Transitional Demobilization and Reintegration Programme in Africa The TDRP was launched in the second half of 2009 with the ultimate strategic objective of enhancing the prospects for stabilization and recovery in the Great Lakes Region. It has three specific objectives: to provide financial and technical support, to exp and demobilization and reintegration coverage and to facilitate dialogue information exchange and learning.The TDRP is funded through a multi-donor trust fund managed by the World Bank covering grants to national programs sub-projects regional activities a nd the management of the TDRP. The trust fund amounts to US$ 33.71 million and as of March 20th 2013 total disbursements stand at US$ 21.8 million.The extension which this programme is responding of the TDRP would continue the demand driven geographical ex pansion of program activities away from ?traditional? TDRP countries to emerging centers of conflict in West Africa the Sahel and Horn of Africa along with the two Sudan?s where there has been and will continue to be a demand for TDRP expertise. Currently the needs in these Fragile and Conflict Affect States (FCS) and transnational areas are receiving renewed attention often with more African regional and continental leadership than has been the case in the recent past. This presents an opportunity for the World Bank and TDRP donors to enable African leadership through the application of TDRP operational technical and knowledge management expertise and the cross-border analytical and operational perspectives in critical and emerging fragile and conflict affe cted areas. Particularly the regional approach of the TDRP (built on the preceding MDRP) can be of strategic value when addressing the drivers of conflict and developing and implement a new approach to peace building and stabilization.The programme has bee n successful in its goals to reintegrate to society hundreds of thousands of ex-combatants. Various examples have been reported during the project about how ex-military groups have been successfully integrated back to socieatal activities after handing ove r the weapons and negotiating about their status in the community.
3rd Phase Haik Integrated Rural Development Project To improve the livelihood situation at household level within the target communities. 3rd phase of the project has encompassed social problems like the idleness of the youth poverty of women and problems related to harmful traditional practices in addition to agricultural and health related issues. Communities living in the program area are very poor in terms of agricultural productive health status potable water supply assets building opportunity and environmental condition. The experience gained in the fi rst and second project phases (2006-2012) has significant inputs for designing third phase project document. The main objective of this project is to contribute in addressing the long term food insecurity problem of the target communities. The overall effe ct of these interventions is to reduce the problem of long term food insecurity and improve the living standard of people with in the target communities. The goal of the third phase is to contribute to the livelihood improvement in the target communities t hrough improved health status potable water supply and enhanced agriculture production and household income level. Concrete outputs are partly similar as during the previous phases. However the 3rd phase focuses e.g. on unemployed youth who are in a risk o f being wasted generation due to lack of work chat and HIV/AIDS and risky immigration as a solution for the situation.
KV.RAH.LAIT/Worldbank,secondment program The World Bank?s Donor Funded Staffing Program (DFSP' TF 053202) is a staffing program funded by Donor Governments. The objective of DFSP is to contribute to the achievement of the Bank's diversity targets and capacity building efforts through the recruitm ent of both junior and mid-career professionals in Headquarters and Country Offices. The DFSP consolidates the two previous stand-alone Donor funded programs Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Program and Externally Funded Staffing Program (EFSP) under a s ingle umbrella with two recruitment windows: Junior Professional Officers (JPO) and Mid-Career (MC) Professionals. The Program continues to allow Donors and the Bank to leverage their development agendas more strategically. Participating Donors and Funding Current Participating Donors: Austria Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Japan Korea Kuwait Norway Spain Sweden and Switzerland. Salaries and benefits are 100% funded by DFSP donors. Funding is tied to the Donor nationality.
Justice for a Sustainable Peace Justicia para una paz sostenible (Colombia): .Justice for a Sustainable Peace (JSP) will increase access to more effective, inclusive, and responsive justice services. JSP will activate 45 local justice committees and improve coordination among the Ministry of Justice, public defenders, prosecutors, and judges to ensure tailored responses to communities. This activity will strengthen the sustainability of 12 Justice Houses, a one-stop-shop justice services model, by mobilizing public funding and creating alliances with the private sector, as well as support alternative dispute resolution and Afro-Colombian and indigenous justice mechanisms. USAID/Colombia will continue working with civil society organizations (CSOs) to provide legal representation and psychosocial support to victims of gender-based violence (GBV), land claimants, and other conflict victims. JSP will also implement a pilot focused on promoting a culture of legality and strengthening citizen support for the rule of law and awareness of justice services. To prevent impunity, the activity will work with the Attorney General's Office to bolster investigations and prosecutions of GBV cases, supporting shared protocols between police and prosecutors, as well as strengthening investigations into the murders of human rights defenders and social leaders (HRD/SLs). To advance these investigations, JSP will work with CSOs to strengthen attack documentation and create safe spaces for sharing information with the authorities. The activity will support the Inspector General's Office to scale up a campaign to create awareness and destigmatize HRD/SLs, as well as to begin disciplinary actions against public officials as necessary. This activity directly contributes to the USG Mission Objective to extend the effective presence of democratic institutions and processes in targeted areas. Strengthened justice services help Colombia in its Journey to Self-Reliance by expanding state presence and resolving citizen grievances to mitigate conflic (Colombia):. La justicia para una paz sostenible (JSP) aumentará el acceso a servicios más eficaces, más inclusivos, y responsivos de la justicia. JSP activará a 45 comités locales de la justicia y mejorará la coordinación entre el ministerio de la justicia, de los defensores públicos, de los querellantes, y de los jueces para asegurar respuestas adaptadas a las comunidades. Esta actividad fortalecerá la continuidad de 12 casas de la justicia, un modelo de los servicios de la justicia de la ventanilla única, por la financiación pública de movilización y las alianzas el crear con el sector privado, así como solución alternativa de controversias de la ayuda y los mecanismos Afro-colombianos e indígenas de la justicia. USAID/Colombia continuará trabajando con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (CSOs) para proporcionar la representación legal y la ayuda sicosocial a las víctimas de la violencia basada en las diferencias entre los sexos (GBV), a los demandantes de la tierra, y a otras víctimas del conflicto. JSP también ejecutará a un piloto centrado en promover una cultura de la legalidad y fortalecer la ayuda del ciudadano para el Estado de Derecho y la conciencia de los servicios de la justicia. Para prevenir impunidad, la actividad trabajará con la oficina de general del abogado para alentar las investigaciones y los procesamientos de los casos de GBV, apoyando protocolos compartidos entre la policía y los querellantes, así como fortaleciendo investigaciones en los asesinatos de los defensores y de los líderes sociales (HRD/SLs) de los derechos humanos. Para avanzar estas investigaciones, JSP trabajará con CSOs para fortalecer la documentación del ataque y para crear los espacios seguros para compartir la información con las autoridades. La actividad apoyará la oficina del Inspector General para aumentar proporcionalmente una campaña para crear conciencia y para destigmatize HRD/SLs, así como para comenzar acciones disciplinarias contra funcionarios cuanto sea necesario. Esta actividad contribuye directamente al objetivo de misión de USG para ampliar la presencia eficaz de instituciones democráticas y de procesos en áreas apuntadas. Los servicios fortalecidos de la justicia ayudan a Colombia en su viaje a la independencia ampliando presencia del estado y resolviendo agravios del ciudadano para atenuar conflic Objectives for Colombia: USAID’s Justice for a Sustainable Peace (JSP) activity aims to strengthen the effectiveness and responsiveness of the Colombian justice system, increase citizen support for the rule of law in conflict-affected regions, and address the critical justice needs of victims of the armed conflict.
Conserva Colombia Conserva Colombia (Colombia): Conserva Colombia (CC) is a technical and financial incentive program that promotes biodiversity conservation. CC focuses on utilizing a landscape approach to conserve key ecosystems as well as building and strengthening the conservation capacity of local and regional institutions. CC relies on public-private partnerships for funding, training, and capacity-building activities of local government authorities and nongovernmental organizations to promote the creation of sub-national protected areas. The program implements management plans to design a financial sustainability model for the ongoing conservation of focus areas. USAID's resources are also allocated to develop workshops that are intended to build both technical and financial capacities of private and public organizations participating in the establishment of sub-national protected areas in different parts of the country. The program supports the development of a Public Funding Tool utilizing the Google Earth platform as a means to gather information on the availability of municipal resources and the local socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental characteristics in various areas where the establishment of sub-national protected areas is being considered. This instrument will contribute with $375,000 towards Biodiversirty earmark. (Colombia): Conserva Colombia (cc) es un programa incentivo técnico y financiero que promueve la protección de la biodiversidad. El cc se centra en utilizar un acercamiento del paisaje para conservar los ecosistemas dominantes así como la construcción y fortalecer de la capacidad de la protección de instituciones locales y regionales. El cc confía en las sociedades públicas-privado para financiar, el entrenamiento, y las actividades del desarrollo de capacidades de autoridades gubernamentales locales y de organizaciones no gubernamentales para promover la creación de áreas protegidas subnacionales. El programa ejecuta planes de gestión de diseñar un modelo financiero de la continuidad para la protección en curso de las áreas del foco. Los recursos de USAID también se asignan para desarrollar los talleres que se piensan para construir capacidades técnicas y financieras de las organizaciones privadas y públicas que participan en el establecimiento de áreas protegidas subnacionales en diversas partes del país. El programa apoya el desarrollo de una herramienta de financiamiento pública que utiliza la plataforma de Google Earth como los medios de recopilar la información sobre la disponibilidad de recursos municipales y de las características socioeconómicas, culturales, y ambientales locales en las diversas áreas donde el establecimiento de áreas protegidas subnacionales se está considerando. Este instrumento contribuirá con $375.000 hacia la reserva de Biodiversirty.
Consortium For Elections and Political Process Strengthening Consorcio para las elecciones y fortalecer del proceso político TheConsortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening(CEPPS) is acooperative agreementsupervised by theUnited States Agency for International Development(USAID) Office of Democracy and Governance made in 1995.[1]As part of USAID's Acceleration Success initiative,[2]the agreement is the principal contractor for the Office of Democracy and Government's elections and political processes program which provides technical assistance and support to USAID missions worldwide.[1]The agreement includes theInternational Republican Institute(IRI), theInternational Foundation for Electoral Systems(IFES) and theNational Democratic Institute for International Affairs. TheConsortium para las elecciones y el fortalecimiento del proceso político (CEPPS) es acooperative agreementsupervised por la agencia de estados theUnited para la oficina del desarrollo internacional (USAID) de la democracia y del gobierno hechos en 1995. [1] como parte de la iniciativa del éxito de la aceleración de USAID, [2] el acuerdo es el contratista principal para la oficina el programa de las elecciones de la democracia y del gobierno y de los procesos políticos que proporciona asistencia técnica y la ayuda a las misiones de USAID por todo el mundo. [1] el acuerdo incluye el instituto republicano del theInternational (IRI), la fundación del theInternational para los sistemas electorales (IFES) y al instituto Democratic del theNational para los asuntos internacionales.
Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program Programa Afro-colombiano e indígena (Colombia): In order to address the causes of inequality faced by ethnic groups, USAID implements the Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Program (ACIP). ACIP supports GOC efforts to eliminate all forms of racial and ethnic discrimination by enhancing the country's capacity to embrace and protect its cultural diversity. The program works towards four results:-Strengthen state institutional capacity by developing and implementing pro-minority policies and improving planning and resource investment for ethnic minorities; -Strengthen ethnic community-based organizations by consolidating their organizational and advocacy capacities;-Increase access to economic opportunities through formal employment in urban areas and increasing income through value-chain strengthening in rural areas; and-Increase positive messaging of ethnic minority issues through quality and quantity of positive messaging of Afro-Colombian and indigenous issues.Full amount of this instrument ($465K) will contribute to Afro-Colombian earmark. (Colombia): Para dirigir las causas de la desigualdad hechas frente por los grupos étnicos, USAID ejecuta el programa Afro-colombiano e indígena (ACIP). ACIP apoya esfuerzos de GOC para eliminar todas las formas de discriminación racial y étnica aumentando la capacidad del país de abrazar y de proteger su diversidad cultural. El programa trabaja hacia cuatro resultados: - Fortalezca la capacidad institucional del estado desarrollando y aplicando políticas de la favorable-minoría y mejorando la inversión del planeamiento y del recurso para las minorías étnicas; - Fortalezca las organizaciones basadas en la Comunidad étnicas consolidando sus capacidades de organización y de la defensa; - Aumente el acceso a las oportunidades económicas con el empleo formal en zonas urbanas y a la renta cada vez mayor a través de la cadena de valores que fortalece en zonas rurales; Mensajería positiva del y-aumento de los problemas de la minoría étnica con calidad y cantidad de mensajería positiva de problemas Afro-colombianos e indígenas. La cantidad completa de este instrumento ($465K) contribuirá a la reserva Afro-colombiana.
Policies, Regulations, and Systems Políticas, regulaciones, y sistemas Assist special populations which may be vulnerable or at-risk on a temporary or chronic basis whose needs are not addressed under emergency humanitarian assistance or other programs. These include groups such as the disabled; orphans, children and at-risk youth; victims of trafficking; victims of gender-based violence; refugees, returnees, ethnic minorities, internally displaced or other socially excluded groups; the elderly; and female heads of household. Depending on circumstances, services may intend to protect groups; mitigate adverse conditions they face, or to remove barriers to help integrate them into society. Components may include measures to increase the capacity of local service and advocacy NGOs and/or professional social workers; to establish public/private service delivery partnerships as well as family and community focused service models; to establish effective referral networks; to develop appropriate service protocols and methods for screening prospective recipients; or to improve public understanding and sensitivity to the needs of the vulnerable. While services provided should not exclude victims of trafficking in persons, programs designed specifically for this group fall under the Peace and Security Objective under the Transnational Crime Area and the Trafficking in Persons and Migrant Smuggling Element. Ayude a las poblaciones especiales que pueden ser vulnerables o en peligro sobre una base temporal o crónica cuyas necesidades no se dirijan bajo ayuda humanitaria de la emergencia u otros programas. Éstos incluyen a grupos tales como los minusválidos; huérfanos, niños y juventud en peligro; víctimas del tráfico; víctimas de la violencia basada en las diferencias entre los sexos; refugiados, retornados, minorías étnicas, internamente desplazadas u otros grupos social excluidos; los ancianos; y cabezas de familia de sexo femenino. Dependiendo de circunstancias, los servicios pueden preponerse proteger a grupos; atenúe las condiciones adversas que hacen frente, o eliminar barreras para ayudar a integrarlas en sociedad. Los componentes pueden incluir medidas para aumentar la capacidad de los NGOs del servicio local y de la defensa y/o de los asistentes sociales profesionales; para establecer sociedades públicas/privadas del suministro de servicios así como la familia y modelos enfocados comunidad del servicio; para establecer redes eficaces de la remisión; para desarrollar protocolos y los métodos apropiados del servicio para defender a beneficiarios anticipados; o para mejorar la comprensión y la sensibilidad públicas a las necesidades del vulnerable. Mientras que los servicios proporcionados no deben excluir a víctimas del tráfico en personas, programas diseñados específicamente para esta caída del grupo bajo objetivo de la paz y de seguridad bajo área del crimen transnacional y el tráfico en personas y el elemento de contrabando migratorio.
Consolidation & Enhanced Livelihoods Initiative-North & South Regions (CELI-North/South) Consolidación y sustentos aumentados Iniciativa-norte y regiones del sur (CELI-norte/del sur) (Colombia): The Consolidation and Enhanced Livelihoods Initiative in the North-South Region (CELI-NS) provides institutional and implementation support to the expansion of state presence and improvements in licit economic opportunities in 16 municipalities in the departments of Antioquia, Cordoba, and Nari. This activity is part of the broader USG-Colombia Strategic Development Initiative (CSDI), which assists the GOC's National Consolidation Program in transitioning strategic regions of the country definitively out of conflict and away from illicit activities. More specifically, CELI-NS' implementation strategy consists of an integrated development program focused on the following components: 1) improved governance; 2) increased social capital; 3) fostering economic development; 4) social infrastructure, and; 5) land. CELI-NS also carries out activities in the cross-cutting areas of: a) environmental awareness and sensitivity, b) gender equity, and c) communications to support a culture of legality and good citizenship.In its third year of operation, CELI-NS plans to focus its strategy and project activities using FY 14 funds to generate more sustainable livelihoods and support rural economic development. This focus is transitioning from CELI-NS' initial focus of sponsoring quick-response activities that demonstrated the effective presence of the Colombian State in remote areas of the country. Under this new focus the following types of activities will be prioritized: 1) those that directly impact income generation in target areas; 2) support for the integration of production and commercialization in value chains in important economic sectors; 3) infrastructure improvements focused on facilitating local economic development, and 4) encouraging inclusive entrepreneurship.Seeking to increase coverage, synergies, and the sustainability of its interventions, CELI-NS also aims to strengthen and expand its strategy targeting provision of rural financial services (Colombia): La consolidación y la iniciativa aumentada de los sustentos en la región norte-sur (CELI-NS) proporciona la ayuda institucional y de la puesta en práctica a la extensión de la presencia del estado y mejoras en oportunidades económicas lícitas en los 16 municipios en los departamentos de Antioquia, de Córdoba, y de Nari. Esta actividad es parte de la iniciativa estratégica más amplia del desarrollo de USG-Colombia (CSDI), que ayuda al programa nacional de la consolidación del GOC en transitioning las regiones estratégicas del país definitivo fuera de conflicto y lejos de actividades ilícitas. Más concretamente, la estrategia de la puesta en práctica de CELI-NS consiste en un programa de desarrollo integrado centrado en los componentes siguientes: 1) gobierno mejorado; 2) aumentó el capital social; 3) incentivo del desarrollo económico; 4) infraestructura social, y; 5) tierra. CELI-NS también realiza actividades en las áreas transversal de: a) conciencia ambiental y sensibilidad, b) equidad de género, y c) comunicaciones para apoyar una cultura de la legalidad y de la buena ciudadanía. En su tercer año de operación, CELI-NS planea enfocar sus actividades de la estrategia y del proyecto usando fondos del FY 14 para generar sustentos más sostenibles y para apoyar el desarrollo económico rural. Este foco transitioning del foco inicial de CELI-NS de las actividades de la rápido-respuesta que patrocinan que demostraron la presencia eficaz del estado colombiano en las áreas remotas del país. Bajo este nuevo foco los siguientes tipos de actividades serán dados prioridad: 1) los que afectan directamente la generación de renta en áreas objetivo; 2) ayuda para la integración de la producción y de la comercialización en cadenas de valores en sectores económicos importantes; 3) mejoras de la infraestructura centradas en la facilitación del desarrollo económico local, y 4) espíritu emprendedor inclusivo que anima. El intentar aumentar cobertura, sinergias, y la continuidad de sus intervenciones, CELI-NS también apunta fortalecer y ampliar su estrategia que apunta la disposición de servicios financieros rurales
Access to Justice II Public Defender's Office Acceso a la oficina del defensor público de la justicia II (Colombia): USAID/Colombia's Government-to-Government (GtoG) agreement with the PDO started implementation 2017. Through the GtoG, USAID will support the Public Defender's Office (PDO) in increasing access to justice. FY 2017 funds will help the PDO shift its organizational culture toward quality management by developing an operational/management plan based on an internal diagnosis to identify areas of improvement. The results will inform an initial change-management plan that will be piloted in two regions and adapted for replication in other regions. The GtoG will help increase public defenders' access to resources and technical support in remote regions, including enhanced Mobile Special Support Offices (SSO) which will receive specialized technical training to better support field-based public defenders, including a virtual mentoring tool to support public defenders representing GBV victims. (Colombia): El acuerdo del Gobierno-a-gobierno de USAID/Colombia (GtoG) con el PDO comenzó la puesta en práctica 2017. Con el GtoG, USAID apoyará la oficina del defensor público (PDO) en el acceso cada vez mayor a la justicia. Los fondos del FY 2017 ayudarán al PDO para desplazar su cultura de organización hacia la gestión de calidad desarrollando un operativo/un plan de gestión basados en una diagnosis interna para identificar áreas de la mejora. Los resultados informarán a un plan inicial de la cambio-gestión que sea pilotado en dos regiones y adaptado para la réplica en otras regiones. El GtoG ayudará a aumentar el acceso de los defensores públicos a los recursos y el soporte técnico en regiones remotas, incluyendo las oficinas móviles aumentadas de la ayuda especial (SSO) que recibirán el entrenamiento técnico especializado para apoyar mejor a defensores públicos campo-basados, incluyendo una herramienta virtual de la tutoría para apoyar a los defensores públicos que representan a víctimas de GBV.
Implementation of Low Emission Development Strategies Puesta en práctica de las estrategias de desarrollo bajas de la emisión Supports the implementation of geographically-based projects or programs to advance low emission development strategies in the land-use sector and/or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) approaches. This includes developing and implementing enabling policies, laws, and regulations; building the capacity of institutions to implement low emission development; developing safeguard information systems and grievance redress mechanisms; establishing economic incentives for land use practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and supporting REDD+ projects intended to generate verified emissions reductions, sustainable land use and agriculture projects that mitigate land-based emissions, projects to implement the land-sector elements of low emission development strategies, and similar activities. Apoya la puesta en práctica de proyectos o de programas geográfico-basados para avanzar estrategias de desarrollo bajas de la emisión en el sector de la ocupación del terreno y/o las emisiones de la reducción de acercamientos de la degradación de la tala de árboles y del bosque (REDD+). Esto incluye convertirse y la ejecución permitiendo políticas, leyes, y regulaciones; construcción de la capacidad de instituciones de ejecutar el desarrollo bajo de la emisión; el convertirse salvaguarda sistemas de información y mecanismos de la compensación del agravio; estableciendo los incentivos económicos para las prácticas de la utilización del suelo que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero; y proyectos favorables de REDD+ previstos para generar las reducciones de emisiones verificadas, la utilización del suelo sostenible y los proyectos de la agricultura que atenúan emisiones cones base en tierra, proyectos para ejecutar los elementos del tierra-sector de las estrategias de desarrollo bajas de la emisión, y actividades similares.
USAID/Colombias School Feeding Response Activity Actividad de alimentación de la respuesta de la escuela de USAID/Colombias USAID/Colombias School Feeding Response Activity will support the Government of Colombias (GOC) efforts to provide nutritional food sources for vulnerable Venezuelan children, returnee Colombian children and receptor communities through a school feeding strategy. The activity will provide critical assistance to children at schools, which will allow this vulnerable population to continue studies as well as obtain two meals a day. The meals will provide enough kilocalories and contribute to complement daily intake of sufficient , safe, nutritious food necessary to and thus improve nutritional status and prevent or ameliorate malnutrition. The program will serve approximately 16,500 children. La actividad de alimentación de la respuesta de la escuela de USAID/Colombias apoyará al gobierno de esfuerzos de Colombias (GOC) para proporcionar las fuentes alimenticias de la comida para los niños venezolanos vulnerables, los niños del retornado y las comunidades colombianos del receptor con una estrategia de alimentación de la escuela. La actividad proporcionará ayuda crítica a los niños en las escuelas, que permitirán que esta población vulnerable continúe estudios así como obtener dos comidas al día. Las comidas proporcionarán bastantes kilocalorías y contribuirán para complementar la toma diaria de la comida suficiente, segura, nutritiva necesaria a y para mejorar así la situación alimenticia y para prevenir o para mejorar la desnutrición. El programa servirá a aproximadamente 16.500 niños.
Alternative Development and Alternative Livelihoods Desarrollo alternativo y sustentos alternativos Support systems to prevent and address human rights violations through early warning, monitoring, investigating, and reporting. Promote respect for human rights and support human rights defenders through utilization of national, regional, and international legal systems for human rights protection and enforcement. Harmonize domestic laws and policies with international human rights standards; and promote the adoption and implementation of human rights and labor standards; and sponsor legal aid. Harmonize domestic laws and policies with international human rights standards; promote the adoption and implementation of human rights and labor standards; and sponsor legal aid and other assistance for victims of human rights violations. Support the work of National Human Rights Commission. Integrate human rights into training for security sector actors, teachers, civil society leaders, journalists, religious leaders, and government officials. Sistemas de apoyo para prevenir y para dirigir violaciones de derechos humanos con la detección temprana, la supervisión, la investigación, y la información. Promueva a los defensores de los derechos humanos del respeto de los derechos humanos y de la ayuda con la utilización de los sistemas legislativos nacionales, regionales, e internacionales para la protección y la aplicación de los derechos humanos. Armonice las leyes nacionales y las políticas con estándares internacionales de los derechos humanos; y promueva la adopción y la puesta en práctica de derechos humanos y de estándares de trabajo; y abogacía de pobres del patrocinador. Armonice las leyes nacionales y las políticas con estándares internacionales de los derechos humanos; promueva la adopción y la puesta en práctica de derechos humanos y de estándares de trabajo; y la abogacía de pobres del patrocinador y la otra ayuda para las víctimas de las violaciones de derechos humanos. Apoye el trabajo de la Comisión nacional de derechos humanos. Integre los derechos humanos en el entrenamiento para los actores de sector de la seguridad, los profesores, los líderes de la sociedad civil, los periodistas, los líderes religiosos, y los oficiales del gobierno.
Peace and Reconciliation Processes Paz y procesos de reconciliación Support and strengthen negotiation processes and implement peace and reconciliation processes, accords and ceasefire agreements at track levels 1, 2 and 3, including support to indigenous peacebuilding efforts. Illustrative activities include negotiation training; platform development; public opinion polling; facilitation activities; elder statesperson engagement; provision of international expert advice and knowledge; financial support to parties; multi-stakeholder dialogues; assistance with the design of peacebuilding training programs; support and maintenance of agreed verification mechanisms; support to complaint tracking mechanisms; and work with local and national government representatives to connect to their constituencies. This includes support to locally-driven peace processes and conflict mitigation strategies in order to address grievances, build community cohesion, strengthen the relationship between the community, local, and national government stakeholders and support local conflict resolution mechanisms, including mediation and community dialogues. Reconciliation processes may involve: dialogue processes with trained facilitators, engagement of religious and/or community leaders, the utilization of local cultural practices, reconciliation commissions, media/ expressive and/or performing arts such as theater and TV/ radio shows with culturally specific and targeted story lines and/or other educational activities. Support the media, both traditional and social media, during conflict to peace transitions in order to ensure balance, transparency, and accountability and amplify positive peace messages. Includes: supporting innovative media programs that inform and prepare people to accept the outcome of credible negotiations and encourage them to engage in peace efforts; creating better understanding between parties or identity groups and their followers including providing forums for dialogue; educating the public about negotiation or democratic proc Apoye y fortalezca los procesos de la negociación y ejecutar paz y los procesos de reconciliación, los acuerdos y los acuerdos del alto el fuego en los niveles 1, 2 y 3 de la pista, incluyendo ayuda a esfuerzos indígenas de la construcción de la paz. Las actividades ilustrativas incluyen el entrenamiento de la negociación; desarrollo de la plataforma; interrogación de opinión pública; actividades de la facilitación; compromiso del statesperson de la anciano; disposición del asesoramiento y del conocimiento internacionales de experto; ayuda financiera a los partidos; diálogos del multi-tenedor; ayuda con el diseño de programas de entrenamiento de la construcción de la paz; ayuda y mantenimiento de los mecanismos estados de acuerdo de la verificación; ayuda a la denuncia que sigue mecanismos; y trabajo con los representantes gubernamentales locales y nacionales a conectar con sus distritos electorales. Esto incluye la ayuda a los procesos de paz y a las estrategias local-conducidos de la mitigación del conflicto para dirigir agravios, construir la cohesión de la comunidad, fortalecer la relación entre la comunidad, local, y los tenedores del gobierno nacional y apoyar mecanismos locales de la resolución de conflicto, incluyendo la mediación y diálogos de la comunidad. Los procesos de reconciliación pueden implicar: procesos del diálogo con los facilitadores entrenados, compromiso de religioso y/o dirigentes de la comunidad, la utilización de prácticas culturales locales, comisiones de la reconciliación, artes expresivas e interpretativas de los medios tales como teatro y programas radiofónicos de la TV con los argumentos cultural específicos y apuntados y/o otras actividades educativas. Apoye los medios tradicionales y sociales de los medios, durante conflicto a las transiciones de la paz para asegurar la balanza, la transparencia, y la responsabilidad y amplificar mensajes positivos de la paz. Incluye: programas innovadores favorables de los medios que informan y preparan a gente para aceptar el resultado de negociaciones creíbles y para animarles a que enganchen a esfuerzos de paz; creando una mejor comprensión entre los partidos o grupos de la identidad y sus seguidores incluyendo el abastecimiento de los foros para el diálogo; educación del público sobre la negociación o el proc democrático
Human Rights PIO Grant I Derechos humanos PIO Grant I (Colombia): .Through a grant to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNOHCHR), USAID/Colombia supports efforts to contribute to peacebuilding and promoting and protecting human rights. With FY 2018 funding, USAID will continue to support three areas: 1) aid to communities disproportionately affected by human rights abuses to rebuild the social fabric destroyed by human rights related violence; 2) promotion of dialogue among civil society, government, and businesses to empower communities and strengthen institutions' ability to meet human rights obligations, and use mediation to mitigate the excessive use of force while preventing human rights abuses; and 3) provision of technical assistance to institutions (including indigenous authorities) and private sector entities to integrate human rights standards into public policies, decision-making processes, and business models. Technical assistance provided to GOC institutions such as the Fiscal's Special Unit to investigate human rights-related crimes and those against human rights defenders will be customized to include training, analyses, and support to develop/implement human rights plans. This will directly contribute to the USG Mission Goal of advancing Colombia's capacity to strengthen governance and transition to a sustainable and inclusive peace. UNOHCH operates a national program with offices in 17 regions. Due to its extensive field presence and networks, UNOHCHR is able to monitor violations of human rights and breaches of humanitarian law in remote areas. It is widely respected and regarded as credible and independent by different actors countrywide; its work and reputation have uniquely positioned it to facilitate and foster dialogue between the GOC and civil society regarding sensitive issues. UNOHCHR's comparative advantages are widely recognized, and following the parameters established in ADS 308, USAID/Colombia awarded a Program Contribution Grant to UNOHCHR without competition.. (Colombia):. Con una concesión a la oficina de la O.N.U del alto comisario para los derechos humanos (UNOHCHR), USAID/Colombia apoya esfuerzos para contribuir a la construcción de la paz y a los derechos humanos que promueven y de protecciones. Con la financiación 2018 del FY, USAID continuará apoyando tres áreas: 1) la ayuda a las comunidades afectadas desproporcionado por abusos de derechos humanos para reconstruir el tejido social destruido por derechos humanos relacionó violencia; 2) promoción del diálogo entre sociedad civil, el gobierno, y los negocios para autorizar a comunidades y para fortalecer la capacidad de las instituciones de hacer frente a obligaciones de los derechos humanos, y a la mediación del uso de atenuar el uso de la fuerza excesivo mientras que previene abusos de derechos humanos; y 3) disposición de la asistencia técnica a las instituciones (autoridades indígenas incluyendo) y a las entidades del sector privado de integrar estándares de los derechos humanos en órdenes públicos, procedimientos de toma de decisión, y modelos comerciales. La asistencia técnica proporcionada a las instituciones de GOC tales como la unidad especial fiscal para investigar crímenes derecho-relacionados humanos y ésos contra defensores de los derechos humanos será modificada para requisitos particulares para incluir el entrenamiento, análisis, y apoya convertirse/para ejecutar planes de los derechos humanos. Esto contribuirá directamente a la meta de la misión de USG de avanzar la capacidad de Colombia de fortalecer gobierno y la transición a una paz sostenible e inclusiva. UNOHCH actúa un programa nacional con las oficinas en 17 regiones. Debido a su presencia y redes extensas, UNOHCHR del campo puede supervisar violaciones de los derechos humanos e infracciones de la ley humanitaria en áreas remotas. Es respetada y mirada extensamente como creíble y independiente por diversos actores nacionales; su trabajo y reputación la han colocado únicamente para facilitar y para fomentar diálogo entre el GOC y la sociedad civil con respecto a temas delicados. Las ventajas comparativas de UNOHCHR se reconocen extensamente, y después de los parámetros establecidos en ADS 308, USAID/Colombia concedió una contribución Grant del programa a UNOHCHR sin la competencia. Objectives for Colombia: OHCHR is planning to expand coverage to areas critically affected by violence, which includes Barrancabermeja, Arauca, Apartadó, San Jose del Guaviare and Monteria. The USAID and UN program will span from December 2016 – October 2019. COMPONENTS: Monitoring the Human Rights Situation in Outlying Regions, Observation and analysis of the human rights situation allows OHCHR to provide evidence-based advice to Government of Colombia (GOC), so that they can adjust human rights policies and take necessary effective actions. Supporting Prioritized Communities: OHCHR identifies, addresses and monitors the human rights needs of those disproportionally affected by the conflict, or by violence due to ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, geographic location and other reasons. Promoting Social Dialogue: OHCHR promotes dialogue among social sectors, communities, government institutions and businesses. Providing Technical Assistance to Institutions and Businesses: OHCHR assists public institutions, including indigenous authorities, and private companies with integrating human rights standards into public policies, decision-making processes, and business models. The program supports the GOC in the implementation of the peace accord with the FARC by monitoring the compliance of human rights commitments; providing technical assistance with regard to security guarantees for communities and social leaders; and providing evidence-based recommendations to government institutions with respect to the implementation of the special jurisdiction for peace and the victims’ chapter.
Global Development Alliances (GDA) Terra Bella Alianzas globales del desarrollo (GDA) Terra Bella (Colombia): .Terra Bella Colombia Fund (TBCF) is a public-private partnership (GDA) implemented through an investment fund which aims to provide financing to 3-5 small holders' agricultural projects with a proven impact on reducing greenhouse gases to help mitigate the impact of climate change. The first closure of this fund is planned at $12.8 million.Through its investments in a grant-based technical fund, TBCF works with local non-governmental organizations, cooperatives, and community associations to achieve the following objectives: 1) strengthen smallholders' technical capacity to produce high-value crops/non-timber forest products, increase productivity, and contribute to climate change mitigation while generating income streams; 2) improve smallholder access to finance and business management; 3) increase investment capital to smallholders for sustainable landscape management; and 4) expand institutional capacity to address climate change issues...GCC-SL ($2,500,000).. (Colombia):. Terra Bella Colombia Fund (TBCF) es una sociedad pública-privado (GDA) ejecutó a través de un fondo de inversión que apunte proveer del financiamiento a los 3-5 proyectos agrícolas de los pequeños tenedores un impacto probado en la reducción de los gases de efecto invernadero para ayudar a atenuar el impacto del cambio de clima. El primer cierre de este fondo se planea en $12,8 millones. Con sus inversiones en un fondo técnico concesión-basado, TBCF trabaja con organizaciones no gubernamentales, cooperativas, y asociaciones comunitarias locales para alcanzar los objetivos siguientes: 1) fortalece la capacidad técnica de los minifundistas de producir cosechas/los productos de bosque de alto valor de la no-madera, productividad del aumento, y contribuye a la mitigación del cambio de clima mientras que genera corrientes de la renta; 2) mejora el acceso del minifundista a la gestión de las finanzas y de negocio; 3) capital de inversión del aumento a los minifundistas para la gestión de paisaje sostenible; y 4) ampliar capacidad institucional de abordar los problemas... GCC-SL ($2.500.000) del cambio de clima.
Victims Participation and Collective Reparation (VPCR) (CODHES extension) Participación de las víctimas y reparación de la colectividad (VPCR) (extensión de CODHES) (Colombia): Please see PPARM narrative...This activity contributes to Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Earmark with the amount of $1,000,000.. (Colombia): Vea por favor que narrativa de PPARM... que esta actividad contribuye a la reserva Afro-colombiana e indígena con la cantidad de $1.000.000. Objectives for Colombia: The objective of the Inclusive Services for the Population Affected by the Armed Conflict activity is to strengthen the capacity of public institutions, non-governmental organizations, community leaders and community-based organizations to ensure access to sexual, reproductive, and health services for conflict victims and other vulnerable populations. This includes educating the populations on their rights, and on the services being provided to them. In addition, the program strengthens local governments’ and communities’ capabilities to combat the spread of Zika and care for those already affected by the virus.
HED Partnership: Colombia Human Rights Law School Partnership Program Sociedad de HED: Programa de la sociedad de la facultad de derecho de los derechos humanos de Colombia The partnerships under this Associate Award support the ongoing initiatives of the Government of Colombia and USAID/Colombia to improve respect for and protection of human and basic rights. Specific objectives of this program are to: 1) Strengthen the institutional capacity of Colombian law schools to train future legal practitioners in human rights by introducing or strengthening curriculum in human rights as well as experiential models of legal education, such as clinics and externships; 2) Enhance the outreach capacity of regional law schools to better serve vulnerable populations with limited access to or knowledge of the legal system through the creation of cross-regional law school human rights networks; and 3) Equip future legal professionals with an understanding of national and international standards of human rights and the skills to support human rights reform in Colombia HED is supporting three partnerships involving eight Colombian law schools in three regions: Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and the Caribbean Coast under this Associate Award. Las sociedades bajo este premio del socio apoyan las iniciativas en curso del gobierno de Colombia y de USAID/Colombia para mejorar el respecto por y la protección de derechos humanos y fundamentales. Los objetivos específicos de este programa están a: 1) fortalece la capacidad institucional de facultades de derecho colombianas de entrenar a los médicos legales futuros en derechos humanos introduciendo o fortaleciendo plan de estudios en derechos humanos así como modelos experimentales de la educación legal, tales como clínicas y externships; 2) aumenta supera la capacidad de facultades de derecho regionales de mejorar las poblaciones vulnerables del servicio con el acceso limitado a o el conocimiento del sistema legislativo a través de la creación de las redes cruz-regionales de los derechos humanos de la facultad de derecho; y 3) equipa a los profesionales legales futuros de una comprensión de nacional y los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos y de las habilidades de apoyar reforma de los derechos humanos en Colombia HED están apoyando tres sociedades que implican ocho facultades de derecho colombianas en tres regiones: Antioquia, Valle del Cauca y la costa del Caribe bajo este premio del socio.
Labor Union Strengthening Project Sindicato que fortalece proyecto (Colombia): Promoting a culture of respect for worker's rights is an important priority of both the GOC and the USG. For the transition to formal labor relations and effective rule of law to succeed, institutional strengthening and cultural changes are necessary. Focused and well-planned demand-side pressure will support reforms that complement the Labor Action Plan and translate into even greater improvements in labor rights. This activity is building the organizational and technical capacity of workers and their organizations to participate in consolidating institutional changes that press for implementation of new standards, provide proposals to advance labor rights, and promote inclusion of vulnerable worker populations. It also seeks to engage the GOC in promoting a culture of respect for labor laws and the rights of worker organizations. Funding for this activity is $3,000,000 over three years, from April 2012 to April 2015. (Colombia): Promover una cultura del respecto por las derechas del trabajador es una prioridad importante del GOC y del USG. Para la transición a las relaciones laborales formales y al Estado de Derecho eficaz a tener éxito, el fortalecer institucional y los cambios culturales son necesarios. La presión enfocada y bien pensada de la demanda apoyará las reformas que complementan el plan de actuación de trabajo y lo traducen incluso a mayores mejoras en los derechos laborales. Esta actividad está construyendo la capacidad de organización y técnica de trabajadores y de sus organizaciones de participar en la consolidación de los cambios institucionales que reclaman la puesta en práctica de nuevos estándares, para proporcionar ofertas para avanzar los derechos laborales, y promueve la inclusión de las poblaciones vulnerables del trabajador. También intenta dedicar el GOC a promover una cultura del respecto por leyes laborales y las derechas de las organizaciones del trabajador. La financiación para esta actividad es $3.000.000 durante tres años, de abril de 2012 a abril de 2015.
Human Rights Activity Actividad de los derechos humanos (Colombia): .Human rights abuses marked Colombia's five-decade conflict.and have continued at alarming rates since the signing of the 2016 Peace.Accord. Human rights defenders and social leaders, who play an essential.role in bringing just and sustainable peace to Colombia, are increasingly.targeted by criminal groups. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought.new human rights challenges, as criminal groups increase social control in.already vulnerable communities... ..USAID/Colombia's Human Rights Activity (HRA) works to.advance a culture of civic rights, prevent human rights abuses, and provide.meaningful and effective responses to human rights violations. With FY.2020 funding, this activity will address the needs of groups, communities and.individuals disproportionately affected by human rights abuses, including.indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities; women and youth; migrants; LGBTI.persons; human rights defenders and social leaders; local journalists; and.conflict victims. HRA will provide technical assistance to the.Ombudsman's Early Warning System, Inter-Institutional Commission to Respond to.Early Alerts, National Protection Unit, Colombian National Police, and.sub-national governments to improve human rights protection, prevention, and.guarantees of non-repetition. HRA also will reduce stigmatization of.human rights defenders and social leaders and increase dialogue between.government and civil society actors. .. ..HRA contributes to the Integrated Country Strategy Mission.Goal of advancing Colombia's capacity to strengthen governance and transition.to a sustainable and inclusive peace. It helps Colombia on its Journey to.Self-Reliance by strengthening human rights protections, particularly for.vulnerable populations. .. (Colombia):. Los abusos de derechos humanos marcaron el cinco décadas conflict.and de Colombia han continuado a las tarifas alarmantes desde la firma de los 2016 Peace.Accord. Los defensores de los derechos humanos y los líderes sociales, que juegan un essential.role en traer apenas y paz sostenible a Colombia, son increasingly.targeted de los grupos criminales. Además, el pandémico COVID-19 tiene desafíos de los derechos humanos de brought.new, pues los grupos criminales aumentan a comunidades vulnerables sociales del control in.already... . los trabajos to.advance de la actividad de los derechos humanos de .USAID/Colombia (HRA) una cultura de las derechas cívicas, previenen abusos de derechos humanos, y las respuestas de provide.meaningful y eficaces a las violaciones de derechos humanos. Con la financiación FY.2020, esta actividad dirigirá las necesidades de los grupos, comunidades and.individuals afectadas desproporcionado por los abusos de derechos humanos, including.indigenous y comunidades Afro-colombianas; mujeres y juventud; nómadas; LGBTI.persons; defensores de los derechos humanos y líderes sociales; periodistas locales; víctimas de and.conflict. HRA proporcionará asistencia técnica a. El sistema de alerta rápida del Defensor del Pueblo, Comisión interinstitucional a responder a. Alarmas tempranas, unidad nacional de la protección, policía nacional colombiana, gobiernos de and.sub-national para mejorar la protección de los derechos humanos, prevención, and.guarantees de la no-repetición. HRA también reducirá a defensores de las derechas de la estigmatización of.human y los líderes sociales y el diálogo between.government del aumento y los actores de la sociedad civil. ....HRA contribuye a la estrategia integrada Mission.Goal del país de avanzar la capacidad de Colombia de fortalecer gobierno y transition.to una paz sostenible e inclusiva. Ayuda a Colombia en su viaje a. Independencia fortaleciendo las protecciones de los derechos humanos, particularmente poblaciones de for.vulnerable. Objectives for Colombia: USAID’s Human Rights Activity (HRA) works closely with GOC and civil society organizations in the seven conflict-affected regions of Antioquia, Córdoba, Tolima, Cauca, Nariño, Meta and Caquetá. The activity closely monitors the rapidly shifting regional dynamics impacting vulnerable populations and focuses efforts on those most in need. HRA is implemented by Chenomics and runs from April 2016 – April 2019.
USAID Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA) Actividad del fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil de USAID (CSSA) (Colombia): USAID/Colombia's Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA) aims to strengthen the advocacy and oversight capacity of Colombian civil society organizations (CSOs). Following 52 years of conflict, the collective psychology of communities has been severely affected. This activity aims to build or rebuild the social fabric of conflict-affected communities to move beyond past atrocities by focusing on socio-political strengthening to ensure better governance in areas affected by poverty, inequity, illicit economies, and conflict. With FY 2018 funds, CSSA will: 1) provide technical assistance to 100 civil society organizations to improve their administration and operations, internal controls, human resources and financial systems, and advocacy capacity; 2) enable 17 Intermediary Support Organizations to deliver effective organizational strengthening services, and expand the range, quality, and geographic scope of services they provide to other civil society organizations; and, 3) provide technical assistance and grants to support CSO's efforts to advocate for improved laws, policies, and services in the areas of human rights, access to justice, local governance, and political participation. This activity is implemented through a local partner, builds self-reliance through local capacity building, and directly contributes to the USG Mission Objective to extend the effective presence of democratic institutions and processes in targeted areas. (Colombia): La actividad del fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil de USAID/Colombia (CSSA) apunta fortalecer la capacidad de la defensa y del descuido de las organizaciones colombianas de la sociedad civil (CSOs). Después de 52 años de conflicto, la psicología colectiva de comunidades se ha afectado seriamente. Esta actividad apunta construir o reconstruir el tejido social de comunidades conflicto-afectadas para moverse más allá de atrocidades del pasado centrándose en el fortalecimiento sociopolítico para asegurar un mejor gobierno en las áreas afectadas por la pobreza, la injusticia, economías ilícitas, y conflicto. Con los fondos del FY 2018, CSSA: 1) proporciona asistencia técnica a 100 organizaciones de la sociedad civil de mejorar su administración y operaciones, los controles internos, los recursos humanos y los sistemas financieros, y capacidad de la defensa; 2) permite a 17 organizaciones de apoyo intermediarias entregar servicios que fortalecen de organización eficaces, y amplía la gama, la calidad, y el alcance geográfico de servicios que proporcionan a otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil; y, 3) proporciona asistencia técnica y concesiones de apoyar esfuerzos del CSO para abogar para las leyes mejoradas, las políticas, y los servicios en las áreas de derechos humanos, el acceso a la justicia, el gobierno local, y la participación política. Esta actividad se ejecuta a través de un socio local, construye independencia con desarrollo de capacidades local, y contribuye directamente al objetivo de misión de USG para ampliar la presencia eficaz de instituciones democráticas y de procesos en áreas apuntadas. Objectives for Colombia: USAID/Colombia’s Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA) is a four-year program aimed at improving relationships between Colombian citizens, civil society organizations and government institutions. CSSA enhances the organizational capacity of 100 civil society organizations in Colombia, including 78 grass-roots organizations and 17 Intermediate Support Organizations (ISOs) in 39 targeted areas, as well as five national-level civil society organizations (CSOs).
Electoral Process Activity (MOE) Actividad de proceso electoral (MOE) (Colombia): USAID/Colombia's Electoral Process Activity (EPA) aims to strengthen the quality and transparency of electoral processes. It will support citizen oversight and electoral observation and provide governmental institutions with high-quality analysis on electoral irregularities. EPA will also support civil society and media to advocate for increased political participation.. .FY 2017 funds will be used to support the Misión de Observación Electoral (MOE)'s pre-election monitoring, the deployment of domestic electoral observers on election days, and post-electoral analysis. EPA will cover four national elections in 2018 and local elections in 2019, as well as other atypical elections. The program will also develop regional context analyses. (Colombia): La actividad de proceso electoral de USAID/Colombia (EPA) apunta fortalecer la calidad y la transparencia de procesos electorales. Apoyará descuido del ciudadano y la observación electoral y proveerá de las instituciones gubernamentales el análisis de alta calidad en irregularidades electorales. EPA también apoyará la sociedad civil y medios para abogar para la participación política creciente. Los fondos de .FY 2017 serán utilizados para apoyar el Misió n de Observació supervisión electoral de la pre-elección de s de n (MOE) ', el despliegue de observadores electorales nacionales el días de elección, y análisis postelectoral. EPA cubrirá cuatro elecciones nacionales en 2018 y las elecciones locales en 2019, así como otras elecciones anormales. El programa también desarrollará análisis regionales del contexto.
Artisanal Gold Mining Minería aurífera artesanal (Colombia): .The Artisanal Gold Mining (AGM) activity will improve the environmental performance of small-scale gold mining operations in select departments in alignment with the peace zones. AGM will formalize resources that otherwise would have been managed by domestic and transnational crime groups, while improving environmental practices and small scale gold mining. Where safe mining practices are not economically or environmentally feasible, the program will support alternative livelihoods to reduce the negative impacts of illegal mining in sensitive areas. The AGM will work with national, regional, and local governments and appropriate private sector partners to strengthen their capacity to address the environmental liabilities of illegal gold mining operation and increase the formalization of small and medium gold mining operations. AGM will engage with rural and Afro-Colombian communities, the private sector, and the government to: a) provide technical assistance and support to legalize and formalize mining operations which pay taxes, royalties, and social security; b) eliminate mercury from mining operations; c) rehabilitate areas affected by former mining operations with vegetation; d) improve sustainable management of forest reducing/sequestering emissions and preserving drinking water; e) provide technical assistance and support to alternative livelihoods based on local value chains with potential; and f) increasing the demand for sustainably sourced gold. The AGM activity directly contributes to the USG Mission Objective of improving conditions for inclusive rural economic growth, sustainable development, and inclusive peace. $1,000,000 will be supporting the FY 2019 SFOAA-legislated Colombian Sustainable Landscapes Environment earmark..... . (Colombia):. La actividad artesanal de la minería aurífera (AGM) mejorará el funcionamiento medioambiental de las operaciones a escala reducida de la minería aurífera en departamentos selectos en la alineación de las zonas de la paz. AGM formalizará los recursos que habrían sido manejados de otra manera por los grupos de crimen nacional y transnacional, mientras que mejora prácticas ambientales y la minería aurífera de la pequeña escala. Donde no están las prácticas de la minería segura económicamente o ambientalmente posible, el programa apoyará sustentos alternativos para reducir los impactos negativos de la explotación minera ilegal en áreas delicadas. AGM trabajará con gobiernos nacionales, regionales, y locales y socios apropiados del sector privado para fortalecer su capacidad de dirigir las responsabilidades ambientales de la operación ilegal de la minería aurífera y de aumentar la formalización de las operaciones pequeñas y medias de la minería aurífera. AGM se involucrará con las comunidades rurales y Afro-colombianas, el sector privado, y al gobierno a: a) proporciona asistencia técnica y la ayuda de legalizar y de formalizar las minerías que pagan impuestos, derechos, y la Seguridad Social; b) elimina el mercurio de minerías; c) rehabilita las áreas afectadas por minerías anteriores con la vegetación; d) mejora la gestión sostenible de la reducción/que secuestra del bosque emisiones y que preserva el agua potable; e) proporciona asistencia técnica y la ayuda a los sustentos alternativos basados en cadenas de valores locales de potencial; y f) aumentando la demanda para el oro sostenible originario. La actividad de AGM contribuye directamente al objetivo de misión de USG de mejorar las condiciones para el desarrollo económico rural inclusivo, el desarrollo sostenible, y la paz inclusiva. $1.000.000 apoyarán el FY 2019 SFOAA-legislaron reserva sostenible colombiana del ambiente de los paisajes ..... .
Gender Sensitive Response Support Ayuda que tiene en cuenta el factor de igualdad de la respuesta The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a gender-sensitive response to migration at the Venezuelan border through support for the Government of Colombias response to the population influx from Venezuela. This activity will improve local and national health systems to enhance prevention, protection and attention to gender-based violence, combating xenophobia and discrimination against migrant women, as well as addressing and transforming social and institutional tolerance to this problem. El propósito de este acuerdo es proporcionar una respuesta que tiene en cuenta el factor de igualdad a la migración en la frontera venezolana a través de la ayuda para el gobierno de la respuesta de Colombias a la afluencia de la población de Venezuela. Esta actividad mejorará los sistemas locales y nacionales de la salud para aumentar la prevención, protección y atención a la violencia basada en las diferencias entre los sexos, xenofobia de lucha y discriminación contra mujeres migratorias, así como dirigiendo y transformando tolerancia social e institucional a este problema.
More Investment for Sustainable Alternative Development/Ms Inversin para el Desarrollo Alternativo Sostenible (MIDAS) Más inversión para el EL alternativo sostenible Desarrollo Alternativo Sostenible (MIDAS) de Development/Ms Inversin para The Government of Colombia (GOC) has undertaken an integrated effort that has substantially driven the illegal armed groups out of the more populated parts of Colombia, and the proposed effort will focus upon galvanizing strategic private sector response apacity to the economic growth opportunities and challenges associated with a healthier macroeconomic setting and an integrated trade/investment environment. USAID/Colombias Agriculture and Alternative Development Office (AADO) under the Additional Investment for Sustainable Alternative Development Program (Ms Inversin para el Desarrollo Alternativo Sostenible (MIDAS) is one of the primary vehicles designed to address these issues. The objective of MIDAS is to generate socioeconomic alternatives to illicit crop production by promoting market-driven, private sector-led business initiatives in pre-defined economic corridors throughout Colombia, as well as to enhance the competitiveness of the Colombian economy by promoting sturdier policy and institutional reforms to maximize the employment generation and income growth. El gobierno de Colombia (GOC) ha emprendido un esfuerzo integrado que ha conducido substancialmente a los grupos armados ilegales de las partes pobladas de Colombia, y el esfuerzo propuesto se enfocará sobre la galvanización de apacity estratégico de la respuesta del sector privado a las oportunidades y a los desafíos del desarrollo económico asociados a un ajuste macroeconómico más sano y a un ambiente integrado del comercio/de inversión. Agricultura y oficina alternativa del desarrollo (AADO) de USAID/Colombias bajo inversión adicional para el programa de desarrollo alternativo sostenible (EL Desarrollo Alternativo Sostenible (MIDAS) del ms Inversin para es uno de los vehículos primarios diseñados para abordar estos problemas. El objetivo del MIDAS es generar alternativas socioeconómicas a la producción vegetal ilícita promoviendo iniciativas sector-llevadas del mercado, privadas del negocio en pasillos económicos predefinidos en Colombia, así como aumentar la competitividad de la economía colombiana promoviendo una política más robusta y reformas institucionales para maximizar la generación del empleo y el crecimiento de la renta.
Enabling Environment for Civil Society Permisión del ambiente para la sociedad civil Establish legal and regulatory frameworks that protect the freedom of association and assembly and that promote an enabling environment that protects and promotes civil society and citizen participation. This includes but is not limited to ensuring that legal frameworks enable CSOs to form and operate freely, promoting the sustainability of the CSO sector (e.g., philanthropy and tax concessions for CSOs, access to resources, volunteering), and supporting public participation around changes to legal frameworks and their implementation (e.g., public hearings, instructional seminars, and conferences). This aspect also includes strengthening advocacy, networks, grassroots coalitions, and public support for reforms related to the enabling environment for civil society. This does not include funding for activities carried out by civil society related to Rule of Law, Human Rights, or Political Competition, which are captured by areas DR.1.2 Culture of Lawfulness, DR.1.5 Fairness and Access to Justice, and DR.3.3 Political Parties.Strengthen the organizational capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for policy analysis and oversight, advocacy, coalition-building, internal governance, membership representation and services, and providing sustainable services that consistently meet the needs, priorities, and expectations of their constituents and communities. Areas of capacity development may include, but are not limited to, technical expertise (e.g., democracy, legal reform, standards of care); CSO self-regulation (e.g., establishing CSO Codes of Conduct); organizational capacity (e.g., strategic planning, financial management and accountability, public relations and outreach, revenue generation, accountable fundraising, constituency relations, member services, relationship management, learning and adaptation); and advocacy training.Support activities that advance citizen engagement to hold governments accountable and to participate actively in economic, political, go Establezca los marcos legales y reguladores que protegen la libertad de asociación y de asamblea y que promueven un ambiente de permisión que proteja y promueva la participación de la sociedad civil y del ciudadano. Esto incluye pero no se limita a asegurarse de que los marcos jurídicos permiten a CSOs formar y actuar libremente, promoviendo la continuidad del sector del CSO (e.g., filantropía y las concesiones de impuesto para CSOs, acceso a los recursos, ofreciéndose voluntariamente), y a apoyar la participación pública alrededor de cambios a los marcos jurídicos y a su puesta en práctica (e.g., vistas públicas, seminarios educacionales, y conferencias). Este aspecto también incluye fortalecer defensa, redes, coaliciones grassroots, y la ayuda pública para las reformas relacionadas con el ambiente de permisión para la sociedad civil. Esto no incluye la financiación para las actividades realizadas por la sociedad civil relacionada para Estado de Derecho, los derechos humanos, o la competencia política, que son capturadas por la cultura de las áreas DR.1.2 de la legitimidad, imparcialidad DR.1.5 y tener acceso a la justicia, y DR.3.3 Parties.Strengthen político la capacidad de organización de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil (CSOs) para el análisis y descuido de política, defensa, coalición-edificio, gobierno interno, representación y los servicios de la calidad de miembro, y proporcionar los servicios sostenibles que resuelven constantemente las necesidades, las prioridades, y las expectativas de sus componentes y comunidades. Las áreas del desarrollo de la capacidad no se pueden incluir, sino limitar a, experto técnico (e.g., democracia, reforma legal, asistencias estándars); Autorregulación del CSO (e.g., estableciendo códigos de conducta del CSO); capacidad de organización (e.g., el planeamiento estratégico, gestión financiera y responsabilidad, relaciones públicas y supera, generación de los ingresos, el fundraising responsable, las relaciones del distrito electoral, los servicios del miembro, gestión de la relación, aprendizaje y adaptación); y entrenamiento de la defensa. Actividades de la ayuda que va el compromiso anticipado del ciudadano para llevar a cabo a gobiernos responsables y a participar activamente en económico, político,
Implementation of Low Emission Development Strategies Desarrollo alternativo y sustentos alternativos Supports the implementation of geographically-based projects or programs to advance low emission development strategies in the land-use sector and/or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) approaches. This includes developing and implementing enabling policies, laws, and regulations; building the capacity of institutions to implement low emission development; developing safeguard information systems and grievance redress mechanisms; establishing economic incentives for land use practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and supporting REDD+ projects intended to generate verified emissions reductions, sustainable land use and agriculture projects that mitigate land-based emissions, projects to implement the land-sector elements of low emission development strategies, and similar activities. Anime la adopción de sustentos alternativos por ayuda técnica, legal, y de la política del abastecimiento como sea necesario; obtención de los vehículos, del combustible y del equipo/de los materiales relacionados; personales profesionales, técnicos y de la ayuda del entrenamiento; abastecimiento de expertos y de personales de la seguridad; promotores favorables a formar y a trabajar con los grupos que están suprimiendo cosechas de la droga; realización de estudios y de estudio de mercados científicos; desarrollar el sector privado, los empresarios o las pequeñas empresas; y proporcionando la ayuda a los mercados financieros y a la ayuda del crédito.
EVENSE DODGE EVENSE DODGE (Colombia): This Global Development Alliance (GDA) activity will mobilize at least $100 million of Colombian private investment that will be used to expand essential infrastructure, particularly in historically marginalized regions of the country. Assistance will support sub-national entities (SNEs) to improve their access to financing from Colombia's nascent municipal bond market and increase their capacity for effective project implementation.~ This activity provides technical assistance to selected SNEs to increase transparency in financial transactions, strengthen institutional capacity to effectively monitor project implementation, improve their credit quality, and structure their debt in a way that is more appealing for potential market investors, thereby lowering the cost of bond issuances.~ To achieve these goals, the activity assists SNEs in developing a variety of transaction models including cash flow financing, certificates of participation, commercial paper, general obligation bonds, land-secured bonds, pooled financings, and revenue bonds, among others. (Colombia): Esta actividad global de Alliance del desarrollo (GDA) movilizará por lo menos $100 millones de la inversión privada colombiana que será utilizada para ampliar la infraestructura esencial, particularmente en las regiones históricamente marginadas del país. La ayuda apoyará las entidades subnacionales (SNEs) para mejorar su acceso al financiamiento del mercado de obligaciones municipales naciente de Colombia y aumentar su capacidad para eficaz esta actividad del proyecto implementation.~ proporciona asistencia técnica a SNEs seleccionado de aumentar la transparencia en transacciones financieras, fortalecer capacidad institucional de supervisar con eficacia la ejecución del proyecto, de mejorar su calidad del crédito, y estructura su deuda de una manera que sea más atractivo para los inversores del mercado potencial, de tal modo bajando el coste de issuances.~ en enlace para alcanzar estas metas, la actividad ayuda a SNEs en desarrollar una variedad de modelos incluyendo el financiamiento del flujo de liquidez, certificados de participación, papel comercial, enlaces de obligación general, enlaces tierra-asegurados, financiamientos reunidos, y enlaces de la transacción de ingresos, entre otros.
BIO-REDD+ BIO-REDD+ (Colombia): The three-year $28 million BIO-REDD+ program assists Colombian organizations to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land use. Support includes Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)+ readiness, connecting communities to market-based financing, environmental governance/policy development at the national and sub-national level for climate change mitigation, and the establishment of public-private partnerships. BIO-REDD+ also supports Colombia in the development of their Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS). Activities include: policy reform for promotion of low carbon development strategies; design and implementation of the national REDD+ strategy and its Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) component; improvement of sustainable livelihoods as they relate to forest resources; and creating and fostering carbon credit exchanges. Bio-REDD+ also works in the formalization and legalization, as well as mercury reduction of small scale artisanal gold mining, as well as environmental recuperation of degraded areas by mining activities.FY 14 funding will include $1,272,000 of focused GCC - Sustainable Landscapes funds. This implementing mechanism will contribute towards Afro-Colombian earmark for the amount of $1.272.000 and this same amount will contribute towards Sustainable Landscape earmark. (Colombia): Las organizaciones colombianas de $28 millones BIO-REDD+ de las ayudas de tres años del programa para atenuar emisiones del gas de efecto invernadero (GHG) de la utilización del suelo. La ayuda incluye la reducción de emisiones de la tala de árboles y de Forest Degradation (REDD) + disposición, conectando comunidades con el financiamiento basado en el mercado, el desarrollo ambiental del gobierno/de política en el nivel nacional y subnacional para la mitigación del cambio de clima, y el establecimiento de sociedades públicas-privado. BIO-REDD+ también apoya Colombia en el desarrollo de su estrategia de desarrollo baja de las emisiones (LED). Las actividades incluyen: reforma de la política para la promoción de estrategias de desarrollo con poco carbono; diseño y puesta en práctica de la estrategia nacional de REDD+ y de su componente de la supervisión, de la información y de la verificación (MRV); mejora de sustentos sostenibles como se relacionan con los recursos del bosque; y creando y fomentando intercambios del crédito del carbono. Bio-REDD+ también trabaja en la formalización y la legalización, así como la reducción del mercurio de la minería aurífera artesanal de la pequeña escala, así como la recuperación ambiental de áreas degradadas minando la financiación de activities.FY 14 incluirá $1.272.000 de GCC enfocado - fondos sostenibles de los paisajes. Este mecanismo ejecutivo contribuirá a la reserva Afro-colombiana para la cantidad de $1.272.000 y esta misma cantidad contribuirá a reserva sostenible del paisaje.
Promote and Protect All Human Rights Promueva y proteja todos los derechos humanos As a project contribution, this activity will support OHCHRs mandate. OHCHR has identified six thematic pillars that guide their work to promote and protect all human rights. Advance sustainable development through human rights: OHCHR will provide technical assistance for the integration of international human rights standards into public policies related to rural areas, with a focus on issues such as the restitution, access, use, and ownership of land and territory by campesinos , Afro-Colombians, and indigenous peoples. Additionally, OHCHR will collaborate closely with the private sector, civil society and the state to implement the uns framework on business and human rights. Enhance equality and counter discrimination: OHCHR will continue to assist minority groups, including indigenous peoples, Afro-Colombians, women and LGBTQI+, to increase their participation in decision-making processes. In addition, the office will seek to support national authorities to combat discrimination by ensuring the adoption and compliance with adequate policy frameworks. Enhance participation and protect civic space: OHCHR will continue to work with Colombian state institutions and civil society organizations to strengthen their capacity to engage safely in constructive dialogue and promote participatory decision making scenarios, specially on public policies resulting from the implementation of the peace accord. Increase implementation of the outcomes of international human rights mechanisms: OHCHR will continue to provide technical support to civil society organizations, individuals, and un entities to submit their contributions to treaty bodies, special procedures and universal periodic reviews. OHCHR will continue to prepare and disseminate its annual report. Prevent violations and strengthen protection of human rights, including in situations of conflict and insecurity: OHCHR will provide technical assistance to Colombian state institutions responsibl Como contribución del proyecto, esta actividad apoyará el mandato de OHCHRs. OHCHR ha identificado seis pilares temáticos que dirigen su trabajo para promover y para proteger todos los derechos humanos. Desarrollo sostenible anticipado con derechos humanos: OHCHR proporcionará la asistencia técnica para la integración de los estándares internacionales de los derechos humanos en los órdenes públicos relacionados con las zonas rurales, de un foco en problemas tales como la restitución, el acceso, el uso, y la propiedad de la tierra y del territorio por campesinos, Afro-Colombians, y gente indígena. Además, OHCHR colaborará de cerca con el sector privado, la sociedad civil y el estado para ejecutar el marco de los uns en negocio y derechos humanos. Aumente la igualdad y la discriminación contraria: OHCHR continuará ayudando a los grupos minoritarios, incluyendo la gente indígena, Afro-Colombians, mujeres y LGBTQI+, para aumentar su participación en procedimientos de toma de decisión. Además, la oficina intentará apoyar autoridades nacionales para combatir la discriminación asegurando la adopción y la conformidad con los marcos de política adecuados. Aumente la participación y proteja el espacio cívico: OHCHR continuará trabajando con las instituciones colombianas del estado y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para fortalecer su capacidad de enganchar con seguridad a diálogo constructivo y de promover escenarios participantes de la toma de decisión, especialmente en órdenes públicos resultando de la puesta en práctica del acuerdo de paz. Aumente la puesta en práctica de los resultados de los mecanismos internacionales de los derechos humanos: OHCHR continuará proporcionando el soporte técnico a las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, a los individuos, y a las entidades de la O.N.U para someter sus contribuciones a los cuerpos del tratado, a los procedimientos especiales y a los estudios periódicos universales. OHCHR continuará preparando y difundiendo su informe anual. Prevenga las violaciones y fortalezca la protección de derechos humanos, incluyendo en situaciones del conflicto y de la inseguridad: OHCHR proporcionará asistencia técnica al responsibl colombiano de las instituciones del estado
CHILD SOLDIERS SOLDADOS DEL NIÑO This program is the third phase of a USAID initiative which began in 2001 to support the efforts of the Government of Colombia (GOC) to respond to the basic needs (health, education, stable family environment, right to identity, recreation, and security) of child ex-combatants and to prevent the further recruitment of children into the Colombian conflict. The 13-year program is a US$19 million cooperative agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM).In the current third phase (2011 to 2014), the program aims to further build the ICBFs capacity to assist an estimated 750 child ex-combatants, or disengaged children, work with the CIPRUNA to empower 12,000 children and youth in more than 50 municipalities (including high risk Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities) to resist recruitment by illegal armed groups (IAG), and strengthen nine key Government of Colombia agencies that directly support program functions. Este programa es la tercera fase de una iniciativa de USAID que comenzó en 2001 a apoyar los esfuerzos del gobierno de Colombia (GOC) para responder a las necesidades básicas (salud, educación, ambiente estable de la familia, la derecha a la identidad, reconstrucción, y seguridad) de los ex-combatientes del niño y para prevenir el reclutamiento posterior de niños en el conflicto colombiano. El programa de 13 años es un acuerdo de la cooperativa US$19 millón con la organización internacional para la migración (IOM). En la fase actual del tercero (2011 a 2014), el programa apunta construir más lejos la capacidad de ICBFs de ayudar ex-combatientes estimados a 750 de un niño, o los niños desunidos, trabajo con el CIPRUNA para autorizar a 12.000 niños y juventud en los más de 50 municipios (las comunidades indígenas y Afro-colombianas de alto riesgo incluyendo) para resistir el reclutamiento por los grupos armados ilegales (IAG), y fortalece al gobierno dominante nueve de las agencias de Colombia que apoyan directamente funciones del programa.
Producers to Market Alliance Activity (PMA) Productores para comercializar la actividad de Alliance (PMA) (Colombia): .USAID's Producers to Markets Alliance (PMA) strengthens legal economies by increasing the competitiveness of licit producers and the value of licit products in conflict-affected regions of the country still plagued by coca and poppy cultivation. By providing technical and marketing assistance to producers in promising alternative value chains (including cacao, coffee, dairy, natural latex, tropical fruits, and vegetables), USAID/Colombia will use FY 2019 funds to expand licit economic opportunities in regions that are critical to peace implementation. PMA solidifies business deals between producers and buyers to increase incomes and employment opportunities for smallholder farmers, including women heads of household and members of minority ethnic groups. The activity works with producers to increase market access; meet quality, timeliness, and price requirements; and improve adherence to sanitary standards by providing technical assistance and investments as important agricultural inputs. PMA also reduces production costs, increases yields, and develops handling and delivery schedules. By leveraging and mobilizing public and private financial resources, PMA is also facilitating investments in rural infrastructure that support key value chains. This activity directly contributes to the USG Mission Objective to improve conditions for inclusive rural economic growth and sustainable development.. (Colombia): Los productores de .USAID a los mercados Alliance (PMA) fortalecen economías legales aumentando la competitividad de productores lícitos y el valor de productos lícitos en las regiones conflicto-afectadas del país todavía plagado en el cultivo de la coca y de la amapola. Proporcionando ayuda técnica y de comercialización a los productores en el promesa de cadenas de valores alternativas (cacao incluyendo, café, lechería, látex natural, las frutas tropicales, y las verduras), USAID/Colombia utilizará fondos del FY 2019 para ampliar oportunidades económicas lícitas en las regiones que son críticas a la puesta en práctica de la paz. PMA solidifica los negocios entre los productores y los compradores para aumentar rentas y las posibilidades de empleo para los granjeros del minifundista, incluyendo cabezas de las mujeres de familia y miembros de los grupos étnicos de la minoría. La actividad trabaja con los productores para aumentar el acceso al mercado; cumpla la calidad, la puntualidad, y los requisitos del precio; y mejore la adherencia a los estándares sanitarios proporcionando asistencia técnica e inversiones como insumos agrícolas importantes. PMA también reduce los costes de producción, producciones de los aumentos, y desarrolla horario de la dirección y de entrega. Leveraging y movilizando recursos financieros públicos y privados, PMA también está facilitando las inversiones en infraestructura rural que apoyan las cadenas de valores dominantes. Esta actividad contribuye directamente al objetivo de misión de USG para mejorar las condiciones para el desarrollo económico rural inclusivo y el desarrollo sostenible. Objectives for Colombia: USAID’s Producers to Markets Alliance (PMA) seeks to strengthen legal economies in Colombia’s conflict-affected territories by increasing the competitiveness of licit producers and the value of licit products. Program Objectives: 1) Increase Export Sales By Connecting Producers to Markets. 2) Increase Production That Responds to Market Demand. 3) Increase Investment in Rural Infrastructure.
Inclusion for Peace Activity Inclusión para la actividad de la paz (Colombia): The Inclusion for Peace Activity (IPA) aims to foster social and economic inclusion of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities that have been disproportionately affected by armed conflict, as a means to advance peace and reconciliation in Colombia. With FY 2019 funds, IPA will continue building the capacity of civil society and governmental entities to ensure the sustainability of the initiatives already in implementation. IPA will continue to: 1) support capacity building for targeted ethnic civil society organizations to advocate locally and nationally for ethnic communities; 2) provide grants to ethnic grassroots organizations to implement bottom-up initiatives related to gender equality, organizational strengthening, and cultural heritage protection; 3) facilitate institutional strengthening plans for regional and local public institutions to enhance the government's efforts to respond to the needs of conflict-affected communities; 4) foster job placement opportunities and income generation initiatives; and 5) implement communication campaigns and anti-discrimination initiatives to increase awareness and respect for ethnic diversity. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) implements IPA due to its extensive experience in addressing the root causes of structural racism and systematic exclusionary practices, and it has strong relationships with the Government of Colombia, local civil society organizations, and ethnic communities across the country. IOM provides an additional cost-share above USAID minimum requirements, adding to USAID's investment in inclusive programming. FY 2019 funding will provide $10,500,000 for the SFOAA-legislated Afro-Colombian indigenous communities' earmark. This activity contributes to the USG Mission Goal to advance Colombia's capacity to strengthen governance and transition to a sustainable and inclusive peace and helps Colombia on its Journey to Self-Reliance by advancing social group equality.. (Colombia): La inclusión para la actividad de la paz (IPA) apunta fomentar la inclusión social y económica de las comunidades Afro-colombianas e indígenas que han sido afectadas desproporcionado por conflicto armado, como los medios de avanzar paz y la reconciliación en Colombia. Con los fondos del FY 2019, IPA continuará construyendo la capacidad de la sociedad civil y de entidades gubernamentales de asegurar la continuidad de las iniciativas ya en la puesta en práctica. IPA continuará a: 1) desarrollo de capacidades de la ayuda para que organizaciones étnicas apuntadas de la sociedad civil aboguen localmente y nacionalmente para las comunidades étnicas; 2) proporciona concesiones a las organizaciones grassroots étnicas para ejecutar las iniciativas ascendentes relacionadas con la igualdad de género, el fortalecimiento de organización, y la protección del patrimonio cultural; 3) facilita los planes que fortalecen institucionales para que las instituciones públicas regionales y locales aumenten los esfuerzos del gobierno para responder a las necesidades de comunidades conflicto-afectadas; 4) oportunidades del empleo e iniciativas adoptivas de la generación de renta; y 5) campañas de la comunicación del instrumento e iniciativas de la anti-discriminación para aumentar conciencia y el respecto para la diversidad étnica. La organización internacional para la migración (IOM) ejecuta IPA debido a su experiencia extensa en la dirección de las causas originales del racismo estructural y de las prácticas de exclusión sistemáticas, y la tiene relaciones fuertes con el gobierno de Colombia, de las organizaciones locales de la sociedad civil, y de las comunidades étnicas en todo el país. IOM proporciona una coste-parte adicional sobre los requisitos mínimos de USAID, añadiendo a la inversión de USAID en la programación inclusiva. La financiación 2019 del FY proporcionará $10.500.000 para la reserva de las comunidades indígenas Afro-colombianas SFOAA-legisladas. Esta actividad contribuye a la meta de la misión de USG para avanzar la capacidad de Colombia de fortalecer gobierno y la transición a una paz sostenible e inclusiva y ayuda a Colombia en su viaje a la independencia avanzando igualdad del grupo social. Objectives for Colombia: USAID’s Inclusion for Peace Activity (IPA) aims to foster the social and economic inclusion of Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities that have been disproportionally affected by the conflict as a means to advance peace and reconciliation in Colombia.
Strengthening the national transparency system in Brazil under the Paris Agreement (DataClima+) Strengthen the national transparency system in Brazil (DataClima+) for informing national policymaking and meeting the requirements of the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement. Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. This CBIT project is addressing GEF Focal Area Climate Mitigation 3-8 “Foster enabling conditions for mainstreaming mitigation concerns into sustainable development strategies through capacity building initiative for transparency”.The project will contribute to the improvement of local and global environmental conditions through enhancing the transparency related to GHG emissions, mitigation, adaptation, and means of implementation in Brazil. It will strengthen the institutional and technical capacities in the country for national reporting requirements under the commitment of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, such as the elaboration of Biennial Transparency Reports and National Communications, and the tracking and updating of its NDC. More specifically, it will improve the national capacities of Brazil to fulfil the MPGs of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. Furthermore, the project will improve gender mainstreaming activities in fundamental elements of Brazil’s climate change related policies and reports, such as the country’s NCs, NDC updates, adaptation plans and mitigation actions. It will define, design, and propose the necessary institutional arrangements for all the reporting processes to ensure that the capturing and reporting of essential climate transparency information and data is efficient and science based. The design and establishment of a functional transparency system with tools, guides, and protocols to monitor and evaluate (M&E) adaptation measures and monitor, report, and verify (MRV) mitigation actions, and support needed and received will additionally be supported.This CBIT project will therefore strengthen Brazil’s enabling environment and capacity to implement the MPGs of the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement by establishing the necessary institutional arrangements and by improving the national planning processes and instruments.The project will additionally ensure active engagement with national academia, research institutions, and public and private universities throughout the country to ensure the sustainability of the entire system and project outputs. Throughout the project, active engagement will be ensured through capacity building activities to ensure improved knowledge of relevant stakeholders and the sustainability of the project. The communication campaign in output 1.6 will create public awareness and will establish a channel for continuous stakeholder consultation, interaction, and engagement.DataClima+ will provide a better access to climate change information and allow monitoring for decision making. It will also allow to develop well informed viable strategies to increase resilience in marginalized communities of Brazil, which are particularly prone to climate hazards. Frequently affected by floods and landslides, these events have widespread implications for the economic, social, and psychological welfare of vulnerable communities. Responding effectively and timely to these risks requires the strategic combination of updated information and decision-making, thereby creatively linking the expertise, efforts and actions of diverse stakeholders, including local government, scientists, industry experts, and the communities themselves. To achieve this, DataClima+ represents an integrated tool of interconnectivity between the sectors and disciplines to manage climate change commitments and impacts.Finally, the CBIT project will assist Brazil in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and more specifically, SDG 13, by supporting the integration of climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning; building knowledge and improving education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change issues, and promotion of mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate change-related planning and management in the country.
Promoting integrated metropolitan planning and innovative urban technology investments in Brazil Brazilian metropolitan regions reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve biodiversity and achieve economic, social and environmental co-benefits through an integrated urban planning approach. Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. The GEF-7 project aims to generate social, economic and environmental benefits for Brazil and its citizens. The project objective makes reference to co-benefits that will be generated in addition to mitigation and biodiversity benefits. 1) Social Benefits The project aims to create significant social benefits for local city populations by applying an integrated approach which facilitates collaborative and participatory urban development, leading to more inclusive cities. For instance, the development of project plans and pilot investments will be designed through participatory processes in each city. This will ensure that the concerns, needs and priorities of residents, local communities and civil society organizations will be considered and incorporated in such interventions, leading to outcomes that respond to social needs. Project activities will improve the management of important urban issues such as transportation, sanitation and urban sprawl, leading to an improvement in people’s quality of life in the pilot metropolitan regions. This will include as with regards to health (low-emission transport, improved sanitation management), safety (reduced urban sprawl leading to more compact cities, with better provision of urban services including lighting and policing), and productivity (reduced travel times, greater safety). The development of platforms for the integration of municipal plans and data, and the strengthening of capacities for better metropolitan governance, are some examples of activities that can increase the population’s access to important public services. Furthermore, the developed climate mitigation plan will promote a low-emission development pathway, leading to reduced air contamination and consequently reduced negative health impacts upon the local community. Plans to promote the scale-up of low-emission zones focus on developing spaces that promote a more livable and people-focused space. These will be designed as places for people, rather than for transport thorough-fares. A second category of benefits, which in some cases can be translated, or converted, into economic terms (in others not), consists of the social benefits derived from increased access to green space, both within urban centers and in urban and nearby protected areas. The project’s support for green space establishment and conservation has the potential to make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of urban residents in each of the pilot cities. Benefits are associated with recreational opportunities that encourage residents to spend increased amount of time outdoors in natural surroundings. In addition to physical and health benefits associated with enhanced opportunities for exercise (walking, biking, etc.), a range of additional health and wellness benefits, including enhanced cognition, arise from the restorative benefits of nature exposure. As noted, such benefits have an economic component as well, via improved health and wellbeing and enhanced productivity. Another important benefit correlates specifically with the theme of gender – and inclusivity more broadly. Mapping opportunities, training on issues and addressing gender, in addition to fostering a governance structure that strengthens women’s action, give voice to vulnerably etc., can be a gateway to empowerment of women and other marginalized groups within the project’s sites (see also the gender analysis and action plan for details). One example is the support for sustainable value chains on the Combú Island Environmental Protection Area (Belém), which has a strong potential to contribute to the strengthening of female leadership, in addition to rescuing culture and traditions of riverine traditional populations in the region. 2) Economic Benefits Through its component 3, the project aims to directly lead to economic benefits for Brazilian municipalities by enhancing the availability of financial offer for investing in sustainable urban development. By having enhanced access to such public financing, municipalities will be able to increase investment, and attract greater private investment, for promoting the development of sustainable cities. Increased investment in urban infrastructure is a significant job-creator and stimulus for responding from economic downturns, which many Brazilian cities currently find themselves within. The project also focuses on creating economic benefits for civil society and the private sector. On the former, through the development of integrated plans in component 1, the project aims to lead to reduced travel times (through prioritization of public and non-motorized transport) and reduced energy usage costs (through uptake of efficiency measures) for communities, resulting in increased productivity and household savings. The project also aims to directly kick-start new economic opportunities for the private sector. Building on the component 2 investments, national financing institutions will strengthen and create financial instruments for catalyzing new opportunities for private sector investment in areas such as transport, energy services and waste management. For instance, the project will support FINEP to strengthen financial instruments for incentivizing micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to innovate solutions for responding to local sustainable urban development challenges. This may build upon existing innovation calls it has in the areas of Technology 4.0, Innovative Women, and Investment in Innovative Startups, as related to the urban context. Improving metropolitan governance is also expected to promote better management of public resources and investments, potentially increasing the availability of resources to address other urban issues. If executed effectively, the project has the potential to change realities and leverage economic development where it intervenes locally. An example is the coordinated action between municipalities for basic sanitation solutions, which can potentially optimize public and private investments in each municipality through economies of scale, thus potentially generating a surplus for investment in other projects. Within the scope of pilot interventions to be carried out by the project, activities that revive the local trade and services through urban upgrading projects may generate economic gains and potentially also employment opportunities. Another example relates to fostering sustainable tourism and the sustainable production of local produce from certain protected areas. They represent an important source of income to local people and an incentive to protect nature and support these areas. Taking a longer-term view, it is also possible to consider reductions in public health costs as a result of stimulating low-emission zones and transport modes. Likewise, better structuring of the urban environment through requalification can also have climate change adaptation benefits and result in potential savings for addressing the consequences of climate change, for example, in connection with the recovery of urban infrastructure affected by natural disasters. 3) Environmental Benefits Beyond mitigation and biodiversity benefits to be generated by the project, described in section 6, there are many other environmental benefits that result from its interventions. These include: (i) reduced pollution in the form of noise, water, air and soil pollution; (ii) reduced heat island effect associated with excess traffic and the burning of fossil fuel; (iii) the spontaneous creation of urban gardens by surrounding communities as a result of the enhancement of green areas and their inclusion into the overall management of the wider landscapes, fighting thereby land degradation and food security locally. Concretely, in Belem, Teresina and Florianopolis the climate mitigation and low-emission technology action plans, the low-emission zone pilots, and the low-emission zone plans will lead to reduced air contamination and heat island effect. Furthermore, in Belem, the integrated solid waste plan will lead to less solid waste disposal, more solid waste recycling and re-use, and consequential reduced land and ground water contamination.Furthermore, the GEF project, through its interventions in component 1 and 2, will contribute directly to increasing the resilience and supporting the adaptation of the metropolitan regions of Belem, Florianopolis and Teresina. On the one hand, the integrated planning platforms will support metropolitan actors to visualize key geospatial data, including layers related to geographical and physical attributes of the city’s environment. Through these platforms and such visualization, the cities will be able to plan more effectively for building resilience, for instance with regards to managing coastline development to avoid erosion and increased possibility of flooding in Belem and Florianopolis. Furthermore, the integrated plans that the cities develop in component 1 will take into account risk matrices, ensuring that new developments incorporate considerations of urban resilience. For instance, in Teresina, the climate mitigation and low-emission technology plan may also focus on nature based solutions and other interventions to reduce the urban heat island (UHI) effect, one of the key challenges in the city. In this way, through natural and low-emission cooling measures, the plan will support the city to reduce GHG emissions generated through air conditioning, as well as increase the city’s resilience to temperature rise.Component 2 also contributes directly to climate adaptation and resilience benefits. While the exact solutions will be determined during project execution, the integrated low emission street, block and district in Belem, Teresina and Florianópolis (Ouputs 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4) may include nature-based solutions that reduce UHI effect, but also serve to support storm-water runoff management and reduce flood impacts. This may also include solutions related to green infrastructure (such as green façades and roofs). The low-emission zones may also pilot solutions such as the retrofitting of public buildings and the use of sustainable materials with high thermal inertia to address UHI effects, increasing local resilience to increased temperatures in all three cities. Furthermore, the agroforestry production chain in Combu Island (Output 2.2) aims to provide benefits for climate resilience by reducing the vulnerability to extreme events both with regards to agriculture productivity and for the families that rely on the income from such agriculture. In synthesis, project interventions aim to reduce the vulnerability of communities directly involved in the areas of intervention by the implementation of integrated and climate-resilient solutions.
Brazil Sustaining Healthy Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Project To strengthen management of Brazil’s Marine and Coastal Protected Area (MCPA) system and the enabling conditions for a Blue Economy Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. 16.Well-managed marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) can generate a suite of ecological benefits by reducing catch pressure on marine species and increasing habitat protection and ecosystem resilience. Similarly, ecological benefits within MCPAs can include increased diversity, abundance, size, and biomass of species, which can be 2–5 times higher in MCPAs compared to fished areas. MCPAs can also bring about improvements in ecosystem health. More generally, MCPAs may help marine ecosystems adapt to climate change impacts, including ocean acidification, sea-level rise, storm intensification, and shifts in species distributions that lead to “climate invaders.” Finally, another important benefit is the reduction of carbon emissions.17.Ecological benefits translate into socio-economic benefits and resilience to shocks, including public health related shocks. Market benefits are the economic value of goods or services that are observed through market transactions. Marine protected area market benefits potentially include increased fisheries profitability, which can arise through increased recruitment of juveniles and the spillover of fish biomass from MCPAs into fished areas. Marine protected areas can also provide market benefits through increased tourism, or the provision of ecosystem services (e.g., conserved reef systems can protect coastlines from severe weather). Non-market benefits are the economic value of goods or services that cannot be observed through market transactions. These include the benefit to people from knowing that a threatened species is protected, or that an ecosystem is in good condition. Furthermore, the project supports substantial improvements in biodiversity and water quality.18.Initiatives to develop a pathway to a Blue Economy create long-term benefits of the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources. If managed well, the goods and services produced from coastal and marine ecosystems could make a much greater contribution to reducing poverty, building resilient communities, fostering strong economies, and feeding a global population that is projected to grow to more than 9 billion by 2050. For example, the World Bank’s 2016 Sunken Billions Revisited report shows that properly managed fisheries, with a reduction in overcapacity and overfishing, could provide additional benefits to the global economy in excess of US$80 billion each year (World Bank, 2016). That is almost 30 times the annual net benefits currently accruing to the fisheries sector in spite of the currently prevalent overfishing.19.Management for conservation and sustainable use in MCPAs is expected to improve and enhance understanding in local communities of the importance of MCPAs and the Blue Economy. Additional benefits will arise in the form of better public service delivery resulting from capacity building in coastal and marine ecosystem administration and specialized training of beneficiaries.Specifically, the project will create direct socio-economic benefits for an estimated 3,000 beneficiaries, including women (50% of beneficiaries), indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups. By doing this, the project also promotes full and productive employment and decent work in rural areas, aiming at the progressive realization of their right to Decent Rural Employment. More indirectly, the project is expected to generate socio-economic benefits for Brazil’s coastal and marine communities more widely by securing the conservation and sustainable use of their resources.
Conservation of the Atlantic Forest through the sustainable management of cocoa agroforestry landscapes To reduce and reverse the trends of degradation and biodiversity loss in Southern Bahia State by strengthening the cabruca cocoa production systems Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. E.1 Knowledge management and Communication 131. Knowledge management approach and Communication strategy comprises component 4 of this project and are structured under two outputs: 4.1.1. Communication strategy developed and under implementation; 4.2.2. Knowledge management plan developed and implemented, including south-south cooperation activities. Knowledge Management Plan 132. The Knowledge management plan will be transversal to all three main components of this project and will be implemented in two main approaches: An internal approach, referring to the knowledge generated by the project activities and results; and an external approach, building on the knowledge already developed by local organizations, seeking to improve projects and synergistic actions impacts. 133. In the internal approach, the project team will document, store, analyze and publicize project results and the knowledge generated during activities implementation. In this sense, activities planned in the Knowledge management plan include publication of online and printed documents for publicizing and spreading project results and Knowledge generated and realization of seminars and workshops to share and discuss project findings with main partners and beneficiaries. These events include south-south cooperation activities with other projects supported by GEF targeting cocoa under the FOLUR programme (i.e., Nicaragua and Ivory Coast) and GEF-7 project in Venezuela. The team project will also seek to participate in events organized by partners to share results and findings, positioning the project as an important initiative in innovation and knowledge generation fields. Also, the project will support innovation initiatives in agroforest management and cocoa value chain in partnership with local universities and promote environmental education weeks in schools, highlighting the importance of cabruca and producer's role for biodiversity conservation. 134. In the external approach, the project will work together with local stakeholders to overcome major barriers regarding knowledge management. The region has a rich set of organizations involved with research, development and innovation activities, such as universities, private companies and NGOs, as well as CEPLAC. Despite that, there’s a lack of knowledge integration and diffusion in a way that facilitates decision-making process by public authorities and private actors, supporting the territorial development planning based on actual data and information. The project will support the development of tools and platforms, in partnership with Social Observatory and Scientific and Technological Park to integrate, organize and share in accessible ways relevant data and information with main public and private stakeholders and with the society in general. 135. In Component 1, the knowledge management plan, including internal and external approach will support the decision-making process and regional planning in the scope of the governance system with actual and precise data and information. In component 2, the project will support tools and platforms for knowledge generation and sharing, will promote workshops for discussion and knowledge integration with main stakeholders regarding Biodiversity Conservation, Landscape Planning, Environmental Restoration and Payment for Environmental Services. Will also develop a landscape and biodiversity monitoring systems that will help the design of public policies and strategic actions. Also, the project will support the capacitation and training of young people in actions such as “Biodiversity monitoring System implementation” and “Community environmental agents’’. In component 3, the project will work with partners to build on and improve the knowledge related to agroforestry management practices, training technicians and producers, and improving cabruca management systems. One of the strategies that will be implemented to raise technical knowledge available in the project region will be the “Cocoa School''. It's a hubof knowledge development that will offer continuous training programs to rural technicians and producer’s, that includes exchanges between producers to raise the knowledge related to better management practices. 136. The knowledge management plan will adopt gender sensitive actions, promoting workshops with women leadership to foster and improve women role in knowledge management and diffusion and women role in biodiversity and agrobiodiversity conservation and in cocoa value chain. The project will also adopt strategies to valorise and fully integrate local and traditional knowledge in the decision-making process, guaranteeing its participation in the governance system and other discussion forums implemented by the project. Also, the project will be implementing activities to document and safeguard local and traditional knowledge, in activities such as “Support and valorisation of traditional management practices through GIAHS patrimonialization and cabruca dynamic conservation plan elaboration” and as one of the main functions of the community environmental agents.The following table details the budget and implementation timeline of the KM plan: Activities Budget Timeline Development of a platform for data aggregation and dissemination $15,000 First Year of the project Holding seminars to exchange experiences between beneficiaries and project partners $15,000 3 seminars - 1 at final of first project year 1 at final of second project year 1 at final of third projet year Seminar on conservation of the Atlantic Forest with a focus on sustainable cocoa production $18,000 Last year of the project Participation in regional and national events, fairs and forums $8,000 4 events supported; 1 at each project year Meeting of female leaders $10,000 2 meetings supported, 1 at first project year 1 at third project year Producers meeting $ 10,000 2 meetings supported 1 at second project years 1 at third project year Hackathon – innovative ideas for the cabruca cocoa chain $6,000 Second project year Advocacy and incidence actions (coordinator for component 4) $44,000 Throughout the entire project implementation phase Virtual seminars to exchange south-south experience $3,000 2 seminars supported 1 at second project year 1 at third project year Cross-site Visit For GEF Project in Venezuela $17,000 At third project year Tradicional population consultation process (to be evaluated during the project period) $6,000 Throughout the entire project implementation phase Communication Strategy 137. The communication strategy will focus on sharing and publicizing project results to partners, stakeholders and general society. The objective is to enlarge project visibility, results and new initiatives implemented on the territory, seeking to promote project credibility, transparency and legitimacy. The project communication strategy will work an in and out approach (internal and external communication strategy) 138. The internal communication strategy will be focused on project implementation itself, by fostering communication within the project team and with project main partners. This strategy has the following objectives: To Engage stakeholders and beneficiaries in project activities, updating about activities implementation, facilitating participation and collaboration opportunities; To build a project common narrative, alignment and belonging between partners and beneficiaries; publicizing about project results and advancements. The internal communication strategy will be directed to the project team and main partners. It will contribute directly to the effectiveness of project implementation and reaching its goals. It also contributes to a better communication between project team and main partners, through coherent and homogenous discourses about project strategies and institutional approach, promoting better alignment between organizations involved (executors and partners). 139. The activities that will be carried on the internal communication strategy includes: publication of online and printed materials about project activities, opportunities for collaboration and project results and advancements; realization of forums and workshops between project teams and main partners to enhance the alignment during project implementation; Elaboration of short audiovisual materials to spread project activities among main partners and beneficiaries; Elaboration of project visual identity. 140. The external communication strategy will be focused on publicizing project actions and results to society in general and its contributions and advancements in sustainable development, biodiversity conservation and improvement of smallholders livelihoods agendas. This external communication strategy will also promote strategic communication actions regarding unique characteristics of the cabruca system to society, including its importance for Atlantic Forest Conservation and the Higher quality of its cocoa and the project’s contribution to its maintenance and improvements. Its intention is to raise the project visibility, as well as its results, advancements, and new initiatives implemented and developed on the territory, promoting project credibility, legitimacy and transparency. 141. In this sense, the external communication Strategy has the following objectives: To update and inform project progress and activities and publicize its results, lessons learned and good practices for replication and scaling up; ; Raise awareness about Atlantic Forest and its biodiversity conservation, as well as the importance of cabruca systems; Raise awareness about cabruca cocoa and its unique characteristics, such as higher quality and socioenvironmental values associated. Publicize projects contributions to sustainable development, biodiversity conservation and improvement of smallholders livelihoods; 142. The actions to be implemented in the scope of the communication plan includes: Press releases and social network publications;; Elaboration of online and printed materials; Elaboration of audiovisual materials, such as short videos for social networks, a project video case, a promotional video focusing on marketing and a short documentary about cabruca system; Realization of a award for higher quality chocolate from cabruca agroforestry systems; and frequent encounters with public managers and other relevant stakeholders. The following table details the budget and implementation timeline of the communication strategy: Activities Budget Timeline Project Communication Consultancy $35,000 Throughout the entire project implementation phase Audiovisual pieces elaboration $18,000 3 audiovisual pieces elaborated 1 at second project year 1 at third project year 1 at final project year Communication pieces publication (printed and online) $21,000 Bimonthly, throughout the entire project implementation phase Case studies/lessons learned publications $16,000 4 publications supported, 2 at third project year 2 at final project year Cocoa Cabruca Quality award $9,000 At third project year Inception workshop $5,000 First 3 months of the project implementation phase Final workshop $5,000 Last 3 months of project implementation phase E.2 Socio-economic Benefits and Decent Rural Employment 143. The project will directly benefit cocoa producers with a series of activities such as technical assistance, training and capacitation program, access to market, economic valorization of products and byproducts of cabruca systems through incentives to better production and processing practices and labeling and marketing strategies. Through this set of actions, the project seeks to revitalize cabruca systems and the cocoa value chain in the impacted region, contributing to regional sustainable economic development and positioning 141. Bahia State and Brazil as one of the biggest producers of sustainable cocoa in the world. To achieve this the project will support small and medium farmers, seeking to increase technical capacities, yields, product quality and access to better markets, fostering increase in income generation by rural activities in smallholders’ families, improving their livelihoods. 144. As mentioned in the sections above, the cabruca system contributes immensely to biodiversity conservation, climatic regulation, landscape connectivity and promotes ecosystem services such as water and soil protection and renovation in addition to its social, cultural and economic importance to the region, as will be more explored in “Annex B – Baseline Scenario and problem to be addressed” (please refer to the Annex B in the ProDoc word document). Nevertheless, the current state of cabruca economic unviability and producers’ vulnerability is one of the major drivers of productive areas transformation that leads to forest degradation and biodiversity loss. In this sense, strengthening and valorizing farmers’ role in biodiversity conservation by promoting the sustainable cocoa value chain is a key strategy to achieve global benefits linked to Tropical Forests and its biodiversity management and conservation, as well as promotion of ecosystem services. Yet, the revitalization of cocoa culture in the region is fundamental for rural succession and maintenance of families in rural areas, ensuring employment and income generation that attends to families demands and needs and fosters better life quality. The revitalization and valorization of the cocoa value chain promotes employment and decent work for rural people, especially for young people. The project will work closely with small and medium producers guaranteeing good work conditions in all activities related to the project.In this sense the project will contributes to Decent Rural Employment (DRE) in four pillars of DRE supported by FAO, as follows: Pillar 1 – employment creation and enterprise development: Women and men small-scale producers supported in accessing markets and modern value chains.; agribusiness and marketing micro, small and medium enterprises supported in accessing markets, training, financial services and other productive assets; vocational and educational training programmes on technical and business skills for rural people supported; Capacities of national partners supported to collect and analyze age and disaggregated data on rural labor markets. Pillar 2 – Social protection: occupational safety and health measures for the rural workforce adopted by promoting safer technology for small scale and commercial agriculture in extension programmes; working conditions improved in rural areas, including effective maternity protection and living wages in agriculture. Pillar 3 – Standards and rights at work: Socially responsible agricultural production supported, specifically to reduce gender and age based discrimination; Child labour prevention and reduction in rural areas supported by tackling its root causes (poverty, lack of education) and providing livelihood alternatives to poor households; Compliance with national labour legislation promoted in rural areas. Pillar 4 – Governance and Social Dialogue: Countries supported in strengthening democratic organizations and networks of producers and workers, particularly in the informal rural food economy; Representation of the rural poor in social dialogue and policy dialogue through their organizations supported; Participation of rural poor in local decision-making and governance mechanisms supported; Rural women and youth groups empowered to be involved in these process from the initial steps; Synergies built between organizations, programmes, countries and producer-to-producer learning opportunities created.
Environmentally sound destruction of PCBs in Brazil To minimize risk to Persistent Organic Pollutants (PCBs) exposure of human beings and environment in compliance of Stockholm Convention, in an environmentally sustainable market approach, in Brazil. Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. 206. The project's goal is to strengthen the national capacity to implement sustainable management plans and elimination goal of large PCB holders, particularly in the power generating and distribution sectors; large industrial facilities and sensitive sites, within the framework of national and international guidelines on chemical substances and hazardous waste management.207. At the national and state levels, the implementation of coordinated demonstration actions with the private sector in the field will show the opportunities of institutional integration and coordination, private-driven investments, will demonstrate that the positive results of these demo interventions would serve to improve and enforce current regulation for environmentally sound management of PCBs. Innovative market interventions offer alternative solutions to other LAC parties of the Stockholm Convention and will follow and integrate these strategies in their efforts to phase out chemical hazardous substances. For this, a public awareness and communication strategy for the elimination of PCBs, related wastes and safer alternatives should result in direct gains for the citizens and the environment.208. Additional economic and social benefits that will be brought on by the project:- Reduced health impact from the exposure to hazardous chemicals, particularly PCBs as well as gender dimensions related to chemicals. The project estimates to increase awareness of 36,000 people, of which 18,000 females and 18,000 males.- Considered newly identified risks related to the global pandemic amid the COVID-19 virus that may affect the implementation of the project.- Job creation through opportunities enhanced in the waste treatment and metal-scrapping recycling industry.- Improved policy, regulatory, monitoring and analysis frameworks, to safeguard human health and the environment.209. In the BAU national context of a BRICS economy, limiting the country´s capacity on elimination and destruction of remaining volumens of PCBs will put a heavy burden in the compliance of international regulations committed by Brazil with the Stockholm Convention. The Global Environmental Benefits (GEB) of the project at the CEO endorsement stage, are the same as presented at the PIF stage. The positive impacts of the project will include the following reduction: 15,000 tons of PCB contaminated wastes
Strengthening participatory natural resource management processes for sustainable economic development, conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of carbon stocks in Amazon Wetlands. Strengthening participatory natural resource management processes for sustainable economic development, conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of carbon stocks in Amazon Wetlands Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. 1. The project will directly benefit approximately 6,000 rural producers and strive for 50/50 engagement of men and women. The livelihoods of these producers are currently challenged due in large part to the inability to address degradation challenges and the loss of critical ecosystem services leading to deteriorating living conditions and well-being of local communities. The project will reverse this trend by providing rural interests with the opportunities to access knowledge, information, capacity and experience to adopt improved practices. This will be comprehensively applying best practices to the entire value chain, starting from resource management to market. This will include providing residents to access to greater profitability through sustained production methods and ability to better realize gains from existing and new markets. These practices will result in GEBs along with increased standards of living, food security, and climate change resiliency. 2. Rural communities will be engaged equitably with clear consideration given to cultural norms and practices. The project will work collaboratively with these stakeholders to assist them with the design and implementation of management regimes that build knowledge for informed decision-making and provide opportunities to regulate resource use through planning, by-laws, and improved practices. 3. The project will closely monitor and track benefit delivery. This will be done to make certain that target beneficiaries are meaningfully increasing livelihood security, reducing climate risk exposure through the adoption of pro- BD conservation approaches. 4. Employment is an on-going challenge. By improving these practices, increased livelihoods, and income the project is expected to have knock-on impacts in terms of economic development and associated increases in employment opportunity. 5. At the governance level, national benefits will accrue to a variety of agencies particularly at the local level where resource concerns are greatest and management capacity most needed. This will include the ability to more efficiently and effectively address conservation issues. The results of more strategic and collaborative approaches will also increase cost-effectiveness. 6. As noted, the project will pay special attention to these issues with regards to women empowerment and gender equity. These concepts are woven throughout the project framework and reflected in the results framework. The project will assist women to engage meaningfully in decision-making and capacity building. The project will help build skills and empower women to realize more equity and greater economic security.
Seventh Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Brazil To build social, economic, and ecological landscape resilience in the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes through community-based activities for global environmental benefits and sustainable rural development Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency. SGP Brazil seeks to yield specific benefits in the Upper Pota River Basin (Piauí), Upper Jequitinhonha Valley (Minas Gerais), Arrojado River Basin and surroundings (Bahia) and Sertão do Pajeú (Pernambuco) landscapes. These benefits will also be upscaled, through policy tools, replication and through strategic projects, that are carried out beyond the landscapes. The key benefits foreseen in this project include: o Improved biodiversity values- Through biodiversity-friendly agriculture, conservation practices, restoration and improved use of biological resources, reforestation of native, climate-resilient species, there is the expectation that biodiversity values will improve. o Improved socioeconomic circumstances/strengthened livelihoods- Many small community groups do not often have the luxury of startup capital to put some of their sustainable enterprises into operation. The SGP approach will allow some of these groups to enhance their production, or distribution and improve their socioeconomic conditions. SGP funds will also strengthen civil society organizations that are working to enhance social conditions for the most poverty-stricken. The project will also test and pilot innovative technologies that could decrease labour, support more efficient production and improve peoples’ quality of life. o Resilient agriculture and food security- The focus on agroecology is to have food production that makes best use of natural resources without destroying said resources, so that there can be long-term supply and sustainable use. The idea is also to lower the cost of inputs, and create a farm ecosystem that is more resilient to climate change and vacillations in rainfall. Additional project interventions which serve to improve the collection and use of water resources, will also assist in ensuring successful production and a decrease in food insecurity. o Strengthening civic culture- The project’s landscape approach seeks to aggregate the actions of individual groups and communities, with the common objective of having a beneficial impact on the landscape as a whole. This will involve engagement, participation, the collaboration of many, and is anticipated—due to evidence through previous SGP Brazil experience-- to enhance civic culture. Groups that have not worked together yet will have the opportunity to work together; people will learn about successful initiatives carried out, and it is expected that the civil society community, as well as its collaborations with government, academia and the private sector will be improved. o Upscaling women’s achievements and creating opportunities for youth- This SGP project was designed to support women overcome the barriers that they face, and provide them opportunities of leadership. The project also will seek to increase youth participation and ownership in sustainability measures so as to make sure that knowledge is transmitted to the young, and that there are opportunities for youth to establish viable futures. Integrating environmental education into school and vocational programmes will be key to ensuring youth buy-in and support. o Benefits for Indigenous and Traditional Communities- The project seeks to support traditional communities and Indigenous communities that use a communal way of governing natural resources. Lessons learned from these communities will be upscaled, innovations that they wish to test will be supported. The project will also support advocacy and communications interventions to maintain the protection from these lands. o Learning from failures and successes- Many groups and communities do not have the finances available to test initiatives and learn from their failures—failures can lead to financial bankruptcy. SGP provides a unique opportunity to test initiatives, and to also learn if some of them do not perform as well as anticipated, and then share that learning with others. o Accompaniment- Many civil society groups and organizations have specialized talents and expertise, but may not have the organizational or administrative capacities. SGP Brazil will support these entities to strengthen their organizational capacities so that they may be more financially resilient, more adept administratively and can leverage funds from other donors in the future.
British Academy Academies Collective Fund: Resilient Futures - Challenge-led grants: Cities & Infrastructure The Cities & Infrastructure Programme funds interdisciplinary research projects that address the challenge of creating and maintaining sustainable and resilient cities, with the aim of informing relevant policies and interventions in developing countries. The programme is run by the British Academy on behalf of all the National Academies, as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund. Projects must demonstrate an innovative and interdisciplinary approach (two or more disciplines), yielding new conceptual understanding on one or more of the following four sub-themes: a) Planning: In the context of the large, dispersed and unplanned cities of the global south, planning for resilience becomes a matter of collaborative initiative involving a host of actors and sentient infrastructures. This requires mobilising plural and interdisciplinary knowledges, both for understanding and for acting in intelligent ways. b) People: Human vulnerability and resilience go hand in hand. The poor are deprived in plural ways, but also forced to become resilient subjects, making use of the city and their know-how in imaginative ways. c) Infrastructure: Cities are held together by infrastructures, which also instantiate and regulate social life in quite strong ways. In the global south the infrastructures are broken, incomplete, badly regulated, underfunded and often reliant on vernacular improvisations. Technical solutions alone will go only so far, and are expensive. d) Habitat: The urban habitat is central to resilience, in the form of lived experience, the consequences of emissions and heating, the formation of symbolic and public culture, the consequences of urban architecture and design. This is an obvious terrain for interdisciplinary work on jointly making sense of how habitats can be managed as a silent form of 'atmospheric' regulation.
British Academy Coherence & Impact - Youth Futures The projects funded under this programme support research which brings a much-needed youth-led perspective on the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. They involve genuine interdisciplinarity, collaborative work that extends beyond the standard research model, and policy thinking based on close understanding of, and working with, young people at various stages of ‘getting by’. This programme provides an opportunity for researchers in the humanities and social sciences to undertake projects to deliver research excellence with development impact (including interrogation of what that might mean), to further our understanding of youth futures, by addressing the following areas; Provide new understandings of youth expectations and youth involvement in work that are broader and more nuanced than current thinking and interventions; Identify the contributions young people make and could make to policy development and their perspectives on how to build purposeful lives; Develop ways of collaborating in cross-disciplinary ways, and in partnership with young people and local partners; Link research and evidence involving and driven by young people with policymakers to shape future interventions and approaches.
British Academy Coherence & Impact - Challenge-led grants: Heritage, Dignity & Violence Tackling the challenge of achieving sustainable peace and preventing violence requires a consideration of local cultures, practices, histories and societal norms, and an understanding of how such norms are complex and contextually differentiated and intersectionally experienced. It is often the case that these considerations are not well or fully brought into policy and practice that tend to ignore aesthetic, representational, and reflective practices. New approaches that cross sectoral and disciplinary boundaries are vital in achieving a step change in this area. The projects funded under this programme demonstrate an innovative and interdisciplinary approach yielding new conceptual understandings, developing ground-breaking research and energising innovative collaborations in the humanities and social sciences. This Programme will focus on: a. supporting innovative and interdisciplinary research projects, creative initiatives and collaborations; b. building our understanding of human and cultural contexts and how these can help to inform practices and policies which contribute to sustainable and inclusive peace and conflict prevention; c. expanding the research base in countries and populations with high unmet need and low research capacity.
British Academy Coherence & Impact - Education and Learning in Crises This programme funds research exploring the challenges of education and learning in contexts of conflict and protracted crises. This programme will fund research which in particular addresses the challenges of education and learning in crises within the following areas: Enhancing our understanding of the role of education and learning in responding to and fashioning novel ways for coping and/or transforming children’s opportunities and outcomes in crisis settings, particularly those in the longer-term and including natural as well as man-made crises. Building the evidence base of how education and learning take place and are affected during and through crisis situations, including particular attention to the importance of local context and practice in this regard, and what implications this entails for learning, parenting, schooling and communities. Investigating the evidence base of how education and learning take place and are affected during and through crisis situations, including particular attention to the importance of local context and practice in this regard, and what implications this entails for learning, parenting, schooling and communities.
Core Support to Institute for Development Freedom of Information 2023-2025 - ISK Core Support to Institute for Development of Freedom of Information Core Support to Institute for Development Freedom of Information 2023-2025 Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) är en georgisk icke-statlig organisation, som etablerades under 2009 med syftet att bidra till demokratisk styrning genom rätten till offentlig information som förutsättning för medborgerligt deltagande och egenmakt. Sedan etableringen har IDFI byggt ett rykte som en av Georgiens ledande icke-statliga organisationer i stärkandet av statlig öppenhet, med särskild fokus på informationsfrihet. Det svenska bidraget kommer är ett kärnstöd till organisationen i enlighet med IDFI:s begäran. Kärnstödet kommer att komplettera till öronmärkt projektstöd från andra givare och ger IDFI flexibilitet att leverera mot verksamhetsmålen enligt organisationens strategiplan 2023-2025. Kärnstödet möjliggör för IDFI att utveckla en rad strategiska aktiviteter som kombinerar organisationens roll som granskare av hur staten efterlever principer och regelverk samt som tankesmedja. I den senare kapaciteten kommer IDFI att bedöma policyer och stödja statliga institutioner med analytiskt stöd och rekommendationer. Aktiviteterna är riktade mot strategiska huvudmål för att bekämpa korruption, förbättra transparens inom offentliga institutioner samt öka medborgarnas deltagande i beslutsprocesser. Genom att uppnå dessa mål kan insatsen att bidra till en högre standard inom rättsväsendet, främjande av inkluderande ekonomisk policy, underlätta demokratisk decentralisering och den demokratiska övergångsprocessen, samt upprätthålla press- och yttrandefrihet och främjandet av innovativa lösningar. IDFI avser att uppnå följande resultat mot insatsens slut: a) Förbättrad lagstiftning och verkställande gällande informationsfrihet: b) Förbättrade indikatorer för öppenhet inom staten (Världsbanken, WJR och andra relevanta undersökningar); c) Förbättrad tillgänglighet till offentliga arkiv; e) Ny och offentlig regeringsdata publicerad på offentliga dataplattformer; f) Statstjänstemännens, journalisters och medborgarnas förmåga förbättrad att arbeta med offentlig information; g) Ökad omfattning och kvalitet gällande allmänhetens deltagande i politisk debatt och utformning av policy (parlamentarisk öppenhet); h) Förbättra procedurer och kvaliteten för konsekvensbedömningar i lagstiftningsprocesser. The Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) is a Georgia-based non-governmental organization established in 2009 with the aim to support the development of an informed and empowered society for democratic governance. Since its start IDFI has built a reputation as one of Georgia's leading non-governmental organisations in the area of open government, with an emphasis on access to freedom of information. The contribution from Sweden will be provided as core support in accordance with the request from IDFI. Swedish core support will complement ear-marked project support from other donors and enable IDFI with the flexibility to deliver on its organisational and operative objectives in line with its Strategic Plan 2023-2025. The core support will enable IDFI to provide a broad set of strategic activities that combines its role of being a watch-dog of the compliance and performance of various branches of government and being a policy think-tank. In the latter capacity, IDFI will assess policies, and provide analytical work and recommendations to the state institutions. The activities are aimed towards the key strategic objectives of combating corruption, improving transparency of public institutions and increasing citizen engagement in decision-making processes. Achieving these objectives will contribute to higher standards of rule of law, promoting more inclusive economic policies, facilitating the democratic decentralization and the democratic transition processes, upholding media and human rights, and promoting innovations to solve outstanding problems. IDFI intends to achieve the following by the end of the intervention: a) Freedom of information legislation and practice is improved; b) Georgia’s performance in terms of open government (World Bank, WJR and other relevant surveys) is improved; c) Transparency standards of extractive industries are improved; d) Openness of registers (final beneficiaries) is improved; e) New open government data/datasets published on government and civic open data platforms; f) Civil servants, journalists and citizens acquiring new skills of working with open data; g) Extent and quality of public participation in the process of policy development is increased at the executive and the legislative levels (Parliamentary openness); h) The practice and quality of regulatory impact assessment (RIA) is improved. IDFI defined as the key, overall objective "combating corruption, improving transparency of public institutions, increasing citizen engagement in decision-making processes, achieving higher standards of rule of law, promoting more inclusive economic policies, facilitating the democratic decentralization and the democratic transition processes, upholding media and human rights, and promoting innovations to solve outstanding problems". IDFI has outlined six directions, as they call them, or specific objectives that the organisation will work on. Those objectives are: 1) Open Governance and Anti-Corruption; 2) Rule of Law and Freedom of Media; 3) Local Governance; 4) Social and Economic Policy; 5) Civic Tech and Innovations; and 6) Disinformation and Memory Studies. For each of those six specific objectives IDFI provided detailed targets that the organisation plans to achieve by the end of its strategy period. Those targets are as follows. 1. Open Governance and Anti-Corruption 1.1 Promoting Open Governance 1.1.1. Georgia successfully implements the EU 12 recommendations and receives the EU candidacy status. IDFI is an active participant in this process; 1.1.2 Georgia adopts the Open Government Partnership Action Plans (Government, Parliament, Adjara Supreme Council, Tbilisi Mayors Office, local governments). New recommendations from IDFI for reforms are successfully advocated in OGP Action Plans at the Government, the Parliament, the Adjara Supreme Council, the Tbilisi Mayors Office, and in local governments; 1.1.3 Georgias performance in terms of open government (World Bank, WJR, and other relevant surveys) improves; 1.1.4 The extent and quality of public participation in the process of policy development is increased at the executive and legislative levels; 1.1.5 Freedom of information legislation and practice are improved in comparison with the 2022 results; 1.1.6 New Public Administration Reform strategy and action plan are adopted, IDFIs recommendations are successfully advocated; 1.1.7 Public service delivery is improved, IDFI recommendations are successfully advocated. 1.2 Fighting Against Corruption 1.2.1 New anti-corruption strategy and action plan are adopted, with IDFIs recommendations being included; 1.2.2 Anti-corruption reform is implemented and New Anti-corruption legislation is adopted (creation of the Anti-Corruption Agency); 1.2.3 Georgias ranking improves in the Public Procurement Transparency Rating (TPPR standards) and Georgia adopts Open Contracting Data Standards (OCDS); Transparent Public Procurement Rating network has a larger number of participating countries; 1.2.4 Recommendations by OECD-ACN successfully advocated by IDFI and implemented by Georgia; 1.2.5 Recommendations by GRECO successfully advocated by IDFI and implemented by Georgia; 1.2.6 UNCAC assessment is performed and IDFI participates by submitting the shadow reports; 1.2.7 The openness of registers (beneficial ownership transparency) is improved, with IDFI having successfully advocated for an open registry; 1.2.8 Transparency standards of extractive industries are improved according to IDFI recommendations; 1.2.9 Whistleblowers protection is improved according to IDFI recommendations; 1.2.10 Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing legislation and practice are improved (Georgias compliance with FATF and Moneyval recommendations is improved); 1.2.11 Accountability and financial transparency of sports federations are improved, with IDFI having successfully advocated for it. 2. Rule of Law and Freedom of Media 2.1. Georgia implements ambitious judicial reform to eliminate corporatism and informal influences on Justices and to achieve a truly independent, efficient, and transparent judiciary; 2.1.1. The adoption of an ambitious Judicial strategy and action plan to eliminate corporatism and to increase transparency, independence, and trust toward judiciary is supported; 2.1.2. Transparency and independence of the key institutions of judicial administration (High Council of Justice [HCoJ], High School of Justice (HSoJ), office of Independent Inspector (OII) is enhanced, IDFIs recommendations are included; 2.1.3. Compatibility of the Procedure and grounds for disciplinary hearings of judges with international standards is improved, with the Georgian context in mind. 2.1.4. Public access to judicial acts, cases of high public interest in particular is improved; 2.1.5. Adoption of the Strategy and Action Plan to increase the independence, accountability, and effectiveness of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (CCoG) is advocated and supported. 2.2. Institutional independence of law enforcement agencies and power sharing amongst them is optimized. Safeguards for ethical implementations of Artificial Intelligence systems are increased. 2.2.1. Independence and inclusiveness of the selection process of the Prosecutors Council is optimized; 2.2.2. Investigative powers of the Prosecutors Office (PO) are decreased, power-sharing between PO and Ministry of Internal affairs is optimized; 2.2.3. Accountability of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and PO is increased; Application of Artificial Intelligence and advanced analytical software by law enforcement agencies is studied, threats are identified and reduced. 2.3. Institutional reform to decentralize concentrated power under the State Security Service is implemented. The institutional model of secret surveillance is modified according to ECHR and ECJ Case law. 2.3.1. Investigative powers of the State Security Service (SSSG) are reduced; 2.3.2. Parliamentary, judicial, and civil oversight on SSSG is increased; 2.3.3. The institutional model of secret surveillance is modified according to ECHR and ECJ Case law. True institutional independence and transparency of the Operative-Technical Agency (OTA) is supported. 2.4. Transparency, effectiveness, institutional and political independence of the Special Investigative Service [SIS] and the Personal Data Protection Service (PDPS) and Public Defenders Office (PDO) are enhanced. 2.4.1. Transparency, institutional independence, and inclusiveness of the selection process of the Heads of the SIS and PDSP, as well as PDO are increased; 2.4.2. Legislative proposal is elaborated to increase the mandate of the SIS to cover the Minister of Internal Affairs and heads of the State Security Service and Prosecutor General. 2.4.3. Mechanisms to increase the effectiveness of the PDSP to oversee the legality of the secret surveillance measures are implemented. 2.5. The state of freedom of expression and media is strengthened and challenges are combatted while media polarization is reduced; 2.5.1. Hostility of the media environment is reduced, transparency and effectiveness of the investigation of the attacks on media is increased; 2.5.2. Criminal, administrative, and civil lawsuits against journalists are monitored and detected; 2.5.3. Accountability of the communications Commission of Georgia (ComCom) is increased; 2.5.4. Standards of free speech are maintained, harmful legislative initiatives and practices are detected and combatted; 2.5.5. Access to public information by the media is ensured; 2.5.6. Creation of a Media Lawyers Network is advocated. 2.6. Advancing the rights of persons with disabilities, children, women, LGBTQ, and elderly people; 2.6.1. Human rights strategies and action plan adequately reflects the needs of Persons with disabilities, children, women, LGBTQ, and elderly people; 2.6.2. Facilitates accessibility of public information and governmental services for persons with disabilities; 2.6.3. Prepares a manual for strategic litigation at the Constitutional Court of Georgia for vulnerable groups. 2.7. Facilitates integration of Georgia into the European Union. 2.7.1. Georgia successfully implements the priorities (related to rule of law and media) defined by the EU; 2.7.2. The EU and international stakeholders are aware of the progress and challenges of Georgia; 2.7.3. Supports harmonization of the case law of Georgia with EU directives. 2.8. The society of Georgia and international stakeholders are made aware of the importance of and main challenges to democracy and rule of law in Georgia. 2.8.1. Incidents that threaten the state of rule of law and media freedom are detected and receive an appropriate response; 2.8.2. Resilience of civil society organizations (SCOs) to withstand governmental campaigns against CSOs is raised; 2.8.3. Societys awareness of the importance of democratic institutions, rule of law, and human rights is raised. 3. Local Governance 3.1.1. Decentralization reform (including localization of SDGs) is supported through monitoring, reporting, evidence-based advocacy, multi-stakeholder dialogue and sharing of best practices. 3.1.2. Municipalities implement open government reforms. IDFI successfully advocates for it. 3.1.3. Capacity of local government representatives/municipalities is increased to effectively manage public funds, manage/publish municipal data, design, develop, and provide municipal services, and hence, better respond to local problems. 3.1.4. Municipalities improve service delivery and develop participatory tools, including through new technologies. IDFI successfully advocates for it. 3.2.1. Municipalities implement and improve transparency and accountability standards. IDFI successfully advocates for it through monitoring, reporting, experience-sharing, and advocacy. 3.2.2. Adoption and implementation of transparency and accountability principles by non-profit (non-commercial) legal entities of municipalities are successfully advocated. 3.2.3. Enhancement of effectiveness of municipal programs and policies is advocated and supported through monitoring, reporting, and communicating evidence-based recommendations. 3.2.4. Adoption/improvement and implementation of access to and management of municipal data standards are supported and advocated. 3.3.1. Capacity and knowledge of local stakeholders (i.e. journalists, activists, students, civil society organizations, etc.) to use open government data, civic/digital monitoring, and other relevant government accountability tools and mechanisms are increased. 3.3.2. Civic monitoring activities and data-driven local initiatives are supported and implemented/developed with the participation of various local stakeholders (civil society, media, business, academia, tech community, business, etc.). 3.3.3. Public awareness about tools, mechanisms, and legislation on civic participation in the decision-making process is increased. 3.3.4. Civic participation in the local decision-making process is encouraged through local initiatives and innovative solutions (including e-solutions, applications and platforms). 4. Social and Economic Policy 4.1. Increases the scope and quality of dialogue and partnership between business and the government in legislative drafting 4.2. Help to improve financial literacy of the general public 4.3. Help to build an economy focused on qualitative development and contribute to fairness and efficiency in income and wealth distribution 4.4. Help to improve economic opportunities for talented individuals and prevent economic discrimination, including gender-based discrimination 4.5. Help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government social and healthcare programs at the national and local levels 4.6. Help to improve Public Financial Management (PFM), including through our 2023-2025 and subsequent Gender Responsiveness Budget Indices 4.7. Help to improve coverage and quality of public education services 5. Civic Tech and Innovations 5.1.1. Georgia implements ambitious e-government reforms, and the effectiveness of the e-governance ecosystem is improved. IDFI has successfully advocated for specific reforms. 5.1.2. Digital transformation/modernization of the public sector as well as access to and use of electronic public services are supported, monitored, assessed, and advocated. 5.1.3. The development and use of e-participation tools are promoted and supported. 5.2.1. Multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation between the tech community and all other stakeholders, including the government, media, business, academia, and civil society are facilitated. 5.2.2. Introduction of transparency and accountability mechanisms as well as ethical frameworks/guidelines for AI, algorithms (i.e. automated decision-making systems) and blockchain is successfully advocated. 5.2.3. Best practices, expertise, and emerging trends on innovations and technologies are shared with Georgian stakeholders, including academia, students, CSOs, and public servants. 5.3.1. Civic technology and digital monitoring tools are used as well as developed for tracking government performance/accountability in various directions. 5.3.2. The open data ecosystem is supported and improved through sharing best practices/emerging trends and advocating for improved legislation and standards on access to public data (including open data). 5.3.3. More open and disaggregated (e.g. by gender, age, region) data from various sectors is publicly available in various open formats in Georgia. 5.3.4. Capacity and skills of journalists, activists, and civil society organizations to use innovations, civic/digital monitoring tools in their watchdog and other civic activities are improved. 5.3.5. The capacity of public institutions and civil servants to collect, manage, prepare, and publish open data is enhanced. 5.3.6. Use of open government data by various stakeholders (civil society, media, business, academia, tech community, business) as well as data-driven innovations are supported and encouraged. 5.4.1. Digital freedoms are protected through monitoring, reporting, and evidence-based advocacy. 5.4.2. The Government is held accountable for its performance in the development of internet infrastructure through monitoring and evidence-based advocacy/recommendations. 5.4.3. Citizens of Georgia (with a focus on digitally vulnerable population, especially in the regions) are more resilient to digital threats through their awareness about digital freedoms, digital security mechanisms, and tools being raised via innovative and informational campaigns, capacity building materials/tutorials, and platforms. 6. Disinformation and Memory Studies 6.1 Greater openness of archives in Georgia is achieved. Positive changes towards the openness of archives, more inclusive, user-friendly, and environmentally friendly archives across the Post-Soviet space are advocated with active involvement of IDFI; 6.2 Public awareness about the importance of archives is raised. Emphasizing the importance of the understanding of the recent and contemporary history for the development of the state memory policy; 6.3 Networks of researchers of memory studies are created that contribute to better understanding of the totalitarian past and dissemination of informed narratives about it across the society. IDFI contributes in the process of forming/deepening the networks; 6.4 School and university students involvement in memory studies is increased: more local and international students working on Soviet studies. IDFI is a key actor in developing/offering the courses; 6.5 The system for resisting and countering strategic communications directed against Georgias Euro-Atlantic aspirations and democratization is enhanced; 6.6 Collaborating with International NGOs, research institutions, and think-tanks to better inform society about the threats and existence of propaganda; 6.7 University program on memory and disinformation studies becomes a platform for sharing the experience and knowledge accumulated by IDFI and its partners in the academic space.
CEDLA 2022-24: Knowledge and Debate in a Changing World CEDLA 2022-24: Kunskap och debatt i en föränderlig värld CEDLA anses vara den viktigaste privata tankesmedjan i Bolivia. I det villkoret ingick Sverige och CEDLA 2018 ett avtal som framgångsrikt slutfördes i september 2021. Utan tvekan var uppbyggnaden av ett nationellt multidimensionellt fattigdomsindex för Bolivia, genom att följa Sidas synsätt, det mest enastående resultatet som uppnåddes under ett sådant avtal. Föreliggande förslag är ett försök för Sverige och CEDLA att gå vidare i en ny utmanande intervention. CEDLA kommer att fortsätta att förbättra och uppdatera det bolivianska MDPA-indexet så att det används i landet som ett alternativt sätt att mäta/förstå fattigdom och förhoppningsvis för att främja offentlig politik för att minska den. Faktum är att CEDLA:s första resultat under 2019 och 2020 fastställde att detta koncept av multidimensionell fattigdom skulle diskuteras i flera nationella och regionala forum i landet. Till och med den nyligen släppta bolivianska utvecklingsplanen (PDES) nämner multidimensionell fattigdom som en utmaning för den bolivianska regeringen att bekämpa. I det perspektivet kommer CEDLA, enligt det föreliggande förslaget, att försöka i) bidra till konstruktionen av medborgaragendor som utmanar inriktningen och effektiviteten av offentlig politik för att övervinna villkoren för ojämlikhet, särskilt på arbetsmarknaden, och multidimensionell fattigdom i landet; och ii) att uppmuntra och främja att lokala och regionala civila organisationer kräver offentlig politik för att ta itu med vikten av vårdekonomi i alla bolivianska sektorer, samt att diskutera alternativa modeller för hur man kan uppnå en hållbar, inkluderande och ren utveckling, särskilt i bolivianska Amazon. CEDLA is considered to be the most important private think tank in Bolivia. In that condition, Sweden and CEDLA entered in 2018 into an agreement which successfully concluded in September 2021. Undoubtedly, the construction of a national multidimensional poverty index for Bolivia, by following Sida's approach, was the most outstanding result obtained under such agreement. The present proposal is an attempt for Sweden and CEDLA to move forward in a new challenging intervention. CEDLA will continue to enhance and update the Bolivian MDPA index so it is used in the country as an alternative way of measuring/understanding poverty and hopefully, to promote public policies to reduce it. In fact, CEDLA's initial results in 2019 and 2020, determined that this concept of multidimensional poverty be discussed in several national and regional fora in the country. Even the recently released Bolivian Development Plan (PDES) mentions multidimensional poverty as a challenge for the Bolivian Government to fight against. In that perspective, under the present proposal, CEDLA will attempt to i) contribute to the construction of citizen agendas that challenge the orientation and effectiveness of public policies to overcome conditions of inequality, especially in the labor market, and multidimensional poverty in the country; and ii) to incentive and promote that local and regional CSOs demand public policies to address the importance of care economy in all Bolivian sectors, as well as to discuss alternative models on how to achieve a sustainable, inclusive and clean development, particularly in the Bolivian Amazon. The intervention has defined the following four dimensions of work and their corresponding objectives: Dimension 1. Public policies, poverty and inequalities. Objective: Annual analyses/evaluations of public policies and economic and social programs in relation to inequalities and multidimensional poverty in the country has been positioned on the public agenda. Dimension 2. Labor transformations and labor rights. Objective: More thant 100.000 workers of digital platforms (mainly delivery services) and 200.000 informal workers in the cities of La Paz, Santa Cruz and El Alto organize themselves to defend their labor rights, while opinion makers are aware of the need for social protection for such workers. Dimension 3. Care economy in the country. Shared responsibility among families, the government and the market. Objective: Social and/or women's rights organizations consolidate their proposals to reduce gender inequalities at work including paid and unpaid (domestic and care) work. Dimension 4. Inclusive and sustainable development in the Amazonia. Objective: Local CSOs debate and propose policy changes to improve economic, social and environmental development in the Bolivian Amazon region.
Household source separation, national model Källsortering, nationell modell The proposal is an outcome of the gap assessment carried out by national experts, and approved by the ministry of Environment, supported through the Swedish funded SANE27 program. The gap assessment has covered all Technical Assistance needs for transposition of legislation, capacity building and implementation in order to have successful negotations and reach EU-standards. Work on the gap assessment has involved a number of government officials within the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MTE), Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE), State Inspectorate on Environment, Forests, Water and Tourism, National Environmental Agency (NEA) and also representatives from civil society. The Project costs are 10.7 MSEK and the expected main project results are: R1. The national and local authorities have a model for waste separation at source; R2. Providing technical assistance to the national and local authorities (waste sector within ministry and Berat local authorities) to develop their capacities in the management of the scheme. R3. Introduction of a public communications campaign to support the new waste scheme; R4. Introduction and procurement of the basic infrastructure required for source separation in Berat municipality sustainable in the Albanian local context. Sida will enter into a grant agreement with MTE, the Ministry being the policy maker for solid waste and the coordinator of the preparations for EU negotiations. A MoU between Sida and Berat Municipality will be established. The embassy will procure the support of an international Consultant and will manage the contract and financial management of funds. The reason for this is based on the need to address different risk factors, e g the lack of government capacity to carry out the procurement which risks delaying the start of the contribution as well as corruption risks. Projektförslaget bygger på en analys av Albaniens behov i sektorn för att uppfylla EU-direktiv och förhandlningsvillkor. Analysen utfördes inom ett bredare samarbete med miljöministeriet att förbereda sig inför EU-förhandlingar. Projektets utformning och val av pilotkommun har diskuterats med miljöministeriet och infrastrukturministeriet (som ansvarar för policyutveckling respektive genomförande av investeringsprojekt i avfallssektorn. Projektkostnaderna uppgår till 10.7 MSEK och de förväntade projektresultaten är följande: R1 Framtagande av en nationell modell för källsortering; R2 Teknisk assistans/kapacitetsutveckling av nationella och lokal myndighet att hantera system för källsortering; R3 En genomförd kommunikationskampanj för införandet av källsorteringen i Berat kommun; R4 Upphandling av nödvändig infrastruktur för källsortering i Berat. Sida ska ingå avtal med miljöministeriet (eftersom de ansvarar för policyutveckling och koordinering av EU-förhandlingarna) om insatsen. Sida ska även ingå ett MoU med Berat om deras roll och ansvar för det lokala genomförandet. Sida kommer att ansvara för upphandling av en internnationell konsult som ska genomföra insatsen och Sida ansvarar för kontrakt och finansiell hantering. Skälen till detta är baserat på analys av olika risker som bl a bristande kapacitet inom den albanska administrationen att hantera upphandlingar, vilket allvarligt riskerar försena projektstart, och risken för korruption. The overall objective of this project is to provide the Albanian authorities responsible for waste management with direct experience of introducing household waste separation schemes and improve environmental standards in Berat municipality. The expected main project results are: R1. The national and local authorities have a model for waste separation at source; R2. Providing technical assistance to the national and local authorities (waste sector within ministry and Berat local authorities) to develop their capacities in the management of the scheme. R3. Introduction of a public communications campaign to support the new waste scheme; R4. Introduction and procurement of the basic infrastructure required for source separation in Berat municipality sustainable in the Albanian local context.
Resiliens/förvaltning av miljö- och naturresurser EEU/GU, Beijer, SRC Policies for Resilience and Development in the Anthropocene, EEU/GU, Beijer, SRC - Policies for Resilience and Development: Building on interdisciplinary research strenghts of the Beijer/Stockholm Resilience Center, the EME /GU and the EfD initiative the project will analyse ecosystem change while developing appropriate policy instruments for dealing with critical challenges in the Anthropocene particularly for developing countries. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ANSWER AS THE QUESTION HAS BEEN CHANGED I ansökan om planeringsanslag ansöker ekonomiforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, Beijer Institutet och Stockholm Resilience Centre om ett bidrag för att bygga ett program som för samman ekologi och ekonomi på ett integrerat sätt och bidrar till att lyfta fram den essentiella roll som både naturkapital och socialt kapital spelar för mänskligt välbefinnande i ett utvecklingsperspektiv. Programmet bygger på den långa erfarenhet som byggts upp vid Beijer-institutet vid KVA och SRC vid Stockholms universitet samt ekonomiforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, och kommer att samordnas av Göteborgs universitet. I ansökan söks medel för två postdocs (50%) samt workshops för att utveckla en full ansökan sent i 2014.
PDF PUM 2014 Prog. & Methods Dev. - SIPU International Audit Study PDF PUM 2014 Prog. & Methods Dev. Programme Development Funds for 2014. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ANSWER AS THE QUESTION HAS BEEN CHANGED Ambassaden har sedan 2004 haft en årlig programutvecklingsinsats, med syfte att stärka beredning, uppföljning och utvärdering av programinsatser och bidra till ökad kompetens inom utvecklingssamarbetet med Moçambique. Ett antal olika enskilda uppdrag finansieras ur fonden, exempelvis bakgrundsstudier inför en beredning, utvärderingar, uppföljningsrelaterade studier samt kunskapsspridande aktiviteter i from av seminarier, publikationer och översättningar. Varje neskild delkomponent bör inte överskrida en tidsram på sex månader och vara begränsad i sin utformning samt vara kopplad till tydliga resultat. Vidare finansierar fonden revisionstjänster som faller utanför avtalsbeslutade partnerrevisioner, som till exempel systemrevisioner och stöd av tolkning av revisioner, vilka avropas under ambassadens ramavtal för revisionstjänster. Varje separat delkomponent skall; (i) beslutas om i ett separat beslut; (ii) ha en egen komponent inom PDF/PUM-insatsen; (iii) handläggas av ansvarig handläggare, både gällande finansiella transaktioner och resultatuppföljning.
JPO UN Secretariat 2016 USA SDGs LAK - JPO UNHQ NY LAK AVSLUTAD JPO UN Secretariat 2016 USA SDGs LAK Sverige har åtagit sig att bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 i utvecklingsländer genom att tillhandahålla personal som arbetar med och genom FN organens och Världsbankens olika mandat. För detta ändamål har Sverige ett nära samarbete med FN: s utvecklings-, humanitära och fredsbevarande pelare med placeringar runt om i världen. Sweden is committed to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030 in developing countries by providing human resources to work with and through the diverse mandates of UN agencies, funds and programmes, as well as the World bank. For this purpose, Sweden closely collaborates with the UN development, humanitarian and peacekeeping pillars with placements around the world. Insatsen avsåg finansiering av 1 JPO tjänst med placering med FN sekretariatet i New York, USA, för att bidra till implementeringen av Kapacitetsutveckling och utbyten 2014-2017 och specifikt resultatområde; Resursbasutveckling (främst genom svensk tjänstgöring i multilaterala organisationer och EU, utbildningsprogram inoms Sidas fältverksamhet, stipendie-, utbytes- och praktikprogram)
Olof Palme International Center EU-Syria 2015-2017 - OPC EU Project Syria 2015-2017 OPC EU-Syrien 2015-2017 The intervention aims at support and training of Syrian professionals to become key actors in the transition to democracy and be able to contribute actively to the future transition process in the fields of transitional justice, security sector reform, urban planning and local administration. Svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer (CSO) som har ramavtal med Sida och som beviljas EU-bidrag av EU-kommissionen, kan söka ett bidrag för egeninsatsen för projektbudgeten från Sida i enlighet med CSO-strategin. Syftet är att uppmuntra svenska CSOs att i ökad utsträckning söka medel från EU. Sida litar på den bedömning som EU genomfört, liksom accepterar de format för rapport som EU använder. EU-kommissionens referensnummer för insatsen är ICSP 2015/361-808. Insatsen har beretts som en sk begränsad beredning trots att den överstiger 5 000 000 SEK, detta motiveras med att insatsen har bedömts av huvudfinansiären (EU-kommissionen), och att Sida därför valt att inte själva göra djupgående analyser av alla de delar som vanligtvis ingår i en beredning på den sk normalnivån. Sida har också ett flerårigt ramsamarbete med Olof Palme Internationella Center (OPC), under vilket organsationen har verksamhet som angränsar till denna insats. Insatsen ska ses som ett komplement till det övergripande ramstödsprogrammet. --- Insatsen syftar till att stödja syriska yrkesmän- och kvinnor i att förbereda sig för att anta ledande roller i en framtida övergång till ett fredligt, demokratiskt och inkluderande Syrien. Det övergripande målet med interventionen är: Engagerade och kvalificerade syrier är förberedda att anta ledande roller inom viktiga yrkesområden i en övergångsprocess till ett fredligt, demokratiskt och inkluderande Syrien. De specifika målen med interventionen är: S1: Kvalificerade syrier har stärkt sin förmåga att aktivt bidra till den framtida övergångsprocessen inom transitionell rättvisa, reform av säkerhetssektorn, stadsplanering och decentralisering och lokal förvaltning. S2: Kvalificerade syrier har tillgång till erfarenheter inom EU som kan stödja de processer som är nödvändiga inom transitionell rättvisa, reform av säkerhetssektorn, stadsplanering och decentralisering och decentralisering och lokal förvaltning. När det gäller dessa specifika mål, presenteras relevanta indikatorer i projektets Logical Framework. Varje specifikt mål har förväntade resultat som avser de särskilda mål och som kommer att bidra till att uppfylla det specifika målet. Förväntade resultat specifikt mål 1: SO1R1: 60 av 70 syriska yrkesmän- och kvinnor ska öka sin kapacitet på området för transitionell rättvisa och reform av säkerhetssektorn. SO1R2: 60 av 70 syriska yrkesmän- och kvinnor ska öka sin kapacitet inom stadsplanering. SO1R3: 60 av 70 syriska yrkesmän- och kvinnor ska öka sin kapacitet inom decentralisering och lokal förvaltning. SO1R4: En struktur för att fördjupa kunskaper etableras med studiecentra som stödjer webbaserad inlärning i Syrien och Turkiet. Resultaten kommer att uppnås genom ett antal aktiviteter. Bland dessa är utbildningar för att stärka kapaciteten i de olika kunskapsområden som nämns. Utformningen av kurserna kommer att vara behovsstyrda och utformas i samråd med samarbetspartnern Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) för att leverera relevanta kunskaper och praktiska färdigheter för att syriska yrkesmän- och kvinnor inom områden där kompetensen har identifierats som otillräcklig. Förväntade resultat Särskilt mål 2: SO2R1: En webbaserad läroplattform etableras med kurser inom områdena transitionell rättvisa, reform av säkerhets, stadsplanering och decentralisering och lokal förvaltning. SO2R2: Internetbaserade nätverk med kursdeltagare och professorer på universitet inom EU är etablerade inom områdena transitionell rättvisa och reform av säkerhetssektorn, stadsplanering och decentralisering och lokal förvaltning. SO2R3: Studiebesök, för kursdeltagare som tar examen, till Sverige för att uppleva stadsplanering och decentralisering och lokal förvaltning samt till Tyskland för transitionell rättvisa och reform av säkerhetssektorn. De webbaserade kurserna kommer att baseras på samma föreläsningar och litteratur som face to- face-kurserna, men kan modifieras efter relevansprövning. Förutom de befintliga kurserna kommer en kurs i engelska att ges. Committed and qualified Syrians are prepared for leadership roles in key professional fields in a transition process to a peaceful democratic and inclusive Syria.
Decentralization and Municipal Support (DEMOS) Decentralization and Municipal Support (DEMOS) Helvetas Intercooperation Swiss har till Sida lämnat ett förslag om stöd till projekt "Decentralization and Municipal Support in Kosovo 2018-2021 (DEMOS-II) . Förslaget omfattar 20 000 000 SEK och tidsperiod 2019-2021. Projektets övergripande mål är att stödja Kosovo i dess utveckling mot en demokratisk, decentraliserad stat inom vilken kommuner kan utöva ett inklusivt styre och erbjuda effektiva samhällstjänster vilka svarar mot innevånarnas prioriteringar och behov. Schweiz (Swiss Development Cooperation, SDC) och Kosovos regering (ministeriet för lokalt styre och administration, MLGA) bidrar till projektet till en omfattning av 17 650 000 CHF (ca 161 000 000 SEK). Projektets förändringsteori: Projektets finansiella incitament i samspel med erbjudet tekniskt stöd kommer att leda till förbättrade styrprocesser på lokal nivå vilket, tillsammans med det förstärkta policyramverket, kommer att leda till förbättrade samhällstjänster för Kosovos innevånare. Förbättrade tjänster förväntas leda till en ökad tillfredställelse hos medborgarna, vilket i sin tur kommer att visa ökad villighet att betala skatter och därmed vidare bidra till finansiell autonomi hos kommunerna, och ett förstärkt socialt kontrakt mellan medborgare och stat. De främsta dialogfrågorna inom denna insats berör anti-korruption, jämställdhet och miljö. Projektets struktur inkluderar en styrgrupp vilken kommer att utgöra en viktig plattform för dialog inom dessa områden. Styrgruppen kommer att bidra med strategisk vägledning och stöd till projektet. Sida kommer att vara en medlem med rösträtt i denna styrgrupp. Helvetas Intercooperation Swiss has presented to Sida a proposal for financial support of SEK 20 000 000 for the project "Decentralization and Municipal Support in Kosovo 2018-2021" for the period of 2019-2021. Objective of the intervention: "Supporting Kosovo in its transition process towards a democratic, decentralised state in which municipalities exercise socially inclusive governance and provide effective services responding to citizens’ priorities and needs". In this project Swiss Development Cooperation and Government of Kosovo (GoK) respectively Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA) contributes financially with CHF 17’650’000 (approximately 161 000 000 SEK). Intervention's theory of change: "The financial incentive accompanied by technical assistance, will improve governance processes at the local level, which, together with the improved policy framework, will lead to provision of better services to citizens. The improved service delivery is expected to contribute to the satisfaction of citizens, who in turn will be more willing to pay taxes and further contribute to the financial autonomy of municipalities and an improved social contract with the citizens". The main dialogue issues for this contribution will be anti-corruption, gender and environment. The project will have the Steering Comittee (SC) which will serve as an important platform for raising issues realted to gender equality, improved environmental aspect in the program and anti-corruption. The SC will provide strategic direction and support for the project. Sweden will have an active role as the member to the SC and will have one vote. Project Decentralisation and Municipal Support (Phase II) supports Kosovo in its transition process towards a democratic, decentralised state in which municipalities exercise socially inclusive governance and provide effective services responding to citizens priorities and needs DEMOS project incentivises and supports the 38 municipalities of Kosovo in achieving more democratic local governance and better municipal management. It also supports the Government of Kosovo in the development of systemic policies, which are more conducive for decentralised governance. The expected results are clustered in two outcomes: 1. Municipalities improve their democratic governance by increasingly involving citizens in decision-making, acting more transparently and inclusive of marginalized groups, applying sound human and financial management practices; 2. The policy framework is more conducive for decentralised local governance and better implemented at the central and local level. Main beneficiaries of this project are all 38 municipalities of Kosovo, Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA) and Ministry of Finance (MF).
Resiliens/förvaltning av miljö- och naturresurser EEU/GU, Beijer, SRC Policies for Resilience and Development in the Anthropocene, EEU/GU, Beijer, SRC PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ANSWER AS THE QUESTION HAS BEEN CHANGED I ansökan om planeringsanslag ansöker ekonomiforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, Beijer Institutet och Stockholm Resilience Centre om ett bidrag för att bygga ett program som för samman ekologi och ekonomi på ett integrerat sätt och bidrar till att lyfta fram den essentiella roll som både naturkapital och socialt kapital spelar för mänskligt välbefinnande i ett utvecklingsperspektiv. Programmet bygger på den långa erfarenhet som byggts upp vid Beijer-institutet vid KVA och SRC vid Stockholms universitet samt ekonomiforskning vid Göteborgs universitet, och kommer att samordnas av Göteborgs universitet. I ansökan söks medel för två postdocs (50%) samt workshops för att utveckla en full ansökan sent i 2014. Building on interdisciplinary research strenghts of the Beijer/Stockholm Resilience Center, the EME /GU and the EfD initiative the project will analyse ecosystem change while developing appropriate policy instruments for dealing with critical challenges in the Anthropocene particularly for developing countries.
AECF REACT challenge fund 2013 - 2023 - AECF Förnybar energi och anpassning AECF REACT challenge fund 2013 - 2023 Det tredje rundan av AECF REACT kommer att utlysas som en tävling där företag ansöker om finansiering för innovativa affärsidéer inom förnybar energi. Syftet är att öka tillgången till förnybar energi till låg kostnad samt anpassning till klimatförändringar på den tanzaniska landsbygden genom ökade affärsinvesteringar och nya affärsmodeller. Det övergripande syftet med insatsen är att bidra till minskad fattigdom i Tanzania genom förbättrad tillgång till energi och minskad sårbarhet i förhållande till klimatförändringar. Insatsen ska främja företags investeringar och innovationer inom billig förnybar energi och klimatanpassningsteknologi genom att erbjuda lån och bidrag som företagen måste matcha med minst motsvarande summa. Ansökningar måste visa tydlig fattigdomsinriktning tex genom att bidra till ökade inkomster, jobbskapande och produktivitet eller minsakde kostander för fattiga människor. AECF-Renewable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation (REACT) is a challenge fund that aims to co-finance and stimulate, innovative private investments in renewable energy and climate adaptation in Tanzania. It is implemented by AGRA (Alliance for Green Revloution in Africa). The overall goal of REACT is to contribute to reducing rural poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose is to catalyse private sector investment and innovation in low cost clean energy and adaptation to climate change technologies. The overall driving forces are that the business idea must show an environmental benefit and that it must demonstrate a positive impact on the rural poor through increased incomes, employment and productivity or reduced costs. Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies (REACT) is a climate change window of the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF). REACT uses the AECF challenge fund approach with the aim of incentivizing private sector delivery of low cost clean energy and climate adaptation technologies to help rural beneficiaries adjust to climate change and escape poverty. AECF uses grant funding to catalyze greater investment into these sectors, sharing risks that these businesses face. REACT was developed specifically to reduce poverty and enhance resilience in the East African community by focusing on three key problems facing the rural poor in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA):
UNICEF maternal & newborn health Karamoja 2015-17 UNICEF barn & mödrahälsa Karamoja 2015-17 Support to maternal and child health in Karamoja. Detta beslut är ett kompletterande insatsbeslut om stöd till UNICEF för projektet "Improving Maternal, Newborn and Child Health through Integrated Approaches" i West Nile 2017-2018. Beslutet tas i enlighet med Sidas insatshanteringsregel, paragraf 3.11.3. UNICEF har den 23 november 2016 inkommit med en ansökan till Sida för ovan nämnda program med en initial budget på 35 MSEK för 2017-2018. Det föreslagna stödet till UNICEF syftar till att bidra till minskad mödra, neonatal och barnadödlighet samt förbättrad barnhälsa och utveckling i West Nile regionen, genom att stärka hälso- och sjukvårdssektorns kapacitet att tillhandahållanda mödra- och barnhälsovård av god kvalitet med fokus på integrerade och innovativa strategier. Projektets primära målgrupp är gravida kvinnor, nyblivna mödrar, nyfödda barn och barn under fem år i åtta distrikt i West Nile - en region som mottagit ett stort antal sydsudanesiska flyktingar. West Nile regionen har några av de lägsta hälsoindikatorerna i Uganda, t.ex. antal vaccinerade barn, antal födslar på kliniker och användning av myggnät, med hög förekomst av malaria, diarré och hiv/aids. Regionen har en av de högsta nivåerna av barnadödlighet, där uppskattningsvis 125 barn dör innan de uppnått fem års åldern per 1000 levande födda barn, jämfört med Ugandas genomsnitt på 90. Sedan december 2013 har regionen sett en stor ökning av flyktingar från Sydsudan, vilket ansträngt den redan otillräckliga hälssosektorn ytterligare. Sedan konflikten intensifierades i juli i år har antalet flytkingar uppgått till över 30 000 per månad. För närvarande befinner sig över 500 000 sydsudanesiska flyktingar i West Nile regionen, varav cirka 86 procent är kvinnor och barn. UNICEF arbetar både med utvecklings- och humanitärt bistånd och är en av UNHCR:s och regeringens viktigaste partners i flyktingmottagandet, med fokus på livräddande åtgärder inom hälsa, nutrition, vatten, sanitet och hygien. Sveriges nuvarande resultatstrategi för Uganda fokuserar inte på att stärka länken mellan utvecklingsstöd och humanitärt bistånd, katastrofriskreducering (DRR) eller resiliens. Det föreslagna stödet till UNICEF syftar därför till att stärka kapaciteten inom hälsosektorn i West Nile samt möta upp det ökade behovet av hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster och den humanitära responsen i de distrikt som mottar störst andel flyktingar. Genom att stödja UNICEF:s reguljära verksamhet i West Nile kan UNICEF även frigöra medel för sin humanitära verksamhet, idag allvarligt underfinansierad. The development intervention's intended outcome is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and new-born morbidity and mortality in Karamoja region by increasing access to an integrated comprehensive package of quality maternal, new-born and child health and nutrition services that strengthens the continuum of care from the community to the health facility holistically.
JPO UNHCR Algeriet 2022 JPO UNHCR Algeria 2022 The contribution is for one Junior Professional Officer (JPO) to be placed within the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Sweden is committed to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030 in developing countries by providing human resources to work with and through the diverse mandates of UN agencies, funds and programmes, as well as the World Bank. For this purpose, Sweden closely collaborates with the UN development, humanitarian and peacekeeping pillars with placements around the world. The contribution further aims at fulfilling the strategy for capacity development, partnerships and methods that support the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development 2018-2022. The JPO position to be funded is: 1. Associate Livelihoods & Economic Inclusion Officer - Tindouf, Algeria Please see attached Terms of Reference (ToR) for more information. Insatsen avser en Junior Professional Officer (JPO) tjänst som skall placeras med United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Insatsen bidrar till Sveriges åtagande att bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 i utvecklingsländer genom att tillhandahålla personal som arbetar md och genom FN-organens och Världsbankens olika mandat. För detta ändamål har Sverige ett nära samarbete med FN:s utvecklings-, humanitära och fredsbevarande pelare med placeringar runtom i världen. Insatsen bidrar även till Strategin för kapacitetsutveckling, partnerskap och metoder som stödjer Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling 2018-2022. Tjänsten som ska finansieras är 1. Associate Livelihoods & Economic Inclusion Officer - Tindouf, Algeriet Se bifogad arbetsbeskrivning (ToR) för mer information Bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 genom att tillhandahålla personal inom prioriterade ämnesområden. Bidra till delmålen inom Strategin för kapacitetsutveckling, partnerskap och metoder som stödjer Agenda 2030 för hållbar utveckling 2018-2022, som syftar till en bredare svensk resursbas genom att: 1) Öka svensk representation på strategiska tjänster i internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. 2) Öka användning och återföring av svensk kompetens och erfarenhet inom internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. Tjänsten som kommer finansieras är: Associate Livelihood & Economic Inclusion Officer
FMA CSUDP 2017-2019 FMA CSUDP 2017-2019 The contribution is a consultancy for a FMA supporting CSUDP, financed by the Swedish Embassy in Nairobi. The aim of the FMA is to oversee the use of Swedish funds and to provide CSUDP with technical support in order to strengthen their financial management capacity. The decision to procure an FMA is based on an external audit carried out by Moore Stephens during august 2017 which identified number of areas for improvement concerning financial management systems. The Swedish embassy has made the assessment that CSUDP needs support in order to strengthen internal Control systems, especially as CSUDP forwards funds to sub-grantees. Insatsen är ett konsultuppdrag som omfattar FMA stöd till Civil Society Urban Development Platform (CSUDP) som finansieras av Svenska ambassaden i Nairobi. Syftet är att stärka organisationens interna kontroll system samt bygga kapacitet för organisationen att minska interna risker. Beslutet är baserad på en extern revision som genomfördes av Moore Stephens under augusti 2017 som pekade på svaga interna kontroll system. Ambassadens bedömning är att CSUDP behöver stöd för att stärka den interna finansiella kapaciteten, i synnerhet då organisationen vidareförmedlar medel till 18 lokala organisationer.
Technical support to ASCE-LC to formulate its project 2017-2019 Technical support to ASCE-LC to formulate its project 2017-2019 Sida stödde ASCE-LC genom ett kontrakt med Yons Associates för formulering av ASCE-LCs projekt sedan 30 juni 2017. För att förstora det formulerade projektet till EU och Schweiziskt samarbete, undertecknas en ändring den 18 januari 2018. Ändringsbeloppet uppgick till 112 543 SEK baserat på den 29 oktober December 2017. Medan den första fakturan No011 intervenerade den 14 februari 2018 ingrep den andra fakturan No012 den 19 april 2019 i franc / CFA, det vill säga ett år efter den första fakturan. Beräkningen av den andra fakturan är baserad på den 28 februari 2019 den 28 februari 2019 som ligger närmast fakturans nuvarande värde. Av den anledningen motsvarar den första DAA på 112 542 SEK inte det beloppet som utbetalats till 117 013 SEK. Därför måste ett ytterligare beslut fattas om 4 471 kronor, vilket resulterar i ett totalt bidrag på 117 013 kronor. Förslag På grund av ovanstående omständigheter beslutar man att lägga till ytterligare 4 471 kronor till bidrag nr 11 265, vilket resulterar i totalt 117 013 kronor. Beslut Chefen för utvecklingssamarbetet bestämmer: Att ytterligare 4 471 kronor ska läggas till bidrag nr 11 265 från finansieringskoden 106010300, vilket resulterar i ett totalt bidrag på 117 013 kronor; Att en ändring av befintligt kontrakt kommer att göras enligt ovan. Sida supported ASCE-LC through a contract with Yons Associates for the formulation of ASCE-LC's project since 30th June 2017. To enlarge the formulated project to EU and Swiss Cooperation, an amendement is signed on 18th January 2018. The amount of the amendment was 112 543 SEK based on oanda of 29th December 2017. While the first invoice No011 intervened on 14th February 2018, the 2nd invoice No012 intervened in 19th April 2019 in francs/CFA, that is to say one year after the first invoice. The calculation of the 2nd invoice is based on oanda of 28th February 2019 to be the closest of the current value of the invoice. And for this reason the initial DAA of 112 542 SEK does not correspond to the amount disbursed of 117 013 SEK. Therefore, an additional decision must be made of 4 471 SEK, resulting in a total contribution of 117 013 SEK. Proposal Due to the circumstances described above, to take a decision to add a further 4 471 SEK to the contribution no 11 265, resulting in a total of 117 013 SEK. Decision The Head of the Development Cooperation decides: That an additional sum of 4 471 SEK shall be added to the contribution no 11 265 from the finance code 106010300, resulting in a total contribution of 117 013 SEK; That an amendment to the existing contract will be made in accordance with the above.
Zanzibar Energy Sector Support Consolidation - Zanzibar M&E and Proc support Zanzibar Energi consolidation Insatsen syftar till att skapa förutsättningar för ekonomisk och socialt hållbar utveckling på Zanzibar genom att förbättra säkerhet och tillgång till elektricitet genom att stärka den organisatoriska kapaciteten och ekonomin hos tre statliga aktörer inom energi sektorn på Zanzibar. Zanzibars elsektor har under en längre tid haft problem med elavbrott, tekniska och icke tekniska förluster, elpriser som inte reflekterar kostnader för inköp och distribution. Det statliga elbolaget och de statliga myndigheter som är satta att reglera sektorn har en begränsad kapacitet att få bukt med problemen. 2003 bad Zanzibars regering Sverige om hjälp att adressera de problem som energi sektorn upplevde. Ett trestegsprogram som angrep policy, organisatorisk kapacitet och tekniska förbättringar utformades och en första fas genomfördes mellan 2007 och 2010. Resultaten av denna första fas var positiva. Bland annat minskade de tekniska förlusterna från 33% 2008 till 24% 2014, och de icke tekniska förlusterna minskade med 40% och elbolaget ZECOs inkomster ökade från 2.8 miljarder TSH per månad till över 5 miljarder TSH per månad under samma period . Dessutom har en rad reformer inom sektorn genomförts och den organisatoriska kapaciteten har stärkts med resultat att bättre styrning och kontroll av sektorn bidragit till energisektorns förmåga att leverera tjänster till slutanvändare på ett effektivt sätt. En ansökan om stöd för en andra fas med titeln "Zanzibar Energy Sector Programme Consolidation" inkom till Sida i oktober 2013 och har som mål att 1) stärka kapaciteten och verksamheten hos Department of Energy and Minerals (DoEM) och dess roll att koordinera energisektorn 2) Förbättra elbolaget ZECOs finansiella kapacitet och 3) bidra till mer hållbar energianvändning på Zanzibar Konsolideringsfasen har en budget på 47 miljoner svenska kronor och är tänkt att genomföras under fyra år med start hösten 2014. The development objective of the intervention is to create conditions for economic and social development in Zanzibar by improving reliability and access to electricity through strengthening organizational and financial capacity of three public entities in the energy sector in Zanzibar. Zanzibar's power sector has for a long time had problems with power cuts, technical and non-technical losses, tariffs that do not reflect the costs of power purchasing and the operation and maintenance of the electricity distribution system. The state-owned power utility and the government agencies who are supposed to regulate the sector have a limited capacity to overcome the problems. In 2003, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar asked Sweden for assistance in addressing the problems experienced in the energy sector. A three-step program that covered policy, organizational capacity and technical improvements was designed and a first phase was implemented between 2007 and 2010. The outcomes of this first phase were positive . Among other things, technical losses were reduced from 33 % in 2008 to 24% in 2014 , and the non- technical losses decreased by 40% and the power utility ZECO’s revenue grew from 2.8 billion TSH per month to over 5 billion TSH per month during the same period. In addition, a number of reforms in the sector were implemented and the organizational capacity has been strengthened with the result that better management and control of the sector contributed to the energy sector's ability to deliver services to end users in an efficient manner. A request for support for a Consolidation phase titled " Zanzibar Energy Sector Programme Consolidation" was submitted to the Swedish Embassy in October 2013 and aims to: 1 ) strengthen the capacity and operations of the Department of Energy and Minerals and its role to coordinate energy sector 2 ) improve the power utility ZECO’s financial performance, and 3) contribute to more sustainable energy use in Zanzibar. The Consolidation phase has a budget of 47 million Swedish kronor and is intended to be implemented over four years starting in Autumn 2014. The Zanzibar Energy Sector Support (ZESS) project, which was formed based on an intergovernmental support on the energy sector between the Government of Sweden and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar is currently in its consolidation implementation phase. The overall objectives of this project are to improve competence and processes for Zanzibar Electrcity Supply Corporation (ZECO) Staff in all Departments, improve the capacity of Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA) to carry out economic regulation of the electricity sector. In order to make this objective concrete and measureable, the target outcome is to ensure that, by the end of the program, ZURA has developed the capacity, knowledge, tools, systems and procedures to effectively set end-user tariffs of ZECO. ZESS Project consists of three types of support; (1) Technical assistance, (2) Training/Capacity development for the Department of Energy and Minerals (DoEM), Department of Planning, Policy and Research (DPPR), Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA) and ZECO staff; and (3) Procurement of pre-paid meters and critical equipment. The Project is underpinned by an inter-governmental agreement between Sweden and Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar (RGoZ), which provides for up to about Swedish Kronor (SEK) 53.6 million including Sida monitoring costs to sustain program results.
Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) 2019-2025 - Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) 2019-2025 Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19 Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) syftar till att främja innovationer som ökar produktionen av mat genom mer hållbart och effektivt användande av vatten och/eller energi, inklusive förnybar energi, med ett fokus på kvinnors ekonomiska egenmakt, minskning av fattigdom i olika dimensioner, samt ökad biodiversitet och motståndskraft mot klimatförändringar. WE4F strävar därmed efter att uppnå följande mål: Ökad produktion av mat genom mer hållbart och effektivt användande av vatten och/ eller energi; ökad inkomst för kvinnor och män i både urbana och rurala områden; hållbar uppskalning av innovatörers lösningar; samt att innovatörernas produkter och tjänster används av konsumenter på marknaden. Detta ska åstadkommas genom skräddarsytt tekniskt stöd; gåvobistånd (matching grant) mellan 100,000 – 500,000 USD per projekt till innovatörer; ihopkoppling av innovatörer med privata investerare genom en finansiell mäklarfunktion (financial brokering unit); och genom ett förbättrat möjliggörande policyklimat (enabling environment) för privatsektorutveckling i de utvalda regionerna. WE4F har inkommit med en förfrågan till Sida om stöd för en femårsperiod, 2019-2024, om totalt 180,000,000 SEK. WE4F är en insats som Sida har varit med och utformat tillsammans med USAID, BMZ/GIZ, och Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Nederländerna. Även EU DG DEVCO och Department of Science and Technology (DST) Sydafrika kommer att bidra till genomförandet av WE4F. Global Affairs Canada har visat intresse av att gå med i WE4F, vilket kommer utforskas vidare under 2020. WE4Fs totala budget är 64,9 MUSD, varav 61,7 MUSD för närvarande redan har allokerats eller är under beredning. Sida bidrar med totalt ca 18,1 MUSD, motsvarande 180 MSEK, varav 112,5 MSEK från strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar miljö, hållbart klimat och hav, samt hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser (2018-2022) och 67,5 MSEK från strategin för Sveriges globala utvecklingssamarbete inom hållbar ekonomisk utveckling (2018-2022). USAID bidrar med 8,5 MUSD, MFA-Nederländerna med 8,2 MUSD, BMZ/GIZ med 19,8 MUSD, EU DG DEVCO med 6,6 MUSD, och DST-Sydafrika med 0,5 MUSD. Sida kommer att ingå avtal med USAID genom en överenskommelse om bidrag (Contribution Arrangement) och ett samförståndsavtal (Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)). Det utvecklingsproblem som ligger till grund för WE4F är bristen på vatten och hållbar energi som ett hinder för småskaliga jordbrukares möjligheter att öka produktiviteten och därmed sina inkomster för att lyftas ur fattigdom. Enligt United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) bedöms 60-70% av den framtida mat som behövs för att försörja en växande befolkning komma från produktivitetsökningar på existerande jordbruksmarker. International Energy Agency uppskattar att 90% av den globala efterfrågan på energi kommer att komma från utvecklingsländer de kommande 30 åren. Jordbruket uppskattas använda 70% av det totala vattenuttaget och 30% av energikonsumtionen enligt FAO. De allra fattigaste i utvecklingsländer lägger majoriteten av sina inkomster på mat. Samtidigt tenderar kvinnor att spendera mer tid på att hämta vatten och ved än män, vilket reducerar deras roll som ekonomiska aktörer och bidrag till en hållbar ekonomisk utveckling. Att säkerställa ett mer produktivt och hållbart lantbruk, inkomstmöjligheter, och kvinnors roll som ekonomiska aktörer blir därmed viktigt för att adressera denna mat-, vatten- och energiproblematik samt bidra till fattigdomsminskning. Även klimatförändringar påverkar jordbrukares förutsättningar genom exempelvis ändrade regnsäsonger, översvämningar och torka. Att säkerställa hållbar naturresursförvaltning, hållbara ekosystem och biologisk mångfald blir därmed viktigt för att åtgärda och minska dessa negativa miljökonsekvenser. WE4F är en sammanslagning av två utlysningsfonder, Securing Water for Food (SWFF) och Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge (PAEGC). Dessa två utlysningsfonder avslutas under 2020 och WE4F kommer att bygga vidare på deras partnerskap, lärdomar och utmaningar. Sida beställde 2018 en utvärdering av Sidas 10 globala utlysningsfonder som genomfördes av TripleLine. Utvärderingen lyfte båda utlysningsfonderna som utmärkande vad gällde att uppnå outcomes och impact. SWFF har nått goda resultat inom att uppnå skala, medan PAEGC har haft större framgång med att mobilisera privat kapital. Tillsammans har de nått nästan 7 miljoner slutanvändare, producerat nästintill 6 miljoner ton mat, reducerat vattenanvändandet med mer än 17 miljarder liter, sparat 13,5 MUSD i energikostnader, och mobiliserat mer än 58 MUSD ifrån den privata sektorn. Denna sammanslagning syftar till att både skapa en mer kostnadseffektiv insats, samt att arbeta inom vatten-energi-jordbruk nexus då det finns en stark sammanlänkning mellan dessa tre sektorer. TripleLine’s utvärdering av Sidas globala utlysningsfonder visade att utlysningsfonder som instrument är lämpligt i de fall man har en väldefinierad utmaning utan konkreta lösningar; när utlysningsfonden har potential att bidra till systemförändringar; när kapitalmarknaden är omogen och riskavvärjande; och när det finns ett öppet, främjande policyklimat som ger innovationerna utrymme att verka. Man pekar i utvärderingen på två övergripande förutsättningar för att använda sig av en utysningsfond; den ska kunna uppnå additionalitet och vara en katalysator för systemförändringar exempelvis för att uppnå marknadsförändringar eller förändra strukturer som kvarhåller människor i fattigdom och marginalisering. WE4F har som mål att nå fattiga och kvinnor och kommer därför ha en portfölj med goda förutsättningar att skapa tillgångar, tjänster och jobb för människor i fattigdom. Slutligen lyfte utvärderingen fram att stöd till små, oerfarna företag samt till innovationer i tidiga utvecklingsstadier, exempelvis R&D, hade mindre potential att nå önskade resultat kring skala och social påverkan. WE4F kommer därför att fokusera på mer etablerade företag med mål att skala upp innovationer och därmed ha större potential att bidra till systemeffekter. Svårigheter att säkerställa tillgång till privat kapital samt ett ineffektivt policyklimat har identifierats som hindrande faktorer för innovatörer inom SWFF och PAEGC för att uppnå hållbar skala och social påverkan. WE4F kommer att etablera så kallade finansiella mäklarfunktioner (financial brokering units) som tidigt börjar arbeta med att koppla ihop innovatörerna med privata investerare för att uppnå hållbar skala. För att bidra till skapandet av ett mer gynnsamt policyklimat för privatsektorutveckling kommer hubbarna att arbeta via olika plattformar för att påverka beslutsfattare med stöd av respektive givares ambassader och program för att ta tillvara synergier och bygga på redan befintliga nätverk. Detta är även i linje med hur man, utifrån rekommendationer i Sidas utvärdering av Market Systems Development (MSD), bör arbeta med marknader. WE4Fs organisationsstruktur består av tre "lager" (se bilaga 3): regionala innovationshubbar, som arbetar närmast innovatörerna och har till uppgift att ge olika typer av stöd till innovatörerna på plats; sekretariatet som koordinerar hubbarna, uppföljning och utvärdering samt kunskapsöverföring mellan hubbarna; samt en givargemensam styrgrupp som beslutar om den övergripande strategin och utlysningarna för WE4F. Insatsen är global men kommer att genomföras av regionala innovationshubbar, vilka har till uppgift att ge olika typer av stöd till företagen på plats. Denna struktur bygger på goda erfarenheter i PAEGC av en hubb som GIZ etablerade i Kenya, Nairobi, för att komma innovatörerna så nära som möjligt och dra nytta av lokala nätverk, konsulter och kunskaper. För att uppnå hållbar skala kommer hubbarna stödja innovatörerna både finansiellt med gåvomedel i form av en matching grant, samt med skräddarsytt tekniskt stöd. Vidare kommer stöd ges till innovatörerna genom den finansiella mäklarfunktionen som kopplar ihop innovatörerna med relevanta privata investerare. Detta för att säkerställa att innovatörerna har tillgång till privat kapital efter avslutat WE4F projekt, och därmed ha som mål att innovatörerna inte förlitar sig på bistånd för att fortsätta finansiera och skala upp sina verksamheter. Inom ramen för denna funktion kommer också finansieringslösningar för slutanvändare (end-user financing) att ingå för att stärka köpkraften bland slutanvändarna så att innovationerna kan få större spridning bland fattiga. Modellen för den finansiella mäklarfunktionen bygger på erfarenheter från Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) Connects framgångsrika match-making mellan innovatörer och investerare samt lärdomar från PAEGCs Investment Alliance med två impact investors (AlphaMundi och FactorE). I praktiken kommer kombinationen av gåvomedel, teknisk rådgivning samt privat kapital vara behovsbaserad och skräddarsys till varje enskild innovatör och region. De olika formerna av stöd behöver därför inte nödvändigtvis bestå av alla tre delar, utan skulle exempelvis kunna bestå av endast skräddarsytt tekniskt stöd beroende på företagets och regionens mognadsgrad. Som tidigare nämnts, har insatsen utöver detta en komponent som syftar till att bidra till att skapa ett mer möjliggörande policyklimat för innovatörerna. Detta arbete kommer främst att genomföras på nationell nivå av de regionala innovationshubbarna och kommer att fokusera på de specifika hinder som företagen upplever försvårar genomförandet av deras projekt. Baserat på de hinder som innovatörerna i SWFF och PAEGC har mött, är det sannolikt att arbetet kommer att inkludera arbete med exempelvis handelsrestriktioner, regelverk och lagstiftning gällande privatsektor och innovation samt reformer inom vatten-, energi-, jordbruks- och den finansiella sektorn. Hubbarna kommer att driva dessa frågor genom olika plattformar för att påverka beslutsfattare med stöd av respektive givares ambassader och program för att tillvarata synergier och bygga på redan befintliga nätverk. De regionala innovationshubbarna kommer att styras av identifierade partners på plats. I dagsläget beräknas programmet innefatta fem hubbar: tre i Afrika, en i Asien samt en i MENA-regionen. Varje hubb förväntas ge stöd till omkring 30 innovatörer. Antalet hubbar kan komma att öka i samband med att fler givare går med i programmet. Utöver hubben som redan är operativ i Kenya (Nairobi) och som täcker Östafrika, kommer GIZ att ansvara för en hubb i Elfenbenskusten (Abidjan) som innefattar Västafrika. USAID kommer att identifiera en eller flera partners för att driva en hubb i Thailand (Bangkok) som täcker Syd- och Sydostasien samt en hubb i MENA regionen. Processen med att sätta upp en hubb i Sydafrika som täcker Södra Afrika planeras påbörja under våren 2020. Då värdarna för hubbarna ännu inte är beslutade är det i nuläget svårt att beskriva exakt hur arbetet med tekniskt stöd, finansiell match-making och ett möjliggörande policyklimat kommer att genomföras i praktiken i respektive region, då olika värdar har olika strukturer och arbetssätt för detta. För Asienhubben förväntas exempelvis UNDP (bidrag, tekniskt stöd, möjliggörande policyklimat) bli värd tillsammans med UNCDF (finansiell mäklarfunktion). För att bygga vidare på redan befintliga strukturer ser GIZ över möjligheten att använda AECF som finansiell mäklarfunktion för hubben i Östafrika. Urvalsprocessen kommer att ske genom regionspecifika utlysningsfönster där fonden söker lösningar på problem inom vatten-jordbruk-energi nexus som företag och andra organisationer sedan föreslår lösningar till i form av innovativa projekt/affärsmodeller. Urvalskriterier samt programmets M&E ramverk har fastställts under en givargemensam workshop i oktober 2019. De regionala innovationshubbarna ansvarar för att ta fram förslag på urvalspaneler för varje region. Urvalspanelerna kommer bestå av internationella och regionala experter inom tekniska, affärs- och hållbarhetsfrågor (vatten, energi, jordbruk, hållbart företagande/affärsmodeller, jämställdhet, fattigdom och miljö/klimatfrågor) och kommer ansvara för att välja de innovatörer som bäst möter urvalskriterierna. Samtliga regionala hubbar kommer koordineras av ett sekretariat, där GIZ och USAID är ansvariga för varsin enhet. Sekretariatet har det operativa ansvaret för fonden. Sekretariatet ansvarar för att de regionala innovationshubbarna hanterar och stödjer företagen gällande utbetalningar av gåvobistånd, uppföljning, tekniskt stöd, tillgång till privat kapital samt att de verkar för ett möjliggörande policyklimat. Sekretariatet säkerställer även koordinering av M&E-ramverk och kunskapsöverföring mellan enheterna och hubbarna samt ansvarar för att upprätta årsrapporter och sammankalla till årsmöten. Sekretariatet kommer i sin tur att styras av en givargemensam styrgrupp, där Sida kommer att ingå. Styrgruppen har till uppgift att besluta om den övergripande strategin och utlysningarna för WE4F, besluta om nya regionala innovationshubbar och innovatörer samt övervaka sekretariatets arbete. Detta innebär att Sida tillsammans med övriga givare beslutar om bland annat urvalskriterier i samband med regionala utlysningar, godkänner experter till urvalspanelerna som föreslagits av hubbarna, samt godkänner de företag som valts ut av panelerna. Genom detta säkerställs Sidas möjligheter att påverka bland annat 1) det strategiska ramverket för WE4F, 2) att tvärfrågor såsom kvinnors ekonomiska egenmakt, fattigdomsbekämpning, lokalt ägarskap, miljö/klimat, biologisk mångfald, och vattenresurshantering integreras i samtliga projekt, 3) att företag som inte har vidtagit tillräckligt starka åtgärder för att förhindra att negativa miljökonsekvenser uppstår ej får stöd av WE4F, 4) att företag som faller under Sidas uteslutningslista inte ges stöd av WE4F, samt 5) att företag som riskerar att vara konkurrensstörande på EUs marknad enligt EUs statsstödsregler inte beviljas stöd av fonden. Dessa prioriteringar är även integrerade i hela urvalsprocessen. Sidas deltagande i styrgruppen inom WE4F sker på strategisk nivå snarare än operativt, vilket innebär att Sida tar ett steg tillbaka vad gäller involvering i det operativa genomförandet av fonden jämfört med Sidas tidigare engagemang i styrgrupperna för SWFF och PAEGC. Sidas möjligheter till deltagande och beslutsfattande inom den givargemensamma styrgruppen blir därför av särskilt stor vikt för att säkerställa att Sidas prioriteringar får genomslag. Detta är också i linje med promemorian "Vägledning vid beslut om Sidas deltagande i styrelser och styrgrupper" (PARTNER, JUR, 2016-08-24) där Sidas deltagande i styrgrupper för givargemensamma utlysningsfonder specifikt uppmuntras med motiveringen att Sidas prioriterade frågor måste kunna drivas för att säkerställa att förutsättningar för lokalt ägarskap beaktas i fonden. Strukturen för WE4F innebär att utbetalningar kommer se olika ut för olika hubbar. Utbetalningar från Sida kommer endast gå till USAID, och ej till GIZ. USAID förväntas därefter vidareförmedla medel till de värdar av hubbar som USAID ingår avtal med (exempelvis UNDP/UNCDF). Utbetalningar från USAID kommer dock aldrig kunna gå direkt till GIZ då de, liksom Sida, inte har juridisk möjlighet till detta. Delar av utbetalningarna kommer emellertid gå till Öst- och Västafrikahubbarna, då GIZ kan behöva ytterligare finansiella medel för utlysningar till följd av att deras stöd främst består av personalresurser. Utbetalningar sker i dessa fall till andra genomförande aktörer än GIZ som då både USAID och GIZ skriver avtal med (exempelvis AECF). Vidareförmedling kommer även att ske på regional nivå från hubbarna direkt till innovatörer och andra samarbetspartners. Sidas medel kommer i sin helhet att användas för USAIDs upphandlingar som sker enligt USAIDs lagar och regler, dels genom upphandlingarna av Asienhubben (10,55 MUSD), MENA-hubben (0,94 MUSD) och hubben för Södra Afrika (5,97 MUSD), dels genom USAIDs upphandlingar av extern M&E (0,40 MUSD) och andra tjänster (0,25 MUSD). Hubbarna kommer i sin tur att vidareförmedla medel till innovatörer (assistance) samt upphandla varor och tjänster (aquisitions) enligt USAIDs regelverk, då dessa krav förs vidare i avtal med tredje part. Enda undantaget för detta är om någon av värdarna för hubbarna skulle bli ett FN-organ eller annan internationell organisation. Enligt USAID kommer i dessa fall förhandlingar att ske avseende vilka lagar och regler som ska gälla vid vilka specifika finansiella flöden. Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 The WE4F programme’s mission is to expand the sustainable scale of innovations that impact the sectors of food and water, food and energy, or all three sectors at the nexus (food, water, energy) to increase the sustainability of agricultural food value chains and address environmental and climate resilience in developing countries and emerging markets – with a particular focus on the poor and women. High importance is also attached to that innovators need to strive for having a positive impact on the environment, climate and biodiversity (and not only applying a do no harm approach), taking a holistic view on the management of natural resources and ecosystems, and the sustainable withdrawal and supply of water in particular. To achieve this goal, the effort must include partners from the private sector, NGOs, other research institutions, and other donors who share the common goal of increasing food production through sustainable water sources and renewable energy usage taking into account their pressure on natural resources. A key consideration of this effort is to ensure that feedback loops are created that integrate local conditions and new knowledge into both national and international policy and decision-making. Another important consideration is to integrate capacity development, knowledge management and financial and non-financial instruments in a smart way to create an enabling environment in the partner countries. For this purpose, the WE4F programme strives to achieve the following impacts: • Increase in food production along the value chain through a more sustainable and efficient usage of water and/or energy; • Increase in income for women and men in both rural and urban areas; • The sustainable scaling of new solutions of the innovators to challenges in the WE4F nexus; • Customers in the market using the newly developed products or services of the innovators. To achieve these impacts the WE4F programme’s objectives (outcomes) are the following: • Capacities of innovators are improved; • Mobilization of external funding for innovators is increased; • Enabling environment for innovators and relevant stakeholder in the targeted regions is improved. The overall structure for the WE4F Challenge Fund envisions a steering structure consisting of a donor steering committee and secretariat with two units managed by USAID together with GIZ acting on behalf of BMZ. The secretariat will be responsible for scaling efforts as well as the management and coordination of the regional innovation hubs. To ensure the best possible chances of success in efforts in reaching sustainable scale, the overall structure foresees that the regional innovation hubs provide both financial and non-financial support in the form of a financial brokering unit, which is responsible for providing matching grants, connecting innovators with private investors and banks, and facilitating end-user financing, and a technical assistance unit providing assistance to innovators on technical, business and sustainability issues. At the same time, the regional innovation hubs will facilitate advocacy work by highlighting important issues that hinder innovations or the scaling of innovations of the supported innovators. For this purpose, the hubs establish a report with governments, embassies and other advocacy networks and platforms. In addition, they will link up with other donor programmes to maximize synergies. WE4F currently envisions the establishment of five regional innovation hubs. Three will be based in Africa (East, West, and Southern Africa), one in Asia to cover the South and South East Asia region, and one in the MENA region. The selection process of hosts for these hubs will vary depending on the region. The GIZ secretariat unit will manage the hubs in East and West Africa, while USAID will manage the remaining. Additional hubs may be set up in the future with, for instance, the joining of additional donors. Utlysningsfonden Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) stödjer innovationer och mobiliserar kapital för att producera mer mat med mindre vatten och energianvändning med särskilt fokus på att gynna kvinnor och fattiga och samtidigt bidra till begränsad klimatpåverkan och anpassning samt ett hållbart nyttjande av naturresurser och biologisk mångfald. WE4F bygger på lärdomar från utlysningsfonderna Securing Water for Food (SWFF) och Powering Agriculture (PAEGC) och har samskapats av Sida, USAID, Tyskland, Nederländerna och EU Kommissionen. Norad har senare anslutit sig till fonden. WE4F genomförs av regionala innovationshubbar i Öst-, Väst- och Södra och Centrala Afrika, Asien och i MENA-regionen som förutom att bidra med gåvomedel och tekniskt stöd till innovatörerna dessutom verkar för att koppla ihop innovatörer med privata investerarare samt skapa ett möjliggörande policyklimat för innovation i respektive region. Stort fokus inom insatsen läggs också på att öka efterfrågan på innovationerna genom olika finansieringslösningar för slutanvändare. Den lokala ansatsen och de utökade instrumenten förväntas bidra till att avsevärt stärka det lokala ägarskapet för innovation samt möjligheter att uppnå hållbar skala och systemförändringar. Det uppskattas att WE4F kommer att mobilisera motsvarande 2 miljarder SEK från den privata sektorn. WE4F-programmets syfte är att bidra till uppskalning av hållbara innovationer som påverkar sektorerna mat och vatten, mat och energi, eller alla tre sektorerna i mat-vatten-energinexus för ökad hållbarhet i livsmedelsvärdekedjor och bidra till miljö- och klimatresiliens i utvecklingsländer och tillväxtmarknader med särskilt fokus på fattiga och kvinnor. Stor vikt läggs också vid att innovatörer ska sträva efter att ha en positiv inverkan på miljön, klimatet och den biologiska mångfalden, ha en helhetssyn på förvaltningen av naturresurser och ekosystem, samt hållbar resursanvändning och vattenanvändning i synnerhet. WE4F har som effektmål att: - Öka livsmedelsproduktionen längs värdekedjan genom en mer hållbar och effektiv användning av vatten och/eller energi - Öka inkomsten för kvinnor och män som lever i fattigdom/Base of the Pyramid (BoP) på landsbygden och i städer - Hållbart skala innovatörers lösningar för att möta utmaningarna i WE4F-nexus inklusive främja klimat- och miljöresiliens och biologisk mångfald genom hållbar, holistisk förvaltning av naturresurser och ekosystem - Kunder på marknaden använder innovatörernas produkter eller tjänster WE4F-programmets outputmål är att: - Innovatörernas kapacitet förbättras - Mobiliseringen av externa medel för innovatörer ökar - Möjliggörande policyklimat för innovatörer och relevanta intressenter förbättras
Strategic Fund 2015-2016 - RUT Visits to Assist PIC's PBO Initiative Strategisk Fond 2015-2016 Sektionskontoret för utvecklingssamarbete och sedermera ambassaden har sedan 2009 haft en Strategisk Fond. Syftet med fonden är att finansiera mindre initiativ som är strategiska för genomförandet av strategin för utvecklingssamarbete med Kambodja, men som faller utanför ramverket för de större insatserna inom respektive resultatområde/sektor. Initiativ som finansieras via fonden är förstudier inför eventuella beredningar, utvärderingar, seminarier, studieresor, översättningar och publikationer. Fonden finansierar kostnader för flygbiljetter, visum,språktester och översättning i samband med kambodianst deltagande i Sidas International Training Programme (ITP), samt ramavtal för revisionstjänster som faller utanför de revisioner som avtalats med samarbetspartners, inklusive systemrevisioner och tolkning av revisionsrapporter. Varje enskilt initiativ (komponent i PLUS) bör vara begränsad i tid och i sin utformning och kopplad till tydliga resultat. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results. The procedures for the Strategic Fund are as follows: 1) The Programme Administrator is responsible for the overall management of the contribution. 2) The Programme Officer writes a separate decision for a PLUS component in word format 3) The Programme Officer is responsible for follow-up of the components 4) The decision and documentation is archived under Strategic Fund. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results.
Community Resilience and Development Programme (CRDP) UNDP Community Resilence and Development Programme CRDP in West Bank - UNDP Area C facility CRDP CRDP-programmets mål är att genom civilsamhällets organisationer stärka lokalsamhällets förmåga att motstå hot mot deras fortsatta existens på dess egen mark i område C. Program bidrar till a) att förhindra omöjliggörandet av palestinsk utveckling i område C och östra Jerusalem, b) skydda palestinsk mark och egendom, samt c) öka mänsklig säkerhet. CRDP-programmets mål är att genom civilsamhällets organisationer stärka lokalsamhällets förmåga att motstå hot mot deras fortsatta existens på dess egen mark i område C. Program bidrar till a) att förhindra omöjliggörandet av palestinsk utveckling i område C och östra Jerusalem, b) skydda palestinsk mark och egendom, samt c) öka mänsklig säkerhet. The overall goal of the Community Resilience and Development Programme (CRDP)  is to empower local stakeholders and Palestinians living in Area C and East Jerusalem (EJ), through the most appropriate partners, to respond with resilience to threats that affect their sustenance on the land. This included three specific objectives: 1. To prevent the erosion of living conditions of Palestinians in Area C and EJ,2. To protect Palestinian land and property in Area C and EJ,3. To mitigate and ideally reverse migration flows from Area C and EJ. This UNDP-managed and multi donor-funded programme was developed to facilitate the critical transition from humanitarian to development assistance in the communities of Area C and EJ through larger, sectorial and geographically-integrated investments.
UNICEF Education AFG 2022-2024 - UNICEF Education 2023-2024 UNICEF Utbildning Afghanistan 2022-2024 Support to UNICEF Afghanistan for in-service capacity development of teachers. UNICEF Afghanistan has requested Sida to support the project "improve children's learning outcomes through better prepared and supported teachers." The project, which spans 24 months, focuses on in-service training of public school teachers, with a special focus on female teachers. The project also includes a smaller component aimed at providing the opportunity for 730 student female teachers to receive their teaching certificate from a Teacher Training College (TTC). The total amount requested for the two year project is 140 000 000 SEK (approximately 14,389,968 USD). Pre-August 2021, Sida contributed to teacher training through its support to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) managed by the World Bank. However, all programmes under ARTF - including the education programme Education Quality Reform in Afghanistan (EQRA) - have been suspended. These funds will now be channeled into the World Bank's new project Education Emergency Response in Afghanistan (EERA), which will be implemented by UNICEF. Since this is an emergency response, it will focus on sustaining access to education. It will not include any components focused on quality education. The EERA project will focus on 1 ) paying stipends to 193 000 teachers and school based staff, 2) supporting some Community Based Education (CBE), 3) gender based rehabilitation of school infrastructure, and 4) project and sector monitoring. To complement EERA, and other funding streams, Sida requested a proposal from UNICEF focused on quality education. The proposed UNICEF project aims to 1) develop and test a teacher education and training programme, with specific focus on quality, equity and need, to strengthen the teaching and learning process and improve learning outcomes, and to 2) increase the availability of qualified female teachers. For the first outcome, the target would be 15,000 teachers (9,000 female), with a focus on newely recruited teachers in primary schools for girls. For the second outcome, the target will be 730 female student teachers (i.e. females with grade 12 education who teach at the primary level but lacks the two years of teacher training necessary to receive a certificate). Activities under the first outcome are to be implemented in five provinces representative of the five different regions of Afghanistan (North, Central, East, West, and South). This will allow UNICEF to include lessons-learned from the different regions and develop a plan for a nation-wide roll-out by the end of the project. Activities under the second outcome will focus on three different regions, based on where girls participation and the number of female teachers are limited. The focus will be on rural areas. The target group will include 154 female teachers who have started the programme but not been able to finalise due to lack of funding, as well as 576 new recruits to the two year programme. It is paramount that quality education continuous to be prioritised in public schools in Afghanistan, and that the mistakes made in the last two decades are not repeated. If children are not learning in schools, the demand for education from the communities will decrease. Hence, Sida's added-value in the sector today is its ability to go beyond the emergency support promoted by most other donors, and focus on qualitative and sustainable education. This has become even more important after the pro-longed school closure due to both Covid 19 and the complex context. This is also one of the reasons why Sida has favoured a project support to UNICEF focused on quality education, rather than broader thematic support. Stöd till UNICEF Afghanistan för kompetensutveckling av lärare The focus during 2022 is the Girls' Access to Teacher Education (GATE) scholarship program. The outcome of the GATE program is to increase the availability of qualified teachers. Whereas the output is to support grade 12 graduates (female) and female teachers to become qualified teachers through the GATE scholarship program (pre-service and in-service). Problem statement To ensure that primary schools stay open and children come back, challenges on both the demand and supply side need to be addressed. One critical factor required to achieve this result is for teachers, particularly female teachers, to be prepared and supported to re-engage in the teaching and learning process. General objective The general objective of the intervention is to improve children's learning, especially girls, as well as other core outcomes such as the acquisition of psychosocial well-being and resilience and positive socio-emotional skills through better teaching practices and increased number of qualified female teachers in the classroom. Outcome and outputs Outcome: Availability of of qualified female teachers has increased Output: Grade 12 graduates (female) and female teachers supported to become qualified female teachers through the Girls Access to Teacher Education (GATE) scholarship program
Algeria 2024 - Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 PBA The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
Consultant support to assess and develop the Team's work within advocacy. Konsultstöd för att kartlägga och utveckla teamets arbete med påverkansarbete Many commitments and progress have been made in the area of HIV and AIDS and SRHR in recent years. Despite this progress, however, some areas, and some key populations are still lagging behind and many individuals are still contracting HIV. Some examples of these areas are access to maternal health services, comprehensive sexuality education, reproductive health for young people, as well as access to SRHR for men who have sex with men, prostitutes and prisoners. Since 2002, Sweden and Norway have collaborated to provide support to regional efforts against HIV/AIDS, and, later, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and the health of women, children and young people more generally. The majority of our partner organizations have identified advocacy as important to ensure accountability and to influence policies and attitudes. Our partner organizations use a variety of methods to influence decisions, but also to communicate and disseminate their experiences. Advocacy, based on evidence and experience, is an important tool to hold governments and others in power accountable for their commitments. It is also important to bring out the knowledge acquired through solid work by local and regional organizations and institutions. Based on these experiences, a need has been identified for stronger and more concerted efforts within advocacy. This is particularly important because the new development goals (Sustainable Development Goal) will be approved by the UN General Assembly later this year. In addition, a new global strategy for women, children and young people will be launched. To support the coordinated efforts in advocacy at local, national and regional levels in Africa, the Embassy is planning to hire a consultant. The consultant will continuously assist the regional HIV/AIDS Team for a period of 12 months. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ANSWER AS THE QUESTION HAS BEEN CHANGED Många åtaganden och framsteg har gjorts inom hiv och aids och SRHR de senaste åren. Trots dessa framsteg är det dock vissa områden, och vissa nyckelgrupper, som fortfarande släpar efter. Några exempel på dessa områden är tillgång till hiv-prevention, sexualundervisning, reproduktiv hälsa för ungdomar, samt tillgång till SRHR för män som har sex med män, prostituerade och fångar. Sedan 2002 har Sverige och Norge samarbetat för att ge stöd till det regionala arbetet mot hiv /aids, och senare även sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR), samt hbt-rättigheter. Samarbetet hanteras av det regionala hiv/aids teamet baserat på ambassaden i Lusaka. Flertalet av de regionala organisationerna som ingår i samarbetet har identifierat påverkansarbete som viktigt för att driva utvecklingen av prevention kring hiv och SRHR framåt, och för att utkräva ansvar och påverka politik och attityder. Dessa samarbetsorganisationer använder en mängd olika metoder för att påverka beslut, men också för att kommunicera och sprida sina erfarenheter. Påverkansarbete som är baserat på evidens och erfarenheter är ett viktigt verktyg för att hålla regeringar och andra makthavare ansvariga för sina åtaganden. Det är också viktigt att på nationell och regional nivå föra ut den kunskap som vunnits genom gediget arbete utfört av lokala och regionala organisationer och institutioner. Med utgångspunkt i dessa erfarenheter har ett behov identifierats för stärkta och mer samordnade ansträngningar vad gäller påverkansarbete. Detta är särskilt viktigt eftersom de nya utvecklingsmålen (Sustainable Development Goal), och ramverken för dess implementering, kommer att godkännas av FN:s generalförsamling senare i år. Dessutom kommer en ny global strategi för kvinnors, barns och ungdomars hälsa att lanseras av FN:s generalsekreterare. För att stödja samordnade insatser inom påverkansarbete på både lokal, nationell och regional nivå inom Afrika avser ambassaden att anlita en konsult. Konsulten kommer att löpande bistå det regionala hiv/aids-teamet och dess samarbetspartner under en period av 12 månader.
The Human Rights & Social Development Division (HRSD) 2021-2025 - Efficiency Audit of HRSD The Human Rights & Social Development Division (HRSD) 2021-2025 Sveriges ambassad i Bangkok föreslår ett nytt stöd till the Human Rights and Social Development Division (HRSD) inom Pacific Community (SPC), för att stödja implementeringen av HRSD:s Business Plan 2021-2025 med ett bidrag om SEK 56 000 000. Det svenska bidraget är ett svar på Sveriges demokratioffensiv (DfD) (regeringsbeslut UD2020/00571) samt bidrar till implementeringen av strategin för Sveriges regionala utvecklingssamarbete i Asien och Oceanien 2016-2021. Inom nuvarande strategi har Sida möjlighet att budgetmässigt förbinda sig fram till och med 2024. Samarbetspartnern uppfyller de juridiska kraven för att ingå ett avtal. Stödet till HRSD bygger på synergier från de program som de tidigare divisionerna genomfört. HRSD:s Business Plan 2021-2025 har utvecklats för att svara på förändringar i kontexten, inklusive covid-19 pandemins påverkan och klimatkrisen. Planen bygger på samlade erfarenheter från SPC, SPC:s medlemmar, civilsamhället, och andra implementerande partners. Framtagandet har skett genom genom konsultationer, oberoende utvärderingar och granskningar av prioriterade arbetsområden. En särskild prioritering som det svenska stödet bidrar till är HRSD:s arbete med att integrera jämställdhet och mänskliga rättigheter (HRBA) i allt SPCs arbete, med hjälp av verktyg som P.L.A.N.E.T (Participation, Links to human rights, Accountability, Non-discrimination, Empowerment, Transparency) och People Centered Approach (PCA). HRSD samarbetar med andra tekniska och vetenskapliga avdelningar vid SPC i samfinansierade projekt, samt assisterar fiskeriprogram (så som Sida-stödda PEUMP) och klimatprogram i design, implementering och uppföjning. Insatsen ger ambassaden en strategisk ingångspunkt för att engagera unga människor i Oceanien, vilket är relevant då de är centrala intressenter och drivare av utvecklingsprocesser. I sitt programförslag har HRSD sammanfattat utvecklingsproblemet i Stillahavsregionen, vilket inkluderar den påverkan som klimatkrisen och covid-19 pandemin har på redan sårbara samhällen. En ökning av människor som lever i fattigdom förutspås, och i flera av samhällets grupper är kvinnor och barn särskilt utsatta. Pandemin har orsakat ett ökat våld mot kvinnor och flickor (VAWG) samtidigt som det sociala skyddsnätet är begränsat. Det finns ett stort behov att stärka en god samhällsstyrning och verka för ett meningsfullt deltagande av det civila samhället för att säkerställa att covid-19-återhämtningen inkluderar såväl sociala dimensioner av hållbarhet som ekonomiska och miljömässiga. Att 'bygga tillbaka bättre' och hitta hållbara lösningar är av högsta relevans. Återkoppling från SPC:s medlemmar visar att regeringar i Oceanien också behöver ökad tillgång till disaggregerad data och statistik för att via sociala trygghetssystem bättre nå människor som lever i särskild utsatthet. The Embassy proposes a new support to the Human Rights and Social Development Division (HRSD) at the Pacific Community (SPC) to support the implementation of HRSD's Business Plan 2021-2025 with a contribution of SEK 56 000 000, responding to Sweden’s Drive for Democracy (DfD) (government decision UD2020/00571) and the current Strategy of Sweden’s regional development and cooperation in Asia and the Pacific region 2016-2021. The ongoing strategy budget frame can be extended until 2024. The cooperation partner fulfils the legal requirements to enter into an agreement. HRSD is operating under the rules of SPC. The new HRSD Business Plan 2021-2026 incorporates the RRRT Business Plan 2018-2021 and the SDP Business Plan 2019-2023. The HRSD programme builds on the synergies from these plans, and has adapted in response to the current environment shaped by covid-19 and climate change. The Business Plan draws on insights from across SPC, SPC members, civil society, implementing partners, and evaluators, through consultations, independent evaluations and reviews of work areas. A key priority which the Swedish funds will cover is the HRSD work on mainstreaming gender and the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), using tools as P.L.A.N.E.T (Participation, Links to human rights, Accountability, Non-discrimination, Empowerment, Transparency) and the people-centred approach (PCA) across SPC as an organisation. HRSD engages formally with other technical and scientific divisions at SPC through joint project funding and collaboration, assisting fisheries ( such as Sida- supported PEUMP) programmes and climate change programmes within their programme design, implementation and monitoring. This contribution also gives the embassy a strategic entry point to engage more with young people in the Pacific region. This is assessed to be relevant since they are key stakeholders in development processes. In the proposal, HRSD has summarized the development problem in the Pacific region, and the drivers of change affecting human rights and social development, including the climate crises and the effect that covid-19 has on already vulnerable economies. A rise in poverty is foreseen, especially for women and young children. The pandemic has also caused an increase in violence against women and girls (VAWG), and limited social services. There is a strong need for good governance and meaningful participation from civil society to ensure that recovery includes social impacts. Post-covid, there is an opportunity to also respond to ecological challenges and the climate crises. There is a need to build back better and find sustainable solutions, especially in the context of temporary and permanent displacement of people. This is both an opportunity and a constraining pressure for members and implementing partners. Feedback from the SPC members suggests that Governments in the Pacific also need disaggregated data and statistics to better target social protection to reach marginalized groups. The purposes of the HRSD Business Plan are: • to detail HRSD's key functions and strategies to progress ongoing and emerging human rights and social development priorities in the region; • to detail HRSD's role in supporting SPC to strengthen its people-centred and culturally responsive work; and • to outline transitional activities that HRSD will undergo over its first 12 months as a newly-merged division, and to align with an SPC-wide transition to a new strategic plan. HRSD's vision is: "Our vision is for just, equitable and resilient Pacific Island societies. This will be achieved by advancing human rights, gender equality and social inclusion for all Pacific people, grounded in cultural values and principles, and people-centred approaches." The HRSD Business Plan is built around four objectives, connected to SPCs Development Objective 6 (Advance social development through the promotion of human rights, gender equality, cultural diversity and opportunities for young people): 1. Governance and institutional strengthening: Strengthen inclusive, transparent and responsive governance and institutions for human rights and social development 1.1: State laws, policies and institutions are strengthened to serve the rights of all people 1.2: Civil society (including women and young people) have the capacity and positioning to influence policies and programmes 1.3 Regional leadership improves implementation of human rights and social development priorities at a national level. 2. Equality and social inclusion: Mobilise, empower and build conditions for gender equality and social inclusion in society and development 2.1 Services and programmes target and respond to the needs of the most marginalized (especially in EVAWG, climate change and disaster response). 2.2 Skills and opportunities grow for income generation and sustainable livelihoods among women, young people, artists and cultural producers 2.3 More communities and leaders advocate for human rights, gender equality and non-violence 3. Culture: Promote, preserve and protect positive expressions of culture 3.1 Cultural knowledge is protected and dynamic in development policy/programming 4. Knowledge and innovation: Accelerate the impact of human rights and social development priorities through knowledge, learning and innovative solutions. 4.1 Human rights and social development knowledge is used to inform national policies and development programmes
Bolivia Research UMSA 2021-2025 Bolivia forskning UMSA 2021-2025 Det offentliga universitetet "Universidad Mayor de San Andrés" (UMSA) i La Paz, Bolivia, har ansökt hos Sida om finansiering på 128 miljoner SEK för att implementera programmet "Stärkande av institutionell forskningskapacitet vid Universidad Mayor de San Andrés 2021-2025". Insatsen syftar till vetenskaplig kunskapsproduktion av hög kvalitet som kan användas av samhället och näringslivet för att bidra till utveckling i La Paz regionen och hela Bolivia genom 1) forskarutbildning med syfte att öka antalet forskare med doktorsexamen och stärka forskningskapaciteten inom utvecklingsrelevanta områden; 2) utveckling av en miljö vid universitetet som främjar vetenskap, teknologi och innovation. 3) utveckling av en universitetsmiljö som främjar jämställdhet och miljöarbete i universitetet självt. Sveriges bidrag till insatsen är 128 miljoner SEK. UMSA bidrar med ca 88 miljoner SEK av egna medel. Insatsens totala budget är ca. 216 miljoner SEK. The public university "Universidad Mayor de San Andrés" (UMSA) in Cochabamba, Bolivia, has applied to Sida for funding of 128 million SEK to carry out the programme "Strengthening institutional research capacities in Universidad Mayor de San Andrés 2021-2025". The intervention aims at production of high-quality scientific knowledge to be used by the social and productive sectors in contributions to development in La Paz region and all of Bolivia by 1) research training to increase the number of researchers with PhD graduation and strengthen research capacity in areas relevant to development; 2) development of an environment at UMSA that favours science, technology and innovation. 3) development of a university environment that promotes gender equality and environmental work in the university itself. The Swedish contribution to the intervention is 128 million SEK. UMSA contributes with approximately 88 million SEK of the own resources. The contribution total budget is 216 million SEK. General objective: Contribute to the Bolivian development by the generation of innovative responses and solutions, with scientific and technological basis, to the current and foreseen challenges and needs of strategic national sectors within the framework of the System of Research, Development, Innovation and Services UMSA. Specific objective 1: To increase the research that contributes solving problems in the framework of national policies. Specific objective 2: Increase the capabilities of research, development and innovation at UMSA in accordance with the demands and needs of national strategic sectors. Specific objective 3: Strengthen disciplinary and multidisciplinary, local and non-local, human talent training programs in specific thematic areas prioritized by the national strategic sectors. Specific objective 4: Modernize, strengthen and position the System of Research, Development, Innovation and Services UMSA to concretize a sustainable management and transfer of R&D results to the national strategic sectors.
Open Data Albania - AIS Open Data Albania - AIS - New Strategy - Open Data Albania - AIS Bidraget syftar till att främja öppenhet och informera allmänheten genom öppenhet vad gäller information om statliga utgifter, upphandling, kontrakt, tillgångsdeklarationer, hälsovårdssektorn, statligt ägda företag och andra sektorer med hög risk för korruption, för att sprida en sk watch dog-kultur och uppmuntra antikorruptionsansträngningar. The contribution aims to promote transparency and inform public through the disclose of data on government spending, procurement, contracting, asset declaration, health public sector, state owned enterprises and other sectors with high risk of corruption, to instil the watchdog culture and encourage anti-corruption efforts. Main Project Objectives, which is to increase and strengthen Transparency, Accountability, Citizens Monitoring and Participation in the public sector at risk of irregularities and corruption, through disclosed and open data, as well as information symmetry. The intervention is composed of two components: a. instilling a watchdog culture encouraging anti-corruption efforts and b. Youth Empowerment against Corruption, Citizen Education, and Improving Fact Checking.
Strategisk Fond 2015-2016 Strategic Fund 2015-2016 - RoCK Pride Week 2016 Sektionskontoret för utvecklingssamarbete och sedermera ambassaden har sedan 2009 haft en Strategisk Fond. Syftet med fonden är att finansiera mindre initiativ som är strategiska för genomförandet av strategin för utvecklingssamarbete med Kambodja, men som faller utanför ramverket för de större insatserna inom respektive resultatområde/sektor. Initiativ som finansieras via fonden är förstudier inför eventuella beredningar, utvärderingar, seminarier, studieresor, översättningar och publikationer. Fonden finansierar kostnader för flygbiljetter, visum,språktester och översättning i samband med kambodianst deltagande i Sidas International Training Programme (ITP), samt ramavtal för revisionstjänster som faller utanför de revisioner som avtalats med samarbetspartners, inklusive systemrevisioner och tolkning av revisionsrapporter. Varje enskilt initiativ (komponent i PLUS) bör vara begränsad i tid och i sin utformning och kopplad till tydliga resultat. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results. The procedures for the Strategic Fund are as follows: 1) The Programme Administrator is responsible for the overall management of the contribution. 2) The Programme Officer writes a separate decision for a PLUS component in word format 3) The Programme Officer is responsible for follow-up of the components 4) The decision and documentation is archived under Strategic Fund. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results.
UNFPA: Gender, Adolescent Pregnancy & Social Norms (GAPS) 2021-2024 UNFPA: Gender, Adolescent Pregnancy & Social Norms (GAPS) 2021-2024 Programme Goal: By 2024, adolescent girls and youth in Zambia lead empowered and healthy lives with access and opportunities to make their own choices Overall outcome: By 2024, adolescent pregnancy is reduced by 5% in Eastern and Southern Provinces of Zambia though addressing gender and social norms Intermediate outcomes ? By 2024, life skills, sexual and reproductive health knowledge and attitudes among adolescents and youth are improved ? By 2024, communities are empowered to address harmful social and cultural norms and beliefs perpetuating adolescent pregnancy ? By 2024, an enabling environment that supports prevention of teenage pregnancy is created and sustained Programmål: Senast 2024 ska tonåriga flickor och ungdomar i Zambia leva bemyndigade och hälsosamma liv med tillgång och möjligheter att göra sina egna val Totalt resultat: År 2024 minskar graviditetsgraviditeten hos ungdomar med 5 % i östra och södra provinserna i Zambia, även om kön och sociala normer tas upp Mellanliggande resultat ? År 2024 förbättras livskunskaper, kunskap om sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och attityder bland ungdomar och ungdomar ? Senast 2024 har samhällen befogenhet att ta itu med skadliga sociala och kulturella normer och övertygelser som vidmakthåller ungdomars graviditet ? Till 2024 skapas och upprätthålls en möjliggörande miljö som stöder förebyggande av tonårsgraviditet Programme Goal: By 2024, adolescent girls and youth in Zambia lead empowered and healthy lives with access and opportunities to make their own choices Overall outcome: By 2024, adolescent pregnancy is reduced by 5% in Eastern and Southern Provinces of Zambia though addressing gender and social norms Intermediate outcomes/objectives: By the end of 2024, 1) Sexual reproductive health and rights, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes among adolescents and young people are improved. 2) Communities are empowered to address and change harmful social and cultural norms and beliefs perpetuating adolescent pregnancy. 3) An enabling environment that supports prevention of adolescent pregnancy is created and sustained. The programme will primarily target adolescent girls (10-19 years) with key secondary audiences of young people (20-24 years), sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women, community and religious leaders, parents and community members in six selected districts in two provinces of Zambia. The programme will be implemented with projected populations as follows: - Eastern Province: 315,304 adolescent girls and young women aged 10-24 - Southern Province: 353,917 adolescent girls and young women aged 10-24.
Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2, 2018-2023 - Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Strategic Fund, 2018-2023 Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2, 2018-2023 The Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Center (SEI Asia) has applied to Embassy for funding of 48.14 million SEK to carry out the "Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2 (SCF2)" covering Asia and the Pacific, particularly Southeast Asia within the regional grouping of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN), during the period 2018-2022. The intervention aims to support strategic events, builds capacity of regional actors and enables learning for increased collaboration in Asia-Pacific on key environmental issues, including environmental transboundary issues, and to promote policy development. The focus of intervention lies on relevant opportunities for knowledge exchange includes many stakeholders and representative from governments, private sectors, civil society and academia, and collaboration with other regional and international networks between Asia, China and Europe. In order to reach the overall goal of intervention outcome and bridging outcome are identified. The programme outcome aims to "Enhanced regional collaboration on environment, climate change adaptation and natural resource management through sound technical and policy support and the integration of gender equality and human rights based approaches towards achieving relevant SDGs"; and bridging outcome aims to "Increased capacity of regional collaboration conveners to mainstream gender equality and a human rights based approach at programme and organizational levels". The intervention is divided into four components, which are: Component 1 supports inter-regional cooperation platforms, which are central to the dialogue between Southeast Asia and other regions (China-ASEAN and Asia-Europe). Component 2 supports regional cooperation within Asia-Pacific based on completion basis. This component consists of coaching, financial resources as well as technical expertise to lead regional collaboration efforts towards an initiation of autonomous collaborative policy development. Component 3 is learning and capacity development to support regional partners in implementing a human rights based approach and gender mainstreaming in their collaborative activities. Component 4 ensures that SEI Asia will effectively and efficiently manage the intervention, engage with the right boundary partners, provided the appropriate level of expertise where it is needed. Of this total budget, 48.14 MSEK, the total grants of SEK 20,400,000 (42% of total budget) will be forwards to partners under Component 1 (3,200,000 SEK in total for each forum/partner - China-ASEAN and ENVforum) and Component 2 (14,000,000 SEK in total) for different events based on completion basis. The total for direct cost is 5,550,000 SEK (12% of total budget) and the total for SEI Staff fees is 22,190,000 SEK (46% of total budget). Stockholm Environment Institute, Asia Center, (SEI Asien) har ansökt om 48,14 miljoner kronor för finansiering av programmet "Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2 (SCF2)" som täcker Asien (med fokus på ASEAN-länderna)under perioden 2018-2022. Programmet syftar till att stödja och påverka strategiska konferenser och workshops för att bygga regionala aktörers kapacitet, stödja lärande och utbyte inom viktiga miljö- och klimat frågor och för ökat regionalt samarbete. Fokus ligger på gränsöverskridande frågor och att främja utveckling av åtgärder och policies för att adressera problemen. Jämställdhet och mänskliga rättigheter kommer genomgående att integreras, liksom de Globala utvecklingsmålen till år 2030, SDG. Huvudintressenter är representanter från regeringar, privatsektor, civilsamhälle och akademin samt samarbete med andra regionala och internationella nätverk i Asien, Kina och Europa. Programmet är uppdelad i fyra komponenter. Komponent 1 stöder två interregionala samarbetsplattformar (ASEF "Asia Europe Environment Forum" och CAEC "China-ASEAN Environment Center"), som är centrala för dialogen mellan Sydostasien och andra regioner (Kina-ASEAN och Asien-Europa). Komponent 2 syftar till att stärka det regionala samarbetet genom att skapa regionala plattformar och evenemang (sex regionala evenemang plus en privat sektor händelse årligen). Dessa kommer att genomföras genom ett öppet årligt ansökningsförfarande. Komponent 3 handlar om lärande och kapacitetsutveckling för regionala partnerorganisationer att integrera mänskliga rättigheters och jämställdhetsperspektiv i sina aktiviteter. Komponent 4 säkerställer en effektiv hantering av programmet. Den totala budgeten är 48,14 miljoner kronor, fördelat över fem år. The intention of the Strategic Collaborative Fund Phase 2 (SCF2) programme is to enhance the regional cooperation on environment, climate change, and natural resources management in Asia. These meetings and forums aim to facilitate increased awareness of sustainable development issues which will lead to better informed decision-making at several levels for policy development, taking environment and sustainable development, gender and human rights, more into account. To achieve the goal, SCF2 will deliver under four componets, namely: Component 1: Inter-regional cooperation platforms Component 2: Regional Collaboration  Component 3: Capacity Building and support Component 4: Programme Management
PDF PUM 2014 Prog. & Methods Dev. PDF PUM 2014 Prog. & Methods Dev. - IOD Ernst & Young assessment support Programme Development Funds for 2014. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR ANSWER AS THE QUESTION HAS BEEN CHANGED Ambassaden har sedan 2004 haft en årlig programutvecklingsinsats, med syfte att stärka beredning, uppföljning och utvärdering av programinsatser och bidra till ökad kompetens inom utvecklingssamarbetet med Moçambique. Ett antal olika enskilda uppdrag finansieras ur fonden, exempelvis bakgrundsstudier inför en beredning, utvärderingar, uppföljningsrelaterade studier samt kunskapsspridande aktiviteter i from av seminarier, publikationer och översättningar. Varje neskild delkomponent bör inte överskrida en tidsram på sex månader och vara begränsad i sin utformning samt vara kopplad till tydliga resultat. Vidare finansierar fonden revisionstjänster som faller utanför avtalsbeslutade partnerrevisioner, som till exempel systemrevisioner och stöd av tolkning av revisioner, vilka avropas under ambassadens ramavtal för revisionstjänster. Varje separat delkomponent skall; (i) beslutas om i ett separat beslut; (ii) ha en egen komponent inom PDF/PUM-insatsen; (iii) handläggas av ansvarig handläggare, både gällande finansiella transaktioner och resultatuppföljning.
Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 - Återbetalningar Oxfam GB HUM 2021-2025 Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
Council of Europe EaP 2023-2027 - Council of Europe regional EaP 2023-2027 Europarådet regionalt ÖstP 2023-2027 Support to the CoE national action plans for democracy, rule of law and human rights in the Eastern Partnership region. Stöd till Europarådets handlingsplaner för demokrati, rättsstatens principer samt mänskliga rättigheter, i östliga partnerskapet. CoEs experts and influential standard-setting and monitoring bodies in Strasbourg will, by relying on co-operation via the External Offices in the respective country, accelerate the realisation of Human rights, Democracy and Rule of Law by the respective State for the benefit of the inhabitants, by using a wide range of technical means to influence a wide range of actors in the thematic fields of thematic Action Plans. The intervention departs from the respective Action Plans (APs) agreed upon between the respective States and the Council of Europe, during the agreement period. PLANNED IMPACT To accelerate, in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, the realisation of Human rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. Log-frame definition of Impact: Member States (duty-bearers) fulfil their obligations under Council of Europes standards. This leads to: persons (rights-holders) enjoy their rights. This leads to: Human rights, the Rule of Law and Democracy for all. The Action Plans are organized from 3 areas (democracy, rule of law and human rights); specified into 8-12 thematic sub-areas identified for the country (judiciary, minorities; IDPs, freedom of expression; corruption; law enforcement; et al); these are then translated into 3-4 Expected Outcomes per sub-area; and these are expected to be realized via numbers of included Planned Action. GENERAL PLANNED OUTCOMES 1: Performance of EaP countries institutions in terms of governance, quality of services and efficiency further consolidated in compliance with European standards. 2: Improved conditions and environment for the exercise of human rights by the rights-holders 3: The outcomes on which the Council of Europe will report (those of the Action Plans funded by the Framework Agreement). The specific outcomes are identified and defined per respective AP. KEY ACTORS The CoE External Offices (field offices) are focusing on the third pillar of the Council of Europe, often seen as a triangle: 1) the standard setting work, 2) the monitoring work (monitoring of States compliance of standards and judgements mainly in Strasbourg), and 3) technical co-operation/assistance (departing from the External Offices but relying on Strasbourg management and expertise) aiming at helping States to implement the standards. The External Offices mandate and resources are to a large extent but not entirely subordinated to the Strasbourg functions such as the thematic expert units, the country advisors, the Secretary General's office, and the Directorate for Programme Co-operation (DPC) which is responsible for the co-operation with Sida under the Framework Agreement. The External Offices' mandate to act means that they are: Representing the Secretary General vis-à-vis the national authorities of the host country; promoting and supporting the policies and activities of national authorities, as well as those of the Council of Europe bodies, related to membership of the Council of Europe; providing advice, support and overall in situ co-ordination with national authorities in planning, negotiation and timely implementation of targeted Council of Europe co-operation activities, including Joint Programmes with the European Union and other donors; facilitating the identification of needs for capacity-building, in co-operation with national authorities; conducting fundraising activities for specific projects; and conducting a proactive media policy, in order to raise the visibility of the Organisation, its values and activities among the general public; and co-ordinating activities in the country with other international organisations and institutions (EU, OSCE, UN), as well as other international and local partners active in the country. (Appendix to Resolution CM/Res(2010)5.) The technical means employed to enable the change, by the Council of Europe's experts and programme staff are the following: diplomacy, providing technical expertise, workshops, trainings and training development, conferences, seminars, round tables, working groups, publications, research, technical, assessment visits, study visits, needs assessments, peer to peer exchanges, campaign design and implementation, equipment (software/hardware), placement, (micro) grants and awareness-raising initiatives. Action Plans address a wide range of actors in the field. The projects, which are part of the Action Plan, cover many areas, including the judiciary, prison system, education and health care. The stakeholders include the State authorities of all levels of government, lawmakers and relevant professionals, in the field of the judiciary and law enforcement notably judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, the police, medical staff in prisons and probation services, social workers, psychologists, community police officers, teachers, school administrators; in the field of education children, parents, teachers, school administration; in the field of social affairs, e.g. drugs: healthcare workers, social workers, psychologists, healthcare, social workers, psychologists, community police officers, teachers, school administrators; freedom of expression: journalists, media regulatory authorities; ombudsman offices and local authorities.
ISS, Institute for Security Studies, kärnstöd 2017-2021 ISS, 2017-2021, Core Support - ISS, Study on AU RECs The Institute for Security Studies (ISS), är en pan-afrikansk tankesmedja med bas i Sydfrika som genom tillämpad forskning och utbildning strävar efter att främja mänsklig säkerhet och demokratiskt samhällsstyre i Afrika via evidensbaserade policyrekommendationer, tekniskt stöd och kapacitetsutveckling. De främsta målen för ISS verksamhetsplan under åren 2016-2020 är följande: (1) Stärkt kapacitet bland afrikanska aktörer vad gäller förebyggande och hanterande av konflikter på kontinenten; (2) Utökad kapacitet i Afrika vad gäller fredsbevarande operationer, fredsbyggande arbete och säkerhet på haven; (3) Stärkt kapacitet hos mellan-statliga organisationer, regeringar och civilsamhället i Afrika att mer effektivt och adekvat svara på gränsöverskridande hot, migration och internationell brottslighet; (4) Utökat ansvarsutkrävande, öppenhet och respect för mänskliga rättigheter i Afrika. En viktig dimension i ISS arbete är att stärka den Afrikanska Unionen (AU) och andra regionala organ i genomförandet av African Governance Architecture (AGA) – kontinentens antagna ramverk för att förbättra samhällstyret på nationell nivå – samt att öka samordningen med motsvarande plattform för fred och säkerhet (the African Peace and Security Architecture, APSA). Sverige har god erfarenhet av samarbete med ISS, som fått svenskt stöd (via Sida) sedan slutet av 1990-talet. Nuvarande avtal går ut i december 2016 och ISS har nu inkommit med en ansökan om fortsatt svenskt kärnstöd till organisationens verksamhetsplan, avseende fyraårsperioden 2017-2020 till ett sammanlagt belopp av 48 miljoner kronor. ISS arbete ligger helt i linje med Sveriges prioriteringar för det regionala utvecklingssamarbetet i Afrika söder om Sahara såsom de kommer till uttryck i den nya strategi som antogs av regeringen i juni 2016. The Institute for Security Studies (ISS), based in South Africa, is a Pan-African think tank and training provider aiming to advance human security in Africa through evidence-based policy advice, technical support and capacity building.
Selam Cultural Enablers - PSD, gender and dem Selam Kultur - privatsektorutv.,jäm, demo Insatsen knyter på ett förtjänstfullt sätt samman samtliga tre fokusområden inom policyn för demokratisk utveckling och mänskliga rättigheter: - Sociala och politiska rättigheter, genom att använda kultur som ett medel för män och kvinnor att uttrycka sig. - Demokratins institutioner och procedurer, genom att arbeta för policyutveckling och implementering som främjar utvecklande av privata sektorn. - Demokratins aktörer, genom att bygga kapacitet bland kulturaktörer. Genom detta kopplas också rättighetsarbetet på ett nära sätt samman med privatsektorutveckling, vilket är ett innovativt sätt att arbeta med rättighetsfrågor i en kontext med mycket snävt utrymme för detta. Den primära målgruppen är kulturaktörer, med ett fokus på kvinnor och män med funktionsnedsättningar, samt unga kvinnor och män. The proposed intervention ties into all three focus areas of the policy for democratic development and human rights: - Civic and political rights, by using culture to enable duty-bearers to express their opinion. - The institutions and procedures of democracy, by working on policy development and implementation to improve the conditions for the cultural private sector. - The actors of democratization, by building capacity among cultural actors. Cultural producers, with an emphasis on men and women living with disabilities, women as well as young women and men, and their organizations are the primary target groups. A strong, diversified and inclusive music sector able of instrumentalizing cultural expression as an instrument for the enjoyment of social and political rights.
UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024 UNDP DPG DAG 2019 - 2024 DPG (Development Partner Group, tidigare DAG, Development Assistance Group) är en insats som genomförs av UNDP i samverkan med ett 30-tal bilaterala och multilaterala aktörer i syfte att samordna biståndet i Etiopien, genom ökad koordinering, biståndseffektivitet, analyser, uppföljningar och givardialog. Under 2021 förlängdes insatsen genom en avtalsändring, för en ny fas under perioden 2021-2023. I en tidigare fas av projektet gavs stöd till Etiopiens utvecklingsplan för åren 2016-2020, "Growth and Transformation Plan" vilket var landets andra versionen (GTPII). Det finns en välutvecklad givarkoordineringsstruktur i landet som syftar till att stärka landet genomförande av GTPII. Givarstrukturen består av ett övergripande organ där alla biståndschefer deltar (DPG, tidigare DAG). DPG/DAG leder givarkoordineringen och är den huvudsakliga ingången för givarna till dialog på hög nivå. DPG/DAG och landets finansministerium möts en gång per år för en strategisk dialog. DPG/DAG stödjs av ett sekretariat och UNDP är arbetsgivare för de som arbetar inom sekretariatet. Under DPG/DAG finns ett stort antal tematiska grupper. Sverige har 2019-2020 aktivt drivit en miljö/klimatgrupp, en privatsektorgrupp, en governance grupp samt en valstödsgrupp. Sverige hade ordföranderollen tillsammans med Världsbanken i DAG/DPG 2019-2020. Sveriges bidrag till DPG/DAG uppgår till omkring SEK 500 000 per år. DPG (Development Partner Group, formerly DAG, Development Assistance Group), is a project implemented by UNDP in cooperation with around 30 bilateral and multilateral partners in order to enhance coordination, development effectiveness, and dialogue related to reforms in Etiophia. A new phase has been added to the project through an amendment for 2021-2023. The previous phase of the project aimed to enhance implementation of Ethiopia's second Growth and Transformation plan covering 2016-2020. There is also a well developed donor coordination structure in the country which aim is to support and strengthen the implementation of the GTPII, strengthen dialogue and aid effectiveness. The donor structure is led by DPG (previously called the DAG, Development Assistance Group) and it has a large number of thematic sub-groups. Sweden is particularly active in the environment/climate change group, the private sector development group and the governance group. Sweden was together with the Worldbank co-chairing the DAG structure 2019-2020. The structure is supported by a Secretariat hosted by UNDP. Every year the DPG/DAG develops a work plan and a budget which aim is to support the GTPII implemenentation, dialogue with the government and aid effectiveness. The workplan outlines a number of activities like workshops, trainings, meetings, studies and research and all donors participating in the DAG structure financially contribute to this work. The Embassy has since several years back contributed to the work with an amount of SEK 500 000 per year. The DPG (Development Partner Group) (previously the "Development Assistant Group") has about 30 bilateral and multilateral members supporting the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in executing national development plans in accordance with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The "DPG Structure" includes the DPG Advisory Committee (former DAG Executive Committee (Ex-Com), the DPG Heads of Agency (HOA) (consisting of 30 members), five Technical Working Groups, 12 Sector Working Groups, and a Secretariat. The DPG structure conducts and coordinates joint dialogue with the Government of Ethiopia. The Secretariat is hosted by the UNDP country office and provides support to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) in the context of the DPG Pooled Funds support to national development priority plans. It also provides technical assistance and policy advisory services, and facilitates support to the various sector and technical working groups, the DPG Advisory Committee and the DPG Heads of Agency. The Secretariat follows up on ongoing agendas as well as new initiatives that are launched by the DPG and facilitates policy level events between the GoE and DPs, such as the Annual Progress Review (APR), the HLF and ad hoc events. The technical working groups that operate directly under the umbrella of the DPG include: (i) the Macro-economic discussion forum and Public Financial Management sub-groups; (ii) Governance Technical Working Group GTWG, which consists of Civil Society and the Justice, Safety and Conflict sub-groups; (iii) Donor Group on Gender Equality (DGGE); and (iv) Health, Population and Nutrition, consisting of sub-groups on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS and Basic Service Delivery. In addition, the architecture includes twelve Sector Working Groups with 10 sub sector working groups that fall under the auspices of the MoF.
Geneva Call kärnstöd 2020-2024 Geneva Call core support 2020-2024 Geneva Call har ansökt till Sida om kärnstöd om 30 miljoner kr för perioden 2020-2022 för att genomföra organisationens övergripande strategiska plan. Den strategiska planen anger Geneva Calls humanitära engagemang med icke-statliga väpnade aktörer i syfte att stärka skydd av civila i konfliktkontexter. De tematiska områdena är förbud mot antipersonella minor och samarbete kring minhantering, skydd av barn från effekter av väpnad konflikt, förbud mot sexuellt våld i väpnade konflikter and mot elimineringen av könsdiskriminering, skydd av kulturellt arv i väpnade konflikter, skydd av hälsovård, samt förbud mot tvångsförflyttningar. Organisationen är för närvarande aktiv i 13 kontexer och har kontor i 12 av dem (Jemen, Irak, Colombia, Syrien, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Mali, Libanon, Filippinerna, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Ukraina och Sydsudan). Geneva Calls totala budget är 410 miljoner kr. Sidas kärnstöd täcker ungefär 10 procent av det totala behovet per år och cirka 50 procent av kärnstödet. Övriga huvudsakliga givare är Schweiz, ECHO och Norge. Geneva Call has applied to Sida for core funding of 30 million SEK for 2020-2022 to implement its Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines Geneva Call's humanitarian engagement with Armed non-State actors (ANSAs) towards better protection of civilians in situations of conflict. Thematic areas are the ban on antipersonnel mines and cooperation in mine action; the protection of children from the effects of armed conflict; the prohibition of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict and the work towards the elimination of gender discrimination; the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict; the protection of health care; and the prohibition of forced displacement. The organisation is currently active in 13 contexts and has offices in 12 of them (Yemen, Iraq, Colombia, Syria, the DRC, Mali, Lebanon, the Philippines, Afghanistan, Myanmar, South Sudan and Ukraine). Geneva Call's total budget is 410 million SEK. The Sida core support covers roughly 10 percent of the total need per year and about 50 percent of the current core support. Other key donors are Switzerland, ECHO and Norway. To contribute towards the improved protection of civilians in armed conflicts, through the increased respect for humanitarian norms by Armed Non-State Actors (ANSAs), for the period 2020-2023, Geneva Call will: - Deepen expertise on the engagement of ANSAs and consolidate its action on the ground; - Strengthen Geneva Calls capacity to implement its operations effectively and sustainably.
ISP PHD allowances 2020 - 2025 - ISP PHD allowances 2020 - 2023 ISP uppehållsbidrag PHD 2020 - 2025 International Science Programs at Uppsala University, ISP, have submitted an application to handle the payment of student allowances to the master's students and doctoral students staying in Sweden during part of their education in the bilateral research collaboration. In the bilateral research collaboration, the grants for doctoral students are regulated in the agreements signed between Sida / Embassy and universities in the partner countries. The doctoral students regularly go to Sweden to meet with supervisors, attend courses, conduct laboratory work, etc. To be able to stay in Sweden, the doctoral students need reimbursement for the extra costs it entails. There are also requirements from the Migration Board at minimum levels to obtain a residence permit. Based on this, Sida ensures that doctoral students who come to Sweden receive monthly remuneration at a level that covers living expenses in Sweden in accordance with what is required by the Swedish Migration Board. It is taken into account that the doctoral students have salaries from their home university. The remuneration is also paid in relation to doctoral wages in Sweden. The ISP has submitted an application for handling the grant administration, the budget amounts to SEK 5,959,000 for the years 2020 - 2023. The contributions paid to the doctoral students, SEK 18,000 / month at present, are included in the budget for the bilateral agreements for research cooperation. Sida's assessment is that ISP is a suitable cooperation partner for handling student allowances. They have experience in handling allowances to students, both in the Sida bilateral programmes and in their own programme. International Science Programmes vid Uppsala universitet, ISP, har inkommit med en ansökan för att hantera utbetalningen av uppehållsbidrag till de masterstudenter, doktorander och Post Docs som vistas i Sverige under en del av sin utbildning inom Sidas bilaterala forskningssamarbete. I Sidas bilaterala forskningssamarbete regleras bidragen för doktoranderna i de avtal som tecknas mellan Sida/ambassad och universitet i samarbetsländerna. Doktorander, masterstudenter och post docs reser regelbundet till Sverige för att träffa handledare, delta i kurser, utföra laborationer mm. För att kunna vistas i Sverige behöver de ersättning för de extrakostnader det medför. Det finns också krav från Migrationsverket på miniminivåer för att få uppehållstillstånd. Utifrån detta ser Sida till att de som kommer till Sverige får månadsvisa ersättningar på en nivå som täcker levnadskostnader i Sverige i enlighet med vad som krävs enligt Migrationsverket. ISP har inkommit med en ansökan för hantering av administrationen av bidraget, budgeten uppgår till SEK 5 959 000 för åren 2020 - 2023. I budgeten ingår, förutom administrativa kostnader, även kostnader för försäkringar. De bidrag som betalas till doktoranderna och till Post Docs, SEK 18 000/månad i nuläget, ingår i budgeten för de bilaterala avtalen för forskningssamarbetet. Sidas bedömning är att ISP är en lämplig samarbetspart för att hantera dessa utbetalningar. Bedömningen är gjord utifrån ISPs långa erfarenhet av hantering av bidrag till doktoranders vistelser i Sverige, både inom Sidas bilaterala program och genom det kärnstödsprogram som ISP hanterar. Syftet med insatsen är att säkerställa att de doktorander som antas inom Sidas bilaterala forskningsprogram har de ekonomiska förutsättningar som krävs för att kunna vistas i Sverige. Målet för denna del av det bilaterala forskningssamarbetet är att doktoranderna ska kunna genomfört sin utbildning i Sverige i enlighet med plan.  Under 2021 genomförde International Science Programmes, Uppsala Universitet en studie om Open Access som inkluderar forskare och forskningsinstitutioner i de länder med vilka Sida bedriver bilateralt forskningssamarbete (Etiopien, Tanzania, Mocambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Bolivia och Kambodja).
KON BBE NIRAS Kenya/ AMB BBE Maputo KON BBE NIRAS Kenya/ AMB BBE Maputo The BAE (Bilateral Associate Expert) program was initiated by Sida in 1985, as a complement to the multilateral/UN program, JPO (Junior Professional Officer). The objective of the BAE program is to provide technical assistance to and strengthen capacity of the receiving organization through a young expert. A BAE is a young professional below the age of 33, who holds a university degree and has at least two years of relevant, paid, work experience. In the recruitment process, Sida and the receiving organization look for young professionals with knowledge and skills relevant for the organization, as well as the potential and willingness to learn and grow during the assignment. BAE:s are mainly placed within a cooperating partner organization in the global south, be it local/international NGO:s, public agencies, ministries, etc. working with international development, such as International Planned Parenthood Foundation, Saferworld, Slum Dwellers International, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, Agence de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable in Mali, etc. The receiving organization drafts the ToR and is highly involved in the recruitment process, in order to ensure local ownership. Before deployment, all BAE:s undergo a one week onboarding in Sweden, to prepare for their missions. The BAE contract is for maximum three years and before starting the third year, a BAE may relocate to an Embassy working with international development. Sidas BBE-program syftar till att stärka och bredda den svenska resursbasen för internationellt utvecklingssamarbete. Denna insats gäller placering på NIRAS i Kenya. Beslut och kontrakt gäller initialt för två år men kan komma att förlängas med ett tredje år. Inför år tre finns en möjlighet att byta placering, till exempel till någon av Sveriges ambassader, för att därigenom öka lärandet för BBE.
Support to the Strategic Note UN Women 2022-2026 Albania Support to Strategic Note of UN Women Albania 2022-2026 - Core Support UN Women Albania Non-earmarked Support to the Strategic Note of UN Women in Albania 2022-2026. The outcomes are: 1) Equitable investment in People;2) Productive and Inclusive Development; 3) Gender Responsive Governance. The overall goal is all women and girls fully enjoy and exercise their human rights in a gender and equal society and meaningfully contribute to Albania's sustainable and inclusive economic development and EU integration. Non-earmarked stöd till Strategic Note of UN Women in Albania 2022-2026. Resultaten är: 1) Rättvisa investeringar i människor;2) Produktiv och inkluderande utveckling; 3) Genus Responsive Governance. Det övergripande målet är att alla kvinnor och flickor till fullo åtnjuter och utövar sina mänskliga rättigheter i ett jämställt samhälle och på ett meningsfullt sätt bidra till Albaniens hållbara och inkluderande ekonomiska utveckling och EU-integration. The overall objective of the Strategic Note of UN Women in Albania 2022-20206 is: All women and girls fully enjoy and exercise their human rights in a gender equal society and meaningfully contribute to Albania's sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development and EU integration.
Save the Nature Georgia 2021-2024 Save the Nature Georgia - Save the Nature Georgia 2021-2024 The main goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia so that the Ministry will be able to implement activities to stop the loss of biodiversity at the national level in the long run through preventing habitat destruction and degradation, overexploitation of natural resources and species, climate change, pollution of the environment and particularly air pollution. Huvudsyftet med projektet är att stärka kapaciteten hos Georgiens miljöskydds- och jordbruksministerium så att ministeriet på lång sikt kan genomföra åtgärder för att stoppa förlusten av biologisk mångfald på nationell nivå genom att förebygga förstörelse och försämring av livsmiljöer, överexploatering av naturresurser och arter, klimatförändringar, miljöföroreningar och luftföroreningar. The main goal of the intervention is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia so that the Ministry will be able to implement activities to stop the loss of biodiversity at the national level in the long run through preventing habitat destruction and degradation, overexploitation of natural resources and species, climate change, pollution of the environment and particularly air pollution.
Niger 2022 - Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 Projekt och metodstöd Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
Polisreformprogrammet Fas 5, Inledningsfasen Police Reform Program Phase 5, Inception Phase Programmet avser den sista fasen i utvecklingssamarbetet som har genomförts gemensamt av det serbiska inrikesministeriet (MoI) och Svenska Polismyndigheten (SPA) med Sida-finansiering sedan 2003. Programmet kommer att inledas med en 9-månaders inledningsfas, som är föremål för denna bedömning. Inledningsfasen kommer att resultera i en inledningsrapport, som också kommer att vara förslaget för de återstående tre åren av programmet. Det övergripande målet för programmet är den serbiska polisens ökade kapacitet att möta internationella bästa praxis och mänskliga rättigheter för att förbättra förebyggandet av brott på ett lyhört och professionellt sätt. The program concerns the last and final phase in development cooperation that has been jointly implemented by the the Serbian Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the Swedish Police Authority (SPA) with Sida funding since 2003. The program will start with a 9-month inception phase, which is the subject of this assessment. The inception phase will result in an Inception Report, which will also be the proposal for the remaining three years of program. The overall objective of the program is the enhanced capacity of the Serbian Police to meet international best practices and human rights standards to improve the prevention of crime in a responsive and professional manner. The overall objective of the program is the enhanced capacity of the Serbian Police to meet international best practices and human rights standards to improve the prevention of crime in a responsive and professional manner. There are three specific objectives related to the three thematic components. They are as follows: Specific objective 1: Improved forensic capacities in the scene of crime investigation; Specific objective 2: Ensure sustainability and improved quality of intelligence-led policing in order to improve the responsiveness and transparency and Specific objective 3: Contribute to establishing a National Criminal Intelligence System to increase effectiveness and professionalism.
Chad 2024 - Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 PBA The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
NIR ITP Sustainability Impact Accelerator SIA NIR ITP Hållbarhetsaccelerator SIA The main purpose of the program is to offer flexible and context-specific capacity development initiatives for infrastructure at local institutions, with the overall goal of accelerating sustainable investments in infrastructure. Within the framework of the program, a competence database will be created and a digital platform will be used in order to enable quick mobilization of work teams with mixed competencies that are relevant to the effort in question. Capacity development requests from local institutions will be captured in collaboration with partners to Team Sweden, which include the Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN), the Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK), Swedfund and Business Sweden. SIA will focus on infrastructure investments in renewable energy, access to qualitative and reliable energy, sustainable energy use and control, expansion of railways and sustainable urban public transport. The majority of the program's six projects will be located in sub-Saharan Africa but also in Asia and South America. Operations are planned in the following countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Laos, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The program has a strong poverty reduction perspective as a lack of sustainable infrastructure and its services is an underlying and reinforcing cause of poverty. Programmets huvudsakliga syfte är att erbjuda flexibla och kontextspecifika kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser för infrastruktur hos lokala institutioner, med det övergripande målet att accelerera hållbara investeringar i infrastruktur. Inom programmets ram kommer en kompetensdatabas att skapas och en digital platform kommer att användas för att skyndsamt kunna mobilisera arbetslag med blandade kompetenser som är relevanta för insatsen i fråga. Kapacitetsutvecklingsförfrågningar från lokala institutioner kommer att fångas upp i samarbete med partners till Team Sweden, vilka inkluderar Exportkreditnämnden (EKN), Svensk Exportkredit (SEK), Swedfund och Business Sweden.  SIA kommer att fokusera på infrastrukturinvesteringar i förnyelsebar energi, tillgång till kvalitativ och pålitlig energi, hållbar energianvändning och styrning, utbyggnad av järnväg samt hållbar urban kollektivtrafik. Majoriteten av programmets 6 projekt kommer att förläggas i Afrika söder om Sahara men också i Asien och Sydamerika. Insatser har planerats i följande länder: Bangladesh, Colombia, Laos, Tanzania, Uganda och Zambia. Programmet har ett starkt fattigdomsbekämpningsperspektiv eftersom brist på hållbar infrastruktur och dess tjänster är en underliggande och förstärkande orsak till fattigdom. Programmet 'International Training Programme (ITP) Sustainability Impact Accelerator (SIA) med NIR Näringslivets Internationella Råd har ett huvudsakligt syfte är att erbjuda flexibla och kontextspecifika kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser för infrastruktur hos lokala institutioner, med det övergripande målet att accelerera hållbara investeringar i infrastruktur. Programmet syftar till att sammanföra efterfrågan från utvecklingsländer genom att ska en kompetensdatabas och använda en digital plattform för att kunna sätta samman kompetens som olika uppdrag behöver utifrån sin kontext, komplexitet och tidsåtgång. För NIR gäller det att skyndsamt kunna mobilisera projektteam med blandade och relevanta kompetenser. Kapacitetsutvecklingsförfrågningar från lokala institutioner fångas upp i samarbete med partners till Team Sweden, vilka inkluderar Exportkreditnämnden (EKN), Svensk Exportkredit (SEK), Swedfund och Business Sweden m fl. SIA programmet fokuserar på infrastrukturinvesteringar inom än mängd sektorer. Exempelvis finns i pipe-line projekt inom förnyelsebar energi, hållbar energianvändning, hållbara transporter (såsom järnvägar och hållbar urban kollektivtrafik) och andra samhällstjänster. Majoriteten av programmets projekt finns i Afrika söder om Sahara men också i Asien och Sydamerika. Insatser planerades initialt i följande länder: Bangladesh, Colombia, Laos, Tanzania, Uganda och Zambia och då vissa förutsättningar har ändrats under hand har man genom sitt flexibla arbetssätt kunnat ställa om och fokusera på andra projekt inom sin tentativa portfölj. Brist på hållbar och inkluderande infrastruktur och tjänster är ett stort utvecklingshinder och en underliggande och förstärkande orsak till fattigdom. SIA programmet har genom sitt upplägg med hållbarhet i alla dimensioner och ett fokus på kapacitetsutveckling inom detta tillsammans med bidrag viktiga aktörer såsom civilsamhällesorganisationer och andra rättighetsbärare ett starkt fattigdomsbekämpningsperspektiv. SIA-programmet har två övergripande mål: Övergripande mål A: Öka kapaciteten hos lokala institutioner i utvecklingsländer att möta internationella hållbarhetsstandarder för infrastrukturprojekt, främst IFC Performance Standards. Delmål 1a: Lokala institutioner förändrar sin planering/implementering  Delmål 2a: Infrastrukturprojekten når högre hållbarhetskrav (ex IFC PSs) Delmål 3a: Hållbar finansiering kan mobiliseras till infrastrukturprojekten  Underdelmål 1a till samtliga delmål: Förändrad kapacitet i institutioner som får stöd Input 1a: Erbjuda projektanpassat kapacitetsbyggande stöd till institutioner i DAC-länder som planerar/implementerar infrastrukturinvesteringar    Övergripande mål B: Göra användandet av den svenska resursbasen mer flexibelt och effektivt genom etablerandet av en Kompetensdatabas, samarbete i Team Sweden, samt skapa en Projektdatabas över inkommande förfrågningar om svenskt kapacitetsstöd för att möjliggöra ett datadrivet underlag i utformandet av framtida kapacitetsbyggande verktyg. Delmål 1b: Svenska expertresurser rekryteras i nya konstellationer Delmål 2b: Team Swedens gemensamma kompetens nyttjas Delmål 3b: Team Sweden inkl Sida får en överblick över hur kapacitetsbehoven och efterfrågan ser ut   Input 1b: Skapa en kompetensdatabas över svenska experter i olika sektorer Input 2b: Skapa ett samarbete med Team Sweden  Input 3b: Skapa en projektdatabas över inkommande förfrågningar till Team Sweden om kapacitetsstöd
Ethiopia 2021 - Oxfam GB - HUM, RRM 2021, 2023-2025 Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
Institutional cooperation - Cadastre - MK Institutional Cooperation - Cadastre, ny strategi Institutionellt samarbete - lantmäteri The programme proposal, "Cooperation between Lantmäteriet and AREC to provide Digital Data to Strengthen Democracy - Cooperation for Digital Democracy" is drafted jointly by the two land administration agencies in Sweden and in Macedonia. It builds on previous cooperation and achievements and aims at; Strengthened capacity in AREC, having developed business practises, enabling exchange of high-quality and updated digital data via new and improved services in a strengthened democracy - contributing to smooth EU integration and improved living conditions of all inhabitants of Macedonia. The expected outcomes of the cooperation (2018-2022) supported by Sida will contribute to this impact are; - One unique, accurate and sustainable Address Register System established, - Establishment, development and maintenance of a modern geodetic infrastructure, - a capable, self-sufficient and sustainable ICT-organization, - NSDI (national spatial data infrastructure) - updated, accurate and well-maintained spatial data used by major stakeholders, - archived documents scanned and digitized, available via Internet. Lantmäteriet (the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) is a state agency with three areas of activities; Cadastral services, Land and Geographical Information services and Land registration. AREC is the national Agency for Real Estate Cadastre, with a corresponding mission in Macedonia. They are also the coordinator for NSDI (national spatial data infrastructure) in Macedonia. Ett institutionellt samarbete mellan Lantmäteriet i Sverige och AREC i Makedonien stöds av Sida under perioden 2018-2023. Projektet bygger på tidigare samarbete och inriktas på följande förväntade resultat; - ett enhetligt, korrekt och hållbart system för addressregister inrättat, - en modern geodetisk infrastruktur är utvecklad och inrättad, - en kompetent och självförsörjande IT-organisation inom AREC - uppdaterad, korrekt och regelbundet underhållen NSDI (national spatial data infrastructure) som används av relevanta aktörer, - digitaliserade och för interna och externa aktörer lättillgänliga arkivdokument. The project Cooperation for Digital Democracy has an overall objective to “To strengthen the capacity in AREC in developing its business processes, and to enable exchange of high-quality and updated digital data via new and improved services in a strengthened democracy, while contributing to smooth EU integration and to improved living conditions of all inhabitants of Macedonia” To contribute to the achievement of the overall goal, the project will work towards outcomes described in 1.1, briefly:- establishment of one unique, accurate and sustainable Adress Register System,- establishment, development and maintenance of a modern geodetic infrastructure,- a capable, self-sufficient and sustainable ICT-organization,- increased amount and access to updated, accurate and well-maintained spatial data on the National NSDI geoportal,- scanned and digitalized documents from the central and local archives, available via existing software infrastructure of AREC. The theory of change of the proposed intervention is as follows - IF the capacity of AREC is strengthened and its business processes are developed by establishing: (1) a unique, accurate and sustainable Address register system, which is available for and utilized by other stakeholder institutions; (2) by modernization of the geodetic infrastructure, in compliance to the EU standards; and (3) by updating the NSDI geoportal in the benefit of all major stakeholders; AND, IF AREC is serviced by (4) a capable and self-sufficient ICT-organization; and (5) all important documents are registered and properly archived in a digitalized format; THEN AREC will provide high-quality services and accurate data to its clients and it will increase its transparency and accountability level. This will enable all people in Macedonia, including the most vulnerable, to exercise their basic rights to register their property and place of residence, and thus to exercise their right to vote and to influence the decision-making in their own communities. At the same time, AREC will reach a level of accuracy, service and function required for integrating into existing EU systems.
Financial Inclusion and technical assistance guarantee - Financial Inclusion and TA guarantee Finansiell Inkludering och garanti The contribution is targeting the high informality of the economic sector in Bolivia, the low level of financial inclusion and the difficulties micro and small enterprises faces to access finance for their business. The intervention is in parallel aiming to contribute to sustainable businesses and environmental consciousness among entrepreneurs. The intervention is also responding to the severe economic consequences and difficulties vulnerable groups and entrepreneurs phases in the aftermaths of COVID 19. The Embassy assess that financial inclusion is a mean to achieve a greater equality in terms of opportunities and resources, creating financial opportunities for vulnerable groups and contribute to a sustainable economic development in Bolivia. The implementing partner is proposed to be PROFIN, a non profit Bolivian organisation specialized in productive and financial development. The project is connected to the plan of setting up a guarantee fund in Bolivia with FOGAL as the contractual partner. To support the set up and the implementation of the guarantee PROFIN will be providing Technical Assistance through this proposed project. This assistance will consist of different components such as; - Financial education. PROFIN has long experience and knowledge of the financial sector and the target groups of the guarantee and will work in parallel to provide financial education both to Family Production Units (UPFs) and to financial institutions regarding risks and target groups. This is expected to result in a greater access and a greater use of financing from financial entities, -Identify and develop financial mechanism/reporting system to contribute to the fulfillment of Agenda 2030 -study of the legal system in Bolivia for the set up of FOGAL country office, advocacy and studies to provide advice and influence the laws and norms limiting the current financial systems. -PROFIN will accompany FOGAL in seeking partnerships-contracts with local financial institutions. -Monitoring and follow up of loans PROFIN will implement a monitoring system relating to the Sustainable development goals and will also be exploring new financing tools and methods. The project is proposed to run over five years with a budget of approximately 10 MSEK. Sida is proposed to initially fund the first three years with a total budget of 5 991 917 SEK. The project will start with an inception phase in order to adjust and adapt the proposal to a baseline and to the changes economic and political situation. Projektet riktar sig mot den höga informaliteten i den ekonomiska sektorn i Bolivia, den låga nivån av finansiell integration och de svårigheter som mikroföretag och små företag står inför för att få tillgång till finansiering för sin verksamhet. Insatsen syftar parallellt till att bidra till hållbar affärsverksamhet och miljömedvetenhet bland entreprenörer. Projektet ämnar också ha en positiv inverkan på de allvarliga ekonomiska konsekvenserna och svårigheterna för utsatta grupper och entreprenörer i efterdyningarna av COVID 19. Ekonomisk inkludering är ett medel för att uppnå större jämställdhet när det gäller möjligheter och resurser, skapa ekonomiska möjligheter för utsatta grupper och bidra till en hållbar ekonomisk utveckling i Bolivia. Genomförandepartnern föreslås vara PROFIN, en ideell boliviansk organisation, specialiserad på produktiv och ekonomisk utveckling. Programmet är kopplat till planen för att inrätta en garantifond i Bolivia med FOGAL som avtalspartner. För att stödja upprättandet och genomförandet av garantin kommer programmet PROFIN att ge tekniskt stöd. Detta stöd kommer att bestå av olika komponenter inom ramen för det föreslagna projektet såsom; - Finansiell utbildning. PROFIN har lång erfarenhet och kunskap om den finansiella sektorn och målgrupperna för garantin och kommer att arbeta parallellt med att tillhandahålla finansiell utbildning både till familjeproduktionsenheter (UPF) och till finansinstitut angående risker och målgrupper. Detta förväntas leda till ökad tillgång till finansiella tjänster och ökad räckvidd och inkludering av nya målgrupper för de finansiella instituten. -Identifiera och utveckla en finansiell mekanism/uppföljningssystem för att bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 -Studie av det rättsliga systemet i Bolivia för inrättande av FOGAL-landskontor, förespråkande och studier för att ge råd och påverka lagar och normer som begränsar de nuvarande finansiella systemen. -PROFIN kommer att ge stöd till FOGAL i etablerandet av partnerskapskontrakt med lokala finansinstitut. -Övervakning och uppföljning av lån PROFIN kommer att implementera ett uppföljningssystem som rör målen för hållbar utveckling och kommer också att utforska nya finansieringsverktyg och metoder. Projektet kommer att löpa över fem år med en total budget på 9 012 598SEK. Sidas bidrag föreslås i första hand finansiera de första tre åren av projektet med en budget på 5 991 917 SEK. Projektet kommer att börja med en startfas för att anpassa och justera förslaget till en baslinje och till den ekonomiska och politiska situationen. Objectives The overall of objective of the contribution is increased financial inclusion especially for currently excluded groups (MIPYMES with a special focus on women and young) through the introduction and use of a guarantee fund in the sectors of commerce, production and services.  The contribution is expected to have the indirect impact to increase the formal economy and  financial inclusion contributing to economic development, promote green investments and environmentally sustainable businesses.  In parallel the contribution will contribute to the development of new norms in public policy  and national financial system that will allow for a more inclusive system with alternative mechanisms developed through the programme.   Theory of Change Setting up a guarantee fund, and sharing the risk of lending will increase the lending to other social lenders. With an increased capital and guarantee in the back (with set criteria to incentive that target groups are reached) the social lenders will expand their target group, reach more people and new groups such as more micro and small businesses including women and young as well as increase their knowledge of and hopefully aptitude to lend to these groups in the future. Through the guarantee and TA, PROFIN will promote the innovation of financial products adapted for the target groups and by increasing the access to finance micro and small companies will have a higher probability of surviving and prospering in their business, avoiding to have to go through informal channels with unfavourable conditions. In the long term it is expected that the intervention will increase the formality of the economy and decrease the vulnerability of the micro and small enterprises and with a long term impact of more formal jobs and reduced poverty. To ensure that the goal of increased access reaches the identified target groups and that the micro and small enterprises can make the most of it by having solid business plans and payment plans, a strong component of  technical assistance and monitoring must accompany the guarantee. PROFIN, already a partner of the Embassy in the Inclusive markets program, will be responsible and agreement partner to the Embassy in this component. This will include a package of financial education at the loan taker level but also articulation between actors to build knowledge and trust at EIF and institutional level towards the target groups as well as advocacy for inclusive financial legal frameworks at national level. By conditioning the loans to certain environmental and gender standards it is also expected that the intervention will promote a more environmentally sustainable and less discriminatory business climate.  PROFIN is well placed to undertake this responsibility with a strong presence in rural areas, trust (at different levels), experience and innovation.
Diakonia, Puntland Democratic Governance Program (PDGP) 2016-2020 Diakonia, Puntland Democratic Governance Program (PDGP) 2016-2020 - Diakonia strategy 2017-2022 Diakonia har ansökt om finansiering om 30 msek för att genomföra det så kallade ’Puntland Democratic Governance Programme (PDGP)’ under perioden 2016-2019. Programmets mål är att stärka mänskliga rättigheter som en bas för demokratiskt deltagande och ansvarsutkrävande. Speciellt fokus är att stärka kvinnors deltagande genom att stärka deras ekonomiska ställning i samhället. Den föreslagna budgeten är 30 msek över en 30 månaders period. Sverige är den enda givaren. Diakonia has applied to Sida for funding of 30 million SEK to carry out the Puntland Democratic Governance Programme (PDGP) 2016-2019 aim at addressing the participation and accountability issues around democratic governance in six targeted districts in Puntland, to strengthen human rights as a basis for democratic participation and accountability and women empowerment as an affirmative action to enabling women reduce opportunity costs associated with participation in the development of their lives. The programme will partner with 3 local partner organizations, and two government entities to deliver the programme. The programme budget is SEK 30million over a 30 month period. Sweden is the only donor. Puntland Democratic Governance Programme (PDGP), with the overall objective of supporting democratic governance in 6 districts in Puntland (Armo, Dangorayo, Waciye, Badhan, Boame and Harfo) was implemented between November 2016 and April 2019. This was followed by a nine months cost extension from May 2019 – January 2020 mainly focused on outcomes 1-4 and with a geographical expansion to 9 additional districts in Puntland and South West State (PL: Iskushuban, Hafun, Bargaal, Godob-jiran, Taleh and Dhahar  SW: Elberde, Berdale and Dinsoor)   The programme has had 5 expected outcomes, namely: Outcome 1: Empowered citizens (women, men and youth) in the targeted districts understand and engage in democratic processes (district development planning, electoral processes and decision making processes)  Outcome 2:  District councils in the selected districts are accountable to their citizens. Outcome 3: Empowered citizens (women, men and youth) and custodial corps/prison warders in 6 districts know, respect and promote human rights  Outcome 4: Women traders are empowered for social, economic and political participation will be strengthened  and  Outcome 5: Partners have increased their capacity to engage in democratic processes and promotion and respect of human rights  Diakonia partnered with the following Somali organisation during the period November 2016 and April 2019: Somali Family Services (SFS), Saamo Development Organization (SDO), We are Women Activists (WAWA), the Ministry of Constitution, Democratization and Federal Affairs as well as the Office of the Human Rights Defender. And for the cost-extension (May 2019 – January 2020) the partners was expanded to also include Isha Human Rights Organisation (IHRO), Warshiikh Rural Development Organisation (WARDO), Puntland Youth Association Network (PYAN), Timely Integrated Development Services (TIDES) and Puntland Non State Actors Association (PUNSAA).
Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 Oxfam GB - HUM 2021-2025 The contribution for 2023 includes humanitarian support to Oxfam's projects and programmes in five crises, Oxfam's projects applied through Sida's rapid response mechanism (RRM) and for method and capacity support. The contribution is the third year of a strategic partnership that extends between 2021 and 2025 between Oxfam and Sida's Humanitarian Unit. The aim of the contribution is to reach people affected by crisis with humanitarian assistance and protection and to contribute to strengthening the capacity of the humanitarian system. All proposed efforts are guided by Oxfam's core mandate, which is to work with communities before, during and after crises to build their resilience, save lives and tackle the causes of conflict and other disasters. Oxfam’s strong programming capacities is on gender and the organisation actively participates in global advocacy on gender issues. Oxfam's contributions have demonstrated strong gender sensitivity in its programming and participation of women throughout program cycles. Gender aspects are taken into account when designing, implementing and evaluating projects. Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam GB is one of 20 affiliates that make up the confederation Oxfam International. Insatsen är en del av ett strategiskt partnerskap som sträcker sig mellan 2021 och 2025 mellan Oxfam och Sidas humanitära enhet. Insatsen för 2023 uppgår till 103 200 000 SEK och fördelas till projekt och program i 5 kriser, ger Oxfam möjlighet att söka om stöd genom Sidas Rapid Response Mechanism samt tre metod och kapacitetsstöd. Målet med insatsen är att skyndsamt kunna nå människor med humanitärt stöd i akuta kriser samt att bidra till att stärka kapaciteten i det humanitära systemet. Samtliga föreslagna insatser vägleds av Oxfams kärnmandat, vilket är att arbeta med samhällen innan, under och efter kriser för att bygga upp deras motståndskraft, rädda liv och tillsammans angripa orsakerna till konflikt och andra katastrofer. Jämställdhets perspektivet genomsyrar Oxfams insatser och organisationen deltar aktivt i det globala påverkansarbetet i jämställdhetsfrågor. Jämställdhetsaspekter beaktas vid utformning, genomförande och utvärdering av projekt. Oxfam är en global hjälporganisation som arbetar med människor mot fattigdom över hela världen. Oxfam:s vision är en rättvis värld utan fattigdom, där alla värderas och behandlas lika, har samma rättigheter och kan påverka sin egen framtid. Oxfam arbetar på flera nivåer, genom livräddande katastrofinsatser, långsiktiga projekt som ger människor möjlighet att lyfta sig ur fattigdom och politisk påverkan lindrar vi de akuta symptomen. Oxfam GB är ett av 20 medlemmar som utgör konfederationen Oxfam International. Sida's Humanitarian Assistance to Oxfam GB 2024 Sida's Humanitarian Unit has prioritized funding allocations on the basis of most severe humanitarian needs and of the ability of its strategic partners to address them efficiently. The prioritized support will be in line with the Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and Refugee Response Plans (RRP), coordinated by the UN, and the ICRC operational appeals where applicable. OCHA's Global Humanitarian Overview 2024 indicates another year of significant humanitarian relief requirements, with 300 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and protection in 72 countries. The estimated cost of the global humanitarian response going into 2024 is US$46.4 billion, a decrease of 5 billion compared to the beginning of 2023. However, this is not an indication of the humanitarian situation improving on a global level, rather that the humanitarian system has partly improved in prioritizing the most severe humanitarian needs, and that prioritization in general is needed in light of the decreasing global funding for humanitarian assistance. In 2024, Sida humanitarian unit will be prioritizing 30 crises worldwide and Oxfam has been selected as one of the best placed actors in five crises. For 2024, the following support is proposed for Oxfam: Country-based Programmes in Algeria, CAR, Yemen, Myanmar and Chad in line with Humanitarian Response Plans or Refugee Response Plans - 53 MSEK Rapid Response Mechanism - 45 MSEK Method Development and Capacity-Building - 12 MSEK Programme management support - 2 MSEK This means that the total initial contribution to Oxfam GB in 2024 amounts to 112 MSEK. Country-based Programmes (2024: 53 MSEK, 2025: 28 MSEK) Annual Country-based Programmes (PBA) Yemen (10 MSEK) Oxfam is present in seven governorates, both in the south and the north, focusing on Food Security, WASH and protection. Oxfams rapid response capacity is a strong reason for continued Sida support. Myanmar (10 MSEK) Oxfam will through PBA support focus on providing lifesaving assistance to crisis-affected and disaster vulnerable people. Oxfam will work in various sectors including Protection, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods as well as NFIs. The support will be implemented in hard-to-reach communities in Kachin State, Shan State, Rakhine State, Chin and the southeastern part of Myanmar. Through its strong focus on WASH which is a chronically underfunded sector and its wide range of local partners, Oxfam adds value to the Sida portfolio. Multiyear Country-based Programmes 2024-2025 (PBA) Algeria (2024: 10 MSEK 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Sida has identified Oxfam as a key actor in critical response sectors including: WASH, Protection and Food Security and Livelihoods. The programme is in line with the first ever consolidated Sahrawi Refugee Response Plan elaborated (2024-2025). Given the protracted crisis and slightly deteriorating situations year-on-year, in 2023 Sida decided to support Oxfam Algeria with multiyear programme based support (2023-2025). CAR (2024: 8 MSEK 2025: 8 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) Oxfam provides humanitarian assistance to improve living conditions, provide emergency food and means of production, access to WASH services, and strengthen protection mechanisms (including GBV) for 340,000 displaced, returnee and host communities, in the target areas of Bria (Haute Kotto) and Batangafo (Ouham). Oxfam works through services, cash and in kind modalities. Oxfam has been granted multiyear funding for 2023-2025 and will continue the PBA-approach during this period. Chad (2024: 15 MSEK of which 10 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23 2025: 10 MSEK, already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Oxfam was proposed for multiyear programme-based approach financing. Oxfam are active in the Lake region, including in hard-to-reach areas, and work in the Protection, WASH and Livelihoods sectors. Oxfam have specific inclusion of disabled persons and elderly and target both displaced persons and host communities. Oxfam have continued to deliver with good results during 2022. For 2024, Sida proposes to increase the allocation to 15 MSEK. Sida assesses that Oxfam has submitted relevant proposals, strategies and updated workplans and budgets for all the above mentioned contexts and that they should be approved (see the Budget analysis as well). The disbursement of the support to the country contexts for 2025 á 28 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated workplan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Rapid Response Mechanism (45 MSEK) Part of the annual humanitarian budget is set aside for sudden humanitarian crises and deteriorations of major ongoing crises. For these situations Sida has an RRM with partner organisations that makes it possible to fund lifesaving responses worldwide within 24 hours. Oxfam prioritises RRM applications in hard-to-reach areas, areas with increased needs and forgotten crisis with limited international visibility. The RRM complements Oxfams Catastrophe Fund Mechanism (CAT Fund) and public appeals. Sida assesses that Oxfam has a relevant and strategic approach to the RRM and is well-placed in order to respond quickly to sudden onset crises through the RRM. Therefore Sida will maintain the allocation of RRM funding to Oxfam in 2024. In 2024, 45 MSEK will be added to the Agreement with Oxfam GB to support the organisation through the modality of RRM support. Method development and capacity-building support (2024: 12 MSEK, 2025: 3 MSEK) CaLP (2024: 5 MSEK already approved via decision 009880/22) In 2022, Sida proposed to provide multiyear support to CaLP between 20222024 with 5 MSEK per year. Sida will in 2024 continue its support to the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP), a network based on learning, knowledge sharing, networking and coordination around the appropriate and timely use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response. As CaLP is not a legal body and is hosted by the Humanitarian Department of Oxfam House, it was decided to include the support to CaLP in the Agreement between Oxfam GB and Sida.Sida funding will support the delivery of all five strategic focus areas of the CaLP strategy for 20202025. In 2024, Sida will continue to support CaLP with 5 MSEK. Frontline Community Protection (2024: 4 MSEK already approved via decision 010286/23) In 2023, Sida decided to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Frontline Community Protection between 2023-2025 with 4 MSEK per year. This project will build humanitarian capacity in three key areas: participatory feminist MEAL for protection protection advocacy and implementing community-led protection work. By improving capacity, technical skills and expertise in these three areas, this project will contribute towards a more inclusive, coordinated and collaborative humanitarian system that is more effective in reducing protection risks to populations affected by conflict and crises. The project will be implemented globally under Oxfam's Global Humanitarian Team working in coordination with the Global Protection Cluster and two thematic task teams on Protection Advocacy and Community-led Protection. The project will also work in strategic partnerships with up to four national NGOs with direct funding and mentorship to support leadership functions and greater national representation in thematic protection task teams. In 2024, Sida will continue to support this project with 4 MSEK. Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action (2024: 3 MSEK 2025: 3 MSEK) In 2024, Sida proposes to provide multi-year support to Oxfam GB's method development and capacity-building project called Group Cash Transfer (GCT): Enhancing Community Agency for Localized Humanitarian Action between 2024-2025 with 3 MSEK per year. Oxfam seeks to contribute to the growing knowledge and evidence base for Group Cash Transfers (GCTs) as an innovative modality for pursuing meaningful locally-led humanitarian action across sectors, improve social cohesion and promote inclusion and local leadership of women and young people in particular. The project will develop and test these innovative approaches to enable grass-root level community groups to better respond to their own needs and priorities by focusing on two countries, Yemen and Lebanon. The disbursement of the support to the project for 2025 á 3 MSEK is conditioned on the receipt of an updated work-plan and budget and subject to parliamentary appropriation of funds. Programme Management costs (2 MSEK) It is also suggested that Oxfam GB receive funding for programme management costs. This is further elaborated in the budget section of this appraisal.
Capacity building: UGDE unit at EDM Kapacitetsbyggande: enhet UGDE hos EDM En hållbar energiförsörjning i Moçambique är nödvändig för landets socio-ekonomiska utveckling och fattigdomsbekämpning. En tillförlitlig tillgång till elektricitet är också bland den högst värderade för en utveckling av den privata sektorn. Elförsörjningen i Moçambique sker via det nationella elbolaget Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM). Det statliga bolaget befinner sig i dagsläget i en situation med ökande efterfrågan och stigande priser på el, samtidigt som intäkterna inte ökar i samma takt och landet är på väg in i ett tillstånd med försämrad tillförlitlighet av el. Den föreslagna utvecklingsinsatsen avser ett stöd till EDM, med syfte att stärka bolaget ledning i dess kapacitet att fatta välgrundade beslut för en långsiktigt hållbar verksamhet. Genom att ta fram en företagsövergripande strategi för ett integrerat informationssystem och att identifiera nyckelindikatorer (key performance indicators, KPI) utarbetas ett system för verksamhetsstyrning. Syftet är att systemet ska generera tillförlitlig data som, i första hand, ska användas av styrelsen och ledningen för EDM. Genom att öka tillgängligheten av tillförlitlig information är bedömningen att fler välgrundade beslut kan fattas vad gäller t.ex. produktionsutbyggnad och underhåll men också mer strategiska beslut på nationell och regional nivå. I insatsen föreslås också ingå utbildning av total 60 personer från EDM, till data-analytiker - en ny tjänst/position på EDM. The aim of the intervention on long-term is to strengthen and increase the efficiency of the utility, both with regards to technical and economic efficiency, as to provide electricity to their current and future prospective clients. Fundamental for an efficient strengthening is the capacity of decision making and management within EDM, which is further highly dependent on correct and timely information of the activities of the business. The intervention mainly targets the information systems within the utility. The main components include; the development of a strategy on an integrated Data/Information System for EDM; and a related system for performance management (outputs). The intention is that the system will improve current processes and databases within EDM to supply accurate and timely data for predetermined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (output), which will be used, primarily, in the decision-making of the executive Board and top management at EDM (outcome). The contribution agreement 2014-08-01 to 2021-06-30 while activity period ends on 2020-12-31 with the objective to reach a well-structured and efficient system for; collection, processing, and dissemination of high quality data, that the Performance Management Unit (UGDE) will be able to feed to the EDM Board, and be used as a basis for decisions. The total contribution amount is 18.5 MSEK. Note that the Cooperation Partner, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has since the start of the intervention been re-organised, and the unit UGDE does no longer exist. Instead the project is placed directly under the Board of EDM. Also the system has changed its name from "System for KPIs" to "Business Performance Management System (BPMS)".
Arbetsförmedlingen och Finn Church Aid - inkluderande arbetsmarknad i Kambodja Arbetsförmedlingen and Finn Church Aid - Inclusive labour market in Cambodia - Finn Church Aid - Inclusion in the labour market The proposed project, “An inclusive Labour Market in Cambodia – Support to People with Disabilities 2021-2023” is a joint venture by the Swedish National Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen -AF), Finn Church Aid (Kyrkands utlandshjälp - FCA) and local NGOs. Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MoLVT) and the Cambodian National Employment Agency (NEA) are also important partners. The aim of the project is to increase labour market participation of people with disabilities by building on the structures that were developed in the earlier projects and by improving the capacity of NEA and NGOs to support people with disabilities. On the policy level, the project will support the development of a National Labour Market Program for people with disabilities, outlining the support provided to people with disabilities to access the labour market in Cambodia. On a more practical level the project will build capacity of NEA and NGOs to assess and support people with disabilities to enter the job market. Active measures for jobseekers with disabilities will also be piloted, connecting NEA, employers and NGOs. The practical experience of the companies, NGOs and NEA in the project will feedback to the policy level in developing the national labour market program. Det föreslagna projektet "En inkluderande arbetsmarknad i Kambodja - stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättningar 2021-2023” är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Arbetsförmedling (AF), Kyrkans Utlandshjälp/Finn Church Aid (FCA) och lokala icke-statliga organisationer. Ministeriet för sysselsättning och yrkeshögskolor (MLoVT) och den kambodjanska motsvarigheten till AF, National Employment Agency (NEA) är också viktiga aktörer i den föreslagna insatsen. På en övergripande policynivå ska projektet bidra till att ta fram ett nationellt arbetsmarknadsprogram för personer med funktionsnedsättning. På ett mer praktiskt plan ska AF och FCA bygga kapacitet hos NEA och NGOs för att hjälpa personer med funktionsnedsättningar att komma ut på arbetsmarknaden. Insatsen inkluderar även aktiva åtgärder för arbetssökande med funktionsnedsättning, där partnerna ska kunna tillämpa kunskaper som erhållits och där metoder kan testas i den kambodjanska kontexten. Det praktiska arbetet ska föras tillbaka till policyarbetet i form av goda exempel och erfarenheter. Overall objective The overall project objective (impact) is to promote an inclusive labour market in Cambodia by supporting job seekers with disabilities finding productive employment, with a special focus on youth and women. Project objective The project objective (outcome) is to strengthen the capability of NGOs and NEA to support job seekers with disabilities to find and keep productive employment and thereby support young people as agents of change in the democratic development of the society.
Mediaprogram för Irak perioden 2019-2023 Mediaprogram för Irak perioden 2019-2023 Insatsen avser stöd till Internews projekt Aswatouna - Our Voices som syftar till att stärka och utöka kvinnors röster i Irak. Projektet kommer också att bidra till Internews pågående insatser globalt att förbättra tillgången till information som en grund för att göra det möjligt för kvinnor och män att fatta välgrundade beslut, delta i dialog och stå upp för sina rättigheter. Projektet har följande mål: - Öka kapaciteten hos journalister och organisationer i det civila samhället för att kunna producera innehåll av hög kvalitet som förstärker kvinnors röster, tar upp kvinnors frågor och ger information som möter kvinnors behov. - Öka närvaron av kvinnor i media och i den offentliga debatten. - Stärka kvinnliga journalister och CSO-ledares motståndskraft och förmåga att skydda sig mot könsrelaterade digitala attacker. - Stödja kvinnors egenmakt genom att bygga upp deras möjligheter till ledarskap inom media och information. - Informera och utbilda irakiska kvinnor om deras politiska och ekonomiska rättigheter samt vikten av kvinnors politiska och ekonomiska deltagande. Sida avser att bidra med totalt 32 150 000 SEK under 2019-2021. Internews Europe has applied to Sida for funding of 32 150 000 SEK to carry out the Aswatouna - Our Voices. Elevating and Amplifying Women's voices in Iraq during the period 2019-2021. The goal of the intervention is to empower women to participate equally as citizens and decision-makers by strengthening and expanding women's voices in Iraq. The project will also contribute to Internews ongoing efforts globally to improve access to information as a root solution to enable women and men to make informed decisions, participate in dialogue and stand up for their rights In line with the Swedish strategy for Iraq Sida decided in 2019 to provide financial support to a media programme in Iraq that was run by Internews . The programme amounted to 32 000 000 SEK for a four year programme in the period of 2019-2022. In April 2023 the agreement was extended until 30 June 2024 with an expectation of enhancing the reach of some of the results of the programme and to integrate some of the lessons learned in from the evaluation of the programme implementation. In the 10 month extension Sida added 480 000 USD for the activities in 2023. The goal of the Aswatouna" programme (our voices) is to empower women to participate equally as citizens and decision-makers by strengthening and expanding women's voices in Iraq. The project also contributes to Internews ongoing efforts globally to improve access to information as a root solution to enable women and men to make informed decisions, participate in dialogue and stand up for their rights. In the last year of the programme some small changes was made to the objectives of the programme. One new element concerned a focus on the working environment for journalists and to strengthen the resilience of women journalists to harassment and threats. Strategic objectives for the programme are: 1. Increase the capacity of journalists and CSOs to produce high quality inclusive content which is gender-sensitive, amplifies womens voices, addresses womens issues and provides information which meets womens needs 2. Increase presence of womens voices in the media and public debate 3. Strengthen women journalists and CSO leaders resilience against and ability to protect themselves from gender-based digital attacks 4. Support womens empowerment by building their leadership opportunities in the media and information space 5. Inform and educate Iraqi women on their political and economic rights and the importance of womens political and economic participation.
CAR 2023 - OCHA CBPF 2023-2025 Sida has supported the CBPFs since the establishment of the very first fund in Angola, already back in 1999. Since then, Sida has been one of the largest donors to the CBPFs. During 2022, the CBPFs received 1.34 billion USD in financial contributions to respond to humanitarian needs though 20 CBPFs. The CBPFs fund UN, NGOs and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Society. During the years, the CBPFs has increased its funding to local actors. In 2022, 28% of the total amount allocated went to local organisations, which is twice as much as in 2013. CBPFs are locally managed by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator and in consultation with the humanitarian community. Advisory Boards oversee the Funds, providing advice on key decisions, and ensuring efficient and effective management. The daily management of the funds is overseen by a Fund Manager, monitoring officers and financial officers. At the global level, the Pooled Fund Working Group brings together key stakeholders (representing donors, NGOs and UN agencies) to provide policy guidance. The main value added of the CBPF will be ensuring an efficient humanitarian response due to the specific strengths the fund entails: 1) Proximity to the response: The CBPFs aims to address humanitarian needs through a structure with high degree of local expertise of both the humanitarian situation and the humanitarian actors on the ground. 2) Humanitarian Coordination: The CBPF has a strategic objective of ensuring the implementation of the Humanitarian Response Plan and its various components/ programmes. The Humanitarian Coordinator can hence direct funding to critical components in the HRP that are underfunded. The Humanitarian Coordinator can also at any time direct humanitarian funding to sudden onset emergencies or quickly deteriorating crises, through the quick funding mechanism called “Emergency Reserve”. The overall coordination is naturally strengthened by the fact that the ultimate authority of the mandate lies with the Humanitarian Coordinator who is the overall coordinator of the UN lead humanitarian response in any given country. 3) Reach the best placed actors, which in many cases are local actors who has the expertise and humanitarian access. The CBPF can support local actors in responding to the humanitarian needs. This has been particularly useful when local actors have shown to have the local expertise needed to adequately formulate smaller local responses and also having humanitarian access to areas not accessible by international actors. During 2019, the CBPF allocated 25% directly to local actors and in some countries up to 50% is allocated directly to local partners. Moreover, the CBPFs aim to ensure that projects consider the specific needs and constraints faced by women, girls, boys and men. The CBPFs do so by promoting sound gender analysis and gender integration in all projects. The Pooled Fund Disability Inclusion Contact Group composed of independent experts advise on how to improve the funds' work with people with disabilities. This is to ensure that disability inclusion is taken into account in all CBPF processes. Some of the funded projects aim to strengthen resilience of affected population, although this is not the main objective of the contribution. OCHA as a central actor in the humanitarian system has a good understanding of the contexts OCHA and the CBPFs work in, including good understanding of the conflict, power dynamics, root causes and drivers of conflict. At CBPF level there is a mandatory part in the project template that implementing partners needs to show an understanding of the context and analyse the humanitarian consequences for the beneficiaries, including do-no-harm, based on multi-sectoral needs assessments. De humanitära landfonderna, Country Based Pooled Funds, härefter CBPFs, är en av de viktigaste kanalerna för snabba och effektiva humanitära insatser baserade på de humanitära principerna. Därför föreslås att Sida under 2023 bidrar till finansieringen i 16 CBPFs i länder med stora humanitära och komplexa behov. CBPF’s främsta mervärde är att säkerställa ett effektivt humanitärt stöd genom att fonderna är landbaserade. CBPF gör det möjligt att möta humanitära behov med en hög grad av kunskap om de lokal förhållandena och ger de som finns närmast kriserna inflytande över prioriteringar och beslut. Fonderna stärker också den humanitära samordningen genom att de har som strategiskt mål att säkerställa genomförandet av den humanitära responsplanen (HRP). Den humanitära samordnaren, som beslutar om insatser som finansieras genom fonden, kan därmed rikta finansiering till kritiska insatser inom HRP. Den humanitära samordnaren kan också när som helst rikta humanitär finansiering till plötsligt uppkomna kriser eller snabbt försämrade kriser, genom den snabba finansieringsmekanismen ”Emergency Reserve Allocation”. CBPFs har dessutom goda möjligheter att nå de aktörer som har bäst förutsättningar att genomföra effektiva insatser. De lokala aktörerna har förutom den lokala expertisen som behövs ofta också tillträde till områden som inte är tillgängliga för internationella aktörer. Under 2022 fördelade CBPF 28 % av finansieringen direkt till lokala aktörer. Dessutom arbetar CBPF med att säkerställa att olika behov och hinder bland kvinnor och män, flickor och pojkar tas i beaktning genom att främja jämställdhetsanalyser och integrerering av jämställdhet i alla projekt. Inom CBPF finns en arbetsgrupp som säkerställer inkludering av människor med funktionsnedsättning i samtliga CBPF-processer och allokeringar. Vissa insatser som fonderna finansierar syftar till att stärka människors motståndskraft mot framtida kriser, även om detta inte är det huvudsakliga målet med fondernas verksamhet. Sida har bidragit till de humanitära landfonderna sedan den allra första fonden inrättades i Angola 1999. Sedan dess har Sida varit en av de största givarna till CBPF. Under 2022 fick CBPF’s globalt 1,34 miljarder USD i finansiellt bidrag för att möta humanitära behov i 20 kontexter. CBPF’s finansierar humanitära insatser som genomförs av FN, icke-statliga organisationer samt Röda korset / Röda halvmånen. Under åren har CBPF’s ökat sin finansiering till lokala aktörer. Idag uppgår finansieringen till lokala aktörer till 28% vilket är en fördubbling sedan 2013. CBPF’s förvaltas lokalt av FN: s kontor för samordning av humanitära frågor (UN OCHA) under ledning av den humanitära samordnaren och i samråd med det humanitära landteamet. Varje fond har en rådgivande styrelse (Advisory Board, AB) som ger råd om viktiga beslut och säkerställer en effektiv förvaltning av fonderna. Den dagliga förvaltningen sköts av en chef för varje landfond samt operationell- och finansiell personal. På global nivå finns arbetsgruppen ”Pooled Funding Working Group (PFWG)”, där nyckelintressenter så som givare, FN och NGOs finns representerade. I PFWG förs strategiska diskussioner kring CBPFs. Insatsen har två huvudsakliga syften. För det första, genom att allokera medel med det huvudsakliga målet att rädda liv, lindra nöd och upprätthålla mänsklig värdighet bidrar de humanitära landfonderna till förbättrad förmåga att tillgodose skydd och assistans för krisdrabbade människor. För det andra, genom att stödja OCHA:s humanitära koordineringsmandat och stärka lokaliseringsagendan, bidrar fonderna även i viss utsträckning till ökad kapacitet och effektivitet i det humanitära systemet. Sidas bedömning är att de humanitära landfondernas mervärde i första hand är deras närhet till responsen, deras roll i den humanitära samordningen och deras förmåga att finansiellt stödja de bäst placerade aktörerna. Vidare är möjligheten att stödja lokala organisationer ett tydligt positivt bidrag av fonderna och något som ofta har lyfts fram i tidigare ställningstaganden.
Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) kärnstöd 2021-2024 Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) Core support 2021-2024 - Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) Core support 2021-2023 Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) är en internationell organisation baserad i Washington DC som arbetar med att öka skyddet av civila i konflikt. De har lokala kontor i Afghanistan, Irak, Jemen, Nigeria, Ukraina och Mali, samt mer begränsad närvaro i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo (DRK) och Centralafrikanska Republiken (CAR). De startar för närvarande också upp ett fältkontor i Kenya. Baserat på CIVIC:s egna undersökningar av hur civila drabbas av konflikter utformar organisationen olika insatser för att militära aktörer och fredsbevarande styrkor på olika sätt ska skydda civila på ett bättre sätt. CIVIC arbetar också med civilsamhällespartners för att bygga upp civilbefolkningens kapacitet att höja sin röst och förespråka sitt eget skydd, med särskilt fokus på marginaliserade grupper. Sida har mottagit en ansökan om kärnstöd från CIVIC. Förslaget är att stödja CIVIC:s nya femåriga strategiska plan (2021- 2025) med ett belopp på 34,2 MSEK över tre år (2021-2023), vilket motsvarar cirka 11 procent av CIVIC:s totala budget. Sida har bidragit med kärnstöd till CIVIC sedan 2017 och detta blir därmed en fortsättning på detta samarbete. Eftersom vissa delar av arbetet mot NATO och USA skulle kunna falla utanför OECD/DAC:s definition av officiellt utvecklingssamarbete (ODA) har Sida tydliggjort i avtalet att Sida inte finansierar denna typ av insatser. The Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) is an international organization based in Washington DC that works to increase the protection of civilians in conflict. They have local offices in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Ukraine and Mali, as well as a more limited presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic (CAR). They are also currently setting up a field office in Kenya. Based on CIVIC's own surveys of how civilians are affected by conflicts, the organization designs various interventions to ensure that military actors and peacekeeping forces are able to better protect civilians in various ways. CIVIC also works with civil society partners to build the capacity of the civilian population to raise their voice and advocate for their own protection, with a special focus on marginalized groups. Sida has received an application for core support from CIVIC. The proposal is to support CIVIC's new five-year strategic plan (2021-2025) with an amount of SEK 34.2 million over three years (2021-2023), which represents approximately 11 percent of CIVIC's total budget for the period. Sida has contributed core support to CIVIC since 2017 and this will thus be a continuation of this collaboration. As certain parts of the work related to NATO and the US could fall outside the OECD / DAC's definition of official development cooperation (ODA), Sida has clarified in the agreement that Sida does not finance this type of activities. The expected impact of CIVIC's strategic plan 2021-2023, extended to also include 2024 is that civilians experience a significant reduction in conflict-related harm. The three objectives, or results, that would lead to the expected impact, are: 1) Conflict-affected civilians bring about improved protection for their communities 2) Governments and armed actors implement effective strategies and best practices on the protection of civilians 3) Multinational bodies and coalitions take action to protect civilians from harm With this contribution, Sida will support the first four years of the 5-year strategic plan.
Connection Subsidies/GPOBA Phase 1 subsidiering av anslutning till elnät 1 The intervention aims at enabling about 22,000 low income households and 5,000 micro and small enterprises in urban and peri-urban areas to connect to the electricity grid through the use of targeted subsidies in a gender sensitive and socially inclusive manner. In total 140,000 people are expected to benefit from the project. The project has two components: 1. Enabling the connection of low-income households and micro- and small enterprises to the national grid, for which the national power utility ZESCO will be the project implementer. 2. Improving equity outcomes, development effectives and learning, which will be World Bank executed and covers: (i) outreach and support activities for vulnerable groups (ii) impact assessment, (iii) promoting productive uses of electricity, (iv) independent verification agent and (v) project supervision by the World Bank The interventions total budget is MUSD 7.28 (approximately MSEK 47), out of which USD 830 000 (approximately MSEK 5.4) are costs born by the connected end-users and the remaining MUSD 6.75 (approximately MSEK 44) is funding by the Global Partnership on Output Based Aid. Sweden has been requested to contribute with SEK 38 500 000 to cover the costs for the connection subsidy component and for the project supervision. Insatsen syftar till att ge ca 22 000 låginkomsthushåll och 5 000 mikro- och småföretag i städer och stadsnära områden möjlighet att ansluta sig till elnätet med hjälp av riktade subventioner på ett genusmedvetet och socialt inkluderande sätt. Totalt 140 000 personer väntas dra nytta av projektet. Projektet består av två delar: 1. Anslutning av låginkomsthushåll och mikroföretag och småföretag till stamnätet, för vilka det nationella kraftbolaget ZESCO är projektgenomförare. 2. Teknisk assistans för att maximera ett genusmedvetet och socialt inkluderande angräppssätt att ge möjlighet för kunder i låginkomstområden att ansluta sig till elnätet, utvecklingseffektivitet och lärande, vilka är aktiviter som genomförs av Världsbanken och omfattar: (i) uppsökande- och stödverksamhet för utsatta grupper (ii) konsekvensanalys, (iii) främjande av produktiv användning av el, (iv) oberoende verifikation av anslutna kunder i låginkomstområden och (v) projektledning. Den totala budgeten för insatsen är 7,28 MUSD (cirka 47 MSEK), varav USD 830 000 (cirka 5,4 MSEK) är kostnader som bärs av anslutna kunder och resterande 6,75 MUSD (cirka 44 MSEK) är finansieringen genom GPOBA. Sverige har tillfrågats om att bidra med 38,5 MSEK för att täcka kostnaderna för anslutning av slutanvändare och för projektledning. DFID finansierar övriga kostnader. To increase access to electricity services by providing approximately 22 000 low-income households and 5000 micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in urban and peri-urban areas of Zambia with access to grid-based electricity services.
Strategisk Fond 2015-2016 Strategic Fund 2015-2016 - Gender Review 2015 Sektionskontoret för utvecklingssamarbete och sedermera ambassaden har sedan 2009 haft en Strategisk Fond. Syftet med fonden är att finansiera mindre initiativ som är strategiska för genomförandet av strategin för utvecklingssamarbete med Kambodja, men som faller utanför ramverket för de större insatserna inom respektive resultatområde/sektor. Initiativ som finansieras via fonden är förstudier inför eventuella beredningar, utvärderingar, seminarier, studieresor, översättningar och publikationer. Fonden finansierar kostnader för flygbiljetter, visum,språktester och översättning i samband med kambodianst deltagande i Sidas International Training Programme (ITP), samt ramavtal för revisionstjänster som faller utanför de revisioner som avtalats med samarbetspartners, inklusive systemrevisioner och tolkning av revisionsrapporter. Varje enskilt initiativ (komponent i PLUS) bör vara begränsad i tid och i sin utformning och kopplad till tydliga resultat. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results. The procedures for the Strategic Fund are as follows: 1) The Programme Administrator is responsible for the overall management of the contribution. 2) The Programme Officer writes a separate decision for a PLUS component in word format 3) The Programme Officer is responsible for follow-up of the components 4) The decision and documentation is archived under Strategic Fund. The purpose with the Strategic Fund is to to finance smaller initiatives which are strategic for the the implementation of the Development Cooperation Strategy for Cambodia, but that fall outside the framework of the larger contributions in the respective result areas/sectors. Initiatives that can be financed through the Strategic Fund are preparatory studies prior to possible assessments, reviews and evaluations, study visits, translations and publications. The Strategic Fund finances costs for air travel, visa application, English tests and translations in connection with Cambodian participants in Sidas International Training Programmes (ITP), and frame agreements for audit services that fall outside the regular audits that have agreed with the cooperation partners, including system audits and interpretation of audit reports. Each individual initiative (component) should be limited in time and scope, and have clear expected results.
Rehabilitation of 2 Hydropow.plants in Mozambique - Rehab 2HydropowMozambique Reparation av 2 vattenkraftverk i Moçambique Reparation av två vattenkraftverk i den centrala delen av Moçambique. Repair of two hydropower plants in the central part of Mozambique. The main objective of the project is to provide sustainable energy for poverty reduction. The specific objectives are to manage the domestic future electricity demands of Mozambique and to increase the export of surplus electricity during periods of low demand. The intervention main goals are the rehabilitation and upgrade of the Mavuzi and Chicamba Hydro Power Plants and DAMS to ensure long-term, reliable and renewable electricity supply. At the end of the intervention is expected that both HPPs will work at full capacity and supply energy to the central region of Mozambique, with sufficient reliability, in the affected areas. The two HPPs supply electricity to more than 300 thousand customers between households, basic services, business and commercial services and to the neighboring countries of Zimbabwe and Malawi. The all central region (provinces of Manica, Sofala, Tete and Zambézia) is heavily dependent on these HPPs for electricity supply. In addition, the region hosts large areas of agriculture, fisheries, forests, wildlife and, businesses already in expansion such as tourism, transport corridors for inland countries, export and import through the ports and airports, all of which rely on electricity to grow and develop. The tropical cyclone IDAI which affected Mozambique and also the Mavuzi area, mid March 2019, strongly affected the country, the infrastructure, the energy supply and distribution, as well as the completion of the rehabilitation project. The cyclone caused extreme flood event which resulted in over topping of the left and right abutment of the Mavuzi dam, and of the flood gates, thereby causing damage to some of the installations at the dam. Hence the greater part of 2021 was dedicated to the repair works of the damages caused by the cyclone. At the end of 2021 further problems were identified during a site visit which were oil spillages at the two dam sites and problems with the stator windings of the Mavuzi unit 3 generator. This caused the project to enter into the third phase for the repairs to take place.
Kärnstöd Womens Law Center Core support Womens Law Center Sverige kommer att ge kärnstöd till Women’s Law Centre (WLC), en civilsamhällsorganisation baserad i Moldavien, under perioden juni 2016 - juni 2019. Kärnstöd ges för att stärka WLC´s organisatoriska kapacitet och för att bidra till implementeringen av deras strategiska plan 2016-2018 för att bekämpa våld i Moldavien. Målet och det förväntade resultatet av kärnstödet är att WLC skall bidra till att bygga ett samhälle där människor kan leva fria från våld och känna sig säkra inom sina familjer och förhållanden. Sweden will support Women's Law Centre (WLC), a civil society organisation from Moldova, to implement core support activities provided by WLC’s Strategic Plan and RAF during June 2016 - June 2019. Core support is granted to strengthen institutional capacities and to assist the implementation of WLC’s medium term Strategic Plan 2016-2018 in fighting domestic violence in Moldova. The main objective and expected result of core activities is that the Women’s Law Center contributes to building a community where people live their life free of violence and abuse and are safe and protected in their families and relationships. Sweden supports Women's Law Centre (WLC), a civil society organisation from Moldova, to implement core support activities provided by the institutional Strategic Plan and RAF during June 2016 - June 2019. Core support is granted to strengthen institutional capacities and to assist the implementation of WLC’s medium term Strategic Plan 2016-2019 in fighting domestic violence in Moldova. The WLC has become a support centre for victims of gender-based and domestic violence. The organisation promotes a holistic approach in assisting its beneficiaries. Beside legal empowerment and representation in courts, the organisation provides psychological counselling and social assistance to the victims. The organisation shares the view that only a comprehensive assistance may contribute to the victims’ breaking the circle of violence and having a future free of violence. Throughout years of activity, the organisation has set clear objectives and activities on change management focusing on developing and implementing projects with ownership. The WLC analyses legislative proposals on gender equality, gender-based violence and domestic violence and other problems of special importance for women, effectively conducts competent analyses of public policies related to domestic violence, monitors implementation of the legislation on gender-based violence and domestic violence and gender equality, including by extensive monitoring initiatives. The organisation is actively involved in monitoring the implementation of international conventions and agreements signed and/or ratified by the Republic of Moldova, which affect particularly women.