stringlengths 41
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Premise is: تسلط، سب کے بعد، ایک فضیلت ہے، یا تو ایسے لوگ کہتے ہیں جو اس پر عائد نہیں ہوتے ہیں.
Hypothesis is: جو لوگ ان پر پابندی نہیں رکھتے ہیں ان کو ایک اچھی کیفیت سمجھتے ہیں. | neutral |
Premise is: I shan't stop you."
Hypothesis is: I don't want to stop you. | neutral |
Premise is: Hay una diferencia entre escepticismo cauto y escepticismo idiota.
Hypothesis is: El escepticismo sagaz y el escepticismo tonto no son exactamente lo mismo. | entailment |
Premise is: Сенатът се съгласи, че нова агенция трябва да контролира научните изследвания в областта на ядрените оръжия.
Hypothesis is: Сенатът предложи нова агенция да разгледа изследванията в областта на ядрените оръжия. | neutral |
Premise is: Nowadays it is bordered by ancient columns and lined with expensive shops.
Hypothesis is: Now it is surrounded by old pillars and pricey stores. | entailment |
Premise is: Du moment que vous ne vous opposez pas à être guidé par les experts résidents de dix ans.
Hypothesis is: Les gamins de dix ans savent de quoi ils parlent. | entailment |
Premise is: كطفل ينشأ في عام الـ 5O، واحدة من أسعد ذكرياتي كانت حضور العروض المسرحية المدنية.
Hypothesis is: كرهت الذهاب إلى العروض المسرحية عندما كنت طفلاً، ولهذا السبب أصبحت عالماً. | contradiction |
Premise is: Gerth's prize-winning articles do not mention a CIA report concluding that U.S. security was not harmed by the 1996 accident review.
Hypothesis is: Gerth left out important information to make his article seem better. | neutral |
Premise is: نعم، هذا صحيح، أو أن أراهم يحجبون هذا، كما قلت من قبل تلك الأسلحة الأوتوماتيكية الجديدة، ولكن لا اعتقد أنهم يحتاجون المتبقي بعد الآن
Hypothesis is: أعتقد أنه يجب أن تكون هناك قواعد حول الأسلحة الآلية. | entailment |
Premise is: И вот, для грабителя наилучшим сдерживающим фактором является шумный сосед. Даже если сосед не шумит сам, но у него есть часто и громко лающая собака, то это уже является сдерживающим фактором, так как грабитель знает, что эта собака обязательно залает.
Hypothesis is: Грабители не любят собак | entailment |
Premise is: Она даже не понимала церемонию бракосочетания, вообще не осознавала, что она действительно вышла замуж--
Hypothesis is: Она знала, на что она шла. | contradiction |
Premise is: Доход граждан происходит из аншлагов, семинаров и программ обучения, доходов от аренды, организаций, корпоративных спонсоров и индивидуальных вкладов от таких сторонников, как вы.
Hypothesis is: Люди дают нам деньги, чтобы наша организация продолжала работу. | entailment |
Premise is: were sort of a double sign with a a big miles per hour and a little kilometers per hour type uh marking on the side
Hypothesis is: A sign that only displays mph. | contradiction |
Premise is: The analysis presented here is an attempt to address the second argument.
Hypothesis is: The second argument is that growth rates cannot increase without new curtains in the office lobby. | neutral |
Premise is: so we've been out here well really in the house since December and we've been uh planting flowers that we could never plant in San Antonio uh
Hypothesis is: We've planted flowers that were impossible to plant when we were in San Antonio. | entailment |
Premise is: Đối với các cảnh báo của Ballinger, xem cuộc phỏng vấn Ed Ballinger (ngày 14 tháng 4 năm 2004).
Hypothesis is: Ông ấy cảnh báo người phỏng vấn rằng sẽ có một cuộc tấn công có chủ đích vào tháng Năm. | neutral |
Premise is: أنت تعرف أنه من السهل أن نقول جيدًا أننا سنبني ثقبًا خرسانيًا ولن يحدث شيء ثم سيقولون جيدًا الطريقة الوحيدة للاختبار على مدى فترة طويلة من الوقت
Hypothesis is: عليهم ترك الخرسانة حتى تجف قبل البدء في أي اختبارات. | neutral |
Premise is: it's just it's the morals of the people which i mean i guess we everybody's responsible for the society but if i had a child that that did things so bad it's not they don't care about anybody these people they're stealing from they're just the big bad rich guy
Hypothesis is: If my kid stole from others, it would be because he thinks they are too rich. | entailment |
Premise is: Dans le cadre de leur stratégie d'approvisionnement, les organisations de premier plan décident s'il est opportun de fournir des services spécifiques de technologie de l'information ou de management en ayant recours à leur personnel propre ou à des prestataires externes.
Hypothesis is: Les organisations décident si elles vont faire appel à des employés internes. | entailment |
Premise is: Ήσασταν τότε απλά ένας άτυχος κύριος.
Hypothesis is: Στο παρελθόν ήσασταν ένας ατυχής κύριος. | entailment |
Premise is: Απίστευτο! Ίσως θα μπορούσες να το εξηγήσεις; Πού έχει πάει ο Wolverstone;
Hypothesis is: Ο Wolverstone είναι εδώ. Δεν χρειάζονται εξηγήσεις. | contradiction |
Premise is: Candidates must submit a set of fingerprints for review by the FBI.
Hypothesis is: Candidates must submit a set of fingerprints for review by the FBI for security clearance. | neutral |
Premise is: did you well it's not just that are there enough jobs for people here now
Hypothesis is: it's not only that people can find jobs here more easily now | entailment |
Premise is: Despite a recent renovation, the Meadows Mall is the least appealing of the three suburban malls.
Hypothesis is: The Meadows Mall is not appealing because it is dirty and crowded and the stores are terrible. | neutral |
Premise is: Οι πόροι που ζητούμε για το οικονομικό έτος 2002 είναι κρίσιμοι για τη διατήρηση του υψηλού επιπέδου των επιδόσεων και των υπηρεσιών μας στο Κογκρέσο.
Hypothesis is: Ζητάμε τα 3 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια που χρειαζόμαστε. | neutral |
Premise is: بالفعل، إن بايوس جروب مشاركة في صناعتهم واختراعهم.
Hypothesis is: لا تقوم مجموعة بويس بتخصيص أي موارد لها. | contradiction |
Premise is: Vaikuntaperumal is a Vishnu temple of the same period, famous for its elevated colonnade of lively sculpted reliefs showing the many exploits of the Pallava kings.
Hypothesis is: The sculpture reliefs in the Vishnu temple depict stories about the Pallava kings. | entailment |
Premise is: Melatonin
Hypothesis is: It has no melatonin. | contradiction |
Premise is: Столицата Ляо в Пекин, известна тогава като Янжинг, е заемала югоизточния район на съвременната столица днес, като единственият оцелял паметник е храмът Фаюан.
Hypothesis is: Никаква следа от столицата Ляо не е оцеляла в Пекин до наши дни. | contradiction |
Premise is: البديل لا ينبغي أن يُستخدم بدلاً من بديل.
Hypothesis is: لا يعرف الكثير من الناس كيفية استخدام بديل بديل بشكل صحيح. | neutral |
Premise is: 1 Les gens font un meilleur travail que les ordinateurs pour ajuster l'alignement des tissus à travers les machines à coudre et compenser les erreurs de couture et de coupe.
Hypothesis is: Une action humaine peut toujours être améliorée par un ordinateur. | contradiction |
Premise is: But there's plenty more.
Hypothesis is: There is a lot more. | entailment |
Premise is: Chi phí của việc tạo ra những ngôi nhà này vượt xa những gì người mua của chúng tôi trả tiền, vì vậy chúng tôi dựa vào các khoản tài trợ và các khoản quyên góp cá nhân để giữ cho chúng có giá cả phải chăng.
Hypothesis is: Tạo ngôi nhà hoàn toàn miễn phí. | contradiction |
Premise is: paid back down it uh
Hypothesis is: The debt was left to accumulate. | contradiction |
Premise is: Το θέμα του Wittgenstein είναι ότι, γενικά, δεν μπορεί κανείς να μειώσει τις δηλώσεις σε υψηλότερο επίπεδο σε ένα πεπερασμένα καθορισμένο σύνολο απαραίτητων και αυθεντικών δηλώσεων σε χαμηλότερο επίπεδο.
Hypothesis is: Ο Wittgenstein υπενθύμισε στους ανθρώπους κάθε φορά που κάποιος τον κατηγόρησε ότι ήταν μακροσκελής. | neutral |
Premise is: This was the saturation and 125-piece walk sequence Enhanced Carrier Route mail volume in 1996.
Hypothesis is: The Enhanced Carrier Route was introduced prior to 1997. | entailment |
Premise is: Other villages are much less developed, and therein lies the essence of many delights.
Hypothesis is: The other villages and settlements are not as developed. | entailment |
Premise is: उह, उह, उस अन्य दो लोग, जो उस स्थान पर थे, से प्रशिक्षण लेना मैंने तुरंत शुरू कर दिया |
Hypothesis is: मुझे प्रशिक्षण कभी नहीं मिला, इसलिए मैंने इसे ठीक से समझ लिया क्योंकि मैं साथ गया था। | contradiction |
Premise is: Ние буквално правим нашия свят заедно, ние – човешките същества.
Hypothesis is: Хората не живеят в света, той се състои само от животни и растения. | contradiction |
Premise is: pero, por otro lado, hemos comido un montón de mapaches y zarigüeyas y tortugas de todo tipo
Hypothesis is: No como ningún tipo de carne. | contradiction |
Premise is: It was worth the trip for that.
Hypothesis is: It wasn't worth anything. | contradiction |
Premise is: إذا كان التوسيع الأولي هو الأسي ، ثم يتباطأ إلى خطي ، كما هو الحال في الفرضية التضخمية أو ربما في هذا النهج الكمّي البحت ، عندئذ قد تختفي مشكلة الأفق الجسيمي.
Hypothesis is: من الممكن أن تختفي مشكلة الجسيمات الأفقية. | entailment |
Premise is: Mi otro argumento es que, para ser un éxito total, un diccionario de este tipo requiere mucho más que las habilidades académicas de un especialista en nombres de lugares.
Hypothesis is: Se requiere un diccionario más que habilidades especializadas. | entailment |
Premise is: yeah and then about every five years you have to dig them up and throw them away and start over again they don't last forever
Hypothesis is: You have to dig them up every five years, throw them away and then start all over again. | entailment |
Premise is: Je ne l'ai jamais fait, je ne peux rien faire comme gâteaux alors
Hypothesis is: Je ne serais jamais en manque d'idées pour un gâteau ! | contradiction |
Premise is: From his second sight Jon saw San'doro grappling with a much larger man.
Hypothesis is: San'doro was fighting a strong, dark man. | neutral |
Premise is: Ah, ma foi, no! replied Poirot frankly.
Hypothesis is: I asked Poirot if he liked cats and he said no. | neutral |
Premise is: Remember, there are over 844 million Indians out there, and a lot of them will be on the move at the same time as you will be, therefore competing for plane seats and hotel rooms.
Hypothesis is: The population of India is under 500 million people. | contradiction |
Premise is: I lay awake waiting until I judged it must be about two o'clock in the morning.
Hypothesis is: I fell asleep before midnight and didn't wake up until six in the morning. | contradiction |
Premise is: and not only that it it opens you to phone solicitations
Hypothesis is: It also opens the door to move marketing calls. | entailment |
Premise is: Who? asked Tommy.
Hypothesis is: Tommy inquired about the identity of the person. | entailment |
Premise is: 1) FBI intelligence files indicate that Democratic fund-raiser Maria Hsia has been a Chinese agent.
Hypothesis is: Maria Hsia is a Republican fund raiser that the FBI has information on. | contradiction |
Premise is: His arm came up over his eyes, cutting off the glare.
Hypothesis is: Everything was dark, and he couldn't see a thing. | contradiction |
Premise is: The campaigns seem to reach a new pool of contributors.
Hypothesis is: New people chose to donate to the cause | entailment |
Premise is: The FCC has created two tiers of small business for this service with the approval of the SBA.
Hypothesis is: Though the FCC is still waiting for SBA approval, they have decided to create just one tier. | contradiction |
Premise is: yeah that's the World League
Hypothesis is: That isn't the World League | contradiction |
Premise is: i know that i didn't much uh-huh oh
Hypothesis is: I didn't much. | entailment |
Premise is: ผู้ให้บริการไม่ได้ให้ข้อมูลใด ๆ เกี่ยวกับการที่ไม่สามารถดำเนินการช่วยเหลือบนชั้นดาดฟ้า ดังนั้นจึงไม่สามารถให้คำแนะนำแก่ผู้โทรได้ ว่าพวกเขาได้รับการตัดออก
Hypothesis is: ผู้ปฏิบัติการรู้ล่วงหน้าเป็นอย่างดีว่าพวกเขาต้องสั่งให้ทุกคนอพยพออกจากบริเวณ | contradiction |
Premise is: yeah well that's not really immigration
Hypothesis is: That is the focus of immigration. | contradiction |
Premise is: The strangest role reversal is going on right now and concerns democracy itself.
Hypothesis is: The role reversal concerning democracy is a net positive. | neutral |
Premise is: คุณได้ไปพิพิธภัณฑ์ในยุโรปหรือไม่
Hypothesis is: ฉันพนันได้เลยว่าเธอจะชอบการไปเที่ยวยุโรป | neutral |
Premise is: [Requires free registration.
Hypothesis is: Does not require free registration. | contradiction |
Premise is: Ogle yemin ederek özgür bıraktı.
Hypothesis is: Ogle hareket etmeden sadece ona bakmaya devam etti. | contradiction |
Premise is: We have heard, seen this pattern before.
Hypothesis is: We've never seen or heard this pattern before. | contradiction |
Premise is: yeah uh yeah absolutely and the credit union has nine percent interest so yeah so that's
Hypothesis is: Yes and there's nine percent interest for the credit union. | entailment |
Premise is: The agencies requesting guidance on internal controls when implementing fast pay have also designed procedures to verify receipt and acceptance of goods ordered on an afterthefact sampling basis rather than on the basis of a 100percent postpayment verification as is traditionally done.
Hypothesis is: The agencies requesting guidance were not involved with designing new procedures. | contradiction |
Premise is: The South African priest who invited Clinton to do so is quoted in the paper as saying that once Clinton stood up, he was thinking about how much embarrassment it would have caused him by my saying, please sit down.
Hypothesis is: A South African priest once invited Clinton to do so in quoted paper. | entailment |
Premise is: This doesn't look good.
Hypothesis is: This looks really bad. | entailment |
Premise is: Boats in daily use lie within feet of the fashionable bars and restaurants.
Hypothesis is: The boats and ships always stay far from bars and restaurants, don't they? | contradiction |
Premise is: Some travelers add Molokai and Lanai to their itineraries.
Hypothesis is: Molokai and Lanai are out of the way and harder to plan for. | neutral |
Premise is: Il leva la tête, surpris, puis la regarda avec un regard sombre.
Hypothesis is: Il gardait les yeux baissés en regardant le sol. | contradiction |
Premise is: Thus, the imbalance in the volume of mail exchanged magnifies the effect of the relatively higher rates in these countries.
Hypothesis is: The balance of ingoing and outgoing mail is completely even. | contradiction |
Premise is: От друга страна има отговорности като планиране и надзор на ИТ, които трябва да останат вътрешни.
Hypothesis is: Има ИТ планиране. | entailment |
Premise is: oh like if they say i i we just type it in like that
Hypothesis is: The typing is the easy part. | neutral |
Premise is: لهذا السبب لم أتخرج من الكلية، لكنني لم أقرأ أبدًا أيًا من هذه الكتب التي كان من المفترض أن أقرأها.
Hypothesis is: لقد أتممت الجامعة بمرتبة الشرف. | contradiction |
Premise is: İki şirket ve eylemleri için bkz. FDNY görüşmesi 22, Tabur 28 (Ocak
Hypothesis is: İtfaiye teşkilatının fiillerine ilişkin hiçbir röportaj yapılmadı. | contradiction |
Premise is: To the south, the former fishing villages of Sorrento and Positano spill down the craggy cliffs of the serpentine Amalfi coast, justifiably tauted as one of the world's most beautiful drives.
Hypothesis is: The Amalfi coast is far from Positano. | contradiction |
Premise is: So it was traumatic.
Hypothesis is: The roller coaster ride was a traumatic experience for me. | neutral |
Premise is: There is an exhibition of highland dress, showing how it developed through the centuries.
Hypothesis is: They show different types of highland dress. | entailment |
Premise is: Once the pious devotions are over, however, wine flows, fireworks explode, espetada (kebab) stalls flourish, and Monte regains normality for another 363 days.
Hypothesis is: Monte is a location devoted solely to pious devotion. | contradiction |
Premise is: A sufficiently clever system of taxes and subsidies can induce people to make accurate reports of their own emotional distress.
Hypothesis is: It is statistically proven that a clever system of taxes can induce accurate reporting of emotional distress. | neutral |
Premise is: Diets for men in their prime
Hypothesis is: Healthy eating choices for optimally aged men. | entailment |
Premise is: Jane,Dave,和一个FBI 分析师了解CIA对本拉登的信息,直到6月11日他们才获得关于Cole相关情况的接见
Hypothesis is: 联邦调查局的分析师前往纽约与代理人交谈。 | entailment |
Premise is: well what station plays uh that type of music
Hypothesis is: Which radio station plays a lot of contemporary Christian music? | neutral |
Premise is: Để thấy được một vài tác động của Cluny đối với vùng nông thôn xung quanh, hãy ghé thăm một vài ngôi làng có nhà thờ La Mã được các kiến trúc sư của Cluny xây dựng và trong số đó có Saint-Vincent-des-Pres, Taize, Berze-la-Ville và Malay.
Hypothesis is: Thăm một vài ngôi làng. | entailment |
Premise is: uh-huh um vâng, quần áo chúng ta cũng bị đánh thuế.
Hypothesis is: Có thuế bán hàng trên quần áo. | entailment |
Premise is: Hata hivyo, alimalizia kwa kuja huko na akauliza, Inakuja vipi?
Hypothesis is: Hakuzungumza nasi kabisa | contradiction |
Premise is: But of course, that's just another way of saying that liberal democracy--a value Huntington surely ranks above the alternatives morally--may never fit some peoples as naturally as it fits us.
Hypothesis is: Liberal democracy may not fit some people as good as it fits us. | entailment |
Premise is: It doesn't seem expensive--they use it in Bangladesh, after all.
Hypothesis is: If it's used in Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia, it's a cheap item. | neutral |
Premise is: كان كلام الباتشوكو، وهو مزيج من اللغة الإنجليزية والإسبانية، يُدعى أيضًا بالذيل، رسمًا رائعًا للانصهار من مصادر لغوية عديدة.
Hypothesis is: خطاب باتشوكو هو مزيج من الألمانية والإسبانية. | contradiction |
Premise is: yeah it's definitely a way out of the way where where as
Hypothesis is: Yes. There is definitely a way out. | entailment |
Premise is: for me now the address is the same you know my my office address
Hypothesis is: I am unemployed. | contradiction |
Premise is: go up to state parks with six shelters and little screened in areas and then travel trailers and all the way up to conference center type campings that have uh you know air conditioning like hotels with uh
Hypothesis is: The state parks are almost always kept in good condition. | neutral |
Premise is: حسنا ، بالنظر إلى أن بيل برادلي ترعرع في سانت لويس ، انتظر، آسف ، سيكون ذلك مضحك إذا كان آل غور قد نما في تينيسي.
Hypothesis is: كان برادلي من أركنساس. | contradiction |
Premise is: Ve o zaman annesine söyledi, annesi öne doğru eğildi ve baktı ve dedi ki, Onun gibi yürüyor.
Hypothesis is: Annesinin felçli olduğunu ve yürüyemediğini söyledi. | contradiction |
Premise is: Ако достатъчно хора купят тази книга, скоро ще се наложи да се издаде втори тираж, който, надяваме се, ще включва някои от предходните (не тези) препоръки.
Hypothesis is: Книгата ще се нуждае само от едно представяне, без значение какво. | contradiction |
Premise is: However unsatisfactory and over-argued the revisionist case, it did make one serious that the United States had clear national and economic interests and found the Cold War an unusually congenial way to pursue them.
Hypothesis is: During the Cold War, the United States acted in accordance with its national interests. | entailment |
Premise is: EPA estimates that 5.6 million acres of lakes, estuaries and wetlands and 43,500 miles of streams, rivers and coasts are impaired by mercury emissions.
Hypothesis is: The release of mercury has an impact on rivers, streams and lakes | entailment |
Premise is: So, gut ich, äh, wie auch immer, äh, äh, dies sind die drei, äh, U2 Piloten die, äh, President Kennedy's Büro in Washington mit General May.
Hypothesis is: Dies ist General May und drei U2 Piloten im Büro von Präsident Kennedy. | entailment |
Premise is: على سبيل المثال ، تم استعارة التشخيص من كلمة يونانية (والتي ، بالمناسبة ، لم تكن تعني نفس الشيء) ؛ مائتي سنة بعد ذلك ، تشخيص الفعل - تشكيل الظهر - كان قد صاغ.
Hypothesis is: الكلمة يونانيّ من أيّ تشخيص كان اقترضت عنى معمل جذر. | neutral |
Subsets and Splits