3 values
Premise is: یا، پوشیدہ کاموں کے بارے میں کانگریس کو مطلع کرنے کے معاملے پر غور کریں۔ Hypothesis is: کانګرس کیدی شي د پټو کړنو په اړه خبر .شي
Premise is: Và nếu cậu không phải kẻ ngốc, Ogle, tôi đã không phải giải thích điều này cho cậu. Hypothesis is: Ogle ngu ngốc khi tin vào sự tồn tại của Santa Claus.
Premise is: Daniel nodded, fetching me a glass of beer. Hypothesis is: Daniel got me a glass of Bud Light.
Premise is: Él es caballeroso hasta el punto de la idiotez. Hypothesis is: Realmente es demasiado caballeroso.
Premise is: Madrid is the perfect base for explorations into the heart and soul of Spain, with a wealth of fascinating day trips and a trio of UNESCO-honored cities just an hour or so from the city. Hypothesis is: Most visitors to Madrid go on day trips to nearby UNESCO-honored cities.
Premise is: ' She gets a little obsessive about her sauce. Hypothesis is: She becomes overly focused about her sauce.
Premise is: Paltomu yeni göster, canım, dik! Hypothesis is: Ceketim mükemmel durumda, ona dokunmana ihtiyacım yok.
Premise is: General Accounting Office, A Model of Strategic Human Capital Management, GAO-02-373SP (Washington, D.C.: Mar. Hypothesis is: The GAO may be a model of strategic human capital management.
Premise is: Kwa maelezo zaidi, angalia // Hypothesis is: Kuna maelezo kwa
Premise is: Regional Haze RIA na NOX SIP Call RIA), makadirio ya chini ya mwisho ya faida yalikuwa ya kizingiti katika madhara ya afya ya PM katika 15: g / m3. Hypothesis is: Walikadiria faida.
Premise is: 她离开了他,之后与Wolverstone一起靠在铁轨上,他看着艘那载着十几名水手的船,由一个猩红色面孔的坐在船尾的指挥的穿的靠近。 Hypothesis is: 掌管这艘船的红衣人是一位女性。
Premise is: Публикации ранних Американских путешественников к юго-западу и Мексике описывают Испанских мексиканцев не только в нелицеприятных терминах, но и с экстремальной страстью. Hypothesis is: Первые американцы недолюбливали мексиканцев испанского происхождения.
Premise is: If the face has been getting longer at the bottom over the generations, it has been getting shorter (and broader) on top. Hypothesis is: The shape of the face doesn't change at all over the span of generations.
Premise is: Small towns like Louisian lay scattered all over the Oil Fields; the main train line branched between them. Hypothesis is: There were a lot of small towns in the oil fields.
Premise is: अंत में, किसी को उसकी वृद्धि से सावधान होना चाहिए जो उसके साथ अलग-अलग अर्थ रखता है। Hypothesis is: यह सुनिश्चित करने का एक शानदार तरीका है कि एक बयान का अर्थ स्पष्ट किया गया है।
Premise is: The elements of this example, repeated across millions of individual tasks, encapsulates the difference between an advanced industrial economy with a high standard of living and a less developed country with a low standard of living. Hypothesis is: This example is about standards of living and economies.
Premise is: ถ้าจะทำให้เรื่องราวต่างออกไป ฉันสามารถเขียนเรียงความที่ชื่อว่า ภัยร้านจากการอ่านและเขียน หรือ การอ่านและเขียนไม่มากเป็นสิ่งอันตราย Hypothesis is: อาจมีชื่อเรื่องอื่น ๆ สำหรับหนังสือที่ฉันเขียนเกี่ยวกับอันตรายของการรู้หนังสือ
Premise is: My article does not say or imply that real earnings growth only reflects retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that all valuation techniques are out the window for firms that don't pay dividends. Hypothesis is: My article doesn't say or imply that real earnings growth reflects only retentions and that dividend growth must be zero or that valuation techniques are unused for firms which don't pay dividends.
Premise is: At the far end of David Street, Temple Mount is one of the world's most sacred spots to three major religions. Hypothesis is: Christianity and Islam are the two religions who revere the Temple the most.
Premise is: 即使在早期时候,会咨询众神,然后传神谕者会从西比尔的岩石发出他们的判决。 Hypothesis is: 神与圣贤交谈。
Premise is: Try a selection at the Whisky Heritage Centre (they have over 100 for you to sample), where you can then buy a bottle or two of your personal favorite in the shop or in stores around the city. Hypothesis is: Whisky Heritage Centre was shut down during prohibition.
Premise is: Auditors are strongly encouraged to comply with the guidance provided by GAGAS. Hypothesis is: There may be other governing bodies that offer guidance to auditors.
Premise is: In addition, Dublin Tourism has devised and signposted three self-guided walking tours of the city, which you can follow using the booklets provided. Hypothesis is: Dublin's self-guided tours are not easy to follow.
Premise is: Ως μέλος του Εσωτερικού Κύκλου θα έχεις προνομιακές θέσεις κατά τη διάρκεια του Συνεδρίου και ειδικές προσκλήσεις σε δείπνα, δεξιώσεις και δραστηριότητες όλη την εβδομάδα. Hypothesis is: Η συμμετοχή στο The Inner Circle δεν είναι δωρεάν.
Premise is: سلعة رخيصة و رديئة الجودة Hypothesis is: جيد الصنع والبضائع أصلية.
Premise is: Entonces, también en los trópicos cubanos, acaba de haber un día tan bello como la gloria, frío como la tumba. Hypothesis is: Cuba está en el Ártico.
Premise is: But even managers who try to stay alert to these forces often gather their information anecdotally or informally. Hypothesis is: Managers offer employees benefits in return for information.
Premise is: 这是我们唯一的机会,我说过了,我们必须抓住它。Blood船长脑中更好的办法是他已经向Wolverstone提议过的办法。 Hypothesis is: 布拉德上尉在此之前曾向沃夫斯通谈过这起事件。
Premise is: And now they here put him in a coma.' Hypothesis is: No one is in a coma because they were never here.
Premise is: Твое место - на батарейной палубе. Hypothesis is: Ты не назначен на батарейную палубу.
Premise is: He's chosen Meg Ryan. Hypothesis is: Jon Doe was chosen.
Premise is: Връзката между ограничената нация и безграничното равенство има парадоксални нюанси. Hypothesis is: Нацията няма много общо с безгранично равенство.
Premise is: 他在皇家港口过了两个星期,他的船几乎是现在在牙买加中队的一个部队。 Hypothesis is: 他从未去过Port Royal。
Premise is: Second, reducing the rate of HIV transmission is in any event not the only social goal worth If it were, we'd outlaw sex entirely. Hypothesis is: Reducing the transmission of HIV is just as important as reducing drug abuse.
Premise is: um-hum yeah that's very true you know how many is it they say we have so many lawyers in this country and i guess i i live near Washington being in in Baltimore it's something like one in four people in the Washington Hypothesis is: There are barely any lawyers in this country.
Premise is: एक घुड़सवार लैटिन कैबेलस `घोड़े के माध्यम से अपने घोड़ों से जुड़ा हुआ है Hypothesis is: कैवलियर के बीच लोकप्रिय घोड़ों की तीन अलग-अलग नस्लों हैं।
Premise is: Since the rules were issued as interim rules and not as general notices of proposed rulemaking, they are not subject to the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995. Hypothesis is: The rules were issued as interim rules and not general notices of proposed rulemaking.
Premise is: पचपन वर्षों में 6 गृह युद्ध की ओर अग्रसर हुए, कोर्ट ने इस शक्ति को संयम से इस्तेमाल किया. Hypothesis is: अदालत ने इस ताक़त का इस्तेमाल पचपन वर्षों में चार बार गृहयुद्ध तक किया था।
Premise is: I don't know. Hypothesis is: I am certain.
Premise is: ابتداء روم کو خود کو شناخت کرنے کے لئے نام کرنا پڑا. Hypothesis is: ابتداء لوگوں کا نام استعمال کرنے کے لئے سب سے پہلے لوگ تھے.
Premise is: وانتقلوا إلى مالارد كريك في شارلوت. Hypothesis is: لم ينتقلوا أبداً إلى شارلوت.
Premise is: The tomb guardian will unlock the gate to the tunnel and give you a candle to explore the small circular catacomb, but for what little you can see, it is hardly worth the effort. Hypothesis is: The tomb garden can give you a thorough tour of the catacombs.
Premise is: In the short term, U.S. consumers will benefit from cheap imports (as will U.S. multinationals that use parts made in East Asian factories). Hypothesis is: U.S. consumers will put money in the pockets of East Asia over time.
Premise is: كانت تكساس خمس وخمسون ألفاً فقط عندما كنت هناك Hypothesis is: اعتدت العيش في تكساس.
Premise is: you know it took away a lot of of time from them we did go out to you know to the places that you typically take children to and we had a lot of fun but it seems as though the time went by so fast that Hypothesis is: Time went by too fast while we were having fun with the kids.
Premise is: right right they left a woman and a child or the cat the sheep yeah Hypothesis is: They let a woman and child remain, or it might have been the cat or sheep.
Premise is: Ceci s'applique à la fois aux relations entre C et R définies par une unique fonction C-R et à celles qui sont définies par un ensemble de fonctions C-R. Hypothesis is: Il y a beaucoup de fonctions C-R qui marchent ensembles.
Premise is: वैक्वेरो संस्कृति और मैक्सिकन सोनोरों के कैलिफोर्निया में होने वाले प्रभावों की यादों में रोजास ने चिकनो संस्कृति का एक हिस्सा नहीं दिखाया जो सामान्यतः ज्ञात नहीं है। Hypothesis is: वाक्वेरो संस्कृति चिकनो संस्कृति से संबंधित है।
Premise is: In a six-year study, scientists fed dogs and other animals irradiated chicken and found no evidence of increased cancer or other toxic effects. Hypothesis is: Scientists gave animals irradiated chicken and they were fine.
Premise is: oh i'll bet they did Hypothesis is: I'm sure they didn't.
Premise is: Hata kama wakati nilikuwa kijana niliishi upeo wa shamba la Kimeksiko,nakumbuka nikifuga majina ziwe nyimbo za magharibi kutoka kaskazini mwa US,Cayuse kwa mfano. Hypothesis is: Sikustajabishwa kwa maneno ya mashamba makubwa
Premise is: I'm busy now. Hypothesis is: I'm not free right now.
Premise is: Is afratafri mai, sabz samander rung kai percolates chamak rahe the. Hypothesis is: سمندر گہر نیلا اورکانچ کی طرح چکنا تھا۔
Premise is: Sixty percent of Americans are frustrated and angry with the health-care system, and 70 percent favor federal intervention. Hypothesis is: Most Americans want to see major changes in the health-care system.
Premise is: "You're not going to marry him, do you hear?" he said dictatorially. Hypothesis is: "You will not take him as your husband and run away."
Premise is: Vào ngày Giáng sinh, trẻ em đã gõ cửa và thăm nhà, yêu cầu và nhận kẹo hoặc đồ chơi nhỏ. Hypothesis is: Trẻ em mang theo những chiếc túi lớn để lấy kẹo và đồ chơi vào Ngày Giáng Sinh.
Premise is: مع العلم طوال الوقت ، بعد أن عرفت ، سأعرف دائما هذا الصوت الممزق والفريد Hypothesis is: أنا أعرف هذا الصوت
Premise is: یہ اعداد و شمار اس حقیقت پر روشنی ڈالیں کہ انگریزی کی سب سے بڑی لغت - اب پرنٹ سے باہر - 600،000 یا اسی اندراجات تھے،بہت سے غیر معمولی فارم بھی شامل ہیں. Hypothesis is: سب سے بڑا لغت اب بھی پرنٹ کیا جا رہا ہے۔
Premise is: 然后我可能会看他们能够负担多少 Hypothesis is: 我不在乎他们能负担得起。
Premise is: Les principaux personnages du personnel de la Maison-Blanche de Bush seraient Condoleezza Rice, conseillère à la sécurité nationale, qui avait été membre du personnel de NSC dans l'administration de George H.W. Hypothesis is: Condoleezza Rice était conseillère à la sécurité nationale durant l'administration Bush.
Premise is: Madrid is the perfect base for explorations into the heart and soul of Spain, with a wealth of fascinating day trips and a trio of UNESCO-honored cities just an hour or so from the city. Hypothesis is: There are no UNESCO-honored cities within a hour's drive of Madrid.
Premise is: Người phương Tây đầu tiên đến Hawaii là Đại úy James Cook, chỉ huy người Anh có nhiệm vụ là để giải tán Northern Passage huyền thoại nối liền Đại Tây Dương và Thái Bình Dương. Hypothesis is: James Cook chưa từng đi tới phía tây của California.
Premise is: sort of a building season season yeah Hypothesis is: Kind of a building period.
Premise is: The Edinburgh International Festival (held annually since 1947) is acknowledged as one of the world's most important arts festivals. Hypothesis is: The Edinburgh International Festival has been held annually since 1947.
Premise is: اليوم يستخدم مصطلح barbacoa فقط ليعني طهي اللحم في حفرة ، وتسمى أيضا طبخ الحفرة. Hypothesis is: استخدم لفظ الباركوا لوصف عملية شواء الخضروات في الفرن
Premise is: You'll find galleries in all the major towns and in some of the smaller villages. Hypothesis is: The major towns have banned the existence of galleries.
Premise is: He argued that these governors shared the congressional Republican agenda enshrined in the 1994 Contract With America. Hypothesis is: The governors were angry men
Premise is: Я уверен абсолютно в обратном. Hypothesis is: Я считаю, что ты ошибаешся, и ответ не нет, а да
Premise is: Off El Hurriya Street you'll find the Neo-Classical facade of the Greco-Roman Museum with a fine collection of both Roman, Greek, and Ptolemaic artifacts found around the city and under the waters of the harbor, along with many ancient Egyptian pieces. Hypothesis is: The museum is barren and has no artifacts or exhibits. It's a shit museum.
Premise is: Outside the cathedral you will find a statue of John Knox with Bible in hand. Hypothesis is: John Knox has faded into obscurity with no memorials made for him.
Premise is: Many Gothic and Renaissance buildings have been lovingly restored. Hypothesis is: The Gothic and Renaissance buildings have been terribly neglected.
Premise is: Тогава си бил просто нещастен джентълмен. Hypothesis is: Не си имал късмет, но сега си в по-добро положение.
Premise is: Sadece iki tahta kalasın elle kaldırılmasıyla çalışır. Hypothesis is: 10 ahşap kalas listeliyor.
Premise is: إنعطاف لرؤية القصر الذي صممه مكيم ميد Hypothesis is: تم بناء القصر من قبل آدم ساندلر.
Premise is: Alonissos has been settled longer than any other Aegean island, estimated by archaeologists to date from 100,000 b.c. , and was valued by many leaders in classical Greek times. Hypothesis is: The archaeologists inspecting the site have all but ruined it because of their digging.
Premise is: เราไม่รู้ว่าพวกเขากำลังจะไปที่ไหน Hypothesis is: พวกเราไม่รู้ว่าคนที่ไปเที่ยวที่ไหนกัน
Premise is: No se puede decir lo mismo para el New York Times. En su editorial sobre la polémica de la cocaía, el Times aconsejó a Bush que fuera honesto y que dejara al país aceptar esta medida. Hypothesis is: El Times dijo que Bush había mentido anteriormente.
Premise is: Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.: I would say that if you had members of the KKK, that were not directly tied to the murder--that they did not do the murder--that 90 years [in jail] would be excessive. Hypothesis is: Rep. Charles Rangel wants all KKK members to do 90 years in prison.
Premise is: Вижте списъка с акценти на плажове на страници 82 и 85. Hypothesis is: Има списък с плажове.
Premise is: The remaining parts of the north, although enticing, are difficult to explore. Hypothesis is: The rest of the north presents a steep challenge.
Premise is: This having come to his stepmother's ears, she taxed him with it on the afternoon before her death, and a quarrel ensued, part of which was overheard. Hypothesis is: A love affair sparked just moments before her death.
Premise is: Most large hotels will have a floorshow featuring music and dance, including a voluptuous belly-dancer, who will introduce the audience to the art of gyrating Egyptian style. Hypothesis is: Belly-dancers have been banned from the floor shows.
Premise is: H-2A aliens, as the only category of eligible aliens who reside in the United States temporarily, are particularly affected by the issue before the Commission because of their necessarily short periods of time in the United States. Hypothesis is: H-2A aliens have short periods of time in the United States.
Premise is: Tôi rất vui khi gửi cho bạn lời mời này để tham gia vòng tròn bên trong Thượng nghị sĩ đảng Cộng hòa để kỷ niệm tinh thần của chúng tôi tại Công ước Quốc gia Cộng hòa của chúng tôi tại Houston, Texas, ngày 16-20 tháng 8. Hypothesis is: Công ước Quốc gia Cộng hòa chỉ có ở Houston một lần.
Premise is: آپ موسم گرما میں بیلوگا ویل دیکھ سکتے ہیں، اور خزاں میں برفانی ریچھ، اور اگر آپ بہار یا خزاں کےایکوینوکس کے وقت موجود ہوں تو اورورا بوریالیس کی شمالی بتیاں بھی دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ Hypothesis is: والدین بچوں کی نشوونما کو اُن چیزوں کیلئے تعریف کرتے ہوئے جو انہون نے نہیں کیں کمزور کر دیتے ہیں
Premise is: Pedro tahtını aldı, ancak silahlı mücadele aylarca devam etti ve ondan sonra da uzun süre devam eden acı. Hypothesis is: Savaş aylar sürdü.
Premise is: Na, kwa kweli, Androv Gromikov hakujibu kitu chochote, lakini tulikuwa na habari zote kutoka kwa filamu za U2 zilizochukuliwa. Hypothesis is: U2 ilichukua filamu nyingi.
Premise is: The arches that flank the nave are filled with tiers of columns and the walls with windows, while the arches above the entrance and the apse are backed by semi-domes, further increasing the interior space. Hypothesis is: The arches that flank the nave are different from the arches above the entrance.
Premise is: Designed by George Meikle Kemp, an unknown draftsman of humble birth, the monument took its inspiration from the design of MelroseAbbey. Hypothesis is: The design was completely original and uncopied.
Premise is: 对于一个被你自己的不完美所玷污的情况,最好的策略是把自己定义为快乐的媒介,超越你左右两边的人。 Hypothesis is: 如果这种情况是你自身的缺陷造成的,那就远离它吧。
Premise is: 'Would you like some tea?' Hypothesis is: Do you want some coffee?
Premise is: Exhibitions are often held in the splendid entrance hall. Hypothesis is: The entrance hall is often used to host exhibitions.
Premise is: Và, tất nhiên, những di tích vĩ đại cho sự hiểu biết về tự do của thế kỷ 18 là Hiến pháp và Tuyên ngôn Nhân quyền. Hypothesis is: Không ai trong thế kỷ thứ mười tám hiểu tự do.
Premise is: Meya wa Letohrad, mji ambao Josef Korbel alikua, anasema alimtumia Albright barua tatu miaka ya karibuni. Hypothesis is: Korbel hajawahi kuwa na mayo.
Premise is: A museum inside the building gives intriguing insight into the life and heyday of the their rich costumes, their scimitars, and rifles inlaid with bright jewels and silver and a horrible bludgeon with a double serrated edge. Hypothesis is: There is a museum that is outside next to the building.
Premise is: Earlier this week, the Pakistani paper Dawn ran an editorial about reports that Pakistani poppy growers are planning to recultivate opium on a bigger scale because they haven't received promised compensation for switching to other crops. Hypothesis is: It is illegal to grow opium in Pakistan.
Premise is: جیسا کہ میں تم کو امریکہ سے نہیں لکھ رہا ہوں‏، عموماً جہاں میں ہوتا ہوں وہیں ہوں‏، اس لیے میرے لیے دستخط کرو ․․․․ Hypothesis is: ریاست ہائے متحدہ امریکہ میں دو ہفتے کی چھٹی پر میں آپ کے لیے لکھ رہا ہوں.
Premise is: substitute my my yeah my kid'll do uh four or five hours this week for me no problem Hypothesis is: I just can't make the time because of my job.
Premise is: 呃,那么晚啦,我们只看了与狼共舞,还看了什么? 呃,沉默的羔羊。 Hypothesis is: 我看过了“与狼共舞”。
Premise is: Louisa May Alcott na Nathaniel Hawthrone waliishi Pinckney Street, huku Barabara ya Beacon ambayo Oliver Wendell Holmes alitaja barabara angavu iliyoshikilia mwanahistoria aliyejisifu William Prescott. Hypothesis is: Hawthorne aliishi katika mtaa mkuu.