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Premise is: Brit Now that would be a good debate!
Hypothesis is: That would be a horrible debate. | contradiction |
Premise is: Favored by the Ancient Egyptians as a source of turquoise, the Sinai was, until recently, famed for only one event but certainly an important one.
Hypothesis is: The Sinai was a source of turquoise for Ancient Egyptians. | entailment |
Premise is: За отелем, за 1898 года статуей Самуэля де Шамплена, основатель города, из Dufferin Terrace открывается великолепный вид на Сен-Лоуренс и вниз по течению до Иль-Орлеан
Hypothesis is: Статуя основателя города была построена в 1898 году. | entailment |
Premise is: Su precursor fue ahora el bastante obsoleto (1398), una micción lenta y dolorosa.
Hypothesis is: Strangury precedió a la enfermedad de transmisión sexual. | neutral |
Premise is: На Рождество дети ходили по домам, стучали в двери, просили и получали сладости или небольшие игрушки.
Hypothesis is: Дети не сидели дома в Рождество. | entailment |
Premise is: um well i hate to yes i do
Hypothesis is: I hate to. | entailment |
Premise is: Na mara moja angekumbuka maneno angekuwa ameweza.
Hypothesis is: Angekumbuka yale maneno kama angeweza kukumbuka. | entailment |
Premise is: 这些乐器的合奏组成了几个流行音乐流派的基本管弦乐队。
Hypothesis is: 乐器是小提琴、贝司和萨克斯管。 | neutral |
Premise is: Чтобы время от времени заниматься благотворительностью. — И он мягко рассмеялся.
Hypothesis is: А вы можете быть щедрым, — сказал он, смеясь. | entailment |
Premise is: Едно от езиковите феномени, възникнали през последните стотина години, е приемането на идеята, че важна стъпка в решаването на проблемите е да им даваме име.
Hypothesis is: Общоприето е, че няма смисъл да изброяваме проблемите, тъй като това отнема време, а в същото време се появяват и променят нови проблеми преди да могат да им бъдат намерени решения. | contradiction |
Premise is: i have been and uh some of the boy scouts have been up in there they have got some great hiking trails and camping areas up in there
Hypothesis is: The boy scouts go where there are good hiking trails and camping areas. | entailment |
Premise is: Pia katika Australia, Centrelink imeamua kwamba asilimia 65 ya malipo yake yasiyozuilika yanayotuhusiwa 13 utangazaji usio sahihi wa mapato kwa mteja au mfadhilika.
Hypothesis is: Centelink haijawahi kuwa na malipo yasiyo sahihi yanayosababishwa na tangazo la mapato lisilo sahihi la wateja. | contradiction |
Premise is: وهم يعرفون إلى حدٍ كبير مقدار ما سيحصلون عليه، فهم يتأكدون فقط أنهم لا يشترون
Hypothesis is: هم على علم بالأموال التي يملكونها كدخل. | entailment |
Premise is: Sure, the man yells back, you're in a hot air balloon about 30 feet above this field.
Hypothesis is: The man remains silent and merely smiles | contradiction |
Premise is: well uh what do you think about taxes do you think we're paying too much
Hypothesis is: Do you think our taxes are too high? | entailment |
Premise is: The most important directions are simply up and up leads eventually to the cathedral and fortress commanding the hilltop, and down inevitably leads to one of three gates through the wall to the new town.
Hypothesis is: The cathedral and fortress are located higher while the gates are below. | entailment |
Premise is: The islands' names refer to the different force winds hitting them, not their topography.
Hypothesis is: The name of the islands are based on their topography. | contradiction |
Premise is: profit rather
Hypothesis is: Our profit has not been good. | neutral |
Premise is: Though he abstains from showbizzy campaigning, he markets his virtue and exploits his legend.
Hypothesis is: He is capable to market his virtue, exploiting his legend, but fans are starting to get tired of it. | neutral |
Premise is: First, the horsemen brought out a teaser horse.
Hypothesis is: The horsemen firstly brought out the horse meant for the main event. | contradiction |
Hypothesis is: Има предизвикателство за възрастните хора. | entailment |
Premise is: Το μόνο που κάναμε, ποτέ δεν μας έλεγαν σε ποιο μέρος πήγαιναν, ακόμα και όταν έφευγαν από τη βάση για να πάνε για κάπου αλλού για να μείνουν για λίγο.
Hypothesis is: Μας έλεγαν πάντα πού βρίσκονταν και πού πήγαιναν. | contradiction |
Premise is: 96 Y los padres y entrenadores que critican en lugar de alentar y no permiten que los jugadores se olviden de la derrota, provocan ansiedad intensa en algunos jóvenes.
Hypothesis is: Algunos entrenadores causan ansiedad. | entailment |
Premise is: Of the four main buildings, all of them whitewashed and decorated with bright painted sculptures, the first is where the worshippers bring offerings of flowers and fruit, the second is for sacred dances, and the third for viewing the divine effigies, which are enshrined in the sanctum of the fourth and tallest edifice.
Hypothesis is: The bright painted sculptures are of Buddha. | neutral |
Premise is: Then he is very sure.
Hypothesis is: He is very sure of himself. | neutral |
Premise is: But employers are still driving, and that's all that counts.
Hypothesis is: Employers have refused to continue driving. | contradiction |
Premise is: Πολλοί αξιωματικοί του PAPD σκαρφάλωναν επίσης στον Νότιο Πύργο, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ομάδας PAPD ESU.
Hypothesis is: Κάθε αξιωματικός κουβαλούσε πάνω από είκοσι κιλά εξοπλισμού πάνω του. | neutral |
Premise is: Over most of the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. was able to invest more than it saved by attracting financing from abroad.
Hypothesis is: The US could invest more than it saved in the 1980's and 90's. | entailment |
Premise is: Пей-тауэр извилистая тропа ведёт наверх к Гонконг-парку.
Hypothesis is: Эта дорога — 5 миль до Гонконгского парка. | neutral |
Premise is: A funny place for a piece of brown paper, I mused.
Hypothesis is: I thought that the brown paper being there was strange, but unfortunately I put the thought out of my mind and went about my day. | neutral |
Premise is: Even if you're the kind of traveler who likes to improvise and be adventurous, don't turn your nose up at the tourist offices.
Hypothesis is: There's nothing worth seeing in the tourist offices. | contradiction |
Premise is: ٹھیک ہے مجھے یاد نہیں ہے ایسا لگتا تھا جیسے اس نے کیا لیکن یہ مجھے نہیں لگتا ہے مجھے لگتا ہے
Hypothesis is: میں پورے طور پر پریقین نہیں ہوں لیکن شاید ایسا ہی ہے۔ | entailment |
Premise is: Squamish镇以其在八月举办的滚动比赛而闻名,是前往加里波第省立公园徒步旅行者的有用基地。
Hypothesis is: 斯夸米什是水上踩滚木竞赛开始的地方。 | neutral |
Premise is: The spear missed Vrenna by only a hand-span.
Hypothesis is: The weapon was very sharp. | neutral |
Premise is: Một khi các quyết định này được đưa ra, tổ chức CIO phải cung cấp hỗ trợ đáp lại, hiệu quả thông qua phân bổ nguồn lực hiệu quả và thực hiện các trách nhiệm hàng ngày của nó.
Hypothesis is: CIO không tham gia vào các quyết định phân bổ nguồn lực. | contradiction |
Premise is: From the inventories of the initiatives they developed in response to our request, we asked agency officials to identify those agency components and initiatives that, in their view, had successfully involved and empowered employees.
Hypothesis is: Agency officials need to identify the components that helped their employees improve their performances. | entailment |
Premise is: تم ایسا لہجہ اختیار کرو! تم ایسا لہجہ اختیار کرنے کی جرات کرو! وہ روئی، اس کو اچانک اپنی طیش سے چونکاتے ہوئے.
Hypothesis is: اس کے ساتھ اس کا سامنا کرنا پڑا وہ خاموش رہے | contradiction |
Premise is: San'doro didn't make it sound hypothetical, thought Jon.
Hypothesis is: San'doro didn't sound like he was still thinking about that, thought Jon. | neutral |
Premise is: Progressives at last are noticing that the best argument for government activism is that it works.
Hypothesis is: Progressives are just now realizing that the best way to argue government activism is that it has proven to be very successful, although this isn't the only part of the argument progressives are noticing. | neutral |
Premise is: paid back down it uh
Hypothesis is: The balance was reduced through payment. | entailment |
Premise is: We can leave them and let them die, said Thorn.
Hypothesis is: Thorn told us to make sure we save them. | contradiction |
Premise is: 3 مليغرام ليلًا هو أكثر بكثير من اللازم.
Hypothesis is: من الزائد ليلاً أن تأخذ 3 مجم. | entailment |
Premise is: 5 are highly correlated during summer months in some areas.
Hypothesis is: Five are correlated during the summer in certain areas. | entailment |
Premise is: Watu wadogo wana umri gani?
Hypothesis is: Watu wadogo ni kikundi ambacho watu wengine wana shida kuainisha kwa umri. | entailment |
Premise is: 23 ، 2004 (ما يقرب من ثلثي القادة المعروفين للقاعدة قد قُتلوا أو أُسروا).
Hypothesis is: كان تنظيم القاعدة منظمة ثابتة نسبيا لا تزال قادرة على العمل بأقل قدر من القيادة. | neutral |
Premise is: well um i uh exercise regularly i work at a university and i swim almost everyday
Hypothesis is: I am a fit person with 1.4% body fat. | neutral |
Premise is: پروٹوٹائپ انجینئرنگ پروٹوٹائپ (مجازی یا پروڈکشن کے نمائندے پروٹوٹائپز ابتدائی مصنوعات کی جسمانی)
Hypothesis is: نمونوں کی بہت ساری اقسام ہیں | entailment |
Premise is: do you think most states have that or
Hypothesis is: I think most states have that. | neutral |
Premise is: वो ये है जो पहले और सबसे कठिन प्रयास से इस कठिन भूमि से एक आधुनिक जीवन गढ़ना बनाया ।
Hypothesis is: भूमि नरम थी। | contradiction |
Premise is: Homes or businesses not located on one of these roads must place a mail receptacle along the route traveled.
Hypothesis is: The homes and businesses can place the mailbox wherever they would like. | contradiction |
Premise is: 但在这方面他没有希望! 她哭了。
Hypothesis is: 他听到了她远远的呼喊。 | neutral |
Premise is: 67 through .67d, provide a mechanism for limiting the issues on which a trial-type hearing is required; allow the Postal Service to explain the unavailability of data that would otherwise have to be filed; and provide for data collection for the duration of the experiment.
Hypothesis is: 67 through .67d does not provide mechanism for limiting issue on which trial-type hearing is required allowing postal service to explain unavailability of the data. | contradiction |
Premise is: Anyway, thank you very much for trying to help us.
Hypothesis is: Thanks for all your help. | entailment |
Premise is: Part of the original design, they were destroyed by Emperor Aurangzeb, who refused images susceptible to idolatry.
Hypothesis is: All of the original design has been destroyed by Emperor Aurangzeb. | contradiction |
Premise is: C'était probablement la première chose dont je me souvenais de ma petite enfance, et en particulier au sujet d'une bêtise.
Hypothesis is: Je me sens toujours mal à ce jour. | neutral |
Premise is: ต้องถ่ายเอกสารคดีแล้วนำไปให้ผู้จ้าง
Hypothesis is: สิ่งนี้คือขั้นตอนในการส่งแฟ้มคดีไปยังลูกความ | neutral |
Premise is: Thánh giá được cho là nặng 181.740 tấn.
Hypothesis is: Cây thập tự được làm bằng đá rắn. | neutral |
Premise is: The Indigenous Project, a new program run by the Oregon Law Center, is one of only a handful of places in the United States where indigenous farmworkers from Mexico and Central America can find free and confidential legal aid.
Hypothesis is: The Indigenous Project is run by the Oregon Law Center in Portland. | neutral |
Premise is: cinsel ya da boşaltım faaliyetleri ya da organları.
Hypothesis is: Hiçbir aktivite sıvı aktarmaz. | contradiction |
Premise is: เขาโยนพวกมันใส่ฉันอีกครั้งและอีกครั้ง
Hypothesis is: เขาโยนพวกมันใส่ฉัน 48 ครั้ง | neutral |
Premise is: كانت ساحة دام ليس لها مخرج لأول مرة في تاريخها.
Hypothesis is: كانت ساحة دام دائما غير ساحلية. | contradiction |
Premise is: Expenses included in calculating net cost for education and training programs that are intended to increase or maintain national economic productive capacity shall be reported as investments in human capital as required supplementary stewardship information accompanying the financial statements of the Federal Government and its component units.
Hypothesis is: Net cost for education programs can be calculated as a way to decrease productivity. | contradiction |
Premise is: Однако, как указала дочь г-на Левитта, обычно это определяется, как резинка, которую используют для связывания вещей, как рифлёный грот на выстреле, легкие предметы на сетке для багажа, и так далее. Редактор.
Hypothesis is: У мистера Левитта не было детей. | contradiction |
Premise is: oh you went to the dollar movie yeah yeah they show up at the dollar movie right after they get come out you know they're usually not not that great or didn't do that great anyway let me see let me see another movie i watched uh i want to see is uh that new one uh
Hypothesis is: they are shown at the dollar movie theater immediately after they're released | entailment |
Premise is: I understand, mademoiselle, I understand all you feel.
Hypothesis is: I am aware, madam, of how you feel. | entailment |
Premise is: ดังนั้นฉันอยากจะรักษามันไว้เพราะว่าฉันรู้ว่าถ้าคุณไม่ เอ่อ มันมี มันมีปัญหามากมายที่คุณจะเจอ
Hypothesis is: ไม่มีประโยชน์ที่จะพยายาม เพราะว่าฉันจะไม่สนใจ | contradiction |
Premise is: Skeat จะไม่ในกรณีนี้ ปฏิเสธบันทึกนี้ และ ซ้ำกับการกระทำผิดกฎหมายบางเวลาในอนาคต
Hypothesis is: สเกทจะไม่ให้ความสนใจใดๆต่อข้อความ | contradiction |
Premise is: Very simply.
Hypothesis is: Only a little explanation was needed. | neutral |
Premise is: Je veux dire qu'il n'y avait aucun danger à aller à l'intérieur avec la bombe parce qu'elle n'aurait pas explosé, quelle que soit la force avec laquelle elle avait heurté le sol.
Hypothesis is: La bombe avait été désactivée par le pilote. | neutral |
Premise is: La différence entre un président et un roi est qu'un roi n'a pas de vice.
Hypothesis is: Il n'est jamais évident qui prendra la relève d'un roi en cas de décès, mais c'est évident pour un président. | neutral |
Premise is: Never trust a Sather, Bork said softly.
Hypothesis is: Borker said to never trust a Sather. | entailment |
Premise is: The researchers found expected stresses like the loss of a check in the mail and the illness of loved ones.
Hypothesis is: The stresses affected people much diffferently than the researchers expected. | contradiction |
Premise is: Allow time in Thirasia to explore Santorini's smaller sibling islands.
Hypothesis is: Santorini has smaller sibling islands that are worth exploring. | entailment |
Premise is: ओह, क्या मानवीय जीवन लायक है और क्या आप किसी को पुनर्वास कर सकते हैं या नहीं
Hypothesis is: कोई भी मनुष्य पुनर्वास के लायक नहीं है। | contradiction |
Premise is: The leaves of the papyrus were dried and used by Ancient Egyptians as a form of paper.
Hypothesis is: Ancient Egyptians use papyrus leaves for paper. | entailment |
Premise is: In his effort to build nationalism across Turkey in the 1920s, Ataterk instituted a campaign to suppress Kurdish identity that continues today.
Hypothesis is: His campaign to suppress the identity of the Kurds was successful. | entailment |
Premise is: um-hum yeah i saw that for the first time yesterday in the evening
Hypothesis is: Yesterday was the first time I had ever seen that. | entailment |
Premise is: If she didn't like her restaurant so much, the woman'd be high-up in Applied by now.
Hypothesis is: She really loved to eat at her Greek restaurant. | neutral |
Premise is: बोस्निया के लिए उनकी यात्रा हेतु खुफिया रिपोर्ट देखें, सऊदी अल कायदा के सदस्य की पूछताछ, 3 अक्टूबर, 2001.
Hypothesis is: अल कायदा का एक सदस्य बोस्निया गया। | entailment |
Premise is: Năm ngoái, bạn đã hào phóng quyên góp $ -.
Hypothesis is: Bạn quyên góp tiền vào năm ngoái. | entailment |
Premise is: Meine Schwester war mal mit einem stämmigen jungen Mann zusammen, der ein zäher Verstärker der Universität von Iowa war, deren Sportteam die Hawkeyes genannt wird.
Hypothesis is: Meine Schwester war früher mit einem Fan der Sportmannschaften der Universität von Iowa zusammen, die Hawkeyes heißen. | entailment |
Premise is: إن البحث الذي تم نشره في قسم العلوم يقدم دليلا على التقدم بتوثيق أول زراعة خلايا قلب وظيفية ناجحة تمثلت في نموذج حيواني.
Hypothesis is: تم زرع خلايا القلب في البداية لدى الخنازير. | neutral |
Premise is: ab tak, Pokemon ka apariharya mout hame yeh mouka pradhan karti hai ki ham dusare asaadharan vyaktitva ko janam de aur uske par nivesh kare.
Hypothesis is: पोकेमोन जिन्दा है और ठीक है यह इतनी जल्दी अन्य उत्पादों के लिए धन कमाने का कोई रास्ता नहीं छोड़गा। | contradiction |
Premise is: Together they had a force of 130 attorneys and the responsibility to serve the civil legal needs of about 550,000 poor and vulnerable people throughout the state.
Hypothesis is: There were more lawyers than vulnerable people in the state. | contradiction |
Premise is: see too much crime on TV and they think it's way to go i don't know what do you think
Hypothesis is: They don't see crime on TV. | contradiction |
Premise is: You can alternate lazy days on the beach with some of the Medi?ter?ra?nean's best deep-sea diving, boat excursions around pirate coves, canoeing and fishing on inland rivers, or hikes and picnics in the mountains.
Hypothesis is: Outdoor activities range from beach-going, deep-sea diving, boat excursions, canoeing, and fishing, to hikes and picnics out in the wilderness. | entailment |
Premise is: Είχαν κανονίσει ξεκινώντας από τη Νέα Υόρκη για να επισκεφτούν κάποιους συγγενείς αυτού του ξαδέλφου και απλώς έμειναν και δεν ήξερε πώς να επιστρέψει και έτσι έμεινε μαζί τους.
Hypothesis is: Έμεινε μαζί τους στη Νέα Υόρκη. | entailment |
Premise is: While headquarters staffing is to be streamlined, the staffing levels at the ports are to be maintained or increased.
Hypothesis is: Headquarters needs streamlined staff while ports don't. | neutral |
Premise is: حسناً لقد سمعتها وهي تعترف بنبرة صوت منخفضة.
Hypothesis is: تحدثت بهدوء لأنها كانت خائفة. | neutral |
Premise is: In particular, the model provides a useful framework for assessing the long-term implications of alternative budget policies through their effect on national saving.
Hypothesis is: This model is not useful for seeing how certain budget policies affect national saving, as the model does not record that. | contradiction |
Premise is: 5 are highly correlated during summer months in some areas.
Hypothesis is: Nothing is correlated to the summer in all areas. | contradiction |
Premise is: For fiscal year 1996, Congress determined that the Commission should recover $126,400,000 in costs, an amount 8.6 percent higher than required in fiscal year 1995.
Hypothesis is: Congress determined that Commission should recover over $126 million in costs, which is 8.6 percent higher than the year before. | entailment |
Premise is: Credibility is a vital factor, and Jim Lehrer does, indeed, have it.
Hypothesis is: Jim Lehrer has no credibility whatsoever. | contradiction |
Premise is: Ca'daan heard the Kal grunt and felt the horse lift.
Hypothesis is: The Kal's grunt was heard by Ca'daan. | entailment |
Premise is: إنهم يحبون الاختلاط الاجتماعي، وبصفة خاصة في قضبان البنية الشهيرة وهي المكان الذي يلتقون فيه، وعادة ما يضعون العالم في مكانه الصحيح.
Hypothesis is: يحبون التسكع مع الناس. | entailment |
Premise is: Die englische Rede ist bereits überladen mit ausgefallenen Worten, die man niemals hätte aufnehmen dürfen und die sich jetzt noch abstellen sollten.
Hypothesis is: Experten haben fünfzig verschiedene Wörter gefunden, die nicht Teil der Sprache sein sollten. | neutral |
Premise is: В центре площади расположен гранитный Weltkugelbrunnen (Фонтан мира) Йоахима Шметтау, который местные весело окрестили водным пельменем.
Hypothesis is: Weltkugelbrunnen сделан из алюминия. | contradiction |
Premise is: She admits to Dorcas, 'I don't know what to do; scandal between husband and wife is a dreadful thing.' At 4 o'clock she has been angry, but completely mistress of herself.
Hypothesis is: She had remained in control despite her anger. | neutral |
Premise is: This call to play fortuneteller is not easily refused.
Hypothesis is: It's not easily refused the call to play fortuneteller. | entailment |
Premise is: Monday's Question (No.
Hypothesis is: There was a question on Tuesday. | contradiction |
Subsets and Splits