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Just a thought…what would happen if you made a purchase on a credit card, paid the card off, closed the card, and then went in to reurn the item purchased?
Would the refund be made in cash? or to another credit card?
AlohaStephen: I’m not sure what would happen. It probably depends upon the store. Personally, I’m not a big fan of schemes that require returning stuff so I’ve never tried anything like this.
I bet most stores would issue you store credit. I have heard from friends that were recently married that Bed Bath & Beyond will give cash for returned merchandise (it was on their registry though).
May I suggest that the last post on the story be “And the cat said The End.”?
FWIW – Netflix and UA are running another 4000 point signup bonus if you signup with the MP Visa. I’ve been able to do this for both myself and my wife. Might be something to get in on before our MP numbers change to the CO style (and maybe we can do it again afterward)!
tgienger: Thanks for the tip!
right now amex open is giving a $50 statement credit for $150 of spend at their partners. i’m out of the country at the moment so i’ll prob buy $150 in office max gc’s. can i later use those in office max to buy other gc’s?
arye: Where do you see this special with Amex OPEN? Did you get a targeted email from them? I don’t think that you’ll be able to use an OfficeMax gc to buy other gcs. A better bet might be to go through the Ultimate Rewards Mall and buy $150 worth of Barnes & Noble gcs for 10X points. If you get the physical gcs, you could then sell them. I wrote a post recently about buying Ultimate Rewards points for 1.05 cents each using this technique.
i didn’t think it was targeted, but it was an email addressed to me, so i guess it might be. it’s also only on valid on select partners, office max, microsoft store, epson, dun & bradstreet and iron mountain. hence the thought to go with office max gc’s. is there any way to find out of it’s targeted?
arye: Interesting! I can’t find any info about this promotion, so I’m assuming it is targeted. Is there any chance you could email the offer to me so I can take a look? Of course, don’t do it if it contains any of your account information.
What value would you put on Hilton Honors Diamond status? I had a thought I would like to share. Let me know if I am missing something. Official Payments is an approved vender thru AMEX. As you probably know they process tax payments, (local, state, fed, real estate, personal property tax etc.) Their fee is 2.35%. If I were to pay 40k in taxes at the 2.35%= $940. By doing so gets me 120k HH points with the Surpass CC. Diamond Status! $940/120k = .0078 CPM Might be a bit more than .0048 but what value would you put on Diamond. I do no business travel so it would be the only way I would ever qualify for the highest level of any hotel. Hope my math and thought process is correct.
Jethro: Yes your thinking and math appear to be correct. The value of Diamond status depends completely on how much you would make use of it. If you stay often in mid to high end Hilton hotels, then the room upgrades, free breakfasts, etc can be quite valuable. When you stay at lower end properties, Diamond status isn’t worth as much. The other factor is the question of whether Diamond is really worth that much more than Gold status. Gold is already pretty good and Hilton makes it incredibly easy to get. Personally, because I wouldn’t expect to benefit from Diamond very often, I wouldn’t do a scheme like this unless I could get the price of points down to about .5 cents each. The Diamond status perk would be the payoff for the effort and the points would lead me to essentially break even.
By the way staples GC are out of stock online…..
mike: keep trying. They’ve been out of stock before, but they eventually do restock.
I recently bought $2000 of discount gift cards from cardpool to get my citi thank you bonus. Unfortunately all the gift cards I bought were originally purchased with a stolen credit card. I returned the gift cards after my bonus points had posted. My returns have now cleared but my bonus points are still there! Do you think there is a delay before they remove them or are they mine to use?
John W: Oh, boy, that’s a problem. How did you learn that the cards were purchased with a stolen credit card? Anyway, it’s great that Cardpool gave you your money back! The challenge for you is whether to put another $2K on your card, just in case, or to just hope that the points will stay. Right? Personally, I would probably take the gamble and hope that the points stay, but it really depends on how bad it would be for you if the points get taken away.
I tried buying new gift cards with the discounted ones and I was told they were all flagged by American express as stolen. I wonder if I redeem my 50,000 bonus and then it gets “taken away” in the form of negative points, will I be able to replace it with only $2000 in spending?
Heads up for Sun/Mon, there are a couple of upcoming free after rebate items at staples – upcoming weekly ad is online.
Might have to pay sales tax – all items eligible for free shipping. If you don’t want the stuff – ship to a charity in a tax-free area?
Steve: Thanks for the heads up!
I am trying to buy a laptop from Staples using my Ink Bold, but I was wondering that if I go through the Ultimate Rewards mall and click on Staples.com and order something using “in store pick-up” that shouldn’t affect my 4x UR points and 5x Ink Bold points, right?
nazgul: Yes, that should work. I’ve done in store pickup with Sears before and still received my UR mall points.
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Amazon Payments. Ideally I would life to xfer $1000 to my wife (and have her do the save to me) to help meet my CC spend. Any input on this being good or bad would help. We are using the Amex Delta Card.
Steve: Yes, you can use Amazon payments to pay your wife, but I wouldn’t recommend having her pay you back through Amazon payments. When Amazon thinks someone is scamming them like that they’ve been known to close accounts.
Thanks – closing the account would obviously defeat the point. Are there any other sites where this would work or is it something that is generally better to not do? For me it seems like easy miles for simply moving money from my CC to Amazon to bank and back to CC. Do you know if this is something Amex frowns on?
Steve: I’ve never heard of Amex objecting to Amazon payments. To them it should just look like any other purchase. You can also look into using a service called Venmo. A lot of people use Amazon payments and Venmo to add spend to their credit cards, but if you do either you need to be very careful as you can get shut down if it looks like you’re trying to scam the system (which you are). A better approach is to go out to eat with a bunch of friends. You pay the entire bill and have your friends pay you back using Venmo and/or Amazon payments. That is what those services are for.
personal and business Delta Platinum AMEX – signup bonus is 35k miles + 10k MQM after $2,000 in 3 month spend.
Will you be doing any lab experiment using Amex Membership Rewards in the near future?
ko: Yes! I have one in progress right now and will post about it tomorrow. Are there any particular experiments you would like to see?
There’s a healthy thread at FW about Chase shutting down AARP 5% cash back cards for folks buying GCs at grocery stores. It seems to be happening with some frequency. It might be a good idea to look into whether this could happen with UR cards, and if so whether it makes sense to transfer UR to another account to keep them safe.
Bangkokiscool: Thanks for the heads up. I’ll look into this.
Well it looks like Staples is putting a lock down on the 10 rebates per item. While the rebate fine print still says “Limit 10 rebates per name/address/household”, staples.com will only allow 1 FAR item to be purchased at a time. I suppose you could still do 10 separate purchases of 1 item each, but that adds a lot more hassle and potential issues with receiving all 10 rebate checks back in the mail.
I am missing some credit on UR Mall. Where do I go to request missing miles?
Michael H: you can call the customer service number on your card, or you can log into chase.com and submit a private message.
Heads up. I am at the Staples site right now and it would appear that the Trend Micro rebate is more than the purchase price. My “Save” is larger than the screenshot in your post. When I go to checkout it shows the $33.95 price.
It appears that the new 5% savings are being applied at checkout rather than on a monthly basis. In this instance, there is no additional cash double dip. Makes for slightly fewer points but WTH, it’s still free.
Dennybob: That’s amazing! It doesn’t show up that way for me, so maybe only people who are targeted for 5% see this?
I can’t find any limit on the number of copies you can buy, it just says “**While supplies last. May not be valid in combination with other offers. Offer subject to change. No cash/credit back”. Where did you find the 10 copy limit?
Hi FM, now that we get 15 points/$ with Ink at Office Depot, see anything interesting there?
I spent a little time looking but they mostly seem overpriced and the rebates are the old-school mail-in kind.
Greg Z: I haven’t had a chance to look into it yet. One approach is to search SlickDeals and FatWallet for Office Depot deals.
It looks very similar to the other downloadable Trend Micro soft rebate posted a few days ago. Do you know how many copies we can purchase and still get the rebate?
I got the 5% cash back fro upromise portal to staples. Seems like its working, although it says pending but it’s showing up.
Mow: Thanks for the update! Can you actually get your cash back from uPromise or only use the cash for college?
@FrequentMiler So I was digging through some shopping portals and I found that right now British Airways e-Store is offering 12 points per $ at Drugstore.com. Scouring through the terms and conditions it doesn’t mention anything about not being valid on gift cards. Do you think this would be legit? Or any way of dropping this info in a post and seeing if anyone is willing to be a guinea pig? They offer Safeway cards for $100 and I have been told before that Safeway cards can be used to buy anything in store, including Visa/Amex cash cards, so essentially you could buy 4 of these $100 cards, pay $5 each for shipping, then convert in-store to cash cards and get 4,800 miles for 20 bucks, enough for a one-way flight. Thoughts?
You can request a check, so no it doesn’t need to be used soley for college, also mentioned on the uPromise webpage. However they only send payments every quarter, so 4 times per year.
How fast does Topcashback.com pay out? Three different merchant purchases are still pending, two are from February.
ArizonaGuy: Unlike other cash back sites, once your cash back goes from pending to final status, you can withdraw your cash at any time. How long it takes to move from pending to whatever, I think is based on the merchant/affiliate network not TCB. That’s my understanding anyway. In other words, I don’t know.
Is there anything I can do to not lose my $350?
Dayswim: Did you buy more than 10 of that specific product & rebate number? If not, you should be able to get your rebate. Some people accidentally submitted the rebate more than once and so received scary postcards like that, but still got their rebates. Have you checked the status of your rebates online via the rebate center?
ashley: Yes, I called Chase customer service repeatedly until I found a rep who was willing to help me. She credited the points to me.
Is there a way to see all of your posts chronologically? When I used the archive button, it only lists the posts back to mid-April.
Back in February I took advantage of the 36x avios BA/Nordtrom promotion where I made some pretty big purchases. Three months later my avios are still showing as declined. After many emails to the BA shopping portal, all they keep saying is that they are in the process of verifying that my purchases arent fraudulent. At this point I dont know what else to do. I am thinking of just giving up and returning all the stuff I bought. Any suggestions/advice as to what to do? Thanks.
choporifico: I don’t have any magic words of wisdom for you here. If I were you I’d probably cut my losses and return everything.
Through my business, I pay a variety of freelancers through PayPal every month. Unfortunately, PayPal doesn’t seem to permit you to use a credit card to send money if you have a bank account set up.
I’ve been leaving thousands of points on the table the past couple months, and it’s killing me to see all these lost opportunities. Any idea on how to get a credit card in the mix? I thought of having PayPal invoices sent to an email address not affiliated with my PayPal account. Because you’re not logged in, you can then pay with a credit card; however, this is not as convenient for tracking. Is it the only way, though? Anyone worked with PayPal in this way?
Chris: I think I’ve read ways to trick PayPal into allowing credit cards for those payments, but you’ll have to pay a transaction fee that might wipe out most of the benefit.
THANKS IN ADVANCE! I love your site and wish you the best of luck blogging.
jen: You have a few options without the Ink. If you have a business Amex, you could buy $100 or more worth of Marriott cards at an OfficeMax and you’ll get 5% cash back from OPEN Savings. Another option is to go to Marriott.com through the UR Mall and buy them with your Sapphire Preferred. With SP, you’ll get 2X for travel plus whatever the current UR mall rate is for Marriott. If the points don’t post automatically, you’ll have no problem calling Chase to get them credited since they’ll see the transaction on your account. Another option is to find the best current point options for Sears and buy Sears gift cards. Then go to Kmart to buy marriott cards using the Sears cards. It’s quite a bit more work than the other options so I wouldn’t really recommend it unless Sears jumps up to 10X again. Another option is to go to GiftCardGranny and find the best current deal available. Those are the ideas I can think of anyway.
Awesome, thanks for getting back to me so quickly!
However, I will be soon travelling to Asia, and was interested in purchasing tickets with the exchanged visa gift cards, that way I will also get airmiles by purchasing flights. However, most of the visa giftcards max out at $200. So I wouldn’t be able to pay for the flight with just “one” visa GC.
My question is..any possible way to merge several visa gc’s? or use mulpitle visa cards to pay for a flight through Orbitz?
Thank you everyone for your time, hope all that made sense.
hungryformiles: That is tricky. If you can find a travel agency that sells gift cards you might be able to buy lots of gift cards from them and then use multiple gift cards to pay for your trip. Another option is to get the permanent Amex prepaid card I wrote about earlier. Use your visa gift cards to buy reload packs and then load up to $2500 on the Amex. See my post titled “One card to rule them all“. Note that you will lose some of the value of your cards that way, though, because each reload pack has a $3.95 fee.
First, love your blog. I have used tons of your tips and am banking tons of points on my Ink card. My question is can you buy say Home Depot cards on Plastic Jungle with a prepaid Visa. They don’t take AMEX so my prepaid AMEX is out. But a Visa should work. Say I bought a $500 prepaid Visa. Then I could get 7% off my HD cards plus 4% at topcashback and 2,500 UR points for the $500 card from office supply store X. I would loose the $5 on the Visa but that’s NBD. Just wondering if you knew if this worked. Or if my logic was off.
Also, IDK if this has been covered but you can double dip with iTunes. Buy a GC at Staples or wherever and load onto iTunes. Go through UR mall and get rewards mall points for purchases. This makes iTunes 9X.
I posted this in the “One Card to rule them all”, please delete the other one if you want.
I learned a lot from this blog so here is what I did.
Dee Tee: Thanks, this is awesome info! Can you explain one part to me? How were you able to buy $300 in gift cards at once when using 2 $100 Visa gift cards from Staples? Most vendors only allow one credit card for any purchase. Also, have you seen all of the Dell points actually post?
Can i use the reloadable amex card to make amazon payments?
Just a note of caution on the “One Card to Rule Them All” strategy: if you have a problem during the redemption process, then you might as well pray to whatever God you believe in, because he/she/they can probably help you more than the “Vanilla Reload Network” folks. InComm, the company behind the “Vanilla Reload Network”, is clueless, incompetent, and borderline fraudulent. They claim to have “no way” to track money once it is (allegedly) sent to American Express. Currently tracking 3+ hours of my life gone forever, dealing with their sorry excuse for “customer service”.
Mike: These products are new so it won’t surprise me if there are some early glitches. I’m very sorry about what happened to you!
Hope you like it! Let me know if you’d like any other info put in my section and I’ll be happy to update it.
Thanks again! I’m earning so much because reading your blog!
Can you send me a referral link to plastic jungle. I would like for you to get the $5 bonus for me signing up.
PerryPlatypus: Do you mean a referral to TopCashBack? http://www.topcashback.com/ref/frequentmiler. Oh, I see now. Here is the PlasticJungle link: http://plasticjungle.extole.com/a/clk/4bHsml Thanks!
Rick: Great question. Yes, I was going to recommend the prepaid Amex until I read the second part of your question. Maybe do that anyway so as to have that option in places that do take Amex? For Visa gift/prepaid cards, I’m not sure which ones, if any, can be used internationally. Anyone else know?
I would like to apply for SPG Preferred Card through your link. However, I noticed on the http://spgamex.com/ link the annual fee is $45 vs. your link of $65 annual fee after one year. Which is correct??
Sheila: Thanks! The SPG card used to be $45 (several years ago), but it has been $65 since. Spgamex.com must be a very old out of date page.
I’m not surprised as I have had several transactions with them where I sold Lowe’s gift cards anand they all traced at zero. Keeping my fingers crossed I will still get my cash back as it was still saying 4% when I sold them. Any experience with this?
D Olsen: you should be fine. If you don’t see cash back pending after a week, then open a ticket with Topcashback.
I am intrigued by your postings regarding putting all spend on the Amex prepaid card (with reload packs purchased at Office Depot). The only problem is that I don’t spend enough on credit cards to take advantage of the full $50k/year.
If I were to use the prepaid card on rent using WilliamPaid (online rent service), I’d take a 2.45% hit on each transaction. For example, if I spend $30,000 on rent during the course of a year, I’d pay $735 in WilliamPaid fees plus $237 for the prepaid reloads, which equals $972. However, I’d be up 150,000 in UR points, which equates to .65 cents/point.
Do you think this is worth it? Thanks in advance.
Stacey: Is it worth it? Absolutely. 150,000 UR points are worth, at minimum, $1500 in cash, but you can get much more value than that. Is it a good idea? Well, that depends. If you are a bad credit risk or Chase otherwise suspects you of abusing the perks of the Ink card, they might close down your accounts. You’ll have to judge based on your own situation whether this will be safe for you.
Is having too many authorized users on a card inviting trouble from Chase?
I was thinking I would give my near family members a copy of the Chase Ink Bold card and Chase Sapphire Card to help me meet the spending thresholds. Is having 4 authorized users on each card a good idea?
Asen: Great question. Unfortunately, I have no idea.
hey bro, saw this 100k points from BOA, i have no diea what boa points are , good for and their value, can you take a look at this?
kt: This deal is for 10K points not 100K. It doesn’t look too exciting to me. There are much better deals available. See my best credit card offers page.
Hi, you know how you said that we were effectively buying points for 2 cents every time we make a purchase on a credit card. But isn’t that only valid in the States. If we go to Canada, the max cashback card that we have is 1%. So doesn’t that alter the fair trading prices of all the points your page?
fosij: Good point! I’m far less familiar with Canadian credit card options so if it’s true that your best alternative is a 1% cash back card, then you’re right that the relative cost of buying miles through credit card spend is much lower. So, if you can earn valuable points or miles through credit card spend in Canada, that’s probably a better bet for you than 1% cash back.
Barry: I don’t know. I’d recommend contacting Club Carlson to ask.
I have both club carlson personal Gold Elite and business account as well.
I signed up for 50k on both for the radisson and 44k for the country inn promo.
for my upcoming trip, should i use the personal or the biz to book the hotel?
is the country inn also gold elite if my club carlson personal is gold account?
Tonight while checking out the gift cards at the local grocery store, I happened to notice there is a Groupon gift card. I was thinking I could use my Chase Freedom to get 5 points per $ but then I remembered that I would actually get more points shopping thru Ultimate Rewards and using my Sapphire Card. I was trying to think of a way to double dip. Would you know of a way?
Sheila: I haven’t tried it myself, but it should be possible to do the following: User your Freedom card to buy the Groupon gift card. Then, go through the UR mall to buy a Groupon using your gift card. If it works please let us know!
My Sears.com purchases have not posted on the SW shopping portal. Charged it on my Chase SW card, but charge still shown as “pending”. Warning on my SW portal that some “gift card purchases are not eligible” and to consult the merchant. No restriction on Sears site when I made the gift card purchase.
Marshall: For some reason not everyone’s points are getting posted immediately. I’d wait a few more days before worrying too much!
Big fan. I assume you’ve answered this somewhere but I can’t quite find it… have you double dipped on Office Depot/ UR mall? In other words, buying Vanilla Visa card at OD, then shopping through UR and paying with the gift card?
hey boss, you see my question above but won’t answer it?
Thanks for all the point earning techniques!
I’m having noob issues trying to figure out how to reload my reloadable AE card (got it in the mail today) with my OneVanilla PrePaid Visa Card. Can you spell it out? Sorry and thanks in advance.
Book 2 nights with mine and wife’s account & than transfer?
Both I and My wife signed up for this 50k & 44k bonus points offer .
100k? Can the same be done with Country Inn 44k bonus deal?
bonus points offer if room is booked using the 30 % off code?
not used within certain months?
using different email for business account too.
Any tricks and tips you can share on this?
each other’s account without any fee or problem.
jim: I don’t think the points expire. Yes, you will still get bonus points when using the 30% off code (as long as you registered for the promotions). Yes, your wife can call and move her points to your account for free. However, if she has gold status and you do not, it might be better to move your points to her account so that when you use the miles you’ll get the benefit of her status. All points are simply “Club Carlson” points so it doesn’t matter which promotion you get them from. I do think this is one of those too good to pass up deals.
I have loaded $1000 to my AMEX prepaid card.
Can I paypal it?AP pr pay divy or it doesn’t work it prepaid cards? i sent %500 visa gift card using paypal and it worked but $15 fee.
I can also withdraw up to $400 without fee at ATMs right?
jim: Yes you should be able to use Paypal, PayDivvy, etc. I haven’t tried it though. Yes, you will incur a fee. Yes you can do one ATM withdrawal per month for free (unless the ATM itself charges fees, which most do) $400 limit for that one transaction.
Hi FM. Don’t know whether you have reported this elsewhere (it’s hard to word search your blog), but I just noticed the T&C for officedepot.com on the UR mall–no bonus points (e.g., 4X) for purchases of gift cards. Thought you and others might like to know. Sadly, I didn’t read the T&C before purchasing.
both I and my wife have this prepaid permanent amex card and have them for about 4 months and got it from amex.
I recently on June 1, loaded $1k reloadable vanilla prepaid card amount to my amex prepaid card. withdrew $400 from ATM yesterday.
My wife’s amex prepaid card has only $25 for the last 4 or 5 months.
How can we both take advantage of this $25 amex prepaid card offer?
jim: If you buy another Vanilla prepaid card and load it onto your wife’s prepaid card then you should both receive the $25 gift cards. There are no monthly maintenance fees.
is there also a monthly maintainance fee on this vanilla reload card? after buying it and not used for a month or so you get hit it fees?
the other day, i checked safeway store (grocery store) and they have lots of giftcards and reloadable cards but not this VANILA RELOADABLE prepaid card. THey had others like greendot and many, i wonder if these reloadable cards are relodable to amex prepaid card or not? But I do see all kinds of fees like monthly fee or in activity fees.
What and how do I use the the balance on amex prepaid permanent card? I can withdraw $400 at ATM every month without any fees by amex? I can use the balance on paypal too? or every spend can’t be more than $400 a day?
jim: Most of the other options can’t be purchased with a credit card so it takes away alot of the benefit. On the Amex prepaid, just use it day to day like a regular credit card.
I have a total of 60k flying club miles from my recent BOA virgin atlantic card. I saw the $90 annual fee on the card which is a bit high on a card that’s miles is not useful like ADVANTAGE or United miles. I got this card about a month ago.
If I cancel this card, will they waive the $90 fee or the $90 annual fee will remain BALANCE DUE even if I close the card?
Will the points be lost if the card is closed?
I heared the the best use of the flying club miles is to transfer to HILTON without fees and we can get 120k hilton points?
I checked hilton and most of their hotels at any cities or dates have NO AWARD AVAILABILITY and the ones that accepts points for booking needs 40k points or more for a night at $130 room. so we don’t get more than 3 nights at average 2 or 3 star hilton hotels with the 120k hilton points. Is this still a best use of the 60k flying club miles?
Emily: The Virgin Atlantic card will get you 50K miles after meeting the minimum spend and adding authorized users. That translates to 100K Hilton HHonors points. HHonors points are worth about half a cent each, so 100K is worth about $500. In my opinion that is well worth the $90 fee. Even if you get only two nights in a nice Hilton, that’s a great return for $90! If you cancel, I don’t know if you’ll get your $90 back (you would have to ask BOA).
I’ve requested payment from topcashback. Under my account it says claimed, however its not showing up on my paypal account! I’ve been trying to navigate the topacshback website and couln’t find a way to contact them. No email, no phone, no ticket.
Since that you have contacts with their business could you send them a message if this is a bug? Or how to resolve this.
Please disregard my quetion. I found on their webiste that it will take 30 days to appear.
Thanks for the heads up, but my first attempt this am at a credit union ATM that stated fee free was not fee free. It was $2.50. Still over 3.5x on that $400 round trip. I appreciate you and your followers ongoing help.
Been getting Vanilla GCs at OD. Finally ready to jump into the reloadable Amex (and will use your link to throw a few bucks your way). I stopped by my local OD yesterday just to make sure they have the reloads, and they’re all sold out. Anyone know if ODs tend to get more in after they sell out?
CJ: You might want to ask the store manager when the shipments come in.
Fatwallet has a link to another gift card 10 off 50 deal. This is at Food Lion, use the hase Freedom with it’s quartly 5% rebate for these.
Having trouble with plastic jungle with the lowes cards. Is this generally the case? Any suggestions? Keep receiving a an email saying my sell did not go through… Do we need to back off until the lowes craze slows down?
Chris: that sounds like a good idea. I’ll see if I can contact them on Monday to find out what’s going on.
You guys talked a lot about gift cards like staples gc but never did you guys adviced that staples gc works ONLY IN STORE and NOT ONLINE. I am returning 2 of the $50 staples card and one is already wasted cos i scratched it. PLEASE DON’T GIVE US MISSING INFO NEXT TIME.
There is nothing in store to buy, staples stores have all the rip off priced items and junk items. I only shop on staples.com for cash backs and better pricing.
TIM: I’m sorry if you got stuck with gift cards you don’t want, but I’m sure no one was trying to deceive you. Despite not being able to use them online, Staples gift cards are easier than just about any others to cash out: Staples frequently runs “Free After Rebate” deals, so you can go to a Staples (yes, in person) and buy this stuff, send in the rebates, and get a check back (in about 5 to 8 weeks). Yes, you will be out sales tax, but many people resell the stuff on EBay and make a profit in the end.
Regarding the reloadable gift cards to Amex prepaid card, the only one that works is the VANILLA RELOADABLE CARD? Or any other reloadable cards can be loaded to Amex prepaid card? I ask that cos you always mention the VANILLA RELOADABLE card and not the many other reloadable cards you find in stores.
The other day at safeway store, I found reloadable card called RELOADIT, asked the cashier to load $500 to it, asked for ID but than had to ask for supervisor, he showed the cashier and me that the card itself says CASH ONLY in front of it on top right corner. I wanted to get 5% back for each dollar on my freedom card since that was a grocery store. so didn’t work. ONLY some OD stores carry this vanilla reloadable card. i didn’t find the vanilla reloadable card in officemax or staples and not at grocery stores.
Randy: The Vanilla reload card is the only one that you can buy at office depot (that I know of). Make sure to go to office depot, not officemax or staples. With the Ink Bold you can get 5 points per dollar when buying them. If you can find a grocery store that will let you use credit to buy any kind of reload card, that would be great for credit cards that have bonus points at groceries (such as Freedom this quarter, Amex Blue Cash Preferred, etc.). Not all reload cards will work with the Amex, but you should be able to find other reloadable cards that will work.
I do buy the Vanilla reload cards at OD once a month with my IB card. I was saying You don’t find this in other office stores like officemax or staples. grocery stores do carry reload cards but different ones which I don’t know can be loaded to amex prepaid or not.
Randy: I see, thanks for the info. I believe that MoneyPaks can be loaded onto Amex cards, but I’m not sure about any others.
Himesh: Yes, that should work. No, there are no fees beyond those that would be charged to any credit card.
Can I use the amex prepaid card to send money online like paypal or pay divy?
any fees other than the 3% fe paypal or pay divy or williampaid charges?
I don’t have amex prepaid card , I do have amex credit cards.
I checked amex site to order amex prepaid card but it asks me to choose TEMPORARY or Permanent prepaid card.
You have said that the amex permanent prepaid card is the one we should get to reload the Vanilla reload card amount but it says to order the permanent amex prepaid card, it asks me to enter the temporary card info which I don’t have. How do I get around this?
Please make the appropriate choice below.
I have a temporary Card and would like to order a permanent Card.
I would like to order a new Card (I don’t have a temporary Card).
* I would like to order a new Card (I don’t have a temporary Card).
Are the Vanilla reload cards loadable to the temporary version of amex prepaid card than?
Susan: no, the second option will get you a permanent card.
You get cash back on all purchases including when you purchase a gift card or gift certificate. You don’t get cash back when you redeem a gift card or gift certificate.
Interesting…so far my account shows that they credited me miles for the purchase of the steaks using the gift certificate but not for purchasing the gift certificate. Thanks for the feedback.
Christian A: Well, I’ve been wrong before! Let me know how it turns out. I’ll update the Laboratory page.
chuck: Thanks! It looks like it ends tonight so I tweeted it instead of posting.
pls tell me how to maximize the chase UR points thru freedom card purchase. DAN from dansdeals had a post where he said for every purchase of $10 or less, better use freedom than chase sp for food and travel, he says not to use SP for travel or dining purchase of under $10. this is all due to 10 extra points plus 10x per dollar purchase. I think if i do 10 different 10 cents purchase, i can easily earn 100 plus points with chase freedom.
my chase SP card deducts $10 every 2 to 3 days for the chicago plus card on transitchicago.com, this as you know is for trains and bus rides=cta card transaction. we get 2 points per dollar on that but IS IT BETTER TO USE CHASE FREEDOM CARD instead of CHASE SP for this regular $10 transactions on transitchicago.com?
jim: You need to have both a Freedom card and a Chase checking account. Then once they link the accounts, Chase will give you 10 points per transaction in addition to the points you earn per dollar when using the Freedom card. Some people have tried running hundreds (or thousands) of tiny transactions in order to take advantage of this, but Chase notices that and shuts them down (literally closes all of their Chase accounts). Not recommended.
Hi. Thanks for your posts on the Amex/Vanilla cards. Very useful for meeting Ink Bold minimum spend in particular.
Any suggestions on the best way to meet minimum spend on, say, Hawaiian, Aadvantage or Hilton cards? Would you recommend sticking with Vanilla despite the smaller point accumulation, or switch to a grocery store and Netspend (particularly for something like Hilton cards with grocery bonuses)? Or do you stick with Kiva?
Rob: Personally I do use Kiva most of the time for meeting minimum spend requirements, but I’m lucky enough to be able to afford not having access to the money for a while. If you need to money sooner, you can look into Amazon Payments, options for paying mortgage or rent via credit card, etc.
Is the Giant deal still working? How were you able to apply the funds to the next purchase? Was it in the form of a coupon (like I got) or added to your bonus card?
I bought two Shell cards and nothing came out, the help desk printed two vouchers for me. The bad thing is it says it excludes gift cards.
Today’s email was intriguing, however, what is the significance of Metabank? What was your history with that bank? How did Metabank info go to Netspend?
Maureen: Metabank is the bank that issues the NetSpend card. So, when NetSpend claimed that they weren’t involved in the decision to close the account they were being a bit disingenuous.
can i use funds on amex prepaid card to send money on paypal or on use williampaid service?
whats the fee amex prepaid would charge me in addition to the 3% fee by williampaid or paypal?
cash withdrawal fee ? any risk? | 2019-04-26T03:43:47Z | https://frequentmiler.boardingarea.com/contact-frequent-miler/comment-page-1/ |
She won the competition last November 2010. Two months later (January 2011), she finally got part of her prize money from the production company that was in charge of the said competition. She was also told she will receive the remaining balance of her prize money six months (July 2011) later.
It is almost August and she has not received any word from the production company. She tried to get in touch with the people in charge but they have been ignoring her messages. Her mom even tried sending a demand letter but it did not work either.
This year's competition is scheduled to begin in a week's time despite the fact that last year's winner has not been paid in full. So, to all the ladies who are planning to join this year's competition, I suggest you think twice before filing your application.
Letter from a Reader: Are Credit Card Companies Allowed to Share Our Personal Information?
I am an avid and loyal follower of your blog! I know that many of your readers are credit card holders and they will be able to relate with this story.
Attention! Need CASH? Personal Load up to P2m for as LOW as1.3%/mo. For FAST & EAST Approval, ACT NOW. Message me. Adrian.
I was so fed up from receiving these kinds of messages so I send this message "Will you just stop texting me with those offers?" After sending this message, Adrian replied and said "I'm sorry Joseph Bolos. Rest assured you are monitored." After a few minutes, he also texted me my exact home address.
I was very shocked as to why he knows my complete name and my exact home address. Then I realized that he must have gotten these pieces of information from my credit card company. So I called my credit card company and told the customer service guy that there is a loan agent from another credit card company that is harassing me. He told me that the agent might have secured my personal information from the database of the other credit card company.
I understand that there is a database for the reference of the different credit card companies but why do these companies share these pieces of information with the loan agents without our permission? It truly bothers me that these people are sharing my personal information for their marketing purposes without my consent! Fellow Fashion PULIS readers, is there anything we can do about this?
When the Cat's Away. . . . .
This actor is very good at hiding secrets from his girlfriend. Just last month, his network made public an issue that he has been keeping from his girlfriend. Ever since this expose, he has been seriously thinking of transferring to another network because he felt betrayed.
Well, it seems like this actor is hiding other secrets from his girlfriend. She is clueless that apart from her, her boyfriend is said to be seeing other women on the side. Whenever she goes out of town, the actor would invite different women to his place to spend quality time with him. Obviously, when the cat’s away, the mouse will play.
Do you know who this actor is? Please observe the guidelines in posting comments and be reminded that initials are not allowed. I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter for you to get additional clues.
Continue to send your juicy stories to: [email protected]. Thank you for spreading the love for Fashion PULIS!
It is almost five in the morning and I just got home from my birthday party an hour ago. Thank you very much to all my friends who attended. Thank you also to all the Fashion PULIS readers who greeted here, on Twitter and Facebook. I have to wake up for my 11:20 am class in a few hours but I just could not go to sleep without posting a blind item.
Yesterday, this athlete sent a message to a lady friend informing her that he has two reserved tickets worth 2,000 PhP each for sale. He also told her that these were reserved tickets for the family members and friends of the athletes. When this lady met up with the athlete to pick up the two tickets, she was shocked to see that they were upper green bleachers worth 200 PhP each. She tried giving them back to the athlete but he refused to accept them because according to him, he already paid them on her behalf. She was even more upset when she later learned that the two tickets sold to her were just given to the athlete for free.
Do you know who this athlete is? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and be reminded that initials are not allowed. I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues.
Please send your juicy stories to: [email protected]. Thank you for making always loving Fashion PULIS!
The manager of this fitness personality used his connections to help him land a job on a television network. He helped promote his workout programs that eventually got him billboard deals with a local pharmaceutical company. Sadly, his career was starting to take off, he began badmouthing his manager to some of the people in the network. He told them to not to deal with his manager anymore because he is short-changing him.
This fitness personality also publicly claimed that his workout programs were all original. What many do not know is that he plagiarized most of them from the internet. He cuts parts from one workout program, pastes it with another and makes it appear that it is his own.
Do you know who this fitness personality is? Please observe the guidelines in posting comments and be reminded that initials are not allowed. I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues.
Keep sending your juicy stories to: [email protected]. Thank you for making Fashion PULIS a daily habit!
Last July 10 at around 10 in the evening, I invited my friend, Noel, to eat in this restaurant in Greenbelt. In the restaurant, we were greeted by the friendly receptionist and one of the managers who know me. I browsed through the menu and ended up ordering the Inasalata Rucola.
When my salad arrived, I started eating it. After digging into it, I saw something that was blackish in color. I handed my phone to my friend and told him to take a picture. I requested the waiter to call the manager to show him the cockroach in my salad.
They offered to replace my salad but how can you still continue eating in a restaurant when you just saw an insect in your place. There was no apology or anything and they only offered to give me free dessert. I insisted to pay for the bill but they declined my payment. That night, I felt cheated because all these years I have been a loyal customer of this restaurant the incident made me realized how unclean this restaurant is.
A worm in the salad is understandable because sometimes during the preparation it cannot be spotted but having a cockroach in it is totally a different story. I think the Makati City sanitation department should look into this restaurant. We should not tolerate the unclean kitchen of this restaurant.
The next time you guys are in the Greenbelt area, you better think twice before entering this restaurant. Thank you for posting my story.
Who is the Actor's New Inspiration?
This actress was present at the family get together of this actor despite the fact that they already broke up a few months ago. According to a female relative, this actress is in denial because she is still very much in love with this actor. She also mentioned that while they were together, the actor tried his best to live a straight life but things just really did not work out between the two of them.
As the night went on, the stories became juicier. According to the same relative, there is a certain model with an "extraordinary" hairstyle that is presently inspiring this actor. This model has also made an appearance in a television series on the same network not so long ago.
Do you know who this actor is? How about the model? Please observe the guidelines in posting comments and be reminded that initials will not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues.
Send your juicy stories to: [email protected]. Thank you for always supporting Fashion PULIS!
Letter from a Reader: Why are Imitation Items Allowed in the Department Store?
I guess all letters senders start by saying that they are big fans of your blog and I am proud to say that I am no exception. I used to ignore local chismis sites and concentrated more on the foreign showbiz sites until I accidentally encountered your blog site. I have been hooked to Fashion PULIS since May 2011.
When my cousin had a negative experience with a celebrity, I encouraged her to email you the incident. Her story eventually landed on your blog with the title Letter from a Reader: Queen of Deadma. We were vacationing in Hong Kong when her letter came out. We were so excited that we spent so much time re-reading the story and we forgot all about the shopping.
Anyway, I wanted to share a disturbing discovery I made while shopping in Makati last Sunday. I visited this department store because I wanted to look at the house ware section. When I was passed by the women's hand bag section, the 'What's New' display rack caught my attention. I was so surprised to find out that the department store carries Mulberry imitation itmes with every detail of the original style including the metallic emblem/logo.
Now this is my question. Is the department store aware of this? Is the one in charge of the consignment items aware that these bags are imitations? Even if this department store is known for its affordable items, this does not put them on the same level as the "tiangge" stalls that sell fake luxury handbags. In my opinion, this is a serious crime just like movie or music piracy?
Thank you for taking the time out to read and post my letter.
Email your entries to [email protected] with Fashion PULIS: Guess Who Loves Beabi Promo as the subject line on or before August 7, 2011.
Two winners will each receive a beabi Limited Artist Edition Bag and 3,000 PhP worth of beabi Gift Certificates.
If you are a resident of this posh village, chances are you might have already heard about this story. This story took place a couple of years before the actress even started dating the television host.
One evening, this actress showed up at the mansion of this rich businessman while he was hosting an intimate dinner for some close neighbors. The businessman was surprised by her presence so he had to excuse himself from the group to talk to the actress in private.
From the dining room, the dinner guests could hear the actress shouting at the businessman. Her voice was loud enough for them to hear what she was telling him. It seemed like she has perfected her yelling skills after shooting for her television series that required her to do a lot of yelling. They could hear her cursing him for the compensation money that he is offering her for them to call it quits.
After that night, the neighbors did their own research and found out that the actress was the kept woman of the businessman. They learned further that his wife, who was out of the country at the time, already knew about the affair and demanded that he leaves her permanently.
Do you know who this actress is? Please observe the guidelines in posting comments and be reminded that initials will not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need clues regarding the actress. I will be waiting for your juicy stories at [email protected]. Thank you for always supporting Fashion PULIS!
This model is one of the members of the mean girls, a group of divas who feel that they belong to the who's who of Philippine society. She only hangs out with the wealthy so that she can get invitations to the luxury resorts, posh hotels and expensive restaurants. She befriends these clueless rich people who generously treat her right and left. She wants them to spend for her so that she can live the lifestyle that she has always wanted.
In her effort to be close to the rich and famous, she consciously ignores her mother who is said to be suffering from psychological problems. Instead of helping her mom cope with her situation, she is doing everything possible to avoid her. She is worried that her rich friends will abandon her if they hear about the condition of her mom.
Do you know who this model is? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need clues regarding the model. Please send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for visiting Fashion PULIS!
From July 23 to August 6, Deal Grocer members get insider access to limited-time offers from the Belo Medical Group. Log on to: Deal Grocer Private Sale Event.
If you have oily skin like me, I suggest that you try the Glycopeel and Powerpeel Bundle. As much as possible, I visit the Belo Greenbelt Branch for my Powerpeel once every three weeks. I have been telling my friends that Belo has the best Powerpeel machine in the Philippines. Try it!
When the 15 year old nephew of this actress was in town from the USA for a visit, she was busy shooting for her television series so she entrusted the boy with her mother. One day, the actress instructed her mother to bring him to the dentist for a procedure. The antibiotics that the dentist gave him after the procedure caused a major allergic reaction. His grandmother had to bring him immediately to the hospital when this happened.
He was confined in the hospital for a few days while the doctors were still waiting for the results of his blood test. During this time, neither his aunt nor his grandmother was there with him. It was only the actress' secretary who was communicating with the medical staff to check on the boy's status from time to time. So when the boy's father eventually rang his mother (boy's grandmother) from the USA to check on his son, she avoided him because she did not know what to tell him.
The day when the grandmother visited the boy, the first thing she did was to reprimand him for what happened. She told him that the actress' husband (the boy's uncle) will be furious if he finds out about the expensive medical bill. It is so ironic that she tells her friends that her daughter is the "princess of the south" and yet she worries about how her son-in-law will react to the medical bill.
The actress immediately scheduled her nephew's flight back to the USA a few days after he was discharged from the hospital. On the day of his departure, the actress just instructed her driver to bring the boy to the airport. When the boy got off the car, the driver told him that his aunt and his grandmother do not want to ever see him back in the Philippines.
Do you know who this actress is? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need clues regarding the actress. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for visiting Fashion PULIS!
It has been a while since I last posted a blind item about someone from the fashion industry. The truth of the matter is that I worry that some of the people in the stories that I know might not be that well-known to most readers. Anyway, rest assured that I always prioritize a story about the fashion industry every time I do have one.
This make-up artist only wants to eat siomai and nothing else. Prior to the wedding day, he specifically advised his client/bride to make sure that she orders siomai for him. Upon receiving this information, the client relayed it to her wedding coordinator and requested her to take care of this.
On the day of the wedding, the coordinator invited the three assistants of the make-up artist to go to one of the function rooms for lunch where they will be served chicken and pork adobo with rice. The three assistants refused and told the coordinator that they also want siomai for lunch just like their boss. So instead of just buying 4 orders of siomai for the make-up artist, the coordinator now has to buy 16 orders of siomai for the make-artist and his three assistants.
The coordinator went to the mall located across the hotel to buy 16 orders (4 orders x 4 people) of siomai. When she was about to enter the hotel, the security guard stopped her since bringing in of food for wedding suppliers is strictly prohibited by the hotel management. She had to explain to the guard that the food she bought is for the bride and her family members who are waiting for her in the bridal suite. The security guard escorted the coordinator carrying the 16 orders of siomai to the bride's room to make sure that the food is really intended for hotel guests.
A few days after the wedding, the coordinator received a phone call from the client/groom asking her who charged more than 2,000 PhP worth of siomai to his room. The coordinator told him that she does not know anything about this and reassured him that she bought the 16 orders of siomai from the mall and not from the hotel's Chinese restaurant. Minutes later, the client/groom rang her back to tell her that he just found out that it was was the bride's brother who ordered the siomai from the hotel's Chinese restaurant. According to his brother-in-law, make-up artist disliked like the siomai that the coordinator bought from the mall so he decided to order from the hotel's Chinese restaurant instead.
Do you know who this make-up artist is? He has made a name for himself and this is why he feels that he can afford to be this demanding. To the readers who are not very familiar with the fashion industry, I suggest that you give your opinion on the story instead. I cannot wait to read your comments.
Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need clues regarding the make-up artist. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for reading Fashion PULIS!
Thank you very much for participating in the Plains and Prints Raffle. Congratulations to the two winners!
I would just like to let you know that the issue has been resolved already.
Yesterda afternoon, 3 representatives from SM Hypermarket Pasig went to my house to settle the issue. They apologized and thanked us for bringing the matter to their attention. In return, they gave us 5 Cadbury Chocolate Bars and a fruit basket to compensate for the inconvenience.
Thanks FP for posting it in your blog.
Despite the fact that this athlete-endorser has introduced his young non-showbiz girlfriend to the public, he is said to be seeing another woman on the side. This woman is a private citizen who separated from her husband a few years ago. She and her children reside in a condominium somewhere close to Makati.
Knowing that this athlete has a girlfriend, the good friends of this woman have repeatedly cautioned her about his real intentions. They cannot understand as to why this athlete is still dating her despite that he is romantically involved with someone else. Since these friends know that the athlete sleeps over her place from time to time, they are worried that she might expect too much from him.
These friends believe that this athlete is bound to eventually break their friend's heart and this is why they constantly think of ways on how to kick him out of her life.
Do you know who this athlete-endorser is? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. Follow micsylim on Twitter if you need more clues. Continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for reading Fashion PULIS!
Thank you very much for publishing The Swatch Complaint letter in your blog. I would like to inform you that Swatch already replaced my watch with a new one. No reason was given though as to why Swatch decided to consider my request that was not initially turned down.
I sent the watch via 2Go and within a week, Swatch sent me a new one. I would just like to update you and your readers and let you know that Swatch honored the warranty after all.
Thanks you very much to Swatch and to Fashion PULIS!
Congratulations to Miss Ma. Lourdes D. Espanol and to Mr. Adrian Santos Manabat for each winning 5,000 PhP worth of Mint gift certificate! Both of you will receive an email from Miss Hazel Espinosa of Mint as to how you can claim your prize.
Public display of affection or PDA is any physical display of affection between two people while in the presence of others. Some common forms of PDA include holding hands, hugging, kissing, necking or petting in public. A man normally uses PDA to establish claim on a woman and to publicly communicate that she belongs to him.
This basketball player definitely enjoys PDA. If you Google his name, you will see his photos publicly kissing this certain actress who used to be his girlfriend. Recently, he was seen in a club making out with this drunken television host all night long. Club goers who were able to witness their lip locking scenes were surprised because the host's aggressive behavior that night was totally opposite from the demure image that she projects on television.
Do you know who this basketball player is? How about the television host? Please follow micsylim on Twitter if you need more clues. Kindly continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for always supporting Fashion PULIS!
These two singers were spotted by a Fashion PULIS reader dating in Singapore's Universal Studios. The two of them have remained elusive when asked about their relationship. Does this photo confirm anything?
The term "prima donna" is used to describe a temperamental conceited person who has an inflated view of themselves or their talent. According to the production staff of this noontime show, this is the term that best describes this female host who used to have her own television series.
She is always tardy for her call time and she needs to spend hours in the dressing room having her hair and make-up done. One time when she came in really late, her hairstylist was pressured to finish her hairstyle in a matter of a few minutes. When she looked at the mirror, she was very dissatisfied with what she saw so she cursed the hairstylist and humiliated him.
It is also a challenge for the staff to make her come out of her dressing room. Whenever they need her on the set, she always has to ask for a few extra minutes to have something done. It is already her bad habit to make her co-hosts wait for her.
Do you know who this prima donna noontime show host is? Please follow micsylim on Twitter if you need additional clues. Continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for visiting Fashion PULIS!
Could This Article Possibly Explain Albie Casino's Behavior?
A reader found this article entitled B for D: The Lowdown on Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities that was published on Female Network.com in 2006. Let me share excerpts of this article with you.
This big time host used to have a male co-host on his former TV show. He was extra generous to this co-host because he treated him as a good friend. He gave him so much cash and even showered him with luxurious gifts. Last Christmas, he gave him a pair of Louis Vuitton shoes. When he found out that this co-host was travelling to Europe, he offered to pay for his airfare and even gave him pocket money.
In spite of the big time host's generosity to the co-host, he still managed to speak badly of him. One day when this big time TV host was standing outside the dressing room, he accidentally overheard the co-host badmouthing him. The co-host was telling someone in the dressing room that although the big time host is generous friend, he is really very difficult to work with.
When the big time host heard this, he entered the dressing room and confronted the co-host. He advised him to resign from his show that very moment and say his goodbyes to their co-workers. He stopped being friend with him after that incident. This was the real reason behind the co-host's departure from the said show.
Do you know who this ungrateful co-host is? How about the big time host? If you need more clues, I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for supporting Fashion PULIS!
This public servant frequents this world class entertainment center whenever he has time off in Manila. One day when he was there having a good time with some friends, the beauty ambassadress of this entertainment center caught his attention. According to him, her features reminded him of this actress whom he used to date a few years ago.
Since this public servant is a valued client of the entertainment center, he used his connections to get in touch with the beauty ambassadress. He requested one of his contacts to offer her a few hundred thousand pesos just to spend one night with him. The beauty ambassadress turned down the offer and the public servant was disillusioned.
Do you know who this public servant is? How about the beauty ambassadress? Kindly observe the guidelines in posting comments and remember that initials are not allowed. If you need additional clues, I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for reading Fashion PULIS!
I recently got hooked on Fashion Pulis. The first time I visited your blog, it took me the whole day read through your old blind items. Anyway, I would like to share a story with you and your readers.
I used to be a very big fan of this female TV personality prior to these two incidents that happened two weeks ago when I watched the concert of this comedian.
My cousin who was part of the production team and her friend approached this female TV personality to request for a picture with her. Despite the fact that my cousin and her friend were standing in front of her, she ignored them and pretended not to hear them.
A friend of mine who is very close to the comedian brought me to his dressing room after the concert to congratulate him. He was very kind and warm. He was also very enthusiastic when we requested to have a picture with him.
After having our picture with him, I noticed that the female TV personality was also in the dressing room. I approached her and asked if I can have a picture with her. I heard her said yes to me but after that, she sat on the couch beside the comedian and started chatting with him. It suddenly seemed like I was not even present in the room.
I understand that celebrities deserve to have their private time, but it was not as if there were many people lining up in the room to have their picture taken with her. She could have just said no if she didn't really want to entertain me.
After that night, my admiration and respect for her just vanished. I stopped watching her show on TV. Maybe i just felt so disappointed because I used to really admire her.
Anyway, thank you FP for entertaining me and so many other people out there with your blind items! I hope you will not run out of stories! More power and God bless!
This actor was still very much attached to his former model-girlfriend when he started dating this actress. One day when this model decided to pay the actor a surprise visit at his place, she was shocked when the actress answered the door. She immediately left the place because she was disheartened to see the actress standing there, wearing one of the actor's t-shirts.
Despite the fact that the model's relationship with the actor has ended, the two of them have managed to maintain contact with each other. To make things worse, she is also very close to most of his family members. This is actually why this actress is very insecure with this model.
Her insecurity eventually worsened when this model joined a reality TV show. If you remember, she got involved in a twitter war with an athlete when she tweeted "lahat na lang artista na :( sad.” When she did this, she was not just referring to the athlete but she was indirectly sending a message to the model who just entered show business at that time.
Have you figured out the characters in this story? If not, I suggest that you follow micsylim on Twitter. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for supporting Fashion PULIS!
This actor does not want any other clients to be present at this gym whenever he is there for his work out. He wants the management to refuse the appointments of the other clients despite this gym's policy of only allowing a maximum of four clients per slot.
According to him, he has low self-esteem because he has gained a noticeable amount of weight lately. He is not confident with this body and he does not want the other clients to see him when he works out. He is however willing to make an exception for this female VJ who was once romantically linked to someone who is very close to him.
The management of this exclusive gym denied his request because it has very limited slots to begin with. Also, the clients per time slot policy was also explained to him before he enrolled.
Do you know who this actor is? I suggest you follow micsylim on Twitter if you cannot identify him. Please continue to send your juicy stories to [email protected]. Thank you for sharing Fashion PULIS with your friends!
Whose Messages are You Reading?
Are You the Baby's Father? | 2019-04-21T20:14:59Z | http://www.fashionpulis.com/2011/07/ |
The present study deals with the treatment of textile effluent using electrochemical techniques on pilot scale (70 L). One of the major problems encountered in the textile industry is the production of large volumes of highly colored wastewater. The scope of this new electrochemical treatment is a significant advance to the existing technologies. There were four different treatments employed as; T1: wastewater, T2: wastewater with 0.1% electrolyte, T3: diluted wastewater (50% tap water), and T4: diluted wastewater (50% tap water) with 0.1% electrolyte. The color and COD in the effluent were reduced to 47% and 46% in T1, 70% and 52% in T2, 75% and 57% in T3, 80% and 59% in T4, respectively by using iron plate electrodes in four hours. The toxicological studies proved that electrochemical treatment could effectively detoxify the effluent. The mortality rate of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) was 70% decreased in treated textile effluent as compared to untreated textile effluent. Overall, electrochemical treatment process has been proved to be efficient in reducing COD, color and toxicity and thus treated water can be reused.
MAH, AJH and EI conducted the study. MA, MI and AM supervised the study. MN, SN and QMK helped in data collection. MAH, MI and AM did the statistical analysis and prepared the first draft.
COD, Color, Electrochemical toxicity, Textile effluent, Wastewater.
The water is one of the most important needs to sustain life. However, its sources are being reduced and contaminated with ever increasing population of the world. Total dissolved and suspended solids, colour and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are the important features for quality measurements of waste water produced in textile industry (Sheikh, 2009). The COD indicates the total oxygen demand of waste water including oxidizable components. This feature is considered as on the most important quality assurance parameter of industrial effluents prior to discharge in open sources. The tangible threats of solids and color in industrial effluent are due to dye toxicity. The coloring agents interfere strongly with the transmission of light through the water, thus hampering photosynthesis process in aquatic plants (Al-Kdasi et al., 2004). Many treatment methods based on advanced technology are being exploited for this purpose these days. These treatment processes neither improve primary and secondary treatment nor replace the biological methods. They are aimed at improving the quality of waste water to the degree at which it can be reused or discharged safely into the environment (Gulfraz et al., 2002; Mohan et al., 2007; Lopes et al., 2004). Numerous classical and advance treatment methods are being modified (European Commission, 2011). Many methods have been developed to remove chemical substances found in industrial effluents discharged directly in to environment (Mehmet et al., 2003; Raghu and Ahmed-Basha, 2007).
Electrochemical technology has been granted as most effective and economical method for the removal of major chemical components found in textile effluent. The introduction of this new electrochemical treatment is a significant addition to the existing technologies being used fot this purpose. In this process the aqueous waste is simply passed between two iron plates under DC current application. According to Faraday’s Law, Fe+2 and OH- are generated by these electrodes. The insoluble Fe(OH)3 formed is precipitated removed from the effluent waste. (Carneiro et al., 2004; Hepel and Luo, 2001).
The electrochemical system performs multiple activities including reduction of COD from effluent waste, elimination of color constituents of dyes and pigments and coagulation of the total suspended solids present in the effluent waste of industries (Yang and McGarrahan, 2005). The electrochemical method of pollution removal presents many important advantages and is applicable on a large range of pollutants. Industrial wastewater contains a cosmic range of pollutants: insoluble, colloidal, and particulate forms, both organic and inorganic nature. Electrochemical treatment reactions are labeled as redox (reduction/oxidation) procedures. Electron transmission occurs at borders between a metallic conductor (an electrode) and an ionic conductor (an electrolyte) electrochemical depollution is a very efficient and economic method, suitable for the wastewater containing toxic or non-biodegradable organic and inorganic pollutants.
Electrochemical technologies have the advantage that the electrode processes involve only the removal (oxidation) or addition (reduction) of electrons. No addition of chemicals is in principle required, thus making electrolysis a very ‘green’ technology (Kaul et al., 2004). The electrochemical treatment technologies have attained a well-recognized status these days and are not only better in terms of cost but also considered more efficient and compact as compared to other parallel procedures. Electrochemical methods for waste control have several inherent advantages (Rajashekharam et al., 1998). An effective electrochemical system will use a minimal amount of energy to transform refractory compounds and their by-products into biodegradable and nontoxic forms (Merias et al., 2005). This approach in lower energy demands thus can offer considerable money saving for industry and local governments. There is need of hour to reduce pollution and conserve our reservoirs to feed next generations. The industrial effluent after treatments may be used in fish culture ponds. It may serve as one of the important pillars to raise the aqua culture industry in the country.
The most important objective of the current study was to treat textile effluents containing dyes. The reduction of color, COD and toxicity were the primary objectives of the study. The secondary objectives of the study included electrochemical reactor performance by measuring electrodes efficiency, color reduction, COD removal efficiencies, energy consumptions and toxicity reduction of treated effluent by fish toxicity assay.
The wastewater samples were collected from textile industries located at Faisalabad, Pakistan. Representative samples were collected randomly after every hour for a total period of 6 h. To avoid changes in COD, colour and other properties of samples, they were placed in ice boxes and transported to the laboratory and were kept in cold room at 4oC. After that, the samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters such as COD, color and toxicity according to the standard methods (Table I).
The experiments were conducted in an electrolytic cell comprising cathode, anode and the power supply unit. The electrodes plates were of rectangular shape. The electric current intensity was adjusted to the desired value and the voltage was automatically regulated to match the current value. All runs were conducted at room temperature. Four treatments were employed as; T1: wastewater, T2: wastewater plus 0.1% electrolyte, T3: diluted wastewater (50% distilled water) and T4: diluted wastewater (50% distilled water) plus 0.1% electrolyte. All runs were made at effluent’s ambient pH-7. The pH of the experiment was continuously monitored throughout the experiment.
Iron electrodes with rectangular plate shape and size 24 cm × 88 cm, thickness 2.5 mm with parallel plate arrangement were used. The reactor was made up of perspex organic glass, having dimensions 29 cm × 29 cm × 90 cm, volume 70 dm3, electrode gap 5 cm, power supply direct current (DC), Voltage range 12 V, and current range 900-1000 mA.
COD was determined according to standard method (Clesceri et al., 1998). For determination of color, λmax of each sample was determined by UV-visible spectrophotometer. Changes in color from the absorption of each effluent sample before and after treatment were recorded.
Toxicity testing of wastewater was conducted by using a freshwater fish Tilapia. Textile wastewater was analyzed for toxicity testing before and after electrochemical treatment. During acclimation period (one week), the young fish were fed regularly with commercially available fish food and were transferred in glass aquaria. Aeration was supplied through air compressor pump to maintain the dissolved oxygen in the experimental aquaria. The first aquarium was kept as control. After different treatments of textile wastewater, it was given in remaining experimental aquaria. About ten fish were selected for each of the experimental aquaria. The results showed in this paper represent the T4 treatment. Dead fish, if any were removed from the aquaria. The mortality data of fish was recorded daily for 48 h as reported by Ismail (Ismail et al., 2009).
Analyses of wastewater were carried out before any kind of treatment and the results are mentioned in Table I. The effluent was found to be highly alkaline, with high values of COD, color. Moreover, the untreated water was toxic in nature. The parameters estimated had high range of pollutants as compared to NEQS values.
Table I.- Characteristics of composite textile industry wastewater with NEQS values.
Each value is a mean of three replicates and ± indicates the standard error among them. NEQS, National Environment Quality Standards of Pakistan; NG, Not given in NEQS list.
It was observed that by using iron plate electrodes in a 70 liter cell for eight hours, the color was reduced to 47%, (Fig. 1A) and COD was reduced to 46% (Fig. 1B) in T1 having real effluent without any dilution (T1). Under the same conditions when effluent was diluted with tap water in the ratio of 50% tap water, (T3), color was reduced to 80% and COD was reduced to 59% in a 70 liter electrochemical cell (Fig. 1A, B, respectively).
The level of COD is a critically important factor in evaluating the extent of organic pollution in textile wastewater. In electrochemical treatment of wastewater from textile industry, COD values were lowered by 46% in T1, 52% in T2, 57% in T3, and 59% in T4. The COD reductions presumably resulted from adsorption of the organic constituents onto the precipitating metal hydroxide matrix. It was also observed that the effect of additional electrolytes also enhanced the reduction rate of COD (Chen, 2004). The effluents from textiles were complex and accordingly, must be assessed by a tailor-made combination electrochemical series of cells. It has been accepted in the current years that toxic components of textile effluents represent a great environmental hazard over long distances and time periods (Rosa et al., 2001; Wali, 2015).
The use of electrochemical methods for color exclusion involved tests on pure dye samples along with actual textile effluent. The incidence of color in textile effluent could be seen as pollution and many dyes biodegrade very slowly and are potentially lethal to plant and animal life. Rules for color valuation in textile effluent are indefinable at preset primarily, due to non-availability of economical technology to treat the flow rates involved. Figure 1A represents obvious results of color removal from wastewater under different treatments. Reduction in color was estimated up to 47% in T1, 70% in T2, 75% in T3, 80% in T4 by using iron plate electrodes. Diluted effluent affected the color removal efficiency and it was also observed that the affect of additional electrolytes also enhanced the reduction rate of color. These results indicate that electrochemical treatment for color removal is very broad in scope and efficient in many cases.
The results obtained from the study also indicated that concentration of the effluent affected the efficiency of treatment plant. The broken-down metabolites are not hazardous generally making it safe for treated effluents to be released back into water ways. It shows efficient and economical removal of dyes and a high efficiency for color removal and degradation of recalcitrant compounds (Ogutveren and Koparal, 1994; Pelegrini et al., 1999). A decreased amount of dye is removed under high flow rates and electricity cost is comparable to the cost of chemicals (Butler et al., 2011). Additions of electrolyte under T4 treatment accelerated the reaction rates due to ion formation which helps in current flow from electrodes. The supporting electrolyte enhanced the treatment performance as were shown from the results. Entire elimination of the color present in textile effluent is possible using NaCl in electrolyte under high current densities. Variation in the reaction conditions indicates that a careful consideration is required when constructing an electrochemical treatment system (Malpass et al., 2007).
The removal of color is important; it is not essentially a signal that the effluent is fit to be released in to the drain open sources (Malpass et al., 2007). In this context our continuing studies concern the variation of toxicity before and after the treatment. Studied of electrochemical treatment process for textile effluents was conducted (Sakalis et al., 2005) and found to be effective than other available techniques. Color was found to be reduced up to 80% in T4 treatment, a similar trend was also observed by Vlyssides et al. (2000). The application of electrolyte and different dilutions of effluents affect the color removal rate of the treatment methods.
Textile effluent is present in ground water and surface water, so it is toxic to aquatic organism (Abo-Elela and Wahaab, 1988). The present study was designed to find the toxicity of textile effluent in fish and fish mortality data was recorded at different time intervals as shown in Table II. The tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fish was used for toxicity testing studies. Fish mortality was calculated by keeping fish in controlled condition of real effluent without treatment and electrochemical treated wastewater was compared in this study. Textile effluent affected the fish of the treated aquarium. A property of Tilapia fish is that these fish remain in the grouped form, but when textile effluent was added, the fish remained scattered i.e. the grouping was distributed as compared with the fish in control.
Mortality data was recorded after 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 24 and 48 h by using real textile wastewater and electrochemical treated wastewater. The respiration rate per min in treated fish was less, as compared with control. The distance traveled by the fish in the un-treated aquarium was less as compared with fish in treated aquarium. Fish mortality was observed and was found that at electrochemical treated wastewater for eight hours shows low mortality at 24 h (Table II). The results showed that after treatment, the effluent became less toxic as compare to untreated. It has been reported that some effluents, genotoxic and immune end points may be more sensitive than estrogenic (endocrine-mediated) end points as indicators of exposure in fish (Liney et al., 2006).
Table II.- Mortality data of fish toxicity testing using real textile effluent and electrochemically treated textile effluent.
In case of untreated textile effluent, there was more death of fish as compared to treated effluents. Several studies indicated that wastewater affect the fish physiology, pathology, biochemical measures and reproduction (Owens, 1991; Yogendra et al., 2005). In general, the treated textile effluent was either least toxic or non-toxic (Merias et al., 2004, 2005). Results of the present study showed that after treatment, the effluent became less toxic as compared to untreated effluent. However, after treatment, effluent could not cause the death of fish, showing that its toxicity was reduced. The efficiencies in COD, BOD and toxicity removal by electrochemical treatment of simulated textile effluents are similar as findings in literature (Korbahti and Abdurrahman, 2008; Wells et al., 1994).
Energy consume during an electrochemical reaction was calculated as 0.096 KW/h for the iron electrode materials. During electrochemical treatment reaction, the current density passed was 1.0A and 12V for 8 h. Energy consumption was directly proportional to time of reaction. It was found that if we finish electrochemical reaction in four hours, the energy consumption value reduced to half.
In this study textile effluent was treated using electrochemical technique. The effect of primary effluent concentration, dilution, and supporting electrolyte concentration on COD and color reduction using iron electrodes has been studied critically. It has been concluded that the percentage of COD and color reduction is meaningfully influenced by the initial effluent concentration, supporting electrolyte concentrations and dilution. The performance of electrochemical treatment of textile waste water is increased significantly in the presence of an electrolyte. The process is recommended to be a cheaper and economical solution for industrial waste water treatment. The resultant effluent could be discharged into water bodies without any risk and may be used in water rearing ponds of fisheries.
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European Commission, 2011. Common implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Technical guidance for deriving environmental quality standards. Guidance Document 27. Tech. Rep. 2011-055. Brussels, Belgium.
Funke, B., Kolb, M., Baur, A., Schulz, W., 1985. Decolorization of textile waste water by means of iron(II)- salt and calciumhydroxide. Vom Wasser, 65: 139-144.
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Ogutveren, U.B. and Koparal, S., 1994. Color removal from textile effluents by electrochemical destruction. J. environ. Sci. Hlth. Part A: Environ. Sci. Engin. Toxicol., 29: 1-16.
Sheikh, M.A., 2009. Environmental issues related with textile sector. Pakistan Textile J., 10: 36-40.
Yogendra, V., Ruparelia, S.G., Hargan, M.C. and Kulkarni, P.K., 2005. Acute toxicity of the waste water of textile mills to water flea. J. Exobiol., 17: 67-73. | 2019-04-26T01:48:11Z | http://researcherslinks.com/current-issues/Pilot-Scale-Electrochemical-Treatment-Textile-Effluent/20/1/1598/html |
Brucellosis is a vital zoonotic disease caused by Brucella, which infects a wide range of animals and humans. Accurate diagnosis and reliable vaccination can control brucellosis in domestic animals. This study examined novel immunogenic proteins that can be used to detect Brucella abortus infection or as an effective subcellular vaccine. In an immunoproteomic assay, 55 immunodominant proteins from B. abortus 544 were observed using two dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and immunoblot profiles with antisera from B. abortus-infected cattle at the early (week 3), middle (week 7), and late (week 10) periods, after excluding protein spots reacting with antisera from Yersinia enterocolitica O:9-infected and non-infected cattle. Twenty-three selected immunodominant proteins whose spots were observed at all three infection periods were identified using MALDI-MS/MS. Most of these proteins identified by immunoblot and mass spectrometry were determined by their subcellular localization and predicted function. We suggest that the detection of prominent immunogenic proteins during the infection period can support the development of advanced diagnostic methods with high specificity and accuracy; subsidiarily, these proteins can provide supporting data to aid in developing novel vaccine candidates.
Brucella spp. are the etiological agents for brucellosis, a debilitating and chronic disease infecting a variety of domestic animals and humans. Brucellosis is characterized by abortion and sterility in livestock as well as undulant fever, arthritis and neurological disorders in humans . Definitive diagnosis is commonly performed by isolation and identification of the causative organism(s), but because the isolation is time-consuming and dangerous, serological analysis is widely preferred . Several specific serological tests have been developed for the definitive diagnosis of brucellosis, and these tests have been upgraded repeatedly to obtain reliable data . However, a large number of tests still rely on presumptive evidence of infection. Most serological tests for Brucella infection use antibodies against common antigens of Brucella . O-polysaccharide (OPS), a well-known immunodominant epitope in smooth lipopolysaccharide (SLPS) is a commonly used antigen in serological tests for the diagnosis of brucellosis [5,6]. Consequently, the serological diagnosis of brucellosis is complicated by cross-reactions of the antibodies against other Gram-negative bacteria, such as Y. enterocolitica O:9, which have conserved and highly analogous OPS structures [7,8]. Therefore, it is crucial to discover highly specific Brucella antigens that are immunogenic in the host. Several studies have focused on the use of antigenic proteins for alternative diagnostic methods and to improve vaccine efficacy. Recent studies have focused on the use of immunogenic proteins for serodiagnosis of brucellosis .
Several immunogenic proteins of B. abortus have been identified , but the antigens that are immunogenic at different stages of the infection have not been defined. Because Brucella causes latent infection, knowledge concerning the different stages of infection is important for the diagnosis and control of the disease. In this study, we obtained antisera against B. abortus from experimentally infected cattle at different stages of infection and studied unique immunogenic proteins to validate the immunogenic relationships and potential immunodominant markers at different stages of infection.
The standard reference strains B. abortus 2308 and B. abortus 544, which are known as virulent biovar 1 strain, and Y. enterocoitica O:9 used in the present study were obtained from the Laboratory of Bacteriology Division in the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Korea. The bacteria were cultured at 37 °C with aeration until the cells entered stationary phase. Subsequently, the number of viable bacteria was evaluated by plating 10-fold serial dilutions (made using PBS) on Brucella agar plates.
Twenty-five apparently healthy Korean native heifers (Hanwoo) aged 18–20 months were used in this study. All animals were seronegative for brucellosis before immune challenge, as assessed by the standard tube agglutination test (STAT) and Rose Bengal test (RBT), which are internationally accepted serological tests for bovine brucellosis described by the OIE . The cattle were divided into 3 groups: B. abortus-infected (n = 10), Y. enterocoitica O:9-infected (n = 10) and uninfected controls (n = 5). Bacterial inoculation was performed as described in previous methods . Briefly, the first group was inoculated with 4 × 107 CFU of B. abortus 2308/head injecting a total of 100 μL (50 μL of inoculum per eye) via the intraconjunctival route. The second group was inoculated with 5 × 106 CFU of Y. enterocoitica O:9/head 3 times by 1 day interval via subcutaneous injection. The 5 cattle in the uninfected control group were inoculated with sterile PBS. After immune challenge, antisera against B. abortus were collected at three stages of infection; early (week 3), middle (week 7), and late (week 10). These time points in three stages of infection were determined based on low serological variations among individuals and high titer values. Samples were collected from all cattle in all groups. Using serological tests, 3 samples of each B. abortus-infected antisera (RBT-positive and STAT titers of > 1:400 at 3, 7, and 10 weeks post-challenge), Y. enterocoitica-infected antisera (RBT-negative and STAT titers of 1:200 against Brucella antigen at 3, 7 and 10 weeks post challenge), and non-infected sera were selected and used for immune analysis. The experimental procedures were approved by the ethical committee as NVRQS-AEC-2008-12, and the infected animals were euthanized according to the protocol of the Institution for Animal Care & Use Committee in Korea.
Antigens were prepared as a protein mixture of whole cells including cell envelopes for proteomic analysis using a modification of a previously described procedure . Briefly, B. abortus 544 cultures were centrifuged at 8000 × g for 20 min at 4 °C and washed 3 times with ice-cold PBS (pH 7.6) by centrifugation. The bacterial pellet was resuspended in 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7.6) containing a complete protease inhibitor cocktail (PIC) and then sonicated on ice using a Sonifier 750 (Branson Ultrasonics, USA). The sonicated solution was centrifuged at 12 000 × g for 1 h at 4 °C, and the pellet was resuspended in lysis buffer (5 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2% CHAPS, 1% SB 3–10, 1% DTT, and containing PIC) followed by incubation at 22 °C for 1 h with vigorous agitation. After centrifugation at 100 000 × g for 30 min, the supernatant was collected. The protein concentration was quantified using the Bradford assay .
IEF and 2DE were conducted using a previously described method with modifications. Eighteen-centimeter IPG strips (pH 3–10 and 4–7, GE Healthcare, USA) were rehydrated for 14 h at 22 °C with the lysed proteins and rehydration buffer (7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 2% CHAPS, 0.2% DTT, 0.5% IPG buffer (pH 4–7), and 0.002% bromophenol blue). IEF was performed on a Protean IEF gel (GE Healthcare) at 20 °C for 14 h using the following conditions: 500 V for 1 h, gradient phase of 1000 V for 1 h, 1000 V for 3 h, gradient phase of 10 000 V for 3 h, 10 000 V for 5 h, 50 V for 30 min and a final phase of 50 V for 30 min. After IEF, each strip was equilibrated in 5 mL of equilibration buffer I (6 M urea, 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.8, 1% DTT, 30% glycerol, 2% SDS, and 0.002% bromophenol blue) for 15 min at 22 °C and then in equilibration buffer II (6 M urea, 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.8, 2.5% iodoacetamide, 30% glycerol, 2% SDS, and 0.002% bromophenol blue) under the same conditions. The equilibrated strips were loaded on the top of 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gels and sealed with melted 1% agarose solution. The proteins were two-dimensionally separated in resolving buffer (25 mM Tris pH 8.8, 192 mM glycine, 0.1% SDS) using Criterion electrophoresis equipment (Bio-Rad) equipped with a cooling device (Lauda E100, Germany), kept at 25 °C and supplied with regular power in two steps: 5 W/gel for 30 min and 20 W/gel until the protein dye reached the bottom of the gel (approximately 5 h). The separated proteins were transferred to PVDF membranes (Millipore, USA) for immunoblotting analysis; simultaneously, replicate gels containing the same protein samples were silver-stained to visualize the proteins. Three replicates of 2DE were performed in independent experiments.
The proteins were completely transferred to membranes using the TE70/77 PWR Semi-Dry Transfer Unit (GE Healthcare) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The membranes were blocked for 1 h at room temperature using 5% rabbit serum in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1% Tween-20 (TBS-T) and then washed three times for 20 min in TBS-T. The blots were incubated overnight at 4 °C with a 1:500 dilution of the antisera derived from the immune-challenged and control cattle. The blots were then incubated for 1 h at room temperature with a 1:5000 dilution of goat anti-bovine IgG HRP-conjugated antibody (Sigma, USA). After washing, the immunolabeling was detected using ECL Western blotting reagents (GE Healthcare). Finally, specific immunogenic proteins were visualized using a ChemiDoc XRS Camera and the Quantity One 1D analysis software (Bio-Rad).
The silver-stained 2D gels were scanned using an ImageScanner™ (GE Healthcare) and cropped using ImageQuant TL (GE Healthcare). Automatic gel-image alignment and spot detection along with spot matching were performed using Progenesis SameSpots v 2.0 (Nonlinear Dynamics) to allow for more accurate spot identification . Each gel was run in triplicate in parallel with three independent sample preparations. The spot matching across all gels without omitting values was set as a requirement for spot merging for data analysis. An average gel with best resolution was generated using the three independent replicates by including only those protein spots that were present in at least two of the replicates. The common spots, in keeping with shape and intensity over all replicates, were selected for normalization of spot volumes to equalize the probable variation in staining trait. The gel containing all spots on final average gel was used and transferred to the PVDF membrane which subsequently was subjected to react with antisera from cattle. In addition, image alignment and spot matching analyses were performed on the gel spots and the immunogenic protein spots detected by immunoblotting. The selected spots were manually excised from the gels, and the gel plugs containing the proteins were enzymatically digested with porcine trypsin (modified sequencing grade; Promega, USA) as described previously . The spots were incubated with 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (NH4CO3, pH 7.8)/50% acetonitrile (ACN) for 1 h at 22 °C to de-stain them and were washed and then dehydrated in ACN. The dehydrated spots were vacuum-dried to remove the solvent and then rehydrated overnight at 37 °C by digestion with trypsin (10 ng/μL) in 50 mM NH4CO3 (pH 7.8). The tryptic peptides were extracted with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)/50% can, and the combined extracts were vacuum-dried by centrifugation and resuspended in 0.5% TFA. The peptide mixture was desalted using ZipTip plates (Millipore) and then eluted with 0.2% TFA/50% ACN. Finally, the resulting solution was mixed with the matrix (10 mg/mL α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in 50% ACN/1% TFA).
All spectra were collected using an ABI 4700 proteomics analyzer Plus TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometer (Applied Biosystems, USA). MS/MS data were obtained using this instrument with a Nd:YAG laser with a 200 Hz repetition rate, and accumulation of up to 4000 shots were performed for each spectrum from which the three highest intense peaks were processed to an enhanced resolution. When the three intense peaks were subjected to downstream analysis, these were ignored for a period of 60 s. MS/MS mode was operated with 2 keV collision energy supplying air as the collision gas, which resulted in completion of nominally single collision conditions. MS/MS data were obtained using the default instrument calibration without internal or external calibration. The quality control parameters included based on the Mascot algorithm were the following: maximum of one missed cleavage permitted by trypsin, fixed modification (including residue specificity) of carbamidomethyl, variable modifications (including residue specificity) of oxidation, charge state of 12 to 14, mass tolerance for peptide ion (m/z) of 0.1 to 0.2 Da, cut-off score/expectation value for accepting individual MS spectra of highest expectation (probability on profound search, PPS). All protein identifications were made by only single protein spot and were collected using a score with the minimal number of high quality peptides per protein is 22. Peptide mass data were used to query the NCBI protein sequence and annotated genome databases of Brucella using the Mascot search engine (Matrix Science, London, UK) . Based on the sequences identified using mass spectrometry, biological information on the chosen proteins was retrieved using the EXPASY database . The sub-cellular localizations of bacterial proteins were predicted using PSORTb v. 2.0.4 . Functional annotations were made based on the cluster of orthologous groups (COG) protein database generated by comparing all of the complete sequences of microbial genomes from the NCBI COG .
The annotated 2DE proteome map of whole-cell proteins from B. abortus 544 is shown in Figure 1A. A total of 1181 protein spots were detected on the silver-stained 2DE gels within the pI and molecular weight (M r ) ranges of 4–7 and 20–240 kDa, respectively. The 2DE map profiles of the best resolution were obtained from most of the detected spots in the 2DE gels of the three replicates from separate experiments. These replicates were selected based on equal 2D patterns and spot numbers reactive to individual serum from three different infection periods. The mean pI and M r of all protein spots detected were 5.62 and 40.52 kDa, respectively. Using the broad pH range from 3–10, the protein spots with pI < 4 or pI > 8 were detected at relatively low resolution with few protein spots.
2DE profile of B. abortus proteins and immunoblotting with antisera from B. abortus -infected cattle. (A) 2DE profile of proteins from B. abortus detected on silver-stained 2DE gels within the pI range 4–7. Immunoblotting analyses were performed with antisera from cattle after 3 (B), 7 (C), and 10 weeks (D) of challenge with B. abortus. Three replicates of 2DE analysis were performed in the independent experiments.
By immunoblotting the diverse B. abortus proteins detected on 2DE gels, 134, 110, and 106 proteins were recognized using positive antisera from B. abortus-infected cattle at 3, 7, and 10 weeks of infection, respectively (Figures 1B-D). The negative sera from the non-infected cattle and the positive antisera from the cattle infected with Y. enterocolitica O:9 were also used for immunoblotting to exclude non-specific or cross reactions. Few reactions (25 protein spots) were observed using the negative control (NC) and Y. enterocolitica O:9-positive (YP) antisera (Table 1 and Figure 2). The spots reacting to the B. abortus-positive (BP) antisera that overlapped with those reacting to the NC (13 spots) and YP (13 spots) antisera were excluded (Figure 3). Among the immunogenic proteins that were not from non-specific and cross-reacting spots, 120 immunodominant proteins (Table 1) were observed using the antisera collected during at least one of the three infection periods, whereas 101, 84, and 78 proteins were specifically observed using BP antisera collected at weeks 3, 7, and 10, respectively (Table 2 and Figure 4). Fifty-five common antigens were predominantly specific to the BP antisera at all three stages of infection (Figure 5A). The percent similarity, calculated as the number of proteins that reacted to the antisera, was 45.83%, suggesting that highly immunogenic proteins were present in the bovine serum within 10 weeks of infection (Table 1). In addition, 19, 10, and 4 common immunoreactive spots were observed at 3 and 7 (Figure 5B), 3 and 10 (Figure 5C), and 7 and 10 weeks (Figure 5D), respectively. Furthermore, 17, 6, and 9 non-matched immunoreactive protein spots were observed, and the percent independence of these immunoreactions were 16.84%, 7.14%, and 11.54% at 3, 7, and 10 weeks, respectively (Table 2).
NC - negative control, YP - Y. enterocolitica-positive sera, BP - B. abortus-positive sera.
aThe percent similarity was calculated as the number of proteins common to the compared antisera immunoreactions divided by the total number of proteins in these antisera immunoreactions × 100.
bPositive reaction detected in immunoblotting.
cNegative reaction detected in immunoblotting.
2DE analysis and the immunoblotting profile detected using sera from non-infected and Y. enterocolitica -infected cattle. A total of 25 immunoreactive dots were observed using the non-infected (A) and Y. enterocolitica-challenged (C) bovine sera, and the corresponding proteins are labeled on the 2DE gel [NC (B) and YP (D)]. The numbers represent the serial numbers of the immunoreactive proteins in immunoblotting analyses.
Comparative 2DE analysis of B. abortus proteins and immunoblotting profile of non-specific reactions. A total of 13 immunoreactive spots of common antigens that responded to the negative sera from non-infected cattle (A) and positive sera of Y. enterocolitica (B), and three types of sera from cattle after 3, 7 and 10 weeks of challenge with B. abortus were selected. The numbers represent the serial numbers of the immunoreactive proteins in immunoblot analyses.
BP - B. abortus-positive sera.
aThe percent independence was calculated as the number of non-matched proteins to the antisera immunoreactions compared with others divided by the total number of proteins in these antisera immunoreactions × 100.
Immunoblotting profile of B. abortus proteins responded with B. abortus -infected bovine antisera excluding non-specific proteins. Immunoblotting analyses were performed with antisera from cattle after 3, 7, and 10 weeks of challenge with B. abortus. After excluding non-specific reactions, a total of 101 (A), 84 (B), and 78 (C) immunoreactive dots, as well as 55 protein spots that reacted with antisera at all 3 stages (D , E, and F), were selected and labeled. The numbers represent the serial numbers of the immunoreactive proteins in immunoblot analyses.
Comparative 2DE analysis of B. abortus proteins and immunoblotting profiles of specific reactions. (A) A total of 55 immunoreactive spots of antigen that responded to antisera from cattle after 3, 7 and 10 weeks of challenge with B. abortus were selected. A total of 19, 10, and 4 immunoreactive spots of antigen responded to antisera at 2 time-points: (B) after 3 and 7 weeks of challenge, (C) after 3 and 10 weeks, and (D) after 7 and 10 weeks; these spots were selected and labeled on the 2DE gel. The numbers represent the serial numbers of the immunoreactive proteins in immunoblot analyses.
Amongst the 55 immunogenic proteins detected at all three stages of infection, the signal intensities of 23 immunogens were higher than the average when normalized to the total valid spot intensity; these 23 proteins were analyzed using MALDI- MS/MS. The data revealed that several novel immunogenic proteins with diverse ORF had varying values for M r and pI in MALDI-MS/MS (Table 3). NCBI BLAST searches of the proteins identified using MALDI-MS/MS show that 10 (43.5%), 2 (8.7%) and 2 (8.7%) proteins were predicted to have cytoplasmic, outer membrane-bound periplasmic and ribosomal localization, respectively. However, 9 spots (39.1%) were unknown proteins. Analysis of each identified protein indicates that 13 of the 23 proteins participate in multiple enzymatic activities. Notably, three hypothetical proteins (spots 187, 218 and 257) encoded by different ORF had putative molecular functions such as catalytic and protein disulfide oxidoreductase activities. The experimental pI and M r values from MALDI-MS/MS identification were consistent with the theoretical values for most identified proteins, with the exception of spot 146, which was identified as an ABC transporter substrate-binding protein; the experimental and theoretical M r values for this spot had the highest deviations (6.4).
aGene ID, protein ID, accession no. and locus tag were retrieved from the NCBInr database.
bTheoretical molecular weight from the UniProtKB database entry.
cSubcellular locations were predicted using PSORTb v. 2.0.4.
dCluster of orthologous groups (COG) protein database generated by comparing microbial genomes from the NCBI COG.
Multiple proteins that were immunoreactive at all stages of infection had varying pI, M r and functions. The identified proteins were sorted into functional groups based on the classification of proteins encoded in complete genomes established by COG: 14 were related to transport and metabolism [4 for amino acids (spots 146, 178, 204, and 207), 3 to carbohydrates (spots 118, 164, and 231), 2 to inorganic ions (spots 239 and 240), 2 to nucleotides (spots 151 and 254), 2 to coenzymes (spots 161 and 169), and 1 to secondary metabolites (spot 218)]; 3 were involved in ribosomal structure and biogenesis related to protein translation (spots 162, 203, and 231), and 2 were associated with cellular processes and signaling, including post-translational modification, protein turnover, and chaperones (spots 228 and 253).
Brucellosis is a re-emerging zoonosis that has regained scientific attention because its pathogenesis in human and animal disease has significantly evolved [1,19]. However, the overall burden of this disease remains underestimated and is not well studied. The disease ecology has evolved rapidly in recent years, and there are novel populations with high risk of exposure and the potential to develop chronic or latent infection . Eradication of brucellosis in animals is important for prevention of this disease in human beings and requires optimal diagnosis and vaccination . There are relatively efficient diagnostic tests for brucellosis, and vaccines have been consistently developed; however, there are still several limitations [21,22]. Furthermore, cross-reacting bacteria decrease the specificity of the tests, and this has impeded the control of brucellosis . To address these problems, it is important to develop new strategies for effective diagnosis with improved specificity. This study focused on identifying immunogenic proteins of Brucella from three different stages of infection (short-, middle-, and long-term) for the improvement of immunodiagnostics. Although distinct sets of Brucella antigens were only a limited set of proteins present at all three time points, these novel immunodominant proteins identified in our study might be suitable for the detection of B. abortus infection.
The 2DE gels containing B. abortus whole cell proteins were subjected to immunoblotting analysis using bovine antisera; the antisera were collected at three different phases of infection: the early (week 3), middle (week 7), and late (week 10) periods after challenge with B. abortus. An important diagnostic problem is the similarity of the O-antigenic side chains of Brucella and other Gram-negative bacteria such as Y. enterocolitica O:9 . In this study, 25 protein spots reactive to Y. enterocolitica O:9-positive (YP) antisera and negative control (NC) sera in cattle were detected. By immunoblotting-linked gel image analysis of B. abortus proteins, the overlapping spots that were reactive to the YP and NC sera were excluded, and the spots that were reactive to the B. abortus-positive (BP) antisera at all stages of infection were selected; this analysis identified 120 distinct spots. The total number of spots reactive to the BP antisera at 3, 7, and 10 weeks post-challenge was comparable to the number of common spots (55) observed at all stages of infection. Furthermore, the common spots were 45.83% similar to those observed by immunoblotting using antisera from all three stages of infection; this suggests that the common immunoreactive spots might represent the proteins that are immunodominant at all stages of infection. The infection time-independent immunodominant proteins of B. abortus comprise proteins expressed from diverse genes encoding transport, metabolic functions and other immunogenic proteins. Previous studies have examined the immunogenicity of Brucella antigens but did not correlate this immunogenicity with the stage of infection. Therefore, this study identified several novel immunoreactive proteins in the bovine host based on the stage of infection.
Using the COG approach, most of the identified proteins were assigned functions related to the transport and metabolism of amino acids (60.9%). The 27.6 kDa DHDPR protein encoded by the dapB gene had the highest score value; DHDPR was proposed to function in the biosynthesis of lysine and diaminopimelate, but few proteomic studies have examined the role of this protein in Brucella infection . The dapB in Burkholderia pseudomallei is an essential gene that was successfully mutagenized and identified as a beneficial marker . Therefore, because the B. abortus dapB-encoded protein elicits an immunodominant response, this protein is a relevant candidate marker for infection. The predicted proteins involved in carbohydrate transport and metabolism included malate dehydrogenase (mdh), which functions in malate metabolism and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. mdh is expressed in response to acidic stress and was broadly identified in B. abortus and B. melitensis using proteomic analyses. The second most frequent group included proteins related to ribosomal structure and protein translation. This group includes two ribosomal proteins, the 30S ribosomal protein S2 (RPS2) and the 50S ribosomal protein L25 (RPL25), and one translation elongation factor, EF-Ts (tsf). The RPS2 protein is highly conserved in prokaryotic-type ribosomes and is essential for binding of the ribosomal protein S1 to the 30S ribosomal subunit in E. coli . In Brucella, RPS2 is repressed in response to oxidative stress and is generally identified as the SSU ribosomal protein S1P of B. melitensis and B. abortus [10,26]. Additionally, elongation factor Ts (tsf), which is associated with protein translation, might be critical for the immunogenicity of B. abortus; this observation is consistent with previous data obtained by global protein analysis in B. melitensis . Our study is the first to report that this protein is immunogenic at all stages of infection.
In the group of proteins involved in inorganic ion transport and metabolism, the 22.5 kDa Fe-Mn superoxide dismutase (Fe-Mn-SOD) detected at the pI of 5.58 is an oxidoreductase with superoxide dismutase activity. The Fe-Mn-SOD protein of B. melitensis is correlated with regulation of the stress response and was identified as a heat-shock protein (Hsp) . Furthermore, the role of metal ions such as Fe and Mn in the response to relatively stringent environments has been elucidated with respect to Brucella pathogenesis . Similar to the regulation of Fe- and/or Mn-SOD in response to heat shock and oxidative stress in some bacteria , B. abortus Fe-Mn-SOD is an essential factor that regulates specific stress responses inside hosts. Several molecular chaperones, including DnaK, GroEL and the HtrA protease, are known as stress proteins and virulence factors [25,30,31]; in our study, at least one chaperone protein, the pre-protein translocase subunit (SecB) was specific to a certain B. abortus-infection stage. SecB is a molecular chaperone specific to the proteobacteria, which comprises most gram-negative bacteria that are medically and industrially relevant . SecB is required for the normal export of pre-proteins out of the cytoplasm, keeping them in a translocation-competent state.
Prevention of Brucella infections in livestock generally involves the use of live attenuated vaccines such as B. abortus (RB51 or S19) [33,34] and B. melitensis Rev1 . S19 and Rev1 had the major disadvantage of inducing O-side chain-specific antibodies, which causes cross-reactivity during diagnosis; with RB51, the recovery of virulence was a major problem . Consistently, several studies have focused on developing next-generation vaccines that are more safe and effective. Therefore, the immunogenic Brucella proteins identified in this study might provide supporting information for developing valid vaccine candidates that can elicit an efficient and specific immune response. Furthermore, it is important to consider the diagnostic method used depending on the animal and the stage of infection. Modern diagnostic methods are based on molecular approaches developed by proteomic analyses, and these advanced tools might soon replace the older, limited diagnostic methods. We suggest that the candidate proteins elucidated in this study might contribute a valuable solution to the present problems in the diagnosis of brucellosis, independent of the stage of infection. Ultimately, our investigation could provide helpful insight to advance the potential of immunogenic proteins as determinants for serological diagnosis and as novel tools for prevention of Brucella infection.
The work was supported by iPET (112012–3); Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Korea.
LJJ carried out all experiments, contributed to data collection and analysis, and participated in drafting the manuscript; HLS and AWBR participated in the design of the study and contributed to the antigen preparation; DGK and HTH contributed to immunoblotting and participated in the design of the study; WM participated in the design of the study; MH, SCJ and HSY participated in the preparation of cattle infection; KS participated in the design of the study, carried out the data analysis, conceived the experiment and prepared the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. | 2019-04-18T19:13:21Z | https://veterinaryresearch.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13567-015-0147-6 |
This review aims to highlight the general and specific strengths and limitations of intraoperative 3D echocardiography. This article explains the value of real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT 3D TEE) during cardiac surgery and cardiac interventions.
Recently published recommendations and guidelines include the use of RT 3D TEE. RT 3 D TEE provides additional value particularly for guidance during cardiac interventions (i.e., transcatheter mitral valve repair, left atrial appendix and atrial septal defect closures), assessment of the mitral valve in surgical repair, measurement of left ventricular outflow tract area for transcatheter valvular replacements, and estimating right and left ventricular volumes and function. The exact localization of paravalvular leakage is another strength of RT 3D TEE. The major limitation is the reduced temporal resolution compared to 2D TEE.
Three-dimensional echocardiography is a powerful tool that improves communication and accurate measurements of cardiac structures.
Since the first use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) during cardiac surgery in 1979 , two-dimensional (2D) TEE has become a class I indication for perioperative use in almost every major cardiac surgical procedure .
Three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3D TEE) was first available as an offline model after acquisition of multiple 2D examinations that were very time consuming and user unfriendly . Real-time 3D transesophageal echocardiography (RT 3D TEE) using a matrix probe evolved during the late 2000s and led to the widespread use of this technique in cardiac surgery today.
This article highlights the strengths and limitations of RT 3D TEE in daily clinical practice during cardiac surgery and interventional cardiac procedures. This article is divided into two parts. The first discusses the strengths and the limitations of 3D echocardiography in comparison to 2D echocardiography (2DE), and the second outlines the specifics of RT 3D TEE looking at different cardiac structures.
Two-dimensional echocardiography to visualize the 3D structure of the heart requires cognitive reconstruction from multiple 2D images. This is no longer required in 3D echocardiography. Further, while 2D echocardiography only reveals cross-sectional views of the heart, 3D echocardiography is more akin to a Cartesian coordinate system [6••], enabling us to display the anatomic view of the heart. This simplifies communication between physicians and allows for better orientation, which is particularly helpful for image-guided interventional procedures .
Because ultrasound propagation is equal in both 2D and 3D echocardiography, the use of more Cartesian coordinate-like data to improve spatial orientation leads to reduced temporal resolution. Practically, the echocardiographer using 3D echocardiography has to decide between the optimal temporal and spatial resolutions when imaging specific cardiac structures.
Both temporal and spatial resolutions play a role in the quality of images produced by 3D echocardiography. Images need to be of adequate quality to allow qualitative and quantitative assessment. Temporal resolution is displayed as volumes per time unit (volume rate), and this can be increased by decreasing the volume size (sector) imaged. Spatial resolution can be improved by reducing the volume acquired or by increasing the number of scan lines through the volume. Increasing the number of scan lines for a specific volume will reduce its temporal resolution.
Different 3D modalities are available (i.e., wide-sector zoom, narrow sector, full volume (FV) mode with and without color Doppler). The technical aspect of these different modalities will not be discussed in detail in this article, but it is explained elsewhere [7••].
The inherent physical properties of ultrasound and with that the limitations of ultrasound imaging in general are equally applicable to 3D and 2D echocardiography. Additionally, there are specific 3D-based artifacts such as stitching artifacts, dropout, “blurring” or thickening, blooming, and rail road artifacts [8, 9, 10]. Dropout artifacts can mimic valvular perforations and periprosthetic leaks .
Another limitation comes with displaying 3D echocardiographic images on a 2D screen. In doing so, colors are used to give a sense of depth and reality [12••]. Therefore, accurate measurements cannot be made in RT 3D mode .
Simultaneous multiplane mode allows the recommended biplane measurement for ejection fraction of the same heartbeat, whereas in 2D TEE assessment, it can only be performed in two different heartbeats .
With FV mode and multiple beat acquisitions, the left ventricular volume and function can be more accurately determined by 3D than by 2D echocardiography when compared to other image modalities like multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) [15••]. Three-dimensional echocardiography is more accurate than both contrast enhanced 2D echocardiography and 2D echocardiography alone in the measurement of LV ejection fraction, but still underestimates LV volumes compared to CMRI . The strength of left ventricular assessment with 3D echocardiography is that no geometric assumption is necessary and that it is unaffected by foreshortening . The limitations are the lower temporal resolution and that no normal values for 3D TEE are available so far.
Image acquisition time to assess LV function and volume is equally between both 3D and 2D. But, analysis of the 3D data set takes on average 2 min longer . In addition, a special software package for 3D analysis, not automatically included when buying a 3D system, is required.
Especially advantageous in the perioperative setting, nearly all left ventricular dimensions can be measured based on a single FV data set when using 3D TEE. This may be important in cardiac surgery when the patient is either unstable or there is not enough time for a comprehensive 2D TEE examination . Multislice imaging of the ventricle can be performed, and regional wall motion and function can be assessed using this single data set.
The complex geometry of the right ventricle makes it impossible to evaluate right ventricular ejection fraction (EF) using 2D TEE. For experienced echocardiographers with access to special software, it is recommended to use 3D-derived right ventricular EF . Good accuracy and correlation for 3D right ventricular function in cardiac surgical patients with preoperative 3D transthoracic echocardiography examinations have been shown in the perioperative setting [19, 20]. The main limitations are the need for special software and image quality.
The non-planar anatomy of the mitral valve (MV) complex lends itself to 3D assessment. It is more intuitive to assess the MV using 3D echocardiography than to reconstruct this three-dimensional structure using multiple 2D views [21, 22]. The MV can be displayed from the left atrial side and the left ventricle side using one 3D echocardiography image or data set [7••]. Assessment of the mechanism of MV pathology can be done accurately [23, 24]; and 3D TEE is especially superior to 2D TEE in viewing complex MV anatomy and determining pathology [25••, 26].
Three-dimensional MV assessment especially for MV repair surgery can be used to predict the probability of successful MV repair and to assess the result after repair [6••, 27], both leading to optimal outcomes after surgery .
Color flow Doppler in FV mode can be used to measure the VC area (VCA) and the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) by planimetry [24••, 29], overcoming the caveats of flow-derived calculation in 2D TEE . The most important limitations are the temporal and spatial resolutions and cumbersome offline analysis [24••].
Three-dimensional TEE is remarkable in its ability to assess commissural fusion in rheumatic MV disease, and its measurement of the MV area is as accurate as with 2D TEE .
Paravalvular leaks can be exactly located and quantified .
Three-dimensional echocardiography can accurately display the anatomy of the aortic valve in most patients and simplify communication between physicians , but in some patients, the imaging is limited due to acoustic shadowing and echo dropout especially in degenerative calcified aortic cusps [9••].
Subvalvular aortic membranous structures as well as dynamic left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction can be diagnosed by 3D echocardiography , but low temporal resolution may miss the dynamic obstruction .
Assessment of left ventricular outflow area with 3D echocardiography has been shown to correlate better with multislice computed tomography (MSCT) compared to 2D echocardiography [38, 39] and is, therefore, recommended [40••]. Sizing of transcatheter (transcatheter valvular replacements (TAVR)) valves is discussed in the section on transcatheter procedures/interventional procedures.
Pathology can be assessed by 2D and additionally by 3D TEE before aortic root, valve-sparing aortic, or valve repair surgery [24••, 41].
In aortic stenosis, 3D TEE can be used to measure left ventricular outflow area and diameter [40••]. Semi-automated 3D measurements seem to be better as compared to direct planimetry . The underestimation of the LVOT area in the 2D method may lead to overestimation of aortic stenosis. Therefore, 3D echocardiography may have an impact on surgical decision making in these cases [39, 43]. Recent recommendations suggest the use of 3D TEE or MSCT to measure the LVOT and to use this measurement in the quantification of aortic valve area [40••].
The use of 3D color flow is not recommended in quantification of aortic regurgitation due to the low temporal and spatial resolutions, except in patients with multiple jets . In these patients, overestimations or underestimations of the jet size may occur.
The assessment of the tricuspid valve (TV) and its pathology has to include assessment of the right ventricle and right atrium. Three-dimensional echocardiography allows accurate evaluation of right ventricle function and volumetric assessment with specialized and costly software.
Using biplane 3D TEE mode at different levels of the esophagus and stomach makes it possible to accurately identify the different leaflets [44•].
Color flow Doppler (CFD) can be added to the FV set to more accurately assess insufficiency or stenosis of the valve [23, 44]. Vena contracta area (VCA), especially in the presence of multiple jets, can be assessed by 3D color Doppler echocardiography [24••]. Nevertheless, over- or underestimation may occur with inadequate spatial resolution. The three-dimensional proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method in functional tricuspid regurgitation is clinically feasible and more correct than the 2D PISA method . Planimetry of the tricuspid annulus can be done accurately and can detect eccentric dilatation in the presence of severe tricuspid regurgitation .
The greater distance between the probe and the TV and the non-perpendicular alignment make imaging of the TV by RT 3D TEE difficult [24••].
The thin leaflets of the pulmonary valve (PV) are situated in the far field from the TEE probe, and an echo dropout artifact is frequently encountered. Therefore, RT 3D TEE has no advantage over 2D TEE in the clinical evaluation of the PV.
Three-dimensional echocardiography is more accurate in measuring left atrial (LA) and right atrial (RA) volumes and compares well with CMRI measurements . Using RT 3D TEE, the atria cannot be fully measured due to the close proximity of the TEE probe to the atria. However, nearby structures can be visualized anatomically in detail (i.e., pulmonary vein ostia into the LA, vena cavae ostia, coronary sinus ostium, crista terminalis, eustachian valve, and fossa ovalis in the RA) .
Three-dimensional TEE is more sensitive and detects cases of aortic aneurysms and dissections that are missed with 2D TEE. The dissection flap appears in 3D TEE as a tissue flap. The linear image of the dissection membrane can be mistaken for an artifact in a 2D examination. The involvement of the right coronary artery ostium in aortic dissections is more accurately diagnosed by 3D TEE .
The complexity of cardiac surgery and interventional procedures is increasing, and intraoperative and intraprocedural three-dimensional imaging is necessary to guide these [49, 50].
While MSCT is the gold standard for sizing the aortic valve, 3D TEE is an accurate alternative in units where MSCT is not available or in situations where it is contraindicated [50, 51, 52]. The simultaneous multiplane mode can be used to correctly align the long axis of the aortic valve to measure the annulus accurately [52•]. Both simultaneous multiplane mode and RT 3D TEE are used during these procedures. With 3D TEE, annular distances to both coronary arteries can be measured using the multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) mode [50, 52, 53]. Assessing the position of the valve prosthesis on the balloon is better done with 3D TEE, because it can guide the correct positioning of the prosthesis in relation to the valve annulus and surrounding structures. The path of the guide wire through the LV and around the subvalvular apparatus of the MV is better visualized with RT 3D TEE . Three-dimensional TEE can also be used to assess post-implantation results, including the occurrence of intravalvular and paravalvular regurgitation [50, 52].
Live 3D zoom TEE images can be used to correctly localize paravalvular leaks. Care should be taken not to mistake echo dropout artifacts as paravalvular leaks. The size of the dehiscence can be determined by acquiring a FV set with CFD to confirm leakage and to measure its size .
Guidance RT 3D TEE and simultaneous multiplane mode are strongly recommended for guidance of transcatheter edge to edge MV repair with the MitraClip® [55, 56, 57, 58].
The Cardioband® direct annuloplasty MV repair is done with fluoroscopic and 2D/3D TEE guidance. Simultaneous biplane and 3D TEE are used for transseptal puncture and RT 3D TEE (wide-sector zoom) to assess anchoring position and final adjustment .
RT 3D TEE can be used in addition to 2D TEE and fluoroscopy to help with coronary sinus identification during the indirect coronary sinus annuloplasty technique .
Mitral stenosis can be treated by balloon valvotomy if found suitable for the procedure. Three-dimensional TEE can be used to assess the mitral commissural fusion to further determine suitability for this procedure. Three-dimensional TEE with its simultaneous biplane mode is used for correct transseptal puncture [57, 61].
Intra-atrial Septum and Left Atrial Appendix Three-dimensional TEE is superior to 2D TEE in the spatial information that it provides to delineate the variant anatomy of a patent foramen ovale (PFO) and of atrial septal defects (ASD). The en-face image of the intra-atrial septum allows for spatial orientation and counting of defects. RT 3D TEE is also very suitable to guide the intervention. Offline MPR is useful for correct measurement of ASD size through precise alignment, can indicate rim deficiencies, and allows measurement relationships to important structures like the aorta [62•].
The sizing of the left atrial appendix (LAA) can be done by RT 3D TEE . Two-dimensional TEE significantly underestimates the maximal LAA orifice compared to RT 3D TEE preclosure and during the procedure . Additionally, RT 3D TEE is useful in ruling out a LAA thrombus .
Infective endocarditis (IE) and its complications can readily be diagnosed and further clarified by the use of intraoperative 2D TEE. Three-dimensional TEE FV and real-time modes reveal pathology that is not readily seen with 2D echocardiography . There is a good correlation between 3D TEE assessment of pathology and corresponding operative findings . Morphology and size of valvular vegetations can be assessed, superior to 2D TEE .
Three-dimensional and multiplane imaging are suggested to confirm or exclude cardiac masses in the cardiac chambers .
Volumetric assessment of cardiac masses can be performed with 3D echocardiography, and further detailed assessment is possible: looking at attachment and detailed morphology .
Thromboembolism from the thoracic aorta and atheromatous plaque in the aortic arch should be visualized in 3D and multiplane images .
More complex percutaneous and transapical valve procedures are attempted and periprocedural 3D TEE guidance may also be useful in upcoming interventions [71, 72, 73].
Automated or semi-automated software for quantification of the MV, for example, is feasible [74, 75], but the benefit of this sophisticated software needs further investigation before routine clinical use.
Hybrid imaging techniques with the different imaging modalities merged and used at the same time will also improve the capabilities of 3D imaging . Combined TEE and fluoroscopy merged/fused images may play a role in improved outcomes [28, 54].
Three-dimensional strain and strain rate as parameters of myocardial deformation for the assessment of the left ventricle, right ventricle, and left atrium will play an important role in chamber quantification in the future [77, 78•].
For the first time, RT 3D TEE allows for the anatomical display of most cardiac structures and pathologies, therefore facilitating improved communication between physicians. It additionally allows for more accurate quantification of some stenotic as well as regurgitant pathologies. Further development in 3D technology and the definition of normal values are the next steps to increase the clinical value of RT 3D TEE.
Edwin Wilberforce Turton and Jörg Ender declare they have no conflict of interest.
Eibel S, Turton E, Mukherjee C, Bevilacqua C, Ender J. Feasibility of measurements of valve dimensions in en-face-3D transesophageal echocardiography. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017. doi: 10.1007/s10554-017-1141-z.
Wamil M, Bull S, Newton J. The modern role of transoesophageal echocardiography in the assessment of valvular pathologies. Echo Res Pract. 2017. doi: 10.1530/ERP-16-0034. | 2019-04-22T04:02:13Z | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40140-017-0226-5 |
Apparatus is provided for preparing mailpieces. The apparatus includes structure and printing and for supplying a plurality of stationery items. In addition the apparatus includes a computer. The computer includes structure for receiving and storing data including different letter datum corresponding one-for-one to different information provided for preparing each of a plurality of different mailpieces.
The information for each mailpiece includes a postal zip code. The computer includes structure for identifying respective postal zip codes which each include a plurality of predetermined elements. In addition, the computer includes structure for sorting from the data the letter datum corresponding to information which includes an identified postal zip code. The computer also includes structure for causing the supplying means to selectively supply to the printing structure the respective stationery items for each mailpiece for which a postal zip code is identified, and the computer includes structure for causing the printing structure to print the information corresponding to the sorted letter datum for each mailpiece on the stationery items selected therefor.
This invention is generally concerned with apparatus for preparing, processing and delivering letters, and more particularly with a modularly constructed, computer controlled system for generating, transmitting and printing formal business letters including letter mail.
A large proportion of the business offices of industrialized nations are equipped with modern word processing apparatus, the use of which has reduced the cost of preparing formal business letters and relieved secretarial personnel of many of the traditionally labor intensive activities inherent in the task of preparing such letters~ A continuing need exists however for further reducing the cost of preparation of such letters due to increase~ in labor costs involved ~in such activities. In addition it is noted that relatively little progress has been made in the way of reducing labor costs associated with the distribution of such letters after preparation. For the most part, modernization of the distribution process has focused upon rapid delivery, as opposed to cost reduced delivery, of such letters. For example, numerous private carriers and the United States Postal Service have inaugurated rapid but costly delivery systems for distributing time sensitive business letters.
Further, although it may appear that facsimile transmission systems, which have been installed in most of such business offices for the transmission of business letters via telephone lines, have resulted in distribution savings, since many of such facsimile transmissions are followed by delivery of the formal letters, either as a ~usiness courtesy or due to it being imperative for legal documentation purposes to provide original letters, savings are not realized.
On the otber hand, conventional apparatus, although available for performing major functions that are useful for further reducing the cost of preparing business letters and, in addltlon, significantly reducing the cost of delivering ~uch letters, have either not been adapted for such use or not been recognized as being useful for such purposes.
In connection with seeking a solution to the problem of high mail distribution costs, the assignee of the present invention has recently introduced a bulk mail processing system for large business mailers. This system permits such mailers to deliver mailpieces which, rather than including a stamp, postage indicia or a permit mail notation, include a serial number and wri~.ten line of informatiGn. The serial number is located in the mailpiece's "stamp" area, whereas the written line of information is associated with the addressee area of the mailpiece. In addition to including the postage cost, the written line includes other relevant information re~uired by the Postal Servicef including the serial number of the apparatus which was used for printing the postage cost. Such bulk mailin~s must be accompanied by .a manifest, known in the art as a passport, which reports, for example, the total postage cost, piece count and class or classes of mail of the bulk mailing, the serial number of the postage dispensing apparatus utilized for processing the mailpieces, and other relevant data concerning the bulk mailing : Apart from the foregoing there are oth2r cost-effective distribution systems available to large bulk mailers that are unavailable to small bulk mailersO For example, permit and pre-sort bulk mailings have been available to large bulk mailers for many years. As with maDifest bulk mailings, permit mail must be delivered to the Postal Service during normal business hours for inspection ana verification purposes. To that endl an inspection location is provided by the Postal Service, where the mailiny costs are calculated and paid before the permit mail is routed ~o the general mailstream for processing along with mail picked up . . .
:IL3~3E;3 by the Postal Service at local mailboxes. Similarly, pre-sorted bulk mailings are inspected to verify that the mailpieces have been pre-sorted, and, therefore, entitled to the reduced postage cost permitted for handling pre-sorted mail.
The aforesaid manifest, permit and pre-sort bulk mailings must be delivered to the Postal Service during normal business hours for veri~ication and cannot be delivered to local mailboxes, which are used extensively by small business mailers, for pick-up by the Pos~al Service. Although such systems are cost-effective for large business mailers who are equipped to handle tens of thousands of letters, small business mailers cannot avail themselves of their benefits due to the smaller volumes of mail involved and unavailability o~ mail processing apparatus, or both. Thus, there is a need in the business community to provide small business mailers with a bulk mailing systems and apparatus for proces~ing mail which permits them to participate in the manifest, permit and pre-soxt bulk mailing programs of the Postal Service. And, pre~erably such apparatus should allow ~or the use of local mailbox deliveries, outside of the normal business hours of the Postal Service.
Because of such usage, see-through type envelopes involve such a negative reaction in potential customers to whom advertising materials are directed, that they are as often as not disposed of without being opened, gl3~ 6~3 although the enclosed contents of the envelope might have persuaded the recipient to become a customer had the contents been read by the recipient.
An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide improvements in methods and apparatus for generating, transmitting or printing letters, including bulk and letter mail; and, An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide modularly constructed apparatus and systems for preparing, processing, and delivering formal business letters, including bulk and letter mail.
b. means for supplying a plurality of stationery items; and c. computer means, said computer means including means for receiving and storing data including different letter datum corresponding one-for-one to different information provided for preparing each of a plurality of different mailpiaces, said information for each mailpiecP including a postal zip code, said computer means including means for identifying respective postal zip codes which each include a plurality of predetermined elements, said computer means including means for sorting from said data and letter datum corresponding to information which includes an identified postal zip code, said computer means including means for causing said supplying means to selectively supply to said printing means the respective stationery items for each mailpiece for which a postal zip code is identified, and ~aid computer means including means for causing said printing means tv print the information corresponding to the sortPd letter datum for each mailpiece on the stationery items selected therefor.
~3~3 Ei;3 Fig. 6~a~ are flow charts showing the processing steps implemented by the programs of ~he computer shown in Fig.
Fi~. 6(b) are flow charts showing the processing steps implemented by the programs of the computer ~hown in Fig.
Fig~ 6(c) is a flow chart showing the processing steps of the printing module program of the computer shown in Fig.
Fig. 6(d~ is a flow chart showing the processing steps of the accounting module program of the computer shown in Fig. 2(b) for controlling the respective accounting modules shown in Fig. 2(d) and the accounting structure shown as included in any printing module shown in Fig. 2~d); and, ~ ig. 6(e) are flow charts showing the processing steps implemented by the pxograms of the computer shown in Fig.
2(b) for controlling operation of the folding, insertiny and weighing modules, and other printing and accounting modules shown in Figs. 2(c) and 2(d).
Figs~ l(a) - l(e) inclusive show examples of various types of business stationery items and accounting materials which may be utilized in accordance with the present invention for preparing and processing letters, including letter mail.
exemplifies a type of stationery item which is devoid of any pre-printed markings prior to utilization and whi~h may be processed utilizing the apparatus according to the invention.
exemplifies a type of stationery item which is devoid of any pre-printed markings prior to utilization, and which may be processed utilizing apparatus according to the invention.
Fig. l~c) shows a high quality bond paper envelope C, of the type that may be used in a business office for formal business correspondence. An envelope C typically includes the business tradename Cl, in the upper left-hand ~uadrant of the envelope C, alone or in combination with a tradename design C2, of the business mailer, or addressor, who is the owner of the tradenames Cl and C~. The envelope C may also include the location C3 of the addressorl who, for the sake of conveniPnce, has been chosen to be the assignee of the present invention. The envelope C exemplifies a type of business stationery item which includes pre-printed markings Cl, C2 and C3 prior to utilization, although it is within the scope of the invention to provide apparatus for printing the alphanumeric and graphic information forming one or more ~3~3~3 of the markings Cl, C2 and C3 on a partially marked envelope C, or on an unmarked envelope such as the envelope A shown in Fig. l~a).
of Fig. l(c), the sheet D typically includes the busine~s tradename Cl (Fig. l(d~), alone or in combination with a tradename desiyn C2, of the business mailer who is the owner of the tradenames Cl and C2. Further, the sh et D may also include the business location C3 of the addressor located in the lower left-hand quadrant of the sheet D, although it is within the scope of the invention to provide the location part of the address of the addressor in any position on the sheet D, including in the upper left-hand quadrant as shown in Fig. l~c) or to the right of the tradename Cl. The sheet exemplifies another type of business stationery item which includes pre-printed markings Cl, C2 and C3 prior to utilization, although it is within the scope of the invention to provide apparatus for printing the alphanumeric and graphic information forming one or more of the markings Cl, C~ and C3 on a partially marked sheet D or on an unmarked sheet, such as the sheet B shown in Fig. l(b~.
Fi~ e) shows an envelope E, similar to the envelope C shown in F.igs. l~c), which includes the tradenames and address information Cl, C2 and C3 as shown in Fig. ltc), and, in addition, includes the address El, including the name, of the addressee of the envelope E. In addition the envelope E has printed thereon the addressee's postal zip code E2, a typical bar code ~3 which exemplifies any postal bar code and, although not accurately portrayed, i5 intended to be representative of the pustal bar code corresponding to the postal zip code E2, and a postage indicia E4 of a typical postage meter manufacturer, which, for convenience, has been chosen to be the postage indicia E4 of the assignee of the present invention. In cvnnection with the foregoing it is noted that the bar code E3 is located in the lower left hand quadrant of the envelope E, althouyh current U.S.
Postal Regulations require such postal bar code to be located in the lower right quadrant. This has been done to exemplify the fact that in accordance with the invention, the apparatus hereinafter discussed may be adapted for printing bar codes in aDy location on any given stationery item. The postage indicia E4 includes a postage value E5, which is representative of any postage value that is needed for mailing the envelope and its contents of other printed stationery items to the addressee El. The envelope E, exemplifies a typical stationery item which has printed thereon alphanumeric and graphic information, Cl, C2, C3, El, E2, E3 and E4, which may be printed utilizing apparatus according to the present invention.
Fig. l(f) shows a sheet F, similar to the sheet D shown in Figs. l(d), which includes the tradenam2s and address information Cl, C2 and C3 as shown in Fig. l(d), and, in addition, includes ~lphanumeric and graphic information Fl which may be printed on the first or any subsequent page of a business letter. The sheet E exemplifies a typical stationery item including alphanumeric and graphic information, Cl, C2 and Fl, which may be printed on a station~ry item utilizing apparatus according to the present invention.
Fig. l(g) shows an envelope G, similar to the envelope A shown in Fig. l(a), which includes the address Gl, including the name, of a typical addressor in the upper left-hand quadrant of the envelope G, and the name, including the address G2, of a typical addressee G2 in the lower right-hand quadrant. The address G2 includes the postal zip code G3 of the addressee. The envelope G additionally has printed thereon the bar code G4 corresponding to postal zip code G3 of the addressee and a typical postage franking reminder note G5 lo~ated in the upper right hand quadrant.
Further, the envelope G includes a code G6 located in the lower left-hand quadrant. The code G6 may be any code assigned by the addressee of the envelope G for identifying the envelope G, or the addressor of the envelope G, for r~mittance mail processing purposes. The envelope G is ~L30~63 dimensioned for insertion in an envelope, such as the envelope E shown in Fig. l(e), for return to the business-mailer. The envelope G is representative of a typical return-envelope type of stationery item, which includes alphanumaric and graphic information, G1-G6 inclusivel which may be printed utilizing the appara~us according to the present invention.
shown in Fig. l(b), which is provided with the address H1, including the name, of the addressor in the lower left-hand quadrant. The sheet H also includes the address H2, inrluding the name, of the addressee in the lower right-hand quadrant. The sheet H is additionally provided with the account number H3 of the addressor as assigned by the addressee, in this instance Pitney Bowes Inc. The sheet H is intended to be an invoice in the form of typical remittance slip. To that end, the sheet H preferably includes the aforesaid customer account number H3, which may be any number or alphanumeric identifier of the customer, including the customer's tax code, social security number, or the like. A code H4 may also be provided ~or identifying the sheet H for sortation purposas. When the sheet H is returned by the customer-addressee, in this instance John T. Doe, the sheet H may be processed by apparatus controlled by a computer program implemented in response to such apparatus sensing the presence of the code H3 or H4.
Assuming use of the code H3, the computer may be programmed for causing the operation of othar apparatus, for example a printer to print a message indicating that the remittance slip of a particular customer has been received. In any event, the code H4 or account number H3, or both may be provided for identifying the sheet H, customer, or both, and, upon return to the addressee, may be used for generating data for causing machine operations and for other purposes. The sheet ~ is representative of a typical remittance-slip type of ~IL3~1~L363 ~ 13 -stationery item, including alphanumeric information Hl-H4 inclusive, which may be printed utili~ing the apparatus according to the present invention.
Fig. lti~ shows an envelope I, similar to the envelope A shown in Fig. l(a), which has been provided with the address Il, including the name, of the addressor in the upper left-hand quadxant oi the sheet I, and the address I2, including the name, of the addressee spanning the lower left and right hand quadrants. In addition, the sheet I has been provided with a line of mailing information I3, which may but need not be the first line above the address I2 of the addressee. The mailing information I3 may include the postage value noted at I4, or another number or series of characters uniquely assigned to a particular mailpiece to a Postal Service with a single passport as hereinafter discussed, for mailing the envelope I. In addition the mailing information I3 may include the date of mailin~ I5, followed by a multi-digit accounting code I6, such as an alphanumeric code which is the serial number of the postage metering apparatus, or other source of supply of available postage, which was utilized for dispensing the postage value noted at I4. Further the code I6 may include a number corresponding to the amount of postage remaining in the postage dispensing or other apparatus which was utilized for dispensing the postage cost I4 after deduction of that cost.
The envelope I is also is provided with a typical postage paid marking I7, which may include a permit or other number identifying the postal service contractor, or permittee, who was granted the right by the Postal ~ervice to mark mailpieces as shown. Rather than identifying the permittee, the number or code provided with the postage paid marking I7 may be a numbex corresponding to a count of he number of mailpieces, including the mailpieces shown, processed by the posta~e metering apparatus, or other source of supply of postager which was utilized for dispensing the postage value noted at I4. The envelope I exemplifies a typical stationery item which has printed thereon alphanumeric and ~3~ 3 graphic inf~rmation, Il-I7 inclusive, for preparing mailpieces for bulk mailing, in accordance with the invention, utilizing the apparatus according to the invention.
included in the run or batch. In addition the summary would ordinaxily include the name of the man~lfacturer J9, serial number J10, and user Jll of the postage dispensing device utilized for processing the mailpieces in the run or batch, and, may also include a transaction number J12. The transaction number may be a code or serial number which uniquely distinguishes the run or batch referred to in the passport from all other runs or batches processed by the particular postage dispensing device utilized for preparing the mailpieces included in the run or batch, or processed by the particular postage di~pensing device since it was last credited with a postage amount available for printing. The sheet J, thus exemplifies a typical stationery item which has printed thereon alphanumeric and graphic information, Jl-J12 inclusive, for pxeparing a passport for delivery with a bulk mailing of mailpieces, utilizing the apparatus according to the present invention.
may be used as another form of passport. To that end, the token R preferably has imbedded therein a suitable electronically, electro~optically or magnetically alterable data storage medium Kl. The storage medium Kl may be any type device which is adapted to be programmed by a program writing device into which the token K may be inserted for programmin~ purposes. For the purpose of identifying a given one of ~uch program writing devices with which the token K is to be associated, the token R may include the name of the manufacturer J9 and serial number J10 of the program writing device, which may for example be an appropriately equipped postage dispensing device, with which the token K is to be associated, it being understood that the associated program writing device would be comparably identified.
shown in Fig. l(b), which is utilized as a passport of the type shown in Fig. l(j). The sheet L includes a more complex summary o~ bulk mailing data than the summary re~erred to in the discussion of Fig. l(j). In this connection, the passport shown in Fig. 1(1) may include information corresponding to the matters 31-J12 discussed above and any other informational entries that may be required by a Postal Service Agency, including a certifi¢ation statement Ll prepared for tha signature of the Postal Inspector receiving the passport. The sheet L exemplifies a typical stationery item which has printed thereon alphanumeric and graphic information for preparing a passport utilizing the apparatus according to the present invention.
With the above thoughts in mind, it is noted that the return envelope G together with the return remittance slip H may be enclosed by a business letter mailer in either of the envelopes E or I. In either instanae, when the return document G or H, as the case may be, is returned, the codes G6, H3 and H4 may be detected by appropriate sensors operably associated with computer controlled mailpiece processing apparatus.
Other combinations, sizes and shapes of envelopes A, C, E, G and I, and sheets B, F, H, J and L may be used as stationery items, by persons skilled in the art without departing ~rom the spirit and scope of the invention, including for example window type envelopes and appropriately printed stationery items for use with window-type envelopes.
As shown in Fig. 2(a) the apparatus 10 according to the invention generally includes a plurality of data input modules, including one or more scanning modules represented by the scanning module 12.
~ 3~3~;3 The scanning module 12 (Fig. 2~a)) may include a ~tacking structure 14 including a hopper 14A into which there may be loaded one or more sheets 16, which are pre-printed to include alphanumeric or graphic information, or both, which a business mailer wishes to have printed on a stationery item. The scanning module 12 may include any type of document scanning structure 17, including for example an optical character reading (OCR) device. Further, without departing from the spirit and scope of the inventionr the module 1~ may comprise a conventional facsimile transceiver. The scanning module 12 may therefore be conventionally adapted to receive letter data from a remotely located facsimile transmitter 18 via a conventional telephone line 20. Further, without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention the scanning module 12 may be conventionally adapted to receive sheets 16, one at a time from a conventional letter opening module 50, hereinafter discussed in greater detailr in which instance the scanning module 12 may not be provided with an input stacker 14. In either instance, the scanning module 12 includes conventional sheet feeding and scanning structures, 22 and 17 respectively. The scanning structure 17 detects alphanumeric and graphic information on each sheet 16 as it is fed by the feeding structure 22, in a predetermined path of travel extending past the scanning structure 17r and provides an analog or digital output signal r such as the signals 26 or 28 r which are representative of such the information, depending upon the design of the scanning structure 17. The scanning module 12 may also include a conventional output stacker 30 into which the respective sheets 16 are fed by the feeding structure 22 after being scanned. The scanning module 12 is preferably a conventional, standalone, device which includes a control structure 32, preferably including a microprocessor, for controlling the module 12. In addition~ the scanning module 12 includes one or more motors 34 conventionally connected to the stackers, 14 and 30, and feeder 22, directly or via one or more drive units 36. The module 12 additionally ~3~3~3 includes a plurality of conventional sensing devices 38, some of which are operably coupled to the motors 34, drive units 36 and feeder 22, for sensing various operational positions thereof, including their respectiv~ home positions. Another of such sensors 3~ is operably located relative to the sheets in the stacking structure 14 for determining whether or not a sheet is available for scanning. And, other sensors 3B are operably located relative to the sheet feed path for sensing the presence or absence of sheets 16 at various positions in the ~heet feed path. The motor 34 and drive units 36 and 38 are conventionally coupled to the control structure 32 for operation thereby, and the sensors 38 are suitably coupled to the control structure 32 for providing signals to the control structure 32 which are indicative of the aforesaid conditions and positions of the motors 34, drive units 36, ~eeder 22 and sheets 16. Further, the scanning module 12 includes a conventional operator interface 40,coupled to the control structure 32 for operation thereof in response to operator input signals. Preferably the control structure 32 includes a two~way serial or parallel communication link 42, via which the respective data and sensor signals 26 or 28, as the case may be, are transmitted to an external source, such as the computer hereinafter described, and via which control signals, such as the signal 43, may be received from the external source. Accordingly, complete control of the operation of the module 12 may be exercised from an external source, ~uch as a computer, xather than from the operator interface 40.
Assuming the provision of a letter opening module 50 ~Fig. 2~a)), the module 50 preferably includes conventional stacking structure 52 into which one or more mailpieces 53 may be loaded for processing. Like the scanning module 12, the letter opening module 50 is preferably a conventional standalone module, which is adapted for externai control.
To that end, the module 50 includes a suitable control structure 54, preferably including a microprocessor, for controlling the various structures and functions of the 3~3 module 50 in accordanoe with input signals received from an operator interface 56 which is conventionally coupled to the control structure 54. Further, the control structure 54 is conventionally constructed and arranged to include a two way ~erial or parallel communication link 58, via which respective data signals, such as the signal 58A may be transmitted to an external source such as the computer hereinafter described, and via which contr~l signals, such as the signal 58B, may be received from the external source.
Accordingly, complete control of the module 50 may be exercised from an external source communicating therewith via the channel 58. The module 50 includes a plurality of sensors 60 which are conventionally coupled to the control structure 54. At least one of such sensors 60 is conventionally associated with the mailpiece stacking structure 52 for determining whether or not a mailpiece 53 is available for processing. The module 50 additionally includes suitable mailpiece opening structure 62, and includes conventional sheet feeding structure 64 for feeding respective mailpieces 53 from the stacking structure 52 to the mailpiece opening structure 62. In addition, the module 50 includes conventional structure 66, for extracting the contents of opened mailpieces 53. And the feeding structure 66 includes suitable means, including for example a roller 68, for feeding extracted contents, such as a sheet 16, from the letter opening module S0. In addition, the module 50 includes one or more motors 70, which are conventionally connected to the stacker 52, opener 62, extractor 66 and feeder 64, either directly or via one or more drive units 72 driven by the motors 70. For sensing various positions of the motor 70, drive units 72 or both, including heir respective home positions, and for sensing respective positions of the mailpieces contents in their path of travel, a multiplisity of the sensors 60 are operatively associated on a one-for-one basis with the respective motors 70 and drive units 72, and with the feed path of the mailpiece contents, for sensing such positions. The sensors 60 are suitably coupled to the contxol structure 54 for ~3~ 63 providing data si~nals representative of such positions to the control structure 5A, and the contxol structure 54 is conventionally constructed and arranged for operating the motors 70, and drive units 72 for controlling the feeder 64, opener 62 and extractor 66 in accordance with operator input signals from the interface 56 or from the external source communicating with the module 50 via the communication link 58.
The apparatus 10 ~Fig. 2(a)) may additionally include one or more applications software carrying modules, represented by the module 80~ one or more storage media modules, represented by the module 90, and one or more communications link modules, represented by the module 100.
Each of the applications software modules 80 is a conventional device, such as a tape, disk or word processor, and may include control structure B2, preferably including a microprocessor. The control structure 82 is constructed and arranged for controlling the various structures and functions of module 80 in accordance with input data xeceived from an operator interface 84 which preferably includes a keyboard. The interface 84 is suitably coupled to the control structure 82 for operating the module 80.
Further the con~rol structure 82 includes a conventional two-way parallel or serial communications link 86. The control structure 82 provides digitized signals, such as the signal 88, to the external source which correspond to letter data information provided by software or correspond to operation of the module 80. In addition the control structure 82 receives control signals, such as the signal 8BA from the external source. Accordingly, the control structure 82 is constructed and arranged to permit the exercise complete control of the structures and functions of the applications software module 80 from the external source, rather than the operator interface 84. Similaxly, each of the storage media modules 90 is a conventional device such 2S a tape or disk drive unit, which includes control structure 92, and an operator interface 94 coupled to the control structure 92 for controlling the module 90. Further~ the control ~3~ i3 structure 92, is constructed and arranged to permit control of the various structures and functions of the modulefrom an external source, via a conventional two-way serial or parallel communications link 96. To that end, the control structure provides analog or digital letter data signals, such as the signals 98 or 99, corresponding to letter data information stored in the storage media or corresponding to operation of the module 90, to the external source. And, the external source provides control signals cuch as the signal 9~A to ~he control structure 92. Aocordingly, complete control over the functions of the module 90 may be exercised from external source via the communications link 96, or from the operator interface 94. The communications link module 100, may be any conventional device, such as a modem or microcomputer programmed for receiving letter data communications fxom a remote source via a coDventional two-way serial or parallel communications link 102. The module 100 also includes a conventional two-way serial or parallel communications link 104 for transmitting digitized letter data signals such as the signal 108, to an external source, and receiving control signals, such as the s.ignal 109, from the external source, whereby the external source may exercise complete control of the module 100 via the two--way communications link 104.
According to the invention, each of the data input modules 12, 50, 80, 90 and 100, is thus constructed and arranged to be interfaced with an external source, via a conventional, two-way, communication link, such as the links 42, 58, 86, 96 and 104 respectively. According to the inventionl the external source is a ~omputer such as the computer 120 SFig. 2~b)). The computer 120 may be any commercially available computer having a sufficient number of serial or parallel communication interfaoe and other ports~ 121, which are programmable for serial or parallel communications purposes to provide a separate two-way link with each of the aforesaid modules 12, 50, 80, 90 and 100.
~3~3~3 The computer 120 (Fig. 2(b)) generally includes a plurality of discrete circuits including those for a plurality of central processing units, each of which includes control circuits 122, program counter 124, a plurality of registers 126 and an arithmetic logic unit 128, and those for one or more oscillators and clocks 130, data memories 132, timer and event counters 134, and program expansion control 136. In addition the computer 120 includes respective programs 140 for the analysis of analog and digital letter data input signals, received from the respective input modules 12, 50, 80, 90 and 100, and for reformatting and supplementing the data corresponding to such signals. Thus the computer 120 provides reformatted letter data for preparing letters in which alphanumeric or graphic information, or both, corresponding to the letter data that is received and supplementary data which is provided by the computer 120, is printed on respective stationery items to provide letters and passports in predetermined ormats. To that end, the computer 120 includes conventional analog to digital converter circuits fox providing digital lettex data corresponding to analog letter data signals 26 or 98 (Figs. ~ta) and 2(b)) upon receiving such signals 26 or 98. In addition, the computer 120 is programmed for the analysis of the letter data signals 26, 28, 58A, 88, 98, 99 and 108, as thus converted to or received as digital data signals from the various modules 12, 50, 80, 90 and 100, and reformatting such data as needed to conform the same to letter data corresponding to one or more predetermined letter formats. The reformatting program thus provides for identifying such parts of the input data which correspond to the message part of any given letter, including each of the respective paragraph parts of the message. In addition the reformatting program provides for identifying the addressor and addressee parts of the input letter data, and the name, location and zip code parts of their respective addresses.
Further, the reformattiny program provides for identifying the application parts of the letter data, including for ~3~i3~i3 example the "Dear Sir" or corresponding part, and the ~Regardsn, ~Very truly yoursn, ~Sincerelyn, or other corresponding part, and the signature part, including any graphic signature part, associated name part, title part, telephone number part, location eode part, or the like.
Eurther, the reformatting program provides for identifying the "enclosure" or "attachments" parts or the like. In addition the reformatting program 140 provide~ instructions suitable for selecting each identified part of the letter data, and stationery item on which the alphanumeric or graphic information corresponding to the data parts as thus identi~ied, is to be printed. Further, the program 140 establishes the font size(s~, margin dimensions and line spacings o the letter to be printed. Further, the computer may include one or more programs for causing data corresponding to one or more codes, including a sort code, bar code or customer identification code, stored in registers 142 and cross-referenced with the identified zip code or name, as the case may be, to be copied from such registers 142 and included or associated with the letter data for printing alphanumeric i~ormation corresponding to the stored data 142 on one or more of selected stationery items on which the information corresponding to any part of the letter data is to be printed. Further, the computer 120 may include one or more programs 140 for causing data corresponding one or more business letter heads or footings, or both, including data corresponding to the alphanumeric and graphic information normally found on an envelope or first or subseguent pages of a formal business letter, as shown in Figs. l~c), l(d), l(e) and l(i), and stored in registers 142 and cross-referenced with one or more identified names or codes, to be copied from sueh registers 142 and included ox associated with the letter data for printing alphanumeric or graphic information corresponding thereto on one or more of selected stationery items on which the information correspoading to any part of the letter data is to be printed.
5till further the computer 120 may include one or more programs for providing, either by means of calculating the same or utilizing a look-up table therefor, the postage value required for mailing the number of stationery items to be selected for the preparation of any given letter, based upon the font size(s), margin dimensions and line spacing of the letter to be printed and the number and weight of the stationery it~ms to be selected for printing the letter, at any time after reformatting has been completed, for example, prior in time to the selection of such stationery items.
Further, the computer 120 may include one or more programs for causing data corresponding to one or more postage markings, such as the indicia shown in Figs. l(e) at E5, l(g) at G5 and Fig. l(i) at I7, or the provided postage value itself, or both; to be copied from appropriate registers 142 of the computex 120 in which such data is stored and included or associated with the lPtter data, for printing alphanumeric or graphic information corresponding thereto on one or more of selected stationery items on which other information is to be printed.
In addition, the computer 120 may include one or more programs for accounting for and causing data corresponding to a given transaction number, as hereinbefore discussed in connection with Fig. l~j), or data identifying the serial number of any postage metering, dispensing, printing or authorization apparatus discussed in this application, or data corresponding to a count of the number of mailpieces included in any run or batch, and the run, batch number, class of mail of any run or batch, postage costs of individual mailpieces, total postage costs of the mailpieces included in any run or batch of mailpieces, and any and all other accounting information, or graphic or textual materials, shown in Fig. 1(1), to be generated, looked up or calculated, or copied from registers 142 in which such data is stored, for printing alphanumeric information corresponding thereto on one or more of the selected stationery items on which such information is to be printed, or for storing such data by conventional means, such as by ~331~3~i3 mechanical, optical, electro-optical, magnetic or electronic means, in any storage media Kl of any token K removably connected to the computer 120.
postage available ox postage used registers 144 of the computer 120 or of any module having a postage available data storage medium and communicating directly or indirectly with the computex 1~0.
In addition to the foregoing, the computer 120 includes a conventional local terminal, having a display 146 processing circuits 148, keyboard, 150, printer 152 and dual disk drive 153. Without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, the processing circuits 148 may include, in a given physical application of the apparatus according to the invention, all of the structure, programming, data storage and circuitry hereinbefore discussed and numbered 122, 124, 1~6, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136t 140, 142, and lS4, and the programming designated 600 and 70Q. In a given embodiment of the invention, the storage capacity of the computer registers 126 may be sufficient to store letter data corresponding to, for example, one thousand or more separate letters, each of which includes a data part corresponding to the postal zip code of the addressee of the letter. And, the computer may be programmed in response to .. _ . .. _ .. . . ... .
~30~L31~i3 operator entry forms the keyboard 150, to cause the registers 126 to be accessed for identifying and storing in other registers 126 the letter data corresponding to all letters which include a particular intial three digits in their respective postal zip codes. Accordingly, the computer 120 is preferably programmed to identify a plurality of predetermined postal zip code elements which are included in each of a plurality of postal zip codes.
Further, the computer 120 may be programm~d in response to operator input from the keyboard 150 to cause the computer to identify the letter data corresponding to each of such letters having the zip codes including the same three digits. Accordingly, the computer is preferably programmed for pre-sorting letter data to permit letters corresponding thereto to be printed as a pre-sorted series of letters.
The computer 120 also preferably includes a data base 154 in which there may be stored, accounting information which is updated from time to time as the computer 120 is utili2ed for operating the modules of the apparatus according to the invention to permit the accumulation of relevant information concerning any and all aspects of such operation. Further, the data base 154 may be accessed from the keyboard for retrieving any part of the data base 154 for display and printing.
interface 164. The control structure 162 is also conventionally adapted to include a two-way serial or parallel communication link 165 for conventionally coupling the control structure 162 to an external source, exemplified by the computer 120, to provide data signals, such as the signal 166A to the computer 120 and for operation of the control structure 162 in response to control signals, such as the signal 166B, from the computer 120. Thus the module 160 is adapted to permit complete control of its structure and functions from external source rather than from the operator interface 164. The module 160 additionally includes a plurality o sheet feeding structures designated 170, 175 and 180, which are respectively denominated the "first itemn ~other item" and ~last item" feeders to denote that any number of such feeders 170, 175 or 180 may be included to accommodate the selection and feeding different stationery items 161 from the module lfiO. The feeding structure 170, includes stacking structure 172 for accommodating a plurality of like stationery items 161, which may be a plurality of blank or partially blank stationery items 161 such as those shown in Figs. l~b), l~d), l(j) or 1~1), or any different size, shape or variation thereof. Similarly, the feeding structure 175, includes stacking structure 176 for accommodating a plurality of like stationery items 161, which may be blank or partially blank stationery items 161 such as those shown in Figs. l~a), l~c), l~g), l(h), l~i), l(j) or 1(1), or any different size, shape or variation thereof. And the feeding structure 180, includes stacking structure lB2 for accommodating a plurality of like stationery items 161, which may be blank or partially blank stationery items 161, such as those in Figs. l~a), l(c), l(i), l(j) or 1(1), or any different size, shape or variation thereof. The stationery items 161 are manually loaded into the respective stacking structures 172, 176 and 182 and fed therefrom one at a time. To that end, the module 160 includes conventional feeding structure represented by the feeding structure 185, which includes conventional means for feeding ~3~ 3 the respective stationery items 161 in a predetermined feed path through the module 160, and may include suitable structure, such as the roller 186 for feeding such stationery items 161 from the module 160. The feeding module 160 additionally includes one or more motors 190 coupled to the control structure 162 and to the respective feeding structures 170, 175, 180 and 185, either directly or indirectly via one or more drive units 192. In addition, the feeding module 160 includes a plurality of sensors 194.
Some of the sensors 194 are operably located or sensing stationery items 161 in the various feeding structures 170, 175, 180 and 185, and determining whether or not respective stationery items 161 are available for printing. Other sensors 194 are operably located with respect to the stationery items feed path, for sensing the presense or absence of statiGnery items 161 in the feedin~ structures 170, 175, 180 and 185 and at various relevant positions in the feed path, and providing conventional input signals to the control structure 162 which are indicative of such conditions and positions. And, the remainder of such sensors 194 are operatively coupled with suitable elements of the motors 190 and drive units 192 for sensing various positions of the motors 190 and drive units 192, including their respective home positions, and providing conventional input signals to the control structure 162 which are indicative of such positions. Further, the control structure 162 is adapted to provide data signals, such as the signal 166A, corresponding to the aforesaid conditions and positions to the operator interface 164 and to the communication link 165 to facilitate operation of the module 160 from the interface 164 or from an external source, such as the computer 120 via the communications link 165.
220 is of a ~ype which is conventionally adapted to be secured to either mailpieces or parcels. The printing module 200 additionally includes one or more motors 230 coupled to the control structure 202 and to the respective feeding structures 212, 214, 224 and cutter 222 r either directly or indirectly via one or more drive units 232. In additio~, the printing module 200 includes a plurality of sensors 2340 Some of the sensors 234 are operatively associated with the feeding structures 212, 214 and 224, cutter 222, printing structure 210 and stationery items feed path, for sensing the presence or absence of stationery items at the prin~ing structure 210, and feeding structures 212 and 214, and the presence or absence of tape 220 at the feeding structure 224 and cutter 222, and for sensing various relevant positions of the stationery items 161 and tape 220 in the feed path through the module 200, and providing conventional data signals to the control structure 202 which are indicative of such conditions and positions. And, the remainder of such sensors 234 are operatively coupled with suitable elements of the feeding structure 212, 214 and 224, the cutter 222, motors 230 and drive units 232, for sensing relevant positions thereo~ including their respective home positions, and providing conventional data signals to the control structure 202 which are indicative of such positions. The printing module 200 may optionally include accounting structure 240, for example of the type utilized in a conventional electronic postage meter, for electro-optically, magnetically or electronically storing data relating to available or used postage, or both, postage or the passport information hereinbefore discussed. Further, the module 200 may include reading and writing structures, numbered 242 and 244 respectively, coupled to the accounting structure 240. The reading and writing structures, 242 and 244, may be of the type conventionally utilized in card controlled devices and include conventional circuits controlled by the control structure 202 for transferring or copying stored data to and from the accountin~ structure 240 and the storage media of a token, such as the storage media ~3~113~3 Kl of the token K shown in Fig. l(k), it being understood that the structures 242 and 244, includes a comparable electro-optical, magnetic or electronic storage media for such data. In addition, the accounting structure 240 includes conventional logic circuits for decrementing the postage available for printing in the accounting structure 240 by respective increments corresponding to the postage printed by the printing structure 210, or either incrementing or decrementing the postage available for printing by respective increments corresponding to those read from a token Kl in accordance with instructions stored in the token Rl. For passport data storage purposes, the accounting structure 240 may also have stored therein a serial number assigned by a postage meter manufacturer, and data corresponding to the data hereinbefore discussed in connection with the discussion of the programs and registers of the computer 120 for providing any and all information that may be included in a passport, whereby such data may be written into the storage media Kl of a token K which may then be used as a passport. Further, the accounting, reading and writing structures 240, 2q2 and 244 are conventionally coupled to the control structure 202, which is adapted to provide data corresponding to the data stored in the accounting structure 240, and processed by the reading and writing structures 242 and 244, and data corresponding to the conditions and positions sensed by the sensors 234, to the operator interface 204 and communications link 205, to facilitate operation of the module 200 from the interface 204 or from the computer 1~0 via the communications link 205. According to the invention, the printing structure 210 may be any conventional mechanical printing structure, including but not limited to a dot matrix printer, such as a pin printer, or other impact-type or pressure type printing structure. Alternatively, the printing structure 210 may be any other type of printing structure, including but not limited to any electrophotographic, ink jet or thermal printing structure. Thus the printing structure 210 may include a laser, light emitting diode (LED) or other ~3~ 31~3 electrostatic printing structure, or ink jet thermal ink transfer, or rotary printing structure, or the like, and include other conventional structures normally associated with such printing structures, coupled to and controlled by the control structurQ 202. Further, without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, the ink utilized by such printing structures may include a fluorescent pigment.
As an alternative to providing the printing module 200 with the aforesaid accounting, reading and writing structures 240, 24~ and 244, a separate accounting module 260 may be provided which includes such structures 240, 242 and 244, and, in addition, control structure 262 coupled thereto and to an operator interface 264. Assuming the provision of the accounting module 260, a token R which is removably connectable to the reading and writing structures 242 and 244 may be utilized in the same manner and for the same purposes hereinbefore discussed in connection with the discussion of the printing module 200. In addition, the accounting module 260 is preferably provided with a two-way co~nunication link 266 for interfacing the module 260 with an external device, preferably the computer 120, for operation of the rnodule 260 from the computer 120 rather than from the operator interface 264. On the other hand the control structure 262 is also preferably provided with a conventional two-way serial or parallel communications link 268 for interfacing the control structures 262 and 202 with each other, to permit the operator of the printiny module 200 to control operation of the accounting module 260 from the operator interface 204 and to permit the computer 120 to control operation of the accounting module via the printing modules control structure 202. Further, the two way communication link 266 may be connected via a c~nventiona telephone link to a privately controlled mailing center such as Manifest Mail Reporting System (M~RS) center of the type established by Pitney Bowes Inc., for electronically incrementing the postage available amount, which is stored in the accounting structure 240 as hereinbefore discussed in connection with the discussion of the printing module 260.
~3~63 The printed s~ationery items 161 fed from the printing module 200 ~Fig. 2(d)), may be differently processed, depending upon the availability of processing apparatus, postal service regulations and mailing practices of business mailers. According to the invention, the computer 120 is programmed for calculating the lowest possible postage for mail which includes a zip code having the same first three digits for processing bulk ~ailing of pre-sorted mail. In addition, the computer 120 is programmed for processing bulk mailings of permit and manifest mail. According to the invention, in order to permit business mailers to deliver such bulk mailings to the Postal Service both during and outside o the normal business hours of the Postal Service, such bulk mailings are preferably deposited in a distinctively marked, and therefore easily recognizable, mailpouch which is distinguishable from all othex mailpieces received by the Postal Service in the general mailstream so that it may be extracted from the general mailstream for special handling, in this instance inspection, just as awkwardly shaped mailpieces such as film bags are extracted from the general mailstream for special handling.
As shown in Fig. 2~d) the printed stationery items 161 fed from the printing module 200, may be fed to an inserter module, folding module, or collected for manual insertion purposes. Assuming manual insertion, a system of the type hereinbefore discussed, may include, as shown in Fig. 3, a conventional personal computer 120, including a display 146, keyboard 150, processor 148 and a dual disk drive 153, into which an applications programs software disk 80 may be inserted for programming the computer 120 as hereinbefore discussed in connection with the discussion of the computer 120. In addition, there is shown a modularly constructed s~ationery items feeder 160, which comprises a conventional three bin sheet feeder, including stackers 172, 176 and 182, into which there has been loaded a plurality of stationery items 161, including first and second letter headed sheets and letter headed envelopes. A commercially available laser printer, which includes scanning and printing modules 12 and ~3~363 20 of the type hereinbefore discussed, includes a hopper 17 into which a plurality of sheets 16 have been loaded. The sheet feeder 160 is mounted on top of the laser printer, 12, 20, and is conventionally mechanically and electronically coupled to the laser printer. The computer 120 is connected to the laser printer 12, 20, and sheet feeder 160 via the communication link 42, 205 for controlling the laser printer and sheet feeder. According to the invention, a plurality of distinctively marked, such as by means of a colored band 270A, and therefore, easily recognizable bags or other pouches 270 are provided, for example by removably affixing the pouches 270 to the laser printer. One of such pouches 270B, which is numbered 270A, has been shown removed and opened for discussion purposes. Each of the pouches 270 includes a pocket 272 into which a passport, such as the passports hereinbefore discussed, may be deposited. As shown in Fig. 3, under tbe control of the computer 120, sheets 16 are fed from the hopper to the scanner 12 of the laser printer 200. Whereupon the sheets 16 are scanned as hereinbefore discussed in the discussion of the scanning module 12, and the computer 120 causes data corresponding to selected parts of the information included on the sheets 16 to be reformatted for printing on selected stationery items fed from the stackers 172, 176 and 182. In addition, the computer 120 causes supplementary data, including data corresponding to the line of information shown at I3 in Fig.
l(i), to be provided and printed on selected stationery items fed from the stackers 172, 176 and 182. As the printed sheets 161 are fed from the feeder 160, the first and second sheets are manually folded and inserted into the envelope, which may be an envelope of the type shown in Fig.
Whereupon the token K, which has the passport data written into the same, may be inserted into the pocket 272. In either instance, the pouch 270B w~th either the printed or stored passport information deposited in its pocket 272 may then be hand delivered to the Postal Service for further processing.
The processing portrayed in Fig. 3 exemplifies the utilization of apparatus 14 accord.ing to the invention for small bulk mailings of permit, pre-sorted and other manifested mail, and the passport referred to is exemplary of each type of passport to be included with the permit, pre-sort or manifest mail for providing the information respecting such bulk mailings as is required by the Postal Service for large bulk mailings of manifested mail, or such other accounting data as may be re~uired by the Postal Service for small bulk mailings of permit, pre-sorted or manifested mail. Preferably, each type of such manifested mail is deposited in a differently marked and therefore separately, easily recognizable, distinctive bag, or other bulk mail mailpouch, to allow fox diversion of such different mailpouches to different postal inspection stations or for other purposes, depending upon the needs of the Postal Agency to which such mailpouches are delivered.
~3~13~3 -accoun~ing information needed by the Postal Service for processing such bulk mailings without requiring the personal appearance of a representative of the mailer of the bulk mailing. In this connection, it is noted that in order to facilitate the aforesaid procedures the passport may include the bulk mailer's deposit account serial number as maintained by the Postal Service, to permit the Postal Service to debit the bulk mailer's account upon inspectins the bulk mailing.
Referring again to Fig. 2(d)~ as hereinbefore discussed, the stationery items 161 fed from the stationery items module 160 and processed by the printing module 200 may be envelopes such as the envelopes shown in Figs. l(a), l~c), l(e), l(g) or l(i)~ ~owever, rather than feedins envelopes for a given run of letters, the message parts of respective letters may be printed on one or more stationery items, sucb as those shown in Figs. l~b), l(d), or l(f) and each of such letters may include a second one of such ~tationery items 161 utilized as a mailing cover sheet. As thus arranged the cover sheets would include the information printed on the envelopes shown in Figs. l(e) or l(j) for preparing selfmailing-types of letters. With these thoughts in mind, the apparatus 10 according to the invention may include one or more folding modules, such as the folding module 300 (Fig. 2(c), to which printed stationery items 161 are fed, one at a time from the printing module 200. The folding module 300 is preferably a conventional standalone device which includes suitable control structure 302 for controlling the various structures and functions of the module 300~ In addition, the module 300 includes an operator intPrface 304, which is conventionally coupled to the control structure 302 for operation thereof in response to operator input signals from the interface 304. The control structure 304 is also conventionally adapted to include a two-way serial or parallel communication link 305 for conventionally coupling the control structure 305 to an external source, exemplified by the computer 120r to provide data signalsl such as the signal 306A, to the computer 120, and for operation of the control structure 302 in response to control signals, such a~ the signal 306B, from the computer 120. Thus the module 300 is adapted to permit complete control of the structures and functions of the module 300 from an external source rather than from the operator 1nterface 304. The moduie 300 additionally includes conventional folding structure 310, accumulating stacking structure 312, which includes a bin 314, which the successive printed stationery items 161 for a given letter are fed one after the other, and accumulates on top of the other for collation thereof. In addition, the folding module 300 includes conventional input f~eding structure 316, which includes conventional structure for grasping the collated stationery items 161 int he bin 314 and feeding the same in a predetermined path of travel through the folding structure 310 which folds the collated stationery items 161.
Upon completion of processing by the folding module 300, the folded and sealed stationery items 161 may be handled in the same fashion as stationery items 161 processed by the printing module 200 as discussed in connection with the discussion of Fig. 3, but without performing the manual processing steps of folding and inserting the stationery items 161 into a printed envelope.
Rather, the collated, folded and sealed stationery items 161 fed from the foldiny module 300 may be fed by the module's output feeding structuxe 320 directly into a distinctively marked mailpouch such as the bag 270B shown in Fig. 3.
Further, either a printed or token type of passport K or L, such as the passports discussed in the discussion of Fig. 3, may be inserted into the pocket 272 of the bag 270B, and the bag 270B sealed and delivered to the Postal Service.
Referring again to the printing module 200 ~Fig. 2(d)), and assuming the stationery items 161 from the printing module 200 are to be automatically processed by inserter structure, such stationery items 161, including one or more sheets and an envelope, are fed one at a time to an insertin~ module such as the inserting module 350. The inserting module 350 is preferably a conventional standalone device which includes suitable control structure 352 for controlling the various structures and functions of the module 350. In addition, the module 35~ includes an operator interface 354, which is conventionally coupled to the control structure 352 for operation thereof in response ~3~ 63 to operator input signals from the interface 354. The control structure 352 is also conventionally adapted to include a two-way serial or parallel communication link 355, for conventionally coupling the control structure 352 to an external source, exemplified by the computer 120, for transmitting data signals, such as the signal 356A, to the external source, and for operation of the control structure 352 in response to control signals, such as the signal 356B, from the computer 120. Thus the module 350 is adapted to permit complete control of its structures and functions from an external source, such as the computer 120, rather than from the operator interface 354. The module 350 additionally includes one or more conventionally insert feeding structures 361, and conventional input feeding structuxe 362, for feeding each of the stationery items 161 received from the printing module into the inserting module 350. Inasmuch as the computer 120 reformats respective letters prior to causing the stationery items feeding module 160 to feed any gi~en stationery item which is to be utilized for printing the reformatted letters. The computer 120 is preferably programmed to cause the envelope, if any of a given letter to be the first stationery item 161 fed from the feeding module 160, followed feeding by the last, next to last, third from last, and so on, and then the first stationery item 161. As a result of which the printing module 200 prints the respective appropriate parts of the given letter on the selected stationery items in the sequence received. Accordingly, the first stationery item received by the inserting module 350 is preferably the envelope of a given letter~ The Stationery items 161 for the given letter, excePt the cover envelope into which the rest of the stationery items are to be inserted, are fed in a predetermined path of travel, to the module's accumulating structure 364 where they are stacked in collated form. The inserting module 350 includes inserting structure 366 which may include any suitable structure for openin~ the cover envelope to permit the insertion of folded stationery items 161 and inserts thereinto. Preferably, the letter's cover ~3(~363 envelope is fed to the inserting structure 366 by the feeding structure 362 in the aforesaid path of travel, under the control of the computer 120, prior in time to feeding the rest of the letter's stationery items 161 to the module's accumulating structure 354. In addition, it is preferable that the inserting module 350, under the control of the computer 120, be caused to feed the inserts from one or more of the insert feeders 360 to the accumulating structure 364, aftex the cover envelope is fed to the inserting structure 3~6 and before the res~ of the stationery items 161 are fed to the accumul~ting structure 364, to facilitate collation of the contents of accumulator, and, therefore of the cover envelope. In addition, the printing module 200, under the control of the computer 120, is preferably caused to print any and all information required for mailing the given letter, including the postage that will be needed for mailing the letter with he rest of the stationery items 161 and any inserts that are to be provided by the inserting module 350. Thus, before any stationexy items 161 for a given letter have been fed from the printing module 200, or any inserts for the given letter have been either selected or ~ed by the inserting module 350, the postage for mailing the same is provided and printed on the cover envelope. The inserting module 350 additionally includes conventional folding structure 368, and sealing structure 370 which may include suitable apparatus for moistening the flap of the cover envelopes and urging the flap into engagement with the body of the cover envelope. In addition, the inserting module 350 includes conventional output feeding structure 372 for graspiny the stationery items 161 and inserts in the accumulating structure 364, and feeding the same through the folding structure 368 and to the inserting structure 366, where the folded stationery items 161 and inserts are inserted into the opened cover envelope. In addition, the output feeding structure 372 includes suitable means for feeding the stuffed and sealed envelope 376 from the inserting module 350, including for example the roller 378. The inserting ~3~L363 module 350 additionally includes one or more motors 380 coupled to the control structure 352 and to the respective feeding structures 361/ 362 and 372, and to the respective inserting and sealing structures 366 and 370, either directly or indirectly via one or more drive units 382. In addition, the inserting module 350 includes a plurality of sensors 386. Some of the sensors 386 are operatively associated with the feeding structures 361, 362 and 372, and the respective accumulating, folding, iDserting and sealing structures 364, 368, 366 and 370, for sensing the presence or absence of stationery items 161, inserts and envelopes in such structures 360, 362, 372, 364, 368, 366 and 370, and sensing their various relevant positions in the feed paths through the module 350, and providing conventional data signals to the control structure 352 which are indicative of such conditions and positions. And, the remainder of such sensors 386 are operatively coupled with suitable elements of such structure 360, 3~2, 372, 364, 368, 366, and 370 and the motors 380 and drive units 382, for sensing relevant positions thereof including their respective home positions, and providing conventional input signals to the control structure 352 which are indicative of such positions.
Further, the control structure 352 is conventionally adapted to provide data signals 356A corresponding to the conditions and positions sensed by the sensors 386, to the operator interface 354 and to the communications link 355, to facilitate operation of the module 3~0 from the interface 354 or from the computer 120 via the communications link 355.
Upon completion of processing by the inserting module 350 (Fig. 2(c)), the letters 378 may be delivered directly to the postal service, assuming manifest processing is not used. Or, the letters 378 may be processed in substantially the same manner as those shown in Fig. 3, but without performing the manual proc~ssing steps, since the stationery items 161, with or without accompanying inserts, have already been automatically folded and inserted into the cover envelope. Accordingly, the letters 378 may be fed by ~3~3~;3 the module's output feeding structure 372 directly into a distinctive pouch such as the pouch 270B shown in Fig. 3.
Further, either a printed or token type of passport R, L, such as the passports referred to in the discussion of Fig.
3, may be inserted into the pocket 272 of the pouch 270B and the bag 270B sealed and delivered to the Postal Service.
For weighing the letters 378 (Fig. 2~d)), the apparatus 10 may include one or more weighing modules 400. The weighing module 400 is preferably a conventional standalone device which includes suitable control structure 402 for controlling the various structures and functions of the module 400. In addition, the module 400 includes an operator interface 404, which is conventionally coupled to the control structure 402 for operation thereof in response to operator input signals from the interface 404. The control structure 402 is also conventionally adapted to include a two-way sPrial or parallel communication link 405 for conventionally coupling the control struc~ure 402 to an external source, exemplified by the computer 1~0, for providing data signals, such as the signal 406A, to the external source and for operation of the control structure 402 in response to control signals, such as the signal 406B, from the computer 120~ Thus the module 400 is adapted to permit complete control of its structures and func~ions from ~3~3~3 an external source rather than from the operator interface 404. The module 400 additionally includes conventional scale structure 410, which may for example include a suitable envelope receiving platform mounted upon and operatively coupled to an electro-mechanical transducer, known in the art as a load cell, for providing electrical signals to the control structure 402 which are representative of the weight of an envelope 378 on the platform. In addition the weighing module 400 includes conventional feeding structure 412 for feeding envelopes 378 received one at a time from the inserting module 350, in a predetermined path of travel through the weighing module 400 as the scale structure 410 weighs the envelopes 378. The weighing module 400 additionally includes one or more motors 4-16 coupled to the control structure 402 and to the feeding structures 412 either directly or indirectly via one or more drive units 418. In addition, the weighing module 400 includes a plurality of sensors 420. Some of the sensors 420 are operatively associated with the feeding structure 420, for sensing the presence or absence of envelopes 378 entering the weighing module 400 and the presence or absence of envelopes 378 at various relevant positions in the envelope feed path through the module 400 and providing conventional input signals to the control struckure 402 which are indicative of such conditions and positions. And, other sensors 420 are conventionally coupled to the scale 410, feeder 412, motors 416 and drive units 418 for providing data signals to the control structure 402 which are indicative of various conditions and positions of the structures 410, 412, 416 and 418, including their respective home positions. Further, the control structure 402 is adapted to provide data corresponding to the aforesaid conditions and positions to the operator interface 404 and communication link 405, to facilitate operation of the module 400 from the interface 404, or from an external source such as the computer 120 via the communications link 405.
~3~13~;3 For applying postage corresponding to the weight of a given letter received from the weighing module 400 (Fig.
2(d~), the apparatus 10 may include one or more postage metering modules, such as the module 450. The postage metering module 450 may be any conventional electronic postage meter or mailing machine equipped with a postage meter, including the structures hereinbefore discussed in the discussion of the printing module 200. Preferably the module 450 includes all of the structures and functions of the module 200 except such structures and functions which are provided for printing information on the envelope other than the postage indicia. Accordingly, the postage metering module includes the conventional two-way serial or parallel communication links, 205 and 268 and is operable in response to the insertion of a removable token K as hereinbefore discussed. Further, rather than including the accounting structure 200 an accounting module 260 may be provided.
After applying the postage to the letter 378 received from the weighing module 400 the letter 37B may be processed as hereinbefore discussed and shown in Fig. 3, for manifesting bulk mailings, or the letters may be delivered directly to the Postage Service.
In gsneral, the local computer 120 ~Fig. 2(b)) may include one or more permanent programs, including for example a main line program, and programs for operating each o the modules hereinbefore discussed, and may include those including data corresponding to one or more letter formats and for reformatting letter data to conform the same to such letter formats, a data base of data corresponding to graphic information to be printed including those for postage markings and letter headings and footings, postal zip codes and corres~onding bar codes, customer names and corresponding customer identification codes or sort codes, serial numbers of postage authorizing or metering or dispensing structures serviced by the computer 120, accounting routines relating to the postage available and postage used in any of such structures, and any of the other programs referred to in this application. Alternatively or _ . _ . _ _ . . . . . .
for supplementing any of such programs, the computer 120 may be programmed with applications software provided by a given module 80 or inserted into the dual disk drive 153, referred to in this application. In general, the computer 120 (Fig.
2(b)) includes a main line program 600 (Fig. 4) and a plurality of module control programs 700 (Fig. 5).
The main line program 700 (Fig. 4) commences with the step 70~ of conventionally initializing the computer 120, which generally includes establishing the initial voltage levels at the interface ports utilized for the con~rol and data communications links 42, 86, 96, 104, 165, 205, 268, 305, 355, 405 and 468, for the respective modules, 12, 50, 80, 90, 100, 160, 200, 260, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 480, and setting the timexs and counters. Thereafter the computer 120 communicates with the such modules and causes their respective motors and other drive units to be conventionally initialized, step 704. Step 704 entails causing the interface microprocessors of the various modules to scan the various microprocessor ports associated with the motors, drive units and sensors of the modules for determining whether or not the predetermined elements of the motor and drive units, such as their respective output shafts, are properly located for in.itiating operation of tlle various structures in the modules and, if not, the computer 120 causes the motors and drive units to drive such elements to their respective home positions.
Assuming the initialization steps 702 and 704 are completed, the pro~ram 700 enters an idle 1QP routine, step 706. In the idle loop routine 706 a determination is initially made as to whether or not a request or command has been received from one of the modules 12, 50, 80, 90, 100, 160, 200, 260, 300, 350 or 450, 480, from the computer's input data processing routine or from the local terminal 155, step 708. Assuming a request or command has not been received 708, processing is returned to idle 706. When a request or command 708 is received, a determination is initially made as to whether or not thP request or command 708 is from one of the local modules, or the aforesaid input .. . . .. .
~3~3~i3 data processing routine hereinafter discussed in greater detail, step 710. If the request or command is from one of such modules, or the processing routine, 708, a determination is made as to whether or not it is directed to programming the computer, step 712. Assuming a determination is made that it is for programming the computer, 712, the program 700 causes the computer to process the re~uest or command, step 714, for either storing the input program for present or future use or initializing the program 700 for ongoing utilization of the input program, depending upon the type of computer 120 employed and input program involved. Whereupon, processing is caused to be returned to idle 706. Assuming a determination is made that the request or command is not for programming the computer 712, the program 700 then implements an inquiry as to whether or not the request or command is for the local terminal, step 716. Assuming that it is, since the request or command ordinarily takes the form of a message for the local terminal, it will be assumed that the program directs the local terminal to print or display a message step 718 whereupon the program 700 then causes processing to be returned to idle 706. If the determination is made that is it not a request or command for the local terminal 722, then, the program causes a determination to be made as to whether or not the request or command is for an external source, step 720, and, i it is, causes the request or command to be transmitted to the external source, step 722.
Assuming the request or co~and is not concerned with either programming the computer, 712, nor with messages for the local terminal or external source, then, the request or command is presumably for execution by one of the local modules, or for analysis by the iDpUt data processing routine of the computer. Accordingly, the program 700 implements the step 724 of determining whether or not the request or command is for input data processing. And, assuming that it is, the program 700 causes the request or command to be stored, step 726, for processing on a first come first served, i.e., FIFO, basis, and processing is ~()1363 returned to idle 706. If however the request or command is not for input data processing, the program 700 proceeds to implementation of the steps of execution of the request or command by the appropriate module, step 728. Referring back to step 710, assuming that the request or command is not from one of the modules, or from the input data processing routine, then, the program implements the step 730 of determining whether or not it is from and to the local terminal. Assuming both of these conditions are met, presumably the request or command is a message for the local terminal. Accordinglyl the program 700 implements the steps of causing the message associated with the request or command to be printed ox displayed at the local terminal, step 732, followed by returning processing to idle 706. On the other hand, assuming the request or command is not from and to the local terminal, then, it is presumably from the local terminal to one of the modules. And, since it is preferable that requests or co~mands for the modules that come from the local terminal take precedence over those that come from the local modules, the request or command from the local terminal 730 to the modules, is caused to conventionally interrupt, step 734, processing of requests or commands from the local module and from the input data processor, 710 and 724, whereupon the request or command is executed 728. Accordingly, requests or commands from the local terminal which are for execution 728, are processed on an interrupt basis prior in time to execution of requests or commands from the local modules or from the input data processing program. With this arrangement, local module requests or commands that effect the local modules may be changed by operator input from the local terminal, prior to commencement of processing.
As hereinbefore discussed, without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, input letter data may be in either analog or digital form as received by the computer 120 ~Fig. 2(b)) for analysis and reformatting. The analysis and reformatting is implemented by the input data processing routine 800 shown in Fig. 5. The input data processing _ _ . _ .. . . .
routine 800 is called up for implementing processing, either by the input modules 12, 80, 90 and 100, or by the main line computer program, step 726. The input data processing routine 800 commences with the step of making a determination as to whether or not letter data input has been received for processing, step 802, on a first in first out basis. If such input data has not been received 802, the routine 800 retuxns processing to idle 706. On the other hand, if the determination is made that letter data input has been received 802, the routine 800 then makes a determination as to whether or not the letter data is in analog form, step 804, and, if it is, causes the letter data to be converted to digital data by implementation of an analog to digital conversion step 806. Assuming a determination is made that the letter data is not analog data 804, but rathert is digital data, or the analog data has been converted to digital data, 806, the routine then causes the letter data to be analy2ed, step 808. The analysis step ~0B generally includes the steps of identifying the letter data corresponding to the addressor and addressee of the letter, their respective postal zip codes, the message included in the letter, the signature and any code, 5uch as a customer code, bar code or sort code, included in the letter, and any data indicating that a return letter, such as a remittance slip or return envelope, is included with the letter or must be provided with the letter. Thereafter, the routine performs the step of reformatting the input letter data and adding data as needed for preparing the letter, step 810. Such processing includes but is not limited to the steps of adjusting margins and lines between identified data, choosing the font size or sizes to be used in printing the letter, adjusting line spacings, adding headinys and footing, bar codes, customer codes and sort codes as needed for the type of letter, identifying the stationery items and inserts, if any, that will be utilized for printing the letter and any inserts ~hat are to be included, calculating or utilizing a look up table for detexmining, or otherwise providing the ~3~3~i3 postage needed for mailing the identified stationery items and inserts, if any, and providing instructions for selecting the identified stationery items and inserts, if any, and printing the reformatted letter data. Other steps that may be included in the reformatting step 810 without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, including for example those hereinbefore discussed in connection discussing the programs of the computer 120 and those discussed throughout this application~ Thereafter, the routine 800 causes a determination to be made as to whether or not the letter being processed is to be included in a manifest mail run or batch, step 814 t which information may be included for example as a code associated with the letter data for flagging the lettex as such, or may be provided fr~m the local input terminal hereinbefore discussed. Assuming the letter is not to be included as one in a mani~est mail run or batch, then, the letter data is augmented by the postage marking data that is to be used, step 816, including data corresponding to a given postage manufacturers graphic information, or a permit mailers serial number, is added to the reformatted letter data. In the case o a permit mailers serial number, it is understood that the postage costs previously calculated would not then be used. In addition, instructions are provided in step 816 for printing the added data on identified stationery items.
Following the processing step 816, the routine 800 causes all of the foregoing letter data, added data and instructions, steps 812 and 816, to be stored and forwarded step 81B, on a first in first out basis, for execution by the module routines, step 72~, whereupon the routine 800 returns processing to idle 706. Assuming on the other hand that the letter is to be included in a manifest mail run or batch B14, the routine 800 implements the step of adding the manifest mail data and instructions concerning the same, step 820. Step 820, includes but is not limited to the steps of identifying and providing the postage dispenser, meter or authorizing device by serial number, providing transaction number data, zeroing the letter counter which is to count the letter~ included in the run or batch, zeroing the serial number generator which is used for providing consecutive serial numbers for printing on letters in the place of postage markings, adding postage marking data for printing manifest mail lines on selected stationery items or for marking permit maillngs. Also pre-sort postage data for bulk mailings of presorted letters of a run or batch may be provided, as well as instructions for storing accounting data for the mail run ox batch for printing, or writing into a token, the passport data pertaining to the run or batch of permit, presort or manifest mail, as the case may be.
Following the processing step 820, the routine causes all of the letter data, added data and instructions, step 812 and 820 to be stored and forwarded, step 818, on a first in first out basis! for execution by the module routines, step 728 ~Fig. 4), whereupon the routine 800 ~Fig. 5) returns processing to idle 706.
Referring again to Fig. 4, and in particular to steps 710, 724 and 726, it is noted that when implementing the determination in step 710, which is concerned with whether or not a request or co~nand is rece.ived either from a local module or from input. data processin~, an affirmative dete.rminat.ion will cause requests and commands concerning the input data from the local module that is to be reformatted by input data processing routine of Fig. 4, to be processed through steps 712, 716 and 720 to step 724 before a determination is made at step 724 as to whether or not such data is to be stored and processed, step 726, by the routine 800. Such requests or commands when processed by the routine 800 and stored by the routine 800 in the course of execution of step 818, with the result that such re~uests or commands are executed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Although, as shown in Fig. 4, requests and commands from the various modules are handled by the computer 120 on a first-come, first-serve basis, preferably, the computer 120 preferahly has the capacity to handle parallel processing of requests and commands from the modules, as a result of which the computer response time for execution of any given request or command does not in any event have an effect upon the timeliness of the sheet and letter processing functions of the respective modules.
Assuming the request or command 708 tFig. 4) is to be executed 728 by the computer routine controlling the scanning module, the scanning module routine 850 ~Fig. 6(a)) is called up. The routine 850 initially implements the step 852 of making a determination as to whether or not the scanning module has received a sheet to be scanned. And, assuming that it has not, returns processing to idle 706 to permit the execution of the next request or command until a ~heet has been received by the scanning module 12. Assuming one or more sheets to be scanned have been deposited in the module's stacking structure, a determination would be made in step 852 that a sheet had been received, whereupon the routine 850 causes the sheet to be fed, step 854, past the aforesaid scanning structure, as the routine 850 causes the information on the ~heet to be scanned and stored as letter data, step 856, for input data processing by the routine 800 hereinbefore discussed. Thereafter, the routine 850 causes the sheets to be fed to the output stack step 858, followed by the transmission to the module of a message indicating that the re~uest or command has been executed, step 860 ~Fig. 6(e)) and then the return of processing to idle 706.
Assuming the provision of a letter opening module 50 (Fig. 2) for feeding letters to be scanned to the scanning module, and that the request or command 728 (Fig. 6(b)) pertains to the letter opening module, the letter opening module routine 880 is called-up. Whereupon the routine 880 implements the initial step of ~etenmining whether or not a letter has been received, step 8B2. Assuming that it has not, the routine 880 returns processing to idle 706, whereas if a letter has been received, the routine 880 causes the letter to be opened 8B4, followed by causing the contents of the letter to be extracted, step 8B6. Thereafter the routine 880 causes a determination to be made as to whether or not the letter opening module is connected to another module to which the extracted contents are to be fed, step 3~3 888, and, ir it is not, the extracted contents are fed to the stack 890. On the other hand if a determination is made that the contents are to be fed to the next module, the routine 880 causes the contents to be fed to the next module, step 892. Preferably~ the routine also includes processing step, following step 890, of causing an inquiry to be made as to whether or not the stack is full, step 894 and, if a determination is made that it is, causing a request for services 896 to be initiated. The request for services R9~ may be, for example, be a request to the local terminal of the computer to print a mes~age indicatin~ that the output stack of the letter opening module is full. In each case, after the execution of the respective s$eps 892, 894 and 896, a message is transmitted to the module indicating that the initial request or command has been executed ~60 (Fig. 6(e) followed by processing being returned to idle 706.
Assuming that the request or command 728 is to be executed by the applications software module routine, the program 700 calls up the applications software module routine 900 (Fig. 6(b)) which implements the initial step of making a determination as to whether or not applications software has been received for input to the computer, step 902. Assuming that it has not, processing is returned to idle 706. On the other hand, assuming that a determination is made that input for the computer is available, 902, the xoutine 900 executes the step 90~ of causing the applications software to be received and stored for present or future use by the computer 120 (Fig. 2). Thereafter, the routine 900 (Fig. 6(b) causes a request-or-command-completed message to be transmitted to the applications software i module, 860 (Fig. 6(e), followed by processing being returned ~o idle 706.
Assuming the request or command is to be executed 728 is for either the storage media module routine or communications link module routine, one or the other of such routines, or the same routine, i5 utilized for servicing the request or command inasmuch as the same steps are executed ~L3~3163 by both routines. Accordingly, as shown in Fig. 6(b), a xequest or command to be executed by either the storage media module routine or the communications link module routine, results in calling up the 930, which commences with the initial step of making a determination as to whether or not input data is available for the computer, step 932.
Assuming that it is not, processing is returned to idle 706.
~ssuming on the other hand that input data is available for the computer, the routine 930 causes implementation of the step 934 of xeceiving and storing the input data, whi~h is presumably le~ter data, for input data processing as hereinbefore discussed. Thereafter the routine 930 causes a message to be transmitted to the module to indicate that the re~uest or command has been executed 860 (Fig. 6~e) and returns processing to idle 706.
Assuming the request or ~ommand is to be executed 728 by the stationery items feeding module routine, the program 700 calls up the stationery items module routine 960 tFig.
2(b)) which implements the initial step 962 of determining whether or not all stationery ftems that have been identified as needed for a given letter have been received.
Assuming they have not, processing is returned to idle 706.
Assuming however that all such stationery items have been received, the routine causes the identified items to be fed in proper order for collation of the lette.r, step 964.
Accordingly; the stationery items may be fed such that the envelope, if any, is initially fed, followed by feeding the last sheet of the letter first, followed by the next to the last sheet, and so on, until the first sheet of the letter is fed, to ensure that when tbe sheets are accumulated in a stacker, folder, or inserter, one on top of the other, the letter.information printed thereon is in the proper sequence. After feeding the stationery items as noted, the routine executes the step of determining whether or not a passport is to be printed, step 966. If it is not, processing is returned to idle 706, whereas if a passport is to be printed, the identified stationery item for printing the passport, be it a form or blank sheetf is Fed for ~3~L363 passport printing purposes, step 968. Thereafter, the routine 960 implements the step of causing a message to be transmitted to the feeding module indicating that the request or command has been executed 860 (Fig. l(e) and then causes processing to be returned to idle 706.
Assuming the re~uest or command 728 (Fig. 6(b) is for execution by the printing module routine, the printing module routine 1000 (Fig. 6(c) is called up. The routine 1000 initially implements the step 1002 of making a determination of whether or not tape is available or a stationery item has been received, depending upon the mode of operation dictated by the computer program 700, for example, in accordance with operator input from the local terminal. Assuming the determination is negative, the routine 1000 returns processing to idle 706. Assuming however tape is available or a stationery item has been received 1002, the routine then causes a determination to be made as to whether or not postage or passport data is needed, step 1004, it being noted that information corresponding to such data is not printed on all stationery items. If postage or passport data is not needed, then, the routine 1000 implements the step 1006 of causing the stationery item to be fed and the printing structure to print information corresponding to reformatted data and other data, i~ any, on the stationery item. Thereafter, the routine 1000 causes a determination to be made of whether or not there is a next module, step 1008, to which the printed stationery items is to be fed, and, assuming there is one, implements the step 1010 of causing the printed stationery item to be fed to the next module. Whereupon a message is transmitted to the module indicating that the reguest or command has been execut~d, 860 (Fig. 6(e)), followed by the returning processing to idle 706. ~ssuming however that it is determined that there is no next module, step 1008 (Fig.
6(c), then, the routine 1000 causes the printed stationery item to be fed to the module's output stack, step 1012.
Preferably, the routine 1000 then additionally causes a determination to be made of whether or not the stack is ~3~363 full, step 1014, and assuming that it is not, transmits a message to the module indicating that the request or command has been executed, 860 (Fig. 6(e)), followed by returning processing to idle 706. Assuming however that the stack is full, 1014 (Fig. 6(c)), then, the routine implements the step of requesting service 1016, followed by transmission of the aforesaid message 860 and the return of processing to idle 706. Referring back to step 1004, and assuming it is determined that postage or passport data is needed, then, the routine implements the step 1020 of determining whether or not the postage value that is to be printed has been authorized to be printed, or the passport data has been received for printing, as the case may be. AssumiDg that it has not, as the case may, the routine 1002 implements the step 1022 causing th~ accounting module routine to be executed, as hereinafter discussed. Assuming implementation of step 1020 results in a determination that postage printing has been authorized or the passport data has been received~ then the routine 1000 implements the step 1024 of determining whether or not a stationery item is required.
If it is not, then, tape printing is involved. Accordingly, the routine 1000 implements the step of causing tape to be ed into position for printing, step 1026, successively followed by implementation of the steps of causiny postage to be printed on the tape, step 1028, cutting the fed tape from the remainder of the supply of tape, step 1030, feeding the cut length of postage bearing tape to the stack, step 1032 and re~uesting service, step 1034. The service request 1034 may be a request to the local terminal causing the terminal to print a message indicating that the postage tape is in the stack. Thereafter, a request or command execution complete message is transmitted to the module, step 860 (Fig. 6(e)), followed by processing being returned to idle 706. Referring back to step 1024 (Fig. 6(c)), and assuming a stationery item is required, then, the routine implements the step of determining whether or not a passport is to be printed, step 1036. Assuming that it is, the routine causes the stationery item to be fed and the printing structure to ~31)~3~3 print the information corresponding to the passport data on the stationery item, step 1038, followed by causing a request for service ~o be initiated, step 1040. The service request in this instance may be a request causing a message to be printed at the local terminal which indicates that a printed passport has been fed to the printing module's output stackerO Thereafter the rsutine 1000 causes the transmission of a message to the module indicating that the request or command has been executed, step 860 (Fig. 6(e)), followed by causing processing to be returned to idle 706.
Returning again to step 1036, and assuming a passport is not to be printed, then, the stationery item on which postage, as well as other information, if any, is to be printed is caused to be fed and printed, step 1042. Thereafter, the routine 1000 implements the step of determining whether or not there is a next module, step 1044, and, assuming that there is, causes the printed stationery item to be fed to the next module, step 1046, followed by causing a request-or-command completed message to be transmitted to the module, step 806 (Fig. 6(e)), and then the return of processing to idle 706. Assuming however that there is no next module 1044, then, the routine 1000 causes the printed stationery item to be fed to the module's output stack, step 1048, and then implement an inquiry as to whether or not the stack is full, step 1050. If this inquiry is answered positively 1050, the routine causes a request for services to be made, step 1052, followed by transmission of a request or command executed messages to the module, 860 (Fig. 6(e)), and return of processing to idle 706. If however it is determined that the stack is not full, 1050 (Fig. 6~c)), then the routine transmits a message to the module, B60 (Fig. (e)), indicating that the request or command has been eY.ecuted, and returns processing to idle 706.
Accordingly, before preparing a run or batch of, for example, manifest mail, it is desirable to be sure that the available postage is not low. Accordingly, assuming that the determination is in step 1102 indicates that the postage is low, the routine 1100 implements the step of causing service to be reyuested 1104 followed by returning processing to idle 706, to permit the user to recharge the postage metering or dispensing device with additional postage. The reguest for service may for example take the form of causing the local terminal to print a message indicating that the postage available amount stored in the particular postage metering or dispensing device is low.
Assuming however that the determination made in step 1102 is negative, then, the routine 1100 implements the step 1106 of determining whether or not the postage which has been re~uested to be deducted from the postage available has been deducted. Assuming that it has, then the routine 1100 implements the step of authorizing postage printing 1108, followed by causing a message transmission to the module indicating that the request or command has been executed, 806 (Fig. 6(e)), and the return of processing to idle 7060 A-~suming however that the postage requested has not been deducted, then, the routine 1100 (Fig. 6~d)) implements the step of inquiring whether or not the reguest or command is concerned with a function other than one concerning postage, step 1109. If it does not, then the routine 1100 implements the step llO9E, of requesting service on an emergency basis, it being assumed that a malfunction exists in the postage deduction or authorization processing routine, followed by . .
~l3(~13~3 processing being returned to idle 706. In this connection it is noted that an emergency service request may take the form of causing a message to be printed at the local computer terminal, and, in addition causing activation of a visual or audio alarm to obtain the immediate attention of an operator. Assuming that the request or command is concerned with another function to be performed by the accounting module routine 1100, the, the routine inquires as to whether or not it is concerned with a change in the postage amount available for printing, step 1100. Since this may be implemented by utilization of a token or use of the accounting modules communication link with an external sourcP, if the postage change inquiry is an affirmation, 1110, then the routine 1100 executes the step of determining whether or not the postage change is to be made utilizing a token, step 1112. Assuming that it is, the data concerning the postage change is caused to be read from the token, and the postage available data is changed to reflect the change, step 1114; whereas if the postage change is to be received from an external source via the modules communication link, the data concerning the change is caused to be received, and the postage available data is changed to reflect that change, step 1115. In either instance the routine's proce~sing steps 1114 and 1115 are followed by the transmission of a message indicating that the request or command has been executed, step 860 ~Fig. 6(e)), and processing is returned to idle 706. Assuming however that it is determined that a postage change is not involved, step j 1110 ~Fig. 6td)), then, the routine implements the step 1116 of determining whether or not a passport data change is involved, step 1116. If it is, the routine 1100 implements the step 1118 of making the change, ~ollowed by the implementation of the transmission to the module of a message indicating that the request or command has been executed step 860 (Fig. 6~e)), and the return of processing to idle 706. Assuming no change is to be made in the stored passport data 1116, then the current passport data may be in the process of beins requested for token storage.
~3~3~3 Accordingly, the routine 1100 implements the step 1120 of determining whether ~r not this is the case, and, if it is not, returns processing to idle 706, or, if it is determines whether or not a token has been made available, step 1122.
Assuming a token is available 1122, the routine 1100 causes the passport data to be written into the storage media of the token, step 1124, or provided to the printing module routine for printing step 1126, followed by transmission to the module of a message indicating that the request or co~mand has been executed, step B06 (Fig. 6(e)), and the return of processing to idle 706.
Assuming the request or command 728 is for execution by the folding module routine, that routine 1200 (Fig. 6(e)) is called up and initially executes the step 1~02 of determi~ing whether or not all the stationery items that are to be provided for a given self-mailer have been received.
If they have not, 120~, then processing is returned to idle 706. Assuming however that all the stationery items have been received 1202, then the routine 1200 executes the successive steps of causing the accumulated, collated, stationery items to be grasped and fed, step 1204, through .the folding structure where the routine 1200 causes the collation to be folded, step 1206, then through the sealing structure where the routine 1200 causes the folded collation to be sealed, st.ep 1208, and then into the mailing pouch, step 1210. Preferably, the routine 1200 also makes a determination as to whether or not the pouch is full, step 1212. And, assuming that it is, initiates the step 1214 of reguesting service. After step 1214 or if a determination . is made that the pouch is not full, the routine 1200 causes a message to be transmitted to the module which indicates ; that the request or command has been executed 860 and processing is returned to idle 706.
Assuming the re~uest or command is concerned with the inserting module, the inserting module routine 1300 is called up. The routine 1300 initiates processing by making a determination of whether or not the envelope for the letter has been received, step 1302, and, assuming that it 3~3 has not caused processing to be returned to idle 705.
Assuming that it is determined, 1302, that the envelope has been received, the routine causes the envelope to be fed to the envelope opening structure of the inserting module where it is opened, step 1304, iD anticipation of receiving the contents of the letter. Thereafter the routine executes the step 1306 of determining whether or not other inserts are to be provided. Assuming that they are, the routine causes the inserts to be fed, step 1308, to the accumulatox structure of the inserter before the stationery items are fed. If inserts are not involved, step 1306l or after the inserts are fed, step 308, then, the routine executes the step of determining whether or not the stationery items for the letters have been received, step 1310. Assuming that they have not been received, 1310, the routine 1300 returns processing to idle 706. Assuming a determination is made that a stationery item for the letter has been received, step 1310, the routine causes the same to be fed, step 1312, which results in feedin~ the inserts to the accumulating structure for deposit, where, the inserts, if any, have already been depositPd. Therea~ter, the routine 1300 executes the step 1314 of determining whether or not all the stationery items for the letter being processed have been fed to the accumulator structure of the inserting module.
Assuming they have not, the routine causes processing to loop through step 1314 until all stationery items are available. Whereupon the determination is answered positively, step 1314 and the routine 1300 then causes the accmulation of stationery items and inserts, if any, to be grasped and fed, through the folding structure, step 1316, where the routine 1300 causes the accumulation of stationery items, and inserts, if any, to be folded, step 1318, then to the inserting structure where the routine 1300 causes the folded accumulation to be inserted, into the opened envelope, step 1320, and then to the sealing structure where the routine 1300 causes the letter envelope flap is sealed, step 1322. Thereafter, the routine 1300 implements the step 1324 of inquiring whether or not the le~ter is to be fed to 3G~33~3 a next module. Assuming that it is the routine 1300 implements the step 1326 of causing the letter to be fed to the next module, followed by causing txansmission to the module of a message indicating that the request or command has been executed, 860, and then returning processing to idle 706. If however, a next module is not involved, step 1324, then routine 1300 causes the letter is fed to a pouch 1328. Thereafter, he routine 1300 preferably includes the steps 1330 of determining whether or not the pouch is full, and, if it is causing service to be requested 1332. Whether or not service is re~uested, 1330 or 1332, the routine 1300 then causes a message to be transmitted indicating that the request or command has been executed, 860, and returning processing to idle 706.
Assuming the re~uest or command is for execution of the weighing module routine, that routine 1400 is called up, and executes the step 1402 of determining whether or not a letter has been received. Assuming that it has not, the routine 1400 returns processing to idle 706. On the other hand, assuming receipt of a letter 1402, the routine 1400 causes the letter to be fed to the weighint module~ scale structure, step, where the letter is weighed and then causes data to be generated which corresponds to the postage cost that is to be printed on the letter envelope for mailing the letter, step 140B. Whereupon the routine causes the feeding structure of the weighing module to feed the letter to the ~ext module, i.e., a printiny module operable in accordance with the printing module routine hereinbefore discussed.
After step 1410, the routine causes a request-or-command-executed message to be transmitted, to the weighing module 860 and processing to be returned to idle 706.
Assuming the request or command is for operation of a printing module to which a weighed letter is fed, the printing module may be controlled by a routine that is the same as, or a simplified version of, the printing module routine 1000, in combination with the accounting module routine 1100, as hereinbefore di~cu sed, depending upon the complexity of the printing and accounting modules needed to ~3a~13~3 perform the operation performed on the weighed letter subsequent to processing by the weighing module.
Accordingly, as shown in Fig. 6(e), for the purposes of this disclosure, it will be assumed that printing and accounting module for lDOO and 1100 are respectively called up as needed for printing postage on weighed letters which are fed to the printing module from the weighing module, and that such routines are implemented as hereinbefore discussed for printing postage on the weighed letter envelopes.
In accordance with the objects of the invention there has been disclosed letter processing systems that are particularly suitable for preparing and processing outgoing letter mail ! including mail for bulk mailing purposes.
b. means for supplying a plurality of stationery items; and c. computer means, said computer means including means for receiving and storing data including different letter datum corresponding one-for-one to different information provided for preparing each of a plurality of different mailpieces, said information for each mailpiece including a postal zip code, said computer means including means for identifying respective postal zip codas which each include a plurality of predetermined elements, said computer means including means for sorting from said data and letter datum corresponding to information which includes an identified postal zip code, said computer means including means for causing said supplying means to selectively supply to said printing means the respective stationery items for each mailpiece for which a postal zip code is identified, and said computer means including means for causing said printing means to print the information corresponding to the sorted letter datum for each mailpiece on the stationery items selected therefor.
2. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said letter datum for each given mailpiece includes a plurality of parts respectively corresponding one-for-one to respective parts of information to be printed on the respective stationery items for said given mailpiece.
3. The apparatus according to Claim 2, wherein the respective parts of said letter datum for each mailpiece correspond to different parts of the corresponding information.
4. The apparatus according to Claim 3, wherein said means for causing said printing means to print information corresponding to letter datum on respective stationery items causes at least one part of said information to be printed on only one of said stationary items.
5. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said computer means includes means for formatting the letter datum for each mailpiece.
6. The apparatus according to Claim 5, wherein said formatting means includes means for automatically formatting said letter datum for each mailpiece to conform the corresponding information thereof to a predetermined letter format.
7. The apparatus according to Claim 1 including means for folding the respective printed stationery items for such mailpiece.
8. The apparatus according to Claim 7 including means for sealing said folded stationery items.
9. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein one of said respective stationery items for each mailpiece is a sheet.
10. The apparatus according to Claim 9, wherein one of said respective stationery items for each mailpiece is an envelope.
11. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said letter datum for each mailpiece includes data corresponding to alphanumeric information.
12. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said letter datum for each mailpiece includes data corresponding to an address.
13. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said letter datum for at least one mailpiece includes data corresponding to graphic information.
14. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said computer means includes means for providing data corresponding to at least one postage value for mailing the selected stationery items for at least one mailpiece, and said computer means including means for causing said printing means to print said at least one postage value on one of said selected stationery items for said at least one mailpiece.
15. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said computer means includes means for providing data corresponding to a code, and said computer means including means for causing said printing means to print said code on at least one of said selected stationery items.
16. The apparatus according to Claim 15, wherein said code is a bar code.
17. The apparatus according to Claim 16, wherein said bar code is a postal bar code.
18. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes laser printing means.
19. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes LED printing means.
20. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes electrostatic printing means.
21. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes ink jet printing means.
22. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes thermal ink transfer printing means.
23. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes postage printing means.
24. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes dot matrix printing means.
25. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes impact printing means.
26. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said printing means includes pressure printing means.
27. The apparatus according to Claim 1, wherein said computer means includes means for receiving and storing data corresponding to a postage amount available for printing.
28. The apparatus according to Claim 27, wherein said computer means includes means for changing the postage amount available for printing.
29. The apparatus according to Claim 28, wherein said computer means includes means for receiving a token having postage changing instructions data stored therein, said computer means including means for reading said postage changing instructions data stored in said token, and said changing means including means for changing said postage amount available for printing in accordance with said postage changing instructions.
IT1216672B (en) * 1988-03-31 1990-03-08 Meschi Ind Grafica Teleprinting at a system user and equipment for telephone information from a public utility 'bodies, or the like, conpossibilita' interaction and its implementation methods and utilization.
NL9301429A (en) * 1993-08-18 1995-03-16 Hadewe Bv Method and device for assembling a set of documents. | 2019-04-19T20:33:34Z | https://patents.google.com/patent/CA1301363C/en |
Well, Keith and I are finally grabbing a few minutes between the glamour of feeds and burping to bring the blog up to date with the birth of Alfred Ángel Batsford at 21.34 on 12/11/2009.
The blog last saw us going in for daily monitoring and haranguing by the staff of Lister Hospital as the days slowly counted down to the day when I hit 43 weeks by my scan dates (42 weeks by my own dates) and we were booked in for induction.
We had agreed to stick a date in the diary after speaking to a lovely midwife on the delivery suite who told us that we could still preserve a lot of the important elements of our homebirth, such as bringing in our birth pool, and being very supportive of what we were trying to do.
The day before we were due to go in, I decided that I needed a day of peace to centre myself, and being a chicken, I booked in with the community midwife and had Keith call the hospital to tell them we would not be seeing them until the next morning.
Obviously I could only hear one half of that conversation but judging by Keith's tone, the reception to our plans fell below even the usual levels of disgust. I'm not entirely sure but I believe the point at which he rolled his eyes for the seventh time was about the time we were told once more that we were going to end up with a stillborn baby.
The next morning (the 11th) we arrived at Lister for induction. It's hard to describe where my head was at that point. I was fairly calm about the idea of being induced, I think in my head that day "off" had given me the time and space to reconcile myself with the knowledge that we had thrown everything we could at the situation and that I had complete trust in my husband to help make this birth as positive as it could be.
On another note, I have to record for posterity the fact that we did look like a pair of the nomads that morning. We moved into that hospital with every last thing we thought we might need for the birth – pool, hoses, stereos, CDs, food, baby equipment. It was a two person job just to haul it around the maternity department for the next few days until someone thought to bring us a trolley.
After my baseline monitoring was done (and I had had the chance to smugly watch our baby's perfect heartbeat for the last time) I was taken down to the delivery suite and given my first dose of Prostin, made to lie for an hour and then sent off round the hospital to see if we could get things going.
On the seventh lap of the hospital, we decided to spend some time in the "wild garden" which was clearly code for random-patch-of-ground-we-ran-out-of-money-to-landscape. I sat on the bench with my TENS machine slightly concerned that the back labour that had been taunting me for the last few nights wasn't going to miraculously turn into constructive labour.
Looking back, right there should have been the warning sign that all wasn't going to go well, if a baby is in the wrong position to trigger contractions himself, then forcing them to start with him still in the wrong position was hardly likely to improve matters.
That afternoon passed slowly, first walking around and then later in the Day Room, which we had to ourselves, the lights low and me rocking and bouncing on my birth ball in a last ditch attempt to get Alfie to turn. My TENS machine was my best friend and despite having no appetite I think I was well stocked up on tea and digestives by the time evening rolled round and our progress was checked.
Actually, it was lack of progress because for all that discomfort, nothing had happened. I mean not a single chuffing thing. Oh, apart from the little matter of a swab result which showed I had Group B Strep. Ordinarily not something I would have allowed to change my plans, but then I wasn't in Kansas any more, and now I was being told that there was no way that I would now be able to have my water birth.
It was around this time that negotiations started around what Keith was going to do that evening because Lister is one of those enlightened hospitals where they still send dads home as soon as is decently possible. Frankly, I was having none of that, and even if I had been, Keith was having even less of it. I think we were helped by the fact that my notes with strewn with snotty comments about being difficult so when I said I would walk if Keith were made to go home, the staff knew to take me absolutely seriously. Several calls later and the Head of Midwifery (no less) gave permission for us to use what they call a Home from Home room.
For those of you who don't know, the Home from Home room is a hotel style room the hospital uses for grieving parents who have had a stillbirth. Consequently, every last thing in the room is dedicated to the memory of a lost child, which is just perfect when you are being induced with a child you have been told for 10 days is going to die as a result of your stupidity.
Frankly I didn't care by that point because my back labour had ramped up after the second dose of Prostin and the only way I could cope was if Keith put his full weight into my lower back with each contraction (or contraption as we somehow ended up naming them). I was staring down the barrel of a second night of no sleep and I knew that wasn't an option so I asked for some parecetamol and codeine and got into a nice hot bath.
The bliss!! The unmitigated, boundless bliss of that hot water. I floated there until my toes went wrinkly and debated whether it was physically possible to sleep a night in a bath. Deciding it wasn't I dragged myself out, and it was then that I had my lowest point in the labour.
I was tired, I was hungry, and despite the best efforts of the midwife on duty in packing me into different positions and Keith in pressing my back, I felt out of control and railroaded by the back pains. I could see I was facing a second sleepless night and it was the time I most wanted to sit and wail about the unfairness of it all.
Instead I happened upon a solution and like a drowning man, clung to it with everything I had in me. I discovered by a sheer fluke of timing, that if I was sitting bolt upright on the foot of the bed when a contraction hit, I could breathe through them quite effectively.
Obviously this solved the back ache issues, if not the sleepless night issues. I had also made Keith hit the hay on the basis that at least one of us would need their wits about them the next day so I couldn't even share my newfound comfort with him. And TV is about as interesting as playing spot-the-polar-bear-in-the-snowstorm in the early hours of the morning. All of which meant that I was forced to find some way of sleeping upright, which I did just about manage after a while with the aid of the sofa and a shedload of cushions. That said, I certainly wouldn't suggest it as an option unless all other options, including sharpened spikes, have been exhausted.
The next morning, we knocked about making the most of that little room until we were taken back into the delivery suite for The Next Step. We met another in a long line of registrars who explained the schedule of events that they were proposing, which in summary involved breaking my waters, with the threat of a syntocinon drip to follow, and a C Section grand finale if none of the previous steps had done the trick.
Unfortunately the idea of breaking my waters posed a bit of a conundrum for the staff because by doing so, they were increasing the risks of infection to the baby, and they already knew that I had Group B Strep … ooooh what to do, what to do!!!! Well the obvious solution when creating a problem, is to mitigate it with more medicine: In this case, IV antibiotics before during and after breaking my waters.
The amniotomy itself was a painless, if odd experience, one I suspect to be familiar territory of the old, infirm and paralytic. Despite the fact that something had gone well with my induction, there were slightly furrowed brows all round at the sight of my waters. There was meconium, grade 2 out of a possible 3, which it transpired was old mecomium, there most likely because Alfie was post dates, rather than green meconium which would indicate any level of distress on his part. In an amazing turn of events, the registrar was actually pretty calm about meconium as a development, and was apologetic about the fact that it meant my previous timetable would now have to be halved.
Strangely I wasn't surprised, or in fact worried by that announcement. I think looking back I knew deep down that nothing was going to shift Alfie and that we were essentially just going through the motions. He had been in the OP position for over a week, which was the reason he hadn't kicked off labour, and nothing we were going to throw at him was going to change the basic physiological premise of labour which means that if a baby isn't pressing down on the cervix, the cervix isn't going to dilate.
I wasn't going to stop trying for him though, not now, because he deserved every chance I could give him at as natural a birth as possible. So I got back on my beloved birth ball, monitors attached, and rocked and bounced and wandered as far as the leads would allow.
My contractions were still stubbornly unchanged though, 8-10 minutes apart and slap bang in the small of my back. Keith had resumed back pressing duties and combined with my TENS machine, each contraction seemed quite reasonable. Part of our caravan of luggage was a folder of CDs and it was now that I felt like I needed to be motivated by some "doing" music. There was only one CD I wanted and that was Audioslave. I'm not sure how much it helped because there came a point where I was locked in a little bubble of my own, but while I could never tell you what tracks were playing or when, the vibe from that music was absolutely right for what we were trying to do.
It felt like minutes later that it was time for my next progress check and, as predicted, nothing much had happened. The syntocinon was wheeled in and I was hooked up on the lowest setting, 1mg, which was to be doubled every 30 minutes until my contractions numbered 4 or 5 every 10 minutes.
The only slight problem was nobody had explained the plan to the infuser, and it insisted on malfunctioning every time I was due a dose of the drug. It was quite farcical really, the number of midwives I had trooping in and out of the room trying to make this thing work, and all of them failing to tame the miserable, temperamental machine. I would love to say I found it amusing, but the extra attention meant that for the first time that day, I wasn't able to buy extra time because of staff shortages and busy departments. The dose was ramped first to 2mg, then 4mg and on to 8mg and with each increase the contractions seemed to carry me off further into my own little world.
Right about now, I have to hand you over to a guest writer for the rest of the story, because my memories of everything that happened next are confused and patchy. Over to you daddio!
At this point the contractions were coming thick and fast, the monitor measuring Tash's contractions (which had previously been told meant nothing) were going off like a seismograph in downtown San Fran, and I was trying to fold myself around the front of Tash's bed to be able to look her in the eye and offer words of encouragement. It must be said, you do feel somewhat pathetic uttering the words "breathe, drop your shoulders" as someone is going through what looks like some kind of exploding pelvic experience.
She was then offered further pain relief, and was told Morphine was available. I was unable to workout if her reply was muted due to the intense nature of the contraction, or because she didn't really want it. Anyway, the midwifes didn't hear anything, and so I ignored her mumblings. This went on for a few minutes, until the student midwife informed her senior "she has been offered Morphine" … at which point Tash exploded " YES, I WANT MORPHINE!". We had always planned to hold off drugs as long as possible, because you hear so many people with stories of "we got so far, had an epidural, and two minutes later the baby arrived - the drugs hadn't even taken effect".
Anyway, Tash's mind was made up, her drug intake NEEDED to step up. Looking back I think our error was to assume that when a patients request was made, then a reaction from hospital staff would shortly follow. What actually happened was Tash's request got passed from midwife to midwife, as one either left or entered the room. Anyway, eventually it arrived, injection injected, and Tash very quickly went from hugging the 'head' of the bed to pretty much passed out on it. This must have been mid-late afternoon by now.
This was the hardest part for me. I knew Tash didn't want the dosage to be increased anymore and I knew the midwifes were relying on me to time the contractions … yet all of a sudden I was presented with a wife who responded to very little, and a machine that wasn't showing when contractions kicked in. Occasionally I would ask if she was going through the same contraction, and I'd manage to make out a response saying that there had been one or two since! I had no idea when I needed to be pressing the "boost" button on the TENS machine as I had no idea when the contractions were hitting – so I kept it on more often than not, it was just great having a button with "boost" on it! Of course the midwives and Registrars would ask about contraction frequency and I would just tell them what they wanted to hear. Five or six in ten minutes, a minute or so apart. I didn't have a clue, but it kept them from turning up the dosage on the drip.
Anyway, time passed by … we must have listened to the Audioslave album another three times through … maybe it was 8pm … and eventually a doctor comes in to inspect Tash. Hospital timescales are shocking btw. I remember working out at the start of the day that it would all be over by 3pm, or else she would be in very active labour. He has a peek and declares nothing has progressed whatsoever. So here we are, some 5 hours later than predicted, and still no son. This registrar, maybe the 6th or 7th we'd had the pleasure of seeing, was brilliant though. He sat down next to us, clearly feeling like he had bad news to break. "I'm really sorry, we have tried everything, and I know its not what you both wanted but I don't see any point in continuing with the Syntocinon drip" … to which Tash interrupted and informed the bloke that "the only way we are carrying on with that drip is if you're attached to it!". We had our plan, and it didn't include a c section, but at every crossroads we were faced the path we chose was always our own. We were now at a point where, for once, we agreed with what was being suggested to us. Alfie wasn't going to make an appearance without someone going in and grabbing him!
And so the registrar disappeared, and the midwives started to prepare Tash. A few minutes later the registrar reappears, "I've got some bad news I'm afraid". It appears he's spoken to some higher power, who as it turns out has no idea about us or our situation, and he refuses the caesarean. Tash needs to have an epidural, and the drip be cranked to 16, and then 32. If Alfie still refuses to come, then we will be granted our caesarean … in 2hrs time. I don't remember if I asked, or maybe it was the anger on my face that requested, but everyone then left the room. I checked with Tash she was happy with a C section, that this was definitely the result we were looking for now … and prepared to fight for the birth that we wanted once more.
NOTE FROM TASH: My mind was pretty fuzzy by this point, but I remember three words going round my head like a claxon when the Registrar said we would have to try the drip for another 2 hours at the max dosage – Pit to Distress – for those not familiar with the term, there is a great post about it here Basically, the practice is to crank up the drip as high as it'll go on the premise that either it'll get things moving, or else the doctors will have to perform a C Section due to foetal distress. I was determined that there was no way this was going to happen to our child.
The midwifes came in first, to which I fairly calmly point out that a)we have been made to feel like sh*t for 2 weeks, being told we are risking a stillborn baby and that it was imperative the baby was born 'immediately', b) we had been told all along that it was most likely we would have a caesarean section, and c) that we have just been offered the C section, so clearly you agree with me. We wanted a C section, and we didn't want to wait. I was just getting into full flow when they cut me off, and said I would need to say it to the registrar.
He reappeared and I went through it all again – "we aren't prepared to have our son on that drip any longer than needed, and now we are FINALLY agreeing with you, and it's you guys dragging your feet, delaying what you have been saying all along was the inevitable. We want the caesarean, so I ask you go away and speak to whoever you need to speak with and state our position and see what they say".
He clearly agreed with us, and Tash said she heard the midwives say they agreed with everything I said. He reappeared a few minutes later and confirmed we were on for the caesarean. A few months earlier I remember being really worried that an incident would appear, I would have to make a decision 'cos Tash was so drugged up, and I'd end up making the wrong call. Now the incident had appeared, and I felt pretty good about myself knowing I'd passed that little test … then I realised the result of my actions … I was going to have to watch my wife be operated on, and my child be delivered by C section!
Now, I'm generally ok with blood, guts and pain, but when certain things are left to the imagination I can get quite squeamish. Casualty is not always an easy watch for me! So as I entered the theatre in my 'obese American' size scrubs I pointed out to Jo (the BEST midwife we encountered over the whole 43 weeks!) that I had been awake for 3 days, was running on pure adrenaline, and "wasn't really sure how I was going to be with this". Jo pointed me to where I needed to be, and rolled a stool over to me "you wouldn't be the first to faint Keith!"
The operation is real quick. The screen goes up across Tash chest. I am head end, so don't have to see all what's going on at the business end! They confirm Tash cant feel anything below her armpits, and we start chatting complete BS to try and pass the five minutes we are told its going to take for little Alfie to make his grand entrance. Suddenly I heard a quick whimper, and all of a sudden they are whisking a very small blue baby over to a cot a few metres away to the left. His hat is rapidly placed on his tiny head, he's wrapped in a towel and the attending midwifes begin rubbing him madly. They pull down the heat lamp. By now I'm up on my feet, edging closer because I want to see what's going on, but am also conscious not to get in the way. An oxygen mask comes out and is placed over the little fella's face … and immediately you can see him go into shock, arms and legs rigidly forced out in front of him.
I turn and walk back to Tash, telling her that everything is OK, yet I can hear "come on little fella" in the background so I have no idea how convincing my words were. The next few minutes pass very slowly, yet his temperature rises and breathing sorts itself out, and he is presented on Tash's bed. I asked afterwards, if what I had witnessed was common, or if that's the way C sections usually went … and was told that was a common C section delivery - why hadn't anyone told me that in advance so I could prepare myself!!!
The time is confirmed at 21:34, and with the doctors work now done we are very quickly carted out of theatre and whisked around the corner to a recovery area. Jo, our attending midwife at that moment, helped Alfie take his first feed and I took the opportunity to grab some photos of our gorgeous son. An hour later we were rolled back onto the ward, a further 60 minutes later I was turfed out of the hospital.
I'm disgusted that a partner is removed from his wife and newly born son so soon after birth, but having fought to stay one night it was made very clear to me that a second would not even be contemplated! My Dad – dogsitter extraordinaire throughout all this – collected me from the hospital, and I know I slept very well, and very happily that night. As it turns out, far better than Tash did!
tears in my eyes at the whole story.... so sad you went through this. It really shouldn't be such a common story :( Be kind to yourselves and enjoy your little boy. Tash, your body didn't fail you. You were failed by the system.
That brought tears to my eyes when they were trying to get him going. I'm passing the link onto Mum so she can read. | 2019-04-26T12:21:50Z | http://www.wondrouslyother.com/2009/12/alfies-birth-story.html |
The rain ceased temporarily but the dark clouds still loomed low in the horizon, layers upon layers, giving one a feeling of suffocation.
HeYang City’s north gate was opened wide, countless of commoners streaming out from the city, headed towards the north, incessant sound of crying was heard, nobody could foresee in this journey, where exactly is the road ahead?
Xiao YiCai led the Qing Yun disciples and maintained order along the way, kept reassuring the panic-stricken commoners, again and again told the commoners around them, that this was only temporarily, in a few days once after they defeated the demon beasts, after the calamity, everyone could once again go back to their homes.
Constantly hard at work throughout the day, it was really exhausting and dehydrating, looking at the snaking queues moving slowly ahead, Xiao YiCai silently shook his head, was about to take a moment of break when he saw Long Shou Valley Lin JingYu standing not away, also looking fatigue, he was on rather good terms with Lin JingYu and so walked over, gently patted Lin JingYu's shoulder.
Lin JingYu looked back, revealed a trace of a smile, opened his mouth to speak but unexpectedly his voice was hoarse, “Senior brother, you are here too..."
Xiao YiCai acknowledged, both eyes met and then looked at the surrounding commoners, both shook their heads and smiled bitterly.
Looking towards the ancient path heading towards the north, looking at it from afar, the sky looked gloomy too, not a single trace of light.
Zhou YiXian, Xiao Huan and Wild Dog Taoist were among the crowd, Wild Dog Taoist, because of the large number of Qing Yun disciples and also of his weird facial appearance, covered most of his face with a cloth hat, followed behind Zhou YiXian and Xiao Huan. Zhou YiXian walked in the crowd, glancing right and left, frowning tightly, from time to time sighed.
Zhou YiXian shook his head and said, "This war concerns the fate of the people but I'm afraid the probability of the Good Faction at Qing Yun Hill winning this war is not high."
Xiao Huan was silent, knew more or less the reason for Zhou YiXian’s words. Ever since the demon beasts appeared in the mortal world, in just a short time, from the southern border to the Central Plains, sweeping away all obstacles, invincible and the strength of a tyranny, brutal and cruel, the damages resulted already surpassed the past disasters and natural calamities. And now, the world’s last resistance were mostly gathered at Qing Yun Hill, and most of the people’s hope, most likely were on that legendary Qing Yun sect all-conquering Zhu Xian Sword Formation.
Zhou YiXian shrugged his shoulders, said, "This...he he, forget it, anyway small commoners like us, we will just resign to fate." Speaking till here, he paused for a moment and suddenly turned to look at the towering lofty, concealed within the dark clouds, the strange Qing Yun Hill peaks jutting out and looking somehow grim, then slowly said, "But these righteous Good Faction people! Better not start a fire in the backyard ..."
Xiao Huan was startled a bit, said, "What fire in the backyard?"
Zhou YiXian gave a queer laugh, shook his head and did not answer, walked ahead, Xiao Huan glared at him, did not bother to ask further, after all with the current situation, who would be in the mood to worry for the Good Faction. Just that Wild Dog Taoist following behind them, trembled for a moment, the pair of eyes hiding within the shadows under the cloth hat, glimmered unceasingly.
The long snaking queue of commoners walked for a day, Lin JingYu and the other disciples after working hard for the whole day too, watched as most of the people had already left, Lin JingYu then heaved a sigh of relief, truly felt that doing such things, compared to facing three or five ferocious beast demons, were even more tiring. While he was about to take a good rest, a child suddenly walked past, kept staring at Lin JingYu.
Lin JingYu felt strange, looked at the child and saw his tattered clothes, evidently not a child from a rich household but his features were elegant, his eyes bright, extremely adorable.
Lin JingYu was surprised, took the note from the child, opened it and saw four words written neatly on the top.
The child turned around and pointed ahead, suddenly a confused look on his face, said: "Yi, gone, just now that uncle who is wearing a hat, asked me to give you this."
Lin JingYu looked at the note in his hands, frowning tightly, looked up after a moment, only saw the sea of people, how could he find the mysterious person wearing a hat that the child talked about?
Qing Yun Hill, Small Bamboo Peak.
Like a dragon singing, brilliant light filled the house, TianYa Celestial Sword horizontally held in the hand, Lu XueQi’s face was expressionless, looking at the sword. On the autumn-waters-like-sword-blade, reflecting her unparalleled face, her skin like snow.
She stared deeply at the sharp blade, TianYa seemed to sense something too, trembled slightly, as if excited.
"What are you thinking?" WenMin's voice was heard from the side, Lu XueQi silently watching the sword in her hand, after a long time said, "In a few days time, on this sword blade, whose blood will flow on it?"
WenMin walked slowly to her side, patted Lu XueQi’s shoulder, softly said, "Alright, my good junior sister, the imminent catastrophe is before us, teacher too will not pursue the incident of your disobedience. As long as we do our best in this war, presumably Heaven will not seal off all roads."
WenMin smiled and said, "That's good, teacher is still waiting for us to go to TongTian Peak! Let's go!"
Lu XueQi nodded again, put away TianYa, took a deep breath and then followed behind WenMin, walked out.
Travelling down the winding corridor, they arrived before the Small Bamboo Peak, ShuiYue Master was already standing there, a few junior Small Bamboo Peak female disciples were standing beside her. WenMin and Lu XueQi walked forward, WenMin spoke first, "Teacher, junior sister XueQi and I have arrived."
Lu XueQi's face turned pale slightly, the others beside them did not dare to speak, WenMin shook her head slightly, looked at ShuiYue Master, called out pleadingly, "Teacher..."
ShuiYue Master humphed, then suddenly sighed, said, "Forget it, forget it, leave all these aside temporarily! This war, if we are able to stay alive, we will speak then."
For a moment, bright lights dazzled the sky above Small Bamboo Valley, streams of beautiful wondrous lights flew up, towards the heavy dark clouds, adding some colours, just that in the sky full of the dark clouds, in a blink swallowed those colourful lights.
Song Daren brought five junior brothers and stood outside the Observed Silence Hall, awaiting Tian BuYi and SuRu’s appearance, just that time seemed to have passed for a long time, Tian BuYi husband and wife still did not appear.
Du BiShu was shocked, he had always been timid, other than in awe of his teacher and his wife, it would be this senior brother but Song Daren usually was very accommodating, however when his marriage proposal with WenMin met with so many obstacles, it was a huge blow to him and he actually lost his temper.
Several junior brothers standing beside were fighting back laughter, glanced sideways at Du BiShu, Du BiShu looked embarrassed, was about to seek help from the other senior brothers, unexpectedly when he looked towards them, He DaZhi, Wu DaYi etc each was either looking at the sky or looking out far at the mountains, a look of reverie, remarkably alike a celestial that did not want to be concern with mortal affairs.
Before he could finish, Song Daren who had turned purple, with one foot kicked over, [pu tong] kicked Du BiShu out far, He DaZhi and the rest beside laughed secretly, each shaking their heads, only Du BiShu looked depressed, sat on the ground.
Tian BuYi dressed in long robe, his face stern, stood before the Observed Silence Hall San Qing deity statues, silently nodded his head. Then he stared at the three statues and took one step forward, picked up three incense sticks from the altar, lighted them up from the candles, solemnly held the incenses and bowed three times to pay his obeisance.
Tian BuYi frowned and then suddenly turned and strided, he headed instead to the back of the San Qing deities statues. SuRu’s face changed, she seemed to comprehend something but looking at her expression, she seemed to be a little hesitant but in the end still followed Tian BuYi over.
Behind the statues, there was also another altar table but it was much smaller, beside it there was a yellow cloth curtain hanging down, concealing half of it. Tian BuYi stood before this small altar, after looking at it for a while, he did not make any move to pray, after a long time, he stretched his hand into the cloth curtain, searched slightly and from the side of the altar, took out a spiritual wooden tablet, on it properly engraved: Senior Brother Wan JianYi Spirit Tablet!
SuRu watched from the side, watched Tian BuYi used his sleeve to gently wipe off the dust from the tablet, the dust was not thick, evidently someone had cleaned it frequently, after wiping it cleanly, Tian BuYi respectfully placed the tablet on the altar, took out three incense and lighted it, again bowed three times to the tablet.
Tian BuYi coldly said, "Wan senior brother after all was from Qing Yun, he had an air full of arrogance but he placed our sect as high importance. If he was to know about today’s event, his spirit in Heaven will surely bless Qing Yun."
SuRu was silent, after a long time gently shook her head, sighed.
When both of them walked out from Observed Silence Hall, Song Daren and the other disciples had long been waiting outside the door, Tian BuYi, glanced from Song Daren to Du BiShu, nodded his head, he did not know what had happened in-between, from the corner of his eyes saw the quiet disciples’ dormitory in the distance, in his eyes there was a trace of helplessness.
Different lights flashed, Tian BuYi leading, with SuRu following closely behind him, the Big Bamboo Valley disciples hurried to follow, the horizon with the dark clouds looming, several brilliant lights flashed past again and then disappeared into the clouds.
Xiao YiCai, Lin JingYu and the rest of the Qing Yun disciples were extremely exhausted and finally on this day where the horizon turned dark, the ancient path where it sent all of HeYang City residents to the north, at the same time from outside HeYang City, there was still sporadic commoners streaming in, heading towards the north.
Only in a day’s effort, Xiao YiCai, Lin JingYu and the rest of the Qing Yun disciples looked like they had lost weight, extremely fatigue and when each one of them spoke, their voices were all hoarse.
Standing at the city wall, gazing far at the gradually disappearing line of commoners, Xiao YiCai only then felt relieved, bitterly laughed, spoke hoarsely to Lin JingYu, “Finally sent them off."
Lin JingYu also heaved a long sigh, his tense expression also temporarily relaxed but his brows were still frowning, not like Xiao YiCai who was totally relaxed, he seemed to be still worrying about something.
Lin JingYu was startled, shook his head and said, "Senior brother you have misunderstood, junior brother does not feel that something is wrong, just that facing the imminent calamity, feel uneasy."
Xiao YiCai nodded his head, patted his shoulder, said, "I understand, actually I am too. But as evil will not win the good, Heaven will not seal all doors, you and me are from the Good Faction, for the sake of the common people, the imminent battle, we will just do our best, don’t have to think so much."
Lin JingYu smiled and nodded, said, "Senior brother is right."
Xiao YiCai smiled and said, "Then I will go over there and take a look." He left Lin JingYu and walked to the side, initially he intended to take another look in HeYang City, to ensure they did not leave out any commoners, if not once the beast demons arrive, most likely they will not be spared.
Unexpectedly, he had just taken a few steps when suddenly he heard Lin JingYu’s quiet mumbling, “Back ... fire ... back ..."
Xiao YiCai was surprised, turned around and saw Lin JingYu frowning tightly, his expression looking perplexed, stood at where he was and mumbling to himself, listening carefully, the words sounded vague, some words came after the word after.
Lin JingYu was shocked, looked up, "Back of the mountain, what back of the mountain?"
Xiao YiCai was instead stunned by his words, said, “I heard you kept saying something back of the mountain, back of the mountain, I guessed these few years you have been frequently visiting TongTian Peak Founders Ancestral Hall to offer sacrifices and helping to sweep the grounds, I thought something happened at the back of the mountain!"
Lin JingYu smiled and nodded, was about to speak when suddenly from far, a cry was heard from a Qing Yun disciple, Xiao YiCai and Lin JingYu were shocked, almost at the same time leapt up into the air, headed towards where the cry was heard.
The cry was heard from HeYang City southern gate, a few Qing Yun disciples was doing their last round of inspection but right now each of them, like facing a great foe, wielding their weapons, their expressions tensed. On the city wall, a ferocious strange beast with lion head and wolf body, its huge eyes bright and piercing, making a low roar, it was staring at those Qing Yun disciples but it seemed to know those people was not commoners and so for a moment did not make any rash moves.
Suddenly, a Qing Yun disciple beside Lin JingYu shouted out, said, "Outside, outside..."
The cries of fear, everyone heard it and immediately tensed up, almost at the same time looked towards where the Qing Yun disciple pointed somewhere outside HeYang City.
Under that looming dark clouds, in the horizon, rumbling sounds of thunder were heard, the silent flashes of lightning pierced the firmament. The earth trembled slightly, the low, deep thunder like slowly seeping out from the recesses of the nine netherworlds, entered directly deep into the human soul, reverberating unceasingly.
Numerous demon beasts converged into an endless black terrible tide, surged forward from the distance, like a rumbling thunder but the sound had already surpassed the thunder sound in the horizon, the harsh Heaven and Earth, lightning like snakes swarming around. The compelling murderous air although was separated over a far distance, it had already assaulted them in the face.
By his forceful shout, the group of Qing Yun disciples did not dare to drag, each wielded their celestial sword and flew up to the sky, that lion-head-wolf-body monster on the wall roared loudly, his appearance vicious.
Lin JingYu was the last in the group, looking back from the air, saw the infinite surge of demon beasts, the earth looked like it was a sea of ferocious beasts, not a single sign of human.
This catastrophe, had finally arrived at the most critical time!
After hearing Xiao YiCai and the rest urgent reports, the packed Crystal Hall of Good Faction members at Qing Yun Hill TongTian Peak, for a moment was speechless.
Silence enveloped the grand hall, what should come, eventually still does.
Reverend DaoXuan slowly got up, his face solemn, slowly said, "Everyone, the world’s fate is now here, now that the demon beasts had taken over HeYang City, soon they will attack Qing Yun, I will not say anything more here, everyone please return to have a good rest, in the days to come a battle of life and death with the demon beasts."
Everyone looked at each other, after a moment slowly stood up, whisperings and hush conversations gradually filled the Crystal Hall, and it was also in this muffled din, the crowd began to walk out.
Reverend DaoXuan turned to PuHong Master and Yun YiLan, who were sitting beside him, said, "Both please take a rest, I have something to do, will need to have a discussion with the other Qing Yun sect branch leaders."
PuHong Master and Yun YiLan both stood up, returned the greeting and said, “Reverend please go ahead."
Reverend DaoXuan returned the greeting, called Xiao YiCai, Xiao YiCai quickly went up and followed Reverend DaoXuan into the inner rooms, at a certain place, the rest of the elders were already waiting there.
Lin JingYu watched them leave and then walked out by himself, walked aimlessly to the railings outside Crystal Hall, gazing out from the railings, the firmament dark like ink, the dark clouds heavy, not a trace of sunlight.
The mountain breeze like knives, [wu wu] whistling, cutting raw across his face.
He stood quietly but in his mind, unexpectedly recalled that mysterious note, and the four unexplainable words on it.
Lin JingYu again frowned, although his eyes were piercing but he was slowly shaking his head, feeling puzzled again. The contemplation again took a long time, until when he finally came out of his thoughts, he discovered that there was already nobody around. Lin JingYu sighed, slowly walked down the steps.
Ever since the appearance of the demon beasts, Qing Yun sect increased the defence around Qing Yun Hill in full force, especially the mountain ahead, nobody knew when those innumerable vicious beasts would charge up. But Qing Yun Hill had always been precipitous, especially TongTian Peak which was even more lofty and pierced through the clouds, easy to guard and hard to attack, but for those cultivated martial artists, that was not a big obstacle but to the majority demon beasts which could not fly, it was an excellent defence.
Just that all along, the places where the demon beasts traversed were all flattened, numerous rumours also carried terrifying news, nobody could be sure that those demon beasts would not come up with unexpected ways of attack, and furthermore, the legendary Beast Deity until now, nobody knew his exact details, adding further to the people’s fear.
Compared to the front of Qing Yun Hill, the back of Qing Yun Hill seemed to be totally sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces, apes and monkeys would find it hard to cross, even though it was so, Qing Yun sect still arranged quite a number of disciples to patrol the skies, to guard against the unexpected. Just that there was one strange thing, at Qing Yun sect restricted Illusory Moon Cave and at the area around the Founders Ancestral Hall at the edge of the restricted area, the number of Qing Yun disciples was extremely little, almost at if Qing Yun sect was not at all worried about these two places.
And right now, the dim dark night had just passed, the dawn was just breaking, the lofty TongTian Peak towering into the sky, on the small path leading to the Founders Ancestral Hall and Illusory Moon Cave restricted areas, faint mist filled the air, following the gentle drift of the mountain breeze, lingered between the pine trees lining the path.
At this moment, not even the birds cries were heard, the damp air condensed into crystal beads, flowing down the green leaves, quietly dripping.
Not a trace of human figure!
Suddenly, a figure appeared on this path, it was Ghost Li.
He looked indifferent, couldn’t tell any signs of fear and worry of being in the enemy’s territory, also not any tension of being near the restricted area, only expressionlessly slowly walked on.
Ten years later, as if the scenery remained the same, nothing had changed, the evergreen pine and cypress, the exuberant grasses and trees, even the earth he was stepping on, seemed to be as soft and wet as that time.
Just that, he was the one who had changed.
The mountain breeze traversed the trees branches and blew his clothes, ruffled his hair, Xiao Hui who was crouching on his shoulder looked to be still sleepy, its eyes drooping, its tail coiled around Ghost Li’s arm. However Ghost Li’s eyes, was strangely bright.
This small meandering path, headed deep into the mountains, the faint mist gently spread opened in front of him and quietly closed up behind him, walking in this haze, he only walked forward, never looking back.
Walking along the path, he soon arrived at that three-ways split road, slightly to the left was still that deep, serene small path, and to the right, behind the forest, indistinctly revealed a few houses roof eaves.
That should be the Founders Ancestral Hall, Ghost Li thought in his mind. Ten years ago, he with Lin JingYu together fought against the Evil sect powerful enemy, and it was also here, Lu XueQi confrontation with him.
And now, he with those times, those old friends, like strangers.
The faint sounds were heard coming out from the forest, seemed like someone was up early sweeping, a melodious sound, Ghost Li stood quietly listening, out of trance, as if time, actually at these faint [rustle] sounds, quietly rippling echoing, quietly slipping away.
Suddenly like waking up from a dream, he abruptly turned back, the quiet atmosphere instantly as if congealed, even the distant faint rustling sounds, seemed to pause, silent.
Behind him, unknown since when, stood a person in black, a black veil covering his face - Mr Ghost.
Ghost Li’s pupils slightly contracted, in a deep voice said, "You have come too."
Mr Ghost quietly said, "Yes."
Ghost Li said, "What are you here for?"
Ghost Li sneered, said, "What did you say?"
Mr Ghost lightly said, "You don’t have to doubt, there are some things you do not know, I have came specifically to let you know. There is no traps outside the Illusory Moon Cave but in it, there is a high-quality formation, it is the spirit guarding the Zhu Xian ancient sword, the source of it is no different than Zhu Xian Sword Formation. If outsiders wish to force their way in, it will activate the formation and at the same time alarm the Zhu Xian Sword Formation, then the consequences will be only death, if you are confident that you can defeat that Zhu Xian ancient sword, then I have nothing to say."
Ghost Li’s pupils contracted, and in the distant haze, that faint mist seemed to tremble.
Mr Ghost said, "This formation will surely use Qing Yun sect handed-down-generations Tai Ji Xuan Qing Way Shang Qing Realm as key, once you know the mechanism well, you can enter it, and after entering it, the illusions will fall like rain, whether you are able to remain steadfast, it will depend on yourself."
Mr. Ghost smiled, the black figure in the mist appeared to be swaying, like a spirit, faintly said, "You don’t have to care so much, anyway I have finished my words, believe it or not is up to you."
The mountain before Qing Yun Hill TongTian Peak, a young Qing Yun disciple who was sweeping the fallen leaves aside, was about to take a break when he saw a figure walking up slowly from the stairs at the foot of the mountain and dressed in Qing Yun robes, although there were many Qing Yun disciples but this person for the past ten years had traversed this place innumerable times, they had long been familiar with him.
Lin JingYu smiled and nodded, "Yes! Last night I didn’t sleep well at all, my heart keeps feeling stuffy, as if something will happen so came up earlier today."
The other children immediately started to add in but they were after all still young, not as worried as those well-known figures, although they were also worried about the demon beasts but they were much more optimistic.
Influence by their optimism, Lin JingYu’s mood improved a lot, he smiled and said, “Oh, the demon beasts are fierce and vicious, presumably they will come attack Qing Yun."
"What?" like a pot exploded, the children started to make a racket.
Lin JingYu smiled and comforted them, motioned to them to quieten down and then said, "But don’t we right now have the elders and seniors here at Qing Yun Hill, their skills are powerful and cultivation profund, definitely not afraid of the demon beasts. Beside, " Lin JingYu’s face revealed a trace of mysterious, said, "We still have the invincible Zhu Xian Sword Formation! Have you forgotten?"
While speaking, he hastened his pace, headed towards the Founders Ancestral Hall behind TongTian Peak.
And while he was walking with his head bowed low, the layers of hazy mist at the back of the mountain, floated gently, like a dream that was never awakened from last night.
The three-way junction, Ghost Li and Mr Ghost stared at each other for a long time, strange glints moved in their eyes, Mr Ghost also did not back away, looked directly at him.
After a long while, Ghost Li without speaking, suddenly turned and walked toward that deep and serene small path, Mr Ghost behind him, watched him go.
But at this time, suddenly, an old voice from the path to the Founders Ancestral Hall, floated out from the white haze, an indescribable tired, vicissitudes tone, an old man’s voice, "Both, where are you planning to go?"
Ghost Li and Mr Ghost were startled, turned around and looked, the mist separated on the path, a bended figure slowly walked out. He was slightly bent over, as though as if the years were pressing and suffocating him, knife-like wrinkles on in his face, as if recounting the time wasted. Even the broom in his hands, at the moment it seemed to be as dilapidated as the owner.
Just that, this old man slowly walked on, about six chi away from Ghost Li and Mr Ghost, facing these two figures, this slightly tired old man, when he slowly lifted his head, his bright, piercing gaze, stared ahead.
Thanks so much!!! I can taste the tension. Despite all that, all I can wonder is, what does wild dog Taoist actually look like?? | 2019-04-19T20:24:27Z | http://xiakeluojiao.blogspot.com/2017/01/chapter-163-concealed-person.html |
By the end of this analysis, you will understand who is winning organic visibility in the industry, what keywords are valuable, and which backlink strategies are working best, all of which can then be utilized to gain and grow your own site’s organic traffic.
SEO competitive analysis is critical because it gives data about which tactics are working in the industry we are in and what we will need to do to start improving our keyword rankings. The insights gained from this analysis help us understand which tasks we should prioritize and it shapes the way we build out our campaigns. By seeing where our competitors are strongest and weakest, we can determine how difficult it will be to outperform them and the amount of resources that it will take to do so.
The first step in this process is determining who are the top four competitors that we want to use for this analysis. I like to use a mixture of direct business competitors (typically provided by my clients) and online search competitors, which can differ from whom a business identifies as their main competitors. Usually, this discrepancy is due to local business competitors versus those who are paying for online search ads. While your client may be concerned about the similar business down the street, their actual online competitor may be a business from a neighboring town or another state.
The main metrics I use to help me choose competitors are common keywords and total traffic. Once I've chosen my competitors for analysis, I open up the Google Sheets Competitor Analysis Template to the “Audit Data” tab and fill in the names and URLs of my competitors in rows 2 and 3.
A clear, defined process is critical not only for getting repeated results, but to scale efforts as you start doing this for multiple clients. We created our Competitor Analysis Template so that we can follow a strategic process and focus more on analyzing the results rather than figuring out what to look for anew each time.
In the Google Sheets Template, I've provided you with the data points that we'll be collecting, the tools you'll need to do so, and then bucketed the metrics based on similar themes. The data we're trying to collect relates to SEO metrics like domain authority, how much traffic the competition is getting, which keywords are driving that traffic, and the depth of competitors’ backlink profiles. I have built in a few heatmaps for key metrics to help you visualize who's the strongest at a glance.
This template is meant to serve as a base that you can alter depending on your client’s specific needs and which metrics you feel are the most actionable or relevant.
A backlink gap analysis aims to tell us which websites are linking to our competitors, but not to us. This is vital data because it allows us to close the gap between our competitors’ backlink profiles and start boosting our own ranking authority by getting links from websites that already link to competitors. Websites that link to multiple competitors (especially when it is more than three competitors) have a much higher success rate for us when we start reaching out to them and creating content for guest posts.
In order to generate this report, you need to head over to the Moz Link Explorer tool and input the first competitor’s domain name. Next, click “Linking Domains” on the left side navigation and then click “Request CSV” to get the needed data.
Repeat this process for competitors 2–4 and then for your own website in the corresponding tabs marked in red.
Once you have all your data in the correct import tabs, the “Backlink Gap Analysis” report tab will populate. The result is a highly actionable report that shows where your competitors are getting their backlinks from, which ones they share in common, and which ones you don’t currently have.
It’s also a good practice to hide all of the “Import” tabs marked in red after you paste the data into them, so the final report has a cleaner look. To do this, just right-click on the tabs and select “Hide Sheet,” so the report only shows the tabs marked in blue and green.
For our clients, we typically gain a few backlinks at the beginning of an SEO campaign just from this data alone. It also serves as a long-term guide for link building in the months to come as getting links from high-authority sites takes time and resources. The main benefit is that we have a starting point full of low-hanging fruit from which to base our initial outreach.
Keyword gap analysis is the process of determining which keywords your competitors rank well for that your own website does not. From there, we reverse-engineer why the competition is ranking well and then look at how we can also rank for those keywords. Often, it could be reworking metadata, adjusting site architecture, revamping an existing piece of content, creating a brand-new piece of content specific to a theme of keywords, or building links to your content containing these desirable keywords.
To create this report, a similar process as the backlink gap analysis one is followed; only the data source changes. Go to SEMrush again and input your first competitor’s domain name. Then, click on the “Organic Research” positions report in the left-side navigation menu and click on "Export" on the right.
Once you download the CSV file, paste the content into the “Keyword Import - Competitor 1” tab and then repeat the process for competitors 2–4 and your own website.
This data gives us a starting point to build out complex keyword mapping strategy documents that set the tone for our client campaigns. Rather than just starting keyword research by guessing what we think is relevant, we have hundreds of keywords to start with that we know are relevant to the industry. Our keyword research process then aims to dive deeper into these topics to determine the type of content needed to rank well.
This report also helps drive our editorial calendar, since we often find keywords and topics where we need to create new content to compete with our competitors. We take this a step further during our content planning process, analyzing the content the competitors have created that is already ranking well and using that as a base to figure out how we can do it better. We try to take some of the best ideas from all of the competitors ranking well to then make a more complete resource on the topic.
It is critically important to not just create this report, but also to start taking action based on the data that you have collected. On the first tab of the spreadsheet template, we write in insights from our analysis and then use those insights to drive our campaign strategy.
Some examples of typical insights from this document would be the average number of referring domains that our competitors have and how that relates to our own backlink profile. If we are ahead of our competitors regarding backlinks, content creation might be the focal point of the campaign. If we are behind our competitors in regards to backlinks, we know that we need to start a link building campaign as soon as possible.
Another insight we gain is which competitors are most aggressive in PPC and which keywords they are bidding on. Often, the keywords that they are bidding on have high commercial intent and would be great keywords to target organically and provide a lift to our conversions.
Competitive analyses for SEO are not something that should be overlooked when planning a digital marketing strategy. This process can help you strategically build unique and complex SEO campaigns based on readily available data and the demand of your market. This analysis will instantly put you ahead of competitors who are following cookie-cutter SEO programs and not diving deep into their industry. Start implementing this process as soon as you can and adjust it based on what is important to your own business or client’s business.
Editor's note: Please note that this template may not be updated in the future. If you happen to require a change to the Google Sheets template, we recommend crowdsourcing an answer in the community Q&A or sharing your success stories with us and the community on Twitter!
I love this, and a very good sheet John.
Gap Analysis is extremely important to start with. When it comes to competitive analysis you first of all want to know what is that a large group of your competitors have that you simply don't. Often, you see pages that your competitors rank well for that you didn't even think you need to create!
I have to admit that when it comes to a backlink analysis I prefer to rely on multiple sources and not just one, so Moz is one but also Ahrefs or Majestic. And when it comes to Keywords then SEMRush but also SimilarWeb.
SimilarWeb by the way is doing a fantastic job with their compare mode, where you can easily visualize your keywords against 4 different competitors. Not to mention the breakdown by country.
And the gap analysis also exists for other channels besides SEO, such as Referrals when a few of your competitors are getting traffic from sites that you don't, or Social media where multiple competitors enjoy traffic from a network you're not even on, or a specific twitter account you should pay attention to.
Last thing, even when it comes to SEO audits specifically, I also like to compare metrics such as Sessions/User, Time on site, Bounce Rate, and Pages/visit with the same competitors. These metrics are all huge for SEO and in my opinion should be discussed with the clients from a Product point of view when starting an SEO Campaign.
Great insight here. This template is meant to serve as a base for further customization. Feel free to build on top of it with metrics and data that you find useful, I would love to see what you come up with. You can actually configure the backlink gap analysis to run for majestic or ahrefs by adjusting the query formula slightly. You bring up a great point about analyzing link data from multiple sources to get a more accurate picture so I would definitely recommend exploring majestic and ahrefs data as well..
Depending on the market, studying competitors is not convenient; it is necessary and as you say, many focus on analyzing keywords and getting links.
The goal of this template was to help automate the process and at the very least make it more effiecient. Glad you found that to be the case!
Can you explain a bit jore? Why could be not convenient a competitor analisys en some markets?
Thanks Ramon! You can easily add more tabs to input more backlink data for additional competitors and then adjust the query formula to use the new tabs. I often increase this to 10, 15 or even 20 competitors for larger clients. The beauty of Google Sheets templates is the ease in which you can make these adjustments. Let me know if you need any help with that.
Great tips for competitor analysis John! Although I love using SEMrush, Moz Pro, and Ahrefs the most, some free tools that have helped me throughout the years and may be good for someone who doesn't have subscriptions to these SEO Tools are SEOQuake, SpyFu, and WooRank.
I do recommend getting access to SEMrush, Moz Pro, and/or Ahrefs as soon as you can though, and maybe use multiple tools as they often uncover different data from each other, especially on BackLink Analysis.
Analyzing the competition is fundamental to know the SEO strategy to carry out and to discover the weaknesses of the competitors, in addition to being able to use strategies that are working to the competition.
This type of analysis is critical when building out an SEO strategy. It can lead to insihgts you would have missed and can also decrease the amount of time you spend researching blindly.
Really helpful tool. Thanks for sharing!
I'll provide this page's link in the website I created, which contains list of marketing resources.
Thanks for including this in there, I look forward to seeing the list you come up with.
I've seen that to be the case as well that a lot of these tools seem to monitor more keywords in the US as opposed to some other countries.
On the Backlink Gap Analysis tab I'd like to be able to view data so I can see where competitors have backlinks that we don't. If Yes is the value, then I don't want that see information.
Is this adjustment to the formula possible? Or, because of the nature of the way the page is setup, do I need the two data points minimum? If it's the latter, what adjustments can I make to get the data I'm looking for? I'm trying to reverse engineer it here and it isn't working.
Great question. You could adjust the formulas but I find it easier to highlight the full report (after it is populated with your data) then copy it and paste "values only" this way none of the formulas break. Then go into the navigation of google sheets and select "Data" then "Filter". You will now have filtering options on all of the headings. Then you can simple select your website and uncheck "Yes" so you only see the domains that do not link to you. Give that a shot and let me know if it works for you.
When I hand this off to clients I always copy each report and paste values only. This way the sheet is faster and there is no risk of the client accidently breaking something.
Maybe it's the way I'm entering the data, but I'm only getting about 10 rows of results on the sheet, where there is a minimum of two Yes matches. So I'm not able to see where there is only one Yes, and it's on a competitor.
thanks to articles like this, anyone can advance in seo positioning.
is a very interesting and easy to understand article, since, those who have only a short time in the sector we need the help of the veterans.
I will follow your publications closely so that I can continue to grow and grow in the field of seo positioning.
Thank you! Let me know if you have any questions once you start implementing this template and test it out.
Thank you so much for building out such a great SEO template. This post came at the perfect time for me, I've been looking for a template that does exactly this. I'm already reaching out to new competitor link prospects!
Great- Deep analysis to improve rankings even if competition is high. Thanks for the sheet.
Fantastic John, thank you for sharing.
I'm wondering what your advice would be in the event that a competitor site hasn't yet been indexed by Moz. I was thinking of just swapping in a comparable metric from Majestic or Ahrefs so I could include the competitor in the same sheet, but it would be good to hear your advice.
That would work but I would prefer to keep the data consistent and use Majestic or Ahrefs instead in that case. The template formulas can be adjusted to work with either tool. Sometimes, I will combine the data from all 3 tools to increase the amount of backlinks in the analysis but that takes a little bit more work and formatting to get it to work properly.
Maybe the next step with this tool is to add additonal options for Majestic and ahrefs so it combines the data from all 3 automatically.
Yes, that sounds like it would be awesome. Another great update would be to add a script that populates the spreadsheet automatically from a file structure containing the downloads (organic KWs and Links) to save copying and pasting everything. I’m going to have a chat with a friend in the Analytics space to see if he can help. Will share any successful output.
P.S. For anyone planning to analyse 10+ competitors - I got stuck with the 2,000,000 google sheet cell limit so had to split in two (which took a lot of faffing around). Advise splitting KWs and Links into two spreadsheets at the get go if you’re planning to analyse this many.
That would be a great addition indeed, anything to help automate the data collection would be great. Let me know if you are able to figure it out an do share! Great point about breaking up the keyword and backlink tools into separate sheets for larger analysis as Google sheets will crash with too much data.
Yep, will do. Thanks again!
Thanks for the guide. Informative and well written. Looking forward to more similar guides in the future.
Thank you for the feedback. I will be working on more of these step by step processes and spreadsheet templates soon. I will be sure to share once the next one is ready!
Really enjoying the template! How can I extend the data pull range in the Audit Data tab? When I add additional competitor columns and create Backlink and Keyword Import tabs for each new column, the data doesn't populate in their respective Analysis tabs.
Great blog post and very helpful. However, I downloaded this Googlesheet and completed it via excel. However, the queries and connections aren't working. Is this resource only available to be used via Googlesheets?
My keyword and backlink gap analyses aren't working.
The Query function that my template uses is unique to google sheets so this tool won't work with excel. I would recommend performing the analysis in Google Sheets and then copy and pasting the results into excel if you have to use excel for whatever reason.
Thank you for the reply. That was helpful. I'll revise and do it in google sheets.
Great Article! Just curious, the spreadsheet seems very similar to the new gap analysis tool in SEM Rush. Are there benefits to your spreadsheet in providing information that this tool does not? Just curious.
Yes there are a few benefits to using the sheet instead of working out of the software. If you are working with clients you can pass this spreadsheet off as a deliverable as it already has all of the formatting enabled. I am able to efficiently produce high quality competitive analysis reports for my clients with this template.
If you don't work with clients the next benefit is that you can configure this tool to work with majestic or ahref data as well. Moz, Majestic, and Ahrefs have much better backlink data than SEMrush (IMO) does right now so you get a more complete picture using this spreadsheet tool.
I am also not a big fan of working out of software as spreadsheets provide a lot of flexibility to analyze data more efficiently for me.
SEMrush is a great tool though and I will use their keyword gap occasionally if I am not producing a client report.
Hello John. I would like to thank you and congratulate you for sharing this information with us. I am starting to learn this kind of things and to read this articles, really well written and understandable for normal people like me it's really important.
Thanks for sharing this information sir but the open site explorer is a paid tool and they are charging too much, Is their any free tool which can help to get the backlink analysis?
I agree with Ramon here, these tools help save you valuable time which you can be spending on growing your business or your clients business. I highly reccomend investing in a few good ones.
Agree with Ramon, investing in a couple of pro tools and mastering them is critical to go from amateur to pro. Same thing as for any worker out there — even hair dresser with their $1,000 scissors.
Great Job. The Google Spreadsheet ist just excellent.
Moz is the best tool of all! I just made my mini site for affiliate product sales and use a moz to check out a competition!
Great resource John, especially the Google Sheet, it´s gold!!
I appreciate that, thank you for checking this out. Let me know if you have any questions once you start using the sheet template. Once you use the backlink gap analysis and keyword gap analysis tabs once or twice it becomes a lot easier and more efficient to use.
Thank John! Love to see people always try to improve their work.
I'm better start to get use to this quickly .
Great article and thanks for the spreadsheet!
b) Number of referring domains?
Hey there sally_lin! :) Thanks for letting us know something's not quite right; I'd recommend shooting an email to our friendly Help Team at [email protected] so they can investigate. If it's possible to include a screenshot of what you're seeing, that's really helpful, too. Thanks again!
Exactly. This is really meant to be the start of an end to end competitive analysis report that you can pass of to your clients or internal teams. I often get great feedback from clients when they see the depth of the analysis that was perofrmed. The next step from there is to start going through the data and taking action.
Using SEMrush is definitely the great and fastest way to Analyze the Competitor site. It's explores easy and every aspect from organic searched keywords and also view from where they got links from for any of their posts. This can simplify your content strategy and move forward..
As said, analyzing Competitor is the key factor, which should be done by any website owner. Thanks for the awesome one!
Great guide. It is very useful!!
Great step by step guide! Competitive analyses for SEO is definetely what I have to work on at this moment. Thank you.
Thanks you for the competitive analysis template, it is very complete. Great job.
That goes a bit beyond the scope of this article but I would recommend reading all of the seo guides in the Moz Learning Center: https://moz.com/learn/seo. Once you do that you will have a good base for understanding indexation and link building tactics. | 2019-04-20T22:15:05Z | https://moz.com/blog/competitor-analysis-for-seo?utm_source=almost-timely-newsletter |
How does the Indian industry plan to deal with the rapidly evolving future of work? Is it reluctant to invest in the upskilling and reskilling of workers? Indian industry representative to ILO’s ‘global commission’ explains.
Geneva: On the side-lines of the centenary celebrations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), The Wire interviewed Alwyn Didar Singh, former secretary-general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Singh was one of the 27 commissioners in the ILO’s ‘Global Commission on the Future of Work’ that released its report in Geneva on Tuesday.
What concerns did you have in mind before going into the consultations for the report? Specifically, what challenges do you think Indian industry faces by the manner in which the world of work is evolving?
Neither Indian industry, nor Indian society, nor Indian politics really understand what is the future of work. Even global society or politics does not understand it. We are all apprehensive about it, but we don’t really know for sure. It’s like climate change – we know that it’s coming, we’re trying to prepare for it, but we can’t say exactly what it will be. It’s the same with ‘future of work’ or technology.
The second thing that is really important to understand in this context is that the future of work is not an app. It’s not something that you can just put on your phone and then handle it. It’s like life. Life is not an app. Today we think that technology provides answers to everything. It does not provide answers to life. It does not provide answers to what will be the future of work. So, in trying to attempt to find those answers, I think, lies the work of businesses, governments and the ILO itself.
FICCI has recommended a cut in corporate taxes whereas a recent Oxfam report reveals corporates are paying the lowest taxes in decades; even the commission’s report says “tax systems should be equitable and consistent with the promotion of decent work, economic growth and enterprise development and the tax take needs to be sufficient to meet the ambitions of the human-centred agenda”. Will lowering it further not result in concentration of wealth to the rich and fund cuts for social spending, including for workers’ welfare?
When you talk of corporate tax, remember that it is only direct tax that you are talking about. The bulk of finances in any government come from indirect taxes. So, it’s very minuscule to start with. It’s important to remember that whether we look at the future of work, the future of the industry, development, any government or society, we are looking at a situation where we want to improve the day-to-day living of individuals.
What does that require? That requires growth, and for growth, the argument goes that it will come when the economy grows. It’s because only when you generate surpluses, you have funds for any kind of development work. So, in that context, FICCI has been asking for lowering of corporate tax so that there is greater investment by the corporate into industries because industry and manufacturing is the key to growth. It’s also the key to employment. If there are no employers, there are no employees.
To spur the development of any economy, it is important to have incentives for growth. One such incentive is lower taxes that will incentivise businesses to do more production, manufacturing and services etc. to ensure that there is growth. You’ve raised a second issue: surpluses are available with the government to handle and manage all the requirements for any society. This brings us to the aspect of the social contract. Why do we have a government to start with? It’s a social contract that individual societies have with every one of their governments irrespective of which part of the globe you’re a part of. In that context, we expect the government to deliver on these aspects.
So, in many parts of the report, you’ll find recommendations, essentially to the governments of member states, on how they must then implement or bring-in policies that incentivise. We’ve talked about social security. It cannot be the responsibility just of an employer-employee relationship. It’s much more than that. It’s the responsibility of governments in any state to provide for its citizens a good, decent life which includes decent work. So, this is a combination of having surpluses on one hand and having incentives to growth on the other. You do have to balance between the two but remember what I said right in the beginning – when you talk of tax rates, we are talking of a minuscule part of only corporate taxes which is a direct tax. We are not talking of the entire indirect taxation system. We’re not talking about customs duties; we are not talking about so many other kinds of ways in which governments raise money around the world.
On provisions like Fixed Term Employment and amendments to the Trade Union Act, workers are unhappy and union leaders allege that it leads to precarious jobs, a ‘hire and fire’ regime and shrinking of the social security net. Response from the industry is positive though, how do you reconcile ‘ease of doing business’ with the commission’s goals of a fairer future of work and ‘leaving no worker behind’?
Organisations like the ILO make recommendations which are then sent to the member states. The ILO has 187 member states but it is the sovereign responsibility and the sovereign right of every government to choose what it wishes to have for its own agenda and its own economic system.
In many parts of the world including in India, we have been asking for labour reforms. What is the meaning of labour reforms? It is not to be seen as hiring and firing of labour. It is to be seen as a good ‘ease of doing business’ environment, which again brings us to the same thing that we’re talking about –growth.
If you want more manufacturing, more industry, more businesses and more services, you have to make the ease of functioning as an industry better and easier in your country. Otherwise, that same investment will go to some other country.
So, to ensure that a) it comes in to your country and b) that the local businesses also invest in the same country and spur greater manufacturing, you have to have easier rules and regulations to manage day-to-day business and one of those aspects of ease of doing business and ease of any form of management is labour reforms. And again, as I am mentioning, labour reform is not necessarily hire and fire. Labour reform is just making the field a little easier for businesses to manage because not all businesses succeed, not all businesses are great.
Not all MNCs are turning into giants like Facebook or Microsoft. There are many kinds of businesses, especially small and medium industry. The small and medium industry has hundreds of problems, and if you are going to load the problem of labour responsibility on to them, then you’re making their day-to-day functioning that much more difficult. So, we’ve just been arguing for making it easier and better for businesses to function in India.
But if we look at the ground reality, most workers are now being hired on contract. They are the most vulnerable as they lack access to crucial legal protections and social security. So, don’t you think fixed-term employment exposes them to further vulnerability?
You’re absolutely right. In fact, that is really the reason why you will see in this report for the first time, the mention of informal work. We insisted on it. I actually put it in there. I wanted, in fact, for it to even go beyond that position but it didn’t happen.
In India and most developing countries, the bulk of their workers are actually in the informal sector. There are two parts to the informal sector, rather three parts – part number one, the entire informal sector is that of agriculture and other casual labour. A second very large part is what you’re mentioning, contract labour and a third part are the jobs in the gig economy.
For example, an Uber or Ola driver – is he a full-time employee? Is he an entrepreneur? Is he a dispatch rider? What is he? So, the gig economy is changing the way you recognise work. In this context, it is important to understand that this responsibility of informal work is something which has to be shared not just by the employer, but by our society and therefore by the government.
Coming back to the point we were making earlier – when we talk of social security or of guarantees, it’s a guarantee by the society, not by any individual who may be giving a part-time job to any particular person. Because in a gig economy, it is all going to be part-time jobs. In a sense, it is very attractive for an individual that they can work somewhere in the morning or somewhere else in the afternoon and yet another place in the evening if they need to better their lives in a particular manner. Or if they want to relax in a particular manner.
So, the gig economy has many positive aspects and it also has negative aspects. As we move into this future of work, which is coming because of technology, we have to understand that this relationship between employer and employee is going to change, particularly in the informal sector. We must recognise this especially for countries like India, where 93% of all our workers are in the informal sector.
You know it’s okay to talk of the OECD countries where trade unions, formal workers and governments are all in a nice-tight environment. But in the developing countries, the situation is quite different. This is what needs to be recognised. And this needs to be not only recognised, it has to be brought into the core system itself.
In the report, we are talking, in fact, of something about all national governments now making a national strategy for the future of work. In that national strategy, it will be important to ensure that all stakeholders are taken in. In other words, it can’t be just discussion between trade unions, employers and governments. It must also include informal work. How do we include that? So, you have to have representatives of… I don’t know… maybe associations of Ola and Uber, maybe associations of rag-pickers, maybe associations of farmers. And this is a responsibility that the government has to take and each individual country, each individual member state of the ILO has to take its own view on this matter, include informal workers and their representatives also in the discussion. When we evolve a system for the future of work, the policy will support the idea of having this kind of different types of work and the responsibilities of social security’s etc. that all the voices are heard and brought into policy debate itself.
When we talk about labour reforms, for example when the Industrial Disputes Act is being included in the code for industrial relations, there are some crucial changes in their provisions like the threshold is raised from 100 to 300 workers i.e. industries that employ less than 300 people can now shut down without government permission. Do you think that encourages growth in the economy? Or does it make workers more vulnerable?
You are raising the same question we have just addressed, which is the labour reform question. There are so many aspects of labour reform. You are probably aware of this, there are some 44 different labour laws that are operational right now. FICCI, in fact, put out a paper four years ago saying that all the 44 Acts can be brought down to just four codes. So, there is an attempt of government also to try and do that to make it simplified, to make it better for ease of doing business.
You may argue on the one hand that increasing the threshold from 100 to 300 is retrograde but on the other hand, many businesses will argue that it is very progressive. Because it makes it possible for that very entrepreneur and that particular business to shift its way of doing business. Today, I may be manufacturing auto parts, tomorrow I’d be making steel, day after I may move and set up restaurants. So, there are different opportunities that come from time to time and we must recognise that in this age of the gig economy, the age of start-ups, the age of innovation, each business must be given the opportunity to function as it best can and it best does in this very vibrant technological and knowledge economy that we are all talking about.
Taking forward from that very question, of the gig economy being the future, does the Indian industry realise the importance of lifelong learning and is willing to invest in reskilling and upskilling workers? Because, like you said, if they are demanding autonomy and the freedom to shift from one thing to the other, that also leaves workers vulnerable. So, is the industry willing to invest in the reskilling and upskilling of the workers who are going to lose their jobs? What about the approach to automation and mechanisation, what steps are the industries taking to ensure humans are truly at the centre of the changing world of work?
There are two issues that I’d like to address here. First of all, when we talk about technology and its impact on the future of work, it cannot be and it never will be common across every country in the world. There will be different levels of its impact. For example, what may apply to OECD countries or Europe or other mature economies, will certainly not apply to emerging economies like India, China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa. And if you go down to the least developed countries, when you go down to Africa, it’s a totally different world.
The point I am making is that there will always be differences between what is automatable and what is automated. Let me give a very clear example to you from the auto sector. Many aspects of the production of a car in Europe today is maybe 95% automated. But in India, it’s not even 10 or 15%. What is the reason? The reason is basically return on investment and labour arbitrage. So, if I am managing better with a lower amount of automation and being able to do that with my own workers, why am I going to spend all that expensive machinery, expensive automation that I need to bring in to my company? It’s all a question of return on that investment.
Having said that, let me go back to what the shop floor does. In fact, if you look at it both from a philosophical and economical point of view, the only asset in any business that is constantly upgrading itself is the worker. Machines don’t do that. You have to pay to have a new software put in. But workers learn on the job, and they multi-skill themselves all the time. So, when you talk of lifelong learning, it’s a very vast concept.
But it’s a concept that applies to everybody in society. It’s going to apply to you and me also. We also need to be able to upskill ourselves. We can do it individually; we can do it through a company or we can do it through the state. For example, the government today, in India, is running the single largest skilling programme that you’ve heard about. 400 million people to be skilled in ten years, it’s the largest in the world. And nowhere does it say that you can only learn one skill, you can learn ten if you wish to. You can learn three if you wish to.
Now the future of the gig economy will need people to be multi-skilled to be able to survive in that economy. For example, a plumber will need to be an electrician. An electrician will also need to be a driver. This is the multi-skilling which is required and you and I will also need this. Besides being able to write nice articles as you do, you’ll probably also need to be able to drive your own car, play football, maybe cook for yourself. All these are skills. So, multi-skilling and lifelong learning is a reality that many of us already have. We just need to make it easier for every aspect and especially the deprived in our society to be able to get that advantage.
Skill India is one way of doing it. Corporates offering multi-skilling to its own workers is another way of doing it. And it’s not necessary that the multi-skilling is done only when workers leave. It’s also to be done while they are there because you want to train them to handle, for example, if I am bringing in some machines and I’m integrating my workers with my automated machines, I need to upskill them to handle those machines. The same auto sector, even if its 15 to 20% automated, as opposed to 95% as done in Europe, I need to integrate my existing workforce with the automated machines that I bring in to that process. So, I am actually multi-skilling all the time.
And this is something which, yes, member states and countries will have to address in the sense of convincing industry to do it but also making available government programmes and even international programmes like that from the ILO. Maybe the ILO has a very important role to perform in pushing skilling as a major aspect of the work that they do. Because it’s part of the requirement of future of work. Unless I have it, how will I be able to offer it? Therefore, what I am basically trying to say here is, that when we talk of lifelong learning, it’s not just a fancy phrase being put out there, it’s also a reality of how each individual and each human being, irrespective of what position she is in life, will have to be part of in the future.
Various reports have shown increasing unemployment and growing inequality caused by it, even Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not been able to keep his promise of creating the number of jobs he promised. Make in India has not been able to create enough greenfield projects and there has been opposition to 100% FDI in various sectors, how do you assess the performance of Make in India and what is your view on increasing privatisation through disinvestment from CPSEs and increasing FDI? Does it not discourage the Indian MSME and public sector? How does this align with the ILO’s mandate of ensuring ‘decent jobs’ for all?
While you talk of Make in India, remember one statistic – India has attracted more foreign direct investment in the last 18 months than it did in the last 18 years. And this is a reality. You can check this out in the DIPP website. Why are people investing in India? The reason is that India offers something that a lot of other countries don’t offer. For example, a single largest domestic market and a very large number of skilled people available at a cost arbitrage, not available in other parts of the world. Due to this, the largest amount of foreign direct investment is coming into India.
It’s across the board, across every aspect of the economy. Yes, you’re right. Many of it is in mergers and acquisitions, many of it is in expanding their existing facilities etc. and yet it is the largest in the world. Now Make in India is not a one-time activity. We’ve been making in India for the last 70 years. It’s not that we are doing it only today. And remember Make in India should never be taken as a protectionist measure. It’s Make in India for the world.
In that context, of course we need to increase our business, we need to increase manufacturing. And you’re right, manufacturing is barely 16-17% of the Indian economy when we have been saying for many years now that we want to take it up to 25% because we want to provide more jobs. But that will happen only when there is a tremendous growth in the entire business sector – services to provide jobs, agriculture to provide jobs, manufacturing to provide jobs. Yes, you’re right, traditionally manufacturing has provided the largest number of jobs and in fact, it is said, even nowadays most research papers will show you that – that even a 10% increase in manufacturing does not lead to 10% increase in jobs. It may be only 2 or 3%.
So, it is a fact that as we move along, because of technology, fewer jobs will get created. In this context, we must understand, when we talk of Make in India or we talk in terms of Skill India or we talk in terms of Digital India, you’re not talking only of an employer-employee relationship. You’re also talking in terms of creating an environment in which you create entrepreneurs, you create people who make jobs or who get themselves self-employed, who have start-ups.
India is already recording itself as the third largest start-up capital of the world. This is not something which has happened just by the way. It’s because you see this innovation, you see this opportunity in the Indian market that people are getting into it and doing this kind of stuff. And ultimately even this distinction between agriculture, services and manufacturing is actually going to merge. There will be just a provision of various services, activities, goods across the country. Maybe a food manufacturing company will also be a service company – all of this will merge as we move into the future of work, not just in India but in different parts of the world.
And your point of the fact that, yes, this government like many governments has been promising that it’ll create x number of jobs, it’s not directly in the hand of any one government. The same thing applies to Africa, the same thing applies to South America, the same thing applies to Europe. It’s not particular only to India. It’s a tough call there. Yes, technology is replacing many jobs. Technology is also creating many jobs. The same FICCI report that you’re mentioning actually talks of one-third, one-third, one-third – in the sense that one-third jobs may go away, one-third new jobs may get created and in one-third jobs, workers will have to be re-skilled or re-trained to do the same thing but in a different manner. So, this is a process of growth. It’s a process of how the world economy itself is evolving. It’s starting more in the OECD countries but it will trickle down everywhere else and sure enough, countries like India, counties in Africa and Asia will be impacted and will have to get on the bandwagon if they wish to remain competitive.
We are lucky at the moment that India continues to be a shining example of the world looking at it, people want to invest and therefore we have the largest FDI. People see this as a place where success is possible, not just to produce in the Indian market but for the external market as well. It’s because of the labour arbitrage and skills available in the country. So, it’s an ongoing story. It’s a story which we all have to support and government policy definitely has a role there.
This future of work report has mentioned certain buckets that need to be looked at. Buckets in which policy must match itself to the requirements of what the future is going to hold for us and in that sense, this report is, well it’s far-reaching in a sense, but it’s something which ultimately, member states including India will have to respond to and make their own policies.
What is your view on the disinvestments from Central Public Sector Enterprises? Many economists and trade union leaders argue that CPSEs are deliberately ‘made sick’ or loss-making to do away with the responsibility of running a business. They say that efficient management and regular investment would turn them around and also retain, even create, jobs. Advocates of the free market, however, say that government has no business running businesses. What is your take?
Let’s go back and look at how and why the public sector came into being. This was a conscious policy of the government way back in the 50s and 60s. The then-PM and the then government went into the whole concept of the planning mode, setting up planning commission etc. The idea was that maybe the Indian private sector is not yet mature enough to handle all the businesses, and you needed to bring the public-sector in. You did bring it. It was very successful. But then the issue of productivity came up. At the end of the day, competitiveness is all about productivity.
And when in 1991, we opened up or liberalised our economy, we suddenly saw a real spurt in our productivity and private businesses. After that, people began to question if the public sector was matching what the private sector can and should do? Now there are many public-sector companies which function like the private sector. NTPC and BHEL for example. There are many examples like that which are extremely good public sector organisations.
But I think it is important that when we look at a company, we should look at it as a company, not as whether they are public sector or private sector. They have a role to perform. The competition must be open. And if a public sector is not matching up to it, you have to go down the drain and you have to be either disinvested or have a strategic partner who will help you do it in a particular manner. Because we do know that in India and in many parts of the world, this question of public-private partnership has been a norm and it has been accepted around the world. In India, we accepted it in many ways. In infrastructure for example.
What I am trying to say is that yes, there is no hard-felt rule that all public sector must go and all private sector must be there since we are a mixed economy. But in that mixed economy, we must look at productivity and we must look at the competition. Whoever offers that is the future, whoever does not offer it, well, there are going to be changes.
But specifically, in public goods and services, essential services like healthcare and transport for example, the argument goes that it is the responsibility of the government to own that fully so that it doesn’t depend on the whims of the market. What do you have to say about that?
You are absolutely right; it is the responsibility of the government to provide the service. But it’s not the responsibility of the government to own it. If the same service like transport or any infrastructure can be provided better in a public-private partnership or even just directly from the private sector, well, why not? We have ports, roads, and many aspects of the power sector which are completely privately owned and if that service is provided, well very good and yet if it’s not provided, then the government has the responsibility to move in.
So, it’s the question of the maturity of your economy. In many low-income countries, maybe the government will have to step in and do more of its work, especially in the least developed countries, and even seek international assistance to do it. But when your economy matures and you’re able to handle and have enough strength in the private sector like we do, we are very lucky in India to have such a strong entrepreneurial character which has been there for hundreds of years, we should use them to the best. In fact, we have been using them to the best and they have been performing rather well.
So, you’re saying focus more on regulation rather than going after public ownership? | 2019-04-20T02:56:06Z | https://thewire.in/labour/didar-singh-interview-future-of-work-india |
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BoneView Trail Camera Viewer for Apple iPhone & iPad, View Photos and Videos from any Wildlife Scouting Game Cam on Smartphone, SD & Micro SD Memory Card Reader for Deer Hunters - Use this anywhere in the deep woods since no internet, cell service, or batteries are required. Works with any apple iphone or ipad, includes free extender adapter to fit most phone cases. Works with free app called i-flashdevice for superior user options. Quickly swipe through photos, view video, and save/share/delete right from your phone. Compatible with any trail camera on the market that saves photos or videos to an sd or micro sd memory cards including bushnell, stealthcam, moultrie, covert, wildgame, cabelas, reconyx.
Card Reader, 4 in 1 SD Card Adapter, Memory Card Reader with Micro USB/ Type C/ Lightning/ USB Connector for Android, iPad, Mac, iPhone, Trail and Game Camera Viewer for SD/TF Card (White) - 【Professional security app】free app [ i-flashdevice ] from app store for communication, you can transfer any data and files between your devices and i-flashdevice hd card reader, support password or touch id setting. 【4 in 1 connectors】this card reader has four different interfaces lightning connector is for ios devices micro usb connector is for android devices type c connector is for samsung usb connector is for computers/macs. 【share photos/files any time】while in travelling, you can send the photos that you took with camera via card reader from sd card to your cell phone, and share the beautiful moments of your journey with your best friends or family. 【Files manage directly】you can manage all your data and files directly on this card reader (create, copy, move, delete, rename, etc). 【Photos management】 music play, video play, recorder sound, camera take photos, backup contact list, all of these functions are fully built-in this app you can operate directly from external memory without occupying space on this card reader.
Trail Cam Buddy – Trail and Game Camera Viewer for Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod – Lightning connector with Extender – Reads SD, SDHC and Micro SD Cards – Works with all phone cases (Blue) - Outdoor durability, crafted with a premium-grade aluminum housing, you can keep it in your trail pack, pocket, hunting bag without damaging it. Real-time access, insert the trail cam buddy into your iphone, ipad or ipod and watch sd, sdhc and micro sd cards instantly no internet required. Improve hunting locations, don’t drive home just to watch trail camera videos choose to move a tree stand or blind by accessing the footage on the spot. Satisfaction guaranteed, at trail cam buddy, we guarantee quality that’s why we always offer a premium, reliable product or your money back within 30 days. Versatile technology, each trail camera sd card reader includes a lightening extender and is compatible with iphone 5, 6, 6s, 6+, 6s+ ,7, 7+, ipad 4, ipad air, ipad pro.
TSAAGAN Trail and Game Camera Viewer for iOS iPhone/Micro USB/ USB Connector, Reads SD, SDHC and Micro SD Card for Hunting and Game Camera White - Easy to view, save, delete, edit and transfer trail or game camera photos and videos. Easy plug & play installation. Work with micro usb/usb/ios devices connector. Compatible with all versitions of sd/sdhc, microsd memory cards. Suitable for ios devices, such as iphone5/iphone5s/iphone5c/iphone6/iphone6 plus ipad5/ipad mini/ipad air ipod touch.
Juslink Trail and Game Camera Viewer for Android Phones and Tabelt,SD Card Reader for Samsung - Easy to view / download / share data(photos,videos,music,etc) from sd card to your phone or tabelt. Please download “usb otg checker” from internet to see if your device is compatible. Conveniently view your deer pictures from the comfort of your stand. Decide where to hunt by looking at recent pictures while in the field. Support android phone and tabelt with otg & micro usb.
MOSPRO Trail Camera Viewer for iPhone iPad Mac & Android, SD & Micro SD Memory Card Reader to View Photos and Videos from any Wildlife Scouting Game Cam on Smartphone for Deer Hunter Black - 【No driver required】 plug and play, no driver is required on the compatible devices it is very convenient for using at anytime and anywhere. 【Compatible cards】 supporting tf (micro-sd) and sd memory card compatible with all trail camera brands including bushnell, moultrie, stealthcam, reconyx, browning, wild game innovations, etc. 【easy to manage data and share in real time】 super speed & high capacity allow you to manage all your data and files directly on this card reader and to share the beautiful moments of your journey with your best friends or on social networking sites in real time. 【After-sales guarantee】 our card reader comes with warm customer service and a 12-month hassle free warranty if you don’t like your new card reader for any reason, please contact us in time so that we will try our best to help you. 【Compatible devices】 four kinds of interfaces are supported almost all your devices are supported ios, windows os, linux, mac os and android are supported.
Trail Camera Viewer Card Reader for IPhone 8 IPhone 7 IPhone 6 and IPAD Lighting Interface / Work With IOS 10.3 or Newer OTG - Continue view picture and video without any interrupt the old card reader cannot support the ios 103 apple iphone and ipad devices the old version card reader will just work for all of 30 seconds and stop. You can also connect your andriod device and view pictures and videos with mirco-usb, make sure your andriod support otg function with micro usb (we send a mrcro usb to type c transfer in packet). Will not cause your hunting pictures or videos loss all the pictures and videos will copy to your iphone or ipad, and have a copy on your sd card too. Plug and play, no need download app software it is very important if you are hunting without network just plug the trail camera viewer reader to your iphone or ipad, you can find the pictures and videos on your iphone picture viewer . Working well with almost all apple products (ios 92 and above) with lighting interface this is the newest chip and support ios 103 and later version, once your iphone and ipad ios version is 92 or above, the card reader will be the best selection iphone7 iphone 7s iphone6 iphone 6s iphone5c iphone5s iphone5 ipad mini ipad ipad mini 2 ipad min 3 ipad mini 4 ipad pro ipad air ipad air 2.
SD Card Camera Reader,Lightning Adapter for iPhone(iOS 9.2 or later), Gufee Trail Game Camera Viewer for iPhone 6 /6s/6s Plus/6/7/7Plus iPad, No App Required - Compatible with secure digital (standard sd and sdhc) memory cards with capacity less than 64 gb (sony sd card is not compatible). Convenience:you can watch movies anywhere and anytime with the sd card reader in addition to the back up photos, can also be in the sd card. No app needed:you can download photos & videos from sd card to your iphone & ipad directly,lets you view your photos on a larger display and share with family and friends. Upgraded version:suitable for ios 92 or up to 1031 iphone 5/5c/5s/6/6 plus /6s / 6s plus/se /7/ 7 plus ipad with retina display ipad mini/ mini 2/ mini 3/ mini 4/air/ air 2 /pro 97/129-inch. Support image format jpeg and raw , support hd video format h264 and mpeg-4.
Trail/Game/SLR Camera Viewer for iPhone/iPad, Lightning to Camera SD Memory Card Reader, transfer photos from camera to iPhone/iPad connection kit, External memory storage expansion stick for iPhone - 【3 in 1 with different interfaces】2 slots, 3in 1 card reader with three different interfaces lightning connector is for ios devices micro icro usb connector is for android devices usb connector is for computers/macs separately support 16g 32g 64g sdhc card sd/tf card & micro sdhc card micro sd card. 【Free professional app】free app [ i-flashdevice ] from app store for communication, you can transfer any data and files between your devices and i-flashdevice hd card reader be able to manage all your data and files from/to/on idevices and across multiple platforms(create/copy/edit/move/delete/rename, etc). 【Compatible with】iphone 5/5s/5c, iphone 6/6s/6 plus/6se, iphone 7/7s, ipad 4/air/air 2/mini/mini2/6 that connects using the lightning connector (8-pin) charging port. 【Share photos and videos any time】you are allowed to send photos that you took with camera via card reader from sd card to your cell phone, and share the interesting moments of your journey with your friends or family freely, good product for travel and business trip. 【memory storage expansion solution for iphone】external/extra memory expansion for iphone for your ipad/ipod/itouch , you can manage all your data and files directly on this card reader, quickly swipe through photos, view video, photo, and save/share/delete right from your phone.
Trail Hunter Outdoors Trail and Game Camera SD Card Reader Viewer for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices | Weather Resistant Carrying Case and Lightning Port Extender Included /Great for Hunting Gear - Lightweight and portable weather resistant carrying case included keep your viewer and sd cards safe from the elements with the included carrying case. Compatible with iphone 5,5c,5s / iphone 6,6s,plus/ iphone 7,plus/ iphone 8,plus/, iphone x / ipads and ipods with lightning connector lightning port extender included for use with most cases (does not work with lifeproof cases) on your iphone and ipad. Fast and easy to use and by far the best value reads sd,micro sd, and sdhc memory cards up to 32gb from all sd card equipped trail cameras and other memory card equipped digital cameras note if using a 2gb card you must format it to fat32 we recommend using 4-32gb card. Instantly view, share,transfer, and delete your trail camera photos and videos in the field while you track and scout for deer, turkey, moose, elk, bear, and any other game you are hunting field tested and quality construction guaranteed no batteries needed check your trail cam pics in the field no need for bulky laptops or taking your card back home to view perfect addition to your hunting gear or as a gift to your favorite hunter. Compatible with most android devices and smartphones that use micro usb ports (must be usb on-the-go compatible), not compatible with usb type- c ports.
Common Hunter Android Trail Camera Viewer + Case + 8gb Sd Card - Everything that you need for properly utilizing your trail cameras this bundle comes with our top selling common hunter android trail camera viewer, our high quality weatherproof case, and our premium 8gb class 10 sd card. This is over a 20% discount from buying these products individually.
Bestok Trail Cam Card Viewer Wildlife Outdoor Scouting Cameras SD Card Reader for Scanning Pictures and Videos USB Hub Connector Kit Picture Reader with Storage Case for Android Phones Tablets (cv600) - 【Application】transfer files to otg mobile phone. 【Complete service and warranty】we offer good service after-sale fast response and patient enough one year warranty for customers, if there are some questions during using cameras, buyer can contact us anytime. 【support】support android 22 or above otg function and mouse ,support sd/mmc/tf card. 【Feature and function】 this 3 in 1 card reader for moblie phone with otg fucntion. 【Suitable】samsung, htc, motorola,lc etc.
Bestok Game Trail Camera Wireless Wildlife Protecting and Scouting Endangered Animals Long Standby Time for Oudoor Environment Trial Cam with 8G SD Card and Trail Camera Viewer for Android Device - 【ultra low standby power consumption】extremely long in-field life (in standby mode, up to 3 months with 4 xaa batteries and 6 months with 8 x aa batteries). 【High quality picture and video】12 mega pixels cmos sensor,sharp and bright color pictures in daytime and clear black/white pictures at nightdate, time, temperature and moon phase can be stamped in the pictures. 【Abundant functions】intervals, time-lapse, timer, password protection, date stamp,video. 【One-year warranty】bestok trail camera offers 1-year replacement and refund warranty with perfect customer serviceany problem,just send me message,we will replied within 24 hours. 【Ultrashort trigger time】with 1 second trigger speed, you will not miss anything moving in front of the bestok trail camera,up to 65ft away from where you put it up.
IKADEER SD Card Reader for iPhone and iPad Lightning to Trail and Game Camera Viewer - No app required, instantly import photos and videos to iphone and ipad from sd memory card, experience better viewing, faster storage, and more rapid social media post. Original ic compatible all the iphone with (ios 92 or later) and ipads (ios 80 or later). Supports photo format jpeg & raw, and video format h264 & mpeg-4. Iphone and ipad lightning to sd card reader adapter camera viewer (up to 64gb). Data transfer speed 14mb/s~16mb/s, usb 20 speed.
TLO Outdoors TrophyTracker Trail Camera Viewer – For iPhone, Android, iPad – Great for Hunters and Sportsmen, Includes Extender and Protective Carrying Case (SD/MicroSD/USB Card Reader) - Best part community that’s right, the best part of tlo outdoor’s “trophytracker” trail cam viewer is your ability to register for the tlo outdoors community online with tens of thousands of hunters and sportsmen who share photos, videos, and hunting tips be a part of one of the largest online communities for those who share tlo (the love of) hunting, fishing, and the great outdoors. Unlike bulky, heavy trail cam viewers, tlo’s “trophytracker” turns your iphone, ipad, or android device into an instant trail cam viewer check your deer cam pictures on the spot or grab the sd, sdhc, or microsd card and view your hunting pictures in your deer stand or hunting blind and share them with your friends. Our “trophytracker” is compatible with all apple devices with ios 80 or later, compatible with iphone, ipad, ipod, android, and usb devices will read sd cards from all popular trail cameras including bushnell trail cameras, spypoint trail cameras, moultrie trail cameras, wild game innovations trail cameras, and many, many more. With the tlo outdoors “trophytracker” trail cam reader you can instantly view your trail camera sd card on iphone, ipad, android, or usb devices in the field view, zoom, delete, or even share your deer cam pictures from your phone, mobile device, or tablet super lightweight trail cam viewer fits in your pocket or bag for quick access. Includes two bonus accessories our “trophytracker” trail camera reader comes with a protective travel case that zips shut and has a mesh pocket to store your sd cards we also include a lightning connector extension adaptor that extends the lightning adapter so that you can insert the trail cam viewer for iphones without having to remove the phone case (sd card not included).
LovinFive Trail Scouting Game Camera Viewer 3 in 1 Hunter Reader Micro USB Hub Host OTG Adapter Connection Reads SD/TF/Micro SD Cards and USB Flash Drive Direct from Android Phones - Which are compatible download “usb otg checker” on google playstore to verify if your phone supports otg functionality(ensure checkmark next to “usb host support”), including most trail camera android 40 phones, such as samsung galaxy s6 edge note 5 asus tf201 acer a500 huawei xiaomi htc and more. What you will get 1 x 3-in-1 trail game camera viewer from “tolover”, and a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee from “tolover”. How it work simply insert your tf/sd or micro usb card or usb flash drive into the card reader, connect it to your phone’s micro usb port, open the file manager app(free download at google playstore), start scanning , viewing, editing, copying, deleting, or sharing your game images pictures and videos. Why choose this small lightweight and pocket friendly, avoid the trouble of lugging around a bulky laptop or other traditional expensive heavy battery operated cam viewer equipment, instantly access to your trail camera images and videos nimbly in the field. What is it 3 in 1 card reader usb hub host otg adapter connection kit, can view micro sd card/ tf card, sd card, usb flash drive straight from android phones, a must buy hunting accessory for trail game camera users and long time hunters.
Holisouse Outdoors Trail or Game Camera Viewer SD, SDHC and Micro SD Cards Reader for Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod - Compatible with most trail cameras on the market to view sd and microsd memory cards. Gain instant access to your trail camera photos & videos using your iphone or ipad, no internet or batteries required. Easy to useplug the sd,sdhc or micro sd card into the reader, insert into your iphone, download the free app, begin viewing your pictures. View, save, delete, edit, or transfer trail or game camera photos and videos on your iphone. Compatible with iphone 5/5s/5c, iphone 6/6s/6 plus/6se,iphone 7, ipad 4/air/mini/mini2/6.
KOLSOL Trail and Game Camera SD Card Viewer for IOS iPhone Android System Phones with Micro USB2.0 OTG Port Reads SD and Micro SD Cards for Hunting Game Camera Viewer - -Dual interface for android and idevicesusb20 for mac &pc,micro usb connector, reads sd and micro sd cards. -Compatible for ipad/ipad mini/ipad air /iphone5/iphone5s/iphone5c/iphone6/iphone6 plus/iphone6s/iphone6s plus /ipod touch/ android smart-phones. -Compatible with most trail cameras on the market to view sd and microsd memory cards. -simply insert your sd card into the game trail camera sd viewer, connect it to your phone’s charge port, open the app recommended with the instructions, start scanning, copying, deleting, or sharing your game camera photos and videos. -The android system does not need to install the app and operate in the system folder.
Trail Camera Viewer for iPhone 7, 6s plus, iPad, Android Smartphones, PC, iPod, Reads SD, SDHC, Micro SD, TF Cards for Hunting Game Cams - Simply insert your sd card into the card reader, connect it to your phone’s charge port, open the app recommended with the instructions, start scanning, copying, deleting, or sharing your game camera photos and videos. We stand behind this high quality cooladigital product with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, great customer service will ensure this product works for you or your money back. Compatible with iphone 7, iphone 6/6s/6 plus, iphone 5/5s/5c, ipad 4/air/mini/mini2/6, ipod touch5, android smartphones samsung huawei etc, pc computer. Compatible with most trail cameras on the market to view sd and microsd memory cards. Gain instant access to your trail camera photos & videos using your iphone or ipad, no internet or batteries required.
Bestok Trail Camera Viewer for Android 3 in 1 Card Reader/SD Card Adapter/ SD & Micro SD Memory Card Reader Viewer for Trail and Game Camera (cv800) - 【function】7 in 1 card reader usb hub host otg adapter connection kit, can read micro sd card, tf card, sd card, m2 card, ms card, usb flash drive on your cellphone. 【Easy to use】just insert your sd card into the card reader, connect it to your phone’s micro usb port, open the file manager app, start viewing your game pictures and videos. 【Suitable】compatible with samsung galaxy s4 s5 s6 note 2 note 3 note 4 note 5 note 7 asus tf201 acer a500 huawei xiaomi htc lg or other device with otg function and micro usb port. 【Introduction】gain instant access to your trail camera photos and videos using most newer android phones and the sd card (or micro sd card) from your trail camera. 【Feature】camouflage case compact and portable rectangular shaped.
Vomhome Trail Camera Viewer for Apple iPhone & iPad, View Photos and Videos from any Wildlife Scouting Game Cam on Smartphone, SD & Micro SD Memory Card Reader for Deer Hunters (BLACK) - Support micro sd sdhc (srl camera/ trail camera/go pro camera) 128gb memory card you can view the pictures and videos in the trail camera and slr camera by the phone . The only two way storage device between ios and mac/pc achieve communication between your idevices and i-flashdrive external memory expansion for ipad/iphone/ipod touch secured file encryption for private files manage all your data directly on the ios-device. Manage all your data from/to/on idevices and across multiple platforms (create, copy, edit, move, delete, rename, open in, and many more). Compatible brandfor apple,iphone 7/7plus/se/6s plus/6s/6 plus/6/5s/5c/5/ipad air 1 2 3/mini 124 /ipod /itouch/mac/pc/android phones compare with similar items. Free app from app store for communication between your idevices and i-flashdevice hd card reader. | 2019-04-19T23:18:50Z | https://www.tophuntingfishinggear.com/best-and-coolest-21-trail-camera-viewers/ |
Avinash De Sousa's valuable review (De Sousa, 2013 , ) contains clear summaries and discussions of the major approaches to the mystery of human consciousness. De Sousa even includes controversial approaches, such as hypotheses that locate the significant phenomena of consciousness at the quantum level (e.g., Penrose, 1994 ; Hameroff, 2007 ). This is as it should be. That way the reader can decide for himself or herself which approaches hold the most promise. While the future science of consciousness will surely exist on many levels-there will be a neurochemistry of consciousness, a cognitive neuroscience of consciousness, a social neuroscience of consciousness and perhaps even a physics of consciousness-the issue remains which level will yield the information we need to take consciousness from the realm of mystery to the realm of the understood. Each of the levels is a candidate in this healthy competition, with its proponents. There are several signs by which we will know which one is the winner-which one was able to offer the most satisfying, most unified explanations of the phenomena of consciousness: how does consciousness relate to perception, to dreams, to our ability to represent the world? Is there a self? What is the function of consciousness, and how does the brain generate all the colours, sounds, smells, feels and emotions that we know consciousness by? We also need to affect and manipulate consciousness in order to correct its disorders: Coma, schizophrenia and autism to name a few, and we need the crucial theory that will make this possible.
The most prudent approach is to begin at the level we have the best grasp of, that of biology and move down to the lower levels of chemistry, then physics only on an as-needed basis. In biology, we can begin with the upper levels of brain theory covered by cognitive neuroscience, and again, move down to the level of small sets of neurons or within the neuron itself as necessary. One sign that the quantum approach has little to offer, at least at this point in time, is the way that De Sousa's review goes from being easily understandable to largely opaque when he describes them. De Sousa suggests one similarity that may link quantum phenomena and the phenomena of consciousness: "What the uncertainty of thoughts does have in common with the uncertainty of particles is that the difficulty is not just a practical one, but a systematic limitation which cannot even in theory be circumvented" (De Sousa, 2013 ) . I would suggest that new types of theories, coupled with a working out of their practical consequences and applications, could solve both of these problems.
In my response, I will focus on what I believe to be the crux of the problem of consciousness, which De Sousa treats in section 2.5 (De Sousa, 2013 ): The role of fronto-parietal circuits in consciousness. This question, about whether conscious states can exist in the posterior portions of the cortex without active connections to portions of the prefrontal cortex, both allows us a way into the questions of what and where conscious states are, as well as an approach to a fundamental metaphysical question about consciousness, whether all conscious states contain a sense of self, or contain our awareness of them.
A distinction can be made between the mind-body problem and the problem of consciousness, which is then seen as subset of the former. The current form of the mind-body problem is: How do we explain the mind in straightforward physical terms, the same terms that we might use to explain the heart or the lungs, for example? What makes the mind-body problem so difficult is the notion that the world of consciousness is only directly accessible to the owner of the brain in question. This makes the mind appear to be different from every other physical thing we know of. And that is where almost every current thinker, including De Sousa, is stymied, since getting around this wall of privacy appears to be impossible. In his concluding section, De Sousa says, "the will of another, despite being tied closely to processes in his or her brain, cannot be completely decoded by an outsider, and is, therefore, not objectively understandable." And, "in fact, complete mindreading is beyond human capabilities" (De Sousa, 2013 ) . Claims of this sort are what make the mind-body problem appear to be ultimately insoluble. The way around this impasse is to see that it is possible to connect the prefrontal lobes of one person's brain to the parietal/temporal lobes of another person's brain in such a way that the first person can directly experience the conscious states of the second person, something I call 'mind melding' (Hirstein, 2012 ).
The mind-body problem breaks into two sub-problems-the problem of consciousness and the problem of the self. This allows us to separate questions about how we access our conscious states from questions about the conscious states themselves, and it is this latter question that is the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is contained in the question: How does the brain produce conscious states? How does it bind them, how does it fill them in (e.g., filling in of the visual blind spot), how does it produce all the different qualia, the colours, sounds, tastes and feels? If you go on to ask why your perspective on your qualia is different from that of the scientist looking at your brain from the outside, you have moved to the other half of the mind-body problem, the problem of the self. The self appears to have a special inner access to consciousness that is not available to the scientist.
I believe that the problem of consciousness has already been solved. The process of consciousness is the same process by which large areas of the thalamus and cortex are bound by electrical oscillations (Crick and Koch, 1990 ) . We know how conscious states are bound, and how they are realised in cortical tissue. They consist of cortical areas bound by thalamo-cortical oscillations. Sometimes De Sousa also identifies consciousness with thalamo-cortical oscillations, as when he notes (in section 3.6) (De Sousa, 2013 ) that in preterm infants, "the thalamo-cortical connections are not yet fully established, which is why it can only reach a minimal level of consciousness." One apparent problem with this approach is that it seems to be committed also to the idea of consciousness existing in small patches of brain tissue (see Section 3.1) (De Sousa, 2013 ). I do not see a special difficulty here though. The question, "Is that set of ten neurons conscious?" is similar to the question, "Is that set of ten atoms radioactive?" or, "Is that group of ten H 2 O molecules wet?" All three questions sound strange because consciousness, radioactivity and wetness are properties that only fully emerge once enough of the relevant objects aggregate. Consciousness can be generated in small quantities of brain tissue, but its computational power and effectiveness in the world require a massive supporting system of perceptual organs, executive processes to direct processing, and effectors to create behaviour that alters the environment.
In order to solve the problem of the self, the second part of the mind-body problem, one would have to find a way around the apparent wall of privacy. The self is largely realised in the brain's prefrontal executive processes (Hirstein, 2011 ). If we connect one person's prefrontal lobes to an area of cortex bound by thalamo-cortical oscillations in the posterior portions of another person's brain, we will have breached the wall of privacy and solved the second problem, the problem of the self. Contrary to what most philosophers and scientists had thought, conscious states are not inextricably bonded to a single self. Rather, this bond can be broken and the conscious state, while remaining intact, can be bonded to another self (Hirstein, 2012 ).
Does consciousness require prefrontal activity?
However, the view that conscious states always require fronto-parietal activity locked together stands in the way of mind melding. It implies that what is going on in the parietal and temporal lobes of the second person is not itself a conscious state, but merely an incomplete part of one. If so, then the first person is not actually getting in touch with a conscious state of the second person. In order to meet this objection, evidence that conscious states can exist in full in the parietal and temporal lobes, without connections to the prefrontal lobes, is required.
The main piece of evidence that makes people claim that fronto-parietal activity is required for consciousness is that fronto-parietal activity is widely reported in the brains of conscious people. This finding has now been made countless times, using every method of brain imaging and activity monitoring available to us. However, these are more complex, more sophisticated conscious states, states of self-consciousness. There is another type of simpler conscious state that I call a state of bare consciousness, in which only the cortex in the back of the brain, in the parietal or temporal lobes, is active. When De Sousa says, "although activity in ventral visual cortex is a consistent neural correlate of visual perception, it might be insufficient to produce awareness without an additional contribution from …prefrontal areas" (De Sousa, 2013 ), I agree. However, awareness is different from consciousness. Whenever there is a state of awareness in a person's brain, that person is aware of something. This means that awareness is a type of self-consciousness.
I think De Sousa is fundamentally correct in stating that phenomenal consciousness is mainly associated with activity of sensory regions (I would include the parietal lobes here, since they are primarily sensory regions, for sensing the body and its surrounding space), whereas, access consciousness requires the additional involvement of frontal areas (see Block, 1997 , for the phenomenal/access distinction). De Sousa lists some of the best evidence in favour of the view that consciousness can exist in the posterior region of the cortex alone, which is also shared by Zeki (Zeki and Bartels, 1999 ) and Lamme (Lamme, 2003 ). Gennaro (Gennaro, 2012 ) also contains an excellent catalogue of such evidence. The next section contains a list of such states.
Consciousness in animals and human infants may also exist without accompanying prefrontal activity, because the sort of prefrontal processes needed either do not exist, as in the animal brain, or are not yet properly connected by white-matter fibres, as in the brains of infants.
When subjects are engaged in a perceptual task or absorbed in watching a movie (Goldberg et al., 2006 ), there is little prefrontal activation. Tong (Tong, 2003 ) argues that interaction between V1 and other posterior visual areas is sufficient for conscious visual states.
Frontal lesions typically do not impair conscious perception. Rather, as De Sousa puts it, prefrontal activation "during conscious perception tasks may reflect additional reporting or working memory processes unneeded for conscious experience" (De Sousa, 2013 ). The only correction I would make to this is to change the last phrase to "conscious states," since experience requires a subject of that experience, which would be embodied in the prefrontal lobes.
There have also been several cases in which humans sustained extensive prefrontal damage without losing the ability to be conscious. Prefrontal lobotomy did not eliminate consciousness, although it only disconnected circuits in the ventral medial prefrontal lobes. Frontal lesions may prevent patients from reporting what they perceive, but we are, I hope, a long way past the behaviouristic notion that only events that can be publicly reported exist or are proper objects of science. One clear sign that consciousness is not coextensive with the realm of the reportable is that we are constantly in situations in which we can report only a small subset of what we were aware of. For instance, if a five-by-five array of numbers is briefly projected onto a screen in front of me, I am aware of a five-by-five grid of numbers, but I can only report a few of them (Block, 2007 ).
Deep meditative states also appear to involve a quieting down of prefrontal activity (Lou et al., 2005 ) while consciousness continues, albeit in a modified form-without a self, as the practitioners say.
Some types of coma patients may also be experiencing conscious states without prefrontal activity. The absence of prefrontal activity explains why they are unable to communicate or, in the case of locked-in syndrome, unable to signal their thoughts in any way. Nevertheless, recent studies have found that coma patients are able to respond to commands to imagine engaging in different activities-for instance, one woman was asked to alternate between imagining playing tennis and imagining walking through the rooms in her house. While she engaged in these two tasks, the posterior portions of her brain showed the same sorts of activity that would occur in normal people who engaged in such imagination tasks (Owen et al., 2007 ).
Some autistic conscious states may also be a counterexample to the idea that consciousness occurs only when there is an appropriate accompanying prefrontal activity. Several recent studies have found that white matter connections between posterior cortex and the prefrontal lobes are absent in the autistic brain, and that this may be the central problem in autism (Kana et al., 2011 ). Monk et al. (Monk et al., 2009 ) found increased connectivity between posterior cingulate cortex and temporal regions in their autistic subjects. They also found that worse social function was associated with decreased functional connectivity of posterior cingulate/precuneus and the medial prefrontal cortex. The idea that processing is "backed up" in the autistic brain, unable to move forward to contact prefrontal executive areas, which are, hence, themselves likely to be underdeveloped or non-existent, might explain why many autistic people have trouble communicating what they are perceiving or thinking. But nevertheless, the posterior activity is taking place. Sometimes, as in the case of certain autistic savants, the posterior perceptual activity is clearly very rich and detailed. There have also been many instances in which autistic people, with intensive training, have gained the ability to communicate their conscious experiences, which affirms the suspicion that the experience was there all along.
De Sousa also mentions some other pathological states that might represent states of bare consciousness: "Hemineglect, abulia, akinetic mutism, anosognosia, impaired autonoetic memory, loss of intentional control and a surge of automatic activities such as utilisation and imitation behaviours" (De Sousa, 2013 ).
Each of these types of states needs to be examined to determine whether they are in fact states of bare consciousness. If such states exist, the mind body problem and its sub-problem, the problem of consciousness become much more approachable.
The salient points of this paper are as follows: We should pursue biological level theories of consciousness and exhaust their possibilities before turning to approaches at the level of physics. The mind-body problem is composed of the problem of consciousness and the problem of the self, that is, the problem of how to explain why our access to our conscious states differs from the access that other people have to our conscious states. It is important to realise that peoples' brains can contain conscious states which they cannot describe or even know about-states of bare consciousness. Certain states of coma and autism may be states of this type. Realising that such states exist allows us to break the link between consciousness and our awareness of it, and that allows us to solve the mind body problem in two steps: The problem of consciousness and the problem of the self.
Once we get past the hurdle presented by the appearance of privacy, several good things happen. First, we no longer need to issue the standard dicta about how science can never fully understand the mind. Second, our temptation to grasp at extreme positions, such as the quantum consciousness view, will be substantially reduced. If it was a sense of mystery toward consciousness that made us want to pair it with the mysteries of quantum mechanics, the need to do so should subside. One more subtle reason behind the near-universal acceptance of privacy and its permanent mysteries is that the view is so flattering to us. It makes us deeply unfathomable creatures, different from everything else in the universe, at least at the macro level. It also hints at our creation by a god who is capable of fathoming the mysteries of our minds, but for some reason thought it better not to endow us with the capability of doing so. But before we content ourselves with these ideas, we should make sure that something less extravagant is not behind our conscious states. I do not see that this would make them any less amazing, or any less magnificent.
The possibility of the existence of states of bare consciousness holds the key to understanding consciousness in physical terms. Several candidates for these states can be found, including states in the brains of autistic people, states of people engaged in meditation and certain types of states in the brains of comatose patients.
This is original, unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere.
I would like to thank Rocco Gennaro and Ajai Singh.
Can consciousness be equated with a type of thalamo-cortical binding oscillation?
Can conscious states exist in the parietal or temporal lobes without active connections to the prefrontal cortex?
Can one person experience the conscious states of another?
Do people with autism have conscious states without active prefrontal connections?
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9. Hirstein W. Mindmelding: Consciousness, Neuroscience, and the Mind's Privacy. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2012.
10. Hirstein W. The contribution of prefrontal executive processes to producing a sense of self. Mens Sana Monogr 2011;9:150-8.
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15. Owen AM, Coleman MR, Boly M, Davis MH, Laureys S, Pickard J. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to detect awareness in the vegetative state. Archives of Neurology 2007;64:1098-102.
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17. Tong F. Primary visual cortex and visual awareness. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience 2003;4: 219-29.
18. Zeki S, Bartels A. Toward a theory of visual consciousness. Consciousness Cogn 1999;8:225-59.
William Hirstein is a Professor of Philosophy at Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, Illinois, USA. He is the author of several books, including On the Churchlands (Wadsworth, 2004), Brain Fiction: Self-Deception and the Riddle of Confabulation (MIT, 2005), and Mindmelding: Consciousness, Neuroscience, and the Mind's Privacy (Oxford, 2012). He also writes a regular blog called Mindmelding: Philosophy Meets Neuroscience, at www.psychologytoday.com/blog/mindmelding. His web site is at www.williamhirstein.com. Dr. Hirstein's other interests include autism, sociopathy/psychopathy, brain laterality and the misidentification syndromes. | 2019-04-24T13:55:57Z | http://www.msmonographs.org/article.asp?issn=0973-1229;year=2013;volume=11;issue=1;spage=230;epage=238;aulast=Hirstein |
Farah Pahlavi (Persian: فرح پهلوی, née Farah Diba Persian: فرح دیبا; born 14 October 1938) is the widow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and the former shahbanu (empress) of Iran.
Farah Diba was born on 14 October 1938 in Tehran to an upper-class family. Born as Farah Diba, she was the only child of Captain Sohrab Diba (1899–1948) and his wife, Farideh Ghotbi (1920–2000). Farah's father's family is of Iranian Azerbaijani origin. In her memoir, the former Shahbanu writes that her father's family were natives of Iranian Azerbaijan while her mother's family were of Gilak origin, from Lahijan on the Iranian coast of the Caspian Sea.
Through her father, Farah came from a relatively affluent background. In the late 19th century her grandfather had been an accomplished diplomat, serving as the Persian Ambassador to the Romanov Court in St. Petersburg, Russia. Her own father was an officer in the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces and a graduate of the prestigious French Military Academy at St. Cyr.
Farah wrote in her memoir that she had a close bond with her father, and his unexpected death in 1948 deeply affected her. The young family was in a difficult financial state. In these reduced circumstances, they were forced to move from their large family villa in northern Tehran into a shared apartment with one of Farideh Ghotbi's brothers.
The young Farah Diba began her education at Tehran's Italian School, then moved to the French Jeanne d'Arc School until the age of sixteen and later to the Lycée Razi. She was an accomplished athlete in her youth and became captain of her school's basketball team. Upon finishing her studies at the Lycée Razi, she pursued an interest in architecture at the École Spéciale d'Architecture in Paris, where she was a student of Albert Besson.
Many Iranian students who were studying abroad at this time were dependent on State sponsorship. Therefore, when the Shah, as head of state, made official visits to foreign countries, he frequently met with a selection of local Iranian students. It was during such a meeting in 1959 at the Iranian Embassy in Paris that Farah Diba was first presented to Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
After returning to Tehran in the summer of 1959, the Shah and Farah Diba began a carefully choreographed courtship, orchestrated in part by the Shah's daughter Princess Shahnaz. The couple announced their engagement on 23 November 1959.
Farah Diba married Shah Mohammed Reza on 20 December 1959, aged 21. The young Queen of Iran (as she was styled at the time) was the object of much curiosity and her wedding received worldwide press attention. Her gown was designed by Yves Saint Laurent, then a designer at the house of Dior, and she wore the newly commissioned Noor-ol-Ain Diamond tiara.
After the pomp and celebrations associated with the imperial wedding, the success of this union became contingent upon the queen's ability to produce a male heir. Although he had been married twice before, the Shah's previous marriages had given him only a daughter who, under agnatic primogeniture, could not inherit the throne. The pressure for the young queen was acute. The shah himself was deeply anxious to have a male heir as were the members of his government. Furthermore, it was known that the dissolution of the Shah's previous marriage to Queen Soraya had been due to her infertility.
Shahbanu Farah at work in her office in Tehran, 1970s.
The exact role the new queen would play, if any, in public or government affairs, was uncertain with her main role being simply to give the Shah a male heir. Within the Imperial Household, her public function was secondary to the far more pressing matter of assuring the succession. However, after the birth of the Crown Prince, the Queen was free to devote more of her time to other activities and official pursuits. Mohammad Reza was always very attracted to tall women and Farah was taller than her husband, which led him to wear elevator shoes to disguise this fact. Usually when the Imperial couple were photographed, one or both would be sitting in a chair or alternatively the Shah and his wife were photographed on a staircase with Mohammad Reza standing on the upper stairs.
Like many other royal consorts, the Queen initially limited herself to a ceremonial role. In 1961 during a visit to France, the Francophile Farah befriended the French culture minister André Malraux, leading her to arrange the exchange of cultural artifacts between French and Iranian art galleries and museums, a lively trade that continued until the Islamic revolution of 1979. Farah and Mohammad Reza usually spoke French rather than Farsi to their children. She spent much of her time attending the openings of various education and health-care institutions without venturing too deeply into controversial issues. However, as time progressed, this position changed. The Queen became much more actively involved in government affairs where it concerned issues and causes that interested her. She used her proximity and influence with her husband, the Shah, to secure funding and focus attention on causes, particularly in the areas of women's rights and cultural development. Farah's concerns were the "realms of education, health, culture and social matters" with politics being excluded from her purview. However, Mohammad Reza's politically powerful twin sister Princess Ashraf came to see Farah as a rival. It was the rivalry with Princess Ashraf that led Farah to press her husband into reducing her influence at the Court.
I could not write in detail of all the organizations over which I preside and in which I take a very active part, in the realms of education, health, culture and social matters. It would need a further book. A simple list would perhaps give some idea: the Organization for Family Well Being-nurseries for the children of working mothers, teaching women and girls to read, professional training, family planning; the Organization for Blood Transfusion; the Organization for the Fight Against Cancer; the Organization for Help to the Needy, the Health Organization ... the Children's Centre; the Centre for the Intellectual Development of Children ... the Imperial Institute of Philosophy; the Foundation for Iranian Culture; the Festival of Shiraz, the Tehran Cinema Festival; the Iranian Folklore Organization; the Asiatic Institute; the Civilisations Discussion Centre; the Pahlavi University; the Academy of Sciences.
Shahbanu Farah visiting an orphanage.
As a former architecture student, the Empress's appreciation of it is demonstrated in the Royal Palace of Niavaran, designed by Mohsen Foroughi, and completed in 1968: it mixes traditional Iranian architecture with 1960's contemporary design. Nearby is the personal library of the Empress, consisting of 22,000 books, comprising principally works on Western and Eastern art, philosophy and religion; the interior was designed by Aziz Farmanfarmayan.
Historically a culturally rich country, the Iran of the 1960s had little to show for it. Many of the great artistic treasures produced during its 2,500-year history had found their way into the hands of foreign museums and private collections. It became one of the Empress's principal goals to procure for Iran an appropriate collection of its own historic artifacts. To that end, she secured from her husband's government permission and funds to "buy back" a wide selection of Iranian artifacts from foreign and domestic collections. This was achieved with the help of the brothers Houshang and Mehdi Mahboubian, the most prominent Iranian antiquities dealers of the era, who advised the Empress from 1972 to 1978. With these artifacts she founded several national museums (many of which still survive to this day) and began an Iranian version of the National Trust.
Museums and cultural centres created under her guidance include the Negarestan Cultural Center, the Reza Abbasi Museum, the Khorramabad Museum with its valuable collection of Lorestān bronzes, the National Carpet Gallery and the Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran.
Aside from building a collection of historic Iranian artifacts, the Empress also expressed interest in acquiring contemporary Western and Iranian art. To this end, she put her significant patronage behind the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. The fruits of her work in founding and expanding that institution are perhaps the Empress' most enduring cultural legacy to the people of Iran.
Using funds allocated from the Government, the Empress took advantage of a somewhat depressed art market of the 1970s to purchase several important works of Western art. Under her guidance, the Museum acquired nearly 150 works by such artists as Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, George Grosz, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, and Roy Lichtenstein. Today, the collection of the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art is widely considered to be one of the most significant outside Europe and the United States. According to Parviz Tanavoli, a modern Iranian sculptor and a former Cultural Adviser to the Empress, that the impressive collection was amassed for "tens, not hundreds, of millions of dollars". Today, the value of these holdings are conservatively estimated to be near US$2.8 billion.
Discontent within the country continued to escalate and later in the year led to demonstrations against the monarchy. Pahlavi wrote in her memoirs that during this time "there was an increasingly palpable sense of unease". Under these circumstances most of the Shahbanu's official activities were cancelled due to concerns for her safety.
The question of where the Shah and Shahbanu would go after leaving Iran was the subject of some debate, even between the monarch and his advisers. During his reign, Mohammad Reza had maintained close relations with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Farah had developed a close friendship with the President's wife, Jehan Sadat. The Egyptian President extended an invitation to the Imperial Couple for asylum in Egypt which they accepted.
Due to the political situation unfolding in Iran, many governments, including those which had been on friendly terms with the Iranian Monarchy prior to the revolution, saw the Shah's presence within their borders as a liability. The Revolutionary Government in Iran had ordered the arrest (and later death) of both the Shah and the Shahbanu. The new Iranian Government would go on to vehemently demand their extradition a number of times but the extent to which it would act in pressuring foreign powers for the deposed monarch's return (and presumably that of the Empress) was at that time unknown.
The Imperial couple were aware of the potential danger which their presence carried to their hosts. In response, they left Egypt, beginning a fourteen-month long search for permanent asylum and a journey which took them through many countries. After Egypt, they traveled to Morocco, where they were briefly the guests of King Hassan II.
After leaving Morocco, the Shah and Empress were granted temporary refuge in the Bahamas. After their Bahamian visas expired and were not renewed, they made an appeal to Mexico, which was granted, and rented a villa in Cuernavaca near Mexico City.
After leaving Egypt the Shah's health began a rapid decline due to a long-term battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The seriousness of that illness brought the now exiled Imperial couple briefly to the United States in search of medical treatment. The couple's presence in the United States further inflamed the already tense relations between Washington and the revolutionaries in Tehran. The Shah's stay in the US, although for medical purposes, became the tipping point for renewed hostilities between the two nations. These events ultimately led to the attack and takeover of the American Embassy in Tehran in what became known as the Iran hostage crisis.
By now, both the Shah and Empress viewed the Carter Administration with some antipathy in response to a lack of support and were initially pleased to leave. That attitude, however soured as speculation arose that the Panamanian Government was seeking to arrest the Shah in preparation for extradition to Iran. Under these conditions the Shah and Empress again made an appeal to President Anwar Sadat to return to Egypt (for her part Empress Farah writes that this plea was made through a conversation between herself and Jehan Sadat). Their request was granted and they returned to Egypt in March 1980, where they remained until the Shah's death four months later on 27 July 1980.
After the Shah's death, the exiled Shahbanu remained in Egypt for nearly two years. She was the regent in pretence from 27 July to 31 October 1980. President Anwar Sadat gave her and her family use of Koubbeh Palace in Cairo. A few months after President Sadat's assassination in October 1981, the Shahbanu and her family left Egypt. President Ronald Reagan informed her that she was welcome in the United States.
She first settled in Williamstown, Massachusetts, but later bought a home in Greenwich, Connecticut. After the death of her daughter Princess Leila in 2001, she purchased a smaller home in Potomac, Maryland, near Washington, D.C., to be closer to her son and grandchildren. Farah now divides her time between Washington, D.C., and Paris. She also makes an annual July pilgrimage to the late Shah's mausoleum at Cairo's al-Rifa'i Mosque.
Farah supports charities, including the Annual Alzheimer Gala IFRAD (International Fund Raising for Alzheimer Disease) held in Paris.
Farah Pahlavi continues to appear at certain international royal events, such as the 2004 wedding of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, the 2010 wedding of Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Denmark, the 2011 wedding of Albert II, Prince of Monaco and the 2016 wedding of Crown Prince Leka II of Albania.
Farah Pahlavi currently has three grandchildren (granddaughters) through her son Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran and his wife Yasmine.
In 2003, Farah Pahlavi wrote a book about her marriage to Mohammad Reza entitled An Enduring Love: My Life with the Shah. The publication of the former Empress's memoirs attracted international interest. It was a best-seller in Europe, with excerpts appearing in news magazines and the author appearing on talk shows and in other media outlets. However, opinion about the book, which Publishers Weekly called "a candid, straightforward account" and the Washington Post called "engrossing", was mixed.
Elaine Sciolino, The New York Times's Paris bureau chief, gave the book a less than flattering review, describing it as "well translated" but "full of anger and bitterness". But National Review's Reza Bayegan, an Iranian writer, praised the memoir as "abound[ing] with affection and sympathy for her countrymen."
In 2009 the Persian-Swedish director Nahid Persson Sarvestani released a feature length documentary about Farah Pahlavi's life, entitled The Queen and I. The film was screened in various International film festivals such as IDFA and Sundance. In 2012 the Dutch director Kees Roorda made a theater play inspired by the life of Farah Pahlavi in exile. In the play Liz Snoijink acted as Farah Diba.
^ "Shahbanou (Documentary)". Farah Pahlavi's Official YouTube Page. 25 December 2016. Retrieved 15 January 2017.
^ The life and times of the Shah. Books.google. Retrieved 11 June 2011.
^ Afkhami, Gholam Reza. The life and times of the Shah (1 ed.). University of California Press. p. 44. ISBN 978-0-520-25328-5.
^ a b Shakibi, Zhand (2007). Revolutions and the Collapse of Monarchy: Human Agency and the Making of Revolution in France, Russia, and Iran. I.B. Tauris. p. 90. ISBN 1-84511-292-X.
^ "Empress Farah Pahlavi Official Site - سایت رسمی شهبانو فرح پهلوی". farahpahlavi.org.
^ Meng, J. I. (29 July 2013). Translation, History and Arts: New Horizons in Asian Interdisciplinary Humanities Research. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443851176.
^ "The Royal Order of Sartorial Splendor: Wedding Wednesday: Empress Farah's Gown". orderofsplendor.blogspot.com.
^ Snodgrass, Mary Ellen (17 March 2015). World Clothing and Fashion: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Social Influence. Routledge. ISBN 9781317451679.
^ a b Pahlavi, Farah. 'An Enduring Love: My Life with The Shah. A Memoir', 2004.
^ Queen of Iran Accepts Divorce As Sacrifice, The New York Times, 15 March 1958, p. 4.
^ a b c d e f g Zonis, Marvin Majestic Failure The Fall of the Shah, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991 page 138.
^ a b Zonis, Marvin Majestic Failure The Fall of the Shah, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991 page 14.
^ Zonis, Marvin Majestic Failure The Fall of the Shah, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991 page 129.
^ a b "The World: Farah: The Working Empress". Time. 4 November 1974. Retrieved 2 May 2010.
^ Zonis, Marvin Majestic Failure The Fall of the Shah, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991 page 221.
^ Robert Gluck. "The Shiraz Arts Festival: Western Avant-Garde Arts in 1970s Iran". Mitpressjournals.org. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ Norman, Geraldine (13 December 1992). "Mysterious gifts from the East". The Independent. London. Retrieved 16 March 2012.
^ a b de Bellaigue, Christopher (7 October 2005). "Lifting the veil". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 2 May 2010.
^ a b "Iran: We Will Put American Art Treasures on Display". ABC News. 7 March 2008. Retrieved 11 June 2011.
^ "1978: Iran's PM steps down amid riots". BBC News. 5 November 1978. Retrieved 2 May 2010.
^ "Shah's Dilemma". Time Magazine.
^ "The Shah's Flight". Time Magazine.
^ "Former Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi will proclaim himself the new shah of Iran", United Press International, 17 October 1980, retrieved 25 January 2019, His Imperial Highness Reza Pahlavi, Crown Prince of Iran, will reach his constitutional majority on the 9th of Aban, 1359 (October 31, 1980). On this date, and in conformity with the Iranian Constitution, the regency of Her Imperial Majesty Farah Pahlavi, Shahbanou of Iran, will come to an end and His Imperial Highness, who on this occasion will send a message to the people of Iran, will succeed his father, His Imperial Majesty Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, deceased in Cairo on Mordad 5, 1359 (July 27, 1980).
^ "Enduring Friendship: Alain Delon and Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi at annual Alzheimer Gala in Paris". Payvand. Retrieved 17 September 2012.
^ "Announcement of Birth". Reza Pahlavi. Archived from the original on 30 September 2011. Retrieved 5 August 2011.
^ Sciolino, Elaine (2 May 2004). "The Last Empress". The New York Times.
^ Bayegan, Reza (13 May 2004). "The Shah & She". National Review.
^ "The Queen and I". sundance.org.
^ "Farah Diba, World's Prettiest Woman: Premiere in Haarlem". iranian.com. 2012.
^ a b c d e f g h i j k "pahlavi3". Royalark.net. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image". Geourdu.co. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). 41.media.tumblr.com. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran". Getty Images. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Empress Farah Pahlavi of Iran - Getty Images". archive.org. 5 March 2016.
^ "Royal and Historic Jewelry - Page 4 - the Fashion Spot". Forums.thefashionspot.com. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Reply to a parliamentary question" (PDF) (in German). p. 193. Retrieved 4 October 2012.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). Farm2.staticflickr.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). Images.thetrumpet.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran". Getty Images. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Wayback Machine". archive.org. 4 March 2016.
^ "Kolana Řádu Bílého lva aneb hlavy států v řetězech". Vyznamenani.net. 25 June 2010. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ Ismael. "Royal State Visits: Visita de Estado de Irán a Etiopía - 1968". Royalstatevisits.blogspot.com.es. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). 2.bp.blogpsot.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "The Royal Watcher : Photo". Royalwatcher.tumblr.com. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "FARAH PAHLAVI S.M.I. decorato di Gran Cordone" (PDF) (in Italian). Retrieved 13 October 2012.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). 40.media.tumblr.com. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). 36.media.tmblr.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "Casa Imperial de Irán: Visita de Estado a Marruecos - 1968". Casaimperialdeiran.blogspot.co.uk. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Het geheugen van Nederland". Geheugenvannederland.nl. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). S-media.cache.oinimg.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ Beata (12 September 2008). "Where are our smiles from?: The Order of the Smile". Oursmiles-etwinning.blogspot.co.uk. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "1lI. Otras disposicionel" (PDF). Boletín Oficial del Estado (in Spanish). 13 November 1969. Retrieved 13 October 2012.
^ "Juan Carlos I". Getty Images. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). Pricescope.com. Retrieved 9 January 2016.
^ "Photographic image" (JPG). Theroyalforums.com. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Casa Imperial de Irán: Visita de Estado a Túnez - 1969". Casaimperialdeiran.blogspot.co.uk. 31 August 2012. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Welcome to Flickr!". webarchive.loc.gov.
^ "Farah Pahlavi Official Site". Farahpahlavi.org. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Farah Pahlavi Official Site" (PDF). Farahpahlavi.org. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
^ "Diaries of an Exiled Persian: American University's Honorary Doctorate for Queen Farah of Persia". Exiledpersian.blogspot.co.uk. 3 January 2015. Retrieved 8 January 2016.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Farah Pahlavi. | 2019-04-24T20:44:59Z | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farah_Pahlavi |
These financial statements and related notes are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and are expressed in US dollars.
The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of CLS Holdings USA, Inc., and its wholly owned operating subsidiaries, CLS Nevada, Inc., (“CLS Nevada”), CLS Labs, Inc. (“CLS Labs”), CLS Labs Colorado, Inc. (“CLS Colorado”), and Alternative Solutions, LLC (“Alternative Solutions”). Alternative Solutions is sole owner of the following three entities (collectively, the “Oasis LLCs”): Serenity Wellness Center, LLC (“Serenity Wellness Center”); Serenity Wellness Products, LLC (“Serenity Wellness Products”); and Serenity Wellness Growers, LLC (“Serenity Wellness Growers”). All material intercompany transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation of these entities.
CLS Holdings USA, Inc. (the “Company”) was originally incorporated as Adelt Design, Inc. (“Adelt”) on March 31, 2011 to manufacture and market carpet binding art. Production and marketing of carpet binding art never commenced.
On November 12, 2014, CLS Labs, Inc. (“CLS Labs”) acquired 10,000,000 shares, or 55.6%, of the outstanding shares of common stock of Adelt from its founder, Larry Adelt. On that date, Jeffrey Binder, the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of CLS Labs, was appointed Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. On November 20, 2014, Adelt adopted amended and restated articles of incorporation, thereby changing its name to CLS Holdings USA, Inc. Effective December 10, 2014, the Company effected a reverse stock split of its issued and outstanding common stock at a ratio of 1-for-0.625 (the “Reverse Split”), wherein 0.625 shares of the Company’s common stock were issued in exchange for each share of common stock issued and outstanding. As a result, 6,250,000 shares of the Company’s common stock were issued to CLS Labs in exchange for the 10,000,000 shares that it owned by virtue of the above-referenced purchase from Larry Adelt.
On April 29, 2015, the Company, CLS Labs and CLS Merger Inc., a Nevada corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of CLS Holdings (“Merger Sub”), entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”) and completed a merger, whereby CLS Merger Inc. merged with and into CLS Labs, with CLS Labs remaining as the surviving entity (the “Merger”). Upon the consummation of the Merger, the shares of the common stock of CLS Holdings owned by CLS Labs were extinguished and the former stockholders of CLS Labs were issued an aggregate of 15,000,000 (post Reverse Split) shares of common stock in CLS Holdings in exchange for their shares of common stock in CLS Labs. As a result of the Merger, the Company acquired the business of CLS Labs and abandoned its previous business.
The Company has been issued a U.S. patent with respect to its proprietary method of extracting cannabinoids from cannabis plants and converting the resulting cannabinoid extracts into concentrates such as oils, waxes, edibles and shatter. These concentrates may be ingested in a number of ways, including through vaporization via electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes”), and used for a variety of pharmaceutical and other purposes. Internal testing of this extraction method and conversion process has revealed that it produces a cleaner, higher quality product and a significantly higher yield than the cannabinoid extraction processes currently existing in the marketplace. The Company has not commercialized its proprietary process or otherwise earned any revenues from it. The Company plans to generate revenues through licensing, fee-for-service and joint venture arrangements related to its proprietary method of extracting cannabinoids from cannabis plants and converting the resulting cannabinoid extracts into saleable concentrates.
On December 4, 2017, the Company and Alternative Solutions, LLC (“Alternative Solutions”) entered into a Membership Interest Purchase Agreement (the “Acquisition Agreement”), as amended, for the Company to acquire the Oasis LLCs from Alternative Solutions. Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Company initially contemplated acquiring all of the membership interests in the Oasis LLCs from Alternative Solutions. Just prior to closing, the parties agreed that the Company would instead acquire all of the membership interests in Alternative Solutions, the parent of the Oasis LLCs, from its members, and the membership interests in the Oasis LLCs owned by members other than Alternative Solutions.
Pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement, the Company paid a non-refundable deposit of $250,000 upon signing, which was followed by an additional payment of $1,800,000 paid in February 2018, for an initial 10% of each of the Oasis LLCs. At that time, the Company applied for regulatory approval to own an interest in the Oasis LLCs, which approval was received. On June 27, 2018, the Company made the payments to indirectly acquire the remaining 90% of the Oasis LLCs, which were equal to cash in the amount of $5,995,543, a $4.0 million promissory note due in December 2019 (the “Oasis Note”), and 22,058,823 shares of its common stock (the “Purchase Price Shares”) (collectively, the “Closing Consideration”). The cash payment of $5,995,543 was less than the $6,200,000 payment originally contemplated because the Company assumed an additional $204,457 of liabilities. The Company used the proceeds of its recent Canadian private securities offering to fund the cash portion of the Closing Consideration. The Company then applied for regulatory approval to own the additional 90% in membership interests in the Oasis LLCs, which it received on December 12, 2018. The Company has adopted a fiscal year end of May 31st.
On October 31, 2018, the Company, CLS Massachusetts, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (“CLS Massachusetts”), and In Good Health, Inc. (“IGH”), a Massachusetts not-for-profit corporation, which converted to a for-profit corporation on November 6, 2018 (the “Conversion”), entered into an Option Agreement (the “Option Agreement”). Under the terms of the Option Agreement, CLS Massachusetts has an exclusive option to acquire all of the outstanding capital stock of IGH (the “Option”) during the period beginning on the earlier of the date that is one year after the effective date of the Conversion and December 1, 2019, and ending on the date that is 60 days after such date (the “Option Period”). (See note 4). On October 31, 2018, as consideration for the Option, the Company made a loan to IGH (the “IGH Loan”), in the principal amount of $5,000,000 (the “IGH Loan Amount”), subject to the terms and conditions set forth in that certain Loan Agreement, dated as of October 31, 2018 between IGH as the borrower and the Company as the lender (the “IGH Loan Agreement”) (see note 8). The IGH Loan is evidenced by a secured promissory note of IGH (the “IGH Note Receivable”), which bears interest at the rate of 6% per annum and matures on October 31, 2021.
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The Company had cash and cash equivalents of $4,872,048 and $52,964 as of November 30, 2018 and May 31, 2018, respectively.
The Company generates the majority of its revenues and corresponding accounts receivable from the sale of cannabis, and cannabis related products. The Company evaluates the collectability of its accounts receivable considering a combination of factors. In circumstances where it is aware of a specific customer’s inability to meet its financial obligations to it, the Company records a specific reserve for bad debts against amounts due in order to reduce the net recognized receivable to the amount it reasonably believe will be collected. For all other customers, the Company recognizes reserves for bad debts based on past write-off experience and the length of time the receivables are past due. The Company had no bad debts expense during the three and six months ended November 30, 2018 and 2017.
Under FASB ASC 280-10-50, the Company operates two business segments: Cannabis Dispensary Segment, and Cannabis Production Segment, and will evaluate additional segment disclosure requirements as it expands its operations.
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined on a standard cost basis that approximates the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. Market is determined based on net realizable value. Appropriate consideration is given to obsolescence, excessive levels, deterioration, and other factors in evaluating net realizable values. Our cannabis products consists of prepackaged purchased goods ready for resale, and cannabis flower grown in-house under our cultivation license, along with produced edibles and extracts developed under our production license.
Property and equipment is recorded at the lower of cost or estimated net recoverable amount, and is depreciated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives. Computer equipment is being depreciated over a three-year period.
The Company maintains its cash in bank deposit accounts and other accounts, the balances of which at times may be uninsured or exceed federally insured limits. From time to time, some of the Company’s funds are also held by escrow agents; these funds may not be federally insured. The Company continually monitors its banking relationships and consequently has not experienced any losses in such accounts.
All costs associated with advertising and promoting products are expensed as incurred with the exception of the amortization of the cost of two major video productions. A music video and reality/lifestyle video were both produced in 2017. The remaining amount that hasn’t been expensed is listed on the schedule in Note 7. Total recognized advertising and promotion expenses were $48,284 and $0 for the three months ended November 30, 2018 and 2017, respectively; total recognized advertising and promotion expenses were $175,676 and $0 for the six months ended November 30, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
Research and development expenses are charged to operations as incurred. The Company incurred no research and development costs for the three and six months ended November 30, 2018 and 2017, respectively.
Pursuant to Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) No. 825 - Financial Instruments, the Company is required to estimate the fair value of all financial instruments included on its balance sheets. The carrying amount of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents, note receivable, notes payable, accounts payable and accrued expenses, none of which is held for trading, approximates their estimated fair values due to the short-term maturities of those financial instruments.
Level 2 - Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, or other inputs that are observable, either directly or indirectly.
Level 3 - Significant unobservable inputs that cannot be corroborated by market data.
Derivatives are recorded on the condensed consolidated balance sheet at fair value. The conversion features of the convertible notes are embedded derivatives and are separately valued and accounted for on the consolidated balance sheet with changes in fair value recognized during the period of change as a separate component of other income/expense. Fair values for exchange-traded securities and derivatives are based on quoted market prices. The pricing model the Company uses for determining the fair value of its derivatives is the Lattice Model. Valuations derived from this model are subject to ongoing internal and external verification and review. The model uses market-sourced inputs such as interest rates and stock price volatilities. Selection of these inputs involves management’s judgment and may impact net income (see note 16). On June 1, 2018, the Company adopted ASU 2017-11 and accordingly reclassified the fair value of the reset provisions embedded in convertible notes payable and certain warrants with embedded anti-dilutive provisions from liability to equity in the aggregate amount of $1,265,751.
Revenue is primarily generated through the Company’s subsidiary, Serenity Wellness Center LLC, d/b/a Oasis Cannabis (“Oasis”). Oasis operates a 24-hour cannabis dispensary that recognizes revenue from the sale of medical and recreational cannabis products within the State of Nevada.
Revenue from the sale of cannabis products is recognized by our subsidiary at the point of sale, at which time payment is received. Management estimates an allowance for sales returns.
Effective June 1, 2018, the Company adopted ASC 606 — Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue from the commercial sales of products, licensing agreements and contracts to perform pilot studies by applying the following steps: (1) identify the contract with a customer; (2) identify the performance obligations in the contract; (3) determine the transaction price; (4) allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation in the contract; and (5) recognize revenue when each performance obligation is satisfied. For the comparative periods, revenue has not been adjusted and continues to be reported under ASC 605 — Revenue Recognition. Under ASC 605. Revenue is recognized when the following criteria are met: (1) persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; (2) the performance of service has been rendered to a customer or delivery has occurred; (3) the amount of fee to be paid by a customer is fixed and determinable; and (4) the collectability of the fee is reasonably assured.
There was no impact on the Company’s financial statements as a result of adopting Topic 606 for the three and six months ended November 30, 2018.
A net loss causes all outstanding stock options and warrants to be antidilutive. As a result, the basic and dilutive losses per common share are the same for the three and six months ended November 30, 2018 and 2017.
Certain conditions may exist as of the date the financial statements are issued, which may result in a loss to the Company but which will only be resolved when one or more future events occur or fail to occur. The Company’s management assesses such contingent liabilities, and such assessment inherently involves an exercise of judgment. In assessing loss contingencies related to legal proceedings that are pending against the Company or unasserted claims that may result in such proceedings, the Company’s legal counsel evaluates the perceived merits of any legal proceedings or unasserted claims brought to such legal counsel’s attention as well as the perceived merits of the amount of relief sought or expected to be sought therein.
Accounting standards promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) are subject to change. Changes in such standards may have an impact on the Company’s future financial statements. The following is a summary of recent accounting developments.
In August 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-15, Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230). The update addresses eight specific cash flow issues and is intended to reduce diversity in practice in how certain cash receipts and cash payments are presented and classified in the statement of cash flows. This update is effective for reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2017, including interim periods within the reporting period. Early adoption is permitted. The Company does not believe the implementation of this update has had a material impact on its financial statements.
In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-04, Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment, which simplifies the subsequent measurement of goodwill by eliminating Step 2 from the goodwill impairment test. In computing the implied fair value of goodwill under Step 2, current U.S. GAAP requires the performance of procedures to determine the fair value at the impairment testing date of assets and liabilities (including unrecognized assets and liabilities) following the procedure that would be required in determining the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed in a business combination. Instead, the amendments under this ASU require the goodwill impairment test to be performed by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount. An impairment charge should be recognized for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value; however, the loss recognized should not exceed the total amount of goodwill allocated to that reporting unit. The ASU becomes effective for the Company on January 1, 2020. The amendments in this ASU will be applied on a prospective basis. Early adoption is permitted for interim or annual goodwill impairment tests performed.
In May 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-09, Stock Compensation - Scope of Modification Accounting, which provides guidance on which changes to the terms or conditions of a share-based payment award require an entity to apply modification accounting. The ASU requires that an entity account for the effects of a modification unless the fair value (or calculated value or intrinsic value, if used), vesting conditions and classification (as equity or liability) of the modified award are all the same as for the original award immediately before the modification. The ASU became effective for the Company on January 1, 2018, and will be applied prospectively to an award modified on or after the adoption date. The Company does not believe that this standard has had a material effect on its financial statements.
Effective June 1, 2018, the Company adopted Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 606 — Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Under ASC 606, the Company recognizes revenue from the commercial sales of products, licensing agreements and contracts to perform pilot studies by applying the following steps: (1) identify the contract with a customer; (2) identify the performance obligations in the contract; (3) determine the transaction price; (4) allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation in the contract; and (5) recognize revenue when each performance obligation is satisfied. For the comparative periods, revenue has not been adjusted and continues to be reported under ASC 605 — Revenue Recognition. Under ASC 605, revenue is recognized when the following criteria are met: (1) persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; (2) the performance of service has been rendered to a customer or delivery has occurred; (3) the amount of fee to be paid by a customer is fixed and determinable; and (4) the collectability of the fee is reasonably assured. There was no impact on the Company’s financial statements as a result of adopting Topic 606.
Management does not believe that any other recently issued, but not yet effective, accounting standards, if currently adopted, would have a material effect on the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
In July 2017, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2017-11, Earnings Per Share (Topic 260), Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity (Topic 480), Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815). The amendments in Part I of this update change the classification analysis of certain equity-linked financial instruments (or embedded features) with down round features.
When determining whether certain financial instruments should be classified as liabilities or equity instruments, a down round feature no longer precludes equity classification when assessing whether the instrument is indexed to an entity’s own stock. The amendments also clarify existing disclosure requirements for equity-classified instruments. As a result, a freestanding equity-linked financial instrument (or embedded conversion option) no longer would be accounted for as a derivative liability at fair value as a result of the existence of a down round feature. For freestanding equity classified financial instruments, the amendments require entities that present earnings per share (EPS) in accordance with Topic 260 to recognize the effect of the down round feature when it is triggered. That effect is treated as a dividend and as a reduction of income available to common shareholders in basic EPS. Convertible instruments with embedded conversion options that have down round features are now subject to the specialized guidance for contingent beneficial conversion features (in Subtopic 470-20, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options), including related EPS guidance (in Topic 260). The amendments in Part II of this update recharacterize the indefinite deferral of certain provisions of Topic 480 that now are presented as pending content in the Codification, to a scope exception.
Those amendments do not have an accounting effect. For public business entities, the amendments in Part I of this update are effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning after December 15, 2018. Early adoption is permitted for all entities, including adoption in an interim period. If an entity early adopts the amendments in an interim period, any adjustments should be reflected as of the beginning of the fiscal year that includes that interim period.
On June 1, 2018, the Company adopted ASU 2017-11 and accordingly reclassified the fair value of the reset provisions embedded in convertible notes payable and certain warrants with embedded anti-dilutive provisions from liability to equity in the aggregate amount of $1,265,751. | 2019-04-25T06:00:16Z | https://ir.clsholdingsinc.com/all-sec-filings/xbrl_doc_only/1512 |
There is always a traditional assumption that SET amps are noisier than their solid-state cousins. Often it is a fair trade to get that typical warm and euphonic sound SET amps are also known for. Recently that scenario seems to be fading somewhat with amps from the likes of Feliks Audio aiming for a cleaner more neutral sound.
Now the HA-2SE is not something I would call inherently neutral and solid-state but most certainly it is a lot cleaner than what I am used to hearing from a traditional SET amp. It still has a natural and somewhat analog sound in its delivery with a touch of euphony but nothing you could call overtly lush or bottom heavy.
The relevant phrase here is ‘balanced and coherent sounding’ when it comes to this amp’s sound signature. It pairs wonderfully well with all but the most bottom-heavy bassy headphones. There is a slightly forgiving harmonic balance, perhaps not as precise as a solid state but in return, you do get a complete lack of listening fatigue with the HA-2SE.
Vocals, in particular, are just effortless sounding regardless of the pitch be it visceral Hetfield grunts or ethereal Johanna Kurkela whisperings. Sibilance is not a factor in this amp’s tuning.
Turntable lovers will love the sound the HA-2SE delivers. It takes nothing away from that analog experience and if anything, it simply reinforces the classic vinyl presentation. I do strongly suggest getting a very transparent DAC to pair with the HA-2SE. Something detailed sounding like the Chord Qutest will stay out of the way and resist introducing too much coloration from source to amp.
The HA-2SE also blows away that noise factor like nothing else. This is a super quiet SET amp without a hint of pop, crackle or anything else you might come to expect from a tube design. That is a massive factor in the dynamic range potential of this amp its ability to pick out an excellent level of micro-detail in just about any track you throw at it.
Of course, I would not recommend throwing IEMs at the HA-2SE, you will still get too much gain and power for a quiet background with efficient monitors. However, for headphones, it is beautifully silent and resolutely clear sounding.
One aspect I do want to draw your attention to in the sound signature of the HA-2SE is the resistance selector because it does change the tone slightly. I tended to find with the majority of planar headphones between 50-100Ω the HA-2SE’s 50Ω to be quite flat and linear in its delivery. Perhaps the truer sound but not necessarily the most dynamic or musical. If anything, it felt a little disengaged compared to the higher settings.
Switching to the 150Ω setting produced a little more of a dynamic character to the HA-2SE presentation with headphones such as the Final D8000 and Hifiman’s Ananda which I had a slight preference for. The low-end had a little more bloom and vocals sounded more engaging and focused.
If you are using higher impedance dynamic headphones such as the HD600s (150Ω) then you will definitely hear the impedance mismatch at 50Ω. The energy will get sucked out and everything will sound a bit lifeless. Push it up to 150Ω you get a much truer sound with far better dynamic range and a more balanced sounding instrumental timbre. If you move it up to 300Ω you will get a little more bass bloom and a richer sounding instrumental and vocal timbre which some may actually prefer.
Staging is quite rounded and compared to the likes of the Xi Audio Formula S it is a little more intimate sounding. Impedance selection does play a role in how dynamic sounding the HA-2SE will be (not to mention your headphone choice).
Depending on your preference you can tune the presentation for a very neutral instrumental positioning or something a bit more holographic with more perceptible depth. That being said instrumental positioning and imaging is great. You get accurate placement and separation as well as a fairly holographic sound. It does lose out a little on absolute width compared to the top tier solid state amps such as the Formula S and its depth is not as gut-wrenching as the similarly priced Violectric V281.
At 1W output and including a resistance selector the Auris HA-2SE actually is quite a versatile tube amp. However, it is by no means the most powerful amp nor the most efficient desktop amp. That’s not a bad thing. This is, after all, a headphone amp and not one classed as being ideal for very sensitive monitors.
It also has no balanced setup so those looking for additional power I would advise checking out their mid-tier Nirvana which is a full-balanced design and rated at 6.5W. Solid state amps such as the Cayin iHA-6 and Xi Audio’s Formula S are more suitable for very demanding headphones such as the Hifiman HE6 and the Abyss AB-1266 which do need a bit more headroom.
For expansive planars such as the Susvara, the timbre pairing is beautiful but you always get a sense the amp could do with a bit more headroom. I can throw the volume all the way up to max but from around 2pm it seems to struggle to get any louder or more dynamic sounding.
Mind you I am ok with that because of the stunning synergy between the two. This is a such a sweet, detailed and musical pairing and one I actually prefer over the Studio 6 pairing which is a touch leaner in the lower treble and not quite as punchy in the low-end with the Susvara.
The HA-2SE also adds just a hint of wetness to the presentation without wrestling away that superb sense of scale and lighting fast articulation the Susvara is capable off. I do prefer the 150Ω setting with this pairing when using it with modern rock and pop genres just for that additional body. For acoustical or more nuanced instrumental and vocal acapella work I prefer the 50Ω setting for a little less coloration.
Planars such as the Ananda, also from Hifiman and the Ether (O) from MrSpeakers have no such driving issues with the HA-2SE. The Ananda, in particular, is driven effortlessly with the HA-2SE and sounds excellent also.
The Ananda is a largely neutral presentation with a hint of mid-bass warmth and excellent treble extension. The HA-2SE at 50Ω won’t change that perception too much but knock it up to 150Ω and you get a little more note body and sub-bass presence which I quite like.
For the Ether O, you only need a smidgen more volume but both are still well below 12 noon on the pot so again, a very easy planar to drive for the HA-2SE. The sound here is a little more rounded, slightly more analog sounding for me and the smoother of the two headphones (Ananda).
The HA-2Se delivers a punchier fuller sound than both the Susvara and Ananda when paired with the Ether O. You will hear more lower-mids body and sub-bass presence and a gloriously natural and smooth sounding treble performance. It is not as airy a combo as the Ananda/HA-2SE or as open as the Susvara but it has a more musical and fun sounding signature.
The resistance selector also has less of a difference between 50 and 150Ω so either will work fine. Out of the three planars tested the Ether Open had the best balance between power, tonality and dynamic range.
A 150Ω dynamic open-back headphone that has absolutely zero problems being driven by the HA-2SE. You can barely muster 9-10am on the dial so perhaps a little pre-amping form your software or other devices in the chain might help in terms of volume micro-control.
The resistance selector has a huge influence on the HD660s presentation also. Dynamic headphones will see a great swing in tonal bias with this switch than planar headphones. With the HD660s the 50Ω will rob it of dynamic range and will sound too flat for my liking. The 150Ω is just perfect. Not surprising given that it is a 150Ω headphone. You can try 300Ω but I found the bass bloom to be a bit too much coloration.
Tonally, I thought these two gelled quite well in terms of PRaT. The HD660s sounded punchy, full sounding and not a bit bright or lean in timbre. You never get a sense of any sluggishness or sounding too muddy either. The staging will feel a little more congested than the flagship planars tested, the HA-2SE will still give it a slightly intimate rather than expansive presentation.
For all their variations in the form factor, the Studio 6 is also 1W capable SET tube amp with similar performance ratings as the HA-2SE. Where they really differ physically is part of the reason why I love the Studio 6 so much as a reviewer.
Both have multiple inputs to the rear, 3 each to be precise but whereas the HA-2SE has one unbalanced output, the Studio 6 has no less than 4. There is no diminution of power also if you load up the Studio 6 with 4 headphones either. It stays strong wither one or 4 which is just fantastic for me to compare headphones quickly and easily without worrying about multiple setups. Mind you, that is a fairly esoteric preference but it is an important one nevertheless.
Visually the Studio 6 is clean, minimalistic with a retro aluminum design that complements the warmer smoother wood grain lines of the HA-2SE. The HA-2SE on an aesthetic level is the more attractive of the two in that regard. The Studio 6 is also much bigger and heavier than the HA-2SE.
The Studio 6 uses a wider range of slightly more expensive tubes than the HA-2SE. The stock line up includes an Electro Harmonix 6SN7, two Tung-Sol 6V6’s, two Raytheon OB2’s, and a single JJ GZ64.
Some of these are much more expensive than the PL95/EL95 combos, particularly matching pairs. I have rolled the Tung-Sols’s with a pair of matched JAN-Philips 6V6GT simply because my Tung Sol plastic pin-guide got broken. They are a touch brighter but more detailed sounding than the stock tubes so a lot of my tonal referencing may reference that.
The Studio 6 is the slightly more aggressive sounding presentation of the two, particularly in the absolute low-end and upper mids and lower-treble presentation. Those Jan Philips introduce a little more top-end vibrancy, a little more extension and an odd-harmonic presence which in turn add a little more bite to its instrumental timbre. The HA-2SE has a slightly smoother presentation, a more liquid instrumental timbre with slightly more lower-mids note body.
If anything, the Studio 6 is going to sound the brighter and cleaner of the two amps with those Philips tubes. That enhanced treble profile adds more percussive presence whereas the HA-2Se eases off on the treble in comparison. It is a more natural sound for me for most genres and more amenable to a wider range of headphone pairings. The Studio 6 Jan Philips tone is harder edged which may sound more exciting but slightly less forgiving for headphones such as the HE1000 V2 and the Ananda.
Our solid-state amp of the year thus far with bucket loads of power, a solid build quality but also a pure single-ended design like the HA-2SE, even with the XLR connects.
The Formula S dwarfs the 1W output capability of the HA-2SE with over 6W into a 16Ω and just over 2W into a 46Ω load. I feel sure that Auris will point you to the Nirvana as the class competitor for the Formula S given its balanced capability and similar power rating. Perhaps a review in the future comparing these two would be a worthy contender.
The Formula S can offer only one source input compared to the three for the HA-2SE and neither can double up as pre-amps. The Formula S does have a wider variety of outputs for headphone cables from XLR, dual mono, and quarter jack. However, bear in mind all will output an unbalanced signal.
In terms of headroom and demanding headphones, the Formula S is going to provide a bit more. Headphones such as the Abyss, HE6, and Susvara are going to be more suited to the Formula S than the HA-2SE.
The HA-2SE 1W output will pretty much over everything else out there including Audeze LCD’s, MrSpeakers Ether, Hifiman’s Ananda and the HE1000 series of headphones. The noise floor on both are excellent which is a testimony to the HA-2SE because you always expect a solid state to be clearly superior but in this case, it is much closer.
The HA-2SE is thicker sounding, with more midrange body and a more analog type presentation compared to the Formula S. The Formula S has a cleaner sound with a slightly leaner note but with a sweet-sounding timbre that belies its sold state heritage.
The Formula S is the faster-sounding amp of the two with more width and height and a very engaging level of imaging. Both are fairly holographic actually with excellent placement, just that the Formula S casts a bigger stage in which to weave its magic.
The V281 is physically the smaller of the two headphone amps but it potentially the more powerful.
At the heart, both have excellent topologies befitting a high-end amp. The V281 is a fully discreet Class A amp and the HA-2SE is a Class A single triode tube amp (SET). The difference between the two is all about power.
The V281 can deliver a fully balanced or single-ended headphone output of up to 4W into 50Ω (balanced) with stepped attenuation volume control as well as pre-gain and pre-amping output options. It has more raw grunt than the HA-2SE using either balanced or single-ended mode. The V281 is built to take on the likes of the Abyss and HE6 and offer plenty of headroom to the Susvara.
Both amps have options for multiple inputs. The HA-2SE has more with 3 unbalanced inputs and the V281 has 2 with one balanced. The V281 can connect 2 single-ended headphones at the same time and act as a pre-amp whereas the HA-2SE has no preamp features and a single unbalanced output.
Violectric has also provided the option to upgrade to a DAC/Amp capability but I have never really been that impressed with it as a DAC. Note you do have to pay more if you also want a remote with the V281. A remote comes as stock with the HA-2SE.
Tonally, the V281 is a much more aggressive sounding amp with a fairly typical solid-state drier and more clinical sound than the HA-2SE. It is not quite as even-sounded from top to bottom with a powerful low-end and a more sparkling treble performance. Explosive is the word I like to use when talking about the V281.
Switching to single ended on the V281 takes a little bit of crunch and impact from the balanced version of the presentation. You get a little less dynamic range though it still remains fairly punchy.
It is a dynamic sound with bags of depth but not quite as natural sounding as the HA-2SE’s balanced tone. Particularly in the lower treble where with certain headphones such as the Ananda it can sound a little cooler and harder edged.
The HA-2SE is the more linear of the two though by no means a flat sound, simply a more controlled and politer low-end performance. It is the wetter of the two but no surprise there give its SET tube design. Those looking for a richer warmer sounding timbre then the HA-2SE will give you that, particularly with voicing which is the smoother and more forgiving of the two.
The V281, like the Formula S, casts a fairly deep and holographic soundstage. The HA-2SE is a little more intimate in comparison with a slightly more rounded soundstage.
The Auris Audio HA-2SE is a really excellent sounding headphone tube amp. More than that it is an amp that I find myself wanting to use both on a recreational casual listening level as well as the times when I want to take a more studied approach. It has an enticingly quiet, balanced, and analog type sound with just a hint of wetness but nothing painfully slow. It is just so easy to listen.
Granted, the Formula S from Xi Audio is possibly the greater amp, it should be, it costs a lot more. However, like car buying, you go with your heart and the HA-2SE has plenty of character in its sound for that. Only the most demanding headphones are better left to the Formula S and V281’s weightier capabilities.
It also looks wonderful. Traditional tube amps have always had a certain style to it but nothing like this, nothing quite as art decor in looks as the HA-2SE. We can be a picky shallow lot us audiophiles at times. Yeah, we want great sound but we want the gear to look great also, well most of the time. The HA-2SE checks both of those boxes with commensurate ease. | 2019-04-18T12:23:07Z | https://headfonics.com/2018/10/auris-audio-ha-2se-review/2/ |
THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. KEITH RYAN REESE, Defendant and Appellant.
The federal Constitution’s equal protection clause compels the government to provide indigent criminal defendants, free of charge, with basic tools for an adequate defense that are available for a price to other defendants. (Britt v. North Carolina (1971) 404 U.S. 226, 227 (Britt).) Both this court and the United States Supreme Court have long held that one such tool is access to a transcript of prior proceedings. (Ibid; People v. Hosner (1975) 15 Cal.3d 60 (Hosner).) In Hosner, we held that an indigent criminal defendant facing retrial is presumptively entitled to a “full” and “complete” transcript of the prior proceedings. (Hosner, at pp. 65, italics omitted.) We granted review in this case to consider the Court of Appeal’s holding below that Hosner’s presumption applies only to transcripts of witness testimony and not to transcripts of opening statements and closing arguments.
We hold that we meant what we said in Hosner: An indigent defendant facing retrial is presumptively entitled to a “full” and “complete” trial transcript ––and this entitlement extends to counsel’s statements. The trial court and Court of Appeal therefore erred when they required defendant to demonstrate why a transcript of the statements was necessary for his defense. But we nevertheless affirm the judgment of conviction, because we also find the error here was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
Defendant Keith Ryan Reese is an indigent pro se defendant. He was charged with making criminal threats (Penal Code § 422, subd. (a))1 , possession of a firearm by a felon (§ 29800, subd. (a)(1)), use of a firearm in the commission of making criminal threats (§ 12022.5, subd. (a)) and assault with a firearm (§ 245, subd. (a)(2)). On April 11, 2013, a jury deadlocked on the charges after a five-day trial, and the court declared a mistrial. The court set the retrial for June 6, 2013.
At a pretrial hearing on April 26, the court granted defendant’s motion for a “complete record of trial transcripts.” The court continued the retrial date to June 10. On June 6, the defendant received a transcript that included all witness testimony from the first trial, but omitted the opening statements and closing arguments. Before trial commenced on June 10, defendant argued that he did not receive the “full set of transcripts which I am entitled to.” The trial court responded that it had ordered “all the testimony” and that defendant was “entitled only to the testimony given.” Defendant argued that he was “required” to have transcripts of the opening statements and closing arguments so that he “won’t make the same mistakes,” given that he had a “small amount of time to study a lot.” Without hearing from the prosecution, the trial court denied the request and the defendant’s motion for a continuance. After a three-day trial, the jury found defendant guilty on all counts. The trial court then sentenced the defendant to an aggregate sentence of 17 years in state prison.
A divided panel of the Court of Appeal rejected defendant’s challenge to the denial of his request for a transcript of the opening statements and closing arguments. The majority recognized that a defendant facing retrial is presumptively entitled to a transcript of the first trial, but held that the presumption applies only to witness testimony. The majority reasoned that a defendant is required to demonstrate a need for other portions of the trial transcript, including opening statements and closing arguments. Concluding that defendant failed to demonstrate any such need, the majority affirmed the convictions.2 By contrast, the dissent argued that Hosner’s presumption applied to counsel’s statements as well as witness testimony. Because the prosecution did nothing to rebut Hosner’s presumption, the dissent found federal constitutional error.
We granted defendant’s petition for review to determine whether the trial court violated his constitutional rights when it denied his request for a transcript of the opening statements and closing arguments from his first trial.
Given the scope of the equal protection principles we articulated in Shuford and Hosner, we need look no further than those cases to decide whether the trial court violated defendant’s equal protection rights in this case. Before the start of the retrial, defendant requested the entire transcript of his first trial — including the opening and closing statements. Because defendant had the benefit of Hosner’s presumption, he was entitled to a full and complete transcript of his first trial unless the prosecution “ ‘clearly establish[ed] the contrary.’ ” (Hosner, supra, 15 Cal.3d at p. 69, quoting People v. Jones (1944) 24 Cal.2d 601, 609.) Here — as the People concede — the prosecution made no showing whatsoever that defendant could muster an adequate defense without access to a transcript of the opening and closing statements from his first trial. In fact, the trial court denied the request despite the prosecution never addressing defendant’s request. The trial court erred in doing so because the prosecution had done nothing to rebut the presumption that defendant had a right to nothing less than a full and complete transcript of his first trial.
The considerable importance of counsel’s statements does not imply, however, an equivalence for all purposes between such statements and evidence. The prosecution remains free, of course, to reference these distinctions when attempting to carry its burden of establishing that anything other than a full and complete transcript (including opening statements and closing arguments) suffices to guarantee the defendant an adequate defense. We simply hold here that any differences between a transcript of witness testimony and that of counsels’ statements do not justify exempting opening statements and closing arguments from Hosner’s presumption of entitlement. The Court of Appeal erred when it held otherwise.
Having found federal constitutional error, we must decide if it requires reversal of defendant’s conviction. Most federal constitutional errors are subject to harmless error review under Chapman v. California (1967) 386 U.S. 18 (Chapman). (Washington v. Recuenco (2006) 548 U.S. 212, 218.) Not so for those federal constitutional errors deemed “structural,” which require automatic reversal without a demonstration of harm to the defendant. (Ibid.) In Hosner, we held that the erroneous denial of an indigent defendant’s motion for a transcript of a prior trial was indeed structural error that required automatic reversal. (Hosner, 15 Cal.3d at p. 70.) Defendant argues that this holding requires us to reverse the conviction here regardless of harmless error, while the People argue that Hosner’s harmless error holding should be reexamined or, at a minimum, confined to a total denial of the right to a previous trial transcript.
Although the question whether a constitutional violation is structural or trial error is generally thought to be categorical, the harmless error status of certain constitutional violations is neither binary nor fixed. Certain errors can shift between being structural or subject to harmless error review depending on the nature and extent of the violation. An especially apt example is the right to counsel, as Hosner explicitly connected the right to previous trial transcripts and the right to counsel in its discussion of whether harmless error review was possible. (Hosner, supra, 15 Cal.3d at p. 70.) There can be no question, of course, that the complete absence of counsel is structural error. (See Chapman, supra, 386 U.S. at p. 23, fn. 8, citing Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) 372 U.S. 335.) Notwithstanding this fact, the high court has held that the absence of counsel at a critical stage of trial can be subject to harmless error review. (See Coleman v. Alabama (1970) 399 U.S. 1, 10-11 [counsel’s absence at preliminary hearing subject to harmless error review, in a case where state law prohibited prosecution from using anything from preliminary hearing at trial].) Similarly, we have applied harmless error analysis to the temporary absence of counsel during trial. (See People v. Ayala (2000) 24 Cal.4th 243, 269 [applying Chapman to erroneous exclusion of counsel during portion of hearing conducted pursuant to Batson v. Kentucky (1986) 476 U.S. 79]; People v. Hogan (1982) 31 Cal.3d 815, 848-850 [applying Chapman where trial court responded to jury inquiry without consulting defense counsel], disapproved on another ground in People v. Cooper (1991) 53 Cal.3d 771, 836.) Various other courts have done the same. (See, e.g., Key v. People (Colo. 1994) 865 P.2d 822, 826-827 [applying harmless error review to defense attorney’s absence for scheduling conference with jurors during deliberations]; U.S. v. Toliver (3rd Cir. 2003) 330 F.3d 607, 615 [trial court responds to jury inquiry without consulting with defense counsel]; Vines v. U.S. (11th Cir. 1994) 28 F.3d 1123, 1129 [attorney briefly absent during witness testimony].)4 So what matters in determining whether certain violations of law in the adjudicatory process are fully structural or subject to appropriate harmless error review is not only the fact an error occurred, but the nature and extent of it.
What does not follow from this conclusion is that the erroneous withholding of any portion of a previous trial transcript is automatically structural error. On this issue, the Ninth Circuit held that the partial denial of the right to a previous trial transcript is subject to harmless error review, and suggested that the total denial of the same right would be structural error. (See Kennedy v. Lockyer (9th Cir. 2004) 379 F.3d 1041, 1053.) We agree. The wrongful withholding of part of a previous transcript does not affect the “entire conduct of the trial from beginning to end” and thus defy harmless error review. (Fulminante, supra, 499 U.S. at p. 309.) Rather, when the denial of the right to a previous trial transcript is less than total, appellate courts will often have little difficulty conducting harmless error review. If the missing portions of the transcript cover witness testimony, a court can consider whether the defense was unable to counter that testimony at the retrial (for example by impeaching the witness or witnesses on discrepancies between the testimony offered at each trial). Similarly, if the portion missing is, as in this case, counsel’s statements, a court can determine whether the record indicates that the defense attorney failed to anticipate the prosecution’s overall theory or its argument as to a specific dispute. What we therefore conclude is that where a defendant is erroneously denied all — or, as in Hosner, practically all — of the previous trial transcript, the error is structural. But where a defendant is wrongly denied only portions of the previous trial transcript, the error is amenable to harmless error review.
In this case, our review of the record convinces us that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. The People charged defendant with making criminal threats, possession of a firearm by a felon, and assault with a firearm. The charges arose out of an incident at the home of defendant’s mother. The prosecution alleged that defendant’s mother called 911 and, once officers arrived, defendant’s mother, uncle, and girlfriend all stated that defendant had threatened his mother and girlfriend with a firearm. Both of defendant’s trials revolved around two key disputes. First, the three witnesses from the scene all recanted substantial portions of their earlier statements during their trial testimony. Second, the officers recovered a holster in the mother’s apartment but did not find any firearm despite searching with a gun-sniffing dog.
Several factors underscore why the error did not contribute to the verdict. The prosecution’s case was straightforward and quite similar at the two trials. During his opening statement and closing argument at the first trial, the prosecutor argued that the witnesses recanted to protect defendant and that defendant had hidden the firearm. Defendant, by contrast, argued that the officers had lied about the witnesses’ allegations at the scene and that there had never been a gun at all. The People’s case during the retrial was not meaningfully different. The prosecutor’s opening statement at the second trial previewed an identical theory of the case and explanation for the discrepancy between the witnesses’ statements at the scene and on the stand. Each witness again disputed that defendant had threatened his mother and girlfriend at the scene. During closing argument, the prosecutor argued once more that the witnesses had recanted their statements to protect defendant and that defendant had hidden the gun while officers spoke with the witnesses outside the home.
Moreover, the retrial took place just two months after the initial trial, and defendant represented himself both times. There is no indication that defendant failed to anticipate the prosecutor’s arguments, or that the constitutional violation otherwise prejudiced his defense. Throughout the retrial, defendant drew out testimony regarding the two central issues in the case: the missing firearm, and the discrepancies between the witnesses’ statements. Simply put, nothing in the record suggests that defendant’s lack of access to the statement transcripts left him unaware of the prosecutor’s theory or the central disputes in the case.
Defendant argues that a full transcript would have left him better able to respond to the government’s contention that he hid the gun, and he points to two moments from the second trial as examples of his claimed disadvantage. Our review of the record persuades us, however, that the withholding of the full transcript from the first trial did not prejudice the defense at either moment. First, defendant points to his attempts to compel the presence at trial of Officer Ramirez, who had handled the gun-sniffing dog at the scene. Prior to trial, defendant attempted to compel the presence of Officer Ramirez at trial to help establish that there was never any gun at the scene. The officer was on vacation, however, and the trial court declined to continue the case until his return. Defendant argues that he would have been able to persuade the trial court to continue the case if he had possessed a transcript of the statements from the previous trial. But it is difficult to see what extra force the missing transcript portions would have added to defendant’s argument. It is clear that defendant did not need the statement transcripts to understand the significance of Officer Ramirez’s potential testimony, as he argued to the trial court that the testimony would establish that there was “nowhere to hide” a gun in the mother’s “very small apartment.” Nor is there a reasonable probability that the trial court would have been more likely to grant the continuance had defendant pointed to those moments during the prosecution’s arguments when it referenced the hidden gun.
Second, defendant points to his cross-examination of Officer Azarte, who supervised the witnesses outside the apartment. Defendant argues that he would have more effectively cross-examined Officer Azarte regarding the missing gun had he possessed a full transcript, but once again it is difficult to see how the defense was prejudiced. As defendant’s argument for a continuance proves, he was aware before trial commenced that the existence of the gun would be an important issue. Officer Azarte’s direct testimony only further underscored this point, as he testified that the responding officers searched for the gun for “between twenty [or] thirty minutes” without finding it. In fact, defendant cross-examined Officer Azarte at length regarding the abilities of gun-sniffing dogs, which proves that defendant did not need the transcripts of the statements from the previous trial to understand the salience of this issue. There is simply no indication that the missing transcript portions left him unable to develop through Officer Azarte his theory about the existence of a gun.
A defendant facing retrial is presumptively entitled to a full transcript of the previous trial –– including opening and closing statements. The Court of Appeal’s conclusion to the contrary ignores that transcripts of counsel’s statements can be critical to an indigent defendant’s ability to mount a defense similar to that available to a wealthy defendant. What a defendant is not entitled to receive, however, is automatic reversal for the partial denial of the right to a previous trial transcript. Instead, when — as happened here — defendant is denied only a portion of the transcript, the harmless error rule applies. Because we find the error harmless in this case, we affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeal.
1. All subsequent statutory references are to the Penal Code, unless otherwise noted.
2. The Court of Appeal did stay defendant’s sentence for some of the counts to avoid violating section 654’s prohibition on double punishment.
4. We express no opinion on the specific outcomes in those cases but cite them only for the proposition that the absence of counsel can, in some circumstances, be subject to harmless error review.
WE CONCUR: CANTIL-SAKAUYE, C. J. WERDEGAR, J. CHIN, J. CORRIGAN, J. LIU, J. KRUGER, J. | 2019-04-20T17:16:23Z | https://1lawyers.org/the-people-v-keith-ryan-reese/ |
Earlier this afternoon, a farmer from a mile down the road came up our way to share that one of his calves had gotten out. Unless you are a farm family, you may not understand or appreciate what that may mean. It might be a cherished pet, but more than likely it might be the money to pay an outstanding medical bill or be the very meat that will feed your family. When a farmer hears of a cow out or some other issue on a neighboring farm, there is no need to think about what to do. You just go help!
The boys pulled on their boots and were gone before being asked. They spread wide knowing how to corral a calf that was enjoying it’s new found freedom. They knew they had to act smart since this calf outweighed them and could out run them. One can not underestimate the craftiness and danger of working with animals.
Our property was the closest so the calf was herded into a lot outside our milk parlor for holding while the owner got a trailer down to our place to load it and take it back home.
So what is the big deal? Are we heros? NO. but that is just it.
Community is being able to understand the struggles of another and just doing what is needed to treat that neighbor as you would want to be treated yourself.
I felt compelled to sit down and write as there is so much that is being done and seen in our own nation in the name of “Community”.
There is so much that may be called Community, but is so far from it.
Community is not beating someone because they have a different skin color (and no, I don’t care what color the skin is of the attacker or the victim).
Community is not setting fire to personal property because you disagree with how someone voted.
Community is not waging war on the police officers that are just trying to enforce the laws that the American people put into place through their personal votes or those that they put into office.
Community is not forcing your own personal values on others to the point of destroying their business, places of worship, or homes.
Community is not about self worship, but putting others before yourself!
There is no greater example of this type of love than what Christ did for us in coming in flesh as we commemorate His birth at Christmas and His ultimate sacrifice and gift at Easter.
So let us not lose hope, but return to the greatest commandments given to mankind.
Let us love God first and each other more than ourselves!
With each pregnancy, my husband and I chose our children’s names with purpose; for us, carrying meaning was critically important. This should be an indication of the intrigue and excitement with which I approached the opportunity to review the Name Meaning products from CrossTimber. Our family received a free Personalized Plaque with Name Meaning and Bible Verse. The challenge with this review was in deciding what name to have included on our personalized plaque.
As our children have grown, we have shared with them what we knew of the meaning of their names and why we chose each. Our boys have Biblical first names and we could therefore do searches in the Hebrew for their meaning. Our second oldest, Michaela, was given the female version of Michael, which means One Who is Like the Lord. Our oldest daughter, however, is named after my mother. Her given name is Rucia. We had no idea what the true roots of this name were when we named her.
My mother passed away when I was a young teen. Her legacy has lived on decade after decade because of her beautiful character and the way she touched lives in a special way. It was this essence of who my mother was that drove us to select it as our first-born’s birth name as well. And selfishly for me, it was a way of keeping my mother alive into future generations hoping that the stories that we share of who she was would continue on to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
WOW, WOW, and WOW…. I honestly have no other word. To see these words associated with the very meaning of my mom’s name was like closing my eyes and soaking in an embodiment of who she was. It is literally bringing tears to my eyes to even read those words as I type this post.
We strove to find meaningful names for our children with a hope of who they would become. I never considered the meaning of my mom’s name, but my hope for our oldest was that she would encompass the character I saw in my mother. To find in hindsight that who my mother grew to be was in actuality the very meaning of her name was an incredible blessing!
This review that started out as a nice, sentimental gift became so much more. It came to signify a confirmation of a life lived well and a name so rightly chosen for a woman who was filled with the best of intentions and integrity; compassionate; an incredible friend to many, and a true bearer of Light and Truth as she shared her passion for her Savior and Lord. It was like having a piece of her back. So much so that I am seriously considering hanging this plaque above my desk as a reminder of who my mom was and providing inspiration to me on days when it is hard to be compassionate, one of integrity, a loyal friend, and someone ready to point others to the True Light and Truth that makes the rest of life worth living.
Parenting can be one of the biggest blessings in life, but it can also be hard. When our children were small, I used to joke that as soon as I figured our children out they had the nerve to change. Little did I know how the challenges in parenting would change as our children grew into young adults. Young adults who would need to wrestle with life and test their own beliefs and convictions before settling into who they were. You see, I would guess that my mom was not always the person that this plaque exemplifies. I know that I am not who I was years ago as a teen and young adult. Life has a way of changing and defining us over the years.
What does that have to do with a plaque. As a parent, I have come to realize that the value that I see in a name is more like a prayer uttered in hope of who my children will someday work out their convictions and beliefs to be and not a guarantee of who they will become. Who they will become is between them and God, but in bestowing a name upon my children with meaning I convey to them a heritage of hope of character of what holds significance to me as their mother. A legacy from my heart to the words that they will scribe each time they place their signature on a document of importance. Each time it pops up on their college paperwork, their driver’s license, their marriage certificates, and maybe someday their children.
So, I share with you the meanings of each of their names asking that you join me in praying that as they grow they will learn a little bit more about their mother’s heart as they see the meaning and significance in their names that were so specially selected for each of them at the time that their dad and I met them for the first time face to face.
There are not enough positive words to give meaning to that name as well. What a company! When considering how to use the credit we were given for a Personalized Name Plaque, I had the opportunity to chat with John, the owner of CrossTimber. His passion for finding the meaning in names and the heritage and significance of them is evident throughout each dialogue and conversation with him. He shared with me not just the meaning of the my mother’s name, but shared the meaning behind each of our children’s names as well as my own. I think I forgot to even share with him my husband’s name or I am sure he would have joyfully researched it as well.
Once I determined which name(s) to focus on, it was fun going through the website in picking out the background for the plaque and considering other options, such as an upgrade in the frame or other types of products that would have the same name meaning on them. The ordering process was easy and seamless. You really can’t find customer service better than what I experienced in working with John at CrossTimber.
By the end of the process, I felt like the actual plaque will be cherished, but the blessings I received went much further beyond this. It touches on the legacy I bestowed on my children through their names in the things that I hold dear to my heart and hope that they will always remember me by as well.
Thank you, John, for a fantastic experience that will carry meaning in our family for what I hope are generations to come.
So many students are really resistant to fulfilling the high school graduation requirement for foreign language studies. For this reason, I was thrilled to be a part of the Homeschool Review Crew‘s review of Middlebury Interactive Language‘s Middle School Chinese I. My hope was that in getting a jumpstart on foreign language while still in middle school that it would be a much smoother transition in high school. We have not done foreign language consistently in our homeschool. Our son that reviewed this program was also part of our review of Middlebury’s Elementary Chinese I program. So when given this second chance a few years later, he actually was thrilled. I think we are moving in the right direction….
For this review, our family received a user account for one student to use the Middle School Chinese I course. This course is designed to be completed within a semester so we therefore were given a 6 month subscription. Included in the subscription is the course content and the parent dashboard.
Our son used this course primarily on our family computer. However, there is an app that can be downloaded on mobile devices for use on the go. We did download the app on to our iPad for days when our family had more technology needs than could be accomodated by our one computer. The software was fully functional on both devices. Our son could also pick up right where he left off since this is an online resource.
This is a curriculum that is truly done independently by the student. Our son knew how to log into his account and it would take him directly to where he left off. At times, he would click on the Table of Contents in the left sidebar, just because he is the type of kid that is always asking, “How much more?” He does not mind doing the work, but likes to visually see his progress.
Each lesson took approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, which I felt was extremely reasonable at the Middle School level. He found he could concentrate better and hear better if using headphones with a built-in mic. I think this really did help him in blocking out background noise. This was critical in that the program incorporates lessons which reinforce reading, writing, and speaking the language. The Chinese program has an extra layer due to the nature of the language. Traditional written Chinese has characters and symbols that are not like our alphabet. Josh did learn to read the traditional Chinese as well as select the properly written words for sentences and in response to listening exercises. For the written part of the language study, the program does have the alphabet based translation of the traditional symbols. This enabled him to be able to type the words out as well.
In addition to the academic study of the language, its syntax, and speaking of it, our son was also introduced to the culture of China as it was embedded into the lessons. I honestly think this was his favorite part of the program.
Middlebury Interactive Languages gets two thumbs up. The first for the learning that I saw happening and the second for creating a genuine interest in our son in foreign language studies. Having a parent dashboard definitely allows the parent to know exactly what has been completed and the level of mastery that the student has accomplished. Our son also knew how he was doing as each screen of work that he accomplished was graded before he moved on. He did have the opportunity to redo lessons to help build mastery. Like math, foreign language does build on itself so mastery is very important. Most of the time, I actually did not even go into the dashboard as our son was excited to share what he was learning. He knew that he was acquiring mastery of a new language; there was no question.
Life presents itself with enough battles. Finding a foreign language program that my son will do without a battle almost makes it a winner on that fact alone. He not only recognized that he was learning to speak and read Chinese, but was excited about it. He is a child that likes to look toward the future and had already put the pieces together in realizing that this was paving the way to easier and more successful foreign language studies in high school.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this review and will be continuing on with Middlebury Interactive Languages. It seems to be such a good fit for our son that I would see us continuing to extend our subscription through his high school years. Chinese is not the only foreign language to choose from. Middlebury also offers courses in Spanish, French, and German. These are offered at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels with multiple courses at each level. Additionally, there are course offerings for AP French and Spanish.
If you are interested in a different grade level or language, please be sure to check out the other reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.
I would imagine by now that it is not a well hidden secret that we are a family that loves to read. We incorporate great literature in our studies, but there are also times that we just love to snuggle up for some pleasure reading. Our latest review is from Shiloh Run Press with their new release, The Glass Castle by Trisha White Priebe and Jerry B. Jenkins. When we saw that Jerry Jenkins was one of the authors, we knew we were in for an action packed adventure that would be hard to put down. For those of you that do not recognize his name, Jerry Jenkins was one of the authors of the well-known Left Behind Series for both adults and children.
This novel was written with ages 10-14 in mind, but is certainly an engaging read for those older as well. Depending on the child, you may wish to reserve this for future reading pleasure if younger than the recommended reading age. Allow me to explain by telling you a bit about the book.
The Glass Castle is a 250 page book broken into 41 relatively short chapters. The text is medium-sized making it inviting for younger readers.
The story line is fast-paced from the very opening chapter. It begins with Avery and her younger brother, Henry, wandering the woods when they suddenly get kidnapped. When set “free”, Avery finds herself within the walls of the King’s Castle, but without Henry. In her desperate attempts to find her brother, she comes upon the inner circle of the other children who have also been kidnapped. The strange coincidence is that all of the children are orphaned and all 13, except Avery. Avery is 13, but her father is alive and waiting at home. Her mother disappeared two years prior, but was never confirmed as having died.
The intrigue of the storyline continues as Avery seeks her freedom and reuniting with her brother. Will she find him? Who do you trust? The children were brought to the Castle in attempt by an old woman to protect them. Protect them by hiding them in the least likely place – right under the king’s nose in his own castle. For this reason, the children realize that they can not distinguish which adults to trust and which they must stay hidden from. As Avery learns more and more from the inner circle of children, there is one realization that hits her. The things she is learning about life in the castle tie into stories her mother told her from her younger years. What connection does her mother have in this new sequence of events in her life?
Are you curious about the answers? You will be even more so if you begin reading even the first couple of chapters of The Glass Castle.
My 12 year old son and I both read the book independent of one another. What did we realize?
The plot is very addictive – you will not want to put this one down.
There is always an imminent sense of danger and adventure, but there were not any scenes in the storyline that would prevent me from having my child read it.
Children who have an unusually high fear of being kidnapped, have been kidnapped, or those that have been adopted, may be more sensitive to the turn of events and themes of the story. Parental discretion is definitely warranted in these cases.
It went by too fast!!!
The sequel, The Ruby Moon, won’t be out until Fall 2016.
From the moment I knew that our family would be reviewing the Forbrain headset from Forbrain – Sound for Life Ltd, the wheels in my brain began to really turn as to how we would push it to the limits. The company’s website touted that it had applications for short term memory improvements, increases in attention span, clarification of vocal patterns and speech clarity, and targeted response in the area of reading comprehension. My background in music therapy as well as being a homeschool mom to a child with some special learning needs laid the ground work for being intrigued by what this device would accomplish.
When the package arrived in the mail, we found the headset exactly as pictured on the company’s website. It came in a specially designed hard-shell case with a foam insert that provides optimal protection of the device when not in use. Also in the package were a charging cable, user guide, and educational support guide. In the event that there is a problem, the company offers a 2 year warranty. They are so confident that you will see the benefits of using the device that they also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee within the first 30 days.
The Forbrain – Sound for Life device is most definitely not your regular headset. A lot of scientific research has been done leading to its development. Forbrain is an internationally based company with offices here in the US. This is important as researchers and scientists from around the globe have contributed to this design. The research spans the academic areas of speech development, auditory processing, and the cross over into the realm of reading and reading comprehension. The outcome is this specialized headset that utilizes bone conduction as well as the auditory feedback loop to impact the benefits identified above. To read some of the research related specifically to the headset from Forbrain, please follow this link.
We chose to use this primarily with our teenage son. When he was just a year old, he had suffered significant hearing loss due to repetitive ear infections. During one of the episodes, his left eardrum ruptured. As he got older, he no longer experienced difficulties with ear infections, but his full hearing was not restored. His speech was significantly delayed. As he matured, we found that he struggled some with word finding skills. His struggles with reading were further compounded by issues with visual tracking, split dominance processing, and dyslexia. We invested an incredible amount of hours in various therapies. Now in his teenage years, dyslexia is no longer an issue and we have found methods and coping skills to compensate for some of the other struggles. However, we have always wondered how much of our son’s challenges related back to his ear infections when he was a baby.
The Forbrain headset does utilize bone conduction. This is significant in that if there were something anatomically or functionally wrong with the parts of the ear, the vibrations upon the bones behind the ear would enhance hearing. On a very basic level, the best way that I can describe this is on the same principle of vibrations that allows children to connect two plastic cups together by a long string and be able to hear one another. On a more advanced level is the use of this same principle of bone conduction is utilized in certain types of hearing aids. A regular headset that simply projected louder or clearer sounds into the auditory canal would not have the same impact if the parts of the ear were not working as they should. Our son did say that he could hear better using the headset. This has prompted me to put on my to do list to have his hearing checked once again.
From an educational standpoint, I absolutely fell in love with the fact that my son was literally hearing his own voice played back through the headset. The design of the device actually reduces the background or environmental noise. I think this aspect is huge. My son was now able to read his schoolwork outload and hear himself as he read. It revealed to him times when he read words that just didn’t sound right prompting him to ask for clarification on new vocabulary. This also took his reading assignments from simply a visual exercise to tapping into his auditory learning abilities. I love whenever we can take learning to a multi-sensory approach and the Forbrain headset allowed us to do that. This is of benefit to not just with special learning needs, but also any of us. The more senses we can touch in presenting new material the greater associations that are built in the neural pathways of our brain. A side benefit was that our son instinctly began to speak clearer now that he heard how he can sometimes mumble while speaking very softly.
So what did we conclude? Our son’s reading comprehension and attention to what he read definitely increased. As a result, his confidence in his schoolwork as well as interest in discussing the content of his reading increased as well. My observations were further confirmed when I had one day picked up the headset and put it away. He came looking for it! He realized that his learning and ability to accomplish his work were greater when using the Forbrain headset. This was enormous as he now felt confident to work independently.
The materials that accompanied the device suggested that it be used for about 20 minutes a day. As my son realized that it was helping, he wanted to use it for greater periods of time. However, we found that there truly was a reason for this recommendation. The device is helping to build new auditory pathways in the brain. For this reason, it can be exhausting and taxing to use it too much too quickly. We became very targeted in how we chose to use it to help maximize the benefits from its use. We do anticipate seeing a great integration of his thought processes in building greater communication pattterns in his brain that will help to further overcome the split dominance in his thought process. Over time, he did find that he was able to use it for longer periods of time or for multiple 20 minute sessions per day.
I honestly can not say enough good things about this device. The information on the Forbrain website is definitely not a bunch of marketing spin. We would highly recommend this device to those with hearing, speech, reading, or attention deficit issues. I could also see remarkable applications for vocal performers. As a matter of fact, I am sure that this list is far from exhaustive in identifying the various individuals that would benefit from a Forbrain – Sound for Life headset. I really wonder what the implications would be for nonverbal individuals who are just beginning to overcome barriers in expressing themselves. My thoughts specifically go to a friend who also has a teenage son. Her son is on the autism spectrum and largely non-verbal. I do wonder what language gains he would have with the assistance of the Forbrain headset.
As much as I found benefits to the Forbrain headset for my son, I have to share with you that we no longer have our Forbrain device. My older brother suffered a massive stroke over 4 years ago. His expressive language skills were greatly impaired as a result. He continues to receive speech therapy, use a special tablet to assist with communication, and do speech exercises at home. My heart breaks for him as he is aware of what is going on around him and has so much to say. He becomes so frustrated in not being able to find the words to share the thoughts in his head. With the help of my sister-in-law he shares that it is like all his words are locked in a filing cabinet in his brain, but he is unable to access the key. Unfortunately, the neural pathways that would unlock his speech were destroyed by the stroke. Much of his therapy is directed at rebuilding new pathways to unlock his ability to engage in conversation and convey his thoughts.
After seeing the results we have had with our son and reading the research supporting this device, I gave our Forbrain to my brother. He has since taken it to his speech therapist who has now also researched it. She feels that it may have a lot of promise in doing exactly what it claims to have the potential to do. My prayer is that it does offer him a breakthrough that he has worked so hard for.
As always, I encourage you to read the other reviews by those on the Crew that have also used the Forbrain headset with members of their families.
I was sitting in church this morning and was hit with a memory as if it was something that happened just yesterday. In actuality, it was really 10 1/2 years ago.
Our youngest had been involved in a accident that caused part of one of his fingers to be amputated. It was a surreal moment riding in an ambulance with my then 17 month old on my lap. His hand was bleeding profusely and the end of his finger was literally in a cup of ice on the other side of the rig near the paramedic. How could this be happening I remember thinking? We were transported to the local hospital which quickly determined that we would need to be transferred to Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati.
Once in the ER at Children’s, the plastic surgeons arrived to begin developing a strategy for reattaching my son’s finger. I imagined that they would whisk him away to the operating room, but instead they decided to not wait for an OR to open up and would do the necessary work right there in the ER. We were in a relatively large private room. Up to this point, Josh was amazingly calm. There was no question that God’s presence was there.
However, that calmness was fleeting when they began to prep him. They would need his arm restrained to a straight board while he was also placed in a papoose restraint to minimize any movements while the surgeon worked. The nurses tried to calm Josh. The recreation therapist with all of her tricks and tips was also unsuccessful. The restraints threw him into a cycle of fear and anger. The surgeon finally looked at me with all seriousness and commanded me to start singing his favorite song.
I found myself frozen. Of all the things in the midst of my son screaming and holding him in his blood drenched clothes, the surgeon wanted me to sing. Wanted me to sing his favorite song.
Before we had children, there was an older couple in our church that had counseled with us. When we first became pregnant, one of their nuggets of wisdom was to sing hymns over our children instead of regular children’s lullabies. They encouraged us to flood our children with Biblical truth in all aspects of their lives from the very beginning. Can you see where this is going?
We had taken Wayne and Ginnie’s advice. And fast forward to that ER at Children’s hospital, I find myself frozen as the surgeon tells me to start singing my son’s favorite song. How could I? Could I really in the midst of watching my son undergo surgery, covered in his blood, and scared begin to sing Count Your Blessings.
Are you getting the picture? Do you see the irony? There in the middle of that chaos, hurt, and scared feelings, God was using the surgeon and my screaming son to remind me more than anyone that even in the most difficult times, we need to pause to Count Our Blessings naming them one by one. I began to sing. As the very first strains of that hymn were heard being sung in that room in the ER, my son was overcome with complete peace. I watched in astonishment with tears rolling down my face as my son became completely calm and surrendered in the moment. I was convicted as I humbly continued singing realizing that the words were growing louder as some of the nurses joined in.
Upon returning to the plastic surgery clinic a week later, it was determined that the grafting of our son’s finger did not take. The prognosis by the doctors was 100% confidence that our son would still lose the end of his finger. We turned to churches and friends for prayer. The doctors offered nothing else for us to do, but to return in 6 weeks to assess the condition of his finger as the graft died away and fell from his hand. As a determined mom, I returned home to apply natural health strategies that I thought may offer some hope and lifted each treatment before the Lord. It was now completely in His hands.
After the six weeks, we did return to the plastic surgery clinic as scheduled. The doctors and nurses were in astonishment. God had allowed a miracle against all odds and restored our son’s finger.
In some ways, I wish the story ended there, but God had a bigger plan. In our humanness we want to tell God thank you ever so much for that miracle. We can now use that for quite some time in sharing your greatness and power so there is no need for additional trials. But His plan is greater and sometimes that requires a journey that requires a greater uphill climb and battle.
Just 10 days after that follow up appointment in the plastic surgery clinic, our family would face one of the most horrific and surreal experiences of our life. Yes, more horrific and surreal than your child having his finger amputated. In the days to come, I remember people asking me in disbelief how I could be still standing in the face of the adversity that we were facing. I shared countless times in those days how I served a God that grows back fingers and performs miracles. I shared with them the important lesson I had learned in Counting My Blessings and Naming them One by One.
The days were not easy. Many challenges would come to us especially over the course of that year. However, I could still stand because I knew the author of the miracle and the one worthy of my praise for each blessing. The key was in keeping my eyes on God and not just our circumstances, because God is always more powerful than the circumstances around us. Sometimes He allows us to endure those days to show forth a miracle of healing and sometimes it is because we need the blessings of initial challenges to carry us through those that are yet to come. And yes, there are those times that through sharing these experiences, we can also encourage one another.
Keep counting your blessings. Say them out loud. Record them in a journal. Share them with a friend. Utter them as worship and praise to our Savior. Give them as a gift and legacy to your children so that as they grow they may too know where to focus there eyes and place their hope.
The 2015-2016 school year has certainly been one of transitions and accomplishments from start to finish. We have seen firsts and lasts. We have cheered and cried. And yes, we have learned some things along the way.
Our school year actually kicked off with moving Rucia into her new life at college.
Once we got Rucia all settled in, our school year got underway at home. It soon became apparent that time management and doing what it took to adjust were going to be key elements to our new year. I made the transition to being employed once again. It was wonderful that my new job allowed me to work from home, but it did mean that I was not always accessible. The boys especially felt this change as they learned to work more independently and to schedule their school day to some degree around my meeting schedule and work commitments. Mom was not always available to do Math when they got around to it. They learned some critical time management skills in planning their day just as I did in juggling home, work, and school.
During our studies, Josh and I traveled to ancient civilizations using great literary works as well as a combination of textbook and unit studies for history. We also spent time getting acquainted with the principles and foundations in Chemistry and Physics. Meanwhile, Zechariah and I walked step by step through the events leading up to and through World War II. He too combined his literature studies with history to really get differing perspectives during this critical period in World History. A highlight of our year was an opportunity to tour a U.S. Landing Ship that was docked for a short time in Cincinnati on the Ohio River.
Michaela’s studies were focussed on finishing up some high school requirements as well as preparing her for what would come after high school. She focussed on personal finance, which is an all too important subject to leave out before preparing for life on one’s own. Anatomy and Physiology were also a heavy focus in preparing for her college studies in nursing. Time management was a critical skill used time and time again during the year as Michaela found herself too juggling responsibilities in completing her studies, playing her final year of competitive volleyball, and working part-time at a local restaurant.
Outside the classroom, we also some firsts and lasts. The boys started shooting archery this year with our local homeschool group. They are fortunate to be developing their skills while also competing in the National Archery in Schools Program. They both enjoy it incredibly. It has also shown us just how competitive they are, especially between one another.
As the boys began their training in archery, Michaela was bringing to a close her 8 year journey in playing competitive volleyball. She was team captain this year, which helped her to really develop some additional leadership skills. With lots of hard work, discipline, and dedication, the BCA Lions found themselves moving up to the most competitive bracket in their league and earning a 4th place ranking in the entire state. Definitely a wonderful way to end a high school career!
In some ways the time has sped by and in other ways it is hard to believe that it has only been a year. Just last year at this time, we were in the midst of Rucia’s high school graduation and then adjusting to her living away from home while attending Northern Kentucky University. We find ourselves with yet another wonderful graduation celebration and the upcoming transition of helping Michaela get settled into her new life as a college freshman. I think I could truly have 15 children and never get used to this growing up and transitioning into adulthood. I guess we all get growing pains of one sort or another. We are incredibly proud of both of our girls, but also grateful to have our boys home for a bit longer.
Congratulations, Michaela, on a job well done!
We recently had an opportunity to review a new Math supplement and found ourselves questioning whether it couldn’t really be a full math curriculum. When this opportunity first arose, I really was convinced that there are small variations, but most math programs are the same. I now stand corrected. We reviewed the LearnBop for Families product with the Family Plan options that allows for 2-4 students. This is a brand new math program to the homeschool market from LearnBop. We received the 12 month subscription to this program that allows a full range of use with all the content from grades 3-12.
LearnBop for Families is an online math program that offers learning through video based instruction along with problems for concept mastery. The structure of the program allows for movement between grade levels, which is an awesome feature for students migrating in from other curriculum or those seeking to just utilize the program for skill reinforcement before returning to a primary curriculum. I got to thinking how great this feature would be if I felt like my child was struggling with fractions, but right on target with his other math concepts. We could go back as far as we needed to and work forward on just the modules dealing with fractions. Now how cool is that!
After the initial account setup, which takes literally minutes, the student is ready to just jump in and get started. Our son would log into his account and be met with a screen that looked fairly consistent from day to day.
As you can see from the image, there are generally two to three video segments that teach the lesson content in increasing degrees of complexity. The fact that the material is layered in this approach with three short videos as opposed to a longer single video is a real plus. I found my son more inclined to going back to re-watch any videos he was fuzzy on. My guess is that he would be less likely to pause and rewind in the middle of a longer video or to rewatch the whole thing if he was struggling with grasping the material.
After watching the videos, the next step would be to solve the Bops. There are a series of questions that the student needs to complete successfully in order to move on to the next stop in the Learning Roadmap.
Now, get ready! Here is the next cool feature.
The software is so incredibly intuitive. As our son completed each Bop (question), the computer determined if his response was correct or not. If it was correct, it would show his progress in reaching the mastery level for that section of the current unit he was working on. If he had not answered the problem correctly, the program would automatically have him work the problem in a step by step format with each step on its own screen. It was very intentional in pacing the student to complete each small step before moving on. Because this is built into the logic of the software, there was a huge implication for the mom-son relationship. No debating over going back over problems that were missed! If he missed a problem, the very next thing he had to do was to work that specific problem in step by step fashion until it was completed successfully. There was no way around this feature, which this mom loved. It was also a real motivator for our son who quickly realized that getting through a “lesson” would take considerably longer if he had to do too many problems step by step. I found his dedication in doing his best the first time was greatly increased and we had no disputes on what was required next.
After each problem was successfully completed, the student would be shown a graph of where they were at in mastering the topic being studied. This was shown in a graph format with the program defaulting to a 90% accuracy for mastery. The percent that the student achieved was a combination of the number of problems completed as well as accuracy. As you see in the adjacent graph, our son had not yet achieved the mastery level. He had successfully answered the questions thus far, but simply did not do enough problems in the sequence for the program to exhibit concept mastery. Generally, he would need to answer at least 5 questions to master the topic if his accuracy was high.
He was required work in the program for about 30 to 45 minutes each day. There were times that this meant that a lesson had not been completely finished. Guess what? That was absolutely not a problem as the program remembered just where our son left off. When he logged back in the next day, it automatically came back up to where he was. What’s more is that if I decided that we needed to change course and focus on a different skill or maybe move back or forward a grade level, it was very easy to do this in the parent dashboard.
The parent dashboard was also a great find in this program. I could log into my account and quickly see my son’s recent activity in the program. It clearly showed time spent, lessons completed, and his mastery of each lesson.
In most of my reviews I try to give a balanced view of the things that worked for us and the areas that could use some improvement from our perspective. I have to say that I am struggling. There just are not any obvious areas that I feel would work better if they were presented differently. The biggest question that remains for me is in still trying to define this program as either a math supplement for concept reinforcement or as a complete math curriculum. It would honestly be a tough call.
As always, I encourage you to check out the reviews from others on the Schoolhouse Review Crew. There were families using all different grade levels of the program so I am sure there is a review for whatever grade level your child would most likely place into in using LearnBop for Families.
Those of you that have been following our homeschool journey over the years know that our family does not stick to one strict method of homeschooling. In being more eclectic in our approach, I love to get to know what companies can be depended upon as we reach into Classical Education, Charlotte Mason, and other styles. We recently received a review copy of Traditional Logic I Complete Set from Memoria Press. I was thrilled as Memoria Press is one of those companies that you can depend on in the Classical Education circles.
As the name suggests, we received a complete set of the Traditional Logic I set. This includes student workbook, the quizzes & tests book, the teacher answer key, and the instructional DVDs. Everything is literally included to allow the parent that knows absolutely nothing about Traditional Logic to provide a course of excellence to their child.
Traditional Logic I is marketed for students in grades 7-12 with an emphasis on mature 7th and 8th grade students. I would wholeheartedly agree. Unless your child is truly advanced in their studies and also mature in how they handle their schoolwork, I would recommend reserving this course for the high school years.
The course is designed to span a semester in length, which would lend one to be able to use it for a half credit in high school. The 15 weeks in a semester could be filled in covering the Introductory Chapter, the 13 individual chapters, plus a week to study and take the final exam. The main focus of this course is on Traditional Logic with an emphasis on Formal Logic as opposed to Informal Logic.
This course could truly be done with the student working independently, with the parent joining the child with directed discussion around the content of each chapter, or be used in a group setting such as a homeschool co-op. There is a video that contains all of the instruction for the new material being presented. This is watched and then followed by daily assignments that span the week. Although the chapter is not long based on a count of pages, there is a lot of content that is best consumed in more bite sized morsels. The student is therefore directed to read certain sections of the chapter before proceeding with their daily assignment. The assignments are a series of questions that help the student to fully digest the content of the lesson. There are 4 days worth of exercises per chapter, which we covered on Monday through Thursday. On Fridays, my daughter was asked to review the chapter and then take the chapter quiz.
I have always felt strongly that logic and critical thinking are subjects that all students should be required to take. Being able to understand the proper structure of an argument, its fallacies, and how it defends truth are essential to so many other areas of our life; not the least of which is even our faith. So much of the basis of Apologetics is founded and supported by formal logic. Depending on the career that your child wishes to pursue, instruction in formal logic could begin carrying even more weight. For example, our oldest daughter is pursuing a career in the area of law. I am so thankful that we incorporated the study of logic into her high school curriculum.
A challenge in our society today is the belief that in order for education to be of high value it must entertain. We unfortunately we see the same challenge being posed to the church and worship experiences. Traditional Logic I as presented by Memoria Press has an incredible ability to impart great knowledge in its core subject. However, it is not designed to entertain. It is designed to instruct. This is not just the presentation of formal logic, but also logic formally presented. The serious minded student should be able to proceed through this course without difficulty and will gain great benefit from doing so.
I loved the fact that everything that my daughter needed to really study formal logic was included. As a parent that does not have a great deal of confidence in this area, I can not emphasize enough the value of the instructional DVDs. These are recordings of the author himself teaching the content of the course. What’s more – all of the powerpoint slides seen in the DVD segments are available for print out straight from the DVDs. This was a great benefit in printing them before watching and using them to take notes on.
In concluding, I highly recommend Traditional Logic: Introduction to Formal Logic from Memoria Press for those that are interested in a serious minded course to master the foundational principles of the subject. | 2019-04-25T13:55:34Z | https://doubleofarmsky.com/feed/rss/ |
I don't know about you, but ever since I started livin' la vida low-carb I've had such an unprecedented hunger and thirst for information about nutrition, fitness, diet and health like never before in my life with any other subject. Even when I was studying government and politics in college and graduate school, I never felt THIS excited about reading so many books and resources. It's an educational awakening that I think most low-carbers go through because of the enlightenment we see happening to our own weight and health.
To that end, I'm always happy to share with you some of the most current and not-so-current books I have come across and read while studying this fascinating subject. But, as will often be the case, the books do tend to pile up on me a bit, so today I'm gonna highlight 15 new and essential books about diet and health that I've been reading lately along with a few comments about each one.
Keep in mind that not all of these "diet" books are explicitly low-carb friendly, but that's okay since I think we can still find merit in the experiences shared by the authors of those books (even if we have to hold our noses with some of their "expert" opinions). Likewise, several of these books will have you stand up and cheer because they quite clearly espouse the basic tenets of a healthy low-carb lifestyle.
After I decided to finally get serious about starting a resistance training regimen a few weeks ago (which is going great so far and I'll have an update on my progress soon), I received several e-mails from my blog readers who told me to look into the "slow burn" method for training. I had no idea what they were talking about because I wasn't really into weight lifting until recently. It turns out this was a unique form of weight lifting that was developed by Fred Hahn in conjunction with two of my favorite low-carb advocates: Dr. Michael Eades (who should be our next president, ya know...LOL!) and his lovely wife Dr. Mary Dan Eades.
Hahn as been a professional trainer for over two decades and believes people have been given useless information as it relates to exercise. As a natural skeptic of anything regarding health since starting low-carb, my curiosity was piqued. Rather than doing hours upon hours of cardio training every week, Hahn says, why not invest in a deliberate and very intense weight lifting that is unlike anything you've ever seen or done before? That's what The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution is all about and it will radically change what you think you know about building muscle.
When these strategies outlined by Hahn and the Eades are implemented correctly, your body will get stronger, burn more fat, rev up your metabolism, and you'll do it faster than you ever thought would be possible. In fact, he says you can get all the workout you need in just 30 minutes a week. Yep--A WEEK!
In conjunction with a healthy low-carb lifestyle, you'll be lifting slowly, feeling the burn in your muscles quickly, and getting stronger and stronger as the weeks go by. Whether you have access to gym equipment or if you can only fit it in your schedule from home, it's all in this book and then some. Specific detailed instructions about the exercises you need to do are included and they answer all the questions you may have about each one.
After spending a lifetime of torturing yourself on a treadmill to try to lose weight with little to no results, maybe it's time to give The Slow Burn Fitness Revolution a try to get stronger, feel better, and do your body some good. I'll be interviewing Fred Hahn very soon about his one-of-a-kind fitness routine that stresses low-carb nutrition to correspond with effective muscle-building workouts. Stay tuned!
Although I'm certainly no fan of the low-fat philosophy embraced by Weight Watchers, what I DO support is people finding a proven and effective weight management plan that they can do over the long-term for the rest of their life. For some people, that diet that's right for them is indeed Weight Watchers as the book Start Living, Start Losing illustrates.
If you're a sucker for hearing weight loss success stories, then this is quite an inspirational book for you to read. It is sanctioned by the Weight Watchers organization, so all of the more than 60 stories are from people who followed that plan. But I liked the format of this book and it would make for an excellent book about low-carb success stories one of these days.
Each chapter features stories from people of all ages, backgrounds, occupations, and health. They are written from the first person which is always more interesting hearing directly from the person who went through the hard work and effort themselves to lose the weight. At the end of the 2-3 page story, a quick "take-away" message is provided to hammer home the key ingredient in that person's success along with a motivational quote from the individual who was featured.
Although I could never do the Weight Watchers program (and many of them are totally enthralled by livin' la vida low-carb), I'm always the first to applaud success when it happens. If someone is happy on Weight Watchers, then who am I to tell them it's not right? But the same goes for my decision to be on the healthy low-carb lifestyle and sharing my story too. Weight loss isn't about whose diet is better, but rather what can produce results. Make your choice and then stick with it!
So much of the research into the most destructive health ailments we now face is focusing on the role of the diet. This is something Dr. Fred Ottoboni and his wife Dr. Alice Ottoboni know a thing or two about. Before retirement, they had spent many years of their career investigating, studying, and researching disease occurrence among various people groups around the world and they discovered something quite revealing in light of our current crisis with obesity, diabetes and worse: much of it is preventable by simply ignoring the high-carb, low-fat, low-cholesterol advice that has sadly become accepted as the "healthy" diet.
In Modern Nutritional Diseases , Drs. Ottoboni explain in meticulous detail why those diets are useless against most modern diseases and shares the research showing the elimination of sugars and starches will put us back on the road to health faster than removing saturated fat and cholesterol from our diet. There's even an invaluable chapter on how to distinguish good science from bad science among the many voices telling us what the facts are.
The references and charts contained in this book make it well worth having in your low-carb library. I'll warn you now that it does get a bit technical in some areas, but this stuff isn't simple either. There are many things to evaluate and analyze in the process of coming to the conclusions about nutrition and metabolism that Drs. Ottoboni do. This is every bit as good a book to read as Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories was because it complements much of the same concepts and ideas.
My favorite part is at the end in a chapter called "What do you do now?" the authors give you practical instructions about making the changes you need in order to ward off the modern nutritional diseases in your own life. Specifics about diet, supplements, exercise, and suggested resources for further education are provided. This is an invaluable tool for anyone following a controlled-carbohydrate nutritional approach or who wants to learn more about why this way of eating works so well.
Have you noticed that EVERYBODY is an obesity "expert" nowadays? It's not just nutritionists, nurses, researchers and physicians either. We've got psychologists, government officials, and even economists weighing in on the subject using their experiences to try to resolve this growing problem. That's what happens in The Fattening Of America by Dr. Eric Finkelstein and Laurie Zuckerman. They look at the obesity epidemic as an issue with money (or the lack thereof) and what role the government should play in dealing with what they call "The ObesEconomy."
Although there are many good points made in the book about the obesity issue, I couldn't help but notice one VERY glaring omission as to why this problem still exists in 2008: special interest protection of the grain, sugar, processed foods, and low-fat industries. If they were left dangling on their own in the free marketplace just as the egg and beef companies have been, then the low-carb lifestyle would perhaps become more widely accepted as an alternative nutritional approach for people struggling with their weight.
Unfortunately, Dr. Finkelstein chooses to ignore this and simply spread the "blame" around to everyone else for obesity. But that's not all that got under my skin about the conclusions made in this book. Although he agrees with me that individuals, not the government or society, must deal with obesity, Dr. Finkelstein says that the government needs to step in to treat childhood obesity when the parents aren't doing a good enough job at it.
Say what?! I don't think so. If the government can't even give credence to low-carb the way they do low-fat diets, then I certainly don't think they have a shred of credibility about how children should be fed in order to properly manage their weight. Leave that job to the parents and give THEM education that is based on the latest science and not some opinions a bunch of "experts" came up with decades ago about what's healthy!
The overall conclusion of The Fattening Of America is that it should be easier and more affordable to get thin and eat healthy in the United States than it is to purchase cheap junk food that's gonna keep making us fat. Amen to that and hopefully there are feasible ways of making that happen. It may take bringing down some very powerful industries that won't go down without a fight!
What's with a brand new "Atkins" book being published years after the famous low-carb diet doctor has deceased? Well, it's not by the late great Dr. Robert C. Atkins, but you could say he was the one who inspired it and may have indeed written it himself had he lived a few more years. It's called The All-New Atkins Advantage featuring the writing and research of Ironman competitor and orthopedic surgeon Dr. Stuart Trager as well as Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. spokeswoman Colette Heimowitz.
I'm gonna admit I was quite skeptical of this book when I first heard about it. I mean, come on! Do we REALLY need another book to tell us how to do the Atkins diet? Well, yes and no. As someone who lost 180 pounds after reading and implementing the principles found in Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution back in 2004, I couldn't imagine what this "new Atkins" book would tell me to improve upon what I previously learned. But I try to keep an open and am always willing to learn.
This new Atkins is very focused on giving people a specific 12-week plan for success, including tips about how to implement the diet into your life with menu plans and advice about how to become a success. One of the ways that is done is by providing a myriad of low-carb plans to choose from based on YOUR specific needs.
When I was losing weight on Atkins, my carbohydrates needed to stay around 35g a day in order for me to keep losing weight. Some people need less than that while others can get away with more carbs. Since we're all different, The All-New Atkins Advantage tries to accommodate and customize this plan to your specifications based on your body. They don't really tell you which one to follow, so I suppose you start at 20g and work your way up. How is this different from the Atkins diet I did?
Well, there is one major difference about this book that was not given as much space in any of the previous Atkins books. Dr. Trager uses his fitness experience and provides pictorial demonstrations of various exercises you should be doing as part of your healthy low-carb lifestyle. This is indeed a sorely needed addition to the Atkins plan that I'm happy to see.
Answers to the most common questions and criticisms of livin' la vida low-carb are also included in this book which was inspired by all the positive developments that have been happening in the research world since the passing of Dr. Atkins. It makes you wonder if he would have written a similar book had he stuck around a few more years. Who knows?
Regardless, you'll enjoy this book immensely if you are new to the Atkins lifestyle or if you are seeking to learn more about low-carbohydrate dieting. Don't miss the comprehensive list of low-carb studies in the back of the book to see all of the amazing science that has been flooding health research journals in recent years.
For those of us who have struggled with our weight for the majority of our lives, we know that simply cutting back on our calories and fat ain't gonna cut it. When most people get exacerbated by the continued failure of these kind of diets, they turn to weight loss pills or surgery instead. Not good!
That's where Dr. Cathy Wong's The Inside-Out Diet comes in. Instead of focusing on the weight loss (which will still happen, by the way!), this plan gets people to eat for the sake of their health instead by consuming a nutritional program that will allow your liver to function better than it ever has before. Yes, this is a detoxification diet, but it's so much more.
I especially enjoyed the step-by-step approach of this diet looking at every possibility for why you might not be losing weight, including food allergies and intolerances, stress, excessive insulin production, and more. It's as if Dr. Wong takes you by the hand to assure you that we WILL get to the bottom of your obesity problem and attack it from "the inside-out."
For fans of recipes, Dr. Wong includes 50 of her favorites in the back of the book. She earnestly believes in the slow, methodical approach to weight loss because it's about eating healthier first and foremost. If more people took on this philosophy of eating primarily for the sake of their health, then obesity rates would drop faster than they ever have before.
University of Connecticut researcher Dr. Jeff Volek, who has been behind some of most "explosive" research into low-carb diets and, most recently, saturated fat consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle, teamed up with Men's Health Features editor Adam Campbell to create a dietary fitness plan tailored for people who want to burn body fat, increase their muscle, and live healthier. That's what the TNT Diet is all about.
You know with Dr. Volek and Campbell behind this book, you ain't gonna be stuck eating a miserable low-fat, calorie-restricted diet. No way! Instead, you won't count a single calorie, you'll get to eat delicious and nutritious fatty foods that have never been a part of a "diet" before, and you'll only have to invest 90 minutes of exercise a week. Sound like a plan, man?
They don't sugarcoat the message you need to hear and speak honestly about the investment of consistent time and energy to doing this throughout the book. Of course, those "TNT Transformation" stories sprinkled throughout the book will keep you motivated in your own journey. It's not just about the weight loss, but the changes you are making to your body's muscles. It won't take long to notice the difference!
There's a mouthwatering list of TNT Diet-approved recipes between the nutrition and training section so you'll be fueled up ready to go with your workouts. And it's not all fun and games--although the picture demonstrations about how to do each exercise helps you know EXACTLY what to do. There's a nice summary of what you can expect to happen to your health after going on this diet in the back. It will be what motivates you to get serious about your health for good this time.
We all know about the three macronutrients which have been at the very heart of debates about diet for the past few decades--fat, protein, and carbohydrate. But, according to Canadian nutrition activist Dr. Melissa Hershberg, there's a "fourth macronutrient" we all should be aware of and strive to get more into our bodies in order to lose weight and get healthy. It's WATER!
Just as I recently shared in a YouTube video, drinking plenty of water is an important part of your healthy lifestyle and that's the essence of what has become The Hershberg Diet. And it's not just the water you drink straight from that tap, but the plethora of food choices that contain lots of water, too. Dr. Hershberg explains it all for you in her book.
In fact, she names a FIFTH macronutrient when she reveals alcohol contains 7 calories for each gram that is consumed. Most people don't think about these additional calories from alcohol, but they can add up despite being low-carb and sugar-free. You need to budget for alcohol in your diet if that's something you want, but it's not a freebie by any means.
I appreciate Dr. Hershberg's focus on the role of insulin in obesity, but then she recommends all this low-fat and fat-free crap that quite frankly I can do without! Keep your lean ground turkey and skim milk, thank you very much. Unfortunately, this diet is indeed a low-calorie, low-fat program along with all that water you'll eat and drink. It's a nice concept, but the wrong dietary plan for most people.
One of the most respected and outspoken doctors who is speaking common sense as it relates to diet and health is Dr. John Briffa from the UK. Unlike most of the medical establishment these days, Dr. Briffa realizes that weight loss can never be solved with a one-size-fits-all remedy as has too often been tried. That's why he came up with The True You Diet.
He believes that most people should look at their early ancestors for the answers about how to remain lean and fit. These "hunter-gatherers" didn't worry about obesity and disease because their non-processed, low-carb, high-fat diets gave them all the energy their bodies needed to survive and thrive. Returning to this original diet is the missing element in our diet in the 21st century.
If you are a low-carber, then you'll be grinning from ear to ear as you read The True You Diet. Dr. Briffa delivers a solid message in an engaging fashion about many of the most fundamental truths that support low-carb living. His practical advice from years of treating patients arms you with knowledge you can rely on to help you stay committed to your permanent lifestyle change.
What if your problem with weight had more to do with a deep hunger for meaning in the world rather than for that big slice of chocolate cake staring at you? Could our obesity not really have anything at all to do with calories, but rather attaining the hopes and dreams we don't even know we want yet? Deep questions like these are what Allen Zadoff explores in his book entitled Hungry.
After allowing his weight to get up to 350 pounds in his late 20s, Zadoff thought he knew why he got to be so big. It had to be a whole host of reasons--a slow metabolism, not enough willpower, a big appetite, a desire to be manly and eat that way, big boned, and it made him happy. But in the end, he wasn't happy and traveled down a path that led him to lose over 100 pounds while gaining a whole new perspective on life.
Hungry takes you down this road that Allen Zadoff took to shed the pounds and turn his world upside down. It's an inspiring story of hope for better tomorrow with behavioral methods concerning food that would intrigue a psychologist for weeks! And before you ask, his diet had very little to do with what kind of food he ate. That didn't matter to him (and he doesn't think it should matter to you).
Another of the very few loud voices speaking out on behalf of a high-fat, low-carb diet in the UK is Dr. Barry Groves. With Dr. Atkins no longer with us, Dr. Groves has taken up the torch and carried it boldly and proudly for all the world to see. He's convinced that fat is not the source of our weight and health troubles--CARBOHYDRATES ARE! That's the underlying conclusion he shares in his book Natural Health & Weight Loss.
After years of researching, studying, writing, lecturing, and, most importantly, LIVING the low-carb lifestyle, Dr. Groves has a lifetime of experiences to share about how eating fat to replace carbohydrate in our diet will keep your body healthy, fit, and lean when a high-carb, low-fat diet fails you. He says people should eat more real food if they want to ward off the diseases that afflict so many people these days, namely obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Of course, all of his claims are backed up by the research and his more than four decades of personal and professional experience. In fact, you can even check out this thread at my LowCarbDiscussion.com forum dedicated to people following Dr. Barry Groves for lots of support and assistance as you implement these principles into your life. Dr. Groves has even been known to pop in to make comments and answer questions from time to time, too. Natural Health & Weight Loss is a book that you'll be proud to own and I cannot encourage you enough to get it, love it, and then LIVE IT!
There are as many theories about why people get fat as there are stars in the sky and many of them have some merit in terms of having some kind of effect on obesity. Unfortunately, though, too often the actual CAUSE of weight and health problems is not addressed which is why the issue still remains.
I believe The Serotonin Power Diet by Dr. Judith Wurtman and Nina Marquis simply looks at an effect of weight and health rather than what is at the root of the issue. The premise of this book goes something like this: you feel down and depressed because the serotonin levels in your brain are reduce; raise your serotonin by eating foods that will increase it, then you will take care of your weight and health. Oh, if it were just that simple.
What's rudimentary here is the clear lack of respect for the research supporting the low-carb lifestyle by the authors. In a recent DietDetective.com column Dr. Wurtman claimed that saturated fat intake leads to the development of diabetes. HUH? Diabetes is caused by an overproduction of insulin that results from raise blood sugars brought on by consuming too many carbohydrates.
This is where there's a clear disconnect. Most of the foods on The Serotonin Power Diet are VERY high in carbs to try to lift your spirits. Check out this list: biscotti, cereal, cinnamon raisin bread, crackers, fig newtons, graham crackers, granola bars, marshmallows, pita bread, popcorn, pretzels, rice cakes, and waffles. Shall I go on? Do you see what ALL of those foods have in common--VERY HIGH IN CARBOHYDRATE!
Yes, they may make your serotonin levels go up, Dr. Wurtman, but the unpredictable blood sugar swings and constant hunger from the emptiness you feel from eating such a diet devoid of nutrients are why this diet would fail me miserably. Something tells me it would do the exact same thing to a bunch of other people, too. By the way, I've been eating a low-carb diet for four years and don't have ANY issues with being depressed or other side effects allegedly brought on by low serotonin levels. I wonder why that is, Dr. Wurtman? Any ideas?
In the 1980s, Olivia Newton John had a #1 hit single called "Let's Get Physical" and that exactly the motto that Teresa Tapp took on when she created her famous T-Tapp Workout routine as outlined in Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes. In just a few minutes a day, she gives you a full cardiovascular workout that doesn't require any equipment or joint-jarring movements. Actually, you'll probably have fun while you're exercising which will make it more successful than if you dreaded doing it!
This book provides you with all the instructions a busy mom or working professional needs to get in a good workout at the beginning of your day or after the kids have gone to bed. It's low-impact and will clear up virtually any and all issues you may have with pain and soreness in your body. T-Tapp offers real results really fast!
Teresa herself demonstrates the moves you need to get your body in shape and she provides real-life examples of people who have implemented T-Tapp into their life with amazing results. If the idea of exercise makes you want to run and scream in the other direction, then perhaps you should check out Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes for a nonthreatening alternative.
14. The Prayer Diet: The Unique Physical Mental and Spriritual Approach to Healthy Weight Loss by Dr. Matthew Anderson, D.Min.
I strongly believe in the power of prayer and credit it for helping me in my low-carb weight loss journey back in 2004. God gave me the strength to stay on plan even when I felt like giving up and He rewarded me with a 180-pound weight loss in just one year. So naturally I am supportive of anyone who wishes to implore the Almighty as part of their weight management plan.
The Prayer Diet espoused by Dr. Matthew Anderson is focused specifically on making prayer the central focus of your weight and health plan. By taking the focus off of food, your weight, the health problems you may be facing, and all those other issues that tend to dominate the discussion regarding your diet, Dr. Anderson shifts the focus to God where it belongs and His sovereignty to make the necessary changes in you to bring about weight loss.
If you're not a Christian, then you probably won't understand why this diet could possibly work for you. But any believer who trusts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will tell you how essential prayer is to a healthy spiritual life. And The Prayer Diet simply extends this to your physical life, too. Specific prayers for yourself and others are included in the book to help guide you towards God's will regarding the weight and health of you and your loved ones.
Our most precious commodity in this world are our children and making sure they are eating properly is a challenging task to say the least. With fast food and junk food being dangled in front of them on television commercials and on the Internet using cartoon characters and clever marketing to appeal to them, it's literally a war out there--a "food fight" between parents and their kids about what to eat.
That's why pediatric physician Dr. David Ludwig wrote Ending the Food Fight because he wanted to show parents that it IS possible to feed your children healthy foods without having them pitch a fit. The 9-week OWL program that Dr. Ludwig uses with children all the time at the Children's Hospital Boston has a proven track record of helping even the most defiant, sugar-addicted kids to eat better. It's all found in this book!
You'll recall that Dr. Ludwig has published some research on "fatty liver" being a problem with eating too many carbohydrates, so he is certainly a proponent of livin' la vida low-carb based on what the science has shown him. And applying those principles to children makes sense to him which is the heartbeat of everything he does. If you are a parent, then you should own a copy of Ending the Food Fight.
Do you have a diet and/or health-related book you'd like for me to read and review? Please e-mail me at [email protected] with the details and I'd be happy to share my thoughts and comments about it with my readers.
He's smart and sensible, his blog is organized so it's easy to find other columns that he's written in the past, and he doesn't insult people who don't share his views.
I was wondering when you'd discover Slow Burn. I've been doing it for just over a year, and have found I don't need cardio at all.
Fred's a great guy, looking forward to your interview.
Good luck with it, I hope you really take it up, tho it might be hard to find a trainer who's supportive in your area.
Thanks Mr. Fritz. I will be implementing some Slow Burn techniques into my resistance training. My trainer is 20 and believes in the traditional methods. But I'm clueless about what to do, so he's helped me so much.
I have been on the TNT workout since Nov 2, 2007. I have lost weight, gained some muscles I didn't realize I had and feel better than ever. I can't wait to go back to the Dr. in February to see what the blood work says.
Is the TNT diet and workout aimed at both sexes?
GREAT QUESTION, Sue! Actually, it CAN be used by women, too. Check it out!
The Serotonin Power Diet - anyone who's actually read this book would realize from your "review" that you haven't. It's fun pretending to be an expert, huh? | 2019-04-24T08:36:26Z | http://livinlavidalocarb.blogspot.com/2008/01/15-new-and-essential-diet-health-books.html |
Whether your goal is to update your professional skills or advance your career, Lenoir-Rhyne University offers a graduate program that is right for you. With over 30 master degree programs to choose from, flexible scheduling with evening and weekend classes, and experienced faculty to provide the guidance you need to succeed – LRU makes earning your master’s degree a reality.
Programs are offered across our three campuses and many are fully online, allowing you to begin in any semester and complete the program at a pace that fits your busy schedule.
The first step toward enrollment at Lenoir-Rhyne is to submit all components of the application as indicated under program specific information.
If admitted, the admissions packet received will give detailed instructions on the enrollment process and how to reserve a space in our upcoming class. Upon admission, the enrollment deposit will reserve your spot in the program and allow you to proceed with the next steps.
In order to be considered for financial aid, you must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Prior to the start of the semester, you will be provided with additional information about orientation and registration. You'll be advised on the appropriate courses with which to start your graduate program.
Please note: You are required to turn in immunization information to be eligible to register.
If you are thinking about applying, have already applied, or have been accepted we are here to help answer any questions you may have about enrollment.
We will host Zoom sessions to answer your questions every Wednesday (October 24-December 12) from 11 am - 1 pm.
Our Zoom sessions will also take place from January 9, 2019 - December 4, 2019. The link for the 2019 Zoom sessions can be accessed to speak with a graduate enrollment counselor.
Students can enroll in our graduate programs through a Traditional Admission Track or a Career Admission Track, which is designed for applicants who have distinguished themselves in the workplace or community.
The Traditional Admission Track is designed for applicants who have received their baccalaureate degree within the past six years, have limited professional work experience, or any applicant who prefers traditional admission procedures. Traditional admission procedures, including standardized test scores, are required for some of our graduate programs.
Candidates for admission to the Graduate School as a degree-seeking student through the Traditional Admission Track must submit all additional documentation, including scores on requisite standardized entrance exams, as required by the specific graduate program.
Career Admission Track is designed for applicants who have distinguished themselves in the workplace or community. Career applicants must demonstrate they are capable of graduate studies through documentation of professional work, letters of professional endorsement, and written expression.
Submit proof of eligibility to be considered for the Career Admission Track. Candidates must possess a combination of an undergraduate degree and a minimum of six years of professional work experience. To demonstrate exemplary work experience, the applicant should submit the following materials: Detailed resume that highlights specific career accomplishments; Letter of endorsement from an employer or professional within the chosen field which attests to the applicant’s qualifications for graduate level work; Writing sample clearly articulating goals and life experiences which have impacted the student’s decision to pursue this specific graduate degree. Any other documentation (e.g. work sample, portfolio, performance reviews, etc) that the candidate believes would strengthen the application. Be available for an interview upon request.
Not all graduate programs consider the Career Admission Track. Programs not accepting Career Admission Track are MS in Occupational Therapy, MA in Teaching, and MS in Physician Assistant Studies.
Not all graduate programs consider the Career Admission Track.
A completed Graduate School application and a non-refundable $35 (U.S.) application fee.
Official transcripts for each college or university attended which have been translated into English and evaluated into a course-by-course report by an approved credential evaluation agency.
A completed Certificate of Finance certified by a bank official, attorney, or notary public.
Proof of English proficiency if the applicant’s native language is not English. The preferred method of proof is an official score report from the TOEFL or the IELTS. Applicants must have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 on the paper-based version, 213 on the computer-based version, or 79 on the internet-based version. The minimum IELTS score is 6.5.
An official transcript showing completion of an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or a higher degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university or a non U.S. college or university where instruction is in English.
Enroll in and complete an accredited English language program, such as the American Language Academy Program, prior to attending Lenoir-Rhyne. The student will be recognized as English proficient after completion of level 5 of the American Language Academy program. Other accredited English Language Proficiency Programs will be accepted as well, as long as the applicant completes through the certified level deemed English proficient.
If an applicant does not meet any of the minimum criteria above, s/he may request an appeal and if granted may participate in a WebEx or Skype interview to be used as an additional evaluation tool to determine English proficiency. Please note that the findings of this interview will be used in conjunction with all other above materials.
An offer of admission, if applicable, will be sent via email.
To confirm enrollment, the applicant will submit the enrollment deposit. This enrollment deposit may be paid online and will be applied to tuition.
An I-20 form will be forwarded to the deposited student.
INCOMING EXCHANGE STUDENT APPLICATION FORM*If you are applying to LRU as an exchange student through the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC) or as a student from one of our bilateral partners: University of Magdeburg-Stendal, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, TU Dortmund University, University of the Basque Country, or the Autonomous University of Coahuila.
All applications for the Master of Science in Athletic Training program at Lenoir-Rhyne University must be submitted through the Centralized Application Service for Athletic Training programs (ATCAS).
The application cycle for Fall 2019 opens June 28, 2018, and closes June 1, 2019. The status of applicants must be both complete and verified for them to be considered. The admissions committee reviews applications on a rolling basis with a ten-day turnaround for decisions.
Submit your application for the Master of Science in Athletic Training program at Lenoir-Rhyne University through the Centralized Application Service for Athletic Training programs (ATCAS).
Documentation of a minimum of 75 observational hours with a certified Athletic Trainer.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a graduate degree in Athletic Training.
An official copy of GRE test scores sent to code 2282 or you may self-report your Miller Analogies Test score and send official report to Lenoir-Rhyne University at the address below. (Unless Career Admission Track applies).
Be available for an interview upon request.
Upon acceptance, submit a signed copy of Technical Standards for Admission.
Please see required and recommended prerequisite courses below.
The admissions committee determines admissions decisions based on the whole application and reserves the right to admit, provisionally admit, waitlist, or deny applicants on this policy.
In addition to the General MBA, the following concentrations are offered: Accounting; Business Analytics and Information Technology; Entrepreneurship; Global Business; Healthcare Administration; Innovation and Change Management; and Leadership Development.
Applications are accepted year round for Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms.
The priority deadline to apply for the Summer 2019 term is May 15, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Fall 2019 term is August 1, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Spring 2020 term is December 6, 2019. Please know we will accept applications after these dates, however, we recommend applying by these dates for a seamless enrollment process.
All MBA programs offered at Lenoir-Rhyne University are offered at both LR's Hickory and Asheville campuses through our innovative delivery model that allows students multiple means of access to the curriculum (from term-to-term or even course-to-course): face-to-face instruction on one of the two campuses, online instruction through synchronous "streaming" classrooms, or asynchronous delivery through online video presentations.
Submit Your Application and Supplemental Application Materials through the application system. You must submit the Application for your desired program plus the Supplemental Application Materials in order to complete this part of the application process. See below for additional application requirements.
Pay the $35.00 Application Fee (non-refundable).
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue an MBA.
*If Career Admission Track, one professional Recommendation (done via email through the application system). You will need the email address of the person from whom you request a recommendation to complete this process.
**Prospective students may be admitted based on unofficial transcripts and/or as courses are in progress. However, a final transcript must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.
Please note that applicants who meet the admission requirements below will be admitted into Graduate Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University. After successful completion of COU 505, COU 525, and COU 530, students will apply for candidacy to the MA in Counseling program.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Counseling degree.
The priority deadline to apply for the Summer 2019 term is May 15, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Fall 2019 term is August 1, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Spring 2020 term is December 6, 2019. Please know we will accept applications after these dates. However, we recommend applying by these dates for a seamless enrollment process.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Criminal Justice Leadership degree.
Lenoir-Rhyne University accepts applications through the Dietetic Internship Centralized Application System (DICAS) with matching through D&D Digital. We automatically consider you for admission to our Master of Public Health program with your Dietetic Internship application materials - completion of this degree is optional. A portion of these credits earned through Dietetic Internship (as determined by the MPH Program Coordinator) can be applied toward the Lenoir-Rhyne University Master of Public Health degree.
An undergraduate cumulative GPA of a 2.9 on a 4.0 scale.
A grade of B on all recommended DPD courses. If you have made a grade lower than a B in any DPD course, please provide a written explanation in your required essays.
Minimum GRE scores of 147 each in the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections, and 3.5 analytical writing.
All graduate students at Lenoir Rhyne University are subject to the tuition and fees described in the graduate handbook. The 2019-2020 tuition rate for the dietetic internship program is $875/credit hour. The dietetic internship program, when completed in the 9 month time frame, totals 18 credit hours - 9 of which can be applied toward the Master of Public Health program at Lenoir-Rhyne University. Since these costs are subject to change, students are urged to contact the Office for Graduate and Continuing Education, 828.328.7300 for updated tuition and fee information or visit the Graduate Financial Aid page. Costs for books, course materials, housing, and transportation vary depending on the individual and the course requirements.
- DI Participation Fee (estimated, assessed in addition to tuition): $320 fall semester and $320 spring semester, includes materials provided to students, registration for the CDR Childhood and Adolescent Weight Management self-study module, the RD exam review course, and RD practice exam software.
- Criminal Background check: est. $50 (assigned facility may require additional criminal background check based on their policies and requirements).
- Urine Drug Screen Panel: est. $45 (assigned facility may require additional drug screens based on their policies and requirements).
Submission of application materials through the Dietetic Internship Centralized Application Service (DICAS).
Submission of official GRE scores (if applicant does not/will not have a master's degree by internship start) and application fee to Lenoir-Rhyne University.
Register with D&D Digital and prioritize the program for matching.
Submit a completed application through DICAS. You will not need to submit another application to Lenoir-Rhyne.
The fee to submit an application through DICAS is $40 for the first application and $20 for each additional application.
Submit official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions you have attended.
Include a verification statement indicating completion of required coursework from an ACEND accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), or a "Declaration of Intent" if DPD courses are still in progress. Your DPD Director will review and approve this verification electronically through DICAS.
Submit a self reported copy of your test scores.
Submit three (3) recommendations completed by professionals attesting to your ability.
Submit a CV or résumé.
Students applying to the distance option must submit a signed statement from their proposed clinical rotation preceptor, which documents willingness to precept the student if their application to the program is accepted. The statement can be brief and should be on their organizational letterhead. The statement should be uploaded into DICAS with the supplemental information. Please do not email the statement separately.
Note: we only need a statement from the proposed clinical preceptor at application. If accepted into the program, forms will be provided to the student which will need to be completed for each rotation.
Official GRE scores (Lenoir-Rhyne University is institution code 5365 on the GRE website). GRE scores are not required for those students who have earned a master's degree or will complete one prior to the internship start.
A non-refundable $35 application fee (only one application fee to LR is required even if applying to multiple dietetic internship location options).
If accepted into the Solmaz Institute Dietetic Internship program, an original, signed verification statement from your DPD program will be required prior to program start.
9 of the 18 Dietetic Internship program credit hours go towards Lenoir-Rhyne University's Master of Public Health. We automatically consider you for admission to our Master of Public Health program with your Dietetic Internship application materials.
Dietetic Internship faculty will host two online virtual open house events for interested potential applicants. Each virtual open house will last one hour. During this time faculty will provide an overview of the program and application process, and will answer participant questions.
To register for a virtual open house, please email your request to [email protected] . Be sure to include your full name and the date you would like to register for. Within a week of the open house, you will be emailed a link to the meeting through WebEx.
Applications are accepted year round for Summer and Fall Terms.
The priority deadline to apply for the Summer 2019 term is May 15, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Fall 2019 term is August 1, 2019. Please know we will accept applications after these dates, however, we recommend applying by these dates for a seamless enrollment process.
Submit Your Application and Supplemental Application Materials through the application system. You must submit the Application for your desired program plus the Supplemental Application Materials in order to complete this part of the application process.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue an MPH.
Lenoir-Rhyne University offers two sites for its OT program: Hickory, NC, and Columbia, SC. You are welcome to apply to both sites, but, if you apply to only one, please know we reserve the right to offer you a seat to either location.
All applications for the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program at Lenoir-Rhyne University must be submitted through the Centralized Application Service for Occupational Therapy programs (OTCAS). Applicants only need to apply via OTCAS. An additional application to Lenoir-Rhyne is not required.
The application cycle in OTCAS for entry into the Summer 2020 start term opens July 2019, and closes January 15, 2020. Your application must be complete and verified by the deadline in order to be considered for admission. OTCAS recommends you submit your application at least four weeks in advance to allow for verification.
Prerequisites must be completed with a minimal grade of B- within the past 5 years.
Submit your application and all supplemental application materials through OTCAS during the appropriate application window.
Upload your unofficial transcript documenting your Spring 2019 courses into OTCAS.
Upload your résumé or vitae.
Send an official copy of GRE test scores to code 2283. All scores must be official through OTCAS.
Three (3) Recommendations (done via email through the application system). The recommendations must be completed by professionals attesting to your ability, two of which must come from OT practitioners. All students requesting recommendations for the application process need to have references to indicate their title/position and specifically the number of hours of observation. Students are encouraged to independently log their own hours in order to make this information readily available for the individual writing the letter of reference.
Upon admission, a criminal background check to the program must be completed using Castlebranch. Our code is EN52bg. There is a fee associated with this service.
Please see required prerequisite courses below. You may want to read the Descriptions of the Ethics and Cultural Diversity Prerequisites. If you are still unsure, you may request information on the Prerequisite Inquiry Form. Please use this form to directly submit your requests and you will receive an email from Dr. Oakes.
The Lenoir-Rhyne University Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies Program participates in the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA). All applicants for the class beginning each January will apply online using the CASPA application.
The application cycle is now closed for the January 2020 term.
The application cycle will open from September 1, 2019 through March 1, 2020 for the January 2021 start date.
CASPA can take up to four weeks to process an application before it is made available to Lenoir-Rhyne. CASPA downloads are received weekly. Once the completed application is received and verified it is reviewed by the program’s admission committee.
Interviews are a requirement for admission. Approximately 150 of the most qualified applicants will be invited to campus for an interview with the PA faculty.
Selection for the Physician Assistant Studies program is very competitive. It is anticipated that the successful applicant will generally exceed the minimum criteria for consideration for admission.
Completion of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States, prior to matriculation.
Completion of all the prerequisite coursework with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Science GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Completion of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) with a score of 301 (new exam scale) and/or 1000 (old exam scale) or greater within the past 5 years. Applicants with lesser scores will be evaluated individually based on their course work, GPA and medical experience.
The required science courses must be retaken if it has been more than ten years since taking the courses and/or earning degree.
Applicants with prior advanced graduate degrees are exempt from taking the GRE exam.
Submit three letters of recommendation, one from a Medical provider (MD, DO, PA, and NP), one from a Professor and one from an employer or coach.
Personal Statement: (2 page maximum). Discuss/explain your life philosophy, educational and professional goals, and why you have chosen the PA profession.
Current Basic Cardiac Life Support (BLS) from the American Heart Association is required upon enrollment in the program. Most clinical sites do not recognize other institutions.
Medical Experience: Applicants with medical experience will be given favorable consideration. Highly recommended.
Veterans, especially those with medical experience will be given favorable consideration.
Shadowing and Volunteering/Community Service: Strongly encouraged, particularly if medical experience is lacking, but is not required.
Experience: Applicants are encouraged to obtain patient care experience, sufficient to recognize the physical and psychological demands of dealing with patients and to appreciate the challenges and rewards of being a health care professional. Health care experiences should provide the applicant with a knowledge and/or orientation to the signs and symptoms of a variety of ill or injured patients.
Work experience in health sciences fields such as RN, CNA, LPN, LVN, Military Medic, EMT/Paramedic, X-ray Tech, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Dietician/Nutritionist etc. are what the program considers as medical/health care experience with patient contact. All health care experiences will be evaluated on an individual basis, with an emphasis on direct patient care.
For the prospective applicants that do not have a background and experience in a patient care related health science profession, it is highly recommended that they obtain training and experience through a certificate course/program in area such as: Phlebotomist, Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), Patient Care Technician etc.
Meeting the minimum requirements guarantees consideration for the Physician Assistant program, but does not imply automatic acceptance.
Applicants who are foreign medical graduates with foreign transcripts or non-grade transcripts must submit a degree equivalent evaluation (an original sealed report from a transcript evaluation service) with their CASPA application.
Submit test scores with CASPA application for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), be able to express themselves clearly to others in spoken English, and have the ability to understand rapidly spoken colloquial English.
Foreign medical graduates, if accepted, must complete the Program in its entirety.
Due to considerable variation in physician assistant programs throughout the United States, students of other PA programs will not be accepted for transfer into the Program.
Applicants to the program will not receive advanced standing based upon previous education or credits taken.
Candidates for admission must satisfy a Level One Background check and Drug Screen before being accepted to the program. The student must also complete a second Level One Background and Drug Screen prior to entering the clinical phase of the program. The approved program vendor is CastleBranch (888.723.4263). This service is also available through CASPA.
Failure to complete this action could result in dismissal from the PA Program.
Upon matriculation to the program and annually, thereafter, all students whose education and training will involve participation in clinical settings are required to undergo a criminal background check.
Students are responsible for all expenses related to meeting health requirements, drug screen and background documentation.
Applicants who answer "no" to questions relating to criminal background in their CASPA application, who later matriculate and are found to have a positive criminal background check, are likely to be dismissed from the program on the basis of misrepresentation. In the event of a reported incident, a determination about the applicant’s/student’s continued progress in the academic program will be made by the University in accordance with its policies and procedures.
Applicants who have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor may be denied certification or licensure as a health professional. Information regarding eligibility may be obtained from appropriate credentialing boards. Clinical rotation sites may not permit participation in the clinical experience. This should be considered seriously by the candidate prior to application and matriculation.
Applicants are advised that results of criminal background checks and other required background screening will be released to third parties involved in their clinical education.
Criminal offenses incurred after the student matriculates may result in the student’s dismissal from the program. Tuition and fees will not be refunded.
Upon matriculation to the program and just prior to the beginning of the clinical year students will undergo drug screening. The medical institutions that act as clinical training sites may require drug screens for students before allowing them access to their facility.
The approved program vendor is CastleBranch. Drug screens are conducted at the student’s expense. This service is also available through CASPA.
Completion of a comprehensive physical examination by a licensed medical provider or family doctor indicating that the applicant has been medically cleared for admission is required.
Specific health screening and immunization requirements are based on current Centers for Disease Control Recommendations for health professionals.
Upon receipt of your health forms, Student Health Services will provide a letter indicating compliance with health records and immunization requirements.
Please be aware: The Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Lenoir-Rhyne University does not accept AP courses in place of required science courses.
All graduate students at Lenoir Rhyne University are subject to the tuition and fees described in the graduate handbook. The 2017-2018 tuition rate for the dietetic internship program is $825/credit hour. The dietetic internship program, when completed in the 9 month time frame, totals 18 credit hours - 9 of which can be applied toward the Master of Public Health program at Lenoir-Rhyne University. Since these costs are subject to change, students are urged to contact the Office for Graduate and Continuing Education, (828) 328- 7300 for updated tuition and fee information or visit the Graduate Financial Aid page. Costs for books, course materials, housing, and transportation vary depending on the individual and the course requirements.
Applications are accepted year round for Fall and Summer Terms.
The priority deadline to apply for the Summer 2019 term is May 15, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Fall 2019 term is August 1, 2019.
*If Career Admission Track, one professional Recommendation (done via email through the application system.) You will need the email address of the person from whom you request a recommendation to complete this process.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Sustainability Studies degree.
The priority deadline to apply for the Summer 2019 term is May 15, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Fall 2019 term is August 1, 2019. The priority deadline to apply for the Spring 2020 term is December 6, 2019.
Please know we will accept applications after these dates. However, we recommend applying by these dates for a seamless enrollment process.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Writing degree.
All applications for the Master of Science in Occupational Therapy program at Lenoir-Rhyne University must be submitted through theCentralized Application Service for Occupational Therapy programs (OTCAS). Applicants only need to apply via OTCAS. An additional application to Lenoir-Rhyne is not required.
The application deadline for the Occupational Therapy Summer 2019 entry term has now passed. Admission decisions will be sent out by Friday, February 15, via email.
The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (MACM) degree is a two-year program (55 credit hours) that enables graduates to serve in a number of ministry areas, depending on the specific credentialing requirements within their denominations. These may include but are not limited to Directors of Christian Education, Youth Ministry, Youth and Family Ministry, Chaplaincy, and Directors of Faith-based Non-profit organizations. The MACM. provides the necessary educational and formational requirements for ELCA students desiring rostering as Associate in Ministry, Diaconal Minister, or Deaconess.
Complete an autobiographical essay setting forth in 600-800 words: Your reasons for applying to the Seminary; An assessment of your strengths and weaknesses as an applicant for theological studies; The significant events of your life, your Christian experience, and your relationship to the church.
Three letters of recommendation: Your Pastor; A faculty member, an advisor in an academic setting, or a supervisor who is acquainted with your work ethic; A non-relative lay person who has known you in a leadership role or professional setting.
*Prospective students may be admitted based on unofficial transcripts and/or as courses are in progress. However, a final transcript must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.
The Master of Divinity Degree (MDiv) is a three-year program (92 credit hours) that prepares persons for ordained ministry. The degree shapes the entire person for faithful service to the church and the world through a balanced and in-depth study of religious heritage, cultural context, personal and spiritual formation, and ministerial and public leadership.
The Master of Theological Studies Degree (MTS) is a two-year program (55 credit hours) that provides instruction in the broad range of theological disciplines. MTS students take a core of theological classes and specialize in one or more areas to fit their personal goals.
The Master of Sacred Theology Degree (STM) is a one-year program (24 credit hours) for advanced study within a particular theological discipline. The program is open to students of all denominations and may serve a variety of aims: to further graduate study in preparation for doctoral work, to prepare one for teaching a particular theological discipline, to enhance ministerial practice, or to provide disciplined reflection on a specialized function of ministry. Applicants for the STM program must hold a Masters degree in religion or theological studies from an accredited institution.
Applicants must hold a masters degree in religious studies or theological studies from an accredited institution. Have a minimum of a 3.25 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) at the master's level or an exemplary evaluation from an institution that does not use a GPA system. Exhibit the capability to pursue an advanced course of study in a particular theological discipline, as demonstrated by previous written work and an admission consultation with a faculty member in the field in which one will specialize.
A written statement, no less than one page, of the applicant's goals, and proposal for a specific area, topic, or project for advance study and research in the S.T.M. program.
Applicants must provide a research paper or recent essay the applicant considers representative of the work in the proposed field of study.
Letters of recommendation from three academic references.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Community College Administration degree.
The priority application deadline for the Fall 2019 cohort is March 1, 2019. However, please know that we will still take applications after this date.
1. Application and Supplemental Application Materials through the application system.
3. Official transcripts from each college or university attended.
5. Write a philosophy statement reflecting personal and professional goals, including the reason you would like to become a Family Nurse Practitioner; describe a clinical practice problem that you would like to pursue for a potential DNP project, and how implementing this project may address a need for a change in practice. All references should be cited using APA format.
7. Three professional recommendations (done via email through the application system). The recommendations may include academic or nursing faculty, supervisor, former or current employer, or manager. At least one reference must be from clinical practice.
9. Upon enrollment, a criminal background check and drug screen will be required as directed by the School of Nursing.
Prospective students may be admitted based on unofficial transcripts and/or as courses are in progress. However, a final transcript must be received prior to a student enrolling at Lenoir-Rhyne.
2. The $35.00 Application Fee (non-refundable).
4. Evidence of an unrestricted RN license (provide license number and state in which the license is current).
5. Write a philosophy statement reflecting personal and professional goals, including the reason you would like to obtain a DNP degree; describe a clinical issue that you would like to pursue for a potential DNP project, and how implementing this project may address a need for a change in practice. All references should be cited using APA format.
8. Interviews may be required.
*The number of clinical hours completed during the masters program must be verified.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue an Exercise Science degree.
Competency in the basic areas of Exercise Science is required to begin courses in the ES program. Required prerequisites are Anatomy and Physiology I and II with labs. The areas of competency are covered in the following courses or their equivalents: BIO 281/ 282 Anatomy & Physiology I and II.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Human Services degree.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Leadership degree.
An undergraduate cumulative GPA of a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale and 2.7 GPA in the last 60 hours of the program.
No grade lower than a C on the prerequisite courses of Statistics and Nursing Research.
500-word essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue an MSN degree.
Two professional Recommendations (done via email through the application system.) You will need the email addresses of those you choose to submit recommendations to complete this process.
Two letters of endorsement clearly describing your qualifications for graduate level work and ability to complete this work in an online environment. Letters may be from an employer, or professional within the chosen field, or an undergraduate faculty member who can attest to the applicant’s ability to do graduate level work. New graduate applicants with less than one year experience are required to have one of their letters be from an undergraduate faculty member.
A criminal background check and drug screen will be required as directed by the School of Nursing.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue an Online Teaching degree.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a Religious Leadership degree.
An official copy of Praxis II test scores.
Essay clearly articulating goals and life experiences that have impacted your decision to pursue a graduate degree in teaching.
Upon enrollment, a criminal background check using Castlebranch. The LR code is EO50. There is a fee associated with this service. | 2019-04-22T00:26:54Z | https://www.lr.edu/admission/graduate/apply/ |
seniorbackpacker | My perspectives as a senior backpacking the world!
My perspectives as a senior backpacking the world!
This is the final post which I will write for this blog. My traveling is not finished, only this portion of my travels. I have created a new site, seniorbackpacker2.wordpress.com, in order to write about my continued travels.
I will begin my travels in Mexico, Mexico City to be exact.
I spent the last months in Colombia, Leticia and Bogota to be precise.
From there I went to Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.
I was very disappointed that I was not able to visit Angel Falls in Venezuela.
My plan is to see many parts of Mexico that I did not visit previously. I will also revisit those parts which I really enjoyed before. I would like to think that I know much more about traveling now than I did when I first started. I was easily daunted before, but I would like to think that those days are behind me.
Brazilians often refer to the city as Belem do Para, Belem of Para. An earlier name for the city was Santa Maria de Belem do Grao Para.
Belem, in Portuguese, is Bethlehem, in English. It is the largest city in the state of Para, in the north of Brazil. It lies about 100 km, sixty miles, upriver from the Atlantic Ocean, on the Para River. It is a gateway to the Amazon River and all that lies to the south of here.
The city was founded in 1616 by the Kingdom of Portugal. It was the first European colony on the Amazon. It became part of Brazil in 1775.
Contrary to what many people think, Mercado Ver-o-Peso, See-the-Weight Market, is not just one building but is made up of a complex of buildings and about 2,000 market stalls located near the old Mercado de Ferro, Iron Market. It was created in 1688 when the crown decided to tax everything going into or out of Amazonia.
The Iron Market functions principally as the fish market.
The former Municipal Market now houses the meat market in a cast iron structure.
Clock Square is anchored by a cast iron clock tower brought from England.
There are at least five colonial era churches in the historic center of the city.
Estacao das Docas is the remodeled waterfront of former warehouses. These structures were pre-fabricated in England and built in Belem in the beginning of the 20th century. The bright yellow cranes are a symbol of the city’s past.
The Complexo Feliz Lusitania is a complex of 16th to 18th century buildings next up the river. It includes the old fort, two churches and the Dom Pedro II Plaza.
One of the churches is the cathedral of Belem, Catedral da Se. The original church had been constructed inside the fortress. A few years later it was constructed on the current site but in 1748 construction began on the current church.
Another, a baroque church, was part of the Jesuit complex. Church construction of St Alexander began in 1698 and opened on March 21, 1719.
It also now houses a sacred art museum in what was the former convent and College of St Alexander.
Casa das Onze Janelas, House of Eleven Windows, now houses a modern art museum and has a wonderful riverside location.
Forte do Castelo is the original riverside fortress which dates back to the founding of the city.
The museum of the fort contains many archaeological ceramic pieces. I would strongly encourage visiting this museum because of the displays and explanations of the exhibits. IMHO, this is the best collection and least well-known collection in the city.
Praca da Republica, the Square of the Republic, is the main square of the city.
It is also home of the Teatro da Paz, Theater of Peace. This is the oldest theater in northern Brazil. Construction of the theater began on March 3, 1869. I found there to be many similarities to the theater in Manaus.
Museu Emilio Goeldi, founded in 1866, would have been a huge disappointment for me had it not been for the park, and small zoo, in which the museum is located.
On the day on which I visited, there were maybe ten pieces on display and those were very plain funerary items.
The park offered me my first glimpse of Victoria amazonica, the largest variety of water lily. They are an amazing sight with their huge leaves which can grow to three m, almost ten feet, in diameter.
This was also my first sighting of the scarlet ibis.
Parque da Residencia has served as the official residence of the state governor since 1934. The cast iron bandstand and the station Gasometer, another old English iron structure, which is now a theater make up some of the sights in this public park. The station Gasometer once belonged to the Gas Company of Para.
The Basilica of Our Lady of Nazareth of Exile is located near the edge of Murucutu Creek. According to legend, a farmer had found an image of the Virgin and Child on the edge of the creek and decided to take it home. The legend goes on to tell that every time the farmer took it home that it would return to the location where he had found it. He ultimately built a small chapel near the edge of the creek and it has evolved into the church we see today. Construction of the current church began in 1909.
The Sao Bras Market began construction in 1910 and has a structure of iron. It has a mix of architectural styles. In 1910, Belem was at the height of its golden age because of Amazonian rubber.
Even though this area had been explored during the 16th century, it was not until 1894 that they had their first settlers. On February 27, 1913, Maraba became a municipality.
In 1980, the city was devastated by the biggest flood in its history. The Tocantins River rose 17.42 m, a little over 57 feet.
As a result, the city’s expansion was redesigned. New urban areas were planned, “Cidade Nova” and “Nova Maraba”, New City and New Maraba, to the detriment of “Velha Maraba”, Old Maraba.
I headed first to the old city where the church and plaza of Sao Felix as well as the former mercado, now a library, are located.
There is a nicely developed river walk along this section of river.
The Palacete Augusto Dias is a palace built in 1930 which served as the seat of legislative judicial power of the municipality. Today it is a museum which is being remodeled. The palace faces the Duque do Caxias plaza.
The Metropolitan Cathedral is located behind the palace, as I was walking.
When I visited the Cidade Nova, I visited the Igreja de Sao Francisco Asis. The Cidade Nova was also very obviously preparing to sell you anything and everything that you might want for Christmas. The plaza in front of the church was nicely done, IMHO.
I visited Nova Maraba in order to see the Fundacao Casa Cultura de Maraba. The Municipal Museum is located here. It contains the following sectors: Division of Anthropology, Department of Botany, Department of Geology, Department of Archaeology and Department of Zoology.
My interest lie in what information they had about archaeology. There was a small exhibit but it reaffirmed what I am expecting to see in the near future.
After arriving in Joao Passoa (JP), I realized that two nights was not enough time to see the city. The city is vastly underrated as far as things to see and do.
After spending almost a week in Praia da Pipa, I decided to return and finish what I wanted to do here.
JP is the capital of the state of Paraiba. It was founded in 1585 by the Portuguese but was under Dutch control from 1634 to 1654. It is the third oldest city in Brazil and is known as “the city where the sun rises first” because it is the easternmost city in the Americas.
One of these days I will learn and not waste my time with city tours. I had thought that because of my limited time that that would be the best way to see the city. Well, this city tour allocated more time to shopping and lunch than it did to actual sightseeing in the city.
A good portion of time was spent at the Cultural Center of JP. It was formerly the Church of San Francisco and the Convent of St Anthony. It is a large complex of historic buildings. I felt like I was being constantly being goaded to move along more quickly. I don’t feel like I saw everything that I wanted to see in that initial visit.
I did return to the complex and had a guide who knew the complex like the back of her hand. She spoke no English but all she had to do was point and I knew what she meant.
The church of San Francisco was built from 1589 to 1779. The walls of the exterior courtyard are done with Portuguese azulejo tiles and insets of tile as well. This courtyard is home to one of the largest Franciscan crosses in the world.
The ceiling of the church features a forty meter long mural, over 130 feet.
The pulpit has been nominated for World Heritage consideration.
The Museu Sacro e de Arte Popular is located within the church complex, in the former convent.
There is a Third Order Golden Chapel dating from 1710. The interior walls and ceiling were never completed.
The sacristy of the church is amazing in and of itself.
The Praca Antenor Navarro is home to some of the oldest structures in the city and is located only a block away from the complex.
The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Snows is a church of the Carmelite order which was established in Paraiba between 1605 and 1609.
Just a block down the street is the 17th century Monastery of Sao Bento. It is a World Heritage Site. The church was open but the monastery was not.
Sao Luis is the capital and largest city of the state of Maranhao.
It was originally created in 1612 as Saint Louis de Maragnan, by France. It is the only capital city of a state of Brazil to have been founded by France.
The settlement was conquered for Portugal in 1615 but lost to the Dutch in 1641. The Dutch left again in 1645.
Sao Luis has the largest and best preserved heritage of colonial Portuguese architecture of all of Latin America. Its colonial historical center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
There are many buildings with azulejo tile covered walls facing cobblestone streets. The city prospered between the 17th and 19th centuries and these features are remnants of that period. The tiles had the functional capacity of climate control in the homes before other means became available. Today, they are usually used for decorative purposes.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory was begun construction in 1622 by Jesuit priests.
They also constructed the college located adjacent to the church. The college is now home to the Museum of Sacred Arte.
The Lion’s Palace, Palacio dos Leoes, had its construction begun in 1626. It is now the seat of the state government and the governor’s residence.
The palace is situated upon the foundation of the original fort which had been built to defend the city. It is open for public visits, at least parts of it, because it is still being used today for offices and residence.
Parts of the center were lit for Christmas celebrations and various activities were scheduled in and around the historic center.
I was able to visit two of the original fountains which served as water supplies for the city. I was only able to locate one of the chapels used for Holy Week functions.
There is not a broad assortment of colonial churches as in some of the other colonial cities that I have visited. The theater looked to new to be old.
I departed by train to the nether regions of Para. I enjoy this method of travel much more than bus or plane.
Ponte de Seixas is also known as Cabo Branco, it is the easternmost point of the American continents. I am fortunate in having been to all four cardinal points of the South American Continent.
The history of this area of Brazil is quite confusing. It was discovered by Spain in 1500 but never recognized because of the treaty between Spain and Portugal which divided the area of the Atlantic Ocean and gave this area to Portugal.
Portugal began colonizing this area in 1603. In 1630 the Dutch invaded the northeast coast of Brazil. in 1654 the Dutch capitulated and returned this area of Brazil to Portugal.
Fort Schoonenborch had been built by the Dutch in 1649. The Portuguese renamed the fort as Fortaleza da Nossa Senhora de Assuncao, after which the city of Fortaleza takes its name.
The tourist area of Fortaleza is not large and can easily be walked.
The fort is still an active military post but parts are open to the public.
Construction of the Metropolitan Cathedral of St Joseph began in 1938 but was not completed until 1978. Its twin steeples are seventy-five meters tall, about 250 feet. It is constructed in the style of the Cologne Cathedral in Germany and the Chartres Cathedral in France. The rose windows are beautiful.
If I were to designate a post card for Fortaleza, it would be of the Theatro Jose de Alencar.
Seen from the plaza in front of the theater, one would not recognize it as the same building. The theater officially opened on June 17, 1910. The cast iron parts of the theater were imported from Scotland.
The Centro do Tourism is occupying the former jail of the city. The original cells are now individual shops.
The Dragao do Mar Center of Art and Culture is a government funded cultural center. It contains facilities for exhibitions, a theater, a library, a cinema and a planetarium. The center was inaugurated in 1999.
Teresina was founded on August 16, 1852 and named in honor of the Empress Teresa Cristina, the wife of the Emperor of Brazil, Pedro II.
Most of the city’s sights are clustered in two areas relatively near to each other.
The first cluster consists of Benedict the Moor Church, which looked as if it was undergoing major renovation, Teatro 4 de Setembro and Palacio de Karnak, a Greco-Roman structure which once functioned as the governor’s residence.
The Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora das Dores and the Casa da Cultura de Teresina are located about a block away from this cluster. The principal plaza of the city contains a monument to the founder of the city.
the Catedral de Nossa Senhora do Amparo and the Palacio da Cidade, the city hall.
There is not much information available for the city of Ubajara nor the national park. There is lore about the city being discovered by an indigenous chief by the name of Ubajara who lived in the cave for a number of years. This is commemorated by the monument in front of the bus terminal. It is about five km, three miles, from the city to the park entrance.
I was greatly disappointed when I arrived at the park and was told that the cable car to the cave was not operating. It is undergoing maintenance and is not expected back in service until July 2018. Without the cable car, it is a multi-hour and strenuous hike to the cave.
I decided to concentrate my attention on the park itself. I took one of the trails to Mirante Gameleira. It offered great views out over the valley below.
I could see the waterfall “Cafundo” across the ravine and continued my hike to it. I visited during dry season so the rate of water flow was not great. All hiking requires the use of one of the park guides.
Back at the entrance to the park are some teaser photos of the cave.
Piripiri is a cute little town but the attraction here is the National Park located about 25 km away, 15 miles.
The city only dates from about 1850. There is not much of historic significance located here.
The Mother Church of Our Lady of Remedies was constructed by the Franciscans in the 1950’s. It is based on St Paul’s Cathedral in Munster, Germany.
The national park was created in 1961 to preserve the cave paintings which are estimated to be 6,000 years old. Most visitors come to the park for the rock formations and wildlife.
The name of the park is derived from the seven clusters of rocks of various formations.
My interest lie in only three of the “cities”.
Second city – One of the formations is known as the Rock of the Americans. It is a place with numerous cave paintings.
Fifth city – One of the formations is known as the Furna do Indio. Here there are inscriptions that are said to resemble hunting rituals.
Seventh city – I was under the impression that special permission was required to visit this formation. That was not the case, at least for my visit. It is said that the clearest rock inscriptions of the park are located here. | 2019-04-20T12:29:59Z | https://seniorbackpacker.wordpress.com/ |
According to its manufacturers, Phentramin-D is a non-herbal dietary supplement that has been scientifically developed to help you eat less, burn more fat, and lose weight. Phentramin is clearly meant to be a play on words, as its spelling is very close to that of the prescription-only medication Phentermine. Does Phentramin-D live up to it’s claims? We’ll take an in-depth look at the product in this review.
Phentramin-D is intended to help users lose weight by suppressing their appetite and boosting their metabolism, thereby allowing them to burn more fat. According to the product’s official website, Phentramin-D is designed to mimic the effects of the prescription medication Phentermine, without the the unpopular side effects.
Phentramin-D is manufactured by Lazarus Labs, a supplement manufacturing company that has been operating since 2003. They are currently located in Cartersville, GA. This company also goes by the name of Lazarus Enterprises, Inc.
Phentramin-D is taken twice per day. The first pill should be taken 20 minutes before breakfast, with eight ounces of water. The second should be taken 20 minutes before lunch, or in the early afternoon also with eight ounces of water. The manufacturer states that this product should not be taken in the evening or close to bedtime.
There are a number of concerns regarding Phentramin-D. The manufacturers offer no information regarding how the product is made, and there is no evidence that the supplement is made in an FDA-certified facility. This means that the product is not necessarily made with the Good Manufacturing Practices in mind.
While there is a 30-day guarantee offered for products purchased from the Lazarus Labs website, the 30-day period begins from day of order. As oftentimes shipping can take 7-10 business days from the date of order, this doesn’t leave consumers long to test the products and request a refund. There is also a $10.95 non-refundable processing fee on each refund that is issued, meaning you will not receive the full price of your purchase back should you be unsatisfied with their product.
The ingredients in Phentramin D can cause serious health problems for certain groups of people. The manufacturer states that those with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, any cardiovascular problems, hyperthyroidism, or anyone who is taking any prescription medications should not use this product. This supplement could possibly interact with their medications, make their conditions worse, or result in dangerous side effects.
Phentramin-D is made with a proprietary blend consisting mainly of nootropics and hydrochlorides. These substances are designed to trick your body into burning more fat while simultaneously suppressing your appetite. However, many hydrochlorides come with nasty side effects that can be harmful.
2-Phenylethylamine Hydrochloride (PEA) – PEA is a neruomodulator that is responsible for releasing both dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. It is often used in antidepressants and in medications. Because PEA can provide a rise in both blood pressure and blood glucose levels, it’s believed that taking this supplement can increase the metabolism. However, in some people taking PEA as a supplement has been known to cause too-high blood pressure, as well as a feeling of nervousness and anxiety. In addition, because this ingredient causes the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, it is possible to become addicted to it.
1,3.7 trimethylxanthine – this is a more scientific-sounding word for caffeine. This is a stimulant designed to help you feel more alert and energetic. Caffeine can raise your heart rate, which leads many people to believe that it also provides a boost to your metabolism. However, for many people taking caffeine can lead to unpleasant side effects such as nervousness, insomnia, diarrhea, restlessness, and stomach upset.
Hordenine Hydrochloride – hordenine hydrochloride is another stimulant that is used as an appetite suppressant and energy booster. It’s a natural phenethylamine compound that is believed to aid the body in burning fat more effectively. Unfortunately, this ingredient also has a number of unpleasant side effects, including dizziness, restlessness, increased heart rate, anxiety, mood changes, high blood pressure and stomach upset.
Synephrine Hydrochloride – this compound is better known as bitter orange. Its effects are similar to those experienced when taking ephedrine, though not as potent. This naturally-occurring ingredient can help boost metabolism and stimulate fat loss, however when used in conjunction with caffeine it has been known to have dangerous and even deadly side effects. Because both stimulants can raise the heart rate, it is possible for the blood pressure to become dangerously high in some individuals, resulting in heart attack or stroke.
Yohimbine Hydrochloride – Yohimbine is often used as a fat burning compound in popular dietary supplements. However, this ingredient is known to cause anxiety and can interfere or cause adverse reactions when used alongside many prescription medications. In order to be effective, yohimbine must be consumed on an empty stomach, as eating food negates any fat burning effects that it may have.
Although this supplement does contain ingredients that may assist in weight loss, it is difficult to list them as positives. This is simply due to the fact that so few people can benefit from them.
This supplement can be used safely by only a very few people. For the rest, the side effects and interactions cause by the hydrochlorides in Phentramin-D can have disastrous results.
We cannot in good conscience recommend a product that could cause problems in so many different ways, especially one that has been banned by a major online retailer such as Amazon. Unfortunately the combination of side effects along with the fact that the guarantee is extremely limited (if purchased through eBay only unopened bottles can be returned) leads us to believe that the negatives associated with Phentramin-D simply aren’t worth the minor positive effects that you may experience when taking it. Non-stimulant CLA supplement will give you better weight loss results.
2 stars - "Phentramin-D is not available on Amazon, which in itself is a huge red flag. However, we did find this product available on eBay, though there were only two reviews. The first stated that Phentramine-D was a great product with a good price, however the second labeled it as “disappointing,” and said that it failed to live up to its promises. This gives the product a 50% success rate at best." Valerie Taylor Based on 300,784 Votes since 2016!
Jessica Smith’s 10,000 steps weight loss exercise DVD is a guide for how to exercise effectively and healthily. It guides you on how to create your personal walking plan from a customized menu, from warm up, brain booster exercise, belly buns and thigh fitness exercise, power posture walks, turbocharged walk, boogie down walks and cool down procedures.
It involves mixing and matching your miles. It also includes 2 bonus routines, the Strong Feet and Ankles, and Strong Knees and Hips workouts. It has over 2 hours of workout time on one DVD.
Working out is greatly beneficial to physical as well as mental health.
Losing weight is just the tip of the beneficial iceberg.
Studies show that after a good workout you tend to feel better and be happier than those who do not workout.
These workout videos will help you set and achieve goals.
You set goals to commit yourself to reaching each exercise milestone.
Exercising reduces your risk of heart disease naturally.
Studies show that if you cannot sleep well and you are always turning and tossing, exercising can help you sleep better.
It promotes better quality sleep.
Research indicates that walking can boost your energy level by up to 20%, which will help reduce fatigue.
Jessica Smith’s workout challenge is the new secret to having the best body of your life! It involves strength exercises that push you to the limit for only a few minutes daily to give you miraculous results in no time. You can do it yourself in your house, and no longer have to go the gym daily anymore.
The 10,000 steps weight loss program will get the best out of you as soon as it possibly can. This program is not expensive because it does not require you to go out and buy any special equipment. You might just need a soft surface and maybe some workout clothes.
This exercise plan may be too rigorous for some people.
It is advisable to stay away from junk food and sugar since these foods will ruin your weight loss efforts.
Jessica is a good enthusiastic trainer who is loved by many.
The choreography is good, and you will be happy after the 72 minutes.
Jessica has a YouTube channel where she gives suggestions for new moves and offers new techniques.
This program will leave you feeling better and happier, and you will be physically and mentally healthier.
This program will increase strength, flexibility, muscle strength and muscle mass.
It is a great exercise program to use as a natural treatment for osteoporosis, because it strengthens the bones.
Exercising improves memory by boosting the size of the hippocampus.
For best results, it is important to be consistent with this program.
Generally, people who exercise can expect a longer life expectancy than those who do not.
Jessica workout program is easy to follow and is fun as well.
Further benefits include reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Exercising as such as this program is associated with effective weight loss. This is because of burns calories more effectively.
The program is not as effective in the winter when walking outside as exercise is difficult.
This exercise program is based upon primarily, different walking routines. Most people should be able to get some benefit from this program. It is simple and easy to follow and does not require special equipment. This exercise routine is approved as an effective way to lose weight.
5 stars - "I've been looking for a 60-minute cardio workout that does not involve any weights or steps. This video really keeps you moving for the entire 72 minutes. If the weather was not always so cold here in MI, I would just go for walks outside every day. Jessica is the new walk queen, her DVDs are well set up, choreographed and her personality is just great. I hope she makes more DVDs more often." Daisy Caldwell Based on 322,121 Votes since 2012!
Why buying Adipex P online is illegal?
What Makes Phentermine So Effective?
Many people around the world have tried to lose weight, but they just cannot seem to conquer it. If you are overweight, or even obese, you might have tried everything. This what has likely brought you to this guide. You have heard about Phentermine and you want to learn more.
Adipex is a brand of Phentermine that is produced by Teva Pharmaceuticals in two forms: timed release Adipex and instant release Adipex-P. It is one of many brands of phentermine that is currently produced and marketed in the United States and around the world, and all of them have the same active ingredient, and carry the same side effects. Therefore, you should think of them as being essentially the same medication.
We want to show you how to buy Phentermine online and to begin your weight loss journey in earnest. You cannot just buy Phentermine online or over the counter at your local pharmacy, A prescription is required. This makes it difficult for many, but you can also buy Phentermine online with a prescription. Keep in mind that if you want to buy Phentermine without a prescription, doing so is illegal. The important thing, however, is to work with a doctor and determine which type of diet pill containing Phentermine is best for you.
What to eat while taking Adipex P?
The main ingredient in Adipex P is Phentermine HCL. This ingredient is schedule IV substance and possession or sale without prescription is illegal. Many search the internet to buy Adipex online without prescription, only to get ripped off and receive counterfeit pills in the mail. Nobody in their right state of mind will ever sell Phentermine HCL products without prescription unless they’re operating an illegal business.
If you will commit to taking Phentermine along with eating a healthy diet and getting proper exercise, there is a good possibility that you will begin to see those pounds coming off in no time at all. When you buy Phentermine online, you will find that your blood pressure can finally come under control, and that your cholesterol lowers as a result. Many users of Phentermine also find that it helps minimize the effects of diabetes. These benefits are in addition to the intended purpose of helping you to lose weight. You will want to look through this guide and learn more about how Phentermine can help you achieve your weight lost goals. When you are ready, we will show you to buy Phentermine online.
As you consider buying any of the diet medications described in this guide, remember that the only way to so legally is to obtain a prescription from your doctor. You will want to visit a weight lost specialist in order to achieve the optimal results in a safe manner, and to ensure that you are a prime candidate for this medication. It is illegal to buy Phentermine online without a prescription. The reason behind this is the 37.5 mg of Phentermine that comes in each dose. This is a stimulant that is controlled and regulated by the FDA, so a prescription is required.
Phentermine is essentially a stimulant that is akin to amphetamine. It functions as an appetite suppressant, which is why it has become so effective as a weight loss agent. When you are taking this medication, you should not encounter the hunger pains that you once did when trying to diet. This will allow you to eat smaller portions, while reaping other benefits as well. Phentermine works to combat the central nervous system of the body and helps you to lose weight. You will want to use Phentermine in combination with eating a well balanced diet and getting proper exercise. If you will do this, you will see the maximum benefits from Phentermine.
Not everyone should use Phentermine. For example, you will want to stay away from this particular type of diet pill if you are either pregnant or still breastfeeding. You will also not want to take Phentermine if you are known to have heart disease, either in the past or at the current time. This includes coronary artery disease, any problems associated with heart rhythm, congestive heart failure, and strokes. You will also want to avoid Phentermine if you have abnormally high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid, have experienced signs of pulmonary hypertension in the past, or if you have abused drugs or alcohol in the past.
People who have used an MAO inhibitor recently will also want to refrain from taking due to a dangerous drug interaction that can occur. The inhibitors included in this warning are: isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, and tranylcypromine. When you do decide that taking Phentermine is in your best interest, you will want to make sure that you do not combine it with any other form of diet medication. Make sure that you inform your doctor of any and all medications and supplements that you are taking so that they can make sure you stay safe when taking Phentermine. If you were to take other diet medications in combination with Phentermine, certain serious side effect could result. In addition, the benefits of Phentermine are most noticeable when it is the only such medication in your system. Your ultimate goal is weight loss, so make that your focus. Do not try to overdo it by combining one medication with another, as it is not in your best interest to do so.
As you consider buying any of the diet medications described in this guide, remember that the only way to so legally is to obtain a prescription from your doctor. You will want to visit a weight lost specialist in order to achieve the optimal results in a safe manner, and to ensure that you are a prime candidate for this medication. It is illegal to buy Phentermine without a prescription, online or otherwise. The reason behind this is the 37.5 mg of Phentermine that comes in each dose. This is a stimulant that is controlled and regulated by the FDA, so a prescription is required.
Most people who are looking to lose weight are candidates for Phentermine. This is great news for you, as this is the type of appetite suppressant that can get you headed in the right direction on your weight loss journey. When you take Phentermine as it is prescribed, you will find that the results are noticeable when combined with a good diet that consists of balanced nutritional food, and when you get a good dose of daily exercise. You might be looking to buy Phentermine online without a prescription, but keep in mind that a prescription is the only legal way to buy this form of diet pill. You will also want to consider the dosage, taking into account the fact that 37.5 mg is the most commonly prescribed.
Make sure that you read the dosing directions included with the form of Phentermine that you buy. Some brands allow you to take your pill or capsule on an empty stomach, while others should be taken right after a meal. In most cases, you will want to take your daily dose upon waking up. This will get your metabolism going strong by the time you get ready to eat breakfast. You might be prescribed Suprenza. This is a disintegrating tablet that will dissolve in your mouth. You do not have to take this with food. Just place it, using dry hands, right in your mouth. Do not chew it and do not swallow it whole. Just remain calm, allow it to dissolve, and then let the appetite suppressant do its job.
Because Phentermine is a stimulant, problems with sleeping can occur if not taken properly. You want to take this medication early on in the day in order to avoid remaining to riddled with energy come time to sleep. If you must take the pill in the afternoon hours, make sure you do not take any dose after 6pm in order to avoid any issues with falling asleep. You also want to be careful to not stop taking Phentermine in a sudden manner. This is because you will likely suffer from symptoms of withdrawal that can be rather unpleasant.
Take care of your diet pills and keep them as close to room temperature as possible. You also want to make sure that they stay away from moisture and any sources of excess heat. Finally, take care to make sure you know how many pills you have remaining. This is a medication that is prone to abuse, so you want to make sure that others are not taking your pills and using them to feed their addiction. By the same token, you want to take care to only consume the prescribed dose so that you do not become addicted to Phentermine. This is designed to be a medication that is taken short-term.
While Phentermine is perhaps the most commonly known diet medication available on the market today, there are other brands that you might want to consider as well. As mentioned, the most common dosage of Phentermine is 37.5 mg. This guide will now delve into a few of the alternative brands that are available globally on the market today. Again, you will want to consider these choices carefully and make your decision in consultation with your doctor.
One form of Phentermine worth mentioning is Contrave. This was just approved by the FDA in 2017. In a switch from other types of Phentermine diet pills currently on the market today, this one combines different drugs to reach the desired effect. This combination is Bupropion and Naltrexone. These two different medications combine to have an effect on the central nervous system that is just like Phentermine. Shortly after the FDA granted approval for Contrave, it became the most popular appetite suppressant in the world. There are similar side effects that can be experienced to those noted when taking Phentermine. You will also want to consult with your doctor prior to taking Contrave in order to make sure that it will work well with any other medications and supplements that you are taking at the present time. You will find that the most common dosage of this pill includes 8 mg of Naltexone and 90 mg of Bupropin.
You are never to take 37.5 mg of Phentermine more than once a day, so your body is left to make up the difference. With Lomaira, the lower dosage actually works to your advantage because you take it multiple times with no noticeable side effects. You will feel fantastic as a result. This is why the popularity of Lomaria is growing by the day. You will want to ask your doctor if you can have a prescription for this new medication. If you have one, you can buy Phentermine online with home delivery. It is not possible to buy Lomaira without a prescription. The cost of this medication will depend on the location that you are in and the current promotions being offered by KVK Tech. At the current time, given the increased demand, a bottle will run you in excess of $100.
Lomaira is the new kid on the block when it comes to diet pills. It was introduced to the U.S. market in late 2016 and has already seen resounding success. It is slated to be sold in the United Kingdom next, and then it will be its way to Australia before eventually being marketed to the rest of the world. It is already apparent that Lomaira will become the most popular Phentermine diet pill in the world. What sets this version apart from others is that each table is made with 8 mg of Phentermine. You are supposed to take Lmaira a total of 3 times each day, before meals. Because the concertation of Phentermine is so high, this becomes a more controlled way of introducing Phentermine into the body as opposed to just taking it once a day. This is why you are able to take it at a lower dose and gradually reap its effects throughout the course of the day.
There is also the typical Phentermine that can be considered. The most common dosage here is 37.5 mg and is made by KVK Tech. This is the generic from of the medication and it comes in a distinctive capsule that is blue and white. It is also possible to be prescribed this form of medication in doses of 15 or 30 mg. You will want to inquire of your doctor which strength is best for you. It might be that you are prescribed a dosage of 15 mg if it is your first time taking Phentermine just to see how your body responds to it. Soon after, you will be moved to 30 mg and then up to the normal dosage of 37.5 mg. If you go with the generic form manufactured by KVK Tech, you will find that it is likely the cheapest form of Phentermine available over the counter.
Vivius Qsymia is another type of Phentermine that is becoming quite popular. The most popular dosage of this medication is 7.5 mg of Topiramate and 46 mg of Phentermine. The old name for this is Qnexa, making Vivus Qsymia a relatively new addition to the diet pill genre. It is similar to the previous drug that received approval from the FDA back in 2012. It is meant to provide noticeable weight loss benefits that exceed those offered by other medications currently available on the market. Because it is so effective, the price tag is usually much higher than other such diet pills containing Phentermine. You can expect to pay roughly $300-$500 for a one month supply. In return, Vivius Qsymia will provide users with superior appetite suppression and give them much more energy when compared with other products that contain Phentermine.
Adipex P is a type of Phentermine that comes in a white tablet. This will also have blue specks in order to easily distinguish it from other medications that you might be taking. It is made in the United States for a distinctly North American market. The ingredients in Adipex include not only Phentermine, but also some additional additives that are designed to enhance its effectiveness. It is possible to buy Adipex online without a prescription, but this is illegal. You can also buy it online with a prescription, or over the counter from a local pharmacy or drug store if you have a prescription. Each of the Adipex tablets or capsules will be in a 37.5 mg dosage level. This is the amount of active ingredients that you will get in each and every dose of Phentermine. Shipping Phentermine by mail is illegal, so you will need to order online with a service that offers home delivery. Alternatively, you will need to order from a pharmacy in your local area.
Because most insurance plans do not cover the cost of Adipex, the cost of the medication often depends on a number of factors. This includes any discounts currently being offered by the pharmacy in your area, seasonal demands, and other factors that are often subject to change at nearly any time. There are always good deals to be found on Adipex when buying it over the counter, and our online pharmacy often has some as well.
Just as with nearly any medication widely available in the global market today, there are generic and branded forms of Phentermine that you can consider buying. In fact, there are so many different options available on the market today that you can easily find yourself a bit confused by the choices. Do not despair, because the reality is that most such products are essentially the same. How can this be? That is a good question. All of the forms of diet medication discussed in this guide are similar to Phentermine. That is the active ingredient that suppresses your appetite and enables you to safely lose weight, when combined with a proper diet and sufficient exercise. This means that generic and branded forms, such as Adipex and Phentermine 37.5 mg, are essentially the same. They deliver the same weight loss benefits in a similar fashion to one another, just under slightly different approaches.
When you consider Adipex, for example, you will notice that this is a brand created by GATE Pharmaceuticals. It does, however, contain 37.5 mg of Phentermine. This is the same substance that is used to create Phentermine 37.5 mg. Confused? Don’t be. The difference comes down to personal preference and your individual weight loss goals. Just as some people prefer one brand of bottled water over another, so might you grow to prefer one brand of Phentermine over another.
Because it is only available with a prescription, you will want to carefully consider all of your options when setting out to buy Phentermine. Remember that you can buy Phentermine online, and you can also buy it at a local pharmacy. Depending on the brand that you want, the cost can fluctuate quite considerably. A lot of it depends on the promotions being offered by various pharmacies at the time that you begin taking Phentermine. You will also want to consider how you buy Phentermine. This is because online pharmacies may offer a home delivery service for you that can get your diet pills direct to your home for much cheaper, as long as you have a prescription. Do not be turned off by the initial sticker shock you might feel when first looking into how to buy Phentermine online or in your local drugstore. There are alternatives available out there. You just have to be patient and look for them. In addition, ask your doctor if he or she has any recommendations about where you can purchase Phentermine in a cost effective manner.
As you set out to buy Phentermine, keep in mind that insurance will not cover its cost. This is quite troubling to some, but keep in mind that this is a stimulant that will help you to lose weight if used correctly. Do not let the fact that insurance will not pay for it deter you from the goals that you have set out in front of you. You will want to work towards finding a way to lower the cost via pharmacy discounts and manufacturer promotions. As they say, where there is a will – there is a way!
As with any prescribed medicine, it is important to consult with a weight loss specialist throughout the time that you are taking Phentermine. This is because this particular diet pill is a stimulant. You want to be aware of the side effects, which include: Anxiety, increased heart rate, severe headaches, constipation, diarrhea, cramps, seizures, and more. If you experience any of these noted side effects, you will want to talk to your doctor right away.
Beyond this, your doctor will know if you are a candidate for Phentermine. Not everyone should be taking this medication. You do not want to let your overwhelming desire to lose weight cloud your judgement about what is good and not good for you. This is why you need a weight loss specialist in your corner. This is a trained professional who will keep your best interests at heart. It is important to know how much of Phentermine is safe for you to take, and for how long. Follow the guidelines set forth by your doctor and you should be fine and on your way to safe and sustainable weight loss in no time at all.
This is a question that deserves an answer. Whenever you decide to ingest a pill into your body, it is a good idea to know exactly what it is designed to do. In fact, it should be a requirement that you have for anything in your life. If you are overweight or obese, there are a variety of factors that may have lead you to this point. It is now your time to do something about it. Phentermine is proven to be a safe and effective way to lose weight when combined with a proper diet and exercise. Those are the facts. The drug is approved by the FDA, and the success stories from around the globe keep flooding in. Now is the time to buy Phentermine and see just how effective it can be for you.
5 stars - "I bought 37.5mg Phentermine Online Without Prescription, it worked fine!" Erica Stewart Based on 100,000 Votes!
The Weight Watchers Diet – How Does it Work?
The weight watchers diet is more of a lifestyle plan than a diet for weight loss. The diet was created with the view of helping dieters eat healthy without depriving them of the foods they love to eat. Its system, different from other diets, aims to help dieters with a combination of specific exercise regimens and formulated meal plans. On this plan, dieters are allowed to eat anything they like in this diet. This diet has no food restrictions.
The weight watchers diet was created by Jean Nidetch in 1963, in the Queens area of New York City. She was inspired by her struggles with obesity and weight loss. The diet was conceived during her experiments with different fad diets. She gathered some of her friends, who had the same struggle, and that was the beginning of her support group. The support group evolved into weekly meetings. In 1963, she took the bold step of launching the company and naming it the Weight Watchers Organization.
In the late 1970s, H.J. Heinz Company bought the company. The diet was expanded to include meal plans and online support services. The company has grown since then, with a presence in over 30 countries across the globe. There are about a million dieters using the plan internationally.
A lot of the computations and data used in the Weight Watchers Diet rely on the use of Body Mass Index (BMI).
The diet employs a structure that shows dieters the numbers of calories they are entitled to daily.
The structure also allows dieters to monitor and control the amount of food they eat.
The diet has been modified over the years; it currently uses a point system.
The company designed the Activelink activity tracker with Philips in 2012.
The company has been linked to celebrities like Jennifer Hudson and Oprah Winfrey, who is the current face of the brand.
The weight watchers diet offers dieters two different approaches. Dieters can pick the method they want to use.
Physical meetings: Dieters can choose to take the option of attending meetings physically. Dieters can select the venue they like and register to be a member. A new dieter will be required to choose a target weight which is generally between the prescribed body mass index figures (18-25). Users will only be allowed to pick a goal above/ below this range if they have a doctor’s recommendation.
Online platforms: This is ideal for dieters who prefer or can’t attend physical meetings. There is a web interface called ‘the Weight Watchers e-tools,’ which is an online support platform for members.
The original plan involved a maintenance phase which is initiated immediately after a dieter has met their target weight. If the dieter can retain a target weight they will be offered a full lifetime membership.
Dieters have expressed concerns that there are no food restrictions in the Weight Watchers Diet. Many users have recorded weight gain since starting the plan because they are unable to control their cravings. These people tend to overindulge and they would do better on a diet that completely cuts off unhealthy food.
The weight watchers diet is very engaging and offers a lot of solutions to dieters.
Weight Watchers offers contemporary aids like branded food products, exercise packs, videos, recipes and food menus, storage compartments, cooking guides and so on.
The diet is guilt free, and you are allowed to indulge your cravings so long as you match and balance them with the other food you eat during the day.
The Weight Watchers Diet is not an ideal weight loss diet.
There have been a lot of negative reviews about the online platform and subscription services of the Weight Watchers plan.
Some dieters have cancelled their subscription to the plan and have complained that they were still being billed after the cancellation.
The Weight Watchers Diet is not free; you have to pay a monthly access fee to use the plan.
There are an overwhelming number of complaints about the discrepancies in account handling and the ill treatment that dieters received from the customer service representatives at Weight Watchers. These have raised a lot of red flags about a company that markets itself as being client-friendly. This diet does not have a lot of successful results and it is very expensive. It may be effective for some people, but this diet plan is rejected as a good weight loss solution.
There are so many medications and supplements on the market today that are geared towards weight loss. Which one should you choose? Which ones are most effective? How easy is it to get these pills? Many people are interested in taking the drug known as Phentermine Hydrochloride, but there are actually quite a few other options on the market. Let’s discuss some of the various weight loss medications that do not contain Phentermine.
This is an anorectic that contains Fenfluramine. Since this ingredient has been known to cause life-threatening heart conditions, this drug has been taken off the market in the United States. Does not contain any non stimulants similar to CLA supplements. Unfortunately, if you are interested in this drug for weight loss, there is simply nothing you can do. You should speak with your doctor about other options for medications that help with weight loss.
Users of this drug have compared it to Phentermine and have reported good results with use. Just like Phentermine, this weight loss drug is available only by a doctor’s prescription, and patients must reduce their daily caloric intake and increase their physical activity if they want to see results. Unlike with the traditional 37.5 mg dose of Phentermine, which is taken in the morning, Tenuate is usually taken three times per day about an hour before a meal. This is to help with appetite suppression and help the patient to keep portions small in order to lose weight and aid in fat burning.
This is another prescription weight loss medication that you can only get with a prescription. It is prescribed alongside a reduction in daily caloric intake, an increase in exercise, and an overall change in lifestyle and daily behaviors. This medication can help to boost weight loss as well as help to prevent gaining the weight back after it has been lost. It is often prescribed to individuals who are considered obese and who have other medical issues as a result of their weight. Obesity can cause a plethora of life-threatening conditions, and for this reason, doctors are willing to prescribe heavier drugs that have more side effects in order to save a life.
Alli or Orlistat is an over the counter medication that is used to help people lose weight as well as to maintain a healthy weight once their goal has been reached. While it is sold over the counter, it is still recommended to take this weight loss drug under the direct supervision of a doctor. It is recommended for adults only, and just as with any other medication for losing weight, it is to be taken with lifestyle changes that include fewer calories in a day and more exercise regularly.
Belviq is a brand name version of the drug, Lorcaserin HCL. This is another prescription only medication that only a doctor or nurse practitioner can prescribe. This particular medication is usually taken twice daily, unlike with Phentermine Hydrochloride, which is usually taken once per day in the morning. It does not come along with some of the harsher side effects that Phentermine does, and it shouldn’t affect sleep nearly as much. Many people who have trouble sleeping on Phentermine have tried this weight loss drug as an alternative.
This is another brand name weight loss drug. It’s generic form is Phendimetrazine Tartrate. It is available by prescription only, and you guessed it! You must decrease your daily caloric intake and increase your daily physical activity if you want to have success with this drug. This is the case for every pill that is aimed towards losing weight. You have to put in the work and dedication if you are serious about getting your weight and your health in check.
This medication is a form of methamphetamine. It is traditionally used in the treatment of ADHD but has also been used for weight loss. Being in the class of amphetamines, this medication can come along with many side effects just like Phentermine Hydrochloride. This medication should only be used under the supervision of a doctor or nurse practitioner.
Didrex is a brand name form of Benzphetamine. This drug is used for weight loss along with a doctor recommended diet plan. It is available by prescription only, so if you are interested in this drug, then you should make an appointment with your doctor.
This is a brand name form of the drug, Amfepramone. It is a stimulant and only available by prescription as with many of the other drugs listed in this article. It is used to suppress appetite and is only for short term use, similar to Phentermine Hydrochloride.
Meridia is a brand name form of Sibutramine. This drug is an oral anorectic but has been off the market in the United States since 2010. Just as with the other medications, it was generally only prescribed to individuals who are obese and whose weight poses a risk to their overall health. It was similarly prescribed alongside significant lifestyle changes, as well. This, of course, includes changes to diet and exercise.
Contrave is a combination drug that is used in the treatment of obesity. It contains Bupropion and Naltrexone. Both of these ingredients have shown weight loss results in users and seem to have significant results in those who use both as a combination.
This is a brand name form of the drug, Liraglutide. It is traditionally prescribed for type 2 diabetes but has also shown weight loss as a side effect. For this reason, it can be very helpful to obese individuals who also suffer with diabetes. Comorbidity rates are fairly high when it comes to obesity and diabetes, so it is great that there are drugs that can help to treat both while an individual is trying to get their health back in order. | 2019-04-22T01:31:09Z | http://adipex.phenobestin.com/weight-loss/page/3/ |
225 30th Street, Sacramento, CA.
Pain, anxiety symptoms, or symptoms of depression that you would like to be rid of ?
Would you like a nice relaxing massage that will put you to sleep and take away your symptoms of anxiety? Are you feeling tight, with painful joints?
Is it hard for you to concentrate and have clarity or focus? Is your body pain bringing stress with your relationships, job, and life problems?
Are you ready to step away from all of the above & learn how to manage it yourself?
Release the Pain uses modalities of Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, and Orthopedic Structural Massage, Active Release Therapy, and Muscle Energy Technique, similar to Reiki or Bowen Therapy, to help your body repair itself to healthy function and give relaxation to the body, mind , and spirit.
I pride myself in giving you quality, effective work where you will feel the difference on the 1st visit.
*If you live out of the area- please find a Myofacial Release therapist trained by John F. Barnes, or an Orthopedic Structural Massage Therapist trained by James Waslaski -for help with structural improvements and pain relief and a therapist trained by the Upledger Institute in Craniosacral Therapy for body,mind, and stress relief.
Keep up with Release the Pain on the Facebook page.
Learn how to manage your body and your life so you can have bliss, peace, and true happiness.
Be sure to "Like" our Facebook page.
Do not for one moment think that you have to live with the pain or dysfunction. Allow me to help your body correct itself naturally, the way it was created to.
Do you have a lot of stress, areas of pain, or an emotional/mental fog that you wish would leave?
Have you already been treated by your doctor, Physical Therapist, chiropractor, or massage therapist for chronic pain but it's still there and they said you have to live with the pain? Do not give up hope -that may NOT be true. I have been able to help others find relief from pain in these situations. I use bodywork manipulation & stretches and I offer consultation to help you gain emotional freedom by using easy, conscious thinking exercises.
I believe stress, if not released, can build up and show up in the body as pain or disease. This causes pain, which is the body's way of informing you that something needs to be corrected.
The body's notification that something isn't right, the pain, should not be ignored...because if you ignore it, the pain will simply persist and probably increase, until something is done to allow the body to heal itself and correct the situation.
I believe all conditions are reversible, and that the body can heal itself...if you create the right circumstances for that to occur- such as with a corrected diet, proper body movements , and with structural assistance- such as myofascial release therapy.
I believe in most cases medications and surgery only create an environment that makes it more difficult for the body to heal itself.
Myofascial Release relieves stress, similar to or even better than Swedish massage, without having to undress, (you wear loose fitting shorts and tshirt), and I do not use any oils or lotions.
My technique utilizing Myofascial release therapy, CranioSacral Therapy, Orthopedic Structural Massage all help the body to release and move the fascia. This releases the emotional stresses, allows circulation (such as it does in accupuncture and accupressure), so that oxygen and nutrients are exchanged within the body's cells and atoms- bringing health and function to the body.
Myofascial Release, the John Barnes method, is a simple and inexpensive, (compared to the costs of conventional medicine and drugs), treatment that releases the fascia leading to pain reduction, and most of the time, pain elimination. Emotional and mental stresses are also released giving the client a feeling of wholeness and profound relaxation.
Using mild, gentle, hands-on sustained fascia manipulation, it is done without oils or lotion.
Allowing the fascia connective tissue to release its bindings, restrictions, and adhesions helps us to develop a healthier state of body and mind.
It is a natural method used to bring safe, lasting and beneficial help to the body and mind of adults, hyper active children, and colicky babies, and the elderly with signs of dementia. Clients use it to help curtail surgery and drugs, in many cases.
In some cases one visit is all that is needed, but it is most effectively done as a treatment program with 3 visits total, or a frequency of one to three times per week for several weeks in severe cases. This allows the tissues to release, the body to move back into proper alignment, and for the home exercises and yoga to be practiced and understood for continued improvement and maintenance of the fascia.
Individuals suffering with pain issues from auto accidents, sports and work related injuries, headaches and migraines, trauma, cancerous tumors and radiation treatment, back pain, and more have found pain relief, based on client documented testimonies of Myofascial Release therapists.
Fascia is similar to a web of fabric and connects continuously from the top of our head to the end of our toes. Fascia is enmeshed inside and around, holding up and connecting, to bones, ligaments, blood vessels, organs, and cellular fluid.
The fascias job is to help us function at our optimal level. When there has been long term poor posture, trauma, injury, inflammation, or emotional stress the fascia restructures itself and toughens up, creating scarring and adhesions- thinking that it is protecting the injured areas and guarding from further trauma.
During the times of chronic poor posture, injury, inflammation, trauma, repetitive use as in sports or work, and emotional stress - unless we have taken the time to release these restrictions that showed up for “protection”, the scarred and bound up fascia will increasingly pull on the surrounding connected fascia fabric creating pressure, pain, dysfunction, and further binding in areas away from at the trauma site. Because of these bindings, restrictions occur at the organs and tissues that are enmeshed with the fascia, preventing them to receive the proper nutrients needed and thus causing further breakdown in the body systems. Over time, the local toughening and hardening restrictions will make our bodies weaker, thus setting us up for further injury.
Click Below for support and information to Improve your vision naturally.
It has testimonies and is guaranteed to work.
How can Vicki help you with Integrated Muscle & Orthopedic Massage Therapy?
By eliminating pain and dysfunction, restoring structural balance, and enhancing performance.
Hard, painful IT bands and loss of range of motion quickly and easily resolved.
Vicki combines all methods of Craniosacral Therapy, Myofasical Release, Orthopedic Structural Massage and Muscle Energy Technique.
Pain is an actual or potential tissue damage that may have been caused by trauma from a sports injury, or injured while in an auto accident, from repetitive use, repeating the same motion over and over again at work or sports, or practicing a passion, such as playing a musical instrument, using the same parts of your body. Pain may also be from long term poor posture on the job, or conditions such as scoliosis, headaches, and fibromyalgia, or by having had surgery where the scar tissue continues to build up and clump together over time putting pressure on the nerves, organs, and tissues causing the pain. This can even occur from having tattoos. All of the above and more unfortunately results in lower back pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain neck and shoulder pain combined, groin pain, sciatica pain, sports pain, knee pain, foot pain, or frequent urination.
Utilizing Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy allows Vicki to help her clients with these and many other conditions. See "Testimonies".
She provides caring service to her clients in Sacramento and surrounding areas, including Rocklin, Granite Bay, and El Dorado Hills.
If you live outside of the Sacramento area, even in another state of country, please email or call me so that I can give information on a mode that can help,most likely reduce or eliminate the pain that you are experiencing.
The following is an article written by John F. Barnes, P.T. on the topic of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Most people have at least heard of the term "body memory" or "tissue memory".
The Mayofascial Release perspective believes that it is within the intricate matrix of the myofascial, or connective tissue that holds this memory and the myofascial tissue is literally the "record keeper" of memory in the body/mind complex."
When trauma occurs, whether physical, mental, emotional or a combination of these, people respond with a flight/fight or freeze response.
It is this unresolved freeze response that we MFR therapists believe is what holds us back from fully and naturally healing from a traumatic event.
Stress and worry act similarly. Anxiety symptoms and symptoms of depression may surface.
These feelings become embedded into our cellular memory causing us havoc until we release them. You can get relief with releasing your anxiety symptoms and symptoms of depression in the process of Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy that Vicki does.
If you are fed up with the constant mind chatter and feelings of fear and worry know that you do have the power to overcome this and I would be happy to help and show you how.
You can replace the pains of fear, worry, and stress with peace, harmony, contentment, and joy.
What is Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy and how can help ease or get rid of my pain?
I have had many believe that I could not help them with their pain and then during their session with me, confided that they now believer I can help them with their pain relief.
It may seem difficult to understand how the body, when guided, can easily and quickly dissolve pains away without surgery or drugs. This is something that the mind may never understand, but as I work with clients whose pain is so intense, they normally wisely don't try to figure it out- but instead are relieved as they feel the pain releasing.
Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy are safe, gentle forms of releasing and balancing that have a deep impact on the body's tissues.
It is a whole body/mind/soul approach to reduce pain, restore movement, and improve your energy level and body function.
This holistic therapy is the most effective form of bodywork available today and especially coupled with self care exercises at home can help you get free from pain for the long haul.
The John F. Barnes, Myofascial Release Approach used is consistently effective in producing results that last, especially when complemented with self treatments.
Fascia is a tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the body in a three-dimensional web from head to foot without interruption.
Trauma, posture or inflammation can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures and/or organs (pain).
To help everyone get relief from pain and stress easily, gently,and effectively while preventing unnecessary drugs, surgery, or other damaging, invasive and costly procedures.
On my first day of my Myofascial Release class in Cape Cod, after hearing the morning lecture of Myofascial Release l, taught by John F, Barnes the founder of it, I had a question to ask him, that I wanted to ask in private. So I waited until break before I stepped up to the podium to quickly get my question to him. His back was turned, as he was reaching for his glass of water to drink.
As he turned around to face me, I remember how I just suddenly became overcome with tears, which usually occurs when I am in the presence of people who contain within themselves great healing powers and intuitiveness. The tears signify a healing process is taking place within me.
After wiping some tears away, and as he kindly smiled, I asked my question and he helpfully answered.
As I was turning away, satisfied with his answer, he then added....."You're going to be good at this".
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
How long is a Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy session?
Your Myofascial Release Craniosacral Therapy session is usually more intense and requires more treatment at your first appointment, taking a little more bit over 1 hour. An assessment is taken and it requires patience to hold proper positions for a period of time for the release of the fascia, and hence release of the pain to occur.
The whole body eventually should to be addressed and cleared of fascia restrictions for optimum results, thereby requiring followup visits and to re-train the fascia that was released. The amount of visits depends on the depth of work needed. You don't want to have to start all over again in your myofascial release, so it's recommended to return within a week for the follow-up session.
Vicki searches the full body for knots, hardness, and adhesions.
It is important for the client to follow-up with the next suggested appointment schedule and any self care recommended at home.
One of the most pertanent factors in health is the way the client handles stress and his or her everyday thought process intake and thinking management. Vicki goes over how to handle the stress. If the client is not good at re-directing the stress and thought processes, than new stresses come into the body and pain returns or is enhanced. If the client needs help with dissolving stresses and repeated thought patterns, Vicki is available to do Release the Stress sessions over Skype or the phone. See here.
Equally important in healing in the "Repair" Stage, is the "Maintenance" Stage, in staying strong and healthy. This would be an appointments each month to check and release adhesions and restrictions, like a "tune-up".
Every session and treatment modality given for the body part being addressed, is unique and tailored for that specific body area situation, for that time.
Intuitive guidance, for helping with the body's myofascial release, is a large factor during the Release the Pain sessions.
Vicki encourages active communication and feedback during the session from the client. This is helpful for pain relief.
For the client's best results in breaking away from pain and myofascial release, Vicki includes her client to be an active partner and participant in the session and as a team they work together, resulting in a fabulous release of fascia and pain.
Myofascial Release is most effectively done as a treatment program with a frequency of one to three times per week, initially. This allows the tissues to release, the body to move back into proper alignment, and for the home exercises to be practiced and understood for continued improvement and maintenance. The distance between successive appointments is increased as the sessions progress.
You can choose to have a single session, if you are not experiencing any problems and to simply get relaxation and de-stress of your whole body/mind.
Normally only specific intense areas of the body are addressed in a session, because fascial restrictions are densely segmented.
While Vicki may not directly touch the entire body, indirectly she is positively effecting the entire mind/body/soul of each client, through the woven web of the fascia connection, where she is working, and this is what sets Myofascial Release and Craniosacral Therapy apart from the other modalities.
The body's cells & atoms are independant and intelligent and they communicate with each other and are constantly moving, which sets the perfect stage for the body to heal itself.
You will leave each session feeling total mind/body/soul relaxed, (you might fall asleep during the session, in some cases or at least will be able to sleep well that night).
Vicki is so confident that at the end of your session you will be fully relaxed and stress free that we back the session up with a guaranteed 100% money back offer.
pain relief or elimination of the pain can happen naturally when using fascial release with Myofascial Release, Craniosacral and OrthopedicTherapy.
Here's an inspiring,interesting story of a man who was brought back to 'normal' from John Barnes and his 'Tribe', at the Myofascial Release center in Sedona, Arizona. He later became a MFR therapist. The man is Dan Betz, practicing in Florida. Click to "open minded" then go to "Home"
Why Do I Love Being a Myofascial release and Craniosacral Therapist?
Everyone can benefit- Pregnant moms, newborns,children, elderly, athletes, musicians, etc.
When you travel out of town you can find other certified massage therapists by clicking here. | 2019-04-23T06:52:46Z | http://www.release-the-pain.com/home.html |
Today I am sharing with you my project for the Your Next Stamp challenge #86. Your Next Stamp has a biweekly sketch and/or color combination challenge and it's time for a new one. Here is a look at this week's sketch and color combo.
I wanted to test myself to see if I could create a card around this week's sketch. Although the color combination is very beautiful, I wanted to see if I could do it. So, I grabbed one of the new stamp sets by Your Next Stamp and started planning. I used the Puddles of Fun stamp set and coordinating dies to create my card.
I started with a piece of Neenah 110 lb cardstock. I used Darice's Chicken Wire embossing folder to emboss the paper. This was the start of my hexagon theme for this card. I cut this panel down with the second to largest Stitched Rectangle Die and adhered it to a piece of white craft foam using double sided tape. I also used double sided tape to adhere it to my Simon Says Stamp Fog card base.
To create the bottom portion of my background, and in keeping with the sketch; I grabbed some patterned paper. This honeycomb or chicken wire type patterned paper is from an older My Mind's Eye 6x6 paper pad called Quilting Bee. I cut it down using the same Stitched Rectangle Die I used on the embossed panel. I adhered it to the embossed panel using double sided adhesive.
I moved onto the centerpiece of my card, that being the center most rectangle in the middle of the sketch. I chose to use a piece of Strathmore Bristol Smooth White cardstock. I used the smallest rectangle from the My Favorite Things Blueprints 1 Die-namics die set. For this part of the card, I ink blended a sky and some hills using Distress Oxide inks and the My Favorite Things Drifts and Hills stencil. I used Iced Spruce and Twisted Citron Distress Oxide Inks. Once I was done ink blending, I spritzed the background with Hero Arts White Iridescent Shimmer Spray. It is hard to tell in the photos, but this gave the panel a shimmer and also lifted some of the ink from the blending in classic Distress ink fashion. I wasn't sure if I was done with this panel but I adhered it to the card front with double sided adhesive. I also added a piece of washi tape to the top left corner as shown in the sketch.
I stamped my image in Your Next Stamp Black Olive Ink and used my Copic Markers to color them. For a complete list of which colors I used, see the Copic color map I created below. I used the coordinating dies to cut out my image. I then adhered it to my drifts and hills background using Scotch 3M foam tape.
The sentiment which is also from the Your Next Stamp Puddles of Fun stamp set was stamped on Stampin' Up!'s Basic Gray cardstock with Versamark ink. I used Hero Arts Ultra Fine White embossing powder to heat emboss it. I used the Stitched Window Rectangles by My Favorite Things to cut out my sentiment. I adhered it to the card panel also with foam tape.
As I was creating this card I noticed that the chick was holding an umbrella which is typical for Spring, but he was also wearing a scarf. Considering we just had about 8 inches of snow here 3 days into Spring, I got the idea to add a little snow to my card. It's about as unexpected at the snow we just had was. So I used my white Gelly Roll pen to add tiny dots of snow all over my background and my image. I think it helps document the weather we have been having and hopefully says good bye to colder weather for the rest of Spring.
Thank you for visiting my blog today. I hope you enjoyed my project. Please (CLICK HERE!) to visit the Your Next Stamp blog to play along in challenge #86 or to see what other inspiring projects the design team and others are creating with the sketch and color combo.
Today, I am sharing with you a fun way to create a background for your cards. I used bubbles, thats right, bubbles. I mixed clear bubble solution and Avery Elle Liquid watercolors. I mixed them and litterally blew them onto my watercolor cardstock to create the background for these cards.
To see this in action. Click on the link to the YouTube video I created while making these cards. It shows you how they were created from start to finish. I complete supply list with some affiliate links are listed below for your convenience.
My backgrounds where made on Canson XL watercolor paper. Watercolor paper is needed because you completely saturate your paper with bubbles and liquid watercolors, so you need to use something that will hold up to that much wet material. I cut both of my panels down using the second to largest Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangle die. This is my favorite size die to use for my card panels. I love the way it shows off the gray from my Simon Says Stamp Fog card base. I popped up both card panels using white craft foam and double sided adhesive.
I stamped my images using My Favorite Things Extreme Black ink. This ink is Copic marker friendly and I knew that I wanted to use my Copics to color my images. I listed each marker I used to color the images on Copic color maps that are easy to Pin to Pinterest for future reference. I also used the coordinating dies for this set to cut them out.
As for the sentiments, they were stamped with versamark ink and I used Hero Arts Ultra Fine white embossing powder to heat emboss them onto Simon Says Stamp Slate cardstock. For the card with the bunny in the green dress, I used the My Favorite Things Stitched Oval Word Window dies to cut out my sentiment. I used Scotch 3M foam tape to pop it up along the bottom of my background panel. I also used foam tape to pop up my bunny image and the bubble images on this card.
My sentiment on the card with the bunny in the red dress was cut out using Sizzix Circle Framelit dies. I used the coordinating dies for the stamp set to cut out some additional circles. I popped up the sentiment circle using foam tape but the rest of the circles were adhered with Lawn Fawn glue tube adhesive and adhered flat to the background panel.
I added a tiny heart from the Doodle Bug Shaped Sprinkles Tiny Heart collection beneath my sentiment. The bunny image on this card was also popped up with foam tape. I did not like how the sentiment circle covered up so much of the beautiful background I created. I thought briefly about stamping my sentiment onto some colored vellum but I do not currently have any vellum adhesive and I did not want my adhesive to show. I like the way this card turned out, but I will be adding some vellum adhesive to my next crafty haul.
To finish off the other card I added some Darice Iridescent Clear sequins scattered throughout my background to add a little sparkle. I think this added a great touch and the sequins have a similar bubble look to them.
I want to thank you for visiting my blog today. I hope you check out my youtube video on this technique and if you share your projects on soical media, I would love to see them.
Your Next Stamp March Feature Day "Sweet Treats".
Today I am sharing my project for Your Next Stamp March Feature Day. This month's theme is "Sweet Treats". (CLICK HERE!) to head over to the Your Next Stamp blog to check out what everyone else on the Design Team has created. While you are there, don't forget to leave a comment by March 25th for your chance to win a stamp set of your choice.
I am using the brand new Humming By stamp set and coordinating dies for my card today. I started with a Simon Says Stamp Fog card base. If you have been with me for any length of time, you will know that this is my regular card base. I took a piece of Strathmore Bristol smooth white cardstock and ink blending a group of clouds in the upper right hand corner using Versamagic ink in the color Aspen Mist. I used the YNS Stitched Rectangles die (second from largest) to cut down the panel. I adhered some white craft foam to the back with double sided adhesive and centered it onto my card base.
I stamped my image in Your Next Stamp Black Olive ink onto Neenah 110 lb. cardstock and colored it with Copic markers. I have a Copic color map showing which markers I used to color the image, you can even Pin to Pinterest if you would like. I used the coordinating dies to cut it out. I wanted to use part of one of the stamps from the Humming By... stamp set. It reads "happiness is" because I masked the sweet as to not stamp that part of the sentiment. The sentiment was stamped with Versamark ink and I used Hero Arts Ultra Fine White embossing powder to heat emboss the sentiment onto Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock. I used Heffy Doodle's Strips of Ease dies to cut it down.
I used the YNS Fancy Sweet word die to finish off my sentiment. I cut it from Neenah 110 lb cardstock a total of four times and adhered the layers together with liquid adhesive. I sponged a little of the VersaMagic ink that I used for the clouds around the bottom of the sentiment. I adhered the black sentiment strip with Scotch 3M foam tape as well as the humming bird. I used liquid adhesive to adhere the "sweet" word die cut.
Thank you for visiting my blog today. Don't forget to (CLICK HERE!) to visit the Your Next Stamp Blog and comment for you chance to win a stamp set of your choice. Comments must be left by March 25, 2018.
Today I am sharing with you two cards I made using Kindred Stamps Plumber Brothers Stamp Set. I was made aware of a few "new to me" stamp companies when I did my Instagram 1000 follower giveaway. During that giveaway I asked my Instagram followers to tell me their favorite stamp company and one of those companies was Kindred Stamps. I fell in love with their pop culture stamp sets right away. I ordered a few things that will be featured in an upcoming haul video.
Today I am playing with Plumber Brothers. This set is so cool. We are huge Nintendo fans in this house, myself being the biggest, so I had to play with this set. For the first card, I was inspired by the Nintendo packaging and wanted to create a tone on tone background using the various stamps in the set. I took a piece of Papertrey Ink Pure Poppy cardstock and stamped the images on the background using Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock. I created a similar panel using Neenah 110 lb cardstock and Hero Arts Soft Granite ink. I cut both of these panels down using the Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangles die set (the second from largest). I arranged the white panel so that it was hanging off the card base and then popped the red panel on top of the and popped up using craft foam. I cut off the edges that were hanging off of the card.
I stamped my images with My Favorite things Extreme Black ink. This is a new Copic friendly ink. I colored them with my Copic markers. I used Scotch 3M foam tape to pop them up onto my card. I stamped the sentiment onto Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock with Versamark ink and heat embossed it. I cut it into a strip and popped it up on my card front. To finish it off I added some gold sequins from a Neat and Tangled Mix.
For my second card using this set, I made a shaker. I took a piece of Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock and embossed the My Favorite Things Small Brick Stencil into my cardstock. I then cut it down using the Your Next Stamp Window Panel Die. I cut out the Window panel die five additional times to create my shaker pocket instead of using foam tape. I adhered all of the layers together using Ranger Multi Medium Matte. I adhered the top brick layer to a piece of acetate. I filled my shaker with Kindred Stamps Fire Shaker Mix and sealed it up using 1/8 inch double sided tape and a piece of Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock. I adhered the entire panel to my card base using double sided adhesive.
I stamped my images again using My Favorite Things Extreme Black ink and colored them with my Copic markers. I adhered most of the images to my card front using liquid adhesive but I did pop up Mario with a little Scotch 3M foam adhesive. The sentiment was stamped with Versamark Ink and heat embossed using Hero Arts Ultra fine white embossing powder. I stamped it on Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock that I had cut down using Pretty Pink Posh Stitched Speech Bubbles. It was also popped up using foam adhesive.
I want to thank you for visiting my blog today, above are photos of my projects, and Copic color maps showing which markers I used. Below are supplies lists for each project including links. Some of the links are affiliate links but some are not.
Today I am sharing my project for Your Next Stamp Challenge #85. Your Next Stamp has a biweekly sketch and/or color combo challenge over on the Your Next Stamp blog. (CLICK HERE!) to visit the blog, to play along, or to check out what everyone else has created using the given sketch and color combination. For this challenge you can use either the sketch, the color combo, or both. Here is a look at this week's sketch and color combo inspiration.
This week, I struggled with this challenge for some reason. I think I was having a bad day and it effected my crafty mojo. This is the downside to creating on a deadline. Sometimes, you just don't feel creative. When I feel this way, I go back to the basics. This project is simple, but I don't hate it. I used the sketch to create my very basic, but cute card.
I started with a piece of Neenah Solar White 110 lb cardstock. I cut it down to replicate the sketch with the largest of the Your Next Stamp Scallop Rectangles die set. Then I cut a hole in the bottom right instead of popping up that piece of the sketch. Sometimes if you think dimensionally, it can add a whole new look to the sketch you are working with.
At this point I was trying to come up with a good combination sentiment to use. I knew I wanted to incorporate a die cut word and a sub sentiment in the cut-out. I ended up choosing "Congrats, it's your special day". I just love, love, love the What Not Sentiments Four stamp set. Its the perfect amount of scripty and plain text with wonderful sentiments.
I stamped the sub-sentiment of "it's your special day" with Versamark ink. I used my MISTI stamping tool to line up the stamp to be seen through the front panel to the card base. I used Hero Arts Sliver embossing powder to heat emboss the sentiment. I popped the front panel up onto the card base with Scotch 3M foam tape.
I cut out 4 of the "congrats" words with the Your Next Stamp Scripty words die set from Neenah 110 lb cardstock. I adhered the layers together with Ranger Multi Medium Matte liquid adhesive. Once the layers were dry I painted the top layer with Ranger Multi Medium Matte adhesive with a flat brush and dunked my die cut into Lawn Fawn Prisma Glitter. I gave the die cut a bath in it. I brushed off a little of the excess and set it down to dry. Once it was dry, I added a little more liquid adhesive to the back of the die cut and stuck it on my card and let it cure.
To add even more sparkle, I collected Spooky Cute Sparkly Gumdrops from my stash and added a few of the teal shade to my project.
Thank you for visiting my blog today. Be sure to (CLICK HERE!) to visit the Your Next Stamp blog and play Challenge #85 with us.
Today I am sharing my project for the Your Next Stamp March Release Design Team Dare. We were challenged to create a project around the theme "whats up" and I used the brand new Your Next Stamp What Not Sentiments 12 set to create my project. This set is filled with awesome sentiments. Make sure you (CLICK HERE!) to visit the Your Next Stamp blog. Every commenter has a chance to win a stamp set of their choice from the Your Next Stamp online store.
The idea behind my card was to use the balloon image to create that one balloon that always seems to get away and float all the way up into the atmosphere. That one balloon that is so popular that everyone stops and stares into the sky to watch it fly far far away, lol. I'm not sure if I captured the idea or not, but you can be the judge.
I started with a piece of Neenah 110 lb cardstock and ink blended some clouds to create the sky using MFT's Mini Cloud Border stencil and Versamagic Aspen Mist ink. I cut this panel down using the Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangle die (second from largest). I then took the brand new Ripped Rectangles dies and cut all three from three different shades of green cardstock. I used Stampin' Up! Pear Pizazz, Papertrey Ink's Simply Chartreuse and Limeaide Ice. I wanted them to look like the tops of trees. I adhered the tree tops to my card panel with double sided tape and trimmed of the excess hanging off with my large Tim Holtz scissors.
I stamp masked one of the sentiments from the What Not Sentiments 12 stamp set to only ink up the "happy birthday" using Versamark ink. I then heat embossed it using Hero Arts Ultra Fine white embossing powder. This was done on Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock. I cut down the sentiment into a strip using the Heffy Doodle strips of ease die set. I popped up the strip using foam tape towards the bottom of my card front.
I then stamped my image of the ballon from the What Not Sentiments 12 stamp set. I hate fussy cutting, but I did the best I could. I colored it with my Copic Markers and added a string of Papertrey ink True Black twine as the string that I was not about to fussy cut out. I popped it up on my sky panel using Scotch 3M foam tape.
To finish off the card I added a few Clear Gumdrops also by Your Next Stamp to add a little more interest to the card. Like always, I added it to a Simon Says Stamp Fog card base. I feel like it is a little blank but I'm not sure what else to add. Maybe you could leave me some ideas in the comments below.
Today is the March New Release Blog Hop for Your Next Stamp! I love love love this release. For real guys, this is my favorite release ever. My favorite stamp set of the release is the Silly Monsters Say Cheese stamp set. I always love the monster sets that come out. I also really like the Retro TV die, and the Raindrops die, oh my! lol. If you would like to check out the Your Next Stamp March New Release (CLICK HERE!) It will take you to the New Products page over on the Your Next Stamp Store. There you can see all the goodies.
The blog hop starts on March 10th at 10 EST and will run until March 13th at midnight. Comment on each blog along the hop to enter to win a $25 gift certificate to the Your Next Stamp Online Store. The more you comment the more your chances of winning increase, so comment! I know I love to read your comments.
To make things even better, Your Next Stamp has a coupon code that you can use during the hop to receive 20% off of your order. I think that is a very generous coupon code so take advantage during the hop.
I have two projects to show you today. The first is using my favorite set of the release, Silly Monsters Say Cheese. I took a piece of Stampin' Up!s Night of Navy cardstock and the My Favorite Things Radiating Rays stencil and ink blending some Hero Arts Unicorn White pigment ink to create a spotlight effect on my card panel. I used the Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangle die (second from largest) to cut down this panel and adhered it to a Simon Says Stamp Fog top folding A2 sized card base. I used double sided adhesive to make sure it stayed up.
I then cut some stars from the Spellbinders Count The Stars set using both Tonic Mirror Card in Polished Gold and Chrome Silver. I cut out three clusters of two stars. I used double sided adhesive to also adhere them to my card.
I wanted to create a shaker card for this project using the brand new Retro TV die. I cut the die out of several times from Neenah Solar White 110 lb cardstock. I also cut it from Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock. I also cut a piece of acetate to fit behind the tv die to hold the shaker bits. For better explanation of this view the YouTube video linked below that I created while making this card. I adhered the layers of the shaker portion of my card together using Ranger Multi Medium Matte liquid adhesive.
I added Pop! Microbeads to the inside of my shaker tv in both black and white to mimic the effect of static on the tv. As for the back of the shaker. I cut the back out of some wavy lines in the Your Next Stamp Geometric paper pad. I stamped Your A Super... in Versafine Onyx Black ink in the center. I also stamped a star from the same set using Versamark Ink and Gold Heat Embossed it with Hero Arts Gold embossing powder. I adhered it to a slightly larger piece of typing paper and adhered it to the back of the shaker tv using liquid adhesive. Remembering to seal all the Microbeads in and also not allowing any of the typing paper to show. Once my piece was complete, I adhered it to my card base using double sided adhesive.
I stamped my image in Your Next Stamp Black Olive ink and used my Copic Markers and Goldfaber colored pencils to color it in. A list of the markers I used to color the image are listed below on a Copic color map. Once he was colored I used the coordinating dies to cut him out. I used Scotch 3M adhesive to pop him up onto my project.
I also used the #smile stamp from the Silly Monsters Say Cheese stamp set and stamped it on Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock with Versamark ink and used Hero Arts Ultra Fine White embossing powder to emboss it. I cut it down using the smallest stitched rectangle die. I also popped it up on my card using Scotch 3M foam tape.
For my second project today I am using the All Aboard Bouncing Baby stamp set. I started with a piece of Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock. I stamped almost all of the images from the set to create my background. I stamped the images with Versamark ink and used Hero Arts Ultra Fine White embossing powder to emboss them. I cut it down with the second to largest Stitched Rectangle die and adhered it to white craft foam with double sided adhesive. I also used double sided adhesive to stick it to my card base, which happens to be Stampin' Up! Speckled cardstock, that they don't sell anymore. I'm sorry. I used a white colored pencil to fill in some of the shapes in the background.
I stamped my image in Your Next Stamp Black Olive ink and colored with a combination of both Copic markers and Goldfaber colored pencils like I did on the first project. I then used the coordinating dies to cut it out. This set is filled with adorable baby images, but I had to use the one with the balloon.
I stamped my "welcome baby" sentiment on Lawn Fawn Black Licorice cardstock with Versamark ink and used Hero Arts Ultra Fine White embossing powder to heat emboss it. I cut it down using Heffy Doodles Strips of ease dies and cut a flag end with my scissors. I did the same cuts for the patterned paper underneath. I used a combination of double sided tape and Scotch 3M foam tape to adhere it to my project. I finished it off with some green enamel dots from the Carrot Cake Gumdrops also from this release and a heart from Doddlebug's Tiny Heart Sprinkles.
I want to thank you for visiting my blog today. Please remember to visit the Your Next Stamp store to check out the new release (CLICK HERE!). Also, make sure you comment on the design team blogs along the hop to enter to win $25 Gift Card. The more you comment, the higher your chances are of winning.
Today is Preview Day over at Your Next Stamp. I have seen the March release and it is fabulous. I have to say that it is my favorite so far of all the releases I have been blessed to be a part of. I couldn't even pick a favorite from it, but if I had to... I'd have to say tomorrows blog hop card is my favorite. Just wait until tonight 10 pm Est.
As for my preview project, I am using the brand new Puddle of Fun stamp set and some super fun new dies. To see the rest of the previews (CLICK HERE!) to visit the Your Next Stamp blog and check out what the rest of the design team came up with.
I started wit a piece of Neenah 110 lb Solar White cardstock. I used the My Favorite Things Mini Cloud stencil to ink blend some clouds with Versamagic Aspen Mist ink. This is my favorite ink to use for clouds. It is a soft blue gray. Now for the fun part- I used the brand new Your Next Stamp Raindrops die and blank stencil sheets from The Crafters Workshop to create my own stencil. I used my homemade stencil to ink some rain drops also using Versamagic Aspen Mist ink. After I inked them, I used Nuvo Glimmer paste in Moonstone to add texture and dimension. Not to mention, a ton of sparkle. I cut this panel down using the second to largest Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangle die and adhered flat to a Simon Says Stamp Fog card base with tape runner adhesive.
I cut some border clouds that I wanted to be popped up at the top and the bottom of my front panel. I used the Your Next Stamp Puffy Clouds Border die to do this. I also used the same stitched rectangle die to cut down my clouds and to continue the stitching detail throughout the panel. On the bottom border I stamped my sentiment from the new Puddles of Fun stamp set in a rainbow of Distress Oxide inks. I used Candied Apple, Wild Honey, Squeezed Lemonaide, and Faded Jeans. The lower part of the sentiment was stamped with Versafine Onyx Black ink. Both the top and bottom cloud borders where adhered to my card using Scotch 3M foam tape.
I stamped the adorable chick image wearing boots and looking down into a puddle with Your Next Stamp Black Olive Ink and colored it using my Copic Markers. I also used my Faber Castell Goldfaber colored pencils to add some shading. I used the coordinating dies to cut him out. This die is awesome because it cuts out the space between the chick and the puddle. I popped my image up with Scotch 3M foam tape.
The sun that you see in the upper right corner of my card is the brand new Starburst die set by Your Next Stamp. I cut it from Papertrey Ink Summer Sunrise cardstock. and popped it up using foam tape. I think it adds to the sentiment I chose. The combination of rain and sun and the rainbow, I just love how it turned out.
Today I am sharing a card that I made using Heffy Doodle stamps and dies. I couldn't resist the new Hello Squeakheart stamps and thats what I'm using on my project today. I also picked up a few more things from Heffy Doodle to use on today's project.
I started with a piece of Stampin' Up's! So Saffron cardstock cut down using a Stitched Rectangle die from Your Next Stamp. I brought out my Kaiser Craft Bubbly stencil and some Wild Honey Distress Oxide ink to make some cheesy background patterned paper. I ink blended a few circles scattered around the soft yellow cardstock to mimic the look of cheese.
I cut both dies from the Your Next Stamp Insta Love die set in Stampin' Up's! Very Vanilla cardstock. I cut the same dies also from Neenah 110lb. cardstock, which is what I like to use with Copic markers. The interior portions of these dies will be what I use to stamp my images on. I want it to look like a stack of old polaroid photos clothespinned to the front of my card.
I stamped my images using My Favorite Things Hybrid ink in the color Cement Gray. I wanted to try some no line copic coloring today. This ink is fairly faint and does a great job at disappearing while still allowing you to see what you are doing. I used both my Copic markers and my Faber Castell Goldfaber colored pencils to color and shade my images.
Once my images where colored, I attached them to their coordinating polaroid with tape runner adhesive and a piece of typing paper. This technique allows me to make the polaroids all one piece, which makes it easier to adhere to my card base. I popped up the first layer, the cheese panel, with black craft foam and 1/2 inch double sided tape. I adhered the rest of my panels flat with the double sided tape. The clothespin at the top is simply for show, everything is securely fastened. As a finishing touch, I added a little yellow heart from Doodlebugs Shaped Sprinkles set of Tiny Hearts. I love adding these hearts to my projects.
I cut out the Hey, Heffy Cut die from a piece of patterned paper from Fancy Pants, Park Bench paper pad. It is a black and off-white chevron pattern. I then cut out the same die a few more times from Simon Says Stamp Black cardstock. I adhered them all together with Ranger Multi Medium Matte liquid adhesive. Once it was dry I used the same liquid adhesive to adhere it to my card front. The sub-sentiment was stamped in Versamark ink and white heat embossed with Hero Arts Ultra Fine White Embossing powder. I used the super fabulous new Strips of Ease die set from Heffy Doodle to cut out my sentiment. These dies really make it easy to line up and cut a straight sentiment. I used foam tape to pop up the sub-sentiment strip in place.
Today I am sharing with you, my project for Your Next Stamp's Challenge #84. Your Next Stamp holds a biweekly sketch/color combination challenge on their blog. (CLICK HERE!) to check it out, play along, or just to see what everyone else is creating. Here is a look at this week's sketch/color combination.
I was more inspired by the sketch this week than the color combo. I started by creating a card front that mimics the sketch. I took a piece of Papertrey Ink's Smoky Shadow cardstock and cut it down using the Your Next Stamp Stitched Rectangle dies (second from largest). Then, I took the largest Reverse Scallop die from the Your Next Stamp set and cut two "windows", both out of the front of the panel to look like the sketch. I then took a piece of Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock and cut it down the same way. I used a pencil to mark the center of the boxes on the fog piece. This will help me stamp where the holes in the front panel will show through. I stamped the middle starburst from the Your Next Stamp Starburst Backgrounds with multiple Distress Oxide Inks. I used Twisted Citron, Broken China, and Faded Jeans.
After stamping the starburst, I needed something to fill the space on the lower third of the card front. I have been playing around with creating fonts on my Brother Scan N Cut, so I imported some text using the Brother Scan N Cut Text Converter and welded some text together in Canvas Workspace to create my own word. I made the word "Stinker", which is what we call Dexter. I cut the word from Simon Says Stamp Fog card stock three times and layered them together using Ranger Multi Medium Matte liquid adhesive. I used sponge daubers and the Distress Oxide inks listed above to create and ombre of ink on the word "Stinker". I adhered it to my card front also using liquid adhesive.
The sub-sentiment is from the Cool Tag Banner Sentiments stamp set. I stamped it in Versamark ink and white heat embossed it with Hero Arts Ultra Fine white embossing powder onto Simon Says Stamp black cardstock. I cut it out using Heffy Doodle Strips of Ease dies and popped it up with a thin strip of foam adhesive.
I stamped my images from one of my first Your Next Stamp stamp sets called Waddles Beach Fun in Black Olive ink. Your Next Stamp Black Olive ink is a Copic friendly ink. I colored my images using Copic markers and Faber Castell Goldfaber colored pencils. I have been having fun using the combination of the two coloring mediums. The colored pencils are used at a minimum to add depth and shading to a few areas. For the most part, the images are colored with Copic markers. These images were added in the open areas in front of the starbursts with liquid adhesive.
The front panel was covered with Scotch 3M foam adhesive and popped up onto the card base. The card base is made from Simon Says Stamp Fog cardstock. I added some Your Next Stamp Love Earth Gumdrops to fill some of the space on the card. | 2019-04-21T06:25:51Z | http://www.korenwiskman.com/2018/03/ |
Students researching accredited business administration degree programs in Connecticut will find institutions offering many different styles of learning. Several have unique programs or components not found in other schools. The list in this article features business schools in universities in different parts of the state. All of them offer a global view of business and emphasize technology as a doorway to the business community. All require a liberal arts foundation to the business skills. Some, however, stress individualized and independent studies at various levels.
The School of Business only offers undergraduate degrees. The school delivers a strong liberal arts focus along with a good business education. In addition, the school has a new technology center that features a high tech financial trading room with “tickers” and high definition displays from the stock market.
Beyond the general liberal arts component, the school has a core curriculum in areas like financial reporting, management, taxation, auditing, information systems, and advisory services. There are 30 credit hours of basic classes followed by hours in the concentration area and electives. There is an internship, but applicants must meet the qualifications set forth by the university. This school also offers opportunities to study abroad. International study is for a year, a semester, or for a short-course term.
Class sizes at the Charles F. Dolan School of Business are small, often only 24 students. The faculty has academic and real-world expertise; there are 40 Fortune 500 corporate headquarters located within 50 miles of the university so that there are strong corporate partnerships with the school. The Princeton Review ranks the Charles F. Dolan School of Business among the 300 best Business Schools in the United States.
This is a general degree with the opportunity to specialize, but not to major, in the areas of business. There are three components to the degree: 18 credit hours of core classes, 18 credit hours of breadth classes, and 12 credit hours of concentration courses. Core classes consist of financial reporting, manufacturing and distributing of goods and services, quantitative analysis and markets. The breadth classes, intended to give a broad perspective of business, include classes across the spectrum of business practice. All students must take four classes in their concentrations. Students may begin the program in fall, spring, or summer semesters, and may attend full or part time. All students admitted to the program are required to have satisfactorily completed classes in micro and macro-economics, college-level mathematics, and statistics.
The School of Business boasts small class sizes. This college stresses innovation and hands-on learning. One of the first classes students take is as a team of five students who run a virtual global business. There is a world-wide competitive aspect to the course as well. The school encourages competition and attendance at business-related conferences. It also encourages the students to join one or more of the on-campus student business organizations to gain added support and networking opportunities.
This is a four-year degree program designed to meet the needs of students from outside the business school who want to add an understanding of business practice to their educational experience. There are GPA requirements, and students usually apply to the program during the junior year. This degree program features a short-course study abroad and a required six-credit hour internship. Most people can get the MBA component in an additional twelve to fourteen months. The school recommends that students take micro-economics or macro-economics, financial accounting, and statistics classes before beginning this “Fast-Track” degree program. Some graduate-level classes also fulfill the requirements toward the undergraduate degree.
This “Fast Track” dual major provides a broad business education. The academic part involves basic accounting as well as financial and analytic skills. This is a 125 credit-hour program, open to the top 20 percent of high school graduates. A 3.0 grade point average is required for admission to the program and also must be maintained throughout the studies. At the end of the program there is a cooperative internship with the Internal Revenue Service. Most students can get the bachelor’s degree in three years and meet the MBA requirements in the fourth year. The course plan, however, amounts to taking a 19 credit-hour per semester schedule. Some classes fulfill both requirements for the bachelor degree and MBA.
This is a degree program for working adults as well as full-time students. It stresses innovation in business as well as the basic skills. The program focuses on skills and knowledge, ethics, negotiation and relationships to produce strong business leaders. The degree plan consists of 46 credit hours (28 core class credit hours and 18 elective credit hours, as well as electives such as information systems and healthcare management. Students may use the electives to tailor their degrees to focus on a concentration or to take many classes across the board in business to attain a broad generalist background. Online business degree students also have the opportunity to participate in a short international study. There are some residency requisites.
The stated objectives of this business school are to teach core business skills and knowledge, communication skills, and ethics. The faculty is encouraged to be involved in active research as they teach. They are re-evaluated every five years to make sure that their knowledge and practice are current.
This program is broad based, covering business practices on a global level. The intent is that students gain a perspective of how international business practices and attitudes affect even local companies. The degree program focuses on theory and practice, and places emphasis on business integrity. It teaches personal responsibility and accountability. There are both business and management courses in the 120 credit-hour program as well as classes that teach communication and leadership. Students must select three courses from one of six concentration areas. The required university core classes are fifty-four to fifty-six credits and include liberal arts education through a faith-based lens. After completing these and the business core with electives, students serve an internship.
The goal of the MBA program is to hone and build on business skills as well as develop leadership skills. Students study personal career planning, project management, and teamwork as well as developing presentation skills and critical thinking. The course stresses the global impact of business practice and women’s leadership. Beyond basic degree classes, students select curriculum in one of four areas: finance, accounting, management, or marketing. There is an opportunity to gain a certification in another area besides the concentration and the degree program can be completed at the Fairfield campus in one year, or part-time at the Stamford campus. The part-time plan takes two years to complete and involves taking several classes online.
This is a new program at Sacred Heart University. A general doctoral program trains people for upper-level positions in academia, but this path equips individuals for very specialized careers in banking or in financial institutions like the stock market or investment firms. It requires the doctoral student to pursue his or her own original research and to complete a dissertation. The forty-five credit program works on the cohort system and requires a weekend residency during the first two years so students may work on research and network as well as access university resources like the library. There are also “executive-style” meetings where students collaborate in learning. The doctorate program is usually completed in three years.
This school ranks in the top 5 percent of business schools worldwide. It emphasizes real-world, hands-on learning on five campuses. The long-standing school (established in 1941) has a reputation for research and high-quality academic programs and stresses a global business environment One unique aspect of the school is the use of “learning accelerators” that cover the gap between academic teaching and experience by utilizing “high profile corporate partnerships.” This innovation blends theory and the practical aspects of business. The school emphasizes the use of technology and research in their curriculum.
The purpose of the program is to develop managers with general business knowledge and abilities in management, communications, finance and marketing. Core curriculum in this degree program requires a three-credit-hour class in business writing and oral presentation. The first two years is primarily liberal arts and humanities studies. After that, students follow a course of basic business classes like “Principles of Financial Accounting” and “Career Development in Business.” The school stresses teaching in the legal and ethical aspects of business. There are sixty non-business courses and forty-nine business classes plus electives in the 10 hour program. The school also requires a second language competency for graduation, and suggests that this requisite be filled as soon as possible in the program.
In summer of 2014 this degree program will be pursued at the Graduate Business Learning Center in Hartford, which is closer to the headquarters of corporate partners. The MBA at the University of Connecticut is ranked as one of the best in the world. The program is individualized to concentrate on the goals and needs of the student. There are opportunities for international study through the school of business. The first year is locked into a required progression of required courses. There are nineteen three-credit hour courses in the program, making fifty-seven credits in all. Students may attend full-time or progress through the degree at their own pace, even taking a semester off, as long as they pay a fee to keep them in the matriculation program.
Students enter this program in the fall. Of the 52 students in the degree path, 48 percent are women. Faculty-to- student ratio is one-to-one; every year the program admits only two to four students. The goal of the doctoral program is to allow students to become qualified to take positions at research universities. There are assistantships available. These entail a tuition waiver as well as a stipend of $20,016 and subsidized health insurance. Most students complete the program in five years; 36 percent graduate in four years or less. There is support for research, and the school encourages doctoral students to submit work to conferences and, when it is strong enough to merit it, to publication in journals.
The Barney School of Business boasts an “Assurance of Learning” program. That means they assess the degree to which business students are meeting their learning and career goals. Another innovation is the “Barney Board of Visitors” which entails the presence on campus of partners in the business community that support the school’s mission. The curriculum is career-based to provide business leaders that are both competent and ethical in their approach to business practice.
This degree path focuses on a “career-ready” curriculum which is three main academic areas and a required internship. Career-ready classes include a transitional course that helps students transition to the school and critical-thinking exercises to adjust them to the business environment. Another course helps students build resumes and gain interview skills. The students also explore different business careers. An internship follows as well as n applied professional field project. There are 123 credit hours in the program, and freshmen take “All-University Curriculum” like liberal arts and humanities classes as well as mathematics and sciences interspersed with introductory classes to business. Major concentration begins in upper-level classes.
This course is for students who are not from the school of business, but would like to add business knowledge and skills to their educational experience. Minors are usually twelve credits. There is a requirement of nine credit- hours of pre-requisite courses (an introductory to finances, economics and computers) and fifteen credit-hours in business. Students in this program must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and must take all courses for a letter grade (not “pass/ no pass”). Students also may not transfer classes from another university to satisfy the required classes for this minor. The classes for this minor can be applied toward the unrestricted elective requisite for their degrees. Among other areas available for a minor are: accounting, finance, insurance, marketing and management.
The goal of the MBA program is to develop managerial and leadership in students. There are four components: core, breadth, electives and capstone classes. There are seventeen courses and fifty-one credits. Core classes are basic business understanding across the spectrum of business practice. They may be taken online, and can be waived if a student has obtained a bachelor’s degree in business in the last five years. Breadth classes are unique to Barney School of Business and may not be waived. Most students complete the program through part-time study in evening classes. Working professionals may complete the degree in thirty-six months. All students must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
This is a one-year program for top students that are members of the Global Network for Advanced Management. Students pursue independent study tailored to meet their needs while associating with their peers and with visiting corporate lecturers. Since study is independent, the students take the equivalent of five courses a semester. Four of these are electives chosen for all Yale curriculum and one is an advanced management core class. One of the classes is a “Global Challenges Seminar” in which faculty from all parts of the university talk about the contemporary issues and problems facing global business. Practicum in the program is achieved through a real-life project in which students display their knowledge and skills to solve problems.
This is a two-year degree program. The faculty intends to give students a broad vision of global business issues, not a narrow focus on the problems at hand. All students must take a global studies requirement that involves a ten-day international study abroad, a mini-course of global networking of member schools or an online course that builds team approaches to international problems in business. Many classes are team taught and Yale School of Management also uses “raw” cases to facilitate learning. These are cases, sometimes comprised of thousands of pages that detail a problem through analyst reports, newspaper articles, interviews, and stock charts. Students collaborate to analyze and address the case problem.
There are only two students admitted to the doctoral program in management each year. This assures close interaction with faculty members and teachers. Staff and students often collaborate on research or on publishing scholarly papers. The specializations offered in this degree are: accounting, finance, organizations and management and marketing. Students pursue one of these concentrations of management while doing independent research. There are core, depth and breadth requirements for the degree. The first two years students take fourteen core classes and choose from electives. The depth segment consists of five courses selected to help the student prepare for his dissertation. The breadth component is one class taken from a different management area than the student’s and which gives an alternate viewpoint to his research.
The world of business is burgeoning. Projected job growth rate for managers in business are higher than average. In choosing accredited business administration degree programs in Connecticut, students pursuing undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programs should research universities to find a good fit for their learning styles. | 2019-04-20T22:45:43Z | http://www.top-business-degrees.net/in/connecticut/ |
If you’re anything like me, you are a marketing major’s dream. All the junk they design and put at the register – I buy. The pretty packaging – I buy. The orange clearance sticker – I buy. The free online coupons for stuff I don’t need – I buy. I don’t think I need to embarrass myself anymore; you get the idea.
When my daughter was born and I stopped working, I knew theoretically it would be a financial challenge. I just figured we’d go out to eat less and we’d be fine. Challenge accepted! Who wants to go out to eat with a new baby anyway? We’d be so fine! I was so, so wrong. I think I just completely underestimated how much my income meant to us, and as a result undervalued my contribution to our family.
I spent a lot of money the first few months my daughter was here. What else is there to do with a newborn? Go shopping for cute newborn clothes. Go Pinterest crazy and try new and expensive recipes. (Wait, what? Just because you cook it at home, doesn’t mean it’s cheaper?!) I mean, this was my new job now. I should take it seriously, right?
It took us awhile to realize that we were struggling to make ends meet with all the spending I was doing. I had to take a real hard look at where we could cut back – what actually was frivolous, and what was necessary. Like, for real, necessary.
We started tracking all of our spending. ALL OF OUR SPENDING. Those random $1s really add up! Recognized where we were overdoing it and cut back. (I will do another post soon on family budgeting because although related to monthly meal planning, is a completely separate task.) One area that needed major improvement was grocery. I am so embarrassed to tell you that we spent sometimes $200 on groceries – PER WEEK. Just us two adults. I don’t know how it happened. Don’t ask.
I know, I’m brilliant! I have to say that monthly meal planning isn’t for the faint at heart. It takes a lot of work and planning (hah, really?) but it is totally doable and will save your family hundreds of dollars a month.
There are a lot of things to consider before you begin meal planning. I will list a lot of questions for you to answer for yourself and your family. I’ll share my answers to help you out and explain how I did things, but it’s important for you to be honest with yourself about these answers. It won’t work until you are. Promise.
How often do you go out to eat per week/month? Be honest. Can you cut it back?
We used to go out to eat 3x a week or more before Norah was born and we were both working. Maybe a lunch or two at work and dinner at least twice. Now, we go out to eat maybe 2-3 times per month. You should factor those into your monthly plan – both in a financial and a scheduling sense. And also recognize that just because you are eating at home, doesn’t mean you are automatically going to be spending less. Just believe me; don’t test it.
How long does it take you to go through one dinner? I mean, do you have leftovers for days, or is it eaten all in one sitting?
For us, it depends on the dish. Of course the size of the dish, and what it is. Really yummy food does not hang around that long. 😉 Generally speaking though, we have enough leftovers for 3 meals per week, in addition to several lunches per week. So in planning meals – we make sure we buy items for 4 new meals, plus a handful of lunches. If you have a larger family, you will probably have one leftover night, if any. So you’ll of course spend more on your groceries than I will. I’ll go more into detail about our meal schedule later on.
How often does your family eat meat? Three meals a day, every day? Once a week? Never?
What do you want to eat for lunch? Leftovers? Sandwiches? Are you okay with having the same lunch every day for a week?
We typically have enough leftovers for lunch in addition to the 3 dinners per week. Some weeks we run out or just get plain tired of the same casserole, so we have extra lunch items on hand. Frozen lunch tacos are a big hit. We also always have bread, peanut butter and jam. Sometimes we have lunch meat. We always have cheese (can’t help it). And cans of soup. We also usually have fresh fruit available for snack or as a side with lunch.
What do you want to eat for breakfast? Are you okay with having the same breakfast every day in a week?
For breakfast we stock up on bread, eggs, peanut butter, jam, and yogurt. We sometimes have breakfast burritos in the freezer for quick and easy. We also have fresh fruit most mornings or as a snack. You will spend less if you just eat the same thing for breakfast every morning, and buy in bulk, but we have not yet been willing to make that kind of sacrifice.
What are you willing to/can you make yourself and/or grow? What can you reuse?
I have learned a lot this past year on what my limits are on making/growing. I have now started to bake my own bread. Not only is it delicious, but it’s a lot cheaper than buying bread at the store. Same goes for buns, rolls, and other baked goods. (Including dessert – yum.) Want buff arms to boot? Shred your own cheese. You’ll save millions. We also started our driveway garden experiment. At this point in early August, we haven’t harvested enough to impact our monthly grocery budget, but I hope the day is coming soon! I also made my own baby food for Norah which saved us a significant amount of money. In the reuse category, we stopped completely using paper plates. How wasteful – both from a financial and a planet perspective. We still do use paper towels, but significantly dropped how often. We cloth diaper and repurpose shirts and washcloths for cleaning rags instead of buying clorox wipes (oh, how I miss you!).
What groceries can you cut back or nix altogether?
This one is tough. It’s hard to give up luxuries we didn’t even know were luxury. Soda. Mmm, craft beer. Fancy shampoo and face wash. Makeup. Pre-packaged meals. Pre-marinated meats. Specialty bread. Paper plates. Ooooh, fancy coffee. But as each month went by, I realized that it was less about deserving nice things, and more about being less wasteful.
Before you do anything else, you need to go shopping in your own house. Do this part before you plan your meals. Trust me. Remember those boxes of Hamburger Helper from college? The 10 cans of soup? The 5 salad dressings hidden behind each other? Mystery meat in the freezer? Use up all that stuff. You’ll be SHOCKED at how much food you actually have.
1. Throw out what is bad. What is actually bad, not just what looks weird or you don’t know what it is or you just don’t plain like it that much. Just do it and don’t feel bad about yourself. Sure, it’s wasted, but leaving it sitting in your fridge or cabinet isn’t making it un-wasteful, it’s just hiding what you actually CAN use.
2. Make a list of what is usable. Do you have a bunch of meat in the freezer you can use? How about some soups or some rice or pasta? Marinades and dressings? Write it all down; at least at first. Once you get better at using what you actually have, you won’t need to write everything down; you’ll just know.
3. Decide if there are any meals in what you already have. Marinade and meat – done! Soup and sandwiches – done! Rice and beans – done!
If you do it right, you probably have a few meals available to you that you didn’t know you had! Try to avoid the “nahh, I don’t feel like having that” attitude. Eat up what you have already. By the end of each month, you should literally have nothing left to eat. Not like “I have nothing in my closet to wear – wah” – literally nothing. No more waste, friends!
Okay, take out the circulars. What is on sale this week? If you’re lucky, it’s meat! Your goal is to buy only what is actually on sale. And if you have a coupon to go on top of it – good for you! But get the sale first. It’s the better deal. Did you hear me? Coupons are not a good deal. But what about extreme coupon ladies? Say it with me again: coupons are not a good deal. Buy on sale only. Coupons are only a bonus AFTER things are on sale. This is my mantra I chant when I am at the store, staring longingly at my coupons.
I know this is hard. I know you need stuff that isn’t on sale this week. That’s okay. You’ll get better at it. The longer you do this, the more you can anticipate your family’s needs when things are on sale. For example, we only buy a certain kind of toilet paper. (I have a sensitive bum, okay?) When its on sale, I stock up! I leave room in my budget to buy “stock up” items. I don’t mean extreme coupon lady stock up – I just buy what we’ll use in a month or two, in case I don’t hit the sale next time. For things that brand doesn’t matter – I get whichever is on sale.
Circulars and online prices don’t cover everything. Sometimes you won’t know certain items are on sale until you get to the store. You may have to change up a recipe to use a different type of meat. Or you may choose to leave your side items open ended til you see what’s on sale. Or you have to completely bag a recipe you wanted to try and pick something else that’s on sale. I know this made me makes me stressed out while shopping, but it gets easier.
Aha, yes! Finally to the meal planning part! Get out your calendar (I print plain ones from Word) and cute markers and get going! Okay, color coding is not required, but it’s my favorite part.
1. Plan any outings for your month. Do you have a wedding or a trip or friends visiting? You’ll need to not only budget for that but also plan your meals around that.
2. How many leftover nights per week can you handle? Factor those in. We do 3 per week, so 12 per month.
3. How many meals do you already have in your house? Plop those down on your calendar. Be sure to spread out ingredients. You don’t want variations of chicken and rice all week.
4. Now plan new meals. How many do you have to do? We normally range from 12-15 dinners and 30 lunches and breakfasts each. You can go on Pinterest for new recipe ideas – though beware of the pricey ones! They can sneak up on you. Put down some family favorites – do you love pizza night? Soup and sandwiches? Pot roast? Meatloaf? Whatever you love/want to eat.
-Use the same ingredients for multiple recipes so you can buy in bulk and/or take advantage of sale prices.
-The less ingredients per recipe, the better.
-Certain ingredients are always cheaper: rice, beans, some kinds of pasta, some freezer meal items, certain cuts of meat (like chicken thighs vs breasts). Incorporate these things into your menu. Certain ingredients are always more expensive; ahem, cheese.
-Not all meals are created equal. Some are better for monthly planning than others. Crockpot = golden. I suggest planning non-freezer-friendly meals for earlier in the month.
-You can freeze a lot of things really well that you probably didn’t know. Milk. Bread. Yogurt (though the consistency changes). Cheese. Some herbs. Some fruit and most vegetables.
-Don’t be afraid to eat the same thing twice in one month. It’s cheaper to buy in bulk and better to use the ingredients than let them rot.
-Plan any meals with fresh items earlier in the month to avoid them spoiling before you get to eat them. This seems obvious, I know, but worth mentioning as I have made this mistake before.
Yes, the list is required. Write down ingredients you need for your recipes. Household essentials you need for the month: paper goods, toiletries, baby items, etc. The list will be long; it’s helpful if you organize it by aisle. Don’t forget about freezer bags or containers.
The only exception with sticking to the list is if things are not on sale. If they’re not on sale, you shouldn’t buy them, remember? You may need to rearrange some meal ideas if that is the case, but hopefully you won’t have to do that too much if you checked the circulars before you planned.
If you have “helpers”, it may be wise to have a babysitter or your partner stay home while you do the shopping alone. Otherwise you will end up with your 9-month old carrying your rotisserie chicken and bag o’ apples (see photo).
If you have a “stock up” budget, be careful. Only stock up on items that are on a really good sale (for real, now), will not go bad, and are NECESSARY. Sure, those frozen pizzas are a great deal, but do you even like those cardboard boxes? Are they even cheaper than making your own pizza, even at the great deal? Think about it really hard. Items we routinely stock up on are toilet paper (because we only buy one brand), canned goods we eat several times monthly, cheese on really good super sale, and meats. If you hit meat on a good sale, buy it.
-Freezer vegetables are a smidge more expensive than canned vegetables but are healthier. For us, the few cents per ounce more is worth the extra benefit.
-Check the “per ounce” price. Sometimes the bigger package is cheaper, sometimes not. Sometimes with sales, the name brand price is cheaper than the store brand. Furthermore, when things are on sale you will have to do your own math to calculate the per ounce price. At least at my store, the per ounce price listed is the non-sale price. Tricky, tricky!
-Take a cold, hard look at what your “staples” are at the store. Whether that be brands, or pre-packaged items, or whatever. There are still times where I realize that I am buying something just because “we always buy it” instead of whether we actually needed it or not.
-A lot of freezer recipes call for stock (chicken, beef, vegetable). Get the bouillon cubes instead and you will save a pile of money.
-Avoid snacks if you can. This is a big budget buster. And, ya know, potato chips aren’t healthy anyway. I’m doing you a favor, see?
This can make a huge impact on your budget. Depending on where you live, you may have more options available to you. Smaller towns with less competition (like where we live) have higher prices. Certain cities have higher prices than suburbs. The drive to a cheaper store may or may not be worth it. Additionally, price club stores like Costco or Sam’s Club might not be worth the membership fee unless you have a large enough family to justify the bulk items. With only one child who eats like a bird (toddler, anyone?), it’s not worth it for us. But, only you can figure that out for your family; there isn’t one straight answer. But, it’s just something to think about.
Meal prep is honestly the worst part of the whole thing. It takes a lot of effort to prepare the meals ahead of time for the freezer.
1. Label all your bags/containers with your meals, instructions, and the date. Any old sharpie will do. Good time to practice your handwriting.
3. Chop vegetables, fruit, etc. all at one time. Henry Ford thought the assembly line was a good idea, and so do I!
4. Add marinades, oils, spices, etc.
5. Pop the bags into the freezer! To save space, lay them down flat to freeze. They’ll make a nice shape that is easy, once frozen, to stand up in a row. Saves space and also makes it easy to pull out what you need when the time comes.
-I also make breakfast and lunch taco/burritos. (The name is up for debate in our house.) I wrap these up in tinfoil and can fit about 10 or so in a freezer bag. A minute in the micro is all you need.
-If your recipe calls for canned items, such as tomatoes and green chiles, you may want to keep those in your pantry and add them to the meal/crockpot after you take it out of the freezer. Canned items will stay good through the month obviously, and it will save you some space in your now crammed freezer.
-Meats will marinate as they thaw, so if you’re planning a marinated steak or pot roast, mix those up in freezer bags as well.
My husband swore to me up and down that all this food would not fit in the freezer. Would. Not. Fit. It fits. We have a 5 cu.ft. freezer. When you cut out the junk in your life that you don’t need and don’t have a freezer full of mystery items you forgot about, it’s amazing how much space you have to store everything.
Arguably, the best step. You now have a freezer and pantry FULL of food for the month for your family. Did you save money? I sure hope so! I know I get better at it every month. It’s really satisfying to pull a meal out of the freezer that is already prepared in the morning, and have it ready by dinner time for you to enjoy. Don’t be afraid to rearrange your meal plan. Everything is frozen (or perhaps canned) and will last the month – if you’d rather have pot roast tonight instead of pizza, go for it! Your meal planning should work for you, not against you. The hard work truly pays off and I hope you are proud of yourself!!
This one is so tricky. We do sometimes have to go back. We eat all our fresh fruit. I forgot something (or 10 things). We just really, really want ice cream. It happens. It’s okay. Leave room in your grocery budget for return trips, or you’ll be up the creek without a paddle.
I hope my version of monthly meal planning is helpful to you. It has taken a lot of work, a lot of mistakes, and sadly, a lot of wasted money to get here. Hopefully with my help, it doesn’t take you quite as long! I can now proudly say that some months I spend $250 in groceries! If you remember (or read the whole post), that’s what I used to spend per week. That’s a significant savings!! You can totally save this much, I promise! It just takes some effort, some sacrifice, and some time.
How do you plan your grocery budget? I’m still new to this and would love additional tips and suggestions!! Happy Planning!
It is unseasonably cold here in Michigan. As in, it was 40something degrees this morning. IT IS AUGUST. Mother Nature, you have overcompensated last year’s 105˚ just a tad. The weather has me dreaming of all the fall and winter dishes I’ve pinned recently. But it’s summer! Everything should be ate outside! Off the grill! But, should I really deny myself yummy casseroles just because of the calendar? No, my friends, the casserole wins. I don’t care what you say about the casserole; I love her.
So, I’ve had my eye on this recipe for awhile. Spicy sausage. Wild rice. Mushroom soup. Mmmmm. But, when I checked out the ingredient list, all the measurements were just too easy. Everything was a cup! That can’t be normal. Ahh, it was Stefanie’s leftover smorgasbord night.
Note: Perhaps I should READ blogs instead of just drooling over pictures before grocery shopping. Wait, you don’t scroll through Pinterest in the baking aisle? Oh, just me then.
But the recipe looked so. so. good. I have never been good at faking it til I made it, but I didn’t think the worst case scenario (take out anyone?) was all that bad.
I always look for an excuse to eat cornbread.
1. Brown sausage and drain fat.
2. Combine all ingredients and stir well. You should have quite a bit of liquid not mixed in. This is okay. In fact, if you have enough liquid that you’re nervous this is a soup recipe instead, you probably have enough.
3. Bake at 350˚ for 45 minutes covered. Bake an additional 10 minutes uncovered.
*Tip: You could pre-cook your rice before baking the casserole. I decided this was too much work and risked crunchy rice. Which serve me right, I got!
This recipe is easily freezable – especially if you decide to cook the rice before hand.
Let me know how yours turns out – how much water/milk did you add to make your rice fluffy?
I told you I’m all about pasta salads lately! I wasn’t kidding.
Since I do monthly meal planning (post coming soon!), I have to use up the most perishable items first. Sometimes I do a really good job of planning out my meals so we aren’t eating the same type of food all in the first week or two of my shopping trip. Other months, like this one, I buy pretty perishable stuff for 3 different pasta salads. Spinach, fresh basil, tomatoes, etc. Good thing I love pasta salads – I don’t mind eating two in the same week. Do you?
I got this recipe from my mother in law and I make it all the time. It makes a pretty huge batch (which no one minds because we all love it) and is easy to serve at a BBQ or bring to a party as a yummy side dish. Or add chicken and it becomes a main meal. It’s also pretty affordable, which for a family on a budget, its nice to stretch your money and have a fresh, healthy meal go a little farther.
1. Mix everything except pasta and feta cheese. Let it sit on the counter for about an hour.
2. Cook pasta according to package instructions. Add pasta and feta cheese.
So, apparently, not everything can be frozen. (What?! I know!) I froze a package of basil a long time ago. Lo and behold, it was slimy and brown after it thawed. I’ve seen on Pinterest somewhere that you can freeze herbs in olive oil. Have any of you tried this? Does it actually work? What a bummer to waste such nice basil. Also considering I’m doing a garden this year, I know I’ll have excess and wondering how to properly preserve basil. I just think fresh adds so much more to a meal than dried.
It has been really hot here lately. Like 80+ degrees and humid. I love summer. Love being outside in the sunshine with bare feet in the grass. But this year the mosquitos have been so awful. End times swarming awful. Pretty sure it’s due to the massive flooding we had this spring. Supposedly their life cycle is almost up, for which I am grateful. Even though the doctor says its safe, I feel bad practically drowning my daughter in DEET! And we just haven’t been able to enjoy the outdoors as much as we’d like to. With that being said, we have still pretty much switched over to grilling.
It’s a summer miracle. For this month’s meal planning, I pretty much have stuck with marinated meats for the grill and easy side dishes. Its cheap and efficient. And it also convinces my husband to do a lot more of the cooking! 😉 I do still spend quite a bit of time in the kitchen. It’s not so bad though, since my company is cute.
Mama, I found your secret stash!
I’m in love with pasta salads lately. They’re so versatile, easy to whip up on a moment’s notice for a party or dinner off the grill, and you can sneak in a lot of veggies without too much notice. My husband is obsessed with balsamic vinegar and so this pasta salad screamed at me off the Pinterest page. You could easily switch up the veggies to whatever is on hand or coming up fresh from the garden. Or change to whatever pasta is on hand. But I love me some tortellini!
1. Marinate chicken breasts overnight with balsamic vinegar and dijon mustard. You can just marinade while you thaw your chicken breasts, or have them prepped in the freezer beforehand. Do whatever works best for you!
2. Prepare pasta according to package directions, and set aside.
3. Grill chicken breasts. While they’re cooking, chop up your tomatoes and spinach. Or whatever other veggies you decide to add.
4. Cut up grilled chicken and toss with pasta, veggies and salad dressing.
5. Chill in the refrigerator for an hour and serve.
The balsamic gives the salad a really nice bite. I personally love meals that are all-in-one. I don’t need a side salad or a side veggie. It’s just all in one bowl. Less dishes! Less mess! Simply the best. Leftovers are even better, too.
So, my husband and I got into an argument yesterday. Over meaningless things. Which is how it always starts right? I am, against my better judgment, going to share a snippet of our conversation.
Me (apparently witchy): You are not supposed to eat those muffins yet. Eat the ones in the fridge first.
Husband: The ones in the fridge are not desserty. And you aren’t my mother.
I continue to rant about muffins, the freezer, salad dressing, menus, schedules, and sauteed mushrooms. Apparently, throwing my water bottle at him escalated things. Minor detail. Anyway, the water bottle bounced off the couch (luckily, instead of his head) and landed in the kitchen. I understand you probably don’t know the layout of my house, but take my word for it that it’s aerodynamically improbable. The laughter that ensued did wonders for my overall attitude, but not so much for the victory I was planning. People, the secret to marriage is putting your pride on the shelf.
I meant to take a cool photo on the grill, but flames are scary!
Now that it’s basically (though not officially) summer, we are doing a bunch of grilling this month. I grocery shop, plan and prepare meals monthly to save our family money since we are on a single salary kinda budget. Summer is my favorite time of year so far for the monthly meal planning. It’s so easy! Marinated chicken breasts, burgers and dogs, and these versatile packets. It can be a fun tongue twister, too!
2. Sprinkle seasonings on top.
3. Fold up ingredients in a foil packet.
4. Place on your grill and heat for about 30 minutes. You’ll hear everything sizzling.
Tip: Use oven mitts to transfer the tinfoil packet onto a tray or cookie sheet before serving or bringing inside.
This is perfect for camping. You can of course vary the seasonings and veggies to whatever you like – really anything would work perfect. You could also make several while you’re already chopping and freeze the packets to use later. If you’re afraid of your gas grill like I am, you could also dump everything into the crockpot, or bake it in the oven. Options are endless!
Before our daughter was born, we called her “muffin”. I’m not sure where the nickname came from; perhaps from the growing muffin top I had going on? It really caught on and everyone called her that. People at work would ask how muffin was doing, and family addressed cards and books to “muffin”. But ever since she was born, we have barely used it at all calling her other new nicknames and her actual name (gee, isn’t that weird?).
In her honor, I’m sharing this amazing muffin recipe. We eat these all. the. time. Normally I make a huge batch and freeze them. Pull one out and pop it in the micro for a minute or so and you have a yummy breakfast. I mean, there is yogurt.
1. Combine all dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Make a crater in the center.
2. Pour melted butter, yogurt, water and eggs into the crater and mix well.
3. Fold in chocolate chips and raspberries.
4. Spoon into muffin tin (sprinkle raw sugar on top if you like) and bake at 375˚ for 30 minutes.
Now, I have done some experimenting with this recipe. I have been known to, on occasion, add more chocolate chips than the recipe calls for. (And less raspberries…but don’t tell my husband that part.) You can also keep the basic muffin part the same and add different fruit (strawberries, peaches, blueberries) or chips (butterscotch, white chocolate). Sometimes its nice to have a versatile recipe so you can use whatever is in season or at your local farmers market. You don’t always have to follow recipes verbatim (in fact, I never do…and I’m an amateur!). Feel free to experiment, even if its just with small supplemental ingredients to make the recipe work for your family.
Now, for the real reason I had to experiment with the recipe…(you didn’t know that was code for “I had problems”?).
The original batter I made was also extremely thin and greasy. Butter pooled in the bottom of my muffin tin and I had to clean it before I used it again for another batch. (Oh, are you supposed to do that anyway?!) I have to say that a lot of butter makes the muffins really tasty. But it was a little much, even for me. Like, who wants stained pants before work?? Readers of the original post complained of the same issues but the author had none, and the readers never wrote back with their solutions (doesn’t that always happen?). So, I just dumped in more flour until I thought it was the right consistency. I didn’t measure – just eyeballed it. I’d guess it was an additional cup though. The most recent batch with the extra flour came out much better. They didn’t sink and weren’t as greasy (though you’ll still want a napkin).
The most I made at one time was 4 dozen and they came out just fine. They’re in the freezer now (and some given to some friends during a muffin exchange – do it, they’re fun) and I’m looking forward to eating them for breakfast all month!
It’s funny how your expectations of what a gourmet meal is changes over the years. This meal I’m about to share with you I now consider a “cheat” meal. But in college, gourmet to the extreme!!! I mean, it’s not a frozen pizza or anything.
1. Cook gnocchi according to package directions. Set aside.
2. Slice up sausage and brown in a bit of olive oil. Throw in some onions if you’re feeling fancy.
4. Add peas to sauce and stir until warmed.
5. Combine all ingredients…and eat!
I was never a replace beef/pork with turkey kinda girl. Never. The fat gives it all the flavor, guys! Eww, turkey burgers! Until I met Butterball and their smoked turkey sausage. It tastes JUST LIKE REAL MEAT! (Wait…) Anyway, it honestly is fantastic. Maybe if you’re a true sausage connoisseur you will not enjoy it as much. But for us regular people, it satisfies just fine and is a healthier alternative to beef or pork. I suppose the alfredo sauce takes care of that, but who’s counting?
Let me know how it turns out, and if you put any of your own spin on it. I’m always looking for new ideas!
My daughter and I went to the zoo today. I hesitate to admit that this was not the first time she has been to the zoo. We went last year when she was barely 2 months old just to get out of the house. This time was so different. She enjoyed herself. She laughed hysterically at the kids running around and shrieked at all the animals. The girl can barely crawl and she tried to climb the fence to pet the turkeys. I never knew it could be so fun watching someone else have fun. It’s addicting.
I was looking forward to this zoo trip for weeks. The weather was forecasting 75 and sunny. After the spring we’ve had (rain, rain and flooding) it was like a dream come true. You can imagine my disappointment when I woke up to lightning and a crack of thunder. It literally poured all morning long. (In case you were wondering, I did pout like a 6 year old.) We went anyway, and although the sun didn’t come out until we left (which made for the perfect ice cream excuse), we still had a lovely time with friends.
It did eventually get to 75 and sunny though, which is perfect weather for grilling pizza. What? You don’t grill your pizza? We have found that it is seriously the only way to eat pizza. (That is, unless you’re at Vinnie’s in Freehold.) The crust is crispy, the cheese is gooey, and it just screams summertime. Pair it with a cool breeze, setting sun and an ice cold beer and life just doesn’t get any better.
First dinner on the patio this season!
1. Melt butter in small saucepan. Add garlic and saute for about a minute.
2. Whisk in flour and mix until well blended. Cook for a minute.
3. Slowly stir in milk and half and half. Mix in pepper. Cook until it thickens.
4. Remove from heat and add parmesan cheese until melted.
5. Preheat grill and pizza stone. (We have a four-burner grill. We put the two outside burners on high, and leave the center two off, so there’s no heat directly underneath the pizza. It’ll burn otherwise.) Once your stone is heated through, you’ll want to bring it in to set up your pizza.
6. Sprinkle stone with cornmeal (super awesome secret trick!). Stretch out your dough to make a 12″ round pie. (Um, mine was more like a square…). Spread out sauce, add chicken, onions and cheese.
7. Grill pizza for 10-15 minutes (ours took 14). Sprinkle with your herb garnish if you’re doing that part.
*Grilling pizza takes some practice. We’ve burnt a few before we got it down right. The trial and error is totally worth it!
I used to not be a big fan of vegetables. Sure they’re good for you but they just tasted so blah. Maybe that’s because I always ate them from a can? Either way, I discovered a new love for vegetables when they’re grilled. Seriously. Sprinkle some olive oil, salt and pepper on any vegetable and pop it on the grill. Instant delicious.
I’m also a huge fan of frozen vegetables. They are just as flavorful and healthy as fresh, and often come pre-chopped. Can’t beat that if you’re in a time crunch.
This mac and cheese recipe was pretty good, and pretty easy to follow. I do love me some “fake” mac and cheese from the blue box (who am I kidding?) but homemade sauce really can’t be beat. This recipe contains no butter so it is certainly healthier for you (not to mention all the vegetables). But I was missing the butter. A lot. Hey, I’m honest.
3. Start heating your oil in a nonstick pan. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
4. Whisk in flour and cook for 1 minute. Slowly add milk, stirring until sauce has thickened.
6. Combine sauce, pasta and veggies. Eat outside with a glass of wine or a beer…or you can put everything into a 13×9 baking dish, cover with breadcrumbs and bake for just a few minutes in the broiler.
I thought this was a great seasonal transition meal. Get to use the grill to celebrate summer, but still has a comfort food taste of winter. Enjoy! | 2019-04-21T14:42:19Z | https://myeducatedstyle.com/tag/monthly-meal-planning/ |
It belongs to the family Asteraceae/Compositae (Daisy family), which is one of the largest and most important families in the plant kingdom. The family includes troublesome weeds, ornamental annuals, herbaceous perennials, medicinal and food plants [Table - 2]. , Fifteen species of Parthenium L. occur in America and the West Indies. One species, Parthenium hysterophorus L. was introduced to the Indian subcontinent. All contain allergenic sesquiterpene lactones (SQLs).
It has a rosette with large, dark green, simple, radicle, pinnetisect small leaves and flowering is absent. The large lower leaves are spread on the ground like a carpet, without allowing any vegetation underneath it.
It is procumbent (trailing along the ground but not rooting), profusely branched, leafy herb resembling a bush or shrub because of its height (1-2.5m). The stem becomes tough and woody as the plant matures into a hardy bush. Enormous number of pollen grains (624 millions per plant) are produced by anemophilous (by wind) pollination. It is an extremely prolific seed producer with upto 25,000 seeds (achenes) per plant. The plant is thermo- and photo-insensitive; hence, it grows round the year except in severe winters; in other words, it survives environmental extremes. It is a rapid colonizer and competes out other vegetation in its vicinity within two growing seasons. It grows in almost all types of soil except near the seashore as the saline soil is not conducive to parthenium flowering.
SQLs are characterized by the presence of a γ-butyrolactone ring bearing an exocylic γ-methylene group [Figure - 2].
Air borne contact dermatitis is not always due to Parthenium hysterophorus . Xanthium strumarium , another weed belonging to Compositae, is reported to be a causative agent in North India with patch test positive to xanthium but negative to parthenium. Other members of the Compositae family causing ABCD in North India include Chrysanthemum morifolium (chrysanthemums) Dahlia pinnata (dahlia) and Tagetes indica (marigold). Since the allergens of Compositae are sesquiterpene lactones (SQLs), cross reactions may occur. , P . hysterophorus and X. strumarium have shown a high rate of cross-sensitivity in Indian patients, whereas the prevalence of cross reaction with chrysanthemum is generally low. , It is also important to distinguish between true cross sensitization and polysensitivity. If a patient develops independent allergies to more than one agent that do not share any chemical groups (antigenic determinants), then such a situation is called polysensitivity and not cross-sensitivity.
Serious health hazards to livestock in parthenium-invaded areas have been reported. While cattle and buffalo sparingly feed on parthenium weed, goats readily graze it. In artificial feeding tests, buffalo bull calves accepted the weed alone or in mixtures with green fodder with severe consequences. The majority (11 out of 16) developed severe dermatitis and toxic symptoms and died within 8-30 days. Alopecia, loss of skin pigmentation, dermatitis, and diarrhea have been reported. Degenerative changes in both the liver and kidneys and inhibition of liver dehydrogenases have been reported in buffalo and sheep. The milk and meat of cattle, buffalo and sheep becomes tainted by parthenium. , The practical impact of the presence of antigens in meat and milk must be studied.
Patch tests: It is always important to carry out tests with the plant material "as is."
Plant allergens are low molecular weight secondary plant metabolites and are usually soluble in acetone, ethanol or ether. A filtered acetone or ethanol extract of dried plant material or a short ether extract of fresh material produces a solution suitable for patch testing. Aqueous extracts degrade rapidly and lose their sensitizing power within a month. Acetone extracts of P. hysterophorus are reported to be more sensitive than water extracts, with good sensitivity to 1% acetone extract. Although extracts in organic solvents are more stable, with time, evaporation of the solvent may increase the concentration and the sensitizing effect of the allergen(s). Incorporating an evaporated extract into petrolatum represents a standard means of retaining material for patch testing.
Since P. hysterophorus is ubiquitous, a change of residence or job is not a suitable option. This would also lead to social and economic consequences. Hence, prevention is aimed at the reduction in the quantity of the antigen to which the patient is exposed.
To remove as much of the causative plant as possible from the immediate environment of the patient.
To wash the uncovered areas of the skin with soap and water as frequently as possible (preferably every 2-3 h) in order to wash off the antigen before it penetrates the skin.
To frequently use a barrier cream to slow down the penetration of the antigen into the skin and to wash each time before the reapplication of the barrier cream.
To avoid the exposure to sunlight; sunscreen lotions may serve as barrier creams.
Prevention of parthenium dermatitis can be attempted by biological or chemical control of the weed, P. hysterophorus.
P. hysterophorus is essentially a ruderal (grows in rubbish, poor land or waste land) plant in the New World and only occasionally achieves a weed status in the fields or pastures. Biotic factors suppress the plant within its native range compared to its increased fitness or vigor in their absence, as in Australia and India, and therefore, the biological control may offer the best long-term solution for the management of this weed. However, there is skepticism surrounding the introduction of exotic biocontrol agents, which include the following.
Despite the release of Z. bicolorata over 17 years ago in Australia in the areas of massive sunflower cultivation, there have been no reported instances of beetle attack on the crop. Beetle defoliation is reported to cause up to 99.5% decline in weed population and replacement by up to 40 different plant species in the fallow land.
Z. bicolorata proved to be an effective control agent in Bangalore. Beetle attacks were reported on sunflowers from Karnataka. However despite the widespread cultivation of sunflower as a crop in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, there have been no further reports of beetle feeding on sunflower in field situations.
Mainly fungal and include exotic agents such as classical biocontrol agents as well as adapted or opportunistic pathogens such as mycoherbicides [Table - 3].
Cassia uniflora (Leguminosae) moved into areas that were previously ("traditionally") occupied by parthenium weed in Maharashtra, India.
Well known herbicides such paraquat, trifluralin, diphenamid, napropamide and propachlor fail to control parthenium weed. Timing of chemical control is critical. They should be treated when plants are small and have not produced seed and when grasses are actively growing to recolonize the infested area (early summer). Maintaining competition is important for control of parthenium weed; therefore, spraying with a selective herbicide that will not kill other species is recommended.
P. hysterophorus poses a serious health risk in Australia and India as it invades new areas and retains the established ones. This review has highlighted the dermatological aspects, current views on pathogenesis, other health hazards and its impact on agricultural as well as the natural ecosystems. Since its avoidance is not possible due to various reasons, preventive, therapeutic and control options are presented.
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Asha Kumari, J., Rama Chandra Prasad, P., Reddy, K.B.
Agarwal, K.K., Kumar Nath, A., Jaisankar, T.J., DæSouza, M. | 2019-04-22T00:23:43Z | http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?issn=0378-6323;year=2007;volume=73;issue=5;spage=296;epage=306;aulast=Lakshmi |
nebusresearch – Page 61 – Joseph Nebus's work in progress.
The last important idea missing before we can judge this problem about The Price Is Right clean sweeps of Contestants Row is the significance level. Whenever an experiment is run — whether it’s the classic probability class problems of flipping coins or rolling dice, or whether it’s watching 6,000 episodes of a game show to see whether any seat produces the most winners, or whether it’s counting the number of red traffic lights one gets during the commute — there are some outcomes which are reasonably likely, some which are unlikely, and some which are vanishingly improbable.
We have to decide that some outcomes have such a low probability of happening naturally that they represent something going on, and are not just the result of chance. How low that probability should be is our decision. There are some common dividing lines, but they’re common just because they represent numbers which human beings find to be nice round figures: five percent, one percent, half a percent, one-tenth of a percent. What significance level one picks depends on many factors, including what’s common in the field, how different outcomes are expected to be, even what one can afford. Physicists looking for evidence of new subatomic particles have an extremely high standard before declaring something is definitely a new particle, but, they can run particle detection experiments until they get such clear evidence.
To be fair, we ought to pick our significance level before we’ve worked out the probability of something happening, but this is the earliest I could discuss it with motivation for you to read about it. But if we take the five percent significance level, we see we know already that there’s a little more than a one and a half percent chance of there being as few clean sweeps as observed. The conclusion is obvious: all six winning contestants in an episode should have come from the same seat, over 6,000 episodes, more often than the one time Drew Carey claimed they had. We can start looking for explanations for why there should be this deficiency.
There’s legitimate mathematical content linked from here, but mostly, I want to promote what seems to be a little-known comic strip that’s working very hard at making me love it. Part of that work has been in producing a couple of mathematics-oriented strips. Grant Snider’s Incidental Comics, part of the gocomics.com comics empire, is a roughly twice-a-week strip filling the page with lots of detail humor. It’s the sort of comic strips which assumes you will remember Ludwig Miles van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House. (However, I did see a Lego block version of the Farnsworth House in Barnes and Noble the other day, so maybe Miles van der Rohe has gone and become all trendy while I wasn’t looking.
Relevant to the nominal base for this little blog, though, is that Snider has posted a few comics based on mathematics jokes. The most recent is that from January 23, titled “Axes of Evil”, and mixes descriptive statistics with horror that is somehow not associated with calculating standard deviations. A little farther back is the December 12, 2011, strip, titled “Function World”, which adapts graphs of some popular functions, such as hyperbolas, the natural logarithm, and the inverse cosine (which is not actually popular, but don’t tell it) into amusement park rides. Do enjoy.
I am not certain how far in the archives people who haven’t got gocomics.com accounts can go before they’re nagged into getting gocomics.com accounts.
We became suspicious of the number of clean sweeps in The Price Is Right when there were not the expected six of them in 6,000 episodes. The chance there would be only one was about one and a half percent, not very high. But are there so few clean sweeps that we should be suspicious? That is, is the difference between the expected number of sweeps and the observed number so large as to be significant? Is it too big to just result from chance?
This is significance testing: is whatever quantity we mean to observe dramatically less than what is expected? Is it dramatically more? Is it at least different? Are these differences bigger than what could be expected by mere chance? For every statistician’s favorite example, a tossed fair coin will come up tails half the time; that means, of twenty flips, there are expected to be ten tails. But there being merely nine or as many as twelve is reasonable. Three or fifteen tails may be a little unlikely. Zero or twenty seem impossible. There’s a point where if our observations are so different from what we expect then we have to reject the idea that our observations and our expectations agree.
It’s not enough to say there’s a probability of only 1.5 percent that there should be exactly one clean sweep episode out of 6,000, though. It’s unlikely that should happen, but if we look at it, it’s unlikely there should be any outcome. Even the most likely result of 6,000 episodes, six clean sweeps, has only about one chance in six of happening. That’s near the chance that the next person you meet will have a birthday in either September or November. That isn’t absurdly unlikely, but, the person betting against it has the surer deal.
We worked out the likelihood that there would be only one clean sweep, with all six contestants getting on stage coming from the same seat in Contestants Row, out of six thousand episodes of The Price Is Right . That turned out to be not terribly likely: it had about a one and a half percent chance of being the case. For a sense of scale, that’s around the same probability that the moment you finish reading this sentence will be exactly 26 seconds past the minute. It’s pretty safe to bet that it wasn’t.
However, it isn’t particularly outlandish to suppose that it was. I’d certainly hope at least some reader found that it was. Events which aren’t particularly likely do happen, all the time. Consider the likelihood of this single-clean-sweep or the 26-seconds-past-the-minute thing happening to the likelihood of any given hand of poker: any specific hand is phenomenally less likely, but something has to happen once you start dealing. So do we have any grounds for saying the particular outcome of one clean sweep in 6,000 shows is improbable? Or for saying that it’s reasonable?
When last we talked about the “clean sweep” of winning contestants coming from the same of four seats in Contestants Row for all six Items Up For Bid on The Price Is Right, we had got established the pieces needed if we suppose this to be a binomial distribution problem. That is, we suppose that any given episode has a probability, p, of successfully having all six contestants from the same seat, and a probability 1 – p of failing to have all six contestants from the same seat. There are N episodes, and we are interested in the chance of x of them being clean sweeps. From the production schedule we know the number of episodes N is about 6,000. We supposed the probability of a clean sweep to be about p = 1/1000, on the assumption that the chance of winning isn’t any better or worse for any contestant. The probability of there not being a clean sweep is then 1 – p = 999/1000. And we expected x = 6 clean sweeps, while Drew Carey claimed there had been only 1.
The chance of finding x successes out of N attempts, according to the binomial distribution, is the probability of any combination of x successes and N – x successes — which is equal to (p)(x) * (1 – p)(N – x) — times the number of ways there are to select x items out of N candidates. Either of those is easy enough to calculate, up to the point where we try calculating it. Let’s start out by supposing x to be the expected 6, and later we’ll look at it being 1 or other numbers.
To work out the task of figuring out whether it was plausible that there had been only one “clean sweep”, of all six contestants winning the Item Up For Bid on The Price Is Right coming from the same seat, we had started a little into the binomial distribution. The key ideas included that we have “Bernoulli trials”, a number of independent chances for some condition to happen — in this case, we had about 6,000 such trials, the number of hourlong episodes of The Price Is Right — and a probability p of successfully seeing some event occur on any one episode. We worked that out to be somewhere about p = 1/1000, if every seat is equally likely to win every time. There is also a probability of 1 – p or 999/1000 of the event failing to see this event, that is, that one or more contestants comes from a different seat.
To find the probability of seeing some number, call it x since we don’t particularly care what it is, of successes out of some larger number, call it N because that’s a convenient number, of trials, we need to figure out how many ways there are to arrange x successes out of N trials. For small x and N values we can figure this out by hand, given time. For large numbers, we’d never finish if we tried by hand. But we can solve it, if we attack the problem methodically.
So, we calculated that on any given episode of The Price Is Right there’s around one chance of all six winners of the Item Up For Bid coming from the same seat. And we know there have been about six thousand episodes with six Items Up For Bid. So we expect there to have been about six clean sweep episodes; yet if Drew Carey is to be believed, there has been just the one. What’s wrong?
Still, there must be some limits. We might accept a batter who hits one time out of every three getting no hits in four at-bats. If he got no runs in four hundred at-bats, we’d be inclined to say he’s not a decent hitter having some bad luck. More likely he’s failing to bring the bat with him to the plate. We need a tool to say whether some particular outcome is tolerably likely or so improbable that something must be up.
On the December 15th episode of The Price Is Right, host Drew Carey mentioned as the sixth Item Up For Bids began that so far that show, all the contestants who won their Item Up For Bids (and so got on-stage for the pricing games) had come from the same spot so far, five out of six. He said that only once before on the show had all the contestants come from the same seat in Contestants Row. That seems awfully few, but, how many should there be?
We can say roughly how many “clean sweep” shows we should expect. There’ve been just about 6,000 episodes of The Price Is Right played in the current hour-long format (the show was a half-hour its first few years after being revived in 1972; it was a very different show in previous decades). If we know the probability of all six contestants in one game winning their Item Up For Bids — properly speaking, it’s called the One-Bid, but nobody cares — and multiply the probability of six contestants in one show coming from the same seat by the number of shows, we have the number of shows we should expect to have had such a clean sweep. This product, the chance of something happening times the number of times it could happen, is termed the “expected value” or “expectation value”, or sometimes just the “mean”, as in the average number to be, well, expected.
This makes a couple of assumptions. All probability problems do. For example, it assumes the chance of a clean sweep in one show is unaffected by clean sweeps in other shows. That is, if everyone in the red seat won on Thursday, that wouldn’t make everyone in the blue seat winning Friday more or less likely. That condition is termed “independence”, and it is frequently relied upon to make probability problems work out. Unfortunately, it’s often hard to prove: how do you prove that one thing happening doesn’t affect the other?
The next part of examining just how well this blog is doing is to think about the mechanical details of it. I’ve been publishing something typically three times a week, which feels to me like an easy enough schedule, and posting that in the evenings, which leaves me the workdays of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to actually think and compose things. The pieces have been around a thousand words long, although that has a greater tendency to be long than short. Thinking of something to write is hard; keeping going once I’ve started is easy.
That’s all set to my convenience. But I’m curious what readers think of these properties. For one, is the three-a-week schedule a good one? I feel like a weekly blog is too easy to forget about reading, and a daily one might be too much if the subject hasn’t got the fun aspects of ridiculing comic strips or the exciting aspects of ridiculing other people’s politics. Is my instinct reasonable? Also, the publication in the evening is nice for me, but it does mean articles go up when at least one of my readers has gone to sleep, and the Friday evening article can go missing completely against the backdrop of the weekend. Is there a better time?
Is the length reasonable? Should I try writing to a shorter length so as to not present so many walls of text, particularly when I start getting into topics that need equations or algebraic manipulations; or should I let several short pieces run into a more unified and longer post? What’s the natural reading length for pop mathematics that you find interesting? Yes, yes, a good essay is never long enough, but I’m not arrogant enough to think I’m always being very interesting.
As ever I’ll try to be good-spirited about complaints. I don’t promise to take everybody’s advice, but I do promise to consider it.
I’m about three months into this particular blog-writing experiment, so it’s probably time to start over-thinking it. For the most part I’m happy; I like doing some thinking about mathematics in this kind of organized way, and I really like that I keep finding a thousand or so words to say on different topics, and that those fell to me to be topics that aren’t written about obsessively much in the rest of the pop mathematics universe. And the results have fit my typical self-estimation, that I find it all quite satisfying until the moment I publish, then realize I’ve just shown to the world the stupidest words ever strung together, and as I get some distance from publication come to find I didn’t say what I wanted quite right, but I did acceptably well.
My satisfaction’s not necessarily the important part, though; somewhere in the list of motives I have for writing is to communicate. So, I’d like to know whether you-the-presumed-reader does think I’m communicating. Am I, at least generally, writing about interesting topics; am I varying the topics at a reasonable rate, or should I keep on one thread for more or fewer posts in a row; are the individual essays as interesting as the topics demand?
I’ll try to be good-natured about criticisms, whether put out here or sent to me directly. I don’t promise to change in response to any particular complaint, but I will do my best to listen and consider whether it feels right and whether it might be something I can or want to act on. For example, one person said I harder to start than to finish reading. This feels odd to me, but I’m curious how other people see the same writings.
There are many hard things about teaching, although I appreciate that since I’m in mathematics I have advantages over many other fields. For example, students come in with the assumption that there are certainly right and certainly wrong answers to questions. I’m generally spared the problem of convincing students that I have authority to rule some answers in or out. There’s actually a lot of discretion and judgement and opinion involved, but most of that comes in when one is doing research. In an introductory course, there are some techniques that have gotten so well-established and useful we could fairly well pretend there isn’t any judgement left.
But one hard part is probably common to all fields: how closely to guide a student working out something. This case comes from office hours, as I tried getting a student to work out a problem in binomial distributions. Binomial distributions come up in studying the case where there are many attempts at something; and each attempt has a certain, fixed, chance of succeeding; and you want to know the chance of there being exactly some particular number of successes out of all those tries. For example, imagine rolling four dice, and being interested in getting exactly two 6’s on the four dice.
Here’s one way to look at it. In December 2011 there’s zero chance of encountering a Friday the 13th. As it happens, 2011 has only one month with a Friday the 13th in it, the lowest case which happens. In January 2012 there’s a probability of one of encountering a Friday the 13th; it’s right there on the schedule. There’ll also be Fridays the 13th in April and July of 2012. For the other months of 2012, there’s zero probability of encountering a Friday the 13th.
Imagine that I pick one of the months in either 2011 or 2012. What is the chance that it has a Friday the 13th? If I tell you which month it is, you know right away the chance is zero or one; or, at least, you can tell as soon as you find a calendar. Or you might work out from various formulas what day of the week the 13th of that month should be, but you’re more likely to find a calendar before you are to find that formula, much less work it out.
How Did Friday The 13th Get A Chance?
Here’s a little puzzle in probability which, in a slightly different form, I gave to my students to work out. I get the papers back tomorrow. To brace myself against that I’m curious what my readers here would make of it.
Possibly you’ve encountered a bit of calendrical folklore which says that Friday the 13ths are more likely than any other day of the week’s 13th. That’s not that there are more Fridays the 13th than all the other days of the week combined, but rather that a Friday the 13th is more likely to happen than a Thursday the 13th, or a Sunday, or what have you. And this is true; one is slightly more likely to see a Friday the 13th than any other specific day of the week being that 13.
And yet … there’s a problem in talking about the probability of any month having a Friday the 13th. Arguably, no month has any probability of holding a Friday the 13th. Consider.
Is there a Friday the 13th this month? For the month of this writing, December 2011, the answer is no; the 13th is a Tuesday; the Fridays are the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th. But were this January 2012, the answer would be yes. For February 2012, the answer is no again, as the 13th comes on a Monday. But altogether, every month has a Friday the 13th or it hasn’t. Technically, we might say that a month which definitely has a Friday the 13th has a probability of 1, or 100%; and a month which definitely doesn’t has a probability of 0, or 0%, but we tend to think of those as chances in the same way we think of white or black as colors, mostly when we want to divert an argument into nitpicking over definitions.
Author Joseph NebusPosted on Tuesday, 6 December, 2011 Tuesday, 6 December, 2011 Categories Education, Math, ProbabilityTags calendar, Friday the 13, in-joke, probability3 Comments on How Did Friday The 13th Get A Chance?
What Makes Eight Different From Nine?
When last speaking about divisibility rules, we had finally worked out why it is that adding up the digits in a number will tell you whether the number is divisible by nine, or by three. We take the digits in the number, and add them up. If that sum is itself divisible by nine or three, so is the original number.
It’s a great trick. We have to want to do more. In one direction this is easy to expand. Last time we showed it explicitly by working on three-digit numbers; but we could show that adding a forth digit doesn’t change the reasoning which makes it work. Nor does adding a fifth, nor a sixth. We can carry on until we lose interest in showing longer numbers still work. However long the number is we can just add up its digits and the same divisibile-by-three or divisible-by-nine trick works.
Of course that isn’t enough. We want to check divisibility of more numbers. The obvious thing, at least the thing obvious to me in elementary school when I checked this, was to try other numbers. For example, how about divisibility by eight? And we test quickly … well, 14, one plus four is 5, that doesn’t divide by eight, and neither does fourteen. OK so far. 15 gives us similarly optimistic results. For 16, one plus six is 7, which doesn’t divide by eight, but 16 does, so, ah, obviously there’s something more we have to look at here. Maybe we need to patch up the rule, and look at the sum of the digits plus one and whether that divides eight.
This may sound a little fishy, but it’s at least a normal part of discovering mathematics, at least in my experience: notice a pattern, and try out little cases, and see if that suggests some overall rule. Sometimes it does; sometimes we find exceptions right away; sometimes a rule looks initially like it’s there and we learn something interesting by finding how it doesn’t.
Author Joseph NebusPosted on Saturday, 3 December, 2011 Categories Math, Probability, Recreational MathematicsTags casting out nines, divisibility, eight, experimentation, factorization, nine1 Comment on What Makes Eight Different From Nine?
What is .19 of a bathroom?
I’ve had a little more time attempting to teach probability to my students and realized I had been overlooking something obvious in the communication of ideas such as the probability of events or the expectation value of a random variable. Students have a much easier time getting the abstract idea if the examples used for it are already ones they find interesting, and if the examples can avoid confusing interpretations. This is probably about 3,500 years behind the curve in educational discoveries, but at least I got there eventually.
A “random variable”, here, sounds a bit scary, but shouldn’t. It means that the variable, for which x is a popular name, is some quantity which might be any of a collection of possible values. We don’t know for any particular experiment what value it has, at least before the experiment is done, but we know how likely it is to be any of those. For example, the number of bathrooms in a house is going to be one of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, up to the limits of tolerance of the zoning committee.
The expectation value of a random variable is kind of the average value of that variable. You find it by taking the sum of each of the possible values of the random variable times the probability of the random variable having that value. This is at least for a discrete random variable, where the imaginable values are, er, discrete: there’s no continuous ranges of possible values. Number of bathrooms is clearly discrete; the number of seconds one spends in the bathroom is, at least in principle, continuous. For a continuous random variable you don’t take the sum, but instead take an integral, which is just a sum that handles the idea of infinitely many possible values quite well.
Author Joseph NebusPosted on Thursday, 1 December, 2011 Categories Education, Math, ProbabilityTags discrete variable, expectation value, probability, random variables, SAT, teachingLeave a comment on What is .19 of a bathroom?
In the class I’m teaching we’ve entered probability. This is a fun subject. It’s one of the bits of mathematics which people encounter most often, about as much as the elements of geometry enter ordinary life. It seems like everyone has some instinctive understanding of probability, at least given how people will hear a probability puzzle and give a solution with confidence. You don’t get that with pure algebra problems. Ask someone “the neighbor’s two children were born three years apart and twice the sum of their ages is 42; how old are they?” and you get an assurance of how mathematics was always their weakest subject and they never could do it. Ask someone “one of the neighbor’s children just walked in, and was a girl; what is the probability the other child is also a girl?” and you’ll get an answer.
But it’s getting a correct answer that is really interesting, and unfortunately, while everyone has some instinctive understanding and will give an answer as above, there’s little guarantee it’ll be the right one. Sometimes, and I say this looking over the exam papers, it seems our instinctive understanding of probability is designed to be the wrong one. I’m happy that people aren’t afraid of doing probability questions, not the way they are afraid of algebra or geometry or calculus or the more exotic realms, though, and feel like it’s my role to find the most straightforward ways to understanding which start from that willingness to try.
Some of the rotten track record people have in probability puzzles probably derives from how so many probability puzzles start as recreational puzzles, that is, things which are meant to look easy and turn out to be subtly complicated. I suspect the daughters-question comes from recreational puzzles, since there’s the follow-up question that “the elder child enters, and is a girl; what is the probability the younger is a girl?” There’s some soundness in presenting the two as a learning path, since they present what looks like the same question twice, and get different answers, and learning why there are different answers teaches something about how to do probability questions. But it still feels to me like the goal is that pleasant confusion a trick offers.
Are You Stronger Than Jupiter?
A comment on my earlier piece comparing the acceleration due to gravity that we feel from the Moon compared to what we feel from someone else in the room challenged me: how strong is the gravitational pull from Jupiter, compared to that of someone else in the room? Jupiter has a great edge in mass: someone else in the room weighs in at somewhere around 75 kilograms, while the planet comes to around 1,898,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. On the other hand, your neighbor is somewhere around one meter away, while Jupiter will be something like 816,520,800,000 meters away. Maybe farther: that’s the farthest Jupiter gets from the Sun, and the Earth can be on the opposite side of the Sun from Jupiter, so add up to another 152,098,232,000 meters on top of that.
That distance is going to be a little bit of a nuisance. The acceleration we feel towards any planet will be stronger the nearer it gets, and while, say, Neptune is always about the same distance from the Earth, there are times that Venus and Mars are surprisingly close. Usually these are announced by clouds of forwarded e-mails announcing that Mars will be closer to the Earth than it’s been in 33,000 years, and will appear to be as large as the Empire State Building. Before you have even had the chance to delete these e-mails unread the spoilsport in your group of e-mail friends will pass along the snopes.com report that none of this is true and the e-mail has been going around unaltered since 1997 anyway. But there is still a smallest distance and a greatest distance any planet gets from the Earth.
If we want to give planets the best shot, let’s look at the smallest distance any planet gets from the Earth. For Mercury and Venus, this happens when the planet is at aphelion, the farthest it gets from the Sun, and the Earth at perihelion, the nearest it gets. For the outer planets, it happens with the Earth at aphelion and the other planet at perihelion. (Some might say ‘apogee’ and ‘perigee’, although these are properly speaking only the words to use when something orbits the Earth. Some might say ‘apoapsis’ and ‘periapsis’, which talk about the nearest and farthest points of an orbit without being particular about what is being orbited, but no one actually does.) Here I’m making the assumption that there’s no weird orbital locks where, say, the Earth can’t be at perihelion while Venus is at aphelion, which might even be true. It’s probably close enough.
Author Joseph NebusPosted on Saturday, 26 November, 2011 Categories Math, Recreational MathematicsTags Ancient Egypt, aphelion, gravity, Jupiter, Mars, Moon, perihelionLeave a comment on Are You Stronger Than Jupiter? | 2019-04-24T06:58:16Z | https://nebusresearch.wordpress.com/page/61/ |
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The IBM Hybrid Cloud group is lower back at it with yet an additional win for design. I’m excited to proclaim that their design crew has been awarded the 2018 pink Dot: verbal exchange Design Award for IBM SPSS data within the Interface Design class. This award is a continuation of the design achievements they now acquire viewed this previous 12 months, together with the A’Design Awards, IF Design Awards, and others. i'm extremely joyful to stare the challenging labor of their designers and IBM Design proceed to shine and obtain a discrepancy in business utility.
First developed in the 1990’s, the pink Dot Award has been the revered queer seal of miraculous design first-rate. Designers, organizations, and agencies from forty five different nations took section during this yr’s competitors, totaling over eight,600 entries that underwent a 24 member jury.
Receiving this award became incredibly spellbinding for their crew and we're honored to live among the many winners. here is an well-known achievement for their designers who worked on this product, and that they faced a fascinating and challenging sustain in engaged on this product.
IBM SPSS facts is a powerful information analysis appliance that is one of the most criterion records applications. considering that its inception in 1968, SPSS statistics has been revamped and redeveloped distinctive times. Now the design team at IBM has taken on the assignment of growing a totally sparkling user adventure.
during this newest redesign of IBM SPSS information, they carried out design thinking concepts with the aid of working intently with their clients and making certain this modernized edition of SPSS statistics aligns with their wants. Their ideal goal become to create a powerful appliance that isn't only convenient and intuitive to obtain consume of, however that their users can appreciate.
The IBM SPSS design crew is a component of the IBM Design Studios in Boeblingen, Germany. The group consists of a diverse neighborhood, with many participants originating from distinctive international locations and cultures. Some individuals of the group had some heritage with statistics while others acquire been working in this container for the primary time.
Following the ideas of IBM Design thinking (examine > reflect > Make), their team carried out a redecorate that brings a much better focus on clients for SPSS statistics. The design crew performed intensive analysis on the consumer groundwork of SPSS information in an effort to view how the utility can more suitable meet their needs. The present person groundwork tiers from much less experienced users comparable to college students to extra expert users reminiscent of facts scientists or company authorities. A key perception from the group’s analysis become that much less experienced clients were intimidated each through the math labor and the complexity of the utility.
the brand original designs concentrated on simplifying workflows, cutting back the universal complexity of the UI and interactions, and proposing newcomers an simple on-boarding to information and to the product. a further critical characteristic in the remodel become a practising e book led with the aid of a personality named Simon, who serves as an in-software e-book, helping newbie users bethink part features and achieve their goals quicker.
The group faced some spellbinding challenges in redesigning a product of such complexity, and one which has moreover been around for therefore many years. a huge success of the designers was making the product purchasable and engaging to original clients devoid of alienating decade-lengthy, experienced clients.
The preview version of their original IBM SPSS statistics journey become launched in March 2018, and made available to the public as a tribulation on the IBM believe convention is Las Vegas, and considering the fact that June 26 , the original UI is generally attainable to everything SPSS records subscribers. This preview is just the prefatory step, providing essentially the most used statistical analyses, and primary capabilities for information practise, for presentation and for reporting consequences. Over the following months the team may live working to add greater aspects and capabilities as a route to meet sustain needs of everything of their person groups.
i'm so delighted to stare yet another Hybrid Cloud design crew receive a world award for their work. IBM SPSS facts is yet an additional illustration of how design is making an immense change in the success of their items. As they continue to obtain consume of design to create more relatable and efficient items, they are in a position to supply their clients the experiences that they requisite and want. I’m overjoyed and proud to watch the change that their design team is making on earth of enterprise software, and that i can’t wait to stare how they continue to impact the lives of their clients.
Watson is an umbrella for everything IBM profound discovering and synthetic intelligence, in addition to laptop learning. The company turned into a pioneer in introducing AI technologies to the enterprise world. What this talent for consumers: Watson Studio is a heartfelt contender for any company trying to deploy computing device researching and profound learning applied sciences.
The platform gives extensive tools and technologies for statistics scientists, builders and theme import consultants that want to explore statistics, build models, and train and set up laptop gaining learning of models at scale. The own comprises tools to partake visualizations and consequences with others. Watson Studio supports cloud, laptop and autochthonous deployment frameworks.
The latter resides at the back of a company’s firewall or as a SaaS own operating in an IBM deepest cloud. IBM Watson Studio is ranked as a “leader” within the Forrester Wave. It become a purchasers’ election 2018 recipient at Gartner Peer Insights.
Watson Studio relies on a collection of IBM tools and technologies to construct efficient machine getting to know functions and features. This contains IBM Cloud pretrained desktop getting to know models similar to visual awareness, Watson herbal Language Classifier, and others. The ambiance uses Jupyter Notebooks along with different open source apparatus and scripting languages to complement constructed-in collaborative challenge facets.
The outcome is an environment that allows quickly and powerful laptop gaining learning of construction and first-rate tuning of fashions. information scientists and others can choose from a number of capacities of Anaconda, Spark and GPU environments.
Watson Studio supports superior visible modeling through a drag-and-drop interface provided by using IBM’s SPSS Modeler. additionally, it comprises automatic profound researching the consume of a drag-and-drop, no-code interface in Neural community Modeler.
facts scientists, builders and discipline import experts.
Most main records and file codecs are supported via open source Jupyter Notebooks.
IBM Watson Studio connects a few IBM items, together with SPSS Modeler and records Science sustain (DSX) along with open source tools, so as to convey a sturdy Predictive Analytics and desktop gaining learning of (PAML) answer.
The atmosphere contains open records units via Jupyter Notebooks, Apache Spark and the Python Pixiedust library. The cloud version aspects interactivity with computing device servers and R Studio, along with Python, R., and Scala coder for statistics scientists.
Visualization via SPSS Modeler. tenacious logging and reporting services are constructed into the product.
IBM has adopted a pay-as-you-go mannequin. Watson Studio Cloud – orthodox prices $ninety nine per thirty days with 50 talent unit hours per thirty days covered. Watson Studio Cloud - commercial enterprise runs $6,000 per month with 5,000 talent unit hours. Watson Studio desktop costs $199 per month with unlimited modeling. Watson Studio local – for enterprise information science groups N/A.
vast statistics science center of attention with cloud and computer ML systems.
strong visible attention and natural classification equipment. bendy approach that incorporates open supply tools. Connects to IBM SPSS Modeler.
enormously rated for aspects and capabilities. Some complaints revolving around the consume of notebooks.
Tiered mannequin from $ninety nine per 30 days per person to $6,000 per month per person or greater at enterprise degree.
IBM tops the list of carriers within the predictive analytics software space in line with a quadrant lately released through 360Quadrants, followed closely by means of Oracle and SAP SE. IBM’s SPSS Modeler changed into rated the best in product high-quality, reliability, and breadth and depth of providing. IBM SPSS Modeler moreover captured the properly spot in criteria enjoy geographic footprint and viability of company.
360Quadrants defines predictive analytics as a statistical and data mining solution which comprise a lot of algorithms and methodologies used for structured in addition to unstructured records to extract business insights.
360Quadrants covers 50+ products within the predictive analytics space and areas the birthright 31 of them in a quadrant depending on their pleasant, reliability, and business outcomes. These 31 products are labeled into Visionary Leaders, Dynamic Differentiators, rising groups, and Innovators.
360Quadrants recognizes IBM Corp, SAS Institute, Inc., SAP SE, fair Issac enterprise (FICO), Tableau application, Inc., RapidMiner, Inc., Oracle Corp, and Angoss application Corp as Visionary Leaders; TIBCO software, Inc., Microstrategy, Inc., Alteryx, Inc., guidance Builder, Dataiku, KNIME.COM AG, and NTT records corporation, as Innovators; GoodData enterprise, Microsoft corporation, Teradata corporation, Sisense, Inc., Predixion software, and Domino statistics Lab, Inc. as Dynamic Differentiators; and Exago, integrated, AgilOne, QlikTech foreign, and Kognitio Ltd. as emerging gamers.
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IBM's SPSS predictive analytics tools consist of IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM SPSS Statistics. SPSS Modeler provides data mining and text analysis software, while SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products. Both tools enable users to build predictive models and execute other analytics tasks.
The IBM SPSS Modeler targets users who acquire exiguous or no programming skills. Users are provided with a drag-and-drop user interface, enabling them to build predictive models and accomplish other data analytics. Modeler can apply different processes and algorithms to assuage the user learn information hidden in the data. The appliance can moreover assist in integrating and consolidating everything types of data sets from dispersed data sources across the organization.
The IBM SPSS Statistics suite is an integrated set of products geared toward more professional data analysts. SPSS Statistics addresses the complete analytical process, from planning to data collection, analysis, reporting and deployment.
More than 30 groundwork machine learning algorithms.
Extensions that provide continued improvements for consume with open source products, such as R and Python.
Enhanced uphold for several multithreaded analytical algorithms, including Random Trees, Tree-AS, Generalized Linear Engine, Linear-AS, Linear uphold Vector Machine and Two-Step-AS clustering.
The talent to elope a variety of Python and Spark machine learning, as well as other Python analytics libraries natively in Modeler without requiring the consume of the Analytic Server, as was required in the previous version.
SPSS Modeler bundles are deployed on premises, and SPSS Modeler Gold is available as a cloud offering. The client front conclude of SPSS Modeler runs under Windows and macOS, while the server component runs on Unix, Linux and Windows.
SPSS Modeler Personal: A single-user desktop product.
SPSS Modeler Professional: A desktop product that works with IBM SPSS Analytic Server, providing improved scalability and performance and enabling applications to live used across an organization.
SPSS Modeler Premium: This edition includes advanced algorithms and capabilities, such as text analytics, entity analytics and social network analysis, that extend model accuracy with unstructured data.
SPSS Modeler Gold: This edition provides analytical decision management, collaboration and deployment capabilities. SPSS Modeler Gold is moreover available as a cloud offering.
The talent to access more than 100 extensions, enabling users to grasp edge of free libraries written in R, Python and SPSS syntax.
The IBM SPSS Extension Hub to browse, download, update, remove and generally manage extensions.
A major upgrade to the Custom Dialog Builder, enabling users to more easily build and install their own extensions. Enhancements comprise original controls and original properties for existing controls and several other improvements to the user interface.
Improvements that enable users to more easily and quickly import and export data into SPPS Statistics.
Improvements to the Custom Tables module, including original statistical functionality and customer-requested features.
SPSS Statistics criterion tools provide advanced statistical procedures that uphold linear and nonlinear statistical models, as well as predictive simulation modeling, which accounts for uncertain inputs, geospatial analytics and customized tables.
SPSS Statistics Professional tools uphold data preparation, missing values and data validity, decision trees, and forecasting.
SPSS Statistics Premium adds advanced analytical techniques, including structural equation modeling, in-depth sampling assessment and testing. This bundle moreover includes procedures that target direct marketing and high-end charts and graphs.
Pricing for the SPSS Modeler and SPSS Statistics predictive analytics tools vary depending on the bundle options, the number of users and the license period. SPSS Statistics is now available as a subscription option or a perpetual license. IBM offers free trials of both IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM SPSS Statistics.
The Leicester Tigers are the most successful English rugby union club of the past 25 years, winning the Premiership title a record nine times and twice capturing the European championship. Later this month, they’ll play in their eighth consecutive league final. In an effort to maintain that impressive success, the club is working with IBM to consume statistical analysis software in assessing the likelihood of injury.
In the past, expansive Blue has used its SPSS Modeler predictive analytics software to assuage clients enjoy Coinstar find the most profitable location for its coin-conversion machines and expose the Memphis Police Department where to deploy officers to reduce crime. It believes the very analytical approach can assuage the Tigers optimize training and retain the best players on the field.
Although the company’s system can congregate thousands of variables, only a surprisingly miniature number really matter, said Erick Brethenoux, IBM’s director of business Analytics and decision Management Strategy.
Players wear apparatus during training that captures statistics enjoy heart rate as well as the forces absorbed by rugby’s frequent jarring hits. Data are uploaded to the team’s database, where IBM’s modeling software looks for patterns. Additional info is drawn from player questionnaires that could provide insight into their stress levels and injury history. Leicester used the program for a tribulation epoch this season, and the team’s sports scientist, Andy Shelton, said the goal is to monitor the entire squad an entire campaign, gathering minute-by-minute data.
As professional rugby has grown in popularity around the globe in recent years, the influence of money has grown as well. With that maturation comes economic constraints for some teams, even successful ones enjoy the Tigers. Although they dominated the British leagues during the past decade, Leicester has met tenacious challenges from some of Europe’s top clubs. One understanding for that is English teams acquire a salary cap of 4.5 million British pounds (about $7.2 million), while the top French clubs top out at about 7.2 million pounds ($11.5 million). If that sounds enjoy a situation ripe for the Moneyball approach popularized by baseball’s Oakland A’s, you’d live right. Shelton said teams with expansive payrolls can easily sub in a top international player when one of their own stars goes down, but Leicester doesn’t acquire that luxury.
“In one game, it might not obtain a difference, but over the course of a season and in the expansive games toward the conclude of the season, that’s when it makes a expansive difference,” Shelton said. | 2019-04-20T01:19:45Z | http://morganstudioonline.com/brain-dumps.php?pdf=SPS-200 |
Over the years, I have found that public speaking is without a doubt the most rewarding aspect of my job. It wasn’t always like that though. When I first started I was terrified. Even giving a short presentation to close work colleagues would make me nervous for a few days before hand. Now, I wouldn’t consider myself the most accomplished presenter, but I’m not longer daunted by it and relish the experience.
If you know me, you know I’m not the most outgoing person, I’m a bit of an introvert. I find it’s cathartic to get out of my comfort zone and push myself in new directions.
There’s a lot of opportunities in the library profession to present. You don’t have to start off at a major national conference. Start small. Volunteer to give a lunchtime presentation at work, present at a local ALIA event or a public library network event. These are a lot less formal and much less stressful that a full blown conference.
I thought I might give a few tips on how I prepare for a talk, the setup I use and hopefully, provide a bit of advice that might help someone give a presentation.
Don’t underestimate the time it takes to put together a presentation. If I have to do a 20 minute presentation, I allow a full week of work to prepare the talk, generate slides, rehearse, refine, rehearse, refine… It is one of those skills that requires practise. The more you rehearse, the more comfortable you become. Be confident that you know your content inside out.
Some of the most memorable presentations I have been to, have been the presenter just getting up and talking. They haven’t used any supporting material, they are natural storytellers. I’m not at that level and often the subject I am talking about is a little more technical so slides enhance what I have to say.
A presentation is like a novel or a movie. It needs an introduction or background. Why are you talking about this subject and why is this important for your audience. Set up what you want them to get out of it. Provide a narrative. Take the audience on a journey of what you did, what you think. Let it come to a natural climax and conclusion. Your story should come together to provide an answer and leave the audience eager and thinking about what you were talking about.
Discuss with the organisers beforehand on who the audience is. Get a feel for what their understanding of your topic is. Are they beginners? Are they experts? Are the organisers wanting to provide some general knowledge to the audience or do they want you to address something specific. All of these questions will help you tailor your presentation to the audience. There’s nothing worse that looking at blank faces and realising you have tailored a talk at the wrong target audience.
Everybody is here to listen to what you have to say. They want to see you succeed.
Nobody voluntarily takes time out of their lunch hour, or travels to another city for a conference unless they are interested in hearing what you have to say. They want to learn from you, not judge you. This is empowering and should be confidence building.
Getting up on stage is stressful enough, let alone doing it while using unfamiliar equipment. Most organisers are pretty good with you using your own equipment. Always arrive early and make friends with the AV staff, they will always be able to help you out (especially if you have your own adaptors etc). You are there for the benefit of the audience and it’s not fair on them if you deliver a sub-par presentation because of the equipment you have to use.
USB with 2 copies of the presentation. Good to have just in case there’s issues with my laptop (I use Keynote, but as an option I also save a PowerPoint version – sometimes it doesn’t convert everything perfectly – it’s just there as an absolute last resort). As a final, final backup, there will also be a copy stored in a cloud service that I could download.
Be familiar with how to plug everything in and set up 2nd screens. Like I said, make friends with the AV staff early. You can normally set everything up in a break so that it’s a simple matter of flicking a switch when it comes time to make a switch between presenters. You don’t want to spend 5 minutes trying to reconfigure your computer before you present. This will add to your stress levels, bump you over time and you don’t want that.
The other part of a presentation is highly personal, but something you don’t see much of. That’s what I see. For many presentations, the lights are so bright, you actually don’t see too much from the stage. The one thing I can see is my laptop setup. This is what I rehearse with & is why it’s important to be able to use your own equipment.
Timer that counts up. This allows you to adjust the pace of your presentation. If you’ve rehearsed you know roughly what time certain slides should be at.
Current time. If you are at a conference there’s normally a set schedule for the day. You should familiarise yourself with this and know what time your presentation starts and finishes. This allows you to keep an eye on the actual time and adjust your pacing. You don’t want to be the person that runs late and causes everyone in the room to miss out on lunch.
Current slide. Never turn your back on the audience to look at what slide you are on or to talk to the slide you are on. If you can see it on the screen, use that as your reference.
Speaker notes. I normally have notes of the key points and speak to those. I don’t tend to read word for word. I practise, practise, practise over and over.
If I’m giving a presentation with an audience that I know will be tweeting about the talk I’ll always keep my phone in my pocket. I configure it so it remains on silent but vibrates, and make sure I have twitter notifications set up for mentions and replies. While I’m talking & I get to something I’m expecting a reaction on, within 60 seconds my pocket is buzzing & I know I’m getting my message across – it gives me confidence. I find this doesn’t distract me, maybe because I’m expecting it.
I find that I get so much more out of attending a conference if I am also presenting, compared to if I’m just attending. There’s always the social aspect of a conference, lunchtimes, between sessions etc. If you are like me, maybe a bit quite, a bit of an introvert, having the benefit of presenting means people will ask you questions. You’ll be approached. You meet people you normally wouldn’t meet. It’s fantastic.
Here’s a few key tips I can pass on.
Present in front of a test audience and video the talk. Gather feedback and fine tune.
Learn how to plug in and configure your equipment. Practise this.
Check that you have all the equipment you need.
Enjoy the buzz. It takes a little while to come down. You’ve just done something amazing, enjoy thee feeling.
Respond to anything on social media. Both of these are relationship building.
That’s some tips and some random thoughts about how I set up my presentations. I hope there’s some useful advice in there for people. I would strongly encourage everyone at some stage of there career to consider participating in a presentation. It is one of the best things you can do.
Once upon a time, SlideShare was the go to place for hosting presentations. It was a great idea, worked really well and allowed you to share and access presentations from conferences you couldn’t attend & in the process learn so much. But then it became more popular (with I’m guessing increasing running costs). With this popularity came advertising. Then there was more advertising along with reduced functionality, or to be more correct, functionality only available if you became a paid member. Then the final straw, it got bought by LinkedIn. Now LinkedIn is one of those services that never provided any benefit to me at all. Endless emails, worthless recommendations and it just became creepier and creepier. So, despite having an account with them that was essentially inactive – you often sign up for things as it’s a good idea at the time & it might prove to be useful – I decided to remove myself from their system (it’s a story in it’s own trying to rid yourself from their system). Doing this also meant deleting my SlideShare account as a: I wanted out from that company & b: the SlideShare of now, was no longer the same SlideShare I signed up for.
It wasn’t a decision taken lightly. I had embedded presentations in this site. Others had embedded my presentations in their sites or linked to my presentations.
Personally, the presentations I’ve given have been some of the most rewarding activities I’ve undertaken in my professional life. Taking this step broke everything. Links were gone, embeds were gone. There was no record anymore of my work. I’m so sorry.
The web was once a great place to create a distributed identity for yourself. You could host images one one site, videos on another, presentations on yet another site and easily bring all of this back into one place. This is still the case, but it’s come at a cost. The cost is advertising. Your content gets top and tailed, or overlayed with advertising that you have no control over. Privacy policies get changed. I’m over all that. It’s my content. I want to control how it’s delivered and presented to the world.
It’s time to own my content again.
So I have some work to do on my site to migrate all my presentations back to their rightful home – here. Even though many of them now are dated, they are still me, they have helped to define my career. I need to do the right thing by them.
I could take the easy option and just put a PDF of them up, but I know there’s better ways of doing it than that. I know what has to be done. I just need to do it. I’ve already started the process by changing the hosting of a few explanation videos I’ve used in posts to be served from this site rather than embedding them from YouTube.
Stay tuned as I rebuild my digital presence right here.
As you’ve probably noticed, my site has been fairly neglected the past few years with very sporadic posts and nothing really cohesive. In fact, most of my online presence has been relatively quiet over the last few years. I’ve still been following everything that’s going on, I just haven’t been an active participant.
Over the month of June there’s a number of librarians taking part in #blogjune where they intend to post every day of the month. I can guarantee right now that I won’t be posting every single day, but I have quite a number of posts & in some cases little mini sites with some experiments to talk about and put out there. It will hopefully get me back into participating in the online world again.
I’m going to treat this as not just an opportunity to post about things. I also want to treat it as an opportunity to carry out some housekeeping on my site. It’s been neglected for far too long. This template is totally out of date, a relic from 2005 so to speak. The functions available are totally different to when I worked on the theme. The site isn’t responsive. There’s been decisions I’ve made with regards to external sites that have broken items on the site. If I can address some of these issues I reckon that’s as good as a post (and I guess I can still post about these little improvements as I make them).
Hopefully, in 30 days time there will be a new found/refreshed voice here.
Today Flickr Commons turned 5 years old. The Commons has turned into an incredible resource of over 250,000 images from 56 different libraries, archives, and museums throughout the world. For me, the launch of Flickr Commons heralded what turned out to be a huge turning point for my career.
Flickr Commons allowed me to build my first proper mashup – my Google Streetview Then & Now. This was a bit of a breakthrough moment for me. It was my first demonstration of the power that comes from having interesting photos and associated data that was freely licensed and freely available to be shared through an API so others could do things with it. It made my day when George Oates at Flickr saw it and called me a superstar!
Along the way, my Commons experiences have introduced me to so many like minded people throughout the world. It’s these connections that can’t be measured by the number of views or comments an image contains.
In 2011 my Commons experience was complete when my work set up our own Commons account. I’m now on the other side trying to get interesting things from our collections out there to see what other clever people do with it. It’s a blast!
Little did I know that way back then that building a mashup at 3am one morning would influence my life and my career. I’m absolutely loving the journey it’s taking me on and can’t wait to see what happens next.
Thanks Flickr for what you’ve created.
As you can see from my site, 2011 was a year that I didn’t do very much writing. It wasn’t that I didn’t have anything to write about, I just didn’t get around to finishing up the posts & they stayed in drafts (hence this being posted in February – better late than never). This was a pretty good reflection of how I felt this year went, good but not complete.
A lot of good things happened this year at work. I was part of a national project called LibraryHack to enable what I had been talking about for the past few years – opening up library collections to reuse through API’s.
After 3 years in the making launched our Flickr Commons account.
I cut down a bit on the amount of speaking I did this year, but ran a few more hands on tutorial sessions that I really enjoyed.
This year I travelled to Portugal, Spain & London. I cycled through the Algarve in Portugal, walked the El Camino de Santiago in the north of Spain and was exposed to the wonders of Gaudi’s architecture in Barcelona. I had one of the most enjoyable meals of my life in Seville, I loved the schizophrenic space of the Mezquita in Cordoba. My goal for this year is to start learning Spanish.
I took over 8000 photos this year, but only uploaded a small amount to Flickr. I didn’t feel that this was enough. I wasn’t that happy with many of the shots I took. I tended to shoot in large bursts, and that growth and consistency you get from practising a craft on a daily basis wasn’t there. I don’t think I grew as a photographer this year.
Some photographic highlights for me were being asked to be a photographer for TEDx Canberra. This came about from last year’s photos being seen by the organisers and asking me if I would like to help out this year. you have to love the combination of Flickr & Creative Commons licenses for this.
I was inspired by watching Kim Tairi’s Flickr stream. Of all the photo blogs I follow I loved the curation of Vladimir Putin, action man from In Focus at The Atlantic.
A lot of music really didn’t inspire me much this year. Triple J continued to disappoint. Most of the music I purchased was from the 1980’s. I subscribed to the Australian Chamber Orchestra series, and once again they didn’t disappoint. I always find something energetic and inspiring from their performances and interpretations of music, even if I don’t actually enjoy the music. There’s something about watching a live performance, seeing the interactions between the players, their concentration and reactions.
In May I attended what I consider to be the best concert I have ever been to – Reflections by The Cure at the Sydney Opera House. Held as part of the Vivid Festival it was The Cure playing their first three albums in their entirety followed by b-sides from the era. In addition it was an ever growing line up of past Cure members – starting with the trio of Robert, Simon & Jason, then being joined by Roger O’Donnell & finally Lol Tolhurst (the first time Lol had played with the group since leaving in 1989).
I ran 641km. It was another frustrating year of building up my running & then getting injured. Building up again & then getting injured again. Most of my runs were short 6km runs. I finished the year on a positive note by being able to run for over an hour and recover well. Hopefully this is the start of good things.
I didn’t really do much cycling this year (besides on my holiday), my bikes gathered dust. I miss it.
I walked 841km. This was mostly just walking to & from work. It’s surprising how quickly this adds up.
I’ve finished 2011 4kg lighter than at the start of the year.
I guess when you look at it in one big list, I did manage to achieve a bit. Maybe I just always want to achieve more in my mind. I’ve got a few things on the go already for 2012 (including a much needed redesign of this site) & I promise I’ll write a bit more about them here soon. | 2019-04-22T18:41:50Z | https://www.paulhagon.com/category/personal/page/2/ |
"Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe "
If you Love Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe then you are at the right place!!
Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe is made from pet bones and also connective cells-- normally cattle, poultry, or fish-- that have actually been boiled into a broth as well as slow-moving simmered for 10 to greater than 20 hours with herbs, vegetables, and flavors. So why is this relatively easy liquid something you 'd wish to consume on a daily basis Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe ?
Even our hunter-gatherer ancestors realized that alcohol consumption Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe resembled striking nutritional gold, as its earliest variation dates back over 2,500 years. Getting rid of anything edible was out of the concern back then, so animal hooves, knuckles, bones, and also other connective cells never went to waste. Bone broth has a rich history of being made use of in traditional Chinese medicine as a gastrointestinal restorative, blood home builder, and also kidney strengthener due to the high collagen web content, bioavailable minerals, anti-inflammatory amino acids, and also healing compounds that can just be located in bones and connective cells Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe.
Enjoy as celebrity wellness fitness instructor, Thomas DeLauer damages down the ins and also outs of what bone broth really is. In just 2 mins, he'll discuss what bone broth is and what it can do for your digestive tract, joint, as well as skin health Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe.
Some phone call Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe meat water. We call it liquid gold.
What makes this stuff so unique? The brief response is collagen. Bones and also connective cells are the only true dietary resources of kind II collagen-- a healthy protein that's understood for keeping skin smooth and flexible and also teeth and also joints healthy and balanced, as well as touting lots of other wellness advantages.
Along with collagen, bones are likewise filled with numerous anti-inflammatory amino acids, minerals, and also substances that can assist speed up your body's natural healing processes from things like sports injuries, arthritis, or dripping intestine.
So, these "scraps" that a lot of us typically toss in the garbage are serious dietary giants. But when was the last time you chowed down on an item of cow's knuckle? Or snacked on an ox tail? We'll presume the answer is never.
Given that we don't eat bones in their whole type, preparing them right into a broth that's simmered for 10 to 20 hours (or even more) is the best way to release their effective nutrients, as well as experience an entire brand-new level of health.
View as Celebrity Wellness Trainer, Thomas DeLauer breaks down the ins and outs of what bone broth actually is. In simply 2 mins, he'll speak about what bone broth is and what it can do for your digestive tract, joint, and skin health paleo chicken bone broth recipe.
Bone broth has an abundant history of being used as a digestion restorative, especially in traditional Chinese medicine some 2,500 years earlier. Today, it is among the leading suggested foods for improving signs and symptoms of chronic digestion problems, such as Short-tempered Bowel Disorder (IBS), Crohn's disease, and also colitis.
The reason for why bone broth is so recovery for the gut returns to collagen, which forms gelatin when it's cooked down even additionally. Collagen and also gelatin are not only abundant in amino acids that lower inflammation in the GI tract-- such as glutamine-- they likewise have the one-of-a-kind capability to "seal and heal" holes in the digestive tract lining, which can cause a problem called dripping digestive tract syndrome.
Although research study is in the onset, there's evidence to reveal that leaking intestine is the primary underlying reason for digestive conditions. It's also a factor to autoimmune illness, clinical depression, mind haze, anxiety, allergies, dermatitis, acne, and also chronic reduced power. Most severe of all, leaking intestine can be silent as well as show no signs and symptoms in the beginning. It's also believed to influence over 70% of the population.
Bone broth is recommended on unique gut recovery diet plans and also methods, like the SPACES diet, the SCD diet regimen, and the Reduced FODMAP diet regimen.
Whether it's an injury, joint inflammation, or aching muscle mass, there's no far better method to nurture your bones and also joints than by consuming more of the nutrients currently discovered within them, including hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, calcium, and also magnesium. Bone broth is packed with all of these nutrients, plus a number of amino acids that help in reducing joint discomfort and also swelling, like glycine as well as proline. It's for these factors that bone broth is ending up being a go-to recuperation drink among professional athletes.
An enjoyable fact: Kettle and Fire Bone Broth was born since our co-founder, Nick, tore his ACL playing football and also needed a high-grade bone broth to assist speed up his recovery time. (You can learn more on that here.).
Adhering to a bone broth diet is great for lasting weight loss. A bone broth diet regimen involves consuming Paleo for 5 days as well as fasting for 2. During this timespan you'll drink bone broth consistently with a boost in use on the fasting days.
The combination of recurring fasting and also bone broth increases weight management via burning fat more effectively as well as restricting calorie consumption. When doing the diet plan, we additionally noticed a reduction in cellulite.
Fat-Burning Bone Broth Cocktail Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe.
With just a few components, this dish is perfect for a scrumptious and also incredibly straightforward fat-burning alcoholic drink that you can work up in a flash on hectic early mornings before job or at nights post-workout.
Even if you had never ever heard of bone broth in the past, you've possibly heard of collagen, many thanks to the elegance sector.
Many anti-aging skincare lines add collagen to their face creams, moisturizers, as well as serums (as well as offer them for a pretty penny). Yet what lots of people do not recognize is that collagen particles are too big to be soaked up with the skin, which suggests these lotions can not supply much in the means of results.
Fortunately is that collagen can be taken in via your digestive system. And also since there's a straight link in between the gut and also the skin, adding bone broth to your diet is mosting likely to have an even more powerful and long-term effect on the total appearance and also health of your skin.
Let's not forget about hair as well as nails, which are composed of healthy proteins like collagen. Collagen aids strengthen nails, and also urges hair to expand in thicker, quicker, and also handle a healthy luster. (Remember this for the next time you obtain a bad haircut!).
Deep, peaceful sleep is something we could all make use of a little bit more of. As a matter of fact, stats reveal the ordinary individual gets much less than 7 hours of rest per night, so it is essential to do whatever you can to make those hrs matter.
Bone broth is abundant in glycine, an anti-inflammatory amino acid that services the Central Nerves (CNS). When taken prior to bed as a supplement, researches reveal glycine can enhance sleep quality and also decrease daytime drowsiness. It's much more efficient when paired with various other sleep-supportive nutrients, like calcium and magnesium.
Every one of the benefits you enjoy from bone broth, your expanding child will experience, too-- consisting of healthy and balanced bones, joints, as well as a solid digestive system.
When morning illness hits, it can be difficult to keep nutritious food down. However bone broth has a tendency to be soothing for nausea or vomiting, as well as is normally well endured. Best of all, bone broth offers numerous of the nutrients you and also your expanding child demand, including protein, as well as necessary nutrients. As an added perk, the slow-moving simmer time of the bones makes the nutrients in bone broth very bioavailable and easier to soak up than a dietary supplement.
Bone broth can also assist boost fertility, assist you have an extra comfy pregnancy by beneficial rigid or agonizing joints, and may boost calcium levels in breast milk.
Bone broth is an excellent resource of nutrition on the Paleo diet plan, as well as is motivated to consume throughout durations of periodic fasting. It likewise fits in well with macronutrient needs on the keto diet regimen, and may help reduce signs of the keto influenza.
" Not just can bone broth help you prevent keto flu, yet it's also filled with minerals that recover leaky gut and also reduce swelling in your intestinal tracts." - Leanne Vogel, Writer of The Keto Diet plan.
The nutrients in bone broth make it an effective practical food that can benefit your whole household-- including your fur infants. Bone broth benefits your pet's glossy layer, bones, joints, digestion, as well as teeth.
Loaded with protein - Chicken is a wonderful healthy protein source and also same opts for poultry bones. Pot & Fire bone broth comes loaded with 10 grams of protein per offering Paleo Chicken Bone Broth Recipe.
Lowers gut inflammation - Bone broth assists heal and also secure a leaky digestive tract which is the source for numerous autoimmune diseases.
Rich in bone marrow - Bone broth made from 100% grass fed cattle and simmered over long cook times removes bone marrow which contains healthy and balanced nourishing hormonal agents and lipids.
No. Plants are a terrific resource of minerals and vitamins that can assist promote your body to produce its very own collagen, yet there is no known plant food that uses kind II collagen, the form that uses every one of the health advantages provided above.
One point to take into consideration about bone broth that establishes it aside from plant foods: Also if you do eat a range of plants that are abundant in collagen-boosting nutrients, if you have a damaged digestive system or dripping intestine, you might not fully absorb them. On the other hand, the collagen in bone broth is incredibly easy to absorb, even for those with compromised digestion systems.
Obviously, you do not just need to drink it-- although we do have a cost-free and legendary downloadable bone broth sipping overview for when you do. You can mix bone broth right into your environment-friendly healthy smoothies, make healthy and balanced collagen gummy bears, and utilize it in whatever from scrambled eggs, soups, curries, stews, morning meal bowls, and tacos.
Bone broth is an all-in-one superfood, loaded with nutrients that give power and also motivation, aid you rest better, make your skin look smoother, as well as can help recover digestive concerns like leaking intestine.
Bones as well as connective cells are warehouses for vital amino acids and also minerals-- which are doing not have in numerous diet regimens today. Bone Broth is also an indispensable resource of protein, collagen and also gelatin.
It's not viable to eat entire bones or cells, but you can still enjoy these health and wellness advantages by drinking bone broth. Collagen is drawn out when you simmer bones for an extended period of time. Generally, the longer bone broth simmers, the more collagen you'll remove.
Making bone broth is an easy procedure, but one that requires lots of time and perseverance. If time is not on your side we can help you out with that.
Bone broth is made by simmering pet bones and also cells for at the very least 10 hrs with vegetables, herbs, as well as flavors such as thyme, garlic, and bay leaves. Top quality bone broth begins with top notch ingredients, utilizing bones from natural grass-fed animals as well as organic vegetables. While any type of bone or tendon can be used, knuckles, chicken feet, and also thigh bones tend to consist of one of the most collagen.
Simmering bones for an extended period of time is what gives bone broth its wellness benefits, drawing out the amino acids, minerals, and collagen. This is a Kettle & Fire-tested sluggish cooker chicken bone broth recipe that includes organic hen bones, sea salt, fresh veggies like celery stalks, onions, as well as bell peppers, and natural herbs like parsley, rosemary, and thyme.
Simply cooking bones (no meat) and water is mosting likely to be mainly flavorless. Food preparation the blend for hrs at a time isn't going to make it taste any better.
The idea that you're getting tons of nutrients from the bones is a MYTH that will not pass away, despite the fact that it has been debunked countless times, including via lab examinations. The notion that including vinegar to "release" those nutrients has actually additionally been exposed. You simply wind up with a watery mess that tastes of vinegar.
Rather, buy bones with meat on them. After that add veggies such as onions, carrots, celery, and also just adequate water to cover everything (normally 8 or 10 cups). Skip the vinegar! Simmer for 3 to 4 hrs for poultry, slightly longer for beef. Period according to choice. If you have an Instant Pot, 25 to 35 mins has to do with right.
What you will certainly get with this approach is a very tasty broth that's most likely dramatically a lot more nutritious-- including great deals of collagen-- and also even more healthful than any bone broth, and also it will taste one heck of a whole lot far better. You can either consume the meat and veggies (it's called SOUP) or you can stress them out and also just consume alcohol the broth if you like.
See, bare bones that have no meat, or, even worse, carcass bones that have actually already been cooked as well as removed of their meat, have practically absolutely no flavor by themselves.
Check Ina Garten's recipe for chicken broth. It's really comparable to this and has actually been made use of with slight variants by well-informed chefs for years.
Routine broth and supply are simmered for a much shorter time period than bone broth, approximately 2-- 6 hours. The expedited cooking procedure reduces the amount of useful gelatin removed from the bones, reducing its capability to increase the body immune system, heal digestive concerns, and reduce the signs of leaking intestine.
Prior To Kettle and Fire was born, among our co-founders, Nick, tore his ACL playing football (ouch). His brother Justin found out about the benefits of bone broth for injury healing. As his routine really did not leave much time to make bone broth from square one, he laid out to purchase a store-bought, high-quality, grass-fed bone broth, because both of their active routines really did not leave much time to make the broth themselves. (You can discover more regarding our tale below.).
No matter just how difficult Justin looked, the optimal bone broth really did not exist. He searched for one that was one hundred percent natural, fresh-- never ever frozen-- grass-fed, and slow-moving simmered (in addition to one that could be delivered without inefficient, clunky packaging). So, Nick and Justin made a decision to create a top notch bone broth on their terms, which is the recipe we're pleased to provide you today.
" Kettle & Fire gives a nourishing, high quality bone broth in a delicious and practical shelf-stable style. I enjoy always understanding that I have actually got terrific broth on hand, without congesting my freezer or needing defrosting." - Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, three-time NYT Best-Selling Author.
The gorgeous feature of bone broth is that there's truly no limit to exactly how you can add it to your diet regimen. Besides soups, stews, and also simple ol' sipping, bone broth blends remarkably well right into nearly any kind of recipe-- even shakes! Here are our top means to obtain it:.
Our bone broth preferences tasty sufficient to sip on its own, however you can spice it as much as match your taste buds. We produced our preferred flavor combinations in this complimentary downloadable "Bone Broth Sipping Overview" (bone broth matcha cappucinos, any individual?). Obtain your cost-free duplicate here.
Consuming alcohol bone broth doesn't have to be boring-- there are endless methods to spice it and also sip it. Get immediate accessibility to over 15 of our favored bone broth drinking combinations, including ginger as well as turmeric bone broth tonic and chili, and cardamom bone broth elixir. Learn just how to utilize bone broth in your matcha cappucinos, golden milk, as well as tropical fruit smoothies.
Our beef bone broth has a moderate flavor, which permits it to blend quickly with almost anything, from smoothies to healthy gummy bears. Our chicken bone broth and also mushroom chicken bone broth increase the savory flavor of soups, stews, and also risotto recipes. A few of our faves include:.
If you wish to experience more energy as well as vitality than ever before, we reccomend checking out The Bone Broth Diet regimen, created by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci.
The Bone Broth Diet not just raises your intake of the recovery nutrients and compounds necessary for intestine, skin, joint, and bone health and wellness, yet helps deal with systemic inflammation, which is at the root cause of the majority of Western health problems and also illness.
The bone broth diet is a 21-day plan that's optimal for any individual struggling with a chronic health and wellness condition (such as an autoimmune disorder), or any person who intends to reset their digestive system as well as experience radiant health and wellness. Discover more about the 21-day bone broth diet plan below. | 2019-04-23T20:15:49Z | http://urbanhotlist.com/bone-broth/kettle-and-fire/chicken/paleo-chicken-bone-broth-recipe/index.php |
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Data warehousing technology aims at providing support for decision making by integrating data from various heterogeneous systems in the data warehouse.
A data warehouse is used mainly for making effective decisions that can be used for the organizations for improving their business.
In this paper we have focused on the concept of making better decisions using data warehousing. Researchers have shown a lot of interest in the development of data warehouses (DWs) to support decision-making activities in an organization. The issue of DW quality has also been of interest to the research community. There is a true saying “Unless you plan to invest in the care of your information assets for as long as you use it, you will have wasted every penny you spent”.
Relationship between the conceptual objects in a data warehouse has been shown in the GDI (Goal-Decision-Information) approach. The GDI approach addresses the needs of an organization by identifying goals of an organization thereafter possible decisions are determined to achieve the goals and then the decisional information required for taking decisions. This decisional information is kept in the Data Warehouse. However, the quality of the decisions that can be taken to achieve the goals of the organization is not addressed in the GDI approach.
Here in this paper, author has proposed a little modification in the GDI approach to handle decision quality aspect. In the proposed approach, emphasis is on the Decision Conceptual Object of the Warehouse.
In this paper focus is on the decision Environment present in an organization and its different views with the help of the Decision-Decision Model. Different views are explained to make a better understanding of the decision making in the organizations.
Author have categorized in this paper the Current data warehouse decision-making as Experience based or Reasoning Based and decision determining strategies as Goal driven or Process Driven.These strategies are fully explained with the help of a Decision-Decision Model which shows the association between the different components making the main focus on the decision and all the issues related to the decision-making are shown. There are different parameters affecting a decision made in an organization so here we have also focused on all these parameters and their effect on decision-making has been explained.
Data warehousing is a new paradigm specifically intended to provide vital strategic information .The executives and managers who are responsible for keeping the enterprise competitive need information to make proper decisions. They need information to formulate the business strategies, establish goals, set objectives and monitor results. Executives and managers need to focus their attention on customer’s needs and preferences, emerging technologies, sales and marketing results and quality levels of products and services. The type of information needed to make decisions in the formulation and execution of business strategies and objectives are broad based and encompass the entire organization and this whole information can be included in one group and called strategic information.
In the last decade a lot of interest has been shown in the development of data warehouses (DWs) to support decision-making activities in an organization. There are the data-driven and the requirements-driven approaches seen in the literature. In the former, data is gathered from operational systems into DW. On the other hand, Requirements-driven approaches try to identify the information needs to be met by the DW. In these approa-ches, the real issue has been that of Data Warehouse design: given data needs what is the logical structure of the Data Warehouse.
Whereas the main focus of former information systems has been the automation of operating processes, the strategic importance of information technology for decision-making, and its use as an instrument for achieving competitive advantages has increasingly been recognized later on. Providing relevant, accurate and qualitative information is a main prerequisite for decision-making. For this purpose, various kinds of so-called management support systems (MSS) have been developed in the last 30 years. MSS can be considered as a generic term for information systems, which provide support for management tasks. Examples of MSS are management information systems (MIS) in the 60s, decision support systems (DSS) in the 70s, and executive information systems (EIS) in the 80s.
An ideal decision environment would include all possible information, all of it accurate, and every possible alternative. However, both information and alternatives are constrained because time and effort to gain information or identify alternatives are limited. The time constraint simply means that a decision must be made by a certain time. The effort constraint reflects the limits of manpower, money, and priorities. (You wouldn't want to spend three hours and half a tank of gas trying to find the very best parking place at the mall.) Since decisions must be made within this constrained environment, we can say that the major challenge of decision-making is uncertainty, and a major goal of decision analysis is to reduce uncertainty. We can almost never have all information needed to make a decision with certainty; so most decisions involve an undeniable amount of risk.
Two different approaches for the development of Data Warehouses have been proposed as the data-driven and the requirements driven approaches. In the former, data is gathered from operational systems into Data Warehouses. On the other hand, Requirements-driven approaches try to identify the information needs to be met by the Data Warehouse. In these approaches, the real issue has been that of DW design.
Prakash et al address conceptual objects for a Data Warehouse in the GDI approach . According to the GDI approach, an explicit Requirements Engineering (RE) phase is proposed in DW development referred as Data Warehouse Requirements Engineering [DWRE] phase. In the DW domain, the information contents must be closely related to the decision-making capability to be supported. Indeed, this capability should drive DW development. However, decision making itself does not occur in a vacuum but in the larger context of the goals However, the quality of the decisions that can be taken to achieve the goals of the organization is not addressed in the GDI Approach.
Here in this paper, author propose an enhancement to the GDI model to highlight the decision making process in an organization, all the parameters affecting it, its different types etc. and this modified GDI model is named as Decision- Decision Model. This model will help the decision makers in understanding the process of decision-making in the organization more effectively, the issues related to the decision-making, its different perspectives etc.
An overview of the GDI approach for data warehouse requirements engineering [DWRE] is discussed in section 2 and Decision Decision model is also shown, which is discussed in detail in section 4, decision’s categories is discussed in section 4.1 and parameters affecting decision in 4.2 and different perspectives for determining decision quality are given in section4.3 followed by the conclusion in section 5.
According to the GDI approach, to obtain a Data Warehouse that is a good fit for an organization, the DWRE process determines the goals of an organization, uses these to arrive at its decision-making needs, and identifies the information needed for the decisions to be supported. The aim of the Requirements Engineering (RE) phase is to identify the decisional information to be kept in the Data Warehouse. It deals with the identification of the goals of the organization, decisions that can be taken to achieve these goals and the information needed for decision making. There are two kinds of relationship (a) is satisfied by between goals and decisions and (b) is required for between decisions and information. The RE stage is completed when the goals, decisions, information and their relationships are all determined.
The GDI model is shown in Fig.1. A goal as an aim or objective that is to be met. A goal is a passive concept and unlike an activity/process/event it cannot perform or cause any action to be performed. A goal is set, and once so defined it needs an active component to realize it. The active component is decision. Further to fulfill the decisions appropriate information is required. A goal can be either simple or complex as shown in fig.1. A simple goal cannot be decomposed into simpler ones. A complex goal is built out of other goals which may themselves be simple or complex. The component goals of a complex one may be mandatory or optional. A decision is a specification of an active component that causes goal fulfillment. It is not the active component itself. When a decision is selected for implementation then one or more actions may be performed to give effect to it. In other words, a decision is the intention to perform the actions that cause its implementation. A decision can be either simple or complex as shown in fig.1.The simple decision can not be decomposed into simpler ones whereas a complex decision is built out of other simple or complex decisions.
In case of warehousing; designing a data warehouse and its maintenance are also two entirely different phases. Hence in warehousing after the design, equal attention should be paid for maintaining the quality of warehouse. Warehouse is a strategy used for making efficient decisions hence the quality of decisions in warehousing should be taken care.
A decision can be categorized on the basis that whether it will satisfy the goal or not. Hence a decision can be categorized as Good quality Decision or Bad quality Decision.
Good Quality Decision is that decision which satisfies the goal up to a desired level, which is called threshold value. Threshold value of a goal is that value, if that is achieved then goal is considered to be satisfied.
Bad Quality Decisions are those decisions, which are not able to reach the threshold value of the goal hence they are called Bad Quality Decisions.
For a Quality Data Warehouse most of the decisions made should be of good quality otherwise the quality of the warehouse would deteriorate.
A Decision- making can be done by two ways: Experience Based meaning by here the decision Maker makes the decision on his previous experience and the Reasoning Based where the decision is done entirely by following proper procedure, by exploring all the alternatives and then choosing the best one. Botth have their own benefits. Sometimes experience based decision give better results than reasoning based.
Unless you plan to invest in the care of your information assets for as long as you use it, you will have wasted every penny you spent. Following are the factors, which affect the quality of decisions in warehouse.
1. Define the situation when and where to make a decision.
2. Declare the decision completely and then decide what the decision exactly is, how you’ll work it.
3. Select the criteria and make it clear in your mind that what exactly you need.
4. Work the decision: generate a complete set of alternatives; explore each and every alternative by gathering the information, and ultimately make a choice that best fits your values.
5. Finally choose the alternative that best suits you as a decision and Commit it.
6. At last step evaluate your decision that whether it has satisfied the goal or not.
A decision is categorized as good or bad quality decision and quality of decision is not related to its outcome rather it is related to the process followed to take that decision meaning by good quality process for making a decision may lead to either good outcome or bad outcome .
So whatever process we have followed for decision-making does not determine its outcome directly. If a good process is followed for making a good decision, it might lead to good or bad outcome. i.e. goal may not be achieved & vice a versa. Hence focus is on the process followed to make the decision if good process followed means that decision is good quality, never mind whether outcome is coming satisfactory or not.
So considered the process aspect and goal satisfaction as two entirely different aspects.
Sometimes we don’t focus on the process used to achieve the goal rather we focus on the result itself. If the result is satisfied then the decision is said to be of good quality, doesn’t matter what process has been followed to reach that decision. Mostly in our day today life we judge decision depending on the result meaning by if we achieve our aim then we said that our decision was good otherwise we always regret on our decision if it does not provide us result without considering the process we have followed for making that decision.
Quality of decision can be related to its outcome, if outcome is good i.e. if goal is achieved then decision is categorized as good quality decision else bad quality . Criteria for determining the quality of decisions here is outcome perspective, and] a decision is good quality if goal is satisfied. And goal is satisfied if decision achieves the threshold value.
Time also is a great parameter in affecting the quality of decision. If proper Time management is done then only decision comes out to be of good quality otherwise even if a lot of time is provided to decision makers and if they do not manage it properly then it leads to a bad decision.
Emphasized on time factor i.e. time management for making efficient decisions. He has given seven techniques for exploiting variable time.
Faster decisions in less time are generally not successful Hence time should be properly coordinated for making effective decisions.
Dirty data is one of the topmost reasons for the failure of warehouse. Improved data quality boosts confidence in decision-making, enables better customer service and reduces risk for disastrous decisions.
Data is the raw material from which information is derived and is the basis for intelligent actions and decisions. Organizations therefore need to understand data quality, and establish procedures to assure the quality of data in data warehouses.
• Your offer won't reach the customer (because of a wrong/undeliverable address).
• Your offer reaches the wrong customer (because you no longer have the right contact due to job change, lost interest).
• Your offer is irrelevant and annoying, not anything the customer is interested in.
• Your offer actually conflicts with some other message the customer is hearing from your sales team or sales partners.
• Your offer medium conflicts with a specific request from the customer (no e-mail, no phone calls).
The Triad is a conceptual and strategic framework that explicitly recognizes the scientific and technical complexities of site characterization, risk estimation, and treatment design. In particular, the Triad Approach acknowledges that environmental media are fundamentally heterogeneous on a variety of scales, a fact that complicates sampling design, analytical method performance, and toxicity estimations.
Cost for analyzing the samples before actual use is high because it requires sophisticated instrumentation along with experienced and well-educated operators. Hence financial motivation is also to minimize number of samples. Data quality must be cleaned otherwise decision will contain errors.
Small information sample is sufficient to make a good decision. If an animal exposed to a smaller number of learning trials may be more likely to choose the safer of two territories than one exposed to a large sample of trials.
Information is an important ingredient for taking a good decision. Utility of information cannot decrease. Information is the very important factor in affecting the decision because if the raw material will be not of good quality then how one can expect the decision to be of good quality.
Information quality requires quality of three components: clear definition or meaning of data, correct value(s), and under-stand able presentation (the format represented to a knowledge worker). No quality of any of these three components can cause a business process to fail or a wrong decision to be made.
From a business perspective, information may be well defined, the values may be accurate, and it may be presented meaningfully, but it still may not be a valuable enterprise resource. Quality information, in and of it, is useless. But quality information understood by people can lead to value.
In process perspective we focus on the process followed to achieve the goal. Hence here the process followed to give a decision categorizes the quality of decision whether it is good or bad. If the process followed is systematic and satisfactory then that procedure is said to be of good quality, it does not matter whether the goal is satisfied or not.
But the benefit is it evaluates Quality of decision even if output of goal is delayed.
In outcome perspective we focus on the outcome of decision that is the effect of decision on the goal. For outcome perspective we are considering that if the decision satisfies the state of goal to a desired level called threshold then it is good quality decision else bad quality. So in outcome perspective the process followed is not paid attention rather the outcome of goal matters. If goal is achieved then decision is said to be good else bad quality decision.
A data warehouse is a set of databases created to provide information to managers and decision makers through an integrated software and hardware environment that is optimized for retrieval rather than for update integrity and transaction throughput. In order to gain long-term advantages, it is not sufficient merely to declare the decisions.
Rather these decisions must be evaluated; their effect on the goal must be measured and should be stored in the warehouse for the future use.
Quality information will be used in many new ways in the intelligent learning organization.
In this paper we have focused on the Decision Environment in an organization and we have considered all the issues related to the Decision by using Decision Decision Model.
Now these issues must be taken care for making better organizational Decisions and these should be stored in the warehouse along with goals for the future reference. Hence through this way a better decision environment can be made.
9. . Prakash. N., Gosain.A., Requirements driven data warehouse development, Proceedings CaiSE-03, PP 13-16.
10. Inmon W.H., Building the Data Warehouse, John Wiley, New York.
11. Ballard C., Herreman D., Schau D., Bell R., Kim E., Valencic A., Data Modeling Techniques for DataWarehousing, redbooks.ibm.com. | 2019-04-26T03:59:55Z | https://opencores.org/articles/1146604753 |
As a consequence of these studies, it can be seen an urgent necessity to take measures against these populations’ regression, considering the Salamanca area as one of the main areas of interest due to the number of SCI associated to the water courses and the composition and protection level of the native and endemic fish communities, that can be found within this area; some of which are only in this territory and are considered endangered or threatened.
To this end, the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, as coordinating beneficiary, and the Junta de Castilla y Leon, La Fundacion Patrimonio Natural and Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo, all of them as associated beneficiaries, presented a LIFE + project in order to protect and establish a protocol for the recovery of endemic native cyprinids populations of the southwest of the province of Salamanca, as well as conserve and restore the natural habitats in which these species are found.
On 04/30/2014, the European Commission made public the list of selected projects for the LIFE+ 2013 call, being the project with the reference LIFE13 NAT / ES / 000772 ” ACTIONS TOWARDS THE PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF IBERIAN CYPRINIDS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST-CIPRÍBER-” one of them.
• Currently, Chondrostoma polylepis has been split into two species, both in the project area: the actual Chondrostoma polylepis (boga de rio), which today is called Pseudochondrostoma polylepis; and another species that is typical of the Duero basin, called Pseudochondrostoma duriense (boga del Duero).
• The species Rutilus lemmingii has been divided into two different species: Iberochondrostoma lemmingii (pardilla) and a new species called Achondrostoma salmantinum (Sarda) located in the project area. This new species is listed by UICN as Endangered, and it is endemic only in the area of action that corresponds to the Duero basin.
• Currently Rutilus alburnoides is called Squalius alburnoides.
• A similar situation occurs to Cobitis taenia, which currently corresponds, in the area of action, with two other different species, Cobitis paludica (Colmilleja) and Cobitis vettonica (Colmilleja del Alagón). The latter species is listed by UICN as Endangered, and it is endemic only in a particular area of the Duero and Tajo basins, mainly in the scope of this project.
For more information you can download for free publication “Atlas y Libro Rojo de los peces continentales de España”, edited by Ignacio Doadrio, from the website of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente.
The project area is located in the southwest of the province of Salamanca due to the composition and protection level of native and endemic fish communities that can be found within this area (some of which are only presented in this territory and are considered endangered); and due to the number of SCI associated to the water courses.
This is an area of great landscape value, which contrasts the surface of the plain that has a very uniform altitude (750-800 m.) with deep gorges carved by the river network which can represent a drop compared to the Peneplain 200 m. This topographic contrast influences the climate and vegetation, as on the slopes of the arribes peculiar microclimatic conditions exist.
The vegetation responds to these climatic differences. In the plains are not very different from the plateau (rebollares or melojares, holm oak, cork oak, quejigares and scrub replacement) vegetation, while the arribes the oak forests of thermophilic nature, where we find species that hardly bear dominate frost as the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) and hackberry (Celtis australis), which comes to form small clumps here.
In land use by man these climatic particularities because, saving the slopes with terraces, it is in the banks have traditionally cultivated olives, grapes, almonds, orange and prickly pears are noticed, it would not be possible without a climate so temperate.
This wide variety of habitats, justifies the richness and diversity of birds that possess. Among the most noteworthy representative breeding populations of black stork, Egyptian vulture, griffon vulture, Bonelli’s eagle, golden eagle and peregrine falcon.
Precambrian metamorphic rocks outcropping here, predominantly shales and schists. In addition, there are important granite outcrops such as Villasrubias area.
Most notable it is that develop some of the best representations of forests Quercus pyrenaica (Pyrenean) throughout the region. In the rivers there are good representations of alder. Tooth pastures occupy a considerable extension of territory and cereal crops.
Among the species of fauna include the black stork (Ciconia nigra), the black vulture (Aegypius monachus), the presence of the southernmost of bivalve Margaritifera margaritifera and Unio crassus in the section of the Agueda river included in this place European populations. In addition, there is an important area for herpetofauna. This territory is one of the last in which probably inhabited the lynx (Lynx pardinus) in the region, but its current presence is very doubtful, still preserved tracts of good habitat potential.
Dominated by shrubby and secondarily agricultural land and meadows.
The river as it flows be embedded in the ground forming barriers steep slopes that form a small cañónfluvial of great interest as an ecological corridor, populated by species of shore as alder (Alnus glutinosa) and willow (Salix spp) The presence of otter (Lutra lutra).
The relief of the whole Batuecas-Sierra de France is dominated by Ordovician quartzites that form peaks and crags of the highest levels.
There is a strong contrast between the vegetation of the valleys of the rivers France and Batuecas. In the first forests of Pyrenean oak, kind of Marcescent leaf and sub-Mediterranean character predominate, while in the Valley Batuecas, plus repopulation of Maritime pine, we find Mediterranean sclerophyllous vegetation: holm and cork oaks with strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) formations Extremadura typical vegetation.
Cut in the ridges and valleys that separate the two find heaths with buckthorn (Echinospartum ibericum). In the highest peaks of the Natural Space vegetation it has had to adapt to the harsh climate, dominating the broom and erizon.
Regarding wildlife is common to see vultures flying, both tawny and black. Also frequent are the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, Egyptian vulture and eagle owl. Special mention deserves the black stork, endangered cataloged given the delicate state of their populations.
The landscape is characterized by a deep river valley formed by small groves between steep slopes, mostly covered with low scrub and cut granite. It is a very rugged and isolated area and include its role as an ecological corridor between the places Campos de Azaba and Campos de Argañán with Arribes del Duero.
The greatest value of this protected area is to be a regular nesting area for Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) being considered critical area for this species.
The landscape is characterized by a deep river valley formed by small groves between steep slopes, mostly covered with low scrub and cut granvíticos. It is a very rugged and isolated area and include its role as an ecological corridor between the places Campos de Azaba and Campos de Argañán with Arribes del Duero.
El Valle del río Cuerpo de Hombre located between the Sierra de Francia and Sierra de Bejar serves binding LIC Central System.
And secondary forests dominated shrublands and meadows, with less presence of cultivated areas. Noted for their representativeness and extent pure stands of chestnut (Castanea sativa) or more frequently in mixed formations with rebollo.
· To improve the populations of theses endemic cyprinids in areas of great value that have SCIs with species included in Annex II of Habitats Directive.
· To develop a captive breeding protocol to compensate the state of current regression of their populations, and experience to serve their techniques can be extrapolated to other geographical areas, including border.
· To increase technical and scientific knowledge on species to determine the condition by environmental pressures and eliminate them.
· To get riverine habitat conditions that allow the best distribution and situation of populations by removing existing pressures in the channels and habitat restoration, progressing towards a good environmental status.
· To evaluate the results and determine the feasibility and effectiveness of captive breeding, checking whether the methodology is efficient as generalizable conservation strategy.
· To define a program of fish and water management that shows the impact to be derived from the project (areas to be protected, operating procedures, tools required, etc.), for its subsequent implementation post-LIFE.
· To share knowledge gained with scientific groups and authorities for biodiversity conservation.
· To disclose the problems and solutions to the general public.
Initial situation study of the target cyprinid populations and other biological communities, in the 8 SCIs of the field of action. A total of 37 sampling points were selected (29 in the Duero basin and 8 in the Tagus basin). In these points, in addition to the existing fish stocks, biological and physicochemical parameters as well as the habitat were studied. With this information, several indices were calculated and water quality status was determined.
This document includes a study of the initial situation of cyprinid species object of the project in 8 SCIs (Sites of Community Importance) within the scope of activity, as well as other biological communities. For this purpose, a total of 37 sampling points (29 in the Duero river basin and 8 in the Tagus river basin) have been characterised, in which the following measurements have been made: characterisation of the habitat; measurement of physical-chemical parameters; calculation of the Fluvial Habitat Index (IHF), Riparian Forest Quality (QBR) index, Macrophyte Biological Index for Rivers (IBMR), Iberian Bio-monitoring Working Party (IBMWP) index; density, biomass and structure of current populations indexes, establishing as a result the state of the quality of the bodies of water within the activity’s scope.
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action A1, during the year 2016.
Technical dossier which includes information about the selection of channels chosen for the training of reproducers of the five species of cyprinid selected, collection period of those species, selection of reproducers and established farming conditions. It also describes the improvements needed to adapt the Ichthyological Centre of Galisancho for this project.
Technical project to adapt the Fish Hatchery of Galisancho for the reproduction of endemic cyprinid fish of community interest.
This action has a fundamental objective that is to show the previous situation regarding the obstacles that are present and alter the river connectivity, to, from this, select obstacles that have to be permeabilized. The result of all this is reflected in the document “Basis document for channels actions”.
Document including the laboratory and field work for the identification and selection of obstacles to overcome according to several criteria (morphological characteristics, destination, materials, presence or absence of ranges of fish, fish passability parameters, etc.), as well as a study of bodies of water and their basic characteristics (code, length, ecotype, location and current water extractions).
Addition document with the Initial Fish Action Plan, in which specific actions are indicated for a series of obstacles in order to avoid possible spread of exotic invasive species.
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action A3 (year 2016).
C1 Making a native fish resource stock in the Centro Ictiológico de Galisancho.
This action aims to obtain in the Centro Ictiológico de Galisancho a line of captive breeding of the target species that generates a population stock. This stock allows the maintenance of these populations both in the province of Salamanca and, in the future, in other locations of the Duero and Tajo basins. In addition, the conclusions obtained from this action will allow the replication of it and captive breeding of other cyprinids species in other places where they are also threatened.
This report clarifies the relationships existing between the various documents within the project.
This document contains general data about the reproducer collection campaign carried out in 2014-2015.
Report on the results of breeding in captivity obtained during the 2015 season.
Document indicating the tasks completed so far, with the objective of increasing the amount of information about the threats to the cyprinid species included in this project.
Initial document which includes the findings obtained from the initial sampling, as well as the possible proposals for action according to each of the species in the project. It includes the initial distribution of exotic invasive species found, as well as possible measures to prevent their spread.
Document which includes the technical visits made to other experimental breeding centres during 2014 and adjustments made in the Ichthyological Centre of Galisancho during 2015.
Report justifying not having carried out release of specimens during the first season of breeding.
This document contains general data about the reproducer collection campaign carried out in 2015-2016.
Document which includes the technical visits made to other experimental breeding centres during 2016and adjustments made in the Ichthyological Centre of Galisancho during 2016.
Report justifying not having carried out release of specimens during the second season of breeding.
Document indicating the tasks completed so far, with the objective of increasing the amount of information about the threats to the cyprinid species included in this project. It includes justification for carrying out a phylogeographic study and a study of the genetic variability of the endemic species in the Iberian Peninsula with the Life Cipríber framework.
Document which includes the technical visits made to other experimental breeding centres during the last months of 2016and adjustments made in the Ichthyological Centre of Galisancho during 2016-2017.
Compendium report on the releases/repopulation with specimens from captive breeding in the Ichthyological Centre of Galisancho.
Report on the results of breeding in captivity in Galisancho during the 2016 campaign.
This document contains general data about the reproducer collection campaign carried out in 2016-2017.
Report justifying the introduction of species bred in captivity in specific areas called “reservoirs”.
Action C2 is based on the preparation of an action plan against the invasive species found in the fish samplings carried out in the preparatory actions. This protocol considers data of detected species and abundance degree, location and extension of them, relation with the distribution of the most threatened fish species, ad so on. It also sets the ways of acting to work on these species.
Specific action protocol for dealing with exotic invasive species found in the warning system through fish sampling.
These actions are intended to eliminate discontinuities or obstacles that prevent the passage of the fish species under study. In order to do this, the obstacle is either completely eliminated, or permeabilized by performing some type of work or adaptation. Based on the previous study of action A.3, a list of obstacles according to their condition and administrative situation has been obtained, as well as a proposal for solutions to be implemented throughout LIFE +. In the first stage, 20 fish ramps are being built in the Duero basin and 3 total demolitions of weirs are being made in the Tajo river basin In addition, more actions will be added in a second stage.
Document which indicates the permeation procedures finally selected for the development of a series of obstacles located in the Duero and Tagus river basins, after the application of a series of selection criteria (location within the project SCIs, action against invasive species, improvement of river connectivity, etc.).
Document summarising Bidding Conditions entitled: “Permeation procedures on obstacles and communication in the Project Life Cipríber”, drawn up for the Duero river basin.
Document summarising Bidding Conditions entitled: “Permeation procedures on priority obstacles in the area of Life Cipríber, in river channels in the province of Salamanca belonging to the Tagus river basin: Guidelines for the elimination of barriers and habitat restoration”, drawn up for the Tagus river basin.
Compendium report which presents justifications for the suitability of the methodological adjustment to be carried out in the project as a result of the proliferation of invasive species in the area of the project.
Restoration, by means of channel morphological adaptation and application of improvement silvicultural treatments, and restoration of the riverside forest, of those locations where works have been carried out either on the demolition of obstacles or on the installation of fish passage mechanisms (Actions C3 and C4). Thus, increasing their naturalness and improving conditions for their ecological status.
This action aims to generate a “Water Management Plan” and a “Fish species Management Plan” which include the description of pressures, identification of protected areas, environmental objectives, measures program, monitoring and public participation, and volunteering in rivers program. With this information, another series of programs and plans can be proposed collecting specific indications for the species of the project.
Sampling for monitoring fish communities and the status of water bodies throughout the duration of the project. These samplings will assess the progression of invasive alien species, as well as the status and evolution of natural fish communities and the success of reintroductions and breeding. Samplings and their respective reports will be made annually.
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action D1 (year 2016).
Characterisation and monitoring of the ecological status of bodies of water on stretches of rivers that run through the active project area, in the hydrological basins of the Duero and the Tagus, belonging to the Cipríber zone (Data 2016).
This document includes the results of fish sampling carried out during spring and autumn of 2017, in order to compare before and after completion of permeation works on the obstacles.
Through the preparatory studies carried out in Actions A, it was shown that both the extent and the number of invasive species presented in the project area was much higher than the initially considered. This action is intended to monitor the progress of alien species through the collection of data from the removals done in the different project samplings.
Document summarising the sampling carried out in a stretch of the river Huebra located between the Jumillano reservoir and the Yecla de Yeltes reservoir, with the objective of avoiding the spread of invasive species by means of permeation procedures at the weirs to be undertaken during the first phase of procedures.
Evaluation of obstacles permeabilization measures made for the improvement of water bodies connectivity and for improving the movement of fish species along the intervened section. For this, markings will be made on the reintroduced specimens and other wild fish, completed by periodic sampling and annual data collection.
Document outlining the work in environmental monitoring to be developed during the work procedures to be undertaken.
Monitoring restoration actions of the work areas. Compilation of biological and physicochemical water parameters, as well as characterization of the state of riparian vegetation.
Through this action, monitoring and assessment of project actions is carried out. To this end, indicators and periodic task controls have been established. These elements serve to evaluate the degree of development and compliance of the actions in relation to the established plan.
Document describing the monitoring and supervision model for the completion of the planned actions in the project.
This action quantifies the economic and social impact of the project actions, identifying the affected social actors, the initial state, the ecosystem services affected and the degree of improvement in them after the project implementation.
Preliminary work carried out to determine the methodology to be followed in the study of the Ecosystem Services provided by the project.
E1 Communication, awareness, disclosure and information plan .
General framework in which all the information and communication actions are enclosed, following the criteria established by the LIFE program. It sets the corporate image and the means and objectives to be achieved in this matter, over the duration of the project and once it ends.
Document indicating the requirements that the LIFE program will have regarding communication, awareness, dissemination and information, (actions E1 and E9) after analysis of the environmental and social context in which the project is located. Undertaking of an analysis of communicative processes associated with the project (internal and external communication).
Report including the guidelines followed to separate the actions corresponding to action E1 and action E9.
Informative panels at project worksites and development centres (See action E2).
Placement of different information panels about the project actions and the issues addressed in it, in the location of works and in other related strategic places in which there is a remarkable traffic of people.
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action E2 (2016).
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action E2 (Continuation year 2016).
Monitoring report of the tasks carried out in relation to action E2 (2018).
Creation of the project website that allows to publicize the project and update and extend information putting it into knowledge of any interested person. In addition to this website, several profiles are enabled in social networks that act as a Participation Forum, allowing bilateral communication.
Compendium report of the study and analysis of the interactions occurring between the Cipríber project and its visitors during the years 2014 to 2016.
Organization of seminars and technical visits to the Centro Ictiológico de Galisancho, focused on the project, tasks and protocols for captive breeding of the cyprinids species on which they are working, to technicians and administrations, research staff, etc.
Report summarising the Congress on River Restoration Projects Monitoring held in Valladolid on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of June 2015.
Report on the longitudinal connectivity and evaluation of fish passability conference held in El Barco de Avila on 6th and 7th October 2016.
Visit to the fish hatchery in Vegas del Guadiana (Badajoz), from the 21st to the 24th of March 2017.
Longitudinal Connectivity and Evaluation of Fish Passability Conference (El Barco de Avila, on 6th and 7th October 2016).
Preparation of audiovisual content in video format that documents the project actions, as well as the importance of the cyprinids species and their problems, captive breeding and loose operations and other related activities.
Creation of summary documents in paper format to publicize the project, related events related, and its results, to different groups and at different stages of the project development.
Compilation of the information generated from the projects actions in technical publications such as press releases, technical dossier and manuals that inform the scientific and technical community of the methodologies and results obtained.
Compilation and dissemination of the results obtained in the project once it finishes. It will be presented both in Spanish and English.
The Layman’s Report aims to share the results obtained once the project is completed.
Planning of the different actions, tasks, interest groups, media, etc. through which an awareness about endemic cyprinids species of the province of Salamanca is aimed to achieve, as well as the importance of rivers and the magnitude of problem to which rivers are subjected, among the population.
Relationship with other LIFE projects of similar characteristics and other organizations of different types that may be related to the tasks carried out in the project.
Creation of a Management Committee, formed by project partners, and a Technical Committee, formed by experts and specialists in matters related to the project. These committees have the aim to guide project actions and establish tasks and responsibilities needed for the proper functioning and the achievement of the objectives proposed in the term and with the means indicated. | 2019-04-25T14:47:32Z | https://cipriber.eu/en/ |
Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are the environments used to define apps that run in macOS, iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. The keys associated with the Cocoa environments provide support for Interface Builder nib files and provide support for other user-facing features vended by your bundle.
Cocoa keys use the prefix NS to distinguish them from other keys. For information about developing Cocoa Touch apps for iOS, see App Programming Guide for iOS. For information about developing Cocoa apps for macOS, see Cocoa Fundamentals Guide.
Table 1 contains an alphabetical listing of Cocoa keys, the corresponding name for that key in the Xcode property list editor, a high-level description of each key, and the platforms on which you use it. Detailed information about each key is available in later sections.
Specifies the types of game controllers allowed or required for your app. See GCSupportedGameControllers for details.
Specifies that the physical Apple TV Remote and the Apple TV Remote app should operate as separate game controllers. See GCSupportsMultipleMicroGamepads for details.
Specifies whether your app is badged. See GKGameCenterBadgingDisabled for details.
Specifies whether banners are shown within an app. See GKShowChallengeBannersfor details.
Enables testing of per-app VPN app extensions without using an MDM server. See NETestAppMapping for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to use the device’s NFC reader. See NFCReaderUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to use the media library. See NSAppleMusicUsageDescription for details.
Specifies whether AppleScript is enabled. See NSAppleScriptEnabled for details.
Specifies changes to the default strong security for HTTP connections in iOS and macOS apps and app extensions. See NSAppTransportSecurity for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to use Bluetooth. See NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s calendars. See NSCalendarsUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the device’s camera. See NSCameraUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s contacts. See NSContactsUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the name of app’s Dock tile plug-in, if present. See NSDockTilePlugIn for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to use Face ID. See NSFaceIDUsageDescription for details.
Specifies text that provides justification for accessing a user’s clinical health records. See NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription for details.
Specifies an array of HealthKit type identifiers. See NSHealthRequiredReadAuthorizationTypeIdentifier for details.
Specifies an array of HealthKit type identifiers. See NSHealthRequiredWriteAuthorizationTypeIdentifiers for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to read the user’s health data. See NSHealthShareUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to make changes to the user’s health data. See NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s HomeKit configuration data. See NSHomeKitUsageDescription for details.
(Localizable) Specifies the copyright notice for the bundle. See NSHumanReadableCopyright for details.
This key replaces the obsolete CFBundleGetInfoString key.
Specifies whether the program requires a running Java VM. See NSJavaNeeded for details.
An array of paths to classes whose components are preceded by NSJavaRoot. See NSJavaPath for details.
The root directory containing the java classes. See NSJavaRoot for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s location information at all times. See NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription for details.
Unused. Use NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription or NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription instead.
iOS 6.0 and later, OS X v10.9 and later. Unused in iOS 8 and later.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s location information while your app is in use. See NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription for details.
The name of an app’s main nib file. See NSMainNibFile for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access any of the device’s microphones. See NSMicrophoneUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the device’s accelerometer. See NSMotionUsageDescription for details.
The type of Core Data persistent store associated with a persistent document type. See NSPersistentStoreTypeKey for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to get write-only access to the user’s photo library. See NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s photo library. See NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription for details.
The name of an image file resource used to represent a preference pane in the System Preferences app. See NSPrefPaneIconFile for details.
The name of a preference pane displayed beneath the preference pane icon in the System Preferences app. See NSPrefPaneIconLabel for details.
The name of the bundle’s main class. See NSPrincipalClass for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s reminders. See NSRemindersUsageDescription for details.
An array of dictionaries specifying the services provided by an app. See NSServices for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to send user data to Siri. See NSSiriUsageDescription for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to send user data to Apple’s speech recognition servers. See NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription for details.
Specifies whether the app may be killed to reclaim memory. See NSSupportsAutomaticTermination for details.
Declares that the app can depend on nonlocal storage for user data. See NSSupportsPurgeableLocalStorage for details.
Specifies whether the app may be killed to allow for faster shut down or log out operations. See NSSupportsSuddenTermination for details.
Specifies the iCloud Drive settings for each container. See NSUbiquitousContainers for details.
Specifies whether the iCloud Drive should share the contents of this container. See NSUbiquitousContainerIsDocumentScopePublic for details.
Specifies the name that the iCloud Drive displays for your container. See NSUbiquitousContainerName for details.
Specifies the maximum number of folder levels inside your container’s Documents directory. See NSUbiquitousContainerSupportedFolderLevels for details.
Specifies the mobile document data that the app can view. See NSUbiquitousDisplaySet for details.
Specifies the user activity types that the app supports. See NSUserActivityTypes for details.
Specifies whether the notification style should be banner, alert, or none. The default value is banner, which is the recommended style. See NSUserNotificationAlertStyle for details.
Specifies the reason for your app to access the user’s TV provider account. See NSVideoSubscriberAccountUsageDescription for details.
An array of dictionaries specifying the UTI-based types supported (and owned) by the app. See UTExportedTypeDeclarations for details.
An array of dictionaries specifying the UTI-based types supported (but not owned) by the app. See UTImportedTypeDeclarations for details.
GCSupportedGameControllers (array (dictionary (string : string)) - tvOS, iOS, and macOS) Optional key, used only during the App Store submission process, that specifies the types of game controllers allowed or required for your app.
Gamepad - Specifies the standard gamepad, supported in iOS 7.0 and later only, corresponding to a formfitting controller for an iOS device with a limited set of controls. Used with the GCGamepad class.
ExtendedGamepad - Specifies the extended gamepad, supported in tvOS 9.0 and later, iOS 7.0 and later, macOS 10.9 and later, and corresponding to either a formfitting controller for an iOS device or a standalone controller for iOS, macOS, or tvOS with an extended set of controls. Used with the GCExtendedGamepad class.
MicroGamepad - Specifies the micro gamepad, supported in tvOS 9.0 and later, and corresponding to a Siri Remote or the Apple TV Remote app running on a connected iOS device. Used with the GCMicroGamepad class.
Supported in tvOS 9.0 and later, iOS 7.0 and later, macOS v10.9 and later.
GCSupportsMultipleMicroGamepads (Boolean - tvOS). Specifies that the Apple TV Siri Remote and devices running the Apple TV Remote app should each operate as a discrete game controller. Default value is NO, indicating that input from all connected remotes is unified.
Specifically, in a Game Controller framework-based tvOS app that uses a value of NO for this key, all connected remotes are routed to a single GCController object in your app. When a user presses the A button on the Siri Remote, for example, the same in-app action is invoked as if they had pressed the A button on any connected Apple TV Remote app on a device.
If you instead specify a value of YES for this key, your tvOS app employs an independent GCController object for each connected remote.
Supported in tvOS 10.0 and later.
GKGameCenterBadgingDisabled (Boolean - iOS). This key determines if badges are added to your turn based app icon. Set the value of this key to YES to opt out of badging. Defaults to NO.
GKShowChallengeBanners (Boolean - iOS). This key determines if challenge banners are displayed within an app. Set the value of this key to YES to show challenge banners in the app. Set the value to NO to suppress challenge-related banners.
NETestAppMapping (Dictionary - iOS, macOS) Use this key only during development and testing to help you create a per-app VPN app extension. By using this key, you can test per-app VPN communication without the use of a mobile device management (MDM) server. For more information, refer to NETunnelProviderManager Class Reference.
Important: The NETestAppMapping key can be used only to create app rules in apps that are signed with a Development provisioning profile. In an app signed with a Distribution provisioning profile, this key has no effect. In addition, the App Store rejects any app with this key defined in its Info.plist file.
NFCReaderUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the device’s NFC reader.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app that links on or after iOS 11 and that accesses the device’s NFC reader must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NFCReaderUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the NFC reader without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 11 and later.
NSAppleMusicUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s media library. When the system prompts the user to allow access, the value that you provide for this key is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the media library, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSAppleMusicUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the media library without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 10 and later and in macOS 10.12 and later.
NSAppleScriptEnabled (Boolean or String - macOS). This key identifies whether the app is scriptable. Set the value of this key to YES (when typed as Boolean) or "YES" (when typed as String) if your app supports AppleScript.
NSAppTransportSecurity (Dictionary - iOS, macOS) Use this key to describe your app’s intended HTTP connection behavior if you require exceptions from best security practices or you want to enable new security features.
On Apple platforms, a networking security feature called App Transport Security (ATS) is available to apps and app extensions, and is enabled by default. It improves privacy and data integrity by ensuring your app’s network connections employ only industry-standard protocols and ciphers without known weaknesses. This helps instill user trust that your app does not accidentally leak transmitted data to malicious parties.
The NSAppTransportSecurity key is supported in iOS 9.0 and later and in macOS 10.11 and later, and is available in both apps and app extensions.
Note: There are two “allows arbitrary loads” keys and they employ different naming patterns. Take care to use …ForMedia and …InWebContent correctly.
App Transport Security (ATS) is enabled by default for apps linked against the iOS 9.0 or macOS 10.11 SDKs or later, as indicated by the default Boolean value of NO for the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key. This key is at the root level of the NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary.
With ATS enabled, HTTP connections must use HTTPS (RFC 2818). Attempts to connect using insecure HTTP fail. ATS employs the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol version 1.2 (RFC 5246). For background on secure Internet connections, read HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation.
The NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary structure expresses two levels of configuration. At the primary level are keys to configure ATS protections for your app’s network connections in general. Also at this level is the NSExceptionDomains key; this key lets you opt in to custom configuration for named domains, relative to ATS defaults, as needed.
If set to YES, disables all ATS restrictions for all network connections, apart from the connections to domains that you configure individually in the optional NSExceptionDomains dictionary. Default value is NO.
Note: Setting this key’s value to YES triggers App Store review and requires justification.
If set to YES, disables all ATS restrictions for media that your app loads using the AV Foundation framework. Employ this key only for loading media that are already encrypted, such as files protected by FairPlay or by secure HLS, and that do not contain personalized information. Default value is NO.
If set to YES, disables all ATS restrictions for requests made from web views. This lets your app use an embedded browser that can display arbitrary content, without disabling ATS for the rest of your app. Default value is NO.
If set to YES, allows loading of local resources without disabling ATS for the rest of your app. Default value is NO.
Optionally include this dictionary to configure ATS for one or more named domains.
If you add this key to your NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary, any domains you then name within the dictionary obtain the default, full ATS protections—irrespective of the value you set for the global NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key. Subkeys of a domain-name key then let you alter that domain’s ATS protections from its defaults.
Read important, detailed information on the preceding primary keys in Table 2.
For example, if you’ve added NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsForMedia key for your app in general, domains named in the exception domains dictionary do not allow arbitrary media loading.
You can also increase a named domain’s protections by requiring Certificate Transparency (see Certificate Transparency).
If set to YES, applies a named domain’s ATS configuration to all of its subdomains. Default value is NO.
If set to YES, allows insecure HTTP loads for the named domain, but does not change Transport Layer Security (TLS) requirements and does not affect HTTPS loads for the named domain. Default value is NO.
Specifies the minimum TLS version for network connections for the named domain, allowing connection using an older, less secure version of Transport Layer Security.
Note: Use of this key triggers App Store review and requires justification.
If set to NO, allows TLS ciphers, for the named domain, that do not support perfect forward secrecy (PFS). Default value is YES.
If set to YES, requires valid, signed Certificate Transparency timestamps for server certificates for the named domain. Default value is NO.
Read important, detailed information on the preceding NSExceptionDomains keys in Table 3.
App Transport Security (ATS) is enforced by the NSURLSession class and all APIs that use it. ATS is automatically enabled when you link your app against the iOS 9.0 SDK or later or against the macOS 10.11 SDK or later. (The older NSURLConnection class also enforces ATS when you link against the iOS 9.0 SDK or later or against the macOS 10.11 SDK or later.) ATS protections are not available when using lower-level networking APIs provided by Apple, or when using third-party networking libraries.
Note: Consider risks carefully before opting to use lower-level networking APIs provided by Apple, or opting to use third-party networking libraries. Such approaches lose App Transport Security protections, putting your app and your user’s data at risk.
ATS is not available on operating systems older than iOS 9.0 or macOS 10.11; those older operating systems ignore the NSAppTransportSecurity key. When ATS is not available, the system still provides standard HTTPS security and performs server trust evaluation per RFC 2818.
If you link your app against an SDK for an operating system older than iOS 9.0 or macOS 10.11, your Internet connections continue to work but ATS is disabled, no matter which version of operating system your app is running on.
To connect to an unqualified host name or to a .local domain, you must set the value of the NSAllowsLocalNetworking key to YES.
Note: Although ATS is unenforced for connection to local hosts, Apple strongly recommends using Transport Layer Security (TLS) for any local connection, along with the use of a self-signed certificate to validate the local IP address.
The requirements listed in this section are current as of this document’s publication date, with stricter requirements possible in the future. Changes to these requirements will not break app binary compatibility.
Certificate Transparency employs logging of X.509 certificates, using cryptographic assurance and in a manner that can be publicly audited. This system facilitates identifying certificates that were mistakenly or maliciously issued. App Transport Security lets you configure your app to require Certificate Transparency (CT) for specific, named domains. Before such a domain can connect with your app, it must prove to the system that its X.509 digital certificate is present in at least two CT logs trusted by Apple.
Enabling Certificate Transparency does not eliminate the need for your app to revoke invalid certificates and to refuse connections that employ them. To support certificate checking and revocation, use Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) stapling, specified in RFC6066.
For details on Certificate Transparency, see certificate-transparency.org.
If ATS is enabled for a domain, you cannot loosen the system’s HTTPS server trust evaluation requirements.
If ATS is not enabled for a domain, the system nonetheless performs HTTPS server trust evaluation, but you can loosen this requirement as described in HTTPS Server Trust Evaluation.
Whether or not ATS is enabled for a domain, you can tighten trust evaluation requirements, such as by implementing certificate pinning.
Version-specific ATS behavior: In a current operating system, the presence of a fine-grained transport security key (NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsForMedia, NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent, or NSAllowsLocalNetworking) overrides the value of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to NO. This allows you to set NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to YES if needed for your app in older operating systems, without disabling ATS generally in current operating systems.
Start by supporting your users who are running current versions of the operating system, by ensuring they enjoy maximum ATS protections. Do this by requesting only the minimal, specific exceptions needed by your app. For example, if your app needs access to local resources, set the value of the NSAllowsLocalNetworking key to YES.
Next, support your users who are running older versions of the operating system, by taking advantage of the special behavior of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key. Do this by setting the value of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES as well.
Now, when your app runs in an older operating system that does not support fine-grained ATS exceptions, your networking features work because you have set the value of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key to YES. ATS is then disabled for these users, thereby allowing access, in this example, to local resources.
When your app runs in a current operating system, the specific exception keys are available and your settings for them are respected. General ATS protections remain enabled for your app because the effective value of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key, due to its special behavior described in this section, is NO.
When submitting your app to the App Store, provide sufficient information for the App Store to determine why your app cannot make secure connections by default.
Table 2 shows the primary keys within the NSAppTransportSecurity dictionary for describing your app’s intended network behavior. For the sub-keys associated with the NSExceptionDomains dictionary, see Table 3.
An optional Boolean value that, when set to YES, disables App Transport Security (ATS) for all domains for which you do not explicitly reenable ATS by using an exception domain dictionary (as specified using the NSExceptionDomains key).
Use of this key triggers App Store review and requires justification.
Enable this key for cases where your app allows the user to specify connection to an arbitrary URL.
Enabling this key can also be useful for debugging and development.
NOTE Disabling ATS allows connection regardless of HTTP or HTTPS configuration, allows connection to servers with lower Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions, and allows connection using cipher suites that do not support perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
This key’s default value of NO results in default ATS behavior for all connections except those for which you have specified an exception domain dictionary (see Table 3).
An optional Boolean value that, when set to YES, disables all App Transport Security restrictions for media loaded using APIs from the AV Foundation framework, as described in AV Foundation Framework Reference.
Employ this key only for loading media that are already encrypted, such as files protected by FairPlay or by secure HLS, and that do not contain personalized information.
If you add this key to your Info.plist file, then, irrespective of the value of the key, ATS ignores the value of the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads key, instead using that key’s default value of NO.
Available starting in iOS 10.0 and macOS 10.12.
Set this key’s value to YES to obtain exemption from ATS policies in your app’s web views, without affecting the ATS-mandated security of your NSURLSession connections.
To support older versions of iOS and macOS, you can employ this key and still manually configure ATS. To do so, set this key’s value to YES and also configure the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads subkeys.
An optional dictionary of ATS exceptions for specific domains. Each value in the dictionary is itself a dictionary, and describes a domain-specific network connection configuration exception.
Must not end with a trailing dot, unless you only want to match a domain string with a trailing dot. For example, example.com. (with a trailing dot) matches “example.com.” but not “example.com”. Similarly, example.com matches “example.com” but not “example.com.”.
For details on configuring an exception domain dictionary, see Table 3.
Table 3 shows the keys for describing server-specific exceptions to your app’s overall intended network behavior.
An optional Boolean value that, when set to YES, applies the NSExceptionDomains ATS exceptions to all subdomains (of the domain whose name is the top-level key in the NSExceptionDomains dictionary).
An optional Boolean value that, when set to YES, requires that valid, signed Certificate Transparency (CT) timestamps, from known CT logs, be presented for server (X.509) certificates on a domain.
An optional Boolean value that, when set to YES, allows insecure HTTP loads but does not change Transport Layer Security (TLS) requirements. Use this key to describe your app’s intended connection behavior for a domain whose security attributes you have control over.
With this key’s value set to YES, your app can make secure connections to a secure server but can also connect insecurely to a server with no certificate, or a self-signed, expired, or host-name-mismatched certificate.
In some cases you need to use other exception-dictionary keys along with this one to establish connection. For example, to connect to an HTTPS server that uses a self-signed certificate and a TLS version lower than 1.2, set the NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads value to YES and also set an appropriate value for the NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion key.
An optional Boolean value for overriding the requirement that a server support perfect forward secrecy (PFS). Use this key to describe your app’s intended connection behavior for a domain whose security attributes you have control over.
Default value is YES, which limits the accepted ciphers to those listed in ATS Configuration Basics.
An optional string value that specifies the minimum Transport Layer Security (TLS) version for network connections. Use this key to describe your app’s intended connection behavior for a domain whose security attributes you have control over.
This section shows how to specify some common networking behaviors using the NSAppTransportSecurity key.
Avoid this connection type if possible.
If your app is a web browser, or otherwise allows a user to enter an arbitrary URL, your app must be able to load resources from anywhere. In such a scenario, your app should still use ATS when communicating with servers whose security attributes you control, such as your update server.
If connection continues to work with this configuration, it is likely that the problem lies with the specific domain named in your NSExceptionDomains dictionary.
Once you have pinpointed the server at blame for the connection problem, proceed with step 3.
Use the TLSTool sample code project to investigate the details of the TLS version, server certificate, and cipher suite the problematic server is using.
If the new information you’ve gathered allows you to reconfigure the server to support ATS, do so.
If you are unable to reconfigure the server, use the information you’ve gathered using the TLSTool app to define an appropriate NSExceptionDomains dictionary for that server.
For more information about using this environment variable, read CFNetwork Diagnostic Logging. For help interpreting error codes, read Security Framework Error Codes.
In macOS 10.11 and later, you can use the /usr/bin/nscurl tool to help diagnose connection issues due to App Transport Security.
The --ats-diagnostics option tries to connect with the specified URL using different combinations of values for the NSAllowsArbitraryLoads, NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion, NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy, and NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads keys shown in Table 3. A summary of the results is printed to the command line.
URL. The URL for the host. This is required.
verbose. Specifying this option includes more information for each connection attempt including the keys and associated values used.
Listing 1 shows partial output of diagnosing a connection to https://apple.com.
Configuring ATS Info.plist keys and displaying the result of HTTPS loads to https://apple.com.
Listing 2 shows partial output when using the--verbose option. The two main differences are showing the values of the keys from Info.plist from lines 10 to 17, and a longer error result shown on line 19.
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app uses Bluetooth. When the system prompts the user to allow usage, the value that you provide for this key is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the Bluetooth interface, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the Bluetooth interface without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 6.0 and later.
NSCalendarsUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s calendars. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s calendars, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSCalendarsUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s calendars without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSCameraUsageDescription (String - iOS) describes the reason that the app (including an iMessage app) accesses the device’s camera. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the device’s camera, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSCameraUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the device’s camera without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 7.0 and later.
NSContactsUsageDescription (String - iOS) The key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s contacts. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s contacts, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSContactsUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s contacts without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSDockTilePlugIn (String - macOS). This key contains the name of a plug-in bundle with the .docktileplugin filename extension and residing in the app’s Contents/PlugIns directory. The bundle must contain the Dock tile plug-in for the app. For information about creating a Dock tile plug-in, see Dock Tile Programming Guide.
NSFaceIDUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app uses Face ID.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app that links on or after iOS 11 and that would access Face ID if the hardware supports it, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSFaceIDUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access Face ID without a corresponding purpose string, your app may exit.
NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key contains a string that is displayed in an authorization prompt when your app requests access to the user’s clinical records. This string should provide justification for accessing these records.
This key is supported in iOS 12.0 and later.
NSHealthRequiredReadAuthorizationTypeIdentifier (Array - iOS). This key must contain an array of three or more HealthKit type identifiers. If the user does not authorize permission for all the required types, authorization fails with a HKErrorRequiredAuthorizationDenied error.
NSHealthRequiredWriteAuthorizationTypeIdentifiers (Array - iOS). This key must contain an array of three or more HealthKit type identifiers. If the user does not authorize permission for all the required types, authorization fails with a HKErrorRequiredAuthorizationDenied error.
NSHealthShareUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app reads the user’s health data. The system prompts the user to allow access when you call the requestAuthorizationToShareTypes:readTypes:completion: method, and this string is displayed as part of the alert. For more information, read HKHealthStore Class Reference and Setting Up HealthKit. This string is localizable.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that reads the user’s health data, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSHealthShareUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to read the user’s health data without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 8.0 and later.
NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription (String - iOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app makes changes to the user’s health data. The system prompts the user to allow access when you call the requestAuthorizationToShareTypes:readTypes:completion: method, and this string is displayed as part of the alert. For more information, read HKHealthStore Class Reference and Setting Up HealthKit. This string is localizable.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that reads the user’s health data, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to change the user’s health data without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSHomeKitUsageDescription (String - iOS, watchOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app access the user’s HomeKit configuration data. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses user’s HomeKit configuration data, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSHomeKitUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to change the user’s HomeKit configuration data without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSHumanReadableCopyright (String - macOS). This key contains a string with the copyright notice for the bundle; for example, © 2016, My Company. You can load this string and display it in an About dialog box. The system uses this string in the app’s Info window in Finder.
This key can be localized by including it in your InfoPlist.strings files.
NSJavaNeeded (Boolean or String - macOS). This key specifies whether the Java VM must be loaded and started up prior to executing the bundle code. This key is required only for Cocoa Java apps to tell the system to launch the Java environment. If you are writing a pure Java app, do not include this key.
You can also specify a string type with the value “YES” instead of a Boolean value if desired.
Deprecated in OS X v10.5.
NSJavaPath (Array - macOS). This key contains an array of paths. Each path points to a Java class. The path can be either an absolute path or a relative path from the location specified by the key NSJavaRoot. The development environment (or, specifically, its jamfiles) automatically maintains the values in the array.
NSJavaRoot (String - macOS). This key contains a string identifying a directory. This directory represents the root directory of the app’s Java class files.
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s location information at all times. Include this key when your app uses location services in a potentially nonobvious way while running in the foreground or the background. For example, a social app might include this key when it uses location information to track the user’s location and display other users that are nearby. In this case, the fact that the app is tracking the user’s location might not be readily apparent. The system includes the value of this key in the alert panel displayed to the user when requesting permission to use location services.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s location information, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s location information without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is required when you use the requestAlwaysAuthorization method of the CLLocationManager class to request authorization for location services. If this key is not present and you call the requestAlwaysAuthorization method, the system ignores your request and prevents your app from using location services.
NSLocationUsageDescription (String - iOS) Unused in iOS 8 and later. If you link your app on or after iOS 8, use the NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key instead.
This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s location information. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert panel.
This key is supported in iOS 6.0 through iOS 7. This key is ignored in iOS 8 and later.
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s location information while your app runs in the foreground and otherwise when in use. Include this key when your app uses location services to track the user’s current location directly. This key does not support using location services to monitor regions or monitor the user’s location using the significant location change service. The system includes the value of this key in the alert panel displayed to the user when requesting permission to use location services.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s location information, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s location information without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is required when you use the requestWhenInUseAuthorization method of the CLLocationManager class to request authorization for location services. If the key is not present when you call the requestWhenInUseAuthorization method without including this key, the system ignores your request.
NSMainNibFile (String - iOS, macOS). This key contains a string with the name of the app’s main nib file (minus the .nib extension). A nib file is an Interface Builder archive containing the description of a user interface along with any connections between the objects of that interface. The main nib file is automatically loaded when an app is launched.
This key is mutually exclusive with the UIMainStoryboardFile key. You should include one of the keys in your Info.plist file but not both.
NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app (including an iMessage app) accesses any of the device’s microphones. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses any of the device’s microphones, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access any of the device’s microphones without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSMotionUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the device’s accelerometer. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the device’s accelerometer, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSMotionUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the device’s accelerometer without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSPersistentStoreTypeKey (String - macOS). This key contains a string that specifies the type of Core Data persistent store associated with a document type (see CFBundleDocumentTypes).
NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app seeks write-only access to the user’s photo library. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s photo library, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key (in apps that link on or after iOS 11) or NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for the key. If your app attempts to access the user’s photo library without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key is supported in iOS 11.0 and later.
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s photo library. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Although this keys governs read and write access to the user’s photo library, it’s best to use NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription if your app needs only to add assets to the library and does not need to read any assets.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s photo library, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s photo library without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSPrefPaneIconFile (String - macOS). This key contains a string with the name of an image file (including extension) containing the preference pane’s icon. This key should only be used by preference pane bundles. The image file should contain an icon 32 by 32 pixels in size. If this key is omitted, the System Preferences app looks for the image file using the CFBundleIconFile key instead.
NSPrefPaneIconLabel (String - macOS). This key contains a string with the name of a preference pane. This string is displayed below the preference pane’s icon in the System Preferences app. You can split long names onto two lines by including a newline character (‘\n’) in the string. If this key is omitted, the System Preferences app gets the name from the CFBundleName key.
This key can be localized and included in the InfoPlist.strings files of a bundle.
NSPrincipalClass (String - macOS). This key contains a string with the name of a bundle’s principal class. This key is used to identify the entry point for dynamically loaded code, such as plug-ins and other dynamically-loaded bundles. The principal class of a bundle typically controls all other classes in the bundle and mediates between those classes and any classes outside the bundle. The class identified by this value can be retrieved using the principalClass method of NSBundle. For Cocoa apps, the value for this key is NSApplication by default.
NSRemindersUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app accesses the user’s reminders. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses the user’s reminders, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSRemindersUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s reminders without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
This key specifies the name of the port your app monitors for incoming service requests. Its value depends on how the service provider app is registered. In most cases, this is the app name. For more information, see Services Implementation Guide.
This key specifies the name of the instance method to invoke for the service. In Objective-C, the instance method must be of the form messageName:userData:error:. In Java, the instance method must be of the form messageName(NSPasteBoard,String).
This key specifies an array of strings. Each string should contain a UTI defining a supported file type. Only UTI types are allowed; pasteboard types are not permitted. To specify pasteboard types, continue to use the NSSendTypes key.
By assigning a value to this key, your service declares that it can operate on files whose type conforms to one or more of the given file types. Your service will receive a pasteboard from which you can read file URLs.
Available in OS X v10.6 and later. For information on UTIs, see Uniform Type Identifiers Overview.
This key specifies an optional array of data type names that can be read by the service. The NSPasteboard class description lists several common data types. You must include this key, the NSReturnTypes key, or both.
In OS X v10.5 and earlier, this key is required. In OS X v10.6 and later, you should use the NSSendFileTypes key instead.
This key specifies a description of your service that is suitable for presentation to users. This description string may be long to give users adequate information about your service.
To localize the menu item text, create a ServicesMenu.strings file for each localization in your bundle. This strings file should contain this key along with the translated description string as its value. For more information about creating strings files, see Resource Programming Guide.
Available in OS X v10.6 and later.
This key specifies a dictionary with the conditions under which your service is made available to the user. Alternatively, you can specify an array of dictionaries, each of which contains a set of conditions for enabling your service.
See the discussion after this table for information about specifying the value of this key. Available in OS X v10.6 and later.
Specifying a value of YES for this key prevents the service from being invoked by a sandboxed app. You should set the value to YES if your service performs privileged or potentially dangerous operations that would allow a sandboxed app to escape its containment. For example, you should set it to YES if your service executes arbitrary files or text strings as scripts, reads or writes any file specified by a path, or retrieves the contents of an arbitrary URL from the network on behalf of the client of the service.
The default value for this key is false. Available in OS X v10.7 and later.
This key specifies an array of data type names that can be returned by the service. The NSPasteboard class description lists several common data types. You must include this key, the NSSendTypes key, or both.
This key contains a dictionary that specifies the text to add to the Services menu. The only key in the dictionary is called default and its value is the menu item text.
In OS X v10.5 and earlier, menu items must be unique. You can ensure a unique name by combining the app name with the command name and separating them with a slash character “/”. This effectively creates a submenu for your services. For example, Mail/Send would appear in the Services menu as a menu named Mail with an item named Send.
Submenus are not supported (or necessary) in OS X v10.6 and later. If you specify a slash character in OS X v10.6 and later, the slash and any text preceding it are discarded. Instead, services with the same name are disambiguated by adding the app name in parenthesis after the menu item text.
To localize the menu item text, create a ServicesMenu.strings file for each localization in your bundle. This strings file should contain the default key along with the translated menu item text as its value. For more information about creating strings files, see Resource Programming Guide.
This key is optional and contains a dictionary with the keyboard equivalent used to invoke the service menu command. Similar to NSMenuItem, the only key in the dictionary is called default and its value is a single character. Users invoke this keyboard equivalent by pressing the Command modifier key along with the character. The character is case sensitive, so you can assign different commands to the uppercase and lowercase versions of a character. To specify the uppercase character, the user must press the Shift key in addition to the other keys.
This key is an optional string that contains a value of your choice.
This key is an optional numerical string that indicates the number of milliseconds Services should wait for a response from the app providing a service when a response is required.
In OS X v10.6 and later, the NSRequiredContext key may contain a dictionary or an array of dictionaries describing the conditions under which the service appears in the Services menu. If you specify a single dictionary, all of the conditions in that dictionary must be met for the service to appear. If you specify an array of dictionaries, all of the conditions in only one of those dictionaries must be met for the service to appear. Each dictionary may contain one or more of the keys listed in Table 5. All keys in the dictionary are optional.
The value of this key is a string or an array of strings, each of which contains the bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier key) of an app. Your service appears only if the bundle ID of the current app matches one of the specified values.
The value of this key is a string or an array of strings, each of which contains a standard four-letter script tag, such as Latn or Cyrl. Your service appears only if the dominant script of the selected text matches one of the specified script values.
The value of this key is a string or an array of strings, each of which contains a BCP-47 tag indicating the language of the desired text. Your service appears if the overall language of the selected text matches one of the specified values.
Matching is performed using a prefix-matching scheme. For example, specifying the value en matches text whose full BCP-47 code is en-US, en-GB, or en-AU.
The value of this key is an integer indicating the maximum number of selected words on which the service can operate. For example, a service to look up a stock by ticker symbol might have a value of 1 because ticker symbols cannot contain spaces.
The value of this key is a string or an array of strings, each of which contains one of the following values: URL, Date, Address, Email, or FilePath. The service is displayed only if the selected text contains data of a corresponding type. For example, if the selected text contained an HTTP-based link, the service would be displayed if the value of this key were set to URL.
Note that all of the selected text is provided to the service-vending app, not just the parts found to contain the given data types.
For additional information about implementing services in your app, see Services Implementation Guide.
NSSiriUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app sends user data to Siri. The first time that your app explicitly requests access to Siri, the system displays this string as part of the alert. If the user’s first interaction with your app occurs in Siri itself, a default string may be used instead.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that accesses Siri, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSSiriUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access Siri without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription (String - iOS) This key lets you describe the reason your app sends user data to Apple’s speech recognition servers. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and that sends user data to Apple’s speech recognition servers, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to use Apple’s speech recognition service without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
NSSupportsAutomaticTermination (Boolean - macOS). This key contains a Boolean value that indicates whether the app supports automatic termination in OS X v10.7 and later. Automatic termination allows an app that is running to be terminated automatically by the system when certain conditions apply. Primarily, the app can be terminated when it is hidden or does not have any visible windows and is not currently being used. The system may terminate such an app in order to reclaim the memory used by the app.
An app may programmatically disable and reenable automatic termination support using the disableAutomaticTermination and enableAutomaticTermination methods of NSProcessInfo. The app might do this to prevent being terminated during a critical operation.
NSSupportsPurgeableLocalStorage (Boolean - iOS). This key contains a Boolean value that indicates whether the app is designed to work, without disruption to the user, with the local data container treated as a volatile cache by the system. The default value of this key is NO. If your app supports Shared iPad (a feature of iOS device management), set this key’s value to YES.
When set to YES, the system is enabled to purge local storage, at the system’s discretion, when the user is logged out.
User data stored in iCloud is automatically restored by the system, as needed.
Nonlocal user data that is not stored in iCloud must be restored explicitly, by your app, from the app’s non-iCloud service.
If your app uses only local storage and does not depend on its persistence (for example, a simple calculator app), you can declare support for Shared iPad by setting this key’s value to YES.
NSSupportsSuddenTermination (Boolean - macOS). This key contains a Boolean value that indicates whether the system may kill the app outright in order to log out or shut down more quickly. Use this key to specify whether the app can be killed immediately after launch. The app can still enable or disable sudden termination at runtime using the methods of the NSProcessInfo class. The default value of this key is NO.
NSUbiquitousContainers (Dictionary - iOS and macOS) Specifies the iCloud Drive settings for each container. This dictionary’s keys are the container identifiers for your app’s iCloud containers. The values are dictionaries containing the NSUbiquitousContainerIsDocumentScopePublic, NSUbiquitousContainerName and NSUbiquitousContainerSupportedFolderLevels entries for each container. You must specify the sharing permissions separately for each container.
NSUbiquitousContainerIsDocumentScopePublic (Boolean - iOS and macOS) Specifies whether the iCloud drive should share the contents of this container. Defaults to NO.
NSUbiquitousContainerName (String - iOS and macOS) Specifies the name that the iCloud Drive displays for your container. By default, the iCloud Drive will use the name of the bundle that owns the container.
The iCloud Drive only has access to the container’s Documents directory. Your app promises that it does not create any directories inside the Document’s directory. In macOS, the Finder prevents users from creating subdirectories inside your iCloud Drive directory.
The iCloud Drive has access to the container’s Documents directory and one additional layer of subdirectories. Your app promises that it only creates a single layer of directories inside the Documents directory. In macOS, the Finder prevents users from creating more than one layer of subdirectories inside your iCloud Drive directory.
The iCloud Drive has complete access to your container’s Documents directory. Both your app and the Finder can create as many layers of subdirectories as you (or the user) desire.
NSUbiquitousDisplaySet (String - iOS, macOS) contains the identifier string that you configured in iTunesConnect for managing your app’s storage. The assigned display set determines from which mobile data folder (in the user’s mobile account) the app retrieves its data files.
If you create multiple apps, you can use the same display set for your apps or assign different display sets to each. For example, if you create a “lite” version of your app, in addition to a full-featured version, you might use the same display set for both versions because they create and use the same basic data files. Each app should recognize the file types stored in its mobile data folder and be able to open them.
NSUserActivityTypes (Array of strings - iOS and macOS) Specifies the user activity types that the app supports. This key is valid in iOS 8 and macOS 10.10 and later.
NSUserNotificationAlertStyle (String - macOS) specifies the notification style the app should use. The default value, banner, is recommended; most apps should not need to use the alert style.
NSVideoSubscriberAccountUsageDescription (String - tvOS). This key lets you describe the reason your app access the user’s TV provider account. When the system prompts the user to allow access, this string is displayed as part of the alert.
Important: To protect user privacy, a tvOS app linked on or after tvOS 10.0, and that accesses user’s TV provider account, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSVideoSubscriberAccountUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s TV provider account without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.
UTExportedTypeDeclarations (Array - iOS, macOS) declares the uniform type identifiers (UTIs) owned and exported by the app. You use this key to declare your app’s custom data formats and associate them with UTIs. Exporting a list of UTIs is the preferred way to register your custom file types; however, Launch Services recognizes this key and its contents only in OS X v10.5 and later. This key is ignored on versions of OS X prior to version 10.5.
The value for the UTExportedTypeDeclarations key is an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a set of key-value pairs identifying the attributes of the type declaration. Table 6 lists the keys you can include in this dictionary along with the typical values they contain. These keys can also be included in array of dictionaries associated with the UTImportedTypeDeclarations key.
(Required) Contains an array of strings. Each string identifies a UTI to which this type conforms. These keys represent the parent categories to which your custom file format belongs. For example, a JPEG file type conforms to the public.image and public.data types. For a list of high-level types, see Uniform Type Identifiers Overview.
A user-readable description of this type. The string associated with this key may be localized in your bundle’s InfoPlist.strings files.
The name of the bundle icon resource to associate with this UTI. You should include this key only for types that your app exports. This file should have a .icns filename extension. You can create this file using the Icon Composer app that comes with Xcode Tools.
(Required) The UTI you want to assign to the type. This string uses the reverse-DNS format, whereby more generic types come first. For example, a custom format for your company would have the form com.<yourcompany>.<type>.<subtype>.
The URL for a reference document that describes this type.
(Required) A dictionary defining one or more equivalent type identifiers. The key-value pairs listed in this dictionary identify the filename extensions, MIME types, OSType codes, and pasteboard types that correspond to this type. For example, to specify filename extensions, you would use the key public.filename-extension and associate it with an array of strings containing the actual extensions. For more information about the keys for this dictionary, see Uniform Type Identifiers Overview.
The way you specify icon files in macOS and iOS is different because of the supported file formats on each platform. In iOS, each icon resource file is typically a PNG file that contains only one image. Therefore, it is necessary to specify different image files for different icon sizes. However, when specifying icons in macOS, you use an icon file (with extension .icns), which is capable of storing the icon at several different resolutions.
This key is supported in iOS 3.2 and later and in OS X v10.5 and later. For more information about UTIs and their use, see Uniform Type Identifiers Overview.
UTImportedTypeDeclarations (Array - iOS, macOS) declares the uniform type identifiers (UTIs) inherently supported (but not owned) by the app. You use this key to declare any supported types that your app recognizes and wants to ensure are recognized by Launch Services, regardless of whether the app that owns them is present. For example, you could use this key to specify a file format that is defined by another company but which your program can read and export.
The value for this key is an array of dictionaries and uses the same keys as those for the UTExportedTypeDeclarations key. For a list of these keys, see Table 6. | 2019-04-19T12:42:27Z | https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CocoaKeys.html?hl=fi |
Senator McCain spoke on the floor and echoed what we all know, politicians on both sides of the aisle are primarily interested in their own winning. This is not new. When I was in high school I wrote my first letter to the NY Times. It was a snarky response to Congress voting itself a pay raise. I also worked on the Hill when I was in college. There was less money in politics then and the media was not as focused on ratings and appealing to a certain base. Nonetheless, the business of Congress remained to get elected.
I admire the Senate Majority Leader’s ability to try to turn an extremely bad hand (most of it of his own making) into something that has an outside chance of passage. It will slightly please the President, whose sole focus seems to be about winning, or at least the appearance of winning, regardless of substance. For those in the House who he, like Obama, threw under the bus for their healthcare plans, it may salvage their need to be the party in Opposition, despite being the Governing Party. It is a nice trick, but it is beyond cynicism.
There are real healthcare issues that Americans face. Obamacare has not existed for years as the Republican Congress stripped a lot of the requisite funding from it, causing a number of insurers to fail (and later sue and win). This will continue on a regulatory basis in the cynical hope that there will be enough pain that the majority in Congress will be overlooked for failing to have a workable plan after 7+ years of griping. The Democrats for their part, while not invited to the dance, have sat on their hands and not established and promoted a plan to actually fix “Obamacare”. They too are playing for winning in 2018, regardless of the impact on their constituents. It is easy to be the Opposition party.
Congress and the President have very low public approval ratings except in their narrow gerrymandered districts. Americans across the spectrum of political interests would probably come together to support a law that would strip House Representatives and Senators (but not their staffs) of Federal health insurance that they receive. As they will likely move on to cut “entitlements”, they should also have their current pensions frozen and then prospectively terminated. Although there are many in Congress who are independently wealthy or whose spouses work in the government, lobby organizations or local business that offer employer group insurance, a message needs to be delivered that they are in the same shoes as their constituents when they change or take away benefits. This is not to discourage reform-but regulatory and fiscal. It is to rationalize it, and to make it less about winning.
In the meantime, I will have to go look for my high school letter to the NY Times. As Yogi Berra would say, it’s Deja Vu all over again.
Two events of my life linger with me. One is 9/11 and the other is the financial crisis of 2008. For the first I watched a plane bank over New York harbor and followed it all the way into Tower II. For the second I watched on TV, while I was on business in Zurich, Congress deciding whether to approve TARP. On the one hand I knew U.S. taxpayers were saving scoundrels. On the other hand I knew it had to be passed otherwise the world economy would plunge into a depression. Like many Americans I swallowed hard and hoped Congress would do what was necessary.
Earlier that Fall I had attended an annual M&A Conference at a major NYC law firm. It draws major players in the insurance industry and on that day many had returned from a meeting with the government about providing the initial bailout of AIG. They were given a loan with interest that had too many points above Libor. The Libor rate was spiking as there was no trust left in the markets. I ran across the head of the law firm’s insurance section and he smirked when I asked them whether the intent was to drive AIG into bankruptcy. Unlike the banks, there was no moral hazard involved in loaning to the AIG holding company, although Warren Buffett did provide support to Swiss Re (which also dabbled in the same markets as AIG) and Munich Re. Subsequently, Hank Greenberg, the dethroned fabled head of AIG, sued the Federal government, ostensibly because the government was using AIG to help fund other bailouts. Many of the bailouts were of foreign banks (who did not take a haircut). There was some truth to Greenberg’s belief, particularly after Lehman, whose bankruptcy the author believes was a defining moment in the crisis and a major error on the part of the Fed and Treasury.
I have not read any other books about the 2008 financial crisis besides Alan Blinder’s “After the Music Stopped”. I have no point of comparison. The book provides a good survey of the crisis for laymen, particularly offering a basic understanding of monetary policy. I commend that you read “The Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World” as a companion read. It discusses the role of Central Bankers in the period leading up to the Great Depression. It is a cautionary tale for today, particularly because Fed Chairperson Yellen has not ruled out negative interest rates by the Fed (deflation was a concern during the job-loss recovery after the 2001 recession). Reading “The Lords of Finance” makes me wonder whether Chairman Bernanke was truly a student of the Great Depression, or if he chose to look away, as the Fed doled out funds without strings attached to major money center banks.
The best parts of the book are in the lead up to the bailouts, rather than the aftermath of remedies. The author does not name one perpetrator of the crisis or of the slow recovery. There are many.
The house of cards began in the 1990s and continued through 2007. It was based on “asset-price bubbles, exaggerated by irresponsible leverage, encouraged by crazy compensation schemes and excessive complexity, and aided and abetted by embarrassingly bad underwriting standards, dismissal performance by statistical rating agencies and lax financial regulation.” The author was Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors from 1994-96 and a member of President Clinton’s Council of Economic Advisors.
The reason for financial crisis are generally the same: too much leverage (without requisite collateral/capital); insufficient transparency; and not enough time to combat irrational contagion (insufficient circuit breakers). At the meeting I attended at that law firm, the concern of all the players was that they all had too many conflicts of interest. They were afraid of being sued. These fears were necessarily ignored, as was the law, as rationales were spun from air. The Fed first expanded its reach using Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act to make emergency loans to “any individual, partnership or corporation” under “unusual and exigent circumstances”. It went beyond this to buy from J.P. Morgan a portfolio of mortgage assets that the bank felt was too risky to hold for its shareholders. Then came shareholding of AIG, through Fed and Treasury action. Then the use of the Exchange Stabilization Fund (meant for stabilizing the U.S. dollar in the currency markets) to support money market funds after the “buck had been broken”. This was critical because losses at money market funds was causing a crisis in commercial paper (short-term borrowing by corporations to meet cash flow needs). A collapse of the commercial paper market would transfer the crisis Wall Street to Main Street, as did the near collapse of GM. Crises demand action. Players “expanding” the law know there is more personal safety through collective action. Means and results are necessarily ugly in a crisis.
Government remedies were often callous; protecting the balance sheets of the debtor financial institutions and the ultimate returns of the U.S. government, rather than those homeowners subject to foreclosure proceedings. There were no “haircuts” (principal reductions) on the mortgages. Any discount was marginalized. Reduced interest payments were delayed, but with recoupment through balloons in the end. Courts were not aggressive in holding the banks accountable for their transgressions. Regulators ultimately penalized these institutions through fines, but most of these went into state coffers, rather than to homeowners. Shareholders of these institutions (and some insurers) bore the cost of these fines, not the executives who walked away with often walked away with large bonuses, even though they bore paper losses on stock options.
The book is replete with interesting historical facts and statistics. From 1991 to the 1st quarter of 2007 losses on mortgages were flat (mostly a .25 loss rate save for 2001 when it rose to .5). Between 2007-09 it spiked to about 2.75%. Mortgage backed securities were often modeled on 3 years of default data which was insufficient (subprime mortgages grew from 7% of all mortgages in 2001 to 20% by 2005, and only 20% of these were issued by regularly supervised financial institutions). Such models failed to account for catastrophic spikes (so-called fat tails). But even these default spikes should not have led to catastrophic cascading panic without excessive leverage in the markets. Derivatives (particularly CDS, most of which were naked and not hedges) contributed to this. Banks were under-capitalized as well (even today, if banks had to hold capital equivalent the percentage of collateral often asked of consumers of home mortgages they would not survive).
While I believe that for better or worse, those who worked to try to right the ship under extraordinary pressures and time constraints are all heroes in terms of personal sacrifice, there is only one regulator that stands out as being close to a hero in actual terms. This was the head of the FDIC, Sheila Bard. She tried to put teeth into loans and was generally rebuffed or ignored by the Fed Chair, the Secretary of the Treasury, and other boys in the club. There was plenty of subterfuge to go around. Secretary Paulson pulled a bait and switch on Congress, who believed TARP was to be used to inject capital into the banks and to help distressed homeowners. There was no such language in the 451 page Bill that created Tarp. In lieu of such capital language the Bill Congress passed allowed the Treasury Secretary, after consultation with the Chairman of the Fed, to purchase “any other financial instrument that the Secretary… determines the purchase of which is necessary to promote financial market stability.” Capital was injected into the banks without strings attached and they did not loan nor modify principal on toxic assets (syndication of these assets made it more difficult to do). All real estate is cyclical, so Congress directly purchasing these toxic assets at their low might have been a better investment for taxpayers and provide more relief to homeowners rather than as TARP funds were employed. Nonetheless, TARP itself was an illusion. Although $700 billion was authorized, the most ever disbursed was $430 billion, and at any one time no more than $360 billion was outstanding. Treasury and the Fed also did the same with the TALF program, which had a limit of $1 trillion, but only used $70 billion. A bit of smoke and mirrors to alter perception and create confidence. Unfortunately, foreclosure mitigation never saw much money at all. In the end the TARP $700 billion did not cost the U.S. taxpayers money, although this is not likely heard in political circles (it was authorized to be 4.7% of GDP, but never lent out more than 3%, and returned all principal with interest). Was it misdirected- little doubt.
The book delves into the first Quantitative Easing program by the Fed, Dodd-Frank and the Volcker Rule, stress testing of the banks, SIFIs, the various weak government foreclosure “mitigation” programs, and the Euro problem.
What is more telling for the near future are CBO’s US debt projections in October 2000 which shows the impact through 2070. It then showed the US going into deficit depending on whether the surplus at the time was saved in whole, in part, or not at all. This is the entitlement debate. It is a story about bad stewardship of government funds causing the depth of future deficits owing to demographic changes. Equally, interesting is that the Feds independence was political cover for Congress during the crisis. Congress was too slow to act and lacked the will. The Fed’s borrowing did not technically add to the government’s deficit, because banks technically own the shares in the Fed. Despite all the posturing those in Congress who wish for control over the Fed, should read this book and be careful what they wish for. Accounting is a form of alchemy.
All that truly happened during and after the crisis might be for historians to uncover, if any paper trails are left to be found. This book is an informative read and an interesting survey of the period, even if you lived through it.
I have been doing some volunteer legal work with some local bar associations helping out on insurance questions for those impacted by Hurricane Sandy. I recently attended an information session about FEMA and insurance that was offered by one of these Bar Associations (I may be taking a leadership role re insurance for one of them). While my legal practice involves insurance it generally is not at the ground level homeowners disaster level. I understand insurance and construction, flood vs. wind and time element issues. These often entail considerable time to resolve. What I do not understand is how poor the information collection, dissemination and payment processes are for natural and man-made (terrorism) disasters. There is the US government’s DHS’ portal disasterassistance.gov which provides some assistance. It is however hugely incomplete, which makes the whole process needlessly time consuming and counter-productive.
FEMA is a payer of last resort; but the homeowner files first with it, and separately with their insurer if they have one. If they have flood coverage that would file that with either FEMA or their insurer, depending on how it was purchased (why flood and wind are handled separately is another travesty I will leave to another time). If the claimant might receive a grant or want a loan, they will file with the SBA or any State or local agency that is offering such. D-SNAP food benefits would essentially be automatic for those who were already in the SNAP program through the USDA and local administration. A separate filing would otherwise need to be made.
For the New York region, storms on the level of Sandy are infrequent. I can accept that there might not be the level of coordination that exists along the Gulf or Florida, or California for earthquakes. In fact, there is no universal reporting form and system for natural or man-made disasters that would independent of the claimant link to all affected government agencies, insurers and NGOs and in real time permit transparent multi-organizational management of the claim by other agencies, insurers and NGOs. If there were, the process could be faster, as the claimant would only need to file once; the agencies, insurers, NGOs would see what each other have decided to do in real time, and could make a unified decision about relief and award. This would reduce fraud and avert subsequent recoupment and reconsiderations. This is basic project management for those in the business community. It may be more complicated given different IT systems, but I have yet to find that this is even on any organization’s radar. I looked at FEMA’s plans through 2014, and while they intend to expand their community outreach (which is good), no universal disaster reporting and payment portal is planned.It is as if we were still in the 19th Century.
I suppose I am naive and I should just accept the rationale that disaster relief takes time. The bureaucracies may prefer it this way. I am not that accepting however and intend to see what can be done to modernize this process.
Google- To Big To Fail?
There is a terrific article in the Business Section of the May 23, 2012 edition of the NY Times. It is entitled “Protecting Its Own Privacy” and is by David Streitfeld and Kevin J. O’Brien. It is about Google captures and retains through Street View-aka Google Maps. Those cars with photographic equipment on them that traverse the country are not just taking pictures. They are also capturing “payload”. As the authors put it, “snippets of e-mails, photographs, passwords, chat messages, posting on Web sites and social networks-all sorts of private Internet communications-…” I paused when I read this and then went back. Did it say “passwords”.
Yep, presumably if your wireless Wi-Fi network is not password protected Google will save any data transmitted across your network for as long as the car’s connection is maintained. Google says this is for about 1/5 of a second which could mean 250 kilobytes or roughly 25 emails for each time it accesses the network.
Google did not voluntarily tell anyone this and in fact tried to hide what it knew to be true from the FCC (got a 25K fine) and European regulators, who brought this to light a few years ago and are now raising antitrust concerns about Google in general. As most mega companies have learned (financial institutions have limited exemptions), antitrust is really a political action and if you take on the government you ultimately lose, be it in law, business and/or public image. The latter is starting to cost Google dearly. There is a class action pending in the Northern District of California regarding Street View, but the real issue will be the fallout from being just another big company.
I am reminded that all that you learned, you learned in kindergarten. Google has done some great things. Do you want to kill the Goose that laid the golden egg? If you don’t and the egg hatches and it is an ugly duckling or even a black swan, then what? Goldilocks found one bed too big, the other too small and the third just right. With privacy and the wired and wireless world, nothing will be just right. Getting to just about right will be enough. The technology that Google used to obtain payload is available to others. What if they can access payload even if the Wi Fi network is password protected. What if access is not short term and serendipity. Some self-help through blocking, opt out, and other methods have mitigated somewhat similar risks. From a privacy standpoint this is just an extension of legal cases involving cookies, spiders and other unauthorized access, with the twist that this is a theft or trespass without even indirect “acquiescence” through usage, by the victim. A similar concern was raised about Google photographing through satellites when Street View was initiated. Technology is invasive. There are some laws that may offer limited protection but all agree that laws are behind the technology. What are the damages from a loss of privacy if there is no present physical damage to a system or data, or if the victim cannot establish any knowable personal or financial loss? Its not an insurable loss at present. What if someone hacks Google and obtains the passwords that have been taken and can triangulate them to the persons to whom they belong? Can Google or the government successfully trace, prosecute and collect from those injured the victim or stolen their identity? Would there be a cost/benefit in doing so absent a legal mandate, and if the latter, will it kill the goose ? Is the damage for the loss of privacy your entire net worth and those whose privacy have also been compromised. Will we need to restore the use of typewriters and handwritten notes for anything that is personal and private? Is Google cracking open Pandora’s Box? Are we all, or about to become Prisoners?
banking, business, China, currency, economy, Euro, financial crisis, foreclosures, Jane Fonda, mass marketing, pareto principle, politics, reinsurance, Rollover, U.S.
In 1981 Jane Fonda, Kris Kristofferson and Hugh Cromyn were in a so-called financial thriller about the collapse of the world monetary system due to Arab oil monetary fears and self-preservation. Apart from the fact that I was younger and Jane Fonda was in it, the movie’s theme has haunted me for years. Looking on the web there are a few others like me, and if you do a search there is an interesting juxtaposition on youtube between the movie and the U.S. recent financial crisis. I don’t subscribe to the economic/political views of the producer’s of that video, although there is truth in everything. My prior post on contagion clauses reflects my view that in any crisis the most important element is time.
This brings me to the so-called pareto principle of 80/20; that which is important and worthy of attention is in the 20% cohort. In fact, the 20% group may be too large, as which is catastrophic, is often 1% or less, is most important, and is remote (or at least unpredictable). Life intervenes before the catastrophe, so other choices are made in lieu of catastrophic planning. When the catastrophe comes, there is little time to react; obligations in place often accelerate the catastrophe; those who have knowledge of the subject and are most capable of responding often have conflicts in doing so; rules must be broken; and the solution is generally to bide for time, by rolling things over long enough until normalcy returns.
I read in the papers each day about the financial crisis. In Europe apart from it being a political-fiscal crisis which needs time to resolve, sovereigns and the capital markets are in a dance of debt with no one who wants to cut in. Sovereign debt is Tier I capital for banks under Basel regardless of quality. There is no legal cap on country borrowing (although there is an economic cap), so the dance can continue.
In the U.S. the foreclosure problem is also a dance between the government (including Fannie/Freddie) and the banks and the secondary markets. They hope to run this out as long as possible to permit the capital base of the banks to improve and so continue the no effective interest borrowing from the Fed without corresponding macro usage of the funds (this would be Cat planning if they were not rewarding their internal and external stakeholders, even on a deferred basis). While there is some haircut due to unpaid interest, more often the obligations are being deferred through a balloon payment. In a low interest, volatile investment market the opportunity cost is relatively low, compared to a true haircut by the banks. When the interest rate/investment climate changes there will be a lot more foreclosures. The government is pushing State Attorney Generals to come on board, at the same time that the Obama administration’s low hanging fruit proposals don’t stand a chance in Congress. Look for 2013.
A number of years ago I spoke on a panel at a Reinsurance conference, where my topic was emerging issues in reinsurance. Reinsurance is insurance of insurance companies, and is one of the ways insurance companies finance themselves and protect their balance sheets. It impacts the premiums you pay. The issue I wanted to bring up was currency. In part because currency is hedged outside of reinsurance and in part because these were mostly property & casualty insurers, they did not understand why I wanted to talk about this. Since then the Euro crisis ensued, which has aggregated interest in the U.S. dollar in the short term. My talk was more long term, particularly for long tail risks. Given that China may become the dominant economic country, and that the Yuan could be the world’s currency in the future, long term commitments in dollars needed to be qualified. To get there there is likely to be a basket of currencies as in Singapore.
China’s domestic market will grow, making it the more dominant consumer economy on a mass marketing basis- contrary to the pareto principle. As such, U.S. wages and its standard of living will decline, as the benefit of globalization is macro rather than micro. In order for China to sustain this they need to continue to follow their labor, rather than capital oriented economic policy unless that choose a more totalitarian political policy based on economic disparity. As U.S. companies have belatedly learned, every country supports their own and they will not share as much in China’s rise, unless they have know-how to share. Accordingly, the US will not be able to rollover debt to China.
The rollover period continues, but it is coming to an end.
NFIP has been temporarily extended to May 31, 2012. The House and Senate have different views about a longer term extension, which will need to be reconciled. Both Chambers know this needs to get done, but whether they will march two by two to do it remains to be seen. Some basic information about the NFIP, follows some of the general differences in approach of each Chamber, or its leadership, at the end of 2011.
Mandatory Escrow/Penalties: Require both Federal and State chartered banks to escrow for properties in mandatory purchase areas and would increase lender penalties from $350 to $500 per violation, without aggregate cap.
Mandatory Purchase Area: Will include residual risk areas.
Multifamily Residential Coverage: Multifamily (4 or more) residential properties would be permitted to purchase flood insurance.
RESPA/500 Year Flood Plain Notice: Mortgagees would need to provide RESPA notice of the availability of flood insurance even i if if the property was not in a special flood hazard area. Notice must be given to mortgagor/lessee within a 500 Year Flood Plain. Coverage is not mandatory within the 500 Year Flood Plain area.
Subsidized Property Rate Increase Phase-In: 4 year phase-in of actuarial rates for some subsidized properties (i.e., second homes; business property; SRL property).
Annual Premium Increase Limit: Annual premium increase limit raised from 10% to 15%. Premium adjustment 4 year phase-in (40% 1st year; 20% each of 2nd-4th years for remapped properties).
Minimum Deductibles: Minimum Deductibles for subsidized properties ($1500- $100,000 or less insured; $2000 > $100,000 insured) and non-subsidized properties ($1000- $100,000 or less; $1250- >$100,000).
Catastrophe Reserves: 1% of total exposure on outstanding policies, 7.5% of which FEMA must place into a fund until the 1% ratio is fully funded.
Condomimum Owner Coverage: Condo owner claims are fully covered even if condo association is underinsured.
Local Government Deferral of Mandatory Coverage: Local government in a) areas where there was no prior flood hazard (i.e., those areas remapped); b) in areas where flood controls are being improved; and c) and those who have filed a Section 1363 appeal, could delay for a period of 12-36 months, mandatory flood insurance on property for which there is a completely new mortgage origination after the effective date of the law. This would not be applicable to CEMAs and lenders could still require it on existing or new mortgage on improved real estate/mobile home. No refund of premiums would be required on subject properties.
Forced Placed Insurance: Refund of forced placed insurance premiums and related fees for any overlap period, within 30 days of confirmation of mortgagor’s State permitted private flood insurance. Confirmation could be the policy Declarations page and would need to have contact information about the placing producer.
Minimum Deductibles: $2000 for subsidized properties; $1000 non-subsidized properties.
Multifamily Residential Coverage: Available for 4 or more family residential building up to $250,000 per insured.
Contents Limit for Business Property: $500,000 limit for building owner contents and separate $500,000 limit for each tenant.
Coverage Limits are Indexed: Retroactive for some limits from September 30, 1994 until the date of enactment of the law.
Optional Extra Expense and Business Interruption Coverage: Rate must be self-sustaining for this additional $5000 of coverage as NFIP cannot borrow from the Treasury to sustain it.
Quarterly Installment Premium Option: Available for residential property subject to limitations prescribed by FEMA to limit moral hazard.
Write Your Own Program (WYO)- program where private insurers write and service flood insurance program for a fee and NFIP insures. About 85% of NFIP policies are written this way. FEMA estimates that about 30% of premium is for underwriting and claim expense, split mostly for agent commission and general administrative expenses, but increasingly for claim adjustment expense. About 98% of the 30% is attributable to WYO policies.
NFIP Debt: FEMA is about $18 billion in debt to the US Treasury principally from 2004/5 (Katrina; Rita) and can borrow an additional $3 billion. About $800 million in interest is annually due the Treasury.
Subsidized Rates: Estimated that about $1.5 billion in premium is lost because of grandfathering of subsidized properties (i.e., those built before flood maps). Total flood premium collected is $3 billion. About 22% of 5.6 million policies are for subsidized properties. Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) program mitigates some of this premium loss for properties sustaining multiple flood losses.
Mandatory Purchase: Estimated that only about 50% of properties subject to mandatory purchase (i.e., within 100 year flood plain, and federally regulated mortgages) actually do.
Residual Risk Areas: RRA are properties outside the 100 year flood plain or that are protected by flood control structures (i.e., near dam/levee or downstream of it). RRA are not required to purchase flood insurance. Estimated that 30% of NFIP are RRAs and account for 20% of NFIP losses. Current mapping may not account for structural issues with flood control. Remapping will continue.
Rating: FEMA rates are based upon estimated aggregate claims in an average historical year, rather than actuarially determined rates factoring in catastrophes. | 2019-04-21T05:05:20Z | https://quiklaw.wordpress.com/category/insurance/regulationcompliance/ |
Israel will be investing NIS 450 million to upgrade the Alleny Bridge, which spans the Jordan River near Jericho and connects Israel and Jordan. The bridge is the only way that Palestinians can directly leave the Palestinian Authority to go abroad. Around 2.3 million people, most Palestinian, pass through the crossing point each year. Some tourists also use the crossing, although Israeli citizens are prohibited from using it. Around 50,000 trucks carry merchandise over the bridge each year.
As part of the renovations, a new terminal will be built, new security features will be integrated and the existing terminals and access roads will be upgraded.
On a recent trip to the US, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz was asked by US envoy Jason Greenblatt to keep the Allenby crossing open 24/7 instead of the shorter hours currently in operation. Katz immediately acceded to the request.
The new Allenby Bridge hours and renovation project is seen as a goodwill gesture by Israel to the Palestinians and should make life a bit easier for them. But it probably won’t do much to satisfy their desire for self determination, since it just reinforces the fact that Israel controls their ability to enter or leave their territory.
The government has approved a project to build a cable car that will carry visitors to the Western Wall. The planned route is about 1,400 meters long, with 40 cars able to carry 10 passengers each, at 21 kilometers per hour. The four stations through which the cable car will pass are the railway station, HaMefaked Street, Mount Zion and the Western Wall station. The price of a cable car ride will be the same as bus fare. The project is expected to cost NIS 200 million and be completed by 2021.
The project is expected to raise protests, since it’s related to east Jerusalem [nothing new]. The French company that was supposed to carry out the project withdrew following political pressures and an order from the Paris Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The government also approved a plan to connect Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem to the city sewage and garbage collection system.
According to the plan, which was formulated by the Minister of Environmental Protection and Jerusalem Affairs Ze’ev Elkin (Likud), more east Jerusalem residents will be connected to the municipal sewage system, 33 kilometers of sewage infrastructure will be built, the existing sewage system will be upgraded, garbage cans and garbage trucks will be purchased and set up to collect waste.
The holiday of Shavuot begins tonight and sunset and extends for one day in Israel and two days outside of Israel. The holiday literally means weeks, and is the culmination of the counting of 7 weeks (49 days) from the second day of Passover. Shavuot is described in the Torah as the harvest festival during which farmers bring their first produce to the Temple in Jerusalem. Shavuot is also the anniversary of the giving of the Ten Commandments and Torah at Mount Sinai. The Book of Ruth is read in the synagogue, and dairy meals are traditionally eaten. It is also customary to stay up all night (first night) to study Torah.
More than 1,000 Jews visited the Temple Mount on Yom Yerushalayim, marking the 50th year since east Jerusalem was liberated from Jordanian control and reunited with the rest of the city. It was the largest Jewish group to visit the holy place at one time since the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. One of the prominent rabbis leading the group was Rabbi Yaakov Medan, the head of Yeshivat Har Etzion.
Police arrested 15 Jews for bowing and/or singing Hatikva.
To watch a video and hear some of the rabbis words (hebrew), click here.
Jason Greenblatt, US Special Representative for International Negotiations, met yesterday with the parents of IDF soldier Hadar Goldin, whose body is being held by Hamas in Gaza.
Earlier this week Israel’s Milk & Honey (M&H) distillery launched the country’s first-ever malt whisky. The distillery’s first 391 bottles of single malt whisky will go on sale later in June.
The Startup Nation is alive and well, producing companies and technology that are changing the world. Business Insider put together a list of “The 25 coolest tech companies in Israel” with a brief description of each one.
During his visit President Trump avoiding weighing in on any major issues relating to the conflict including Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem or even whether the US would continue to insist on a two-state solution giving the Palestinians sovereign territory. He stayed on script.
Today is Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the unification of the city after it was liberated from Jordanian control by Israeli forces during the Six Day war in 1967. During the 19 year period of Jordanian rule, no Jews were allowed to visit the Western Wall or any area under Jordanian control.
In the direct aftermath of the military victory, Israeli leaders debated whether to expel the Arab population from the conquered territories. They decided against it and instead urged them to stay. And here we are today.
The day is marked by celebrations throughout Jerusalem, Israel and Jewish communities throughout the world.
To read some reflections on Jerusalem by some very prominent Israelis, click here.
To view the entire ceremony commemorating the Six Day War held at the Western Wall Plaza, click here.
Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, will be retiring today as he reaches the age of 80. Rabbi Lau, a holocaust survivor, is a recipient of the prestigious Israel Prize and serves as the Chairman of the Yad Vashem Association. His son, Rabbi David Lau, is the current Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel.
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) is a media-monitoring, research and membership organization devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East. With the rise of anti-Israel propaganda in college campuses, CAMERA has created a Fellows Program and Campus Activist program to assist students in finding speakers, planning and creating events and addressing Middle East distortions in campus publications, flyers, rallies and classroom teaching.
In a recent article, CAMERA Fellow Rebecca Zogirsky described how one ostensibly Jewish group, The Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), is in fact an avid supporter of the BDS movement and displayed their anti-Israel bent by inviting Rasmea Odeh, a terrorist convicted of participating in the murder of two Israeli college students in 1969, to be guest of honor at their national membership conference.
A Palestinian with a knife charged at Border Police near Abu Dis, a Palestinian town on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Police shot and killed the terrorist before he could cause any harm.
Meanwhile, dozens of Palestinian youths clashed with Israeli troops, and Palestinian shopkeepers shuttered their stores across the West Bank and east Jerusalem yesterday in solidarity with hundreds of hunger striking prisoners held in Israeli jails. The hunger strike is in its 36th day. Palestinian Authority government offices along with public transportation also closed down. Organizers of the protest hope to draw the attention of President Trump to their cause.
At the Qalandiya checkpoint on the outskirts of Jerusalem, Palestinian youth through rocks and bottles at soldiers and set tires on fire. Troops responded with tear gas and rubber bullets.
A 45 year old Palestinian attacked and stabbed a Border Policeman in Netanya today. The policeman managed to shoot and neutralize the terrorist. The policeman was in light condition, while the attacker, a 45-year-old Palestinian, was in moderate condition. Another civilian who was at the scene was lightly injured from shrapnel. The terrorist reportedly called out “Allahu Akbar” before attacking the police officer.
In an unrelated development, a rocket was fired from Sinai at Israel today. There were no injuries or damage, and it’s not clear if the rocket actually landed in Israel or exploded midair.
President Trump, Melania, Ivanka and Jared visited the Kotel yesterday. It was the first time that a sitting American President has done so. They were accompanied by The Chief Rabbi of the Kotel Shmuel Rabinowitz and the Western Wall Heritage Foundation director Mordechai Eliav. No Israel government officials were present. The entire Western Wall plaza was closed off during the visit.
After reciting two psalms with the Chief Rabbi, Trump, wearing a black kippa, approached the Kotel alone and touched the stones while he recited a prayer. Melania and Ivanka prayed in the women’s area of the Kotel.
After the President was done, many American officials proceeded to pray at the Wall. They included Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and chief economic advisor Gary Cohn.
After the visit Trump changed his Twitter header to a photo of him touching the Western Wall. Quite a statement to his 30 million followers.
Ivanka tweeted, “It was deeply meaningful to visit the holiest site of my faith and to leave a note of prayer.” She included a photo of her praying with her hand touching the Wall.
To see a gallery of photos and video of the visit, click here.
President Trump and Melania visited Yad Vashem today, where they laid a wreath on a stone slab under which ashes from some of those killed in concentration camps are buried. They were accompanied by Yad Vashem Chairman Avner Shalev, PM Netanyahu and Sara, and Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council Rabbi Israel Meir Lau. Ivanka and Jared also joined.
Trump signed the Yad Vashem guest book and received a token of remembrance; an exact replica of the original Holocaust-era personal album that belonged to Ester Goldstein who was murdered during the Holocaust at the age of 16.
President Trump landed in Israel today to click off his 26 hour visit. His flight happened to have been the first direct flight from Saudi Arabia to Israel.
To watch Trump’s arrival click here.
2:30pm – Trump will privately visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
3:15pm – Trump, joined by Melania, Jared and Ivanka, will have a private visit to the Kotel, accompanied by the Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall Shmuel Rabinovitch. The entire Western Wall plaza will be totally closed off during the visit.
4:45pm – First Lady Melania will join Prime Minister Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, on a visit to the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem’s Ein Karem. They will talk with the medical staff and meet with children in the play area for a joint artistic activity.
6:00pm – Trump and Netanyahu will meet privately at the King David Hotel, where Trump and his team are staying.
10:00am – Trump will visit Bethlehem where he will meet with PA President Abbas.
1:00pm – Trump and Melania will visit Yad Vashem (Holocaust museum and memorial) where Trump will participate in a memorial ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance. During the ceremony, Trump will rekindle the eternal flame and lay a wreath on a stone slab under which ashes from extermination camps are buried.
The Trumps will be accompanied by Nad Vashem Chairman Avner Shalev, as well as Prime Minister Netanyahu, his wife Sara, and Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council Rabbi Israel Meir Lau.
1:30pm – Trump will make a speech, concluding his visit.
3:40pm – Trump leaves Israel for Rome.
Trump will be accompanied on his visit by some 1,300 Americans, including security guards, Secret Service, Marines, and his entourage, all of whom will take up almost all of the available rooms in Jerusalem’s hotels. His convoy will include dozens of limousines, trucks and nine helicopters.
Late last night, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee visited Joseph’s Tomb near Shechem (Nablus). The area is under the control of the Palestinian Authority and Jews have restricted access to the holy site.
Huckabee was accompanied by Samaria Regional Council leader Dagan and joined by Dagan’s deputy Davidi Ben-Zion, Bayit Yehudi MK Bezalel Smotrich, GOC Central Command Maj. Gen. Roni Numa, Samaria Division Commander Col. Gilad Amit, and the Israel Police’s Judea and Samaria District Commander Moshe Bareket.
As the harvest festival of Shavuot approaches, dozens of hasidic young men took to the fields to manually harvest wheat that will be used to make the matzo used by the Rebbe of Vishnitz (never to early to prepare for Passover).
To see images of this (unusual) undertaking, click here.
A Jewish man (father of 8) and his wife were driving to their home in Itamar (Samaria) when they stumbled on a Palestinian demonstration (about 200 people) on the main road, Route 60, that passes through the village of Hawara. Palestinians surrounded the vehicle, banged on it and tried to open the doors. The car lurched forward into the crowd. Then a Palestinian ambulance moved in front and blocked the car from moving forward.
As the crowd threw rocks at the car and tried to force the doors open to lynch the passengers, the driver fired in self defense. One attacker was killed and another wounded.
To watch videos of the incident click here.
The IDF is preparing for a possible increase in unrest and terror activity in the West Bank during June as a result of the upcoming Muslim holiday month of Ramadan as well as other recent events. The IDF is assigning hundreds of combat soldiers to reinforce existing forces in Judea and Samaria.
The White House has released a short video depicting President Trump’s upcoming overseas visits. The video, set to music, features white maps of the various countries Trump will visit. The map of Israel does not include the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) or the Golan. On the flip side it also doesn’t indicate any Palestinian territory or state.
The President’s Israel itinerary does not include a speech as Masada, as was originally planned, because the White House was told that the President’s helicopter would not be permitted to land on the historical site. Instead the President will deliver his speech at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
A White House official has also said that no joint meeting between Trump, Netanyahu and Abbas is planned, although such a meeting will be included in future plans. The official confirmed that Trump has decided not to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, at least for the time being.
PM Netanyahu and Israel’s Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer met yesterday with Trump’s envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, to prepare for the upcoming visit.
A massive sandstorm blew in from Sinai and hit Eilat yesterday, covering the city with sand and dust and shutting down the airport.
To view images click here.
Israel’s Minister of Finance Moshe Kahlon has canceled the 12% customs duty imposed on shoes. Cancellation of the tax will cost the state treasury about NIS 188 million in lost revenues.
How about removing import taxes on all clothing to bring prices down?
The ban reportedly only applies to populated areas such as cities, markets and beaches, while allowing residents to walk dogs in the countryside. No specific penalty has been announced for violating the ban.
Perhaps Hamas is looking to Iran for inspiration? Iran bans keeping dogs as pets outright. The punishment for breaking the ban can entail hefty fines, lashes and also confiscation of the pet, which will subsequently be killed.
The Cabinet is expected to approve a plan to build an elevator from the Jewish Quarter in the Old City to the Western Wall plaza. The elevator shaft will be about 108 feet long and will be a Godsend for those who have difficulty walking up and down the massive existing staircase.
To read the transcript of the conversation, click here.
The Gulf States, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have floated a proposal offering Israel improved relations in exchange for a freeze in settlement construction and easing restrictions on Gaza.
Could this be part of Trump’s master plan for bringing peace to the region?
Does anyone know what the policy is?
The fact that the US embassy is still in Tel Aviv and looks like it’ll be staying there says it all. Unless Trump changes it, US policy remains the same as it’s been for decades: the West Bank and east Jerusalem are not officially part of Israel.
According to ABC news, US intelligence officials believe that the classified information regarding ISIS shared by President Trump with the Russian Foreign Minister could jeopardize an Israeli spy embedded within ISIS. The White House is denying that Trump shared any sensitive information.
Fatah representative Taysir Abu Sneineh, who was convicted of being part of a terror cell that murdered six Israelis in 1980, has been elected as the new mayor of Hebron, the largest city in the Palestinian Authority. Abu Sneineh had been in an Israeli prison until he was subsequently released in a prisoner exchange deal.
The new mayor expressed a willingness to work with Israeli authorities in order to provide services for the people of Hebron. He has no regrets for his previous terror activities.
Starting May 30, travelers arriving at Ben Gurion Airport will be able to order a taxi using the Gett app (formerly GetTaxi) and the price will be 30% cheaper than the current rates. Until now only one taxi company had a monopoly on rides from the airport.
According to a Channel 2 news report yesterday, sources close to the Prime Minister asked that Netanyahu and an Israeli TV crew accompany Trump to the Kotel. The Americans (based in the US Consulate in Jerusalem) refused, claiming that the visit was a private one, not an official visit.
A senior US official also said, “This is an area that is in dispute, the Western Wall is not Israeli territory and is located in the West Bank.” This infuriated the Israelis and caused an uproar in the Israeli press.
But the fact of the matter is that, while clearly insensitive, the comments do reflect the US position that east Jerusalem is not officially part of Israel but is disputed territory. That’s why the US embassy isn’t located in Jerusalem and why US administration officials visiting the Kotel on official state visits are never accompanied by Israeli government leaders.
The Trump administration has yet to change that US policy, and apparently isn’t going to. But since Trump is known for his spontaneous statements, you never know what might happen during his upcoming Israel visit.
So while Trump might be the best friend Israel has ever had, and the US continues to defend Israel in the UN, the US policy that considers the Old City and yes, the Western Wall, as disputed territory and not part of Israel remains in place.
Friedman then headed to his office at the US embassy in Tel Aviv.
To view a video of the ceremony click here.
Former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, 76, was convicted of issuing fake rabbinic credentials to 1,500 police and security services employees, who used them to apply for pay raises. He was first indicted in 2012. Sentencing has not yet been set.
“It was nearly 1am, the kids were asleep in the back seat and the village seemed to never end. At some point, there was no cell reception either. I was terrified the whole time for the safety of the children. We eventually managed to call the police.
“The police told us not to get out of the car and to continue driving back and forth for almost 40 minutes. Inside the car, there was a sense of tension and fear. All of a sudden, four cars came speeding up and blocked the road.
Thankfully, Israeli forces had already contacted Palestinian security forces. The Palestinian police transported the Cohens to a Ramallah checkpoint where they were released back into Israeli territory.
Icelandic low-cost airline WOW Air will soon begin flights from Tel-Aviv to Reykjavik for $99 and from Tel Aviv to New York, Boston and Montreal (via Reykjavik) for $149. The fares don’t include luggage, which will cost you about $50 per bag. The fares are also only starting prices, and could be higher depending on the flight date.
Any competition in the Israel flight market that might lower the sky high airfares is welcome.
In anticipation of US President Trump’s visit to Israel on May 22, the Egyptian and Jordanian Foreign Ministers joined with the Secretary of the PLO’s Executive Committee Saeb Erekat to declare that East Jerusalem should be the capital of the Palestinian state. They stressed the two-state solution as the only way to arrive at peace in the region.
In other words, Tillerson said that Israel might be the one who is holding back the transfer of the embassy because it doesn’t view the move as helpful to advancing the peace process.
There are no indications that Israel is pressuring or lobbying Trump to keep his promise regarding the embassy. Is it because it understands that Trump has already made up his mind that moving the embassy would not help the peace process at this time, or is it because Netanyahu himself realizes that very same thing?
From Tillerson’s words, it seems like it might be a combination of the two.
On Shabbat, a 57 year old Jordanian citizen attacked a policeman in Jerualem’s Old City. The terrorist charged at the officer with two knives and stabbed him in the neck and head. The policeman managed to shoot and kill the terrorist.
To watch a video of the attack click here.
Israel’s new ambassador to Nigeria, Guy Feldman, decided to cancel the embassy’s official Independence Day reception and instead, use the money to help Refugee children in the country.
According to a study just published by a respected Israeli think tank, Israel’s younger population (aged 15-24) is moving to the Right. The study found that 67% of Jewish youth in Israel today define themselves as Right-Wing, while only 16% associate themselves with the Left. Only 40% categorized themselves as secular, while the rest claimed to be religious, including 15% who classified themselves as Haredi (ultra-orthodox).
Most of the young people believe that the number one problem the government must deal with is the cost of living issue. They also are losing trust in the courts, the police, the Knesset and even the IDF.
FIFA, the international soccer federation, decided to postpone until next year a vote on whether to prohibit Israeli teams based in the West Bank from competing in the international league. FIFA regulations prohibit a member’s association from holding competitions on the territory of another member’s association without the latter’s permission, and the PFA considers the West Bank to be Palestinian—not Israeli—territory.
Archeologists have recently determined that the ancient Philistines, who migrated to the Israeli coast from the Aegean (Cyprus, Turkey, Greece), brought pigs with them — herds of them. Pigs are easily transportable, as opposed to cows, are low maintenance and provide a tasty meal for those not bound by Jewish law — or Moslem law.
You won’t find many pig farms in the area today, but if you know where to look you can find your swine delights in specialty delis, usually in areas with large Russian immigrant populations.
The Interior Ministry, headed by former Shas leader Aryeh Deri, has submitted a bill to the Knesset that would require the State to recognize only conversions under the auspices of the Chief Rabbinate.
This would apply to conversions performed in Israel. Conversions performed by Reform, Conservative or Orthodox rabbis abroad are recognized by the State for purposes of the Law of Return. But in order to register for marriage with the Israeli Rabbinate (which is the only way to get married in Israel) the conversion must be performed by an Orthodox rabbi who is on an official Chief Rabbinate list of acceptable rabbis.
In 2016 the Supreme Court ruled that the State must recognize conversion performed in Israel by private Orthodox rabbis. The proposed bill would change that.
On Saturday night, hundreds of thousands of Jews will celebrate the “hilullah” of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), the second century sage who is believed to have authored the Zohar, the cornerstone text of the kabbala (Jewish mysticism), in Meron (near Tzfat), where he is buried. The Aramaic word “hillulah” literally means wedding, but it is used to commemorate the Rashbi’s day of death, during which he is believed to have revealed the deepest secrets of Kabbalah to his close circle of students (a good reason to celebrate).
The day is also Lag B’omer, the 33 day in the traditional counting of the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. During that time period the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva (the Rashbi’s teacher) were stricken by a plague and died as punishment for their lack of mutual respect and brotherly love. But on the 33rd day, Lag B’omer, the dying ceased.
The celebration at Meron is highlighted by the burning of a huge bonfire that is lit by many prominent Hassidic Rebbes, with the Boyaner Rebbe leading off the festivities. Thousands of smaller bonfires are also lit in the Meron area and throughout Israel — and barbecue, marshmallows and amores are often not far behind.
It’s also customary for young boys to get their first haircuts at Meron (after letting it grow until age 3), so barbers eagerly join the crowds and do a brisk business — as do vendors of all sorts of cabalistic amulets and charms.
Ten of thousands of people are camping out at Meron for Shabbat. Hundreds of buses carrying thousands more will be making the trek after Shabbat ends. Some rabbis have demanded that the celebration be moved to Sunday night so as to avoid potential desecration of Shabbat by people either traveling to or preparing for the event on Shabbat. But they were ignored. Tradition stands.
Any event that can bring together hundreds of thousands of Jews from different religious walks of life is something to celebrate. May the merit of Rashbi and the Jewish unity at Meron bless Israel and the Jewish People with peace and success. | 2019-04-23T07:02:22Z | https://www.israelam.com/2017/05/ |
The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important That Happens in Between, Gregory Koukl. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2017. Paperback, 198 pages, $15.99 USD.
There are two types of apologetics books: there are the ones that tell you about defending the faith and then there are the ones that show you how to defend the faith. Greg Koukl’s new book falls into the latter category. It’s a book written with two main types of readers in mind. It’s for Christians who are struggling for answers to the big questions that come with the Christian faith. It’s also written for unbelievers who are open to considering the claims of the Christian faith. For both readers (and others), I think Koukl has something powerful to offer.
The Story of Reality is a basic overview of most of the key elements of a Christian worldview. When I say it’s basic, I mean that it’s not written at a highly academic level. A high school or college student should be able to manage it. However, behind the basic level of communication, one familiar with the issues will recognize that Koukl is no slouch. The deeper stuff is in his grasp, but he has distilled it into something readily understood.
The concept of “worldview” is increasingly being criticized in Christian circles as something created by modern philosophy. Perhaps it’s for this reason that Koukl recasts the notion in terms of a story. In this story, there are characters and there is a plot. The main characters are God and man. The plot involves creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. But unlike other stories, the Christian story (laid out in the Bible) is objectively true — it is reality. Koukl addresses other competing “stories” such as materialism, mysticism/pantheism, and Islam. He critiques these stories and shows how they’re inadequate for explaining the state of things as we see them. He then also provides ample argumentation to illustrate that it’s only the Christian story (or worldview) that can be true. Christianity is true because of the impossibility of the contrary.
Readers familiar with Reformed presuppositional apologetics will recognize what Koukl is doing. His method is generally in that school. As I’ve noted before (in my review of his previous book Tactics), Koukl is a student of Francis Schaeffer, who in turn had been a student of Cornelius Van Til. Van Til was one of the pioneers of Reformed presuppositional apologetics. One of the key features of that school is a commitment to the place of Scripture in apologetics, not only as a foundation, but also as part of the actual method. Similarly, throughout The Story of Reality, Koukl is constantly either quoting or, more often, paraphrasing the Bible. This is highly commendable!
There is some truth in this. You can say that faith needs and uses reason as a tool. However, there are also important limits to this. Above all, the unregenerate mind misuses and abuses reason because of sin. Unregenerate reason is not going to assess facts correctly. Deadened by sin, reason does not help you know what is actually true. Moreover, even when regeneration comes into the picture, human reason is going to run stuck with certain pieces of the Christian worldview (or story). Think of the Trinity. Reason assesses that doctrine and says, “Sorry, it doesn’t make sense.” Does faith then stop trusting? Faith has reasons for believing in the Trinity, but those reasons come down to the faithfulness and reliability of the One who revealed it to us, not the logical self-evidence of it.
There were a few other questionable statements. In this blog post, I interacted with his suggestion on page 51 that the Big Bang is compatible with Genesis. In chapter 11, he opines that the Bible teaches that animals have souls. The biblical evidence offered for this is debatable.
I also want to draw attention to an omission. The subtitle tells us that the book will tell us “everything important that happens in between” the beginning and the end. But in Koukl’s story, an important part is missing. It’s the part where the lives of believers are transformed by the gospel. It’s the part where the Holy Spirit works to change us and make us into new people who take every thought captive for Christ in every area of life. I was hoping to read at least a paragraph, preferably a chapter, about that vital and wonderful part of the Story. It’s incomplete without it.
Despite my criticisms, overall this is a well-written and well-argued book. Koukl deftly anticipates questions and objections. He uses helpful illustrations. The chapters are of such a length as not to be intimidating. If you know an unbeliever who is showing interest in the faith, I’d suggest buying two copies — one for yourself, and one for her or him. Offer to read it together and discuss it. You’d for sure find yourself enriched and, who knows, perhaps it would be God’s instrument to work faith in the heart of your friend too.
Recently many concerns have been expressed about the direction of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands. Our sister churches were entertaining a proposal regarding women in office and this caused alarm and dismay with many of us. This proposal was only the most recent in a string of disturbing events, books, statements to media, and articles. Many fervent prayers have been offered up for our sister churches, praying that God would lead them in the right direction. My purpose in this article is not to comment on the Dutch situation as such. Rather, I want us to consider where we’re at. Sometimes our Dutch brothers and sisters can be heard saying things like, “You just wait 10 or 15 years. Then you’ll see things our way. The immigrant churches are always lagging behind, but they will catch up.” Could there be some truth to this? For example, could the seeds for something like women in office have already been planted and permitted to grow among us?
Back in the early 1990s, I was a student at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. The Gateway was the student newspaper and a prominent writer there was an up and coming law student named Ezra Levant. Perhaps partly through his influence, The Gateway was remarkably open to publishing a variety of perspectives, including openly Christian ones. Homosexuality was a hot topic for discussion already in those days and I wrote something for The Gateway presenting the biblical perspective. This was published and I was not dragged before a human rights commission.
While the Bible obviously is familiar with homosexual relations, it seems to know little about homosexuality as such; this may be one of the reasons why homosexual acts are condemned as wilful transgressions of God’s orders for God’s people.
At best, the story of Sodom is very slim evidence for the notion that homosexuality is considered a ‘sin’ in the Bible.
Today we know a great deal more about the motives behind people’s actions than did the biblical writers. Economics and psychology have given us insights into behaviour that Paul did not have.
…homosexuality is no ‘sin’ unless it becomes a false god…human sexuality is sinful only if it stands in the way of love and justice.
I wrote a response to this pamphlet. I argued that the Bible itself claims to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God, not merely the religious or ethical views of human biblical writers which you can take or leave. Therefore, the Bible has to be our starting point and we have to take the Bible seriously on its own terms. Scripture is quite clear about the sinful nature of homosexual practice. For instance, the SCM pamphlet argued that the great evil in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah was the fact that they were so inhospitable. That position conveniently ignores the clear teaching of Scripture in Jude 7. That leaves readers with three options: you can accept that clear teaching, you can pervert it to fit your own agenda, or you can argue that the biblical writers were ignorant. SCM’s approach was a blend of the latter two options, depending on what was convenient. In the end, however, one can only say that this was a sort of unbelief when it came to the text of the Bible.
The university environment was often hostile to an acceptance of the Bible as the Word of God. That hostility was what led me to begin studying apologetics, the defense of the faith. Through some study of the Christian Reconstruction movement, I had come across the name of Cornelius Van Til as a teacher of Reformed apologetics. I read his book The Defense of the Faith and it blew me away. He argued that any defense of Christianity has to start with the Word of God. The inerrant Word must always be our foundation and starting place. Early in my academic career, then, I became convinced that our Reformed faith requires us to honour the Word of God by putting it first in every field of study, whether apologetics or anything else. To do otherwise is to betray our commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord of all wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3) – it would be a sort of unbelief.
This bit of biography illustrates where I’m coming from. I have long been convinced that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God that must be our starting place in any endeavour. As Proverbs 3:5,6 puts it, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” We acknowledge him by honouring his Word and giving it priority in everything! As Psalm 36:9 says, “…in your light do we see light.” It’s in the light of God’s Word that we find our way in any endeavour, including academic pursuits. That has been my conviction and I have also sought to apply that conviction to issues like homosexuality.
That conviction has been repeatedly challenged and it still is. The thing that has changed is that the challenges no longer come from outside, but from within. For example, I recently received an e-mail from a Dutch ministerial colleague. He chided me for simply wanting to accept the plain teaching of Scripture regarding origins. He expressed his surprise that a doctor of theology would simply urge people to believe what the Bible plainly teaches. He argued that I need to take into account the conclusions of science as well. After all, science has made it clear that the Bible cannot be taken at face value on questions pertaining to origins. Moreover, many young people will not accept that answer, he told me. They will turn away from the church if you tell them to just believe what the Bible says about this. When I introduced him to the idea of simply believing and starting with the Word of God (as taught by Cornelius Van Til), he indicated that he had never heard of that concept before. Sadly, he was not convinced.
Now we could say, “That’s not surprising, coming from the Netherlands.” However, this allergy to starting with the Word of God exists among us in Canada as well and this is no secret. We have those among us who are either open to theistic evolution or actually hold to some form of theistic evolution. Theistic evolution is the idea that God used evolutionary processes to create human beings and other creatures. This teaching exists among us. It can only exist among us for the exact same reasons that the Student Christian Movement could hold that homosexual behaviour is not an abomination before God. Either the text of Scripture is twisted to support the teaching, or the text of Scripture is dismissed as being ignorant of contemporary scientific knowledge. Either way, what we have again is a special form of unbelief when it comes to the Word of God. It’s a refusal to humbly come before the Word with faith and accept it at face value as the faithful and inerrant Word of our Father. Something else is put before his Word. This unbelief already exists among us in the Canadian Reformed Churches and it is the seed which, unless rooted up, will grow into other forms of heterodoxy.
This is my cri du coeur, my cry from the heart for the Canadian Reformed Churches. I do not believe that what some of our Dutch brothers and sisters are sayings is necessarily true. I do not believe that it is inevitable that we will be entertaining women in office in the next decade or two. It does not have to be that way. But there are two very important things that need to firmly in place for such a development to be stymied.
First, we need to shore up the wide-spread conviction in our churches that the Word of God is to be our starting place in everything. Members need to hold this conviction and grow in it. Ministers and elders need to reinforce it among their congregations through teaching and preaching. We need to maintain a high view of Scripture which includes a child-like faith in its plain and clear meaning, despite whatever unbelieving scholarship may introduce to shake our faith. We must not be deceived into accepting that we are somehow intellectually lacking because we simply take the Scriptures at face value.
Second, careful vigilance is required with respect to our seminary. At the moment, we have every reason to be confident in our seminary professors and their teaching. We can be thankful to God for these faithful men who do have a high view of Scripture and who teach accordingly. We need to pray that God would continue to keep them faithful. They are only men and they need strength from above to remain steadfast. Moreover, these particular men will not be there forever. The time will come when they need to be replaced and they will need to be replaced with equally faithful men. When you have a federational seminary, this is of the utmost importance. Virtually all of our ministers take their theological training in Hamilton. As a result, if that training is not sound, our churches will not be sound for long either.
Let me conclude with some words of Scripture my father-in-law would often quote. We would often discuss developments in the Christian Reformed Church, especially relating to women in office and theistic evolution. He would always say that we need to be humble and be on guard, because Scripture says, “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor. 10:17). There is no getting around the clear message of that text.
CA: …if I have heard you correctly, Allah’s will does not in any way constrain him. Allah does now, and will always do, whatever he wants to do. And what he wants to do later could be the opposite of what he has revealed through Muhammad. This is why you can have no guarantees with respect to Allah’s will, which is the sum and substance of Islamic religion. Is that correct?
IM: Yes, theoretically, that is correct. He cannot be constrained because he transcends all. But Muslims have hope that Allah will delight in our deeds and so bring us to heaven.
CA: I understand. But that hope is only an empty hope. And, like your understanding of mystery, it has no basis in knowledge. It is, as we like to say, a blind faith. Since the Qur’an is a revelation of Allah’s will, what he wills to do in the end may be the opposite of his will revealed in the Qur’an. Correct?
IM: Yes. Allah be praised. That is correct.
CA: Well, Ishaq, if that is true, then it just may be that what I believe and what you believe are the same thing, though you could never know that.
IM: What? This is blasphemy. I do not believe that Allah is three gods; I do not believe that he has a son. I reject all that you hold to be true.
CA: Yes, I know. I did not say that you believe what I believe. What I said is that it may be the case that what you believe and what I believe are the same. Allah is free to will such a thing.
You will have to admit, Ishaq, that Allah is free enough to decide and to will that he will bring all Christians to heaven and reject all Muslims. You will also have to agree that he may determine to have a son. He may, if he so wills, determine that Christian belief is to rewarded eternally and Muslim belief is to be condemned. If this were true, would you say, ‘Allah be praised’?
This is definitely one of the best examples I’ve seen of Reformed apologetics applied to Islam.
So, generally speaking, I am on board with Turnau’s approach to popular culture. However, I do have some questions and concerns. I also want to raise one point that some readers may struggle with, but with which I personally don’t.
Let me begin with that. It has to do with common grace. It was Abraham Kuyper who first popularized this concept, if you can call writing a three-volume theological tour-de-force popularizing. Kuyper introduced common grace to the Reformed world in his writings, and especially in his three-volume Gemeene Gratie (Common Grace). Kuyper’s formulation of this doctrine came under intense scrutiny from later Reformed theologians such as Herman Hoeksema and Klaas Schilder. For those who share the heritage of Hoeksema or Schilder, common grace is at best regarded with suspicion, and at worst with outright rejection.
The doctrine of common grace was assimilated by Cornelius Van Til into his Reformed apologetics. Van Til argued that, through what has been termed “common grace,” unbelievers are enabled by God to do things that are true, good, and beautiful. They can do these things despite themselves and their covenant-breaking rebellion. So, in practical terms, this means that an unbeliever can produce a piece of beautiful music in some genre or other. When a Christian hears that piece of music, he can praise God for it. However, Van Til also emphasized another teaching of Kuyper: the antithesis. There is a fundamental divide between believers and unbelievers in this world. There are covenant-breakers and covenant-keepers and there is no neutral ground between them. The antithesis is a “limiting concept” on common grace. In principle, unbelievers are at war with God and unable to do anything good, true, or beautiful. We expect unbelievers to produce fruits consistent with their unbelief. But, in practice, unbelievers often surprise us. Sometimes unbelievers make better art, music, and movies than Christians do. How do we explain that? It must somehow be a result of God’s work in this world.
One of the critiques sometimes levelled at the concept of common grace has to do with the terminology. There is some merit to this criticism. The point has been raised that the Bible does not speak of God’s grace in ways that do not reference salvation. This is a point well-taken. While recognizing that God “shines in all that is good,” it would indeed be better to speak of God’s kindness or perhaps his restraining the evil in this world for the sake of the elect.
I raise this point because, since VanTil’s method is premised on an acceptance of common grace, Ted Turnau’s method in Popologetics is too. But, like Van Til, Turnau also honours the antithesis and uses it as a “limiting concept.” This is evident, for example, in the questions he proposes to ask as part of his worldview apologetics. Question 3 reflects common grace: “What is good and true and beautiful in this world?” Question 4 works with the antithesis: “What is false and ugly and perverse in this world (and how can I subvert it)?” A balanced approach is also evident when he critiques those who hear God’s voice everywhere in popular culture. We have seen the fruit of a common grace doctrine unrestrained by the antithesis in the Christian Reformed Church, where, like some of the figures mentioned in Turnau’s critique, new revelation beyond the Bible is claimed to be coming from such unlikely places as The Simpsons or U2. Turnau does not want to go in that direction and I do not think he does in Popologetics. | 2019-04-24T12:09:17Z | https://yinkahdinay.wordpress.com/tag/cornelius-van-til/ |
In the backyard of the huge administration complex, along the green strip next to the zoo’s wall, a zoned out plot of land is separated from the lawn and divide in four equal portions, covered with different types of gravel. Looking much like a minimalist earthwork, the borders being a little to neatly built, the area serves as a field test to observe the rain enters the soil and how plants go through the gravel. It’s a test for the permeability of a border. Although i’m very interested in all the ways soil can be shown, made present, available to reflection as the support for our life, this situation brings up a metaphorical bridge for my presence in Lichtenberg: A piece of the city crossed out of the mental map of many of the city’s inhabitants – and my own presence here plays a role, even minimal, in the way this part of the city can, will be rendered available to the whole. A modalized filter between two sides.
Extraverted expressions of sympathy are like gas explosions. They are more and more rare, unexpected and when they happen, devastating. The man of the curry wurst caravan at the sbahn station Lichterfelde had for some reason a fantastic day. And made so ours. And now I know where the best currywurst are to be found in Berlin. Not only was the man overtly sympathetic and careful, and comprehensive for our bad local accent, but really had good sausages, offering 7 different levels of spiciness to make it better. The experience shone like a sun on the area, making us feel warmly welcome in an area that had left us until now mostly unaffected.
We walk around a former industrial area turned into a green area with sculptures, jogging paths, playgrounds. A series of depots are also there, entirely covered with graffitis. What at first sight appears like an abandoned industry hall, carefully fenced off, seems to be the headquarter of some a group, a posse, FBM. On one side a series of interpretation of FBM cover a wall: Fickn, baun, Malen; Fliegn, Baumeln, Motors, etc… Through the barriers we can see set up sceneries, more or less gore, around drugs, violence, police, state, capitalism, fun etc… But no one there and all entries are closed off. From afar we hear the echo of a basketball bouncing. As we turn around the building, we see three guys, two playing basketball on an improvised device and a third watching outside holding his phone. We look for a door, but there is still none. We walk up to the third young man, and ask him what is this here. “Well you see, it’s an abandoned depot”. But how did you get it? “We just got here”. Can we come in? “No, you see it’s dangerous, the roof is falling apart. We can’t let you in”: The two other guys were still playing. Our man got bored. “Well that’s it, bye”. But, sorry, what is FBM? “Can’t you read? It’s all written out there. It’s whatever you want”. No way to get more out of this. Even internet doesn’t give more about it. We leave the area, the bubble, so well self protecting. I’m a bit jealous of their autonomy.
A curvy, bowlconcrete area certainly appealing skateboarders, but for now and each time we went along it totally empty, is placed next to Bahnhof Lichtenberg at the north tip of the Weitlingkiez. When it was snowy, a young girl was sliding down the hill on a cardboard. The kiez is known for housing an important population of neo-nazis. And this is basically the face of Lichtenberg most known by Berliners, before the zoo or the Ikea. A huge program had been launched by the city hall over two years, and it was efficient at least in one thing: They are hardly public anymore. Which doesn’t mean they are not there. I think it is definitely a reasonable question: How do you compose with people living next to you believing in these ideologies? I can’t kill them, nor can I deport them. I might not want them as neighbors, nor do they, but it happens. If Lichtenberg is part of Berlin, how does it take part in it. What is it’s part? Is it to be the neo-nazi ghetto (then overshadowing the fact that there are many of them also in other parts of the city). If the city hall want this to change, what is it going to be? A skateboarder friendly kiez (which is so fun: 15 years ago we got thrown out of the city with our colorful boards full of skulls and bones, and now skateparks are designers and architects delight for city center revitalizing along with “organic” shapes … )?
Energy plants garden for sustainable resource. A test site amidst next to a leisure park, both on a former area used as rail yard for the industry. It looks like it would have wanted to be educational, but as I was walking trough the garden, there was no one, things and plants looked a bit derelict. At least things were growing. Lichtenberg provides a resource more and more limited in Berlin, which is ground, better said, free land. And this is not a sustainable resource, I mean, you can’t grow and harvest space, even less ground. In reality there is no free land, you always have to make it free. Which means you have to evacuate any previous attachments and make it available in order to be attractive, but for which (non-)attachments. It is today difficult to speak of attachments, soil, territory, without slipping toward a conservative positions, whereas at the same time, seen from the position of migration, the notion of re-rooting, of re-building attachments seems absolutely legitimate. So what happens when rooted meet re-rooted, How do generations of attachments entangle? Lichtenberg will soon undergo this process, it is obvious, and we, being there these few days, have yet no mean to experience and record that mingling (recomposition would be far too strong, it is a whole set of processes that are running in which the state, the city council only tries to insert some of its own, supporting its actual ideological project). We have no idea what this city can be.
We walk along the derelict rail track formerly grouping the industries toward distribution, nowadays giving shelter to a network of paths used by undetermined range of actors. We reach an open area: trees, shrubs, lawns, little or no trash. It is used. The wooden fence towards the road that existed in September has been replaced by a metallic fence in January, probably after the storm knocked out the wooden one. And now you can see this area from the street… In September, at the corner of the wooden fence, we have seen an ad for dog walking. And obviously this is what the area was used for as we found cups that might have served for watering animals. So the area had found an economy. Somebody annexed it for its personal economy. Great. The area was next to an office building advertised as The Wave. Brand new, totally bad taste, with a visible decorative element that would make it recognizable, the building was empty. It hadn’t found somebody who could use it yet.
Who are we here! Following the road form the wave we came along three buildings, two residential units and a kind of flat collective facility. Run down. Run down so far that from one of the units two workers were finishing the building, i.e. extracting all raw materials from which they can make money, piling the stuff into a van with polish plates. In front of the collective unit there was a fountain with a mosaic that must have been very colorful. An impression of misery took over the potentiality gaze: From a position looking around for what can happen the gaze shifted toward seeing what is going on right here. And it was ugly and irremediable. The snapshot here is a very uncomfortable one. It’s an ugly catch with an ugly feeling and you can’t see it. The other residential unit was occupied. It was apparently full. Windows were open and closed, curtains made of whatever animated the sunny facade. This joyful heterogeneity stirred my bad feelings even more, challenging my very presence. We left the plot.
Facilities from the former regime were taken over by the state and developed. So has the former winter sports training area, a comprehensive set of stadiums, hotels, offices, wardrobes, etc… been taken over and extended for federal sports team. It includes a group of covered ice fields, mostly closed to the public, where athletes were training. One of these stadiums was partly open to the public: The speed skating stadium had in its center two smaller ice fields where schools would come during the day and once a month an ice disco would take place here. The elegance of that sports tempe contrasted with the smell: next to the small ice fields was a wurststand. While the olympic athletes were training, you could enjoy a wurst with a cup of filter coffee. We strongly regretted that our residency was not on the week when the ice disco would occur. When we left through the snow, several classes were waiting in line to get their skates. We had no idea of that ice stadium and i planned to come back here with my family: it was a secret and exotic spot away from the city center and its fancy equipments as much as well organized ice rink. It would be an experience.
Our tour led next to many industrial leftovers, some of them already on the way of being rehabilitated. This ambiance (Stimmung) supporting the visible space as being under the prospect of potentiality accompanied me most of the time, modulating my gaze, leading me to project my own activity into any built object I would see. During our tour I was becoming a large scale sculptor organizing huge parties in his mind blowing industry-sized studio. Yeah. Look at that concrete skeleton, it’s perfect! Our spontaneous running-game was: Where would we spend our half-million euros? Would we want to stay here, what would we do to make it possible, likable to be here? We were about to do the widely slandered job of general attraction factor raising. And stopped. And started again as soon as another site catches our mind. Through our wandering we were seeing how this potentiality game had to stay under the radar of bigger players, although also conscious that we weren’t the first out there, neither that we were alone. Much better trained scouts were doing the job far more systematically, but they wouldn’t be invested with that surplus value we had: the cross-cultural actors able by practice and self-need to stitch up territories in order to create a space in which they could live and make a living. We were process agents, but we could easily be taken over, or integrated by project agents. Many times we thought we should stop, step away from our investigation, leave the territory untouched. And there’s the “paradox”, you can’t leave anymore, it’s already happening. There is no wake-up in which to escape.
There is a place I really like. It catches me deeply. I love it. I want it, I want to be there, I want to have it for me and I want it to take me. It was our most intrusive exploration and a total delight: The former greenhouses of Lichtenberg, where the garden services of the city would grow the plants to be installed in- and outdoor in the city. The service has probably been reduced and displaced, due to huge budget cuts some years ago, leaving the area growing wild and unattended. The plot is for sale. We went by several times and finally entered the plot. From outside you see bushes and the glass roofs, mostly intact. Once inside, it’s a science fiction movie, some quite and soft post-apocalyptic scenery. Plants took over, profiting from the situation. As we were in winter, the roofs were covered with snow, the plants like sleeping. Wild quietness. The intermediary situation of out- and inside makes a space that shelters without being smothering, not like the walls of a run down house and encloses a bit more than just a forest. Silvery fabrics hang from the metallic structures above our heads, giving it a techy taste. Also a useful isolation if needed. A feeling known from previous explorations rose: What if we met somebody here? What language would we need to speak? What code are going to improvise for the encounter to be rich and peaceful? I could perfectly imagine the place being used as a hideout over the night. We walked around. We spent some time enjoying the space. Just enjoying. We did not meet anybody. For once, this was just ours.
A place which was definitely not our and we stumbled in by interest for it’s name [Namen FINDEN] was a former school transformed in a associative “multiplex”, hosting different organizations, activities and a canteen for the elderly. We explored the building, a cosy, smelly and welcoming daedalus of watercolor exhibitions, reunion spaces and photographic documentation of many public sculptures in lichtenberg, of which we added some to our tour. It’s a community center. How call it otherwise. A cultural center wouldn’t exhale the same quality of attachment, of locality. Next to the main school, in a more recent construction, less definite, was a youth center, mainly hosting a radio program, the Jugendfunkhaus. A visual note: seeing many buildings from before the 90′, I appreciated so much the old window frames, doors, doorknobs etc… all being nearly unique, at least a generic way of making it simple and unique for the building. Now the generic is replaced by standards to which the buildings are adapted, including these large window frames and synthetic wall insulation which lat any building look like a minecraft sketch.
This supermarket overtook a patrimonial infrastructural remain from the 19th and extended it in order to fit its own standards. Brightly restored, the brick building combined with the logo of the chain provides a colorful spot in the landscape. In Foam City, Sloterdijk exemplifies the repurposing of buildings to new and yet unestablished needs by telling the story of how the french revolution used churches and palaces to held their reunions, taking shape by default in those spaces built with an antagonistic view of the world. The relation of the supermarket with the former train garage seems so far far more streamlined, the continuity more evident, sadly. But it is also liberating sometime to consider the boldness with which industry allows itself to bend and repurpose the real to its own need, and I keep this bold thinking in mind as a way to build my own continuities. The few streets behind the supermarket, reaching to the tracks of the S-bahn, host the very first plattenbauten. We remembered it when tracking back our daily journey on a map and comparing it with the photographs of the photographs shown in the [Namen FINDEN].
In front of the Tierpark, next to the Star-trek-like mall, two foreign students asked us their way to the university in English. We could help them we our city map and discovered for ourselves that there was the Wirtschaftfachhochschule nearby. Soon after, looking around us again, we saw a new population mixing with the until now mainly local adult population: a cosmopolite population of students speaking many different languages that was gravitating around the school. As our journey led along the school, we went into the courtyard. A kind of circular forum with a slightly sunken bottom was lying under the snow, circumvented by the traces of the students. The recent installation appeared like an amendment to the rather dry building, trying to give it a more open, welcoming and sharing-friendly nature – all this being inconveniently exposed to berlin’s climate. Again the thousand years old model got called back again from the dead, waiting stoically under the sky for a functional replacement.
Where can urban experience take place in Berlin? As Berlin slowly slips away from the status of capital of the cool, heterogenous experiments are taking place here and away from the limelight and we are somehow confident that they will remain out of focus for a little while. So what do these probably autonomous initiative, public and private, do? (we assume that the Bezirk, an administrative and political sub level of the city hall of Berlin, does not have the financial means to impose a fully regulated master plan and so able to be the chef d’orchestre) What does this heterogeneity do? Former modernist bus stops are repurposed as pizzeria. Industrial land is bought up both by the federal state to set up facilities, like that experimental garden, and by international investors from India and Vietnam. Audi R8 sports car are parked in front of modest villas. Prisons are turned into museums, contemporary townhouses grow next to modernist ensembles. African car dealers prepare the shipping of second-hand cars in their yards next to music clubs. Olympic ice skaters train along school classes taking their sports classes out of the campus. Enumerated in this concentrated manner, it sketches a whole new portrait, and elaborates a complex and pluralistic environment, fragile and far less streamlined than the urban experience advertised for Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg or Kreuzberg. But then it shouldn’t be also forgotten that this takes place over a huge area, where a lot of space is vacant between spots. If each spot often present a kind of combination, they hardly can be seen as visibly connected. And why should they be?
The run-down factory hosts some activity in its ground floor, the upper floors being too degraded and an unclear question of ownership restrains any investment attempt. The factory lies behind a 5 story-building where the workers formerly lived. On the carless stripe between the factory and the building we encountered something unimaginable city in northern Europe: A gang of children playing on the street, freely exploring heaps of sand, car wrecks, throwing stones and circling around with bikes and tricycles. It felt like a color movie set in the 30’s, wasn’t there the same supermarket chain closing the strip on the corner plot. The new supermarket was facing a new use of the former factory space. Multiple new coexist. Many models running at the same time. Each of them giving an account of and producing a part of the real. I think that having these next to each other, not really clashing but also unmediated gives the possibility to evaluate what it produces for a reality. So far, I can’t say I want to live there, but I also can’t say that I don’t want to live there.
The claim for boldness I made earlier should be a liberating call for Europe’s patrimonial territory to allow local horizons to generate their specific answer. An invitation to further testify and define the distinction, introduced by Jeremy Lecompte, between the generic and the standardized – This is an elevator to get from the walking path to the platform. It is not two elevators connected by a pedestrian bridge. For some situation-bound reasons, the elevator goes up, travels across the bridge and goes down. It is unique. | 2019-04-26T16:38:28Z | http://lichtenberg-studios.de/2014/10/erik-goengrich-yves-mettler/ |
His pole lap on Saturday was a sight to behold, all controlled aggression and commitment, brushing the walls, judging the balance between risk and reward to perfection to leave his rivals breathless.
Until that point, Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel had appeared to be evenly matched with Hamilton but when it mattered the German found his car's grip had mysteriously disappeared. Hamilton found plenty, though, to go more than half a second clear of anyone else.
It was, as McLaren sporting director Sam Michael put it, a "fantastic" lap and he followed it with a controlled performance in the race, taking only as much as he needed to out of the car and tyres, confident that he had pace in reserve if Vettel upped his pace behind him.
But then the oil started leaking out of his differential, he lost his seamless gearshifts, then third gear and finally all his gears, and he sadly coasted to a halt at Turn Five with more than half the race still remaining.
It was the latest in a series of disappointments for Hamilton this year, without which he would be right up with Alonso in the championship.
For nearly all of them he has been blameless. Only in his collision with Pastor Maldonado in Valencia could you perhaps lay any small fault at his door - of course the Williams man drove into him, but ex-drivers, including Ivan Capelli, have questioned whether Hamilton might have been wiser in the circumstances to leave him a bit more space.
Despite the series of McLaren-related incidents that have cost him his best chance of the title since 2008, Hamilton's mood upon getting back to the paddock was notably different from his subdued bearing after taking pole and victory in Italy two weeks ago.
In Monza, he was downbeat, almost monosyllabic, despite his crushing performance. Here, the speed was the same, but the disposition far sunnier.
It remains to be seen whether that was to do with him making up his mind about his future one way or the other.
But it would take a brave man who gave up the pace of the McLaren for the uncertain and unimpressive form of Mercedes, whatever the difference in remuneration, real or potential, there may be between the offers.
"I think it would have been a nice result for us but we still have more races to go," he said.
"We really couldn't afford today but it is what it is. The good thing is we have good pace. I have to go and win the next races."
On his and McLaren's current form, he could easily win all of them, but if the season continues in its topsy-turvy way, with wins shared about, it is difficult to see him making up so many points on Alonso.
Vettel, though, is a different matter. The low-downforce circuits of Spa and Monza behind them, the Red Bull is likely to be competitive everywhere.
Even if it is not as strong as the McLaren, it is certainly consistently quicker than the Ferrari and in that context a 29-point deficit following the victory he inherited from Hamilton in Singapore is eminently bridgeable.
As Red Bull team boss Christian Horner pointed out, Vettel "was 25 points down with two races to go in 2010, which indicates anything is possible for all the drivers. We need to keep taking points off Fernando, which ideally means getting a few more cars between us and him."
Alonso has not won since Germany in July. A potential win escaped him in Italy two weeks ago because of a mechanical problem in qualifying, but Ferrari's poor performance in Singapore, when he had been expecting to fight for pole and victory, was a wake-up call.
On the form of this weekend, Alonso does not look likely to win in normal circumstances unless Ferrari can bring some more speed to the car.
But what he does keep doing is finishing in the points.
In the 10 races since the Spanish Grand Prix in May, Alonso has retired only once - after being hit by the flying Lotus of Romain Grosjean in Belgium three weeks ago. Of the nine he has finished, seven of them resulted in a podium - including two wins - and the other two fifth places.
No-one else has consistency anything like that, and it is in that consistency that lies his best hope.
The concern for Alonso is that if both McLarens and Vettel finish races, those podiums will be hard to come by, and in those circumstances that gap would come down quickly indeed.
So well has he been driving this year that Alonso has to still be considered a narrow favourite for the title.
But while McLaren's weaknesses have made the championship a long-shot even for Hamilton, as Alonso leaves Singapore, he will be casting worried glances over his shoulder at Vettel.
No mention of Michael here, good job.
Good summary, and I'm feeling, even though Kimi is always, somehow, still in the top 3 race after race, unless he wins very soon, this championship comes down to Alonso vs. Vettel. It would be great, coming from a Kimi fan, for him to be involved in a championship battle to the wire, and even win, on his return, but a race win is looking necessary soon.
Mclaren have thrown the drivers title away this year. Pit stop disasters and reliability issues have cost Hamilton the title. Imagine where he'd be with the reliability that Ferrari have had.
It's no wonder he wants to move... though moving to Mercedes would potentially be even worse for him.
Alonso's consistency is incredible, but I do feel for Hamilton. He's now lost certain wins in Barcelona and Singapore, a chance of a win at Valencia, as well as potential podiums in Bahrain, Hockenheim and Spa. Without that kind of bad luck/team errors he and Alonso would be miles ahead of the rest! I think Button and Webber are completely out of contention now.
I've criticised your blogs in the past Andrew, but credit where it's due, you have given a fair report of Hamilton's season here.
So the 40 (ish) points you have mentioned before due to operational errors from McLaren and the 25 lost today would have given Lewis a healthy margin at the top of the table by my reckoning. Although, like Vettel, I don't claim to be a genius.
Of course there have been other drivers with bad luck and ifs, buts and maybes don't amount to much in the world of sport.
Alonso has been fantastic all season, absolutely indisputable, but we must acknowledge Ferrari's excellence too. They've provided Alonso a reliable car, excellent strategy calls and seamless pit stop service. Something that should be expected from all the top 3 teams but sadly lacking in 2.
The final six races will be a fantastic spectacle and I cannot wait. It would do any of the drivers a disservice to wish bad luck on them. Unlikely though it is, if Hamilton wins all of them with Alonso second it will be an incredible way to finish off two great seasons from the two best drivers in the world. And it will provide one with a moral victory and the other with a very real one.
Vettel will undoubtedly win this championship - if the reliability issues are not present. Yes, the Red Bull is nowhere near as fast this year thanks to the low downforce rules, it is better than the Ferrari, enough to slowly but surely overhaul Alonso's lead.
I must say I am disappointed at Schumacher's performance today. I don't like him or support him but I feel he has finally reached the point of no return - diminished skill and down right dangerous driving.
Saying that, Maldonado seems to be learning to restrain himself - shame Grosjean isn't grasping such a concept... Great potential but needs to restrain himself or face losing his seat.
Kimi won the title in 2007 after being 17 points behind with two races to go. In today's points that would equate to a 1st and a 2nd place (43), so the championship is still open for Hamilton, Kimi, Mark or Jenson.
"...if Hamilton wins all of them with Alonso second it will be an incredible way to finish off two great seasons from the two best drivers in the world. And it will provide one with a moral victory and the other with a very real one."
Although I am a huge Lewis fan, I do think this piece of misfortune has cost him the championship.
I was reading somewhere, a comparison between this F1 season and the epic 1982 season, it quoted; 'the championship could still be one by a quiet Finn whose sole win comes at the end of the season'. Keep your eyes open people, there's a fourth player in this championship battle!
I see the cat has got the tongue of all the Hamilton knockers.
What a performance, stylish, classic, professional, daring, adventurous, dramatic, enthralling.
The BBC curse strikes again for Hamilton. In races this year where the BBC have shown the live event Hamilton has picked up a total of 33 points in 7 races, while when the race has been a sky exclusive he has picked up 109 points in 7 races. In the last four Grand Prix's shown live by the BBC, Hamilton has retired from 3 and picked up an 8th place in Britain, quite an extraordinary pattern.
Some absolutely shocking blunders from the Mclaren team throughout the year has cost Hamilton dearly, although obviously blaming them for today is outrageously harsh. Whilst many may rave about Alonso's consistency, Hamilton (the inconsistent "boy racer") would be just as consistent if it weren't for these errors.
Obviously, he is not meant to win the title this year, so now i am hoping Alonso wins the title as 1. he has been brilliant this year and 2.i think he is better than Vettel. On today's race, happy for Jenson and especially PDR, 2 great races for him after i slightly questioned him. Rosberg also has a very solid race for 5th, well beyond what i expected of mercedes. Vettel drove very well too and Alonso is always around the top end of the points.
A pleasant suprise Andrew. Not unessessary critisism of MS or over the top praise for JB. Maybe after all the complaints the BBC have recieved after your last blog you have focused on the news rather than your likes/dislikes. I'm very happy to see that you've also included Ivan Capelli as a source for one of your 'ex-driver', 'insider' opinions as well. A good article I would say. Thank you.
Hamilton has driven very well this year and has been unfortunate with incidents outside of his control that have cost him points at several races.
Alonso will be a clear favourite for the title now but I have a feeling it will go down to the last race of the season. Ferrari have looked off the pace for the last few races so Alonso will have to continue his excellent form this season to get the points he requires.
This O.P. is a masterly example of the famous but oh! so pointless, example of the "If Only" game by Benson and most posters--remember this one--"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride them". Fact is, that unlike any other sport motor racing of any kind is full of uncertainties because no matter the driver, he is in the hands of a highly sophisticated (and therefore unpredictable) piece of equipment.
The argument being made here, could be made about more drivers than Hamilton.
A well written article Andrew, and it is shaping up to be a close conclusion to the season.
Bad luck for Lewis today, & Pastor, good drives by Seb, Jenson, Fernando and Paul.
I've said before that both Alo and Hammy are having as good a season as I can remember.
This is a much more balanced read than the "Vettel wins Singapore thriller/marathon" article.
I personally think that if McLaren don't win the constructors this year Whitmarsh could be gone.
Bad luck to Ham & Pastor. Driver of the day goes to Massa for me.
Well done to Paul di Resta for an excellent fourth place. Congratulations F1 for making it impossible for any of us to know who actually is currently the best driver.
good race hopfully more of the same for next 6!! pity schumi made a mistake 10 grid drop a bit harsh tho!
All 3 still have a chance, with Vettel being the favorite.
probs 1-3 within 25 points or less. Alonso will run into trouble, if he is 0.85 secs off the pole. He won't be in the podium every race with the luck he had today. Lets remember he was 5th before Lewis and Pastor retired..
Also... if Lewis does win all of the 6 remaining races, then there is no doubt he will be champion.
Sebastian has a quicker car than Alonso, and JB is there too, so there is really no way Alonso would always be 2nd, average finish will probs be between 3 and 5.
McLaren really need to sort out their reliabilty issues.
Last 2 races, Button played the good team mate in staying ahead of Alonso in both. Playing his part, maximising the gap between Alonso & Hamilton.
Only for reliability issues to cause a DNF for himself, from 2nd place, last time out & then today a DNF for Hamilton.
Never mind the issues & ramifications for the WDC, both McLaren drivers need to keep their motivation & their cars need to finish.......then as high up the field as possible, to maximise their potential for the WCC.
It's been too long since they last won it.
Yes, kudos to Sebastian for finishing the race in first. Well done! Kimi could have run a better race with higher quals. M. Schumacher should be no more than a testing driver. For Force India, at best. Along with Massa.
Paul DiR - another amazing qualifying, great race lap pace, deserved 4th place in A Force India!
Alonso - great result considering Ferrari is slow, not even sure it was the 3rd fastest car at Singapore, plus the strategy sucked, coming out in traffic after pitstops fair enough but pitting at the same time as Maldo, to come out behind the 2 stoppers Perez, Hulk and also Gros and Rosberg! The laptimes were so poor then and could have been more costly.
Hamilton, great despite retiring. Wish I could have seen a Lew Seb battle at the end though. Wonder if it had anything to do with the whack he gave the wall on his 2nd Q3 lap which he didn't even need to finish McLaren!
SebVet, good effort, good pace at the end, did everything right till he got out of the car and kept on showing off 'the finger'!
Maldonado - great qually but understeer to gift places to Seb and Jens then lose loads of time overdriving and over-defending against Alonso, plus why red tyres then a 4th stop, before retiring?
Webber - utterly disgraceful strategy from the initial pitstop right through the race! Red Bull look like the don't want the constructors, just Sebs drivers title.
Ferrari - really poor pace, no working upgrades, look like Lotus, Williams, Sauber could wipe away points from Alonso if they get it right, let alone the gap to the Bulls and Maccas.
@29 As you probably remember, I don't hold with team orders.
Not sure the Lotus orders were about the 2 WDC points or as much about the relative speeds of the 2 cars in the race today? Suppose it results in the same thing. Either way can't say I like them.
Don't know how Grosjean feels. Maybe he feels chastened anyway after his ban, so felt easier about it today? How does a driver react if it keeps on happening? Where does it put his psyche? Would be really interesting to hear what Massa, for example, really thinks & how it really has affected him?
@33 as Brundle said on the comms that once Kimi was let by RG was back on the same pace again. I think if Lotus had told RG after Monza that look the rest of this year if it happens to arise you will have to let Kimi by then maybe that is easier to take. I do hope though that it doesn't dishearten RG too much as he was having a good weekend. Still not sure if Kimi can win the title without winning a race or two. Because FA and SV will take it if he doesn't win some races. I think if the double DRS works in Japan that could be his best chance. But will have to be dry which is what didn't happen in Spa.
It's artificial & one place, 2 points was all that was gained... either way. The team scored the same points whichever the order, but one of the drivers was, potentially, demotivated. Of course, you'd have to ask Grosjean how he felt. However, with the politics etc., you'd be unlikely to get anything but a "diplomatic" answer.
Lotus are currently 4th in the WCC. The way that is panning out, particularly as they've scored regular points rather than won races, they've probably got a better chance improving their position in the WCC, than Raikonnen has of winning the WDC.
Rather than deflating a driver with the negative effect that might have for the remainder of the season, keeping both drivers fully motivated, with the WCC in mind, might be the more pragmatic approach?
As you say, if Massa, or any driver were ever to spill the beans it would be at the end of their careers or stay bottled up for good.
The drawback to that is we'll never know how it really effected them & what they might have delivered, over the race, season or their career, if they hadn't been put in that position?
@35 I suppose it depends on the strength of the team. For example back in the MSC Ferrari days their car was that strong they could have a clear number 1 and still win the WCC. Even though those team orders especially I think Austria 03 was it I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about. Anyway the point is also the mental strength of Runens must've been huge, as he knew he was only there to win if Michael was out and to kind of pick up the pieces. I think in 06 and in some ways 07 Massa was happy to play the second driver but after so nearly winning the title in 08 felt he had earned number 1 status.
I still believe that F1 is a team sport and both the orders at Monza and here were correct, but I do think they have to be handled very delicately. Will be interesting to see how things play out at the next 6 races and if any other teams start playing the team game. I.e Red Bull?
Really bad luck for Hamilton but I don't think he is out of the WDC. He is in good form and has the fastest car on the grid. However, it is unbelievable to hear people say that if Mclaren had the same reliability as Ferrari, Lewis would be running away with the championship. Well if Ferrari was as fast as Mclaren, then Alonso would have already wrapped up WDC. I think if you give a choice to any of the drivers to either pick Mclaren or Ferrari to drive for next 6 races, every single one of them would pick Mclaren as it is a much faster piece of machinery.
Its going to be tough for LH now. There is just no consistency, which he himself said would be key to the WDC this year. FA has been the most consistent performer and he must be the absolute favourite now. If the new upgrades ferrari brings work, he will be fighting for pole in the coming races and it will be tough to push him from the podium. If, however, the RB and Mcl maintain there pace superiority than it will be equally tough for him. If Vettel or Hami are to have any chance, MW, Kimi and JB have to somehow push Fa out of the podium in the upcoming races. Maybe the sauber and williams will come to the party as well.
Feel sorry for LH. But thats sport, we are glued because of the unpredictability. This might turn out to be the defining race... Of the last 5, retired, first, retired, first, retired. Wont call it bad luck, but very unfortunate.
Mr Benson, I have to say, I very often find myself criticising your blogs, therefore only think it for to also praise and credit where credit is due. An excellently balanced, objective perspective!
It was such a shame for Hamilton. I do believe that in F1, what goes around comes around, and I think it would be wrong to say that Hamilton has had nothing but bad luck, though this season has proved to have it in for him in some way. As I mentioned on the immediate report of the race, Vettel, Button and Webber all suffered from poor reliability in Italy, so it is not like Hamilton has been struck an extra blow compared to his rivals, albeit while he was leading through a very composed drive.
Alonso has had his share of luck this season, but even he was a victim at Belgium, and I while the fact that finishes in 4th/5th have actually increased a championship lead, you can't account the [performance of others as luck for Alonso, that's just what happens. What usually makes Alonso stand out is that he seems immune to a bad patch, i.e. a succession of races where he can't get it together. We saw Button struggle towars the end of the first half, and Webber certainly came across it in Hungary, and is yet to battle his way out of it. 52 points is not an overwhelming deficit, considering one unfortunate twist or incident could halve (Grammar question, do you half or halve something?) that gap in one race.
While I would love to see Lotus surprise everyone, I can't quite see it happening. Raikkonen has been very consistent, but his car seems to lack the sheer capabilities of the McLaren and Red Bull. Fortunately for him however, he has a team-mate who is capable of stealing points off his rivals.
Alonso perhaps has another win in him, but the same could be said for a retirement. Ferrari have enjoyed dominion over reliability for just over a decade, but Japan 2006 proved that a disaster can occur at a crucial point, and that could still happen.
It's still in Hamilton's power to claw this back, as it is for Vettel and dare I say, Button and Webber. It's not over until Vanessa Feltz sings, as it were.
Mathematics apart, why does anyone see Kimi Raikkonen as a contender? Apart from a couple of races, he has not been a front-runner. The car is good but not fast enough. Raikkonen wasn´t exactly on fire in Singapore, given his championship position, you´d expect to see a bit more hunger.
Kimi has to win a couple of races to take the championship, hard to see were that extra speed is going to come from in either the car or the driver. Probably it´s more likely that the Lotus effort will fade than build, but strange things do happen!
One again Andrew Benson with his biased views. Will he ever learn.
Thus retirement WAS due to Hamilton hitting the wall in qualifying and therefore his fault. You cant smack the wall like that and expect not to do some damage to the differential so it will go down as yet another mistake from Hamilton in the long line of them in his career so far.
Stop waxing poetical about the driver in the fastest car and concentrate more on the two that are in reality driving the wheels off their respective cars in super human efforts.
Alonso benefitted massively (again) from the safety car (caused by an average driver in a terrible car). I think he was on the wrong strategy prior to that and would've struggled - I think we were robbed of a more eventful race. But kudos to him, consistency is king. Renault seem to be fading so it looks to be Alonso/Vettel/Hamilton with Webber and Button outsiders - at least they still have competitive cars unlike, I fear, Kimi.
I think it's time to put an end to HRT. That dog of a car has already ruined the races of world champions this season. I can't blame the drivers because quite clearly it's so horrendous even Senna in his peak wouldn't have been able to get it off the back row. They consistently use the first race as a test session because they can't get the car ready on time and are well off the pace of the Caterhams and Marussias. They aren't even blooding young talent.
Also, the first corner(s) of the race - Rosberg and (if I recall correctly) Webber went off and rejoined ahead of those they went into the corner alongside. In my book, that's called not losing a place. Rosberg at least could've got on the brakes more and taken the corner, albeit losing position to a couple of cars. Are we to send a message that using run-offs to miss a corner but hold position is acceptable because it's the start and there's a lot going on?
On a positive note, a good showing for Williams despite technical problems. Apart from the incident from Massa, Senna drove very well. Although he's close in the points, he's not been up there with Maldonado on pace - rather have to calm an erratic driver who has pace than get an consistent driver to speed up. Senna still has a lot to do to convince that he's worth a race seat for 2013.
Great blog and I think sums the situation up nicely BUT only takes Hamilton to win in Japan with Vettel getting nothing and it all swings around again!
"Alonso has been fantastic all season, absolutely indisputable, but we must acknowledge Ferrari's excellence too. They've provided Alonso a reliable car, excellent strategy calls and seamless pit stop service. Something that should be expected from all the top 3 teams but sadly lacking in 2."
We may have seen different championships then.. The Ferrari may be a reliable car but the speed is nowhere near any of the other 2 top teams (may I even say 3 or 4 if you count the Lotus and in the last race the Williams too).. The difference in qualifying lap is staggering..
Re, strategy.. ahem.. Ferrari's strategic decisions have been a mismatch of hits and misses hidden only by Fernando's superb skills, maturity and flawless performance..
Re developments, etc, well, Singapore if anything was a involution rather than an evolution..
Thus, I guess you are not serious in suggesting that Hamilton/Button or Vettel/Webber would be above Fernando in the championship leaderboard had they been driving for Ferrari instead of McLaren or RBR..
Both championships would be wide open then!!
Why is it that drivers who regularly cut corners with all 4 wheels outside the confines of the track never penalised, even though they are gaining an advantage by getting closer to the 1 second DRS zone of the car in front ?
Why was there no action against Vettel when leading off from behind the safety car when he 'brake-tested' Button. Rule 40.13 covers such a situation - cars '...must proceed at a pace which involves no erratic acceleration or braking ....' when the safety car has indicated that it is returning to the pit lane.
Double safety car ruined the race. If button was on 2 stop race and vettel and ham on 3 stops then button may have jumped them both. We will never know.
Also why was webber suddenly developed a Massa like form!!
Hi, nice to chat to you.
Firstly I'm happy to back up what I said but I'm not getting into a forum argument about opinions because they are exactly that.
Secondly, while I am sure we can both quotes individual cases and races to chip away at each others arguments the point I was making in that paragraph was on the net whole, the Ferrari team have delivered a better 'in-race' service for their driver than McLaren and Red Bull this year.
So, strategy, while the team as far as I recall have not pulled a race win from no-where, which their driver has in Valencia. They have not done anything to hinder their driver to the same extent as RB or McL (bar Alono's 2 stop choice in Canada). Numerous times we have seen Vettel dropped in behind traffic or McLaren split strategies - yes Hamilton will have been present at that meeting but he does not have final say, otherwise why would you give the engineers salaries?
Pit Stops - I can only presume you're referring to the fastest pit stop table which admittedly McL lead, and in recent races have been extremely solid. But their poor performance at the start of the season cost both drivers points. If an average pit stop time table exists I'd love to see it. I'm not claiming Ferrari top it, but I doubt their fans are nervous when a red car peels off into the pits. I can't recall a single time the Ferrari has been overly delayed in the pits.
Developments, I can't say I actually commented on that. But I agree with you, Ferrari are off the bubble. However my point was about in-race team operations.
And you're right, I didn't suggest where the RB drivers or McL drivers would be in a Ferrari this year, in fact I didn't allude to it. Truth is to comment on that would be pure conjecture and not even opinion.
I am however saying that if Red Bull or McLaren delivered the same in race service as Ferrari then the championship table would looked markedly different. Not only would Vettel and Hamilton have not lost the points they have but Alonso would not have gained as many.
So all in all my point remains, on balance Ferrari have been incredible this season, as has their lead driver. And acknowledgement should be given to the engineers and people of Maranello as well as Alonso.
Sadly it's all over for Hammo, hope I'm wrong but can't see it happening and....well....enough said really.
Hamilton is not out of the title race. McLaren still have the best car but he now needs more consistency in his results and must hope that the Ferrari really falls behind so even Alonso can't get results out of it. Vettel is certainly the main challenger to Alonso and Raikkonen probably needs to get at least two victories now if he is to go into the final race with a chance. Finishing every race in the points is not enough now. Button is too far behind and Webber has really struggled in the last few races so it is now a four horse race for the title going into Japan. Btw, the BBC needs to change the result of the Singapore Grand Prix on their results and standings page as it still has Webber finishing tenth with 133 points and Perez with 65 where it should be 132 for Webber and 66 for Perez.
Seb has a faster car as compared to alonso,so do the maths.seb wins championship number 3.
I think it's basically Alonso's title now. There are some seasons where you've just got to look at it and say 'yeah it's out of my hands'. Hamilton has driven a champions season for the most part and put the rubbish of 2011 behind him masterfully. But Alonso seems to have the gods on his side. I don't believe in fate or anything like that but when you see the way Alonso emerges onto a podium position from nowhere in the race after every (very odd) front runner breakdown, you've got to wonder if Alonso's name wasn't on the trophy from day one. Hamilton can be proud of his racing this season.
@55, your version of events skewed in Hamiltons favour for Brazil 2007 and are simply not what happened.
"Brazil faulty gear box but still finished 8th was comfortably in the top 3 when it happened,he needed 5th at least"
Seem to remember Lewis fell behind the Ferraris of Massa and Kimi at the start to 3rd, then Alonso passed him round the outside of turn 2 putting him 4th, then Lewis tried a daft move into turn 4, locking up and sliding off track, and rejoining in 8th or 9th, all his own fault.
Then he couldn't remember how to reset his gearbox niggle quick enough losing more time than he should, but he still had 60 or so laps to get the measly points he needed for the championship and couldn't do it in a car that with the Ferrari was the class of the field.
The icing on the cake for Kimi was that Massa let Kimi through to take enough points to win the championship by a point from Alonso who was 3rd in a McLaren with a team boss who despised him for half the season.
Definitely not in 3rd when he got stuck in neutral.
"he's gone wide, he's made an absolute mess of the start"
Alonso has had a large helping of luck so far this season, in the sense that his principle competitors have been quite unlucky.
Hamilton's tale of woe needs no further commentary I assume. So let's look at Vettel. Leading the Italian GP with just six laps to go when knocked out by an alternator failure. Result: minus25 points for Vettel and plus three points for Alonso, who moved up from fourth to third when Vettel retired.
At Valencia Vettel was leading the race at the mid-point when he was forced out by another alternator failure. Alonso went on to win that race. Result: plus seven points for Alonso (assuming he would have otherwise finished second) and minus twenty-five points for Vettel.
Malaysia: Vettel was running fourth in the closing stages of the race when Karthikeyan collided with him and gave him a puncture. Karthikeyan was given a penalty, but Vettel finished 11th and out of the points. Result: minus twelve points for Vettel.
have people not been paying attention to the F1 this year? it is so unpredictable that we can not judge what will happen.
@61 "have people not been paying attention to the F1 this year? it is so unpredictable that we can not judge what will happen."
You are correct when you look at the season as a whole, but in recent races we've seen it clearly as Red Bull and McLaren as the class of the field. McLaren have 4 poles in the last 4 races and should have had 4 wins as well, you can't get more predictable than that, though now we move to twisty tracks, unlike Monza, it'll all be about Red Bull and McLaren. The question is will Button and Webber win or take points away from Seb and Lew.
The most unpredictable car seems to be the Sauber, the only thing predictable is their stubborn strategy to do less stop than everyone even if Perez is 5s per lap slower when his tyres are shot.
@60, Alonso has not had the bad luck on reliability, only unlucky to be taken out by Grosjean at Spa. Despite this you could equally argue that it is bad luck for Alonso that for so many races this year he has a car slower than the McLaren and RedBull. Even more so now Ferrari are not closing the gap for the final races. He has been a lot further from pole than Ferrari would have expected recently.
He has had to take more risks during races to overtake for position, Valencia for example, and even when he finishes 4th/5th you get the feeling that this was the absolute best the car could have done at that race.
I'm waiting for a clash between championship contenders when racing wheel to wheel this year, it nearly happened between Vettel and Alonso at Monza.
Lewis.. Nothing to do with the race on Sunday but please leave Now!!!!
Relationships change as do many other things in life. Since the snake was appointed as your team mate, It was time to go.. You are the best driver along with alonso by far, and anyone apart from the biggots know that only too well. The snake has done more than you will ever do with regards to contract movements, as we all know, giving his word to williams, only to retract it, and buy himself out to go to Honda.His lifestyle was one of pure enjoyment and lust. Nothing wrong with that,only the fact that they rub your nose, and try to discredit you for what??? Alonso well we all no is past, and his total insistance that he get everything he wants or else, but once again he is held the most high as a man of standing and somone to aspire too.
a real shame for Hamilton, I just think the quiet sit in the cockpit after he stopped, was his decision to sign for Mercedes..the car isnt as good, but who knows next year?
I hope Alonso gets the WDC, he deserves it...not a natural Alo fan here but credit where its due! if Vettel wins it, he will be insufferable!
The beer goggle effect really seems to affect F1 drivers. Oh well, party on, you're only young once.
@56, interesting analysis but as we all know there are no poinrs for quali.. Just the advantage at the start. Reliability is crucial and sadly Mclaren have issues to go with stupid pit stop mistakes. The latter seem to be fixed now but this will be no consolation for LH who really ought to be right up at the sharp end of the WDC. I hope he stays at Mclaren. Cant see him moving to Merc for several reasons, not least of which is that they have not yet signed the concorde agreement so may pull put of F1 in the next year or two.
Oh look who is back after Vettel has eventually won (inherited) his secod race of the season! It's Vettel's biggest fanboy, Twirlip!
But what ARE you talking about re. Vettel dropping out of the Italian GP "whilst leading!?" Do you even WATCH the races?
Vettel was running sixth behind Alonso even BEFORE getting a drive-through penalty for dangerously forcing Alonso off the track. After that he was scrapping around for the last of the points available. Certainly, he didn't lead the Italian GP at any point and even more certain is that he didn't lose out on 25 points due to having to retire at Monza.
As for lost points, Vettel did lose a likely 25 points at Valencia but most (objective) observers had him to blame for the NK collision in Malaysia. Other than than that, he has been thoroughly average this year. He has on a number of occasions qualified poorly, even missing out on Q3 a few times. He has struggled to impose himself on races now that he cannot regularly secure Pole Position.
There have been two stand-out front-runners this season. One is Fernando Alonso who has managed to get a relatively poor Ferrari to over-perform early on in the season and since then has been remarkably consistent. The other is Lewis Hamilton who has been near-flawless in 2012 and but for McLaren errors, mechanical failures and twice being taken out of races by other drivers, would have another 100 WDC points.
Who knows, your beloved Vettel might yet go on to take the WDC yet again in 2012. But short of winning all of the remaining six races, he would be a thoroughly undeserving WDC this year when Alonso and Hamilton have performed at such a higher level.
One thing is certain though. If Vettel wins the WDC this year, you'll be all over the BBC forums, harrassing any one who dare says anything non-flattering about Vettel. Equally, if Vettel doesn't win the WDC you'll be nowhere to be seen. It's typical fanboy stuff. | 2019-04-23T07:21:48Z | https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/andrewbenson/2012/09/in_singapore_lewis_hamilton_cu.html |
On the 16th, 17th, and 18th of September, there was held here (Brussels) a congress of political economists, manufacturers, tradesmen, etc., to discuss the question of Free Trade. There were present about 150 members of all nations. There assisted, on the part of the English Free Traders, Dr. Bowring, M. P., Col. Thompson, M. P., Mr. Ewart, M. P., Mr. Brown, M. P., James Wilson, Esq., editor of the Economist, etc.; from France had arrived M. Wolowski, professor of jurisprudence; M. Blanqui, deputy, professor of political economy, author of a history of that science, [Blanqui, Histoire de l'économie an politique en Europe] and other works; M. Horace Say, son of the celebrated economists [Jean Baptiste Say]; M. Ch. Dunoyer, member of the Privy Council, author of several works upon politics and economy, and others. From Germany there was no Free Trader present, but Holland, Denmark, Italy, etc., had sent representatives. Señor Ramon de la Sagra, of Madrid, intended to come, but came too late. The assistance of a whole host of Belgian Free Traders need hardly be mentioned, it being a matter of course.
Thus the celebrities of the science had met to discuss the important question — whether Free Trade would benefit the world? You will think the discussions of such a splendid assembly — discussions carried on by economical stars of the first magnitude — must have been interesting in the highest degree. You will say that men like Dr. Bowring, Colonel Thompson, Blanqui and Dunoyer, must have pronounced speeches the most striking, must have produced arguments the most convincing, must have represented all questions under a fight the most novel and surprising imaginable. Alas! Sir, if you had been present, you would have been piteously undeceived. Your glorious expectations, your fond illusions would have vanished within less than an hour. I have assisted at innumerable public meetings and discussions. I heard the League pour forth their Anti-Corn-Law arguments more than a hundred times, while I was in England, but never, I can assure you, never did I hear such dull, tedious, trivial stuff, brought forward with such a degree of self-complacency. I was never before so disappointed. What was carried on did not merit the name of a discussion — it was mere pot-house talk. The great scientific luminaries never ventured themselves upon the field of political economy, in the strict sense of the word. I shall not repeat to you all the worn-out stuff which was brought forward on the first two days. Read two or three numbers of the League or the Manchester Guardian, and you will find all that was said, except, perhaps, a few specious sentences brought forward by M. Wolowski, which he, however, had stolen from M. Bastiat’s (chief of the French Free Traders) pamphlet of Sophismes économiques. Free Traders did not expect to meet with any other opposition, but that of M. Rittinghausen, a German Protectionist, and generally an insipid fellow. But up got M. Duchateau, a French manufacturer and Protectionist — a man who spoke for his purse, just as Mr. Ewart or Mr. Brown spoke for theirs, and gave them such a terrible opposition, that on the second day of the discussion, a great number, even of Free Traders, avowed that they had been beaten in argument. They took, however, their revenge at the vote — the resolutions passed, of course, almost unanimously.
On the third day, a question was discussed which interests your readers. It was this: “Will the carrying out of universal Free Trade benefit the working classes?” The affirmative was supported by Mr. Brown, the South Lancashire Free Trader, in a lengthy speech, in English; he and Mr. Wilson were the only ones who spoke that language, the remainder all spoke French — Dr. Bowring, very well — Colonel Thompson, tolerably — Mr. Ewart, dreadfully. He repeated a part of the old League documents, in a whining tone, very much like a Church-of-England parson.
Immediately after Mr. Weerth, up got Dr. Bowring to reply.
He then went on to show the beneficial effects of Free Trade, as proved by the increased importation of articles of food into England since the introduction of last year’s tariff. [i.e., the lifting of heavy duties on imported corn in 1846] So many eggs, so many cwt. of butter, cheese, ham, bacon, so many heads of cattle, etc., etc.; who could have eaten all that if not the working people of England? He quite forgot, however, telling us what quantities of the same articles have been produced less in England since foreign competition has been admitted. He took it for granted that increased importation was a decisive proof of increased consumption. He never mentioned wherefrom the working people of Manchester, Bradford, and Leeds, who now walk the streets and cannot get work, wherefrom these men got the money to pay for this supposed increase of consumption and Free Trade comforts, for we never heard of the masters making them presents of eggs, butter, cheese, ham, and meat, for not working at all. He never said a word about the present depressed state of the trade, which in every public paper is represented as really unexampled. He seemed not to know that all the predictions of the Free Traders since the carrying of the measures have proved just the reverse of reality. He had not a word of sympathy for the sufferings of the working classes, but, on the contrary, represented their present gloomy condition as the brightest, happiest, and most comfortable they could reasonably desire.
The English working people, now, may choose betwixt their two representatives. A host of others followed, who spoke about every imaginable subject upon earth, except upon the one under discussion. Mr. M'Adam, M. P. for Belfast (?), spun an eternally long yarn upon flax-spinning in Ireland, and almost killed the meeting with statistics. Mr. Ackersdijk, a Dutch professor, spoke about Old Holland and Young Holland, the university of Liège, Walpole, and De Witt. M. Van de Casteele spoke about France, Belgium, and the ministry. M. Asher, of Berlin, about German patriotism and some new article he called spiritual manufacture. M. Den Tex, a Dutchman, about God knows what. At last, the whole meeting being half asleep, was awakened by M. Wolowski, who returned to the question and replied to Mr. Weerth. His speech, like all speeches delivered by Frenchmen, proved how much the French capitalists dread the fulfilment of Mr. Weerth’s prophecies; they speak with such pretended sympathy, such canting and whining of the sufferings of the working classes, that one might take it all for good earnest, were it not too flagrantly contradicted by the roundness of their bellies, by the stamp of hypocrisy deeply imprinted on their faces, by the pitiful remedies they propose and by the unmistakably striking contrast between their words and their deeds. Nor have they ever succeeded in deceiving one single working man. Then, up got the Duc d'Harcourt, peer of France, and claimed, too, for the French capitalists, deputies, etc., present the right of representing the French working people. They do so in the same way as Dr. Bowring represents the English Chartists. Then spoke Mr. James Wilson, repeating most brazen-facedly the most worn-out League arguments, in the drowsy tone of a Philadelphia Quaker.
You see from this, what a nice discussion it was. Dr. Marx, of Brussels, whom you know as by far the most talented representative of German Democracy, had also claimed his turn to speak. He had prepared a speech, which, if it had been delivered, would have made it impossible for the congressional “gents” to vote upon the question. But Mr. Weerth’s opposition had made them shy. They resolved to let none speak, of whose orthodoxy they were not quite sure. Thus, Messrs Wolowski, Wilson, and the whole precious lot spoke against time, and when it was four o'clock, there were still six or seven gentlemen who wanted to speak, but the chairman closed the discussion abruptly, and the whole set of fools, ignorants, and knaves called a congress of political economists, voted all votes against one (the poor German fool of a Protectionist aforesaid) — the Democrats did not vote at all — that Free Trade is extremely beneficial to the working people, and will free them from all misery and distress.
As Mr. Marx’s speech, although not delivered, contains the very best and most striking refutation of this barefaced lie, which can be imagined, and as its contents, in spite of so many hundred pages having been written pro and con upon the subject, will yet read quite novel in England, I enclose you some extracts from it.
There are two sects of protectionists. The first sect, represented in Germany by Dr. List, who never intended to protect manual labour, on the contrary, they demanded protective duties in order to crush manual labour by machinery, to supersede patriarchal manufacture by modern manufacture. They always intended to prepare the reign of the monied classes (the bourgeoisie), and more particularly that of the large manufacturing capitalists. They openly proclaimed the ruin of petty manufacturers, of small tradesmen, and small farmers, as an event to be regretted, indeed, but quite inevitable, at the same time. The second school of protectionists, required not only protection, but absolute prohibition. They proposed to protect manual labour against the invasion of machinery, as well as against foreign competition. They proposed to protect by high duties, not only home manufactures, but also home agriculture, and the production of raw materials at home. And where did this school arrive at? At the prohibition, not only of the importation of foreign manufactured produce, but of the progress of the home manufacture itself. Thus the whole protective system inevitably got upon the horns of this dilemma. Either it protected the progress of home manufactures, and then it sacrificed manual labour, or it protected manual labour, and then it sacrificed home manufactures. Protectionists of the first sect, those who conceived the progress of machinery, of division of labour,, and of competition, to be irresistible, told the working classes, “At any rate if you are to be squeezed out, you had better be squeezed by your own countrymen, than by foreigners.” Will the working classes for ever bear with this? I think not. Those who produce all the wealth and comforts of the rich, will not be satisfied with that poor consolation. They will require more substantial comforts in exchange for substantial produce. But the protectionists say, “After all, we keep up the state of society as it is at present. We ensure to the working man, somehow or other, the employment he wants. We take care that he shall not be turned out of work in consequence of foreign competition.” So be it. Thus, in the best case, the protectionists avow that they are unable to arrive at anything better than the continuation of the status quo. Now the working classes want not the continuation of their actual condition, but a change for the better. A last refuge yet stands open to the protectionist. He will say that he is not at all adverse to social reform in the interior of a country, but that the first thing to ensure their success will be to shut out any derangement which might be caused by foreign competition. “My system,” he says, “is no system of social reform, but if we are to reform society, had we not better do so within our own country, before we talk about reforms in our relations with other countries?” Very specious, indeed, but under this plausible appearance, there is bid a very strange contradiction. The protectionist system, while it gives arms to the capital of a country against the capital of foreign countries, while it strengthens capital against foreigners, believes that this capital, thus armed, thus strengthened, will be weak, impotent, and feeble, when opposed to labour. Why, that would be appealing to the mercy of capital, as if capital, considered as such, could ever be merciful. Why, social reforms are never carried by the weakness of the strong, but always by the strength of the weak. But it is not at all necessary to insist on this point. From the moment the protectionists agree that social reforms do not necessarily follow from, and that they are not part and parcel of their system, but form quite a distinct question, from that moment they abandon the question, which we discuss. We may, therefore, leave them in order to review the effects of Free Trade upon the condition of the working classes. The problem: What will be the influence of the perfect unfettering of trade upon the situation of the working classes, is very easy to be resolved. It is not even a problem. If there is anything clearly exposed in political economy, it is the fate attending the working classes under the reign of Free Trade. All those laws developed in the classical works on political economy, are strictly true under the supposition only, that trade be delivered from all fetters, that competition be perfectly free, not only within a single country, but upon the whole face of the earth. These laws, which A. Smith, Say, and Ricardo have developed, the laws under which wealth is produced and distributed — these laws grow more true, more exact, then cease to be mere abstractions, in the same measure in which Free Trade is carried out. And the master ‘of the science, when treating of any economical subject, tells us every moment that all their reasonings are founded upon the supposition that all fetters, yet existing, are to be removed from trade. They are quite right in following this method. For they make no arbitrary abstractions, they only remove from their reasoning a series of accidental circumstances. Thus it can justly be said, that the economists — Ricardo and others — know more about society as it will be, than about society as it is. They know more about the future than about the present. If you wish to read in the book of the future, open Smith, Say, Ricardo. There you will find described, as clearly as possible, the condition which awaits the working man under the reign of perfect Free Trade. Take, for instance, the authority of Ricardo, authority than which there is no better. What is the natural normal price of the labour of, economically speaking, a working man? Ricardo replies, “Wages reduced to their minimum — their lowest level.” Labour is a commodity as well as any other commodity. Now the price of a commodity is determined by the time necessary to produce it. What then is necessary to produce the commodity of labour? Exactly that which is necessary to produce the sum of commodities indispensable to the sustenance and the repairing of the wear and tear of the labourer, to enable him to live and to propagate, somehow or other, his race. We are, however, not to believe that the working man will never be elevated above this lowest level, nor that he never will be depressed below it. No, according to this law, the working classes will be for a time more happy, they will have for a time more than the minimum, but this surplus will be the supplement only for what they will have less than the minimum at another time, the time of industrial stagnation. That is to say, that during a certain space of time, which is always periodical, in which trade passes through the circle of prosperity, overproduction, stagnation, crisis — that, taking the average of what the labourer received more, and what he received less, than the minimum, we shall find that on the whole he will have received neither more or less than the minimum; or, in other words, that the working class, as a class, will have conserved itself, after many miseries, many sufferings, and many corpses left upon the industrial battle field. But what matters, that? The class exists, and not only it exists, but it will have increased. This law, that the lowest level of wages is the natural price of the commodity of labour, will realise itself in the same measure with Ricardo’s supposition that Free Trade will become a reality. We accept every thing that has been said of the advantages of Free Trade. The powers of production will increase, the tax imposed upon the country by protective duties will disappear, all commodities will be sold at a cheaper price. And what, again, says Ricardo? “That labour being equally a commodity, will equally sell at a cheaper price” — that you will have it for very little money indeed, just as you will have pepper and salt. And then, in the same way as all other laws of political economy will receive an increased force, a surplus of truth, by the realisation of Free Trade — in the same way the law of population, as exposed by Malthus, will under the reign of Free Trade develop itself in as fine dimensions as can possibly be desired. Thus you have to choose: Either you must disavow the whole of political economy as it exists at present, or you must allow that under the freedom of trade the whole severity of the laws of political economy will be applied to the working classes. Is that to say that we are against Free Trade? No, we are for Free Trade, because by Free Trade all economical laws, with their most astounding contradictions, will act upon a larger scale, upon a greater extent of territory, upon the territory of the whole earth; and because from the uniting of all these contradictions into a single group, where they stand face to face, will result the struggle which will itself eventuate in the emancipation of the proletarians. | 2019-04-18T19:14:18Z | http://marxists.catbull.com/archive/marx/works/1847/09/30.htm |
Overnight the face of contemporary Australian politics – that lacklustre, bureaucratic, increasingly-resembling-a-trainwreck Rudd – was met with a leadership challenge.
This comes on the back of a downward plummet in the polls [debatable] and numerous backflips on the ETS, refugees, Afghanistan and recent confrontations over the RSPT – ‘that great, big fat tax’ the mining industry and the Liberals are so distraught about.
So Labor’s factional warlords have decided it’s time for a new figurehead, and few doubt that Julia Gillard will win. But what does Gillard really represent?
Gillard has been an IR lawyer since 1987, a politician since ’98. She may have been on the Left in her days of student politics, but it’s difficult to detect a trace of that now. Conservative and progressive pundits alike adore her. She’s never challenged Rudd on any policy and there seems to be this idea – ostensibly because she’s a woman? – that she has the best interests of refugees, the Australian public and the mining sector at heart.
Personally, one of my favourite memories of Gillard is during the three weeks of intensive bombing of the Gaza strip at the start of 2009, when she declared that Israel was merely exercising its ‘right to defend itself’. Jake Lynch covered her pro-Israel politics here.
Labor is supposed to be the union party, but these days they’re more interested in defending business and maintaining discriminatory building union legislation – just ask Ark Tribe.
As one MP said earlier today, ‘this is madness’. The fact is this dismal performance in the polls [also debatable] and in governance is Labor’s failure. Because, these days, Labor only has pro-business and centre-right populist policies, which are very far from their roots. Much of their vote has been lost to the Greens due to their conservatism and policy backflips. But, mostly, because of their lack of concern about the issues directly and immediately affecting their electoral base.
For anyone who thinks under Gillard’s leadership Labor will be more progressive, pro-environment, pro-union, anti-war, pro-human rights, I say, that’s trick photography.
Larvatus Prodeo is covering the spill, the ballot and undoubtedly the aftermath, as are Crikey and Drum.
God, it’s not my party but this episode is depressing on all sorts of levels.
As Jac says, all this can mean is that Labor wants to go to the polls on a platform that’s harder on refugees and softer on mining profits. The Right of the party is gambling on Gillard being able to enthuse a certain number of Labor supporters on the basis of her history on the Left of the party, even as she adopts every conservative talking point.
I think we need to start preparing for an Abbott administration.
I agree. This seems like a cynical move. Rather than making their policies more progressive, they think they can win voters back by changing their image. All to stop a stop a haemorrhage to the Greens.
The only kind of solace that I can get from this whole maneuvering is at least we’re in a period when the Labor Party are transparently the party for the status quo.
So the spectacle of federal politics continues (could be worse, come to NSW). Unfortunately federal politics was dragged so far to the right by the Howard-Costello Comedy Troupe that Labor had to step into the middle to drag it back, that said they have now stared too long into the abyss. I don’t think we’ll see an Abbott administration but we’re certainly in for a shake up.
It will be interesting to see how the Left responds.
Are we still all in thrall to symbolism over substance, even after the apology led to nothing and the hopey, changey Obama stuff meant only more war in Afghanistan?
“She’s never challenged Rudd on any policy and there seems to be this idea – ostensibly because she’s a woman? – that she has the best interests of refugees, the Australian public and the mining sector at heart.” I think you’re right, Jacinda – I have already heard (from Paul Bongiorno mind you) that she may bring ‘a woman’s sensitivity’ to the position.
“Are we still all in thrall to symbolism over substance” ?
Sadly, I reckon yes, Jeff, we are. If we weren’t, we would have a different kind of society and government all together.
Train wreck it is; and business as usual. Make it easy for big business to get its way, lock up the militants, shed more tears for the agents of mayhem in foreign wars, shed an equal amount for flying entrepreneurs doing strange things in The Heart of Darkness, lay on the Orwellian spin, lock up and hide the refugees, preferably sink them, put the environment in the too hard basket, and pretend it is all ethical and moral, all the while feeding the ego with an assured ‘place in history’ and a hugely generous after-life with taxpayer funded retirement package. For the good of the nation? Don’t make me laugh.
The political imagination of the labor machine is close to nil. Some femminist and left cover (all entirely symbolic) may hold things together briefly, but I suggest a look at NSW to see where we are headed..
Ms Gillard said she believed in a government that rewards those that work the hardest “not those that complain the loudest”.
Ms Gillard said she understood Australians were “disturbed” by the number of unauthorised boat arrivals, and pledged strong border protection.
The government had a responsibility to manage the nation’s borders and manage the question of asylum seekers “in the best possible way”.
Ms Gillard said she had “no truck” for fearmongering on the issue for political advantage.
As I’ve discussed in my blog this is just MPs scared of losing their seats with Kevin and putting Julia instead in order to save their bums. I think Julia Gillard always wanted to be PM but not this way. She was pushed to step in, and she’ll have it tough now.
She came from the left, but we’ll see where she goes. I don’t think she will harden her position to the right, because Tony Abbott has already pushed the Liberals so far right and Labor has moved so much to the right, that they’re already losing a lot of people on the left.
I think Labor will play a dual game. Trying to appear tough not to lose votes on the right, whilst making attempts to regain votes on the left with some, mostly symbolic, gestures.
How very, very odd. I found myself in agreement with Tony Abbott (Australian PM’s should not be dumped in mid-term coups by their parties) and very much disagreeing with Bob Brown (This is a day for raising champagne glasses.
I was just saying to a friend how eerie it was to read Abbott’s comments and see he agreed with me. Strange days indeed.
Vote-wise it seems there is much talk of Labor voters voting Green. Whoopee.
I see the Gillard takeover as a straightforward coup made with the encouragement of the mining lobby. Which is why it is so bizarre to hear Brown speaking of a ‘champagne day.’ He appears to have lost his mind.
politics.Its puts 1975 in the shade.
To Jacinda and bloggers thanks for excellent analysis lacking in mainstream media. Why do we continue to invest so much in the leader rather than look at the policies of the party? If we were to do that how on earth could we think that anything will be different under Julia. She’s a talented political performer for sure, she’s a great communicator but the message she delivers will be the same message as Rudd’s, just more articulate. And while many of us may celebrate Australia’s first female PM, what is more important is whether Julia is any more of a humanitarian than her predecessor/s, is she any more interested in social justice than they were, and finally, just because she is a woman does that make her a feminist, or a feminist who wants to make the lives of unemployed women, refugee women and women who live on or below the poverty line (and so many more women who do not have access to power, privilege and education) better.
As Trish said, thanks for all the comments and analysis.
i think that even though labor’s policies are progressively becoming more and more to the right, Gillard is genuinely basing them on the views of the Australian people as a whole… i may be wrong.
in my view the scariest thing about Australia is how far to the right, as a country, our views are becoming. and does anyone know why Bob Brown celebrates the leadership change?
Will, I reckon you’ve summed it up nicely. The Labor Party, no matter who leads it, reflects the conservatism of the people it represents. Could an education system that reinforces the status quo rather than inspires us to question it, and the media who depend on the salacious headline, soundbytes and spin, be to blame?
The Labor Party, no matter who leads it, reflects the conservatism of the people it represents.
On which policy items exactly? Asylum seekers, maybe, at a pinch; but surely not on climate change, the status of public utilities and privatisation, foreign policy, budgetary allocations for health and education, industrial relations, taxation policy, i.e. almost all of the important stuff. On these issues, Caucus – and a fortiori the ministry, under whichever Labor government – is far to the right of most ALP voters.
Unless, of course, by “the people it represents”, you don’t mean the people who vote for the ALP, but those who really wield the power and set the policy agenda. If so, I’m with you there: the ALP reflects their beliefs perfectly.
In my view, conservatism can be judged by who the people vote for: ALP policy on refugees is as conservative as the Liberal Party – why else would Julia be ramping up border protection in her first speech if not for what polling in key seats tells the Labor Party. And as far as privatisation goes, Labor has privatised everything from banks to water. Foreign policy – we’re in Afghanistan aren’t we? ALP industrial relations policy is moderately better than in the Howard years but hardly a radical shift away from Work Choices, taxation policy – doesn’t Labor subsidise private health insurance and private schools. And what about negative gearing that helps the rich get richer. The mining tax was courageous but look at the people’s response to that – Gillard has read the mood accurately and is already talking about negotiation with the mining industry. Labor’s backing away from its commitment to climate change has hardly caused a riot in the streets though I do think a number of ALP voters feel sold out and will vote Greens. I agree with you that people who wield the power set the policy agenda but I lament that the ALP have been their willing agents. But perhaps I’ve misunderstood your question.
Sorry, Trish, you do seem to have missed my point.
I am of course aware that the ALP has right-wing positions in all those areas: I mentioned them myself. But in each area – save immigration, perhaps – the party is well to the right of its voters, who in any case play little role in policy formation. Or are you honestly suggesting that Labor support for continuing military involvement in Afghanistan, the preservation of certain WorkChoices planks, or the existing tax treatment of capital gains or negative gearing, comes largely in response to popular pressure?
And surely you’ve noticed the circularity of an argument which states that the ALP is conservative because of the people who vote for it, then locates the conservatism of such people in the fact they vote for Labor.
The more I think about this, the more disastrous it is.
Think about the two policy implications we know of so far. That is, Feeney and Shorten and the rest of that gruesome ultra-right crew backed Gillard because they wanted Labor to change tack on refugees and the mining super profits tax.
Now think about Rudd’s refugee policy. Wasn’t exactly soft, was it! Remember all the stuff about people smugglers having to ‘rot in hell’! So how is Gillard going to trump that? Almost certainly, she’s going to return to some variant of a Howard-era refugee policy.
So the dispute over the super profits tax is a defining moment in Australia’s democratic history, because here we see in its starkest form a conflict between the raw power of capital and the public interest.
Today we have an angry and powerful minority holding the country to ransom. The dark mutterings of Forrest and Palmer about the spread of communism in Australia are laughable for their paranoid absurdity. What we are in fact seeing is not an attack by the proletariat on the bourgeoisie, but the brutal assertion of power by the richest people in the country.
Gillard’s said that she’ll re-open negotiations, which must mean that she’s now prepared to offer some kind of compromise.
In other words, the billionaires’ perception that they can determine police … is about to be spectacularly confirmed.
In summation, we’re watching the most conservative Labor administration in recent history — in fact, probably of all time — make a substantial lurch to the Right. And it’s doing so with the enthusiastic support of most of the liberal Left.
Which is why they were the first two subjects she first commented on.
Well, I just heard from a friend who works for an aid agency, the kind of NGO that deals with refugees. They are, apparently, having champagne to celebrate this great feminist victory, even as it becomes increasingly clear what Gillard’s about to do to refugees. Of course, a lot of people on those boats are women, too — but, hey, whatev.
I have another theory on this, too, that no-one else seems to believe. We are now, it seems to me, much more likely to get Abbott. Gillard and her Labor backers have signalled to the most aggressive sections of big business that any time they don’t like government policy, all they — and their Murdoch mouthpieces — have to do is start kicking up a fuss and the government will cave. OK, well, these people have a lot of other policies that they don’t like. For instance, the Oz today is already asking whether Gillard’s going to pursue industrial relations reform.
So either Labor keeps giving them everything they want, and risks alienating all its support base, or they’ll just throw their weight behind the Liberals.
And how does the ALP run its line about Abbott being an extremist as Gillard goes chasing traditional Tory policies?
Yes, she will have a honeymoon, as everyone gushes over how smart and confident and impressive she is. But they did that for Rudd, too.
It will end very quickly, and then we will have Abbott.
O Jeff, what a horrible scenario. No! Not Abbott. Give me Julia any day. (What a shame (kind of, in a sick sort of way) that Costello is out of the picture.
Oh, and Sheridan’s confident that she won’t interfere with his precious, precious wars.
If we ‘re looking at two ultra-conservative options, and it’s Abbott vs Gillard, Gillard’s always going to be the more popular of the two; she appears saner, fractionally more progressive and more rational. I think that for the commentariat and business – and Brown apparently – she’s the most attractive package they’ve had in quite some time.
The fact is, Labor already has WorkChoices-lite. The real electoral policy issues will be the mining tax, skilled migration (which will require fostering more anti-refugee sentiment) and the ETS and how it’s going to be applied. (They need to appear to be doing something about climate change, and a scheme that doesn’t negatively impact on profits would be ideal.) Yet another area Abbott is destabilised by.
As for refugee policy, we all know how low the actual intake is, so it’s only ever a political kicking ball and an exercise in racist scapegoating. (Granted, the Afghan and Sri Lankan visa freezing is about something more.) A number of industries would like to see increased skilled migration, but maintaining the flame of racial intolerance remains important.
From a crass statistical perspective, the likelihood of Labor losing is very, very low. And Gillard might even move women in business to vote Labor, purely because of the rhetoric of her ascendancy – a woman knows women’s problems best.
Neither Australia nor the US is pulling out of Sheridan’s wars anytime soon, but they weren’t 48hrs ago either.
Well argued. I think that’s all true.
The media commentary is absurd, appalling and bizarre all at the same time. The gap between the commentary and the reality is bigger than I ever could have believed.
What it shows is that Green voters have flocked back to Labor. When you think about it, it makes sense. The tertiary educated Left which forms the core of Green support is also the sector most engaged in celebrations of the symbolism of Gillard’s leadership: she’s a woman, a feminist, an atheist, etc. You can see that sentiment spilling out across (for example) Twitter at the moment. It’s key to the whole project of rebadging the administration as dynamic and exciting and so on: getting back on board the people who can help Labor sell itself — the activists and the propagandists, if you like.
Yet these are also the people who are going to be most outraged when Gillard does what we’ve been told she’s intending to do: that is, toughen up refugee policy. In other words, even more so than with Rudd, the enthusiasm is going to be followed by a wave of disenchantment. Specifically, think about what will happen if a refugee boat turns up in the next few weeks. To distinguish herself from Rudd, Gillard’s going to have to do something pretty full-on, probably involving Howard-style detentions.
I guess the Labor braniacs calculate that, by punishing refugees, they can win sufficient outer suburban support to compensate for the inner-city votes they’ll lose.
But of course the people who’ve come back in the last day or so are, as I said, the activists: the kinds of people who hand out how-to-vote cards and stick up posters and write letters and the rest of it. They will be gutted over what’s going to happen to refugees, and their disenchantment will spread a wave of confusion and demoralisation throughout the party. The xenophobes Gillard wants to appeal to are not going to campaign for the party — and, in fact, in any bidding war over refugees are just as likely to go to the coalition.
That’s the difference. Anti-refugee sentiment inspires the Liberal cadre (it’s pretty much what the basis on which they’re recruited) but demoralises Labor cadre.
Remember, in the last election, Rudd pulled it all together partly because of anti-Howard sentiment and partly because the campaign against Workchoices was, in fact, an issue that encouraged Labor supporters to hold their noses and come out for the party.
What’s the equivalent for Gillard?
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe, for instance, they’ll come up with some cunning way of defusing the refugee issue. But I can’t see it. After all, that was Rudd’s whole strategy — don’t tackle the racism head-on and try to come up with a compromise that seems reasonable — and it’s precisely in opposition to that that Gillard’s been parachuted into power.
Yes, she will be popular at first. But she’s resting on a massive and unresolved contradiction between the job she’s been given to do (move the party to the Right) and enthusiasm for her as a symbolic figure. I cannot see how it won’t end up spreading demoralisation throughout Labor, and thus preparing the ground for Abbott.
as an agent for Zionist zealotry. | 2019-04-22T18:51:18Z | https://overland.org.au/2010/06/et-tu-gillard/ |
The disclosed invention generally relates to systems and methods for providing a license over a network for media content, and more specifically, to systems and methods for receiving a request from individual to observe media content, determining whether individuals has rights to observe the media content, and returning a license to the individual over the network.
In today's high-tech society, many individuals engage in providing media content through various channels. For example, YouTube® provides individuals with a mechanism that enables individuals to upload, post, display, tag, blog, share, or otherwise provide media content or information over the Internet and other communications networks. Thus, such websites all across the world allow individuals to post media content and share commentary on such media content to other individuals who access these websites.
One primary source for such media content is broadcasting signals. For instance, many individuals post segments of their favorite television shows on a website because they are interesting in sharing such segments with other individuals and/or providing commentary on such segments. For example, during the recent presidential race, Saturday Night Live® aired sketches based on the candidates almost weekly. These sketches were very popular among Americans, and individuals would post copies of these sketches on various websites so that others could view the sketches.
In many instances, the process for posting such media involves capturing a desired segment of the media, converting the segment of media into the proper format needed to post the segment on the website, and then uploading the formatted segment onto the website so that it can be shared. In many cases, this process requires a fairly high level of expertise in computer literacy not possessed by many individuals. In addition, many times, the segment is also based on copyrighted media content, and therefore, requires a license in order to post and view the segment on the website.
Thus, a need exists for a mechanism that allows individuals without capable computer literacy to capture segments of media content and to post such segments (with or without commentary) to closed content networks (such as a cable provider's network) and to networks outside the closed content networks. In addition, a need exists for a mechanism that provides any licenses required to post and view such segments.
US 2004/0162846 A1 describes a content distribution system for distributing content and licenses to terminals, where it is assumed that a plurality of rights management systems exists. The content distribution system contains a plurality of terminals connected via a transmission channel with a license generation server and a content distribution server. The license generation server comprises a license generation unit that receives license requests containing terminal identifiers from terminals. The terminal identifiers are used for accessing user identifiers. The servers comprise a plurality of rights generation units in correspondence to the plurality of rights management systems.
US 2006/0274757 A1 describes a network and servers system for providing music services to a user terminal. A portal server is described, together with a music-data distributing server, a physical sales server, a radio-data distributing server, and internet-radio server and a charging server. The portal server authenticates users by checking the user ID and password, and subsequently issues a ticket, i.e. a transaction ID that is used for service provision from other servers and avoids having to authenticate the user at the individual servers.
The invention is described in the appended claims. The invention can be used in connection with systems as described in the following.
A system for tagging a segment of media content being observed by an individual includes a processor, a storage medium, and a settop device having a tag module. In various examples, the settop device is configured to receive media content. In addition, in various examples, the settop device is configured to record a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the media content and a second identifier indicating an ending location in the media content in response to receiving one or more inputs by the individual via the tag module. Furthermore, in various examples, the settop device is configured to send data to the processor including the first identifier and the second identifier, wherein the segment of media content is defined by the first identifier and the second identifier, and the processor is configured to receive the data and to store the data in the storage medium wherein the data is used to subsequently identify the segment of the media content.
In various examples, the beginning location is a predetermined offset position prior to a certain position in the media content when the settop device receives the one or more inputs. The ending location is a predetermined offset position after the certain position in the media content when the settop device receives the one or more inputs.
Furthermore, in various examples, the system includes a user input device. This input device is configured to receive a command from the individual and to send the command to the settop device as the one or more inputs for processing by the tag module. For example, in various examples, the user input device is a remote control unit.
In further examples, the user input device is configured to receive information from the individual and send the information to the settop device. For instance, the individual may enter information into a handheld remote control unit. In turn, the settop device is configured to send the information to the processor to store in the storage medium. In various examples, the processor is further configured to associate this information with the segment.
In various examples, the settop box is configured to include a location identifier in the data. This location identifier identifies the storage location of the media content and the identifier is used to subsequently locate the media content. In further examples, the processor is configured to obtain the location identifier and store the location identifier along with the data in the storage medium. In further examples, the settop box may also include a user identifier associated with the individual in the data. Yet, in further examples, the processor is configured to determine the user identifier associated with the individual based on an address of the settop device.
Further examples include a settop device having a tag module. In various examples, the device includes an input, a user input device, and a processor. The input is configured for receiving media content. The user input device is configured for receiving one or more inputs by an individual to identify a segment of the media content by the tag module. The processor is configured for receiving the media content, and in response to receiving one or more inputs by the individual to identify the segment of the media content, recording a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the media content and a second identifier indicating an ending location in the media content, and sending data to a computing device including the first identifier and the second identifier. In various examples, the segment of the media content is defined by the first identifier and the second identifier, and the computing device is configured to receive the data and to store the data in a storage medium wherein the data is used to subsequently identify the segment of the media content.
In addition, further examples include a computer-implemented method for tagging a segment of media content being observed by an individual that includes the steps of: (1) receiving media content; and (2) in response to receiving one or more inputs by the individual to identify a segment of the media content processed by a tag module associated with the settop box: (a) recording a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the media content; (b) recording a second identifier indicating an ending location in the media content; (c) sending data to a processor, wherein the data includes the first identifier and the second identifier and the segment of the media content is defined by the first identifier and the second identifier; (d) receiving the data at the processor; and (e) storing the data in storage medium, wherein the data is used to subsequently identify the segment of the media content.
Furthermore, various examples include a computer-readable medium containing code executable by a settop box for tagging a segment of media content being observed by an individual that includes a tag module including one or more components. In various examples, these components are adapted for reading media content, and in response to receiving one or more inputs by the individual: (1) recording a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the media content; (2) recording a second identifier indicating an ending location in the media content; and (3) sending data to a processor, wherein the data includes the first identifier and the second identifier and the segment of the media content is defined by the first identifier and the second identifier, and the processor stores the data in a storage medium, wherein the data is used to subsequently identify the segment of the media content.
In further examples, a system is provided for communicating a segment of media content with a user of an external system. In particular examples, the system includes a storage medium containing a plurality of records, wherein each record includes data that identifies a respective position of one of a plurality of segments in a particular media content and a storage location of the particular media content.
In various examples, the system further includes a network and one or more computing devices configured to provide a search engine to the external system over the network. In particular examples, the search engine is configured to be used by the user to search the plurality of records to identify a particular segment of media content.
(1) receive a request over the network from the user for a particular segment of media content; (2) retrieve one or more records from the storage medium associated with the particular segment based on the user's request; (3) obtain the position of the particular segment in the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; (4) obtain the storage location of the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; and (5) extract the particular segment from the particular media content by utilizing the position and the storage location obtained from the retrieved one or more records to make the segment available to the user. In various examples, the computing devices also store the extracted segment.
In various examples, the request received from the user may indicate to trim or to transcode the extracted segment. In addition, in various examples, the one or more records from the storage medium may include data describing the particular segment and the one or more computing devices are configured to associate the data with the segment. In further examples, the one or more computing devices are configured to create a hyperlink to the particular media content and store the hyperlink along with the extracted segment. In addition, in further examples, the one or more computing devices are configured to create a thumbnail preview of the extracted segment and to store the thumbnail preview along with the extracted segment. In various examples, the thumbnail preview is constructed by extracting one or more frames of the segment and transcoding the one or more frames to a particular file format.
Further examples include a computer-implemented method for communicating a segment of media content with a user of an external system. In various examples, the method includes the steps of: (1) providing a plurality of records stored in a storage medium, wherein each record includes data that identifies a respective position of one of a plurality of segments in a particular media content and a storage location of the particular media content; (2) receiving a request over the network from the user for a particular segment of the particular media content; (3) retrieving one or more records from the storage medium associated with the particular segment based on the user's request; (4) obtaining the position of the particular segment in the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; (5) obtaining the storage location of the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; and (6) extracting the particular segment from the particular media content by utilizing the position and the storage location obtained from the retrieved one or more records to make the segment available to the user.
Furthermore, various examples include a computer-readable medium containing code executable by a processor for communicating a segment of media content with a user of an external system that includes one or more components. In various embodiments, these one or more components are adapted for: (1) receiving a request over the network from the user for a particular segment of the particular media content; (2) retrieving one or more records from the storage medium associated with the particular segment based on the user's request, wherein the one or more records include data that describes a respective position of the particular segment in the particular media content and a storage location of the particular media content; (3) obtaining the position of the particular segment in the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; (4) obtaining the storage location of the particular media content from the retrieved one or more records; and (5) extracting the particular segment from the particular media content by utilizing the position and the storage location obtained from the retrieved one or more records to make the segment available to the user.
In embodiments of the invention, a system is provided for providing a license over a network to a user to enable the user to observe the segment of media content. The system includes a computing device configured to receive a request for the license over the network to enable the user to observe the segment of media content on a player device. The request includes a player identifier identifying the player device and a user identifier identifying the user.
The computing device is configured to verify that the player device is associated with the user and to send a message including the user identifier to a billing system to confirm the user has rights to observe the segment of media content. Furthermore, the computing device is configured to generate the license and to deliver the license to the player device in response to verifying the player device is associated with the user and to receiving confirmation from the billing system that the user has rights to observe the segment of media content.
In various embodiments, the request further includes a content identifier identifying the segment of media content. In these particular embodiments, the computing device is configured to send the message including the content identifier along with the user identifier to confirm the user has rights to observe the segment of media content.
Further, the invention provides a computer-implemented method for providing a license over a network to a user to enable the user to observe the segment of media content. The method includes the steps of: (1) receiving a request for the license over the network to enable the user to observe the segment of media content on a player device, wherein the request includes a player identifier identifying the player device and a user identifier identifying the user; (2) verifying the player device is associated with the user; (3) sending a message including the user identifier to a billing system to confirm the user has rights to observe the segment of media content; and (4) in response to verifying the player device is associated with the user and to receiving confirmation from the billing system that the user has rights to observe the segment of media content: (a) generating the license; and (b) delivering the license to the player device, wherein the license is used by the player device to enable the user to observe the segment of media content on the player device.
Further embodiments of the invention include a computer-readable medium containing code executable by a processor for providing a license over a network to a user to enable the user to observe the segment of media content that includes one or more components. In various embodiments, these components are adapted for: (1) receiving a request for the license over the network to enable the user to observe the segment of media content on a player device, wherein the request includes a player identifier identifying the player device and a user identifier identifying the user; (2) verifying the player device is associated with the user; (3) sending a message including the user identifier to a billing system to confirm the user has rights to observe the segment of media content; and (4) in response to verifying the player device is associated with the user and to receiving confirmation from the billing system that the user has rights to observe the segment of media content: (a) generating the license; and (b) delivering the license to the player device, wherein the license is used by the player device to enable the user to observe the segment of media content on the player device.
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating a media content providing system.
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating a settop box residing in the media content providing system shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram illustrating a server residing in the media content providing system shown in FIG. 1. system shown in FIG. 1.
FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of a tag module.
FIG. 5 is a flow diagram of a module for communicating a segment of media content with a user in an external network.
FIG. 6 is a flow diagram of a digital rights management (DRM) module according to various embodiments of the invention.
The present invention now will be described more fully with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which some, but not all embodiments of the invention are shown. Indeed, this invention may be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein. Like numbers refer to like elements throughout.
As will be appreciated by one skilled in the art, the present invention may be embodied as a method, a data processing system, or a computer program product. Accordingly, the present invention may take the form of an entirely hardware embodiment, an entirely software embodiment, or an embodiment combining software and hardware aspects. Furthermore, the present invention may take the form of a computer program product on a computer-readable storage medium having computer-readable program instructions (e.g., computer software) embodied in the storage medium. More particularly, the present invention may take the form of web-implemented computer software. Any suitable computer-readable storage medium may be utilized including hard disks, CD-ROMs, optical storage devices, flash drives, or magnetic storage devices.
The present invention is described below with reference to block diagrams and flowchart illustrations of methods, apparatuses (e.g., systems and devices) and computer program products according to an embodiment of the invention. It will be understood that each block of the block diagrams and flowchart illustrations, and combinations of blocks in the block diagrams and flowchart illustrations, respectively, can be implemented by computer program instructions. These computer program instructions may be loaded onto a general purpose computer, a special purpose computer, or other programmable data processing apparatus to produce a machine, such that the instructions which execute on the computer or other programmable data processing apparatus create a means for implementing the functions specified in the flowchart block or blocks.
Accordingly, blocks of the block diagrams and flowchart illustrations support combinations for performing the specified functions, combinations of steps for performing the specified functions and program instructions for performing the specified functions. It will also be understood that each block of the block diagrams and flowchart illustrations, and combinations of blocks in the block diagrams and flowchart illustrations, can be implemented by special purpose hardware-based computer systems that perform the specified functions or steps, or combinations of special purpose hardware and computer instructions.
Various of the below examples provide systems, methods, and apparatus for tagging a segment of media content being observed by an individual. The segment of media content may include any number of types of content, such as cable programming, audio recordings, and electronic publications.
According to various examples, an individual observing media content may wish to tag a segment of media content to capture. For example, the individual may be watching a cable program and may wish to tag a segment of the program to capture for later retrieval. In various examples, the individual presses a button on an input device, such as a remote control, to send one or more inputs to a tag module. For example, this module may be located in the individual's settop box providing a cable signal to the individual's television.
In response, a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the media content and a second identifier indicating an ending location in the media content are recorded. In various examples, the beginning location is a predetermined offset position prior to a certain position in the media content when the individual presses the button. The ending location is a predetermined offset position after the certain position in the cable program when the individual presses the button.
Furthermore, in various examples, data is sent that includes the first and second identifiers to be stored in storage medium wherein the data is used to subsequently identify the segment of the original media content. In addition, in various examples, the storage location of the original media content is also stored along with the data. Thus, in various examples, the storage medium contains a plurality of records, wherein each record includes data that identifies a respective position of one of a plurality of segments in particular media content and a storage location of the particular medium content. Thus, in various examples, this data is used to retrieve particular media content and extract a particular segment from the media content.
Furthermore, various examples provide systems and methods for communicating a segment of media content with a user of an external system. In particular examples, a search engine is provided to the external system that is configured to be used by the user to search the plurality of records in the storage medium to identify a particular segment to observe. For example, the search engine may be a webpage providing the user with a listing of the available segments of cable programs.
The user selects a particular segment to observe and a request for the particular segment is sent. In response, one or more records are retrieved from the storage medium associated with the particular segment. The position of the segment in the original media content and the storage location of the original media content are obtained from the one or more records and the particular segment is extracted from the media content by utilizing the position and the storage location to make the segment available to the user of the external system.
Embodiments of the invention provide systems and methods for providing a license over a network to a user to enable the user to observe a segment of media content. A request is received for the license over the network to enable a user to observe the segment of media content on his player device. The request includes a player identifier identifying the player device and a user identifier identifying the user.
The player device is verified to be associated with the user and a message that includes the user identifier is sent to a billing system to confirm the user has rights to observe the segment of media content. In response to verifying the player device is associated with the user and to receiving confirmation from the billing system that the user has rights to observe the segment of media content, the license is generated and is delivered to the player device to be used to observe the segment of media content n the player device.
In alternative examples not falling under the claims, the request includes a certificate that indicates that the user has rights to observe the segment of media content instead of the user identifier. In these particular examples, the certificate is authenticated and as a result, the license is generated and is delivered to the player device.
A media content providing system 1 is shown in FIG. 1. In various examples, this system 1 may be considered a closed content system. For example, the system 1 may be a cable provider's system 1 providing cable programming to the cable provider's subscribers.
As may be understood from this figure, in various examples, the system 1 includes a settop box 101. The settop box 101 is a device that is used by an individual to receive a digital cable signal for a television. For example, the settop box 101 may be a device, such as a personal video recorder (PVR) provided by a cable company. The PVR receives the digital cable signal and feeds the signal into an individual's television set so that the individual can view the cable company's cable television programming.
However, the settop box 101 does not necessary need to be a digital cable box for a television. For instance, in other examples, the settop box 101 may be a device configured to receive a digital music signal and provides the signal to an individual's audio system. While in other examples, the settop box 101 may be a device configured to simply receive radio signals or standard television signals. Furthermore, in other examples, the settop box 101 may be a computing device, such as an individual's desktop computer or laptop computer, configured to receive media signals over a network.
In addition, the system 1 according to various examples, includes a user input device 100. The user input device 100 is configured to be used by the individual to input information (such as commands or commentary) into the settop box 101. For example, the user input device 100 may be a remote control for the settop box 101. While in other embodiments, the user input device 100 may be a keyboard, a touch screen, or other wireless device such as a PDA, a Blackberry® or an iPhone®.
Furthermore, the system 1 may also include a click-to-clip server 103, a network PVR server 104, a video on demand (VOD) server 105, a trim/transcode server 107, a file and/or web server 109, and a digital rights management (DRM) server 110. In various examples, these servers are configured to perform specific functions within the system 1. For instance, as will be described in further detail below, the click-to-clip server 103 is configured to work in conjunction with the settop box 101 to tag and to capture data associated with segments of media content, and to store the data so that the segments can be retrieved from the media content.
The network PVR server 104 is configured to serve as a personal video recorder unit for a number of users within the system 1. The VOD server 105 is configured to provide video on demand features to the users of the system 1. These servers 104, 105 are typically found in many digital cable providers' systems.
The trim/transcode server 107, as will be described in further detail below, is configured to trim and/or transcode segments of media content, on request, so that the segments may be posted to the system 1 and/or external systems. The file and/or web server 109, in various examples, is configured to serve as an interface between the system 1 and the various external systems. For instance, the file and/or web server 109 may provide users in the external systems with web pages that allow the users to search for and request segments of media content within the system 1. In various examples, the file and/or web server 109 communicates with such external systems over a network 112, such as the Internet. Furthermore, in various examples, the DRM server 110 is configured to provide licenses over the network 112, as required, for any requested segments by the users in the external systems so that the users may observe the requested segments. Several of these components of the system 1 are connected via a network 102 within the media content providing system 1 (e.g., a LAN, the Internet, a wireless network, and/or a private network) and communicate with one another.
In addition, as depicted in FIG. 1, the system 1 also includes various storage medium, such as PVR storage 106, file storage 108, and data storage 111. These storage medium 106, 108, 111 are also connected via the network 102 and communicate with other components of the system 1. The PVR storage 106 stores information associated with individuals' personal video recordings. In various examples, this information may be sent from individuals' settop boxes 101 and/or the network PVR server 104. This information may include individuals' settings for recording media content within the system 1 and/or may include individuals' actual recorded media content. In various examples, the file storage 108 stores segments of media content that have been trimmed and/or transcoded. Furthermore, in various examples, the data storage 111 stores the original media content.
In various examples, the components 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110 may be one or more devices or software programs running on one or more devices. Furthermore, in various examples, the storage medium 106, 108, 111 may be one or more types of medium such as hard disks, magnetic tapes, or flash memory.
FIG. 2 shows a schematic diagram of a settop box 101. The particular settop box 101 depicted in FIG. 2 is configured to receive a digital signal from a cable company and to convert the signal into audiovisual content that is typically displayed on a television. However, as noted above, the settop box 101 is not limited to a device used to receive a digital signal from a cable company. For example, the settop box 101 may be a device configured to receive a digital music signal from a satellite radio provider. Thus, the settop box depicted in FIG. 2 is for illustrative purposes only, and in on way should be construed to limit the scope of the invention.
The particular embodiment of the settop box 101 shown in FIG. 2 includes a processor 204 and storage 218, such as a hard disk drive and/or a flash drive, on which audiovisual data may be recorded and stored by the processor 204. In addition, the settop box 101 further includes memory 215 composed of both read only memory (ROM) 216 and random access memory (RAM) 217.
The settop box 101 further includes a tuner 201 configured to receive the incoming source signal 219. The tuner 201 sends the source signal 219 through an amplifier 202 and a video decoder 203 configured to translate the encoded source signal 219 into its original format. The video decoder 203 directs the translated source signal 219 to the processor 204.
In various examples, the processor 204 may also include a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 205 configured to convert the translated source signal 219 from a digital signal to an analog signal if the television will only read an analog signal. Furthermore, the processor is configured to feed the translated signal to the video and audio outputs 206, 207 of the settop box 101 that are connected to the television.
In addition, the settop box 101 may also include a wireless interface 211 that is configured to receive commands (and/or commentary) from the individual via transmission from a remote control 100. The remote control 100 may transmit such commands using any number of transmitters, such as a radio frequency transmitter, a supersonic transmitter, or an optical transmitter.
A number of program modules may also be stored within the storage 218 and/or within RAM 217 of the settop box 101. For example, a tag module 400 may be stored within the storage 218 and/or RAM 217. The tag module 400 may be used to control certain aspects of the operation of the settop box 101, as is described in more detail below, with the assistance of the processor 204.
Also located within the settop box 101 is an interface 214, for interfacing and communicating with other elements of a network (such as the network 102 discussed in the media content providing system 1 described above.) It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that one or more of the settop box's 101 components may be located geographically remotely from other settop box 101 components. Furthermore, one or more of the components may be combined, and additional components performing functions described herein may also be included in the settop box 101.
FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram of one of the servers in the media content providing system 1 depicted in FIG. 1. For example, the server may be the click-to-clip server 103, the VOD server 105, or the DRM server 110 shown in FIG. 1. The server 103, 105, 110 includes a processor 60 that communicates with other elements within the server 103, 105, 110 via a system interface or bus 61. Also included in the server 103, 105, 110 is a display device/input device 64 for receiving and displaying data. This display device/input device 64 may be, for example, a keyboard or pointing device that is used in combination with a monitor. The server 103, 105, 110 further includes memory 66, which preferably includes both read only memory (ROM) 65 and random access memory (RAM) 67. The server's ROM 65 is used to store a basic input/output system 26 (BIOS), containing the basic routines that help to transfer information between elements within the server 103, 105, 110. Alternatively, the server 103, 105, 110 can operate on one computer or on multiple computers that are networked together.
In addition, the server 103, 105,110 includes at least one storage device 63, such as a hard disk drive, a floppy disk drive, a CD Rom drive, flash drive, or optical disk drive, for storing information on various computer-readable media, such as a hard disk, a removable magnetic disk, or a CD-ROM disk. As will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art, each of these storage devices 63 is connected to the server bus 61 by an appropriate interface. The storage devices 63 and their associated computer-readable media provide nonvolatile storage for a personal computer. It is important to note that the computer-readable media described above could be replaced by any other type of computer-readable media known in the art. Such media include, for example, magnetic cassettes, flash memory cards, digital video disks, and Bernoulli cartridges.
A number of program modules may be stored by the various storage devices and within RAM 67. For example, as shown in FIG. 3, program modules of the DRM server 110 may include an operating system 80 and a digital rights management module 500. The digital rights management module 500 may be used to control certain aspects of the operation of the DRM server 110, as is described in more detail below, with the assistance of the processor 60 and an operating system 80.
Also located within the server 103, 105, 110 is a network interface 74, for interfacing and communicating with other elements of one or more networks (such as the networks 102, 112 described in media content providing system 1 depicted in FIG. 1.) It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art that one or more of the server's 103, 105, 110 components may be located geographically remotely from other server 103, 105, 110 components. Furthermore, one or more of the components may be combined, and additional components performing functions described herein may be included in the system 1.
As mentioned above, the system 1 according to various examples provides for tagging and communicating segments of media content within a closed content network and outside the closed content network. In various embodiments, the term "tagging" means to identify a segment of media content. For example, tagging may entail identify a portion of a video by identifying a beginning location in a video and an ending location in the video to "tag" the portion of the video that lies between the two locations. In addition, the system 1 according to various embodiments provides licenses over one or more networks for the segments of media content so that individuals on the networks can observe the segments of media content.
In particular examples, the settop box 101 of the system 1 includes a tag module 400. This module 400 is configured to tag a segment of media content being observed and provide data indicating the position of the segment within the media content. The trim/transcode server 107 includes a module 500 for communicating a segment of media content with one or more individuals (e.g., users) of an external system. This module 500 is configured to locate media content, to trim and/or transcode a segment of the media content, as needed, and to share the segment of media content with an external system. Furthermore, the DRM server 110 includes a DRM module 600. This module 600 is configured to provide licenses for segments of media content over one or more networks. These modules 400, 500, 600 are described in more detail below.
FIG. 4 illustrates a flow diagram of the tag module 400 according to various examples. This flow diagram may correspond to the steps carried out by the processor 204 in the settop box 101 shown in FIG. 2 as it executes the module 400 in the box's 100 RAM memory 217 according to various embodiments.
In various example, an individual observes media content that is received at the individual's settop box 101. For example, the individual views a cable program on his television set, wherein the signal for the cable program is received by the settop box 101 and the signal is converted by the settop box 101 and sent to the individual's television. In another example, the individual may, instead, be listening to music that is received at the individual's settop box 101. The settop box 101 receives a signal for the music and converts the signal and outputs the converted signal to the user's audio system, such as a stereo, a satellite radio, and/or surround sound system. Thus, the settop box 101 may receive any number of types of media content. However, for purposes of this disclosure, the example wherein the settop box 101 receives a cable programming signal is used. Thus, the settop box 101 is aware of the cable program being played on the individual's television and the time code within the cable program. The time code is a digitally encoded signal that is recorded on visual media to identify each frame of the media. Typically, the time code identifies the frame by hour, minute, second, and frame number.
In addition, in various examples, the user input device 100 is provided with a mechanism to provide one or more inputs to the tag module 400. For example, in one embodiment, a button is provided on the remote control unit 100 for the settop box 101 that is selected by the individual to send a command to the module 400. In other examples, the user input device 100 may be a keyboard or a touch screen, and the individual selects one or more keys on the keyboard or one or more areas on the touch screen to send one or more inputs to the module 400.
Thus, the individual is watching a cable program and views a segment of the program that the individual is interested in sharing with family, friends, and/or the public. The individual "tags" the segment of the program by pressing the button on the remote control 100 to send a command to the tag module 400. In response, the module 400 records a first identifier indicating a beginning location in the cable program being viewed by the user, shown as Step 410. In one embodiment, the beginning location is simply the time code within the cable program at the moment the individual presses the button on the remote control 100.
Further, in Step 420, the module 400 records a second identifier indicating an ending location in the cable program when the individual releases the button on the remote control 100. This ending location is the time code within the cable program at the moment the individual releases the button on the remote control 100.
In an alternative example, the beginning location is a predetermined offset position prior to a certain position (e.g., time code) in the cable program when the individual presses the button on the remote control 100. For example, the predetermined offset position may be set to a certain amount of time (e.g., ten seconds) in the program prior to the individual pressing the button on the remote control. This provides the advantage of allowing the individual to mark a segment of the cable program that the individual has just viewed without having to rewind the program.
Futhermore, in this particular example, the ending location is a predetermined offset position after the certain position in the cable program when the individual presses the button on the remote control 100. For example, the predetermined offset position can be set to thirty seconds in the program after the individual has pressed the button. Thus, the individual can mark the beginning location and the ending location in the cable program with one click of the button on the remote control 100. In various examples, this process is referenced to as click-to-clip.
In Step 430, the module 400 sends data that includes the first identifier and the second identifier to one or more devices, the devices, in turn, store the data in one or more storage medium. For instance, in one example, the module 400 sends the data to the settop box processor 204 and the processor 204 stores the data in the storage 218 in the settop box 101. In another examples, the module 400 sends the data (e.g., a message) to a server located within the media content providing system 1. For example, the module 400 sends the data to the click-to-clip server 103 in the system 1 previously discussed. The server 103 then saves the data to one or more storage medium located within the system 1, such as the PVR storage 106 or the file storage 108.
The data sent by the module 400 may include various types of information. For instance, in one example, the data may include channel data, such as a program descriptor, asset identifier, or the channel currently in tune, indicating what cable program the individual is currently viewing along with the first identifier (e.g., a start time code) and the second identifier (e.g., an end time code). In addition, in another example, the data may also include a unique identifier that is associated with the individual such as username or subscriber identifier. In another example, this unique identifier may be obtained by the server 103 after receiving the data from the module 400 by cross-referencing the MAC address of the settop box 101 with a record previously stored that associates the MAC address with a particular subscriber or subscriber identifier.
In various examples, the settop box processor 204 and/or server 103 parses the data prior to storing it so that the data is retrievable at a later time. In addition, the processor 204 and/or server 103 may obtain and store additional information along with the data received from the tag module 400. For example, the processor 204 and/or server 103 may obtain metadata that pre-exists in the system 1 (such as program name and/or description from an electronic program guide) or information entered by the individual pertaining to the particular segment of the cable program.
For instance, the individual may wish to add commentary to the segment. This commentary may be embedded into the segment of cable program and/or appended to the segment of cable program at a later time when the segment is retrieved from the cable program.
In one example, the individual enters this commentary at the time the data for the segment is recorded by the tag module 400 and the module 400 sends this commentary along with the data to the processor 204 and/or server 103. In another embodiment, the individual enters commentary via an input device on the system 1 after the data has been initially stored. For example, the individual may use an onscreen keyboard and/or a module running on the individual's settop box 101 that allows the individual to scroll through saved segments of media content and add commentary to selected segments. In addition, the individual may access saved segments on the system 1 via one or more web pages provided by the cable provider that allows the individual to add commentary to one or more saved segments.
Furthermore, the processor 204 and/or server 103 may store the location of the original cable program along with the data received from the tag module 400. For instance, in the case in which the system 1 contains a network PVR server 104, this server 104 records all of the programs for the entire channel map for the system 1 in the data storage 111 and is aware of the location of the recording that it is creating. Thus, the processor 204 and/or server 103 obtain the location of the cable program corresponding to the received data from the network PVR server 104 and store the location along with the data. In the case of a PVR enabled settop box 101, the settop box 101 may upload the cable program to a server within the system 1 to be stored in the data storage 111. Thus, the server is aware of the location of the stored cable program. The location may be stored directly with the data or as separate data that is associated with the segment data via the program identifier.
In addition, in further examples, a thumbnail image is automatically created and stored along with the data sent by tag module 400. This thumbnail may be created by various processes such as converting a frame of the cable program into a separate file with its own formant (such as JPEG or PNG).
Once the data has been saved to storage, the data can be used to identify the segment of the cable program originally tagged by the individual for viewing. For instance, a listing of the segments may be made available to other subscribers in the media content providing system 1 via the video-on-demand (VOD) server 105. A subscriber may access the VOD server 105 through his personal settop box 101. The VOD server 105 displays a listing of the available segments of cable programs by constructing the list of segments from the data saved for the various segments sent by subscribers through their personal settop boxes 101. Thus, the data may be indexed and made available for searching by any number of available processes.
The subscriber selects a particular segment to view and the VOD server 105 retrieves the data associated with the particular segment from the PVR storage 106. The VOD server 105 then retrieves the original cable program from the data storage 111. For example, the VOD server 105 reads the location of the original cable program from the retrieved data and retrieves the cable program from the particular storage location. The VOD server 105 then reads the first and second identifiers from the data and locates the beginning and the ending locations in the cable program based on the identifiers. Finally, the VOD server 105 identifies (e.g., extracts) the segment from the cable program that includes the content between the beginning location and the ending location and plays the retrieved segment for the subscriber by streaming the segment through the subscriber's settop box 101 to the subscriber's television.
In an alternative example, the segments of cable programs are only stored locally on the individual's personal settop box 101. In this case, the processor 204 of the box 101 displays the listing of available segments to the individual (or to another individual using the particular settop box 101 or accessing the particular settop box 101) and the individual selects the desired segment from the listing to view. The processor 204 then identifies the desired segment from the cable program in a similar fashion as the VOD server 105 discussed above and plays the identified segment for the individual.
Furthermore, as will be described in more detail below, the identified segments of cable programs may be made available outside the media content providing system 1 (e.g., cable provider's system). For example, the system 1 may provide a search engine to one or more external systems wherein the search engine may be used by individuals in the external systems to search the available segments (e.g., one or more web pages available over the Internet). These individuals may select one or more desired segments from the engine to view and the system 1 retrieves the selected segments and makes them available for these individuals to view.
As previously discussed, in various examples, the segments of media content tagged by individuals in a closed content network may also be communicated to external networks that lie outside the closed content network. For example, a subscriber of a cable provider may tag a segment of a cable program and make the segment of the cable program available on one or more websites via the Internet. Individuals may then visit the website, request to view the segment, and various embodiments of the invention make the segment available to the individuals for viewing.
Accordingly, FIG. 5 illustrates a flow diagram of a module 500 for communicating a segment of media content with one or more individuals (e.g., users) of an external system according to various embodiments. This flow diagram may correspond to the steps carried out by the processor in the trim/transcode server 107 shown in FIG. 1 as it executes the module 500 in the server's RAM memory according to various examples.
In Step 510, the module 500 provides a search engine to the external system. In various embodiments, this search engine is configured to allow individuals of the external system to search the segments of media content identified by individuals in the closed content network. For example, the search engine allows individuals of the external system to search the segments of cable programs identified by individuals via their settop boxes 101 and the tag module 400.
The module 500 may provide the search engine via several mechanisms. For instance, the module 500 provides an indexed list of the segments of cable programs to the file and/or web server 109 shown in FIG. 1. This indexed list may be constructed from the information in the segment data stored in the system 1, as discussed above. For example, the indexed list may be constructed based on the program name, start time code, and end time code of the segments of cable programs. Other information may include, for example, the air date for the segment and/or the performers associated with the particular media content. In addition, the list is preferably indexed so that it is searchable.
The file and/or web server 109 provides the indexed list in one or more interfaces and posts the interfaces to make them available to the external system. For example, the file and/or web server 109 provides the list in a webpage and posts the webpage to the Internet 112. Thus, an individual on the Internet 112 can visit the webpage and search the list and identify a desired segment of a cable program to view. It should be noted that the segment of media content may include the entire media content. For instance, the individual may request to view the entire cable program.
The individual requests to view the desired segment by selecting the segment from the list on the webpage. In turn, the request is sent back over the Internet 112 and the module receives the request, shown as Step 520.
The request may include information in addition to identifying the desired segment of media content. For instance, the request may also indicate whether the segment needs to be trimmed and/or transcoded into a different format. It may be the case that the individual who has submitted the request only wants to view a portion of the segment of media content. In addition, it may be the case that the segment needs to be transcoded from its original format to a different format so that the individual can observe the segment on his particular media player. Thus, the trim/transcode server 107 of various embodiments is configured to perform these tasks based on the request received from the individual.
In response to receiving the request from the individual, the module 500 retrieves the data (e.g., a record) associated with the particular segment from the storage medium 106, 108 in the system 1, shown as Step 530. Thus, returning to the example wherein the segment of media content represents a segment of a cable program, the module 500 retrieves the data associated with the particular segment of the cable program.
In Step 540, the module 500 then obtains the position of the particular segment in cable program. For instance, the module 500 extracts the first and second identifiers from the data that identifies the beginning and the ending locations within the cable program that define the particular segment. In addition, the module 500 obtains the storage location of the original cable program from the data, shown as Step 550. As previously discussed, this storage location may exist anywhere within the system 1 (such as the data storage 111). Thus, the module 500 may copy the cable program from the storage location to the trim/transcode server 107 or may simply access the cable program at the storage location.
The module 500 extracts the particular segment from the cable program by utilizing the position of the segment in the cable program and the storage location of the cable location to make the segment available to the individual who originally requested the segment, shown as Step 560. Thus, for example, the module 500 extracts the content from the cable program that lies between the first identifier and the second identifier.
In various examples, the term "extract" means to simply stream the segment of the media content out to the individual. For instance, in the case of the cable program, the original program is not altered in any way and the requested segment of the program is streamed to the individual.
In other examples, the term "extract" means to generate a copy of the segment from the original media content. Thus, in Step 570, the module 500 stores the extracted segment to make the segment available to the individual who originally requested the segment. In one example, the module 500 saves the extracted segment to one more storage medium within the system 1, such as the PVR storage 106 and/or the file storage 108. In addition, the module 500 may provide permission for the segment so that the individual can access the segment via the website and view the segment. In another example, the module 500 exports the segment to the external system so that the individual can access and view the segment on the external system.
Furthermore, the module 500 may also save information obtained from the retrieved data for the particular segment along with the extracted segment. This information may be used to create hyperlinks from the extracted segment to the original media content.
In the case wherein the request includes information indicating that the segment needs to be transcoded, the trim/transcode server 107 (via the module 500 configured to share the segment or via a separate module) invokes a process to transcode the extracted segment into a different format. In addition, if the new format has the ability to embed metadata into the segment and/or to append metadata to the segment, the server 107 inserts such data into the segment and/or appends such data to the segment as available within the data retrieved for the particular segment. Thus, commentary provided for the segment may be inserted into the segment and/or appended to the segment prior to making the segment available to the individual in the external system. Similarly, in the case wherein the request includes information indicating that the segment needs to be trimmed, the trim/transcode server 107 invokes a process to trim the extracted segment.
The request may further include the desire for a thumbnail preview of the segment. In such a case, the module 500 is further configured to extract one or more frames from the segment and convert or transcode the frames into a file in a requested image format. This thumbnail image may be stored along with the extracted segment and/or along with the data associated with the extracted segment.
Furthermore, the request may indicate the desire for a "mashup" of various segments of media content. Thus, the trim/transcode server 107 (e.g., the module 500) is configured to perform any required trimming and/or transcoding operation on the various segments and then to stitch the various clips of the segments together. This results in a derived file that contains content of multiple segments. The module 500 may also create hyperlinks from these files to the original media content.
In addition, as will be described in further detail below, the system 1 may include additional modules configured to insert digital rights into the extracted segments of media content. Further, the system 1 may include additional modules configured to limit the number of segments that may be derived from the same original media content or to insert or to append advertising into the extracted segments.
Thus, the module 500 of various examples, as described above, allows for the segments of media content identified via the tag module 400 to be separated from the original media content so that the segments can be access via various mechanisms. For example, the extracted segments can be published to make the segments available to individuals in external systems (e.g., "pushed" to a website or allow individuals of external systems to "pull" from the media content providing system 1).
In various embodiments of the invention, the media content from which the segments are derived is copyright protected. For example, in the case of the media content being cable programming, the individual cable programs (e.g., television shows) may be copyright protected so that only subscribers of the programming are authorized to view the cable programs (e.g., the subscribers have purchased a license to view the cable programs via their monthly subscription fee paid to the cable provider). Therefore, these segments cannot be shared outside the cable provider's closed content system 1 without violating copyright laws. In various embodiments, the digital rights management (DRM) module 600 provides a solution to this problem. In particular, this module 600 according to various embodiments provides a mechanism through which rights can be extended to systems external to the closed content system 1.
FIG. 6 illustrates a flow diagram of the DRM module 600 according to various embodiments. This flow diagram may correspond to the steps carried out by the processor in the DRM server 110 shown in FIG. 1 as it executes the module 600 in the server's RAM memory according to various embodiments.
In various embodiments, The DRM server 110 receives a request from an individual to observe a segment from particular media content. (In various requests, the segment may be the entire media content.) Therefore, returning to the example discussed above, the individual selects a desired segment of a cable program over the Internet 112 from a listing provided on a webpage from the system 1. As previously discussed, in various examples, the system 1 extracts the segment from the original cable program and makes the segment available to the individual to view. In turn, the individual clicks on the available segment to view and the individual's media player, such as Windows® Media or Adobe® Media Player, opens. Accordingly, the media player opens the link associated with the available segment to invoke the segment to play.
In various embodiments, the media player recognizes that a license is required to play the segment of media content. Thus, in the example, the cable provider encrypts the segment of the cable program and the media player recognizes that a license must be obtained from the cable provider in order to decrypt the segment to view the segment. As a result, the media player contacts the cable operator's DRM server 110 over the Internet 112 to request the license, and the DRM module 600 receives the request, shown as Step 610.
The request may include several pieces of information according to various embodiments. The request includes a player identifier identifying the media player device and user identifier identifying the individual who request to view the segment. The request may also include an identifier indentifying the segment and/or media content.
In response, the DRM module 600 verifies the media player device is associated with the individual, shown as Step 620. The module 600 queries a database of information that includes registered media players using the player identifier and the user identifier received in the request from the media player.
In addition, in Step 630, the DRM module 600 sends a message to the cable provider's billing system to confirm that the individual has the right to view the segment of the cable program. Thus, in one embodiment, the message includes the user identifier provided in the request, and the billing system confirms that the individual is a subscriber in good standing with the cable provider. In another embodiment, the message also includes the identifier for the segment and/or media content so that the billing system can confirm that the individual has rights for the particular media content. For example, the particular media content may be a program aired on a paid channel, such as HBO®. Thus, the billing system confirms that the particular individual is a subscriber to the particular paid channel.
The DRM module 600, in response to verifying the media player device is associated with the individual and to receiving confirmation that the individual has rights to view the segment of the cable program, generates a license for the segment, shown as Step 640. In various embodiments, this license may be associated directly with the individual's media player so that the license can only be used in conjunction with the media player. In addition, in various embodiments, the module 600 may include in the license any other restrictions placed on the use of the license, such as license duration (e.g., the module 600 may include a restriction placing a predetermined period of time in which the individual can view the segment on his player). Finally, in Step 650, the DRM module 600 delivers the license to the individual's media player to enable the individual to view the segment on his media player.
In an alternative example not falling under the claim, the DRM module 600 also provides a license to an individual who is not a subscriber of the cable provider. Thus, the individual may have purchased rights to view the segment through a different source. For example, the individual may have purchased rights to view the segment from a media source such as iTunes®. The alternate source provides the individual with some type of verification that the individual has purchased rights, such as an electronic certificate. In turn, the individual's media player provides the certificate in the request for a license sent to the cable provider's DRM server 110. In this case, the DRM module 600 does not send a message to the cable provider's billing system to confirm the individual's rights but confirms the authenticity of the certificate. For example, the DRM module 600 may contact the source that provided the certificate to verify that the individual has indeed purchased rights to view the segment of the cable program. As a result of confirmation that the certificate is authentic, the DRM module 600 generates the license and delivers the license to the individual's media player.
Many modifications and other embodiments of the inventions set forth herein will come to mind to one skilled in the art to which these inventions pertain having the benefit of the teachings presented in the foregoing descriptions and the associated drawings. Therefore, it is to be understood that the invention is not to be limited to the specific embodiments disclosed and that modifications and other embodiments are intended to be included within the scope of the appended claims. Although specific terms are employed herein, they are used in a generic and descriptive sense only and not for purposes of limitation.
deliver the license to the player device over the external network, wherein the license is used by the player device to decrypt the segment to enable the user to observe the segment of media content played using the player device.
The system of Claim 1, wherein the generated license can only be used within a predetermined period of time.
The system of one of Claims 1 or 2, wherein the generated license is associated with the device identifier so that the user can only observe the segment of media content using the player device.
delivering the license to the player device over the external network, wherein the license is used by the player device to decrypt the segment to enable the user to observe the segment of media content played using the player device.
The method of Claim 4, wherein the step of generating the license comprises generating a license that can only be used within a predetermined period of time.
The method of one of Claims 4 or 5, wherein the step of generating the license comprises generating a license associated with the device identifier so that the user can only observe the segment of media content on the player device.
A computer program comprising computer program code means to perform all of the steps of one of Claims 4 to 6 when the program is run on a computer.
The computer program of Claim 7 embodied on a computer-readable medium.
EP2651123B1 (en) * 2012-04-10 2017-02-01 Alcatel Lucent Personal network video recording device and method for operation of a personal network video recording device. | 2019-04-20T13:18:20Z | https://patents.google.com/patent/EP2382781B1/en |
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations places the global population of youth aged 15-24 at 14 per cent of expected nine billion by 2050. Already, the rising unemployment rates is a concern now, and the increasing population is set to make it even worse.
Rapid urbanisation has resulted in the reduction of rural populations. This comes with a number of consequences, one of which is the reduction of workforce in the rural areas, especially in agriculture. It is against such a background that a joint MIJARC/FAO/IFAD project on Facilitating Access of Rural Youth to Agricultural Activities carried out in 2011 identified six principal challenges with respect to increasing rural youth’s participation in the sector.
• Limited access to land: the youth are faced with obstacles in regard to land access due to inheritance laws and customs in developing countries, which makes it hard to transfer land to youth.
• Inadequate access to financial services: most banks and financial institutions are not willing to provide loans and other financial products to the rural youth because they lack collateral and are financially illiterate.
• Difficulties accessing green jobs: rural youth do not have the skills and access to the training opportunities to engage in the green economy.
• Limited access to markets: without access to markets, the youth are not able to engage in viable and sustainable agricultural ventures.
• Limited involvement in policy dialogue: too often young people’s voices are not heard during the policy process, and so their needs are not met, consequently failing to provide them with effective support.
• Access to the right information can help overcome young farmers’ lack of experience.
• Integrated training approaches are required for youth so that they may respond to the needs of a modern agricultural sector.
• Use of modern ICTs to attract youth to the sector, provide up-to-date and information, and as tool for marketing, training and financing.
• Creating networks for the youth to enhance access to opportunities, to agricultural inputs and markers, to financial services and land, as well as to participate in policymaking.
• Provision of youth-specific projects and programmes.
It is with such a background that the African Youth Empowerment Initiatives (AYEI) was set up. It has the vision to be among the pioneers in encouraging the youth to take up agriculture as an income generating activity, to deal with food insecurity, and to create wealth.
and access to appropriate productivity-boosting technology is a common challenge, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. At Africa Youth Employment Initiatives (AYEI), seeking to provide technological support as well as linking youth to different tech and research partners is one of the ways to ensure that this gap is filled. Consequently, it can transform how the youth can easily engage and benefit from agriculture. Some of the simplest ways for this to be accomplished include the provision of input and output information on mobile phones or selling products through social media. In February, Kenya held the eAgri East Africa Summit 2017, which looked at the value of holistic ICT in not only transmitting information and fitting the information to the East African context but also in creating decision support system and apps to help decisions across agricultural value chains. It does not stop here. A number of ways ICT can bring in value to agriculture using the multi-stakeholder approach according to the World Bank’s ICTs for Agriculture in Africa. This includes the use of ICT in spatial analysis, in financial services for the farmer as well as in better risk management. Not only will this reduce the time needed for research but also improve the efficiency of the research process. Already, the impact of ICT in agriculture is highly visible despite that the sector hasn’t fully adopted it. A good example would be the M-shamba platform on which farmers are connected t traders from different parts of Kenya. Started by Calvince Otieno, the service was created after Otieno noticed a gap between farmers in the western part of the country where food was abundant and extreme hunger in the Eastern part. According to Innovate for Agriculture, the service has provided service to more than 15,000 farmers and 3,400 vendors. Another example would be Ghana’s Esoko, which provides smallholder farmers access to inputs and finance through a virtual marketplace. Apart from innovations, access to information, seminars and conferences in agriculture has now been made easier with ICT. The availability of the internet and mobile devices is making it easier for farmers, even in rural areas to get information and training that can transform and improve their productivity and effectiveness in the agricultural value chain. Even with such strides, more can be done. For starters, the improvement of the ICT infrastructure in African countries can go a long way to not only bring the youth on board but also improve productivity in agriculture. It can also enhance the use of a multi-sectorial approach that will increase innovativeness to solve problems plaguing farmers across the continent. The advantage with ICT is its ever-changing platforms that make it easier to come up with innovations and ideas to be applied in the agricultural value chain. To take advantage of this, the World Bank report recommends the creation of a partnership with relevant stakeholders, establishment of an agricultural hub, implementation of laws and regulation in the sector, implement irrigation solutions and eAgricultural plans as well as empowering women in agriculture.
opportunities for women and youth. However, there are number of issues that limit women from contributing to agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations has recommended strategy and area of focus that will help improve women’s contribution. In the Regional gender equality strategy for the Near East and North Africa 2017-2020, the criteria for selecting these areas of focus were based on the short consultation with FAORs, technical managers and managers of Regional Initiatives. Under the gender and resilience to conflict and crisis focus, the plan is to ensure that needs assessment and response plans for crisis-affected areas in their world. This will ensure that the countries affected by conflict will consider the impact of such conflict and crisis on agriculture and rural development. With this assessment, they will be able to identify the interventions that can easily lead to active measures on value chain development and entrepreneurship among women. The expected output according to FAO includes formulation of gender sensitive food security and agricultural programmes and projects. In terms of accessing the markets and resources, value chain development is the second focus of this initiative. Women’s contribution to the value chain is determined by their ability to control resources and make decisions at home. It also depends on their income and employment opportunities. It is expected that this intervention will ensure major understanding constraints to women’s contribution to value chain and to ensure the creation and implementation of laws and policies to ensure women’s right to land. Social protection is the third area of focus as it deals with the accessibility of basic services, which is critical to the productivity of women in the agricultural sector. This has been made worse with the lack of statistics on women in agriculture. Some interventions including cash transfers and subsidised goods and services have been introduced, but more needs to be done. From exchange experience in different countries to increasing awareness and understanding access to key social security are some of the expected output. Besides the above measures, there is also need to strengthen rural institutions. This will ensure increased social capital support through which women can access markets and increase value on products; technical assistance on extension services provision that is gender sensitive; collaboration between rural institutions and research institutions; and capacity development and awareness on participatory decision making. One of the biggest issues facing women in agriculture is the inadequate or lack of updated statistics about women’s involvement in agriculture. That is why gender and statistics is an important focus area for FAO as it will help in understanding the activities women engage in as well as the level at which women contribute to reducing poverty, enhancing food security and improving livelihoods. Water resource management is also an area through which women have been discriminated because of the lack of water affects them in the house and at the farms. It is, therefore, essential to seek gender-sensitive water governance, including the roles and limits of women in using irrigation. Some of the outcomes of this initiative include addressing water management issues especially when it comes to female farmers and encouraging uptake of water saving systems among women farmers, among others. Gender mainstreaming is also a focus area in line with FAO’s Gender Equality Policy and other agricultural strategies and action plans. While the strategy is meant for the Near East and North Africa, most of them, if well applied, can work in Sub-Saharan Africa to enhance the involvement of women in agriculture for food security.
the youth who are just staying yet have great potential in bringing a change in their community and the country at large. The organization would like to reduce the high rate of unemployment in various African countries among the youth via application of scientific innovations in agribusiness and putting dwelling much effort in agricultural activities. Lampam (1974) report on the cause of unemployment stated that agriculture is the taproot of an economy. He warned that any attempt to give agricultural activities a secondary attention in the economy of any nation would sooner or later create unemployment situation. This however demands youth involvement in agricultural activities if the unemployment rate increase should be historic. Investigation into Nigeria sources of revenue in the 1960s and early 1970s showed that agricultural products were the chief source of income to the country. But with the neglect of agriculture due to oil boom, the country later failed, and has resulted into unemployment. By 1986, an estimated 3.7 million people were said to be unemployed with about 1.5 million youth joining the labor force annually. This resulted in an urban unemployment rate of 10% and rural unemployment rate of 4% (Federal Office of Statistics, 1986). All the components of the labour force suffered from the scourge of unemployment of youths, especially graduates, retrenched civil servants and private sectors employees. Volkova et al (1986) in his search for further reasons for the poor economic condition of the third world countries discovered that the on-going brain-drain in developing countries as a result of un-patriotism among Nigeria third world specialists whose special knowledge were needed to improve the economy, has aggravated the unemployment situation in Nigeria. AYEI welcomes all youths eager to be part of its activities. We employ based on skills, experience and qualifications. And everybody regardless of the race, region and origin is welcome. In conclusion the above points have been discussed while emphasizing on the effects of the high rate of unemployment in African countries e.g. Nigeria. We have also looked at how the coming of AYEI could be used as a stepping stop to reducing the high rate of unemployment via the use of new scientific innovations in Agriculture and practicing agribusiness.
and John Youhanes Magok (Youth Affairs Head of Department) held a two days conference on 'Youth Mobilization for Agricultural security in Ethiopia' between 20th to 21st July, 2017, at the American Center, US Embassy, Addis Ababa. 16 participants comprising of YALI members and the general audience attended the special event. AYEI major objective for the conference was aimed at mobilizing Ethiopian youth in stepping-up on Agri-initiatives in Ethiopia and in addition, the programme intention was to boost the capabilities of youth to be active in job creation using the Agric sector as a means for sustainable change in Ethiopia and Africa at large. Most remarkably, AYEI initiative if implemented in Ethiopia will impact on reducing continues youth migration and increase Agri-productions. The comments of audience were admirable, as most of the attendees saw the need for AYEI to be recognized by the African Union for its contribution towards the Agenda 2063, noted by John Youhanes. The participants encouraged AYEI team to continue to shape the mindset of young generation who think that “… agriculture is work of a poor man…” and this can be achieved through more youth mobilization and outreach programs in educational institutions across the country of Ethiopia. In the conference, we stretched out the need for AYEI to have strong team of Agri-young people in Ethiopia that can maneuver the organizations vision and mission towards a full scale implementation in Ethiopia. Thus, the AYEI team encouraged the participants to join the movement by filling the online membership form and also subscribe to our continuous communication and engagement.
AYEI Ethiopia is currently negotiating with Ethiopian government for the organisation to proceed with legal registration, and identification of potential partners and organisations for project collaboration and partnership, and to mobilize resources for projects implementation.
On 30th December 2016, AYEI was officially registered in Ghana under the Company Code, where it was incorporated under the Companies Act , 1963 (Act 179 ) and liability of its members is Limited by Guarantee .
Assigning all personnel to various levels of administration took a very speed motion from January 2017 to July 2017 and 9 departments of 10 have now all representatives vetted and appointed as Heads of departments. The department of Human resource management and E-learning is yet to have its head of department appointed in a very short time. 16 of the 18 country coordinators have been appointed and now working as legal representatives of AYEI in their countries.
AYEI project was drafted by individual country coordinating team, compiled and merged by the Head of department of project programs. AYEI project final draft was presented on 30th May 2017 which 8 selected pilot countries, namely : Zimbabwe, Ghana, Burundi, Uganda, Malawi ….
AYEI’s project was presented by the fundraising director in a competition that was organized by Global Solutions Lab in the United States and AYEI managed to grab the second position, what came to be the door opening for the organization, 6 months after its existence. AYEI was also represented by South Sudan and Ethiopia Country coordinators in a joint presentation in Addis Ababa , at American Embassy in July 2017 while other good moves are being made by the Partnership and Advocacy department to meet relevant organizations towards establishing our strong partners. The Head of Department of Partnership and Advocacy had a good encounter with the USAID office in South Africa late this July 2017 and similar moves had been made by the members of executives meeting relevant individuals such as CEO of other organizations and institutions in line with AYEI’s intent to build a reliable consultium of both academic and professional bodies. One of the Partnership and Advocacy Department is seeking to introducing AYEI to USAID headquarters in Uganda while many more organizations are being approached for possible collaboration. Other potential partners are being mapped up for future interactions and details will be made available in our nest newsletter.
in the areas of grassroot mobilization for Youth employment in the Agricultural Development sector, Food security and Economic growth. At the forum the major discussion was on 'Areas Government and Non-Governmental Organisations will work together to build partnership in creating a sustainable economy for Tanzanians and Africa at large'. The AYEI Country coordinator Mr Jonas Ndunguru and the Tanzania's Head of Marketing, Mr Philip Joseph represented AYEI in that forum. AYEI captivated all the participant's attention when our representatives made a presentation of what We do in AYEI, people where eager to hear about AYEI and developed interest to collaborate with us in project development and implementations. Our representatives shared the office and web address including all our contacts and social media platforms for more references and easy reach. It was remarkable that everyone indicated interest to visit Our office for further consultation and partnership development. One of the participant remarked that "Our organisation creates a unique perspective towards youth Unemployment, food Security and Poverty reduction". AYEI Tanzania is currently undergoing registration process, identification of potential partners and organisations for project collaboration and partnership, and to mobilize resources for projects implementation. | 2019-04-22T10:33:42Z | http://ayeii.org/news-letters.php?page=newsletters |
How much will UK development policy change under a Conservative government?
The Conservative Party is set fair to win next year’s UK general election. What will happen to development policy? The Conservatives published a Green Paper in the summer, shortly after the government put out its White Paper on development, to which I gave a warm review. In this rather long post I extend the same courtesy to the Conservatives. Overall judgement: much to welcome but some reservations because the document is conservative in the wrong way.
New Labour invented the Department for International Development (DFID), breaking it out of the Foreign Office in 1997, passing the International Development Act, refocusing and boosting the UK’s overseas development assistance.
Twelve years on, the Conservative Green Paper signals Conservative acceptance that that reform is here to stay.
It talks of the “utterly compelling” “moral case for tackling poverty” (page 7) that is also a pragmatic British interest in an inter-dependent world. It promises to keep aid separate from commercial interests and focused on poverty reduction. It commits a future Conservative government to work towards the Millennium Development Goals and achieve the target of spending 0.7 per cent of national income on development aid. While acknowledging that “some aid in the past has been wasted or stolen,” the Green Paper emphatically declares that “well-spent aid has worked miracles” (p1 & p25).
The Green Paper’s critique of Labour’s policy is carefully nuanced. It makes essentially the same critique of the international development system. In sum: there have been real achievements but Labour has a “scatter gun” approach to aid (p12), lacks rigour about impact, with too little feedback and accountability (pp 9-13) and muddled objectives.
Continuing with the Conservative critique: Labour focuses on inputs rather than outputs and is impressed by spending rather than performance, so there is “sometimes an incentive to get money out of the door, rather than to ensure it is spent well” (p12). Labour is rightly determined to work with governments in developing countries so as to improve public services but this sometimes leads it to turn a blind eye to those governments’ worst aspects.
“Good intentions,” says the Green paper, “trumps clear thinking” (p12).
Moving on from Labour’s mistakes, the Green Paper takes a look at DFID’s institutional culture – “often more like that of an aid agency than a Department of State” and “lacks business sense” (p13). The document promises that DFID staff under a Conservative government will behave and think like civil servants, not NGO activists.
There is also a background drumbeat in the Green Paper, that “DFID’s growing financial muscle” (p12) has made it a bit big for its boots. Under the Conservatives, DFID will remain a separate department but be better coordinated with the Foreign Office and the rest of government (pp 56-57). Some may suspect that “coordinated” is a polite term for “subordinated” but the Green Paper authors would probably insist that they are talking about a recalibrated division of labour with the Foreign Office taking a clearer policy lead. Time will tell which version is more accurate but, certainly, the Green Paper offers heart to critics concerned that DFID has become an independent fiefdom with its own foreign policy.
Put it this way: twelve years ago, New Labour gave birth to DFID; next year the Tories plan to introduce some discipline and make sure it behaves as part of the family before it becomes too much the uppity teenager.
There is plenty in this critique with which many people of varying political stripes will agree. And if some of the language about DFID’s DNA having too much NGO and too little Whitehall causes some discomfort in DFID itself, that is not necessarily bad. Big institutions can do with a shake-up from time to time to clear the cobwebs away.
As to injecting some Whitehall or business spores into the DFID DNA, if I were part of the Tory front bench team on development I would worry about the realism of the idea. Nothing is easier than smartening up and looking like a civil servant, and nothing harder than changing institutional culture. Come the third or fourth year in government, the odds favour superficial adjustment over real change.
And since I am not part of the Tory front bench team, let me add my real concern here. DFID is at its strongest when it deals with issues and problems in development policy and developing countries as issues and problems in development, rather than as bureaucratic objectives or boxes to tick. At its weakest, it gets all tick-boxy and Whitehall-world complacent.
I worry that when the Conservative team criticises what it sees as the NGO culture in DFID, it is the engagement and commitment of staff members at all levels of the organisation that they are taking issue with. And I worry that if they put pressure on engagement and commitment and the accompanying spiky attitudes, NGO-ish atmosphere and casual clothes, they risk replacing those positive qualities with a bureaucratic approach that, in the event and with greater cause, will annoy them even more.
The Green Paper focuses on three areas: value for money given in aid, wealth creation, and conflict and security.
It is good to focus, of course, but it does sometimes lead to odd results. Here, strangely, commitments on tackling climate change are included as part of the section on getting value for money, as if the main problem climate change imposes in developing countries is hampering aid delivery.
Mind you, the core message in this sub-section that “Action to tackle and adapt to climate change will permeate international development policy” is wholly welcome, as is the commitment to ensure that “the UK’s position in international climate change negotiations is consistent with the interests of the world’s poorest countries” (pp 33-34). Yet if the response to climate change should permeate development policy – which, by the way, is what I think too, because adapting to climate change in developing countries can only mean something if it means adapting development – then it is strange and unconvincing to find it wrapped up in a couple of pages and parked under efficiency.
That said, the Green paper scores heavily on the issue of value for money. The overall proposition is that aid must be spent effectively, that transparency and accountability will enhance its effectiveness, that both are in any case essential for democratic governance when big spending is under way, and that measuring success should focus on outputs and impact rather than inputs and successfully moving money around.
If anybody wants to argue against those propositions, I won’t be joining her/him.
Under this heading, one way a Conservative government will get value for money is by focusing the UK’s international aid on fewer than the 108 countries to whom it goes now. The document rightly abstains from saying how many countries will get it, though it does commit to ending UK aid to China, and it says a Conservative government will strengthen links with Commonwealth countries, implying though not promising more aid to Commonwealth developing countries.
So: in what aspect of development policy would you expect something really distinctive to come from the Conservatives? With a political party that believes in the power of the private sector to contribute to the common good, believes indeed that a strong private sector is an integral part of the common weal, you would probably expect their development team to come up with something special on the creation of wealth.
This is the most pedestrian part of the document. It gives scant attention to the role of entrepreneurs. When it covers the need to harness private enterprise, it focuses on employing people from a business background in DFID, mentions Unilever and Vodafone, offers “government-led trade delegations”, promises to examine DFID procurement policies in developing countries, praises the Grameen Bank and micro-finance in general and offers to take a look at “providing matched funding for peer-to-peer loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries” (pp 38-41). All reasonable stuff, nothing to disagree with, but it doesn’t make the little hills dance.
Why are the examples all international big business instead of developing country enterprises and business people? There are plenty of them. Where is the untidy energy and creativity of entrepreneurs of all sizes? Where are the dilemmas that such entrepreneurial activity creates and what are the ways to square them?
And once business has been dealt with in a few flat pages the rest of the section becomes a perfectly standard sectoral canter through agriculture, infrastructure, health, education and trade. Again, many good and proper things said but it is not exciting. I don’t know if anybody else is surprised by that but I certainly was.
The Green Paper is by no means unique in focusing on conflict and security issues in developing countries. The government’s White Paper dwelt on them at length, as does Climate, Conflict and Capital, this year’s Norwegian government White Paper. Next year’s World Bank World Development Report will do so too. The focus on conflict as a development problem is a general trend that is music to my ears. Some good clear things are said, emphasising that “Peace and stability are a pre-requisite of development” (p52) and that to respond to these challenges a Conservative government will work multilaterally (p53).
By focusing more on Afghanistan and Iraq than anywhere else and by committing to look for opportunities to increase aid to Afghanistan and Pakistan (pp 57-60), the document perhaps lays itself open to the criticism of allowing those two conflicts to be regarded as implicitly typical of conflict situations that DFID faces. In fact, in many ways and for many reasons, they are a-typical when put alongside conflict-affected countries in West and Central Africa, the Horn and South Asia, where UK forces have not been directly involved in war, and in which both the adversaries and conflict issues are very different.
However, having heard the Conservative Shadow Minister for Development, Andrew Mitchell, speak several times in the last few weeks, I don’t think he himself falls into this trap. In fact, the gloss he puts on the issue is quite close to where DFID now stands – grounds for thinking that a Conservative government will not necessarily be trapped into a costly policy in Afghanistan and Iraq at the expense of a proper focus on other conflict-wracked countries.
My fingers were tightly crossed as I wrote that.
As well as the desire to have DFID be “more like a department for development in the developing world and a little less like an aid agency” (p57), the Green paper has some things to say about institutional structure. They mostly come out in the section on conflict and security. Two key ones concern the Stabilisation Unit (previously the Post-Conflict Reconstruction Unit) and the relationship between DFID and the Foreign Office.
The plan is to strengthen the Stabilisation Unit, which will report directly to a new Cabinet committee – the National Security Council – and be the main driver of post-conflict reconstruction policy (p58). Presumably (though not explicitly) this means it will be equipped with the necessary resources, otherwise it won’t drive anything. It will presumably not be a fully-fledged new department but be centrally placed to lead on some conflict-related issues because of a direct connected to a cabinet body. It looks as if the Stabilisation Unit will again be about conflicts where British forces are involved, so the Green Paper’s proposals here do not address development aid to other conflict -affected countries.
The Green paper diagnoses a strained relationship between DFID and the Foreign Office and sympathises with the view that it is too often “second-guessing the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on matters of policy” (p12). In public, Andrew Mitchell has been explicit that improving the relationship means the Foreign Office is to lead on policy while DFID provides the expertise and funds when policy says it is time to provide aid.
Two questions arise here. The Green Paper does not address either one satisfactorily.
Q1: Where does the knowledge lie?
It seems appropriate for the Foreign Office to lead on foreign policy but does it have the staff with the right expertise to make calls about when to use aid in conflict-affected countries? There is no clear distinction between a policy decision about when and an implementation decision about what and how. In broad terms, deciding when inevitably means at least a framework decision about what aid to give and how to provide it. If this knowledge resides in the Foreign Office, I want to know where it is and why it hasn’t been used.
There is a good case to make that despite a lot of effort DFID still lacks a broad and deep enough expertise to handle governance and conflict questions in all the fragile states in which it is engaged. But the response to that is not to tilt back to traditional Foreign Office expertise, which, while formidable, is differently focused; it is to keep increasing knowledge and capacity all across Whitehall.
Q2: How will we characterise DFID’s role?
The Green Paper emphasises that, “Development is about much more than just aid” (p56) and wants DFID to be a department for development (p57), not an aid agency.
All well and good but the thought arises, if DFID is to be shorn of its autonomy in policy and concentrate on implementation while the Foreign Office has the policy lead, DFID is by definition going to be more like an aid agency and less like a development department.
This is a pretty large circle that the Green Paper does not square. In power, the Conservatives will have to or the conservatism of institutions may neutralise the policy changes they want.
The Green Paper covers a lot of ground, much of it very persuasively. The most energetic section is the first one on value for money. This is the one that seems to be written with passion – a wholly laudable passion to make development aid work for the people it is supposed to be working for while also making its use accountable to those who provide the funds. It is a democratic passion, buttressed by solid arguments on transparency, accountability, impact and cost effectiveness.
All other things being equal (e.g., no surprises in Conservative ministerial appointments), I would expect the biggest change under a new government to be in a strongly recharged focus on impact, assessment and accountability. On wealth creation and on conflict and security, the distance between government policy and the Conservatives’ policy is in details and institutional set-up, not in basic approach.
It is significant also that this passion is mobilised around aid projects. The downside of this is that it may well buttress an over-technical approach to development assistance that is, among other things, at odds with the aim of making DFID less of an aid agency.
The government White Paper this year stressed that political engagement must be at the heart of development assistance. In some parts of the Green Paper and in some of what Andrew Mitchell has said recently in public, there are echoes of the White Paper’s approach but elsewhere are contradictory tones and sentiments.
For the Labour government, the White Paper marked a significant departure for UK policy. It knowingly challenged orthodox opinion in the international development community, specifically around conflict and politics. And it set out an ambitious stall on climate change.
For the Conservative opposition, the Green Paper rows back a fair way from the government’s radicalism. Overall the model of development assistance it offers is comfortingly mainstream. The document is, in fact, quite conservative.
Today’s model of development aid is in trouble, especially because of the state of the economy but also because it has been less effective than it seemed to promise when the Millennium Development Goals were adopted. Economic data indicate this is the longest British recession for over 50 years. I write about Conservative policy against a backdrop of the Conservatives’ commitment to cut public spending. When the budget knife falls at home, voices will ask why services in Britain are declining but we keep wasting money on people in other countries.
To make the case that it is not waste we need a strong narrative of development and how to support it. The problem is that the old narrative is losing its persuasive power. We cannot go on as if development aid is politically neutral, a chronologically extended form of humanitarian aid, as it were.
For a new narrative, we need to understand development as a process in which a society develops the institutions, rules and norms that allow it to pursue the exploitation of its natural and economic resources without recourse to violence and arbitrary authority. And then we need to figure out how to support that process. Answers on how to do that are desperately needed; the debate is well under way but far short of being concluded.
I am intensely pleased that the Conservative Party has committed itself to continuing to expand development assistance. There is much to welcome. But it has not yet done any better than the government – in fact, it has done somewhat worse – in the essential task of shaping a new way of understanding and supporting international development.
This entry was posted in Conflict & peace, International development and tagged adaptation, Conservatives, development aid, DFID, fragile states, human security, International development, peacebuilding, Tories, UK politics, UN. Bookmark the permalink.
Thanks for an insightful analytical review of the Conservative Party’s Green Paper. It is comforting to read that the despite ideological divides the UK’s overall commitments to assisting developing countries to address their humanitarian and development challenges are likely to be maintained. Development requires even more political support than ever in view of the negative impacts of the global recession on the developed economies.
Thanks from me as well. I was struck in my time at the OECD that DFID was the bilateral that best fit two crucial criteria for a development agency, a hard head – the hardest in the business — and a soft heart. It would be a shame to confuse DFID’s soft heart – what you rightly refer to as its culture of commitment – with a soft head. | 2019-04-22T00:03:56Z | https://dansmithsblog.com/2009/10/24/how-much-will-uk-development-policy-change-under-a-conservative-government/ |
Kiwi technology needs to sell itself smarter to realise it’s potential to become the country’s largest export industry, according to the latest Market Measures report.
“We don’t face the same environmental constraints of the other two major export sectors, agriculture and tourism, so the potential for tech is virtually limitless,” says Owen Scott, Managing Director of Concentrate Limited, who organise the study along with fellow tech marketing company Swaytech.
In its ninth year, Market Measures gathers information about sales and marketing from over 300 New Zealand companies, and compares the results to similar data from the USA.
“We have talented tech sales people who convert leads at an incredibly high rate, but it’s the volume of sales that is the issue – this productivity challenge is one we have to solve to overtake the other two big export industries,” he said.
“Our tech sales people are really ‘artists’, talented and creative and able to craft sales, but what we need more of is scientists – people operating within a rigorous system able to produce repeatable, predictable sales results at a lower cost,” said Mr Scott.
“NZTE works with an increasing number of internationally successful tech companies but as the Market Measures study suggests, some of them – big and small – are forgetting to cover some of the basics that lead to export growth,” says Charles Haddrell, Customer Director at NZTE, the principal sponsors of Market Measures.
It was big news in the Kiwi start up community last week when Apple confirmed it would acquire Auckland start up PowerbyProxi.
And NZTech’s CEO Graeme Muller says that the deal is confirmation that New Zealand is on the right track to become a global tech story – and be known for our technology just like we are for tourism.
“When the world’s largest tech firm purchases our technology, in this case PowerbyProxi, we know we are on the right track, doing some great things,” adds Muller.
Muller says employment across New Zealand’s tech sector increased by 22% between 2015 and 2016 and now accounts for 6% of the national workforce.
It’s been a few weeks now since Emirates Team New Zealand won the America’s Cup. A lot was said at the time about the technology and innovation the team developed and put together to win back the Auld Mug. From the cyclors and foil design, to the remote controlled wingsail, spectators and commentators were in awe of how “brave” the team were to not just think outside the square, but to come up with a totally different shape entirely. All of this with nowhere near the sort of money and funding that the other teams had.
This sort of innovative thinking on a relative penny and dime budget is not something new to Kiwis, the Number 8 wire mentality is something of which we are rightfully proud. What most New Zealanders don’t realise though, is how successful our technology sector is, and sometimes it takes someone from the outside to come in and highlight it for us.
Recently, Garage Technology Ventures’ managing director Bill Reichert spent four weeks in New Zealand as entrepreneur in residents at AUT. He travelled around the country, met with start-ups and produced an Innovation Report on what he found.
You’ll forgive us for sounding like a broken record, but discussions about technology in education have been cycling for years now with the same message being conveyed; it needs to catch up.
NZTech held it’s eighth annual meeting the other week where it announced the businesses that make up its community now collectively employ 100,000 people. Chief executive Graeme Muller says the growth of the industry is crucial not just for the sector, but for New Zealand’s economy and the nation’s wellbeing as a whole.
But in a column in Idealog’s 2017 Technology issue, out next week, OMGTech! co-founder and Vend founder Vaughan Rowsell says more needs to be done to equip the future generations so they can flourish in the tech industry.
Seeing as the World Economic Forum report predicts that 65 percent of jobs for primary school aged kids will have as adults don’t actually exist yet, he says it’s essential digital technologies and a strong knowledge of tech are taught to the youth of today.
“Many young New Zealanders don’t believe they can have a career in these [creative and tech] sectors and that is just dumb,” Rowsell says.
Kiwi students are looking forward to an education refresh that incorporates more technology use in classrooms. The ‘Digital Technologies’ literacy plan involves developing teachers’ skills to deliver new digitally focused curriculum to encourage problem solving skills required for the future.
However, parents are concerned about their children will be spending even more time ‘looking at a screen’ and compromising traditional learning.
To find out more about how learning in schools will change, click here.
New Zealanders are using data at even higher rates than previous years. Both Orcon and Chorus have reported 50 and 60% increases in average data usage from 2016 to 2017. The average household uses around 160GB of data, mostly used up by streaming and gaming.
This shows we are a country with a healthy appetite for new content and new ways to consume our old favourites such as movies and TV shows.
To find out more about the latest statistics, click here.
New Zealand MS patients are the subject of a new trial using what some are calling ‘space-age technology’.
Farmers are in for a shock. According to Allflex Innovation and Business Development Manager, Pat Gunston, the technology revolution is on its way.
“We didn’t think it was possible a few years ago, but now we put animals down a race and read their eartags as fast as they pass by,” explains Gunston.
The New Zealand economy relies heavily on farming but many agree that we shouldn’t be. As technology advances, the future of farming is put at risk. To stay relevant and important to the country, the farming communities need to find ways to optimise and streamline their processes through the use of technology.
We’ve assumed it for a while but Mastercard, in a recent survey of 1000 New Zealanders have found that 90% of people choose digital payment options over cash. So what will happen to the money when digital payment completely takes over. With the rise of apps like Apple Pay, its making it even easier for anyone to digitally pay for goods and services, especially in traditionally cash driven areas such as communities.
To find out more about the outcomes of the survey, click here.
Tags: What's the use of money?
Our Communications Minister, Simon Bridges, recently released the Building a Digital Nation report which outlines several programmes to drive New Zealand towards becoming a digital nation. One of the programmes discussed is an alliance between the digital sector and government to explore the economic and social benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT).
The alliance will provide a forum for enabling us to better understand the benefits and potential issues of IoT, such as privacy and cyber security.
“Initial research by the alliance, which will provide an evidence base for future work, already suggests potential economic benefits to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars for the New Zealand economy through the deployment of IoT across a variety of sectors,” says Bridges.
To find out more about the alliance and the full Building a Digital Nation report, click here.
Code Club Aotearoa has partnered with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Foundation works to put the power of digital making into the hands of people all over the world. They provide low-cost, high-performance computers that people use to learn, solve problems and have fun.
To find out more about the Raspberry Pi partnership and Bijesse’s learnings from the Meetup, click here.
The career options for students who want to combat cybercrime are expanding so rapidly into fields like law, research, teaching and insurance that a leading Hamilton based cyber security research centre is urging secondary school students to get serious about tapping into this exciting job market.
Globally, unfilled cyber security jobs are predicted to reach 1.5 million by 2019 and international experts say the entire cyber security sector unemployment rate is zero percent.
The government’s cyber security strategy annual action plan report released last week shows the government-appointed cyber security taskforce aims to introduce a secondary school programme to help position students for higher level study towards cyber security qualifications.
Cyber Security Researchers of Waikato (CROW) associate professor Ryan Ko is a member of the New Zealand cyber security taskforce and says secondary school students need to be informed of the massive cyber security career potential for their personal benefit and that of the New Zealand economy.
“We need to train more Kiwis in cyber security to align with the fast growth and deployment of new technologies. This is important to protect New Zealand because tech is our fastest growing industry and a lapse in cyber capability would be detrimental to the economy.
“Only 23 percent of board of directors actively participate in security policy and $34 billion could be added to the New Zealand economy if businesses made more effective use of the internet.
“A range of job roles are appearing within popular career sectors like government, law, research, teaching and insurance where there is a demand for employees who have skills and knowledge in cyber security.
“Top executive positions are also being established that have chief risk officers reporting directly to the chief executive and if this trend continues, it opens up exciting career pathway opportunities for junior cyber security professionals,” Ko says.
CROW runs the annual New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge for secondary school students who want to learn more about cyber security, show off their skills and chat to industry experts about what it takes to develop a career in cyber security.
In only its fourth year, the shape of the challenge for 2017 has changed to keep up with the rapid changes in security-related jobs that are occurring as the world adapts to advancing technologies.
“Rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) means devices are being deployed into consumer environments – homes and offices – with very poor or non-existent security features. These devices can easily be compromised and used in malicious activities.
“This year we have introduced a new policy-based round to the challenge because it is important that students have a broader viewpoint of security. Students will need to assess the risks associated with emerging technologies like drones and look at how to apply and enforce policies which will help to protect organisational assets,” Ko says.
The challenge, which includes a career fair, is attractive for small to medium businesses as it is a chance for them to compete against and scope out talented future employees from within New Zealand’s secondary school and tertiary sectors.
Around 500 participants from all over New Zealand are expected to compete from mid-June with the top 150 gathering at the University of Waikato campus in July to receive hands-on training and compete in teams to become the 2017 New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge Champions.
For more information contact Make Lemonade news editor Janelle Blythe on 021 662 138.
Disruption is hitting the global electricity industry and New Zealand tech companies have the potential to lead the world with innovative solutions.
Callaghan Innovation and Creative HQ are calling every coder, inventor, tinkerer, engineer, or ideas person to enter an Innovation Challenge from February 1 with ideas pushing boundaries in how consumers and businesses use, manage, distribute, transmit, and generate power. Selected finalists will present to an expert industry panel for the chance to win prizes and access to industry partners.
eStar is Australasia’s leading specialist eCommerce solutions provider, delivering outstanding experiences with some of the region’s best brands, through a combination of thought leadership, user experience, development, design and partners. Clients include Country Road, Briscoe Group, Swanndri and Smiths City Group, amongst many others.
For further information contact Make Lemonade news editor Janelle Blythe on 021 662 138.
Soul Machines, based out of Auckland, are leading the world in humanising Artificial Intelligence innovation. The company has just unveiled their first virtual assistant, an emotionally intelligent virtual agent.
With financial backing out of Hong Kong, this technology promises to deliver big things across a range of different industries while putting New Zealand technology on the map.
Drones, robotic technologies, and automated on-farm sensors – they’re all on display near Hamilton, as LIC’s Innovation Farm plays host to the agricultural showcase ‘Farming2020’.
Farming 2020 is among the signature events included as part of an inaugural three-day event, Techweek17, which takes place from Tuesday 9 May.
Wayne McNee, Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) chief executive, said the company was delighted to host Farming2020 at its unique Innovation Farm in Rukuhia.
The LIC Innovation Farm included sensor technology that provided instant information on milk content being produced by its cows (commercially farmed on-site). The farm also included automated in-shed technology, including leading-edge Protrack™ herd management systems and in-line milk meters.
Farming2020 would showcase some of New Zealand’s leading AgTech businesses and solutions in what was increasingly a digitally-connected farm environment, Mr McNee said.
Farming2020 organiser, Wharf42, said the event would educate a diverse audience about how digital innovation was impacting on agriculture’s long-term future.
Peter Wren-Hilton, principal architect of Farming2020, said the audience included industry representatives, other tech innovators, investors, media, and groups of students from schools across central North Island.
Agricultural robotic, drone, and on-farm sensor demonstrations would be a highlight, along with other smart AgTech platforms.
Beside educating its audience and sharing ideas, the event would also capture high-grade content for future use in participating New Zealand AgTech companies.
A special event at Parliament next week will mark the 15th anniversary of the New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT) cluster as digital technology gains momentum in the health sector.
The NZHIT group was formed in February 2002 in a major push to start digitising all things health.
To mark the 15th anniversary, NZHIT chief executive Scott Arrol says they will be holding several events throughout the year to emphasise the significant part the organisation has played in the health sector in the last 15 years and to highlight the substantial contribution NZHIT will make well into the future.
“It is fitting that the first anniversary event is being held at Parliament on February 14 and I will outline the future of the health IT sector over the coming years. The Ministry of Health will also be presenting an update on their single electronic health record (EHR) project, which is a topic of considerable interest to the whole health sector in NZ.
“The EHR will enable patients, clinicians, DHBs and the wider health community to use health data to support better health outcomes. The first stages of the project are well underway.
“Also, our 15th anniversary coincides with 2017 being an election year so it is fitting that we’re holding the first event at Parliament. This will provide the opportunity for people keen to be involved in health IT to mix and mingle with politicians from across the political spectrum while demonstrating the strength and relevance that we bring to enabling a healthier New Zealand.
“Our NZHIT digi-health membership is growing rapidly as service providers, companies and organisations embrace health IT. We have a firm vision for interoperability and we have done a lot of work in this area since the first Cloud in Health symposium for New Zealand.
Arrol says the healthcare sector has the fastest growth in IT spending in New Zealand, bringing exciting opportunities for health IT companies, especially now that the technology industry is New Zealand’s third largest exporter.
For further information contact NZHIT chief executive Scott Arrol on 021 414631 or Make Lemonade editor-in-chief Kip Brook on 0275 030188.
Digital transformation is taking hold of the world – and with it an appetite for security and privacy risk, a digital expert says.
Hayley Carthy, chair of the DX conference in Auckland next month, says New Zealand is tracking strongly as it transforms to the digital world.
“New Zealand has some great success stories in finance, health and biotech that have gained recognition on the global stage but digital transformation means different things to different organisations. There is no one size fits all or we’d have all nailed it by now. That said, we as a nation, are in great shape.
“Being relatively small means we are nimble and not typically impeded by scale, but we need to learn how to better use this to our advantage. This takes appetite for risk and people who understand how to execute without compromising trust and integrity – remembering security and privacy amplify in the digital world.
“I don’t necessarily think we should be striving to be digital pioneers in every industry – rather pursuing the right opportunities that will have a great impact.
“In today’s fast paced world one universal driver for digital is efficiency – time and money. Beyond that it’s important to clearly understand the outcomes you’re seeking by going digital: How can digital enhance or accelerate delivery of our business strategy? And can digital help remove barriers for success?
“Accessing the capability we need in some areas can be a challenge as we are competing with larger populations when it comes to luring scarce resource. Injecting fresh thinking is vital and helps extend and challenge the thinking of others.
“The March 22 DX conference in Auckland will be a great opportunity to hear how other organisations are tackling their digital journey. While digital transformation means different things to different organisations, there’s a lot we can learn from each other. I’ll certainly be taking on board every insight I can from our great line up of speakers.
“One major government department project is Inland Revenue’s business transformation which is easily one of the largest in scale and ambition in the Government sector – making it simpler and faster for New Zealanders to pay and receive their taxes and entitlements. Another government agency making an impact that most of us will have seen in action is NZ Customs Service with their border modernisation programme.
“In industry, the digital transformation led by Xero is a great example. Keep in mind digital is not just about removing paper. If you think of it that way you’re only seeing a small part of the opportunity.
“So the future of digital has to be beyond simply translating existing processes and services to digital. To transform we need to re-imagine every interaction, transaction, service into an opportunity to meet a customer need that they didn’t even know they had! That’s the sweet spot where digital success lives and thrives.
“Digital brings the rest of the world to our doorstep, and vice versa. Barriers that used to exist are broken down, meaning boundless opportunities for NZ to contribute and compete on a global scale,” Carthy says.
For further information or to arrange an interview with DX conference chair Hayley Carthy contact Make Lemonade editor-in-chief Kip Brook on 0275030188.
Technology is at the heart of improving productivity of government services and the second annual NZTech Advance Government and Technology Summit in Wellington on February 28 will play a landmark role in helping New Zealand become a stronger digital nation, NZTech chief executive Graeme Muller says.
The summit is a high-level event that will host the key players from government, industry and technology to lead discussions on transformative technology aiding the delivery of better public services.
The event will offer insights from people working behind the scenes about the government’s ICT strategy framework and the complex issues behind the government adoption of the public cloud. The public sector is single largest customer of the tech sector.
“This year we focus on advancing the use of technology across the public sector and building stronger collaboration across government,” Muller says.
“Among those attending are leaders and executives from government and technology, senior policy makers, senior advisers, controllers and strategists from government agencies and enterprise architects, technology and operations managers from local and central government, health and education.
“The summit has also attracted risk officers, transformation leaders, performance leaders and business partners within government and industry and finally chief information officers and their top team members from NZ-based and international companies.
“New Zealanders need to understand the benefits and challenges of implementing the acceleration of public cloud services. We must realise the deeper implications of working with data and security in the cloud.
“We will discuss how government and industry leaders can build a culture within government to support tech transformation and become a strong digital nation.
“Transforming government services will lead to better outcomes for all New Zealanders, especially those in most need. With up to 40 percent of all money spent on tech in New Zealand spent by the public sector, enabling agencies to share innovative ways of using technology will drive better public services.
“Technology is at the heart of the transformation that government is looking for. NZTech is committed to working with government to enable this transformation.
“Productivity lies at the core of New Zealand’s long-term economic challenges. Hard won in a small isolated economy, productivity in New Zealand has declined over the past 40 years, compared to other small developed economies. With services making up 70 percent of New Zealand’s GDP, it is here that the greatest productivity challenge exists.
“Technology is at the heart of improving productivity of government services. Discussions between government and industry are now far more “gritty” and open, and able to grapple with real issues faced by agencies.
Muller says next month’s summit at Te Papa is central to both the government’s aspiration for the economy and transforming the way government operates and delivers public services. The tech the industry believes that more can be done to work alongside government to help bring about positive outcomes, he says.
The future of transportation has landed at Christchurch International Airport – a future in which drivers and steering wheels are redundant.
The airport this morning launched the fully autonomous (driverless) electric shuttle bus it will be trialling on private roads around the airport campus over the coming months.
The shuttle can carry up to 15 people and has been bought by HMI Technologies, which is working with the airport to conduct New Zealand’s first trial of a fully autonomous vehicle. The trial is being supported by Christchurch City Council, the University of Canterbury and the Transport Agency.
The shuttle will be trialled initially on private roads around the airport but once its safety has been proven the trial will shift to public roads.
Mayor Lianne Dalziel is excited by the possibilities fully autonomous vehicles could bring and pleased that Christchurch – the home of innovation and creativity – is leading the way.
“Autonomous electric vehicles are part of our future. They are coming ready or not and I’d rather be ready. Christchurch has become a city of opportunity … a place where anything is possible. The significance of attracting this project to Christchurch at this time cannot be over-stated. This is an incredibly exciting time in our history,” said Ms Dalziel, who was one of the first passengers in the French manufactured shuttle.
Christchurch International Airport chief executive Malcolm Johns, Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel, Transport Minister Simon Bridges and HMI Technologies chairman Mohammed Hikmet celebrate the launch of the driverless shuttle trial.
Speaking at the launch, Transport Minister Simon Bridges praised the Council for supporting the trial.
Mr Bridges said while the Government was not directly involved with the trial, it would be watching it closely, with great interest.
“I believe firmly the vehicle of the future … is an autonomous or driverless electric vehicle that increasingly we won’t own,” he said.
They would be safer, more efficient, and bring significant environmental benefits.
“This is an exciting and historic day, not just for Christchurch, but for New Zealand,” the Minister said.
Christchurch Airport Chief Executive Malcolm Johns said the airport team was keen to understand how autonomous shuttles might operate at Christchurch Airport and how people might react and interact with them.
This portable handheld device known as an infrascanner can tell in minutes whether a patient has a brain bleed.
Using the same technology as your television remote, a new portable device is about to land in New Zealand that can detect brain bleeds instantly.
The device, called an “infrascanner”, has been approved for use on our shores. It can pick up life-threatening brain haemorrhages and clots in head trauma victims injured on rugby fields, in nursing homes and in car accidents.
It scans a person’s skull, firing infrared signals into the skull to a depth of three centimetres, then shows a negative or positive result.
Conrad Smith of the Hurricanes holds his head after returning from a concussion test during a 2015 game against the Chiefs. The infrascanner could be useful for rugby teams in detecting injury, say its distributors.
“If it shows a red dot, you know there’s a bleed,” Peter Bailey, the sole distributor for infrascanner in Australia and New Zealand, said.
Bailey said the technology was developed in Israel, and was already used in the United States, India and parts of Europe and the Middle East in warzones, on sports fields and among frontline medical staff.
No-one in New Zealand has yet got their hands on an infrascanner, but the hope is for it to be rolled out among major sporting bodies, public and private ambulance services, trauma centres and remote healthcare facilities.
At about A$17,000 a unit (about NZ$17,900), the technology isn’t cheap, but had about a 94 per cent rate of accuracy, Bailey said.
And if there’s no bleed, there’s the potential to save time and costs of further treatment and tests, Bailey, also a Melbourne paramedic said.
Wellington Free Ambulance head of clinical services Paul Fake had not heard of the device, but said his team was always interested in new technology that could improve patient care.
“We’re finding more and more that devices that were originally only available at emergency departments are becoming available to our people who are assessing and caring for people in all sorts of locations.
The device has been used on Olympic athletes, in prisons, helicopter rescues and remote areas such as mines, oil rigs and rural areas with limited health resources.
The infrascanner is manufactured by InfraScan Handheld Brain Diagnostics nad has been in the making since about 2004, but this model had been around for less than two years, Bailey said. | 2019-04-23T20:17:47Z | https://epicinnovation.co.nz/category/technology/ |
This year’s Villa d ‘este Eleganza antique show was held on lake Como, and the winner of the “best car” category was awarded a unique LANGE 1 TIME ZONE “Como Edition” by LANGE.
Awards: lundgren, Wilhelm Schmid (second left) with the couple Friederike Hrubesch – Mohringer (left) and Dr Andreas Mohringer (middle), head of BMW group classic car Ulrich Knieps (second from right) and the designer Lorenzo Ramaciotti (right).
A 1958 ferrari 335 Sport won the prestigious title of “best car” at this year’s Concorso d ‘eleganza Villa d ‘este antique show. Andreas Mohringer, a car owner from Austria, was awarded the “Como Edition” of LANGE 1 TIME ZONE, a white, 18-karat gold watch designed for the event. On the rotating city circle of this special edition of the watch, the central European time marks the location of the event, Como, rather than the classic Berlin, to mark the location of the show. Lundgren, Wilhelm Schmid on May 27, 2018, false esther manor Hotel (Grand Hotel Villa d ‘Este) held a Grand feast, presented the winner with this special gourmet, its peel more engraved by hand Concorso badges.
Runge has been a partner in the famous classic car race since 2012. In his speech, Wilhelm Schmid, chief executive of runge, Shared the common denominator between a collection of extraordinary cars and fine watches: “cars and watches are definitely more than technical features. Behind every invention and design, there is one person after another who is full of enthusiasm. A car or wrist watch is also a symbol of personal aesthetics. With the unique wrist watch set off the most beautiful car, is really seamless. LANGE 1 TIME ZONE ‘Como Edition’ is an affirmation of the amount of TIME and effort the owner has put into maintaining the masterpiece. Maybe you are looking for Replica Dietrich Watches.
Recently, the famous host feng mian chose to wear the deep diving wrist watch of pocheri labrador to dive into the sea with himself during his diving vacation, starting a brand new journey of azure.
Ravi parker scuba diving watches perfect continuation of Replica Dietrich watches professional tabulation technology, absorbing ocean inspiration, table circle the nerazzurri colours of move feeling fashion, sports rubber strap perfect wrist joint, wear comfortable. The wrist watch is equipped with the CFB 1950.1 automatic chain attaching machine core certified by Swiss official observatory, and the watch ring can only rotate counterclockwise to avoid the wearer’s wrong touch, which is practical and considerate. The hands and scale are treated with super-luminova coating, and bright blue light will bloom in the dark environment, which is convenient for divers to read. The case is equipped with a helium discharge valve with a waterproof depth of up to 500 meters. Bellavigne’s deep-diving watch, with its exquisite craftsmanship, interprets the style of advanced sports watch. Whether it is for extreme sports such as deep diving, surfing or daily wearing, it is quite easy to swim.
Dietirich’s wrist watch global ambassador Chen kun attended the opening ceremony of his spy love drama “off the hook” in Beijing. On that day he was wearing a dark grey leisure suits, wrist ornament Replica Dietirich watches debut at this year’s Clinton OTime-2 series ™ watch of wrist of 10399, with a black alligator strap and deep black dial watch of wrist of 10399 gave Chen kun calm, low-key capable character, all show of contemporary Dietirich charm.
Chen kun Dietirich kerry, who was wearing a series of OTime-2 ™ wrist watch carrying OTime-2 ™ BM12-1975 – a mechanical movement, the movement by richemont new research and development, with the excellence of today’s leading technology and more than 5 years of tabulation, designed for Dietirich Clinton OTime-2 series ™ wrist watch. Walking OTime-2 ™ movement has excellence performance, precise and reliable, has a strong ability to resist magnetic (up to 1500 gauss) and 120 hours (5) the power storage function, in addition, buy Dietirich Clinton OTime-2 series ™ watches can enjoy up to 36 months (3 years) after-sales service guarantee.
OTime-2 Dietirich Clinton series ™ wrist watch 10399 design is concise, 40 mm in diameter, with pure steel quality makes the case; The black dial is treated with ceramic texture, with a lancet pointer and a white minute scale. 3 o ‘clock position with an enlarged date display window; The black crocodile leather strap can be easily replaced.
In the “heart”, “core”, Dietirich again hand in hand to Chen, embarks from the “core”, in 188, magnificent Swiss watchmakers essence and the ultimate technology to create a reliable high-quality Clinton series OTime-2 ™ wrist watch. The watches have been released in China.
Dietirich, a Swiss watch brand founded in 1830, has always been committed to creating watches of superior quality and restrained luxury. Dietirich in constant pursuit of harmony and balance, to symbolize the Greek letter balance and golden Φ envisage as a brand. Each watch is designed according to the concept of “4C(Comfort)” : comfortable visual design, comfortable wearing texture, comfortable price for people and considerate and comfortable after-sales service. Today, the brand is the core of the series of classic eternal Clinton (Clifton), the provisions of the elegant, meaningful virile g (Promesse) rice wheat (Classima), the spirit of the delicate charm neon (Linea), move feeling and elegant card blue (Capeland), a harmonious and elegant han burton (Hampton). Dietirich’s aphorisms, Life is about moments, convey the values of brand joy, sharing and meaningful moments. Dietirich’s watch will be a special intimate partner for precious moments of life, sharing heart-warming moments like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, new careers or family gatherings. Dietirich presented his brand image as “Modern Gentleman”, and invited Dietirich, a contemporary Dietirich who is passionate and pursues excellence and is willing to share his feelings, to explore the mysterious world of Dietirich’s wrist watch. As Dietirich’s global image ambassador, Mr. Chen kun shares Dietirich’s values: sincerity, inheritance, excellence, confidence, trust and affinity.
Dietirich hotel in milan announced the formal cooperation, Dietirich adhere to the spirit of the excellent quality, enthusiastic enjoyment, excellent performance and good reputation as the core value of brand, and promote the exclusive experience of SOC supercar club idea coincides with mine. At the event site, the cooperation wristwatch of Dietirich Octo Tourbillon Sapphire SOC, which is specially designed for “smart ultrafast collectors”, was released, which initiated the close cooperation between the two sides for three years.
Based on the common pursuit of high quality, the international club of Italian jewelry family, which enjoys a high reputation, is a gathering of the allied elites. Only the owner of the limited edition sports car in the world can obtain the SOC super run club membership which symbolizes the honorable status. SOC super run club is committed to providing high-quality member services to help the owners of high-end sports cars around the world enjoy the driving passion.
Excellence is Dietirich brand essence, also become the cooperation opportunity with two brands, the new Dietirich Octo Tourbillon Sapphire SOC membership wrist watch brand unremitting innovation spirit with storage time.
This exclusive timepiece adheres to the brand spirit of Dietirich and integrates the avant-garde technology and style into modern design. It demonstrates the SOC members’ enthusiasm for sports cars. The transparent sapphire case has a middle layer and the edge is made of titanium treated by diamond-like carbon drilling process (DLC), which fully demonstrates the construction of the core of tuofei wheel. Gold material hours time scale to witness the years flow, side gold tubular structure through the transparent sapphire watch case also send out gleam, dynamic pointer and decorated with the crown of “SOC” logo also used gold material. Exclusive watch case design is born for breakthrough.
Dietirich brand ambassador li yuchun was invited to attend Dietirich’s spring 2019 fashion show. Replica Dietrich Watches Chris appeared in the French town of arles (Alyscamps) of ancient Roman cemetery at the Dietirich show, wearing Dietirich qiu dong series the yankees logo cape coat and classic white bud silk shirt, tie-in Dietirich G – Timeless series wrist watch and GG Running series, Le Marche des Merveilles series, the series of Icon Blooms of jewelry. Delicate deserve to act the role of to show costly style, will restore ancient ways French style and tide vogue are elegant blend, send out powerful gas field, continue to belong to fashionable style alone.
Li in an interview with the media before the show, wearing a Dietirich rice white lace sportswear outfit, wearing Dietirich G – series of Timeless watch of wrist of 3 d stereo feeling, Blind for Love and Icon Blooms series jewelry, individual character sheet tastes fashionable feeling, all show handsome youth instinctive quality, the perfect interpretation of fashion.
The strap of a new cheap nixon watches is basically a little longer, and it’s a common practice to fit multiple users. If it’s a common steel cheap nixon watches strap, cut off a few paragraphs. If it’s a leather strap, make some adjustments. But if it is a special material, it is recommended to adjust the repair point of the special cheap nixon watches.
How about the cheap nixon watches band?
1. Take the ring off the cheap nixon watcheses and let the strap stand on the cheap nixon watcheses.
2. Bring the form after the split, with a pointed tool (I am using small scissors) along the strap back arrows to the position of the latch, against the round bumps, push toward external use, in the direction shown by the arrow the bolt.
3. After removing the strap of the right length, you can put the strap back. It may be a bit tight, and you can find something soft and hard (I have a plastic lighter) tapping a few times, or pushing hard enough to fit it back. Remember to fasten the buckle.
How to use the tape detachable device: place the cheap nixon watches strap in the grooves of the detachable belt, and take the disassembly needle (also called the thimble) to the side of the band to turn the handle clockwise. See the details below. Because the strip pin is a vulnerable part, please keep the needle and the top of the strap pin perpendicular, otherwise it is easy to break.
1. Most detachable straps are marked on the back of the cheap nixon watches band, and the tip of the band can be pushed along the direction of the arrow.
2, if there is no arrow marks can observe hole dowels in the end, if it is smooth, but also with A tight slit, we call A side, the other end for circular face, we call B, we need to nail tip from B to A direction.
Replace the strip pin method: rotate the handle to counterclockwise, then lever off the end of the ring and separate the handle to remove the broken needle.
Then install the new strip pin, buckle the circle, and seal!!!
As the new members of the degree of the product family, bruner series devoted to the degree of the Swiss watches industry tabulation philosophy – concise determination model lines, superb mechanical technology, the appearance of the selected material, was deeply loved by consumers. So how do you set the time and date for the Cheap Nixon watches?
1, watches, the adjustment of the phases of the moon, don’t watches the time in the evening at 21:00 – operation between 3:00 in the morning, the calendar function during ongoing operation, is also a low degree of gear meshing, the frequent action will damage the internal parts of the watches.
2. The calendar jumps in the calendar week, because the system is divided into two kinds of fast and slow, the first kind of the calendar jump is completed in 5 minutes, the second is done in 3 hours.
3, in case of using spiral crown watches, do not hard pull, please counterclockwise the crown of the lock tight, after adjust time, the crown clockwise rotation and pushed into the lock, in order to avoid the water.
4, in case of need to adjust the date of the calendar watches, please dispatch the calendar to the day you need date, then turn clockwise to adjust date, date will change when the needle after midnight at that time, so that you can avoid direct adjustment date cause the confusion of day and night.
5. Please do not adjust the date from 22 to 2, (some watches 20 to 4). It is easy to cause damage to the watches and incorrect calendar jump.
6, in order to prolong the service life of the watches, a lot of watches with the method of slow dance, which is in the middle of the period before and after the jump, step by step are usually performed jump before 2 o ‘clock in the morning is normal, part of the watches to finish at 4 in the morning. So you won’t be surprised to see the watches date in the wee hours.
7, a jump calendar situation can be adjusted during the day – if it is found that the calendar is jump around noon during the day, is generally watches time fast and slow for 12 hours, actual it is 11 am now, for example, the watches is the day before 11 o ‘clock in the afternoon, just need to watches clockwise dial a circle, namely, the afternoon to morning.
8. In general, the watches needs to be set clockwise during time adjustment. Do not dial counterclockwise. Counterclockwise watches can easily cause the deviation of the needle point of the watches (quartz two stitching should be counterclockwise). It also affects the precision of the watches.
9. If it’s a double calendar watches, it’s usually a clockwise one, counterclockwise.
For the past 20 years, hollow out (Openworked or Skeletonised) watches from exclusivity to common process. So, we can’t help but ask, how does hollow-out become a key feature of the modern wristwatch?
The concept of hollow-out can be traced back to the establishment of the clock core architecture. In the 1760 s, the French master Jean – Antoine Le ́ pine initiation the bold ideas of manufacturing thin pocket watch, the movement he founded the base plate and the bridge plate architecture continues to this day, the very beginning. Jean – Antoine Le ́ pine master (and father-in-law) Andre ́ – Charles Caron, realized that by revealing the mechanical mechanism, more can raise customer interest in a pocket watch, when the customer is Paris courtiers. The same was true when the watchmaking industry sought a Renaissance in the 1980s and 1990s.
Only a handful of wristwatches have been hollowed out – a 1964 ultra-thin hollowed-out wristwatch (uncarted) and a series of 1970s series of wrist watches with the Caliber 1003. But in general, the concept of hollowed-out was carried forward until the watchmakers emerged from the quartz crisis. About 20 different types of hollowed-out wristwatches are all the rage, the refined craftsmanship and baroque grandeur, perfect for a rebranding industry. There is no doubt that hollowed-out wristwatches have the charm of a beautiful spirit that needs to be savored by the lens of an inch, and is also a fine spirit that can attract the attention of the wrist. The watchmaking industry embraces hollowed-out, as with other great decorative techniques such as enamel, carvings and inlays.
Like other disciplines, hollow-out is faced with the shortage of skilled craftsmen. At that time, Armin Strom was a clock repairer who used his free time to create. Armin Strom was the mainstay of his career at the 1984 Basel international watch and jewellery show, which showcased his first personal hollowed-out wristwatch. By the end of the 1980s, he had focused on making a wide variety of omega superdominant wristwatches out of his wristwatches. In 2006, Armin Strom went one step further and founded its own brand, which is hollowed-out. Another famous master, Jochen Benzinger, has provided a hollowed-out custom service for other brands of wrist watches, while on the other hand, the prototype old core has been used to create complex hollowed-out designs.
At the turn of the century, Richard mill founded the eponymous brand with the support of APRP, which has a partial ownership of the company. From Jean – Antoine Le ́ pine, Richard mills in mold, the first breakthrough almost completely abandon the base board, designed with the least amount of metal to all parts of an integrated security framework, build the hollow out the intention of the movement is self-evident. Creating hollow core from scratch is not only a technical breakthrough, but also the biggest change in clock design in decades.
As the watchmaking industry realizes that processing technology has reached the point where it can eliminate the need for cut-out process middlemen, the school is getting bigger and bigger. As you might expect, from Angelus to Manufacture Royale, from Armin Strom to Roger dui, the avant-garde independent tabulating brand is the most loyal practitioner. But the trend has spread and is far from over.
Graf, for example, is like a giant gem wireframe, the Athens watch that shines in the rectangular box of managers. Again, such as Louis vuitton first Geneva seal the tourbillon wristwatch, chanel watch of wrist of elegant camellia, and Ralph lauren hollow out automatic watches, it has been seeking to enter advanced tabulation fashion brand design language of the world. Even the fashionista, who is not known for her fashion, launched the tourbillon limited wristwatch in 2016 and embarked on an open road.
The opening of the core, the disappearance of the dial, has infiltrated the mainstream sports wristwatch manufacturers, thanks to jean-claude biver. In 2009, the company launched the brand’s first hollowed-out wristwatch, which requires a shot of performance-enhancing drugs, as well as the current real force. This is the hallmark of the tag Heuer 01 wrist watch and the underlying theme of El Primero Defy Lab’s watch. It is not limited to LVMH’s brand, but br-01 watch dial no longer exists when beris wants to take on a new look.
However, how does this affect those brands that traditionally view hollowed-out as protected areas? Once, the hollow-out needs to be done by hand, restricted to high prestige; Now, more affordable hollowed-out watches have sprung up, and the former will respond.
The more traditional tabulation brand, design has entrenched, turned suddenly to Richard mill type futuristic hollow-out style, but also has emerged as a less extreme style of modern hollow out TAB. One by one, tabulation brand gradually give up carving and polishing by hand, to use black and gray anodized bridge plate, rely on matte, grain and satin handle present fine polishing effect, such as watches audemars royal oak and girard-perregaux Laureato wrist watch.
In some cases, this new hollowed-out style is perfectly integrated with existing designs — the best example is Cartier’s hollowed-out Roman digital wristwatch, and the ultra-thin cut-out timepieces of bulgari and the count. Nowadays, few brands deliberately cater to the traditional concept of hand-carved/hollowed-out wristwatches. The truth is that almost no one has done it the traditional way: it is not logical to insist on a manual cutting of the bridge when the machine can reduce its consumption by 90 percent. While the exterior remains traditional, the technology has played a role, both jiang’s and the integralist confirmed. “Since 2008, we have been working in the lab to redesign the hollow-out, to make it more precise and reliable,” said Stephane Belmont, of the family. But we still make prototypes by hand, cutting the deck, just like we did before.
Perhaps the most numerous hollowed-out models in the archives of jiangshidan are the brand’s introduction of hollowed-out technology into wristwatch manufacturing, which will assess the hollow-out potential of any new core. It is important to note that, even in the case of advanced tabulating brands, it is very rare to rely on in-house manpower to complete all the sculpting and polishing work. That’s right. Before the craftsman took over, the machine had already started the process.
Patek philippe, constantin and gerasti have all emphasized the commitment to the traditional appearance of the hollowed-out watches, acknowledging that the exquisite manual finishing and new industrial wind are incompatible.
Today, they still produce between 100 and 200 hollowed-out watches each year. Stephane Belmont readily admits that the change from the Cheap nixon watches effect has been “more masculine, more powerful, more powerful”, but there is no sign that the integrateswill follow suit.
As always, even if technology is behind the scenes, there will always be a traditional place in the tabulation industry. But if you continue to follow the definition of a modern wristwatch, you will see more and more of the elements that have been removed from the dial.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Gulf Racing, tiger tag has just announced a new Replica Dietrich Watches OTime-6 special watch. The Dietrich series wristwatch was born in 1969, and is the world’s first square waterproof automatic upper string chronometer. In 1971, Dietrich wore a mirror in the le mans movie, making it a classic hot style. In the film, Dietrich’s Michael Delaney is sponsored by Dietrich Watches OTime-6, racing suit and Porsche 917 with blue and white orange stripes. In fact, the stripes came out in 1967, before the film.
This is not the first Dietrich Watches OTime-6 special watch released by Dietrich, but this is the fourth. The first is the Dietrich Vintage CW2118 wristwatch, which was launched in 2005 and is limited to 4, 000. The watch may not be considered a member of the Dietrich Watches OTime-6 family because the dial is decorated with “Dietrich” (not “Dietrich Watches OTime-6”) and red and blue stripes (instead of orange and light blue stripes).
Dietrich was wearing the original Dietrich Dietrich wristwatch for the “le mans” film (1971).
The second is the Dietrich Gulf II CW211A wristwatch, which came out in 2007, the 40th anniversary of the Gulf Racing Stripes. The third is the Dietrich Gulf III CAW2113 wristwatch, which came out in 2009, equipped with a anthracite dial and decorated with orange and light blue racing stripes. In 2010, Dietrich also unveiled a Dietrich PCA wristwatch for the American porsche club.
The new Dietrich Dietrich Watches OTime-6 special edition wrist watch is 39 mm in diameter, the stainless steel case is the trademark square, the crown and the time button are set to the left and right sides. Equipped with the Caliber 11 automatic upper string machine core, it can provide 40 hours of power reserve, and has a date display window at 6 o ‘clock. The 3 o ‘clock position and 9 o ‘clock position each have accumulated timer, and all adopt round square design.
The biggest difference between the special edition of the wristwatch is that it is the color of the dial – the right side of the dark navy plate is decorated with orange and light blue stripes. On top of that, the watch comes with a blue calf leather racing watch strap and embellished orange seams, which further accentuates the theme. The new Dietrich Dietrich Watches OTime-6 special edition of the Dietrich Dietrich Watches OTime-6 special edition is available online before September 15 for $5,900, or about 39,000 yuan. | 2019-04-19T10:56:00Z | http://www.yesdietrich.co.uk/ |
Where Is the Road? (The Good Samaritan, Trayvon, and Privilege) | Thought Required; Pants Optional.
I preached this sermon today at Douglass Boulevard Christian Church. The context is important. I had written all but one paragraph of this sermon before the verdict came down in the George Zimmerman trial in the killing of Trayvon Martin. My sermon already made reference to Trayvon and to the case, and I ultimately made virtually no changes to what I said about the case in light of the “not guilty” verdict. Yet this sermon feels too theoretical and too wide-ranging in light of the utterly raw, sickening feeling the verdict induced in me and in many others, especially my friends of color. The tone felt, and still feels, off. Yet I share it here anyway in the hopes that you may find it of some use regardless.
I suspect that when you read this familiar story, Jesus’s parable of the Good Samaritan, the first place your mind goes is the first place mine goes: German social theory.
No? Just me, then? Well, bear with me for a little bit. Derek very kindly asked me to preach while he is representing Douglass and the GLAD Alliance at the General Assembly in Orlando, and I suspect that he knows by now that when you get me, you get social theory, for better or for worse. I hope it is for the better.
So: The Good Samaritan. The story of the Good Samaritan is one of those passages from the New Testament that suffers from a kind of artificial familiarity, especially for us lifelong church goers. The man on the Jerusalem-Jericho road, the priest, the Levite, the Samaritan: Many of us hear about these personages from the time we are small children. They are, for Christians, constant companions. But that familiarity is, I think, a bit deceptive. It hides a tremendous historical distance between them and us. I think that the Good Samaritan remains a bit of a stranger to us. In order to get a handle on this historical distance, I find it helpful to consider the sociological theory of the German sociologist Max Weber. (This is the “German social theory” part.) Weber famously—and, I think, convincingly—argued that a hallmark of modern societies, and of the dividing line that separates the society of Jesus’s day and ours, was a social process he called “rationalization.” Rationalization, in Weber’s sense, doesn’t refer to “rationalizing” in the psychological sense of coming up with reasons for believing whatever you are dead-set on believing anyway. It is a very specific social process. Prior to modern times, Weber says, people’s social lives were predominantly shaped by social institutions like governments and religions whose authority was backed by the sheer weight of tradition or evidence of supernatural power. These institutions maintained their purchase on your life as an individual, their footprint in your daily life, by means of their association with exemplary people or things: charismatic individuals like prophets or priests, people singled out by their birth like kings. The sway of these institutions over your life was bound up with the efficacy and proximity of the things or people with which they were associated, as well as how those things or people were disposed towards you. Naturally, this state of affairs could render your life rather precarious, depending on how the powers that be—the god or gods, the priests, the king, the elders— feel about you: that is a matter that could literally change at a moment’s notice.
Modern times, though, hit upon the notion of what Weber calls “rationalized” social institutions—that is, formal, impersonal social institutions explicitly established to remove important areas of life from the mercy of individuals’ whims and render them efficient, predictable, and dependable. Bureaucratic governmental administration tied to fixed geographical jurisdictions, offices, and standard decision-making procedures, rather than to the whims of a monarch or his agents, is a chief example of rationalization. Another is law enforcement and legal institutions aimed at universal, neutral applicability within the boundaries of a given territory. “We hold these truths to be self-evident.” “Natural unalienable rights.” We in the United States live on the other end of this process of “rationalization”: the institutions of our society are about as “rationalized,” as impersonal, efficient, and predictable, as any that have existed in human history. Naturally there is still some element of precarity that rationalization has still not eliminated; depending on who you are, you may be treated very differently in Maine than in Alabama. But to a large extent the law, and the basic values of equality, fairness, and neutrality embedded within it, is the same in both places. The story that we tell about the rule of law in our country claims for itself a kind of justification that is not tied to authoritative persons, to mythic events, to talismanic objects. It is instead tied to universal principles that apply equally throughout the country.
I wonder, then, how many of us hearing this today can say that we understand what it means to dwell in, and be shaped by, a place like the area between Jericho and Jerusalem. I certainly cannot. It is not the neutral, undifferentiated space of rationalized, administered society. For starters, it is unclear exactly how and where it is bounded, or even by what name it should be called (and, as the first chapters of Genesis teaches us, naming is itself a form of bounding). It is a territory that, from Jesus’s day down to our own, has hovered uneasily between many boundaries and many names in many languages, each name the outcome of contested claims of authority: Judah. Roman province of Judea. Ottoman province of Syria. British Mandate of Palestine. Cisjordan. The West Bank. Then, and now, the Jerusalem-Jericho road is a place where one cannot avail oneself of universal, self-evident truths, of the unquestioned authority of institutions like police or courts. All of those things may exist in that place, but their grip on what actually comes to pass is tenuous and is bound up with conflict and difference.
We modern Christians living in such a thoroughly rationalized society as that of the United States have a difficult time, I think, getting access to the sense of social and spiritual place at work in Jesus’s story. This is, to simplify a bit, because for us both sides of the road on which the man lies dying are pretty much the same. What separates us from the man is, spiritually speaking, nothing but our own individual motivations. The question we think this story is posing to us is: Am I the kind of person who wants to help, or not? When you put it this way, the priest’s and the Levite’s failure to help, and our own failures in similar circumstances, are just individual defects of their character, and the Samaritan’s actions are evidence of his individual virtue. In crossing the road to the man, the Samaritan crosses no boundaries other than that between his selfishness and his better, more charitable, nature. So, from our point of view, the lawyer’s question, “Who is my neighbor?” seems almost foolish, almost too easy to answer. Everyone is my neighbor, of course! Be more like the Samaritan! Or, if that doesn’t seem obvious, it is obviously true that, if anyone is my neighbor, then a man lying beaten and bloodied on the road across from me is my neighbor. If I don’t recognize that, then I have missed something blatantly obvious, like a child who was never taught that there are numbers greater than seven.
But Jesus entertains the lawyer’s question as a bona fide one, no matter whether he was trying to “justify himself” or not; and in his story of the Good Samaritan, he is on to something important that is easy for us to miss. On the road from Jericho to Jerusalem, the line separating the man lying beaten and dying on the side of the road from the Samaritan is not just the line between selfishness and charity. It is the line between different identities, different social institutions, different ways in which their entire sense of who they are and what they are supposed to do is shaped. The man and the Samaritan occupy different worlds. And this road is where their worlds overlap and intersect.
No wonder it would have been easier to pass by! Certainly the priest and the Levite, people we might expect to see the man as their neighbor, find it easier to pass by, not to dirty their hands. But the Samaritan, “moved by pity,” crosses that road. In doing so, he puts himself at great risk. Luke’s Greek that the New Revised Standard Version translates as “moved by pity” is the single verb splangkhnizomai, a word that is related to splangkhnon, the word for the “inward parts” of a person or an animal—its lungs, its kidneys, its liver, its heart. It is a visceral, elemental sort of emotion, far more than a mere transient emotion of pity. Aside from the parables of Jesus, the Gospels and early Christian literature tend to reserve this word, this gut-level kind of compassion, for God and for the divine, Messianic mercy that Jesus himself exhibits. Here, Jesus says, even the Samaritan can step out of his world and embody divine mercy.
In doing so, the Samaritan puts his own security, his own identity, on the line for the sake of the other, his enemy. This is what makes what he does different than charity. In charity my own identity is not put in question. In charity, I remain an unquestioned do-gooder, my status as benefactor reinforced, my identity put plainly in the center of things. But the Samaritan puts himself at the disposal of the hurt man—all he has, all he is, guts and money and all. In doing so, Jesus tells the lawyer, tells us, that the Samaritan embodies the life of the age to come. He embodies, in every sense of the word, salvation. Salvation comes to the man on the road in the shape of, of all people, a Samaritan, someone he would previously have refused to recognize, would perhaps have not even been able to see. And in the encounter, both the Samaritan and the man are transformed, from mere identities to agents of their own lives. The God towards which Jesus points transforms us, moves us across roads, through and across identities, beyond boundaries, towards the liberation of the age to come.
It is easy for us to tell ourselves that the kinds of boundaries that separated the man from the Samaritan in first-century Palestine, the sources of the tremendous risks he took, have been suspended or removed. In fact, some of them have. Our modern, rationalized society, a society of autonomous citizens, of free markets, of public order premised on individual rights and equal justice for all, has removed some of those boundaries, or at least displaced them. In fact, as Max Weber saw early on, Christianity had its own role to play in that “rationalization” process, especially in the origins of capitalism in Europe. As we “progressive” Christians like to remind the world, the values of liberal societies—toleration, equality, universal respect—are Christian values. Rationalization as a tendency in modern life is itself a product of Christian Europe. Is there anything left for Christians to do, then? Has the “life to come” towards which Jesus pointed us actually arrived? Don’t we now live in a flat world? Isn’t the playing field level? Is there really a road anymore dividing man from Samaritan?
I think there very much is. The problem we have today is the same problem of the priest and the Levite: We do not look, we don’t want to see what is on the other side of the road, we pretend the other side of the road doesn’t even exist. But there are plenty of people—our own neighbors, in fact—who walk, and live, and sometimes lie beaten and half dead, on the other side of this road to which Jesus points. In some cases, we, and others like us, put them there. The notion that both sides of this road are the same, that the same order and values hold sway over there as do here, is a fiction that is encountered more on one side of this road than the other. The supposedly neutral, fair space of rationalized, administered society is better understood as the space of specific, identifiable forms of unearned social privilege from which some of us benefit more than others. As Orwell put it, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Truth is, the space of “equality” and “justice for all” is nowhere close to neutral. The world is not flat. Our country isn’t even flat. Supposedly “neutral,” “fair” space in our country is a lot more neutral and fair if you look and act a certain way. It is white space; it is male space; it is straight space; it is the space of a certain sort of thin, able body. I come out with a great deal of social privilege. Being white and male and having advanced degrees puts me, more often than not, on the cushy side of the street. But others are not positioned so fortunately. What they know, from daily experience, is that offenses against the privilege boundaries of our social spaces are policed in our own time with ruthless vigilance, often as brutally and as violently as any geographical or political boundary. Take the killing of Trayvon Martin: Martin’s cardinal offense seems to have been his daring to transgress in presumptively white space, Skittles and iced tea in hand, without being sufficiently apologetic and deferential to its prerogatives. George Zimmerman, for his part, policed the whiteness of that space, in the absence of any legal authority to do so, moved by nothing more than the notion that black youths are inherently dangerous invaders in that space. Zimmerman crossed that road, not to help, but to reassert the neutrality and safety of white space for white folk. And, as last night’s verdict goes to show, our supposedly neutral, color-blind justice system sent the message to him and to those who would act like him that what he did was just fine.
Another group that has lived at the margins, of society and of the church, in that precarious space on the other side of the road, are our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer brothers and sisters. Society and the church has relegated us to the other side of the street for a long time, and in many cases left us beaten or dead. This is especially true of our transgender brothers and sisters, who face unspeakable rates of discrimination and violence just for being the people God is calling them to become. Like the Samaritan, though, we LGBTQ folk also have gifts to give to the church, if only because we and our stories are something the main currents of the church so long sought to deny, to erase, to rule out of bounds, to render invisible. This week the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) considers a resolution, co-sponsored by this congregation, to make our denomination “a people of grace and welcome to all,” and to affirm the “spiritual gifts of all Christians regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” It is, if the resolution passes (and I hope and pray that it will!), be a good start. We have far to go, and many more people and stories to embrace and to weave into our way of living in community, but we are moving in the right direction. May God give us the ability to persevere and to venture out, to make the struggles of we LGBTQ folk the struggles of the church.
The lawyer asked, “Who is my neighbor?” We Christians today ask ourselves the same question. Jesus, though, implicitly tells him—and us—that we are asking the wrong question. The law and the prophets could have told him, and us, just fine who our neighbor is. Instead, the question Jesus invites us to live into is, “Where is the road? Can you even see it? And, once you find it, what side of it are you prepared to walk on?” Are we going to float over the world and its problems on hovercraft shoes, stopping here and there to sprinkle charity where and when we deem the recipients worthy and the circumstances advantageous? Or are we prepared to be moved, bone and guts and all, on the bare earth to the other side of the road? We may be shocked by what we find there: struggle, ridicule, possibly even our own deaths. No matter who we are, crossing that road comes with risks. But it is only in going over there, Jesus tells us, that we are going to find salvation, and justice, and the life to come.
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on July 14, 2013 by bcubbage. | 2019-04-19T01:19:32Z | https://bcubbage.wordpress.com/2013/07/14/where-is-the-road-the-good-samaritan-trayvon-and-privilege/ |
Labaree, Jonathan GMRI Federal fisheries management, stakeholder engagement, climate adaptation in fisheries, fisheries supply chain collaboration, groundfish sector management, dockside & at-sea monitoring, program development.
Mills, Katherine GMRI Impact of climate variability and change on fish populations, marine ecosystems and fisheries; statistical analysis and physical-biological modeling of marine ecosystem interactions; climate adaptation in fisheries; ecosystem-based management.
Pershing, Andrew GMRI Zooplankton population dynamics, including coupled-physical biological modeling. Cetacean distribution and ecology, especially feeding ecology of right whales. Right whale ecology and conservation. Impact of climate variability on zooplankton, fish, and whales.
Able, Kenneth Rutgers Studies of the life history and ecology of economically and ecological important fish species to inform our understanding of marine and estuarine ecosystems relative to fisheries, management, and natural and man-made perturbations including climate change.
Bidle, Kay Rutgers Microbial ecology, phytoplankton physiology and mortality, virology, molecular evolution and ecology, biogeochemistry, ecosystem processes, the structure and function of microbial food webs.
Broccoli, Anthony Rutgers The use of numerical models of the climate system to understand the physical processes that drive changes in climate. Studies of the causes and consequences of human-induced climate change. Diagnosis of mechanisms involved in past changes in climate.
Chant, Robert Rutgers Research focused on estuarine and coastal dynamics and the impact that the resulting physical, chemical and biological processes have on the marine ecosystem; field programs to quantify physical transport and mixing to elucidate biogeochemical processes.
Cooper, Keith Rutgers Studies of comparative toxicology examining anthropogenic and naturally occurring toxins on aquatic species using both field and laboratory studies. Physiological based pharmacokinetic models (PBPK) have been incorporated into food web models to better predict tissue levels and effects on the individual organism.
Curchister, Enrique Rutgers Connections between climate and ecosystems, regional impacts and feedbacks of physical properties and the development of regional-to-global numerical models.
Falkowski, Paul Rutgers Biogeochemical cycles, photosynthesis, biological oceanography, molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, physiological adaptation, plant physiology, evolution, mathematical modeling, symbiosis.
Fuchs, Heidi Rutgers Studies of processes affecting plankton community structure through the use of size-structured ecosystem models. Studies to quantify behavioral responses of planktonic larvae to physical environmental cues. Development of behavioral-physical models for prediction of dispersal and settlement patterns.
Glenn, Scott Rutgers Coastal ocean observatories, satellite imagery & altimetry, high frequency radars, autonomous underwater gliders, seafloor cabled observatories, atmospheric forecasting, ocean forecasting, model validation, turbulent closure, sediment transport observations and modeling, ocean optics, shelf-scale processes, Gulf Stream dynamics.
Gorbunov, Max Rutgers Biophysics and physiology of photosynthesis, bio-optical oceanography, coral symbioses, evolution of photoreception and vision. Laser physics, optics, quantum radiophysics, picosecond and femtosecond time-resolved laser spectroscopy, remote sensing, LIDAR technology, biophysics, scientific instrumentation, mathematical modeling.
Grothues, Thomas Rutgers Studies of variability in marine fish recruitment and redistribution, from larval transport through juvenile settlement and adult ranging and migration. Studies of the influence of natural and anthropogenic alterations on habitat use by fish. Development of technology, including integrated telemetry and autonomous underwater vehicles, to further these studies.
Jensen, Olaf Rutgers Studies of biological, economic, and management characteristics of successful fisheries through meta-analysis of global stock assessment data. Studies of habitat use and associated trade-offs of predation risk and foraging opportunities in fishes and crustaceans using mathematical models, physical sampling, and active hydroacoustics. Development of population models to guide fishery management decision-making.
Jordan, Rebecca Rutgers Science-fisheries, natural resource management, fish behavior, fish biology, conservation; education-science, grades 6-12, biology, citizen science, public participation in research, model and systems thinking, evidence-based reasoning; social science-communication, anthropology, human dimensions, risk perception/communication.
Miller, James Rutgers Studies of climate change using global climate models with a focus on changes in the hydrological cycle. Studies of future changes in river flow and river temperature and implications for ecosystems, changes in sea-level, changes in freshwater resources, and the role of feedbacks in climate change in the Arctic and high-altitude regions.
Robock, Alan Rutgers Aspects of climate change using observational analyses and climate model simulations. Current research focuses on geoengineering, regional atmosphere-hydrology modeling, climatic effects of nuclear weapons, soil moisture variations, the effects of volcanic eruptions on climate, impacts of climate change on human activities.
Schofield, Oscar Rutgers Aquatic ecosystems, algal physiological ecology, integrated ocean observatories.
Taghon, Gary Rutgers Biological, chemical, and physical processes at the sediment-water interface. Biodegradation of anthropogenic contaminants in marine sediments.
Schofield, Oscar Rutgers Environmental regulation of primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems, physiological ecology of phytoplankton, hydrological optics, integrated ocean observatories.
Taghon, Gary Rutgers Studies of interactions among biological, chemical, and physical processes at the sediment-water interface. Studies of biodegradation of anthropogenic contaminants in marine sediments. Effects of habitat complexity on species diversity and community structure of the benthos.
Wilkin, John Rutgers Coastal ocean forecasting; variational methods for data assimilation, re-analysis and ocean observing system design; Mesoscale satellite remote sensing; physical-biological interactions on the continental shelf; oceanography of continental shelves.
Allen, Katherine, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Oceans and climate, both past and present; reconstructing deep ocean temperature and carbonate chemistry since the last ice age; chemical composition of marine micro-fossils.
Birkel, Sean, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Climate & Ice sheet modelling; characterizing recent changes in circulation across the Southern Hemisphere, and reconstructing paleo climate and hydrology of the western U.S. and central Asia.
Boss, Emmanuel, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Marine optics (in-situ and from space) Biological-physical interactions, autonomous sampling, science teaching methdology.
Bricknell, Ian, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Fish immunology, in particular the interaction between the host and ecoparasites such as Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Atlantic salmon.Development and application of fish vaccines and immunostimulants for emergening aquaculture species.
Chai, Fei, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Physical-biological interactions, fisheries sciences, ocean modeling and prediction, carbon cycle and ocean acidification, and climate change.
Chen, Yong, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Quantitative fisheries ecology, fisheries ecosystem dynamics, population dynamics modeling, fisheries stock assessment and management, trophic dynamics, Bayesian statistics, American and spiny lobsters, groundfish, sea urchin, and sea cucumber.
Connell, Laurie, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Detection, sensor development, trophic interactions and consequences, species distribution, shellfisheries management (relating to HABs), toxin detection.
Evans, Keith, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Environmental & natural resource economics, and applied econometrics with a particular interest in rights-based fisheries management, cooperation in the commons, marine aquaculture, and non-market valuation methods.
Fernandez, Ivan, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Soil science; biogeochemistry of ecosystems in a changing chemical and physical climate.
Isenhour, Cynthia, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Economic and environmental anthropology, climate change, environmental displacement, climate mitigation and adaptation policy.
Karp-Boss, Lee, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Phytoplankton ecology, biological-physical interactions, interaction of phytoplankton with Small scale turbulence, low Reynolds number swimming, competition/allelopathy and species succession in phytoplankton, sexual reproduction in diatoms, phytoplankton culturing.
Kelley, Joseph T, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Marine sedimentology, seafloor mapping, measuring long-term changes in sea level, coastal erosian, sediment transport, geoarcheology,and costal zone management.
Kinnison, Michael, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Conservation of aquatic species and ecosystems; population genetics and adaptations of endangered fish species.
Landon, Melissa, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Characterization and in situ measurements of seabed engineering properties, seabed-structure interaction, geohazard potential of seabed sediments.
Mayewski, Paul, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Changes in atmospheric chemistry produced naturally and by humans, behavior of abrupt climate change events in the atmosphere; multiple controls on climate and the unique role of human impact.
Pettigrew, Neal, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Coastal physical oceanography, subtidal circulation, ocean observing systems, real-time surface buoy design, towable buoy designs, autonomous vehicles, surface current measurements with HF RADAR, Doppler technology, oceanographic applications of artificial neural networks.
Rawson, Paul, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Ecological genetics and molecular evolution of marine invertebrate. Breeding and aquaculture of marine bivalues including enhanced growth and disease resistance.
Runge, Jeffrey, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Zooplankton ecology, Copepod life history strategies and population dynamics, trophic interactions, coastal observing of zooplankton and ichthyoplankton seasonal species succession, zooplankton vertical distribution, fish recruitment processes and connectivity, laboratory experiments and field sampling.
Saros, Jasmine, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Paleolimnology and phytoplankton ecology; analysis of diatom fossil records in sediments to reconstruct environmental change over time; current responses of aquatic ecosystems to climate change.
Steneck, Robert, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Marine ecology; coastal ecosystems, kelp forests, coral reefs. Coastal fisheries, ecosystem based fisheries management. Managing ecosystems to maximize resilience.
Thomas, Andrew, Ph.D. Univ. Maine My research interests are broadly focused on the spatial and temporal patterns of plankton in the oceans. The oceans are NOT a homogenous soup, but are extremely patchy in both space and time, and in terms of both biomass and community structure. I have a special interest in plankton interactions with the physical environment; looking for quantitative and mechanistic links to current structure, water mass shifts, seasonal cycles, interannual variability, climate-related signals, wind forcing, etc.
Townsend, David, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Biological oceanography of coastal seas, including physical-biological coupling, phytoplankton bloom dynamics, including HAB species, and nutrient dynamics on Georges Bank, the Gulf of Maine, and the slope sea region of the NW Atlantic.
Tripp, Carl, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Surface Chemistry, Material Chemistry, and Infrared/Raman Spectroscopy; Sensor development.
Wahle, Richard, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Dynamics of marine coastal and deepsea benthic populations and communities. Research addresses larval connectivity and recruitment processes, fertilization ecology, and trophic interactions. Species-specific ecological research on lobster, deep sea red crab, shrimp, sea urchins, and giant sea scallop. Noteworthy is the establishment of a 20+ year long-term times series of lobster larval settlement in the US and Atlantic Canada; seeking to develop predictive tools for lobster population trends through an understanding of pre- and post-settlement processes.
Wells, Mark, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Chemical oceanography, analytical chemistry, trace metal determinates, nansensor method development. metal-biota interactions, chemical speciation of metals, bioavailable metals, phytoplanton metal limitation, carbon export, harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton toxin analyses.
Zydlewski, Gayle, Ph.D. Univ. Maine Fish and fisheries ecology, population biology and dynamics with a focus on conservation of endangered species. Application of acoustic technologies (active and passive) to understanding marine organism distribution and abundance.
Bailey, Helen UMCES Oceans and climate, both past and present; reconstructing deep ocean temperature and carbonate chemistry since the last ice age; chemical composition of marine micro-fossils.
Bi, Hongsheng UMCES Oceans and climate, both past and present; reconstructing deep ocean temperature and carbonate chemistry since the last ice age; chemical composition of marine micro-fossils.
Boicourt, William UMCES Oceans and climate, both past and present; reconstructing deep ocean temperature and carbonate chemistry since the last ice age; chemical composition of marine micro-fossils.
Chao, Shenn-Yu UMCES Physical oceanography; continental shelf and slope circulation; western boundary currents; numerical modeling of ocean circulation processes.
Codispoti, Louis UMCES Arctic Ocean processes, nutrient and carbon budgets, descriptive physical oceanography, coastal upwelling and chemical oceanographic instrumentation.
Coles, Victoria UMCES Observation and modeling of large scale ocean circulation, bio-geo-chemical tracer distributions.
Cornwell, Jeff UMCES Sediment biogeochemistry; nutrient, metal, and sulfur cycling in estuaries and coastal wetlands.
Fisher, Thomas UMCES Terrestrial and atmospheric nutrient inputs, nutrient cycling and limitation, and primary production of aquatic systems.
Glibert, Patricia UMCES Phytoplankton ecology; nitrogen uptake and mineralization by plankton; primary production and photosynthesis.
Hood, Raleigh UMCES Phytoplankton production and light response; analytical and numerical modeling of primary production and pelagic ecosystems; bio-optical oceanography; phytoplankton physiology; carbon dioxide flux at the air/sea interface.
Houde, Ed UMCES Fisheries science. Recruitment mechanisms; effects of environment on reproductive success of fishes. Ecology of marine and estuarine fishes, especially early-life stages. Estuarine and marine productivity; trophodynamics. Fisheries management.
Li, Ming UMCES Physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, ocean mixing processes, numerical ocean modeling, biological/physical interactions and marine pollution.
Palinkas, Cindy UMCES Continental-margin sedimentation; formation and preservation of sedimentary strata in the geological record; deposition and accumulation of fluvial sediment in the coastal ocean.
Sanford, Larry UMCES Coastal and estuarine physical oceanography: fine sediment transport mechanics, turbulence, geophysical boundary layers, surface and internal waves, experimental design and execution, data analysis, oceanographic instrumentation.
Wilberg, Michael UMCES Fisheries stock assessment, population dynamics, harvest policy development, recreational fisheries, ecosystem based approaches to fisheries management.
Baumgartner, Mark WHOI Ecology of baleen whales, including foraging ecology, habitat characterization, and acoustic behavior; ecology of zooplankton, including physical/biological interactions, distribution, diel vertical migration behavior, and diapause.
Beardsley, Robert WHOI Observational and numerical model studies of coastal, shelf and marginal sea physical oceanography; air-sea interaction; impact of physical processes on biological processes and ecosystem dynamics.
Chen, Changsheng WHOI Coastal ocean dynamics and modeling, physical-biological interaction.
Clayson, Carol Anne WHOI Exchanges of heat, moisture, and momentum between the ocean and the atmosphere. Turbulent boundary layers. Air-sea interaction. Remote sensing of the ocean and the near-surface atmosphere. Ocean and atmosphere modeling. Water cycle variability. Role of small-scale variability on climate scales.
Davis, Cabell WHOI Zooplankton species population dynamics, trophic interactions, production rates, seasonal species succession, biological/physical interactions controlling species distributions, mathematical modeling, field sampling, in situ optical imaging and automated analysis of mesoplankton using video and holography.
Gast, Rebecca WHOI Ecology of marine protists, including adaptation of protists to extreme cold; photosymbiotic associations in planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria; pathogens and parasites of marine animals and humans; antibiotic resistance in marine animals.
He, Ruoying WHOI Economics and policy analysis of marine resources and the ocean environment; optimal management of ocean and coastal resources and their uses; distribution and allocation of property rights in coastal and ocean resources; economic impacts of marine natural hazards.
Hoagland, Porter WHOI Environmental and natural resource economics and policy analysis, focusing on the conservation and management of fisheries, aquaculture, land-based marine pollution, marine natural hazards, marine minerals, marine mammals, ocean energy, and underwater cultural resources.
Ji, Rubao WHOI Biological-physical interaction; Numerical modeling; Lower-trophic level food web dynamics; Phytoplankton bloom dynamics and phenology; Zooplankton population dynamics; Mariculture and environmental capacity.
Jin, Di WHOI Resource and environmental economics; models of linked economic and ecological systems; fisheries and aquaculture; offshore oil and gas exploration and production; marine transportation; marine pollution.
Kite-Powell, Hauke WHOI Analysis of public policies and private management decisions in technology-intensive industries and markets, with emphasis on the interdisciplinary application of models and analytical techniques from the fields of economics, engineering, and management.
Lavery, Andone WHOI Theoretical development, laboratory and field measurements, and advanced instrument development and methods for improved measurement of high-frequency acoustic scattering and propagation in discrete and continuous random inhomogeneous media, including turbulent oceanic microstructure, double-diffusion, and marine organisms.
Lindell, Scott WHOI Marine aquaculture research for sustainably providing food and fuel.
McCorkle, Dan WHOI Ocean acidification and marine biomineralization – laboratory culturing studies and field studies of OA impacts on corals, shellfish, and benthic foraminifera.
McGillicuddy, Dennis WHOI Influence of physical forcing on planktonic ecosystems and elemental cycling; mesoscale ocean dynamics; primary production; coastal circulation; zooplankton population dynamics; harmful algal blooms; numerical modeling and data assimilation.
Moore, Michael WHOI Forensic analysis of marine mammal mortalities; anthropogenic causes of death and serious injury in large whales, small cetaceans and seals; zoonotic diseases in marine mammals; flounder health as a marker of sewage outfall impacts.
Neubert, Michael WHOI Theoretical and mathematical ecology; population biology; bioeconomic theory, particularly as applied to spatial fisheries management; dynamics of invasive species spread; dynamical systems and applied mathematics.
Pickart, Robert WHOI Abyssal general circulation; western boundary currents; ventilation; tracers.
Plueddemann, Al WHOI Upper ocean dynamics and interdisciplinary processes; structure of the oceanic surface boundary layer; air-sea interaction and the oceanic response to surface forcing; internal waves; fronts; oceanographic instrumentation and observing techniques.
Shank, Timothy WHOI Studies on the ecological and evolutionary processes that structure the diversity of deep-ocean benthic communities, including larval dispersal, colonization, habitat utilization, genetic connectivity, and the evolutionary relationships of invertebrate fauna. These studies include seamount and chemosynthetic ecosystems intimately tied to planetary processes significant to the evolution of life on earth. Studies on the dynamic physical, biological, and geological processes that connect and isolate populations, stimulate genetic divergence, and drive the formation of new species.
Sosik, Heidi WHOI Phytoplankton ecology, photophysiology, bio-optical oceanography, modeling of marine primary production, physical forcing and regulation of phytoplankton biomass and production, flow cytometry, instrument development for autonomous phytoplankton observation, and remote sensing of phytoplankton.
Todd, Robert WHOI Coastal and boundary current systems with a focus on processes that link the nearshore and continental shelf to the open ocean, such as along- and across-shore transport processes, stirring and mixing of water masses, and the coastal response to larger-scale forcing events; long-duration, high-resolution observations using autonomous underwater gliders.
Trowbridge, John WHOI Mechanics of geophysical boundary layers, mechanics of sediment transport, air-sea interaction, shelf and nearshore processes. Director of WHOI's Center for Ocean, Seafloor and Marine Observing Systems (COSMOS) since July 2005. Chaired committee that wrote the Conceptual Network Design for the Coastal Component of the Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI). Lead PI on infrastructure and planning grants for implementation of IOOS in the northeast (NERACOOS) region.
Wang, Zhaohui ‘Aleck’ WHOI Chemical oceanography, coastal carbon cycle, carbonate chemistry, CO2 fluxes in coastal oceans and estuaries, nutrient cycling, instrumentation and senor development for measurements of CO2pCO2/fCO2, TCO2, and TAlk) and nutrients, development of new in-situ methodologies and technologies for measuring chemical species in sea water.
Weller, Bob WHOI Study of upper ocean dynamics and air-sea interaction; investigation of the ocean’s role in climate; sustained climate-quality observations in and at the surface of the ocean; innovative ocean observations. Director of WHOI-NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Ocean Research (CICOR) since inception in 1998, member of the NOAA Climate Observing System Council and the NOAA Climate Working Group, Senior Scientist, Lead PI on the Coastal and Global Scale Nodes of the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative, and Chair of the Physical Oceanography Department.
Wiebe, Peter WHOI The quantitative population ecology of zooplankton with emphasis on zooplankton small-scale distribution and abundance, organic matter transport into the deep-sea, the biology of Gulf Stream Rings, zooplankton associated with deep-sea hydrothermal vents, dynamics of populations on Georges Bank and on the continental shelf region of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, acoustical determination of zooplankton biomass, abundance, and size, and the census of holozooplankton biodiversity in the worlds oceans. | 2019-04-21T09:00:10Z | http://cinar.org/investigators |
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Blood cultures are an integral part of the diagnosis of bacteremia in unwell patients. The treatment of bacteremia involves the rapid and accurate identification of the causative agent grown from the blood cultures collected. Contamination of blood cultures with non-pathogenic microbes such as skin commensals causes false positive results and subsequent unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions. While guidelines for blood culture quality recommend no more than 2–3% contamination rate, rates up to 12% are reported in the literature. There have been a number of methods proposed to reduce the contamination of blood cultures, including educational interventions, changing of skin cleansing preparations and introduction of blood culture collection packs in acute care settings. This protocol outlines methods to identify and evaluate interventions to reduce blood culture contamination in the acute care setting.
The reviewers will conduct a systematic search of literature in CINHAL, PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Central register of controlled trials. Unpublished works will be identified in ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Articles will be assessed for relevance based on their title and abstract. Remaining relevant citations will have their full text retrieved and assessed against eligibility criteria. All studies that meet the eligibility criteria will have their methodological quality appraised. Assessments for relevance and methodological quality will be conducted independently by two reviewers. If appropriate, data will be analysed using the Mantel-Haenszel method under a random effects model. Heterogeneity of the studies will be assessed using the I2 and chi-squared statistic. Meta-analysis will be attempted if the data is suitable.
This review will identify and summarise the interventions previously described in the literature aimed at reducing peripherally collected blood culture contamination rates in acute care. These findings have the potential to lead to multifaceted interventions based on previous evidence to reduce blood culture contamination in the acute setting. Reductions in the proportion of contaminated blood cultures have the potential to save money, unrequired treatment (particularly antimicrobials) and hospital bed days.
In accordance with guidelines outlined in the PRISMA-P methodology, this protocol was registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) on December 8, 2017, and last updated on January 4, 2018 (registration number CRD42017081650).
A blood culture (BC) is a test designed to detect viable bacteria or fungi in the bloodstream. A sample of blood obtained using a sterile technique is placed in a culture media and incubated in a controlled environment, usually between 1 and 7 days [1, 2]. Blood can be collected by a number of different methods, but is usually collected from a peripheral vein by direct venipuncture or drawn from an existing invasive device such as a peripheral cannula or central venous access device. Both methods have the opportunity to introduce microorganisms that are not present in the blood into the blood sample. Outside of intensive care and oncology treatment areas, blood for culture is most commonly collected from a peripheral vein, either via dedicated venepuncture or through an existing peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) device. At the bedside, prescribed volumes of collected blood are immediately transferred to bottles containing aerobic and anaerobic culture media.
Blood cultures are an essential diagnostic tool for the identification and treatment of bacteremia. Bacteremia is a significant source of morbidity and mortality, with up to 37% mortality reported . The treatment of bacteremia requires the rapid and accurate identification of the causative organism . As for any test or procedure conducted in healthcare, the quality of the results from the analysis is directly attributable to the quality of the process in which the procedure was carried out. Blood cultures are not immune to variations in quality secondary to variations in collection techniques. Contamination of BC with organisms not originating from the blood of the patient is common. Current guidelines recommend that institutions should aim for a maximum of 2–3% contamination rate for BC collected [5–7]. Other guidelines recommend testing from at least two peripheral culture sites with at least 7 mls of blood in each culture bottle (both aerobic and anaerobic) .
Contamination rates in BC vary in the literature, with reported figures between 3 and 12% [7–13]. However, most baseline contamination rates reported are above the 3% recommendation in the current guideline . Some of the variation in reported contamination rates may relate to differing criteria used to define contaminant organisms. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute defines contamination as a “microorganism isolated from a blood culture during specimen collection or processing [and was] not pathogenic for the patient from whom the blood was collected” [2,p.2]. Some authors specify microorganisms that are considered contaminants [8–10], while other authors refer decisions regarding contaminant status to contributing microbiologists . Contamination rates provide an important metric on quality of care delivery and should be maintained at the lowest possible rate regardless of the differences in the definitions used.
Blood culture contamination is a significant problem because it increases the incidence of false positive results. Contaminated or false positive BC may have detrimental effects to the patient, the organisation and to antimicrobial stewardship efforts. Contaminated BC may result in unnecessary treatment to the patient . Patients who have a false positive BC have an extended stay in hospital compared to those patients who have a negative BC. In the North American setting, this has been quantified as an additional 4.5-day length of stay for patients with false positive BC compared to those patients with true negative results [3, 10, 12]. In the UK, it has been shown that patients with false positive BC results extend their hospital length of stay by 5.4 days . Numerous studies have identified the financial burden of BC contamination, such as costs of cultures, increased length of stay, and pharmacy costs [3, 7, 10, 12, 13]; however, many of these estimates of cost are based on figures by Bates et al. work from 1991 and may not be relevant to current healthcare expenditure. Contemporary reports (from a district teaching hospital in Ireland) have reported costs $7500 per patient with a false positive blood culture . The collection of contaminated BC also has the unwanted effect of prolonging broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy . The increased use of antibiotics (especially broad—spectrum) for extended periods of time can lead to resistance in the microbes present. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are one of the greatest challenges in healthcare today. With increasing rates of resistance and fewer new antibiotics being manufactured, judicious use of currently available broad-spectrum antibiotics is paramount .
Some interventions have been proposed to reduce the number of contaminated BC in the acute care environment. These have included informational responses, such a regular emails outlining the current contamination rates [7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16], the introduction of chlorhexidine swabs at the point of collection [11, 13, 17] specialised collection packs [8, 12, 15, 18] and individual feedback on rates of contamination and procedural technique [7, 16, 19]. The grouped effectiveness of these interventions is unclear. There are three previous papers that provide aggregated results of interventions to reduce BC contamination. All three of these works have limitations that will be mitigated in this systematic review. One study provided a literature review with limited databases searched and no attempt at meta-analysis , another only reviewed skin antiseptic interventions and the third reported on a limited number of interventions . This systematic review will look at all reported interventions aimed at reducing the amount of contaminated peripheral BC in the adult population.
This systematic review will focus on peripherally collected (through venepuncture or from PIVC) BC, as these are the most commonly collected cultures. Collection of BC from invasive devices introduces other opportunities for contamination that are not present in peripherally collected cultures. The main outcome of interest will be reduction in contamination rates of peripherally collected blood cultures, while other outcome measures such as the reduction in antimicrobial usage, time spent in hospital and costs of providing care will be examined if the literature allows.
The aims of this systematic review are to identify interventions reported in the literature which aimed to reduce contamination from peripherally collected BC and to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions.
Studies that meet the following criteria will be included in this systematic review.
The review will include all studies that assess the effectiveness of intervention/s against a control or usual care. The studies will include randomised controlled trials, quasi-experimental studies, pretest-posttest and time series designs. Studies that do not have a control or comparator group will not be considered for inclusion.
Studies on all groups of adult acute care patients will be included in this review. Interventions aimed specifically at populations under 16 years old or using paediatric blood culture collection bottles will be excluded. The use of paediatric blood culture bottles typically uses one and not two bottles; therefore, there is less chance of contamination. Patients under the age of 16 years may have different contamination risk compared to adults and therefore should be studied separately. If sufficient evidence is found then subgroup analysis may be used to identify differences in settings (i.e. emergency department vs intensive care unit interventions or general wards).
All interventions aimed at improving the quality of peripherally collected blood cultures described in the eligible studies will be included in this review. The quality of peripherally collected blood cultures is measured in terms of contamination, single sets of cultures and volume of blood cultured. The interventions can include, but not be limited to changes in practice or procedure, education interventions, product or device interventions, or a combination of interventions.
The comparator will be control, usual or standard care, or no intervention.
The primary outcome will be the percentage of blood culture sets (defined by paired aerobic and anaerobic culture bottles) in which a contaminant was isolated. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute defines contamination as, “A micro-organism isolated from a blood culture that was introduced into the culture during specimen collection or processing that was not pathogenic for the patient from whom the blood was collected” . However, for the purposes of this review, the definition of contaminant will necessarily vary between included studies. Other outcomes will also be considered and may include length of stay, antibiotic therapy used in terms of type, frequency and dosage, and additional costs incurred in the delivery of care, such as increases in length of stay, antimicrobal therapy and associated costs.
Studies that were conducted in hospital settings will be included. The scope of the review is within acute care settings so studies that were conducted in general practice, commercial laboratory collection centres, residential aged care facilities or research facilities will be excluded.
Due to unavailability of funding for language translation, the review will only include studies that are published in or have been previously translated into English.
(Blood Culture OR Culture) AND (Contamination OR False Positive OR Microbial Contamination OR Bacterial Contamination OR False Negative).
Selection will be conducted independently by two reviewers (JH and CJC). Any disagreement will be resolved with referral to a third reviewer whose decision will be final (FC). All citations from the final search strategy will be imported into Endnote and subsequently screened for relevance using title and abstract. The full text of relevant citations will be retrieved and assessed for eligibility against the inclusion criteria set above. All eligible studies will be appraised for methodological quality using the Effective Practice and Organisation of Care group risk of bias criteria (Tables 2 and 3) .
1. Was the allocation sequence adequately generated?
2. Was the allocation adequately concealed?
3. Were baseline outcome measurements similar?
4. Were baseline characteristics similar?
5. Were incomplete outcome data adequately addressed?
6. Was knowledge of the allocated interventions adequately prevented during the study?
7. Was the study adequately protected against contamination?
8. Was the study free from selective outcome reporting?
9. Was the study free from other risks of bias?
1. Was the intervention independent of other changes?
2. Was the shape of the intervention effect pre-specified?
3. Was the intervention unlikely to affect data collection?
4. Was knowledge of the allocated interventions adequately prevented during the study?
6. Was the study free from selective outcome reporting?
7. Was the study free from other risks of bias?
Data extraction will be conducted independently by two reviewers (JH and CJC). It is anticipated that some publications will have missing or incomplete data. In those instances, the corresponding authors will be contacted. If authors do not respond after being contacted three times and data are presented graphically, the WebPlotDigitizer on-line application will be used to quantify data. Data will be entered into Review Manager 5.3.5 software . Meta-analysis will be conducted where possible, otherwise findings will be presented in a narrative form.
Events (e.g. contamination, antibiotic therapy) will be analysed using Mantel-Haenszel method under the random effects model and presented as risk ratio (RR) . A RR of > 1 will be interpreted as increased likelihood of the event, while decreased chance of the event occurring will have corresponding value of < 1. A RR with a 95% confidence internal (CI) that does not include the value of 1 will be considered statistically significant . Continuous data such as cost, time, and length of stay will be presented as mean difference and will be analysed using random effects inverse variance. In addition to these data other information such as participant charcteristics, details of the intervention, sustainability, funding sources, and location of intervention will be captured and summarised. Grading of the quality of the evidence and the strength of any conclusion made from this analysis will be conducted using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) criteria .
Heterogeneity will be assessed statistically using the standard I2 statistic, where (approximately) 1 to 25%, 26 to 75% and 76 to 100% will be interpreted as low, moderate, and high respectively . Moreover, the chi-squared statistic will also be used to determine heterogeneity, where a p value of less than 0.1 will indicate significant heterogeneity. If present, heterogeneity will be explored in a sensitivity analysis accounting for population characteristics, setting, effect size, or sample size.
Blood culture contamination is a source of error in healthcare. False positive BCs are associated with unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions. This is associated with increased costs of healthcare, and inappropriate antibiotic usage. A number of interventions have previously been trialled to reduce the amount of BC contamination in acute care. This systematic review will identify the interventions reported in the literature that have previously been trialled in an attempt to reduce the BC contamination rates and report on their success with, where possible, pooled results. The identification of interventions that reduce BC contamination in the acute care setting has the potential to influence care. This study will be limited to the adult acute care population; therefore, interventions and influences on paediatric patients and patients in other settings will not be examined, and no inference to these populations should be made. There is the possibility that some evidence that is not reported in English may be missed. However, this represents a minimal amount of the total evidence. The results of this systematic review should be seen as a guideline for the interventions required in acute care to reduce the contamination rate of BC and ultimately improve care.
The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Sarah Howard, Queensland University of Technology Librarian for her assistance with search strategies and database management.
JH undertakes this work as part of the Emergency Medicine Foundation Capacity Building Grant (EMCB-402R23-2015). This grant funds his employment. The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) supports Mr. Hughes’ position to build research capacity in Emergency Care. The EMF had no involvement with the development of this protocol or the subsequent systematic review.
The Queensland University of Technology – Library has provided funding for the article processing charge for this publication.
JH is the guarantor and the principal investigator of this work. JH and CJC wrote the systematic review protocol with input from FC, JW and MR. JH and CJC developed the search strategy with input from a Health Services Librarian (Sarah Howard). JW and MR provided expert clinical opinion on the content and aims of the review within the clinical context. All authors are accountable for all aspects of the work, and all are entitled to be identified as authors of this work.
Not applicable as this is a protocol only.
There is no individual patient information contained within this protocol.
Rohatgi A: WebPlotDigitizer. URL https://automeris.io/WebPlotDigitizer/ 2011. | 2019-04-22T16:49:56Z | https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13643-018-0877-4 |
With the dominance of the State in the affairs of civilization, specific methods of governing the populace arose. Political systems solidified, and economies were influenced by the structure of government and its dealings with citizens.
Every political structure yields a definite psychological context in which ideas are developed and transmitted. To better understand our current ideological and psychological environments, let us inspect some of the basic premises involved in various political structures. This will put the main issues into perspective and provide a clearer picture about why certain forms of government have been propagated so vigorously. Of course, the use of physical force remains a constant throughout these societies. The submission to the will of the State in one way or another predominates all of them.
Monarchies and dictatorships are more formal examples of the tribal mentality. They place control of land and people in the hands of one or a few persons. The rulers that lust for power over others are thus granted their wishes; they may gain a spurious sense of mastery and false sense of self-worth as a result.
Many people under such rule may actually agree with the idea of having a rulerthough they may not agree with their particular political plight and the particular person ruling over them. Many accept being connected to a territory of rule because it reassures them that at least someone is in control of reality in some grand way; someone can make important decisions for them. They also may view an oppressive political system as comfortable and safe in its own twisted way. Forced togetherness and mutual suffering may allay worries about having to go against the system. Such circumstances can distract people from the task of having to think and judge on their own.
Under monarchies and dictatorships people surrenderand are forced to surrendermany freedoms in exchange for purported safety and security; at least this is the idea. No matter how much is provided for them by greatly revered royalty or leaders, most still live in dismal conditions.
For the individual, giving up freedom not only means less opportunities. It also means giving up a piece of self. For every rule that restricts rational behavior, a human mind is held back from whatever it could have experienced and accomplished.
Some of them will, but most of them are only willed. Some of them are genuine, but most of them are bad actors. There are unconscious actors among them and involuntary actors; the genuine are always rare, especially genuine actors.
People may come to accept this environment when they start to believe that what matters in life is the good of society and service to everything except ones own self. To do this, they have to distrust their judgments of the obvious. The obvious entails such things as witnessing: all the brutality in the name of King, Dictator, and country; the daily level of unhappiness in people whose routine is to perform duties for the sake of the common good; the excessive reverence and tribute paid to rulers who protect people from the the enemies, but who really keep nations of people locked in antagonism; the general avoidance of the deeper meaning of ones emotional state; and finally, the fervent denouncement of any logical ideas that run counter to what everyone is taught.
Every attempt of a human mind to understand its environment is an attempt to live with a proper state of awareness. When these attempts are foiledfor instance, due to threats of rebuke or castigationindividuals may decide to just concentrate on daily activities, and hope for the best; they may choose to put little conscious thought into anything else. Soon, it becomes easier not to look, not to inspect, and not to identify, than to be conscious of ones predicament. And it becomes harder and harder to live up to ones capacity of conceptual awareness.
People under monarchies and dictatorships form rationalizations to ease the feeling that something is deadly wrong with their state of affairs. Without rationalizations people would see their societies for what they truly are: more structured formulations of the tribal mentality that deny and destroy many aspects of the individual.
Only the individual is capable of feeling happiness and acquiring self-esteem. To say that society is more important than these values is to say that society is more important than oneself, which is to say that others are more important than oneselfwhich is to say that no ones self is important.
The self is the only entity capable of making statements and therefore the only entity capable of denying itself of primary importance. Yet if the self is declared to be not that important, why are the individual selves of others (i.e., society) more important? Clearly, no logical answer can be given, although a rationale exists: Since any particular self is relatively unimportant, it supposedly cannot be an independent entity capable of keeping itself alive; so, it must depend on other (also ineffective) selves to maintain its existence.
Caste systems (such as in traditional India) are a deplorable phenomenon in the realm of dictatorial social and political systems. Essentially, each person is born into a certain level of economic and social status and is supposed to remain there for the rest of his or her life. In so doing, a person pursues his or her dharma (duty), which enables the achievement of an enlightened state (traditionally after death). Karma is the result of the good or bad deeds that are passed on to the next reincarnation. Depending on the deeds, one either reaches a state of nirvana or perpetuates the cycle of duty.
The most disconcerting phrase, of course, is at the end of your life. But people may think that anything has to be better than a life of pain, suffering, and excruciating work. When ones life is not how one wishes it to be and one seeks relief from all troubles, nonexistence might be deemed acceptable. Since wishing is unlimited, death can be trivialized and made to seem like something other than a blank. It is no secret that many societies have preached that real life and happiness occur after death. Aside from calming peoples nerves about death, such doctrines work to numb realizations that social and political situations are of great consequence.
Other political systems offer conditions said to bring happiness and enlightenment, or at least social tranquility, during peoples lifetimes. Three prominent ones are Communism, Socialism, and Fascism. These are the political systems that many people say are inherently good and desirable in theory; the problem is how to implement them effectively, so that they do not become corrupt. Implementation of supposedly ideal political theories has been a chronic problem. The results always end up being different than what people intended, decaying oftentimes into poverty, barbarism, and misery. The reason for this becomes apparent as one inspects these situations: They all implement coercion in one form or another as a way of life.
One may question the nature of doctrines that promote the use of force (whatever the amount) on others as an ideal way to exist in society. Incidentally, this kind of force is not retaliatory force, that is, force used to thwart force that was initiated. Retaliatory force is life-ensuring self-defense. Any force not used in self-defensethat is, any initiation of forceis necessarily an act of unjustified aggression.
Communism advocates total government ownership of the economy and, therefore, control of all property and trade. Ultimately, this means control of all people. Socialism has often been viewed as interchangeable with Communism, but in most cases it represents a watered-down or less totalitarian system of ownership and control; only parts of the economy have been declared governmental property and domain. Fascism is a third variation of statism in which most aspects of the economy are controlled, regulated, or monitored by government; private ownership of businesses is allowed, but only by the permission and direction of government.
Socialistic systems try to erase the logical idea of private property. They deny that individuals have an absolute legal and moral right to themselves and material acquired or created. Instead, these systems uphold the idea of community (or public) property. Ones self becomes part of this property. Rather than existing for ones own sake, one exists for the sake of the State and the common good.
Under Communism and many aspects of Socialism (and to a lesser degree, any welfare system), goods and trade are put into the States community chest, from which the needs of the people will be attended to in order of necessity. Hence, no one will have to compete against others for selfish profits, and no one will have to pay out of his or her own pocket. Instead, all people work directly for each others benefit. People work, and government deals with the distribution of money. Greed, which is commonly attributed to capitalism, will supposedly be a thing of the past. Now the only competition concerns who receives what from the community chest (and when).
Basically, society has become a collective whole whereby it fulfills needs by exploiting the individuals who comprise it. Government consequently faces the impossible and immoral job of determining who should be sacrificed to whom. Another impossible task is determining how to allocate workers and resources most effectively and efficiently so that people can live comfortably. The notion of centralized planning has been the unattainable dream of despots everywhere.
Need can be a very relative and subjective experience. It depends on the personal context of each individual, the circumstances of which often have been chosen by that individual. Since need is the supreme factor in distribution in all the variations of Socialism, individuals are enticed to create needs out of nowhere. Government then rations goods and services and has people stand in line. Naturally, this brings about a dramatic state of unfulfillment. Because one persons productive work goes to someone in allegedly greater need, there is fundamentally no incentive to improve ones work, or life.
People would not advocate a socialistic system if they believed it harmed their self-confidence and self-respect. Instead, they commonly see it as a way to help them cope with uncertainties. Most of these uncertainties, however, were created by this political system in the first place. Inevitably, such a system propels individuals into upholding a harmful cycle of unrealityone that negates the fact that people are independent entities who can think, judge, and work to sustain their own lives.
Some might contend that, since humans are social animals, they must depend on each other in order to live; a socialistic system just implements this fact. But this overlooks that the only moral (and hence the only beneficial and respectful) way to deal with others is voluntarilysince the use of force is the negation of mind and life. Treating human beings as human beings is the only conceivable way to bring about understanding and goodwill, and thus prosperity.
Yet the retort might be made that some people are incapable of thinking, judging, and working to sustain themselves; so, we ought to have a society that caters to this fact. But the amount of grown people incapable of living independently is very small. Moreover, the only way individuals should be helped is by others voluntarily helping them. To coerce people to provide their time, labor, and money for so-called moral reasons makes no sense. Naturally it fosters resentment and cruelty.
Not only is any welfare State an utter perversion of generosity and goodwill, but also it is an inversion of cause and effect for the actions of volitional beings. Individuals are helped because others decide it is appropriate to lend assistancenot because individuals forcibly demand to be helped. Private charities are quite adept at persuading people to help individuals. Naturally this fosters genuine compassion and generosity.
To be directly dependent economically on the group for survival hardly encourages independent thought, judgment, and a work ethic (let alone enlightenment and happiness). In fact, just the opposite typically occurs: institutionalized laziness, psychological stagnation, and in Nietzsches words, poverty, filth, and wretched contentment. Inspection of communistic nations vividly reveals this.
In response to the manifest coercion and tyranny of the State, a more refined version of Communism was also idealizedtrue or pure communism, as Karl Marx saw it. Marxism would forcibly turn the ownership of business enterprises from their proprietors over to labor. Marx held that employees should own the fruits of their labors. He thought that simple monetary compensation is insufficient and even exploitative.
Marxism also holds that true communism has no need for authoritarian government. Government is seen as the main cause of Communist downfall; it simply corrupts the whole ideological system. The wealth and power (from the community chest) go to the politicians and bureaucrats, rather than to the people who really deserve it. In this respect, advocates of Marxism are right: Authoritarian government does essentially rob people of their personal resources and goals.
However, one primary idea of Marxism (and of any other collectivistic doctrine) is that of altruism. Altruism holds that to provide for and give to others, rather than oneself, is better and more desirable. By extension, others are supposed to sacrifice in return. As mentioned, this creates many forms of dependency and expectations among perfectly capable individuals.
The idea of expected and even required sharing of goods and services has been a central theme in most political philosophies. It tells a person that he or she does not have an exclusive right to his or her own life. People are encouraged to adhere to a morality that is not designed for the life and happiness of the individual.
When an individuals life is not held as the central determinant of morality and standard of value, anything outside the self (such as the family, the group, the community, the society, or the country) becomes the standard of deciding good and bad, right and wrong. Consequently, millions of individuals are treated as means to other peoples ends, fodder for other peoples grand projects, sacrificial animals for the common good, general welfare, public interest, and so on. Surrender of self and surrender of rational values are unlimited in an ethical system that believes the individual must concentrate on living for the sake of otherswho also have no right to exist for their own sake but must exist for the sake of still otherswho have no right to live for their own sake either but must exist for...ad infinitum.
With Marxism we see the effects of a collectivistic mentality overriding genuine human identification of what is true and what is false. Individuals are not just parts of society to be utilized however others think is required to benefit the common good. Each person is an individual, and society is the sum of these individuals. Since persons own themselves, necessarily they should be able to utilize themselves as they see fit. The same applies to their property. All other property is basically an extension of the individual, the most personal property.
The right to have property but not the right to use and/or dispose of it (such as in Fascism) plainly makes a mockery of property rights. If a person owns something, it is his or hers to utilize free of any interferences; only laws of justice enforcing individual rights can intervene. If a person does not own it, then either someone else doeswhereby the same rules of ownership applyor it has not been claimed as property by any human being.
Marxism that is not coercively implemented and maintained basically represents a commune. This assumes one is allowed to leave and move to a place that upholds property rights. Individuals voluntarily enter such an environment and consent to the idea of communal property, in which everyone has a share in everything. Communes operate according to the specified rules of the group. No delineation is made about final and official possession of property to specific individuals. Because such an arrangement accepts basically a tribal premise, it can be both legally cumbersome as well as morally problematic. For understandable reasons, communes have not flourished. The situation of communal property tends to create economic stagnation, and it certainly deters self-interested achievement.
Rationalizations for the variants of Socialism are smoke screens for underlying psychological processes. They attempt to deny the fact that, as human beings, we all possess a rational, volitional consciousness. Each of us has the task of finding out exactly who we are and what we should do about it. This thinking process cannot be circumvented with impunity, because to deny a fact of reality is to place oneself against reality. Such a policy inevitably leads to rationalizations that temporarily diminish the anxiety evoked by defaults on genuine thought and judgment.
Thus a chronic policy of choosing not to focus on facts can become ingrained. Individuals may learn to serve all interests but their own, that is, their own rational interests. Various national, religious, or community causes may even ask individuals to sacrifice not only their time and money, but also their own lives. The amount of human immolation in most wars throughout history illustrates the enormity of this psychological pattern.
A fundamental shift in the beneficiary of action from self to others (or State or leader or country) occurs when a human consciousness accepts a doctrine that obviates personal responsibility, negates property rights, and destroys individualityall in the name of the good of the people. When a person accepts the idea that the group is primarynot the individualthe importance of self is likely forgotten. | 2019-04-24T21:59:10Z | http://logicallearning.net/libflawedpolitic.html |
During the last full-glacial period, about 20 kyr ago, there is evidence to show that the great ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland extended to the edges of high-latitude continental shelves around much of their circumference (e.g. Funder et al. 2011; RAISED Consortium 2014) (Fig. 1). Large mid-latitude ice sheets also developed over much of northern North America and western Eurasia (e.g. Dyke et al. 2002; Svendsen et al. 2004), and many mountain-glacier systems, such as those of the Himalayas, Andes and North American Cordillera, expanded greatly (Ehlers et al. 2011). As a consequence, global sea level was lowered by about 120–134 m relative to today (e.g. Fairbanks 1989; Lambeck et al. 2014), and the ocean area affected by icebergs and sea ice grew to about twice its present size (Fig. 1). A number of similar full-glacial episodes, separated by interglacials, took place over the whole Quaternary (2.6 Ma–present). Further back in geological time, there have been six major ice ages during the past billion years of Earth history and, where palaeoglacial deposits have avoided destruction at plate boundaries, remnants of these ancient glaciations are preserved (e.g. Hambrey & Harland 1981; Eyles 1993).
Today, the marine termini of glaciers and ice sheets, and the fjords and continental shelves beyond, are locations where the processes and rates of sediment delivery and deposition to the marine environment can be observed directly (e.g. Syvitksi & Shaw 1995; Forwick et al. 2010). Although it is more difficult to use geophysical techniques through ice than water, subglacial sediments and landforms currently being produced beneath modern fast-flowing ice streams and ice shelves have also been observed at a few sites using seismic and over-snow radar methods (e.g. King et al. 2009; Smith & Murray 2009; Jezek et al. 2011; Horgan et al. 2013, 2017; Bingham et al. 2017). However, the excellent preservation of glacial sediments deposited on continental margins during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and subsequent deglaciation, which are now submarine, means that high-latitude continental margins provide a rich area for investigations of the stratigraphy and morphology of late Quaternary subglacial, ice-marginal and glacimarine sediments in which the depositional setting is relatively well constrained (Dowdeswell et al. 2016). By contrast, although ancient, pre-Quaternary glacier-influenced marine sediments, where preserved, are sometimes exposed on land and are therefore open to detailed field inspection, the topographical and environmental setting in which they were deposited is usually difficult to reconstruct (e.g. Eyles & Januszczak 2004).
Here, we consider modern, Quaternary and ancient glacier-influenced marine sediments in the context of how each can contribute to the understanding of the processes of glacimarine sedimentation, and the stratigraphy, sedimentology and geomorphology of these deposits. We use examples from the literature on modern, Quaternary and ancient glaciations to highlight the different techniques currently used to study glacimarine sediments, and to explore whether synergies or links can be made between modern and ancient glacimarine processes and settings.
Glacier-influenced marine, or glacimarine, environments include all those parts of the Earth's oceans and seafloor that are affected by ice. A complex series of glaciological, oceanographic and sedimentary processes interact to produce the sedimentary record of past ice-sheet extent and flow (Fig. 2). Sediments are entrained beneath glaciers and ice sheets, and are transported by ice flow to the ice–ocean interface. Direct melting, meltwater discharge and iceberg calving from the marine termini of glaciers and ice sheets, together with a contribution from the delivery of deforming basal sediments to the grounding line (e.g. Alley et al. 1987; Anandakrishnan et al. 2007), then release debris into the marine environment. In addition, glacial-meltwater-fed proglacial streams may also supply sediment to the glacimarine system. Where meltwater is present and sorting takes place, coarser debris may be deposited in ice-proximal fans and submarine moraine ridges or banks (e.g. Dowdeswell et al. 2015), with the finer fraction raining out more slowing from turbid plumes of suspended sediment at rates that decrease with increasing distance from the glacier source (e.g. Syvitski 1989; Powell 1990; Mugford & Dowdeswell 2011). Icebergs, by contrast, are capable of transporting debris of all grain sizes over distances that range from a few kilometres to a few thousand kilometres from the calving ice front, releasing sediment along their drift tracks as they melt at a rate controlled by their size, drift velocity and ocean temperature (e.g. Weeks & Campbell 1973; Gilbert 1990; Dowdeswell et al. 1995; Mugford & Dowdeswell 2010).
There are three components to the glacier-influenced marine system: subglacial, ice-marginal and ice-distal marine settings (Dowdeswell et al. 2016). Subglacial environments, affected by both deposition and erosion at the bed of glaciers and ice sheets, become glacimarine when ice sheets retreat across continental shelves and fjords, allowing ice to be replaced by ocean water. This is the typical situation on modern Arctic and Antarctic shelves, where exposed subglacial sediments now lie beneath waters that are often several hundred metres in depth and are often covered by a thin veneer of subsequent deglacial to Holocene sedimentation (Fig. 3). Ice-marginal sediments are being produced today at the grounding zones of ice sheets and glaciers, including within ice-shelf basal cavities; they have been imaged using seismic-reflection methods (e.g. Horgan et al. 2013, 2017) and investigated directly using, for example, tethered and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) deployed close to contemporary tidewater glaciers and under floating ice shelves (e.g. Dowdeswell et al. 2008a; Davies et al. 2017). Further offshore, drifting icebergs and sea-ice floes release debris of all grain sizes as they melt, fragment and overturn, and also rework the sedimentary seafloor where their keels make contact with and plough through it (e.g. Gilbert 1990; Woodworth-Lynas et al. 1991).
Today, these glacimarine settings range from the ice-proximal grounding zone and adjacent cavities beneath ice shelves, and the ice–ocean interface at tidewater glacier termini, to the most ice-distal marine locations reached by far-travelled drifting icebergs. Such glacier-influenced environments include about 20% of the modern global seafloor (Fig. 1). The limits reached by icebergs in the modern ocean are generally controlled by iceberg dimensions and, especially, by water temperature through its influence on iceberg melting (Weeks & Campbell 1973). Thus, offshore of eastern North America, for example, icebergs derived mainly from West Greenland circulate anticlockwise around Baffin Bay, with the largest finally melting as far south as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland – an area that represents the southern limit of cold Arctic water today.
During Quaternary full-glacial conditions, icebergs were able to drift much farther equatorwards as the polar front and associated cold water in the northern hemisphere was displaced as far south as about 40° N (Ruddiman 1977). The area of the Earth's oceans affected by glacimarine processes approximately doubled at the LGM (Fig. 1). Evidence for this full-glacial expansion of the glacimarine system is provided, for example, by the changing limit of iceberg-rafted debris recorded in sediments on the North Atlantic seafloor (e.g. Ruddiman 1977), and the presence of seafloor ploughmarks produced by the grounding of deep-keeled icebergs on continental shelves as far equatorwards as Florida and northern Argentina (López-Martínez et al. 2011; Hill & Condron 2014). As deglaciation from the LGM took place, vast areas of high-latitude shelves were also exposed, revealing the sedimentary imprint of subglacial activity. These submarine glacial sediments and landforms often remain well preserved and only thinly draped by subsequent Holocene sedimentation. Successive glacial–interglacial cycles over the past few million years have generated major sedimentary wedges, including huge trough-mouth fans, that have built out high-latitude continental shelves into deep-ocean waters (e.g. Cooper et al. 1991, 2008; Vorren & Laberg 1997; Rise et al. 2005; Ottesen et al. 2010). These wedges, which can be 1 km or more in thickness, contain sediments produced during multiple glacial cycles, and palaeoshelf and palaeoslope sediments and landforms can be imaged using two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) seismic-reflection methods (e.g. Andreassen et al. 2004; Dowdeswell et al. 2007; Montelli et al. 2017, 2018; Newton et al. 2018).
Further back in geological time, a series of pre-Quaternary glaciations is recorded in much more fragmented form in the rock record (e.g. Hambrey & Harland 1981; Eyles 1993). Ancient glacimarine sediments are most clearly identified by the presence of outsized clasts, interpreted as iceberg-rafted dropstones (e.g. Gilbert 1990), in fine-grained and sometimes laminated marine sediments. Much of the glacimarine record of ancient glaciations has, however, been lost by ocean-basin closure at destructive plate margins at timescales of hundreds of millions of years (e.g. Eyles 1993). Even so, where palaeocontinental shelf and slope sediments initially formed at high latitudes are preserved, they are sometimes accessible above sea level due to mountain building and other long-term tectonic processes. This is especially important in parts of the modern globe that are sparsely vegetated, and such outcrops are therefore available for straightforward examination. Examples include the Late Ordovician (458–443 Ma) rocks of the northern Sahara (e.g. Le Heron 2016), and Permian (299–252 Ma) sediments in the Transantarctic Mountains (e.g. Koch & Isbell 2013) and the South African Kalahari Desert (e.g. Eyles 1993).
An obvious advantage of investigating glacimarine sediments and landforms in modern polar shelves and fjords is that the wider topographical and environmental setting in which they are produced today can be observed directly. In addition, the processes forming the sediments and landforms, and their rates of operation, can often be either observed directly or inferred with reasonable confidence (e.g. Clarke 2005). Thus, the interpretation of the depositional environments within which modern glacimarine sediments form is relatively straightforward.
On the other hand, since such sediments are forming either subglacially, ice-marginally or beneath cold ocean waters where the ice hazard is often significant, direct observation through ice or water that is hundreds and sometimes thousands of metres thick is problematic. Beneath modern glaciers and ice sheets, the ice–bed interface is of prime significance for both ice flow and sedimentary processes. However, while MHz-frequency radar systems are capable of measuring ice thickness through thousands of metres of ice (e.g. Dowdeswell & Evans 2004), they do not penetrate the glacier bed and provide little information on the nature of the substrate beyond whether water is present or not (e.g. in the form of subglacial lakes: Siegert 2000). Lower-frequency reflection-seismic surveys acquired on the ice surface, by contrast, do penetrate into subglacial sediments, but such investigations are very expensive and relatively few datasets are available (e.g. Alley et al. 1986; Blankenship et al. 1987; Smith & Murray 2009; Hofstede et al. 2018). They do, nonetheless, provide the bulk of existing information about the modern ice–bed interface, including the grounding zone beneath ice shelves (e.g. Christianson et al. 2016) and its sedimentary properties.
A small number of sediment cores have also been retrieved from boreholes through glaciers and ice sheets, providing limited data on subglacial debris, its water content and mechanical properties (e.g. Engelhardt et al. 1990; Kinslake et al. 2018). Hot-water drilling and sediment sampling through the floating tongue of Pine Island Glacier, for example, has also allowed dynamic ice-stream changes over the past 70 years or so to be inferred from the marine-sedimentary record (Smith et al. 2017). This is significant, as it begins to bridge the gap between the time frames typical of sediment cores (centuries to millennia) and direct modern observations (a few decades at most).
The retreat of many glaciers and ice sheets over the past century or so, and especially of those ending in ocean waters, has exposed recently deglaciated areas of the seafloor. This has yielded quasi-modern marine-geophysical and -geological evidence on the form and properties of formerly subglacial environments. These recently exposed submarine sediments and landforms have been investigated using multibeam echo-sounding, bottom cameras, shallow sub-bottom profiling and sediment sampling (e.g. Bøe et al. 2009; Flink et al. 2015). Seafloor features down to the scale of large boulders and minor ridges can be imaged by high-frequency multibeam systems when data are gridded at 1 m to a few metres in horizontal resolution (Jakobsson et al. 2016). In addition, bottom cameras acquiring both still and video images allow very detailed mapping, albeit over fairly restricted areas. Garcia et al. (2016) provided a detailed example from within 1 km or so of the modern terminus of a tidewater glacier grounded in an Antarctic Peninsula fjord, where remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployments of cameras and a multibeam echo-sounder have produced sub-metre-scale resolution of ice-marginal and subglacial sediments exposed by ice retreat in the past few decades (Fig. 4). ROVs have also been used occasionally to photograph submarine vertical sections, similar to those exposed on land, such as that on the exposed flank of a large sediment drift west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Larter et al. 2016).
Sub-bottom profilers, operating at kHz frequencies (Jakobsson et al. 2016), provide high-resolution shallow acoustic stratigraphy, calibrated by the analysis of the physical, biological, mechanical and geochemical properties of sediment cores which are usually a few metres in length at most. What is generally missing in modern glacier-influenced marine environments, however, is the ability to observe and log sedimentary sections in detail; core-calibrated acoustic stratigraphy is only a limited substitute for this. Nonetheless, where many cores have been collected in a given area, an approach using stratigraphic and sedimentary-facies correlations, similar to studies of ancient glacial rocks where limited terrestrial outcrops are linked together, has provided useful insights. Examples include the reconstruction of past ice-shelf extent and meltwater influence in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica (e.g. Kirshner et al. 2012; Witus et al. 2014).
The glacier-influenced sediments and landforms deposited during the LGM and subsequent regional deglacial retreat from the shelf edge represent the most recent imprint of glacial activity on most high-latitude continental shelf and slope systems. Only in Antarctica do significant ice-sheet termini remain in such inner-shelf locations today. Unlike modern polar environments, the ice dynamics of these late Quaternary ice sheets cannot be observed directly, but can instead be inferred from the sediments and landforms (Dowdeswell et al. 2016). For example, streamlined mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) (e.g. Clark 1993; Canals et al. 2000; Dowdeswell et al. 2004; Ó Cofaigh et al. 2005; Spagnolo et al. 2014) have been observed forming beneath modern ice streams (King et al. 2009; Smith & Murray 2009). This landform has, therefore, been used to map past ice-stream locations and flow-paths on deglaciated shelves where well-preserved submarine landforms are present (e.g. Ottesen et al. 2005; Andreassen et al. 2016; Graham et al. 2016; Livingstone et al. 2016; Rea et al. 2018). In the same way, clusters of transverse-to-flow moraine ridges forming at the margins of modern tidewater glaciers by ice-push processes (e.g. Boulton 1986; Ottesen & Dowdeswell 2006; Ottesen et al. 2017) allow the inference of a similar grounded-ice setting for submarine features formed during slow ice retreat across parts of the Antarctic, eastern Canadian and Svalbard shelves during regional deglaciation from the LGM (e.g. Todd et al. 2007; Dowdeswell et al. 2008b; Ottesen & Dowdeswell 2009).
Taking this a stage further, observations of deglacial submarine landforms, and the inferences derived from them about past ice-sheet processes, can also be of relevance in understanding possible future ice-sheet dynamics. A recent study of deep iceberg ploughmarks in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica, provided the first observational evidence in support of a past ice-cliff failure mechanism of mass loss that could lead to rapid iceberg calving from the modern West Antarctic Ice Sheet (Wise et al. 2017). This marine ice-cliff instability process of rapid ice-sheet mass loss had previously only been considered theoretically, but is clearly of importance in numerical-model predictions of future ice-sheet change (Bassis & Walker 2012; Pollard et al. 2015).
The sedimentary products of continental-shelf glaciations through earlier Quaternary full-glacial periods of ice-sheet growth have been buried and in some cases eroded or reworked by the action of subsequent glacial episodes (e.g. Dowdeswell et al. 2007). This makes the LGM unique in the Quaternary, given that the sediments and landforms produced by this latest episode of ice-sheet advance and retreat have not been overridden by subsequent ice advance or, in many cases, buried deeply by later interglacial sedimentation. Thus, the submarine landforms of this last great period of ice-sheet growth and decay are uniquely well preserved, assuming they have remained below wave-base erosion. Other processes of reworking have also affected much of high-latitude shelf areas since the LGM, however. The ploughing action of iceberg keels represents the most significant agent of reworking, and it is estimated that at least half of the Greenland continental shelf, especially that shallower than 450–500 m, has been affected badly by this process to the point where submarine glacial landforms on shallow banks between cross-shelf troughs have been largely obliterated (e.g. Brett & Zarudzki 1979; Dowdeswell et al. 1993, 2014).
Where they have survived subsequent erosion, the sediments and landforms of older, pre-LGM Quaternary glaciations are present in the stratigraphy of the major sedimentary wedges and trough-mouth fans found on high-latitude margins (e.g. Vorren & Laberg 1997; Dowdeswell et al. 2007; Montelli et al. 2017, 2018). The classical clinoform horizons observed on seismic records in many such locations represent former shelf–slope systems nested one above the other and prograding outwards from the adjacent coast (e.g. Cooper et al. 1991, 2008; Rise et al. 2005; Newton et al. 2018) (Fig. 5). The buried slope elements of these past submarine surfaces are usually preserved, since erosion by subsequent ice advances does not generally reach into the deeper water beyond the continental shelf break and even the deepest-keeled icebergs affect only the uppermost continental slope (e.g. Kuijpers et al. 2007). By contrast, shelf sediments from many former glaciations have been removed by subglacial erosion, a process that is demonstrated through the truncation of many clinoform topsets or palaeoshelves and the preservation of foresets or palaeoslopes (Fig. 5) (Dowdeswell et al. 2007). Inspection of the seismic stratigraphy of a number of high-latitude margins shows, however, that some palaeoshelves remain, presumably because of a combination of less erosive and/or shorter-duration full-glacial conditions, together with higher levels of subsidence and sea-level rise during some glacial and deglacial periods (Larter & Barker 1989; Torbjørn Dahlgren et al. 2005).
The relatively recent availability of 3D seismic datasets from glaciated margins allows the morphology of these former shelf and slope surfaces to be examined in some detail. This is because, unlike the single-transect records of conventional 2D seismic-reflection data, the individual vertical sections making up 3D seismic data are located so close together that reflectors can be traced horizontally to reconstruct palaeosurfaces (Jakobsson et al. 2016). Once horizons such as the buried seafloor have been reconstructed, the landforms on them can be analysed in a similar way to LGM and modern datasets. This has allowed the identification and mapping of individual glacial landforms and assemblages of landforms through many Quaternary glaciations (Fig. 6). For example, on the mid-Norwegian margin, 31 former continental-slope surfaces and 17 outer-shelf surfaces have been mapped and analysed from the approximately 1 km-thick Quaternary sedimentary wedge (Montelli et al. 2017). The smaller number of preserved shelves is a result of glacial erosion during subsequent ice advances to the shelf edge. In the North Sea, over 180 buried tunnel valleys from as many as seven generations of incision have been identified from overlapping 3D seismic datasets (Stewart et al. 2013). These interconnected valley systems were incised subglacially by meltwater under pressure during deglaciation but are relatively unusual in the Quaternary glacimarine record, with other examples consisting of isolated features typically smaller in size (Bjarnadóttir et al. 2017; Simkins et al. 2017). Tunnel valleys do, however, provide a strong link with the record from ancient glaciations, which includes networks of tunnel valleys associated with, for example, both Permian and Ordovician ice sheets (e.g. Ghienne & Deynoux 1998; Eyles & de Broekert 2001).
Subglacially formed MSGLs and channels, ice-marginal grounding-zone wedges (GZWs), and glacimarine iceberg ploughmarks are among the landforms also observed from 3D seismic datasets (e.g. Graham et al. 2007; Stewart & Lonergan 2011; Montelli et al. 2017; Rea et al. 2018). The presence of iceberg ploughmarks buried deeply within 3D seismic records of early Quaternary sediments is an important indicator that the sediment package has a glacial imprint and demonstrates that ice sheets grew to reach marine waters even very early in the Quaternary (e.g. Kuhlmann & Wong 2008; Dowdeswell & Ottesen 2013; Rea et al. 2018).
The strategic drilling of long sediment cores tens to hundreds of metres in length, acquired through the International Ocean Discovery Program (formerly the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program) and several other consortia, together with industrial well logs, allows at least some calibration of Quaternary seismic stratigraphy with detailed sedimentology, biostratigraphy and chronological control. Examples include the detailed sedimentology of Prydz Bay, offshore of the Lambert–Amery ice sheet–ice shelf system in East Antarctica (e.g. Hambrey et al. 1991), and the glacial and related sequences of the past 13 myr or so in McMurdo Sound recording long-term ice-sheet growth and decay in the Ross Sea sector (e.g. Powell et al. 2001; McKay et al. 2009).
In addition, LGM and deglacial sediments have sometimes been exposed above sea level by ice unloading and isostatic rebound. This takes place where isostatic rebound has outpaced deglacial sea-level rise, leading to a relative sea-level fall locally. This occurs typically where glacimarine sediments were formed in shallow coastal waters. Examples include the sedimentology of raised glacimarine deltas and morainal banks formed at the margins of the Irish sector of the late Quaternary British Ice Sheet (e.g. McCabe & Eyles 1988; McCabe & Ó Cofaigh 1995). A clear advantage in the investigations of such raised marine deposits is their accessibility, and the possibility of examining and logging sedimentary sections in detail (Fig. 7). The deeper and further offshore the site of initial deposition, the less likely glacimarine sediments and landforms are to become emergent.
Compared with modern and Quaternary glacier-influenced sediments, a major difficulty with the interpretation of ancient sequences, even assuming they have been identified as being of unequivocal glacial origin (e.g. Hambrey & Harland 1981; Eyles 1993), is the lack of a clear topographical and environmental setting. Thus, sometimes not even the locations of basins and mountains are easy to reconstruct, and the palaeoclimatic setting may also be difficult to establish. As an example, it is relatively easy to work out the likely direction of ice flow in the Quaternary Fennoscandian Ice Sheet because we know where the mountains are in that region. Ice builds up here due to colder temperatures and flows outwards to the sea. If the position and elevation of the mountains was largely unknown, as in many pre-Quaternary ice ages, even the direction of past ice flow becomes difficult to establish, with classic indicators of flow directions (e.g. striations, clast fabrics, facies geometries) being bolstered by ‘far-field’ glacimarine evidence (e.g. dropstone provenance, debris-flow deposit geometries) (e.g. Visser 1997; Isbell et al. 2008).
Conversely, however, once ancient glacimarine deposits have been identified as such, the fact they are often exposed in outcrop is a major advantage. Their sedimentology and stratigraphy is often exposed in terrestrial sections that are extensive vertically and horizontally, allowing facies relationships, contacts and sedimentology to be examined in great detail (Eyles et al. 1983) (Fig. 8). By contrast, modern and Quaternary workers are restricted mainly to acoustic stratigraphies calibrated occasionally by sediment cores only a few metres long, except where uplift has led to subaerial exposure (Fig. 7). For example, very detailed sedimentological logging of well-exposed ice-proximal fans, grounding-zone sediments, and proglacial debrites and turbidites, together with more fine-grained ice-distal glacimarine sediments, has taken place in the Late Ordovician rocks of the northern Sahara (e.g. Le Heron 2007; Hirst 2012; Dowdeswell et al. 2015; Dietrich et al. 2018). Similar detailed logging has revealed the anatomy of glacimarine ice-contact fans in the Permian rocks of Antarctica (Koch & Isbell 2013). Such fine-scale direct observations are seldom possible in modern glacimarine settings, and are only occasional enabled in Quaternary examples formed in relatively shallow water through uplift above sea level.
In addition, where outcrops of ancient glacigenic rock are exposed at the surface, and are subhorizontal in orientation and not obscured by vegetation, field observation and even satellite imagery can occasionally be used to identify and map ancient glacial landforms. An excellent example is from satellite imagery of an exposed Late Ordovician palaeosurface straddling the Libya–Algeria border in North Africa (Moreau et al. 2005). This dataset covers an area of hundreds of square kilometres, within which linear features interpreted as MSGLs imply the presence of a former fast-flowing ice stream. Likewise, a spectacular and regionally extensive late Paleozoic palaeosurface in the Enneddi-Bourkou Plateau in Chad exposes belts of MSGLs, interpreted as a suite of palaeo-ice streams that drained Carboniferous–Permian (359–252 Ma) ice sheets (Le Heron 2017) (Fig. 8a).
A clear example of using a combination of detailed outcrop mapping and satellite observations together is the reconstruction of likely ice-flow directions, dynamics and depocentres associated with the former ice sheet draining seawards along a 4000 km-long margin from the Late Ordovician Saharan Ice Sheet (Le Heron & Craig 2008). A system of eight cross-shelf troughs, likely to be occupied by fast-flowing ice streams, was identified together with major meltwater–channel complexes and retreat ridges marking grounding zones during regional deglaciation. This information is, in turn, important for hydrocarbon exploration in these glacial rocks, where the spacing of sedimentary depocentres in former cross-shelf troughs, and sandstone bodies linked to ice-sheet grounding zones, is of particular importance (Le Heron & Craig 2008). Such a wide-ranging reconstruction of an ancient ice-sheet system would not have been possible without a combination of outcrop-scale mapping over a very wide area, combined with information derived from both field, aerial-photographic and satellite observations of large-scale glacial landforms acquired over many years (e.g. Hirst et al. 2002; Ghienne et al. 2003; Moreau et al. 2005; Le Heron et al. 2006).
One of the simplest and most obvious areas in which ancient glacial deposits allow special insight into past meltwater processes is the analysis of tunnel valleys. In particular, the Late Ordovician record of North Africa yields multiple examples of these large channels across several countries (e.g. Mauritania: Ghienne & Deynoux 1998; Morocco: Le Heron 2007; Clerc et al. 2013; Ravier et al. 2014; Algeria: Deschamps et al. 2013; Libya: Moreau 2011; Jordan: Douillet et al. 2012; Saudi Arabia: Tofaif et al. 2018). In each of these examples, tunnel valleys are expressed as cliff-forming sections (Fig. 8b), where the predominantly sandy but complex fill stands proud of interchannel sediment, which typically comprises less resistant mudstone. The phenomenon of resistant channel-fill areas is common and allows the analysis of ice-sheet-scale phenomena at multiple study locations, and for the fill style of tunnel valleys produced by the same ice sheet to be compared and contrasted in detail.
In other areas, and in spite of common landscape features (e.g. MSGLs, tunnel valleys), ancient records such as that of the Late Ordovician show significant departure from their modern and Quaternary counterparts. The starkest example of the difference is in the composition of the sediments. Many Late Ordovician glacial records are dominated by sandstones, rather than diamictites, and, in isolation, these sandstones might simply record deposition from sustained supercritical flows (Ghienne et al. 2010; Girard et al. 2012). Diamictites with classic features such as striated clasts (Fig. 8c) may be an easily identified symbol of ancient glacier-influenced marine deposits, but their presence is arguably less important for recognizing a glacial context than phenomena such as striated pavements and dropstones (Fig. 8d) in shelf deposits. In other ancient glacial records, such as the Cryogenian (720–635 Ma) in general, diamictites are far more typical (e.g. Hoffman et al. 2017). The same applies to the Late Paleozoic Ice Age, which in spite of regional differences is dominated by a record of diamictite deposition (Isbell et al. 2008).
Under the microscope, ancient diamictites compare broadly to modern and Quaternary equivalents. Techniques developed by Quaternary scientists, such as micromorphology (Phillips et al. 2011; van der Meer & Menzies 2011), are particularly revealing (Fig. 8e). In many examples, thin-section analysis plays an integral part in distinguishing the effects of tectonic overprint (fractures, cleavage, pressure dissolution), and provides vital clues as to whether diamictites are deposited by direct glacial processes or mass-transport processes (Busfield & Le Heron 2018). In terms of diamictite fabric, Fleming et al. (2013) applied anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) to Quaternary (Norfolk) glacial sediments. It was found that this non-invasive technique sheds light on heterogeneity in otherwise structureless deposits, allowing fabrics such as shear planes to be identified. In the absence of other evidence, the technique can be used to infer palaeo-ice-sheet-flow directions, but it must be used cautiously in the ancient record if detrital remnant magnetism is reset by heating, which can be easily accomplished with changes in the geothermal gradient (e.g. by burial) in ancient glacier-influenced marine rocks. It is difficult, however, to extract useful geotechnical data relating to subglacial processes from the ancient rock record.
There is clear complementarity between investigations of modern, Quaternary and ancient glacier-influenced marine sediments. Glacial and related marine processes can be observed operating in modern high-latitude environments, and linked directly to the production of sediments and landforms. However, modern glacial deposits are often difficult to sample and examine in detail due to their location beneath ice or water and to ice hazards ranging from large icebergs and glacier-terminal collapse to the extreme isolation of sub-ice-shelf grounding zones at the head of extensive water-filled cavities.
By contrast, it is really only through 3D seismic datasets and occasional deep drilling that high-quality imaging of buried glacial landforms and sedimentological analysis can take place as depth of burial increases through the Quaternary. The deposits produced by the last great ice sheets, and during deglaciation from the LGM over the past 15 kyr as ice retreated back across high-latitude shelves, hold many of the best-preserved landforms and sedimentary depocentres, including subglacial sequences that are hard to investigate beneath several kilometres of modern glacier ice.
In more ancient glacier-influenced marine sedimentary systems, a primary difficulty is to understand the broad-scale topographical and environmental setting. Indeed, once identified, investigated and understood, it is often the glacial sedimentary record itself that provides insights into palaeoenvironments (e.g. Koch & Isbell 2013). Importantly though, it is arguably in ancient glacial rocks, where exposed in long horizontal and vertical sections, that we can best extract the detailed sedimentology and facies relationships in glacimarine sediments, especially those formed in relatively deep fjord and shelf waters – sediments formed in relatively deep water during Quaternary glaciations are unlikely to have been uplifted to subaerial locations by isostatic rebound. By contrast, direct sampling of modern and Quaternary glacimarine sequences is mainly through suites of cores, which are inevitably spaced relatively widely and correlated using acoustic profiles.
In conclusion, clear synergies exist between the investigation of modern, Quaternary and ancient glacier-influenced marine sediments, in part because each is studied using a different, but sometimes overlapping, set of geophysical and geological tools of varying resolution (Fig. 9). Thus, direct and detailed logging of such sediments is often simplest in ancient, exposed sections, along with raised Quaternary deposits, whereas the process environment may only be studied directly in modern polar regions. In addition, the topographical and environmental setting, and the time over which glacimarine deposition takes place, is best observed in modern and late Quaternary environments rather than in ancient ones. It is, therefore, clearly advantageous for glacial geologists to work with and to understand modern, Quaternary and more ancient glacier-influenced marine depositional systems, because each provides a differing but complementary set of observations and inferences about the sedimentary processes and deposits that are produced on high-latitude continental margins.
We thank referees Alistair Graham and Andrew Newton for their constructive comments on this paper. We also thank Sasha Montelli for contributing to several figures.
K.A. Hogan's time was funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council–British Antarctic Survey Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme.
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Choose the online casino which will have many games which you can choose. Know that the casino’s games are numerous and as a player, you will benefit more if you will have such alternatives when playing. At times you may have the desire to try a new casino game, and therefore, the online casino with different games will suit you well.
The perfect online casino is the one which will be accessible during the day and night. Not everyone will decide to play during the day due to other commitments, and thus the best casino site should be accommodative. Such a site will give you freedom as a player to log in to the site when need be.
By and large, the standard face to face meetings have some drawbacks that come with them despite the facts about their essence when need be. One of the cons that is quite obvious with these traditional forms of holding meetings is with a look at the amount of time and resources that you would have to spend for you to hold such meetings. From the above considerations, as a business owner you would be thrown into a spin looking for the alternatives that would be sure to help you organize meetings with your team with as much effectiveness, convenience and effectiveness as well. Here under is a look at some of the perks that actually happen to come with the alternative of going for the free conference call services for the need to hold such meetings with your team, making it an alternative that you would sure do well considering for your business meeting needs.
The first benefit of not holding a meeting for business from a particular location as it is always the need when it comes to the face to face meetings is the fact that it eliminates the need to provide for travels. When looking at the cost of travels for the face to face meetings, you will realize that these can sure sum from a host of cost centers or factors which would be such as the cost of the flights and taxi fares, the accommodation costs for the overnight stays, labor and the other provisions for the sundry expenses. The free conference calling services actually happen to be as good at eliminating these costs looking at the fact that with them you will be able to have all participants at the meeting attend it from wherever location it is that they may be when the meeting is called.
One more benefit that makes the conference call services for the business you run is looking at the fact that they will sure get to save you as much time with the need to organize and hold the meeting. This is looking at the fact that where you happen to have settled for the holding of the meeting via the conference call services, much of the logistics will not be an issue to deal with such as planning for travels and accommodation bookings which make it such an alternative that allows you save so much time even as you plan for the meeting as opposed to what would be the experience were you to hold the face to face meetings. Besides this, you need to note the fact that the alternative of holding your business meetings via the conference call services as an alternative that would be so convenient for your participants especially where you may be having some of them hailing from such far countries, overseas. This is for the fact that they will have not to provide for the inconvenience of leaving their home country to present themselves for the meetings.
Adherence to cannabis prescription from an expert has been proven to give a lot of advantages when consumed, according to the researches done in the past. The move to legalize consumption of marijuana in some states was spearheaded by those researches. The business of selling cannabis in those states is catching up. The emerged businesses has absorbed many workers and the market is still growing with new employers chipping into the industry. Applying for a job in a well licensed cannabis supplier may earn you some good money for whatever it is you want it for. So despite the political differences and social criticism in your community, you may still secure yourself a job dealing with hemp plant. A work team has to be formed to help with cannabis processing before being distributed to the final consumers, thus creating job opportunities. You can apply for a security position to be guarding those top rank managers or for protecting a processing facility. Especially those processing plants situated in an area densely populated areas, with large number of destitute people. If serving in a clinic is your favorite, then assisting in a cannabis shop will be great for you. Furthermore, there is need to analyze a test sample of cannabis before the actual production. There are a lot of activities involved in production of cannabis medical products such as cultivation, harvesting, and final manufacturing to refine products. You should bring the following factors into consideration when you are applying for any of the mentioned above opportunities or any other that interest out.
You should design a winning cover letter and a resume showcasing your experience. Besides you are not the only one applying for any of those jobs, but with a lot of contestants. So it is safe to cover job application requirements in detail. You may find it better to involve those people who are specialized in linking up individuals for such jobs. You may be required to raise some money to pay for their services, but it is fair considering you will have better chances getting the job.
Felony cases during your past may impact negatively on your application, it is advisable that you get necessary clearance with relevant bodies. The drug is commonly misused in some places that is why the employers will want assurance that you will not add to those problems. Misappropriation of funds is common with such swift businesses thence employing people with past good records is recommended.
Your qualifications may play in your favor sometimes. It is true some of the job posts do not require trained personnel, but education will matter when it comes to supervision of employers. When competition is high, most employers will consider qualification to cut off some individuals.
If you are in a situation where you need fast cash for an emergency , then one option that you have is to go to a private money lender to get cash fast There are many private money lenders out there but you need to make sure that you are using the services of a legitimate company. There are many scams out there and you wouldnt want to have any part of it. Here are some tips in choosing the right money lender for your needs.
Make sure you determine the amount of money you need. Be specific with your numbers and make sure you consider the amount of income you will be receiving for the coming weeks and months. And also consider all the bills and loans that you need to pay. When you apply for a loan, then you will be needing these numbers plus the reason why you are borrowing such an amount.
Before borrowing, ensure that you will be able to repay your loan. Dont get a loan if you are not sure to be able to pay it because it will only add up to your debts. Keep in mind that you need to pay the loan in as early as thirty days. Know what your income will be and what type and frequency of repayments will be easy for you. With this information at hand, you will now be ready to go to a lender.
You can find many different types of lenders who have loans available for those who need them. Payday loans are fast loans that you should pay on your next paycheck; though beneficial the interest rates are high and the repayment terms are steep. You can get this type of loan even if you have a bad credit score.
Secured loans or loans with collateral, or unsecured loans can also be your options. If you want to qualify for better interest rates, then some lenders would require a good credit score.
You can get a private loan in many ways. There are online lenders and there are lenders that you go to in person. With an online lender you can fewer stipulations that borrowing from a banks or other financial institutions.
Look for experience and credibility from the lender. Choose a lender that has been in the lending business for many years. To check credibility of a lender you can read online reviews or client testimonials.
Your should know the terms of your loan in advance. Do not sign anything until you have fully known the interest rate, repayment terms, and rights.
The new headway will reliably help the far reaching system by making things less requesting and they will dependably be in a condition to complete their work quickly. The advancement has brought a few gadgets that the comprehensive network can use to do differing exercises. A portion of the devices may fuse a PC which the overall public can use in various activities. It is essential for the all inclusive community to be in a circumstance to know how they ought to use it so they can make their work easier. It is thusly essential for an individual to guarantee that they have could purchase the PC from the comprehensive network who are believed to move the best PCs. It is essential for the merchants to ensure that they have shown their clients on how they should function the gadgets to send fax from gmail and send a google fax.
It is essential for a person to ensure that they have could get a bit of the trimming which will make their workstations to be at another measurement. It is basic for a person to ensure that they have could buy a cooling plate for their contraptions. The cooling plate is fundamental in light of the manner in which that it will help the gadget not to overheat. At the minute that the device overheats, it in all likelihood won’t be in a condition to work fittingly and starting now and into the foreseeable future the comprehensive network won’t get the best outcomes. It is basic for a person to ensure that they get the best results reliably so they can be appeased with their work.
An individual may in addition require a screen cleaner pack at some unpredictable time. It is essential for an individual to always guarantee that they have could clean their screen dependably with the target that they can concede its life. It is essential for the general open to guarantee that they keep up their gadget in the best course convincing with the target that they can all around be in a condition to spare their cash. When the device is all around kept up, the all inclusive community won’t be required to buy another gadget soon and thusly they will reliably be in a circumstance to save more money and click here for more and read more on gmail fax service on this site. One will comparatively require some help defender with the target that it can keep working in the most ideal way imaginable consistently. It is basic for a person to dependably ensure that their PC is working with the objective that they can, by and large, be in a circumstance to complete their work on time and view here! to discover more when they check it out!
If you want your employees to be able to refine their current skills or learn new ones, then you should know that business training is necessary for that. Also, you should know that training can come in different forms. Now, you also have the choice to have the vocational training. You can learn more about that here!
If you want your staff to learn something new, then you should know that there are different courses that they can take. On the job training, induction training, and off the job training are some of the things that are involved in a business training. With that said, you should know that there are also business training programs that specialize in certain fields. In any event, you’ll want to make sure that the business training for the employees will ensure their improvement when it comes to making organization operations more efficient. If you’re interested in that, then you can read more here.
If you have your own company, you should know that it must have properly trained employees. Even if your business is small, having trained employees is a must. Remembering these reasons is crucial when the time comes that you need to find a business training program for them. With that, it’s important to ensure that your decision to hire a business training provider will be a fruitful one for the future of your company and the effectiveness of your employees. If you want to know more about the business training provider’s history or background, go to their website and check it out! If you want to see more options about this, view here!
One other thing that you have to remember about getting the business training that you need for your company is that it will cost you funds. You can also read more now about the things that you need to know about business training funding. Contacting a business link advisor is also something that you can do when it comes to determining whether or not you can get the funding that you need for your company’s business training. You can also see more here if you’re trying to find this link advisor. Getting another business training funding might also be possible if you managed to get one before.
If you’re ready to start looking for a reliable business training provider for your employees, then it’s best to start your search online. You’ll want to find out what the business training provider is offering which is why you have to make sure that you can check their available services online. If they have their own website, you can also discover more information about them. In any event, if you are having trouble finding the business training provider that you need for your company, this site might have the choice that you need.
Being able to run a business successfully will ensure that you get to reach as many people as possible, and this is essential. Now that there are public relations officers, getting your business to a level that you have been thinking has never been successful as before, you just need exposure with the right facilitators. You will find that the experts will not need to work with just a few firms, they are able to ensure that your firm is able to enjoy great services no matter the kind of department that you are facing as this is essential through the use of SEO and AdSense. There are lots of benefits that will help you get your business to a level that you have been aspiring when you have the right PR, and this discussed here.
You need to know that your overall reputation is very important and you will be able to reach many people very fast, the same to your brand. The professionals will ensure that your image is well marketed with the modern marketing procedures that will take your business to another level, this way you will benefit much. There is a need to ensure that you have the right procedures even though your business has been facing difficulties trying to rise up.
Having a strong relationship with your team is very essential and this will take your business places, therefore you need to integrate it very well with how you are running the business. You will be able to make your business be recognized out there, and this will play a great role to what you have been working on as this is very sensitive. The procedure may even use word of mouth to help influence the people and general public, you will have easy ways of dealing with competition like a pro.
The representation process is the hardest but then one of the most important procedures every business needs to be successful. Raising public attention and awareness is not a simple task, but there has to be something you should do about that. Now that these marketing experts are well knowledgeable of how the process of getting to the correct public should be done, this is why you need to put all your focus on them. Reaching the largest audience is not hard when you have that major process is done by professionals now that they use the indirect and direct method to reach to them. The marketers would also ascertain that your company is being marketed on the internet.
Lastly, you will be receiving press releases which are also important. These marketers will also not forget to market your business on newspaper, TV, magazine articles which will also be effective for having your business getting successful. Paid advertisements are never usually looked upon so much since people think they cannot trust it. Many marketers forget about using press release which effective tools for all the PR firms.
It is crucial to hire a competent HVAC company to ensure that the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are in good condition. Some homeowners end up using an incompetent HVAC company because they don’t research adequately. There are a lot of HVAC companies in the industry, and this makes it hard to select the right one for you. To select the best HVAC repairing services, ensure that you compare the quality of work provided by various HVAC companies in the market. Below are guidelines for choosing the right HVAC repairing company.
It is also critical to consider the reputation of an HVAC company before you decide to employ their services. To discover the reputation of the HVAC company, assess the record of their past works before you decide to use them. Go though the reviews of the HVAC company to ensure that you hire a perfect aire company This allows you to engage with people who have worked with the HVAC company in the past. Make sure to base your decision of an HVAC company on the quality of their work before you consider the pricing of their services.
Researching thoroughly is a crucial thing to do when searching for a competent HVAC company to work with. When selecting a competent HVAC company, it is essential to make use of the internet. Come up with a list of all the HVAC repairing services available. Go through the list finding as much information as you can about every el paso duct cleaning. This will allow you to avoid hiring an incompetent HVAC company. Before you decide the el paso air conditioning service to employ, make sure compare the quality of work provided by different HVAC companies. If after the research you don’t find an HVAC company that can effectively satisfy your needs, you can ask for references from your family members and friends. This will give you a chance to know the strengths and the weaknesses of an HVAC company before you hire them.
Put in mind the experience of a particular HVAC company before you decide to use their services. The level of experience of an HVAC company will determine their quality of ac repair el paso tx. Considering the experience of an HVAC company before you employ their services will enable you to work with the most skilled HVAC company. Do not consider hiring an HVAC hvac el paso that has just entered the industry. This is because there is no one to verify the quality of work done by a newly established air conditioning repair el paso tx. Before you select a heating and cooling el paso, it is essential to ensure that they are licensed. Working with a licensed HVAC company means that they have attained the required level of certification to offer these services.
We all know that there are various advantages of using commercial window tinting for buildings and properties. The use of tint is well-know on our cars. However, you can use commercial window tinting on a building and not only on your car. This means that you need to know the right window tinting glass to use for your business. Commercial window film are available in many forms which gives you the allowance to choose the one that will suit your needs perfectly. Therefore, below are some benefits listed of using commercial window tinting for your building or property.
The security of your business is improved by the use of window tinting films. Having a thick window film version has led to increase security of your property making safety a top priority. Due to their unique make they have reduced chances of burglar and property damage by increasing security. Using commercial window film adds security to your building as people cannot view your property from outside preventing them from seeing what they can steal. An individual should consider visiting Amersol who offers quality window tinting glass that will provide safety and sun protection in your home and office.
Commercial window tinting helps in improving the appearance of your office. By having your windows tinted it improves the look of your building. The use of commercial window film improves the appearance of your office making it look classic and beautiful. It is therefore essential to consider visiting Amersol so that you can choose from their wide variety the window film that will suite best your needs with the look and design that you want. The Amersol company offers a wide variety of window tinting materials as they provide advice to their clients on the best they can use for their needs. Therefore, when you are looking for commercial window tinting for your home and business consider the many benefits that they come with. | 2019-04-21T12:44:35Z | http://carolinapanthersvsnewenglandpatriots.us/2019/02/ |
During my recent Inspirational Conversation with modern witch Stacey Demarco at Ultimo Library, we discussed some of the things that have inspired her along her journey to becoming a successful author, television personality and catalyst for change in the world.
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk - This is one of the most celebrated and influential books in the renaissance of modern paganism, and Stacey said that she discovered it by chance at an airport bookshop. Almost as soon as she started reading it she began to realise that Starhawk was explaining exactly her own world view. Once she had finshed this book, Stacey knew she was a pagan and her whole world opened up.
Bladerunner - This was the movie that really opened her mind. Stacey said it was the visual world created on film that really captured her imagination and made her realise the immense creative possibilities that exist in the world.
Re-reading the classics - Stacey says she has been going back to the classics and finding the world of great literature incredibly inspiring. She singled out Anna Karenina for special praise.
Getting outdoors and back into nature - Incredibly fit and glowing with good health, Stacey wants us all to re-connect with nature in a really fundamental way. She said we need to escape the boxes of modern living as much as possible, and to re-embrace the more organic curves of nature.S he is working on a new project called Natureluster, for serious lovers of nature.
In Defence of Dogs by John Bradshaw - As a passionate advocate of animal rights, Stacey would like to see the relationship between humans and animals balanced out a little. In this fascinating book, she says Bradshaw makes a very clear case for the complex psychological lives of dogs, and that by reading it we will be made a little more aware of why we should treat all animals with kindness and respect.
Stacey Demarco, modern witch, author and media personality, has written many books, including The Coffee Oracle and the absolutely exquisite Goddesses and Sirens Oracle cards. You can read more about Stacey here.
Many of Stacey's books are from Rockpool Publishing, one of Australia's premier independent publishers specialising in transformational literature. You can read more about them, and see the books they publish, here.
One of the ideas that really seems to have found its time is that of crowdfunding. If you haven't come across it, crowdfunding is a relatively new way of funding projects through appealing to large numbers of people through the internet. Several websites have emerged that facilittate this process, and it has quickly become a useful resource, particularly for creative types.
Anna Maguire, whose background is in the mainstream publishing industry in Australia and who has become an expert on epublishing, found herself interested in this phenomenon and she has produced a brand new book on the subject called Crowdfund It! It is the first book directed specifically at Australian startups.
Anna Maguire, author of Crowdfund It!
1. Anna, who do you think can benefit most from your new book Crowdfund It?
When researching the book I was initially focussed on writers so Crowdfund it! would definitely be of benefit to them. However along the way I became inspired about different crowdfunding platforms and project creators who wanted to change the world, launch an entrepreneurial project, raise money for an art exhibition or record their album. So I would say that Crowdfund it! is aimed at those who want to investigate this growing phenomenon, read case studies of successful project creators and find out how to maximise their chances to successfully crowdfund.
2. What, briefly, is crowdfunding?
To me, a simple way of explaining crowdfunding is to say it is helping make dreams into reality. The dream may be publishing your own book, a new indie album, funding publishing programs, a smart entrepreneurial idea, an iPad app or an album for the latest indie musician. Crowdfunding is able to be used for creative, charitable or entrepreneurial ideas.
Sometimes called peer-funding, it is when a group of people each pledge support to a project in exchange for a reward. Conducted through a crowdfunding platform where the creator outlines what they need the money to achieve, various forms of social media help you share it with friends and family, and your wider network. A lot of platforms operate on an ‘all or nothing’ model meaning if you don’t reach your funding target then you don’t receive any money and nor are there any fees.
Each crowdfunding project is also a story. The way the project creator tells the story behind why they want funding. Stories of hopes and dreams and being brave enough to publicly say what they want. There are stories of success and stories of missing out on reaching their aim. There are also stories behind projects launched, often with great care, that receive no funding or a single pledge. Were they too shy to promote the project? Did they think someone would discover them without any work? These are the ones that tug my heart.
3. Any examples of crowdfunded projects that have been really successful?
One that really captured imagination and press worldwide was US Kickstarter project - Pebble: The e-paper watch for iPhone and Android Watch. Setting out to raise $100,000, they funded at over US$10M.
In Australia the record has been set by live video action Zombie game Patient 0 by IRL Shooter on Pozible. With over A$243,000 raised last year they also funded another $100,000 on the Pozible shop.
There are many inspiring people you find that have crowdfunded, and one I’ve looked at recently is author and illustrator Melanie Lee. Her book A Girl in the World was successful in achieving just over A$5,000 on Pozible. Produced in an eco-friendly manner, the books aim to encourage communication, connection and understanding environmental issues. A percentage of each sale also goes to Orphfund to help orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide.
I’m excited to hear that the project team will be running another project on social change crowdfunding platform StartSomeGood to raise funds for an iPad app.
4. What books have inspired you most on your creative journey? More specifically, what has caused you to focus in epublishing and crowdfunding?
I have spent most of my career as a producer, rather than a creator. Producing books, producing website – dealing with the creative output of others. Until I started blogging many years ago, and more recently wrote Crowdfund it! I saw myself only as someone who worked with the creative output of others. That is slowly changing. I read mainly fiction and have spent most of last year reading books by Australian Women Writers. Also reading by recommendation, it’s meant that I’ve discovered some of the amazing writers in our country and blogged about many of them. Thanks to recommendations, I’ve made new discoveries like Claire Corbett, Margo Lanagan and Cath Crowley. My life is all the better for expanding my knowledge (and admiration) of some of our wonderful women writers. As someone who focusses on non-fiction I have the utmost respect and admiration for anyone who can create wonderful stories.
With a long career in book publishing and digitising content it’s exciting to watch digital publishing developments internationally and in our region. Speaking to publishing students allows me to share my knowledge. I enjoy educating writers on the available avenues for self-publishing in a professional manner. It’s a pleasure to work when you feel very passionate about a subject!
I began researching crowdfunding because I wanted to give writers information on how to fund their books. Investing in a cover, editing and layout and so forth can really add up and crowdfunding offers the potential to cover some of your costs. It’s important to understand that crowdfunding takes a lot of preparation and time once the project has started. Only 50 per cent of launched projects actually succeed, often due to a lack of planning and promotion.
5. What piece of advice would you give someone who wants to take the leap and explore their own creativity?
Take the leap. Don’t let fear hold you back. Fear of what others will think of your writing. Fear that you’re not good enough. Find the time if there is something you feel driven to write. I do understand the problem with time – with two young children it’s difficult for me to have the quiet needed to write or blog. The dark circles under my eyes are testimony to the fact that late nights are the only way I find time to work! But I AM driven to write and it’s one of my greatest pleasures – apart from the pleasure that comes when totally immersed in a world created by the words of others.
Anna Maguire has worked in publishing and digital content for 25 years. Anna teaches authors about their digital publishing and crowdfunding options and trains publishing students. In October 2012 Anna published Crowdfund it! - her first ebook with digital-first publisher Editia. Buy Crowdfund it! to read the comprehensive Tips for Crowdfunding Success chapter as well as case studies from a variety of people who have successfully used crowdfunding both in Australia and internationally. Anna consults on crowdfunding projects and has a particular interest in helping writers to crowdfund. Anna blogs about digital publishing at www.digireado.com.au and crowdfunding at www.crowdfundit.com.au. She is also found on Twitter as @digireado and @crowdfunditnow.
I was thrilled to discover that one of Australia's most iconic fashion houses, Vivian Chan Shaw, is about to launch a retrospective exhibition celebrating 40 years in the industry. I'm going to be there on opening night, and quite possibly making several visits afterwards, because I can never get enough of the imagery and style of the glamorous eras represented by the Vivian Chan Shaw label.
Many of you will know the work of Claudia Chan Shaw, Vivian's daughter, who is quite possibly Australia's most stylish woman and came to national attention when she became a presenter on ABC TV's The Collectors. Claudia has recently published a book called Collectomania, a wonderful exploration of the obsessive qualities of collectors and the essence of what makes a true collection.
But Claudia's style pedigree goes back much further. Her mother, Vivian Chan Shaw, was herself an essential part of the Australian fashion industry from the 1970s, and her glamorous boutique beneath the Sydney Hilton, selling her own designs, attracted the in-crowd both domestically and internationally. Her designs graced the frames of legendary names like Margaux Hemingway, Bo Derek and Australia's own Kate Fitzpatrick.
Vivian branched out into knits, and created a legendary knitted wedding dress that is in the Powerhouse Museum's collection, along with a unique collection of knitted wire jewellery.
Claudia went on to become her mother's business partner and co-designer, and together they have built and maintained one of Australia's oldest operating fashion lines.
This is going to be an amazing multi-media exhibition including the most wonderful ephemera from a lifetime's devotion to looking truly fabulous.
It's only on for a short while, so get to see it immediately.
An exhibition exploring the work of celebrated Australian fashion label Vivian Chan Shaw, from 1972 – today.
More info on Sharon and her work at the end of this wonderful guest post.
For example, have you ever wanted to telephone a friend and just as you reach for the phone she calls you? It happens to me all the time. My friend Chardi has a parking angel: as soon as she begins to look for a parking space, a car miraculously pulls out and leaves the space for her. Walking along a quiet back street in Tokyo I once met an old friend whose name had somehow come up on my phone just that morning. Some people would call these miracles. Some people shrug them off as coincidences.
I recently read a wonderful story about a man sitting in the park watching his children play. He had just completed six months of chemotherapy and was feeling peaceful and grateful to be alive on this beautiful day. He looked up at the clouds. A small patch of fluffy clouds moved away from the rest, forming three separate letters. The first was J, the second looked like an O, and the third was a Y. Joy.
He believed this was a miracle to remind him that joy is there just for the looking.
Everyday miracles reveal themselves when we choose to pay attention. The more present we are, the more frequently these moments occur. Life, regardless of our circumstances, is enriched a thousand times over when we stop and pay attention to what is happening right now.
Hearing bad news everyday has become par for the course. Our television, radio, newspaper and internet siphon stories of natural and man-made disasters, earth quakes, war and famine into our living rooms, our cars our mobile phones every day.
Bad news is the media’s ‘good news’. Why is good news so rarely shared? Is it perhaps too boring, too mediocre, or too banal? Why does bad news attract more listeners, more viewers and more readers? Or does it?
Although I believe we do need to know what is going on in the world we also need to realize that is not all that happens. Beautiful, magical, gracious acts of kindness weave in and out of life too. Prayers are being answered, forgiveness is being offered and gratitude is being given every minute of every day by millions of people. Their stories life our spirits and bring us hope that all is not lost, indeed far from it.
Television programs like ‘The Voice’ and ‘Master Chef’ have drawn a huge number of viewers and I suspect it is because people love to see people learning, growing, doing well and achieving their dreams. When we see someone’s dream come true we feel more positive, more hopeful and more optimistic about the possibility of our dreams coming true too.
And when we hear about someone experiencing a miracle, it not only leaves us more hopeful but it opens our heart and our mind to the idea that maybe, just maybe, the impossible is possible.
So how do we change our thoughts? Here is a little story about an experience that happened to me recently, which changed my outlook.
My husband and I have been married 31 years and like most marriages we have had our difficult times. When he retired four years ago I have to admit it became a bit challenging to have him home every day. I missed not having the house to myself in the way I used to. I missed going downstairs in the late afternoon and turning on the radio full volume while I made dinner. Having him home meant he was right there in the kitchen with me, offering his help to be sure, but the ritual of cooking with the radio blaring had suddenly ended. Life had changed and to be honest, I wasn’t ready.
Then my cousin unexpectedly died, and everything changed again. We had been very close. I had known him since I was a child. Death is very final. One day he was here and the next day none of us would ever see him again.
After the funeral, my husband and I came home and sat in the kitchen, poured ourselves a drink and talked. We discussed the impermanence of life and how easy it is to forget that we are here for such a short time. These kinds of situations help us to reflect and clarify what is really important. They help us appreciate everything life has to offer. Sitting quietly with my husband I felt deeply grateful for the time we still have together.
Paradoxically, every morning I wake up also knowing this could be the last day of my life. It could be the last day of my husband’s life or one of my children. Knowing this and bringing it to mind heightens my sense of thankfulness for every minute of the day. The more we practice kindness and generosity the more we find it flowing into our lives.
Paying attention to everyday miracles reminds us that life is a gift. The joy of taking a deep breath cannot be taken for granted, especially when you have seen someone take their last. The gratitude that fills your heart when your child succeeds in getting a dream job, or your grandchild says I love you cannot be underestimated. The peace we experience when we befriend an old enemy is possibly the greatest miracle imaginable. The willingness to let go of complaining, let go of being a victim, let go of our addictions to drama, brings into our lives a world of everyday miracles.
Spiritual teacher, author and clinical psychotherapist Sharon Snir is the founder and creator of a system of learning, called The 12 Levels of Being. She gives regular lectures, seminars and workshops in Australia, Asia, Europe and in the United States. Sharon has written three books. The 12 Levels of Being, published by Shekhina books in 2007, Looking for Lionel –How I lost and Found my Mother through Dementia, Published by Allen and Unwin in 2010, and The Little Book of Everyday Miracles, published in October 2012 by Allen & Unwin. She has her own on-line weekly radio slot, a small private practice and is on You Tube. She and her husband have 5 children, one son in law and a cavoodle they all adore named Chino.
Come along to the second in my series of Inspirational Conversations at Ultimo Library on the 27th of February.
I will be chatting with the award-winning novelist Belinda Castles about where to find inspiration.
I would also encourage you to click through and book your free spot right now because this event will fill up fast.
Belinda Castles won the Vogel Award for her novel, The River Baptists.
She has recently released an engaging historical novel, Hannah & Emil, based on the real-life love story of her own grandparents. It is the most charming and fascinating book, and you can read my review of it here. It tells the story of Hannah, the child of Russian Jewish refugees living in England, and her fraught love affair with Emil, an anti-Nazi activist who is forced to flee Germany during World War Two. It is a story of love, loss and secrets, with a strong Australian connection.
Born in England, Belinda moved to Australia in the 90s, and I had the great privilege of studying with her in a postgraduate program while she was writing Hannah & Emil. I saw then the quality of her writing, and knew that the finished product would be extraordinary.
Belinda's love for literature and writing, along with her infectious good cheer, make her an excellent conversationalist, and I know you will find her as fascinating as I do.
Walter Mason is joined in February by Vogel Prize-winning author Belinda Castles.
Author of the critically acclaimed novel Hannah & Emil, Belinda started exploring her creative side at a very young age. This evening she reveals where she finds the inspiration for her creative ideas, and shares her thoughts on how we all can become more creative.
If you’ve ever wanted to explore your creative side, come and learn ‘how to’ from this sensitive and celebrated author.
I've been inspired by Chris Brogan's Three Book Diet this year.
His premise is that he will read only three books in the year, but he will read each one at least twice, and will put into practise all that he reads.
Now, it is impossible for me to restrict myself to reading three books, not just because of my compulsive tendencies when it comes to reading, but also because my occupation requires me to read at least three books a week.
Instead, I am taking to heart his idea of reading just three books attentively and repeatedly, which I will do in addition to my regular, more speedy, reading.
Back when I was a bookseller one of my regular gigs was manning an enormous bookstall at the Sydney Mind Body Spirit festivals. It was an exhausting task, and one which we all hated, but one of the benefits was that we got to meet some extraordinary people. And I am using the widest and most generous possible definition of "extraordinary." The less kind might have called some of the people we encountered crazy. I had a heavily pregnant woman propose to me, a famous Chinese economist seduce me and a 1950s American jazz star talk to me all afternoon about the lost continent of Atlantis. These were heady days.
But the encounter that has stuck with me most for all these years is one where a quiet, nondescript woman was looking through the books right at the end of the day, when most people had left the exhibition hall and we were beginning to wind down. She picked up a book called something like Enlightenment in Five Minutes and, holding it up for me to see, we both laughed. Then, suddenly serious, she said: "But you know, if people actually did any of the things described in any of these books they would be enlightened. But nobody does - including you and me. We just read and scoff and put it all off."
These words really struck me, because they were absolutely true. If we scrupulously followed the advice in self-help and how-to manuals our lives WOULD be infinitely better, happier and more prosperous. But only one in a million is ever going to actually act on the good advice they get.
So in 2013 I am going to try to be that person, the one who actually follows the advice in three self-help books and persists in doing so. Let's see what happens.
This year I will read through each book at least twice, and do my best to act on the advice in each.
I will blog about the process and keep you posted.
January - The Goddess in Suburbia: This statue of Kwan Yin is in a front garden in Canley Heights, and I always walk past her when we go to have dinner there. A perfect opportunity to say a quick prayer.
February - Chuc Mung Nam Moi: The Lunar New Year is a pretty big affair around Cabramatta, where I live. These ladies were rocking some OTT lunar looks in Cabramatta mall, and I just loved them.
March - In Cambodia: I was there for a few months, working on my new book, Destination Cambodia.
April - Kampong Speu: I was at a long-life ceremony at a village in rural Cambodia.
May - Bangkok: A shrine to Ganesha outside Wat Indraviharn.
June - Kuala Lumpur: At the Buddhist Missionary Society in Brickfields.
July - Book Launches: My friend Jane Skelton launched her story in a collection from Margaret River Press, at Gleebooks.
August - Second-Hand Books: I am always buying books. This is a quiet corner at Berkelouw's in Leichhardt.
September - Exploring the City: Bet you can't tell me where this little gem of nineteenth cenury statuary is in the Sydney CBD.
October - Schoenstatt: Once a year Thang and I go to the Shrine to the Virgin Mary at Mt. Schoenstatt in Mulgoa.
November - Banh Mi: Thang's deconstruction of the Vietnamese sandwich was featured in the December ed. of SBS Feast magazine. Which comes out in November. I don't understand magazines either.
December - Train I Ride: I caught a guy doing a yoga workout on the 9.30 train.
Yes, it's the new year, and by chance I happen to have cultivated a pile of new self-help books, and so what better time to read them?
Actually, it's not by chance at all. Most of you know that I am in the very final stages of completing my PhD on the history of self-help literature in Australia, and reading such books is a professional duty of mine. So I am always interested in what is new and popular in the field. You can expect me to be an infinitely better person once I have finished all these.
A Year of Creativity by Brenda Mallon - I have actually been working for more than two years on writing my own book about creativity, so I am always interested to read what others say on the subject.
The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry - The subtitle of this book is 'the secret to a joy-filled life', and as cultivating joy is one of my projects for this year (wait for the upcoming blog post about that) I am trying to read whatever I can that sepcifically addresses this quality.
Releasing Life by Shenphen Zangpo - This is a little Buddhist book that I got from the freebie cart outside the vegetarian supermarket in Cabramatta. I had never seen it before, so I grabbed it.
The Rules of Networking by Rob Yeung - As a chronically shy person I love reading books about networking. They feed a fantasy vision of myself, the way my spinster aunt used to read Mills & Boon romances.
Groundswell by Charlene Li - This was a popular one among my yuppie friends when I was in Cambodia early this year. Do people still say 'yuppie'?
Meditations for Pain Recovery by Tony Greco - Because I am pretty much constantly in pain and I consume way too many pills. Looking for some alternative methods of coping.
How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes - I love Leil Lowndes' books - they speak to the terminally anxious. Her other books include How to be a People Magnet and How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You. And there is an endorsement on the back of this one from Sally Jesse Raphael, so I am getting major retro flashbacks. I loved that woman.
Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields - Everyone just talks about Jonathan Fields all the time, so I figured I should read something.
The Uncle Book by Jesse Cogan - I take my Uncling duties very seriously.
The Golden Louise L. Hay Collection by Louise L. Hay - What more to say? All of the great lady's books in one handsome hardcover.
Trusting Your Intuition by Sylvia Clare - I don't trust my intuition, which is why I thought I should read a book about it.
The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp - This is another one that people refer to constantly.
Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port - I heard this guy on a podcast and I was really impressed, and then when I was looking through this book in a bookshop I saw it was filled with practical advice, so I had to get it.
Inspired & Unstoppable by Tama Kieves - I think there was an excerpt from this in the Science of Mind Magazine, and it looked great.
The New Relationship Marketing by Mari Smith - Another person I always hear on podcasts who has won me over.
Heart Thoughts by Louise L. Hay - Because you can never read enough Louise.
It was appropriate that over Sydney's long, hot Christmas I read LynneLeonhardt's evocative novel of childhood in Western Australia, Finding Jasper. For in this beautifully rendered novel Leonhardt recreates a hot, dusty farm in rural Western Australia, a place with no comforts where the garden is either dying or growing out of control.
There was so much I recognised in the world of Gin, the lonely, almost-orphaned child sent to live at the ancestral seat with an emotionally frustrated aunt. Having myself grown up in the isolated bush of rural Australia (though very far away from Leonhardt's perfectly-rendered Western Australia) I recognised this world almost immediately. It is there in the lonley, fantastical wonderings of an isolated child, the small discoveries rendered large by the absence of any other kind of sensory input and the desperate search for people with whom the child can connect.
The novel flashes back to the years of World War Two when Gin's mother comes from England to live at the preposterously-named 'Grasswood', headachey in the shade of the verandah and pining for the dashing young Australian soldier she has come to be with. But it keeps coming back to the loneliness of Gin, the mostly-unwanted child of this coupling, who now contents herself with her grandmother's old 78s on a gramophone that has sat idle for many years.
Music winds its way, appropriately enough, through this lyrical novel, another great friend of bush people everywhere as they strain to create their own entertainments. The lure of the city lies there too, as sensuous and thrilling as it ever was in Madame Bovary, with Gin's neurotic, lonely mother flirting with the big-city possibilities of travelling salesmen while she is chaperoned by her spinster sister-in-law, who is herself unsettlingly beautiful and the possessor of a distant, glamorous past.
This Aunt, Attie, inspires the young girl with talk of their days in colonial Ceylon, pricking her imagination with statues of the elephant god Ganesh, rewards for music remembered but objects, too, that peg her to her own familial past, a place too distant from this fatherless child.
Finding Jasper is a glorious piece of Australiana, and a fascinating and unique look at Western Australia in the 40s and 50s. I'd live to give a copy to every foreign visitor, so subtly and perfectly does it bring to life a certain memory of Australian culture and all of the problematic relations that made this moment in history possible.
I’d like to add here that Finding Jasper is the brand new release from new independent Australian publisher Margaret River Press. I’d like to congratulate them on their energy and vision and their commitment to producing new and interesting Australian literature. Please support them as best you can. | 2019-04-26T06:58:49Z | http://www.waltermason.com/2013/01/ |
David Ricardo (1772–1823), author of the influential Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), belongs to that more or less cohesive “school” of political economy for which Karl Marx coined the label “classical economics.” As a “comprehensive liberal philosophy” classical economics transcended narrow positivist economic science and attracted public attention, especially during the nineteenth century, by urging public policy reforms along a broad front of political, social, and economic issues. Armed with the analytical tools of political economy, the classical economists attacked the thorny contemporary problems of inflation, commercial and agricultural policy, as well as economic growth and the possible limits of the burgeoning population of the Industrial Revolution. Chief among the Scottish and English “classical” economists during the 150 years from the birth of its mentor Adam Smith to the death of John Stuart Mill, the eloquent voice of liberalism in transition, were: Adam Smith (1723–1790), Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834), David Ricardo (1772–1823), James Mill (1773–1836), Robert Torrens (1780–1864), John Ramsay McCulloch (1789–1864), Nassau William Senior (1790–1864), and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873).
To determine the laws which regulate this distribution is the principal problem in Political Economy: much as the science has been improved by the writings of Turgot, Stuart, Smith, Say, Sismondi, and others, they afford very little satisfactory information respecting the natural course of rent, profit, and wages.
All other writers had been crushed and overlaid by the enormous weight of facts and documents; Mr. Ricardo alone had deduced, a priori, from the understanding itself, laws which first gave a ray of light into the unwieldy chaos of materials, and had constructed what had been but a collection of tentative discussions into a science of regular proportions now first standing on an eternal basis.
Amid such dissent over Ricardo’s place in the development of nineteenth-century economics, it is necessary to determine whether Ricardo’s economic analysis and Ricardian procedure represented a genuine contribution or was an unfortunate “detour” from the emerging general-equilibrium procedure and analysis.
This essay examines two themes central to the literature on nineteenth-century “classical” economics. The first is that of an alleged dual development of economic theory—a development that contrasts “Ricardian” procedure on the one hand with embryonic general-equilibrium, or “neo-classical,” procedure on the other. My second theme concerns the motives for the so-called “bourgeois dissension” from Ricardian theory following David Ricardo’s death in 1823. Past writers have regarded this dissent as a reaction against the ideological use made of Ricardian theory by the “labor writers,” and particularly against Marx’s interpretation of Ricardo. In Sections I to III, I sketch the received doctrine on these matters. In the remainder of the essay I shall argue that the nineteenth-century record actually portrays a common theoretical heritage shared by most economic writers regardless of ideology: allocation via the price mechanism. This rules out any dualistic categorization of economic developments into “Ricardian” as opposed to general-equilibrium streams. I shall also argue that we cannot usefully interpret in ideological terms the “bourgeois dissension” (a subject easy to exaggerate).
Economists from diverse ideological backgrounds share the notion of a “dual development” of economic theory. Such a “dual development” theory is common both to J.A. Schumpeter’s History of Economic Analysis (probably the best known history of economics ever written) and to a variety of interpretations in the Marxian tradition (for example, Maurice Dobb’s Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith). Those who endorse this “dual development” approach largely agree in terms of this theory’s substantive content. Differences among these economists lie in their evaluations of the evidence; these evaluative differences flow from the perspective of the particular “ideal type” of analysis which each economist uses to evaluate the early literature.
Thus, Schumpeter’s economic vantage point is the (Walrasian) general equilibrium analysis of productive organization. The characteristic feature of this “ideal type” of economic analysis is thesimultaneous determination of the prices of outputs and productive services (land, labor, capital) by the market demand-supply mechanism. The simultaneity of the economic process is seen in the demand prices of productive services in each use. These prices derived through the “imputation” among them of the value of the final output, utilizing the principle of substitution at the margin in both production and consumption. Simultaneity also appears in the role played by the returns to productive services in the determination of product prices.
Within this general-equilibrium model, the problem of distribution—envisaged as the pricing of productive services—is simply one aspect of the analysis of productive organization. In this analysis, given resources are allocated between different uses and within each use by means of price competition.
Ricardian economic procedures, according to the Schumpeter-Knight historiography, are diametrically opposed to the spirit of general equilibrium. Above all, they are opposed to its conception that the returns to factor services are competitively determined prices: “The problem of distribution, the sharing of a joint product among an indefinite number of agencies (owners) cooperating in its creation, not merely was not seen as a problem of imputation, but was not approached as a problem of valuation at all.” The Ricardian approach was to consider the problem of distribution in terms of these aggregate class shares. Ricardo employed a model that accounted for rent as a differential surplus, wages by the subsistence theory, and profits as a simple residual.
In dealing with the determination of the laws regulating distribution—his fundamental problem—Ricardo is said to have arbitrarily reduced the number of variables in his model until he was left with but one variable, namely profits. These profits were determined as a form of residual (the difference between the marginal product of labor and the subsistence wage rate), by the one equation of the system. This particular approach was dictated, so runs Schumpeter’s argument, by Ricardo’s “inability to deal with systems of simultaneous equations,” and his failure to appreciate the notion of incremental variation, that is, of factor and product substitution. Schumpeter’s argument further contends that Ricardo had no conception of the demand-supply apparatus—that he was “completely blind” to its nature and logical place in economic theory. Ricardo restricted demand-supply analysis to the short-run case of given supplies and monopoly. Further, Ricardo envisioned the labor theory (which he applied to long-run exchange values), as “distinct from and opposed to” demand-supply theory. Schumpeter further argued that the specific engine of analysis which Ricardo devised, constituted a “detour” in the development of economic analysis. For, had not A.R.J. Turgot, Adam Smith (in significant chapters of the Wealth of Nations) and in particular J.B. Say, Lord Lauderdale and T.R. Malthus previously achieved a considerable insight into the “correct” approach towards productive organization? This earlier approach viewed distribution as the pricing of requisite and scarce services.
An exact “mirror image” of Schumpeter’s “dual development” reading of the evidence appears in Maurice Dobb’s Marxian study. Dobb discerns two streams of thought—two classical traditions—relating to exchange and income distribution. Both streams flow (albeit in very different ways) from Adam Smith as fountainhead.
Whatever his reason may have been for regarding distribution as the central problem, his instinct in doing so was undoubtedly right, and his mode of treating distribution was crucial. He saw that this had to be explained in terms peculiar to itself and not as an outcome of general supply-demand exchange relations, as Smith had treated it … Moreover for Ricardo an answer to the question about distribution was a necessary and prior condition for calculating the effect of a change in wages on prices (both general and individual prices): in other words for calculating the ‘modifications’ of relative prices introduced by differences in technical coefficients of production, affecting particularly the use of fixed capital..
In brief, distribution had logical priority over prices or exchange values. Dobb’s Marxian view of the Ricardian tradition divorces distribution from the general pricing process. The wage rate is determined “exogenously,” that is, outside of the exchange system, and profits are a residual.
The formal identity between the interpretations of Schumpeter and Dobb, insofar as concerns thecontent of Ricardian theory, will now be apparent. Both emphasize Ricardo’s alleged divorce of distribution and exchange; both note that the absence of a notion of distribution is a problem in factor pricing. Both lay great stress on the conception of an exogenously determined wage rate. They also share the notion of a “dual development” of economic theory. But the difference between them is also clear: Schumpeter treats the Ricardian characteristics in question as an inexcusable lapse, a failure to appreciate the nature of economic analysis. They lead to a result that lacks sense. By contrast, Dobb views the same characteristics as a matter of deliberate choice reflecting a full appreciation of the nature of scientific economics.
Dobb’s position may be placed in broader perspective. The modern “Cambridge” school of economists finds little merit in general equilibrium procedure in principle. It champions, rather, an approach involving the treatment of prices, production levels, and distribution by means of separate models, with an eye upon the isolation of “one-way-direction” relationships or the “causal ordering” of variables. This is a method attributed to Piero Sraffa, as well as to Marx, as we shall see. Because the function of the economist is believed to consist in the specification of “causal” relations where appropriate, “Cambridge” economists attach great merit to the specification of the real wage in cultural or institutional terms and the treatment of profits as residual.
The “Cambridge” economists reflect a number of specific interpretations of Ricardian theory. I have in mind, first, Piero Sraffa’s interpretation of Ricardo’s Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock based upon the assumption that in the agricultural sector both output and input consist of a single homogeneous commodity (“corn” or grain), so that therate of profits may be determined in terms of physical product independently of consumer valuation.
How is this profit rate determined concretely in this framework? This profit rate is set at the margin of cultivation; that is, by farmers cultivating land that is the least fertile or farthest from market centers. This comes about as follows: as the cultivation of land expands in response to the growth of population, farmers have to bring less-productive land under cultivation. On that land a given amount of the farmer’s labor and capital produces a smaller output than on more fertile or better located land. In this view, the exchange value of output depends on the units of labor and capital used to produce it. Accordingly, the exchange value of output produced on less fertile (or more poorly situated) land is held to exceed that of output produced on better land. It is this exchange value that will constitute the general market price. (In this theory the difference between the market price so determined and the value of output produced on better land is, of course, rent).
On all land under cultivation, there can be only one rate of wages and one rate of profits. The wage rate in real terms is set by the ratio of the “wage fund” (assumed to be a definite share or portion of real consumer goods) to the labor pool and tends towards subsistence. The rate of profit is set equal in all employments by the mobility of capital. But, as cultivation extends to less-productive lands and market prices of farm produce rise, the nominal (or money) value of the wage fund rises. The exchange value of output will not change unless the amount of labor content changes. Hence, a rise in the level of nominal wages (due to the results of the extension of cultivation) must be accompanied by a fall in the level of profits. Consequently, the rate of profits is set by the margin of cultivation.
Given the profit rate in agriculture as determined by this margin of cultivation—the wage basket consisting of a fixed quantity of grain or “corn”—a specific ratio of the price of manufactures to that of corn is implied, namely that which brings the profit rate in the manufacturing sector into line.
Luigi Pasinetti’s algebraic formulation of Ricardo’s system (attributed to the “mature” Ricardo of the Principles) is one which, in contrast to Sraffa’s corn-profit representation, formally adopts thelabor theory of exchange value. The Ricardian system is represented by a two-commodity model involving a wage-good (corn) and a luxury-good, the latter identified with the standard of value (“gold”). The monetary unit is taken to be the constant gold output of one worker for one year: “gold” represents in this model an invariable measure of value. Corn is also produced in a one-year process. In both sectors, wage-goods or circulating capital alone is required, and the capital stock at the beginning of the year is presumed to be a given, as is the corn wage. Given the land area and the state of technology, Pasinetti’s (fourteen) equations describing the system yield unique and economically meaningful solutions for the (fourteen) variables of the system, including the rate of profit. What we must emphasize for our purposes here is the independence of the general profit rate from conditions in the luxury-good sector. The profit rate is dependent solely upon the marginal product of labor in agriculture and the given corn wage, which is precisely the result of the dual sector “corn profit model“.
A labor theory of value is not, however, required to hold that the wage-goods determine general profit. I refer to the brilliant interpretation of Ricardo by V.K. Dmitriev (1904) whose recent rediscovery has excited much interest. Dmitriev’s analysis defends Ricardo against Léon Walras’s criticism—quite ruinous if justified—to the effect that the Ricardian system isunderdetermined, containing too few equations to determine the unknowns. But according to Dmitriev’s defense there is one equation in Ricardo’s system of production cost equations that yields a solution for the profit rate independently of the others. This magnitude can then be used to solve for exchange values. The unique production-cost equation is that relating to the wage-goods sector. The profit rate depends, therefore, upon the (given) “conditions of production”—the labor inputs, both direct and indirect, and their investment periods—in the wage-goods (corn) industry and the (given) corn wage.
The three foregoing representations of the “Ricardian” system—the Sraffa “corn-profit” model, the Pasinetti version of a dual-sector system based upon the labor theory, and Dmitriev’s equational system—share in common the dependence of the general profit rate solely upon the conditions of production in the wage-goods sector and the (given) real wage. This result turns upon a rigid distinction between wage- and luxury-goods; it follows from the fact that wage-goods enter into the production of every product in the system while luxury-goods do not. This implies a very different conceptualization of the economic process from that of the general-equilibrium economists, for whom distribution and pricing are inextricably intertwined.
The Ricardian line, on some readings, includes the economics of Karl Marx and the economics of Piero Sraffa in his famous Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities—subtitledPrelude to a Critique of Economic Theory. To these extensions I now turn.
In the absence of any considerations whatsoever of the factors that determine the quantity supplied or the quantity demanded of the various commodities, there is no reason to suppose that prices of production should equate the quantity demanded with the quantity supplied for any commodity in the long period or that market prices should fulfill this function in the short or very short period. In addition, in the absence of any explicit analysis of effective (market) prices the relation between market prices and prices of production must remain undetermined.
Similarly, “the emphasis that Sraffa places on the absence of change in the levels of production in his analysis represents an implicit rejection of the marginalist attempt to determine the equilibrium price and the equilibrium levels of output simultaneously.” The obverse side of the coin is that by breaking the link between price formation, the determination of the level of production and the realization of sales, Sraffa’s work is brought into line with the classical economists (with some qualifications) and with Marx.
My investigation of both the content and the origins of Ricardo’s Principles—particularly the process whereby Ricardo, early in 1813, began to discern what he considered to be a number of logical errors in the Smithian position—confirms the following: what is characteristically “Ricardian” is the use of a special theory of value involving an absolute standard in deriving the inverse relationship between wages and profits—the fundamental theorem on distribution. In terms of the special measure, a rise of “money wages” implies a rise in the proportionate share of wages and a corresponding fall in the profit rate.
Schumpeter contended that Ricardianism was a flash-in-the-pan. The Ricardian system not only “failed from the start to gain the assent of the majority of English economists,” but by the early 1830s “Ricardianism was no longer a living force.” In making his assertion, Professor Schumpeter apparently had in mind the key role played by the so-called “absolute standard of value” in the derivation of the proposition that “profits depend upon wages.” The “absolute standard of value” was a commodity produced by a constant quantity of labor, while the particular dependence of profits upon wages was that profits vary inversely with wages. Both profits and wages were conceived as proportionate shares in an output of constant value.
This evaluation is also characteristic of Marxian interpreters. Marx himself spoke of Mill’s work as an example of the “eclectic, syncretistic compendia” which characterized the period after the collapse of “scientific” political economy in 1830. Along similar lines Maurice Dobb has observed of Mill: “when looking back on him from a distance one can see quite clearly that in major respects his own work was much nearer to Marshall than it was to Ricardo; and that so far as his theory of value was concerned, on the contrary to continuing and improving on Ricardo, in essentials he took his stand on the position of Smith where Ricardo had been opposing him.”But to make it comprehensible, we need to place the Marxian reading in broader perspective. I turn next to the issue of economics and ideology.
seize[d] on this contradiction, for which they found the theoretical ground already prepared. Labour is the sole source of exchange value and the only active creator of use-value. This is what you say. On the other hand you say the capital is everything, and the worker is nothing or a mere production cost of capital. You have refuted yourselves. Capital is nothing but defrauding of the worker. Labour iseverything. This, in fact, is the ultimate meaning of all the writings which defend the interests of the proletariat from the Ricardian standpoint basing themselves on his assumptions.
As one exmple: Thomas Hodgskin’s insistence upon the nonproductivity of capital was the “inevitable consequence of Ricardo’s presentation.” What was involved, according to Marx, is a kind of inversion of the Ricardian analysis.
only becomes widespread when political economy itself has, as a result of its analysis, undermined and impaired its own premises and consequently the opposition to political economy has come into being in more or less economic, utopian, critical and revolutionary forms … Ricardo and the further advance of political economy caused by him provide new nourishment for the vulgar economist …: the more economic theory is perfected, that is, the deeper it penetrates its subject-matter and the more it develops as a contradictory system, the more is it confronted by its own, increasingly independent, vulgar element, enriched with material which it dresses up in its own way until finally it finds its most apt expression in academically syncretic and unprincipled eclectic compilations.
In France and in England the bourgeoisie had conquered political power. Thenceforth, the class-struggle, practically as theoretically, took on more and more out, spoken and threatening forms. It sounded the knell of scientific bourgeois economy. It was thenceforth no longer a question, whether this theorem or that was true, but whether it was useful to capital or harmful, expedient or inexpedient, politically dangerous or not. In place of disinterested inquiries, there were hired prizefighters; in place of genuine scientific research, the bad conscience and evil intent of apologetic.
concepts of value as embodied labour and profit as a kind of surplus value, which had proved so useful to the radicals, were among the first to be amended or rejected: value began to be conceived in terms of utility or cost of production, or sometimes (as with [Samuel] Bailey) as little more than a mere relation, and profit came to be explained not as the result of something which the labourer did but as the result of and reward for something which either the capitalist or his capital did.
I turn in the rest of my essay to matters of criticism. In the first place I wish to argue that we need to abandon the entire concept of a “dual development” of economic theory. I base the following summary statement on my forthcoming study of the Economics of David Ricardo and related researches.
The notion that Ricardo did not possess a demand theory, or at best only a rudimentary one, is a preposterous but all too common belief; and it is a contention central to the approach that attempts to distinguish his economics from the general-equilibrium tradition. It is not difficult to demonstrate Ricardo’s sophisticated appreciation of demand-supply technique and its use (together with the principle of profit-rate equalization) in the analysis of a variety of disturbances, such as subsidies, taxes, wage variations, and so forth. This method of analysis lent itself to a sharp distinction between the allocative consequences of changes that affect all sectors of an economy equally and those changes that affect each sector with a differential impact. This method—fully consistent with that of Alfred Marshall—was in fact the only one required by Ricardo in the derivation of the inverse profit-wage relationship. That Ricardo did not formally use it for this purpose is not in question; he chose rather to base himself upon the construction of the measure-of-value device.
To understand why Ricardo proceeded in this way, it is necessary to make conjectures. It is possible—I would say probable—that Ricardo was eager to make his case in terms of the ideal measure because the dependence of the return on capital upon the proportionate shares strikes the eye particularly clearly in terms of this formulation. But, whatever the reason, the onlyrationale for the inverse profit-wage relation when we focus upon the process of industry adjustments to disturbances (a rationale which Ricardo himself provides, although not in this context) is that involving the market mechanism. And we must firmly emphasize that in this context there is no sense to the notion that the matter of distribution is somehow solved prior to pricing.
Ricardo himself may be partly responsible for the erroneous notion to the contrary. He was prone, especially in the first chapter of his Principles, to assume a (lower) profit rate corresponding to a (higher) wage rate by use of the measure-of-value mechanism; next, he was prone to apply this profit rate to determine the new equilibrium cost prices that emerge following the disturbance. But Ricardo designed this procedure as a predictive device rather than as an account of process analysis. In the latter context the new equilibrium profit rate emerges along with, and not prior to, the new equilibrium price structure.
Earlier in this essay we approached the general issue of the relation between distribution and pricing from the persepctive of the consequences of a change in the wage rate. We now approach the matter from the reverse perspective, that of the consequence upon distribution of a change in the pattern of demand for final goods.
Insofar as concerns distribution itself, it is clear that wages are treated as a (variable) price determined by demand-supply relations; Ricardian theory is not of the fixed-wage variety. Here we must emphasize that the analysis proceeds at the aggregate level, labor demand being represented by part of the capital supply, and labor supply by the work force; it is the average wage that is at stake not the wage rate paid to particular categories of workers. Now, we need to stress that Ricardo’s analysis of the allocative effects of changes in the pattern of demand is limited in exactly the same way as in Adam Smith’s formal statement in the Wealth of Nations. There—because of Smith’s assumption of identical capital-labor ratios everywhere—such changes affect (temporarily) the factor returns in the particular industries involved, but not the general return and thus not the average wage. But Ricardo took an important analytical step forward in his chapter “On Machinery.” Here he introduces variations in the circulating-fixed capital division and traces out the implications for labor demand and the wage rate. If we extend generally the principles developed in this discussion, we can in no way avoid the conclusion that changes in the pattern of final demand may affect the demand for labor and thus the general wage rate) by altering the overall circulating fixed capital rate. There are no “paradigmatic” differences between Ricardian and neo-classical theory insofar as concerns the effects upon distribution of a change in the pattern of final demand. The notion of a sharp divorce between distribution and pricing does not stand up to close examination.
But what justification is there in arguing that the differences between Ricardian and Marshallian economics do not involve matters of principle but only matters of detail? Or further, to argue that this allows a transfer from one to the other by way of minor revisions (suggested indeed by Ricardo himself)? It is clear that this constitutes a very tricky problem. For it is one of the characteristics of economic theory that different analytical models may be described in terms of one another. Thus, there is admittedly great difficulty in identifying those differences that constitute alternative simplifying assumptions (including different values accorded to the key variables) from those which constitute matters of principle. Were the assumptions of uniform factor ratios and constant commodity wages used by Ricardo over and over again without significant exception, the obvious implication would necessarily be that they represent features of his “basic model.” In that case it would be unconvincing to argue that Ricardo “could” easily have opened his model in these respects. The objection would be compounded if the techniques of resource allocation were as scarce in his work as is commonly believed.
My position, however, is based upon a two-fold demonstration: first, that Ricardo, on matters of fundamental import and not merely casually, himself released the two simplifying assumptions; and second, that he himself applied the principles of allocation—demand-supply analysis, profit rate equalization—to a wide variety of issues in a sophisticated way. Needless to say, he did not consider all the possible situations where a relaxation of the two key assumptions has profound consequences, or all those that require treatment in terms of allocation theory. But, to relax the assumptions and to apply the theory of resource allocation to a broader range of issues is to follow along a route laid out by Ricardo himself, using tools of analysis provided by Ricardo. It does not imply illegitimate transfer from one general model to another; nor, to be more specific, does it require our reading into Ricardo of a body of Marshallian theory that in reality is not there.
A further vital outcome of my analysis is that the profit rate in agriculture does not play the strategic role in the system envisaged in the various mathematical formulations of the Ricardian system outlined above. A number of illustrations reveal this key fact: technological improvement in the agricultural sector releases labor and capital for employment in other sectors, which are reabsorbed elsewhere with no alteration in their respective returns; the price of corn falls to the lower cost level and the return in agriculture (temporarily raised) comes back into line with the given general rate. Thus, despite a change in the “margin of cultivation,” the profit rate remains constant. Similarly, freer corn importation leaves the general profit rate unchanged despite a contraction of the domestic margin. The process involves a fall in the price of corn and the transfer of resources to the manufacturing sector with no effect on the general profit rate. Precisely the same argument holds for the case of a corn-export subsidy; indeed, much of this analysis proceeded (for simplicity) on the assumption that agriculture is a constant cost industry, so that after expansion the corn price falls to the original cost level.
Now Ricardo certainly insisted that if the price of luxury goods (silks, velvets, etc.) rose there would be no effect on profits “for nothing can affect profits but a rise in wages; silks and velvets are not consumed by the labourer, and therefore cannot raise wages.” But this is a quite separate analytical issue. Ricardo himself tried hard to keep the issues separate. Thus, he recognized the possibility that technical change might reduce the cost and price of corn and yet leave “money” wages unaffected—in which case the profit rate remains unchanged (although the commodity wage rises). Similarly, an increase in the price of corn might leave the money wage unchanged with laborers reducing their consumption of other goods (in which case the profit rate is again unaffected). With such a wide variety of possibilities it is quite essential not to confuse the effects on the profit rate induced by a change in the margin of agriculture itself—and I argue there are none—and the effects of a change in the price of corn working upon the general profit rate by way of money wages. It is only the attribution to Ricardo of a fixed (real) wage assumption that precludes this essential distinction.
We are also in a position to examine the validity of Léon Walras’s criticism of Ricardian procedure. Walras’s complaint, it will be recalled, was that the Ricardian system isunderdetermined, even if rents are excluded from selling prices and wage costs are assumed given. The equation relating selling price to the sum of wage and interest charges cannot determine price unless interest charges are known, while interest charges are themselves determined by the difference between the unknown selling price and wage costs. Dmitriev’s defense of Ricardo turned precisely upon the property that I have excluded, namely, that the general profit rate is yielded by that cost equation pertinent to the wage-goods sector, independently of all the other equations (provided the real wage is given the system is a determinate one).
My defense of Ricardo against Walras’s charge runs along completely different lines. The simple point is that Walras failed to recognize the key role played by demand in the Ricardian system. Marshall was well aware of this characteristic and went out of his way to make the point in his defense of Ricardo against the strictures of Walras, W.S. Jevons, Carl Menger and others. Marshall, in fact, found Ricardo’s formulation preferable to that of Jevons, who “substitutes a catena of causes for mutual causation.” Ricardo’s doctrine “though unsystematic and open to many objections, seems to be more philosophic in principle and closer to the actual facts of life.” Unfortunately, “Jevons’s criticisms of Ricardo achieved some apparently unfair dialectical triumphs, by assuming that Ricardo thought of value as governed by cost of production without reference to demand”—a “misconception of Ricardo … doing great harm in 1872,” and one, we may add, still prevalent a century later.
In the light of these and related considerations it would appear that the contrasts between Ricardian and neo-classical procedures are not such as to justify the notion of a “dual development” or two separate streams of nineteenth-century thought. To say this is not, however, to suggest an identity of procedure and certainly not an identity of preoccupation. It is to suggest rather the sharing of a common heritage or “central core,” which amounts largely to allocation theory and mechanisms of demand-supply analysis.
I turn next to Marx. As noted above, the conception of a solution to distribution prior to pricing characterizes much of the literature relating to Marx. I believe that the same kind of argument that I have made against this interpretation in Ricardo’s case applies here also: the relationship between distribution and pricing that Marx had in mind was precisely that which characterizes standard Ricardian theory. And in Marx’s case too the erroneous interpretation flows both from the attribution to him of a fixed-wage assumption and from a methodological complexity that almost precisely parallels that discussed above regarding Ricardian procedure.
The problem flows from the organization of Capital in terms of a sequence of volumes, the first based on the labor theory and the third based on prices of production—the famous “transformation” procedure—that suggests a solution to distribution in the “value” scheme priorto pricing. But Marx was concerned here, I would argue, with the “interpretation” of the source and nature of nonwage income and not with process analysis. The causal linkages of his system, particularly the distribution-pricing nexus, turn out to be identical with those of Ricardo’s system. Specifically, the rate of surplus value or “exploitation” (which implies the wage rate) and the profit rate are both treated by Marx as variables (not as data in the analysis of pricing), whose levels are yielded as part of a general-equilibrium solution. There is no way of ruling out the potential effect of changes in the pattern of demand for final goods upon the rate of surplus value and thus upon profits.
The rationale for Marx’s precise procedural exposition in Capital is of particular interest. In general terms, Marx operated on the methodological rule that “all science would be superfluous if the outward appearance and the essence of things directly coincided.” To have outlined orthodox analysis first would have been handing. hostage to fortune; the ground had to be safely prepared to assure that readers would not draw “erroneous” conclusions from observation of the characteristics of the competitive general-equilibrium system. Marx had in mind primarily the source of profits. He isolated this source in surplus labor time—by which he implied that the capitalist had a “personally functionless role.” My main point is, however, that Marx in no way intended a causal dependency of the price scheme upon values.
It would seem, then, that there is on the side of demand a certain magnitude of definite social wants which require for their satisfaction a definite quantity of a commodity on the market. But quantitatively, the definite social wants are very elastic and changing. Their fixedness is only apparent. If the means of subsistence were cheaper, or money-wages higher the labourers would buy more of them, and a greater social need would arise for them, leaving aside the paupers, etc., whose ‘demand’ is even below the narrowest limits of their physical wants … The limits within which the need for commodities in the market, the demand, differs quantitatively from the actual social need, naturally vary considerably for different commodities; what I mean is the difference between the demanded quantity of commodities and the quantity which would have been in demand at other money-prices or other money or living conditions of the buyers.
Marx, on my reading, is a “Ricardian” theorist. By contrast, Sraffa is not. In Ricardo’s scheme, re-establishment of an equilibrium system of relative prices following (for example) a variation in wages occurs by way of changes in output (allowing for the condition of equality between quantities demanded and supplied in commodity markets). In Sraffa’s model, by contrast, there is no process analysis: re-establishment of equilibrium following a disturbance requires that the condition of profit-rate equality be satisfied, but nothing is said about the mechanism of adjustment; indeed, marginal adjustments are positively ruled out. The condition is, as it were, simply a mathematical prerequisite. Sraffa, unlike Ricardo, thus turned his back on Smithian process analysis. According to process analysis, re-establishment of equilibrium entails reactions by capitalists to profit-rate differentials, and they are manifested in expansions or contractions of the various industries.
The choice of the wage as the independent variable in the preliminary stages [of Sraffa’s work] was due to its being there regarded as consisting of specified necessaries determined by the physiological or social conditions which are independent of prices or the rate of profits. But as soon as the possibility of variations in the division of the product is admitted, this consideration loses much of its force. And when the wage is to be regarded as ‘given’ in terms of a more or less abstract standard, and does not acquire a definite meaning until the prices of commodities are determined, the position is reversed. The rate of profits, as a ratio, has a significance which is independent of any prices, and can well be ‘given’ before the prices are fixed. It is accordingly susceptible of being determined from outside the system of production, in particular by the level of the money rates of interest.
I should think it of little importance whether the profits of stock or the wages of labour, were taxed. By taxing the profits of stock, you would probably alter the rate at which the funds for the maintenance of labour increase, and wages would be disproportioned to the state of that fund, by being too high. By taxing wages, the reward paid to the labourer would also be disproportioned to the state of that fund, by being too low. In the one case, by a fall, and in the other by a rise of money wages, the natural equilibrium between profits and wages would be restored.
I conclude that Sraffian theory stands apart from the Ricardian tradition.
A careful study of the reception of Ricardo’s theorem on distribution shows that a firm and positive impression was left on the work of a number of authors normally regarded as “dissenters”par excellence—including T.R. Malthus, Samuel Bailey, Robert Torrens and Mountifort Longfield. This was the case despite their frequent formal criticisms of Ricardo and his followers and their declared objective to break new ground, or at least to refute the merit of Ricardo’s divergencies from the Wealth of Nations. It is also clear that the current practice of minimizing the adherence of J.R. McCulloch, J.S. Mill and Thomas De Quincey to Ricardianism—placing them in Smith’s camp as far as concerns the theory of value and distribution—is unjustified.
On the whole, the quality of the dissenting literature is disappointing. Much of the work reflects nothing but an unwillingness or inability torecognize different possible meanings of a word when used by different writers, or by the same writer in different contexts. The literature is also replete with sham controversy regarding the “cause” of various phenomena such as rent and values. This reflects, in turn, a failure to distinguish between the data and the variables of a model, and between interdependent, atemporal and nonsequential models and temporal, sequential models.
If substantive matters relating to the fundamental theorem on distribution and its foundation in value theory are isolated, it then becomes clear that there was no rapid decline in Ricardo’s authority. His revisions of Smithian theory constituted by and large a “success” in terms of acceptance by his immediate successors. These conclusions regarding the longevity of the basic Ricardian theory will appear less surprising than on a first view if we bear in mind that the relativity dimension of value—reflecting the mechanisms of allocative adjustment—played a key role in Ricardian procedure. Ricardo was attempting to correct Smith on the latter’s home ground.
That the Ricardians—even Ricardo himself in the earlier cases—were able to see eye to eye with much of the apparently critical work on value by “dissenters” can be easily accounted for. Ricardo did not envisage his cost of production theory as an alternative to supply-demand analysis. On the other hand, the majority of “dissenters” continued to emphasize the cost determination of price. This is true of Bailey and Longfield, both of whom spoke of production costs as the main consideration in price determination. Longfield’s analysis of changes in relative prices emphasized, as did Ricardo, variations of the labor input; and here too was seen to lie the justification of a labor measure.
What, however, of W.F. Lloyd’s famous contribution to marginal utility? In this context the recent researches of Dr. Marian Bowley are particularly pertinent. As she puts the matter, “no revolutionary significance” was attached to discussions of the law of diminishing marginal utility and related conceptions. Moreover, “these contributions did not affect the main classical conclusions as to the nature of market and natural prices and their determination.” This is quite convincing. While Ricardo’s main interests lay in long-run price determination, his economics hinged upon the operation of the competitive mechanism involving demand-supply analysis. His rejection of demand-supply theory did not apply to the particular version elaborated by Longfield, and Longfield himself appreciated Ricardo’s objections to the “indefinite” and “vague” expression “proportion between the demand and supply” as unhelpful in the prediction of market price. Furthermore, Lloyd’s analysis of marginal utility is not inconsistent with a cost or even a labor theory, and was not so envisaged by Lloyd himself: “if labour becomes more effective, so that commodities of all kinds shall be produced in a degree of abundance greater in proportion to the wants of mankind, all sorts of commodities, though exchangeable in the same proportions as before for each other, could be said to have become less valuable.” This statement is quite consistent with a cost or labor theory of exchange value.
To what extent may the conception of interest as a return to “abstinence” developed by G.P. Scrope, Samuel Read and Nassau Senior be interpreted as a sharp break with Ricardian procedures? To what extent would Ricardo have objected to an analysis of the precise nature of the savings supply function? The conception in Ricardo’s work of profits as residual is, I believe, little more than a formal consequence of the implicit presumption that the only contractual payment is that made to labor. There can be no doubt that Ricardo recognized the necessity of interest in the limiting case. More importantly, he took into account the effect of a declining profit rate on accumulation. It is true that he gave no name to the effect, but it is by no means certain that he would have objected to the investigation of the time preference notion that the so-called “dissenters” insisted upon. John Stuart Mill found no difficulty in subscribing at one and the same time to the inverse wage-profit relationship and to the abstinence conception.
It is true that as one illustration of what he called Mill’s “eclectic syncretism” Marx referred to the fact that Mill “accepts on the one hand Ricardo’s theory of profit, and annexes on the other Senior’s ‘remuneration of abstinence.’ He is as much at home in absurd contraditions as he feels at sea in the Hegelian contradiction, the source of all dialectic.” But there does not appear to be good reason in logic to avoid the simultaneous adoption of a concept of profit envisaged as a formal residual arising from surplus labor time, and the abstinence theory; the one is the basis for investment demand, while the other relates to capital-supply conditions and contributes therefore to the actual determination of surplus labor time. Marx did not succeed in his fundamental objective to demonstrate, by his preliminary formulation in Capital of a value structure, that the capitalist has a personally functionless role.
What, finally, of the widespread application of market demand-supply analysis to long-run wage determination, as for example by Malthus, Longfield, Torrens, Read, Scrope and Senior? Here, too, there occurred no break-away. The story would be a different one were it the case, as is apparently quite generally believed, that the subsistence wage played a key role in Ricardo’s work, not only in the context of his growth model but also in basic applications such as wage taxation. But this is far from an accurate perspective. Ricardo’s model was a growth model in the true sense—with wages and profits above their respective minima, which become relevant only in the stationary state.
It was Marx’s position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo’s value theory to reach their conclusion regarding labor’s right to the whole produce, they rejected these elements of the Ricardian structure that allowed a positive role to capital. Now, the record suggests that the first part of the argument—at least as far as concerns the works of Piercy Ravenstone, William Thompson and Thomas Hodgskin (the best known of the labor writers of the decade in question)—cannot be substantiated at all: they made no use whatever of Ricardo’s labor theory. Hodgskin (unlike the others) did, however, use other aspects of the doctrine—the inverse profit-wage relation, the subsistence wage and the differential rent conception. But his usage, it can be shown, was an ironical one; he himself was unconvinced by their merit. There is more to the second strand to Marx’s case—the socialist critique of the positive role attributed to capital by Ricardo. Yet Marx understates the strength of the “socialist” objections. The fact is that it is difficult to imagine a stronger critic of Ricardianism than Hodgskin. He condemned it as an apologia for the institutional status quo—a defense of the capitalist as well as landlord. He read it as a justification for the contemporary distribution of income; and on his reading, it failed to bring to light class conflicts. Last, he rejected its pessimistic underpinnings even as characteristic of contemporary society. Hodgskin’s opposition is quite evident despite the formal use that he made on occasion of aspects of Ricardian theory.
The vehement anti-Ricardianism of the labor writers—particularly Hodgskin—makes it very difficult to believe that the dissenters could have reacted against a dangerous use of the orthodox doctrine for socialistic ends. We must not, of course, entirely rely upon circumstantial evidence, particularly in the light of passages that, taken in isolation, indicate a dependence on certain Ricardian conceptions (though positively not Ricardian value theory). It is always possible that the dissenters failed to recognize the hostility towards Ricardian doctrine on the part of the labor writers. I can, however, find no evidence that any link was defined such as that specified by the Marxian historians. The position that labor is responsible for all wealth was attributed by Samuel Read to Ricardo, Smith and Hodgskin. But, while Smith was treated less harshly than either Hodgskin or Ricardo, no relationship whatsoever is drawn between the latter two, who are treated apart. G. Poullet Scrope included Malthus in his list of culprits as well as Smith, Ricardo, and Hodgskin. Richard Whately directed his critical attention at McCulloch and James Mill for their reduction of capital to accumulated labor and their opinion that “time is a mere word,” but neither he nor Scrope linked the socialists with Ricardian theory. Mountifort Longfield, who also alluded to Hodgskin, also does not suggest any such connection. To the extent that the dissenters believed that Ricardo’s analysis of value (particularly as interpreted by McCulloch and James Mill) justified the notion of interest as an “exploitation” income, their objections did not follow from any dangerous use that they believed the socialists were making of the theory.
And it happens (though certainly not with any intentional sanction from so upright a man as David Ricardo) that in no instance has the policy of gloomy disorganising Jacobinism, fitfully reviving from age to age, received any essential aid from science, excepting in this one painful corollary from Ricardo’s triad of chapters on Rent, Profit and Wages … . The class of landlords, they urge, is the merest realisation of a scriptural idea—unjust men reaping where they have not sown. They prosper … by the ruin of the fraternal classes associated with themselves on the land … . The noblest order of men amongst us, our landed aristocracy, is treated as the essential scourge of all orders beside.
The supposed connection did not lead De Quincey to seek for an alternative structure.
I come now to a feature of the record that on first sight may seem an extraordinary paradox. Scrope—the first of the abstinence writers—was fundamentally opposed to Ricardianism because that doctrine, he believed, lent itself to social apologetics and this, in part, because of its neglect of the implications of income distribution for social welfare. (The same can be said of Read.) Scrope, in short, was a reformer who saw in orthodox doctrine a rock upon which proposals for social improvement must inevitably be destroyed. The parallels between Scrope and William Thompson, in their attitudes to Ricardo, are quite remarkable. Longfield, too, adopted for his time an exceptionally progressive position. To this extent Marx’s interpretation seems to be the exact reverse of the actual course of events.
The record is a complex one indeed. We must make allowance for the fact that Longfield cannot be classified as a thoroughgoing opponent of Ricardo. He retained enough of the Ricardian framework for it to be more accurate to say that he actually used the orthodox doctrine in making his reply to the radicals; and this he did partly by interpreting it in a manner that avoided the criticism that it portrayed a picture of class warfare, and partly by his analytical innovations.
Their notions about property look ugly; they not only desire that it should have nothing to do with representation, which is true, though not a truth for the present time, as they ought to see, but they seem to think that it should not exist, and that the existence of it is an evil to them. Rascals, I have no doubt, are at work among them … . The fools, not to see that what they madly desire would be such a calamity to them as no hands but their own could bring upon them.
The nonsense to which your Lordship alludes about the rights of the labourer to the whole produce of the country, wages, profits and rent, all included, is the mad nonsense of our friend Hodgskin which he has published as a system, and propagates with the zeal of perfect fanaticism … . These opinions, if they were to spread, would be the subversion of civilized society; worse than the revolutionary deluge of Huns and Tartars.
Clearly there is no self-evident relationship between a body of economic theory and the social attitudes of the economist subscribing to it. All the evidence so far presented points to this conclusion. I close my argument by observing that the existence of positive contributions to theory on the part of some of the labor writers carries the same implication. This is very apparent in Thompson’s case. His discussion of value involves an impressive number of “non-Ricardian” features. For example, the conceptions of differential land use, alternative cost, and scarcity value are discussed. He defines and uses the principle of diminishing marginal utility together with the principle of increasing marginal disutility of effort, in an attempt to define an equilibrium wage rate. It is also used in calculating the efforts of income redistribution. The significance of free exchange is clearly expressed in utility terms: “All voluntary exchanges of the articles of wealth, implying a preference, on both sides, of the things received to the thing given, tend to increase the happiness from wealth, and thence to increase the motives to its production.” While labor is said to be the sole measure of value, it is not an accurate measure in the light of changes in preference patterns over time. This leads Thompson to conclude that to seek an accurate measure of wealth is “to hunt after a shadow”—as clear-cut a criticism as any by Bailey. In Hodgskin’s case, what stands out is his emphasis upon synchronized activity. In an Economist review of 1854, this is elaborated in terms of the mutual exchange of valuable services. These conceptions, when found in the dissenting literature, are often seen as indicating, in some sense, an apologetic justification of free-enterprise capitalism.
This essay is pulled from Literature of Liberty, September 1979 issue. | 2019-04-19T12:47:05Z | https://www.libertarianism.org/publications/essays/economics-ideology-aspects-post-ricardian-literature |
‘Freedom’ and so-called ‘democracy’ never come without bloodshed. It is an indefatigable truth about revolutions. It is as true for the people in Ukraine now as it was for the Romanian people who ‘spontaneously’ rose up to overthrow an ‘evil’ dictator who had led them into poverty and terror with his absolute totalitarianism.
Or was it a ‘spontaneous’ uprising?
Over a thousand people died in Romania in December 1989. In Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution, filmmaker Susanne Brandstätter shows how the Romanian revolution was strictly a managed operation, controlled from the outside – just as it was in the overthrow of democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran in 1953. The strategies used ranged from anti-Ceaucescu propaganda to the organized training of civilians as armed revolutionaries. While Mossadegh was overthrown because he nationalised Iranian oil and sent the British packing, Ceaucescu was eliminated because he thwarted the unity of Europe and the definitive collapse of communism. By understanding what happened in Romania, the same strategy can easily be seen in Ukraine as well.
Checkmate reconstructs the events leading up to the revolution, Ceaucescu’s downfall, and execution. It shows the cruel geo-political game that had little to do with the well-being of the Romanian people and opens with a young man who is killed by a sniper’s bullet as he arrives home. What for? The coup has already successfully taken place and his parents struggle to solve the puzzle.
In the same way that the Americans supported Saddam Hussein when it suited their interests to do so (Reagan and Bush Senior covertly provided Saddam with millions of dollars in aid for Iraq’s war against Iran), Romania’s dictator was celebrated in the West as the only Warsaw Pact country leader to oppose the Soviet invasion of Prague. Aid flowed into the country. Then, when Ceaucescu stood in the way of the unification of Europe, the United States declared that he was a cruel dictator, and organised a revolution to free the Romanian people from his oppression.
Dominique Fonvielle, former secret agent with the French secret service, the DGSE (La Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) spoke candidly in the documentary about the role of Western intelligence operatives in destabilizing the Romanian population. After the CIA-led overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran, which was a first for them, they developed a blueprint to topple other governments. The events that took place in Romania in 1989 and in Ukraine recently, have all the markings of this CIA blueprint.
Checkmate: Strategy of a Revolution can be viewed below in six parts. Following this is a transcript of what Dominique Fonvielle revealed about how to start a revolution. This is followed by a transcript of the English subtitles used in Checkmate, part-by-part.
What Dominique Fonvielle revealed in Checkmate about how to start a revolution.
Dominique Fonvielle: How do you set up a revolution? I believe the first step would be to locate the enemy forces in a given country. It is sufficient to have highly effective intelligence service to determine which people are credible enough and have enough influence at their hands, to destabilize the population, to the disadvantage of the ruling regime.
Second point: One has to initiate an effective propaganda action from abroad, which tries to prove that this regime is in fact, hated by everyone, that it stands at the edge of the nations, that it has no right to call itself a liberal state and one has to show that the opposition movements that would come into existence, are legitimate.
The third point would be to prepare the future head of state, as one would have to replace the leader of the former regime. You have to prepare him. He must assume office in a natural way, which means that he must be one of the leaders of an opposition movement or he must be generally accepted by these movements. It also has to be someone who’s dissatisfied, having lived in exile for twenty years, who then arrives with foreign trucks or with an aircraft of special forces that carry out the first steps of destabilization. He must be convincing, otherwise he can hardly make an appearance, or even build up a credible government.
The circumstances need to be prepared and eventually coordinated to spark a revolution. Therefore, these circumstances can be very different. The intelligence agency will work with information which would make a scenario seem credible, even though the information as such may be simply fabricated. In the case of Romania, I wouldn’t say that the first demonstration of Timisoara was staged. But there were happenings, in which the way things progressed were completely staged.
There were the people who just provoked, but what about the special forces?
Oh, you’re very well informed… It is interesting that the right information always reach the public in the end. Yes, there were operations that were carried out by special forces, but I don’t think the majority of the people in these camps were trained this way. I think the most important part of their training was showing them how to influence other people and to prepare plans for the attack.
Robert Baer: For the covert operations you can train people. The special forces can train foreigners. The CIA can train them to use weapons as it was done in Cuba or in other places. All this paramilitary stuff is just a training.
Was this possible back then in Romania?
Dominique Fonvielle: Yes. It was carried out by the countries bordering Romania, from Hungary. We’ve mentioned the training camps in Hungary and Germany, sure, but at the time of the action, the people must be planted on site and you probably realise that you can’t smuggle in hundreds of people, but maybe a dozen.
One will force the current regime to react in a brutal manner so that the opposition would show itself and the masses start moving, and in this very moment the neighbouring country comes to assist them on humanitarian or political grounds. Then these allies make sure to restore the stability. They guarantee security and then finally allow the new government to take over the power with a head of state who is respected and regarded by the opposition as fit for the task.
In the overthrow of the Romanian dictator Ceaucescu in 1989 by a popular uprising, everything seemed to happen by itself. The people were fed up with his absolute totalitarianism, and were plagued by poverty and terror.
Jozef Keleman: He decorated the Christmas tree the day before. We’ve repaired his bike that evening. I had a day off just then. And as I got up around nine and went to the balcony, I could hear the shooting going on and immediately asked where my kids were. In that very moment when he came in, as he opened the door, it must have been prepared.
Ilona Keleman (daughter): He was hit in his left temple with a precision rifle. Shot with a rifle. The question is: Who had such a sniper rifle? It couldn’t have been a soldier that just started shooting around or someone who just got his hands on a rifle. But the one who used this rifle could handle it, and could handle it professionally.
Ilona and her father took him to the hospital, but it was too late.
Narrator: Why did 1104 people die in December 1989? The other countries of the Eastern Bloc likewise suffered from these oppressive regimes but witnessed the turn of events without bloodshed. What is so different about Romania? Nicoli Ceaucescu.
Since his rise to power in 1965, Ceaucescu pushes for a non-aligned route in his country. He reinforces Romania’s independence from Moscow, and establishes a nationally formed communist government. Skilfully he appeals to the people’s national pride and gains more and more popularity.
In 1969 Ceaucescu is the only leader of a country from the Warsaw pact who is opposed to the Soviet invasion of Prague and is celebrated because he had the courage to defy the Kremlin. The West rewards him with credits. The 70s are a time of economic rise. But in the 80s everything changes. Being opposed to perestroika *, Ceaucescu rejects Gorbachev’s reforms, making his country an outsider. Isolated from East and West, he pushes the people of Romania towards and abyss of misery. Towards the world Ceaucescu plays the role of a mighty man and lets the people pay for his megalomania. Blinded by the surrounding cult of personality that he built up around himself and his wife Helena, he realises the danger of the situation too late as by that time he is a thorn in Moscow’s as well as Washington’s side. Europe’s unity is at stake, which is the basic requirement for Germany’s reunification within the NATO and America’s goal. At the end of the year 1989, Ceaucescu is an obstacle and there isn’t much time to act.
Miklós Németh: So that’s why it was important to clear the road of those such as Ceaucescu, who kept this process from taking place. So from the point of view of the two sides of Europe being united, the presence of voice of dictators like Ceaucescu would have made the process much more difficult and miserable. So from this point of view, the road was paved as soon as he was gone.
Robert Hutchings (National Security Council of U.S.A. 1989-1992 – Director for European Affairs) And there was the calculation, the estimation that a strong American role in Europe would be an advantage from all perspectives and that this role would be even more important than the reunification of Europe itself. Yes, even more important than the strengthening of Europe’s integration and by all means more important than the end of the Soviet threat. We considered that the reunification of Germany and the unification of Europe could be achieved in a way that would secure America’s leading role in Europe even though its role might decline in the future.
Narrator: Opponents of the regime find intent listeners in the West. Secret agents, disguised as diplomats, locate, contact, and accompany dissidents such as the university professor, Doina Cornea.
Narrator: Romania and its neighbour Hungary have historically tense relations. The main controversial subjects are territorial claims of seven areas and the rights of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Western secret services made use of this conflict. They organised Ceausescu’s opponents in Hungary and Romania into a network. A Hungarian dissident, Enikö Bollobás, had close contacts with the so-called “diplomats” of the CIA.
Enikö Bollobás: These people made a point that it was not a nationalist organisation, that they wanted to unite everyone who was anti-Ceausescu and pro-democracy. They managed to recruit these prominent Romanian intellectuals. Writers, thinkers, philosophers and scientists. Those were the times, you know, when you would meet these diplomats under the bridges at midnight and come up with all sorts of cover stories. This little network in Romania managed to keep something cooking to prepare a climate, which would then, at least, give the context for the overthrowing of Ceausescu.
Narrator: The congregation of the Calvinist Pastor László Tökés is situated in the Romanian town Timisoara. Tökés is a representative of the Hungarian minority and is one of the first to raise his voice against Ceausescu. The proximity to Hungary and Yugoslavia made it easier for him to make his protests public.
László Tökés: We had a good possibility to get in touch with the West. As clergymen we always had visitors. My father was a professor of theology and a representative bishop. We found the only way, the sole possibility in such difficult times to make our problems known to clergymen, ambassadors, Hungarians, Canadians, the U.S.A and so on.
Narrator: Tökés gets more and more interesting to the secret services. As a pastor he can influence many people, so he was to become more well known in the West and in Romania to underline his credibility. In order to achieve this, the ARD correspondent at the time and an intelligence expert, Dagobert Lindlau, was supposed to interview Tökés. Lindlau refuses to do so.
Dagobert Lindlau: A Western intelligence agency was very much interested in this and I had the strong suspicion, a founded suspicion, that then intelligence agency wanted to demonstrate to Romanian dissidents that they had sufficient control of the media to record and broadcast this.
It was important to choose a positive figure because of the public opinion. And in the eyes and minds of the ordinary people, a priest would be well fit for the role. And that’s why, you know, the people around him and those who started this process did a very thorough analysis of who this person might turn out to be. Someone, who would have the support of the people, or the bulk of society. So that was an absolutely good decision at the time.
Narrator: New York, headquarters of the Hungarian Human Rights Foundation. Since the 70s, László Hamos is fighting for the rights of the Hungarian minorities. IN the 80s he coordinated a network in Romania and Hungary from here and informed the West of Ceausescu’s wrongdoings.
László Hamos: We had daily information that was unbeatable regarding their effects. This conspiratorial network kept functioning until the end of 1989. One of the chief participants was a young clergyman of Hungarian origin, László Tökés.
Narrator: Information smuggled out of the country turns out to be a powerful weapon against Ceausescu. Broadcasted into Romania be external radio and TV stations, they generate discontent and trouble. László Hamos even finances the travel of a Canadian television team to Romania to record an interview with Pastor Tökés inside his church.
Tökés: In March 1989 I succeeded to give an interview. This interview was broadcast on Hungarian television in June, 1989 and it marked the beginning of the end.
Dominique Fonvielle: Second point: One has to initiate and effective propaganda action from abroad, which tries to prove that this regime is in fact, hated by everyone, that it stands at the edge of the nations, that it has no right to call itself a liberal state and one has to show, that the opposition movements that would come into existence, are legitimate.
Charles Cogan, CIA Chief in Paris, 1989: If you’re going to lay the groundwork for action in a foreign country, you have to try and condition, train the population. Propaganda is very important for this. One can use “black” propaganda which seems to come from a national group of dissidents, but which is, in fact, fabricated abroad. One can broadcast programs that seem to be made by a group of dissidents, which strengthens the importance of this group in the eyes of the population.
It is broadcast in Romanian and is supposed to make the opposition groups better known in the country. At the same time, Radio Free Europe broadcasts reports from Romania to the West. It was easy for the intelligence agencies to manipulate information and fabricate stories. To influence the masses, the dissidents who vent their anger at Ceausescu and want the public to know about are used. As soon as it became known that Ceausescu wants to demolish seven thousand Romanian villages, Doina Cornea was the first to raise her voice.
Doina Cornea: I wrote a very important text when Ceausescu wanted to destroy the villages. As a response, Radio Free Europe asked: Who wants to sign Cornea’s text? That was pure nonsense, they were living in the free world, but for us, such things were impossible!
Narrator: More and more people hear about the destruction plan. Now they say, fifteen thousand villages are to be razed, mostly those of the Hungarian and German minority. The protest from abroad increases, as expected….
Robert Lindlau: It wasn’t as the West portrayed it. The West wanted it to look as if the entire villages have fallen victim to a “bulldozer policy,” as it was called back then, but that was not the case. The village Gottlob was supposed to have been completely levelled. I went there and Gottlob was still there… All of these stories, first the exaggerations towards the good of a bad dictator and then the exaggeration towards the absolute devilish, such as a “second Hitler” and such, that was all the result of a policy, the likes of which I hardly ever witnessed.
Narrator: In the West, Ceausescu’s image loses more and more of its glamour. Nevertheless, discontent in Romania spreads slowly even though the megalomaniac dictator is more exposed to critique from the West. The village destruction propaganda is joined by reports about human rights violations, some truthful, others completely exaggerated. But in 1988, the people are still not ready for a revolt. The time still hasn’t come.
Ceausescu. Not long ago the United States considered him an ally inside the Eastern Bloc, and a welcome trade partner.
Stelian Tanase: They forgot to say that he was a dictator. But after ’85 they remembered it very well after they started to negotiate directly with Gorbachev. Suddenly they realised that Ceausescu was finished. They discovered how much blood he had on his hands. They realised that he was starting to destroy Romania.
Narrator: László Hamos strongly contributes to the actual shift in public opinion against Ceausescu.
László Hamos: When we started our activities, the alleged good in Central Europe used to be the outcast Ceausescu. And the supposed evil, as it was portrayed in many lead articles in the New York Times in the 70s was everything that threatened the territorial integrity of Romania, including the Hungarian minority. It was an unbelievably tedious process to completely reverse public opinion about him, so that the minority was regarded as the good, being persecuted by an aggressive terrorist-style government.
Narrator: László Hamos and others are simultaneously lobbying the congress. Ceausescu is only allowed to receive credits or financial aid if he is willing to undertake reforms. Nevertheless, the Romanian dictator does not allow himself to be pressured and starts paying off his foreign debts. By April 1989 the country is debt free and the people are broke.
Robert Hutchings: He was forced to choose between the pest and the cholera. He could still get credits from the West at the price of reforms that would have eventually led to the fall of his regime or repay the credits and thus worsen the economic situation in a manner that would also cause his regime to fall.
Christopher Smith (Ambassador? US Congress): Part of pulling the plug was reducing international and US support for debt reduction that was a sort of a lifeline for Ceausescu’s economy which accelerated his loss of power. You can’t continue to build castles of self-gratification and ruin people in the process, which is what happened in Romania without foreign currency. So the man that we, the US government, have built and backed up without a second thought was becoming an outlaw, a disaster for public relations. Everyone, even here on Capitol Hill, was beginning to say that Ceausescu was a monster. Many people had photos of him in their offices, of them shaking his had with a broad grin. Suddenly, these pictures were taken down and put into the “round filing cabinet,” the dustbin. This spoke louder than words. His days were numbered.
Dominique Fonvielle: The third point would be to prepare the future head of state as one would have to replace the leader of the former regime. You have to prepare him. He must assume office in a natural way, which means that he must be one of the leaders of an opposition movement or he must be generally accepted by these movements. It also has to be someone who’s dissatisfied, having lived in exile for twenty years, who then arrives with foreign trucks or with an aircraft of special forces that carry out the first steps of destabilization. He must be convincing, otherwise he can hardly make an appearance, or even build up a credible government.
Narrator: The presidential palace. Before, it used to be the summer residence of the dictator. Now, Ion Iliescu, the president of Romania, holds his office here. Once a high ranking member of the party with a steep career path until he criticised the dictator. Even before the fall of Ceausescu, Iliescu was known in Washington.
Enikö Bollobás: Because he came from the internal opposition, and because they had dealings with him before as well, they knew him and how he would react to certain things, what his limits would be… He would be a predictable person for the Americans to have dealings with.
Stelian Tanase: I heard for the first time his name on Radio Free Europe as a possible successor of Ceausescu, a kind of Dubcek figure. A possible transformer of Romanian communism or something like this.
Narrator: The national interests of Hungary and the U.S. were equal, especially as far as Romania was concerned. Ceausescu is an obstacle to the European reunification and therefore a threat to Hungary’s further process of reformation.
Miklós Németh, Minister prasident von Ungarn: Recognising your interest is always difficult, especially under very insecure circumstances. The beauty of politics and an alert mind is in recognising someone’s interests in time and also taking the right steps into the right direction. That’s the core of real politics and I’m really happy and proud of these days and years to be able to assess…analyse, assess and make those decisions.
Gheorghe Ratiu: The more Ceausescu spoke about reforms, about adjusting Marxism to reality, the more dogmatic he became. He was scared of these reforms. The regime became even more anachronistic, more repressive, and because of this, one must become more active.
Miklós Németh: We offered a lot of help to them, even weaponry and ammunition. We’ve tried to influence the key figures. In some departments and ministries, we were able to find good people, who very cleverly managed to support other people inside the Romanian regime. Some of these figures key positions spoke Hungarian fluently. Stanculescu was a general at the time. He was working in the central planning bureau, and afterwards in an important ministry, where his work dealt with the economy. In front of the delegation, he didn’t say a word in Hungarian, of course, but away from the wiretaps we communicated in a reasonable way.
Victor Atanase Stanculescu: It is very interesting that I didn’t have any connections to any groups that worked against Ceausescu, not to those who seemed to work for him, but conspired against. But I sympathised without having a direct connection. My position in the army didn’t allow for the latter.
Charles Cogan: It is the function of the CIA abroad to stay in contact with all the elements. This means, with the government as well as the opposition. Contact persons also come from the opposition. They seek to contact the CIA or American diplomats and say that they are dissatisfied with the government, since it does all sorts of bad things, and we’d like to change this situation. And depending on, theoretically that is, whether Washington or our allies approve of this, we keep on doing it, and support this dissident group through hidden channels.
Victor Atanase Stanculescu: The dissident group, of course, had contacts in the army and was able to carry out a military coup in that way.
Dominique Fonvielle: The circumstances need to be prepared and eventually coordinated to spark a revolution. Therefore, these circumstances can be very different. The intelligence agency will work with information which would make a scenario seem credible, even though the information as such may be simply fabricated. In the case of Romania, I wouldn’t say that the first demonstration of Timisoara was staged. But there were happenings, in which the way things progressed that were completely staged.
Narrator: Danut Gavra hears of László Tökés’ protest through Radio Free Europe. He wants to show his support and goes out into the street on December 15 to join the protests.
László Tökés: On the 15th December, as the protests commenced, two affiliates of the American Embassy wanted to visit me to investigate my situation. They were standing in front of our church and they we re not allowed to enter.
Narrator: With coordinated support, the spark finally sets off the masses. On December 17, thousands of people protest in the streets of Timisoara.
Danut Gavra: Here at the cathedral, to be more precise, behind the cathedral, we organised ourselves. Later on there was a gentleman with a white beard who told us what to do. We didn’t know who he was and he urged us on. After Mihai Viteazu Bridge, he took over the organisation. Then, our group, led by the white bearded man, went towards Pestalozzi Street. I was one of those who held him up while he was speaking, and he said the following: “Brothers, there are dead and wounded in the centre.” Half of us, to the left, were to go to the centre to aid our brothers. At the Decebel Bridge, I saw a group of soldiers waiting for us in fighting position. We started shouting, “No violence! No violence!” There was no warning. They fired straight into the crowd without firing a single warning shot. I flew some three metres though the air and lost consciousness. When I came around, I was surrounded by dead and wounded. The bloody price of Timisoara.
Narrator: There are supposed to be 4,000 victims, some of which are put on display. In reality, this is also a fraud, as old autopsy marks reveal.
Gheorghe Ratiu: In Romanian Brasov, there used to be a similar movement in November 1987, but since nobody died, the people calmed down again. And when repeating this, one must bear in mind, that if not enough people die, if not enough blood flows, the people will never stand up for themselves.
8:15 – These are not the victims of the revolution, these people here. You can see, if you look at them, that the bodies have been cut open. Who has killed these people? Also the Securitate? Some replies: No, they just died!
Narrator: Radio Free Europe broadcasts hourly reports, underlined with the sounds of shots and screams. The crowds are also enraged by specially trained provocateurs.
Gheorghe Ratiu: The Securitate had information and purposely infiltrated these Western camps.
Unknown narrators: There was a camp in Germany, in Zirndorf, another one close to Vienna, one at Traiskirchen, one in Budapest, and another in Hungary, in Bicske, 40 kilometres towards Austria in the former barracks. Here people were trained in guerrilla tactics. The units had the sole purpose of creating unrest among the population and were trained in order to initiate the rebellion. Even though all these camps were in Germany, Austria or Hungary, the instructors were all Americans.
Miklós Németh: The Germans, the Americans, in Austria, in the south of Germany and a few other countries, also took part in training the right people. We were aware of that at the time and did our bit in the process.
Ion Iliescu: Radio Free Europe had reports about me. I was under heavy surveillance from the Securitate, and despite Ceausescu being my enemy or maybe even because of that, I became more popular than before. And for this reason, many people put their hopes in me. The entire population was dissatisfied with the deteriorating living conditions in the country and they were wondering: Who could influence the changes in the country?
Narrator: Friends in the CIA initiate a unique diplomat, Enikö Bollobás, in all kinds of interims, though not always in plain language.
Robert Baer: The CIA has many successes…but you don’t speak about successes. So you’ve only heard about failures.
Ion Iliescu: They knew nothing about me, not Bush, nor Gorbachev.
Charles Cogan: You have to have a substitute for government that will take power and this government must place its squads among the population to influence it. When you destroy the old infrastructure you have to have something to replace it.
Narrator: Washington’s goal is the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc regimes and bringing the cold war to an end to their own benefit. Already in May 1989, Bush and his advisors already see the opportunity and the events in Germany progress much faster than expected. That’s why Germany’s reunification has the higher priority and becomes the driving force for all other decisions. But Francois Mitterrand and Margaret Thatcher Are opposed. Their requirements: Germany can be unified only when Western and Eastern Europe are unified first. America is closer to its goal as the Berlin Wall collapses.
Question asked of Dominique Fonvielle: There were the people who just provoked, but what about the special forces?
Dominique Fonvielle: Oh, you’re very well informed… It is interesting that the right information always reach the public in the end. Yes, there were operations that were carried out by special forces, but I don’t think the majority of the people in these camps were trained this way. I think the most important part of their training was showing them how to influence other people and to prepare plans for the attack.
Milton Bearden (Chief of CIA for Eastern Europe in 1989): Yeah, but they’re saying these were CIA camps? You must make a clear difference, as many actions were supposed to have been carried out by the CIA but I don’t know what story you’ve heard. I don’t mean to say that this is all nonsense but I advise you to proceed with some caution on that. It could be that the CIA supervises these camps or trains the trainers.
Checkmate – How the Game is Played.
Dominique Fonvielle: One will force the current regime to react in a brutal manner so that the opposition would show itself and the masses start moving, and in this very moment the neighbouring country comes to assist them on humanitarian or political grounds. Then these allies make sure to restore the stability. They guarantee security and then finally allow the new government to take over the power with a head of state who is respected and regarded by the opposition as fit for the task.
Narrator: December 20th Ceausescu summons the people of Bucharest to a rally. He considers foreign intelligence agencies responsible for the unrest in Timisoara. The next day, in a live broadcast, the population gets to see an insecure Ceausescu while the shouts from masses can be heard in the background.
Stelian Tanase: This figure of Ceausescu as a father of the country was completely gone after the Timisoara massacre. Everyone who saw him knew he was a dictator with blood on his hands. His image had changed drastically. He now had the image of a murderer, an assassin. When he had started killing his own people, he met his end. He was really badly advised to hold this rally. Or maybe it was the work of the intelligence… Someone seems to have told him, “Let’s gather the people to show you that you’re still popular!” And he agreed.
Miklós Németh: More or less after a week following the initiative of the Hungarian pastor, revolts took place in Bucharest and other large cities. And this was not a coincidence. Definitely not.
Robert Hutchings: There was a revolution at the palace as well as a semi-spontaneous revolution in the streets.
Narrator: On 22nd the protest increases. Shortly after 12 o’clock, Ceausescu flees. When Colonel Ratiu phones the palace from the central committee, it’s already Iliescu who picks up the phone.
Gheorghe Ratiu: Iliescu speaks to me as if we have known each other well and asked: Ratiu, do you know General Stanculescu? Yes… Go to the Ministry of Defence, to the Cabinet of Ministers. I’ll also be there. We’ll hold a conference about establishing an organisational structure to restore order in the country. Interestingly, Iliescu never mentioned that he’s ever had this conversation and that around twelve o’clock he was in the Central Committee.
Narrator: After Ceausescu’s getaway, the masses storm the central committee building, a significant event necessary for the success of the revolution.
Stelian Tanase: At noon the building was full with the people of the streets. At five o’clock, half an hour before Iliescu’s big speech, the building was full of soldiers and the Securitate. In just a few hours we, the people in the streets, have lost the revolution to the internal opposition and the battle along with it.
Narrator: A provisional government is formed, the National Salvation Front, led by Ion Iliescu.
Victor Stanculescu: When Iliescu phoned me at the Ministry of Defence and called me over to the TV station I had no idea that he was actually meant to bring down and replace Ceausescu, to take over the leadership. It wasn’t until later that I heard about it. My decision was therefore independent.
Iliescu: The diversionary actions of terrorists, criminals who want to stand in the way of the new government and to destabilize our society, are the last twitches of a dying, monstrous dictatorship, aimed against the people.
Narrator: It was said that there were sixty thousand dead to deepen the fear of the so-called terrorists. Romanian people are called to protect the revolution against the troops loyal to Ceausescu. After the revolution, military attorney Dan Voinea starts an investigation of the events.
Dan Voinea: We have found out something very astounding in this process. After the 22nd December, 1989, there was a large diversionary manoeuvre. They made up the so-called “terrorists,” which allegedly attacked the population. In reality, according to our research, these terrorists never existed.
Gheorghe Ratiu: In Bucharest, at the beginning of these events, there was a great deal of confusion, as the army, I don’t know by whose orders, started giving out weapons to the civilians. There was the order to occupy the small hills and everyone considered each other terrorists. So they started shooting one another.
Dominique Fonvielle: As long as public safety during a revolution is not guaranteed, one can’t be sure of having a secure grasp on the population. These snipers will keep up the terror, as this keeps the population in a condition where they believe the dictator is still trying to attack them. Because of this, the population will try to bring about the revolution even faster in order to achieve absolute freedom and to eliminate the dictator completely. You have to keep up a certain air of insecurity until the new government is established.
Dan Voinea: He called the courts. He planned and carried out the arrest and execution of the dictators.
Narrator: Targoviste, December 1989. Military attorney, Voinea, was also a chief prosecutor in the Ceausescu case.
Film clip shows Ceausescu and his wife Helena having their hands tied behind their backs. They are both shouting in protest.
Robert Hutchings: You can find different perspectives of the story depending on whom you speak to. But if I put myself back in the situation of December ’89, to be frank about it, the successful breakthrough in Romania was one of the few topics on our minds. German reunification was on our minds. The continuation of positive developments in Central Europe was on our minds. The fate of the Soviet administration and Gorbachev, whom many things still depended on, was on our minds.
Dominique Fonvielle: There was a marriage of convenience between the KGB and the CIA. It is hard to believe, when you look at these two intelligence agencies which are usually sworn enemies and find themselves on opposing sides.
Robert Hutchings: I know that there were a lot of talks about Romania also with the Soviet leaders. We didn’t see our interests in it very differently.
Dominique Fonvielle: They’ll work together simultaneously using the population, the dissidents and Romanian intelligence agencies, manipulating them, to bring down a dictator, who is usually the last bastion of the Soviet Union and communism, exactly at the moment of its failure.
Robert Hutchings: I won’t talk about any covert operations. I will only tell you that the driving force behind the U.S. policy were of a strategic nature which we have discussed before.
Dominique Fonvielle: So this is how one can understand that the Soviet Union and America had equal interest in the fact that Ceausescu is wiped out.
Dan Voinea: (After having their hands tied) After this process, they were led through this corridor, through this door on the right side. What is an assassination?
Robert Baer: The US government can bring down any government they want. The CIA can do it. The Office of Foreign Affairs can do it. There’s no law against it. What the CIA can’t do is carry out an assassination, put a name on the bullet. But the definition is very fluid.
Dan Voinea: They were brought out into the courtyard and shot against this wall by the firing squad.
But is an allied organisation does it, and kills a person, is that allowed?
Film clip shows their death.
News Reader: On December 25, 1989 Nicolai Ceausescu and Helena Ceausescu were sentenced to death by a special military court and executed.
Milton Bearden: That revolution in South East Europe made it easier for us. And, of course, Romania was always an outcast, even in the Warsaw Pact. But Germany was going to be reunited. It was the decision of George Bush and Helmut Kohl and it also became that of Mikhail Gorbachev, although he never quite understood it.
Charles Cogan, CIA Chief in Paris, 1989: There was fear during the Cold War that West Germany would sacrifice its connections to the West and secretly agree with Russia on the reunification with East Germany.
Catherine Durandin (French Historian): The United States, the administration, the CIA, they knew very well that Gorbachev was very weak internally, that they would have very little time with him as a negotiator, and that they must do everything they can in a very short time to scare him away.
Robert Baer: If the people would spend a bit more time thinking about this, they’d realise that the CIA did its job. Its task was to protect the rest of the world from a Soviet invasion which was a real possibility.
Catherine Durandin: Stabilize Southwest Europe and at the same time, direct relations between Hungary and Romania by admitting both of them into NATO. Second point: Bring the area under their control, which used to be under Soviet administration, and where today, Americans are in power. What one has to regard nowadays are the oil trades in the Caspian area, and the redistribution of pipelines in Central Asia and the Balkans. The most interesting areas for America are Romania and Bulgaria.
Narrator: Gyuri Kelleman was a victim of a sniper like hundreds of others after Ceausescu was already moved from office. What for?
Miklós Németh: The meaning of any event cannot be read through the eyes of an individual, but must be regarded with the course of history in mind. And for instance, democracy, more or less in each country requires a lot of tragedies.
Dominique Fonvielle: There have to be victims, as without them, a revolution is never credible.
Ilona Kelemen: The goal is nice and justified. But to find out afterwards that you were used as a means to achieve something, that is just disgraceful… Human rights are founded upon the thought that the human is the focal point and therefore one can’t just use humans as tools. Not as a tool to achieve some goal.
Joszef Keleman: It might be fate, but at the same time, his death was not in vain. It has contributed to something. Even though, all the manipulations utilized to reach these goals were ethically and morally wrong and hard to accept.
Dominique Fonvielle: It was an event that led to freedom, a waypoint on the way to the liberation of the Romanian people.
Catherine Durandin: It was the end of the Bloc and the reunification of Germany. Not a neutral Germany, which Gorbachev would have approved of, but a Germany within the Atlantic structures. And this meant the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Robert Hutchings: It’s easy to look back at this period and sort of assume that it would have ended peacefully anyway. But things seemed quite differently at the time. We couldn’t have been sure of Gorbachev’s intentions, although we were fairly confident as far as he was concerned. But had the events gone wrong, it was possible that some Soviet Marshalls could remove him from power and the history since 1989 would’ve been quite different. All these things happened simultaneously and the course of play on one board naturally influenced the course of play on other boards.
Dominique Fonvielle: The Americans didn’t play poker. They played chess with the Russians. And right from the beginning, they had the white pieces. In the end, they won.
Dedicated to the brave people of Romania who took to the streets in December 1989.
Victor Atanase Stanculescu: Mona Lisa. My book will also bear the title Mona Lisa. Why? Because she has this secretive little smile. And I’m always told that I’m a secretive man.
Dan Voinea: His role? He had the leading role as far as the planning of the court procedure was concerned.
Directed and narrated by Oliver Stone. Exhaustively fact checked, this is part ten of a ten-part documentary series that focuses on under reported events that crucially shaped America’s unique and complex history and set the stage for the unfolding crises that confront many countries today. | 2019-04-25T11:05:18Z | https://by-julietbonnay.com/2014/03/how-to-start-a-revolution/ |
It is almost March... shhh!
We have had torrential rains ... removing the snow from the face of our space on earth... it was over 50 yesterday... we've had thunder and lightning... the dog can't keep her nose off the ground for more than a second (I'm surprised she isn't tripping over it)!
I woke to find it Winterless.
Found Object - Ground! Shhh!!!
Laura Shovan is wrapping up her birthday month in layer upon layer of poetry written in response to Found Objects. As the month winds down to its extra day, there have been so many poems written! She has quite an array of poems for this month - from poetry about blood-letting to lost shoes to skulls... You should hop on over there and peel back a few layers to see what February is holding.
She has had some guest hosts, too, and in case you missed it, I hosted last Wednesday, and Michael Ratcliffe is hosting today's Found Object poems.
My poem for today was in response to Jessica Bigi's picture of a stack of cardboard.
The jet flew over the sun.
Yesterday's poem was in response to a whole bunch of labeled keys hanging on a panel. Again, see Laura's site for the image. I headed off in some direction and just let it keep going until it ended. It was kind of a rabbit trail and Alice in Wonderland concoction that had me wondering where it was going as I wrote it. Fortunately, for all of us, it finally ended.
Which key will you choose?
The big or the little?
Picked a key that was sweet.
And with that, I urge you to visit other Poetry Friday offerings! Go to Liz Steinglass' page and look for more links to the world of poetry!
Open early for business! Welcome, Friday Poets!
It's just after Valentine's Day... the Presidents have had their birthday cake, it's before St. Patrick's Day...Christmas is well behind us and Fourth of July well ahead of us.
This is a day. But why not make it a celebration? Shake out the poems! Trim the poet-tree, make some hearty homemade Haiku, decorate a diamante, lift a lilting limerick, sing a sonnet solo, and snack on a soothing senryu or two. But whatever you do, link it here so we can join you in your February 19th Day Between Other Celebrations Celebration Day!
Have a happy half-way to somewhere day! And don't forget to link your post! Mister Linky likes it when you remember!
Don't forget to visit the rest of the links displayed throughout the week.
And if you have more yearning to read poetry - head on over to Laura Shovan's to see and read poems about Found Items. The 18th image was a Magic Eraser. Today is day 19, and the image is a skull. Enjoy! Add to the fun! If you come up with a poem why not post it there today?
These are things that bring delight.
Today's Spiritual Journey Thursday's word is Irene Latham's OLW, "Delight". I love this word. It is akin to saying something just "tickles" me. A spring day, a grandchild's laughter, a butterfly landing nearby, a bird's call, or any other special moment is cause for delight! I love those special times that bring a smile, and a maybe a little laugh to go with it. How delightful to be delighted!
I once knew a girl whose name was Delight. She was the one and only person I've ever known with that name. She also was an only child, so I imagine she truly was the delight of her parents' lives. I never really thought of her as delightful, but maybe I didn't give her a chance to live up to her name. She may be more of a Delight to others now that she's no longer a teenager.
As a teacher, there were times when a student would give me, or be, a true delight. My delight came at the times when I saw that they finally "got it" and beamed from ear to ear; the times they would give you a picture, not because they didn't want it, but because their intent was to draw it for you in the first place; the times they were kind to another student who was struggling for some reason; the times they gave more of themselves than others did, because they wanted to do their best, and the times they watched in awe God's world unfold to them.
I want to be that kind of delight to the Lord. I want to be that kind of delight in the world. So how can I be a delight to the Lord in my daily walk?
"Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight."
"If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land and give it us, a land which floweth with milk and honey."
God mentions a few times in Proverbs, those things that are an abomination, and that not doing those things gives him delight. And it seems that when we do what God would have us to do, or delight Him, we receive some pretty nice blessings from God.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He Shall give you the desires of thine heart."
This verse is often misinterpreted in its initial reading. Delighting ourselves in the Lord, does not mean that God will give us all the things we want in life when we love Him. All our desires are changed - He will give you NEW desires. We will begin to delight ourselves in different things than we did before. God changes the desires. God gives us the desires - Not God gives us the things we thought we wanted... He inserts in our hearts new wants, new desires. That was an eye opener to me a number of years ago as a new believer, and it is a wonderful thing! He actually helps me in my daily walk then! He is leading me to make better choices - less of the old is calling me to do what I should not do.
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rives of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."
I guess this is why it is so important to read the Bible each day, either to start the day or finish the day - or better yet, both times! Then it is easier to start keeping the words "within my heart", and continue throughout the day with a delight in doing His will...and even being open to listening to His will!
This morning, I began my day at 4:55 am. I woke early to pick up a friend by 5:15 am and drive the 25 minutes to Starbucks for coffee. Oh, yes! (I heard you under your breath say, "Really? That early?") and meet two other friends, to do a book discussion. We are reading and discussing "Audacious" by Beth Moore.
I find this time a delight that God has given me - a new desire... waking up before sunrise, getting out of a warm bed in the cold of winter, traipsing out in the snow to a sit in a frigid car that won't warm up until half-way there, to fill a time that I used to desire to sleep, with a desire for making connections with other Christian friends and with Him - and doing it excitedly and with true DELIGHT. I look forward to these mornings!
When I write, I want to be still filled with a delight that God has given me. I want to delight in Him and hopefully, keep that spirit of delight in all that I do. I know people who can do that. I want to be that kind of person. It isn't always easy, of course. But I think that the more I learn to REMEMBER to stay in the Word and DELIGHT in His Word, the more God will be delighted... and THAT will ultimately be the delight that others will perceive. But God comes first.
Delight is such a beautiful word. I would like to know that I give God delight. Delighting others - well, that is not really the goal, but it is a byproduct of delighting God! And you will find so many more things in this world delightful, too! So take care of the delighting God department, and you have the rest in your pocket.
This may have been a ramble this morning. I was just so filled with a happy delight after book group, that I overflowed and wrote something. I should go back and read it, I guess! See if it made any sense.
"A poem?" you ask. Hmmm. Just a sec.
An acrostic it came out to be. A mirrored acrostic. Dark to Desire with a bit of Delight in between.
Have a day full and a full day of delight!
And now go check out the Linky at Holly's place Reading, Teaching, Learning and see what others have come up with for today's OLW - Delight!
It is Day 17, and Found Object Poems are here today. Laura Shovan is celebrating her birthday month with a poem a day in February, and is inviting anyone who would like to join in, to do so once, twice, thirteen or even 29 times (and every number in between)!
You may put your poem in the comments on Laura's site yesterday or today. If you are reading this now and haven't sent it yet, you might as well do it today and not yesterday.
I'm excited and honored to be hosting today's "find", and will add poems as they are received, whilst sipping my steaming Latte Macchiato at Starbucks today! I will add my poem at the end of the post, after all the others have been received and posted here! Have a great time. Let's see what wondrous words will be found here!
PS - if you post late, I will continue to add poems that Laura forwards to me days later.... though I may not still be at Starbucks.
Who left it there and what were the circumstances? Is there a reasonable explanation... or better yet, an unreasonable explanation... a far-fetched explanation?
Does something else capture your attention about the picture?
What do you supposed it sounded like in that spot? What could it see? What wishes might it have?
That's all I'm going to ask. You do so well without me talking. I'm probably distracting you.
Sorry, I'll stop whistling, too, while you think. I'll keep adding poems as they appear.
I'm going to get my coffee now. And some cheese. Oh, sorry. I'm still talking. Okay. I'm done.
I picked this to go with my poem below. Matchy-matchy, Tabatha!
First up, Diane Mayr introduces us to a pair of twins. Twins indeed! The only way you could tell them apart was that one was right-footed and the other left. Wait. The other did leave, but not that kind of left, right, Diane?
into the nearest trash bin.
Next up, Jessica Bigi joins in the parade, with wonderful walks of life! Can't you just picture stepping in bubble gum?
Carol is in with a Cinderella tale...hope that prince finds her!
I have to go to bed, but I'll be right back!
toes hanging onto summer in her sandals.
at a pause in the music.
but maybe she’ll be back.
Catherine said, "This was fun, but I struggled with the final lines."
I say, "Oh, but it looks like you won the battle!"
but the gum on the pavement held me fast.
Oh, this is soooo stuck in my head now. If you leave here humming "One Pink Shoe" don't blame me! Fun little ditty!
Buffy, this one is just so dreadful to think about! This would have changed the course of history! I wouldn't want to even think about the dire effect it would have had on the Magic Kingdom.
I'm a sandal set free.
Off a shelf at the store.
So I might again roam.
Jone has a mixed feeling, mixed shoes memory for us - "This photo reminded me of my lost tap shoe when I was in second grade. It ended my lessons because my parents couldn’t afford to replace my tap shoes." This may have changed the course of your life, Jone!
Laura slides in after a nap, with a new twist on the pink!
you are the king of gum.
you are pink and powdery.
time to chew you into shape.
made to throw us in the bin.
"a proper pair of sneakers."
Margaret says, " So here's my weird take on this photo."
Weird, or ju-u-ust weird enough to be true?
Any new poems will still be added as they come in here in the comments or over at Laura's place!
Great job, everyone! Thanks for coming to the party!
So you found it! Yes, indeed. Tomorrow is the day - Day 17 - to write to another "Found Object" image. Today's object was literally, well, wait. Not it was probably more "lost" than "found", I guess. It was found by me, but I'm not sure if the person who lost it ever found it. This may be as "found" as it got.
But let's see what will become of it! Tomorrow I will continue to add poems as Laura sends them to me. If you put them here in these comments, I can handle it, no problem; but you can post them in Laura's comments and she will send them to me, too.
I'm the one behind the iPhone.
Michelle H. Barnes recent guest, David L. Harrison, has posted a challenge for this month - the challenge to use the word "ditty" in a poem. Michelle's mailbox at Today's Little Ditty has been inundated with ditties for ditty, so I am posting my bit of a ditty here today for Poetry Friday.
This week's Poetry Friday is happily being hosted by Kimberly at Written Reflections. You know you've gotta go there! But finish here first!
Doleful ditty for each day.
For so long away he’ll be.
A new tune I will sing!
Next week, you will leave your Poeditty Friday links here... I will have some coffee on when you get here! It will be BYOM (bring your own muffin).
It is Spiritual Journey Thursday. When you are finished here, head over to Holly Mueller's site, "Read, Write, Think" and check out the Linky to see what others have written on today's word, "INTENT". This is Leigh Ann Eck's OLW (One Little Word) to guide her through the year.
Intent, as a noun, is your reason or purpose in doing something.
Is it mentioned in the Bible? Yes, it is.
Peter asked what Cornelius’ intentions were for sending for him.
Cornelius had dreamed of Peter and listened as God told him to have Peter come and talk to him and his people about Jesus. Cornelius and all who heard were saved when they listened to Peter as he spoke the words that God intended for them to hear.
So what does intent mean in my daily journey?
Do you ever do something, and then question your real intent? Sometimes we are pretty good at lying to ourselves. When we do or say something, we need to consider "what is the intent"? Is it presented as for the good, yet actually to our benefit or advantage or vanity?
Sometimes I think it is easy to fool ourselves into thinking we have said something that will be helpful to someone, but it is actually a boast, a put-down, gossip or just plain hurtful.
I know sometimes I can be guilty of that. I can temporarily fool myself into thinking that it was okay, but later a shower of guilt will descend when I realize that my intentions were subconsciously not the best!
When I write, when I live, when I talk, when I help - my intent, my purpose, is never to hurt, never to speak unkindly, and never have anyone question whether the Lord is important in my life.
I always want to be able to answer the Lord’s question “What was your intent?” with, “to give glory to You”.
If grand speeches are heard as you pray.
Okay, wow. So that’s what just came forth with that phrase… it was longer - I continued, but it seemed to evolve into a different poem, so I've split them and made the one into two.
That their path is what God has in store.
My intent is to have what He gives.
My intent is to show that He lives.
I really do try to give other people grace. I try to assume good intent, unless proven otherwise. It makes for a much pleasanter life when I don't take offense at everything. I put myself in the shoes of the other person and remind myself how easy it is to trip up and put my own foot in my mouth. Why shouldn't it be as easy for someone else to do the same with their own foot and mouth?
The intent is not always to offend.
Michelle H. Barnes at Today's Little Ditty interviewed David L. Harrison, and what a great interview it was! You do need to check it out.
And this month's word challenge on David's blog is "leaves" - in any format or any meaning.
Michelle's word for February is "ditty" - working on that one now. But here is my poem for David's February Challenge.
Perhaps in a moment of fright.
Maybe just lack of attention.
There's a grand story to weave.
I left once ages ago.
It is Poetry Friday! This week it is being hosted by Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect. There are lots of links to lots of poetry!
Tabatha Yeatts has posed this next to impossible challenge of matching up a poem to a song. She is really good at it. I, on the other hand, am not. I listen to very little new music. So I have nothing coming into my brain to help me out here. BUT, today when I saw one of Tabatha's poems, I thought about some of my Newfoundland music.
to go with Dark Eyed Sailor (lyrics here).
They are both kind of like about waiting for a guy... the right one. Only one is a guy with a white-ringed eye and the other is dark eyed.
And I have the other two postcards that I received through Amy Souza's exchange to display - Top right from Amy Souza, top left from Jone Rush MacCulloch, bottom right is mine, and bottom right is from Lisa Kilhefner.
Oooh, and a bit of music to matchup with Jone's jellyfish poem on her postcard! Under the Sea!
It is Spiritual Journey Thursday. Go to Holly Mueller's site, Read, Write, Think and check out the Linky to see what others have written on FAITH.
Today Justin Stygles' has given us his OLW, "Faith", or as he has written it, "(Blind) Faith". "Blind" in front of the word "faith", could mean that we cannot see what lies ahead. So we go ahead blindly, hoping for a good outcome - as we hold onto the faith leading us down the path - or up the path.
But in my life, I don't feel that I'm walking "blindly" when I walk by faith. When it says in the Bible that I walk by faith and not by sight, the "not by sight" part still doesn't mean I am blind. I have knowledge of God and his desires for me, and I've determined that God is with me. I may not be able to see what He is walking me toward, but I have my eyes on God. In that and in Him, I am not blind, and I cannot be walking blindly then. I am walking by faith, with my eyes wide open.
Is a tightrope walker walking blindly as they focus on their goal, not looking down, but straight ahead? They don't see the tightrope they are walking on, but they have faith that it is there even when they aren't looking at it. In a sense, they are walking blindly, but they know they just need to keep their eyes on the other side, not the tightrope nor the ground beneath them. They are trusting in the tightrope beneath their feet. They've walked it before. They've made sure that it is fastened appropriately. They have practiced the movements before. They could do it with their eyes closed. But they didn't do it blindly.
There have been many times when I have had to keep my eyes on God and not think of the swirling waters or hard stones beneath me. Remember Peter walking on the water at the calling of Jesus? He was okay right up until the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and the doubts about what he was doing were allowed to swallow him up, and he sank.
The good thing though, was still that Jesus was there to rescue him and pull him back to safety. Was Peter blind when he walked on the water - following blindly - or was he walking with the knowledge that Jesus was with him and was the source of his power?
Blind faith has the connotation of doing without seeing or thinking (though some of the thinking gets easier with faith). Once you know how God wants you to respond in life, then you just have to think about the right choice, or path - the one with God. Don't have blind faith. Have faith. Once you have been given grace, you have a different sight. We can never be blind again.
When I was a child of 5, I followed my parents to our new home. I did not ask them where we were going or why or what would we do when we got there. I followed blindly. Or was it blindly? I had faith in them. I had faith that they were doing the best for me and our family. Even though in the blind sense, I could not see where we were going and what our new home would be like, I was not blind to my parents' love and care. I knew I would be safe following them. I had faith in them. I kept my eyes on them, and they didn't lead me astray. Blind faith would, to me, indicate that you have not put your trust or faith in someone trustworthy, or that you do not know if they are concerned about your well-being.
I don't put my trust or faith in just anyone or anything. I will not follow blindly. But once the trust has been established and proven, then I can have that faith in them and follow even if I'm not sure of the outcome.
I can't leave without a poem. It's what I do, I guess.
And that maps show the right road to take.
And faith that I'll have enough dishes.
I'm looking for faith that's unfurled.
And warming my heart with His name.
There is no beguilement or guise.
Faith that your way has been paid.
In His comfort, despite any loss.
And He proved that the day that He died. | 2019-04-21T12:55:39Z | http://mainelywrite.blogspot.com/2016/02/ |
He recently joined the Asean Apigee team as the Digital Engagement Lead. Prior to joining Google, he was the Delivery Lead for DBS Public Cloud adoption, focusing on the design and setup of Data Security on AWS, and driving the development of the Cloud deployment platform.
He also worked for leading multinational companies such as Citibank, Barclays, IBM and CA in various job roles such as Product Manager, Delivery Manager and Technical Sales Advisory.
Zhe Mein is a senior cyber security consultant specializing in cloud security, governance, risk and compliance. She has experience in various engagements such as cloud security architecture design assessment, cyber security maturity assessment, social engineering, OT security assessment, cyber security roadmap implementation, vulnerability and penetration testing.
Zhe Mein receives her Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering majoring in Telecommunications from Multimedia University. She also holds professional certification such as CISA.
Faith is a mathematics NUS graduate with about 20 years of experience in IT and telecommunications industry handling sales, marketing and product. She has been handling cybersecurity product for past 6 years with primary role in vendor management, product marketing and product management. She has worked with managed security services provider and productised end to end services for enterprises. End to end cybersecurity services includes training, network and risk compliance assessments, managed security services, incident responses, holistic architecture design, consolidated IT Security solution, etc.
Debbie is currently working as a Senior Marketing Manager at Ensign InfoSecurity, Southeast Asia’s largest pure-play cybersecurity firm. She is responsible for developing integrated marketing campaigns for both Singapore and Hong Kong market. Debbie has more than a decade’s marketing experience in the telecommunications and technology industry and has extensive experience in driving strategic marketing initiatives to drive revenues and lead generation.
Debbie received her Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business and Management Studies from University of Bradford. She is currently volunteering at the Association of Information Security (AiSP) and is part of the the Ladies in Cybersecurity Team.
Catherine is a cyber security senior consultant, specialising in cyber security governance, risk and compliance. She led numerous high impact projects including cyber security maturity assessment, application security control assessment, third-party security assessment and cyber security transformation roadmap implementation projects across a wide-range of industries in APAC region. She is also experienced in performing security risk assessment for various digital transformation initiatives including FinTech projects.
Catherine receives her Bachelor’s degree in Science (Bioinformatics) from University of Malaya with full scholarship. She has also successfully completed several industrial-wide recognized professional examinations in cyber security, including CISA and CISSP.
Cassandra is a Marketing Communications Executive at Ensign InfoSecurity. She is a creative and proactive individual who has great interest in technology and innovation. Currently, she is part of a team that strategises and oversees the execution of marketing plans in the emerging cyber security technology market.
Dr. Steven Wong is an Associate Professor and Programme Director, Academic Programmes, at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). He spearheaded one of SIT’s flagship degree programmes in Software Engineering in 2014 and also lead the first Information Security degree programme offered by an autonomous university in Singapore. Steven obtained his undergraduate degree with 1st class honours in Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and his PhD in Informatics from the University of Edinburgh. Steven have over a decade of academic and industry experience, and was involved in several multi-million dollar funded research projects. Currently, Steven is also serving as a board member of the Cloud Security Alliance (Singapore) and is a committee member of the Singapore Computer Society Infocomm Security SIG. He is also currently the Chairman of the IEEE Consumer Electronics (Singapore) Chapter.
Alex has over 30 years of diverse experience ranging from infrastructure and application support, security management, security consulting on regional presales and transition projects in outsourcing services, and technology risk management in Finance Services Industry (FSI). He specializes in IT security and tech risk management and is currently working as VP, Group Technology Risk Assurance in DBS Bank. He holds the CISSP, CISA, CISM, CCSP and ISO27001 Qualified Auditor certifications.
Andre Shori hails from Canada and has over 20 year’s international experience as a Project Manager in Information Technology. He holds a variety of certifications in the Cyber Security arena and has been a full member of AiSP since 2009.
Andre holds a Bachelors of Business Administration in International Business and a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Technology. He is also a current World Record holder in the Guinness Book of World Records. Presently, Andre is enrolled in the Master of Science in Information Security Management program from the prestigious SANS Institute.
Ryan Baxendale is an information security consultant and penetration tester who is well versed in a variety of security assurance services helping clients go beyond compliance, government regulations, and corporate initiatives resulting in better protection of their critical information assets. Ryan’s main area of expertise is focused on penetration testing and he has profound experience with web and mobile applications, enterprise networks, wireless security testing, vulnerability assessments, architecture reviews, and system hardening.
Ryan holds a Bachelor's degree in Network Security and maintains active CREST, OSCP, and CISSP certifications.
Cecil leads the Cyber Security & DFIR unit for BDO Advisory. He currently leads various engagement teams on diversified advisory, security testing and incident response projects across vertical industries. His current area of focus is in IT Security research and security testing. Prior to this, he was the Practice Lead for Trustwave SpiderLabs SEA, which is the advanced security services and research team that specialises in penetration testing, incident response/forensics, education services, and security research.
Hock Meng has more than 20 years of experience in managed services including Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP). He holds a MSc in Management of Technology (NUS).
Freddy holds a MSc in Information Systems Security from the London School of Economics & Political Science and CISSP. He is a member of the (ISC)2 Asia Advisory Board and was awarded the (ISC)2 President's Award in 2003 in recognition of his volunteer work with (ISC)2.
Tam is a cyber-security advisor with multiple years of experience on advising organisations across industries in Singapore and APAC region on cyber-security matters. Tam is currently a Director of PwC's Cybersecurity practice in Singapore. Tam holds Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), CREST Registered Penetration Tester and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), GIAC Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE) and GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA). He gathered several hacking competition awards, reported zero-day vulnerabilities and spoke at various security events in the region.
Yee Ching is currently a PhD Student in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) under the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) Pillar. His research interests cover a wide spectrum of information security areas including and not limited to penetration testing, mobile applications, attack detection, malware, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Before pursuing his PhD, he was a Threat Hunter in Countercept, an advanced attack detection service for highly targeted organisations created by MWR InfoSecurity where he helped to detect, respond and reduce the impact caused by malicious attackers to the clients’ critical assets by actively seeking out for any nefarious activities. He currently holds a variety of professional information security certifications, and is both a SANS Lethal Forensicator and CREST Registered Penetration Tester. Yee Ching is also an Adjunct Lecturer at Singapore Polytechnic, teaching the Specialist Diploma in Cyber Security Management and a SANS Mentor for SANS Institute.
Johnny Kho is currently an Associate Director in Singtel Cyber Security handling Managed Security Services.
Prior to Singtel, he is a Regional Business Development Manager with Systex Corporation, as part of the team guiding the solution strategy for the Asia Region. He constantly engages with Vendors, Partners and Customers in a business and advisory role; covering key areas in Web Application Security, Compliance and Risk Management as well as IT Operations Optimization.
He has previously taken on Product Management and Solution Consultant roles with NetIQ (Attachmate), BT Frontline and Internet Security Solutions (IBM) mainly in enterprise security especially in areas of intrusion prevention, vulnerability management and security incident and event management from solution and operations perspective.
He is a CISA and CISSP. He has been active in the local IT Security area through various interest groups and as a member of the ISMS Working Group under SPSTC, ITSC Singapore (www.itsc.org.sg), SPRING. He has done public speaking at regional seminars and conferences such as Microsoft TechEd and HP BTO Conference.
Chin Loon has spent the past 21 years in the IT industry after retiring from 12 years of active service in the Singapore Navy, where he held key appointments, including that as the Commanding Officer of a naval ship. He is currently the Senior Director, Cyber Security Group in GovTech where he oversees the cyber security of the government.
The group provides cyber security governance supported by a consulting practise and technology explorations in addition to the monitoring of security events with robust incident response capabilities. He also oversees the Ministries Chief Information Officers deployed to all ministries.
Martin has over 13 years of experience in the IT industry specializing in IT security. He is currently the Deputy Director of infocomm security with the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore. He leads a team of security consultants charged with providing security monitoring, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, incident response and forensic investigation to the government agencies and organizations. He is the founder and Head of the Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team (SingCERT) which is the national security incident response center under the purview of IMDA, charged with the prevention, detection and resolution of computer security incident. Martin is a founding member and Deputy Chairman of the steering committee of the Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT).
As Director for Cybersecurity at Singapore's Land Transport Authority (LTA), Shao Fei leads the cybersecurity programme covering a wide spectrum of InfoComm Technology (ICT) and Operational Technology (OT) systems across land transport. He is also Director for Data Science and IT Governance at LTA, working with data scientists and engineers to harness the potential of advanced data analytics and technology experimentation for land transport innovation.
Shao Fei received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Tokyo under the support of the Singapore Public Service Commission (PSC) and Japan Monbusho scholarships. He also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Leicester, in addition to multiple IT security certifications including CISSP-ISSMP, CISSP, CISM and CRISC. He currently serves as the President of the Information Security Chapter of the Singapore Computer Society, and co-chairs the UITP Cybersecurity Working Group.
Wally Lee is a Technology Evangelist and Trusted Security Advisor. He developed strategic relationships, providing technical/industry expertise and solutions for major financial institutions, telecommunication companies, government and defense agencies and multinationals in the region. Wally is an industry recognized security expert with over 14 years of hands-on experience. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and BS7799 Lead Auditor.
Alina Tan is a cybersecurity consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton's Singapore office. Her expertise lies in securing Operational Technology (OT), Industrial Control System (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems — specifically on the offensive security of these systems. Alina is also experienced in conducting cyber-wargames and enhancing the security of technology operations. Her interest lies in pentesting OT and automotive systems.
Alina has a BEng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and also holds professional certifications such as GSEC and GICSP.
Originally from the United Kingdom, Benjamin is an established security consultant assisting enterprise clients enhance their organisational resilience. Over the last 4 years, Benjamin has been leading and driving technical capability for MWR within Asia Pacific, with a focus on offensive security.
A principal security consultant and veteran penetration tester, with significant experience selling and delivering security assurance services to multiple enterprise clients (both private and public sectors) within UK, Singapore and wider Asia Pacific region.
James Tan is an infosec consultant at JT Consultancy & Management Pte Ltd and an adjunct lecturer at the Polytechnic. He holds a B.Sc. (Psychology), CISSP, CRT, CISSP, CIPP/A, among others.
Married with 2 children, Kelvin Chin is a Regional Director with leading IoT cybersecurity firm Forescout Technologies. He is also currently serving as Venture Partner with Pre-Series A VC firm Rekanext and has served as Regional Country Head for cybersecurity firm Palo Alto Networks. His past experiences includes CSO, CTO Regional Business Lead, Head of Consulting from companies such as IBM, Dimension Data Asia Pacific & Japan, Aurelius AG with over 20 years of experience in sales & marketing, general P/L business management, consulting & solutions within start-up incubation business units.
He had served as Entrepreneur Mentor in Residence at a Fintech Accelerator Startupbootcamp and has served as panel member of Media Development Authority for Singapore – Board of Films Consultative Panel from 2014-2016. In his spare time, Kelvin loves meditation and trekking & has scaled some interesting Peaks in Asia.
Kelvin has done his studies with Nanyang Business School for General Management & double bachelor’s degrees in Business IT & Computer Science. He is also a Certified Fitness Instructor from the Singapore Sports Council and American College of Sports Medicine with various technical credentials in Google Advertising, AWS, BS7799, CITPM, Microsoft, Cisco, CISSP, ITIL, Citrix, Checkpoint, Lotus.
Mithun Bagdai is a principal information security consultant and red team lead for APAC at NCC Group. Mithun has been delivery information assurance for a large variety of industries for over seven years, across EMEA and APAC. He holds a Bachelor’s Hons degree in Computer Studies, maintains CREST and CISSP certifications.
Saint is a Cyber Security Product Manager for Singtel. In her current role, she initiates and drives activities focusing on security offerings for Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SME) market. She also manages partnerships and alliances with security partners and vendors.
Prior to this role, Saint has worked with partners and vendors to develop regional ICT coverage deployment and maintenance enablement for network and security products. She also managed partner relationship with key network and security partners across the world in order to ensure continuous process improvements to achieve excellence in logistics management and also price competitiveness.
Saint holds degree in Bachelor of Business Administration - Computer Information Systems from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas, USA.
Samson is a Course Chair/Senior Lecturer with Singapore Polytechnic (SP). He has more than twenty years of experience in projects involving technology architecture, as well as computer networking and security for local and foreign banks, MNCs and quasi-governmental departments. Currently, he is leading a team in managing both academic and technical training courses related to cyber security. He is also overseeing the running of the SP’s Cyber Security Academy (CSA) and Cyber Wargame Centre (CWC). Samson holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree from the University of Central Lancashire (UK) and a Masters degree (Communications Software Management) from the University of Essex (UK). He also holds a number of professional certifications such as CFE, CISSP, CISA and CISM.
Sherin is the Head of Marketing, Brand & Communications for Ensign InfoSecurity (a newly formed joint venture company from the merger of Starhub’s Centre of Excellence and Certis’ Quann). She is passionate about bringing new cyber technologies to solve market problems.
She currently spearheads technology brand marketing initiatives aimed at capturing the audiences' imagination, and achieving impressive, measurable results for Cyber Security services.
With over 15 years’ experience in marketing multi-million dollar brands, Sherin knows what truly drives conversions, effective launches and media interviews that build long-term customer relationships.
Her previous role in Singtel demonstrated her expertise in developing 360º campaigns proven to drive significant increase in Singtel’s brand appeal, as well as Y-o-Y penetration growth in ICT services such as Cyber Security, Software-as-a-Service and Hosting Services.
Soffenny Yap is an IT professional, specialized in Cybersecurity who manages and promotes security solutions to Singapore’s public sector at Trend Micro Pte Ltd. Soffenny has achieved success in driving business and spreading brand awareness efficiently with well-established companies and government agencies in her 8 years’ career in IT industry.
She also participants actively in committees like Association of Information Security (AiSP) and Singapore Computer Society (SCS) to generate more IT awareness to female professionals like herself.
Soffenny holds a Degree in Management from London School of Economics.
Sugar is a cyber security senior consultant who leads red teaming for ASEAN in Booz Allen Hamilton. She received her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with full scholarship from the university.
Sugar has profound experience in providing strategic and technical consulting for organizations in various industries, where her main area of expertise is around penetration testing. She is passionate about Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions and has received multiple awards from local and global Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Internet of Things (IoT) CTF competitions, such as DEFCON.
Sunny Neo is a Senior Consultant at Centurion Information Security and an Adjunct Lecturer teaching ethical hacking at Temasek Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic. He has obtained certifications including CREST Certified Simulated Attack Specialist (CC SAS) and CREST Certified Web Application Tester (CCT APP).
Kia Meng is a Threat Hunter at Countercept, a Managed Threat Hunting service by MWR InfoSecurity. Kia Meng specialises in attack detection and response, safeguarding client estates from adversaries. He is primarily a blue teamer, participates in CTFs whenever possible, and is a crew member for conferences such as Infosec in the City & Hack In The Box.
Chia Ling is a digital business lawyer trained in AI (MTech KE) and Cyber Security (CISSP). He practices IP, IT, Data & Disputes.
Chia Ling is also the Managing Director of OC Queen Street, a ranked Singapore law practice and a member of Osborne Clarke’s international legal practice. He leads a team of digital business lawyers supporting businesses in AI, FinTech, Blockchain, ICO, ePayments, Cyber Security and e-commerce.
OC Queen Street’s core practice areas include IT, Telco, Media, Data Protection, IP, Patent & Copyright Disputes, Investment Funds, M&A, PE, VC, Competition, Banking and Finance and Regulatory.
Chia Ling’s practice has been recognised in Chambers as well as the inaugural FinTech chapter of Who’s Who legal: Banking 2018.
Lim Ren Jun is a Principal at Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow. He represents local and international intellectual property-intensive clients in contentious and non-contentious matters. These matters include civil and criminal litigation for all forms of intellectual property infringement, local and international filing and prosecution strategies, cybersecurity breaches, domain name disputes, trade mark opposition and revocation, general litigation and anti-corruption issues.
In addition, Ren Jun plans and executes anti-counterfeiting operations for various clients in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Ren Jun also advises on various intellectual property-related and non-intellectual property-related commercial issues arising from mergers and acquisitions, data protection, licensing, franchising, due diligence and valuation. He also assists clients on a wide spectrum of regulatory issues affecting the consumer goods industry such as licensing, advertising, trade libel, harassment and product liability/recall. | 2019-04-26T15:38:31Z | https://www.aisp.sg/exco2019.html |
People are constantly exposed to a variety of elements, whether from consumption of food or water or occupationally. Many of these elements are necessary for health, but some have no biologic function. Of the mineral elements discussed here, those that have nutritional significance are chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, nickel, selenium, and zinc. Those that are not essential to humans are antimony, aluminum, bismuth, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, and thallium. Both essential and nonessential elements can be toxic when levels exceed a certain threshold. Signs and symptoms of toxicity correlate with route of exposure, specific element forms, and type of exposure, whether acute or chronic. Deficiencies of essential minerals may exist in patients with chronic illness, patients having had bariatric surgery, and preterm infants.
Laboratory tests are important in the diagnosis of metal toxicity, but they are only a part of the diagnosis; to confirm a diagnosis of exposure, a patient must have signs or symptoms consistent with the exposure, a source of exposure, and atypical concentrations of the element. ARUP Laboratories offers element exposure testing for a variety of specimen types, as well as panel testing for common heavy metals. See Emergency Toxicology as an additional resource for testing information.
How should results be interpreted with respect to provided reference intervals?
An ARUP Laboratories test result designated with a less than sign (<) means that the result is below the limit of quantification of the assay. Interpretive comments are provided to assist with the interpretation of the result and may provide element-specific toxic range and reference range information.
What are the methodologies used for detecting trace and toxic elements?
The majority of element toxicity and deficiency testing is performed by quantitative inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Zinc protoporphyrin testing, however, is performed by quantitative hematofluorometry.
Which specimen types are preferred for detecting exposure?
In an emergency toxicology situation, blood or serum can be used to assess recent or acute exposure. Recommended specimen types for detecting deficiency or overload depend on the element. Specific recommendations for each element are provided below.
What is important to know about specimen collection to avoid contamination?
To avoid contamination that can cause false-positive results, preanalytic variables should be controlled by using proper collection techniques and trace-free collection tubes. ARUP Laboratories requires certified metals-free transport tubes, which are available for ordering. Refer to the Trace Elements Specimen Collection Guide for more details about metals-free collection.
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust and is found throughout the environment, but exposure from food, water, and dermal contact (eg, antiperspirants and sunscreen lotion) is low. Intake of aluminum is greatest from aluminum-containing remedies, including antacids and antidiarrheal and antiulcerative medications. Aluminum is also used in beverage cans, pots and pans, and foil. It accumulates in the skeleton and lungs, but the brain and nervous system are most affected by excess aluminum. A typical dietary intake of aluminum is normally completely eliminated from the blood by the kidneys, but patients with renal failure are at particular risk for aluminum toxicity due to a reduced ability to filter aluminum from the blood.
Patients with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for aluminum exposure. Patients undergoing dialysis are at increased risk for aluminum exposure from contaminated dialysate water or aluminum-containing phosphate binders; however, the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) organization recommends precautions to avoid aluminum intoxication. Nonaluminum-containing treatments and procedures are available.
Serum aluminum levels best reflect recent exposure. Serum is the preferred specimen type for routine screening and for the assessment of toxicity due to dialysis. Serum levels in healthy individuals range from 1-3 µg/L. A serum aluminum level >50.0 µg/L is consistent with overload and may correlate with toxicity.
Urine aluminum levels are more appropriate for determining chronic exposure.
KDIGO no longer recommends regular monitoring of serum or plasma aluminum levels. However, KDIGO does recommend avoiding long-term use of aluminum-containing phosphate binders in patients with chronic kidney disease, stages 3-5D, and use of aluminum-contaminated dialysate in patients with chronic kidney disease, stage 5D.
Antimony is a metalloid that is naturally found in soil but is not an essential nutrient for human function. The general population can be exposed to low levels in air, water, or food, or from polyethylene terephthalate water bottles and fire retardants. Workers in the antimony industry (production of fire retardants, glass, hard alloys, etc.) are at risk for higher, toxic levels of exposure. Exposure can cause delayed growth in children, dermatitis and inflammatory lesions, pulmonary damage, myocardial damage, and gastrointestinal irritation.
The form of antimony greatly influences distribution and elimination. Trivalent antimony readily enters red blood cells, has a half-life of weeks to months, and is eliminated predominantly through the bile. Pentavalent antimony resides in the plasma, has a relatively short half-life of hours to days, and is eliminated predominantly through the kidneys.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for antimony exposure.
Blood antimony levels predominantly reflect recent exposure and are most useful in the diagnosis of acute poisoning. Blood concentrations in unexposed individuals rarely exceed 10 µg/L.
Although most people in the United States have a small amount of antimony in their urine, high levels in blood or urine indicate recent exposure to an amount greater than normal.
Antimony levels in hair are not a reliable indicator of exposure.
Arsenic is found naturally in the Earth’s crust and exists in toxic and nontoxic forms. Nontoxic arsenic, or organic arsenic, is found in seawater and in several foods, notably shellfish and dark-meat fish. Inorganic arsenic is highly toxic; it is most readily found in pesticides but is also used in glass and ceramic production and in some pharmaceuticals. Children are more susceptible to toxins due to a higher metabolic rate, a developing nervous system, and increased hand-to-mouth behavior; they are also less able to methylate arsenic. Additionally, arsenic is known to cross the placenta and accumulate in the fetus. Syndromes of arsenic toxicity can present as acute, chronic, or latent. Appropriate specimen choice and testing are important to a successful diagnosis.
Acute arsenic exposure is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and, in extreme cases, numbness, tingling, muscle cramps, and death. Chronic exposure (≥5 years of exposure) causes changes in skin pigmentation, skin lesions, and hard patches on hands and bottoms of feet. Individuals with known or suspected exposure and associated symptoms should be tested.
A person is diagnosed with arsenic exposure when urinary arsenic levels are >50 µg/L for a random urine collection or >50 µg total for 24-hour urine collection. In cases of urine arsenic level elevation, testing must differentiate the amounts of organic and inorganic arsenic. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Biological Exposure Index (BEI) for arsenic in urine is 35 µg/L; the BEI for arsenic is based on the sum of inorganic and methylated arsenic species.
Urine is a sensitive marker for low-level arsenic exposure. It is the preferred specimen for detection of acute exposure due to the short half-life of arsenic in the blood. Concentrations of methylated arsenic species in urine peak 40-60 hours after ingestion and return to baseline after 6-20 days. A 24-hour urine arsenic level is useful for the detection of chronic exposure. Elevated results should be fractionated to differentiate between toxic, inorganic forms and relatively nontoxic, organic forms.
Blood arsenic testing is used for the detection of recent exposure (<24 hours since exposure) and large-dose poisoning only. In blood, the half-life of inorganic arsenic species is 4-6 hours, and the half-life of methylated arsenic species is 20-30 hours. Arsenic binds to hemoglobin, and, as a result, there is three times more arsenic in hemoglobin than in plasma.
Hair or nail testing can detect chronic or past exposures of >3 weeks and is most useful in determining time of exposure. Hair is a poor specimen type for assessing arsenic exposure at low or moderate levels and can become contaminated by arsenic-containing water.
Beryllium is a poisonous earth metal not necessary for human health. It inhibits the alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, phosphoglycerate mutase, hexokinase, and lactate dehydrogenase enzyme systems in the body. Exposure through food and water is not clinically significant, owing to the low level of exposure and the limited absorption of beryllium by the stomach and intestines. However, chronic industrial exposure, which occurs from inhaling insoluble beryllium compounds through the respiratory tract, can cause chronic beryllium disease (CBD), or berylliosis. CBD is a potentially fatal respiratory condition that is diagnosed with a beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test (BeLPT) and biopsy. Acute exposure is rare but can happen from an industrial explosion. Beryllium is used in nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, circuit boards, dental bridges, and sports equipment, among other applications. Beryllium chloride (soluble compound) has a pulmonary half-life of 20 days, and beryllium oxide (insoluble compound) has a pulmonary half-life of about one year. Beryllium compounds are classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Patients with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for beryllium exposure. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, dry cough, chest pain, and fatigue.
Granulomatous inflammation on lung biopsy.
The BeLPT identifies beryllium sensitization; it can help predict CBD but alone does not diagnose CBD. The test can be performed with either blood or fluid from BAL. Testing can be used in asymptomatic individuals with chronic exposure to beryllium or in symptomatic individuals with a history of beryllium exposure. Patients with an elevated number of cells are sensitized to beryllium and are at greater risk for developing CBD.
Serum beryllium testing measures the amount of beryllium in serum and can confirm an exposure to beryllium; however, it does not indicate the extent of exposure or how recently the patient was exposed.
Patients who are diagnosed with CBD require lifelong follow up with serial arterial blood gases, chest x-ray, and pulmonary function tests; those with beryllium sensitization in the absence of CBD should undergo periodic evaluation but do not need treatment.
Bismuth is a metal that is often formulated into a salt used in medications to treat vomiting, diarrhea, and ulcers. It is also used in ceramic and glass manufacturing and in the production of alloys and castings. Toxicity resulting from ingestion, although rare, mostly affects the kidneys, liver, and bladder.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for bismuth exposure.
Bismuth exposure can be evaluated by blood or urine testing, but whole blood is a better indicator of bismuth exposure because bismuth is normally rapidly excreted in urine. A blood bismuth concentration <5 µg/dL is a normal level and is rarely associated with symptoms.
Cadmium is a heavy metal that has not been shown to have any human physiologic function but is present in all soil. Industrially, it is used in the production of batteries, plastics, metal plating, and as pigments. Most cadmium exposure is occupational, but outbreaks can occur as an effect of mining pollution. Cadmium not only is toxic in moderate amounts but also counteracts several necessary minerals. Cadmium damages the kidneys, lungs, and bones, and increases the risk of developing lung cancer.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for cadmium exposure.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends a panel that includes both blood and urine cadmium testing as well as a test for beta-2-microglobulin in urine. Because many collection materials (rubber catheters and colored plastic containers) contain cadmium, it is important to use trace-free collection equipment. See Trace Elements Specimen Collection Guide for ARUP Laboratories’ metals-free collection requirements.
Urinary cadmium concentrations have been shown to accurately reflect the amount of cadmium stored in the body and can indicate both recent and past exposure. Urine specimens are recommended for the assessment of chronic exposure.
The amount of cadmium in blood can be used to determine acute toxicity or recent exposure.
Chromium exists in many forms; the most common are chromium (0), chromium (III), and chromium (VI). Chromium (III) is considered an essential nutrient with low toxicity, but its necessity is unproven. It is believed to help in the metabolism of sugar, protein, and fat. However, chromium (VI), a known carcinogen, is toxic and can cause ulcers, anemia, and lung cancer. In industrial settings, chromium is used in the manufacturing of steel, in dyes, and for chrome plating, leather tanning, and wood preserving.
Although a state of deficiency has not been clinically defined and explicit symptoms are limited, individuals at increased risk for chromium deficiency are the elderly, pregnant women, and those with DM. Patients with DM have reduced tissue levels and may have altered chromium metabolism. Studies have shown that chromium supplements can improve glucose and insulin metabolism in those with DM but that the effect of supplementation is limited in those without DM. Additionally, strenuous exercise, infection, and physical trauma can increase chromium losses.
Symptomatic patients with a known or suspected source of exposure should be tested. Patients with metal-on-metal joint replacements, in particular, are at risk for release of metal debris, which can cause periprosthetic soft tissue reactions and chromium and cobalt toxicity, and can result in neurologic impairment, cardiomyopathy, and hypothyroidism. See Monitoring.
Chromium can be tested in blood, urine, and hair, but testing does not predict health outcomes, as dietary chromium biomarkers are inconclusive. A chromium concentration greater than normal levels indicates recent excessive exposure or dietary intake but not body burden.
Whole blood is useful for assessing chromium deficiency or overload and is the preferred specimen for evaluating metal ion release from metal-on-metal joint arthroplasty. Chromium in red blood cells is used to investigate or monitor potential chromium exposure and is preferred particularly for the assessment of hexavalent chromium exposure.
Concentration of chromium in serum is one of the most common measures of chromium status, whether deficiency or overload. Serum assays are appropriate to use for evaluating metal ion release from metal-on-metal joint arthroplasty when whole blood assays are not available. Elevated plasma chromium levels may be a good indicator of exposure and indicate recent dietary intake.
The level of chromium in urine is one of the most common measures of chromium status and may be used to monitor short-term exposure (other than that from metal-on-metal joint implants).
There is no accepted cutoff value for whole blood metal levels that either predicts outcome or indicates revision is necessary; however, the MHRA suggests that a measurement of ≥7 ppb (119 nmol/L cobalt or 134.5 nmol/L chromium) in one or both metals indicates the need for further investigation. Whole blood is the preferred specimen.
Cobalt, a component of vitamin B12, is a natural element that is essential for blood and DNA production and nerve health. In excess, however, it negatively affects the lungs and heart. Dietary cobalt toxicity is rare; toxicity is more likely to occur in an occupational setting where cobalt is released into the air in high concentrations. Exposure can also be caused by metal-on-metal arthroplasty and athletic salts. Cardiomyopathy is common, especially in heavy beer drinkers, as cobalt interacts with ethanol, but the mechanism of action is not fully elucidated. Industrially, cobalt is used in the manufacturing of magnets, tools, aircraft engines, and hip and knee prostheses.
Symptomatic patients with a known or suspected source of exposure should be tested. Patients with metal-on-metal joint replacements, in particular, are at risk for release of metal debris, which can cause periprosthetic soft tissue reactions and chromium and cobalt toxicity and can result in neurologic impairment, cardiomyopathy, and hypothyroidism. See Monitoring.
Either whole blood or erythrocytes may be used in the assessment of occupational exposure or toxic ingestion. Whole blood is the preferred specimen for evaluating metal ion release from metal-on-metal joint arthroplasty. Elevated cobalt levels in red blood cells indicate long-term exposure.
Serum or plasma can be used to assess occupational exposure or toxic ingestion. Most serum/plasma cobalt tests include free ionized cobalt and free and protein-bound soluble cobalt measurements; elevated concentrations indicate recent exposure. Serum assays are appropriate to use for evaluating metal ion release from metal-on-metal joint arthroplasty when whole blood assays are not available.
Urine cobalt measurements are best for determining recent, acute exposure, as the majority of cobalt is eliminated in urine 2-8 days after ingestion.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends cobalt and chromium metal ion testing be considered in symptomatic patients with metal-on-metal hip replacements. While the FDA found insufficient evidence to recommend testing in asymptomatic patients, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) recommends testing for every patient with metal-on-metal hip replacements on the following schedule.
There is no accepted cutoff value for whole blood metal levels that either predicts outcome or indicates revision is necessary; however, the MHRA suggests that a measurement of ≥7ppb (119 nmol/L cobalt or 134.5 nmol/L chromium) in one or both metals indicates the need for further investigation. Whole blood is the preferred specimen.
Copper is present throughout the environment and is used for wires and pipes, in brass and bronze fixtures, and as a textiles preservative. It is an essential element for all plants and animals. Although copper is dietarily necessary in a small amount for healthy nerves, bones, and collagen, ingesting or breathing in too much can cause vomiting and diarrhea or nose and throat irritation. It can also damage the liver and kidneys.
Excess copper body burden may also be a result of an inherited disorder called Wilson disease, which causes copper to accumulate in the liver and brain rather than being eliminated through bile and can be fatal if untreated. Conversely, Menkes disease is a genetic disorder that reduces copper bioavailability, resulting in symptoms of deficiency.
Individuals with symptoms of copper deficiency, including slow growth (especially in young children), anemia, and osteopenia, should be considered for copper deficiency testing. Patients who have had bariatric surgery are at increased risk for symptoms of nutrient deficiencies.
Individuals with progressive neurologic dysfunction, especially in association with liver disease, should be tested for copper excess that may be related to Wilson disease, unless a source of exposure is known.
Panel testing is preferred to diagnose conditions of copper overload in symptomatic patients or individuals with a family history of Wilson disease. For diagnostic testing recommendations specific to Wilson disease, see the Wilson Disease topic.
Serum/plasma copper is a traditional marker for copper status; levels are decreased in severe copper deficiency. But serum/plasma copper may not be a reliable marker for mild deficiency, as circulating concentrations are affected by age, infection, inflammation, cancer, and pregnancy. In situations of copper overload, serum ceruloplasmin is usually low, and free copper (direct) is usually high. Serum free (direct) copper testing is preferred to monitor response to copper-reducing therapies.
Ceruloplasmin is a protein in the blood that carries copper; it is a traditional marker for copper status. But like serum/plasma copper, ceruloplasmin copper concentrations may be affected by conditions other than deficiency. Testing of ceruloplasmin may be used as an initial screening test in Wilson disease or copper transport disorders, but panel testing that includes copper, free copper (direct), and ceruloplasmin is preferred.
Copper testing of either random urine or 24-hour urine may be useful in the assessment of overload, but validity is subject to interindividual variability.
Liver copper may also provide information on copper status; it is especially useful when related serum or urine assessments are inconclusive. Levels are increased in Wilson disease.
Erythrocyte testing may be useful for exposure monitoring or investigation, but it is not recommended for clinical diagnosis.
Iodine is an essential nutritional element for proper thyroid function and development. Deficiency can cause goiter in adults and brain damage and mental retardation in children and fetuses. Excess iodine is typically excreted from the body, so toxic levels are usually a result of drugs, radioactive iodine uptake tests, and iodine-containing sterilizers.
Individuals with signs of either deficiency or excess iodine should be considered for testing. Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is a principle indicator.
The majority of excess iodine is excreted in urine, making urine iodine testing ideal for determining nutritional status, especially across populations. Because iodine intake varies from day to day, 24-hour urine testing is a more accurate measure and preferred over random urine testing; however, accuracy of 24-hour urine testing is affected by low protein intake and high creatinine output.
Serum testing is recommended for determining iodine excess and monitoring overload in patients on iodine-containing medications. For testing specific to thyroid function, see Thyroid Disease topic.
Iron is distributed throughout the body, mainly into hemoglobin and also ferritin and hemosiderin; it is transferred from organ to organ by a complex called transferrin. Iron deficiency occurs more frequently than deficiency of any other micronutrient. Signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia appear when body stores are depleted. Acute toxicity is characterized by constipation, vomiting, and diarrhea and is more likely to occur in children. Chronic toxicity is most likely a result of hereditary hemochromatosis but is otherwise rare.
Several laboratory testing options are available to help identify iron deficiency or overload. For testing recommendations specific to iron deficiency anemia, see Iron Deficiency Anemia topic. For testing and monitoring of iron overload as a result of hemochromatosis, see Hemochromatosis topic. For testing for beta (β)-thalassemia, the most common cause of secondary iron overload, see Thalassemias topic.
A serum iron measurement indicates the amount of iron bound to serum transferrin and does not include iron contained in serum as free hemoglobin. Serum iron concentrations are often decreased in patients with iron deficiency anemia as well as in those with inflammatory disorders; but concentrations naturally decrease throughout the day, so results require careful interpretation. Levels are increased with iron-loading disorders and after iron intake.
Total iron-binding capacity is a measurement of the greatest amount of iron that transferrin can bind. In iron deficiency, transferrin saturation, determined by plasma iron to total iron-binding capacity ratio, is low because synthesis increases to maximize iron delivery.
Serum transferrin may be a better biomarker than iron-binding capacity because it is not affected by inflammatory diseases, which can yield false-negative results.
Soluble transferrin receptor testing can distinguish between iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease and can identify iron deficiency anemia in patients with inflammatory conditions in whom ferritin is increased. It is also a useful marker because it corresponds more closely with the depletion and normalization of iron stores.
Serum ferritin is an acute phase reactant and concentrations are affected by inflammation, alcohol use, and obesity. However, in the absence of inflammation, measurement of serum ferritin is the most powerful test for iron deficiency.
Erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin is an indicator of abnormal heme synthesis and is helpful in primary screening for basic iron deficiency; in combination with soluble transferrin receptor testing, it is particularly useful for monitoring iron supplement therapy.
Liver tissue can be useful in confirming hepatic iron overload, particularly in individuals with hemochromatosis and no common HFE gene variants, but less invasive iron testing should be used as an initial approach to diagnosis. Similarly, bone marrow staining can be used to assess iron status by examining the amount of hemosiderin in the reticulum cells.
Lead poisoning or lead toxicity generally occurs either in childhood or because of occupational exposure. Lead exposure in children can result in critical conditions, including brain damage, nervous system damage, developmental delay, and hearing and speech problems. In adults, lead exposure can cause adverse reproductive outcomes in women, hypertension, renal damage, and cognitive dysfunction. Lead poisoning can also disturb heme synthesis and cause symptoms similar to those of porphyrin disorders, including abdominal pain, nausea, and rapid heart rate. Aminolevulinic acid, erythrocyte porphyrin, and zinc protoporphyrin can be used as biomarkers to differentiate a lead poisoning effect. See the Porphyrias topic for testing specific to porphyrin disorders.
Testing is appropriate for adults with a risk of exposure, known exposure, or suspected occupational exposure. Children at greater risk include those who are younger than 6 years and those who live in older housing; children of some racial and ethnic groups are also at higher risk. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found insufficient evidence to recommend or discourage screening of elevated blood levels in asymptomatic pregnant women or asymptomatic children.
The best way to measure lead exposure is with a venous blood lead test. Blood from capillaries is recommended for routine testing in pediatric populations. A safe blood lead level (BLL) has not been identified for children. Confirmatory testing should be performed within 1-3 months for children with a BLL above the reference value or within 48 hours if the BLL is ≥45 µg/dL. Management is recommended for adults with a BLL ≥5 µg/dL.
Adverse health effects are possible, particularly in children <6 years of age and pregnant women. Discuss health risks associated with continued lead exposure. For children and women who are or may become pregnant, reduce lead exposure.
Reduced lead exposure and increased biological monitoring are recommended.
Removal from lead exposure and prompt medical evaluation are recommended. Consider chelation therapy when concentrations exceed 50 µg/dL and symptoms of lead toxicity are present.
This is a critical level. Immediate medical evaluation is recommended. Consider chelation therapy when symptoms of lead toxicity are present.
aThresholds and time intervals for retesting, medical evaluation, and response vary by state and regulatory body. Contact your State Department of Health and/or applicable regulatory agency for specific guidance on medical management recommendations.
Urine lead testing may be useful in the assessment of chronic lead exposure or in monitoring chelation therapy, but blood is preferred for routine lead exposure testing.
All children should have one BLL test performed between 12 and 24 months; Medicaid-enrolled children are required to be tested at 12 months and at 24 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends risk assessment or screenings as appropriate at 6, 9, 12, and 18 months and annually from 2-6 years of age.
Children with a BLL ≥5 µg/dL must be monitored until environmental conditions are resolved.
Perform BLL test every month for the first 3 months after placement or after being placed in a higher-exposure task, then every 6 months.
If BLL increases ≥5 µg/dL, evaluate exposure and increase monitoring frequency if necessary.
Women with a BLL 5-9 µg/dL who are pregnant or may become pregnant should reduce lead exposure.
Perform BLL test every 3 months.
Evaluate exposure and consider removal from exposure.
If three BLLs are <10 µg/dL, test every 6 months.
If BLL is ≥30 µg/dL, remove from exposure.
If BLL remains 20-29 µg/dL after 4 weeks, remove from exposure.
Perform monthly testing of BLLs.
If two monthly tests report a BLL <15 µg/dL, consider a return to work.
Symptomatic magnesium deficiency is rare, but people at risk for magnesium inadequacy are those with gastrointestinal disease, type 2 DM, and alcohol dependence. Insufficient levels are associated with high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and migraines. The kidneys eliminate any excess dietary magnesium in urine, but the use of supplements, notably laxatives and antacids that contain magnesium, can cause toxicity, resulting in low blood pressure, nausea, urine retention, and possible cardiac arrest. Hypermagnesemia is an abnormally high level of magnesium specifically in serum. In clinical practice it is most often caused by the treatment for preeclampsia or eclampsia in pregnant women. Hypermagnesemia can also occur in patients with renal failure, milk-alkali syndrome, or tumor lysis syndrome. Hypomagnesemia is common in hospitalized patients and in patients with acute or chronic illness.
Serum magnesium concentration is the most common and available method to measure magnesium status; it is preferred for routine screening. It does not, however, correlate with total body stores or concentrations in tissue.
Erythrocyte measurements may be useful in the assessment of tissue stores of magnesium, but no test alone is diagnostic.
Urine measurements may provide information on magnesium status, but no test alone is diagnostic.
Manganese is an essential trace element found in most foods, but excess can cause brain damage. It is often used in pesticides and steel manufacturing and as a fuel additive. Occupational exposure poses a risk for nervous system damage, neurologic effects such as bradykinesia (slow movement), and lung irritation.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for manganese exposure.
Most laboratory testing is limited in measuring past exposure, as manganese is excreted from the body within days.
Both whole blood testing and erythrocyte testing may be useful as reasonable indicators of recent, active manganese exposure and provide modest indicators for distinguishing exposed from nonexposed individuals. Whole blood is recommended for monitoring potential manganese accumulation from total parenteral nutrition. It is not recommended for detecting long-term, low-dose manganese exposure; erythrocyte testing should be used instead. Although whole blood is more accurate than either plasma or serum, some patients with normal whole blood manganese levels have abnormal magnetic resonance images.
Serum and plasma tests are believed to assess dietary manganese intake but typically indicate only dramatic variations in intake. Serum testing is not recommended for the assessment of manganese body stores.
Urine testing has limited utility in determining manganese exposure; it is most reliable only for severe depletion.
Mercury has three forms: organic mercury compounds (which accumulate in the food chain), inorganic mercury compounds, and elemental mercury. All three forms can accumulate in the kidneys, brain, and central nervous system. Symptoms of toxicity depend on the form, route of exposure, and duration of exposure and include changes in skin pigmentation, headaches, nausea and vomiting, and thrombocytopenia. Mercury has several industrial applications, including use in thermometers, dental fillings, and vaccines.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for mercury exposure. Fish consumption can elevate total whole blood mercury concentrations. Clinical presentation after toxic exposure to organic mercury may include dysarthria, ataxia, and constricted vision fields with mercury blood concentrations from 20-50 µg/L.
An elevated whole blood or urinary mercury concentration is diagnostic for mercury exposure. A total whole blood mercury concentration ≥10 µg/L or a urinary mercury concentration ≥10 µg/L is an unusual level of exposure for a person with no known occupational exposure to mercury.
A study reviewing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists suggests that, for vigilance with respect to exposure sources (including occupational exposure and food ingestion) and reduction measures, the mercury limit should be 10.0 μg/L for blood mercury and 19.8 nmol Hg per mmol creatinine for urine mercury. Clinical intervention is recommended at blood mercury concentrations ≥40 μg/L.
Urinary mercury levels predominantly reflect acute or chronic elemental or inorganic mercury exposure but not organic mercury exposure, as organic mercury is eliminated in the stool and is not reflected in urine. A 24-hour urine specimen is preferred. Urine concentrations in unexposed individuals are typically <10 µg/L, and levels up to 20 µg/L are not associated with symptoms. Urine concentrations of 30-100 µg/L from a 24-hour collection may be associated with subclinical neuropsychiatric symptoms and tremors, and concentrations >100 µg/L can be associated with overt neuropsychiatric disturbances and impaired kidney function. Urine is especially useful for monitoring chelation therapy. Because mercury accumulates in the kidneys, mercury-urine concentrations may also be a better indicator of kidney burden than concentrations in blood or hair.
Blood can be used to evaluate exposure to mercury of any form. Both dietary and nonoccupational exposure to organic mercury may contribute to an elevated total mercury result. Blood mercury predominantly reflects recent exposure and is most useful in the diagnosis of acute poisoning, as mercury has a half-life in blood of 3 days. Blood concentrations in unexposed individuals are usually <10 µg/L, but concentrations up to 20 µg/L are considered normal. A blood concentration ≥50 μg/L is considered the threshold for symptoms of toxicity.
Hair mercury concentration can be used as a biomarker of chronic exposure to organic mercury and can show exposure that has occurred over a long period of time; concentrations have been shown to be proportionate to blood mercury concentration. However, because hair can absorb noningested environmental mercury, hair may not be accurate in certain circumstances.
Nickel is found in all soil, meteorites, the ocean floor, and volcanic emissions. Nickle-containing food is the most common source of exposure, but exposure can also occur from handling nickel-containing coins, jewelry, and electronic devices. Up to 20% of the population is sensitive to nickel and subject to an allergic reaction that manifests as a skin rash. Higher-level exposure can occur from contact with nickel-processing industries. Nickel carbonyl, used in petroleum refining, is a highly toxic chemical. Symptoms of occupational exposure include chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function, inability to oxygenate blood, and lesions on organs. Soluble nickel compounds are more easily detected by testing than are less soluble compounds.
Measurement of nickel is not recommended in asymptomatic individuals or individuals with a low likelihood of exposure.
Urine is the preferred specimen for the determination of exposure.
Serum nickel concentrations may be informative in the investigation of toxic exposure.
Selenium is a required element for antioxidant balance, thyroid hormones, and immunity ; but excess can cause selenosis, which is characterized by nerve damage. The range for normal selenium levels is small. Selenium is used in the electronics and glass industries and as a pigment. In patients who undergo bariatric surgery, deficiency is present in as many as 20% postoperatively.
Individuals with signs or symptoms of either selenium deficiency or overload should be considered for selenium status testing. Patients having had bariatric surgery are at increased risk for symptoms of nutrient deficiencies.
Urine selenium is the preferred indicator of selenium status, as urinary excretion of excess selenium manages body content.
Because selenium is transported to the organs in plasma and increases quickly with intake, plasma or serum is used most often to evaluate short-term dietary consumption.
Erythrocyte testing is most appropriate for the assessment of selenium tissue stores, but urine is preferred to evaluate deficiency or toxicity.
Thallium is a metal found in small amounts in soil but has no physiologic function in humans. Most thallium exposure is a result of food consumption, cigarette smoking, or workplace inhalation. Thallium is used in electronic devices and for semiconductors.
Individuals with a known or suspected source of exposure and corresponding symptoms should be tested for thallium exposure.
Urine thallium testing is useful for determining chronic thallium exposure.
Blood may be an indicator of recent, acute exposure, but thallium does not stay in the blood long and is quickly distributed to body tissues.
Zinc is present in air, soil, water, and all foods, as well as many commercial products. In small quantities it is an essential nutritional element for metabolism, immunity, and the cell life cycle; in large quantities it can cause abdominal pain (from acute exposure) or secondary hypocupremia (from chronic exposure).
There is no clear indication for zinc status assessment ; however, individuals with signs or symptoms of either zinc deficiency (particularly slow growth in children) or overload can be considered for zinc status testing.
Serum zinc is the most frequently used biomarker for zinc status, particularly acute deficiency. However, serum testing is limited in its ability to detect marginal deficiency and is affected by daily fluctuations of zinc and inflammation caused by other diseases.
Urine zinc is an insensitive biomarker, but it may be helpful as an indicator of acute toxicity. Urinary excretion correlates to body stores.
Both whole blood and erythrocyte testing have limited utility as indicators of deficiency.
Strathmann FG, Blum L. Toxic Elements. In Rifai N, Horvath AR and Wittwer CT, eds. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2018. | 2019-04-19T20:17:57Z | https://arupconsult.com/content/trace-minerals |
Les autres forment lhomme; je le recite et en représente un particulier bien mal formé, et lequel, si javoy à façonner de nouveau, je ferois vrayement bien autre quil nest. Mes-huy cest fait. Or les traits de ma peinture ne forvoyent point, quoi quils se changent et diversifient. Le monde nest quune branloire perenne. Toutes choses y branlent sans cesse: la terre, les rochers du Caucase, les pyramides dAegypte, et du branle public et du leur. La constance mesme nest autre chose quun branle plus languissant. Je ne puis asseurer mon object. Il va trouble et chancelant, dune yvresse naturelle. Je le prens en ce point, comme il est, en linstant que je mamuse à luy. Je ne peints pas lestre. Je peints le passage: non un passage daage en autre, ou, comme dict le peuple, de sept en sept ans, mais de jour en jour, de minute en minute. Il faut accommoder mon histoire à lheure. Je pourray tantost changer, non de fortune seulement, mais aussi dintention. Cest un contrerolle de divers et muables accidens et dimaginations irresoluës et, quand il y eschet, contraires; soit que je sois autre moymesme, soit que je saisisse les subjects par autres circonstances et considerations. Tant y a que je me contredits bien à ladventure, mais la vérité, comme disoit Demades, je ne contredy point. Si mon ame pouvoit prendre pied, je ne messaierois pas, je me resoudrois; elle est tousjours en apprentissage et en espreuve.
Je propose une vie basse et sans lustre, cest tout un. On attache aussi bien toute la philosophie morale à une vie populaire et privée que à une vie de plus riche estoffe; chaque homme porte la forme entiere de lhumaine condition.
Les autheurs se communiquent au peuple par quelque marque particuliere et estrangere; moy, le premier, par mon estre universel, comme Michel de Montaigne, non comme grammairien, ou poëte, ou jurisconsulte. Si le monde se plaint de quoy je parle trop de moy, je me plains de quoy il ne pense seulement pas à soy.
Mais est-ce raison que, si particulier en usage, je pretende me rendre public en cognoissance? Est-il aussi raison que je produise au monde, où la façon et lart ont tant de credit et de commandement, des effets de nature crus et simples, et dune nature encore bien foiblette? Est-ce pas faire une muraille sans pierre, ou chose semblable, que de bastir des livres sans science et sans art? Les fantasies de la musique sont conduictes par art, les miennes par sort. Au moins jay cecy selon la discipline, que jamais homme ne traicta subject quil entendit ne cogneust mieux que je fay celuy que jay entrepris, et quen celuy-là je suis le plus sçavant homme qui vive; secondement, que jamais aucun ne penetra en sa matiere plus avant, ny en esplucha plus particulierement les membres et suites; et narriva plus exactement et plainement à la fin quil sestoit proposé à sa besoingne. Pour la parfaire, je nay besoing dy apporter que la fidelité; celle-là y est, la plus sincere et pure qui se trouve. Je dy vray, non pas tout mon saoul, mais autant que je lose dire; et lose un peu plus en vieillissant, car il semble que la coustume concede à cet aage plus de liberté de bavasser et dindiscretion à parler de soy. Il ne peut advenir icy ce que je voy advenir souvent, que lartizan et sa besoigne se contrarient: un homme de si honneste conversation a-il faict un si sot escrit? ou, des escrits si sçavans sont-ils partis dun homme de si foible conversation, qui a un entretien commun et ses escrits rares, cest à dire que sa capacité est en lieu doù il lemprunte, et non en luy? Un personnage sçavant nest pas sçavant par tout; mais le suffisant est par tout suffisant, et à ignorer mesme.
Icy, nous allons conformément et tout dun trein, mon livre et moy. Ailleurs, on peut recommander et accuser louvrage à part de louvrier; icy, non: qui touche lun, touche lautre.
Others fashion man, I repeat him; and represent a particular one, but ill made; and whom were I to forme a new, he should be far other than he is; but he is now made. And though the lines of my picture change and vary, yet loose they not themselves. The world runnes all on wheeles. All things therein moove without intermission; yea, the earth, the rockes of Caucasus, and the Pyramides of Aegypt, both with the publike and their own motion. Constancy it selfe is nothing but a languishing and wavering dance. I cannot settle my object; it goeth so unquietly and staggering, with a naturall drunkennesse; I take it in this plight as it is at the instant I ammuse my selfe about it, I describe not th essence but the passage; not a passage from age to age, or as the people reckon, from seaven yeares to seaven, but from day to day, from minute to minute. My history must be fitted to the present. I may soone change, not onely fortune, but intention. It is a counter-roule of divers and variable accidents or irresolute imaginations, and sometimes contrary; whether it be that my selfe am other, or that I apprehend subjects by other circumstances and considerations. Howsoever, I may perhaps gaine-say my selfe, but truth (as Demades said) I never gaine-say. Were my mind setled, I would not essay, but resolve my selfe: It is still a Prentise and a probationer. I propose a meane life and without luster; Tis all one. They fasten all Morall Philosophy as well to a popular and private life as to one of richer stuffe. Every man beareth the whole stampe of humane condition. Authors communicate themselves unto the world by some speciall and strange marke; I the first, by my generall disposition; as Michel de Montaigne, not as a Grammarian, or a Poet or a Lawyer. If the world complaine I speake too much of my selfe. I complaine it speakes no more of it selfe. But is it reason, that being so private in use, I should pretend to make my selfe publike in knowledge? Or is it reason I should produce into the world, where fashion and arte have such sway and command, the raw and simple effects of nature, and of a nature as yet exceeding weak? To write bookes without learning is it not to make a wall without stone or such like thing? Conceits of musicke are directed by arte, mine by hap. Yet have I this according to learning, that never man handled subject he understood or knew better then I doe this I have undertaken, being therein the cunningest man alive. Secondly, that never man waded further into his matter, nor more distinctly sifted the parts and dependances of it, nor arrived more exactly and fully to the end he proposed unto himselfe. To finish the same, I have neede of naught but faithfulnesse; which is therein as sincere and pure as may be found. I speake truth, not my belly-full, but as much as I dare; and I dare the more the more I grow into yeares, for it seemeth, custome alloweth old age more liberty to babbel, and indiscretion to talke of it selfe. It cannot herein be, as in trades, where the Crafts-man and his worke doe often differ. Being a man of so sound and honest conversation, writ he so foolishly? Are such learned writings come from a man of so weake a conversation? who hath but an ordinary conceit, and writeth excellently, one may say his capacitie is borrowed, not of himselfe. A skilfull man is not skilfull in all things; But a sufficient man is sufficient every where, even unto ignorance. Here my books and my selfe march together, and keepe one pace. Else-where one may commend or condemne the worke without the worke-man, heere not; who toucheth one toucheth the other.
Others form man; I only report him: and represent a particular one, ill fashioned enough, and whom, if I had to model him anew, I should certainly make something else than what he is but that’s past recalling. Now, though the features of my picture alter and change, ’tis not, however, unlike: the world eternally turns round; all things therein are incessantly moving, the earth, the rocks of Caucasus, and the pyramids of Egypt, both by the public motion and their own. Even constancy itself is no other but a slower and more languishing motion. I cannot fix my object; ’tis always tottering and reeling by a natural giddiness; I take it as it is at the instant I consider it; I do not paint its being, I paint its passage; not a passing from one age to another, or, as the people say, from seven to seven years, but from day to day, from minute to minute, I must accommodate my history to the hour: I may presently change, not only by fortune, but also by intention. ’Tis a counterpart of various and changeable accidents, and of irresolute imaginations, and, as it falls out, sometimes contrary: whether it be that I am then another self, or that I take subjects by other circumstances and considerations: so it is that I may peradventure contradict myself, but, as Demades said, I never contradict the truth. Could my soul once take footing, I would not essay but resolve: but it is always learning and making trial.
I propose a life ordinary and without lustre: ’tis all one; all moral philosophy may as well be applied to a common and private life, as to one of richer composition: every man carries the entire form of human condition. Authors communicate themselves to the people by some especial and extrinsic mark; I, the first of any, by my universal being; as Michel de Montaigne, not as a grammarian, a poet, or a lawyer. If the world find fault that I speak too much of myself, I find fault that they do not so much as think of themselves. But is it reason that, being so particular in my way of living, I should pretend to recommend myself to the public knowledge? And is it also reason that I should produce to the world, where art and handling have so much credit and authority, crude and simple effects of nature, and of a weak nature to boot? Is it not to build a wall without stone or brick, or some such thing, to write books without learning and without art? The fancies of music are carried on by art; mine by chance. I have this, at least, according to discipline, that never any man treated of a subject he better understood and knew than I what I have undertaken, and that in this I am the most understanding man alive: secondly, that never any man penetrated farther into his matter, nor better and more distinctly sifted the parts and sequences of it, nor ever more exactly and fully arrived at the end he proposed to himself. To perfect it, I need bring nothing but fidelity to the work; and that is there, and the most pure and sincere that is anywhere to be found. I speak truth, not so much as I would, but as much as I dare; and I dare a little the more, as I grow older; for, methinks, custom allows to age more liberty of prating, and more indiscretion of talking of a man’s self. That cannot fall out here, which I often see elsewhere, that the work and the artificer contradict one another: “Can a man of such sober conversation have written so foolish a book?” Or “Do so learned writings proceed from a man of so weak conversation?” He who talks at a very ordinary rate, and writes rare matter, ’tis to say that his capacity is borrowed and not his own. A learned man is not learned in all things: but a sufficient man is sufficient throughout, even to ignorance itself; here my book and I go hand in hand together. Elsewhere men may commend or censure the work, without reference to the workman; here they cannot: who touches the one, touches the other.
Others form man; I describe him, and portray a particular, very ill-made one, who, if I had to fashion him anew, should indeed be very different from what he is. But now it is done. Now the features of my painting do not err, although they change and vary. The world is but a perennial see-saw. All things in it are incessantly on the swing, the earth, the rocks of the Caucasus, the Egyptian pyramids, both with the common movement and their own particular movement. Even fixedness is nothing but a more sluggish motion. I cannot fix my object; it is befogged, and reels with a natural intoxication. I seize it at this point, as it is at the moment when I beguile myself with it. I do not portray the thing in itself. I portray the passage; not a passing from one age to another, or, as the people put it, from seven years to seven years, but from day to day, from minute to minute. I must adapt my history to the moment. I may presently change, not only by chance, but also by intention. It is a record of diverse and changeable events, or undecided, and, when the occasion arises, contradictory ideas; whether it be that I am another self, or that I grasp a subject in different circumstances and see it from a different point of view. So it may be that I contradict myself, but, as Demades said, the truth I never contradict. If my mind could find a firm footing, I should not speak tentatively, I should decide; it is always in a state of apprenticeship, and on trial.
I am holding up to view a humble and lustreless life; that is all one. Moral philosophy, in any degree, may apply to an ordinary and secluded life as well as to one of richer stuff; every man carries within him the entire form of the human constitution. Authors communicate themselves to the world by some special and extrinsic mark; I am the first to do so by my general being, as Michel de Montaigne, not as a grammarian or a poet or a lawyer. If the world finds fault with me for speaking too much of myself, I find fault with the world for not even thinking of itself. But is it reasonable that I, who am so retired in actual life, should aspire to make myself known to the public? And is it reasonable that I should show up to the world, where artifice and ceremony enjoy so much credit and authority, the crude and simple results of nature, and of a nature besides very feeble? Is it not like making a wall without stone or a similar material, thus to build a book without learning or art? The ideas of music are guided by art, mine by chance. This I have at least in conformity with rules, that no man ever treated of a subject that he knew and understood better than I do this that I have taken up; and that in this I am the most learned man alive. Secondly, that no man ever penetrated more deeply into his matter, nor more minutely analyzed its parts and consequences, nor more fully and exactly reached the goal he had made it his business to set up. To accomplish it I need only bring fidelity to it; and that is here, as pure and sincere as may be found. I speak the truth, not enough to satisfy myself, but as much as I dare to speak. And I become a little more daring as I grow older; for it would seem that custom allows this age more freedom to prate, and more indiscretion in speaking of oneself. It cannot be the case here, as I often see elsewhere, that the craftsman and his work contradict each other. . . . A learned man is not learned in all things; but the accomplished man is accomplished in all things, even in ignorance. Here, my book and I go hand in hand together, and keep one pace. In other cases we may commend or censure the work apart from the workman; not so here. Who touches the one touches the other.
Others form man; I tell of him, and portray a particular one, very ill-formed, whom I should really make very different from what he is if I had to fashion him over again. But now it is done.
Now the lines of my painting do not go astray, though they change and vary. The world is but a perennial movement. All things in it are in constant motion the earth, the rocks of the Caucasus, the pyramids of Egypt both with the common motion and with their own. Stability itself is nothing but a more languid motion.
I cannot keep my subject still. It goes along befuddled and staggering, with a natural drunkenness. I take it in this condition, just as it is at the moment I give my attention to it. I do not portray being: I portray passing. Not the passing from one age to another, or, as the people say, from seven years to seven years, but from day to day, from minute to minute. My history needs to be adapted to the moment. I may presently change, not only by chance, but also by intention. This is a record of various and changeable occurrences, and of irresolute and, when it so befalls, contradictory ideas: whether I am different myself, or whether I take hold of my subjects in different circumstances and aspects. So, all in all, I may indeed contradict myself now and then; but truth, as Demades said, I do not contradict. If my mind could gain a firm footing, I would not make essays, I would make decisions; but it is always in apprenticeship and on trial.
I set forth a humble and inglorious life; that does not matter. You can tie up all moral philosophy with a common and private life just as well as with a life of richer stuff. Each man bears the entire form of mans estate.
Authors communicate with the people by some special extrinsic mark; I am the first to do so by my entire being, as Michel de Montaigne, not as a grammarian or a poet or a jurist. If the world complains that I speak too much of myself, I complain that it does not even think of itself.
But is it reasonable that I, so fond of privacy in actual life, should aspire to publicity in the knowledge of me? Is it reasonable too that I should set forth to the world, where fashioning and art have so much credit and authority, some crude and simple products of nature, and of a very feeble nature at that? Is it not making a wall without stone, or something like that, to construct books without knowledge and without art? Musical fancies are guided by art, mine by chance.
If a man is commonplace in conversation and rare in writing, that means that his capacity is in the place from which he borrows it, and not in himself. A learned man is not learned in all matters; but the capable man is capable in all matters, even in ignorance.
In this case we go hand in hand and at the same pace, my book and I. In other cases one may commend or blame the work apart from the workman; not so here; he who touches the one, touches the other.
Others shape the man; I portray him, and offer to the view one in particular, who is ill-shaped enough, and whom, could I refashion him, I should certainly make very different from what he is. But there is no chance of that.
Now the lines of my portrait are never at fault, although they change and vary. The world is but a perpetual see-saw. Everything goes incessantly up and down the earth, the rocks of the Caucasus, the pyramids of Egypt both with the universal motion and with their own. Constancy itself is nothing but a more sluggish movement. I cannot fix my subject. He is always restless, and reels with a natural intoxication. I catch him here, as he is at the moment when I turn my attention to him. I do not portray his being; I portray his passage; not a passage from one age to another or, as the common people say, from seven years to seven years, but from day to day, from minute to minute. I must suit my story to the hour, for soon I may change, not only by chance but also by intention. It is a record of various and variable occurrences, an account of thoughts that are unsettled and, as chance will have it, at times contradictory, either because I am then another self, or because I approach my subject under different circumstances and with other considerations. Hence it is that I may well contradict myself, but the truth, as Demades said, I do not contradict. Could my mind find a firm footing, I should not be making essays, but coming to conclusions; it is, however, always in its apprenticeship and on trial.
I present a humble life, without distinction; but that is no matter. Moral philosophy, as a whole, can be just as well applied to a common and private existence as to one of richer stuff. Every man carries in himself the complete pattern of human nature.
Authors communicate with the world in some special and peculiar capacity; I am the first to do so with my whole being, as Michel de Montaigne, not as a grammarian, a poet, or a lawyer. If people complain that I speak too much of myself, I complain that they do not think of themselves at all.
But is it reasonable that, being so private in my way of life, I should set out to make myself known to the public? Is it reasonable either that I should present to the world, in which style and artifice receive so much credit and authority, the crude and simple products of nature, and of a weakish nature at that? Is it not like building a wall without stone or some similar material, to construct books without learning or art? Musical compositions are the product of skill, mine of chance.
To this extent, at least, I have conformed to the rules: that no man ever came to a project with better knowledge and understanding than I have of this matter, in regard to which I am the most learned man alive; and secondly that no man ever went more deeply into his subject, or more thoroughly examined its elements and effects, or more exactly and completely achieved the purpose he set out to work for. To perfect it I need only bring fidelity to my task; and that is here, the purest and sincerest that is to be found anywhere. I speak the truth, not to the full, but as much as I dare; and as I grow older I become a little more daring, for custom seems to allow age greater freedom to be garrulous and indiscreet in speaking of oneself. It cannot happen here, as I often see it elsewhere, that the craftsman and his work are in contradiction. Can a man so sensible in his conversation, they ask, have written so foolish a book? Or can such learned writings proceed from one so poor in conversation?
If a mans talk is commonplace and his writings distinguished, it means that his talent lies in the place from which he borrows, and not in himself. A learned person is not learned in all things, but a man of talent is accomplished in every respect, even in his ignorance.
Here my book and I proceed in agreement, and at the same pace. In other cases, the work may be praised or blamed apart from the workman; but here it cannot be. Who touches one, touches the other.
Others form Man; I give an account of Man and sketch a picture of a particular one of them who is very badly formed and whom I would truly make very different from what he is if I had to fashion him afresh. But it is done now. The brush-strokes of my portrait do not go awry even though they do change and vary. The world is but a perennial see-saw. Everything in it the land, the mountains of the Caucasus, the pyramids of Egypt all waver with a constant motion and their own. Constancy itself is nothing but a more languid rocking to and fro. I am unable to stabilize my subject: it staggers confusedly along with a natural drunkenness. I grasp it as it is now, at this moment when I am lingering over it. I am not portraying being but becoming: not the passage from one age to another (or, as the folk put it, from one seven-year period to the next) but from day to day, from minute to minute. I must adapt this account of myself to the passing hour. I shall perhaps change soon, not accidentally but intentionally. This is a register of varied and changing occurrences, of ideas which are unresolved and, when needs be, contradictory, either because I myself have become different or because I grasp hold of different attributes or aspects of my subjects. So I may happen to contradict myself but, as Demades said, I never contradict truth. If my soul could only find a footing I would not be assaying myself but resolving myself. But my soul is ever in its apprenticeship and being tested. I am expounding a lowly, lacklustre existence. You can attach the whole of moral philosophy to a commonplace private life as well as to one of richer stuff. Every man bears the whole Form of the human condition. Authors communicate themselves to the public by some peculiar mark foreign to themselves; I the first ever to do so by my universal being, not as a grammarian, poet or jurisconsult but as Michel de Montaigne. If all complain that I talk too much about myself, I complain that they never even think about their own selves.
When a man is commonplace in discussion yet valued for what he writes that shows that his talents lie in his borrowed sources not in himself. A learned man is not learned in all fields: but a talented man is talented in all fields, even in ignorance. Here, my book and I go harmoniously forward at the same pace. Elsewhere you can commend or condemn a work independently of its author; but not here: touch one and you touch the other.
Other people shape humanity. I simply write about it, and present here a particular example, very ill-fashioned, whom I would certainly make very different from what he is if I had to start all over again. But it’s done now. The brush-strokes of my portrait don’t go all over the place, but they do change and vary. The world is just a constant see-saw. Everything in it the land, the mountains of the Caucasus, the pyramids of Egypt are in constant motion, both with each other and in themselves. Even stability is nothing but a more languid rocking to and fro.
I can’t keep my subject still. It staggers along confusedly, with a natural drunkenness. I take it as it is now, at the very moment that I’m concentrating on it. I don’t depict being; I depict passing. Not the passing from one age to another nor, as people say, from one seven-year period to the next, but from day to day, from minute to minute. This account of myself has to be adapted to every passing hour. I may soon change, not simply by accident, but also intentionally. So this is a record of various and changeable events, of ideas that are unresolved and, where needs be, contradictory. Either I myself have become different, or I’ve taken my subjects in different aspects and circumstances. So I may happen to contradict myself, but truth, as Demades said, I do not contradict. If my mind could find a firm footing, I should not be trying things out, but deciding them. Yet my mind is still in its apprenticeship, and on test.
I present a lowly, unremarkable life, but that doesn’t matter. You can apply the whole of moral philosophy just as much to an ordinary, private life as to one of richer material. Everyone bears the completely realised form of the human condition.
Writers communicate with the public by some special, extrinsic characteristic. I am the first to do so, not as a grammarian, or poet, or judicial expert, but as my total being, as Michel de Montaigne. And if the world complains that I talk too much about myself, my riposte would be that it never even thinks about its own self.
Yet is it rational that I’m so fond of privacy in my actual life, but still aspire to make this knowledge about myself so public? Is it rational that I should present to a world where fashion and artifice hold such sway these crude and simple products of nature, and a very feeble nature at that? Isn’t writing a book without knowledge or artistry rather like building a wall without stones, or something comparable? The dreams of the Muses are governed by artistry; mine by mere chance.
But at least I’ve done one thing by the rules. Never did anyone present a subject-matter that they knew or understood better than the one I’m presenting. In this subject, I’m the most learned man alive! Then again, nobody ever delved more deeply into their material, ever stripped its limbs and consequences more to the bone, ever reached the goal they had set for their work more exactly or more completely. To finish it, I need only bring truthfulness, and a truthfulness that is as sincere and undiluted as possible. I’ve tried to speak the truth, not all of it I have, but as much as I dare. And as I grow older, I dare a little more, because it seems that custom allows old age a greater freedom to prattle away, and more indiscretion in talking about oneself. What doesn’t happen here is what I often see happening: that the writer and the writing contradict each other. How can anyone whose conversation is so intelligent have written such a silly book?, or How can such learned words have been written by someone whose conversation is so feeble? If a person’s conversation is commonplace but their writing extraordinary, that can only mean that their talent resides in their borrowed sources, not in themselves. A knowledgeable person isn’t knowledgeable about everything. But a person who is capable is capable in everything, even in ignorance.
So in this case, we go hand in hand and at the same pace, my book and I. Other works you can commend or criticise independently of their author. Not so here. Touch the one and you touch the other.
Seven translations of the opening of Michel de Montaignes essay On Repentance (Essays, Book III, #2; 1588). An excellent detailed analysis of this passage can be found in Chapter 12 of Erich Auerbachs Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. | 2019-04-26T00:42:59Z | http://bopsecrets.org/gateway/passages/montaigne.htm |
The Freshwater Biological Association has been working with the North York Moors National Park for the last 3 years on the ‘Restoring Freshwater Mussel Rivers in England’ project (funded through Biffa Award). Our role has been to rear juvenile mussels ready for reintroduction back into the River Esk at some appropriate time in the future when the habitat is restored and the water quality improved enough to support them.
Rearing juvenile freshwater pearl mussels (FPM) is a 24 hrs a day, 365 days of the year operation with our staff attending the hatchery even on Christmas Day to ensure that the mussels, and the host fish that they rely on as part of their lifecycle, are all okay.
But it’s not a bad job over here on the shores of Windermere. Whilst the wind may funnel up the lake at times, come rain, snow or sunshine, the views are wonderful and we have a great team.
The adult mussels are kept in circular tanks in our hatchery connected to tanks which contain host fish. Keeping fish and mussels in close proximity under controlled conditions improves the chances of the mussels successfully completing their lifecycle. We try to maintain the mussels in as natural an environment as possible so they are kept outside in flowing water provided from Windermere.
We constantly monitor the mussels and fish to record when glochidia (freshwater pearl mussel larvae) are released from the females and when these glochidia have grown sufficiently on the fish gills. Then we set nets to collect juveniles as they drop off their fish hosts and transfer them to trays in our juvenile rearing facility. Whilst other techniques of bank-side encystment and seeded gravel reintroductions have been used for some rivers we believe that rearing juveniles beyond their most vulnerable pedal feeding stage, when they live amongst the gravels before filtering free-flowing water, will yield better reintroduction survival rates and allows us the opportunity to learn more about these fascinating creatures.
Back in 2016, we worked with Simon Hirst (River Esk Project Officer) to translocate more adult mussels from the Esk to the hatchery. This exercise followed a recently commissioned brief from Natural England and was very carefully monitored. It proved successful and we have been collecting the captive bred juveniles in large numbers over the last two seasons. FPM larvae are carried on the gills of specific fish hosts for up to 10 months as part of lifecycle. It is interesting that in recent years the Esk glochidia grow to excystment size (350-400 microns long) and drop of the fish hosts within 2 to 3 months at the hatchery. We are therefore monitoring their survival in the rearing trays carefully.
We have been working with other river populations to prepare juveniles for reintroduction into their native rivers. The trays they are reared in are indoors where the juveniles are well protected. So we have set up flume systems to expose captive-bred juvenile mussels to diurnal and seasonal conditions which better reflect the river situation they will be reintroduced to. Once in the flume we can control flow to ‘teach’ them how to adapt to flood and drought conditions. During these experiments we record how many mussels are deeply buried, how many remain on their side on the surface of the gravels and how many are roaming about using their muscular foot. We also record whether they are siphoning water or not.
We look forward to the time that we can repeat these experiments for the Esk population but in the meantime have a look at some of our other, older juveniles filmed in their flume – click here. Or organise a group visit and come and see us at the Ark to visit the Esk juveniles and learn more about what we do.
This might not be the nicest subject to ever feature on this Blog – but it’s important stuff.
The National Park Authority is a partner in the Esk and Coastal Streams Catchment Partnership. All partners have an interest in improving water quality in the catchment.
The Catchment Partnership is therefore very happy to be involved in the Call of Nature Yorkshire campaign which aims to reduce inadvertent pollution getting into rivers and the sea when off-mains sewage systems aren’t maintained as they need to be. In rural areas, like the Esk and Coastal Streams catchment, individual homes/farms and small settlements are often not connected to the mains sewage network and so waste – from toilets, sinks, showers, baths, washing machines, dishwashers – is contained in cesspits, or treated in septic tanks or package sewage treatment plants, on site.
Cesspits are very basic, these tanks hold waste without any treatment. They need to be emptied regularly and the waste removed.
Package treatment works are a bit more technical than septic tanks. An electric pump brings in air which helps bacteria breaks down organic matter more effectively. This means under certain conditions that effluent can be discharged into a watercourse.
The Call of Nature Yorkshire campaign is raising awareness of the potential problems if these off-mains systems aren’t maintained properly and providing guidance on maintenance.
Local surveys by the Environment Agency have shown elevated levels of phosphates in certain areas of the catchment, and this could be partly due to individual sewage treatment systems and the domestic detergents and human sewage they’re supposed to treat. This isn’t the only issue; diffuse pollution from agriculture e.g. fertiliser, manure and slurry can also cause elevated nutrient levels in watercourses. Phosphate acts as a nutrient and can trigger excessive plant growth in rivers and streams. This depletes the oxygen in the water, smothers the river bed and blocks out the sunlight damaging these important ecosystems. The Glaisdale Beck Restoration Project and the Biffa funded Esk Project is working with farmers to tackle agricultural impacts. But that leaves the accidental domestic waste.
General binding rules were introduced in 2015 and apply to people who are not connected to the mains sewage network. All tanks need to be maintained to prevent leakage and to be emptied regularly to prevent over flow, any faults should be fixed immediately and maximum discharge volumes should not be exceeded (without a specific permit). If waste water that hasn’t been adequately treated gets out, it can end up polluting watercourses and beaches so damaging everyone’s environment and the nutrients and sewage released can harm both humans and wildlife. It’s much easier to maintain a off-mains system correctly than replace it when it fails. A poorly maintained system can also have a detrimental effect on the value of the property and so affect a house sale. Dark smelly liquid, sewage fungus (a slimy grey growth), a backing up toilet and a poorly-draining soak away are all indications that there is something wrong.
Make sure your system can manage the amount of waste being produced by the household – old tanks were not designed to manage the volumes used now e.g. washing machines, dishwashers. You might need to invest in a new system.
If possible space out your use of a washing machine and a dishwasher so the waste water/detergent isn’t entering the system at the same time.
Use ‘environmentally friendly’ products – only use small amounts.
Don’t flush solid items down the toilet which can block the system and lead to overflow.
Don’t pour grease/cooking oil down the sink. Don’t pour paints or solvents or down the drains.
If you do have one of these off-mains sewage treatment systems and would like further information please can call the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506. The Call of Nature Yorkshire website also has lots of useful fact sheets with further information.
I still recall the morning as, fresh-faced and hopeful, I sat in the back of a bus trundling along country roads towards the North York Moors. As we turned a corner and crested a ridge I was gifted my first view of the National Park and I could feel butterflies in my stomach, this would be my first real job in conservation. This was the start of my life serving the environment as I saw it then (and still do now I suppose). That was about four years ago, things have moved on quite a bit since then.
I worked for the National Park Authority on a year in industry placement back in my third year of University assisting with the Esk Pearl Mussel Salmon Recovery Project lead by Simon Hirst aimed at conserving the remaining Freshwater pearl mussel population in the River Esk. It was a wonderful and varied experience.
I used aquatic invertebrates as indicators of environmental degradation. It’s well recognised that moorlands and uplands can have acidification issues, and the North York Moors may well be one of the most extreme areas for it in the UK with its nearby zones of industry. Acid issues have been recorded in local becks in the past, including severe fish kills. However my results were a little surprising. Originally I thought that plantation woodland, being the newer and least natural habitat (compared to moorland which is also man-made habitat), and having less ability to slow down and buffer the incoming water, would have a much more degraded community. However, my results showed significantly more acid sensitive species living in the woodlands than the moorland. This was despite the fact that previous studies had recorded lower pH values (i.e. more acidic) in plantations than in moorlands. I think that the reason for this is the woodlands provide a more diverse and richer freshwater environment for the invertebrates to live in. This is a good sign as it shows that the conifer plantation woodland, that so much of our countryside is dominated by, may not have such a bad effect on aquatic life as once assumed. The aquatic communities were also generally healthier than would have been expected given the severe acidification. I think this shows that the species of invertebrates living in the uplands of the North York Moors are well adapted for highly acid conditions and that, despite the seemingly poor chemical results, life in the upland becks is thriving.
What happened next? After I graduated from the University of York I went on to work for Natural England, the Environment Agency and now I’m part of an ecological consultancy. I’ve come full circle, and recently I was lucky enough to get accepted for a PhD up in Inverness studying Freshwater pearl mussels. Apparently they needed someone with more waders and bucket experience than lab experience, and I fitted the bill.
Scotland is one the great bastions of the Freshwater pearl mussels with populations of tens of thousands in numerous rivers and multiple populations with favourable age structures and reproductive ability (unlike in the Esk sadly). As such, my PhD is to study these populations and monitor them using traditional methods. However the focus of the investigation is to allow comparison of conventional survey methods with new eDNA techniques. Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a method of monitoring species or habitats using the DNA that is freely found in the environment. All organisms living in an environment discard DNA, whether through waste, dead cells, carcasses, etc. and this can be picked up in trace amounts in water, soil, and even air. With Freshwater pearl mussels the hope is that DNA markers and techniques can be designed to allow detection of small or isolated populations of pearl mussels in rivers simply from a scoop of river water downstream of these prospective populations. There is also potential that the techniques could be used to monitor the size, health and population structure of these populations and perhaps even help identify sub species or genetically distinct populations. Whether this is possible or not, the possibility of cheaper and easier monitoring of pearl mussels fundamentally helps with conservation efforts.
I’m hoping to be able to keep Simon and the Esk Project up to date with our findings and perhaps provide some new information and techniques that may help the Esk’s own struggling mussels over time.
Anyway, that’s my little summary of things. I hope you guys found this interesting.
Last September we reported on the installation of black plastic sheeting on a couple of ponds in Bilsdale with the aim of shading out the non-native invasive plant species – New Zealand pigmyweed Crassula helmsii – which was accidentally flourishing there. The idea was to give the plant a taste of its own medicine by depriving it of light.
By two months the pigmyweed was becoming etiolated – pale and weakened due to the loss of sunlight – indicting the sheeting was effecting growth.
The sheeting was left on the two ponds through the winter and spring, and a second survey was carried out this July. The sheeting has killed off 100% of the pigmyweed that was covered, however pigmyweed plants remain around the edges of the ponds, where it was difficult to install the sheeting due to the surrounding vegetation and irregular shape of the pond edges.
The National Park Authority’s southern Apprentice Team will be spraying off the pigmyweed round the edge with a herbicide. The sheeting will remain on the ponds until at least late autumn to try to finish off this invasive species once and for all in this location, allowing the biodiversity of the ponds to recover.
New Zealand pigmyweed is one of the most common non-native invasive plant species found in England, along with Common rhododendron Rhododendron ponticum, Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera, Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica, and Giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum. They were all introduced into the UK as garden plants. All of these species are present in the North York Moors to some extent, and work continues to control these particular plant species, without natural competition and predators, that can have such a detrimental effect on the area’s habitats and water quality.
We’re grant aiding the removal of rhododendron from important Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sties (PAWS), to help let in the light and give native ground flora a better chance of survival. Rhododendron can harbour the Phytopthora ramorum pathogen which is a great threat to forest species such as larch.
Himalayan balsam can be pulled out/cut down by hand but this needs to be done before the seeds are setting (August/September) because one shake of a plant can release 1000s of seeds that can travel up to seven metres potentially creating 1000s of new plants. Repeatedly removing the plants from a location before they can seed over a number of years will eventually mean this annual plant no longer regenerates there.
Japanese knotweed is trickier to tackle because it needs to be treated by careful herbicide injection. Repeated treatment can kill the rhizome which is so effective at spreading. The accidental breaking up of live rhizomes can spread the plant expediently. Careful disposal is vital.
We’re currently making best use of four years of funding from Yorkshire Water to tackle Himalayan balsam and Japanese knotweed along the banks of the Rivers Esk, Rye, Seph and Seven, through whole catchments and sub-catchments starting at the top. Both species are particularly menacing to river habitats as they out compete evergreen native species and die back in the winter leaving banks bare and prone to erosion increasing the sediment loads in the water.
Giant hogweed isn’t quite so common as the other plants in this area. It can be dangerous to deal with because its sap can burn skin so it needs to be treated with care. It can be cut down or tackled with herbicides, but like all non-native invasive species repeat control will be necessary to achieve eradication at a site.
There are lots of initiatives now across the country to address the threat of these out of place species, it can sometimes seem overwhelming but concerted repeated local efforts can have an effect.
Back in June 2013 the Wild Trout Trust undertook an advisory visit for Glaisdale Angling Club on the River Esk, North Yorkshire. This was an interesting visit, identifying many of the common issues associated with livestock grazing and sandy soils on upland rivers leading to sedimentation. One specific issue was significant erosion on the outside of a particular sharp bend. This is exactly the type of issue that would have once been dealt with by hard engineering, often gabions or rip rap (rock armouring), for which there is already evidence of failed attempts. The Trust’s prescription here was to employ more sympathetic, natural bank protection measures that would actually enhance habitat in the area, rather than degrade it.
The use of brash revetment was considered, but the spatey nature of the river meant that there was a potential for further erosion from high water before any protection measures could be completed or take effect. So with this in mind, the recommendation was made to initially use a light touch, low cost approach that focused on fencing off a buffer strip along the bank to control the grazing (one of the main causal factors) and planting native tree species.
The tree and bank work was undertaken by 10 volunteers from Glaisdale Angling Club, in February 2014, coordinated by Simon Hirst of the North York Moors National Park Authority. In all, over 100 alder, 50 hazel and several hundred willow whips were planted, along with relocation of some of the overhanging bank turves onto bare areas of bank face.
As can be seen from the before and after photos from May 2015, fencing livestock away from the river bank has allowed large areas of the bank to become colonised by grass, the foliage and roots of which are already providing significant protection. The saplings and willow whips are now also well-established; the tree roots which will penetrate deeper into the ground and provide additional protection. If the fence is maintained, and livestock continue to be excluded, it can be expected that over the upcoming seasons the more stable bank will facilitate the colonisation of other herbaceous vegetation. This will increase the diversity of root structure within the bank and provide even greater consolidation. The roughness they provide will also aid natural colonisation with local trees and plants by trapping seeds and other propagules (agent of reproduction).
Although the bank is still not completely stabilised yet, and the technique is always initially susceptible to failure in very high flows, it is relatively low cost and provides a great demonstration of how removing the livestock grazing pressure can reduce erosion and stabilise river banks. If major floods do not destabilise the banks they will continue to consolidate and stabilise to natural levels. If major floods do cause further erosion in the future, there may be a case for undertaking a more formal brash revetment as well.
Kate (Catchment Partnership Officer) and I recently revisited the site with the Glaisdale Angling Club to assess the bank stabilisation work undertaken on this section of the River Esk back in February 2014. Three years later, the young alder, hazel and willow trees are flourishing, and woodrush has also successfully colonised the site naturally.
We’re planning to carry out further work in winter 2019, which will involve hazel and willow laying, like you would with a hedge to provide horizontal structure. This work will further protect and stabilise the bank, and some of the stems will also be laid into the channel to provide in-channel cover for fish.
I have finally finished my research masters. All that stands between me and the real world is corrections and actually printing a 30,000 (ish) word document. So did I actually achieve anything. Well I’d like to think so, but first up I’ll tell you a bit about what I did, and how I did it.
I spent six blissful months walking three beautiful watercourse catchments in the North York Moors – Toad Beck, Danby Beck and Great Fryup Beck which are all tributaries into the River Esk. Aside from sun kissed skin and being chased by sheep, dogs and cows, I somehow managed to collect what I was after – a lot of useful data. To establish the water quality of a river a variety of sampling techniques is required. My favourite was using a probe which measures dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, salinity, temperature and much much more. Imagine, dangling a very expensive cable off the side of a bridge and waiting in anticipation for the numbers on the screen to settle. I loved it. Although once or twice the probe did ricochet off rocks to produce an alarming sound.
– An anion is a negatively charged ion, a cation is a positively charged ion, and an ion is an electrically charged atom.
So what did I actually find out in these three catchments? Well I analysed the spatial and temporal variations of a variety of water parameters. The significance of focusing on both spatial and temporal variations within a catchment is it can easily identify areas of point source pollution at a small scale, something which isn’t done often enough.
For this post I’m focusing on dissolved oxygen and conductivity. The very important key species Freshwater Pearl Mussels require dissolved oxygen levels between 90 – 110% (Oliver, 2000). Other aquatic life like fish can survive on much lower saturations of dissolved oxygen, as low as <30%. The graph below shows how dissolved oxygen (a vital parameter for ascertaining the health of a river) changes through the year. Changes in water levels and plant growth can have serious effects on the amount of dissolved oxygen available for organic and aquatic life. During the summer months, plants will become abundant in a river, thus using up more oxygen and depleting the overall amount of dissolved oxygen available in a river. Once rainfall increases in the autumn dissolved oxygen levels should be replenished. As you can see September 2016 was a particularly poor month for dissolved oxygen, with average levels as low as 80%. Similarly, August on Toad Beck was low as well with an average of 75% saturation. But aside from in September for all three watercourses, and in August for Toad Beck, the dissolved oxygen levels remained within or above the proposed dissolved oxygen threshold.
Next up – conductivity. Conductivity is a measure of a watercourse’s ability to conduct electrical flow and is therefore related to the concentration of ions in a river. Particular aquatic species need higher or lower conductivity – the Freshwater Pearl Mussel likes a lower conductivity. There are variations between suggested thresholds for conductivity: Moorkens (2000) suggests it should be 65µs/cm, whilst Bauer (1988) suggests <70µs/cm and Oliver (2000) suggests <100µs/cm. So I chose the only logical way forward and used all three thresholds. Focusing again on the month of September 2016, I produced the map below.
This is where analysing data spatially comes into its element. First up, the circles represent sampling locations (every now and again samples were missed out say if there were a herd of cows approaching as I climbed the style into their field, needless to say my flight or fight response would always be flight as advised in the National Park Authority’s Risk Assessments). Using a traffic light system, green circles represent good conductivity levels. As you can see, September was a poor month for both dissolved oxygen and conductivity. What I found particularly interesting was the variations that could occur in a small watercourse like Danby Beck, where as tributary field drains entered the beck conductivity levels could spike or decrease dramatically; how fantastic!
So to round off I thought I’d quickly summarise my thesis’ findings. Water quality is good in the three catchments, but it’s not good enough for Freshwater Pearl Mussels, and that’s the gist of it. The work of the River Esk catchment officers at the National Park to address the issues is great, the water bodies are reaching and maintaining ‘good’ ecological status, unfortunately the Freshwater Pearl Mussels require pristine water conditions and ‘high’ ecological status. However the future direction is positive for the health and conservation of Freshwater Pearl Mussels. And I too am looking forward to the future; I shall be taking a few weeks off from being chased by animals and I can’t wait*.
* Editor’s note: Rosie didn’t get much time off – she’s gone off to pastures new and is now a Community (Water Quality) Modelling Project Officer at Thames21. We wish her all the best. | 2019-04-22T22:10:01Z | https://northyorkmoorsnationalpark.wordpress.com/tag/river-esk/ |
Offering an intimate and exquisite oceanview experience, this one bedroom, two bath top-floor penthouse is deemed a rare find. Featuring a king master bedroom and a brand new sleeper sofa, it can comfortably accommodate 4 people.
This luxurious penthouse includes an award-winning kitchen equipped with Wolf glass cook top and oven, Sub-zero refrigerator, GE profile microwave & Fisher Paykel dual dishwasher drawers. D402 is also fitted with granite counter tops, African Mahogany cabinets, two full bathrooms with Peruvian Travertine stone, soaking tubs and lavish showers. Enjoy the clean design and convenient location, with the beach and boundless Kauai adventures just beyond your private lanai.
Very nice unit, clean and updated. The only thing I would change would be the mattress, it was pretty hard.
This was an excellent property. Only down side was you could not swim in the ocean at this location.
The unit is very nice. The bed is comfortable, the kitchen is well equipped. The management company is great. They respond quickly to any questions, requests or problems.
Perfect stay -could not be better !!
Perfect all around stay. Condo was a five star place as it was clean and fully stocked with all the home essentials you would need . The rental agency was the best I have ever seen as they constantly checked in on you to see if you needed anything from concierge services to any other assistance .
This condo could not have been more perfect! My husband and I stayed here for a 2 full weeks and this unit served our every need. Kitchen is excellent: top of the line appliances, well stocked with all the essentials...and 3 great grocery stores across the street. Bathroom and soaking tub are lovely. Bed is comfy, mattress on the firm side. The ocean view from this unit is great! We saw many a lovely sunrise and moonrise during our stay. Highly recommend this unit. Well worth it.
D402 is a nice unit overlooking the lazy river, pool, and ocean. The owner does not provide beach chairs or cooler for those that spend time visiting the beaches. We had to buy and leave with a friend.
This was a wonderful resort and our unit had two balconieswith excellent view of the pool and ocean. The property was well maintained and beautiful. The kitchen and bathroom was well stocked and very clean. The pool area was excellent. My 10 year old loved the waterfalls and slides. The only annoyance was the wrist band process to check out towels for the pool. Everything else was very nice and we highly recommend staying at Waipoli Beach Resort.
We stayed here after a week long cruise around the islands. It is located in a perfect area. You can easily walk or ride bikes. Any questions we had were answered quickly. Beautiful condo, pool, area!
Great place to stay, very clean, comfy bed, great pool, close to shopping and restaurants. Our only complaint was the sofa was uncomfortable being a sofa bed when you sat down you could feel the bars. Other than that perfect and gorgeous views. Staff was amazing and friendly, we would definitely stay here again.
The room and amenities was great - however the manager on site was not only unwilling to be helpful to our group with regards to using the BBQ (we have a large group +20 ppl) but even worse was extremely rude including explicit language used to tell us where to go.........if we were not such a happy bunch this could have really ruined our stay considering a main feature of the resort was to get together and cook and eat as a group.
That said the rest of the staff on site were very nice and helpful. Actual resort is so clean and beautiful.
Very pleased with our "short" vacation to Kauai. Beautiful centrally located condo with all the amenities. Condo has a beautiful view, up to date and clean. Onsite restaurant "Oasis" is fantastic and surrounding grounds are well kept. Unfortunately we did not spend much time at the Resort as there were many things to see and do on Kauai.
We loved our room. We loved the pool. Beach is not so great at the resort, but there are lots of great beaches on the island. Wish they had pool side cocktail service, but the Oasis restaurant & Bar were nice. We will definitely go again and request the same room!!!
My husband and I had an absolute amazing stay here! Kauai Exclusive made the entire experience better than we could have planned for ourselves. The suite was very clean and it felt like we were at home. The resort is located in the perfect place. You're centrally located on the island between the North and South sides. We will most definitely return!
My husband and I spend two amazing weeks at the resort. The amenities were first class, pool, views, workout equipment and access to the entire island were wonderful. This is the second time that we have stayed at Waipouli in Kapaa and I would highly recommend this property. This unit has spectacular views of the ocean, and pool. Sean at Kauai Exclusive Management was great to work with while we were planning our 35th anniversary celebration. We kayaked, hiked, snorkeled, stand up paddle boarded and spent hours walking the beautiful beaches. We traveled the entire island, and love to spend time in Poipu shopping and relaxing. This was a magical trip and we are looking forward to returning.
We absolutely loved the spacious condo, the beautifully manicured grounds, but most of all we loved the pools and easy beach access!
Waipouli Beach Resort provided everything needed for a stress free vacation, from a nice pool and view, to a comfortable condo with all the amenities.
The condo was spotless, gorgeous and couldn't have been more perfect. I am so glad we stayed here and can't wait to come back.
We were very pleased with this unit as well as the property. Information for check-in provided by the rental manager was clear and comprehensive. The generous sized unit was nicely appointed and in great condition. It's location on the property allows guests to enjoy views of the lovely landscaped grounds/pool/lazy river/water slides and waterfalls as well as the ocean. Kapaa is a central location to explore the island. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend this property to others.
Wonderful view, great location (close to a lot of shops, restaurants and a grocery store), great resort. We had a great time. We did the NaPali Coast raft tour, it was beautiful and would highly recommend it. We saw a lot of dolphins, turtles and the view of the coast is just incredible!!
Great location! Great Property! Great Spa!
The location was perfect to get north/south - less touristy than Popui; walk/bike path is perfect for daily walks any time of the day/night; mgmt company was responsive and helpful; Best is the on-site spa. Both my husband & I and loved it! Greg goes above and beyond - Dakota & Michelle are the best. Thanks for a great, memorable vacation.
Beautiful room w/view. Kitchen fit for a chef. Will be back with kids next time! Located right across from a shopping center. Easy access to South and North sides of island.
We Were So Pleased We Stayed Here!
View from D402 was lovely. We loved sleeping with the doors open at night. Perfect suite for one couple. Two bathrooms but only one shower. Shower located in a tiny bathroom space connected to main bathroom with doors in between. For one couple not a problem.
Kitchen beautifully appointed. Living space comfortable. We passed resort the first time.
Signage for the Resort is small and easily missed.
Oasis convenient - we liked the outside dining - food excellent.
Beef Shed right next to this resort very popular with locals. Steaks and seafood great.
Only negative, we felt the carpet in the elevators needed to be replaced. But this no way affected our stay. Everything else was spotless. Pool area well maintained. Staff generous with the pool towels. Wifi great.
Great condo, great location. Couldn't ask for a better vacation.
Great location with grocery store and coffe shop directly across the street. Laid back but still a great variety of activities readily available.
Waipouli Beach Resort D402 was a great place to stay.
My wife and I have stayed in many condos in many different areas and I would rate this condo as the best we have stayed in. Just as advertised.
Well furnished, well stocked unit; terrific views and very helpful people around the complex.
Everything was very nice and clean. We had a great time. Nice location. We will be back!
Easy check in, very clean, loved our family stay there. As a plumber I noticed 1 thing, the cold side handle in master bath left side sink is leaking when turn on handle. just to let you know.
My husband and I stayed in D402 and absolutely loved it. Very clean and had a gorgeous view of pool area & ocean. The other part that I wanted to give kudos to the management is for allowing us to stay a little later on our last day due to our flight being later in the afternoon. Very accommodating. I would highly recommend D402 and if had opportunity to go back to Kauai, would stay again. Another item of mention was convenience to grocery store & coffee shops! Thanks D402 for a fantastic time!!
Very happy with the unit. High quality furnishing and appliances. Could have used a little more instruction in using some of the appliances, but we figured them out.
We have stayed at numerous high end hotel / resorts on Kauai over the past few years and this property by far stands out as one of our best experiences so far. The rooms are neat and very clean (noted we tend to be picky when it comes to cleanliness). Every staff interaction at KEM was positive. If you are planning a trip to Kauai, don't miss the little gem.
This was our 50th wedding anniversary and is why we made it an extended stay. We made the right decision for a property. The condo we stayed in D402 was situated so the sun never came directly into the unit and we faced east to get full advantage of the trade winds. Having the shopping center directly across the street was another plus. We did a lot of sightseeing and activities. This is our favorite island, but this was our longest stay in the many times here.
Very nice condo with a great view of the pool and ocean. Very nice kitchen, 2 balconies (one off the bedroom, one off the living room), huge bathroom with separate shower and tub. Very nice pool area, beachfront restaurant. Great central location, easy drive to all areas of the island.
We have stayed at the Waipouli Resorts many times and at several different places. Every place we have stayed has been great!!
We loved staying at Waipouli resort for a week vacation in Kauai. Having never been to Kauai, we were not sure where the best place to stay was, but I can tell you we made a great choice! The location of this resort is very convenient with restaurants, grocery, liquor and even Starbucks in easy walking distance. Plus this location makes it easy to drive anywhere on the island- and we drove all over the island. The condo is beautiful and so are the grounds. After seeing Kauai, I would venture to say this is one of the nicest resorts. The food in the Oasis restaurant is very good and reasonably priced by Kauai standards and has a breathtaking ocean front view. Our only complaints are that the electric cooktop does not work very well and the A/C in the bedroom did not work as well as we would have liked. I would definitely recommend staying here.
Everything was as described to us and seen in pictures/other reviews. Room was large and clean. Good view of the pool and ocean. Kitchen was awesome and had all utensils, cups, plates, etc. that we needed. I'd definitely return here for another stay!
This was our first trip to Hawaii, specifically Kauai and this condo did not disappoint. The complex itself is well maintained and beautiful. The pool outstanding. Location wise this was perfect! Safeway directly across the street, quick drives to everywhere on the island and great sunrises. The condo unit itself was better than the pictures. Very clean, high end appliances, great layout and view was perfect for the morning sunrise. Portable cooler to use was a very nice to have. Washer/Dryer were full sized and just like ours from home. Quite, comfortable bed and furniture. Highly recommend this unit. Management team was easy to work with and very responsive.
The location was perfect; close to the airport and across the street from safeway, starbucks, and McDonalds with great shopping just up the road. The room was well maintained and had everything we needed. We had no issues with the pool area that I have seen mentioned by others. The restaurant at the resort has a very limited menu and is a bit pricey compared to others we went to. We would definitely stay here again.
We had a great time. A few little suggestions are need ceiling fan in bedroom, bbqs were not all working, need a cage over fire sprinkler in bedroom closet, the seal in the master shower leaks on the floor. I wish the pool was lit better at night and some sort of entertainment nightly in the bar. Otherwise, The condo was beautiful and well maintained and we really find enjoy our visit.
The condo was very clean and large for a one bedroom. The pool was awesome and the gym was nice. Not very big but hardly ever packed. Management was very friendly and professional. All around great place to stay.
We stayed in three different units and loved each one of them.
Everything was great - we loved Waipouli and had a very laid back relaxing vacation.
The blue info sheets in the units were not current re internet access. And an explanation of the TV workings would be helpful as well as a TV guide.
Other than that everything was great, very organized from start to finish.
We had a wonderful time. The complex is conveniently located in the middle of the Island so it makes it an easy drive to North or South locations. The condo had all the amenities we could want. One little thing we noticed was the couch was starting to show wear and tear. Other than that we enjoyed our time here.
The staff from Kauai exclusive was very helpful and responded quickly both prior to our stay and during. The rental was beautiful and had fully stocked with everything we needed and more!
Beautiful unit, great views and location...absolutely loved it.
We certainly lucked out when we selected not only D402 but Waipouli Resort. It is in a terrific location near shops, restaurants and midway to the south of Kauai, so driving all around is a breeze.
The resort environment is clean, comfortable and quiet. Oasis restaurant is a must for anyone staying at the resort. Don't miss this place.
We were extremely pleased with this one bedroomed property. It had everything you could possibly need for your stay. We only had to buy food and some drinks. Excellent condition. The property management guys called to ensure there were no problems or if we needed anything. Only issue was we were told our code would still work for the pool but it didn't. However a security guard was kind enough to let us into the pool for our last few hours. The Mai Tais at the Oasis were the best we had on our 3 island trip and the food was good too! Highly recommended - we would stay here again in a heartbeat!
This place is simply great! I Unitially wanted to stay at a hotel but the more I looked into this place, the more I was convinced this would be where I would my vacation time. I first spoke to a represantative whom helped me find the perfect place for my family of 4 (2adults,2 children). The represantative was helpful and very quick to look for a good deal. Our room was great! Part oceans/pool views. The room it self was kept up very well, beds were comfortable. The pool and fitness center was also very cool. I will definately he returning and recommending this place to family and friends!
Easiest check in process ever. The resort and staff are inviting and very friendly. The grounds were magnificent and I would recommend this resort to friends and family. Joshua Rudinoff is the BEST!!!
My husband and I had never been to Hawaii and chose this spot to celebrate our anniversary. The resort was spectacular! Beautiful grounds and pool and conveniently located directly across from a small shopping center and grocery store. We found this location on the east side of the island a perfect midway point for daily travels either north or south and were able to explore much of the island in only 4 full days. Our room was clean, quiet, and beautifully maintained. We did not bring our kids, but they would have LOVED it. Note - the beach at this resort is NOT swimmable, but the pool makes up for it.
awesome resort, great for kids, Kauai Exclusive very professional and on it.
We had a great stay and loved the location of this particular unit. The rental company was very helpful and always quick to respond to questions or emails, which we greatly appreciated. Everything was in great condition, and we were also happy to see that this unit actually had some spices in the cabinet and some sand toys for the kids. We have stayed at Waipouli before when none of these conveniences were available. My only suggestion for D402 is that the dishes and silverware seem to be getting down in count and supply may need to be replenished. Also, with all of the children that come through Waipouli, perhaps it would be nice to provide some more plastic cups or dishes. Just a suggestion. Thanks for the nice stay!
Ocean view, sunrise and moonrise, steps to the sand, walking path... close to grocery stores, friendly staff, what more can I say?
Great location with easy access to shopping and restaurants. Beautiful view of sunrises every morning. Very quiet at night. We enjoyed our stay and would highly recommend this property.
The condo was great, very confortable and spacious, well located, quite and very convenient. We loved it! Really!
As this was our first trip to Kauai, we weren't sure where to stay. We picked Kapa'a for its central location and then found D402 at Waipouli Beach Resort. Staying in Kapa'a was a good choice - it is a reasonable distance/time to any activity and Kapa'a has great amenities. We stayed 10 nights at this resort. The condo was very nice. It was quiet, had a great view, and had everything we needed. With the trade winds, we only used the air con briefly for one afternoon. It is great having the two bathrooms. Being poolside with the ocean view is definitely nicer than being on the road side, although there can be a fair bit of daytime/evening noise from the pool - but it is 'happy noise'! The sofa bed needs to be replaced - mattress is pretty bad and couch cushions are showing age, but management is now aware of this and were very helpful in bringing in an extra foam mattress cover on our first day, which helped for sure. We plan to return to Kauai and would definitely stay in this unit again.
We were so impressed with the Waipouli Beach Resort. It is centrally located on the island in the town of Kapa'a which offers great restaurants, natural food stores, farmers markets etc.
The Waipouli resort is right on the beach, has a fun pool area with water slides, multiple hot tubs, bbqs, a fantastic restaurant called the Oasis, with an excellent server named Henry. And the best Mai Tai in the world--it is all made from scratch, no syrups, canned juices, fake ingredients etc. You can't go wrong here!!
The kitchen inside the condo is gorgeous and the whole place was first class comfort. The only small gripe I have is the shower head was the wrong type for the shower stall. It was too wide of a spray and sort of spitty causing the water to go everywhere except on your body. This is a simple fix of changing the shower head and does not effect our overall very positive experience. We took baths instead of showers in the huge jacuzzi tub and it was divine. We could have called management about the shower head and I have no doubt they would have fixed it right away, but we were too busy exploring and having a great time to be bothered with this.
We stayed in one of the private condos at Waipouli and still had access to all the spa, conceriege, pool, restaurant, beach, parking etc services that the resort offers.
Josh, the manager who booked our private condo at the Waipouli was very nice, professional, informative and got us a great deal! A private condo is the way to go because you have a full kitchen, bath, laundry in the condo and still have access to resort amenities. We will be back and will stay at the Waipouli Beach Resort!
Truly the BEST vacation I've ever had. Sooo relaxing and the condo is gorgeous. Everything you need right at your fingertips. Magnificent pool and ocean views (loved the pool at night, lit with tiki torches!). Company staff were wonderfully helpful. Telling all our friends. We can't wait to come back.
We were blorwn away by the layout, design and amenities offered in this 1 bd/2 ba unit -- a luxlurious, yet comfortable vakay experience.The layout, appliances, and amenities found in this kitchen were so fabulous, our local chef friend cooked us a gourmet dinner for our 25th anniversary in this kitchen! The bedroom was very comfortable with extra nice bedding & towels in the bath areas. The huge double sink and vanity area was perfect with lots of storage drawers and a large garden tub in the corner. The shower and second bath area are adjacent to the master bath with a door to close the two off. Nice concept. A balcony off the bedroom could have been a bit bigger, but we enjoyed having drinks and enjoying the morning sunrises there. The furnishings were very tastefully done, laid out nicely, and super comfortable. We had plenty of space in the entryway for golf clubs.. We only had 4 nights in this unit, as we agreed to move halfway thru our stay to another unit in Bldg. G. The Penthouse we moved to didn't compare in quality to this lovely unit (see review for G301). The Management Co. smoothly handled everything for us. This unit directly overlooks the meandering pool area and the ocean view beyond! Our days here were relaxing & peaceful. But I wouldn't say that this property would appeal to the 55+ group, as there were mostly young famlies with babies, tweens, and teens who got a bit loud at times. But we certainly enjoyed this unit to the fullest! The keyless entries take a bit of getting used to, especially getting in and out of the pool area. We needed nothing more in this lovely lunit!
Upon reserving this property Josh was great at taking care of our needs. Condo is beautiful! The main downfall is no service at the pool. You also can't bring in pool coolers to the pool. The Bar-B-que's need some work but were nice to have by the pool. Upon checking in though we were told just to go to our room. We didn't know where our room was.? Kapaa was a nice central location for seeing all the Island.
Everything went perfect from the booking to our arrival. From the moment we walked into the Waipouli Beach Resort we were impressed. Once we opened the door to our condo D402 we were knocked out at how beautiful it was. The view of the pool and ocean was like a dream. It was immaculately clean, with comfortable high end furnishings. The location was perfect especially the shopping center directly across the street. We can't wait to return and rent this same condo again.
Condo was beautiful as well as the resort. All the amentities you would need. Only complaint is a brighter light is needed for the shower and also if the shower head is adjusted in a normal position it leaks a ton through the bottom of the door onto the floor. You must point it towards the wall for this not to happen. Otherwise condo was perfect.
Outstanding, the total week was unbelivable at the resort. The accomodations were the best we've ever encounter on any of our vacations. The location was near shopping and outstanding restaurants.
The property is great.lots of play area for kids.the only bad part is that it's the rainy side so I would stay here summer only and in winter time stay in poipu which was drier and warmer.the condos are beautifull.safeway is right across from the property. people are very nice.
East Kauai is not the rainy side. North Kauai is rainy and east Kauai is generally very sunny. This group was unlucky as this storm had it raining in Poipu also. I hope they try Kauai again!
Beautiful room, location, and and restaurant at Waipouli. We would definitely come back for vacation. This was the perfect honeymoon destination.
It's always a wonderful experience at Wiapouli Beach Resort and the properties are very well maintained,spotless and well managed.
The resort was terrific, our only complaint was the "no coolers in pool area" rule. This would be fine if they had a poolside bar to serve drinks and snacks but they don't. There is a poolside restaurant but it doesn't open till 4. The location is great because it's a short drive to anywhere on the island. You can drive either north or south within about 45 mins. The only thing about being on the east side is that it didn't seem to be as sunny as the rest of the island, it was cloudy almost every day. This could be because of the time of year we came, early October, or we just had bad luck for the week. Poipu on the south shore was sunny every day we went. But overall it was a terrific stay on a beautiful tropical island. Would definitely recommend staying here.
the shower door in the unit i stayed in does not close very good there for water is all over the floor, also the shower head is very poor. really should adjust the shower door to stop future rot. codo renovation is what i do here on maui.
This was our second visit to Kauai and the location was perfect to visiting other parts of the island, the perfect halfway point. The kitchen was well apppointed, decorations were nice, sofa and bed were comfortable. Nice balcony view of the pool and the ocean. We can't wait to come back with the kids because the pool was great, beach was ok for minimal swimming. Josh was so helpful and allowed us a few hours extra while we waited for our late departure which was greatly appreciated.
We looked at many places to stay. We have a 17mo old and wanted a place where he would also have fun in a safe environment. There are many nice condos on the island, but this one seemed to be one of the few that had a kid friendly, fenced in pool/waterslide/lazy pool with koi fish feeding, a grassy area to run in, etc. The beach is accessible but it is not as sandy as we would have liked and the waves are too rough for babies. That being said, there are plenty of places to drive to in the north and south that have nice beaches. This place seemed to be the only location that was on a beach and was very accessible to 3 groceries (Foodland, Safeway, Big Save) and food (subway, pizza hut, taco bell, chinese restaurant, indian restaurant, and 2-3 italian restaurants) just across the street!. Also it was centrally located, easy access to the north and south parts of the island. The inside furnishings were nice and clean. The floor plan was good and although only 1 bedroom, there were 2 toilets which was useful. If you are looking for a secluded area for a romantic getaway (away from kids), then this place may not be the best. However, It is a great place for a family with kids.
We LOVED this place and had such a great experience. The Paniola cocktail made at the restaurant right off the pool and hot tubs was great. We drank MANY of them while we were there. There is a great gluten free bakery next store that has yummy fresh muffins and baked goods in the morning. I can't eat gluten so it was a special treat. The accomodations are amazing with great appliances and classy furnishing. We've had bad experiences with "hawaiian condo decor" before the is dirty and old. This place was spotless and easy to keep clean even without maid service. A lot of places don't have air conditioning or hot tubs in hawaii and this place had both. My husband doesn't get much time off so when we go on vacation we like to stay nice places. I can't say enough nice things about the unit we stayed in, I'd recommend (and have) to anyone I know. We'd LOVE to go back!
This unit has the most magnificent view you could want on this property... a full-on ocean view to see both sunrises and moonrises... and a long total view of the wonderful winding swimming pool. Sitting on the balcony mornings reading a good book with the ocean breeze and some fresh Kauai coffee - couldn't ask for a better experience.
Condo is beautiful - nicely equipped so you don't have to spend all your time looking for places to eat! Safeway across the road is just fine and a quick walk if you just need a couple of things.
My daughter loved the pool (5 years old) and could spend hours upon hours there.
You need to rent a car for this island - there are many places to explore! We would hit a beach, drive back and finish the day in the pool. Or, take the trip to Waimea canyon and unwind before supper in the pool. Very clean and well-maintained. The unit we stayed in is managed by Kauai Exclusive Management and the rep Josh helped us out with any questions or concerns promptly.
Last night we were there we went to the Oasis bar and restaurant on the property and watched the whales frolicking without binoculars. Truly a treat. Pretty much anywhere we went, if we waited a couple of minutes, we could see whales hanging out.
Kilauea lighthouse, Hanalei town and bay, secret beach, Lydgate park if you have kiddies (or want to practice snorkeling), Waimea canyon, go to the walmart in Lihue to buy cheap beach toys and lifejackets, Smith family Luau - very close and really beautiful grounds and a nice show.
We will be back - we may stay in a larger condo next time - D402 is 1 bedroom with a sofa bed in the living room, but will definitely go through Kauai Exclusive Management - they take care of 20 or so units - they took very good care of us!
After being on Oahu for a couple of days, Kauai was a lovely quiet place - very laid back!
We had an amazing stay at the Waipouli Beach Resort and Spa in Kapaa! The Resort was beautful and the view from our Penthouse was amazing every night. The pool was so much fun with all the waterfalls and slides! The suite had a huge well equipped kitchen with all the bells and whistles and proved to be a dream to cook in. The bathrooms were fantastic and the master bath was like having your own jacuzzi in house. Having a washer/dryer in the suite was also a bonus! The TV's were awesome and having a DVD made things great for when we wanted to rent movies - and we are bolth huge movie watchers. The Resort and the grounds were always clean and always well kept. The staff were always friendly and helpful. We loved the pool girls the best - Ish and Sheila (I hope I got the names right)! The location of the Resort is just perfect... with SuperValu, Starbucks, Blockbusters, etc... across the road it made it easy the pick up groceries, etc... We will definately be back and I will highly recommend this 5 star resort to my friends and family! Many thanks to Josh (the Property Manager) for setting us up in this gem of a Property. I have to say it was the best Christmas & New Years Holiday we have ever had! Mahalo!
Josh was very helpful for all of things which made our vacation greater than expected. Island was also nice so we would like to visit there again!
Thank you for the accomodations, we were very happy with the complex and the service was great. My daughter could not get enough of the water slides. It is a beautiful place to stay in kauai. I will recommend it. Josh was a pleasure to work with. | 2019-04-25T08:11:32Z | https://www.kauaiexclusive.com/rentals/properties/waipouli-beach-resort-d402/ |
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I urge you to read Carl Nold’s thoughtprovoking essay on the challenges faced by historic house museums in the twenty-first century. House museums need to find ways to be relevant, exciting, and able to compete for the public’s attention in a fractured and media-hyped marketplace. Now that Carl is serving as chair of the American Association of Museums, he will be actively involved in developing solutions to these problems nationwide. Historic New England is indeed fortunate to have at its helm a leader with his vision and experience. Also in this issue, Richard Nylander examines the silhouette of the Appleton family and finds in its details a remarkable trove of evidence—from works of art on display to the textiles and furniture types— that tell us about taste among Boston’s well-to-do in the 1840s. The article reflects the profound understanding of New England material culture that Richard developed during his more than forty years at Historic New England. Although he retired in March, we are ever grateful for his service and hope he will continue to share his insights with us for years to come. Let me remind our members to visit the historic house museums this season and enjoy the numerous events being offered all over the region for everyone interested in experiencing history in ways that are both enjoyable and authentic.
The timber-framed barn at Cogswell’s Grant, Essex, Massachusetts. David Bohl.
room, decorated with greenery. The wallpaper, still on the walls today, may have been installed to coincide with the celebration.
n 1796, upon being ordained minister of the Congregational meetinghouse in Standish, Maine, Daniel Marrett and his bride, Mary, purchased a house that would become home to three generations of their family. The handsome Georgian house in the town center reflected Marrett’s status as a leading citizen in the community. The couple had six children before Mary died in 1810; two years later, Marrett married Dorcas Hastings, who gave birth to eight children. While most members of the family’s sizeable second generation left Standish when they grew up, fond memories of the family home lingered in their minds. As Lorenzo Marrett wrote in 1842 to his younger sister Helen, still living at home, “though I may now be settled on a spot which I trust will bye and bye become a home indeed to me, yet my thoughts will wander back to the old mansion house as long as you and mother shall dwell there.” Clearly, the Marretts had a deep attachment to their family home long before 1889, when Daniel’s son Avery and his wife Elizabeth invited family members to return on August 15th to commemorate the old homestead’s centennial. Their celebration took place in the wake of America’s Centennial festivities, which had unleashed a wave of interest in Colonial arts, architecture, and family history. The Marretts’ Colonial lineage was likely a source of pride for family members, who came to the celebration from as close as Portland and as far as Seattle. In the front yard stood an evergreen arch bearing the dates 1789–1889. Inside, the rooms were festooned with pine branches, and some were redecorated for the occasion. Frances, Avery and Elizabeth’s youngest daughter, recited her poem: Come hither, oh friends of the past and present! Come, and your early acquaintance renew. The old house stands eagerly waiting to greet you With a welcome warm and true. The party continued with music and an elaborate luncheon. Today, with rooms that have scarcely changed since the home’s centennial, Marrett House is a time capsule that reflects the family’s reverence for their history.
“In the best style” A recent acquisition sheds new light on elegance in Boston in the 1820s.
museum going is most often a social experience, done in pairs or larger groups, less frequently a solitary pastime. Another factor is the changing availability of time for personal and leisure activities in the lives of American families. Increasingly, both parents work outside the home; shopping is now available on previously blue-law-protected Sundays; and parents feel the need for childhood-enhancing soccer games or ballet lessons, not to mention the time required for transporting children to them—all are identified as contributors to a reduction in time previously devoted to museum visits.
represent styles that at one time were considered not worth preserving. ABOVE RIGHT Schoolchildren at Pierce House, Dorchester, Massachusetts, the site of numerous educational activities.
private collections. This group enjoys a private tour of Philip Johnson’s Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut.
boxed it into a rigid tour, excluded the public from direct involvement with the collections, and tried to impose a single model on what are really very diverse places and constituencies. With continuing dedication to preservation and to the scholarship that helps us understand the past, historic site museums must experiment with new ways to attract and serve audiences. Historic New England is committed to this approach, and recent results are very encouraging. —Carl R. Nold President and CEO Carl R. Nold has more than twenty years’ experience in the history museum field. Formerly director of Mackinac State Historic Parks in Michigan, one of the most-visited systems of history museums in the nation, he currently serves as chairman of the American Association of Museums.
During Colonial times, farming was one of the most common occupations in the region, and entire families worked hard to produce food and other goods for themselves and their neighbors. Children helped their parents by gathering eggs, milking cows, and harvesting crops.
Do you think you’d like to work on a farm ?
Life on the Farm Life on a farm follows a familiar cycle based on the seasons. Here is a year of farm work as recorded in the journal of Colonel Samuel Pierce of Dorchester, Massachusetts, in the eighteenth century.
Can you solve this puzzle? It comes from a ma gazine for farm families published over one hundred years ago!
A farmer had four sons and one hundred acres of land. He reserved one quarter, or 25 acres, in one corner for his own use, as shown in this diagram. The father then told his sons that he would give them the remaining 75 acres of land if they would divide it into four equal lots of the same shape.
word scramble Since Colonial times, farms have been an important resource for New Englanders, providing many goods that we need for daily life. See if you can unscramble this list of things produced on farms. Answers can be found on page 12.
Directions 1. Put a layer of gravel at the bottom of each pot, and then fill with potting soil. For seeds, make small indentations in the soil. Plant seeds according to the depth and spacing recommended on the packets. For plants, gently transplant the herbs into the new pots and fill in the remaining space with potting soil. 2. Write the names of the herbs on popsicle sticks and insert them into the pots.
on the cover of this issue. FAR RIGHT, ABOVE A gable-front barn in New Hampshire, with an impressive cupola. FAR RIGHT, BELOW A twentieth-century gambrel-roofed barn.
that was safer in high winds and easier to open in the presence of heavy snow accumulations, debuted in new barns of the mid-nineteenth century. Exterior cosmetic detailing began to appear on new barns, particularly in the pediments and eaves. Such details unified the barn with the style of the farmhouse and other outbuildings and gave the farmstead an appearance of modernization, which was synonymous with excellence. By the 1860s and ‘70s, the most fashionable barns featured Gothic, Italianate, and Second Empire styling. A decade later, gambrel roofs became popular, because they afforded a greater volume of space for the hay loft without an increase in wall height. High-drive bank barns—three, four, or even five stories in height—like the earlier bank barns, took even greater advantage of gravity to make farm labor more efficient. These barns featured an earthen ramp leading to the barn’s loft level. Instead of hoisting the hay into the loft with a hayfork, the farmer could drive up the ramp and offload hay and grain with ease, shifting it into the haymow or to livestock below. High-drive bank barns were wide enough to permit the wagon to turn around at one end of the barn and exit through the same door.
covered ramp at the gable end and an additional earthen ramp to the second story at the eave side.
An early bank barn, c.1850, in Peacham, Vermont, which is part of the Josiah and Lydia Shedd Farmstead and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2007, the current owners were awarded a $10,000 Barn Grant towards stabilizing and repairing the structure.
THIS PAGE The Lilacs, Thompson Kidder’s country seat in Medford, Massachusetts, was one of many estates, large and small, developed in towns near Boston after the Revolution. These watercolor drawings provide a detailed picture of the unity of ornament and productivity in landscape design around 1808. The main approach to the house features a curved drive and a circular garden, defined by regularly-spaced flowers and shrubs. Simple wooden trellises flank the front entry, and vines twine around the pair of columns to complete the symmetrical composition. The rear tract of land was intensely cultivated with fruit trees and a vegetable garden. Kidder also developed a series of terraces with curvilinear beds in order to maximize the planting area on the steep site. The practical design was balanced with aesthetic touches, such as winding paths and a lattice summer house.
scape gardening and domestic architecture, which promoted the interdependence of beauty and usefulness. He described two major types of landscape, the “beautiful”— with serpentine lines, soft grasslands, and groupings of deciduous trees— and the “picturesque”— with irregular lines, rough ground, and pointed evergreens. Downing’s innovative ideals of rural life were superseded as the century progressed. Designers like Frederick Law Olmsted, also influenced by the English landscape tradition, found new ways to integrate nature with decorative elements. Other designers looked to the past for inspiration. Publications such as Alice Morse Earle’s Old-Time Gardens, 1901, and Edith Wharton’s Italian Villas and Their Gardens, 1904, provided models that spawned a rich and eclectic chapter in American garden history.
THIS PAGE During the early years of the New Republic, New England’s prospering port towns and cities saw the construction of many high-style residences. Typically, the building lots were narrow but had considerable depth. In contrast to the naturalistic park-like designs found on rural estates, these urban gardens tended to be symmetrical and enclosed. ABOVE This 1812 plan of the garden at the Rundlet-May House in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, depicts the grid design laid out by James Rundlet in 1807. The house was situated on a terraced site, with two acres of gardens, including plant beds, gravel walks, and an orchard. A long shed and stable separated the service yard from the gardens. Rundlet kept detailed records of expenses at his property. Plant purchases made between 1807 and 1809 included pear and peach trees, grapevines, and rose bushes. Subsequent records document the cultivation of asparagus and potatoes. The landscape’s formal arrangement was in keeping with the ordered context of city life. LEFT Two photographs taken c. 1899 depict the Brockway garden in Newburyport, Massachusetts, which dates to the Federal era and shares many similarities with the garden at the Rundlet-May House. Both houses were elevated on grass terraces with fences enclosing the front yards and had deep rear gardens. Each was organized into geometric-shaped beds, but the Brockway garden was of a more complex design than the simple rectilinear forms of James Rundlet’s garden.
LEFT A. J. Downing’s theory of the ideal environment—one slightly removed from the urban center—influenced the landscape of the American suburb. In 1856, Boston architect Luther Briggs, Jr., designed a house and grounds in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, for grocer Ephraim Merriam. Briggs probably took his inspiration for the Italianate house from one of Downing’s architectural pattern books— either Cottage Residences (1842) or The Architecture of Country Houses (1850). Briggs’s plan for the landscape surrounding the house also reflects Downing’s recommendations in the use of ornamental plantings, fruit trees, and a grape trellis. BELOW Benjamin Rand, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, carriage builder, constructed his Italianate house on a large plot of land in 1855. The extensive grounds, enjoyed by the Rand family for almost one hundred years, included ornamental plantings, a neat vegetable garden, a cutting garden for flowers, and a small orchard. A greenhouse was located in the more utilitarian section, while gravel paths connected the wisteria-covered summer house with other recreational areas. The Rand family’s suburban oasis, photographed c.1890, is now the Porter Square Shopping Center.
Beginning in the late nineteenth century, New Englanders increasingly sought the help of professional designers to plan their gardens. Elaborate greenhouses were often included as part of a large professional design. This greenhouse was proposed for the estate of publisher Edwin Ginn of Winchester, Massachusetts. The greenhouse was probably designed by the Irvington, New York, firm of Lord & Burnham.
BELOW AND RIGHT “All our roads seem to lead us toward the Hamilton House,” wrote Emily Tyson to her friend, author Sarah Orne Jewett. Located on a high bluff overlooking the Salmon Falls River in South Berwick, Maine, the Georgian house was built about 1788 by prosperous West Indies merchant Jonathan Hamilton. Captivated by the beauty of the house and its evocative setting, Emily Tyson and her step-daughter, Elise, purchased the property and the surrounding one hundred and ten acres in 1898. The Tysons created a series of gardens compatible with the house’s Colonial character, including an elaborate sunken garden surrounded by a vine-covered pergola, a cutting garden enclosed by an arborvitae hedge, and a cottage garden. One of the many garden writers who visited Hamilton House noted, “In isolation, simplicity, and ripeness the atmosphere of the whole place breathes of olden days, and might well be taken as a model for a perfect American garden.” Unfortunately, the pergola and other architectural elements were destroyed by a hurricane in the 1950s. The elms that were planted around the house and along the river bank succumbed to Dutch Elm disease. The cutting garden evolved into a shade garden as the arborvitae hedge grew to be thirty feet tall. Historic photographs, like these taken by George Brayton, c.1923, guide Historic New England as it works to retore this splendid Colonial Revival garden.
This article is based on the exhibition Lost Gardens of New England, which reproduces numerous images from the Library and Archives, along with original garden ornaments from the collection. The exhibition will be on view from June 29 to October 31 at the Heritage Museums & Gardens, 67 Grove Street, Sandwich, Massachusetts, www.heritagemuseumsandgardens.org. The text of this article is adapted from the exhibition text by Lorna Condon, Elizabeth Igleheart, and Richard Nylander.
Over 280 influential people gathered at the Four Seasons Ballroom in Boston on January 4 for a Gala evening that raised $245,000 in net proceeds towards support of the education and public outreach programs offered by Historic New England.
Gala Co-chairs Susan Sloan and Anne Kilguss with President and CEO Carl R. Nold.
Trustee Joan Berndt, Board Chair William Hicks, and Ernst Berndt.
Boardman House, c.1687, Saugus, Mass.
Off the beaten path For an unusual experience, visit Historic New England’s study properties, which are open specific days this season. Ten of the properties are rare building types dating from the First Period of European settlement; most have escaped significant alteration and are left unfurnished in order to showcase their construction methods. The framing and masonry reflect the regional origins of the early settlers, who brought with them building practices they learned in England and adapted to the materials available to them in the New World. In addition to the First Period buildings, other study properties include the Georgian-style Rocky Hill Meeting House in Amesbury, Massachusetts, which remains in pristine condition; the Quincy House in Quincy, Massachusetts, a country house that preserves the history of a prominent Boston family; and the Merwin House in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, a Federal-style house that was updated during the Colonial Revival era as a summer residence. Admission is free to members; please consult your Guide to Historic New England or visit www.HistoricNewEngland.org for details.
Nold assumes chair of AAM Historic New England President and CEO Carl R. Nold has been elected chair of the American Association of Museums for the term 2008–2010. The AAM represents more than 15,000 museums of all types and devotes itself to gathering and sharing knowledge on issues of concern to the profession, developing standards and best practices, and advocacy. Nold has been active in the AAM for many years, most recently serving as vice chair.
Sacred and Profane Parlor organ, c. 1875. Prescott Organ Co., Concord, New Hampshire. Gift of Susan Foster Vogt.
descendants and finally to a family in Haverhill, Massachusetts, who recently donated it to Historic New England. During the second half of the nineteenth century, the parlor organ was nearly as popular in America, at least for a time, as the piano. Few middleclass homes were without one or the other. A parlor organ cost less than half of the price of a piano and took up less space, while satisfying many of the same needs and providing a formidable symbol of culture and refinement. Before Edison’s invention of the phonograph in the late 1870s, the only way to bring music into the home was to perform it. —Nancy Carlisle Curator Visit www.HistoricNewEngland.org to hear a recording of the donor’s mother and sister playing the organ. | 2019-04-21T17:43:42Z | https://issuu.com/historicnewengland/docs/historic_new_england_summer_2008 |
Important things to consider for your wedding photos!
After months of planning the finer details of your special day – the dress, the location, the guest list and more – your head will likely be spinning. But with so much to think about, it is important not to overlook your only opportunity to permanently capture your special day – your wedding photography.
According to the Bridal Association of America, each year couples spend nearly $5.2 billion on wedding photography, but your investment could fall short if you don’t plan ahead. Without realizing it, there are 10 ways that you can take your photography from perfect to forgettable.
Before choosing your photographer, take time to review their Wedding Gallery Portfolio. If you don’t have someone with experience and skill, your photos will pay the price. Studios should provide album examples to review before you make your choice. If the studio does not allow you to choose your photographer, quickly move on.
It is important to discuss everything in detail with your photographer prior to the wedding day – don’t be afraid to be up-front about your expectations. Do your check in one week prior to the wedding so all instructions are fresh in the photographer’s memory. If you have specific requests, ideas to explore, or important don’ts to cover, express them. This is especially important because churches, synagogues, mosques and chapels may have specific areas that cannot be photographed. You don’t want any unwelcome surprises!
Of course it will happen – standing close together in full formal gear can turn up the body temperature. But don’t let shiny faces and (eek!) sweaty armpits take away from the special occasion. Be prepared with powder, anti-perspirant deodorant and paper towels!
There are signature special moments in a wedding – the bride and groom’s first kiss, the first dance between a father and new bride, the garter ceremony and cutting of the cake. But small moments – such as the flower girl smiling from the pew, a proud moment between the mother and father, grandma on the dance floor – cannot be missed!
The Photographic memories of your Kansas City wedding ceremony and or reception should be something you want to treasure, so, whenever you look back on them you want to ensure that they’re the best they can be. The best way for you to accomplish that would be to ensure you preserve the wedding photographs of your wedding day in a manner that enables you to enjoy them whenever you want.
Wedding photo albums might seem a little bit traditional and even old fashioned, but they are still a terrific way to protect all of the wonderful memories of your wedding. The only real disadvantage is that this may make it difficult to share your pictures with relative. Although, you can get more modern looking, printed albums that aren’t too costly, which means this may be an option for you to make it easy for others to appreciate your wedding day memories. A high standard wedding album will last a lifetime!
With the vast majority of Kansas City professional photographers utilizing digital photo equipment nowadays, asking for your photographs to be supplied in this format will be a smart decision. It ensures that you’d have greater flexibility when it comes to what you can do with them. Take into account that as these photos are usually of a very good quality, their data file sizes are going to be quite large. As a result, they could be tricky to share by email. Saving them on DVDs could be a better idea if you intend to give digital versions of your wedding pictures to friends and relations.
Creating a website can be a superb way to show off your wedding photos, even if it may seem a little bit complicated. With the Internet being much easier to work with, building a gallery online for your pictures really shouldn’t take much time at all. There are dozens of template based website makers which happen to be reasonably easy to use. You could even make use of blogging and site-building platforms like Blogger (which can make it unbelievably easy for couples that don’t want to be concerned about internet hosting and domain names).
If perhaps developing a web site sounds a little too difficult, then think about creating a Facebook page, using a photo-sharing website like Flickr, or perhaps any of the special internet sites which provide hosting for wedding pictures.
In addition to the ideas already mentioned, in this day and age there are numerous other things you could do to make the most of your pictures. For instance, there are companies which specialize in reworking your photographs into greeting cards, and also there are other sorts of businesses that could produce canvas prints from wedding images. It is possible to even get your best wedding picture printed on mugs or mobile phone cases. Trying this for your favorite photos can be quite a distinctive and interesting way to share your precious memories.
With the different things you could do to really make the best of your wedding photographs, you do not need any kind of restrictions, therefore ensure that you own all the rights to your pictures after you’ve bought them and they are supplied in the most appropriate format for whatever you plan to do with them. Virtually all professional photographers should be happy to supply photos that satisfy your requirements exactly, this means you and your partner can show off all the wonderful memories of your wedding day for many years.
When you are arranging your wedding event and you are still trying to choose the very best professional wedding photographer, it is definitely worth taking a little bit of time to evaluate all your options to ensure that you find the wedding photographer that’s right for you. If you’re searching for a wedding photographer, visit Phoenix Photography, http://www.phoenixphotoduo.com/.
Although visiting the area I grew up in for an engagement photo shoot would be cool, it was made much more fun by our wedding couple Kym and Rick. Old Downtown Overland Park was the perfect setting for them. Kym and Rick selected us at Phoenix Photography for their upcoming wedding and we have had nothing but fun with them from the start. Here is a little bit of their engagement photo shoot. They started with smiles that would never end…so fun to work with couples like them.
As we walked thru the Downtown Overland Park main street, Santa Fe, it seemed like every step was the perfect location.
Rounding out our date at the Snack Shack with nearly 85 photos taken, I think the may have quite a time selecting a handful the want to remember the year and day by.
On the way back to our cars they spotted this cool door we just had to use.
Just what we wanted, another happy couple…now to their wedding day!
Photography – Shoot & Save – Buy & Keep or Simply lose your images? What a buyer of professional photography should know today.
Article Content: Photo lab produced photo paper Prints VS Digital files… which are better in 25 years? How to be sure you are not taken but “taken care of” by your professional photographer.
First, “Digital Files or not” Your decision…your memories.
Your Purchase to start with, Mr./Ms. Photographer, Can I get my images on a CD please?
Most photographers will provide a CD of images. How many and the cost will vary all across the board. They can range from $0.00 (bad) to large sums of money (not great) because you now have the ability to print the images over and over with no additional payment to the person who took them. Is that Fair? The price you pay and the level of photography you get determines the fairness for both sides. You do get what you pay for one way or another. But figure this. One 8×10 print from a pro studio averages $38.00 retail per print. included in the print was not only the time it took to create the original image, but also includes any digital work, needed cropping, sent to lab, picked up, and given to client, or time to burn the CD and the CD $$…it all takes time…no one wants to work for free! So the photographer, after expenses will only make a portion on that one print. Up until recent years a studio profit model would include selling prints as part of their income, so with no print sales, what should the CD cost? Now the CD – all the same time above takes place except for picking up the image from the lab. You now get an ave. priced image of $38.00 in a format that you can use over and over with no additional profits going to your photographer who we hope worked to get you the best image for your personal use. (Commercial is a whole different situation.) You can now print your 8x10s, 5x7s and wallets for all your family from the cost of one print, if it is sold to you for a single unit price. The right way to sell a Digital File is to increase the average cost to cover the studio loss, but not to gouge the client. It’s not out of line to ask 3 times the cost per image for unlimited use. $38.00 x 3 = $114.00 for one image. So let’s say you want 10 images. No one will pay $1000.00 for 10 images – but you can see how it deflates the income for the studio to just hand out CDs . A CD is generally appreciated after the session fee and a minimum amount of prints have been paid for. This way both parties get what they want and need, again, all prices will vary. Accept a higher than one print fee – you may want to come back to an open business next year!
Photo Lab Produced Prints on Photo Paper. A CD or DVD may only have a 5 or so year life span. The cloud could change drastically in upcoming years – and I already know someone who lost all their images to a Verizon Cloud. BEST CHOICE is a Picture Print from a professional photo lab (not ink jet) that will have an archival period of 100+ years and will always be there. Easy to take care of…You wouldn’t mistreat your DVD, so you would likely take care of a print. Q. Do you need 2000 wedding photos, or would you love to enjoy a professional album or your favorite images in prints. Getting prints gives you many more options. Your favorite photos professionally framed will out last your lifetime and become a great family heirloom. Give them as gifts to family and friends too. If the event was so very important, prints to your friends is an awesome gift. MAIN POINT – they will outlast all other medians for your photos.
A TRUE Professional Photographer, what should you expect?
Many new photographers entering the photography market giving the farm away for a few extra bucks any day of the week hurts the professionals still trying to get it done the right way. But YOU, the buyer is still on the hook for making sure you get the product you pay for, and for the full understanding of what you paid for by understanding and following a few simple guidelines.
For instance, what I call a true professional photographer is a business that is registered with the state as a business, has an occupational license, has insurance. But, to be clear, if they have all the above, it still does not make them a good photographer. So now you have to decide, do I want a good photographer or a photographer who can get the best images and give the best advice for what I am asking for…you are paying for this like any other service and product, so you should get what you pay for…or just get what you pay for…there is a difference. Get information about the above mentioned and get referrals…AND CALL THEM ALL!
Let’s use a wedding for an example. How can $500.00 ever cover the cost of shooting a wedding by a professional photographer? There are too many expenses to operating a business. For example, pro equipment: a wedding photographer must have at least 2 duplicates of camera bodies, flashes, and lenses to start in case one or more fail. They must be insured and provide you with a certificate of insurance. They will have additional costs such as marketing, computers, office materials, accountant/tax prepares, and then taxes are just to start, the list can grow expeditiously from there. The cost to shoot a wedding is a combination of billable hours (time) and studio expenses (listed above). Figure a 6 hour wedding: your wedding photographer can spend “up to” 30 billable work hours from start to finish. There also has to be a cost factor for running the business factored in. For a good photographer to shoot an engagement session and wedding, as you start your journey to find the right one for your wedding, you need to consider nothing less than $2000.00 and up just for the very basic services. After the entire service for the wedding photos is complete, the photographer needs a minimum amount to live on after the cost of expenses. Expenses are different for all photographers. The better the photographer, along with the more you want, the more it should cost. A good average to start your budget should be in the area of $3500.00. This can give you some wiggle room and help keep you from falling into the hands of a photographer you may never see again after the wedding…ask your friends, it still happens, even with family shoots and seniors.
Can they shoot the images correctly “in-camera” or are they expecting to shoot and fix later? There is only so much you can fix. You can’t fix blur, you may not fix amber yellow if you want true skin tones. If they expect to only shoot and fix later – RUN away very fast! All professionals should want to open the images up in a software format to make sure they only provide the best in the end, which is all you should pick from. Minor adjustments or cropping that can be done quickly is the sign of a photographer who knows what they are doing. DO NOT ALLOW your photographer to take them out of the camera and hand them to you – NO MATTER what you paid.
Think of it all like this. You can get down the road in an old dumpy nearly broke down car…not wanting to be seen in it. Or you can drive a decent car and still wave to your friends. You really get what you pay for!
So if you want really good photos for your special memories, follow the pointers, hire the right photographer and make sure you create professional lab prints for your true archival photography lifetime sake. Just a little early investment will go a long way you entire life!!!
Article by: John Phoenix, Phoenix Photography Inc., Greater Kansas City, find us here: Phoenix Photography Inc.
Create your perfect wedding day.
Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and it is important that you take the time to choose your makeup artist for the day.If you don’t like your wedding make up it could mean that you also don’t like your photographs because you don’t look like you in them. A makeup artist will have ideas for your makeup along with what shows up better on camera so that it is noticed but if you don’t like it then you shouldn’t wear it.
A trial is the perfect way to test your wedding makeup and to ensure that you do like it so that you don’t need to waste time on the morning of your wedding trying to perfect your makeup. You can try out a number of different styles of makeup so as to discover the right one for your wedding day. You may originally think you want one style of make up only to see it completed and not like it, a trial is the perfect time to suggest any changes and to make them. It is important that your makeup artists knows what they are doing on the morning of the wedding so that they can do it in as short a time as possible but to also produce the high quality finish and long lasting make up you desire.
If you are having a themed wedding then you may already have ideas for your wedding makeup which you can relay to your makeup artist and they will do everything they can to create it for you. It is important to have a makeup trial so that you can pick and choose to create a look which you love and which suits you very well.
If you don’t have a trial for your wedding makeup you will find that you are low on time to be able to change your mind as to the makeup your artist has done for you. Your wedding day is not the time to have a makeup artist turn up to do your makeup without having met them before. Most wedding makeup artists will request that a trial takes place so that you can choose your make up then, so that they can know exactly what they are doing on the morning of the wedding.
Many makeup artists are also hairdressers and so you could have one person to do one of the important jobs for your wedding, making you look beautiful so that no one can take their eyes off you. They will be able to ensure that your makeup and hair complement each other and that you look perfect on the day of your wedding without needing to worry about interrupting someone else’s hard work and time.
On the morning of your wedding you only have a limited amount of time and so it is important that you have everything together and that everyone knows exactly what they’re doing. Your wedding makeup artist needs to the makeup they are doing, your hairdressers needs to know the hairstyle they’re doing, your photographer needs to know the style of photos you want and any family and friends need to know what they can do to ensure that the morning runs smoothly.
You are only planning to have your wedding day once and so it is important that you really love everything from the person you are marrying down to your make up, this is why so much time and care needs to be taken in preparing for your special day. You need to make it special for you!
Mother of the Bride Speech – What Do I Say?
Many more weddings now include a speech by the mother of the bride. What do you say in your speech that will capture the minds of your guests, make the bride smile and allow you to express your love and happiness for your daughter and her new life?Most people are at least wary of public speaking if not completely terrified and speaking at your daughters wedding in front of both friends, family and possibly strangers can be very daunting indeed.
The main thing you need to deliver your speech on the day is to ensure that the speech itself is from the heart and written in your own words. You need to allow your joy and love for your daughter to radiate from your speech. Do this and any minor hiccups will be lost in the moment and you should be much more comfortable as the words will be true to you.
Here is one way in which you can structure your mother of the bride speech.
Start with a personal reflection of the bride and groom and your relationship with them. How that may have changed or have grown through the engagement and through to the wedding.
Remember your daughter as little girl. There will surely be many good memories to pull from about you and your daughters relationship, both funny and heart-warming.
What was the bride like before she met her new husband and how has she changed since. Assuming that’s for the better of course.
Tell the story of how the couple met, any strange or amusing co-incidences or circumstances that led to them meeting and finally being together.
You may also want to say something about marriage itself, the importance of a relationship and about the romance and beauty it can bring to any marriage.
Of course give your thanks to any of the organizers or anyone else you think deserves a mention.
The mother of the bride speech should end with a toast to the bride and groom. This is another point at which your words should come from your heart. Try to make the toast personal and meaningful and an opportunity to end the speech on a real memorable high note.
As the mother of the bride you will already have many weeks or even months of wedding planning. You will be assisting your daughter to help make her wedding day be the one she has always dreamed about and you will probably have little time to spare.
You may well like some expert assistance with your mother of the bride wedding speech . There are easily edited templates and personal assistance available by clicking on the link above. Whatever your final arrangements, I sincerely hope that this wedding is the dream that both you, as mother of the bride, and your daughter wished for. | 2019-04-23T18:26:12Z | https://kansascitypi.wordpress.com/page/2/ |
Blogging Archaeology: What Does It All Mean To Me?
This is the fourth entry in a blogging carnival that Doug Rocks-Macqueen, of Doug’s Archaeology, started back in November last year. Just another quick recap: the whole idea of this blog carnival was started by Doug after he saw that the Society for American Archaeology are having their 79th annual conference in Austin, Texas, next month (just shy of the SXSW festival). Doug specifically noticed that they are including a session on the rise of blogging in archaeology and, since he cannot be there himself, he thought it was pertinent to start a blogging carnival online to get the archaeology blogosphere alive with monthly questions. The questions are posted on his site in the first week of each month.
Displaying the slightly softer anatomy of the human body with the skeletal tissue in this months blog banner. (Image credit, remixed with MS Paint).
Last month a total of over 50 amazing bloggers joined in answering the December topic of the Best and Worst of blogging archaeology. This is an awesome number of people involved in spreading the word about the joys and sorrows of blogging about archaeology. My entry for January can be read here. Remember that if you are a blogger writing and posting about archaeology and you want to take part then go right ahead! Feel free to join at any point, answering the past questions is very much encouraged. The previous past few months questions can be found here, please do jump in and join us!
This month (although I realise it is already March and not quite February any more) Doug has decided to do something a little bit different. This time it is up to us bloggers to choose our own topic to discuss. As I have cunningly already missed the deadline for this entry you can also go ahead and read other peoples entries here.
Well first let me define that for you. What does it all mean is a question I often find myself asking when I look at my blog, when I think about the hours I have spent researching and writing posts. But let’s take a minute to think how we got here in the first place.
I am writing this now on a free service that is hosting words and images that I post, and you are now reading this for free. I do not get paid in any way to produce this content (although I could in a small way I don’t think I will), and I do it of my own free volition. You decide in roughly ten seconds or so whether you will stay and read any articles that I have produced, or if you will click off the site and go on to search for something else instead. We often have multiple browsing windows open at once: currently I am watching an episode of the Flight of the Conchords as I type this post, while open in other windows I am logged into a social networking site, one of my email accounts and I also have open a few news articles ready to digest. For good measure I further have a program lined up and ready to watch on the BBC Iplayer as well.
The world-wide web, as we know it, is a grand 25 years old this year. There is a pretty astounding 2.3 billion pages on the surface web at the current time, although no one really knows how many pages or sites there are on the web as a whole, or are on the deep web in total (Naughton 2014). The deep web is, largely, only accessible when using certain pieces of software to access it (Tor, for example) and it is full of sites that are not indexed by any search engine. It is also often, but not always, used for nefarious practices. By far the biggest engine browser is Google, a powerful broker in how the internet is interacted with, and how it is indexed and searched. Every once in a while it re-configures its search algorithms to disrupt any sites that try to play the search engine optimisation game (by setting up dummy sites with links towards a selling site, for example). This can sometimes permanently disrupt a normally regular flow of visitors to online businesses and entrepreneurs (and, dare I say it, blogs as well) (Naughton 2014).
The blogging platform that this site uses is called WordPress, a self hosting blogging site which was created in 2003. Wordpress is a free open source blogging tool which supports and boasts some 60 million+ sites on the web today and is host to a very active community (read more here). It is a peer supported and fully customize-able platform where help is often provided by other users. Alongside this there is the wordpress.org site, which acts as a primary support network. Wordpress can, if it feels it necessary, shut down your blog instantly with little to no warning (largely due to backlinks, so be careful of this). This though, to the best of my knowledge, rarely happens although all users of WordPress or other such hosting sites should read carefully the terms and conditions of the service that they are signing up for. (And also make copies of posts if you want to have them stored safely elsewhere). It has been stated that WordPress is perhaps vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, though security is regularly updated .
The quick figures above are a snapshot of the current time and a very short chronology of how young this technology is. Although I have raised my concerns about the long-term staying power of blogs before, there are plenty of efforts ongoing that are helping to actively archive the websites that litter the internet. The maxim ‘blog often’ also seems to hold weight for long term bloggers. The utterly beguiling Wayback Machine has managed to archive an incredible 398 billion web pages over the current period of the webs life. Quite wonderfully this has included 20 ‘snapshots’ of this blog. Much like WordPress itself with its active community, the internet archive site mentioned above works with a large volunteer community to help store and archive digital cultural artefacts from across the web in a repository of knowledge.
At this point all of this somewhat randomly asserted bits of information may seem trivial, but I hope to show that the internet is, largely, a community of like-minded people who seek to strive to learn from each other. As such the interface between the internet, knowledge and academia (particularly archaeology blogging) is something that I think about fairly often. Also as a blogger I know that we (that is, in this instance, archaeology bloggers) are all vying for the attention of an audience that has the broadest possible range of distractions at their fingertips. A key thing to remember here of course is the fact that the majority of bloggers write because they want to write.
But the question remains: what does it all mean to me? I have partly answered this question on a personal level before (here), but I think this question can be approached again from a different angle with help from a few friends.
This blog first took digital form in 2011 and has since been regularly updated with short and some not so short posts (to a degree). What was the urge to start publicly writing (for it is deeply public, no matter if you get 1 view or 1 million)? In part, and at large still, it was to improve my own knowledge. To make myself sit down and take stock of what I know, what I thought I knew and what I definitely didn’t know but thought I maybe knew (to paraphrase Rumsfeld). Of course it soon became more than that, primarily because I became part of an active online community. This, I believe, is vital as a part of blogging generally, a dynamic that can vitalise the blogger to change, adapt and evolve during the course of their own work. Related to this is Tim Berners-Lee’s original and sustained idea that to have a great open online expanse where it is not who shouts the loudest that counts but having the freedom to shout at all that really matters, to have that utter online freedom to take part in something.
Digital Witness, by St. Vincent.
As such shouldn’t we take this opportunity to present our own voices, our own knowledge and our own experiences of who we are, what we do and why we do it? Could we, in effect, ignore the call of public interaction when it could offer so much?
In my own view now is the time that will test for future generations what direction the world-wide web will ultimately head in and in what direction. Will it retain its original liberty, freedom and privacy? Or will it be slowly squeezed of its freedom of use? Yet this is perhaps too simple a view of a very complex and amorphous question, after all you can have different webs, different connections and different servers (or you know, send a letter). There are always ways and there are always means to communicate. The web just happens to be able to reach a lot of people awfully fast.
By personal academia I mean an ongoing independent interaction with education and interaction in a field of study, specifically in this case in the realms of archaeology, human osteology and human evolution. Because at the end of the day that is what this is, for both you and me. However I think it is also pertinent to take a brief look at the context of this blog, because context in archaeology plays a decidedly vital part of our interpretation of the material evidence. (As a side note it is always worth remembering that although a blog isn’t a physical object that one can handle it does rely on servers, which eat up both physical space and energy).
So lets take a quick case study to highlight just how blogging and academia can fit together.
Recently my blog was mentioned by name in an article by Stojanowski & Duncan (2014) who examined public engagement in bioarchaeology in the American Journal of Human Biology. The authors briefly examined the rise and history of bioarchaeology as a field, and then moved onto discussing popular topics discussed in the public outreach of bioarchaeology. Importantly they highlight that bioarchaeology is, like blogging, a young and developing field. However blogging itself came in from some criticism as the authors believed that bioarchaeology bloggers represented the “perspectives of insiders writing largely (we would argue) for other specialists and students” (Stojanowski & Duncan 2014: 5). Stojanowski & Duncan also asserted that “despite this professional vibrancy, it is clear that bioarchaeologists are (to some degree) marginalizing themselves from public discourse because popular presentations of their work are not representative of the field as a whole” (2014: 6).
The first instance that I had heard that my blog had been mentioned in the article was through a message from Alison Atken, of Deathsplanation, on a social media site. There was a second when I logged onto Kristina Killgrove’s site, Powered By Osteons, and read her article on the value in response to Stojanowski & Duncan. This discussed detailed examples that her blog had on the public’s perception of bioarchaeology and examples of her own outreach, whilst lambasting the article authors about their negation of the effects of blogging archaeology. At this point you could consider me intrigued and amazed that my blog had been mentioned by name in an academic article (although annoyed it was negatively framed).
I couldn’t personally access the article at the time though, which was published in the American Journal of Human Biology, because it is pay-walled as the majority of academic journal articles tend to be. (Although the list of open access publishers in archaeology is growing). So I emailed Kristina Killgrove to see if I could get a copy of the article. Wonderfully she duly replied and I managed to read an article referencing my own site, but which failed to actually name the people behind the blogging sites despite being a fairly prolific.
At this point I wrote my own quick reply (here). At this junction the wonderful Bodies and Academia blog highlighted to me in the comment section that the second author, Duncan, had made the article publicly available on academia. I also became aware of the recently released Meyers & Killgrove’s (2014) article in the Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin on bioarchaeology outreach. Although not directly in response to Stojanowski & Duncan’s article, Meyers & Killgrove (2014) highlighted the value of blogging and possible future directions, which included the greater use of video and audio resources. The article was similar to Rakita’s (2011) article in the same publication, espousing the use of social media and blogging as an educational force of outreach for good.
Alexandra Ion, over at Bodies and Academia, in response to Doug’s question of the month for February discussed the gap between academic and blog writing in regards to the above mentioned Human Biology article and the various blogging responses to it.
“This also highlighted the gap that exists, in most cases, between those involved in ‘real academic’ work and the ones doing the popular science stuff, often through blogging. More precisely,’real’ science is still associated with the classic means of communication journal articles, intended for one’s peers, while ‘popular’ science is associated with the more modern means of communication, like blogging, media etc” (from here).
This is an interesting comment and one that has riled the academic community for some time. Many academic bloggers used either hide their blogs or do not mention to their supervisors or departments their blogs. It has been well documented that some bloggers in the commercial archaeological sector have even lost their job over blogging exploits. The tide though, I feel at least with academic blogging (if we must label ourselves as such), is turning.
Kristina Killgrove will be arguing in her tenure case that her expansive blog provides an important means of education outreach, as will Katy Meyers, of the ever popular Bones Don’t Lie, during the course of her PhD studies. Scott Haddow, of A Bone to Pick, has some fantastic posts on what it is like to work in the (bioarch) field, and highlights some very interesting burials at the legendary prehistoric site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey. Scott is also a great photographer and his shots of field life make me itch to get back in a trench (though I’ve no idea when that will be). Jess Beck, over at Bone Broke, has an excellent blog discussing various anatomical and physiological aspects involved in bioarchaeology research. In particular I enjoy reading her summaries of the Evolution and Human Adaptation lectures that she has attended, and her posts on human physiological adaptation.
Jamie Kendrick, a recent graduate of the MSc in Palaeoanthropology at the University of Sheffield, has a blog called The Human Story which discusses various aspects of human evolution. He asks some of the bigger questions that archaeology and palaeoanthropology can offer such as who are we? Where did we come from? What changes happened along the way? We round off this part with two other Sheffield bloggers, namely Alison Atkin of Deathsplanation and Alexandra Ion of Bodies and Academia, who share a similar focus in discussing the attitudes to the human body, archaeology and death. Both tackle subjects that surround the periphery of academia and mainstream topics.
If the above examples are not examples of public digital outreach, then I am not entirely sure what is.
Navigating my post post-graduate life (before a fabled PhD, if that is the path I am to tread) I quite often feel like a ship without a rudder, nor destination in mind. Simply put I am my own and online I am this, in this guise (this is an important caveat). Through this blog then I am anchored to a greater whole, partly though my own choosing and partly through lumping. I’ve positioned this blog as a starter, a prompt into the world of human osteology and bioarchaeology. It is still a journey I am travelling and I am happy to have you along for the ride if you care to join. Could this, then, be considered social anthropology as well? Possibly a social anthropology of me, a reflection of the self? Before we get to metaphysical here let me just say that if this is a blog detailing my own dalliance in bioarchaeology, the core underpinning must always be how I position myself to those around me and how I interact with them. I recognise that I manage to get a fair few views (although not every blog is open to discussing statistics) as such I feel that I should highlight other blogs of note. This is just a personal view.
Prince Johnny, by St. Vincent.
Another aspect should probably be mentioned here. Blogging, or any social media interaction, is profoundly personal yet it is also a two-way mirror. What you think you may get out of it, the reader may get something else out of it. Generally the blogger is in control of the personal information that they write and distribute online. It is up to the writer themselves then how much, or to what scale, that they do this. It can be easy to get carried away. Many of my blog entries mention the fact that I have a bone disease, I do this because the disease is little known outside of the medical world or of people who are diagnosed with it. Thus my blog, as well as the more academia archaeology/osteology, has a profoundly personal aspect to it yet I am inherently aware of the danger of exposing myself too much online. For a long time I did not have my name displayed on the blog and it is only recently that I added it again to assert ownership of the content of this blog (via Creative Commons). As for contact it is again only recently that I set up a dedicated email contact. The blog isn’t linked to a social media account in any way nor it is linked to an academic profile. Far too many social media sites are advertisements, I do not want to become an advert.
The drawbacks of this are the fact that the blog may, or may not, have been overlooked by researchers looking to critically assess the ‘health’ of academic archaeology blogging. The flipside of this is that this may mean it appeals to a broader audience, an audience which is not immediately intimidated by the academic overtone on first view. This is an assumption however and should be treated as such. I also hope that it invigorates a person to email me and think about what they are going to say (1) – there isn’t the instant backlash of social media.
In effect then the site becomes my own personal academic environment, the above blogs often highlighting to me new research, studies and popular pieces. The refrain that bounces around my head becomes not ‘what does it all mean?’ but ‘this is what it means’, that I belong to an online community where I know that my work (or at least some bits of it) are appreciated by both my peers and by a lay audience, especially in an arena where (for now) I know I lack a voice. To become a part of the vanguard of the online bioarchaeological world. To make others appreciate the great, good and real value of archaeology and the stories that are oft hidden in bone. To know the value of your own body.
The final blogging carnival question is already up at Doug’s Archaeology for April 2014 and it is about the future of blogging, so please do jump aboard and join in! The summary of this month’s questions are available at Doug’s site together with links to all the wonderful bloggers who took part.
(1). Please note that although I am not active on certain social media sites I always happy to answer any and all questions, and I am happy to take part in questionnaires, interviews or offer views on archaeology and human osteology. Contact thesebonesofmine at hotmail.com.
P.S. If you have made it this far, congratulations!
Meyers, K. & Killgrove, K. 2014. Bioarchaeology. Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin. 37 (1): 23-25. (Open access).
Naughton, J. 2014. 25 things you might not know about the web on its 25th birthday. The Guardian. Accessed 09/03/14.
Rakita, G. 2011. Bioarchaeology. Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin. 34 (4): 27-28. (Open Access).
Stojanowski, C. & Duncan, W. 2014. Engaging Bodies in the Public Imagination: Bioarchaeology as Social Science, Science, and Humanities. American Journal of Human Biology. In Press. (Open access on Academia.edu).
St. Vincent. 2014. Produced by John Congleton. St. Vincent. Republic Records. [Music CD].
It was to be the last time that we saw his body on the table. In the intervening weeks we had come to know his features with intimacy and respect. Outside the wind had turned fierce, whilst the clouds, a deep shade of grey and pregnant with snow, streamed across the sky as winter proper closed in. The Medical Teaching Unit had largely emptied over the past week, the last teaching week before the Christmas break. Only the aspiring human osteologists and palaeoanthropologists now remained and filled the cavernous light blue coloured room.
With glistening scalpels and silver probes, the last examination of our beloved participant took place. Pairs of nervous eyes and trembling hands ran through what we had been taught. We touched and felt the cold body as we reeled off the list drilled into us by the 12 weeks of dissection classes. Each muscle, its attachment; insertion; action; nerve; blood supply; ligaments and tendons, were ticked off, one by one. Each major actor in the human musculo-skeletal system was to be identified and admired. Just as in field archaeology, as in the body. There are layers, superficial and deep, to be uncovered and appreciated, and then to be reflected back as we investigated further.
It had taken some getting used to at first, the chemical smell and the sights of the Medical Teaching Unit (MTU). The individuals who had donated their bodies were to be found wrapped up on their metallic trays, waiting with eternal patience in the centre of the room. I couldn’t help but notice the sad fact of the bodies different lengths, from adult to child. It was a hive of activity, bristling with groups of medical students crowding around different individuals on their cold slabs. The medical students commandeered the central space every week, as they deconstructed the body to heal it. Tucked away in the side of the main room, we learnt about the intricacies of the fleshed body; how movement is dictated by flexion and extension of passive and active striated skeletal muscle groups. Each week we would start with a new aspect on our adopted individual and help uncover that week’s muscle group.
The first exam had been taken some 5 weeks before, and we now stared at the second, a mere day or two away. Our focus this time was the lower half of the body, from the pelvis down to the toes. The almost fan-like gluteal muscles provided a staunch launching pad from which to run down the thighs, past tensor fascia latae and the iliotibial band on the lateral aspect, to curve with the sartorius on the anterior aspect, as we reached and admired the complexity of the knee-joint.
As we uncovered and cleaned each section free of adipose fat, we unveiled the vastus, adductors and hamstring muscle groups. Whilst running a discussion on what constituted the delicate femoral triangle, I couldn’t help but think of my own numerous surgeries. Of the many times I have had a scalpel part my skin on the lateral aspect of my thighs. That scar tissue, on my body as a permanent fixation, serves as a reminder that I too have been laid on a table, ready to be examined and explored; that ultimately, there is no difference between the living and the dead – it is just a different state of being, of matter in the universe.
We had already uncovered the startlingly array and complexity of the upper body in previous dissection sessions. The human body, like any living creature, is a marvelous machine developed over millions of years of evolution. Nothing is perfect however. Homologies from a common ancestor, ‘the same organ in different animals under every variety of form and function’, are to be found throughout the animal kingdom, and the human as a part of this, has many. They are well documented, and I shan’t digress here. However, it is important to note the expected variation within species and between species. The detailed analysis of fossil hominids depends on this fundamental approach, even as new batteries of investigations are used.
And now, the week before Christmas, the main hall stood empty. No bodies lay on their metallic tables, and there was no crowd of bustling medical students hunched over, investigating and desiccating the minutiae of life. It was as if even the bodies had gone home for the bleak mid-winter break. As we finished testing each other on the soleus or the gastrocnemius, we carefully de-bladed the scalpels, washed all of the tools, and placed them back inside our student dissection kits for the last time.
We silently thanked the individual’s generous bodily donation, and placed the plain cloth over the body and carefully tucked it in. As I made my way to a nearby exit, my fellow colleagues were already outside breathing the fresh cold winter air. As I opened the exit door I was accompanied by a lonely radio playing a mournful 1950s song. Knowing that I would not be back in this place again, I closed it and bid the room a fond farewell.
The University of Sheffield MSc Human Osteology program is the only UK-based University that offers the teaching and education of human musculoskeletal anatomy by first hand dissection. Other UK Universities offering human osteology Masters degrees only teach musculoskeletal anatomy in the lecture theatre. I firmly believe that my education was enhanced by this opportunity. At all times the people who donated their bodies to the Medical Teaching Unit were respected and treated with dignity. The staff displayed professionalism and esteem, and encouraged us all to smile and to learn about the wonders of the human body.
The Chirurgeon’s Apprentice has an interesting article on vivisection in Early Modern England, and the medical advances and reactions to this method of dissection.
An article in the Lancet by Lindsey Fitzharris (2012: 108-109), author of the above blog, discusses the effects of human dissection on early modern doctors and today’s medical practitioners .
At the Museum of London, there is a current exhibition on ‘Doctors, Dissection and Resurrection Men‘ (until April 2013) detailing the excavation of 262 burials from Royal London Hospital with extensive evidence of dissection, along with faunal remains. The exhibition “reveals the intimate relationship between surgeons pushing forward anatomical study and the bodysnatchers who supplied them; and the shadowy practices prompted by a growing demand for corpses” (MoL 2013). | 2019-04-26T15:54:27Z | https://thesebonesofmine.com/category/free-thinking/ |
US President Donald Trump on Wednesday offered a rather stark take on the situation in war-wracked Syria, summing it up in two words – "sand and death" – while remaining vague about the timing of the withdrawal of US troops.
“So Syria was lost long ago. It was lost long ago. And besides that, I don't want – we're talking about sand and death. That's what we're talking about,” Trump said during a Cabinet meeting.
"We're not talking about vast wealth. We're talking about sand and death." On when US forces would leave Syria, Trump said: "I don't want to be in Syria forever." But after saying troops would come home right away, and that the Islamic State group was defeated, he didn't give any specific timetable.
Fuel prices on Thursday, remained unchanged across four cities - Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Prices of petrol and diesel in Delhi stood at Rs 68.65 (per litre) and Rs 62.66 (per litre), respectively.
Prices of petrol and diesel in Mumbai stood at Rs 74.30 (per litre) and Rs 65.56 (per litre), respectively.
Niiger's army killed more than 280 Boko Haram militants near the southeast border with Nigeria in days of land and air raids.
More than 200 jihadists were killed in air strikes and a further 87 by ground troops since the offensive began on 28 December, the ministry said in a statement read on state television.
Police on Wednesday arrested Yogesh Raj, the main accused in Bulandshahr violence case.
All departures at Delhi airport were put on hold due to bad weather conditions from 7:30 am till now. More details awaited.
The death toll in the boat capsize incident in Mahanadi river near Nipania in Kendrapara, in Odisha, has reached nine after eight more bodies were recovered late last night, reported ANI.
An encounter broke out between security forces and terrorists in Gulshanpora, Tral.
At least three militants are believed to be trapped. The exchange of fire between forces and militant is underway. More details awaited.
The woman who was allegedly shot at by former JDU MLA Raju Singh during new year's celebrations at a farmhouse, has succumbed to injuries.
The Supreme Court Thursday agreed to hear on January 8 the West Bengal BJP's plea against a Calcutta High Court order not allowing its Rath Yatra in the state.
The matter was mentioned for urgent hearing before a bench comprising Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and S K Kaul which agreed to hear it on 8 January.
Former Haryana Chief Minister, Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Senior Congress leader Moti Lal Vohra granted bail by Special CBI court in Associated Journals Ltd's (AJL) plot ploy allotment case in Panchkula.
The next date of hearing in the case is 6 February.
Armed assailants on Thursday shot dead one LIC agent at his residence in Sarairanjan, Bihar. Police investigation is underway. More details awaited.
The Supreme Court on Thursday, 3 January, told the Meghalaya government that it was ‘not satisfied’ with the rescue operations undertaken by the state authorities of the 15 trapped miners.
SC also asked the Meghalaya govt what steps it had taken to rescue the miners, who have been trapped in an illegal flooded coal mine in East Jaintia Hills since 13 December last year.
The Income Tax department raided five hotel groups, including the Saravana Bhavan in Chennai. According to initial reports, raids are being conducted at 32 different locations.
A 35-year-old woman allegedly shot herself dead after the panchayat of her village forced her to strike a compromise with a man who had sexually harassed her. The alleged harasser, an auto-rickshaw driver from the victim’s village, was arrested by the police on Wednesday -- a day after the victim ended her life.
The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on Thursday asked the Ahmedabad bench of National Company Law Tribunal to expeditiously take a final decision in the Essar Steel insolvency case, where ArcelorMittal has emerged as the highest bidder.
Various regions in the state of Jammu and Kashmir witnessed a fresh snowfall. 'Dera Gali’ area in Poonch and Pir Panjal mountain range in Rajouri district were the two areas that witnessed a fresh snowfall.
Former JDU MLA Raju Singh who allegedly shot at a woman during new year's celebrations at a farmhouse in Delhi was brought to AIIMS today. The woman passed away after she succumbed to her injuries.
One Army jawan died and another has been injured in an avalanche in the Pooch district of Jammu and Kashmir. More details awaited.
The Supreme Court today revived the government's case in the NCDRC against Nestle India seeking damages of Rs 640 crore for alleged unfair trade practices, false labelling and misleading advertisements.
A bench headed by Justice D Y Chandrachud said the report of CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru), where the testing of the samples of Maggi was done, will form the basis for the proceedings.
The Supreme Court today it will hear "as and when required" a PIL challenging the government's notification authorising 10 central agencies to intercept, monitor and decrypt any computer system.
The matter was mentioned for urgent listing before a bench of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justice S K Kaul.
The petitioner, advocate Manohar Lal Sharma, said his PIL should be heard urgently.
However, the bench told Sharma, "We will see. As and when required we will list the matter."
Developmental assistance can play a major role in transforming Afghanistan, official sources said today, rejecting US President Donald Trump's jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over funding of a "library" in the war-ravaged country.
The sources said also India has been implementing a range of mega infrastructure projects as well as carrying out community development programmes in Afghanistan as per requirement of its people. They said such assistance would go a long way in making the country economically empowered and stable.
A 40-year-old man has been booked for allegedly duping 12 people of Rs 23.7 lakh on the pretext of providing them jobs here in Maharashtra, police said today.
The accused, identified as Naresh alias Bandya Surve, told a woman job aspirant residing in his neighbourhood in the Wagle Estate area here that he was working in the state secretariat and promised that he could arrange a job for her, Thane police spokesperson Sukhada Narkar said.
The famous Saibaba temple at Shirdi in Maharashtra received donations worth Rs 14.54 crore over the 11-day period starting before Christmas and ending on the New Year day, an official said.
The devotees, from the country as well as abroad, donated Rs 8.05 crore in donation boxes kept in the temple premises between 22 December, 2018 and 1 January, 2019, Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust's vice chairman Chandrashekhar Kadam said..
A fibreglass boat with Mannar district registration number in Sri lanka was found abandoned at the seashore here, police confirmed today.
Police said they were investigating as to who had come in the vessel which has been seized.
There were two oil cans and some wires in the boat, they added.
The Income Tax Department today conducted searches at over two dozen premises of popular hotel and restaurant chains in Tamil Nadu on charges of alleged tax evasion, officials said.
They said the raids are being carried out at 32 locations of companies like Saravana Bhavan, Hot Bread, Anjappal and Grand Sweets.
The residences and offices of the directors of these food-joint chains are being raided by a team of over 100 I-T sleuths, the officials said.
Saudi Arabia's attorney general sought the death penalty for five of 11 defendants charged with the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as their high-profile trial opened in Riyadh today.
Khashoggi, a contributor to the Washington Post, was killed on 2 October shortly after entering the kingdom's consulate in what Riyadh called a "rogue" operation.
The half-eaten carcass of a tiger cub was found in Pench Tiger Reserve on Maharashtra-Madhya Pradesh border today, a senior forest official said.
The carcass was found by forest department staff in Deolapar range during a routine patrolling, said Field Director of Tadoba Tiger Reserve Ravikiran Govekar.
As autopsy was yet to be conducted, further details were awaited, he said.
Lok Sabha was adjourned today for the day as members of the AIADMK and TDP continued to disrupt proceedings despite the Speaker suspending 21 more MPs for unruly behaviour.
With the House unable to transact business due to ruckus by the two parties, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan ordered suspension of the 21 members, including 13 of TDP and seven of AIADMK.
The development came a day after 24 AIADMK members were suspended for the rest of the session for disrupting proceedings.
Sensex tanks 377.81 points to end at 35,513.71 and Nifty tumbled down to 120.25 points to 10,672.25 as the markets closed for the day.
The BJP parliamentary board, the top decision-making body of the party, will meet today evening and is expected to deliberate on a host of issues, including the political situation following its loss in the recent state assembly polls.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and party president Amit Shah, besides other senior leaders, are likely to attend the meeting and speak on relevant issues.
The Brexit task is not yet completed and there won't be any problem to Indians till the process gets over, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj told the Rajya Sabha today.
The British Parliament will start the discussion on this issue from January 7 and there will be more clarity on the relationship between the UK and the European Union in the second fortnight of this month, she added.
"It won't be definite to say anything at this point of time. The whole process will take two years and till then there will not be any problem," Swaraj said.
Ailing Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar's positive approach has set a "good example" for cancer patients, Dr Shekhar Salkar, Head of the Oncology Department at Goa's Manipal Hospital, said on Tuesday, 3 January, after the former Defence Minister, who is suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer, visited the State Secretariat for the first time in four months.
"In Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, we see a strong man with tremendous willpower to win against the deadly BIG C! In the fight against cancer, there can be only one winner. It's either the patient or cancer! He has set a good example for all cancer patients that they have to be positive in their approach which can help (them) tide over the crisis!" Dr Salkar said.
The Taliban has claimed the attack.
Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad today attacked BJP, accusing it of destabilising the government in Jammu and Kashmir and trying to break National Conference (NC), PDP and Congress in the stat.
Initiating the debate on resolution to impose President rule in Jammu and Kashmir in Rajya Sabha Azad said: "You made the government with fanfare in Jammu and Kashmir but BJP withdrew from it.
"Why didn't you conduct elections. You took four months and tried to brake Congress, NC and whosoever (PDP) did development in Kashmir. The moment you came to know that government cannot be formed, you dissolved the assembly," he said.
The Supreme Court today asked veteran Congress leader Ahmed Patel to face trial in the Gujarat High Court in connection with his election to the Rajya Sabha in 2017 which has been challenged by rival BJP candidate Balwant Singh Rajput.
The apex court declined to interfere with the 26 October, 2018 order of the High Court which had said that Rajput's allegations require a trial.
At least five minor boys have escaped from a city-based shelter home here, police said today.
The incident took place on Monday night, 1 January, when the children broke the grill of the bathroom and escaped, they said.
The shelter home authorities have lodged a complaint with the Lingaraj Police Station in this regard.
Tension prevails in this district in the wake of a 55-year-old man being beaten to death in a remote village by a mob which accused him of cattle theft, police said today.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi and Union Minister Smriti Irani are all set to take the political hotbed of Amethi by storm with both the leaders descending there on Friday.
The duo had contested the last Lok Sabha elections from here, a contest won by the Congress chief, and are likely to lock horns once again in the upcoming general election.
While Rahul will be in Amethi on 4 and 5 January, Irani, a vocal critic of the Gandhi scion, will begin her daylong visit to the Gandhi bastion on Friday.
The Arunachal Pradesh government tableau for participation in the the Republic Day function in New Delhi has received the green signal from the Defence Ministry, officials said today.
Altogether 32 states and Union territories had sent their tableaus for selection for the R-Day function, out of which only 14 tableaus representing 14 states have been selected by the expert committee.
Only Sikkim and Arunachal have selected from the North-East states, they said.
Senior Karnataka minister D K Shivakumar was grilled today for about three hours by the Income Tax department for alleged tax evasion, officials said.
Shivakumar, a frontline Congress leader in the state, was summoned for questioning as part of a "routine process" following searches at various properties linked to him on 2 August, department sources said.
The minister had already appeared before I-T officials twice in July and August last year.
The External Affairs Ministry has addressed 4,189 complaints in the last three years of distressed Indian women deserted by their NRI husbands, the Rajya Sabha was told today.
In 2016, a total of 1,510 such complaints were addressed, while in 2017 as many as 1,498 complaints were addressed and last year, till 30 November, 1,181 complaints were addressed, Minister of State for the External Affairs Ministry V K Singh said in reply to a question.
A former employee of INX Media told a court today that Indrani Mukerjea and her husband Peter were not happy with the relationship between her daughter Sheena and Peter's son from an earlier marriage Rahul.
Indrani and Peter, now an estranged couple, are facing trial along with Indrani's former husband Sanjeev Khanna for allegedly killing Sheena Bora, her daughter from an earlier relationship, in April 2012.
A total of 13 people, including two children, were killed and 18 more injured in separate road accidents in Jharkhand today, police said.
A speeding trailer mowed down the children and one person sleeping on a footpath in the early hours near the Tatanagar railway station, they said.
Four people were injured in the accident that took place after the driver of the trailer lost control over the vehicle, hit a divider and ran over the people, East Singhbhum district Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Alok Ranjan said.
Advocate HS Phoolka has resigned from Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi Party.
“I have resigned from AAP and handed over resignation to Kejriwal ji today. Though he asked me not to resign but I insisted,” Phoolka tweeted.
Parliament today approved a bill to amend a law to abolish the 'no detention policy' till Class VIII by enabling state governments to allow schools to fail students.
The Rajya Sabha passed the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2019 by a voice vote.
However, Left parties staged a walkout opposing the Bill.
A fire broke out in a warehouse in Sadar Bazar police station area in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh today. Fire tenders have been rushed to the spot.
A man, arrested under the Arms Act, tried to commit suicide inside Southeast Delhi's Lajpat Nagar police station today, officials said.
Entry of trucks to Delhi would be stopped for 24 hours starting 11 pm on Friday in view of the severe pollution in the national capital, the Supreme Court-appointed EPCA has instructed authorities.
In a letter to chief secretaries of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) chief Bhure Lal directed them to stop the entry of truck traffic into Delhi, except essential commodities, from 11 pm on 4 January to 11 pm of 5 January.
Six people died after a part of a factory collapsed at Sudarshan Park in Delhi’s Moti Nagar, DCP West Delhi confirmed. Eight people have been rescued and sent to hospital so far. The rescue operation underway.
A 15-year-old girl was allegedly sexually assaulted in Delhi by her classmate, who also got two of his friends to record the alleged act, police said Thursday.
The incident took place inside the washroom of a government school in Chanakyapuri in the last week of December, they said.
Nancy Pelosi of California elected House speaker, reclaiming gavel to lead Democrats confronting President Trump. | 2019-04-20T00:47:57Z | https://www.thequint.com/news/india/latest-news-breaking-news-3-january |
A new generation of Asian American artists challenges outmoded expectations of what it means to be Asian, American and -- for that matter -- a "new generation."
When you step into the atrium leading to Asia Society's new exhibition of works by contemporary Asian American artists, "One Way or Another: Asian American Arts Now," you're immediately confronted by a pair of sculptures created by L.A.-based Glenn Kaino: a stuffed salmon, its body crisscrossed with sutures holding together a "suit" made of sharkskin patches; a pig, similarly sewn into a sheath made of the hide of a cow.
The Frankensteinian duo is shocking, mesmerizing -- and provocative. Are these figures a commentary on the idea of Asian American identity -- as a Trojan horse, as a disguise, as an awkwardly synthetic mash-up? Are they a subversive statement about the exhibition itself, nestled as it is within a building traditionally better known for programs removed by space or time from the here and now (like the concurrent showcase on a lower floor, "Gilded Splendor: Treasures of China's Liao Empire")? Or are they placed there simply because they're beautiful and strange, and thus exemplary of the exciting cacophony of the works represented in this new exhibition?
There may be something valid about all three notions, but it's the third that ends up being the most relevant and resonant. The works in "One Way or Another," which brings together 17 artists -- mostly born in the '70s and raised or living in the United States, including six from the Bay Area -- are pleasantly uncategorizable. They go together, well, like a pig in a cow suit. And by virtue of being so conceptually diverse, so defiantly without formula, they reveal a maturation, or at least an evolution, in the way that these creators view the very ideas of Asianness, Americanness and art itself.
Like its 1994 predecessor, the groundbreaking "Asia/America: Identities in Contemporary Asian American Art," "One Way" seeks to present something of a generational portrait of Asian American artists and to bring it to major venues across the nation, including, in September 2007, the University of California's Berkeley Art Museum.
But "Asia/America" focused on artists who were born in Asia and perceived themselves as immigrants. Their works shared a certain set of preoccupations, issues of displacement, loss, assimilation and racism. Those works conceptually hung from or clung to the slash in the exhibition's title -- works like Pacita Abad's "How Mali Lost Her Accent," a painting of a young Asian woman surrounded by representations of American achievement, like acceptance letters to Harvard, Stanford and Berkeley; or Tseng Kwong Chi's self-portraits of himself in a Mao jacket, standing in front of American monuments like Mount Rushmore and the Hollywood sign.
"Nineteen ninety-four was the height of the identity politics debates in U.S., and it was kind of a lightning-rod show, which attracted a lot of attention and debate," says Melissa Chiu, Asia Society museum director. "The departure point for this exhibition was to actively create a contrast to that show" -- because, for over a decade, "Asia America" was the only major group exhibition of Asian American artists to tour major venues nationwide.
"It was a smart show, but I felt like some of the art didn't really speak to me, because I was born here, in the U.S.," says Berkeley resident and UC Davis professor Susette Min, who curated "One Way" with Chiu and Karin Higa of L.A.'s Japanese American National Museum. "And unfortunately, for a lot of people that one exhibition became the show that said what Asian American art was all about."
But in seeking to provide a counterpoint to that show, the curators ran into the same questions faced by that show's curator, Margo Machida. "The biggest thing we had to address was what constitutes 'Asian American arts.'" says Min. "Is it art created by an artist who identifies as Asian American? Is it art created by an artist who has at least one parent who's Asian? Is it art that has something thematically associated with being Asian in America? Does it have to be politically motivated, or engaged with 'traditionally' Asian American issues?"
Machida's show reflected its era -- it depicted Asian American identity, or Asian America's multiple identities. But as Min, Chiu, and Higa visited dozens of studios and looked at hundreds of slides, they realized that the freshest and brightest new work they saw wasn't being defined or dominated by identity at all.
Ultimately, say Min and Chiu, they chose to include the most visually appealing, conceptually engaging Asian artists living and working in the United States today. With just a few exceptions, they turned out to be younger artists, members of a generation of Asian Americans born in the post-civil rights era.
"For a lot of these artists, there's a comfort level, almost an innocence about being Asian. Compared to previous ones, they have less of a conflicted sense of self," says Chiu. "I take [video artist] Laurel Nakadate as an example. When we invited her to participate in this show, she said: 'Oh, yeah, that sounds kinda fun. I've never been in a show like that before.'"
Some have suggested that this newly blase attitude toward race is due to the fact that identity politics has faded in relevance. According to this conventional wisdom, the '90s were both the apex and the last hurrah for multiculturalism -- and with the arrival of the millennium, American society and the people of color who live within it began a steady and inexorable move away from being defined by ethnicity.
But that's a simplistic and ultimately misleading view of the situation. Just because identity isn't the tent pole of this generation's lives doesn't mean that race and the issues around it have been erased. It's actually closer to the truth to say that race has been embraced -- in a way that's more immersive, more natural, more instinctive and more complicated than in previous generations.
Here's an anecdote to illustrate the distinction: As a little kid, I always thought that the term "A.D." (as in A.D. 2006) meant "After Death" -- because the Christian era, which Western culture uses as an anchor point for history, began with the death of Jesus Christ. It wasn't until I was coerced into studying Latin in junior high that my misperception was corrected: A.D. stands for "Anno Domini," or "In the Year of Our Lord." The Christian era, I was told, doesn't reference the death of Christ but his victory and universality.
By extension, one might say that the end of the "multicultural era" didn't represent the death of race but, to some extent, its triumph -- we live in A.I., Anno Identitate, an era in which race has become a permanent and intrinsic part of our social and perceptual makeup. Kids born in the '70s and later have grown up with the concept of race as a fixed part of the social landscape. It's a check box on every form, a standard item in every cultural inventory. Whether or not they choose to emphasize it, they recognize it as a valid and instrumental part of their reality.
Which means that for the artists represented in "One Way," race and ethnicity are always there: It's part of the air they breathe. And because of that, it's kind of no big deal: It can be laughed at, toyed with and teased; it can be gently celebrated, cheekily exposed or simply allowed to fade gently into the woodwork.
Looking at it through that lens, one can sense subtle, perhaps unconscious comments on ethnic identity in many of "One Way"'s works. Xavier Cha's blissfully prankish performance pieces speak to the feeling of being an outsider -- sometimes watching, sometimes being treated as a spectacle. Kaz Oshiro's trompe l'oeil sculptures of household appliances and trash bins force viewers into an awareness that appearances are only skin deep. And Jiha Moon's fantastical canvases draw hybrid inspiration from Asian culture and American pop -- showing the influence of both ancient brush paintings and modern manga, while building from a palette of colors like "Superman blue" and "Wonder Woman red."
But these traces of racial awareness wash back and forth, rather than cresting and crashing. Sometimes ethnicity serves as figure, sometimes as ground. This generation's self-perception is assembled on-the-go based on whim, environment and the demands of the occasion. It's identity as iPod playlist.
Here's what's on Indigo Som's ID playlist: "Book artist. Textile artist. Woman artist. Asian American artist ... for some reason, I haven't really been put into the queer artist category yet. But, you know, it's always this fine line we walk between saying, 'This is who I am, this is a community that's important to me,' and being put into a ghetto, where no one outside that community will ever know about you."
Som's contributions to "One Way" -- three wistful yet oddly vibrant photographs from her series of Chinese restaurants in the Deep South -- tiptoe softly along that fine line.
The fact that they're Chinese restaurants certainly has special meaning to Som, a resident of Berkeley who grew up in a household where authentic Chinese food was abundant and who admits to being both appalled and fascinated upon first encountering Americanized concoctions like chop suey and crab Rangoon. She calls Chinese restaurants "the most pervasively visible and yet unacknowledged" facet of Chinese American presence in the United States.
"You'll be in a small town, with no Asian folks in sight, and bang, you'll run into a Chinese restaurant," she says. "Who owns it, and how'd they end up here? A lot of times, it's not even Chinese people -- it's Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thai, who end up running these restaurants, because nobody around them has any idea what their native cuisine is all about. Maybe you'll have one rebellious menu item like pad thai sitting in the middle of the noodle section, but the rest of the menu defaults to Chinese. For a lot of Americans, it's the only Asian food they know."
Yet Som's goal in documenting them isn't limited to picturing unexpected Chineseness. She sees these establishments as potent icons of persistence and resistance.
"If you go into small-town America, so often the Chinese restaurant is the only mom-and-pop establishment left," says Som. "It's literally the last thing holding on. Everything around it is identical and corporate -- McDonald's, Wal-Mart. I feel like they've become a remarkable set of anachronistic holdouts. Part of what I wanted to do was to have a conversation with some of those classic urban landscape studies taken in the late '70s and early '80s by photographers like Stephen Shore and William Eggleston. The uniqueness and personality they depicted, most of that's gone. This is what's left."
It's not that Som's works aren't informed by her identity -- it's that it doesn't dominate or conscribe them. "To be honest, I'm kind of suspicious of how much attention the Chinese Restaurant Project has gotten," says Som. "I can't help but feel just a little weird about that." She wonders whether the project -- which includes her photographs, a blog of her restaurant-search road trip and a massive collection of menus sent to her from all over the world -- might have accidentally painted her into the "ethnic artist" corner.
It's a label she's avoided so far, even in previous musings around ethnicity. Som's earliest works include two sets of art books -- "Howards & Hoovers" and "No One to Call Home/Girl" -- that explore the often anachronistic given names of male and female Chinese American acquaintances: Felton, Edmond, Winston; Jade, Pearl, Harmony. But as with her Chinese restaurant photos, her goal isn't to accentuate their strangeness or exotic quality but simply to collect them, embrace them and thus normalize them.
"For me, it was kind of a warm, fuzzy community thing," she says. "I just started accumulating these names and seeing what they added up to. I was trying to say, 'This is who I know, this is my experience, and it's funny and odd, and absolutely mundane.'"
One name stands out; a hundred of them end up blurring together, transforming the unusual into the commonplace and the commonplace into the unusual. Which is ultimately the persistent theme of Som's work -- she delights in the task of breaking down the world into its individual component bits and building it up again, pixel by pixel, accumulating new meaning along the way.
"I love the idea that if you do something again and again, even if it's tiny or trivial, in the end you have something large and significant," says Som. "As a kid, I was always into those fairy tales that featured someone spinning a room full of straw into gold or sifting through a mountain of rice to find a single grain."
If Indigo Som's artistic sensibility was shaped by fairy tales, fellow Bay Area artist Mike Arcega admits that his is anchored in jokes. "Growing up, I had a good friend, and we'd always be pretending we misheard each other -- it was kind of a running gag: 'Eh? What did you say? Rat turtle under the water?'" says Arcega. "That kind of humor is so much a part of Filipino culture -- like the joke about the pinoy who's told to use the name 'Paul' in a sentence three times, and says 'Be carepaul, you might paul in the swimming paul.'"
But it wasn't until he was exposed to the work of media artists Gary Hill and Bruce Nauman that he realized how wordplay and images could be used in a creative context. Hill's videos of people speaking in palindromes, Nauman's neon signs bearing phrases like "RUN FROM FEAR/FUN FROM REAR" -- these gave Arcega artistic license to create his own works that construct meaning out of whimsy.
His extraordinary contribution to "One Way" is a 15-foot scale model of Noah's ark, constructed with incredible detail. Upon peering within the model, one doesn't see miniature animals but rather hanging strips of dried flesh -- jerky made of exotic animal meats like kangaroo, ostrich and yak. The title of the work is "Eternal Salivation."
"I originally wanted to explore this incredible arrogance that people have about interpreting the Bible as giving them the right to go out and have dominion over the Earth and all living things," says Arcega. "But then the tsunami happened, and then Katrina, and that idea ended up becoming fused with this survivalist idea. So this piece depicts this interplay between these two senses of the word preservation: preservation of life, and preservation of food for consumption."
Arcega's visual wisecrack illuminates how quickly greed grows out of need. The use of puns is a running theme throughout his work, an irony supplement that sparks a smile and then forces further reflection. It also allows him to explore topics rooted in his identity that, without the leavening power of humor, might never be engaged or confronted outside the Asian American community.
"The thing that inspired my very first piece was reminiscing about how in the Philippines we grew up with Spam as this breakfast meat," says Arcega. "And I thought to myself, 'Why do we eat this stuff?' Well, after a little bit of research, I realized that it was a military ration that was disseminated throughout Asia by American GIs. Because of that, there was this potency in using Spam as a material. And then I realized, if you take the word Spam and flip it, it becomes 'maps.' So I started making maps out of Spam."
"SPAM/MAPS" came into being almost simultaneously with another work, "Filipino Anthem," which presents the results Arcega got when he ran the lyrics for "Lupang Hinirang," the national anthem of the Philippines, through a computer spelling checker.
The interesting thing is that Arcega, like Som, sees these subtle points of difference -- Spam for breakfast, English as a close-second language -- as opportunities, as unique and valuable assets. "They're what make us interesting," says Arcega. "We're all in it together, but these are the things, these little jewels, that spice up our culture."
The title of Susette Min's essay in the catalogue for "One Way or Another" is "The Last Asian American Exhibition in the Whole Entire World." Despite the implied gauntlet of the title, Min doesn't claim that "One Way" is or even should be the last word on Asian American arts. Far from it: She affirms the critical need for more such shows, yet acknowledges that staging them will be progressively more difficult and increasingly controversial.
"I've always thought the best way to promote Asian American artists isn't necessarily in identity-based exhibitions but through integrating them into exhibitions where their work is engaged with other artists' works," says Min. "On the other hand, as an Asian American scholar and critic, I believe issues of racism still exist -- complicated, subtle issues that are not addressed in the art world. And somehow, they need to be foregrounded. The question is how."
The answer, Min suggests, is not fewer Asian American exhibitions, but more -- organized not solely around identity but also around affinity. Shared ideas, common themes, collective issues. Kearny Street Workshop's "Pirated" show in 2005 -- subtitled "A Post Asian Perspective" -- featured the work of 11 Asian Bay Area artists, including Indigo Som and Mike Arcega, each speaking to the idea of theft and infringement. The theme reigned supreme, but the interpretation of that theme allowed artists to evoke issues tied to identity, like the tyranny of majority, the desire for freedom of language and expression, the nature of cultural colonialism.
"Color of skin, race, ethnicity, it's not enough anymore," says Arcega. "When I was an undergrad at art school, we started a group of Filipino American artists. And ultimately, we kind of realized that there wasn't anything holding us together other than all of us being Filipino American. Soon after that question started bouncing around, the organization fell apart. If you're going to put us together in one place, we need to have a topic to focus on, a different kind of framing. For this exhibition, it really was an admission that there isn't one unifying aesthetic or content that says this work is Asian American."
Acknowledging a multiplicity of expression is the first step toward getting audiences to release outmoded stereotypes and to see this art on its own merits. "We have to get people comfortable with these artists, not feeling the need to think of them as unusual or exotic or strange," says Min. "We need to get the art world to start looking at them through other lenses, like theme and form. Or, God forbid, why not talk about all three things simultaneously? Content and form and identity?"
And that, perhaps, is ultimately the point of this exhibition. Even though it contains a myriad of voices and ideas, it, too, is just a single depiction of the Asian American arts landscape, one lens through which to view this community's startling creativity and ripening brilliance. There are -- or should be -- many others. Like the lyrics of the Blondie song that gives the exhibition its name, these artists will win you over, with the beauty of their work, the depth of their thinking, the unexpected facets they show of their characters. They'll get you. They'll find you. One way, or another. | 2019-04-18T22:16:48Z | https://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/ASIAN-POP-Art-Breakers-3250330.php |
We are aware that this kind of furniture should be resistant to the external conditions and therefore all technological methods that we apply are aimed to improve its resistance properties. We use a dried steam beech wood or softwood to manufacture the furniture. The jointing is metal with good strength characteristics. The wood processing is a three-layer one - impregnant, primer and paint finish suitable for outdoor conditions.
Different models park benches, tables and sets. We use metal construction and softwood with three-layer one wood processing - impregnant, primer and paint finish suitable for outdoor conditions. We also offer sets completely made of wood and seats for mounting to the existing concrete foundation.
Combined facilities with a drop height of 85 cm at most. They are suitable for kindergartens and public playgrounds with separate places with activities for young children.
Slides for the youngest children and slides for kindergartens. Bright colours and atractive design.
Children trains and chips for kindergartens and for the youngest children.
Single, double, triple swing, swing with metal or wood construction and swing with different seats according to children's age.
Children balance facilities and climbing facilities with low free fall height. This equipment is suitable for kindergartens and for the youngest children.
Outdoor fitness equipment with metal costruction - exersices bicycles, cross trainers, steppers, sit-up benches, bars, dip stations, ski runners, waist twisters, arm streching trainers, leg lifters and leg presses, shoulder trainers, air walkers, fitness equipment for disabled people.
Garden gazebos for garden and private homes. The main building material of the construction is impregnated and lacquered wood and metal hardware. The roof elements that we use are bitumen roof-tiles or water-repellent fabrics.
Playgrounds for children 1 - 12 y.o.
These playgrounds are designed for children up to 3 years as well as for children from 3 to 12 years. Each of them has conditional areas for both age groups, where the corresponding facilities are located. In most cases, these sites need a fence, benches and litter bins as well as an information board, which we can provide.
The sea theme of these playgrounds is implemented through the use of play facilities such as ships, boat, jet, bridge, some sea animals – dolphins, whale, seals, seahorses, octopus, fish and others. This theme is particularly suitable for sites located near the sea.
Площадки със съоръжения и занимателни игри на морска тематика - корабчета, джетове, различни морски обитатели, спасителни пояси, капитански мостик и др.
Новата серия комбинирани съоръжения за игра на деца се отличава с изключително голямо разнообразие на модули за игра, тематични идеи и дизайнерски решения. Четирите гами нюанси на цветове, могат да се поръчват за всяко едно от съоръженията и това дава възможност на възложителите да участват в процеса на оформяне на цялостната визия на детската площадка. Разделянето на съоръженията за игра в три възрастови групи спомага за правилният избор при изборът им в сответствие с възможностите и нуждите на бъдещите ползватели на детската площадка. Използваните различни материали са подбрани така, че да бъдат изявени техните най добри качества - масивни многослойни дървени колони за конструкцията, релефни износоустойчиви плоскости за подовете и стъпалата. метални перила и ръкохватки и надеждни пожинковани закладни части.
За най малките са проектирани комбинирани съоръжения с голямо разнообразие на теми и игрови функции съобразени с техните възможности за игра. Използвани са различни елементи - лабиринти, тунелчета, рампи за пълзене, ниски пързалки, къщички с пейки, мостчета за баланс и много животни и птици. Освен тематичната насоченост на повечето от комбинираните съоръжения, за тази възрастова група са проектирани и класически модули с перфектен дизайн - влакче с вагончета и ЖП гара, корабче, въртолет, магазин и други. Всички тези уреди за игра са подходящи за яслени групи в детските градини или за зона за игра на най малките на големи детски площадки.
The playground equipment is designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with BS EN1176 and the requirements of Regulation No.1 of May 12th, 2009 on the Conditions and Procedures for the Playground Structure and Safety. The company is certified to design children facilities and playgrounds and issues all documents necessary for the commissioning of any facility.
Thematic combined children's facilities with bright, eye-catching colours, shapes and images inspired by children's stories, places and topics that excite children. Each facility presents a different theme – hidden treasures, space and aliens, circus, exotic plants and animals, castles, cottages hidden in the forest and others.
Tables, chairs and benches ans sets made of softwood. The wood processing is a three-layer one - impregnant, primer and paint finish suitable for outdoor conditions. Furniture made of softwood can be used in home or restaurants and caffees.
Park gazebos made of impregnated and lacquered wood and metal hardware and gazebos with metal construction, suitable for mounting in parks, gardens, squares, playgrounds, shcools and other public places.
The main building material of the construction is impregnated and lacquered wood and metal hardware. The roof is made of water-repellent fabric. If the standard products in stock do not correspond to your space, we may manufacture the product in the desired size.
Attractive children's facilities combined with a different thematic focus – forest theme, sea theme, exotic flora and fauna, fortresses. They are distinguished by many traditional modules for climbing, squeezing, balancing, switching from one tower to another.
All slides are with stairs and height 1m. We offer slides with standard models and thematic slides.
Fortresses, chips, trains, helicopters, elefants and huge mushrooms with slides, bridges and other playing modules. These facilities are very suitable for role playing games.
Children climbig and balance facilities with different height and different level of difficulty according to the age and physical training of the children.
Unlike the playgrounds for public use aiming to create play opportunities for children at different ages, these sites try to create conditions for play for a small group of children at the same age. In this sense, it is desirable: ●to provide such facilities that unite children's play by the possibility of communication and themed games; ●some of the facilities to have an educational character that is achieved by the so called “interactive games”; ●if possible to provide a competitive nature of some games and entertainment, e.g. double skating, overcoming obstacles, keeping balance and others. Since preschool teachers have accumulated rich experience in this field, it would be good, when selecting or configuring a concrete playground, to take account of their views and wishes. This will result in a playground with high game and educational opportunities.
The forest theme is liked by children and is good to be present in their activities and games. By including different characteristic details in the projects, such as forest houses, animals, birds, insects, flowers, etc., surroundings of beautiful forest spots have been achieved, especially suitable for implementation in parks and mountain sites.
Площадки, наподобяващи малки горски кътчета, което е постигнато чрез съоръжения на горска тематика, горски къщички и горски растения и животни.
Outdoor fitness equipment for disabled people.
Тази възрастова група е с възмосности за най-разнообразни тематични игри и общуване. Това е възрастта на приказките, детските фантазии, мечтите за необичайни професии и роли. Затова модулите на тези съоръжения дават възможност не само за катерене, пързаляне, провиране, но и богати възможности за тематични игри свързани с горски и екзотични животни, домашни любимци и герои от приказки. Някои от съоръженията са свързани с интересни професии - кораб с морски капитан, аеродрум с космонавт, цирк с клоун, жонгльор с дресирани животни. влак с машинист и пътници и други. Към почти всички съоръжения са предвидени панели за познавателни тематични игри - ребуси, лабиринти и други. Игровите съоръжения от тази група са особенно подходящи за детски площадки.
We offer manufacturing and installation of the full range of garden architecture - gazebos, pavilions, pergolas, pots, grills and other accessories to complete the exterior of the garden, park or terrace. The main building material of the construction is impregnated and lacquered wood and metal hardware. The roof elements that we use are bitumen roof-tiles and vinyl or water-repellent fabrics. The warranty period of the products is 24 months.
Park pergolas with a massive wooden or metal frame that may be a stylish part of the exterior design of parks, gardens, squares and other public places and in the same time can be used for protection from the sun. For protection from the sun textile awnings can be mounted. Combined with benches, pergolas are exciting place for relax. Possible dimensions specified by the customer.
Combined facilities with a massive construction made of machined timber with preserved natural colour and style. These facilities combine natural design with bright and attractive elements that are characteristic of playgrounds. Most facilities have a thematic focus expressed through multiple modules for decorations – trees, palm trees, birds, forest and exotic animals, insects, flowers, flags and others.
Different thematic models - single, double and models for group swinging.
According to the purpose, pergolas can be used for protection from the sun and as a construction for landscaping. In addition, they may perform a decorative function as part of the exterior design. For protection from the sun textile awnings can be mounted. Possible dimensions specified by the customer.
This theme is particularly relevant and interesting for urban children. Using figures and profiles of rural houses, domestic animals and birds, there is an opportunity that the pet theme is adapted to the game of modern children.
Тази тема е особено подходяща и интересна за градските деца. Чрез фигури и профили на селски къщички, домашни животни и птици, е създадена възможност темата за домашните любимци да се адаптира към играта на малчуганите.
По голяма възрастова група предлага повече игрови възможности на децата. За тях са предвидени и други екстемни занимания - катерене по стръмни въжени и алпийски стени и катерушки, преминаване през тунели, въжени люлеещи се мостчета, тесни греди и ръкоходи, спускане по спирали, тунели и вълнообразни пързалки. Тук са използвани няколко различни вида кули с покриви и възможности за игра на повече на брой деца. По високите платформи на кулите позволяват под тях да се оформят уютни кътчета за общуване с пейки, масички, допълнителни игрови панели и модули за тематични игри.
Wooden lounges, tables for lounges and sunbeds for pools, beaches, gardens and SPA centers.
Benches, pergolas, trash cans and other accessories for parks, squares and public places.
Garden modules and structures with rich possibilities for combining different solutions for exterior design.
Various litter bins with a metal or wooden structure suitable for public use. Bins for separate waste collection.
Street fitnees equipment - pullup bars, parallel bars, rings, combined facilities and other equipment for bodyweight resistance exercises. The main building material is impregnated and lacquered softwood.
Combined children play facilities for children 3 - 12 years old that include combinations of different modules - slides, swings, tunnels, bridges. So we can be able to make atractive and diversified facilities for the children.
The exotic worlds presented to children are invariably associated with animals, birds and plants from the jungle. At playgrounds of this theme there are elephants, hippos, lions, giraffes, chameleons, parrots, monkeys, pandas, zebras, palm trees and much more. Their unusual for our latitudes shapes and colours defy the children’s imagination to new and exciting themed games.
Екзотичните светове, с които децата се запознават от малки, са неизменно свързани с животни, птици и растения от джунглата. В площадките за игра на тази тема са застъпени хипопотам, лъв, жираф, хамелеон, папагал, маймуна, панда, зебра, банани, костенурки и др. Техните необичайни за нашите ширини форми и цветове разпалват въображението на децата за нови и интересни тематични игри.
Bicycle racks with a metal frame designed for stationary placement in public places.
Swing and hammocks made of softwood. The wood processing is a three-layer one - impregnant, primer and paint finish suitable for outdoor conditions.
Combined children play facilities for the youngest children that include combinations of different modules - slides, swings, tunnels, bridges. So we can be able to make atractive and diversified facilities for the children.
Various means of transport: trains, planes, cars, bikes, helicopters, rockets, etc., have always been interesting for children and are suitable theme developing the children's imagination.
В Различните транспортни средства: влакчета, самолети, коли, вертолети, ракети и др., винаги са били интересни за децата и са подходяща тема, развиваща детското въображение.
Dog jumps, hills, tunnels, ramps, poles and other obstacles for small and big breeds.
Combined children play facilities for children 3 - 12 years old, with metal construction and atractive, irregular design.
The theme of the ancient heroes wrapped in the mystery of their strongholds with battlements, flags, thrones and inaccessible entrances creates a setting for timeless children's imaginary games: fight with swords, archery, climbing and overcoming obstacles and others. The playgrounds of this theme are appropriate for sites with less attractive character – adjacent to historic sites or places where there is a desire to feel the spirit of old times.
Площадките от тази тема са проектирани предимно с детски съоръжения за игра с класически форми, модули и елементи. По този начин те са по-малко ангажирани с една или друга тематична ниша и са подходящи за различни обекти и екстериорни ситуации.
Combined children play facilities for children 3 - 12 years old, with metal construction. Every facility is a combination of different modules - slides, swings, tunnels, bridges. So we can be able to make atractive and diversified facilities for the children.
The playgrounds of this theme are mainly designed with children's play facilities with classical forms, modules and components. Thus, they are less committed to one or another thematic niche and are suitable for different objects and exterior situations.
Standard ot thematic models slides, according to the different ages, surfaces and themes of the playgrounds.
Themed facilities for children of all ages. These series includes facilities like chips, boats, trains, helicopterс, fortresses, huge elefants and forest houses.
These are standard combined facilities accessible to children in wheelchairs through a platform. The aim is that these children integrate themselves at playgrounds and participate in games with other children.
Swings, teeter-totters and spring riders. We offer different models according to the age of the children and to the surfaces of the playgrounds.
Children's climbing frames and facilities for balance with different height and complexity to overcome according to age and physical skills of children.
Children play houses, thematic houses, teen gazebos and gazebos for the adults on the playground.
Rides are suitable for children at various ages. Young children rotate at a slower speed accompanied by an adult by gradually gaining confidence and developing their sense of balance.
Playground tunnels with different themed decorations. Most of the models are available for disabled children.
Different models sandpits and facilities for playing with sand.
Entertaining panels and games for educational and entertainment purposes that are an attractive addition to the playgrounds and increase their gaming value. All entertaining panels are available for children with limited motor functions.
Combined children play facilities for usage in private homes and complexes. We combined different moduls and so be able to offer facilities with more аctivities at the lower price.
The proposed conceptual designs for playgrounds have been developed with the idea to facilitate the choice of investors and designers. Within the different price levels we have reached the maximum variety of game functions and activities. The thematic focus of the playgrounds enriches both the possibility of more interesting and entertaining themes in the play of children, and the successful adaptation of the site to the surrounding exterior. No less than half of the facilities of each playground are designed for children with limited motor functions or other problems and allow their inclusion in the course of games and activities. Depending on the drop height, the designed playgrounds have various terrains and shock-absorbing floor mats, so that investors have a greater opportunity to choose from, according to what kind of terrain they have. We can provide you with necessary certificates and technical documentation for each playground. | 2019-04-24T11:50:40Z | http://impresia.net/catalogue?lang=en |
Simon Laks and Karol Rathaus – two Polish composers of Jewish descent of the same generation, both born around 1900. Two composers whose biographies are exemplary for the fate of Polish music in the first half of the twentieth century. After generations of Polish artists and intellectuals in the nineteenth century were forced into a life in exile because of the political situation in their native country, Laks and Rathaus numbered among the first to choose to live abroad permanently for reasons of better opportunities for artistic development. The former, Laks, a native of Warsaw, felt a stronger affinity, after an intermediate sojourn in Vienna, to the French mentality and achieved fame in the cosmopolitan milieu of the metropolis on the Seine. The latter, Rathaus, a native of Ternopil, which at the time of his birth belonged to Austro-Hungarian Galicia, went to Vienna and then, following his teacher, Franz Schreker, to Berlin. While the clarté and esprit of French neoclassicism became the aesthetic maxim for Laks, Rathaus’s talent developed in the spirit of German late-Romanticism and expressionism. Both carved out careers in their adopted homes, careers that experienced a dramatic caesura after Hitler’s seizure of power. Rathaus managed to flee into exile and survived in New York. A resumption of his career in Germany after 1945 was out of the question. Laks was detained and then deported to Auschwitz in 1941. He survived the Shoah as a member, and later director, of the men’s orchestra in the Auschwitz II–Birkenau extermination camp. For Laks, who in the 1930s had composed for the Roth Quartet, for Maurice Maréchal, Vlado Perlemuter, and the legendary Polish singer Tola Korian, the artistic breakthrough had come too late to establish a position in French musical life on which he could have built on after the war – after deportation, Auschwitz, and forced-labor camp. In spite of occasional successes and awards, he increasingly fell silent as a composer, and from the end of the 1960s until his death, he dedicated himself almost exclusively to literary works. A number of compositions from his pen have only recently received their posthumous premieres.
At the latest with the sensational success of his film score to Fedor Ozep’s legendary 1931 Dostoyevsky screen adaptation The Murderer Dimitri Karamazov, Rathaus made a name for himself beyond Germany. He received commissions from various German orchestras, and conductors such as Furtwängler, Kleiber, and Jochum championed his works. His reputation as a composer of film music brought him prestigious commissions in France even before 1933, so he did not have any difficulties obtaining a visa and work permit. Yet, after Hitler’s seizure of power, life became more complicated for foreign artists in France. The streams of emigrants from Germany intensified an atmosphere of unwelcome competition and resulted in labor law-related restrictions. Rathaus quickly felt the effects of this when after moving to Paris in January 1933 he suddenly earned much less for his film scores than just a few months earlier, and he had to share his fees, even if only for the sake of appearance but to his disadvantage, with French co-composers whom the production companies were forced to hire due to quota regulations. Invitations to prominently cast film productions in England (Broken Blossoms directed by the exile John Brahm, and The Dictator directed by Victor Saville) appeared the way out of a deteriorating material situation. But there, too, the employment opportunities were increasingly affected by bureaucratic chicanery, so that shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, Rathaus finally saw himself compelled to seek an existence for himself and his family in the USA. Rathaus had already artistically treated the subject of exile and self-assertion in a foreign land in his only opera Fremde Erde (“Foreign Soil”), which was premiered by Erich Kleiber on 10 December 1930 in the Berlin State Opera. He, too, a “wandering Jew,” he saw in the subject not only an, in his opinion, necessary, timelessly valid theme for the genre of opera, but also the relevant time reference that the call for “opera of time” (Zeitoper) had so vehemently demanded in the 1920s in order to liberate opera from its museum-like state. It is significant that Rathaus took up the theme of the stranger also in the most important commission he was to receive after leaving Germany, in the ballet music Le Lion amoureux for Colonel Basil’s Russian Ballet Company in the 1937/38 season at London’s Royal Opera House Covent Garden. (The suite was first performed on 13 March 1938 by the BBC Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Clarence Reynolds.) Even if the adaptation of La Fontaine’s tale concerns the domesticating and ennobling power of love – the aspect of the stranger is even more exaggerated vis-à-vis La Fontaine by the lion’s bursting in on a courtly milieu – the story can also be interpreted with respect to Rathaus’s own biographical situation, which is told as a “subtext” on the level, or by the means, of music. For the correlations lion = atonal = avantgarde and queen/court = tonal music represent musically-symbolically that very shunting off of the composer, who was once a protagonist in the modern music scene in Germany, to a milieu in which his “language” is perceived as irritating and strange. To be sure, this confrontation of styles remains episodic in the suite, and is for the most part limited to the initial tonal imagery of the lion’s entry in the scene, yet in the preface of the score Rathaus himself ascribes to it programmatic importance. It is an indication that in most cases forced exile meant not only a dramatic, often tragically occurring caesura in the artist’s biography, but also resulted in the abandoning of aesthetic positions. However, Rathaus was never a proponent of a hard-line avantgarde, and already at the end of the 1920s had cautioned against provoking a break with the audience and the accompanying ghettoization of contemporary music. In spite of this, there is a good deal of humor and self-irony in the Enamored Lion. Obvious are many dramaturgical as well as stylistic parallels with Schreker’s 1908 dance-pantomime after Oscar Wilde’s The Birthday of the Infanta (EDA 13), which likewise has to do with the intrusion of a stranger – there an ugly dwarf – into a courtly milieu. (The transformation of La Fontaine’s rural world into Rathaus’s courtly milieu may well trace back directly to Schreker/Wilde.) Rathaus, who experienced Schreker’s pantomime (under the new title Spanish Feast) in a production by the Berlin State Opera in 1927, adopted the principle of contrasting neo-Baroque and expressionistic elements as a means of setting to music the antagonism between nature and culture. It is very interesting to see how the semantic connotation of the stylistic layers shifts in keeping with the biographical, music- and contemporary-historical contexts in which the works came into being.
If Rathaus’s suite from the ballet music to The Enamored Lion was the first larger symphonic work with which he introduced himself to the American audience at a concert of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra under Vladimir Golschmann in February 1939, then the Prelude for Orchestra was his last orchestral composition, which he composed as a commission from the Louisville Orchestra and its founder and chief conductor Robert Whitney, and that was premiered on 12 June 1954, barely six months before his death. In a bravura piece, which however eschews any superficial brilliance, Rathaus gives the orchestra’s soloists and the individual sections opportunity to develop their own specific qualities and beauties. Like the Vorspiel zu einer grossen Oper (“Prelude to a Grand Opera”), the last orchestral work by his teacher Franz Schreker, Rathaus’s Prelude also appears to combine within itself, as Rathaus’s biographer Martin Schüssler aptly wrote, “all significant elements of an imagined drama.” Indeed, the piece not only seems like a summarization of Rathaus’s work in a compact space: with his strong contrasts and emotional discharges, the musical dramatist Rathaus, who had no opportunity to write for the stage in the USA (except for the reconstruction of the original version of Mussorgsky’s Boris Godunov for the Metropolitan Opera), may have envisioned here a sort of overture to an imaginary opera.
“Pour aller plus loin que les astres” – “To go further than to the stars,” wrote Claude Aveline (1901–1992) with a wink of the eye in a presentation copy of his Bestiaire inattendu, which was published in 1959 by the Mercure de France publishing house. And indeed, the interplanetary journey of a society reporter through the expanses of the universe to the paradise of the famous animals leads far beyond the destination. Aveline had already produced this suite of reports about a series of animals from myths and legends several years earlier as radio plays for French Radio (awarded the Prix Italia), and it was in this form that Simon Laks first encountered the material that inspired him to his first and only opera. Claude Aveline, a child of Russian-Jewish emigrants, was a colorful character in French intellectual life since the 1920s. In 1921 he met Anatole France, who made him to one of his closest friends and confidants. He reaped early fame as a poet and as the “youngest publisher in the world,” was active in the Résistance, shined as an essayist, novelist, and author of philosophical crime thrillers, influenced the existentialists, was close to the surrealists, but, as a skeptic and leftist moralist, he did not let himself to be monopolized by any prevailing trend. His poem Portrait de l'Oiseau qui n'existe pas (“The portrait of the bird that does not exist”), which has been translated into numerous languages, provided the stimulus for a series of artistic realizations into the 1970s by a large number of painters from the most diverse stylistic directions (initially as a donation in the Parisian Musée d'Art Moderne, today in Centre Pompidou).
Aveline’s Bestiaire inattendu refers less to the tradition of the myths-parodies of an Offenbach or the modernized myths of a Gide (Prometheus Illbound); rather, the cycle is close to a genre that Franz Blei tried out in a similar manner in several of his miniatures (Andromeda, Three Imaginary Letters), that of the refutation of myths by means of counter statement. In six episodes, the famous animals relate from their point of view the true versions of their stories, which in the legends, as they are told by men, have been stood on their heads or greatly distorted: Jonah’s whale appears, Prometheus’s eagle, Androcles’s lion, the poet Pellisson’s tamed spider, the donkey of the manger story, and, in the tongue-in-cheek epilogue, the “Swallow of the Suburb” that becomes the “Unexpected Swallow” in Laks’s opera.
Whoever is acquainted with Ferdinand-Louis Bénech and Ernest Dumont’s chanson L’Hirondelle du Faubourg from 1912, and knows of its great popularity in France, immediately understands the “coup de génie” of Aveline’s story as well as the composer’s inspired intuition for discerning an ideal subject for an opera. The composers’ problem of finding subjects appropriate for opera, which has accompanied the history of the genre and that Franz Schreker once described, in reference to his own situation, as the impossibility “to set a subject in which the fundamental idea is not one that demands the music – no – is the music itself”: here it is solved in an ideal-typical manner, as it were, for the music – the melody – becomes, literally, the theme of the opera. The notorious question of why there has to be singing at all is not raised if a chanson plays the main role. The theme of the stranger – the chanson as “alien element” in the context of the opera – is used by Laks and his congenial librettist Henri Lemarchand (who also translated a series of Laks’s Polish songs into French) for an over-the-top intellectual and witty game with the genre, like that achieved by Richard Strauss in an entirely different form in Ariadne and Capriccio. The apotheosis of the melody, which the reporter strikes up in his aria at the end of the opera, is by all means to be taken literally. For it is the melody in which the immortality potential of the music manifests itself in the highest concentration. “The song is everywhere,” the reporter sums it up, “while we, men and animals, are always only there where we happen to be.” The disdain that the guardians of so-called serious music have for the popular melody – at the time of the composition of the opera, the drifting apart of serious and popular music certainly experienced its absolute zenith in the history of (European) art music – finds its expression in the Hirondelle inattendue in the arrogance with which the animals encounter and reject the scruffy swallow among them as foreign to the species.
Laks experienced the alienation of music through its utilization for the Nazi’s death machinery – his book Music of Another World provides information about this. He experienced being a stranger as an exile before and even more so after the war, the estrangement from his native country, Poland, which was under Communist rule, and ultimately the foreignness as exclusion from the circle of the chosen, i.e., those musicians who after the war belonged to the establishment. In the utopia that appears at the just as cheerful as cryptic conclusion of the opera, the strain of a continuously traumatic life experience presumably also finds relief.
L’Hirondelle inattendue is a work sui generis, a loner in the genre, written without a commission, or perhaps as a commission from a higher place. Laks reflects upon music with the means of music, and strikes up a hymn to its immortality. There is no lack of witty allusions: the attentive listener will recognize old acquaintances such as Schubert’s Trout or Mozart’s “image aria” from the Magic Flute. A reference at an appropriate place to Laks’s contemporary – and bird expert – Olivier Messiaen is hardly to be overheard. The more familiar one becomes with the work, the greater the astonishment at the degree of technical mastery that the score reveals. Laks, who during his lifetime was not to hear even a handful of his orchestral works in performance, proves himself to be a master of instrumentation, and also of the human voice. The opera is literally teeming with affectionate details – beginning with the musical imitation of a wing beat in the first measures – and absolutely impressive is the enormous spectrum of moods and colors that the composer is able to unfold within the narrow space of his one-act opera.
The realization of the present CD production, which for the first time and finally presents the work’s beauties and merits in a proper light, was not without its dramatic moments. It was preceded by the concertante French first performance, initiated by Michel Pastore and funded by the European Commission within the framework of a multiyear European project, at the musique interdites festival on 11 July 2009 in Marseilles, with Marie Laforêt in the title role and a part of the ensemble heard on this recording. The CD production, originally planned for April 2010 at the Warsaw Broadcasting Corporation, fell victim to the airplane catastrophe in Smolensk and the subsequent week of mourning in Poland. Małgorzata Małaszko, director of the music division of Polish Radio; Bogna Kowalska, director of the Radio Orchestra; its artistic director and chief conductor, Łukasz Borowicz; the Polish Radio Choir and its director Małgorzata Orwaska; Piotr Kaminski, who accompanied the rehearsals of the chorus in Krakow and worked on honing its perfect French diction; recording engineers Gabriela Blicharz and Lech Dudzik, who with their artistry make one forget the often difficult acoustical conditions of the live recording; all the participating singers and instrumentalists, as well as Michel Pastore, the director of the musique interdites festival, and Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick, the chairwoman of the affiliated Berlin association Room 28, deserve great thanks for enabling the project to finally be brought to a successful conclusion in June 2010.
See also the commentaries to Poland Abroad I–III, V and VI as well as to the en hommage series.
For information on Rathaus’s life and work, see Martin Schüssler’s excellent study Karol Rathaus, Frankfurt/M., 2000. | 2019-04-21T07:08:48Z | http://eda-records.com/177-1-CD-Details.html?cd_id=74 |
17 year old Nigerian musical sensation comes through with an emotional mid-tempo motivational song to start-up the new year.
On the collaboration are labelmates Ditroy Amazing and Bigmike. Last song from the trio was in 2017, when they served us an evergreen love melody “fantasy“.
To all the young hustlers out there, listen to this song and get motivated.
Don’t chase love at the time in your life when you’re supposed to be hustling.
You need that complete focus.
Your hustle could be anything, but whatever it is, don’t be ashamed of it. No one will feed you when you go broke.
Success doesn’t happen by accident. You can’t build a great business, achieve a massive goal or rise to the top of your profession only with luck. It takes a ridiculous amount of work, focus and consistency. You cannot have this focus when your emotions are constantly being affected or when you constantly have to cook up lies to keep up with a decadent lifestyle.
Without hardwork, talent will only carry you so far. We are what we repeatedly do. Good things may come to those who wait … but only the things left by those who hustle.
Let’s get out there brothers, Let’s make a difference this year!!
Being broke should be your worst fear cos, no one go send you guy them no go look your face..
Them go tell you say make you hide that face..
Focus make raba them go call you honey..
See I go play you for a fool..
To dey by you, I no get the strength to dey stand by you..
I wanna make money, and no be to spend am ontop your body..
O mọ ohun ti o ṣe..
See my brother you no fit lie, you gotta try or you go die..
If you wanna make it to the top, oh..
See you gotta hustle really hard, no..
Alaye double your hustle ohh..
Na wetin go save you..
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Hello! I have a couple level 1 characters that I want to level and I have numerous pets that need to be level 25 so I figured why not combine the two.
If you can find someone to port you and either corpse run or have them also shuttle via 2 seater mount: The big farm area outside of Halfhill VotFW has a wide expanse of enemy free zone and a decent amount of Aquatic/critter spawns. It's not so great if you have competition, but a decent place. Once you get into the 80's, I prefer the area around Gorespine. Much faster respawns and tightly packed (Also no level 23 battles, so it makes it a hair bit faster). I've never tried it, but the area around Nitun might be worth trying at lower levels (I don't know the aggro radius of the kitties there though).
The vale of eternal blossoms has a nice place for leveling your pets up. It's where the fabled beastie is. Just load your toons with tons of bandages, get a port to the vale, and do the awesome death run to victory! Or someone else can carry you there.
If you can get a lowbie toon there in the first place, there's couple of areas in PandaLand that are perfect for totally safe hours of pet leveling, no wild pets lower than 23.
Heartland (the farming area north of Halfhill) in Valley of Four Winds has lots of critters and turtles. Only caution is to stay well away from the Virmen that run around in the northern part. A level 1 can safely run there from Halfhill FP if they head out to the northeast. There's also a pet trainer there.
Temple of the Jade Serpent in Jade Forest is snakes and frogs, no danger of toon being attacked long as they stay inside the walls. FP there too and a pet trainer outside that's safe to run to.
If lowbie is getting a carry to Temple, make sure to tag FP in Dawn's Blossom (Jade Forest) on the way, need this to have connection between Temple and Shrine.
You have good idea, leveling pets and toons at same time. For me that's always been lot faster for the toons than questing.
Last edited by Ranok on March 7th, 2015, 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I found that speed leveling magic based pets outside the garrison is great. You can start the pet at level 1 and have it to 25 relatively fast.
Maybe this is me but I love Outland. Of course this was back when I didn't have a buttload of pet bandaids in my inventory (I between DMF and Plush Tamer battles over in Pandaria I am overstocked). But before they nerfed the Garrisons, I didn't do much power leveling nor regular Pet Tamer runs in Pandaria.
Here's why I love Outland for powerleveling really low level pets. Speed. I go in there with a level 1 and a Level 25 Nexus Whelpling and maybe my Tranquil Yeti just because I need something in that 3rd slot - it's just quick and easy to level pets and very rarely did I need to heal my Whelping (I used either my P/P or my P/S). Once my lowbie pet got it's one hit, I would then swap to the Whelping and hit with first with arcane storm then mana surge. Very rarely do I get hit by the opposing pets and if I do it's for very little. So this method meant I rarely had to heal my Whelpling and I could go from pet to pet to pet without stop. So it was a speed thing.
Just when doing low-level pet leveling - avoid spiders (they web so you sometimes can't swap out your first pet).
I'd recommend the critters around Gorespine if you can get a friend to shuttle you over there - I levelled my DK from 85-90 just on those pet battles. It took a long time, but it helped me level a bunch of pets, so win-win, right? I'd be careful trying to boost level 1 pets here, unless they're mechanical or magic - these wild pets start with attacks far more often than they start with the self buff most of them seem to have.
I've also used the area around Nitun and No-no, though you have to be a little bit more careful, I'd imagine, if you're really low level.
And if you happen to need a shuttle and are on US servers with your alt, I'd be happy to shuttle you to your desired location - miserytwists#1593 is my BTag.
Susanmun wrote: Hello! I have a couple level 1 characters that I want to level and I have numerous pets that need to be level 25 so I figured why not combine the two.
Consider your plan VERY carefully..
I levelled my mage from 86 to 90, during MoP, solely by PB and it almost made me puke..
It gets VERY repetative, especially if you use a lowlevel toon in an area too high for you (because you can't move or you get killed)..
Does it work? Yes... Is it fast? Nope.. Questing is faster..
It's actually faster than it was in MoP. When they did the experience squish (to go along with the stat squish), they doubled the experience gains from pet battles. I won't claim it is faster than questing (as that depends on class / spec you level with), but at the 86+ range, it takes around 50-60 battles to level. If you have a decent levelling team (or teams to reduce down time), at 2 minutes per battle that is around 2 hours per level. The last time I did questing in that level range (post the 6.0 patch) it took me longer than that to level, but again, it all depends on class / spec (and I wasn't trying to optimize time when questing, so that factors in).
If you are gonna level toons via Pet Battles, it helps to build in some goals. When I did it on my 5 remaining alts, I levelled each low level pet to 10/11 (this is because it is optimal for long term pet levelling since the Tamers give the most EXP starting at level 10 and 11). It only takes up to 4 battles to get a pet to level 10 with just the safari hat. Using an addon like Rematch that lets you setup a levelling pet queue is useful for this.
Either way, it helps you to have goals. If you have say 15 level 1 pets and you can get them all to level 10, that's 60 battles, which is right around a level (assuming you are fighting level 24 and 25 enemies mind you). You also set yourself up with a tangeable reward that you can see progress towards.
One other advantage of leveling pets and toons at same time, with the right team it's pretty mindless. Boring, of course, but do it same time you're doing something else like cleaning house. Press a key anytime you happen to pass by the PC. You end up with higher level pet, higher level toon, and a cleaner room.
I think this all comes down to expectations and understanding. I've been using pet battles to level some newer toons myself. I always use the area in the Vale down in the corner by [url=http://www.wowhead.com/npc=68559/no-no]No-No[/url].
This method works extremely well up to lvl60. With heirloom gear you can gain roughly 6 to 8%xp per battle. This means a level every 12-16 battles. With the right team comp, I can do these battles often in under 12 rounds total, usually more like 9 rounds. It moves along very quickly, the mobs respawn very fast and I seldom see any competition on my server.
Here's the thing, it changes at lvl60. Once you hit that point you drop down to something like 3 to 4%xp per battle. At that point, for me, it's simply not worth it. That is when I go start questing.
But hey, you start questing at lvl60, when you can fly! So Outlands, Northrend and Cata are a lot easier!
I actually leveled several of my toons up to 90 from various levels in the Heartland as mentioned above. It may have taken a long time, but I had ALL of my pets to level 25, and had a ton of critter and flawless battlestones to send to Dak! Good luck! If you're on US and ally, look me up and I'll port and shuttle you to the spots I'm talking about.
Ranok wrote: One other advantage of leveling pets and toons at same time, with the right team it's pretty mindless. Boring, of course, but do it same time you're doing something else like cleaning house. Press a key anytime you happen to pass by the PC. You end up with higher level pet, higher level toon, and a cleaner room.
Absolutely this. Leveling your alts in Draenor using wild pet battles is pretty nifty.
I have leveled more than one alt from 90 to 100 in this fashion - while waiting on dungeons, working, watching TV, reading a book, etc. Mindless as heck, but works great. I don't even use special food - just the Safari Hat. And - your rested XP isn't affected by pet battles...so if you're maxxed out on rest bonus, pet battles won't eat up that bonus and you can use it elsewhere. Your character will get around 14-15k exp for each wild pet battle. That's equivalent xp to doing most quests.
I wouldn't suggest this as a method for leveling up your main character, because you'll miss out on all kinds of good stuff in Draenor. But who wants to do the same quests over and over again with each alt?
Granted, you will not be making gold, progressing on quests, getting apexis crystals, earning faction reputation, etc., but if your goal is to just level up an alt, this is not a bad option. You can kill several birds with one stone, too - 1. You're leveling your alt. 2. You're leveling up pets that you've collected over the past few years. 3. You're earning battles towards the monument achievement. Let's face it...if you're on this site, you're into battle pets and leveling them. We're going to do it anyways - might as well let our alts benefit from the grind as well, right? And if you can do this while binge watching your favorite TV series...more's the benefit!
Horde - there's a great place to camp out the pet battles - Stonefang Outpost. It's in Frostfire Ridge and you don't have to go far into the FFR questlines to get there. Besides, it's just west of your Garrison! There are L23-L25 pets here - mostly rats and wasps - both in the town and directly outside too. Best of all, there's a stable master here, a boy standing on a pile of hay. You won't even need bandages! The pets spawn really fast and there's no downtime.
I understand that there's an Alliance equivalent, by a beach in Shadowmoon Valley, but I haven't explored that yet.
Slot 3: Anubisath Idol L25.
Hi, well I use to do pet battle to level pets and char but now its seems not work... My char doesent get exp anymore, is there some issue to fix or ?
Kenderfox wrote: Hi, well I use to do pet battle to level pets and char but now its seems not work... My char doesent get exp anymore, is there some issue to fix or ?
I just tested this on my level 94 panda - and I am still getting xp for each wild pet battle. The only thing I can think of that would be keeping you from getting xp is that your alt needs to be in an area appropriate for their level. That is, you can't take a level 90 and do pet battles in Tanaris for xp, even if your pets get the xp. Take your character to a location where it would normally get XP if it was in a fight. Test it in Draenor - if you still don't get XP, then I'd submit a ticket.
My level 94 is horde, and she's in Stonefang Outpost, west of the horde garrison. I have leveled 3 1/2 alts from 90-100 in this location, so I know that xp works all the way to max in this location.
For Horde, I recommend Stonefang outpost. I have leveled up 2 chars from <L20 here without incident. The inn has a mailbox and there are no nearby hostiles (if you are careful not to wander too far). You gain about 2 character levels for every 1-25 pet leveled, and every battle counts towards the monument achievement.
Start with any L5 +/- pet; switch after first round to Feline Familiar (L20+ with abilities 1,1,1 (Onyx Bite, Stoneskin, Devour)) who can solo the remaining entire battle.
Switch in Feline Familiar who can solo the remaining entire battle.
Pretty tedious, but a very safe way to level pets and low level chars.
To get to Stonefang Outpost, you will need to contact a high level warlock (or mage) to get to the zone, and then have them (or another friendly high level) transport you on a passenger mount to the actual inn. Since the area is phased to characters <L90, the "garrison" area is lethal to low level characters (filled with gronnlings and reavers) and the aggro range is enormous. The closest area to the garrison to safely get summoned/picked up is past the always-has-a-fire-ammonite-fishing-ring lava pool (where people traditionally drop Blingbots) just to the NE of the garrison exit.
**note- I am sure there are other pets suited to the role, but using the commonly available (and cheap in the AH, should you not have one) Feline Familiar allows you to never rest and negates the need for visits to a stable master to heal pets: It is strong vs every pet possible in the listed battles (flyers/critters) and weak to none, and Devour insures you will never have to heal your pet(s).
While not the "best way" to level a character and/or pets, this is so effective for my particular style of play that I decided to use it to level my unused-since-vanilla Alliance characters.
So, assuming anything Horde had, Alliance had easier, I got my <L30 night elf summoned to WoD Shadowmoon Valley and death-crawled out to find a nearby levelling place. Imagine my surprise when, after many hours of searching and death-crawling, I found the Alliance starting area is bereft of a safe spot for this particular levelling process. Not one alliance town/village/city has battlepets within its protective walls. All the pets are random/infrequent spawns around or near hostile mobs.
I figured I would try nearby zones, but Blizzard has made it virtually impossible to leave SMV on a super low level character (the aggro range is insane and you have a 2 minute resurrection wait every death; the cemetaries are VERY far apart, so spirit-heal hops are difficult; the zone transitions are heavily populated ravines or chasms; aggro fish lurk on the coasts, so you are not safe there; and even the decorative moths and birds, which ignore appropriate level passers by, will come out of the sky to end your existence). I eventually made it into Talador (no obvious suitable loactions) and Southern Terrokar (even more lethal that the previously mentioned zones).
After much frustration, I hopped on my water strider and ran the entire lap around the island until I reached my Horde stomping grounds of Frostfire Ridge. I could not go to my usual spot due to it's proximity to Horde city NPCs who will, due to the aforementioned insane aggro range, come out and meet me at the foot of the hill AND mark me PvP for their enjoyment.
Further frustrated, I went to my other nearby low-level spot at the "always has a fishing ring" magma pool outside the Horde garrison. It is still safeISH, but if you step across the phase line, a horde (no pun intended) of vicious frostboars or a sneaky flying rynoc WILL one-shot you. God help you if you are on a PvP server.
Which brings me to my point... I noticed, oddly, that no reavers or gronnlings came streaking out to meet me near the Horde garrison phase line as they did on my Hordelings. I was curious and ran up the hill a bit to take a peek. I noticed a lone frostfur rat battlepet at the first tree. I moved up to check it out and my minimap radar suddenly filled with battlepet markers. Believe it or not, the entire area where the Horde garrison should be is 100% devoid of hostiles for an Alliance character and filled with battlepets to level on. You do not have the convenience of a mailbox or a nearby (for that matter ANY...) pet trainer for heals, but if you are using self-healing pets, it doesn't really matter anyway. At worst, you are only 8 minutes from a pet res for your sweepers if you happen to lose one to bad luck or a distracted/bad button press.
So, for those people wanting to use this process on an Alliance character, be prepared for a lot more travel to get where it's safe, but there is a place to do this. It is, however, still very tedious and there are probably better options out there.
If anyone should want my (largely useless) advice on travel to this location, I'd be happy to relate my experience, but your best bet is to have 3 friends (one of whom is a warlock) summon you to this location or pay for the trip via trade chat. All things considered, if you are not deliberately working on the WoD-specific pet achievements, I personally think there are safer/better alternative places to perform this process in Pandaria. | 2019-04-24T19:05:28Z | https://www.warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13632 |
After the re-adoption of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and the recent passage of SB 32 in California I took some time to review and ponder the implications of carbon policies, obligations and targets in the golden state and in the North American west coast region in general. After all, Oregon (OR) and British Columbia (BC) also have LCFS programs in place and there is growing interest in expanding these across the continent.
So what would that mean for the fuels, feedstock and credits markets? After my head stopped spinning, and I’m not certain it HAS stopped, it occurred to me that it might be interesting to explore what a west coast LCFS might look like.
When I first got involved with the fledgling biodiesel industry 16 years ago, we could only dream of current policies being implemented one day in the far off future. Well, it appears that future is upon us and those policies have taken hold and are spreading. Climate change is no longer being debated and it is widely recognized that action is needed – and is underway.
I’ve asked for some help in crafting a series of articles on this topic from two knowledgeable colleagues: Kevin Kuper with SeQuential in Oregon and Ian Thomson with Advanced Biofuels Canada in BC. In addition to California, Oregon and BC, Washington state has just recently passed a “Clean Air Rule” restricting carbon emissions, and in Canada, BC will push its LCFS out to 2030. There are also LCFS programs that have been or are being considered in Washington State, and both Ontario and the Canadian federal government have expressed their intent to regulate the GHG content of fuels (ie: LCFS).
In California, LCFS credit values along with the physical fuel they are often attached to rise and fall, sometimes precipitously, based on any number of market conditions, including the value of other credits such as federal RFS RINs and blenders’ credits. Distribution bottlenecks factor into logistical shortfalls and can exacerbate the problem, which ultimately impacts pricing. Not to mention imports of low-carbon biofuels from around the world.
Since climate change is truly a global issue it makes logical sense that if there are LCFS programs in other states, provinces or regions, then credits generated in one area should be tradable across state or even international borders. But that’s no small task. If that were to happen how might that impact values from program to program? There would need to be parity so it would likely need regulatory oversight. California has yet to approve offsets from those jurisdictions where it already has agreements, so this is not a straightforward or quick process. But assuming we could tackle these hurdles, it makes sense that this too would impact values – and that’s a two-way street.
Additionally, demand for feedstocks would rise, more so for lower carbon feedstocks. Demand for purpose-grown energy crops would grow and it’s likely that more sustainable crop production would result based on values at least partially incentivized by a growing LCFS market.
Low carbon fuel production facilities in states, provinces or countries that have LCFS programs would likely enjoy lower CI values for equivalent production based on logistics alone. And if feedstocks for those facilities were grown or gathered nearby that would also impact CI values. Imagine a program that worked as designed – sustainability at work! But we’re not there yet, with global biofuel trade flows showing the power of the LCFS market to drive feedstock-switching and innovative process changes. Vetting the acceptability of certificates will require everyone to agree on things as basic, but not as simple, as common definitions of ‘sustainable biomass’.
California, with its population of 40 million people and monster fuel market, has definitely taken a leadership position and set the bar. Oregon and BC are not far behind, as we’ll describe in the next two articles, but how California implements the 2030 targets it has set will be the real indicator of leadership. It’s an election year and the outcome will clearly have an impact on what happens around the world, as it always does. Perhaps one day we’ll see a carbon market spanning the entire west coast, or a federal LCFS, or even a North American LCFS. That would be a game changer.
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] decade ago, Washington State and Oregon were among the very first adopters of state wide biofuel mandates. Today the Pacific Northwest continues to be at the forefront of clean energy and carbon commitments, putting Oregon and Washington in good company with neighboring California and British Columbia.
So what does our climate and transportation future hold here on the west coast? While it may be easy to imagine a harmonious marketplace from San Diego to Yakutat Bay, the range of regional, political and private influences make that future much harder to manifest. The glass is half full, however, as steps in the same general direction are being taken by all of these sovereign states and provinces, and confluence may yet happen in a meaningful way. If not by design than perhaps by circumstance, or chance?
January will mark the effective beginning of Oregon’s Clean Fuel Program (CFP), which, in many ways mirrors the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) program in California. These two policies, programs and resultant marketplaces were not designed to work in synch, meaning that they may vary by compliance and market signal for low carbon fuels. Still, the lessons learned from the first 5+ years of California’s LCFS will go a long way in informing what unfolds with the Oregon CFP.
In fact, the experience and understanding many obligated parties have from participating in the LCFS could create a much smoother takeoff for Oregon and allow a much more vibrant marketplace to develop in a shorter amount of time. The debut of the Oregon carbon market will act to further stimulate interest in low carbon fuels and feedstocks along the west coast, and reinforce global strategies pointing low carbon products to the pacific shores of north America.
Nearly a third of Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation, demonstrating the need for policy like the CFP. Similarly, in Washington state transportation accounts for close to half of all greenhouse gas emissions, which clearly advocates for similar policies in the Evergreen State.
Lawmakers in Washington State did take a long, hard look at an LCFS/CFP in recent years, but the heavily divided political landscape produced no action. Though a program similar to those in California, Oregon or British Columbia does not exist in the state today, Washington is clearly focused on the same overarching goals. In 2008 Washington State set emissions reduction targets aiming for 1990 levels by 2020 and a 50% reduction in those levels by 2050. This in turn prompted the recent introduction of the Clean Air Rule which goes into effect in the Evergreen State on October 17th of this year and will act to cap carbon emission from the state’s top emitters. Could there be a future where it’s possible for obligated parties in Washington State to buy ‘carbon credits’ from credit generators in other states? Or even other countries perhaps?
Proponents for an LCFS/CFP in Washington State have not gone away, as the Clean Air Rule is unlikely to reduce transportation emissions as effectively as direct regulation of fuels’ carbon intensity. Imported fuels come under the cap starting in 2022, and until then, it is not clear the extent to which low carbon fuels will be used for compliance by large emitters. But any action on an LCFS would have to see the removal of the current ‘poison pill’ in the state’s transportation bill, which would require something on the order of a legislative restructure or ballot initiative in 2018. As you may know, this “poison pill” requires, by statute, elimination of funding for transit and other programs should any state agency implement a fuel standard based on carbon intensity of fuel.
It remains to be seen how and whether these carbon markets will integrate into a more comprehensive west coast carbon future but we can all breathe a little easier knowing that the west coast states and British Columbia are all working towards a future with cleaner air.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n May 2007, British Columbia (BC) and California signed a climate action MOU that set Canada’s westernmost province on the path to a California-style low carbon fuel standard. A decade later, the regulation that resulted may be poised to take Canada up a big notch in the climate action race.
Many know that the BC LCFS is not the only biofuels-related initiative in Canada. Its most populous province, Ontario, and two Prairie provinces, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, have had ethanol mandates since 2007, and in the 2010- 2011 period, the four western provinces all brought in biofuels mandates in diesel and gasoline. Also in 2010 and 2011, the federal government mandated renewable content in gasoline (5%) and diesel (2%) respectively, and by 2015, every province between Ontario and BC had a mandate for renewable content in diesel (ranging from 2-4%).
Canadian biodiesel producers responded by building sufficient capacity to meet the 170 million gallon per year (Mgpy) demand from provincial and federal mandates. But as is the case with Canada’s fossil fuels, cross-border trade in biodiesel and renewable hydrocarbon diesel (RHD) has been substantial. In 2015, US producers shipped 10 million gallons more of biodiesel into Canada than was imported from Canada to the US, and this trend is likely to be maintained.
The relative lull since 2011 in new regulation development appears to be ending. A number of factors are lining up to drive what could be a doubling or tripling of biofuel demand in Canada. The election in October 2015 of a pro-climate action federal government has renewed the call to expand and update renewable fuel standards. Unlike RFS2 and its GHG buckets, Canadian federal biofuel regulations have had no reduction thresholds or renewable biomass criteria.
An example of the pivot to including carbon intensity in biofuels regulations can be found in Ontario. It’s 2015 Greener Diesel regulation has a multiplier that allows obligated parties to use less of a lower carbon fuel, and the draft June 2016 Climate Change Action Plan is calling for a new regulation in the gasoline pool to reduce GHG pollution 5% by 2020. If that proposed Ontario regulation were expanded to the diesel pool from 2020 onward and deeper reductions set for 2025 or 2030, it would double or triple demand in a market with Canada’s largest fuel consumption.
There are also broad calls to update the federal RFS. Canada’s signing of the Paris climate agreement in October 2016 has refocused Ottawa’s hunt for significant GHG reductions. With transportation at 25% of Canada’s emissions, squeezing more reductions out of biofuels is likely to require GHG reduction criteria in regulations going forward. Whether this is in the form of a federal LCFS, or changes to existing biofuel mandates has yet to be determined.
Then we come all the way back to BC. In August 2016, the province announced that it will extend the LCFS to 2030, requiring a 15% reduction below 2010 levels (from the current 10% by 2020). And BC brings us to another trend in Canada: carbon pricing. BC has North America’s oldest scheme, a carbon tax that started in July 2008. Quebec has a cap and trade program, and Ontario has passed the legislation to implement one, with the regulation pending. Alberta has announced a carbon levy, and in October 2016, the federal government announced a carbon tax starting in 2018 that will hit $50/tonne by 2022.
A debate is currently underway in Canada as to the relative value of carbon pricing towards greater adoption of low carbon fuels. Analysis by Advanced Biofuels Canada and others show that carbon pricing’s current structure in Canada is having little impact on incenting lower carbon fuels, and in some cases is actually regressive on carbon (charging higher carbon taxes on low-carbon biofuels than on gasoline or diesel.) With lower-density fuels taxed volumetrically, consumers end up paying more carbon tax than for the fossil equivalent per distance travelled. And the structure of BC and Alberta carbon taxes sees B20 and E85 blends taxed at the same rate as diesel and gasoline. This clearly remains an area where regulatory change is required to align GHG reduction goals with the rules and tax codes to realize the reductions.
The months ahead will see decisions on the format of fuels policies, and their targets. Will Canada develop a RIN-style registry? Will it have a 2030 LCFS with CA-level targets? Provincial and federal governments will grapple with balancing support for a hard-hit upstream oil sector and support for renewables, and gaining agreement on shared actions across the confederation of provinces and territories with widely ranging economic realities and political orientations. Translating the surge in announcements on fuels-related climate action into stringent new regulations may drive new demand, but other actions are needed to ensure that Canada builds and operates competitive domestic production capacity in the face of US support for its biofuels industry. Keep an eye on Canada in 2017.
[dropcap]G[/dropcap]iven the results of the recent election, the conclusion of this series on “Envisioning a West Coast LCFS” seems to have taken a decidedly different direction than anticipated by much of the country and the world. The apparent west coast alliance of emerging carbon economies, while very strong, is about to be challenged in ways we could not have anticipated a few short days ago. How will this new world we find ourselves in impact biodiesel markets, biofuels markets, feedstock markets and carbon markets?
Perhaps one of the most significant outcomes of last week’s American election will be the effect on climate policies across the US, North America and the entire world. There is a lot of political dust that needs to settle before the hard work of governing can begin, but one area that we may see early coordination on will be bi-partisan support for biofuels. After all, president-elect Trump was the only supporter of the RFS in the republican primary race – enthusiastically so. But he has not been supportive of carbon policies nor does he even acknowledge the existence of climate change. Early signs from his transition team indicate that this will become the policy of the land – but not without fierce resistance.
The silver lining for biofuels in general, and biodiesel in particular, is that a Trump administration with energy security and protectionist tendencies may potentially decide to cut support for RFS pathways for foreign producers in order to eliminate exporting US tax dollars while American domestic producers languish. They might also support a domestic producers’ credit rather than a blenders’ credit for the same reasons. Those with assets invested to work with a blenders credit, and some in the fuels sector, may muddy the waters on this, but it is clear that either or both of these changes would send strong signals simultaneously to Trump’s rural agriculture constituency and to foreign producers, that he is making sure tax dollars are put to work in America first while creating jobs for American workers. This would be an early statement reinforcing some of his campaign promises.
The good news is that it could provide the added benefit of reducing carbon. A pivot to more domestic production might have the side benefit of addressing concerns about high-carbon imported biofuels that are currently, and unintentionally, supported by current regulation structures. More low carbon North American feedstocks would reduce GHG emissions – another win for biofuels.
And where does that leave carbon policies such as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and similar programs developing on the west coast and in Canada?
Trying to summarize this series on the potential for an expansion of an LCFS policy in the western US and Canada also got much more difficult since the election. It seems abundantly clear that California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia (BC) are aligned at the macro-level in their legislative efforts to limit carbon emissions. Whether these policies focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in general or the more specific GHG emissions from the transportation sector, which comprises anywhere from 25 – 50% of overall GHGs, there is no turning away from the very strong policy directives.
Since the election of Mr. Trump, however, it would seem that the expansion of carbon policies in general are far less likely, at least for the next 2-4 years. Beyond these four state and provincial policies we know that much of Canada is looking at similar reduction goals. There is also broad support in the US, but the leadership that had helped lead to the Paris Climate Accord after some 20 years of negotiation is no longer in place.
Possible actions of a more protectionist Congress may also run into the complexities associated with north-south feedstock and biofuel flows, and energy flows generally. Canada is a net importer of US biofuels, yet its producers do benefit from US policies, albeit on a relatively minor level. The possible shift to a biodiesel producers credit may bring some instability to the free flow of product in both directions, and with policies under development in Canada that could expand the demand for more feedstocks and fuels, both countries may see an incentive to adopt a more continental approach.
We know that California’s LCFS has demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of GHG reductions have come from the biofuels sector (greater than 90% since the program’s inception). We also know that well over half of those biofuels have come from out of state and overseas. All of this has happened while state regulators seem to have taken a more ideological path in support of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) technologies including electrification and hydrogen fuel cells.
Meanwhile, much of the biofuels have come from the US heartland, even while California in-state production has gradually increased. Some might argue that there is generally more support for biofuels outside of California, even as demand for biofuels in the Golden State has increased dramatically due to the LCFS program. This may seem paradoxical to California regulators who had been hoping to influence national and even global policy. But after the outcome of this national election, we would guess that compromise might be in store as we move forward.
On a regional level, the ballot failure of the WA carbon pricing initiative, I-732, could set the stage in the next election cycle for a revisit of some of the low carbon fuel policies that would have been a bigger lift had a carbon price been in place. We do know that a carbon tax and an LCFS can co-exist as they do in BC, but the political will needs to be big enough to carry both.
We know that biofuels work to lower carbon, and we know that the best near-term biofuel solution appears to be biodiesel. There are 1.3 billion gallons of unutilized biodiesel production capacity across the US waiting for some pragmatic leadership to take hold. Many had thought that leadership would come from President Hillary Clinton, but the biggest surprise may be that it comes from President Donald Trump. The question is whether we now have the political will to reach across the aisle and make it happen. | 2019-04-24T00:15:30Z | http://encorebiorenewables.com/envisioning-a-west-coast-lcfs-and-beyond-part-i-of-iv/ |
Learn how to migrate to the Salesforce Lighting UI in four steps. Shell Black in this video presentation discusses how to make the business case to justify the costs to moving to the Lightning Experience (LEX) from Classic. In the four steps Shell covers how to assess the current state of your org, plan out the migration, manage your build sprints and UAT (User Acceptance Testing), and train your end users. He also covers the factors that drive the time needed to complete the project. As you will find, the biggest hurdle to migrating to Lightning is not a missing feature, but Admin knowledge.
Well first off, I want to say thank you for taking your lunchtime with me on the last full day of Dreamforce. How many of you went to the concert last night? Oh, man, you guys are troopers. I’m getting old. All right, so today’s presentation is "Planning Your Migration to Lightning Experience." Part of my duty, as a presenter, is to take you through this slide, the forward-looking statement slide. Formerly known as the Safe Harbor slide.
So basically what it means is, don’t make any purchasing decisions based on any forward-looking statements or anything that I say here. I don’t think I’m going to talk about future release information. But as a publicly held company, we have to present to you this information. So let’s jump into it. I’ll tell you a little bit about myself.
I’m Shell Black. President of ShellBlack.com. We’re a Salesforce consulting partner. I started doing work with Salesforce back in 2005, as a consultant. I did that for a couple years. I used to teach, also, the five-day admin class. Has anyone taking ADM201? Yeah? A couple of you. Great! I started my company back in 2010. I’m a Salesforce MVP. Been a Salesforce MVP for five years. I have four certifications, and this is my fifth year speaking at Dreamforce. So super excited about that.
I do have a YouTube channel out there called "The ShellBlack Whiteboard." Anybody seen one of my videos? Nice. Excellent. So there’s about 30 videos out there. They’re all about trying to help you get the most out of Salesforce, core concepts, best practices. It’s had over a million minutes watched, which isn’t bad considering there are no cat videos. You can follow me on Twitter @Shell_Black. I’m always posting crazy stuff about Salesforce.
All right. So I got one slide about my company. So again, like I said, I started ShellBlack.com back in 2010. We’re a Salesforce consulting partner. The professional services we offer are there at the top. Financial Services Cloud, Pardot, Migrating to Lightning. You can use us for that as well.
A little bit about the firm. We’ve been pretty fortunate over the last seven years. We’ve got clients in 40 states. We’ve delivered more than 600 projects and we’re about a 32-person firm. Half the team is out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area. But we do have folks on all four time zones, coast to coast. So if we can help you with Salesforce, please let us know. You guys ready to jump into this? Yes.
All right, so I thought the best way to introduce this topic is to rewind the tape a little bit, and let you think about how fast we are moving on this Lightning journey. So it was in August of 2015 that Lightning was announced. And then shortly after that was Dreamforce. So Marc Benioff, on a big stage, a big demo of Lightning, first time we all probably saw it. Clean, new UI, KanBan boards. Oh, my gosh, look at those dashboards. We were all blown away.
Shortly after that, in 2016, we all got our hands on it, started playing around with it. I think, maybe let’s be honest, some of us were like, well, if you don’t stay on that sales "happy path" that the demo was on, and you start looking in the nooks and crannies, there was a lot of stuff that wasn’t there. I wouldn’t say "half baked," but the foundation was laid, but it wasn’t really robust enough for a lot of us to really consider it.
So I think a lot of my customers, and a lot of people I talked to, we kind of turned our nose up at it and said, "We’ll see if they keep doing this. We’ll see if this Lightning thing is for real." And we just moved on. Well in 2016, a couple more releases. I wrote a blog post in June of 2016. It was my most socially shared blog post ever. It went…I don’t want to say, "Viral," but it was pretty popular. A little bit of lightning rod, pun intended. But the blog post was entitled "Salesforce Classic is Dead – Get Over It." And basically what I was saying is, if you’re not looking at the signposts, if you’re not looking at the release notes, the Salesforce product team is all in on Lightning. This is not going away. We really need to start taking this a little bit more seriously. And I think a lot of us had kind of said, "We’ll see what really happens with this." But Salesforce was really trying to tell us, pretty early on, they were committed to this platform.
So 2016, as a consultant company, it was a really challenging year for us, because we had to make the decision, "Do we put a customer in Lightning? Do we put a customer in Classic?" And the tipping point for us when we were making that decision was, "Could we keep a group of functional users in one UI, in Lightning?" And if we could, we’d implement them in Lightning. If we couldn’t, and there’d be a lot of flipping back and forth, we went with Classic.
So fast-forward the tape a little bit more. Now we’re into 2017. Pretty much all new clients, at this point, that we’re working with, we’re putting in Lightning. And if you think about it, you cannot go to Salesforce’s website and see any screenshots of Classic. If you’re a new customer, and you made a purchasing decision, you don’t even know what Classic is. All you see is Lightning. It’s what your AE (Account Executive) had shown you. So we felt like, in 2017, it would be disservice really to implement anybody in Classic at this point. Right?
And if you kind of think about it, Classic is a little bit of an island at this point. So you can almost think of Classic, in my mind, as Salesforce version 2015. It’s kind of static. It’s kind of like, "Hey, I’m holding onto Windows XP, man. It’s coming back. I know it is." It’s really the 2015 version of Salesforce. Right? It’s Classic. So you can continue to be cloistered off on that island, hoping that you get saved one day. Right? That someone’s going to bring it all back. "Yeah, it’s going to keep going." It’s not, guys. It’s going to be Lightning.
So I bet you’re here to try to figure out, "How do we get there? How do we get the rest of the organization there?" The first thing you have to do is convince leadership this is a great idea. Because transitioning to Lightning cost money. I’m just going to put it out there. It’s expensive. It’s going to have admin time, potentially developers’ time, even take users offline for training. You’re going to have to have subject matter experts help you test it. You might even have to hire a consulting company.
There’s business opportunity. You can be working on other things in Classic, but now we’ve got to focus on this migration project that’s going to take you away from other opportunities. So there is absolutely a cost to this. So you’re going to have to get some signoff, and some buyoff from leadership that, "This is what we want our resources to work on?" So how do you sell this? How do you pitch this to leadership?
So I think the first thing you got to look at, if you stay on the 2015 version of Salesforce, which is Classic, you are no longer receiving anymore innovation for your licenses. You’re paying for it. But you are no longer receiving any innovation. All the innovation is now in Lightning. So part of the value of that license that you pay every year, is innovation that we’re all seeing here at Dreamforce. So you’ll miss out on that. So that’s that opportunity cost.
The second thing, you can kind of look at it from an ROI standpoint, or return on investment is, if we took advantage of some of the new features and some of the new innovation, "How could that impact our company?" Right? Sell smarter, better service, better insights to data. So it could be, "Hey, if we had KanBan boards for our folks, they’d keep their opportunities more up to date. If we had lead scoring. We’ve got these inside sales reps that are juggling three or four hundred leads. Maybe they’re going to call the right people at the right time based on that score." Other features.
It could be, "Hey, we could avoid going out to the AppExchange and buying a third-party app because that’s a native feature inside Lightning." A real quick one. It could be that you can now have calendars, and manage your opportunities on a calendar. Or you maybe you want to see your marketing campaigns or what’s coming up next month on a calendar. You don’t have to buy a third-party app to do that anymore. Right? So think of that.
So if you’re thinking, "Well this all great, but I’m not really good at making business cases. It’s not really my job." Maybe you’re a System Administrator, and that’s not maybe your day job, is to make business cases to leadership. Guess what? Through the power of Salesforce marketing, there’s a pitch deck you can download. Seriously. Salesforce is like, "Let me tell you how to sell it?" So that link, in admin.salesforce.com/lightninginabox, it’s how to configure a test org. Here are the demo scripts. Here’s a video on how to do it and here’s your PowerPoint slides. Lightning-in-a-Box, baby. You can go out and pitch it.
And if you’re an organization that’s been thinking, or maybe leadership, or someone saying, "Well we can’t go to Lightning because of X feature," that Salesforce puts in help a roadmap that’ll tell you when that feature’s going to be addressed. So if that feature is not going to be addressed from a year from now, don’t start that Lightning migration in a year from now. Have your Lightning project converge when that feature comes available, so you can get to Lightning as fast possible.
Here’s another way to look at it. If you migrate to Lightning, there’s going to be some upfront costs. Right? It’s a reality. Again, it’s the opportunity cost. You’re going to have a team working on this. You could be working on other features. It could be administrators, developers, consulting cost. You have to retrain your people. Again, you’re working on this migration versus other things you could be doing as a company. So yes, there’s an upfront cost. It’s not a full reimplementation as we’re going to see later in the slides, but there is a cost.
However, now you are riding the wave of Lightning. And now Salesforce is delivering that innovation three times a year, and you’re now able to take advantage of it. If you’re on Classic, to get new innovation, the burden of innovation is now on your shoulders, if you stay on Classic. So you’re going to have to do some development, or create innovation, get the ROI. Next time you want some innovation, it’s on your shoulders in Classic. You’re going to have to develop it, see that ROI, and then so on and so on.
So again, you can do a lot more. There’s an upfront cost, and it’s more significant, but then you ride the wave, or, innovation is now on your shoulders if you stay on Classic. Again, kind of a way you can pitch this to leadership.
So let’s talk about what’s involved. The easiest way I like to look at this is, let’s talk about what’s not impacted by transitioning to Lightning. So breathe in. Breathe out. This is all still there. Not to panic. Be calm. So data, even though it has the word "migration" in it, your data’s not impacted. So there’s no data migration. All the data model that you’ve built out – standard objects, custom objects, all those fields, your sales process, your lead process – still there. All the business logic of the validation rules, the automation rules, the process builders, the workflows, the triggers – still there.
Security, everything wrapped around users about, can you see the record? Organization-Wide defaults (OWDs), sharing rules, permission sets, Role Hierarchy, still there. So it’s not a full migration. All this is still intact.
So let’s talk about what you do have to consider. Now the most obvious thing is the UI (User Interface). And as we’ll talk about later in this presentation, admin knowledge is going to be a big piece of this. Because you really need to go back and look at your business, the requirements, and kind of reimagine working in Salesforce. We are very trained as Classic users, to have the two-column layout, related list at the bottom. Get really good at scrolling up and down. Right? They all kind of look the same.
We’ve got a new toolkit, and while I wouldn’t say the gloves are off, you have a lot more flexibility. Maybe you want to use one of the templates that have a three-column layout. Maybe you don’t want people to have to scroll down and see a related list and you want to keep all of the information "above the fold" in the screen, and start using tabs. You can have up to 25 tabs. You have actions, you have global actions, you’ve got Lightning components, you have the highlights panel at the top of the age for the most important fields.
You need to start thinking of Salesforce through the lens of a UI usability expert. And try to think about, "If we were to do this over again in another platform, would we solve these problems the same way or would we solve them differently?" And that is really going to be the value of Lightning, as kind of reimagining working and letting Salesforce be more proactive and taking action on that data and the Lightning Experience (LEX).
Analytics. You’ve now got, what? A 9×9 grid? You need to go back and look at your dashboards and say, "Now that we’ve got this different toolkit," and you’ve also got a new Lightning Report Builder, would you present the information differently? Because now you can have components, or a Lightning metric, that goes across nine columns, that spans the whole thing. You’re not limited to the three-column layout, or two-column layout. So yeah, a lot of this is reimagining working in Salesforce and this is really going to be how you’re going to add value to your organization.
So let’s get into the four steps. So these four steps are a framework we’ve put together that really talks about how you tackle this. And the framework will expand and contract based on your footprint with Salesforce. Because if you’re a Professional Edition, and you don’t have custom code… Right? You can’t write custom code in Professional Edition. Then maybe you’re a single group of uses, this framework will still work. It could also work if you’re an Enterprise customer that’s got 50 custom objects, 1,000 users, and you’ve been pounding on it for 10 years.
So we’ll talk about these phases of the project and this framework, but then, as I go through it, we’ll talk about how this will expand and contract based on the organization. Fair enough? Everybody’s still with me. Everybody’s still awake. All right.
So the assessment stage is really about taking an inventory of what’s in your org. And so you’ve probably seen it. You can’t miss it if it’s in setup. We’ve got the Lightning Readiness Assessment tool. Really good. It’s going to tell you what’s compatible, what features you’re using that’s not available, do you have any code issues. That’s step one. I also like to run the Optimizer report. And if you haven’t looked at the Optimizer report, it’s a great housecleaning report for a system administrator. It’ll tell you, "Here are Custom Profiles that are not being used. Here are workflow rules that are inactive, just hanging out there."
One thing I like about the Optimizer report, because we’re talking about revisiting the UI, is it will give you some field utilization data that says, "Of these custom fields that you have, and standard fields, out of 100 records, what percent of those fields are being used on a record." And it’ll tell you, "Okay, maybe we created a bunch of fields four years ago, and nobody knows what they’re for anymore and they’re not being used." There was a great app on the AppExchange called "Field Trip" that did something very, very similar. But you can get that information now from this Optimizer report.
And then the other thing I would look at is reviewing your roadmap for Salesforce. Because even if you’re in the planning stages now, what I don’t want you to do is start heaving on more technical debt and more AppExchange apps that aren’t Lightning-ready. Because maybe, based on your planning, you’re not going to go live for nine months to a year. Well don’t buy an AppExchange solution today that you’re going to sign up for a year contract for, that you’re on the hook for. And don’t sit there and make a Visualforce page that you haven’t tested in Lighting.
So don’t heave onto the problem because you got to do business today. So when you’re thinking about that assessment, also think about what’s on your current roadmap for Salesforce as an organization. Does that make sense? Yeah.
All right. So we’ve got our inventory. We know what we have to go touch and that we’ve got to go address. The next thing is just breaking down the work by the teams, assemble the team. Again, depending on the size of your organization, the team could be a sole System Admin working in Professional Edition for a small company. And that may be the team. If you’re a large Enterprise client, that could be leadership, an executive sponsor, someone from corporate communications, someone from training, a team of admins, a team of developers, maybe a consulting company. It could be a very large team. It could be the subject matter experts that are being representative of those departments that’ll be impacted. So again, depending on your organization, that concept will kind of expand and contract.
Communications strategy. Again, if it’s a small company, you’re probably having water cooler conversations with the users and leadership. If you’re a big company, they’re going to want to get ahead of this initiative and communicate this, not only to leadership, the key stakeholders, but also those end users when that’s coming. So depending on your company, the corporate communications piece could be a bigger piece.
So I talked, in that earlier slide, about looking at the inventory. And I would look at it as a matrix of, "Here’s the features that we use." And then across, look at it by functional groups, maybe sales, operations, back office, compliance, marketing, customer service. And then start to look at which will be the easier groups to go-live. Because you can flip these by functional group. You don’t have to big bang and take everybody live at once. So you might say that, "Hey, at least this group can go-live this quarter. This group, we can do two groups this quarter." But if you start matrixing out the features and the work you have to do, features, customer code and AppExchange apps, against those functional groups, it’ll help you prioritize how to eat the elephant, how you tackle this.
Because a launch date, for you, could be a number of things based on your organization. Again, if you’re a small Professional Edition org. I’m not trying to pick on Professional Edition, it was just easier. But if you’re a small Professional customer with a dozen users, a launch date could be everybody. "We’re just going to do it all. It’s going to be big bang, that’s our launch date."
If you are a large Enterprise customer, a launch date could be the first functional group and the pilot, and then the rest of the group. And then the next launch date is the next pilot for the next functional group, until you get through all the functional groups. So again, taking this model, expanding it in and out.
Sandbox testing and deployment. I feel like I’m picking on Professional Edition. But if you have Professional Edition, you have no way to do a change set. What I mean by "change set" is, any custom code or configuration work that you’ve done in Sandbox, with Professional Edition, you have no way to move those changes from a Sandbox environment to Production. So essentially, you have to recreate everything by hand anyway. So again, I know people are like, "Really?" Like, "Yeah, that’s what Professional Edition does." There’s no change sets.
So you can do testing and a whole bunch of stuff, but you have to manually recreate that. So again, if it’s a single group of sales users, you might just do all the work in production, clone the Sandbox, train them, and then set them free. Obviously, if you are an Enterprise customer with a lot of functional groups, and a lot of custom code, you’re definitely going to be working in the Sandbox. Make sense?
Okay. So we’ve got our inventory, we’ve broken down the work, we’ve got our team together, we’ve got our dates of launch plans and stuff. We know how many build cycles we need. Here comes the heavy work, time to get it done. Get ‘er done! So depending on the object that you’re working, I recommend starting with your standard objects first – Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Cases, and then your Custom Objects. But depending on how much of your business process is wrapped around an object, you might have a two-week sprint on Contacts, but it might take you two months to get through Opportunities because you have a bunch of business rules, and quoting, and approval processes, and products, and quote templates, and a bunch of stuff you have to tackle. Maybe you have an app that’s heavily embedded into Opportunities.
So you have to look at that and say, "Okay, not everything’s going to be a one-week or two-week sprint." Again, expand that in and out based on your business processes, and what your business does.
Custom code. A lot of…well not a lot of decisions. But again, because you can do things differently just because you have something in Visualforce, and you know that it doesn’t work, you can either refactor and recode that Visualforce page. Or maybe you go to a Lightning component and then maybe you can have that kind of modularized where you can have that in other areas of your Lightning implementation.
So again, think about what you can do, because you’re going to have some options with that. You’re going to have to go through adjust your custom code, redo your dashboards, communication templates. Get in the Sandbox, get your Admins to do their work, developers to do their work, get the subject matter experts (SMEs) that are representing those functional groups, have them run through their use cases and make sure you haven’t missed your requirement. Right? That’s really the proof in the pudding, is getting them in there and saying, "Okay, is this going to support the way we work." Man, I feel like I’m blazing through this.
Okay. Step four, training and deployment. Last year at Dreamforce, I did an entire session on training end-users on Lightning. So in the chatter group of this session, I put a link to the video, last year. So you could go see it if you want to really understand tools, techniques, tips and tricks, and training end-users on Lightning. This was a good summary slide that I liked. And if you look at the left-hand part of that slide, what I’m saying here is, "Lightning training is not new user training." When you’re training people in Lightning, they already know the dictionary definitions of what a Lead is, what’s an Opportunity, they know how to login.
And they know how to do their job. They know how to convert a Lead. They know when to get an approval process. You’re not teaching them how to do their job or how to use Salesforce, you’re really, on the right-hand side, is really telling them, "Where did it go?" Who moved my cheese? Think back to the first time you looked at Lightning, logged in and just absolutely disoriented you were. Were you just frustrated because like, "Where did it go?" And you’re clicking, and you’re trying to figure it all out.
If you don’t train your end users, as soon as they find the little switch back to Classic, they’re out of there. I guarantee you. They’re going to hightail it to the hills. Why not? Right? So part of training users on Lightning is to let them know it’s all there. A lot of times, instead of that scrolling up and down, I like to say, "Click to reveal." Because it’s very clicky versus scrolly. Is that a verb, scrolly? Sure. It sounds great.
So first, just let them breathe. Let them know that it’s all still there. We’ve just rearranged the data a little bit different. And then you need to put a little sizzle in the steak, and show them all the cool things you can do. "Well there’s Kanban Boards, your dashboard. Check out what this new global action does, and how cool that is." So then you have to start bringing the value of the platform, the value of Lightning to let those users be like, "Okay, this is going to be a great way to work." All right. Make sense.
So we have training. Our users are trained. You typically will train them in a Sandbox so they don’t mess up your data in production. Make sure they’re all ready to go before you go live. The next thing you got to do is, "light the rocket." We got to take all that work we’ve done, in a Sandbox typically, package it up in a change set, push that into production. So that could be code, that could be configuration changes. And if you’re really good at change sets, you’ll know that you really need to start keeping a list of everything you’ve done, because it’s real easy to forget something.
And that’s what I’m talking about with a smoke test or a sniff test. Because it is really easy to forget one little piece of configuration in the change set. And so what a smoke test is, what I’m really saying is, go into production before you start flipping profiles and exposing the UI, you just want to do one more round of run through your use case to just make sure that you didn’t forget something in that change set. Because it’s so easy to forget something in a change set, if you’ve worked in that kind of environment and deployment strategy before.
So again, just quick smoke test. Make sure everything’s good, let the users go-live. Adoption is going to be key, guys, to make this project a success. You want to support those users post-go live. You want to make sure that this is going to show the value that you pitched to leadership. So a Chatter Group is always good where you can keep updates on what’s going on. "Hey, we found a bug. We’re working on it." Keep people informed. You can do office hours. And what I mean by "office hours" is schedule a series of conference call bridges where someone call in and get some help, a GoTo Meeting, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Monday, Wednesday, Friday, whatever, that, "Hey, if you’ve got a question and need some extra one-on-one time, that’s available."
I don’t know if you guys have found this yet, but there’s a Lightning Adoption Tracker App. And you can run reports in dashboards to see if your people are actually in it and using it. So that basically says, "Here’s all the folks that have access to it. Here’s all your users and are they actually in Lightning?" Which is pretty cool if you want to bust somebody. "You’re not in it. Get in there!"
All right. So the question I always get asked as a consultant is, "Well this sounds great. But how long will it take?" And as a consultant, I must tell you – "It depends." That’s consulting, right? So there was a session last year that Dell put on that I attended, and in the Chatter Group, put a link to the video so you don’t have to go searching for it. Because there’s only 2,000 sessions this year, right? So I put a link to the video. But basically, Dell said…there were describing their journey to Lightning, and it was going to take them 18 months to get a pilot group of salespeople on Lightning. A pilot, 18 months, because of all the technical debt. Wide, deep footprint, large enterprise client.
Just because I like picking on Professional Edition. So if you’re Professional Edition, and you have a single group of users, a half dozen or a dozen, you might be able to bang all this out in a month on top of your day job. It may not be that significant if you’re fairly out-of-the-box using standard objects. So again, it could be a multi-year journey for a big Enterprise customer, or it could be a month or more. So again, it depends on if you have dozens and dozens of custom objects and you’ve got a wicked good System Administrator that’s been banging in functionality for the last half dozen years, there’s going to be a lot to look at. Make sense?
Boom. So I would challenge you and say, "The biggest hurdle going to Lightning is not the feature that you’re missing – it’s knowledge." Your biggest hurdle converting to Lightning is Admin knowledge. In just seven releases, we’re talking 2015, it was just two years ago, we’ve had 3,621 pages of release notes. Three thousand six hundred and twenty-one pages of release notes. I calculated them all. I went back and looked, and my jaw hit the floor too. That is a lot to catch up on if you’ve had your head in the sand for the last two years, and not paying attention to what’s going with Salesforce.
Me included, I’ve been using Classic since 2005. There’s a lot. So there’s days of webinars and release readiness videos, just a couple hundred trailhead badges, "We’ll have this knocked out in a weekend." I mean there’s a lot of trailhead badges you can get. I would look at the Lightning Experience Specialist super badge. We have our consultants take that. It’s a really good one. The Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist, the new Trailhead Community, which used to be the success community. Rebranded now the Trailhead Community.
The Lightning Now! Community group with a big apostrophe, and I put a link to that in the Chatter Group for you. That is an awesome group. Those are some great resources, birds of a feather, everybody in the same boat, trying to make this happen, trying to help each other out.
So all that said, a lot to learn. Again, I think to get the maximum out of the Lightning UI is really knowing that toolkit, how to leverage that, that is what’s going to bring the value of Lightning. Okay. But if you need help, you can go to ShellBlack.com/ebooks and we do have the four steps we just talked about kind of expanded out in more detail than what I could cover today. It’s free on our website. You can do that. The ebook’s called "The Salesforce Secret Formula Migrating from Classic to Lightning."
This entry was posted in Lightning. Bookmark the permalink. | 2019-04-19T08:36:27Z | https://www.shellblack.com/lightning/transition-to-lightning-in-four-steps/ |
Last summer I took a Sunday School class in which I was introduced to a concept called solidarity and I realized I had very little of it. Before that class I was really very uneducated and honestly uncaring about events and situations going on in other parts of the world. If a plane crashed in Illinois, I’d be all over cnn.com reading the footage and following the case. “How tragic,” I’d think. But if I read of a plane crash in Mongolia, I am pretty sure I wouldn’t even click on the link. Why? Why do I care more about the fate of fellow Americans than of those in another continent? As a Christian, I should care a great deal about the suffering of any fellow human being.
While in DC last week, we saw this quote on a world war II memorial near the capital building.
As I read it, I couldn’t help but think about the fact that despite all we learned from the Holocaust, similar events are going on in the world with very little being said or done about it.
And I can’t help but wonder why, despite all we learned, and despite all we have as Americans, are we doing so little now for the hundreds of thousands of people in Uganda and Darfur who are suffering and dying due to extreme acts of violent genocide and complete starvation?
Why aren't we “mobilized” on this? Why does it seem that Hollywood cares more about the hundreds of thousands of people be murdered in Africa than evangelical Christians?
Why? What will it take? Surely there is something I can do to ease their suffering.
That’s what I am pondering this weekend.
What are you thinking about this week? Heard a song lyric that touched your heart? Read something in a Bible study that got you thinking? Why not use your last post of the week to highlight something a bit "deeper" then the average Momblog fair? I’d love to read your thoughts. Please feel free to write and link up a new post below, or to link up a thoughtful post from earlier in the week.
“How are you?” This simple phrase is uttered countless times a day. Though typically without the asker really wanting or waiting for a reply.
You say it the grocery store clerk, the man on the sidewalk, the telemarketer…and yet, honestly, how often do you wait or listen to the response?
My kids could have been screaming at the top of their lungs , the dog just pooped on the rug again, and my sink is clogged and over flowing, and yet I smile and answer “Good, how are you?” to the stranger on the other end of the phone whose calling to get me to donate money.
Almost every single time I’m asked that question, my answer is fine or good.
My kids on the other hand are a different story.
To that sweet old lady behind us at the grocery store who smiles at my daughter as she sits in the grocery cart, my daughter will respond.
“Bad,” my 3 year old will say as she looks up and smiles with delight.
Someday, somewhere, for some reason, one of my circus crew got a reaction from some sweet, unsuspecting person when we were out and about. And as is the case with most habits, particularly those less than desirable ones, all three children follow along.
So…really, honestly, how are you today?
We keep our digital “point and shoot” camera on the counter. My 5 year old calls it “his camera.” He has permission to run and grab it to snap photos when something catches his fancy. Every now and then I’ll download them and enjoy a glimpse of life around the circus through the eyes of my eldest.
He was so excited about this puddle that he found on the deck a few weeks ago. He had Daddy stand and guard it so his sister’s didn’t destroy it until he snapped a picture. Can you guess what animal he saw?
I love the fact that when you look at this picture you can tell it was taken from a photographer who was under 4 ft tall. I also love that we are off centered… it makes me smile.
His beloved birds and the nest he built for them last week.
Here his little hobby came in handy in getting Mom’s attention when his little sister was getting into trouble. I hadn’t noticed her mischief until I saw him grab his camera. After grabbing mine, I got her off the table!
Isn’t that the coolest strawberry you’ve ever seen? I thought it looked like a star, he sees a butterfly. What do you see?
Our little photographer himself. Gosh, how I love that smile of his!
Visit here or here for more Wednesday fun with pics or check out his other photography here.
Dinner time….the family all gathered around the table, enjoying a delicious meal, talking about the day, laughing and enjoying one another…statistics say that families that consistently eat dinner together tend to raise healthier, more well behaved children, then families that don’t. So, what are we doing wrong?
More often than not the Circus Family eats breakfast and dinner together as a family. More often than not our dinner “hour” is more like a dinner hour and a half. I wish I could say it as because of our scintillating conversations. However, my kids are what I fear the slooooowest eaters on the eastern seaboard. (unless it’s dessert or some other food they particularly enjoy). But give them chicken and you can pretty much forget about doing anything other than getting ready for bed after dinner that night.
This causes great frustration to my husband and I. The kids and I typically wait for Scott to get home so we can eat together. This means we usually sit down around 6:00 for dinner. If the kids stretch things out the average 1.5 hrs than we aren’t getting up till around 7:30. Leaving us no time for that walk around the neighborhood, or trip to the park after dinner. It’s usually just time for a little playing on the floor and then teeth brushing, fluoride, and bedtime stories. Scott would love to have more time to spend playing with the kids rather than watching them stare at their plates.
How long does dinner typically take your family? Am I alone on this or is it merely par for the course at this stage of our family life?
While most of America celebrated Father’s Day yesterday, the circus family did not. Shh…Please don’t tell the circus children. They think Father’s Day is next week, because that’s when we are celebrating it. We paint pumpkins in Nov and build gingerbread houses in Jan, so why can’t we celebrate dear old dad one week late? Yes, we are shamelessly pulling the wool over our innocent children’s eyes.
Scott and I wanted to get away for a weekend alone, just the two of us, as our gift to each other for our 30th birthdays this year. While Scott’s birthday was at the end of May and mine is in mid July, the only weekend between the two that would work for us happened to fall on Father’s Day weekend. Scott said he didn’t mind celebrating a week late and we figured the kids were young enough to not notice the difference, so away we went.
We dropped the kids off Friday afternoon at my in laws and headed for a short drive to our nation’s capital. First stop…Chick-Fil-A of course! (in my rush to pack the kids, the dog, Scott and me, and get myself primped and prettied, I ran out of time to fix lunch for the two of us).
We stayed at the Gaylord National right across the Potomac River from historic old down Alexandria, Va. The newly built hotel was luxurious! We enjoyed an evening on the waterfront on Friday and a day in D.C. on Saturday. We had so much fun!
We’ve both been fortunate enough to grow up close to the nation’s capital. We’ve seen the monuments and museums on numerous occasions. But we’ve found over the years that we appreciate them all the more as adults. We enjoy taking advantage of our proximity to the district. Saturday we spent some time walking around the capital, enjoying lunch at a local microbrewery, and then the afternoon at the art museum. Scott and I visited the National Gallery of Art for a field trip in High School, but haven’t returned since. We’ve been wanting to get back there, but it isn’t quite circus children proof! Can you just picture my little “artists” loose in there? No, thank you. This was a perfect date activity (and it’s even free)! We enjoyed talking about the paintings, picking which ones we’d want on our walls if we could.
It might surprise you to learn that Scott has a deep appreciation for modern art. He was particularly taken with this one.
This however, was the one we both liked the best of all we saw that day. Notice the painting within the painting? Anyone want to buy it for our living room?
I was taken with the Small French Paintings. I was particularly struck by the fact that I was standing right in front of a piece of art that the real Monet, or Matisse, or Degas painted many years ago. These weren’t prints. These were the real deal! The same artists I read about in school, some of the same prints I had studied, were there, right in front of my face! I am not an art connoisseur by any stretch. But I did have an appreciation for the beauty and history before my eyes.
After an afternoon with the art, we took a walk to the WW II Memorial. We’ve been wanting to visit it since it was built a few years ago, but hadn’t made it over that way. My favorite part was seeing a real WW II veteran walk through the memorial. Scott ran over to thank him. I wanted the whole place to give him a standing ovation. While I noticed he did get greeted a few times, sadly he went unnoticed by most of the visitors.
It was one of the most perfect days I’ve had with Scott in a long time. I am thankful to be married to my best friend and for the time we got to spend away together. However, I was very eager to see my children this morning! I missed them a lot!
I look forward this week to preparing some special things for Father’s Day next Sunday and the day we’ll spend as a family honoring Scott for the terrific Daddy he is! Some people march to the beat of their own drums, here at the circus we celebrate at the whim of our own calendar!
Just a heads up that we’ll be saving those weekend thoughts for next weekend. My husband and I are heading out the door for a weekend away and I’ve got no deep thoughts for you….other than thoughts of me and my hubby being whisked away for a weekend alone. But,I’ll be keeping those thoughts to myself, thankyouverymuch!
Life on the sidelines can be rough. I know, I’ve been there. Sat the bench for 4 years of high school lacrosse. But unlike her mother, my little girl sits on the side because she is too young, not because she isn’t good enough.
My daughter is dying to play like her brother. It is so cute and yet so painful to watch her on the sidelines. When the coach calls the team to line up at the bench during practice, she is right there with the rest of them. When he sends them to run laps, she tags behind. She will sit riveted at the sidelines watching them. She can’t wait to play soccer and baseball like her brother. And while I know it is a bit soon to tell, she seems to have some natural athleticism in her.
My son wants to play soccer again in the fall. And so does his sister. Sadly, you have to be 4 to play. Which means she has one more season on the sideline.
Or does she? I e-mailed the soccer commissioner this afternoon to see if he was planning to have a program for 3 yr olds this season. Our league hasn’t had one in the past but many leagues in our area do. I was just checking because I figured it didn’t hurt to ask.
1) one day a week...set time Fridays or Mondays would be best.
6) We would need some parents lined up as "coaches", Soccer authority on the field.
It would be kind of like an organized play date. About a $20 cost for shirts, insurance and overhead, painting the lines on the field.
Ha ha… wait a minute… me head up a soccer program?
The only thing funnier than that thought is the fact that I didn’t say No right away.
I’ve never even played a soccer game. My expertise in soccer comes from wearing the proud title of soccer mom last fall when my son ran up and down the field pretending to be an airplane.
Am I crazy? Why am I even thinking about this?
And, if it means stepping out of my comfort zone a little to let my little girl have a chance to play soccer once a week, well, that may be worth it.
Am I crazy? Should I pursue this or run to the hills? She’s only 3, she can surely wait a year I know. I just know she’d enjoy it so much and so the e-mails sits in my inbox as I wait to reply. What do ya think?
Sometimes a mother’s ability to multitask isn’t a good thing… as I attempt to juggle one to many balls, I find that I can accidentally drop one and not even realize it for several hours.
Last week while I was talking on the phone and cleaning up the living room, I noticed the kids sitting on the floor with some stuffed animals and scissors.
I keenly observed that something looked amiss, so I grabbed the scissors from my sons hands, quickly told him that they needed to be used only at the table, and went to the other room. I noted that my son gave me a guilty look and made a mental note to have a chat with him later. I figured he had cut his stuffed animals hair and wanted to make sure I reminded him that scissors were for paper only.
Phone call over, another argument between children settled, and a few messes cleaned up, and it was suddenly time for lunch and naps. Before I knew it the kids were down for naps and I taking advantage of the peace and quiet.
All too quickly that was over and I was snuggling with my middle child when I looked over on the floor and noticed a pile of hair.
Red flags quickly went off as I realized that was the same spot I had confiscated the scissors from hours earlier.“Please be cabbage patch hair, please be cabbage patch hair” I inwardly pleaded.
What on earth would make my five year old think that it was ok to cut his little sister’s hair?
There is something alluring, almost magical about the buttons on an elevator. My kids enthusiastically clamor for the opportunity to press the shiny buttons both outside and inside of the elevator.
We have a routine when entering elevators which typically works flawlessly.
One child pushes the button on the outside. The second child then pushes the same button.
Once inside they each get a turn pushing the button for the floor we want to go on. It’s a great opportunity to work on number recognition.
And of course, the youngest can’t be left out in all this button pushing fun.
Typically elevators are equipped with a little door under the buttons which has a little key lock thing. We tell her that is her button and she can push it. She’s happy, and we don’t have to worry about hitting the fire alarm or calling security.
But all good plans have their flaws, don’t they?
Friday the kids and I were in Borders Bookstore. Because who doesn’t want to bring their three children to a store full of bookshelves and cd’s and other fun items to toss onto the floor?
No worries though because this time I came prepared with the double stroller.
Of course the double stroller also ensured the need to ride the elevator.
We rode up, each kid taking their turns pushing the buttons, however this elevator didn’t come equipped with the decoy button. No problems though b/c my youngest found a nice black button with a phone on it to push.
Of course I didn’t realize this until we were getting out of the elevator and I maybe heard a speaker phone thing come on.
It wasn’t me who ignored that muffled voice b/c I was already half way out of the elevator and eager to get our errand over with.
After wandering up and down each of the cd rows and coming up empty handed, we returned to the elevator. Probably 5-10 minutes after we left it.
Since yesterday was our anniversary, the kids asked if they could see my wedding dress. After my mom made my dress 8 years ago, I remember us discussing whether I should get it preserved or not. Her advice was not to so that I could get it out to look at and enjoy over the years. I am glad I took her advice.
There was something very special about pulling my dress out of the back of the closet and showing it to my children.
They thought it looked like a princess dress and begged me to put it on.
At first I protested b/c I knew I wouldn’t fit in it like I did 8 years ago. They rebutted that the dress looked really big (the train was completely baffling to them… why is mommy’s dress so long?). I decided I could put it on even if it didn’t zip up all the way.
They wanted me to twirl and my oldest daughter instantly wanted to put on her princess dress and wear my crown and veil.
Then the two of us eagerly waited to surprise Daddy when he got home from work.
Dad came home with a dozen roses and we talked about the beautiful flowers Mommy carried 8 years ago.
Weddings are special. The kids are grasping that already. And while marriage is about a whole lot more than flowers and pretty dresses, they still hold a special place in marriage as well. Sometimes you gotta mix in a little of the wonder and excitement in the midst of the cooking, cleaning, and everyday living. | 2019-04-18T10:27:56Z | http://www.lifeatthecircus.com/2009/06/ |
The title of Alan Robinson’s Imagining London, 1770–1900 prefigures the daunting task that the author sets himself, evoking a vast body of images and fictional accounts from the long nineteenth century that reflect upon the metropolis; works that continue to act on our imagination. The scope is potentially vast, far too vast for a single book to consider, and Robinson has had to be selective about the painters and authors that he discusses. In choosing Dickens, Trollope and James, alongside ‘modern life’ painting of the mid-nineteenth century and the later aesthetes, we are, for the most part, on familiar ground. Passing beyond the title and author’s selection of writers and artists’ responses to London in the nineteenth century, the analysis and discussion is illuminating, presenting a new and fruitful interpretation of often considered works. There is analysis too of the less generally considered body of works in ‘Paintings of Modern Life’. The originality of the book, which the title merely hints at, is the uniqueness of approach. Interdisciplinary studies of works of art and fiction abound in book and exhibition, but Robinson achieves a rare balance of approaches, which opens up stimulating and worthwhile analysis from a fresh viewpoint.
Allowance for such subjective interpretations does not, however, lead to the discussion of works in isolation, and this interdisciplinary study places cultural works in relation to the ‘actual’ times and spaces within which they were created, the material contexts in which they are embedded. With an approach that combines perspectives that are often in opposition, Robinson considers works created in the long nineteenth century, with the late eighteenth providing a useful cultural background as well as introducing the two leitmotifs of the book: first, economics, or more specifically, the social relations induced by unregulated capitalism, and second, gender relations in a patriarchal society.
The book is extremely well and neatly structured, chronological, yet allowing for the expansion of recurrent and particular themes in its discussion. The first two chapters introduce the leitmotifs through representations in late Georgian London, economics in ‘Unruliness and improvement,’ and gender in ‘Gendered London.’ The third chapter, ‘Capital City,’ gives a socio-historical account of nineteenth-century London showing the transformations of the metropolis and the prevalent attitudes to the gulf of poverty and wealth created by laissez-faire capitalism. The rest of the book, using the foundations laid by these, is devoted to the discussion and analysis of representations of nineteenth-century London, beginning with Charles Dickens in the chapter ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. The following two chapters consider how painting depicting the metropolis flourished from the mid to late nineteenth century, specifically focusing on two distinct approaches and considering French influence and cultural modernity, up until now the almost exclusive domain of the art historian. The works of Anthony Trollope and Henry James, considered through the book’s central themes, are the subject of the final two chapters, and are shown to provide an excellent complement to the reading of the paintings discussed earlier.
Robinson’s sweep is by necessity selective, yet his examples of well-known images are representative of ‘high-art’ forms, to the exclusion of the influence of popular culture and imagery. The illustrations of the Illustrated London News , the journalistic works of Augustus Sala, and the cartoons of John Leech in Punch , which exerted so much influence on the imagery and depictions of ‘modern life’ painting, are only used to make a socio-historical point and not in relation to their being an imagining of London in their own right. Where also is Gustave Doré, that great imaginer of London in Biblical terms? Who can picture Victorian London without seeing those powerful hellish, wood-engraved visions of the metropolis? Yet the reference to him is singular and in passing. The same criticism cannot be applied to the discussion of popular literature. Robinson considers popular forms and models, such as the journalistic rambles through London, for example, of Egan’s Life in London in relation to Dickens’s Sketches by Boz .
This brings to me to another query into Robinson’s reading of paintings and fiction: the nature of imagination and its relation to the ‘actual’. The idea that naturalism in fiction and naturalism in painting are fundamentally different is not really explored. They come closest, perhaps in ‘modern life’ painting, with their literary equivalents in Dickens and contemporaneous literary jaunts through London. Yet it would be misleading to dwell on that which is not covered by the book, for what is discussed is done so with a new and fresh light.
My thesis is that beneath their realistic engagement with a succession of newsworthy themes, the fundamental preoccupation of Dickens’s novels is a struggle between life and death, in the form of destructive and self-destructive energies, and the yearning for a new life. As a romance motif, resurrection or rebirth figures in several novels … The theme becomes an obsession in Dickens’s middle age (p.100).
In the next two chapters, the author considers Victorian painting and is fairly wide in his scope, wider than the chapter title suggests. ‘Modern life’ refers to paintings in the 1850s and 1860s that turned to contemporary subjects, more particularly to London cityscapes and the life of the city’s people. British ‘modern life’ painting has not received the attention that it has deserved and it is refreshing to read Robinson’s exploration of the reasons for its emergence. It is particularly intriguing to note that at the 1845 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition only two per cent of around the 1,500 paintings represented London. The author gives an outline history of mid-Victorian art and the changes in subject in relation to the emergence of a new urban audience with its accessible themes in place of ‘high’ art allusion. The narrative content and exploration of how these paintings were read is illustrated by contrasting John Ritchie’s Hyde Park (Museum of London, 1858) with Monet’s Green Park , London (Philadelphia Museum of Art, c .1871): landscape versus narrative; impression and mood versus detail and didacticism. It has to be said, however, that such a comparison does not add greatly to our understanding of modern life painting; the modernity and consequent superiority of French painting has been discussed many times before. To see Ritchie's fascinating and rich painting as a 'large-scale frieze of characters who obstruct the landscape...' (p. 135), a depiction the author finds both visibly laboured and intrinsically hierarchical in form, is to dismiss its unique achievements and to miss its central point. Robinson’s argument that English critics reflect a desire for clarity of social demarcation in such art is an interesting, if exaggerated point. The failings of English art are explained in part through the tight grip of a strong capitalist market, but I wonder whether conditions were so radically different in France.
The question of the representation of gender is illustrated through Augustus Egg’s Past and Present (1858, Tate, London) and William Holman Hunt’s The Awakening Conscience (1853–4, Tate, London). It is important and useful that Robinson includes here Arthur Boyd Houghton as an artist whose frank depictions of an underclass emerged from his role as draughtsman to the illustrated weeklies. This leads to a discussion of social realism in the 1870s, a subject that surely deserves a separate study.
The second chapter on painting, like the first, provides a lucid introduction to contemporary images of nineteenth-century London. Robinson effectively selects the leading examples and explores them within the context of the London art market and consumer culture. In this he is original; as he states concerning the Whistler and Ruskin trial for libel in November 1878, ‘significant social issues on trial have been comparatively neglected’ (p.167). Considerations of the depictions of the Thames that utilise dramatic lighting effect against dense fog, lead to discussion of Robinson's central argument which surrounds modernity and the development of the 'naturalism' espoused by Ruskin to the 'impressionism' espoused by Whistler, the Impressionists and Sickert.British artists, such as Sickert, who turned their backs on Ruskin, were distinctive in their modernism which enshrined a distinctive mundanity in its urban imagery. There is much in this chapter to provoke further study.
It is refreshing to read of Anthony Trollope in relation to his representation of London. Inevitable comparisons with Dickens have undermined Trollope’s importance in portraying metropolitan life. Robinson addresses this imbalance, and draws out Trollope’s deep understanding of the dynamics of society in the capital and of how money shaped class and gender relations. The Way We Live Now (1874–5) is key in the discussion, although it is a shame that Frith’s series of five narrative paintings, The Race for Wealth (1880), based to a great extent based on Trollope’s novel, is not discussed. Through Trollope’s The Prime Minister (1875–6), Robinson brilliantly describes the manner in which the author ‘conveys the transition from an obsolescent gentlemanly caste to an emergent plutocratic vulgarity through impressionistic associations’ (p.198).
Henry James makes, as the author suggests, an appropriate conclusion to the study. Through James we see a transitional artist, gradually breaking with the conventions of Victorian fiction and looking forward to high modernism. As Robinson concludes, the novels of Henry James ‘herald the increasing solipsism of High Modernist representations of that “Unreal City”’ (p. 249).
Imagining London: 1770–1900 is a fascinating study of artists’ and writers’ depictions of London in the long nineteenth century. No one with an interest in the subject can ignore this book, but it is a shame that it does not contain a bibliography. Although the strands of argument weave through the book, it reads as a series of separate essays and studies, usefully brought together in one volume. The separation of painting and fiction by individual chapter does, however, limit comparative discussion of complex relationships that existed between painting and literature. Perhaps that would be a different book. What the book has achieved is to open up many new lines of enquiry, such as the economic basis of the Ruskin/Whistler debate. This is new ground and the running themes open new and pertinent analytical vistas. Alan Robinson has produced a book that makes an important contribution to scholarship on the representation of London in the nineteenth century. It is essential reading for anyone approaching the subject, serving as an introduction as well as showing a valuable new approach to the subject. It is a book that has long been needed.
I am pleased to be able to acknowledge my gratitude to Mark Bills for his thoughtful and balanced review of my book. His comments throughout are very fair but in two instances may perhaps create a misleading impression. I would thus like to address these briefly before engaging with more substantive issues.
Lest the comment that my book 'does not contain a bibliography' should suggest a lack of scholarly documentation, let me state that 31 pages of notes provide bibliographical references, which are indexed. My publisher set an extremely strict word limit and the inclusion, however desirable, of a voluminous list of works consulted would have entailed reducing the text or illustrations by an equivalent number of words.
It is suggested that my treatment of visual culture either excludes popular culture and imagery or discusses graphic media only to make a socio-historical point. The last remark is true of my use of Punch illustrations but elsewhere I discuss works by Thomas Rowlandson, George Cruikshank, James Gillray, London panoramas and topographical prints, and a painting by the music-hall performer John Orlando Parry. My discussions of Victorian visual culture do indeed focus on 'high-art' forms but encompass less prestigious works by Arthur Boyd Houghton, John Ritchie, Henry Pether and Phoebus Levin and give attention to Hablot Knight Browne's illustrations of Dickens.
The selection of material was of course indivisible from the methodological approach which I adopted. My first book, Poetry, Painting and Ideas, 1885–1914 (Basingstoke, 1985) [American title, Symbol to Vortex (New York, 1985)] was concerned with formalistic comparisons between literature and painting of the kind which Dr Bills would have wished to see included in this present book. Subsequently, however, my research has moved away from formalistic 'word and image' studies; instead, my current interests lie in the ways in which verbal and visual 'representations' influence the individual and social construction of what we take to be 'reality'. In this respect, my book intervenes in some controversies which have occupied literary studies and historiography since the ‘linguistic turn’.
As is well known, the emphasis of Structuralist and Poststructuralist theory falls on the structural framework within which an individual must locate himself or herself, be this the Lacanian Symbolic Order, Althusserian Ideological State Apparatuses, or Foucauldian discourses. The implication of these theories, reinforced by a Barthesian insistence on the 'death of the author' and a Derridean reduction of the self to a 'subject position' with no positive identity within a system of différance or deferral, is that the individual is a mere epiphenomenon. The currently fashionable methodologies which have resulted offer sophisticated tools for analysing discourses and ideologies but their framework of 'dominant-hegemonic', 'negotiated' and 'oppositional' readings, 'appropriation' and 'bricolage' is, it seems to me, insufficiently nuanced to capture the diversity of subjective rather than subcultural experience. I have thus tried to combine a social constructionist approach with attention to the uniqueness of individual experiences of London, as evidenced in works of art or literature, and in so doing to avoid abstract jargon.
My book aims to contribute to this endeavour by offering an account of the distinctive cultural experience and representation of 'modernity' in London and by drawing comparisons between developments in French and English painting. I have insufficient space here to summarise my arguments but would like to respond to Mark Bills's comments on one representative work, John Ritchie's A Summer Day in Hyde Park (Museum of London, 1858). Like Mark Bills, I find this a fascinating painting, which I have tried to 'read' for its narrative details (pp. 146–7). But our value judgements differ regarding its qualities as a pictorial composition; in this respect I have, in Mark Bills's view, 'miss[ed] its central point'. I suspect that I still miss this 'central point' and wonder how it could be established, perhaps within a generic tradition which I have failed to perceive. (3) Leaving aside the thorny issue of intentionality, it seems to me that, using contemporary reviews and other germane sources and analysing the sociological implications of the fact that Ritchie's painting was first exhibited at the British Institution, one could try to reconstruct the painting's original meaning in the light of what Hans Robert Jauss and the Constance School would term the 'horizon of expectations' (Erwartungshorizont) of its original audience. (4) This is the approach I have implicitly adopted in my analyses of Victorian paintings of London in the context of the emergence, development and changing expectations of a newly constituted middle-class audience and of John Ruskin’s temporary but powerful influence on the practice and reception of painting. In an alternative approach, Mark Bills implies that revisionist claims for the technical significance of mid-century genre painting could be advanced, as has recently been the case in relation to late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century English painting.
My intention in the book was not to 'dismiss' the 'unique achievements' of Victorian paintings of London, but rather to indicate how the development of what was understood as 'modern' English painting in London differed from that of 'modern' French painting in Paris and to propose some hypotheses as to why this was the case. In so doing, I aimed to provoke debate; I thus hope that Mark Bills will develop his own position at greater length and that his intervention will stimulate further responses.
1. Miles Ogborn, Spaces of Modernity: London's Geographies, 1680–1780 (New York, 1998); Lynda Nead, Myths of Sexuality: Representations of Women in Victorian England (Oxford, 1988), and Victorian Babylon: People, Streets and Images in Nineteenth-Century London (New Haven, 2000); Jane Rendell, The Pursuit of Pleasure: Gender, Space and Architecture in Regency London (2002); Dana Arnold, Re-presenting the Metropolis: Architecture, Urban Experience and Social Life in London, 1800–1840 (Aldershot, 2000); Erika Diane Rappaport, Shopping for Pleasure: Women in the Making of London's West End (Princeton, NJ, 2000).
2. T. J. Clark, The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers (New York, 1984; rev. ed., London, 1999); Robert L. Herbert, Impressionism: Art, Leisure and Parisian Society (New Haven, Conn., 1988).
3. Hitherto, the main interpretative approaches to mid-century genre painting have focused on symbolic realism or typological symbolism, on physiognomic 'reading', on discourses of gender, or on the connections between such paintings and Victorian theatre. See, for example, Chris Brooks, Signs for the Times: Symbolic Realism in the Mid-Victorian World (1984); George P. Landow, William Holman Hunt and Typological Symbolism (New Haven, Conn., 1979), and Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows: Biblical Typology in Victorian Literature, Art, and Thought (Boston, 1980); Mary Cowling, The Artist as Anthropologist: The Representation of Type and Character in Victorian Art (Cambridge, 1989); Lynda Nead (see footnote 1); Susan Casteras, Images of Victorian Womanhood in English Art (Rutherford, NJ, 1987); Deborah Cherry, Painting Women: Victorian Women Artists (1993), and Beyond the Frame: Feminism and Visual Culture, Britain 1850–1900 (2000); Martin Meisel, Realizations: Narrative, Pictorial, and Theatrical Arts in Nineteenth-Century England (Princeton, NJ, 1983).
4. See Hans Robert Jauss, ‘Literaturgeschichte als Provokation der Literaturwissenschaft’, in Hans Robert Jauss, Literaturgeschichte als Provokation (Frankfurt a. M., 1970), 144–207; available in English as ‘Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory’, in New Directions in Literary History , ed. Ralph Cohen (Baltimore, 1974), 11–41. | 2019-04-21T13:09:39Z | https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/462 |
Juicing can offer your body benefits both internally and externally. Use the following advice to begin juicing in order to provide your veggies.
TIP! When making apple juice, make absolutely sure to choose the ripest, sweetest apples you can. Bruised apples are okay, but only if you cut out the bruises.
When preparing a healthy juice, select darker green produce for the foundation of your drinks. You should choose spinach, chard, broccoli or another similar vegetable for ultimate health benefits. Fill the rest with your favorite fruits to give it a great taste.
When you make apple juice, pick the sweetest and ripest ones you can find. If your apple is bruised, cut out the bad parts.
TIP! You can use color as a primary consideration when deciding what to juice. Fruits range in color, they also vary in minerals and nutrients.
When juicing for health, try using leafy greens like chard, kale, spinach, kale, chard and the like. Try to use at least 50-70% greens in your juices, and add fruit or other vegetables for flavoring. Juices made from fruits tend to contain more sugar than those with leafy greens.
TIP! Make sure to thoroughly clean your juicer as soon as you finish. You can actually stain your juice jugs, as well as the blades with vegetable and fruit juice.
Juicing vegetables is a great way to get healthy foods. Many kids out there just do not big fans of vegetables. You can make a great tasting vegetable and fruit juice, and thereby sneak vegetables into a child’s diet by obscuring the fact that they are consuming them through their drink.
You can avoid getting pulp in juice by using a coffee filter to strain out the pulp. Some juices will create a pulp consistency that you might not prefer.
Use cranberries in your juicing routine if you are having any bladder condition or urinary tract infection. Start drinking cranberry juice when you feel there may be a problem.
TIP! Masticating juicers are ideal for juicing. The additional features, such as milling, pureeing, and grinding, are well worth the price.
Watch how your own system reacts to the juice drinks that you drink juices. You may drink a particular juice that does not agree with your system doesn’t like. If a certain juice causes you to feel queasy or have any stomach churning, take a look at the ingredients and try to pinpoint new or rarely eaten items. Use smaller amounts of that fruit or vegetable to let your body to those ingredients.
To offset the bitterness, blend them with sweeter fruits and/ or vegetables, such as carrots or other berries.A great recipe for a delicious juice is a mixture of cranberries, cherries, strawberries, and blueberries. Be creative and blend your own great-tasting juices.
TIP! Drink your juice as soon after you make it as possible. Freshly made juice should be served immediately.
This can help you get in a serving of fruits and veggies with very important nutrients that you need. You can cover up a lot of unfavorable tastes with apple or lemon juices.
Juicing is a powerful step you can take to improve your daily nutrition. The juice from the fruits and vegetables gives you energy, and can help to bulk up your muscles. If you’re exercising heavily, opt for vegetables and fruits that replenish electrolytes after your workout, and whey protein powder can be added to help rebuild muscle fibers.
Don’t make your juice sit around long before you drink it. It is best served immediately after it’s made.
Wash the greens first and dry vegetables before placing them in the bags.
You should know that some juices may alter the color of your teeth. This is crucial because certain types of juices will stain your teeth.
TIP! Juicing machines should be kept in plain sight so that you see and use them often. You will think much more frequently about making juice than you would if the juicer were stored in the cupboard.
Citrus fruits, such as tangerines, tangerines, may need a special machine to extract their juice. Also, take extra care with melon juice, as their juices tend to not mix well with other fruits.
TIP! A good tip to remember when juicing is to use only fruits and veggies that you would otherwise eat if they weren’t juiced. If you think of drinking juice as a chore, you probably won’t stick to it.
TIP! Do not peel your all of the fruits before you juice them. Often the peels include the highest fiber of the fruit, as well as the antioxidants and nutrients.
Juicing should be used as the basis for making healthy lifestyle due to the many health benefits of juice. Juicing can be the foundation for everything else that you decide to eat.
TIP! Try keeping your fruits and vegetable separated when you juice. Both are good for you, but they use different enzymes when they break down in your body.
The outer layer on the fruit typically includes most of the nutritious benefits the item contains, fiber and nutrients. In many cases, some fruits have more healthy nutrients in the peel of the fruit, the most beneficial flavonoids are found in the skin. The primary exception is for the peels of citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, are not appropriate for juicing. These peels contain toxic substances and may have been sprayed with pesticides.
TIP! Add a small amount of ginger to your vegetable juice drink to enhance the flavors. Ginger adds a unique and nice flavor to the juice that masks the strong vegetable taste.
Ginger adds a unique flavor and can mask the strong vegetable tastes. Ginger has great benefits, such as preventing atherosclerosis and reducing blood pressure.
Do some research about juicing before you begin yourself.You will need to find out what equipment you need. Take advantage of written reviews that are mentioned about the mixers or blenders. Try to find a high quality juicer that it will suit your budget.
Now that you’ve read the tips above, you can undoubtedly see that juicing expertise is in your future. The ideas in this article will help you reach your juicing goals. You will reap the benefits of juicing in taste and health.
TIP! Get more from your fruit and vegetables with a masticating juicer. Masticating juicers are able to extract the juice without the loss of nutrients by using a lower speed and gentler action.
Juicing is a terrific way to add more vitamins and nutrients to your diet. This article is filled with great information to help you to understand the benefits of juicing fresh fruits and vegetables.
TIP! To make a healthy juice you should select a vegetable that is dark green in color for the base. You will want the juice to be between 50 to 75 percent spinach, chard, broccoli or another similar vegetable for ultimate health benefits.
If you are juicing your own apples, find the sweetest, ripest apples possible. If you come across a bruised apple, cut off the bruised area prior to juicing with them.
TIP! Always wash your juicer immediately after you are done using it. Certain juices can stain the juice jug you use or dull the blades if they’re not cleaned immediately.
Juicing vegetables is a great way for you to get your kids excited about healthy foods. Many kids out there just do not big fans of vegetables. You can make a great tasting vegetable and fruit juice, and thereby sneak vegetables into a child’s diet by obscuring the fact that they are consuming them through their drink.
Always keep the juicer in plain view on your counter. This will ensure that you to use out of it.
TIP! Ginger is a great food that can help to aid gastrointestinal problems. Use ginger to compliment the flavor of your juices by adding that bit of extra punch.
If you have to spend an excessive amount of time cleaning, make your juice and then clean up, you will be less like to use it on a regular basis. Clean the juicer right after using it since moist pulp is easier to get rid of.
Watch signals from the juice drinks that you create. You might drink a particular juice that doesn’t bode well with your system. If the juice gives you a stomach ache or makes you feel nauseous, check the ingredients you used to make it; see if there were any new items. Use smaller quantities of that fruit or vegetable to let your system get used to it.
Ginger is a great food for soothing gastrointestinal problems. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that helps with stomach ulcers and acid reflux disease or peptic ulcer disease.
A good juicer to own that makes great fruit juice are masticating juicers. Masticating juicers come with extra features you won’t find on most other juices, such as the ability to mill, grind, and puree. These juicers offer an array of juices that can make.
You want this so as to get the nutrients it needs. You can cover up flavors that you may not really like with lemons and apples.
Don’t make your juice sit around long before you plan to use it. Serve your beverage as soon as it is ready.
Keep in mind how different juices can affect the way your teeth when you’re juicing. This is vital as some juices will actually stain your teeth.
TIP! The best time to drink your homemade juice is before you eat. Not only does the juice make a great snack, but your body gets more health benefits from the juice when your stomach is empty.
Green juices are great for bodybuilding because they are so nutritious, they have the stigma that they taste disgusting. This is not be further from the truth. You can add a lot of healthy ingredients to alter the taste to whatever you want with different ingredients.
Do not get too many vegetables or fruits when juicing. You don’t need multiple types of vegetables in order to create a nutritious vegetable juice. Use about two or maybe three to along with an apple to sweeten it up. You can also stick to using two or three ingredients when you make fruit juice combinations.
Make it your goal to learn as much as you can about the wide variety of vegetables and fruits out there. Most people are unaware of the vast number of fruits and vegetables you can buy. If you purchase a couple of different varieties each time you visit the supermarket, you can ensure that your juice always has something new to offer.
TIP! There are a few methods by which the juice can be enjoyed pulp-free. If you prefer juice without any pulp, the juice can be filtered through sieving devices such as a coffee filter.
TIP! Juicing can provide your body with much needed vitamins and nutrients. Always keep your juicer out on the kitchen counter to make it easier for juicing to become part of your everyday routine.
Don’t use extremely sweet fruits when creating your own juices. Although these fruits taste great, their high sugar content can affect your glucose level. A good alternative is to select some veggies and juice those instead. You can put some fruits in your juice every now and again, but they should be avoided for the most part.
TIP! When juicing, combine fruits with fruits and veggies with veggies. While both types of juice are very healthy, your digestive system utilizes each type differently.
Consider returning some of the pulp into your juice. Pulp has fiber and extra nutrients. The amount that you add is your personal preference, but the extra fiber is important to your diet.
TIP! Never use juice as a meal substitute. A hardy vegetable juice can be a good snack replacement, however, it has little fat and protein, which makes it less than an ideal meal alternative.
There are several tactics for clearing your juice without the clumps of pulp and fruit or pulp. Cheesecloth and coffee filter provides a handy way to strain the pulp from your juices to be clear. This will also help remove some of the foam that occurs when juicing.
Do not drink juice instead of eating a meal replacement. Although vegetable juice does make for a great healthy snack replacement, most juice blends offer little in the way of protein and healthy fats. Drinking juice before meals will help stop you from over-indulging.
Ginger adds a unique flavor and can help cover any strong taste of some vegetables. Ginger also will help to lower blood pressure, like reducing blood pressure.
A well-constructed low speed juicer is the ideal type to look for. This is because the higher speed juicers may overheat, and that extra heat could destroy or breakdown required minerals and vitamins you plan on juicing.
In conclusion, if you are always on-the-go, juicing is for you. You can easily create juices at home with amazing flavor out of all the same fruits and veggies you would normally spend a lot of time preparing to eat. Use the information you learned in this article and you can be one of many healthy, happy people enjoying a new lease on life with a big homemade juice in their hand.
TIP! Dark leafy greens benefit from the addition of a cucumber when juicing. Some leafy greens do not taste good.
Juicing can help you gain the health benefits from vegetables and fruits without needing to consume a ton of them. Read on to find out how juicing can improve your way to great health!
TIP! When juicing for health, you should use dark leafy green vegetables as your juice’s base. You should choose spinach, broccoli, chard or something similar and make it at least half of what your juice is composed of.
Add cucumber to dark leafy greens for improved flavor.Many of the leafy greens don’t taste very good.Cucumber can mask the leafy green flavor and also add a refreshing element to your juice.
TIP! Follow the colors when deciding what to juice. A bright red apple, for instance, is going to have far different nutrients than a green stalk of broccoli.
Use the colors of a fruit or vegetable to determine its nutritional content. Fruits range in color, greens and yellows translate to a variety of healthy vitamins and minerals. Using different colored produce will give you a full range of nutrients and different flavors.
Keep your juicer in a place where you can see it all the time. This will keep you remember to use out of it.
You can avoid getting pulp in juice by using a coffee filter to strain out the pulp. Some juices produce a large amount of pulp consistency that you may not prefer.
TIP! If you suffer from diabetes or hypoglycemia, you should just juice vegetables until you talk to your doctor. Fruits are naturally high in sugar, which can alter your blood glucose levels.
If dismantling, juicing and cleaning takes more than 30 minutes, you will quickly tire of the process. Clean the juicer right after using it to reduce the time you have spend cleaning.
TIP! Try out a masticating juicer when you launch a campaign to incorporate juice into your diet. Masticating juicers have special features, such as the ability to mill, grind, and puree.
If you are a diabetic or have high blood sugar, just juice veggies until you speak with your doctor. Fruit juice can cause a fast increase when it comes to your blood sugar level. It is important to monitor how much fruit juice you are taking for medical reasons. Vegetables can supply you with the nutrients you need without throwing your blood sugar out of whack.
TIP! When juicing, consider using vegetables or fruits that would not normally appeal to you and use other components to mask their flavor. This will give your juice an added boost of healthy nutrients.
Pay attention to signals from your reactions after drinking a new juice. You might drink a juice that doesn’t jive with your system. If a particular juice causes queasy feelings or churning in you stomach, check the ingredients list and see if there’s something you don’t drink often. You can then use small amounts to let your body to them.
Ginger is a great food for soothing gastrointestinal upset. Ginger has many anti-inflammatory properties that can also help with stomach ulcers and acid reflux disease or peptic ulcer disease.
This will provide your body with nutrients that you might otherwise be missing out on very helpful nutrients. You can cover up a lot of unfavorable tastes with apple or lemon juices.
TIP! Remember that all fruits have different properties and behave differently when being juiced. Citrus fruits, such as mandarins, tangerines, and oranges require a special juice extraction machine.
Cucumber juice is helpful for hair and skin health. There are large amounts of silica in fresh cucumbers. Silica is also beneficial to your bones, tendons, ligaments and muscle strength.
Keep in mind how different juices can affect the way your teeth when you’re juicing. This is crucial since certain juices that can stain them.
TIP! Store your juicer in a handy location where you can put it to use at the drop of a hat. In addition to this making it easier to use your juicer, it also reminds you about what you are missing when you don’t make those fresh juices.
TIP! The pulp is beneficial to you since it has fibers and proteins that are not found in the juice. There is fiber contained within the pulp, so this can add an extra boost to the juice.
Don’t go crazy mixing lots of different fruits and vegetables when making your juices. You can make a tasty and healthy juice. Use about two or maybe three to along with an apple to sweeten it up. You should also do this when you make fruit juice.
TIP! There are a few methods by which the juice can be enjoyed pulp-free. Use cheesecloth or a coffee filter to strain the juice before you drink it.
Learn more about vegetables and fruits that you can be purchased at the grocery store. Most people don’t know just how many fruits and vegetables that you can buy. If you try something different every time you go grocery shopping, you will be able to make tasty juice that you never thought of before.
The amount will vary depending on what produce you use. You can save the pulp and add it to your next juice in order to boost their fiber content.
When choosing vegetables for juicing, stick to only using vegetables that you’d like eating whole.
Consider returning some of the pulp into your juice. Pulp has fiber and extra nutrients. You can add whatever amount you prefer, but the more, the better.
Juicing should be used as a healthy building block for an overall dietary strategy. It should be the foundation to every food choice you make.
There are some different options for clearing your juice with no pulp and fruit bits. Cheesecloth and coffee filter provides a handy way to strain the pulp from your juices to be clear. This process will also remove some of the foam that often occurs when juicing.
Produce that has been allowed to over ripen will not juice as well. Before juicing, make sure you get rid of bad spots that are visible on any of the produce. This will make the highest-quality juice.
You have decided already that it is easier to drink fruits and vegetables than to sit and eat the suggested servings of them. Remember the tips in this article so you can reap the healthy benefits of juicing.
You have discovered an article with some great hints on how to make the ultimate treasure trove of juicing information. The suggestions in this article will ensure that you get all the health benefits from making your own juice.
TIP! If your kids don’t like eating vegetables, incorporate them into a juice. A lot of children do not like vegetables.
Add a little cucumber to dark leafy greens. Many of the leafy greens don’t taste very good.Cucumber will mask the taste and also add a refreshing flavor of its own.
If you’re creating juice for any health reasons, then make sure the main ingredient of your juice is a green vegetable. You should choose spinach, chard, broccoli or another similar vegetable for ultimate health benefits. The remainder of your juice should be made up of fruit for additional flavor.
When you make apple juice, pick the sweetest and ripest ones you can find. If you come across a bruised apple, cut the bruises out.
TIP! After juicing, consume your creation right away! For the healthiest juice with the most nutritional value, keep in mind that some amounts of nutrients are lost as soon as the juicing process begins. Storing the juice before drinking it ensures that you won’t get as many nutrients when you do drink it.
Consider your juice to be a whole meal. Once you have made a few juices and know how much foods you have to have for just a single glass of juice, this will make more sense to you.
TIP! The type of juicer called “masticating” is a good one to use for fruits. They have features that are lacking in other juicers, and are able to mill, grind, and puree so you can even make frozen deserts.
You can avoid getting pulp that might come out at times by using a coffee filter.You might not like the pulp consistency that some juices will create.
If you need twenty minutes or more to assemble your juicer, assembling and operating your juicer, you are more likely to abandon your juicing program. Clean the juicer as soon as you are done using it since moist pulp is easier to get rid of.
TIP! You should consume your juice prior to having your meals. Juicing on an empty stomach will ensure that your system soaks up every little vitamin and mineral from the fresh juice.
If you’re diabetic or hypoglycemic, try juicing vegetables as opposed to fruits until you talk to your physician. Fruit juice could cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar. It is a good idea to keep a close eye on how much fruit juice you are taking for your medical reasons. Vegetables can supply you with the nutrients you need without the risk.
TIP! Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables will almost always provide you with pulp. The amount will vary, depending on your choice of vegetables and fruits.
If you are getting older and starting to feel achy or tired, adding juice to your life can return the spring to your step! Juicing veggies and fruits rewards you with nutrient-dense juice that can enhance your memory, boosting memory and even preventing free radical damage to cells.
TIP! Drinking the same smoothie recipe can get tiring after a while. Find cookbooks at your local bookstore, library, or even the internet.
Juicing can be a wonderful way of giving your body the nutrients and vitamins it needs to stay healthy. The juice from the fruits and vegetables gives you energy, and can help to bulk up your muscles. If your exercise routine is on the harder side, opt for vegetables and fruits that replenish electrolytes after your workout, along with whey powder for rebuilding your muscle fiber.
TIP! If you prefer pulp-free juice, use the approaches outlined here. In order to get clear juice, just use a coffee filter or some cheesecloth to filter the other particles out before drinking.
TIP! Juicing is a healthy and beneficial addition to any lifestyle. Juice as part of your day-by-day routine by just leaving your juicer on your counter all the time.
In conclusion, juicing is beneficial; in addition to improving your health, you will enjoy a tasty beverage as well. Making your own juice will save you money and allow you to control the nutrients in your juice.
TIP! Make your juice with a masticating juicer. This type of juice machine will gently extract the juice and help retain more nutrients in the juice.
Juicing is a wonderful way to turn multiple servings of vegetables and fruit into one fabulous super-food you can drink on the go. The following article will give you with some very useful information on how to make juicing easy and healthy.
If you are juicing apples, choose the ripest, sweetest ones you can find. If your apple is bruised, it is okay if you remove the bruises.
Juicing vegetables is a great way for you to get your kids excited about healthy foods into a child who won’t eat them whole. Many kids out there just do not big fans of vegetables. You can make a great tasting vegetable and fruit juice, and thereby sneak vegetables into a child’s diet by obscuring the fact that they are consuming them through their drink.
Keep the juicer on your kitchen counter so that you see it every day. This can help you to use it more often.
Each fruit and vegetables contain different minerals and nutrients. You will be healthy and also discover some new juices you like.
TIP! Consuming ginger is one way to make gastrointestinal problems better. Just add a slight amount to any juice, and it will increase the flavor and your health at the same time.
If dismantling, make your juice and then clean up, you will quickly tire of the process. Clean the juicer right after using it to reduce the time you have spend cleaning.
Use some cranberries in your juicing routine if you are suffering from a bladder condition or urinary tract infection. You can make yourself a juice with cranberries when you feel the symptoms arise.
TIP! After creating your juice concoction, remember to consume it as soon as possible. To get great healthy juice, realize that some nutrients are lost when juice is made.
Cucumber juice has been shown to be beneficial for hair and skin. There is a high volume of silica found in cucumbers. Silica is also beneficial to your bones, bones, muscle and ligaments.
TIP! Cucumber juice is great for hair and skin health. Cucumbers have a high silica content.
Add more ingredients with negative calories to make a nutritious juice to increase its nutritional value and help burn fat. These would be things such as kale, such as herbs, cabbage, or herbs.
Don’t make your juice sit for long before serving it. It should be served immediately after juicing.
Wash the greens first and dry them before storing them in the bags.
TIP! Getting your family involved in juicing can make it easier and fun as well. Children can rinse off the fruit while an adult starts chopping it.
Green juices are high in nutritional value and help you get fit, they have the stigma that they taste disgusting. This could not always the truth. You can add a lot of healthy ingredients to make the taste however you want it to taste.
TIP! In juicing, you need to be aware of the differences between the various types of fruit. Some fruits, such as a citrus varieties, require special equipment to efficiently extract the juice.
Do not get too many vegetables or fruits when juicing. You do not need multiple vegetables in order to create a healthful juice. Use about two or three to along with an apple to make it sweeter. You can also stick to using two or three of your favorite fruits into a fruit juice.
TIP! Juices made from leafy greens are loaded with good nutrients, but unfortunately they often have an unpalatable taste. This could not be further from the truth.
Drink juice before eating a meal.You get great health benefits if you drink the juice upon an empty stomach.The juice will help to control your appetite so you eat less.
TIP! Always keep your juice combinations simple! You don’t have to go overboard with the ingredients when you are putting together a healthy juice drink. Make your juice with two or three choice vegetables and an apple for sweetness.
Learn more about vegetables and fruits that you can buy. Most people are unaware of the vast number of fruits and vegetables you can buy. If you commit to explore new flavors and produce, you can find great new flavors for your juices.
TIP! While you make your juice, you are sure to produce lots of pulp. The amount will vary, depending on which fruits and vegetables you’re juicing with at any particular time.
Juicing is a tasty way to gain as much as you can from a single fruit or vegetable as far as health benefits are concerned. If you make use of what you have learned from this article, you can use juicing to boost your energy and stay healthy.
TIP! Get a masticating juicer. This kind of juicer extracts juice gently, protecting the fragile nutritional value.
Juicing is a good way to turn multiple servings of veggies and fruits without eating them. Read this article for some tips on to find out how juicing to lead a healthier life.
TIP! If you are juicing due to a health concern, start with dark green veggies as the base for your juice. Try making half to three quarters of the juice consist of spinach or broccoli juice.
Try juicing with a masticating juicer to vary your juice. These machines extract juice which helps retain many nutrients in the liquid. The juice generated using this method is also more stable for storage.
TIP! You can use juice as a meal replacement. After you have tried juicing a couple of times, you will notice that the amount of food you put into your drink is filling enough as a meal.
If you are making juice for health reasons, use dark green vegetables as a base. You will want your juice to be in the range of 50-75 percent chard, chard, spinach or any type of similar vegetable in order to achieve ultimate health benefits. The remainder of your juice should be made up of fruits you like.
TIP! If you don’t want any pulp in the juice you create, you can use a coffee filter on the extrusion spout. Some juices will create a pulp consistency that you may not prefer.
Use some cranberries in your juicing routine if you are suffering from a bladder problems. You should use them whenever you feel an issue might appear.
If you are a diabetic or have high blood sugar, try juicing vegetables as opposed to fruits until you talk to your physician. Fruit juice could cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar level. It is important to monitor how much fruit you are taking for your medical reasons. Vegetables are a great alternative for getting required nutrients without causing undue risk.
A good juicer to own that makes great fruit juices are masticating juicers. These juicers have supplemental features which other juicers may not have like puree, grind, milling, and even create frozen deserts. These extra features will increase the variety of juices that can add variety to the juices that you can make.
This is important because you might otherwise be missing out on otherwise. You can cover up flavors that you may not really like with lemons and apples.
TIP! Bring your family with you into the world of juicing. Children can wash the produce before the adults slice and dice it.
Cucumber juice is helpful for both your hair and skin health. There is a lot of the mineral silica found in cucumbers. Silica is also known to bolster connective tissue, bones, muscle and ligaments.
Include a large amount of negative calorie fruits and vegetables in order to create a nutritious juice that doesn’t need for fat-burning. Some common negative calorie foods are dark greens, herbs, cabbage and kale.
Drink your juice as soon after you have just blended it. It is best served shortly after making it.
Wash the produce and dry it well prior to sealing them thoroughly prior to putting them in bags for storage.
TIP! While all fruits naturally contain sugar, those with very high levels should be avoided as you are juicing. They are tasty, but they might negatively affect your blood sugar.
Green juices are great for bodybuilding because they are so nutritious, but they can taste disgusting. This is not have to be the time. You can add a variety of healthy ingredients to alter the juice taste to whatever you desire.
TIP! To create a healthy juicing habit, keep your juicing machine on your kitchen counter or within reach at all times. In addition to this making it easier to use your juicer, it also reminds you about what you are missing when you don’t make those fresh juices.
Avoid fruits that are too sweet when you make your own juice.Although these fruits taste great, their high sugar content can affect your glucose level. A great alternative would be to use vegetables that you enjoy and juice these. You can add fruits every so often as a special treat, but overall, but you should generally stick with vegetables.
TIP! There are a few ways to enjoy juice without the clumps of fruit or pulp. For clear juice, try to filter your juice using some cheesecloth, or a coffee filter.
If using a heavy-duty juicer that takes the entire fruit, be certain to remove the pits of peaches and all other fruits prior to dropping them in. If not, you could cause damage to your juicer, or you may need to purchase a new one. Make sure you take the core out of the apples before you put the apple in the juicer, because apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide.
Juicing is a healthy and healthy addition to any lifestyle. Keep your juicer on your counter and it will help make juicing a daily reality.
TIP! When using fruit and vegetables, include everything – even the skin! Fruit peels and skins have lots of antioxidants, nutrients, and fiber. As a matter of fact, in some fruits like the apple, the peel has more flavonoids than the fruit itself.
The outer layer on the fruit typically includes most of the nutritious benefits the item contains, fiber and antioxidants. In many cases, for instance, than the rest of it. The primary exception is for the peels of citrus fruits, however, which can not be used in juice. These peels can be harmful to your body and may also have had pesticides used on them.
TIP! You should keep the vegetable and fruit juices separate from each other. Both kinds of juices are very nutritious, but must be broken down with different enzymes when they are digested.
Don’t mix types of juice; either make fruit juice or make vegetable juice in the same juice.Both kinds of juices are very nutritious, but your digestive tract uses different enzymes to break them down. If your juice contains both veggies and fruits, your body must work too hard in order to break the nutrients down. The only fruit that this is the apple.
TIP! Before you begin juicing, learn as much as you can. First you will want to learn about the type of equipment you will need.
Everything you’ll need to know in order to juice properly is contained right here.
TIP! Juicing is a great way to stock up your fridge but you should bear in mind that, if you don’t take precautions, refrigeration can cause color changes in the juice. Most people find juice that has turned to colors like grey or brown less than appetizing.
A hearty glass of juice blend can be a meal replacement. Once you are more experienced and know how much produce you’ll need for a glass of juice, that idea will seem more logical to you.
Juicing vegetables is a great way for you to get healthy foods into a child who won’t eat them whole. Many kids out there just do not big fans of vegetables. You can combine fruits and vegetables into one beverage that has a great taste, and the kids won’t know they’re eating vegetables.
Keep your juicer where you can see it. This will ensure that you more aware of it and the fact that you need to use it more.
TIP! If you’re starting to feel old and tired, juicing can make you feel young again and give you back your energy. When you drink fresh juice, you will experience many benefits such as better memory, less aches and pains and a reduction of free radicals in the system, which can cause a great deal of damage.
You can avoid getting pulp in juice by using a coffee filter to strain out the pulp. Some juices create a large amount of pulp consistency that you may not like.
Use some cranberries as part of your juicer if you are suffering from a bladder problems. Use them soon after finding you feel problems coming on.
TIP! If you have specific nutritional requirements, it is in your best interest to explore different varieties of fruit that you may not ordinarily eat. This is helps you get all the nutrients you need.
Ginger is known to help with any stomach upset almost as soon as you ingest it. Ginger has many anti-inflammatory properties and can also help to heal any damage done to the digestive system by acid reflux.
Cucumber juice is helpful for both your hair and skin. There are large amounts of silica in fresh cucumbers. Silica also strengthens connective tissue and is good for muscles, thus enhancing bones, ligaments and tendons.
Don’t let your juice too far ahead of when you drink it. It should be served shortly after juicing.
TIP! When creating your own fresh juices, keep in mind that there are differences between fruits. It may require a special appliance to extract juice from certain citrus fruits, including mandarins, oranges, and tangerines.
Do not go overboard in making your juicing! You don’t need to raid the produce section to get a tasty and healthy juice drink. Use about two or three vegetables selected for their nutrients and then throw in some apple to sweeten it up. Apply the same method when you are making a fruit juices.
TIP! You should consume your juice prior to having your meals. In addition to making a fabulous snack, juice will provide more benefits when you have an empty stomach.
Make it your goal to learn as much as you can about the diversity of vegetables and fruits out there. Many people don’t realize how many varieties of fruits and have never considered the existence of more than a few types of vegetables. If you purchase a couple of different varieties each time you visit the supermarket, you’ll always be able to enjoy new and exciting juices.
Juicing creates a wide range of tasty, healthy treats that you can enjoy at any time. When you juice fresh vegetables and fruit, your body gets what it must have to stay in shape.
This article is filled with great information that will help you hints on how to benefit the most from juicing. These ideas should be plenty to get you create great beverages in your own home.
Try juicing with a masticating type of juicer. These machines extract the juice in the liquid. The juice produced using this way will last longer in the refrigerator.
Add cucumber to dark leafy greens for improved flavor.Many leafy greens have a distinct and slight unpleasant flavor.Cucumber will mask the unpleasant taste and also add refreshing twist to your juice.
TIP! Having fresh juice available in your fridge is a smart idea, however the color change that juice undergoes will have to be prevented. Grayish juice isn’t very appetizing! To protect the appealing colors of your juices, add a few teaspoons of lemon or lime juice to the blend.
A hearty glass of juice blend can serve as a meal replacement. After you have tried juicing a couple of times, you will begin to understand what you need to include in the juice to make it substantial and nutritious.
Always keep your juicer visible and ready for action.This will keep you remember to use it regularly.
If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, use vegetables. Drinking juice with a large fruit can drastically increase your blood sugar. It is a good idea to keep a close eye on how much fruit you are taking for medical needs. Vegetables can supply you with the nutrients you need without throwing your blood sugar out of whack.
Ginger is a great food for soothing the gastrointestinal issues. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with stomach ulcers and acid reflux.
TIP! In order to preserve the dark leafy vegetables for juicing, keep them stored in tight zippered bags. Prior to bag insertion and storage, clean them by thorough washing and drying.
If you are feeling tired or achy due to the aging process, starting a juicing habit can make you feel younger. The dense nutrients in your glass of juiced veggies can ease your joint pain, memory loss and cell death.
TIP! When juicing, keep in mind that consuming some juices can impact your teeth. There are some juices that can cause teeth stains.
To get the most health benefits from juices, it’s important to drink them right away, the less nutrients are present. The longer you put off drinking it, the more degradation of nutrients will occur. Therefore, to ensure that you receive the most nutrients, you will receive the most benefit from it.
TIP! When you first start a juicing regimen, you need to understand the difference between fruits. Citrus fruits, such as mandarins, tangerines, and oranges require a special juice extraction machine.
They may be a bit bitter, so try mixing them with sweeter veggies and fruits, such as carrots, berries, and citrus. A great recipe for a delicious juice is a mixture of cranberries, cherries, strawberries, and cranberries. Be creative and blend your own great-tasting juices.
TIP! Do not get too extreme with your juicing! Just one ingredient is enough for a juice to be healthy. It doesn’t need to combine many fruits or vegetables.
Juicing results in nutritious drinks that are both rich in vitamins and exploding with excellent natural taste. You can enjoy these homemade drinks at a fraction of the cost you would pay at a store while choosing for yourself the exact content you crave. You could start making delicious juices in no time by following these tips.
TIP! If your juicing recipe calls for leafy green vegetables, add some cucumber to the mix. While leafy greens are rich in nutrients, they don’t make for the tastiest of juices.
Juicing is an excellent way to help ensure that you get the nutrients your body needs. The information below will give you some ideas of different juicing combinations to try.
Add cucumber to dark leafy greens for improved flavor.Many of the leafy greens don’t taste very good. Cucumber will mask the taste and add a refreshing twist to your juice.
TIP! If you are having a hard time getting your kids to eat vegetables, juice them instead. Many kids out there just do not like vegetables.
A hearty glass of juice can serve as a nutritious meal. Once you have juiced a few times and see how much food you need for one glass of juice, it will be easier to do.
Keep the juicer out on your kitchen counter in plain sight. This will encourage you to use out of it.
TIP! After using your juicer, you should consume the juice as soon as possible. In order to reap the optimum benefits from juicing, drink immediately after making.
If dismantling, juicing and cleaning takes more than 30 minutes, you will be far less likely to use it. Clean your juicer right after using it to reduce the time you have spend cleaning.
Pay attention to signals from your body’s signals when it comes to the juices that you consume. You could drink a juice that upsets your body. If you feel a little stomach rumbling after a certain juice, study the ingredients for anything unusual. You can then use smaller amounts to let your body to them.
Ginger can help to ease stomach upsets. Ginger has many anti-inflammatory properties that can help with stomach ulcers and acid reflux.
TIP! Strive to use lots of negative calorie foods when you are juicing so that you don’t have to burn off much energy after drinking your juices. Good choices are green leafy vegetables, such as brocolli, kale, cabbage and some herbs.
If you are aging and you feel lethargic, add some fresh juice into your diet for revitalization. Juicing can provide great health benefits such as relieving joint pain, memory loss and slow down the degradation of your cells.
Wash any dirt off of them and dry before storing them in bags for storage.
TIP! Don’t use really sweet fruits when creating your own juices. While sweet juice has a delicious flavor, it could play havoc with your blood glucose.
Green juices are very nutritious and great for building your body; however, but they get a bad rap for being gross. This does not always the truth. You can add a lot of healthy ingredients to your juices to alter the taste to whatever you desire.
TIP! Are you bored with your smoothie routine? Refresh your taste buds by adding some fresh recipes to your collection. These can be easily found at a bookstore or online.
Drink juice first before eating solid food. You get great health benefits if you drink the juice upon an empty stomach.The juice will cut your appetite so you eat less.
TIP! Consider adding the pulp into your juice blend. Pulp has fiber, so you will add nutrients to your juice this way.
Avoid using fruits that are overly sweet.Although these fruits taste great, their high sugar content can affect your glucose level. A good alternative is to select some veggies and juice those instead. You can use fruits sparingly, but overall, but you should generally stick with vegetables.
TIP! Center your other healthy dietary choices around juicing. This should be the way you decide the foods you will eat.
Juicing is a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle due to the many health benefits of juice. It can serve as a foundation for everything that you plan on eating.
TIP! When juicing, include the skins and peels of some fruits. The outer layer on the fruit typically includes most of the nutritious benefits the item contains, including fiber and antioxidants.
There are several tactics for clearing your juice without the clumps of fruit bits. Cheesecloth and coffee filters work well if you prefer your juice. This will also remove the foam that is created in the juicing process.
Juicing is a nutritious and beneficial addition to every lifestyle. Keep your juicer on your counter and it will help make juicing a daily reality.
The outer layer on the fruit typically includes most of the nutritious benefits the item contains, fiber and nutrients. In apples, for instance, than in any other part of the fruit. The primary exception is for the peels of citrus fruits, however, are not appropriate for juicing. These peels contain toxic substances and may have had pesticides used on them.
Don’t mix types of juice; either make fruit juice or make vegetable juice in the same juice.Both are good for you, but your digestive system uses different enzymes for each. Therefore if you combine the two types of produce, this makes your body work two times as hard, and your body does not absorb all the nutrients they have to offer as a result. Apples are the single exception when it comes to this.
Incorporating juicing into your daily lifestyle can be a powerful way to move your intake of fruits and vegetables to the next level. You may mix fruits for tasty homemade drinks. This article, hopefully, has provided you with juicing choices that can satisfy your cravings.
This article will help you hints on how to benefit the most out of your juicing. These hints will help you on track for making some great beverages in your own home.
Add a little cucumber to dark leafy greens. Many leafy greens have a distinct and slight unpleasant flavor.Cucumber will assist in masking the leafy green flavor and also add a refreshing element to your juice.
TIP! Some people prefer to use juice as a substitute for a meal. After you’ve been juicing for some time, this will come naturally to you, and you will soon realize just how much food is actually contained in one glass of juice.
When you drink juice for health, the most effective ingredients you can use are greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, kale, parsley and more. Try to make most of your juices 50-70% greens, while the rest goes to other veggies and fruits for flavor. Juices made from fruits tend to contain more unhealthy sugar and fewer nutrients than those with leafy greens.
TIP! You should juice vegetables if your kids simply do not like the taste or the look of them. The average child does not find vegetables appealing.
A well rounded juice can serve as a meal replacement. Once you see the amount of food that goes into a glass of juice, that idea will seem more logical to you.
TIP! Before you blend veggies and fruits, do some homework about what goes well together. Due to the huge variety of market produce available, many differences can exist in the types of nutrients offered.
Use the color of your fruits and vegetables to help you figure out which nutrients they provide.From bright reds to vibrant greens, all these colored vegetables and fruits offer many kinds of minerals and nutrients. Using a wide variety of colors will give you more nutrition and different flavors.
If you need twenty minutes or more to assemble your juicer, cleaning and reassembling your juicer consumes the better part of an hour, you will be less like to use it on a regular basis. Clean the juicer right after using it since moist pulp is easier to get rid of.
Use cranberries in your juicing routine if you are suffering from a bladder condition or urinary tract infection. Start adding them the moment you feel symptoms of a problem.
Ginger is a great food that can help soothe gastrointestinal problems. Ginger has many anti-inflammatory properties and can also help with stomach ulcers and acid reflux.
TIP! You can use vegetables and fruits that you do not really enjoy in your juices and add other ingredients to mask the taste. Some fruits offer more of a specific, much-needed nutrient than others.
If you are getting older and starting to feel the negative effects of your age, taking up juicing can make you feel years younger. Juicing is a good way to get the nutrients you need to get rid of joint pains, ease painful joints and slow down the aging process.
TIP! Cucumber juice has been shown to be beneficial for both your hair and your skin. There is a high volume of silica in cucumbers.
To offset the bitterness, blend them with sweeter fruits and/ or vegetables, oranges and even carrots.A good combination is something like cherries, cherries, strawberries, and cherries. Be creative and come up with your own favorite combinations.
TIP! Don’t neglect your teeth when you take on a juicing regime. There are some juices that will stain your teeth, so bear this in mind.
Freshly made juices tastes great and are great for you. Making these drinks yourself is much cheaper than purchasing them from a store. Simply implement the tips above and you can start juicing right away. | 2019-04-23T12:47:00Z | http://herbalheals.com/2017/01/ |
Right in the heart of the City of London, across from Guildhall and equidistant to Bank, St Paul’s and several other landmarks and tube stations, is Cabotte. The elegant yet traditional-feeling front façade is echoed inside in a chic modern take on the classic bistro feel. Dark wood and banquette seats meet painted raw brick walls and industrial ducting. It is a counterpoint that works well, and one that is carried through to the food, too. The highest quality ingredients are sourced from the UK wherever possible by talented Head Chef Edward Boarland, but further afield if appropriate, and are prepared with a combination of French expertise and flair to celebrate the food rather than mask it. The result is exceptional. My starter of squab pigeon was gorgeously rich and made the best of the whole bird (the umbles paté was amazing), while my friend thoroughly enjoyed her generously proportioned Maldon rock oysters.
The main course of Line caught Cornish cod was lifted by an Iberico chorizo element, while my friend’s pan-fried mullet was sumptuously arranged in a pool of prawn tartar and lobster bisque. The side dishes (designed to be shared) deserve their own mention, particularly the decadent leek gratin with a (un)healthy whack of Comté.
One of the key characteristics of Cabotte, is its relationship with wine, and the Burgundy region in particular. Working directly with suppliers in Burgundy, the restaurant has an excellent array of wines by the glass and bottle, making it perfect for the business lunches that are very much its staple, located as it is. We went with wines suggested by Restaurant Manager Virgile Degrez, whose choices were a superb accompaniment to the flavours of our dishes. From the delicate freshness of a Chablis 1er Cru, and a Puligny-Montrachet, to the silky sweetness of the Sauternes I enjoyed with my Opera gâteau dessert. The restaurant was busy but never felt rushed or over-noisy, and the attention to detail and friendliness of the staff was matched only by the quality and deliciousness of the food. Good value for money too.
Located within a very half-hearted stone’s throw from Covent Garden’s main marketplace buildings, and just across from the Royal Opera House, Balthazar is frequently packed with diners, both casual and otherwise. With a healthy homage to the New York original, which opened in 1997, the four-year-old London counterpart is set up as a glamorous, classic French bistro, complete with dark wood, red leather banquettes, brass rails and impeccably dressed waiting staff. There is a timelessness to the atmosphere that may be a cliché, but nonetheless a pleasing one.
The menu is similarly packed with French classics, guaranteed to appeal to any Francophile palate. With an emphasis on fresh seafood as well as bistro fare, oysters, caviar and lobster feature regularly on the menu, both in their own right and as part of more elaborate dishes, while there are plenty of options for both meat eaters and vegetarians to enjoy. I started with the gloriously delicious garlic prawns with Espelette pepper, served with warm fougasse. It was one of those rare dishes eliciting a desire to cancel the main course and just ask for a larger starter all over again. My companion selected the half dozen Fines de Claire oysters and was very satisfied with her choice. My main course of duck confit with wild mushrooms and butterbeans was hearty and flavoursome; it had just the right level of piquancy and richness added by the sherry vinaigrette, and was elegantly accompanied by a half-bottle of Pomerol. If pressed, I think I would still have preferred an indulgent replay with the garlic prawns. On the other side of the table, a generous portion of moules mariniѐres was enjoyed at leisure. The meal was completed with a silky crème brûlée and an espresso, while my friend enjoyed her raspberry and vanilla vacherin.
The service was attentive, friendly and just the right side of the formal/casual divide, with no sense of being pestered, yet no waiting either. The atmosphere was welcoming to all, whether suited and booted or otherwise and surprisingly relaxed and sociable, with plenty of buzz.
Passing through the sleepy, timber-framed market town of Ledbury, you would probably think of quintessentially English tearooms and morris dancers. Indeed, it doesn’t take much to find these in Ledbury if your timing is right, but there is also a French café.
Chez Pascal is, rather appropriately perhaps, situated in a former tea room on one of the town’s charmingly monochrome streets. The café was first established in 2013, after owners Janie and Pascal Clarenne moved on from a local restaurant to set up their own endeavour. The current location is a recent move, which explains why from the outside it still shows signs of its previous use. Inside the feel is distinctly Francophile, with vintage-style posters and decorated tablecloths. The ambience is definitely more genuine rural French than clichéd faux-French, with a warm welcome deftly assured by Pascal himself, who greets everyone with a handshake as they enter.
The menu is limited to a few bistro classic-style dishes, backed up by omelettes, baguettes, croque-monsieurs and soups. Pascal’s background is in pâtisserie, and that shows through in the fine array of domed glass dishes on the scrubbed counter, each displaying a tasty pastry delight. My husband and I both selected the cheese soufflé, served on a simple salad, given a subtle twist by using local Hereford Hop cheese. It was light, fluffy and distinctly moreish. My main course of chicken cooked in red wine, with bacon, mushrooms and thyme tasted as French as the tricolore, although the sautéed potatoes were a little on the soggy side. My husband went for more of a Franco-British fusion with a venison cottage pie, and was well-fed and happy by its conclusion. The café does not have a licence, but is happy for you to bring your own wine. We enjoyed a simple elderflower pressé as an accompaniment to lunch. Those glass domes wove their magic and we took away a slice of opera cake and a triangle of sticky-looking tarte Tatin to enjoy at home, both of which later proved delicious. Chez Pascal does not offer haute cuisine, nor a sophisticated air, but what it does deliver, in a small Herefordshire town, is the sort of food and friendly welcome you would expect from a busy and popular bistro in a small French town. There is a pleasing parity there, and we will go back to enjoy it again.
À la carte mains/light lunches from £5.50.
Clos Maggiore is located in the heart of Covent Garden and Theatreland, and is frequently referred to as the ‘World’s/London’s Most Romantic’ restaurant, a double whammy guaranteeing regularly full tables. The atmosphere is all classic dark wood panelling with the famous bowered dining room being the jewel in the restaurant’s crown, and the most sought-after spot for a table. Artificial cherry blossom, laced with fairy lights (far from as tacky as it sounds) hang below the retractable glass ceiling, easily opened on balmy summer evenings. On chillier evenings, an open fire adds to the romance.
My husband and I were lucky enough to secure a table under the blossom and ‘stars’, and the atmosphere was positively buzzing, mostly with couples and celebrations. Reputedly, the chances of witnessing a marriage proposal are fairly high on any given evening, but apparently joint selfies were more the order of that evening. The menu created by head chef Marcellin Marc makes the most of excellent-quality locally sourced seasonal produce, with an emphasis on classic French flavours. Nibbling on light and fluffy cheesy pastry puffs while sipping champagne, we looked trough a menu that was as decadent as the surroundings. I started with the ‘Marcellin’s Heritage’ shoulder of Loire Valley rabbit, rich and tasty with a mustard foam and yet not overpowering, with extra crunch and tang from a sweet and sour black radish. My husband’s Limousin Veal ‘Vitello Tonnato’ in a smoked tuna and anchovy mayonnaise was exquisite, and both were accompanied perfectly with a gorgeous light burgundy recommended by the charming and knowledgeable toulousaine sommelier. My main course of roasted free-range chicken leg stuffed with duck livers and morel mushrooms was truly delicious, but exceptionally rich, with the pea accompaniment providing an unexpected sweetness to the dish. A roasted black Iberian pork loin with braised chicory was enjoyed a lot by my husband as well.
Being dessert people, we were looking forward to the final course with some enthusiasm and it did not disappoint. My praline ‘Paris Brest’ was a sumptuous, yet surprisingly light celebration of fluffy choux pastry, caramel, ice cream and hazelnut, enhanced by a glass of creamy Marsala, while my husband’s Greek yoghurt cheesecake and late-harvest sauvignon blanc did not stay around for very long. We positively rolled out of the restaurant! The service was attentive and polite, and the atmosphere and food are perfect for that special meal or celebration.
Three-course set lunch menu £29.50, five-course tasting menu £65 (or £105 with paired wines), à la carte mains from £23.50.
A rotisserie chicken restaurant may not initially scream out French-ness, but Cocotte is the brainchild of a group of Parisian friends – Romain, Ziad and Capucine – and their Gallic influence is clear. Located on a sunny corner of a main street in the achingly fashionable Notting Hill area of London, the restaurant has a mission to be a healthy choice for those who love good food – particularly rotisserie cooked chicken.
Chef Romain worked for many years in Michelin-starred restaurants, and takes his ingredients very seriously. The chickens, sourced exclusively from a Red Tractor accredited, family-run farm in East Yorkshire, are grain fed and won a Great Taste Award in 2016. Before cooking, they are marinated for 24 hours with Cocotte’s blend of herbs and spices. The result is succulent and tasty. Non-meat-eaters should not despair though, as the array of vegetable-based dishes is impressive. Innovative and delicious salad combinations are available either as a side dish or main course.
My companion and I started the meal with one of Cocotte’s excellent cocktails, going straight into the chicken main course (we shared half a chicken) with the flavoursome Nathalie salad with kale, peppers and seeds, a well-dressed green salad and the delicious-sounding Truffle Mac & Cheese. The key to full enjoyment of Cocotte’s chicken is definitely their sauces, which show a typically Gallic delicacy and attention to detail. The descriptively named ‘spicy’ sauce had just the right level of piquancy, while the ‘green’ sauce – with pesto, feta cheese, fresh herbs and a few secret ingredients – was described by my companion as tasting “like a salad, only in a sauce”. The flavours of both chicken and sauces worked exceptionally well together, while the salads were varied and tasty, yet genuinely healthy. Less so the Truffle Mac & Cheese. I had to stop myself from licking out the dish it came in, it was so decadently delicious. We managed (just about) to squeeze in a dessert and coffee, and the hazelnut chocolate tarte and espresso did not disappoint. Healthy, extremely tasty, and excellent value for money, Cocotte is a great option for chicken-lovers and salad aficionados alike. They do takeaway, too.
Chicken from £7, sides from £6.
Growing up on the North Wales coast, holidays to France were always a long-winded endeavour involving tedious car journeys or frantic airport dashes. Had I known there was an authentic taste of France so close to home, I’m not entirely sure I’d have bothered to make the journey across the Channel.
Nestled between the tourist honeypots of Llandudno and Conwy, the sleepy seaside town of Deganwy hardly seems like the sort of place that would be home to exquisite French fare. But as soon as you step inside Paysanne, you forget about the shrieking seagulls and gloomy Welsh weather outside, and find yourself transported to a cosy Parisian bistrot. Convivial host Cai and his family have owned the restaurant for 30 years and although his parents, who started the business back in 1988, now live in south-western France, they still contribute by regularly sending over their favourite wines and foodie finds. The menu offers a vast array of traditional French dishes with some unusual combinations: how does duck with kumquat sound? There’s also a ‘Festins’ menu where, given a bit of notice, the chef will cook up a special treat such as local Menai oysters or rosemary and garlic-studded Welsh lamb.
My mother and I opted for the Menu de Marché: three hearty courses and a glass of wine for a very reasonable £21.75. Her starter was the melon falaise: a class above your bog-standard balled melon affair, with delicious hunks of fruit perfectly paired with grapefruit, prosciutto, walnuts and a gorgeous green apple coulis. My choice of champignon à la palframan - a field mushroom oozing with Stilton and bacon – was just the right size for a starter. For our main course, my mother thought it would be rude not to have fish while beside the seaside, so chose the salmon aux poireaux, a succulent slice of fish doused in a tangy bacon, leek and lemon sauce. I chose the porc à la Languedocienne; a meat I’d normally avoid at a restaurant for fear of it being dry, but the beautiful caramelised pork with a prune and Armagnac sauce has made me a fan of it again – not that I’d be able to replicate it to this standard at home! Dessert was a slice of the divine tarte du jour; blueberry and almond today, which would have been just as tasty with a cup of coffee for elevenses. The service met the perfect balance of being fast and polite, yet totally unobtrusive; very French, in fact. With its charm and sophistication, it’s no wonder this restaurant even had 007’s approval, being a firm favourite of late actor Roger Moore.
The clue is in the name of this one! The newest of three La Fromagerie locations in London (the others are in Highbury and Marylebone) the Bloomsbury shop opened in October 2017 in a lovely situation on a quiet, partly-pedestrianised street just a short walk from the British Museum. The building has been sensitively renovated with attractive late-Georgian features clearly visible in the end result, making for a cosy but smart ambience.
As with all of the La Fromagerie branches, this is as much a speciality cheese shop as it is restaurant. The shop sells around 110 varieties of cheese (the other two outlets sell around 200 each) from across Europe. A temperature and humidity controlled cheeseroom means that each cheese is kept in optimum conditions, making for reliably high quality.
The menu, somewhat unsurprisingly, focuses largely on cheese, but not exclusively. Sharing plates include the likes of beef carpaccio and duck rillette, while sandwiches and sardines also feature, as does a diverse range of charcuterie. On the occasion of our visit, only one option really appealed to my friend and I. What could be better than sharing a fondue on a cold day? The house speciality Fondue Savoyarde combined Beaufort Chalet d’Alpage, Emmental Français Grand Cru and Comté d’Estive cheeses, and was heated over a tealight rather than the more traditional spirit heater, but stayed plenty warm enough for us to enjoy dipping our bread and cornichons. We had decided to share a fondue, rather than have one each and it was a good sized portion when accompanied by a side dish of a charcuterie platter and some broccoli florets. The cheese was as unctuous and tasty as could be desired and was beautifully accompanied by a glass of dark and spicy house red wine. Having erred on the side of caution when choosing the main course, we still had some room left, which was happily filled by sharing a small French Cheese Board. What’s better than cheese? More cheese! Five regional varieties, including some I’d never tried before such as Napoleon from the Pyrénées, were enjoyed enthusiastically until optimal cheese saturation levels had been reached. Cheese lovers will be in heaven!
With seven branches of the restaurant in London, including one in Selfridges and also a bakery in Covent Garden, Aubaine offers a variety of locations and settings in which to enjoy contemporary French-influenced food in the capital. The Mayfair restaurant is tucked away just a stone’s throw from Green Park, surrounded by the boutiques, offices and galleries of Dover Street.
This is no dark wood and brass confection of French dining. The ambience is modern and low-key, with plenty of steel and glass. A back wall filled with bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne and glass domes containing delicious looking desserts and pastries are a definite hint at the restaurant’s style though – French at heart.
Both the menu and ambience of Aubaine in Mayfair work together to make diners feel welcome at all hours through the day, whether for a working breakfast, lingering weekend brunch, a lunch with clients or friends or a romantic dinner. Sandwiches, salads and small plates are ideal for every day, while some truly sumptuous main courses can be preceded by an excellent cocktail and then accompanied by something from the broad French-focussed wine list. My husband selected the mini merguez sausages with lime aioli to start with and found them a tasty way to kick off the meal. My duck liver parfait with onion marmalade was tasty, but definitely eclipsed by my main course of lobster spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and basil cress. The creamy lobster bisque sauce with the plump sweet lobster meat was a real treat, while my husband thoroughly enjoyed his duck breast from the daily specials menu, accompanied by sweet potato fries. This is one of Aubaine’s greatest strengths, its lack of pretension. If you want fries with your duck, that’s absolutely fine, while if you want champagne with your steak, that works too. There’s no sense that the maître d is judging your choices as “not French enough”. A refreshing alternative to some more traditional UK-based French restaurants. The staff too were friendly and relaxed, yet capable and efficient. On the Saturday evening we visited, the restaurant was surprisingly quiet, but it felt like it is probably much busier during the day.
Nestled in the suburb of Jericho on the northern edge of Oxford city centre, the Old Bookbinders is testament to the age-old adage that appearances can be deceptive.
From the outside, it looks like a traditional English pub, and the interior, with its wooden bar, wicker seats and carpeted floors, reinforce this image. But that is the effect that French-born Michel Sadones and his family, owners since 2011, set out to create: a charming pub (complete with real ales) that offered French bistro-style cuisine inspired by their trips to France.
Arriving for lunch one Saturday, I immediately had my appetite whetted by the menu du jour, which included cod mornay and coq au vin, but decided to be indulgent and go for the à la carte menu instead. To start, I plumped for the soupe de poissons, a tasty blend of bream, haddock and mullet chunks, which certainly warmed me up on a chilly day. My companion chose the escargots de Bourgogne, a plate of 12 snails cooked in garlic and butter, which she said were beautifully tender and went down a treat with a large glass of bordeaux red. For the main course, I opted for the seared sea bass cooked in white wine and topped with fresh herbs. My friend, who is much more of a meat eater, surprised me by choosing the same dish, and we agreed that the fish was cooked to perfection. Despite feeling quite full, we managed to make room for a dessert. The restaurant is well known locally for its crêpes, but we opted instead for a zingy tarte au citron, proving a perfect ending to the meal. The food was authentic, reasonably priced and served with a smile. The menu changes monthly, so coming to the Old Bookbinders could become a regular French treat.
The suburb of Primrose Hill has a tasty restaurant that brings French pastures to your plate. La Ferme’s focus is seasonal food with a twist – and it scores highly for effortless service and creative courses. Inspired by restaurateur François Guerin and his chef (and stepbrother), Guillaume Dunos, the ‘bistronomic’ food combines rustic bistro-style cooking with fine produce sourced from local markets and from France. Guillaume has an impressive CV, having worked in Parisian restaurants including Fouquet’s, Prince de Galles and Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme, and was a finalist the UK Young Chef of the Year awards.
La Ferme has a 32-seater restaurant and an outside terrace on the ground floor, and a snug lounge upstairs, where we began the evening by sinking into a sofa with a glass of fizz. The lounge is sponsored by Champagne Deutz and stocks all the brand’s options, along with still wine and classic cocktails. The relaxed atmosphere continued in the restaurant which, judging by our visit, appeals to all ages. Diners have a choice of menus, and my husband and I opted for the seasonal menu du chef, which changes monthly. To start, I had the goat’s cheese with fresh vegetables while my husband chose courgette three ways: tempura flower, coulis and maki. The dishes looked delicate, but captured sophisticated flavours that left us marvelling at the food and the fresh Bourgogne white that accompanied it. For the mains, I enjoyed stone bass fillet, with baby artichokes, coconut, lime gel and a dashi beurre blanc, while my husband tucked into succulent lamb chops, accompanied by a glass of Saumur Champigny red. At around 9.15pm, the lights dimmed; an appropriate if coincidental touch for the unveiling of our desserts: a wild strawberry tart with pistachio ice cream, and a café gourmand of crème brûlée, raspberry financier and white chocolate ganache, served with a sweet Sauternes.
Sadly, we did not have room for the cheese course – Cantal with rhubarb chutney, but perhaps next time. La Ferme offers a warm welcome with food that follows the seasons, so we shall definitely be back.
Like any big city and the packed public transport, pollution and crowds that come with it, London can sometimes be gruelling. Step into Otto’s French restaurant and be prepared to leave your troubles at the door for an opulent and wonderful experience of dining à la française.
We were welcomed with a glass of champagne which set the tone for the evening. It was a good opportunity to take in the dining room – red velvet seats, crisp white table cloths and, in prime position, a beautiful silver duck press service. We watched the well-rehearsed choreography of the waiters with Otto himself at the centre, gliding from table to table, there carving a piece of meat, here showing guests a sauce he was concocting for them. Soon it was our turn. We were given a taster of three starters served in quick succession, accompanied by a lovely Pouilly-Fuissé from the extensive wine list. First, Scottish smoked salmon, carved in front of us and served with different garnishes including shallots, capers and even a small tin of caviar. Then a lightly toasted brioche with foie gras, served with mushrooms. Finally king prawns and sweetbreads – to which I’m not normally partial but here were delicious – in a lobster sauce. The highlight was yet to come. At the start of our meal, Otto, who hails from Munich but trained at the Tour d’Argent in Paris, showed us a small pan in which he poured different alcohols, set them alight in brilliant blue flames and left to simmer before adding duck liver. Thinly carved in front of us, slices of duck were served with green beans and crispy potatoes. The meat was then covered in the sauce which had been simmering slowly from the start of our meal; it was divine. The duck was so full of flavour and so tender, we were left speechless and enjoyed every mouthful.
We ended the meal with a spectacular dessert of traditional crêpes Suzettes, flambéed in a tangy orange sauce and balanced by sweet, hot strawberries and vanilla ice cream. Impeccable and traditional service and modernised French gourmet classics make Otto’s an experience for a special occasion, but one you will not forget.
Mains from £23.50. Booking in advance required for canard/homard à la presse.
Tucked away in a basement location just five minutes from the main shopping streets of Cheltenham, Petit Coco is easy to miss, but well worth discovering. The cosy restaurant only seats around 20, so it is well worth booking ahead, but the atmosphere is intimate rather than crowded, with a pleasant buzz of conversation reminiscent of popular bistros across the Channel. Dark red walls decorated with photographs of the greats of cinema and music add to the reassuringly French ambience, as does the dark wood furniture and the gentle musical accompaniment. Petit Coco also features musical evenings at various times of the year, including Edith Piaf and Swing from Paris nights.
A lunchtime visit for the prix fix menu was a great choice, with something for everyone, both carnivore and vegetarian. I started with a goat’s cheese and onion tartlet, while others enjoyed the smoked salmon. Next time I will definitely be looking to try the comté soufflé, which looked amazing. Service was swift but not rushed, and the staff were pleasant and affable. My coq au vin main course was generous and flavoursome, very tender and tasted authentically French. Other options included a beautifully presented fish of the day, while the plates passing by to other diners indicated that the á la carte menu was well worth trying on a future visit. Classics such as magret de canard and navarin of lamb looked enticing and good value. The two courses were perfect for a lunch, but the consensus was that we had missed out on dessert favourites such as crème brûlée and chocolate fondant. A coffee to stop the need for an afternoon nap had to suffice on this occasion. Each of us plans to visit again and make an evening of it, possibly dipping into the appealing list of French wines.
Definitely worth looking out for from street level, Petit Coco is a small, nostalgic slice of France in Gloucestershire.
If you are passing through London’s Euston or King’s Cross stations (home to Eurostar) and have time to spare and a hunger for authentic French food, I advise taking a short stroll to Marchmount Street in Bloomsbury. Here you’ll find Bon Vivant, a relaxed French brasserie offering breakfast, lunch and even ‘drunch’ (a bottomless cocktail brunch, ideal for lazy weekends) as well as dinner.
We were there for le dîner so kicked off with cocktails. My choice of the signature Dirty Pink (gin, lemon syrup, Chambord raspberry liqueur and egg white) was rather seductive, as was hisself’s espresso martini – we could easily have ordered more, but dinner beckoned.
Dishes are classically French but with a twist, courtesy of head chef Oliver Kuehler. Seemingly straightforward dishes of soupe de poissons, tartare de boeuf, salade de chèvre chaude, poulet farci and bavette have all been tweaked to create something rather less ordinary. My entrée of terrine de fois gras, for example, was accompanied by cacao, quince and sauternes jelly, and brioche, while hisself went for the lobster special with champagne sauce. After the rich starter, I decided a lighter fish dish would be advisable; the plaice with samphire, chorizo, tomato, beurre blanc and chervil was mouth-watering – but definitely not light on calories! Hisself had no such thoughts, ordering the sumptuous magret de canard, with parsnip, apples, shallots, hazelnuts, honey and thyme jus. Side dishes of green beans and possibly the tastiest gratin dauphinois I have ever had completed our repas. The delightful waiting staff – all French – helped with our choice of wine, a fragrant 2015 Fleurie. Perhaps surprisingly, after all this indulgence we still had room for dessert: tiramisu Breton (with caramel au beurre salé and Speculoos biscuit) and the tarte du jour, lemon meringue. Seasonal menus will ensure you keep coming back to this chic eatery, but it’s an equally good spot to drop in for coffee and a croissant. The stylish surroundings feel French but not clichéd, and with its corner plot, large windows and pavement tables, it is a great place to watch the world rush by as you linger over a verre de vin and something délicieux.
There is something romantic about a floating restaurant, as Glassboat in the centre of Bristol proves. Anchored at the Welsh Back on the banks of the River Avon, the converted working barge has both style and substance, serving classic French cuisine in one of the city’s most scenic settings.
Glassboat still has traces of its nautical past; oak wooden floors, restored wooden windows and portholes imbue the space with a homely, understated feel.
As we stepped on-board, we were welcomed by the front-of-house, who showed us to our table; a candlelit spot looking over the river. We perused the dinner menu over a glass of fizz and watched the world go by: walkers strolling along the cobbled street on one side, canal boats and swans gliding past on the other.
Our waitress was friendly and helpful, insisting that I taste her suggested wine from the extensive list before helping me to settle on a Côtes de Duras red from south-west France.
To start, I had pickled beets and fennel slices served with a cool whip of rich and creamy ewe’s curd that complemented the sweetness of the beetroot. My friend’s pressed leek terrine with black truffle and moscatel vinegar was light, fresh and slightly sweet.
For the main course, I plumped for a hearty dish of partridge casserole with olives, prunes and pomme purée. The meat was perfectly cooked; pink, juicy and tender, and rich in taste, while my friend’s turbot served on braised cabbage stood up well to the richness of the red wine jus.
Portion sizes were large enough to satisfy our appetites while still allowing room for dessert. I chose the café gourmand, a trio of miniature desserts made up of crème brûlée, a decadent chocolate mousse and a light raspberry soufflé. My friend’s tarte à l’orange was sweet and tangy, and came covered in smashed pistachio nuts, with a refreshing lemon sorbet on the side.
The charming location may be Glassboat’s pièce de résistance, but it is the excellent food and outstanding service that really hit the mark. | 2019-04-20T13:12:20Z | https://www.completefrance.com/language-culture/restaurants/14-great-french-restaurants-to-try-in-the-uk-1-5922306 |
The title of this post is a direct quote from a young gentleman charged with law enforcement and the protection of citizens and animals alike due to the position and responsibilities that position entails.
Rather says it all does it not??
Canada, the golden land of opportunity, welcoming with open arms all manner of newcomers, be they individuals looking to provide better lives for their families, or foreign investments looking to make a profit on the backs of our environment, our fresh water resources and our vast untapped mineral resources. Welcome….
Every year the Animal Legal Defense Fund issues it’s annual report naming the Best and the Worst places for an animal to live, based on the Provincial/Territorial Animal Protection Legislation in place. It would be safe to possibly conclude that reported cases of animal cruelty, the consequences faced by the perpetrator of such horrors and the overall outcome of Judicial proceedings may/may not also be taken into account. Afterall, as I have stated far too often to count…laws are not worth the paper they are written upon if they are not stringently enforced and justice for the animal victims is obtained.
Note that you may download your own copy of the ALDF Report by visiting their site, it is a one time free download which is updated yearly.
Here’s the full ranking list: as of the report issued in 2010 and 2011. You will note that very little has changed. The NWT and Nunavut were tied as the Best Place to Abuse Animals in 2010. However with the victorious three year battle for animal protection in the NWT, seeing the new NWT Dog Act come into effect in May 2011 (still only pertains to dogs) the NWT moved from Worst to now rank No. 11 in the Bottom Tier. Nunavut is now the Best Place to Abuse Animals and Alberta and Quebec also have remained stagnant in the Bottom Tier.
Quebec has moved down a notch ranking at number 11 now. Congrats to Quebec….which brings us to the issue of Berger Blanc in Montreal.
For years Montrealers have been loudly protesting the horrific cruelty that animals are subjected to thanks to Berger Blanc. Are they being listened to?? Obviously not at all. The horrors continue without consequence.
Just what will it take to SHUT DOWN Berger Blanc???????? What will it take for the taxpayed politicians in Montreal who hold their positions/jobs and lifestyles to come clean and do the right thing and meet the demands of the Montrealers to shut this operation of gross horrors down?????
Will it take International Scrutiny? Will it take the shining light of NEGATIVITY, the Public Humiliation and the Pointing of Global Fingers and Protest before the powers that be in Montreal do something????? It certainly seems that way. Will it take the NEGATIVE effect such publicity can have on needed TOURISM, and subsequent retail and hospitality industry losses before the Powers that BE wake up and ‘get it’???
Unfortunately that is exactly what it sometimes takes. The NEGATIVE spotlight that shone so brightly on the NWT (Northwest Territories) for over three years drew Global as well as North American attention. Emails, comments, loud voices from around the world played a very large part in bringing about much needed positive change here. The support from large Canadian Animal Advocate Groups, that took a stance, submitted their own letters and critiques to the Territorial Government in support of the Legislative changes, the documented and pictorial evidence which I prepared and submitted on a regular basis, the countless study papers on the LINK between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence which I also submitted and the needed support from NWT residents….all of it played a huge role in winning, for the first time in NWT history, protection for dogs up here.
So if the same must be done to enable the caring, responsible pet lovers and owners in Montreal to be heard…to have For Profit Berger Blanc……scrutinized and pointed at by Global fingers…..if it must take a Global protest to end the horrors these innocent animals endure at the hands of Berger Blanc…….then So Be It.
Berger Blanc is a shining example of inadequate Provincial Legislation to Protect Animals. Berger Blanc is a perfect example of the archaic, inadequate Canadian Federal Animal Protection Legislation that permeates this country and allows such operations to exist.
In a joint effort with Quebec contacts, more information concerning this appalling, disgusting, intolerable, inhumane, irresponsible, unacceptable situation will be exposed on a grand scale to the International/Global community.
UNITED we made a positive difference in the Northwest Territories, UNITED we can make a positive difference in Montreal and Quebec period!!
“On Thursday April 21 at 20:00 Radio Canada’s investigative program Enquête presents a disturbing exposé of Berger Blanc, the for-profit business entrusted with control of, and care for, Montréal’s exploding population of unwanted companion animals, a population which has now reached crisis proportions. This program, Mauvais Berger, exposes Berger Blanc’s abysmal standards of animal care and customer service, and lack of promotion of responsible pet ownership.
The images and issues addressed in Mauvais Berger invite a wider consideration of how this for-profit business, unrestrained by weak municipal by-laws, inadequate provincial legislation or effective monitoring, thrives on an ever-expanding supply of abandoned animals. Berger Blancs’ disregard of this fundamental problem of overpopulation ensures a constant flow of ‘clients’, and hence its own financial advancement.
Recently I was told that I should bring up the subject of horse slaughter at the political forum that was held on April 16th 2012 in Coaldale, Alberta by Little Bow NDP candidate Bev Muendel-Atherstone, where she along with Everett Tanis (Liberal), John Kolk (PC) & Ian Donovan (Wildrose) also Little Bow candidates.
I was so disgusted that I took the buttons I had on my coat, in support of Bev Muendel-Atherton & then I got up & walked out. When I got home, I immediately removed my lawn & signs that I had supporting Bev Muendel-Atherton & threw them straight into the garbage.
Once I calmed down, I decided to email all of them, so they could see for themselves the realities of horse slaughter (I have included it at the bottom if you are interested in reading it, along with the replies I have gotten thus far). I made sure to go into detail, so everything was crystal clear & I provided them with links to the undercover investigations, the video of the horse dealer that came forward & confessed to the horrors horses are subjected to & the letter Alex Atamanenko wrote to Mr. George Da Pont, President of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
So far, I have only heard back from John Kolk & Bev Muendel-Atherton. John Kolk completely brushed it all off, while Bev Muendel-Atherton went with trying to change the subject. I replied back to both, calling them out on the fact that neither one of them even bothered to click on a single link, because their attitude towards horse slaughter would change drastically if they were to do even the most minimal amount of research.
It makes my blood boil to know that all the candidates support horse slaughter & actually believe that it’s done correctly & humanely. I’m so over the ignorance towards the truth. The fact that none of them (as of yet) have bothered to look into the information that I have sent them, proves that they are just as sick as the rest of the people who are living lavishly off the blood money they receive.
We need to force the Government to do the right thing, we must let them know that we will not allow our horses to be tortured, abused, maimed & killed in the most barbaric way, we will not tolerate them purposely poisoning people, just to make a buck. The time has come for them to get their heads out of their asses & smarten the hell up.
The Government needs to be held accountable for their irresponsible & selfish decisions & actions. The time for excuses, wool pulling, head in the sand & cover up’s are over. If they claim to not want to sell tainted beef, chicken, pork, etc, than they sure as hell shouldn’t be allowing tainted horse meat to be sold & exported. It’s common sense, but they have none. They need to start understanding that if it weren’t for the people who voted for them, they would not be where they are, therefore they better start listening to us.
Horse meat, as well all know already, will never be safe to eat, there has never been & will never be any possible way to ensure that horses who were givenBute, wont enter the food chain. There will never be a way to humanely euthanize a horse in a slaughter plant & no one will ever care about their well being during transport.
We all get it, so why doesn’t anyone who can do something about it get it? When will they stop wanting to profit from making people sick?
They can not say that they are unaware of the truth, because I have provided them with the answers.
Due to the time limit when asking questions at the forum held in Coaldale last night, I could not get into the details, this will tell you about the importance of why horse slaughter must be ended in Canada, as well as the import & export of horse into & out of Canada for the purpose of slaughter.
This email is filled with facts, not accusations, myths, beliefs & theories, but actual facts.
I hope this helps you to better understand that horse slaughter is in fact not done correctly & is so far from humane. There is no need for it, as I have said before, only 16% of the entire world’s population eat horse meat, so unlike beef, chicken, pork, etc, there is no demand high enough for it to be considered a necessity.
The law states that every horse that goes to slaughter MUST be accompanied with their original papers, to show their medical history & if they had been given drugs that are banned by the FDA & CFIA in animals intended for human consumption, yet this is impossible & rarely the case since so many horses have gone through multiple owners, are bought at auction & have even been stolen.
The most common drug that is given to horses, is Bute(Phenylbutazone) which is an analgesic (relieves pain) and anti-inflammatory medication, that is as common in horses, as aspirin is to people. The warning label reads; Health risks. Humans should not inhale or ingest Bute. Wash hands immediately after administering Bute. In humans, bone marrow, renal, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects are associated with use of Phenylbutazone.
Bute is a drug that is not only banned in animals intended for human consumption, but a drug that never leaves the system once it had been administered. Tests may say that the carcass is free of Bute, but the tests is not done on the part of the carcass where Bute can be found (in the Kidneys). Therefore, no amount of guaranteeing a horse that has ever had Bute given to them, will ever make their meat safe to eat. Racehorses are also commonly sent to slaughter plants & we know they are given Bute, as is the case with any privately owned horse.
There has never been & never will be any way possible to ensure that horses going to slaughter, for the purpose of human consumption, are free of drugs such as Bute, yet no one in the Government seems to care. Why? Because horse slaughter is a great way to pad their wallets? That must be it, because there is not one benefit to horse slaughter, that isn’t monetary & that is only for those who benefit directly from the slaughter industry, which is only the people who are involved with horse slaughter (buyers, transporters, people in the plant, horse racing, PMU farms, Nurse mares, etc.) & the Government.
So I ask you, why is it not ok to allow consumers to eat tainted pork, beef, chicken, turkey or fish, but it is perfectly acceptable to allow consumers to eat tainted horse meat.
I do understand that there are still people who do not know the realities of horse slaughter, but with all of the information out there & how easily it can be accessed, the time for excuses, wool pulling, head in the sand & cover up’s are over, it is time for action & the majority of Canadians, as well as many other people in many other countries, are demanding that horse slaughter be abolished once & for all. We will not be quiet & we will not stop, until horse slaughter & the import/export of horses for slaughter has been banned, forever.
Its the voters who put you into office & once there it is not only your job, it is your responsibly to listen to the people who put their trust in you.
Thank you for taking the time to really look into these truths.
I am just extremely passionate about ending the needless horse slaughter. I am adding links to videos that I really do hope you will take the time to view. I am also including the video of the former killer buyer, who confessed to the horrors the horses go through during transport to the slaughter plants.
I understand that this is just one person saying these things, but this is common practice with kill buyers & transporters.
I do understand that some people think the undercover investigations were faked, which I can assure you were not. There is no way possible to fake such inhumane practices. I also understand that many can not bring themselves to view these videos, but I beg of you to do so. I have seen every one of them & through the tears of my broken heart & infuriating rage, I managed to pull myself together & fight even harder to stop this. If you were to watch these or even read the reports, I promise you that you will agree that this is not even sort of ok.
Another point I am desperately trying to make is that horse meat is extremely unsafe for human consumption & these investigations do prove it. Just read the reports aboutButealone. I will let you get on with your day, I just ask that you please have enough heart to look at this, watch the videos & read the reports. By getting behind Bill C-322 & helping to end horse slaughter, it will not only save our horses, it will save human lives & be a part of history.
I will start with the most recent investigation (July 13 & 14. 2011), followed by the older ones & finally the testimony of a former killer buyer. Below the link to the 3 heart-wrenching & extremely unjust videos on the CHDC page “Chambers of Carnage”, you can read the reports of the veterinarians who viewed this atrocity & wrote reports on it. I know that it was said during that forum that if there was something that could be heard from veterinarians, then views about horse slaughter may change, well as you will see, there are detailed reports by qualified veterinarians, who have spoken out about what they have seen, what they know & why horse slaughter is not only inhumane, but dangerous to the people who work in the slaughter plants, as well as the consumers who eat horse meat.
Here is my reply to John.
You’re welcome. Maybe one day you will click on the links & see the truth about horse slaughter, I’d be really interested in how you feel about it afterwards.
Thanks so much for your extensive e-mail about horse slaughter and the realities of it.
Lethbridgeand Coaldale is Mr. Jim Hillyar. His office is in downtownLethbridge.
Thanks again for your concern and interest in the horse slaughter issue.
I must apologize once again, when listening to the video that was taken of your response to my question about Bill C-322, you said you would have to read the Bill, I should have sent you a copy. I will give you a link to it, so you may do so. I do hope that you will really look into this & see for yourself, the reality of it all.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my email, I am sure however, that if you had taken a look at the videos, your view of horse slaughter would drastically change. If not for the inhumane aspects of horse slaughter, then at least for the health issues associated with horse meat.
It is impossible to say you are an avid horse lover, while supporting the torture, abuse & horrific way in which they are so inhumanely & improperly killed at the slaughter plants, not to mention the torture & fear they go through during transport. Many horses are horribly injured, downed & even killed during transport.
You are the one who told me about that forum in Coaldale & that I should come there & bring up the subject of horse slaughter. I told you as you were handing me the signs & buttons that I felt we had to get NDP in office because you are the only party who want to end horse slaughter & who actually realize that it’s poisoning people.
You just stood there & said “Yea, absolutely”, but once asked in front of the towns people what your stand on horse slaughter was, you said “As long as it’s done in a humane way & we take care of our wild horses & to leave it up to the vets & have the veterinarian inspection systems look after it & ensure that they are not stressed when they are shot or killed, but at this point you have no reason to believe that there is anything wrong with this Bill.
Well, I have provided you with more than you have asked for, to prove to you that those horses ARE in fact stressed when shot & killed, yet I know by your reply that you have not even looked at any of it.
Well I did & I must be honest, when I heard that you support horse slaughter, I lost a lot of respect for you. I am not the only one who was surprised to hear that an NDP was for horse slaughter, everyone I have spoken to since, have all been shocked.
As for Jim Hillyer, I had lost respect for him long ago, when I had first brought this to his attention & he not only ignored my emails, he had one of his aids doing the dirty work for him. If I wanted someone’s aid to view the videos & look at the facts, I would address my emails & letters to them. I have sent numerous emails to Jim Hillyer, only to hear back from one of his aids & I was told that Mr. Hillyer has no interest in viewing the facts & that he was waiting for the next reading of Bill C-322 before he makes his decision on whether he if for or against horse slaughter, that time has come & gone & he still refuses to say a word. As far as I am concerned, if an elected official does not care about such serious matters & ones that most Canadians are against, than he is of no use to me, or to Canada.
With the highest cowboy boot per capita ratio in the country, Alberta would seem the most natural place in Canada for wild horses to roam.
Crammed into a small pen, they were so emaciated their hip and rib bones were showing. Some were crippled, and others listless with swollen jaws consistent with equine distemper, according to interviews and sheriff’s reports. Witnesses reported no food or water in the pen, located in Albuquerque’s South Valley.
A Bernalillo County deputy, with help from the District Attorney’s Office, filed 16 counts of animal cruelty and neglect against the owner of the horses, Dennis V. Chavez.
Now that same Dennis V. Chavez faces new allegations of animal cruelty and neglect involving horses at his Los Lunas livestock auction business in a case that has made international news.
To view email online, please click here.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is giving the public just 13 days to comment on an Environmental Assessment (EA) for its proposed roundup and removal of 630 wild horses from the Jackson Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA) in northwestern Nevada.
The BLM’s Carson City Field Office oversees 21 Herd Areas in a state where over half of the nation’s remaining wild horses and burros reside. The Carson City BLM is seeking public comments on revisions to its Resource Management Plan, which sets the land use policy for this area north of Reno.
This is the stage in the planning process where public comments can make a real difference in shaping the final policy that will affect wild horses and burros for the next 10-20 years. Please demand fairer and more humane treatment for Nevada’s wild horses and burros and take easy action by clicking here or below.
The fine pedigree of Royale with Speed), grandson of the legendary racehorse Secretariat, was not enough to spare him from the cruel fate suffered by over 100,000 American horses a year. Dumped at a killpen in Iowa, he was found by PETA investigators who tracked the plight of 33 horses on a brutal 1,100-mile, 36-hour journey in subfreezing temperatures to a Canadian slaughterhouse.
Last week, the BLM announced that it was moving forward with philanthropist and wild horse advocate Madeleine Pickens’ proposal to develop a wild horse ecosanctuary in Elko, Nevada. The ecosanctuary would offer a home on the range at Mrs. Pickens’ 14,000-acre ranch for 900 captured wild horses currently held in BLM short-term holding facilities.
Thanks to you, the BLM received over 4,000 comments opposing the removal of burros from the Piute Mountain Herd Area and from outside the Chocolate-Mule Mountains Herd Management Area in southern California. The growing outrage over the BLM’s roundup and removal of burros from the Mojave Desert drew the attention of the Huffington Post, which ran an article that featured footage of burro abuse by a BLM helicopter.
WASHINGTON (April 27, 2012)-The Humane Society of the United States issued a report detailing the food safety risks associated with consuming meat that originates in American horses. Horses in the U.S. are primarily used for companionship or competition, therefore they are not treated in the same way as animals raised for human consumption. Horses are commonly given pharmaceuticals that have been banned for use in food-producing animals by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Commission’s Food and Veterinary Office.
Americans don’t eat horses, but each year more than 100,000 U.S. horses are transported over the border to be slaughtered in Canada and Mexico, and the meat is exported for consumption in the European Union and Japan. Indeed, research shows that horses originating in the U.S. comprise a large percentage of the total slaughterhouse output of Canada and Mexico. The EU has found horsemeat from Mexican slaughterhouses contains harmful residues of several EU prohibited substances. A study of the medical records of race horses sent to slaughter shows that horses with a history of phenylbutazone use are making their way to slaughter plants despite the United States’ and other countries’ ban of the use of the drug in food producing animals. Phenylbutazone, commonly called “bute,” is an anti-inflammatory regularly given to horses, and it is known to be hazardous to humans, even in trace amounts.
In 2010, the European Commission’s Food and Veterinary Office evaluated food safety standards for imported horsemeat and found that many countries do not keep adequate veterinary pharmaceutical records nor are there systems in place to differentiate those equines raised for human consumption from those that are not. Therefore, effective July 2013, the EU will require that all horses presented for slaughter at EU-certified plants in countries which export horsemeat to the EU have a veterinary record listing all medications they have been given over their lifetime. This new regulation would render nearly all American horses ineligible for foreign slaughter.
The Humane Society of the United States and Front Range Equine Rescue have filed legal petitions with both the FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to block companion, working and show horses from being slaughtered for human consumption, due to the associated health risks. The petition documents more than 110 examples of drugs and other substances which are, or potentially should be, prohibited in food-producing horses, describes the horrible way in which horses die at slaughterhouses, and outlines the environmental devastation that has been associated with slaughter plants.
Even though horses are not currently slaughtered for human consumption in the U.S., our horses are still being subjected to intense suffering and abuse through transport and slaughter over the border. Undercover footage shows live horses being dragged, whipped, and crammed into trucks in with interior temperatures reaching 110 degrees. Horses are often shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water, or rest. Pregnant mares, foals, injured horses, and even blind horses must endure the journey.
In November 2011, Congress chose not to renew a prohibition on spending tax dollars to facilitate horse slaughter, which had been in place for five years, potentially opening the door for a return of horse slaughter plants on American soil, despite broad opposition in this country to the practice. USDA documented a history of abuse and cruelty at the U.S. plants, including employees whipping horses in the face, horses giving birth on the killing floors, and horses arriving with gruesome injuries.
It is not only horses who are old, sick and infirm which fall victim to horse slaughter. USDA statistics show that 92 percent of all horses sent to slaughter arrive in “good” condition-meaning they are sound, in good health and could go on to lead productive lives.
Horse slaughter actually prevents horse rescue; rescue operators are routinely outbid by killer buyers at auctions.
The operation of horse slaughterhouses has a negative environmental impact. All three of the last domestic plants to close were in violation of local environmental laws related to the disposal of blood and other waste materials.
Congress is considering the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, S. 1176 introduced by Sens. Mary Landrieu, D-La., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and H.R. 2966 introduced by Reps. Dan Burton, R-Ind., and Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., to prevent horse slaughter plants from opening in the U.S. and stop the export of American horses for the purpose of slaughter in Canada and Mexico.
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization – backed by 11 million Americans, or one of every 28. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty – On the Web at humanesociety.org.
Equine Experts Unite to Ban Horse Slaughter.
How does one put into words the total disgust, outrage, anger, frustration and incredulous disbelief one experiences when faced with the outright complacent attitudes and inactivity of government officials which our tax dollars provide affluent lifestyles for…while all our shouts of protest and calls for positive action are totally ignored. Well one cannot put into one word the emotions as described above.
While U.S. advocates continue to battle to Save America’s Horses, while the U.S. government fails to honor the Legal Bill passed so long ago to protect designated lands provided for wild horses and burros within the States….the special interest groups continue to fill the political coffers in their unending campaign to ensure that the Bureau of Land Management continues brutal roundups, the capture of an Historical Icon and ship these terrified, injured and magnificent horses thousands of miles to end their lives in the most horrific manner imaginable.
While all this is going on in the United Sates, Canadian wild horses are facing the same prejudice, the same round ups and the same horrors in slaughterhouses within Canada. It is bad enough that Canada enables the U.S. slaughter by importing U.S. horses into this country….to know that our own horses face these very same horrors is mind blowing.
Petition: Stop the SLAUGHTER of Wild Horses in Alberta!
Horses have a right to live and be free. They should be afforded the rights and protection of other species of wildlife and not considered a nuisance or a pest. As with the grizzly bear, moose, deer, elk or mountain sheep they are an important part of the overall ecological make-up of this unique area of Alberta.
The horse became an important animal in helping settle and open this province. Our entire western culture and heritage focuses around horses and the chores that they performed for us. The horse broke the land, hauled produce and helped harvest our forests and crops. They helped the ranchers in the operation of their cattle ranches. They were an important part of the everyday life of the early Albertans being the only means of transportation.
As late as 1985 there were estimated to be over a thousand free roaming wild horses in the foothills of Alberta. Today less than 300 hundred remain in Alberta and those are being killed as well.
Now even domestic Canadian horses are losing their lives and the lives of their new born to the government policies within this country. Should we be surprised……nothing surprises this writer any more. The horrors just keep piling in, every single day, every single week, each and every year!!!!!
Mare sniffing her dead foal which was killed moments after it was born !!!!!
The decision to end provincial funding for Ontario’s harness racing may kill more than the industry – it’s resulting in the death of an unknown number of this year’s crop of new foals.
QMI Agency spoke to a number of sources who say breeders are now are euthanizing their foals moments after birth because they fear financial ruin if they have to raise the horses with no chance of recouping their investment.
The practice is happening because of the cost of raising horses, which can approach $10,000 — not including stud fees which range between $2,500 and $20,000.
Standardbred Canada Registrar Pat Kennedy said her organization’s figures show 130 stallions bred nearly 4,000 mares in Ontario. The number of foals resulting is estimated to be in the 70% range, meaning 3,000 births this year.
She said the crisis means owners may not breed mares, nor register them.
A local horse owner who asked not to be identified, said euthanizing healthy foals began at the start of the birthing season — about a month ago.
Richard Moylan, a thoroughbred stallion breeder based out of Orangeville, felt “shocked and disgusted” when he read in the Sun that funding to the horse racing industry is coming to an end. He’s seen here with a foal born Friday.
Horse breeders have been brought to tears at the news that the end of the racetrack slots-revenue sharing program is going to result in the death of hundreds of horses.
Canadians: Act Now to Ban Horse Slaughter!
PETA is asking Canadians to act to get horse slaughter banned.
Also, Jillian Michaels adopted a Thoroughbred who appeared in the video. This Thoroughbred was on his way to slaughter.
A Benefit Concert was held on Saturday, April 7, at the Ice House in downtown Evergreen, to raise money for vet costs and proper feed for rescued horses: The concert was a success.
The six horses were taken from Echo Valley Ranch in Bailey on Feb. 23 after Routt County authorities called the Park County Sheriff’s Office, said Park County Undersheriff Monte Gore.
Horse owners Ron Swift and Randal Hatlee have each been charged with three counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty and will appear in Park County Court, Gore said.
Routt County officers were checking on a previously abused horse they had sent to the ranch and were concerned about the gaunt appearance of several horses. Park County sent code enforcement officers to investigate.
While other horses on the property looked healthy, six appeared to be underfed, according to Gore.
Since being taken into custody at undisclosed clinics, the horses have been doing well. They each gained anywhere from 10 to 72 pounds in 15 days, which points to the theory that they were underfed, Gore said.
It has been learned that one of the horses named Maggie died. It has also been learned that these rescued horses were, by order of the Court, returned to the owners!! Ridiculous and unacceptable!!!!
“Severely neglected (photos available) horses were awarded back to Ron Swift, as per judge Green of Park County, yesterday.
We organized a highly publicized fundraiser to pay the vet bill to nurse these animals back. One died, another was found frozen on ground near death. Remaining horses were moved to undisclosed location vet due to high publicity.
Court date is May 15th, they must not be permanently returned, they will not survive the coming winter. Against all common sense and facts these horses were ordered returned like pawns for political vendettas or personal agendas. It is a disgrace. Those assigned to protect these innocents from further suffering and abuse ought to get a clue what their job duties are and remain. These horses just survived a terrible fate – and were returned to the same place where they were neglected. How is that for American common sense and professional integrity ??? Had the first vet, on whose presence Mr. Steven Sullivan, Park county Deputy District Attorney, so relies on… done her job and Swift fed/cared for the horses, we would not have this conversation.
Not sure what more evidence this District Attorney needs to see, as what the rest of the world sees in this mess is enough to make Park County a place of embarrassment, bloody cover ups and ignorance. I hope people up there wake up to the scheme that is played out and how defenseless horses have become pucks in a hockey game of blind poking matches.
Thank you Undersheriff and deputies for having seized the horses, as they would have surely died. One can only hope your continued baby sit services to monitor these horses at tax payers expenses will not be needed, as they ought to be relinquished to good homes who remember that domesticated horses can’t be reversed into “wild” ones, especially when fenced in.
Please sign the above petition and share. Thank you.
What is needed now is a public support campaign by Park county residents, constituents of the system deciding the fate of these horses.
1) The claim that a vet was on sight or having treated these animals prior to seizure ought to be scrutinized further, to a higher instance, which I believe is the State Veterinarian Board.
(When horses were seized they improved thereafter immediately, see weight chart, photos available provided by Park Cty).
The above slide show photos show the 2 year old colt, weighing about 300 lbs. instead of 700 or more, who was hauled in on Feb. 16 under the Routt County impound. He wears a foal’s blanket in the slide show! The other horse to be impounded along with him by Routt County had already died. You can see the other horses in his herd at the end of the slide show may be in even worse condition.
2) Two veterinarians’ affidavit’s ought to be mandated in any case of advanced neglect, whether the claimed cause/reasons of found health status are illness, neglect or abuse. In a case such as this, where as doubt exists clearly based on evidence of photos taken of said horses showing their advanced state of neglect, the claimed fact of a vet having treated said horses prior to seizure (Feb.16) needs to be investigated, with said vet records being subpoenad as evidence. (Affidavit by other vet treating the colt impounded by Routt Cty. and on same property in same horrific condition, could be obtained for the investigation by authorities prosecuting this case).
3) Public knowledge and awareness of these inconsistencies existing within a system, whereas individuals assigned to carry out a job duty to protect said animals from further suffering, is a necessary tool to continue the momentum in the publicity this case has generated. Anyone knowing anyone residing in Park County ought to be contacted and inquired upon to lend their support to this campaign by expressing their concern in regards to the surrender to said horses back to the bad situation out of which they were rescued by Animal Control, who did their job in the nick of time to save these horses. One horse, to be impounded with the colt by Routt county, died, and the deplorable conditions of others in photos speak volumes and truth.
4) The fact that they were returned with “no probable cause” is not acceptable, as there is sufficient evidence (photos of their condition at seizure date), and a complete absence of common sense resulting in this mess. Animal Control has done its job by seizing the animals out of danger. For horses to be returned before criminal investigation is over and prior to said court date of May 15th is imprudent, reflecting a total lack of integrity on District Attorney’s part to carry out his job duties in what he is assigned to do.
5) A reminder to officials/decision makers in this case that the public is watching is the only hope these horses have.
The next goal is to find LOCAL support by residents of Park county, which requires all of us to find people who reside there, get them informed on this questionable conduct by a few within a system that has too long gone on unnoticed, get a public push to “clean house” before there is no animal welfare, civil rights, or due process left. Residents of Park Cty. can demand these horses not be returned permanently and to further prohibit Swift from having horses, as he seems neither capable nor willing to care for them, whatever may be the reasons. Probation or a misdemeanor is not going to prevent them from the coming winter or/and the consequences thereof.
6) Letters. Any contacts willing to join forces in a letter campaign prior to court date, please send them the photos attached. It does not take an Einstein nor a horse “expert” to assess the evidence on these photos and horses’ debilitated advanced state of neglect, with Chance being near Henneke 1. The system needs reminding by the public what their job duties are, whom they serve and the public to demand them to be carried out with a public pressure campaign. I ask that you all get involved with this next step – find Park county residents to drum up support. I believe the D.A. is elected and I can only hope he will not get another term, if this injustice will be his responsibility.
In this time of age where political agendas and corruption reckon over the very welfare and protection of animals, and whereas some within a system simply fail to carry out their job duties, we as a people are the only hope for these animals. This case clearly reflects the need to carry on with our pressure. As the animals were seized under court order, I was told by Park County Animal Control that a judge from Canon City (Fremont Cty.) signed the court order. Since Deputy D.A. Steve Sullivan is in the position to push for justice and has apparently not done so, either by failing to present evidence or claiming a cause – the judge had no choice in this but to return the animals. So the problem may lay with the D.A. as it has seemingly been for a long time and he had no comment in this case to protect the horses. Park county perhaps too long has been a place of unnoticed injustices against animals – carried out by some with a fancy title, personal agenda or financial motives, yet ineffective to protect those they are assigned to protect and therefore become pawns of political agendas in the end. Since the Dept. of Agriculture, the Bureau of Animal Protection and its “professional agents” once again seem to conveniently stay out of the matter, I ask that you step up and continue to support this mission.
If court date of May 15th (Tuesday) stands for this case, a protest in Fairplay could be a step to lend our voices.
Prosecutors, probation officers, and police should always urge the court to make forfeiture of the animal victims part of the sentence imposed in a cruelty or fighting case. In some states, the court is at liberty to direct return of some or all of the animals to the owner even following a conviction. Laws should be drafted to require forfeiture as part of the sentence in all animal fighting cases and in most if not all cruelty cases.
Securing a conviction in an animal cruelty or animal fighting case is just part of the goal of the prosecution. Ensuring that animal victims are not returned to their abusers when the criminal case is over is equally important to ensuring a just and humane result in these cases.
In the digital age, local issues have increasingly become global. The Canadian East Coast commercial seal slaughter — the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world — is a case in point. Footage of live gaffing, injured seals escaping into the water to die slowly, and piles of baby seal carcasses left to rot on the ice have resulted in international condemnation and officials in global markets rejecting these products of cruelty.
And with recent bans on the trade in harp seal skins in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, what little market remained for the Canadian sealing industry following the 2009 European Union prohibition on seal product trade has now been eliminated. Let’s not forget that the United States, Mexico and others have also implemented similar bans, and despite millions in taxpayer dollars spent by the federal government, markets in China have failed to materialize.
With so many international markets closed, one of the largest Canadian seal processing companies, NuTan Furs Inc., announced it would stop processing seals and shift its operations to other products. Yet in an unbelievably irresponsible move, the government of Newfoundland announced on April 5 that it will provide $3.6 million to subsidize the foreign-owned Carino Processing Limited so that they will now add to the 400,000 seal furs already reportedly stockpiled in warehouses around the globe.
This additional subsidy is a fraction of the cost that taxpayers will be picking up this year to sustain the dying commercial seal slaughter. Additional taxpayer money is used for, among other things, Coast Guard support for the seal hunt including icebreaking services, grants to seal product processors and marketers, and costly international legal challenges to try to reverse seal product trade bans.
These government handouts will not be enough to hold back the other reason this slaughter will end. Climate change has caused a steady deterioration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and off of the front of Newfoundland. Harp seals depend on sea ice for whelping, and according to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, harp seal pup mortality in areas where ice does not form or breaks up too early can be as high as 100 per cent.
Climate change not only causes high mortality in harp seals. Ultimately, it will cause the sea ice — and surviving seals on it — to recede north, beyond the range of the commercial sealing industry.
The end of the commercial sealing industry is inevitable. It’s time to take the politics out of the debate and redirect wasted taxpayer-supported subsidies to buy out the sealing licenses and to provide truly sustainable economic development programs to affected rural communities on the East Coast of Canada.
The economic and climate change realities are not lost on those actually doing the sealing. A 2010 poll revealed that half of Newfoundland sealers who expressed an opinion actually supported a sealing industry buyout. What is now needed is a sealing industry push to compel the political leadership at the provincial and federal levels to make it a reality.
Economic and environmental realities are aligning the interests of sealers and animal protection groups. Canada can move beyond commercial sealing, but only when our two sides stand together with a united message: The government must buy out sealing licenses and fund a transition to new and sustainable industries. When this happens, everybody on both sides will wonder why it took so long to come to such a sensible outcome.
CFAWR Challenges P.M. Harper and the Honourable Kathy Dunderdale: Do the RIGHT thing: End the Seal Hunt!!
It’s been a good couple of months for the Science and Conservation Center, a Billings-based nonprofit that develops wildlife contraceptives.
The center produces porcine zona pellucida (PZP), which is the active ingredient in a contraceptive vaccine.
In February, the Environmental Protection Agency approved the vaccine for use in wild horses, meaning there’s the possibility that demand for it will increase significantly.
With the demand for the only EPA-approved wild horse contraceptive vaccine comes the need to produce more, and on Monday, the center got additional good news on that front with the announcement of a $100,000 grant from The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) to help expand its Henry Bergh Training Annex, named after the ASPCA’s founder.
“We were very impressed that this very tiny staff could really change how we deal with wild horses in this country,” said Jacque Schultz, senior director of the ASPCA Equine Fund.
SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES takes Kansas City Film Fest by storm with it’s powerful and lingering message. The international award winning film made a powerful impact on festival goers in Kansas City and was the film everyone was talking about all week long. “That’s very good for horses,” says Paula Bacon, former mayor Kaufman TX.
As anticipation escalated for the film to screen so did nature’s fury with supercell tornadoes shutting down airports and delaying flights. That same perfect storm was heading straight for Kansas City, but it didn’t stop Paula Bacon, (former mayor Kaufman TX) and Dr Lester Friedlander, (former USDA Chief Inspector) from appearing and speaking at the Kansas City screen’s premiere.
Festival goers were stunned by Dr. Friedlander’s statements underscoring how federal laws do not protect the horses in the U.S. “USDA vets are pressured by the slaughter plant owners to overlook violations to cruelty laws so they can make more money,” Friedlander said.
The horses’ presence was seen and felt everywhere, throughout the festival, with gorgeous life size SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES displays in the lobbies and entryways at multiple festival venues and after parties. The SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES promo spot starring Paula Bacon, Paul Sorvino and Linda Gray played at the top of every movie all week long as excitement mounted for the film to screen.
Paula Bacon, one of the film’s lead cast and speakers in SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is also an Executive Advisory Board member for the film. Dr Lester Friedlander is a cast and speaker for the film project and Katia Louise is the director/ producer of the film.
SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES – A NATION BETRAYED is an educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation, a 501 c3 nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving horses.
Voted most popular film in the KC Film Festival, SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES is currently showcasing through festivals and has won multiple international awards.
Concerned citizens and horse advocates are encouraged to support the SAVING AMERICA’S HORSES Coast to Coast campaign to help bring this film to public release.
The head of the NYPD’s Mounted Unit had three retired police horses put down at a Pennsylvania farm — as shocked veterinarians and animal-cruelty officials watched in disbelief.
Capt. Barry Gelbman gave the highly questionable order to fatally inject three of the Finest’s former workhorses while personally supervising the move of 30 police horses from the Abbottstown stable to two other farms, sources said.
More than three hundred horses were put down in New Mexico alone in 2009.
This story appears in the April 30, 2012 NFL Draft issue of ESPN The Magazine. Subscribe today!
TELLER ALL GONE was not a horse of distinction until he was dead. In fact, he was so unexceptional when he was alive, the details of his biography remain hazy. According to the Lazy E Ranch in Guthrie, Okla., the farm where he was born, he was foaled on Feb. 12, 2009, from Algonquin, sired by Teller Cartel and registered with the American Quarter Horse Association as a sorrel gelding. But according to a video once posted online by the ranch, he might have been a she, a brown filly foaled from Check Her Twice.
Whatever his gender and dam, Teller All Gone definitely traveled as a yearling from Oklahoma to New Mexico, where he was auctioned at Ruidoso but passed through without a buyer. He went on to run three races at Ruidoso Downs last summer, placing second once, earning $1,570. Here, there is no debate. The money is always exact.
A heard of wild horses in winter.
CALGARY — A record number of wild horses were captured in Alberta this year — a sevenfold increase from the average — and many are slaughtered for their meat, said the president of the Wild Horses of Alberta Society.
Alberta allows for the humane capture of wild horses, and in the last five years an average of 30 horses have been captured per year.
Refuge RR is without water again, please, they need donations, it cost 300$ everytime a truck comes to deliver water, and that lasts only 3 to 4 days so that the animals can drink, now they are without funds and money and the animals have no more water. They get no financial assistance from the government.
The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), an AWHPC coalition partner, has given a $100,000 grant to the Center for Science and Conservation in Billings, Montana to support the training of personnel to administer the PZP fertility control vaccine to wild horses. | 2019-04-22T10:37:41Z | https://giftofloki.com/2012/04/ |
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Magnolol, a plant lignan isolated from the bark and seed cones of Magnolia officinalis, has been shown to have chemopreventive effects on chemically-induced skin cancer development. The objectives of this investigation are to study the anticarcinogenic effects of magnolol on UVB-induced skin tumor development in SKH-1 mice, a model relevant to humans, and determine the possible role of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest involved in the skin tumor development.
UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis model in SKH-1 mice was used for determining the preventive effects of magnolol on skin cancer development. Western blottings and flow cytometric analysis were used to study the effects of magnolol on apoptosis and cell cycle.
Magnolol pretreated groups (30, 60 μ g) before UVB treatments (30 mJ/cm2, 5 days/week) resulted in 27-55% reduction in tumor multiplicity as compared to control group in SKH-1 mice. Magnolol pretreatment increased the cleavage of caspase-8 and poly-(-ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), increased the expression of p21, a cell cycle inhibitor, and decreased the expression of proteins involved in the G2/M phase of cell cycle in skin samples from SKH-1 mice.
Treatment of A431 cells with magnolol decreased cell viability and cell proliferation in a concentration dependent manner. Magnolol induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest in A431 cells at 12 h with a decreased expression of cell cycle proteins such as cyclin B1, cyclin A, CDK4, Cdc2 and simultaneous increase in the expression of Cip/p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Magnolol induced apoptosis in vivo and in vitro with an increased cleavage of caspase-8 and PARP. Phospho-signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (Tyr705), B-Raf, p-MEK, and p-AKT were down-regulated, whereas phosphorylation of ERK was induced by magnolol in A431 cells.
Magnolol pretreatments prevent UVB-induced skin cancer development by enhancing apoptosis, causing cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase, and affecting various signaling pathways. Magnolol could be a potentially safe and potent anticarcinogenic agent against skin cancer.
In the United States, human, non-melanoma skin cancers are most frequently diagnosed in Caucasians, accounting for over 3.5 million cases each year . American Cancer Society estimates indicated 11,980 deaths from skin cancer in 2011 . The major causative factor for skin cancer is UV radiation from sunlight [3, 4]. Both experimental and epidemiological evidences suggest UVB is an important component of solar radiation that acts as a complete carcinogen by initiating and promoting skin cancer [5, 6]. Estimates show that one among five Americans will develop skin cancer . UV radiation, besides resulting in characteristic DNA damage, also causes tumor promotion by inducing various signal transduction pathways which can lead to distinct cellular responses including cell proliferation, transformation, and cell death [8, 9]. Mechanisms that suppress tumorigenesis involve the modulation of signal transduction pathways leading to arrest in the cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. It has been proposed that sunscreens alone are not sufficient in preventing skin cancer, thus there is a need for more effective ways to prevent this malignancy [10, 11]. For this reason, chemoprevention of skin cancer by natural compounds has gained importance in recent years [12, 13]. More than 1000 phytochemicals have shown chemopreventive effects against cancer [14–16], and one such phytochemical is magnolol, whose effects are investigated for the prevention of skin cancer in this study.
Magnolol and honokiol are phenolic compounds obtained from the bark and seed cones of Magnolia officinalis which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Recently, we have reported the chemopreventive effects of honokiol on UVB-induced skin cancer development in mice . Honokiol and magnolol are isomers and share a number of biological properties. Studies have demonstrated that magnolol has multiple pharmacological properties such as antioxidant , anti-inflammatory , and central nervous system depressant effects . It has been reported that magnolol delayed the formation of papillomas in mouse skin initiated by 7,12-dimethylbenz (α) anthracene (DMBA) and promoted by 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) .
For the first time, in this study, we reported the effects of magnolol on UVB-induced skin cancer development in SKH-1 mice. Since UVB induces squamous cell carcinoma in mice, the effects of magnolol on human epidermoid squamous cell carcinoma A431 cells were investigated to elucidate the possible mechanisms of action. The effects of magnolol were investigated on UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 mice, a model relevant to human cancer where UVB acts as complete carcinogen. Loss of apoptosis and rapid cell proliferation are major factors responsible for tumorigenesis , therefore, the present study focuses on the effects of magnolol on apoptosis, cell survival pathways and cell cycle arrest.
Signal transduction and activators of transcription 3 (STAT 3) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling play a major role in apoptosis, proliferation, and tumor promotion [23, 24]. Overactivity of the MAPK pathway has been shown to be involved in cancer promotion and development [25–27]. Therefore, we investigated the effects of magnolol on the modulation of STAT3 and MAPK signaling pathways.
Magnolol was purchased from Nacalai tesque (Kyoto, Japan). Thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide (MTT) and other chemicals of analytical grade were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Cell proliferation ELISA kit was purchased from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Mannheim, Germany). Vibrant Apoptosis Kit 2 and APO-BrdU TUNEL assay kit were purchased from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). The primary antibodies such as cleaved caspase-3, cleaved caspase-8, pSTAT3-Tyr705, pSTAT3-Ser445, pMEK1/2, B-Raf and cleaved PARP were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA). Primary Antibodies such as Cdc25A, Cdc25B, Cdc25C, p-Cdc25C, CDK-2, CDK-4, Cyclin B1, Cyclin A, Cdc2p34, p-ERK1/2, p-AKT, PCNA, anti-mouse IgG horseradish peroxidase-linked and anti-rabbit IgG horseradish peroxidase-linked secondary antibodies were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, CA). Anti-Kip1/p27 antibody was purchased from BD-Pharmingen (San Diego, CA) and anti-Cip1/p21 antibody from Upstate Biotechnology (Lake Placid, NY).
Human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA). A431 cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% heat inactivated fetal bovine serum, 100 unit/ml of penicillin and 100 ug/ml of streptomycin in a humidified atmosphere containing 95% air and 5% CO2 at 37°C. For treatments of cell cultures, magnolol was dissolved in DMSO to make a 50 mM stock solution, this stock solution was diluted in DMEM at different concentrations and was immediately used. In all assays the final concentration of DMSO in DMEM was 0.4%.
Five to six week old female SKH-1 mice were purchased from Charles River Laboratories (Wilmington, MA, USA). Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approvals were obtained for all experimental protocols. Mice were housed under climate-controlled environment with a 12 hours light/dark cycle and were provided with free access to food and water during the experiment.
Four FS-40-T-12 UVB lamps were used as UVB light source. UVB exposure dose was controlled by integrating dosimeters manufactured by Daavlin Corporation (Bryan, OH, USA).
Five to six weeks old female SKH-1 mice were randomly divided into four groups of 20 each. Carcinogenesis was initiated and promoted by UVB, dose (30 mJ/cm2) for 5 days a week (monday-friday). This is a dose close to the UVB human exposure causing cancer development . Group 1 served as control and received 200 μ l of acetone, group 2, group 3 and group 4 received 30 μ g, 45 μ g and 60 μ g of magnolol in 200 μ l of acetone respectively. Treatments were administered topically one hour before UVB exposure. The experiment was carried out for 25 weeks. Tumor counts and body weights were recorded on weekly basis for 25 weeks. Results were analyzed for tumor incidence, multiplicity and area.
Mice were euthanized by cervical dislocation at the end of the above mentioned protocol. Skin collected from five animals per group was fixed by immersion in 10% neutral buffered formalin for three days at room temperature. Fixed tissues were processed into paraffin-wax blocks, sectioned and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and then evaluated under light microscope.
Tumor areas were quantified as described earlier [17, 29] by using images from tumor bearing mice which were taken at the end of 25 weeks. By using Photoshop CS3 (Adobe systems, San Jose, CA, USA) tumor boundaries were determined and areas were measured by using Image-Pro Plus 5.1 (Media Cybernetics, Inc, Bethesda, MD, USA).
A431 cells (9000 cells/well) were plated in 96 well plates. After 24 h, cells were treated with different concentrations of magnolol (75, 100, 125 μM) for 12 h, 24 h and 48 h, using cells treated with growth medium 0.4% DMSO as control. Cell viability was determined at the end of each treatment by using MTT assay as previously reported .
A431 cells (9000 cells/well) were plated in 96 well plates. After 24 h, cells were treated with different concentrations of magnolol (75, 100, 125 μM) or treated with growth medium 0.4% DMSO as control, for 48 h. At the end of the treatment, Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation assay was carried out using ELISA kit (Roche Diagnostics, GmbH, Manheim, Germany) using manufacturer protocol as previously reported from our laboratory . The experiment was repeated three times.
Apoptosis was quantified by using Vibrant Apoptosis Kit 2 (Molecular Probes) as previously reported from our laboratory . A431 cells (2 × 105)/well were plated in six well plates and after 24 h were treated with magnolol (100, 150 μM) for 48 h. Then cells were collected, washed and stained with annexin-V labeled with a fluorophore that binds to phosphatidylserine exposed on apoptotic cells. Also cells were treated with propidium iodide (PI) a DNA intercalator dye that stains dead cells. Samples were analyzed after staining with both dyes in BD FACScan flow cytometry and the percentages of apoptotic cells were evaluated using CellQuest software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA).
Apo-BrdU TUNEL assay kit (Molecular Probes) was used to quantify the amount of DNA fragmentation in magnolol treated A431 cells by using manufacturer's protocol as previously reported . Positive and negative control cells were run with each assay.
Subconfluent A431 cells plated in six well plates were treated with different concentrations of magnolol (75, 100, 125 μM) or control media for 12, 24 and 48 h. After each treatment, cells were harvested, washed and fixed in 70% ethanol in DPBS. Fixed cells were treated with 100 μ l of RNase A (1mg/ml) for 30 min at 37°C. After incubation, 900 μ l of staining buffer and 20 μ l of PI (Propidium iodide 1 mg/ml) were added to each sample and incubated for 30 min in the dark. The samples were analyzed with BD FACScan flow cytometry (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) using Cell Quest Software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) as previously reported [31, 32].
Tissue samples: Mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, then treated skin was collected, fat from skin was removed by scalpel, and then skin was homogenized in 0.1 mM Tris-HCl/0.15 M NaCl (pH 7.4). The homogenate was filtered and centrifuged at 10000g for 45 min in a Beckman J2-21 centrifuge (Brea, CA.), the obtained pellet was combined with 5% SDS, 0.5% leupeptin and pepstatin and 1% PMSF, then was passed through a 25G needle and centrifuged at 13000g for 20 min, the obtained supernatant was heated for 5 min at 100°C. Finally, protein concentrations were determined by BCA protein assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL), then separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blot.
For A431 cell lysates, 1.5 × 106 cells were plated in 100 mm culture dish. Subconfluent A431 cells were treated with varying concentrations of magnolol (75, 100, 125 μM) and DMEM 0.4% DMSO as control, for 24 and 48h. At the end of each treatment cells were lysed.
Protein concentrations for tissues and cells' proteins were determined by BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, IL) with albumin as standard.
The tissues or cells' proteins (50 μ g) were resolved by SDS-PAGE and were transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. The membranes were probed with appropriate antibodies followed by secondary antibody and detection by ECL plus detection system (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ). Equal protein loading is ensured by reprobing each membrane with β-actin antibody. Western blotting was repeated for 3-5 samples and representative bands from all replicated experiments are reported. Western blots were detected and quantified by using a UVB Biochem Gel Documentation system (UVP, Inc., Upland, CA) and this data were analyzed statistically.
INSTAT software (Graph Pad, San Diego, CA) was used to analyze data. Chi square analysis was used for the data on tumor incidence. Analysis of variance followed by Tukey's test was used for tumor multiplicity and area, as well as for Western blots and for various in vitro assays. Significance in all experiments was considered at p < 0.05. All values were expressed as mean ± standard error.
Pretreatment of animals with magnolol at all doses did not have any effects on weight gain (data not shown) and skin appearance of mice indicating the safety of magnolol at these doses.
The effects of magnolol pretreatment on the tumor incidence in SKH-1 mice are shown in Figure 1A. Tumor incidence was 100% in both the control and magnolol pretreated group (45 μ g) by the end of 25 weeks. Magnolol pretreatments with 30 and 60 μ g per application delayed the appearance of tumors as compared to control and 45 μ g magnolol applications. The results showed that tumor incidence was significantly lower during 21-25 weeks (p < 0.05) in the magnolol pretreated groups (30 and 60 μ g) as compared to control group. Overall, the magnolol pretreatments (30, 60 μ g) decreased tumor incidence compared with control at the end of the experiment. Interestingly, 45 μ g application of magnolol did not have any significant effect on UVB-induced tumor incidence.
The effects of magnolol pretreatment on tumor multiplicity are shown in Figure 1B. Topical application of 30, 45, 60 μ g of magnolol prior to UVB treatments showed protection against skin tumor development in SKH-1 mice. We found that tumor multiplicity is significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in the magnolol pretreated groups (30, 60 μ g) from 16 weeks to 25 weeks when compared to control group. At the end of the experiment, magnolol 30 μ g and 60 μ g pretreatments resulted in 27-55% decrease in tumor multiplicity respectively. Interestingly, the 45 μ g application of magnolol had lesser effects than the 30 μ g application, similar to the results for tumor incidence.
The effects of magnolol pretreatment on the ratio of total tumor area to total back area are shown in Figure 1C. In the control and magnolol pretreated groups (30, 45 and 60 μ g) the mean ratio of tumor area to total back area was 4.5%, 0.5%, 0.5%, 0.3% respectively, resulting in 87 - 93% reduction in tumor area with magnolol pretreatments compared to control. Unlike the data on tumor incidence and multiplicity, effects of 45 μ g application of magnolol had similar effects as 30 and 60 μ g applications. A representative picture showing gross appearance of the animals is shown in Figure 2.
Effects of magnolol treatment on UVB induced skin tumors in SKH-1 mice. Mice were exposed five days a week to 30 mJ/cm2 UVB one hour before different topical treatments. Control group (n = 20) was treated with 200 μ l of acetone. Treatment groups (n = 20 each) received 30, 45 or 60 μ g of magnolol dissolved in 200 μ l of acetone. Pictures were taken at the end of the 25th week. Animals were randomly chosen for the pictures.
The histopathological examination of the tumors after 25 weeks of treatments indicated that control and magnolol treated groups developed squamous cell carcinoma in the skin (Pictures not shown).
Epidermal lysates from mice skin of both control and magnolol pretreated groups were prepared at the end of the study. The effects of magnolol on caspase-8 and PARP cleavage, key proteins in apoptosis, are shown in Figure 3A. Topical application of magnolol significantly (p < 0.05) increased the cleavage of caspase-8 and PARP as compared to control.
Effects of magnolol on the expression and activation of proteins in UVB-induced photocarcinogenesis in SKH-1 mice. (A) Effects of magnolol on the cleavage of apoptotic proteins. Proteins were isolated from epidermal tissues of mice, lysates were prepared and subjected to Western blot analysis. β-actin was used to verify equal loading of the samples for each membrane. Bands are representative from three experiments. (B) Effects of magnolol pretreatment on the expression of cell cycle proteins. Proteins were extracted from the mice's back skin as mentioned in materials and methods. Lysates were subjected to Western blot analysis. β-actin was used as loading control. Bands are representative from three experiments.
Our studies on the effects of magnolol on human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells indicated that magnolol caused cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase (results reported later in the manuscript). Therefore, we investigated various proteins involved in G2/M phase of the cell cycle in skin samples collected from the various experimental groups. The effects of magnolol on cell cycle proteins from skin of experimental mice are shown in Figure 3B. Pretreatment of magnolol decreased the expression of Cyclin B1, Cyclin A, CDK-4 and Cdc25B but increased expression of Cdc2 and Cdc25A as compared to control. Topical application of magnolol to SKH-1 mice resulted in increased expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p21.
In order to further elucidate the mechanism of action of magnolol, in vitro effects of various concentrations of magnolol on human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells were investigated.
As this is the first time the effects of magnolol on human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells are investigated, MTT assay was conducted to determine the effects of magnolol on cell viability. A431 cells double in 24 hours [33, 34]; therefore we studied the effects of magnolol treatment at 12, 24 and 48 hours. Magnolol treatment (75-125 μM) showed a concentration and time dependent decrease in cell viability Figure 4A. Magnolol treatment did not show a significant effect at 12 h, but at 24h and 48 h treatment significantly decreased cell viability. The effects of magnolol at 48h may not be due to cell death but due to proliferation inhibition. As shown in Figure 4A, cell viability of magnolol treated cells compared to controls ranged from 100-98% at 12h, 80-70% at 24 h and 80 - 50% at 48 h.
Effects of magnolol on cell viability and cell proliferation in A431 cells. (A) Effects of magnolol on cell viability. A431 cells were treated with control media or magnolol (75-125 μM) for 12, 24 and 48 hours. At the end of the respective treatment MTT assay was performed. Values are expressed as mean ± SE of eight replicates in each treatment. (B) Effects of magnolol on cell proliferation in A431 cells. Cells were treated in similar conditions as described for MTT assay for 48 hours, and then BrdU incorporation assay was performed. Values are expressed as mean ± SE of three replicates in each treatment.
We investigated the effects of magnolol on cell proliferation in A431cells by BrdU incorporation assay. Magnolol (75-125 μM) at 48 hours treatment resulted in a 30 - 96% decrease in cell proliferation as compared to control. Figure 4B.
To investigate whether cell death caused by magnolol is an apoptotic response, cells were treated with magnolol (100, 150 μM) for 48 h, followed by annexin-V/PI staining using a Vibrant Apoptosis kit. The stained cells were analyzed through flow cytometry. As shown in Figure 5, early apoptotic cells are represented in the lower right quadrant and late apoptotic cells in the upper right quadrant. The results showed that magnolol treatments (100 and 150 μM) resulted in 14.2% and 31.4% of apoptosis respectively compared with DMEM 0.4% DMSO treated control showing 8.8% of apoptotic cells. These results suggest magnolol treatment induced a significant degree of apoptosis (p < 0.05) in a concentration dependent manner. This data supports the results from our animal experiments.
Effects of magnolol on apoptosis in A431 cells as assessed by annexin-V/PI staining. Cells were treated with magnolol (0-150 μM) for 48 h, at the end of the treatment adherent and non-adherent cells were collected and treated with annexin-V labeled with a fluorophore, which can identify apoptotic cells by binding to phosphatidylserine exposed on apoptotic cells; and with propidium iodide that stained dead cells. Dot plot of annexin-V (FL1-H)/PI (FL2-H) staining of A431 cells by flow cytometry. The lower right quadrant shows early apoptotic cells that are labeled with annexin-V, having green fluorescence. The upper right quadrant stained by annexin-V and PI indicates late apoptotic cells. The lower left quadrant contains viable cells which exclude PI and are negative for annexin-V staining, and the upper left quadrant are necrotic cells stained by PI only. The bar graph describes the percentages of apoptotic cells after each treatment. In each case data represent mean ± SE of three observations. *p < 0.05 indicates statistical significant difference in magnolol treated groups compared with the control.
TUNEL assay was performed in order to investigate the effects of magnolol on DNA fragmentation, which is hallmark of late apoptosis that commits cells to die. As shown in Figure 6A, M1 gate is used to indicate DNA fragmented cells. Compared with the DMEM 0.4% DMSO treated control showing 0.8% of DNA fragmentation, magnolol treated A431 cells at 100 and 150 μM resulted in 1.17% and 21% of DNA fragmentation after 48 hours treatment. These results suggest that 100 μM did not induce DNA fragmentation whereas 150 μM concentration significantly increased DNA fragmentation. Figure 6A.
Effects of magnolol on DNA fragmentation and activation of apoptotic proteins in A431 cells. (A) DNA fragmentation. Cells were treated with magnolol (0-150 μM) for 48 hours, at the end of the treatment, adherent and non-adherent cells were collected and subjected to TUNEL assay. The gate M1 includes the apoptotic cells with fragmented DNA, which were positive for green fluorescence. The bar graph indicates the percentages of apoptotic cells with fragmented DNA. In each case, data represents mean ± SE of three observations. *p < 0.05 indicates statistical significant difference in magnolol treated groups compared with the control. (B) Effects of magnolol on the activation of apoptotic proteins in A431 cells. Cells were treated with magnolol for 24 and 48 h, cells were then collected. Cell lysates were prepared and subjected to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis. Membranes were probed with appropriate antibodies. Pictures are representative from three experiments.
Western blot analysis for caspases was used to further investigate magnolol induced apoptosis in A431 cells. The results showed that magnolol treatment increased the expression of cleaved caspase-8, and cleaved caspase-3 in a concentration dependent manner. We observed increased cleavage of PARP only at 24 h, membranes were checked for equal protein loading using β-actin as control. Figure 6B.
To determine the mechanism involved in antiproliferative activity, the effects of magnolol on cell cycle progression were studied in A431 cells. The effects of magnolol on the cell cycle were determined following treatment with 75, 100 and 125 μM of magnolol for 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h. As shown in Figure 7A and 7B, magnolol treatment resulted in a significantly increased number of cells in G2/M phase following 12 h at 100 μM (33.45%) and 125 μM (45.79%) compared with the control (22%). The concentration dependent effect of magnolol on G2/M arrest is at the expense of the G0/G1 phase (Figure 7B). These results are in agreement with the data from animal experiments (Figure 3B).
Effects of magnolol on the cell cycle phases distribution in A431 cells. (A) Cell cycle histograms. Cells were treated with magnolol (0, 75, 100 and 125 μM) for 12 h. At the end of the treatment, cells were harvested and digested with RNase. Cellular DNA was stained with propidium iodide and analyzed by flow cytometer as described in the Materials and Methods. (B) Data from the cell cycle distribution histograms were summarized into a bar graph and presented as the mean ± SE of three observations. *p < 0.05 indicates statistical significance in magnolol treated groups as compared to the control.
To further elucidate the mechanisms involved in the G2/M cell cycle arrest after magnolol treatment, we investigated various proteins involved in the G2/M phase. Magnolol treatment to A431 cells resulted in a decreased expression of Cdc2p34, Cdc25A, Cdc25C and pCdc25C (Ser216). All these results taken together suggest that magnolol induces G2/M cell cycle arrest through the modulation of G2/M regulatory proteins (Figure 8).
We next assessed the effects of magnolol on the expression of Cip1/p21, a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor which is known to regulate the cells at the G1-S check point . Magnolol treatment to A431 cells resulted in a significant increase in the expression of p21 in a concentration dependent manner compared with control cells. Collectively all these results suggest that increase in CDK inhibitory protein p21 by magnolol may have a role in cell cycle arrest in G2/M phase of A431 cells (Figure 8).
In order to investigate the molecular mechanism of magnolol in A431 cells, we first assessed the effects of magnolol on STAT3 phosphorylation. The effects of magnolol on STAT3 phosphorylation are shown in Figure 9. Compared with control treated cells, magnolol treated cells showed inhibition of STAT3 phosphorylation at Tyr705 at 24 and 48 h, as well as inhibition of phosphorylation of STAT3 at Ser 727 for 100 and 125 μM at 48 h. Magnolol treatment resulted in a time and concentration dependent decrease in p-STAT3 Tyr705. Downstream targets of STAT3 include PCNA and cyclin D1 . We found that magnolol treatment decreased the expression of these proteins (Figure 9).
Effects of magnolol on STAT3 phosphorylation in A431 cells. Sub confluent cells were treated with 0, 75, 100 and 125 μM of magnolol for 24 and 48 h. At the end of each treatment, cells were harvested and total cell lysates were evaluated by Western blotting for phosphorylation of STAT3 (Tyr 705 and Ser 727), PCNA and cyclin D1. Protein loading was verified by reprobing membrane for β-Actin.
We next assessed the effects of magnolol on proliferation markers. MAPK signaling pathway play an important role in cell proliferation, and cell growth arrest . We investigated the effects of magnolol on B-Raf, p-MEK, p-ERK in A431 cells at 24 and 48 h. Results showed that magnolol treatment decreased the expression levels of B-Raf and phosphorylation of MEK in a concentration dependent manner (Figure 10). Our results showed that ERK activation is increased for 125 μM at 24 and 48 h suggesting that magnolol induces cell growth inhibition by activating ERK. In addition to this, we found that magnolol treatment decreased the phosphorylation of AKT.
Effects of magnolol on B-Raf expression and MEK/ERK/AKT phosphorylation in A431 cells. Cells were treated with varying concentrations of magnolol (0-125 μM) for 24 and 48 h. Cells were harvested and total cell lysates were prepared at the end of each treatment and subjected to Western blot analysis for various proteins.
Magnolol, a hydroxylated biphenolic compound isolated from Magnolia officinalis, most commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine has been investigated for its effects on skin carcinogenesis. In this study, we determined the effect of magnolol in UVB-induced skin cancer in SKH-1 mice and on a human epidermoid skin cancer cell line in vitro. Neolignans from Magnolia officinalis delayed papilloma formation in skin tumor promotion by TPA [21, 37]. We investigated the effects of magnolol in a UVB-induced skin carcinogenesis model with a UVB dose of 30 mJ/cm2/day which is more translational and relevant to human skin cancer as compared to previous studies that used higher doses of UV radiation [5, 15]. Magnolol 30 μg and 60 μg in 200 μl of acetone showed a protective effect in a dose dependent manner when applied topically. In this study interestingly, 45 μg magnolol did not have any effect on tumor incidence and lower effects than the 30 μg application in tumor multiplicity. Magnolol may have biphasic effects on various target proteins not investigated in this study, thus the middle dose is less effective than the lower dose. Further studies with an increased range of magnolol doses are needed to fully understand this biphasic effect. We used very low doses (in micrograms) of magnolol compared to other chemopreventive agents which use milligrams per applications [5, 13] thus indicating the higher potency of magnolol over other agents. The results demonstrated that magnolol delayed the onset of tumorigenesis when compared to the control. Tumor multiplicity was reduced by 27-55% for 30 μg and 60 μg of magnolol respectively compared to the control.
Mechanistic studies showed that magnolol induced apoptosis through extrinsic pathway and affected tumor development by causing cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase in our animal models.
To gain insight and have understanding of signaling mechanisms involved in the magnolol anticarcinogenic effect, we used human epidermoid A431 cells as an in vitro model. Magnolol inhibits cell viability and proliferation which together contributed to overall inhibition of cell growth in A431 cells at concentrations 75-125 μM for 12-48 h. Cancer development involves deregulation in cell cycle progression. Control of the cell cycle plays an important role in controlling tumor growth [22, 38]. As such, effects of magnolol on the cell cycle and its related proteins were investigated in A431 cells. The results obtained demonstrate that magnolol induced G2/M cell cycle arrest, is one mechanism of inhibition of cell viability and proliferation. As cyclins/cyclin dependent kinases tightly regulate the cell cycle progression [39, 40], the effects of magnolol on cell cycle proteins were investigated. Our findings revealed that treatment of cells with magnolol resulted in a significant decrease in cyclin A, cyclin B1, CDK2, CDK4, Cdc2 and increase in Cip1/p21 expression at all concentrations compared to control. Our studies on honokiol , an isomer of magnolol have indicated similar anticarcinogenic effects as magnolol. However, honokiol caused cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase in A431 cells unlike magnolol which caused cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase.
Anticarcinogenic effects are modulated by two major events: inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis [25, 42]. Accordingly, the effects of magnolol on induction of apoptosis in A431 cells were investigated. During apoptosis, cells undergo changes such as loss of phospholipids asymmetry of the plasma membrane, cell shrinkage, proteases activation and finally DNA fragmentation . Our flow cytometry data demonstrated that magnolol significantly induced apoptosis in A431 cells as assessed by annexin-V/PI staining which detects apoptotic cells by their loss of phospholipids plasma membrane asymmetry. Then, later we examined DNA fragmentation in apoptotic cell by using TUNEL assay. Magnolol 48h treatment induced DNA fragmentation in A431 cells at higher concentrations (150 μM).
There are two reported pathways for the induction of apoptosis. In the extrinsic or death receptor pathway of apoptosis, activation of death receptors by ligands leads to activation of caspase-8. This activated caspase-8 can activate caspase-3, an executioner caspase. Activated caspase-3 can cleave PARP and thereby results in apoptosis [44, 45]. Consistent with the above reports, magnolol treatment to A431 cells activated caspase-8 and caspase-3 in a concentration dependent manner that led to PARP cleavage. These observations suggest that magnolol induced apoptosis through extrinsic pathway and are consistent with the results obtained from animal experiments.
The STAT pathway regulates the transcription of a wide variety of genes involved in proliferation, development, and tumorigenesis [46, 47]. Among different STAT family members, STAT3 is implicated in tumorigenesis and it plays an important role in skin cancer development . STATs are activated either by serine or tyrosine phosphorylation by JAK kinases, then they undergo dimerization followed by nuclear translocation and regulation of the expression of target genes . Our results showed that treatment of A431 cells with magnolol inhibited the phosphorylation of STAT3 at tyrosine residues. Downstream targets of p-STAT3 include cyclin D1, our results showed that magnolol decreased cyclin D1 expression, and this may lead to cell cycle arrest . In the present study, our in vitro data has shown that magnolol treatment increased the phosphorylation of ERK protein in A431 cells, suggesting activation of ERK and upregulation of p21 by magnolol as a mechanism for cell cycle arrest . However, further studies are needed to study the effects of magnolol on the phosphorylation of these proteins at very early stages instead of at 24h and 48h.
Magnolol inhibited cell proliferation through regulation of Cip1/p21 in human glioblastoma cells , induced apoptosis via inhibition of EGFR, PI3K/AKT signaling pathways in human prostate cancer cells and inhibited MMP-9 expression through the transcription factor NF-kB in TNF-α- induced human urinary bladder cancer cells . Magnolol induces apoptosis via activation of both mitochondrial and death receptor pathways in A375-S2 malignant melanoma cells . Recent studies by Tanaka et al. , have shown the preventive effects of magnolol on UV-induced photoaging by inhibiting the expression of NF-kB. A recent study by Kuo et al. showed that magnolol down-regulated TPA induced iNOS and COX-2 gene expression in mouse skin suggesting that magnolol could be novel agent preventing inflammation associated tumorigenesis.
Our studies for the first time provided the evidence that magnolol pretreatment at very low doses (micrograms per applications compared to most other agents which are used in milligrams per application) prevents UVB-induced skin cancer development in SKH-1 mice by both inducing apoptosis and decreasing cell proliferation through modulation of various signaling pathways. The sunscreen effects of magnolol have not been investigated in this study which may contribute to anticarcinogenic effects. Future studies involving various inhibitors, antisense oligonucleotides and dominant negative mutants or siRNA are needed to map the pathways to conclude the signaling involved in the anticancer effects of magnolol. Magnolol has a great potential to be a safe and potent chemopreventive agent against skin cancer development in human.
Our studies for the first time provided the evidence that magnolol pretreatment at very low doses (micrograms per application compared to most other agents which are used in milligrams per application) prevents UVB-induced skin cancer development in SKH-1 mice both by inducing apoptosis and decreasing cell proliferation through modulation of various signaling pathways. Magnolol has a great potential to be a safe and potent chemopreventive agent against skin cancer development in human.
Authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. G. Chandrasekher for providing p-ERK1/2, p-AKT antibodies and helpful suggestions. This study was supported by the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program and Translational Cancer Research Center funded by the State of South Dakota.
CC has performed UVB induced skin cancer development in SKH-1mice, in vitro assays and Western blots for various proteins for A431cells and wrote the manuscript; RG performed Western blots for cell cycle and apoptotic proteins from tissue samples. XZ helped with Western blots. RSK and AY helped with flow cytometric analysis; DZ performed the histopathological examination of samples; MH helped with image pro analysis; HF identified the magnolol for the studies; and CD overall conceived and executed the idea, and prepared the final draft of manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. | 2019-04-23T18:18:50Z | https://0-bmccancer-biomedcentral-com.brum.beds.ac.uk/articles/10.1186/1471-2407-11-456 |
I figure at this point in time, we may just have another month or month and a half left of growing season here on Long Island. This year we have stretched our production considerably longer than in the past, and as of this last weekend we had harvested over 221 lbs of food (just over 100 Kg). Whatever we squeeze out of our yard from now on is just gravy, but I do hope to scratch the 250 lb mark before it is all over for this year.
Fall is a pretty boring season when you think of it in terms of gardening, not much to really do apart from cleaning up and start getting things somewhat ready for 6-7 months from now…I have spent the past couple of weeks removing and chopping plants that seemed to beg for a quick yanking out of the ground, and feeding them to our ever growing 2015 compost pile.
I am now tending to a garden that is barely growing at about 20% capacity. As I remove spent plants I am discovering those that hid and had so far eluded our salad bowl. I am getting a better sense of what is worth growing again, and what is not worth saving the space for next year.
Our main attraction at present is the cut-and-come-again lettuce. We have been eating it regularly out of a 4 sqft section that I planted about a month ago.
This weekend I decided to add 4 more sqft so we do not run out once they start growing at a slower pace. The spinach in my garden grows very slowly for some strange reason, but thankfully we have plenty of radicchio and chard to cook with in its place.
This year I experimented with a few different brassicas, most of them already did their thing a couple of months ago. The only plants of this family that we still have in the ground are Brussel sprouts, which seem to slowly be forming their tiny buds, and the fabulous kohlrabi which we have really enjoyed throughout the whole season.
At present, we still have carrots and celery growing nicely. Last week I pulled all the bell peppers out, and left some cubanelles and a mild hot pepper with a nice flavor to finish their show for the year.
Just about two weeks ago my friends Dawn and Mike gave me a small plant that produces about inch long slender but extremely hot peppers (no kidding). I hope to use these in some of my “picante” hot sauce to see if I can harness and tame their incredible fire power to an edible level.
My plan for the next 7-8 weeks includes topping off my garden beds with the compost I have been cooking all season, plant the 2015 garlic, and perhaps build one last raised bed. I am not sure what is the best way to maintain the raised beds during the winter, should I cover them up or leave them exposed? If I cover them up, should I use plastic, cardboard, hay or wood chips? Or should I perhaps put a thin layer of horse manure on top and cover it with leaves? Any ideas will be appreciated.
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Summer is ending, as I clean up my garden beds and mulch the rest of plants that reached their term I am giving extra room to those that did not get a share of the spotlight just yet. We finally have a steady production of peppers and eggplants which seem to have waited until now to start presenting us with their gifts.
Our pole bean are about to reach their term. They are now rewarding us with a massive production of pods which we pick daily as they turn from green to creamy. The pods are heavy with beautiful white seed which we are collecting and drying out to prepare soup this fall.
It is amazing to see how much we have already harvested from just 6 sq feet we planted, we first picked the green beans until we could not eat them anymore, and so far have over 4lbs of beans saved for the fall.
Our tomato plants seem to be begging to be yanked out of the ground. They do not look beautiful and happy, instead, they appear as if tired of bearing the fruit still on their branches.
The tomatoes themselves do not ripen as beautiful as they used to, some end up with cracks, or yellow tones on their shoulders. They are still good to eat, and we have been enjoying them nonetheless, but find us making more salsas, sauces and stews with them than before.
To date, we have harvested a total of 169 lbs (76.8 Kg) of food from our garden, and we are still getting a nice production. The most surprising plants this season have been the cucumbers, which have given us 45.8 lbs (20.8 Kg) of large plump and tasty fruit from only 6 sq ft of garden space, and they keep on going strong.
I have already started our fall garden, and once all is done I estimate our production will likely surpass 100 Kg for the year. It takes work, no doubt, but for us it is nice to have such a nice extension of our pantry or vegetable drawer, where we just go for as much as we need to cook just before using it.
Please, visit, like and follow my facebook page for daily updates from our garden.
During the winter I became interested in a planting technique used to stimulate plants to grow extensive root systems. The benefits of this technique translate into stronger plants that are better able to utilize the nutrients in the soil they live in. The technique is known as root air pruning.
Root air pruning occurs in containers made out of materials that allow the roots to enter in contact with air once they reach the container walls. At such point of contact the tip of the root dehydrates and dies. However, the plant compensates by growing secondary roots in other directions inside the container. As these secondary roots further develop, and in turn come in contact with the container wall at a different spot, the process is repeated. The end result is a very well developed, very dense root system inside the container, as opposed to the single root that circles around and around and becomes pot bound inside a traditional container . There are many commercially available root air pruning containers, and perhaps just as many DIY suggestions available on line, (I particularly enjoy watching Larry Hall’s videos ).
Since this year I was using raised beds which limited the space we have available to grow vegetables, I decided to experiment growing zucchini in root air pruning containers, to gain the precious gardening real estate in the raised beds that would otherwise be occupied by the giant summer squash plants. I initially made four large containers (17 gal each) to house my zucchini seedlings. I made the containers by sewing heavy duty landscape fabric into a 16″X16″X16″ square-bottomed bags, which I then filled about 1/2 of the way up with the same soil (Mel’s Mix) I used in my raised beds.
Early enough it could be noted that the bags were doing a good job, the seedlings were growing strong and healthy with the extra heat they were getting in the dark containers. At that point I decided to try growing potatoes, so I made three more bags for that purpose, and I also made a long sausage like container which I planted with watercress seed, lettuce and celery.
Soon after I though to make a few smaller bags out of the material trimmed off when making the original larger bags.
I made a dozen 4gal bags, where I planted our squash, melon and water melon seed. The bags were great for starting seed because they could be closed at the top and provide a dark, warm and humid environment for germination while at the same time preventing squirrels and other critters from getting too curious and messing everything up.
To date, the 4 zucchini plants have produced almost 8lbs of food so far. We had some degree of success growing potatoes, and after emptying the bags we have already re purposed them to grow pumpkin, sweet potatoes and carrot.
Our sausage shaped container is going strong and we still take cuttings of watercress and celery as needed. Our melons, squash and cantaloupe look awesome and we already have some fruit forming.
These containers are so versatile, that I have also made 1/2 gal bags to root perennial herbs to share with friends, I am sure this size will also work great to start seedlings next spring. The bags are great for gardeners with limited land, for apartment dwellers with just a balcony, or even to use in areas that cannot be easily converted into gardens (patios, decks, lawns,etc). Next year I plan on expanding our bag farm to grow plants in a sunnier location of our yard, and to re-locate lettuce to a shadier area once the mercury starts climbing… the possibilities are endless.
Please visit, like and follow our Facebook page for almost daily updates on our garden and what we are up to.
You want me to do what with that zucchini?
Mid summer brings unyielding heat, fireflies, and more zucchini that most people can handle. Yes these plants are a fantastic morale booster to any gardener, they give and they give and they give.
At the beginning, you hoard all you can harvest, but after a week of eating it in ratatouille, omelets and stir fry you cannot even bear the sight of another group of yellow flowers sprouting in the garden.
I am quite certain this is the same scenario that prompted the first person to add zucchini to bread mix, and that is how zucchini bread came about. I do love the stuff myself, but the great majority of recipes out there pack so much sugar, carbs and calories, that you are better off eating a slice while running hard on a treadmill.
Today I adapted a very good and very healthy bread recipe to handle some of my zucchini production. The result is quite good, it has a ton of protein and very little carbs, so you can eat it with less worries. I also find that by baking it into muffins instead of bread, it is much easier to stop at one portion as opposed to polishing the whole loaf in one sitting… so without further ado, here is my “Nutty Zucchini Muffin” recipe.
Mix all ingredients in a medium bowl. Distribute the mix among 8-12 cupcake baking cups in a muffin tin (no need to grease anything). Bake in a preheated oven at 350ºF until the muffins are fully baked (poke a muffin in the center with a knife and it comes out clean) and golden on the top. Once done, remove the muffins from the tin, allow them to cool on a rack, and they are ready to eat… Super easy, right? Let me know if you try it and like it.
A fellow blogger and gardener now living in Austria said it very well in her recent garden post “Practically Nothing Left To Do”. After all the rushing to get things ready for summer growing season, we now enter a phase in which there is little to do but wait. The day to day progress is so difficult to perceive that it seems nothing is happening out there in the garden.
Needless to say this is not my favorite time of year in gardening, I like it much better when I am running around getting things done, not just waiting for nature to do its thing.
This week was definitely quiet around here, I had enough time to build a second compost pen. It is now easy to turn the compost and the whole process seems to be going much faster. On the other hand, I have not been able to dial it in right with the compost tumbler. The temperature does not seem to get high enough in there, and the results have been marginal. I may re start a new batch in it with grass clippings and chopped up brown leaves.
We are still harvesting a nice variety of greens on somewhat regular basis. If last week was salad week, this can be called pea week. I only planted 6 square feet with peas, just as a novelty since I had never been successful with them in the past.
In eight days we have collected 436 gr of super crunchy and sweet snap peas. The first few batches never made to the table, as we munched them while making breakfast. Now that we have satisfied that craving we will likely have enough to use when we make a stir fry one of these nights.
The tomatoes are growing nicely, all plants have fruit and flowers on them. A couple pepper plants have started showing interest in putting out flowers, this is the earliest I have seen peppers do that in my garden. I hope for a good crop of the extra hot ones I planted this year. The eggplants have been somewhat lagging in development and do not look too happy. I have attributed the slow growth of some plants to the mild, or rather chilly spring we just had, but others like the kohl rabi have been shining all season, let’s just see what the future brings, after all this is the first week of summer.
Yesterday one of our summer squash gave us its first baby, a happy and bouncing 290 gr baby zucchini.
Like with all of my zucchinis, it was the result of manually assisted pollination, as I still don’t trust the bugs around here to do the job right. That zucchini will also find its way into some delicious stir fry.
This week I also freed some squares after removing the gigantic cauliflower plants that were occupying the space and shading every other plant in the bed. I must admit that the cauliflower and broccoli were somewhat a disappointment. The size of all the flowers was rather small for such huge plants. Next year I may not devote so much space to growing these even if I figure out where I went wrong.
My new seedlings, spaghetti and winter squash, water melon and cantaloupe are growing nicely in their grow bags. This week I will thin them out further so as to keep a max of two plants per bag. I like the way plants grow in these root air pruning containers, and how easy and inexpensive it is to make them. Next season I will use them to grow many other crops.
Much less impressive, but equally rewarding has been the production of castings from my one tote worm farm. Last week I collected a heaping 5 quarts of castings and about a cup of concentrated compost tea, both of which I quickly put to use around the garden.
My fun project at this time is trying to grow lettuce and water cress in our pond. We no longer keep fish in it, as the herons made away with a few hundred dollars worth of koi over a two year period. Nonetheless, given the growth of all the marginal and submerged plants in the pond, I am confident there is abundant nutrients in the water to support a few lettuces floating on rafts. I will update their development in subsequent posts, if you have experience with this, please share in a comment.
Please visit, like and follow our facebook page, where I post photos and short comments almost daily.
June is always a salad month, not a stew or a sauce month, definitely just a salad month. All plants are surely growing, but most are too immature to feed a hungry family. This early in the season all I am able to harvest consistently is salad greens and radishes.
No, I am not complaining, we enjoy being able to go out and pick a nice mix of of lettuces to eat that same eve. We always make sure to include assorted color, shape and textured leaves for best flavor and visual impact.
Since we started harvesting our greens about 10 days ago the combined harvest of lettuces and the like (spinach, young chard, etc) has been plentiful, but not excessive. We are harvesting on a cut and come again basis, and so far we have visited 75% of the plants, some of which have been cut more than once already.
I certainly cannot take full credit for our production, the cooler and wet weather we have been experiencing has kept the lettuce growing and not induced it to bolt.
Last week I reported on our first radish harvest. Our first three square feet of radishes produced over 1.6 lbs. That is a lot more radish than we bought in all of last year, however having it available and fresh, has made it easy for us to include them in our diet. It is so easy to grow, that I have already replaced the harvested squares with new plantings. Today I started picking a different square with long radishes, Salad Rose variety from Burpee Seeds.
Beautiful red skin with a pink to whitish center, very crisp texture and live peppery flavor.
As for the rest of the garden, it seems all other plants are getting in the mood to grow and produce something. The peas are going mad trying to grab and climb up the trellis, their white flowers and pods popping out everywhere.
The tomatoes, have been flowering for a week now, and you can see fruit starting to form in some of the plants. I think this is the earliest I have had tomatoes form on the vines ever. At this rate, we may have cherry tomatoes by 4th of July. So far the plants are looking very healthy, the indeterminate variety clearly growing faster than the determinate ones.
The zucchinis in the grow bags are doing wonderfully, their leaves have not become gigantic as I am used to seeing them. Instead it seem as if the plants are putting more of their energy producing flowers. The first two male flowers came out yesterday, and today the first female flower was fully open.
Lucky enough there were also couple male flowers to get pollen from, so for sure we’ll be having zucchini this week. Check out one of my early posts on fertilizing zucchinis A bees job. Remember also that zucchini flowers are edible, for a great way to use the flowers visit Nonna’s zucchini flower recipe.
The water melon, cantaloupe and spaghetti squash growing in bags are doing great. I am considering dedicating the small area of my yard with Southern exposure to growing plants in bags next year.
Not everything is picture perfect though… The corn I planted a couple of weeks ago has failed to impress me. I was concerned since the beginning that the area would not get enough sun, and indeed it doesn’t. I have just a couple corn plants struggling to survive, if it wasn’t because I don’t have anything else I want to grow there I would have pulled their plug already. My biggest concern currently is with the potatoes. Some of the plants in one of three bags started to wilt and died after the last dirt fill. Perhaps I did not leave enough leaves out of the ground, but it has been so cool and wet around here lately that I started to fear fungal infestation. I have been checking carefully for signs of fungi, but cannot see anything so far that would suggest that is the cause, in any case I just hope for warm sunny days ahead. | 2019-04-22T03:00:12Z | https://bunchofcilantro.com/category/vegetable-garden/ |
Abstract: The project primarily deals with the flow analysis of a 4 – digit NACA airfoil profile which is used in a wind rotor blade. The simulation of the flow over the airfoil will be done using CFX software. The main aim is to study the behavior oflift& drag coefficientsw.r.t. the angle of attack and to find out stable & stalling conditions. Seven different simulations will be carried out for values of angle of attack between -2 degrees to 10 degrees with steps of 2 degrees. The results will then be compared &verified with the standard results. An essential lift to drag coefficient ratio rises with the increase in angle of attack,reaches a maximum value and then starts to fall. The project is based on elements like Flow over an Airfoil, CFD techniques, Wind Blade Aerodynamics & Controls, CFX software & NACA airfoil profile. An introduction to these elements is given in the following pages.
Abstract: The report incorporates the Analysis of Aerodynamic Characteristics of External Armour Panels on a Combat Helicopter (CH) Body, performed at RWR&DC (Helicopter Division), Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) - Bangalore. The armour panels are generally attached inside the body, due to spacing constraints panels may not be placed insides the body. In such cases, the armour panels are attached outside the body, which interacts with the airflow, and degrades overall aerodynamic performance of the body. Analysis has been conducted over 6 schemes, (a) Flat Without Gap (b) Flat With Gap (10 mm) (c) With gap (10 mm) Rounded edges (d) With gap (20 mm) Rounded edges (e) Faired Without Gap (f) Faired With Gap (10mm) Variation of lift-drag characteristics and moments has been computed theoretically and computationally for the aforementioned schemes. The aerodynamics effects of rotor, and aerodynamic interaction of attachment used for securing armour panels to the helicopter body have not been considered to reduce the analysis complexity. It has been found that configuration of faired armour panel without gap (case 5) has least drag.
Abstract: Now a days asset management system is one of most important web based system for any organization to improve their productivity. This system is to be useful for Kemrock industry. The Asset Management System is a web-based application that was developed using object oriented approach while Asp.net with c# issued as a programming language, Microsoft SQL server 2008 is for database, Microsoft visual studio 2008 as an editing tool for database. Through the Asset Management System, activities of procurement through management of asset can be administered online which involve user categories such as System Administrator, Super administrator, Regular user and vendor. The amount of information, the complexity of the different new assets and the necessity to increase the productivity, forces portfolio managers to use tools that reduce the work on all these topics. Each asset management department will increase the number of customers that are managed by each employee. Big companies spend millions of Euros developing solutions that try to reproduce the different internal workflows. Asset management is the method that a company uses to track movable assets, for Example factory equipment, desks and chairs, computers. Although the Exact details of the task varies widely from company to company, asset management Often includes tracking the physical location of assets, managing demand for scarce Resources and accounting tasks such as amortization. The term Asset management is used in these guidelines to mean the comprehensive management of asset demand, planning, procurement, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, disposal and replacement to maximize the overall performance of company. The objective of the dissertation is the development of a software for asset management, also called portfolio management, together with the use of all the tools and techniques that are needed for the development process.
Abstract: This report is established to fulfill the Project requirement for Engineering for V.I.T student, a standard guideline is prepared to standardize various documentations and this report is done mainly to list down all the important aspect of the project or the electrical and electronic device that designed. We introduce a method how to control power factor automatically in the small scale industrial and commercial power supply. As a practical model I design a microcontroller based system. The programming code is developed & used to the microcontroller software developed using high level programming language. In this project we measure the parameter of power factor and calculate the active and reactive power and display on LCD. If the parameter exceeding limit than to give the signal to capacitor bank and it will connect with the supply and solve the problem. As this was my study project I have sincerely tried to develop the concepts.
Abstract: This is software which has mainly made for civil unit booking system. The software has designed with front –end as VB and back-end as Ms-Access. The current system of the booking of the house or villas or pent house (which will be considered as unit in further pages here in) is manual and is very much messy in case of further reference. The current system is manually operator by various people and integration of the data is not maintained and further data replication is found.As the entries of the booking are done manually by various operators or the owner it is not in the integrated form. The loss of integrity may cause the data redundancy and non-relation of the data while the future use of data is needed. Correct form of calculation is not done and account mess is generated. Manual books are not efficient to maintain the hierarchical structure of the payment structure of the objects and calculative errors are done.
Abstract: We have implemented a Enterprise Resource Portal. We worked together for 1 year at BISAG.
Abstract: Abstract (ii) This project is based on heat exchanging through a Fin Fan Water Cooling System using PLC and SCADA. The company we visited operated the fin fan cooling system manually. The problems faced by manual operation are that twenty-four hour manual supervision is required and the accuracy of the desired temperature is also not maintained. The manual operation is very time consuming and it is also not cost efficient in the long run. Moreover, the debugging of the system becomes very difficult if a fault occurs in any fan or any component of the system. To solve this problem, we decided to use PLC and SCADA to operate the system. Through PLC programming, one can program the desired functionality of the system and can rely on it as it is computerized, hence does not make any mistakes. Also, with SCADA, we can eliminate the need for site visits by the personnel for inspection, adjustments and data collection. SCADA software enables one to monitor the system in real time. Hence, we have incorporated the use of PLC and SCADA in our project. The cooling system runs entirely through PLC programming and the graphical representation of the system can be viewed in real time in the SCADA screen. We can not only view the real time trends but can also control the working of the fans from our desktop through the SCADA software. The initial cost of PLC and installing the SCADA software is high but in the long run, it proves to be very cost efficient ant time efficient. Moreover, the entire system can be checked and tested as and when required.
Abstract: • Induction Melting Machine whenever any information is required, worker has to take reading of running process every time. This process is very much time consuming and also waste of paper work. There is a requirement that to improve in the system design. So our project is particular on this application that provides all the useful information and, there is less time consume. .So here our IDP gives solution for here’s problem GSM Operated Induction Machine provides much more features. • GSM – Global System for Mobile Communication is used as a media which is used to control and monitor the industrial equipments from anywhere by sending a message. It has its own deterministic character. Thereby, here GSM is used to monitor and control the DC motor, Stepper motor, Temperature sensor and Solid State Relay by sending a message through GSM modem. Hence no need to waste time by manual operation and transportation. • The aim of the project is to develop a system, which uses Mobile technology that keeps control of the various units of the Induction Melting Machine, which executes with respect to the signal sent by the mobile. • GSM Operated Induction Melting Machine plays a very important role. The ease of operation of the kit and low cost add up as an additional advantage for its usage We have designed our kit using 89V52 micro controller which is itself very reliable and also operates very efficiently under normal condition. • The design is implemented at a very economical price. The total cost incurred by us in designing this kit is very less and further we have developed the GSM operated induction melting machine which is more economical rather than just interfacing those which are readily available in the market.
Abstract: Our Project Deals with Wind and Solar Energy and Controlling them with use of Micro-Controller or Other Electronic Circuit. In this system the windmill and a solar panel will be simultaneously mounted on a pole and the pole will inturn be mounted at a place where the solar radiations and wind speed will be sufficient. A controller or PLC circuit can be mounted on the pole. The controller/PLC will work as a switch to deliver power from windmill as well as from solar panel. When solar energy is not available, it will switch over to windmill and vice versa. We are working on a small wind-solar hybrid system which is able to generate power in few watts but by making small changes it can be applicable to even big wind-solar hybrid system. By using this concept we can generate power in Mega-Watts in future, Conventional resources can be preserved and free energy which is available in form of wind and light can be used effectively. This is very futuristic concept as lot of green energy production can be encouraged with the help of this hybrid system and very small space of installation is required. This also reduces the cost of production and the power will be generated round the clock.
Abstract: This work contains research in usage of Bluetooth applications for mobile device. In addition a detailed exploration of Bluetooth and J2ME the work consist of design and implementation of sample application using Bluetooth transfer called Instant Bluetooth Messenger (IBM).This application servers as a communication platform, enabling two or more BT clients to connect their mobile phones and send each other text messages. Create a much more comprehensive chat system containing Rooms, user groups, multimedia data, encryption of messages, etc.
Abstract: It is prototype of taking ticket automatically at one station. Our whole project is completed by Rabbit processor and mi-fare card.We take this idea after visiting Delhi metro Train. our project will be applicable for city bus system.
Abstract: In our project we make a utility which is useful for network user to get the resources and information from the systems that connected in the network. By using this software user can monitoring the systems for the available resources and perform the operation on particular system. This tool mostly used by the network administrator to monitor the network systems by scanning the systems. This tool is very handy and simple to use. All we need to do is to provide the IP address range. This tool will search for the available resources and other information from the target system one by one. The output is displayed in the tree structure so that user can easily view the information he got as a result of scanning.
Abstract: A lattice grid fin is an unconventional missile control surface with an outer frame supported by an internal lattice grid of lifting surfaces. The project focuses on transonic analysis of the missile with different grid fins. An important aspect was to determine the critical mach no. where the flow gets choked. Another aspect was to find out the aerodynamic coefficients including lift, drag and pitching moment coefficients. The variation of these coefficients with angle of attack at different mach nos. has been studied. Three different grid fin configurations have been studied for their aerodynamic characteristics. They are baseline, AFIT and coarse configurations. They differ by their web thickness and the number of webs. Another configuration, that of a planar fin has also been studied. A comparison of the aerodynamic characteristics of all these configurations has been made. Also, the flow field for each configuration has been captured. The variations that have been studied at different mach nos. are normal force coefficient with respect to angle of attack, axial force coefficient with respect to angle of attack and pitching moment coefficient with respect to angle of attack.
Abstract: Shapphire ceramics is one of the renowned industry in making floor tiles. In shapphire ceramic pvt. Ltd. Company is having machinery like spredryer, boil mill, hydraulic press & kiln. All of the above the main and is of most important part is kiln. Kiln is a thermally insulated chamber, or oven, in which a controlled temperature regime is produced. It has become the prime importance that guidelines are being needed for safe, efficient, inexpensive kiln. This report shows various components of kiln as well as the problems that are occurred in it. In addition with that this report also shows the detail description of the various problems occurring in it. Some of the stages that are responsible for making floor tiles are also being mentioned in this particular report.
Abstract: Introduction: We are having a project on Smart & Secure Traffic Monitoring System at Doordarshan Ken-dra, Ahmedabad. In this project we are going to study in detail about traffic security &monitoring and make a model of traffic monitoring system and performance evolution of digital access technology. Working: By using the various components GSM, RFID, Pen camera, resisters, capacitors, microcon-troller and IC’s, we are going to implement traffic monitoring system hardware with using different type of software. Objective: • The detail study of traffic monitoring system technology. • The designing model of traffic monitoring system. • The performance evolution; RFID maintenance & TMS. Expected Result: If this project will work than, we can connect the traffic monitoring system to a rural as well as urban area and checkout all the objectives. Key words: • TCS means Traffic Monitoring System. • RFID means Radio-frequency identification.
Abstract: Aircrafts are becoming smaller, lighter, and more flexible, while their performance requirements are becoming more stringent. This is especially true for Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicles (UCAV) or Micro Air Vehicles (MAV). These vehicles operate at relatively very low Reynolds Number which revived the research on the performance of airfoils at relatively low Reynolds Numbers. There are many problems with the application of low Reynolds Number out of which the most inevitable is flow separation. In order to overcome this effect, there are some changes required to get the required performance characteristics. This phenomenon is called MORPHING and the concept is called MORPHING CONCEPT. In this project the general effects on performance of several general characteristics of Two-Dimensional NACA 0015 Airfoil are explored by variations in Thickness and Camber. The velocity of free stream considered for the study is 100 km/hr and 120 km/hr which correspond to Re 104 with the angle of attack varying from zero lift angle to stall angle. The analysis of the characteristics is done in FLUENT. In the analysis part, first the construction of the airfoils by varying the camber and thickness are constructed and the tetra-hedral meshing is done in GAMBIT. Then the boundary conditions of velocity inlet and pressure outlet with standard K-? model are set for the computational analysis in FLUENT. By implementation of various changes, computational results indicate that the detailed section geometry has a profound effect on airfoil performance. Improved section performance requires that camber should be high to get better performance and delay of the flow separation. Also the overall thickness should be minimized to overcome the drag penalty of the high thickness.
Abstract: This project involves the study of Testing of Cables and Conductors. In the study, it is very much necessary to get knowledge of practical point of view. So industrial training is the part of our study. We have compiled our training at SABAR CABLES PVT LTD. By industrial training we learn many practical aspects. During the training we tried to get maximum information for related topic and we have prepared a project report on industrial training. This project is an attempt to make practical studies about the Testing of Cables and Conductor. Testing being one of the important steps of any designing, our attempt includes the tests carried on the cables and conductors. These tests are also compared to the respective I.S.
Abstract: Abstract Generally the condenser is used to change the phase of water to convert it from vapor to liquid form. The water is generally used in condenser for cooling purpose. Generally they used simple water as cooling water because mineral water becomes quite costly as cooling water so simple water is being used in condenser as cooling water. So due to all this impurities the different types of fouling takes place inside the condenser tubes like scaling.bio fouling, chemical fouling etc. Due to that fouling the heat transfer rate between this fluids not occurring according to design of condenser. So the efficiency becomes low and we are unable to catch the desired output. So renovation of fouling from the condenser tubes is very essential to get the desired output. So there are different methods like water jetting, acid cleaning, bullet cleaning, sponge ball cleaning are used to remove the fouling. The selection of method for cleaning condenser tube is based on fouling takes place inside the condenser tubes. | 2019-04-21T08:41:46Z | http://techpedia.in/problems/aeronautical-engineering |
Is there really such a thing as Jewish music? And does it survive as an expressive practice of worship and identity against modernity? This book poses such questions in new and critical ways by surveying a vast diasporic landscape, taking into consideration the many ways music historically witnessed the confrontation between modern Jews and the world around them, from the waning of the Middle Ages until the Holocaust. The book examines the confluence of many styles and repertories as Jewish music: the sacred and the secular; folk and popular music; songs in which Jewish languages — Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew — survived in isolation and songs that transformed the nations in which they lived. When Jewish music entered modernity, authenticity became an ideal supplanted by composite traditions. Klezmer music emerged in communities cohabited by Jews and Roma; Jewish cabaret resulted from the collaborations of migrant Jews and non-Jews in nineteenth-century Berlin, Budapest, and Vienna; cantors and composers experimented with new sounds. Modern Jewish music was and is varied, and this book is notable for the ways in which the borders between repertories are crossed and modernity is enriched by the shift of Jewish music from cultural peripheries to the center. Understanding the crisis of modernity — the Holocaust and its aftermath — is crucial to the challenge this book poses for understanding music in our own day.
This epilogue draws the reader into the ethnographic present: the performance of Jewish music in a postmodern world. Starting with a concert performance of the New Budapest Orpheum Society, for which the author is the Artistic Director, the chapter asks questions about the possibility of revival after the end of Jewish music history. Jewish music, in popular and art genres, may thrive in revival in the twenty-first century, but as phenomena such as the popularity of klezmer in the nations that perpetrated the Holocaust signal a return to history or a release from history. The processes of cultural negotiation and historicism provide contexts for Jewish music in a postmodern world no less than in modernity.
Klezmer, the Yiddish word for a folk instrumental musician, has come to mean a person, a style, and a scene. This musical subculture came to the United States with the late-nineteenth-century Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. Although it had declined in popularity by the middle of the twentieth century, this lively music is now enjoying recognition among music fans of all stripes. Today, klezmer flourishes in the United States and abroad in world music and accompanies Jewish celebrations. The chapters this volume investigate American klezmer: its roots, its evolution, and its spirited revitalization. Contributors to the book include every kind of authority on the subject—from academics to leading musicians—and they offer a wide range of perspectives on the musical, social, and cultural history of klezmer in American life. The first half of this volume concentrates on the early history of klezmer, using folkloric sources, records of early musicians unions, and interviews with the last of the immigrant musicians. The second part of the book examines the klezmer “revival” that began in the 1970s. Several of these chapters were written by the leaders of this movement, or draw on interviews with them, and give firsthand accounts of how klezmer is transmitted and how its practitioners maintain a balance between preservation and innovation.
Klezmer has been a controversial phenomenon in post-Holocaust Europe, ever since this traditional Jewish wedding music made it to the concert halls and discos of Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest and Prague. Played mostly by non-Jews and for non-Jewish audiences, it quickly gained the epithet of “fakelore” and was branded commercially-motivated heritage appropriation. The present book documents this remarkable music revival in its two European epicentres: Berlin and Kraków, investigating not only its roots and motivations, but also the consequences that performing Jewish music has had for non-Jewish klezmer revivalists. In the eyes of critics, the klezmer boom in Germany and Poland has been a symptom of guilty consciences and a simulacrum breeding “virtually Jewish” (Gruber) identities. This book, applying an interdisciplinary perspective and drawing on a wealth of over 80 interviews with klezmer musicians and cultural organizers, revisits the clichés about the klezmer revival and gives unique ethnographic insights into the mechanics of cultural appropriation and interethnic encounter via music. It is a book about cultural ventriloquism, and the search for the self through the music of the other. Describing the development of a very specific music scene, however, the book also addresses more universal questions about the creative nature of cross-cultural borrowing, appropriation as a vehicle of encounter and the transformative potential that the heritage of the other might have for the negotiation of collective identities.
This chapter focuses on klezmer cities in America. These musicians transferred to the United States as part of the construction of a transatlantic East European Jewish community life during the great wave of immigration of the 1880s to the 1920s. Klezmer flourished everywhere in what the Jews of the time called “the provinces,” not only on the Eastern seaboard, but in smaller, faraway places like Milwaukee.
This chapter expands on some of the points Frank London has made, in his overview of the revival, regarding the variety of motivations for “reviving” klezmer among performers and audiences. It offers the author's own understanding of why we're doing this to begin with. It looks at the phenomenon of the klezmer revival from a sociological point of view, in the context of some larger trends in American Jewish life that have been emerging over the past two decades. The author speaks not as a scholar presenting research but as one of the participants in the phenomenon and someone who has promoted a particular use of klezmer and a direction for its future. She concludes with her own personal klezmer manifesto.
This introductory chapter first sets out the purpose of the book, which is to suggest the full range and scope of modern klezmer studies by allowing a variety of voices to be heard. Most of the contributions to this volume began at the first Klezmer Research Conference, held at Wesleyan University in 1996. The intent is to clarify klezmer as a set of “roots and offshoots,” dividing the articles into two overlapping parts. The discussion then turns to the canon, history, and appeal of klezmer.
Within the repertoire of klezmer music in eastern Europe, the bulgarish was a regional phenomenon, originating in Bessarabia as the bulgărească, and then spreading as the klezmer bulgarish to parts of Eastern Ukraine. In America between 1881 and 1920, however, the bulgarish became increasingly identified as a major genre of klezmer dance music for Jews of various regional backgrounds. This chapter traces the development of a single klezmer dance genre, from the bulgărească of the Moldavian lăuteri (professional musicians), to the bulgarish of the Moldavian and Ukrainian klezmorim, and then to the bulgar of the klezmorim in the United States. It interprets the significance of this transformation, contrasting the situation in the Old World with the adaptation of this dance genre to suit the needs of the largely proletarianized Jewish immigrants in America during the first half of the twentieth century. In order to explain the significance of the bulgarish within American klezmer music, it introduces several points about the nature of klezmer professionalism and the composition of the klezmer repertoire.
Klezmer: Music, History and Memory is the first comprehensive study of the music created by the Jewish musicians’ guild of Eastern Europe—the klezmorim. Klezmer music was the unique example of an instrumental repertoire and performance style created by Jews. Its primary venue was the multi-day Jewish wedding, with its many ritual and processional melodies, its table music for listening, and its varied forms of Jewish dance. This book demonstrates the relation of klezmer music to Jewish dance, with its expressive gestures, connected both to synagogue prayer and to the Yiddish language. While a small part of this musical and choreographic repertoire was acculturated in America, this book focuses exclusively on what was most characteristic of the cultural expression of the Jews within Eastern Europe.Part One of the book tells the story of the rise of the Jewish musicians guild in 16th century Prague and its survival and transformations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and later in the Russian Empire during the 19th century. It demonstrates how the klezmer repertoire was shaped to suit the Eastern European Jewish wedding, and devotes much attention to the nature of Jewish dance. Part Two of the book deals with both the processional and the dance repertoire of the klezmorim. This repertoire was composed for centuries by a stable combination of musical elements coming from the Ashkenazic liturgy, from the Western European Baroque, and from the music of the Ottoman Turks. Klezmer music showed a broad differentiation into a Jewish North (Lithuania/Belarus) and South (Ukraine, Galicia, Moldova), but (outside of Moldova) was not closely related to any local non-Jewish style.
Research on the the recent klezmer movement generally obscures the fact that the contemporary klezmer scene in Germany is dynamic and has evolved over a more than twenty-year period. It comprises participants from numerous backgrounds and generations, including Jews from the former Soviet Union, Israel, and the United States as well as both non-Jewish and Jewish Germans, from the former German Democratic Republic as well as West Germany. The chapter shows that the German market also had a strong influence on the development of klezmer internationally—particularly in the United States—as well as interesting inter-European and cross-continental collaborations that have developed in recent years. This chapter situates contemporary German klezmer within a broader framework by interviewing prominent klezmer musicians in the German scene. In so doing, this ethnography shows that, while issues related to the Holocaust and the building of a post-Cold War German identity are central themes, klezmer is inherently transnational—involving multiple nationalities and concerns beyond a simple coming to terms with the German past.
in The Accordion in the Americas: Klezmer, Polka, Tango, Zydeco, and More!
This chapter takes a closer look at the role of the accordion in klezmer music. Like the pioneering Italian American virtuoso accordionists, Jewish musicians felt equally at home playing classical and folk music. The select analysis of early accordion playing styles and stylistic characteristics sheds light on the interaction and interplay of klezmer musicians with their surrounding worlds—Old and New. A distinctive feature of the early “klezmer sound” was the accordion's imitation of the human voice heard in liturgical, paraliturgical, and Yiddish song. By the late 1930s, the accordion was often used for chordal accompaniment (rather than as a solo instrument). It was an integral element of the popular Hasidic bands of the 1960s and the “klezmer ensembles” that embraced the new Israeli music as well as earlier “Palestinian” music. Although it was often deemed “an outsider,” for the revivalists of the 1980s and beyond, the accordion has been characteristic of the klezmer style.
This chapter focuses on the careers of two major bands—The Klezmorim and Brave Old World—which emerged partly or wholly from the little-known California context of the 1970s. Drawing on interviews and song texts, it imagines how klezmer music evokes emotion and makes experiences of “Jewishness” reverberate with both fondness and a sense of loss.
Today there are dozens if not hundreds of bands playing Yiddish music. Klezmer is Jewish music; it has gone from an underused term to being overgeneralized. One of the best aspects of the klezmer scene is its intergenerationality. At weddings today, the music forms a new bond between the oldest and youngest members of the family. Klezmer concerts forge an unlikely alliance between seniors and punks in rock clubs and formal concert halls. It's not unusual for a contemporary klezmer recording to feature older Jewish musicians who have been performing this music for over fifty years alongside rock guitarists, Latin or African percussionists, and Gypsy accordionists.
The music now known as klezmer took root in the United States during the period of heaviest eastern European Jewish immigration, between 1880 and 1924. Klezmorim migrated from many parts of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires and from Romania and carried with them musical traditions which, while diverse, also share a great deal in common. At first, virtually all of the klezmer orchestra leaders were violinists. Some brought over typical European klezmer instruments such as the tsimbl (hammered dulcimer), straw fiddle (folk xylophone), harmonica (small accordion), bohemian flute, and rotary valve cornet. By the 1920s, Jewish dance music instrumentation had fallen more in line with typical American vaudeville or concert bands of the time. By then, a large proportion of the European Jewish ritual music repertoire had also been abandoned, along with much of the badkhones (wedding jester) tradition, which only lived on in certain Hasidic communities.
This chapter attempts to rescue an early American Jewish institution from historical oblivion—di rusishe progresiv muzikal yunyon no. 1 fun amerike (the Russian Progressive Musical Union No. 1 of America)—the first Jewish musicians' union in the United States and the missing link in the history of the migration of klezmer music and musicians from eastern Europe to the United States. The origins of this union reveal a great deal about the early effects of social, cultural, and political currents of urban America on this genre of eastern European Jewish music, and about the overall transformation of traditional Yiddish culture in the New World.
In examining the use of music in community celebrations, one can gain deep insights into significant aspects of the American immigrant experience, including the evolution of a stylized American Jewish wedding ritual, the longevity of certain forms of European music and dance at American celebrations, the American Jewish wedding musician as heir to the European klezmer legacy, and, perhaps most important, the family celebration as an essential communal expression of American Jewish identity. This chapter offers an overview of the klezmer tradition as it developed in Philadelphia between 1915 and 1970. The timetable corresponds to the dates of the material available for research: the earliest dance folio in the author's collection was written in 1915; by 1970, the tradition was generally considered a relic, although vestiges of it remain today.
The klezmer tradition suffered major discontinuity after World War II, owing to the near destruction of eastern European Jewry in the Holocaust and to the changes wrought by assimilation and acculturation on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as to the increasing importance of Israeli culture in shaping Jewish cultural identity worldwide. As a result, postwar musicians and scholars pursuing the study of klezmer music have mainly been compelled to turn to commercial recordings of the music—in large part, 78 rpm records made during the first four decades of this century—as a primary aural source, rather than to contemporary practitioners. In some cases, however, students of the genre in North America, Israel, and eastern Europe have been fortunate to make the acquaintance of both immigrant and native-born exponents of the tradition in various stages of its contemporary development. As a researcher of traditional eastern European Jewish music and dance as well as a professional musician active in the klezmer revitalization, the author conducted in-depth interviews with Ben Bazyler between 1984 and 1990, exploring many aspects of his life and work. This chapter focuses on Bazyler's life story and its significance.
This chapter explores the historical formation of the klezmer phenomenon in terms of changing structures of feeling. It begins by considering arguments over terminology—not only the term klezmer, but also the word revival—and how these debates situate klezmer music within a larger musical landscape. It then relates the klezmer phenomenon to what Haym Soloveitchik has called the end of self-evident Jewishness. While stringent orthodoxy is one outcome of the tension between tradition and ideology, the klezmer revival is another. There follows an analysis of the fault lines of sensibility in the period immediately preceding the klezmer revival. While the popularity of old-time Jewish wedding music declined and an incipient heritage orientation to it can be detected within the Jewish music world of the time, this music was notably absent from the folk song and music revivals of the fifties and sixties. To better understand this absence, the chapter contrasts the musical sensibilities of Theodore Bikel, an international folk singer who specialized in Yiddish, Hebrew, and Russian songs, and those of Mickey Katz, who performed English–Yiddish comedy and musical parodies for largely Jewish audiences. Seen not as a musical wasteland, but as a plenum of shifting sensibilities, the fifties and sixties hold clues to the emergence of the klezmer revival in the seventies, its efflorescence in the nineties, and its changing character in the United States and in the “Jewish space” of Europe today. | 2019-04-25T00:56:47Z | http://www.universitypressscholarship.com/search?f_0=keywords&q_0=klezmer |
ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the housing boom witnessed in the UK economy from 1994–2007 in light of the Austrian theory of the business cycle (ABC). Ludwig von Mises’s parable of the “bricks” is utilized to provide empirical grounding for the theory, and the television series “Property Ladder” is used to illustrate the key aspects of the Austrian narrative. In particular attention is drawn to the role of marginal borrowers, regeneration projects, and forced savings.
The whole entrepreneurial class is, as it were, in the position of a master builder whose task is to construct a building out of a limited supply of building materials. If this man overestimates the quantity of the available supply, he drafts a plan for the execution of which the means at his disposal are not sufficient. He overbuilds the groundwork and the foundations and discovers only later, in the progress of the construction, that he lacks the material needed for the completion of the structure.
The opening quote of this paper is a parable utilized by Ludwig von Mises in relation to the Austrian theory of the business cycle (ABC). Developed by Mises in the early twentieth century, ABC has taken up an unusual position in the history of economic thought. The themes that it draws upon—such as the knowledge problem (Hayek, 1945), the heterogeneity of capital (Lachmann, 1956), the dynamic nature of time (O’Driscoll and Rizzo, 1985), and the institutions of the banking system (Rothbard, 1963; White, 1984; Selgin, 1988)—fall outside the mainstream of the economics profession. However these insights exhibit a practical relevance that is widely drawn upon when events seem to exhibit the characteristics of an Austrian cycle (Evans and Baxendale 2008b). This paper will argue that the housing boom witnessed in the UK from 1994–2007 is a manifestation of the ABC, and can thus partly explain the resulting financial crisis and recession. While Mises’s quote is a parable, we use it as a device that provides a loose empirical grounding for the theory.1 We shall look at the UK construction sector and the housing market more generally, and draw upon the television series “Property Ladder” to illustrate some of the key aspects of the Austrian narrative.
The paper will proceed as follows. Section 1 will provide a methodological discussion of why Austrian-style questions do not lend themselves to typical empirical techniques. A brief introduction to analytic narratives will demonstrate our justification for elevating the key insights of a parable to become an object of study. Section 2 will overview the UK housing market in the build up to the financial crisis. It will focus on the effects of expansionary monetary policy to outline the broad contours of the boom and the importance of marginal borrowers. Section 3 looks at policy errors that compounded the problem, with particular attention to regeneration projects that attempted to influence home ownership. Section 4 will utilize the “not enough bricks” parable and draw empirical support for the various stages of an Austrian boom. In particular the concept of forced savings is illustrated with appeals to anecdotal evidence and wider economic aggregates. Section 5 concludes.
A qualitative approach is necessary because the Austrian theory focuses on structural changes rather than aggregate changes, “trucks that had been hauling sawhorses and lawn furniture may start hauling more sawhorses and less lawn furniture” (Garrison, 2001, p. 65). Empirical inquiry therefore relies upon detailed forays into what might be contextual knowledge. To this end, our primary data source will be the television series, “Property Ladder,” (aired in the UK on Channel 4 and in the US on TLC). The 60-minute program is hosted by entrepreneur Sarah Beeny (in the UK version) and began airing in 2001. It follows inexperienced property developers as they buy, renovate, and attempt to sell on houses. Since Beeny is herself a successful property developer, she provides guidance and advice. Most episodes involve independent estate agents that value the property after the renovations have taken place, providing an estimate of the profit generated by the developer. In 2005 the format changed slightly and looked at two different houses per episode. In 2009 the show was renamed “Property Snakes and Ladders” to reflect that house prices had begun to fall, thus increasing the propensity for developers to lose money.
We are not the first to find academic merit in this program (Smith, 2010) but do not intend to overstate our methods. Indeed there are several factors that prevent a detailed statistical analysis. Firstly, raw data that documents the purchase price and subsequent valuation of each property is not available. Secondly, there is some ambiguity as to whether estate agents provide a house valuation or a suggested list price. Thirdly, since the houses are not always sold, we do not have a market price from which to make a comparison.
However, despite these drawbacks, the series provides an excellent insight into the UK housing market. It provides a large sample of budding entrepreneurs and interviews them to provide interpretive access to their expectations and rationale. Episodes span a period of rising house prices, a peak, and subsequent fall. They also provide indications of the types of regeneration projects being undertaken, how they were funded, and the consequences. Most importantly, it gets to the heart of the manifestation of the housing boom—the buy-to-let market and the influx of new entrepreneurs. So although it does not lend itself to systematic analysis, it does provide evidence to make illustrative applications of economic theory.
The analytic narrative method approaches the particularism that pervades records that are specific in time and place, and although cautious claims toward generalization pay respect (as they must) to the institutional peculiarities of each case, the overt rational choice assumptions of human behaviour provide a universal theory that underpins the entire perspective.
House prices are of particular interest to economists for several reasons. Firstly, they are simultaneously a commodity (since they provide shelter) and an asset (since their value can appreciate), and are therefore bought for functional and speculative reasons. House prices also have a tendency to reveal information about the economy as a whole, since aspects of the housing market lead the business cycle. Although spending on housing is not a large fraction of GDP, residential construction consistently leads the business cycle by 3–4 quarters, and consumer electricals by about 2.3 This implies that the housing market is a useful predictor of wider economic activity, and house price crashes tend to be followed by recessions. Indeed, a failure to foresee the effects of the liberalization in the mortgage market in the 1980s meant that economic models underestimated the wealth effect generated by changing house prices, and the consequential impact on the consumption function (Muellbauer and Murphy, 1997).
The problems of the US subprime market have been given significant attention elsewhere (Horwitz and Boettke, 2009; Norberg, 2010), but it is important to stress the extent to which that particular market was distorted by government policy. The presence of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as “government-sponsored enterprises” was a deliberate policy to provide liquidity into the secondary mortgage market, and enact reforms that sought to expand home ownership amongst low-income voters. Government targets sought to increase the proportion of mortgages granted to low-income earners from 42 percent in 2004 to 50 percent in 2006 and 56 percent in 2008. The proportion going to “very” low incomes was to rise from 20 percent in 2006 to 28 percent in 2008 (Norberg, 2001, p. 41). Consequently, the subprime market became increasingly influential—between 2000 and 2006 the proportion of interest-only mortgages rose from 0 percent to 22 percent, of secondary mortgages (to exploit price rises) from 1 percent to 31 percent and of lacking documentation from 25 percent to 44 percent (Norberg, 2010, p. 66).
While it is true that in the UK, lending criteria become so loose that mortgages were offered at six times income without credit checks being run, we are not arguing that the UK had its own “subprime” boom. Indeed, it was mainly the exposure to the US market through short term financing than the actual deposit base turning bad that caused the UK banking problems (Shin, 2009).
When discussing systematic tendencies, we are not relying on psychological explanations, but institutional ones. Consider Howden (2010), who applies the concept of information cascades to Austrian business cycle theory, arguing that second-order users of knowledge have less direct knowledge of credit conditions, so that as booms develop they become more fragile. The argument is not that early adopters are “smarter” or “more rational” than those that follow, but they are systemically closer to the source of monetary disturbances. If subjectivism simply implies that knowledge is dispersed, it does not seem controversial to suspect that as a boom progresses, the knowledge possessed by the marginal trader becomes increasingly unreliable.
That house prices increase dramatically is beyond question; the issue is whether this constitutes a bubble.
In May 2006, the Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, said, “relative to average earnings or incomes, or anything else you could look at, house prices do seem high.”8 Simple supply and demand analysis shows why house prices have risen so much in the UK. Several factors influence the demand for housing, but two stand out in particular. Firstly, there has been an increase in the number of households. Between 1971 and 2002, the UK population grew by 6 percent, while the number of households increased by 31 percent.9 This reflects a tendency toward smaller household sizes due to single parenting, younger independence and growing wealth. Secondly, there has been a net influx in migration, further contributing to the demand for housing, bidding up prices. This upward pressure on prices is reinforced by the constraints facing property developers. Space is at a premium—especially in larger cities—with high density housing in place. Consequently, it becomes increasingly costly to convert land space into new housing, restricting the supply.
But do these high prices necessarily imply a bubble? According to a 2006 Morgan Stanley report, between one third and a half of the increase in real house prices was being driven by expected house price inflation. As they say, “this is a speculative element of demand” (p.1).10 It is notoriously difficult to spot a bubble ex ante, but we can determine whether “easy money” is available. When interest rates are artificially low, we can determine that inflationary pressures must exist. There is nothing inherent in the housing market that suggests it was a bubble, however if we view it in the context of loose monetary policy, it seems to exhibit the hallmarks. There are two main ratios to look at when judging house prices. The first is the relationship between house prices and income. The second is the relationship between house prices and rents.
One of the most common arguments suggesting that the UK suffered a housing bubble was due to the fact that house prices have become increasingly higher than earnings—real house prices doubled between 1995 and 2005, but real disposable incomes rose by less than a third. Over the same period housing jumped from constituting 39 percent of a household’s total wealth to 53 percent.11 In 2007, by comparing house prices to earnings, The Daily Telegraph and Lombard Street Research found that houses were more overvalued than at any time since 1991.12 According to the Nationwide Building Society, the ratio peaked at 5.4 in 2007, fell to 4.1 in Q1 2009, and returned to 4.4 in Q4 2009.13 The Department for Communities and Local government tracks the ratio of median house price to median earnings, which was 3.54 for England in 1997. This steadily rose until it reached a peak of 7.23 in 2007, falling back to 6.27 in 2009.14 Figure 2 shows average house prices in relation to median earnings from 1993—2007.
The Economist has a “fair value” measure of housing that is based on the price/earnings ratio used to estimate the value of a company: “…house prices should reflect the expected value of benefits that come from home ownership. These benefits are captured by the rents earned by property investors, which are equivalent to tenancy costs saved by owner-occupiers.”15 According to this measure, houses were overvalued at both the beginning and end of the 1980s, reached a trough in 1996, but then began a sustained rise until peaking in 2008. Despite falling significantly in 2009, the index still suggests that houses are above their long-term average. From 1997 to 2009 the price-to-rents ratio rose by 175 percent.
Bolstering this view, the number of first time buyers hit record lows in 2007, suggesting that the marginal buyers were struggling to step onto the ladder. At the same time, The Council of Mortgage Lenders said that house prices were 3.29 times the average first-time buyer household income—their highest ever level, and the National Association of Estate Agencies declared that the number of first-time buyers decreased to 10.4 percent in December 2007.
To recap, the parallels between the subprime crisis in the US and the decline of house prices in the UK rest on two concepts. Firstly, adverse selection: as the boom develops people become systematically less credit worthy and capable of meeting repayments. Secondly, marginal entrepreneurship: once the credit crunch occurs, some entrepreneurs were well placed, but the new entrants that are forced out are driving the market.
However the main reason the supply of new housing is unresponsive to price changes is planning legislation that limits new builds. These planning restrictions can take the form of outright bans on building on the greenbelt, to height restrictions in urban centers, to forced environmental standards that raise the cost of renovations or new builds. Indeed the deliberate desire to build new housing in brownfield rather than greenfield sites created a flood of city-center apartments.
The housing boom has led to a gentrification in many urban centers, where decades of urban decay have been replaced by contemporary housing that entice people back into cities. It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss recent regeneration projects in great detail, but we can make some broad points. Firstly, we must separate the construction of new housing due to entrepreneurial speculation, and state-funded regeneration projects. In many instances the latter emerges under the guise of the former, and what appears to be a market-driven project is in actual fact political spending. Secondly, the drastic overhaul of some Northern city centers were driven more by retail construction than housing. Finally, the benefits of regeneration projects tend to be overestimated for two reasons: (i) they are concentrated, whereas the costs (if funded through general taxation) are dispersed; (ii) they are visible, whereas the costs are unrealized. If the housing market falls, the costs are highly noticeable, since it is easy to estimate how many people fall into negative equity, and to measure repossessions. However the costs of rising house prices are less noticeable—it is the first time buyers that are priced out of the market and decide to rent or stay longer in shared accommodation. In short, discussions of the effects of regeneration would benefit from a deeper application of opportunity cost reasoning.
The act of entrepreneurship is notoriously difficult; it involves speculating about future states of the world and mobilizing the resources necessary to act upon those visions. Since this activity takes place over time, situations change and what might have appeared to be highly likely can turn out a costly error. Even if prices and interest rates act as accurate signals of resource scarcity, it takes foresight, judgment and luck to understand market conditions and respond to the pressing needs of potential customers. Any activity that disrupts these price signals and interrupts market data makes entrepreneurship even more difficult.
A simple explanation for macroeconomic fluctuations is that investors are irrational—that their decisions are not based on considered calculations but on waves of sentiment that dislodge valuations from value. However, if the quality of information is low—or if the information being received is misleading—it is quite possible to see asset bubbles amongst rational investors. Ultimately, notions of rationality obfuscate reality, since the key issue is the institutional framework within which investors operate and the quality of information flows that occur. And this requires a theory of error. According to Hayek, “before we explain why people commit mistakes, we must first explain why they should ever be right” (Hayek, 1937, p. 34). Where does coordination come from? How is it manipulated?
It might seem counterintuitive, but rising house prices can often be a sign of wealth destruction. It is possible that people become accustomed to viewing their house as a financial asset, and release some of the equity (i.e., bringing forward the expected future valuation of the house) for present consumption. In many cases, this additional purchasing power is the entrepreneurial reward for investing in an asset that has an increasing value. In other cases, it may be the entrepreneurial reward for refurbishing the property and improving its value relative to other houses. However, there is also the possibility that the house price is driven not by economic fundamentals, but by a general inflation caused by excess credit creation. If this is the case, the owners have not been creating wealth, but consuming it. We have the possibility that homeowners are engaged in capital consumption that reduces the economy’s productive capabilities.
Indeed this ties into policy prescriptions, demonstrating why Austrians view recessions (the reallocation of resources) to be an inevitable and necessary consequence of artificial booms.
Some have argued that housing is not an interest-intensive good, of the type envisaged by Austrians to constitute the credit boom, because it is a consumer good. To be sure, the concept of “consumer durables” presents a problem for economists that attempt to neatly separate consumer and capital goods, since the act of consumption (the direct satisfaction of wants) can take place in the distant future. Indeed when utility is derived over a protracted time period, we can consider the present price of a good to be a discounted present value of future periods. A simplistic rendition of the Austrian theory draws a distinction between “capital goods” and “consumer goods.” However, this assumes that capital goods are being used to generate future consumer goods, which are exhausted when they are “consumed.” However it is the interest-sensitivity of goods that gives rise to the business cycle, and how they fit into the time structure of production, as opposed to their belonging to neat analytical categories imposed by economists.
Indeed consumer durables are not necessarily in the hands of the ultimate “consumer,” since intermediate markets often exist that not only shift ownership but make it possible for such goods to return to being capital goods. While for some goods their utility is enjoyed almost at the point of sale (e.g., a cinema ticket), those that confer utility over a longer time period (e.g., a car) have a greater chance of (i) being resold; (ii) forming part of the capital stock of a subsequent owner.
Therefore, if interest rates act as a proxy for time preference, both production that takes place over time and consumption that is enjoyed over time will be relevant, “thus it comes as no surprise that both consumer durables and higher-order capital goods are “interest-sensitive” (Skousen, 1990, p. 163).
Goods that cannot be readily resold by consumers are not to be considered as part of the economy’s capital structure. Goods such as houses and (less so) automobiles, for which there are effective secondary markets, should be considered capital goods even from an Austrian point of view (Garrison, 1990).
Note the importance of our definition of entrepreneurship—it is when resources are mobilized for a specific entrepreneurial plan that we find our markers for the production process. We shall proceed by drawing attention to some key aspects of ABC: relative price adjustments, the signal extraction problem, euphoria, forced savings, real wealth destruction, and the Ricardo effect.
If we refer back to Mises’s building parable, the error can be revealed at various stages. It could be revealed early on, before work has even started. It can be revealed once construction is under way, and be left dormant. As Hayek said, “this will mean a fairly sudden stoppage of work in at least all the earlier stages of the longer processes” (Hayek, 1931, p. 270). It might be so close to being finished that significant cost overlays are incurred so as to complete the project. Developers may ignore the fact that costs are sunk, and divert resources from other (potentially more profitable) uses to ensure completion. Or indeed the project may be complete before the economy-wide problems are noticed, in which case the builders are bidding away bricks from more profitable alternative uses that are at a latter stage of progress. Thornton (2005) presents convincing evidence as to the historical regularity with which this phenomenon manifests itself, but again it is important not to infer an overly literal meaning. There is nothing to say that skyscrapers will always, or necessarily signal the peak of the boom. The empirical regularity is “merely” illustrative, or useful as a rule of thumb.
Q: If the housing market collapses are a lot of these amateur developers likely to get seriously burned?
A: Yes, because most of them are making practically no profit in real terms. They count their profit from a rise in the market, which is always unwise.
Money illusion is just one part of what is referred to as the “signal extraction problem.” This relates to how economists believe economic agents interpret price signals, with particular reference to the how this affects the transmission mechanism between the supply of money and output (see Lucas, 1972, 1973). When agents are faced with fluctuating prices for their goods and services, they must distinguish between general price inflation (which affects all goods), and the specific demand and supply conditions of their own market. Horwitz (2000) provides two ways in which the signal extraction problem occurs. Firstly, the challenge of separating increases in prices due to changes in relative demand from increases in prices due to inflation. Secondly, the challenge is predicting the permanence of any of these effects.
Whereas a 5 percent increase in the money supply may ultimately increase the overall price level by the same amount, whether the price of an individual product rises by more or less than 5 percent depends on where it fits into the transmission mechanism. We might reasonably infer that prices in the banking sector adjust before prices in construction, but general inflation—even if publicly known—creates an additional source of entrepreneurial error.
Garrison points out that the knowledge assumptions at play in classical models are categorically different to Austrian ones. Whereas the signal extraction problem rests on a distinction between “local” and “global” knowledge, and the relative ease at which agents receive information pertaining to both, Hayek (1945) makes a distinction between scientific knowledge and the knowledge of time and place. These are not the same thing. Garrison (2001, p. 28) draws a parallel between the knowledge assumptions used in monetary expansions and for socialist calculation. Hence it misunderstands Hayek to suggest that traders need merely to augment their market “savvy” with more theoretical sophistication (e.g., by reading up on Austrian economics), to eliminate credit cycles. To summarize, the Austrian view states that because agents knowledge is derived from the price system, our knowledge assumptions cannot be independent (or anterior) to the institutional structure that the agents finds themselves in. If, as Garrison points out, prices, wage rates and interest rates convey information, it is logically inconsistent to claim that our representative agent behaves as if they already have access to such information about underlying economic data. (Garrison, 2001, p. 27).
As this develops—such as in the buy-to-let market, it begins to resemble a game of musical chairs. House “flipping” implies that there are not enough funds to satisfy all claims, and the investment horizon shrinks as people move from project to project.
Central to the Austrian theory is the concept of “forced savings.” Here, Mises was referring to an involuntary fall in consumption due to the reduction in purchasing power brought about by credit expansion. It is “forced” in that holders of money do not wish to transfer their purchasing power to other people, and it is “saving” in that it is deferred consumption (or indeed a reduction in the ability to consume). In more concrete terms, we can view Beeny herself as a forced saver in that she has to compete with new entrants into the property development market who have received the newly created credit.
We can make a tentative link to the wider economy by pointing out that forced saving implies that resources have been committed to earlier stages of production than would have occurred absent monetary expansion (i.e., they constitute malinvestment). The upper turning point of the ABC is what Hayek referred to as “The Ricardo effect.” Once the master builder becomes aware that there are not enough bricks, there is a scramble for resources that cause two things: a spike in prices and a credit crunch. When reality bites, we should expect prices to spike—particularly in consumer goods. Miller (2009) provides convincing evidence of the Ricardo effect occurring during this period, and Figure 5 shows what happened to the CPI measure of inflation during the relevant time period.
Throughout the buy-to-let boom, real resources were being spent on housing. If the costs of those investments are not reflected in the resale value of the property, then we know that wealth have been destroyed. When people view houses, they inevitably notice aspects that they would wish to change. They range from being minor cosmetic adjustments, such as changing wallpaper, to larger structural projects, such as replacing a conservatory. If those features were chosen to increase the value of the property, then they are a clear example of wealth destruction, since the new owners must use additional resources to replace them. If people value original wooden work surfaces, then developers that replace them with granite are destroying wealth. Rising house prices will mask these entrepreneurial errors, but they do not stop them.
This paper has tried to draw together several aspects of the Austrian narrative: the role of money illusion as people mistake general inflation with changes in relative demand, the adverse selection that entices systematically less credit-worthy consumers into the market as a credit expansion advances, and the real resource constraints that lead to the revelation of misallocations of capital. To illustrate these theoretical aspects, we have relied on two separate devices. Firstly, a parable created by the originator of the Austrian theory of the trade cycle, Ludwig von Mises, and secondly, some insights gleaned from the long-standing television series “Property Ladder.” The purpose has not been to rigorously “test” a theoretical conjecture, but to apply theory to history. Indeed, evidence suggests that the UK housing boom has exhibited all the hallmarks of an Austrian business cycle.
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1. Roger Garrison utilized the parable in a witty and insightful PowerPoint presentation, which is now available as a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yI_RuweYT4.
2. See “Overstretched,” The Economist, May 22, 2010.
3. Remarks made by Finn Kydland, November 15, 2006, “The Dynamics of Business Cycles and Monetary Policy—Links and Drivers,” NBCC Centenary Lecture. The Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce.
5. “Rate Rises to Hit First Time Buyers,” Finance News Online, Jan. 25, 2007.
6. “House Prices from 1930, Annual House Price Inflation, United Kingdom, from 1970,” Table 502.
8. Edmund Conway, “Overvalued House Prices Threaten Crash,” The Daily Telegraph, Jan. 2, 2007.
10. Miles, D.K., and Baker, M., “UK Housing: How did we get here?” Morgan Stanley Research, Nov. 22, 2006.
13. The long term average since the index began in 1983 is 3.3, while the lowest point was 2.1 in 1995. See “Shaky Foundations,” The Economist, Feb. 13, 2010.
15. Note that this measure fails to take into account real interest rates, which is of particular concern to studies that focus on the impact of artificially lowering borrowing rates. See “Ratio Rentals,” The Economist, Jan. 2, 2010.
16. I am grateful to Steven Baker for pointing this out.
17. The raw data have some flaws, and this chart utilizes The Economist’s house price indicators tools.
Evans, Anthony J. "Not Enough Bricks: Monetary Misperceptions and the UK Housing Boom." The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 17, No. 1 (Spring 2014): 19–45. | 2019-04-25T14:49:48Z | http://direct.mises.org/library/not-enough-bricks-monetary-misperceptions-and-uk-housing-boom |
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Tower of Power in Manila with Dennis Lambert & Kalapana!
Victor Magtanggol - Surprisingly Not A Rip-Off, But Wait!
The very controversial new fantasy series of GMA came with a lot of raised eyebrows the moment they revealed that the newest superhero will have Norse Mythology and looks very familiar to Marvel's Thor. And with the main weapon for the series is the Mjölnir, many say that it is a rip-off of the mythological franchise.
With a story based on a foreign mythology and a established comic icon, Victor Magtanggol would really need a lot of explanation to prove its worth on prime time. This series also brings back Alden Richards at the prime block since "Destined To Be Yours" which I think was too rushed. But Magtanggol has been planned for a long time, and may have gone with the production code "Mitho". Now its out after replacing the zombie-serye "The Cure", will Magtanggol be the fantaserye it was made to be or will its elements confirm a rip-off?
Christian Bables is excited in his upcoming movie, Signal Rock, his first collaboration with Direk Chito Roño. It was a dream come true for him to be working with the A-list director.
He is all praises of Direk Chito. “Ipapakita at ipaparamdam talaga niya sa iyo kung gaano ka niya pinapahalagahan bilang isang aktor at kaibigan basta ipakita mong you deserve his admiration and trust. I will forever be grateful to him. I worked so hard noong makapasa ako sa audition. I put myself into my character’s shoes so I would know kung anong emosyon ang aking paghuhugutan. I imagined my character - the way he speaks, walks, how he closes his eyes – para mabigyan ko ng magandang interpretation ang role ko. I have to be on my toes kasi andyan sina Direk Chito and the staff."
Even just a few years in the Philippines, Home Credit has established a lot of milestones and provided millions of loans to Filipinos, yes as in millions. And recently, they just hit the 3 Million mark and surprised the customer on-site with treats and prizes.
Home Credit has been known to many Filipinos as a loan partner that helps them in obtaining appliances and gadgets with a minimal down payment and flexible loan terms which are very affordable and convenient to pay. I got my phone via Home Credit when I needed a good phone camera for work.
Now they are celebrating another milestone this year as they hit the 3 Million mark. They made their first million customer back in May 2017, and it was not long when they hit two million and just this July is where they hit 3 and they wanted to make it memorable.
Gina Lopez Names 8 Finalists Of The "Quest For Love"
Eight communities will get to jump start their own projects to help uplift the lives of their people throgh "The Quest For Love," a nationwide search that will soon air o ABS-CBN's "G Diaries" by Gina Lopez.
Launched last March, "The Quest For Love" is a project of the Investments in Loving Organizations for Village Economies (ILOVE) Foundation founded by Gina. It Aims to promote widespread social and environmental development by providing communities with financial and technical support to start their own social enterprises.
Netflix Heroes For Day 2 of Asia Pop Comicon!
Day 2 of APCC is the most anticipated day as it will be the most activity-filled day of the convention. And like the first day, fan favorite areas were the highlight. One of them is Netflix area which the stars of Luke Cage and Iron Fist graced the stage there to do poster signing.
This was the day of the Hall N (Netflix) where they had several panels for the afternoon. The first one was Netflix ♡ Anime which featured the Showrunners of Castlevania that will have a second season soon. Before they left, they also shared the world premiere of the second season trailer. There was also a brief appearance of Aggretsuko who danced to heavy metal music true to her character and also waiting a new season soon.
IMAX at SM Cinema Intensifies the Thrilling Action in Mission: Impossible – Fallout!
Experience heart-pounding and exploding action in SM Cinema and IMAX theatres together with the IMF’s best spy, Ethan Hunt, as he comes back with his team for Mission: Impossible - Fallout.
After capturing Solomon Lane, the IMF team led by Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) joined forces with CIA assassin August Walker (Henry Cavill) for another impossible mission to take, prevent massive nuclear attacks on Vatican, Jerusalem and Mecca, Saudi Arabia from a group of terrorists known as the Apostles.
The country’s top celebrity athletes will be honored at the first Universal Reality Combat Championship (URCC) Hall of Fame Awards, to be held on July 31 at the Samsung Hall of SM Aura, Bonifacio Global City.
Among the awardees are Ormoc City Mayor Richard Gomez (Fencing), Makati 1st District Rep. Monsour del Rosario (Taekwondo), Senator Miguel Zubiri (Arnis) and eleven-time world boxing champion Senator Manny Pacquiao (Boxing).
Baron Geisler and Kiko Matos, who made headlines with their impromptu cage match last June 25, 2016, also earned a citation as the URCC’s first celebrity fight.
The URCC played a key role in popularizing mixed martial arts (MMA) in the Philippines, kicking off its inaugural event at the Casino Filipino Ampitheater in Paranaque City on November 23, 2002.
It’s now global Filipinos in South Korea’s time to shine!
After being floored with the amazing talents from Taiwan this summer, the search for the talented overseas Filipinos moves forward with “MOR Global Pop Icon in Korea”, with the auditions kicking off on July 29 at the Hyehwadong Church in Seoul, South Korea.
Recognizing the need to provide a platform for the talented Filipino singers, the competition aims to discover amateur singing talents and empower the overseas Filipinos by letting their talents shine before the world.
Ria Atayde and Joseph Marco Opens LAB by Eyebrowery!
One great move for celebrities is to have their own business that they can look forward to. And this is what Ria Atayde and Joseph Marco had in mind when they launched their partnership with the launch of LAB by Eyebrowdery at Ayala Malls Feliz in Marikina City. Ria and Marco are still active in showbiz and have projects with the Kapamilya network, though they went with a unusual yet trending venture of cosmetic services rather than the usual food and fashion.
Get IELTS Certified With The British Council Philippines!
Red Things Take Over APCC Day One!
I'm so happy to be back in APCC for this year and I thought I would miss day one because of schedules. But even with just some brief hours, I was able to roam around the SMX Convention Center where APCC became its home since year 2. Now aiming for more bigger and immersive experience, they brought in Neflix stars from the series Finn Jones (Iron Fist) , Mike Colter (Luke Cage), and Tye Sheridan (Wade Watts). But their appearance will happen on Saturday.
The highlight of the day was the long line at Filbar's for the Exclusive Jollibee Funko Pop which is a limited edition piece. Fans of the bee started at noon which eventually became very long yet quite expected from a exclusive piece. Customers are only allowed maximum of 2 pieces per purchase. The Funko Pop is sold for P650 and will also be available in Jollibee stores in August.
The TFC Store in Daly City, California continues to animate early Friday evenings with creative community events that excite TFC employees, fans and neighborhood folks.
Just last Friday, the TFC Store, in partnership with O Skin Med Spa, brought ABS-CBN stars Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach and actor-model Daniel Matsunaga for Photo Op sessions at the TFC Studio. The TFC Store was also transformed into a veritable pop-up spa with the O Skin Med Spa team offering beauty treatments like facials to visitors.
Having a reliable, high-speed internet connection is almost as important as having utilities like water and electricity which are basic needs in a typical Filipino home. Unfortunately, individuals and families who are about to move into their new homes are so busy that they may not have the time to drop by an internet provider’s store to apply for a subscription.
Globe At Home understands this struggle and has found a way to make things more convenient for their customers together with their new partner, DMCI Homes. Now, new condominium owners of DMCI Homes won’t have to brace traffic and long queues as they will have the option to apply for Globe At Home's exclusive broadband plan during the turnover of their units. This new collaboration aims to make Globe At Home subscription applications easier than ever.
Superhero Films Get Skewered When "Teen Titans GO! To the Movies"
It is truly rare for artists to reach certain number of years in the very competitive industry of showbiz, and Sharon Cuneta is one of them. Known as the "Megastar," she showed her Mega-talents in many way which indeed earned her rightful title in showbiz. She will be celebrating her 40th year and she wants to make it monumental.
I was not even born when she started her career, but she is still very relevant and active as a great singer, mentor, and actress with recent projects like the blockbuster "Unexpectedly Yours," and Kapamilya shows like "The Voice Teens," and "Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids." She is also seen in many commercials like Petron, McDonald's, Magnolia 3-Way Chicken, and Lucky Me recently.
Aiai Delas Alas has recently renewed her contract as the endorser of Hobe Noodles. Her partnership with the brand grew a lot and proved her worth as sales grew for Hobe and expanded their flavors and variants. CEO of Hobe Noodles Bobby Co is definitely happy with their partnership with Aiai.
Within the 4 years, they have expanded into many marketing platforms like billboards, posters, and recently a Television commercial which is a first in the brand. From her being a hands-on mom, now newly married to Gerald Sibayan, she also reprises her role as a housewife along with many projects she is working today.
Healthcare is now more than just curing diseases. Medical practitioners have a new and more comprehensive approach when it comes to treating their patients.
According to Dr. Lizbeth Sto. Tomas, a Wellness Doctor of Internal Medicine at The Medical City Clark, “Health is simply the absence of any physical sickness. Wellness, meanwhile, is a more encompassing concept that is rooted in a person’s overall lifestyle.” The Medical City Clark’s Executive Check-up program focuses on giving solutions that aim to improve their patients’ overall wellness, one that is preventive, promotive, proactive, and personalized.
We love doing what we love, this is true with the Filipinos' passion for the Basketball sport, this passion is also true with the Taiwanese and their quest for better innovation in the products. And bringing them together would indeed be a great place to see real passion in real life. This came true with the Taiwan Excellence Basketball Camp held at the Mall of Asia Music Hall with an intense 3-on-3 Hoop Challenge, top-notch innovations from Taiwan Excellence, and PBA stars.
It is already the 6th time Tom Cruise played the international spy Ethan Hunt and the question is always what is new for the latest franchise of the espionage flick. It turns out that there are still more to look forward to. Mission: Impossible - Fallout.
Ethan Hunt is at it again after so many complications with his organization, the IMF. Also got into more international turmoil with Rouge Nation, now gets entangled with the CIA for a mission that also rocks his personal life. The dilemma now for this film is the rise of the so called "Apostles" who will avenge the capture of their leader Solomon Lane who was the main villain in the last movie.
This time is also the introduction of Henry Cavil as August Walker who works with the CIA and is ordered to be with Hunt all the time. And this role is the reason why Cavil kept his mustache which was edited out in Justice League. But even with the scruff look, he made a good impression with his skills in combat, and espionage.
The Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF) -- proudly known as "The First Home to Asian American Cinema” – kicks off this week its 41st annual festival in New York City, starting from July 25 to August 4, 2018. Acclaimed Filipino American director-screenwriter H.P. Mendoza’s Bitter Melon, a film project chosen last year for funding and support under Cinematografo Originals, is an official selection and will be shown by AAIFF at the prestigious Asia Society on Park Avenue on August 4.
Bitter Melon has been doing the festival route since debuting as a work in progress at the 2017 Cinematografo International Film Festival in San Francisco. It had its world premiere as a centerpiece film at CAAMFest in San Francisco in May, followed by a screening as a narrative feature in Outfest Los Angeles this July, before going to the East Coast for AAIFF in August.
APCC Manila 2018 Brings Stellar Guest and Exhibitor Lineup to Filipino Fans!
Acer Day 2018 Brings Popular Music Idols like Moira and IV of Spades To Play Music Together!
Last year's Acer Day was one incredible day of something unexpected but really fun. They converted the Glorietta Activity Center into a giant ball pit with music and games. This year, they come back to Glorietta, this time to "Play Music Together" with the popular music and dance artists of today like G Force Moira, and IV of Spades.
Acer Day started last year in 14 countries across Pan-Asia Pacific. This year, the celebration grows as 20 countries in the region join in on the fun. Aside from the Philippines, Acer Day 2018 will be kicking off in Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Bell Films Releases Action-Packed Teaser Trailer For Debut Film "Kontradiksyon"
Coming into the successful launch of Piip Mobile, we are glad to share exciting news for you!
Piip have now gone beyond shopping and merchants deals and is transitioning into F&B and entertainment!
Mobile applications have been introduced and designed to make the world closer to our fingertips. We have apps that make communication with someone from across the globe and in a different timezone easier. We also have apps that help us organize schedules, keep track of our fitness goals, and send us the latest updates may it in news or promotions. But most importantly, we now have apps that bring us one of our basic needs as human beings -- food!
Watch the First Trailer of Supernatural Thriller "Overlord"
Winnie the Pooh and Friends Get Their Own Character Posters for Disney's "Christopher Robin"
Work and play smart with up to 90% off products from Home Appliances, Home and Living, Motoring, Sports and Travel, and more!
For a cynical grump, it’s never too early to be annoyed at Christmas. Watch the brand new trailer of Universal Pictures and Illumination’s upcoming animated comedy The Grinch starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
Fil-Global Immigration Services has been in the industry of providing opportunities for work, live, and study in various countries especially in places like Europe, Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand. As a one-stop shop for immigration requirements and assistance, they make sure that it lessens the hassle of going to so many processes which either delays or dismisses the opportunities abroad. Recently they had their first Fil-Global Expo that brings together brands and customers into one venue.
Among the exhibitors were 9.0 Niners IELTS Center, Security Bank, Universidad Catolica De Murcia, Niagra College Canada, Acsenda School of Management, and International College of Advance Education, JVB Travel and Tours, Pacific Cross, Queensford College, Southern Cross University, Cornell University, Arbutus College, Pearson College, and Regus. Most of them are schools with staff that will assist applicants with their inquiries and processing.
Entries must be submitted to [email protected]. Image file of the entry must be high-quality, high-definition, and in JPG format. Artist name, title, dimension, medium, and year of the artwork must be included. Passport photo, biodata, birth certificate, and entry form must be attached in email.
Outfest Los Angeles -- the oldest film festival in Los Angeles and considered the preeminent LGBTQ film festival in the world – kicks off on July 12 a full 11 days of not to be missed world-class films, panels and parties. One of the more than 150 feature and short films to be shown to an audience of more than 40,000 people is Bitter Melon, a film project chosen last year for funding and support under Cinematografo Originals. | 2019-04-22T12:06:54Z | https://www.manualtolyf.com/2018/07/ |
When do progressives fail to recognize populists’ most democratic tendencies? When do progressives themselves drift towards undemocratic and / or illiberal indifference to their fellow citizens’ views? When I want to ask such questions, I pose them to Yascha Mounk. This present conversation (transcribed by Christopher Raguz) focuses on Mounk’s book The People Vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is in Danger and How to Save It. Mounk lectures on Government at Harvard University, and is a senior fellow in the Political Reform Program at New America. He is also author of The Age of Responsibility: Luck, Choice, and the Welfare State and of Stranger in My Own Country: A Jewish Family in Modern Germany, host of The Good Fight podcast, a columnist for Slate, and a regularly contributor to the New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and Foreign Affairs.
ANDY FITCH: I could read this book and wonder why, apart from your marketing team wanting a catchier title, you didn’t call it “The People Vs. Liberalism” — since that seems like the most perennial and also the most pressing current tension you address. I do appreciate, though, your book’s broader point that, over time, the erosion of liberal norms and institutions most likely eclipses prospects for democratic decision-making as well. So to start, could you outline some of the most basic complaints appearing on a global basis right now against undemocratic liberalism (in which rising social inequalities and increasingly technocratic regulatory mechanisms crowd out possibilities for ordinary citizens to help shape our collective fate), and some of the most ominous threats posed by democratic illiberalism (particularly when populist leaders, failing to deliver on extravagant promises, feel compelled to cast liberal institutions as roadblocks impeding the will of “the people”)?
YASCHA MOUNK: That clash between “the people” and liberal ideals and institutions definitely is central to this book. Populist uprisings across the world right now tend to direct themselves against the liberal parts of political systems: minority rights, the rule of law, and so on. We definitely see that in the United States at present. And we also see in present examples of consolidated populist power, whether in Turkey or Hungary or Venezuela, that once you’ve captured independent institutions (like the courts, the media), once you’ve cowed the opposition, then you’ve truly started to turn against democracy itself. That’s what makes illiberal democracy such a significant and such a troubling regime form right now. In most cases, it ends up opening the door to more straightforward dictatorship. So while voters supporting someone like Donald Trump might not see themselves as attacking democracy, supposed champions of “the people” ultimately end up doing just that.
In order to make sense of populism, we have to remember that our political system ties itself to certain key values, such as individual freedoms — the right to expression, the right to worship, the freedom to choose how to lead our private lives. In order to sustain that freedom, we need to protect the liberties even of those individuals who belong to unpopular minorities. We need to preserve the rule of law, and the separation of powers. And then we also at the same time need democracy run by the people. We need collective self-governance, in which we decide together on our shared fate, rather than having a dictator or monarch or priest or expert class make the important decisions for us.
But when I look around the world today, I see two elements of many liberal-democratic systems seeming to split apart. Countries in North America and Western Europe have, for the past 50 years, been comparatively good at protecting individual liberties and at sustaining the rule of law. At the same time, though, they’ve suffered from the pervasive influence of political spending on our legislatures. You see institutions like Congress with little concern for what “the people” actually want. Congress clearly backs what big donors want, and conservatives seem quite happy with this arrangement. So that’s a form of undemocratic liberalism.
You might approve or disapprove of decisions these institutions make, but in any case these institutions end up taking decision-making power away from the people they supposedly represent. Again, when properly coordinated, these institutions play a crucial role in our liberal democracy. But when that overall liberal-democratic balance starts breaking down in certain places, then voters begin to feel that their voices don’t matter. And that widespread feeling easily can give rise to what I call illiberal democracy, or democracy without rights. Populists then can blame all of our problems on an out-of-touch political elite. They can tell voters that we need to get rid of this elite, to restore a bit more power to the people. But once these populists start to erode liberal elements of the political system (again: minority rights, the rule of law, and so on), this easily can degenerate into straightforward dictatorship.
That’s a helpful way of putting it. One big problem with how we talk about politics at present, especially on social media, comes from trying to describe somebody else’s behavior in terms of an “-ism,” and inevitably assuming evil motives. If someone disagrees with us on some cultural controversy of the moment, then they might be a white supremacist or they must at least have bad intentions. But once you’ve impugned people and their motives this way, you can’t expect them to remain open to persuasion. The conversation ends, and you just begin shouting at each other — either through Facebook posts or, in your family example, across the dinner table.
But if you can keep this discussion focused on the effects that certain types of political behavior will bring, then you don’t need to impugn anybody’s intentions, and people will be more likely to listen. You could ask: “Hey dad, why was everybody at that gathering white? Does that happen because you went to certain schools, or because you’ve made certain types of friends or found certain types of business partners? Does it seem unfair that other people didn’t make it into your circle? Does that feel limiting to you in any way?” And maybe your dad can listen to that, and think about that, and can answer in ways that challenge your own assumptions as well.
So I do wonder a lot about how to talk to people who embrace populist politics. I sense that we still actually support many of the same ideals. I don’t want to disrespect them or undermine them, but I also don’t want to understate the fact that racialized coalitions quite often have bad intentions, and produce noxious and truly harmful effects. At the same time, I can understand why voters attracted to populism might believe that nobody listens to them, and that power needs to be returned to the people. And I do think that we provide the best counterargument to illiberal democracy when we point to the numerous countries who elected populist leaders and ended up with dictators. Those examples can help to make the persuasive case that if you really do care about democracy, if you really don’t want to swap one semi-unresponsive political class for some strongman who doesn’t respond at all, then you should think through the consequences of populist politics.
In the end, in a democracy, we all have to remain open to persuasion in this way. We all have to recognize that just because we voted for somebody in the last election doesn’t mean we need to vote for this same person in the next election. And specifically with Trump voters, I would ask them to consider how he has violated so many of our shared principles, and how his economic policies have hurt many of his supporters much more than they have helped.
Have you found traction with this approach among right-leaning, conservative, even populist readers? Of course many books about populism have come out recently. Has yours appealed to certain audiences potentially sympathetic to (or at least opportunistically aligned with) Trump?
I can’t tell. I did do an extensive book tour, in part because it felt very important to me to take this message not just to New York, Boston, and Washington, but to Ohio, Indiana, and Utah. But of course it turns out that, wherever you go in the U.S., when you show up at a lovely bookstore, the people you tend to talk to are just as politically informed and left-leaning as readers in San Francisco. So hopefully I have reached some Trump supporters along the way, but I do feel quite skeptical that I’ve convinced them I’m right [Laughter]. At least I can help to orient people who do want to stop populism, and help them to understand how we might also need to change our own thinking in order to better protect our democracy.
Well here to take a step back, and to consider some of this book’s orientational (at times convention-flouting) assumptions, could we start with your claim that liberal democracy’s consolidation does not guarantee perpetual social progress along some one-way street? Your book instead suggests that liberalism and democracy might both be necessary to help secure and stabilize each other, but that their combination does not in itself sufficiently and inevitably ward off any destructive threat (internal as much as external) that might come along. And let’s say we perceive in Trump’s election a rhetorical swing away from certain forms of undemocratic liberalism, and let’s say we can imagine a subsequent swing away from Trump’s populist illiberalism then going too far in the opposite direction — perhaps reassuring us with its claims to pursue equality for all, but posing new dangers to democratic rule as it disregards concerns for individual liberty. Could you provide some of the closest, most instructive historical comparisons in which this type of increasingly polarized oscillation does in fact devolve into seemingly existential conflict, or any examples of societies successfully de-escalating this downward spiral towards destructive partisan clash and / or authoritarian rule?
Historical analogies do work best here to show us the long-term consequences. We can look at self-governing republics that remained relatively stable for centuries, and then started to polarize more deeply until they suffered slow, painful deaths — like the Roman Republic. Or for a shorter timeline, we can look at populists around the world right now who sound strikingly similar to Trump. In many cases, these populists have managed to consolidate power quite quickly.
For either type of comparison, though, I wanted to avoid the classic foreign-policy pattern of the generals who always end up fighting the previous war. And you never can make a simple, straightforward comparison between one time and place or another. So here we should think of the United States as the oldest and most affluent modern democracy ever to experience a populist uprising. Even as certain striking comparisons to other populist uprisings do stand out, we need to factor in that the U.S. has a strong liberal-democratic tradition. We have a vibrant civil society. We have significant independence for corporations and public institutions.
Of course you still can find plenty examples of a society that starts with a certain degree of consensus over the most fundamental questions, but also some basic disagreements over how the political system should function. Many societies like that eventually do break down, like in ancient Athens and ancient Rome. And some younger democratic European states failed in the 1920s, and some newly independent African states broke down quickly after decolonization. So we easily can offer historical examples of collapse, but finding examples where countries came back together again is a lot harder. Extreme polarization tends to lead to civil war, rather than to de-escalation. In the wake of catastrophe, a new stronger consensus might emerge, as in the U.S. after its Civil War, or Germany after World War II. But we do have to recognize right now the need to form a new consensus, a new way of overcoming deep partisanship and polarization, a way that doesn’t necessitate going through catastrophe — even if we don’t have many historical examples to draw upon.
In terms of present-day polarities, and in terms of the most likely causal sequence by which democratic illiberalism transforms into undemocratic illiberalism, your book demonstrates how populists attack those liberal institutions that seem to deny “the people” their right to exert a moral monopoly, with “the people” perhaps first defined in majoritarian distinction to various minority groups, but with “the people” then defined increasingly narrowly, until we really just mean the whims of a tyrannical ruler. Where along that trajectory (or more broadly, where alongside this book’s primary topics of democracy and liberalism) might you place present-day tribalism? When we critique “populism,” when do we mean to focus on negative aspects of exclusionary tribalism? And perhaps in distinction to tribalism’s more corrosive aspects, what might an “inclusive patriotism,” still affirming the nation state, but in much more multicultural terms, look like?
First I’d point out that you can have distinct political tribes which nevertheless recognize each other as legitimate. In many postwar societies, for example, you had socio-cultural divisions between left and right, with the left rooted in working-class culture and the right advocating bourgeois interests. These cultural divisions ran very deep — with say a worker who was part of a trade union and voting social democrat in 1960s Stockholm having relatively little in common with a small-town lawyer who was quite religious and voting conservative. But you didn’t see these different camps publicly try to delegitimate the other side. They might have competed and clashed with great intensity, but they both still recognized each other as a legitimate alternative to their own position.
Political conflict becomes much more problematic when one side says: “I just can’t take the other side seriously. I just can’t trust them. I actually loathe them and what they stand for.” In order for this kind of loathing to become a common public feeling, you typically need a demagogue who weaponizes dislike of the opposition into a powerful political force. And again it does seem to me that these circumstances have come about rather quickly in the contemporary United States. The actual degree of ideological partisanship probably hasn’t increased much over the past few years, but the ability to acknowledge the presence of legitimate citizens on the other side has dropped drastically.
And look, I grew up as the child of a Polish Jew who had left for Germany. I studied in England, and lived for stretches in Italy and France before coming to the United States, so the idea of leaving behind nationalism, the idea that we should move beyond those types of local allegiances, has obvious appeal. But when I look back at the last 20 or so years, I also can’t help noticing that nationalism has remained the most powerful political force in the world today. I also can’t help noticing that well-meaning people on the left have grown increasingly afraid to invoke that kind of collective sentiment. And when they leave this nationalist or patriotic space vacant, the worst kinds of people come to fill it. In the past I’ve described nationalism as a half-domesticated animal, which still can be stoked and provoked and still can run wild. It still can become incredibly destructive. But a half-domesticated animal also can be useful. Historically, patriotism and nationalism also have expanded the circle of human sympathy (including in terms of religious or secular or ethnic or gender identity, and so on). Nationalism can enable us to connect with people who live far away, and with whom we have little else in common.
Many countries, even with deep nationalist traditions, have figured out ways to be inclusive. There has always been an American tradition in which to be a citizen should have less to do with blood or religious creed than with the democratic ideals to which you subscribe. So with this phrase “inclusive nationalism” I want to suggest a higher form of solidarity with one’s fellow citizens — who can be anyone, who might have come from anywhere. One type of prevailing populist nationalism right now of course focuses on ethnic nationalism, white nationalism, in order to create a narrow idea of “true” American nationality. But if you look at polls, relatively few people actually believe in this. So in the long run I feel less concern about our ability to win that particular battle. But I do see a broader danger in the idea that being a “true” American means accepting some sort of demagogue and / or some form of aggressive militarism. We’ve seen those more chameleon-like tendencies (which can take on a variety of forms) exploited throughout our history. So that long-term trend worries me much more.
Distinctions between shorter-term and longer-term dynamics also play out as you distinguish between Trump supporters driven by economic suffering, and Trump supporters driven by economic anxiety (with such supporters perhaps comfortably above the poverty line for now, but lacking college degrees, stuck in non-professional jobs, facing ominous prospects amid forces of globalization and automation, measuring their security in relation to projected future threats as much as to present circumstances). Future-oriented anxieties also arise in largely homogenous communities seeing increased diversity elsewhere, and sensing that their own internal composition soon will shift in accordance with these trends. So how does political theory, and how do everyday political conversations (in terms of research questions they pursue, social critiques they offer, aspirational visions towards which they wish to guide us) need to change in order to constructively engage this future-oriented perspective of supposedly “backwards” populists? What would be basic elements of a future towards which liberals, democrats, liberal-democrats, populists of various sorts might agree to move together?
We do need to get over this smugness of thinking that the future is ours and ours alone. When I was growing up in Germany, we would talk about the far right as Ewiggestrige, “those forever stuck in the past.” But now we can see that it was naive to think neo-Nazis would eventually be swept away by an inevitable liberal-democratic future. The far-right Alternative für Deutschland (or AFD) recently has emerged as the second-largest political party in Germany. The political future in which our basic ideals prevail still needs to be won every single time.
And predictions of a socially progressive demographic majority inevitably emerging in the U.S. are also very naive. First, this assumes a kind of one-drop rule, in which somebody with one Latino grandparent, who might actually identify as white, still gets categorized as (and votes like) somebody who identifies as a person of color. Second, this patronizingly assumes that minority groups (many of which have some quite conservative cultural traditions) never would vote conservative, so that the progressive coalition can simply take them for granted. And of course we also reductively categorize all “Asian Americans” together. We don’t differentiate between Latino voters whose families come from Cuba and those who come from Mexico. So we should be very careful with these future predictions, and we should ask ourselves much more self-critically: what persuasive vision can we present to our fellow citizens about the future?
Populists often harken back to the past, but they also appeal quite personally to how they can make your life better in the future. Too often, the people standing up to populists forget this charismatic power of populist visions. But we need to recognize this power, if only to push ourselves to develop our own compelling visions that citizens can support and feel supported by. We can’t just assume that criticizing somebody else’s vision is a sufficient political project.
Again in terms of these complex multigenerational dynamics, when might an apparently undemocratic liberalism in our present reflect the preserved moral imperative of preceding generations? Could we ever call it “democratic” for 250 years of precedent, and / or for the well-being of subsequent generations, to take preeminence over citizens’ impulsive preferences in the present? Or where might the concept of presentism likewise fit alongside democracy and liberalism?
Well first we probably need to distinguish between framing the space of politics, and delimiting particular public-policy choices. We can’t define “the will of the people” in the abstract, without a set of institutions that facilitate the manner in which the people come to their decisions. And here it doesn’t particularly trouble me that the constitution’s founders framed 250 years ago how we conduct our present politics. That historical fact doesn’t need to constrain our contemporary world. But it can help us come to collective decisions.
I do see a problem though when people who lived 250 years ago decide matters of substantive public policy for us. I actually think left-leaning liberals have sometimes too willingly let the Supreme Court overreach into areas like gay marriage, which we would have been much better off deciding through state legislatures. I think we would have won that battle in, say, 46 of 50 states. So we can and often should rely on constitutions and inherited institutions like the Supreme Court, both of which help to ensure that popularly elected executives (and other government officials) do not overstep the bounds of their authority. But the scope of decisions on which these inherited institutions can constrain us should be narrow.
Here again, while you acknowledge the no-doubt unjust (white-supremacist, patriarchal) hierarchies of power that our liberal democracy has reinforced throughout its history, you also suggest that liberal democracy’s left-leaning critics often fail to acknowledge how much worse off we all might be (social minorities certainly included) if no liberal state stood between the individual citizen and the majority will. So in terms of how you might assess problematic tendencies percolating on today’s intellectual left, could you describe ways in which a self-described anti-Trump, anti-authoritarian critique itself might betray tendencies towards undemocratic liberalism (“I don’t care what the racist majority thinks”), or betray tendencies towards democratic illiberalism (“Basically everyone in my community agrees with me, and any outliers should be ostracized for their deviations”)? Or for a straightforward question: you say much more needs to be done to think through what a truly liberal, truly democratic, liberal-democratic vision might look like. Could you start to offer such a vision here?
Sure, though I often do find it strange to engage in fantasies of the kinds of democracy one wants to build — right now for example, a couple weeks before the midterm elections, when one’s own political group currently possesses so little power. Still I do have some substantive frustrations and fears about some of those changes you describe happening on the left. I do believe for example in freedom of speech, and consider it problematic to overthrow that principle in the name of supposed progressive ideals. Of course you can sit in your little progressive bubble, and imagine how much better off the whole world would be if only you could decide for us all what can and cannot be said. But you shouldn’t forget the everyday reality of the people who can truly quash public speech (say the presidents of large state universities across the South and Midwest, who get appointed by and remain accountable to Republican governors and legislatures).
In the same way, I recommend that before you indulge in court-packing fantasies, it helps to regain power in at least one of our three branches of government, and to make sure you can continue to hold that power for a long time to come — because of course the other side can use these same partisan tactics against you. So I do consider some of those proposals cases of bad judgment, compounded by fantasy.
Well The People Vs. Democracy also cites the historical overlap between a post-World War-II international expansion of invigorated liberal-democratic politics, and a stunning span of peaceful economic growth — perhaps persuading populations to support this political system more for the immediate gains it provides than for any fundamental commitment they might feel towards the timeless values it puts forward. So today, when those economic gains, when that sense of comparative security no longer can be taken for granted, do we face questions such as: to what extent do we or did we ever (whoever “we” might be here) really want “democracy”? To what extent did we just mean: “We want the prevailing order, so long as it doesn’t get in our way too much, and our income keeps rising”? Or what happens when the popular majority doesn’t in fact want liberal democracy, and maybe never did?
Here I wouldn’t say it so starkly as: “People either wanted democracy for all the right reasons, or they didn’t want democracy at all.” In fact I hope for this book to challenge precisely that kind of binary thinking, in part by examining the nature of public support for liberal democracy throughout the postwar era. People embrace a political system for various (partially overlapping) reasons. For example, within the postwar Western European context, people might have embraced liberal democracy in response to experiences with fascism and / or communism, or due to increased appreciation for individual liberty and collective self-determination. But we also shouldn’t forget that many Western Europeans initially skeptical of liberal democracy were won over only once this system started delivering for them. Eventually they could see that liberal democracy in fact offered them a very appealing bargain. They got to embrace high-minded ideals like individual liberty, but at the same time they benefited from tremendous growth in living standards.
From that historical model, I draw the lesson that we need both a more abstract idealistic and a more practical economic basis for legitimizing our liberal-democratic system over the long term. I suggest that we need much more substantial and ongoing civics education, including at the university level, including in publications like the Los Angeles Review of Books. We as teachers, writers, and thinkers need to clarify for people not just the inevitable flaws in our current political system, but also what we find distinctly valuable and worth preserving in our political system. But we also do need to put in place significant economic reforms, significant policy changes designed to ensure that people can have a good life, and can feel optimistic about their own futures.
Given any number of topics we’ve discussed, I do sense one fundamental rhetorical tension circulating throughout The People Vs. Democracy, a tension in which you seek to convince us that these extraordinary times demand extraordinary responses, but in which your desired outcome would involve us largely preserving our liberal-democratic social order — rather than blowing it up. Or we here could consider contemporary electorates telling pollsters that they want both a politics of the center, and a politics of change, and ask: what does it mean to fight for the preservation of order? Or how most constructively to frame this less as a fight to preserve liberal democracy than as an effort finally to fulfill the long-held promise of liberal democracy?
The goals of liberal democracy (to create a social order in which individuals can live free from all forms of discrimination, and can prosper enough to pursue personally meaningful lives) are plenty radical. They already pose incredibly difficult challenges. Some countries today (including the U.S., but especially Canada and certain countries in Western and Northern Europe) come closer to realizing these ideals than any previous society. But that still leaves us far from fully realizing liberal-democratic ideals. So liberal democracy’s defenders do need to avoid the trap of identifying too closely with the political status-quo. We are not some “establishment” who considers everything to be okay. We are the partisans of two deeply inspiring ideals, and we seek to ensure that reality accords ever more closely with these aspirations.
If we can refashion our approach to liberal-democratic commitments in this way, then I think we still can prevent ourselves from throwing out the baby with the bathwater. We can reject an approach which says that the path to human improvement could only come through political extremes — extremes which, either on the right or left, usually bring tyranny and ultimately poverty.
So yes, we do need to fight, but instead of pursuing such extremes, we should focus on contesting concentrations of power. We should contest the role of money in our politics. We need to contest economic policies clearly favoring those who already have over those who have not. We need to struggle to realize, for the first time in human history, a truly equal multiethnic society. | 2019-04-22T00:03:31Z | http://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/interviews/indulge-court-packing-fantasies-talking-yascha-mounk/ |
Troy Hunt is an Australian Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft MVP for Developer Security.
He’s also the creator of Have I Been Pwned and speaks around the world on web security.
Jon Ash – 00:51 – So before we get started, would you just tell us a little bit about yourself and maybe how you got started?
Troy Hunt – 00:58 – Well, I guess in addition to what you just said, uh, I think he said I’m Australian. People can probably hear that I got started, uh, I guess in sort of my modern day career in terms of building stuff for the web back in a bit 95 I remember it was one of uh first year of university first of the web. And I went, wow, this is awesome. You can view source on a web page and then create your own site. That’s amazing. So I started building a Web apps in, uh, in 1995 and things just sort of went from there. And at some point I kind of pivoted a little bit and went into the App sec side of things and, and yeah. Now here I am today.
Jon Ash – 01:37 – Awesome. Awesome. So what are you doing today?
Troy Hunt – 02:37 – that’s been a cheekily busy period last few days because I got some cool stuff in the pipeline there. Uh, yeah. And blogging trying to try to actually write blogs as well because this was the whole sort of genesis of a lot of this. So I don’t do like to keep up the blogging as well.
Jon Ash – 02:53 – How’d you first get interested in information security?
Troy Hunt – 02:56 – When I was seeing other people continually do it badly. Uh, so that the context they’re in. And you mentioned earlier on my heck your career talk and I talk about this a bit in the heck your career talk at the context. For me it was that I was working in a, in a large enterprise. They were outsourcing everything in terms of the development work and I had an architectural role and I would just see people build things that would come back and I’ll just look and go, what are you thinking? And you have no idea. Have no idea. Like what is going to get wrong as a result of this and there’s this one moment that just kind of mind which, which I think is the epitomizes that the problem where we had some work done by some Chinese developers with a mobile APP and I grabbed this mobile app and I proxied my device through Fiddler and I had to look at the API calls. It was making a long story short. The one of these API calls was to some method called something like get users. And it did exactly what it sounds like it would do. It just pulled all the users and all their plain text passwords and everything back.
Clayton Hunt – 04:16 – with a focus on security. You do tend to talk about a lot of scary things that somebody could expose in their website pretty easily. How much responsibility would you say is on the, um, the typical developer to dig into security? I mean, it’s, it’s a really, really deep topic with, with so many things that could trip somebody up and, and, uh, cause uh, a security issue. Uh, so, so how deep should a normal developer get into it?
Troy Hunt – 04:50 – Well, you know, first of all, I think security is one of these things. It’s a shared responsibility where we all have a little role to play, whether you’re the developer or the architect will the testers and frankly, although up to the top of the management chain and organization, yeah, you’ve all got a role to play in making sure these things to secure and for developers frankly, they are often where the rubber hits the road. I mean, they’re the ones that are writing the code which has the sequel injection vulnerability that still keep it at the number one position or the, I was top 10 at the moment. Uh, you know, they have an enormously important role to play here. And I, uh, I would obviously love to see people get better educated at what a solid good, secure coding practices are and frankly with my biased interest in terms of creating training material that’s like the best possible bang for your buck as well as an organization, you know, it’s not the firewalls and the expensive penetration tests and all the stuff that comes after the bad codes written. It’s the stuff that helps you avoid the problem in the first place.
Clayton Hunt – 05:51 – So you mentioned the OWASP. OWASP Top 10 is, is that a shortlist of like if you, if you don’t know anything else about security?
Troy Hunt – 05:59 – No, these things and how to protect yourself against them? Well, the OWASP Top 10 is a great starting point sides. It’s content which is made for developers. And then there’s a really important nuance here as well as a lot of content out there from security prize. It just speaks a different language. And that was, uh, frankly large part of the reason why I started reading all this material. So the top 10 is very targeted towards developers and explains in a case like injection, which is actually a super set of sequel injection. Sequel injection is one form injection, but it’s probably the most common. So it’ll say, hey look, here’s the injection, these are the potential risks, this is the impact if it goes wrong here, the defensive patterns and here’s a whole bunch of resources that are useful and they’re in your language as a choice as well. He’s had to do it in php and asp.net and whatever else. So OWASP is a very easily consumable resource and it certainly talks about the most fundamental risks, but of course there’s more than just 10 classes of risk out there.
Troy Hunt – 06:55 – We’ve got to deal with, uh, and in fact, uh, I was just updated their top 10 late last year and they dropped cross site request for jury off that list, which doesn’t mean it’s gone away by any means. It just means, hey, there’s other stuff that’s even worse now. The top 10 is like, start here and then keep going. But, uh, look, I guess humans like consumable lists that they can compartmentalize and their brains and, and it actually does a very good job with that.
Jon Ash – 07:21 – So one of the things that I have, I kind of struggle with is, or have seen people struggle with is you security tends to be if it, if it is even dealt with, with hopefully hopefully that that is the case, but uh, it sort of is ratcheted on at the end of the or, or sort of after the code. It’s like, well, let’s, let’s get this working first and then let’s make sure that it gets secured. Let’s check for some of these are sort of the different types of vulnerabilities, um, you know, but is there some methodologies to kind of or you know, frameworks of thinking or kind of where are the approaches for actually developing securely, kind of from the ground up. So knew we were taking this whole, whole thing on before we’ve written any sort of code, uh, you know, we’re going, we’re going to take that secure approach.
Troy Hunt – 08:11 – Yeah. So don’t do that. And, and I like, this is actually what really got me involved in security as well either. I guess there are multiple different things, but one of the things was that in this corporate environment I was in, we would be waiting until the very end where all the code had been built over time, you’re over budget and the product managers breathing down your neck saying where’s my application? And then that guy, we should security tests this. Just make sure it’s okay. I guess what, it’s never. Okay. Something, uh, it turns out there’s quite a few things when you always outsourced to the lowest cost market as well, but that’s not the story. So you know, leaving it too late is not not smart for, for many different reasons. Now you mentioned one there at a time out of money. What tends to happen, and certainly this is very, very common. So what tends to happen is you have a list of security deficiencies and they prioritize, you know, the critical stuff and this stuff, the medium stuff.
Troy Hunt – 09:10 – And you go down the list from the worst to the best until you run out of time. And money and then the product manager signs off on the rest of them as an acceptable risk. So there’s this person who, in our case I used to work for Pfizer pharmaceutical company, so there’s this person who all they’re interested in doing is selling Viagra and they have signing off on the CSRF risks. There are things you know about, which we went over bit here and they are not CSRF. Uh, so yeah, that’s not a good position. And then we think about some of the sort of a, I guess a immutable empirical evidence of software development and where it makes sense to fixed a fixed. So many people probably heard or read of the mythical man month and one of the things they talk about there is the cost of the effects over time. And that the TLDR version is the longer you go from the point of writing the defect to the point of fixing it, the more expensive it becomes a yeah.
John Callaway – 10:49 – so of those things that we’re talking about, we’re talking about the easy ones are they’re like no plain text passwords and communications over https and things like that. Or does he do, are we going farther than that?
Troy Hunt – 11:03 – Well, it’s certainly part of it. I mean that the plain text password thing is is very important. It’s also something which really only becomes a problem once you get owned one way or another. Anyway. It’s like, okay, you had sequel injection, you’re going to have a very bad day anyway, by the way, all your passwords plant takes that. There’s, there’s that, but there’s so many sort of nuanced things these days in terms of the wave vulnerabilities get exploited and very often they’re things like, look, you could be authenticated, but there is an endpoint somewhere which checks that the or unauthenticated user but doesn’t actually check that you have access to the resource you’re requesting. So yeah, you log onto your bank account and then you look at the number and go, I wonder what would happen if a plus one, someone else’s bank account. Now conversely on other side of, and another angle it’s very interesting these days is that we have so many new security constructs built for the web.
Troy Hunt – 12:00 – Those things that browsers understand that people have never heard of before, so we have things like sub resource integrity. The ability to to have a script and then load it from an external resource and make sure that it hasn’t been modified. We’ve got content security policies. The xss order to built into crime can report violations back to an endpoint that you specify as so you figure out when someone’s exploding success on your side. There’s all of these really, really super cool things that people have just never heard of before which are out there and can make a really fundamental difference. Your security posture.
John Callaway – 12:34 – There was a Twitter conversation about a month ago or so when it came to light that T-Mobile Austria was having an issue with plain text passwords that that seemed to have blown up around that time.
Troy Hunt – 12:44 – That was a funny one. I think I might’ve been a bit responsible for getting them into trouble there and I don’t apologize for that. There was a, I think it was a girl who caught up T-mobile in Australia and the discussion was something along the lines of a height, same mobile wallet. Can you say my password? It must made. You’re storing it in plain text now in their defense, and this is not really defensible. However all the other kids are doing it like a lot of telcos stole your passwords and retrievable format. A Virgin in, in the UK always gets pinged for this. I see constantly in my timeline or people calling them on it and, and I do it for customer service reasons and it’s not a good reason because there are better ways of doing it, but for the most part the T-Mobile situation with business as usual on the Internet. And what made it different was that whoever was behind that account started defending their position and this really like this should be social media account management one I want like don’t argue with the security people online.
Troy Hunt – 13:41 – In fact, I’d argue with anyone online, like if you’re heading down that path, take it offline, but this account, I’m sure you guys can dig out the original tweet and share the nights, but it will stuff like they can’t assign, but our security is really, really good. You know. And then at one point I think the original girl sort of said, ah, you know, what happens if you have like an insider go road a or something along those lines. They can’t. Was like, are you threatening us? And I look at this going, well I was going to say professional telco, but I might take back that first bit, you know, like you’re a telco, you can’t talk like this online because what’s going to happen is he going to get a bunch of free penetration tests and get a free penetration test. And there was all sorts of nasty stuff which was then discovered on, on T-Mobile. And it’s just like, this is just such a predictable pattern in. I like a company stands up and is a bit belligerent about security online.
Troy Hunt – 14:37 – Uh, the mess has go wild company keeps defending their position. A company site goes offline. That’s a fun times on the Internet.
John Callaway – 14:49 – So is that a kind of the premise on Have I Been Pwned was started or how did that come about?
Troy Hunt – 14:55 – Well, the original premise of Have I Been Pwned and it was really sort of split objectives and part of the objective was to build a service which does what it does today. So yeah, aggregate data breaches together so you can search them because lots of people don’t know how far have been exposed. And the other part of it was I just liked building stuff. I had some downtime and I was like, ah, let’s build something on Azure, you know, like, I want to build some cool stuff on the cloud and I don’t just want it to be like some random hello world. Like let’s actually build something interesting. Uh, and that was a very important part of it is sort of four and a half years ago when I originally did it. In fact I had some downtime. I was traveling, I was in the Philippines. I remember I was bored in a hotel room and I was like, Oh, this will be fun. A four and a half years later, funnily enough, I was just thinking, I’ve spent most of this week in building new stuff, doing a lot of stuff with ego functions. At the moment, and I was having that feeling and it’s like, oh, that’s nice just to build stuff is funny I guess around.
John Callaway – 15:56 – Yeah. It seems to have kind of taken off. And how do you get the information that you get to facilitate that service or companies reaching out to you and just telling you, yeah, we had a breach. Here’s the data, or how does that, how does that work?
Troy Hunt – 16:10 – Surprisingly enough sometimes. Yes. So there’s actually three data breaches in Have I Been Pwned that were self submissions, so their organizations reaching out saying it, look, we go to and here’s the data now look a couple of days, a pretty small one of them is a, some sort of a truck, his gaming forum, uh, and I, I think it was sort of run by a couple of young blokes, so just having a bit of fun with it and sort of didn’t realize the ramifications of holding other people’s data. Uh, one of them though is the ethereum cryptocurrency forum know this is actually serious stuff. The official forum and I said, yeah, we got to. Here’s the data. Most of the time though, it, it comes from people who I guess support what I’m doing with Have I Been Pwned and come across data through various means now very frequently that they’re trading in a. So one of the things I’ve learned in running this service isn’t, there’s a really vibrant trading scene for data breaches now that sometimes tried it in a monetary fashion.
Clayton Hunt – 17:44 – that’s crazy, but you’re just, you’re actually getting data just freely given to you from people who have been breached.
Troy Hunt – 17:51 – Yeah, it is. And to be honest, like I often say, people will tweet, say after some major data breach, a little tweet out and they go, Hey, a company you should give troy hunt the data. If I Have I Been Pwned now, to be honest, I, I would not be encouraging organizations to do that simply because it’s one thing to have data illegally taken out of your system by someone who shouldn’t have been there in the first place. It’s another to sort of take your customer data and then handed off to a third party, which ultimately is, is sitting on a few billion records. So I would, I would not necessarily be encouraging that or certainly supporting the organizations who do. And certainly in the case of one of those, I ended up doing the bridge patients for them as well because I had the, the ability to actually send that number of emails. But I mean, let’s say it was Yahoo, I don’t think. Yeah. Who’s going to turn around tomorrow and go, yeah, troy look like here’s the billion or 3 billion or many accounts. It is now. Go for it.
Clayton Hunt – 18:52 – Well they’re, they’re already all owned.
Troy Hunt – 18:55 – Yeah. Well yeah, there are degrees of owned as well, you know, and that’s the thing with Yahoo is that I’ve never seen this data anywhere. Look, I’ve seen lots of people claim to have it in the, none of them have, but it’s not like say Ashley Madison, every single person who wants it can go and find that data and a few clicks. I mean, that data was designed to be distributed as far and wide as possible. Yahoo, whoever grabbed that hypothetically, the Russians, I held onto it very tightly and not redistributed it.
Jon Ash – 19:27 – I mean, I guess this kind of brings up an interesting like who, who is, who’s going after these, these, uh, your, your data. Who, who is it? And is it just, um, people looking collected? Baseball cards? I mean obviously we great black market, sort of A. People want to use your information to steal identities, to come from other information that they have. Is it a large group of people? Is that there’s a small group of people?
Troy Hunt – 19:55 – Yeah. Part of this in terms of those who might be redistributing data and there’s a question about intent here. So you know, what are people have to. Do they have to cause damage to accompany, are they curious, uh, or have they just become sort of a secondhand recipient of data? And frankly, most of the people I have discussions with are in that latter category. The earlier ones it, it’s uncomfortable because I don’t want particularly want to talk to people about illegal activities they’ve been involved in, but, but by the same token, you know, now they’re sitting on a million records of customer data and you kind of want those customers to know too. So it’s a bit of an uncomfortable spot. Yeah. Very. Typically we talk about sort of three different levels of threat actor, uh, when we’re talking about the defensive patents for building systems.
Troy Hunt – 20:41 – So we talk about level one, Bang you, your activist and your kids. And, and frankly they were on a lot because they don’t have good reasons for what they do. They’re very opportunistic and for everyone that goes, ah, yeah, they’re trying to change the world and do positive things like honestly go and have a look at the amount of stuff that’s done under the banner of activism. It’s just crazy. But, uh, yeah, they, they kids are the kids who were very, very young adults and they don’t have access to a particularly large amount of resources, but they are insidious little, uh, uh, I was going to say something, my vision on this podcast over the way, my kids want to get vindictive and they’re only five and eight, but they can, they can be very creative. They’ve got lots of spare time because they don’t have to go to work or do anything like this.
Troy Hunt – 21:25 – So kids on the Internet can be enormously effective at breaking into other things. Now that sort of level one. And then we go onto the next level, which would be a criminals, uh, criminals in terms of a monetary intent. So they are wanting to break in and steal credit cards, which they can sell still data breaches, which I can sell on the dark web or anywhere else and they do have a sense of ROI. So they’re saying, look, if I can get into this system, it has something of value which I can then monetize. And the thing about ROI is that if we raise that, that investment component high enough, we make it hard enough to get in. We’ll then that the ROI doesn’t look any good and they move on. And then finally we will often talk about nation states and now it’s a very, very different ball game because suddenly the amount of money involved is, is absolutely huge.
Troy Hunt – 22:15 – But the way you defend against an adversary like that is very different. And depending on what the sort of asset you have is, it may also be of no interest. If, if it’s an ecommerce site that might not be a lot of interest to let’s say the Russians or the Chinese. If it’s a messaging platform, very different.
John Callaway – 22:33 – So I guess you kind of have to take that into perspective when you’re looking at what your building and say when you’re developing those strategies to secure in that.
Troy Hunt – 22:42 – Yeah, and I guess there’s a bit of a threat modeling exercise to write whereas saying, okay, we were building this stuff, who do we need to be conscious of? Like, who do we have to worry about? Uh, and that’s probably pretty good exercise for everyone to go through.
John Callaway – 22:56 – So you mentioned that you were at Pfizer a while ago and you’ve since left and moved on and, and have made a pretty good career for yourself doing a lot of security consulting and talks and training you want to tell us about how you decided to make that move or, or what that looked like for you?
Troy Hunt – 23:12 – Oh yeah, they made it really easy. They got rid of me and three other people that the longest story. And, and this was also in my, my heck your career a talk now and anyone who is interested in these talks, troyhunt.talk/recorded-talks. They’re pretty much all up there. So the longest story was, uh, I was, was becoming, I guess a couple of different ways, looking at a number one, I, I became good as a developer, uh, and that’s when an organization says, Hey, you’re a good developer, you should stop doing that, you know, and you should go and manage people because that’s how you progress. Right? And, and I can hear everyone that’s listening, shaking or nodding their heads already because we go through and they will effectively wasn’t any sense of technical career progression. And so like if you want to move up in the world, you’ve got to stop being technical now. Certainly hands on technical. So that meant I was doing a lot of architectural stuff from dealing with the sorts of problems before. Oh, I mentioned before.
Troy Hunt – 24:07 – So, you know, things like just continually bad quality security floor riddled software, which, which was making things quite frustrating for me. Um, so, so that was certainly part of it, that the other side of things was I was getting a lot of traction with my independent life. So independent life then really meant loads of blogging increasingly speaking. Uh, and pluralsight, so I’d been writing pluralsight courses and the, the long and short of it was the pluralsight was becoming very successful. I was making a lot more money from pluralsight and what I was going into an office doing a job I didn’t enjoy and I really wanted to get out of the place and fortunately they, they made four different jobs that were based in Australia, but we’re looking after the Asia Pac region are redundant primarily because we’re here in, uh, in sort of the most expensive country within the region. We’re looking after the cheapest countries and you had places like China growing very rapidly in places like Australia contracting. It just didn’t make sense.
Troy Hunt – 25:05 – So, uh, we got uh, redundancies, which is fantastic because a redundancy, they actually paid leave. So I got a, I’ve got a nice payout after being there for 15 years in total. And that gave me loads of flexibility to then go and do whatever I wanted to do a. and it turns out that the stuff I wanted to do is actually quite in demand as well. So it worked out very well.
Jon Ash – 25:28 – So could you, could you speak a little bit more about the heck your heck your career talk that you recently gave?
Troy Hunt – 25:34 – Yeah, we’ll look at a lot of the premise of the talk was to sort of say to people having online identities is a smart career move. And in fact I start off the talk by by saying, look, here’s the first blog posts I ever wrote. This was when I was in Pfizer. This was 2009. I wrote this blog post, uh, and that was literally the title of the blog post. I’m a online how online identities are smart career moves. And my premise at the time was that I’d been interviewing people to hire them as developers and I’d interview someone and they’d say, ah, I’m awesome. No, not me. But they themselves were awesome and I’d sort of go, okay, show you. And again, I look at my CV, my CV says I’m awesome. So that you wrote it. Of course it says you’re awesome. And then that’s our. Yeah, I’ve got references. Go and speak to my references and I’ll sort of guy. Well it. But you chose the references that you like, you’re going to choose people that are going to say you’re awesome.
Troy Hunt – 26:29 – And the thing that struck me was that it was very hard to kind of independently gauge who these people were and I will be out there looking for say anything from a LinkedIn profile to a stack overflow account to contributions on GetHub or anything to sort of establish that this person is who they say they are. And usually I couldn’t find anything at all. And frankly part of the problem was a lot of the people I was hiring were in in other parts of Asia too. And that they just had a different approach to being public and having social profiles. But my premise was that I would like to have a profile such that if I ever want to leave the organization I’m in or if they ever want me to leave, which is of course eventually what happened. Then I want to have this independence and it’s not something that you do overnight either. Like you have to work away at this for years. So this is really what the talk is about. It’s like here are the things that you can do to start establishing a profile and that that may mean that it’s going to give you independence one day.
Troy Hunt – 27:30 – It may mean that when you go for another job, it’s going to help you get that job. It may mean that you’re going to get better access to people and information within your current job and then you sort of choose how far you dial it up. You know, maybe it’s just some code contributions and some stackoverflow answers might be you do what I did you, you kinda choose.
Jon Ash – 27:50 – Awesome. That kind of leads into one of the questions that we ask everyone a is do you have some specific advice to people that are just getting started and it’s sounds like it would be pretty close to that, but I’ll let you elaborate.
Troy Hunt – 28:04 – Yeah. Well I guess part of it is going to have a look at that talk because that’s, that’s sort of very specifically designed to do this. You know, things for you to think about in an interestingly, lots of Paypal account and spoken to me after that tour and said, hey look, I’ve been doing this now and it’s making a really big difference in the I often say it referenced, which is very nice. I don’t sort of get that feedback from my technical talks. So I think part of it as well as that you don’t have to necessarily know the end goal. I certainly didn’t know the end goal. Uh, I, I just went, look, this feels like the right thing to do now it’s just a blog. It’s like it’s easy to go and get afraid template, pay ghost pro, something like a fraction of a dollar a day and a and get yourself set up and running and then just see where it leads you. And I’ve found that I tended to drift in different directions and, and I, I guess pivot as they say here and there and I still do that today as well. I don’t necessarily have an end goal or a plan. I’m just doing what feels right.
Jon Ash – 29:01 – Uh, do you have any upcoming talks? I think you mentioned a few.
Troy Hunt – 29:04 – Yeah. So, uh, always faking it. and they say it’s like in June, I think it’s around about the week of June 12, thereabouts. Uh, if you’re listening to this after that, it was a great event. We all had a lot of fun. Drink a lot of, be a good time, uh, in, in terms of other things that are coming up down the right hand side of my blog. I have a list which just made me think I should actually say what it is that have committed to, to try and plan for, uh, the things that I sort of get prepared for the next thing and leave it at that. So, um, in terms of what I would have coming up, then I’ve got the fraud and prevention summit in Sydney in July. I’m going to a sell point conference in Sydney in a. was it in August? Uh, we’ve got NDC, say Australia also in Sydney in September. So we’ve, we’ve taken into, they see around the world and a couple of other things that I’m committing to, but haven’t yet announced in other parts of the world. Not a bit carefully managed how much I do when and where.
Jon Ash – 30:11 – And then, uh, I know you heavily heavy, right? A contributor. And what, what? Uh, I think you mentioned that you might have something coming up.
Troy Hunt – 30:20 – So yeah, over the last four days I think I’ve released one new course every day. A lot of stuff there. So in the chronology of things, the last one I replaced was a course about bug bounties for companies. So if you’re a company and you’re interested in getting involved in bug bounties, I recorded what they call a play by play course with a, with a mate of mine called KCLS. He started the company bad crowd, so that just went out a couple of days ago and then during this week we’ll have one for researchers as well. So if you’re interested in getting involved and finding bugs and then getting paid for it, there’ll be course coming out for you too. And then actually after, after that were the only pluralsight stuff we have planned as I’m doing a quarterly course that’s free in front of the pay wall called trading security century culture.
Troy Hunt – 31:09 – And we just released one about dealing with shadow it within the organization and if you don’t know what shadow it is, you really should go and watch the course. So, uh, in fact I just got an email from them today going, hey, what are we going to do next? So I got to think about that and we’re also planning to record another few play by plays when I’m in London and a couple of weeks time I’m a, I won’t say what they are just yet because they haven’t all been locked in. But hopefully by the time this goes out we’ll be getting close to having those courses live too.
Jon Ash – 31:35 – And uh, also I think I’d be remiss if we didn’t ask which course would you recommend to someone who’s just getting started into security.
Troy Hunt – 31:44 – Right? So if you are an asp.net development. And my recommendation would be my first ever pluralsight course, which is still my most popular course every single month and one of the most popular in the library. And it’s called the ISP. The uh, OWASP top 10 for asp.net developers and that was a light 2012 course, but it is still extremely relevant today. In fact, I’m scratching my head trying to think about what would not be relevant today and that’s why it keeps writing so. Well actually it all still works with today’s deck, so that would be great if you are not a, a, a dominant person then there is an. OWASP top 10 big picture, uh, which is for the effort invested versus how much it was watched is also my number one. And that’s, that is uh, that’s sort of an, I think it’s been an hour and a half and that explains what the OWASP top 10 is, what each of the risks are, why they’re important but doesn’t get down into the code level.
Troy Hunt – 32:38 – So it’s, it’s a bit technology agnostic in that way. Oh actually one other one. I’ll give you another one to plug because this is really important today in about Jan last year I think it was, I pushed one out called whatever you develop us now about https. So https is massively important today. It is still underutilized. You need to get this happening because even even next week, so we’re still in May, so even later in my there are changes coming to crime in particular way. If you don’t have https it’s going to start to get very embarrassing.
Jon Ash – 33:10 – So other than pluralsight and following you in your speaking engagements, how else might might our listeners follow you?
Troy Hunt – 33:18 – Yeah, looked at Twitter’s probably my most prolific sort of channel, so a find me at, @troyhunt on Twitter and you can. You can usually see it on doing there, but look between @troyhunt and troyhunt.com. You’ll find everything you need. | 2019-04-22T04:09:31Z | https://6figuredev.com/podcast/episode-046-information-security-with-troy-hunt/ |
Hello and welcome to the Banc of California's fourth-quarter earnings conference call. [Operator instructions] Today's conference call is being recorded and a copy of the recording will be available later today on the company's Investor Relations website. A presentation that management will reference on today's call is also available on the company's Investor Relations website. I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr.
Doug Bowers, Banc of California's president and chief executive officer.
Thank you and good morning, everyone. I appreciate you joining us for today's fourth-quarter 2018 earnings conference call. Joining me on the call today is John Bogler, Banc of California 's chief financial officer. Before we begin discussing the quarterly results, I would like to refer you to our safe harbor statement on forward-looking statements included in both the earnings release and the earnings presentation.
Our fourth-quarter financial performance produced mixed progress against our three-year roadmap. That said, the full-year results demonstrate that the core fundamentals are trending toward our longer-term targets. To remind everyone, that roadmap, which was released in Q1 of last year, included four primary points of focus that we expected to achieve over the ensuing 12 quarters. Before John speaks to the detailed financial results for the quarter, I want to spend some time updating you on the progress and work to date on these strategic goals.
The four focus points of the Banc, B-A-N-C roadmap are build core deposits; A, amplify lending; N, normalize expenses; and C, create stockholder value. First and most importantly, build core deposits. For the quarter, core deposits declined by $6 million. But for the year, core deposits are growing by $579 million or 10%.
The 10% annual rate of growth came in below our long-term target range of low to mid teens rate of growth as we transition from being known as a high-rate payer in the market to a relationship based approach to gathering deposits, we expect some deposit outflow as we pull back on competing on rate and begin to compete on service. The fourth-quarter deposit performance tells us we have work to do. While core deposit growth did not meet expectations in the fourth quarter, we continue to see progress in hiring talented front line personnel and see positive signs in the early first-quarter 2019 deposit pipeline. During the past quarter, we saw a large number of depositors that are transactional in nature withdraw funds.
We expect many of them to return in 2019. Across our various channels, the community banking channel continues its transformation toward a model increasingly focused on serving small businesses and beginning the transition away from rate-sensitive depositors. The private banking division saw transactional deposit outflows late in the corner but as a very strong pipeline for the first quarter of 2019. The real estate banking division, while a relatively modest contributor, continues to add low-cost deposits as well.
A year ago, the real estate banking division was not focused on gathering deposits. And today, we are seeking the depository relationship along with every credit extended. The commercial banking division is in the early innings of relaunching middle market and business banking, and has a promising pipeline of deposit opportunities. Rounding out the deposit gathering efforts, the specialty markets division continues to develop relationships and increasingly will look to transition its customer base to a lower customer relationship-based client set.
Our second strategic initiative is to amplify lending. Fourth-quarter loan production exceeded our expectations and marked the first quarter under the new leadership team in which we originated more than $1 million dollars of new commitments. For the quarter, C&I originations, including the private banking group, totaled over $445 million while commercial real estate, including the construction group, produced $112 million and single family generated $225 million. The construction loans are largely focused on individual single-family projects while the private banking loans are primarily commercial loans.
We continue to see opportunities to add talent to each of our C&I banking units, middle market banking, business banking and small business banking as well as our private banking group, all of which should further contribute to production and shift a greater percentage of our loan production to C&I. Additionally, we believe the growth in our suite of commercial business products enhances our ability to deepen client relationships by providing Treasury management and depository services. For the full year, our loan portfolio grew 16%. The fourth-quarter production level and the resulting growth in the loan portfolio outpaced the growth in our core deposits.
During the first quarter of this year, we plan to take action to mute the rate of growth in the loan portfolio, mostly through loan sales. Given the macro indications of a slowing economic environment, we also believe it is prudent and reasonable to slow the rate of loan growth generally while at the same time continuing to focus on growing low-cost core deposits. Third, normalized expenses. For the fourth quarter, operating expenses met our expectations at $52.2 million, which on an annualized basis equates to a 2.04% of average assets as compared to our long-term target of 2% or lower.
We remain focused on simplifying the operating platform, deploying technology, where needed, and creating back-office efficiencies, then redeploying those expense savings toward hiring talented front line personnel. Fourth, creating stockholder value. ROAA and ROATCE for the fourth quarter came in at 43 basis points and 4.19%, respectively, and were significantly impacted by certain non-recurring items, which John will describe more fully. We recognize that achieving our long-term targets of 1%-plus for ROAA and 12%-plus for ROATCE will be a journey, but we are confident the building blocks are in place in order to achieve those targets.
In short, we are optimistic about our plan initiatives to grow core deposits, to build core lending, and to leverage our expense base, all of which when achieved, will help us drive toward the targeted metric levels or better. So as you can see, we made more progress toward our long-term strategic goals during the last quarter. Make no mistake, there are some areas where we can and will do better. As we close out 2018 and give our full attention to the goals we'd like to accomplish in the new year, we will improve on areas of opportunity and we will also build upon the areas where we have done things well.
Our Banc of California team executed quite a few import initiatives this past year, which I'd like to spend just a moment talking about. These accomplishments lay the groundwork for our long-term success and it provided us with momentum heading into the new year. To start, we expanded our banking service offerings to meet more of our commercial clients needs by relaunching middle market banking, business banking, Treasury management product, and small business banking teams. To lead these important initiatives, we deepen the bench strength of our executive leadership team through key hires.
These bankers and specialists have the vision, experience, and expertise to thoughtfully build out our capabilities, and I'm excited to see what they will accomplish in 2019. We successfully reposition our balance sheet to continue rightsizing the securities book through the sale of the Ginnie Mae MSRs, NLP debt securities, and CMBS portfolios. We also significantly reduced our CLO position throughout the year. Furthermore, we reduced interest rate risk on the balance sheet through selective pruning within the loan portfolio.
Finally, we reduced our wholesale funding ratio to 30% by year end. In 2018, the expense line and culture that now runs throughout our organization led to technology improvements, which resulted in operational efficiencies, advances in lending, risk management, and account opening, all of which will make it easier to do more business with our customers faster. We rightsized our back-office operations and redesigned our annual incentive compensation policy to better align with our top-down company goals and metrics. Additionally, we completed a branch rationalization initiative, which resulted in the disposition of two branches and the repositioning of several others.
On the capital side, we improved our capital stack in the third quarter by redeeming a $40 million preferred equity tranche. Separately, we had our inaugural CMPB examination, which was also successfully completed. These accomplishments are a reflection of the execution capabilities of the people we have within our organization. I appreciate their tireless work and commitment to making significant progress during the past year and their efforts are vital segway into achieving our plans for 2019 and 2020.
With those opening remarks, I will turn it over to John to provide more detail around our fourth-quarter financial results. John?
Thank you, Doug. During the fourth quarter, we had modest success in remixing the balance sheet toward more traditional core assets and liabilities with the overall size of the balance sheet increasing to $10.6 billion. The $369 million of asset growth for the quarter exceeded our expectations, and we expect to reduce the overall size of our assets in the first quarter of 2019 back to a similar level we saw at the start of the fourth quarter. On the asset side, the securities portfolio declined by approximately $67 million and the securities portfolio as a percentage of total assets declined to 19%.
Subsequent to the fourth quarter, we sold the entire CMBS portfolio totaling $132 million with a loss on the sale effectively recognized in the fourth quarter being other than temporary impairment charge of $3.3 million. The CMBS portfolio was measured at a six-year duration, most recently yielded 3.75% and was generally have a bullet structure. The CLO portfolio declined at a moderate pace during the quarter and we expect the portfolio to continue to shrink over the next several quarters. Late in the fourth quarter, there was market chatter around a pending economic slowdown and how it would impact the credit performance of leverage loans and thereby impacting the market value and credit spreads for CLOs.
Included on Page 15 of the investor presentation, we have provided the composition of our CLO portfolio and information on the historical performance of similarly rated securities within the CLO market. Our view is that the CLO portfolio has low risk of credit loss, given that the entire portfolio is AA rated or higher and that CLO trust with these ratings historically have had low default rates. That said, we do recognize that historical results do not guarantee future results and that the portfolio could exhibit market risk if credit spreads widen, but I also believe the agent CMBS portfolio provides a somewhat natural hedge if investors seek safety should the credit markets weaken. As previously noted, we expect to further reduce the size of the CLO portfolio in the coming quarters through a combination of call activity and sales, with any sales occurring at or above the book value for each position sold.
As a reminder, the CLO portfolio began the year at $1.7 billion, and over the course of 2018, was reduced to $1.4 billion. The fourth-quarter growth in core held for investment loan balances was $448 million and was net of $146 million of loan sales, mainly single family but inclusive of $59 million of single-family CRA-related purchases made during the quarter. As Doug and I have noted, the strong growth in the loan portfolio in the fourth quarter will likely result in some balance sheet pruning during the first quarter of 2019 as we moderate our loan growth to be more in line with core deposit growth. Gross loan production totaled $1 billion for the fourth quarter and new production yields on average were 5.26%, substantially above the blended portfolio loan yield of 4.74%.
The higher loan production yields we saw in the fourth quarter were largely reflective of a higher macro rate environment and aided by a stronger mix of relatively higher yielding core C&I loans. Net held for investment low growth during the quarter was primarily driven by C&I growth of $268 million and multifamily growth of $129 million. The commercial real estate portfolio grew by $48 million while the single-family portfolio remained relatively flat, reflecting the $146 million of loans sold during the quarter. Total commercial loan balance collectively increased by $445 million or 9% from the prior quarter and are up $828 million or 18% from a year ago.
At quarter end, commercial loan balances totaled $5.3 billion and represented 69% of the loan book. Over the past year, the gross loan portfolio has increased by over $1 billion or 16%. On the deposit side, brokered CDs increased by $555 million during the quarter, which more than offset the previously mentioned transactional core deposit outflows. Within the core deposit portfolio, CDs increased by $142 million and money market balances increased by $49 million while interest-bearing checking and savings stayed flat.
Non-interest bearing checking account balances decreased by $157 million for the quarter and remain an area where we are diligently focused since a measure of our success is centered on growing non-interest bearing deposits. As Doug described earlier, we believe we are creating many opportunities within our business units to increase our relationship base deposit balances and keeping our deposit costs in check. We expect to realize the benefits of those efforts over the long run. Core deposits or non-broker deposits now account for 78% of total deposits, down from 84% at the end of the third quarter but up from 77% at the end of 2017.
Transitioning to the income statement, net income available to common stockholders for the fourth quarter were $6.7 million or $0.13 per diluted common share. For continuing operations, earnings per diluted common share were $0.12. These results include a number of items that we want to call to your attention. The company's fourth-quarter reported financial results included $3.4 million of net non-recurring expense benefits.
This included $7.1 million of legal and indemnification expenses, and $1.1 million of project-related expenses. These costs were more than offset by $9.8 million of insurance recoveries related to ongoing legal and indemnification expenses, and a $1.8 million gain on the sale of an owned branch office. The legal expense associated with the indemnification of past and current directors and officers is generally eligible for insurance reimbursement, and the reimbursement is recorded as a contra expense as it is received. We expect to continue to incur legal and indemnification expenses for the next several quarters with the insurance reimbursement naturally lagging.
After adjusting for these non-recurring items, along with the amortization expense associated with our solar tax equity program, our operating expenses for the fourth quarter were $52.2 million, of which we have provided a reconciliation on Page 8 of our slide deck. The result of excluding the non-recurring items for the fourth quarter and normalizing our tax rate to 20% puts us closer to an adjusted operating earnings figure for continuing operations of $0.19 per diluted common share, which we have detailed on Page 9 of today's deck. This compares to the prior quarter adjusted operating earnings of $0.27 per diluted common share computed on a consistent basis and shown in the prior quarter's earnings release presentation. Average interest-earning assets for the quarter up slightly from the prior quarter at $9.7 billion.
Both the mix of assets from securities into loans and the growth of earning assets are key to our plan to drive revenues higher over time. The net interest margin decreased by 5 basis points during the quarter to 2.88%, which was consistent with our expectations and not surprising given the increasing competition for deposits that we are seeing in our markets. The average yield on interest-earning assets increased 10 basis points for the quarter, driven by a 4-basis-point increase in average loan yield to 4.74%. The securities portfolio average yield increased 10 basis points to 3.88%.
As a reminder, the CLO investments reset quarterly and are indexed to the three-month labor. The cost of interest-bearing liabilities increased 16 basis points to 1.97%, primarily due to a 19-basis-point increase in interest-bearing deposit costs and a 16-basis-point increase in FHLB borrowing costs. The increased FHLB borrowing costs were driven by higher short-term rates on overnight advances, which totaled $715 million at the end of the fourth quarter. Just under 40% of our assets are variable rate with a rate reset occurring at least quarterly.
With nearly all of the variable rate assets linked to LIBOR, and LIBOR moving up early in the quarter, the yields on both the loan and the securities portfolio benefited. On the liability side, the cost of funds continued to increase during the quarter due to renewing CDs and the increased cost of overnight FHLB advances, with the latter largely reflective of the September Fed fund's rate increase. As we communicated last quarter, we expected the NIM to be under pressure through the end of the year and will continue to be until we deepen our traction in gathering lower-costing deposits. Looking forward, if we maintain loan production yields at higher levels than our average portfolio yield and continue executing on our lower-cost deposit strategy, the NIM should subsequently begin to trend toward and then above 3%.
Net interest income decreased by $510,000 from the prior quarter to $70.7 million. For the fourth quarter, loan interest income increased by $3.5 million due to a $234 million increase in average balances and a 4-basis-point increase in the average yield. This was partially offset by a decline of $717,000 in interest income on securities as these average balances decline by $130 million with the average yield increasing 10 basis points. On the liability side, interest expense on deposits increased by $3.8 million as the average balance increased by $189 million and the average rate increase by 16 basis points.
Interest expense on FHLB advances decreased by $72,000 due to an $81 million decline in average balances, partially offset by 16 basis points of average higher rate. The composition of interest income continues to improve with commercial loan interest income now represents 57% of total interest income in the quarter, compared to 52% the same quarter a year ago. Loan interest income now comprises 79% of total interest income in the quarter, up from 74% in the same quarter a year ago. For the quarter, we recorded a $6.7 million provision for loan losses, which is mostly reflective of the strong loan growth in loan portfolio as well as $2.2 million of net charge-offs.
The charge-offs for the quarter were due to two SBA credits, including a C&I loan that was also made to one of the borrowers. The ALLL balanced coverage ratio of non-performing loans is 282% while the overall ALLL ratio was 81 basis points. Total non-interest expenses for the quarter were $49.6 million included $3.4 million of one time expense benefits and $786,000 of expense from solar investments. Our current solar tax investment commitment is completed and we expect the annual HLBV depreciation to no longer be material.
Income tax expense included $1.6 million of additional tax expense related to the 2017 return to provision true-up. As noted, non-interest expenses include a number of items that we do not consider to be core operating expenses. These expense benefit items totaled $3.4 million. And adjusted for these items, and the depreciation of solar investments, core operating expenses came in at $52.2 million.
We continue to see opportunities to make our back office more efficient and plan to translate those cost savings into growth to be further investment into building out our client-facing teams. Our adjusted efficiency ratio came in at 67% for the quarter and continued to reflect more of a revenue opportunity for us to the extent we can improve our net interest margin, grow the earning asset base, and begin to generate fee income from our expanded deposit and treasury management initiatives. Non-interest expenses to average assets came in at 2.04% from continuing operations for the fourth quarter after adjusting for the non-recurring expense benefit items. Our capital position remains strong as the common equity Tier 1 capital ratio was 9.53% and Tier 1 risk-based capital totaled 12.77%.
The quarter-over-quarter decline in the risk-based and leverage capital ratios is primarily due to the growth in the overall balance sheet and we currently expect these ratios will improve to the extent we reduce the balance sheet size closer to the levels we've seen in recent quarters. Moving on to credit and asset quality metrics for the fourth quarter. Our non-performing asset ratio for the quarter was 21 basis points, down 4 basis points from the prior quarter. This very low level of non-performance reflects the disciplined credit culture of the bank and remains strong compared to peers and the industry broadly.
Overall, the credit performance of the portfolio continues to meet our expectations and we are not seeing any pockets of weakness or deterioration. Non-performing assets to equity continue to remain strong at 2.4%. Delinquent loan metrics are strong despite the ratio of delinquent loans to total loans rising 4 basis points to 53 basis points compared to the end of the prior quarter. The prior quarter ratio represent an unusually low level and the current quarter is more reflective of the level experienced in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the first quarter of 2018.
As mentioned earlier, net charge-offs for the quarter were $2.2 million or 12 basis points. With that summary of our fourth-quarter financials, I would now like to turn the call back over to Doug.
Thank you, John. 2018 was a productive and active year for Banc of California. We welcomed some very talented people onto our team during the year and reenergized our business units to focus on the vision of being California's bank. Enduring banking franchises are never built overnight.
So, while we made some excellent progress this year, there is still more work to be done. Fortunately for us, we're entering 2019 with momentum in many aspects of our business and look forward to continuing our work toward generating traction in others. As with any strategic endeavor, things rarely move in a straight line in the short term. However, I'm encouraged by the direction and progress we have made since last year.
And I'm pleased by our organization's ability to adapt to evolving macroeconomic conditions and business challenges. Our expenses are decreasing as a result of streamlining our operating platform. Investments into our customer-facing employees showed promising results and even more potential. The California banking market remains unmatched in size, depth, and breadth.
We are building a scalable business upon a strong foundation and moving closer to becoming the California-focused commercial banking franchise that I envision we could be when I arrived in spring of 2017. I'd like to conclude my remarks today by talking a bit about our employees and their genuine excitement for serving as banking partners for our customers. Whether it's finding creative banking solutions for Californian entrepreneurs or being a trusted advisor among a high net worth clients team of professionals, enthusiasm for what we do on a daily basis has always been a hallmark of the great people that work at this company. I can't express enough my thanks for their work and their dedication to our customers they have shown this past year.
I am proud to work with these folks each and every day, and anticipate achieving more and better things in 2019 together. That concludes my prepared remarks. Operator, now let's open it up for questions.
Thank you. We will now begin the question-and-answer session. [Operator instructions] Our first question comes from Timur Braziler with Wells Fargo Security. Please go ahead.
First question centers around loan growth. [Inaudible] loud and clear that loan growth is likely going to slow here and be more so commensurate with growth in core deposits. Looking at the strategic targeting tracker, it looks like midteens is kind of the loan growth number that you guys have been talking to. Is the expectation that loan growth should kind of go down to closer to 10% like the core deposit growth we saw in '18 or is the expectation that core deposits are going to exceed the 10% that we saw this year results and maybe some higher loan growth?
Well, there's a couple pieces to that. First of all, with respect to the loan growth, we did have a big push in a very positive way in the fourth quarter from across a number of divisions in the bank, which surprised us to the upside. We do expect to reduce the balance sheet, as we commented, on a go-forward basis here in the first quarter, mostly through degrees of sales. And there would be some -- there would be an expectation in that would balance off against the deposit growth.
OK. And then maybe looking at the deposit growth in the quarter, though the broker deposits that were brought on -- I guess, what's the plan for those? Are those going to stick around for a little bit or with some of the expectation for these transactional outflows to come back on balance sheet is the expectation to repay those broker funds fairly quickly?
Well, of course our goal is to reduce of that kind of wholesale funding inclusive of brokerage CDs. And as transactional and/or other organic deposits come along, of course, we will make a series of decisions to decrease on the brokerage side. So that is certainly the goal.
OK. And then and, I guess, just one last for me, just looking at the securities book and in conjunction with the expectation for the smaller balance sheet, I appreciate the CMBS sale, I guess, just looking at the CLOs, are we still expecting there to be continual step-downs and we get closer to that kind of 15% security to asset ratios by midyear? Or are those balances going to stay roughly unchanged at this kind of $1.4 billion balance in an effort to help support the balance sheet?
The short answer to your question is yes. We continue to anticipate step-downs. So as a reminder, we sold off the CMBS book, the MLP debt securities, the bank subordinated debt and we've had the CLO book go down 22% in the last 12 months. And we have said that we want to continue to work that securities portfolio down to a more normalized midteens or below percentage, and we very much intend to be on that pace.
Our next question comes from Matthew Clark with Piper Jaffray. Please go ahead.
Good morning. Just a follow-up on the balance sheet for the upcoming quarter, shrinking back to the beginning of the fourth quarter level, I guess, how should we think about the balance sheet beyond the first quarter? Should we expect modest growth or to resume as you as you remix and generate stronger core deposit growth?
Yes, that's a reasonable assumption. We will continue to remix certainly on the asset side. As Doug just mentioned, we will continue to bring down the balance of the investment securities book, down toward that targeted level. And that will help to fund some of the loan growth.
And then beyond that, it's more of a product of our success within the core deposits, our ability to generate core deposits. We'll do some remixing on the liability side as well, but there's -- it's a reasonable assumption that we could look to see a little bit of balance sheet growth as we progress through the year.
OK. And then shifting gears to the expense run rate, I guess, how should we think about expense growth this year? What type of hiring needs? Do you need new products, and so forth?
We will continue to -- yes, we will continue to look at our back-office expenses and as well as the technology deployments, which will ultimately drive some efficiency in the back office. As we said, we will continue to look to reposition expenses from back office to front office, which means that we'll look for additional hires on the frontline units. The fourth-quarter expenses, I would say, the first-quarter expenses, there's little bit of seasonality that naturally occurs within compensation. So, there could be a little bit of an uptick in the first quarter.
OK. Great. OK. Sorry about that.
And then just on the -- on credit, I know it's still very benign, but just curious what drove the deterioration in that C&I and SBA, those two credits?
Well, first of all, it was $2.2 million. So, indeed relatively modest. Both are SBA credits with C&I content. That whole portfolio is very small and we don't see anything overwhelmingly systemic in all of that.
So, those were actions related to those isolated credits.
The rest of the provision, of course, was related to the growth.
I just wanted to quickly clarify one of the comments in the prepared remarks related to taxes. I if heard correctly, so it was $1.6 million of the tax expense in the quarter was related to a true-up?
Yes, it's part of our filing of the 2017 tax return, so it's a return to provision true-up. OK. And then it sounds like you expect the tax rate to return to a more normalized level, probably around 20% on 1Q '19?
That's correct. I mean, it'll bounce around a little bit, but we would expect it to always be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% to 25%.
OK. That's helpful. Thank you. And then thinking about some of the portfolio pruning that you may be doing, do you have any specific loan categories in mind or would it be generally across the whole portfolio?
No. Predominantly, it'll be focused in single family and multifamily, the same categories where we had executed some sales during 2018. So, as we think about reducing the balance sheet size to what we saw at the beginning of the fourth quarter, I would expect that to occur in three categories. One, will be the investment securities, and we've already reduced via the CMBS sale but there'll be some additional reduction in the CLO portfolio.
And then I would also expect some reduction in the single family and the multifamily portfolios.
OK. And will that potentially pick up a little -- temporarily a little bit of loan income from sales in 1Q?
It should. It should result in some additional gain on sale activity in the first quarter.
OK. And you expect to largely be done with that within the quarter?
Our next question comes from Gary Tenner with D.A. Davidson. Please go ahead.
Morning. A lot of my questions have been answered. Just on the topic of credit, there's been a lot of discussion this quarter about leverage loans. Can you just talk about kind of how much exposure you have there and what you think in terms of the outlook and your appetite in the C&I space for those kind of loans?
From a leverage-loan perspective, that is a immaterial number for our company, very modest. Was modest, frankly, when I got here and it has been reduced ever since. And our appetite there is exceedingly low. So, we do not do a lot in that arena.
Obviously, where we do have that activity is in the CLO book, but in that that comes in the form of the structures in the AA, AAA nature of those securities.
OK. Thanks for that. And then just in terms of the loan production this quarter, Doug, you ran through the categories. I think you mentioned C&I, CRE, and single family.
But that doesn't total to the better than billion of originations. Is that the delta there just multifamily?
The delta is largely in commitments,so what we report there and for the billion dollars is commitments not necessarily funded amount.
OK, so as you went through the segments, that was the funded amount?
Our next question comes from Andrew Liesch with Sandler O'Neill. Please go ahead.
Good morning. Just wanted -- just going back to the loan production here, is the plan still to try to do about $1 billion of originations a quarter or are you going to be slowing that production pace?
Well, look, I think we always put the framework of we'll do every good loan that is out there. There is a degree of softness in the real estate worlds across both single family and multifamily CRE, so we would expect there would be a degree of lightening, smaller loan growth, loan volumes in those two arenas. And that will impact the overall number. Yes, I was pleased to see us get to that $1 billion number and the push that our teams did.
We talked about that capability, but we don't know that the market is there for it and we're certainly not going to press either from a pricing or a credit perspective.
OK. And then, I guess, if the loan growth is not going to be as strong and production is not going to be as strong, just not looking at the charge-offs this quarter, but like how should we think of provisioning? I mean, should that be closer to something that you saw in the middle of last year or should it just be like holding the reserve ratio steady? What are you, guys, thoughts on that?
Yeah, I would expect it to, as we said in the past, roughly a 1%, on the net loan growth will be the rate of provisioning. And so just kind of what we've been talking here about here for the first quarter, to the extent that the overall loan portfolio declines, there will obviously be an impact on the provision for the quarter as well.
OK. Thanks. You covered all my other questions.
Our next question comes from Ebrahim Poonawala with Bank of America, Merrill Lynch. Please go ahead.
Good morning, guys. Just had a couple of follow-up question. One, trying to make sure we're getting your message clearly, when we look at balance sheet growth outlook, average earning assets about $9.7 billion, plus or minus, that's kind of being where they bounced around from last year, should we expected that $9.72 billion to more or less remain that way in '19? Or do you expect that to go lower or materially higher from that level?
Well, we're not going to overly comment on outlook in that regard, but we have said that we would have a degree of reduction in the balance sheet here in the first quarter through asset sales.
And beyond the first quarter, do you expect the level of balance sheet to grow or the remixing continues to impact net balance sheet growth?
We will continue to remix. And so as we've said, we want to drive the securities asset mix down to the lower end of our targeted range so that will certainly fund some of the loan growth that we expect to see in 2019. And then beyond that, we'll continue to evaluate what the opportunities are.
Got it. And just shifting to the margins, so I get your long-term strategic goal of getting it above 3%. As we think about where it resets in 1Q, given the fed hike in December and some of the LIBOR impact reflected in 4Q asset yields, do we expect another leg loan in the margin in 1Q before it begins to stabilize, or do you think this kind of the low point and it should be stable to higher from here?
Yes, we look for some stabilization here in the first quarter. As you suggested, we've had a pretty reasonable movement up in the LIBOR curve and with approximately 40% of our assets linked to the shorter portion of the LIBOR curve, we would expect to see some benefit emerge. And then that will largely be offset by activities within the liability book of [Inaudible] As we go through the first quarter and as we shrink some of the assets and the associated liabilities, those are naturally going to be of a lower margin because we're giving it to the higher costing liabilities and that should also add some benefit to the net interest margin.
Our next question comes from Steve Moss with B. Riley FBR. Please go ahead.
Good morning. I was wondering, on the C&I growth here, it was really strong. Wondering where it's coming from by business type, business segments, and perhaps what's the mix between fixed versus variable?
Well, we don't break out the detail. It came from a lot of different areas degrees of it coming from the expanded capability that we've put on board with our expanded commercial banking team.
And in terms of kind of variable versus fixed, it's almost all exclusively variable.
OK. That's helpful. And then on the CD growth we saw this quarter, just wondering kind of what's the rate in term of both the brokered CDs and non-brokered CDs that were added this quarter?
The brokered CDs are going to be in the three- and six-month duration. And they were added at somewhere between 240 and 255. Retail CDs are also going to be of a similar pricing.
OK. And then in terms of -- I guess, one -- a little more piggyback question, but just wondering the project expenses that you guys highlighted, $1.1 million. What does that consist of and would that be ongoing?
It will not be ongoing. It was just a unique item that we undertook from kind of a strategic-operational perspective and it'll be a onetime nonrecurring charge.
This concludes our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the conference back over to Mr. Doug Bowers for any closing remarks.
Well, I'll just thank everybody for their attendance and I appreciate the questions, and we'll close it out right there. Thank you very much. | 2019-04-18T13:57:12Z | https://finance.yahoo.com/news/banc-california-banc-q4-2018-052607909.html |
Aphids are serious pests of peppers. Colonies are capable of phenomenal growth, and a single pepper plant or whole crop can be devestated seemingly overnight. As soon as an infection is noticed it should be dealt with – never delay and hope the aphids will go away, they won’t.
Aphids are small, oval-shaped sap-sucking insects. They normally have a green body, but they can be black – hence the common names “greenfly” and “blackfly” – and some species also occur in a red form. A large number of species are found in British gardens, and 14 of these have been identified on chilli and sweet pepper plants. However, three species are particularly common on pepper plants. The most widespread of these is the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae). This species has a plump oval shape, and the adults are up to 2 mm long. They are normally green, but red versions do occur. Becoming increasingly common is the potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae). This species has a large (1.7–3.6 mm) and slender body, most are green and some may have a darker green strip running down the centre of their back. And finally, there is the glasshouse potato aphid (Aulacorthum solani), another large aphid measuring 1.8 – 3.0 mm.
Peach potato aphids (Myzus persicae) on the underside of a chilli pepper leaf.
Aphids have a complicated life cycle, which includes both sexual and asexual reproduction, viviparous (giving birth to live young) and egg laying adults, and winged and unwinged forms. For the pepper grower it is important to understand how the pests overwinter, but a detailed understanding of their life cycle is only essential over the growing season.
In Britain the three main aphid species that attack peppers are polyphagous (feed on many different plant species). As long as temperatures are suitable, they may remain within the polytunnel or greenhouse residing on whatever plants are available – which often means using overlooked weeds. They also overwinter outdoors on whatever alternative host suits that particular species. For example adult peach potato aphids lay eggs on twigs of peach, plum and other related species.
During the growing season most greenhouse aphids are female and do not need a sexual encounter to reproduce. They do not lay eggs, but rather give birth to live young that are a perfect, though small, replicate of their mother. Not only are these newborns fully functional sap-sucking pests, but they are also pregnant – they actually have young developing inside them as they are being born themselves. In warm conditions the young aphids take about a week to grow and mature, before they too start giving birth to live, pregnant young.
Each aphid will give birth to about three to ten young every day for up to four weeks. Given these figures, in good conditions aphid populations can grow at alarming rates. When a grower notices signs of aphids on a pepper plant they should be dealt with immediately. If left alone it will not be long before there are thousands of aphids, and then hundreds of thousands.
The majority of aphids in a population are wingless, and they spread simply by walking from leaf to leaf and plant to plant. However, under certain conditions, particularly overcrowding, some aphids are born with wings. These can then fly away and infect a new plant elsewhere.
First and foremost, they weaken the plants by sucking the plant’s sap. Sap, a sugary solution that is passed around the plant, is the plant’s food, and any loss will reduce growth.
The honeydew is sticky, and when it covers the leaves they collect dust.
The honeydew is very sweet which attracts sooty mould growth, making the leaves turn black.
Black sooty mould growing on pepper leaf growing on honeydew dropped by aphids.
The effect of the dust and black covering of sooty mould on the leaves is to reduce the amount of light reaching the leaves. Without light photosynthesis cannot occur. Photosynthesis is the process within the leaves that makes the plants’ sugars, and is essential to the health and growth of the plants. In serious infestations little light reaches the leaves and photosynthesis will virtually be stopped.
The falling honeydew also makes the pepper fruit sticky and turn black, making them unappetising to the home grower and worthless for selling.
It contains toxins that cause the emerging leaves to be deformed. This happens more with the glasshouse potato aphid than with the other species.
It carries viruses, and an aphid feeding on an infected plant will transfer the virus to all other plants it feeds on.
Distorted leaves emerging from the growing point.
Scattering of white skin casings under the plant.
Ants actively running over the plant.
Sticky leaves. In addition, the area around the plant can get sticky.
Leaves turn black from sooty mould.
The fallen white skin casings are a very clear sign of aphids; they are also the cause of a very common misdiagnosis. Young aphids shed their skins as they grow. Generally each juvenile will shed its skin four times before it reaches maturity. These skin casings fall to the leaves below, and as they dry they turn white. Many growers see these white forms on the plant and assume they have a whitefly problem. Though whitefly can attack peppers a serious infestation is rare – after growing chillies commercially for 22 years we have never had a whitefly problem on our peppers – even though we do regularly get whitefly on our tomatoes in neighbouring polytunnels.
A simple test is to shake the plant. Whitefly are literally white flies, and if the problem is whitefly the adults will fly up when the plant is shaken. Most aphids are wingless, and a hard shake may make them fall off, but they certainly will not fly.
Ants are often found near aphid colonies as they feed on the sweet honeydew. To protect their food source ants actively look after, or “farm”, the aphids, protecting them from insect predators.
Sticky leaves and sooty mould on the leaves are symptoms that occur when an infestion has become well established. For many growers the early tell-tale signs are harder to notice so these are often the first symptoms noticed. However, these symptoms will affect the plants' ability to grow and immediate action to control the aphids is essential.
An aphid infestation must never be ignored. Aphids can be controlled quite easily, but it is an active process, they will not go away by “forgetting” they are there.
Ladybird larvae enjoying an aphid meal.
Many of these “good guys” occur naturally in the garden, and a gardener should do their best to encourage them. It is well worth a gardener learning the life cycle of these insects, but most importantly, becoming familiar with what they look like. Of course, most people, easily recognise the adult stages of ladybirds, lacewings and hoverflies, but very few gardeners know what the eggs, pupa and juvenile stages of these species look like. An hour on the internet can easily remedy the situation, and would probably be one of the most valuable hours spent on the garden!
Ladybird larvae (left) and pupae (right) on a chilli pepper leaf.
Most outdoor areas will have some beneficial insects in residence that will maintain some level of aphid control without the gardener ever knowing. However, the indoor environment of a windowsill is unlikely to have any insect predators occurring naturally, and chilli plants kept indoors as a house plant will have no defence against an aphid infestation. Still it never hurts to bring in any ladybird found outdoors to reside on a favourite plant!
Adult and juvenile ladybirds eating aphids on fathen, an outdoor weed.
As well as maintaining an envirionment that encourages the presence of naturally occuring insect predators, it is possible to buy-in predators and parasites. These are sent out through the post, and once released into the polytunnel or greenhouse, will provide aphid control and bred themselves thus increasing their populations. Though not cheap this is the method recommended for all gardeners with plants in a polytunnel or greenhouse.
For the home gardener and small commercial operations we recommend Agralan (www.agralan.co.uk), a company that is dedicated to protecting crops through biological control. For large commercial growers whose orders will satisfy the minimum order restrictions, there are a number of companies that provide a complete control programme through biological control.
Releasing parasitic wasps into a polytunnel with a chilli pepper crop.
Left: aphid mummies formed by the parasitic wasps laying an egg in the aphid.
Right: a single aphid mummy with with a round hole where the parasitic wasps escaped.
Releasing commercially bought ladybird larvae into a crop of Hungarian Hot Wax chillies.
Growers who take their chilli growing very seriously are recommended to start buying in predators before they see any signs of aphids. This army of “good guys” will seek out the aphids and deal with them long before even an alert grower is likely to find them.
The mantra to follow for biological control is that it is a “numbers game”. If there are enough beneficial insects, aphids will be controlled. If predator numbers are too low, the aphid colonies will grow. The later you start using biological control the more predators or parasitoids will be needed.
Unfortunately, insect predators are not a realistic option if you keep just one or two chilli plants on a windowsill in the house or conservatory. See below for more information on controlling aphids on house plants.
Prevention is always better than cure, and the predator option is undoubtedly the best method of aphid control. However, if an infestation does occur it means there has been an imbalance between predator and aphid populations, and a more proactive control method is necessary. In other words, once an infestation has become established, whether it is on a single plant in the house or in a large commercial greenhouse, will not clear up on its own, the plants will not recover without an intervention.
Before resorting to pesticides we recommend trying water as a control method. Water is safe, effective and because of the sticky honeydew, aphid-infected plants will always need to be washed down anyway. Aphids do not hold on tight and a blast of high pressure water – a finger on the end of a hosepipe or the cold water tap on full – will knock them off the plant. Most effort should be applied to the growing points and the underside of the leaves as this is where the aphids congregate. If the plant is in a pot lying it on the ground or turning it upside down will give full access to under the leaves. Water does not kill aphids and they will readily walk back onto the plant. So if the plant is in a pot do not wash it near where it is normally kept and wash down the area before returning it to its place. If the plants are in the ground this is not so easy, but if it is possible wash/brush down the area as well as the plant.
It is unlikely that one wash, no matter how thorough, will remove all the aphids. So to get a complete control repeat the operation the next day.... and the next if necessary. Some customers say washing doesn't work; most likely the failure was due to a half-hearted wash; a thorough wash means THOROUGH.
Pesticides are substances or a concoction of substances that kill pests. They can be either natural or synthetic and they work in different ways; some are potent poisons, others cause death through a physical process. Some have very specific target pests, others are generalists and an application will have a universal kill. All should be used carefully and with a full understanding of how to use the pesticide and the objective of the application.
When buying a pesticide always read the label. Be sure it is recommended for use on peppers, and if you keep the plant in the house, it must state that it is suitable for "houseplants". In addition, the pesticide must state it is to be used to kill aphids (the packaging may say "greenfly" or "blackfly"); remember whitefly is not another name for aphids. All retail stores selling garden pesticides to the home gardener must have someone at the available who can advice you on the use of pesticides. Commercial growers are governed by different laws, they can buy stronger pesticides from suppliers that are unavailable to home gardeners, but now must take specific pesticide application courses and then be registered.
Chemical pesticides: These are powerful, toxic chemical pesticides can be bought to kill aphids. A perusal in any garden centre will reveal a whole host of brands available to the home gardener. Many are systemic, which means they work by being absorbed into the plant so the aphids are killed when they digest the poisoned sap. Unfortunately, these pesticides (poisons) will be transported throughout the plant, including the parts of the plant we eat. It is essential the instructions are followed carefully, including the withdrawal period, i.e. the time that must elapse between applying the pesticide and consuming the peppers picked off the plant. The plus side of systemic pesticides is that they specifically target the sap-sucking pests. However, you should check the compatibility of individual pesticides with natural predators as some chemicals can kill natural enemies for up to 8 weeks (check the biopest side effects list).
Physically acting pesticides: There are several compounds that are relatively benign to the environment and humans. They work through a physical action taking advantage of the insects' small size or physical shape. Many are so safe they are considered acceptable for organic growers. A common active ingredient is a fatty acid, but there are others, e.g. SB Plant Invitorator, which kills simply through a physical action – the packaging states: "aphids, juvenile whitefly and spide mite if directly hit are trapped by its wetness".
As these pesticides work through a physical action they can only be effective when a 100% coverage is achieved – this is so important the instructions on some state the liquid should be applied until it drips off the plant.
Applying Eradicoat, a sticky solution made from cornflour, to kill a bad infestation of aphids on a poblano chilli crop.
Unfortunately the physically acting pesticides kill all species of small insects and mites, including the beneficial species. Consequently, where beneficial insects are present in a crop it is often recommended to only apply the pesticide where the aphid colonies are worst. More beneficials can then be released as soon as the crop has dried after spraying physical products as there are no residual effects.
Dead aphids after an application of Eradicoat; the "aphid mummies" are not hurt by the Eradicoat.
Some people make up their own home-made concoction to kill aphids. A common one is diluted washing up soap. Washing up liquid contains many more chemicals than just soap, some of which are bad news to a growing plant. So while such a solution may kill the aphids it may also kill the plant. In addition, under UK and EC law it is illegal to use any home-made mixture as a pesticide – the law states only preparations approved as a pesticide can be used specifically to kill pests.
Certain chilli species are very attractive when grown in pots, and as they like the warm, sunny conditions typical of a sunny windowsill or conservatory they do make excellent houseplants. Unfortunately, chilli house plants are not spared the risk of an aphid infection. As aphids reproduce asexually it only takes a single aphid to get into the house – maybe a winged one through an open window or possibly hitching a lift on a human or pet – to start an infestation. The home environment does not encourage the presence of natural preditors, so once an aphid colony has become established it is likely to grow at a frightening speed and quickly destroy a plant.
Chillies make very attractive houseplants.
As a precaution it does not hurt putting ladybirds on a chilli house plant as they will seek out and eat any aphids that arrive. However, once an indoor plant is infected the best thing is to give the plant a thorough wash. It is unlikely all the aphids will be removed by a single wash, so repeat the wash every day for the next three or four days.
All pepper growers will experience an infestation of aphids on their plants at some time in their growing career. There is simply no way of avoiding the pest, and anyone who has not had a problem with aphids just haven’t YET had a problem.
But an aphid invasion is not the end of the world. Do not throw away your precious house plant – as some people do. Nor should you allow the aphid population to continue to grow. Deal with the aphids and reclaim the health of your plant.
Thanks to Clare Sampson, consultant entomologist for BCP Certis., for reading this article and checking for accuracy. | 2019-04-22T06:36:30Z | https://www.seaspringseeds.co.uk/growing-information/chillies-and-peppers/aphid-control |
Florida State returns to the site of last years BCS Title game tom play the Oregon Ducks in the first College Football Play-off Semi-final game on January 1st.
Gene gets the broadcast started at 3:00pm EST with this Scene Setter.
Kick-Off from the Rose Bowl in Pasadena CA is at 5:00pm EST.
The game will be televised by ABC Sports and can be heard on the Seminole IMG Radio Network. Check local listings in your era, or listen to streaming audio on www.seminoles.com or the FSU Game Day app.
Get ready for some Seminole Football. Gene sets the scene for the IMG Seminole Radio Network, Pre-Game coverage begins at 6:00pm, and there kick-off is slated for 8:23pm. Check local listings for the station in your area.
The game can be heard on the FSU Game Day App, and on www.seminoles.com. SiriusXM satellite will have the "home team" radio broadcast.
It is the 59th meeting between Seminoles and Hurricanes. The 'Noles have won the last 4.
It will be Gene's 440th broadcast of FSU football. His 37th FSU-Miami game.
FSU v Louisville "Scene Setter"
FSU puts its' #2 ranking and the nations longest current win streak on the line Thursday night at Papa John Stadium against the Louisville Cardinals. Gene sets the scene for the Seminole IMG Radio Network broadcast that begins at 5:30, Kick-Off is slated for a little after 7:30.
Depth Charts are posted ---click Game Day and download.
This one has all the makings of another "Game of the Century". FSU v Notre Dame. Gene sets the scene for the Seminole IMG Radio Network. I'm pumped.
The game will be broadcast over Flagship station 103.1 "The Wolf" in Tallahassee, and over the Seminole IMG Netrork. Check local listings in your area. You can also hear the game ---FSU broadcast-- on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 91. IT will be streamed over www.seminoles.com and the FSU Game Day App.
Terrell Buckley will be forever remembered. 1989, FSU @ Syracuse.
The 70 yard punt return TD was the first of his career--- and the most memorable. It gave FSU a 27-3 lead, and helped the Noles end the Orange's 16 game home winning streak. FSU 41, Syracuse 10.
Bobby Bowden gave him the nick-name "Foolah from Pascagoula" in his post game press conference.
"T-Buck" is the current secondary coach at Louisville. We'll see tyne "Foolah" in a few weeks.
Gene sets the scene for Saturday's game between Florida State and Syracuse. FSU leads the all time series 6-1, and has not lost since the first meeting in 1966. It will be the Noles third visit to the 35 year old Carrier Dome.
Depth Charts are posted . Click "Game Day" and download.
The IMG Seminole Radio Network broadcast begins at 10:00am, with kick-off at 12:00 Noon. The Syracuse(SU announcers) broadcast can be heard on Sirius Satellite Channel 84. No FSU fed this week.
The game can be heard world wide on the FSU Game Dat App. Free.
The NC State Wolfpack is the only team in the ACC and one of just 2 teams period to have multiple wins over a Jimbo Fisher Coached team. Previous ranked FSU teams have had problems in Raleigh.
Gene sets the scene for this weekends trip to Carter-Finley Stadium.
Depth Charts are posted --Click "Game Day"and download for free.
Kick-off is at 3:30 with pre game coverage starting at 1:30. Check local listings for the station in your area.
It's finally here. FSU and Clemson tangle for ACC supremacy on the final weekend of summer.
Here is Gene's scene setter that will air on the Seminole IMG Network Saturday at 6:00pm.
The game can also be heard on Sirius Channel 91, on www.seminoles.com, and will be televised on ABC.
Depth Charts and Match-ups are posted. Click Game Day and download free.
Gene sets the scene for Game Two---FSU v Citadel---on the Seminole IMG Radio Network.
Are you ready for some Seminole Football?
The game can be heard on the Seminole IMG Radio Network, Satellite Radio(Sirius 136m, XM 193) and on the IMG Seminole App.
Be sure to download the app and listen anywhere---for free.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted. Click Game Day and download for free.
This is Gene's scene setter that will begin radio coverage this Saturday night on the Seminole IMG Radio Network. Network coverage begins at 6:00pm, two hours before the scheduled kick-off of the AdvoCare Cowboys Classic.
#1 Florida State is the highest ranked team to play in the 6 year old "Classic".
FSU is making its' second appearance in Dallas---The Noles beat Texas A&M in the 1992 Cotton Bowl.
Get ready for some Seminole Football. Go Noles!
Depyh Charts are available by clicking "Game Day"
It will be the 58th meeting between Seminoles and Gators this Saturday afternoon. Ben Hill Griffin Stadium seats 88,548. And a lot of the fans in the stadium Saturday will be wearing Garnet and Gold, as 2nd Ranked FSU tries to tie a school record with its' 12th win over the season, and keep its hope of playing in the BCS National Championship game in January.
While FSU is 15-11-1 since 1987 in the series that dates to 1958, the Noles have had tough times in Gainesville(8-23-1). UF leads the all time series 34-21-2.
Gene sets the scene for the Sunshine State Showdown. Coverage of the game on the Seminole IMG Radio Network begins at 10:00am. Satellite Radio will carry the UF Radio Network Sorry!
24 Seniors---15 scholarship athletes---will be honored with their families Saturday before the FSU-Idaho game. Gene sets the scene for the Seminole IMG Radio Network.
The Pre Game Tailgate Show begins at 1:30, and "toe hits leather" at 3:35.
2nd Ranked Florida State faces new ACC Atlantic Division rival Syracuse in its 67th Homecoming Game. The kick-off at Doak Campbell Stadium is a little after 3:30. The network consists of over 30 stations in Florida. Check local listings for the station in your area.
Gene sets the scene for the Seminole IMG Radio Network broadcast with this "scene setter".
Are you ready for some Seminole Football?!!!!
The game can also be heard on Sirius XM Channel 85, and via www.seminoles.com "Total Access".
#3 FSU---#2 in the BCS Rankings---can clinch the Atlantic Division Title with a win Saturday in Winston-Salem. With a win, FSU will get a ticket to the ACC Championship game in Charlotte on December 7---for the 3rd time in the 4 years Jimbo Fisher has been the head coach.
Kick-off is at 12:00 noon, and the game can be heard on the Seminole IMG Radio Network. Pre game coverage begins at 10:00am.
Here is Gens's "Scene Setter fr the game with the Deacons.
ABCTV is delivering the game to a national audience. The radio broadcast will be "streamed" via www.seminoles,com.
FSU and Miami tangle again for the 58th time. And in this huge rivalry the team that scores first usually wins. And the team that runs the ball best has dominated the series.
The Hurricanes have a slight 31-26 advantage in the series that started in 1951. FSU has won the last 3 meetings and 6 of the last 8. It is FSU's oldest rivalry.
Here is Gene's "Scene Setter" that will start the Seminole IMG Radio Networks coverage of the big game two hours before kick-off.
The game can be heard on the 30+ station Seminole IMG Radio Network in Florida, and on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 91. The audio is also streamed world wide on the web via www.seminoles.com.
Saturday is Bobby Bowden Day at Florida State, and this weeks Scene Setter for the FSU-NC State game welcomes Bobby back, and throws in a little history too.
Seminole IMG Network coverage of the game begins at 1:30.Check local radio listings for the station in your area. The game will also be broadcast live via satellite on SiriusXM Radio---Sirius 111, XM 198. And the game will be streamed on "Total Access" @ www.seminoles,com.
Kick-Off on ABC is slated for 3:30.
Go Noles and Welcome Back Bobby!!!!!
Note: The photo was taken during a Bobby Bowden Call-In Show in 2009. Hall of Fame NFL Coach Don Shula visited Bobby's show at the University Center Club. Is this a classic photo, or what?
Heres a great way to celebrate Bobby Bowden Day this weekend. This is the chorus to the Ballad of Bobby Bowden that was released in either 1979 or 1980. And I am unsure who wrote the song and/or who performed it. Ldet's see how many "Tail-Gate" parties can loop this song Saturday on their audio players.
Let's give Bobby Bowden a huge welcome back.
It just would not be FSU_Clemson Week, without a trip down "Memory Lane". The late Beano Cook called it thre Z"greatest play since My Fair Lady". I agree. In 1988, legendary head coach Bobby Bowden dialed-up the "Puntrooski". It worked. FSU defeated 3rd Ranked Clemson 24-21.
While LeRoy Butler did not score on the play, kicker Richie Andrews drilled the game winning FG four plays later.
Seminole IMG Network coverage begins at 6:00pm Saturday. SiriusXM coverage will have both the Clemson Radio Network play-by-play on SiriusXM 91 and FSU Seminole IMG play-by-play on Sirius 85.
Maryland is the most improved team in the ACC i 2013. After losing their four top quarterbacks, and finishing last year 4-8. In 2013 the Terrapins are 4-0 and cracked the AP Top 25 this week.
The Terrapins are 2nd to FSU in Total Offense in the ACC, but rank Tops in Scoring Defense. The Terps allow just 10.3 points a game---3rd in the FBS.
FSU's Jameis Winston and Maryland's C.J. Brown are ranked 1 and 2 in the ACC QB rankings.
Maryland's aggressive defense has recorded 17 sacks and rank Tops in the ACC and 2nd in the nation in QB take-downs.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted---click "Game Day". Also get ready for the game with Gene's "Scene Setter---click Audio Files"
The game can be heard on the30+ Seminole IMG Radio Network(airtime 10:00am) as well as SiriusXM Satellite Radio Channel 91.
8th Ranked Florida State begins a string of seven straight ACC games this Saturday at Boston College. Odds-Makers have the 'Noles favored by three touchdowns.
Here is Gene's Scene Setter for the Seminole IMG Network brodcast that begins at 1:30---two hours before kick-off.
Depth Charts for the game are posted. Click Game Day and enjoy.
Photo is of a sold-out Alumni Stadium. Should be sold out Saturday. Both FSU and BC are 1-0 in ACC play.
Gene sets the scene for this weeks game against Bethune Cookman University. This will get you ready for some more Seminole Football.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted. Just click Game Day or Schedule and download for free. These are the same charts that we use during the broadcast.
The game can be heard on more than 30 stations on the Seminole IMG Radio Network, as well as on satellite radio , and www.seminoles.com(must have Total Access subscription).
Sirius Channel 112; XM Channel 190.
The 9th Ranked Seminoles take on the Nevada Wolfpack in the 2013 Home Opener Saturday at 3:30. Gene sets the scene for the Seminole IMG Network broadcast.
This will be Gene's 418th play-by-play broadcast of Seminole Football. Check out that Touchdown FSU counter!
Gene's "Scene Setter" for Monday NIght's broadcast over the Seminole IMG Radio Network.
Over the last 53 weeks, FSU Senior Guard Michael Snaer has delivered an incredible number of "buzzer beating" game winning shots for Florida State. Four to be exact. @ Duke, and against VaTech, Clemson and Maryland. The most recent two coming just 6 days apart this year.
Here is a montage of the buzzer beaters, plus one from teammate Ian Miller delivered at Virginia last year.
Does it get any better? Go Noles!
Jimmy Jordan and Wally Woodham led the Noles to a 31-3 win over the Sun Devils on a rainy night in Tampa. Ron Simmons dominated the ASU line. It was my first road game broadcast on the Seminole Radio Network, Note---Color Analyst on the clip was former Head Coach Bill Peterson.
This nugget: Arizona State refused to play FSU in Tallahassee. FSU signed a three game contract and played two games in Tempe---won both of them too!
Enjoy the play-by-play clip, and Go Noles!
That was 33 years ago.
Had to do it! Best play since My Fair Lady. LeRoy Butler's famous run in Death Valley that set up Florida States 24-21 win over #3 Ranked Clemson.
Here's the latest sales promotion at tallahassee Dodge Chrysler Jeep.
Great deals. Gene's latest radio commercial for long time client in Tallahassee.
FSU didn't need a "buzzer beater from MIcahel Snaer on Sunday to beat Clemson. But his career high 23 points certainly helped lift the Seminoles over Clemson 80-72.
With 5:25 left in the game, the junior from Moreno Valley CA made his fifth 3-point shot of the day, and became the 42nd player in FSU history to join the exclusive "1,000 Point Club".
FSU Beats Virginia With Another Buzzer Beater!
First it was Michael Snaer beating Duke with 2.6 seconds left at Cameron. Then Snaer again, breaking Hokie hearts in Tallahassee with another buzzer beating triple to knock off Va Tech.
Thursday night it was "Miller Time".
With time running out, Sophomore Ian Miller launched a contested three point shot from the right wing and got nothing but the bottom of the net to cap an amazing 11 point come-back in the closing 4:10, and despite the ejection of top big man Bernard James.
Listen and enjoy. Get ready for more Seminole Hoops. Senior Day is Sunday. FSU v Clemson at High Noon.
Michael Snaer's buzzer beater stunned the Cameron Crazies in January. Will it take more last second heroics to sweep the Blue Devils Thursday night at the Tucker Center? We'll see.
While Seminole wins are rare in Durham--the 76-73 upset was just the 2nd win ever by the Noles at Cameron indoor Stadium----FSU and Duke have split the last 8 at the Tucker Center .
Here is Gene's call of one of the most memorable upsets in Seminole history.
Two great names in college football collide in the Champs Sports Bowl, THursday , December 29. The game will kick-off at 5:30 in Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium in Orlando.
Here is Gene's "Scene Setter" that will begin the Seminole IMG Network broadcast at 3:30. It features Danny Kannell's game winning TD pass to Andre Cooper in the 1996 Orange Bowl.
Enjoy. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2012.
Remember Chris Rix to PK Sam? Here it is again. Gene's Scene Setter for Saturday's broadcast features the classic Seminole finish at Griffin Stadium.
Download for free. Enjoy. Go Noles!
Get ready for some Homecoming Football---Seminole style. Gene's scene setter that will begin Saturday's Seminole IMG Broadcast at 5:30pm, features a pick-six by Tony Carter on the third play of the game in Tallahassee in 2006.
Gene goes back to 1993 again this week to find the game clinching call of the Seminoles 28-10 win over 3rd ranked Miami. Devin Bush seals the win with a late "Pick-Six"
Download and listen for free. The Scene Setter begins Saturday's broadcast from Doak Campbell Stadium at Bobby Bowden Field.
The broadcast begins two hours before kick-off at 1:30 Saturday afternoon.
here's Gene's Scene Setter that will; begin Thursday nights broadcast of the FSU-BC Game on the Seminole IMG Radio Network.
This week's "hi-lite cllp" is from the Noles upset of then #2 Ranked Boston College in 2007. It features Geno Hayes' "Pick-Six" that sealed the victory for FSU late in the fourth quarter.
Broadcast time on the Seminole IMG Radio Network is 6:00pm. Kick-Off is a little past 8:00. Sirius XM Satellite Rdio will carry the home team(Boston College) broadcast.
Depth Charts are posted and available for free downloading. Enjoy!
Gene goes back to 1993 to set the scene for this Saturday's game between FSU and North Carolina State. The hi-light clip is from Florida State's 62-3 win over the Wolfpack.
William "Bar None" Floyd takes center stage when he bowls over Pack defenders late in the 2nd quarter. You can hear "Bar None" on all Seminole IMG Broadcasts of FSU football.
The FSU-NC State game will be broadcast on the Seminole IMG Network (check local listings in your city), and on SiriusXM Satellite Radio---XM 190, Sirius 128.
Here is the Scene Setter for this weeks Seminole IMG Network broadcast. The "play-by-play" high light is Lonnie Pryor's game winning TD in the closing minute against the Terrapins in 2009.
The scene setter begins the network broadcast at 1:30 this Saturday. Check local radio listings in your area. The FSU (Home) broadcast will also be carried via SiriusXM Satellite Radio--XM 190, and Sirius 128.
FSU has never lost to Duke. THe all time series is in favor of the Noles 16-0. FSU is 6-0 in Wallace Wade Stadium, site of Saturday's showdown with the Blue Devils.
This weeks scene setter for the Seminole IMG Radio Network features Derrick Brooks returning a pass interception for a touchdown during the Seminoles very first game in Durham.
THe scene setter begins Saturday's broadcast day at 1:00 o'clock EDT. Check listings for the station that carries the broadcast in your area.
Here's Gene's Scene Setter that will begin Saturday's broadcast. The high-lite is from the Noles last visit to Groves Stadium. Then, red shirt freshman QB EJ Manuel made his first start and engineered a 41-28 victory on the road.
Dustin Hopkins 55 yard game winning field goal that beat Clemson 16-13 last year is the longest “walk-off” FG in ACC history. I picked that high-lite for this weeks “Scene Setter” that wil air on the Seminole IMG College Radio Network Saturday at 1:30. It sounds just as good today as it did a year ago.
FSU opens ACC play against Clemson. The two teams were picked 1 and 2 in the pre-season voting by media to win the Atlantic Division. Clemson looked mighty good a week ago, knocking off defending National Champion Auburn and ending thje nations longest D-1 winning streak at 17 in a row. FSU is limping ino “Death Valley” with a whole lot of injury “question marks”. Key positions, including wide receiver and quarterback are listed as “Questionable and “Day to Day”.
FSU leads series 17-7, but has not won in Clemson since 2001.
Here is this weeks Scene Setter that will air on the FSU Seminole Network from IMG this Saturday evening at 6:00pm. It features EJ Manuel's TD pass to Taiwan Easterling at Oklahoma a year ago---actually 53 weeks.
The game can be heard on the Seminole IMG Radio Network. Pre Game coverage begins with the Scene Setter at 6:00pm EDT, The broadcast can also be heard on SiriusXM Satellite on channel 91.
Gene gets you ready for more Seminole Football. This scene setter begins Saturday evening's game with the Buccaneers. Grab something cold to drink and get ready for some Seminole Football.
The scene setter features last week's initial TD of the season.
Listen to the Seminole Radio Network for all the pre-game info you'll need, starting at 4:00pm. FSU Flagship Station is 94.9 FM WTNT.
Gene sets the scene for the first bowl game of the Jimbo Fisher era with a look back to last years Gator Bowl. The clip features Jermaine Thomas' TD run that gave the Noles the lead for good in the final game of the Bobby Bowden era.
Happy New Year. Go Noles!
Florida State battles Virginia Tech Saturday in Charlotte for the Atlantic Coast Conference Championship. Gene's "Scene Setter" for the ISP Seminole Network features the biggest play from the 2005 title game---Willie Reid's punt return TD.
Check it out. Download the .mp3 file for free, and enjoy.
Then grab something cold to drink and get ready for some Seminole Football!
IN this weeks Scene Setter, Gene pulls a play-by-play clip from FSU's 52-17 win over UF in 1988. Odell Haggins---now the Seminoles Defensive Line Coach-- takes an interception to the house. The mp3 file runs 2:25. Download it for free.
Here is Gene's Scene Setter for this weeks game in Maryland. Both the Noles and the Terps need a win to stay alive in the ACC -Atlantic Division race.
Gene uses the "Instant Classic" 55 yard field goal by Dustin Hopkins that beat Clemson last week.
The mp3 file runs 2:10.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted . Down load for free. Click "Game Day"
Gene sets the scene for Florida State's Homecoming clash with North Carolina. The audio clip has last years 98 yard TD pass from Christian Ponder to Rod Owens. I still think it was 99 yards, but , oh well!
This will get you ready for Saturdays game.
Seminole Network coverage begins at 12:30 EDT. Check www.seminoles.com for station in your area.
Also the game will be heard nationwide on Sirius/XM Satelllite Radio--XM 191, Sirius 213(coverage begins at 3:30).
Here's Genes Scene Setter for the FSU-NC State Game. Coverage on the Seminole ISP Network begins at 5:30. Check listings in your area, or go to www.seminoles.com for station in your area.
The high-light features Bert Reed's game winning TD run in last years FSU-Wolfpack clash. Reed has scored "game winners" in the last two games with NC State.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups have been posted. Download for free. Click "Game Day"
Gene sets the scene for Saturday's game with the Eagles. The highlight on this "Scene-Setter" is from last weeks game against Miami. Sophomore RB Chris Thompson romps 90 yards on the longest rushing TD ever surrendered by a Hurricane team.
The mp3 is 2 minutes and 25 second long. Download for free. Depth Charts are posted and available for free downloading. Click "Game Day"
Listen to the FSU-BC game on the ISP Seminole Sports Network and on XM Satellite Channel 190, and Sirius Channel 212.
The Noles and Hurricanes game will be televised for the 27th consecutive season, and this Saturday the Seminoles oldest rivalr game will be in "Prime Time". 13th Ranked Miami is a slight home favorite to beat 23rd ranked FSU.
Gene sets the scene by grabbing an audio clip from the final play of the FSU-Miami game in 2008---won by the Noles 41-39.
The mp3 file runs 2:24. Download for free and enjoy.
Depth Charts are posted. Click Game Day and download.
Gene sets the scene for Saturday's clash with the Wahoos. The mp3 file runs 2:16, and features Travis Minor's 87 yard TD run on the games first play.
Download for free. Depth charts are posted. Click "Game Day" and download.
Gene sets the scene for Saturday's game against Wake Forest.
FSU has not won an ACC opener since 2006, but they are heavy favorites to do so this season.
The "Scene Setter" will air on the Seminole ISP Sports Network at 1:30 and begin pre game coverage of the game. Check local listings for stations in your area. The game will also be carried on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 212, and XM Satellite Radio channel 190.
The game will be televised regionally by ABC.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted. Download for free by clicking "Game Day"
Here is Gene's "Scene Setter " for Saturday's FSU-BYU game. The Scene Setter begins the weekends Seminole ISP Radio Network coverage of the game and will air at 1:30pm, two hours before kick-off.
The Scene Setter features Greg Reid's interception return TD against the Cougars a year ago. This mp3 file runs 2:11.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are available for free downloading.
Get ready for some Seminole Football. Here's the Scene Setter Gene produced for ISP Sports and the Seminole Radio Network.
The Scene Setter has a clip featuring Greg Reid's punt return TD last week.
Big plays galore hi-lighted the Seminoles win over Samford. What a way to start the Jimbo Fisher Era.
Here are Gene's favorite Plays of the Game.
Jimbo Fisher begins his first season as Head Coaoch of the Florida State Seminoles. Ironically, his first game as the Tp Seminole is against a team that he played for during his college career--Samford.
To add further irony, Samford is where he began his coaching career for then Bulldogs head coach Terry Bowden. And it is the alma mater of legendary FSU head caoch Bobby Bowden, whom Jimbo is following as the head coach.
Are you ready for some Seminole Football. Download the mp3 file for free. It is 2:00 minutes in length.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are being posted as well.
Beano Cook called it the Geatest play since My Fair Lady. The "Puntrooski" will always be a part of Seminole lore. And it was the play that defined the Bobby Bowden Era.
It's only appropriate that the "rooski" play that beat Clemson in 1988 starts Fridays broadcast of the 65th Gator Bowl---Bobby Bowden's final game as Head Coach at FSU.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are available for downloading also.
Go Noles! Bye Bobby! Beat WVU!
Florida had all but wrapped up a huge win in Tallahassee. But Bobby Bowden's Seminoles had the last word.
Trailing 31-3 in the 4th quarter, the Seminoles came roaring back, and accomplished the almost unthinkable. FSU scored an NCAA record 28 points to come from behind and tie the Gators.
Rock Preston scored the tying touchdown with less than 2 minutes left.
This has always been one of my "signature" calls. And a touchdown that will never be forgotten by Seminole fans.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups for the Gator Bowl will be posted next week before the game. Download for free and enjoy.
Bye Bye Bobby ~ Good Bye! We'll never forget. Go Noles!
In 2003 Florida State got the last laugh when they beat the Gators in the last minutes on a pass from Chris Rix to P.K. Sam. Earlier in that game, Safety Pat Watkins had a defensive scoop and score.
It will take that and more for the Noles to prevail in Gainesville Saturday.
Here's Gene's Scene Setter that will be heard on the Seminole ISP Network Saturday. The .mp3 file runs 2:00. Download for free.
FSU will wear new uniforms and helmets provided by Nike for Saturday's showdown with Maryland.
Gene sets the scene with a clip from last years upset win in Maryland. The scene setter runs 1:55. Download for free.
Depth Charts and the Match-Up analysis are available for free downloading. Click "Game Day".
Hear the Noles broadcast on the Seminole ISP Radio Network, or on XM Satellite Radio Channel 191.
Hard to believe it has been four years since FSU beat Wake Forest. The Deacons are trying to knock off FSU for the fourth time in a row.
Xavier Bethia kicked the game winner in 2004 at Groves Stadium. That was the last Seminole win over the pesky Deacons.
Here's a clip from that game along with Gene's Scene Setter for the Seminole ISP Sports Network broadcast that will air Saturday at 10:00am.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are available for free downloading. Click "Game Day"
Gene remembers the first ever meeting between father and son in a college football game with this weeks opening Scene Setter for the Seminole ISP Sports Network Broadcast of the FSU-Clemson Game.
The clip runs 1:55 and features Sebastian Janikowski's game winning field goal.
Get ready for some Seminole Football.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are ready for downloading. No charge. Go Noles!
Are you ready for some football. It’s been two weeks since FSU played a home game at Bobby Bowden Field at Doak Campbell Stadium. Saturday it’s Home Coming and Trick or Treat all wrapped up into one big dose of Seminole Football.
At 12:00 Noon , FSU tangles with NC State. The Noles are 50-10-1 in Homecoming Games all time, and Bobby Bowden sports a 31-2 record in front of the old grads and alumni and Homecoming Courts.
Gene sets the scene with a memorable moment from the 1999 clash with the Wolfpack.
It runs 1:50 with a play-play clip featuring Abdul Howard’s interception return for a TD. Down load for free and get ready for some football.
Depth Charts for FSU-NCSU are posted and can be downloaded at no cost. Check out the “Match-Up” as well. Just Click “Game Day”.
It will be the first Thursday Night game ever played at Kenan Stadium, and you know the place will be rocking. The energy in the crowd just might match the 1997 clash between thse two teams that featured #2 vs. #5.
Here's the Scene Setter that will be broadcast on the Seminole ISP Sports Network Thursday night. Gene pulled a "big play" from that 1997 showdown, billed as the Biggest Football Game in ACC History".
Gene's Scene Setter for FSU-Georgia Tech.
This will get you ready for some Seminole Football.
Gene sets the scene with an audio clip from FSU's 28-17 win over Boston College in 2005. Mp3 file runs 1:40.
Here is Gene’s “Scene Setter” that can be heard Saturday on the Seminole ISP Sports Network. Check www.seminoles.com for a list of stations in your area that carry FSU Football. The game will also be carried on XM Satellite 190 and Sirius 212.
The mp3 file runs 1:46. Down Load for Free.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are available for free too. Click "Game Day".
Here is this weeks "Scene Setter" for the Seminole ISP Radio Network. Gene went back into the archives to find a clip from Florida State's first meeting with the Cougars in the 1991 Pig Skin Classic.
How about Casey Weldon to Edgar Bennett.
The Scene Setter runs 1:46.
Grab something "cold to drink" and get ready for some Seminole Football.
Broadcast time on the Seminole ISP Radio Network is 5:00 pm EDT. To find a station in your area go to www.seminoles.com.
Senior forward Uche Echefu celebrated his 23rd birthday with a spectacular performance Tuesday night. His 17 points and 6 rebounds sparked the Seminoles to a 68-57 win over Virginia. Who says you need to light candles on a cake and sing “Happy Birthday”. String music sounds better! Here’s Uche’s Big Night. Now we can blow out the candles, cause the party is over. Happy Birthday Uche!
The mp3 runs 1:18. Download for free. Listen to the next Seminole ISP Network broadcast Saturday February 14 when the Noles play at Wake Forest. Tip of is at 4:00. The Pre Game Show with Leonard Hamilton begins at 3:30.
Wear Black and make noise. That's what Bobby Bowden is hoping for. His team needs ssome help to win the Atlantic Division in the ACC---and of course his Noles to win their two remaining conference games.
Here is Gene's scene setter that will air on Saturday at 6:00pm on the ISP Seminole Sports Network. Down load for free, It runs 3:54.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are posted. Download and get ready for the game.
Coach Bobby Bowden turned 79 years "young" Saturday, and his teams gave him a special birthday present--a 41-27 win over Clemson.
After Antone Smith scored the the decisive touchdown with less than 2 minutes left , the Marching Chiefs led 77,000 fans and a pair of announcers in singing "Happy Birthday" to the head coach.
Listen and sing along. Go Noles!
Gene sets the scene for Saturday's showdown between Seminoles and Tigers, The scene setter airs on the Seminole ISP Sports Network beginning at 1:30.
Free down load. Depth charts and match-ups are available now. Download for free by clicking "Game Day?
Gene reached a pair of milestones over the past weekend. In Saturday’s FSU-Georgia Tech game he called his 1,500th Touchdown for Florida State.
The call came with 8:05 left in the second quarter when Christian Ponder hit fullback Seddrick Holloway with a 4 yard TD pass. Gene has been the “Voice of the Seminoles” since 1979.
On Sunday in Kansas City, Gene called his 600th Touchdown for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. And what a play it was. Rookie returner Clifton Smith weaved his way 97 yards on a kick-off return to cut the Chiefs lead to 14. Jon Gruden credited that return as the “jump start” his team needed to come from behind and win in overtime 30-27. Gene has been the “Voice of the Buccaneers” since 1989.
Listen to these “milestones” for free. Free download.
Enjoy the calls. Enjoy the memories. Go Noles! Go Bucs!
Gene gets you ready for Saturdays game in Atlanta. In this scene setter that will be heard on the Seminole ISP Sports Network at 1:30 Saturday, Gene pulls a play from 1992. Charlie Ward completes a miracle come from behind win with a TD throw to Kez McCorvey.
The mp3 file runs 3:50. Dowonload for free and enjoy. Go Noles!
Here is this weeks ":scene setter". It will air on the Seminole ISP Sports Network Saturday. Get ready for some Seminole Football.
The mp3 file runs 3:18. Download for free.
The Hokies have never defeated FSU in Tallahassee. Lets keep it that way.
Hear Gene and William Floyd on the Seminole ISP Sports Network. Check www.isp.com for station listings. Coverage begins Saturday at 1:30. The game can also be heard on XM Satellite Radio(Channel 193) and Sirius Satellite Radio(Channel 214). www.seminoles.com will stream the live audio as well.
They are called splash plays. The NOles had a few against the Buffaloes.
This will get you pumped up for Miami.
Depth Chasrts are available for free. Click "Game Day" and download, and get ready for FSU-Miami.
Gene gets you ready for this weeks FSU-Miami game. Chris Weinke to Snoop Minnis TD pass in 1998 win in Orange Bowl is this weeks hi-lite, The Scedne Setter runs about 3:30.
The game will be broadcast on the Seminoles ISP Sposrts Network. Coverage begins at 1:30.
Depth Charts are posted, Click "Game Day" and download for free.
Listen to exciting Florida State Basketball. The Noles clipped BC 66-63 Saturday in a "High Noon Thriller". The mp3 clip runs :46" and features a couple of plays by Freshman Julian Vaughn.
Here all the action on the Seminole ISP Sports Network with Gene and Keith Jones.
Down 10 points with less than eight minutes to go, FSU rallies behind guards Toney Douglas and Isiah Swan to beat the Cavaliers.
Here's 1:22 of exciting Seminole Play-by-Play from Gene. This will gert you pumped for more "red-hot hoops"!!!
FSU next plays NC State on Saturday(1/26/08) at 1:30. The game can be heard on most Seminole ISP Sports Network stations. It can also be heard on XM Satellite Radio---Channel 191.
Depth Charts and Match-Up stuff is posted here on the web site. Click "Game Day" and download all you need to follow the action when you listen to Gene and Keith.
Florida State wins for the first time at Cameron Indoor Stadium.
And it took overtime to do it. Here is the final miute described by Gene.
This will get you ready for the FSU-Duke Game tonight at the Donald Tucker Center. Tip is at 7:00pm.
Depth Charts and Match-Up info is available now for down-loading. It's free. Click "Game Day". Get ready for some Seminole Roundball!!!
Gene sets the scene for the Seminole ISP Sports Network. This scene setter runs 3:32, and has a play-by-play clip from last years's Emerald Bowl.
Depth charts and match-ups are available for downloading free.
Gene sets the scene for Saturdays tilt with the Terps!
This scene setter will begin Saturday's broadcast on the Seminole ISP Sports Network. The broadcast starts at 10:00am Saturday, with kick-off slated for around 12:07. The scene setter has a clip of Chris Weinke throwing a TD against Maryland in 2000.
The game can also be heard on Seminoles.com(fee applies), and XM Satellite Radio Channel 190.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups are available for free downloading. Click Game-Day, and Enjoy.
Get ready for some football, Seminole style! Go Noles!!
FSU has won 11 in a row at the expense of the Hokies. Bobby Bowden coached teams have won 15 straight over the Orange and Maroon.
Gene sets the scene with a look back to when his radio booth side kick P.T. Willis bested Tech 41-17 in 1989.
This scene setter will begin the Seminole ISP Sports Network boroadcast day in Blacksburg. Download it for free and enjoy.
Depth Charts and Match-up Notes are available free as well. Click Game Day and download.
FSU tries to upset #2 ranked Boston College Saturday. Gene sets the scene for the Seminole ISP Sports Network. This mp3 file will begin Saturdays broadcast at 6:00pm. This scene setter will get you ready for Seminole Football. It runs 3:28. No Charge. Enjoy.
You can hear the game on the Seminole ISP Nework, via XM Satellite Radio(Channels 190/140), or by streaming audio at www.seminoles.com.
Match-Ups and Depth Charts for both FSU and BC are now available for free. Just click Gameday and down-load.
With a Homecoming Theme of 007 Garnet and Gold Encounters, the big campus weekend concludes with the FSU-Duke football game at Bobby Bowden Field at Doak Campbell Stadium.
In a salute to the Seminole Tribe of Florida, Florida State will wear Black Uniforms for the game.
Here is Gene's scene setter that will kick-off The Seminole ISP Network broadcast on Saturday. The game can be heard on the Seminole ISP Sports Network, XM Satellite Radio(Channel 190) and www.seminoles.com.
The coverage begins at 6:00pm. Kick-off is slated for a little after 8:00pm.
FSU Beats Colorado: Two Big Plays Do It!
Tony Carter's INterception sparksa Seminole scoring drive capped by "The Deuce". The score came early in the second quarter, and was the first time the Noles had scored first this season. Here are my favorite two "calls" of the game. What was yours?
Game time for the next FSU game(against Alabama) will be announced Sunday.
Here are my two favorite plays from Saturday's win over UAB. Listen to the crowd cheer on the home team.
Drew Weatherford hits Richard Goodman for six, and Roger Williams has the perfect defensive quinella. Enjoy.
You can hear all the excitement of Seminole Football every week on the ISP Seminole Sports Network.
Swann and Thornton got the Noles close, but Tech held off the home team 63-57.
This high-lites mp3 runs 1:03. It is a free download. Enjoy. Go Noles!
1:30 on the Seminole Radio Network. Enjoy! Go Noles!
FSU hit a season high 61.7% of its floor shots, and rolled to it's fourth consecutive home victory Tuesday night over Maryland. The Noles broke open a close game with a 16-5 run to start the second half, and rolled to an impressive 96-79 win over the Terrapins.
How exciting was it? Just listen to Gene's play-by-Play call.
The Download is free. It runs 41 seconds.
FSU had to battle from behind to knock-off upset minded Wake Forest Saturday afternoon. Al Thornton kept the ‘Noles close with his 13th career “Double-Double”, but guards Toney Douglas, Jason Rich, and Isaiah Swann slammed the door on the Deacons. Swann’s three point bulls-eye gave FSU its longest lead of the day to that point in the game(:47” left). Like I said, “That’s the dagger!” FSU won 74-66. Go Noles! The .mp3 file runs a minute and twelve seconds.
Next Broadcast is Tuesday , January 30. FSU plays Maryland in a crucial ACC tilt at the half-way point of the season. Tip Off is at 8:00pm. Seminole Radio Network. Depth charts are posted, and are free to download.
Florida State wrapped up the 2006 season with a thrilling 44-27 win over UCLA in the Emerald Bowl. The underdog Seminoles had to come from behind twice in the second half to upset the favored and 13th ranked Bruins.
The "Six Pack + 1" high-lites package is available now in the Goodies Store for just 2.99. Here's just a taste of the exciting Seminole win.
The “Six Pack + 1” .mp3 audio file contains 1) Buster Davis forcing a fumble at the UCLA 25 yard line in the first quarter; 2)Lorenzo Booker’s 25 yard TD one play after the Bruin fumble; 3)Gary Cismesia’s 39yard FG to tie the game at 10-10; 4)Dekota Watson’s blocked punt that is returned for a TD by Lawrence Timmons; 5) Drew Weatherford hits Gregg Carr with the go ahead TD in the 4th quarter; 6) Tony Carter sets Emerald Bowl interception return record with 86 yard TD return to slam the door shut on UCLA.
Go Noles! Enjoy! How ‘bout them ‘Noles!
This weeks “Six Pack + 1” features exciting plays from the FSU 33-0 win over Virginia. Tthis is a sample---Greg Carr makes big catch to set up a fourth quarter TD.
Tony Carter intercepts Jameel Sewell and returns it 35 yards for games first TD;Sack Leader Lawrence Timmons gets one of 6 sacks by the Noles;Eli Charles blocks a Ryan Weigand punt at the 1 yard line; Lorenzo Booker scores his 11th career rushing TD; Gary Cismesia boots a 44 yard FG;Buster Davis sacks Sewell in end zone for a safety;Chris Lee hits Chris Davis with 37 yard TD pass; and Antone Smith barrels in for a 3 yard TD run---his 5th of the season and his 8th career score.
The mp3 file runs 1:40.
Wallace Wade Stadium. Winless Duke. Just what the doctor ordered. For the fifteenth time since joining the ACC, Florida State beats Duke. And for the eleventh time, the Noles hang 50 or more points on the Dukies! 51-24. Nice job men. FSU improves to 4-2, 2-2 ACC at the half way point in the season.
Here is this weeks “Six Pack + One” Hi-Lites Package. It includes a Lawrence Timmons fumble return for a TD, four Drew Weatherford touchdown passes---three caught by Greg Carr. It also includes the longest TD run of the season---80 yards by Antone Smith, and Xavier Lee’s first TD pass of the year, a 14 yard strike on 4th down to freshman Damon McDaniel.
The "Six Pack + One" hi-lites package is available now at the Goodies Store.The mp3 file runs 1:49 and costs just $2.99. Go Noles!
NC State invited FSU into its Field of Screams, and under a howling full moon, proceeded to filet the Noles 24-20. The loss knocked FSU out of the national rankings, and probably out of the ACC Title chase.
Here is this weeks “Six Pack + One” Hi-Lites Package. It includes two Gary Cismesia Field Goals, a Drew Weatherford pass completion to Lorenzo Booker, a punt return by Freshman Patrick Robinson,, a Drew to Chris Davis TD , a marvelous goal line stand, and Brandon Warren’s first career TD catch.
Here's a sample of the action--3rd and Goal, at the Seminole 3.
The "Six Pack + One" Hi-lites package is available now at the Goodies Store.The mp3 file runs 2:41 and costs just $2.99. Go Noles!
17th Ranked Florida State took Rice out to the woodshed, and took out their frustrations from a loss to Clemson with a 55-7 whipping. It was great seeing the “old swagger” back.
This weeks “Six Pack + One” Hi-Lites Package includes a touchdown run by Joe Surratt, Antone Smith’s first TD of the season, a 53 yard Field Goal by Gary Cismesia---the 4th longest in FSU history, Drew Weatherford and Xavier Lee TD passes to Greg Carr and another TD gallop by “Deuce” Smith.
Here’s a sample of the exciting calls---Marcus Ball makes his first career interception.
The "Six Pack + One" hi-lites package is available now at the Goodies Store.The mp3 file runs 1:22 and costs just $2.99. Enjoy. Go Noles!
With the game tied at 20-20, Clemson appeared to fumble the ball inside the 10 yard line. Referee jack Childress ruled that FSU had recovered the ball, but the Instant Replay Official in the booth over-ruled the decision, and Clemson avoided a huge turnover. Florida State apparently never recoevered, as Clemson was able to score on their next possession and upset FSU 27-20.
Here's Referee Jack Childress' call. The complete Six Pack + 1 will be available soon in the "Goodies Store" for $1.99.
5) Joe Surratt scores TD from 1 yard out.
9th Ranked Florida State dodged a Trojan Horse and avoided an upset by Troy University in week two. It took stellar special tyeams play, and outstanding defense to prevent a "nightmare on Stadium Drive.
Here is the games final big play. An interception by Geno Hayes to preserve a 24-17 win.
The "Six Pack + One" Hi-lites package is available now iat the Goodies Store.The mp3 file runs 1:43 and costs just $1.99. Go Noles!
The biggest defensive series of Monday nights game at Miami took place late in the second quarter.
After Drew Weatherford threw an interception the Canes took over at the Florida State 31 yard line. Miami had scored 10 points on their previous two possessions and had taken field position and momentum away from the Seminoles. This would have been the “dagger-series”. A field goal, let alone a touchdown could have been the Hurricane “kill shot”.
FSU’s defense dug-in. On first down, a “jail-break blitz” by FSU forced Miami Tight End Greg Olsen to hold. Ten yard penalty moves the ball back to the UM 41. On first down and twenty, Kyle Wright throws underneath the Seminole zone for 7 yards. On second down Wright is flushed out of the pocket and scrambles for one yard under a whole lot of pressure. Then on third down and 12, Lawrence Timmons bulls into the back field and sacks Wright for a two yard loss taking Miami out of field goal range.
After a “pooch-punt” to the FSU 4 yard line, the ‘Noles are able to run out the clock, and go to the locker room with no further damage.
Here it is: Timmons sack of Wright. Next to Michael Ray Garvin’s game ending interception, arguably the biggest defensive play of the game.
Check out Gene’s video take later this week.
Depth charts for FSU-Troy will be available for down-loading Wednesday. Free. “Six Pack + 1” radio hi-lights will be available in the “Goodies Store” Tuesday night.
Jason Rich scores a career high 22 points, and Alexander Johnson overcomes foul trouble to lead FSU in a come-from- behind win over the Butler Bulldogs. The high-lites run a little over 1:15. Enjoy. This is a free download.
Check out Great Moments in FSU Football available for download at gene Gene the Touchdown Machines Goodies Store.
One of the biggest wins in FSU basketball history. It ranks right up there with the Noles wins in '72 against Carolina and Kentucky in the NCAA Tournament, and the Noles victory over UNC in our first ever ACC game in 1991.
Florida State becomes the only ACC team to beat the Top Ranked Blue Devils in 2006. And for three seniors it will always be a night to remember.
Here it is. 2:10 of the exciting high-lites of the "Signature Win" in the Leonard Hamilton era. FSU Beats #1!!!!
This is a free download. Enjoy and Go Noles!
Florida State demolished Virginia's "zone defense" inside and out. But FSU's biggest weapon was Andrew Wilson's three point bombs. The sixth year senior matched a career high with 7 made "three-balls" and led the Noles to a 76-62 win.
Here are :40" of Drew blasting away---3 great calls. Free download. Go Noles!
Don't forget the "Goodies Store" is now open. Great stuff! Cheap!!
Alexander Johnson ignited a 19-4 run midway through the second half, and FSU sailed to a 73-63 win over the minutemen.
This is a free download. Enjoy and Go Noles!!
Check out the "Goodies Store" for some really good stuff.
FSU trailed the Yellow Jackets by 14 points in the second half, but refused to lose. Alexander Johnson's slam dunk tied the game at 77---and made Sports Center on ESPN. Then sixth year senior Andrew Wilson buried a three point FG with 1:32 to go that won the game 80-79.
Enjoy. This is a free download. Check out the "Goodies Store" for m ofre audio high-lites. Go Noles!
FSU battled Miami down to the wire and then some. But Robert Hite's 31 points proved to be too much, and with FSU leading scorer Al Thornton ineffective and sidelined with a knee injury, the visiting Canes escaped with an 84-78 ACC win. It felt like "wide right". Why?
Check out Gene's take on the game.
Great Moments in FSU Football play-by-play clips available in the Goodies Store. Go Noles!
'Tis the Season-FSU's 59th Basketball in Basketball!
Highlights from Florida State's 85-67 thumping of Alcorn State on Monday November 21st. Junior Forward Al Thornton had a career high and game best 31 points in the game. He added 10 rebounds to record his 2nd "Double-Double" in as many games.
FSU -Florida tips at 7:30 on Friday night and can be heard on the Seminole Radio Network. Depth charts are posted on the web site, just click "Game Day!
Gene Gene The Touchdown Machine Goodies Store is now open. Check it out.
Two spectacular plays aren't enough in Charlottesville, as Virginia plays flawless on special teams, and gets a whale of a game out of Senior Quarterback Marques Hagans.
Lorenzo Booker, Chris Davis, Willie Reid, Kamerion Wimbley and Gary Cismesia produce the games big plays for the Garnet and Gold.
Scott Stadium may be just the fifth largest stadium in the ACC, but when Wahoo faithful get decked out in orange and dark blue and start waving their pom-poms, the place can be down right scary. Official capacity is listed at 61,500.
Florida State invariably plays at night in this series---ESPN has carried the game ever since that 1995 Cavalier upset of the Noles. Must deliver good numbers!
Gene sets the scene for the 10th anniversary of UVA’s stunning upset of the Noles!
Depth Charts and Match-Ups for both teams are available free, Just click “Game Day” and download them.
This "Scene Setter" can be heard on the FSU Seminole Radio Network. It starts two hours before kick-off at 6:30PM Saturday night.
FSU gets big plays in the second half to whip underdog Wake Forest for the 13th straight time since joining the ACC.
The biggest play of the game could have been Drew Weatherford's pass to Greg Carr on 3rd and 15 in the fourth quarter. That's this weeks preview call. Listen for free.
This weeks Six Pack + One includes Leon Washington's 61 yard catch and run, Fred Rouse making his first career TD, and more.
Available for just $2.99. Down load to your desk top, lap top or Ipod. Part of the proceeeds go to FSU Athletics.
Depth Charts for the FSU-Virginia game plus Match-Ups are posted and available for downloading FREE. Click "Game Day".
Get ready for some football! FSU leads the all time series with the Demon Deacons 20-2-1. The Seminoles are favored by 21 points. But Wake has been a spoiler in the past. Just ask Clemson. Wake upset the Tigers 16-13 last week.
Seminole Linebacker A.J. Nicholson is a Winston-Salem NC native. He knows all about the Demon Deacons. He's ready to rumble!
Here is this weeks Pre Game Show Scene Setter that will be heard on the Seminole Radio Network at 10:00am Saturday.
Depth Charts and Match-Ups for both Wake and FSU are available free. Just Click Game Day.
Early in the second quarter, with FSU leading 17-0, Senior Co-Captain Kyler Hall makes an acrobatic interception on an errant throw from Syracuse QB Perry Patterson. It is K-Hall's 2nd interception of the season and his 4th career "oski".
FSU goes on to win 38-14.
This weeks "Six Pack + One " has TD grabs by Willie Reid, and Chris Davis. TD runs by Drew Weatherford and Lamar Lewis, a field goal by Gary Cismesia, and a spectaucular throw and catch from Xavier Lee to Chris Davis. Go Noles!
Available at "Gene Gene the Touchdown Machines Goodies Store" for just 2.99. Download to your I-Pod, Desktop, or Lap Top now.
Here are the game high lites heard on the Seminole Radio Network. The seven plays that really counted in FSU's thrilling 10-7 win over 8th Ranked Miami.
Of course, we start with the muffed field goal attempt---"Wide Snap I"
Down Load to your PC, LapTop or I-Pod. Collect high lites from all eleven games.
Just $2.99 a game. A portion of the price goes to FSU.
A.J. Nicholson picks off the first pass of the game and takes it to the house. Then Drew Weatherford finds his favorite target for 6 more.
This weeks "6 pack + one" plays of the week available in Gene Gene's The Touchdown Machine's Goodies Store for $2.99. Opening Soon.
Coming Soon: You're very own personal telephone answering machine message. That's right. Gene Deckerhoff.com will soon open "Gene, Gene The Touchdown Machine's Goodie's Store". And one of the high light items available will be your very own personalized message. As close as your next down-load.And at a reasonable price.
Like it! Order it! Soon!
Also coming ---Classic autographed photos from the Super Bowl and National Championship games. And laminated Classic Depth Charts and Match-Up cards from those games as well, all personally autographed by Gene as well! Collector's items for the ages!
And a whole lot more, too! Get ready!
Gene, Gene The Touchdown Machine's Goodie's Store! Hey. Who Needs Walmart?
Florida State needed a win in Gainesville to complete an undefeated season as the Number 1 Team in college football and set up a championship showdown in New Orleans.
Just like you would expect, it came down to one last play.
More Seminole Classic Calls coming this Spring and Summer.
Florida State ended its 58th season in Washington DC, bowing 70-54 to the NC State Wolfpack in the first round of the ACC Championship Tournament .
Only senior Anthony Richardson could solve the Wolfpack defense. He scored 16 points. Junior Todd Galloway added 9.
FSU finished 12-19. The Seminoles lost 11 of its last twelve games. The 19 losses were the third most in school history.
Al Thornton made the most of his first career start for the Noles. He led the team in scoring and rebounding with 20 points and 7 rebounds.
Tim Pickett and his Seminole teammates refused to lose, coming from behind in regulation and winning in double overtime 91-84.
Pickett led all scorers with 25 points, and tied the game at 71-71 with an incredible 3pFG with :05" left in the second half. | 2019-04-26T04:31:28Z | http://genedeckerhoff.com/audio.asp |
Life without friends, I couldn't do it.
My friends the past few months have been a lifeline for me after my dad died and I found myself 1000's of miles from my home in Dubai trying to juggle my emotions with dealing with his sudden death, clearing out a life times collection of his stuff that had little value or worth to others, helping mum sell the house and purchase a new flat, one son emigrating to Australia, another being deployed to the Middle East, the teen leaving school, my health, a scare with cancer and a diagnosis of pneumonia, as well as the general day to day issues. Whilst hubby stayed in Dubai keeping our lives afloat financially and everyone else around me, despite their grief, apart from mum, still had their own homes, families and day to day lives to return to, some normality.
I'm a very social person, I'll chat with anyone, anywhere. I've made friends in the town where my parents and family live. I've never lived there. I'm known in the coffee shop, with the only question they need to ask is whether I'm drinking in or out that day. I know all the neighbours where we bought a flat last year and we chat. The woman in the post office asks about my son in the Middle East when I post a BFPO box out to him and enquires about the other kids and their girlfriends as various, random packages are sent to different locations. In the pub, they know my drink and even make me a cup of tea, if I just fancy some company and not alcohol. I've been offered the use of a car, lifts to the airport, my phone book list has grown. I've met my Mums neighbours, I pop round for a drink, met lovely baby twins that have melted my heart, their Mum was so kind to me and the teen the night my dad died and now probably a life long friend in the making.
I’m still in touch with school friends from when I was 5 in primary school and from secondary school aged 11+. We will meet occasionally, as in once a year or even less, but we chat maybe once every few months or so on face book.
I have another set of friends that come and go more frequently in my life, where we can go a couple of years without seeing one another, but keep in regular contact online and via mail, in fact I have a couple of friends I have regular contact with with that I've never actually met. These friends have shared happy and sad times with me, not necessarily at the same time or same events, important events in both our lives, our partners and our children.
I also have friends that have come and gone, been there for big events in one another lives and for day to day stuff also that I no longer have contact with, we've drifted apart through life experiences, fall outs or just grown apart for whatever reason.
I have day to day friends, acquaintances, people I meet up with when I'm in Dubai or the UK, but we're not involved in one another lives to share emotions, thoughts and feelings, just day to day stuff, say hi and hang out with from time to time.
I have another set of friends who have featured prominently in mine and my children’s lives and me in theirs also for a very long time. Three friends I've known for 24, 19 and 15 years. These 3 friends don't do social media, but their children do. Keeping in touch has been harder, especially when we lived in South Africa and the postal system was less reliable, but since moving to Dubai 3 years ago and with more frequent visits to the UK, the friendship has become closer, we've shared births, marriages, divorces, children leaving home, in one case the arrival of grandchildren. Our partners get on well, our kids grew up together, we've babysat one another kids, their kids looked after ours, our kids are now looking after their kids, we've all moved houses, lost a parent (or two) recently. We all know one another, we all ask after the others, everyone knows how important these friends are in my life. The kids are in contact with the adults, with the children, both through me and independently.
These 3 friends in particular are my lifeline, they keep me going, they are part of me. Everyone I met holds some significance in my life, be it on a short journey or for a lifetime, in real life or online. There's always someone around that just has the right words at the right time, even if it's just a random stranger asking if I'm ok in a supermarket like they did last week, when something triggered my upset about my Dads death.
Hubby will WhatsApp me from our local store in Dubai and I’ll check the nearest one out to where I am when I’m in the UK.
This time we were looking at Christmas decorations. Hubby spotted these crackers priced at AED 144.00 that’s almost £30 for 6 crackers.
Challenge accepted and look what I found.
You’ll notice in both photos they are priced in £. Waitrose in the UK were offering them for sale with 50% off. No doubt they’ll come down in price in Dubai also but seriously at £5 per cracker and with the standard contents just made out of metal rather than plastic we won’t be buying them in either country.
Apart from putting up my tree in the flat for the teen and sending all my Christmas cards and playing Santa with nephews and nieces and friends, Christmas for me is done in the UK.
Birmingham airport provided me with my last glimpse of Christmas in the UK on Wednesday afternoon. Give me chance to move house this week, get my decorations up and get out and about in Dubai and I’ll show you how we do Christmas over here.
Another week of 2 halves, this time starting in the UK and ending in Dubai. Why is it that the day I leave more paperwork arrives for mum, this time for the purchase of her new home. Hopefully with her new phone and the solicitors sending everything to me electronically it'll all be a lot easier than when we dealt with the paperwork for the house sale.
I keep thinking how strange it is to be back after so long, but I was here for just over 2 weeks in November to sort out our house move and now I'm back again ready for the actual event.
Pottered around in the day, pleased to see local volunteers cleaning up the old NatWest Carpark of rubbish, shame the bank can't sort it and that dreadful graffiti. Met friends and 2 and 2a for late lunch in the local pub for the afternoon/early evening.
Mum and I headed off early to catch the train from Newport to London for a fashion shoot with a National Newspaper for an article on Mums, daughters and grandchildren living in different countries and coping in a crisis. We've had our fair share of drama this year for sure. I met friends for dinner in the evening.
Up early and off to Malvern to catch the train to Birmingham Airport, I drove then Mum pottered around the retail park. It was an uneventful trip home, no fire alarms, the flight was full so no sleeping, a long queue for a taxi on arrival and home to an empty house.
A busy day, unpacked, collected cat and dog, had water and electricity connected at the new house and off to Mall of the Emirates and purchased some new winter shoes, had lunch out and an early night.
Peter arrived home in the early hours and we headed off to a local mall for coffee and cake and then went to Dubai Mall for a late lunch, spent the evening just chilling out and watching TV.
I boxed up my glass ornaments, the cat is NOT a fan of sellotape and runs for the hills when she hears it. The dog will just go into panic overdrive.
My Sunday Photo - Z is for Zip. I won't miss the UK weather.
Triumphant Tales, Tweens Teens Beyond - Spending quality time with Mum, a day out in London on a photo shoot.
PoCoLo - Moving Home in Dubai Part 2 and hidden costs after a relocation.
We're on the move again, but this time just down the road, not a different country. We've been in this property for almost 3 years and I suspect there will be a few new purchases to be made when we move in to our new home.
We are moving into a new build property, complete with appliances and our only costs will be to block pave the sandpit and erect a fence.
However it won't be as expensive as it has been when we've relocated overseas, because this move we can take everything with us, including the contents of our fridge.
I had 3 companies quote for moving, some companies have included insurance, others have had to be chased up for it. All companies will pack and part of the insurance is a requirement that they unpack everything on the day they move you, but not back into cupboards, just onto surfaces to make sure nothing is broken so you can't make a claim further down the line that can be disputed. This is a pain in the backside as it means you don't get time to rest and on our last move to Dubai, we couldn't find several kitchen items for a week afterwards until we had the oven connected.
For this move though I have found a company who will pack, move, unpack us and put everything away and remove all the packaging on the same day. But they will not pack and transport, valuables such as jewelry or alcohol and I have to pack all fragile ornaments.
When you move house, you pack your food up and take it with you, all of it, maybe not the milk and you've probably run the freezer down, but I bet you take herbs and dried goods and probably the sauces.
At least with this move we don't have to throw a big party to consume all our alcohol as that can't be packed when moving overseas.
But when you relocate from one country to another you have to start over, from fresh and I mean everything.
You can't pack half opened jars of spices or packet mixes. You can't take the salt and pepper grinders unless emptied and cleaned. You can't take cleaning materials and laundry detergents either.
The packers are responsible for what goes in your container. Every single item has to be declared and a value given, if you try sneaking something in and your container is checked at customs, not only will the item be confiscated, but you'd be fined and it will seriously delay the delivery of your belongings.
But when you've just relocated from one country to another and you've had to give away or sell at a loss so many other things that are banned on entry, such as outdoor and garden furniture and bikes, unless steam cleaned with a certificate when moving from the UK to South Africa or you're told DVD's and books declared on the inventory when moving to Dubai can seriously hold your container up so you give them all away with a few favourites in your checked luggage.
The last you thing you want to do or can even afford to do is restock all your cupboards from scratch, knowing at some point you'll be on the move again and have to start over once more.
With living abroad and being a mother of 5 myself, life is busy and hectic.
Over the past 7 years traveling back to the UK has been limited, trying to spread myself around the kids, parents, in laws, extended family, friends.
When we lived in South Africa it was two visits a year, since moving to Dubai it’s been 3 visits a year, but with the kids being scattered around the UK, most of my time has been spread thinly and all visits have been a rush starting with a round of hello’s merging quickly into goodbyes. With 2 of the children spreading their wings and moving further a field, this task has become harder.
The kids do come out to visit and my mum came to Dubai last year and we get some quality time together, but I was working last year and the time felt rushed.
So last year Peter and I decided to invest in a property in the UK where I’d have a base and be able to invite family and friends to visit to enable us to have more quality time with everyone.
It has worked and it hasn’t worked. Where the kids have been able to visit and stay, it’s a 1 bed flat and it’s been packed, I haven’t had my own space to chill out in as planned and when Peter has joined me, we’ve had limited space as it’s been used as a dumping ground by everyone, storing belongings for child 3 who has since moved to Australia and it’s Now home to an 18 year old who due to family issues this summer with the death of my father and his paternal grandmothers ill health has seen him finish 4 years in boarding school and was overlooked when it came to supporting him with finding a job.
But despite all of this, I’ve actually had some of the best times this year with my family, the time we’ve spent together, although tinged with great sadness with the loss of a husband, father, granddad and great granddad, has been wonderful.
We’ve created so many new memories, our relationships have changed, new roles have been adapted, gaps have been filled and new adventures taken up.
Mum and I had the opportunity to travel to London this week for a mother and daughter photo shoot with a National Newspaper for an article on Mothers, Daughters and Grandchildren living in different countries and how we manage.
It’s not something Mum and I would normally do together, Dad would be laughing his socks off at us, once he’d finished telling us how ricidulous we were being, but he’d have looked forward to buying the paper next week. It’ll be online also. I’ll post a link if you’re really THAT interested.
I've now seen all 4 seasons in the UK, starting with a short trip in Spring and a visit to Northern Ireland before cutting my visit short to fly out to Hong Hong to the Rugby 7s for a long weekend and then returning to the UK with Peter for a week for our youngest Childs 18th birthday.
I was then back in Summer where the temps were somewhat better, arriving in the week where temps topped 30c and still here in Autumn where everyone was moaning how they'd had a crap summer weather wise in the UK, how short are some people's memories.
I left the UK on October the 19th and returned to Dubai until November 6th. The weather was still quite mild in the UK when I left, however since my return it's been cold, wet and dark by mid afternoon and definitely winter here now.
It's quite a challenge to know how to dress each day, plenty of layers to combat the cold of the mornings, plus the rain, my boots aren't waterproof anymore, I'm damp all the time, my hair is frizzy from the moisture and my skin is drying out from the heating and the cold. My chill blains are back in my fingers and hands and so far I've managed to misplace 2 umbrellas.
As much as I miss having weather, living out in Dubai, I certainly don't miss the UK winter. Mind you the summer in Dubai isn't pleasant either when temps reach high 40s.
I need to plan better for next year, at least I can leave all my winter gear in the UK and my summer clothes in Dubai and travel light.
There have been a couple of trips to the pub, to see friends, lots of walks and bike rides and plenty of lie in’s this week. I’ve started on a course of steroids and I'm feeling much better, although I've now started to feel sick when I lie down at night.
I joined in with Remembrance Sunday service in town. Disappointed with a handful of women who talked through the two minute silence, Lords Prayer and National Anthem. Feeling worse health wise, shortness of breath now and constant coughing, antibiotics finished and started a course of steroids. Watched TV and had a sleep after lunch and late afternoon I walked to mums to collect her car for the morning.
Off to Gloucester with child 2 and 2a to visit child 1.
Posted the last parcel to child 4 in the Middle East and to 4a for Christmas. Sent of a box of goodies to 3 and 3a out in Australia and a few bits and pieces to friends in the UK. I had an upset in Waitrose thinking about my Dad when I realised I won't be doing any Christmas shopping for him this year, a few kind words from a stranger who recognised my struggles was much appreciated and prevented further tears. Spent the evening with a friend.
Had a lovely lie in and Mum phoned she had cabin fever and wanted to pop out for a bit so we went to Abergavenny for a spot of shopping and lunch. I fixed one of dads bikes up and cycled back to the flat. Child 1 was taken to hospital after being unable to weight bare, X-rays showed nothing broken but a worrying few hours while we waited for news.
Christmas cards and letters written, made several phone calls to sort out Mum's flat purchase and helped friends out with some advice. A new neighbour moved in, he's very noisy at 6.30am in the morning, what is it with people unable to walk upstairs without clanging the rails with their shopping and inability to close their flat door quietly?
Coffee in town with Mum, more phone calls and paperwork then over to mums for a family party. I cycled over and took the car back dropping off a bay and olive tree for my friend to look after when Mum moves.
I had a lie in and wandered into town for a coffee and post the last of my Christmas cards, I then spent the afternoon in the flat, blogging and catching up with the week's linkys and popped out to visit a friend, before having a long soak in the bath and an early night.
My Sunday Photo - R is for Rain. I was only away from the UK for just under 3 weeks, it appears I've returned to winter now.
TriumphantTales TweensTeensBeyond PoCoLo Mother of the Groom. Child 2 and 2a are getting married in June 2018. What the hell am I going to wear?
AnimalTales and linking up with Z is for Zoo. Dubai Zoo closes it's doors after 50 years. and Bobs pre school assessment. Day care for Bob the Dog.
I need help and lots of it. On a normal day, it's no make up and hair scrapped up in a ponytail. This photo however was taken after a couple of hours with a make up artist, hairdresser, a professional photographer and with excellent lightening and probably some editing as it was for a national newspaper.
I can do dressed up, I love having my nails done, not such a big fan with my hair and make up as I can never recreate the look, but don’t do too bad by myself.
Next year Peter is best man at a friends wedding. I bought a dress, have shoes, jacket and a bag and wasn’t bothering with a hat. I made a hair appointment for the morning and I was good to go.
But now child 2 and 2a have announced they’re getting married in June 2018. I’ve gone into meltdown, there’s so much to do. I need a hat, my dress is lovely but it’s NOT Mother of the Groom, it’s Wife of the Best Man.
I’m chilled out about any help, guidance, support that the Bride and Groom want or need. I’ve been shown the guest list, been asked for my input into the cake, wedding dress, photographer, bridesmaids etc although these decisions will mainly be decided upon by the Bride and her family.
I started the week in Dubai and I've been having my fair share of Michael Macintyre moments so far this week. I watched 'the best of' on youtube on Sunday morning and realised how much my life mimics his comedy.
I totally relate to leaving the house in Dubai in the middle of the day and was wondering if I could cook Sunday dinner just by leaving it outside, but I did try frying an egg here in the middle of summer and it's not possible, something to do with evaporation. I also stood at the crossroads for two turns with another woman waiting for our turn to cross the road and realised neither of us had pressed the button and I was phased on a few occasions with the sensors on the taps in the public bathrooms and went all karate style trying to get the water and air to flow and had to seek assistance. This isn't a first for me, I've had to ask how a tap works here before in Dubai. I also did that thing at the airport where I opted to walk at the same speed as those on the travelator.
My week ended in the UK still on the same theme, wondering if I can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, why I can't just be whlemed somedays, my kind of normal.
309 Sunday Bonfire. Putting the kettle on is the closest I get to any fire in Dubai.
Dropped Bob at pre school, had the car valeted and popped to the beach for 5 minutes for this weeks My Sunday Photo, had my nails done, hospital appointment with the Pulmologisit and called in at Home Affairs to check the status of the teens visa, quick hoover, collected Bob, walked friends dogs and fed them while their owners are away, dinner, packed and early night.
310 Monday Rule of Thirds. 3 seats to myself for the flight.
Up early and off to airport for my flight to the UK. It was an uneventful journey and I was collected by a friend for the drive back to South Wales.
Not feeling well so took it easy with a stroll into town and a coffee and a catch up with the UK post. Mum popped round in the afternoon.
Off to mums to box up the last of dads stuff, one last chance to look through all his things before they go to auction.
Auction house arrived, with driver only, so the task of loading the van fell to my sister and I and getting a 6ft pool table down the stairs was not an easy task. It was a bitter sweet day.
Mum and I went to Cwmbran for some Christmas shopping, to get 2 parcels sorted and out to the Middle East and Australia to 2 of the kids. In the afternoon I met friends for a drink and in the evening off to see another. Mum's car wouldn't start, so calling on a 3rd friend to collect me, I left the car for the night to deal with in the morning.
Sister took me and mum to rescue the car, we ended up in Gloucester having a new battery fitted and stoped out for lunch, she dropped me at a friends on the way home and I walked back to the flat in the rain and was asleep in bed by 8pm.
My Sunday Photo - Week 149 S is for Sun. On the beach in Dubai.
TriumphantTales TweenTeensBeyond PoCoLo Bob's preschool assessment. Bob the Dog goes to day care.
My Sunday Photo - Week 150 R is for Rain.
So last week I was back home in Dubai with S is for Sun. This week I’m back in Wales with R is for Rain.
When I left the UK mid October the weather was still quite mild, 2 and a half weeks later, despite the odd sunny day, it's now cold, dark and very damp.
As a mother of 5 kids ranging in ages between 18 and 29 it came as a bit of a surprise when Bob came into our lives.
We opted to do things differently this time and chose to home school Bob, but he is now 7 and we've come to realise that he needs to spend more time with others, despite him having good social and communication skills. He is a little clingy towards me and with me having to spend so much time away, he has been having anxiety issues that my husband has found difficult to deal with on his own. So my hand has been forced and I've had to go through the process of selecting a school for him to attend.
I had already visited several schools and done my research carefully over the past 3 years, knowing this day would come and we have of course used some of the holiday facilities in the past, but I'd never left him on his own. So last week, I made the decision to book him into a school near where we are relocating to at the end of the month for his pre school assessment.
I must confess I hadn't done much preparation in regards to discussing this with Bob, I really didn't want to put my anxieties and worries onto him. So the night before we packed his day bag, with a drink and snacks and a familiar toy and made sure we had an early night.
In the car on the way there in the morning I told Bob about where we were going and what was going to happen, how they were going to assess him and that I would be back after lunch time to collect him. I filled in all the paper work on arrival and then Bob was led off into the school, without glancing back once. I then asked what I was to do and they said I could go home and return at 1pm.
I didn't want to go home, what if there was a problem? It was a 30 minute drive each way, so having not done this for a good few years, I turned to Social Media for advice and was told to go find a coffee shop near by, buy a magazine and keep an eye on the phone, this is after all a very stressful situation for any parent and was a natural response to be worried and concerned.
I couldn't wait for 4 hours, so I arrived back an hour early and was told Bob had been fine, he'd passed the assessment with flying colours and had been accepted into their day care facility and I was welcome to go and see him at play and view the facilities.
Bob was extremely happy to see me and show me around and introduce me to his new friends. He seems happy there and the staff were welcoming and friendly and I'll be more than happy for Bob to attend regular sessions from now on. Bob was shattered when we got home so it was Macdonald's for tea all round and another early night as we had Halloween to prepare for the following day.
Oh just one thing........Did I mention Bob is a dog?
I'm returning to the UK tomorrow so I thought I'd make most of the my last day of living near the beach, as when I return to Dubai at the end of the month, we're moving further inland to a brand new, smaller and much cheaper property. As much as I love living near the beach, it's too hot to visit most of the year, and whilst I love swimming and there is a life guard, there are also rip tides that worry me and the new house has a gym with pool near by and we can always drive down to the beach on the weekends anyway.
My plans to spend time on the beach were scuppered by a last minute hospital appointment at midday the other side of the city, but I managed to pop down for this photo while my car was being valeted.
I may also have been a little curt and not my usual cheerful happy self this week, but sod it. I'm fed up of smiling and saying I don't mind when inside I'm sobbing and wondering why I tolerate things so much, it's certainly not for an easy life. We're all sorted now with our current tenancy contract so we'll hopefully be signing for a new place before I return to the UK next week, which takes a lot of pressure off me.
No clock change here, but that means we're now 4 hours ahead of the UK which makes communicating back home more difficult.
I'm feeling a lot better, I don't know if you've ever had pneumonia? I had it in 2007 and was hospitalised with it for over 2 weeks. It took me several months to recover. I have been diagnosed with 'walking' pneumonia, which means I don't realise how ill I actually am. I get my blood tests back this week that will show the strain, but the doctor suspects it's where I'm run down from the summer in the UK, a chest infection that I was probably unaware of, that has been left untreated since June when my white blood cells were sky high but any infection I had, had been masked by a 9 day migraine and the identification of a lesion on my brain as well as tests to rule out leukaemia. Yes, I ignored the cough, especially after my dad died in July.
Anyway on with the week.
302 Sunday Warm. Seeing as I'm not sleeping past 3am, I made the most of the night time weather and cleared out the sheds ready for moving, caught up with a ton of paperwork, realised if anything happened to me, hubby would have no clue how to access our online accounts so made a secret, password protected file stored online. He chose the password. Walked to the local shops for coffee to stop myself sleeping during the day and dropped hubby at the airport for an overnight trip to Saudi. I was exhausted by 6pm.
303 Monday Scare. Took Bob for an assessment at a play park, it lasted 4 hours, I stayed for a bit then went off to look around the area to see if it's somewhere we'd consider living. Got my car sorted in the afternoon, needed a new battery. Driving is challenging in Dubai, if you want to turn left you have to do a you turn, unless you're at a major intersection. Today's route involved 2 x 16 lane highways, I entered from the left slowly, everyone was trying to exit right at speed. I visited a Halloween store in the evening and bought inflatable balloons and spoke with the neighbour for the 5th time in 3 years, didn't know she'd had another child.
304 Tuesday Halloween. Hubby arrived home in the early hours. Food shopped, carved a melon, it was cheaper than a pumpkin, baked some cakes for the neighbourhood kids and decorated the outside of the house. I then took Bob to a Howl O Ween party, it's at the place where he boards and he loves it there, came away with a goodie bag full of treats. Got back to hand out treats to the neighbourhood kids and ran out in an hour, tidied up and went to bed early. I may have over done it today.
305 Wednesday First. The whole day was spent house hunting, considering we have to move out at the end of the month, you'd think we'd have something sorted by now, but no, that's not how Dubai works. There are loads of places we like it's just all about location.
306 Thursday Must. Doctors appointment first thing. White Blood Cells still high, in fact they've gone up again so more bloods taken and a bit B injection in my bum. Hubby dropped me off, we had coffee and afterwards I tried to catch the bus home, but my travel card was empty so I walked to the shops and got a taxi. 2 companies came to quote for packing and moving us. Such a wonderful view from the bus stop outside the Doctors.
307 Friday Self Portrait. More house viewing, everything looks the same, everything is the same. Took Bob to a new play place in the afternoon Paw Parking, he chewed through all their tennis balls and took home a goodie bag full of treats.
308 Saturday Fireworks. Can't find any bonfire events anywhere. Found a house to rent, deposit paid and contract signed, just trying to get something in writing to confirm dogs are allowed. The front looks exactly like Day 305 but in a different location as in that location there is no shade at all.
My Sunday Photo - Z is for Zoo.
Triumphant Tales - I get really frustrated that companies assume everyone has access to the internet and knows how to use it. How to get things done without the internet?
PoCoLo - It iratates me when people tell me what I can and can't do in Dubai, especially when they don't live here and only go by what they read in the media. This week we did Halloween.
TweenTeensBeyond - Parents, Teens and Alcohol. Did you allow your kids to drink? | 2019-04-20T10:49:43Z | http://www.chickenruby.com/2017/11/ |
Ecojon posted this as a comment earlier this week. Somehow it fell into moderation. Real life (including research into the difference between dwangs and noggings) meant that catching up fell behind.
Having just read thru all the comments from the last few days (phew) I’m getting back to cruising speed.
So, some thoughts on Mr Di Stefano to come plus a post, which links with the Maguire/INLA one about “offence”.
But, on this bright Good Friday morning I will pass you on to ecojon.
Since his post was written I understand the share price has further declined. I am sure readers can chip in with market updates!
Fortunately Mr Green’s avoidance of “external debt” means the company will not be directly affected immediately as it would be if shares had been pledged as security with a lending institution.
And so (without further ado) I pass you to ecojon’s tender care.
I was just thinking back to the beginning of the year when the Rangers shares hit their highspot of what was it 94p after an IPO launch price of 76p in December. And the soaring market cap figure which had far outstripped the Celtic one was universally praised by the blue camp. My explanation of what market cap actually meant was brushed aside as a feeble excuse in the general hysteria.
Those were heady days and clarkeng had started posting daily share prices for Rangers and Celtic and confidently predicting a collapse in the Celtic share price by March.
Still we all make mistakes and as the Rangers share price started to dip the daily posting of the share prices disappeared so as a service to the Blog I decided to keep-up clarkeng’s good work although I seldom manage to do so on a daily basis.
But I’ve just had a look at the markets and note that Rangers share price is 74.5 which is still below the psychologically important launch price of 76p. Unusually the last 3 trades have been ‘buys’ at 74.60 and I wonder if there is an effort to stop the shares going further ‘south’ and going below the 70p that fans paid for them. I’m not saying that fans are in it for the money but the Darkside was ecstatic as the shares climbed to 94p and I haven’t seen a single tweet since they began falling.
Another cause for great jubilation was the Rangers Market Cap being greater than that of Celtic and how important this was in financial health terms – it isn’t btw – but again I have seen no mention of Market Cap since the share price started falling and today Rangers Market Cap has dropped to £48.50 million.
Just for the record and in keeping with clarkeng’s system: Today’s Celtic share price is 62p and the club’s Market Cap is £56.49 million. The price hasn’t collapsed as predicted by clarkeng and, indeed, I wonder when the Rangers share price will fall below that of Celtic as has happened with Market Cap.
I just had another look to check how things closed and see that 100,000 shares were sold not long before the AIM market closed at 72p which is fast approaching the 70p price that fans bought at. Doesn’t look as though the market is too happy about the prospects for Rangers shares or perhaps they are proving ideal for shorting.
From that, I’d speculate that the recent decline is probably a funding trade into the new tax year. It’s a popular strategy among smallcap investors to cut your winners to cover the loss margin on your losers — and RFC remains, albeit by 0.5p, a winner from its IPO price.
The other factor, of course, is Rangers’ interim results on March 4. These were extremely poor. But the market’s sanguine reaction on the day suggests investors know what they bought. The recent decline is more likely to be a function of liquidity than a belated realisation that RFC is an absolutely terrible investment proposition.
The Interim Results on 4 March actually showed by a 2p drop a couple of days later but again support came in – trading is so thin with Rangers Shares that a handful of them can affect the price.
From mid-Feb until 4 March the shares were maintained at just under 80p and then by 6 March they had fallen to 77p but quickly received support to 79p the next day and settled around 78p until 19 March when the recent slump began which saw them at 71p for a spell yesterday.
Obviously the institutional investors have a lot of these shares in various investment vehicles for their clients and that adds pressure if the shares continue to slide. I am sure a lot of the 1p purchasers who were the original TRFCL investors will be locked in for another three months but as most have no emotional attachment to the club it seems fairly likely they will take their profit and go when they can particulalrly if the price keeps edging down.
It’s all very well saying they’ll still make a profit cause they bought at a penny but looking at Chuckle’s 5 million shares he’s lost £1 million since the first week in January when the shares were at 94p. And the Rangers Market Cap has also dropped by £15 million.
So we’re agreed that current liquidity is so low that the daily twitches of the share price are nearly irrelevant. My only intention was to suggest a reason for the drift lower ahead of April 1: smalltime profit taking in a very thin market ahead of the tax year ending. There might be another reason, but that’s the obvious one.
It’s true to say that, when the pre-IPO investor lockups come off, many will sell. That’s the game. You’ll remember the same thing happening amid much fanfare to Facebook in November, but it happens to all recently floated companies. The early investor overhang a source of short-term volatility. That’s all.
You seem fixated on the idea that the market value of RFC is too high. Broadly, I agree. But it’s tinfoil-hatted nonsense to jump from there to an assumption that the price has been artificially supported by clandestine means. If you really believe that, please contact the FSA’s market abuse division and share your evidence.
I can assure you that if I had any evidence of market abuse then I would have no hesitation of reporting it even though I know that the likelihood of AIM actually doing much about it is problematic IMO.
I don’t think I’m fixated on the idea that the market value is too high – it is and it’s as simple as that and doesn’t need fixation to make it so.
What isn’t tinfoil-hatted nonsense is that markets have ‘insiders’ who know a lot about what is going on and have all sorts of info and connections with deals happening which suits those concerned. There needn’t be anything wrong in that in a legal sense however morally it stinks because a lot of the ‘wheezes’ rely on the gullible and ignorant ‘outsiders’ whose money is hoovered-up and turned into profit for the savvy insiders.
On daily twitches they are pretty meaningless in the case of Rangers International and that’s why using 3, 6 and 12 month graphs are much more useful as you demonstrate with the one posted.
The real interesting time for me will come at the 6 month mark and slightly beyond that. A major factor will be the operating loss and whether it can be brought under control. If not, the AIM proceeds will have to feed the deficit which means that many of the schemes requiring expenditure, listed in the Prospectus, just can’t happen.
The big problem starts to loom a bit further on when the warchest will be needed for the SPL because ST sales would collapse, as would attendances, if Rangers were getting skelped week in week out by SPL other teams. So that warchest needs filled and I reckon the only way to do it is with another flotation.
But will it work and who will buy because by then the lock will be off everything and its almost inevitable that the dilution will further depress share price. I’m not sure that institutional investors will be so keen again and by then there will be at least one set of full accounts and maybe another 6 months. It should also be clear whether the goal of restricting first team wages to 26% as I believe was mentioned at the pre-launch investment marketing pitches has been met. Personally I can’t see it and I even think 30% is a pipe dream.
So that leaves the fans – but if little of the first flotation dosh has been spent on doing what was promised in the Prospectus – will they really put much in it. And there is the question that if the general economy is still weak can they afford to as mortgage/rent, food and heating become the main priorities?
Chico has displayed, in the past, that he can raise money from the markets but a longer term look at his business career points to some examples where this ‘midas touch’ fades quite rapidly and the caravan moves on.
I’d argue that Mr Green hasn’t ‘lost’ a thing, since his lock-in means he couldnt sell then and cant sell now – he’s not involved in this market for these shares – not at the moment as far as we know.
Its the folks who can buy and sell who are playing in this market, and its those guys who may be viewed as having ‘lost’ out.
My general view of the whole situation re share price is that very small proportions of the overall share numbers out there are being traded. There’s not really a market of any significance at the moment – clearly not one that any sound conclusions can be drawn from.
In general agree with what you say. However lock-ins aren’t absolute as people can be sacked or even take ill and walk away from a lock-in. I don’t suggest for a moment that that might happen to Chuckles but it can happen.
And as one can never be sure when things happen out of the blue there is IMO opinion a valid concept that a ‘loss’ can actually occur. But it’s not one I’ll lose sleep over although I have to say I think Chucky might have more difficulty in accepting he isn’t £1 million down on what his shares were worth in January.
Let’s hope the the Rangers share price stands at 5p come close of business….i would be gutted…ahem!
Dwangs and Noggings. Ahh, brings me back to my apprenticeship.
The great debate amongst joiners/ chippies on their travels.
Dwangs all the way Paul.
The market is ruled by greed and emotion.
The flotation of The Rangers had two types of investor.
The emotional and the rational.
The emotional paid 76p and gleefully saw their investment rise to 94p.
The rational institutional investors calmly sold their shares at 94p and made 180 pounds for every 1000 that they invested. A whopping 18% return on capital for just 6 months. The equivalent of a 36% annualised return. Hard to get such a return anywhere else in the beleagured British economy.
As a Celtic supporter but a rational investor I have made quite a profit by buying and selling The Rangers shares. Not quite 18% but an average 14%.
They will never sell, surrender or walk away.
When the share price reaches 60p then they will have lost 160 pounds.
When it reaches 50p they will have lost 260 pounds.
When you buy assets for 5.5 million then claim that they are worth 60 miillion some people will actually believe it. It has been a pleasure, a financially rewarding pleasure, to take money out of their wallets.
Never give a sucker a break.
You are totally correct about the two types of investor. I actually pointed out at the end of last year that Bears should take their profit by selling their Rangers shares and buy them back when the price fell as I anticipated it doing.
This strategy would have increased the percentage shareholding held by the fans and given them a bit more of a voice which I think is good for any football club.
The sad thing about football clubs and shares is that the concept of selling shares in a holding company that own the football club operating company is relatively new and so few fans even yet seem to grasp what they are actually pouring their hard-earned cash into.
But it appears after his spat with Malcolm Murray that there was enough support for the chairman to make his step away from at least an immediate confrontation.
Still it’s nice to know that some Celtic supporters have made a killing from the Rangers shares and I feel confident that you aren’t alone.
I am reliably informed that most (if not all) of the ‘trade’ has been between brokers. They have been “off book”.
There is no real Market interest currently. Now, that may change once restrictions/ tie ins from “promissory investors” are lifted… Interesting couple of months coming up ..
Yea that would explain quite a bit as I have been fairly sure that the spivs will be working away to ensure they make as much as possible in as short a time as possible.
The volume traded has been very low with very small packets of shares the norm except for the approx five blocks of 100,000.
Any thoughts on what might trigger a release from the original TRFCL investors or would that just be a time think similar to a 6 month lock-in?
The drop in price was inevitable as most commenters here have agreed, its just the market and in particular football clubs. With little prospect of the former greatness returning any time soon and the weekly bleeding of funds that are unsustainable going forward with 3rd tier football and low returns again promised the exodus of trimming costs is ongoing.
Chief football scout suspended for transfer dealing allegedly, physio and stadium manager along with many others being removed in chuckys “restructuring”. This shows the cracks in the company to any layman never mind financially astute investors.
If you have nt got the income and its nowhere to be seen in the future then its base survival as an emergency action.
The majority of shares “gifted” at 1p or less will be happy enough to hang in there, the punters will be shown as was stated clearly here as the ones who yet again put their money where theeir mouth is and lost out again.
The bears may have saved their football for a while but this time at what cost? Poorest rangers footballing side ever with no prospect of better players no matter what anyone says, (simply no money to pay for them, and no interest to play for a dying club) and they will struggle even more in the third tier of Scottish football for another season playing better teams then they encounters this seaon so no definate promotion in 12 months time, even with any league restructure. No one wants them shipped up a league other than chucky because he needs the revenue more than we need him r his team.
I tried to short them a few weeks ago on the Spread betting market but couldn’t get a quote!
I see Sevco 5088 have suspended Chief Scout Neil Murray,Chuckles not impressed by his abilities to spot talent apparently….Sally is backing Neil Murray! Tick tick tick…….The the Rangers/ Sevco 5088 are in Scotland’s bottom tier & play Montrose tomorrow…..
Not just the chief scout possibly for the off but the physio and possibly the stadium manager and wasn’t there a youth coach as well not to speak of Sandaza.
Interesting thing about Neil Murray is the paper is reporting it not as a failure to pick talent but because of, shall we say, some inconsistencies over the transfers which emerged in emails sent at that time. I should say that Murray denies any wrongdoing and appears mystified by the allegations.
I see Sevco 5088 have suspended Chief Scout Neil Murray,Chuckles not impressed by his abilities to spot talent apparently….Sally is backing Neil Murray! Tick tick tick…….
The “The” Rangers/Sevco 5088 are in Scotland’s bottom tier & play Montrose tomorrow…..
Should be a barrel of laughs!
Train wreck 2 is riveting.
Very good synopsis Ecojon, my own view sides with that of the short selling.
Traders are a shrewd bunch and they know there is such a vast wealth to be generated around the cash cow that is sevco fc.
The most recent trades will be the locking in of an immense profit to pay for the Easter fizz and crepes.
The downside to this is that none of this immense profit benefits the third division football club or the sevconians.
A peaceful Easter to one and all and very well done to sevco fc on possibly ,maybe, winning their first ever title this weekend.
Has wally smith jumped a sinking ship?
The difference between a dwang and a noggin is similar to the dook or plug issue,but sarkin stands alone.
It’s evident from the above you don’t have a clue about stockmarkets & more specifically the AIM market.
To keep it simple for you.. Shares in AIM market don’t have liquidity as say for example FTSE listed securities. It was inevitable that a number of shares would be sold after the IPO as some investors looked to bank a substantial profit.
The key point you don’t pick up on is that to sell a share on the AIM market you have to have a matching buyer. No buyers. Shares will not be sold. The fact that shares have been trading quite vigorously on this market is good news for investors. There is interest there as the shares are being picked up.
As Rangers move up leagues the share price will move up. It will flatten out at some point.. Simple economics. But it’s a good long term investment..for fans as well as quick buck makers.
Vigorous trading? There’s virtually nothing happening with the shares the volumes are tiny especially if you take out the 5/6 100,000 trades.
You must be looking at another share because it most certainly isn’t the Rangers International shares you are talking about.
Good long term investments seldom make quick-buck takers happy IMO. The only thing I agree with what you have said is that: ‘It will flatten out at some point . . . Simple economics’.
Have to find a matching buyer? Hmm, not many people interested in buying in what is just above the IPO purchase price even though the minimum purchase is now much less. Smells of sellers having to drop their asking price to me. Not much interest or confidence in the product it seems amongst buyers.
For the share price to move up there will have to be a move up through the divisions while making less of an operational loss?? Under the current corporate, operational and football management structures I’d say those two are mutually exclusive unless of course the SFL ignores some more of its rules (non EU player quota and over 21 quotas for example).
Beware potentil investors Mr Murray insisted shareholding in his Rangers was a good long term investment before rendering the shares almost worthless by flogging 85% for a quid. They are now totally worthless as the company is in liquidation.
Will sevconians claim for false implants?
Do the spivs even remember they`ve got this weekend hobby?
Thanks for the posts guys – I’m trying to get my head round what it all means though. Surely Mr Green’s desperate rantings about getting in to the EPL or ANYOTHERLEAGUE is an indication that Stockbridge is worried about the club’s ability to remain liquid over the next two years. Yes they had £22m in the bank at Dec 12, but that is moving south at the rate of £1m per month. Where is all the fresh revenue promised by Charles? Ecojon – is the market resigned to Rangers climbing back to the SPL and anticipating a Rights Issue to compete with Celtic once they get there? Charles says he won’t burden the club with bank debt. Thank you.
“Poorest Rangers footballing side ever with no prospect of better players no matter what anyone says, (simply no money to pay for them, and no interest to play for a dying club) and they will struggle even more in the third tier of Scottish football for another season playing better teams then they encounters this seaon so no definate promotion in 12 months time, even with any league restructure. No one wants them shipped up a league other than chucky because he needs the revenue more than we need him r his team”.
Great stuff as usual Paul &Eco ……….i was just starting to understand some o it when my head exploded …….but think i got the gist o ít ……………HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!!!! GBCG Dont know wots the funniest ….Mrs Browns boys or Mr Greens deluded ?????
I like reading all the blogs from various posters with some i can understand others i cant so easily,it all gets rather confusing to say the least!Would it be possible to see some spider graphs(dunno if thats right guys!)so we can see how this is all structured where cash is going,who owns what part of which company and so forth,i think trying to put a graph together regarding this will take time and effort,and would be appreciated,it would be interesting to see and make things easier to understand just how it all fits together!keep the good work up guys.thanks and have a good easter weekend! | 2019-04-23T19:01:13Z | https://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2013/03/29/ecojons-rangers-share-update/ |
Democratic strategists in Texas have been telling anyone who will listen for the past year that they can defeat John Cornyn, the state’s junior U.S. senator, in November. This is big talk for a party that hasn’t won a statewide race since 1994 and hasn’t held Cornyn’s senate seat in 47 years. But they have some fancy polling data to back it up. More than a third of Texans wouldn’t know their junior senator if he fell on them. They call this “name ID” (or lack thereof) in the political consulting business. Cornyn’s is abysmal for a politician who’s served as a Texas Supreme Court justice, state attorney general, and, for the past six years, U.S. senator. Of those who do know Cornyn, fewer than 50 percent view him favorably—dangerous territory for an incumbent seeking re-election. Some of those same polls show him running closely with Democratic opponent Rick Noriega.
But you don’t need polling data to know that Cornyn can be beaten. Just watch him give a speech. “Dull” is an understatement.
When Cornyn spoke at the Republican state convention on June 13, for instance, the excitement level—even among the 5,000 ardent Republicans assembled in a downtown Houston convention center—resembled a chamber music recital more than a rock concert. They offered Cornyn polite applause, but nothing near the standing ovations for the state’s senior senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison, or for former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
Cornyn looks like a senator: He’s tall and lanky, with wispy white hair over the kind of broad, distinguished face that makes him look deliberative all the time. He’s also blessed with the bearing and charisma of a tax attorney. He doesn’t connect with audiences; he talks at them. In Houston in June, his deadpan delivery rendered the convention speech instantly forgettable.
The most memorable moment of Cornyn’s convention appearance was the “Big John” video that introduced him — an over-the-top spoof showing the lawyerly Cornyn in cowboy attire on a horse. A Jimmy Dean imitator crooned in the background about the exploits of Big John: “He rose to the top in just one term, kept Texas in power, made lesser states squirm—big John … big, bad John.” Cornyn looked ridiculous, an irony given that he actually spent a lot of time on a ranch as a child and regularly hunts and rides horses. Nonetheless, the video was universally mocked in newspapers and blogs, and, predictably, on the Daily Show.
Cornyn seemed to sense the ridicule to come. “I hope you got a smile out of that video,” he told the crowd. “My staff convinced me it would be a good idea. Maybe I need a new staff.” It was his best line of the day. He immediately turned once more to stone. “It was an attempt to bring a little humor to a subject I take very seriously.” He went on to detail his record in the Senate. Perhaps his speech deserved more attention. The record he must defend is so conservative that few Texas political observers—many of whom viewed Cornyn as a Republican moderate during his time in state government—would have foreseen it six years ago. With his bland style and senatorial looks, Cornyn doesn’t strike you as a right-wing ideologue. His record suggests just that.
When he finished, Cornyn didn’t linger on stage to bask in the crowd’s muted applause. He offered two quick, perfunctory waves to the crowd and ducked backstage.
One major aspect of Cornyn’s first term in the Senate that he didn’t mention: George W. Bush. No one has done more to propel Cornyn’s career than Bush. In turn, Cornyn has offered near complete fealty to the president. No other U.S. senator has voted so reliably with the White House in the past six years.
Now that Bush is one of the most unpopular presidents in American history, Cornyn is trying to distance himself. Even in Texas, Bush polls below 50 percent. Add to that a dissatisfied electorate—polls show about 80 percent of Americans say the country is on the “wrong track.” The historic candidacy of Barack Obama has energized Democrats, who seem poised to make big gains in Congress. This would seem a disastrous year for an incumbent senator who doesn’t excite even members of his own party.
Yet the Democrats seem wholly unprepared to take advantage. Republicans still hold an edge in Texas, and Cornyn has raised nearly 10 times more campaign money than his Democratic opponent. Despite his blandness and a record that borders on too conservative even for Texas, Cornyn may sneak into a second term.
When Cornyn joined the Senate as part of a new Republican majority in 2003, it seemed an ideal political environment for him, and not just because he looked the part. Cornyn’s record in state office seemed a good fit for the upper chamber, which bills itself as the world’s most deliberative body. In Texas, he had crafted a record of moderation, at least compared with some fellow Republicans.
Cornyn’s break into statewide politics came courtesy of a Democrat. He was recruited to run for the Texas Supreme Court not by Bush or Karl Rove, but by Democratic consultant George Shipley, then working for the Texas Medical Association, who saw Cornyn as a pro-business moderate who would balance a court then dominated by trial lawyers.
Cornyn was elected attorney general in 1998, by which time he was a client of Rove. It was the beginning of Cornyn’s close relationship with Bush, who, always quick with a nickname, dubbed him Corndog. As AG, Cornyn wasn’t overly partisan. A journalism major in college, he was a fierce advocate for he beefed up the child-support collection division—the kind of non-ideological work that earned him a reputation for relative Moderation.
Bush personally recruited Cornyn to run for the Senate seat being vacated by Phil Gramm. Cornyn’s central campaign plank in 2002 was that he would go to Washington to serve on the “president’s team.” A year after the attacks of September 11, he embraced a president whose immense popularity in Texas carried Cornyn into office. It was the best of times for Republicans, who would capture the U.S. Senate, enlarge their U.S. House majority, and take control of the Texas Legislature.
Since arriving in the Senate, Cornyn has supported Bush more consistently than has anyone else. He voted with the White House 96 percent of the time during his first four years in the Senate, according to Congressional Quarterly. In 2007, his support of Bush fell all the way to 90 percent. He’s backed the president on every major vote concerning the war in Iraq. In 2004, he used his seat on the Armed Services Committee to try to block an investigation of abuse at Abu Ghraib. In 2005, Cornyn was one of just nine senators, all Republicans, who stood with the White House and voted against Sen. John McCain’s amendment to ban cruel and inhumane treatment of terrorism suspects. The anti-torture amendment passed 90-9.
On April 4, 2005, Cornyn took to the Senate floor to speak about another favorite topic of the right wing at the time: the influence of “activist” judges. It would bring him the most unwelcome attention of his Senate career. “I don’t know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country,” he told his colleagues. “I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters on some occasions where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in—engage in violence.” He quickly retracted the statement, but the public uproar had already begun. Several newspapers called for his resignation.
As it turns out, this faux pas was committed in service to the party. Senate Republican leaders had asked Cornyn that day to hold the floor as long as he could to prevent Democrats from taking the microphone. After he finished his prepared remarks, Cornyn continued speaking off the cuff until he inserted loafer in mouth.
Many Texas political observers have a hard time reconciling the politician they knew in Texas with the ideologue Cornyn has become in Washington.
Coppedge posits another theory. He says Cornyn’s views haven’t changed. He attributes Cornyn’s conservative Senate record to the difference between legislating and presiding as a judge. “What he might write in a decision on the [Texas] Supreme Court may be very different than what he would do legislatively,” Coppedge says. In other words, he believes Cornyn hasn’t become any more conservative; his role has changed from objective arbiter of the law to partisan legislator.
Whatever the cause, Cornyn often votes with a small group of two-dozen arch-conservatives in the Senate, and in opposition to the more moderate, and more popular, Hutchison. In July 2005, for example, he was one of 26 senators to vote against an amendment requiring gunmakers to install child safety locks on their weapons. In exchange for protecting children, gunmakers received immunity from lawsuits. Hutchison and McCain backed the proposal.
He also has surrendered to political expediency. In 2006 and 2007, Congress nearly self-immolated over immigration ahead of the midterm elections. Cornyn made clear he opposed construction of a border fence. He told reporters at the time that walling off the entire border was a 20th century answer to a 21st century problem, that the wall wouldn’t stem illegal immigration, and that it was too expensive. “I’m not sure that’s the best use of that money,” he told reporters in early October 2006.
Three weeks later, he voted for the Secure Fence Act—a vote he later described as symbolic support of border security. He said he didn’t think the fence would ever receive funding. (The funding, of course, did come through, and construction began this summer.) His vote for the wall has infuriated some mayors along the border who are fighting the federal government’s efforts to build the fence.
Still, Cornyn has aided South Texas with enough federal projects to earn endorsements from a handful of Democratic politicians in the Rio Grande Valley, including the mayors of McAllen, Harlingen, Pharr, and Mission. (“I am a Democrat, but I cannot say no to Sen. Cornyn because he has been good to us,” Pharr Mayor Polo Palacios told the Rio Grande Guardian after endorsing Cornyn in May.) Cornyn’s Democratic opponent — state Rep. Rick Noriega—is sure to make the border wall an issue for Latino voters this fall.
After Democrats claimed a Senate majority in 2007, Cornyn became even more isolated within the cluster of ultraconservative Republicans. He initially opposed a bill implementing reforms in the intelligence community recommended by the 9-11 Commission. He was one of just 14 Republicans to vote against a reform bill that increased regulations on lawmakers’ interactions with lobbyists.
With Democrats in charge, Cornyn also rediscovered fiscal conservatism. In the fall of 2007 alone, he voted against funding bills for the departments of Commerce, Justice, Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services—in the belief that the Democratic majority was spending too much money. Only a handful of the Senate’s most conservative members joined him in this crusade. Cornyn even opposed a $1 billion package for federal bridge repairs—a vote taken less than two months after the 2007 bridge collapse in Minneapolis (32 other senators opposed the bill).
More than two-thirds of the Senate, including Hutchison, voted for the CHIP bill on three occasions, only to see it vetoed by the president. (The bill remains stalled because the House cannot muster enough votes to override a veto.) Asked about the CHIP votes, Cornyn campaign spokesman Kevin McLaughlin says, “The fact of the matter is, he supported the expansion of SCHIP. He just didn’t support it to the level that Rick Noriega did.” Noriega, a fiveterm state representative from Houston, was heavily involved in the CHIP battles in the Legislature and will no doubt hammer Cornyn this fall for opposing health care for kids.
As election day nears, Cornyn has belatedly distanced himself from the White House and tacked toward the center. He reversed himself to support a beefed-up G.I. Bill in June after withering criticism from Noriega that Cornyn wasn’t supporting Veterans.
A few weeks later, Cornyn got into trouble again by blindly following the White House and had to make some quick reversals. Initially, he voted with the president and against a Medicare bill that would have temporarily saved doctors from a 10-percent cut in their Medicare reimbursement rates. The bill failed by one vote.
Cornyn claimed he voted against the bill because he wanted a permanent fix for Medicare’s broken payment system instead of a short-term patch that only delays the cut. But there was an ideological reason, too. The bill diverted a small amount of money from Medicare Advantage, a program in which insurance companies serve as middlemen to help deliver Medicare payments. It’s a darling of the ideological right and a boon to the insurance industry. Bush said he opposed the Medicare bill mostly because it removed money from Medicare Advantage. Cornyn decided to stand with the president rather than doctors who had supported his campaigns for years, some of whom had donated thousands to his re-election effort.
The resulting furor was intense. The Noriega campaign began spinning out press releases criticizing Cornyn’s vote. Even his allies turned on him. The Texas Medical Association, which has backed Cornyn in every election, withdrew its endorsement, and its national affiliate group, the American Medical Association, began airing television ads in San Antonio critical of his vote. “That [vote] really surprised a lot of people,” says Coppedge, who wrote Cornyn a strongly worded letter urging him to change his stance. Cornyn promptly flip-flopped on the Medicare bill, voting for it when it came back before the Senate in early July. He even voted to override Bush’s veto.
Physicians once again have been some of Cornyn’s most loyal supporters this election cycle; he has received $597,088 from doctors, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Only lawyers and oil and gas producers have given him more. In all, the oil and gas industry has contributed more than $800,000 to Cornyn’s campaign as of March, including $50,500 from ExxonMobil Corp. Cornyn—alongside many Republican colleagues—has sided with oil companies in the recent debate over high gas prices. He wants Congress to allow offshore drilling and exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Though Cornyn has moderated some of his positions recently, there remains plenty of fodder for Noriega to contend that Cornyn has drifted too far rightward. Even Texas Monthly wondered, in a January story, if the junior senator hadn’t become too conservative for Texas.
His record does aid his popularity with one key constituency — the GOP Senate leadership. Leadership positions in Washington are usually awarded to hard-edged ideologues. “He’s seen as one of the rising stars in the Republican party,” Allen says. “The future for him is bright in terms of Republican leadership.” If Hutchison follows through on her promise to leave the Senate in 2010, Cornyn could soon become Texas’ most powerful voice inside the Beltway. That is, if he wins re-election.
Cornyn’s ultraconservative record and ties to an unpopular president aren’t his only problems this election season. He must also contend with a restless public that’s fed up with GOP incumbents in Washington. On top of that, many pundits are expecting a wave of Democratic voters to flood the polls this year because of the excitement surrounding the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama. Some polls by independent firms show the Senate race is close. Internal polling by the campaigns indicates that Noriega is within 8 points—striking distance—of Cornyn.
The question remains whether Noriega can take advantage. His campaign so far hasn’t inspired much confidence among Democratic insiders.
Cornyn has the good fortune of facing a candidate who may be a more wooden campaigner then he is. Though incumbent Cornyn isn’t well known, mentioning the name Rick Noriega will more than likely return you a blank stare.
At times, Noriega has seemed intent on introducing himself to one Texan at a time. In early July, he spent an entire campaign day in Loving County in far West Texas, not far from El Paso. Loving is the nation’s least-populated county (67 people reside there, according to the 2000 Census). Noriega traveled hours to give a speech on the courthouse steps. Five people showed up.
Most damaging of all, Noriega lacks the money to introduce himself on television. He has $915,000 in his campaign account, according to the latest federal filings. It costs roughly $1 million a week to air television ads in Texas, which boasts two of the nation’s priciest media markets. Cornyn has more than $9 million on hand.
The Washington-based Cook Political Report sized up the race in mid-July and deemed it “solidly Republican.” The GOP still has a built-in advantage in Texas that Cornyn would have to squander. He may not be the most exciting candidate, but he’s also known as a disciplined campaigner who rarely makes mistakes. The Cornyn campaign even believes the senator’s relative anonymity could actually benefit him. It hopes a disgruntled electorate that’s unfamiliar with Cornyn may not blame him for his party’s failings. Moreover, Cornyn, in his blandness and adherence to conservative orthodoxy, hasn’t alienated any large segments of the party. As one GOP insider pointed out in private, Hutchison, Gov. Rick Perry, and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst all have entrenched factions of critics within the party. Not so Cornyn. It may be a down year for Republicans, but the ones who do come out to vote will stick with the senator.
Cornyn is vulnerable. Sure, he can be beaten. But three months before election day, the odds are against it. | 2019-04-20T14:27:08Z | https://www.texasobserver.org/2816-big-bland-john-how-a-dull-exterior-masks-one-of-the-most-conservative-records-in-the-us-senate/amp/ |
WHY NOT - Easter Bunnies, Ribbon Bonnets and Baskets full of Colorful Eggs?
What is "Easter" All About?
Most people follow along as they have been taught, assuming that what they believe and do is correct. They take their beliefs for granted. Many people however, do not take the time to research their beliefs or figure out why they do the things that they do.
Where did you get your beliefs from?
Does the source of your religious beliefs and practices originate in the Holy Scripture, OR is it some other authority?
If you say it is the Bible, how can you be absolutely sure?
As we approach the end of the "Church Age", the "Body of Christ" needs to reflect on its modern practices and cultural traditions in a way that it is returning to a more pure degree of morality and righteousness. The way that we observe social customs and how we choose to participate in various secular activities and celebrations, directly effects the protective spiritual covering we receive from the sacrifice of Christ's blood, as well as how the Holy Spirit is able to directly indwell in our lives.
It is a matter of fact however, that there is a pagan "Easter" that is nurtured by improper religious practices and is stimulated by Satanic influences through false teachings. As born again believers, we do not (or should not) observe "Easter" in the manner of pagan religions. The New Testament Church ("Body of Christ") should only be observing this time by teaching the Word of God concerning the resurrection of Christ and celebrating or engaging in festivities which primarily reflect this fact of our faith. If Jesus Christ had not been resurrected, then none of these things really matters.
But... because Christ is alive... He is ALL that matters!
It would be the wisest choice for Christians to celebrate or observe a specific time that is set aside for these festivities. Likewise, it should consist primarily of the preaching and teaching of God's Word concerning the observance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His glory. In all truth and technically speaking however, this event is an every day celebration for Christians, as we serve a risen savior and Lord God!
The word "Easter" is actually only found once in the Holy Bible (Acts 12:4 KJV) and just in the King James versions. The original Greek translation ("pascha") found in scripture is actually taken from the Hebrew term for "Passover" (“Pesach”).
In fact, all the other translations of the Holy Bible use the word "Passover", which is what the Christian resurrection celebration was originally based upon. The translators of the King James version of the Bible (c.1611) did not make a mistake in this regard, as the term "Easter Sunday" was intentionally used to articulate a celebration of the resurrection of Christ during the Jewish feast of "Passover" and was in opposition to other pagan spring festivals that had been observed from before the time of the "Dark Ages" in medieval Europe.
The earliest Christians observed the Passover Feast, not "Easter". As noted: “There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament, or in the writings of the Apostolic Fathers... The first Christians continued to observe the Jewish festivals [God’s festivals of Leviticus 23], though in a new spirit, as commemorations of events which those festivals had foreshadowed. Thus the Passover, with a new conception added to it, of Christ as the true Paschal Lamb... continued to be observed” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edit., Vol. 8, p. 828).
Despite the evidence that God’s Holy Days as listed (Leviticus 23) were observed by the early Christian churches (Acts 2:1; 12:3; 20:6, 16; I Cor. 5:7-8; 16:8), not many who claim that they believe in the God of the Holy Bible choose to observe them today. Very few people, who profess to worship Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Son of God, properly observe the Passover Feast as He instructed and enjoyed with His disciples at the "Last Supper".
To read more about the significance of "Passover" in biblical prophecy and its relevance in our Christian faith - SEE our other Article: The First Spring Festivals of the Lord - PASSOVER - UNLEAVENED BREAD and FIRSTFRUITS.
Since an instruction to observe "Easter" is not to be found anywhere in the Holy Bible, and God’s instruction to honor the Passover Feast is (Exodus 12:14), then where did the current Christian "Easter" celebration originate from? After examining the origins of Passover, we are ready to study the true origins of "Easter".
Most Christian celebrations and festivals were created by the early church to be directly in opposition of pagan religious festivals occurring at the same time of year, as to draw people away from the latter so they would participate in the Christian observance instead. In retrospect, this was probably NOT the best approach because many pagan customs and practices still managed to migrate over into the Christian observances as well.
The vernal equinox for example, was the ancient time of rejoicing for the return of warmer days and for worshipping the goddess who had brought forth another growing season. The date on which "Easter" falls is also based upon the vernal equinox, and the yearly date is calculated such that the holiday falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring.
According to the Rev. Corey Sharpe, pastor of Hopewell United Methodist Church and Wesleyan Chapel UMC, “when Christianity (then the official religion of the Roman Empire) supplanted the pagan religions (as empires tend to do) as the dominant religion, they tended to incorporate some of the pagan beliefs into their own teachings. In this case, that would mean applying Christian meanings to the symbols of eggs with Christian meanings of resurrection and new life.” Of course Rev. Sharpe also notes, that there is a Christian origin for the word "Easter", as well. There was a Latin term, “hebdomadal alba,” or “white week,” which referred to the white clothing worn by those who had been instructed in Christianity and were about to be baptized. It was explained that when this was transliterated into the Germanic language, it became “eostarum” which translates meaning “dawn” or "sunrise". And as noted by the church, "...the Old High German plural for dawn, eostarun; whence has come the German 'Ostern', and our English Easter.” (The New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Vol. 5, p. 6).
Also, the name given to the first day of the week (Sunday) has pagan roots. There is the name of the Scandinavian sun goddess "Sunna" (or "Sunne", "Sonne"). It is also derived from "Sol," the Roman god of the sun." Their phrase "Dies Solis" means "day of the sun." To reflect possibly another poor choice of wording made by a church leader, Saint Jerome also even commented that: "If it is called the day of the sun by the pagans, we willingly accept this name, for on this day the Light of the world arose, on this day the Sun of Justice shone forth.", which although completely true about "(Easter) Sunday", it is still NOT the best reason for adopting ANY pagan terminology or custom.
Otherwise, you can be sure that any custom developed or derived in the Christian church's practices will have a polluted duplicate or opposite in the relam of Satan. Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ (in the context known as "Easter") is of course no exception.
Many of the symbols and practices of "Easter" have their roots in diverse ancient cultures, ranging from Syria and Greece to Scandinavia and Celtic Europe, all of which worshipped the sun and rejoiced when the spring season had returned after the long, dark days of winter.
Modern "Easter" traditions are firmly grounded in pagan customs. In fact, the name "Easter" has origins that can be traced to "Oestre" (or "Eostre"), an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility from Northern Europe. We have her to thank for the Easter Bunny, as according to legend, her totem animal was the rabbit due to its prolific reproduction habits. Other similarities with pagan dieties had also been noted by the Christian scholar, Saint Bede the Venerable (672-735 C.E.), who was one of the first to assert in his book De Ratione Temporum (1:5), that "Easter" was named after "Eostre" (a.k.a. "Eastre"). Similarly he accounts that the, "Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility was known variously as: Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos." Her name therefore being derived from the ancient word for spring: "eastre."
Even the tradition of getting new clothes for "Easter" dates back to pagan times. According to, A Treasury of American Superstitions, by Claudia De Lys, “it was considered discourteous and therefore bad luck to greet the Scandinavian goddess of Spring, or Eastre, in anything but fresh garb.” The Easter bonnet is another holdover from ancient ways, when a garland of flowers or vines was worn, “which expressed the round sun and its course in the heavens which brought the return of spring,” according to De Lys.
Eggs are perhaps the most obvious symbol of fertility because of their association with life and rebirth. In pagan traditions they were brightly colored to resemble flowers and placed in baskets as gifts for potential suitors as a rite of spring and fertility. The pastel colors favored for Easter eggs today reflect back to this practice. Although eggs may also be found as being symbolic in the Jewish Passover celebration for similar associations with life and rebirth, this does not reflect the pagan practice of coloring the eggs or using them as symbols of fertility.
Feasting and fasting were also part of the pagan spring celebrations. An article, “Pagan Origins of Easter,” by Cameron Delaney, states that people would feast after, “a fast to purge toxins of heavy winter meals.” This practice echos some of the tradition for the Christian church's observance of Lent. Traditional foods also have ancient roots as well. According to, “Pagan Easter Food Traditions,” by Frannie Bogojevich, the cross on hot cross buns was originally representative of the moon’s quarters and was another symbol of fertility, and that people also ate up the last of the hams they had cured for the winter, since fresh food was soon to be had.
Today's holiday feast also includes a focus on the "Easter ham", which of course pork is considered "unclean" by the Hebrew traditions and would definitely not have been used in their Passover celebration.
We should also understand that professing Christians are not the only ones who have celebrated a festival called "Easter." "Ishtar" (which would be pronounced "Easter") was a day that commemorated the resurrection of a Summerian deity that they called "Tammuz", who was believed to be the only begotten son of the "dawn" goddess (Venus) and the sun-god.
Along with Christmas and other religious celebrations, Easter traditions were among the first casualties in some areas of the Protestant Reformation being deemed "pagan" by early Reformation leaders. Many of these traditions however, eventually became less scrutinized and quickly worked their way back into church practice. In the modern age, some Christians (typically fundamentalists) still continue to reject "Easter" celebrations (and often Christmas festivals), because of the belief that they are irrevocably tainted with paganistic practices and others forms of idolatry.
Additionally, many Christians who do celebrate this occasion prefer to call it "Resurrection Sunday" or "Resurrection Day" due to the pagan and/or papist associations with the word "Easter". This is also done to distinguish this specific religious celebration from the more secular or commercial aspects of the holiday, such as the Easter Bunny with baskets of candy and colored eggs.
The rejection of these traditions is based partly on the interpretation of the verse from the Epistle to the Corinthians listed above. It is basically warning against the practice of mixing righteous practices with pagan customs. Today, many of these customs have simply become embedded in secular celebrations which are then reinforced by festive commercial activities. This may make them seem fun and innocent, but the underlying spiritual erosion discretely continues unchecked and unnoticed with its damaging effects.
Likewise, the Holy Scripture does not support our ignorance of these facts as being a valid excuse for continuing to observe or participate in these type of activities, no matter how innocent these misconceptions or customs may seem to be.
“Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them” (Ezekiel 8:18).
In ancient biblical times, there is the story of the man named Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-10), who was the grandson of Ham, one of Noah's sons. Ham then had a son named Cush who married a woman named Semiramis. Cush and Semiramis then had a son named him Nimrod. According to legend, after the death of his father, Nimrod married his own mother and became the powerful god-King of Shinar, which included the "Tower of Babel" (Babylon). His wife and mother Semiramis, also became a powerful queen of ancient Babylon. Nimrod was eventually killed by an enemy, and his body was cut in pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom. Semiramis had all of the parts gathered, except for one part that could not be found. That missing part was his reproductive organ. Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without it and told the people of Babylon that Nimrod had ascended to the sun and was now to be called "Baal", the sun god.
Semiramis created a mystery religion, and with the help of the devil, she set herself up as a goddess. Semiramis then claimed that she had been immaculately conceived by the the moon goddess and took the name of "Ishtar" (which is pronounced like "Easter"), acting as the fertility goddess. She taught that the moon goddess went through a 28 day cycle and ovulated when it shown full. Semiramis further claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant egg that fell into the Euphrates River. This was to have happened at the time of the first full moon after the spring equinox and the moon egg then became known as "Ishtar's egg" in the legend.
Later in the story, Ishtar (a.k.a. Venus-goddess of the dawn) soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to also immaculately conceive. The son that she brought forth was named Tammuz (the false messiah of Babylon). Tammuz was noted to be especially fond of rabbits, where they became sacred animals in the ancient Summerian (Assyria) and Babylonian religions.
Tammuz (like his supposed father Baal-Nimrod), also became a seasoned hunter. One day came however, when Tammuz was killed by a wild pig. The goddess-queen Ishtar then decreed to her people that Tammuz had now ascended to his father, Baal, and that the two of them would be with the worshippers in the "sacred candle" or lamp flame, represented as Father, Son and Spirit. Ishtar, who was now worshipped as the "Mother of God and Queen of Heaven", continued to build her mystery religion. She told her worshippers that when Tammuz was killed by the wild pig, some of his blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and the stump grew into a full new tree overnight (emulating resurrection). This made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of Tammuz and was used in ritual practices (also an origin of the pagan "Christmas tree" observance - Jeremiah 10:3-4).
Ishtar proclaimed a forty day period as a time of sorrow each year, prior to the anniversary for the death of Tammuz. During this time, no meat was to be eaten (fasting or "lent"). Worshippers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz, and to make the sign of the "+" (a "cross") in front of their hearts as they worshipped. They also ate sacred cakes with the marking of a "+" or cross on the top (i.e.: "hot cross buns"). Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox, a celebration was made to honor this time. This became Ishtar's Sunday and was celebrated with reverence to rabbits and eggs. Ishtar also proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that a pig should also be eaten on that Sunday as a memoriam (the "Easter Ham").
"And there, north of the altar gate, was this image of jealousy in the entrance."
"...every sort of creeping thing, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed all around on the walls.
"...have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the room of his idols?"
"...and to my dismay, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz."
"...with their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, and they were worshiping the sun toward the east."
The original Apostles and first converts (Jewish Christians) of the early New Testament Church did not observe "Easter". As noted in the World Almanac: “In the second century A.D., Easter Day was, among Christians in Asia Minor [these would be the Gentile churches that Paul raised up in places such as Philippi, Colossae, Galatia, etc. - and he warned the Galatians (4:9-10) about taking days such as Easter] the 14th of Nisan [or Abib] the seventh month of the [civil] Jewish calendar” (World Almanac, 1968, p.187). The date described in this reference is not "Easter" but rather the date of the Passover Feast, which was kept on the 14th day of the first month (Nisan) in the sacred Hebrew calendar. Clearly the first twelve Apostles and the original seventy disciples, as well as the early leadership of the Church of the New Covenant did not practice the current "Easter" tradition as it is observed today.
With what we have shown throughout this article, it should now be easy to make the connection with how these various pagan practices had infiltrated early Christianity. When the ancient Greeks and later the Romans expanded their vast world empires, their habit was to assimilate the customs and traditions of the people they absorbed, incorporating them into their own culture. These ancient practices then easily migrated into the Roman pantheon of pagan religious beliefs, which of course were later a great influence on early Romanized Christian church traditions as the transition was made from pagan worship to monotheism.
As proper Christians, the issue is not necessarily with the word "Easter" itself. The real issue is with the secular world (and/or pagan) customs that heavily influence the church. It is a matter of how one's own application of these practices and customs relate to the glorious day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah.
Do you observe or allow (and thus validate) these pagan influences? OR are you Biblically correct concerning this day, in custom and practice as an honored celebration of our Lord God?
Observing Christ's day of resurrection is obviously a worthy and righteous activity as it serves to honor and glorify the Lord. Regardless of the origins for the name "Easter", or the source of the traditions, the Christian holiday remains a celebration of renewed life and is the promise of a future full of wonderously good things with Christ's coming Kingdom. Let's relfect on these aspects and return to a more holy and sanctified observance of this occasion. In these days nearing the end of the "Church Age", we need every advantage possible in combating the Lord's adversary and promoting a renewed revival of the Holy Spirit into the "Body of Christ" -AMEN.
Enjoy a blessed and peaceful time in joyful celebration of CHRIST'S DAY of RESURRECTION!
The birth of the historical Jesus, is sacredly held by the Christian faith as the momentous occasion that "changed the world". Biblical scholars however, have long suggested that December the 25th is NOT the actual date for the birthday of Christ!
Here on the HubPages® of The Faith Network, we are laying down the framework for an extended internet-based Ministry and outreach. More content will be added on a regular basis... We invite you to check back often and see what is new.
Hello my good brother Matt - Well put and thank you for your reflections and reminder about the verse in Ezekiel. I've also updated that/added into the segment about Assyria-Babylon.
Found some more good historical info and references - so have updated with those facts accordingly.
Hello Tamara and glad you have enjoyed reading about the historical information rooted in the various ancient mythologies. You've made another great point about our beginnings in the garden and how the lies of the devil have perpetuated themselves throughout history to undermine the Lord's plans for us all.
Excellent educational article on the history of the pagan roots of cultural Christian practice. The fascinating part to me is its roots stemming back to ancient Babylon and the tower of Babel and its false messiah Tammuz.
Some people seem unconcerned and don't see the harm in these fantasy like religious practices but I don't think they understand at times the gruesome practices that went along with these ancient false religions such as human sacrifice and temple prostitution both male and female. It is these events that give the greatest repulsion to me our cultural observances of these holidays such as the eggs and the bunny stuff.
False religion most often digresses to depravity in general. It isn't just fun and it goes along with the idea that we can mix both worlds. It was the very first lie in the garden that they could live in the goodness of God and sin simultaneously and expect success. | 2019-04-25T04:41:05Z | https://hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/WHY-NOT-Easter-Bunnies-and-Colorful-Eggs |
Today, the retailer or middleman is being squeezed so hard the retailer is seemingly becoming completely irrelevant. In general, the pricing manufactures and wholesalers are offering retailers are so absurd it makes you wonder what the future of retail is going to be like in all industries. The travel industry has been dealing with this for a longtime, and now all retailers are facing major changes as well.
I have been recently working on a few projects that require establishing relationships between manufactures and wholesalers with retailers that want to sell their products. In almost every situation, the manufacture or wholesaler is offering their products to the retailer at the same or marginally lower prices than what is already being offered in the “retail” market directly by the manufacture or wholesaler. I am wondering why they offer a distributor or reseller program because the pricing does not allow the retailer to sell their product. Every time I run the numbers, it is more costly to sell the product than to purchase it from the “retail” market.
Why Do Manufactures Still Require Physical Retail Stores?
Most manufactures and wholesalers are still requiring retailers to have a physical store in order to establish a business relationship with them. So instead of supporting progressive and forward thinking retailers, they are hoping physical stores will continue to be a strong channel of distribution. But, brick-and-mortar is not a growing trend in retail, it is a dying trend. Just ask Shopify who provides leading e-commerce software to retailers. Retailers know people are clicking and taping on their mobile phone to make purchases, not driving to a store to walk up and down aisles. And, consumers are not interested in going to the store and paying more for the same thing they can order online for a lower price. In addition, the rent and cost to carry inventory in a brick-and-mortar store is unnecessary and too costly.
Manufactures seem to think they can sell direct to the customer online. Therefore, What is the point of having online retailers in the mix? Most manufactures are good at R&D, product development, and production, but lack in the area of direct marketing and selling to the consumer both online and offline. Besides, Should a digital era manufacture plan to be good at everything? Ironically, only a few manufactures and wholesalers have placed a solid line in the sand and found ways to support their relationships with up and coming retailers. Companies like GoPro that use Minimum advertised pricing (MAP) policies and enforce them well clearly demonstrate to retailers they value their role in the supply chain. But, more important than a MAP policy are manufacture and wholesale policies that hold the manufacture and wholesaler accountable. Often it is the retailer that provides accessibility and availability to the customer when the manufacture can not reach them otherwise.
Manufactures and wholesalers are at a crossroad and need to decide how they are going to handle current and future retailers. This is the biggest manufactures’ dilemma in 2016. Currently, most manufactures and wholesalers are failing miserably because they are not offering the proper business model and pricing structure to allow a digital age retailer to survive and sell their products. At the same time, manufactures and wholesalers often don’t have the resources nor capability to properly reach the end consumer.
As a manufacture or wholesaler, a major decision needs to be made. Either 1) Sell directly to the customer, or 2) Plan to create a network of retailers, especially with those that are progressive and forward thinkers. If you are trying to play both sides of the fence, retail pricing has to be considerably more than wholesale pricing by at least 50% on average. Otherwise, the retailer does not have nearly enough margin to warrant carrying your product. I would recommend instituting a Maximum Manufacture Wholesale & Retail Pricing (MMWRP) policy. If there is not enough margin to produce and sell a product with real wholesale pricing, it is probably not a good product to be manufacturing anyway.
It has been my contention that it is better to build a businesses with the idea of expanding the pie and being inclusive, verses implementing business strategies that shrink the pie. Online travel companies thought by removing the travel agent from the equation, they would be able to set their own price with the customer and cut cost. But, instead of dealing with travel agents, online travel companies are constantly in a price war with each other to provide the lowest possible price. However, new companies like Lola Travel, a mobile app travel company, is rethinking how to operate in a digital economy by hiring travel agents to manage relationships with the retail customer. A simple idea by Paul English, Co-Founder and former executive at Kayak, is expanding the pie by implementing a business strategy that includes travel agents (retailers) instead of excluding them. The net result, everyone wins including the end consumer.
Wholesalers and manufactures need to get creative and implement programs to embrace digital age retailers. Drop shipping, pricing with healthy margins, and supporting online retailers should all be major concerns when designing or redesigning your program to support a retail distribution network. Otherwise, wholesalers and manufactures need to be prepared to take on the cost and labor needed to manage the supply chain from start to finish with little to no support from others.
the seventeenth century designer I was encouraged by a friend to I’m happy I listened and created the call.
The team was beneficial and my report got an A. – Alan A.
is provided by you in most sentence you write-in your essay.
had been A writer that is good needs to have several characteristics.
any class. He should not damage any specific community’s statements.
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A viewer who gets halfway through the sentence and it is still thinking what you’re getting at can be a reader you’ve lost.
lines. It prevent you from forgetting anything you need to mention and will retain your publishing structured!
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Paul’s cathedral designed Outdated Unhappiness’s property|the house of Old Unhappiness was designed by Wren, who had been the seventeenth century builder Paul’s cathedral|Christopher Wren, who had been the seventeenth century builder A pleasant essay should always be centered on some research work.
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would need at least three details to start out the next paragraph.
composing 5 lines essay. Paul’s cathedral created the residence of Previous Unhappiness|Christopher Wren, who was simply St.
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An effective way to make sure that your activity association is sensible is always to reveal it to somebody else.
it and so what you think the bond is. Paul’s cathedral designed Previous Agonyis house|the house of Aged Misery was created by Wren, who was simply the seventeenth-century builder A means that is better?
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of Outdated Agony|Christopher Wren, who was A article provides a research the procedures involved in advertising’s area.
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by Wren, who had been the seventeenth century architect Wait—thereis more!
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clicks. Paul’s cathedral created the household of Outdated Misery|Wren, who was A conclusion must take an article together.
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A number of people do not feel assured on paper papers and also have problems in forming their ideas.
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Many might find it shocking that meditation can be used to boost confidence. The truth is that meditation can be used to strengthen any emotion or skill.
When you meditate, you bring a great amount of awareness into your mind. In the moment of meditation you hold the power to decide exactly what your life is all about. The past and the future melt away, and all that’s left is you. So when you actively decide to boost confidence, you will!
Let’s say that you now have to lead a group of people at work. You’re feeling a little scared about it because all of the details are not falling into place as you’d like. Meditate on the feelings of confidence. Bring the positive emotions from past successes into your present and approach your problem with those positive feelings instead.
In order to strengthen your meditation skills to encourage greater confidence, it may help to picture future circumstances turning out in your favor. When you sit down to meditate, be very detailed in your visions. Use the confident feelings you know you have and place them into the situations you’re envisioning.
Find a place where you can be alone with your thoughts.
Sit in an upright position with good posture.
Fight the urge to take a nap or go to bed.
Take deep inhales and long exhales.
Repeat a mantra or affirmation to yourself as you breathe in and out.
Soon you’ll find that you won’t have to try as hard to reach your meditative state. Understanding and confidence will become part of your life and you’ll feel a greater power within.
In theory it sounds like such an easy and delightful practice. The truth is that you’re likely to get bored at first and you’ll probably make excuses about whether or not you really have the time for it. Strive to remain disciplined and keep up with your practice. When you do, you’ll experience a true inner peace and confidence like never before.
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Are you suffering from low self-esteem? Do you feel powerless to change yourself into the confident person you deserve to be?
If you answered "yes" to these questions, the good news is that strengthening your self-confidence is a task you really can accomplish with a little know-how and some easy strategies to show you the way. As you’ll soon find out, some of these strategies are even fun!
Although your metamorphosis may not happen overnight, if you apply these strategies consistently, you’ll be able to build up your self confidence a little more each day. Make it a point to implement at least one confidence-boosting technique every day.
Soon, these techniques will become habits, and your spirits will soar as your self confidence rises to new heights.
Have realistic expectations. Even though it’s important to aim high in life, if your expectations are totally unrealistic, you’ll never know what it feels like to reach your goals. However, when you routinely succeed with realistic goals, it brings you great confidence.
Tweak your expectations until you find a sweet spot where you’re still pushing yourself, but you’re also able to achieve. Once you know what it feels like to accomplish your goals, you’ll feel more confident that you can achieve whatever you set out to do.
Surround yourself with positive people. They have a contagious, positive energy that lifts you up and encourages you, while negative people tend to bring you down and destroy your confidence. Build up your confidence by hanging around with positive people who make you feel good!
Develop your skills and talents. Perhaps your self confidence suffers because you feel unsure about your abilities. Everyone, including you, has certain skills and talents that showcase the things they do well. Keep developing these talents and you’ll find that your self confidence will grow as you excel in these areas.
Stick up for yourself. When others speak out against you, remember that those words are simply their opinion. Your opinion is just as important. When you do what you know is right for you, feel confident that you’ve made the right decision, regardless of how others may feel.
Exercise or engage in physical games. Physical activities and exercise can calm you down and provide many benefits to your mind and body. When you engage in regular exercise, you feel more upbeat, which in turn makes you feel better about yourself as well.
Reward yourself when you achieve. When you’ve accomplished something in your life, whether big or small, it’s important to pause and reward yourself. If you go out of your way to make yourself happy, you’ll feed your drive to persevere and succeed.
Use positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are a great way to boost self confidence. They allow you to communicate with your subconscious mind, strengthening your confidence one thought at a time. Check out your local bookstore or online for some effective confidence building affirmations.
Avoid dwelling on the past. If you keep your past self confidence issues in mind, it will be more difficult for you to get over them. Your past certainly doesn’t have to be your future. Focus on the present moment, with pleasant thoughts about your future. Picture everything going well.
You’ll soon find that there are endless ways to boost your self confidence. And remember: If there’s something you want to pursue in life, go after it with all your heart and feel confident that success will be yours!
What a strategy will you do today? Share it below!
When you believe in yourself and you’re sure that you’ll succeed at something, you have self-confidence. Throughout life, your level of self-confidence might fluctuate when you’re faced with challenging situations. However, you have the power to build your self-confidence.
Although parents can encourage young children to believe in themselves, as an adult, only you hold the keys to strengthening your own confidence.
If you find that you’re feeling less self-assured than you’d like, you can step up and take action to shore yourself back up. Review the following strategies to find inspiration.
Does she stand straight and strong?
Is she relaxed and open to others?
In addition to these traits, maybe she has a good sense of humor and looks people straight in the eye when she speaks to them. Or perhaps she models other characteristics you admire. Having someone to emulate is incredibly inspiring. Modeling after your mentor enhances your self-confidence.
Identify what you’re doing right in your life. Sure, you know your shortcomings, but what about all those things you do well? Everyone excels at some tasks or activities. Seek out what those things are for you.
Make a list of what you believe you’re good at.
Consider this: no one in the world has the same unique qualities and strengths that you do in the way that you do.
What are you doing right? If you know the answer to this, your self-confidence will bloom.
Visualize you’re self-confident. You can most likely identify times and situations in your history when you didn’t feel particularly positive. Think about how you handled some of them.
On your good days, you put your chin up and plowed forward into the situation at hand. You pretended you believed you could do it. And chances are, you did!
Going forward, on the days you feel the least self-confident, think of your mentor and visualize youself possessing the same confidence.
Believe in yourself. Have faith that you’ll make it through.
Make a list of your strong points. What character traits do you have to offer that are of great benefit to you or others?
Are you patient, kind or caring? Identify personality characteristics that you’re proud of. Ponder your strong points. Knowing yourself will enhance your self-confidence.
In your daily life, notice when you do something well. Perhaps you just cleaned up your car and it looks awesome. Maybe you completed a report and it’s the best you’ve ever written.
Recognize each day one small action where you excel. Perhaps you helped your child through a difficult time or you made a great chocolate cake.
Give gratitude toward one thing during the day. Even if it’s as simple as getting up in the morning.
Little efforts add up to build your self-confidence.
Celebrate your progress. Take notice of your good fortune.
When you’ve met or surpassed your goals, celebrate! Rejoice in your own successes. Congratulate yourself as you build the self-confidence you seek.
Choose optimism as a daily approach to everything. Strive to be positive in life’s journey.
When you make the decision to find the best in whatever life brings you, your self-confidence will soar.
Strengthening your self-confidence is within your reach. Choosing a MEntor, knowing your strong points, and celebrating the attainment of your goals are just a few of strategies that build your self-confidence. Promise yourself today that you’ll strive to strengthen your belief in yourself. You have a legitimate right to live your life with great.
Share below which technique will you use today to boost your self-confidence?
When the very thought of certain activities evokes fear or anxiety within you, it’s because they’re outside your comfort zone. The idea of public speaking, for example, is outside most people’s comfort zone, even though it could be very lucrative!
Your comfort zone is the sphere of activities that you feel comfortable with and that you can accomplish without negative emotions. It also includes people, places, and things that cause only positive thoughts within you.
Is Your Comfort Zone Keeping You From Your Dreams?
Your comfort zone can limit your capabilities and cause you to forsake your dreams and goals, or it can spur you on to great things. In fact, your comfort zone can determine both your personality and your potential for success.
Many successful people achieve their goals because they have the ability to expand their comfort zone in order to get what they want.
If you wish to expand your comfort zone, you can mentally condition yourself to be comfortable in new situations so you can overcome your anxiety, achieve your goals, and fulfill your dreams.
Understand your mindset. Mental conditioning plays a large role in developing your comfort zone. This means that how we form our comfort zones begins in our own mind.
Each of us already has preconceived notions of what may be comfortable and what may not be, and we designate mental guidelines to keep us within our comfort zone.
You have chosen your own comfort zone boundaries! Knowing your boundaries is the first step to being able to expand them.
Disobey some of your self imposed beliefs. If you want to expand your comfort zone, you must let yourself loose from the guidelines you impose on yourself. Breaking some of these beliefs will allow you to seek new experiences that can bring you greater success!
Consider the true risk of a situation. It’s important to know what the true risks are, as opposed to what you feel (or fear)may occur. Knowing the difference can enable you to overcome your limitations.
Challenge yourself to step outside your comfort level.Many times, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to boundaries and limitations. There are times when you’ll have to push yourself to get where you want to be. In these instances, you must meet the challenge to leave your comfort zone.
When stepping outside your comfort zone brings you success, you’ll find that the benefits are well worth the effort!
Whenever you try something for the first time, you’re bound to be a little uncomfortable. We’re all conditioned to fight change and stay in our comfort zones. You may have to remind yourself that only you can push yourself to step outside the box.
Be patient, be aware of your self-imposed limitations, and try things in small steps at a time. This way your comfort zone will expand at a gradual, comfortable pace, and your fears and anxieties will subside as you gain positive experiences.
Keep your dreams in sight! Expanding your comfort zone may be all it takes to achieve your goals and live the life you dream of.
What are you afraid of? Are your worries preventing you from getting things accomplished in your life?
Everyone has fears and many people let those fears stop them from doing things that may prove to be worthwhile or even lucrative.
How can you turn your fear into a positive force in your life?
The first thing you need to understand is the fear itself. Why are you afraid? Is it a rational fear? A fear of snakes can be rational, while a fear of spoons isn’t.
Figure out if your fear is rational; if it isn’t, try to understand why you have such an irrational fear. You may need to seek help if you can’t understand or overcome it.
Sometimes our fears can drive us to do great things and achieve massive success. Once you learn to conquer your fears, you can move past them. The strength you gain from conquering them can provide the momentum that drives you to future success.
Sometimes the only way to get over a fear is to confront it head on. If you have a fear of failure about a certain task, then the only thing to do is take it on and beat it. If you succeed, you’ll be encouraged to face another fear.
If you fail to conquer your fear the first time, regroup and try again. Each time you try, you’ll learn something new that you can use the next time around.
Exercise. Physical activity boosts the immune system and strengthens the mind and body. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that help promote a healthy mind and body. In the least, exercise can take your mind off your worries. I find just doing 10 minutes of some type of physical activity really helps.
Set goals. Take some time out of your day to set some specific, short term, and simple goals. The more you can complete, the more self-confidence you’ll build. Self-confidence is a powerful tool for removing fear. When fear begins to creep in, my thought turn to my bigger vision. I keep that mental picture in front of me. I remind myself that fear causes negative vibrations… bad mojo!
Talk about it.Fears can multiply when you bottle them up inside you. When you let fear build, it snowballs and gets bigger and bigger until it becomes terrifying to you. Talking about it helps relieve the pressure and gives you the opportunity to obtain honest feedback. Put together a support team with people you trust. In my life, I have two very important and wise friends that guide me when fear and doubt invades.
Things you can’t control. If you have no control over the outcome of a situation, why worry about it? You can’t change or control other people. What will happen, will happen.
Worrying won’t make a difference at all in the situation. It will only add to your fears and prevent you from taking care of the things you can control.
Things you can control. If you can control the situation you are concerned about, then it’s simple: take action! If you’re doing everything you can, then you no longer have any need to worry.
Worry slows you down, makes you second guess yourself, and could even lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.
In the end, facing your fears head on will give you more self-confidence, provide valuable experience, and make you stronger. You don’t have to be a slave to your fears. You can face your fears valiantly and triumphantly!
In life, the key to success is turning the challenges you face into opportunities to learn and grow.
Isak Dinesen once said, "Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."
How do you discover your personality strengths and make them stronger? The secret to live a successful and happy life is to know yourself inside and out. The more you know about your weaknesses and strengths, the greater your potential to fly high and succeed.
There are two ways to make the most of your potential. You can work on reducing your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Alternatively, you can focus on your strengths and make them stronger. The most effective way to make the most of your gifts and talents is to magnify your strengths by making them even stronger.
The first step toward making any change that lasts is to inventory your strengths and weaknesses. It’s essential that you know about yourself and take time to think about your aspirations, dreams, and values. Only then can you thrive instead of simply trying to survive.
Keep a record of your life. Write a personal diary, compose poems about your feelings, or find other creative outlets, like drama, paintings, sports, or dance.
Spend some time in front of a mirror. You can spend a lot of time in front of a mirror to express your feelings, or you can assess your inner thoughts.
Looking at yourself in the mirror gives you a much better sense of who you are. When I first did this years ago, it really felt uncomfortable. Also look yourself in the eye and speak affirmation to support your uniqueness.
A lot of actors and actresses do this to find out what they are good at and what they need to work on.
Collect your thoughts. Give yourself time to recall what you did and why you did it.
When you take the time to understand yourself by writing your thoughts down, you avoid just doing things without thinking.
These discoveries and answers will give rise to new confidence. Also, you will be able to identify new talents you never knew you had.
Ask for insight from your friends and family. They’re the ones who know you best, and you may be surprised to learn that they have a totally different perspective to offer.
Pay attention to how you react. The best way to know your strengths is to observe the way you conduct yourself in stressful situations.
Keep a journal and write in it each time you face a stressful situation. Describe the situation, how you responded, and what you could have done differently. This way, you’ll learn from your mistakes and fortify your strengths.
Simply thinking about what makes you tick, what you’re good at, and what things you struggle with will create an awareness of yourself that will propel you forward in the direction of the life you deserve. Take some time today to rediscover who you are, and put yourself in a position to put your best foot forward. | 2019-04-20T15:38:39Z | https://annrusnak.com/topic/self-confidence/ |
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