrusions, such as polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide or polyether ether ketone (PEEK). Such protrusions and charge control surface layer may assist with encouraging contact of the electrostatic chuck with the substrate to promote contact cooling, while also reducing production of undesirable particles.
In another embodiment according to the invention, a photo-patternable polymer may be used to form protrusions and gas seals on an electrostatic chuck, as discussed further below.
FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional diagram of the top layers of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The electrostatic chuck features protrusions 101 that are formed of a polymer, such as polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide or polyether ether ketone (PEEK). The gas seal rings (not shown) of the electrostatic chuck may be formed of a polymer, such as the same polymer as the protrusions 101. The protrusions 101 adhere to a charge control layer 102, which may also be formed of a polymer. The purpose of the charge control layer 102 is to provide a conductive layer to bleed away surface charge. The charge control layer 102 reduces the likelihood of “wafer sticking,” which occurs when a wafer or other substrate electrostatically adheres to the chuck surface after the chuck power is removed. A charge control layer 102 having a surface resistivity in an appropriate range, such as, for example, a range of from about 1×108 ohms/square to about 1×1011 ohms/square, has been shown to reduce surface charge retention that can lead to undesirable electrostatic force and ultimately to wafer sticking. The slightly conductive surface layer bleeds charge to ground (not shown) while not interfering with the electrostatic attraction between the electrostatic chuck and the substrate. In one embodiment, both the protrusions 101 and the charge control layer 102 are formed of a single polymer, such as polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide or polyether ether ketone (PEEK). An adhesive layer 103 may be underneath the charge control layer 102, and may comprise a different polymer from the charge control layer. In particular, where the charge control layer is formed of polyether ether ketone (PEEK), the adhesive layer 103 may comprise polyetherimide (PEI). Alternatively, the adhesive layer 103 need not be present. Underneath the adhesive layer 103 (or directly underneath the charge control layer 102), the electrostatic chuck includes an adhesion coating 104 that encourages the polymer layers above it to adhere to the dielectric layer 105. The adhesion coating 104 stays buried under the polymer layers above it, and hides cosmetic defects in the polymers. The adhesion coating 104 may, for example, include silicon containing nitrides, oxides, carbides and non-stoichiometric versions of these, for example but not limited to SiOxNy, silicon nitride, silicon oxide or silicon carbide. The adhesion coating layer may also comprise carbon or a nitride compound of carbon; and may comprise diamond-like carbon; and/or a combination of any of the foregoing. Underneath the adhesion coating 104 is a dielectric layer 105, such as an alumina dielectric.
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional diagram showing further layers of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. In addition to protrusions 201, charge control layer 202, adhesive layer 203, adhesion coating 204 and dielectric layer 205, the electrostatic chuck includes metal electrodes 206. The metal electrodes 206 are bonded to electrode pins 207 by electrically conductive epoxy bonds 208. The dielectric layer 205 is bonded to a insulator layer 209, such as an alumina insulator, by a ceramic to ceramic bond 210. The ceramic to ceramic bond 210 may be formed of a polymer, such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or modified PTFE (which includes PFA and/or FEP in addition to PTFE). Further, the ceramic to ceramic bond 210 may be formed of polymers such as perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP) and polyether ether ketone (PEEK). Underneath the insulator 209 there is a thermally conductive bond 211 (which may be formed, for example, using TRA-CON thermally conductive epoxy, sold by Henkel AG & Co. KGaA of Düsseldorf, Germany) and a water cooled base 212. The adhesion coating 204 may extend down an edge of the electrostatic chuck (including down the edges of the gas seal rings) to form a metals reduction layer 213, which prevents beam strikes on the edges of the electrostatic chuck from causing aluminum particles to strike the substrate.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the polyetherimide (PEI) used for the protrusions 201, charge control layer 202 or other components of the electrostatic chuck may be formed of unfilled amorphous polyether imide (PEI), in a thickness of between about 12 microns and about 25 microns. For example, PEI sold under the tradename ULTEM 1000 may be used, sold by Sabic Innovative Plastics Holdings BV. Where the protrusions 201 and/or charge control layer 202 or other components are formed of polyether ether ketone (PEEK), they may be made from unfilled PEEK, in a thickness of between about 12 microns and about 25 microns. For example, PEEK sold under the trade name Victrex® APTIV PEEK™ FILM, 2000-006 (unfilled amorphous grade) may be used, sold by Victrex U.S.A., Inc. of West Conshohocken, Pa., U.S.A.
An electrostatic chuck featuring polymer protrusions and a polymer charge control layer in accordance with an embodiment of the invention may include features of the electrostatic chuck of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/454,336, filed on May 15, 2009, published as U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2009/0284894, the teachings of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. In particular, features relating to equally spaced protrusions, trigonal pattern protrusions and low particle production may be included, and other features may also be included.
FIG. 3 is an illustration of a pattern of protrusions 314 on the surface of an electrostatic chuck, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention, in which the protrusion pattern is used to reduce the forces between a substrate and the protrusions 314. Protrusion patterns that equally distribute such forces may be used, for example trigonal or generally hexagonal patterns of protrusions. It should be appreciated that, as used herein, a “trigonal” pattern is intended to mean a regularly repeating pattern of equilateral triangles of protrusions, such that the protrusions are substantially equally spaced apart. (Such a pattern may also be viewed as being generally hexagonal in shape, with a central protrusion in the center of an array of six protrusions that form the vertices of a regular hexagon). Forces may also be reduced by increasing the diameter 315 of the protrusions, or by decreasing the center-to-center spacing 316 of the protrusions 314. As shown in the embodiment of FIG. 3, the protrusions may be disposed in an equally spaced arrangement, in which each protrusion is substantially equally spaced apart from the adjacent protrusions by a center to center spacing dimension 316. By virtue of such spacing, a substantial portion of the back side of the substrate contacts the top portion of the protrusions, leaving a gap between the protrusions for helium or other gas for back side cooling. By contrast, without such protrusion spacing, only a small portion, 10% or less, of the protrusions may contact the substrate. In accordance with an embodiment of the invention the substrate may contact greater than 25% of the protrusion's top surface area.
In one example, the electrostatic chuck may be a 300 mm configuration, including an aluminum base, an alumina insulator 209 of about 0.120 inches in thickness, an alumina dielectric 205 of about 0.004 inches thickness, and having a rotary platen design to allow rotating and tilting of the substrate that is mounted to the electrostatic chuck. The diameter of the electrostatic chuck may, for example, be 300 mm, 200 mm or 450 mm. The protrusions 314 may be in a trigonal pattern, with a center to center spacing dimension 316 of from about 6 mm to about 8 mm, for example. The diameter 315 of the protrusions may, for example, be about 900 microns. The height of the protrusions 314 may, for example, be from about 3 microns to about 12 microns, such as about 6 microns. The protrusions 314 may be formed entirely of polymer, as may be the charge control layer 202 (see FIG. 2).
FIG. 4 is a diagram of the surface appearance of an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The electrostatic chuck surface includes gas inlets 417, a ground pin passage 418, a gas seal ring 419, a lift pin passage 420 that includes its own gas seal ring (outer light-colored structure of lift pin passage 420 in FIG. 4), and a small gas inlet at 421 in the center of the chuck (inlet not visible in FIG. 4). The ground pin passage 418 may include its own gas seal ring (outer ring of ground pin passage 419 in FIG. 4). A detail view (inset 422 in FIG. 4) shows the protrusions 414. The gas seal ring 419 (and the gas seal rings of the lift pin passages 420 and ground pin passages 418) may be about 0.1 inches in width and may have an equal height to that of the protrusions 414, such as from about 3 microns to about 12 microns, for example about 6 microns, although other widths and heights are possible.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, an electrostatic chuck may be made by the process of, first, preparing the ceramic assembly using a ceramic to ceramic bond. For example, the dielectric layer 205 may be bonded to the insulator layer 209 using the bonding substances described above in connection with the embodiment of FIG. 2. Next, the ceramic assembly is coated with the adhesion coating 204, such as the substances discussed above in connection with the embodiment of FIG. 1, to a thickness of about 1 or 2 microns. Next, the polymer substance that will make up the charge control layer 202 and protrusions 201 is bonded to the surface of the adhesion coating 204. The top of the polymer substance may then be plasma treated to help photoresist (applied next) to stick. Next, photoresist is deposited on the polymer substance, and is exposed and developed. Next, a reactive ion etch process is used to remove a thickness of the polymer substance (such as between about 3 microns and about 12 microns, in particular about 6 microns) to create the areas between the protrusions 201. The amount etched away (resulting in the height of the protrusions) may be optimized for the back side gas pressure that will be used with the electrostatic chuck. The height of the protrusions is preferably approximately the same as, or substantially equal to, the mean free path of the gas used in back side cooling. After etching, the photoresist is then stripped off, and the process proceeds to final assembly of the electrostatic chuck.
FIG. 5 is a diagram of the profile of a protrusion on an electrostatic chuck in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The width and height are shown in micrometers. The protrusion is about 6 microns in height, and has a very smooth wafer contact surface 523. For example, the protrusion may have a surface roughness on the wafer contact surface 523 of about 0.02 to about 0.05 μm. Likewise, the gas seal rings may have a similarly smooth surface, which results in a good seal with the substrate. Table 1, below, shows the results of a gas leak rate experiment in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The left column shows the back side gas pressure applied, the right column shows the back side gas flow, which occurs as a result of gas leaks out from under the edges of the electrostatic chuck, and the middle column shows the chamber pressure, which will rise as more gas leaks out the edge of the electrostatic chuck. Results of less than 1 sccm back side gas flow rate (as here) are considered desirable.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the gas seal rings of the electrostatic chuck may comprise a surface roughness of less than about 8 microinches, or less than about 4 microinches, or less than about 2 microinches, or less than about 1 microinches.
In another embodiment according to the invention, a photo-patternable polymer may be used to form protrusions and gas seals on an electrostatic chuck. As used herein, a “photo-patternable polymer” is a polymer whose surface may be patterned based on the results of a photochemical reaction.
FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating use of a lamination process in manufacturing of an electrostatic chuck using a photo-patternable polymer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. A photo-patternable polymer sheet is laminated 631 onto the electrostatic chuck. For example, a laminator using two rollers may apply a controlled heat and pressure to laminate the photo-patternable polymer sheet onto the electrostatic chuck. A soft bake process may be applied to the laminated sheet. Subsequently, an ultra-violet light exposure system is used 632 to expose the photo-patternable polymer, through a mask; and a developer is used 633 to remove undesired portions of the polymer that were not exposed through the mask, thereby producing the protrusions. Alternatively, the developer may be used to remove portions of the polymer that were exposed through the mask, depending on the type of photoresist used, in order to produce the protrusions. More generally, areas of the surface of the electrostatic chuck may be removed based on a pattern of exposure of the surface to the light through the mask, thereby producing the protrusions. An oven and hot plate is then used to hard bake 634 the protrusions. Some examples of photo-patternable polymer sheets that may be used include epoxy-based polymer sheets, polyimide-based polymer sheets and benzocyclobutene (BCB) polymer sheets. For example, epoxy-based polymer sheets such as the PerMx™ series, MX series and Riston® series polymer sheets sold by E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company of Wilmington, Del., U.S.A., may be used.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating use of a spray coating process in manufacturing of an electrostatic chuck using a photo-patternable polymer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. A liquid photo-patternable polymer is spray-coated 741 onto the electrostatic chuck. For example, a spray coating system may apply the liquid polymer to the electrostatic chuck, with a controlled heat on the electrostatic chuck and a controlled flow rate to the nozzle of the spray coating system. The desired thickness of polymer (for example, anywhere from sub-micrometer to millimeter thickness) may be precisely sprayed onto the surface of the electrostatic chuck. Subsequently, an ultra-violet light exposure system is used to expose 742 the photo-patternable polymer, through a mask; and a developer is used 743 to remove undesired portions of the polymer that were not exposed through the mask, thereby producing the protrusions. Alternatively, the developer may be used to remove portions of the polymer that were exposed through the mask, depending on the type of photoresist used, in order to produce the protrusions. More generally, areas of the surface of the electrostatic chuck may be removed based on a pattern of exposure of the surface to the light through the mask, thereby producing the protrusions. An oven and hot plate is then used to hard bake 744 the protrusions. Some examples of liquid photo-patternable polymers that may be used include epoxy-based liquid polymers, polyimide-based liquid polymers and benzocyclobutene (BCB) based liquid polymers. For example, epoxy-based liquid polymers that may be used include the SU8 series and KMPR series liquid polymers sold by MicroChem Corporation of Newton, Mass., U.S.A.; and polyimide-based liquid polymers that may be used include the HD4100 series, HD8800 series and HD8900 series liquid polymers sold by Hitachi DuPont MicroSystems, LLC of Wilmington, Del., U.S.A.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, where a photo-patternable polymer is used, the thickness of the protrusions determines the clamping force of the electrostatic chuck. Thus, in order to control the clamping force, the thickness of the protrusion can be controlled. For example, the thickness of the protrusion can be controlled by the thickness of the polymer sheet in a lamination process, and by the volume of polymer sprayed in a spray coating process. In addition, when a lamination process is used, the thickness can be changed by treating the protrusion with a reactive ion etch (RIE) process, for example to reduce the thickness of the protrusion. This may also result in the edges of the protrusion being smoother and cleaner.
Further, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the hard bake parameters for a photo-patternable polymer can be adjusted according to the application in which the electrostatic chuck is used, and the resulting desired polymer properties. For example, if particles are produced by abrasion of a substrate, which may be discovered in a clamping/declamping cycle test, it may be desirable to make the protrusions softer by decreasing the hard bake temperature and time. On the other hand, if particles from the polymer protrusions are discovered, for example in a clamping/declamping cycle test, it may be desirable to make the protrusions harder by increasing the hard bake temperature and time.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, use of a photo-patternable polymer can provide several advantages. It can produce a uniform thickness of protrusions; and can produce non-abrasive and soft protrusions, with Young's modulus and hardness significantly lower than ceramic protrusions (such as diamond like carbon and silicon carbide protrusions). Use of a photo-patternable polymer can improve manufacturability and require less capital equipment, can reduce particulate contamination, can provide better compatibility with grounded surface platen designs, can provide lower cost and higher throughput electrostatic chucks, and can be easier to scale up to larger size electrostatic chucks (such as 450 mm). In addition, photo-patternable polymer protrusions may have better adhesion than other protrusions, and can be used without an adhesion promoter. Further, an electrostatic chuck using photo-patternable polymer protrusions may be more easily refurbished than previous designs. For example, if a protrusion wears off, an oxygen plasma asher can be used to clean the surface, after which the protrusion may be reformed as described herein without disassembling the chuck.
FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional diagram of an electrostatic chuck including polymer protrusions and a grounded layer, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The electrostatic chuck includes polymer protrusions 801, which may for example include photo-patternable polymer protrusions, as well as a polymer gas seal 819. In a path for charge to ground, surface charge is bled to a grounded layer 851 through a charge control layer 802 and a conductive path layer 813. The conductive path layer 813 may, for example, be formed of silicon carbide, diamond like carbon and/or a substance used for charge control layers taught elsewhere herein, and may function as a conductive path to ground and also as a metals reduction layer. The grounded layer 851 may, for example, be formed of silicon carbide, diamond like carbon and/or a substance used for charge control layers taught elsewhere herein. The grounded layer 851 may, for example, comprise diamond-like carbon or silicon carbide, and may have a surface resistivity of between about 105 ohms per square and about 107 ohms per square. The electrostatic chuck of the embodiment of FIG. 8 also includes a dielectric layer 805, metal electrodes 806, a ceramic-to-ceramic bond 810, electrically conductive epoxy bonds 808, electrode pins 807, insulator layer 809, thermally conductive bond 811 and water cooled based 812. The dielectric 805 may comprise a bulk resistivity greater than about 1012 ohm-cm such that the electrostatic chuck is a Coulombic chuck. The charge control layer 802 may, for example, comprise silicon carbide or diamond like carbon; may be directly overlying the dielectric; may comprise a thickness in the range of from about 0.1 microns to about 10 microns; and may comprise a surface resistivity in the range of from about 1×108 ohms/square to about 1×1011 ohms/square.
FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional diagram of an electrostatic chuck including polymer protrusions and a conductive path, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. The electrostatic chuck includes polymer protrusions 901, which may for example include photo-patternable polymer protrusions, as well as a polymer gas seal 919. In a path for charge to ground, surface charge is bled to a grounded layer 951 through a charge control layer 902, a conductive path layer 913 and a conductive path 952. The conductive path layer 913 may, for example, be formed of silicon carbide, diamond-like carbon and/or a substance used for charge control layers taught herein, and may function as a conductive path to ground and also as a metals reduction layer. The grounded layer 951 may, for example, be formed of silicon carbide, diamond-like carbon and/or a substance used for charge control layers taught elsewhere herein. The grounded layer 951 may, for example, comprise diamond-like carbon or silicon carbide, and may have a surface resistivity of between about 105 ohms per square and about 107 ohms per square. The conductive path 952 may, for example, comprise diamond-like carbon or silicon carbide, and may have a surface resistivity of between about 105 ohms per square and about 107 ohms per square; and may, for example, cover at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring 919 of the electrostatic chuck. The electrostatic chuck of the embodiment of FIG. 9 also includes a dielectric layer 905, metal electrodes 906, a ceramic-to-ceramic bond 910, electrically conductive epoxy bonds 908, electrode pins 907, insulator layer 909, thermally conductive bond 911 and water cooled based 912. The dielectric 905 may comprise a bulk resistivity greater than about 1012 ohm-cm such that the electrostatic chuck is a Coulombic chuck. The charge control layer 902 may, for example, comprise silicon carbide or diamond like carbon; may be directly overlying the dielectric; may comprise a thickness in the range of from about 0.1 microns to about 10 microns; and may comprise a surface resistivity in the range of from about 1×108 ohms/square to about 1×1011 ohms/square.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, an electrostatic chuck may be made by the process of, first, preparing the ceramic assembly using a ceramic to ceramic bond 810. For example, the dielectric layer 805 may be bonded to the insulator layer 809 using the bonding substances described above in connection with the embodiment of FIG. 2. Next, the back side of the ceramic assembly is coated with the grounded layer 851 and conductive path layer 813 using Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD), such as by depositing the substances discussed above for use as the grounded layer 851 and conductive path layer 813 in FIG. 8, to a thickness of about 1 micron.
Next, the front side of the ceramic assembly is coated by the charge control layer 802 using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), such as by depositing silicon carbide, diamond like carbon and/or a substance taught elsewhere herein for use as a charge control layer, with the layer 802 being electrically connected with grounded layer 851 via the edge of the ceramic assembly.
Next, the polymer protrusions 801 and gas seal rings 819 are made by photolithography. The photo-patternable polymer sheet is laminated onto the charge control layer 802 by using CATENA (sold by GBC Films Group, Addison, Ill., U.S.A.) with a 0.5 m/min roll speed and a 410-480 kPa pressure at 80 C, and then is baked at 100 C for 5 min. After that, the polymer is exposed to light of an intensity of 300 mJ/cm2. The photo-patternable polymer is baked at 95 C for 5 min and then developed in Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PGMEA) for 5 min, followed by Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) rinsing for 2 min. At the end, the polymer is baked at 180 C for 30 min. In addition, when a lamination process is used, the thickness can be changed by treating the protrusion with a reactive ion etch (RIE) process, for example to reduce the thickness of the protrusion. This may also result in the edges of the protrusion being smoother and cleaner. The thickness of the protrusion is between about 3 microns and about 12 microns, for example about 6 microns. The amount etched away (resulting in the height of the protrusions) may be optimized for the back side gas pressure that will be used with the electrostatic chuck. The height of the protrusions is preferably approximately the same as, or substantially equal to, the mean free path of the gas used in back side cooling.
A process is used similar to that described above for producing the embodiment of FIG. 8, and in addition there is added a Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coating by a CVD process with a shadow mask, after the polymer protrusions have been made. The DLC coating covers the gas seal ring 819 and the side wall of ceramic assembly.
A similar process is used to that described above for lamination, except that a different technique is used to apply the photo-patternable polymer for the protrusions 801 and gas seal ring 819 onto the charge control layer 802.
The polymer protrusions 801 and gas seal ring 819 are made by a photolithography technique. The photo-patternable polymer is sprayed onto the charge control layer 802 using a Prism 300 (sold by Ultrasonic Systems, Inc., Haverhill, Mass., U.S.A.) with a 100 mm/sec spray speed, 2 ml/min flow rate, 30 psi air pressure and 30 mm height (distance between spray head and the surface of the charge control layer 802), and then is baked at 95 C for 15 min. The ceramic assembly is heated up to 65 C during the spray coating process. After that, the polymer is exposed to light of an intensity of 300 mJ/cm2. The photo-patternable polymer is baked at 95 C for 5 min and then developed in Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PGMEA) for 5 min, followed by Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) rinsing for 2 min. At the end, the polymer is baked at 180 C for 30 min. The thickness of the protrusion is between about 3 microns and about 12 microns, for example about 6 microns. The thickness of the protrusions is controlled by the amount of polymer sprayed onto the surface of the charge control layer 802. The thickness of protrusions may be optimized for the back side gas pressure that will be used with the electrostatic chuck. The height of the protrusions is preferably approximately the same as, or substantially equal to, the mean free path of the gas used in back side cooling.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention a variety of tests were performed on an electrostatic chuck having photo-patternable polymer protrusions described herein. Results were as follows.
1) Scratch test: a needle was used to scratch through a protrusion. The protrusion passed the test; the blade cut through the protrusion without causing delamination.
2) Tape test: a Kapton tape was placed on top of the protrusions, and was then peeled off. The protrusions passed the test; no protrusions peeled off.
3) IPA Wipe test: clean room paper with Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) was used to wipe the embossments. The protrusions passed the test.
4) Loading/unloading cycle test: a weight was loaded and unloaded onto the top of the protrusions several times. The protrusions passed the test.
5) Glass rubbing test: 15 μm PerMx™ protrusions on a silicon carbide surface were used. Normal stress was manually applied onto the protrusions using glass, while the glass was rubbed against the protrusions. The results were that the thickness of the protrusions did not change. Scratches were found on the top surface of the embossments.
6) Torture tests: Torture tests were performed using a ceramic assembly with 14 μm thick protrusions. In a solvent test, the protrusions were immersed in IPA and acetone for a day respectively. In a UV exposure test, the protrusions were continually exposed to UV light for 10.25 hours. In a cold test, the sample was covered with dry ice at approximately −70 C. After the torture tests, a knife was used to scratch the protrusions. The knife cut through the protrusions without causing delamination and cracks. All protrusions passed the tests.
7) Clamp test: the charging current was measured during clamping of the electrostatic chuck, for both charging and discharging of the electrodes. The waveform was found to stay uniform and properly formed under all operating conditions (including varying back side gas pressures, in vacuum and in air).
8) Gas Leak Rate tests: similar gas leak rate tests were performed to those shown in Table 1, above. No arcing, a high clamp force and a low gas flow rate were found. Similar results were found both before and after a 500K cycle clamp/declamp test.
9) Materials Purity tests: three samples were made (photo-patternable polymer film; laminated photo-patternable polymer film on silicon wafer without additional processing; and fully formed photo-patternable polymer protrusions on a silicon wafer). The three samples were surface-extracted using 5% HNO3 for one hour at room temperature and the resulting solutions were measured for 19 metals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results found acceptably low levels of atoms per square centimeter of the 19 metals.
10) Clamp/Declamp Cycle Test: After a 500K cycle clamp/declamp test, the height and roughness of protrusions and gas seals did not change. Table 2 shows the results. Profilometry showed that the shapes of the protrusions and gas seals likewise did not change.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, photo-patternable polymer protrusions may be used that include materials of low Young's modulus and high tensile strength. Table 3 shows a comparison of mechanical properties of various materials, with the PerMX and SU8 materials being examples of epoxy based photo-patternable polymers. It can be seen in Table 3 that the thermal stability of polyether imide (PEI), epoxy and polyimide are similar; but the tensile strength of epoxy and polyimide based polymers are higher than PEI. The elastic modulus (stiffness) of PEI, epoxy and polyimide are similar, and all of them are softer than diamond like carbon (DLC). In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, a polymer substance may be used for protrusions that has a tensile strength of greater than about 70 megapascals (MPa), such as between about 70 MPa and 80 MPa; and that has a Young's modulus of less than about 3.5 gigapascals (GPa), such as between about 2 GPa and 3 GPa. Other substances may be used.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the hardness of polymer protrusions, such as epoxy photo-patternable polymer protrusions, may be between about 350 MPa and about 450 MPa. The bonding strength of the polymer protrusions may be greater than about 15 MPa between the polymer protrusions and an underlying charge control layer. In some embodiments, the adhesion of the polymer protrusions may be sufficient to permit the charge control layer (802 of FIG. 8) to be adhered directly to the dielectric 805, without an intervening adhesion layer or adhesive. After clamping a wafer or other substrate to the polymer protrusions, the metallic contaminants (for example, Li, Mg, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ge, Y, Mo, Sn, Ba, Ce, Hf, Ta, W, Pb, Sb) transferred from the polymer protrusions to the wafer backside may be less than about 1E10 atom/cm2. After clamping a wafer or other substrate to the polymer protrusions, the particles deposited on the back side of the substrate as a result of the use of the electrostatic chuck may be less than about 2000 particle adders of particle size range of 0.16 μm or greater.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, photo-patternable polymer protrusions set forth herein may, for example, be produced as set forth herein, to adhere to an underlying charge control layer. The charge control layer may, for example, include silicon carbide, diamond like carbon, or another material. Such a charge control layer may have a surface resistivity between about 108 ohms per square to about 1011 ohms per square.
In another embodiment according to the invention, photo-patternable protrusions set forth herein may be used on a grounded electrostatic chuck, for example as shown in the embodiments of FIGS. 8 and 9. For example, a grounding technique may include a conductive path covering at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring of the electrostatic chuck, the conductive path comprising at least a portion of an electrical path to ground. The conductive path may, for example, comprise diamond-like carbon or silicon carbide, and may have a surface resistivity of between about 105 ohms per square and about 107 ohms per square. Other conductive paths may be used that are taught in International Application No. PCT/US2011/050841, published as WO2012/033922, entitled “High Conductivity Electrostatic Chuck,” the entire teachings of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. For example, teachings related to conductive paths covering over the outside edges of electrostatic chucks may be used.
Although photo-patternable polymers are discussed herein, similar spray-coating methods may be used with other soft materials, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. For example, conductive polymers, high chemical-resistance polymers, high temperature resistant polymers, and other materials may be spray coated with a shadow mask to make soft protrusions for electrostatic chucks. In one example, conductive polymers may be spray coated to form conductive soft embossments for a grounded electrostatic chuck. For example, the conductive polymers may comprise a blend of a carbon nanotube and a polymer (such as Entegris TEGO™ polymer, sold by Entegris, Inc. of Billerica, Mass., U.S.A.); a carbon nanotube filled polycarbonate; and/or a conductive nanoparticle doped polymer. Such conductive polymer protrusions may be used with a wrap-around DLC coating for grounding of the electrostatic chuck, such as one of the conductive paths that are taught in International Application No. PCT/US2011/050841, published as WO2012/033922, entitled “High Conductivity Electrostatic Chuck,” the entire teachings of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference. Various features of embodiments described herein may be combined; for example, heights and surface roughnesses of protrusions discussed herein may be obtained with a variety of different protrusions, including photo-patternable protrusions taught herein.
In addition, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention, polymers taught herein, including photo-patternable polymers, conductive polymers, high chemical-resistance polymers and high temperature resistant polymers, may be used for protrusions on vacuum chucks and mechanical chucks.
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, an electrostatic chuck is a Coulombic chuck. The dielectric can include aluminum, for example alumina or aluminum nitride. In a further embodiment according to the invention, an electrostatic chuck is a Johnsen-Rahbek electrostatic chuck. Alternatively, the electrostatic chuck may not be a Johnsen-Rahbek electrostatic chuck, and the dielectric may be chosen so that a Johnsen-Rahbek (JR) force or partial hybrid Johnsen-Rahbek force does not act on the wafer or substrate.
a surface layer activated by a voltage in an electrode to form an electric charge to electrostatically clamp a substrate to the electrostatic chuck, the surface layer including a plurality of protrusions comprising a photo-patternable polymer and a charge control layer to which the plurality of polymer protrusions adhere, the plurality of polymer protrusions extending to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions to support the substrate upon the plurality of polymer protrusions during electrostatic clamping of the substrate.
2. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a photo-patternable polymer that is liquid at room temperature prior to baking.
3. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a photo-patternable polymer that is solid at room temperature prior to baking.
4. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises an epoxy based photo-patternable polymer.
5. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises at least one of a polyimide based photo-patternable polymer and a benzocyclobutene based photo-patternable polymer.
6. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the charge control layer comprises silicon carbide.
7. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the charge control layer comprises diamond like carbon.
8. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the charge control layer comprises a surface resistivity of between about 108 ohms per square to about 1011 ohms per square.
9. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the polymer protrusions comprise a height of between about 3 microns and about 12 microns.
10. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the polymer protrusions comprise a diameter of about 900 microns.
11. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, further comprising a gas seal ring comprising a photo-patternable polymer.
12. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 11, wherein the gas seal ring comprises at least one of an epoxy based photo-patternable polymer, a benzocyclobutene based photo-patternable polymer and a polyimide based photo-patternable polymer.
13. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of polymer protrusions comprise a surface roughness of between about 0.02 μm and about 0.05 μm.
14. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a material having a tensile strength of greater than about 70 megapascals (MPa).
15. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a material having a Young's modulus of less than about 3.5 gigapascals (GPa).
16. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 1, further comprising a conductive path covering at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring of the electrostatic chuck, the conductive path comprising at least a portion of an electrical path to ground.
17. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 16, wherein the conductive path comprises diamond-like carbon.
18. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 16, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a photo-patternable polymer that is liquid at room temperature prior to baking, and wherein the charge control layer comprises a surface resistivity of between about 108 ohms per square to about 1011 ohms per square.
a surface layer activated by a voltage in an electrode to form an electric charge to electrostatically clamp a substrate to the electrostatic chuck, the surface layer including a plurality of protrusions comprising a conductive polymer and a charge control layer to which the plurality of polymer protrusions adhere, the plurality of polymer protrusions extending to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions to support the substrate upon the plurality of polymer protrusions during electrostatic clamping of the substrate.
20. An electrostatic chuck according to claim 19, wherein the conductive polymer comprises a polymer from the group consisting of: a blend of a carbon nanotube and a polymer; and a conductive nanoparticle doped polymer.
removing areas of the surface of the electrostatic chuck based on a pattern of exposure of the surface to the light through the mask, thereby forming a plurality of polymer protrusions on the surface of the electrostatic chuck, the plurality of polymer protrusions adhering to the charge control layer and extending to a height above portions of the charge control layer surrounding the plurality of polymer protrusions.
22. A method according to claim 21, comprising laminating a polymer sheet including the photo-patternable polymer over at least a portion of the charge control layer.
23. A method according to claim 21, comprising spraying a liquid polymer including the photo-patternable polymer over at least a portion of the charge control layer.
24. A method according to claim 21, wherein the photo-patternable polymer comprises a material having a tensile strength of greater than about 70 megapascals (MPa) and having a Young's modulus of less than about 3.5 gigapascals (GPa).
25. A method according to claim 21, further comprising covering at least a portion of a workpiece-contacting surface of a gas seal ring of the electrostatic chuck with a conductive path, the conductive path comprising at least a portion of an electrical path to ground.
*Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 13/266,657, "Electrostatic Chuck with Polymer Protrusions", Date Mailed: Jul. 18, 2014.
Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 12/454,336, titled "Electrostatic Chuck"; Date Mailed: Oct. 15, 2013.
International Preliminary Report on Patentability from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2009/003015, Dated Dec. 2, 2010.
International Preliminary Report on Patentability from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2011/037712, "High Surface Resistivity Electrostatic Chuck," Dated: Sep. 18, 2012.
International Search Report from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2009/003015, Dated Jul. 16, 2009.
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 12/454,336 dated Dec. 20, 2012, "Electrostatic Chuck".
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 12/454,336, "Electrostatic Chuck"; Date Mailed: Feb. 26, 2014.
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 12/454,336, titled "Electrostatic Chuck" ; Date Mailed: Mar. 26, 2013.
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 12/454,336, titled "Electrostatic Chuck"; Date Mailed: Jul. 10, 2012.
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 13/266,657, "Electrostatic Chuck with Polymer Protrusions"; Date Mailed: Nov. 8, 2013.
Non-Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 13/699,279, "High Surface Resistivity Electrostatic Chuck"; Date Mailed: Mar. 12, 2014.
Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2010/034667, Dated Feb. 1, 2011.
Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2011/037712, "High Surface Resistivity Electrostatic Chuck," Dated: Jan. 10, 2012.
Notification of Transmittal of the International Search Report and Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2013/067301, Dated: Jan. 16, 2014 (10 pgs.).
Search Report for Taiwan Application No. 098115989 "Electrostatic Chuck"; Date of Completion: Feb. 17, 2014.
Supplementary European Search Report, EP10775520, Dated: Oct. 18, 2013.
Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority from counterpart International Application No. PCT/US2009/003015, Dated Jul. 16, 2009. | 2019-04-25T22:32:11Z | https://patents.google.com/patent/US8861170B2/en |
The view of the eclipsed Sun with the two planets over the water was outstanding and a complete justification for the choice of viewing location.
Our journey began with a London tube train to the airport. It ended in Russia with the famed Moscow metro taking us to our accommodation.
In Moscow, we explored Red Square with its dazzling Church of St Basil and the huge prison-like department store called GUM. We went inside the Kremlin and visited The Armoury. This badly named museum contains a few weapons but it is famous for the gold, silver and jewels collected by Russia's tzars and tzarinas over the centuries. There was a large collection of Faberge eggs and carriages including the one used by the unlucky Nicholas II.
Novodevichy Monastery was a working convent with a quiet ambiance away from the noise and hustle of the city.
The city's Metro was very attractive - the stations are made from marble with chandeliers, stained glass, mosaics and elaborate carvings. It has a slightly faded 1930s feel.
The Trans-Siberian Railway. Two days of train travel. Outside the views were of trees - and more trees. And clouds and rain. And rivers crossed on big noisy metal bridges. Did I say rain? There was an eclipse to come - I didn't want to see rain.
Finally we arrived in Novosibirsk. Here we met two people (Mari von Hoffmann and Bonnie Leifer) who had been with us at the 2006 eclipse in Turkey. Bonnie's husband, the easy-going Tim, had been persuaded to join our group.
Many eclipse chasers were gathered around a statue of Lenin. Some talked of hiring a bus so they could outrun any clouds. The favoured site was the northern shore of the nearby Ob Sea. The northern shore of this large body of water, thirty kilometers south of Novosibirsk, was supposed to have the better weather prospects.
I favoured the southern shore. I wanted to see the approach of the Moon's shadow over water and I liked the idea of the eclipsed Sun being visible over the sea. We had spent a day locating an eclipse site to which we could commute by local train and bus for less than $2.
It took us till 3am to prepare all our equipment and our day pack with refreshments so I was a little tired when the alarm went off at 8am. It was good that this eclipse would be the latest that I had seen (17:45 local time). For once we could take it slowly.
The weather was predicted to be "patchy". Outside there was sun and there were clouds. They were cummulus clouds and I guessed that they would build up around the middle of the day then fade as it got later.
This was the first eclipse that I would commute to. Our journey began at 9:15 with the number 13 trollybus taking us to the nearest metro station. A single stop ride took us to the Novosibirsk railway station, the largest on the Trans-Siberian Railway. We chose the smaller entrance for local trains and bought our tickets.
We were joined by seven others making a total of nine. Apart from ourselves (Kryss and Talaat), and our three USA companions (Mari, Bonnie and Tim) we were joined by Olga (an Austrian who spoke Russian) and three Greeks: Georgina, Yiannis and Yianna. At 11:06, with combined Russian and eclipse timing, the train departed from platform 11A with the nine of us looking forward to a day on the beach.
It took a little over an hour to arrive at the city of Berdsk. The number 3 minibus was not at the station but a driver of an empty number 12 took all of us for the same price.
At 12:30 we arrived at our eclipse site, Staribirsk Beach on the shore of the Ob Sea, one of the largest bodies of water in Siberia. The eclipse would not start for over four hours.
Staribirsk was a 50m wide Russian beach, several hundred metres long. The place had a shop, shade and a flat wooden stage-like structure that we climbed onto overlooking the sand, sea and bathers. We were the only foreigners there and nobody disturbed us. Behind us were trees and people camping. The sea was West and North, the direction of the shadow approach and the location of the Sun in late afternoon.
The 'stage' structure that was our observation place.
We passed the time swimming, shopping for watermelon, drinking tea, nibbling snacks, looking at the clouds, jotting notes in diaries, preparing cameras, lying in the sun, reading, retrieving hats blown away by the wind, or just waiting.
As eclipse time approached the wind became stronger but the clouds mostly disappeared. It was hot.
First Contact was at 16:42 with the Sun behind the only cloud in the sky - it was a small one so we saw the bite soon after. The partial phase of this eclipse lasted only an hour, far shorter than previous eclipses. They seemed to pass quickly too. The sky colour began changing after only about ten minutes. To the South it became a dull blue colour as if it had lost the bright blue sparkle of daylight.
The golden light of evening was made more so as more and more of the Sun disappeared behind the Moon.
Dogs were barking in the distance. The sea changed colour constantly as the light changed. The bright reflection of sunlight on the water became muted. There were no clouds anywhere near us - only a few small ones hugging the horizon. Birds appeared to be flying around confused.
By 17:40, the light had dimmed dramatically and everyone was excited. This was a very fast eclipse and things happend quickly around the time of totality.
Bonnie spotted Venus about two minutes before totality. I didn't see it. I was watching the shadow approaching. The clouds on the horizon turned dark. The sky beyond turned almost black. The horizon reddened.
All too quickly Totality was upon us. It was darker than the previous eclipse (2006) and the corona was less extensive. We could see streamers. There was a red prominance at the one o'clock position.
Looking out to sea straight ahead I could see the beautiful eclipsed Sun with its corona. Just above and to the left was Mercury, close to the Sun and brighter than Sirius (the brightest star). Further left was Venus, a bright non-twinkling lamp. I noticed that the shadow was eliptical. It was darker in the East-West axis than North-South. Georgina spotted the star Arcturus behind us.
Several dogs were barking. People were howling with awe, wonder and pleasure. Fireworks were being set off several kilometres away to our left. The lights of the city to our right had come on. Fortunatly both these distractions were a long way from us.
If Totality had arrived quickly it was now leaving quickly as the Moon's shadow whizzed past us at nearly a kilometre per second. I just had time to look through binocculars at the Sun when I noticed the sky brightening in the North West. I looked up to see a brilliant diamond ring. The sky was lit up with golden light as Totality ended.
We hugged and whooped with delight at what had been a superb eclipse. For the first time I was using a digital camera at an eclipse. I could instantly see what images I had managed to catch of this fleeting and unusual phenomenon. No photographic equipment can ever do justice to a Total Eclipse of the Sun. We had all captured different aspects of the event and had something unique to add to the experience. Talaat had been recording the event in video and audio and, unlike the rest of us, had continued to record after Totality was over.
We lingered on as the partial phases slowly returned the Sun to its full brightness. Within an hour it was difficult to tell that anything had happend. It had been a great show and we had enjoyed the best seats in the house. We later leant that the Altai region further south had been clouded out as had many parts of China.
We packed and left, catching the bus back to the station. The local drunk smiled at us. The train back was packed and slow. Even the sky was now cloudier. Our little group slowly split and the core of five ended up in the Zhili Bili, our restaurant of choice in Novosibirsk. I had a kebab with chips washed down with the local beer, the appropriately named Siberian Corona. By the time we headed home, the buses had stopped so we took a taxi. Our driver sang to us in Russian. He had a wonderful tenor voice but his song could not match the music of the spheres provided by the Sun and Moon a few hours earlier.
Next one, China or Japan 2009.
The Inner Corona with Prominences.
The Totally Eclipsed Sun with Venus (left) and Mercury.
The beach at Staribirsk on the Ob Sea during Totality.
Panorama during totality showing the planets and the sunset coloured sky.
The partial phases of the eclipse after Totality.
A frantic totality in Siberia.
We left Novosibirsk on the Siberia-Turkistan Express.
This time our companions were two older ladies. And one was an English teacher. The Carriage Attendant had seen the eclipse and it had terrified her. I showed her our photos and she looked after us for the rest of the journey. In fact we were treated like royalty on this train - everyone giving us fruit, sweets and food and wanting to talk about the eclipse. Even the Russian immigration guards were less interested in stamping our passports than they were in seeing our photos. As for the Kazakhs, they were so interested that they forgot to give us entry stamps until I reminded them.
The trees of the first train were replaced by steppes - flat grasses with some hills and mountains in the distance. The Kazakhs wore colourful scarves and speak a Turkic language. They make nice dumplings and shashlyk (kebabs).
We arrived in Almaty, a very green and pleasant city. We explored the city streets trying out food from the many food stalls - samsa, manty, kebab, plov.
We visited the interesting Museum of Musical Instruments. The State Museum was excellent with a nomadic tent (yurt) as its centre piece and lots of ethnographic displays.
It was hotter as we had moved south by 12 degrees - the temperature had gone up by the same amount. This was a very cosmopolitan city as we met Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Turks and a gold toothed woman from Azerbaijan.
Almaty is flanked to the south by the beautiful Tien Shan Mountains which beckoned us.
A car took us out of the city and alongside these mountains. Horses grazed the grass and tombs were scattered on hills. We crossed a small pass and arrived at a tiny border crossing into Kyrgyzstan. The journey continued alongside the blue Chuy River which marked the border between the two countries. We entered the Shoestring Gorge with its dramatic coloured rocks - one section was banded black and white.
We descended to Issyk Kol Lake, the world's second largest Alpine lake (after Titicaca). The lake is very blue and is flanked to the North by snow-capped mountains. There were many resort towns. At the Eastern end of the lake was Karakol, a pleasant and friendly low rise town. The houses were brightly painted with wooden shutters and nice gardens.
The Russian Orthodox Church was carved wood with painted yellow domes and female singers with sweet voices accompanying the priest. The Central Mosque resembled a Chinese temple.
Highlight of the week was the busy Animal Market where Kyrgyz traders sold sheep (including the fat tailed variety prized for the fat in their tails), cows, a few goats and the horses for which the region is famous. Kyrgyz males rode these horses Khan-like. Many of the men wear a distinctive type of white hat with black markings.
The Przewalski Museum (a Russian explorer of Central Asia who has a pygmy Mongolian horse named after him) has details about the man and his many travels in the region.
We took another car along the southern shore of Issyk Kol Lake. This is the undeveloped and wilder side with great rock formations coming down to the water. Beyond the lake was Kochkor, a tiny village.
The wonderful thing about Kyrgyzstan is its Community Based Tourism (CBT) offices around the country. These link travellers with the local people providing services. We arrived at Kochkor without accommodation and were provided with a homestay. These well kept, clean and tidy family houses are good value and include breakfast.
CBT also provided a taxi driver who took us to a 3016m high lake called Song Kol. The lake is famous for its jailoos (summer pastures) where herders bring their yurts (nomadic tents) and their livestock to graze. We saw many horses, sheep, goats, cattle and even yaks. The lake was surrounded by mountains, some snow capped.
Traveling by taxi can be a good option for tourists, especially with the advent of services like Uber. Uber drivers can use their own car even it they have a TitleMax loan on their vehicle. Drivers give TitleMax the title to their car or motorcycle in exchange for a loan, and then receive the title back when the loan is fully paid.
After a brief stop in the capital, Bishkek, we took a shared taxi through the Kyrgys Alatau Mountains. We entered a canyon and began to climb to a 3586m high pass and blasted through it in a Soviet built 2.4km tunnel. It was badly lit and a little scary but our driver was careful. This opened out to the wide and fertile Suusamyr Valley, another jailoo with yurts, horses, streams and trees, flanked by snow capped peaks. Another pass lead into a forested gorge where people sold honey in roadside stalls.
We descended to ocre and yellow barren rocks dotted with fertile oases leading down to the Naryn River Valley. Toktogul Lake was torquise blue and surrounded by barren rocks. Even more intensely blue was the Naryn River itself as we followed it along a narrow gorge. The land flattened out into the Fergana Valley.
Osh felt like Asia. It was a busy Islamic bazaar city with Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Uguirs, Turks and others living and trading there.
A four wheel drive Japanese jeep was hired for three days. This performed admirably as long as the road was paved and flat. A few kilometres out of Osh the pave disappeared and we began to climb several passes. On engaging the four wheel drive the engine over-heated.
The scenery was outstanding especially as we reached Sari Tash. A long white line of snow capped mountains stood before us from horizon to horizon - and we had to climb into them. At 4000m we entered underdeveloped Tajikistan. Bribes were paid and soldiers were given lifts to.
Lake Karakol was a deep blue azure colour and surrounded by snow capped mountains. This lake was formed ten million years ago from the crater left by a meteorite strike. Murghab was our first stop and we spent the night on a Kyrgyz family's living room floor. At 3800m our heads were aching. The star gazing was superb though.
The next day was spent on the Pamir Plain, a desolate but beautiful plateau dotted with azure salt lakes and towered by mountains. We spent the night in a sanitorium at Jelandy. This had been built over hot sulphurous springs so the showers were delicious and there was a pool and restaurant.
We followed the pretty Gunt Valley down to the Pamir's main town, Khorog, just a kilometre from the Afghanistan border. We saw the weekly Afghan Market - the Afghanis are easy to spot with their distinctive clothes.
We took another car to explore the Panj and Wakhan Valleys. Both are shared with Afghanistan so villages could be seen and heard across the river. Looking across the valley we could glimpse the glaciated Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan just 10km away beyond a narrow strip of Afghanistan. The valley was dotted with forts, Buddhist stupas, and tombs of Sufi saints. And the scenery was outstanding as it had been all through Tajikistan.
The capital, Dushanbe was a two day journey away. On the first day we followed the Panj Valley northwards alongside Afghanistan. The villages on the Afghan side were pretty with mud houses set among green oases. Gorges were navigated leading to wide fertile valleys. The second day was difficult as the road was bad but again the scenery was superb.
We arrived in the capital during an international summit. All hotels were booked solid and there was nowhere to stay. A kind English-speaking Uzbek man (Bahrior) and his Tajik wife (Parveena) took us to their home, fed and watered us and gave us a floor-made bed for the night. In the morning they took us to an apartment in the centre that they had found in the newspaper. Frequent closures of the city centre meant that we did not get to see much in the city.
Our journey northwards through the Fan Mountains was spoiled by road works delaying our shared taxi until nightfall. We saw an ancient city at Penjikent and crossed into Uzbekistan.
Samarkand was a city with spectacular monuments scattered around it. At its centre was the Registan, a colllection of blue tiled Islamic schools built by Timor and his grandson, Ulugbek. Although we had crossed into another country, this city was still mainly Tajik speaking.
One highlight was Ulugbek's 1420s Observatory, discovered in 1908. Apart from ruling Samarkand he taught mathematics and astronomy and wrote books. A Renaissance man before the Renaissance began in Europe.
We had daytrips to the huge Sunday market at Urgut and to Shakhrisabz where Timor was born. We saw the ruins of his enormous palace and a mosque with a painted interior.
A train took us to Bukhara past cotton fields and semi-desert. The old town was delightful and quiet. The historical buildings were part of the normal landscape. There were domed covered bazaars, mosques, Islamic schools, tombs and narrow cobbled streets. At its heart was Lyabi Hauz, a tree-shaded square set around a pool and flanked on three sides by blue tiled 15th century buildings. Some facades feature animals, unusual in Islamic art.
The Kalon Minar was a 47m high minaret built in 1127 and featuring the region's first use of glazed tiles among the fancy brickwork. Legend has it that it had impressed Genghis Khan so much he ordered it spared when he sacked the city. The Tomb of Isnail Somoni dating from 905 and covered in terracotta bricks forming a maze of patterns. Some of the newer mosques (newer in Bukhara meaning later than 16th century) had tall Persian gates covered in tiles. The older ones had elaborately carved wooden columns and painted wooden ceilings.
The Ark is an enormous walled citadel where the rulers of the city lived until 1920 when the Russians took over. The final Khan's Summer Palace was a riot of gaudiness while the shrine of Sufi saint, Bakhautdin, was set in a quiet garden and an ideal place to escape the tour groups.
Khiva was a walled city with stunning minarets, palaces, mausoleums and medressas. Jucy watermelons were another of its highlights. At one gate there is a statue of Al-Khwarezmi. Mainly unknown to the West, he developed the Indian numeric system which came to Europe as "Arabic Numerals". His book on mathematics gave the English language the word "algebra" and from his name we get "algorithm".
A 16 hour daytrip took us to Chillpyk, a Zoroastran 'tower of silence'. We crossed the Amu-Darya River on a series of barges acting as a bridge. This was the ancient Oxus when crossed by Alexander The Great. We stopped at Nukus where we saw an art gallery of banned Soviet art saved by being displayed in this backwater town. The collection is becoming internationally famous and is changing the history of European art.
Our destination was Moynaq, once a large fishing port on the Aral Sea but now 150km from the water. The shrinking sea is one of the great ecological disasters of the 20th century. It was caused by the diversion of rivers to irrigate cotton fields. We stood by the 1960 shoreline and viewed the rusting remains of the fishing fleet resting on the former seabed.
Elliq Qala is a region north of Khiva. The semi-desert is dotted with forts, temples, ancient cities and other excavated structures.
A train took us to the friendly city of Tashkent and from there two flights (via Riga) brought us home.
Written account and all text descriptions. (© 2008). All photo and video editing.
Inner Corona and Prominences, Diamond Ring. Bad photos of Sun and planets. Beach. Some individual portraits. Shadow approach before Totality (four photos).
Taken with Lumix FZ-18 digital camera. Eclipsed Sun and Diamond Ring at 1/800th of a second.
Eclipsed Sun with Venus and Mercury. View of beach during Totality. Post Eclipse Group. Some individual portraits.
On the train. Partial eclipse. Shadow approach at Totality (three photos). The 'stage'.
Yevgeni Stepchenko: Accommodation in Novosibirsk and transfer to and from station.
Real Russia (Igor): Russian visa and train tickets.
The 2008 eclipse main page.
Maps of the path of the 2008 eclipse from Fred Espenak and eclipse details at the observation site.
People from the 2008 eclipse.
The Shadow approaches from the North West over the sea.
The Diamond Ring developing - taken from video stills.
A partial eclipse of the Moon occurred two weeks after the solar eclipse. This was observed in the market city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan.
Wonderful photos from the banks of the Ob Sea in Siberia.
Single photo from Siberia showing the background stars at the eclipse.
Siberian eclipse photos featuring an animation during totality.
Video of the eclipse from Novosibirsk. | 2019-04-22T12:53:24Z | http://krysstal.com/ec2008.html |
I am not sure whether i asked this question before or not. Anyway is any one aware of an english translation of ll (vol 1/2).
I know one is not supposed to translate in the Natural Method but it would help iron out any remaining grammar/comprehension problems if a translation were available. Would anyone be willing to join me in such a translation project. We could post our result here on textkit if Orberg didn't mind.
I had decided before I started LL that I would translate the chapters, but it quickly became apparent that it involved far too much effort for little apparent extra benefit. It takes a few hours at least to comprehensively go over a single chapter orally, so I shudder to think how long it would take to make a physical translation. If you're having specific problems with Latin grammar, I'd suggest that it might be better to identify them in the text as they come up, and then iron them out individually and with recourse to Wheelock or some other text, rather than attempting to solve them by, in effect re-writing the entire text. It just seems to me like you'd be using a hammer to crack a nut, and I know that I'd be pretty bored/annoyed/frustrated after a few chapters. Anyhoo, just my 10c. As to online translations, I haven't found one.
Just post some lines you are having difficulty with and give your best translation. If there are any mistakes, we will discuss them with you and help you understand the grammar better.
Let this be my small tribute to the memory of Hans H. Oerberg, who died four days ago at the age of 90.
For some reason I have English translations of Book 1, chapters 1-4,10 and 26 in a folder on my computer. The files date from 2004 but I have no idea where I found them. I'm pretty sure I'm not the translator! They seem pretty accurate, though by no means Shakespeare. The best way to use them would probably be to translate them back to Latin, sentence by sentence, checking against your book as you do so.
Translation: Chapter 2, Familia Romana, The Roman Household.
I. Iulius is a Roman man. Aemilia is a Roman woman. Marcus is a Roman boy. Quintus also is a Roman boy. Iulia is a Roman girl.
Marcus and Quintus are not men, but boys. Iulius and Medus and Davus are men. Aemilia and Delia and Syra are Women. Is Iulia a woman? Iulia isn’t a women, but a small girl.
Iulius, Aemilia, Marcus, Quintus, Iulia, Syra, Davus, Delia and Medus are a Roman Household. Iulius is father. Aemilia is mother. Iulius is the father of Marcus and Quintus. Iulius also is Iulia’s father. Aemilia is the mother of Marcus and Quintus and Iulia. Marcus is the son of Iulius. Marcus is the son of Aemilia. Quintus also is the son of Iulius and Aemilia. Iulia is the daughter of Iulius and Aemilia.
Who is Marcus? Marcus is a Roman boy. Who is the father of Marcus? Iulius is the father of Marcus. Who is the mother of Marcus? Marcus’ mother is Aemilia. Who is Iulia? Iulia is a Roman girl. Who is Iulia’s mother? Aemilia is Iulia’s mother. Iulia’s father is Iulius. Iulia is Iulius’ daughter. Who are Iulius’ sons? The sons of Iulius are Quitus and Marcus. Marcus, Quintus and Iulia are three children. Children are sons and daughters. Marcus and Quintus and Iulia are the children of Iulius and Aemilia. In Iulius’ family are three children: two sons and one daughter.
II. Is Medus a son of Iulius? Medus is not a son of Iulius, Medus is a servant of Iulius. Iulius is the master of Medus. Iulius is the master of servants. Davus also is a servant. Medus and Davus are two servants. Iulius is the master of Davus and Medus. Iulius is a master of servants and a father of children.
Whose servant is Davus? Davus is Iulius’ servant. Whose maid servant is Syra? Syra is Aemilia’s maid servant.
How many children are in the household? In the household are three children. How many sons and how many daughters? Two sons and one daughter. How many servants are in the household? In the household are one hundred servants. In Iulius’ household are many servants, few children. Iulius is the master of many servants.
‘Two’ and ‘Three’ are numbers. ‘100’ also is a number. The number of servants is 100. The number of children is three. 100 is a big number. Three is a small number. The number of servants is big. The number of children is small. In the household of Iulius is a big number of servants, and a small number of children.
Medus is a Greek servant. Delia is a Greek maidservant. In the family of Iulius are many Greek servants and many Greek maidservants. Is Aemilia a Greek woman? Aemilia is not a Greek woman, but Roman. Iulius is not a Greek man, but Roman.
Sparta is a Greek city. Sparta, Delphi and Tusculum are three cities: two cities are Greek and one is a Roman city. In Greece and in Italy is a large number of cities. In Gaul is a large number of rivers. Rivers of Gaul are large. Are large rivers in Africa? In Africa one river is large: Nilus; other African rivers are small. Are there large Greek islands? Crete and Euboea are two large islands; the other Greek islands are small.
III. Who is Cornelius? Cornelius is a Roman lord. Iulius and Cornelius are two Roman lords. Medus is not a servant of Cornelius. Medus is a servant of Iulius.
Cornelius: "Whose servant is Medus?"
Iulius: "Medus is my servant."
Cornelius: "Is Davus your servant?"
Iulius: "Davus also is my servant. My servants are Medus and Davus and many others..."
Cornelius: "Is Delia your maidservant?"
Iulius: "Delia is my maidservant, and Syra also is my maidservant. My maidservants are Delia and Syra and many others. My household is large."
Cornelius: "How many servants are in your household?"
Iulius: "One hundred servants are in my household."
Iulius: "The number of my servants is one hundred."
Cornelius: "One hundred Servants! The number of your servants is large!"
Behold two Latin books: an ancient book and a new book. LINGUA LATINA is your first Latin book. The title of your book is ‘LINGUA LATINA’. Your book is not ancient, but new.
In LINGUA LATINA are many pages and many chapters: the first chapter, second, third, and all the rest. ‘IMPERIUM ROMANUM’ is the title of the first chapter. The title of the second chapter is ‘FAMILA ROMANA’. In chapter two there are six pages. In the first page of the second chapter are many new nouns: man, woman, boy, girl, household, and all the rest. There is a large number of Latin words.
You should really consider buying the audio course. The recordings (I think they must be by Oerberg himself) are excellent.
Thanks for that. I would rather you sent the files to my email address if possible (saves space on my private mail) My email address is [email protected]. Keep myself and Hans Orberg in the prayers if you are into prayer.
Would anyone be willing to join me in such a translation project.
Yes, I would join such a project. How would it be organised?
Thanks for your interest.If its just the two of us then we will have to take it slowly. Realistically its a job for a group of 7/8 plus. If you will pardon the pun 'Many Han's make light work.' The input of the more senior 'members' will be necessary especially as we progress towards the later chapters. I found the poetry sections (ch 34 etc) particularly tricky even with the help of my tutor 'Dr ann martin'.
My plan would be something like this .1 assign the chapters to the revelant parties. 2 give a rough time frame for their completion .(of course this depends on how many hours one has available per week and ones experience in translating/comprehending ,etc) .3 cross check each others work (i.e if you are translating a chapter into english i will check it by translating it back into latin. 4 get the final draughts checked by a competent authority (e.g dr Ann). 5 post it on textkit. (This would depend on the agreement of the moderator(s).It would be nice to have a forum just for our selves dealing with ll questions but i think this has been enquired into in the past.
Also i would like to ask pullins (the revelant publishers) if the translation can be published without permission.There is also a program LLPSI demo i would like to enquire about.
Yes, we should check that there would be no serious copyright problems first.
Otherwise maybe it could be done as a private project, i.e. files are emailed to each other without their being posted publicly.
I would be happy to take on a couple of the first 24 chapters (I'm just on chapter 25 now).
It would increase my interest to be involved in a collaboration. Studying alone can get a bit boring.
I emailed Pullins about copyright so we might have an answer soon hopefully. You must tell me a bit about yourself . I noticed from your posts that you are also interested in ancient greek. I am also inclined in that direction. However i am hoping to enter a catholic seminary some time soon and as the preferred option (SSPX) require latin i should practise that as much as posible.
I am Irish but living in Scotland .I have an American tutor (dr Ann) and we communicate via skype weekly By the way you are invited to join the 40 minute session if you want. We are revising ll pensum c's and the exercitia (vol 1) at the moment. My skype name is Littleflower60 and anns is AnneMartin. Being that we meet on fridays at 10am it might be a bit awkward (esp if you live in the states or further a field).
There is also a possibility i could email you our sessions .I have recorded most of them over the past nearly two years via skylook. Most of ll is covered along with some of st thomas aquinas.(summa theologiae) .I am also spending a lot of time at the moment with adler (in latinum). I find this book very useful for practising the structures and vocab introduced via Orberg.
Anyway best of luck and i will keep in touch.
I emailed Pullins about copyright so we might have an answer soon hopefully. You must tell me a bit about yourself . I noticed from your posts that you are also interested in ancient greek. I am also inclined in that direction.
let's hope that Pullins have no objection.
I have taken only a slight interest in Ancient Greek so far. I bought the book "A Reading Course in Homeric Greek" but for the time being I shall concentrate on Latin.
I live in Finland although I am British, from southern England originally. My parents were Scottish from Glasgow and Ayrshire and I was the first in the family born in England. Three of my great grandparents were Irish (County Sligo).
One of my older brothers used to live in Cruden Bay in a croft near the Bullers of Buchan. I visited there twice in the late '80s. He now lives in London.
Living in Finland my main foreign language is Finnish. I hope to learn Homeric Greek and Old English also but I feel that it is better to concentrate on one new foreign language at a time, so Latin it is for the time being.
I also need to work on improving my Finnish. It's quite easy for me to use English mostly which impedes my progress in Finnish.
Professionally I do scientific research, so my language interests are hobbies apart from Finnish which I need to some extent for everyday life.
In case you wondered, my screen name, nov.ialiste, is a play on the name of a constructed language, Novial (= Nov IAL or new international auxiliary language) created by the linguist Otto Jespersen. A practitioner of Novial is a Novialist or in Novial a "novialiste". But "nov ialiste" means "new IAList". In past years I have taken an interest in IALs and Novial is my favourite, hence the screen name.
If you hear back from Pullins please post here to let us know.
Good luck with your project! Icarus says to his dad: “Tu id quod semel excogitavisti perficere soles”. Does that apply to you too?
If so, translating the whole of Familia Romana will well and truly ‘immerse’ you in lingua latina.
LF and Novi: A suggestion in case you decide to go ahead: If you post short translations (of about 20 lines each) regularly on Textkit (with chapter and line number references), it might spur Oerberg fans at Textkit to spot mistakes, suggest improvements, etc. Apart from aiding other Oerberg tyros, it might also bring others on board your project once word got out.
In the following chapter by anon I’ve highlighted the parts where Oerberg uses the Gerund in the original Latin (that’s the grammatical theme of the chapter) so folks can practise translating the phrases back to Latin gerunds for fun before checking against the original.
Translation: Chapter 26, Daedalus et Icarus.
Quintus: "Didn't King Minos pursue Theseus (when he was) fleeing with Ariadne?"
Syra: "The king certainly began to follow them, but the ship of Theseus was too fast. Minos, although he sailed quickly, wasn't as fast as Theseus and wasn't able to catch up with him. The angry king then seized Daedalus, who had made the thread and given it to Ariadne, and ordered him to be shut up in the Labyrinth together with his son Icarus; but father and son in a miraculous manner escaped out of the Labyrinth. Tomorrow I will tell to you about their escape, but today i have NO MORE TIME FOR TELLING STORIES: I have already SPENT AN HOUR IN STORY-TELLING."
Quintus: "And you couldn’t spend your time better! It’s against the rules to break off STORY-TELLING in the middle of a story. Since you have already told the greater part of the story, you must tell the remaining part too. I'm READY TO LISTEN.
"Daedalus, locked up in the labyrinth with his son, wandered around within the walls and and couldn’t find the exit, even though he had built the Labyrinth himself. Therefore, since other ways were closed, that daring man decided to escape through the air. Icarus however, who didn’t know of his father’s plan, sat on the ground and said, "I'm tired FROM WALKING around in this prison that you yourself have built for us, father! We cannot escape by ourselves, and no-one will be able TO HELP US IN ESCAPING, like Ariadna helped Theseus. We don't have much TIME LEFT TO LIVE, for our food has almost run out. I'm already almost dead. Unless the gods (will) help us, we will never leave here alive. O, good gods, bring us help!"
But Daedalus said, "What does it help calling the gods, while you sit idle here? Someone who doesn’t want to help himself, doesn’t deserve the aid of the gods. But don’t worry! I have already thought out a plan of escape. Even if the other routes are closed, one route lies open to us FOR ESCAPING. Observe that eagle that is flying in a large circle around our prison! Who is as free as a bird that can fly across mountains, valleys, rivers and oceans. Why don't we imitate the birds of heaven? Minos, who rules over the land and the sea, is not the master of the air: we will fly away from here through the air! This is my plan. Nobody will be able to follow us (when we are) flying." "I’m certainly KEEN ON FLYING" said Icarus, "but wings are NECESSARY FOR FLYING. Since the gods haven’t given us wings, we cannot fly. We're humans, not birds. No one except a god can change his nature. Birds fly by nature, humans cannot do likewise.” Then Daedalus said, "What am I not able to do? Actually, by my skill, nature itself can be changed. I've already made many amazing things, which demonstrate my skill to everyone, not only magnificent buildings like this labyrinth, but also statues that can move by themselves just like live humans. I can make wings too, though the work is not easy." "Your plan is certainly daring," said Icarus, "but I like EVERY PLAN OF ESCAPING, and you usually carry out what you have once thought up." "Of course I'll carry out my plan" he replies, "Look, I have everything necessary for this job: feathers, wax, fire. With the fire I’ll melt the wax, with the melted wax I’ll join the feathers and stick them on your (upper) arms."
"Daedalus therefore with his amazing skill made for himself and his son giant wings out of feathers, which he joined with wax and fixed on their arms. When he had finished the work he said, "The work is now complete, behold the latest example of my art. We are indeed not birds, but WE WILL IMITATE THE BIRDS IN FLYING. With the wind we will fly across the ocean fast, no bird will be able to follow us."
"Icarus, KEEN TO FLY, moved his wings this way and that, but he couldn't raise himself above the ground. "The wings can't support me" he said, "you teach me fly!" At once Daedalus raised himself with his wings and said, "Unless you move the wings correctly, you can't fly! Imitate me! THE ART OF FLYING isn't so difficult. Move your wings up and down like this!" Thus Daedalus taught his son THE ART OF FLYING just like a bird teaches its young ones. Then having given his son a kiss he says, "We're READY TO FLY, but first I warn you: fly behind me in the middle air between heaven and earth, for if you fly in the lowest air near the sea, the feathers will become moist, but if on the other hand you fly in the uppermost air near heaven, the fire of the sun will melt the wax and burn the feathers. Don't be TOO DARING IN FLYING! Be careful, my boy! Now follow me! We're escaping our prison - We are free!
Here Quintus, who eagerly awaited the end of the story, asked: "What happed next?"
Syra: "What happened next was what was bound to happen: the fire of the nearby sun melted the wax, by which the feathers were joined together and attached, and burned the feathers. The terrified boy, waving his bare arms, fell into the sea and drowned, nor could his father bring help to him. That part of the Aegean Sea in which Icarus drowned is called 'the Icarium Sea’ after his name.
Likewise, the nearby island, on whose shore the body of the boy was found, even now is called ‘Icaria’. There you have the complete story of the reckless boy who, seeking freedom, found death. Now it is TIME TO SLEEP. Aren't you tired FROM HEARING the long stories?
Quintus shook his head and said; "I'm not tired, and that story does not seem long to me. Out of all the stories, the one about the fall of Icarus pleases me most, even more than the one about the son of the Sun, who similarly, having tried to drive his father's chariot, fell from highest heaven because he foolishly strayed from the path of the sun. I am always very DELIGHTED TO HEAR such tales."
With the boy warned by these words, Syra finally PUTS AN END TO STORY-TELLING. And Quintus does not call her back (as she is) leaving, but lies on his bed and closes his eyes. Soon the boy seems to himself in his dreams to be flying over mountains and rivers, equipped with wings.
I'd be happy to look over your LL translations as you do them. I'm pretty sure I have both my volumes around here... I'd kick in with the translations themselves, but I feel that the process of making them would be of greater aid to those earlier in their Latin studies.
Versiones Linguae Latinae nuper a vobis versas libenter perscutabor. Credo me utros libros alicubi juxtim habere... versiones etiam meas vobis addere vellem, sed molimen vertendi eis in latinitatem minus versatis magis prodesse arbitror, quam eis qui callidior, ut fatue credunt, linguam latinam insecuti sunt.
Thanks Interaxus and thesaurus for your help/advice. By the way Interaxus i only received ch 's 2 and 26 of ll. I have asked pullins (the publisher) if its ok to publish translations on text kit and they say it would be better not to publish them (following the wishes of Hans Orberg) since it might deter others from working through the materials for themselves and eventually to translate the book (in parts or entire) if they so wish. Being that thats the case i would rather if you dont publish any more ch's on textkit .Its ok i think if you publish them in my private messages but since there is limited space there i would rather you send them to my email address if possible. ([email protected]).
I will ask Ann tomorrow novi if she will help out with the project .If she agrees then we can start .You have the choice whether you want to translate from latin to english or viceversa or a mixture of both. My personal preference would by for both of us to do all the translating (despite the amount of work involved) .That way we get to meet all the grammar and vocab and ll becomes a complete course as it was designed to be.
One thing is that I have not yet done most of the exercises.
Considering that Pullins does not want an English translation published, for me it might be more worthwhile to complete all the exercises (Pensa) in the main book and those in the Exercitia, which book I also have.
But if you still want to make a (private) English translation I will contribute as some sort of collaboration will encourage me. In fact I started translating chapter one today.
It would be very good if Ann is willing to check our work. As I said I am only up to chapter 25 so although not an absolute beginner, I'm not an advanced student either. You are much more advanced than me so at least initially I would rather translate into English.
You mentioned translating back from the English to the Latin. Is your intention to gain practice in composing Latin?
If so retranslating a text which you have already studied in Latin would make that task easier.
Just that I have translated the first two pages of chapter one into English and it is, of course, very easy to translate being at the very beginning of the book.
But it strikes me that the learning or revision value is not so great considering the time it takes to type it out. I'm coming to the conclusion that Latin to English translation of such large amounts of text which we have already studied is not such a good use of time.
This is why I ask if you want practice in translating from English into Latin. If so, perhaps we could find a suitable book designed precisely for that purpose.
As I said before I have not done most of the exercises. It would be very helpful for me if you would be willing to check my attempted answers of the exercises. I would email my answers to you in a Word file, and checking them might provide some revision for you.
I hope to do all the exercises in Exercitia Latina Pars I also. I will start the exercises from chapter one of both books.
I really think that for just two people to translate Familia Romana would be too much work for too little gain. There are other ways in which we could revise, practise and learn more quickly.
Have you started studing book II, Roma Aeterna? I also have that book.
I have spoken to Ann and she has given her blessing to the project with one proviso. She would like me to summarise each section in a couple of sentences to bulid up my comprehension skills and help with oral/written expression. As for your questions, its up to you whether you want to take the time to follow this manner of enquiry. I have been looking for methods to improve my grammar/vocabulary skills since i started with latin. The more i improve the more i seem to realise that i must keep challenging myself .I like the format of ll as it lends itself to immersion ;to translate a section from english to latin without looking at the original one must know a lot of rules and their application. This is also the Dowling approach even if one does not write everything out 200 times.
I have not started Vol 2 (roma aeterna) yet. I want to be more confident with vol' one first .Maybe in 6 months or so depending on my progress. Tell me if you want to start and we can draw up a rough outline to follow.
I dont have any other email address at the moment Interaxus .If you cant email or send the files to my private messages just leave it. Thanks for your help.
Anyway, stick with your Oerberg immersion plan. This man was an avid promoter of Lingua Latina duckings in his Textkit days - and listen to him now!
I am still interested in collaboarating with you. If as Ann suggested we make summaries of the chapters, you could take my English summary and translate it into Latin which would be good practice for you as generally my summary would not be identical to yours.
In fact for me Familia Romana started out as extra revision. I studied the first two-thirds of D'Ooge's Latin for Beginners but felt that I needed lots of carefully graded reading practice to consolidate all the morphology which I had studied.
Through Textkit I discovered Lingua Latina which is such a great course.
Interaxus wrote: Publishers! What wet blankets.
I was looking for a Search to find his old posts. Did he have the same name here? I love his readings, they sound so natural.
Another question to little flower.
Do you have the book Colloquia Personarum with additional stories at the level of each Familia Romana chapter? These are very good practice to consolidate the material in Familia Romana. I transcribed the whole book Colloquia Personarum in longhand. I did each after transcribing the corresponding chapter in Familia Romana.
b) greatly helps me remember whether a vowel is long or short. I think the physical act of writing the macron of a particular word a number of times while reading it in context really provides good consolidation.
There are also the stories Fabellae Latinae avalable at the Pullins website. I have not read these. The full texts are available as a Word file and there is another version of the text with many endings absent which the student can fill in as an exercise.
That amazing man'sTextkit pseudonym was/is Lucus Eques.
I just created a Google Docs Lingua Latina folder, uploaded the translation files, and gave your email address 'access'. So if you create a Google Docs account of your own (it's free), you should be able somehow to see them, edit them, copy them, etc. This is the very first time I've used Google Docs so things might not go as expected, especially since your email address is playing up. But this could be a way of sharing materials without publishing them, which is what Pullins was against.
PS. Anyone else use Google Docs? Jeff...?
Interaxus wrote: That amazing man'sTextkit pseudonym was/is Lucus Eques.
It's a shame that he hasn't been active here lately. The Airforce must be keeping him busy.
Miserandum est Lucum hîc non recenter frequentare. Aeris Exercitum videtur negotii multum ei delegare.
I was just about to ask Thesaurus if there was any difference between 'recenter' and nuper' but thought I'd better google a bit first and suddenly, lo and behold, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ... in the middle of a Catholic Online Forum ... ALL IN LATIN. Not exactly my neck of the woods, but could it be something for you, Little Flower?
On second thoughts, you probably know about it already.
(They discuss the relative merits of Harrius Potter and Liber Genesis 37-48, so maybe it's something for any post-classical Latin fan).
little flower, I have sent another email to you. Have you received it?
attached is a Word file with the first chapter of Fabellae Latinae translated into English.
Would this help you for English into Latin translations?
If so I am happy to continue to translate the chapters into English.
The chapters are essentailly additional reading corresponding to the chapters of Familia Romana. So the same vocabulary and grammar are being used.
Interaxus wrote: I was just about to ask Thesaurus if there was any difference between 'recenter' and nuper' but thought I'd better google a bit first and suddenly, lo and behold, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ... in the middle of a Catholic Online Forum ... ALL IN LATIN. Not exactly my neck of the woods, but could it be something for you, Little Flower?
I wish I knew the difference (if there is one) between recenter and nuper, so let me know if you found out. The Latin that I write is haphazard and assuredly not to be taken as a model by any sensible person.
Quod discrimen sit inter "recenter" "nuper"que (si est revera aliquod) mihi ignotum est--itaque, si id invenisti quaeso me hac de re certiorem facias. Latinitas mea, indiscretim lecta dispositaque confuse, haud Latina est atque oportet aliquem qui latinitati operam dare vult nugas meas leviter legere et cavere ne eas legendo barbarus fiat.
That Catholic Latin forum was interesting; too bad the Latin only messages don't appear to have been kept up. It was interesting to see the extended discussion of Denverium, which happens to be urbs mea (I remember the epic snow storm of which they speak, but those were my pre-Latin days).
Catholicum Forum Latinum quod profers mihi valde interest; me paenitet nuntia solùm Latinè scripta etiam nunc non permanere scripta. Ipsi mihi colloquium interfuit de Denverio, cujus urbis civis sum ego (ingentis de qua dixerunt memini procellae, sed facta est priusquam in linguam latinam accidi).
Edit: After looking over the Lewis & Short entries on nuper and recens, they seem to be synonyms. The adv. construction recenter is called "post-classical," if that makes any difference to you. Otherwise, "recens" seemed to be popular as an adjective.
Correctio: Definitionibus verborum "nuper" "recenter"que in lexicon Lewis & Short nuper lectis, haec verba synonyma esse videntur. Si refert, forma adverbialis "recentis" "post-classica" dicitur. Alioqui, "recens" saepe usurpabatur adjectivum.
I received your message but without the attachment. Do you want to have a go at ch 1,section 1 ll. It is fairly straight forward .If you have any problems post here .I shall try section two if i have time this week. There is a section at the focus publishing website on ch flashcards (vocabulary ) which you should visit before hand.
Yes, I can easily do chapter 1 section 1 of Familia Romana.
I'll try to email you again with an attachment successfully attached this time.
Have you read the Fabellae Latinae?
In ch5 sect'2 we have the sentence 'Audi mamma ,pueri etiam me rident.' Does this sentence mean 'the boys are laughing at me.' If so does 'me' mean at me in this context.
Also does any one know a good book or website to explain the various type of' and 'constructions ,et -que, atque, ac ,etc. Adler covers it but not as clear as i'd like.
"pueri etiam me rident" = "Even the boys mock/are laughing at me."
I believe that rideo can take either an accusative or a dative as its object, even though in English we always say "to laugh at sometone" "ridere aliquem/alicui."
Mea sententia, verbum "rideo" casum accusativum vel dativum regere potest, etiamsi Anglice dicimus "to laugh at someone".
So, I did CAPITVLVM QVINTVM (chapter five) a few weeks ago and I also translated 'etiam' as 'even' ('cause it made sense to me). Prior to that, however, 'etiam' was only used for 'also'. How does one know when to translate it one way or the other? I looked it up in Wheelock and it gave no guidance .... Is it something that you kinda just get the feel for?
Yeah, it's pretty much a "figure it out from context" thing. I think it's more common to use "quoque" with the meaning of "also", but I've yet to venture much into the world of "real" Latin.
You might also be interested to know that Latin isn't the only language that blurs the distinction between "even" and "also". In Japanese, both are typically represented by the particle "mo". For example, "Watashi mo sou omoimasu" can mean either "I think so too" or "Even I think so", depending on the context.
"Sole oriente navis eorum e portu egreditur multis hominibus spectantibus."
"When the sun was rising, a ship of theirs set sail from the port with many men watching."
Shouldn't we have asked little flower to try a translation before giving the answer?
Why is field and wood nominative in this sentence.?
They're actually vocative, not nominative, though of course they share the same form as the nominative. "Farewell, mountains and valleys, fields and forests!"
Ego amicus tuus qui te amo tecum sum. | 2019-04-24T19:52:14Z | https://www.textkit.com/greek-latin-forum/viewtopic.php?p=78700 |
Mayor Hawkins welcomed everyone and read a statement covering Council-meeting rules. She then called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the pledge of Allegiance.
Others Present: Clerk-Treasurer Jenny August, Asst. Clerk Susan Skrovan, Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Police Chief Harry Buchert, Village Administrator Ed Trego.
Public: John & Linda Clark, Dave Woolf, Ron Kulesza, Cindy Toth, Pearl Campbell, Patsi Gast, Linda Clark, Norm Erickson, Dave & Beth Sluka, Christine Pitsinger, Don Buchert, Cookie Vanek and others.
Minutes: Motion to approve the meeting minutes of April 21, 2009 made by B. Prescott with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote.
Mayors Report: The Mayor attended a Crestwood School Board meeting on May 4th and was asked to return on May 11th where Ed Trego, Brian Rogers and she made themselves available to answer any questions from the board. Chief Buchert, Officer Ken Justus and she attended a combined meeting of Hiram Council’s safety and finance committees to discuss providing police and fire dispatch service for the Village of Hiram. They also attended their Council meeting on May 12 and she is happy to report discussions went well and are continuing. With regard to an April 30th Record Courier article on the recent drug sweep, Donna read a letter of appreciation from Crestwood School’s assistant principal thanking our Police Department for their professionalism, and for the mutual assistance received from Garrettsville, Aurora, Streetsboro and the Sheriff’s department.
Mayor Hawkins thanked Sargent Bob Reitz for his years of service with the Police Department. He plans to retire on June 13, 2009.
She also thanked the volunteers who helped clean up Main Street on May 9th along with the Downtown Mantua Revitalization committee and the Garden Girls.
Donna swore in Michele Stuck and welcomed her as our new village solicitor.
Finance Report: Clerk-Treasurer, Jenny August gave the financial report as of 4/30/09. She noted that for Ordinance 2009-29, there is no exhibit A. She had asked the Mayor on May 7 to have the budgets in by May 15 so that she would have time to review them. They were not turned in. In prior years, Ed told Jenny the budgets were submitted to the Mayor by April 15 giving the Clerk and Finance committee time to work on them. Jenny plans to prepare an ordinance for Council’s approval stating the annual budgets must be on the clerk’s desk by April 15. The budget should go three readings and must be on the County Auditor’s desk by July 15.
Jenny stated Council and our Finance committee will need to figure out what to do about our sewer plant. It costs the Village more than it makes. Jenny said this is a recipe for failure. We will be lucky to make our semi-annual payment due in June. The options she was able to come up with were raise the rates, which we have already done. The General Fund could pay the shortage; however, eventually the General Fund would be operating in the negative as it was in the past and soon be in fiscal emergency. Borrow money from Middlefield Bank every six months, eventually having eighteen loans. Ed suggested to her we refinance our current loan, however, she has checked into this and found we cannot refinance EPA loans. We could lease the plant to the County or have it privatized, losing control of the rates. Jenny also wished to welcome Michele Stuck.
Bills of Resolution: Motion to approve Bills of Resolution with addendum for May less the C.T. bills made by L. Schilling with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve the C.T. bills made by J. Rogers with a second from M. Hura. B. Prescott abstained, all other ayes on vote.
The Mayor asked for any new business. Linda Clark asked if Article 7 from the Council rules posted on the wall includes pending legislation, as you are talking about it open to the floor. Jim said it includes all non-member addresses to Council.
RESOLUTION 2009-15: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE RATE OF PAY FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA. 3rd READING. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote.
RESOLUTION 2009-25: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SOLICITOR OF THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA TO REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE PORTAGE COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CAPITAL RESERVE FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND OF THE VILLAGE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by J. Rogers with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by B. Prescott with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote. Jim asked Michele how long this would take. She hopes to complete it within a couple of months.
RESOLUTION 2009-26: A RESOLUTION FORGIVING THE MANTALINE CORPORATION THE LATE FEES DUE ON THEIR FIRST QUARTER 2009 WATER AND SEWER INVOICE, AND RELIEVING THEM OF THE NEW SEWER MULTIPLIER RATE FOR ONLY THE FIRST QUARTER BILLING CYCLE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote.
ORDINANCE 2009-27: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FLOODPLAIN PLAN AND MAPS FOR THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA, OHIO AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. Jim said these are the maps everyone sees on the wall. The hearing was held last Wednesday, May 13th. Anyone who is not currently in a flood zone will not be in it. FEMA requires this to be done. Linda Clark asked why it is under an emergency when we have until August 15th. Jim said it has to go to several agencies before that time. Jim called to question. All ayes on vote.
ORDINANCE 2009-28: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RECODIFICATION, EDITING AND INCLUSION OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS PARTS OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENT CODES OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF MANTUA, OHIO AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 1st READING. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. Harry said this is housekeeping. Jim called to question. All ayes on vote.
ORDINANCE 2009-29: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A PERMANENT BUDGET FOR 2010 FOR THE VILLAGE OF MANTUA, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote. Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. Ben asked that Council not approve this tonight as an emergency. Next month would be good. Motion to table made by J. Rogers with a second from L. Schilling. All ayes on vote.
RESOLUTION 2009-30: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ADJUSTMENTS TO THE 2009 APPROPRIATIONS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion to suspend the rules made by L. Schilling with a second from J. Rogers. All ayes on vote.
Motion to approve made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. Jenny explained this is only housekeeping on Resolution 2009-20, previously approved by Council. Jim called to question. All ayes on vote.
Jim Rogers asked for a motion. Motion to accept the committee appointments for 2009 made by B. Prescott with a second from M. Hura. All ayes on vote.
Police Chief, Harry Buchert reported the next safety meeting is May 28th at 6:30 a.m. The Memorial Day Parade is Monday at 9:30 a.m. leaving the University Hospital parking lot and going to Hillside Cemetery. He will be leaving tonight for Washington D.C.
Village Administrator, Ed Trego reported Memorial Day is the focus right now for the Service Department. He asked should anyone wish to volunteer at the cemetery and around town, it would be appreciated.
The recycling day pickup went well; we were not able to take everything as in the past. Portage County Solid Waste District pays 100 percent of the pickup but have limitations.
Ed wanted to comment of what Jenny said regarding the sewer plant. Her comments were on target but not quite accurate. The Village can always negotiate with the State including debt forgiveness. Our sewer rates are some of the highest in the State, which puts us in a position to negotiate. As far as refinancing, that has always been the law of OWDA.
Regarding the cemetery trust, there are many issues that need addressed in the cemetery, especially trees. If we cannot receive the funds from the trust, then we will most likely have to commit the funds out of the General Fund. It is a critical issue.
Ed wanted to thank those that have served sitting in this room and those that never returned to this country other than in a casket so that we can sit here tonight.
Planning: Jim said the planning meeting was held last Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. Jim asked regarding the Delia Thompson trust, when was the last time we received any money from that. Ed said it has been a couple of years. Ben asked if the litigation that was being worked on was done and if not, we should turn it over to our new solicitor.
Service: Linda said Service met last month on the storm sewers. She asked Ed if he has spoken with Rich Iafelice on the subject. Ed said he has not heard back from Rich at this time, however, Ed would be willing to meet with Linda anytime. Linda announced the Service meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
Parks: Marty announced they had set a meeting last Wednesday, only two attended, they did not have a quorum. He is looking for a piece of equipment to get started on the trail. They have been granted an extension on the Glacial/Esker trail until December 31, 2009. Ed said stone for the parking area should be here within a week. The Park District is working with The Shelly Co. Wednesday is the last day for articles for Mantua Matters.
Safety: Giles felt the Chief covered the Safety meeting well. He welcomed Dan Forman back. There is nothing to report for Shade Tree since there is not much money.
Linda Schilling had a few questions. The bills of resolution contained bills from C.T. for the Glacial/Esker trail. Council did not approve these bills beforehand. She asked who authorized the money to go out. Marty said he did. Jenny said she talked to the Mayor about C.T. doing work on the Glacial/Esker trail project and she said that project was approved in 2007 and that was the authorization. Jenny would like a purchase order or something so our office knows what is coming. Council would approve purchase orders.
Linda Schilling asked regarding the Mayor’s report that the concrete flower baskets were out. The Mayor said no, they are plastic. Ed stated we no longer have the concrete ones.
Linda Schilling asked about the mowing company. She wondered why we changed companies, was it cost because she did not see any savings so far from last year’s company. Ed explained because of baseball season and early in the growing season, we have more cuts to keep up with it until it drops off later in the season when it dries out.
Linda Schilling was glad Hiram Village is looking to have us do their dispatching. She felt the past Mayor, Claude Hopkins should also be thanked for his efforts in all of this.
John Clark from Main Street asked everyone to speak up and be clear. He thanked Linda Schilling for her questioning the C.T. invoices; however, her timing was off. John asked about the Mayor meeting with the school board and yet there are no details on it. He was also dismayed on the passing of Resolution 2009-26 for Mantaline Corp.
Linda Clark asked about the Delia Thompson trust, she thought there had been a letter sent to Kevin Poland asking for funds. She asked Jenny about Dave Benjamin’s bill. Jenny said another invoice has been sent to him. Jenny thanked Linda for reminding her about that at the last meeting. Linda asked Chief Harry Buchert if there were any updates on the tower. Harry said nothing at this time. If there was a P.O. issued, it can be closed out. Ben asked the clerk’s office to check into this P.O. before closing it. Linda asked to have the $500.00 funds encumbered in case we have an emergency in order to work on it.
Linda asked Ed about the northeast water quadrant project. Ed said it is in limbo, the Village has no easement to date from Crestwood Schools. Ed explained the scope of the project and cost. She asked Ed to explain the mowing contract. Ed said they are on an “as needed” basis or as we determine. Linda asked whether Ed contacted ODOT about the turn lane in front of her home on S.R. 44. Ed said not in the past month. She asked Ed if he volunteered his time for the recycling cleanup they just had on May 16. Ed said there were some hours charged, but not all of them. Linda asked Ed if he was in contact with the Mantua Revitalization Committee for reimbursement of the TOPO maps. Ed said no, it has nothing to do with the revitalization and he did not know where she was getting her information. Linda recalled at their meeting, a copy was ordered for Becky Newell and she assumed it was for the revitalization. Ed said that was incorrect.
Linda Clark asked about a bill on the bills of resolution for video reimbursement. Harry explained it is a part of doing business.
Trish Snyder spoke on behalf of her husband Scott. She asked Jenny whether she was responsible for payroll. Jenny said yes. Trish asked about a full time employee being laid off, then brought back with a loss in seniority and required to sign an insurance waiver or have their hours cut in half. Jenny said she was not sure about the requirement, but she did sign one to keep her 40 hours. Harry said we would have followed the insurance laws for fulltime employment. Trish asked about the Mayor’s position being part-time but she has been receiving insurance benefits paid by the taxpayers and that this is a family plan, which includes the Mayor,’s husband. Jenny said yes. She then asked Council to pass an ordinance limiting the Mayor’s position to part-time with the option of receiving medical benefits at their own expense. Jenny said she would put one together. President Jim Rogers said ORC is clear, we as Council cannot tell the Mayor how to do her job. Ben added this ruling comes down from the State.
Jerry Zimmerman from W. Prospect asked about the storm sewer plan that they were promised. When would that happen and what has been done to this point. Ed explained what plans have been made, immediate and for the future and the costs involved. Ed would like to see a survey done to gather information. The plan is going to take time. Ben added that we have committees, much of this goes through a committee beforehand.
Theresa Cutlip, owner of the Village Tavern, has a resident complaining all the time. The economy is bad, smoking has to be outside. She feels she has done everything she could possibly do and feels we need to talk to him to resolve this matter.
Randy Weaver from Franklin asked about the Franklin/Regan project; is there anything being done at this time. Are there any appropriations set aside for it? Jenny looked back at the November meeting minutes and was told we do not have the manpower and Ed recommended we do not move forward. Jenny did not appropriate any money this year. Ed does not believe that he said to forget it; he has been trying to get that project done. Ed asked Jenny to go back to her emails from him, the facts are there. The minutes are from a Finance Committee meeting, that was when we were working on the appropriation budget. Ed asked Jenny if that project was in her appropriations, is there cash money in that fund. Jenny said no, not a dime. Randy wanted Ed to know that the storm sewer north of Franklin and west of Oak Street is totally exposed. It is an open hole and culvert pipe. Randy asked when Rich Iafelice could walk around with him, Ed, Linda, and anyone else that wishes to walk to look at this, on his own time. The drains have not been cleaned in years.
Cindy Toth from Franklin Street spoke on the exterior maintenance code. There are homes patched, some piling up with garbage and in poor condition. Who is in charge of enforcing the maintenance code? Jim responded on the code. We have a complaint citation process that goes to our Zoning Inspector in writing, then he will go out, review it and cite them if applicable.
Beth Sluka asked whom do we write to on the code. Donna Hawkins said anyone could email her or drop it off at the Village office to John Vechery’s mailbox. Beth said there was something in the last Mantua Matters regarding repairing sidewalks; is that taking place. Ed spoke on the citizens’ responsibility for their sidewalks. The Village other than at intersections does not repair sidewalks. Letters will be going out.
Bill Gast from Main Street stated back when he was a zoning inspector; he would drive every street two times a month to check for violations. Jim said we compromised when we wrote the external maintenance code, it is a complaint driven citation.
Dave Sluka spoke on home maintenance, not being a blue-collar man, had to pay to have someone fix his home. Most of the people in this town are not white-collar people like him they are tradesmen. He felt it would probably be good for people to barter their services to get things done. He would be willing to spearhead some kind of group effort.
Linda Schilling spoke on the businesses in town; they should be able to clean their own storefronts. Ben said the Village is responsible for the right-of-way, not private property.
Ron Kulesza said he is willing to volunteer; but he does feel the zoning inspector should be able to look at an issue and cite someone if there is a problem.
Jenny August informed Council that she would be out of town for six days.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. made by L. Schilling with a second from B. Prescott. All ayes on vote. | 2019-04-26T06:43:46Z | http://mantuavillage.com/councilmins/051909.html |
ABSTRACT - The aim of this paper is to describe and synthesize findings across three different sets of literature dealing with emotion: (1) the cognitive stream, (2) the hedonic consumption stream, and (3) the compulsive/addictive consumption stream. We present a model of emotion and suggest novel directions for future inquiry.
Elizabeth C. Hirschman and Barbara B. Stern (1999) ,"The Roles of Emotion in Consumer Research", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 26, eds. Eric J. Arnould and Linda M. Scott, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 4-11.
The aim of this paper is to describe and synthesize findings across three different sets of literature dealing with emotion: (1) the cognitive stream, (2) the hedonic consumption stream, and (3) the compulsive/addictive consumption stream. We present a model of emotion and suggest novel directions for future inquiry.
A decade and a half have passed since consumer researchers began attending to the roles of emotion in consumption (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982, Holbrook and Hirschman 1982); and over a decade has elapsed since Gardners (1985) integrative review of mood states. During this time period an extraordinary level of research has occurred within the boundaries of our discipline regarding emotion. Th aim of this paper is to describe and synthesize these findings and to present a inclusive model of emotion and its influence on consumer behavior.
In the course of this effort we will review three sets of literature dealing with emotion. These include (1) the cognitive stream, typified by inquiries regarding emotions role as the affective component of attitude (e.g., Aaker and Stayman 1989) or as a precursor to cognitive restructuring (Isen 1984); (2) the hedonic consumption stream as exemplified early on by the work of Holbrook and Havlena (Havlena and Holbrook 1986) and most recently by Celsi, Rose and Leigh (1993) and Arnould and Price (1993); (3) the compulsive/addictive consumption stream beginning with early work on impulse purchasing by Rook (1985) and evolving into more general models as exemplified by Faber and OGuinn (1989), Hirschman (1992) and Rindfleisch, Burroughs and Denton (1997).
As shown in Figure One, we propose that every consumer has a personal emotional range which can move from extreme happiness to extreme sadness. While most consumers usually experience motions in the middle range, a significant proportion are likely to experience emotions which lie beyond the middle range (Larsen and Emmons, 1985). Indeed, if we view emotion as a normally distributed human variable, then approximately 30 to 50% of the consuming population probably experience emotions above or below the middle range on a regular basis (Larsen and Diener, 1987 a, b).
The model further proposes that current personal events of both a major and minor nature will have transient effects on adult consumers emotional states. A major negative event, such as job loss or divorce, or a major positive event, such as a job promotion or marriage, may cause long-term (say six months) emotional shifts beyond the middle range, while minor positive or negative events (say a helpful salesperson or an offensive advertisement), may only affect emotional states for a few minutes.
The model also proposes the direct influence of emotion on a variety of cognitive responses (such as attitude formation and recall) and, thence, on a broad array of consumption behaviors, such as impulse purchasing, consumption creativity, and innovativeness. It suggests that consumption behaviors may also feed-back into cognition and emotion; for example, a consumer may discover that a new restaurants food is delicious, causing a positive attitude to be formed and a happy feeling to occur. And cognitive responses may also feed-back into emotion; for instance, thinking about the death of a pet may cause the individual to become sad.
Finally, the model proposes that consumption behaviors occurring in response to consumers emotional states are shaped by prevailing cultural norms. For example, a white, middle class woman may 'treat her chronic unhappiness with compulsive shopping and bulimia, while a white, middle class man may deal with his depression by drinking alcohol, and a white, middle class teenager may respond to his/her 'blues by smoking marijuana. We begin a more detailed discussion of the model with the research stream most closely aligned with emotion in consumer research: cognitive psychology.
An examination of this literature base rightly begins with Meryl Gardners comprehensive (1985) treatise, 'Mood States and Consumer Behavior: A Critical Review. Gardners review focused upon moods, defined as 'feeling states that are transient; ... particularized to specific times and situations (1985, p. 282). Thus, her review did not examine research on more intense levels of emotion or on personality dispositions, such as optimism/pessimism, that are relativelystable and enduring characteristics of the consumer. Indeed, as Gardner notes, exogenous mood effects are markedly short lived: 'The effect of a positive mood induction on the performance of a helping task has been found to last approximately twenty minutes (1985, p. 289). The findings summarized in her review would be relevant to the portion of our model titled 'Current Personal Events and include those minor events, such as exposure to a pleasing or offensive advertisement, which create a short-term shift in the consumers prevailing mood.
Mood and Advertising EffectivenessBSince the publication of Gardners review, six articles have appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research which examined the role of such short term moods in influencing advertising effectiveness. The first, by Holbrook and Batra (1987) sought to incorporate a wider range of emotional intensity in understanding consumers responses to advertisements and assumed homogenous responses on the part of consumers toward given, emotion-stimulating advertisements. The authors findings supported the earlier model of emotional content suggested by Mehrabian and Russell (1974) which categorized emotions according to their positive or negative valence and level of activation or arousal.
A second study, by Edell and Burke (1987), demonstrated that 'feelings generated by an ad are different conceptually from thoughts about the ad and both are important and contribute uniquely to explaining the effects of advertising (1987, p. 421). The significance of this study was that it demonstrated the independence of mood and cognition in influencing advertising response, as advocated by Zajonc (1980); whereas some cognitive approaches had argued that mood was merely a subset of cognitive response. Edell and Burke also found that individual consumers varied greatly in the types of emotional responses they had to particular advertisements, noting (p. 431) 'one persons warm commercial may be another persons cool commercial. This finding was contrary to Holbrook and Batras (1987) assumption that consumers would exhibit homogeneous emotional responses to given advertisements.
In another 1987 article, Goldberg and Gorn showed consumers a funny or sad television program to induce a positive or negative mood. They then showed them 'informational versus 'emotional commercials. Consistent with several other studies in the social psychology literature, they found that both types of commercials were rated as more effective when embedded within the funny program and that this effect was strongest for the emotional commercials. They also found that recall of material contained in the commercials was enhanced under the funny program viewing condition. These findings are consistent with an earlier study by Isen (1984), which suggested that a positive mood enhances information processing ability and recall.
Two closely related studies examined the effect of mood on attitudes toward the advertisement (Stayman and Aaker 1988; Batra and Stayman 1990). The first looked at three types of moodCwarmth, amusement, and irritationCand found that mood had a direct effect on brand attitude at low exposure levels, but that this effect appeared to be mediated by Aad at higher exposure levels. The second study reported that positive moods indirectly influenced consumers attitudes toward the brand by, first, reducing the number of negative thoughts generated and, second, by reducing total cognitive elaboration, making processing 'more heuristic than systematic (p. 213).
A 1991 study by Olney, Holbrook and Batra examined how mood responses to an advertisement affected viewing time of the advertisement. They found that advertising content influenced both the positive-negative and arousal dimensions of mood and, not surprisingly, that consumers spent more time watching advertisements with positive content, which created happy moods in the viewer.
To sum up, studies of the influence of mood on advertising effectiveness support the general categorization of emotions as positivenegative in valence and high/low in arousal. Multiple studies have found that a positive mood enhances the rating of an advertisements effectiveness, consumers information processing ability and recall. Perhaps the most controversial findings relate to the role of positive mood in enhancing information processing ability. Although Isen found that this ability is enhanced by positive mood, Batra and Stayman found that cognitive elaboration is reduced and processing is more heuristic in positive mood states. Thus, the relationship between mood and information processing skill is still not fully understood.
A second study, Murry and Dacin (1996), investigated how various moods created by television programs affect consumers liking of the programs. As these authors note, 'Existing consumer theories offer little insight into why consumers seek out ... entertainment products such as music that evokes sadness, books that elicit fear, or movies that create anger (1996, p. 439). The authors found that a negative mood stimulated by a program had a negative effect on program liking, when the program was seen as personally relevant (e.g., 'could happen to me) and realistic. However, programs causing negative moods could still be liked, as long as viewers saw them as irrelevant and unrealistic. Underlying these findings is the larger proposition that consumers will seek out scary or sad consumption experiences only so long as these are not seen as personally threatening.
This last study takes us to a different segment of the model shown in Figure One. Under Consumption Behaviors we have listed thrill seeking/risk aversion as a construct relevant to consumption choices. Murry and Dacins (1996) work suggests that consumers may seek out television programs that provide thrills, so long as genuine emotional risk is avoided. As we shall discuss subsequently, consumers willingness to take emotional risks is dependent upon what part of the emotional range they are functioning within. We will propose that consumers who have positive emotional states they believe to be durable will be willing to take more emotional risks. Conversely, those consumers who believe themselves to already be in substantial emotional jeopardy, i.e., are teetering on the edge of depression, will make choices aimed at reducing emotional risks.
Isens Research on EmotionBWe turn now to a subset of the cognitive literature on emotion which has justly had a large impact on consumer research investigation of this topicCthe work of Alice Isen. In 1985, Isen, Johnson, Mertz and Robinson examined whether positive affect could influence the contents and complexity of working memory. At the outset to their study, Isen et al. reviewed an extensive literature which suggests that when persons are in good moods, they are typically able to bring more extensive and complex material into working memory, to discern unusual relations between elements in stimulus materials, to have enhanced recall of distantly related items, and to be able to generate a larger number of unusual word associations. As Isen et al. point out, all of these behaviors are associated with creativity, and, indeed, some are even analoous to accepted measures of creativity (see e.g., Mednick and Mednick 1964). In keeping with this series of prior findings, the Isen et al. (1985) study found that 'the results of this study confirm that unusual [word] associations are to be found from persons who are feeling happy (p. 1418). These findings are supportive of the proposed model.
Several propositions Isen (1987) puts forward in a review of the literature are also consistent with the model we are proposing. First, she notes that a 'large body of research indicates that positive affect can influence social behaviorCin particular, sociability, cooperativeness in negotiation, and kindness (p. 206). Second, happy persons are more likely to be self-indulgent and to give themselves 'self gifts (Isen p. 210).
Thus from Isens work we find support for various portions of our proposed model. For example, we can support the notion that emotion influences cognitive responses, such as recall, working memory capacity and working memory complexity. We can also support the proposition that emotion, working through cognition, can influence behavior, for example, sociability, gift giving, and helping others.
Two additional studies by Isen in creative problem-solving were conducted with medical students and physicians. The first (Isen, Rosenzweig, Young 1991), found that medical students in a positive mood produced accurate patient diagnoses more rapidly than those in a neutral condition and also went beyond the assigned task to consider the medical materials more integratively, working with larger 'chunks of related information. In the second study (Estrada, Isen, Young 1995), physicians conducting diagnoses under positive affect conditions exhibited this same pattern and, additionally, were found to be less anchored to preliminary assumptions and more open to new information as a reasoning style, than controls. Thus, happy emotion stimulates rapid, accurate cognitive processing, increases the volume of relevant material being processed and enhances cognitive receptivity, all very valuable characteristics for consumers to possess.
'The induction of positive affect in consumers carrying out brand-choice tasks may lead to their showing a greater preference for exploration and trying new things in safe and enjoyable contexts. This is because ... positive affect improves a persons expectations about the likely outcome of anticipated neutral or positive experiences or events and also prompts people to engage in more elaboration and thinking about neutral things in which they are interested. And, over a series of three experiments, they found these expectations confirmed. Thus, a happy mood increases consumers efforts at variety seeking among safe, pleasant alternatives. We next consider the larger literature of which much variety seeking behavior is a partCthat of hedonic/experiential consumption.
In 1982 two papers appeared which encouraged consumer researchers to explore the experiential boundaries of consumption beyond the confines of cognitive psychology and utilitarian economics (Hirschman and Holbrook 1982; Holbrook and Hirschman 1982). Following this, several studies were conducted exploring various aspects of hedonic and experiential consumption. We will review five representative examples here. A 1986 article by Havlena and Holbrook compared two classification systems for emotion: Mehrabian and Russells (1974) paradigm and Plutchiks eight emotional categories (1980). Using an elaborate series of multivariate procedures, they determined tht the three dimensional modelCpleasure, arousal, dominanceCproposed by Mehrabian and Russell was superior in representing emotion during actual consumption experiences.
A second study, by Allen, Machleit and Klein (1992) examined whether recollected emotions regarding an emotionally-mixed consumption experience (blood donation) could serve as incremental predictors (beyond attitudes) of behavior. They argue that emotion extends beyond attitude and encompasses 'a richer and more diverse domain of phenomenological experience (p. 494). They further propose that much emotional experience is likely stored in episodic memory, whereas attitudinal judgments are likely found in semantic memory. Using Izards (1977) emotional taxonomy the researchers found that 'emotion can have a direct influence on behavior that is not captured or summed up by attitude judgments (p. 500). This, of course, has implications for our model in Figure One and suggests that we should draw a causal arrow from Emotion to Consumption Behavior directly, as well as retaining the one which already passes from Emotion to Cognition to Behavior.
Toward the end of their article, Allen et al. (1992), write evocatively of the measurement problems inherent in using emotion measurement scales and recollected events (p. 502): 'While defending our selection of measures, we do not mean to suggest that "conventional" measures of emotion cannot be improved on for consumer research. If we are to do a better job of integrating emotive experience into consumer research, there are important improvements needed in the measurement area".
The next year, 1993, two articles appeared which went a great distance toward responding to these issues. What was needed was not only novel approaches to measurement, per se, but rather novel approaches in the methodology used to comprehend emotion within the consumption experience. We next examine two revolutionary efforts which did just this: Arnould and Price (1993) and Celsi, Rose and Leigh (1993).
The context of Arnould and Prices research was whitewater rafting on the Colorado RiverCa consumption experience that usually evokes the gamut of emotions for most participants. In contrast to prior studies we have reviewed, the Arnould and Price article used a combination of ethnography and survey-scaling methodologies, creating a very rich and detailed data base from which to construct interpretations. As they comment, the consumers of the river rafting experience typically have emotional responses which are long-lasting and profound: Because of the nature of their methodology, Arnould and Price were able to trace sociological/anthropological aspects of the emotional experience which traditional measurement devices would have missed. Among these were the perception by several consumers of the experience as a pilgrimage/rite of passage and the growth of bonding among participants and between the participants and their guide over the course of the journey. The research project also shed light on rarely investigated emotions such as transcendence and ecstasy, which lie at the extremes of the positive emotional spectrum. Notably, many consumers did not want to translate their experience into cognitive material.
Similar findings resulted from the investigation of skydiving by Celsi, Rose, and Leigh (1993). The authors proposed that high risk consumer behaviors are 'motivated by a dramatic worldview (p. 2) , and discovered that participants motives varied from thrill seeking to social compliance (e.g., to accompany a friend or spouse) and that all participants saw it as involving some degree of risk acceptance. As with Arnould and Prices consumers, these also cited personal mastery (i.e., 'I can do it), transcendence/ecstasy and identity construction/renewal as significant outcomes of the behavior. And, as before, the participants felt a sense of communitas or bonding with other participants.
These latter researchers introduced another aspect of consumer desire for such high risk experiencesCthe addictive high resulting rom the adrenaline rush they provide. As they note, while the addiction model does not fully account for all aspects of the high-risk consumption experience, it does serve as a phenomenological explanation for much of it. It also serves as a bridging concept to take us to our next set of literature: consumer research conducted on compulsive consumption.
Rooks 1987 article, 'The Buying Impulse was one of the first published in consumer research to investigate what is now termed 'compulsive consumption. The particular type of compulsive consumption Rook was studying, impulse purchasing, has important emotional and behavioral components. Impulse purchases are associated with happy emotional states, when the consumer is feeling self-indulgent, optimistic, enthusiastic, and venturesome. Indeed, much of the safe, pleasant variety seeking behavior as described by Kahn and Isen (1993) as well as novelty seeking behavior (Raju 1980) is likely to occur in an impulse purchasing contest (see Rook 1987, p. 194, 196).
A distinction can be drawn between impulse purchasing and compulsive purchasing, which OGuinn and Faber (1989) describe as repetitive purchasing which is 'ultimately destructive financially and psychologically to the consumer, but which provides momentary relief from tension, anxiety or sadness (p. 148). Impulse purchases usually occur during 'high emotional states, while compulsive purchases usually occur as attempts to alleviate 'down emotional states. And, as OGuinn and Faber (1989, p. 148) have described, compulsive purchasing is closely related biochemically, psychologically and behaviorally, to a host of other compulsive consumer activities: "These include substance abuse and extreme excesses in behavior, such as eating disorders and compulsive sexuality, as well as more marketplace-oriented behaviors, such as compulsive gambling and kleptomania".
In their study of compulsive buyers, OGuinn and Faber combined depth interviews with survey data to construct a comprehensive portrait of the phenomenon. They found that most compulsive shoppers were female (supporting the portion of our model which proposes that cultural norms about gender help direct emotion-laden consumer behaviors, i.e., women are socialized to shop), and that compulsive buyers tended toward obsessive-compulsive traits, had lower self-esteem (both a cause and consequence of compulsive buying), had higher imagination levels and higher levels of envy and non-generosity (i.e., hoarding) than other consumers. And, of course, their behavior had a strong, emotional componentCelatedly high when it was occurring, depressingly low once one came to ones senses.
In two later studies, (Faber and OGuinn 1992; Faber, Christenson, De Zwaan and Mitchell 1995), these researchers and their associates developed a clinical screener for compulsive buyers and investigated the comorbidity (i.e., co-occurrence) of compulsive buying and binge eating. They found that both forms of compulsive consumption occur along a continuum from normal to moderate to severe, a point made by Rook (1987) and Hirschman (1992), as well. In discussing their findings, they reported that gender segregation was again apparent; that is, women tended toward binge eating, kleptomania and compulsive buying, while men predominated in pathological gambling and hard drug usage, further supporting the 'Cultural Norms segment of our model. They also reported results from other studies suggesting that compulsive buyers had greater mood swings in response to buying, than normal consumers: 'higher during purchase, 'lower after purchase.
In 1992, Hirschman used depth interviews with present and recovering drug addicts/alcoholics to construct a general model of compulsive consumption. Her research also included introspective accounts of the phenomenolog of compulsive consumption.
Hirschman (1992), like OGuinn and Faber (1989, 1992, 1996), noted the serial and/or multiple outlet aspect of compulsive consumption. It is posited that because compulsive consumption is rooted in abnormal emotional reactivity, (see Larsen and Diener 1987 a,b) it is an ongoing feature of these consumers lives. Typically, they will use multiple forms of compulsive consumption or turn to a series of compulsive consumption activities over time to allieve anxiety, tension and/or depression. The type and pattern of activities these consumers engage in is often guided by social norms regarding what is appropriate for their gender, age, social class and ethnicity. And, as Rook and Fisher (1995) recently found, some types of impulsive consumer behavior may be held in check by social norms, as well.
In 1996, DeSarbo and Edwards published a large-scale, survey-based research study that distinguished between impulse purchases and compulsive purchasing. These researchers demonstrated that compulsive buyers react to stress by experiencing higher than average levels of anxiety, i.e., are emotionally reactive. To escape these anxieties, they may turn to compulsive buying, which temporarily provides positive emotions; in essence, compulsive consumers are self-medicating their anxiety with the emotional high of shopping.
DeSarbo and Edwards (1996) additionally found that persons coming from abusive and/or addictive families were more likely to become compulsive consumers, consistent with OGuinn & Fabers (1989) and Hirschmans (1992) findings, and supporting the Parents and Childhood/Juvenile Environment segments of our model. Analogously, Rindfleisch, Burroughs and Denton (1996) found that young adults whose parents were divorced or separated exhibited higher levels of compulsive buying.
Our model proposes that adult consumers will exhibit a Personal Emotional Range. Our model additionally suggests that adult consumers will respond emotionally to both major and minor current personal events, such as job loss, exposure to advertising and salesperson encounters. The model further suggests that these emotional responses will be filtered through various cognitive activities (e.g., attitude change) and result in a wide-ranging set of consumer behavior, such as impulsive product purchases, variety seeking, and compulsive buying. Which specific behaviors are undertaken will be influenced by prevailing cultural norms regarding what is appropriate for ones gender, age, race, and socioeconomic status.
We can also extend this model into a predictive set of propositions and a classification scheme as shown in Figure Two, which is adapted from Holbrook and Batra (1987). The Figure depicts four quadrants resulting from the orthogonal axes of positive-negative emotional valence and low-high emotional arousal.
Quadrant A contains the emotions typical of positive affect and low arousal: contentment, tranquility, serenity and placidity. Given what we have learned from prior research, this section of the emotional space may be labeled as containing Contented Consumers/Calm Consumption. It is likely that some consumers spend much of their lives in this range of emotional experience, and that all consumers experience these emotions from time to time (see e.g., Holbrook and Batra, 1987; Larsen and Diener 1987a). The following speculative propositions [We are skating on thin ice here, empirically. Yet we optimistically anticipate these propositions will be confirmed in the near future.] may be put forward regarding consumers/consumption in this portion of the emotional range.
1) Consumers experiencing these emotions are contented with the present state of affairs. They are likely to be brand loyal, due to feelings of product/service satisfaction. Because of their low arousal levels, they do not have the energy or desire to be venturesome, innovative or variety-seeking, and they are unlikely to voice complaints or express dissatisfaction.
2) Contented consumers are likely to be quite receptive to 'warm advertisements (e.g., Aaker and Stayman), as these would help maintain and reinforce their emotional tranquillity.
3) Because Contented Consumers are in a state of low arousal and positive emotion, they may use heuristic processing to simplify decision tasks (see Batra and Stayman 1990), thus avoiding expending energy on cognitive activity.
Following from #3 above, it is likely that Contented Consumers will choose to avoid extended problem solving activities; in general, we expect that they will try to avoid activities that are cognitively or physically demanding, because these would disrupt their sense of serenity. These propositions are consistent with some mood experiments, which have found subjects unwilling to undertake activities that might threaten their positive affect, see e.g. Gardner 1985.
1. Happy consumers will actively seek out new consumption information, experiences, and products, so long as these are deemed likely to provide pleasure. Following from Kahn and Isen (1993), we expect happy consumers to be innovative, novelty-seeking, and variety-seeking.
2. Consumers who are experiencing delight and elation will have greatly enhanced cognitive abilities. They will be able to construct elaborate cognitive patterns, have increased recall and accelerated processing speed, consistent with Isens extensive research.
3. As a result of 1 and 2 above, elated consumers should display high levels of consumption creativity: i.e., the ability to use products in novel and unusual ways in order to solve problems.
Consumers who are experiencing the emotions of hopelessness and dread will be very risk averse and pessimistic about consumption activities. They will be unlikely to try new products or services and are at a low probability for variety seeking.
1) Given 1, above, such consumers are likely to display brand loyalty and habitual purchasing patterns, because they lack the cognitive ability to process novel information or to combine existing information in novel ways.
2) Decision-making by such consumers will be slow, hesitant and aimed toward minimizing possible disappointment. These consumers will stick with 'tried and true alternatives.
3) Because they are physically and mentally lethargic, sad consumers will be less likely to express dissatisfaction or voice complaints, even when product performance is unsatisfactory. They are likely to believe that such activities are 'not worth the effort and would be futile.
1. Obviously, consumers with tendencies toward active dysthymia are those most likely to 'lose their temper in a provocative consumption situation, but all consumers occasionally find themselves in this emotional space. Loud, demanding, complaining behavior is likely to occur, perhaps even including physical damage to property or personnel (e.g., assaulting a waiter). Research on how to disarm such volatile negative consumer behaviors would be very valuable.
2. Drawing from the compulsive consumption literatures (e.g., OGuinn and Faber 1989), we propose that much drug and alcohol abuse, compulsive eating, compulsive shopping, pathological gambling and similar addictive/compulsive behaviors are undertaken by consumers who are attempting to self-medicate feelings of anger, anxiety and paranoia.
3. We propose that it is likely at the juncture between the Sad and Angry positions on the emotional map that most compulsive consumption will occur: the consumer must feel unhappy, but still have the physical and mental energy (i.e., arousal) to get to the casino, liquor store, cigarette machine, shopping mall, or crac house in order to remedy his/her misery.
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Looking for company data regarding The Humanity Preservation Foundation's CEO or CFO? The Humanity Preservation Foundation is part of the Other field and are located in the area of , . Some of the helpful data that can be found on their Lead411 profile include The Humanity Preservation Foundation email addresses marked by the domain format @humanitypreservationfoundation.org. Other contact information could contain cfo names, phone numbers, linkedin profiles, corporate contacts, and facebook profiles. If you sign up for our free trial you will see our [email protected] addresses.
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If you don't want to waste too much time looking for company information regarding The Humble Neighborhood, a Other company, check out their Lead411 profile. Our profiles have linkedin data, phone numbers, cfo contacts, and more. It contains helpful contact information regarding top company officials, including that of The Humble Neighborhood's CEO , and other The Humble Neighborhood email format addresses within the @conscious-shopping.com domain. The Humble Neighborhood is based in Stanfordville, NY. If you sign up for our free trial you will see our [email protected] addresses. | 2019-04-25T12:36:38Z | https://app.lead411.com/companies/c-3-20-21-12.html |
How else might we participate in co-creating a new economy that is equitable for all? Jim Wallis writes, “While it is good to protest, having an alternative is better.” The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better. More and more companies are practicing fair trade, reducing waste, using renewable resources, and investing in healthy communities and ecosystems. Support or start one of these businesses!
AS YOU GET OUT OF BED in the morning, be aware of My Presence with you. You may not be thinking clearly yet, but I am. Your early morning thoughts tend to be anxious ones until you get connected with Me. Invite Me into your thoughts by whispering My Name. Suddenly your day brightens and feels more user-friendly. You cannot dread a day that is vibrant with My Presence. You gain confidence through knowing that I am with you—that you face nothing alone. Anxiety stems from asking the wrong question: “If such and such happens, can I handle it?” The true question is not whether you can cope with whatever happens, but whether you and I together can handle anything that occurs. It is this you-and-I-together factor that gives you confidence to face the day cheerfully.
PSALM 5:3; In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.
PSALM 63:1 NKJV; Joy in the Fellowship of God – A Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts.
PHILIPPIANS 4:13;I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Morning and Evening Devotional (Jesus Calling®) (p. 372). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
At its core, money is a beautiful concept. Let me be very naïve for a moment so as to reveal this core, this spiritual (if not historical) essence of money. I have something you need, and I wish to give it to you. So I do, and you feel grateful and desire to give something to me in return. But you don’t have anything I need right now. So instead you give me a token of your gratitude. . . . Later, when I receive a gift from someone else, I give them that token. . . .
Money becomes necessary when the range of our gifts must extend beyond the people we know personally. . . . Traditional, decentralized gift networks gave way to centralized systems of redistribution, with the temple, and later the royal palace, as the hub. . . . They soon diverged from the gift mind-set as contributions became forced and quantified, and outward disbursement became unequal. . . .
We are faced with a paradox. On the one hand money is properly a token of gratitude and trust, an agent of the meeting of gifts and needs. . . . As such it should make us all richer. Yet it does not. Instead, it has brought insecurity, poverty, and the liquidation of our cultural and natural commons. Why?
The cause of these things lies deep within the very heart of today’s money system . . . usury, better known as interest. Usury is the very antithesis of the gift, for instead of giving to others when one has more than one needs, usury seeks to use the power of ownership to gain even more—to take from others rather than to give. . . .
The money created [by the U.S. Federal Reserve] accompanies a corresponding debt, and the debt is always for more than the amount of money created. . . . Usury both generates today’s endemic scarcity and drives the world-devouring engine of perpetual growth. . . . To make new money to keep the whole system going . . . we have to create more “goods and services” . . . [by] selling something that was once free. . . .
ISAIAH 55:8 – 9; For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways.
PSALM 100:5 NKJV; For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.
Coming to grips with the history and reality of our money culture is challenging. But with awareness comes opportunity and motivation for change. Contemplative practice helps me hold the tension of suffering with my responsibility to participate in its healing. I can live with fewer comforts and conveniences when I see my part in global warming and poverty. I can hold companies and politicians accountable for their actions, voting in elections and with my wallet.
. . . It is highly inconvenient to acknowledge what is happening in the environment. That awareness runs counter to what we have been taught—and what we expect and want from our lives. The United States was founded by acts of exploiting land, people, and resources. [Christianity legitimated human slavery!] We have enlarged that principle and do it the whole world over in the name of trade and growth. . . .
Business is rewarded for producing the best product demanded by the market at the lowest price. The free market is efficient because the producer has every incentive to be as thrifty and innovative as possible. . . . Free market industrialism took root in a world in which trade was expansive and global. Resources of unusual abundance were wrested away from indigenous cultures in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, furthering the fortunes of the trading, industrial nations, which took what they wanted with force. It was colonialism, and it is practiced today, not by adventurers but by transnational corporations or proxies in host countries.
Business did not anticipate a time when those resources would diminish or run out. It was inconceivable that the vast plains and forests of the New World could be exhausted, or that the abundant new fuels of coal could produce enough waste to foul the air and the seas, or that the use of oil could eventually lead to global climate change. So the system of rewarding the lowest price, impelling companies to exploit the cheapest sources of labor and materials, could not anticipate a time when the lowest price would no longer be the lowest cost, when seeking the cheapest means to get a product to market would end up costing society the most in terms of pollution, loss of habitat, degradation of biological diversity, human sickness, and cultural destruction. . . .
JUNE 27 REST WITH ME A WHILE. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey. I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn’t bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, watching over you wherever you go.
When the economic institution is our primary lens, as it is in the U.S., religion tends to be diluted by pragmatic, win/lose, and power attitudes. God is bought and sold more than loved, waited for, or surrendered to. This is why Jesus’ anger (and even destruction of property) was aimed at those selling and buying in the temple (see Matthew 21:12).
I once saw a cartoon in the New Yorker depicting a pedestal holding a dollar. People are bowing to the enshrined bill, and one of them says, “The reason I like this religion is that at least we’re not hypocritical.” Americans have this dangerous illusion that we’re a religious people. Yet it’s evident that God is not on the pedestal here. Clearly our consumer system is the priority, and everything else is subservient.
I once was teaching a class that was to be attended by a wealthy banker. I had been warned that he might take me to task for my criticism of the American Way, so I was prepared for the worst. As I talked, I watched him listening attentively, occasionally becoming stiff-shouldered. Sure enough, at break time he headed right for the podium.
PSALM 23:1–4 NKJV; The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
2 CORINTHIANS 4:16–17; therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
PSALM 28:7; The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
One of the great themes of the Bible, beginning with the Hebrew Scriptures and continued by Jesus and Paul, is “the preferential option for the poor.” I call it “the bias toward the bottom.” The Hebrew people’s exodus out of slavery, and YHWH’s complete identification with them, is the pattern of our universal spiritual journey to liberation.
The Exodus story is the root of all liberation theology, which Jesus then teaches and fully exemplifies (see Luke 4:18-19). It is obvious that he is primarily a healer of the poor and powerless. Liberation theology focuses on freeing people from religious, political, social, and economic oppression (i.e., what Pope John Paul II called “structural sin” and “institutional evil”). It goes beyond just trying to free individuals from their own naughty behaviors, which many people identify as the only meaning of sin. In our individualistic society, structural sin is accepted as good and necessary on the corporate or national level. Large companies, churches, and governments get away with and are even applauded for killing (war), greed, vanity, pride, and ambition. The capital sins are rewarded at the corporate level but shamed at the individual level. This is our conflicted Christian morality!
God hears the cry of the poor. And we, created in God’s image and likeness, must do the same to be like God.
In his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus critiques and reorders the values of his culture from the bottom up. He “betrays” the prevailing institutions of family, religion, power, and economy (i.e., controlling resources) by his loyalty to another world vision which he calls the Reign of God. Such loyalty cost him popularity, the support of the authorities, immense inner agony, and finally his own life. By putting the picture into the largest possible frame, Jesus called into question all smaller frames and forced a radical transformation of consciousness upon his hearers. Most seemed unready for this paradigm shift, including his inner circle.
What is Western culture’s primary frame of reference? Money and power seem to come first. The dominant system in our society is production and consumption. Manipulative marketing convinces us we must have the newest version, regardless of what we actually need. Status is attained by having money and the freedom to use it.
There is inalienable worth and intrinsic value to every person, regardless of wealth or public position. Policies that hurt the poor are a violation of that inalienable value. . . . We are all worthy of the very necessities of life.
and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift from Me. I begin each day with a sunrise, announcing My radiant Presence. By the time you rise from your bed, I have already prepared the way before you. I eagerly await your first conscious thought. I rejoice when you glance My way. Bring Me the gift of thanksgiving, which opens your heart to rich communion with Me. Because I am God, from whom all blessings flow, thankfulness is the best way to draw near Me. Sing praise songs to Me; tell of My wondrous works. Remember that I take great delight in you; I rejoice over you with singing.
Over the last two weeks I’ve explored justice in a broad way. Today I’d like to bring it closer to home, in a little longer meditation, so you get a fuller picture and some of the nuances in my own life.
In 1986 when I felt called to start the Center for Action and Contemplation, I returned to New Mexico. Its physical proximity to the U.S./Mexico border, Franciscan legacy (both good and bad), extreme poverty (only Mississippi and U.S. territories have higher poverty rates in the U.S.), and history of nuclear testing made this seem like a good place to live in solidarity with suffering and practice contemplative approaches to justice and peacemaking.
I am still learning to hold the tension of our stunning landscape and rich art with so much injustice and pain. I’ll share just a few examples of New Mexico’s complex past and present.
The U.S. government has formed numerous treaties with tribes and pueblos, only to blatantly disregard them and give preference to corporations and private interests. Today Native Americans continue to struggle to protect their land, water, and diverse cultures. Even while many in the U.S. try to keep immigrants from crossing our country’s borders, they have broken promises to respect the boundaries of those who were here before us.
Migration—whether chosen or forced—is a reality we must continue to face. U.S. interference in Central America has led to destabilization and violence. In 1986, the year before the Center for Action and Contemplation officially opened, our governor declared New Mexico the country’s first “State of Sanctuary,” a welcoming place for those fleeing civil wars in Central America. Albuquerque’s mayor, Tim Keller, recently affirmed that we are an “Immigrant Friendly” city, limiting city resources in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. I support this decision and applaud the faith communities who are sheltering undocumented immigrants!
The policies of separating families at the U.S./Mexico border and of criminalizing those who seek asylum are disgraceful. Throughout Scripture we see God’s mercy toward the outsider and the vulnerable. Jesus makes our treatment of “the least of these brothers and sisters” the only real criteria for the final judgment (see Matthew 25:31-46). Jesus himself was a refugee, and his life and teaching show us what it means to welcome the stranger in our midst. Without love, “law and order” mentalities too often lead to dehumanization, concentration camps, and genocide. In today’s political arena there is a lot of finger-pointing; we need to move beyond blame and rhetoric to take action on behalf of those who are suffering.
With its high desert environment, New Mexico is particularly vulnerable to climate change. The Rio Grande, which begins in Colorado and finally borders Texas and Mexico, often dries up in the summer before it reaches the Gulf of Mexico, and droughts will only worsen. The over-consumption of fossil fuels in the U.S. has significantly contributed to global warming. Those in power must take responsibility for caring for the people and places most impacted. We’ll all have to come together as a community to find creative ways of sharing and preserving our resources.
Our history is complex and layered. There is no single side of the story, though history is often written from the perspective of the “victor.” We continue to peel back the layers and learn more about the many people who call New Mexico home, often displacing or marginalizing the previous residents. I can only touch on a few of the issues I’ve learned about. In doing so I hope to spark curiosity about your own place in the world. Who lived on “your” land before you? If you don’t know, find out. How might this awareness change the way you live and your attitudes and actions toward indigenous peoples and immigrants?
THANK ME for the very things that are troubling you. You are on the brink of rebellion, precariously close to shaking your fist in My Face. You are tempted to indulge in just a little complaining about My treatment of you. But once you step over that line, torrents of rage and self-pity can sweep you away. The best protection against this indulgence is thanksgiving. It is impossible to thank Me and curse Me at the same time. Thanking Me for trials will feel awkward and contrived at first. But if you persist, your thankful words, prayed in faith, will eventually make a difference in your heart. Thankfulness awakens you to My Presence, which overshadows all your problems.
PSALM 116:17 NKJV;I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, And will call upon the name of the Lord.
PHILIPPIANS 4:4–6; Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
PSALM 100:2 NKJV; Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
Yesterday I explored the fundamental importance of discovering and living out of our True Self, our imago Dei, the image of God that we are. In the Center for Action and Contemplation’s most recent edition of Oneing, “Anger,” actor, filmmaker, writer, and personal friend Josh Radnor writes about how living from our inherent divinity contributes to creating a just and loving world.
In his book Carpe Jugulum, Terry Pratchett has a character define sin thusly: “Sin, young man, is when you treat people like things.” . . .
We’re seeing the consequences of this everywhere these days: People are being objectified. . . .
The translation of Namaste is one of infinite depth. It means: The divinity in me . . . salutes the divinity in you.
Here we have an antidote to objectification. Something infinite, immortal, mysterious, loving, and alive abides in me and it is from this light that I bow toward that which is infinite, immortal, mysterious, loving, and alive in you. What if this was our set-point, our baseline, the fundamental assumption we had about every single person we encountered? All our reputations precede us: We’re divine. . . .
Mystics from every tradition testify to the aliveness and sentience of all things, that the natural world is lit up with the flame of divinity. This does and must include us. We’re not taught this. In fact, most of what we’re taught opposes this.
. . . So many of us carry a kind of unspoken assumption that something is very, very wrong with us, that we’re damaged, guilty, and unlovable. Stepping into our divinity—acknowledging and accepting our fundamental nobility—is the ultimate paradigm shift. Kornfield is right. We cannot continue with business as usual after this. . . .
Namaste asks something huge of us: If the divinity in me recognizes the divinity in you, how could I abuse, debase, violate, or harass? I would, after all, only be punishing myself. . . .
This is a growing moment. Growth is painful.
I don’t believe hell or heaven to be post-life destinations. I believe they are states of consciousness largely visible here and now. A world of objects is a kind of hell. A world of subjects—divine beings honoring the divinity in the other—is surely heaven. May we point our feet toward this heaven and begin the hard and necessary work of walking there.
WAIT PATIENTLY WITH ME while I bless you. Don’t rush into My Presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell in timelessness: I am, I was, I will always be. For you, time is a protection; you’re a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind. Learn to master time, or it will be your master. Though you are a time-bound creature, seek to meet Me in timelessness. As you focus on My Presence, the demands of time and tasks will diminish. I will bless you and keep you, making My Face shine upon you graciously, giving you Peace.
MICAH 7:7; But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.
NUMBERS 6:24–26; “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you.
JUNE 20 I SPEAK TO YOU CONTINUALLY. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day after day. I speak in the faces and voices of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delights you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit, where I have taken up residence. You can find Me in each moment, when you have eyes that see and ears that hear. Ask My Spirit to sharpen your spiritual eyesight and hearing. I rejoice each time you discover My Presence. Practice looking and listening for Me during quiet intervals. Gradually you will find Me in more and more of your moments. You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me above all else.
I AM THE FIRM FOUNDATION on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is My high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control—an impossible task and a waste of precious energy. My guidance for each of My children is unique. That’s why listening to Me is so vital for your well-being. Let me prepare you for the day that awaits you and point you in the right direction. I am with you continually, so don’t be intimidated by fear. Though it stalks you, it cannot harm you, as long as you cling to My hand. Keep your eyes on Me, enjoying Peace in My Presence.
PSALM 5:11; But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice.
EPHESIANS 3:20–21;Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the.
JOSHUA 1:5; No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Yesterday I shared how far Christianity has strayed from Jesus’ vision of justice, even though his teaching was crystal clear. Francis (1182-1226) and Clare (1194-1253) of Assisi understood his message and modeled a similar agenda: a simple lifestyle outside the system of production and consumption (the real meaning of the vow of poverty) and conscious identification with the marginalized of society (the communion of saints pushed to its outer edge). In this position, we do not “do” acts of peace and justice as much as our lifestyle itself is peace and justice. Think about that.
The way of radical Christianity is to stay outside of such systems—insofar as possible—so they cannot control our breadth of thinking, feeling, loving, and living out universal justice. We can only re-enter them from this new place of inner freedom. This has seldom been taught, and thus most of us are on bended knee to and codependent with almost all public institutions.
We lost our unique and prophetic way when we turned Jesus into a chummy best friend and Brother Francis into “Saint Francis,” and it was no longer considered foolish to say that you followed Jesus or Francis. A prophet’s lifestyle is never fashionable or safe.
When you agree to live simply, you do not consider the refugee, the homeless person, or the foreigner as a threat or competition. You have chosen their marginal state for yourself—freely and consciously becoming “visitors and pilgrims” in this world, as Francis put it (quoting 1 Peter 2:11). A simple lifestyle is an act of solidarity with the way most people have lived since the beginnings of humanity.
As I’ve said many times, “the best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better.” This approach guards against the most common criticism of religion in general and social-justice work in particular, which, frankly, has tended to produce many negative, oppositional, and judgmental people—from reactionary conservatives to limousine liberals.
We must move to the laboratory where radical change can occur—inside of our very mind, heart, and the cells of our body. Contemplative practice rewires our inner life, giving us a kind of “emotional sobriety.” It opens us to an inner sense of divine union so we can do the needed works of justice with peace and enduring passion.
Our spirituality forms our inner lives and is then lived outwardly in the world, which is to live a life of love and justice for others. True contemplation must become action.
I chose you before the foundation of the world, to walk with Me along paths designed uniquely for you. Concentrate on keeping in step with Me instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you. If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment. Your hope and your future are rooted in heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you. Nothing can rob you of your inheritance of unimaginable riches and well-being. Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on. But your main focus should be staying close to Me. I set the pace in keeping with your needs and My purposes. | 2019-04-19T04:56:35Z | http://co2mannatoday.com/?m=201806 |
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Department of Higher Education has warned school leavers who will be looking for space in colleges to be vigilant against bogus colleges.
Dr Shahida Issack, Director for Private and Higher Institutions Higher Education says the bogus operators have gotten smarter at their game.
The department is warning school leavers about fake institutions, urging them to verify with the accreditation before enrolling at colleges.
We experience all kinds of irregular behaviour, the sooner we close one gap they open the other.
With about half of the world’s fastest growing countries based in Africa, the continent is quickly becoming a global business and economic hotspot. However, hand-in-hand with this growth comes rapid industry expansion, recruitment of a global workforce and – of notable concern – increasing risk of qualification and CV fraud. This is according to Ina van der Merwe, director and CEO of African background screening market leader, Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE), who highlights that African qualifications carry a high risk of being fraudulent.
“As a whole, cross-border qualifications are more likely to be fake, altered or all together fraudulent. Our data suggests that risk indicators on these qualifications have increased from 40% in 2015 to 43% in 2016 to-date (January to October). “Although a portion of this risk can be attributed to other confounding factors, it is clear that there is a greater propensity for qualification fraud with foreign candidates or in countries where background screening is not yet common practice. A candidate may be less likely to lie on their CV if they know that their credentials will be verified.
“Unfortunately, our research shows that the vast majority of cross border recruits are not being screened sufficiently. This means that while opportunities for global competitiveness are abundant, there are an overwhelming amount of job-seekers who are less than honest about their professional capabilities. And seeing that these facts aren’t properly checked, organisations are at high risk of financial and legal implications,” she explains. Findings from Lex Mundi’s Emerging Africa Conference in Cape Town note that by 2040, Africa’s working age population will rise to 1,1-billion – greater than the working age populations of China and India combined. With this in mind, Van der Merwe suggests that the drive for business, investment and employment within the continent is clearly justified. However, the risks associated with qualification and CV fraud means that businesses need to strongly consider implementing an international screening program.
“An international screening program ensures that all credentials are verified through relevant and accurate measures irrespective of that credential’s country of origin. This also includes various vetting services such as criminal record and credit history checks which, in addition to qualification verification, are in high demand across specific industries in Southern, East and West Africa specifically,” she says. She adds that performing a background check on a candidate or employee with foreign work experience or qualifications is typically viewed as being far more complex than doing so locally. “This is likely the major issue which has held businesses back from conducting such checks in the past. However, this simply cannot be the case moving forward.
“As globalisation continues to blur borders, international screening needs to become a priority and top vetting organisations have solutions and centralised teams in place to make it possible. “Ultimately, to avoid taking a financial and reputational hit while exploring all Africa has to offer from a growth perspective, it is essential for businesses to know – and verify – their staff,” Van der Merwe concludes.
CERTSA, the National Certificate Registrar of South Africa, will again be presenting their anti-fraud certificate solutions at the Digital Education Expo at the Sandton Convention Centre on 18-19 October 2016.
The corrupt practices of South Africans have also manifested in the falsification of curriculum vitae, with government officials claiming they are what they aren’t. Although this situation is unlike the case of manipulating tenders and bribery, the people involved here however cunningly earn salaries they’re unqualified to earn, denying the country of competent service delivery.
The ANC spokesperson Carl Niehaus lied about his qualifications in 2014, it was discovered that Pallo Jordan the former minister of Arts and Culture lied about his PhD and has no claim over any form of tertiary qualification, Daniel Mtimkulu the Head of Engineering Services at Prasa resigned after it was uncovered that he has no PhD in engineering, and is not even registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa.
In SABC, the former board chairperson Ellen Tshabalala and Hlaudi Motsoeneng were discovered less qualified than they claimed, the acting CEO Nico Bezuidenhout and board chairperson Dude Myeni at SA Airways (SAA) were also caught, former Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sicelo Shiceka lied about having a Master’s degree, and former Sanral board chairperson Tembakazi Mnyaka resigned after it was discovered that she has no Master’s degree in town planning as listed in her CV.
This type of fraud still makes the top 10 list because of how often this still occurs in South Africa. Candidates applying for positions at companies are lying on their CVs in order to be picked for the job. Often candidates lie about their qualifications on their CVs. Not only is this blatant Fraud, but companies are investing resources into their staff members. These resources are now being floundered on incapable fraudsters who are not qualified to do the job they were hired for.
Another issue is these fraudsters now have access to sensitive company information which is a massive security risk as this individual can potentially commit further fraud. Ultimately the Company is the victim in this Scam, but the run on affects could potentially hurt the consumer as well.
Ina van der Merwe, CEO of South African background screening market leader, Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE) notes that many of these matriculates will be competing for jobs along with recently graduated students and the country’s 5.4 million unemployed (according to Statistics South Africa’s latest Quarterly Labour Force Survey).
MIE works with the Southern African Fraud Prevention Service (SAFPS) to combat fraud by populating their database of individuals who have committed a relevant offence - primarily those who have committed qualification fraud.
This information is shared with member organisations and - in turn - offers South African businesses a means of protecting themselves from possibly having to incur costs and risks. In 2014 and 2015 (January - August), MIE has listed 3389people to the database.
Van der Merwe advises that matriculates and graduates bear in mind that background screening cannot be done without a job applicant’s consent. While the vetting process may be unfamiliar to those entering the workforce for the first time, refusing one may arouse suspicion. It is best to rather be honest about your results and qualifications. If you have nothing to hide, there is nothing to fear,” she says.
CERTSA launched their range of products at the Digital Education Expo at the Sandton Convention Centre on 6-7 October 2015. After 3 years of intensive development and 6 months of running a pilot programme with Emcare, a medical training company, CERTSA launched its products to the education sector. Jason, Roger and Chris are shown here at the CERTSA stand.
Fraudulent qualifications are a problem in South Africa, with candidates applying for jobs using fake matric certificates and degrees on the rise.
Fraudulent certificates, diplomas, and degrees are a problem in South Africa, with more candidates trying to secure jobs using fake qualifications.
EMPS, a company which provides background screening services, said it has found that 7.62% of all qualifications verified by it in 2015 were “problematic” – compared to 6.8% in 2014.
“People using fake qualifications are damaging the credibility and reputation of institutions of higher learning. The incidents of misrepresentation are serious and will not be tolerated in our country,” said EMPS CEO Kirsten Halcrow.
Halcrow said the government needed to concentrate on weeding out those within its ranks using fake degree and certificates, and not let qualifications fraudsters continue in their positions.
She said private companies, too, needed to beware of applicants using fake qualifications.
Mhlontlo municipality is under the spotlight again – this time an e-Natis clerk is being investigated for fraud after he reportedly falsified a matric certificate.
Zola Mhlotshazana allegedly submitted a matric certificate belonging to someone else when he applied for the job two years ago.
Mhlotshazana is the second person being investigated for fraud in Mhlontlo.
The Daily Dispatch reported that former council speaker and ANC regional chairman Xolile Nkompela was being investigated for allegedly using a fraudulent teacher’s diploma when he applied for a job as a teacher some years ago.
Police have confirmed they are investigating a case of fraud against Mhlotshazana and the latest case puts into question the small council’s ability to verify applicants’ qualifications before making appointments.
SA Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) in Qumbu initially rang the alarm in 2014 when they asked Mhlontlo municipality’s corporate services director Lizo Matiwane to look into Mhlotshazana’s matric certificate.
In documents seen by the Dispatch, Umalusi senior certificate officer Zolile Hlabeni confirmed in an affidavit that Mhlotshazana did not have an authentic matric certificate.
“The copy of the certificate as submitted for verification is not authentic. The information on the Umalusi database indicates that the certificate belongs to somebody else.
“[There were] no records found on the Malusi database for Zola Mhlotshazana,” he swore under oath on February 23 this year.
He declared the certificate which Mhlotshazana claimed was his, was in fact that of Siyabonga Artwell Mdingi which was effective from December 2000.
Hlabeni had verified the certificate using the unique certificate’s number qualification after investigating officer Constable Bandise Lokhwe made the request in May last year.
Mthatha police spokeswoman Warrant Officer Dineo Koena said the case was handed over to the organised crime unit last month.
Mhlotshazana declined to comment, citing that the matter was with the police.
Despite Matiwane promising then Samwu secretary Atalanta Tiba on May 21 2014 that “the matter is being attended to”, more than two years later, no action was ever taken against Mhlotshazana.
Contacted for comment yesterday, Matiwane referred questions to municipal manager Sibongile Sotshongaye.
The accounting officer said that unlike when police informed him of the probe against Nkompela, that had not happened in the Mhlotshazana case. “No one has ever come to me with the allegations.
“Procedurally, the municipal manager should have done an internal investigation but because this has just been hearsay, we could not do anything.
“The police came to the municipal manager regarding the [former] speaker [Nkompela] and told me they were investigating him.
One of the common struggles all companies share is acquisition of the right personnel – whether the individual has the right personality, background and professional ethic for the position.
And while qualifications carry weight, forgery and faked references are a reality of the cyber-savvy times we inhabit, according to LexisNexis.
And once individuals are inside a company, there is still the risk of them misusing their access to company information, processes or assets, the provider of governance, risk and compliance solutions said.
Nowhere is this more relevant than PricewaterhouseCoopers 2016 Global Economic Crime Survey, which indicates that when it comes to committing economic crimes… South Africa is ahead of the curve.
The latest edition of the biennial Global Economic Crime Survey showed the level at which this form of crime currently occurs within the country’s borders, is nearly double that of our international counterparts – both within the continent and outside of it.
Globally, 6,337 participants in 115 countries were interviewed for the analysis – 232 of which were South African-based, senior-level management from varying industry sectors.
More than one third (36%) of organisations have experienced economic crime in the past 24 months, and PwC says the situation has reached “pandemic level” with in the country.
According to LexisNexis South Africa, company detection methods were not keeping pace with the advances in economic crime.
“The PwC survey showed that almost half the incidents of serious economic crimes were perpetrated by internal parties and that regulatory compliance is often an added source of stress and burden to companies,” said Rudi Kruger, LexisNexis’ GRC division GM said.
In fact the financial cost of each fraud is on the rise. Globally asset misappropriation was the most pervasive form of economic crime, at 64%, followed by cybercrime which jumped from 24% in the 2014 survey to 32% in the 2016 report.
Bribery and corruption was slightly down from 27% to 24% globally, procurement fraud was at 23%, human resource fraud at 12% and money laundering at 11%.
Kruger said human resource fraud had flourished within South Africa, particularly qualifications fraud.
“Our own RefCheck data shows qualifications fraud is the biggest HR fraud concern. A quarter of all matric certificates cannot be confirmed by us. One in 15 tertiary qualifications could not be confirmed due to invalid data, incomplete courses or no record of candidate. A third of all global qualifications checked through RefCheck Advanced could not be verified,” he said.
South African Qualifications Authority CEO, Joe Samuels, believes that misrepresentation by a person of his or her qualification represents an act of fraud.
Samuels was speaking in an interview with Talk Radio 702, following a spate of high profile cases in South Africa over the past few weeks including two board members within the SABC, and ANC veteran, Pallo Jordan.
He told Radio 702 that the figures presented to the authority over the past number of years did not point to a crisis.
For the financial year ended March 2015, he said that the qualifications authority has already conducted 12,000 verifications, with only 66 determined to be fraudulent, or 0.6%.
Samuels said that the “key crisis” is that not enough people are scrutinizing qualifications presented to them.
He said that, from his own personal view, misrepresentation by a person of his or her qualification represented an act of fraud.
He said that when SAQA finds a case of qualification misrepresentation, it is reported to the police.
Notably, in the UK, “fraud by false representation” carries a maximum 10 year jail sentence – including certain CV embellishments.
On Monday, the Democratic Alliance rebuked Parliament for dragging its feet on the investigation into SABC Chairperson, Ellen Tshabalala.
“It has been over a month since I formally requested the Chairperson of the Communications Portfolio Committee to initiate an inquiry into allegations that the Chairperson of the SABC Board, Ellen Tshabalala, misled Parliament about her qualifications,” said Gavin Davis, DA Shadow Minister of Communications.
A report in City Press said that Tshabalala holds neither a BCom degree nor a postgraduate diploma in labour relations as stated on her Curriculum Vitae.
The DA’s bid to have the appointment of SABC chief operations officer Hlaudi Motsoeneng set aside will be heard in the Western Cape High Court on Tuesday (19 August).
Motsoeneng was found by the Public Protector to have lied about passing high school to receive his matriculation certificate.
The DA noted that President Jacob Zuma said that people who falsify their qualifications should be disqualified from employment in the public sector.
Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande said that suspected fraudulent activity should be referred to the police for investigation and prosecution.
“Unless employers, institutions and citizens can feel confident that individuals have earned the qualifications that they purport to have, the entire system will lose legitimacy,” Nzimande said in a statement last week.
The Background Discrepancy Survey by First Advantage has given India the notorious label of being the centriole of the highest number of cases of employment related inconsistencies. The survey had been carried out globally, and the data had been collected from the employment log of various industries. While an alarming rate of 50% of male job aspirants forging their previous job experience certificates have been exposed, the statistics of 2013 indicates cases of dissonance in the various employment sectors to be 71.5%. 50% of the job seekers with fake credentials pertain to the BFSI segment, with 18% in the IT sector. In the mid – level companies, background checks are usually perfunctory, only the top corporate go for a serious screening of the credentials of the candidate. Educational authorities in Maharashtra, Kerala and several other states, have stumbled upon cases of even professors working for various reputed educational institutes, to be holders of fake credentials. And why should it not be? As per a rough estimate, there are about 2500 fake universities and 7500 fake companies existing in India!
The high rate of unemployment in our country and the exorbitant costs of higher education further fuel the educational fraud rackets, selling forged certificates to the students and job seekers, with the right low on morals and the necessary criminal streak to avail a shortcut to success. It has been found that, not only bogus universities, but also reputed institutes are involved in the forged certificates racket. A decent MBA degree from a reputed institute will cost you a minimum of Rs 7 to 8 lakhs and three years. What, if you get the same degree for one tenth of that amount and in 15 days? Yes, there are many takers, who usually go out of the state they belong to, and apply for jobs in different states, where the chances of getting exposed are even slimmer. While Uttar Pradesh tops the list of bogus universities, Karnataka records the highest number of employment background inconsistency cases. The case of fake companies will be dealt in another article. This article exclusively focuses on the educational fraud rackets. Discussed below are some cases of the fake certificate rackets that had been cracked by the legal authorities. | 2019-04-24T10:09:33Z | https://certsa.org.za/news |
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You can use these items like a free gift, which could be given to your prospects at any big events like trade show, festivals, carnivals etc. The items are among the best methods of advertising. A number of companies, who want to promote their business are seen using the imprinted items and cater them at trade shows and expos. The organizations like the educational institutes give away folder, pens at orientations and open houses.
A reliable tote bag can be the ultimate carry all – be it for work or play. To avoid looking like a lost bag lady, pick a tote that can contain all essential items without looking like an overstuffed shopping cart. In this case, selecting budget tote bags a tote bag with a reliable structure is important. The imprinted promotional items can certainly leave a nice impression over your target audience provided you use them through great wisdom.
You can use these items like a free gift, which could be given to your prospects at any big events like trade show, festivals, carnivals etc. The items are among the best methods of advertising. A number of companies, who want to promote their business are seen using the imprinted items and cater them at trade shows and expos. The http://customtotebags4u.com [www.Storeboard.Com] organizations like the educational institutes give away folder, pens at orientations and open houses.
The fact that they also come in large sizes means that one can fit a lot of things inside. One does not have to worry about searching through different pockets or opening different zippers to find something. In the market, logo imprinted bags in a wide variety of designs and styles are available. Every user can get a bag of his choice that caters to his needs. There are many categories of bags. Then there are a number of ways to get them printed. All these factors add to the versatility and accessibility of custom tote bags.
The design as well as the printing depends on the budget you allocate for your marketing campaign. When you are going in for the ideal gift for her, you must take her tastes and preferences into account. Knowing what your girl likes and buying something in sync with her interests surely will make her thrilled and happy. There are gifts for every woman of all ages and this is the reason why you are able promotional shopping totes to get one for her. The gift manufacturers ensure that there is a gift for women of all ages, tastes and preferences.
We never said autumn was not stressful. With all the pressure of school or work comes the need for some tension relief. Custom stress ball toys allow recipients to squeeze away some tension. There are shapes and designs for almost any topic such as food, animals, work and even fun topics. To enhance the look of your leather gift, you may opt to customized it. Such cool items are personalized leather photo holders, jewelry rolls, mini jewelry cases and boxes, cosmetic bags and cases, tote bags, checkbook clutches, coin purses and the like.
You can have these items personalized in different ways, her initials can be monogrammed, engraved or embroidered on each of these leather items. You can find personalized ladies leather stuff in your local specialty stores. You may also consider browsing the Internet for online store for custom bags [http://janelaurbana.com/2011-10-19-eco-bags-by-fernanda-pereira.html] specialty stores that offer a variety of women’s leather stuff. Other online stores offer customizing services in a cheap rate. Some of them are very kind that even offer such service for free.
Many stores are now stocking organic totes, which are available from promotional product companies and selling them in stores at a competitive price in bulk. And customers are loving this new design is custom tote bags come in different colors. In the past, tote bags consisted of an extremely simple design. However, as with any great idea, producers are striving to present buyers with as many options as possible. Utilizing these options will go a long way to increasing your chances of a successful advertising campaign.
If you create a functional and appealing bag, there is a far greater chance of your customers using it on a regular basis. Think about the side promotional products blog of a tote bag as a blank painter’s canvas on which to print your business logo. That canvas is spacious, meaning there’s lots of room to display whatever advertising message you need to get across to your audience. You can use the ample space to its fullest potential by choosing large, bold print, bright colors and a captivating message. Bottled Water- Water bottle with logo is a cheap giveaway that people from job fair will be attracted to.
People in a crowded venue will get exhausted roaming around. They will need something to eat or drink. Giving water is a nice thing to do. Water bottles can be engraved with the logo that beneficiary will see every time they use such cheap promo item.
Shoe bags. Golfers and athletes would be thrilled to receive a promotional shoe bag with your business logo. They’re ideal for dashing from work to the golf course for a round or two. You can make money by selling non-woven tote bags with your logo on them or you can use them as tradeshow bags and give them away as people come to your booth to find out what you are all about. Giving them away might seem like a loss in profit but you won’t lose anything because when the people use them, they are advertising for you.
You can’t lose. If you decide to sell the bags then you will make money too. Bridesmaids gifts doesn’t need to be expensive as well. Aside from they already know that you have so many things to put on the first line, they also know that you have a lot to pay for. Besides, they won’t probably be asking for something lavish in return, so why spend too much? Set a budget for the gifts first and make sure that when you are shopping, everything is kept within the limit.
There are so many beautiful things that will attract you, so you should be careful on them. These are also great for gift ideas because it brings a sentimental value because of the photos printed in the bags. Additionally, one positive thing about these personalized bags is that the owner will always stay exceptional. There are a lot of women who likes to catch the trends for bags. In situations like this, there are a lot of women who would have the same fashion style when it comes to bags.
Having an exceptional bag would be better because we’ll be more notable than joining the bandwagon. The ideas for photo designs are limitless. We just have to pick our preferred photo. Everyone needs a good bag at trade shows and meetings. You want attendees to take away your catalog or information so they can call on you later. custom tote bags come in a wide array of sizes, colors and styles. For the budget minded, there are plastic and shopping style bags that won’t even dent your wallet.
Higher-end bags offer trendy looks and durability that will allow recipients to use them multiple times giving your ad even more exposure. You can find custom promotional packs and totes in different prices to suit any budget tote bags; www.nimble.com, set aside for advertising purposes. The cases are made of cost effective materials. You can therefore distribute them as gift cases without worrying about the cost of having them produced in masses. You can use the bags for any promotional campaign that you have planned.
The market can offer you a lot of designs and styles for your tote bags. Pick out the most suitable for your girls. You may choose from the stylish tote bags for laptops, small hand carry cosmetic totes, lunch tote, personalized nurse echo tote Bags, gym bag, picture handbag and so much more. You options are unlimited. Totes are multi purpose and not only do individuals feel the need to own one but business owners, companies, retail outlets and supermarkets all have their very own version to not only custom tote bags 4u give their clients and consumers a better way to carry things but to also promote their brand, their business and their company.
I don’t have promotional reusable bags to tell you that every marketing dollar you have these days should be used to the greatest effect. Customized printed promotional items are one way to make that happen. When planning for big events such as weddings, bridal showers and birthday parties, people are looking now into more creative ways to thank their guests and friends for being a part of that special day. Brides, especially, have recently begun the trend of getting personalized tote bags to give either all of their guests or just the bridal party.
Sometimes they will fill them up with special smaller gifts inside or just use them as the actual favor or gift itself. Customized jute bags can be a great way to show your loved ones how important the environment is for you. Show them you care by giving them something not just earth friendly but still trendy. Eco friendly shopping bags are great to have because I just keep a couple in my car and I just take them inside with me. When I come out of the grocery store, my bags are full.
You can add a catchy message in order to capture the mind of potential customers. You need to be prolific when figuring out how to market the product so that it would bag the interest of potential customers.
Traditional. These are typically square in shape and feature two carrying handles. They come in a variety of fabrics, both woven and non-woven, such as cotton, polyester and nylon. Traditional-style tote bags make an excellent choice for use as grocery or shopping bags, or to carry books or other small to medium size items. Since the use of promotional plastic bag is highly discouraged by some concerned citizens, some businesses resorted to Promotional tote (http://Juzd.com/juzd-releases-limited-edition-big-25-item-honour-chris-boshs-25Th-birthday) paper bags.
However, this kind of bag is not as strong as plastic bags. Thank goodness because organic woven tote bags came to the rescue. It has the durability of a plastic bag minus the danger to the environment. In the market, logo imprinted bags in a wide variety of designs and styles are available. Every user can get a bag of his choice that caters to his needs. There are many categories of bags. Then there are a number of ways to get them printed. All these factors add to the versatility and accessibility of custom tote bags.
The design as well as the printing depends on the budget you allocate for your marketing campaign. Custom tote bag is created with a very eye-catching and stylish print. It can be printed with pictures of famous characters, animals, letters, and others. It became the most preferred fashion accessories of modern women. It has also been accessorized with bold colors, buttons, extraordinary zippers, colorful prints, additional pockets, and others. These bags are water proof bags and can be cleansed easily by just brushing off.
They are used for carrying swim suits and beach toys to a beach resort. Personalized tote bags can be used for several purposes. But they have other beneficial aspects, too. They are very visible to people in relation to other items such as pens and mugs. When you How Do Promotional Materials Work are not a usual bag bears the name of your brand to a customer, a large number of people come through it and read your message. You have a great place to advertise.
And your ad continues to move! Create a budget When planning your event is important to determine your estimated costs. This will allow you to determine their advertising budget marketing expenses. Once you know how much money you can spend, you customized bags for business can zero in on your in your price range. The bag is also convenient as it saves the guests from carrying different bags at the same time. For instance a mother with infant can use the tote bag for the baby’s clothes and her wallet plus anything else that she might need.
The guests will definitely appreciate the convenience that this bag brings to them.
The market can offer you a lot of designs and styles for your tote bags. Pick out the most suitable for your girls. You may choose from the stylish tote bags for laptops, small hand carry cosmetic totes, lunch tote, personalized nurse tote, gym bag, picture handbag and so much more. You options are unlimited. Where do most people spend most of their time these days? At their computers. Hand out customized mouse pads for use at work and home so your message or logo is seen day and night.
Promotional mouse pads are available in different thicknesses and materials and feature full color printing. I don’t have to tell you that every marketing dollar you have these days should be used to the greatest effect. Customized printed promotional items are one way to make that happen. When planning for big events such as weddings, bridal showers and birthday parties, people are looking now into more creative ways to thank their guests and friends for being a part of that special day.
Brides, especially, have recently begun the trend of getting personalized tote bags to give either all of their guests or just the bridal party. Sometimes they will fill them up with special smaller gifts inside or just use them as the actual favor or gift itself. Customized jute bags can be a great way to show your loved ones how important the environment is for you. Show them you care by giving them something not just earth friendly but still trendy. The printing medium also depends on the material you are choosing for your bag.
Most people opt for environment-friendly bags as they project a positive image of their corporation. You should also ensure that the material you use is of high quality, as you want your customers to use your custom printed bag for a long lasting. Thus the material should be durable and long-lasting. The promotional bags and totes can be made of eco-friendly material, which ensures that your business remains environmentally conscious in the eyes of your customers.
The bags are therefore reusable due to their recycled organic materials. Whatever the choice of bag you are an employee, not all the team logo and display it for people to be recognized. Yet there is a type of Promotional Personalized Bags (Www.Storeboard.Com) bag, which is heavily used locally. I’m talking about custom tote bags. Really, these materials are in and it will be your brand and its advocacy of flaming fire for success. How? Just look at how many large supermarkets to maximize the use of catch-all, and you will know how effective it is to be promotional material.
Home styles employed By The Custom carrier Bags Are the Following.
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There are also round shaped bags along with draw-string at the top. Different kinds of materials are used to make different kinds of totes. Promotional bags furnish a lot of room for jacking it up with your company name or logo outside the item. Imprinting the message you want to send on promotional travel bags provides an opportunity for expanding your client base. Wherever the customer goes, you will assuredly get the advertisements that your company deserves.
It is your job therefore to ensure that you communicate your message to target customers by ensuring that the colors or letters are very visible. These bags are flat and not easily crumpled like plastic bags. It has ample printing portion just like the other roomy bags. It may come in assorted colors and can be designed according to what the firm orders. Because of these characteristics, totes are stereotyped to be the advocacy bag.
Honestly, most people know tote bags as giveaways on trade shows, product launch and many other corporate events and it is always used to hold the slogans and figurative images about saving the earth and breast cancer awareness. Custom Reusable Bags (Http://Www.Creativebeacon.Com/Designing-Freebies-Pay) tote bags are also frequently used when they are part of a kit of items. Perhaps you have registration materials, additional literature or a welcome theme pack. A bag with your branded message is the perfect item to wrap it all up and stay organized.
David Hall encourages other grocery store owners to start pushing their clients toward Tote Bags and bags of plastic. And he intends to take the next step in place for customers who use their green tote bags points system. When customers collect points reaches a certain level, they can for example, receive a discount coupon for environmental protection products. It would help drive the use of tote bags, he feels. Traditional. These are typically square in shape and feature two carrying handles.
They come in a variety of fabrics, both woven and non-woven, such as cotton, polyester and nylon. Traditional-style tote bags make an excellent choice for use as grocery or shopping bags, or to carry books or other small to medium size items. Basically boat style bags are similar to traditional bags. They have bottom and side voiders, which can be further used for enlarging the bag. They can be used for carrying heavier and larger items.
For a mom that is socially active who is always involved in social activities and a party goer, a trendy wardrobe or a classy jewelry set really makes a perfect gift for her. This kind of mom is in fact a super mom that can manage to keep a fine balance between her lifestyle and being a mom to her children. You may want to get a photographic image printed on your custom tote bags. The best choice for this is full color transfer. Blend a trendy design with a streak of creativity while designing your bag.
Remember that these bags will be used for promoting your business. The design should clearly display your company logo and your message. Otherwise your money will be wasted. A badly printed bag and a blurred design may even create a negative image of your corporation. David Hall encourages other grocery store owners to start pushing their clients toward Tote Bags and bags of promo plastic bags. And he intends to take the next step in place for customers who use their green tote bags points system.
When customers collect points reaches a certain level, they can for example, receive a discount coupon for environmental protection products. It would help drive the use of tote bags, he feels. Tote bags belong to a women’s collection which is considered most indispensable. It is used to carry women’s essential things such powder, make-up kit, lipsticks, and other personal things. The most convenient feature of a tote bag is the hook. Though its design is petite, it gives the user a convenient feel when carrying it along with them.
Basically boat style bags are custom tote bags 4u similar to traditional bags. They have bottom and side voiders, which can be further used for enlarging the bag. They can be used for carrying heavier and larger items.
Traditional. These are typically square in shape and feature two carrying handles. They come in a variety of fabrics, both woven and non-woven, such as cotton, polyester and nylon. Traditional-style tote bags make an excellent choice for use as grocery or shopping bags, or to carry books or other small to medium size items. These bags are primarily designed for holding laptop. They are popular among students and executives. They are a groovy option for distributing and are exclusive and outstanding.
Replacing the use of plastic bags by custom promotional items (http://lonelybrand.com/) tote bags means that the environment pollution caused during the process of producing plastic is decreased by a significant amount. Using custom bags means that you are aware of your actions and their consequences on the environment. Take a look at the facts and figures: A person uses an average of six plastic bags per week, which add up to a total of 288 bags per year. By opting for re-usable custom tote bags, you can avoid using an astonishing number of plastic bags-20,000 approximately-in your life.
Monogrammed handbags are the ones that act as excellent gift items for bridesmaids, which look extremely trendy and hot. A bag that is functional is considered best by women and the embroidered bags support this view. The bridesmaids will find this gift very handy for stashing away all the important items. Use bags for a few reasons for defense-driven, it is a great marketing strategy. In addition to getting people to be one of your mission, vision and goals, you must push them to achieve their products.
Go ahead and use the promotional bags to advertise your business and your opinions on an issue, and will certainly bag full of victory. The bags also come in a wide array of attractive colors. They can either be plain or printed in various designs which means the host is spoilt for choice. The host even has the choice of picking tote bags that will match the color theme of the party. Leading Grocery store chain, local stores and customers are aware that tote bags are the best thing that happened to go shopping.
And they have a chance to use it for their profit. Cost-effectiveness is another important feature of custom bags, which have contributed to its wide use as promotional items. They are extremely cheap, and when a large quantity ordered. That basically means high returns at low cost. | 2019-04-22T00:35:11Z | https://mwtdanecytsrjrh.wordpress.com/1981/01/ |
Ivan Gomez is the president and founder of NextStage, a consulting firm focused on helping organizations leverage inside sales as a powerful go to market strategy.
They help with implementation, best practices, marketing integration and many other things.
Ivan has worked at some great companies in inside sales leadership, such as Ellucian, Echo360, Rosetta Stone, QlikTech and Compuware.
Ivan is also the DC area chapter president for the American Association for Inside Sales Professionals.
Fred Diamond: Tell us what you’re doing today, what do you sell today? And tell us what excites you about that.
Ivan Gomez: Excellent. After 20 years of practice in leadership in inside sales, I decided to establish my own practice called NextStage, a consultative company that is focused on leveraging the power, the go to market strategy of inside sales, so best practices for go to market, alignment with marketing, hiring individuals, developing playbooks, sales practices and development pipeline. That’s what we do, helping technology companies, CEO’s and sales leaders implement their inside sales strategy or optimize what they currently have in place.
Fred Diamond: Very good, we’re going to be talking about some of the things that you’re specifically doing. You’ve had a very great career to this point, helping a lot of very successful companies implement some fascinating inside sale strategies. Tell us a little bit about your career. How did you first get in to sales as a career?
Ivan Gomez: I first got in to sales over 20 years ago as managing fleet sales for auto industry. I worked on that for about 5 years or so and after being very successful in that particular role, I learned the fundamentals of sales, leadership, follow up, attention to details, focusing in customer needs and one of my clients, Tim, was actually very impressed.
He was on his second round of renewing his fleet of vehicles. He approached me and said, “Hey, Ivan, what would you like to do next? You’re certainly very successful here.” I said, “Well, I don’t know, I like what I’m doing right now but I’m about to finish my MBA and I want to take my career to the next level.” So he mentioned, “Would you be interested in looking into technology sales?” and this was actually over 20 years ago.
I said, “Well, maybe not technology sales, but I love sales.” so one thing led to another, I submitted my resume, I interviewed with a company that was Compuware, actually it was NuMega. You probably know NuMega.
Ivan Gomez: NuMega was a technology company, we were actually selling software technology solutions for application developers. We used to describe our product as the speller check for code, regression testing, low testing, performance testing, anything that has to do with code we were selling to software development shops. That’s how I got into sales, especially technology sales.
Fred Diamond: At NuMega were you in inside sales or did you do any outside sales in your career?
Ivan Gomez: Very interesting journey, I actually spent about 9 years at Compuware, great school. I learned some phenomenal fundamentals there in inside sales. I started as an inside sales rep and as I progressed and moved up the chain. I had finished now my MBA and then I was afforded an opportunity to actually move to the Mid Atlantic – Pennsylvania, and I became one of the regional managers in the field, so I have inside sales experience, I have field experience and then I actually moved up to leadership roles.
Fred Diamond: Go back to some of the first lessons when you were working. You said you were selling fleet services, what are some of the things that you learned from some of your first sales jobs that have stuck with you till today?
Ivan Gomez: Undeviated commitment to customer success. That is one of the pillars that I have, I always cherish, from sales. Being able to commit to the customer and being able to – the product that you sell or the services that you sell have to provide value to your client. That’s first and foremost.
What I realize now is that I’ve gotten so good that I’ve become a little cocky, a little arrogant, a little pride and then I started taking some corners. Not qualifying as much as I should, trying to short circuit the sale cycle and in reality that was a little wake up call to say, “I need to go back to basics.” The basics will always prevail, and that lesson has always stuck with me for quite some time to the point where we still teach that as part of my practice with NextStage, is the fundamentals of the game remain in place for success. You might have different trends, different technologies, different methodologies but at the end of the day, one of the most important things is learning the fundamentals.
Fred Diamond: Let’s take a second or two, why don’t you tell us what some of those fundamentals are? Tell us the top 3 fundamentals that you either had to go back to at that time or that you want to think about. It’s truly focusing on that and perfecting those things. Tell us like for inside sales, what are the top two or three fundamentals that the Sales Game Changers listening to today’s podcast really need to keep going back to honing in on.
Ivan Gomez: Get to know your customer. There’s two important dynamics: Know your customer, know what is called the buy persona, the second thing is know their pain points, what are their motivations, their challenges, their goals and how you can help them achieve those goals. The other thing is know the industry and translate that not into features but actually what are the benefits, what are the things that they have, what are the before scenarios or the negative consequences and then the after scenarios, when they buy the product, or positive consequences. Those are some of the fundamentals that we have.
The second thing is qualify, qualify, qualify. And as you qualify, qualify, “Do I understand their needs? Do I understand their pain points? Do I have the right person?” There’s many times being in sales leadership that I’ve mentored sales development reps or inside sales reps where you think you have an opportunity and you’re actually stuck with the wrong person. So you’re climbing up the ladder, you get to the top and you realize, “No, I put the ladder on the wrong wall” so you’ve got to come back. That’s one thing and the fundamentals of sales and qualifications are extremely important.
The other final element that going back to basics is if you are really good at prospecting and using the best techniques that you’ve learned, telephone, email, messaging, your persona, leveraging the social media channels, prospecting will make you very wealthy. That’s very important. If it doesn’t make you wealthy, it will actually help you increase your pipeline to help you achieve your goals. Prospecting is a key element, especially when you’re in sales or sales development.
Fred Diamond: Sales Game Changers listening in, as a matter of fact, Ivan and I were speaking before this. A couple books you might want to read: High Profit Prospecting by Mark Hunter, he’s known as the sales hunter. High Profit Prospecting. Jeb Blount came out with a book about two, three years ago called Fanatical Prospecting. I love that quote there, if you want to get very successful and wealthy, keep prospecting. Ivan, what are you an expert in? Tell us a little more about your specific area of brilliance.
Ivan Gomez: Excellent question. One of the things that’ I’m really passionate – you know when there’s a point in your life when you come and say, “OK, what do I want to do when I grow up?” I had that moment several years ago. I made a commitment to the inside sales profession and I made it a quest to really hone in into inside sales. I learned from the best, I have great mentors, I read great books, listened to great podcast, been associated and shaken hands with great individuals so I made it an undeviated or a relentless passion in my life to learn the art and trade of inside sales.
That’s something that I’ve made a commitment a long time ago, and I believe that I’m good at that.
Fred Diamond: Very good. By the way, if you missed the introduction, Ivan has been the president of the Washington DC chapter of the AA-ISP, the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals for what, five years now?
Ivan Gomez: Yeah, a little over five years since I moved to the area and it’s been a fascinating experience to bring a whole community of like-minded people to share and bring best practices and to help them develop their professionalism in inside sales and take their game to the next level.
Fred Diamond: Very good. You mentioned a couple minutes ago about some mentors that you’ve had along the way that helped you fulfill your commitment to the inside sales profession. Tell us about an impactful sales career mentor and how did they impact your career.
Ivan Gomez: I’ll mention a couple names and actually one great book that I read some years ago that made a really big impact in me. One of my recent mentors, Wayne Berkowitz. A fantastic individual, he was – I think you’ve met him – a senior vice president of operations, I work under him. He was an individual that really provided great mentorship and empowerment to really see the vision and the capacity of each individual. That was a great mentor.
The other individual that I work under, Paul Cunningham. A great individual, undeviated commitment to sales, to bring amazing success to technology companies.
The last individual was Rosetta Stone, Chuck Friedenberg. He’s now the senior vice president of global sales of a company called Acrolinx. Former alumni of Gartner and really great individual with great lessons that I learned from.
Fred Diamond: As a sales leader, tell us some of the biggest challenges that you face today.
Ivan Gomez: What I’ve seen right now, Fred, is the notion of the shiny object. There is in technology and sales an array of technologies that are coming to really expedite the process of the front end of the sale cycle. Many organizations are rushing to get to that point and these technologies are extremely useful if used properly. As the quote says, “Use only as directed.” Those are some of the challenges I see as an opportunity, but also see as a challenge because at the end of the day, the human element needs to take place.
All these technologies of sales acceleration basically will put a lead in front of a rep, but the rep still needs to actually sell, hold a conversation, qualify the person, prospect, move the sales to the next stage, gain commitments. That’s one of the things. The other aspect that we see is social media. A lot of aspects is social selling, so there’s a lot of social but very little selling. For young reps say, “I connected with somebody on LinkedIn and followed him on Twitter and doing this and that”, well, you’re seeing the mechanics of the social media but not applying the fundamentals of social selling.
Digital selling as some individuals some actually call it could be very useful if applied in an organized way. That would be the second challenge. I’m not saying those are bad things, they’re actually great tools if properly used and leveraged.
Fred Diamond: A lot of social, very little selling. Let’s take a little diversion here, you’re truly an expert on inside sales. Your firm, NextStage Consulting, helps companies implement, build inside sales teams, do all the things necessary to get them as operationally effective as possible. What are people doing wrong? Tell us some things that you see that people are doing wrong today at inside sales that need to be corrected.
Ivan Gomez: One of the things that we do is actually a gap analysis. A lot of individuals that are doing a lot of small things, right things in a lot of little places is linking the whole thing together. I’ll give you an example: One of them is alignment with marketing. If you see the marketing and if marketing is actually doing all the campaigns, all the events, all the trade shows, all the emails and all that but you’re not aligned with your sales department, that’s a challenge. Alignment between marketing and sales is imperative.
The other thing that I’ve seen is that there’s a lot of measurement on a lot of things for inside sales. I just recently wrote a blog on LinkedIn entitled, “Big Data, Small Data and Meaningful Data.” Basically what it is, is being able to focus on very specific things that are relevant to your organization and to your individual, and using the data for process improvement.
For example, one of the things that we advocate at NextStage is when you look at data, use it to mentor, use it for coaching, use it as a way to foster transparency, accountability and improving your bottom line and your sales results. You can have 20 different data points, the most important part is focusing on very specific data points and what is the meaning of that data point for you, and use that for improvement. That’s things that I’ve seen in the market place.
Fred Diamond: Very good. You’ve worked with a lot of great companies, you’re now consulting with NextStage Consulting, you’re the president and founder of that. Ivan, what’s the #1 sale success or win from your career that you’re most proud of? Take us back to that moment.
Ivan Gomez: There’s several of them, but I like to highlight one of them at QlikTech being able to start the inside sales organization from early beginnings and be able to take that company IPO. That was a very successful 4-year journey.
Fred Diamond: Ivan, you’ve had a great career in sales, a lot of success, you’re very well known in the inside sale space. Did you ever question being in sales? Was there ever a moment where you thought to yourself, “It’s too hard, it’s just not for me”?
Ivan Gomez: I think every salesperson, every sales leader, if you haven’t questioned that at some point, you’re probably in the wrong business. It’s hard but it’s kind of like the stock market, high risk, high reward and that’s one of the things that I’ve committed myself. But yes, there’s been crossroads where I’ve definitely thought, “Hey, no. This is hard.” But I’ve recommitted myself and I’ve come back to the fundamentals as my mentor mentioned, Steve Menard. I reset, reasoned to myself and keep logging away and success quite often is right around the corner.
Fred Diamond: Ivan, what’s the most important thing you want to get across to junior selling professionals to help them improve their career?
Ivan Gomez: Alright, I’m going to say one word: commitment. It’s a three step commitment, one of them is commitment to the trade, commitment to your profession, commitment to yourself, to constantly improve, realize that sales can start as a sales development rep and can actually be a launch path to really successful things that will come in the future. I’ve seen many inside sales reps that have actually pivoted to field reps, sales supervisions, marketing and different positions so it’s definitely a great start.
The second commitment is commitment to your clients. You need to be committed to the clients, your customers are expecting you to call because they have problems, they have challenges and guess what? You have the answers.
The third commitment is to your company. So yourself, your client and your company. The company’s counting on you to make your number, to make your calls, to send the emails, to build the pipeline to sell your product and be able to help achieve new revenue targets.
Fred Diamond: Commitment to the trade, yourself as a sales professional, commitment to your client and helping them improve their business and thirdly commitment to your company. What are some of the things that you do to sharpen your saw and stay fresh?
Ivan Gomez: I’m a big believer of habits and daily routines, so as I was preparing to come this morning to this beautiful studio right here, I actually followed a routine. Routines are very important, so exercise, eat well, read something or listen to something that can be useful for you each and every day and take some time for meditation. Read something that is uplifting of some sort.
Fred Diamond: I know you’re also a big listener of podcasts.
Ivan Gomez: I do! I’m a big fan. Podcast is actually a great way to leverage your time, especially if you’re driving from one appointment to another or here in DC, we’re faced with commuting time so this is a great way to stay sharp.
Ivan Gomez: The big initiative right now is continue to launch to success NextStage, that’s first and foremost, first on my mind. NextStage started this year and that’s my main focus right now.
Fred Diamond: Ivan, we’ve kind of touched on this before, but sales is hard, especially on inside sales. You have to work on strategies and techniques to get through to somebody, first of all just getting through, second of all, once you get through what are you going to say. Sales is hard, people don’t return your calls or your emails. Why have you continued? What is it about sales as a career that keeps you going?
Ivan Gomez: It is rewarding. It’s being able to see your creating, something that you’ve come from a raw figure and be able to come up with something that is nice at the end. You’re turning a prospect into a customer that is able to see benefit from what you’re actually selling. Whatever your solution is, is helping them address some tangible problems, so that’s one of the things that keeps me going. The other part is actually the rewards that come along with that. At the end of the day it’s, “What’s in it for me?” We’re helping the customer but as byproduct we’re helping ourselves and we’re actually making a pretty good living out of that.
Fred Diamond: Can you just add one more time, if you had one bit of advice to inspire the Sales Game Changers listening today, what would be the thing that you would say? Give us one final thought on how you can inspire people listening to today’s podcast.
Ivan Gomez: That would be the ABL – Always Be Learning. Always be curious. There is so much information right now to take any sales professional to the next level. If you’re not taking advantage of books, blogs, podcasts, videos, the information is tremendous. Take advantage of that and make it a quest to continue to learn, to be the best.
Fred Diamond: And have that relentless passion like you talked about before.
Fred Diamond: Just curiously, you mentioned before when I asked you what are you an expert in, you said you made a decision to be committed to the inside sales profession. What is it about inside sales that really excites you?
Ivan Gomez: Inside sales has grown as an institution over the last 20 years. As I talk to private equity investors, as I talk to capital investment companies, as I talk to sales leaders, more and more the go to market strategy is via inside sales. It’s cost effective, you can provide great coaching, you can provide great coverage and penetration in your accounts so it’s a great industry that I’ve made it my quest to master and to pursue and to make the best I can to not only serve myself but also my customers and my family. | 2019-04-24T17:53:36Z | http://www.salesgamechangerspodcast.com/ivangomez/ |
A dam's safety is dependent on its design and construction, how it is operated, and how its maintained.
Dam owners are responsible for ensuring their dams are constructed, maintained, and operated safely and that they comply fully with the building code (Building Regulations 1992).
Otago Regional Council is responsible for building control for dams and their appurtenant structures in the Otago, West Coast and Southland regions, along with certain dam safety management functions.
A building consent from Otago Regional Council is required before you construct, alter, demolish or remove any dam, storage pond or canal that has a height of 4 or more metres and holds 20,000 or more cubic metres volume of water or other fluid. This requirement also applies to work on the construction site and work on structures that are integral to the dam.
Dams that do not meet these height and storage thresholds, and some repair and maintenance works, do not require building consent, but must still comply with the Building Code.
If you own a dam, pond, or canal in Otago, Southland or the West Coast, or are planning to construct, modify, or remove these structures or a structure associated with a dam in one of these regions, you must follow the correct processes.
We can instruct the owner of a dam in Otago to reduce or remove danger associated with their dam, or the council can do the work itself and recover costs from the dam owner.
Who do I see about dams in Southland and on the West Coast?
Otago Regional Council is responsible for building control for dams and their associated structures in the West Coast and Southland regions, along with certain dam safety management functions.
The West Coast Regional Council (WCRC) and Environment Southland (ES) retain some functions in their regions, such as the issuing of Project Information Memoranda (PIMs) for dams and maintaining a register of dams. They are also responsible for resource consents for dams in their region.
If you want a building consent, Code Compliance Certificate, or Certificate of Acceptance, then you must apply to Otago Regional Council.
The district and city councils continue to issue PIMs for dams in accordance with the Building Act, in addition to the PIMs issued by the West Coast Regional Council and Environment Southland.
Do I need a building consent and what does it mean ?
Construction, alteration, demolition and removal of any dam that has a height of 4 or more metres and hold 20,000 or more cubic metres volume of water or other fluid, requires building consent. Dams that do not meet these height and storage thresholds do not require building consent, but must still comply with the Building Code.
Under the Building Act 2004, a dam includes any artificial barrier constructed to hold water or other fluid under constant pressure in a reservoir. The Building Act definition includes canals, flood control dams, and natural features that have been significantly modified to function as a dam, but does not include stopbanks designed to control floodwaters.
A building consent is also required for a dam's appurtenant structures (i.e. structures that are integral to its safe functioning) and for sitework such as earthworks associated with the work on the dam.
A building consent is a legal document certifying approval of proposed building work. It means that the Council is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the proposed work complies with the requirements of the Building Act 2004, Building Regulations and Building Code.
You must obtain a building consent before you begin any work on the dam.
Certain maintenance or refurbishment work is exempt from the requirement for a building consent. In general, this exemption provides for work that is needed to ensure the existing components and structures associated with the dam continue to function reliably.
You should check with ORC if you're uncertain whether a Building Consent is needed by phoning 03 474-0827 or freephone 0800 474-082 or emailing [email protected]. It is helpful to us if you give us early warning that you will or may be applying for a building consent.
Can I get building consent for a dam on land that is subject to natural hazards ?
ORC cannot grant building consent if the proposed work will be on land that is subject to (or likely to be subject to) any natural hazards, unless we are satisfied that adequate provision will be made to protect the land, building work and property from the hazard or restore any damage resulting from the building work.
However, under section 72 of the Building Act 2004, this restriction can be waived if ORC considers that the building work will not result in a natural hazard or make an existing hazard worse on either the site of the work or on any other property.
If a waiver is granted but the hazard still exists after the proposed work has been completed, this may be registered against the title.
In most cases, information about natural hazards affecting the land will be identified on a Project Information Memorandum (PIM). Occasionally this may not be the case, and ORC will need to determine whether or not natural hazard provisions apply.
Do I need a resource consent for my dam?
A resource consent may also be required from your regional council and/or your district or city council before you can begin any building work, irrespective of whether a building consent is required. You should check with your regional council and your district or city council. Information on resource consents for the Otago Region is here.
To apply for a consent for building work in Otago, Southland, or the West Coast, you must complete an application form. The same form is used for all three regions.
Your application must be accompanied by a deposit toward the cost of processing. This cost usually exceeds the deposit, and you will be charged for all costs that exceed the deposit.
All cheques should be made out to Otago Regional Council, even for building work in Southland and on the West Coast.
If you've already applied for and received a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) from us, Environment Southland, or the West Coast Regional Council, and one from your district or city council, these should be attached to the application. Even though obtaining the two PIMs is voluntary, it's recommended you do so, review the information provided with them, and consider this information as part of your design.
Schedule of documents with the following information specified: document title, document date, document version number, and originator.
k. Evidence of compliance with each relevant clause of the building code (Building Regulations 1992).
e. long-section on dam centreline.
Information in electronic form, such as on a CD or attached as a PDF to an email, will not be accepted. In accordance with Section 4(2) of the Building Act 2004, the plans (drawings) and specifications must be sufficient to result in building work that (if built to those plans and specifications) complies with the building code.
Applications that contain any drawings or specifications that do not meet this standard will not be accepted for processing.
A producer statement is a professional opinion based on sound judgment and specialist expertise. Producer statements may be used as part of the documentation to support the design detailed in your application, but please note that ORC will only accept a producer statement if it is signed by a Chartered Professional Engineer in a relevant area of competency. The producer statement must be submitted using the latest version of the relevant form published by IPENZ (PS1 for a design report or PS2 for a design review). It must clearly describe the scope of the matters considered by the author, including a description of the specific components of the building work and the depth of the design review undertaken.
A specified system is a system or feature that is attached to or part of the dam structure and that is essential to the proper functioning of the dam or to its safety. Examples include sprinklers, fire alarms, lifts and mechanical ventilation systems. In some situations dam safety monitoring and warning systems could qualify as a specified system. Specified systems require ongoing inspection and maintenance to ensure they function as required.
the performance standard each system is supposed to meet for the life of the building.
This information will be used to compile a compliance schedule that will be issued with the building consent, setting out the ongoing requirements to ensure the system is appropriately maintained. It is ORC’s policy that the compliance schedule shall comply with the latest version of the Compliance Schedule Handbook published by MBIE. This handbook and further information on specified systems and compliance schedules are available on the MBIE website.
Do I need to provide a Project Information Memorandum?
For building work in Otago, we ask that you obtain a Project Information Memorandum (PIM). For building work in Southland or the West Coast you obtain it from the regional council in these areas. You can also obtain a PIM from the relevant district or city council.
The regional and district council PIMs contain information held by the two councils which may be relevant to your proposed building work, such as natural hazards. You can apply for the two PIMs at any time – you don't have to wait until you apply for a building consent.
While there is no legal requirement for you to obtain a PIM, it is recommended you obtain the two PIMs first, review information provided, and consider this information when designing your dam. The PIMs may contain important information, therefore we consider them to be essential. Applications for building consents will be put on hold until ORC receives the two PIMs.
To apply for a Project Information Memorandum (PIM) for building work in Otago, complete the below application form and send it to us.
Our staff will initially check your application has the necessary information for processing. If the application is not complete, it will be returned to you. Once the application has all the necessary information we will compile your PIM within 2 working days.
You will be charged a fee for processing your application. Cheques should be made out to Otago Regional Council.
What do I need to do to make alterations to an existing dam or to change its use ?
A building consent is required to make any alterations. You can make an application using the same form as for a new dam.
However, the Building Act provides for these requirements to be waived, if we give you written notice that we are satisfied that the alteration will result in improvements relating to escape from fire or to disability facilities or access and that these improvements will outweigh the detriment likely to arise as a result of non-compliance with relevant building code provisions.
If the dam is classified as an industrial building and is not open to the public, or does not employ more than 10 people, then the requirement for disabled facilities does not apply.
If you wish to change the use of an existing dam to a situation in which the dam or its appurtenant structures are no longer used for the sole purpose of impounding fluid, you must give written notice of this to ORC. (Note that a change in how the impounded fluid is used - say from irrigation to hydro-electric generation - does not constitute a change in use in this context, although it might trigger resource consent requirements.) ORC will consider a request for a change of use against the same considerations as above.
You need to obtain written consent from ORC if you wish to do extend the life of an existing dam beyond any period that is identified in the building consent for the dam as the specified intended life. ORC will determine whether the requested extension is realistic and also whether the building consent includes a condition requiring that it shall be altered on or before the end of the specified intended life. If there is such a condition, ORC can only give consent to the extension if it is reasonably satisfied that the alteration has been made in accordance with the consent condition, and with the building code compliance requirements described above.
How will my building consent application be processed ?
Otago Regional Council staff will initially check your application has the necessary information for processing. If the application is incomplete, is not in the correct form, or does not have the correct deposit, it will be returned to you.
We will advise you in writing when your application when your application has been accepted for processing. Your application will be processed within 20 working days from the receipt of a correct and complete application. This applies to all applications, including those for building work in Southland and the West Coast.
Once it has been accepted, your application will be assessed to make sure that the completed dam, when constructed, will comply with building code. ORC must grant consent if it is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the provisions of the building code would be met if the building work were properly completed in accordance with the plans and specifications that accompanied the application.
If your application is granted, we will advise you by letter that it has been granted and is ready for issue on payment of outstanding fees and levies. The consent will be issued only upon payment of the fees and levies.
We will engage an engineering consultant with expertise relevant to your proposed work to assess your application. The building work described in your application will be checked to see whether, if the work were properly completed in accordance with the plans and specifications accompanying the application, it would comply with the Building Code and would meet other requirements of the Building Act 2004, including requirements relating to natural hazards, dam safety and compliance schedules. To grant building consent, ORC must be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the provisions of the building code would be met if building work were properly completed in accordance with the plans and specifications accompanying the application. Resource consent requirements will also be checked, and if you have obtained a resource consent, whether it has conditions that are relevant to building standards.
It is good practice to ensure that a professional engineer is aware that their work is, or may be, reviewed by another engineer. For that reason you should ensure that all professional engineers involved in the preparation and your application and its supporting documents are aware that their work will be assessed by another professional engineer. That assessment will take the form of a regulatory review, not a full design review.
If the engineering consultant assessing your application considers the information in the application is not sufficient to enable appropriate assessment, a request for further information (‘RFI’) will be made to you. Should you need to provide further information during processing, your application will be suspended until that information is provided. This means that the processing ‘clock’ will be stopped and the 20 day processing period will only continue once the information has been received by the engineer assessing your application.
You can amend your application during the period it is being processed, but must advise ORC so we can advise you what documentation of the amendment will be required. The processing period will be suspended until the engineer assessing your application receives the necessary amendment information.
Will there be any conditions on the consent?
The consent will be subject to a condition enabling ORC or its consultants to carry out any inspections that are required while building work is underway.
Specifications as to the intended life of the dam and any alterations that need to be made before that period ends.
Can I start work before a building consent is granted?
It is an offence under the Building Act to start building work before the building consent being granted, even if you think it is likely that the building consent will be granted. If you need a resource consent, you will also need to wait until this has been granted before you begin the work. You may be required to demolish any building work that has been undertaken prior to building consent or resource consent being granted.
You must start building work within 12 months of the date of issue of your consent otherwise it will lapse automatically, unless we have agreed in writing to an extension in time. An extension in time must be obtained prior to the 12 month lapse period. An extension in time cannot be approved retrospectively and you will need to apply for a new consent.
How will the building work be inspected?
When the consent is issued we will attach, as conditions of the consent, a list of inspections and/or other evidence of compliance required at specific points in the construction process. The purpose of these is to confirm that the dam is being constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications in the consent.
The consent will state how much notice we need ahead of each inspection, the information you will need to make available on-site and any other special requirements (for example, if safety equipment is needed). It is your responsibility to contact ORC to request an inspection when construction has progressed to the appropriate stage. We will engage an engineering consultant with expertise relevant to your proposed work to carry out inspections during the work or ORC may inspect the work itself. However, the dam owner (consent holder) is still responsible for ensuring the job is done properly according to the conditions of the Building Consent, and complies with the work described in the Building Consent.
In some circumstances, evidence of compliance will be required in the form of information (e.g. post-excavation to confirm the substrate) or a technical assessment by a Chartered Professional Engineer (known as a producer statement). This evidence will also be reviewed by an engineering consultant with relevant expertise.
When the inspection or review of evidence has been completed, you will be advised of the outcome and any further action required. If any areas of non-compliance have been identified, you will be required to address these. If you do not take appropriate action, you may be issued with a Notice to Fix. This is a statutory notice requiring a person to remedy a breach of the Building Act 2004 or the Building Regulations within a stated timeframe.
You will be charged for the cost of inspecting your work and reviewing other evidence of compliance, based on actual costs including staff and consultant time and disbursements.
Do I have to follow the building stages and conditions specified in the consent?
The consent will specify the stages of building work when work must stop and be inspected by us (e.g. placing compacted fill within the key-way trench, pouring concrete or placing reinforcing steel) before further building work can continue.
If you have not met all conditions, or not all required inspections have been undertaken by our engineering consultant, the council can require removal or demolition or alteration of the building work, at the expense of the consent holder. In some cases, we may not be able to issue a CCC.
What should I do if designs change during construction ?
If the design of your dam is modified in any way during construction, you will need to have your consent amended. Check with us before changing anything. We will determine whether the modification can be addressed as a minor variation which just needs to be recorded on the consented plans and other records, or whether you will need to formally amend the consent. A formal amendment will be needed if the modification will affect compliance with the building code.
If a formal amendment is required, you will need to complete and submit a new building consent application form.
Please note that when there are amendments to a previously issued building consent the time-frame for issue of the code compliance certificate may need to be amended. If the amendments result in a change to the value of the proposed building work then fees and levies will also be recalculated.
How is building work certified after it is completed?
Once your building work has been completed, you must apply to Otago Regional Council for a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC). The Code Compliance Certificate confirms that the project has been legally constructed in accordance with the building consent and in compliance with the Building Code. The Code Compliance Certificate confirms that ORC is reasonably satisfied that the project has been constructed in accordance with the building consent and in compliance with the Building Code.
If it is longer than 24 months since the building consent was granted and you have not applied for a CCC then we must make a decision on whether to issue a CCC.
If you are applying for a CCC in relation to a building consent granted and issued by a district or city council (i.e. a consent granted and issued before 13 May 2008 in Otago), or before 1 July 2008 in Southland or the West Coast, then you must contact ORC before applying for a CCC to discuss how your application will be handled.
Any additional documentation requested during inspections.
When your application is received, it will be checked to ensure it has the necessary information for processing. If the application is incomplete, it will be returned to you. Once the application is accepted as complete, it will be assessed by an engineering consultant and a decision will be made within 20 working days. If the consultant assessing the application needs additional information, a request for further information (‘RFI’) will be made to you, and the 20 day period will be suspended. The processing ‘clock’ will continue once the consultant assessing the application has received the requested information.
A CCC will only be issued if ORC is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the building work has been completed in accordance with the building consent and any approved amendments, that all building consent conditions have been met and all fees and charges have been paid.
You will be charged a fee for processing your application.
Cheques should be made out to the Otago Regional Council, even for building work in Southland and on the West Coast.
What is a compliance schedule ?
Any dam that has a specified system must have a compliance schedule. The compliance schedule describes the specified systems and their performance standards, and sets out the inspection, maintenance and reporting requirements for each specified system. It will generally be issued at the same time as the Code Compliance Certificate. The compliance schedule will generally be retained in the dam to which it relates, and is required to be available for inspection by any person who has the right to inspect the dam under the Act.
If your dam has a compliance schedule, you will be required to provide a Building Warrant of Fitness to ORC annually. A Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) is a declaration by the dam owner stating that the specified systems have been maintained in accordance with the Compliance Schedule. This certifies that the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures in the schedule have been fully complied with during the previous 12 months.
What fees are payable for my application?
You'll be charged a fee for processing your application, based on actual costs, including staff and consultant time and disbursements. You must pay these costs even if your application is refused. These fees are applicable to applications for Building Consent, Code Compliance Certificate or Certificate of Acceptance.
Fees will be deducted from the deposit you paid at the time you lodged the application if the application is for a Building Consent or Certificate of Acceptance. If the fees exceed the deposit, which is usually the case, then you will be invoiced for the outstanding balance. As a deposit is not required for a Code Compliance Certificate application, all related fees will be invoiced at the completion of the process.
You may also require inspections during the construction phase. If this is the case, you will be charged actual and reasonable costs of staff and consultant time. This will be invoiced following the inspection or at the completion of the processing of the Code Compliance Certificate application.
If your building consent is to be granted, you will be issued with the Building Consent once you've paid all fees and levies. For building work greater than $20,000 value, you will also need to pay a levy which Otago Regional Council collects on behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Building Research Association of New Zealand (BRANZ).
In some cases, a development contribution may also be required by your local council. A notice of any development contribution requirements will be issued with the PIM or with the building consent. Any development contribution must be paid before a Code Compliance Certificate can be issued.
What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about how my application has been dealt with ?
If you have concerns about how any part of the process is being handled, please contact ORC on freephone 0800 474 082 or email [email protected] and we will do our best to resolve the concern.
Other complaints - 5 working days.
The person responsible for dealing with the complaint will write to you advising the outcome and the remedy. If we are unable for any reason to deal with the complaint within the timeframes above, we contact you to let you know this, why it has happened and when you can expect a response.
What if I do not agree with a decision made by the Building Consent Authority?
If a dam owner disagrees with a technical decision made by the Building Consent Authority in relation to a consent, inspection/ evidence of compliance or Code Compliance Certificate, they may dispute the decision to the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) via the process of a determination. A determination is a decision made by MBIE after considering all relevant information relating to the dispute. It provides a way of solving disputes or questions about whether something complies with the Building Code or decisions made by BCAs, councils and regional authorities under the Building Act.
For more information about determination, see the MBIE website.
How do I register my dam ?
The Otago Regional Council is required under the Building Act to maintain a register of dams in Otago. The register enables us to contact dam owners if we need to discuss the regulations for managing dam safety. There is no charge for the dam registration service.
If you own a dam in Southland or the West Coast, you should check with Environment Southland or the West Coast Regional Council as to whether your dam is on their respective registers.
For more information phone our customer services staff on freephone 0800 474 082 or email [email protected].
Find out more information on dams and the Building Act from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website.
NZSOLD is a technical group of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ). This site has information on dam safety and construction, including the proceedings of conferences at which papers on dam safety and background to the Building Act dam safety legislation have been presented. Find out more information on the NZ Society on Large Dams.
Find out historic information on some Otago dams from the Heritage New Zealand. | 2019-04-19T08:22:07Z | https://www.orc.govt.nz/consents/dam-building-consents |
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For a while now I’ve been a fan of Heidi Hess Saxton’s eloquent writing about adoption and motherhood over at her blog Mommy Monsters, so I was delighted when she offered to send me a review copy of her new book, Behold Your Mother: Mary Stories and Reflections from a Catholic Covert.
I could relate to many of Heidi’s experiences that she shares in this little 70-page collection of reflections, including the strong, clear way that God guided her to cultivate a new respect for and appreciation of his mother. “Why go to Jesus’ mother when I could go directly to the Source of answered prayer?” she writes. “My relationship with God had always been a high priority. I wasn’t afraid of Him, and knew that He heard me…the very idea of talking to Jesus’ mother held no appeal.” She then tells the story of how some kind words from a friend, an unexpected gift, and an incredible series of answered prayers that changed her outlook entirely.
The rest of the book is filled with one-page chapters, each with one of Mary’s traditional names as its title (e.g. David’s Daughter, Mother of the Lamb, Our Lady of Sorrows, Lady of Courage, etc.) In each one Heidi begins with a Bible verse, then offers a poetic personal reflection on the verse, and concludes with a prayer.
as the nails were driven home.
She could do nothing about the sounds.
She could do nothing about the sounds. That line has really stayed with me. Too often when I meditate on the horror of the crucifixion I focus almost exclusively on the visual. In general, when I picture any part of Jesus’ life, in my head it’s more like a silent movie than a real event with not only sights but smells, textures, tastes, and sounds — sometimes terrible, terrible sounds.
Picturing Jesus’ life as seen through the eyes of his beloved mother — as well as asking for her prayers that I might better understand the One whom she was blessed to know so intimately — has deepened my connection to Christ’s life and actions by breaking it out of the silent movie and bringing alive the colors, sensations, smells and sounds that were a part of it. I found Behold Your Mother to be a great resource for these types of meditations, and plan to keep it handy to flip through when I need some inspiration.
You can read of Heidi’s writing on this topic at her book blog, Behold Your Mother.
“asking for her prayers”…you lost me on that part. Mary was a remarkable woman whom I greatly admire. I just don’t think that it would do us any good to pray to her since Jesus is the one who intercedes for us before our Father. What stops us from asking for Moses’ or Abraham’s prayers?
I don’t mean to offend people, but I just didn’t get this when I was Catholic and I don’t agree with it after having a better understanding of the Bible as an adult. I definitely don’t claim to know it all, but I’m just being honest here. Is there a scripture I’m missing that addresses this?
I guess it just comes down to whether or not you believe in the Communion of Saints. If you believe that the folks in heaven are aware of what’s going on down here, then why not ask them (especially Jesus’ mom) to pray for you just like you’d ask your friend or your pastor to pray for you?
I might not be a good person to take that question, though. Though I haven’t always had what you’d call a “devotion” to Mary, the idea of someone being devoted to her and asking for her prayers has always made so much sense to me that I’m not really sure how to explain it.
If you have any interest, I thought this series of posts over at Caritas Dei, (by a girl who is not currently Catholic) had some great meditations on the subject — especially Part 4.
A lot of people have grandparents or family members or friends who have passed on. I often hear those people say things like “she’s watching out for me” or “he’s looking down upon me”, etc.
As Jennifer said, that goes hand in hand with our idea of the communion of saints. We believe that we are all connected as a part of one body – the Body of Christ. If our deceased grandparents can look down upon us, and presumably pray on our behalf, isn’t it cool to think that anybody in heaven can do the same?
For many Catholics, they find a special connection with our Blessed Mother – Jesus himself gave Mary to all as a mother.
Hope this helps and didn’t seem too rambly!
While I appreciate the very respectful dialogs taking place – here is where I disagree again. In 1 Timothy it says “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”…there is no mention of Mary or my grandfather being able to intercede for me in Heaven. And, while I do believe (to a degree) that departed loved ones have “windows” to see us, I don’t see anything in scripture that points to the deity of anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus exhorts us to pray and fast here on earth, not in heaven. I read the series you suggested and I just don’t see any scripture to back it up. Mary, although she was a virgin, was not perfect. Extraordinary and courageous, yes. Does Jesus, who is GOD, love Mary more than me or you. I don’t think it is possible…that is just our human way of approaching it. And, I can see how comforting the thought would be of Mary tousling her son’s hair and comforting Him in His times of trouble….if we’re talking about Jesus while He walked the earth in His human body. But, He is seated at the right hand of His Father….no mention of His mother. He is ruling and reining in ways that would blow our minds….it just seems demeaning to me to portray Him as “needy” in any way (I’m not referring to your post, but the series over at Caritas Dei). I really enjoy reading your thoughts….I would say I agree with you on about 75% of your pursuit. Your posts give me something to chew on for the day!
Here’s a passage from “The Catholic Catechism” (version by John A. Hardon, S.J.) that might help. [This book has been mentioned previously on this blog.] It’s a little bit of a read, but – again – it might help, at least to clear up the “mediator” topic.
“[…]Technically a mediator (mesites in St. Paul) is a person who holds a favorable position between parties at variance, and can therefore interpose between them as the equal friend of each. The history of religion is filled with attempts to bridge the gap between the Deity and man, and in Christianity, the heretical systems of Gnosticism and Arianism were essentially misguided efforts to find this mediator in someone less than Christ. Thus in Gnosticism the aeons or “intermediate beings” were supposed to span the chasm between the Godhead and the material world, which was believed intrinsically evil. in Arianism, the Logos, as the most exalted of creatures and creator of the rest, served the same purpose.
“From this standpoint, the main thrust of all the early councils—Nicea, Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon—was to settle once and for all that no one but the second person of the Trinity become man, is man’s mediator with the Almighty. His mediatorship was declared to be both in the order of being (natural or objective) and in the order of action (functional or moral). In the order of being, Christ is our mediator by the fact of his hypostatic union, joining in one person the two natures that need to be mediated: divine, which He has in common with the Father; and human, which he shares with us. In the order of action, Christ alone is our mediator by the fact that his death atoned for man’s sins, and his humanity is the channel of grace from God to the human race.
“Another way of looking at the two mediations is to say that the Incarnation corresponds to mediation in the other of being, and the Redemption (remission of sin and conferral of grace) is mediation morally.
“This kind of mediation is incommunicable. No one but the Savior unites in himself the divinity, which demands reconciliation, and the humanity, which needs to be reconciled.
“Nevertheless, lesser and subordinate mediators are not excluded. The question is what purpose they serve and in what sense do the mediate. They can help the cause of mediation in the only way that human beings (or creatures) can contribute to the work of salvation, namely, by their willing response to grace: either better disposing themselves or others for divine grace, or interceding with God to give his grace, or freely co-operating with grace when conferred.
“Everyone who is saved has, in some sense, been such a mediator between himself and God, which the Church assumes by its claim that man’s freedom was not extinguished by the fall; that he can (and must) collaborate with God’s grace to reach the God for whom he was made.
“Moreover, vicarious mediation is also part of the plan of salvation, since we are bidden to concern ourselves about others, and the solidarity of mankind in Christ lays the foundation for helping others save their souls, too.
I don’t know if this is official teaching, but from what I’ve been able to understand of it, Jesus is the only way to the Father. Three parts to the Trinity: father + son + spirit. Jesus = son, God = father, holy spirit = spirit. I think you know this. So, if the son is the only intercession to the father, what keeps there from being intercessors to the son?
I’ve always looked at it as less of a Mary going to God thing and more of a Mary going to Jesus or Son thing. But whenever you pull in the Trinity and explaining what part does what and how they’re all the same yet different, that’s when things start getting confusing. This may be one of those cases? Anyway, that’s how I’ve looked at her intercession and prayers.
But more importantly, the passage in 1st Timothy seems to be speaking about mediation in terms of salvation. Only Jesus was able to save us. So you are correct, we cannot pray that Mary will have died on the cross after living a sinless life to save our sins – or that in any other way she will be able to save a person the way Christ mediated for us – that would not work. On this topic, you are correct.
But when you say “Jesus exhorts us to pray and fast here on earth, not in heaven”, first I must ask what you mean by prayer. If, by prayer, you mean “addressing a solemn request or expressing thanks to a diety or other object of worship” (in this case any member of the trinity), I don’t see why people in heaven are unable to pray – or come into dialogue or communication – with God, Jesus, Spirit, what have you.
Thus, I must conclude that it would be possible for those in heaven to pray – and to pray for us.
So, while you may have been specifically targeting mediation in terms of salvation, which we do not believe Mary can intercede in such a way to gain us our salvation the way Christ did, what I said in my Mary 28th wasn’t so much concerning that, but was concerning the intercession we do ask from her.
The intercession/mediation, then, that you described is also something that Catholics do not agree with. It seems that there are two types of intercession. As far as I am aware, it is a different type that we go to Mary for. The differences between the two may seem small, but are enough to put one in an incorrect light, as you explained, and the other in an okay light, as hopefully I was able to convey.
Most importantly, though, I don’t think that anybody has to look to Mary for her intercession at all. It’s just one avenue on the road to God that many may take, but it is by no means a requirement for getting there.
One of the most important reasons the Church has always honored Mary, long before she was declared “Theotokos: the Mother of God” at the Council of Ephesus in the early 5th century, stems from the development of these Christological and Trinitarian dogmas of that time period. It is for this reason that we speak of the Trinity, even though it is not contained in any Scripture.
Instead, Jesus told us in John 15, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Nowhere does it say, “if you remain in me as long as you are on earth,” or “you shall bear fruit as long as you are on earth.” So long as we remain in Christ and in the Church He founded to guide us to heaven, we remain connected to all our mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters in faith.
One final thought: If Christians for more than two millenia have interpreted the Scriptures one way (including the “Reformation Fathers” themselves, all of whom honored Mary as the Mother of God), and Christians for the last two hundred years have taken it upon themselves to interpret the Scriptures differently … whose interpretation do you think it is likely to be closest to what the Lord intended?
God bless you … and please remember, you are always welcome to return home! Our Lady does not need us to acknowledge her motherhood to act upon it … no doubt she is praying for you even now, that God would reveal the truth to you.
Like many Catholic converts, it took years for Him to complete this work on me. He will show you the truth, if and when you are willing to receive it.
I had an unusual experience one time while praying the fifth sorrowful mystery. It was like I was transported to the scene. I could look around the room I was in and see that I was still there, but it was like I was at Golgotha at the same time.
The experience gave me a whole different view of the crucifixion. I had always imagined the women as frightened and cowering from the authorities, but in this “vision” they were not. They were sorrowful, but not frightened.
Among the things I noticed was the smell, it was not good. That and the air, it was dry and hot like and windy being in a desert. And I had always pictured great crowds at the crucifixion, but in my “vision” there weren’t many people there.
It gave me an insight to Jesus’ death. It was similar to his birth. Lots of crowds around, but very few souls aware of or concerned about the arrival or departure of God from this earth.
I’ve heard The Communion of Saints explained like this.
Imagine you were to meet your favorite author or artist. He or she is at a showing of his greatest works or a book signing. He would like to show you his works personally, give you his insights on what he was thinking as he was writing, what the light was like as he was painting, what his influences were at the time of his creation of the works, but your not interested in his works, or meeting any of his friends or family members who are all at the showing, you only want to talk to him and ignore the rest. So it is with the family of God, his Kingdom, or as the Church calls it The Communion of Saints.
If we were to ignore an artists family and friends, and really didn’t want to look at his best work or his most learned or ardent followers it would be quite rude. Jesus, God made man, came into a family, and he is building an even bigger family. Healthy families interact with and get to know one another, support each other, help each other. So it is with The Communion of Saints.
There is a lot more to be said about Mary as Queen of Heaven and her Immaculate Conception, but it deserves full consideration that exceeds the size of a com box. Scott Hahn has a lot of good material on the topic.
Simply ask Jesus’ guidance as you consider these issues. He never lets us down when we ask for his wisdom and direction.
Has a friend ever asked you to pray for their physical and spiritual needs? Would you tell them, “No, there is only one mediator, and that is Jesus!” Of course not. St. Paul in his letters often asked his readers for their prayers and offered his own prayers for them. James 5:16 says The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. Who is more righteous then those who have successfully run the race and earned the crown of eternal life?
Interesting thought about asking Moses or Abraham to pray for us — I have always focused on the New Testament saints, but since you brought it up, there is nothing wrong with asking the holy men and women of the Old Testament to pray for us.
You asked if there is a scripture you were missing. Try Rev. 5:8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp and with golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. This is about as clear as it comes — the saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth. That is what the Communion of Saints is all about.
In my reflection, one day all of a sudden I realized that humanity was at God’s side at his darkest hour (on the cross) in the person of Mary. Oh what courage, what love, what faith and what hope (when there was no reason to hope) that she had.
This is a beautiful book. As a mother, I feel the need to be close to Mary and seek her guidance from time to time. | 2019-04-26T16:43:05Z | http://jenniferfulwiler.com/2008/03/review-behold-your-mother/ |
Do you want to be strong, powerful, and fast?
Strength training is not cross-training for runners. It’s just part of smart training.
Keep reading this page and I'll show you how to balance lifting with running so you can maximize gains in both, boost your speed into a lethal finishing kick, and gain definition that your partner will love (seriously - lifting has side benefits)!
...Even if you’re short on time (you don’t need hours in the gym every day).
...Even if you’re not sure how (or when) to vary your weight, reps, and exercises.
...Even if you don’t know anything about lifting weights and just prefer running.
What's So Special About Lifting Weights?
But just like form drills, strides, or dynamic flexibility exercises, strength training is an integral part of how to train distance runners.
Just look at how pro runners train - ALL of them lift!
Skeptical? Let’s break down the science.
If you struggle with injuries, lifting weights is perhaps the most valuable thing you can do to stay healthy.
With the annual injury rate among runners around 70-80%, focusing on a proven prevention strategy is a no-brainer.
Your tendons, bones, ligaments, and connective tissues will get tougher and better able to withstand the repetitive impact forces of running.
And stronger muscles don’t get as sore or break down as easily. With a runner-specific lifting program, you’ll recover faster from workouts and long runs (making training a lot easier!).
Not only does a high-quality strength program prevent injuries, but it will help you run more efficiently.
That means you’ll use less energy to run the same pace or distance. Who doesn’t want that?
As your muscles get stronger and better able to recruit more muscle fibers, you’ll have a more powerful stride, improved economy, and a blazing fast finishing kick at the end of a race.
That’s because you’ll have more muscle fibers available to you - so if you get tired, your body has a larger fiber pool to choose from.
The end result? Less fatigue, more power, and faster finishing times.
Lift explosively and you’ll soon to be able to run explosively.
Other than delaying fatigue or preventing injuries, the other big benefit to lifting is that you’ll be able to sprint faster at the end of a race.
If you’ve ever struggled to finish strong at the end of a race - to find that “higher gear” to power through the finish - then the lifting workouts in this program will give you the strength to smash through your next finish line.
Soon, you’ll be passing all of your competitors before getting that new PB!
"I ran a 7:00 mile, a minute faster then my previous PR. I’ve PRed my 5k and 10k multiple times over the last few months. My average pace use to be 9:00 – 9:30 and now it’s 8:00 – 8:30 with some runs averaging sub 8's.
I can show you all the reasons for lifting weights - from the overwhelming consensus of the exercise science community, to my experience coaching thousands of athletes, and the “down in the trenches” testimonials from athletes and coaches in sports around the world.
The ultimate litmus test is studying the training of elite athletes.
From World’s Toughest Mudder Champion Amelia Boone, two-time double Olympic Gold Medalist Mo Farah, and World Champion steeplechaser Emma Coburn, they all spend time in the weight room getting stronger.
"The most important thing to being a good runner is developing your aerobic capacity but the longer you neglect the structure of your body the easier it is to get injured."
If the best runners in the world are lifting weights - and you want to achieve YOUR potential - then you should be lifting weights, too.
It's not just elite runners. How do regular runners benefit from strength training?
"I feel like a completely different runner"
I feel like a completely different runner. I feel closer to how I felt as a college athlete!
I'm in a perpetual state of strong, smooth running and have very few truly bad days anymore. I finished the North Face Endurance Run (50 miles) full of energy and never lost steam. Nothing aches except mild muscle soreness and I am ready to get right into marathon training. I won’t need a long recovery period.
My hips have never been this strong. Ever! All the kinks I’ve had for so long do not exist anymore and I am enjoying my runs so much more now. And… running sub 8:00’s easily!
This is the first time that I have been able to start a marathon cycle in 4 years. Every other time I wound up injured before I even started. If it were not for you I would not have realized the additional work that should be done.
I’m looking forward to this training cycle and so are my hips, glutes, hamstrings and IT Bands! Thanks again, Jason.
Even though every runner will see incredible progress with the right strength training, some of us sabotage ourselves.
Do you hold yourself back by believing this myth?
"I already go to strength classes"
Many runners are already doing some type of strength training.
Maybe it's a Body Pump class at the gym, an early-morning "bootcamp," CrossFit, or a P90X workout from the DVD set.
That's certainly better than nothing. But it's far from ideal.
It's simply not how runners should lift.
Strength training that has an aerobic or metabolic component isn't focused exclusively on strength - and that's putting you at a disadvantage.
You're leaving speed on the table.
You're increasing your injury risk.
You're not getting as strong as you could be.
And I refuse to let you settle for sub-par training.
"I don't have time for the weight room!"
There's no doubt that finding the time for a high-quality lifting session (on top of your normal running schedule) can be difficult.
But the real issue isn't whether you have time, it's whether you're ready to improve.
Do you love running? Do you want to take your racing to the next level?
Passionate runners like you will make a small sacrifice to transform their running.
You don't need hours every week. You're not a bodybuilder.
And you don't need to hit the gym 4-5 times every week. Who has time for that?
All that's needed to dramatically improve your strength, athleticism, injury resilience, power, and speed are two 45-60 minute sessions per week.
If you're reading this, then you're the type of runner who will invest the time, sweat, energy, and passion to discover your true potential.
"But lifting will make me bulky!"
First, look at runners like Shalane Flanagan, Galen Rupp, or Kara Goucher (actually, look at ANY pro or collegiate runner).
Are they "bulky?" Of course not! And they all lift weights in the gym.
As a runner, especially one following this program, you will not be following a lifting schedule that prioritizes hypertrophy. And you certainly won’t avoid all catabolic exercises because running falls squarely into this category!
While you may occasionally have a calorie surplus, you won’t have the other two main ingredients for gaining muscle.
Instead, this lifting program prioritizes strength and power - the ability to produce high forces quickly. And you’ll be running in addition to lifting, which makes muscle gain extremely difficult.
With that said, let’s consider a related but fundamentally different issue: body composition (the percentage of your total weight that’s made up of muscle, fat, bone, etc.).
If you’ve never lifted weights before, a strength training program such as this one may result in 1-3 extra pounds.
But all weight is not the same. IF you gain weight (most people won't) you’ll likely gain a small amount of muscle while losing a small amount of fat.
The result is often a small increase in total bodyweight because muscle is denser than fat and the same volume of it weighs more.
But this trade-off (more muscle and less fat) is beneficial. You’ll be a healthier, stronger runner even if you end up weighing a few pounds more than you did previously.
So no, you won’t “bulk up.” But you will improve your body composition and most importantly, increase the strength, power, and resiliency of your muscles.
If you’re ready to leave the junk-science at home and train like an elite, you’re in the right place.
For the first time, I’m revealing advanced strength workouts for serious runners who are passionate about discovering their potential.
High Performance Lifting will show you exactly how to lift - the exercises, recovery period, and proper ordering so you can focus on runner-specific strength and speed.
Runner-specific general strength exercises to complement the "big lifts"
In 16 weeks, you will be more powerful and ready to smash your personal bests.
Once you invest in High Performance Lifting, you're part of the family.
That means any updates, upgrades, or additions to the program are yours at no extra cost to you - for the life of HPL.
In April, 2018 we rolled out a cleaner, more organized structure for the lifting workouts that results in faster page load times and easier viewing.
You'll get administrative upgrades like this for free - as well as new interviews, workouts, and videos that are added to HPL. It's just the right thing to do.
The High Performance Lifting program consists of four main phases of training.
The first four weeks will strengthen every muscle group in your body as well as toughen connective tissue, thicken tendons, and add durability to joint capsules, ligaments, and cartilage.
In other words, you'll build a resilient body that’s far less likely to get injured.
We're conditioning your body for strength and preparing your body for the more advanced, explosive movements later in the program.
This phase of training will prepare you for the more demanding work that follows.
After a focus on general strength and making you as impervious to injury as possible, we’ll focus on speed, overall athleticism, and your fast-twitch responsiveness.
Weeks 5-8 prioritize explosivity and teach your nervous system how to create force quickly by accessing those deep neurons and fast twitch fibers you need for mid-race surges and a blazing fast finishing kick.
Explosive lifting has a side benefit of also improving the coordination of both your slow and fast twitch fibers while you’re running.
You’ll become more efficient while increasing your capacity for top end speed.
Now we enter the peak phase of our lifting program. For four weeks, we’ll build power and further improve your running economy.
This phase adds explosive lifts and a plyometric finisher to increase your ability to utilize the stored elastic energy and reactive forces of your muscles and tendons.
Runners use their legs like pogo sticks.
We’ll make your legs the most powerful and efficient pogo sticks this side of the finish line.
No exercise program is complete without a phase of training that focuses exclusively on getting you ready to PERFORM.
Your workload will peak and you’ll strategically rest so you’re strong and rested for your upcoming race. We’ll alternate the focus from strength to power so you’re ready to race at the peak of your ability.
The peaking phase of training will keep your Central Nervous System tuned up, primed for speed, and ready to deliver a new Personal Best.
This is the exciting stuff. This is when you'll unleash your speed.
Jason Fitzgerald is a USA Track & Field certified coach and the founder of Strength Running - an award-winning blog with hundreds of thousands of monthly readers.
A collegiate runner at Connecticut College, he finished Top 10 in the 2006 New England 3,000m Steeplechase final and was a member of the 2002 National Championship-qualifying cross country team.
A 2:39 marathoner, he won the 2011 Morraine Hills Half Marathon, the 2012 Maryland Warrior Dash obstacle race, and the 2013 Potomac River Run Marathon.
Jason is Men's Running Magazine's 2017 Influencer of the Year, a member of Greatist's Expert Network, and has been published in Runner's World, Business Insider, Forbes, Health Magazine, The Washington Post, Competitor Magazine, The Huffington Post, and many other major media.
More importantly, he has helped tens of thousands of runners just like you get stronger, prevent more injuries, and race faster.
Randy has 30 years of coaching experience as a USA Weightlifting National Coach and has worked with some of Boulder, Colorado's most talented distance runners on the Hudson Elite and Rojas Running teams. He's a Master's Olympic Weightlifting Medalist and member of the NSCA.
He is the brains (and brawn!) behind the weightlifting programming for High Performance Lifting. When your explosivity, strength, and power skyrocket in the coming months, thank Randy.
Maggie is an elite runner training under Coach Brad Hudson on his Hudson Elite team in Boulder, Colorado.
She is the 2011 PAC 10 Steeplechase Champion and has Personal Bests of 10:03 in the steeplechase, 9:20 for 3,000m, and 1:16:56 for the half marathon. When you understand how to do a complex weightlifting movement, thank Maggie for demonstrating them!
Addie is an elite runner that also trains under Coach Brad Hudson on his Hudson Elite team in Boulder, CO.
She is an Olympic Trials qualifier in the Marathon and 10k and is the 2016 Mountain Running Champion. Addie's Personal Bests include a 2:35 marathon, 1:14:03 half marathon, and 15:45 in the 5k. Along with Maggie, she will be demonstrating the exercises in High Performance Lifting.
Brad researches, speaks, coaches and writes about health and the science of human performance. He is the author of the best-selling book Peak Performance with coach to pro runners and University of Houston Cross Country coach Steve Magness.
He has worked at McKinsey and at the White House on the National Economic Council. His work has been featured in the New York Times, The New Yorker, Sports Illustrated and many others. In HPL, listen to Brad reveal what it takes to truly reach a new level of personal performance.
One of Women's Running's "Women Changing the Running World," Tina is an elite runner who has competed in two British Olympic Trials with personal bests of a 2:36 marathon, 1:13 half marathon, 33:24 10k, and 16:08 for 5k.
She has firsthand knowledge of how beneficial strength training can be; in an exclusive interview, she discusses how strength training (even at the elite level) led to her performance breakthroughs in multiple events, her own misconceptions about strength work, and more.
David is the head strength coach and lead therapist for the Nike Oregon Project, working directly with world-class athletes like Mo Farah, Galen Rupp, Jordan Hasay, and Shannon Rowbury.
A Doctor of Physical Therapy, David is charged with helping Oregon Project runners develop strength, power, athleticism, and plyometric capacity. In an exclusive interview, he discusses the role of strength training for the NOR, how it's periodized, and the benefits you can expect.
Is High Performance Lifting Right For You?
I'm from Boston, so I want to be direct: this program is not for everyone.
You should not join if you can't run about 20 miles per week. If you aren't comfortable with basic, bodyweight strength exercises then you may struggle.
If you're unwilling to follow the workouts, track your progress, or you just want to look at the programming, do not join HPL.
If you focus on cost instead of value, then please don't join. I agree that this program is not cheap - that's because it's the best. Nowhere else can you learn from a USAW and USATF coach and lift like the elites.
But if you're ready to discover your potential, I'm excited to welcome you to High Performance Lifting.
Soon you'll be lifting like the pro's, with programming exclusively created for HPL by a USA Weightlifting National Coach.
You're serious about training and want to lift weights like the elites do!
Runners who understand the transformative power of an elite-level lifting program are encouraged to join below.
With fewer injuries, you can run happier and more consistently with less time off.
With better economy, you'll run faster at the same effort level.
With more strength, you'll be able to powerfully finish strong in every race.
Because if it doesn't work for you, then I insist you get a complete refund.
My guarantee is simple: use this program and see for yourself if it works. If it doesn’t help you become a stronger runner, show me you followed the workouts and coaching lessons for at least two weeks and you'll get a refund for 100% of the purchase price.
I'm completely confident High Performance Lifting will help you become a stronger, healthier, faster runner. While I can’t fully guarantee results, if you don’t feel like you're improving then you deserve your hard-earned money back.
"Jason, I’m checking in about my experience with HPL. I just completed 6 weeks of it and I PR'd by 9 seconds (20:03) in my 5k yesterday. I’ve noticed minimal aches and pains and I definitely seem to recover faster. In fact, yesterday I decided to do my Week 6, workout #2 *after* the race. This morning I feel ready to tackle a nice, slow long run.
Yes, a fully functional gym is required to complete the workouts in HPL.
You'll be lifting weights like an elite runner - and they all use gyms to make sure they have the necessary equipment to get stronger.
If you have a home gym, you'll need a barbell with a variety of plates for added weight, a kettlebell, a rack, and a bench.
How much should I be able to lift before joining High Performance Lifting?
It doesn't matter if you're new to weight lifting! You'll still be able to perform all of the movements and lifts included in the program.
Our approach - as recommended by a USA Weightlifting National Coach who works with elite runners - has you lift weight that's appropriate for you (and nobody else).
The first phase of training is dedicated to general strength and injury prevention so you don't need any experience. We'll build your skill gradually from Day 1.
The Training Plan Library included in the Elite tier of High Performance Lifting focus on five race distances: 2-miles (or 3k), 5000m, 10000m, half marathon, and the marathon distance.
Each race distance includes three difficulty levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. But regardless of the difficulty level, every plan is relatively advanced with mileage ranges from 33 - 70 miles.
These plans recognize that with HPL, you will be capable of a higher workload (and will soon race a lot faster, too)!
How much time will I need to devote to High Performance lifting?
HPL has you in the gym twice per week for about 60 minutes per training session (though about half of your lifting workouts will take slightly less time).
In total, you should plan for about two hours per week to complete all of the workouts and gain the strength, power, and coordination from those sessions.
But in reality (as you can see below) many of the sessions take much less time!
Is HPL for trail runners?
Definitely. In fact, Addie Bracy (who follows programming like this from our strength coach Randy Hauer) is the 2017 Mountain Runner of the Year - and those mountain races are all on trails!
Trail running demands high levels of proprioception (knowing where your body is in space), coordination, and strength. A running-specific lifting program will deliver these benefits.
Lifting will also help you navigate the more frequent turns, varying terrain, changing elevation, and mid-race surges needed for successful trail running.
I'm injury prone. Will I get hurt lifting?
Just like running, lifting weights has a certain amount of injury risk (as does almost every physical activity!).
First, you'll learn how to abandon a lift in case it's too heavy. If you're struggling, you'll know exactly how to get out of an exercise so you don't hurt yourself.
Second, we show you how to hold the bar, what grip to use, and how to handle every implement in the gym in the safest possible manner.
Third - most importantly! - we're absolutely adamant about proper lifting form.
That's why we have detailed descriptions of every lift and HD video demonstrations with two separate angles so you'll learn the form necessary to stay healthy.
We hired a professional video team to make sure every lift was recorded in HD quality with two distinct views - leaving nothing to chance.
Is High Performance Lifting for seniors?
Yes, HPL can successfully be used for Master's runners or seniors. In fact, Randy uses this programming with some of his runners who are in their 70's!
The only consideration that runners in their 60's or beyond should consider is recovery. It may take longer to recover from your weightlifting (just like running), so you'll need to lift less weight.
But strength work is universal. And strength - as a physical skill - is even more important for older runners.
"I wanted to thank you for your HPL program and a great training plan. Thanks to you, my training went exceptionally well with no injuries!
Is High Performance Lifting for women?
Addie Bracy (the 2017 Mountain Runner of the Year) and Maggie Callahan (the 2011 Pac 10 Steeplechase Champion) model the exercises in the program. They know the exercises because they perform the same programming with Randy Hauer in Boulder, Colorado.
Women are featured prominently in HPL because not only are the exercises appropriate for women - they're highly beneficial for women.
This is reinforced in our interviews with Nike Oregon Coach David McHenry and elite runner Tina Muir. Both advocate this exact type of strength programming for women runners.
I already lift. Why should I join?
Bootcamp: Instead of focusing on power and strength, these prioritize aerobic fitness (which is not what we runners need!).
Bodyweight exercises: Don't get me wrong - they're great for those who can't lift at a gym. But you're leaving speed on the table if you're not lifting weights!
Some strength work is better than no strength work.
But I want you to reach your potential. And that demands ideal training.
High Performance Lifting will give your strength training an upgrade, showing you the exercises, routines, and progressions that pro runners use to reach the highest levels of performance possible.
And I always want the best for you.
How Will Lifting Change You?
Christie: "There isn't a price on that"
I was surprised that I could feel myself getting stronger without spending a lot of time in the gym. I also saw my training runs not only improve in time, but also how I felt during the run and after.
My ITB doesn’t bother me anymore and I’m running farther and faster than I ever thought I would be able to. I feel hopeful, excited, and happy about looking into the future with running. There isn’t a price on that.
Alex: "A remarkable change in how I feel"
I’ve noticed a remarkable change in how I feel. The strength in my hips and glutes is the highest it’s ever been, including my competition days in college. This leads to a much more stable feeling when I’m running.
I’d be lying if I said that I’m not really happy with the changes that I’ve seen in my body. I can really sense where my hips and glutes were weak before when I thought running alone would make them strong.
Rik: "I beat my 10k PB by almost 2 minutes!"
I had been with a coach but strength training was not part of the program. At the end of long runs my form would suffer and my knees and hips would be tender.
After starting to strength train, my recovery and ability to tackle hills has improved and the strength helps my form. I also actually beat my 10k personal best by almost 2 minutes last week which was a real surprise!
Aimee: "I reached all of my goals and qualified for Boston"
I still can’t believe how much stronger I feel less than a year after the worst running injury I ever experienced. My goals going into the marathon evolved because I felt stronger. I’m happy to report that I reached all of my goals – I crushed my first marathon time by a whopping 38 minutes and qualified for Boston.
My marathon recovery was dramatically faster than my first, with soreness subsiding by day 3 post-race. | 2019-04-21T22:49:33Z | https://strengthrunning.com/high-performance-lifting/ |
Middle school and high school don’t last forever!
In the moment, some things seem so important. Who you go to prom with, what you wear the first day of school, whether or not your crush texts you back- but in retrospect, none of that really matters. Don’t get caught up on the little things, keep your eyes focused on your future and your goals!
2. The friends you have in 7th grade may not still be your friends when you graduate.
Its sounds sad, but honestly, it’s just life. During your middle/high school years, you are going to grow and change and the people around you will as well. Some friends will stick around, and others will move on to other things. It can be sad in the moment to lose a friend, but know that you will meet new people wherever you are and in whatever season of life. God is going to put the right people in your path in the right time.
3. Being in a relationship is not a requirement.
You are not weird or a freak if you are single. There is nothing wrong with taking time to focus on yourself and give the guys around you time to mature and grow into the men they need to be to be husband material. You don’t need a boyfriend to have value or worth. Don’t let anyone tell you differently!
4. A Kylie Jenner Lip Kit will not make you like yourself more or help the things you are self-conscious about.
Something I have never liked about myself is my lips. I know that sounds dumb, but every time I would look in the mirror, I would look at them and think they are too small. What I would give for lips like Angelina Jolie- I mean geez! This sounds ridiculous, but I always told myself when I got older I would get some type of filler to make my lips bigger. I told myself that because it made me feel better thinking there was a fix to the thing that I didn’t like about myself. However, there came a point when I had to realize that I’m not Angeline Jolie or Kylie Jenner- I’m Bailey Kennon. “Fixing” or “covering up” something was not going to deal with the real issue at hand- which was my heart. Not saying there is anything wrong with lip kits (I like lip liners as much as the next person)- simply that before you attempt to “fix” yourself on the outside, you have to examine your heart on the inside. Then, real progress and transformation can take place.
5. You don’t have to make mistakes, but it’s okay if you do.
The beautiful thing about having parents, older siblings, and mentors is that you can learn from their mistakes. You don’t have to make the same mistakes they do- you can take their advice and hopefully avoid many obstacles. However, it’s okay if you do make mistakes. That’s how you learn and that’s how you grow. Understand that one wrong turn does not mean you have derailed your entire life- every day is a new day and a new opportunity to make it better than the day before.
6. You are not who you have been, you are who you choose to be. Choose to be someone good.
Change and transformation is normal. You’re going to go through many seasons of life. Sometimes you may not understand your purpose, you many not understand why God has put you on a certain path. But regardless of where you are, be something good. Learn to shine wherever you are. One of my favorite quotes is- “Grow where you are planted”- learn to live by that.
7. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.
In regards to this, I’m not talking about your parents or other authority figures- I’m talking peers and boyfriends. Just because someone asks you to do something does not mean you have to. Whether that be going to a party, going further physically in a relationship than you want to, underage drinking, smoking, etc. You have to know what you want and what your boundaries are and then not let anyone pressure you beyond where you have drawn a line. Just for the record, it is possible to get through middle school and high school without drinking, partying, or smoking. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Do what you know is right and let the chips fall where they may. Be strong and stand up for yourself.
8. Pray for your future spouse.
This is so important. Regardless of whether or not you meet the man you’ll marry in high school- he is going through the same things you are. He will have seasons of loneliness, happiness, frustration, and worry. Pray for his heart and for his relationship with the Lord. Ask God to give him the strength to stay strong in his faith and to put the people in his life that he will need to mentor him.
My primary love language is words of affirmation. My whole week can be made by a tiny compliment- as well as an insult can tear me to pieces. I’ve had to learn to toughen up, but I’ve learned that words carry a lot of weight. Use your words to build people up- not discourage or tear them down. In this age of social media, once you put something out there, you cannot take it back. Know the power of your words and your keyboard. Before posting something, remember that it will always be there and try to think of who it will affect.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life is that we’re all going to mess up. Today it might be me, tomorrow it might be you. Regardless, give grace. I’m not saying to not defend or take up for yourself if someone is treating you poorly. I am telling you when a friend hurts you- remember a time that you hurt someone and how you would have loved to have been given grace in a time when you said the wrong thing or made the wrong decision. Learn to live a life of love- not a life of drama.
Above all, center yourself in the Lord. Remember that decisions and doing the right thing become easier when you are following the path God has set before you. It won’t always be easy, but it will be fulfilling.
Happy school year ladies- make it a good one!
As Miss Alabama week draws near, I’ve been really reflecting on my year as Miss Leeds. It has been such an incredible year and I’m so thankful to my Leeds family for welcoming me into their community and helping me prepare for my journey to Miss Alabama.
This will be my third year competing and each year I’ve tried to set a goal for myself. I would love to be Miss Alabama more than anything, but in addition to the goal of the Miss Alabama title, I’ve tried to set personal growth goals to make sure I’m continually being challenged and changed for the good.
This year has been different for me than the past 2 years of competing. Every year I’ve given my best- but this year I have given it everything I have. I’ve worked very, very hard to be able to present the best Bailey possible on that stage and I’m so excited for competition week because I’m proud of the work I’ve done to become the person I am today.
However, even though I’ve put in the time and given all the effort I have- there is still the chance that I may never take home the crown. I can continue to compete for another two years until I age out and I still may never be Miss Alabama. Although that’s extremely sad to think about- it’s given me some perspective.
My goal for this year was to learn to compete for an audience of One. In life, I’ve found that people love to speculate. If you continually live and thrive off of people’s speculations or expectations, it will eventually get to you. Complements are wonderful in the moment, but criticisms can crush you when other people’s opinions are all you consider and take to heart.
I’ve questioned myself a lot during my time in pageantry. I’ve questioned whether or not I am good enough to be Miss Alabama. But over the course of this year, I’ve learned to let it go. I’m no longer questioning or wondering what my capabilities or worth are. Because I’m not competing to prove myself or my value, I’m not competing to impress others, I’m not competing to prove anything- I’m competing because I know this is where the Lord wants me. When I walk on that stage, every bit of me is competing for one person and one person only- that person is Jesus.
I’ve fallen in love with Jesus this year in a way I haven’t before. He’s become my best friend and my shelter. I’ve learned to not do things to please other people- but to do things to honor Him. As long as I am making Jesus proud, it does not really matter whether I take home a crown or come in dead last- because I will have fulfilled my purpose.
So, I want to ask you this- are you living your life to please or impress others? Or are you living your life to honor Christ? The latter is far easier and much more fulfilling than the former. I want to encourage you to learn to lean totally on Him instead of the opinions of others because people are fickle and they change constantly. However, our Heavenly Father is always constant and His desire for our good never changes.
© Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Today I was driving home from Birmingham- I live there about half the time now so I spend a good amount of time in the car going back and forth between there and Orange Beach. But today’s drive was a bit different than most.
I put on some worship music and decided to spend some time in prayer since I haven’t done as good of job lately as I should about spending time with the Lord. I was kinda catching up with Him, like you would with an old friend. I was praying about all the transitions and changes in my life lately and I just started crying. I’m not much of a crier, much less a weeper, but that’s what I was doing. Like, uncontrollably weeping.
This might sound strange, but in that moment I had a vision or something similar. That doesn’t happen very often for me, but I’m guessing that’s what it was- God was trying to show me something. In whatever this was, I saw classrooms of students. Through my pageant platform, I spend a lot of time in schools, clubs, and churches speaking to kids so it was a familiar sight. But none of these kids were smiling, they weren’t crying or visibly upset, but I could feel sadness in them. I felt the word “broken” on my heart as I was seeing these kids. Then, I began to cry even more.
I felt so heartbroken for these students. I feel that I’m a pretty empathetic person and identifying with others is a strength I have, but this was unlike anything I had felt before. I started telling God, “Please use me. Please let me help these kids, I don’t want them to hurt, I don’t want them to feel broken. Please Lord, please.” Speaking these words turned to yelling them because it just hurt my heart so bad. I didn’t understand why God showed me that or why He put it on my heart. But as I continued praying, I understood.
He was breaking my heart for what breaks His.
I’m so guilty of being wrapped up in myself. Being more concerned about school and my social life to not see what’s right before me. I think we are all guilty of that sometimes, we get caught up in ourselves and in deadlines to not see the bigger picture. We as Christians bicker with each other and get frazzled over meaningless things instead of just being vessels for God’s purpose.
We’re supposed to bring broken people to the ultimate Healer. We’re supposed to help people when the world fails them, because we aren’t of the world and neither is our Savior. Instead of bickering between denominations or churches, we should be coming together as communities to give hurting people hope. We’ve been given the greatest gift in the world- How could we get so busy with ourselves that we forget to share it?
My boyfriend Charlie introduced me to a show called Last Chance U a few weeks ago. I didn’t really want to watch it because it was a documentary on a football team and it didn’t sound interesting. But, when you’re in a relationship you learn to take turns with what you watch on Netflix (millennial relationship probz). I definitely don’t recommend this show for kids because there is far too much bad language; however, after getting through the first episode I was hooked and I think there is a lot to be learned for adult viewers. The players in this documentary impacted me so much and I binge-watched every episode in like 3 days. After finishing it, I was telling everyone I knew that they needed to watch it- because it made a difference in my life and impacted me for the good.
I use this example because that’s how Christians have to be with Jesus. Whenever you hear a new song or see a new movie you like, you share it with everyone you know. You want them to have the same experience with it that you did. I wanna be that way with Jesus- I want to share Him with every person I know. I want my heart to break for what breaks His.
So I want to challenge you- Are you living in your own little world? Are you too busy with yourself or your Christian bubble to not see hurting people? Remember the first time you heard your favorite song- take that feeling and apply it to your relationship with Jesus. Then take that application and share Him with every person you meet.
© Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Where does a person’s worth come from? Musical or athletic ability? Academic success? A great career? A well-paying job? An good-looking boyfriend? A huge aspect of my Dating With Purpose platform is realizing your self-value and self-worth. When I speak to students (and even parents), I emphasize how important it is that you respect yourself and expect respect from others. I talk about how crucial it is that you realize your value and worth. You have to LOVE who YOU are- that’s the first step to any healthy relationship- but also the first step to being emotionally and mentally healthy as an individual.
Obviously, like most things, loving yourself is easier said than done. Over the past few months, that is something I have really had to focus and work on. When I speak to students I always tell them I am preaching to myself more than anyone else because I am not perfect and I definitely don’t have everything figured out. Self-love and self-confidence is something you work on and work toward all of your life. I’m still figuring out how to love who I am as a person. I am still learning where my worth and value comes from.
In my Dating With Purpose presentation, I explain to students how every person is unique- they all have certain special talents and abilities. Whether that be they are an excellent student or beautiful pianist or a great tennis player- they all have things that make them special.
But something I have been brewing on and a mistake I’ve made in my own life is I have depended far too much on my talents to define my worth. I thought that because I can sing and play four instruments- that gives me value. I thought if I maintained a 4.0 throughout school- I’d be worth more as a person. This may sound silly, but I don’t think I’m alone in this- I think we all struggle with trying to earn our value and worth.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying your gifts and talents and abilities don’t have meaning or do not make you successful. We all have achievements we are proud of- but in my mind- my achievements were all I had. I thought if I lost my singing voice or made a C in my biology class it would make me worth less than before. A guy wouldn’t like me anymore or people wouldn’t really care to be my friend. Again, I know that sounds ridiculous, but that was just where my mind was at.
Over the years, I’ve learned through a lot of prayer and guidance from others where a person’s worth comes from. It does not come from things you might lose- like a 4.0 or your ability to hit a home run. Your worth and value comes from your heart. It comes from your mind. It comes from the little things that make a huge difference- like putting others above yourself. Walking with humility. Stepping up and being a leader or doing the hard job when no one else will. It’s caring for the person that has no one else to care for them. Because to that person- you are worth everything. It is giving when you don’t have anything to give. It is loving someone who is difficult to love. It’s being patient when you’re running late and have a million things on your to do list. It is having pride in everything you do and being the hardest worker in the room. The fact of the matter is many things fade or lose meaning- pageant crowns, a 4.0, a high school or college athletic career, etc. But all of these things I’ve listed- they will always have meaning.
You can never lose your ability to love, to care, or to serve. You never have to lose your work ethic or humble attitude. Your servant heart and leadership ability never fade with time or lose purpose. THIS is what makes you special and sets you apart. THIS is what makes people want to be a part of your life. THIS is what gives you value and worth.
I don’t know how many times I have said this, but I’ll say it again- I’m a planner. I like my life being organized and put together. When it is not- I stress and freak out (maybe that’s why I’m stressed out all the time 😉 #GottaGetMyselfTogether). I hate when plans get canceled or changed last minute. Little things bug me- like when I plan for it to rain and then it doesn’t. I just like when everything is in order and goes according to schedule- chaos is not my comfort zone.
However, over the past couple years I’ve had to learn to be flexible. Starting a non-profit, competing in my first pageant, winning my first pageant, traveling throughout the state speaking in schools, churches and civic clubs on Dating With Purpose- none of that was a part of the plan. 3 years ago I never could have guessed I’d be getting ready to compete at the Miss Alabama Pageant for the 2nd time. Crazy how life changes, man.
I feel like I have encountered a good bit of personal and spiritual growth in the past few years and I have had to learn to rely on the Lord in many ways that I have never really had to before. I think for the most part I had it backwards- I thought it was my job to figure everything out ahead of time, put together my 10 year plan, and then come back to God for the OK. HA, how silly of me- that’s not how that works!
The really incredible thing about our God is that He wants to be with us every step of the way in every aspect of our life. We’re never on our own- He doesn’t throw us to the world and expect us to figure it all out. He loves us so much that he wants us to walk with Him daily and let Him guide us- not walk along a path we’ve already chosen ourselves. There’s not a whole lot of faith required in that- right?
I still have a long way to go- but I’m learning to find growth and joy in letting Him guide me. This faith and trust I’m building in Him through this journey is what is going to continue to grow my relationship with Christ and get me through the tough times that will inevitably come.
Don’t spend your whole life planning everything yourself. There is nothing wrong with having goals or being prepared, but ya gotta leave room for God to do His work. Life’s a chess game- pieces are continually moving and you have to learn to adapt to whatever situation the Lord has you in. You are obviously there for a reason, even if that reason isn’t quite obvious yet.
I’ll end on this- don’t let the uncertainty of the future or worry of the unknown keep you from letting the Lord lead and grow you. Sometimes you have to live life without a script and throw your plans out the window. Easier said that done- but at the end of the day I always come back to the fact that God is one person that’s never failed me. Why would He start now, ya know?
A little over two years ago, I founded my non-profit- I’ll Wait Ministries, Inc. The following year I blogged, traveled, and spoke through my ministry in the church community about the importance of dating with purpose. The message of my non-profit was one I felt was lacking in the church and because of that it was widely accepted.
When I decided to compete in my first pageant in 2015, I decided to derive my platform, Dating With Purpose, from my ministry because it is something I care with my whole heart about. Instead of just speaking to the religious community, I wanted to bring my Dating With Purpose and Expect Respect message to a broader audience. When I won my first local title, I had the ability to go to schools, clubs, and events and do just that. Over the past year, I’ve had over 60 speaking engagements and spoken to all different age groups on Dating With Purpose and Expect Respect. I have surveyed students and received feedback from teachers on my presentation and what is good/bad and what could be better. I have loved the feedback and constructive criticism I have received because I only want to improve my platform and make it better.
Since Miss Alabama last year, I have still been thinking and brewing on how to expand my platform and improve upon Dating With Purpose. Over the past few months I have been working on growing the #ExpectRespect aspect of my platform. I see my Dating With Purpose presentation almost as a domestic violence preventative program as I speak to self-value/worth, creating personal and relational boundaries, and the importance of setting standards for those in our life and the way they treat us.
In addition to helping students respect themselves and encouraging them have healthier dating relationships, I want to help prevent dating violence and abuse. I am working with multiple women’s shelters because they deal with the back end of dating or domestic violence and I want to be doing my part to help on the front end.
I am so excited about broadening my platform’s scope because I feel preventing domestic abuse/dating violence goes hand in hand with promoting healthy dating because dating is where it all begins.
I am excited about this new aspect of my platform and even more excited about the first fundraiser I will be doing for Mary’s Shelter. Wildflower’s Boutique and Evolve Fitness Spa will be serving as drop off sites for my “V Day Drive”. Mary’s Shelter is always in need of diapers, cleaning supplies, etc. and I would ask you to visit their website, find out what their needs are, and drop a few things off at one of the drop off sites! This “V Day Drive” will be running through Valentine’s Day and I’m grateful for your help in supporting an incredible resource our community has when it comes to domestic abuse and dating violence. They do so much for our women and children- let’s help give back!
There are a few things I would say I truly dislike. But I honestly really dislike being emotional. I hate crying in front of people and I don’t feel I am alone in this. I think a lot of times people try to be “strong” and don’t let others see them being emotional because we see that as a weakness. In the past any time I cried or was sad, I just saw that as vulnerability and I do not enjoy being vulnerable (but who does, am I right?).
In addition to seeing my emotional side as a weakness, I also feel some pressure to keep it together. I travel and speak on dating and relationships to a lot of students. I am supposed to be a strong role model so it wouldn’t really look good for me to be crying over a guy or a dating relationship, right?
Well, for a long time I think I was so focused on trying to be the best example I could be, I forgot to just be real. Sometimes life is a bummer and I cry. Sometimes I get heartbroken and I have to cry about it. It’s not a weakness; it is just a part of being human. It is a part of living life and being humbled to know that you need Jesus.
The last blog I wrote was about surrendering to the Lord. Well, a lot of times when we surrender to Jesus that means giving up something or making a choice that can be painful. In the moment, it can really hurt.
I don’t know what you are going through, but I do know that we all go through difficult seasons full of difficult decisions. Something a friend said to me was, “It’s okay to not be okay” and that hit me like a truck. Because honestly, a lot of times we’re not gonna be okay. We’re not gonna be skipping around singing and dancing; we watch TV and eat junk food. And that’s okay.
The thing is that we can’t be strong all the time. There are going to be many days where we feel weak and inadequate. But what makes life bearable through difficult times is that it is in Jesus we’re strong, not ourselves. As humans were fickle and subject to emotions and change, but Jesus is aways the same. He is our warrior in a time of trials and he is a constant in a time of change.
If you are reading this and you are going through a rough season, please know 1.) you’re not alone, 2.) it is not going to last forever, and most importantly 3.) God has a plan for you even through this pain. Now is not the rest of your life. What you’re going through is only today and know that when tomorrow comes, everything can and will get better, but it’s up to you to push through.
© Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Bailey Kennon and Bailey Kennon with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
As humans, we’re all flawed. We all have weaknesses and we all make mistakes. Something that is really cool about our God is that He points out our flaws. For a long time, I used to resent it. I didn’t want God telling me what I was doing wrong because who really wants someone telling them what or what not to do? I don’t like my weaknesses being pointed out to me, but I have begun to realize that we really cannot grow as Christians if the Lord is not continually pushing us to be better.
Among all my flaws, I enjoy having control and I don’t love being told what to do. As humans, we’re born with a rebellious nature and I am no exception. I like doing exactly what I want to do because I know what’s best right?
Something about me is that I love flowers. Like, I’m so bad with plants, but I just love gardens. They’re so beautiful and peaceful. I could spend an entire day surrounded by greenery and peonies and be perfectly content. When I think about my faith, I imagine a garden. No garden is perfect, just like no person’s faith is going to be perfect. But in order for a garden to grow and be beautiful, you cannot have weeds growing everywhere. Weeds impede in the beautiful things God has planned for our life.
The thing about weeds is that they can be pretty to look at. Not every weed is ugly; however, no weed can ever compare to something like a rose or peony. But when we continue to let weeds grow in our lives, we are not making room for the beautiful things God has planned to take root. A big weed in my life is an attitude of rebellion. I do not know what possessed my pea-sized brain to think I know more or I know better than God, but that seems to be a common theme in humans since… pretty much forever. We believe we know what’s best. Instead of having a attitude of surrender, we want to hold on to the weeds in our lives.
When the Lord convicts us of certain things or puts something on our heart to change, that’s like Him plucking a weed. At first, it’s not fun. We have gotten used to having these weeds in our lives and it has become a part of the garden. But when we wholly surrender to His will and allow him to pluck these bad habits or flawed character traits, we are making room for us to grow in Him.
Surrendering wholly to God is such a difficult thing to do. But here’s the thing, we either have faith that He is going to come through so we allow him to completely take over our lives or we do not. For a long time, I had an attitude of “Do I really have to? Do I really have to give everything over to God? Can’t I just hold on to these few things and He can have the rest?” Lol fortunately, that’s not how a relationship with Jesus works.
God wants all of us. The good, bad, and ugly. The good, He wants to make great. The bad, He wants to make better. The ugly, He wants to make beautiful.
I want to encourage you to let go and surrender every part of your life to the Lord. Don’t let your temporary wants impede the beautiful things God has in store for you. Those weeds you have been holding onto- it’s time to let go.
Looking back at my life over the past year, I’m pretty amazed. I am amazed at all that has changed in my life and it’s so strange to think I wasn’t even competing in pageants this time last year. God has moved and worked in me and I’m incredibly grateful for that.
I feel like the majority of my life, my walk with God has always been “comfortable”. Sure, my faith has been tested and I’ve had to rely on God, but I think trusting God as a kid/teen is very different from trusting God as an adult. I have different challenges now and a lot more is at stake.
When I speak with my mentors or people whose faith I really admire, they never mention their walk with God to be “comfortable”. They explain how the Lord is always continually growing and stretching them and it’s not always an easy transition, but that is how they have grown in their faith. Recently something God has placed on my heart is how I’ve been comfortable in my walk with Him. When in reality, that’s not the purpose of our relationship with Christ at all.
It’s a short verse, but what caught my attention is the fact that the verse seems somewhat contradictory. At this point, God is telling Moses that He’s going to be with him as he leads the Israelite people, but He is also going to give Moses rest. How can you be moving and also resting? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?
There are two things that I know about the old testament Israelite people. 1. They are God’s chosen people and 2. They are super complainers. So, being Moses and having to lead a people who are continually going astray cannot be “restful” by any means. If anything, it’s the opposite. But, God is assuring Moses that He will show him favor and give Moses rest as he is leading.
Through reading this passage of scripture, it’s become really apparent to me what I’ve been missing in my walk with God. I’ve been missing the difference between resting in God and being comfortable with Him. God never meant for us to stay in one place because how can we grow? How can we be challenged? The Lord knows that if we are not continually stretched, we become lazy or distracted. But at the same time, He also sees that we get tired along the way if we don’t have some source of rest or peace. How incredible is it that God can be our peace?
This past year has been everything but comfortable for me. I’ve been stretched in every area of my life and I haven’t been comfortable at all. But what I have experienced is rest in the Lord. I’m always under the impression that I can do things alone and I don’t need help because whatever it is, I can handle it. But I feel like the Lord’s been continually tugging at my heart because obviously He knows I cannot do everything by myself, but more than that He doesn’t want me to. He wants to walk with us through our lives because He is our ultimate source of rest. He knows we can never get through this life alone because we’ll feel defeated. I’ve definitely felt defeated a time or two.
I want to encourage you to take a look at your own life. Are you resting in God or simply comfortable with Him? Comfortable may feel good for a while, but eventually life throws hardships at you and comfortable does not teach us how to deal with hardships. Instead, learn to walk with the Lord daily and throughout whatever it is you’re going through, He’ll give you rest.
“You’re a winner to me!” “There’s always next year!” “You’re #1 in my heart!” Although these statements are made out of love and concern, they do not always ease the pain of disappointment. I sincerely appreciate the encouragement; it is hard for others to know what to say at such a time.
I am a very competitive person by nature- always have been, always will be. I come from a family of athletes and my dad is in politics, so I guess it is in my blood to be that way. I hate losing as much as the next person, but sometimes I have learned it is necessary, even beneficial.
When I began my journey to Miss Alabama, I knew I was fighting an uphill battle. First year girls are not normally viewed as real contenders, so I did keep my expectations in check. I proceeded into “Miss AL week” with confidence that it would be an incredible learning experience and that it was.
Although I understood the reality of this being my first year, it was still difficult to “lose” and not even being called for the top twelve. It hurt and I was disappointed just as any girl would be. Every girl works herself silly to make appearances, promote her platform, eat somewhat healthy, remain consistent in the gym, stay current with world events , while maintaining high grades as a full-time college student. Many people may view competing in the Miss Alabama Pageant as a beauty contest and believe me if that was the case, our lives (the contestants) would be much easier. It is SO much more than walking around, smiling, in a pretty dress.
Through all of this, still only one young woman walks away with a crown. Everyone else drives home and tries again next year. It can be really discouraging sometimes.
About a month ago I had one of the worst dreams of my life. I went to Miss Alabama and I lost. I came home and ate nothing but Doritos (funny but something I would do) and I was just so depressed in this dream. I felt like a failure. When I woke up, I was so afraid I would feel exactly like that (Doritos and all) after Miss Alabama was over. That feeling of total failure absolutely terrified me.
But, in addition to the joy I have for Hayley, I also have hope. I have faith in that God’s timing is perfect and this year just was not my time and that is okay. In all honestly, even though I will still keep competing, it may never be my time to hold the title of Miss Alabama and that is also okay. I have learned that every season of life is not fun, but there is purpose in every season. Life is not meant to always be fun. If life was always fun, we would never be challenged. I am glad I did not win because if I had not lost- I could not continue to grow because I know I have a good bit of growing to do. If I had won, I would not have been the best Miss Alabama I could be. But with having the opportunity to lose, now I know I can go full force into preparation and work so that if one day my time comes to be Miss Alabama, I will be even better prepared. I have seen the Lord work in my life through wins and through losses. I welcome them both with open arms because I think the Lord does His best work in us when we are weak, because then He can be our strength.
So if you are out there and maybe you have recently experienced a loss, some type of rejection, or maybe even a break-up, please know there is purpose in the pain. There has to be rain and sunshine for a flower to grow and blossom. Our God is so sovereign and even though you may not feel like it, He has His mighty hand on your life. He is orchestrating future events which you cannot even fathom.
So, chin up, Buttercup. The best is yet to come.
Also- all of you need to follow Miss Alabama on social media.
Thank you SO much to AL.com for all the beautiful pictures and their coverage of Miss Alabama week. We are so thankful! | 2019-04-21T16:49:18Z | https://baileykennon.live/blog/ |
Methods, systems, and computer readable media for test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages in a network device test system are provided. One exemplary network equipment device test system includes a message blueprint data structure for storing blueprint data for messages to be decoded. The network equipment test device further includes a message decoder for decoding received messages by accessing the message blueprint data structure and matching information elements in the received messages with information elements in the message blueprint data structure. The network equipment test device further includes a message blueprint data structure configurator for receiving, as input, test configuration data, and for configuring the message blueprint data structure for optimized decoding of messages based on the test configuration data.
1. A system for test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages, the system comprising: a network equipment test device including: a message blueprint data structure for storing blueprint data for messages to be decoded; a message decoder for decoding received messages by accessing the message blueprint data structure and matching information elements in the received messages with information elements in the message blueprint data structure; and a message blueprint data structure configurator for receiving, as input, test configuration data, and for configuring the message blueprint data structure for optimized decoding of messages based on the test configuration data.
2. The system of claim 1 wherein the message blueprint data structure configurator is configured to reorder information elements in the message blueprint data structure based on relative frequencies of messages expected to occur in a test corresponding to the test configuration data.
3. The system of claim 1 wherein the message blueprint data structure configurator is configured to generate a cache of information elements expected to occur in a test corresponding to the test configuration data and keys to corresponding locations in the message blueprint data structure.
4. The system of claim 1 wherein the message decoder is configured to generate a cache of decoded values from a decoded message for access by applications.
5. The system of claim 4 wherein each cache entry includes a back pointer to a parent node.
6. The system of claim 1 wherein the configurator is configured to optimize the message blueprint data structure in advance of execution of a test.
7. The system of claim 1 wherein the configurator is configured to optimize the message blueprint data structure during execution of a test based on changes in traffic distributions during the execution of the test.
8. The system of claim 1 wherein the network equipment test device comprises a user equipment (UE) simulator configured to test an access network node.
9. The system of claim 8 wherein the UE simulator comprises a long term evolution (LTE) UE simulator and the access network node comprises an evolved Node B (e-Node B).
10. A method for test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages, the method comprising: in a network equipment test device: storing, in memory accessible by a processor, a message blueprint data structure including blueprint data for messages to be decoded; decoding received messages by accessing the message blueprint data structure, matching information elements in the received messages with information elements in the message blueprint data structure; and configuring, prior to the decoding, the message blueprint data structure for optimized decoding of messages based on test configuration data.
11. The method of claim 10 wherein configuring the message blueprint data structure includes reordering information elements in the message blueprint data structure based on relative frequencies of messages expected to occur in a test corresponding to the test configuration data.
12. The method of claim 11 wherein configuring the message blueprint data structure includes generating a cache of information elements expected to occur in a test corresponding to the test configuration and keys corresponding to information elements in the data structure.
13. The method of claim 10 comprising generating a cache of decoded information element values from a decoded message for access by applications.
14. The method of claim 13 wherein each cache entry includes a back pointer to a parent node.
15. The method of claim 10 wherein configuring the message blueprint data structure includes configuring the message blueprint data structure in advance of execution of a test.
16. The method claim 10 wherein configuring the message blueprint data structure includes configuring the message blueprint data structure during execution of a test based on changes in traffic distributions during the execution of the test.
17. The method of claim 10 wherein the network equipment test device comprises a user equipment (UE) simulator configured to test an access network node.
18. The method of claim 17 wherein the UE simulator comprises a long term evolution (LTE) UE simulator and the access network node comprises an evolved Node B (e-Node B).
19. A non-transitory computer readable medium having stored thereon executable instructions that when executed by the processor of a computer control the computer to perform steps comprising: storing, in memory accessible by a processor, a message blueprint data structure including blueprint data for messages to be decoded; decoding received messages by accessing the message blueprint data structure, matching information elements in the received messages with information elements in the message blueprint data structure; and configuring, prior to the decoding, the message blueprint data structure for optimized decoding of messages based on test configuration data.
The subject matter described herein relates to the decoding of protocol messages by a network device test system. More particularly, the subject matter described herein relates to methods, systems, and computer readable media for test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages in a network device test system.
A network device test system sends protocol messages to a device under test and receives responsive messages from the device under test to test the functionality and performance of the device under test. In order to properly evaluate the functionality and performance of the device under test, the network device test system must decode the response messages to determine what information elements are included in the messages. The decoding of response messages is one of the most processor intensive operations performed by a network device test system. For example, in some network device test systems, decoding is performed by sequentially accessing elements in a data structure and comparing the elements to bits of a received message until a matching element is located. Each access to the data structure and each comparison consumes processor cycles. Thus, it is desirable to limit the number of data structure accesses and comparisons performed during message decoding.
Accordingly, there exists a long felt need for methods, systems, and computer readable media for test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages in a network device test system.
The subject matter described herein can be implemented in software in combination with hardware and/or firmware. For example, the subject matter described herein can be implemented in software executed by a processor. In one exemplary implementation, the subject matter described herein can be implemented using a non-transitory computer readable medium having stored thereon computer executable instructions that when executed by the processor of a computer control the computer to perform steps. Exemplary computer readable media suitable for implementing the subject matter described herein include non-transitory computer-readable media, such as disk memory devices, chip memory devices, programmable logic devices, and application specific integrated circuits. In addition, a computer readable medium that implements the subject matter described herein may be located on a single device or computing platform or may be distributed across multiple devices or computing platforms.
FIG. 7 is a flow chart illustrating message decoding according to an embodiment of the subject matter described herein.
The subject matter described herein includes network test configuration optimized decoding of protocol messages that may be implemented in a network device test system. FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a network equipment test device for sending test messages to a device under test according to an embodiment of the subject matter described herein. Referring to FIG. 1, network equipment test device 100 may generate and send simulated network traffic to device under test 102. The simulated network traffic may be data traffic, signaling traffic, voice traffic, or any packetized data that is used to test the functionality of a device under test. Device under test 102 receives the traffic, processes the traffic, and sends responsive traffic back to network equipment test device 100. Network equipment test device 100 may decode the received traffic to verify the functionality and performance of device under test 102 and to determine how to properly respond to the received traffic.
In one exemplary embodiment, the device under test 102 may be a long term evolution (LTE) access node, such as an evolved Node B (e-Node B), and network equipment test device 100 may be an LTE user equipment (UE) simulator that simulates one or more UEs. As an LTE UE simulator, network equipment test device 100 may generate and send uplink traffic to DUT 102 and may receive and process downlink traffic from DUT 102. The decoding of downlink traffic may be performed more efficiently using test-configuration-optimized decoding, as described herein.
Because message decoding is processor intensive, network equipment test device 100 may include a message blueprint data structure 104 that stores message blueprint data that is optimized based on test configuration data. As used herein, a message blueprint is a sequence of nodes in the message blueprint data structure usable to decode a sequence of information elements expected to be present in a received message. The message blueprint data structure may include sequences of nodes for decoding many different message types. Network equipment test device 100 may further include a message blueprint data structure configurator 106 for optimizing message blueprint data structure 104 for efficient decoding of protocol messages based on knowledge of test configuration and/or changing conditions during the test.
FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the decoding of messages by network equipment test device 100 in more detail. In FIG. 2, configurator 106 receives test configuration data as input. The test configuration data may indicate the number and sequence of messages used in a test. Configurator 106 may optimize message blueprint data structure 104 based on the test configuration data. For example, if the test is known to have 30 messages of one type and no more than 10 messages of any other type, the message blueprint data structure will be re-ordered so that nodes for decoding the most frequently occurring message are accessed first during decoding of messages of unknown type. In addition to or instead of reordering message blueprint data, message blueprint data structure configurator 106 may create a cache of information elements known to be present in a particular test so that sequential access to elements within data structure 104 to locate specific elements is not required. In another example, message blueprint structure 104 may be dynamically re-ordered during a test based on expected changes in the message distributions during the test. For example, in one test, it may be known that 20 UEs will attach to the network and later detach. During the attachment phase of the test, the message blueprint data structure may be optimized to decode attachment messages. After the attachment phase, the message blueprint data structure may be dynamically re-ordered to decode detachment related messages.
In the message flow illustrated in FIG. 2, once message blueprint data structure 104 is optimized using the test configuration data in step 2, the test is executed in step 3 and a message of unknown type is received. In step 4, message decoder 108 accesses message blueprint data structure 104 to determine the message type and the information elements that are present in the message. In step 5, message decoder 108 identifies the message type by identifying the proper blueprint and decodes the information elements in the message using the blueprint. In step 6, message decoder 108 stores the values for the information elements decoded from the message in a decoded information element value cache 110 for fast access by applications.
FIG. 3 schematically illustrates the traversal of an un-optimized message blueprint data structure that may be performed by message decoder 108. In FIG. 3, a message 1 with information elements 10, 50, and 30 is received. As used herein, an "information element" is a portion of a message defined by a protocol. For example, in LTE networks a radio resource control (RRC) connection request message is sent from the UE to the eNode-B to initiate connection establishment. One information element that may be included in such a message is a message type information element that identifies the message as an RRC connection request message. The RRC message may also include other information elements, some mandatory and some optional, that store parameters of the RRC connection request message. A message blueprint represents a collection of information elements that make up a protocol message, such as an RRC connection request.
In FIGS. 3-5, the message blueprint data structure is represented as a tree structure, which each branch from root node to leaf node corresponding to a message blueprint. Traversal of the tree in the message decoding examples described below is from root to leaf, proceeding from the leftmost path to the rightmost path. Each blueprint contains a series of values corresponding to the IEs in a particular message. For example, an RRC message blueprint may contain a first value identifying the message as an RRC message followed by other IEs that typically occur in an RRC message. Thus, for the leftmost branch in the tree in FIG. 3, the values 10, 60, 25 may represent an RRC message (identified by message type value 10) with two additional information elements (identified by IEs 10 and 25).
The message examples illustrated in FIGS. 3-5 are simplified in that each IE includes a single value. It is understood that an IE in most message protocols consists of three parameters: a type, a length, and a value. To decode an IE, it is necessary to find a parameter value in the message blueprint data structure that matches the parameter type portion of the IE. Once the parameter type is determined, decoding the IE includes extracting the value from the value portion of the IE. The decoding process may be repeated for each IE present in a received message.
Although in the examples illustrated in FIGS. 3-5, the message blueprint data structure is represented as a tree, the subject matter described herein is not limited to configuring or accessing message blueprint data in a tree structure. Any structure in which nodes corresponding to message information elements are accessed in an order (such as a sequential order) that can be arranged or configured for optimized decoding based on test configuration data is intended to be within the scope of the subject matter described herein.
In the message decoding example illustrated in FIG. 3, the first IE in the received message to be decoded has a value of 10. Accordingly, decoder 108 accesses message blueprint data structure 104 by traversing the leftmost branch and locates a match in the first level of the tree after the root node. Accordingly, decoder 108 then proceeds from the matching node in the first level in the tree to the portion of the second level of the tree branching from the matching node in the first level and searches that portion for the IE parameter value of 50 extracted from the received message. The first comparison at the second level of the tree results in a miss because the value of the leftmost node in the second level is 60. Decoder 108 then compares the received IE value of 50 with the IE value stored in the next node in the second level of the tree. The comparison with the value in the second node results in a match because the node has an IE value of 50.
After locating a match in the second level of the tree, decoder 108 proceeds from the matching node in the second level to the portion of the third level of the tree that branches from the matching node in the second level. Decoder 108 then sequentially compares the IE 30 from the received message to the IE values of 90, 60, and 30 stored in the portion of the third level branching from the matching node in the second level. In this example, the third comparison results in a match. Once all of the IEs in a received message have been decoded, the corresponding values may be extracted from the message and stored in a cache for access by applications.
In the example illustrated in FIG. 3, 6 total comparisons were required to identify the proper message blueprint and decode the received message. The number of comparisons required to decode a received message may be reduced by optimizing the message blueprint data structure based on test configuration data. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating a test configuration data optimized version of the blueprint data structure 104 illustrated in FIG. 3. In FIG. 4, the data structure is optimized such that messages with IE parameter values 10, 50, 30 are positioned in the leftmost branch of the tree. Such optimization may be performed by configurator 106 in advance of the test based on test configuration data that is either automatically accessed and used by configurator 106 to rearrange message blueprint data in data structure 104 or that is displayed to a user by configurator 106 and utilized by the user to rearrange message blueprint data.
Continuing with the same message type illustrated in FIG. 3, when a message with IE values 10, 50, 30 is received, three comparisons are required and no misses occur to fully decode the message. No monitoring is required during the test to optimize the message blueprint data structure because the test administrator and/or configurator 106 uses advance knowledge of the test configuration to reconfigure the message blueprint data structure.
The lte_primitive_list structure shown below is an example of an initial configuration of message blueprint data structure that may be used in decoding messages for a particular test. Each element in the structure corresponds to a message information element or a combination of message information elements for decoding a protocol message of a particular type. For example, the lte_Data_Req_UE element may correspond to a message information element or a combination of message elements for decoding long term evolution (LTE) UE data request messages. Traversing message blueprint data structure may be implemented by a function call by message decoder 108 with one of the message elements in the lte_primitive_list structure as an input parameter to the function call.
The order of the elements in the lte_primitive_list structure corresponds to the order in which message information elements will be accessed when attempting to decode a received message. In the lte_primitive_list structure, ten different message types are indicated. If a received protocol message corresponds to the last type in the structure (lte_Data_Ack), ten function calls and ten accesses to the data structure would be required before the message is decoded properly.
In order to reduce unnecessary function calls and accesses to the data structure, the elements in the data structure may be rearranged in advance of conducting a test based on known test configuration data. For example, a given test may implement a call flow that includes two lte_Data_Ind_eNB messages, three lte_Sec_Mode_Status messages, and one lte_Data_Ind_eNB_SM messages. Because this information is known in advance by the test administrator, the elements in the data structure listed above may be reordered to form the following optimized message blueprint data structure.
In the optimized data structure, the most frequently occurring message IE in the test (lte_Sec_Mode_Status), followed by the next most frequently occurring message IE (lte_Data_Ind_eNodeB), followed by the third most frequently occurring message IE (lte_Data_Ind_eNodeB_SM). Because of the reordering of the IEs in the message blueprint data structure based on the relative frequency of occurrence of message IEs in test, decoding during the test will require fewer function calls and fewer accesses to the data structure than the test would require if the message blueprints were not reordered.
In addition to or instead of reordering message IEs in the message blueprint data structure based on test configuration data, configurator 106 may use test configuration data to derive keys for each node known to be present in a test and store the keys in a cache at the root node of data structure 104 for faster lookup. As used herein, a key refers to a value that is used to access a node in the message blueprint data structure without requiring tree traversal and comparison. Referring to FIG. 5, a unique key value may be associated with each node in the tree. The key values may be cached or stored in a cache 500 that stores key value for each possible IE value in the data structure. Accordingly, when message 300 is received, rather than traversing the data structure, key values for each IE are extracted from cache 500 and used to directly access the corresponding nodes in data structure 104. For example, to decode the IE value 10 from the received message, the decoder accesses cache 500 to locate the key value for the node in data structure 104 corresponding to IE value 10. In this example, the key value for IE 10 is key1, which can be used by the decoder to directly access the corresponding node in data structure 104. It should be noted that when cache 500 is used, message information elements in data structure 500 may or may not be reordered according to the test configuration data.
Continuing with the code examples above, the following structure illustrates key values assigned to the IEs most frequently used messages in a particular test configuration.
In the structure listed above, IEs for the three messages known from the test configuration data to be present in the test are assigned key values that allow fast direct access to the corresponding message IEs. For example, the IE for the Sec_Mode_Status message is assigned a value of key1, the IE for the Data_Ind_eNB message is assigned a key value of key2, and the IE for the Data_Ind_eNB message is assigned a key value of key3. When a test is executed, rather than traversing the message blueprint data structure from branches from left to right to locate the IE for the message to be decoded, the key value directs the decoder to the IE corresponding to the message to be decoded.
In the structure, each node includes a location ID value that is used to directly look up the decoded IE value. For example, a location ID of conn_ID may be used to look up the node where the connection ID from a received message is stored. The structure may also store parent node information that is used to distinguish between parameter values of the same type. For example, when an application, such as a network monitoring application, wants a connection ID, the application requests the connection ID from the decoder. In the example illustrated in FIG. 6, there are two different connection IDs one connection ID has parents N1 and N2 and the other connection ID has parents N1 and N3. The application request for a connection ID in this example would be of the format N1.N3.N6, if the connection ID=40 or N1.N2.N4, if the connection ID=30. For example, with N1.N3.N6, the location ID starts at N6 and traverses up the tree to N1, which is faster than traversing down the tree from N1 to N6. It is faster to traverse from a child to a parent when there are many children.
FIG. 7 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for decoding received messages using a test configuration data optimized message data structure according to an embodiment of the subject matter described herein. Referring to FIG. 7, in step 700, the message blueprint data structure is optimized based on test configuration data. As set forth above, optimizing data structure 104 may include rearranging information elements based on test configuration data and/or generating keys and the cache based on such data for faster access at run time. In step 702, the test is started, and a message of unknown type is received. In one example, the test may be an LTE UE attachment test where multiple UEs attach to an eNode-B under test. In step 704, the message is decoded using the message blueprint data structure. Decoding may be performed by matching the received message to a sequence of one or more IEs in the message blueprint data structure and extracting the IE parameter values from the message. In step 706, the decoded information element parameter values are stored in a cache for later access by applications. | 2019-04-24T08:09:07Z | http://www.patentsencyclopedia.com/app/20150082103 |
Greetings from a congested Edinburgh – about to be surrounded by politicians for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference, for which they’ve closed most of the city centre roads for security purposes!!
I know that many of you have managed to see Dorothy in the first half of her author tour for the Vintage editions of Lymond. The reports I’m getting have been of packed bookshops, enthralled audiences and very happy booksellers and publishers! I spoke to Dorothy yesterday and she was overwhelmed at the reception she’s had and despite knowing already how keen you all are she was astonished at the enthusiasm and warmth shown. Someone apparently drove 800 miles to see her!! She was very touched by it all and sends her thanks.
Firstly the situation with the Companion is that from the batch that I got hold of from the remainder merchants in England we were able to supply all of the people who had outstanding orders at the time of the last newsletter and a few of the new orders that were sent after it, but a number of people are still on the waiting list. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to answer all the requests individually as yet – there were just too many to get round and I didn’t know exactly how many copies I would have available until very recently because a couple of people who had requested multiple copies had changed email addresses. It turned out that they had managed to get copies from Duthies in Canada so fortunately I was able to supply more new orders than I originally expected.
Duthies have now told me that they cannot obtain any more so the only possibility is if I manage to get any more from the remainder people over here. If I have any luck then I’ll be in touch with those on the waiting list straight away. If you haven’t heard from me yet then I’m afraid you were unsuccessful for the moment, but I’ll try and message you all individually as soon as I can.
and not to the old almac.co.uk address.
Now on to what you are all waiting for!!
I know that you are all desperate to get the books and/or to double check your orders etc. but please try to be patient and let us get on with processing them. If everyone emails me now there is not an earthly chance of me answering you all individually, and trying to check which items have gone as we do them will only slow things down. Unless you have a really concrete problem or need to place a new order please don’t email me for the moment. I’ll keep everyone up to date with bulletins on how things are going. Should any copies go astray in the post or get damaged in transit we will of course send replacements, but the best way to keep track of things and know where we are, is to take care at the despatch stage rather than trying to rush it.
Thanks, we’ll do our very best to get them to you quickly and efficiently.
As yet there is no sign of the UK paperback edition of Ringed Castle which is also due this month. We have however been informed that publication of Checkmate has been delayed and won’t now appear until around April next year. So far I haven’t had an explanation of this. Anyone who has ordered it from us can certainly cancel their order if this is too late for them. We seem to be able to get the Vintage editions quite readily via a specialist US importer so anyone based outside of the americas can always get these from us if they wish.
Finally, I promised some of you I would give you my own reactions to reading the first two Lymonds.
Anyone else who isn’t interested can stop here!!
Haven’t had time to really sit down and think about this properly but here goes. First of all I enjoyed them immensly and as some of you predicted I was soon sucked in to forgetting about minor things like eating and sleeping 😉 I think my wife Fiona was pretty astonished because I don’t read much fiction since I find most of it pretty shallow, and I’ve never really enjoyed historical fiction from most other authors since I was a teenager.
I’ve heard one or two people on the usenet historical fiction group say that they found Game of Kings hard going at first or sometimes harder than some of the later books, and I can understand why although I was ok with it myself once I got used to the fact that I was really going to have to think as I read. Certainly my Scottish historical and geographical background was a great help although I did occasionally curse our habit of having lots of people with similar names! (Far too many Margarets for a start!!) Once the ground had been laid Francis emerged as a fascinating figure and very attractive to both sexes. My only slight quibble was how anyone could possibly be that well educated and experienced in so many things at such an early stage in his life, but that was soon forgotten. Sybilla is likewise a wonderful character but initially Richard seemed dull and predictable. Only later did he start to grow on me and I realised that while I might like to think of myself in Francis’ place I’m really much more like Richard in reality. The transformation of his attitude after the sworfight and shooting was startling.
The amnesia episode still leaves me wondering a little bit, and I’m told that many new readers go off the rails there. Christian Stewart was a lovely character and I was sad indeed when I realised that she would be unlikely to survive. But then it looks as if her death is quite an influence on Francis’ developement so perhaps it was inevitable.
It was hardly surprising given Dorothy’s reputation for historical accuracy that the episode of the young Queen Mary’s short visit to the priory at Menteith was confirmed in a radio program that I heard shortly after reading it.
The first meeting with the young Philippa was a harrowing way to start a long term relationship and laid so many possibilities for the future. I must confess the ending was something of a surprise in the dramatic slowing of the tempo during the courtroom scenes but tension was palpable and the card playing twist from the games Will Scott had played with Jonathan Crouch was masterly.
Queens’ Play had quite a different feel to it, though perhaps that is inevitable given the setting. The pace seemed faster despite the descriptions being necessarily more lavish. The rooftop race scene was positively breathless of course.
I’d be fascinated to know how many people spotted the twist of the Keeper of the Royal Menagerie. Being Scottish the name Abernaci rang alarm bells immediately – well, almost immediately, the knife throwing/ink bottle scene was doubtless there to distract us 😉 Of course it coming not long after the initial puzzle of which of the Irish party was actually Lymond was sneaky too!
Robin Stewart being the would-be assasin was rather more of a surprise though perhaps I should have been expecting it by then – the hunting cheetah scene had put me off the scent I think. Thady Boy Ballagh was a wonderful invention with which to entwine the hero, with all the contradictions of debauched excess and chivalrous brinkmanship inescapeably intertwined.
The ending was again unexpected, but in some ways perhaps even more subtle than its predecessor in the disgrace of d’Aubigny and the interplay with Mary of Guise. A satisfying conclusion. It’s a good place to pause and draw breath before continuing with Disorderly Knights. Looking back, so much has faded from concrete memory that I can well understand those who read them again and again – I have a feeling that a few connections are likely to appear shortly!
First of all thanks to everyone who wrote after my last newsletter. I may not have managed to reply to all the messages before I went on holiday – apologies to anyone I missed but it was very hectic right up until I went away. Many of the messages I received mentioned my “secret” of being a novice Lymond reader and were often very amusing and helpful, so thanks again to you all for that. Some of you asked me to give you my impressions of Game of Kings and Queens’ Play (the latter of which I finished during the holiday) and while I’m not entirely sure I should be taking up everyones time and bandwidth with my own reactions to the books I’ll try to do so next time if no one minds. Suffice it to say for the moment that I enjoyed them both a great deal.
However the purpose of this newsletter is primarily to keep everyone informed about the position of the Dorothy Dunnett Companion, which as you all know has not been available from Michael Joseph for some months.
I’m happy to say that a couple of UK Dunnett fans alerted me to the fact that a chain of remainder shops in the English midlands were selling copies of the Companion at a cut price. Before going on holiday I had made some enquiries, tracked down the company concerned and managed to persuade them to supply us with 30 copies. These arrived just before I got back, and I’ve since been trying to collate all the orders and enquiries we’ve had for it in the last few months. I know that some people have managed to get copies from Duthies in Canada whose web address I’d given earlier, and I’ve tried to weed out anyone who is known to have got one this way.
Rather than message each person individually I’m listing below those who I think may still want copies and would ask each person on that list to let me know whether they still do. (I’ve added a small number of people to the mailing list who weren’t already on it for this reason – if any of you want to be dropped from the list again after we sort this out just let me know.) If I’ve missed anyone out who has previously ordered the Companion please let me know and I’ll check it out. I’m trying to make sure that everyone gets copies in correct chronological order to be fair to you all.
Once I’ve had replies and know how many copies – if any – are left over I can take any fresh orders, of which I’ve had a few this morning.
Since we had to pay the same price as the remainder shop is charging (UKP 5.99 believe it or not!!) plus carriage charges, we’ll be charging UKP 10.00 (still a lot better than the full price of UKP 17.99) plus postage. I hope everyone is happy with this.
The one thing I haven’t been able to establish is where the books were came from, but I do know that they can’t have come from Michael Joseph as the remainder chain doesn’t deal with them. So far I haven’t heard or seen any copies being sold in any other part of the country so maybe it was a one-off batch that some wholesaler had sold off. It’s still not clear how the distribution chain still had copies to supply Duthies in Canada when it couldn’t supply us here, but maybe there is a connection. It’s not clear at the moment whether we’ll be able to get any more after this batch but I’ll make further enquiries once we’ve sorted this lot out.
and it includes a discussion forum where you can leave messages while visiting the page.
Since we (at last!!) have a colour scanner to call our own I’ve added some more book jackets to our web page which brighten it up a little, though I’ve used thumbnails with links to larger versions in order to keep the loading time down. Most of you still seem to find the speed of loading sufficiently fast but I wonder if there would be a desire for a pure text version for those with slow connections? Just a thought. Does anyone think there should be potted descriptions of the basic plots of the books/series? – that’s just one of the suggestions I’ve received in the last few months. Would anyone be brave enough to write them? – I certainly wouldn’t feel qualified but I don’t think repeating the publisher’s own blurbs would serve any purpose. One person even suggested eventually having separate pages for Lymond and for Niccolo!! Comments welcome.
More news next time as we get closer to the release of Caprice and Rondo.
Greetings to everyone from a Festival packed Edinburgh.
They are nicely put together with some good content, although most of you will recognise the “Message from Dorothy” 😉 The historical notes are useful although perhaps too much to take in for a newcomer to the period, and the “Reading Group Guides” sound a bit dry and academic to my ears – too many memories from school I guess!!. However they certainly deserve credit for trying to stimulate discussion.
Anyone spot their own contribution to the readers letters section?
There is another Dunnett page which has appeared recently at Romance Communications Magazine http://www.romcom.com/dunnett/ and yes, that same message comes up yet again 🙂 Some nice colour scans of the covers and some basic promotional info is pretty much all it contains but it’s well enough done. Maybe I’m a bit sensitive but I do find the link to our pages which simply says “more information” without any clue that you are going to another site, just a little bit cheeky.
I’ve had a few messages enquiring about something called the “Autographed Copy Day One’ list” that we were supposed to have. Well, I can perhaps understand where this might have been deduced from but let me say straight away that it doesn’t exist!!
out to you all. There are usually signed copies left over since obviously we order more than just the reserved copies, and anyone ordering after release gets them until we run out. Since Dorothy usually also does an in-store appearance and signing session not long after publication, we usually get some more extras then as well.
Maybe I should make more of this aspect and “shout it from the rooftops” as our unique selling point, but I haven’t done so for two reasons.
Firstly, most of our “old” customers who ordered from us before the email contacts sprung up, already knew this, and most of you who I swapped messages with over the last 2 or 3 years either got told in person or seemed to pick it up, so I didn’t think it was necessary.
Secondly, I’m always uncomfortable making promises for someone else, and as I’ve said to a few of you individually, I have a nightmare vision of one day Dorothy falling ill or something at the critical time and not being able to come in to do the signings. (As it is she will only just be back from the US tour when the books appear and with the ever growing number of orders I would think it’ll take her a couple of days to get through them all. I just hope there is no repeat of the TLWL debacle with that Brussels shop getting their copies early and selling thembefore the publication date). That being said, She’s never failed to come in yet and I know that she’d never willingly miss it – she does appreciate all of you a very great deal.
Some slightly odd news on the Dorothy Dunnet Companion. One of our UK correspondents noticed copies for sale in a remainder bookshop in the midlands. I’ve been in touch with their head office and the deputy buyer is trying to get hold of copies for us. They apparently don’t deal with Michael Joseph so they didn’t come from them. Perhaps they were sold on to them by a wholesaler (although we thought we’d been round all of them) who perhaps has also supplied copies to the Canadian distributor that Duthies has received stock from. I hope to have more news about this by later this week.
I’ll be trying to get details of Dorothy’s C&R promotional visits in the UK but I am off on holiday for two weeks from the 23rd August so it will probably be after that before I can distribute them.
Ohh and one more thing about my holidays.
This file is a formatted recreation of one of the early newsletters I sent out from James Thin. Purely for archive purposes.
Hope you are all well and not effected by the extremes of drought and flood that seem to be so widespread in many parts of the world at the moment.
I’d been hoping to get this newsletter out before now as I know that many of you in the US are anxious for news of the itinerary for Dorothy’s forthcoming author tour. My contact at Random House had originally expected to have the details a few weeks ago, but as I’ve just had confirmed this morning the negotiations are still going on. My information is that the original plan was for a three week tour, but it may now be two separate 5 day tours at the beginning and end of October. I’ll let you all know when I hear anything else.
There is also a possibility that she may be at the Lockerbie Book Festival in early Sept but this is not yet certain.
I heard from Dorothy this morning – the good news is that Caprice and Rondo is now finally finished and went off to the printer last week. Having emerged blinking into the light she’ll now be trying to attack the backlog of months of correspondence 🙂 Then of course comes the promotional work.
One little snippet of information; C&R is dedicated to Dorothy’s latest grandchild – Annabella Charlotte – who is I believe about 18 months old.
Secondly the address for Marzipan and Kisses now has a link as it now has it’s own web site. Please note the slight change in the address to write to for subscribing.
I wanted to ask if anyone is still waiting for a copy of the cassette of “Music for Lymond Niccolo and the Medici”, just in case anyone was missed out. We now have plenty of copies available but I seem to have more than I expected. Sometimes it happens that a written letter will go to Douglas in Mail Order without coming to me after the initial enquiry has been by email, so hopefully everything is ok, but I just want to make sure.
Still no word on the “Dorothy Dunnett Companion” which is still unavailable. I believe some of you managed to get copies from the Canadian company that I mentioned on the web pages, but at least one other hasn’t been able to get through to them. I got a very nice email from them thanking me for mentioning them, so they’ve obviously been able to supply some of you but I don’t know how long their supplies will last.
Now I have a question for any of you that have both the new editions of Game of Kings & Queens Play and one of the older editions. In the new Vintage editions Dorothy mentions in the forward that she did “a little manicuring” to tidy up some of the defects in the original edition. A couple of people who have noticed this reference have asked me if I know how much difference there is. Well as far as reading the books I’m just a beginner compared to most of you! From the fax that Dorothy just sent me it looks as if both the new UK and US editions have these changes (although the forward is only in the US editions) and in most cases these are “corrections of misprints, small omissions … or misleading punctuation”. Some other changes were intended but not done because it would have meant major typesetting changes. If any of you who have read the older editions and noticed differences would like to comment for the benefit of the others, then email me and I can pass this on in the next newsletter.
One thing I had better mention again are the email and web addresses, particularly the latter, as anyone who still has a bookmark or link with the old address (the one with almac and business_park in it) will find that it won’t work anymore because of a change of ISP. Use the one with our own domain name – http://www.jthin.co.uk/dunnett.htm and you’ll get through fine. Please have a look at the rest of the site as well if you have time – I’ve added quite a bit recently and we now have many additional subjects such as Science Fiction – and let me know what you think.
While the old email address ([email protected]) still works and is aliased to [email protected] it may not do so forever and it would be better to use the newer one. That one gets through to Craig as does [email protected] and either one can be used for ordering or enquiring about orders. If you have other Dunnett questions then you can still contact me direct at the address below. | 2019-04-22T08:13:49Z | http://www.dorothydunnett.co.uk/blog/page/25 |
Egyptologists lead expeditions to Memphis, Sakkara, Dahshur, the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx and the Solar Boat Museum.
Venture to the Valley of Kings, King Tut's tomb and the famed Colossi of Memnon.
Delve deeper into Ancient Egypt during a four-night study cruise on the Nile.
How were the pyramids built? What happened to Queen Nefertiti? And why does Tut Ankh Amon, the “boy king,” still capture the public imagination? Journeying overland and on the Nile, Egyptologists reveal the mystery behind Egypt’s storied history and the country’s place in the modern world.
Evening: Depart on international flights to Cairo, Egypt.
Afternoon: Arrival to Cairo International Airport and transfer to the hotel. We will gather in our private meeting room where the Group Leader will greet you with a warm welcome and introduce everyone. We will review the up-to-date daily schedule and any changes, discuss responsibilities, safety guidelines, emergency procedures, and answer any questions you may have. Please be aware that program activities and scheduled times could change due to local circumstances. In the event of changes, we will alert you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Dinner: Enjoy meeting and socializing with your fellow participants at the welcome dinner at the hotel.
Activity note: Today's activities include travel by coach and walking around historic sites such as the Pyramids, the Solar Boat Museum, and the Sphinx. The terrain is uneven and rough and it could take up to 30 minutes standing at each site in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade. There will also be a short walk to the lunch restaurant. The total amount of walking today could be up to one mile round trip from the bus car park. At the Solar Boat Museum there are between 80 and 100 steps.
Morning: Led by your Egyptologist, explore the most renowned sites of Egypt: the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Solar Boat Museum, and the Spinx, with a great opportunity to see the sites up from a great panoramic view point and experience a unique short camel ride. The pyramids of Giza are perhaps the only true rival to the Great Sphinx when one thinks of ancient Egypt and its architecture. The Valley of Giza-- with its wonderful monuments-- is truly a marvel of architectural prowess. The three largest pyramids located in the valley consist of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Kafhre, and the Pyramid of Menkaura. Each Pyramid is a tomb dedicated to a different king of Egypt. Afterward, we will drive to the Solar Boat Museum. The significance of the buried boat is still debated. The Pyramid Texts clearly state that at the end of the pharaoh's life on Earth, his soul ascends to the heavens in the solar barque to join his father. The arguments focus on whether this boat was purely symbolic, part of the burial goods, or whether it was actually used in the funeral procession to transport the body of the king by river to his pyramid complex. While some scholars claim that there is evidence that the boat has been in water, Zahi Hawass, the head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, points out that shavings of cedar and acacia found in the pit during excavation, indicate that it was probably built close to where it was buried. While the boat is of the right dimensions to be suitable as a river craft, no mast was found with the components. We will then continue on to the Sphinx of the Giza Plateau, which is the most famous and well known Sphinx in the world. It has been guarding the Necropolis for centuries. Following the Sphinx visit, we will return to the hotel by coach.
Afternoon: Enjoy some free time to relax before a lecture about Egypt and the Nile.
Activity note: Today's activities include travel by coach as well as walking and standing at Dahshur, at the Imhotep museum, and at the Pyramids of Zoser and Teti. The terrain is uneven and rough and it could take up to 30 minutes standing at each site. The total amount of walking could be up to one mile round trip from the bus car park.
Morning: We will depart by coach to explore Dahshur, a necropolis of the Old Kingdom, housing some of the oldest pyramids built by and for the 4th dynasty pharaoh, Sneferu, around 2600 BC. This site best demonstrates how a strong willed king was able to build the first true pyramid, changing its design from the "step" pyramid.
Afternoon: We will then explore the Step Pyramid complex of King Djoser (Zoser), which is considered the oldest stone structure on Earth, built more than 4700 years ago. It was built for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser by his vizier Imhotep. Next, we will visit the Pyramid of Teti, which is also located in the Necropolis of Saqqara. Its original height was about 172 feet. Inside it are some pyramid texts inscribed all around the walls of the burial chamber and the inner corridors. Afterward, we will explore a mastaba tomb, which is a great source of information concerning the daily life of the ancient Egyptians. A mastaba is a superstructure of a tomb that was built in the form of a huge bench above ground to house the funeral belongings of the deceased. Afterward, led by your Egyptologist, we will visit the Imhotep nuseum. The museum was opened in 2006, and displays finds from the site, in commemoration of the ancient Egyptian architect Imhotep. Dr. Zahi Hawass said, "I felt that we should call it the Imhotep Museum in tribute to the first architect to use stone rather than perishable materials for construction on a large scale. This man was second only to the King and in the late period was worshipped as a god." The museum also has a hall dedicated to a man, an important Egyptologist who excavated the Djoser complex all his life- the French Egyptologist Jean-Philippe Lauer. The museum has five large halls in which one admires masterpieces from Saqqara such as a Greco-Roman mummy discovered by Zahi Hawass during his excavations at Teti's pyramid complex. We will then return to the hotel where you can enjoy some leisure time before attending a presentation explaining Islam led by a scholar.
Activity note: Today's activities include travel by coach. The drive from Cairo to Alexandria will take at least five hours by air conditioned motor coach. There are basic toilet facilities en route. This day does not involve much walking, but there are steps and you will be asked to take your shoes off to visit the church in the monastery.
Morning: We will check out of the hotel and depart by coach for Alexandria. Enjoy an en-route presentation led by your Egyptian leader focusing on life in Egypt today to give you better insight into your host country. Led by your Egyptologist, explore the important sites of Anba Bishoi located in Wadi El-Natron and 62 miles northwest of Cairo. It is a natural depression in the desert consisting of salt lakes and salt flats laying in the desert. This place was important to the ancient Egyptians since it was from here that they extracted the Natrun salt. It later became more important during the early era of Christianity in Egypt as can be seen by the legacy of monasteries. It is presently the centre of many monasteries groups dating back to the fourth century AD. One of the most important monasteries today in Wadi El-Natroun is Dier Anba Bishoi and was named after the patron St. Bishoi who immigrated to the site and lived in solitude. The monastery was restored several times after it had been destroyed at the hands of the barbers. It has five churches; the main one is the St. Bishoi church which dates back to as early as the 9 century AD. This church today is only used during the summertime. To the east of this church lies another one known as the church of Al-Adra (the virgin), and it is only used during the winter months. Your local guide will explain the reason behind this. The monastery contains the remains of St. Bishoi, and Ephraim the Assyrian, and Paul of Tomah.
Lunch: At a local restaurant in Alexandria.
Afternoon: Enjoy a brief panoramic discovery of the ancient city of Alexandria. The Eastern Harbor of Alexandria has been a crossroads of culture and continents for 2,300 years. This is where the Pharos lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, guided people from all nations safely into port; where Queen Cleopatra first laid eyes on Julius Caesar. Afterward, we will visit the Library of Alexandria; In 2002, Alexandria recaptured the spirit of its richest legacy—the Great Library of Alexandria—by opening the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The new library shares the same universal goals as the ancient one built by Alexander the Great. It is a focal point for research, the advancement of knowledge and the open exchange of ideas. Later on, we will transfer by coach to the hotel where you will have time to relax before dinner.
Activity note: The drive around Alexandria will take at least three hours by air conditioned motor coach. Today's activities will involve walking and climbing steps around historic sites such as the Roman Amphitheatre, the Catacombs, and the National Museum. At each site, there is standing of up to one hour. The total amount of walking today could be up to one mile round trip from the bus car park.
Morning: Led by your Egyptologist, continue discovering the great historic sites of Alexandria. We will begin with the catacombs and then explore the Roman Theatre and the National Museum. The catacombs of Kom es-Shouqafa were tunneled into the bedrock in the age of the Antonine emperors (2nd century A.D.) for a single wealthy family still practicing the ancient religion. As a privately financed project, it is an engineering feat of some magnitude. These tombs represent the last existing major construction for the sake of the old Egyptian religion. Though the funerary motifs are pure ancient Egyptian, the architects and artists were schooled in the Greco-Roman style. Applied to the themes of Ancient Egyptian religion, it has resulted in an amazing integrated art, quite unlike anything else in the world. Afterward, we will explore the well-preserved Roman theatre with galleries, sections of mosaic-flooring, and marble seats for up to 800 spectators. Our next visit is the Alexandria National Museum where the Egyptologist will give an overview before you explore on your own. The museum has grown in importance these days, and is now considered one of Egypt's finest museums. It was inaugurated by President Hosni Mubarak on December 31st, 2003, and is one more addition to the reasons one should visit this grand old city. The national museum is located in a restored palace and contains about 1,800 artifacts that narrate the history of Alexandria throughout the ages, including the Pharaonic, Roman, Coptic, and Islamic eras. There are even some more modern pieces, including 19th century glassware, silverware, chinaware and precious jewels, which provide a sense of the richness of the court of Mohammed Ali and his descendants. Mummies are shown in a special underground chamber (basement). In addition, some of the items found during the archaeological underwater excavations in Alexandria are now on the same floor as the Greco-Roman artifacts.
Afternoon: We will visit the Citadel of Qaitbay before returning to the hotel by coach where we will have a presentation led by a leading professor/lecturer on the archeological work being done to re-discover the destroyed lighthouse.
Activity note: The drive from Alexandria to Cairo will take at least five hours by air conditioned motor coach. There are basic toilet facilities en route. This day involves walking around the museum of approximately 2-3 hours and climbing steps to the first floor. The total amount of walking today could be up to half a mile round trip from the bus car park.
Breakfast: Boxed breakfast from the hotel.
Morning: We will return to Cairo by coach. Enjoy the sites of Egypt while you relax.
Lunch: At a local restaurant in Cairo.
Afternoon: Explore the Egyptian Museum including the mummy room after an introduction by an Egyptologist. The museum houses thousands of artefacts from jewelry and statuettes to reliefs. There are even entire monuments that were brought from their ancient contexts and are on display. We will then travel by coach to the hotel where we will check in upon arrival and enjoy a lecture titled, "Egyptian Social Life" led by a lecturer from Cairo.
Activity note: The drive from the hotel will be through traffic and could take at least a few hours by air conditioned motor coach. This day will involve walking and climbing steps around historic sites and standing for up to one hour at each site. The total amount of walking today could be up to one and a half miles round trip from the bus car park.
Morning: We will depart by coach to dscover historic Cairo. Led by your Egyptologist, explore Ibn Toulum Mosque, El-Moez Street, and Khan el-Khalili Bazaar. A great example of 9th century mosques, with its unique minaret, is Ibn Toulum Mosque. Covering an area of about six acres and located in the heart of Islamic Cairo District, El-Moez street is one of the richest streets with Islamic architecture still existing. Khan el-Khalili Bazaar is the most famous tourist market in Cairo. You will have time to walk around on your own and interact with the locals.
Afternoon: Discover the Hanging Church, St. Sergius Church, and Ben Ezra Synagogue. These all illustrate the intricate relation between religions. Enjoy the rest of the afternoon at leisure.
Dinner: On your own to explore local cuisine.
Activity note: This day includes a flight and a very early start. The drive from the hotel to the airport will take at least one hour by air conditioned motor coach through traffic in Cairo. In Luxor, there is less traffic and a shorter distance to drive. Today's activities will involve walking around historic sites and climbing steps. The terrain is uneven and rough and it could take up to 50 minutes standing at each site in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade.
Morning: Early transfer by coach to the Cairo Airport for flight to Luxor. Upon arrival in Luxor, we will travel by coach to board the ship for lunch and check in.
Afternoon: We will depart by coach to explore the Karnak and Luxor Temples led by your Egyptologist. The Karnak Temple Complex was the center of the ancient Egyptian civilization for centuries. The Luxor Temple is an ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to the god Amun-Ra and contains Christian, Roman, Greek, and Muslim influences. Afterward, we will return to the ship.
Activity note: The drive from the East to the West Bank of the River Nile will take at least 30 minutes by air conditioned motor coach. This day involves walking two miles around historic sites such as the Valley of the Kings and the various tombs including Tut Ankh Amun Tomb. The terrain is hilly and there are up to 25 steps at the tombs to take in one direction and back, and it could take up to 30 minutes standing at each site in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade.
Morning: We will depart by coach for our explorations. We will begin at Habu Temple where there will be a presentation on the ongoing new discoveries and digs in Egypt led by a university professor. Afterward, led by your Egyptologist, discover the West Bank Valley of the Kings, King Tut Tomb, Hatshepsut, and Memnon. The West Bank Valley of the Kings was used as the royal burial place for about 400 years. Enjoy the tombs of the famous kings of ancient Egypt with their great carvings and magnificent colors. The Hatshepsut Temple was one of the very few temples of Egypt to be dedicated and built by a woman. It has a unique modern architecture that made it difficult to believe its age. The Colossi of Memnon are two giant statues standing at the edge of the desert separating the old from the new. Afterward, we will return to the barge by coach.
Afternoon: We will depart for Luxor Library where a professor will lead a presentation discussing the Opet Festival and the ongoing restoration work of Luxor. We will then return to the ship where you will have time to relax before dinner.
Activity note: Today's activities include walking around historic sites and a ride on horse drawn carriages (this could be substituted by bus ride). The terrain is uneven and there are up to 25 steps to climb at the entrance and ten at the exit. It could take up to two hours standing at each site in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade. The total amount of walking today would be up to one and a half miles round trip from the car park.
Morning: Led by your Egyptologist, explore Edfu Temple. The Horus Temple at Edfu, dedicated to the Falcon God Horus, is one of the largest in Egypt.
Afternoon: We will continue or exploration with a visit to Kom Ombo. Dedicated to the Gods Sobek and Haeroris, Kom Ombo was built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the second century BCE. Several hundred crocodile mummies were uncovered during initial excavations.
Activity note: Today's activities include climbing approximately 40 steps and the terrain is uneven and hilly. It could take up to one hour standing at each site in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade. The total amount of walking today could be up to half a mile round trip from the bus car park. There are up to 20 steps at the dock and on the Felucca ride.
Morning: Led by your Egyptologist, explore the sites of Aswan; visit Philae, High Dam and the unfinished Obelisk. Philae is known as the temple of romance and was dedicated to the great goddess Isis. It is also located on an island in the middle of a man-made lake. Completed in 1970, the dam has proved both beneficial and detrimental to Egypt. While the dam’s construction has been integral in generating electricity, erosion, poor silt deposition, and a slew of other environmental problems have developed.
Afternoon: Enjoy the uniquely Egyptian sailing experience on the Nile on a Felucca. Feluccas are sailboats that have been used on the Nile for decades and are made with a traditional design as well as with broad canvas sails. Essentially, the craft is reliant on wind-power with no motor, and are dependent upon the wind factor to propel forth. Afterwards, enjoy some time to relax before dinner.
Activity note: Today's activities will involve some steps and the terrain is uneven and rough. It could take up to one and a half hours standing in hot conditions and under the sun with no shade. The total amount of walking today could be up to one and a half miles round trip from the bus car park.
Morning: We will check out and disembark the ship for Aswan Airport for the flight to Abu Simbel. Led by your Egyptologist, spend the morning exploring the Abu Simbel Temple. Carved out of bedrock by King Ramses II, it is said that it should be the 8th wonder of the world. We will then return to the airport for the flight to Cairo.
Lunch: A box lunch will be provided before the flight.
Afternoon: We will depart by coach to the airport for the flight to Cairo via Aswan. Upon arrival, we will transfer to the hotel for check-in.
Morning: Early morning transfer to the Cairo International Airport for flights home. If you are returning home, safe travels. If you are staying on independently, have a wonderful time. If you are transferring to another Road Scholar program, detailed instructions are included in your Information Packet for that program. We hope you enjoy Road Scholar learning adventures and look forward to having you on rewarding programs in the future.
Cairo-Pyramids Hotel is located on the footsteps of the Pyramids of Giza.
The Hilton Alexandria Corniche is located a short distance from popular Alexandria attractions, shopping, and dining options. It features a private beach, which can be reached via a complimentary shuttle service.
Located in the heart of the city centre facing the River Nile the Semiramis InterContinental is close to the Egyptian Museum, the Cairo Opera House and the Cairo Tower. The Citadel, Old Cairo, downtown shops and the commercial centre are nearby. The Giza Pyramids and Cairo International Airport 25 km (16 miles) away are easily accessed. | 2019-04-23T09:59:02Z | https://www.stridetravel.com/trips/road-scholar/beyond-the-pharaohs-egypt-past-and-present |
I have a secret talent. It has been passed on to ladies of my family for generations. Since women made beautiful dresses from flour sacks, we've been teaching this important skill to our daughters. Its the talent of illusion, making things look fabulous and effortless to the untrained eye. Turning a sow's ear into a silk purse- or at least something that looks like a silk purse.
The other day, I posted about my husband's car accident and I had a lot of really wonderful people sending prayers, well-wishes and the like but I got a lot of flack from it on my facebook page too, because people don't see past the illusion. At first I was upset, honestly. This has been an indescribably bad year for my family and although I don't talk about it, we've struggled for a long time. But after I thought about it, I have to say I'm kind of flattered that people think that I really have it all under control and everything here is just pin curls and pretty dresses. That's my talent- making everything appear effortless and glamorous when it's not.
Today I wanted to talk about the truthful, un-pretty side of my life that you don't see and share my tips for looking expensive on a shoe string budget.
The truth is, we're just like a lot of American families. We lived well below the poverty level most of my life. We had food stamps, we went to free clinics in church basements when we were sick, visited the food pantry once a month. Broke, baby! Now that we're adults with kids of our own, we know how to do those things if we need to. But hey, we make it work and we're happy. We still go out and have fun, we get the bills paid and life is really beautiful. It's not easy but this is what I do. Stretch every dollar and get creative. You can do it too!
Thrift- First, become one with your local thrift store. Even tiny towns in the middle of no where usually have a good little thirft or junk store. My mom's town has one where I've bought blouses and bakelite for a quarter! Shop resale stores, garage sales, estate sales, etc. You won't believe the treasures you can find! Kids grow so fast too, so 99% of my kids clothes are thrifted or hand me downs. The only new items that I buy for my family are socks, shoes and underwear, although on occasion I do find some shoes that still have the tags for a few bucks. Expensive looking rhinestone jewelry, nice vintage handbags and coats can be found at many of these places for very little money. Also troll your local craigslist, check ebay and other sites looking for large collections. I've bought most of my vintage dresses from a local warehouse sale for $2-$6 each.
Stick to the budget I also stick to a very strict rule- I never spend more than $30 on a dress and even then, $30 is a hell of a splurge for me! Also be smart and shop online sales. I fell in love with this Tatyana dress on Modcloth but at over $100, I could never afford it on my budget. They had a big 50% off sale and I had a 20% off coupon from another sale I shopped with them- 70% off, yes please!
Swap with friends- I've also done a few vintage swaps with friends. We each grab a priority box and toss in clothes and accessories that the other may like and mail them off to each other. Some of my favorite things came from swap boxes. Another friend of mine doesn't have a lot of vintage but she has small kids so she sends hand me downs for my kids and I send her vintage! My son's winter coat this year was from one of her boxes.- that alone saved my family $30!
Our little vintage home is completely decorated in vintage furniture and home decor and none of it from a vintage store or antique shop. My beautiful vanity and stool was a hand me down from my grandma. Our tv was free because it was broken but Pj took it apart and replaced broken parts to get it working and only spent $18. If you look hard enough and dig deep, you can find beautiful things for a fraction of the price of new things. Next time you need something, stop at 2-3 thrift stores or do a day of garage sale shopping before buying it new and see what you can find. I found these two vintage side tables at a garage sale, $30 for the set and our vintage dinette table $20 at the thirft store. All of our dishes, silverware and kitchen gadgets are thrift store and garage sale buys, including the pyrex, vintage china and coffee maker.
Don't underestimate the dollar store and overstock stores like Big Lots. There, you can find inexpensive picture frames, plastic food containers, simple dishes, nail polish, towels, toiletries and cleaning supplies. Sure, you can find those things at Wal-Mart and Target but if you can cut the price by half, why not?
I love to see the beautiful makeup drawers of the girls who shop at MAC and Sephora every week but holy moly, ladies, I dont know how you do it! Since I was old enough to buy makeup, I really only buy drug store brands. I did splurge once on a MAC lipstick a few years ago and it was pretty wonderful but honestly, my Wet n' Wild suits me just fine!
NYX- oh I love all things from NYX. It's MAC quality at ELF prices. Try the liquid liner, eye shadows and matte lipsticks to start!
ELF- ELF products are hit or miss but when they're a buck, I go ahead and try them out. They have some great little brushes from $1-$3 each, decent pencil liners and such. Their lipsticks were not great for me but I did get a chunky gloss pencil from them that I love!! I wear the ELF brow kit daily.
Wet n' Wild- Wet n' Wild matte lipsticks are some of my favorite. They're affordable and nicely pigmented in all of the colors of Besame vintage lipsticks. They're about $3 each.
Maybelline- The original mascara brand and one that hasn't failed me since I was 14. I love Maybelline Full n' Soft mascara and since I've found it, I've never found another I love more.
Search for Dupes- a "dupe" in the makeup world is a cheap makeup that is the same color and formula of high end brands. If you have a high end product that you love but wish you could spend less on, do a Google search for the dupe! My best dupe is Revlon Colorstay foundation, which is the perfect alternative to MAC Matchmaster at 50% less!
Buy Swatched makeup- my make-up addict friends often buy a palette or product just to rub a swatch on their arm to see if they like the color. It doesn't work for whatever reason and they never use it again! A few months ago, I bought my first Too Faced eyeshadows- the matte eye collection from a lady who just swatched it. It was about $5 less than the brand new price and arrived looking like it had never been touched. Check facebook for groups that sell or swap swatched makeup. I also had some swatched Stila makeup sent to me from a friend in a swap box.
Use Coupons- Keep an eye on the mail box and the Sunday paper for those coupon mailers because they often have coupons for good drug store brands. Also hop over to Target.com to print cosmetics coupons for this week. Stock up on coupons for razors, shave gel, lotion and hair products. You can get sunblock for basically nothing in the summer when you have coupons!
Discount Stores- Food is an area that can be tricky but once you learn the tricks, you'll save a fortune on your grocery bill! My big trick is I buy most of my groceries from Aldi or a local discount grocer, Save-a-Lot. Aldi is big now but when I was a baby, back when it was uncool to shop at Aldi and people thought their food fell off the back of a truck, my mom shopped at Aldi! It cracks me up that so many people are just discovering the wonder of awesome, imported, cheap food. I can easily feed my family of 4, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for less than $60 per week at Aldi. What they don't have, I can usually find at Save-a-Lot. Aldi has gluten free, organic, all natural "fancy" foods now too so if you have special dietary needs, you can find a lot of things for less. I splurged on some organic wildflower honey last week and it's delish. They have specialty cheeses, imported chocolate and their produce has been much nicer than the junk I've bought at other big chain stores. If you like Trader Joe's, pop into Aldi, they're owned by the same company- just bring a quarter for the shopping carts.
Grow your Own- Other tricks to save on groceries are some that we may not all have the time to do but if you do, try it and see how you like it! We plant a decent veggie garden with all of our family favorites- cucumber, squash, herbs, tomatoes and peppers. We freeze or can what we can't eat and enjoy throughout the off season.
Make it from Scratch- I started making my own tortillas and bread recently, which does take extra time but saves a little money here and there. They taste fantastic and the kids have fun helping me, so its a win!
Lights- Saving money on utilities is easier than I ever thought. It begins with one simple habit- turn off the lights! I was crazy about the light switch for a month and lowered our electric bill by $15. Next, we started shutting down computers, hitting power strips at night and insulating our home. It went down even more.
Heating and Cooling- This summer, I tried an experiment. I set our thermostat to a reasonable 70-ish degrees and promised myself to not touch it for a week. Somehow, we stayed cool enough to be comfortable without keeping the house at arctic temperatures. We put up plastic window sheeting in the winter, since our old house is poorly insulated and I sewed some little things to stick under the door to keep the draft out. Use fans to stay cool and rely on socks and sweaters to keep as toasty as you like. Curtains and storm windows make a big difference for those drafty old windows too.
Wash and Dry- If it's nice out (and your city allows it) hang clothes to dry outside, if you have a few minutes to do it. If your city or neighborhood doesn't allow clothes lines, you can use collapsing clothes drying racks indoors or if you have a basement, string a clothesline indoors. I don't dry everything this way but delicates, vintage dresses, sheets and such are nice to line dry. If you have a dishwasher and rely on it often, try washing dishes by hand for a month to see if it cuts down that electric bill a little bit. We don't have a dishwasher in my little 1930s home but I turn on some music or stream a movie on Netflix while I wash dishes by hand and it makes the chore fly by. Reward yourself with some pretty smelling hand lotion when you're done!
No Cable TV- We haven't had cable tv since we lived at home with our parents and we haven't missed it a bit. We use Netflix, free shows on Hulu and hopefully soon, we'll subscribe to Amazon Prime. All of these services amount to about $8 per month for a streaming subscription and we never run out of things to watch. YouTube also has some old shows and documentaries to watch for free. Sure, we don't watch the news but you can stream live events online and catch up on important reads with the internet or an old fashioned newspaper.
Going Out- If you like to go out, check your local events calendar for festivals, free movies in the park, concerts and plays. You can get deals on movie tickets by seeing matinees and in the winter, many theaters give free movie tickets for bringing in canned goods for food drives. Pack a picnic, go walk around the mall and see how much fun you can have without spending any money. We are lucky to live in St Louis where our museums and zoo are all free!
This week, we took the kids to see Santa at Bass Pro, which we do every year. Skip the long lines at the malls and expensive photos. Bass Pro does a free photo with Santa, crafts and coloring and if you go during the week, the lines are short.
Small towns have movie lights at the library, plays at the local schools, county fairs and auctions for fun. If you're in a big city, grab a newspaper or locally published magazine and see what's coming up.
Do you have a library card? I'm surprised at how many people don't go to the library. You can borrow all of the books known to man kind, a huge selection of movies, magazines, music and they even have free story time and sign-up crafts for the kids.
Movie Night at Home- Last winter, we started having "family movie night" where we pop popcorn on the stove and watch a movie on netflix all together one night per week. It's a big treat that we all really look forward to and it doesn't cost much at all. Sometimes we do soda, sometimes just lemonade at home and if we've all really behaved, we get dollar store candy too!
I could spend a fortune on craft supplies, if I was allowed. Before I got married, I racked up my credit card mostly from buying fabric and trim for sewing! Now, I learned to shop smarter and still have supplies for the things I love to do. Search thrift stores, garage sales, craigslist and the like for fabric, buttons, yarn lots and random craft supplies for the kids. Curtains or sheets could make a great dress. We have a few shops in the area that sell left-over craft supplies at very discounted rates. Crafters bring in their bits of yarn, plastic canvas, fabric and patterns that they won't be using and people fill up a bag for a set fee. Search your area for spots like this that cater to girl scouts and teachers or organize a craft supply swap among friends. The dollar store sells scissors, glue, glitter, pom poms and googly eyes for the kids and don't forget those 50% off coupons for the craft store! Shop remnant racks for fabric too.
Rewards Cards- If you absolutely must buy something new, don't do it if you don't have a coupon or if it's not on sale. I coupon like crazy on the necessities. Thankfully, we don't buy a lot of diapers anymore, since our little fella only wears them at night but when we did, we always used a coupon. Walgreens and CVS have great diaper deals, usually. My husband often got packs buy one get one 50% off or buy one get one free with his Walgreens rewards card.
Coupons- Some stores allow you to stack coupons, meaning, you can use say...a target coupon for Garnier shampoo and if you have a manufacturer's coupon from Garnier, you can use both coupons on one product. If you can get food at Aldi or discount grocers, food coupons aren't usually very helpful so I skip those but I do use coupons for things like shampoo, makeup, hair products and toilet paper. The best way to find the great deals is to check The Krazy Coupon Lady. She will tell you which coupon to bring and where to go. Sometimes, you even get cash back or free items with a coupon. If you have coupons that you wont be using, it's always nice to leave them next to the items on sale for the next couponing lady to find!
Scheduled Mark Downs- Another big secret is regular markdowns. Target is so good for things like this. Just go to All Things Target for the regular markdown schedule. Don't buy that $20 cardigan. Hold off and get it when it's 60% off instead!
Did you know that Target has a huge, unadvertised toy clearance? I just learned about it this year and at the time, didn't have the money to shop but now that I know, I'll be hitting it next year! In January and the end of July, Target marks toys down 30-70% off. I took a peek in July and they had big Barbie houses, electronic toys and all of the expensive stuff that we wish we could afford marked on clearance.
photo editing- In the beginning, I used Photoscape and I still use it 5 years later. It's free, easy to use and turns out pretty great results. In the past 2 or 3 years I also started using Picmonkey. Picmonkey has a free or paid subscription. I really use the paid functions just about every day so I subscribed and split the annual $33 fee with a friend who uses it daily also.
blog design- It's really very easy to design your own blog, once you poke around for tutorials for a while. I've designed my blog myself for years. Recently, I decided to try a pre-made template from 17th Avenue Designs on etsy. I customized this template myself and I love the result!
cameras- Don't feel the need to go buy a big expensive camera. You can do so many great things with your phone or a basic point and shoot. Read the manual and get to know your camera and you'll get great results. I finally bought a DSLR last year, on sale during Christmas.
scanners- Any big office purchases are made less expensive during back to school season or the holidays.
internet- shop around for internet service providers to get a reasonable rate. Talk to the customer service reps to see what kind of service you really need for what you do. We used to pay around $80 for service but switched to a different provider (Clear) and now only pay $49 per month with no extra fees.
office supplies- I love office supplies! Pretty pens, sticky notes, notebooks for making lists and washi tape...ugh I love it!! I avoid blowing hubby's paycheck on gel pens by shopping for office supplies at the dollar store or overstock stores. Also check those crazy awesome sales at Walgreens and stock up during back to school season.
Do you have any tricks to share for looking good and spending less?
This is so great! It actually makes me feel a lot less weird, because I do a lot of these things, too! It can be very easy to get caught up in the crazy, money-dropping excess of the vintage lifestyle, and it can be almost frustrating when looking online at the people who, seemingly, seem to have money to buy and do anything they want. While that's probably true that many people have that much money, I'm sure there are far more that, like you, have learned the art of looking expensive on a budget. Things aren't always what they seem!
Great tips! I try and live a green life and that and saving money go hand-in-hand most of the time. I make my own cleaners, repair things instead of buying new when possible, I don't use paper towels, I use reusable containers in place of baggies or plastic wrap, our heater is set to 67 and our A/C is 75 during the day and 72 at night, all of these things add up!
Thank you for sharing your household tips. You always look amazing in your pictures. The fact that you are creative and frugal is all the more inspiring!
Great post. Some of the tips were familiar to me but so many of them were new! Never even heard of the picture things for blogging. Definitely going to give that a go very soon.
My favorite tip is to "MacGuyver" using whatever is around your house. I have a really quick turn around between shows and new costumes can get expensive. I made a pair of tear away pants last week and didn't spend a cent on them just by looking around my house. I happened to have all of the materials I needed!
A lot of people would be surprised with just how much they can do if they look around for materials. Pinterest is FULL of ideas!
I was a thrifter from way back (we were the ones that started calling it "vintage" in the 70s), and sewed throughout my teens and twenties to upgrade my wardrobe on a shoestring budget. Even though my family is comfortable now that I'm in my 50s, I'm still buying my luxury items on Ebay and stitching up Chanel-style jackets for a 10th of the price. I'd rather have things that are unique!
Great article! These are all great tips, and I've been implementing some of them for awhile, too (three cheers for Aldi!). I'm a NYX girl, too, and ELF is a lifesaver (I love their $3 waterproof mascara, if you haven't tried it).
Great tip about the library. Oftentimes classic films can be hard to find on Netflix, but the local library usually has some obscure titles available. Also, a Hulu Plus subscription includes hundreds of Criterion Collection films for about $11 a month. I love that!
Brittany, wow, thank you for writing such an in-depth, heartfelt, thorough, and very relatable post. I think a lot of people assume the same sorts of things about me, too, but in reality, things are a million miles from perfect and we are perpetually on an uber tight budget (that's not helped by my extensive medical and medication bills every month, nor the fact that my health prevents me from holding down a 9-5 type of job and bringing in a serious pay cheque from having that kind of employment).
We watch every dollar we spend, are far from in an ideal spot economically, and yet are usually happy and content with a lot of things (at least when we're not talking about our financial situation). Money is important, but it isn't everything and that's something our foremothers and fathers knew better than most these days, if you ask me.
This post should be required reading for the whole world - bloggers and non-bloggers alike. Few us have it all in reality and even if we're well on the way there, our lives can only be enriched by consistently making smart economic choices (as my husband is very fond of saying, wealthy people don't stay that way by spending their money like it's water).
Again, props on penning this excellent post and for calling things like they are.
I read vintage blogs, and the way people talk about their "cheap" 30 dollar dresses, I admit I gave into envy and all that.
I make my dresses from thrift store sheets, mourn that ALDI isn't in my current city, only buy ELF and wet n wild makeup, and use the most basic cloth diapers, try to hang dry my laundry as much as possible, etc.
I have a lot to be thankful for, the best husband in the world and 3 awesome babies, and by the mercy of God no health problems for any of us.
But the last 4 years have had their stresses too---job loss, my poor husband having a near-mental breakdown from a nightmarish job, a ton of fruitless job searching, no health insurance and then a really awesome free Christian clinic came through, having to go on medicaid for my pregnancies, and now living with in laws to make ends meet while my husband goes back to school to beef up his resume a bit.
Thanks for all the tips! And its good remembering, if life were too easy it would be boring.
And from Fiddler on the Roof "And if our good fortune never comes, here's to whatever comes! To life!"
I do have certain areas where I find it hard to stick to budget, and my husband has never had to before now (carless, single, servers working at high end restaurants conveniently don't have a lot of expenses or responsibilities), but I'm super persnickety about keeping the lights off when I don't need them, we don't have a dishwasher, I hang dry as much laundry as possible, we don't have cable, I don't have a smart phone, I hardly ever drive, make all of our bread and yogurt myself, and I keep the thermostat at 70 or 75 in summer and 62-65 in the winter. It goes a long way to being able to treat ourselves to a nice dinner periodically.
Thanks for all these tips, dear friend. Many of these tips are not applicable to my country, but still ... you are so inspiring!
Brittany, I love your blog because I your real self shows in every post. You don't try to be someone you are not,. You are a real person and that what makes this blog so sincere. I hope the best for you and your family and may 2015 bring you blessings and good fortune!
It hasn't been that long ago that my husband and I were also struggling to make ends meet. To lose your car - and maybe nearly your life - just before Christmas must be quite a blow. These challenges are always rough to get through, but pinching pennies all along helps lessen the impact. Thank you, Brittany, for all of your always timely suggestions!
I'd like to suggest to all of your readers that if you feel uncomfortable donating to Go Fund Me, and if you are able, you could help by buying something from Brittany's Wacky Tuna site on Etsy. It might be too late to receive her items before Christmas, but I see plenty of things that would be great for New Years or Valentine's Day.
This post came at high time for me, darling!
It has been quite a year for me, and times are (sorry to say it on this day, but is so) tough - and require some "belt-tightinening" on every field. I like your ideas, I use them daily.. since, so many things tend to steal-away your cash without you ever knowing it. One must be weary of the hidden thieves! | 2019-04-23T09:51:47Z | http://www.vavoomvintage.net/2014/12/looking-effortlessly-expensive-on-shoe.html |
Objective To summarise the benefits and harms of ischaemic conditioning on major clinical outcomes in various settings.
Data sources Medline, Embase, Cochrane databases, and International Clinical Trials Registry platform from inception through October 2015.
Study selection All randomised controlled comparisons of the effect of ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes were included.
Data extraction Two authors independently extracted data from individual reports. Reports of multiple intervention arms were treated as separate trials. Random effects models were used to calculate summary estimates for all cause mortality and other pre-specified clinical outcomes. All cause mortality and secondary outcomes with P<0.1 were examined for study quality by using the GRADE assessment tool, the effect of pre-specified characteristics by using meta-regression and Cochran C test, and trial sequential analysis by using the Copenhagen Trial Unit method.
Results 85 reports of 89 randomised comparisons were identified, with a median 80 (interquartile range 60-149) participants and median 1 (range 1 day-72 months) month intended duration. Ischaemic conditioning had no effect on all cause mortality (68 comparisons; 424 events; 11 619 participants; risk ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.80 to 1.16; P=0.68; moderate quality evidence) regardless of the clinical setting in which it was used or the particular intervention related characteristics. Ischaemic conditioning may reduce the rates of some secondary outcomes including stroke (18 trials; 5995 participants; 149 events; risk ratio 0.72, 0.52 to 1.00; P=0.048; very low quality evidence) and acute kidney injury (36 trials; 8493 participants; 1443 events; risk ratio 0.83, 0.71 to 0.97; P=0.02; low quality evidence), although the benefits seem to be confined to non-surgical settings and to mild episodes of acute kidney injury only.
Conclusions Ischaemic conditioning has no overall effect on the risk of death. Possible effects on stroke and acute kidney injury are uncertain given methodological concerns and low event rates. Adoption of ischaemic conditioning cannot be recommended for routine use unless further high quality and well powered evidence shows benefit.
Ischaemic conditioning—the induction of cyclic, non-lethal ischaemia to vascular beds around the time of the ischaemic insult—has been advocated as a means of mitigating the effects of injury including myocardial ischaemia, acute kidney injury, and stroke. It has been studied in many clinical settings, including ischaemic heart disease, stroke, cardiac surgery, transplantation, and acute kidney injury, and many potentially beneficial outcomes have been examined.
The discovery of ischaemia-reperfusion injury in myocytes in 1960 led to the development of experimental models showing that myocardial infarct size could be reduced by antecedent periods of non-lethal myocardial ischaemia.1 2 This concept was then extended by reports that inducing ischaemia in remote vascular beds (such as the kidney and small bowel) and post-insult ischaemic conditioning could similarly reduce ischaemia-reperfusion injury and myocardial infarct size.3 4 5 Although the actual mechanism of any benefit remains unclear,6 it is considered a potentially useful therapy in moderating the effects of ischaemia-reperfusion injury, especially at the time of surgery, in several organs.
The effect of ischaemic conditioning has been most widely studied in cardiovascular surgery, with some guidelines supporting its use during bypass surgery, but it has potential benefits in many other forms of ischaemic injury.7 Much of the evidence for benefit relies on effects on biomarkers and surrogate endpoints such as troponin and creatine kinase, rather than clinical endpoints. Trials that use clinical outcomes and are large enough to minimise false positive results are uncommon, leaving the clinical role of ischaemic conditioning unclear. We aimed to systematically review the evidence to assess whether ischaemic conditioning reduces important adverse clinical outcomes including all cause mortality and cardiovascular and renal events.
We did a systematic review of the literature according to the Preferred Reporting in Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.8 We identified relevant trials by using a predefined search strategy (supplementary table A) of Medline (1966 to October 2015), Embase (1980 to October 2015), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials database (Central), the International Standard Registered Clinical/social sTudy Number (ISRCTN), the International Clinical Trials Registry platform (ICTRP), and the trials listed on ClinicalTrials.gov. We also manually reviewed reference lists of relevant reports. We screened titles and abstracts initially, followed by a full text review of eligible trials. We contacted lead authors of abstracts to request additional information where needed.
Randomised controlled trials that investigated the treatment effects of ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in adults or children were eligible for inclusion. All permutations of ischaemic conditioning strategies were included, including central and remote ischaemic conditioning and pre-procedural and post-procedural use of the intervention. We defined central ischaemic conditioning as the direct occlusion of a major vessel supplying the organ of interest and remote ischaemic conditioning as brief periods of ischaemia applied to a limb supplying a distant vascular bed. We defined pre-procedural and post-procedural conditioning as the application of ischaemia before or after the procedure or surgery of interest. If trials used more than one modality of ischaemic conditioning, we treated them as two separate trials with the control group divided evenly.9 Eligibility was restricted to articles using English as the language of publication.
Two independent investigators (LS and DH) extracted data on baseline characteristics of participants, characteristics of studies, and outcomes. Disagreements were resolved through discussions or referral to a third investigator (MJ).
We assessed the methodological quality of each study by using the Cochrane Bias Methods Group tool.11 We summarised confidence in the evidence by using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system using GRADEpro GDT (supplementary table C).12 The GRADE system assesses risk of bias, imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness of study results, and publication bias (assessing each as high, moderate, low, or very low) across the body of evidence to derive an overall summary of the quality of evidence.
Results are expressed as risk ratios with 95% confidence intervals obtained by a random effects model using the DerSimonian and Laird method.13 Where zero counts existed for an outcome in one arm of a trial, we added a value of 0.5 to permit meta-analysis. Where zero counts existed for an outcome in both arms of a trial, we omitted the trial from the analysis of that outcome according to Cochrane principles.11 However, we did sensitivity tests that included these trials by adding the value of 0.5 to each zero event arm,14 but we report them in this paper only if they altered the results. We used the I2 test to estimate heterogeneity across trials, with P<0.1 being considered significant.
We preselected defined factors to analyse for potential heterogeneous effects on the clinical outcomes on the basis of their clinical importance for the primary outcome. These included participants’ characteristics (mean age, proportion of male patients in the study, proportion of patients with diabetes in the study, paediatric or adult population), characteristics of ischaemic conditioning (ischaemic time per cycle, central or remote stimulus, upper or lower limb stimulus, pre-procedural or post-procedural ischaemic conditioning), characteristics of procedural setting (procedure for cardiac or non-cardiac condition, surgical or non-surgical setting, specific setting, use of volatile or non-volatile anaesthetic), and characteristics of study design (sample size, follow-up period, use of placebo or sham procedure as control, use of single verse multiple criteria for diagnosis of myocardial ischaemia).10 We used meta-regression to analyse continuous variables. We analysed categorical variables by using the Cochran C test, with trials weighted with the inverse variance method (a fixed effects model).
We assessed the potential for small study effects (“publication bias”) affecting the primary outcome by using the Harbord and Peters methods and depicted this graphically with a funnel plot.15 16 We applied trial sequential analysis to find the required statistical information to detect a real difference between ischaemic conditioning and control groups.17 18 We used information from our meta-analysis (effect size, prevalence of outcome, heterogeneity across studies, and variance) to calculate the heterogeneity adjusted statistical information (power=0.8; α=0.05) and used this to derive the required sample size assuming that future studies would have similar characteristics to those found in our meta-analysis. We used Stata/MP 14 and Trial Sequential Analysis 0.9 Beta (Copenhagen Trial Unit, Copenhagen, Denmark) software for statistical analyses.
We identified 85 reports involving 13 800 participants. Three reports included two intervention groups and one control group,19 20 21 and one report included two intervention groups and two control groups,22 resulting in the analysis of 89 trial cohorts. The 89 trial cohorts had a median of 80 participants (interquartile range 60-149) (table 1⇓; supplementary figure A and table D). Cardiac conditions requiring surgery (43 trials) was the most common clinical setting, followed by percutaneous coronary interventions (21 trials).
Central and remote ischaemic conditioning were investigated in 32 (36%) and 57 (64%) trials respectively. Pre-conditioning and post-conditioning were investigated in 68 (76%) and 21 (24%) trials respectively. Of the 65 trials conducted in settings requiring anaesthesia, volatile anaesthetic agents were used in 34 (54%), non-volatile agents were used in 13 (20%), and the type of agent was not reported in 17 (26%). A placebo procedure was performed in the control arm in 49 (55%) trials. Intended duration of follow-up was not specified in five trials, and the remainder were designed for a median duration of one month (range 1 day to 72 months). Trials were assessed as being at high or unclear risk of bias for 27-69% of evaluated trial quality parameters (supplementary figure B).
Ischaemic conditioning did not affect the risk of all cause mortality (68 trials; 11 619 participants; 424 events; risk ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.80 to 1.16; P=0.68), with moderate quality evidence according to GRADE assessment (fig 1⇓; supplementary table C).
Ischaemic conditioning may reduce the risk of acute kidney injury (36 trials; 8493 participants; 1443 events; risk ratio 0.83, 0.71 to 0.97; P=0.02), with low quality evidence according to GRADE assessment. When we analysed these results according to the stricter AKIN classification, the effect seemed to diminish with increasing severity of acute kidney injury (fig 2⇑; supplementary figures F1-4; supplementary table C).
Ischaemic conditioning did not reduce the risk of arrhythmias (27 trials; 6689 participants; 1380 events; risk ratio 0.90, 0.76 to 1.06; P=0.19) or transplant function: primary graft non-function (six trials; 426 participants; 22 events; risk ratio 0.69, 0.33 to 1.43; P=0.31) and delayed graft function (four trials; 266 participants; 10 events; risk ratio 0.45, 0.10 to 2.04; P=0.30) (fig 2⇑; supplementary figures G-I).
For the primary outcome of all cause mortality and myocardial infarction, we found no suggestion of benefit across any of the pre-defined subgroups. There was a suggestion of increased benefit for ischaemic conditioning in non-surgical settings for stroke and acute kidney injury. Trials of proximal compared with distal ischaemic conditioning protocols were more likely to report a benefit for acute kidney injury. We found no evidence that trial quality parameters increased the likelihood of benefit being reported for ischaemic conditioning, with the exception of smaller sample size (figures 3-6⇓; supplementary table E).
No statistical evidence of small study bias generally existed, although we found ambiguous results for stroke (no evidence of bias according to Harbord’s modified test (P=0.68) but evidence according to Peters’ test (P=0.01)) (supplementary table F; supplementary figure J).
Trial sequential analysis incorporating the characteristics of the currently reported trials, such as heterogeneity found among studies, showed that to confirm the relevant effect sizes seen in this analyses as true estimates of effect, future trials would need to include approximately a further 18 000 mortality events, 1400 myocardial infarctions, 650 strokes, and 980 episodes of acute kidney injury. Assuming that event rates were similar to those of existing trials, such an exercise would require the enrolment of an additional 490 000 participants for the total evidence to be powered to conclusively show a benefit for mortality, 17 000 to show a benefit for myocardial infarction, 25 000 to show a benefit for stroke, and 6200 to show a benefit for acute kidney injury.
These results are novel in the aggregation of data from many clinical settings, but the importance of this approach is seen in the effective ruling out of the possibility of a detectable mortality benefit from ischaemic conditioning. In addition, it highlights the remaining uncertainty about the potential benefit for the outcomes of myocardial infarction, stroke, and acute kidney injury, such that these outcomes clearly need to be the focus of future work. The ongoing 61 recruiting trials of ischaemic conditioning registered on the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform will increase the number of study participants by 4270 if completed as planned. Our trial sequential analysis shows that, assuming these ongoing trials record the same event rates as the published trials, they will recruit only two thirds of the additional participants needed to provide future meta-analyses with the power to confirm the benefit observed for acute kidney injury and an even smaller proportion of the number required to confirm a benefit for stroke or myocardial infarction.
Despite many more combined major adverse cardiovascular events being available for analysis than for the individual components (stroke, myocardial infarction), the summary effect for this outcome was smaller than the individual components. The combined cardiovascular events analysis is dominated by recent large, high quality trials, whereas the effects for the individual components of myocardial infarction and stroke were mostly generated by reports from smaller trials. In addition, definitions of these individual outcomes were variable or not available, and adjudication was not routinely performed, potentially increasing the risk of bias with the individual components compared with the combined cardiovascular events outcome.
Our ability to examine overall heterogeneity for some outcomes, including mortality, was limited by the large number of small trials with few events and wide confidence intervals. Nevertheless, it provides additional insights that may inform the design of future studies. Trials that did not use a placebo procedure in the control arm were more likely to report benefit, further suggesting that the existing literature might overstate benefits. We saw indications of greater benefit in non-surgical trials compared with surgical trials, at least for stroke and acute kidney injury. Whether this reflects a true but weak effect that is overwhelmed by the effect of the larger surgical insult or a false positive finding is not immediately clear. However, the use of volatile or non-volatile anaesthetic agents did not affect the likelihood of benefit, contrary to previous hypotheses.25 26 Generally, the characteristics of the intervention did not affect the likelihood of benefit from the intervention, with the possible exception of benefit for acute kidney injury in trials that used central compared with peripheral ischaemic conditioning.
This systematic review and meta-analysis encompasses the full range of clinical settings in which ischaemic conditioning trials have been conducted. Previous reviews have focused on specific settings, most prominently that of cardiac conditions requiring surgery. A recent review examining the effects of remote ischaemic conditioning on myocardial injury biomarkers and clinical outcomes in a meta-analysis of 44 clinical trials found lower incidence rates for myocardial infarction, major cardiac and cerebrovascular events, and all cause mortality but included markedly fewer outcome events than did our analysis,27 and it lacked the benefit of being able to include the recently published, higher quality, large scale trials.28 29 A meta-analysis of 23 trials found no effect on perioperative myocardial infarction (risk ratio 0.69, 0.34 to 1.4) or 30 day mortality (0.91, 0.43 to 1.95).30 The effects of ischaemic conditioning on acute kidney injury are also conflicting. Recent meta-analyses have found borderline effects on the risk of acute kidney injury with remote ischaemic conditioning, but the authors urged caution owing to the widely discrepant definitions used for this outcome.31 32 More broadly, the totality of the evidence summarised for the first time in this systematic review does not provide clear evidence for the benefits of this intervention.
This review included all randomised trials assessing ischaemic conditioning across different delivery strategies and durations in various settings in both adult and paediatric populations. Despite this variation in clinical settings, the biological premise is consistent across these studies—that periods of controlled ischaemia mitigate the severity of injury from pathological ischaemic events. Bringing this data together allows greater precision of estimates of effect but also introduces potential heterogeneity that may cloud the findings. The absence of significant statistical heterogeneity supports this approach, is an important finding itself, and is presented to guide the design of further trials. Some readers may be more interested in potential effects within certain populations and settings or with specific modalities of the intervention. The analyses include these results, although they are inherently of lower power than the overall conclusions. Conclusions drawn from the analyses must additionally be tempered by the heterogeneity of study quality and endpoint definitions, along with the awareness that the pre-specified sources of heterogeneity could not be tested in many trials. The trial sequential analyses are premised on the assumptions that the trial pool contributing to future meta-analyses would have similar characteristics to the current trial pool.
While we await the results of future trials, this sum of evidence does not support a clinically significant effect of ischaemic conditioning on all cause mortality. Ischaemic conditioning may reduce myocardial ischaemia, stroke, and acute kidney injury, although the lack of effect on the composite outcome of major adverse cardiovascular events and attenuation of the acute kidney injury benefit with increasing outcome severity, along with the risk that existing studies have overestimated these potential benefits, raise questions about the true effects on clinical outcomes. Further high quality trials examining the effect of ischaemic conditioning on myocardial ischaemia, stroke, and acute kidney injury, particularly in non-surgical settings, are warranted. In the meantime, the current evidence does not warrant adoption into routine clinical practice.
Contributors: VP, MG and MJ were responsible for the study concept. LS, SVB, MW, MG, and MJ were responsible for study design. SVB was responsible for the literature search. LS and MGH were responsible for study selection. LS and DH were responsible for data extraction. MJ and KR were responsible for statistical analysis. LS, DH, MGW, SVB, KR, MW, VP, XY, GSH, MG, and MJ were responsible for data analysis and interpretation. MG, MJ, and LS were responsible for drafting the manuscript. LS, DH, MGW, SVB, KR, VP, XY, GSH, MG, and MJ were responsible for critical revision of the manuscript. MG is the guarantor.
Funding: There was no specific funding source for this study. LS was supported by an Australian postgraduate award and a George Institute for Global Health postgraduate scholarship. DH is supported by a Youth Science and Technology Creative Research Groups of Sichuan Province scholarship. VP is supported by a senior research fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. MGW was supported by a new investigator award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. MJ was supported by a career development fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia and by the National Heart Foundation.
Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf (available on request from the corresponding author) and declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work other than that described above; no financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work [or describe if any]..
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Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – A slightly later edition of Friends of GT Scholars!
I hope you had a great week and hope you’re looking forward to a fun-filled weekend. We’ve been busy preparing for our new intake which explains why you’re receiving a much much later edition of ‘Friends of GT scholars’ this week!
To tutor or mentor? That is the question!
Anyways, to the point – We’re looking for volunteer tutors and mentors to join us next term. We’d love to hear from you if you can volunteer for one hour a week giving online one-to-one tutoring sessions in Maths or English. Alternatively, you can volunteer for two hours a month mentoring a young person. If you’re passionate about social mobility and would like to help young people reach their goals and raise their aspirations, then please get in touch!
With our second term fast approaching and the huge amount of interest received for our programmes, we’ve had to focus our attention on preparing for the new term and we’ve decided to postpone the Volunteer Meetup until early 2019. Thankfully 2019 is not too far away! We’ll send further details in the new year.
Do you know someone who would like to volunteer?
And finally, if you know of someone in particular who would make a great volunteer tutor or mentor you can refer them to our contact page. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us and we’ll send you some material that you can forward to friends and colleagues.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Join us for our volunteer Meetup!
Good Morning! I hope you had a great week and that your Friday will launch you into a beautiful weekend. But before the weekend kicks off I’d like to share a few things with you.
Join us for our Volunteer Meetup on Thursday evening the 13th of December from 7pm to 9pm and get a chance to meet fellow volunteers and workshop facilitators. You will receive an invitation with all the details shortly. In the meantime, pencil the date in your diary and join our Meetup group to stay up to date with all the details.
Have you heard our alumni’s story?
The Guardian recently published a story about one of our alumni, Micheal Olorode who opened up about the challenges he faces having to work 38 hours a week in order to support his studies. The fourth-year Biomedical student shares his incredible story and also talks about how being on the GT Scholars programme has helped him stay motivated and determined to reach his goals. You can read the full article here. In response, someone has also started a GoFundMe campaign to help Micheal with fees for the final part of his degree course.
Term 2 is fast approaching and will run from January to April 2019. In January we will also launch the Head Start Programme for young people in Years 7 & 8. If you are available to volunteer as a tutor or mentor in Term 2 please let us know by contacting us here and we will get in touch with you once we start the scholar matching process in December.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Could you help raise the aspirations of young people living in care?
Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a good day so far and that you are looking forward to the weekend. Here’s a couple of things I would like to share with you before the weekend begins.
Volunteer as part of the Raising Aspirations Programme!
Did you know that young people living in care are statistically less likely to pursue further education or training after school with just 7% attending university? From January 2019, we will be running the Raising Aspirations Programme, working with Looked After Children between the ages of 13-15 living in the London boroughs of Greenwich and Bromley, giving them a chance to learn key skills, gain mentorship and visit top universities and corporations in London. If you would be interested in volunteering as part of this programme, please get in touch and we’ll share more details on how to get involved!
Volunteer Meetup – Thursday 13th December!
Our next Volunteer Meetup will be on Thursday 13th December from 7-9pm and we hope that you can join us! Our Volunteer Meetups are a great place for our volunteers, trustees and workshop facilitators to meet and mingle! We’ll also be sharing some important updates for the year. If you’re a new volunteer, you are welcome to join us for the meetup. We will email further details in the next few days. Please join our Meetup group here to stay updated with the Meetup details.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Event volunteers needed for 24th November!
Friday rolls over once again and I hope that you will have a great one! In this week’s newsletter, I’d like to tell you about volunteer opportunities at our next event and a new programme for young people in care!
We are hosting a Dragon’s Den Challenge for our scholars next Saturday the 24th of November. The event will take place at Goldsmiths University in New Cross from 10am to 4pm. We are looking for volunteers to join the judging panel or just support as event volunteers. You can volunteer for the full day or for a few hours depending on your availability. Find out more about the event here and let us know if you can help.
We will be launching a programme in January 2019 that specifically focus on working with Looked After Children aged 14-16. The Raising Aspirations Programme is a collaboration between GT Scholars and the boroughs of Greenwich and Bromley. We are looking for volunteers to be part of this programme and help inspire these young people. If this sounds like something that you are interested in, please contact us and we’ll share more details about this programme with you. We’d love to hear back from you!
Nominations for our Scholar Spotlight Series are now open. This series will focus on our top scholars and the progress they’ve made since joining the programme. If you have a scholar that you would like to nominate you can do so by getting in touch and also tell us why you’ve nominated the scholar.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Volunteer at our Dragon’s Den Challenge!
Happy Friday! I hope you had a great week and that you’ve got something fun planned for the weekend. But before the weekend starts I’d like to share a few things with you in this week’s newsletter.
Can you help us at our next event?
We have a few workshops coming up in the next couple of weeks. They will take place on Saturdays and will run from 10am to 4pm. We need volunteers that can help out at our events taking place on the 24th of November as well as the 8th and 15th of December. You do not have to be available for the duration of the event and can only volunteer for a few hours if need be. If you would like to help at this event please let us know by contacting us here. I look forward to hearing from you!
If you are planning your next tutoring or mentoring session and looking for some fresh ideas you might find these websites useful. This website can help mentors plan their sessions and provide a few challenges and exercises for their mentees. Please remember to use these worksheets as guidance and not as the main point of conversation. Tutors can find free teaching resources by visiting the BBC Bitesize website which has plenty of amazing resources available to keep your lessons fresh! Join our active volunteers’ support group to find out more about this new exciting virtual gathering!
If you run a tight schedule but would still like to ‘’pay it forward’’ without the long-term commitment of becoming a volunteer tutor or mentor, we have a few volunteer opportunities for you to consider. If you enjoy writing you can be a guest blogger and write an article for our blog or perhaps you could apply to be a volunteer ambassador and connect us with a company that could help us with venue space or funding. Please feel free to contact us to set up a phone meeting to discuss the details.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Join us for our next Volunteer Meetup!
I hope your week kicked off to a great start and that you are having a good Friday so far. The weekend is almost here and I would just like to tell you about a few things before it officially starts.
We are looking for a School Partnership Manager to join our team. If you have excellent presentation skills and some knowledge and experience working in the education sector, we’d like to hear from you. The School Partnership Manager will be responsible for meeting with school leaders and parents to discuss and pitch our programme as well as deliver presentations at schools across London. You can find out more about this role here or contact us to apply.
It’s almost time for our next Volunteer Meetup! Our Meetups offer you the chance to meet your fellow volunteers and freelancers and also gives us the opportunity to share with you the impact GT Scholars has made in the lives of the young people we work with. We will confirm the details of this Meetup shortly but in the meantime, you are more than welcome to join our Meetup group here – it is a great way to stay updated with the Meetup details.
Term 1 is almost halfway through, with Term 2 starting in just a couple of months. Time sure flies! We would like to find out about your availability to tutor and mentor in the next term. Term 2 will run from January to March 2019 and we will also be launching our Head Start Programme for young people in Years 7 & 8. Online tutoring sessions are normally an hour long and take place once a week and mentoring sessions are about 2hrs long scheduled to take place once a month. If you are available to volunteer in Term 2 please let us know by getting in touch.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Would you be able to help at #GirlMeetsCode?
Good Morning! We hope you’ve had a great week so far and that the upcoming weekend will be a pleasant one! Here is a couple of things we would like to share with you before the weekend break.
Help needed for tomorrow’s event!
We are in need of two more volunteers to help at tomorrow’s event from 9:30am to 12:30pm. The #GirlMeetsCode event will focus on introducing girls aged 11-16 to the world of coding. Event volunteers will help with the initial registration process and support the scholars during the workshop. You don’t have to know anything about coding to help out! We’ve got lunch sorted and we’ll reimburse any travel expenses up to £12 for the day. Please let us know if you are interested and we will get in touch to go through the final details.
We are all connected in some way (6 degrees of separation is pretty much becoming 3 degrees) and that’s why word of mouth is such a powerful tool! You can help us reach more volunteers by connecting us with your company or community group. We will often set up a date to speak to your group and do a short pitch about how they can volunteer with us. If you can help us get connected contact us by confirming the best number and time to reach you on and we’ll get in touch.
With SkillsxChange you can learn awesome new photography skills. You can refine your skills by attending a photography or videography course with SkillsxChange and helping us capture great photos of our enrichment and skill-building events. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone that enjoys photography and wants to learn for free. Please feel free to contact us for more information about this role.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Are you available on Saturday 20th October?
Happy Friday! We hope you had a great week and that you have some exciting plans lined up for the weekend! Before the weekend officially starts, we would like to tell you about a few volunteer opportunities.
We are looking for volunteers to support us at our next event. The #GirlMeetsCode workshop will introduce girls aged 11-16 to the world of coding and will take place on Saturday the 20th of October from 10am-4pm at Launch 22 at Old Street. If you are available to help at this event please get in touch with us for more information about the workshop and how to volunteer.
Another great way to volunteer with us is to contribute to our blog. The blog is a great way to share your ideas with young people and their parents. It’s also a great way to share your thoughts about your industry or career and any lessons you’ve learned that can help our scholars. Have a look at this previous blog entry from one of our volunteers to get an idea of the blogging style. If you don’t have time to write a blog but would still like to contribute, please contact us as we’d be more than happy to co-write the blog with you!
Our Volunteer Spotlight interview series is our way of highlighting the amazing things that our volunteers do and sharing more about their talent, dedication and motivation for volunteering. If you’ve volunteered as a tutor, mentor or helped out at one or more of our events in the past year, we’d love to schedule an interview with you to find out more about your volunteering journey. We will be doing a round of phone calls to find our next set of volunteers for the spotlight series but please feel free to contact us if you’d like to get involved.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Become a volunteer ambassador!
Can you believe it’s Friday yet again? We hope you have exciting plans lined up! But before the weekend begins we would like to let you know about a few things first.
We are currently looking for volunteer ambassadors to help develop partnerships with corporates and universities. If you have access to existing networks of graduates, undergraduates or professionals and you like the idea of using your experience to help us grow as a charity and improve social mobility for young people, then the ambassador role will be the perfect volunteering opportunity for you. Feel free to read more about this role on this blog post or complete the online contact form if you would like to apply.
We need volunteers who are interested in supporting us as facilitators for our series of fun and innovative STEM workshops. If you have previous facilitating experience and are passionate about any of the STEM fields, you can help young people gain more knowledge about the world of STEM and help them to make an informed decision about STEM careers. Feel free to contact us for more information about this volunteer role.
The first workshop for the new academic year, #GirlMeetsCode will be on Saturday the 20th of October and we are looking for volunteers to help on the day. The events team will support with various tasks including welcoming scholars and helping with lunch arrangements. Please get in touch with us if you would like to be part of this exciting event!
GT Scholars is a not-for-profit social enterprise and registered charity. Our after-school tutoring, mentoring and enrichment programme is designed to help young people aged 11-16 achieve their academic and career aspirations. Visit our website if you’d like to know more about the GT Scholars Programme and how you can make a significant difference in young people’s lives.
Volunteers and Friends of GT Scholars – Big Lottery funding and other news!
Happy Friday! We hope you’ve had a great week so far and looking forward to the weekend. Read on to find out more about our latest funding award and volunteer opportunities to get involved with.
We are thrilled to share with you the good news that GT Scholars recently received funding from Big Lottery. This will allow us to give 20 young people the opportunity to be part of the GT Scholars Bright Ambitions 2018 programme. We would also like to thank Big lottery for recognising the work we do and believing in our mission! We would not have been able to make the impact we have without our supporters. Visit our website to see who they are!
We are looking for volunteers who would like to support at our STEM workshops as facilitators. Our first workshop #GirlMeetsCode will give girls between the ages of 11-16 the opportunity to learn more about computer coding and the career opportunities available in the field. If you have experience in facilitating and good knowledge of coding or other STEM subjects please get in touch with us to find out more about the role and our STEM workshop series.
We always welcome volunteers to support at our enrichment and skill building events. The new academic year is about to start and we will be hosting events on a regular basis. Volunteers can help with various tasks from helping with the set up before the event to managing the attendance register. It would be great to have you be part of the day! Please email us if you would like further information about upcoming events!
GT Scholars is a not-for-profit social enterprise and registered charity. Our after-school tutoring, mentoring and enrichment programmes are designed to help young people aged 11-18 achieve their academic and career aspirations. Contact us to find out how you can join us a volunteer tutor or mentor and make a difference in young people’s lives. | 2019-04-26T10:34:09Z | https://gtscholars.org/category/friends-of-gt-scholars/ |
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An article about the best Medellín neighborhoods written back in 2013 is one of the most popular articles on this website. Unfortunately the information in that post is out-of-date and it has several inaccuracies. So I have written this 2016 update to the popular Medellín neighborhoods article.
I have lived in Medellín for over six years. During this time I have lived in six different barrios in the Medellín metro area. I have also previously written extensively about renting in many different Medellín neighborhoods .
In this post I will tell you my five favorite districts in the Medellín metropolitan area. By districts, I mean comunas and suburbs (suburbs are separate municipalities in the metro). There are 22 districts in the Medellín metro. If you’re looking for the best things to do in each neighborhood in Medellin from another expat’s perspective, check out this link.
When looking at Medellín neighborhoods it is important to understand the estrato system. Residential properties in Colombia are ranked on a 1-6 socioeconomic scale (with 6 being the highest). These are known as estratos or strata.
Understanding estratos is very important, as this is a factor for housing costs and also for utilities costs. Households in lower estrato neighborhoods pay a lower rate for gas, electric, water and triple play TV/Internet/phone services.
Estrato 6 is considered a wealthy area for Colombians and estrato 5 is an upper middle class area. While estratos 3 and 4 are considered Colombian middle class areas. And estratos 1 and 2 are generally poor areas.
Residents in estatos 5 and 6 pay more for utilities to help subsidize lower utility rates in estratos 1 and 2.
Note that Colombian middle class is not the same as middle class in the U.S. Middle class in Colombia may be a Colombian household earning only $1,000 USD per month or even less. Many households in Colombia also have multiple people earning a living to make ends meet due to typically low pay.
In the Medellín metro area only 3.4% of homes are ranked as estrato 6 and 7.2% of homes are ranked as estrato 5. A total of 43.8% of homes in Medellín are classified as estratos 3 or 4. And 45.5% are classified as estratos 1 or 2. The vast majority of the homes in Medellín (76.4% of homes) are in estratos 2-4.
El Poblado is the most popular of the Medellín neighborhoods for foreigners. It is a comfortable place to live with all the shopping malls, nightlife and restaurants nearby.
The majority of the hotels and rental apartments in Medellín are also located in El Poblado. So this is where most expat visitors to the city stay.
A majority of the housing found in El Poblado is found in high-rise apartments. Some of these high-rises can have spectacular views of the city. The comuna also has some streets lined with one-story, two-story and three-story attached homes located in certain neighborhoods like Provenza and Manila.
El Poblado is a wealthy neighborhood that offers a Western lifestyle, which is why it is expected to remain popular with foreigners.
El Poblado is known as Comuna 14 and it has 22 barrios (neighborhoods). 93 percent of the homes in El Poblado are classified as estrato 5 or 6.
But El Poblado is primarily an estrato 6 area with 74 percent of the home in El Poblado ranked as estrato 6. Consequently El Pobaldo has some of the most expensive real estate in the city.
Also 95 percent of all the estrato 6 homes located in Medellín are located in El Poblado. The average estrato of all homes in El Pobaldo is 5.6.
The first furnished apartment I rented in Medellín as a trial of living in the city was located in El Poblado.
To rent: a comfortable two-bedroom unfurnished apartment, you would pay: 1.3 million to 3.0 million pesos ($439 – $1,112) per month with an average rental of this size costing 2.15 million pesos ($726).
Unfurnished rentals in El Poblado typically take about 11 months for owners to rent due to high prices and a big inventory.
To buy: El Poblado has over 40 new apartment projects listed in the free Informe Inmobiliario property magazine. You can find this magazine distributed in many places like Exito stores. New apartments in El Poblado generally cost from 4.3 million to over 5.3 million pesos ($1,451 to $1,788) per square meter.
Existing apartments in El Poblado tend to sell for between 2.5 million to 4.5 million pesos per square meter. They average around 3.2 million pesos ($1,080) per square meter based on a survey of 50 properties sized from 70-100 square meters.
In general El Poblado is the most expensive area in Medellín for both buying property and renting unfurnished apartments.
Directly south of El Poblado is Envigado, which is a separately administered municipality within the Medellín metro area. With its proximity to El Poblado, Envigado is probably the second most popular area of the Medellín metropolitan area for foreigners to live after El Poblado.
Envigado is primarily a residential community – you won’t find many hotels in Envigado like are found throughout El Poblado. Envigado is larger than El Poblado with a population of over 200,000 – compared to a population of less than 130,000 in El Poblado.
Throughout most of Envigado you will quiet streets lined with one-story, two-story and three-story attached homes that are more difficult to find in El Poblado. Envigado also has put in place some height restrictions, which makes it difficult for many of these low-rise buildings from being replaced with high-rises.
In Envigado, you will also find some neighborhoods similar to El Poblado with high-rise apartment buildings.
Envigado has over 40 barrios (neighborhoods). 76.8 percent of the homes in Envigado are classified as estrato 3, 4 or 5. Less than 3 percent of homes in Envigado are classified as estrato 6. And 20.8 percent of homes are classified as estrato 1 or 2. The average estrato of all homes in Envigado is 3.4.
To rent: a comfortable two-bedroom unfurnished apartment, you would pay: 800,000 to 3.3 million pesos ($270 – $1,114) per month with an average rental of this size costing 1.57 million pesos ($530). Envigado unfurnished apartment rentals are 14.7 percent cheaper on average than in El Poblado for similar size apartments.
To buy: Envigado has less than 20 new apartment projects listed in the Informe Inmobiliario property magazine. New apartments in Envigado generally cost from 3 million to over 4.6 million pesos ($1,012 to $1,552) per square meter.
Existing apartments in Envigado tend to sell for between 2.0 million to 4.2 million pesos per square meter. They average around 2.8 million pesos ($945) per square meter based on a survey of 50 properties sized from 70-100 square meters. In general properties in Envigado tend to be about 10% cheaper than in El Poblado.
Throughout most of Laureles-Estadio you will quiet tree-lined streets lined with one-story, two-story and three-story attached homes that are more difficult to find in El Poblado. The comuna also has a few areas with high-rise apartment buildings.
Laureles-Estadio has long been considered an upper-middle class neighborhood of Medellín.
Laureles-Estadio is home of Estadio Atanasio Giradot, which is where Atlético Nacional and Independiente Medellin play fútbol matches. Near the stadium is a large sports complex that has an Olympic size pool; velodrome; basketball, volleyball and tennis courts and many other arenas.
Laureles-Estadio also has two popular nightlife areas – the La 70 (Setenta) entertainment district that is lined with bars and restaurants and Calle 33, which has a bit more laid-back bars.
Laureles-Estadio is known as Comuna 11 and it has 15 barrios (neighborhoods). 99% of the homes in this comuna are classified as estrato 4 or 5 and only 1% of homes are classified as estrato 2 or 3. It has no homes classified as estrato 1 or estrato 6. The average estrato of all homes in Laureles-Estadio is 4.6.
The first unfurnished apartment I rented in Medellín six years ago was located in Estadio and I enjoyed living there.
A recent article in El Colombiano newspaper indicated that Laureles-Estadio was the most popular apartment rental area in Medellín. It represented about 32 percent of all space leased in the first half of the year.
To rent: a comfortable two-bedroom unfurnished apartment, you would pay: 700,000 to 2.0 million pesos ($236 – $675) per month with an average rental of this size costing 1.2 million pesos ($405). Laureles-Estadio unfurnished apartment rentals are 24.1 percent cheaper on average than in El Poblado for similar-sized apartments.
To buy: Laureles-Estadio only has eight new apartment projects listed in the Informe Inmobiliario property magazine due to the cumuna being essentially fully built-out and not having space to build. New apartments in Laureles-Estadio (when they can be found) generally cost from 3.0 million to over 4.4 million pesos ($1012 to $1,485) per square meter.
Existing apartments in Laureles-Estadio tend to sell for between 1.7 million to 3.3 million pesos per square meter. They average around 2.4 million pesos ($810) per square meter based on a survey of 50 properties sized from 70-100 square meters.
Belén is similar to Laureles/Estadio, it’s a middle-class area except that it has more of a blue-collar feel. At one time, it was a little dangerous, and there are a few parts that still are, but for the most part it’s just a place with families trying to carve out a life in the city.
Belén is located directly south of Laureles, its northern neighbor across Calle 33, so you’ll have an easy time crossing over. Belén is much larger than El Poblado with a population of over 200,000.
Similar to Laureles/Estadio, in Belén you will find many quiet tree-lined streets lined with one-story, two-story and three-story attached homes that are more difficult to find in El Poblado. Belén also has a few areas with high-rise apartment buildings, especially in Loma de los Bernal.
You won’t be bored here either, not with a big park in the comuna as well as one of Medellín’s most underrated attractions — Pueblito Paisa, the mini replica of an old Antioquian town that sits atop the Cerro Nutibara.
Belén is known as Comuna 16 and it has 22 barrios (neighborhoods). 81 percent of the homes in this comuna are classified as estrato 3, 4 or 5. Belén has no homes classified as estrato 6. The average estrato of all homes in Belén is 3.5.
I lived for four years in Belén and enjoyed it. A recent article in El Colombiano newspaper indicated that Belén was the second most popular apartment rental area in Medellín. It represented about 20 perecent of the total space leased in the first half of the year.
To rent: a comfortable two-bedroom unfurnished apartment, you would pay: 840,000 to 1.55 million pesos ($283 – $523) per month with an average rental of this size costing 1.14 million pesos ($385). Belén apartment rentals are 27.1 percent cheaper on average than in El Poblado for similar size apartments.
To buy: Belén has only 11 new apartment projects listed in the Informe Inmobiliario property magazine due to the area being nearly fully built-out and not having much space to build.
Most of the new projects in Belén are in Loma de los Bernal, which is a barrio that has been booming with many new apartments built over the past few years.
New apartments in Belén generally cost from 2.9 million to over 4.4 million pesos ($979 to $1,485) per square meter.
Existing apartments in Belén tend to sell for between 1.6 million to 3.2 million pesos per square meter. They average roughly around 2.2 million pesos ($742) per square meter based on a survey of 50 properties.
However, Sabaneta in recent years has been growing much faster than El Poblado. Sabaneta has a total area of about 5.8 square miles, which makes it the smallest municipality in Colombia. Due to its small size Sabaneta is a very walk-able municipality.
Sabaneta is primarily a residential community. In Sabaneta, you will find several neighborhoods similar to El Poblado with high-rise apartment buildings but they tend to be a bit more spread out. Also in Sabaneta you can find some quiet streets lined with one-story, two-story and three-story attached homes.
Much of the daily life in Sabaneta is centered around Parque Sabaneta, which is a nice one square block-sized plaza with a church on one side that is filled with trees and surrounded by shops, stalls, restaurants and bars.
Sabaneta has 31 barrios (neighborhoods). 67.2 percent of the homes in Sabaneta are classified as estrato 3 or 4. Less than one percent of homes in Sabaneta are classified as estrato 5 or 6. But with a boom of apartment construction currently going on in Sabaneta neighborhood ratings can change fairly quickly. The average estrato of all homes in Sabaneta is 2.8.
I currently live in Sabaneta, where I have lived for a year and a half. Out of the neighborhoods I have lived in Medellín I have liked living in Sabaneta the best. I now plan to live in Sabaneta for the foreseeable future.
In 2015, Sabaneta was reportedly even ranked the best neighborhood to live in the Medellín metro area.
To rent: a comfortable two-bedroom unfurnished apartment, you would pay: 700,000 to 1.7 million pesos ($236 – $574) per month with an average rental of this size costing 1.1 million pesos ($371). Sabaneta unfurnished apartment rentals are 28.3 percent cheaper on average than in El Poblado for similar size apartments.
To buy: Sabaneta is booming with over 50 new apartment projects listed in the Informe Inmobiliario property magazine. New apartments in Sabaneta generally cost from 2.8 million to over 4.4 million pesos ($945 to $1,485) per square meter.
Existing apartments in Sabaneta tend to sell for between 1.7 million to 3.4 million pesos per square meter. They average roughly around 2.4 million pesos ($810) per square meter based on a survey of 50 properties.
El Poblado remains the most popular neighborhood for foreigners out of all of the Medellín neighborhoods. El Poblado is expected to remain the most popular neighborhood for foreigners for the foreseeable future.
However keep in mind that the wealthy El Poblado comuna represents only about 4.3 percent of the housing in the Medellín metro area. El Poblado also remains the most expensive area to live in the city.
Many expats have discovered other Medellín neighborhoods besides El Poblado. I have lived in several neighborhoods other than El Poblado in over six years living in the city.
Is Medellin safe you might ask? I have never encountered a security problem anywhere I have lived in the city (knock on wood). But I am also safety conscious and take care not to flash cellphones/cameras/money plus I take taxis at night. I also don’t go to certain parts of the city after dark. I even installed security doors in two apartments.
Other neighborhoods in the city like Envigado, Laureles-Estadio, Belén and Sabaneta can offer quality lifestyles for a substantially lower cost than in El Poblado.
I have also met a few expats that live in other even less expensive neighborhoods in Medellín. This includes Bello, La Candelaria and La Estrella where apartment rentals can be 30 percent to over 40 percent less expensive than in El Poblado.
The bottom line is to each his own and Medellín offers many different neighborhoods with a wide range of amenities and costs-of-living.
What are your favorite neighborhoods in Medellín?
Very nice article, like always.
We live in Laureles / Simon Bolivar (Santa Teresita on GMaps) since 5 months, around the Calle 35 and the Carrera 80. 5 minutes in car to go to Los Molinos or Viva Laureles, 5 minutes to the center of Laureles and the nice new area of restaurants and 20 meters to the UNAC and we have a lot of public parks nearby. It’s really a nice place to live. Calm, clean, peaceful and safe, it’s an estrato 5 but middle class and cheaper, more more cheaper than the Poblado (we paid 1.5M for 140m2 duplex on the 4th and top floor of the building). The thing I don’t like in the Poblado or Envigado, you can’t live without a car. Whatever you want to do, you need a car to do it. Here, I can go in Exito on foot (I don’t because I’m lazy, that’s all :D), buy the stuff I forgot in the supermarket in the bodegas down there, walk peacefully with the dogs because there is almost no traffic in the streets and the sidewalks are really large and flat, I don’t even use the leash here, they’re educated with the cars so, no danger at all for them. I don’t have kids, but there is a lot of kids in the streets, playing and bicycling. The people even park theirs cars directly in the streets, go outside with the barbecue and the TV for watching football together. It’s not perfect but it’s really nice, I recommend this area for everyone, seriously.
I walked past Santa Teresita one Sunday while Mass was going on. It was a nice feeling to see entire families together and peaceful. Sunday services are held inside shopping centers around town too. The States is much more secular and many Yanks would view such a thing as politically incorrect. The US is exponentially more pluralistic. After high school I had many new friends and I never knew what religion they had grown up in. We never spoke about it and not because we were being careful. Colombia is pretty much solidly Catholic and one can see that it provides an element of cohesion to the society. Nobody bats an eyelash at using common area public spaces for Mass. Very interesting.
Furnished apartments have been covered on this site – see: http://medellinliving.com/2015-furnished-apartment-rental-costs/. Airbnb has the biggest selection but beware of renting from someone with no ratings.
AirBnB has gringo rates. No Spanish speaking native would use AirBnB. Plus most pistings are short term and use a daily or weekly rate.
There are some good private groups on Facebook for Medellin.
Actually a number of the lower cost listings on AirBnb are listed by Colombian real estate firms and Colombian owners. And if you look at the feedback on AirBnb some of the feedback is in Spanish so yes native Spanish speakers use AirBnb. Many of the listing descriptions are also in Spanish.
I have to agree with Airbnb having gringo rates. I started my Colombia adventure living in Conquistadores in an airbnb apartment. Lster, when I had started dating a native, I was regularly laughed at by his friends for what I was paying (around 750 for a furnished, very modern nice apartment).
With some of his friends, I soon found much better rates in a much better neighborhood. I ended up paying 320 or so a month for a furnished two bedroom apartment in Laureles. Great views, terrible elevator, lol.
You are a gringo, probably. In the eyes of the average Colombian, you are a symbol of western prosperity. They will charge you accordingly.
Don’t live in poblado. Live in an airbnb property if you have to for a few weeks and ***make Colombian friends***. They will save you hundreds a month if you can trust them. Get out and into a more reasonable rate immediately.
Speaking spanish well enough to conduct a business transaction (even slowly) will put you in 10x better spot.
Knowing a trustworthy Colombian will put you in a 1000x better spot.
Feel free to write me if you have any more questions.
Nice article with some good information about neighborhoods.
When I lived in Barcelona, there were a number of websites with rental listings. Some only in Spanish, but many bilingual.Prices, photos, etc. 1,000 of listings, quite accurate and up to date.
Are there any such websites for renting apartments in Medellin?
Yes, there is the Espacio Urbano website (https://www.espaciourbano.com/) that many real estate agents in Medellín use to list unfurnished apartments available for rent (as well as apartments and homes available for sale). It’s the most widely used site in the city with thousands of properties listed – unfortunately it’s only in Spanish.
No mention of La Floresta/La America? I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. At the moment I’m renting, but do you have any info about sale prices?
La Floresta and La American are both barrios in Comuna La America. There isn’t a Western style mall in La America Comuna, no popular nightlife areas or restaurants popular with expats and nothing to attract tourists in the area. In over six years living in Medellín I have yet to meet an expat living in the La America comuna. So it wasn’t included in this post.
To find out the costs of real estate (to rent or buy) check out the Espacio Urbano website – you’ll have to look under Zona 3 – Laureles though as they include La America and La Floresta in Laureles – even though it is really a separate comuna.
I have lived in La Floresta for 2 years, in what’s now an estrato 6 (in your 2016 article you say: ” It (Laureles) has no homes classified as estrato 1 or estrato 6.” so things have changed). In my experience, one of the most authentically local, middle class neighborhoods to be found in Medellin is nearby Santa Lucia/Parque La Floresta. It may not have malls, but come on: did you really come to Colombia for malls?
My wife and I are expats currently living in Boquete, western Panama. We’re coming to Medellin for five days in late January to check it out as a possible residence. We’re city people who enjoy good restaurants, coffee shops, theater, symphony, libraries, public transit etc. etc., which is why we’re looking beyond Boquete. Are there guides available in Medellin, people we could pay to show us around the various estratos, barrios etc. to see which places might match our needs? We have only five days, and we’d rather not just wander around, but be with someone who knows the city very well. Suggestions?
Each of the comunas listed above have some barrios with good public transport and other barrios with somewhat less. If looking for neighborhoods within walking distance to a metro station you can find several barrios in all five comunas listed above. Belén doesn’t have any of the metro rail line stations but it does have Metroplús elongated bus stations, which is integrated with the rest of the metro system with a connection at Industriales station. All the neighborhoods also have several bus routes plus metro feeder buses that take you to a metro station.
Your question is hard to answer as there are many areas in each comuna with good public transport. I think best to read the descriptions above to find which comuna appeals to you more – then look for a barrio in that comuna that has the public transport you are interested in (such as walking distance to a metro station or on the route of a metro feeder bus, and/or on another bus route).
Where’s the best place to find furnished listings for El Poblado? Thanks!
Post the most dangerous ones. Alta Vista and Baja Vista in Belen (Close to the Molinos mall) are so dangerous that the residents have left their homes.
The Police have done very little to clean it.
The thugs that run it has a free pass in extortion, taking what they want out of the homes and open drug sales.
Gringo go home. Out side of Medellín. You’re responsability of prostitution trap child in the Poblado. You don’t know about our neghborhoods. You’re very wrong.
Hi Jeff I’m planning to live in Belen. How is it? I was in Medellin for a couple of days. But spent more time with my Colombian fiancee in Bogota. I dance tango are tango places nearby? I’m looking for a house in Belen where I can get arround by metro or close to tango places. Since you lived in Belen for four years do you recommend it?
Thank you for the detailed and recently updated information. I’m just retiring and am considering living or at least an extended rental in Mexico, Costa Rica, or Panama, and have also visited Ecuador. I had not considered Colombia until recently but have read many good things about it, especially Medellín, and the climate sounds ideal. Most people talk about El Poblado but seems like you have helped identify places one could enjoy an equal quality of life with better value. I hope to visit Medellin in June 2018 after being in Panama. Thanks again.
Can you recommend some good neighborhoods in Sabaneta or Envigado to purchase an apartment?
Have you found a way to have a tutor in conversational Spanish while living in Medellin.
Is it possible to rent a furnished apartment?
It is our first visit to Medellin and we are stsying in Bombala.
We have looked at a few other suburbs, including Laureles, but Bombala has more of an “authentic” feel, whilst still feeling very safe.
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Why Aren't There More Women at the Top in Scholarly Publishing?
Things have undoubtedly improved in the last 20-to-30 years. When I started my first job in scholarly publishing in the mid-1980s at what was then Basil Blackwell Publishers in Oxford, there was not a single woman on the senior management team. In fact, I’m pretty sure that the highest-ranking position held by a woman was senior commissioning editor. Fast forward to 2013 and there are many more women in leadership positions, but the top ranks of scholarly publishing are still predominantly male.
Of course, this is not unique to our profession. The 2012 Catalyst Census found that, “Despite high-profile news about gender gaps, equal pay, and women on boards, once again the needle barely budged for women aspiring to top business leadership in corporate America.” As an industry, scholarly publishing tends to attract more women than men – 60/40 is typical of most companies I’m familiar with – so Sheryl Sandberg’s comment in Lean In, that “The pipeline that supplies the educated workforce is chock-full of women at the entry level, but by the time that same pipeline is filling leadership positions, it is overwhelmingly stocked with men”, certainly resonates.
Why is this the case, both in general, and in scholarly publishing in particular? Why does it matter? And what can we do about it?
But this can’t be the only issue, since not all women have families, and at least some of those who do – including Sandberg and Glover – have successfully reached the top of their professions.
So, much though I dislike the phrase, perhaps Sandberg’s overall thesis – that women need to “lean in” more – warrants further examination. Is she right in thinking that we don’t have as much confidence in our abilities as men? Whatever your opinion of Lean In – and it has seen more than its share of male and female critics – most women will be familiar with what Sandberg describes as “impostor syndrome … feeling like a fraud”, and with how “fearing discovery with each success” causes us to pull back from risks and opportunities.
Do men worry about this? Apparently not, or at least, not as much. Sandberg quotes a number of studies showing that, when men and women are asked to evaluate themselves, women routinely under-rate their abilities, while men don’t. For example, “A survey of several thousand potential political candidates revealed that, despite having comparable credentials, the men were about 60% more likely to think they were “very qualified” to run for political office” (from a 2012 report by the Women & Politics Institute at American University). At the same time, various studies confirm that the majority of people – men and women– still hold a double standard for men and women: being viewed as “ambitious” is seen as negative when applied to women, but positive when applied to men.
These biases are part of a vicious cycle that reinforces the status quo: Sandberg believes this is central to why women hold themselves back – and why we don’t often make it to the top. The sad fact is that unless we cause a shift in well-entrenched practices and long-held beliefs, the chances are that companies (including scholarly publishers) will continue to be run mainly by men.
Challenge the ‘meritocracy’: The glass ceiling is supported by the view that those who rise to the top do so purely on merit. But are our best interests really served by those who have made it to the top, regardless of gender? Numerous studies have shown the value of developing more women leaders through proactive initiatives. In Norway, where since 2008 there has been an enforced 40% female quota for board membership for all public limited companies, evidence shows that the greater presence of women in management led to more focused and strategic decision-making, increased communication, and decreased conflict. In addition, studies such as this 2011 McKinsey Report show that men have the advantage of being promoted based on their future potential, whereas women are promoted based on past performance.
Value and reward diverse talents: The Norway example exposes what I see as a central issue in organizations today: that the skills and competencies that are considered most valuable and, therefore, most rewarded, are typically not those at which women excel. For example, relationship-building – something at which many women excel – is often undervalued as a skill in top managers, yet it’s essential for success, especially in scholarly communications. As Jim Griffin of OneHouse pointed out in the keynote at the 2008 UK Serials Group conference, (reported in the UKSG blog about the event), “Libraries have an advantage: there is a female bias and they realize the value of relationships that never end … This feminization of the market will help us understand markets so much better and … more intelligently.” A few years later, at the 2012 Digital Minds conference, Griffin is quoted as saying, “Amazon knows what you like to read. It knows your birthday. It knows the sort of music you listen to, the films you watch. It probably remembers the color of your eyes and your wedding anniversary. It’s a woman, for God’s sake. And the customers keep coming back. Amazon isn’t interested in a one night stand, it wants a long term, loving relationship….” Enough said!
Walk the talk: In the world of scholarly communications – where the vast majority of our smart, well-educated colleagues, customers, and clients, are likely to agree in principle that women’s and men’s contributions to our industry are equally valuable – we have the perfect opportunity to raise our game. We may have moved from “failing” to “could do better”, but wouldn’t it be great if our industry could be the poster child for equality at all levels of its organizations – publishing companies, libraries, universities? After all, scholarly publishing flourishes because of the efforts and creativity of large numbers of women. Our industry also disseminates the results of research about the value of women in the workplace. Isn’t about time for us to start practicing what we preach?
Last, a few disclaimers. I’m not a scholar, so this is an opinion piece rather than anything more rigorous. I’ve fact checked as much as possible, but am happy to stand corrected if I have anything wrong. I’m also not by any means claiming to speak on behalf of all or even most women in our industry. But, having spoken to many publishing friends and colleagues* (women and men) from a number of organizations – large and small, national and international, for profit and not-for-profit – I know I’m not alone in my view that we could and should be doing better at promoting women to more senior positions. And, while I’m coming at this primarily from a scholarly publishing perspective, since that’s where my background and experience is, the evidence I’ve seen indicates that the same issues affect other areas of scholarly communications, such as academia (see the 2013 Global Gender Index, as well as this great video on the lack of senior women scientists, for example) and libraries.
45 Thoughts on "Why Aren't There More Women at the Top in Scholarly Publishing?"
Important conversation and one I continue to follow. As women in leadership, we must continue to support one another on our leadership roles. Leadership is a state of mind that we can and must embrace.
An interesting piece. I feel very privileged that at Palgrave Macmillan, both our MD, Sam Burridge, and our CEO of Macmillan Science and Education, Annette Thomas, are female.
I’ve worked in academic/STM publishing for almost 25 years, and for most of those years, my direct manager and/or VP was a woman. That being said, in almost 25 years, I’ve never worked for a publisher whose president/CEO/MD was a woman. This might have something to do with the fact that the chairman of the board was always male as were most of the board members.
The section about the “impostor syndrome” and the lack of confidence (or dare I say cockiness) resonates. My experience has been that men are much more comfortable with the “fake it until you make it” style of leadership than women, who tend to be more authentic and less cavalier. Yet, the women I know who have reached the highest levels of organizations do possess that ability to “fake it until they make it.” They know how to pull one over when they have to. It’s a reality that part of leadership is the ability to convince followers at certain junctures that you possess the confidence and ability to lead. Sometimes, this means minimizing uncertainty to generate momentum and a self-fulfilling prophecy of success — i.e., fake it until you make it.
I sit in most editorial board meetings as the only woman. My staff is almost entirely women. We still need to shake the image that we are “the ladies in the back office.” I am a firm believer and practitioner of the fake it until you make it plan.
Thanks for your comments. I’ve also worked for several excellent women managers and worked with many more. However, given the high proportion of women to men in scholarly publishing, very few women get to the top. Macmillan is the exception rather than the rule – something I find disappointing and (statistically) surprising. I think you are right that having a mainly male board/chairman is part of the problem, Barton.
I agree that women are underrepresented in top management positions relative to the higher percentage of women working in publishing. My point was that unfortunately women regardless of their experience and accomplishments are only ever allowed to rise to a certain height.
or maybe they stop asking permission and go out and build the organization they want to run!
A few others: Wolters Kluwer (CEO), American Heart Association (CEO and head of publishing), American Society for Microbiology (head of publishing), Optical Society of America (CEO and head of publishing), American Chemical Society (CEO), Outsell (CEO), Copyright Clearance Center (CEO), AAAS (head of publishing), American College of Physicians (head of publishing), John Hopkins University Press (head of house), University of California Press (head of house), American Psychiatric Association (head of publishing), American Cancer Society (head of publishing), American Pharmacists Association (head of publishing), American Geophysical Union (CEO), Radiological Society of North America (head of publishing), ASBMB (CEO and head of publishing), BioOne (CEO), CABI (head of publishing), PLoS (CEO), American Academy of Pediatrics (head of publishing), American College of Cardiology (head of publishing).
BMJ (CEO), American Medical Association (head of publishing), ASCO (head of publishing), AACR (head of publishing), University of Chicago Press (head of house).
I’m not suggesting the industry is equal, but Macmillan is not the only exception.
The fact that we feel the need to point out the exceptions speaks volumes. I would also argue that there is a big difference between “head of house” and “head of publishing” in the learned society world (e.g., compensation, visibility).
Has a study been done on this so we can quantify the issue? It seems very easy to do. Just look at the top 100 organizations in STEM and scholarly publishing (or every organization with over $5M in revenue – of which there are less than 200) and then look at who holds either the CEO or (in instances where the organization is a society) the head of publishing position(s).
No study that I know of, Mike. I researched about a dozen of the major scholarly publishers (including a couple of v large societies) and most have just one or two women in their executive leadership teams – or even none. Even where there are women at the very top, as in the examples you give, the ratio of women to men at top executive level rarely reflects the number of women employed in the company/industry as far as I can tell. But I agree a proper study would be very helpful.
Happy to help with the study. When shall we get started? any other volunteers?
thanks Deborah that would be great. Mike, any interest in joining us?
I’m in. Let me know if I can help.
May I suggest that the last paragraph of this excellent post is much more of an apology than a man would have written? Old habits die hard ….
But do women want to be at the top? What if you have a fantastic boss who trusts you to get what needs to be done, and lets you do it however you want, guiding you when needed and rewarding you appropriately? We are supposed to want to get to the top, and LinkedIn repeatedly tells me nobody wants to hire people unless they are immediately thinking about promotion. We need, as a society, to recognize motivation to succeed doesn’t always have to manifest itself as a desire for promotion so we stop hiring people looking for a fight. And to build happy, interested, self-motivated employees looking to do what is best first for the company, and not for themselves.
Timely article. There may also be reason to look at the management structure of most publishers. Unless the publisher is quite small, an “all hands onboard” organization, it remains as a rule hierarchical. Thomas Malone, founding Director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, says in his Edge Conversation of 11/21.12, that this research reveals a linear relationship between the number of women in a collective intelligence organization and its performance against – the more the better. Perhaps rather than trying to crack the ceiling, we’d have better luck at achieving parity by bridging the gap between hierarchies.
Thanks for a thought-provoking piece. I’m happy to report that the picture appears brighter at university presses. Today there are 49 women directors at AAUP’s 131 member presses, and women number highly on the executive and senior management teams throughout our community. Current directors at larger university presses include Kathleen Keane (Johns Hopkins), Alison Mudditt (California), Barbara Kline Pope (National Academies Press), and Ellen Faran (MIT).
To this I might add that much of the credit for the AAUP’s success in achieving gender equity is due to the efforts over several decades of Women in Scholarly Publishing (WISP): http://www.aaupnet.org/about-aaup/aaup-history/wisp-history.
During my own 45+-year career, I have reported more often to women than to men. As an editor at Princeton, I reported to Miriam Brokaw, Associate Director and Editor-in-Chief. As director at Penn State Press, my last two reports were to Eva Pell, as VP for Research, and Nancy Eaton, as Head of the Penn State Libraries. Now, in semi-retirement, I acquire scholarly books in political science part-time for Lynne Rienner, who heads her own company. I also serve on the board of the CCC, headed by Tracey Armstrong, who rose through the ranks from secretary to CEO during my time on the board. The president of the AAP for many years was Pat Schroeder.
I am struck by the last paragraph full of disclaimers. I find that the need to qualify our opinions to be a uniquely female urge, and one that inhibits our professional successes. When was the last time you heard a man raise his hand in a board room and start his sentence with, “Now this is just my opinion, but…”? Right.
Agreed. In fact, communication research suggests that women too often use prefaces like “I think,” or “In my opinion” instead of simply moving directly into what they want to communicate, which takes away power, diminishes certainty, and reduces the value of the contribution. I understand and appreciate these honest approaches to communication. However, I’ve stopped using them almost completely when communicating with men. I’ll often write an email and then go back and edit out all of these prefaces and qualifiers.
any concerns about the fact that only 3 of 16 Scholarly Kitchen authors are female (based on my imprecise guessing via names/photos)?
As the Executive Editor, I’ll answer that question with an emphatic yes!
We have worked very hard over the years to recruit as many of our female colleagues as possible, and if we hadn’t done so in a confidential manner, it would be possible to share with you an extensive list who have turned us down over the years. Blogging is a lot of work, and it takes a certain personality type, whether male or female, that enjoys putting oneself out publicly in this sort of manner.
I agree, I would love to have more women chefs!
Thanks for the quick responses. I might suggest that being public about SK’s desire for more female chefs (and I hope for chefs of color as well) would be a good thing.
Thanks for various comments. I added the disclaimers as a preemptive response to some of the obvious criticisms that could be leveled at this piece rather than as an apology – but clearly this is not how everyone read it, so lesson learned.
Thanks for all the examples of senior women publishers too – as mentioned, I am not disputing the fact that there are a lot of very talented women in our industry, some of whom have quite rightly made it to the top. I would still argue, though, that considering the number of women working in our industry and the contributions they make, there should be many more – and that scholarly publishing would be the better for it.
Alice, as a point of fact, I joined Basil Blackwell at the end of 1986 as Sales & Marketing Director, which was a board position. My appointment was the first for a woman at board level within the entire Blackwell family of businesses When I left after more than 6 years, I was succeeded by a woman. 1986 must count as the ‘mid-1980s’.
Thanks Janet and hello again! I joined a couple of years before that so good to know that I remembered correctly that there were no women board members when I first started.
Another thought is that there’s not only a marked gender disparity between senior and junior positions, but also between acquisitions (overwhelmingly male, even at the editorial assistant/permanent intern entry level) and…well, pretty much everything else. It’s always a bit odd as an acquisitions person to hear people, especially our trade cousins, describe publishing as a female-dominated profession!
There’s also a question of who is supplying scholarly publishers. If the Kitchen is anything to judge by (and I’m pretty sure it is), scholarly publishing is dominated by STEM folks, especially in journals publishing – and students in STEM fields are overwhelmingly and stereotypicaly male. Perhaps the change we want to see in our field needs to start at an even lower level, with helping to diversify the academic disciplines (not only STEM, but also, say, philosophy, which has just as much of a gender imbalance) that train future publishers.
Finally, there are all sorts of other imbalances and barriers we as a profession might want to have a critical look at, in addition to our overwhelming white male-ness. Working long-term (even multi-year) unpaid internships after grad school or attending expensive graduate publishing programs at private universities in order to get a chance at a low-paying marketing/editorial/production assistant position in an expensive city like New York or Washington is a pretty serious obstacle to any but the most privileged.
Thanks Phill, I’m not sure how widespread the gender disparity in acquisitions is – that hasn’t been my experience, but it must vary by company. I’m also not sure that publishing is dominated by people from STEM backgrounds – I’m always surprised by how many of my colleagues who work in STEM publishing and are very knowledgeable about their subject areas, in fact come from humanities or social science backgrounds. But as shown in the Global Gender Index I referenced, you’re quite right that more work needs to be done in academia across all disciplines as well as within scholarly publishing.
While my company, Elsevier, certainly has more work to do in this department, there are amazing women at the helm of many of our business units. Suzanne BeDell is MD for Science and Technology Books. Emilie Marcus is CEO and Ed-in-Chief of Cell Press, and there are many VP- and SVP-level women who have vision and who will no doubt be candidates for MD roles. Is the problem that many of these women I speak of focus first on getting stuff done and second on advancing careers?
Fantastic post about women in scholarly publishing.
Great post, Alice! I have one comment and some additional food for thought.
First, at the end of The Royal Society (Edinburgh, Scotland) video “A Chemical Imbalance”–well worth taking the time to watch–there is a prediction that it will take 70 years for equality to come to fruition. That puts it into the lifetime of our great-grandchildren. We have made a fair amount of strides with our somewhat consistent push since the 1970s….the prediction suggests that, as in so many other advancements, it is the last mile that is the hardest and takes the longest. I think this is all too true if one expands that prediction to the fullest global sense rather than as I presume a focus on nations now heavily engaged in professional and scholarly pursuits.
Finally, historical fact supports a similar conclusion in all scientific areas. Of the 357 people awarded a Nobel Prize in science (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, & Economic Sciences) only 16 have been women. Only one, Marie Curie, has won two: the first with her husband in 1903 and the second when she alone was awarded the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Women are half of the world’s population yet men hold the lion’s share of jobs in STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics) fields & receive most of the prestigious scientific awards including the Nobel, the ultimate mark of scientific achievement. The reason women who deserve prizes are overlooked – few of their peers step up to nominate them – and women seldom nominate themselves.
Thanks Barbara and I absolutely agree that this is not just an issue in scholarly publishing but also on editorial and society boards. I hope that it won’t take as long as 70 years to correct though – at least not in our community. There are some causes for optimism – SSP, for example, has been great at identifying and encouraging women board members and presidents, at least in the last few years while I’ve been involved. During my three-year board tenure the president was always a woman, and the board itself was at least half female if not more.
SSP’s increasing recognition and support of women has been a point of pride. Out of the 16 founders, 5 of us are women so to see this percentage grow is very, very encouraging. It will be great to see this in other publishing industry organizations where involvement of women at the board level has been lacking. Perhaps SSP will serve as an example worthy of emulation.
Even allowing for the early years of the 20th century, when women had restricted access to medical schools – and academia more generally (even though Marie Curie won 2 of those 16 in the first decade of the Nobel’s existence) – that’s a jaw-dropping shocker of a stat.
Thanks for the excellent article, Alice. I’ve noticed in my years in scholarly publishing that there are some organizations that support and even reinforce the “old-boys network” and its related activities at the highest levels, despite talking the talk of gender – equality and, I think, mostly really believing it – in theory. It is much harder to actually give up the male bonding and privilege and that comes with having an all (or mostly)-male inner circle than it is espouse organizational support for women in management positions. To make things even more difficult, I’m not sure that the organizational (and dare I say societal?) changes that having more women in power could bring are fully embraced, so there is little appetite to make real changes. So, “getting more women into management positions” becomes a cultural and HR objective that everyone feels good about standing behind, but it is enacted at the very top in only token ways, or more commonly, exclusively at the lower and middle management levels. I believe that most people in our industry have only good intentions; they just may be seeing only part of the truth. So, it remains our responsibility to speak truth to power.
Here’s another way to change the situation: use it to gain competitive advantage. The numbers imply a pool of talent out there that is under-promoted and hence currently under-paid. Surely a company that recruits from that pool stands to out-compete companies with discriminatory talent acquisition policies?
What Is Summer Reading but Life Writ Large? | 2019-04-24T22:23:29Z | https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2013/08/21/why-arent-there-more-women-at-the-top-in-scholarly-publishing/ |
Dreaming of a better life, Tillie McGrath leaves Ireland behind and, with her beloved fiance by her side, sets sail for America. But when illness robs her of the man she holds dear, she's left alone with only a handful of tattered memories. While forging on proves difficult, Tillie soon finds some new friends at her New York boardinghouse, and begins pursuing a new dreamto open a home for orphaned children.
Despite two years passing, Captain Keondric Morgan has never forgotten the lass who left his ship so heartbroken. When a crewman's deathbed confession reveals her fiance's demise was the result of murder, the captain knows he must try to contact her. But his attention draws the notice of others as welldangerous men who believe Tillie has in her possession something that could expose their crimes. And to their way of thinking, the best way to prevent such an outcome is to seize the evidence and then hand Tillie the same fate as her naïve fiance.
Elizabeth Ludwig is an award-winning author and an accomplished speaker and teacher. She is the author of No Safe Harbor, and her novel Love Finds You in Calico, California earned four stars from RT Book Reviews. She owns and edits the popular literary blog The Borrowed Book. Along with her husband and two children, Elizabeth makes her home in Orange, Texas. Learn more at www.elizabethludwig.com.
Tide and Tempest 4.7 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. 61 reviews.
I received a free ARC from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. Overall Impression – I REALLY loved this book!!!!! I feel like it was well written and it was interesting and I didn’t want to put it down. Characters – The characters were FANTASTIC!! Sweet Tillie who carries around so much emotional baggage and tries to be so strong and brave, yet is vulnerable and in need of forgiveness and acceptance and someone to lean on. The brooding Captain Morgan who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and takes responsibility for those he loves. He’s quiet and brave, unassuming and humble. I loved him. Charming Cass who, when tested, proves his maturity, yet still manages to remain the fun-loving, charming guy that he is. Each of the main characters were well-developed in their personalities. The author did a fantastic job creating them. Plot – Very interesting book! This book quickly dove into the story and kept you interested with romance and suspense. The plot came to a wonderful climax and didn’t end too quickly. The author eased into the resolution so that you didn’t feel cheated when you got to the last page. I hate when a book reaches a climax and then is wrapped up too quickly… if you take all that time building up to it, then you need to take the time coming down from it. Elizabeth Ludwig does a great job with that in this book! I would love to read more books by this author and would absolutely recommend her to friends.
The final book in the Edge of Freedom series does not disappoint. Tillie, who we met in the previous books has grown into a beautiful and strong woman. When she discovers that the death of her fiancé two years ago was not an accident, she enters into a deadly game of cat and mouse to bring down the infamous The Celt. Keondric Morgan, captain of the ship which had brought Tillie to America, discovers that her fiancé's death was murder and vows to protect her. He keeps his love at bay as he discovers his younger brother loves Tillie. As the oldest, Keondric will do anything to make sure those he cares about are protected, even give up his heart. A wonderful historical romantic suspense that leaves the reader on the edge of their seat as the story twists and turns from the deck of a ship to the dark alleys of the city.
Time and Tempest Edge of Freedom Book 3 By Elizabeth Ludwig Two years have passed since Tillie McGrath lost her fiance, Braedon on the journey to America. But the past and all its pain come back when Captain Keondric Morgan comes to the boardinghouse where she's staying. Tillie and Morgan are in danger because of Braedon's death. But what does Braedon's death have to do with his ties with the Fenians? And why the danger? Keondric Morgan has just discovered the truth about the death of Braedon McKillop. And what he has discovered concerns him, because it means Braedon's young fiance could be the next to die. For some reason Tillie has been on Morgan's mind and he can't get her out of it. But he has responsibilities and Tillie is so much younger than him Tillie is equally drawn to Morgan, but she refuses to acknowledge it. She doesn't deserve happiness after what she's done. And she has an orphanage to start if she can get the money together. Keondric and Tillie's story is one of letting go of the guilt of the past and embracing the forgiveness that God so freely offers. Both are offered second chances if they are willing to take the risk and accept what is being offered. I haven't read the first two books in this series, so I don't think one has to read them. But the references made about other characters has made me want to read the first two books. Time and Tempest is set at the turn of the century (19th into 20th) in New York City. I found this to be an enjoyable and enlightening book. The history of the struggle for Irish independence and its links to America are interesting and are fodder for research into Fenians and their struggles. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.
The luck of the Irish be not with Matilda “Tillie” McGrath. Tillie left Ireland without her parents’ blessing, and on her passage to America, her fiancé took ill and died. At least, that’s what she believes for two years until the captain of the Caitriona Marie, Keondric Morgan, and his younger brother, Cass, tell her a different tale. A tale of murder. Other deaths have occurred in which foul play was involved, and attempts have been made on Tillie’s life. The source seems to be from one known only as The Celt. Keondric, Cass and others are determined to keep Tillie safe and prevent her from meeting the same fate as her late and beloved fiancé. Who is The Celt? And how can they keep Tillie safe when she doesn’t usually seem concerned for her own safety? “Tide and Tempest” is the third story in Ludwig’s Edge of Freedom series. Some characters stem from the first two novels, but there was only one time when I felt lost, this being the first novel I’ve read by Ludwig. It is a novel set in New York, and while it doesn’t have the sights and sounds of NYC today, the plot certainly contains much hustle and bustle, suspense and character viewpoints to make it a fairly speedy read. I enjoyed that Ludwig created very distinct characters. It was easy to cheer for the good guys and hope the bad got their comeuppance. If your interest is piqued even in the slightest, I encourage you to let the tide sweep you in to this tale of love, suspense, hope and learning to forgive oneself for a past that cannot be undone. -- Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are expressly my own.
Murder, suspicion, and danger fill the pages of Elizabeth Ludwig’s final installment to her Edge of Freedom series. Tillie lives with the guilt and grief of her loss. Her fiancé died on the journey to America, but she soon discovers that his death may not have been an accident. And information she possesses threatens to put her life in danger, too. Captain Morgan, who led the trip that brought Tillie to America, feels a responsibility to protect Tillie from the danger he suspects. Mystery surrounds Tillie and her deceased fiancé, but will they ever discover the man who is behind this treachery? I admit I had a difficult time getting into this book. About one hundred pages in, I did start to like it, and from there, the pace picked up and I was intrigued. I think my difficulty with this book has to do with the writing style. It took me quite some time to connect with the style and flow of this book. It just didn’t sit well with me for a long while. However, once I was able to get past that, I did feel invested in the story and interested to see how events would unfold. At one point, I thought a crucial character had died, and I was shocked. Luckily, my thoughts that a wonderful character had died were quickly assuaged when I learned that this character did not meet his demise as I was led to believe! There are many twists and turns, which makes for an exciting read. Add in a bit of romance, and this book is a winner. I was provided a free e-copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
Elizabeth has written another page turner. It was nice to catch up with some familiar characters. But, have no fear, even though this is the third book in a series if you haven’t read the first two you won’t be lost. Actually, I have read the second one and I found myself wasting time trying to remember what happened so I could make the connections. But I don’t really think any connections needed to be made. You could easily pick of this book and fully enjoy it. And there is a lot to enjoy. I love good Irish characters and I couldn’t help but think that handsome Irishman (Captain Morgan) on the front cover reminded me of my Irish husband. Elizabeth has weaved together a layered story full of romance and suspense. There’s even a bit of jealousy between two brothers who are looking out for Tillie (our heroine). I loved that tension. But Tillie was definitely drawn more to the more solemn, serious brother, Captain Morgan. I so identified with Tillie being unable to forgive herself for her past. She has made mistakes like so many of us and wonders how any good man could ever love her as tainted as she is and if God can truly forgive her for what she has done? Then there’s all the suspense. Who can Tillie really trust, who will die next? Why are people dyeing in the first place? So many questions and the only way you will find the answers is by reading the book. This is the perfect marriage of historical romance and suspense all in one book. A copy of this book was given to me by the publisher through the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance in exchange for an honest review.
I am going to start by saying that this is one of the best covers I have seen this year. The scene on the cover and the colors are beautiful. The picture of the hero is also accurate and fits the description that is in the novel. Next, I would like to add that I have not read the other books in this Edge of Freedom series, yet I had absolutely no problem following the storyline. In fact, this book has now opened my eyes to a new author and I plan to go read her other books as well. I love it when that happens! Tide and Tempest is a fascinating story. It is full of very interesting characters, some of whom find themselves in imminent danger. The plot of the story hinges on these characters trying to discover why they are in harm’s way, who is trying to kill them and what they should do to try to stay alive. It is all very exciting. But not to be outdone, the romance is equally as satisfying in Tide and Tempest. I loved watching the feelings develop between the characters and how they dealt with these emotions. The heroine, Tillie, carries quite a bit of guilt and has trouble believing that she could be deserving of anyone’s love. Captain Morgan and his younger brother, Cass, also have developing feelings toward Tillie. This is quite the enthralling love triangle. I also loved the fact that this book is filled with men and women who have come over from Ireland. The author does a wonderful job of writing in that special Irish accent, without it being overdone. It is just enough that I could hear their Irish brogue but not be distracted by it. This was such a well-written book and I could tell that I was really going to enjoy the author’s writing style even as early as twenty-five pages into the story. I recommend this book to those who love historical fiction, romance and suspense. I received a complimentary copy of Tide and Tempest from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review, which I have given. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Excellent end to a series - 4 ½ stars Tide and Tempest is the final book in Elizabeth Ludwig’s Edge of Freedom series and I’m sorry to see it end! I loved Roarke, Cara, Eoghan, Ana, Tillie, and now Keondric! I became so attached to them! They were like great friends! But, the wonderful thing about books is that I can go back and “visit” them again. I had loved Tillie’s character since the beginning and couldn’t wait to see where Elizabeth would take her story. I’m very happy to say that it was even better than I had imagined. The new members of the cast were interesting and everyone was well rounded. I hope Cass one day receives his own story! I loved him! (sorry if that is a spoiler) Keondric may have been my favorite hero, I’m not sure. Though I did love Roarke and Eoghan, too. He was the prefect match for Tillie and brought out the best in her, which was fun to see, since she was rather quiet in the other books. This is a book about forgiveness and surrendering our plans to God. Tillie had spent the last 10 months of her life feeling guilty and believing God would punish her for her past, or that she must pay penance for her sins. She had to learn that when God forgives, it is gone. He washes the sin away, never to be thought of again. She also had to learn how to forgive herself. I enjoyed watching her thoughts and actions go through a transformation as this knowledge finally sunk in. She was finally free of her past, free to dream of a future. Keondric had to learn to surrender to God. He tried so hard to make everything work and to be responsible for everyone, but it wasn’t working. Only God can take a mess and untangle it. He alone knows the future and how everything will play out. Seeing Keondric finally surrender his control was fantastic! I loved the strong spiritual themes. These are things so many of us need to learn, or perhaps simply remember. Elizabeth’s writing was superb! The descriptions were so real, that I often felt as though I was actually there, running through the streets with them, or peering over someone’s shoulder as I add my two cents to the plan! My only complaint is that the story seemed a bit slow at first, as I tried to keep up with shifting view points and directions changing as she sculpted the story. Though, after a couple chapters it began making more sense, as I caught up and I was quickly absorbed in it! I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical romance and suspense! Though, I would suggest reading the others in the series first. I received this book from the author for my honest review, which I have given. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in anyway. All opinions expressed are my own.
I loved this final book of the Edge of Freedom series! Not only does Elizabeth Ludwig wrap up the saga of the Celt, but we also see sweet Tillie, who has grown so much in strength through the past two books, finally find the forgiveness she has so desperately needed. The interplay between Tillie and Keondric, with neither one of they fully trusting in either their own emotions, let alone believing the other could love them, was very well-played. That particular plot device can become tedious in some stories, but Ludwig has done very well with it. I heartily recommend reading the whole series in order, but each individual book is a complete story in itself.
Such an awesome book! Elizabeth Ludwig¿ has earned a fan for life! A must read if you like Christian Fiction. Has suspense and mystery with romance mixed in.
This story was as engaging as any present-day thriller.
(Yes, its a result at "phryne fisher". The results moved around though, so I don't know which one! | 2019-04-24T20:54:59Z | https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tide-and-tempest-elizabeth-ludwig/1115664288?ean=9780764210419 |
-Support for different currencies and payment systems.
-No bonuses for players from specific regions.
This review is dedicated to the well-known Casino Euro gaming house, which has been working in online gambling since 2002. As stated on the official website, the casino served more than one million customers. Let’s figure out how they have attracted such an impressive number of players. To confirm the status of a venerable gambling house, the administration decided to cooperate with centers that help people suffering from gambling addiction.
Over the years, the casino has changed its design several times, and with every update, it has become more and more user-friendly. Currently, the design pleases with an exciting color range, catchy advertising banners, stylish logo and the most comfortable structure with transparent sections. It is accessible with the stated information and other advantages.
First casino games on Casino Euro were launched in early 2002.
The owners of the Euro casino did not stint on the gambling range. Here are the machines from the experts in their field. The catalog combined games from Microgaming and NetEnt, as well as several other, no less famous brands.
-Table Games. Games in this section provide a variety of poker, blackjack, roulette.
-Live Casino. These croupiers are ready to give far more than an unforgettable evening in their company to all fans who like bets with live dealers.
Anyone can use the additional filtering. It provides a division according to popularity or sorting by novelty.
-slots with a function of the progressive jackpot. That group includes games from different manufacturers.
If the client does not know which slot he would like to try today, he can open the general menu and select the appropriate option manually. But if the visitor is in the mood for playing only a specific slot, then his search will be significantly facilitated by the sorting in alphabetical order. Also, any slot machine can be found by full name in the general search line of the site.
You can play with the real dealer in Euro live casino in numerous tables for different versions of roulette, blackjack, poker and other table and card games. Besides the most popular gambling types, there are quite rare games.
The developers also took care of those who are used to having while traveling and voyages, using gadgets for that. There is a mobile version of the site for them. Casino Euro mobile is available on iOS and Android.
To please all customers, the Casino Euro uses software from several famous developers. That allows not to limit Casino Euro, all players in their desire to try many slots and win a reasonable amount, relying on the honesty of the creators of the software.
We are pleased that to start the game users do not have to download the user’s client. The games function correctly even in browser mode.
You can find the contact details of the Casino Euro support team in the Help Center. You can contact them by online chat, phone, and email.
We add that the site published the most detailed and easy-to-use client agreement. It is divided into logical sections, which contain all the necessary information. Casino Euro is a great choice who needs high-quality service.
Casino Euro offers pretty good conditions for high rollers. The maximum betting limit is $15,000. Newcomers can start from $0.5.
There are numerous promotions on the Casino Euro. Let’s consider the basic Casino Euro bonuses.
-deposit of no more than $150 is doubled up to $300.
Casino Euro does offer bonuses for the following account deposits for all regular players. They get free spins, valuable prizes, participate in lotteries, as well as other events. They are reviewed on the Promotions page.
Keep in mind that for residents of certain countries can’t earn bonuses, even if these users have the right to play in a casino for money.
Casino Euro is known all over Europe. It is loved for the safe and high-speed financial operations. The administration of the gambling house claims that all information regarding transactions, as well as personal data of users, cannot be transferred to third parties at all under any circumstances.
Casino Euro provides the randomness generator which will take care of the honesty of the game process. The system relies in its work on the SHA1 RNG, which gives players an arbitrary result.
The Casino Euro is powered by BML Group Limited.
The main advantage of Casino Euro online is licensed software and the several stages of certification, which confirms the legitimacy of this gambling institution. The audit was carried out by the controlling authorities of the gambling business of Malta, as well as by specialists from Great Britain.
The creators did not hide such important documentation and posted all licenses on the official website. It’s enough to click on a copy of the document to view it in detail.
Euro Casino accepts deposits in dollars, euros and some other currencies. For money depositing and withdrawing the funds, there are various listed popular methods.
During the day you can withdraw no more than fifty thousand euros.
Verification of the player’s identity is required if the total amount of money that he orders for withdrawal reaches more than two thousand euros.
Those who hit the jackpot will assess the maximum limit on the withdrawal of funds. The administration allows withdrawing daily up to 50 thousand euros. Players have to undergo verification for such a significant amount to withdraw.
Particular attention is paid to casino users checking age. It can be checked at any time. If for three days the gambler cannot prove that he has already reached the age of majority, then his account will be immediately blocked.
Also every week you can find Casino Euro new slot games. Security is the essential basis of this casino, and that was confirmed during numerous thematic reviews. Creators of the of the site cooperate with well-known software manufacturers, which positively affects not only the quality of the game process but also the assortment of slots.
Casino euro already celebrates his 10-year existence this year and can already look back at a successful history in the world of the online casinos alone for this reason. Heard in addition, to the few these are regulated and licensed the online casino in the EU. Casino euro of the known online game of chance group of Betsson Malta Ltd. which off in turn is a part of the online game of chance giant Betsson is operated. Betsson off is listed and employed furthermore more than 150 employees at the Stockholm stock exchange. Casino euro is an online casino flash based purely and all games can be played on every operating system in the Web browser. To try out the games, one doesn't need to register or to register himself at casino euro, a great plus!
As a player or a member of the casino euro one has access to over 200 different online casinos games closed this one online casino platform out of the house Net entertainment is driven by it. Should you prefer no matter you are which player type or which of the many games; everyone comes onto her expense at casino euro.
Casino euro has an extensive assortment of more than 100 unbelievably exciting ones and profitable video Slots. Not only interactive elements, advanced bonus games, but also exciting audio-visual effects miter the video Slots to the feature programs for an even more entertaining game and profit experience. Slots have a progressive jackpot the video 15 this one can distribute million amounts in many cases.
All casino classics in this category are available in the casino euro –Baccara, roulette, Blackjack but also exotics like Caribbean Stud, Let it Ride and many others more. Become this a jackpot amount of more particularly the friends of Caribbean Stud of the jackpot variant, Caribbean Stud per, at when €10. 000 aren't a rareness be enthusiastic.
The popularity of video poker games is still unbroken in the casino euro, too. Casino euro offers his players and members six different game variants and versions to at at once the one can already make impressive profits with low uses.
A number of entertaining and varied amusement arcade games and other immediately competitions under well-known to it and popular titles like Slot box, hi Tech Keno, Golden derby and football cup Scratch, provide pastime and of course terrific profits. In addition gives four amusement arcade games have jackpot integrated the ones.
Also in the casino euro one can the live video of Streams thanks real casino atmosphere in the live dealers experience casino for which right croupiers and casino employees are at the tables do one. The neat and charming female employees surely put a special attraction this one for the male players there the cards set fate and elegance the wheel at the Baccara and Blackjack and at the roulette in swing.
On the first look perhaps of the rather low one even if one 150%-//igen// welcome bonus of up to €150, you disappoint, casino euro has, however, much more than one thinks in the Petto so. The online casino covers his players and members of the true sense of the word with bonus actions and doctorates taking place regularly and among this monthly Bonusse, Loyalitätsbonusse, VIP bonus, friendly shaft advertising bonus, regular tournaments and many other things more.
The membership in the casino euro VIP club offers the players more as only Loyalitätsbonusse. VIP members come to allocate this one in the pleasure of terrific rewards and doctorates only for VIP members exclusively or to be organized regularly, for example. This supply is rounded off the prices turn out considerably higher than at the not VIP tournaments by a number of special tournaments these. Can one can convince his best friends or colleagues of the advantages in the casino euro one secure even a number of terrific Freundschaftswerbungsbonussen for himself.
The customer service at casino euro is attainable 24/7 in 16 different languages. The professional and kind customer service employees consider all questions, interests and appearing problems a player could this one have. Technical enquiries and general questions the one and payment, membership etc. can be put about different international phone numbers but also via e-mail and live chat. The support supply becomes open FAQ side expandedly through one.
Once I stepped into Casino Euro I could get a good feeling about everything because just like any other casino websites this appeared to stand out alot! The game varieties, the new games, the current bonus, Jackpots and winners these are what players look for....an attractive website that is tempting to look at and would want to make you deposit. Casino Euro is a bunch on softwares merged into one casino making this into a super casino! In my opinion if an online casino would manage to combine all the features of today's current casinos we would have the ultimate online casino experience! I am talking about Microgaming, Playtech, Real Time Gaming, Party Gaming, NetEnt, Betsoft, and all the rest combined to make an entirely new casino! And I do not think players would not want to leave if such a thing existed.
Since I cannot take any bonuses with me (yet again) I just dropped a big $100 on the casino table (made a deposit) because the atmosphere was doing such a great job for me. Just looking at this website is enough for me to try them out. What I wanted to play is something new in which my $100 would not only last long but have the chance to win a bundle.
So what I did is I skimmed through the games they had and next thing I know I found something that might turn out nicely. I went on Wild Rockets, a "Win both ways" video slot that has the same features I found in Microgaming slots like Burning Desire, Immortal Romance and ThunderStruck II BUT with a huge difference. I would get the classic 5 Reels with Three on each but on Reels 2 and 4 are extended to hold 4 symbols and on the middle Reel (Reel 3) it can hold 5 symbols. The shape is a Top spin toy or a heart without the gap in the top middle. I kept spinning this video slot to try to land the Free Spins feature so I can see what it's all about. For $1.50 per spin for the entire session on Casino Euro I was drawn so much into this video slot. The Win both ways, the Wild Rockets hoping it would point at a necessary direction (ie. if wild rocket should fire upward I would hope the wild would appear on the bottom to create a wild trail, vice versa for a wild rocket to appear on top). up or down and the feature!
After an hour in I managed to keep a steady flow on spins and wins ( with losses also) making my $100 into $135. It was not long until the Free Spins showed up to give me a blast of wins! Inside the Free Spins for 4 Scattered Fireworks Boxes including a $30 win I got 20 Free Spins! While the Spins began Wild rockets started appearing on Reels 2 and 4 while firing up and down giving me an almost covered Reels (one position were not covered on both Reels). This allowed $27.90 into my balance for my first spin! In the 7 spins right after I got nothing. That was very disappointing! Finally on the remaining spins I got small and moderate wins. Some less than others while some were 3 times bigger than my initial bet ($1.50) for a total of $74.20 win inside the free spins to give me a very nice $209.20 grand total. Right after that I adjusted my to $2 where my balance gradually dropped down to $171.89. I definitely stopped and made a withdrawal afterwards. The best part about this is I made a $71.89 difference from just this one video slot. For anyone that likes video slots that not only pay both ways but don't have to keep track of Paylines this is a video slot for you! Wild Rockets!!
Casino Euro have the biggest selection of slots I think i have ever seen. I was so overwhelmed when I first visited their site, it was obvious that I was going to register and inevitable that I would deposit sometime soon. It wasn't just because of the selection of games they have why I registered so quick but also the fact they were offering all new customers £5 free upon registration, no deposit required. With so many games to choose from I really appreciated the free fiver because it gave me a little opportunity to test some of the bad boys out. It was so hard for me to choose which slot to start with some of my all time favourites all in the same room it was almost an impossible decision lol. I think I sat there for about 30 minutes, concentrating on which one is the best to play well ok yeah I'm lying there, there is no way I have a concentration span of 30 minutes, ok in real time about 30 seconds lol. I picked a few of the nine line slots from Microgaming and there are two from NetEnt...and I started off good got my balance to about £12 then as soon as I increased my bet it was gone before I knew it.
I had great first impressions so went and made my first deposit. Received the welcome bonus, everything seemed to be going really good all I had to do now was win some money lol. Easier said than done. I played for a while and when I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore decider I call it a day. I couldn't believe it when I tried logging in in the morning to see an error message coming up saying my account had been blocked? What?
If a casino can turn round and say that to you after accepting your deposit money then that casino are not even worth the time of day. If they needed my money so much then they can have because I don't care.
I wouldn't even bother your time with this casino, I'll never have a good word to say about them, but it is a real shame that it happened.
CasinoEuro is one of the new school online casinos in my opinion. Although the apparently exist for longer than 10 years, they have like 5+ software providers. Their site is very clear and the presentation is up to date with today's standards. They basically have like 16 languages available, including Dutch and this goes also for their customer support. This is something I'm very happy about, even though my English is proficient. Sometimes I appreciate the fact that a certain localization is available. They offer a 150% first deposit bonus, which I did not opt for because of one simple reason - Wagering Requirements way too high!They ask players to wager the deposit + bonus 25 times. In my opinion they should look at their competitors, which have way better odds. Anyway like six months ago I deposited 180 euros at CasinoEuro. They have games from Net Entertainment, Microgaming, WMS, Cryptologic and a few less known providers.So you basically have enough choice with around 300 games of the Best of the Best. I started to play the Gladiator slot. This slot apparently gets offered by multiple software providers, I've played it at a Playtech site before as well. With 1 euro bets I kept playing until I reached 100 euros, by losing 80 euros.No three scatters, no big prizes….nothing spectacular happened. I've did experience better in the past with this slot. Then I moved on to play Net Entertainment's slot Reel Steal. This slot has a lot of potential, and I went to play 0.90 per bet.After first losing 25 euros I finally had three bomb or TNT symbols, which were the scatters. Free spins were awarded with 5x multiplier. The problem with these type of slots is that the Wild symbols always seem to disappear during free spins lol. Just like Dead or Alive….I didn’t win much until my very last spin when I had like 3 wild symbols showing and a high paying other symbols. I did win 600x my bet I believe, but kept playing after that by doubling my bet. After losing 100 euros. I decided it was time to cash out 580 euros - a nice profit overall.I did deposit btw with Skrill that day and I did try to contact customer support via live chat, but they were not available that night. The next morning I asked if they needed my documents and they said they would let me know if that’s the case. I received my final winnings eventually without delivering the docs for verification within 30 hours from request. Overall rating would be 7/10 - Nice website, smooth flash platform, decent customer service, the best games, very high bonus wagering requirements.
First I would like to say that the info regarding the e-wallet time frame is incorrect.
After verifying your ID the payment will be processed instantly.
Now that has been said here's my experience with CasinoEuro; I am and still a proud member of this casino because I never had problems with anything.
CasinoEuro provides a lot of games from various platforms like NetEnt, Microgaming, Quickspin, IGT, SG interactive , WMS, Playtech and a few others. Today I received an e-mail, they are planning to upgrade their website on 14th march and unfortunately on that date all their members are not able to login until the new and improved website is complete.Honestly I do find their website needs some upgrade, not there's wrong about it but some things need to fix, for example the search bar, this bar is hidden in the menu button on the upper left corner while on other casinos you can find it directly on the main page of the games.
CasinoEuro is the only casino where I always play when I feel like to. I made a total over €10.000 worth of deposit since I became a member and luckyly the total withdrawals is a little bit bigger than the total deposits so it's a good thing. Further more they are very generous on giving their loyal members free cash or free spins even if they haven't made deposits in weeks. The wagering from the free spins or free cash are quite low and because of the low wagering, winning from it is much and much easier than other casinos.
CasinoEuro references a personal account manager when you're a loyal player. I never had any personal account manager from other casinos and he/she mostly from your own country and automatically speaks your language.
It's maybe me but I never had any trouble with anything with any casino. ID and home address confirmation went always smoothly. Let me tell you a secret, believe it or not but CasinoEuro is the number 1 in my list regardless the complaints here on AG. I surely recommend CasinoEuro to everyone who are able to sign up and number 1 deserves 10 star rating!
Till now beside the hidden search bar I really do not have any complain regarding the casino...well done CasinoEuro.
As I can see Askgamblers still didn't remove the restrictions for my country but I can assure you my dear country mates you can join and play in this casino. Well I know I was not able to play here because I have tried over this years and because my country wasn't even listed there so yes I was restricted to play. I was always wondering how come I could play in their other Betsson group of casinos and only Casino Euro didn't accept me as a player.
Well I was just browsing for some new casinos online and I just saw Casino Euro and thought I will check as they might have changed something. On my biggest surprise my country showed up in the list of the registration form so in that moment I couldn't believe my eyes.
I opened the form continued with my registration and boom I was in the casino where I could see what they have to offer for the first time depositors. I only saw % match bonus with not so small wagering since the bonus should be wagered but the deposit as well. Having euros I took their bonus even I was having second thought should I take the bonus or play with my own money,but since having only euros I decided to take their bonus and was ready to roll.
As always start playing Piggy Riches game and came up to 400 euros,the game was full so was getting great winnings and the free spins features which I was getting more often and before I realized my bonus was wagered but as I continued playing it lost half of the money and decided to withdraw 200 euros.
Well my story didn't end so happily because their pending time frame took more hen I was expecting so while I waited for them to verified my account I spend all the funds I have on my balance. Well hoping I will have more luck next time and since my account is verified hope my withdraw will be pretty fast. Good casino with really nice ratings but disappointing KYC verifying time frame.
I had a deposit on the Casino Euro just recently and that was on the recommendation of one ours AG member. It is about a casino with really big number of games from different software providers like Microgaming for example, Netent, Criptologic and here you will also find even a few Playtech slot games. I think that anyone who will play in this casino will find a big number of games by taste.
Although so far I have not had a chance to test their support I can tell you that they offer support available 24 hours every day of the week. Also they have a live chat support, which is far the best and the fastest way to contact the casino. The bonus offer which you have here is really impressive and I'll write only a few sentences about their welcome offer. It consists of three bonuses on the first three deposits. The first one and which most interested me is a bonus of 100% with wagering requirements of 35 x bonus. The second bonus comes with a bonus percentage of 25% and the third with 50%. The terms and the wagering requirements for all these 3 bonuses are identical. Basically, this is a solid offer with fair terms. The casino has protected here only with limiting the amount of the max bet per spin. Today more and more casinos have limits on the amount of the max bet, when it comes to the bonuses.
I made a deposit of 25 euros and I received bonus money with the same amount. Unfortunately, at the end I did not succeeded to fulfill the wagering requirements and to request a withdrawal but, on some games I've had good wins. Let's say, playing on the Angel or Devil I've had two wins bigger than 100 x bet. I can also say I was surprised by that what I found this Playtech game in the casino offer. The Casino Euro deserves to be highly rated and that would be with 8 out of 10 possible stars.
One of the reasons why I like to play at this casino is that it offers a big variety of slots games being that it is powered by at least nine gaming software platforms.
Another reason why I only deposit here is because the min deposit is $10 unlike most other NetEnt sites I play at which is $20 min.
However the main reason why I decided to deposit and play at this casino in the 1st place was because I read somewhere that u don't need id to cash out at this casino and so I have deposited quite a bit of money there. This has been of no benefit to me because like its other sister sites I haven't had any luck with the slot games and so have never been able to cash out here.
Like all casinos in this network there is no point asking about the free bonuses at live help because they are useless because I always get the same reply, if u don't get an email for free spins then they aren't availableto u but keep checking ur emails for future free spins promos.
I'm not at all happy about not getting any free spins anymore and so I haven't deposited here for over a month now and will only do so again if they start offering me free spins again. .
AskGamblers state that Australians aren't allowed to play at this casino but I am Australian player and unless they have changed country restrictions I am allowed to play here and at the other Betsson Malta Limited Casinos. | 2019-04-18T14:27:31Z | http://trustgamblers.org/reviews/online-casino-euro/ |
I don’t care which border you are crossing, what country you are from or where you are going, it’s always exciting and a little nerve-racking going through customs.
This wasn’t our first Canadian crossing in an RV. It was…our third…no our fourth…I think…I should cut back on the drinking. Anywho, we’ve never really had any trouble getting into Canada. In fact the only times we’ve had anything taken from us is when we were crossing back into the USA by the agriculture peeps. We had certain vegetables, herbs (planted) and cat food (because we didn’t have the original bag) that were taken before we could cross. Other than that, it’s always been a fuss free event.
But that almost makes us more nervous! Because how can we get so lucky every time? We’ve heard others say they have been searched inside out and had every drawer, cabinet and crevasse rifled through. So needless to say, we were preparing ourselves for the worst…so here’s how our crossing from Sweet Grass, Montana, USA to Coutts, Alberta, Canada went down.
Luckily, we weaseled right on through, no problem! Thank you Canada!
Ok, we still have several crossings ahead of us so we shouldn’t get so excited, things could still get interesting.
In the meantime, if you’re thinking of crossing the Canadian or USA border, here are the sites you’ll want to check before you cross over. You’ll find (some) information on pets, firearms, agriculture, and the most important…booze. As always, when in doubt, call and ask.
We’ve always found that if you have all your basic and important information on hand, a friendly smile (most important), nothing to hide and nothing illegal on board, you’ll be just fine.
Have you done any border crossings in your RV? Have any awesome (or not so awesome) stories? Tell us all about it in the comments below!
This is just the beginning of our great Canadian/Alaskan adventures. Follow us in real time using #AlaskaBound on social media. If you want a front seat ride to all that’s ahead, join us by email! We’ll send you a note each time we have a new post or you can sign up for the monthly roundup/newsletter. Either way, we’d love to have you along for the journey!
Honestly we couldn’t help but let a momentary burst of laughter slip out when we heard you say “No Sir, we are Democrats”. We don’t have to agree on politics or anything else for that matter to appreciate each other, my wife and I love your videos and just had to say thank you for the laughs and the inspiration. Safe travels and if you find yourself in Nebraska don’t pass up the opportunity to check out a few of our quirky (car henge) and not so quirky sights, bring your bikes to Lincoln and take a ride on the Homestead trail or go to the panhandle for a horseback ride at Fort Robinson.
I usually get asked the gun question 3 or 4 times, but then I’m a FFL and a Republican, LOL.
Ha, yea that one joke made quite the wave in our YouTube comments, people can be a little crazy when it comes to politics, even when its a lighthearted joke.
Do you have guns? No. You’re from Texas and don’t have a gun? No, we’re democrats.
We were behind you someplace – maybe Dawson City ferry. For those concerned about driving to Alaska, we’ve been doing it four years running in our Sprinter Class B. There are always a few gravel construction zones. They are not usually rough, but are dusty or muddy. On some sections in the Yukon, there can be some pretty vicious potholes in springtime, but it seems most are filled by about mid June. The drive is not threatening, dangerous, damaging or difficult, and I don’t know of anywhere else where you are so sure to see black bears, grizzlies, moose, bison and an assortment of other critters grazing along the roadside. We generally alternate between the Stewart-Cassiar route and the Alaska highway. Both routes have some very nice government campgrounds (usually unserviced) and a lesser number of acceptable to good RV parks, which start to get busy in the last week of June.
Ha! You guys are funny and this video was great.
I’ve crossed plenty of borders over the last 30ish years of my life, and it gets to where crossing into a first world industrailized nation is no big, but I do understand your trepidation on how it would go.
I wouldn’t have let you in givin your shifty look, but that’s just me, and while It’s probably been a pain you would have loved to dodge, I’m glad to hear you don’t have guns and that you’re Lefites. ?
I want to congratulate you guys for 9 years of being together and doing something you love and sharing it with not only yourselves but us! Please keep doing what you do and inspiring us to follow!
I crossed in 2013 and had an interesting discussion with an agent. He was fixated about weapons and I kept telling I had none. I believe his questioning was trying to trick me. Finally he got frustrated and said we can go…what was that all about. Enjoy your trip to Alaska.
Check out Liard hot springs. We loved it on our Alaska trip after spending a summer working with the natives.
We loved Liard, that’s the kind of hot spring we prefer as opposed to the “pools” you see in more touristy areas.
Hey! I just saw you RV in Whitehorse and thought I’d check you out.
We have crossed the border multiple times in a class A motorhome and I am always holding my breath until we are through. Crossing into the States a few years ago we were searched. Our daughter was just 4 months old, had just fallen asleep and we had to take her out of her carseat to go inside while they searched us. We have taken out the couch to the right as you first walk in to put in a second forward facing seat for the kids. The border agent walked up the stairs into our RV, turned right and smashed his head into the upper cabinets! Opps. I thought for sure we would be in for a long wait if we got to cross at all after that. Luckily, he only took our green peppers and an ice pack and let us through.
Have a great time in the North! But be careful, it’s been known to get into your blood and you have to keep coming back.
Did you have problems with the road conditions on the Alcan Highway? I’ve been following another blog and another couple on YouTube and the road looks almost impassable in spots. I can’t imagine it is good for a Class A motorhome to drive on those road conditions. We are seriously rethinking our trip up to Alaska and doing an Alaska cruise instead. We don’t want to ruin our RV and it does not look enjoyable bouncing around on a gravel road.
You must be following Chris and G. They have put out some great videos of their travel but your right. Watching them go over some of those roads tell me we won’t be doing that soon. Might be ok in a big diesel pusher with air suspension but we have a Monarch just like theirs only a year newer. So what i see is what i’ll get on those roads. Still, it looks amazing so worth the trip. Just not the drive.
Great video! Before we bought our 5th wheel, we took a trip celebrating our 30th anniversary up into Canada at Niagara Falls, over to Ottawa and Montreal before coming back into the states in New England; staying at campgrounds with on-site rentals where we could. The Canadians are the most friendly people – we had a wonderful time and now that we have our “rig” we’ve been wondering about the procedures and/or complexities of crossing the border with an RV (along with “booze” and pets!). I’m sure there are more robust – but completely reasonable entrance interviews & searches – but yours showed that being prepared and polite can get you through smoothly. We enjoy all your videos and look forward to watching your adventure unfold.
Last year my wife and i crossed the Canadian border in our RV for the first time. We are US Citizens but were born in Canada and our US passports state that we were born in Canada. The broader guard said to me, “I see your a US citizen but you were born in Canada. Have you picked up any bad habits?” My mind raced to figure out what to answer to this question when he finally said with a laugh “In other words, do you have any guns in there?”. Made both of us laugh.
Great video! I was worried that if they saw you videotaping, they might not be to happy. At any rate, you didn’t show the agent. I’m glad it went as smoothly as it did.
I’m doing the same Sweetgrass crossing with my cat, in August. But I’m moving! I have dual citizenship. I’m sure I’ll be a bit nervous.
I look forward to following the rest of your Alaska adventure!
Fleetwood RV gear hunting and fishing like my family does.
We are still looking forward to hearing about your adventure though!
Thanks for the love. It’s an in the moment “real” video with no editing of the real in the moment commentary, not a big political statement.
Hi! We’re caravanners in England and travel on our holidays throughout Europe but love following your travels in USA! We’ve never been to the USA but having watched your videos and seen your pictures we are very keen to fulfil that ambition sometime!! Absolutely loved your video of the border crossing – it really conveyed the sense of excitement and adventure! Would be delighted to see more ‘on the road’ clips! We’ve found your whole site and adventures very inspirational! Thank you for sharing.
That’s was easy, but why would anyone admit they are Demarcates. You just lost your Texas Card. That’s ok I still like ya. Keep up the good work and maybe Ill see ya’ll out there.
Hey guys! Loved the border crossing video. We had a hunting rifle with us and it didn’t go as easily as yours but we made it after a second go around and 3 hours later. We made it to Tok, Alaska today. Sorry we missed you for halibut and wine. We will be in the Kenai for the summer. Maybe we will cross paths sooner or later!! Take Care and Safe Travels.
I have heard that you can take a hunting rifle in and it does take extra time and goes easier if you pre-fill out the paperwork. Thanks so much for sharing, that will make a few of the hunters feel better about crossing over.
I grew up in Canada (born in WA) and crossed the border more times than I can count. It NEVER got easier..LOL Always just as tense as the time before.
Thanks for the great detailed info that you two provide to us novices.
Now who could resist those faces!! You “classy hoboed” your way into a country with a couple of pretty smiles and a nice attitude! ( OK, the cool cats had to help a little ) Good for you! I hope your trip is magical and memorable….and everything goes as smooth as a fine wine with your friends, old and new. Thank you for sharing and caring for those of us that adore you! You two are the best…the very best!
You guys are freakin’ adorable! Thanks for this information!
It could have been the “yessir” politeness that made it easy for you (note to self), but we too are crossing the border to Vancouver, Canada in a few weeks. That isn’t nearly enough time to drink down the liquor cabinet onboard, lol (especially since we have just stocked up on fabulous wine after visits to Paso Robles and Sonoma). So we still can’t be assured our experience will be like yours, but it’s a data point in the right direction!
I love how the kitteh went over to check out the interaction, ensuring that he be *seen* by the border agent! Hah! (Cats don’t understand discretion.) Cracked me up and what a beauty!
Hi! We are also doing the Alaska trip this summer. We are in North Pole now. A few suggestions: Liard Hot Springs in BC is a must. Super clean and nice. Free if you stay at the campground which is also nice. We loved Whitehorse, YT. It’s a cute, outdoorsy town. Walk the 5k Millenium Trail loop over the Yukon and around town. Eat dinner at the Burnt Toast Cafe. We had salad, lamb tacos, Arctic char & Yukon Brewing Co beer. Everything was fresh & tasty.
In Tok, AK we stayed at the Sourdough Campground. It’s a fun experience. Tim is a good cook. He makes great fresh potato chips and burgers for dinner.
Jason and Nikki, you are both so funny! We have been “stalking” aah following (lol) you since your Rv purchase on househunters several years ago. You have provided so much information that is helping us decide what we want in our first motorhome that we hope to order by the beginning of next year. Just have to finish husbands yearlong work assignment in Hawaii. We both questioned the noise rattle that came across on the video was it gasser related? We originally wanted to purchase a high end gasser (Newmar Canyon Star) but after researching we are looking at Newmar diesels instead because of the higher carrying capacity & noise factor. Keep us posted on your likes and dislikes of gas. Definitely love the live video and your cute kitties but have learned a lot from the how to videos as well.
Safe Canadian travels, you guys!
Our border crossing was similar, but not the case coming back into America. They literally searched our RV and we had to stay in our seats while they poked around. They even used mirrors under the chassis to see if there were any hidden “moths” being transported. Okay, I’m getting stressed out reminiscing the house snooping. Watch out for those Yukon frost heaves. Enjoy your trip!
You MADE it into Canada!! And didn’t have to surrender a DROP of booze!! Hey, we have the same hooks in our RV that you have – the brushed silver kind hanging behind Jason’s head.
Welcome to Canada!! My wife and I live in Calgary and spend lots of time in the Canadian Rockies. Here are some suggestions.
1. While in Banff, check out the the Banff Springs Hotel. Lots of history, a fantastic view out the back of the hotel, a very cool mid-evil ball room and this hotel has a spa that is rated one of the best in North America. If you enjoy a rustic restaurant and a great breakfast, go to Melissa’s Miss Steak. Lunch at the Rose & Crown is always good. If camping at Tunnel Mountain, full service is $33.00. Request a spot in the “trailer court”. This is the wooded area of the campground and is much nicer. We have camped there a few times this year. Lots of Elk at the end of the Trailer Court section of the campground.. This campground can handle any size rv.
2. Minniwanka lake drive takes about 45 minutes. It’s a nice little drive with some nice views.
3. Johnston Canyon is a must. It is located on highway 1A between Banff and Lake Louise. There are 2 waterfalls. Follow the trail to the 1st waterfall, cross the bridge, go through a small cave and you are right at the face of the falls. The hike to the 2nd falls is not worth the effort. There are a few campgrounds close to the canyon. They do restrict sizes of rv’s.
4.Moraine Lake is a must. As you pass through the village of Lake Louise, you will come to Moraine Lake Road. We were at Lake Louise last week and this road was not opened for the summer yet. Maybe this is your lucky week and it has now opened for the season? If so, when you get to the lake, take the trail to the top of the big pile of rocks…..another great Canadian Rocky view!
6. Do you have some extra time? Make a trip to Radium Hot Springs on hwy 93 south. Its a little of the beaten path and not as crowded as Banff. We stay at The Canyon RV resort. It’s especially nice if you can get a spot by the stream. You can hike up to the hot springs form the camp site. If this campground is full, check out Redstreak campground. Almost guaranteed to see mountain sheep here. I’ve seen lots of wildlife on this highway.
7. Turn that Fleetwood around and head north on hwy 93 back towards the trans Canada highway. Once you cross the trans Canada Highway, you are now on the north portion of hwy 93 that many of us call “glacier highway”. Once again, spectacular views!!
8. You will come across the Columbia Ice Fields tourist area. You can take a bus right up to the top of the glacier. It is worth the trip. While on this bus, you may see tourist groups with a stacks of plastic cups. The guides do this so their guests can drink the freshest mountain water anywhere. You might want to bring along a cup just to say you had the purest water around.
We had taken our North Carolinian friends on a tour our wine country a few years ago. If you are heading back to the US via BC, let me know and I can suggest which campgrounds and vineyards to check out. They are all located in the Okanagan. ….. anyways, our friends became huge fans of Ice Wine. After that trip, we took them to the Columbia Ice Fields. They liked the water so much, the called it Ice Water.
OK, I’m starting to babble now. Feel free to e-mail me should you have any questions while in this area.
Safe travels and enjoy your stay in Canada!
If you fancy adding a few miles come and see the beautiful South Shore of Nova Scotia, you won’t be disappointed guys! Safe journey eh!!!!
We always found getting into Canada to be easy…….except for the one time they took my little purse-size pepper spray…..”because they don’t have crime there”……. although you can carry a big ol’ can of bear spray……go figure.
Welcome to Canada. My wife and I live in Calgary and frequently RV in the great Canadian Rockies. Are you interested in a few suggestions of sites to visit? Let us know and I will put together a small list for you.
Prudhoe Bay= FLY from Fairbanks. You can leave the rig in one of local campgrounds and catch a short ride to the airport. Cats can be left with numerous vets or kennels. Trip of a lifetime.
That was easier than going through DFW airport!
Lots of daylight coming your way! I wish I was that far north, eh??
What a nice change on the video format…I loved seeing the scenery and hearing the free-flowing conversation (and road noise) compared to the more “scripted” videos you do. Excellent change-up!
I had to chuckle as Singa must be a professionally licensed relaxer…I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cat so, well, relaxed!!
But Good Lord, will the Great Nation of Texas let you back in if you don’t have any six-shooters??
Totally looking forward to the next installment of your Northern Adventure!! Good Luck & Happy Landings!!
Ha ha, glad you enjoyed it Jim! To keep the updates flowing regularly we will do more of these off the cuff videos (aka less editing).
Hi Guys, while I was watching your video crossing the border, I noticed “FORD” on the steering wheel. Does that mean that the Bounder is a Gasser. Don’t you usually drive a diesel? How is the handling on those roads and noise level as opposed to your diesel? Also it sounds a little bumpy, is that true or is there no difference from the diesel? Being a woman, I am a little afraid of diesel, so might have to get gas engine for simplicity. What are your thoughts, going to be full time and looking for a 34 footer. Thanks for your comments and as always your Videos.
I am Canadian. Have never broken the law, have great respect for the law and wouldn’t do anything illegal. Having said that, I can totally relate to how you felt crossing the border. It doesn’t matter how often I cross, I still have that twinge of fear that I might have done something wrong that I am not even aware of and they are going to detain me for search. It seems to be built right in to the process. So far, every experience has been smooth and simple, even if they ask how much alcohol you have on board. 🙂 No fines, just tax and or duty on whatever exceeds the limit. (No need to induce a hangover headache Nikki) Hope the rest of your visit in our fine country is fun and exciting. Welcome to the great white north eh!
A little parody for your enjoyment.
Last July we took a motorcycle trip, we ride with another couple, up thru the Canadian Rockies. Beautiful country and the Canadians are very friendly people. We stayed in Revelstoke a couple of nights and the railroad museum is spectacular. In the early evenings, I believe on the weekends, they put chairs out in the street and have a concert. Fun town to visit.
I love the video. My husband makes fun of me because I can nervous over things like this, too. Have a great trip–I’m excited to hear about your adventures going to Alaska and gleam some tips for a future trip of our own.
As usual we are enjoying your travels. Especially this summer, as we will be following you guys to AK. (Reversed trip leaving from Seattle area, returning via MT) We are near Seattle at my brothers finishing up with the prep for the trip to the great North. First … our Disney Cruise to see lower AK inside passage June 1-7. Then we head to check out the BC boarder crossing 😉 Being from MT we have crossed at Coutts many times. Never a problem. But coming back into Maine at the smaller southern crossing (Calais) they questioned about our cockatiel (we had checked and they’re not on the “bird list”) but US customs said we had to go north to Houlton crossing anyway, so their Vet could see our bird. We got there and the Vet was off duty and we had to pay $150 for him to come in. He just said, agh … cockatiels are fine & didn’t even look at him. Thanks! welcome back to the USA. Hope to cross paths with you two up there somewhere. Safe travels.
Nice. I’ve not yet made the trip to Canada or Alaska but look forward to yours. I wonder, what do you think so far of the gas coach (any regrets?). We know you are evaluating for Fleetwood, but that aside, do you think your next coach will be Diesel? Have you guys gave any thought to the “Super C” Diesel/Freighliner variety, like Dynamax or others with the huge GVWR? One more thing, I noticed that the map below still shows you in Shelby, MT, even though you clearly crossed into Canada.
Especially the “no Sir’s”. That’s why the custom officer didn’t ask more questions. The “Sir” part tickles us Canadians, eh.
I also was worried when my family and I crossed into Canada. The customs agent ask a bunch of questions about where we were going and how long we were staying, then ask, “Are you carrying anything of value that you are going to leave in Canada?” My answer was, “Yes about 75 gallons of gasoline.” Upon hearing that he chuckled and said, have a great time in Canada.
Your cat makes me wish I was a cat person. Totally chill! I’m sure you would have found a few people to join you in a booze party had it been necessary. I’d have driven up from Seattle to help out, no problem!
Love your new “reality show” video format! Really – it’s nice to see you in a real-time, real-life situation that’s unstaged and unscripted. Please consider using this format more in the future!
As for border crossings – years ago I used to cross into Canada from the US – and back – for work, every day. Never had any issues at all with the Canadians, but you never knew about the US border officers coming back. They were usually fine, but sometimes they could be more paranoid, give me a hard time, insist on searches, etc. You just never knew – which was probably part of their plan to be unpredictable. Point is – it will be very interesting to see how it all works out when you finally come back into the 48 states.
But before then – have a great time on your new adventure into the far north. Can’t wait to see and read all about it from you. And as usual – we also want to know all about how your new RV works out, along with all you new technology. We can’t make this trip, but we love to live it vicariously along with you. Have fun!
If anyone entering a foreign country (which Canada is to Americans) and checks with the appropriate services prior to arriving at the border they will prevent any potential problems. Just best to be truthful and they shouldn’t encounter any problems.
I went to Canada last summer a few weeks after I got my coach…they hassled me at customs because I had been to Egypt. And the worst part was that the parks there are NOT dog friendly. They are allowed in your campground loop only and nowhere else. No dogs no dog people…no fun. Went back to the US the next day.
Hey Wynn’s great start to a great trip. Good luck.
Ok mister Democrat, you’re the kind, non gun packing peaceful ones and the rest of us Republicans need a closer scrutiny. I’m telling them you have dangerous hard boiled eggs and excess booze. Not really, have a great time.
Ha ha…great now I have to eat a lot of deviled eggs and polish off the bourbon before anyone finds us!
Good thing you have the MAXXAIR auto fans going!!!!! Jason stay up front with Singa!!!
Does this reply actually work when crossing the border? I am very curious as I am always packing…great video but got the giggles from that response. We Repubs always need the extra help with border crossings and the like as we can be irksome.
As a lifelong Republican who has never owned a gun and haven’t fired one in at least 35 years, I suppose I should be offended by your mention to the border guard about not having firearms because you’re Democrats. But I’m not. In fact, I find it pretty funny. Too many of us find way too many ways to be offended these days, including some Democrats! I can’t wait to keep up with your adventures!
I am glad, it wasn’t meant to offend anyone or be a political statement (we’re very non political really). It was a random response but in his defense he was nervous. But it was funny how surprised the guy was that we were Texans and not packin’!
Welcome to Canada! Enjoyed your live coverage of crossing the border into Canada today. We feel nervous everytime we approach our border to return home too! Loved your comment, “we’re democrats” when asked if you had firearms etc. Happy you got to keep your eggs, booze (so much more expensive here) and no issues with your lovely felines!
Funny thing is, we may not have even had too much booze we just weren’t sure and didn’t want to call and find out. Then we would have known and couldn’t have brought it over without saying something.
I completely understand being nervous when crossing into Canada. I had originals of all paperwork in my log book, I had copies stored in the bedroom and electronic copies …just in case.
Also when we crossed from Detroit into Ontario they have 2 separate crossing lanes. CARS and TRUCKS since I was bigger than a car and the motor home sits on a truck chassis I went into the truck lane which was a HUGE mistake.
Any way have fun in Canada and Alaska.
Nikki: don’t you wear a seat belt?
Yes, I just have a bad habit of tucking the top strap under my arm because it annoys me. I know that is terrible and it is a bad habit I have had for as long as I can remember.
Favorite takeaway: It’s the REPUBLICANS in Texas who have the guns. lol That was SUCH a real answer while you were under stress. Had to watch that part back three times because we were laughing so hard we couldn’t hear every precious word. Love you guys.
BTW…. You are EACH allowed ONE of the following: Up to 1.5 litres of wine OR up to 1.14 litres of hard liquor OR up to 8.5 litres (24 cans or bottles, 355 ml each) of beer. Next time we talk, you have got to tell us, off the record, exactly how far above the limit you were. You’ve already said too much publicly (lol) and we promise not to turn you in.
Ha ha, we were just a little over then, not as bad as I thought we were. Good to know! But you are right, this will have to be a campfire discussion later!
By the way… if you’ve never been there before, do not miss Moraine Lake, Lake Louise and Peyto Lake, all of which are stunning. If you want to do a stellar hike, “the Beehives” is a classic that offers wonderful views down onto Lake Louise. The very first photo of us hiking in your MM&T article was taken up there. It’s achingly beautiful. Now we really can’t wait to get up there next month. Have fun!
So what are your thoughts so far of the gas engine vs the diesel coach? How’s the cab noise? Is the power sufficient and how does it handle? All thoughts will be helpful as we are trying to decide. Maybe your future video would answer these questions and more. Thanks and be safe!
We definitely have a video coming soon where we will give you a front seat ride through the mountains. So you can all see and hear for yourselves the difference. It has been interesting so far!
I gotta hand it to you. For as nervous as you were approaching the border, you handled it like a pro!
Our family lives in Washington and we’ve taken our RV into Canada at least once a year for about 20 years, so I guess after a while it’s easy to take for granted. We’ve never had them go through our RV (although we’ve known people who’ve had that experience), but we’ve had to leave campfire wood behind that we habitually carry with us whenever we go “camping”. I believe we’ve had to surrender certain unprepared (raw) foods on rare occasions, but it’s never been an issue, as they probably have better produce up there than we do down here.
The only time we’ve ever had to pull off to the side and park was when we had forgotten the birth certificates of our boys and had to go inside to establish proof that they were our kids.
As for claiming allegiance to either of the two major political parties here, I’d recommend against it because they really don’t care and the vast majority of them wouldn’t know the difference anyway. The problem is that when you volunteer anything they don’t specifically ask for or understand, it can sometimes lead to a whole new branch of questions. My advice is to smile like you did and keep your answers as simple as possible, and you’ll get through quickly and without hassle.
Thanks for sharing that with us. I believe it’s the first time I’ve seen video of someone going across.
After crossing the “top of the world ” hyway, the Immigration agent walked to our van, eating a sandwich, and said,”you should have been here yesterday, the view was much better” …he then walked back into his office..
We just went into canada thru Sumas Washington. They took our eggs (due to avian flu) and apples. So dont buy anything like that before crossing.?
Ok watched your video. We just got back from a trip just like your on. Remember you will also have more border checks. We did going and leaving total of 4. Try and make Chicken Alaska and top of the world that drops into Dawson city. Please also go on to Valdez.good place to Boondock on Prince William sound right before Valdez. Best part of trip and I have been to Alaska before but never on this highway and was so surprised. Have fun.
Thanks for the tips! Both are on our route and glad to hear it’s worth the trip!
When we crossed the border they asked my husband if he had over 10000 dollars on him. He said what I’m a married man I don’t have money on me. The guy laughed and waved us through.
Loved the video and LOL at the democrat comment. Plenty of democrats are proud gun owners, FYI.
Anyway, I was super nervous watching your video…felt like I was right there. Glad everything went smoothly for you and hope you have an awesome adventure. I’ve crossed a few times into Canada and have always been treated very professionally by the Canadian Border Control. Nicest.People.Ever. My experiences with the U.S. Border Control are completely different though. I always expect rude, unprofessional agents when I come home to the U.S., and they never, ever disappoint.
Ha ha, I know, that democrat thing was the most random response but it was funny. Glad you have found the Canadians to be as nice as we have. You just never know but they always make us feel welcome.
Ha ha ha, “No, sir. We’re democrats.” I gotta say, as a Canadian, I just assume all Americans are carrying weapons and take it from there.
I couldn’t believe how nervous you were approaching the border, but it sure went well. Cats, booze, and eggs… all safely in Canada.
Enjoy and keep up the amazing posts!
I like you even more now that I know you are Democrats! Happy Trails!
“Well have a nice day,” and she shut the window.
No ID, Passport, Library card, favorite song, Nothing. Just have a nice day.
Coming back into the US, a completely different story. I was subjected to everything but a body cavity search.
I’ve had the same experience, but usually getting back in the U.S. is just as simple as getting out was, with the following caveat: The U.S. Border Patrol are typically less friendly than their Canadian counterparts and I’ve found that it’s even more beneficial to provide succinct and accurate answers and avoid being too friendly.
We first crossed over in an RV in 2001, at the time we both worked in the Casino business and were immediately pulled to the side, searched & questioned.Pretty scary..Luckily someone told us to take a flare gun for protection instead of a firearm..We got thru and had a great time..
We are following your trip, as we are starting to plan another Alaska adventure in 2016..
Ya, we too have gotten searched and they were very nice and it was quick but always makes you so incredibly nervous!
A note on taking pepper spray into Canada: if you have pepper spray and want to take it into Canada (for hiking protection against bears), make sure you declare it as BEAR SPRAY and not pepper spray. We were told by several Canadian customs agents that the former is allowed, but not the latter (even though they’re basically the same thing).
I just want to say how much I enjoy your video’s and especially this one on the border crossing. I feel the exact same way, I get so nervous and just know that I’m going to the slammer!!! We always make it thru but…….
After saying all that! Can hardly wait for your next installment. Both of you are a joy to know!!!! And hugs for the kitties!
Make sure you stop in Banff and Lake Louise. Top 10 places to visit in North America.
Border personnel don’t typically take being lied to so well and could’ve made things very difficult. I’m glad things turned out okay for your dad and your family. I greatly respect your dad for the price he paid in his service, and I just hope he’s found better options than carrying lead to make himself feel less vulnerable.
Just wondering why you told the guard you guys were Democrats? It just struck me as kinda funny.
Couldn’t you tell, it was nerves. We so not political people but it was just a random response and definitely funny.
I have traveled to Canada many times. If travelling by air or sea, there have been absolutely no problems. However, by auto we are “randomly” selected for a complete search each and every time. They must not like the cut of my jib or something.
For an RV, what additional insurance paperwork is required? Both for the RV and the Toad.
Is the vehicle registration the only paperwork required for the RV?
Looking forward to your posts as you travel the north country.
We will be crossing the border in August, just to cut across from Buffalo, NY to Michigan with 2 dogs, and it does make one nervous with all the stuff we pack for our travels! I must remember to take the dog food bag, as we usually don’t have it with us! Safe travels!
The guard’s skepticism about you having guns, lol.
AH- I feel your nervous pain!! I am from Canada, so I always felt that dread coming into the US. We live in Colorado now, but every boarder crossing…. my palms always get sweaty.
Loved that Nikki was more worried about the booze than the cats.
Any bets on how many days in before you see your first moose or bear?
We, too, have found going in to Canada a breeze. Coming back is another story. Had to give up some fresh veggies, rice (not in its original bag), and literally had to walk a bundle of kindling back across the border. Geesh. Our trip was Sept. Of 2014 crossing back in to Sumas, WA. Thanks for allowing us to follow your journeys Wynn Family.
You guys made *me* nervous and I’m just sitting in my stick & bricks living room.
I don’t know if you follow ChrisTravels but he just crossed into Canada as well with a full search of his RV. The authorities even opened some gas cans and didn’t close them properly causing gas fumes to seep into the RV. It took a while for him to figure out where the smell was coming from. They also broke a vent cover on top of his RV. I’m glad you two got through with no problems.
I do keep up with Chris here and there but I didn’t know that. That is terrible, poor guy! I actually did have my seat belt on I just tuck the top part under, bad habit.
I was nervous watching! lol … Can’t wait for the adventure!
I love you guys! What an awesome life you live!
We crossed into Canada from New York State in our MoHo. A very friendly Mountie came onboard, and opened our refrigerator. He didn’t check anything else, but asked if we were hunters and if we had any firearms onboard. He was very pleasant. We saw a parking lot with several RVs and cars being more thoroughly inspected. | 2019-04-20T14:51:13Z | https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/crossing-canadian-border-in-rv |
On Monday October 26, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called for the Senate health reform bill to include a public option. The bill will include a provision allowing states to opt out prior to 2014.
The Senate bill will be sent to the Congressional Budget Office for scoring within the next couple of days. Reid skirted the question as to whether he had the 60 votes needed to bring a vote to the Senate floor.
The much discussed trigger that would have delayed implementation of the public option will not be included nor scored. The bill will include the co-op provisions of the Senate Finance Committee bill.
C-Span reports that progressive Democratic senators refused to accept anything less than the public option, driving the final decision by the majority leader. Why the Opt Out? According to Reid, "we have 60 people in the caucus. It's comfort level - - we all hug together and see where we come out."
On Friday October 23, America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) met in the aftermath of a tumultuous month in which the health insurance companies' lobbying operation released a study it commissioned which according to the White House is "an attempt to confuse the debate around health reform." The consequences of this ill-timed report could include building momentum for an end to the anti-trust exemptions that the insurance industry has enjoyed since 1945.
Guest author and Vice Chair of the HIT Standards Committee John Halamka reports on the October 14th meeting of the HIT Standards Committee, including important updates on patient access through portals, vocabulary standards, quality measures, security/privacy and the formation of a new implementation workgroup.
The day started with comments from David Blumenthal. He briefly described the Nationwide Healthcare Information Network (NHIN) as an evolving vital element of our national health information strategy. He emphasized that we need to expand the scope of our NHIN thinking to include consumer health information platforms in addition to the provider and government organizations that have been the focus to date. He also noted that we need to move from pilots/prototypes to scalable real world implementations, establishing the right governance mechanism for the NHIN.
The Clinical Operations update followed and included a discussion of gaps in the current work. We started with a discussion of patient access to an EHR. Should we include clinical summaries, the entire record, or the standard data elements that can be exported to commercial PHRs such as Google Health and Microsoft Healthvault? We heard about experiences at Kaiser, Geisinger, BIDMC and others. It's clear that PHR data sharing is very heterogeneous at the moment and that convenience transactions such as appointment making, medication renewal, and referral management may be more important to patients than full access to every aspect of their record. The HIT Policy committee will be asked to define minimum requirements for patient access to EHR data.
We discussed needed enhancements to vocabularies including a national SNOMED-CT to ICD9/ICD10 mapping, RxNorm mapping to National Drug File Reference Terminology (NDF-RT) and Standard Product Labeling (SPL), a standard lab compendium for ordering, UCUM guidance and testing, and a national infrastructure to distribute and maintain codesets. I discussed this need for enhanced vocabulary tools in yesterday's blog. Our action item today was to create a Vocabulary sub-Workgroup that will address these issues and propose priorities and solutions to the entire Committee and ONC.
We heard an update from the Clinical Quality Workgroup about the re-tooling of quality measures to be more EHR-centric. Good progress is being made.
Next, we focused on privacy & security. Dixie Baker and Steve Findlay summarized a few updates to the standards matrix - SOAP 1.2 is the current recommended version and per evolving federal guidelines (NIST SP 800-63-1), Kerberos will be allowed but not required for 2011 because Federal systems will begin disallowing Kerberos in 2013. NIST SP 800-63-1 is cited as implementation guidance for "Level 2" certification criteria for authentication, but we've been careful not to impose Federal FISMA criteria on the private sector.
* Specification of Health Information Exchange assumptions and associated privacy and security policy. This relates to my blog yesterday in which I noted that policy guidance is really essential to pick the simplest set of security constructs needed to protect confidentiality.
1. To spend the entire November HIT Standards Committee meeting hearing testimony from stakeholders on Security issues.
3. To specify our assumptions for HIE information exchanges and share those assumptions with the Policy Committee so that they could specify a policy framework that then could serve as the basis for constraining security and privacy standards. One of our committee members noted that policy constrains architectural possibilities, enabling selection of the simplest set of standards needed to meet requirements.
Given the emphasis of the meeting on adoption and implementation, we discussed next steps regarding our new Implementation Workgroup. Specifically we will arrange for a day of testimony on October 29 from many stakeholder groups to better understand adoption and implementation issues, needs for enhanced implementation guidance, and identification of enablers that would accelerate interoperability such as new tools or filing standards gaps. We'll also conduct an online forum and accept written testimony. This feedback process is very important to ensure rapid cycle improvement in the standards making and standards selection processes. Per my blog yesterday, this will help with resolving the outstanding common data transport issues.
We ended the meeting with a discussion of the results from the privacy hearings conducted by the HIT Policy Committee on September 18.
Thus, we have action steps to resolve all the issues I raised on my blog yesterday - alignment of policy and standards activities to create the parsimonious set of security standards to protect confidentiality, a working group to resolve outstanding vocabulary issues, and a feedback process to resolve common data transport and other standards adoption/implementation issues.
A great meeting and I look forward to our day of implementation testimony on October 29 and our day of security testimony on November 19.
Dr. David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) has published an open letter on the Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records. Blumenthal reported that CMS will issue it's proposed rule by year end.
I recently reported on our announcement of State Health Information Technology Grants and grants to establish Health Information Technology Regional Extension Centers, as authorized under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act).
Today I want to discuss the important term “meaningful use” of electronic health records (EHRs) – both as a concept that underlies the movement toward an electronic health care environment and as a practical set of standards that will be issued as a proposed regulation by the end of 2009.
The HITECH Act provisions of the Recovery Act create a truly historic opportunity to transform our health system through unprecedented investments in the development of a nationwide electronic health information system. This system will ultimately help facilitate, inform, measure, and sustain improvements in the quality, efficiency, and safety of health care available to every American. Simply put, health professionals will be able to give better care, and their patients’ experience of care will improve, leading to better health outcomes overall.
As many of you are aware, the HITECH Act provides incentive payments to doctors and hospitals that adopt and meaningfully use health information technology. Eligible physicians, including those in solo or small practices, can receive up to $44,000 over five years under Medicare or $63,750 over six years under Medicaid for being meaningful users of certified electronic health records. Hospitals that become meaningful EHR users could receive up to four years of financial incentive payments under Medicare beginning in 2011, and up to six years of incentive payments under Medicaid beginning in October 2010.
The HITECH Act’s financial incentives demonstrate Congress’ and the Administration’s commitment to help those who want to improve their care delivery, and will serve as a catalyst to accelerate and smooth the path to HIT adoption by more individual providers and organizations. The dollars are tangible evidence of a national determination to bring health care into the 21st century.
ONC has already engaged in a broad range of efforts to support the development of a formal definition of meaningful use. The HITECH Act designated a federal advisory committee, the HIT Policy Committee, with broad representation from major health care constituencies, to provide recommendations to ONC on meaningful use. The HIT Policy Committee has provided two sets of recommendations, informed by input from a variety of stakeholders. ONC and CMS have also conducted a series of listening sessions to solicit feedback from more than 200 representatives of various constituent groups and an open comment period where over 800 public comments were submitted and reviewed. The second set of recommendations on meaningful use was issued at a July 16 HIT Policy Committee meeting and details can be found at healthit.hhs.gov/policycommittee.
CMS is expected to publish a formal definition of meaningful use, for the purposes of receiving the Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments, by December 31, 2009. At that time, the public will be able to comment on the definition, and such comments will be considered in reaching any final definition of the term.
By focusing on “meaningful use,” we recognize that better health care does not come solely from the adoption of technology itself, but through the exchange and use of health information to best inform clinical decisions at the point of care. Meaningful use of EHRs, we anticipate, will also enable providers to reduce the amount of time spent on duplicative paperwork and gain more time to spend with their patients throughout the day. It will lead us toward improvements and sustainability of our health care system that can only be attained with the help of a reliable and secure nationwide electronic health information system.
The concept of meaningful use is simple and inspiring, but we recognize that it becomes significantly more complex at a policy and regulatory level. As a result, we expect that any formal definition of “meaningful use” must include specific activities health care providers need to undertake to qualify for incentives from the federal government.
Ultimately, we believe “meaningful use” should embody the goals of a transformed health system. Meaningful use, in the long-term, is when EHRs are used by health care providers to improve patient care, safety, and quality.
As stated above, the next step in our process is a notice of proposed rulemaking in late 2009 with a public comment period in early 2010. As this process unfolds, we will continue to talk and share experiences about transitioning to EHRs, and to help deepen understanding among physicians and hospitals about the use of EHRs. We will also present programs designed to help smooth the transition process, and identify activities physicians and hospitals can engage in now to promote adoption of EHRs. As efforts advance, we will turn our attention to other necessary supporting programs, some of which you will hear more about in the coming weeks, including defining what constitutes a “certified” EHR, which is one of the requirements to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentives.
Armed with an understanding of the discussion of meaningful use as it unfolds, providers can begin to consider how their own practices or organizations might be reshaped to enhance the efficiency and quality of care through the use of an electronic health record system. Be assured you will not be alone as you seek to adopt an EHR system. Through our recently announced collaborative HITECH grants programs and others to be initiated later this year, we will continue to support providers in moving forward. Additional details about the grants are also available in my previous update and at healthit.hhs.gov/HITECHgrants.
To some providers, particularly small or already stretched physician practices or small, rural hospitals, the path toward meaningful use may still seem arduous. To others, who would just prefer to stick with the “status quo,” it may seem like an unwanted intrusion. We believe that the time has come for coordinated action. The price of inaction – in adverse events, lost patient lives, delayed or improper treatments, unnecessary procedures, excessive costs, and so on – is just too high, and will only get worse.
There is much at stake and much to do. We must relieve the crushing burden of health care costs in this country by improving efficiency, and assuring the highest level of patient care and safety regardless of geography or demographics. By using current technologies in a meaningful way, as well as technology to be developed in the future, we will take great strides toward solving some of the most vexing problems facing our health care system and creating a new platform for innovative solutions to health care.
I look forward to providing periodic updates, and to continued interactions with all the communities that have so much to gain from this profound transformation.
A demonstration project by Group Health found that the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) "redesign can be associated with improvements in patient experience, clinician burnout, and quality without increasing overall cost."
With PCMH, Group Health found that the patients' experience was rated higher on 6 out of 7 indicators without an increase in costs. "For staff burnout, 10% of PCMH staff reported high emotional exhaustion at 12 months compared with 30% of controls, despite similar rates at baseline. PCMH patients also had gains in composite quality between 1.2% and 1.6% greater than those of other patients. PCMH patients used more e-mail, phone, and specialist visits, but fewer emergency services. At 12 months, there were no significant differences in overall costs."
Prior to the PCMH demonstration project, Group Health had implemented access and efficiency improvements which increased patient satisfaction but also increase physician fatigue. The improvements had included "same-day appointment scheduling, direct access to some specialists, primary care redesign to enhance care efficiency, variable physician compensation (salaries with relative value unit [RVU] incentives), and an electronic medical record with a patient Web portal to enable patient e-mail, online medication refills, and record review. The reforms succeeded in improving patient access and satisfaction, but also increased physician workload, as evidenced by larger panel sizes, greater resource intensity per face-to-face visit, and increasing adoption of patient e-mail. These workload changes, combined with the implementation of the electronic medical record, resulted in fatigue and decreased work satisfaction. Relative reductions also were seen in nationally reported quality-of-care indicators as well as downstream utilization increases in specialty care, emergency care, and inpatient days."
The implementation of the Patient-Centered Medical Home was organized around the relationship between the primary care physician and the patient. The primary care physician leads the clinical team and coordinates the planning of care with the patient. "Maximum use of technology" facilitates patient access.
Group Health implemented changes related to the structure of the care teams, point-of-care, patient outreach and management. Changes included "the use of team huddles, previsit outreach and chart review, and use of patient-centered quality deficiency reports. The PCMH clinic emphasized both e-mail and telephone encounters (as an alternative or complement to in-person visits), depending on patient abilities and preferences."
As a result of its success, Group Health is expanding its Patient-Centered Medical Home program to all of its centers. | 2019-04-24T14:48:01Z | http://news.avancehealth.com/2009/10/ |
The Seniors attended a Financial Fitness Day at Cony High School on 4/9 with students from Cony and Maranacook. Presented by the Kennebec Valley Chapter of Credit Unions, students visited booths and learned about responsible budgeting. They were then treated to lunch and prizes.
Due to the weather forecast for today, April 8th, tonight's All Chorus Concert has been postponed until 4/23/19. All after school activities have been cancelled today 4/8/19 ( including athletic practices, and driver's ed). Stay Safe.
Thurs. March 28th is an extended early release day. Dismissal will be at 12PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for February! (from l to r) Superintendent-Mrs. Hopkins, Rotary President-Mrs. Deb Couture, Susie Strickland, Ava Goraj, Destiny Neptune-White, and Principal-Mr. Kempton (missing from picture-Tanner Hebert).
March 21st the University Singers held a performance for our Band & Chorus students. The University Singers is an auditioned vocal ensemble from the Univ. of Maine, Orono. 3 of our GAHS alumni are currently members of this ensemble; Bryce Smith, Dylan Haskell,& Emily Allen!
Thursday March 21st is an extended day of school. Dismissal will be at 2:55PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
SCHOOL WIDE FUNDRAISER COASTAL MAINE POPCORN Ask your student for their order form! Orders & money are due April 8th. We are hoping to have popcorn to distribute the week of April 22nd.
Friday, March 15th is a Teacher Workshop day. There is no school for students. Have a fun and safe weekend.
Thurs. March 14th is an extended early release day. Dismissal will be at 12PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Thursday March 7th is an extended day of school. Dismissal will be at 2:55PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Parent Teacher Conferences will be Wednesday, March 27 from 4pm to 7pm and Thursday, March 28 from 12:30pm-3:30pm. To sign up: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Gardiner_Area_High_School Please contact Christina Riddle at 207-582-3150 X3002 or [email protected] with questions.
Extended School Day 2/28/19 Thursday Feb. 28th is an extended day of school. Dismissal will be at 2:55PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Tomorrow 2/7/19 is an extended day of school. Dismissal will be at 2:55PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Today 1/31 is an extended day. Dismissal will be at 2:55PM. Please do not dismiss your children early unless it is an emergency or for a previously scheduled appointment. Individual early dismissals are disruptive to the student and the classroom. Thank you!
Reminder that this week is Semester Exams. Here is the schedule for the week. It has been emailed to student email addresses and the times are posted on the public events calendar on the website as well. Good luck!
Reminder that tomorrow is an Extended Day/Early Release. High School Students will be dismissed at noon.
Congratulations to Casey Bourque! His Life and Work PayBack Essay has been selected as an Honorable Mention in NGPF’s Payback Challenge. He received a $500 scholarship. This essay contest attracted over 800 submissions from students across the country.
The English Department is sorting through some old textbooks. If you would like to take a look at any of these before they are recycled, please make an appointment with Rie Kittredge, Ext. 3117, or e-mail her at [email protected].
NHS is accepting non-perishable food donations and pledges for frozen turkeys from now through Fri., Nov. 16th. Due to a lack of freezer storage space, we would prefer to have the turkeys delivered on Mon., November 19th. Baskets will be distributed on Mon., Nov. 19th.
Riann is one of several students loving the manga series, A Silent Voice. She was inspired to start learning sign language based on the bullying of the main character who is deaf. Stop by the Library Commons to check out this title and more!
The GAHS Tigers soccer team rocked assignments in the Library Commons this fall. We are open Monday through Thursday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to get help with research projects, get your next great read, or relax.
Yearbook Reminder! All Senior Packet information is due NEXT FRIDAY, Nov. 2 by the end of the day. See a Ms. Collins if you have questions!
Senior Parent Info Night, October 18th, 6p-7p in the Little Theater at GAHS!
There will be an informational meeting about the GAHS Robotics team on Wednesday, September 18, 2018 at 6pm in the high school ATM room. All GAHS students who are interested in learning about the team and/or joining the team, along with their parents, are invited to attend.
Italy Trip April 2019! The price for this trip will increase Oct. 1st. By enrolling now, you secure a spot on our tour. All you need is a $95 deposit to lock in the lowest price today. Go to www.eftours.com/2111356TX Email [email protected] for more information. Don’t wait, there are only a few spots left!
GAHS Parents, the summer mailing packets have been mailed out. If you do not receive yours in a few days, please do not hesitate to contact us. If your student has any questions in regards to their schedule, have them email their counselor directly.
Updated Message From Principal Kempton: This morning a message was sent to parents informing everyone about a posting of a picture on social media that was threatening in nature. School administration is working collaboratively with law enforcement to investigate the situation. At this time, we believe the incident is under control. School administrators are meeting with those involved to determine what course of action needs to be taken by the school district. The student involved will be held out of school until a decision is made by school administration. Keeping your children safe is our top priority. If you hear or see anything in regards to this situation, please report it immediately to a high school administrator at 582-3150, or your local law enforcement agency at 624-7076.
If you are interested in going to Italy next in April 2019, but want more information come to the Parent Meeting Thurs. 5/10 at 6:30 pm! RSVP at https://gardinergoestorome.eventbrite.com. Email [email protected] for more info.
The Gardiner High School Music Department will present its annual spring concert this Tuesday, May 8, at 7:00 pm in the GAHS gymnasium.
The last of the scholarship deadlines are fast approaching! See Guidance for information, applications, or help and save $$$!
FAME is coming to GAHS on May 17th from 6pm-8pm to talk with parents and juniors about the financial aspects of college!
Congratulations to Alexis Nestor for receiving 2018's Principal's Award, sponsored by Maine Principal's Association, for your Academic Achievement and Citizenship!!
Attached you will find the newest addition of the 2017-2018 MSAD#11 Calendar.
There will be a Big Brothers Big Sisters Orientation after school Friday (the 6th) from 2:15-3:30 in the Library. Learn how you could change a life for the better by becoming a Big. Anyone is welcome to join!
Are you or someone you know actively involved in community service? Come to guidance to get nomination forms for the Kiwanis Distinguished Youth Award! Applications needed by April 8th!
Don't forget- turn in your Upward Bound applications by the end of school today (April 3)!
SATs are right around the corner for all students in grade 11! This is just a reminder that students can use their College Board/Khan Academy account to prepare. Thank you!
Bottle drive to support the Travis Mills Foundation..Bring your bottles and cans to the high school Saturday April 7 from 9 AM to 2 PM. Sponsored by the National Honor Society.
Reminder- Upward Bound applications are due to the Guidance Office by Monday, April 2nd!
Congrats to our JMG group who competed at the Career Development Conference today. They earned a 1st place in communications, 2nd place for their Marketplace, and 3rd place for their rat race team.
GAHS Music Pizazz takes place this Friday & Saturday. This year's theme is "Pizazz At The Disco". Performances begin at 7 pm. Tickets are $7/adults & $5/students. Call 582-3150 ext 3027 for tickets.
Upward Bound applications are due to the Guidance Office by Monday, April 2nd!
CONGRATS to one of CATC's Students of the Month, Marlaina Stickey! Her instructor says, Marlaina's work is always top notch", way to go Marlaina!
Congratulations to our high school Robotics team for their performance at the Southeast Massachusetts competition! Team coach Paul Seed provided the following summary: We had a great weekend (9th-11th) at the SE Mass District event in Bridgewater, Mass!! Finished the qualification tournament in 4th place. Highest ranking we've ever had after qualifications. Won in the quarterfinals to make it to the semifinals. Lost in the semis to the eventual winners of the event. The team compete like champs and earned every bit of their success. We had so much fun teaming up for a match with the Riot Crew(58) and the Terror Bytes(6337) to show Mass how we roll up here in the great white north!! We won the Gracious Professionalism award!!! This is a wonderful award for the team to have received. Here is the description FIRST uses to describe the award. "Celebrates outstanding demonstration of FIRST Core Values such as continuous Gracious Professionalism and working together both on and off the playing field. Definition of Gracious Professionalism Gracious Professionalism is part of the ethos of FIRST. It’s a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community. with Gracious Professionalism, fierce competition and mutual gain are not separate notions. Gracious professionals learn and compete like crazy, but treat one another with respect and kindness in the process. They avoid treating anyone like losers. No chest thumping tough talk, but no sticky-sweet platitudes either. Knowledge, competition, and empathy are comfortably blended." We couldn't be any prouder of this team!” The Pinetree District event is 3/22-3/24 at the Colisee in Lewiston. Admission is free. 40 teams from around New England will be competing.
Due to the impending snow storm, dress rehearsal for Lit Festival will be after school starting at 2 PM on Wednesday, March 14!!
Parent Teacher Conferences are 3/28/18 4pm-7pm and 3/29/18 2:30pm-5:30pm. https://ptcfast.com/schools/Gardiner_Area_High_School If you do not have internet access, please contact the main office.
GAHS is hosting a school-wide SCENTSY fundraiser. Packets distributed on 3/6. Packets need to be returned to GAHS on March 19th. All profits go towards Project Grad goals of each graduating class.
Freshmen & sophomores: Upward Bound (free college prep program geared at low income families where neither parent has a 4-year degree) is accepting applications! Get an application in Guidance!
SAT practice day, Saturday, March 3rd at 8:00am. Interested juniors, please sign up in the Guidance Office for this FREE opportunity!
Attention parents of incoming 9th graders! Please join us for our annual 8th Grade Parent Night (students welcome!) on Wednesday, February 28th at 6pm. Meet all of our content area department chairs and hear about our course offerings for grade 9 students. We will start in the Little Theatre with an overview from Mr. Kempton.
There will be a 2 hour delay to the start of school today in MSAD11. No morning pre-K classes will be held.
Tickets are on sale for this year’s musical, The Pajama Game. Shows will be on February 8, 9, and 10 in the high school’s Little Theatre. All shows will start at 7pm. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children and senior citizens.. Call 582-3150 ext. 3027.
Attached you will find the updated schedules for semester exams.
The Scholarship Reception that was scheduled for Thursday, January 4, 2018 has been postponed until Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 2pm.
Mother Nature left a beautiful pattern of frost on the Cat-walk windows this morning.
Congratulations to Mrs. Gallant (pictured with Mr. Kempton) who was recognized by Educate Maine on Friday, December 8 as a Presidential Award Finalist for her outstanding work in education!
Congratulations to Avery Backus for earning All-State academic recognition as a senior goalie for our varsity field hockey team!
Congratulations Mikayla Bourassa and Aimee Adams for your selection to the All State Field Hockey Team! Mikayla and Aimee are pictured with Coach Gallant at the Awards Banquet.
“Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating.” John Wooden. Mrs. McNaughton’s Life and Work students, and Mrs. Kanning’s 2nd grade class had the pleasure of teaming up on Tuesday, November 21. The high school students planned, organized, and executed a book read/buddy visit for their 20% class project. Fun had by all!
On Monday, December 4th, the high school music department will present its annual Winter Concert. The concert will begin at 7:00 pm in the high school gym. Admission is free. Come out and support GAHS' talented music students and enjoy a great evening of entertainment!!
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” Weil. On Monday, November 20, in Mrs. McNaughton’s Life and Work class former Gardiner students came back to BE with the students. Conversations varied from post secondary education opportunities, scariest moments in life, to what makes a good relationship. This was a special day for all involved.
“Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” Dr. Weil. On Monday, November 20, in Mrs. McNaughton’s Life and Work class former Gardiner students came back to BE with the students. Conversations varied from post secondary education opportunities, scariest moments in life, to what makes a good relationship. This was a special day for all involved.
On behalf of the staff and students of Gardiner Area High School, we wish to thank everyone who helped us place this food in deserving hands.
Congratulations to Evelyn Goulette for winning the 2017 Count ME In Student Poster Contest! Pictured with Evelyn are Susan Lieberman, Principal Chad Kempton, and Superintendent Patricia Hopkins.
Progress Reports, for students' whose families have not signed up for electronic notification and/or who are not using the Powerschool App, will be mailed tomorrow.
Due to power outages and road conditions, all school activities and practices have been cancelled for today (Monday).
No school today (Monday, October 30) due to the storm and power outages.
Gardiner Area High School's National Honor Society has geared up for the Thanksgiving Basket Drive for 2017. We are hoping to feed 150-200 families in the MSAD#11 community. How can you help? Easy!! Please donate one(or more) of several things needed:Turkeys and Non-perishable items! Non-perishable items can be dropped off at the GAHS at anytime, turkeys are asked to be delivered Friday, November 17 from 10-2 or Monday, November 20(delivery day) from 7-1.
REMINDER! All Senior Packet things are due to Ms. Collins by 2:00 pm on FRIDAY October 27!
Today is College App day!! Visit your Counselor in the Library for help with your College App.
GAHS Celebrates Teen Read Week. Students joined with other schools across the country to celebrate Teen Read Week from October 10 through the 13. YALSA, a division of the American Library Association, sponsors the reading event each year to promote literacy with this year’s theme Unleash Your Story”. The Library Commons held daily drawings of books generously donated by Barnes and Noble.
Tigers take set 3, 25-15 and the match from Wells, 3-0! Congratulations ladies!
Join us 10/18 from 5:00-9:00pm at Red Robin in Augusta. 20% of your bill sales go to the Latin Club! Just show this image to your server.
Congratulations! Daria Murray, a senior at GAHS, was selected as one of two students of the month at CATC for September. Daria is a second year student in the Culinary Arts program.
No school on Friday, October 6 in MSAD#11. This is a district workshop day.
Attention GAHS CATC Students! No PM classes at CATC on Thursday, October 5th due to this being an early release day for Augusta schools. Please get dismissed through the main office after period 2.
The Iron Tigers Robotics team Parent/Student Information Night will be held on 9/28 @ 6pm in the H.S. ATM room. This is a meeting for all new team members or anyone who is interested in the team.
MSAD11 is organizing a committee to look at adjusting the start times of our schools. I am looking for a parent of a HS student to participate. Contact me at [email protected] if interested.
Thank you to all who were able to participate in the Red Barn fundraiser last night! $10,136.10 raised for the Hembree family.
The Varsity Football game scheduled for 9/8/17 has been postponed to 9/9/17 at 7pm.
FRESHMEN ORIENTATION DAY-AUGUST 30, 2017-Freshmen Orientation Day 7:30 a.m.-1:55 p.m. All grade 9 students will attend orientation sessions with the guidance department, administration, the school nurse, the librarian, and have school pictures taken. Following these sessions, Freshmen will go through their schedule and attend each of their classes for 20 minutes. There will be a break for lunch at 11:45 a.m. The school day will end at 1:55 p.m. | 2019-04-25T08:14:20Z | https://www.msad11.org/o/gahs/live_feed |
Copyright © 2015 Sílvia Regina de Lima Reis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We evaluated the effects of postweaning nutritional recovery with a soybean flour diet on de novo hepatic lipogenesis and inflammation in adult rats exposed to protein restriction during intrauterine life and lactation. Rats from mothers fed with protein (casein) in a percentage of 17% (control, C) or 6% (low, L) during pregnancy and lactation were fed with diet that contained 17% casein (CC and LC groups, resp.) or soybean (CS and LS groups, resp.) after weaning until 90 days of age. LS and CS rats had low body weight, normal basal serum triglyceride levels, increased ALT concentrations, and high HOMA-IR indices compared with LC and CC rats. The soybean diet reduced PPARγ as well as malic enzyme and citrate lyase contents and activities. The lipogenesis rate and liver fat content were lower in LS and CS rats relative to LC and CC rats. TNFα mRNA and protein levels were higher in LS and CS rats than in LC and CC rats. NF-κB mRNA levels were lower in the LC and LS groups compared with the CC and LC groups. Thus, the soybean diet prevented hepatic steatosis at least in part through reduced lipogenesis but resulted in TNFα-mediated inflammation.
The liver has an important role in lipid metabolism, which includes the mobilization and synthesis of free fatty acids as well as the storage and export of lipids and lipoproteins . Various drugs, nutritional factors, and genetic defects in energy metabolism can result in excess hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation (hepatic steatosis) . Hepatic steatosis can be a benign condition, or it may evolve with inflammation (steatohepatitis), fibrosis, and cirrhosis, an altered spectrum termed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) . The most common disorder associated with NAFLD is insulin resistance .
Insulin resistance is a condition wherein higher than normal insulin levels are needed to provoke normal metabolic responses or where normal metabolic responses are not achieved with normal insulin concentrations. Depending on the primary site of involvement, the insulin resistance can be central (liver) or peripheral (muscle or fat tissue) . In NAFLD, the initial site appears to be in the periphery, followed by or resulting in hepatic steatosis, which exacerbates hepatic insulin resistance and thus the degree of overall insulin resistance .
Peripheral insulin resistance increases the serum levels of free fatty acids derived from the lipolysis of triacylglycerol from white adipose tissue ; these fatty acids are taken up by the liver and used in the production of triacylglycerol . In addition, chronic hyperinsulinemia resulting from overall insulin resistance promotes de novo hepatic lipogenesis through the upregulation of lipogenic transcription factors . A transcription factor that participates in the development of fatty liver in rodents is SREBP-1c (sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c) . In the nucleus, SREBP-1c transcriptionally activates genes required for lipogenesis; this effect is mediated by insulin . Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is another transcription factor involved in the development of hepatic steatosis in rodents . In the liver, PPARγ is usually expressed at very low levels , but its expression is markedly increased in animal models exhibiting insulin resistance and fatty livers .
Increases in oxidative stress and in factors that promote proinflammatory cytokine expression, such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) , are implicated in the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), with the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) playing a critical role in the modulation of proinflammatory transcription . Moreover, several studies have documented the association of insulin resistance (liver and adipose tissue) with inflammation .
Protein restriction is associated with hepatic steatosis . In our laboratory, we have studied an experimental model of protein restriction in early life that demonstrates deficits in insulin secretion and liver insulin resistance in adulthood. We use soybean flour diets as an alternative low-cost and high-quality protein source to feed these animals in an attempt to prevent and/or to treat the long-term consequences of malnutrition . This choice was motivated by scientific evidence showing that the consumption of soy protein and isoflavones may exert beneficial effects on glucoregulation, lipotoxicity in the liver, and lipidemia by acting on a wide spectrum of biochemical and molecular activities [21, 22].
Interestingly, we observed that serum insulin concentrations were increased in animals reared on a soybean diet, but alterations occurred in the early steps of the hepatic insulin signal transduction pathway, indicating hepatic insulin resistance [23, 24]. Moreover, the weight and lipid content of the white adipose tissue as well as the lipolysis rate by isoproterenol in white adipocytes were decreased in rats fed the soybean diet . Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nutritional recovery after weaning with a soybean flour diet on de novo hepatic lipogenesis and inflammation in adult rats exposed to protein restriction during intrauterine life and lactation.
The experimental procedures involving rats were performed in accordance with the guidelines of the Brazilian College for Animal Experimentation (COBEA) and were approved by the ethics committee at the Federal University of Mato Grosso. Male and virgin female Wistar rats (85–90 days old) were obtained from the university’s own breeding colony. Mating was performed by housing males with females overnight (1 male and 4 females), and pregnancy was confirmed by the presence of sperm in vaginal smears. Pregnant females were separated at random and maintained from the first day of pregnancy until the end of lactation on isocaloric diets containing 6% (low protein (LP) diet, ) or 17% (control (C) diet, ) protein. Spontaneous delivery occurred at day 22 of pregnancy, after which, at 3 days of age, large litters were reduced to eight pups to ensure a standard litter size per mother. After weaning in the 4th week, the males were divided into five groups: CC, consisting of offspring born to and suckled by mothers fed a C diet and subsequently fed the same diet after weaning until 90 days of age; CS, consisting of offspring born to and suckled by mothers fed a C diet and subsequently fed a soybean flour diet with 17% protein after weaning until 90 days of age; LL, consisting of offspring born to mothers fed an LP diet and subsequently fed the same diet after weaning until 90 days of age; LC, consisting of offspring born to mothers fed an LP diet and subsequently fed a C diet after weaning until 90 days of age; and LS, consisting of offspring born to mothers fed an LP diet and subsequently fed a soybean flour diet containing 17% protein after weaning until 90 days of age. The diets have been previously described [23, 26]. Throughout the experimental period, the rats were given free access to food and water. The rats were weighed at birth and at 30 and 90 days. All experimental procedures were performed at 90 days of age.
The homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) index was assessed from the basal glucose and insulin concentrations using the following formula: basal glucose (mmol/L) × basal insulin (μU/mL)/22.5.
Fed rats were euthanized, and liver tissue samples were quickly removed, frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen, and stored at –80°C to determine malic enzyme (ME) and citrate lyase (CLY) activities; hepatic fat content; and nSREBP-1c (nuclear sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c), PPARγ, ME, CLY, TNFα, NF-κB, and IL-10 expression levels by immunoblotting. The mRNA expression levels of TNFα, IL-6, IL-10, and NF-κB were determined by real-time PCR. The remainder of the liver was removed and preserved for histologic analysis. Liver samples were obtained for in vivo lipogenesis measurements from another group of rats in the fed state. Biochemical and hormonal measurements were obtained in the fasting state. Blood glucose concentrations were determined using a portable glucose meter (Accu-Chek, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). After euthanasia, aliquots of serum obtained by centrifugation were used to measure total serum protein , serum triacylglycerol, and hepatic aminotransferase concentrations (BT-3000 Plus, Wiener Lab, Rosario, Argentina). Serum insulin concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay .
ME activity was assayed by the method of Ochoa in accordance with the modifications proposed by Hsu and Lardy . CLY activity was assayed as described by Srere .
3H2O (3 mCi) dissolved in 0.3 mL saline was administered to anesthetized rats by intraperitoneal injection 1 h before the experiment. The liver tissue was immediately removed and weighed. Total lipid from the liver was evaluated according to Folch et al. . 3H2O was removed from the inferior phase (predominantly chloroform) by washing three times with a superior-phase mixture. After each shaking, the tubes were briefly centrifuged to sharpen the phase boundary, and the superior phase was aspirated and discarded. Isolation and counting of 3H2O-labeled fatty acids from the inferior phase was performed as previously described . For the calculations of lipid synthesis in experiments with 3H2O, it was assumed that the specific activity of intracellular water was identical to that of plasma water, which was determined directly in aliquots of diluted (20 times) plasma. The rates of tissue lipid synthesis were calculated assuming that each fatty acid incorporated into triacylglycerol contained 13.3 atoms of tritium.
Paraffin-embedded sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histologic evaluation included a semiquantitative analysis of the presence of micro- and macrovesicular fat. All sections were coded and analyzed blindly by the pathologist without knowledge of related characteristics or diet. The degree of fat accumulation was graded on a scale of 0 to 4 as follows: 0 = no evidence of or barely visible microvesicular fat; 1+ = <25%; 2+ = 25% to 49%; 3+ = 50% to 75%; 4+ = fat involving >75% of the lobule.
One frozen liver fragment was homogenized in freshly prepared buffer (1% Triton X-100, 100 mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 100 mmol/L sodium pyrophosphate, 100 mmol/L sodium fluoride, 10 mmol/L EDTA, 10 mmol/L sodium orthovanadate, 2.0 mmol/L PMSF, and 0.1 mg aprotinin/mL). Insoluble material was removed by centrifugation for 20 min at 12000 g at 4°C. Protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford method . Samples containing 40 μg of protein from each experimental group were incubated with 4x concentrated Laemmli sample buffer and 15 mg of DTT and assayed on polyacrylamide gels at 120 V for 90 min (10% gels for ME and CLY). The electrotransfer of proteins to nitrocellulose membranes (Bio-Rad) was per formed for 90 min at 120 V in buffer containing methanol and SDS. After ascertaining transfer efficiency by Ponceau staining, the membranes were blocked with 5% albumin in Tween-Tris buffered saline (TTBS) (10 mmol/L Tris, 150 mmol/L NaCl, 0.5% Tween 20) overnight at 4°C. ME, CLY, TNFα, NF-κB, and IL-10 were detected in the membranes after a 2 h incubation at room temperature with anti-ME1 rabbit monoclonal IgG (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), anti-CLY polyclonal IgG (Cell Signaling Technology Inc., USA), anti-TNFα rabbit polyclonal IgG, anti-NF-κB mouse monoclonal IgG, or anti-IL-10 goat polyclonal IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, USA) diluted 1 : 500 in TTBS containing 3% dry albumin. GAPDH was included as a protein loading marker. Enhanced chemiluminescence was performed (SuperSignal West Pico, Pierce) after incubation with the appropriate horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody.
Hepatic nuclear extracts were obtained as described by Siegrist-Kaiser et al. . The protein concentrations of the nuclear extracts were determined by the Bradford assay . Nuclear extracts (20 μg) were separated by SDS-PAGE in 10% gels according to Milanski et al. . The membranes were blocked with 5% skim milk in Tween-Tris-buffered saline (TTBS) (10 mmol/L Tris, 150 mmol/L NaCl, 0.5% Tween 20) overnight at 4°C. nSREBP-1c and PPARγ were detected in the membranes after a 2 h incubation at room temperature with anti-SREBP-1c rabbit polyclonal IgG and anti-PPARγ mouse polyclonal IgG (Santa Cruz Biotechnology; diluted 1 : 500 in TTBS containing 3% dry skimmed milk). Histone was used as a marker of the subcellular fraction and a protein loading marker. Enhanced chemiluminescence was performed (Super Signal West Pico, Pierce) after incubation with the appropriate horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody.
Total RNA was isolated from frozen liver samples by TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, USA), according to the supplier’s instructions. Three micrograms of total RNA were transcribed into cDNA with High Capacity reverse transcriptase (Applied Biosystems). Primers specific for rat TNFα (Rn00563005_m1), IL-6 (Rn99999011_m1), IL-10 (Rn00563409_m1), NF-κB (Rn01399583_m1), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (Rn01775763_g1) were obtained from Applied Biosystems. GAPDH was used as the endogenous control. PCR was carried out in duplicate on a Step One system using TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix (Applied Biosystems). The cDNA was amplified under the following conditions: 95°C for 10 min for denaturation and then 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 20 s, and 72°C for 15 s, followed by extension at 72°C for 10 min. Real-time data were analyzed using the Step One System (Applied Biosystems).
The results are expressed as the means with their respective standard deviations for the number of rats indicated in parentheses. Bartlett’s test for the homogeneity of variances was initially used to determine whether the data complied with the assumptions necessary for a parametric ANOVA. When necessary, the data were log transformed to correct for variance in heterogeneity or nonnormality . A two-way ANOVA (i.e., effects of nutritional status in early life and diet) was used to compare the data from the CC, CS, LC, and LS groups. A one-way ANOVA was used to assess whether the diets were effective at improving the nutritional status of the LC, LS, and LL groups. When necessary, these analyses were complemented by the least significant difference test to determine the significance of the individual differences. indicated statistical significance. All statistical comparisons were conducted using the Statistica software package (Stat-Soft).
At the beginning of the recovery phase, LC, LS, and LL rats had similar body weights, and in all cases, these were significantly lower than those of the CC and CS rats. Body weight at the end of the experimental period was significantly lower in the LC and LS groups than in the CC and CS groups (). Rats maintained on a soybean flour diet after weaning (LS and CS groups) had a lower final body weight than those fed a casein diet (LC and CC groups) (). Although LS rats reached a higher final body weight than LL rats (), their weights were still significantly lower than those of LC rats (). Total serum protein concentrations did not differ among the CC, CS, LC, and LS groups. The LS and LC rats had higher total serum protein levels than rats from the LL group (). Serum triacylglycerol levels were higher in the LC group than in the LS, CS, and CC groups. In the LS group, serum triacylglycerol concentrations were lower relative to those of LC rats but did not differ from those exhibited by the LL rats. Serum insulin concentrations were higher in rats fed a soybean diet (CS and LS groups) than in rats fed a casein diet (CC and LC groups) (). Basal serum glucose levels were not significantly different among the groups. The HOMA-IR index was higher in rats fed a soybean diet than in those reared on casein (). Similar glycemia levels, but higher insulinemia and HOMA-IR indices, were recorded in LS rats relative to the LL and LC groups. There was no difference in HOMA-IR index or serum insulin concentrations between the LL and LC groups. Serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were higher in the LS and LC groups than in the CS and CC groups () and in rats maintained on a soybean diet (LS and CS rats) relative to those fed a casein diet (LC and CC rats) (). There was no difference in ALT levels between the LL, LS, and LC groups. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels did not differ among the groups. Levels of serum gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (γGT) in the LS group were significantly higher than those of the CS group but similar to those of the CC and LC groups. The LS rats had significantly higher γGT levels than the LL rats, but they were similar to those of the LC group. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels were significantly higher in the LS and LC groups than in the CS and CC groups (). The LS and LC groups showed ALP concentrations that were similar to each other and significantly lower than those observed in the LL group (Table 1).
Table 1: Somatic, biochemical, and hormonal parameters from adult rats maintained on control (CC and LC groups) soybean flour (CS and LS groups), or low protein (LL group) diet after weaning until 90 days age.
Hepatocellular lipid accumulation (steatosis) was assessed in liver sections using the conventional hematoxylin-eosin staining technique (Figure 1(a)). Liver histology revealed that rats fed a soybean diet did not show an abnormal accumulation of fat in their livers because 100% of liver specimens from the LS and CS groups were graded as 0. In the LC group, 60% of liver specimens were graded as 0 and 40% as 1 or 2, whereas in the CC group, 80% were graded 1 or 2 and 20% as 3 or 4. In the LL group, 60% were graded 1 or 2 and 40% as 3 or 4 (Figure 1(b)). The hepatic fat content (Figure 1(c)) was reduced in rats fed a soybean diet (LS and CS groups) compared with rats fed a casein diet (LC and CC groups) (). The LS group had lower hepatic fat content than the LC and LL groups. Moreover, rats fed the soybean flour diet (CS and LS groups) exhibited lower fatty acid synthesis rates compared with those fed the casein diet (CC and LC rats) (). The fatty acid synthesis rate in the LS group was lower than that of the LL group and similar to that observed in the LC group (Figure 1(d)).
Figure 1: Representative photomicrographs of hematoxylin-eosin stained liver sections (a), steatosis index (b), liver fat content (c), and hepatic in vivo fatty acids synthesis rate (d) in adult rats maintained on control (CC and LC), soybean flour (CS and LS) or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning until 90 days of age. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().
nSREBP-1c protein levels were similar across the CS, CC, LS, and LC groups. However, the LS and LC groups showed significantly higher nSREBP-1c than the LL group (Figure 2(a)). Rats fed the soybean diet (CS and LS groups) had lower nPPARγ levels than those fed the casein diet (CC and LC groups) (). There was no difference in nPPARγ levels among the LL, LS, and LC groups (Figure 2(b)).
Figure 2: Immunoblot analysis of SREBP-1c (a) and PPARγ (b) in nuclear extracts from livers of rats fed with casein (CC and LC), soybean-flour (CS and LS), or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().
Liver ME and CLY contents were significantly lower in rats fed the soybean diet (CS and LS groups) relative to those fed the casein diet (CC and CS groups) ( and , resp.). Livers from the LS group also exhibited lower ME and CLY contents than livers from the LL and LC groups (Figures 3(a) and 3(b)). The CS and LS groups showed lower ME and CLY activities compared with the CC and LC groups ( and , resp.). Moreover, ME and CLY activities were lower in the LS rats than in the LC rats, and these activities were significantly lower in both groups relative to the LL rats (Figures 3(c) and 3(d)).
Figure 3: Immunoblot analysis of malic enzyme (a) and citrate lyase (b), activity of malic enzyme (c), and citrate lyase (d) in nuclear extracts from livers of rats fed with casein (CC and LC), soybean flour (CS and LS), or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().
mRNA levels of NF-κB (Figure 4(a)) and IL-6 (Figure 4(b)) were significantly reduced in the LC and LS groups relative to the CC and CS groups (; ). No difference was observed in the NF-κB and IL-6 mRNA expression among the LC, LS, and LL groups. TNFα mRNA levels (Figure 4(c)) were significantly higher in rats fed the soybean diet (LS and CS groups) than in those fed casein (LC and CC groups) (). The TNFα mRNA levels of the LS group were similar to those of the LC group and higher relative to the LL group (). IL-10 mRNA expression (Figure 4(d)) was not significantly different among the CC, CS, LC, and LS groups. However, the LS group exhibited significantly higher IL-10 mRNA expression than that observed in the LL and LC groups ().
Figure 4: NF-κB (a), IL6 (b), TNFα (c), and IL10 (d) mRNA analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction in livers of adult rats maintained on casein control (CC and LC), soybean flour (CS and LS), or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Mean values were significantly different from rats born to mothers fed with 17% protein during pregnancy and lactation (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().
NF-κB (Figure 5(a)) and IL-10 (Figure 5(b)) protein levels did not differ among the CC, CS, LC, and LS groups. However, LS and LC rats exhibited higher NF-κB protein levels than LL rats. No difference in IL-10 protein expression was observed among these groups. TNFα protein levels were higher in the CS and LS groups than in the CC and LC groups (), but no difference in TNFα levels was observed among the LL, LS, and LC groups (Figure 5(c)).
Figure 5: Immunoblot analysis of NF-κB (a), IL10 (b), and TNFα (c) in livers of adult rats maintained on casein control (CC and LC), soybean flour (CS and LS), or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().
In this study, rats recovered with the soybean diet showed low body weight and normalization of serum triacylglycerol concentrations, corroborating the well-known favorable effect of soy protein containing various levels of isoflavones on somatic parameters [39, 40] and serum triacylglycerol levels [41, 42]. However, contrary to the observations that soy protein reduces serum insulin levels [42, 43], we verify here, as in previous studies [23, 24, 26], that the consumption of a soybean flour diet increased serum insulin concentrations. This effect may be attributable to genistein, which increases insulin secretion due to its ability to activate the cAMP-PKA pathway .
Interestingly, our animals fed with soybean protein showed low liver fat content (assessed by gravimetric and histologic assays) and liver insulin resistance as determined by the HOMA-IR index and confirmed by high serum ALT concentrations (a hepatic enzyme whose appearance reflects hepatic insulin resistance and NAFLD) . It is also noteworthy that abundant lipid droplets (observed histologically) as well as elevated liver fat contents were observed in the rats from the CC group. Hepatic steatosis has also been reported by others , who attributed this effect to the elevated amounts of carbohydrates and calories provided by the AIN-93 diet. However, the CC rats exhibited HOMA-IR index values and serum ALT concentrations not compatible with metabolic alterations or hepatocellular injury. Moreover, although liver fat contents appeared to be comparable between the CC and LL groups, twice as many liver specimens from the LL group were graded as 3 or 4.
Liver insulin resistance results in the overexpression of SREBP-1c , whereas soy protein and genistein suppress the SREBP-1c levels. Thus, in this and in a previous study , the interplay between liver insulin resistance, which induces SREBP-1c overexpression, and other factors (e.g., genistein and soy protein) that suppress its expression resulted in no change in nSREBP-1c contents or SREBP-1c mRNA expression. An adequate explanation for the paradoxical association of liver insulin resistance with unmodified nSREBP-1c concentrations is the mild hyperinsulinemia and the euglycemia observed in our animals fed with soybean, as noted here and previously . SREBP-1c expression has been shown to be stimulated by glucose and insulin and repressed by glucagon [9, 10, 48]. Interestingly, the repression of SREBP-1c expression by soy protein has been attributed to decreased insulin : glucagon ratios . In our animals, we previously observed reduced insulin : glucagon ratios in LC and LL rats compared with LS rats . In that prior study , we observed that both the LC and LL groups exhibited lower serum insulin concentrations, lower liver insulin resistance, and basal glucose concentrations that were similar to those of LS rats. Surprisingly, only LL rats exhibited low nSREBP-1c levels, but LL and LC rats had similar liver fat storage levels, and both had higher liver fat content than LS rats. In contrast, we observed that the soybean diet resulted in reduced expression of PPARγ, which targets the ME and CLY genes [49, 50]. In agreement with this finding and with the observation that soy protein reduces the expression of ME , we verified low contents of both ME and CLY in liver samples from rats fed the soybean diet. Interestingly, studies have shown that the genetic deletion of PPARγ in the livers of lipodystrophic transgenic mice markedly attenuates the development of NAFLD, independent of the presence of hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia [50, 51].
Liver fat storage is also regulated by the integrated activities of cellular enzymes that catalyze lipid synthesis. Insulin acts as a key regulator of triglyceride biosynthesis in the liver by modulating enzymatic activities involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. In this study, both CLY and ME activities were reduced, and consequently, a decrease in de novo lipogenesis was observed in rats fed with soybean. It is well known that soy protein reduces ME activity in the liver ; however, in contrast to our observations, this suppressive effect was accompanied by low serum insulin concentrations and a reduced insulin : glucagon ratio . In contrast to the animals fed soybean, in rats maintained on a low-protein diet, CLY and ME activity levels were elevated, resulting in an increase in the rate of de novo fatty acid synthesis, despite low levels of serum insulin. Two factors may have contributed to the increased activities of these enzymes: an increased sensitivity to insulin and the high carbohydrate levels of the low-protein diet. Some lines of evidence suggest that CLY and ME activity is stimulated by insulin and high carbohydrate intake [52, 53]. Thus, the high CLY and ME activity levels appeared to determine the elevated rate of de novo fatty acid synthesis in the livers of rats from the LL group.
Curiously, the animals that were fed a soybean diet did not exhibit lipid accumulation in hepatocytes but did have high serum ALT concentrations, a marker of liver injury . A potential induction factor for the hepatocellular injury and fibrosis observed in NAFLD is oxidative stress . It has been shown that chronic genistein supplementation at more than 500 mg/kg/day adversely affects liver structure and function . Moreover, genistein increases the level and activity of PPARγ [22, 56], which, in the liver, plays a pivotal role in fatty acid catabolism by upregulating the expression of numerous genes involved in mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation . Consequently, activation of PPARγ can prevent and decrease hepatic fat storage , but the oxidation of fatty acids remains an important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in fatty livers . This hypothesis is weakened by the fact that the amount of genistein contained in our diet was determined to be lower than 500 mg/kg body weight/day , yet our soybean-fed animals exhibited reduced PPARγ mRNA expression and unchanged PPARγ protein contents in the liver. However, these animals also exhibited reduced expression of liver acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase beta (ACCβ) , an enzyme localized in the mitochondrial membrane, where it is believed to regulate local malonyl-coenzyme A levels, carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT-1) activity, and fat oxidation. The lack of ACCβ is associated with continuous fatty acid oxidation and reduced fat storage . We also previously observed a reduction in nonprotein thiol levels in the livers of soybean-treated animals, indicating the consumption of nonprotein thiols by enhanced free radical generation (unpublished data).
A consequence of increased ROS includes the release of proinflammatory cytokines . Hence, elevated ALT may reflect inflammation, which impairs insulin signaling in the liver. However, ALT is also a gluconeogenic enzyme, and increased ALT levels could therefore indicate impaired insulin signaling instead of liver injury. In our rats that were fed the soybean diet, the increased ALT, combined with high TNFα mRNA and protein levels, is consistent with inflammation. However, the unchanged NF-κB expression in livers from these soybean-fed rats is indicative of the absence of fibrosis because NF-κB is considered a profibrotic marker . The rats that were rescued from malnutrition in early life showed reduced transcription of NF-κB and IL-6 and increased transcription of IL-10 (an anti-inflammatory cytokine). However, neither NF-κB nor IL-10 protein levels were altered under these conditions. Given the elevated TNFα content, it is reasonable to suggest that the soybean diet increased NF-κB activity. Interestingly, in the livers of rats maintained on the soybean diet, the expression of TNFα was correlated with the HOMA-IR index, confirming the role of this cytokine in the development of hepatic insulin resistance .
In conclusion, the present study showed that a soybean diet prevented steatosis at least in part through reduced lipogenesis but resulted in TNFα-mediated inflammation.
Márcia Queiroz Latorraca and Marise Auxiliadora de Barros Reis designed research; Sílvia Regina de Lima Reis, Naoel Hassan Feres, Leticia Martins Ignacio-Souza, and Bárbara Laet Botosso conducted research; Edson Moleta Colodel carried out the liver histology; Vanessa Cristina Arantes and Roberto Vilela Veloso carried out the RIA and interpretation of data; Nair Honda Kawashita carried out the enzymatic assays. Márcia Queiroz Latorraca and Sílvia Regina de Lima Reis performed statistical analysis and wrote the paper. Sílvia Regina de Lima Reis had primary responsibility for final content. All authors read and approved the paper.
The authors thank Celso Roberto Afonso for the technical assistance. This work is part of a dissertation presented by Sílvia Regina de Lima Reis as partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master’s Degree in Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. This work was partly supported by the Brazilian foundations FAPEMAT (Grant 175/04), CNPq (Grant 479138/2003-6), and FINEP/PRONEX (Grant 134/97). | 2019-04-22T02:11:15Z | https://www.hindawi.com/journals/mi/2015/781703/ |
The right to own land and other property is taken for granted in many countries. It is one of the cornerstones of private enterprise and capitalism, and makes it possible for people to control where they live and work. In space, however, this right is an open issue. International treaties appear to bar people from making ownership claims to property on celestial bodies but do not explicitly prohibit it. Although the topic of property rights in space is not yet a major issue, it is something that will have to be resolved before major commercial development of space, particularly the Moon and other nearby celestial bodies, can proceed.
Two international treaties address, at least to some extent, the question of property rights in space. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the first treaty to deal exclusively with space, specifically prohibits nations from making claims in outer space. Article 2 of the treaty states: "Outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means." This provision is similar to one in the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, which prevented countries from making new claims on territory in Antarctica, although that treaty allowed existing claims to stand.
The Outer Space Treaty does not specifically prohibit nongovernmental organizations, including individuals and businesses, from making claims to or owning property on other worlds. However, because no nation can claim another body, it becomes much more difficult for private claims to be enforced. If two people have a dispute over the ownership of a parcel of land in the United States, that dispute can be resolved through American courts because the United States clearly has jurisdiction over that parcel. However, since no nation has jurisdiction over land on another celestial body, it is unclear how disputes, registration of deeds and claims, and other aspects of property rights could be managed.
The United Nations made an effort to eliminate this concern in 1979 through a separate treaty that is known popularly as the Moon Treaty. This treaty, like the Outer Space Treaty, prohibits countries from claiming property on other worlds. However, the Moon Treaty also bars nongovernmental organizations from owning property on other worlds. The treaty considers the Moon and the celestial bodies of the solar system the "common heritage of mankind" and would require an international organization of some kind to oversee development on other worlds. That organization also would be responsible for the distribution of the benefits realized from any such development among all nations.
Although the Moon Treaty could settle the question of property rights in space, the accord has been largely ignored. Only nine nations have ratified the treaty, none of which play a significant role in space exploration. The United States and other major spacefaring nations have never signed, let alone ratified, the treaty. Although the treaty technically has gone into force because of the small number of nations that have ratified it, the agreement has very little real power. This has left the question of private property rights in space unsettled.
Despite the current ambiguity regarding private property in space, some companies and individuals have attempted to make claims on celestial bodies. One of the best-known claims was made by Dennis Hope, an American entrepreneur. In 1980 Hope filed a claim for the surface of the Moon, the other planets in the solar system (except for Earth), and their moons. The claim was filed with a claim registry office of the U.S. government under the Homestead Act of 1862. Hope also sent copies of the claim to the United Nations and the Soviet Union, neither of which, according to Hope, contested the claim. Hope has been selling property on the Moon and other solar system bodies since he registered the claim through a company called Lunar Embassy.
Many space law experts do not believe that Hope's claim is valid. They contend that it runs afoul of Article 2 of the Outer Space Treaty, which pre- vents nations from claiming territory in space. Because no nation can claim the Moon or another world, there is no nation that would have jurisdiction over such a claim. Moreover, there is more than one claim to ownership of the Moon: A German, Martin Jürgens, has a declaration given to one of his ancestors by the Prussian king Frederick the Great that gives that person ownership of the Moon. While maintaining the legitimacy of his claim, Hope carefully skirts around the legal issues by noting that the deeds he sells for property on other worlds are "novelty items."
In February 2001 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft landed on the surface of the asteroid Eros after orbiting the body for a year. Shortly afterward Gregory Nemitz, chief executive officer of Orbital Development, a San Diego company, submitted a letter to NASA headquarters. That letter stated that Nemitz and Orbital Development had filed a claim in 2000 for the asteroid with the Archimedes Institute, which maintains a registry of such claims but is not supported or endorsed by any government entity. Nemitz asked NASA for a nominal "parking/storage fee" of $20 per century for landing NEAR on the surface of Eros.
In response, NASA General Counsel Edward Frankle said that the agency would not pay the fee. Frankle cited Article 2 of the Outer Space Treaty, which prohibits nations from claiming celestial bodies, as the main reason why he believed Nemitz's claim was not valid. Although Nemitz made a number of arguments stating why he believed that article of the treaty did not apply, NASA was not swayed. The space agency continued to decline to pay the fee, saying that the claim was not sufficiently established. NASA declined to take a position on whether Article 2 of the Outer Space Treaty applied to individuals or whether the treaty should be amended to deal specifically with this issue.
Other companies have taken a more circumspect approach to the question of property rights. Applied Space Resources, an American company that is planning to land a spacecraft on the Moon, has made a conscious decision not to claim any territorial rights on the Moon. The company is concerned that any near-term debate over property rights could prove detrimental for commercial efforts because it believes that one possibility would be a moratorium on commercial space projects until the legal questions about property rights are resolved.
A complete solution to the question of private property rights in space probably will require either changes to the Outer Space Treaty or an entirely new accord. As of this writing, however, there are no efforts under way to amend existing treaties or write new ones. In light of the relative lack of activity in commercial space enterprises to date, it may be some time until nations take action on this issue.
However, there have been some low-key efforts to address the property rights issue. Attorney Wayne White has drafted a proposed treaty that deals with property rights on the Moon and other bodies. Under his proposal, private entities—individuals or companies—that operate a space facility of some kind on the surface of another world for at least one year would be accorded the right to the property on which the facility is located as well as a "safety zone" extending up to 1 kilometer (0.62 mile) from it. This provision would prevent people from claiming entire planets without even landing a spacecraft on them. The proposal also includes provisions for transferring property and revoking property rights if the facility is abandoned or is not used for peaceful purposes. White has presented his draft treaty and papers based on it at meetings of the International Institute for Space Law, but the proposal has not been taken up by any nation.
Although property claims on other celestial bodies have not been recognized by any nation, there is a registry for tracking those claims. The Archimedes Institute, which was established by law professor Lawrence Roberts, operates a claims registry where individuals can file claims on objects throughout the solar system. Claims filed with the Archimedes Institute have no special protection or priority over other claims because no nation has recognized such claims. However, the institute hopes that the creation of the registry will encourage the formation of new agreements that will recognize private property rights in space.
see also Governance (volume 4); Land Grants (volume 4); Law (volume 4); Law of Space (volume 1).
Reynolds, Glenn H., and Robert P. Merges. Outer Space: Problems of Policy and Law. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1994. Ward & Partners. "Sovereignty in Space." <http://www.spacelaw.com.au/content/sovereignty.htm>.
Space Property Rights. Applied Space Resources.<http://www.appliedspace.com/property_rights.htm>.
White, Wayne N. "Proposal for a Multilateral Treaty Regarding Jurisdiction and Real Property Rights in Outer Space."Space Future. <http://www.spacefuture.com/archive/proposal_for_a_multilateral_treaty_regarding_jurisdiction_and_real_ property_rights_in_outer_space.shtml>.
"Property Rights." Space Sciences. . Encyclopedia.com. 17 Apr. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
Property rights consist of a person’s ability to own, transfer, and use that which a person owns without government coercion. Property rights and economic freedom are interrelated in that a person cannot engage in economic activity if the state does not recognize and defend that person’s right to own property, and because it is meaningless to have the ability to speak and act freely if one lacks the ability to monetize one’s words and actions.
The way in which property rights are defined depends on which of two premises is taken as the starting point. Rights of ownership either originate with society as a whole and are bestowed by society on individuals from time to time or originate with individuals and are bestowed by individuals on society from time to time. The former is the position of socialist philosophers; the latter, that of classical liberal philosophers.
Classical liberalism begins with the premise that an individual’s life belongs to that individual. This ownership of self, classical liberalists believe, is not something that is bestowed by human-made law but is a natural right that arises by virtue of an individual’s status as a human being. Starting from the assumption that individuals own their own lives, classical liberals argue that it logically follows that individuals own their own labor because labor is the action of the self and individuals own themselves as a matter of natural law. Because individuals own their own labor, they also own the wages they earn from that labor because the wages are what they receive in exchange for the labor they own. Similarly, an individual owns the things that individual buys with his or her wages because those things are traded for the wages that were traded for labor that is the result of action by the self that the individual naturally owns. Thus, classical liberals maintain that property rights are sacrosanct as a matter of natural law.
The principle of natural law is invoked in the U.S. Bill of Rights, which speaks of “inalienable rights”: rights that exist as a matter of people’s state as humans and that can be neither established nor revoked by government action. Although the individual may choose to give up some property rights to society for the common good or in exchange for protections granted by society, classical liberals maintain that those rights are the individual’s to give up, not society’s to take.
Socialism begins with the position that it is the responsibility of society to ensure an equitable distribution of ownership. That obligation falls to society because, socialists believe, when individuals are left to their own devices, political and economic power become concentrated in the hands of the strong, who then exploit the weak. Thus, because it is the responsibility of society to protect all its members, property rights must belong to society as a whole. In the socialist framework the society bestows property rights on individuals to maintain equality of income and wealth.
The socialist position was greatly influenced by the exploitation of western workers in the late nineteenth century. The German philosopher Karl Marx maintained that workers had a right to the value of their labor and that a system that allowed employers to profit from the fruits of workers’ labors is destined to bring about the exploitation of those workers. Marxist socialists maintain that the way to avoid this exploitation of labor is for the state to own the means of production. Removing private ownership means that the government must decide how the means of production are to be used. This is accomplished by a central planning board that decides how much output industries will produce, what prices they will charge, and how much they will pay their workers.
Communism is regarded as the next evolutionary step beyond socialism. In the socialist system, the government owns the means of production only. Individuals still maintain ownership of their personal property. In the Communist system, the government keeps all property rights to itself and the individual owns nothing. In the Communist system, people work for no wage and receive everything they need from the government at no cost. What is common to the socialist and Communist frameworks is that property rights originate with society, not with the individual. Despite the use of the term, no modern country has ever achieved a Communist framework. Even those that have come closest, Russia, China, and North Korea, have not succeeded in attaining government control of all property. Modern examples of Communist systems are seen in religious communities whose members take vows of poverty. In these communities, the individual owns nothing but is granted use of property owned by the community.
Economists argue that it is important that property rights be well defined. When they are not, there is a disconnect between individuals who make decisions and individuals who must live with the consequences of those decisions. This situation is known as externalities and the tragedy of the commons.
In the case of externalities one individual imposes a cost on another that would necessitate compensation for the second individual if property rights were well defined. For example, a factory that pollutes the air imposes a cost on people who breathe the air. Because the factory does not bear the cost of pollution, it has an incentive to pollute more than it would otherwise. If property rights are defined so that those people own the air, the factory is forced to compensate them for the air it pollutes. The result is that the factory pollutes less. If property rights are defined so that the factory owns the air, people must pay the factory to pollute less so that the air will be breathable. Again, less pollution is created. Thus, when property rights are poorly defined, the economy produces more of the good than is socially optimal. When property rights are well defined, regardless of whom the rights are assigned to, the economy produces the socially optimal quantity of product.
The economic problem of the tragedy of the commons also results from poorly defined property rights. For example, if everyone in a village together owns a plot of pastureland (a commons), each person is free to graze his or her cattle on the land. However, because the ownership is spread over so many people, no single person has an incentive to maintain the land. The result is that the land will be overgrazed. However, if one person owned the land, that person would have the ability to profit from owning the land and therefore would have an incentive to maintain it.
A contemporary example of the tragedy of the commons is the treatment of endangered species. In countries that have outlawed the killing of elephants the elephant population dwindles because poachers have an incentive to evade the law and no one has an incentive to protect the elephants. Conversely, in the few countries in which killing elephants is legal, the elephant population is flourishing because people have an incentive to help the elephants thrive so that they can be harvested at a profit. As an extension of this example, cows are not endangered in the United States despite the fact that Americans consume millions of tons of beef annually. Because it is legal to own cows, farmers have an incentive to maintain herds and cull them at a profit. The decimation of the American buffalo, in contrast, occurred because cattlemen came to the plains before the rule of law was established. Without law to enforce property rights, the buffalo were a common resource and so were hunted to near extinction.
Bastiat, Federic. 1850. Economic Harmonies. Ed. George B. de Huszar, trans. W. Hayden Boyers. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education, 1996.
Hoppe, Hans-Hermann. 1989. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Marx, Karl. 1867. Capital. Trans. and ed. S. Levitsky. Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000.
Von Mises, Ludwig. 1979. Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow. South Bend, IN: Regnery/Gateway.
"Property Rights." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. . Encyclopedia.com. 17 Apr. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
In many situations, property rights are easily determined. Boundaries to stationary, observable assets such as land can be defined and enforced clearly. Property rights to crude oil and natural gas are far more troublesome, for two reasons. Both resources lie below the surface, making it difficult to locate the exact limits of the deposits, and they migrate within subsurface reservoirs. Some reservoirs cover many square miles, including hundreds of property owners, each with a competing claim to the oil and gas. Moreover, other reservoirs straddle national boundaries, encouraging international competition for the oil and gas. For these reasons energy production from crude oil and natural gas can involve serious common-pool losses. Although there is much to be gained from cooperation among property owners to avoid these losses, reaching a cooperative solution can be very difficult.
The problems of the common pool were most dramatically illustrated in Garrett Hardin's famous 1968 article "The Tragedy of the Commons." Exploitation of valuable resources when property rights are absent or poorly defined can be extremely wasteful. Because the parties must capture the resource before it is appropriated by another, time horizons become distorted, with undue emphasis on short-term production and neglect of long-term investment. Even if the trend of market prices indicates that resource values would be greater from future, rather than current, use, production will not be postponed. The losses are compounded by excessive capital investment in extraction and storage.
Common-pool problems characterize many resources where it is difficult to define property rights to restrain access and use. In North America, common-pool conditions in oil and natural gas production are created when firms compete for hydrocarbons in the same formation under the common-law rule of capture (which also governs fisheries and many other natural resources).
Under the rule of capture, ownership is secured only upon extraction. In the United States, production rights are granted to firms through leases from those who hold the mineral rights, typically surface land owners. Each of the producing firms has an incentive to maximize the economic value of its leases rather than that of the reservoir as a whole. Firms competitively drill and drain, including the oil of their neighbors, to increase their private returns, even though these actions can involve excessive investment in wells, pipelines, and surface storage, higher production costs, and lower overall oil recovery.
Oil production requires pressure from compressed gas or water to expel oil to the surface. There are three main types of reservoir drives to flush oil to wells: dissolved gas drive, gas-cap drive, and water drive. With a gas drive, the oil in the reservoir is saturated with dissolved gas. As pressures fall with oil production, the gas escapes from solution, expands, and propels oil to the surface. Hence it is important to control gas production so it remains available to remove the oil. With a gas-cap drive, the upper part of the reservoir is filled with gas, and oil lies beneath it. As oil is withdrawn, the compressed gas expands downward, pushing oil to the well bore. As with a dissolved gas drive, gas production from the gas cap should be restricted to maintain reservoir pressure to expel the oil. Finally, with a water drive, the oil lies above a layer of water. The compressed water migrates into the oil zone as the oil moves to the well and helps to push it from the rock formation. High oil recovery rates require that subterranean water pressures be maintained.
Maximizing the value of the reservoir requires that full reservoir dynamics be considered in drilling wells and in extracting oil. Gas and water must be recycled through the strategic placement of injection wells; wells with high gas-oil or water-oil ratios must be closed or not drilled; and the rate of oil production must be controlled to maintain underground pressure.
Each reservoir generally has a dominant drive, an optimal pattern of well locations, and a maximum efficient rate of production (MER), which, if exceeded, would lead to an avoidable loss of ultimate oil recovery. Unfortunately, oil, gas, and water are not evenly distributed within the reservoir. With multiple leases above the reservoir, some lease owners will have more oil, gas, or water than will others, and coordination among competing firms in well placement and in controlling production rates is difficult. Efficient production of the reservoir suggests that some leases not be produced at all. Further, since each firm's production inflicts external costs on the other firms on the formation, some mechanism must be found to internalize those costs in production decisions.
Maintaining subsurface pressures; effectively placing wells; coordinating timely investment; and controlling oil production across leases while protecting the interests of the various lease owners under conditions of geologic and market uncertainty are formidable challenges. Yet, if they are not adopted, common-pool losses are likely.
Common-pool problems in oil and gas have been observed since commercial production began in the United States in 1859. The solution, unitization, also has been understood for a long time. With unitization, a single firm, often with the largest leased area, is designated as the unit operator to develop the reservoir, ignoring lease boundaries. With unitization, optimal well placement and production are possible as is coordination in other activities to increase overall recovery from the reservoir; These activities include pressure maintenance; secondary recovery; and enhanced oil recovery (EOR), whereby heat, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals are injected into the reservoir.
All lease owners share in the net returns of unitized production, based on negotiated formulas. As residual profit claimants, the lease owners now have incentives to develop the reservoir (rather than the lease) in a manner that maximizes its economic value over time. When producers expect unitization to occur, exploration is encouraged because greater recovery rates and reduced costs are anticipated. Bonuses and royalties to landowners are higher because the present value of the oil and gas resource is greater with unitization.
Despite its attractions for reducing common-pool losses, use of unitization has been more limited than one would expect. Joe Bain (1947, p. 29) noted: "It is difficult to understand why in the United States, even admitting all obstacles of law and tradition, not more than a dozen pools are 100 percent unitized (out of some 3,000) and only 185 have even partial unitization." Similarly, in 1985 Wiggins and Libecap reported that as late as 1975, only 38 percent of Oklahoma production and 20 percent of Texas production came from field-wide units.
To be successful, a unit agreement must align the incentives of the oil-producing firms over the life of the contract to maximize the economic value of the reservoir without repeated renegotiation. Unit contracts involve a number of difficult issues that have to be addressed by negotiators. Because remaining production often lasts twenty years or more, unit agreements must be long-term and be responsive to considerable uncertainty over future market and geological conditions. They must allocate unit production and costs among the many firms that otherwise would be producing from the reservoir. Additionally, they must authorize investments that may be made later to expand reservoir production, and distribute the ensuing costs among the individual parties.
These are formidable tasks for unit negotiators. The negotiating parties must agree to a sharing rule or participation formula for the allocation of costs and revenues from production. There may be different sharing rules for different phases of unit production, such as primary and secondary production, and the rules should apply to all firms on the reservoir. This arrangement is termed a single participating area. There should not be separate participating areas for oil and gas; otherwise, different incentives for oil and gas production will emerge. Development, capital, and operating costs must be allocated in proportion to revenue shares in an effort to align all interests to maximize the economic value of the reservoir. In that case, each party will share in the net returns from production and hence will have an incentive to minimize development and production costs and to maximize revenues. Further, a single unit operator must be selected to develop the field. Multiple unit operators lead to conflicting objectives and hinder the coordinated production practices necessary to maximize the value of the reservoir. Supervision of the unit operator by the other interests must be determined, with voting based on unit participation.
All of these issues can be contentious, but reaching agreement on the revenue sharing or participation formula is the most difficult. Shares are based on estimates of each firm's contribution to the unit. Those firms with leases that reflect a natural structural advantage (e.g., more resources or easier access to resources) seek to retain this advantage in the unitization formula. Such firms are unlikely to agree to a unitization agreement that does not give them at least as much oil or gas as they would receive by not unitizing. Even if the increase in ultimate recovery from unitization is so great that these parties will receive more from unit operations than from individual development, they have a much stronger bargaining position in negotiations than less-favored tract owners. The former can hold out for the most favorable allocation formula, secure in the knowledge that the regional migration of oil will continue toward their tracts during any delay in negotiations. Indeed, holding out may increase the value of a structurally advantageous location. If the firms form a subunit without the participation of the owners of better-located tracts, the pressure maintenance operations of the unit may increase the amount of oil migration toward the unsigned tracts. The holdouts, then, benefit from the unit without incurring any costs of the pressure maintenance activity.
The information available to the negotiating parties for determining lease values depends upon the stage of production. During exploration, all leases are relatively homogeneous, and unitization agreements can be comparatively easy to reach using simple allocation formulas, often based on surface acreage. Information problems and distributional concerns, however, arise with development as lease differences emerge. Because reservoirs are not uniform, the information released from a well is descriptive of only the immediate vicinity. There will be disagreements over how to evaluate this information in setting lease values. As a result of disagreements over subsurface parameters, unit negotiations often must focus on a small set of variables that can be objectively measured, such as cumulative output or wells per acre. These objective measures, however, may be poor indicators of lease value.
Conflicts over lease values and unit shares generally continue until late in the life of a reservoir. As primary production nears zero, accumulated information causes public and private lease value estimates to converge, so that a consensus on share values is possible. Without unit agreement, secondary production from all leases may be quite limited. The timing of a consensus on lease values, however, suggests that voluntary unit agreements are more likely to be reached only after most of the common-pool losses have been inflicted on the reservoir.
Reaching agreement on these issues is a complex process. In a detailed examination of seven units in Texas, Wiggins and Libecap showed in 1985 that negotiations took four to nine years before agreements could be reached. Moreover, in five of the seven cases, the area in the final unit was less than that involved in early negotiations. As some firms became frustrated, they dropped out to form subunits, which led to a partitioning of the field and the drilling of additional wells but generally did not minimize common-pool losses. For example, 28 subunits, ranging from 80 to 4,918 acres, were established on the 71,000-acre Slaughter field in West Texas. To prevent migration of oil across subunit boundaries, some 427 offsetting water injection wells were sunk along each subunit boundary, adding capital costs of $156 million.
Other costs from incomplete unitization are shown on Prudhoe Bay, North America's largest oil and gas field, which was first unitized in 1977. Two unit operators, separate sharing formulas for oil and gas interests, and a disparity between revenue sharing and cost sharing among the working interests have resulted in protracted and costly conflicts. The parties on the field do not have joint incentives to maximize the economic value of the reservoir, but rather seek to maximize the values of their individual oil or gas holdings. Because ownership of oil and gas in Prudhoe Bay is very skewed, with some firms holding mostly oil in the oil rim and others holding mostly natural gas in the gas cap, the firms have been unable to agree to a complete, reservoirwide agreement. Disputes have centered on investment and whether natural gas should be reinjected to raise oil production, or liquefied and sold as natural-gas liquids. In 1999 Libecap and Smith showed that skewed ownership in the presence of gas caps characterizes other incomplete unit agreements elsewhere in North America.
Most states, as well as the U.S. government, have some type of compulsory unitization rule to limit the ability of a minority of holdouts to block a unit. Mandatory unitization began in the United States in Louisiana, in 1940. Due to political opposition by small firms that receive regulatory-related benefits, Texas, surprisingly, has not had a compulsory unitization law. Texas court rulings have tended to restrict unitization.
Although unitization is most problematical in North America, where there generally are more operators on a given oil field, the problems of coordinated production to avoid common-pool losses exist elsewhere. In the North Sea, Argentina, Ecuador, and the Caspian Sea, lease and national boundaries often do not coincide with reservoir boundaries. Under these conditions a nation may engage in competitive drilling to drain the oil and gas before its neighbor does. This incentive appears to explain the initial pattern of Norwegian drilling only along its boundaries with the United Kingdom (Hollick and Cooper, 1997).
See also: Governmental Approaches to Energy Regulation; Government Intervention in Energy Markets; Oil and Gas, Drilling for; Oil and Gas, Exploration for; Oil and Gas, Production of; Pipelines.
Bain, J. S. (1947). The Economics of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Industry, Part III: Public Policy Toward Competition and Prices. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Hardin, G. (1968). "The Tragedy of the Commons." Science 162:1243–1248.
Hollick, A. L., and Cooper, R. N. (1997). "Global Commons: Can They Be Managed?" In The Economics of Transnational Commons, ed. P. Dasgupta, K-G. Maäler, and A. Vercelli. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Libecap, G. D. (1989). Contracting for Property Rights. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Libecap, G. D., and Smith, J. L. (1999). "The Self-Enforcing Provisions of Oil and Gas Unit Operating Agreements: Theory and Evidence." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 15(2):526–48.
Libecap, G. D., and Wiggins, S. N. (1984). "Contractual Responses to the Common Pool: Prorationing of Crude Oil Production." American Economic Review 74:87–98.
Libecap, G. D., and Wiggins, S. N. (1985). "The Influence of Private Contractual Failure on Regulation: The Case of Oil Field Unitization." Journal of Political Economy 93:690–714.
McDonald, S. L. (1971). Petroleum Conservation in the United States. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Smith, J. L. (1987). "The Common Pool, Bargaining, and the Rule of Capture." Economic Inquiry 25:631–644.
Sullivan, R. E., ed. (1960). Conservation of Oil and Gas: A Legal History, 1948–1958. Chicago: American Bar Association.
Weaver, J. L. (1986). Unitization of Oil and Gas Fields in Texas: A Study of Legislative, Administrative, and Judicial Policies. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future.
Wiggins, S. N., and Libecap, G. D. (1985). "Oil Field Unitization: Contractual Failure in the Presence of Imperfect Information." American Economic Review 75:376–385.
"Property Rights." Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy. . Encyclopedia.com. 17 Apr. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>.
In the discourse of American constitutionalism, the idea of property has been both primal and protean.
First, there is the text. The due process of law clauses of both the Fifth Amendment and fourteenth amendment, rank property by name with life and liberty as a chief human interest to be secured against arbitrary and excessive interference from government. The Fifth Amendment's eminent domain, or "taking," clause even adds a special restriction against uncompensated taking of property for public benefit. Constitutional law perceives various high aims in these general protections for property. Courts dealing with claims of taking without compensation find in property an antiredistributive principle, opposed to imposition on a select few of the costs and burdens of government operations. When the claim is one of deprivation without procedural due process, modern doctrine treats property as primarily a legalistic (or bureaucratic) principle, opposed to subversion of legally warranted expectations by faithless or irregular administration of standing law. Of course, expectations build on constancy in the law itself, as well as on reliable administration. The doctrine of substantive due process arose, in part, out of concern for protecting legally vested rights against retrospective disturbance by changes in law. In a more dramatic form of substantive due process, property has figured as a libertarian principle of independence from state regulation: the right of an owner, as Justice john paul stevens recently wrote in moore v. city of east cleveland (1977), "to use her own property as she sees fit."
Second, proprietary norms and notions have inspired and organized constitutional-legal doctrine apparently far removed from the immediate scope of the property-specific clauses. Both the third amendment and fourth amendment obviously tap special values of domestic sanctuary—refuge and privacy—from one prototypical image of property, the home or house. In griswold v. connecticut (1965) the Supreme Court marshaled these provisions with others in the bill of rights to construct a constitutional right of privacy in the conduct of marital intimacies at home. By the time of roe v. wade (1973), the Court had reconceived this as a right to choose for oneself "whether to bear or beget a child." In buckley v. valeo (1976) the Court treated deployments of private wealth in electoral politics as exercises of the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly and association protected by the first amendment. In perry education assocation v. perry local educators assocation (1983), the Court confirmed an old idea that a government acting as a proprietor (rather than as a lawmaker) is unusually free to restrict freedom of speech. In a series of cases including Reeves, Inc. v. Stake (1980), the Court similarly relieved states acting as owners from normal duties under the commerce clause to refrain from commercial discrimination against out-of-state competitors. In contrast, courts adjudicating under the rubric of substantive due process currently treat economic liberties (aspects of self-direction concerned with acquisition, exchanges, and deployment of property) as categorically less resistant to state regulation than more "fundamental" or "personal" aspects, such as control over family formations.
Third, on a broadly ideological level, legal depictions of property have figured strongly in imaginative conceptions of the American constitutional system. Property held a glorified place in the common lawyer's Whig history imbibed by early Americans from william blackstone. With its naturalistic imagery of clearly demarcated "closes," property offered a paradigm of legally sanctioned authority that was supreme within its limits yet firmly delimited by law. Such an image of legal property apparently helped later generations of Americans to represent and confirm to themselves the workings of check-and-balance institutional schemes—federalism and separation of powers—that depend on jurisdictional boundaries judicially patrolled. More fundamentally, the image has from the beginning helped inspire and sustain a core idea of constitutionalism: a legally limited government based on a secure bounding of the state's domain from those of the market and private life.
Finally, at the level of practical debate over institutions, the question of property's relation to politics has always been foundational for American constitutionalism. In the strongly influential natural rights philosophy traced to john locke, the relation is oppositional. Property—here meaning acquisition of goods by effort and exchange and retention against force and fraud—is considered a native attribute of humankind, not an artificial contingency of state power and political choice. Accordingly, the state's business is to secure natural property against breakdowns of mutual forbearance that only a supreme civil authority can prevent. For Lockeans, then, the relation of property to politics is that of an a priori external limit and a test of legitimacy.
Yet in an older tradition of civic republicanism, to which the Founders were also heir, questions of property entitlement and distribution are inseparable from constitutional design and political ministration. By the traditional republican understanding, property, or wealth, is power in politics. Undue concentration of wealth portends either oligarchy or revolution, and warding off those contingencies is very much the business of republican government. Morevoer, in civic republican thought, "corruption" of political motives by preoccupation with private need or advantage (as opposed to public honor and common good) is a chief internal threat to the stability and success of popular governments. Elements of this traditional view, modernized and coupled with Lockean liberal ideas, plainly appear throughout the federalist (saliently in james madison's famous essay on "faction") and in thomas jefferson's political writings. They appear in the Constitution, as well, and in early American constitutional practice. By such devices as indirect election and large constituencies, the Framers avowedly designed the Constitution to ensure that only men of means and repute would attain national legislative or executive office.
Moreover, it was normal in the early United States for states, which under the Constitution set electoral qualifications even for congressional and presidential elections, to restrict voting rights to persons of independent social status (free adult males) who also held a substantial property endowment or income of a kind not too dependent on governmental machination. In the more egalitarian democratic ethos tracing to the Jacksonian period, reconstruction, and the civil war amendments, wealth discrimination in the field of voting rights has become constitutionally intolerable. Rather, debate has inevitably arisen over the converse claim that a democratic-republican constitution requires assurance to all, at public expense if necessary, of the material prerequisites of political independence and competence.
In summary, the American constitutional rhetoric of property and property rights is a congested manifold of cross-cutting and contested doctrinal and normative evocations. As might be expected of such an overloaded vocabulary, ambiguity and conflict affect not just normative emanations and doctrinal derivations, but the direct reference of the central terms themselves. In constitutional disputation, "property" and "property right" variously signify holdings, entitlements, and institutions. At one moment, "property" (or "property right") may refer to specific holdings of social wealth that various persons currently claim or practically enjoy; at another, to a set of legal or moral rules and principles supposed to define and condition entitlements to possession and enjoyment of parcels of social wealth; and at still another, to institutional regimes of privatization (the "free market").
This variability of reference would little surprise the generations of Anglo-American theorists—the line runs from David Hume and Jeremy Bentham to Wesley N. Hohfeld, morris r. cohen, Felix S. Cohen, Robert L. Hale, and beyond—who have attempted conceptual analyses and critiques of legal "property." Vagaries in constitutional-legal usage of "property" echo the academic discussions, which have themselves obviously been sensitive to partisan political and constitutional debates. In some respects, however, constitutional-legal usage strays from established jurisprudential positions.
It is common ground, at least, that legal "property" is a relation, not a substance. Property does not consist in parcels of wealth or "stuff." Academic sophisticates have long agreed that it also does not consist in any relation between a person and "his" stuff; neither possessory acts, proprietary intentions, nor both together constitute property. Rather, property is a matter of relations among persons: the social relations and practices that accord to bare, empirical, person-to-parcel connections a measure of public recognition, normative legitimacy, and practical reliability. But that is not all property is, either. Also indispensable to property, say the theorists, is the element of entitlement or legal sanction: there is no true "property" in a casual neighborhood practice of allowing me to farm a field and reap the fruit when we all also know that others may stop me at any time without running afoul any law. The question then becomes whether the law that constitutes property entitlements consists strictly of the "positive" human inventions of legislatures and of courts filling gaps in the common law or, rather, is found in some method of reason or traditional understanding that composes a prelegislative "higher" or "Natural" Law. On this question, jurisprudence remains deeply divided.
It is easy to find constitutional-legal doctrine officially accepting each step of the jurisprudential consensus so far as it goes. Yet constitutional law seems also often driven to resist the abstract logic of the consensus. According to the theorists, a legal regime that secures the exclusive possession of landowners against unauthorized entry certainly constitutes a property entitlement, but so, by the same reasoning, does a legal regime that permits (and protects against interference) a particular mode of using a parcel—for example, an owner's strip mining of land. Constitutional law, by contrast, differentiates sharply between legal restrictions on use that leave possession undisturbed and laws subjecting owners to "permanent physical occupations" of land. As the Supreme Court recently confirmed in Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedictis (1987) and Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987), new use restrictions, however severe, rarely amount to constitutionally challengeable takings or deprivations of property, but state-sponsored dispossession, however trivial, almost always does. Or consider a law plainly stating that a sheriff may seize goods from a person who bought them on credit whenever the creditor tells the sheriff that the loan is in default. In the sophisticated view, such a law simply defines the extent of the installment buyer's property right and so cannot itself be a constitutionally questionable deprivation of property. Constitutional law on procedural due process officially adopted that view in board of regents v. roth (1972), a case of peremptory unexplained dismissal from a government job expressly held at the supervisor's discretion. Yet at about the same time, in Fuentes v. Shevin (1972), the Court found an unconstitutional deprivation of property without procedural due process in the law authorizing unceremonious seizure of goods from an installment buyer's possession. Unlike academic jurisprudence, constitutional law has to mediate practically among demands for proprietary security, sound policy, and popular acceptance, along with the demand for consistent theory. Operating within this field of forces, courts evidently find that governmentally engineered trespasses on extant private possessions are uniquely and unacceptably insulting to property's ideological function as a paradigm of limited government, that is, as private domains secured against governmental intrusion.
A like irresolution appears in constitutional law's response to the theorists' requirement of legal entitlement as essential to property. The Court both expressly avows this requirement and rejects its full implications. Faced in United States v. Willow River Power Co. (1945) with a hydroelectric company's claim that the government took its property by damming a river and thereby flooding the tail end of its generating plant, Justice robert h. jackson memorably declared that judicial delineation of property rights turns not on any intelligible essence of "property," but on discovery and construal of prior and contemporaneous law: "We cannot start the process of decision by calling [every existing economic interest or advantage] a 'property right' … Such economic uses are property rights only when they are legally protected interests." In short, discoverable legal entitlement is required to qualify an "economic interest" as the "property" mentioned by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The Court has further perceived that those constitutional mentionings cannot themselves be read (without apparent circularity) to confer the legal status of property on any disputed "interest or advantage." Rather, according to Regents v. Roth, the entitlement must be grounded in "an independent source such as state law." The Court has even hitched such a "positivist" approach to the theory of federalism, declaring in pruneyard shopping center v. robins (1980) that "the United States, as opposed to the several states [is not] possessed of … authority … to define 'property' in the first instance."
Repeatedly, however, the Court has defied this logic and found that the Constitution's property clauses directly demand protection for interests plainly not treated as property by standing subconstitutional law. dred scott v. sandford (1857) is the earliest instance. The missouri compromise of 1820 established the northern portion of the Louisiana Territory as "free soil." According to the law of many jurisdictions, a slave taken by a master onto free soil was thereby emancipated. Given that as the standing legal rule, a master's legally grounded entitlement in a slave simply would not extend to retention of title after the master had taken the slave into free territory. At a time when this plainly appeared to be the applicable, governing rule, Scott's "owner" took him from Missouri to north Louisiana Territory. The Supreme Court held that to grant Scott his freedom on that basis would be to deprive Sandford of constitutionally protected property without due process of law.
Although a deservedly infamous decision, Dred Scott is not aberrational in its refusal to allow subconstitutional congressional and state lawmaking to dictate the limits of constitutionally protected property. In Pennsylvania Coal Company v. Mahon (1922) the Court granted arguendo the public safety justifications for a law forbidding coalmine owners to remove coal in such a way as to cause the collapse of surface structures, but still found that the law unconstitutionally took the property of mining firms on which it had confiscatory retrospective impact. Justice oliver wendell holmes, jr. wrote that, despite the long-established rule subordinating all property to public-safety regulation, "if regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking." The rule's "implied limitation" of property rights "must have its limits, or the contract and due process clauses are gone." In Kaiser Aetna v. United States (1979) the Court dealt similarly with the standing rule subordinating all shoreline property holdings to public rights of access to navigable waters. It refused to apply the rule strictly when doing so would have subjected the complaining owners not only to unwelcome "physical invasions," but to loss of their "distinct investment backed expectations" of privacy. Most recently, the Court's opinion in Nollan v. California Coastal Commission (1987) strongly implied that a state legal regime expressly subjecting all shoreline land titles to public rights of pedestrian passage would violate a baseline normative standard for property institutions contained in the Fourteenth Amendment.
The Court has thus refused to read the Constitution's property clauses as completely delegating to legislative politics the definition of legal regimes of property rights. It has refused to reduce the judiciary to the ancillary role of protecting persons against retroactive alteration and capricious administration of these subconstitutional legislative regimes. It has done so when the alternative struck it as betrayal of substantive constitutional values linked to property, notably, private sanctuary and limited government. Such cases lie along that contested boundary of judicial activism and judicial restraint where the demand for constitutional vindication confronts the demand for contemporary democratic accountability.
In such cases, the Court is not, however, necessarily rejecting jurisprudential insistence on legal entitlement as a prerequisite to property. It may rather be denying that property-constitutive law can be found only in the "positive" lawmaking acts of legislatures and common-law adjudicators. Not surprisingly (considering the conflicting normative pressures for both a rule of law and government of the people by the people), this choice between an exclusively "positive" and a "natural" provenance for property-constitutive law is just where the jurisprudential consensus on legal property falls apart. We can see the Court in these cases as allying the Framers with those theorists who appeal to "natural" criteria of reason or tradition for a higher-law conception of property entitlement. The Court, in effect, conceives the Framers to have been referring to such criteria when they prescribed constitutional protection for "property."
Thereby, the Court also, and to a like extent, apparently aligns itself (or the Framers) with the Lockean liberal (as opposed to civic republican) antecedents of American constitutionalism. Rather than treat the design and adjustment of property regimes as a central legitimate concern of republican government, the Court to this extent treats property rights as prior and external to state and politics. But the civic heritage may not yet be entirely expunged from American constitutional doctrine or disputation. This heritage may help explain the Court's unshakable tolerance for legislative schemes of property-use regulation that plainly and grossly exceed the bounds of any plausibly Lockean notion of police power. More pointedly, it may help explain the settled acceptance of statutory income transfer schemes that appear to "take property from A and give it to B" in defiance of an oftcited first principle of Lockean higher law. Commentators have argued vigorously, and vainly, that such schemes are both constitutionally obligatory and constitutionally forbidden. The modern Court's refusal of commitment to either view may be its mediation between the civic and the libertarian underpinnings of American constitutionalism.
Ackerman, Bruce A. 1975 Private Property and the Constitution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Cohen, Felix S. 1954 Dialogue on Private Property. Rutgers Law Review 9:357–387.
Epstein, David F. 1984 The Political Theory of the Federalist. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Epstein, Richard 1985 Takings: Private Property and the Law of Eminent Domain. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Kennedy, Duncan 1980 Toward a Historical Understanding of Classical Legal Consciousness: The Case of Classical Legal Thought in America, 1850–1940. Research in Law & Society 3:3–24.
Michelman, Frank I. 1987 Possession vs. Distribution in the Constitutional Idea of Property. Iowa Law Review 72:1319–1350.
Nedelsky, Jennifer 1989 Private Property and the Limits of American Constitutionalism: A View from the Formation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Singer, Joseph William 1982 The Legal Rights Debate in Analytical Jurisprudence from Bentham to Hohfeld. Wisconsin Law Review 1982:975–1059.
Symposium 1988 The Jurisprudence of Takings. Columbia Law Review 88:1581–1794.
Treanor, William 1985 The Origins and Original Significance of the Just Compensation Clause of the Fifth Amendment. Yale Law Journal 94:694–716.
"Property Rights." Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. . Encyclopedia.com. 17 Apr. 2019 <https://www.encyclopedia.com>. | 2019-04-20T13:10:45Z | https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/sociology-and-social-reform/sociology-general-terms-and-concepts/property-rights |
17 reasons why Lisbon is the next top European place to be!
An iconic tram. Is Lisbon the next top European place to be?
My brother wrote a book and it’s exciting!
This summer is going to be so awesome!
I can’t give you any details right now but I’ll tell you all about it in June! Promise!
A few weeks ago, I told you about how we had such a lovely time in the Algarve and all the unique things that we did!
However, we did more than just go to the Algarve.
We also went to Lisbon. And Porto!
But today, I’m going to tell you why Lisbon is the next place that you should visit!
A traditional neighbourhood shop in Lisbon.
Lisbon, also known locally as Lisboa, is the capital of Portugal. It lies on the north bank of the Tagus Estuary, on the European Atlantic coast and is the westernmost city in continental Europe! It’s also slap-bang in the centre of Portugal, and is approximately 300 km from the Algarve in the south, and 400 km from the northern border with Spain!
Lisbon offers a wide variety of options to the visitor, including beaches, countryside, mountains, and areas of historical interest, only a few kilometres away from the city centre, and boy did we take advantage!
This wasn’t my first time to visit Lisbon. In fact, my first and previous visit was back in 2007. The very same year that I went to Vietnam!
However, The Music Producer and “The Tall Young Gentleman” had never been before, so I wanted to ensure that they saw everything that needed to be seen, and that they had a good time!
The former fishing village of Belém. In Lisbon!
It’s a waterfront port city: You know how much I like river destinations and Lisbon is no exception.
The port of Lisbon is romantic: You can enjoy a very pleasant walk along the river-side, you can take as many selfies as you like on the monumental terminals, or you can simply have a meal or a glass of something bubbly, while basking in the early evening sun!
Lisbon is known as the white city due to its unique light: The city is filled with monumental statues that are glaringly built with bright white stone!
It’s a city of lively character: The suburb of Bairro Alto is one of the most characteristic quarters of the city, crammed with traditional restaurants, packed alongside cosy bookshops, hipster design shops, and diverse little cafes, where cups of steaming hot tea cost 80 cents and you can see right through into the living room!
Lisbon is authentic: I always felt as if I was in somebody’s backyard, as on practically every corner and side-street, strings of washing would be strewn across the window or terrace. In some places, with the horror of a pair of damp dangling knickers fluttering, in front of one’s face!
Lisbon is young: A stroll down the Quarter known as Chiado would throw up an area of art, theatre, and young musicians. In fact, one of our favourite things was to find an upper hill platform and chill-out on the steps. The Music Producer wasn’t comfortable “chilling” with the 20-something student crowd, “chilling” with cheap bottles of beer, or “chilling” with young drug-dealers who kept trying to sell him some illegal substance, until they saw me and ran speedily away! So we went to a very smart family friendly roof-top bar called Madame Petisca, and spent almost €70.00 on tapas and fried potatoes / sweet potato crisps, that came in a metal jug-like bucket, an excellent roof-top view, and glasses of wine and cocktails instead. I know!
Lisbon is small: The city is quite small with a population of slightly over 600,000 inhabitants and perfectly walkable, as long as you watch out for the trams and mind your head lol!
The nightlife: Lisbon has a great nightlife. In pretty much every corner, there’s a bar or neighbourhood dedicated to having some sort of party.
Unique music: You can’t go to Portugal without experiencing the haunting mournful tunes and lyrics, of melancholic feeling and loss, known as Fado. And if you drink a glass or two of delicious portuguese wine, you can relax a little, and even sing along!
Friendly people: Most people speak English and were very helpful and open to visitors and tourists.
Quirky museums: I love places that have quirky museums and Lisbon has them in spades such as – the National Tile Museum, the Puppet Museum, the Water Museum, or the National Coach Museum of the 17th – 19th centuries!
History: Lisbon is an old city full of history and stories.
Lisbon has not one, but two (2) World Heritage Sites: The Jerónimos Monastery also known as the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos and the Torre de Belém otherwise known as the Belém Tower or the Tower of St Vincent, both built in the 16th century!
It’s off the beaten path: Funnily enough, Portugal, not to talk of Lisbon, is still relatively unknown! I saw plenty of Americans there, lots of Germans, but very few Brits, and most of them were in the Algarve! In comparison to Madrid (the capital of Spain), the prices are lower and the quality is better!
Portuguese food: OMG! Marvellous. We found a farmers market that was so good. We went back twice! More about that in a couple of weeks!
Close enough for day trips: Lisbon is so on point that you can take a day trip to the lovely “Garden of the Eartly Paradise” otherwise known as Sintra, the spectacular landscape of Costa Azul, or the glamorous Portuguese Riveria, otherwise known as, Estoril and Cascais!
Because dessert: The best place in the world to try out the pastéis de nata, otherwise known as Portuguese custard tarts, is in Lisbon. Nom! Nom!
On the funicular, in Lisbon!
Getting from the Algarve to Lisbon was easy-peasy.
It was possible to take either the train here, or here, or the by bus-coach here!
The bus-coach was cheaper for the three (3) of us and took almost the same time, so we decided to take the coach-bus instead! Oh, and even though I can no longer remember the exact details, the company was called EVA and the cost was something like €15.00 for adults and €10.00 for children, so a no-brainer as far as we were concerned.
The coach was comfortable and had WiFi which sometimes worked, and sometimes didn’t. It also had a toilet on board and you could eat your snacks (as long as you wer discreet) unlike in Germany and Eastern Europe, where beer is sold on the coach-bus for everyone (over 16) to partake in!
The journey from the Algarve to Lisbon was roughly 3.5 hours.
The strength of a lost global empire!
Well, a little, but only because Lisbon is tiny. It was a little after Easter and of course, Lisbon is a university town and a working city. By 20:00, the place was booming and the trams were packed!
We were only there for three (3) days but Lisbon definitely made an impact on me back in 2007, and it made an impression on me once again!
He can’t speak Portuguese either! He’s a scary water-spout gargoyle in Lisbon!
Unlike Madrid, English is widely spoken however, if you speak Spanish or German, you won’t be out-of-place. Having said that, there’s nothing wrong with learning a few basic words of Portuguese as a measure of respect!
You’re not going to live in a hut, and you’re not going to live in the palace of Estoril either!
Not at all. Portugal isn’t Germany, and even though we saw an awful number of abandoned or derelict buildings, Lisbon is certainly a high-income advanced economy, with a very high standard of living.
You’re definitely not going to be living in a cave!
What say you to Lisbon’s bohemian nightlife?!
We stayed at a rather lovely boutique hostel located a few minutes walk from many historic and tourist attractions, right in the heart of Lisbon’s Bohemia nightlife!
Located in the Bairro Alto Quarter, the hostel is just two (2) minutes walk away from all the action in the Chiado Quarter, and a few minutes from tiny bars, restaurants in one direction, and about a ten (10) minute walk from fancier bars and up-market restaurants, in the other direction!
Which ever way you go, you’re not far from the delights of a thriving nightlife!
I first saw mention of this hostel as part of the Luxury Hostels of Europe project on the website of one of our top world-known bloggers – Kash of the Budget Traveller – who is a great guy and a mate of mine, and also some inspiration from the blog of another top blogger – Agness of eTramping – a sweet girl and another good friend of mine.
So I just had to check it out for myself!
StayInn Lisbon Hostel wasn’t your ordinary hostel.
At the StayInn Lisbon Hostel!
It was akin to a fancy hotel!
We were lucky to be on a part-sponsorship with the StayInn Lisbon Hostel and as a result, they very kindly gave us a heavily discounted suite, and a double room!
The hostel is on the first floor and as you enter, there’s someone to help you with your bags, a warm welcome smile waiting for you, and a very wide, clean, colourful, artistic space!
StayInn Lisbon Hostel features a modern décor, bright airy rooms, parquet floors, comfy squashy bean-bags, colourful soft sofas, floor-to-ceiling windows, and a common lounge and living room area with patch-work cushions, a mini-library, and a large flat-screen TV!
This boutique hostel was designed to embrace the sophisticated charm and historical delight of Lisbon and has a cosy space of just nine (9) rooms – two suites with private bathrooms, two double rooms, two twin rooms, one eight (8)-person mixed dorm, one six (6)-person mixed dorm, one six (6)-person female dorm, and a feng shui botanical smoking area.
My husband and I were in one of the suites with a huge private en-suite bathroom, whilst “The Tall Young Gentleman” was a very happy Larry, as he had a double room all to himself!
The “Tall Young Gentleman” looking blissfully happy!
As “The Tall Young Gentleman” has become older and almost as tall as his father, it has come to our realisation, that in order for all of us to get a good nights sleep and reduce teenage drama, separate bedrooms are necessary.
And that was what we got!
It was marvellous to have the luxury of separate bedrooms especially when you’re travelling, you’ve got a tween who’s “on holiday,” and knick-knack is just thrown everywhere!
A hostal is Spanish in style but does the job!
In Madrid, I decided to book a triple room Spanish-style hostal! In Seville, we stayed with friends in a lovely traditional Spanish suburban villa. complete with pool! In the Algarve, we booked a really nice studio-villa apartment in the coastal town of Lagos. This time around, it was time for a little more comfort.
Our stay at StayInn Lisbon Hostel was an absolute pleasure.
When you book a room on-line, you can never be entirely sure what you’re going to get, and can only hold your breath, and cross your fingers.
I didn’t know what to expect in Lisbon and was delighted at what we received.
Our suite at the boutique StayInn Lisbon Hostel in Portugal!
Our suite consisted of a hallway, and a large private bathroom. Our bedroom had a double bed, one (1) rather nice fancy armchair, a writing-table / make-up table with mirror and stool, a large enclosed wardrobe, a huge open window, lots of wall adapters and a relaxing window-sill that you could imagine yourself sprawling on, whilst drinking a glass of wine..!
The second (2nd) bedroom had a large double bed, a bed-side table, a huge mirror, a large wardrobe, and very spacious, open windows. “The Tall Young Gentleman” was delighted moreover, he even had an electric card-key which only he had access to!
Our private bathroom at the boutique StayInn Lisbon Hostel in Portugal!
Our private bathroom was very clean and had two separate shower cubicles, a separate WC cubicle, two Mr & Mrs sinks (which I loved), a hairdryer, a huge mirror, and was fitted out with hair and body wash items, and plenty of fluffy towels.
The hostel also had two chill-out areas, a dining room, a fully-equipped kitchen which guests were free to use, free WiFi, and a more than generous free buffet breakfast!
For breakfast, you could help yourself to a large basket of bread, rolls of butter, a platter of ham and cheese, as well as a variety of cereal, fruit, slices of home-made cake, juice, and as much tea and coffee as you wanted!
All this from €60 – €80.00 per night in the suite, from €45.00 in the double room, and from €16 – €21.00 in the dorms.
Lisbon is pretty small so that everywhere is walkable. You can travel around the city by bus, train, funicular or tram.
You can also hang on while the tram is moving, but don’t do that at home kids!
Lisbon is pretty small so that everywhere is walkable. You can travel around the city by bus, train, funicular or tram. The best parts are the historical trams that looked as if they couldn’t get up the steep hills, but did.
Lisbon is quaint. It’s appealing. It’s got history, art and culture, and looks utterly charming.
I have a fondness for Lisbon.
It’s quaint. It’s appealing. It’s got history, art and culture, and looks utterly charming.
If you’re looking for the next best European city of 2016 that’s safe, lively, and ready to be discovered. You’ve found it!
This article is part-sponsored by the lovely boutique StayInn Lisbon Hostel, but all opinions and the fascinating historical trams that we huddled over, are my very own!
Next week, I’ll be focusing on Porto!
May & June are going to be fantastic!
If you’re not in Berlin in May, you’re insane!
Have you ever been to Lisbon? Do you think Lisbon is the next top European place to be?
Previous PostHow to write and publish a book – Introducing The Bee Hive!Next Post11 reasons why you should visit Porto – the city of wine – and why it matters!
Lisbon has always been on my To-Go list, but I’ve never actually heard that much about it. Now I know! Thanks!
Lisbon has always been on my To-Go list, but I’ve never heard that much about it. Thanks for enlightening me!
I’ve seen advertisement on Portugal..such a gorgeous destination..! I have it on my to-go-to list!
Thanks so much Megan! Honestly, we all go through these types of periods which is the reason why I have never even been to Greece or South America! Asia just keeps luring me forward you see.
I loooove Lisbon. I was just in Paris at a conference, and there was a team from Portugal there, and I have started missing that country all over again.
I have visited Lisbon, but only for few hours. I was with my husband and kidson a cruise with the Royal Caribbean on the Mediterranean. We did have a lovely time and we did eat the delicious pasteis de nata. The Stayinn Hostel looks super cool and comfortable. I would love to go back to Lisbon and explore it more extensively. Note my change of email, my blog has also changed to self hosting. It has been a learning curve, since I am not a very technical person.
Thanks so much Gilda! The Stayinn Hotel was lovely. As was Lisbon and if you do get a chance to visit again, you’ll have a great time lol!
Thanks so much Danny! I really loved Lisbon too! In fact, I’m thinking our time in Portugal might just reasonably, overtake our time in Spain! The people, the architecture, the waters, the food. What not to like?!
I’ve never been to Lisbon, but my husband was there a couple of months ago, and he liked it a lot. Your suite looks beautiful.
Thanks so much Mitzie Mee! Isn’t Lisbon just the best? Such a lovely place.
AH WOW Lisbon, added to my list! I’m back in Europe tomorrow and cannot wait. And though I’ll be in Croatia and Greece for the summer, maybe Portugal can happen after. I just love the look and feel of it all. And that photo of the musician, STELLAR!
Thanks so much Ryan! Lisbon is so cool. ‘Hope you make it there one day but then again, you are going to have just the best summer in Croatia and Greece. Yay!
You have no idea how much I want to go to Lisbon. I actually planned on spending this summer there but my plans have changed 😦 I hope to get there soon though. It’s so high on my list!!!
p.s. Do share. Where are you going for the summer instead?
Thanks so much Amy! I’m sure you’ll make it to Potugal and Lisbon one day, ‘cos it’ll be waiting for you!
Super story – we love to rad about what makes this city so fantastic with the endless list of tourist sights.
Coming from Copenhagen – Berlin was our second city for 25 years. 2 years ago we moved to Lisbon where we live in Lisbon – because of its similarity with Berlin… BUT in a completely different part of town.
Thanks so much Thomas! I totally agree. In fact, Lisbon, Copenhagen & Berlin all have something similar about them – A sense of tolerance, another type of beauty, great people, long history, excellent nightlife, and a sort of gritty Oomph!! | 2019-04-19T22:59:41Z | https://thebritishberliner.wordpress.com/2016/05/23/17-reasons-why-lisbon-is-the-next-top-european-place-to-be/ |
Obscured by Boko Haram’s headlines, violence has also raged further south, in Nigeria’s Middle Belt: a less reported, years-long campaign which experts now believe has been responsible for more deaths than Boko Haram. Militants among the ethnic Fulani, a predominantly Muslim and nomadic population of cattle herders, are suspected of targeting the indigenous (mainly Christian) population, mostly farmers. World Watch Monitor spoke to Professor Yusufu Turaki, Director of the Centre for the Study of Religion, Church and Society at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary in Nigeria, about this under-reported conflict and ‘revivalist Islamism’.
World Watch Monitor: So who are the Fulani?
Yusufu Turaki: The ethnic Fulani group originally came from the Senegal and Gambia areas of West Africa. They are pastoralists, or cattle rearers, and they started to move from the Senegambia area eastwards along the northern Sahel region of West Africa … and so they move from the Senegal/Gambia area across Mali, Niger and northern parts of Nigeria into Chad and the Central African Republic and northern parts of Cameroon. The majority settled in what we now call northern Nigeria. Some of the Fulani are Muslims, but not all of them.
In the early 19th century those who had settled in northern Nigeria listened to the Islamic teachings of Shaihu Usman dan Fodio, his brother Abdullahi dan Fodio and his son Muhammed Bello. These Islamic scholars settled in what was then called Sokoto, in the north-western region of Nigeria.
In 1804 Usman dan Fodio staged a successful Islamic jihad against the northern Hausa rulers.
Now Islam had first arrived in the north-eastern part of Nigeria in the 10th or 11th century, in Kanuri, what was then called the Kanem-Bornu Empire. It’s the same area where Boko Haram has been active.
A little later, in the 14th century, Islam then was introduced in northern Nigeria, in Hausa land. The Hausa people embraced Islam but did not practise pure Islam. They mixed it with Pagan practices.
So Usman dan Fodio moved into the area to purify Islam. He staged a successful jihad and overthrew Hausa rule and became the new ruler in Hausa land.
Some historians and writers call this the ‘Fulani overthrowing the Hausa rulers’, where they took over the entire northern part of Hausa-land, imposing themselves on the conquered Hausa people.
And so the Fulani established their Sokoto Empire in the north-western part of northern Nigeria. However, before the arrival of Islam in northern Nigeria, Africans had their own traditional religion that they were practising. The Hausa traders who travelled long distances (the ‘Fatake’) moved from Hausa land into the Middle Belt areas, where non-Muslim indigenous groups were living, and settled among them. Some Fulanis joined them in that as well.
When Usman dan Fodio successfully staged a jihad in northern Nigeria, the Fulani and Hausa traders who had settled in the Middle Belt and other parts of the region heard his call and some left for Sokoto to join him. Upon return, they brought the jihad flags with them and started a jihad among the neighbouring ethnic groups in the Middle Belt.
It changed the relationship, previously characterised by peaceful trading, between the indigenous non-Muslim population and the Fulani-Hausa Muslims. From now on the Muslims saw the non-Muslim areas as fertile ground for raids and slave trading.
This became the central theme of the wars that followed. The Muslims from northern Nigeria moved down into the non-Muslim areas, where they waged wars against them, including slave raiding and trading, and this went on until the arrival of the British colonial masters in 1900.
After Colonel Frederick Lugard had run the Royal Niger Company for four years (it was established in 1896) to establish trade between the colonies along the Niger River, the British declared a protectorate over northern Nigeria on 1st January 1900.
It then took Lugard and his soldiers three years to conquer the Muslim ethnic groups, including the Sokoto Caliphate and the Sultanate of Kanem-Bornu, and to establish the rule of the British Empire here.
With the arrival of the British in northern Nigeria, Christian missionaries from Great Britain and North America followed. The British advised them to not enter the Muslim areas but instead stay in the non-Muslim areas, as, unlike the Muslim areas that had ‘Islamic civilisation’, they were in need of civilisation.
This initially was the policy of the colonial government towards the two different broad ethnic groups: the Muslim and non-Muslim people. It followed a promise that Lord Lugard made to the Muslim rulers right at the beginning of his term as Governor over what later became Nigeria: that he would not interfere with their religion. It formed part of the doctrine of religious-non-interference that the British established right at the beginning.
So to return to what is happening today with the Fulani herdsmen.
After the Fulani moved down to the Middle Belt as peaceful traders, and then as jihadists waging war against the people, the British came and established Pax Britannica – ‘British peace’.
Although the British put a stop to Islamisation, to slave raiding and trading and slavery, after they left Nigeria in 1960, the Fulani-Hausa Muslim rulers still had this idea that Usman dan Fodio had when he started conquering the non-Muslim areas – to Islamise them.
And while the British did put a stop to slavery and other things, they created hostility between the Muslim and the non-Muslim groups by taking the Hausa-Fulani Muslim rulers and placing them over the indigenous non-Muslim population, authorising them to collect the heavy taxes that the British had imposed. This was the way in which the British governed the whole of the protectorate.
Today, with the British gone and upheaval all over the world, especially with the rise of radical Islam in the Middle East, the Islamic ‘revival’ against the West, especially Christianity and Western culture, has mobilised and motivated Muslims in West Africa, where they have started to think of reviving Islam and its original status.
So today in northern Nigeria there is a vibrant and active revivalist Islamism. This militant form of Islam wants to move into the areas where it never was. Until the British arrived and imposed their rule over the entire part of northern Nigeria, that is (with the help of the Muslim Fulani-Hausa rulers) and Muslims were able to spread out by moving into other parts of the country as well. And following on the departure of the British, the rulers of most parts of northern Nigeria are Muslims who want to rule over the indigenous people.
So who then are the ‘Fulani’? They are radicalised Muslims. They have seen what is taking place in the Middle East and the results of that, including the fall of Libya, with weapons now available everywhere in North Africa. Terrorist groups are active in North Africa and the Middle East and they move into northern parts of Nigeria and radicalise certain groups of Muslims.
One of the groups that has been radicalised by a kind of ‘revivalist Islamism’ in northern Nigeria is Boko Haram. This group is operating exactly in the historical geographical area of the Kanem-Bornu Empire and so there is a historical correlation between the two.
A similar kind of correlation exists between the Fulani herdsmen and the Sokoto Empire. The Sokoto Empire was raiding the Middle Belt area where the Fulani herdsmen today are doing exactly the same. So if someone says that there is a fight between Fulani herdsmen and indigenous farmers… that is not correct. The narrative is wrong and rooted in the revivalist atmosphere of Islam and the rise of militant Islam worldwide.
And when somebody talks about foreigners [among them], they may be right because the Fulani are everywhere in West Africa. They live in Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Central Africa, and so some of the Fulani who are active in the Middle Belt are Nigerians but others aren’t. They are, however, all herdsmen, moving from one community to another, tending their sheep or cattle.
What has happened in the last six or seven years is that, while they used to live in peace with their hosts, the indigenous ethnic groups, the Fulani have armed themselves and with sophisticated weapons. They have started to invade indigenous areas that do not belong to them historically, attacking and destroying villages, killing and chasing people off their ancestral lands and settling there themselves. And they do so with impunity. There is no government authority that has stopped them going around killing people. Nobody has arrested them.
So what is the issue? Here you have indigenous people who have surrendered the protection and security of their communities to the government, which has the constitutional right to protect and secure their wellbeing. But what the government has failed to do is to protect them against Fulani harassment, attacks, invasion and killings. So the law-abiding citizens of Nigeria look up to their government to protect them, to secure them, but unfortunately the government has failed.
That is why some Nigerians are beginning to create a new narrative. A narrative that says that the Fulani herdsmen are well-connected within government and that for this reason they are able to do all these things without anyone stopping them. This is the problem.
Now if these helpless indigenous people want to protect their communities by arming themselves they will be accused of exactly doing that. So in the end it is the victims who suffer most. They are being put in prison, they are the ones whose areas will be cordoned off by government, but who will not be protected by that same government when the Fulani attacks.
Can you imagine in a civilised world like ours, today … the inhumanity of the acts of the Fulani herdsmen? They catch old men, pregnant women, young children. Some slaughter them like you do with animals. Others rip open the wombs of pregnant women and remove foetuses and chuck them on the ground. Can you imagine that? That level of inhumanity?
The government presence in their areas, through the police and army, immobilises them and is giving them the false hope that they are there to protect them. This, however, is not so. The truth is that the government is there to abet whatever the Fulani herdsmen want to do. So this is where the problem lies. The bigger problem is that this narrative does not come from the victims. It is concocted and propagated by those who are in a position to protect the people but are not doing it.
Can you imagine in a civilised world like ours, today … the inhumanity of the acts of the Fulani herdsmen? They catch old men, pregnant women, young children. Some slaughter them like you do with animals. Others rip open the wombs of pregnant women and remove foetuses and chuck them on the ground. Can you imagine that? That level of inhumanity? Cruelty?
This is a Nigeria I really don’t know. As a Nigerian I don’t know what is going on, but there’s one thing I do know: namely that those who come to broker peace between the Fulani herdsmen and the indigenous population, or so-called farmers, they will achieve nothing. Why?
When a typical Muslim Fulani herdsman sits with a typical indigenous person, or a Christian, to talk about establishing peace between them, there is something that they lack and that is the human value of equality. It is not there, so how can you broker peace when two people don’t have an understanding of human equality?
WWM: What is the solution?
WWM: So should it be left to Nigeria to find a solution, or does the solution have to come from the international community?
YT: Well if the government plays its part, then we will say we are on a way to having a solution. However, if the government believes that Fulani herdsmen and the indigenous people are equal human beings and that justice should govern the two peoples, and acts on that … then there’s a way of resolving the issue. Because if the government isn’t, then how do you do it? How would NGOs, external people do it? Would you force the government? But how?
YT: Well, speaking from experience with the Nigerian society, they will start something as if they are serious about it, but after a few weeks the thing sinks and nothing happens again. We have seen a lot of that. Now if there’s a rebirth of a long-lasting stabilising effort by the government, then there may be hope. But if they just come and stage-manage it, just for the world to see, then after a few weeks things will go back to usual.
This for me has become the culture: the culture of making ripples, making a noise and fooling the people into thinking that you are doing something, but actually not meaning it.
YT: Well, I’m a Nigerian and I’m 70 years old. If there was a solution we would not be crying today. Right now there are communities in the world where people cannot sleep because they are afraid of what will happen to them the next moment. And many of these exist in Nigeria. So the picture is bleak. It is bleak because the government has failed the people who had put their hope in it, that it would do something.
Look at the atrocities going on in southern Kaduna and other parts of the country. Has the government been very serious about it?
YT: Well how do I know unless I see that something is happening? I can’t believe in propaganda – I believe in what is being done to make sure that every Nigerian is secure and protected by the state. It is not that the government does not have the capacity to stop all of this and to broker peace. It has the capacity to create and ensure peaceful co-existence between ethnic and religious groups. What, or better, who has been failing are the operators: the politicians, the soldiers, the police.
WWM: But they seem to succeed in Boko Haram areas?
YT: Yes, when you stand outside, observing, they seem to succeed, but listen to the music coming from the people who are in the midst of it. They are the ones who will tell you, not the outsiders.
Yes, the government has succeeded in dispersing Boko Haram. You would see them congregate in a place and cause havoc. But they have been dispersed, what are they doing? They cause havoc here and there. They become suicide bombers, they enter homes, killing people. But from a congregational aspect … they have been dispersed.
WWM: Coming back to the Fulani: What is happening these days in southern Kaduna and other areas? And what would you want the Christians to do – to pray, to come with guns … or what?
YT: First, let’s discuss our humanity. Humanity knows no-one who is a ‘Christian’ or a ‘Muslim’.
Human beings are created to be relational. That is the gift God gave to human beings: relationships.
Now every human being is supposed to live responsibly in a responsible society. Why? Because I am a creature and my fellow human being is also a creature, and since both of us are created, we have responsibilities to each other on the basis of creation.
Now, if you pick religion then you are in trouble. Because one religion says ‘it is better to kill that man than to leave him alive’. And ethnicity says: ‘That man is an animal, he is not a human being’.
But on the basis of creation all human beings are created equal and so I have relational responsibilities to a fellow human being, regardless.
So creation now criticises those religious people who use religion to kill, and stops them because they are supposed to be creationally responsible to other creatures.
Where religion, culture and ethnicity have failed is where they look down on a fellow human being as not a human being.
Christians will congregate and say ‘This is what Christianity says’, and Muslims will do the same thing and say ‘This is what Islam says’.
But their religion, if it has no respect for the sanctity, the worth and dignity of a human being … then there is something wrong with that religion because it does not hold up human values.
So that is why it is safer for me not to bring religion up at first. We will begin with our common ancestry as creatures, as created beings.
You see, religion is [supposed] to better our relationships as created beings, not to worsen it. Human beings, however, have corrupted culture, ethnicity, and religion and thrown them against humanity, while they are supposed to promote it.
WWM: So what can Christians do?
YT: Number one is prayer, to pray for the situation [in northern Nigeria and the Middle Belt], for the persecution, the marginalisation and the discrimination that Christians are facing here.
Secondly: awareness. If the world is aware of what is going on, it can help. When somebody is failing in his responsibility to arrest evil and protect innocent people, and he hears how others talk about that failure, this will prick the person’s mind and heart. When news about these atrocities is broadcast around the world and people say, ‘What is wrong with those [people]. Are they animals or human beings?’, then the Nigerians will also say, ‘What is happening to us?’ So international publicity is important because it arouses the conscience of people who have no conscience.
And then there are the Christians who have suffered physically from the attacks, and their brothers who could have helped them, too. So they have physical and also spiritual needs that need to be met. This is where the international community can come in and help. | 2019-04-25T04:26:00Z | https://staging.worldwatchmonitor.org/2017/09/there-will-never-be-peace-for-nigerias-middle-belt-unless-theres-equality-and-justice/ |
Maybe you are an uneducated liberal who speaks his opinion as though it is fact and makes claims about people and organizations he knows little about.
Maybe you use analogies to spew venomous attacks on certain people with different views than your own.
Yeah …..leave politics alone……most of you aren’t even smart enough to understand football.
And I still love the Raiders despite the fact they’re smack dab in the middle of liberal heaven.
It all starts with keeping offensive lineman out of the Raiders secondary. The Raiders defensive line needs new young talent (Draft), not recycled free agents. The Raiders have had enough different coaches with the same result to prove that this is a player problem.
The D line is simply not talented enough.
You call me a name caller after you LABEL me a Fox man and then call me an authoritarian republican.
You start the name calling, then cry foul when someone else responds.
Stick a fork in Lane.
Even so, I was surprised how weak Morrison & Howard were at tackling… probably because they were babied by Rob Ryan in practice.
Forida Pete…thanks for perspective, posts#42,#181.
BHP…I too love the DBs playing man to man and having great D-linemen pressuring the QB, the Lester Hayes and Mike Haynes days were the best. I just hope Ryan can do a better job against the spread offense. We have to get better on the D-line, left tackle and center. If Ellis and Dorsey are gone and we have not traded down, draft J. Long if the position has not been covered in free agency.
RJV78…its all about winning and if the Raiders climb to the top soon, then we will have a lot more choices where we play football in the future. If the Bay Area does not work out for the future, I would not mind the Sacramento area.
Huff24…I hope you figured out how the loyalty thing is suppose to work.
Hobs Gnarly…Post #189, true, most of the Raider fans want AD to step down as the GM but we still owe him love and respect.
—-your actions speak for itself.
and then call me an authoritarian republican.
—–Actions, actions, actions, not unsubstatiative proof: K-Rock Says: spew venomous attacks on certain people with different views than your own.
Venomous attacks? OOOOWWWW You could work for Karl Rove.
I stand by this statement: no substance just accusations & name calling.
Or at least hire a GM, I don’t care who it is Denny Green?
So, “Exlain it to Me (an oxy moron when applied to the rest of your hyprcritical pap)” it’s one thing to play the Rodney King card, (but for a mere second) (yeah. . .leave politics alone) then you go on to insult your fellow bloggers by eviscerating their football knowledge (two words that should never be associated together. Add “football” references to “intelligence” to the mix)because it differs from what you subscribe to.
And you, K-Rock, adding a response recently drafted from the “fair abd balanced” department of FOX News, straight off the desk of Bill O’Riley in your rebuttal to RaiderTW. As if so-called uneducated liberals have a monopoly upon commenting on the opposition. Seems it is more akin for Neo-cons to cast aspersions in a venemous fashion upon those representing a differing viewpoint than theirs. This wouldn’t be you, would it?
Those whom are endeared to every political party worldwide are equally gulity of that tendency.
Do any amongst us have a direct pipeline to, say, the Raiders fron ofice? Have to answer in the negative. Thus we engage in the thought process exchange known as a “blog.” I have witnessed more hatred and disparagement in these pages than @ a Jerry Springer screening. Oh, what has become of us?
RaiderTW, if you purport yourself as a liberal please proofread your copy before submitting. Remember; it’s one thing to be suspected of simplemindedness. It’s altogether another to publically editorialize and erase all doubt.
It is quite fair to substantiate one’s viewpoint. Even better if one correctly quotes history in reference.
It’s quite another to engage in character assination by elementarily discrediting others opinions with such generalities as “all you uneducated liberals (as if a liberal opinion is berift of an educational background. Sounds as if the political stance that one ascribes to is beholden to a monopoly of higher education. Remember, this is still the United States. One’s opinion is a necessisity. The ability to respect that of others is a requirement)” or “all those people think like that.” Talk about uneducated.
This is a football blog. When I submit a diatribe intermingling football, politics, history and current events I endeavor to due dilligance in regards to researching my subject matter. I realize our talents and viewpoints differ greatly; thus many typos, grammatical errors and syntax violations are the norm. I am not guiltless in this regard. However, attempt to read your copy outloud before submitting. This will spare many amongst us from violating our already depleated Tylenol supply.
Otherwise, I patiently await the playing out of our beloved team’s coachinc scenarios, the pre draft combine, free agent acquisition process and a bright future. Hope it takes place in my relative youth.
For the record TW it’s faux news not fox if your progressive minded.
Don’t know if someone has already commented on this, but SacBee (jones) says Saunders’ agent reports no contact from the raiders, while Corkran from CC times says Saunders’ agent says there is an interview. if i did my job this poorly, i’d get fired.
I have never had a problem with a base man-to-man defense provided there is a semblance of QB pressure. Then, to me it is the best pass defense. Yeah, those dump passes and screens can go for big yardage against such defense, that’s why LB’s have to be up to snuff. The D-line is the key to the whole scenario.
People can use 3-4, 4-3, zone, man-to-man, Steeler/Tampa 2, doesn’t matter if the D-line and the rest don’t measure up it won’t out very well.
Get RR some more players and I think he’ll do fine. Personally I’d rather work for someone that I like rather than someone I have no enjoyment being around. But, then again I have not had a boss in 14 years.
So, am out of line ( politically) by saying that Al Davis could have saved us fans some pain if he would hold a State of the Raiders Nation Address?
Al doesn’t work that way, how many yrs has he functioned without a press representative? He just doesn’t care what the press or league thinks & it’s just funny to see them smear rumours around (sound like a certain news station?).
Actually, I would like to see them get Sed. Ellis, but on a hunch I think Trevor Laws in the 2nd or 3 round.
RaiderTW, if you purport yourself as a liberal please proofread your copy before submitting.
Ok a few things 1st why is it every damn day some idiot has to make a post saying first? Its a damn waste of blog space and very child like grow up people raider fans have a bad enough rep as it is.
Next I think the poster that said Saunders did well everywhere was talking about his time as a OC only although how well e did in washington is debatebel.
Am I wrong but was Saunders not the head coach that year the chargers went 1 and 15? I could be wrng about that.
Finally in the last couple blogs i have seen some posters saying all are picks were busts.
You can not judge a class after just one season.
JR and MB were a wash this year JR barley played and MB never saw the feild so at least in the case of these two you will not be abel to judge them tell after their 3rd seasons at the earliest JR in particular.
As for the rest well Miller shows promice Moses was cut and as for the rest its still too early to judge.
Wait another year or two before you pass judgment on them and pray we dont have a new coaching staff every year.
Raider TW…Here ya go this site has hundreds of listings for political blogs to the left right and the center.
Raider TW…Here ya go this site has hundreds of listings for political radio to the left right and the center.
“I’d like to say something about some of the Raiders fan sites out there; Great members, and I mean that.
But the mods, on the other hand, must have missed the buss to the police academy. That about sums some of these sites up.
If any of you blowhard mods happen to read this, understand something: Being a mod of a sports fan site is not the equivalent of being a sworn peace officer. It’s not even as important as being a substitute teacher. It’s not even as important as volunteering to sell snow cones at a little league baseball game.
If someone’s making threats or something, I can see playing Sgt. Badass and laying down the law. But for bashing Al Davis and calling out some goofball for invoking the USMC’s “Semper Fi” slogan in a shameless attempt to rally fans into ignoring the BS going on with this team right now? Get real.
Here’s a pointer for ya: Stop crying like a baby because you keep getting kicked off. There is a reason for it. I just wish it was permanent. Now go blow your nose, wipe those tears out of your eyes and go eff yourself!
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RaiderDogg info I found on Saunders.
RaiderTW says: These are the same person!! Maybe???
good info on Saunders. All I really remember about him is that he was he OC at KC when they had the number 1 offense in the NFL. That was a few years ago. I’d say he did a decent job with what he had over in Washington considering his qb’s were Jason Campbell and Mr Backup Todd Collins. I have a feeling Al Saunders is just putting his name out there in relation to the Raiders to give himself some leverage with the Rams and other teams that may want his services. I highly doubt that he wants to be with the Raiders.
Lofton on the other hand is not likely to be hired in the same capacity that he had with the Chargers. If he is named WR Coach then it may also include an Assistant Head Coach title. I have a feeling that Knapp wants out and Lofton may just slide into his position as well as be the WR Coach, leaving the play calling to Lane. We should know within the next few days if not sooner.
If you start with Sept. 3, 1995, the first game of their return to Oakland, it starts to get ugly. Between then and now, the Raiders are tied for 26th in the NFL (at .418), and tied for 100th among the 122 teams in the NFL, NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball.
If you refine your focus to the day after their Super Bowl XXXVII beat-down, the Raiders are the worst team in or out of the NFL. Since that day, they are 19-61 (.238) — six games worse than the runner-up 49ers.
Davis’ supporters cite his rightful place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and his reputation as a football visionary and innovator. He was all those things. But his second reign in Oakland will absolutely impact how he is remembered. He’ll always be the guy who built the empire. Now he’ll also be recalled as the guy who burned it to the ground.
Lofton gets hire as and assistant, or future head coach ?? Here goes Alvin again, Lofton is not a winner, fired as a receiver’s coach !!! He could not cut it as receiver coach with the Bolts, what makes him a candidate as a future head coach of the Faiders…….
Start returning your Faider merchandise to the Faiders front office. And start suing Alvin in court, for False Advertising of the Faiders. “Come watch a winner of a team” = False Advertising !!! Settlement = Time to travel to game, day game items you purchased [ tickets etc, ] as False Advertisement and travel time home, and medical costs when you beat your head against the seat at the game for emotional distress when the Faiders did not live up to their advertised product………….
Just sell baby and so it is !!
You can post as you wish or on any subject, it’s your call.
If you would like to talk Raiders, Draft, FA, I have some time here to chat, what is on your mind.
Norv Turner had Lofton fired because he felt undermined by him when all the players went to Lofton after the playoff loss and not Turner. That says more about Turner than Lofton.
RaiderDogg …I have wondered about Knapp also.He is a guy that is used to calling the plays and maybe he isn’t real happy in his current role.
just wondering, what gives you the feeling that Knapp wants out? has he hinted at a wish to be somewhere else?
RaiderDogg I believe he is heading to the Rams, he probably has ties to the state of Missouri as he coached KC for years there.
In another sign that Al Saunders could be headed to St. Louis as the Rams’ offensive coordinator, the club has begun contract negotiations to bring the veteran NFL coach to Scott Linehan’s staff.
“We’re in negotiations with the Rams now,” Saunders’ agent, Bob LaMonte, told the Post-Dispatch on Monday afternoon.
Negotiations are a bit tricky because Saunders is believed to have made more than Linehan did last year as Rams head coach.
Linehan makes about $2 million a year; Saunders made in excess of $2 million as offensive coordinator for the Washington Redskins, according to league sources, and was thought to be the highest-paid coordinator in the NFL last season.
Saunders had a year left on his contract with Washington when he was fired Saturday, and he gets that money even if he doesn’t coach next season.
But Saunders wants to work. And after spending 17 years of his coaching career with either the Kansas City Chiefs or the Rams, he considers the Midwest home, and probably will live in the state once he retires.
You’re right, Knapp would like to be able to call the plays. When he took this job with the Raiders it was basically a demotion from his previous jobs, but he wanted to get the hell out of Atlanta and rightly so.
Now that he is removed from that situation he is probably looking for the door in this one. It’s understandable and quite frankly I wouldn’t be sad to see him go. I have never been very impressed with his play calling, especially when he was with the 9ers. When he was with Atlanta his offense was like no other in the NFL, in that so many plays were designed to use Vick’s legs to get the job done, which meant a lot of bootlegs and even some option plays, so it’s hard to compare with other NFL offenses. I think that’s why Kiffin liked him though, because his offense moved the pocket around and created different launch points for the qb.
My last post was to MaineRaida as well as Jh, sorry I forgot to include your name bro.
Saunders was just a pawn to promote negotiations by his agent leaking to the media the Raiders called.
His agent admits the raiders did inquire about him.
I wonder if that’s an endorsement of the next head coach, or just what’s up with him?
I never believed he was coming to Oaland.
glenn dickey posted a blog encouraging the commish to step in. i have a friend that is in al’s periphery circle, and he states that al’s circle hates kif, doesn’t want him. i think the only way to get this franchise righted is to remove him like baseball was sure to do with the yankees and stienbrenner. this is making me sick and is testing my loyalty to the team. season tickets?????????? 50/50 right now after 10 years.
Where are your seats? Maybe I’ll buy them since you are giving up.
The media spin is starting to break apart, we have no information Saunders was even contacted for the HC job.
We know Denny Green was never contacted either. Green said so himself.
I have been looking for any copy of last years Senior Bowl to see if Nolan wore only Under Armour gear with no 49 logo as well, also looking for last years opossing head coach attire.
More information will filter out soon, we may be surprised.
The Senior Bowl was sponsored by Under Armour, both head coaches were required to wear Under Armour gear all week in front of the cameras. I don’t know who sponsored the Senior Bowl last year.
Nice try, I don’t use multiple user names. I am who I am, I don’t have to hide behind phony names to post.
Acey40Ducey is more of a Raider fan than you’ll ever be. | 2019-04-19T11:18:49Z | http://www.ibabuzz.com/oaklandraiders/2008/01/28/lofton-interview-concludes/comment-page-5/ |
Of all the billions of people in the world, each one of us is unique. Far deeper than fingerprints, appearance, or even personality traits, every person has a special story to live, and a personal relationship with God.
I forget this sometimes. It’s easy to expect others to be just like me – to laugh when I laugh, cry when I cry, to think as I do. If I am not careful, I may project onto others my own struggles and journey, my own personal relationship with the Creator.
Sometimes, we do this collectively, too. In our congregations and denominations, it can be tempting to judge the world according to our own standards, experience and traditions. At times, we may mistake God’s unique relationship with us for universal truth. Maybe we get fixated on our worship format, committee structures, theological statements or the work we do in the world; whatever the case, we project our own, special calling onto others. At worst, we may expect others to think and behave just like us before we acknowledge their relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
How often we make our faith about us, rather than about him! When we were lost in darkness and despair, Jesus spoke to our hearts and brought us into the light. He turned our lives upside down in the most amazing way. Yet, he did this without robbing us of our God-given individuality. On the contrary, his healing touch has made us more truly ourselves than ever before. Thanks to him, we are becoming the people God created us to be – a diverse humanity united in the Holy Spirit.
Rather than assume that everyone must have the same relationship with Jesus that I do, what if I took a step back and marveled at the rich tapestry God is weaving? Rather than seeking to make everyone the same, are my eyes open to the ways that Christ is expressing himself through difference – in personality, culture, tradition and generations? Will I choose to embrace the New Creation, even when it goes beyond my experience?
I know, this is a pretty strange and spammy-sounding title for this post – not to mention quite out of character for the general focus of this blog. Let me explain.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what wealth really means. The line of thinking that has most currency (pun intended) in our culture right now is that being rich means having a lot of money. In the mainstream way of thinking about wealth, monetary assets – whether actual cash assets or holdings (such as real estate, stocks and bonds) that are convertible to cash – are the measure of a person’s standing. A good example of this is the Forbes list of billionaires, which ranks individuals by their total assets, measured in US dollars.
Lists like these point to the fact that our culture tends to view prosperity almost exclusively in terms of the individual, rather than in terms of communities or society as a whole. Forbes’ billionaires list doesn’t take into account the relative health of the cities and nations in which these individuals reside. For example, Carlos Slim is ranked number one for personal wealth, yet his monopolistic business activities have left his country – Mexico – a less-wealthy place than it might otherwise be. By singling out the individual earner, we miss the big picture of what constitutes real prosperity.
Might there be other ways of measuring wealth altogether? Whether for the individual or for society as a whole, could it be that there are more life-giving ways to discern prosperity than a one-dimensional cash figure? Many people at various times have suggested that health, a good family, leisure time, or emotional well-being could be considered effective gauges of wealth. Is it possible that many people today have very little money, and yet enjoy high quality of life?
The advantage of money as a measure is that it is so easily quantifiable. Rather than debate about intangibles – who lives in a more pleasant neighborhood, whose marriage is healthier, or whose co-workers are friendlier – we can mark our progress strictly by the numbers. If my house is valued at a higher level than yours, it must be better. If my assets and income are higher than yours, I must be more successful.
For all its advantages, however, money has a dark side. In his book, Sacred Economics, Charles Eisenstein argues that the expansion of the realm of money represents a systematic impoverishment of society. As money economies have grown, more and more things that were once free have become saleable items. He’s talking about things like drinking water, child care, home-cooked meals and social gatherings. In the last century, all of these treasures have been largely enclosed and commodified in the developed world. It turns out that the process of development is one of taking things that were once in the realm of non-monetary, gift economies and moving them into the money economy.
Most economic growth we hear about is actually a transfer of riches from the commons into private hands, where it can now be measured in dollars and cents. Take, for example, the music industry. Not so long ago, music was free to an extent we can hardly imagine today. Musicians were at liberty to perform, modify and share songs widely. Folk songs exist because no one copyrighted them. Today, however, music has become bound up in the money economy’s strict ideas of property and payment. No longer is the joy and beauty of song a gift; it is a proprietary holding that is subject to rent. Though in the past our ancestors were free to sing, modify and share any song they pleased, today musicians are being sued for performing songs that they do not own the copyright for.
Once awakened to this principle – that economic growth represents a transfer from the commons into the commodified realm of the money economy – one can begin to observe it everywhere. One example of this is AirBnB. This service allows individuals to rent out rooms in their homes to travelers, essentially serving as a bed and breakfast and charging a per-night fee. In Washington, DC, which has a lot of visitors and expensive hotel rates, this can mean serious money. It also represents a move away from a gift economy – receiving hospitality in people’s homes without the expectation of explicit, cash payment – and into the money economy, where services are rendered in exchange for currency.
In a similar vein is SideCar, a company that connects car owners with individuals who need a ride. With their slogan, You drive every day. Why not get paid for it? this company moves the act of sharing a ride out of the informal gift economy. If their model succeeds, ride sharing will no longer be an act of hospitality; it will become an economic exchange that can be measured as part of GDP. According to our current paradigm of economic growth, this represents an increase in our overall wealth as a society. But from where I’m sitting, it seems like an impoverishment.
Perhaps there are ways we can do the math differently. For example, how might we recognize that a parent leaving their paying job in order to care for children might actually be an increase in prosperity for that family and their community? How could we recognize the value of those gifts that are not necessarily recognized by the dominant economy with cash payment – musicians, artists, ministers and caregivers of all kinds? For all of us, regardless of our level of cash income, how can we increasingly embrace the economy of the gift, recognizing that every good thing comes from God, and is meant to be shared?
Could it be that the way to get rich might actually involve earning less money?
Why do you work? Whether you are a school teacher, an electrician, or a volunteer at an animal shelter, what motivates you to give your time, energy and attention to projects and organizations beyond yourself?
For many of us, we work because we feel we have no other choice. Bills need to be paid, and the money has to come from somewhere. Millions of us feel trapped in jobs that seem purposeless, staying mostly out of fear of what could happen if we lost our income.
Surely this is not what God intends for us! Each of us is created with a unique set of gifts and a purpose for our lives. Our daily work is one of the main areas where we are invited to express those gifts and purpose. What would it look like for our work life to be oriented around God’s mission and plan for us, rather than the endless pursuit of paying bills?
In contrast to the fear-based economy that so many of us struggle in at present, we read in the Book of Acts that the first Christians were known for their radical generosity and freedom in community. These early followers of Jesus did not work for themselves, but rather for the good of the entire church, as well as the non-Christian communities where they found themselves. In a very real sense, they worked for God, not money.
Why did the early Church have such a different relationship to work and money than most Christians today? The answer may be found in the unique way that the early Christian community viewed the purpose of work.
The early Christians saw things differently. Paul writes that we should “labor and work honestly with [our] own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy.” Here, just like in the Book of Acts, we see that the early Christian community viewed work in terms of giving rather than receiving. Through the power of Jesus’ resurrection, they lived in a world of abundance, trusting the Holy Spirit to provide. They engaged in a gift economy, where each person worked to care for the needs of others, knowing that others would care for them, too.
How would our lives change if we lived into this New Testament vision of work? What would it be like to see both our labor and our wages as property of God, meant to be poured out in the service of our brothers and sisters in Christ – and anyone who has need? How would it feel to know that our community stands ready to help anyone who gets hurt and can’t work – to provide real, tangible support for those who have fallen behind on their mortgage or water bill? Can we imagine this economy of love, where everything is a gift and the fruits of our labor are meant to be shared?
Here in Washington, DC, August is a slow time. Historically, before the advent of air conditioned homes and office buildings, the heat and humidity of DC summers meant that very little business could get done. Rather than sweat it out, Congress took a recess, and most every government agency virtually shut down for the month of August.
These days, we don’t experience the kind of near-complete shutdown that was the norm in the early days of the city. Nevertheless, August definitely still brings a change of pace. Lots of folks are on vacation – and you’d better believe that Congress still takes their recess!
With this seasonal rhythm in mind, our community here in DC is doing our own August slow-down. This past Sunday we had the last meeting of our summer cycle, and we won’t be holding regular small group meetings again until September, when we begin our fall cycle.
This fall is looking to be very exciting for us, as we multiply our original small group into two new groups – one that meets out in Montgomery County, Maryland (serving the northern and western part of the DC metro area), and another that meets in the southern and eastern part of the city.
The multiplication of our first small group is an encouraging development for us on a variety of levels. First, it represents a multiplication of leadership, with a new leader and apprentice leader stepping up to organize the group in Maryland. Second, multiplication encourages us to take a more intentionally local perspective. With two groups instead of one, we will be freer to focus on the specific needs of different regions of our metro area, drawing people together who might not necessarily go for a weekly commute across town.
Finally, our pattern of multiplication positions us to invite more people into the community. Our first small group reached an optimal size almost immediately and stayed relatively stable over the course of the last seven months. By birthing these two new groups, we will be encouraged to look for new ways to reach out to our friends, neighbors and co-workers. We expect to adapt to the needs of our local communities, making us even more welcoming to new people.
As we enter into this new phase of our life together, it feels right to acknowledge our unfolding mission and vision by adopting a new name. For many months now, we have known that the name Capitol Hill Friends was not going to work for us in the long term. We sensed increasingly that our calling is to serve the entire DC metro area, not primarily the Capitol Hill neighborhood. We also realized that having a name that tied us to one neighborhood would be a hindrance as we begin to multiply our small groups across the region.
After months of discernment and prayerful consideration, we have come to unity that we should adopt: Friends of Jesus – DC Metro Area. We feel that this name is a good representation of who we aspire to be, and one that gives a nod to our roots in the Quaker tradition without sounding sectarian. Going by Friends of Jesus has the added benefit of connecting us directly to the Friends of Jesus Fellowship, the wider network we are a part of.
I feel so grateful for the way that our community here is unfolding and growing stronger in depth, commitment and numbers as time goes on. There is no doubt in my mind that your prayers are essential to the work that the Lord is doing here in our midst. Please continue to lift us up in the light, love and power of Jesus.
That we be given a spirit of boldness and enthusiasm as we seek to live into our newly articulated mission and vision.
For the Holy Spirit to bless, encourage and prepare the leaders of our two new small groups.
That God guide the planning and preparation for the retreat on spiritual gifts that Friends of Jesus – DC Metro Area will be holding on September 1st.
My life can get pretty over-scheduled. From the moment I wake up until late in the evening, many days it seems that there’s no real end to my personal work treadmill. If I’m lucky, there are at least pauses along the way for me to catch my breath.
This has become the new normal. Many of us live at 110%, constantly connected to work through smartphones and computers. The line between personal life and work has become blurred beyond the point of recognition. Just getting through the day without going totally crazy can seem like a real accomplishment.
As if this weren’t enough, Holy Spirit calls us to serve our neighbors in ways that stretch us and take us outside of our comfort zones. Loving Jesus means demonstrating his love for people – often people who, quite frankly, wouldn’t be my first pick if I were doing the choosing.
Living into this calling is hard enough when I’m fully rested and have a lot of time on my hands, much less at the end of a long day at work when all I want to do is go home, eat some ice cream and watch Netflix. After spending my day at 110%, where can I find the strength and energy to linger at the fence, talking to my next door neighbor? Where do I find the motivation to invite co-workers out to dinner, or to mentor someone in their walk with Christ? What could motivate me to sacrifice my precious me time and instead focus on the needs of others?
In my own life, I’m discovering that if I really want to follow Jesus, I may have to reevaluate my 110% lifestyle. When I am so keyed into the very important things that I am up to, it is hard for me to switch gears and stay open to the unexpected opportunities that the Holy Spirit offers throughout the week. The wind doesn’t blow through a house with closed windows; in the same way, I have a much harder time experiencing and responding to the movement of the Holy Spirit when my life is completely locked down with a full agenda of pre-determined commitments and projects.
How can I leave space in my life for those unscheduled moments of connection and service? What would it look like if I lived my life at, say, 80%? What kind of changes might start to happen my life if I was more intentional about leaving an open space for the Holy Spirit to move and play? This might involve making less money, slowing down my career. It’s not called sacrifice for nothing!
But I wonder, what kind of joy might I experience if I began to step off of the accomplishment treadmill? What relief might I find in leaving space for God to order my days, rather than the demands of all my self-driven projects? How might it feel to re-focus my life around human relationships, caring for others who are struggling just like I am? | 2019-04-21T01:01:52Z | http://www.micahbales.com/2013/08/ |
As a therapist (my other job) I treated an Italian woman for several months and every time she came for her appointment; she would bring me a treat. “Mangia Mangia” she would say. Of course, if you have ever been a guest in an Italian home, you know that this phrase means to eat, actually it translates in to “eat eat”; and boy did I. This dish is simple and delish!
Freshly grated parmesan cheese—DO NOT USE CANNED!
Prepare a large pot with 6 quarts of water and 2 tablespoons of sea salt—do not add oil to water—if you do, the sauce will not stick to the pasta.
In sauté pan heat olive oil over medium heat.
Add garlic and sauté for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant.
Toward the end of the cooking time, throw in the oregano, basil; and butter.
When onion mixture is done, add the chopped clams, the reserved liquid, and the wine.
Add Pasta to boiling water—the water should taste like the sea. Cook Al Dente—do not overcook your pasta!
Stir pasta with a large wooden/bamboo spoon for the first few minutes to prevent it from sticking; then stir at one minute intervals.
Simmer about 6 minutes over medium heat and stir every minute or so.
Add parsley and simmer one minute more.
Linguine should be close to finishing; so check by eating a piece. If it is a little chewy (not crunchy) then it’s ready.
Drain pasta into a colander—do not rinse your pasta!
Return your pasta to the pot.
Add clam mixture to your linguine and mix gently.
Serve immediately in bowls and pass the freshly grated parmesan cheese at the table.
Simple and Delish—Thank you Rena!
Let’s talk decadence! Of all the desserts that I bring to parties or serve to guests, this is the one I receive the most recipe requests for. Simple and delicious.
Grease a 9-inch spring-form pan and line bottom with a parchment round. Cover pan underneath and along sides with foil and place in a larger pan that can accommodate both the spring-form pan and enough water to cover half the depth of the spring form pan.
Set up a double boiler; or if you do not have one, simply bring a medium pot of water to a boil and you will then place a larger metal bowl on top. Make sure the water does not contact the bottom of the metal bowl. You want the steam from the pot to do the work.
Combine the chocolate, butter and coffee syrup in the metal bowl; then place the metal bowl over the simmering water. If you are using a double-boiler set-up then it’s basically the same concept.
Using a wire whisk, slowly move the ingredients around until the chocolate and the butter melt; then whisk the mixture smooth and set aside to cool. Never place a hot mixture into an egg mixture until it has cooled; if you do, you will have a chalky-dessert, because you scrambled your eggs. Oops.
Add the salt and slowly blend in the flour. Mix until smooth.
Using a large spoon, begin folding the cooled-egg mixture into the chocolate. Do this ¼ at a time until completely combined. When folding, slow and methodical movements are important. You will get the urge to perform this with quick movements to speed up the process of combining; but resist the temptation…It’s worth it.
Pour batter into prepared spring-form pan and place in the larger pan from the first step of this recipe.
Using the water from the double-boiler or pot, carefully pour the boiling water around the spring-form pan, taking care not to splatter. The water level should come up about ½ way the depth of the spring-form pan.
Bake until the center of the cake begins to rise and the edges are set. About 45 minutes (this is if your water is boiling hot when you pour it in). 55 minutes if you are using warm water.
Remove spring-form pan and place on a wire rack to cool. Once cooled remove the tinfoil, cover and fridge for a minimum of 4 hours to 12 hours.
After chilling, remove spring-from sides. Place a large plate on top (nothing fancy as this is not the serving platter) and flip the cake.
Remove the parchment paper from the bottom. Place the serving platter on top (which is actually the bottom of the cake) and flip-it one last time. You are now staring at the top of the cake.
Allow cake to come to room temperature before serving—about 45 minutes.
Just prior to serving, dust with powdered sugar. I use a screen and tap the screen with a spoon to disperse, just the right amount of sugar.
I will share with you a simple but effective trick of the trade; and at the same time, divulge one of Grandma’s secrets. So this couples both a simple gourmet technique and some down home cooking. There might be a slight learning curve, as all ovens cook differently. The directions below are based on my gas oven.
You will know if you get it right on your first try, as the Salmon will melt in your mouth; and if you are standing, your knees will get weak and might even buckle.
Special Tool: A hand-held sifter, non-mechanical—so basically a concave screen. When sifting flour on the Salmon, put about 2 tsp of flour in the sifter; and tap gently with a spoon. Start at one end and move continuously while you tap to achieve the light-dusting affect.
The Secret: Coat chicken or fish with Mayonnaise, before adding seasoning; or bread crumbs and grated cheese, and it will seal in the juices of the meat. Delish!
Note: I use a sushi-grade Salmon for this application, as we are serving it at the right temperature (medium-rare to medium). I prefer medium-rare; but that is up to you.
Preheat oven to 500 degrees—yes 500 degrees.
Prepare a cookie sheet—cover with tinfoil and lightly spray with Pam.
In a small bowl, whisk together the mayo, mustard powder and egg yolk. Allow to sit for 5 minutes for ingredients to marry; then whisk one last time.
Place Salmon skin side up on a separate piece of tinfoil. Dry the skin with a paper towel.
Lightly coat with 1 to 2 tsp of egg mixture.
Lightly sprinkle the skin side with salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder.
Transfer the Salmon to your prepared cookie sheet—skin side down.
Dry top side of Salmon and using a hand held sifter, lightly dust the top of salmon with flour—allow to sit for 3 minutes.
Lightly coat with egg mixture and sprinkle your salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder on top.
Place in oven and reduce heat to 450 degrees. Allow to cook for 8 to 10 minutes.
The Salmon should be cooked to a medium-rare to medium. Basically if you press the tip of your finger gently on the thickest portion of the fish it should have some give to it. If it is firm then it is overcooked. Most restaurants overcook Salmon!
Loosely cover with tinfoil—like a tent so it does not touch the Salmon.
Allow Salmon to rest for 6 minutes before serving.
This is a great appetizer recipe for any occasion; even if it’s just you, a loved-one and a bottle of wine. Throw in a little Miles Davis and I am there! These small rounds of cheese are oven-roasted, glazed with honey; and then scented with sweet basil. Of course, a little white pepper to punch it up a bit. Finally, the balsamic vinegar adds a little acidity to round out this dish, which of course, offers a variety of pairings with wine—my choice here (with the balsamic vinegar) is Pinot Grigio; without the balsamic, I would go with a Chardonnay (my preference would be Pahlmeyer 2005, if you can find it. If not a 2009 will do nicely).
In a small bowl combine your chopped basil, honey and white pepper. If you are using balsamic vinegar add 2, tsp and whisk to blend. Allow to marry (a formal union; and sometimes informal) for at least 1 hour prior to use.
Arrange them on a lightly Pammed (the non-stick spray, not the person) baking sheet.
Roast under a preheated broiler until lightly browned.
Refrigerate for up to 1 week – my mom would still serve up to 2 weeks and it worked!
There is nothing more gratifying than taking a recipe from thought to fruition; and then sharing the final outcome with people you love. Better yet, love to be around.
My toppings today are: Italian sweet sausage—casings removed, cooked and drained, fresh basil (julienned—cut into thin strips), fresh tomatoes, scallions, garlic & mushrooms; and hand-grated provolone & ricotta cheese,.
Lightly-Sauté your garlic, scallions and mushrooms with a little salt at the very end of the cooking process. Never salt mushrooms until they give off their moisture.
• In a small bowl, dissolve the yeast and honey in ¼ cup of the warm water—allow this mixture to sit for about 5 minutes to proof. If the mixture does not become bubbly then you have tired yeast and need to start over.
• In a large bowl combine the flour and the salt.
• Add the remaining water, oil and yeast mixture then using a wooden spoon mix by hand until the dough comes cleanly away from the sides of the bowl—about 10 minutes.
Note: The pizza dough can also be made with a Stand Mixer using the dough-hook attachment. Dissolve the yeast as above. Combine the flour and salt in the bowl of your stand-mixer. Mix for a few minutes then add the remaining ingredients (including yeast) and on low-speed allow the dough to mix until it comes away from the sides and gathers around the dough-hook. Continue as below.
Turn the dough out onto a clean work surface and knead by hand 2 or 3 minutes longer.
At this point your dough should be smooth and firm.
Cover the dough with a clean, damp towel (not terry-cloth).
Place in the warmest area of your kitchen (I use the top of my fridge) and let it rise for 30 minutes.
By now the dough will have softened and be very giving to your touch.
Divide the dough into 2 balls, about 12 ounces each.
Work each ball by pulling down the sides and tucking under the bottom of the ball. Repeat this process 5 to 6 times.
Place dough on a smooth clean surface (I use a marble cutting board) and roll the ball under the palm of your hand until the top of the dough is smooth and firm; keep the shape of the ball, though. This should take no longer that 1 minute.
Cover the dough with a damp towel and let it rest for 20 minutes longer.
Dip each ball of dough into flour, shake off the excess flour.
Place the dough on a clean, lightly-floured surface, and begin to stretch the dough from the center outward; while rotating the dough in a clock-wise fashion. Continue this process until the dough balls are roughly 12 inch pies. The outer edge should be a little thicker to contain your toppings.
Your dough is now ready!
Take a large pizza stone (30 inches) and place it on the middle oven-rack; then preheat the oven to 500º F.
Brush the entire surface of the dough with Classic Olive Oil (never use virgin or extra-virgin olive oil for high-temp cooking—Sorry Rachael) then arrange the toppings in the following order: ricotta (toss it on, it’s fun! Or you can spoon it on), sautéed mushrooms/garlic/scallions, fresh tomato, julienned basil leaves, sausage and top with provolone –not too much as you already have ricotta.
Using a lightly floured rimless flat baking tray or a floured baker’s peel (if you are going to be doing pizzas on a regular basis I recommend this), slide the pizza onto the baking stone and bake until the pizza crust is golden brown and your cheeses are bubbly, about 10 to 12 minutes.
Transfer the pizza to a firm surface and cut into slices with a pizza cutter or sharp knife—preferably an arched edge, so you can rock the knife to cut. Rock like “rocking a baby” not rock and roll; although that would be cool too.
Serve immediately and finish the dish with a nice salad—I added my mom’s homemade ranch dressing for the salad; so this one is special!
1 lb of spaghetti (I used linguine), cooked al dente in salted water—do not add oil to the water (your sauce will slide off of your pasta); instead continuously stir your pasta for the first 2 minutes and then every minute or so thereafter, this will prevent your pasta from sticking.
Prep a cookie sheet with tinfoil to place the meatballs on. This is for transportation not cooking.
In a shallow bowl, soak the bread cubes in enough water (or milk) to cover.
Remove the bread cubes and squeeze by hand to remove excess moisture—don’t mash them though.
In a small bowl whisk the eggs until smooth.
Add your salt, pepper and garlic to the eggs; then, allow to sit for 5 minutes to infuse—whisking occasionally.
In a large bowl, form the beef to the shape of the bowl.
Add the bread, cheese, parsley and egg mixture; then, mix by hand to “work” the bread into meat.
Moisten your hands with a little water and shape the mixture into 14 to 16 meatballs. You are looking for a meatball that is a little larger than a golf ball; but, according to Rina her father liked them the size of a tennis ball—I think that’s a little too big.
In a large, heavy-bottomed skillet, heat the oil over low-medium heat for about 1 to 2 minutes.
Turn up the heat to medium and start adding the meatballs, working in batches so they have room to cook.
Cook until they are lightly golden brown on all sides, about 6 minutes per batch.
In a 3-quart heavy-bottomed saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
Add the onion, garlic and a pinch of salt—cook until soft and lightly golden brown, about 8 to 10 minutes—do not burn the garlic, very bitter.
Add the thyme and carrot, and cook 5 to 7 minutes more, until the carrot is very tender.
Add the tomatoes and juice and bring to a boil, stirring often.
Lower the heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes the sauce should be fairly thick at this point.
Place pasta in bowls (pasta should always be served straight from the pot of salted water and drained only slightly; so, there is a little timing to this dish. Sauce can always sit a bit—just cover it; but, pasta should never wait).
Place a few meatballs over the pasta and ladle the sauce over the top.
This is simplicity at its finest! Pasta Beurre literally translates to pasta with butter. It is a northern Italian dish; but, because of northern Italy’s proximity to France, there is some influence in the dish. However, I would never tell my northern Italian friend that… Many of you have had this dish, but under a different name—Pasta Alfredo. Unfortunately what you know as pasta Alfredo has been altered to the point that it is no longer the traditional delicacy that I will share with you today.
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil (6 quarts of water and 1 ½ tbsp of sea salt). (Do not add oil to water, ever! Your sauce will not adhere to the pasta if you do). To prevent pasta from sticking, continuously stir pasta for the first two minutes, then every few minutes thereafter.
Add linguini (whole, do not break in half—it’s sacrilegious) and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain—do not rinse your pasta.
While pasta is cooking, in a saucepan, melt butter into cream over low heat. Add a pinch of salt and blend until married (your sauce, not you). Remove from heat as soon as the butter has melted; otherwise, your milk solids will separate out.
Plate your pasta in bowls and serve immediately and pass the grated Parmesan cheese at the table.
Guide your guests to put a healthy portion of cheese on their pasta.
This dish is a fusion of flavors from Northern Italy and Greece. Very simple and very yummy! Note: I typically pair this dish with sticky rice; however, Yukon Gold baby potatoes work nicely too.
Heat the olive oil in a heavy skillet large enough to hold the pieces of Cornish hens in one layer. Do not put hens in yet.
Sprinkle the pieces with salt and pepper to taste. Remember the olives are going to bring their own salt to the dish; so, go easy on the salt.
When the oil starts to become hot, add the hen pieces, skin side down.
Cook over medium-high heat until lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Turn and cook 5 minutes more.
To the same pan, reduce the heat to medium and add the garlic with a pinch of salt, and sauté, until just starting to brown, about 2 minutes.
Add the onions and leeks and cook an additional 2 to 3 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, green olives, thyme, wine (not the reserved though), chicken broth, bay leaf, saffron, Piquillo paste, another pinch of salt; and, pepper to taste.
Stir and scrape the bottom of the skillet to dissolve any brown particles on it.
Return hen pieces and Cover tightly and simmer on low for 15 minutes.
Remove the thyme and rosemary sprigs, if used, and the bay leaf.
Remove lid and simmer for 5 more minutes to reduce the sauce and finish the cooking process.
At this point the flavors of the dish have married and you want to taste the broth and adjust your seasonings; specifically, the salt.
One of my faves! It is a bit more complicated because of the wrapping process, but totally worth it!!! There is an option here to add more veggies, which will make it more traditional, however, I prefer this heartier rendition.
Blend raw pork, beef, scallions and soy sauce together in a large bowl–kind of like a meatloaf. Place a wok or large skillet over high heat, and pour in 1 tablespoon olive oil.
Cook pork and ground beef stirring frequently, until done– no pink. Remove cooked beef and pork and set aside.
Drain grease from pan, leaving a thin coating. Cook garlic until just starting to brown (do not burn), then add optional veggies if using, in the same pan 2 minutes.
Stir in the cooked pork and beef blend Season with pepper. Remove from heat, and set aside until cool enough to handle.
Place one to two heaping tablespoons of the filling diagonally near one corner of each wrapper, leaving a 1½ inch space at both ends. Fold the side along the length of the filling over the filling, tuck in both ends, and roll neatly. Keep the roll tight as you assemble. Moisten the other side of the wrapper with water to seal the edge.
Cover the rolls with plastic wrap to retain moisture.
Heat a heavy skillet over medium heat, add oil to ½ inch depth, and heat for 5 minutes. Slide 3 or 4 lumpia into the oil one at a time using metal tongs (unless you are using a non-stick skillet.) Fry the rolls for 1 to 2 minutes per side, until all sides are golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Serve immediately WITH THE DIPPING SAUCE. Some people prefer sweet chilly sauce instead of the vinegar. You can also serve as you go, since you are working in batches. That way you guarantee the spring rolls are light, crispy and hot–not too hot though.
Once I found dry spring roll wrappers, I have been using them ever since; in fact if I can’t get them, I wait until I can. However, this dish is worth the trouble if you can only find the frozen ones at your local Asian market.
Now, here comes the fun part. Separate the Lumpia wrappers. In all my years of making Lumpia I have not found any easy way to separate these darn things but I will tell you what works for me. The wrappers need to be defrosted for 24 hours, if they are frozen. You’ll also want to have a plate to set them on as well as a damp kitchen towel (damp paper towels will work too) to cover them, we don’t want our wrappers to dry out!
Open the package and take out the stack of Lumpia wrappers, start at the edges and gently start peeling the edge upward, and slowly loosen the individual sheet off of the stack.
Now, place the loose sheet on your plate under the damp towel or cloth. And basically repeat until the stack or package is done. Sounds easy right? It’s not! It will take you a few times of separating before you get the hang of it, probably midway between the stack. Still worth it! | 2019-04-26T08:06:29Z | https://mountdorahistoricinn.com/recipes/ |
Hillary Clinton again praises John McCain over Barack Obama.
SEN. HILLARY CLINTON, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think it's imperative that each of us be able to demonstrate, we can cross the commander-in-chief threshold. And I believe that I've done that, certainly Senator McCain has done that. And you'll have to ask Senator Obama with respect to his candidacy.
OLBERMANN: And just as remarkable: Her campaign invokes the "S" word.
HOWARD WOLFSON, CLINTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNICATIONS DIR.: I for one do not believe that imitating Kenneth Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president.
OLBERMANN: You've already called him George Bush and Karl Rove.
Now Barack Obama is Ken Starr? Who will you say he is tomorrow? Nixon?
The stunning 180 on blame Canada-gate: The campaign, the Canadian prime minister's chief of staff said reassured his nation. The campaign that told the Canadians any threat it made to alter or cancel NAFTA should be taken with a grain of salt? The Clinton campaign, the prime minister is investigating why and why only a document leaks about the Canadian calling an Obama adviser.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): I remember walking up here and saying, I would feel a lot more safe if you were president.
OLBERMANN: Oh, by the way, Obama raised $55 million last month. And while Clinton leads McCain by six in a head to head match-up, Keith number is nine, Obama leads him by 12 and the Keith number is 11.
The nexus is back tonight. The chief of U.S. northern command says, there are no specific threats to the election but al Qaeda maybe working more urgently to plan an attack on the U.S. and - for further details see anything the administration said in 2004. Or anything John McCain has said in 2008.
And: A tap dancing president, a dancing candidate, a singing candidate, another singing candidate.
OLBERMANN: Yes, it's the premier episode of "America's politicians don't got talent".
(on camera): Good evening. This is Thursday, March 6th, 243 days until the 2008 presidential election. Having last Saturday in Austin suggested that she and John McCain will each be able to campaign on their lifetime of experience. But Barack Obama will only be able to put forth a speech in 2002, having last Monday in Toledo stated, she and Senator McCain will each bring that lifetime of experience to the White House, but Senator Obama would only have that speech, having today in Washington announced that she and Senator McCain have each crossed the commander in chief threshold but you'll to have ask Senator Obama with respect to his candidacy.
Our fifth story on the Countdown tonight: Begins with a rhetorical question, hyperbole for sure, but maybe not that much hyperbole. Would Senator Clinton really prefer to see McCain become president than Obama? And it's, oh, would that not make her a Lieberman Republican or maybe a McCain Democrat?
Senator Clinton's comments coming at a news conference beginning with a photo op with military officers, the better to drive home her contention that only she and the presumptive Republican nominee are qualified to be commander in chief.
CLINTON: Look, I have said that Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign. I will bring a lifetime of experience. And Senator Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002.
I think that is a significant difference. I think that since we now know Senator McCain will be the nominee for the Republican Party, national security will be front and center in this election. We all know that.
And I think it's imperative that each of us be able to demonstrate we can cross the commander in chief threshold. And I believe that I've done that. Certainly, Senator McCain has done that and you'll have to ask Senator Obama with respect to his candidacy.
OLBERMANN: Earlier in the same news conference, Senator Clinton addressing her role when her husband answered middle of the night phone calls during his administration.
CLINTON: Obviously, I was there for a lot of phone calls at different times of the day and night. And I have a very clear idea of what it takes to be prepared and ready to not only answer the phone but then to make the decision that are required, depending upon what the crisis is.
OLBERMANN: And the 3:00 a.m. phone call theme now, seeming to carry over into health care reform in a new radio commercial that the Clinton campaign has launched in Wyoming. The Democratic caucuses there are convening Saturday. The ad features a woman talking about her son who has a heart condition and now, she says he has benefited from the SCHIP program that Senator Clinton supported.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): I've met her. I've read her healthcare plan. I remember walking up to her and saying, I would feel a lot more safe if you were president than I have in many, many years. She's going to help me and she's going to help my family. I know she's the one with the strength and the heart to stand up for all of us.
OLBERMANN: Earlier in the day, in what was originally thought to have been high water mark of jaw-dropping behavior from the Clinton campaign, senior adviser Ann Lewis, absent any hint of irony, first challenging Senator Obama to start running a more positive campaign. Then communications director Howard Wolfson comparing the Illinois Democrat to, and if you have food in your mouth spit it out or ingest it now, Kenneth Starr of Whitewater independent counsel infamy.
WOLFSON: Senator Obama was confronted with questions over whether he was ready to be commander in chief and steward of the economy. He chose not to address those questions but to attack Senator Clinton, and that's what we're pointing out. And I for one do not believe that imitating Kenneth Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president. But perhaps that theory will be tested.
OLBERMANN: Obama's Press Secretary Bill Burton responding, quote, "It is absurd that after weeks of badgering the media to 'vet' Senator Obama, the Clinton campaign believes that they should be held to an entirely different standard. We don't believe that expecting candidates for the presidency to disclose their tax returns somehow constitutes Ken Starr-tactics, but the kind of transparency and accountability that Americans are looking fro and that's been missing in Washington for far too long. And if Senator Clinton doesn't think that the Republicans will ask these very same questions, then she's not as ready to go toe-to-toe with John McCain as she claims."
Senator Clinton leading Senator McCain by six points. The Keith number of neither plus would not vote, plus no opinion, plus margin much error is 9 percent. How, Senator Obama bests the presumptive Republican nominee by 12 with a Keith number of less than that, just 11.
And about Florida and Michigan tonight: Democratic Senator Bill Nelson of Florida has written to Howard Dean to suggest the Democratic National Committee either seat the delegates chosen in the decertified Florida primary in January or pay for a new primary itself. Senator Clinton has tonight presented a veto long before her prospective administration would begin: "I would not accept a caucus," she tells "U.S. News & World Report". "I think that would be a great disservice to 2 million people who turned out and voted. I think they want their votes counted and you know a lot of people would be disenfranchised because of the timing and whatever the particular rules were." Later she said, "And I don't think there should be any do-over or any kind of a second run Florida. I think Florida should be seated." Earlier today, she had said she was willing to leave it to the states.
It's time now to bring in our own Richard Wolffe, senior White House correspondent for "Newsweek" magazine. Richard, good evening.
OLBERMANN: Florida and Michigan in a moment. When Senator Clinton today says what she said about Senator McCain, what she said about him Saturday in Austin, what she said about him Monday in Toledo, what realistically separates her from Senator Lieberman of Connecticut? And at what point might it risk crossing the line into, for all intents and purposes, an endorsement of McCain?
WOLFFE: All she has to do now, I think, is kiss President Bush on the cheek and she'll be just like Joe Lieberman. You know, there are a lot of interesting comparisons here. She's so hawkish on the war and on other issues of national security, very strongly free trade, and also, very strongly pro-business. I mean, the DCL-type (ph) just like Joe Lieberman.
And I think the comparisons with attitudes toward McCain are really quite striking. You have to ask yourself what she finds so threatening about Barack Obama that John McCain is more palatable as commander in chief. And finally, if she wants to compare herself to John McCain and their experience, she's opening herself up to a huge amount of criticism.
Is she really equating her time in the east wing with his time in the Hanoi Hilton? Is she equating his service in the United States military with implying in (ph) to the former Yugoslavia with Sheryl Crow and Sinbad? I mean, these comparisons are not helpful for her.
OLBERMANN: Well, perhaps the experience of Sinbad is analogous, we will devout (ph) for another time. We'll look at the McCain factor also in depth in a moment but I want to cover this wrap of the other headlines today from the other campaigns with you: Howard Wolfson analogizing Obama to Ken Starr.
A multimillion-dollar investigation into the real estate dealings run amok that bled into this Monica Lewinsky parse equals a request to release there tax returns? I mean, I think, I maybe uniquely qualified in saying, I cover Ken Starr, and, senator, you're no Ken Starr. How does this not make the man who says this and the candidate he works for look nuts?
WOLFFE: Yes, well, remember, Ken Starr, Lewinsky, these are not names that have really ever come across the lips of the Obama campaign. They don't want to go there. And as long as the Clinton campaign wants to raise this one, well, they're reminding voters about for starters, the terrible period that they were involved with.
But also, you know, for a whole generation of voters who've shown up. The Clintons are trying to attract voters under 30. This means nothing. So, the comparison is outlandish. And I've often thought as a patent through this whole cycle, what we've seen, time again, when the Clinton campaign has a moment of opportunity, they also suffer from overreach. And this is clearly a case.
OLBERMANN: Her opposition tonight, to a new Florida vote or Michigan caucus or some combination thereof, I don't think any of that is really news, nor a surprise. I mean, she perceives those as two victories, but this phrasing, I won't accept a caucus. Does she have final say on this first of all? And is the implication there, lawsuit if necessary?
WOLFFE: Well, I'm sure there will be some litigation at some point. But they've also been very selective about what votes really count and what don't. Certain types of states, certain types of voting, caucuses are pretty well established in many states, have been for many, many years. But this also has to be a plan (ph) as agreed by both sides. And ultimately, if the DNC can't broker an agreement between them, there will be no do-over.
OLBERMANN: OK, into the back room or the courtroom. Richard Wolffe of "Newsweek" magazine, and one more fortunate, MSNBC. Thank you, Richard.
OLBERMANN: Back to the headline: Given the Republicans relative low profile, this might be close to literally true. Since last Saturday, Senator Clinton in that time may have mentioned Senator John McCain more than Senator John McCain has mentioned Senator John McCain, and more positively.
Three versions now of the lifetime experience, quote, "complimenting" him and by implication, denigrating Senator Obama, the commander in chief threshold stuff from today and even a little more, at that same news conference, she today called McCain, a good friend and, quote, "a distinguished man with a great history of service to our country."
What is this fascination with, and positive attitude towards the man chosen to keep her party, and if she's the nominee, keep her out of the White House?
Let's look at this in-depth with Margaret Carlson, political columnist for Bloomberg News, as well as Washington editor of "The Week" magazine. Good evening, Margaret.
OLBERMANN: Maybe I'm really naive. But I know a little bit at least about every presidential election since like McKinley. And leaving Senator Obama out of this for the moment, I don't get Senator Clinton's personal rationalization for this. How do you beat some other guy to become president by continually saying how qualified the other guy is to become president?
CARLSON: Well, you know, with the Clintons, it's something new every day. And this is part of the kitchen sink. We just didn't see this particular part of it coming. This is the garbage disposal part of the kitchen sink. Because it is so much disdain for Obama that she prefers to embrace the only other person on the screen these days which is Senator John McCain.
It is a very short-sighted strategy. It makes no sense beyond tomorrow. But the Clintons, the Clinton campaign doesn't look beyond tomorrow. Otherwise, you know, they wouldn't have had so many problems. They thought February 5th was the end of everything. So, all of this is back to the future for them.
OLBERMANN: Maybe it's the baby and the bath water in the kitchen sink at this point. But Senator Obama's response tonight to Senator Clinton's line about life experience: She like Senator McCain believes life begins when you arrive in Washington. Is this the thing that he has been looking for that he can hit her back on with impunity without seeming, you know, to go to those 3:00 a.m. Ghostbusters ads?
I mean, it seems like there were three principle groups comprise the Democratic Party. His supporters, her supporters, and the Democrats don't care which of them or who defeats John McCain. Would not two of those three groups respond pretty well to a theme of: Why on earth are you ranking John McCain ahead of any Democrat?
CARLSON: I know. Well, they said it was going to get rancorous and get really, really bad for Democrats if this went on too long. And look where we are. This looks bad for Democrats when she prefers John McCain winning the White House to Senator Obama winning the nomination.
I mean, this is, you know, this is about as far as you can go in terms of: It has to be me or no Democrat, I'd rather it be a Republican. Now remember a month ago, Keith, when Bill Clinton out of the blue said, what good friends of Hillary Clinton and John McCain were because they went on one of these condo things to, I think, Russia, and they were doing shots of vodka or, you know, really having a ball on the plane. And maybe they were laying the groundwork for this way back then. It doesn't seem possible. But it is such a peculiar route to take.
OLBERMANN: Indeed. There's also - something that seems a little sad about the 3:00 a.m. phone call argument. The premise here is McCain is a senator, Clinton is a senator, Obama is a senator, the variables, unless there are more that I'm not aware of, Senator McCain is the only one who is a service veteran and Senator Clinton was the only who spent eight years married to the commander-in-chief. And this equation somehow, I mean, this means kind of Laura Bush has about as much experience as she does on that front.
Is this an analogy in trying to stand up for herself and proving she is qualified to be a president? Is this really the analogy that Senator Clinton wants to keep pursuing? Look, I can be president, I was married to one. Isn't that the whole criticism of her?
CARLSON: Well, it is. And she clearly doesn't want to take the bad stuff from that presidency. She only wants to suggest that she was in on all the important stuff and that this gives her a leg up on Obama.
In a conference call, Keith, when the red phone ad came up, she was asked, what is her experience? And there was no answer. And then someone came back with, well, she gave the opening speech at the women's conference in Beijing. And she has visited 80 countries. Well, you know, she really did. I was on some of those trips. She really did have tea and cookies in those countries.
OLBERMANN: Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg News. Great thanks for helping me. I'm about (ph) to think I'm crazy about this. Good night.
OLBERMANN: We're not done with the campaign. There is a huge develop many in the Obama-NAFTA story that basically turns it on its head. The Clinton campaign winked to the Canadians. It's the Clinton-NAFTA story.
If you're wondering how long before the Republicans did something to justify that snark about John McSame (ph), the answer was one day. An army general talks about an al Qaeda threat against, bingo - Election Day.
OLBERMANN: The first stumble of the Obama campaign that was the almost universal perception to reports that the senator had talked about altering NAFTA that his campaign had reassured the Canadians they'll be doing nothing serious. Startling developments tonight that turns that story completely on its head, the chief of staff to Canada's prime minister is quoted to saying, "It was Senator Clinton's campaign which said, she would be making the empty threats to change NAFTA but don't worry, she didn't mean it."
Later in Worst: Restaurant held inspection scale one to 100, this one place got - no, you won't believe what they got.
OLBERMANN: I didn't know until this day that it was Borseni (ph) all along.
For a week now: Senator Clinton has bashed Senator Obama and even possibly won votes based on the story that Obama had publicly railed against NAFTA while a memo by a Canadian diplomat claimed that Obama's campaign secretly assured them his stand, quote, "Should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans."
In our fourth story on the Countdown: Obama's adviser denied speaking those words and now, we learned a much higher source from Canada revealed late last month that the NAFTA promises came from a very different source - the Clinton campaign. According to an unnamed source speaking to that nation's equivalent of the "Associated Press", the "Canadian Press", it was Clinton's campaign that contacted the Canadian government to reassure them about Clinton's anti-NAFTA rhetoric.
The "Canadian Press" reporting that the source heard the chief of staff to Canada's prime minister saying in a room full of television journalists, quote, "Someone from Clinton's campaign is telling the embassy to take it with a grain of salt. Someone called us and told us not to worry."
Let's turn now to MSNBC political analyst Howard Fineman, of course the senior Washington correspondent for "Newsweek" magazine. Howard, good evening.
OLBERMANN: Am I oversimplifying this? Or this story now basically, exactly the opposite of what it seemed to be a week ago?
FINEMAN: I loved your godfather imitation. I feel like Tom, the lawyer, you know, now advising you. Yes, it is 180 degrees different. Because I think it was the Clinton camp that started the conversation with the Canadians about "don't worry about NAFTA". But the Obama campaign really either didn't know about it or didn't realize it at the time.
OLBERMANN: Yes, when the story first broke, there was a mention, although much obscured, relative to the Obama stuff, of Clinton's camp doing something like this. But Canadian TV focused on Obama. Obama gave that qualified denial. Clinton denied it flat out. Does she pay anything like the price Obama paid for it on Tuesday?
FINEMAN: Well, I was just talking to the Obama campaign. I don't think they noticed or knew about the Clinton side of this thing until today. And so far, they haven't decided to make a big issue of it because they think the far more fundamental issue is that over the last few years, Hillary has had a lot of nice things to say about NAFTA.
She said it was a great achievement for her husband's administration. You know, she had a lot of positive comments about it. So, what her lieutenant said to the Canadians seems a side issue to them.
But as you point out, the question is really about truthfulness. A flat denial of something that wasn't true. They haven't gotten to that point yet but I'm sure they will. I just talked to some of their top level (ph) who said that they're looking at it carefully.
OLBERMANN: Is this the situation perhaps, if the construction is accurate, or even if we've just seen separately two halves of the same story, that you said that the Obama campaign did not necessarily know about the Clinton part of this until today. But in their own defense, why did they not scream more loudly from more roof tops about their own relative or at least at worst, 50/50 guilt in this thing last week?
FINEMAN: Well, because I think they think perhaps mistakenly, but they think they have the upper hand on the NAFTA debate. They think if people focus on the fundamentals, which by the way is the substance of the Obama mailers, the flyers they've been sending out, that Hillary has at best waffled on NAFTA from the very beginning and said a lot of positive things about NAFTA.
Whereas Obama has a much cleaner record on that and they would rather emphasize that and they're prepared to do that, here in Pennsylvania, where I am speaking to you from Pittsburgh. Then, that's what they're prepared to do here in this state.
OLBERMANN: All right. Wrap this stuff up for me. We have all, again, another compliment to John McCain and an analogy from the Clinton campaign of Ken Starr and Barack Obama and this remarkable thing about NAFTA, where the story is, you know, the other side of the coin entirely.
I can't follow the Clinton campaign anymore. What is going on? I thought things turned around for them Tuesday night, thing seems like it's crashed after the best day of the campaign so far?
FINEMAN: Well, I think they're still flailing around for exactly what tact to take. You know, maybe the red phone worked a little bit in Texas. Maybe the NAFTA dust-up worked a little bit in Ohio. But they're still having trouble basically distinguishing their message from Obama's message, in saying that their message, the Clinton message, is also one of hope and optimism about the future of the country.
Here in a place like Pittsburgh, things have changed a lot. This is a different city from what it used to be. A lot of the younger people want a message of hope and excitement and optimism and Clinton hasn't figured out a way to reach that with anything other than negative attacks on her opponent.
OLBERMANN: Although, she has moved into contention for the vice presidency for Mr. McCain in case things fall apart.
OLBERMANN: Howard Fineman of "Newsweek" and MSNBC, great thanks, Howard.
OLBERMANN: If you love Sweeney Todd (ph), the demon (ph) barber of Fleet Street (ph), wait until you meet this guy who puts his barbering money where his mouth is.
And: A body language expert. A body language expert insults Hillary Clinton, a body language expert who puts this picture of herself on the cover of her own (INAUDIBLE) book.
But first: The headlines breaking tonight in the administration's 50 scandals - Bushed.
Number three: Why you do not hire the pathologically religious-gate again. If you recall Tim Goeglein resigned from the administration in shame this week, after it was discovered he, the White House liaison to the religious far right, and one of the authors of faith-based initiatives, have been plagiarizing material he claimed was his own in columns he was writing for a newspaper in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
It turns out it was a little worse than originally reported. One of the other writers he stole from was Pope John Paul II. Mr. Bush's religious liaison used the writing of a dead pope without giving him credit.
Number two: Halliburton-gate. KBR, run of (ph) by that company a year ago, now itself the top contractor in Iraq turns out to be a giant tax escaper (ph). It has $16 billion in contracts in Iraq, many of them no bid. At least 21,000 KBR's employees there listed as actually working for two front companies based in the Cayman Islands.
So, KBR, the Halliburton spin up avoids having to pay hundreds of millions in federal Medicare and Social Security taxes for those employees. This is the part of democracy we're bringing to Iraq.
And number one: Waterboarding-gate. "Newsweek" reports that the Canadian government re-filed its paperwork in its case against two alleged terror sleepers in Ottawa and Montreal. Missing from the new documents, the evidence that was obtained in CIA, quote, "interrogations", unquote, of Abu Zubaydah, one of the guys our country tortured.
And the Canadians now think, whatever Zubaydah said, will not hold up in court. And there it is in its starkest form. You don't even have to think about the ethics. You don't even have to think about whether the tortured suspect tells you the truth or makes it all up.
Legally, you can't use it. All that trouble, all that pain, all that spitting on what America stands for, and your tough guy crap only winds up freeing the guys you think are terrorists. Idiots.
OLBERMANN: It's the birthday of Ring Lardner. He was very possibly the most underrated American writer of all time. Started as a baseball reporter. Often filing deadline stories about the Cubs or White Sox for Chicago newspapers. Stories written in rhyme or in the persona of some of the quirkier players. By 1913, he was writing the "Chicago Tribune's" famed general interest column in the wake of the news and some of the best short stories in the language. In perfect re-creations of every kind of American vernacular. Stories like "You Know Me" and the quietly terrifying "Haircut."
Or in one in which he wrote in the voice of his own son as he drove across country.
"Are you lost, daddy, I arsk tenderly? Shut up, he explained."
Speaking of Lardner's "Haircut," we begin in Azumard (ph) India where Edward Scissorsface is trying to set the world record for cutting hair with his mouth. So, how is your family? Did you see the game last night? Believe this weather we're having?
This is Ansar Sheikh (ph), is a 41-year-old stylist with a pair of scissors tucked in his gums. Sheikh hopes it will earn him recognition with the Guinness people. He cuts hair like this for 24 consecutive hours, only taking short breaks to eat, drink, and shampoo the customers with his tongue.
Let's head over the a dam in Arizona, where the grand canyon is getting a high colonic. This is day two of a three-day experiment. During which the government is flooding the Colorado River with sediment rich water in hopes of restoring the river's pre Glen Canyon Dam ecosystem. The muddy water is flowing at a rate of 3,000 gallons per second if all goes well, the experiment play return some of the animal species that have disappeared from their recent decades like certain types of snails, fish, and the "Brady Bunch."
Here we go. Another military commander you've never heard of makes vague references to the possibility of an al Qaeda plan to attack the election here. The reference immediately discounted by the Department of Homeland Security. See, we should have known there was a reason he was doing the happy feet dance yesterday.
The talent competition among the president and his would be successors. Those stories ahead. First time for Countdown's top three best persons in the world. Municipal improvements night. Number three, best practical solution. The claim from London that one in 10 residents there has hurt themselves by colliding with stuff on the street while trying to walk and send a text message at the same time. So in the city's Brick Lane, this experiment. They will be padding the lamp posts. This beat out the other suggestion, padding the residents.
Number two. Best bet for an ACLU suit. Mayor Michael Cacciotti of South Pasdena, California, this week of March, the first week of March has been declared no cussing week. There are no fines, no summonses and absolutely no blanking chance this will work.
And number one. Best life prolonging threat. Mayor Gerard Lalanne of Sarporain (ph) of southwestern France responding to his village's cemetery having reached its maximum number of residents. Quote, "All persons not having a plot in the cemetery and wishing to be buried here in Sarporane are forbidden from dying in the parish." He warns, Offenders will be severely punished."
Two questions, Mr. Mayor, severely punished, how? They're dead!
And also, if this works, and because of your order, people stop dying is Sarporain, isn't everybody in the world going to move to Sarporain?
OLBERMANN: Well, it took precisely one day after President Bush endorsed John McCain for us to hear that once familiar refrain.
In our third story tonight, you're in danger but we're safe and now only McCain can keep us that way.
Today the chief of the U.S. Northern Command told reporters, al Qaeda may be stepping up principals to attack the U.S. and that they're willing to try to affect our elections. Using fear to affect our elections? Who would be so monstrous?
Almost instantly after the story hit the Associated Press, military and homeland security officials reinforced to the media including NBC News that there is no new intelligence behind any of this. In other words, don't be afraid any more than you need to be to make you keep us in office.
Or you can say, no new intelligence? I could tell.
Just yesterday, the president hoped the prospect of terror to bolster his endorsement of McCain, promising that Senator McCain can make us safe because quote, "he is not going to change when it comes to taking on the enemy."
No change whatsoever from the current policies in the abandoned quote, "war" unquote against al Qaeda or in Iraq. Mr. Bush's need to stay in Iraq claiming along the way yesterday not one but two fundamental constitutional principles in one fell swoop. Mr. Bush at this moment has American envoys in Iraq bearing draft agreements will codify U.S.-Iraqi relations. After the UN mandate for our presence expires on November 31st.
The assistant secretary of state David Satterfield telling Congress in a letter yesterday that Mr. Bush and presumably, a President McCain can negotiate their own agreements with Iraq and even send troops there in perpetuity without any congressional approval, this despite the specific delegation to Congress, the power to make war and of the Senate to ratify treaties.
Mr. Satterfield claimed the original authorization for military force in Iraq from 2002 essentially gives any president the unilateral, unchecked power to commit American resources, including future troops anywhere within Iraq.
Let's turn now to John Dean. White House counsel in the Richard Nixon administration and most recently, the author of "Broken Government, How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches."
John, a pleasure, great thanks for your time tonight.
OLBERMANN: Is the Bush administration technically right here? Did Congress abdicate so much responsibility with such haste and abandon six years ago, that he really does pretty much does have free reign?
DEAN: The Bush administration has certainly interpreted the authorization to use force resolution in that way. It is clear not all of Congress thought that. Certainly the Republicans didn't try to check him in any way when he tried broadly interpret it and has tried to broadly interpret it. So yes, in essence, they did abdicate an awful lot of authority.
OLBERMANN: Is this one of the points of your previous books, "Worse than Watergate" about that 2002 Iraq vote being what they call in math a tautology, that when it comes to the thresholds, that the administration had to prove had been met before they could act in Iraq, they proved them to Congress by saying to Congress, hey, look. We just proved them. Want to see us prove them again? I mean, this sorry Congress, you already approved perpetuity stating in Iraq, is this part of this one giant same permanent self-fulfilling prophecy?
DEAN: They have certainly stretched this resolution far beyond anything anybody could have ever believed was in that resolution. Keith, this is going to have a very interesting snap-back for the next president, actually.
Because whenever a president comes to Congress again to seek any kind of authorization, they're going to button it down pretty tightly. So whoever that next president might be, if they do need additional authority, Congress is going to be very wary. I think Bush is playing a dangerous game by pushing it the way he is.
OLBERMANN: Narrowing it to the issue of Iraq. Can Congress rescind, redefine any powers that it finds it knowingly or unknowingly turned over, and if so, how?
DEAN: Well, yes. They can. What they can do - theoretically, a president can bind through an executive agreement like he is trying to now negotiate with Iraq, any kind of deal he wants to. And only is he checked by the funding of it by Congress, not providing the money he needs. So yes. That's where the Congress can check this. One with the money. Or they can, as Senator Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have both introduced legislation to try to check him in undertaking these activities. Congress isn't likely to act on that though.
OLBERMANN: Why is it - let's go back to a fundamental here to close. Why does the Constitution force the president to get approval from the Senate before signing treaties and from approval from Senate and House before waging war? Surely before phones and video conferences, they would have had more reason the fear waiting for Congress in the face of an imminent threat, no?
DEAN: Well, the fundamentals, they were quite obvious to the founders of the country who believed the people of the country collectively ought to be making this decision and that is best represented through one or both houses of Congress. Not the president who was theoretically not really a spokesperson for the people. But he was elected by an electoral college initially. Is now broadly interpreted by later presidents to give him a mandate. This isn't exactly what the Constitution says. It is the way particularly recent Republican presidents have interpreted the Constitution, however.
OLBERMANN: This one, most particularly, John Dean, author of broken government. Always a pleasure, sir. Thank you, John.
OLBERMANN: And no, this is not the president literally dancing on top of the Constitution. It turn out it is his entry into the American political idol show. And in worst persons. The mighty fuvog (ph) has spoken. Fixed News is not conservative because it has more viewers. Brit Hume says this the day after his election finished last in the ratings. Ahead on Countdown.
OLBERMANN: I have a lifetime of singing experience I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of singing experience he will bring to the White House. Senator Obama has a dance he did in 2007.
Senator Clinton did not say. But after she sees the first episode of American presidential idol, she may.
That's next but first time for our number two story, Countdown's "WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD."
The bronze tonight to Brit Hume of Fixed News telling the alumni magazine of the University of Virginia, "as long as our competitors are convinced we're a right wing news organization out to promote right wing causes, they will never get it. That's good news for us. They can't fix their problem because they don't understand it. As long as they think that way, they are probably not going to gain much ground on us. I think the viewers have spoken on this."
Indeed. That's why the primary coverage you anchored Tuesday finished third behind us and CNN. The viewers have spoken on this. You are a right wing organization.
The silver self-described body language expert Tonya Reimna. She was asked if Senator Clinton joking and drinking beer with reporters with cameras present was an honest moment. "The only thing that struck me as odd is, she said, "she is holding the beer with her left hand and she is a righty. And if you think about how would you normally take a sip, it is a little by awkward to drink with your non-dominant hand unless you have a reason to be doing that, you know?"
Her Web site says Ms. Reiman is a quote, "motivational and inspirational key note speaker, consultant and corporate trainer with a degree from Pace University in general studies who wrote a book."
There's the cover. Nowhere on this site did I find her scientific explanation of the body language depicted right there.
But our winner, he the unnamed manager of the Mar y Terra family Mexican restaurant Lilburn, Georgia. It has been closed and the license revoked after it received the lowest score ever for a restaurant health inspection in the history of Gwinnett County. On a scale of 1-100, Mar y Terra got a 13. A 13. Not to worry about the raw chicken stored with vegetables that were to be served raw themselves, or the black-mold inside the cooler says the manager. The restaurant's food is clean. They were just having a small problem with the freezer leaking and the refrigerator not working. The manager of Mar y Terra Restaurant in Lilburn, Georgia, today's "Worst Person in the World!"
OLBERMANN: Politicians who try to entertain us deliberately do so at their own peril. Because when true wit is not at the tip of their tongues they tend toward burlesque. For two days running, no one has been able to adequately explain this.
Reminder, President Bush was waiting for the late arriving John McCain and he became obsessed with the notion that shimmying outside the White House in front of the media was a good idea. Our number one story on the Countdown, his possible successors are not entirely immune to public displays of mediocre talent. One possible replacement, Senator Obama danced on "Ellen." He may have been brow beaten to do so. Ellen dances there every single day except that day when she cried about the secondhand dog.
And memories like the corners of my mind. Senator John McCain singing Barbra Streisand classics on "Saturday Night Live" in 2002.
OLBERMANN: The senator's heart play lie elsewhere songwise to say nothing of his foreign policy.
MCCAIN: That old Beach Boys song, "Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb - anyway."
OLBERMANN: Senator Hillary Clinton is always self-deprecating when it comes to her own singing which is intelligent.
OLBERMANN: Can any of them ever really top the cavorter in chief?
You laugh but if it had been seven years of that rather than seven years of what we got, everybody would have been happy. This is a conundrum fit for comedian Paul F. Tompkins, also of course regular contributor to VH1's "Best Week Ever." Paul, good evening.
OLBERMANN: President Bush. Tap dancing. Metaphors for 1,000. Paul F.
Tompkins. Did you buzz in?
TOMPKINS: Yes, if Bennett Surf (ph) and Kitty Carlisle (pH) will let me get a word in. If you only thought President Bush was showing you how much he did not care about anything, you were wrong. Because now he really is. This guy has never not had a good time. And this is unbelievable. You would think the president of the United States, if he has got to stall, he just goes into a room and disappears and comes back out when it is time. He doesn't have to stand around and start dancing.
OLBERMANN: One envisions him in Cabinet meetings and other sort of war planning sessions and such just getting up and going into the aisle and dancing.
In other instances as we showed, the president was essentially playing along with the crowd. This incident in Liberia. He was dancing beside the Liberian president and the woman in the green was dancing towards him. Fair enough.
And last year he was dancing on the South Lawn of the White House during this first ever malaria day. Good for him. It seems like he is displaying an odd degree of enthusiasm. He took over drummer. That's a union violation right there. Isn't it?
TOMPKINS: He could lose his cabaret card. There is so much footage of him dancing. You begin to think he is seeking these opportunities out. Any time he is scheduled for a trip, the first question is, will there be dancing there? I don't know if he is the president that has danced the most while in office. But he has got to be right up there at the top. Maybe just after Woodrow Wilson who by all accounts was a Charleston machine.
OLBERMANN: That's right. He went to Arthur Murray. Senator Obama once suggested during one of the 20 debates, one of the first 20 debates that we need to see how well former President Clinton danced. There is no expectation of a dance-off between Obama and Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton for that matter. But months and months remain now in the Democratic contest, obviously. Is that where this is headed? It will be decided, not by superdelegates but some sort of pants-off, dance-off?
TOMPKINS: Yes. Of course. There will eventually be a talent portion. And a swimsuit competition. And of course, poise is very important. But essentially, what it will come down to, each candidate will have to correctly answer the question why don't more Americans have maps and such like?
OLBERMANN: We will not have, and you will not have President Giuliani in drag, President Huckabee with his guitar. Are you rooting for somebody? You will just take the best you get? What is it going to be comedically for the next four years?
TOMPKINS: Times have changed. If people were able to get Richard Nixon to do one line on "Laugh-In" in the '70s, I think by now, no mat here is in the White House, we can get them to wear a rainbow wig and get them to sit in the booth of a dunk tank.
OLBERMANN: Paul F. Tompkins, comedian and contributor to VH1's "Best Week Ever." And Woodrow Wilson historian. Great thanks, Paul.
OLBERMANN: That's Countdown for this, the 1,772 day since the declaration of "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq. I'm Keith Olbermann. Good night and good luck. | 2019-04-20T21:06:32Z | http://www.countdownlibrary.com/2008/03/countdown-with-keith-olbermann-for_06.html |
Table 1. Demographics and years of experience between interviewers and observers.
Table 2. Demographics: Patients in protocols 1 and 2.
Table 3. Agreement between interviewers and observers.
Table 4. Scale of Clinical Utility: Factorial validity and internal consistency.
Table 5. Clinical utility measure: Items and frequencies of responses by clinicians with respect to all patients (N=153).
Background/Objective: The World Health Organization's diagnostic guidelines for ICD-11 mental and behavioural disorders must be tested in clinical settings around the world to ensure that they are clinically useful and genuinely global. The objective is evaluate the inter-rater reliability and clinical utility of ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic, mood, anxiety- and stress-related disorders in Mexican patients. Method: Adult volunteers exhibiting the selected symptoms were referred from the pre-consultation unit of a public psychiatric hospital to an interview by a pair of clinicians, who subsequently assigned independent diagnoses and evaluated the clinical utility of the diagnostic guidelines as applied to each particular case, on the basis of a scale developed for this purpose. Results: 23 clinicians evaluated 153 patients. Kappa scores were strong for psychotic disorders (.83), moderate for stress-related (.77) and mood disorders (.60) and week for anxiety and fear-related disorders (.43). A high proportion of clinicians considered all diagnostic guidelines to be quite to extremely useful as applied to their patients. Conclusions: ICD-11 guidelines for psychotic, stress-related and mood disorders allow adequate inter-rater consistency among Mexican clinicians, who also considered them as clinical useful tools.
Antecedentes/Objetivo: Las guías diagnósticas CIE-11 para trastornos mentales y del comportamiento de la Organización Mundial de la Salud deben ser evaluadas en pacientes reales alrededor del mundo a fin de asegurar que son clínicamente útiles y genuinamente globales. Se evalúa la consistencia inter-evaluadores y la utilidad clínica de las guías para los trastornos psicóticos, afectivos, de ansiedad y relacionados con el estrés en pacientes mexicanos. Método: Voluntarios con síntomas psicóticos, afectivos, de ansiedad o relacionados con el estrés derivados de una unidad de pre-consulta de un hospital psiquiátrico, para una entrevista con una pareja de clínicos, quienes posteriormente asignaron diagnósticos de manera independiente y evaluaron la utilidad clínica de las guías aplicadas a cada caso en particular, con base en una escala desarrollada para este propósito. Resultados: 23 clínicos evaluaron 153 pacientes. Los coeficientes Kappa fueron fuertes para trastornos psicóticos (0,83), moderados para los relacionados con el estrés (0,77) y afectivos (0,60), y débiles para los de ansiedad y relacionados con el miedo (0,43). Una alta proporción de clínicos consideró que las guías eran bastante o extremadamente útiles. Conclusiones: Las guías CIE-11 para dichos trastornos permiten una adecuada consistencia inter-evaluadores en clínicos mexicanos, quienes les consideran herramientas clínicamente útiles.
The World Health Organization's (WHO) diagnostic guidelines for the Mental and Behavioral Disorders chapter of the Eleventh Revision of the International Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) were developed by WHO-appointed expert Working Groups (WG); the process used to develop guidelines has been described in detail elsewhere (First, Reed, Saxena, & Hyman, 2015). The guidelines were tested in previous internet case-control studies (Keeley, Reed, Roberts, Evans, Medina-Mora et al., 2016) designed to evaluate the impact of changes in the classification from ICD-10 to ICD-11 in diagnostic decisions. The guidelines were subsequently modified on the basis of the results of these studies, with the WHO expert WG suggesting the modifications and overseeing the process. The next step was to test the guidelines and their impact on decision-making in real settings in order to confirm that they do in fact lead to improvements in diagnostic practice in clinical settings around the world.
Having reliable guidelines with a high level of clinical utility (Reed, 2010) supports WHO's overarching aim of reducing the disease burden of mental and behavioral disorders (International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders, 2011). For the guidelines to be considered clinically useful, they should be accurately and easily used by practitioners (Reed et al., 2015); and they broad application in different countries helps to show that they are genuinely global (Reed et al., 2018).
In Latin America, implementation of the ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines will take place in a particular context. In this region, years lived with disability due to depression range from 10.5% in Paraguay to 7.5% in Guatemala and Venezuela, and for anxiety disorders from 7.6% in Paraguay to 4% in Mexico (World Health Organization WHO, 2017). Recent decades have seen an increase in violence in many countries, two (Honduras and Venezuela) of which are ranked as having the first and second highest homicide rates worldwide (United Nations Office ond Drugs and Crime UNODC, 2013). Violence is linked to both mental disorders and suicide (Benjet, Borges, G., & Medina-Mora, 2010; Liu et al., 2017). In countries in the region included in the World Mental Health Survey, PTSD ranges from 4.9% in Medellin, Colombia to 0.8% in Peru (Bromet et al., 2017). The treatment gap between those who need services and those who receive them is high, amounting to 73% of those diagnosed with mental disorders (Pan American Health Organization PAHO, 2013).
In Mexico, according to the latest Psychiatric Epidemiology Survey, approximately one in four adults (between the ages of 18 and 65) living in urban areas have had a mental disorder at some time in their lives, with anxiety and depression being the most common (14.3% and 9.21%, respectively) (Medina-Mora, Borges, Benjet, Lara, & Berglund, 2007), and psychosis the most disabling (Navarro et al., 2017). Prevalence rates in Mexico rank around the median among countries that are part of the World Mental Health Surveys (Kessler et al., 2007). Unfortunately, only 11% receive minimally adequate treatment; this gap is higher than what is observed in countries with similar level of development (Wang et al., 2007). This highlights the urgent need for the timely identification of cases requiring treatment.
Although insufficient alone given they limitations, diagnostic guidelines are an essential first step to identify and provide evidence-based care for patients (Craddock, & Mynors-Wallis, 2014). Nowadays, some of such limitations could be addressed in certain ways as part of the revision and improvement of a nosology system, while other would depend on the future state of understanding of the brain, particularly its higher functions. Thus, although problems of validity given that diagnoses are based on descriptive data rather than in relation to brain function could not be easily solve by now, a more pragmatic and less rigid ICD-11 might facilitate sensible clinical diagnoses, while avoiding the exclusion of many patients that not meet strict diagnostic criteria and creates the need for multiple “comorbidity” (Craddock, & Mynors-Wallis, 2014).
This paper shows the results of the ecological studies to test the proposed ICD-11 guidelines for non-psychotic and psychotic adult patients presenting for care at a tertiary public mental health facility in Mexico. Its principal aim was to show the value of the diagnostic guidelines in informing practitioners about the specific diagnosis of their patients, their implementation characteristics (goodness of fit, ease of use and time required to apply them) and their utility in selecting interventions and making clinical management decisions (Reed, 2010). This was done by determining inter-rater consistency in diagnoses and the clinical utility of the proposed ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for the ICD-11 groups of disorders that account for the largest share of the disease burden of mental disorders and the major proportion of service utilization in mental health settings: (1) Schizophrenia and Other Primary Psychotic Disorders; (2) Mood Disorders; (3) Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders; and (4) Disorders Specifically Associated with Stress.
This was a cross-sectional study, drawing on a sample of participants seeking mental health services in a public, specialized, mental health care setting in Mexico City, Mexico. It follows the study design developed by our international group (Reed et al., 2018) that was specifically intended to isolate the impact of the diagnostic guidelines on diagnostic assignment by clinicians (interpretation variance) rather than other sources of variability in diagnostic agreement/disagreement (e.g. information variance, observation variance). It is not intended as a test of the stability of participants’ clinical presentations across time. Alternative methods, such as using independent interviews, would not control for variability in case presentations over time and information variance and would therefore be unable to provide specific information on how to improve diagnostic guidelines, the core purpose of this study. We are less interested in inter-rater reliability as a statistic and more interested in the consistency of implementation of diagnostic guidelines in circumstances where diagnostic verdicts would be the same if the guidelines were error-free.
Patients with: (1) psychotic symptoms; or (2) mood, anxiety, or stress-related symptoms without psychotic symptoms were identified by a clinician working at the outpatient psychiatric service. Identification was based on the normal intake interview performed by a second-year psychiatry resident; the intake interview is basically intended to triage patients. The information yielded by these interviews includes sociodemographic data, current reason for consultation, basic information about the course and clinical presentation of the problem, which was used to select the protocol for the patient. In the presence of psychotic symptoms, the patient was referred to protocol 1, and in the presence of mood, anxiety or stress-related symptoms without psychotic symptoms, the patient was referred to protocol 2. We used this screening procedure to select an enriched sample of study participants likely to display the conditions that were the focus of the study (Reed et al., 2018).
After receiving a comprehensive explanation of the nature and aims of the study, and giving their written informed consent, all participants were interviewed simultaneously by two clinicians. One clinician in the pair was designated as the primary interviewer for that particular patient and the other as the observer.
Clinician raters were psychiatrists, or fifth-year psychiatry residents actively engaged in clinical work (i.e., involved in the assessment or treatment of people with mental health conditions) for an average of 10 or more hours per week.
All clinician raters participated in a half-day training session on the diagnostic guidelines and study procedures. ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for the four disorder groups included in the study were provided to participating clinicians, who were asked to read them in detail prior to the face-to-face training session. The training curriculum and materials used for the face-to-face training, developed by WHO, comprised a presentation of the innovations proposed for the ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines for each diagnostic group included and the main conceptual features of the diagnostic guidelines for each category. As part of the training, clinician raters practiced applying the diagnostic guidelines to case vignettes, and discussed the issues that arose during this process. Clinician raters were also provided with information on the study purpose, rationale, and methods, including a tutorial on how to use the Electronic Field Study System for data entry.
The local Institutional Ethics Review Board approved all the procedures used as a part of this study, including the consent forms for both service users and clinicians. Although clinician raters had not been informed of any diagnostic formulation made by the referring clinician before conducting their diagnostic interview, they were provided with a brief clinical summary of the participant prepared by the second-year resident conducting the triage intake interview that did not include diagnoses or psychotropic medications.
During the training, clinician raters were informed that they could also review other clinical information on the patients if necessary and available (including laboratory tests and brain images), with the proviso that both clinicians should look at the same information. Clinician raters then conducted a diagnostic interview of the participant in the way they deemed most appropriate. No specific instructions were provided for the interview except that in Protocol 1 (participants with psychotic symptoms), they should ensure they assessed Schizophrenia and Other Primary Psychotic Disorder, and in Protocol 2 (participants without psychotic symptoms but with affective, anxiety- or stress-related symptoms), they should ensure they assessed Mood Disorders, Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders, and Disorders Specifically Associated with Stress. They were also instructed to assess any other diagnostic area appropriate to the participant's presentation, just as they would in a regular diagnostic interview. The member of the dyad designated as the interviewer for that participant conducted the interview, but the observer was allowed to ask additional questions at the end of the interview.
Clinician raters individually and autonomously entered the results of the diagnostic interview into a secure web-based electronic data capture system (the Electronic Field Studies System, developed using the Qualtrics survey platform specifically designed by the WHO Field Studies Coordination Group) for these studies (Reed et al., 2018). Clinician Raters selected up to three diagnoses they thought were applicable for the service user they had seen, or indicated that no diagnosis was warranted, and then provided diagnostic evaluation information including a thorough review of the essential features of each selected diagnostic category. This was done to ensure clinicians to include at least one of the diagnosis under study (Schizophrenia or Other Primary Psychotic Disorder in Protocol 1, and a Mood, Anxiety and Fear-Related, or Stress-Related Disorder in protocol 2), as well as the principal comorbid diagnoses within the same group of disorders or in other one.
In addition, clinician raters provided data on the severity of the service user's symptoms and their functional status, and answered questions about the clinical utility of the ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines as applied to the particular service user.
On the basis of earlier descriptions of the concept (Keeley, Reed, Roberts, Evans, Medina-Mora et al., 2016; Reed, 2010), the clinical utility of a classification construct or category for mental and behavioral disorders depends on its: (a) ease of communication (e.g., among practitioners, patients, families, administrators); (b) implementation characteristics in clinical practice, including goodness of fit (i.e., accuracy of description), ease of use and the time required to use it (i.e., feasibility); and (c) usefulness in selecting interventions and making clinical management decisions.
Accordingly, in the present study, the clinical utility of ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines was evaluated using a 4-point Likert scale to rate the different elements of these domains through a self-reported questionnaire applied to a particular patient. This scale was developed for the field studies designed to test the modifications proposed for ICD 11 (Keeley, Reed, Roberts, Evans, Medina-Mora et al., 2016; Reed, 2010) (see Table 7). Its factorial structure and internal consistency were evaluated prior to the main analyses regarding the clinicians’ perception of the guidelines’ clinical utility.
General characteristics of clinicians and patients were described using means and standard deviations for continuous variables and frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. All the variables were compared between protocols (1 and 2), using independent sample t-tests or chi-square tests depending on the type of variables. Frequencies and percentages were also calculated to evaluate the general level of agreement (No agreement/Overall agreement) between interviewers and observers across all diagnostic groupings. Comparisons of frequencies of each diagnosis provided by the interviewer and observer were made using McNemar tests. Kappa values were calculated in order to summarize the level of diagnostic agreement between interviewers and observers.
Basic psychometric properties of the clinical utility measurement were obtained by calculating an exploratory factor analysis (using likelihood maximum extraction, Oblimin rotation and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (KMO), and a confirmatory model (IBM SPSS Amos 21) for factorial or construct validity, as well as total and subtotal Cronbach's alphas for internal consistency or reliability.
Lastly, in order to analyze clinical utility information, the frequencies and percentages of each item were described for both interviewers and observers. Total means were compared between interviewers and observers using a t-test for independent samples. The significance level for all tests was established at p=.05.
A total sample of 23 clinicians accredited to make diagnosis in Mexico (17 psychiatrists and six fourth- or fifth-year psychiatry residents) evaluated 53 patients for Protocol 1 (with psychotic symptoms) and 100 patients for Protocol 2 (with mood, anxiety- or stress-related symptoms, without psychotic symptoms). Table 1 presents the basic clinician characteristics. No differences by gender, age, or professional experience were found between interviewers and observers. Participants’ sociodemographic and clinical characteristics are presented in Table 2.
Demographics and years of experience between interviewers and observers.
Demographics: Patients in protocols 1 and 2.
Clinician rater dyads for the evaluation of each participant were assigned on the basis of a systematic sampling procedure using a list of clinicians available each day and taking into account their most recent role as observer or interviewer in order to maximize the variability of dyads and roles. Accordingly, the percentage of repeated dyads was less than half the total number of dyads.
Table 3 presents the Kappa's coefficients for the diagnostic guidelines of each ICD-11 diagnostic group.
Agreement between interviewers and observers.
The Scale of Clinical Utility of the ICD-11 Mental and Behavioural diagnostic guidelines was first evaluated in terms of its construct validity (factorial validity) and reliability (internal consistency). Table 4 presents the results of the exploratory factorial analysis of the scale, as well as internal consistency coefficients for the total and subtotal scores.
Scale of Clinical Utility: Factorial validity and internal consistency.
Note: n= 306 (observers & interviewers (real n = 287 with 19 missing values); Maximum extraction: likelihood; Oblimin rotation; Total percentage of variance explained = 60.04; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy (KMO) = 0.938.
Two factors with eigen values above 1 together account for 60% of the variance. These factors involved the same general type of items. Factor one grouped together items regarding the clinical utility of the guidelines for case identification and management, while factor two included items concerning the evaluation of implementation characteristics. Cronbach's alphas were over .90 for the total and subtotal scores.
Confirmatory model is presented in Figure 1, showing a good adjustment of the factor structure resulted from the exploratory analysis (χ2=95.69, df=68, p=.015, GFI=.956, RMR=.01, CFI=.991, RMSEA=.038, CI90%=.017–.054).
Scale of Clinical Utility: Confirmatory model.
Note: n=287 with the whole sample of interviewers and observers; χ2=95,69, df=68, p=.015, GFI=.956, RMR=.01,CFI=.991, RMSEA=.038, CI90%=.017–0.054.
According to this scale, a high proportion of clinicians considered that all the diagnostic guidelines studied are quite or extremely useful (Table 5).
Clinical utility measure: Items and frequencies of responses by clinicians with respect to all patients (N=153).
In general terms, the more frequent answer option was, by far, the one referring to a good clinical utility (i.e., quite easy to use, quite easy to apply, quite useful, etc.), following the one related to a very good clinical utility (i.e., extremely easy to use, extremely easy to apply, extremely useful, etc.). When adding the frequency of both answer options, the clinical utility of the ICD-11 guidelines under study, given their implementation characteristics (ease of use, goodness of fit, clarity, amount of time required, etc.), were good or very good for more than 85% of the clinicians; ranging between 85.6% (for the description of the boundary between the patient's disorder and other disorders) to 91.5% (concerning their ease of use and clarity). Consistently, the clinical utility of the guidelines for identification and management of cases (including their utility to communicate with and educate patients and family) was rated as good or very good by more than 80% of the clinicians; ranging between 81.3% (for guidelines’ utility to asses patient's prognosis) to 88.9% (for qualifiers as helpful to select a treatment for the patient).
Reliable, clinically useful, and globally applicable diagnostic classification is an essential tool for reducing the treatment gap and the burden of disease attributable to common mental disorders in adulthood (International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders, 2011). This is especially true in Latin American countries such as Mexico, where patients in need of care are not identified in a timely manner and only obtain treatment when their disorders are already very severe (Borges et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2007), after having experienced a great deal of preventable suffering and disability.
Before discussing our results, several limitations of our study need to be considered. The sample is small, comprising a total of 153 patients independently evaluated by a pair of psychiatrists and medical doctors in training. Moreover, the data are drawn from a single institution oriented towards research, which also serves as a teaching hospital. The clinicians were psychiatrists and residents in training to become psychiatrists, who likely had high levels of training in comparison to the general population of clinicians. Despite these limitations, the results have significant implications for the implementation of the ICD-11 in Mexico and Latin-American countries.
According to Cohen's criteria (Cohen, 1960), diagnostic agreement between raters using ICD-11 guidelines can be rated as strong for Schizophrenia and Other Primary Psychotic Disorders, moderate for mood and stress-related disorders, and week -although acceptable- for anxiety and fear-related disorders. However, consistent with McHugh (2012), “Cohen's suggested interpretation may be too lenient for health-related studies because it implies that a score as low as 0.41 might be acceptable” (pp. 276), and being strict, a kappa below to 0.60 as in the case of diagnoses for anxiety and fear-related disorders, indicates inadequate agreement among the raters.
This might be explained in part given such group of disorders was less common in the sample. Consequently, specificity was high for all the diagnostic groups under study while sensitivity was lower for anxiety and fear-related disorders (as well as other diagnoses). Another plausible explanation could be related with the high comorbidity of anxiety disorders with the other diagnosis under study. Thus, it is possible that, being such a common manifestation, hinders the diagnostic separation even though clinically it is more accessible for expert clinicians.
Still, although we did not provide any guidance on how the interview was to be conducted, and the majority of the cases presents with a clinically significant severity and comorbidity (given they were recruited in a specialized institution), observed kappa indexes were similar to those achieved using more complex and time-consuming instruments (such as structured or semi-structured clinical interviews) (Pies, 2007). And even though our results are not comparable to DSM-5 reliability studies, which used a different methodology, they challenge the assumption that a less rigid diagnostic guidelines are inherently less reliable (Craddock & Mynors-Wallis, 2014), probably because in their attempts to communicate the essence of the disorder, they are more similar to how clinicians think.
The present study also provides information on the perception of clinicians regarding the clinical utility of the diagnostic guidelines evaluated. This is important because of the emphasis on increasing the clinical utility (Keeley, Reed, Roberts, Evans, Robles et al., 2016; Reed, 2010) of the classification as a whole in order to provide a tool that will help reduce the global burden of disease though early identification and the treatment of health conditions.
Regarding the diagnostic guidelines for psychotic, mood, anxiety and stress-related disorders proposed for ICD-11, we can infer from our results that Mexican clinicians with extensive experience of attending psychiatric patients consider that they are of value in terms of their implementing characteristics (mainly regarding their ease of use and clarity) as well as for the identification and management of patients, specially their qualifiers to select a specific treatment. This important finding (given that the ultimate goal of a clinical useful classification is to help in the decision of a proper case management) seems to be in line with several WG's proposals, including a different system of qualifiers for Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, which considers the evaluation of the level of cognitive impairment that may indicate the need for cognitive remediation interventions.
Additionally, concerning the classification of depressive disorders, one of the common mental disorders responsible for a large burden of disease in Mexico, Latin America and globally (Medina-Mora et al., 2007; World Health Organization WHO, 2017), although ICD-11 classification was not been substantially modified, the proposed diagnostic guidelines include new severity qualifiers that were expected to improve their clinical utility (Chakrabarti, Berlanga, & Njenga, 2012) especially regarding treatment selection, which might varies considerably from a mild to a severe case. However, there are some space for additional improvements, mainly in terms of the guidelines’ utility to asses patient's prognosis, which could require, in many cases, not just a systematic effort to include the information needed to do so, but the generation of such scientific data by psychiatric entity. An additional contribution of this study is the psychometric evaluation of the Scale to Measure Clinical Utility (Keeley, Reed, Roberts, Evans, Medina-Mora et al., 2016; Reed, 2010) in a reliable, valid manner for future studies in the field.
According to our results, the ICD-11 would appear to constitute a reliable, clinically useful diagnostic system, at least as regards clinician consistency when the guidelines are used to identify mental disorders that account for the greatest proportion of years lived with disability, and for which there is a considerable treatment gap in both developed and developing countries (Pan American Health Organization PAHO, 2013; Wang et al., 2007).
The study was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) of Mexico, Project number 234473 and by the Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, Mexico. The authors wish to acknowledge the important work by research assistants Omar Hernández, Alejandra Gonzalez, Carolina Muñoz, Lucia Munch Tania Real, and all the residents and psychiatrists who participated in this study.
C. Benjet, G. Borges, M.E. Medina-Mora.
Chronic childhood adversity and onset of psychopathology during three life stages: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
G. Borges, M.E. Medina-Mora, P.S. Wang, C. Lara, P. Berglund, E. Walters.
Treatment and adequacy of treatment of mental disorders among respondents to the Mexico National Comorbidity Survey.
E.J. Bromet, L. Atwoli, N. Kawakami, F. Navarro-Mateu, P. Piotrowski, A.J. King, S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, J. Alonso, B. Bunting, K. Demyttenaere, S. Florescu, G. de Girolamo, S. Gluzman, J.M. Haro, P. de Jonge, E.G. Karam, S. Lee, V. Kovess-Masfety, M.E. Medina-Mora, Z. Mneimneh, B.E. Pennell, J. Posada-Villa, D. Salmerón, T. Takeshima, R.C. Kessler.
Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with natural and human-made disasters in the World Mental Health Surveys.
S. Chakrabarti, C. Berlanga, F. Njenga.
Cultural issues in the classification and diagnosis of mood and anxiety disorders.
Psychiatric diagnosis: Impersonal, imperfect and important.
M.B. First, G.M. Reed, S. Saxena, S.E. Hyman.
The development of the ICD-11 clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines for mental and behavioral disorders.
International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders. (2011). A conceptual framework for the revision of the ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders. World Psychiatry, 10, 86-92. doi: 10.1002/j.2051-5545. 2011.tb00022.x.
J.W. Keeley, G.M. Reed, M.C. Roberts, S.C. Evans, M.E. Medina-Mora, R. Robles, T. Rebello, P. Sharan, O. Gureje, M.B. First, H.F. Andrews, J.L. Ayuso-Mateos, W. Gaebel, J. Zielasek, S. Saxena.
Developing a science of clinical utility in diagnostic classification systems: Field study strategies for ICD-11 mental and behavioral disorders.
J.W. Keeley, G.M. Reed, M.C. Roberts, S.C. Evans, R. Robles, C. Matsumoto, C.R. Brewin, M. Cloitre, A. Perkonigg, C. Rousseau, O. Gureje, A.M. Lovell, P. Sharan, A. Maercker.
Disorders specifically associated with stress: A case-controlled field study for ICD-11 Mental and Behavioural Disorders.
R. Kessler, M. Angermeyer, J. Anthony, R. de Graaf, K. Demyttenaere, I. Gasquet, G. de Girolamo, S. Gluzman, O. Gureje, J.M. Haro, N. Kawakami, A.N. Karam, D. Levinson, M.E. Medina-Mora, M.A.O. Browne, J. Posada-Villa, D.J. Stein, C.H.A. Tsang, S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, J. Alonso, S. Lee, S. Heeringa, B.E. Pennell, P. Berglund, M.J. Gruber, M. Petukhova, S. Chatterji, T.B. Üstün.
Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Surveys.
H. Liu, M. Petukhova, N.A. Sampson, S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, J. Alonso, L.H. Andrade, E.J. Bromet, G. de Girolamo, J.M. Haro, H. Hinkov, N. Kawakami, K.C. Koenen, V. Kovess-Masfety, S. Lee, M.E. Medina-Mora, F. Navarro-Mateu, S. O’Neill, M. Piazza, J. Posada-Villa, V. Shahly, D.J. Stein, M. Ten Have, Y. Torres, O. Gureje, A.M. Zaslavsky, R. Kessler, World Mental Health Survey Collaborators.
Interrater reliability: The kappa statistic.
M.E. Medina-Mora, G. Borges, C. Benjet, C. Lara, P. Berglund.
Psychiatric disorders in Mexico: lifetime prevalence in a nationally representative sample.
F. Navarro, J. Alonso, C.C.W. Lim, S. Saha, S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, A. Al-Hamzawi, L.H. Andrade, E.J. Bromet, R. Bruffaerts, S. Chatterji, L. Degenhardt, G. de Girolamo, P. de Jonge, J. Fayyad, S. Florescu, O. Gureje, J.M. Haro, C. Hu, E.G. Karam, V. Kovess-Masfety, S. Lee, M.E. Medina-Mora, A. Ojagbemi, B.E. Pennell, M. Piazza, J. Posada-Villa, K.M. Scott, J.C. Stagnaro, M. Xavier, K.S. Kendeler, R. Kessler, J.J. McGrath, & WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators.
The association between psychotic experiences and disability: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.
Pan American Health Organization (2013). Mental Health in the Americas, 2013. Retrieved from https://www.paho.org/salud-en-las-americas-2017/?tag=mental-health.
How “objective” are psychiatric diagnoses?.: (guess again).
Toward ICD-11: Improving the clinical utility of WHO's international classification of mental disorders.
G.M. Reed, T.J. Rebello, K.M. Pike, M.E. Medina-Mora, O. Gureje, M. Zhao, Y. Dai, M.C. Roberts, T. Maruta, C. Matsumoto, V.N. Krasnov, M. Kulygina, A.M. Lovell, A.C. Stona, P. Sharan, R. Robles, W. Gaebel, J. Zielasek, B. Khoury, J.J. Mari, J.L. Ayuso-Mateos, S.C. Evans, C.S. Kogan, S. Saxena.
WHO's Global Clinical Practice Network for Mental Health.
G.M. Reed, P. Sharan, T. Rebello, J. Keeley, M.E. Medina-Mora, O. Gureje, J.L. Ayuso-Mateos, S.H. Kanba, B. Khoury, C. Kogan, V. Krasnov, M. Maj, J. Mari, D. Stein, M. Zhao, T. Akiyama, H. Andrews, E. Asevedo, M. Cheour, T. Domínguez-Martínez, J. El-Khoury, A.Q. Fiorillo, J. Grenier, N. Gupta, L. Kola, M. Kulygina, I. Leal-Leturia, M. Luciano, B. Lusu, N. Martínez-López, H. Matsumoto, L. Onofa, S. Paterniti, Sh. Purnima, R. Robles, M. Sahu, G. Sibeko, N. Zhong, M. First, W. Gaebel, A. Lovell, T. Maruta, M. Roberts, K. Pike.
P.S. Wang, S. Aguilar-Gaxiola, J. Alonso, M.C. Anger-meyer, G. Borges, E.J. Bromet, R. Bruffaerts, G. de Girolamo, R. de Graaf, O. Gureje, J.M. Haro, E.G. Karam, R.C. Kessler, V. Kovess, M.C. Lane, S. Lee, D. Levinson, Y. Ono, M. Petukhova, J. Posada-Villa, S. Seedat, J.E. Wells.
Use of Mental health services for anxiety, mood and substance disorders in 17 countries in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.
World Health Organization WHO (2017). Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates. Geneva: World Health Organization. | 2019-04-20T06:34:48Z | https://www.elsevier.es/en-revista-international-journal-clinical-health-psychology-355-articulo-icd-11-guidelines-for-psychotic-mood-S1697260018301522 |
The process of public money management requires a knowledge of the economic tools and it effectiveness under different situations because it impact on the variables of economic activity and even the political and social field, the policy financial tools of Iraq are a great importance due to the burdens and tasks related it, & it is very effective In the promotion of economic growth rates through the management of the public budget and directing public spending, especially after 2003, the transition phase, which dose not the achievement its central objectives in addition to the expansion of public spending on public services and investment project requirements, The problem of research represented the reality of the financial policy after 2003 which it directly affected by the political variables and the change of the system and the bad economic situation, the sequences lead to collapse of the structures of salutation, and as a result of the deterioration of economic growth rates and thus the decline of development indicators and social, The hypotheses of research stated the used of tools and procedures of fiscal policy including the policies and programs of economic reform in Iraq may can contribute to achieving high progress of economic growth rates and thus achieve the desired economic development objectives, the research aims to a known the concept and financial policy tools, estimate econometrics model of economics growth function and followed the crises effects which leave it stumbled in developing Iraq path, The importance of research explained the role of financial policy tools in adopting the policy of improving the rates of economic growth on most of the major indicators in the Iraqi economy in order to find solutions to the problem of economic development suitable for the economic problems suffered by the Iraqi economy, including structural imbalances in the industrial and service sectors, the research adopted the shown theoretical approach and use of the quantitative approach and econometrics tools and formats for interpretation the studied Phenomena and verified statistically.
Financial Policy Tools, Economic Growth, Economic Reform Programs.
The tools of financial policy are the most important activation economic tools that have a role in influencing the economic for any country, It also co-ordinates relations with other economic policies. According to the developed stages of economic schools by sequence as classical which its characterized of balancing the budget and Sustainability the balancing level, and then moved to the stage of intervention in the thought of the Keynesian school that the make fiscal policy transition from the neutrality to the direct influence in economic activity that caused stimulating demand through the increase government spending, and then the tools of fiscal policy have developed into the central planning stage in socialist thought as a result of the expansion of the role and functions of the state, lead the expansion of tools financial, which not covering public expenditures, but there are important financial instruments have a clear impact in economic activity such as redistribution of income and the achievement of social justice and others.
Financial policy is defined as the use of expenditure and government revenue to influence the of aggregate effective demand in accordance with the common economic situation to increase economic growth rates and redistribute income among individuals (Kneller et al., 1999), and can be defined as direct intervention by the financial authority to influence income and employment levels and GDP, through the using of fiscal policy means of public expenditure and public revenues (Fatás & Mihov, 2001) in order to increase public welfare and control of financial resources (Besley & Smart, 2007). The fiscal policy uses two main tools to achieve its general objectives, which are the tools of the other (public expenditure and revenues), the general revenues and expenditures are the main means of the state's fiscal policy (Hemming et al., 2002), the public expenditures and revenues relate to the quantities required to perform the state's financial function and to finance the requirements of economic activity and there is a third tool related to the technical organization of these financial quantities and called the general budget (Abu & Mohammad, 2006), Investment plays a big role in determining the rate of economic growth, as each increase in that expenditure represents the addition of new production capacity, the goal of the economic development plans is to achieving an increase in the national income more than the rate of population increase, hence known the importance of investment expenditure due considered it the axis of economic development (Aljanabi & Taher, 1990).
In related at the tools of fiscal policy in Iraq is no less than importance other countries as an effective tool in promoting economic growth rates through the management of the public budget and directing public spending to more effective sides, but the constraints and economic and political crises after 2003 prevented the achievement of the desired goals as well as The expansion of public spending on services and the requirements of such service and investment projects on the one hand, and on the other has directly affected the reality of fiscal policy, which led to a decline in economic growth rates as a result of local and regional political and economic changes And international, And therefore the failure of economic development programs and therefore ineffectiveness of financial policy tools, the protection of the country from the crises that may occur to it especially after the political and economic transformation may contribute to the achievement of economic growth and development, the tools of financial policy is prestigious for the programs Development of key indicators and findings effective solutions to the economic problems and imbalances of different sectors (Alsamaraey & Hana abdel, 2002).
There are a many studies on the tools of policy financial, but its difference accordance to editors and visions as Saad's study under the title “Discretionary Fiscal Policy and Its Impact on Economic Growth in Jordan during the Period 1976-2011. Jordan Journal of Economic Sciences, 2016”, which to aims to investigate the effect of discretionary fiscal policy on economic growth in Jordan during the period (1976-2011) and the results shown the existence of a long run equilibrium relationship between economic growth rates and discretionary fiscal policy variables, and recommended the government should follow a neutral fiscal policy in order to stimulate the economic activity in the long run and reduce the effects of economic slowdown. That is, the government should follow a countercyclical fiscal policy (Altrawna et al., 2016; Ben-Allal, 2013) study which referred “The liberalization of fiscal policy and Economic growth in developing countries its relationship and its success conditions by using simple data for developing countries-Econometrics study under the Dynamic model period 1980-2010” explained the theatrical of fiscal policy liberalization and it relationship with Economic growth and evaluation of effect nature for this policy and which the effective about the economic growth for period 1980-2010 with 56 developing countries states (Ben-Allal, 2013), Othman (2004) study has titled “The Role of Fiscal Policy in Increasing Labor Absorptive Capacity for the Palestinian Economy” that aimed at acquainting with the role of the financial policy adopted be the Palestinian authority in increasing the comprehendible capability for the Palestinian economy through the period 1968-2001, so that it was divided into three periods like the following: (1968-1987), (1978-1996), (1996-2001), whereas volume of that gap during the three periods respectively reached to 24%, 34.4%, 33%, of the acting forces volume. Then the role of tax policy was analyzed in increasing the comprehendible capabilities to the Palestinian economy through studying aims and directions of the tax policy and a group of policies and measures which the policies and measures which the Palestinian followed to influence the Palestinian tax system, and the capital formation reached to 37.7% of the whole local income due increase of public investment importance as the public investment rate rose to the public expenditure volume from 16% in 1996 to 20% in 2001, in comprehending great volume employment in the Palestinian economy during 1996-2001. And in spite of this the Palestinian authority remained limited in the field of public expenditure because of the limits imposed by the temporary stage agreements from one side and measured of occupation of the other (Othman, 2004), and that the “Public expenditure and Economic growth” studied by Ahmed et al., 2016. Which the aimed to a known the relationship between the public expenditure and developed of economic growth, to order that divided into sides the 1st theory side which explained the importance concepts and based of public expenditure with economic growth included economic thought, the public expenditure indicated of developed and advanced the countries, through the optimal control of expenditure which allowed of state to economic growth achieving, and other side it taken the reality of Algeria during 1990-2014, and though the transition period by the opportunity of oil price rising, and adopted the agreements and programs of developing especially through the period 2001-2004, the completely support growth program through 2005-2009, that lead to public expenditure level and achieving the growth rates -2.2% to 7.2% during the period 1990-2014 (Ahmed et al., 2016).
The model data is as follows.
1. The dependent variable (Y): Economic growth in Iraq expressed in GDP (Million Dinars).
2. Independent variable (X1): Public revenues (Million Dinars).
3. Independent variable (X2): Public expenditure (Million Dinars).
4. Independent variable (X3): Investment (Million Dinars).
5. The Dummy variable (X4): Includes crises and geopolitical factors given number (1) if there is a crisis and (0) if not a crisis.
1. The dependent variable (Y) GDP: The variable series were plotted in Figure 1 and found to be unstable over time because the series direction took an upward trend, the variable series was checking by the (Dickey-Fuller) test, under the level (5%) and the probability value is greater than (5%), This indicates that the series is contained on the unit root and that it is unstable as shown in Shape (6), It's also noted in Table 5 that value of KPSS test was (0.549148) greater than the critical value (Kwiatkowski) at a significant level (5%) of (0.463000), This means that we accept the alternative hypothesis which it determines the root of any unit The string is unstable, and in the Table 6 noted the value of the test statistic (PP) its (-1.522004) smaller than the critical value (Mackinnon) at the level of significance (5%) and the (-3.119910) This means that we accept the hypothesis of the existence of a root unit.
2. The independent variable (X1) public revenue: The variable series (X1) was plotted as Figure 2 and was found to be unstable over time due to a general trend over time, as well as Its average is not stable through the time and it takes an upward trend, The variable series it's tested with (Dickey-Fuller) and its found that the t-table (-1.648639) it greater than t-calculated (3.119910) at a significant level (5%), The probability value is greater than (5%) which means there is a unit root in the series as well as is unstable as shown in Shape (7), at the related context, Table 5 shown the value of KPSS (0.494151) is greater than the critical value (Kwiatkowski) at a significant level (5%) of (0.463000). This means that we accept the alternative hypothesis which it determines that a series it's unstable. The value of the test statistic (PP) was (-1.648639) smaller than the critical value (Mackinnon) at the level of significance (5%) and the (-3.119910) this means that we accept the hypothesis of the existence of a root unit as Table 6.
3. The independent variable (X2) public expenditure: The series (X2) its drown as shape (3) and found its unstable over time because the series direction is not constant around it means through the time, as the series is tested by using (Dickey-Fuller) and shown The value of t (tabular) (-1.500408) is greater than (t) calculated (3.119910) at a moral level (5%) and the probability value is greater than (5%) which indicates that the series is unstable that is explained in shape (8).
4. The independent (X3) investment: It explained that the series also unstable as Shape (4), and the series was tested by using (Dickey-Fuller), the t-table (-1.099604) which greater than the t-calculated (- 3.119910) under a significant level (5%) It is a sign to non-stability as shown in shape (9), And so it is with the value of KPSS statistic is (0.485401) when we compare it with the critical value (Kwiatkowski) with a significance of (5%) and the maximum (0.463000) it's greater, this indicates to a unit root and the series is unstable. In a related aspect, the value of the (PP) test statistic was (-1.086157) and is smaller than the critical value (Mackinnon) at a significant level (5%) and the (-3.119910) It is refer to the existence unit root and the series it's unstable.
The estimated parameter of the correction limit in the variable (X1), is significant, and positive (0.411362), this means that error correction limit can to help as for explain the changes in Y at the long run and indicates that is a causal relationship in the long run from (X1) toward (Y), the Positive value means a positive relationship between two variables X1 explains the change in the value of Y by 23% and the rest is back to other factors.
In addition, we note the value of the adjustment coefficient for correction of variable (X2) is significant also and positive at (0.988268), this shown the error correction limit can help as to explain the changes in Y, i.e. there is a causal relationship in the long term (Y), with positive value is a positive relationship between two variables. X2 explains the change in the value of Y by 78% and the rest is back to other factors.
After the stability tests became all the independent variables (X1, X2, X3) in the model and its stable in the first difference i.e., that means consisted relationship of co-integration at long run in 1st class I (I) between the independent variables at the effect on the dependent variable (y) therefore will testing the relationship of co-integration using Johansen-Giselius (Birău & Trivedi, 2013).
Based at the results of the Trace test, showed the calculated value of the maximum likelihood rate equal (89.00238) it's greater than the critical value of (69.81889) at a significant level of 5%, that means we are reject the null hypothesis that (r=0), and we accept the alternative hypothesis that indicates there are a number of co-integration vectors greater than zero (r=1), that confirms a co-integration relationship of the studied variables. Therefore, will estimating the error correction model through will estimating the equation of the model according to the estimated lag period in the stability of the time series as shown in Table 12.
1. The results of the estimation showed the positive relationship between the public revenues (X1) and the growth rate in Iraq (Y), In other words, the change in public revenues by one unit will shift the growth rate by (3.6205), and with related side the Public revenues have led to a greater increase in public expenditure towards economic development programs.
2. The results explained a positive relationship between the public expenditure (X2) and the rate of growth in Iraq (Y) due positive signal that will be lead to change in the amount of expenditures by one unit will effects to a change in growth rate by (0.000412), to achieving economic development through directing these expenditures to more effective aspects linked to economic development.
3. On the other hand, the estimated model showed the positive relationship between the size of the investment (X3) and the growth rate in Iraq (Y) by proving the positive sign. The change in the size of the investment by one unit will shift the growth rate in Iraq by (0.000159).
4. The results of the analysis also showed the inverse relationship between the Dummy variable (X4), which represented crises and other political factors and the rate of growth in Iraq (Y), In other words, any change of one unit in the Dummy variable will change the rate of growth in Iraq by (-3126.508), And in the nature of the situation and under the crises always there economic unstable situations followed by political instability and the result of confusion in the process of financing economic development programs.
For the related the econometrics side, the R2 showed the explanatory capacity of 96% to explain the changes that may occur in the independent variable due to the dependent variables, and that (4%) due to other factors not included in the model can be included under the error limit (u). The significance and the ability of the independent variables it's also examined in the interpretation of the changes in the dependent variable relied on the t-calculated and corresponding value t-table, and the proven the estimated parameters its high significant in accordance with the statistical value t-calculated (2.017) and compared with the t-table (0.975) and that the probability value (p-value) which is less than (0.05).
Through of the analysis which showed that the estimated model without autocorrelation problem among the error variable values by depend (Durbin-Watson) test of the estimated model its amount to (1.836720) when compared with the value of the upper (dU) and lower extremities (dL) at a significant level (0.05) and the number of variables (K=4) and n=14, it was observed that all the calculated values are in the (rejection zone) i.e. the not any autocorrelation, which confirms the model's integrity from the autocorrelation problem.
Source: Researcher's work & relied the program (Eviews 9.0).
Original Variables Prob. At 1st Difference Prob.
No. of CE (s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.
1. The financial policy instruments are key factors in determining the economic growth rates of any country in the world because it have the ability to determine financial position and trend the public expenditure in the right direction.
2. Foreign investment is a key determinant in improving economic growth rates due to the added value to GDP and the development of some economic indicators either directly or indirectly.
3. There had a many of an economic and political crises a cross by the Iraqi economy after 2003 and continues to be affected negatively, which was reflected on the reality of economic growth in Iraq.
4. The practical side proved the true of the hypothesis of research through the logic of economic theory first and supported by the statistical side through statistical and econometrics tests, which founded a mutual strong relationship between financial policy tools and improve economic growth rates in Iraq.
5. The results of the econometrics analysis of the model showed that the hypothesis of the research with the analysis and its results is accordance with the using of financial policy instruments that can achieve growth rates on the one hand, and the others, the crises have a negative impact on the environment of economic growth.
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Othman, S.M.I. (2004). The Role of Fisical Policy in Increasing Labor Absorptive Capacity for the Palestinian Economy. | 2019-04-18T18:58:11Z | https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-impact-tools-of-financial-policy-as-determined-of-iraqs-economic-growth-rates-for-the-period-20032016-7591.html |
Accra, 1 September 2016 — “The city we need is collectively managed and democratically governed”. Accra, along with other cities in Ghana, is taking major steps towards the fourth principle of the New Urban Paradigm by working towards more effective and decentralized urban governance. Ghanaian cities are experimenting with a new form of city administration by strengthening the capacities of local governments. See more.
A new project in Ghana is designed to make democracy real by making it more effective and more transparent through decentralization at its core. One example of decentralization in Ghana is the Local Government Capacity Support Project (LGCSP), through which city assemblies in the country benefit from trainings, general support, and a grant for investment and service delivery. Both very small and large cities, like Accra, are included in this LGCS Project. It was started in 2011 by the Ghanaian Government and is funded by a World Bank performance-based grant. Forty-six local governments participate in the project with the intention to increase awareness of how to improve financial management and the project implementation among their officials. Accra is one of the municipalities taking part.
The first component is to strengthen the fiscal framework. Since municipal finance administration has long been insufficient in cities like Accra, the Ministry of Finance attempts to establish a more transparent and predictable finance framework for local officials. By creating some easily understandable templates, budget and audit information are now accessible to citizens. Apparently, since introducing these templates the interest in municipal finance has risen, although the opportunity to participate in budgeting processes has not fully developed.
Secondly, a decentralisation of urban service provision is underway. Cities can benefit from the Urban Development Grant for social infrastructural projects, such as educational or health infrastructure, markets, water, or sanitation. In addition, capacity buildings and trainings of municipal officers in the areas of development planning, management and provision are supported.
The third and fourth project components focus on stimulating public demand for more accountability in local governance. One example is the opportunity to know about the municipality’s budget, which is part of this initiative and is also supported by the media.
In 2015, a detailed citizens’ perception survey on local government public financial management and urban services was published on the LGCSP website. This showed that there still is a lot to be done towards satisfying citizens. Most didn’t know their key officials, were not satisfied with responses to enquiries, and didn’t think that municipal officials would listen to them. However, many citizens have already participated actively in planning meetings, especially in the Accra Metropolitan Association.
Overall, it seems that not only Accra, but 45 other municipalities (and their citizens!) in Ghana are benefitting from this attempt to decentralise local governance and make it more transparent. On its way towards collective management and democratic governance, Ghana’s LGSC Project can serve as an inspiration for other governments. Close.
Accra, 5 August 2016 — A low-income, Muslim neighbourhood in Accra has faced stigmatization that has even prevented community members from getting jobs. An organization, Nima Muhinmanchi Art, has been using art – painting, photography, and writing – to create a more cohesive and understanding community. See more.
Nima is a low-income neighbourhood in Accra and is nearly 80% Muslim. Many of Nima’s residents come from Northern Ghana where Islam is more widespread. However, Nima is multi-ethnical and overpopulated. It is often understood as a “zongo,” a migrant city within the city where Islam traditionally prevails. There are several such zongos in Accra, all of them marginalized and in many ways excluded from civic life.
In 2011, three artists from Nima founded Nima Muhinmanchi Art (“muhinmanchi” describes the importance of art in Hausa), an arts collective and NGO based in Nima. Their street art projects are very successful and gain a lot of media attention. NMA is now also active in other Ghanaian cities and plans to expand to other African countries soon.
In an interview for URB.im, one representative from NMA said, "The whole community rallies behind NMA because we serve as a mouthpiece by representing, presenting and protecting the interest of the entire Nima community through our street art programs. … Our vision for NIMA community is very broad but to mention the few is to foster unity among ourselves, change the negative perception towards Nima, recreate spaces into artistic centers, create more employment for creative minds and connect them to the global art community."
When asked about the diversity of Nima, they replied, "We live in unity and harmony as one people. We believe religion is very important but it should be our personal business that should govern our personal lives, our personal morals. … So NMA is just an art organization that deals solely with art but not a religious organization. Therefore, our mission is to promote art and culture of our own to the world."
While it took some time until NMA was accepted and truly understood by the community, they now are a very popular organization and have gained support from donors like the pharmaceutical company BASF and from crowd-funding. Constant media attention, a very active Facebook site and increased tourism has helped to promote NMA’S cause. NMA is also part of Accra’s popular Chale Wote Festival, an art festival that is taking place once a year. In 2016, Chale Wote takes place from August 18-21.
Through street art, the artists of NMA hope to achieve a lot, such as providing education to Nima’s youth and addressing the many prejudices that there are against the people from this “zongo.” While this discrimination might not exactly be a taboo, it is still a very important issue that NMA with the help of Chale Wote Festival are tackling by creative use of murals and other forms of street art. Close.
Accra, 15 July 2016 — The informal sector plays a crucial role in sustaining Accra’s economy. However, informal workers have low wages and are very dependent on their employers. Ghana has a relatively well-developed union landscape. Informal workers have been organizing in Informal Workers Associations for the last few decades in order to create a lasting and sustainable path towards improving their working conditions and quality of life. See more.
The informal sector plays a crucial role in sustaining Accra’s economy. However, informal workers have low wages and are very dependent on their employers. Ghana has a relatively well-developed union landscape. Informal workers have been organizing in Informal Workers Associations for the last few decades in order to create a lasting and sustainable path towards improving their working conditions and quality of life.
In 2013, the Council for Informal Workers Association (CIWA) was established and in 2015 it became its own union – UNIWA (Union of Informal Workers Associations). UNIWA is a member of Ghana’s "mouthpiece" for unionized workers, the Trade Union Congress (TUC), which consists of eighteen national unions with a total worker membership of about 500,000. Although informal workers are still not represented anywhere near well enough considering their numbers, UNIWA is a step in the right direction for informal workers’ rights. Informal workers will now have to be taken more seriously by the Ghanaian government. So far, little of the government-promised measures like minimum wages and improved social protection have been implemented.
UNIWA offers support for demanding fair wages, clarifying legal issues and disputes, and implementing a healthy work environment. Many other TUC unions allow informal workers as affiliates. So far, UNIWA has nine informal workers associations as members (including the Greater Accra Tomato Traders Association, Ga East Traders Association and New Makola Market Traders Union) and it is expected that many more will join in 2016. TUC offers vocational training for workers in the country’s informal economy. This also includes awareness-building of workers’ rights and adequate working conditions, including better account management.
However, there is also some scepticism regarding this unionization of informal labor. The financial burden of paying membership fees to unions or associations is considered high for some informal workers, and although UNIWA is growing in numbers, they are still dependent on political will. Leverage is increasing, though, and UNIWA stated that they are "riding on the leverage of the TUC." Access to UNIWA is being simplified to include as many workers as possible.
Another concern is the monopoly of the union. Informal workers who are not part of it may lose the little bargaining power they have. Their working conditions will continue to be determined by their employer and there is a danger that the government might react to UNIWA’s demands but neglect the other informal workers. A strike is one of TUC’s main strategies and its deputy General Secretary said that TUC will count on the numbers of informal workers when striking. This might prove to be problematic since every day without work is an unpaid day.
Aside from unions and associations, there are other bottom-up initiatives for improving informal workers’ labor conditions. Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO) conducted an Informal Economy Budget Analysis in 2013/14 together with workers to examine how government budgets address the informal economy. While their results were shocking (i.e., the local governments show almost no support for informal economy workers), the analysis served to voice this concern of lacking support. Together with the TUC, WIEGO also launched StreetNet in Ghana, an organization of street vendors that supports negotiations between informal vendors, traders, and local governments with a focus on full participation of informal workers.
In conclusion, Accra’s informal workforce is essential to the city’s economic success and needs to be supported much better by the government in order to guarantee inclusiveness and improved livelihoods. The most interesting initiatives, however, come from the bottom up with small associations joining forces with a large union to advocate for the rights of informal workers.Close.
URB.im, the global community working for just and inclusive cities, propagates innovation and connects all members of the ecosystem working on urban poverty alleviation in the Global South. A project of Dallant Networks sponsored by the Ford Foundation, this new online network establishes an international community of practice and learning, sharing ideas and experiences to innovate, replicate, and scale working solutions to the problem of urban poverty in the Global South.
It is currently focused on twenty-four cities: Accra, Bangalore, Bogotá, Cairo, Cali, Cape Town, Caracas, Chittagong, Curitiba, Dar es Salaam, Delhi, Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Lagos, Lilongwe, Mexico City, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Surabaya, and Tehran.
This position offers visibility on a global platform with an outstanding reputation, and is ideal for urban-planning students and graduates, journalists and social activists working in urban poverty alleviation. To apply, please email your detailed information, explaining your interest, qualifications, and why you think you would be successful in this position.
Accra, 23 December 2015 — Accra has been bearing the brunt of climate change through periodic flooding. This is because of the improper disposal of plastic waste on the streets, which tends to choke drainage systems, impeding the flow of torrential rains and causing flooding. The Accra Composite and Recycling Plant (ACARP) has been collecting and recycling these plastic materials into products that are being used locally and globally. See more.
Issues of climate change have featured predominantly in world global discussions over the years. According to the World Bank Development Report 2010, Development and Climate, the effect of climate change will be inescapable, and developing countries will bear the brunt of climate change. Forums such as the Kyoto Protocol, which ended in 2012, and the Paris COP 21 provide platforms for world leaders to discuss climate change policies and ways of mitigating its effect.
The city of Accra has been bearing the brunt of climate change over the years. Perennial flooding in Accra is a common phenomenon leading to the loss of lives and properties. In June 2015, flood and fire disaster in Accra led to the tragic death of over 200 people and the loss of millions worth of properties. The occurrence of perennial flooding is attributed to small sizes of drainage systems, which are mostly choked with plastic waste and other garbage. Inappropriate disposal of plastic materials on streets, instead of in waste bins, is very common. And due to the effect of climate change, Accra has been experiencing torrential rains, which tend to sweep these plastic wastes into drainage systems, impeding the free flow of rain water and causing flooding.
As a policy tool, the Accra Composite and Recycling Plant (ACARP), a public-private partnership with the government of Ghana, has been at the forefront of collecting the Accra municipal waste and plastic materials and recycling them to produce high quality organic composite for agriculture purposes. Since its establishment in 2012, it has been collecting, sorting, processing, and recycling solid and liquid waste to produce organic manure for agronomic purposes. It also produces high quality pelletized plastics as raw materials to some local industries in Ghana for further production into various plastic items. In addition, other recovered materials such as textiles, packaging materials and other highly combustible materials are also used for the manufacturing of high calorific burning materials for specific industries. It also exports some of the recycled materials to China and Malaysia for further production into textiles, film, and carpets.
On average, approximately 600 metric tons per day of municipal solid waste in Accra is sent to the plant to be recycled. This constitutes approximately 50 percent of the total waste collected in Accra, which would have otherwise ended up on landfill sites and drainage systems due to improper disposal. The company’s activities of recycling solid, liquid, and plastic waste contribute significantly to reducing excessive greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time helping in reducing periodic flooding. The company is also the first in Ghana to qualify for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) claims on carbon credits, which is one of the flexible adaption policies adopted under the Kyoto Protocol. This provides an alternative source of revenue for the company to trade carbon credit. In no small way, the firm is contributing significantly in reducing the overhaul of plastic waste that engulfs our streets. Close.
Accra, 22 October 2015 — With this month's forum aimed at assessing impact, this article focuses on an urban malaria control program in Accra. The Ghana Health Services gathers periodic data on malaria cases reported at various hospitals in the country. Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Ghana, accounting for about a third of outpatient cases noted each year. Most studies on malaria prevalence rates have been focused on rural areas, where the prevalence rate of the disease is perceived to be higher than urban areas. See more.
With this month's forum aimed at assessing impact, this article focuses on an urban malaria control programme particularly in Accra. The Ghana Health Service gathers periodic data on malaria cases reported at various hospitals in the country. Malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Ghana, accounting for about a third of outpatient cases noted each year. Most studies on malaria prevalence rates have been focused on rural areas, where the prevalence rate of the disease is perceived to be higher than urban areas. However in 2014, The Ghana Health Service in partnership with USAID conducted a multi-centric study of the malaria burden within Accra and other urban areas, which was aimed at helping health practitioners to be better informed about urban malaria in Ghana and to contribute to policy-making and public health programming. The study was also aimed at assessing the disease prevalence rate among various social groups within Accra and the way forward for controlling the disease.
A public health triangulation approach was used for this study to assess the malaria burden in the major cities and also to better understand the implications of these findings for malaria control in Ghana. The approach involves the process for reviewing, synthesizing, and interpreting secondary data from multiple sources that inform public health decisions. The major sources of data included household surveys, both those with a nationwide sample and those focused exclusively on Accra, data reported monthly by health facilities in Ghana, and reports of previous studies documenting the burden of urban malaria in specific communities. This provided a means of validating results to increase credibility in ensuring a more detailed understanding of the findings.
Among other things, the study found out that malaria transmission and prevalence vary greatly within neighbourhoods of Accra. Individuals from poor neighbourhoods were more susceptible to the disease than the average person in Accra. The prevalence of the disease in children of poor household is 50 percent to 100 percent higher than the average for other children within the city. Pregnant women from poor neighborhoods were also more prone to the disease. However, messages had been sent regarding malaria control. The study also found out that there were important shortcomings in malaria control activities. Urban poverty was cited as the major hindrance in the inability of the poor to access quality health care: inadequate use of anti-malaria drugs, lack of insecticide mosquito nets, and less use of laboratory testing to diagnose malaria cases before providing medical prescriptions.
The study therefore recommended that urban anti-malaria programs should promote the use of Insecticide treated nets for pregnant women and children as well as the use of anti-malaria drugs and rapid laboratory diagnoses of malaria cases. Furthermore, it also concluded that community-based malaria control interventions to achieve these objectives should target the poorest urban households, and those with a higher burden of malaria..Close.
Accra, 24 September 2015 — Ghana was selected for an inclusive dialogue on what should be the core mandate of the post-2015 agenda. This led to stakeholder meetings between various participants, particularly the poor and the vulnerable, who laid out their grievance during the country consultation. See more.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have played a major role in focusing development policy since their inception 15 years ago. However, Ghana has faced enormous challenges in meeting its MDG targets. Some of the reasons for this include lack of local participation, and the top-down approach of the MDG, without focusing on local needs and preferences. As the MDGs draw to a close, 2015 sets a new paradigm with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) globally.
As part of the process to ensure inclusive dialogue, the United Nations (UN) selected Ghana as one of the 50 countries to provide inputs on priorities and feedback on the means of implementation that will define the development goals. This partnership is with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) of Ghana. As part of the dialogue process, a series of stakeholder meetings were held in the three Northern regions of Ghana that account for a higher incidence of poverty. Also, deprived communities across the country, especially in urban slums of Accra, Kumasi, and Takoradi (the three largest cities in Ghana), were selected for focus group discussions and consultation with professional groups and civil society organizations.
Accra's urban poor raised issues such as environment and sanitation, peace and security, education and skills training, and housing and employment. The groups of urban poor noted that they lacked sanitation facilities and waste disposal sites, as well as tenure security to set up decent accommodations. They also raised concerns about their inability to gain decent employment, and how out of reach public services are from them. They therefore deemed education, job creation, access to housing and tenure security, affordable health care and access to public goods a paramount agenda. Feedback and recommendations from these meetings were taken by the NDPC and the UN towards informing the implementation of the SDGs.
The country consultations have provided opportunity for inclusive dialogue that captures the views of the urban poor towards promoting a global development agenda beyond 2015. It has provided an analytical base, inputs and ideas that build on a shared global vision of ending poverty in all its forms including, urban poverty, and ensuring sustainable cities for all. The urban poor have been given this opportunity to articulate their concerns towards ensuring a better urban future. This has certainly challenged the dominant policy formulation and implementation approach, which is mostly top-down, without regard to local context and needs. Post-2015 must see the Ghanan government, development stakeholders and the urban poor working hand-in-hand to meet the SDG targets to ensure a better standard of living for all. Close.
Accra, 27 May 2015 — Participation is a panacea to inclusive governance and development. Nonetheless, the forgotten voice of the urban poor in Accra is a recipe for seclusion. Reviving the spirits of an all-inclusive and participatory urban governance dream, Global Communities' IncluCity, WASH-UP, and SCALE-UP projects have brought not only hope to Accra's urban poor but have also rekindled the essence of a grapevine participation. See more.
Accra is often faced with challenges in providing potable water and good sanitation for its inhabitants due to rapid population growth, poverty, and urban governance issues. Low-income urban residents who live in slums are the most affected. While local groups like youth groups, dressmaker associations, and traditional leaders do cooperate with one another to advocate for communal needs, their efforts are limited by the negligence of local and metropolitan authorities.
To respond to the needs of these low-income communities, the organization Global Communities has helped improve not only water accessibility and sanitation, but also local community participation in local and municipal governance. This is done through their IncluCity, Water Access Sanitation and Hygiene for Urban Poor (WASH-UP), and Slum Communities Achieving Livable Environments with Urban Partners (SCALE-UP) projects. Global Communities (formerly CHF International) is a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low- and moderate-income communities around the world, including Accra. Working on social, economic, and environmental conditions, Global Communities has fostered a citizen-government partnership that improves the needs of poor communities in Accra. The objective of the WASH-UP and SCALE-UP programs is to increase equitable access to water supply and basic sanitation for poor urban communities by promoting cooperative efforts between civil society organizations, local service providers, and the government.
In partnership with the Nimba Community Support Services and 68 Community Based Organisations, the project seeks to involve low-income communities in participating in decision-making with respect to communal needs. Global Communities has been able to empower and serve the interest of about one million people living in 24 poor communities across Accra.
Global Communities and their local partners have been able to assemble community action plans from low-income communities through a consultation process which brings together community members and their leaders. By acting as a link for these poor communities, they are able to dialogue with districts and municipal assemblies to include these ideas in their short and medium-term plans for the district. These proposals are then sent to the central government to be included in the national development plans. Grants are awarded to communities, which implement the projects based on the priority of needs in the community action plan. Community members often provide labour, often using their local knowledge.
Avenor, an Accra neighborhood, is one of the communities that has been improved through the provision of public water systems and sanitation facilities. With help from municipal and metropolitan authorities, the Ghana Water and Sewerage Company, and local CBOs and leaders, tap water was installed in local houses and connected to water mains. With the leadership of Global Communities, the project was financed by the metropolitan authorities and Global Communities, with the local community providing the labour needed at no cost.
Through this community-based participation in decision-making and project implementation, poor communities are able to make their own decisions as well as implement and manage them for the common good of their communities. With the leadership of Global Communities, the views and needs of these poor communities are considered and inclusive development is achieved through bottom-up planning. Close. | 2019-04-18T19:25:50Z | http://www.urb.im/cities?tid_cities%5B%5D=3 |
Every presidential election turns South Florida into a battleground. Florida is a swing state, and Greater Miami is its most populous region. Most voters there are Democrat, but about 25% of them are unaffiliated and up for grabs. As Election Day nears, the two major party candidates are neck-and-neck, and they and their surrogates have descended on Miami to fight for the swinging Cuban vote. Among the area’s overwhelming Hispanic majority, Cubans are the most numerous group (a third state-wide, and more in South Florida) and a powerful voting bloc, with great political, financial and media power. Traditionally Republican, they increasingly lean Democrat thanks to a U.S. born generation as well as newer immigrants who favor fluid communications with Cuba. In fact, the Cuban stronghold of Hialeah –home to about 300,000 people, mostly Cuban- went for Obama four years ago, despite the city’ self-proclaimed Republicans leading in City Hall. But will it also go Blue this year?
Merely a few days before the count, some polls claim that Donald Trump is up by several points in Florida, while others ascertain that as many as a quarter of Republican early voters are crossing party lines. But who will ultimately win is anyone’s guess and it may come down to the Cuban vote. Whether or not Trump carries Florida, however, his discourse of power and nation has resonated with many immigrants’ yearning for a nation, at ease with a hierarchical model of society led by a strongman. At the same time, Trump’s personal story has validated the myth of the American dream that inspired many immigrants in their journey. In Miami, while Cuban Americans and a middle class might support Trump on the basis of his economic prescriptions, first generation immigrants might also find an appeal in his ideology of national destiny.
It is not just the old anti-Communist guard. In Miami, among the Cuban political elite and in the low- and mid- income Cuban neighborhoods, from the so-called exilio histórico to recent “balseros,” from the well-to-do to the down-and-out, Trump has followers. The community, however, is sorely divided. My Qué Pasa Hialeah group stopped meeting after some in the group (“the Millennials “) disrespected Donald Trump, or so it seemed to several others. We were a group of concerned citizens from all walks of life: gay and straight, young and old, professors and students, artists and entrepreneurs, mostly Cuban, who came together once or twice a month to plot how to make Hialeah a more livable place: how to promote the arts, and how to turn out voters, when in some elections barely a 5% of the electorate participates. At first glance, other than perhaps age, nothing much distinguished the “Right” from the “Left”- not even funkiness. Some of the ones planning to vote for Trump had the most alternative lifestyles, and although in some cases loyal Republicans, they were also social activists and by no means what anyone would think of as “conservative.” But when the Qué Pasa Hialeah group was rumored to be a Democratic Party scheme, things fell apart, at least until after the election, when everyone will go back to caring about the parks, the arts, the homeless, and the shady dealings of City Hall.
The fracture between those who support “Donald Tronco” and “Hillary Clítoris,” as comedian Alexis Valdés calls them, is as deep as it is messy, and it cuts across friends, relatives and colleagues – although Millennials are more likely to view Donald Trump in unflattering terms, including as a flying pig. “Mom, don’t vote for that man,” pleaded a friend to his mother on Facebook, while scores of others have blocked cousins and aunts and uncles. At times, the confrontation has become physical, as at the very Cuban Hialeah-based America TeVe talk show 90 Millas (90 miles). There, a pro-Trump Cuban American panelist had to be restrained from assaulting another guest who played with Trump’s last name and turned it into “trumposo” (which sounds like tramposo, or cheater). Former Punto y Coma comedian Javier Berridy parodied the situation in an online video that quickly garnered over a quarter of a million views. To the popular “La Gozadera” hit song, renamed as “La Votadera” (The Voting Frenzy), Berridy mocks the average voter’s confusion (“one [candidate] is worse than the other,” he sings], emphasizing the animosity the election has generated: “People are crazy out there, fights everywhere, everyone wants to be right…” In the end, he realizes that he is not a citizen, and so he is spared from the unsavory decision.
The media is also divided. The Miami Herald, like all the South Florida mainstream papers, has gone into high gear against Trump, endorsing a Democrat for president, but in the process throwing its darling senator Marco Rubio under the bus (its Spanish-language offspring El Nuevo Herald, however, still endorsed Marco Rubio). “Donald Trump has managed to talk a good game to fire up frustrated and frightened mostly white Americans,” wrote the Miami Herald editors, without elaborating if those included their Cuban readers. The paper’s veteran Cuban columnist Fabiola Santiago, went as far as calling Trump a clown and a “vulgar chusma-in-chief,” and describing his Cuban supporters as suffering from “Cuban supremacy syndrome.” The fact that Cubans have immediate parole into the country and fast track to citizenship would make them feel superior to other immigrants. Indeed, Cuban immigrants in Miami have an uneasy relation to other Latinos and to black Americans in terms of class, race, and ethnicity, that reveals their own uneasy position within American society. A lot of that is manifested in Spanish talk radio, by and large favoring Trump.
I tuned in to the quintessential exilio station Radio Mambí, on 720 AM, the day (October 24th) when its star host, Ninoska Pérez Castellón, was airing her interview with Donald Trump. Trump was in town that day, speaking first to the Bay of Pigs veterans and then meeting with selected Cuban American leaders, including University of Miami’s History Professor Jaime Suchliki, in Doral. Like Trump’s remarks at both meetings, the interview itself felt scripted and trite, catering to the standard exile views by opposing Obama’s rapprochement as a bad deal. A full-hour of call-ins followed, most of them from older Cubans praising the candidate. It was when the show broke to commercials, that the listener was forced to step back into a Miami that was more than Ninoska’s loyal listeners.
Indeed, every time Trump’s words were interrupted to go to a break, a generically-accented, soft spoken woman called, in one recurrent ad, on “mothers, daughters and sisters” to defend “morals, order, and civility in the home” and ensure “the survival of family and decency.” In another, a languid, also non-Cuban feminine voice, spoke of her sons who proudly served in the Armed Forces, only to convey her fear for that which threatened her love for them and the country they were defending. In both cases, Donald Trump’s vulgarity was identified as the menace to these deeply conservative values of family, motherhood and nation. The messages, delivered in a humble, almost mournful manner, were incongruous with the high-energy show. More to the point, they were unlikely to convince an uncompromising audience of Cuban exiles who referred to Clinton as la vieja esa (“that old woman”), and whose foremost concerns were not about private morality but about restoring the might of the American Empire and bringing the Castro government to its knees.
The exilio histórico’ support for Trump was a given. From Spanish talk radio, to public manifestos (like that of the 92-year old soap opera writer Delia Fiallo making the case that Clinton wants to impose a Soviet-type regime, Obamacare being exhibit #1), to demonstrations in front of the iconic Versailles Restaurant in Calle Ocho, the aging Cuban exiles have made the case for Trump on the basis of U.S. Cuba policy and historic resentment against the Democratic Party. The memory of Bill Clinton forcing Eliancito’s return to Cuba is still fresh, and the vote against him, and by extension his wife, is an emotional one. But Trump needs, and has, more votes than they can deliver.
As an anthropologist, I could not help but smile when Maureen Dowd, while recently promoting her latest book, mocked her fellow journalists in their search for the authentic native; now refashioned as a Trump voter. “It’s so funny, because all of my fellow Times columnists have been going on these Margaret Mead road trips,” Dowd said. “‘We’re gonna find this strange, exotic creature called the Trump voter, and try and understand who they are, and reason with them.’” In Miami, however, Trump voters are by no means exotic. What is baffling is, precisely, their ubiquity.
On Sunday, October 30, 2016, I persuaded a friend with a good camera and an even better eye to go to Hialeah’s central library, where there was early voting. There, we found Raquel-Regalado-for-mayor activists, Mario Diaz-Balart flier handlers, and lots of signs on fences and grassy areas surrounding the building, but none for either of the presidential candidates. Then, in between parked cars, behind an older woman sitting at a camping chair and surrounded by signs of local races, we spotted three signs with the Trump/Pence logo on them. One for Hillary appeared at a fence behind another car. It seemed that Hialeahns cared a lot more about local issues than about Washington affairs. Where were the Hialeahns for Trump?
We decided to pay a visit to the local Trump office, two blocks away.
It was a small, nondescript brick building, fronted with flowers. We walked up the three stairs and pulled the door open, only to find an altar with photos of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama, and a handmade cardboard sign that read “the real deplorables.” The main office was ample and tidy, with imitation-wood walls and flower bouquets here and there that gave it an old heartland vibe. There, several elderly women were phone banking. Unlike in the Bernie or Hillary campaigns, where volunteers use laptops and a special software program to dial in numbers, they were using landline telephones tied to the wall. In another room, two more women, one clad with an Islamic headscarf, were sitting side by side, also making phone calls.
Back in the main room, one of the women asked for our phone numbers (they did not do email) and offered us yard and knob signs. We declined the latter, and they nodded, as if understanding that we would not want neighbors to know. Having canvassed for Obama in Hialeah four years ago, I knew that people did not want to be outed for the Democrats. Yet Obama carried Hialeah, however narrowly. Now the tables were turned. Many people would vote for Trump. They were just not saying it out loud. And they were not volunteering. Most of the volunteers did not seem to be from around. They spoke little or no Spanish, and when another was dispatched to the library with more Trump signs, she requested directions (200 yards down the sidewalk).
This was definitely not the boisterous Cuban atmosphere we expected. When a middle aged couple walked in for bumper stickers, we took the opportunity to wave goodbye to the affable ladies. We got on the Jeep and set the GPS to our next stop: a “Cubans 4 Trump flash mob” in Miami Lakes, a well-to-do suburb of Hialeah.
By the time we arrived at the corner of Miami Lakes Drive and 77th Ct, the rally was in full swing, with people along the sidewalk and the median euphorically holding up their Trump/Pence signs. The controversial mayor of Miami Lakes –recently acquitted of federal bribery charges– had just paid a visit to show support, and cars blew their horns as they drove by.
This was a cheerful bunch: most of them families with children, bilingual, white, born in the U.S. or here since childhood, and living nearby – in an area with a median income of 62k and a median housing price of 228k (both more than double than Hialeah’s). They were friendly, happily agreeing to pose for photos. Some of them said that they had supported Bush in the primaries, others Rubio, and only one told us that she had been for Trump since the get-go. Yes, they were aware of Trump’s flaws, but “la” Clinton was just not an option.
One generation removed from the exile trauma, their discourse, concerns and views were within the Republican mainstream regarding taxes, business, immigration, etc. The Cuban flag was absent from their sign and from their rally, while the U.S. flag was there but with measure. These “flash mobsters” neither looked to Cuba nor needed to assert an Americanness that they took for granted. In this respect, they differed from more recent Cuban immigrants -like many Guantánamo balseros— whose Facebook pages yield U.S. flag after U.S. flag, and photos of themselves, now middle aged, proudly showing iconic sites of U.S nationalism. Some of them, members of various Cuban immigrant Facebook groups, can be seen in military fatigues and carrying guns – in one case, undergoing militia training in the Everglades- and unequivocally supporting Donald Trump. These images seemed to be worlds away from the Miami Lakes middle class, however. The very fact that their rally was in a distant suburban road is also telling. Unlike old exiles and new immigrants, both of whom typically took their grievances to the downtown Freedom Tower – the iconic building where exiles were processed into the U.S.- the Miami Lakes crowd did not feel they needed to make the additional statement of taking on a symbolic space, beyond their suburb’s most transited corner. That alone indicated their taken-for-granted belonging to the U.S. nation.
As we left the rally, we waved goodbyes to the new friends who invited us to a teaparty gathering the following Sunday as nonchalantly as if it were a family picnic.
What united all these people in Trump?
It was another one of Ninoska’s callers at Radio Mambí who offered a clue. “What we need after this eight years of Obama, is a man who wears the pants,” he said, and not “la vieja esa” (the old hag) who would faint at the sight of the first terrorist that crossed the border. Trump would fight him instead, as if terrorism was to be fought body to body. Clinton, like Obama, was portrayed as weak. “Obama was not even received by Castro at the airport,” Trump complained to Ninoska. Had it been him, he said, he would have gone back into the plane and told the pilot, “come on, we are going home.” Clinton too, had been taken for a ride by Castro back in the 1990s, heard Trump over and over in his community meetings with exiles.
It was Trump’s bravado’s that made him appear as a leader. Many people shared his view of Obama’s weakness before Raúl Castro, and he knew it was safe to praise Raúl Castro as more of a leader than Obama; even in a context in which praising the Castros is a sin. It is no coincidence that a city like Hialeah has a “presidentialist” system with a strong mayor who is also the city manager: its first Cuban mayor held on to his post for a full 24 years (1981-2005). Trump’s white male authority signifies a restoration of order in a fragmented Cuban society still finding its place within the United States. As a businessman whose supporters refuse to see as less than successful, he is the embodiment of the American dream and a living proof that neoliberal tax policies allow just about anyone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and reach the top. Thus, to new cohorts of Cuban immigrants, Trump represents hope better than Obama, because he promises self-reliance.
Most importantly, Trump has shifted political discourse away from expert knowledge and elevated it back to the superstructure, the realm of ideological rhetoric. In so doing, he allows for many different people to connect to it, regardless of their actual politics. What is at stake is the nation itself: its boundaries and the exclusion of those who have traversed them unceremoniously, without undergoing the proper initiation rites. Trump, like no other candidate before, has tapped into an unfulfilled need for collective nationalist expression in a country that is laissez-faire in that respect. In addition, as a modern ideologue, Trump has also connected the nation to the modernization and industrialization enterprises, weaving a type of narrative that theorist Svetlana Boym called “restorative nostalgia.” That is, he is proposing a continuity with a past vision of the future; the vision that the Founding Fathers and other gentle folk were said to have imagined for the country’s greatness. In this sense, Trump’s view is essentially utopian.
After the election, even if he loses nationally, he will have provided his immigrant constituency with the means of expression for non liberal understandings of the polity, otherwise delegitimized. These understandings, concerning patriotism, hierarchy, authority and order, will remain above ground if only because they are national universals. This is a battle for the nation, for the American nation, and the survival of Cuban exceptionalism within it.
Photo Credits: IVG (Ivana Blanco Gross), AHR (Ariana Hernandez-Reguant), and PP (Petra Pieters). Video by Petra Pieters.
Ariana Hernandez-Reguant is a cultural anthropologist (PhD University of Chicago), a research assistant professor of Cuban Studies at Tulane University, and Cuba Counterpoints' editor-in-chief. She is author/editor of Cuba in the Special Period. Culture and Ideology in the 1990s (Palgrave 2008), and of numerous academic articles on Cuban culture and society. Her dissertation research on the changes in artistic labor and arts' value in 1990s Cuuba merited the 2002 SGAE award to Best Manuscript on the Cultural Industries. Hernandez-Reguant's current ethnographic practice takes place in Hialeah (FL), home to the biggest concentration of Cubans in the United States, on civic participation and notions of freedom. There, she is part of the award-winning experimental social practice art collective HICCUP (Hialeah Contemporary Culture Project), with Ernesto Oroza.
I will post it in Blackboard for my Habana Miami class. great work!
Those Cubans loves Donald because they are Tramposos también! | 2019-04-18T10:36:23Z | https://cubacounterpoints.com/archives/4399?page_number_2=2 |
This post contains photos that might be uncomfortable for some people. That is intentional.
I am a both a meat eater and an animal lover. Intellectually, I understand what happens between farm and fork but before last week I hadn’t had any first-hand experience in the raising, killing and butchering of the animals that I ate. With this Life List item, I faced this cowardice head-on.
The single most fulfilling intellectual exercise that I do is actively testing my long held assumptions. Each of us lives in a world that changes constantly and we occupy bodies that change just as fast. Unfortunately, our minds don’t always adapt to our changing conditions. In order to make up for this weakness, I periodically take a solid belief of mine and actively test it to see if the given assumption still holds true for me.
This process has resulted in me reversing my belief in free will (I don’t believe in it anymore), strengthening my beliefs about gun ownership (I believe gun control should be more like American voting rights. After fulfilling minimum requirements any one can earn the right but you instantly lose it if you make bad decisions) and last month, this mental exercise drastically changed my views on the morals of eating animals (my new point of view will likely surprise you).
I have spent two years passively working on this particular Life List item. I eat meat and I care deeply about animals. Unfortunately, this created a division in my life that I saw as cowardly. I knew I wanted to face going through the whole process of spending time with an animal and then killing, butchering and eating it but I didn’t want to walk into the situation lightly. I care a lot about animals and don’t want to treat them unethically even when doing them harm. Dozens of times I looked into options for doing this. Each time, it didn’t feel right.
This changed last month when I found Farmstead Meatsmith. These butchers were different. They were highly intellectual, local and ethical. They emphasized using every piece of the animal for eating and clearly cared about both the well-being and the taste of the animal, an interesting combination.
Two weeks ago, I boarded a ferry, slept in a tiny motel and woke up early to go kill my first mammal.
Early in the morning, I met with a local farmer and his girlfriend. They had spent the previous nine months raising the animals that we would be eating.
After making some small talk, we approached the pig pen. The pigs were not interested in us. Instead, they wanted food and sleep. They were clearly aware of us and each other but were disinterested in our company.
The farmers had hired Farmstead Meatsmith to show them how to humanely slaughter and butcher their animals. We spent a long time chatting with the butcher and interacting with the pigs. Much like when I went hunting, I realized that butchers, the people who studied and spent time with the animals, were also the most humane. If interacting with animals is your craft, even if this interaction involves killing them, it is extremely difficult not to learn to respect them. It is this respect for craft and the animals that separates small town farmers and butchers from large corporate food factories.
The butcher explained his killing process. Instead of forcing the animal into a tiny area to keep it from moving, he would offer it some food and patiently wait for the ideal shot. Rather than using a bolt which required harnessing the animal, he would be using an exploding bullet which would destroy the brain of the pig instantly. There would be no time for the pig to feel pain, it would just be lights out after one shot. He warned that the key to a humane death was patience and that waiting for the best shot could take up to 45 minutes. He wanted the death to occur instantly, taking a second shot was not a reasonable option.
He approached the pigs and noted which one came to him first. He told us that this was the more submissive pig (the dominant pig waited for him to approach) and that it was actually better to kill the more submissive pig earlier as it would get incredibly anxious if we killed its dominant partner first and it was forced to be alone.
We spent a lot of time with the pigs. We watched the pigs interact with us and each other. Their social behavior and mannerisms were fascinating. There was clearly a leader in the group and they most definitely relied on each other for protection. They were intellectually able to solve simple puzzles (like opening a gate latch) and clearly had unique personalities.
We got to know the pigs and discussed with each other what it meant to eat meat and what it meant to be a modern farmer.
The shot itself was quick and tidy. The farmer hit the brain on the first shot. Instantly the pig seized up. The death was so fast that there was not even enough time for the pig to inhale. Click-boom, lights out. There was very little blood and no reaction from the other pig.
The farmer very quickly stabbed the major artery in the pig’s neck and neatly bled out the animal. The whole killing process took less than a minute. Interestingly but uncomfortably the body of the pig continued to twitch and convulse for an additional minute. A doctor and scientist in our group said that humans do the same thing after fatal head injuries. The brain is gone and in reaction the muscles fire blindly. The farmer echoed that this happened in other animals on the farm as well. This was not behavior you see in the movies. It was uncomfortable but it was real.
After the teacher shot the first pig, it became clear that I had been underestimating the intelligence of the pigs while overestimating how human they were.
After the first pig died, the sibling pig showed no sign of interest, much less empathy or remorse. It seemed to be aware of its dead brother but didn’t seemed surprised or upset about the new situation. Instead, the other pig ignored his dead brother and waited for us to haul away the carcass. As soon as we did that, he eagerly walked over to lap up the warm blood on the ground. The pig could solve simple puzzles but lacked the brain capacity to feel anything more than simple emotions.
We carried the warm carcass to a mobile butchering truck and started the animal cleaning process. Our mission was to use every ounce of the pig for food.
I had assumed that butchery was a complex art that required nuanced knowledge of anatomy and hard earned knife skills.
Instead, I was reminded that necessity had given birth to butchery. It was created by men and women who had little time, even fewer specialized tools and big families to feed. There might be highly orchestrated butchers but the skills I learned were rather straightforward. The best knife was a sharp one and every cut was done for the purpose of making preservation or cooking of the meat easier. The blueprint was less driven by the pig’s physiology and more by the shape of pots and ovens. As my friends and I cut the pig into recognizable pieces (pork chops, ribs, tenderloins) the entire puzzle finally started to materialize in my head. I was finally experiencing and understanding the transformation from living animal to meal.
I had chosen my instructor due to his outspoken dedication to not wasting any part of the pig. I did this both for ethical reasons and for historical accuracy (before our current society of plenty, people used to put great emphasis on maximizing the food from animals.) Whereas commercial slaughtering houses use 40-60% of the dead weight of the animal, we were using nearly 100%.
At first I was impressed by how clean the slaughtering and butchering was. When I make even a small cut anywhere on my body, blood comes out to fill the hole. From that experience, I had expected the insides of the animal to be blood filled and dirty. Instead, the inside of the pig was more like a well designed machine.
Each bone, organ and muscle served a specific purpose and was mostly self-contained. We had bled the animal out in remarkably quick fashion (less than a minute) and even still it surprised me that there was very little blood left in the body (although the big exception to this was the head).
As we extracted each part of the pig, we discussed the bodily purpose and food options for each bone, organ and muscle. Again, I was surprised by how clean the process was.
This changed quickly as we got to the torso of the pig. With my arm shoulder deep in the carcass, I was instructed to remove the trachea through the midsection of the pig. The instructor said that while I wouldn’t recognize much at first but I would know I was holding the trachea when I felt somewhat that felt like my own throat. He was right. It was then that I caught the stench of the internal organs. They were not bloody as I had imagined but they were certainly rancid smelling.
The main reason that I picked a pig to slaughter rather than another animal was that a pig’s anatomy is remarkably similar to my own. With the big exceptions of the brain and the stomach, most of the major organs of a one year old pig are strikingly similar to that of a 30-year-old human male. This is the reason why we can replace human hearts with pig hearts but we can’t do the same with dog hearts.
It was important for me to go through the entire process with an animal that was similar to me. I eat meat and I want to take responsibility for my decisions. My decisions do have an impact on others and I want to feel that weight.
The similarities between the pig’s body and my own meant that our butchering of the pigs was the best and most useful anatomy class that I have taken part in. As we examined the internals of the pig, I learned an incredible amount about my own body.
This was not the case for everything. The liquids that lubricated the intestines and liver were rancid and quite pronounced. I quickly learned that sterile does not always mean odorless.
I was especially surprised by the weight and texture of the lungs. Whereas I had expected rubbery balloon like structures, I found something that was more reminiscent of memory foam. In blowing into them I was surprised to see that unlike a balloon, lungs don’t expand uniformly, rather they expand via a growing number of small sub-pockets.
I was also surprised and impressed with the durability of the various organs and arteries. At first, I was very much worried about puncturing the bladder and getting peed on. As I gained more experience, I learned that this wasn’t a realistic threat. Without the aid of a knife, all of the organs and major arteries were extremely difficult to puncture (which is of course a good thing). The inside of the pig was almost as durable as the outside. That made me feel a lot better about my own body.
Lastly, I was extremely surprised by the size and composition of the pig brain. While nearly every other organ in the pig was the same size as my organs, the brain was comically small (smaller than a single one of my fists). It was readily apparent that the pig was not biologically equipped to have high level brain functions. It’s brain was closer to that of a bird than a human.
After the butchery class, I took one of the pork chops home and prepared it for dinner. I did a small ceremony thanking the pig and took a moment of silence to think about all that goes into eating meat. As I cooked it, I thought about the farmers, the day to day lives of the pig, the butcher and where the pork chop I was about to eat existed on the pig that I had helped kill.
As expected, actively participating in the process of going from a live animal to a cooked meal did irreversibly change me. That change, however, was not what I expected.
Having gone through the experience, I now care more about what I eat but this is not due to my fondness for animals. My caring actually comes from somewhere quite opposite, somewhere more selfish. I now feel more distant from animals.
Pigs and all animals are now more foreign to me. I experienced first-hand how different their brains are from humans and saw the limits this puts on their experience of the world. Pigs do not experience the world like you and I do, they simply experience it like pigs. I thought about the emotionless pig seeing fuel and lapping up the blood of its brother without any feeling or indication of remorse.
I believe that all mammals can feel a limited amount of emotions and feelings. Fear, pain, connection to ones parent, sexual lust and curiosity are all feelings and emotions that are necessary for evolution. (A creature needs to be able to feel pain in order to avoid things that will injure it, likewise a creature needs to experience sexual lust in order to be driven to mate.) These emotions help a species survive and enable reproduction. As such, even relatively simple brains (brains lacking a neocortex) can facilitate those necessary emotions. But that is where I think most mammals hit their emotional complexity limit.
I no longer believe that mammals like pigs, cows, dogs or cats can feel higher level emotions like empathy, passion (in the non-sexual sense) or wonder. They simply don’t have the capacity to comprehend those emotions and feelings. They can experience a connection with a human that protects and provides for them (in exactly the same way that they would connect with their biological parent) but that doesn’t mean they spend their days wondering about the ambitions of their human companions. Instead, I believe these mammals spend their days transitioning between experiencing various levels of simple evolutionary driven feelings and sensations like hunger, thirst, companionship and sexual lust.
In the mammal world, a mother is something that gives birth and (depending on the species) helps keep a given animal alive by providing it with food, water and shelter. That is similar to humans. But that is where the similarities end. To a non-human mammal, a sibling (like the two pigs) are considered non-lethal competition. They compete for food but usually don’t actively fight each other. Understanding this helped me better tune my mental model of how other mammals experience life. They are not emotionless but they are also not human.
Before doing this Life List item my mental model of non-human mammals was like that of how I mentally envision the life of a human baby. While a human child isn’t currently capable of comprehending the world like me, I understood that as he or she continues to grow, they will one day experience the world like I do. A smile from a baby doesn’t mean exactly the same thing as when I smile but it does come from the same place. A baby is inexperienced but not incapable of feeling a large breadth of emotions.
This is fundamentally different from my new mental model of other mammals. Other mammals are both inexperienced and lack the capacity to feel complex emotions. As they spend more time in the world they can gain experience but they will never be able to experience additional complex emotions. From an emotional and complex thought perspective, their lives are black and white while more advanced animals are in various degrees of emotional color.
Whereas humans spend their days daydreaming, communicating with others and imagining alternative scenarios of real life events, other mammals spend their days more like passengers driven by relatively simple and evolutionarily necessary feelings and needs like hunger, thirst and protection driven companionship. They can feel satisfied by a meal but they can’t comprehend the beauty of a sunset.
Empathy is feeling the same emotion that is being felt by another being simply because the other being is feeling it.
This is where I now feel less connected with animals. I do not believe that they can feel the same way I do and therefore I now have less of an empathic relationship with them. While I certainly do not want to see needless harm happen to any creature, I now see non-human mammals more like a mechanical entity than an enlightened being.
Surprisingly after completing this Life List item, I now care less about eating animals and more about the mechanics and requirements of my own body.
My new worldview is selfish for sure, but evolutionary sound.
A special thanks to Mike and Scott for participating in this Life List item with me. Thanks guys! What a journey!
Fascinating perspective. I like the perspective of caring for the animal until the end. In Judaism, for meat to be considered kosher, it needs to be ritually slaughtered, One slice to the specific place on the neck, with a blade that has no nook in it. Instant death and painless. I guess I have always appreciated that and didn’t necessarily know why I did.
Excellent writing Danny! Great perspective on a topic more people need to explore. As a hunter with a huge respect for all animals, you said it all perfectly. …and now I’m hungry ? | 2019-04-25T20:12:16Z | https://www.lifelisted.com/blog/life-as-both-a-meat-eater-a-friend-of-animals/ |
MR. MCCURRY: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Let me start with an announcement. At the invitation of President Aristide, the President will travel to Haiti on March 31st. He will meet with and thank American and coalition forces who will be turning over on that day the peacekeeping operation in Haiti to the U.N. Mission -- the United Nations Mission in Haiti, or UNMIH -- which will take effect on that day. The President will also meet with President Aristide and his government to review the economic, security and political progress that has been achieved under Operation Uphold Democracy.
Obviously the President looks forward to an opportunity to thank American forces who have done a splendid job in not only returning President Aristide to his rightful position as the democratically-elected President of Haiti, but also who have restored democratic process and, increasingly, the prospect of economic livelihood to the people of Haiti.
Q Is this a day trip?
MR. MCCURRY: This will be a trip that will most likely come at the end of probably a three-and-a-half day visit to the South. The President also expects, I believe as some of you know, to participate in the first of what will be a series of regional economic conferences. The first will be held in Atlanta on March 29th. We'll be providing additional details of that as the participation list and the subjects become clear, although I think I've said several times that the regional economic conference concept will be a good opportunity for the President to talk about so many of the positive things happening in the economy and ways in which we can make the economic recovery work even better for working Americans.
The President in between those two days will be in Atlanta on the 29th; on the 30th we expect him to go to Tallahassee, Florida, opportunity to meet with community leaders and others to continue to press his case for the Middle Class Bill of Rights, for so many of the things that he is working on as he advances his concept of the New Covenant.
Q Is the trip to Haiti overnight?
MR. MCCURRY: No, we'll be returning that evening, evening of the 31st to Washington.
Q Is that because of security?
MR. MCCURRY: No, it's because it will be the end of a three-day trip -- three-and-a-half day trip.
Q Arkansas? Is Arkansas on the agenda?
MR. MCCURRY: Arkansas -- it is the President's plan, the last I heard, was then to go on to Arkansas on a private trip after returning first here to Washington.
Q Will he be taking Sam Nunn or Colin Powell or Jimmy Carter along to Haiti?
MR. MCCURRY: There will be a delegation that will accompany the President on that trip to Haiti, and that's still in formation.
Q When did you say that he might go to Arkansas on a private trip?
MR. MCCURRY: I think afterwards, maybe even the next day. The 31st is Friday, and so I think -- we expect the President, perhaps as early as the next day, to leave for a personal trip to Arkansas. We'll give you schedule details later on.
Q Mike, will there be any effort to tour Port-au-Prince or any parts of Haiti, or will it just be an airport stop?
MR. MCCURRY: Well, he'll be, to the degree that he can, given that he would -- he's very interested in meeting with President Aristide to review some of the developments there, he will, of course, want to visit with American troops, as well. But in addition to his bilateral meetings, the meetings with the troops, probably one or two public ceremonies marking the transfer of the multinational force to the U.N. mission, what other opportunities there are to sort of see some of the changes taking place in Haiti we are still developing. I wanted to give you as early as possible heads up because I know logistically, covering that type of trip might pose some difficulties.
Q How many troops do we have left and how many are moving in?
MR. MCCURRY: I hesitate to venture off the top of my head. I believe the authorized force size for UNMIH for 6,000, of which half were going to be U.S. And I believe we're pretty close to that figure now, if I'm not mistaken, Jonathan. So I think in the neighborhood of 3,000, but the Pentagon can help you out on that.
MR. MCCURRY: No, there's been a gradual -- as a secure and stable environment called for in the U.N. Security Council resolution have been created by the multinational force in Haiti, there's been a gradual drawdown of U.S. forces that were participating in the multinational force now in Haiti. And I believe we're pretty close to the 3,000 person level now, which is the half of the authorized U.N. level. So when the switchover occurs, U.S. force participation will be pretty much as envisioned under the U.N. Security Council resolution.
MR. MCCURRY: Around 3,000; half of the 6,000.
Q We're about there now?
MR. MCCURRY: I think we're about there now, Brit. But as I say, I think the Pentagon will be in a good position to brief you up more fully on what the force posture is in Haiti.
Q Different subject? What does the decline of the dollar mean as far as the Clinton administration's economic policies are concerned?
MR. MCCURRY: I don't know that they are related. Our economic policy is premised on the need to reduce deficits, create a strong economy that provides jobs to the American people, and to continue with some of the progress that President Clinton has been able to mark in the first two years of his administration. As to the dollar, it remains the view, as the administration has stated through the Treasury Secretary who is the authorized spokesman for the administration on the dollar, it remains in U.S. national interest to have a strong dollar.
Q Along those lines, Greenspan, in talking about the dollar and other things today, suggested that perhaps interest rate increases are not over, that the Fed is not yet convinced that inflation is no longer a danger. I would assume the administration sees things differently.
MR. MCCURRY: I just don't -- I'm not going to venture a comment on that at a time when you all know what the currency markets are doing.
Q Mike, what's the hangup on the Glickman nomination going up formally? And what, if any, are the concerns about having the Agriculture Department going this long without having a Secretary in the office?
MR. MCCURRY: We're anxious to proceed with the nomination as quickly as we can, and we will do so. I'm not aware of any particular hangup.
Q Well, there has to be. Come on, there has to be.
MR. MCCURRY: -- they can duly send things forward.
Q He has a problem, doesn't he?
MR. MCCURRY: -- and works with -- the White House legal counsel is working through the issues with the nominee.
Q Mike, again, the second part of the question is about any concerns about not having a Secretary for this long at a department the size of Agriculture.
MR. MCCURRY: We are anxious to have someone in other than an acting capacity. The Department of Agriculture is being ably and effectively administered now by those who are there. But we, naturally, prefer to have our nominee, once confirmed by the Senate, in place. And we hope that will occur shortly.
Q linked to the Mexico policy and to the long-term budget deficit.
MR. MCCURRY: I've done the dollar. Anything, anyone else -- other subject.
Q So you're not concerned?
Q You could at least let her ask the question.
MR. MCCURRY: Well, I will hear the question, but I will make it clear to you, and you can ask 10 different ways if you need to, the authorized spokesman for the administration on the dollar is the Treasury Secretary. That's true -- it's been true in most administrations. The Treasury Secretary has said that a strong dollar is in the national interest of the United States. And it won't be profitable for you to pursue questioning beyond that.
Q Can you take questions on the broader issue of currency stability just generally?
MR. MCCURRY: I would prefer not to because the question -- the direction of this question was, what's the relationship of x to y, and once you get into that, you might as well start speculating on a whole range of things that might affect the markets. And I'm just not going to do that.
MR. MCCURRY: It might -- it usually doesn't. That's the problem.
Q Yes, it's time to try something new.
Q The striker replacement issue -- what does it mean to you that the same authority that Reagan used to break the air controllers strike is being used by the President now to authorize that the government no longer will deal with companies that hire strike replacements?
MR. MCCURRY: Well, it reflects what you've heard us say, that the President is acting within his statutory authority as President and consistent with historical precedent. He's using his executive authority in a way here that protects the interests of American workers, protects the structure of collective bargaining in America, and also protects the American taxpayer, because we have an interest in stable labor management relations when the government is out there in the marketplace as a customer procuring goods and services. And we do have to buy things to keep this government running. And we have an interest in the stability of good, sound labor management relations and practices of which leads to better prices and better productivity and a better deal for the American taxpayer.
Q Would you support legislation in Congress that would codify what the President did by executive order?
MR. MCCURRY: Well, the President has supported legislation that would ban the use of permanent replacement workers, yes. But as I think you know, that's not likely to go anywhere in this Congress.
Q Does the White House see the attack on Americans in Karachi as an act of revenge for the arrest of an accused terrorist?
MR. MCCURRY: Mark, as you'll hear the State Department say shortly if they're not already briefing on this subject, we are working very closely with the government of Pakistan to learn more about the incident, determine the identity of those who perpetrated the attack so they can bring them to justice. It's at this point, frankly, not useful to speculate on motive. We don't know the motive, and to the last I've checked, there hasn't been any groups that I'm aware that has claimed credit yet.
MR. MCCURRY: Nothing new. I expect that as the President continues this review, those who are working on it on his behalf on staff will reach out and touch base with a wide variety of people who have thoughts on the subject. I expect people will be on the Hill and talking to other people who have an interest in the outcome of the review. But that would indicate to you that we're moving ahead on this, not that it is anywhere near completion.
Q Has anyone here met with Jackson specifically about this issue?
MR. MCCURRY: There have been some discussions with him. I don't know whether he's met with anyone, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the course of this review someone does meet with Reverend Jackson because his views on this are strong and most often very persuasive.
Q There's a report that the results will be delayed now, the report is going to be delayed until April on affirmative action.
MR. MCCURRY: I haven't heard any -- I've heard things to me that would indicate the contrary. But I can check into that for you.
Q When do you think it might be coming out?
MR. MCCURRY: Well, the President indicated to you during the press conference the other day that he'd like to move on it as quickly as possible and gave the indication that we would try to move forward as quickly as we can, given that there are appearances that we will need to make before Congress and, of course, the public discussion of these issues continues to pick up pace. And so we'd like to be able to enter into that public dialogue with the type of presentation that the President has indicated he'd like to make, if we're going to have a good national conversation that brings Americans together on this issue.
Q On welfare reform -- the President told this group of columnists that he met with that he might veto the Republicans' welfare reform legislation. And that's the first time he's said that. The last time he was asked about this specifically, he said he didn't want to discuss what he might veto because he thought that they could come to some agreement. Obviously, he's done some more thinking. So what is it about the Republican welfare reform plan that he finds unacceptable and might cause a veto?
MR. MCCURRY: Well, he set that forward, I think, in some great detail yesterday in his speech. He finds, as a general proposition, the move towards flexibility and giving states more empowerment to experiment with welfare is a good idea that ought to be positively -- incentive, but it should be done so consistent with some objective that we would want to have as the federal government enters into welfare reform discussions with the states. Some of those have been set forth. But we've raised some specific concerns with respect to the provisions requiring work. We don't think they're tough enough. We think there needs to be more strenuous efforts to lock in that transition from welfare dependency into work.
We're also very concerned about the effect on kids. Now there's been -- the President's outspoken views on this, frankly, has helped guide the shaping of the legislation somewhat, but we need to see a little more practice and we need to see what the final bill's looking like. The President was indicating yesterday that there are some features of it that would, to him, be unacceptable and that would lead him to veto.
Q The absence of a mandate for a work requirement as one of those things?
MR. MCCURRY: No, I wasn't suggesting specific things, I was saying that, as a general proposition, we want to see tougher requirements that move people from welfare dependency into work situations. We're not convinced that the House bill has done an effective enough job in addressing that very critical linkage on a work requirement.
Q Tougher or more generous?
MR. MCCURRY: Tougher. Tougher on the requirements to move people into work, with a greater guarantee that they're going to make that transition from welfare to work.
Q That greater guarantee means training and other services, right?
MR. MCCURRY: Right. He's concerned, and that's one of the reasons why we've gone into the question of consolidating some of the federal training and education programs so that we can try to free up resources that would be available to help people make that transition. But the question of resources is an important one.
Q Going back on Pakistan, please, so we can get a nice sound bite -- could you please repeat what you said about outrage earlier today? And will this have any effect at all on Mrs. Clinton's trip?
MR. MCCURRY: The President, on behalf of the American people, has expressed his outrage at this killing and his determination that all federal agencies that can be in a position to contribute to the work the government of Pakistan will do to bring the perpetrators to justice, will be done.
And as far as Mrs. Clinton's trip to Pakistan, the planning for that is proceeding. I'm not aware of any plans to change her itinerary.
Q Is he speaking tonight at the DLC?
MR. MCCURRY: I don't know. We'll have to check in later on that.
MR. MCCURRY: Well, he has a visa already. I think he has a multiple entry visa. The question is, under what type of restrictions might lie on that visa. And the State Department would be able to tell you more about that when it's worked through the decision-making process in our government.
Q You don't expect a decision right away?
Q Mike, to pull off on that if you'll allow me -- has he requested a visit with the President or the Vice President, Gerry Adams, as far as you know?
MR. MCCURRY: I do not know whether he has requested one.
MR. MCCURRY: This is a test to my memory. I think that's right.
Q Specifically those August sanctions, not the broader sanctions which have been in place for years -- is the administration considering lifting those? What is the status of those?
MR. MCCURRY: I read a report, if I'm not mistaken, in your newspaper that didn't strike me as being too terribly inaccurate. (Laughter.) The discussion was consistent with the Cuban Democracy Act, what steps positively could be taken to encourage political and economic change in Cuba. And the President's foreign policy advisors had some discussions on that matter, encouraging people-to-people contact between Cuban Americans and relatives in Cuba, and giving Cubans a better sense of what the benefits of market economics and democracy might be might be one way to encourage that process of change. That type of discussion is held from time to time within the foreign policy portions of our government, but as I indicated to some of you yesterday, there has been no matter presented to the President for a decision at this point. That remains true today.
Q Did you say that Adams is still banned from fundraising for Sinn Fein under the terms of his visa?
MR. MCCURRY: His last B-2 visa had a fundraising restriction on it.
Q And that continues? That hasn't been lifted?
MR. SPALTER: His visa application is now pending. And when the decision is made we will discuss it with him.
MR. MCCURRY: Yes, he has a multiple entry B-2 visa?
MR. SPALTER: Which has expired.
MR. MCCURRY: Which has now expired and has to be granted -- that's it. Because there was a question -- that's right -- that's why he would have had to reapply.
Q Is that for around St. Patrick's Day, around that period that he's applying for ?
Q Will you lift the ban on fundraising for Sinn Fein?
MR. MCCURRY: There are a series of questions related to this issue that are under review right now, and at what point they're decided, because they're not yet decided, we'll let you know.
MR. MCCURRY: We've been talking about when they might do that. I've heard a lot of ideas -- maybe the Senate Democrats are going to get together under a couple of different circumstances in the future, and they're talking with them about some different ideas on how the President might get together with them. But I don't think they've locked in anything on the schedule yet.
Q Are you ready to say which among the Republican rescissions the President likes?
MR. MCCURRY: They are my colleagues here. My colleagues. This is a big White House. I can't just come out here and fly solo all the time.
MR. MCCURRY: No, that was a different "they." (Laughter.) The budget folks say -- and I understand their logic -- they say, look, the President's got an FY'96 budget proposal; if the Congress won't pay attention to it, we hope maybe you will. And if you want to see exactly where we would you suggest you go in and achieve further spending cuts in the federal budget, it's all right there in black and white in our FY '96 budget proposal -- $140 billion worth of new cuts, spelled out, that achieve, I think, over $80 billion in deficit reduction. So, rather than poking around and finding a million here, a million there in a rescission package, let's look at $140 billion of spending cuts.
Q I mean, the rescission package, unlike the President's budget, might actually go somewhere.
MR. MCCURRY: Well, it's going to go -- we have expressed some real concern about the rescission package and the impact it has on children. I expect next week you'll hear a lot more about that.
Q What you're saying is, we're going to tell you what we don't like about these things, and we're going to tell you that there's some things we do like, but we won't tell you what they are.
MR. MCCURRY: And we'll give you a whole federal budget, which we sent up there. If they don't like it, fine. You know, they can propose something back to us. But we gave them a federal budget.
Q I know, but it isn't an answer to point to an agreement which for the purposes of this discussion is not relevant. The rescission package deals actually with matters that were budgeted last year, in many instances. And what's more, the President has now said there are some things that he likes. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube by saying we had a budget.
MR. MCCURRY: Well, I have very unpersuasively tried to make that case to my colleagues here. But I'll try it again.
MR. MCCURRY: No, I've got -- I mean, look, we've got -- we have to go through and analyze those. And we've got a debate coming up next week. But the agreement is -- let's not miss the point here, and I'll go back and say it again -- we have put a budget on there. It does go back -- we've actually been in consultations with Congress about rescissions. And there are some additional cuts identified in the FY '96 budget proposal we sent up there. And people -- I think it's fair for us to say, take a look at our budget. It's there, it's in black and white. The Congress now has to produce their version of a budget. And we keep hearing a lot of smoke and mirrors, but no concrete evidence that they want to wrestle with the hard choices involved in making a budget.
Q Mike, the President very clearly on Friday had something in his mind. And you indicated that you were going to ask the President directly what it was.
MR. MCCURRY: All right. I'll go see. That's -- you're right. That's one way I can overrule the bean counters here. I'll go see if I can pry it out and I'll try again.
Q The Republicans have ask General Reno for a ruling on the executive order on striker replacements. Does the President support that request? What's the time frame for it?
MR. MCCURRY: Oh, the President is confident that he's acting both with the sound advice of legal counsel that he's well within his rights and authority as chief executive. But he's -- he knows that he has been delegated by the Congress the task of effectively administering matters related to federal procurement. That is 40 U.S.C. Section 486A. And that is the legal basis upon which other presidents have so acted in issuing their own executive orders. And it is very clearly, when it comes to federal contracts, he is delegated the responsibility to prescribe such policies and directives as he shall deem necessary to effectuate the provisions of that provision in the statute.
Again, the issue is, the President is the nation's chief executive officer. When the federal government is a buyer of goods and services in the market, it's the President's ultimate responsibility to make sure that the taxpayers are getting a good deal. And what the President is saying here is it is in the economic interest of the taxpayers to make sure we have stability and collective bargaining that produces good goods and services at good prices for the taxpayer.
The problem with using replacement workers is it leads to -- there's ample evidence that strikes in which replacement workers are involved lengthens the duration of the strike, causes more disruption in the labor markets, and more importantly it results in lower productivity because who replaces the workers that have the skills and the experience to do the job, while people who have less experience and less skills in most cases. So there's a productivity loss there. And that's in the interest of the taxpayers.
But I should leave these matters to the Secretary of Labor, who has been delegated authority by the President now to investigate this. And the Secretary of Labor will be briefing the press at 2:00 p.m. in room S2508 over at the Department of Labor.
Q But as regards to the request to General Reno, does the President want her to go ahead and issue a ruling -- has he told her to take her time on it? Has he told her to ignore it?
MR. MCCURRY: I don't -- I think the President's view is that there is not an issue of law that pertains here because he has acted within his authority.
MR. MCCURRY: You'll have to check at the Justice Department. She may have some legal requirement to look into that. What I'm telling you is the President's confident based on his advice from counsel that he's acting within his authority as President. Now, whether she has to review that matter upon a request from Congress, I'd leave that over to the Justice Department to answer.
Q The British yesterday shifted their position on talks with Adams, saying that they would accept a sincere demonstration from Sinn Fein, that they were going to -- the IRA was going to decommission some arms rather than actually having a turnover of arms. And does that same sort of shift occur in U.S. policy as you guys are now considering this question of fundraising?
MR. MCCURRY: No, our policy has remained the same -- been very supportive of the work being done by the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom and encouraging the dialogue that's occurring, that we hope will lead to peaceful reconciliation of the parties in Northern Ireland.
Q How we understood it was that you guys wanted progress on decommissioning before the fundraising ban would be lifted from the visas. Is that still the U.S. policy?
MR. MCCURRY: That is still the U.S. policy, and that is, I believe, the stated position of the Attorney General as well.
Q Do you actually want to see arms turned over, or would you take a sincere demonstration the way the British would?
MR. MCCURRY: I need to go back and see -- the Attorney General has very expressly addressed that question, and I would want to go back and check the wording on it as a general proposition. Decommissioning, dearming of the factions there is a part of the peace process, and we are encouraging the peace process to move forward.
Q One last question. Speaker Gingrich has gotten in a little trouble about whether or not he's going to invite Adams to the Speaker's luncheon. The President is having a reception here for the Prime Minister of Ireland, and I was wondering if he's going to invite Adams to that reception.
MR. MCCURRY: I wouldn't rule that out, but as I indicated earlier, I think there are a series of decisions related to this matter that when all of those decision are taken and we can be in a better position to brief more fully on the subject, broadly.
Q Can you talk about tomorrow?
MR. MCCURRY: No. I'll leave that until the end.
Q Another labor issue. Since the President first outlined his proposal for raising the minimum wage we really haven't heard the White House say much on that issue. Can you bring us up to speed on where it stands at the White House and when the President might turn up the volume on it?
MR. MCCURRY: Josh, I'll need to go check into it. We continue to say over and over again that raising the minimum wage is one of many ways that we reward work. If there is a constant theme that's been working through so much of the work the President's been doing in recent days, it is that we need to reward work in this country an we have to move people away from welfare dependency and into productive employment.
One way that you do that is by giving, particularly to people making that transition from welfare dependency and into jobs, they're most likely moving into opportunities that very often are going to be minimum wage jobs. One way you can do that, and to tie these things together, is to boost the minimum wage. So we continue to press the case on the Hill. I believe we've had testimony by the Secretary of Labor and others on the Hill continue to try to make the case to the Congress that we need to move forward and with the proposal that the President has now sent to the Congress.
Q Well, clearly, yesterday with the welfare reform address when he was talking about poverty and he was talking about lifting people up, he never -- it seemed like a perfect opportunity to raise that point. And, yet, he didn't.
MR. MCCURRY: No, he has raised that point on other occasions, but yesterday he was specifically talking about the kinds of issues that the county executives -- remember, he was talking to NATO, so the county executives have a very specific interest with some of the aspects of welfare reform. And if my memory serves me correct, it's not like he gave a brief address there. So he had a lot to talk about and he wanted to get through the items he knew were on the agenda of the county executives.
Q Mike, with the WTO impasse, Bo Cutter was quoted this week as saying that the Italian candidate was viewed by the administration as being protectionist. Is that, in fact, the White House -- view, and what is the expectation of finding a candidate that the U.S. can back?
MR. MCCURRY: I'm not aware of any change in -- where we are, the White House view is that the withdrawal of President Salinas is obviously going to create a situation in which we need to go back to our trading partners and assess the implications of his withdrawal. We have not prejudged any of the candidates. We're interested in a candidate who can effectively lead the WTO, which will most likely be an important bulwark of the post-Cold War international economic order. We've not prejudged candidates and we are now consulting with our trading partners on how to proceed.
MR. MCCURRY: We haven't seen many glimmers of hope. He receives periodic reports through Bruce Lindsey on the work that the federal mediator, former Secretary Usery, attempts. The parties seem to be pretty dug in, or dug out, or something.
Q Mike, last week the President received a letter from 95 members of Congress urging the President to move the deadline up on Japan trade talks to March 31st? Could we get lights on that?
MR. MCCURRY: Go ahead and put them back on.
Q Yes, has the President formulated a response for that yet?
MR. MCCURRY: No, he's not. We've got that under discussion how we're interested in proceeding with the framework and the discussions, but Mickey Kantor, I think, has addressed several times the progress that they're making under the various baskets in the framework. And I'll leave it to USTR to comment on it, that we are interested in moving ahead, we have made progress, but we believe that underlying the economic aspects of the relationship to Japan is a need to do more work to address some of the persistent trade imbalanced that are there.
Q At the Atlanta Economic Meeting, is it possible that the President would invite the Speaker of the House to speak?
MR. MCCURRY: I'll check and see. My understanding is that they were mostly going to include those who participated in the original economic summit that occurred in Little Rock during the transition, but I think we -- you know, we'll give you a little better indication of who the participants will be as we move ahead. I wouldn't rule out the possibility.
Q What about the other three cities?
MR. MCCURRY: I didn't make any announcement on the other three cities.
MR. MCCURRY: As soon as we are ready to tell you. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
MR. MCCURRY: No. No decision. It's at the same place as it stood before, but I keep checking in on that daily because I know that's of keen interest to everybody as soon as we can say public.
Q getting too late to advance a summit in May?
MR. MCCURRY: No, it wouldn't be safe to say that.
Q Does the President have any interest in Ralph Nader's suggestion that the freshmen Congressman from Omaha purchase a seat on the Ways and Means Committee with $85,000 worth of contributions?
MR. MCCURRY: I'm not familiar with the issue. I don't know whether he is either. I'll check though.
Q with Senator Kerrey that Senator Campbell ought to return the $250,000 the DSCC gave him?
MR. MCCURRY: I don't know his views on that questions. It sounds like it's something that the Senate should deal with. | 2019-04-23T10:09:37Z | https://clintonwhitehouse6.archives.gov/1995/03/1995-03-08-afternoon-press-briefing-by-mike-mccurry.html |
I had a disagreement with my church. I’ve mentioned it elsewhere and will forego the details here but to say that the things I was hearing from my pastor, and the actions taken by my pastor, were simply not aligned with the scripture he is allegedly teaching.
It dawned on me how much of organized religion is arguing over semantics, interpretations, and simple differences of opinion about what the “important” parts are. The history of how we have defined and practiced religion is a history of rift, schism, and holy war. The irony is how central thoughts of love and acceptance of others are to the teachings of religion: in the name of and quest for peace, love, and goodness, we have created these organizations that continue to divide and set individuals against each other.
It seems obvious we are doing religion wrong. There will always be details, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings to disagree about… but we don’t have to focus on those areas. Religion is about bringing together… so the religion I am starting focuses on the things that bring us together.
There is some existence beyond the three spatial dimensions and time we can perceive, affect, and understand. In some ways, I see this as the very question religion itself revolves around… the sense of knowing you are a small part of something bigger, wondering how you fit in the “grand scheme” of things. I won’t pretend to understand it’s workings, but I do think a basic belief in something laying above, beyond, around this world is the basis on which we are building.
Some things are unknowable to us. Whether it is because of contemporaneous technological limitations, or our basic limitation to three physical dimensions and time, there are questions we cannot answer. Religion cannot answer these questions either.
Scripture, even divinely inspired scripture, has been copied down, translated, and edited by fallible human hands, and often for political rather than religious reasons. We look to scripture for wisdom and guidance, but not for factual answers to questions… and particularly not those questions referred to above.
It is with those three basic beliefs that I started looking for the common elements of religions, in particular with regard to personal behavior: what do all these religions agree we should aspire to, should work toward? What I found was pretty simple: Forgive All, Do No Harm, Work For Good, Help and Share. These same ideals, thoughts, patterns, behaviors are basic to the teachings of all religions. And yet somehow, people who consider themselves very religious often ignore those teachings… sometimes even in the name of their religion. We lost the message somewhere, threw a baby out with some bathwater somewhere along the way.
I have an idea where I think we lost our way. I believe a big part of the problem is when we started using religion as the baseline for the behavior of others, rather than the goal for our own individual behavior. Whatever else this little church of mine one day becomes, it will be based on each of us taking the personal responsibility to Forgive All, Do No Harm, Work For Good, Help and Share.
Have you ever heard of Pando? Pando is a forest of birch trees in the western US. Burton V. Barnes started studying the forest in the late sixties, and noticed something peculiar: the trees in the forest all seemed to be just alike. Simply based on morphology, what the plants looked and acted like, Barnes believed that the trees in the forest made up a single unit. Future tests and techniques bore him out: Pando is a forest of genetically identical trees, trees that are connected by a single root system. Pando might very well be the largest living thing on this planet, the largest living thing humans have ever encountered. But from the outside, without digging around for miles underground, or digging into microscopic genetic code… Pando just looks like a bunch of trees.
I have come to think of human beings as resembling Pando. From the outside, we look like a bunch of individuals of a particular type… but if we look deeply enough, if we are willing to dig… we will discover that not only are we more alike that we ever imagined, we are in fact all a part of one connected entity.
Genetic science has made incredible progress and discoveries; it is now within the grasp of many humans to submit their own material and find out specifics of their background. We discover that all of us trace back to a few lineages. Something like ninety percent of all humans can be traced back to sixteen historical fathers… some known to us, some lost to history. Genetically, our family tree grows from few roots. I have no doubt that with continued improvements in testing and data mining, we will eventually narrow those roots even further. I think it is obvious that, like the trees of Pando, individual humans grow from the same genetic root.
I also believe something less obvious, something that we have not developed the tools and methods for which to dig. Humans seem to have a further connection that science has not yet understood. Linguists have noted that, based on the amount of the language human children are exposed to, there’s no explanation for how we learn to speak, how we learn to communicate. Psychologists have described the collective unconscious, that which we all seem to know innately, that which seems to be passed down through generations without our realizing it. This connection is not the only thing beyond the limits of current science… the simple question “where do we come from” ends with the mysterious and poorly named Big Bang; which, for all we can explain, happened for no reason out of nothing at all. We can’t explain how the elemental forces that affect us work together, or really, work at all. We have ideas, theories… string theory is one that could help explain the nature of these forces; but string theory requires we do our theoretical math in sixteen or twenty-five dimensions, rather than the three we can point to and touch.
The Big Bang, the beginning of everything from nothing… and the the equal but opposite mystery of what lies beyond the universe we know… are particularly difficult to wrap our minds around. We understand height, width, and depth, and even the quasi dimension of moving inexorably forward through time. But we literally have no frame of reference for what might be above height, farther out than width, behind depth… or before that time zero when everything we know and understand just simply… started.
What if it is really that simple, though? We are creatures created within that realm of time and three dimensions, our perceptions are only built to conceive of those axes. What if the outlandish prediction of string theory is correct, and there exist dimensions outside our perception, outside our reason, outside our comprehension?
Human beings are Pando, individuals sprung from the same genetic stock, appearing separate and distinct but exactly the same underneath. The Big Bang is the ground from which these apparent individuals grew, hiding the nature of our connected root system. That root system, that connection we have noticed but can’t define or explain, simply lies in dimensions beyond those which we were built to sense and comprehend.
Looking at life and lives in this framework, science and religion avoid their apparent dichotomy: science understands its limits are these three dimensions, and religion understands its implications lay beyond and aren’t always measurable or actionable in those three dimensions.
This probably sounds like a strange “sermon,” but it is an important plank in the platform I want to build, the church I want to attend. My church is intended to be an exploration of religion, a celebration of the paths and methods man has used and continues to use to find a larger sense of order, to find their place in the “Grand Scheme” of things. My church wants to deal with human information as far back as we have records… and my church isn’t trying to force those historical narratives to adhere to the three dimensions we can actually perceive. My church values the history of religion beyond its adherence to the limits of our science, and values science constantly improving the world within those limits.
I’d love to hear what you think of my church.
I have had an idea for some time. It’s a big idea, literally world changing. There have been many nights I’ve lain awake thinking that this is what I’m here for, what I’m supposed to be doing for myself and for the world. It’s a big deal… And I want to get it right. Which has led to overthinking: where to start?
I want to change the way we think about religion and politics, and how the two have to live together to get the most out of either of them. Sounds obvious and necessary, but do you start by examining what is broken, or reestablishing a religious basis, or a political movement? How do you even start a religion or a political party? I’ve felt as though I need to write at least three books just to get this thing going.
So as much to lay the starting brick for myself as for those I hope to follow, I am starting with a declaration of intent, including why I feel something must change, and the foundation upon which that change must be built.
The very first part is the why, and to get into that, we have to get into story time. My story, how I got to where I felt I had to change something. In particular, my religious and political history.
I still have the bible I was given from Northside Methodist Church in 1975. I don’t remember receiving it, nor any particular events at the church in those days: we were a Christmas and Easter family, at our best, and we weren’t at our best very often. By high school, I wouldn’t be able to recognize anyone from the church, and they wouldn’t have been able to recognize me. I lived much of my adult life this way. It was only after years of working through depression and ADHD that Suzy and I decided to make the church a part of our lives again. Suzy still has her bible from Northside circa 1977, and several of her family members were and are still church pillars there, so that’s where we went. We were in the choir, and the bell choir, I played guitar for outdoor summer services; Suzy became the head of children’s ministries, I became president of United Methodist Men at Northside; I took lay speaking courses, became certified, taught Sunday School classes, and even preached from the pulpit on more than one occasion (yes, that means precisely twice).
As we got more and more involved in the church, and became more a part of decision making and leadership, it became more obvious that the UMC, the organization, was operating primarily as a business. And although I can’t say I am so naive to believe that’s not going to be the case in the US, even worse, it was being run as a bad business. Large, successful churches had a lot a “small groups,” for instance… so our tiny, older congregation was tasked with creating such groups. This led to all the groups being the same people; I was over fifty when they needed Suzy and I to be a part of the “Young Adults” small group. Instead of looking at the strengths and need of the individual churches, leadership was pushing to generate what amounted to fake numbers that looked like what they themselves defined as being successful. There was also a pastor that did not get along with a significant portion of the congregation: he was directly responsible for the only couple actually younger than Suzy and I in the Young Adults group leaving the church. Even Suzy’s grandmother, who’d been with Northside since it was people knocking on doors saying “we should start a church ’round here,” had taken to pointing out “it’s not his church, it’s our church” on matters involving this pastor. When Suzy’s grandmother passed, she did not want the pastor in question to preside over the ceremony, and we contacted the previous pastor. We were told that she would not be comfortable doing it, because, and I quote “that’s his flock now.” That’s when I realized that the organized church is not working for its congregations, but rather operates believing that its congregations work for it.
Religion, as practiced by the organized church in the US, is broken.
I was brought up Republican, which is to say that I was aware of my parents and grandparents voting Republican in the seventies and eighties. In high school, I was already getting the idea that both major parties had more in common with the actors in the other party than either of them had with the citizens they supposed to be representing, and I was sporting the “withdrawal in disgust is not apathy” banner to remove myself from political conversations. As I grew older, it occurred to me that the political conversation ended up affecting me whether I took part in it or not, and I have been an advocate for third parties ever since.
Over the past couple of decades we have seen the worst gridlock and political obstruction in our history… and our government is currently shutdown, despite bipartisan congressional agreement, at the childish whim of someone who can’t get us to pay something he told us someone else would pay for.
Politics, as practiced by the major parties in the US, is broken.
When we think about who we are, what we are for, what is our greatest good… we all too often compartmentalize a vast array of moral and social values into lumps we call politics and religion. Because of the peculiar brokenness of politics and religion in the US, we largely define ourselves within structures hundreds, even thousands of years old, that we did not build and to a great extent don’t even understand.
We have to start over. The structures we have are broken. My task as I see it is to create new structures, which both acknowledge the reality of the existing structures and plan for their eventual replacement. The next step is defining exactly what they are and what they do.
I’m not looking to replace religion or politics themselves, but rather the structures we use to define them: basically, a new church and a new political party. For now, they’re called the jj church and the jj party. Part of the foundation of these new structures is that they are not intended to completely replace existing structures: I can foresee someone meaningfully calling themselves a “jj Republican” or a “jj Methodist.” One ideal of these structures will be to focus on common ground and working together to move forward, to make sure our differences don’t stand in the way of our similarities.
The very first thing we have to agree on, that has to be similar, is what we are trying to do with these structures. We toss around terms like “politics” and “religion” as though we all know exactly what we are talking about and to what extent. But we need to know why the structures exist in the first place… we don’t seek out a religion or political party because we like the colors of the building (or at least we shouldn’t), we seek them out to fill needs within and outside ourself. At its most basic level, religion is an attempt to understand where we as individuals fit in the “grander scheme” of things. At its most basic level, politics is an attempt to understand where we as a society can move forward the “grander scheme” of things. The insistence of separating church and state has always seemed odd to me when clearly the one was little more than an outward, societal take on the other.
To summarize: with the intent of offering a better version of objectively broken modern US politics and religion, I am starting a new church and a new political party. These new structures will be intentionally built to focus on first working around, then eliminating these problems.
Glory Days time, here. Back in the day, the mid-90’s day, my second job was at a comic book store. I had learned to read from Donald Duck comics digests, and when Star Wars came out (a life-altering event, for me), Marvel Comics started a Star Wars comic book. That introduced me to the rest of the Marvel Universe, and I was hooked. As an adult, working part time in the comic store was a great way to feed my habit.
A lot was going on in the comics and related fandom worlds at the time. A new thing called Magic, a game where you collected trading cards as playing pieces, was taking over the geek imagination. Although it seemed fascinating, there just wasn’t anything about it that drew me in enough to make the considerable investment in Magic cards.
Then came the Star Wars Collectible/Customizable Card Game.
For months, all my part time earnings went into packs and boxes of Star Wars cards. We played at the store, we played at each other’s houses… we played for hours at the local pizza place on Tuesday nights (thanks, Bertolo!). We played tournaments on Saturdays and at conventions.
What with being able to collect so many cards, and being in the center of a varied group of players, I got pretty good at the game. So good, in fact, I managed to win the tournament at Dragon*Con in 1996, the first year it was held. I still have the unopened box of Premiere I got for a prize.
But that wasn’t the best part of it. Dragon*Con was the first qualifier for the Star Wars CCG championship. Decipher, the company that created the game, flew me and 39 other qualifier winners from literally around the world to Vail, Colorado, where we holed up for the weekend and played cards. I ended up in the middle of the pack (I know it was two away from right at the middle, I was either 18th or 22nd, it’s lost in the fog of time, now), but the experience was amazing.
Decipher released more card sets, I kept playing. Somewhere along the line, Decipher sold out to Wizards of the Coast, the Magic makers. Between fewer players keeping up with the ever-expanding game and other happenings in my own life, I started playing less and less. Once the wife then kids arrived, the Star Wars cards were in boxes in the closet.
Not entirely unexpectedly, my own kids turned into Star Wars fans. When they were young, we watched the movies together, as they got older, we played the video games together.
One day, it became time to play Star Wars cards together.
So my kids got me to dig out my old cards and refresh my memory of Activate, Control, Deploy, Battle, Move, Draw. We had fun.
The limitation was built decks. I still had six or seven decks built from the day, and that’s what the kids and I have used. There’s just a huge amount of cards and playing styles, and with the kids just learning as they go, deck-building isn’t something they’ve shown an interest in, at least yet. To try and scratch that itch, I went back to some of my old comic haunts to see if there were any players left.
Not really, no. The market had moved on, and if you told people you were playing the Star Wars game now, it means something completely different. So online I went.
First stop was the Star Wars CCG Players Committee at https://www.starwarsccg.org, and pay dirt right away: there’s an Online Play link right in the middle of the page. That link led me to the GEMP website at http://tlbiesterfeld.servegame.com/gemp-swccg/, where you can build decks and even play online against folks around the world.
I haven’t even fully explored the GEMP site yet, much less started using all the tools. But this is the kind of thing the internet was literally built for: making the tedium of chasing 120 playing cards around a table into a click-and-drag operation, and bringing together people from far away over the same interests. | 2019-04-23T17:51:35Z | https://www.jjewell.com/ |
I finally got myself back into Leo’s preschool classroom this week to conduct an ever-popular Sid the Science Kid experiment. It totally makes me giggle to know that the children in Leo’s class call me The Science Mom. Who would have believed THAT a couple of years ago? I really love working with the kids and look forward to spending time in the classroom. Thankfully, the Sid website has all the activities I need available to print out and take along to the preschool.
Following Sid’s lead I decided to conduct the Frozen Fruit investigation with the kids. You can find it here. The goal of the investigation is to freeze grapes in a cup of water and figure out how to get them out. Along the way we learn about reversible change: Will the grape change once it is frozen and then defrosted?
I did minimal prep work to make things move smoothly in the classroom. I labeled small paper cups with the children’s names. Then I washed and counted grapes so that everyone had 2 and added a few more to a plastic bag. I brought a large container to store all of the cups later in the school freezer. I planned to do the experiment in two sessions, as the water needed time to freeze.
Once in the classroom I sat with the kids in circle time and we talked about the grapes. We used words to describe the grapes: sweet, shiny, slippery, wet. Then I asked them to predict what would happen to the grapes if we froze them. Once again the kids came up with wonderful ideas: the grapes would explode, the grapes would get crunchy, the grapes would lose the peel. Next, I proposed that we test out our ideas by freezing the grapes in cups of water.
The kids were wiggly with their excitement. We lined up to wash hands and then we handed out the cups. Next the kids placed two grapes in each cup. Finally, they patiently lined up to fill the cups with water…just enough to cover the grapes.
The freezer at school is just across the way from the classroom so we marched them over and placed the cups inside. Apparently it is also where the school stockpiles the juice!
I returned two days later to finish the investigation. The children were eager to examine the cups and see what had happened to the grapes. For me, this is where the real fun started. I brought in a couple of deep pans for the kids to use in the experiment in the hopes of avoiding a huge wet mess. Thank goodness for Miss D.; she encourages messes and reminded me that water is no biggie!
Once we distributed the cups back to the kids we talked about how to get the ice block out. Suggestions included screwdrivers, hammers, and a knife. As they talked I made sure they were holding the cups in their hands, warming the paper. I told them to dump the ice out and voila! They had small grape filled cubes to play with. We discussed how the warmth from their hands loosened the ice.
Then came the big question: How do we get the fruit OUT? Again they talked about tools. Finally, Leo, being a smartypants, suggested that we use warm water. He had done this experiment with me before! So, we filled their now empty cups with warm water that the kids poured onto their cubes. It was so much fun to watch them exclaim as the ice melted away and the grapes were pulled free. The children used their little fingers to the grapes and pop the fruit into their mouths. Yum! Science and a snack!
We wrapped up the experiment by talking about the grapes. We learned that after a deep freeze the grapes didn’t change much at all! They were still sweet, still shiny, and still a little cold. Reversible change!
We had so much fun that I didn’t snap as many photos as I would have liked. I guess that is the measure of a great Sid the Science Kid experiment!
One of my favorite Sid activities is the Decayed Pumpkin investigation. Kids get to experience first hand the wonders of an icky yucky rotting vegetable. Last year, on this blog, I admitted that I was wary of this activity due to the smell and mold factors. But not this year! This year I decided to go for it in a BIG way. I wanted to conduct the decomposing pumpkin activity with Leo’s entire class. Many hands touching the slime and ooze. It was going to be great! Miss D. was on board immediately. She volunteered to sacrifice the class pumpkin that had been acquired at the field trip to the local farm. Note that this field trip occurred in early October.
This very special pumpkin has been through the preschool ringer. First Miss D. had drew a big happy face on the pumpkin, complete with curly hair. For a couple of weeks the face smiled as the children “shaved” it’s face with real shaving cream and play razors. Then Miss D. introduced a new activity with the stalwart pumpkin. She invited the children to pound small plastic nails into the pumpkin with small plastic hammers. So much fun! So in addition to the happy face the pumpkin acquired small holes all over it’s shiny orange surface. This activity went on with gusto until the end of October when it was my turn.
The kids were not sentimental about their classroom friend…they were excited when I got the top off and the scooping began! It was fun to see which kids wanted to get in with bare hands vs. the kids who wanted to use the fancy scooper. Miss D. and I lined them up for the task.
I had toasted some seeds at home for the kids to sample at school. It was interesting to see them react to the seeds…some liked them and other didn’t.
Jonathan was a big a fan!
Then I explained that we would be putting the pumpkin away for a few days to see what would happen. I asked the children to make predictions. The word “moldy” came up and we guessed that the pumpkin would decompose. Miss D. and I decided to wrap the pumpkin in a plastic bag, place it between two large black containers, and set it in the sun outside for a few days. It was important for the school that we not attract critters to the classroom.
So, the first part of the experiment happened on a Thursday. I returned on the following Tuesday to see what state our pumpkin was in. I was hoping for lots of gooey, sticky, gross decomposition.
Back in Miss D’s classroom, we talked about the word “decompose” and what we expected the pumpkin to look like. The kids were ready to see what had happened to the pumpkin. I was reminded of the challenges of classroom management as we helped them all put on plastic gloves. It took a while because the gloves were big. Finally we were ready to head outside to see how our experiment turned out.
A completely intact and healthy pumpkin!
Yup, the pumpkin did NOT decompose. I couldn’t believe it. We all examined the pumpkin, looking for signs of decay, but there was none to be found. Leo claimed to see tiny black spots on the top, but for the most part that pumpkin was fresh.
Miss D. wisely stated, “That’s why we conduct experiments in science!” We talked with the kids about the tight plastic bag and the lack of air. We also decided to give it a few more days to see what would happen. I was disappointed but thankfully, the kids were not. They were curious and mostly happy about getting to wear plastic gloves. And they did learn about one very important part of science: trial and error. Also a great life lesson!
That is one stubborn pumpkin.
Have you had any experiment go awry? How did you explain the circumstances to your kids?
UPDATE: I checked in on the pumpkin today (13 days later) and it still looks pretty good! The inside has started to mold but the outside is still orange and hard. Miss D. wants us to keep waiting!
As I sat down to write this week’s blog, I realized that I had reached a milestone of sorts. I have been writing this blog about my kids and Sid the Science Kid for a year! On one hand, it’s hard to believe because the year seems to have sped past, full of fun, investigations, and family moments. On the other hand, as I look back on all of our experiments and learning, I am proud of what I have experienced with my kids. On a weekly basis I plan and follow through on a purposeful science-based activity with one or both of my boys. Sometimes the investigation involves materials, preplanning, and background knowledge. Other times, I find myself in the middle of science activity without even realizing how I got there. A great metaphor for life with preschoolers!
I had to smile when I saw that this week’s cycle on Sid the Science Kid is Transformation and Change. Life has a funny way of reminding you exactly where you should be sometimes. One of my first blogs was about this cycle. Leo and I made applesauce and learned that heat changes raw apples to mush. Once the apple is heated it cannot go back to being crunchy: irreversible change. Leo was still a young 3 and I was afraid of letting him play with a plastic knife. As a mom, I learned about letting go of control in our investigation and allowing Leo to be more hands on in the kitchen. I am still working on that, but as I peek back at my relationship with Leo from a year ago, I see that a lot has changed. All of it is good, and for the most part irreversible.
For one thing, Leo is much more mature, verbal, and independent. He is able to understand concepts through his own explorations and makes his own hypotheses. He even uses the word “hypothesis.” This year Leo is at school three mornings a week instead of two, and I am acutely aware that this time next year he will be in Kindergarten.
As we drove home from an errand yesterday, I asked Leo if he remembered making applesauce with me last fall. After a quiet moment, he said “No.” Immediately, I was disappointed. It had been such a special activity for me.
“No way!” he said vehemently.
“Do you know what that is called?” I was hoping he remembered.
Leo repeated the word a couple of times and I am hoping it sticks. What did stick was the concept and that makes me happy. I can keep working on the vocabulary. Preschoolers love to repeat familiar activities and so it is time for Leo and I to make applesauce again. Today we are headed to the farm for his very first preschool fieldtrip. And even though we’ve been to that very same farm about 10 times in the past few months, I know he will learn something new today.
I hope you will keep visiting my blog as Leo, Henry and I continue to learn and grow with Sid the Science Kid. I will be adding a new feature once a month where I will be conducting experiments with Leo and his classmates in preschool. It should be lots of fun!
Do you have any fun Sid memories to share? How has your preschooler changed as he or she grows and learns about science?
In the past few months I’ve watched both Leo and Henry’s enthusiasm grow as we try out the fun Super Fab Lab investigations from Sid the Science Kid. When we first began I had to sell the activities a little bit. I was cautious of sounding too excited or “into it” because for some reason, my boys sometimes shy away from things that I am too jazzed about. And I kind of get jazzed about these investigations.
Lately, I’ve heard the boys asking casually, “When are we going to do our next experiment?” or “I wonder what Sid is doing in the Super Fab Lab today?” They’ve gone from passive participation in this science exploration to active instigators. I love it.
The boys were especially keen to freeze some fruit and find out what happened. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the Frozen Fruit Investigation is so much fun for the kids. I found that the activity provided us with a lot of choices and lots of ways for kid-driven exploration.
We started the activity before school by choosing fruit and dropping them into a small plastic cups. The boys decided on 1 blueberry, 1 grape, and 1 baby carrot. We wanted to add a veggie into the mix to see what would happen. I then let the boys use the water dispenser on the fridge to fill the glass. I am still trying to give the boys more freedom in the kitchen and the water dispenser is a BIG thing for me. They were both pleased and surprised that I let them fill the water. Then the cups went into the fridge. I asked them both to predict how long it would take the water to freeze. Henry predicted 1 day and Leo predicted 2 days. Note that I did not even have to define the word “predict” for my little scientists.
We discussed their predictions as I grabbed two baking pans and told them to get the fruit out of the ice. They looked at me like I was crazy, and then the lights started going off in their brains.
Henry decided that he needed a plastic knife to start chipping away at the ice. Okay! I got them both knives and they set to work. After a little while Henry and Leo realized that this was going to take a long time and a lot of effort.
So, I asked them to think about the ice and not the fruit. We talked about ice as water and what makes water turn into ice. Then we speculated about what makes ice turn back to water. Leo thought that maybe we should put in the fridge. Henry disagreed.
“Make it hot,” Henry said.
Henry and Leo thought it over and choose to use hot water. We moved our investigation over to the counter by the sink. I provided hot tap water for their pans and the boys told me when to add more or stop. Both boys yelled with excitement as the ice began to melt and they were able to get at the fruit. Henry noticed that although the grape and blueberry were delicious, the carrot was still frozen on the inside. Leo just wanted more fruit. Healthy snacks!
We talked a bit about reversible change and I reminded Leo about our applesauce investigation from a few months ago. Both of them were so engaged. For this busy mom, the time and effort on my part was minimal. But the effect lasted for days. Henry keeps coming up with new ways to melt the ice: use the microwave, build a campfire, put the ice in the sun, hold it in your hands for a long time. I admire his problem solving dedication. Today, after preschool, Leo asked me if we could freeze fruit again. So we did.
How do you find ways to give your children choices throughout your day? Have any of the Sid activities you’ve tried generated ongoing discussions? Please share!
Today is the first real rain we’ve seen since moving to Southern California in June. I’ve been missing fall in New England: apples, vibrant trees, pumpkins, the smell of wood burning from chimneys, and the autumn rain. With the feeling of fall in the air, today was the perfect day for an apple project.
After we dropped Henry off at school, Leo and I went over the local family farm. In rain boots and froggy coat, Leo climbed on the hay, looked at pumpkins and helped me choose apples that we could transform into applesauce, ala Sid the Science Kid. I try and cook with the kids regularly so when I saw the Super Fab Lab investigation about applesauce and irreversible change, I was so excited. A fall science activity with a yummy result!
I have never had so much fun making applesauce.
Throughout the experiment, we talked more than usual. Leo made logical predictions like “The masher will make the apples soft.” He learned new vocabulary when we talked about the seeds. He said the seeds were “nuts” which I thought was clever and interesting. Honestly, I thought the planned activity would feel forced, but it was the opposite. I came out of autopilot/cook and really shared a learning experience with my little scientist. I have heard from teachers about the “high” that comes from watching the light bulbs turn on in their students’ heads as they learn. It is exhilarating. And we laughed a lot.
At one point when we were waiting for the apples to cook I put on my “teacher” voice and said: “Now Leo, when the apples are done on the stove we will be observing, comparing, and contrasting the cooked apples and the uncooked apples. We have to look at them, smell them, and touch them.” Then Leo chimed in and said: “And taste them Mommy!” How could I have forgotten that? Silly mommy.
We had a great time together and our applesauce is delicious. In an everyday activity, I can see how Leo understands the concept of irreversible change. When my kids acquire new vocabulary and learn something that I teach them, I get a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. It is amazing.
How do you use everyday activities as learning opportunities? Have you every stretched your parental boundaries to enhance a learning experience? I can’t wait to hear from you! | 2019-04-25T23:08:43Z | http://www.pbs.org/parents/sid/category/blog/transformation-and-change/ |
KLA-Tencor’s formal acceptance is likely to occur soon following the conclusion of the offer period. In reality, you may choose to make sure it’s extremely obvious that it doesn’t constitute acknowledgement. The Acknowledgement is merely the acceptance of some thing. The official acknowledgement contains advice which could help the IRS representative identify the ideal return and give better support.
There are a few important and often used official types of acknowledgement receipts. Therefore, the acknowledgement receipt could be an easy letter confirming the receipt of product delivered. You also have asked they create each of the accounts for each transaction that you participated in during the entire lifetime of their use of the credit rating card. Therefore, the receipt should contain all the appropriate information concerning the business trade. The acknowledgment receipt has to be composed in a means that is presentable and professional. In conclusion, an acknowledgment reception is a substantial document that will help support and assess the satisfaction of a trade.
Condition that you’re imagining the receipt of those things that you’ve asked. Receipts are legal proof to show that a trade happened along with a payment was made in trade for a commodity. An acknowledgment receipt is not any different as it helps affirm and affirm the gratification of an agreement for a certain trade. The label Acknowledgment Receipt should be based a few spaces beneath the company letterhead.
How that you approach from the correspondence ought to be considerate and considerate. The correspondence ought to be sent out whenever possible once you have the product, include the documents, as the situation may be. Because of this, it must bear the reason for admitting it and should be released keeping the basic etiquettes. In certain circumstances, you might decide to incorporate a photocopy of the prior correspondence, or possibly a synopsis. Composing such formal little business letters can allow you to build sufficient trust and will.
The correspondence will not have a great impact if you handle it directly in the name of a company or a provider. Or maybe you say you will be going through these things, and you’ll be sending another letter to provide a few comments. Letters to business partners ought to be printed on the supplier’s letterhead. The letter has to be formal and need to incorporate the partnership deal, names of each the company partners, as well as the stipulations of the venture. Letters of recognition have been often employed for whatever involved with a lawful strategy.
It’s likely that you simply submit this kind of program yourself or need the support of a legal broker. Each program which meets the minimal requirements for a filing date has been supplied a date. You ought to just use a form that admits they have got the change. The forms are upgraded and now incorporate the Association’s new design guidelines that are supposed to boost clarity and enhance the entire manifestation of the types.
After the procedure is completed, the fax machine will print a confirmation document, based on the tastes. At the moment, the confirmation process is continuing. It occurs over the forthcoming few days to determine if the TM is distinctive and real. When it is to do with handling the specific legal process, these letters play a significant function. The comprehensive procedure is explained here. The stepwise procedure to have a look at the ITR received standing through official website of the Revenue Tax section is supplied below.
To be able to ease recovery it is essential that the files be placed from the box at the exact same order since they came out of your first documents. The method by which in which the document was declared as read with a particular employee needs to be listed in the machine so that it can’t be refuted.
You are going to have the ability to learn more about the status through email. Following that, you have got to show the tax yield status.
For the established organization to state it had an agreement on youpersonally, it must demonstrate the manner that it was likely to perform good for you. Some non-competition arrangements are observed in odd places, such as a posting to the business site. It’s accurate, you signed up an agreement by means of your charge card business, but you did not sign one with those companies that purchased your debt from their charge card company.
There are a couple of lovely phrases you might use on your own acknowledgement dissertation. As testimonials have a significant part in many pieces of a manuscript, failure to satisfactorily cite additional work can diminish your likelihood of being printed. Writing a book sometimes takes a little while. What’s scientific writing. Because of this, it’s essential since we anticipate every author to find the mistakes, but it so awful because it’s. In fact, a seasoned writer can find the job done much quicker than any student as they’ve been writing academic missions throughout their entire life. Anytime you write a dissertation there ought to grow to be an acknowledgement section thanking the people who helped you on the way. Try to limit your acknowledgement dissertation into a webpage. For instance, it may be the writing your dissertation was an especially catchy period. A thesis is going to be designed with your identifying instructions. Though it isn’t an significant part an perfect thesis, nevertheless an acknowledgement page created and equipped with precision and attention should leave a lasting impression on the reviewer. Aware that students will probably be connected with addresses. Acknowledgement is regarded as the recognition of the existence of something or some other effortless fact. A two-page acknowledgement is overly long and conducts that the probability of producing your reader remove interest. List down the processes and individuals that you would love to provide acknowledgement with. Note however that each job differs and you have to tailor your acknowledgements to fit your particular circumstance. The very first consideration to write dissertation acknowledgement, you need to make a listing of each the people who have been connected with your dissertation. No, the page isn’t in any way study, but it’s only sensible to offer you the proper acknowledgements. An acknowledgement page must be only one page in length. The acknowledgement section is a considerable part of your dissertation. You may observe some people today urge the Acknowledgments section be just 1 page. You need to list why you are acknowledging that the people. The goal of letters of recognition is to provide proof you’ve received particular documents or a specific type of petition. There’s not any need to mention that the particular service given. There’s not any need to consult this specific period that the aid was granted. There’s no need to mention that the particular household connection. Citing contradictory work can also be an opportunity to describe why you believe your results are different. The date when the resignation acknowledgment letter has been granted. Letters of recognition are usually employed for whatever involved with a legal strategy. A variety of the sample recognition letters are attached under the substance. Composing an acknowledgement letter seems to be a simple undertaking, but the fact is it is not too straightforward endeavor. It should write in a specific format. Such letters can address many receivers. A draft correspondence will help underline any sort of mistakes in the past draft of the letter. It needs to be shaped to comprehend the real content of that particular acknowledgement letter. Hence, the letter should bear the principal reason behind admitting it and should be introduced keeping the basic etiquettes. You might even see formal letters. Composing strong letters is a basic item of business ownership that lots of small business people fail. Every single written letter ought to be mentioned together with a speech and the title of the person to whom it is concerned. You are in a position to compose a terrific acknowledgement notice in their view. It’s also possible to view departing notices. You may also see brief notices. In addition, you need to also be aware of the two major factors as follows. You may also see criticism letters. You might even see finishing letters.
To nonprofit institutions, participation receipts are an essential partof bookkeeping and maintaining their charitable status. All donation receipts aren’t created equally. You need to send your correspondence as quickly as possible following a donation. They generally request supplies or money, but additionally it is feasible to utilize them to enlist the assistance of volunteers. Letters are distinctive and quirky. They allow you to say things that are too awkward or embarrassing to communicate in person. Thus, do not be worried if your correspondence is 1 page assuming you think it’s good. Typically no more than a webpage, a normal mortgage present letter says the amount of this current, the source of this gift-giver’s funds and also the institution between you, Metzler clarifies. Make sure that you remind parents to make their checks to the faculty, so it is tax deductible. According to everything you need money for you might even make it to be deep and touching. You merely need to demonstrate you understand how to increase money for significant kaupapa. In the event the money involves any anticipation or consequence of repayment, then it isn’t a real gift, but a loan that might need to be revealed and may change whether you are entitled to a mortgage. Now is the chance to continue to engage together and provide them with the opportunity to learn more about your business and how you’re very likely to utilize their present. It’s likely that you display sincere gratitude at a well-worded email, however there are a whole lot of occasions when you have to make the additional attempt to mail a real note. A donor should be able to seek out your donation partner in a few moments of your contribution page loading. If he or she fails to offer you the correct information, they’ll be unable to keep their contribution in their earnings. Donors want some kind of extrinsic reward too. It should be very, very easy for a possible donor to find your Donate button on your house page. For instance, repeat or previous donors ought to get another letter to volunteers or prospects, as you are very likely to need to thank them for their prior gifts. In case of a money donation you can just place the amount given. Every charity employed the cause to get a supply of empowerment that I was able to connect to. If your layout would really like to deal with the 3 trillion parts of vinyl in the sea, your goal is to reduce vinyl from the sea by 5% in the finish of following calendar year. Most participation forms make it effortless to optimize for mobile, and many do it automatically. By way of example, most individuals are providing monthly. Whenever there are two or three instances in which you always provide a reception, more often than not, you only will have to know about the rules. Many do not know where to begin when the job is assigned. When designing the donation slide, make sure it is well-organized and easy to readdon’t make committing a challenging job! The process for writing the notes of appreciation can let you keep in mind the kindness of friends and extend you having an opportunity to remember your loved ones. To begin composing a letter necessitates distance. Guarantee that the stories you’re collecting are useful and honest. The fantastic news isthat there are a lot of templates available at no cost. Your contribution page, together with an excellent fundraising system, is the single most crucial thing you want to invest in if you’d like to acquire donors to give online. Cold prospects, like the type you may encounter if you get a mailing list, are not very likely to generate a gift. Ideally, your effort topic includes a person at the middle of itand you may use a photograph of them.
You Don’t Need to have a amateur to Deal with your Paper, which may determine your future. Any kind of research paper has a specific arrangement that’s based on few names. Any type of research paper has a particular arrangement that is based on few titles. Composing a well-organized research paper is a complex undertaking. When it isn’t possible by then you purchase a paper. Before beginning writing your literature newspaper you’ve to discover the significant item which will be discussed throughout the project. At length, if you’re writing your paper for a class or for a specific novel, make certain to remember any special instructions supplied by your teacher or by the journal editor. Reading examples of response papers is also an excess manner by which you can readily learn how to write a paper. These examples can help you make your mind up on where to find a sample of a fantastic critique. To be able to estimate something, you would love to compare it with the ideal example of this particular thing. Obviously, to write a fantastic introduction you need to read a good example, so here you are. Research paper outline illustrations are incredibly tough for most students since they’re overly lengthy. You may also get help on the perfect approach to compose research paper outline illustration at their site. You may need to do your study alone. Research takes quite a small time since the students wish to read extensively about a particular topic which comprises a huge set of resources. You may have to run an extra research if you find any flaws on your newspaper. Create guidelines of everything you would love to do on your own research. Our analysis could be good for blockchain architects. You are able to do research in many of various ways. As soon as you complete your research notes you have the ability to begin writing with confidence that you have got all of the pieces you want to generate an superb essay. You have to do a protracted research on the area you have chosen so it is possible to get acquainted with all the important facets. Research is vital to social progress. It’s also wise to conduct another study, in case you discover there’s any shortage on your research document. As an example, to describe private research contributes to third individual, compose I decided, rather than the study indicated. Explain how you need to start running your own search. You may also do some exploring to learn more about the things to talk so as to offer a logical and persuasive review. Academic study is an essential part of your study. It’s vital to social advancement. Customer care research is just one of the many services that we provide our clientele. The flourishing research study may be utilized for many years by other writers for referencing. Despite its short length, it’s a valuable area of the paper. You might even obtain an essay paper together with the choice of buy college essay documents. An exploratory paper isn’t unusual in companies when they are trying to experience a remedy to a issue and might have to acquire each the prospective viewpoints and data out there. Consequently, you dedicate to writing a paper of poor quality since you believe’s the very best you can do with the time you’ve got at hand. Composing a superb high superior excellent research paper is an ambitious endeavor. To start with, select what you will need to do with your newspaper. To start with, pick precisely what you want to do together with your newspaper. After all, it’s called a research paper. Whenever you’re writing your research paper’s introduction, you need to be building it about a specific outline which offers an overall overview of this paper. In case you choose to obtain study paper from the company, here’s a short education for creating an order on the site. In the end, it’s referred to as a research paper. In knowing what exactly does a fantastic research paper, moreover, it’s highly advised to turn into fair. To start, you have to recognize which sort of abstract you want to include along with your newspaper. Your research paper is just as good as the outline is. At the conclusion, you want to proofread your research document to be able to prevent bad sentence structure in addition to grammatical mistakes. After you might not wait and in depth study paper. A superb research paper writing company is an superb company that provides students with online research paper assistance.
It is a Specific Kind of writing that was created together with the While submitting your account you should be sure that the record is in the essential format. It’d be better to write this if the report is finished so that you will include that which, even points which could potentially be inserted in the last moment. This report writing format will let it be simpler for the reader to comprehend what he’s searching for. Fundamental Report composing format will guarantee you that you’re never going to encounter any hustle in completing your report because it is going to supply you with the arrangements you need to follow. With the ideal prep, it will be difficult to compose your report and remain organized. If you’re writing a report at work, check whether there aren’t any traditional guidelines or structure you have to use. This manner, your report may be understood by everybody who looks in the data that you input. Reports are believed to be among the very best ways to relay a information. In the event you choose to write a sample Formal Report, then make sure you are specific with the labels. You’ve written a distinguished post. Report writing is a vital portion of each employee’s job. He should attempt to communicate the message as quickly as you possibly can from the very first few lines. Readers desire to have the ability to test by means of a record and accessibility to the information that they need as quickly as possible. Among the obvious differences of essays and reports is the use of moving. Problem is, you wouldn’t know which part does not make sense. An excellent example of writing a report is to include a suitable introduction ahead of the human body and composing a decision at the close of the report. You might also take a look at fiscal report examples 10. You could also see advertisements report examples This the substantial portion of your document. You will often obtain a very clear summary to find a report, such as what it is that you’re studying and for that which the account needs to be ready. Some people will read the overview and only skim the account, so make sure that you include every of the details that are pertinent. They will read the review and just skim the accounts, so be sure that you include all the appropriate info. A report is meant to lead individuals throughout the data in a structured fashion, but also allowing them to find the information they need easily and quickly. You may be writing your pupil report the wrong method. It’s very important that one wants to know how to write successful pupil reports. To continue to maintain your document organized and simple to comprehend, there’s a particular format to follow together. This way the report has a larger influence on the reader. A normal small company report follows the specific exact same format. It helps that you sharpen your research of the training course content in addition to better your capacity to defend a specific position which you may be asked to perform in documents or on assessments. When you have conducted research to write a report or maybe to study about rural expansion, it’s very important that you compile a suitable research report that you might then submit to the higher officials. It makes it feasible to arrange your data that makes your accounts more efficient. Pay particular attention to if all of the information that you’ve included is important. Also bear in mind it needs to be organized logically together with the most crucial points coming. Keep in mind it needs to be organized logically with the most crucial data coming. Additionally, it is advisable to have a superb understanding of a report structure. To begin with, you need to have some time to prepare and plan on your accounts. Obtaining in a position to communicate effectively is probably one of the principal abilities one individual can have. Otherwise, the likelihood of getting approval will probably be considerably reduced. For that reason, it’s almost always a superb idea to start looking into a record writing specimens to find the format properly. If you expect writing for a particular notion, make certain that it’s concentrated on the situation. Make sure you’ve got a notion for all.
In the event of an experience certificate, you Aren’t Certain that the correspondence needs to be addressed. On occasion, what’s discussed in 1 letter can not be shared using another division. A reference letter is like your recommendation letter from company. There are a couple things that should be left from the correspondence. Most inflated letters could possibly be interpreted in keeping with the zone where they endure. Resignation letter is an expert agreeing letter to alert the current employer, which you’re resigning from your work as well as the factors behind your resignation. Giving a resignation letter into your current employer is where you really create your work change official. A recommendation letter from business may make a major difference at a candidate’s likelihood of obtaining a new job or even a chair in a respectable educational institution. An individual should remember a recommendation letter should be professional and precise. Remember, you might call for a recommendation letter in the existing business, and thus do not write anything which may seem sour and impolite. To the contrary, it is very likely to also pick resignation letter through email. The resignation letter is simply a formality, setting your objective to leave the company in writing. Though some people today feel it is unprofessional, a resignation letter via email is totally legitimate together with acceptable. A resignation letter is a mere thing, however it is a symptom of agreeing to your current business and is frequently anticipated by them. It’s a fast letter formally advising your business that you’re leaving your job. When you’ve done that, you are well ready to write a resignation letter that is formal. Resignation letter is as critical as the program letter for just about any job. Even though resignation letters are generally the last official communication you’ve obtained with the business, it is crucial to not burn any bridges. Letter Of Resignation Samples is just one special type of raised market right now. The letter needs to be succinct, and you would like to compose a logical reason for leaving the apartment. Though it resembles a reference correspondence, there is an important difference in the two. In this scenario it’d be a good idea to draft two distinct letters to avoid this type of confusion or circumstance. Formal letters nevertheless maintain an very important area in the market world. A well-drafted letter that is written in a suitable manner makes sure that your exit method is smooth and without any difficulties. The concluding section of this email should be concentrated on talking about your favorable experience in the company, in a couple of lines. Heres how to write an perfect job application email to make it appear formal. You will leave your phone number and email address so that the coworkers can stay in contact with you. While composing the address of the sender of the letter is not a compulsion it’s a fantastic practice to achieve that. When you’ve made the choice to proceed, there’s absolutely not any use at criticizing your company or your occupation. Take note that in case you opt to officially complain, then the process could be protracted. The process for writing a job description necessitates using a thorough understanding of the tasks duties and responsibilities. For the set organization to state it had an arrangement on youpersonally, it must demonstrate the way that it was likely to do good for you. If you are being asked to register a non-compete arrangement to get a condition of hire, then you certainly won’t have a great deal of choice regarding if you register it. The very first thing that you need to do when educated you’ll be requested to sign a non-compete arrangement is ask to see a copy of the arrangement ahead. The arrangement is quite straightforward and importantly, as is provided in the following section. This arrangement will be able to assist you fully get a salary certification in a far better way.
The Acknowledgement is only the acceptance of some thing. The Official acknowledgement is composed of advice that will aid the IRS representative identify the proper yield and supply much better support.
Receipts have come a lengthy way. They are legal proof to Show that a trade took place along with a payment was made in exchange for a product. There are a couple important and often used official types of acknowledgement receipts. Hence, the acknowledgement receipt might be an extremely simple letter confirming the receipt of merchandise delivered. A receipt functions as a listing that offers confirmation a payment has been produced from the client to the small organization. State that you’re acknowledging the receipt of all of the things you have requested.
The sample awarded will perform the task for this sort of instance. At the event you want, it is likely to also have a look at our assortment of money receipt samples. To learn more, have a look at our variety of Acknowledgement Receipt Samples that you may download easily.
Emails are often acknowledged, for example, but they Are acknowledged via email, for the huge part, rather than by means of an official correspondence. Instantly notify partners and clients that you have seen their email for a way to allow them to continue each other crucial undertaking. Instantly notify partners and customers which you’ve seen their email in order to permit them last any other crucial undertaking. To make sure it’s private, they would still must assess all of my prior emails to know Love it!
You have backed up your request, Not Just with timeframes, But additionally with claims of doing acceptable work on the job. The note also needs to be submitted in a very clear and simple to detect location where folks are well prepared to discover this, and also a copy has to be provided to anyone who asks for you. In a catastrophe, you want to get detect whenever possible after the emergency. In nearly all cases, you need to discover the note on your very first visit to a provider or at the email out of your wellbeing program. In addition, you need to also be aware of both important factors as follows.
The correspondence isn’t likely to have a very fantastic Impact if you handle it straight in the title of a company or a company. Or maybe you say that you are likely to be moving through the things, and you are going to be sending another letter to supply some remarks. Letters to business partners ought to be printed on the business’s letterhead. The correspondence has to be formal and will need to incorporate the partnership deal, names of all of the business partners, as well as the stipulations of the partnership. The letter has to be routed whenever possible as soon as you have the item, include the documents, since the situation may be. Letters of recognition have been often employed for all those involved with a legal strategy.
The way you approach in the letter should be considerate And considerate. For that reason, it must bear the reason behind admitting it and should be introduced keeping the basic etiquettes. Composing such formal small business letters can make it possible for you to build adequate trust and will.
You simply have to use a kind that admits that they have Obtained the modification. There are several different sorts of money. Receipt forms are extremely beneficial for various business in a variety of businesses. For example, to acknowledge deliveries, a shipping receipt form is usually utilized. You are in a place to abide by the 3 simple steps we’ve got for you in making your own reception form. Should you would like to make your own reception form, a selection of samples is readily available for you as programs for composing a receipt form for certain purposes.
When it is to do with tackling the particular legal process, These letters play a substantial function. The stepwise procedure to check out the ITR received standing through official site of the Income Tax section is supplied below.
The Goal of letters of recognition is to Give evidence you Have received particular documents or a particular type of petition. Listed below Are the many potential approaches to find the affliction of this tax yield. Inform your customer or spouse, if You’d like to make modifications in any Kind of record or arrangement. Thus, it may take much time to Find the Revenue Tax e-filing status. Additionally you supply the opportunity for all those Employees to express any issues they may have with the coverage. | 2019-04-25T08:51:22Z | http://sali4ever.com/15-lebenslauf-fur-schuler/ |
Subsets and Splits