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Yesterday [12 Nov], at the Shoreditch Town Hall, Dr. Macdonald, M.P., the coroner for the North- Eastern District of Middlesex, opened his inquiry relative to the death of Marie Jeanette Kelly, the woman whose body was discovered on Friday morning, terribly mutilated, in a room on the ground floor of 26, Dorset-street, entrance to which was by a side door in Miller's-court.
Superintendent T. Arnold, H Division; Inspector Abberline, of the Criminal Investigation Department, and Inspector Nairn represented the police. The deputy coroner, Mr. Hodgkinson, was present during the proceedings.
The Coroner (to the juror, severely): Do you think that we do not know what we are doing here, and that we do not know our own district? The jury are summoned in the ordinary way, and they have no business to object. If they persist in their objection I shall know how to deal with them. Does any juror persist in objecting ?
The Juror: We are summoned for the Shoreditch district. This affair happened in Spitalfields. The Coroner: It happened within my district.
The jury having made no further objection, they were duly sworn, and were conducted by Inspector Abberline to view the body, which, decently coffined, was at the mortuary adjoining Shoreditch Church, and subsequently the jury inspected the room, in Miller's-court, Dorset- street, where the murder was committed. The apartment, a plan of which was given in yesterday's Daily Telegraph, is poorly furnished, and uncarpeted. The position of the two tables was not altered. One of them was placed near the bed, behind the door, and the other next to the largest of the two windows which look upon the yard in which the dustbin and water-tap are situated.
Joseph Barnett deposed : I was a fish-porter, and I work as a labourer and fruit- porter. Until Saturday last I lived at 24, New-street, Bishopsgate, and have since stayed at my sister's, 21, Portpool-lane, Gray's Inn-road. I have lived with the deceased one year and eight months. Her name was Marie Jeanette Kelly with the French spelling as described to me. Kelly was her maiden name. I have seen the body, and I identify it by the ear and eyes, which are all that I can recognise; but I am positive it is the same woman I knew. I lived with her in No. 13 room, at Miller's-court for eight months. I separated from her on Oct. 30.
[Coroner] Why did you leave her ? - Because she had a woman of bad character there, whom she took in out of compassion, and I objected to it. That was the only reason. I left her on the Tuesday between five and six p.m. I last saw her alive between half-past seven and a quarter to eight on Thursday night last, when I called upon her. I stayed there for a quarter of an hour.
[Coroner] Were you on good terms ? - Yes, on friendly terms; but when we parted I told her I had no work, and had nothing to give her, for which I was very sorry.
[Coroner] Did you drink together ? - No, sir. She was quite sober.
[Coroner] Was she, generally speaking, of sober habits ? - When she was with me I found her of sober habits, but she has been drunk several times in my presence.
[Coroner] Was there any one else there on the Thursday evening ? - Yes, a woman who lives in the court. She left first, and I followed shortly afterwards.
[Coroner] Have you had conversation with deceased about her parents ? - Yes, frequently. She said she was born in Limerick, and went when very young to Wales. She did not say how long she lived there, but that she came to London about four years ago. Her father's name was John Kelly, a "gaffer" or foreman in an iron works in Carnarvonshire, or Carmarthen. She said she had one sister, who was respectable, who travelled from market place to market place. This sister was very fond of her. There were six brothers living in London, and one was in the army. One of them was named Henry. I never saw the brothers to my knowledge. She said she was married when very young in Wales to a collier. I think the name was Davis or Davies. She said she had lived with him until he was killed in an explosion, but I cannot say how many years since that was. Her age was, I believe, 16 when she married. After her husband's death deceased went to Cardiff to a cousin.
[Coroner] Did she live there long ? - Yes, she was in an infirmary there for eight or nine months. She was following a bad life with her cousin, who, as I reckon, and as I often told her, was the cause of her downfall.
[Coroner] After she left Cardiff did she come direct to London ? - Yes. She was in a gay house in the West-end, but in what part she did not say. A gentleman came there to her and asked her if she would like to go to France.
[Coroner] Did she go to France ? - Yes; but she did not remain long. She said she did not like the part, but whether it was the part or purpose I cannot say. She was not there more than a fortnight, and she returned to England, and went to Ratcliffe-highway. She must have lived there for some time. Afterwards she lived with a man opposite the Commercial Gas Works, Stepney. The man's name was Morganstone.
[Coroner] Have you seen that man ? - Never. I don't know how long she lived with him.
[Coroner] Was Morganstone the last man she lived with ? - I cannot answer that question, but she described a man named Joseph Fleming, who came to Pennington-street, a bad house, where she stayed. I don't know when this was. She was very fond of him. He was a mason's plasterer, and lodged in the Bethnal-green-road.
[Coroner] Was that all you knew of her history when you lived with her? - Yes. After she lived with Morganstone or Fleming - I don't know which one was the last - she lived with me.
[Coroner] Where did you pick up with her first ? - In Commercial-street. We then had a drink together, and I made arrangements to see her on the following day - a Saturday. On that day we both of us agreed that we should remain together. I took lodgings in George-street, Commercial-street, where I was known. I lived with her, until I left her, on very friendly terms.
[Coroner] Did she express fear of any particular individual ? - No, sir. Our own quarrels were very soon over.
Thomas Bowyer stated: I live at 37, Dorset-street, and am employed by Mr. McCarthy. I serve in his chandler's shop, 27, Dorset-street. At a quarter to eleven a.m., on Friday morning, I was ordered by McCarthy to go to Mary Jane's room, No. 13. I did not know the deceased by the name of Kelly. I went for rent, which was in arrears. Knocking at the door, I got no answer, and I knocked again and again. Receiving no reply, I passed round the corner by the gutter spout where there is a broken window - it is the smallest window.
Charles Ledger, an inspector of police, G Division, produced a plan of the premises. Bowyer pointed out the window, which was the one nearest the entrance.
He [Bowyer] continued: There was a curtain. I put my hand through the broken pane and lifted the curtain. I saw two pieces of flesh lying on the table.
[Coroner] Where was this table ? - In front of the bed, close to it. The second time I looked I saw a body on this bed, and blood on the floor. I at once went very quietly to Mr. McCarthy. We then stood in the shop, and I told him what I had seen. We both went to the police-station, but first of all we went to the window, and McCarthy looked in to satisfy himself. We told the inspector at the police-station of what we had seen. Nobody else knew of the matter. The inspector returned with us.
[Coroner] Did you see the deceased constantly ? - I have often seen her. I knew the last witness, Barnett. I have seen the deceased drunk once.
John McCarthy, grocer and lodging-house keeper, testified: I live at 27, Dorset- street. On Friday morning, about a quarter to eleven, I sent my man Bowyer to Room 13 to call for rent. He came back in five minutes, saying, "Guv'nor, I knocked at the door, and could not make any one answer; I looked through the window and saw a lot of blood." I accompanied him, and looked through the window myself, saw the blood and the woman. For a moment I could not say anything, and I then said: "You had better fetch the police." I knew the deceased as Mary Jane Kelly, and had no doubt at all about her identity. I followed Bowyer to Commercial-street Police-station, where I saw Inspector Beck. I inquired at first for Inspector Reid. Inspector Beck returned with me at once.
[Coroner] How long had the deceased lived in the room ? - Ten months. She lived with Barnett. I did not know whether they were married or not; they lived comfortably together, but they had a row when the window was broken. The bedstead, bed-clothes, table, and every article of furniture belonged to me.
[Coroner] What rent was paid for this room ? - It was supposed to be 4s 6d a week. Deceased was in arrears 29s. I was to be paid the rent weekly. Arrears are got as best you can. I frequently saw the deceased the worse for drink. When sober she was an exceptionally quiet woman, but when in drink she had more to say. She was able to walk about, and was not helpless.
[Coroner] Where was this ? - In Dorset-street. She went up the court, a few steps in front of me.
[Coroner] Was anybody with her ? - A short, stout man, shabbily dressed. He had on a longish coat, very shabby, and carried a pot of ale in his hand.
[Coroner] What was the colour of the coat ? - A dark coat.
[Coroner] What hat had he ? - A round hard billycock.
[Coroner] Long or short hair ? - I did not notice. He had a blotchy face, and full carrotty moustache.
[Coroner] The chin was shaven ? - Yes. A lamp faced the door.
[Coroner] Did you see them go into her room ? - Yes; I said "Good night, Mary," and she turned round and banged the door.
[Coroner] Had he anything in his hands but the can ? - No.
[Coroner] Did she say anything ? - She said "Good night, I am going to have a song." As I went in she sang "A violet I plucked from my mother's grave when a boy." I remained a quarter of an hour in my room and went out. Deceased was still singing at one o'clock when I returned. I remained in the room for a minute to warm my hands as it was raining, and went out again. She was singing still, and I returned to my room at three o'clock. The light was then out and there was no noise.
[Coroner] Did you go to sleep ? - No; I was upset. I did not undress at all. I did not sleep at all. I must have heard what went on in the court. I heard no noise or cry of "Murder," but men went out to work in the market.
[Coroner] How many men live in the court who work in Spitalfields Market ? - One. At a quarter- past six I heard a man go down the court. That was too late for the market.
[Coroner] From what house did he go ? - I don't know.
[Coroner] Did you hear the door bang after him ? - No.
[Coroner] Then he must have walked up the court and back again? - Yes.
[Coroner] It might have been a policeman ? - It might have been.
[Coroner] What would you take the stout man's age to be ? - Six-and-thirty.
[Coroner] Did you notice the colour of his trousers ? - All his clothes were dark.
[Coroner] Did his boots sound as if the heels were heavy ? - There was no sound as he went up the court.
[Coroner] Then you think that his boots were down at heels ? - He made no noise.
[Coroner] What clothes had Mary Jane on ? - She had no hat; a red pelerine and a shabby skirt.
[Coroner] You say she was drunk ? - I did not notice she was drunk until she said good night. The man closed the door. By the Jury: There was a light in the window, but I saw nothing, as the blinds were down. I should know the man again, if I saw him.
[Coroner] Do you often hear cries of "Murder?" - It is nothing unusual in the street. I did not take particular notice.
[Coroner] Did you hear it a second time? - No.
[Coroner] Did you hear beds or tables being pulled about? - None whatever. I went asleep, and was awake again at five a.m. I passed down the stairs, and saw some men harnessing horses. At a quarter to six I was in the Ten Bells.
[Coroner] Could the witness, Mary Ann Cox, have come down the entry between one and half-past one o'clock without your knowledge ? - Yes, she could have done so.
[Coroner] Did you see any strangers at the Ten Bells ? - No. I went back to bed and slept until eleven.
[Coroner] You heard no singing downstairs ? - None whatever. I should have heard the singing distinctly. It was quite quiet at half-past one o'clock.
Caroline Maxewell, 14, Dorset-street, said: My husband is a lodging-house deputy. I knew the deceased for about four months. I believe she was an unfortunate. On two occasions I spoke to her.
[Coroner] Did you speak to her ? - Yes; it was an unusual thing to see her up. She was a young woman who never associated with any one. I spoke across the street, "What, Mary, brings you up so early ?" She said, "Oh, Carrie, I do feel so bad."
[Coroner] And yet you say you had only spoken to her twice previously; you knew her name and she knew yours ? - Oh, yes; by being about in the lodging-house.
[Coroner] What did she say ? - She said, "I've had a glass of beer, and I've brought it up again"; and it was in the road. I imagined she had been in the Britannia beer-shop at the corner of the street. I left her, saying that I could pity her feelings. I went to Bishopsgate-street to get my husband's breakfast. Returning I saw her outside the Britannia public-house, talking to a man.
[Coroner] This would be about what time ? - Between eight and nine o'clock. I was absent about half-an-hour. It was about a quarter to nine.
[Coroner] What description can you give of this man ? - I could not give you any, as they were at some distance.
[Coroner] What sort of dress had the deceased ? - A dark skirt, a velvet body, a maroon shawl, and no hat.
[Coroner] Have you ever seen her the worse for drink ? - I have seen her in drink, but she was not a notorious character.
Sarah Lewis deposed: I live at 24, Great Pearl-street, and am a laundress. I know Mrs. Keyler, in Miller's-court, and went to her house at 2, Miller's-court, at 2.30a.m. on Friday. It is the first house. I noticed the time by the Spitalfields' Church clock. When I went into the court, opposite the lodging-house I saw a man with a wideawake. There was no one talking to him. He was a stout-looking man, and not very tall. The hat was black. I did not take any notice of his clothes. The man was looking up the court; he seemed to be waiting or looking for some one. Further on there was a man and woman - the later being in drink. There was nobody in the court. I dozed in a chair at Mrs. Keyler's, and woke at about half- past three. I heard the clock strike.
[Coroner] What woke you up ? - I could not sleep. I sat awake until nearly four, when I heard a female's voice shouting "Murder" loudly. It seemed like the voice of a young woman. It sounded at our door. There was only one scream.
[Coroner] Were you afraid ? Did you wake anybody up ? - No, I took no notice, as I only heard the one scream.
[Coroner] You stayed at Keyler's house until what time ? - Half-past five p.m. on Friday. The police would not let us out of the court.
[Coroner] Have you seen any suspicious persons in the district ? - On Wednesday night I was going along the Bethnal-green-road, with a woman, about eight o'clock, when a gentleman passed us. He followed us and spoke to us, and wanted us to follow him into an entry. He had a shiny leather bag with him.
[Coroner] Did he want both of you ? - No; only one. I refused. He went away and came back again, saying he would treat us. He put down his bag and picked it up again, saying, "What are you frightened about ? Do you think I've got anything in the bag ?" We then ran away, as we were frightened.
[Coroner] Was he a tall man ? - He was short, pale-faced, with a black moustache, rather small. His age was about forty.
[Coroner] Was it a large bag ? - No, about 6in to 9in long. His hat was a high round hat. He had a brownish overcoat, with a black short coat underneath. His trousers were a dark pepper-and- salt.
[Coroner] After he left you what did you do ? - We ran away.
[Coroner] Have you seen him since ? - On Friday morning, about half-past two a.m., when I was going to Miller's-court, I met the same man with a woman in Commercial-street, near Mr. Ringer's public-house (the Britannia). He had no overcoat on.
[Coroner] Had he the black bag ? - Yes.
[Coroner] Were the man and woman quarrelling ? - No; they were talking. As I passed he looked at me. I don't know whether he recognised me. There was no policeman about.
Mr. George Bagster Phillips, divisional surgeon of police, said: I was called by the police on Friday morning at eleven o'clock, and on proceeding to Miller's-court, which I entered at 11.15, I found a room, the door of which led out of the passage at the side of 26, Dorset-street, photographs of which I produce. It had two windows in the court. Two panes in the lesser window were broken, and as the door was locked I looked through the lower of the broken panes and satisfied myself that the mutilated corpse lying on the bed was not in need of any immediate attention from me, and I also came to the conclusion that there was nobody else upon the bed, or within view, to whom I could render any professional assistance. Having ascertained that probably it was advisable that no entrance should be made into the room at that time, I remained until about 1.30p.m., when the door was broken open by McCarthy, under the direction of Superintendent Arnold. On the door being opened it knocked against a table which was close to the left-hand side of the bedstead, and the bedstead was close against the wooden partition. The mutilated remains of a woman were lying two- thirds over, towards the edge of the bedstead, nearest the door. Deceased had only an under- linen garment upon her, and by subsequent examination I am sure the body had been removed, after the injury which caused death, from that side of the bedstead which was nearest to the wooden partition previously mentioned. The large quantity of blood under the bedstead, the saturated condition of the palliasse, pillow, and sheet at the top corner of the bedstead nearest to the partition leads me to the conclusion that the severance of the right carotid artery, which was the immediate cause of death, was inflicted while the deceased was lying at the right side of the bedstead and her head and neck in the top right-hand corner.
the coroner said: It has come to my ears that somebody has been making a statement to some of the jury as to their right and duty of being here. Has any one during the interval spoken to the jury, saying that they should not be here to-day ?
Julia Vanturney [Van Turney], 1, Miller's-court, a charwoman, living with Harry Owen, said: I knew the deceased for some time as Kelly, and I knew Joe Barnett, who lived with her. He would not allow her to go on the streets. Deceased often got drunk. She said she was fond of another man, also named Joe. I never saw this man. I believe he was a costermonger.
[Coroner] When did you last see the deceased alive ? - On Thursday morning, at about ten o'clock. I slept in the court on Thursday night, and went to bed about eight. I could not rest at all during the night.
[Coroner] Did you hear any noises in the court ? - I did not. I heard no screams of "Murder," nor any one singing.
[Coroner] Were you in the house when Joe Barnett called ? - Yes. I said, "Well, Mary Jane, I shall not see you this evening again," and I left with her two men's dirty shirts, a little boy's shirt, a black overcoat, a black crepe bonnet with black satin strings, a pawn-ticket for a grey shawl, upon which 2s had been lent, and a little girls white petticoat.
[Coroner] Have you seen any of these articles since? - Yes; I saw the black overcoat in a room in the court on Friday afternoon.
[Coroner] Did the deceased ever speak to you about being afraid of any man ? - She did not.
Inspector Beck, H Division, deposed that, having sent for the doctor, he gave orders to prevent any persons leaving the court, and he directed officers to make a search. He had not been aware that the deceased was known to the police.
[Coroner] Was it by your orders that the door was forced ? - No; I had an intimation from Inspector Beck that the bloodhounds had been sent for, and the reply had been received that they were on the way. Dr. Phillips was unwilling to force the door, as it would be very much better to test the dogs, if they were coming. We remained until about 1.30 p.m., when Superintendent Arnold arrived, and he informed me that the order in regard to the dogs had been countermanded, and he gave orders for the door to be forced. I agree with the medical evidence as to the condition of the room. I subsequently took an inventory of the contents of the room. There were traces of a large fire having been kept up in the grate, so much so that it had melted the spout of a kettle off. We have since gone through the ashes in the fireplace; there were remnants of clothing, a portion of a brim of a hat, and a skirt, and it appeared as if a large quantity of women's clothing had been burnt.
[Coroner] Can you give any reason why they were burnt ? - I can only imagine that it was to make a light for the man to see what he was doing. There was only one small candle in the room, on the top of a broken wine-glass. An impression has gone abroad that the murderer took away the key of the room. Barnett informs me that it has been missing some time, and since it has been lost they have put their hand through the broken window, and moved back the catch. It is quite easy. There was a man's clay pipe in the room, and Barnett informed me that he smoked it.
[Coroner] Is there anything further the jury ought to know ? - No; if there should be I can communicate with you, sir. | 2019-04-25T04:55:47Z | https://www.casebook.org/official_documents/inquests/inquest_kelly.html |
The Eastern Playoff race has been decided. The Carolina Hurricanes have drawn the first wildcard spot and will face the Metropolitan Division-leading Washington Capitals in the first round of the playoffs. The New York Islanders will be the second seed in the Metro and will have to square off against the Pittsburgh Penguins. In the Atlantic Division, the Columbus Blue Jackets end up with a tough match-up as they will face the Tampa Bay Lightning, while the Boston Bruins and Toronto Maple Leafs will meet once again, as everyone has known about for quite some time. The final results of the night will determine how the Western Conference Shakes out.
The Colorado Avalanche’s Mikko Rantanen was spotted on the ice Saturday in San Jose wearing a non-contact jersey, according to The Athletic’s Ryan S. Clark. The injured forward, who hasn’t seen action since March 21st with an undisclosed injury, traveled with the team but will sit out once again. While that doesn’t sound like great news, considering the playoffs are right around the corner it is better to have him skating than not. If Colorado has any chance of advancing out of the first round, they will need their young scorer. The 22-year-old will have played eight less games than last year, but has a career high 31 goals and 87 points in his sophomore season. Avalanche head coach Jared Bednar said later today that he is hopeful that Rantanen will be available for the playoffs, according to BSN’s Adrian Dater.
Speaking of injuries, the Pittsburgh Penguins got some good news as defenseman Brian Dumoulin skated on his own after missing the past three games with a lower-body injury, according to Jason Mackey of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Dumoulin, who normally skates alongside Kris Letang, would make a big impact on a lineup that is preparing for the playoffs and could use the player tied for fifth in the NHL with a +31 rating. “The fact that Dumo is on the ice is really encouraging from our standpoint,” Penguins coach Mike Sullivan said. He added that the injury isn’t considered major and Doumolin remains day-to-day.
The St. Louis Blues expect to get back defenseman Colton Parayko, who has sat out the past two games with an undisclosed injury. The 25-year-old defender is expected to play in the playoffs, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Jim Thomas. Thomas added that Tyler Bozak was just held out for precautionary reasons Saturday after he was in a car accident getting to the game. The veteran center was rear-ended, but wasn’t seriously hurt. He too is expected back for the playoff opener.
As the Blackhawks pass through another disappointing season, the team must continue to focus on development. The team has a nice group of prospects coming up the pipeline, but there are many that are starting to worry about whether the Blackhawks are doing the right thing with defenseman Henri Jokiharju, their 2017 first-rounder.
The Blackhawks, not known for developing defensemen recently, loaned Jokiharju out to Finland for the World Junior Championships, against the youngster’s wishes even though they eventually won the gold medal. Since his return, the team has changed course in his development, moving him over to the left side, his off-side which will help make room next season for right-hand shot Adam Boqvist, and has had his ice-time cut, according to The Athletic’s Scott Powers (subscription required). He even was a healthy scratch recently.
Head coach Jeremy Colliton said the changes are being made to make sure the youngster won’t burn out like many rookies do during their first season.
The Colorado Avalanche suffered a key loss Saturday as the team will be without defenseman Erik Johnson, who suffered a concussion during their game against Los Angeles. The veteran defenseman is expected to be out for the next two games and head coach Jared Bednar hopes he’ll be back after the All-Star break, according to The Athletic’s Ryan S. Clark. The defensive-minded blueliner averages 21:42 of ATOI and is a key figure on the team’s defense.
The Avalanche also had good news in practice as defensive prospect Conor Timmins, who has missed all of the 2018-19 season so far with a concussion, practiced today with the team even if it was in a non-contact jersey, according to BSN’s AJ Haefele. Bednar said after the practice that Timmins will begin ramping up activities over the next couple of weeks and they will see if he’s ready to go when the team returns after the All-Star break. Timmins, the team’s second-round pick in 2017, could help the team down the stretch if he’s deemed ready.
Ted Wyman of the Winnipeg Sun looks back at the first half of the season now that the team hits their bye and All-Star week, suggesting that while many things have gone right for the Jets, perhaps the most disappointing part of the season has been the play of star forward Patrik Laine. The scribe writes that the third-year winger is having a miserable season despite having 25 goals at this point. Despite an 18-goal November, Laine has tallied just seven goals combined in the other three months and often looks like a rookie on the ice. Of course, he’s only 20 years old still, so patience is needed.
After struggling for much of the season and recently seeing his ice time dwindle, Tyson Jost is headed back to the AHL. The Colorado Avalanche today assigned Jost and Ryan Graves to the Colorado Eagles, giving them just 21 players on the roster.
Jost, 20, was the tenth overall pick in 2016 but has yet to really establish himself in the NHL. After a great freshmen season at the University of North Dakota, the offensive center signed his entry-level contract and made his debut down the stretch for the Avalanche. Last year he returned to the lineup full-time and recorded 22 points in 65 games, but has failed to really take a step forward in 2018-19. Jost hasn’t been asked to play center on a regular basis this season given his struggles in the faceoff circle, and it’s not clear exactly where he fits into the lineup in a perfect scenario.
That fit will have to be determined through his play in the minor leagues, as the young forward was clearly not progressing in the NHL. In 43 games he has just 15 points, despite being given ample opportunities on the powerplay for much of the year. Given that he does not penalty kill and is seeing fewer than ten minutes of even-strength ice time in recent weeks, playing in a top-six role for the Eagles is probably the best for his development. Jost can obviously be recalled at a moment’s notice given the proximity of the AHL team, and currently does not require waivers.
Graves meanwhile could be back up before the Avalanche hit the ice on Saturday against the Los Angeles Kings, but he too had been used extremely sparingly by head coach Jared Bednar during his time in the NHL. The 23-year old defenseman has logged fewer than 12 minutes of ice time in each of his eight appearances, though he does have two goals already to show for his short NHL career.
Poll: Should Colorado Move Semyon Varlamov?
The Colorado Avalanche returned third-string goalie Pavel Francouz to the AHL today. Yet, at this point in their season, it is fair to ask whether that move actually makes the team better. The Avs finally snapped a six-game win-less streak on Friday night against the New York Rangers and have fallen out of the once-competitive Central Division race over the past month. Colorado’s struggles are not singular in nature – a lack of secondary scoring and a struggling penalty kill have played a part – but poor performance in net has been the most pressing issue facing the team. After a hot start to the season, Semyon Varlamov has regressed to a .912 save percentage and 2.80 GAA and has missed the team’s past two games with a lower-body injury. Off-season acquisition Philipp Grubauer has yet to settle in with Colorado, holding a career-worst .902 save percentage and 3.13 GAA thus far.
Considering that Varlamov’s play is not currently winning games for the Avalanche, the team could opt to move on from the veteran keeper. Despite Varlamov’s recent slump, the impending unrestricted free agent would still be a valued name on the trade market as the NHL Trade Deadline grows closer. Several teams will be looking for a rental for the stretch run and postseason and Varlamov could potentially be the closest thing to a bona fide starter that could hit the market. Why then would the playoff-bound Avalanche want to move Varlamov if he’s still a top NHL option? The return would be substantial and could – either directly or by flipping part of the return – result in Colorado adding the forward depth they so desperately need. It was recently reported that the Avs are hesitant to move their top prospects and young roster players for help, which could force them to move an established veteran like Varlamov.
The Avalanche could benefit from some addition by subtraction when it comes to Varlamov as well. The aforementioned Francouz, in his first season in North America after an illustrious European career, has made the transition look easy this season. Recently named an AHL All-Star, Francouz, 28, has a .919 save percentage and 2.65 GAA through 23 games with the Colorado Eagles. Perhaps more impressively, Francouz has made two NHL relief appearances and has saved 33 of the 35 shots that he faced (.943 SV%). The Denver Post’s Sean Keeler writes that head coach Jared Bednar considered making Francouz the starter over Grubauer last night and opined that the current third-string could be the X-factor for the Avs this season. Francouz is also an impending UFA and the team should take a longer look at him this season to determine if he could be a long-term option alongside Gruabauer. An extended stay in Denver this season would certainly help convince Francouz to stick around as well.
Of course, if the Avalanche were to trade Varlamov this season, it would very likely hurt their chances at a Stanley Cup title. Despite his struggles, Varlamov has outplayed Grubauer and has years of success to fall back on, as opposed to his young backup and Francouz, an unproven import. Colorado would likely have to turn around and add another option in net if they were to trade Varlamov. However, given that the Avs face a probable playoff route through the Nashville Predators and Winnipeg Jets this season, it could be that they favor improving the team for the future rather than clinging to slim title chances. The team could also feel that addressing their needs at forward is a priority compared to maintaining depth in net.
What do you think? Should the Avalanche change things up by trading Varlamov for young pieces or forward help and hand the reins to Grubauer and Francouz? Or should they hold on to their established starter in hopes that it is their best chance at a Cup run this season?
The Colorado Avalanche announced they have recalled goaltender Pavel Francouz from the Colorado Eagles of the AHL. Head coach Jared Bednar said that Semyon Varlamov was a little banged up and Francouz was recalled as a precaution. The 28-year-old was up earlier this month and was impressive in a relief stint on Dec. 22 when he saved 21 of 22 shots against Arizona in 29 minutes of work. Francouz, who signed as a free agent with Colorado in the offseason out of the KHL has performed well in the AHL as well, posting a 13-7-1 record and a .919 save percentage. With Varlamov expected to hit free agency at the end of the season, Francouz could be a strong candidate to fill the backup role next season.
The Carolina Hurricanes have assigned forward Janne Kuokkanen to the Charlotte Checkers of the AHL, according to CapFriendly. The 20-year-old prospect has had trouble finding a positive role with the Hurricanes, despite being dominant in the AHL. Kuokkanen has yet to score in seven games and has seen his playing time dwindle to under 10 minutes in the past three games. He will return to Charlotte where he has already equaled his goal output from last year and can continue working on his game. The team followed that up announcing the promotion of Saku Maenalanen from Charlotte to fill Kuokkanen’s shoes. Maenalanen has appeared in just one game for the Hurricanes, but has scored seven goals and 14 points in 31 games for the Checkers.
While it’s already been reported that the Chicago Blackhawks’ recent trade acquisition Jason Garrison cleared waivers earlier today, NBC Sports Charlie Roumeliotis reports that Blackhawks’ general manager Stan Bowman said Garrison will be assigned to the Rockford Ice Hogs of the AHL. Garrison, picked up in Sunday’s trade with Drake Caggulia for Brandon Manning, has played in 17 games with the Oilers this year. He did play 58 games with the Chicago Wolves last season when playing for the Vegas franchise.
After two years in the Swiss League, former NHLer Bobby Sanguinetti has returned to North America, as the Charlotte Checkers of the AHL announced they have signed the 30-year-old veteran to an AHL deal. The defenseman, who played 45 games with the New York Rangers and Carolina Hurricanes, played with the Checkers for three years before spending the last two years in Switzerland. Sanguinetti, a former first-round pick in 2006, will hope to resurrect his career there.
The Nashville Predators announced they have assigned Nicholas Baptiste to the Milwaukee Admirals of the AHL. The team recalled him Monday to serve as an emergency player for their game against Washington, but now have returned the 23-year-old without getting him into a game. Baptiste has played 34 games for Milwaukee and has six goals and 14 points.
The Minnesota Wild have recalled defenseman Ryan Murphy from AHL Iowa per a team release. This will be the 25-year-old’s first stint in the NHL this season but he has 172 games of NHL experience between Carolina and Minnesota over the past six seasons. Murphy has played in 27 games in the minors this season with three goals and 10 assists.
The Colorado Avalanche went out of its way to bring in goaltender Philipp Grubauer via trade during the offseason to be their heir apparent in goal, but with Semyon Varlamov playing well throughout this season, Grubauer hasn’t had much of a chance to claim that role. However, that might be changing.
With the team having lost five of their last seven games and Varlamov struggling, the team got a brilliant performance from Grubauer on Tuesday as he saved 35 shots in a 2-1 win over the Montreal Canadiens. After that performance, The Athletic’s Ryan S. Clark (subscription required) wonders if this is the turning point where Grubauer takes over as the team’s No. 1 goaltender. With Varlamov slated to hit unrestricted free agency this summer, the team needs for Grubauer to take that next step and that looks to be the case. In the last six starts (not including Friday’s 2-1 loss to Chicago), the 27-year-old is 5-0-1 with a 2.29 GAA and a .936 save percentage.
“(Grubauer) gives us a chance. He gives us a real good chance,” head coach Jared Bednar said. “He keeps it at 1-0 and guys are saying the right things on the bench. … I just felt like he looked really solid in the net. Like he was in control tonight. I haven’t felt that way about our goaltending for the last little bit and that’s what we need.
The Athletic’s Scott Powers (subscription required) writes that when winger Brendan Perlini was traded from the Arizona Coyotes to Chicago Blackhawks, he had high hopes that a change of scenery would jumpstart his career as he has struggled to put up points. However, while the Blackhawks liked what they have seen from center Dylan Strome, Perlini quickly found himself on the team’s fourth line and even found himself a healthy scratch early on. “To be honest, you never like to sit, but it’s good because I can watch the game and say, OK, here’s certain spots where maybe I can get the puck or things like that or realize watching I can settle down there, there’s a lot more time than I actually think. Like I said, you never like watching, but you can take good things from it. I think I’ve done that and just try to build off it and learn every day.” Perlini since then has looked much more comfortable and has picked up a couple of goals in the past four games. The hope is he continues to make adjustments in Chicago’s lineup.
Ken Wiebe of the Winnipeg Sun writes that with the impressive play shown by Winnipeg Jets’ goaltender Laurent Brossoit can be attributed back to last year when the back-up lost his job in Edmonton to Al Montoya and he found himself in the AHL for the remainder of the season. That experience made him work harder to get back to the NHL. “Now I’m more aware of who I am as a goalie and as a professional, if that makes any sense,” said Brossoit. “It was unfortunate I had to go through those growing pains during my biggest opportunity with that club. I wouldn’t say that I performed at the level I normally do.” Brossoit was offered to return to Edmonton, but instead opted to start fresh in Winnipeg.
The NHL has issued a $2,000 fine to Colorado Avalanche forward Mikko Rantanen, citing two instances in which he broke Rule 64 for Diving/Embellishment this season. Fines will increase for Rantanen for any subsequent instances, and eventually include financial punishment to head coach Jared Bednar as well. The first incident, which garnered just a warning, was on October 16th against the New York Rangers, while the latest was during a November 14th game against the Boston Bruins.
Rantanen has been one of the league’s brightest stars this season and still leads the entire NHL in scoring with 32 points. His play alongside Nathan MacKinnon has been a revelation, and has the Avalanche poised to become one of the league’s most dangerous offensive teams. Unfortunately with this history, he’ll now be watched even more closely by the officials and may not get the benefit of the doubt on close calls. He also could very well draw the ire of his coaching staff if he causes them to be fined, or costs his team with an ill-timed penalty.
With a dominant top line that includes Nathan MacKinnon, Gabriel Landeskog and Mikko Rantanen, the Colorado Avalanche can’t be happier as they have combined for 75 points so far this season. However, the biggest concern for the team has been their secondary scoring, which most recently seems to have improved when the team re-inserted center Tyson Jost together with wingers Alex Kerfoot and Colin Wilson, according to Kyle Newman of the Denver Post.
Jost had spent some time with that line earlier this year, but between a demotion to the team’s fourth line and an injury that kept him out for four games, Jost finally got a chance to center the two wingers and has made the most of his opportunity with a pair of goals in the past week as well as improved play from both Wilson and Kerfoot. | 2019-04-26T02:31:08Z | https://www.prohockeyrumors.com/coaches/jared-bednar |
Share your tips and tricks and anything you feel important for our little community!
wow thanks for the very nice comment and request.
We put this on the next to do list but of course first have to finish the 4 other routes making the Vancouver Calgary to a collectible series.
Can you email me you Trainz username to keep your name private here.
If you like something see different on this website let me know also if it does what it needs to do and no overkill.
Any other subject feel free to talk about.
I'm having trouble with a couple of the turnouts in the Revelstoke engine terminal, specifically P01 Revelstoke C and P03 Revelstoke C. The points on 03 seem to be frozen; even though the indicator arrows switch from red to green, the points stay in the same position. Also, whenever I try to run a loco through either turnout, it derails! Close visual inspection does not reveal any immediately obvious reason for this to be happening, and I am moving at less than 10 mph with the points properly set, so I can't see that it's anything I'm doing, either. Help???
PlS NEVER feel bad if something is not working(lucky happen very rare!) as we all know very well certain things(N3V bugs) we have no control but can repair luckily at least so i feel good when i can help.
by tonight or tomorrow dec. 31st latest I will have a updated version of CPR Mountiain Sub and Rogers Pass both under release 1.0.2.
If you are interested to receive please email me on roystrainz together with information on your username so I can provide each one with a newer version.
update contains replaced corrupted switches, repaired textures dissolved left and right and also a new speed and signal update.
The signal update will cover Viktor Lake till half way Lake Kinbasket to Donald Station.
Please report any missing, corrupt or not working item so we can update them in the next version end of january 2013.
thanks for all the nice post and help to get this blog getting better and more lively. Please post any remark, suggestion, idea, wish, comment in general as llong as it is constructive and positive.
Many thanks again and happy, happy new year!!!
Ok this morning test revealed signal 1100S is flashing yellow top left. the V2 HUD is showing green. I consider this not to bad and would accept the HUD not to be correct. The more once the train passed the signal it turned yellow for S 1095S so proofed the HUD is little bit off. Your take and please do not be shy to post something here.
Trouble with the 1.0.2 download. I'm getting a file not found error. Possibly because the link says crp rather than cpr?
Happy New Year to all of you!!!!!!!!
I confirm that the download of version 1.0.2 and the installation in Trainz went as expected, ie. no problems at all.
Thanks for such good service and for such a superb route.
Thanks Gilles most other Roy's trainzers confirmed also good execution of the new release and yes works as expected, thanks for the ice comment.
Hi everyone! I want to thank Roy for an AMAZING route (I bought the 3-in-1 CPR Mountain Sub)!! The detail is ridiculous and I cannot even imagine the effort and time it took to create this route. Today I spent some time reading the new PDF instructions for the CMTM System (http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showt...7-CMTM-Upgrade) and was wondering if anyone else other than myself is crazy enough to attempt creating at least one session utilizing it. It seems like a daunting endeavor and I have no doubt that it would be an intense effort. However, I believe that a few of us dedicated enough may be able to team up and put something quite impressive together for this equally impressive route. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? I especially would like Roy to chime in here too. Thanks!
Enough industries to do the first steps with lumber industries rolling stock and truck bringing the lumber from the forest..eg.
64WarHorse, yes, I think that there are enough industries, esp if you include the whole Mountain Sub. Not to even mention what Roy here has proposed (integrating it into his upcoming additional route(s)). CMTM does support all sorts of cool scenarios as mentioned by Roy, not just yard/switching duties specifically. I am in the process of learning the new CMTM version (v.4) and would gladly contribute as much time/effort that I can to developing some sessions if we do it in a team fashion. :) Maybe we can start small at first and make some very basic sessions/scenarios to see how it goes. If all works out well then we can collaborate and come up with some truly epic sessions for these awesome routes! This idea is very exciting for me and if some of you share my enthusiasm (esp Roy), I really think we could build something legendary here. Idk. Maybe we can pull DAP (CMTM creator) into this somehow too.
Okay, colour me intrigued. So where do we start? I suppose the first question would be, do we need to modify any rolling stock for CMTM?
This is the most expensive ad-on I have ever bought, but I consider it worth every penny.
Keep the spirit high. :) I really look forward to following the devlopment of Your project.
Steve i agree i will tell Ray to change the background in a neutral easy to read color monday! promise!
ChrisD yeeeehhh wow that feels good you like it as so many did already before you and yes it is a marvel and yes worth every penny you spent There is so much to discover it will take you a lot of time to find out and still not see it all,........that means yes i spent a lot of time creating this and hope to finish the next section soon.
Railworks user here that just had to see what Trainz was capable of in its most extreme! Picked up Trainz on 75% discount and bought the Rogers Pass route from your site. The level of detail in this route is amazing. Im a routebuilder in Railworks, and I know how long it takes to build anything. I cant imagine it being any different in Trainz.. Your work is really and I mean really fantastic! Its all in the details as they say and your route has it all. Take care all and thanks again for your hard work Roy!
Hello all! Sorry for the few days absence but I've been quite busy lately. Anyway, I am almost done reading and re-reading the CMTM documentation and would soon like to start collaborating with those of you interested in helping me out with some basic CMTM session ideas and subsequently creation. All of those interested should PM me on the main Trainz forums thread and send me their e-mail addresses so we can communicate more efficiently. Or, feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected].
saw that one too1 I did straighten a track segment and did not realize the signposts were separate and so got this cosmetic error. Moved the post and fixed already, thanks for reporting.
Thank you for this nice route it is wel very long to drive cpr mountain sub -)) my wife is killing me.
Guillaume, i cannot advice you what is a less of more painful death, killed by your wife or trainz excitement, lol.
Thanks 4 sharing, Ning laughs she understand.
Hopefully this will work in TS12, seeing errors as I install, previous versions errors, warnings. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the routes!
all related to JVC grass items by author jankvis.
missing deps or unknown deps 99% of the time are caused by to many cdp's installed at the same time in Content Manager Program! So if jankvis has unknown ora ny other look for the author and reinstall that group like here for Jankvis go to group 3 dependencies you downloaded and reinstall the group J in there, should work flawless honest.
hmm working in my dungeon on Mount Stephens/Spirals/Lake Louise area Laggan sub.....sssst top secret.
"Roy, the screenshots of the Mountain Subdivision are phenomenal. Have you done the whole thing to absolute scale? What sources did you use (or are you a railroader)? What version of Trainz will this run on and are there related kuids included?"
Like Google real scale and detail as far as possible.
Running TS12 latest version 49922.
Thanks a million Roy! You are a wonderful and patient support. Everything is up and going, beautifully! Now for that latte, sit back, relax and enjoy.
Thursday Feb 27th I will upload release 1.03 of the CPR Mountain Sub. Claim yours by sending an email to me and i will link an upload for you. Have a great week!
did you have any succes implementing the CMTM system for our routes? let us know what the current status is ok?
Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I was out-of-state enjoying Mardi Gras in New Orleans for a few weeks. :) But yes, CMTM DOES work with the routes and it works quite well actually. I had started to collaborate with another member here but he hasn't replied to my last e-mail. He had some VERY good session ideas which I was excited to work on with him. He had suggested doing multiple CMTM sessions, each one building upon the previous one(s). I will attempt to contact him again. Otherwise, I, myself, have begun testing CMTM implementation on the CPR Mountain Sub route (3-in-1) and am now trying to come up with some of my own session ideas. If ANYONE else here would like to help, PLEASE contact me via e-mail or PM on the forums.
Mardi Gras that has been a while for me.... very nice time!
Well CMTM that sounds good, let me know when you have something for me to test here and give ideas to you as feedback. If lucky not to long we have a connection to the Laggan sub to run real CMTM!
Keep up the excellent work and keep me in the pict.
CPR Mountain Sub release 1.0.3 is ready for dl.
email me and I open in your account for dl!
Hello all! I must apologize for the delay in providing any updates regarding implementing CMTM 4 on the CPR Mountain Sub. I am just starting to get over a nasty bout with bronchitis/upper respiratory infection and have not been able to devote much time to Trainz or much else aside from sleep (and coughing my lungs out). Steve (I am now unsure of his Trainz username here) contacted me awhile ago about his interest and desire to help me get some CMTM sessions thought-out and started. I will be contacting him later today to continue to work out the details of some of his ideas (which are really awesome btw!!). Not going to ruin the surprise or anticipation, but due to the route's huge size and unique layout of industries, yards, and portals to subsequent routes that Roy has mentioned, the sessions Steve has suggested as some possibilities really do a great job of taking those factors into account.
Roy, yes!, CMTM 4 can and DOES work with the route(s) and YES!, it should definitely be something you take into consideration for future updates, upgrades, and new routes/expansions. Steve and I both came to the same conclusion that adding CMTM to existing rolling stock is a very simple matter of just adding some lines to the config.txt files. However this poses a potential problem with the original content creators' licensing/hosting mandates. I am not sure what to do about this potential issue, but I am sure we will find a way.
kep up the good work guys, i work hard to get the daunting task of texturing over and over again certain areas to my liking but as i get older (like all of you) every day, day by day I get more picky and say to myself time is not of the essence, quality, pride of work and fun of doing it makes the difference.
if this continues I close the blog and concentrate only on supporting you guys my unbelievable nice cosy and great roys trainz family. SP1 is the door closer for me with trainz although I will support you guys to the end of the 5 major routes for the next years to come and look seriously for another alternative than N3V.
i not understand what fun they have spamming this blog. there is no financial gain nor fight or dispute of any kind related unless they show their face like we do.
ugly but it seems to make them happen.
Garbage not only fills our oceans and kills habitat.
I just finished testing a way around the grotesque bug existing for years far as TRS 2009 and now even blocking my routes from working with tunnels.
It is not a copmplete guarantee it should work now for you to so pls dl it and test it once I uploaded only CPR marked as 57720_CPR. i not upgrade any smaller route instead I will teach you how to spli them yourselves from a certain release for your own enjoyment. Kepp all routes updated is to much work right now and easier to split the biog one local at your desk.
Yess, they failed to block me here is a version that will work at least it does on my computer 57720! I will now start prep upload for the route with tunnels working but its new tunnels not the old one i did change little things in the config too of the tunnels.
Ok just uploade the latest CPR version working with big tunnels in 57720 SP1 and also uploade the 577203rdparty_fix for deps new tunnels you need to dl again. sorry for the incovenience but thank N3V for all the mishap and fuzz they create and deny.
I am not sure how to update my Rogers Pass to SP1. Please advise.
Niels send me an email and acc namr and see what we can do ok?
Maybe You should take a look at Open Rails when You get a few moments to spare.
This is where I have moved after giving up on TS12 and its "Service Pack".
This freeware Train Simulator (at 0.8 rev 1561) uses at present existing MSTS Routes, but is running on 4 cores and is revised several times each week.
Bug reporting and fixing is a breeze compared to N3V, and the team even works for nothing.
Visual range from the CAB, where I am supposed to be when I drive a train, is 4 Km´s and can be set even higher If You want to, but 4 Km´s is GREAT sustaining a 100+ frame rate.
The driving experience is CLASSES Higher than Trainz.
Sorry for rubbing salt in Your wound, but my wound is just as great thanks to N3V, and You said in a previous post that You might change platform.
Just wanted to let you know that after a fresh install of TS12 SP1 and CPR Mountain Sub 57720 I am simply amazed.
Never before have I been able to run with 5000MT draw successfully. Usually I cannot even open up the CPR as it locks up my computer. I have never been able to run it with all sliders maxed out but with TS12 SP1 and CPR 57720 I have no problems.
The graphics are a huge improvement as is the sound.
In fact the only minor issue I have is a slight stutter when the scenery detail slider is on normal or high with the other sliders at max value. Smooth as silk if scenery detail is on low. this is unheard of on my humble computer. I will play with the slider settings a little more as I am sure there is a better compromise re the stutter.
I have kept the TS12 pre SP1 install just in case, but I am really loving the 57720 version so much.
I will report back after testing in a heavy yard area and with other trains about.
That's all for now, Andrew.
sorry to hear you leave.
Well if Open rails has a modeller similar to trainz or better, if the dbase of 3rd party freeware objects to choose from is similar or better, if there is a way to "move" "recreate the same DEM, networks, road,splines and locations of existing objects ....what else.
I know the problem, and there is no easy solution.
As for the assets, there may be a way forward. Most assets are built with some kind of 3D modeller, and if the raw files (before export to Trainz) is at hand they can be exported to MSTS as well.
I am sure we will never get to a quater of a million assets, but right now N3V is voiding a batch of these, so..
I not need all dls items so far 400 are faulty in my trainz dbase. ouch but can live with it for the moment.
thanks for your support dear friend say hello home from all of us!!
New version of CPR Mountain Sub TS14 release 1.0.5 now available.
just uploaded the 1.0.5 release which runs very nice and is the best ever driver version so far in 10 years! Scenery and quality is beyond expectations and a complete surprise probably for N3V too they never check or report things anyway.
OGL is now finally the way to go and has better fps too when tweaking your Nvidia.
Personally I am most happy with driver as the speedtrees and my textures now do VERY well!!!
I just made a free roam around Your route and the memory usage peaked at 2,454,000 Kb, so Trainz definately uses more than the usual 2 Gb. And, no locking or long thinking pauses.
Roy, thanks again, I have donwloaded all 1.0.5, do I need all these if I have the previous version?
If you dl already earlier revs deps you not need to dl again same.
Chris thanks for the link it seems to work better than expected!
Is there a way to undo the 4GB patch? My trainz.exe file is changed, cannot apply patch #2. Thanks.
you run into the same booby trap too like me.
Currently i make some backups of older TS212 versions to an old HDD but a slow one. After done I will than carefully upgrdae another 57720 on my SSD and install same way you do.
I lost my major HDD backup disk incl my original TS12 files from trainz setup. Not in the mood now to see if i can dl them again from trainz... Maybe when we finished supplying N#V with all the bugs they will fix them for the next TS14 for sure and use us as their testers like always.
there is and never will be a rollback from them so when goes wrong you have to uninstall reinstall crazy but true as far as I know.
keep me us posted and you can post in roy doors thread so other can learn from it.
That is Your original file. Just delete the Trainz.exe and rename tha backup.
Ok guys this evening uploaded tons of kuids upgraded to trainz build 3.5 to be used in TS12 49922 and 87898.
If your interested dl the 5 groups on the deps page of your profile.
Roy, just found your website by chance, looked at your route pics. they are the best I've seen. You are an artist.
For all those using the CPR Mountain freeware route with s301 ZR grasses which unfortunately not do the job at all. I did replace them today but the route is not updated yet.
Here is a way to use replace assets and you can dl via your profile the Pofig-JVC frewware cdp with the grasses needed.
I did work on a proper replacement for the S301 grasses for the freeware grass version of the CPR route.
I thought that those from jvc in the pofig lib could do the job till one decides to change/upgrade to ST_2 grasses if he/she likes them more.
find near track following item "ZR~(Gr-1)Grass R-Dark green-2 mtr"
open in surveyor main menu replace assets and place this object in left side as assets to replace!
click current selection only to make it replace all in the route!
"3D1_Pg-JVC_gr1_22" is asset to replace with!
3D1_Pg-JVC_gr2_58 asset to replace with!
In case you are not familiar with I can make tomorrow a short video how to but bet you know this command how to use.
Roy, a query please. I am in the process of writing a Session for CPR to be uploaded (hopefully) to the DLS.
I have the freeware S301 grasses at the moment. If I replace them with the 3D1 grasses does your map still retain your kuid?
If I upload a Session with S301 grasses will other players with other versions of grasses still be able to download and play a Session from the DLS?
I not have experience with creating sessions to that level of detail how trainz would handle it bit from the surveyor handling this it should work as long as the other side has the same grass it will show that grass.
Most probably the session would have missing deps (grasses) if the other party not have those grasses in his/her dbase.
We have to test this and see or discuss with other more experienced session users on the forum.
The eeasiest and most forward way for you however would be to make these grasses Gr... now used mandatory to dl and install when someone dl your session.
I have never used Replace Assets before so I'm not sure if it also replaces your kuid with mine for the map. That would be no good to upload a Session to the DLS.
I'll play safe for the moment and keep to the S301 grasses until my Session is released. After that I can experiment.
I think you are right in that another player would have missing deps but that should'nt affect the playability of the Session.
BTW, what is the correct spelling. Illecillweat or Illecillwaet? Both are used in the map. I would like to know the correct one for use in html messages.
Before you release any session on the dls make sure that not inadvertedly parts of the payware route are linked or available thru the session on the dls.
I never used sessions in depth but I think i saw once a large route file linked in the sessions data file that was the major part of the route.
This we have to avoid you understand.
Replace asset is easy and handy so pls use it and let me now the new grasses do the job.
Illecillewaet is the correct name.
I understand your concerns about people getting hold of your route through other means. That will not happen with me. I shall be uploading 2 files to the DLS when ready. One is the Session and the other is a HTML file which will contain the instructions, messages, etc.
Nothing of your route is included apart from your kuid in the Session config.txt that gives the map being used. What this means is that if someone hasn't bought the route and downloads the Session, they won't be able to play it as the route will be a 'Missing Dependency'.
With your permission I'll add into the DLS description that the Session uses a Payware route only available from you at Roy's Trainz. You never know, it might bring in a few extra sales! If someone has already bought the route then everything is peachy.
I've started the Session at Revelstoke CPR Yard and have now reached Illecillewaet (correct spelling thanks).
I'll tidy up here and save a backup to external HD before I try replacing the grasses.
thanks for the nice post and agree with you.
Sorry for the late approval of the post.
My webmaster adviced me to go this cumbersome way to approve outside posts since hackers/spammers keep bombarding the website relentlessly what fun they think they have is unclear to me but this world has more unclear habits and things happening.
Thanks for the reply. I agree with you, these hackers are a menace.
I installed the grasses ok but what I feared would happen, did. I could only save them in a new map with my kuid. This of course is no good as I need to upload a Session for use with your map, your kuid.
What I think I'll do is to continue on to Wakely and stop there. I'll upload the Session and explain that it can only be played with your S301 map. I'll wait and see if there is any positive interest/feedback before deciding whether to carry on to Golden.
Don't bother replying to this post. I'll put future posts on the Forum and let N3V worry about the hackers.
If you go into the config of your session and change the route map the session refers to than, anyone who has the CPR in any form but different grasses eg should be able to run the route/session.
When you have a test for me i can proof what I say when you ready.
I have done this dozen times when a session linked to an older CPR version I wanted to link to a newer, changed the config map kuid the session has to run on and done.
I understand what you mean when updating Sessions but this is your own kuid on your own computer and Trainz recognises this.
When I replaced the grasses I can only save it in my kuid which Trainz gives me, like it or not.
For instance: your map 122860:100035, after installing and saving the new grasses has now become 90608:100027, the 90608 being my kuid.
This is fine as long as I don't want to upload the map to anywhere. It may now be in my kuid but doesn't belong to me.
I think the way to go is to release the Session with the default map 122860:100035. I will add an instruction on how to change the map kuid in the Session to whatever they have on their system. This will not infringe your copyright as any player must have bought your original map before they can update grasses.
All very complicated so I'll leave that for now until I get the Session finished.
I'll come back to you at that time to see about testing.
defying 58414 little critters and bugs the Rogers Pass passed my QA tests with "flying colors" after crashing first time after 2 hours without any normal reason than the exisitng Trainz bug.
The route is now ready for dl for those interested in a 58414 1.07 version of this section.
About wich trainz TS12 versions support my routes. Simple and straight forward ALL releases work 100% and dependencies of the route are all working and links for dl provided. It cannot be more simple and all in one place.If for any reason you feel well with the 49922 version dl this one from your account profile.I use the 58414 as the driver here runs particularly well, but earlier versions no problem.
Can i ask what the file size is for the whole Route please Roy ?, Like to download the whole thing mate i am on a limited wireless service here and it would take for ever to download if the Route and Deps is too big. And does it only come in a winter version ?. Loks pretty cool the whole thing.
sorry I just now checked the blog to see for comments that need approval. Many times hackers and sorts of try to ruin one's day and for unknown reason and sick pleasure that never works at least not with us.
Ok the size of the entire route is a cdp/zip 199 MB! not that big even for a limited internet connection and my site has fast acces so dl would work fine.
The deps are all grouped in smaller ones and also setup to fit as you said ltd acces internet connections.
I am very pleased to see you around here and we would be more than happy to welcome you to our community. You will love it and yes the winter/seasonal groundtextures for a auto pre and post winter experience is included.
Check my thread there are somewhere also winterpictures around.
This should get you on the tracks with Roy's trainz.
Thanks Roy i'll certainly grab it at sum stage mate, Few other projects i want to take care of first though so thanks again.
Hate to be a pain again mate sorry but can i ask one more question, If i have not updated to the latest patchs for TS12 can i still use your Route ?. Or would i have to patch to the latest build ?. Thanks Roy.
yes when you purchase my routes it will show you what to dowload for eg. 49922 WIN and MAC version and in case the 58414 release the coresponding CPR route working/updated for the version of TS12.
Also I did "update a lot of built-in and other used cdp's to actualize them as far as feasible to run well on 58414.
these routes look awesome, i'm currently downloading alot of stuff for other software and will buy CPR Mountain Subdivision in a couple of hours. I hope the download includes everything needed to run the route because i'm new to Trainz12. Thank You Roy for your work of Art :) Harry from Montreal, Canada.
you make my birthday a complete success. thanks for the very nice comment.
Welcome to Roys Trainz and YES there is one page containing ALL needed deps at your fingertips.
OMG, WOW! Roy you're awesome! I just finished installing "Rogers Pass" and I am in shock at how beautiful the route looks in TS12. Your payware even looks better than Railworks TS2014......BRAVO!
Do you remember if I have all the routes when I bought the $70 combo? If not, which one do I not have? Curious, thank you for all your hard work and beautiful creative things.
The 3 in combo means that you bought the CPR Mountain Sub from Ottertail all the way to west of Revelstoke.
I made for a limited time 3 separate "smaller" routes cutting/overlapping with the huge CPR MOUNTAIN connecting them via Iportals.
The "smaller 3 sep routes" where temporarily I want to allow people to taste at "entry" level before deciding to go for the big one.
Some users liked the smaller ones to run a few hours i.o. of 9 up all day.
99% bought and uses the CPR MOUNTAIN SUB.
I did not anticipate so much work due to several bugs in any trainz version when cutting. Imagine eg deleting a baseboard does not mean all data within and crossing is deleted and you and up with "invisble floating elements" ouside your cut route.
this morning Richard post on my trainz forum threads very touching post indeed!
"Hi Roy and everyone else who views this thread.
5 days ago I had been in Trainz exile for around 4 years. If I am totally honest I didn't think I would ever take an interest in Trainz again having drifted onto other things. On Sunday afternoon I stumbled across The Kickstarter Project "Trainz Simulator - A New Era". Initially I made a modest pledge, I liked the idea and the more I read about it, the more my interest in the future of Trainz was growing. The fire was lit and within a few hours I was back on the Kickstarter page increasing my pledge. At this point I was going to take a back seat and strap myself in for the ride and watch the next 4 weeks unfold. It didn't stop there though, I still couldn't stop at pledge number 2. I decided I needed a bigger slice of the action and pledge number 3 was made within 24 hours of me starting all this. Having got this far and making a commitment to the future of Trainz it was time to dust down my last version of the game Trainz 2009 and take a look. I had remembered fondly how much I enjoyed Trainz 2004 and Trainz 2006 along with Trainz classics, although if I am honest winding the clock back 4 years and looking at Trainz 2009 did little to enhance my new found enthusiasm for the Trainz Kickstarter project.
Taking the above into consideration it was time to research the current version of trainz and try and establish what the best available routes for Trainz 12 were. This is where I stumbled across Roys Trainz and after browsing his site and the forums I knew instantly I wasn't going to wait for my Get Trainz Now selection from the Kickstarter Pledge. I bought Trainz 12 along with CPR-Mountain-Sub TS14 and It's one of the best decisions I have ever made.
The Route is absolutely stunning Roy and is a credit to you.
I look forward to seeing your work hit new heights in future versions of trains.
ain't that something wow feels good and gives lots of energy.
The day after Dec.17th we all feel much better KS first step reached and more streched goals will make it for sure.
Thanks all the trainzers who supported vie my website and of course all those that pledged on the official KS and trainz website!!!
For those new to my website asking how come this blog is not very active, the reason is simple we use the main Trainz forum my trheads and thus reach at the same time other trainzers not part (yet) of the Roy's Trainz family.
If you like to share on my threads that you pledged also thru my routes please post over there and here of course.
I respect eachothers privacy and not publish a list.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Trainz year and 2014!
william asked me today in an email if my routes work on TS 12 he bought from steam.
Yes all my routes work on TS12 and all versions, see on this website when you click more on the CPR Mountain Sub it show TS12 version number and windows and or MAC version number.
Well, finally we did it the Laggan sub section West is ready to download.
further posts and comments we do as usual on the trainz forum in my threads Canadian rocky Mountains 2011 and others i opened there.
"I just downloaded the Columbia River Basin and it is the most amazing, most detailed route in trainz! It took me in a CP ES44AC running at track speed almost 3 hours to get done! of course I met 2 trains along the way and had to follow a northbound CN grain, but it was amazing! Super fun, super realistic, and totally worth the $25! Every person that has trainz 12 download this now!!!!"
Mid summer for most on this globe activity still high on roystrainz!! Most users know this blog is kind of sleepy as most activity blog etc is on trainz forum so please follow up over there to avoid double traffic.
At this moment i try to solve a mysterious bug on a beautiful very intelligent way of session automated traffic for CPR Mountain Sub created by my good dutch fellow friend Henk. His sessions works flawless on his computers but mine seem to love to bug a few AI trains so this and next week i will try to re-create his work from scratch and will keep you guys updated on the results. In case you are interested in the results email me or post on my threads on trainz forum.
Well we did it and cleared all winter tracks into Ottertail and further to Viktor Lake. Now ready for download is the all NEW CPR MOUNTAIN SUB SEASONAL with 4 seasons and much more and yes for future TANE use ready to migrate to that level when they are ready. In the mean time you can enjoy this gem the fullest in TS12 and maybe appreciate more now that TS12 with the so many shortcomings still is a nice piece of sim. It is sad to say how people ravage over TANE CE a not finished product (never should be released) as most trainzer have no clue what it takes to get a finished product until the final day of official release.
So i released yesterday some 300 plus seasonal assets. you will find them on the download page when you have bought the CPR Mountain Sub 1.0.9 look for the route 1.0.9 seasonal.
Still some more to do but that is for later now finish the TANE speedtrees first release for my routes.
Well at least the curtain starts moving in the TANE 3D theatre announcing wazz up and coming "soon". Yes they start with the Columbia River Basin followed by all the other one's all new routes so much bigger,wider,more details than ever before and much much more to come all in super realistic mode and not to forget protypical!!
Once all routes in TANe are out there the TS12 routes will fade out slowly and close an era we all enjoyed so much. You can post here but I prefer you do on my Canadian Rocky Mountains thread in the trainz frorum. A little bit more patience to iron out little critters and cracks by the N3V crew. they have a mountain of routes from me to get ready so give them credit and energy to get things done the soonest and well.
Glad Roy is still up and kickin'!!! | 2019-04-19T10:45:15Z | http://www.roystrainz.com/blog/post/so-here-we-are-ready-start-blog-division-roys-trainz/ |
Thanks to @Citi Foundation #ProgressMakers, Lesbia makes her career dream a reality!
When Lesbia was very young, her parents made a difficult decision. They wanted a better future for their family, so they moved from Central America to the U.S. to find it.
During that period, her parents were back and forth between the countries, and Lesbia rarely saw them. Six years later, she finally joined them on American soil.
When she started school, Lesbia couldn’t speak English. Other kids made fun of her name. She struggled.
But eventually, she learned to stop caring what other people thought. She realized that this new country held a wealth of opportunities.
As time went on and they worked to adjust to the U.S., other members of Lesbia’s family found Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF). They referred her, and after obtaining a work permit, she was able to get temporary child care assistance at HUF.
HUF changed Lesbia’s life. She was supported by multiple HUF programs, including Income Support, Financial Literacy, and the Bridge Program, where she completed the Customer Service and Sales Training, as well as the Patient Care Technician EKG/Phlebotomy Training. She’s currently finishing a class in math at Sheridan Technical School, and has a bright future.
Thanks to HUF, Lesbia’s family will no longer live paycheck to paycheck, and she, her husband, and her children will live better lives.
The Bridge Program at Hispanic Unity opens up a world of opportunities! With the generous support of @Citi Foundation and the Community #ProgressMakers grant, program participants have access to tuition assistance for career pathways in high demand fields, including national certifications in Patient Care Technician (PCT) and Customer Service and Sales Training (CSST).
Thanks to @Citi Foundation #ProgressMakers, Marisol makes her dream a reality!
From Boston, to Puerto Rico, to Miami, Marisol has been following her American dream since birth.
Born in Boston, she spent several years in the historic city before her family relocated to Puerto Rico, where she grew up and attended school.
As an adult, Marisol made the difficult decision to move to Florida in search of a better future for her family. She sought more safety and security. Marisol was excited and deeply committed to grow and thrive in her new home!
Starting fresh presented numerous challenges, however. She struggled to find work while caring for her two beloved children.
Luckily, Marisol found Hispanic Unity of Florida. Her brother had participated in HUF’s Center for Working Families program and referred her.
Marisol took the many opportunities offered by HUF and ran with them. She received income support through gift cards, child care assistance, hurricane relief help, and affordable housing. She also entered the Bridge Program where she became certified through HUF’s Customer Service and Sales Representative (CSR) training.
Shortly thereafter, she was able to secure part-time employment. Marisol says that the training helped her be more in touch with clients and better understand their needs.
The hard-working mother wanted to take things further and thrive in a new career, so she completed HUF’s Patient Care Technician Program (PCT) at Sheridan Technical College – a highly specialized training with a focus on EKG and Phlebotomy.
Countless new opportunities are now available to Marisol, and she plans to move on into the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) Program. Eventually, she’ll work in a private practice, and she credits HUF for helping her to empower herself and help ensure her family’s successful future.
The Urban Institute recently released a research report titled Upskilling the Immigrant Workforce to Meet Employer Demand for Skilled Workers.
The report takes a look at the whole US but supplements its findings through site visits and interviews with a variety of stakeholders in three metro areas, Seattle, Dallas and Miami-Fort Lauderdale.
Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) participated in the study and shared with the researchers our own insights into the work we do assisting immigrants who are both unemployed as well as, underemployed.
How many of us know that Broward County’s percentage of foreign-born residents is nearly 33% – or 3 out every 10 residents?
The implications are significant for our community. Our immigrant population is mostly first generation. And the needs of this population are different then communities where the immigrants are second or third generation or where the immigrants are English literate and highly educated.
Local communities with large foreign born residents must invest in foundational resources to assist these immigrants in their integration – which in turn – benefits the whole community.
At HUF where we serve immigrants from 30 different nations, our work is focused on English language instruction, education (for both parents and children), economic development (employment, small business creation, asset building, health and child care supports) and civic engagement.
This from the research report: This diversity within the immigrant workforce—with high numbers at both ends of the educational spectrum—is important context for our focus in this report on opportunities for immigrants employed in lower- and middle-skilled jobs.
At HUF, we simultaneously work with former professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. as well as individuals who never completed high school. This diversity within the immigrant community requires different approaches to the work community organizations such as HUF undertakes. For us, it means providing core services that are fundamental to all clients while providing “add-ons” such as information on how to have educational credentials certified for immigrants with college or advanced degrees.
“One out of every six workers in the US are immigrants.” The research report’s conclusions offers guidance for all our community’s stakeholders: state and local policy makers, workforce development service providers, funders and employers. Woven throughout the report are the community based organizations that are often at the frontlines of the work with immigrants.
South Florida is at full employment. Now is the time to support and address the needs of our whole community including communities of color and the immigrant community.
This article was originally published on June 6, 2018 on the UnidosUS website.
As of this posting, Florida is the only state in the nation to not have a federally approved accountability plan.
On April 20, 2018, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) submitted its revised Florida Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Plan to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE).
Hispanic Unity of Florida is a member of a coalition of civil rights organizations that earlier this year during Florida’s Legislative Session, proposed legislation that would align Florida’s school accountability system with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the largest federal law governing K-12 education. Florida’s current system neglects to factor into its school grades the test scores of many English learner (EL) and Latino students, and fails to use a native language assessment when appropriate for the 10% of Florida’s K-12 students who are learning English.
Effective implementation of ESSA at the state and district level is key to ensuring that educators and ELs have the data and tools they need to become English proficient and academically successful as swiftly as possible.
Under ESSA, in exchange for federal funds, states must track and report the performance of subgroups of students—racial and ethnic minorities, those from low-income families, ELs, and those with disabilities—when assessing school performance.
Florida’s revised ESSA plan, however, sidesteps the intent of the federal law by bundling together the lowest-performing students regardless of subgroup. That means schools that are not meeting the needs of every subgroup can still get a passing grade, and parents are not aware.
The revised Florida plan creates the new “Federal Percent of Points Earned Index” (FPPEI) of which subgroup performance and an English Language Proficiency Indicator will be components. The fact that Florida created the FPPEI is a good sign that the state recognizes its obligation to align the state’s system with federal law. The FPPEI, a new section of a Florida school’s report card, in effect creates a parallel accountability system. The calculation of a school’s grade still does not take into account subgroup performance and English language proficiency. This decision is problematic, confusing and unnecessary.
What’s more, while the federal government urges states, when appropriate, to test students in their native language to better assess what they know—Florida chose not to meet this requirement, despite being home to one of the nation’s largest EL population.
A recent report by UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) study highlights that Florida educates the third-largest K–12 EL population in the nation. ELs make up 10% of Florida’s student population; nearly 290,000 students. The majority of ELs—75%—in the state speak Spanish. According to recent Florida state assessment results, double-digit gaps exist in graduation rates and academic achievement between ELs and their non–EL peers.
As a result of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, it is estimated that Florida is now home to between 10,000 to 12,000 Puerto Rican students. While these students are American citizens, they also are predominately ELs.
For more information about ESSA and education issues impacting the Latino community, visit unidosus.org and UnidosUS’s education-focused website, Progress Report: Ensuring the Success of All Students.
Have conversations about ESSA with parents, teachers, principals, superintendents, candidates and state elected officials. Bring up the “Advocate Questions” in the conversation.
Engage parents and other stakeholders in your area by hosting an ESSA meeting at your school or a community-based organization.
Follow and Vote: Follow what local and statewide candidates have to say about education. Vote for candidates in the Primary Election on August 28, 2018, and the General Election, November 6, 2018 who are committed to all K-12 students. As voters we can and must make education a top campaign issue this election cycle!
Learn more: LULAC Florida will host an Organizational Roundtable and Community Forum on June 15, 2018 in Miami, at the Dadeland Marriott at 5:30 p.m.
To learn more about why activists are urging Secretary DeVos to reject Florida’s ESSA Plan, read this Education Week article.
The Pathways to Citizenship program offers free weekly citizenship classes, assistance with the naturalization interview and application, and financial coaching. Classes are open at eight library locations: Little Havana, North Miami Beach, Homestead, Kendall, Miami, Aventura, Sunny Isles and Hialeah. For general information or registration, please visit: http://www.HUFcitizen.org or contact: (305) 562-1796.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data shows that more than 88,000 people obtained legal permanent resident (LPR) status in South Florida in 2016. That makes our region, the third highest ranking in the country for people obtaining LPR status, following New York City and Los Angeles.
In the last decade, HUF has empowered more than 12,000 aspiring citizens from more than 30 countries to achieve their goal of U.S. citizenship. In 2017, more than 5,000 eligible students attended classes at HUF and at partnering Broward and Miami-Dade libraries, and more than 30 trained volunteers contributed more than 2,300 hours as instructors last year.
The Pathways to Citizenship program led by the Office of New Americans (ONA) of Miami-Dade County and Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. is a county-wide initiative made possible with the support from our Corporate Founding Partner Citi Community Development and the generosity of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Partners in Miami-Dade County include: Miami-Dade Public Library System and the City of North Miami Beach and their North Miami Beach Library. Media partners include Univision 23, UniMas 69, Amor 107.5, Mix 98.3, WQBA and Radio Mambi.
The Citi Foundation today announced that Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) was selected as the recipient of a $500,000 grant as part of the 2018 Community Progress Makers Fund.
The Fund is a $20 million, two-year initiative by the Citi Foundation to support high-impact community organizations that are driving economic opportunities in our communities, by bringing together residents, nonprofits, businesses, and municipal agencies.
HUF joins a group of 40 change agents (five in south Florida) that are playing a key role in coordinating the efforts of multiple partners toward common goals and working in new ways to address urban challenges in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami/South Florida, New York City, San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington D.C.
Through the fund, HUF will have the opportunity to offer low- and moderate-income families with access to customized vocational training programs, credentials and career pathways for middle-skill jobs in high demand.
by commenting on this blog and on our Facebook post.
We are pleased to announce our new Board officers, as well as the full slate of Board members for 2018.
Charles Tatelbaum, a Director with the Ft. Lauderdale law firm of Tripp Scott, P.A., has been elected to serve as Chair of the HUF Board of Directors. Mr. Tatelbaum has been a Board member and officer for the past five years and served as the Chair of the HUF Development Committee. He succeeds Guillermo Gomez (Woodforest National Bank) who served as the Board Chair in 2017. Rounding out the Executive Committee, are the following elected officers: Lucia Rodriguez (Comcast) as Chair-Elect; Emma Pfister (Templeton & Company) as Treasurer, and Christina Paradowski (Tripp Scott, P.A) as Secretary. Guillermo Gomez will continue to serve as an officer as Past-Chair.
Mr. Tatelbaum expressed his pleasure and excitement in embarking on this opportunity to lead the Board of an organization that provides so many vital and needed services to the South Florida community. He stated that with the unique diversity of the South Florida community, he welcomes the opportunity to chair HUF’s Board of Directors so that he can be part of augmenting the services provided to the community by HUF.
In addition to his more than 50 years of practice as an attorney focusing on bankruptcy and creditors’ rights issues, complex business litigation, Uniform Commercial Code transactions and lender liability litigation, Mr. Tatelbaum has been active in the South Florida community. He has served as a member (and Chair) of the Board of Friends of WLRN, a volunteer for Broward Partnership for the Homeless, as well as serving on the Board of the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.
Lucia Rodriguez (Chair-Elect) is Sr. Director of Sales and Marketing Communications at Comcast. She has more than 20 years of experience in the Television/ Telecommunications industry, with a proven-track record in Multicultural Marketing and Management. Educated in Venezuela and the United States, she holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, and a Master’s degree in Broadcast Administration from Boston University.
Emma Pfister (Treasurer) is a Partner in Templeton & Company LLP’s Tax Services Division. She has more than 30 years of experience in providing tax services, planning and consulting. She is based in the firms’ Fort Lauderdale office. A longtime resident of Broward County, she is active on the Board of the Friends for Jack & Jill Children’s Center in Fort Lauderdale and has been active in the St. Anthony Parish School in Fort Lauderdale serving in past leadership positions.
Christina V. Paradowski (Secretary) is an attorney with Tripp Scott, P.A., and focuses her practice in the areas of creditors’ rights, commercial litigation, and general civil litigation. In addition to her service on HUF’s Board, she is also a member of the current Leadership Broward class (Class XXXVI), a graduate of Women Leading Broward (Class IV), and the Immediate Past President of the Broward County Gator Club (an official affiliate of the University of Florida Alumni Association).
Willy Gomez (Past-Chair) has served on the Board of Hispanic Unity for three years and will remain on the Executive Board. Mr. Gomez is Florida’s Regional President for Commercial Banking at Woodforest National Bank. He is a graduate of the University of Miami. Previously, he served nine years on the Board of the Make a Wish Foundation of Southern Florida with one year as Chairman of the Board, and served on the Board of the Miami Science Museum for 12 years.
HUF is proud to welcome six new members to the Board of Directors: Dr. Rolando Garcia (Broward College), Daniel Herz (DFH Business Consultants Inc.), Daphne Maingot (Crowe Horwath LLP), Angie Stone (Citrix), Daniel Schevis (Community Volunteer) and Carolina Cardozo, Esq. (attorney). Continuing in their roles as members of the Board are: Melida Akiti (Memorial Healthcare System), John Guerrero (JM Family Enterprises, Inc.), Hector Lima (Citrix), Al Quintana (Edward Jones Investments), and Steve Sampier (Community Volunteer). Catalina Avalos serves as HUF’s non-voting and pro bono legal counsel.
To learn more about HUF’s volunteer leadership on the board and on its committees, contact Felina Furer at 954-862-7693 to schedule a private tour.
Join us today in congratulating our 2018 Board in our Facebook page. | 2019-04-20T06:49:08Z | https://hufempowermentcenter.org/ |
The Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental and Occupational Health - Prolepsis is a civil non for profit organization which was established in 1990 in Athens, Greece. With a strong belief in health being a fundamental right, Prolepsis has undertaken a leading role in the field of public health, by designing and implementing initiatives on various health issues and in different sectors targeting a wide range of audiences, such as children and adolescents, women, senior citizens, migrants and refugees, different types of occupational groups, such as health professionals, as well as policy makers, other NGOs and decision makers.
Prolepsis Institute has initiated and collaborated on a diverse range of public health projects that operate on national, European and international levels. The majority of the implemented initiatives entail multifaceted objectives and activities, including research protocols, critical analysis and literature reviews, epidemiological studies, statistical analysis, development of technical guidance and educative resource materials, training and education of groups/professionals on topics related to preventive medicine as well as collection and dissemination of information. The Institute also designs and implements wide scale health promotion programs tackling important health related problems such as obesity, smoking and alcohol.
During the years Prolepsis has led or participated in projects and initiatives that deal with migrant and refugee health such as the EU-funded project on the promotion of vaccinations for migrant populations in Europe – the PROMOVAX project. Moreover, Prolepsis participated in the “Sunia Geel” project, which was a response to the need to protect women and children against all forms of violence, focused on domestic violence, in particular within minority groups and migrants population.
Prolepsis has also organized the Pan-European Conference on the “Integration of Immigrants: Good practices in the sectors of Health, Welfare & Social Security” in Greece (6/2011).
CARDET is one of the leading research and training centres in the eastern Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, project management, training, and e-learning. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of adult and vocational training initiatives in the areas of financial literacy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Members of its team and board represent European and International Higher education institutions, training centres and international organizations, and have in-depth knowledge of the adult training sector, social justice, e-learning approaches, and social progress.
CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in adult training, capacity building, curriculum development, social entrepreneurship, vocational training, design thinking, innovation, education research, evaluation, and human resource development. Members of the CARDET team have successfully participated in more than 200 projects in more than 30 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, the Commonwealth of Learning, international agencies, and governments from around the world.
The EHESP French School of Public Health is the leading school of public health in France. EHESP trains top senior public sector, health and social services managers, inspectors and controllers ; it provides postgraduate and doctoral education and conducts research in all major disciplines linked to public health. Thus, EHESP offers a unique combination of professional and research based training courses in French and English language and leads a multidisciplinary network of graduate schools.
Ninety lecturers, grouped into 4 departments, provide training for senior management in health and welfare services, in a national and international context (training programs for healthcare professionals, Masters, post-masters, doctoral degrees and Institution-specific Diplomas). EHESP also offers certificates and more than 400 “short” training programs both in class setting and through distance learning, as well as training courses tailored to the needs of each facility, that are updated each year in various public health fields. Besides, EHESP offers preparatory courses for civil service examinations. The relevance and quality of teaching are an integral part of applied research. Research is carried out by 2 joint labs and 2 research teams, 1 environmental health research laboratory (LERES), research chairs in partnership and a doctoral network.
The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) is a research-oriented pub-lic university covering a wide spectrum of scientific fields. Its vision is to promote excel-lence in education and innovation in research, scholarly and other creative endeavours and also be actively involved with local, national and global communities.
Inaugurated in 1837 under the original name “Othonian University”, it is the oldest high-er education institution of the modern Greek state and the first university in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean area. In 1932 it was formally renamed as “The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens”, a public, self-governed legal entity, under the auspi-ces of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
The University consists of eight (8) Schools — Theology; Law; Economics and Political Sciences; Philosophy; Sciences; Health Sciences, Education, Physical Education and Sport Science — and thirty three (33) Departments. Each department offers one Bache-lor’s degree, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.
The mission of the NKUA is to advance knowledge and education in sciences and arts. In all academic units our researchers and faculty strive for innovation and seek to de-velop the passion for excellence as well as the ability to think critically, to contribute in research and innovation and to public policy-making. Internationalization of the Univer-sity and its openness towards our stakeholders is key to collaborating effectively with other institutions and organisations - national and international.
The aim at NKUA is to maximize the benefits of research by advancing fundamental knowledge and contributing to improved public policy, better health outcomes, economic prosperity, social cohesion, international development, community identity, the arts, cul-ture and the quality of life. Research and innovation are integral to academic excellence and a is a priority for the academic community, thus promoting the publication of re-search results in scientific journals, at academic conferences, contribution to books/monographs/chapters in edited volumes and book reviews, etc. NKUA collabo-rates with leading university networks, public sector bodies and business sector units – in Greece and internationally.
The Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE) is a legal entity of private law representing the first level of self governance in Greece (municipalities). It was established in 1927 during the first Conference of the Mayors of Greece.
KEDE holds its headquarters in the centre of Athens and employees 35 persons in a modern building with all the necessary equipment to hold official international meetings. It also has scientific advisory bodies: the Hellenic Agency of Local Development and Local Government (EETAA) / Information-Training- Local Development SA (PETA) and the Institute of Local Government (ITA).
KEDE also works in the level of its thematic committees that apply for relevant decisions to the administrative board after the discussions held within their framework on several topics concerning local self-governance such as : civil society, employment and social economy, education and Youth, health and social caring, insularity and mountain areas policy, institutions and equality, rural development, spatial planning, e-governance, National Strategic Reference Framework 2014-2020 ect.
The registered association Ethno-Medical Centre (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V., short: EMZ) is a German non-profit organization operating nationwide and internationally. The EMZ aims at connecting people with different professional, cultural and social backgrounds. As a centre of excellence for health and social inclusion, the EMZ makes healthcare and educational systems more accessible to migrants and refugees. It promotes and supports refugees’, migrant laborers’ and ethnic minorities’ health. It is based in Hanover (Germany) and was founded in 1989. Its members, board and staff are mainly composed of people with migration background, various actors in the sphere of public health, as well as medical research and teaching. Its mission is the empowerment and integration of migrants in the fields of health, social affairs, labor and education. The association also consolidates the competence of intercultural actions of institutions and health professionals by providing training, research and publications.
The EMZ was the first non-governmental organization in Germany implementing programmes on migrant and refugee health in the early 1990s, including the first professional community interpreter service in Germany. The core activity of the EMZ is the project “Health ¬– with Migrants for Migrants in Europe” (MiMi) (see also below). The MiMi project is improving migrants’ and refugees’ access to health services by increasing their health literacy and by capacity building in the field of public health. MiMi´s key technology for social inclusion includes executive education for intercultural mediators, health campaigns in migrant communities, multilingual health guides to explain health systems, related health topics or healthy life styles, networking and evaluation. It is conducted in more than 15 languages and has been implemented in more than 70 cities throughout Europe. The project was subject to a WHO case study and won various awards (e.g. Future Award, Sustainability Award, Prevention Award and Quality Award, European Health Award in 2015).
The EMZ and its work is funded by local and governmental authorities like the German Health Ministry, the Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Lower Saxony, the City and Region of Hanover, the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care, the Schleswig- Holstein Ministry for Social Affairs and Health, and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Furthermore, it receives funding by health insurance funds (“BKK Betriebskrankenkassen” – Federal association for the statutory health insurers), the German Pension Insurance and by several private companies and foundations. From 2008-2011 the EMZ was leading partner of the EAHC project Aids&Mobility Europe.
Kopin works for human rights and children’s rights with the aim to empower its beneficiaries as key agents for social change and advancement. It is a hybrid, operating in three interconnected fields: international sustainable development cooperation, refugee support and education.
Set up 16 years ago, it is one of the few professional NGOs working in the human rights field in Malta. It is supervised by a Board of five members, managed by an executive team, has five employees and around 20 volunteers and interns.
Kopin’s team is made up of professionals with diverse backgrounds providing an innovative package of services – Kopin supports marginalised communities where other institutions struggle and provides its services in a sustainable way, is a main provider of Development Education in Malta and one of the few Maltese entities focusing on children’s rights. The organisation is a partner of over 100 institutions in Malta, across Europe and East Africa, ranging from NGOs to ministries, local authorities, universities and international organisations. Kopin envisions a global and inclusive society, where citizens are equally empowered to contribute to a world that is free of poverty and any other forms of injustice.
Monitoring political processes and engaging in policy dialogue with decision makers to influence the debate on Maltese and European policies related to development, migration and children’s rights.
Kopin is legally registered with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (VO/0200).
EKEPY’s areas of intervention are, in a few words, Crisis Management in the Health Sector, Accidents and Devastations, Pre-Hospital Health Care, In-Hospital Health Care, Primary Care.
After the recent refugee crisis, EKEPY has been named as the main public body that coordinates all health care units and NGOs, in every official or unofficial refugee camp all over Greece.
NaHOC will contribute in the dissemination strategy by offering to the Consortium to benefit from the organization of continuous targeted meetings under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Health. These meetings will include presidents and directors from all health sector organizations (Health Regions, Public Hospitals, Private Sector’s Hospitals and Medical Schools & Universities) and also representatives from authorities, organizations and NGOs that deal with refugees and migrants. Finally we will be assisting in the development of scientific publications to relevant journals if the results allow for that.
The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) is one of the research institutes at University of Valencia. Well-known internationally, its main research areas are innovation in social technology, technical advising and training in the social policy field.
Polibienestar is made up of an interdisciplinary team led by Jorge Garcés Ferrer, and more than 100 researchers shape the team. They come from University of Valencia and other 7 Spanish universities and three international universities. It has been doing both basic and applied research on the economic, social, political and technical sustainability aspects of welfare systems. Furthermore, Polibienestar has been advising both the Administration and private companies on the planning, design and implementation of social welfare and sustainable resources and policies.
Areas of research: Health and Social policies, Vulnerable groups, Governance and public administrations, Corporate economics, Smart Cities, Tourism.
Oxfam is one of the most important international confederations in the world specializing in humanitarian aid and development projects, consisting of 17 organizations from different countries who work with 3,000 local partners in over 90 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Oxfam Italy, which acceded in 2010 to the international confederation of Oxfam, was created by Ucodep, an Italian non-governmental organization, which for over 30 years is fighting to improve the living conditions of thousands of poor people in the world and give them the power and the 'energy to build their own future, to control and direct.
Oxfam Italy has chosen an integrated approach between development programs and emergency interventions, campaigns and educational initiatives to improve the living conditions of thousands of people in the world by allowing them to exercise their rights and to build a decent future.
The Region of Sterea Ellada is the second larger Greek region, located in the centre of the country, with major motorway and railway axes connecting North and South Greece. At North it shares borders with Thessaly, at West with Western Greece and at South with Attica. It is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and the Gulf of Evia at the east and by the Corinthian Gulf at the South.
The Region has a population of 546.870 inhabitants, corresponding to 5.07% of the total population of the country. The 33% of the population in Sterea Ellada is urban, concentrated mainly in the departments of Euvoia (210.210 inhabitants) and Fthiotitda (158.220 inhabitants), the 15% is semi-urban and the 52% is rural.
Sterea Ellada occupies a total area of 15,549 sq. km., corresponding to 11,8% of the total area of Greece and consists of 735,8 million hectares of mountain area, 497,1 million hectares of semi-mountainous area and 322,2 million hectares of lowland area. The two main islands of the Region, Evia and Skyros, are pole of tourist attraction.
Sterea Ellada is the industrial centre of Greece, nevertheless it has rural areas too. It is worth noting that only 3% of the total area is residential. The main mountainous area of Sterea Ellada is formed around its centre. Forests cover the 25% of the total regional area, while 2% is covered by water. The cultivated areas of the region occupy the 26% of total area, while the 43% is used in farming activities. The Region is rich in special and rare ecosystems; 18 special environmental sites of the Region are being protected according to the NATURA 2000 framework, while there are 3 Special Protection Areas. Sterea Ellada is famous for its world-renown hot springs and spa.
Τhe share of the population that is economically active is 33%, from of which 9,4 % works in the primary sector, 51,5% in the secondary sector and 42,1 % in the tertiary sector. The unemployment rate accounts for the 16,1% of the population and lies slightly above the national average. Immigration flows have importantly affected the demography of the region, as the immigrants’ share in the composition of the regional population accounts for 8%, one of the highest in Greece.
Due to favorable conditions and because of its proximity to Attiki, the Region of Sterea Ellada has emerged as one of the industrial centres of Greece with important industrial and manufacturing activities, accounting for the 46% of the regional GDP. Moreover, activites related to the tertiary sector account for the 43% of the regional GDP and gravitate mostly real estate and public services. The tourism sector, on the other hand, counts up only for the 4,4% of the regional GDP and is less developed than the national average, however, it has great potential for further growth due to the region’s natural hot springs and spa (Kamena Vourla, Edipsos), archaeological sites and geographic location.
The agricultural sector counts up only for the 8% percent of the regional GDP% and is estimated to be subject of further decline in the future. Rural activities concentrate in the production of olive oil, wheat, fruits and vegetables, as well as in the breeding of livestock. Numerous agricultural products of the Region have been enlisted in the Protected Designation Origin EU scheme, such as, the Olives of Stylida, Konservolia of Amfissa and Atalanti, Katiki Domokou (goat cheese), Formaela (goat cheese),Fistiki of Ftiotida and Dry Figs of Kimi. The Region interconnects North and South Greece, not only geographically, but also with major infrastructure and motorways. It is crossed by the main road and rail axes in Greece, also included in the wider European Network of Transports. The transport network of the Sterea Ellada is supported by small regional ports, straits and marinas, yet of low capacity but with potential of further development. Moreover, the location of Sterea Ellada in the centre of Greece provides great potential for the development of a strong transportation network.
Uppsala University, founded in 1477, is the oldest university in Sweden and all Nordic countries. It ranks among the world's 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings. The university has nine faculties with various programmes including more than 40,000 students with international frontline research at nine faculties and a variety of diverse educational choices at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels.
The Department of Sociology at Uppsala University is the oldest department of sociology in Sweden. Its main subjects are Sociology and Social psychology. Undergraduate education is also offered in Sociology.
Verein Multikulturell – Tyrolean Integration Centre is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1993. We aim to enhance the intercultural dialogue and education. Our main objective is to promote the professional, social and cultural integration of migrants. Our association actively promotes the social and professional skills of migrants in collaboration with the government and other state institutions (such as the Chamber of Commerce), job centres, schools as well as social organizations and societies.
Throughout the years, we have gained tremendous experience in designing and leading national as well as international projects or in taking up the active role of a transnational project partner.
The National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) is a national institution with the status of scientific organization under the Ministry of Health, which aims to develop the scientific foundations of the fight against infectious diseases and methods for its implementation. This determines intensive research regarding ethiology, pathogenesis, immune reactivity, epidemiological characteristics, laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prophylactics of bacterial and viral infections (including nosocomial) and parasitic invasions. NCIPD is the only non-tertiary institution in the country that is accredited since 1999 by the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) Council of Ministers as a university in the field of infectology with rights to train students and conduct postgraduate training in epidemiology, microbiology, virology, parasitology and immunology and allergy. Long tradition is annually organized dozens of training courses for specialists from home and abroad with several hundred participants.
In NCIPD are all National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in various bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, united in so Laboratory test Complex (LTC), which is only for now in our country accredited by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service (BAS) in 2003 under the European requirements of standard BS ISO EN 17025 for high quality work. 1998 NRL are under constant international external laboratory control of the German accreditation system Instand. NCIPD by national reference laboratories from 1998 held a national external laboratory quality control of laboratory diagnostics performed by all microbiology, virology and parasitology laboratories in the country, with a successful result enables them to conclude contracts with the NHIF.
2007 NCIPD was declared a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations on epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases and antibiotic resistance with the task of responding to these trends and training of personnel for the countries of South East Europe and Asian countries former USSR. In 2007, the National Inspectorate was set by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in Stockholm as a leading responsible national organization etc. "National competent body" in the field of infectious and parasitic diseases. NCIPD, together with the Ministry of Health, performs daily broad anti-epidemic and organizational -metodichna work with highly skilled and expert advice, specialized laboratory diagnostics, organization of workshops, seminars, etc., The issue of specialized scientific and applied scientific journals as Infectology, Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, newsletter and other informational and educational materials.
In NCIPD is performed laboratory and production activities of several original biological preparations for the needs of our healthcare and export: allergenic products for the diagnosis and immunotherapy of allergic diseases, monoclonal antibodies to determine the blood group substances and lymphocyte markers and preparations for the diagnosis of parasitic invasions. They are produced under conditions of Good Practice has been manufactured according to requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia and standard ISO 9001/9000. NCIPD carried out extensive international cooperation in research activities, postgraduate education and anti-surveillance of communicable diseases with WHO, ETSKZ, the Global Fund at the United Nations, European Union programs Phare, Copernicus, Interreg, Tempus, NATO and a number of foreign universities and institutes on a bilateral or multilateral basis.
All exposed convincingly shows the very important and responsible position that occupies NCIPD in national and international health systems and fully corresponds to the motto adopted and implemented daily by its employees: "In the name of science - for the good of the people." NCIPD is the oldest scientific-practical institute in the field of healthcare in Bulgaria. Created in 1881, immediately after the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule, it was the beginning of the modern fight against infectious and parasitic diseases in the country on the basis of the latest achievements of world science. Contributes significantly in this regard the construction and equipment of this building NCIPD with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1932-1935. Passed more than 125 years of development, won over the years large national and international reputation NCIPD today is a major national unit in the field of health collaborators who develop the scientific foundations and methodological approaches for successful control of communicable diseases - their ethion-pathogenesis , epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics, immunotherapy and specific and non-specific immunization, according to the latest achievements of science and requirements of the WHO and the European Union.
In this regard they have contributed very long tradition, continuity, broad international contacts and many good laboratory facilities in NCIPD, as well as high requirements for specialists working in it. All this makes today NCIPD very authoritative and respected national and international research and applied research institution. Special mention should be made of complex, multidisciplinary approach to solve all scientific and practical problems and tasks in the fight against infectious and parasitic diseases based on close cooperation of specialists from different fields: epidemiologists, microbiologists, virologists, parasitologists, immunologists, chemists, biochemists, veterinarians and others working in the National Inspectorate, which is a guarantee of success.
Production of certain biological products for the diagnosis, treatment and immunization. | 2019-04-21T02:12:23Z | http://www.mighealthcare.eu/partners |
The question arises, of course, “Who are or what are they calling?” Some say that the cry is for the four horsemen to come forth. Others say that they are calling for John to come and see. But it seems to me that the cry to “Come” is most consistently used in the book of Revelation to cry out to the Lamb to come and establish His kingdom. But when this happens, as we see in chapter six, the Lamb and His people encounter intense resistance and opposition.
Four times, the living creatures call out “Come!” Four times, a horseman rides out. The first is armed with a bow (a weapon frequently associated with the enemies of God in Scripture). He goes out conquering and to conquer, we read in verse 2. Ironically, when God’s enemies believe that they are conquering Him and His people (13:7), they are actually being conquered (17:14). The second horseman (v.3) is permitted the right to kill God’s people with the sword. Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:34 are likely being alluded to here when He says, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” The third horseman (v.5) brings economic hardship upon those who follow the Lamb. They are forced to pay inflated prices or given restricted access to the basic necessities of life. This type of economic oppression is a common tactic of persecutors the world over and it grinds God’s people down. It is one thing to suffer hunger yourself but to watch your children suffer hunger and deprivation because of your faith can be demoralizing and make the temptation to deny Christ all the more attractive. Finally the fourth horseman rides out (v.7), bringing disease and death to the people of God. Deprived, oppressed, and mistreated, it would almost appear that the prayer to “Come” is disastrous to the people of God. But then the fifth seal is broken.
And so we read in verse 11, “Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.” This is how God will accomplish His purposes; through those who sacrificially do His will even unto death.
Jesus will come back. The prayers of God’s people and the four living creatures will finally be answered. According to Revelation 6:11, it is when the last martyr has been killed; the last witness has been slain because of his/her testimony. Then God will say, “It is finished!” (16:17), the gates will be closed, heaven will be sealed, and Christ will return to judge the world. This is seen with the breaking of the sixth seal in 6:12-14. Notice that with this broken seal, as with the previous five, there are prayers being uttered, but this time the prayers ushered forth are from those who have participated in opposing God’s purposes. Rich and poor, powerful and powerless, slave and free, they, like Adam, attempt to hide from the One they opposed.[ii] As creation dissolves into chaos at His coming, they cry out “Who can stand in the day of God’s wrath?” The answer is found in the next chapter; only those who belong to the Lamb are able to stand (7:3)! While the Church may seem to be wounded and bleeding in this world, those wounds are, like those of the Lamb; evidence that Christ’s kingdom is, indeed, coming (Matt. 6:10).
In Acts 1:3, Luke introduces his account by informing Theophilus that in the time between Jesus resurrection and His ascension, Jesus gave commands to His disciples and "presented himself alive after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:1-3). In Luke 24:13-35, he recounts how Jesus met up with two of His followers on the road to Emmaus, probably heading away from Jerusalem to a place of safety. Jerusalem had become a hostile place for the followers of Jesus. They had witnessed the crucifixion of their Lord, and despite reports that Jesus had risen from the dead, they obviously had their doubts. They decided that it was time to move on before the followers of Jesus were tracked down as well.
As they traveled to Emmaus, Luke records that these two unidentified disciples found themselves engaged in conversation with a fellow traveler about the events that had just taken place in Jerusalem and how Jesus had been killed. The traveler listens to them explaining what they had heard and gone through. Finally he interjects, "O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?" (Luke 24:25-26).
With that as a basic outline, - suffering followed by glory – He walked them through the entire story of Scripture (verse 27). With Christ at the centre of it all, the events in Jerusalem began to make sense. The Servant of God had to suffer in order to be glorified.
When the disciples were finally allowed to realize that it had been Jesus, Himself, who had been speaking to them, they raced back to Jerusalem to report to the other disciples what they had experienced. There they found them in a barricaded room, obviously in fear of their lives.
As the two disciples recount how Jesus spoke with them, suddenly Jesus appeared in their midst. In verse 45, we read that He opened their minds to understand the Scripture, "and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem ( Luke 24:46-47).
Christ’s suffering and rising from the dead was to be shared worldwide. It could not be restricted to one group in one room in one city. The global expansion of the gospel would start with them in Jerusalem, but it would not end there.
During the next thirty-nine days, we read in Acts 1 that Jesus went over the theme of the kingdom of God many times with His disciples. He stresses in verse 4 that they are not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. Telling people not to leave town may seem like a strange way to launch a worldwide missionary movement.
Acts 1: 8 reads, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
The first seven chapters deal with the spread of the gospel in Jerusalem. Chapters 8:1-11:18 record how the message of Jesus is spread throughout Judea and Samaria. Starting in 11:19, the focus is the spread of the gospel to the "ends of the earth". When Luke’s account ends in chapter 28, it does so rather suddenly as if to emphasize that the story is not complete; we, the readers, continue the mission. It is clear that Luke’s focus in chapter 28 is not on Paul’s fate but the progress of the gospel. The book does not close with the end of Paul’s life or martyrdom but with Paul, "proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance." These last words stand as an encouragement for all followers of Christ to do the same as the gospel continues to be carried "to the ends of the earth."
The spread of the gospel, however, begins in Jerusalem. This begs the question, "Why? Why was this necessary? Why did the proclamation of the gospel have to start in Jerusalem?" Before we address this question, however, we need to put aside three inadequate explanations that are sometimes proposed.
First, the gospel did not begin in Jerusalem because it was home to the disciples and thus they would find a more ready or receptive audience. Jerusalem was not home for any of the disciples. They were from Galilee, not Jerusalem. The angels in Acts 1:11 addressed them as "Men of Galilee." The people of Jerusalem could easily pick out the disciples by their Galilean accents, even in the dark (cf. Matt.26:73, Luke 22:59). Regional prejudices would not have made Galileans the most suitable messengers for the more urbane citizens of Jerusalem, nor would the disciples have felt at home in the city. Their home was in the smaller towns and rural areas of Galilee.
The reality is that there was only one beginning of the gospel. In God’s history there will never be another subsequent Pentecost point. Every later initiative is a down-line fruition of that outpouring and obedience. We are now in the "the uttermost parts," not repeating the scenario reaching of "our-own-Jerusalem." Acts 1:8 is a geographical reference as much as it is a historical one.
Secondly, the spread of gospel did not begin in Jerusalem because it would be the safest place to start and the disciples would be able to get experience in witnessing before moving on to more difficult or resistant areas. Rather the opposite was true. The most dangerous place on earth for the disciples to start their ministry was in Jerusalem. Avowed enemies with the power to throw them in prison had tried to arrest them in the garden of Gethsemane only days before (Mark 14:50-52; John 18:8-9). They would likely try again.
Thirdly, Jerusalem was not chosen to be the starting place for the spread of the gospel because the city was familiar territory for the disciples where ministry experience would prepare them for more unfamiliar ministry later on. Looking at the gospels, one finds that Jesus and His disciples spent relatively little time in Jerusalem. The urban setting of Jerusalem was unfamiliar to the rural Galileans. As noted earlier, there was a regional rivalry between those of Jerusalem and those of Galilee. Neither thought overly fondly of the other. Had Jesus wanted the disciples to start in more familiar territory to gain experience, He undoubtedly would not have chosen Jerusalem. Besides, the disciples were hardly novices to ministry. They had spent over three years with Jesus. He had sent them out on at least two mission trips already. They were fully prepared apart from one thing: they lacked the Holy Spirit.
The implications of this promise [i.e. Acts 1:8] are enormous. First of all, it tells the disciples that they will not be alone in the battle; the Holy Spirit will be in them and with them. Secondly, it makes them aware that this battle is actually not their own; it is God’s initiative and God’s action and concern. They are His ambassadors, fully endowed with His authority and power. Thirdly, whatever they will achieve will be God’s achievement, because God’s Spirit has acted through them.
Jesus spoke seldom of the Holy Spirit’s function, but when He did so, frequently described Him as helper and comforter in persecution (Matt. 10:17-20; Mark 13:9-11; Luke 21:12-19). No wonder that Paul follows the Lord’s example in his catalogue of his sufferings by attributing his endurance to the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 6:6). In Philippians 1:19, he writes, "For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." He reminds the Thessalonians, that "ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost" (1 Thess 1:6-7).
Second, Jerusalem was God’s appointed starting place for the spread of the gospel because there were considerable missiological and theological reasons for doing so. While some might argue that the disciples might have drifted back to the comfort zone of their homes in Galilee had they been allowed to leave Jerusalem, I think it more likely that Jesus' instructions were more missiologically and theologically oriented. Jerusalem was the centre of monotheistic worship on the globe. It was the focal point of God's covenant with mankind. Christianity needed to be seen to be in continuity with what had gone on before in God’s plan, rather than being potentially labeled as a Galilean sect.
The ultimate reason for the collection project rests upon the fact that Paul was constrained by prophecies which spoke of the nations coming to Israel to worship its King (cf. Is. 60:4-14; 66:19-24; Ps. 72:8-11). As a result of seeing believing Gentiles coming to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4 with 21:15-19), Paul hoped that Israel would be provoked to jealousy so that it might repent and accept Jesus as its Messiah (cf., Rom. 10:1; 11:11-24). Accordingly, Paul’s priestly gift is the Gentiles themselves (Rom. 15:16) to verify that the God of Israel had also become the God of the Gentiles and that there is now only one people of God comprised of all nations (Gal. 3:28-29; Eph. 3:4-6).
Hence, Paul was careful to make sure to emphasize the continuity between Jerusalem and how God had worked in the past, with the present spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth among the Gentiles. The latter was a result of the unfolding plan of God begun with the Jews, fulfilled in Christ and proclaimed through the Church.
I maintain that this is why the disciples stayed in Jerusalem, just as they had been instructed. When the Spirit came upon them, they immediately began to witness publicly, despite the risk. When persecution came, they did not scatter. They remained in Jerusalem where it was most strategic – and the most dangerous.
They were arrested, shamed, beaten, censured, but they continued. Eventually, one of them, James, was killed (12:2), but even then they remained, refusing to flee. They made no attempt to hide themselves. They knew that for the gospel to spread most effectively, they needed to remain in Jerusalem. It was only after an angel broke Peter out of prison and told him to leave, that he finally found a safer place out of town, but there is no indication that the rest of the apostles left or that Peter stayed away any longer than was necessary.
Were the disciples being disobedient to the commission of Christ by staying in Jerusalem? I do not think so. They were being the catalyst by which the Church, itself, spread throughout the world. They were busy laying the foundations for a movement that would shake the known world of their day.
They worked in ways that consciously served to advance the spread of the gospel (Acts 6:4). They monitored carefully the expansion of the gospel and when they heard of the gospel advancing, they moved immediately to validate, bless and support it (Acts 8:14-25; 11:22). When it became clear that the churches had multiplied throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, Peter, himself, toured the entire region, helping the Church to increase (9:31-32). It was during this time, that God used him to share the gospel with the Gentiles in the house of Cornelius, demonstrating that God accepts all people into His family, regardless of race. Because the disciples were faithful in remaining in Jerusalem, despite the risks, they were in a position to walk through the door that God had opened to all nations.
What are some of the common themes that come out of this survey?
Persecution provides more opportunities to witness.
When they fled, the disciples did not go "underground". They continued to preach. In Acts, witnessing is always public.
Opposition inevitably followed the preaching of the gospel. While persecution does cause the Church to scatter in Acts, thereby spreading the gospel, it would be a mistake to conclude the relationship between persecution and church growth is best defined thus. The testimony of Acts is not so much that persecution causes church growth but that church growth and the spread of the gospel tends to cause persecution, as religious and political leaders rise up and try to stop this movement that has "caused trouble all over the world and has now come here" (Acts 17:6).
Persecution came from various sources and in a variety of ways. The explanation for why the believers were persecuted in the book of Acts cannot be traced back to one single reason.
24:16 indicates that the disciples were kept from recognizing Him and 21:30 speaks of their eyes being "opened." No fault should be laid on the disciples for failing to recognize their Lord.
Steven Hawthorne, "Acts of Obedience" in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader 3rd edition. William Carey Library, 1999:126.
Josef Ton, Suffering, Martyrdom and Rewards in Heaven. University of America Press, 1997: 315.
cf. Günther Bornkamm, "The Letter to the Romans As Paul's Last Will and Testament" in The Romans Debate. ed. Karl P. Donfried. Augsburg Publishing House, 1977: 19. Bornkamm: 18-19 also makes the astute observation that Paul was obviously concerned that the Jewish Christians might not accept this collection and accept such a demonstrate of unity between Jew and Gentile in the church and so he asks for the Roman church to pray that that his service to the saints in Jerusalem would be acceptable to them (15:31).
Christopher Little, "Whatever Happened to the Apostle Paul?" Mission Frontiers, September 2001: 27.
This concept was first introduced to me by Vernon J. Sterk in his article "You Can help the Persecuted Church," International Journal of Missionary Research. January 1999: 15-18, as he discussed the growth of the Church in the Mexican state of Chiapas. His field research and doctrinal dissertation on the dynamics of persecution led him to conclude that 1) the acceptance of the gospel message leads to persecution, and 2) persecution negatively affects the growth of the Church. However, he notes, the damaging effects can be minimized through an adequate preparation for, and proper response to, persecution. He also notes that an essential part of that response must be the prayers and involvement of the worldwide Church. On a personal note, my research on the biblical theology of persecution and discipleship has been born out of a desire to help prepare the church for and in persecution. | 2019-04-19T09:21:04Z | http://theologyofpersecution.blogspot.com/2009/05/ |
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Generate leads the rest of your life.
SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR THOSE CONSIDERING RETIREMENT. Do not give up your license. See www.retiredbrokers.com It is all about doing referrals from the leads you generate from a website that you keep running for the rest of your life. Have fun doing referrals! Would you mind doing the odd five minute referral and making $3,000 to $10,000+ when you are retired? One Re/Max agent has done fifteen referrals ie: 75 minutes of time and made $45,000 A N D provided a great service for people.
Recommended one time orientation 30 minute Webinar Workshop. Call 416-840-6227 and make an appointment.Within 30 minutes we make sure you are aware how to search, how to place listings and reasons to keep them up to date every 30-60 days, how to place exclusive information(75% of information on ICIWorld is unique), know the resources and services available to you, connect with social media to stay in touch with industry announcements, education, networking and events.See help videos: How To Add A Want. How To Add a Have, etc.Plant the seeds by placing your listings, Haves and Wants is like advertising to the world that works 24/7 on the Internet that triggers response from people. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. Work your real estate board listings.Learn how to work exclusive information. This is something you can not do on a real estate board. Work what your buyers are looking for. Make all your opportunities available to the public on the Internet not just real estate board listings. Qualify the leads the way you normally do. Every member should have a minimum of fifteen opportunities on the Internet.This can greatly increase your revenue. If not , you are missing out and do not realize it. This service helps you to maximize your potential in real estate. Several hundred real estate brokers can’t be wrong. See 50 pages of testimonials of deals being done uniquely started on ICIWorld here on the Internet. This is all cutting edge technology built for the real estate industry world wide. compatible with the industry.
Widgets for your website. Order them. This is a one time sending of an EMail of instructions to your website programmer. That’s it!!ICIWorld Widgets trigger leads from your website. Install them on your website. Customers visiting your website have to call you for more information. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION FOR YOU. It is listings that trigger leads. People want more information.We send the instructions to install widgets on your website to you by EMail. You should forward them to your website designer. One call to our office 416-840-6227 and we send you the instructions.Once they are installed, call us and we can check them to make sure they are working properly for you. Handle all inquiries the same as you would from receiving a call off a classified ad from a newspaper. Setup showings, and do referrals, do business, make money.
No Website? No Problem! One Time Setup and it works 24/7 on your behalf while you are doing other things!See Samples.One time setup for a website completely setup to make you money – 90 minutes.We recommend everyone can have more than one website because they are like billboards. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. They can all generate leads. Link them together.The workshop is usually done in two webinar workshop sessions, one of 30 minutes one of 60 minutes or vice versa. This design process requires your input for preferences so you can personalize it for colours, graphics, button selection choices, wording, listings, installing of IDX links from your real estate board (people can search MLS from your website), setting up a possible DDF Feed (when you hand in an MLS listing to your office it can automatically go on to your website), etc. We do it all for you, with you. We tailor it for your geographic area no matter where in the world you are located and we tailor it for the kind of business you would like to do and for generating referral opportunities.Websites are free for one month then $199/year if you want to keep it.They are mobile optimized so people can search listings from YOUR website, they send out new listings to your customers, they have residential and commercial real estate listings, MLS AND Exclusive, specially setup for your geographic area and specialties if any.Mobile websites are the new Internet Revolution on going now and you will have the absolute most powerful website on the planet. Ask for a demo and then you be the judge.
Add listings, Haves and Wants from time to time and search from time to time. We recommend updating your listings every 30-60 days. Never let them go more than 90 days old. It takes only two clicks to update a listing. Everyone should have a minimum of fifteen Haves and Wants on ICIWorld or you are missing out. Ask us in a Webinar workshop how every single licensed real estate salesperson in the world should have at least fifteen opportunities on ICIWorld. Keep your listings up to date. Only listings less than 90 days old appear in the ICIWorld Global Apps default settings.Make sure the widgets are working on you website.
If you have one of our distributed websites, you must log in to the web site a minimum of once per month for five or ten minutes and look after your To Do List and a quick checkup to make sure things are working properly. ie: all listings showing, etc.This includes approving new handshakes with new brokers who join the service. You should allow their listings to be on your website. Otherwise people visiting your website do not see all the possible listings and you can easily be missing doing a deal and not every realize it. Look after the renewal of your domain name. Check to see if listings appear on the buttons on your website, etc. Checking to see if there are new Widgets or services from ICIWorld that you can install. It is like a monthly checkup for your website to make sure things are working properly. All brokers should check their websites regularly. This is your office building and image to the public for all people in your sphere of influence and demonstrates how well connected you are in the marketplace. This is a tremendous Internet tool. One lead can make one a lot of money.
Promote your website and the content on it.Why? One inquiry off your website makes you a lot of money. With the ICIWorld Widgets people must call you for more information. THIS IS LEAD GENERATION. This gives you a chance to be of service. This is like your office building on the Internet. Let people know you have exclusive AND MLS listings on your website, residential AND commercial investment properties. If you get just one person going to the web site this week and they call you on a listing, you have a chance to make a lot of money. This is so important that we provide a once per month Webinar called How To Promote Your Website and we record them so you can see them at your convenience. See them in the Training Videos number 15.
How do you measure if the information tools on ICIWorld are working for you?
Every single member 90 days must and should be doing business, either generating deals or at the very least generating leads that you feel will lead to doing business otherwise you call us and let us do our 2 minute checklist.
If you are not doing business every 90 days, call us.
Click here and may we get you started.
And it can be very quickly if you wish.
Any questions, issues or for assistance contact us.
Post your information and reach 20,000+/- subscribers within 24 hours and . . .
40,000+/- people in 138 countries over time. Join Today.
Thousands now receive a daily digest of new listings by EMail . . . free.
For commercial real estate we recommend that you select the DIGEST METHOD for your state or province or general area like GTA. This way you only receive one email with all the new listings in it, whether there are 2 new listings or 10 new listings.
75% of the information is of an exclusive nature not on real estate boards!
For Residential in Ontario we recommend subscribe for your city!
Look for Business Category – Residential Estates to find EMail List Servers.
Select you own city or choose an overall area like GTA for just one email with new listings in it.
These list servers are being built for states / provinces on demand.
Unsubscribe directly from any EMail.
Information is placed by licensed real estate brokers and salespeople.
Information includes exclusive information not available on any other service.
Delivering Real Estate Haves and Wants daily to the public, to the industry . . . free.
For real estate and businesses of all kinds, including Industrial, Commercial, Investment and Residential Real Estate.
20,000+/- EMails deliver new real estate Listings, Haves and Wants to subscribers, to the public, to the industry . . . Daily!
Request an EMail List Server Can be by company, group, organization, association, city, country and more. See the List Server for the Central Canada CCIM Chapter. This can be built for any group to network Haves and Wants. When leadership of your group promotes it, it is inevitable for everyone to connect with others to do business.
75% of the listings are exclusive not available on any other service.
Power of Sales, and more!
Tenants looking for Retail, Office and Industrial space to lease, tenant mandates, and more.
You must be a licensed real estate broker or salesperson Executive Member of ICIWorld to have your Haves and Wants distributed to 20,000+ people daily and displayed to the world to 50,000+/- people regularly.
Reach new people interested in real estate for all your listings all year long distributed daily.
GMail places a lot of legitimate incoming mail into SPAM. So legitimate email from ICIWorld can be trapped in your SPAM FOLDER. Yet each EMail contains information for contacts for potential real estate transactions. The spam folder is is different from junk. Look for a column of folders one called “more.” You will find a spam folder there. You can put a check mark on the listing and click on Not Spam. If you have not done this before, you will probably find other mail that should not be spam. However marking mail as not spam does not seem to work all the time. Mail seems to continue to go to spam. So GMail has another option. Another way you can try to keep it out of spam you have to set a filter.
Gmail’s filters allow you to manage the flow of incoming messages. Using filters, you can automatically label, archive, delete, star, or forward your mail, even keep it out of Spam. There is a Filter Choice to choose Not Spam. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en&ctx=mail This is a work in progress to figure out how to get google to allow all our legitimate mail to get through to you properly without always going to spam.
Database 2 FSBO Area – Executive Members of ICIWorld can subscribe to receive EMail from the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) EMail List Servers. Buyers and sellers of real estate can add their Haves and Wants free. They are distributed to members. If you are a seller of real estate would you like a member to contact you if they have a buyer who could be interested? If you are a buyer would you like a member to let you know about a property that might match what you are looking for? All buyers and sellers should post their Haves and Wants here. It is opportunities to do business and the success can help free you up to get on with your plans. For all EMail check your spam folder if you are not receiving mail. Make it Not Spam. When you sign up for various email lists you should ‘whitelist’ @iciworld.ca because Digest emails can easily land in the Spam or a junk folder.
If I join and place my haves and wants do they get sent out by email and if so to how many?
approximately 20,000 EMails deliver information daily to the public and the real estate industry DAILY.
members can add as many Haves and Wants all year long and they get delivered to the industry by EMail.
How do members benefit from this service?
Your contact information is made available to them, phone numbers, links to your website, EMail, etc.
The listing is also sent out to the industry by email – 20,000+/- daily to the public and the real estate industry with all your contact information, website address, links, phone numbers and option to EMail you.
Members and the public are informed of new listings in Database 1, everyone can contact you directly.
Members only are informed of new listings in Database 2 – This is where all of the coveted FSBO’s are!
One member sold a $9M apartment building within 3 days. That is how fast it can work.
A few seconds daily scanning this email can be the difference of doing your next deal or missing out.
When you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
When: Register and if you can not attend, you will receive a copy of the Recorded Webinar by EMail after the event.
Who Should Attend: Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Salespeople World Wide.
Relevance: For all licensed real estate brokers and salespeople in the world.
learn how to have services similar to classified ads in a newspaper for your website where YOU get the calls.
learn how to send out exclusive information not on real estate boards . . . all automatically done by your website.
learn how to make your website a resource for your prospects, clients and . . . for your community.
A: Gary has enlivened me. Brought back the zeal I’ve had in my earlier days, before my car accident. Thankfully!.
A: A bit more about Meta Tags and their importance, please.
A: I haven’t met another person with such an abundance of knowledge in the Real Estate field willing to share such.
A: Thrilled with the knowledge that Gary infuses into me each time I have a meeting with him!
A: I heartily recommend anyone in the Real Estate field to join ICI World and gain the knowledge that I have from Gary. He overflows with enthusiasm and it is contagious!. After 36 years, I thought I knew a lot, but now I know I could learn so much more with the right leader!
This Webinar is included free for Executive Members of ICIWorld, for non-members the cost is $319 plus applicable taxes.
Real Estate provides the Highest Return On Investment (ROI) of any industry on the Internet. Why? Because one lead can make $3,000 to $10,000 in referrals alone! See testimonials of it being done!
What good is a website if don’t have any traffic? You might as well not even have a website!
The Power of a Real Estate Website is in the Listings – You should also promote this fact.
If you have thousands of listings; both residential, commercial choices, MLS AND exclusive, you can maximize the opportunities for the public and . . . more opportunities to provide service!
90% of people search the Internet for real estate and if you have a great choice, then you have a better than average chance of triggering interest.
We invite you to our How To Promote Your Website Webinar, it’s not just about Search Engine Optimization, it’s much more. Your website is your office building on the Internet! If you had 100 salespeople working for you and they all had websites generating leads for the company that would be great!
A salesperson can have more than one website because they’re like billboards. If you have a billboard at Yonge and Dundas and another on Lakeshore Road and they are all generating leads why not? You can link them together. You only need one domain name on your business card because when people visit that one, you will have a link on that one to your other one. They can all generate leads. We support all your web sites.
Call us anytime if you would like some feedback and recommendations for your website.
There’s is no charge, even for non-members! This is a free complimentary offer!
We have recorded several past sessions that Executive Members can see in training videos.
Real Estate Have and Want Information Is The Gold That Is On The Internet.
ICIWorld helps Real Estate Professionals market and network Real Estate.
Get an ICIWorld App for your smartphone. Go to the App Store or Play Store on your device and search the word iciworld and install it. It is information at your fingertips!
All devices including Androids and iPhones, Blackberries, Windows devices, etc. should also use your browser and go to https://iciworld.mobi Then add this link onto your home screen.
Apple and Android products will have two applications, the ICIWorld App AND the mobile version https://iciworld.mobi on their device. Let us know which you like better or use more.
On this page you will learn how everyone should be able to print a list of contacts for buyers or sellers for any kind of real estate literally within a minute.
You should be able to produce a list of contacts for buyers or sellers by Business Area and Business Category, use key words, all within a matter of seconds.
You should learn to search by date or age of listing and Status. We do not delete old listings. The buildings are still there. The people are still alive. Older listings are used for networking purposes. Make sure you know how to search the latest listings that in many cases provide for immediate showings and deals. See the age field and date of listing field.
Listings contain contact names and phone numbers that you can print out and to follow up.
Reply and send emails, visit a real estate salesperson’s website that contains real estate information that you can search and resources to serve you.
Request a short demo. Contact us.
Why is this important? Because if you miss a connection for one transaction you can be missing doing a deal and not realize it.
You will learn how to get a list of real estate professionals by geographic area, specialty, language spoken. All with contact names and phone numbers and websites, etc. Executive Members and Referral Network.
See the latest new search tools below such as searching the latest listings by date, etc. You can restrict searches by date, by status, by area, by property type.
If it is taking you any longer after you tried to learn, simply contact us. Before you can finish a cup of coffee, we should be able to answer questions, or any concerns that you may have. Some properties are sold within a few days. You will be plugged in. We recommend a demo workshop for one on one assistance.
https://www.iciworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/worldfingertip-1.pngOnce you learn, you will have the latest buyers and/or selling opportunities at your fingertips.
75% of the information on ICIWorld is exclusive not on real estate boards. So you will now have the best of both worlds through members on the service.
One contact, one showing and if they like it, one deal.
This is making a lot of people a lot of money, providing a great service to a lot of people, and helping the public achieve their real estate and investment goals.
Everyone makes connections to do business or you call us. See Our Pledge.
Database 1 Search over 18,000 Have and Want Ads placed by Executive Members who are licensed real estate brokers and salespeople. About 5,000 have publicly available contact information. For members, it is unlimited networking of Have and Want Ads for a year with a nominal membership fee. Members have full access to everything on the service. Readership and circulation is locally and to over 40,000+ people from over 100 countries plus 20,000+/- EMails deliver Have and Want information daily to the public by way of EMail List Servers. Free to subscribe.
Database 2 FSBO Area Search over 14,000 Have and Want ads placed by the public free. Limited View. Details. Full Contact Information is available and circulated to Executive Members only. Contact a member for more information on any listing in this area. Free for the public to post. Make your own arrangements for compensation.
This service is becoming one of the largest searchable databases of real estate Haves and Wants in the world. See just a few of the deals being done.
Readership is world wide with people from over 100 countries. See Statistics.
For the Public: Find the newest buyers and selling opportunities within 15-60 seconds with new search tools below or contact us. And there are four ways to make a connection otherwise if you miss one, you can easily be missing doing a deal and . . . not realize it.
Search the latest new Have/Want Age Field search tool in World Commercial with Ontario key words and cities and World Residential with Ontario Key Words and Cities, and more for the latest new real estate Haves and Wants.
Install the ICIWorld App on your mobile device for these information search tools.
Add https://iciworld.mobi to your home screen of your mobile device. Search your city, key word, etc. daily within seconds for daily new listings.
Search Advanced and use the Date of Listing Between Calendar Tool. Print the latest list with contact names and phone numbers within a minute.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to a Digest of new listings by a daily EMail Contact info in the EMail. Be the first to know.
One transaction can make one a lot of money.
This service operates in real time with every listing dated.
We do not delete listings. You set your own search parameters for age of listings and status. All listings are used for networking and contact purposes.
Once you have searched, many members keep up to date with the new listings daily by EMail or click on the Latest listings for your city or property type and area or set the date field for just Active Status Listings within the last 30 days.
This applies whether you are looking for buyers or sellers.
Some developers for instance look for the latest tenants looking for retail, industrial or office space. Investors search the latest apartment buildings coming for sale, etc.
We recommend you set your own number of months to search. Many members make their contacts and do business with the older listings which identify people with whom they may be able to do business with.
We recommend every member update their listings every 30-60 days and in no event let them go longer than 90 days old. This is the new default setting on ICIWorld Apps now being rolled out for all mobile devices.
A real estate information service is more like classified ads in a newspaper unlike a real estate board type listing service.
In many cases, there is limited information to highlight the opportunity.
The advantage is that people who know about these opportunities can present them here for you in the marketplace not available on any other service.
More opportunities become available to you as a result.
There also can be a link to the full page of information on the brokers or salesperson’s web site if it is on MLS. Make sure you always check Internet Links in each Have or Want.
Sometimes the owners of properties or the Executive Member of ICIWorld who are mainly licensed real estate brokers and salespeople are not at liberty to give you an exact address.
This is because there are a lot of exclusive opportunity type properties that are not on real estate boards.
Sometimes an agreement to show the property has to be put in place first before showing you the property or divulging the address of the property to you or identifying the property.
So you might see Toronto Restaurant $350,000 Making money . . . and that’s it!
You must call the member of ICIWorld, develop and business relationship with him/her and go from there and give them a chance to put an agreement in place first.
They may have to put an agreement in place first to show you the property.
There are many search methods on ICIWorld to find information.
It is helpful for you to understand key word searching.
The letters otel are part of the word hotel and part of the word motel.
So search the subject line with these letters can find hotels and motels. Try typing otel here in the subject line. You get both hotels and motels because otel is part of each word.
Search the subject line and type in your city Try typing you city here in the subject line.
Naturally you can select a Business AREA along with it, as well as Have or Want.
And now with the age field you can select to search Haves and Wants 30 days old, or 60 -180 days and more.
Old listings might be old listings but the buildings are still there, the people are still alive hopefully so the contact information can easily lead to networking with the other person to do business. This is one of the true values of this service, is introducing you to people with whom you may be able to do business both on and off the service. Develop a good business relationship with people and it can easily lead to doing other business.
Haves are the properties for sale and for lease. Wants are what people are looking for.
If you are looking for a property, search the Haves. If you are looking for a buyer for your property, search the Wants.
Almost everyone in the world now has a mobile device.
You can do these searches on ICIWorld on any mobile device.
Click here for details and to install the ICIWorld App on you phone.
It is our goal to eventually to have everyone in the world interested in real estate to have this app and be able to search real estate on ICIWorld.
A greater degree of safety and competence of this information is achieved by having licensed real estate brokers and salespeople filter this information through their hands.
Brokers and salespeople are best positioned in the marketplace to recognize and display this exclusive information in a competent fashion industry wide.
We invite all licensed real estate salespeople in the world to join.
We invite all members of the public to visit a members web site in your area. Search Members and see their web site. They should have more local information available and resources available to you. Make sure you place your Wants with them as well as your Haves. They have industry wide networking power through the thousands of web sites that we have provided links for them to display your information.
Prepared searches can be found clicking on Search on ICIWorld.
A search matrix is something special. It can give you one page, make a choice and within seconds your results for your possible next deal are on the screen.
Search Advanced You Tube Video On our new iciworld.com site you will find Advanced Searches as a feature that you can click on.
If you are only interested in one specialty like a certain kind of business. There is a search that produces that result. If you add this to your home screen on your mobile device you can check it every once in a while for new Haves and/or Wants. That way you are up to the second knowledgeable. Send us an email of the result you would like to reproduce on your mobile device and then you can add it to your home screen. THIS IS A BIG TIME SAVER. CLICK ONE BUTTON AND SEE THE RESULTS WITHIN A FEW SECONDS.
Latest Shopping Centers (or any business category on ICIWorld) for sale in your province, state, city.
Latest buyers for Apartment Buildings (or any business category on ICIWorld) for your city, state, province.
Latest buyers and sellers for any kind of business.
Latest tenants looking for retail, office, industrial space to lease.
When we say Latest, this is up to the second in real time listings. If something was put on 10 seconds ago, you will see it if you have a Latest (for your city) button on your mobile device.
In some cases you will see Principals Only in the subject line. Click here to see how to understand what is going on and how to deal with it.
This is information at your fingertips. You are only one click away from seeing the latest listings!!! There is a no charge to help you set this up on your mobile device. This is complimentary for every person who is interested. We like helping you because it helps you connect our members to do business.
90% of the millionaires in the world today did it through real estate. Developing good business relationships makes it happen. Meet people through this service and qualify and develop your network of people to do business with. Get excited.
Designed as a self service, automatically operating system, with minimal ads.
This presents very exciting opportunities for the licensed real estate industry to do more business than they are presently doing. How many listings do you have on a real estate board? Everyone on ICIWorld should have a minimum of fifteen opportunities because it is information not just a signed listing. Everyone should get a signed listing before showing the property or divulging the address of a property when it is information.
Licensed real estate salespeople can trade in real estate information. We believe there is ten times more information that an individual salesperson can work on ICIWorld than can be worked on a real estate board. And in fact we will be making submissions to real estate boards to adopt and promote this service to all their members. ICIWorld can handle all the information that can not be placed on a real estate board. It can be done in a competent and professional manner as our members have been doing since 1994.
Many do not want to search the older listings . . . you do not have to if you do not want to. But for others this is a gold mine as well. So we give everyone choices.
There are also dates on every single listing.
Older listings and in fact all listings are used networking purposes. They help identify people with whom you may be able to do business. Develop good business relationships with them and you will find out about other properties not on the service, other properties that come for sale in the next couple of weeks, etc. They might call you back and say a property matching the description of what you are looking for has just come available, want to see it?
This service serves the world. There are five billion people who access the Internet in various ways and ICIWorld now makes all information available to the world to see. This brings traffic to ever single member from the listings and the links in the listings to members websites.
Real estate has so many intricacies that it is impossible to show one way to search. This is because searching residential is different that searching commercial. There are special ways to zero in on exactly what you wish to search. You just have to learn them.
There are also varying skill sets to search by the public and by the licensed real estate industry. Searching advanced is different that clicking on a prepared search.
Prepared searches are presented for you to be the fastest, easiest way to search. go to iciworld.com click on Search, click on a country or continent, make choices and bingo the results are on the screen.
However some people want to zero in on things a little more so an advanced search may be in order.
We have heard the comment that ICIWorld is too much information. It is true and we call it a gold mine of information. But you sometimes have to dig for the gold.
This page will help you get to the gold in the fastest possible way in the world today.
The following are examples. Can you do these searches?
How to do any of these searches within seconds.
With a view to doing business.
if no cooperation find out why, maybe if there is no commission from the seller, you should get it from the buyer.
There is a responsibility on the part of the members to update their information. Call or email ICIWorld and we will contact the member and see what has happened with a view to rectify the situation.
ICIWorld Provides Residential Marketing Exposure and Networking World Wide.
Most all of our members do residential as well as commercial.
Residential real estate brokers and salespeople have many advantages that help them serve the public and they make money doing it.
world wide exposure – people from over 100 countries of the world access information regularly.
advertise and network exclusive listings and opportunities not just real estate board listings.
includes luxury, estate properties, waterfront, condos, vacation properties, cottages, condo’s, townhouses, any and all residential type real estate.
includes links to your web site.
these listings will also appear on other brokers web sites.
members can include the links to residential on their web site.
exposure now on Apps for the iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry, Windows devices.
the residential web sites we supply are the most powerful on the planet earth and are used by 300,000 real estate professionals. They are powerful because of the extensive listings that are provided in links that are set up by ICIWorld. See sample web sites. It has residential listings with photos and virtual slide show displays in all areas of the world displayed for your prospects and clients in a way that YOU get the calls. Automatic delivery of listings by EMail that match the description of what your prospects and clients and looking for. It displays exclusive listings condos, residential properties that are not on real estate boards. We install the IDX link to listings for your real estate board or association if it is available. We also set you up with a DDF Feed, (Data Distribution Facility) which means when you add a listing to MLS it is also added to your web site. Includes SEO, search engine optimization and forty different ways to promote your web site. These are the most powerful web sites on the planet and suggest you see our presentation why. Do open houses and program buyers into your web site to receive listings and much more.
Install the ICIWorld App on your device (See Apps) look for the Business Category called Residential Estates, Single Family Homes, Condos, Cottages, Vacation Properties and more.
Executive Members of ICIWorld also have a residential buttons on their web site.
When you add a listing it is not just added to one web site but it is added to a thousand web sites. Now that’s marketing exposure!
On ICIWorld.com look for residential – there will be MLS AND Exclusive Listings Advertised.
You should place your Want with a member. The circulation is industry wide within hours.
You should subscribe to receive new listings from their web site. It is free and there is no obligation to buy from them.
You can zero in on neighborhoods, price ranges, types of property.
When a new listing matches the description of what you are looking for, bingo you get a copy by EMail.
If you need to see it, call the broker and make an appointment.
This way you are assured of getting the latest listings because of technology.
Contact a member today You can search a market area, specialty and by language spoken.
Visit their web site to see the residential exclusives as well as their real estate board listings.
They say that 90% of the millionaires in the world made it in real estate. Almost every single member can relate about someone that they have helped to create this wealth.
There are many other important reasons to use a licensed real estate salesperson. Having the best choice in the market place is just one of them. | 2019-04-25T02:54:47Z | https://www.iciworld.com/category/member-training/page/2/ |
FULL-SCREEN MODEMODE: Click PLAY, then pass your mouse over the bottom right corner of the video screen. The outline of a square will appear. Clicking on it will toggle Full Screen Mode. Press ESC to return to the original format.
Note: Google Earth software reads the actual topography and ignores roads, cuttings, tunnels, bridges and excavations. The Google Earth vertical-profile animation generates a number of parallax errors, so the profile is only a general guide of what to expect in terms of gradients, distance and elevation. The graph may present some impossible and improbably sharp spikes, which should be ignored.
Getting there: To approach from the northern side, the pass can be accessed off the R407 about 4 km south of Prince Albert. It is clearly signposted and easy to locate. Head south on the R328 for 2,3 km where the road crosses the Dorpsarivier via a concrete bridge. This point marks the northern start of the Swartberg Pass. This is the direction in which we filmed the pass.
Eerste Water in the northern sector of the pass makes for a perfect spot / Photo: Trygve RobertsFor those wanting to approach from the south, there are a number of options, but we will describe here the obvious main route. Drive north from Oudsthoorn on the tarred R328 via Schoemanskloof. Just after the Wilgewandel Guest Farm (with the camels) there is a fork in the road. The right hand fork heads directly to the Cango Caves. Turn left here (GPS S33.402020 E22.216309) The road (still tarred) heads east for a further 13 km where another guest farm is reached called 'Cobus se Gat'. This marks the southern start of the pass. The road becomes gravel after a further 2 km.
The nearest town is Prince Albert - just 4 km from the northern end of the pass. There is plenty see, from flora to fauna, and some mind boggling geology. The fynbos is at its best in winter and spring with proteas, ericas, restios and pin-cushions in profusion.
The pass is a national monument and, like its sister pass (Montagu Pass), stands in proud defiance of modern technology. It would be a shame if these roads were ever tarred as their core charm would be lost forever. A plaque commerorating the efforts of the men who built the pass was unveiled on the pass's centenary celebrations in 1988. It stands at the western side of the road at the summit. This was the last pass that Thomas Bain built in the Cape and it was surely his opus magnum. The final cost of the pass, including a few kilometers of access roads, was 14,500 Pounds Sterling, excluding the value of the convict labour, which was free.
From the northern start at the crossing of the Dorpsrivier, the road traverses a short stretch of open plain, but the massive bulk of the looming Swartberg blocks the way ahead, other than a single, narrow gorge through which the road winds. The highest peak visible at this stage is unnamed at 1532m on your left (east), whilst the slightly lower Voetpadsberg on the right (west) tops out at 1402m.
Amazing geology on display in the northern sector / Photo: Trygve RobertsA low dry packed wall appears on the left as the mountains begin hemming the river and the road in. These walls are the first of hundreds of such examples that you will see along the length of the pass. They were the work of Thomas Bain, then at the height of his engineering prowess as a road builder. The small river, which appears as a docile litlle stream, becomes a raging and destructive torrent when flash floods occur.
During the night of April 10th, 2017, such a flash flood, swept down the kloof, destroying everything in it's path. Thomas Bain's retaining walls, which had been standing guard against the river for 130 years, buckled under the might of the river and the 2 km section of road from Malvadraai through to the northern exit of the poort were completely devastated. It took modern equipment and techniques almost 10 months to repair most of the damage, taking due care to rebuild the wallls to appear as close to Bain's original work as possible.
The Swartberg Nature Reserve is large - (180,000 hectares) and provides hiking, picnicking, 4x4 routes, bird-watching, swimming and just being close to nature.
The majority of the pass falls within the control of the Swartberg Nature Reserve / Photo: SA VenuesThe moment the kloof is entered, the sunlight is blocked off and the mountains tower vertically up on either side of the road in a dazzling display of contorted sandstone. The rocks often appear blood red, depending on the time of day. The photographic opportunities are endless and there are enough places to pull off the narrow roadway and park safely.
Some bluegum trees appear on the left and a clearing pops up on the right - a large flat clearing where some ruins are evident. Apparently the house was used by Bain as a work station during the construction phase. Immediately after the clearing, the road bends sharply to the left and approaches the second river crossing via a concreted drift. This is normally shallow and should present no problems for any vehicle. This lovely spot is known as Eerste Water (First Water) and was the first point where oxen and horses could be watered, before tackling the big climb to the summit. There is a rock near this spot - a tall thin slab of rock, which looks like a clock. There is lots of shade at this spot and it makes for a great picnic spot and is well protetcted from the wind too.
The pass in the 1800's with its designer - Thomas Bain / Photo: Swartberg Mountain ToursOnce over the river, the road bends to the right and follows the eastern bank of the river. The road has been hewn out of the mountain here and is very narrow. If you meet an approaching vehicle, one of you will need to reverse to a wider section to facilitate passing.
Soon the road crosses the river for a third time, this time via a low level concrete bridge, which is called Tweede Water (Second Water). Around the next corner is another excellent picnic spot, named Malvadraai. (Wild Geranium Corner) - so named for the wild geraniums that grow there. The section from Tweede Water to Malvadraai also got severely damaged during the 2017 flood.
On the left hand side (east) of the river, you will notice a footpath snaking up the mountain-side towards a saddle. This is the 6 hour Malvadraai Hiking Trail and is apparently a lot tougher than its gentle name suggests. Malvadraai is a rest area next to the river, where one normally finds wild geraniums at any time of the year. The river is spotlessly clean and this is a good spot to have a swim on a hot summers day.
The road now enters a series of S-bends, and swings away into the south-west up a major kloof, known as Mullers Kloof. This kloof also gave Bain the most trouble. In May 1885 a devastating flood swept across the Swartberg Mountains, washing away most of the road in the adjacent Meiringspoort and causing a long closure. Bains' brand new road also suffered damage, but Bain learned his lessons well and rebuilt the damaged sections of road further away from the river's flood levels.
The road also begins climbing more steeply here, reaching a gradient of 1:9. At the 4,4 km mark, there is a layby on the right, which allows access to the ruins, marked as Blikstasie. These ruins were once the convicts home, who constructed the pass.
Access to the ruins is awkward and requires some physical effort. Shrubs and trees have overgrown the ruins, but if you have the physical capacity to scramble the few metres up the slope, you will be rewarded with a perfect view of the old walls. These are approximately 2ft thick and consist of rocks and stones held together by mud. The building apparently had an iron roof, hence the name Blikstasie (Tin Station).
From the ruins, if you look up the slope to the left of the road, you will get perfect views of the massive retaing walls that support the road ascending up Mullers Kloof. These are the most impressive of all the walls and at places reach a height of 13 metres! This is also the kloof that was featured in the TV commercial with well known South African singer, song-writer, playwright and actor - David Kramer, chasing his beloved Volksie Bus up one of the hairpins in his trademark red "veldskoens".
The road climbs steeply into the south-west towards a huge slab of exposed and contorted rockface. It is marked as Droe Waterval (Dry Waterfall) as most of the year this riivulet is without water. If you get to drive this pass around sunset, this rock face glows a deep and fiery red in the setting sun and has earned itself the nickname of "Wall of Fire"
Here you are likely to see baboons and klipspringers, the latter which seem to float up the mountainside with no apparent effort.
If you have the time, you will see that as part Bain's dry-walled roads, he constructed underground tunnels to disperse flood waters. The man was a genius and way ahead of his time. An example of this work can still be seen at the "Droe Waterfall" which is mostly just a trickle (and aptly named), but when the heavy rains arrive, the gorge is filled with a destructive torrent of white water, capable of sweeping away even the largest of rocks.
At Droe Waterval the road curves sharply through 120 degrees to the left and climbs steeply in the process, reaching a gradient of 1:8. Coming up are the famous four hairpins that feature in so many photos of the Swartberg Pass. Drive slowly and carefully and be constantly aware of approaching traffic as the road is narrow here and both vehicles will need to move as far left as possible and pass each other at a crawling speed. Some drivers get so engrossed in the scenery that they forget to keep left. Be constantly aware of meeting an oncoming vehicle on the wrong side of the road.
There aren't many places to pull over safely, but there is one good spot right before the third hairpin, which allows a wide scope for photography. It's a great spot to stop and breathe in the clear mountain air and savour the majesty of the impressive landscape. This is one of the Top 5 highlights of the Swartberg Pass.
Once up onto the ridge, the gradient eases off a bit to around 1:14 and follows the spine of a long ridge, as the road climbs inexorably towards the viewsite known as Teeberg. The road is wider here and passing oncoming traffic is easier. The Teeberg viewsite is located at the apex of a very sharp right hand bend of 160 degrees. It's at an altutude of 1394m exactly 9 km from the northern start. There is a concrete picnic table here and sufficient parking for about 6 vehicles.
The name Teeberg does not appear on any of the topographical maps and the mountain spine that leads upwards terminates at 1535m and is actually called Platberg.
Looking north one gets a majestic view over the 500m deep chasm that runs all the way down to Malvadraai. The views are quite amazing and if you arrive at this view site on a wind free day, it is a marvellous place to find your soul. The views are 360 degrees and offer so much variety that it's almost impossible to take it all in.
Cautionary: There have been a few incidents on this pass, where people have left there vehicles to take a photograph and not fully applied the handbrake and in one instance, not at all.
A minivan rolled almost 400m down the cliffs and was obviously a total write-off. Luckily the occupants were out of the vehicle at the time. When stopping at any of the viewsites, it is best practice to switch the engine off, engage 1st or reverse gear if manual, and PARK if automatic PLUS fully apply the handbrake.
There are baboons, grysbok, grey rhebuck, klipsringer, leopards and caracal - with the last two seldom being sighted. The road is narrow in certain sections and some reversing might be required to get past an oncoming vehicle. Etiquette is to give way to the ascending vehicle. There are no heavy vehicles or caravans allowed.
Drive at the speed limit or slower - this road can be dangerous in bad weather. If you plan on stopping at the top for a photo or two, have a windbreaker ready - it can be ice cold out of the car and almost always windy.
From Teeberg the road heads due west as it skirts a side ravine and maintains a fairly level altitude. At the 9,9 km mark, there is a sharp left hand bend, which changes the direction into the SSE, as a flatter section of the upper plateau is traversed. Here the mountain slopes are covered in dense stands of proteas and ericas and if you visit in winter or spring, you will be richly rewarded.
The road starts climbing again at a gradient of 1:16 and an intersection is reached at the 10,8 km mark, with another gravel road heading away into the west. This is the turn-off to the famous Gamkaskloof . It is not recommended to drive this road unless you are well prepared, have sufficient fuel, knowledge, and preferably have booked accommodation overnight at Die Hel. This road is slow and a lot rougher than the Swartberg Pass.
CAUTIONARY: Do not drive this road (Gamkaskloof/Die Hel) unless you have a high clearance vehicle and preferably a 4x4. It is a minimum of a 4 hour trip there and back excluding any stops. It is far better to prebook accommodation at Die Hel and overnight there. The road is a dead-end and consists of about 9 small passes and one big one at the end (Elands Pass). You will be doing this route an injustice by attempting to drive it in a single day. This road is much rougher than the Swartberg Pass.
Sign at the summit now obliterated with stickers / Photo: Sncdn.comAfter negotiating another big right hand bend of 140 degrees and at the 10,8 km mark, the buildings of the old toll house and Swartberg Nature Reserve appear at the next bend. These are used by hikers tackling the Swartberg Hiking Trail.
The road now swings through another big S-bend which brings the heading into the east, as the next set of switchbacks begins at the 12,4 km point.
You will also notice a locked and gated jeep track heading eastwards just after the picnic spot. This is a known 4x4 route which is some 75 km long. Permits can be obtained from Cape Nature and/or the Swartberg Nature Reserve. There is a minimum number of vehicles required per trip for safety reasons. Immediately before the jeep track junction, some green roofed buildings appear on the left of the road, almost directly below the pass summit. This was originally the site of the road camp where the convicts were housed and perished that snowy night 120 years ago, when their roof caved in. Today, the buildings have been restored and serve as an information centre for the Swartberg Nature Reserve, as well as an overnight hikers hut and a tearoom.
The next set of switchbacks consists of four hairpins and whilst they are most impressive, they are not quite in the league of those in Mullers Kloof. The road is also not so narrow and there are more opportunities to stop for sight seeing and photography.
Looking south from the summit of the pass / Photo: BlogsausbettiesThe third hairpin changes the heading into the west, as the final pull up to the 1575m summit is tackled. Be prepared for cold, blustery conditions at the summit and be aware that there is limited parking. A sticker plastered sign announces: '"DIE TOP". This is not the optimum view site on the pass and the weather often spoils things as the wind can really howl through the neck, often reaching gale force conditions. It is much better to stop at one of the three viewsites along the southern descent.
From Die Top, which is a natural saddle in the mountain, you will have expansive views to the south of most of the Klein Karoo, with it's patchwork of green farmlands, whilst the northern vista is entirely different, displaying much drier mountains with a massive gorge splitting the upper mountain plateau into two. It is along the western side of this gorge, that the road has delivered you. From the summit point, the road can be visually traced all the way back to Teeberg. If you are lucky enough to be at the summit alone, switch your car's engine off and listen to the incredible silence or the wind whistling past the rocks at Die Top.
The moment the road curves through the sharp left hander at the summit, huge views of green fields and distant grey mountains open up. It is completely different to what has been on offer for the previous 40 minutes. All along the descent there are wonderful examples of Thomas Bain's perfectly constructed dry packed walls.
Perfect examples of the dry packed supporting walls on the southern side / Photo: PanoramioThe descent is mainly into the east and other than dozens of bends, corners and curves, this direction is maintaned all the way to the valley floor. Maintain a slow and steady speed and make sure you keep well left on all the blind corners.
CAUTIONARY: The Swartberg Pass is enormously popular with both local and international travellers as can be attested by the many hire cars that can be seen on the pass 7 days per week. Tourists tend to drift completely onto the wrong side of the road as they take in the grand scenery. On the day of filming we had two incidents where we would have had head on collisions, had we been driving faster. Be extra vigilant, blow your hooter as you enter a blind corner, drive with your headlights on and anticipate.
There are four view/picnic sites on the southern ascent. If you are planning a picnic, the lowest site might be the most pleasant, as there is nearly always strong wind and cooler temperatures near the summit. The descent lasts for 10,3 kms and should take about 20 minutes to drive excluding stops. Although the pass carries the route number R328 it's administrative number is P0369.
The second view site, named Skelmdraai is very good (if the wind is not blowing) with wonderful views and sufficient parking space for about 5 vehicles. From this site, there are excellent perspectives of Bain's propped up walls that run for 2,3 kilometres without a break.
At the 18 km mark, there is a substantial ruin on the left hand side of the road (north), followed soon by a big picnic and view site. This is the last view site along the descent, if you intend taking a break. There are another four hairpins coming up, which commence at a ruin called Stalletjie, followed in quick succession by Witdraai. These start at the 20,4 km mark.
Near the southern end of the Swartberg Pass looking west/ Photo: Thorsten KuttigThe road begins flattening out a little and the road surface improves as the foot of the pass is approached. After the last hairpin (which clears a side ravine), the road changes direction into the south and the road surface switches to tar at the 23,3 km point. The descent gradient remains reasonable and soon a large guest farm makes its appearance on the right hand side, which is Cobus se Gat. This is a good place to get some refreshment, reinflate your tyres and savour all the wonderful memories of driving the amazing Swartberg Pass.
As you exit the final section of the pass and access the tar, you will be left with a feeling of awe, relief and disappointment all in one. Relief that you made it through without mishap and disappointment that it's all over. This pass ranks amongst the top 10 South African passes in terms of the total package. There are others which are higher, longer, sharper, more dangerous, but there is only one Swartberg Pass. This is the one pass you must experience at least once in your lifetime.
It leaves one with the sense that those responsible for naming the various points up the pass, had exhausted their creative energies by the time they reached the summit (1575m ASL) as the best name they could come up with was Die Top. It must have been a monumental effort.
The pass is a national monument / Photo: GoogleHistory: Thomas Bain, with the help of some 250 convict labourers built the pass from 1883 to 1886. He managed to keep the gradient lower than 1:8 throughout the pass, compared to the steeper 1:6 of the Montagu Pass. Bain cleverly used the ridges of the foothills for a comfortable 'altitude gaining' approach to the looming bulk of the Swartberg range, where he chose the lowest saddle as his target.
It was tough going and there are many stories that abound about the hardships endured by these pioneering men. When the crest of the pass had been reached during the second winter, a road builders camp had been set up close to the summit. After a particularly heavy snowfall, the roof of the camp collapsed, killing several of the convicts.
By this stage of his road building career Bain had developed several unique techniques employing his knowledge of science. One was his dry-walling construction using the principles of cohesion and friction, using no cement at all. This technique was first brought into South Africa by John Montagu and Charles Michell and the first known examples of dry walling to support roads dates to the Montagu Pass (built by Michell) and Bainskloof (built by Thomas Bain's father, Andrew Bain).
The other was using heat and water to break big rocks up. A large fire would be lit under or near a difficult rock and then cold water would be poured over it, resulting in the rock cracking into smaller, more manageable pieces. Thomas acquired most of these skills from his father, (and to whom he was apprenticed for a several years), who had an intimate understanding of geology. In these early pioneering days, the tools employed were very rudimentary and consisted primarily of picks, shovels, sledgehammers, gunpowder and hard labour.
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Drag the 'little orange man' icon onto the pass for a complete 360° tiltable "street view". | 2019-04-24T12:22:36Z | https://mountainpassessouthafrica.co.za/find-a-pass/western-cape/item/126-swartberg-pass-part-1.html |
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