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New energy sources for enhancing living conditions of disadvantageous groups in Patagonia The project supports sustainable development in the Argentinean Patagonia by enhancing usage of removable energy and recycling of biowaste. It's executed in two localities, in the village of Chacay Oeste in the province of Chubut and in the town of Sierra
Grande in the province of Rio Negro. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gases by replacing fossil fuels by environment friendly and simple sun energy technology and by promoting recycling of organic waste. The purpose is to enhance the living conditions of di
sadvantageous citizens and promote sustainable development. The specific objective is to safeguard the functions of a village school in Chacay Oeste by guaranteeing the supply of energy for its needs.In Chacay Oeste live approximately 60 members of the ind
igenous people's community Mapuche-Tehuelche. The village has the only school available for the children from the surroundings and it has around 50 pupils who come from the village and farer away from the steppe area. The number of inhabitants of the villa
ge has been growing for actions taken to promote school attendance of children in rural areas. This has caused such an increase in energy consumption that the school faces trouble in reception of energy. There isn't alternative energy source available for
it and the capacity of the village isn't enough to satisfy the energy needs of the entire village. These problems endanger the function of the school and the education of numerous pupils from the steppe area. Through this project the school and the whole
village will be benefitted by better supply of energy with sun energy collectors and ovens. Also compost heaps will be installed for the recycling of biowaste. The community members will be capacitated of the maintenance and usage of the installations as w
ell as separation of waste.In Sierra Grande with approximately 7600 habitants the project concentrates on capacitation of disadvantageous groups with limited resources local civic organizations and for example technicians from the provincial and municipal
environment office. Also in Sierra Grande sun collectors and ovens and compost heaps will be installed in most disadvantageous neighborhoods. The local government has committed to support and enhance project's activities in order to secure them in the fut
ure as well. The experiences gained thought the project will be taken advantage later on by replicating its activities in other small urban centers of the region. |
Active labour market programmes 2 The development cooperation budget of Finland for Kosovo is 15 million euros annually. The sum includes the local cooperation funds for 300 000 euros per year. The themes of other Finnish supported projects in Kosovo are economy and employment. Unemploymen
t is one of the biggest problems in Kosovo. Youth unemployment is a big challenge in Kosovo and women's unemployment rate is generally high compared to the unemployment rate of men. PWDs' and minorities' employment situation is poor. Active labour market p
rogrammes 2 will increase employment by developing the labour market system in Kosovo taking into account the gender aspect and participation of the most vulnerable groups.The project aims at strengthening of the links between labour market actors -employe
rs job-seekers policy-makers public employment services and vocational training and educational institutions -through:a) improving human capacities and financial resourcesb) continued implementation of active labour measures for vulnerable groupsc) enhance
ment of the labour market knowledge base in order to ensure evidence-based decision makingUNDP has supported the employment sector of Kosovo since 2005. UNDP has organised training and employment opportunities for 11 000 long-term unemployed women and men
in cooperation with aroung 3500 private companies. According to the evaluations the activities have been successful. After the project the employment rate of the beneficiaries has remained remarkably higher that the employment rate of the control group. Fi
nnish supported projects on Gender based violence and Sustainable development in Dragash have also had employment components implemented.The recommendations of the appraisal will be taken into account in the project.Kosovo is not a priority development coo
peration partner of Finland and Finnish funded projects are implemented mainly through international organisations -in this case through UNDP. The proposed Finnish contribution for the project is 12 million euros for the years 2014-2016. |
MYA/Support to Democratic development and Rule of Law building in Myanmar Finland supports the UNDP Pillar III programme which aims to support building democracy and rule of law in Myanmar. UNDP's structures procedures and processes are familiar to Finland. UNDP's country programme for Myanmar corresponds to the principles and c
onditions supporting Finland's preparations.UNDP has created close relations to Myanmar's central government. UNDP's neutral and objective profile helps maintain reliable contacts. UNDP brings several donors together and creates a framework for the aid coo
rdination through the country programme. The programme also provides a setting for dialogue on different levels from the central government to the local communities. It is particularly important because good governance is not itself part of the aid archite
cture where the government would be participating.UNDP's country programme is directly aligned with the principles of Finland's Development Policy Programme. The higher development goal is strengthening of democratic institutions and advancing of human rig
hts with the democratic governance and rule of law development. The cross cutting themes are human rights based approach gender equality and strengthening of the status of women as well as southern cooperation. |
Frame agreement with NGO (CMI) Over the past five years, CMI has developed methods and tools that are specifically designed to enable broader engagement in the planning and implementation of dialogue, conflict resolution and policy processes. The methods and tools that CMI develops and
deploys have a special feature of addressing complexity of conflicts. Typically resolution of conflicts requires support on three particular phases: i) promotion of dialogue and confidence building, ii) analysis and negotiations, and iii) implementation of
agreements. For example CMI's methods are designed to allow the conflict parties themselves i) ensure wider inclusion to problem identification and solving, ii) to do better analysis and facilitate structured negotiations and iii) implement agreements tog
ether by mitigating further conflict. The methods are always crafted to take into consideration simultaneously multiple viewpoints to multiple issues as well as multiple interests of stakeholders. This project strengthens the development, documentation, sh
aring and using of those methods across CMI?s programme. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Foundation for Human Rights/KIOS) The project activities are awareness-raising, information and training, monitoring and documentation. Violence against women in Bangladesh is very common and often very cruel (gang rape, acid attacks). Even police statistics show that violence against wome
n is the most common form of violence.The project's central goal is the prevention of violence and discrimination against of women and girls on the island of Moheshkhal, and the legal focus is on women's rights and children's rights. The target group of th
e human rights training in schools is the age of 12-16 years. The campaign is slums is aimed at 10-15 year old children and mothers of all ages. The legal assistance is provided for the participating girls and women. The target group of the theater of hum
an rights is the whole community. Promoting Human Rights and Education in Bangladesh (PHREB ) , was founded in 2004 in Bangladesh in eastern part of the Chittagong region. The organization's founders wanted to intervene against women, particularly young gi
rls against sexual harassment and violence, as well as empower the girls to advocate for their rights. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Foundation for Human Rights/KIOS) Project consists in training, producing training materials, organizing workshops and making school co-operation for the improvement of women?s rights. The human rights situation in the Somali region of Ethiopia is extremely weak. In the South-Eastern Somal
i region of Ethiopia the the tradition of female genital mutilation is the most common (about 97%). In Ethiopia, women between the 15 and 49 years old, about 74 % have been mutilated. In Somali Region of Ethiopia, the typical mutilation is the infibulation
, which is the widest and the most harmful form of mutilation. The central aim is the reduction of mutilation of girls, as well as improving the status of the victims of this harmful traditional practice in Somali Region of Ethiopia. Project promotes girls
' and women's rights in Ethiopia. The primary target group is girls who are at risk of being mutilated or who are victims of mutilation. The project is implemented Somali Region of Ethiopia, in Kebribeyah. Nurture Education and Development?s (NED) predeces
sor was EHRCEPA, founded in 1999. Kios has made a cooperation project with EHRCEPAn and NED. NED has been re-registered due to changes in the law 07/10/2009. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Operation a Day?s Work) Rapid, uncontrolled population growth due to internal migration from rural to urban areas characterizes El Alto. The majority of this multicultural city's population is indigenous, aymaras being the biggest group (74% of the population). The city has a you
ng population: 40% are underaged, and over 70% less than 30 years old. Nevertheless, children's wellbeing is being neglected because the culture is very adultcentric. Children and youth are undervalued which together with numerous social problems is making
the youth passive and uncommunicative. Education based on memorization and respect for the teacher's authority does not encourage youth to think independently or express their opinions. Taksvarkki ry and it's Bolivian partner Compa have been implementing
the project 'Art and social change' since 2010. The objective of the first phase of the project has been to increase youth wellbeing and raise debate on migration-related issues in order to promote intercultural equality and justice in periurban neighbour
hoods of El Alto districts 1, 4 and 6. The cornerstone of the project are art workshops in Compa's cultural centers and local schools. Through different forms of art (theater, music, dance, circus etc.), the youth reflect the society around them and prepar
e artistic productions to communicate about their neighborhood's problems. The artworks seek solutions to problems and challenges the youth encounter in their everyday life, and collectively build new kinds of positive migrant identities. The activities co
ntribute to horizontal intercultural relations, empowering youth and developing their self-esteem, self-expression and critical thinking skills, and offer children and youth a safe environment to act together with their peers as part of the community.In th
is second phase of the project the activities in Compa's cultural centers and schools continue. In addition, the second phase builds sustainability for the project activities by providing capacity building for the project staff and Compa's youth network, b
y sharing experiences and good practices on participatory methods for art education, and by providing methodological training for teachers. Through the trained teachers, these methods that aim at empowering children and youth and developing their expressio
n are taken into use in schools so the impact of the project will grow beyond Compa's immediate sphere of influence. |
Kalakan Inclusive Education Project Afghanistan has 2.7% under-serviced and socially marginalised severely disabled people. Government schools have limited resources and expertise to include Children with Disabilities (CwD) in the educational system. Over the three years of the project staff
will implement the SERVE comprehensive model of Inclusive Education (IE) to improve access to and quality of education for CwD in 15 government schools in the Kalakan district of Kabul province. The model includes the following:1. Establishment of and sup
port to school-based Inclusive Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) playing a pivotal role in ensuring the quality of IE and in raising community awareness and behavioural change in disability.2. Training of master trainers in braille sign language and IE.
Master trainers will in turn train the teachers of the targeted schools according to Training of Trainers principles.3. Development of teaching and learning materials for various categories of disabilities and training teachers to use them.4. School prepar
ation for hearing and visually impaired children in order for them to attend the regular government schools with an IE curriculum and approach.Additionally staff will establish two Accelerated Learning Programmes (ALPs) a model initiated by the Ministry of
Education (MoE) in order to bring over-age children into the government school system. These children have either missed out on school or dropped out and are too old according to the MoE?s enrolment rules to (re-) enter school at the appropriate grade lev
el. The MoE?s ALP allows over-age Afghan children to complete two cycles of education in one calendar year using the regular MoE curriculum so that after 3 calendar years primary education (grades 1-6) is completed and the children can (re)enter the formal
education system at the grade 7 level closer to their peers (max of 2-3 years age difference). The ALP represents the only entry point for over-age children into the formal education system.The project also includes an advocacy component in which staff wi
ll advocate for the MoE to take responsibility for the School-preparation programme for CwD and also to take over the Braille production. Staff will also advocate for the MoE to arrange for trainings for Master Trainers independent of the scope of this pro
ject. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu) Link-AR Borneo aims to encourage the village-based regulation to protect community forest and land as livelihood resources. The village-based regulation would prevent deforestation and degradation of forest and land conversion to oil palm, pulpwood plantat
ion, and mining. Encouraging the village revitalization on natural resources management will contribute to preserve the forest and land as well as community rights. We propose to do this by establishing a Community Conservation and Livelihood Agreement (CC
LA). The communities will be encouraged to build commitment to protect the land and forest area contained in a document. To encourage the implementation of village revitalization, the CCLA document will be set forth in the village-based regulation as a le
gal form. This project will be implemented in 5 villages in Ketapang district in West-Kalimantan. Direct beneficiaries include approximately 250 people, including several groups such as local authorities, indigenous leaders, youth and women groups. Other
stakeholders are local authorities, catholic church organization, and district government of Ketapang. The proposed project aims to protect at least 1000 ha through community-based agreements, but larger areas are also possible to be included. The project
is based on Link-AR Bornoe?s previous study on natural resources management in 30 villages. Link-AR Borneo was established in 2009, and registered in 2012, as a result of interaction between students, workers, and social activists who collaborated in the
Alliance of West Borneo's People (PRKB) in relation to land grabbing, criminalization, eviction, and other issues. Letters A and R in the nema of the organization refer to Advocacy and Research, which Link-AR aims to combine with action. The aim of Link-AR
is to propote people's tenure rights in order to realize justice, preservation, and welfare. The main activities innclude investigation and monitoring, advocacy, and campaigning. Link-AR participates actively in several networks, such as Social Working Gr
oup, which focuses on Asia Pulp + Paper (APP) company's Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) in Indonesia, a Working Group Tenure, as well as RPHK (Forest Monitoring Volunteer) in West Kalimantan. |
Sanitation Improvement and Social Enterprise in Dar es Salaam Tanzania In Dar es Salaam DSM Tanzania around 80% of the population lack of improved sanitation and water services. These people live mainly in informal settlements and lack of resources to improve their living conditions. The project aims to improve the social wel
lbeing of the population living in informal settlements by ensuring universal access to improved sanitation and water services. In addition the project intends to increase economic growth and ensures sustainability by promoting the creation of a sustainabl
e community based enterprise. In Keko Machungwa an informal settlement in DSM there is a group of mostly women from the Federation of Urban Poor called PHAST Ujenzi PU who has started activities to address sanitation issues together with a local NGO Center
for Community Initiatives. However these women have faced many challenges due to the lack of funds and the lack of further knowledge and skills on sanitation. Through this project PU will be trained on all topics related with dry sanitation (DT) and they
will be empowered so that they can create and run a social enterprise that will provide sanitation services (training and construction of facilities). Dry sanitation will be strongly encouraged because of all the advantages that this system offers: no need
of complex infrastructure easy to maintain ecological appropriate for places with high water tables (this is the case in DSM) opportunity to use waste as fertilizer. Water harvesting is encouraged and integrated to tackle the issue of water shortage. The
social enterprise will also commercialize urine and compost as fertilizers and it will sell vegetables grown by using these fertilizers. The project also contains educational events and workshops and production of written visual and audio material to infor
m people about the importance of adequate sanitation and hygiene and about the advantages to use DT and organic fertilizers. In the first year PU will build DT in Keko Machungwa which is located in Temeke municipality (subdistrict/area) second year in Ving
unguti in Ilala municipality and in the third year in Tandale in Kinondoni municipality. By covering these three informal settlements all municipalities of DSM are influenced which ensures the possibility to multiply the sanitation activities in the future
. Dry toilets will be built in households and in schools. Special attention will be given to accessibility in order to avoid exclusion of any marginal group |
Support to Zambia National Farmers' Union Core Support Programme Phase II Finland has supported Zambia National Farmers? Union (ZNFU) under the Core Support Programme (CSP I) through the years 2009-13 and the next phase (CSP II 7692 Million Euro) will cover years 2014-2017. CSP I which ended in December 2013 is one of Finland?s
most successful projects in Zambia and has proven to be a very successful way of supporting smallholder farmers in increasing agricultural productivity incomes and food security. The next phase of the support aims at enhancing ZNFU?s research capacity lob
bying and advocacy function and provision of diversified and improved member services for the smallholder farmers. CSP II serves to increase the coverage of the overall programme in terms of geographic reach across rural Zambia and income levels by about 2
0% for at least 50% of the targeted farming households. The CSP II is designed to improve ZNFU?s capacity to provide better quality services to smallholder farmers in the following fields: Improved access to on-farm productivity enhancing technologies, imp
roved and expanded access to market and trade facilities by piloting diversified market and facilitation services, enhanced and expanded access to capital and productive assets for small scale farmers, improved access to land and security of tenure. |
Galgaduud Health Care Project The project aims both to continue already on going health care activities and further develop them but that can not be done without financial resource. The objectives are to sustain the achievements of the previous project and improve further both the prev
entive and curative health care services delivered in GHC-project OPDs MCHs and in Galgadud Regional Hospital. The project will strengthen the emergency and maternity sections in the hospital by improving the capacity of the current staff and recruiting m
ore qualified staff. The gender equity will be respected. The main beneficiaries will be the most vulnerable groups in the society mainly children pregnant and lactating mothers tuberculosis patients elderly sick people project staff their families and rel
atives merchants builders carpenters painters and the whole community as well both socially and economically. The main activities will be continuing strengthening and sustaining previous project activities rehabilitation of the hospital outpatient main bui
lding adding MCH and delivery rooms store water reservoir toilets and building surrounding walls for Marergur previous health post. Add laboratory store and rehabilitate the meeting room veranda and toilets of Gadon MCH/OPD and build the surrounding walls
as well. Purchase two new cars medicine and medical supplies recruit new staff and actually run the whole project activities. These activities can not be implemented without enough financial resources. The required financial resources are not currently av
ailable for both Somali Association of Health and Education Development SAHED ry and newly Internationally recognized weak Somali Government and that is why we are applying continuation project support from the Ministry for the coming 2-3 years. |
Forestry Society of Kenya - Stregthening Forestry Profession and Governance Structures for Sustainable Forest Management With the increased and unprecedented recognition and interest in forestry issues at national and global levels, especially those touching on poverty reduction and food security FSK membership has been on the forefront on contributing to domestication of In
ternational Treaties Conventions and Processes while recognizing the need for the country to attain Millennium Development Goals 3 4 7, 8 and National Vision 2030.During the project second phase the society made considerable milestones in setting up infras
tructure and governance mechanisms to enhance its mandate. However the knowledge sharing and monitoring mechanism has not been put in place. This has made it futile to manage the code of practice and good ethical behaviour of errant foresters..For the Soc
iety to effectively perform her mandate and build on past achievements the Professional Foresters Bill has to be enacted by parliament. Without the Bill the gains made over the last years will be at risk of being eroded since members may never feel legally
accountable. The Society must therefore lobby parliament to enact the Bill. Further for the Bill to be effective it requires tools and instruments that will ensure enforcement. The Society has drafted a Continuous Professional Development Guidelines as w
ell as a professional Code of Conduct. The policy manuals need to be activated to enforce professional development and penalties for professional misconduct. To enforce Continuous Professional Development guidelines a software will be purchased and appende
d to the Society?s website. The project will addresses some of the fundamental/root causes of forest degradation in Kenya ? malpractices by professionals entrusted to lead conservations of Kenya's forests. By addressing governance structures in forestry p
rofessionalism it contributes to improvement of leadership in the forestry sector. The project will also provide for promotion of life-long education in the forestry career a move that guarantees that quality and up-to-date knowledge in forestry sector is
maintained. |
Policy Research to Demonstrate the Personal Impact of Illicit Financial Flows Finland is financing policy research to demonstrate the personal impact of illicit financial flows (IFF) to Global Financial Integrity (GFI). The study consists of four elements: (i) Update on the analysis of illicit financial flows out of developing count
ries, (ii) an IFF Index ranking developing countries based on the impact of IFF on the economy of the country, (iii) a focused analysis of Myanmar, (iv) a focused analysis of Sambia. Participating Finland's partner countries have been selected on the basis
of their different characteristics (fragile state vs. country rich with natural resources subject to trade misinvoicing). The results of the research elements will lay the evidentiary foundation for ongoing work with Governments and civil society ortganis
ations. Since the reports will put a spotlight on the individual impacts of IFFs they will increase media and Government focus on the problem. The growing interes in IFF and their impact on domestic resource mobilization and the Post-2015 process the repor
ts will be a timely addition to the current discourse. The research will start in 2014 and results will be published in 2016. The value of GFI services and related publishing of results is 500000 ? during the two-year period. GFI is an independent organisa
tion that has built its brand by producing ground-breaking economic studies on illicit financial flows and advocating specific policy steps for their curtailment. |
UNODC/Strengthening Provincial Capacity for Drug Control The UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) has a number of counter-narcotics projects underway in Afghanistan. Finland is involved in supporting a project promoting the introduction of alternative livelihoods and development of local administrati
on. This UNODC's programme in Afghanistan Strengthening Provincial Capacity for Drug Control aims to enhance the institutional and operational capability of the Provincial Directorates of the Ministry of Counter Narcotics with a particular focus on alterna
tive livelihoods.About 80% of the world?s opium production takes place in Afghanistan. The drugs are smuggled into Europe through Afghanistan?s neighbouring countries mostly Pakistan and Iran. The value of Afghanistan?s narcotics production totals approxim
ately three billion US dollars. A significant portion of the funding for the Taliban and other insurgent groups comes from narcotics trade. The production and trade in narcotics in Afghanistan and its side-effects such as crime are a significant obstacle t
o the country?s development. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu) The project consists of a communication campaign on illegal forest product trade in Mexico. It aims to provoke public discussion on the theme and commit key actors to the process in order to abolish illegal trade and manage the forests sustainably. The pro
ject benefits directly the approximately 1000 community forestry enterprises functioning in Mexico.In order to abolish illegal trade and achieve good forest governance in Mexico, it is important to strengthen the legal trade of forest products. For that th
e commitment of the government, the producers, enterprises and the consumers is needed. Currently approximately 50 % of the wood used in Mexico is of illegal origin.Red MOCAF is a network founded by Mexican community forestry organisations in 1994. Its mem
bership is comprised of 45 peasant and indigenous organisations in different states of Mexico. Red MOCAF aims to develop the rural population?s livelihoods especially in forested areas in a sustainable manner. Its work includes advocacy in public policies,
communication, capacity development, project management and representation of its membership before other actors. Recently Red MOCAF?s focus areas have been: representing the social sector in the national forest commission (CONAF), inclusion of social and
environmental safeguards into the forest law, inclusion of community forestry areas into the national Payment for Environmental Services scheme in order to promote sustainable forestry and forest conservation, coordination of CONAF?s working group on the
national REDD programme and positioning of the Mesoamerican community forestry experiences internationally. mocaf.org.mx |
Frame agreement with NGO (Suomen Lahetysseura ry) The project aims to contribute to the overall socio-economic empowerment of women and children in Mersa surroundings. In the project area, especially women suffer of extreme poverty, negative cultural practices and abuse because of their position and condi
tion in the society. Women?s economic dependence on men is one of the root causes for women to be marginalized, which leads also to violation of women?s rights. Also, women?s access to decision-making processes is very limited. By the end of the third pha
se of the project, women have been trained to improve their livelihoods and they know about accountings and can get micro-loans to establish small enterprises. Negative cultural practices are changing, family planning enhanced and the number of hiv-infecti
ons reduced through awareness-raising and women's groups. Psychosocial support is offered to people living with aids and to orphaned vulnerable children. Access to basic education for girls is improved through changing of attitudes, school mentoring and pr
ovision of school materials to girls of poor families. The direct beneficiaries of the project are about 25.000 women and girls in Mersa surroundings and indirect beneficiaries about 22.000 persons. The implementing agency is the Ethiopian Evangelical Chur
ch Mekane Yesus / North Central Synod Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC-NCS) in Dessie. |
Technical Assistance for TEVT (Soft Skills) Development in School Sector Reform Plan in Nepal The Government of Finland has contributed to development in the education sector since 1999 and is currently one of the development partners supporting the Nepali Government with financing and implementation of the School Sector Reform Plan (SSRP). Finland
?s contribution to the SSRP is ? 16 million during 2010 to 2015. Out of this ? 11.5 million has been allocated to finance the integration of Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) into primary and secondary education. Additional to that there is a
n allocation of ? 1.6 million for development and piloting TEVT soft skills in school education.The overall objective is to contribute to enhancing quality and relevance of general education by introducing TEVT soft skills (vocationally oriented skills) in
school system in order to improve employability of students and to meet the demands of labor market. The objective has been discussed with all major stakeholders and has been found to be relevant. No changes are required to the overall objective. The purp
ose of the Technical Assistance is to support the Ministry of Education in implementing the TEVT (Soft Skills) component of the SSRP that is operationalized in Annual Strategic Implementation Plans (ASIP) of each year. |
Skills For Appropriate Sustainable Technologies (SkillsFAST) The main purpose of SkillsFAST project is to improve access to energy improve food security and help individuals of marginalized target groups (primarily youth, women, methadone users as well as those within the cooperatives network) to receive entrepreneu
rial capacities in order to become better citizens who have an opportunity to become employed as well as are able to independently create employment opportunities. This is enabled through exploiting opportunities within the energy and food sectors under th
e objective of multi-dimensional sustainability. SkillsFAST seeks to improve and transform the way valuable skills and knowledge from diverse sources are be made accessible and transferred to special vulnerable groups in society in order to improve their l
ives. SkillsFAST integrates knowledge from farmers who are organised as cooperatives, vocational training institutions (VTECs) in Tanzania Kenya and Uganda, universities of applied sciences (HAMK), SMEs (Lumivio Oy), established southern expert bodies (Twa
weza Communications), and northern CSOs such as Shalin. SkillsFAST delivers skills on sustainable technologies focused on energy and food to provide beneficiaries with long-lasting marketable skills and relevant knowledge to reduce the rate of unemployment
and to promote enterprises that can solve local problems. The project specifically deals with the energy and food security issues locally and contributes to the identification of solutions for the international climate crisis. SkillsFAST is implemented du
ring 2015-2017 and is divided into five Work Packages (WPs). |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) The predominant problem in Walikale is the difficulty to find alternative means of living, lack of work both in the formal and non-formal sector, lack of access to savings and credit, lack of access to markets and understanding of how they work, and limite
d economic opportunities in the villages. Food insecurity and chronic malnutrition is still prevalent in some areas.There are a number of NGOs active in the targeted areas but none of them work in the livelihoods sector, where needs are considerable. Most
NGOs work in the humanitarian relief, including food security and education in emergencies. 80% of the women do not currently exercise their income generating activities, despite many of them being the main bread winners and care takers of their families.
The coping strategies are such as small kitchen gardens and small livestock.Objective of the project: The targeted community members have enhanced skills and capacity to practice income generating activities, contributing to increased incomes and reduced v
ulnerability.Activities: ? Cash for work activities for a cash injection for the vulnerable households and to contribute to the create sustainable assets at the community level including small infrastructure and construction? Trainings in income generating
activities, basics of how to run a business? Create Village Saving and Loan Associations (VSLA) to promote savings? Support small scale business creation and provide advice and counselling on commercial and agricultural activities? Structure the agricultu
ral producers in networks (cooperatives) and support local initiatives for the transformation and commercialisation of the products? Other innovative approaches for small scale business and value chain development? Advocacy Rights-holders /beneficiaries:
Vulnerable women (50%) and youth and other community members. The estimated number of direct beneficiaries will be finalised after the baseline study.The specific beneficiary selection criteria will be fine-tuned later but beneficiary identification criter
ia may include access to land and some existing assets, average household income and ration of children at school/children having finalised the primary school (six years). Extra care will be taken not to exclude but to ensure active participation by women
and other vulnerable members in the targeted communities.Implementing partner:The proposed partner for the project is ALPM (Actions pour la Lutte contre la pauvrete et la Malnutrition). ALPM is a |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Plan International Finland Foundation) The programme aims to strengthen community-based early childhood care and development services for marginalized children including girls and children with disability. The programme interweaves four key components that include strengthening parenting skills
and knowledge to support child development, increasing access to quality early learning services for vulnerable children, facilitating effective transitions to primary school and advocacy at community, district and national level to meet the development n
eeds of young children. In Uganda early childhood stimulation and development are neither well understood nor widely practiced in rural areas of Uganda and only 5.7% of children 3-5 years attend pre-primary schools. The programme promotes a holistic approa
ch to childcare, development and protection that enables all children in the targeted communities to properly grow, develop and succeed in primary school. In turn, communities will have expanded capacity to promote effective care, development and protectio
n of their children. The programme targets 15 300 people including 10 800 0-5 year old boys and girls and 4 500 adults. The project is implemented by Plan Uganda together with the communities. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) Haiti suffers from severe food insecure and depends on importation for several basic products. Currently, 1 200 000 eggs are imported daily from Dominican Republic. There is a lack of investment in the agricultural sector and rural communities have weak pr
oduction skills. Haitian Ministry of Agriculture has started promoting egg production in the country, but the current production is not nearly sufficient for the demand of a total population of 1 million in the Southern departments of Haiti. The project st
rengthens egg production in the department of the South through capacity building, provision of layers and other inputs to local producers, and the establishment of a production unit managed by a cooperative. This will improve the livelihoods for the local
people in vulnerable rural communities, particularly youth and women. The project will also contribute to the overall food security in the region, as an increase of locally produced eggs will help to decrease prices and improve accessibility to eggs. Act
ivities: ? Eggs value chain and market analysis in 5 departments ? Establishment of a central unit that provides local producers access to layers and chicken feed ? Training of 800 youth and 450 women to produce 20 eggs a daily (training on sustainable pou
ltry and egg production, basic business skills) and establishment of household units? Establishment of a cooperative to manage the central unit and sell eggs? Technical support on production unit management and marketing, including a business plan, Traini
ng and support to advocacy ? Opening of a chicken feed plant to produce food for chicken for the regionThe project will promote the right to livelihoods of 800 youth and 450 women. It will benefit indirectly their families and communities, as well as the c
onsumers in the 5 departments. Implementing partner:KORAL (Konbit pou Ranfose Aksyon Lakay) and Christian |
Zambia Land Alliance - Support to Strategic Plan 2009-2013 Support to Zambia Land Alliance Work Plan 2013? The project is continuation to the ?Support to Zambia Land Alliance Work Plan September 2009-September 2012? which is based on the ZLA strategic plan 2009-2013. Activities to be implemented:Land rights and em
powerment programmea)To promote security of customary land and sustainable land use by poor men women and youths especially in ZLA operational areasb)To promote and protect the rights of displaced and potential internally displaced persons and minority gro
ups in ZLA operational areasc)To strengthen local accountability in the land administration system for the urban and rural poor in ZLA operational areasd)To advocate for appropriate and timely reforms of laws and policies pertaining to land delivery and ad
ministration especially for the poor and vulnerableCommunication and networking programmea)To provide land related information in innovative and appropriate formats for use by stakeholders at local national and international levelsInstitutional development
and management programmea)To review and strengthen the structures linkages and operations of the District Land Alliancesb)To improve ZLA?s governance and management effectiveness and sustainability of its organizational programmes |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) The northern governorates of the West Bank, oPT have historically been restricted in development due to the Israeli occupation. The communities in these governorates have lost a significant amount of their land, much of which was agricultural. Thus, many p
eople have turned to sporadic casual labour at low pay, while others have turned toward developing agricultural activities using whatever land remains available to them. Many remain without any stable source of income and depend on aid from local and inter
national organisations and the Palestinian Authority.Unable to reach their main agricultural plots, those who can do so are compensating for the loss of access to their farmlands by cultivating smaller, accessible plots, usually home gardens or something o
f similar size, if available. Additionally, those who do find casual work in Israel are in many cases taking a significant risk, since many work without permits, allowing them to be easily exploited. However, the implementation of the Women?s Bank project
during the past two and half years, helped many vulnerable women to sustain some stable income through the selling of their agricultural projects. Discussion with beneficiary women of the targeted rural communities indicated that there is a need to expand
on the current activities and help promote marketing of their own products. Yet, further and additional support and input is needed, including material support, as well as training and capacity building. Additional support expressed was the need to help c
reate linkages, especially with organisations that can help promote and market the beneficiary products.Objectives:? Improve the economic opportunity of 80 female households through support to help expand their agricultural project and marketing their prod
ucts.? To create linkages for 80 female households through capacity building and establishment of women?s agricultural collective enterprises (cooperatives).Activities: ? Coordinate with the local authorities and the village councils on the implementation
of the project? Selection of beneficiaries? In-kind support for existing home gardens and beekeeping projects? Around 60 capacity building training sessions will be conducted in marketing, cooperative works, etc.? Establish networking for marketing purpose
s? Follow-up with monitoring and evaluationRights-holders /beneficiaries: Estimated number of direct beneficiaries: 80 female headed-households (600 family members). The direct beneficiaries inclu |
Capacity Building in Animal Genetic Evaluation Methods and Design of Dairy Breeding Programs to Strengthen Ethiopian Dairy Development The overall development objective of this ICI project between MTT Agrifood Reserach Finland and National Artificial Insemination Center (NAIC) in Ethiopia is to improve food security and reduce poverty by improving the milk productivity of the cattle in E
thiopia. The project focuses on strengthening the capacity of NAIC and training people who are involved with the genetic improvement work related to milk production. This is a second phase of the project and will be implemented 2015-2017. The first phas
e is implemenetd in 2011-2014. The results of the first phase include creation of national animal identification system establishment of national dairy herd performance system and monitoring scheme on a pilot scale establishment of computerized dairy
cattle database center and training of experts and farmers in herd performance recording and advisory systems. The project is supported with 385 000 euros which is divided 2015: 85 000 euros 2016: 200 000 euros and 2017: 100 000 euros. |
Frame agreement with NGO (SASK) The project improves the capacity and cooperation of steel, mining and energy sector unions to ensure that they can effectively defend and represent workers? interests in five target states in India.The cooperation between the trade unions in these sectors
has long been minimal, and the rate of organization in these sectors is low. Labour right violations are common especially in the mining sector. The project strengthens the rate of organization and significantly contributes to the cooperation between the
unions, so that they can better represent and guard the interests of the workers. The ability of the unions to operate in member recruitment, promotion of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), collective bargaining and solving of disputes will become more
efficient. In a more concrete way, in 2014?2016 the project aims at getting 35,000 new members to the unions, creating a permanent professional pool of organisers (252 actives), a pool of trade union trainers (84 trainers), functioning OHS committees and 8
4 OHS trainers. The trade union structures of the states are strengthened and they become self-sufficient. The beneficiaries are the permanent and short-term workers and white collar workers in the steel, mining and energy sectors. In addition, the organi
sers, trainers, OHS representatives, union representatives at the workplaces, actives and the leadership in the Indian affiliates of IndustriALL in the states of Orissa, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Maharastra and Andhra Pradesh will benefit from the project.
Main partner is IndustriALL Global Union, which coordinates the project. The implementing unions are IndustriALL?s Indian affiliates on selected sectors and states. |
Support of Disabled People's Initiative Project DEVELOPMENT PROBLEM: People with disabilities (PwD) have limited access to education and employment which leads to persisting poverty as well as low level of participation in the societyPROJECT PURPOSE: Enhancing the rights of PwDs to acces education and e
mploymentDEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: To enhance the socio-economic status of PwDs and empower them to participate equally in societyThis will be done through a HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH which means that the project will work to create a policy environment tha
t promotes PwD's rights widening access to services for PwDs building awareness of the rights of PwDs and encouraging involving and building the capacity of individuals and PwDs organisations (DPOs) to participate in the design implementation and monitorin
g of programmes and services that affect their lives.GENDER EQUALITY is of great importance and the project aims to give equal opportunities to Women and Men with disabilities. The project aims to develop existing structures and institutions. The main bene
ficiaries include PwDs and the local DPOs. The ACTIVITIES are divided into 4 groups:1. EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT. Some of the local DPOs have existing groups that do income generating activities. More groups will be started where PwD will get education thro
ugh cooperation with the local education centre and vocational training centre. Also by cooperating with the local labour centre the PwD will get help in networking and getting in contact with employers and acquire jobs. In addition three groups of PwD wil
l get one-year trainings in areas that are not provided by the local education system. Also on-the-job trainings will be provided. A part-time psychologist will be employed to serve the PwD in the change process2.CAPACITY BUILDING OF LOCAL DPOs AND THEIR C
OMMITTEE. There will be training in management law finance and cooperation with governmental bodies. Cooperation with social welfare will be a part of the project in order to enhance harmonization3.ENHANCE PHYSICAL ACCESSIBILITY. The standard of buildings
that take into account PwDs needs will be introduced and trainings will be given to engineers building companies decision makers and the local public. Follow-ups and monitoring of new buildings will be done4. ADVOCACY AND AWARENESS RAISING. Advocacy activi
ties awareness raising of the PwDs situation and promotion of their rights through contacts with the local government media and through arranging different events |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Foundation for Human Rights/KIOS) The project includes training for human rights activists, radio programs, community drama sessions, and debates for local leaders, traditional leaders and stakeholders, as well as TLC?s core funding. Uganda's government has contributed little to the situa
tion of human rights, and has even civil actively limited political rights. Journalists have been harassed, and have been accused for the demagogy. Radios are under special attention of the Government, because radio reaches 90 % of the population. Due to
the threats the media self- censors widely their broadcasts. However, in Uganda , there are dozens of independent medias. The project's target area in Toro Kingdom, the freedom of expression is limited all the time. The project aims to strengthen the TLC a
nd the capacity of human rights activists , to inform the public about human rights, and strengthen the TLC?s networking. The expected impacts of a forum for discussion about human rights , a functioning network of human rights activists and their increase
d capacity, increased awareness and discussion of human rights in the community, as well as reduction of impunity . As direct beneficiaries of the project are 300 human rights activists to be trained and more than 2 000 community members participating in c
ommunity events, well as activists participating 50 radio programs. In addition, the project provides practical support and legal advice to victims of human rights violations (at least 300 cases).Twerwaneho Listeners Club was grounded in a radio program ma
de by local human rights activists in 2006. Program -makers and listeners founded and registered Twerwaneho Listeners Club in 2008. In the core TLC's activities is the sensitizaton of human rights of the local population, in particular of the freedom of ex
pression, the freedom of association and the right to access to information. |
International Commission of Jurists - Enhancing and strengthening Judicial Reforms, resolution of electoral disputes The constitution provides specific time frames for determination of electoral disputes. Presidential election petition must be filed within seven days after the date of the declaration of results and determined within fourteen day. Parliamentary election p
etitions are to be done within six months after the filing. This calls for a continued and concerted effort towards supporting and equipping the judiciary with tools that are designed to enhance its capacity to handle electoral disputes. The time lines pro
vided for determination of disputes in the presidential and other elections proved to have practical challenges when the constitutional and statutory provisions were being implemented. 3rd Phase Activities-Review experiences of the judiciary in the managem
ent of the electoral disputes arising from 2013 elections-Engage the bar the bench and legal/constitutional experts at high level forum to analyse and create discussions around the Supreme Court Presidential Petition of 2013. -Quality of justice provided b
y the courts ? procedural fairness content of some of the judgments and costs-Analytical research of the election disputes resolution mechanism that were employed during the entire exercise of the 2013 general elections The activities aim at supporting the
Judiciary Working Committee on Elections (JWCEP) to build on achievements that have been noted with regard to the manner in which courts are now prepared to handle electoral disputes. Further learning from the lessons of the 2013 elections and improving o
n those experiences would be critical. The activities are geared towards the wider promotion of a transparent and accountable judiciary that safeguards good governance the rule of law and better determination of electoral disputes.Project Objective: motiva
ting individual judges to finalize cases and ultimately encourage judicial activism enhance judicial independence and accountability in the resolution of electoral disputes as well as maintain public interest and participation in the goings on in the elect
oral reform processes |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) The final strategic evaluation of the LWD in 2014 has presented a significant progress in the development and empowerment effort in the target area of Kampong Spue, Kampong Chhnang, Pusat, Battambang, Siem Reap. However, there are some challenges particula
rly in three main areas which need to be more in focus in the project intervention. The new project is formulated according to these recommendations. The project objectives include:1) Enhanced local good governance through trainings and consultations for
Commune Councils, Community based organisations, provincial and district officers as well as support to communities in advocacy initiatives on good governance, human rights, legal regulation etc.2) Improved sustainable partner households? livelihoods in th
e communities through capacity building on agricultural and entrepreneur skills to farmers, vocational skill trainings to selected farmers as well as support Agricultural Cooperatives? (AC) and Village Banks? (VB).3) Increased resilience of communities in
disaster prone areas and promote responsiveness of Commune Committee for Disaster Management (CCDM) in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).The key groups are marginalised, poorest and most vulnerable households and people affe
cted by any disasters, economic shock, human rights abuses identified by the government?s IDPoor system and dataset. Also those vulnerable households who are not included in the system, due to any reasons: women, children, people with disabilities, elderly
, ethnic minorities.Implementing partner: Life with Dignity (LWD)LWD is FCA?s long-term and strategic partner in Cambodia. LWD has good experience in implementing integrated development and livelihood projects through rights based empowerment approach. The
participation and community mobilisation experiences are the strengths of LWD, which is one of the highly appreciated local NGOs. LWD has a strong expertise in managing development work in a transparent and accountable manner. |
Promoting Community Based Nature Tourism for Community better life in Mwanga District The overall Goal of the project is to promote and assist Community Based Nature Tourism among the local community of Mwanga so as to conserve their natural environment and improve their living standard. Objectives of the activities include: to build capaci
ty among local community on community Based Nature Tourism, to improve quality services and hospitality behaviour among the local community that satisfies Tourists, to increase tourism and conservation awareness among jobless youth in the project area, to
increase community knowledge on their natural attractions, to strengthen relationship between local community and other tourism stakeholders to support local community on developing tourism business, to support local entrepreneurship groups to improve thei
r products. Target group is all 16 wards of Mwanga District in Kilimanjaro regionFunds are requested for the following activities, Capacity building training to 160 local community on principals and impact of community based nature tourism to the local com
munity, organise a special tour to visit different attractions, organise a special Tourism day, Establish Mwanga Community Based nature Tourism Information Centre, Forming 16 platforms for community Based nature tourismExpected results of the activities: I
ncreased tourism and conservation awareness among jobless youth: increased knowledge on their natural attraction, Increased number of local and International tourists, improved local community economy and nature conservation |
Frame agreement with NGO (Suomen Lahetysseura ry) The project provides training for teachers to facilitate education for deaf children and their access to different school levels, more information to decision-makers and trainers and provides social and counseling services to deaf people. It is estimated t
hat there are over 500.000 deaf persons in Ethiopia, mostly young people, and only less than 5 % of them has access to school. There are very few schools for deaf in the whole country. In addition, special classes for deaf children exist in ordinary school
s but after 4th grade they have to attend ordinary classes where the teachers usually do not have sign language skills. The project includes also complementary training courses for teachers working with deaf children and for education sector functionaries
responsible for special education. The courses are organized in cooperation with the local Association of the Deaf and the Ministry of Education. In addition, the project increases knowledge about deafness and looks for advocacy opportunities as well as co
ntacts with deaf people and people interested in the work. The implementing agency is the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus / South Central Synod Development and Social Services Commission (EECMY-DASSC-SCS) in Hossana. |
Communications with stakeholders and internal communications The realisation of the objectives of Finland's development policy requires support from citizens and their confidence in the effectiveness and potential impact of any actions taken. The MFA's Development Communications Unit is responsible for raising publ
ic awareness about global development issues and the objectives themes and results of Finland's development policy. Effective development communications require that medium and message meet citizen and stakeholder needs that texts be written in clear lang
uage and that each message be tailored to its target group. Information is made available not only through traditional official channels but also via social media and at public events. Specific programmes are being prepared to help the media learn about
development issues and development cooperation. The appropriation reserved for communications with stakeholders is used for an annual development briefing targeted to Finnish decision-makers and policy-makers. In addition an opinion poll is organised focu
sing on the Finns' views of development cooperation and development policy. The appropriation is also used to enable participation in the OECD DAC international networks and other activities in cooperation with stakeholders.. |
European Disability Forum + International Disability Alliance/ Meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities in int. development IDA is a network representing members that are organisations of persons with disabilities. IDA?s unique composition as a network of international persons with disabilities? organisations allows it to act as an authoritative and representative voice of pers
ons with disabilities in the United Nations (UN) system.The proposed project aimed at ensuring that the post-2015 development framework fosters meaningful inclusion of persons with disabilities reflecting a human rights-based approach and that DPOs and the
ir allies have access to resources and accountability mechanisms to advocate for its implementation in conjunction with the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The invisibility of persons with disabilities in the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) framework its programmes and policy designs and the statistics supporting the monitoring of its implementation are some of the key reasons for the lack of inclusion of persons with disabilities in development.To ensure that the post 2015 developmen
t agenda will be inclusive and that DPOs will have access to adequate support for demanding its implementation IDA will work with its global and regional members its allies especially the International Disability and Development Consortium and its members
as well as the UN agencies and supportive UN members states to ensure that:-Voices of persons with disabilities and their allies are taken into account in the negotiation of the set of goals and associated targets of the post-2015 development framework -Th
e post-2015 development agenda process increases momentum and incentives so that relevant UN bilateral and multilateral development agencies develop normative strategic and operational frameworks that are meaningfully inclusive for persons with disabilitie
s- Strengthened use of UN treaty bodies and the Universal Periodic Review as accountability mechanisms for Member State commitments to inclusive development and the human rights of persons with disabilities- Improved technical capacities of regional DPOs N
GOs and UN development agencies to support global and national stakeholders to make development programmes and policies inclusive within CRPD implementation in low- and middle-income countries. |
Crimea Policy Dialogue The objective of the project is to establish a sustainable institutionalized mechanism for early warning and prevention of violent conflict aiming at systematic transformation of social political cultural and economic tensions and confrontations. During it
s implementation phases I and II in 2009-2013 the project has generated new empirical knowledge on the conflicts embedded in the Crimean society and offered new approaches to addressing such conflicts based on international experience. The project has gen
erated concrete policy proposals based on consensus reached in the dialogue process empirical evidence gained through research and knowledge drawn from international experience. Some of these are now in implementation phase with support from the authoritie
s in Crimea and Kyiv. Most advanced is the proposal to create a new multilingual system of education in Crimea with its pilot phase called the Crimean School being under active development in collaboration with the relevant authorities. Finland has funded
the project with nearly 12 million euro in 2009-2013. In 2014 the budget is 300 000 euros. |
Food security and water resources for the Niva?le native people's communities and actions for the empowerment of their women The beneficiaries are two Niva?le native people's communities Yi'shinachat and Quen?a?lay which are situated in Chaco Paraguay in the Pilcomayo river area. This region is practically isolated from the outside world without working infrastructure and basic
services. The area is traditional living environment of the Niva?le people with harsh living conditions with prolonged dry seasons. Their situation is further complicated by the destruction of the ecosystem by forest loggings that endanger communities' foo
d security as they are dependent on the forest and its alimentary resources since their access to traditional land and fishing waters is districted. The consequences of the lack of alimentation and water resources are serious and endanger their existence a
nd culture habits and traditions. The communities themselves don't have the capacity to increase food production or create external income sources which causes temporary and permanent immigration. The communities' women suffer the most of the situation as
they stay in the communities with children taking care of the land that doesn't guarantee them sufficient alimentary resources. The project rises from the problems and their solutions identified by the women. The aim is to tackle the problems by committing
the beneficiaries to the goals by applying participative approach and operating in coordination with the beneficiaries. Some of the concreate actions are the formulation of community plans to guarantee water supply and increase water storage capacity. To
guarantee food security small lamb and goat flocks will be acquired for production of meat milk and wool. Education on the care taking of the animals and production is included. Excess production and wool handcrafts are sold to increase family income.The e
nhancement of women's role and their empowerment are strongly present throughout the project. The women get education on their rights and their role in communities is strengthened. The communities are in process of organization which Tierra Libre-ISA suppo
rts by giving them training technical and societal advising and association support. Follow-up administration and technical coordination of the project is jointly realized with the communities and Tierra Libre-ISA. The overall aims are achieving food secur
ity and sufficient water supply enhancement of associational and organizational capacities and the promotion of native peoples' rights and equality between men and women. |
Child protection network in Huaylas valley (Peru) Ancash county area has a large number of children who do not receive adequate and systematic care from the state and governmental organizations. The reasons for this are several. For example the state and many civil society organizations do not provide the
appropriately organized child welfare services. Those parties who could potentially be involved in finding solutions to the situation are not aware of the problems with the protection of children. In addition these entities are not familiar with internati
onal guidelines for the protection of children based on good practices. Social services has no models for smooth cooperation with a multi-professional and motivated teams of professionals. In addition the local county or municipal administrations are not
familiar with the administrative and lawful ways to assign labor and economic resources for child protection purposes.The main purpose of this project is to achieve effective co-operation between the various child welfare agencies. To achieve this the awar
eness of state authorities and policy-makers dealing with child protection as well as CBOs is raised. The project would create a structure that with effective cooperation prevents manages and provides solutions to reduce child welfare cases in general. Th
e aim is that the children who despite the above have to be taken into custody would get the right kind of care.The project consists of four parts: 1 The police the public prosecutor and social workers as well as lawyers political decision makers and civil
society actors are trained and informed in Children's Rights (especially the right to live in the family) as well as in good child protection practices. 2 Striving to change the legislation and local government agencies so that it would be possible to sho
w manpower and financial resources to the protection of children. 3 To create cooperation network between the various child welfare services and non-governmental organizations. 4 A model to create an alternative to traditional children's homes so that chil
dren's right to be cared in a family becomes reality. |
Green Art Center/I Think Green -NGO Green Art Center is a local NGO established to contribute to sustainable development aims to increase citizens? awareness about the needs of the society improve living standards and living environment. Webpage www.greenartcenter.org. The organisation
has gathered highly motivated proffesionals around with a common interets on environmental issues.-Kosovo is facing very serious environmental challenges in a broader sense and in particular concerning waste and land management. The situation is rather dif
ficult in urban areas due to changed demographics and the pressure of migration from rural areas. This is reflected in unplanned construction a poorly managed urban environment and inefficient public services such as waste collection waste and wastewater
treatment. Pollution from power plants and mining activities are adding to already difficult situation and pose serious threat to the health of citizens. -NGO GAC will train teaching staff and students on importance of 3R ? REDUCTION ? REUSE ? RECYCLING
process in 10 elementary scools in Pristina. As the second result will be the creation of a common system in division and managing of waste in school premises. The other component of the project is establishing of young volunteers associatin ?Green Club Pr
ishtina? on increasing the participation of active citizenship and identification of needs. During one year implementation of the project there will be outdoor activities organized with the aim to empower active citizenship in process of Environment protec
tion.-One of the major expected results of the project is the increasing of capacities of 10953 students and 519 teachers in 10 elementary schools. These are the main beneficiaries of the project as well.GAC will implement the project in partnership with I
nstitute for Sustainability and Development of Youth ? ISDY Kosovo.Project Overall Objective: Strengthening positive attitudes of community towards environmental protection Project Specific Objectives: a) Increased participation of young people and socie
ty in environmental activities b) Strengthening of active citizenship in the process of environmental protection c) Creation of an implementational model for the initiation and implementation of a program to reduce re-use and recycling in in the 10 element
ary schools in Pristina, d) Awareness of students teachers and society on the importance of process-reuse-recycle reducion, |
Media support project for networking and environmental reporting in Nigeria The media support project for networking and environmental reporting in Nigeria is based on experiences and active networking from the previous VIKES media projects on environmental reporting in Nigeria (2008?2011 and 2012?2014).The main objective of the p
roject is to secure the institutional capacities of the Nigerian Journalists Network for the Environment (NJNE). The project aims to directly assist the institutionalization process of NJNE and to support its own fundraising so that in the future the journ
alists themselves can run the network with little or no external support.Nigerian journalists well trained in more investigative reporting skills and the use of social media will be more able to promote environmental reporting and raise awareness of enviro
nmental challenges and how these are affecting the livelihoods of people in general and especially the local communities in the oil-producing areas and other ecologically vulnerable regions. Through the improved knowledge about the environment from the in-
depth reporting by the trained journalists Nigerian citizens will be more informed and encouraged to make their voices heard and demand environmentally-friendly laws from policymakers.The key project activities include:1. Multimedia and social media traini
ng for networking and environmental reporting2. Investigative environmental journalism training3. Institutional support to the Nigerian Journalists Network for the EnvironmentThe partner organization in the implementation of the project is the Nigerian env
ironmental advocacy organization Environmental Rights Action (ERA) long-time cooperation partner of VIKES.The direct beneficiaries of the project are the members of the Nigerian Journalists Network for the Environment. These include more than 100 professio
nal journalists editors correspondents and reporters from all parts of Nigeria. As the participants of the training courses share their knowledge and networking skills in the media houses where they are employed practically the whole Nigerian media will be
nefit. Nigerian environmental NGO?s human rights groups and organizations focusing on the freedom of expression also benefit from the networking and empowerment of journalists. |
Tunisia Ministry of the Interior - Police College of Finland Capacity-building within the Tunisian Police and National Guard The institutional capacity building project between the Ministry of the Interior of Tunisia and the Police College of Finland will reorganise and develop the Tunisian Police and the National Guard. Also the capacity of the Tunisian Police and the National
Guard to coordinate and absorb international assistance directed to them will be increased as part of the project.Since the regime change of 2011 Tunisia has aimed to improve security law and order and to reform the police in an effort to stabilize the ove
rall situation. The police reform is part of the wider process aimed at the democratic transition of Tunisia. The institutional capacity building project will contribute to that process.The duration of the project is two years and its budget is 498 550 eur
os. The direct results aimed by the project are a more efficient organisation structure of the Tunisian Police and the National Guard and their organisational culture based on the rule of law. The direct beneficiary of the project is the Tunisian Police an
d the National Guard. However considering the nature of the functions of the security sector and their effects on the well-being of citizens the ultimate beneficiary of the project is Tunisian society at large. The implementation of the project entails thr
ee phases and its possible risks include unexpected changes in the political economic or security situation of the country. |
Education sector SWAp Finland has supported the Education Sector in Mozambique since the year 1997 and joined in the common sectoral fund FASE in 2003.The Finnish funding through the FASE to the Education Sector in Mozambique supports the implementation of the Strategy ESSP II
I (Education Sector Support Programme III 2012-2016). Through the Common Fund FASE the funds are channeled to basic education secondary education and vocational education. The Education Sector is one of the priority sectors of the poverty alleviation strat
egy in Mozambique. Attention will be paid to the improvement of the quality of the basic education for example through development of the teacher and early childhood education and quaranteening the school education of the poorest children In addition the e
mployment opportunities of the secondary students who are finishing their studies will be improved. Special attention will be paid to enlargement and development of the secondary and vocational education. Also the educational administration will be develo
ped especially in the provincial level. |
Establishment of a Psycho-Social Support Center Tomorrow is Ours for Children The preparatory phase of project by Najda Now is expected to run for 6 months starting in July 2013 and ending in December 2013.In order to induce the Syrian refugee children?s and adolescents? capabilities to overcome sufferings and psycho-social entailme
nts of war and armed conflict the NNI introduced the invitation to establish a psycho-social support center in Aleppo area (Bustan Al Qasr). The project will form a nucleus centre where more centers are expected to be established throughout Syria to reach
to a wider number of potential beneficiaries and to be able to contribute towards the crisis of the Syrian displaced community.It is expected and during the first year 2014 of this project that it will provide psycho-social care to approximately 300 benefi
ciaries of the Syrian displaced children and adolescents residing in the Aleppo Area in the locality of the Bustan AlQasr and contributing to the psycho-social self-reliance of the Syrian children and adolescent displaced in the Aleppo Area.The overall cos
t of the project is EURO90000 to finance establishment and running of the psycho-social support centre based in the Bustan Al Qasr for one year months. The cost will also cover the administrative overheads of the project salaries of the project manager ass
istants school support teachers volunteers therapist and psycho-social support team. It also includes cost of office furniture and computers in addition to the utilities materials and rewards for the various workshops. The center will be established in a
poor and overcrowded geographical area in Aleppo where need and necessity are quite essential and pressing.The gender in this project is very balanced and the NNI will stress on this in the call for registering the little children and adolescents. The NNI'
s experience in Beirut for a similar project is witnessing a 53% of females compared to 47% of males. The NNI expects the same proportion to approach the center.The climate is tolerated and there is no kind of pollution whatsoever touched upon in the flow
of this project.Democracy is the base in recruitment of staff on board of the project and the NNI will also be keen to register the children on base of democracy without any discrimination of any ethnic racial or religious background. The principles of dem
ocracy will be also taught to the children. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Foundation for Human Rights/KIOS) Training on domestic and sexual violence and follow-up training for who participated in the training in the past, radio bulletins against domestic violence in English or in Ugandan, trainings in the communities, RECESVID?s core funding. Sexual and domestic
violence is widespread in Uganda. According to the statistics, the women and children are the most vulnerable as direct and indirect victims, but also men are victims. The culture of impunity related to the crimes is a big part of the problem. The presenc
e of the violence against women is maintained especially by the traditional gender roles, lack of human rights awareness and support structures. The majority of cases of domestic violence are not intervened, and the authorities' attitudes and management p
ractices do not encourage reporting the cases. For victims, it is difficult to get a comprehensive rehabilitation due to a lack of services. The domestic violence suffered by men is discussed publicly only a little. The project aims to raise awareness of
sexual and domestic violence, as well as their relation to HIV / AIDS infections. Due to increasing awareness, victims of violence can apply for health and legal services, and more violent acts are reported. The aim is to strengthen the RECESVID?s capacity
of the human rights and to improve the awareness of RECESVID by web hosting and radio bulleting. The project's direct beneficiaries are 280 community members involved in training, who are elected from Kampala, Wakiso and Mukono. The participants are victi
ms od sexual violence and domestic violence, perpetrators of violence, refugees, prostitutes, teachers, community leaders, religious and cultural leaders, family matters and child protection and crime prevention, as well as police officers working on the r
ehabilitation of street children. RECESVID was founded by a number of Ugandan human rights activists in August 2009 and has been registered to work in Kampala district. RECESVID?s mission is to rehabilitate the victims of domestic and sexual violence and
influence on the reductions of domestic and sexual violence. |
Strengthening youth participation in economic and social development The underemployment and unemployment of youth in the African countries is currently one of the most challenging global development issues. In Kenya youth between the ages of 15-29 are the largest adult population group. The unemployment challenges of Kenya
n youth eare conceived as a complex function of lack of employability limited employment creation weak entrepreneurship culture and unequal opportunities. Unemployment is especially high among youth and employed youth often work in low paid precarious jobs
.The Kenyan youth also have challenges in being able to affect decisions made in their societies. Especially this is felt by young women. Lack of ability to participate relates to ineffectiveness of structures that should enable youth participation and cul
ture of gerontocracy. Person?s ability to influence also relates closely to personal wealth. Especially poor youth are lacking opportunities for participation.This project seeks to address the youth abilities to become active participant of the economic an
d social spheres in their communities. Is seeks to improve youths possibilities for decent employment through entrepreneurship or employment and improve their possibilities to define the agendas and participate in the development of their communities. In a
ddition the project secures the sustainability of its results and continuity of the project activities buy building new structures and strengthening existing structures.The project is being implemented in two counties in western Kenya namely Busia and Tran
s Nzoia counties: in six vocational training institutions and among youth groups.In specific the project will.1. Improve 1000 youth?s possibilities for productive employment and entrepreneurship through:- training in professional skills life skills ICT and
entrepreneurship and financial literacy- assisting them in starting sustainable entrepreneurial activities- providing them with ICT tools that will help them to improve their entrepreneurial activities and employability2. Enhance youths? possibilities for
participation in their communities through:- enhancing networking and advocacy work- supporting youths? small social initiative for the benefit of their communities3. Improve local training institutions capacities to support youth participation in social
and economic development through:- training of trainers- workplace support and mentoring? capacity building for the vocational training institutions |
LGBTI Rights project + project for ending impunity in Latin America PEN International is seeking support for its program on LGBTI rights, pilot project will build awareness throughout the international literary community of the threat that homophobia poses to writers and freedom of expression throughout the world. The orga
nization will enable PEN centres from every continent to join in developing a consensus framework for advocacy on LGBTI issues and an initial blueprint for that advocacy and equip PEN centres to engage in public discussions and carry out advocacy initiativ
es that respond to the rise in homophobia and discriminatory laws and policies in their own countries. The objective is to build the capacity of key PEN centres in three countries where the threats posed by homophobia are especially acute to participate in
advocacy initiatives influence the public debate and mitigate damaging national policies and provide support and solidarity to those affected by violations of LGBT rights. PEN anticipates that the direct beneficiaries of this pilot project will be PEN?s g
lobal membership which will emerge with a sense of urgency and common purpose and a framework for confronting LGBTI issues. PEN centres in countries where homophobia is growing will be fortified by a sense of solidarity and support from the global communit
y and with new ways to enter the discussion of LGBTI issues in their own countries. PEN centres in targeted countries where writers and free expression are most urgently threatened by rising homophobia will receive training and capacity building support to
design and implement advocacy plans specifically tailored to their countries. A more focused active PEN community that is engaged in challenging the rise of homophobia at the national and international level will in turn be able to offer more direct suppo
rt and solidarity to LGBTI writers and activists worldwide. The project will have a specific focus on Africa where training and seminars will be organized but in addition PEN aims to equip its centres in Nigeria Kenya Kyrgyzstan Lithuania Russia and other
countries that are currently witnessing a rise in homophobic laws policies and attacks with a new PEN framework for confronting LGBTI challenges in their own countries. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu) Several things happened in Kenya in the last few months in relation to the national policy. What does all this mean for the Ogiek, Sengwer and other forest communities in Kenya? Are they organizing effectively to maximize these opportunities to their adva
ntage? Are they speaking with one voice? The project will involve 5 community sensitization workshops and a forest dwellers hunter-gatherer representatives meeting to develop a common advocacy strategy on the above issues with the objective of strengthenin
g their land rights and natural resource rights. These communities came together in January 2014 to form the Forest Indigenous Peoples Network (FIPN is currently hosted by CIPDP while it is in the process of registering as an NGO). The meeting recognized t
hat its first task was to consult with forest communities through sensitization and consultation workshops which would involve both informing communities of the opportunities and challenges at the national and international levels, and understanding their
opportunities and challenges in each of their contexts. The most important objective of the project is to ensure greater security for hunter-gatherer community forest land rights through influencing national law and policy frameworks. The project will al
so support forest dwelling hunter-gatherers to arrive at a common strategy, as well as sensitizing communities on various laws and policies that will impact them. www.chepkitale.org |
KOS/Forest Sector Support Finland supports the forest sector reform in Kosovo. The project channelled through FAO supports the implementation of the Kosovo national forest strategy (2010-2010). The support directed to institutional development integrated forest management and pract
ices and climate change mitigation. The intervention supports the decentralization process and promotes participation of local communities in municipalities especially in rural areas. The goal in supporting multifunctional and sustainable use of forestsis
an increase in the share of the forest sector in Kosovo's national economy. In the first phase of the project 2011-2014 (3 million euros) the coordination in forest issues has been improved. Support is given to the establishment and functioning of the Fore
st Management Board consisting of high representatives of different ministries. In addition Kosovo Forest Information System Monitoring and Evaluation System Kosovo Forest Health System and National Afforestation and Reforestation Programme have been devel
oped. Participatory forest management and planning have been introduced. The above mentioned tools and participatory principles have been incorporated in the new draft forest law. In 2013 a Mid-Term Review of the project was conducted. The MTR highlighted
the importance of the activities on the grassroot level. This was taken into account in the implementation and in plans of the project. In order to ensure the sustainability of the results and integration of the forest management of Northern Kosovo under K
osovo administration the project is proposed to be extended with 1 million euros for the years 2015-2016. The support to the North is politically important because it supports the implementation of the agreement between Pristina and Belgrade. In the imple
mentation of the extension phase also UNDP participate. UNDP has experience in livelihood and employment projects and also in projects in Norhern Kosovo. |
Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue of Cultures ALF The Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is a parent organization for the national ALF networks operating in 44 countries across the EU and the Mediterranean region. The Foundation was founded in 2005. The operations of the Foundation are based on the idea of advan
cing intercultural dialogue and co-operation between civil society organizations in order to decrease tensions in the Mediterranean region.In addition to the Foundation?s programs the national ALF networks develop projects together which are jointly implem
ented. These projects advance the knowledge of youth women educators and media about different cultures. This is done at grass root level through human contacts and cultural exchange and is simultaneously decreasing mutual prejudice.The Foundation also org
anizes high level meetings and discussions as well as takes part in similar events as a representative of the EU-Mediterranean community. The Foundation works in synergy with e.g. the UN?s Alliance of Civilization in the region. Supporting the Foundation i
s especially important now when due to the Arab uprisings a new civil society and democracy is being built also with the strong support of the women. The ALF bodies in addition to the EU have called for increased support to the Foundation and have supporte
d the idea of developing an enhanced status for the Foundation as an international institution to ensure long-term sustainability. The Foundation has fine-tuned its strategy to meet the changed working environment by focusing on human rights issues and str
engthening of civil society skills. A total amount of 710.000 Euros is being proposed as Finland?s funding to the Anna Lindh Foundation for the period 2014?2017, from which to the Foundation 510 000 Euros and to Finland?s national coordination 200.000 Euro
s. |
Maternity Clinic and Training Project The maternal and infant mortality rates in poverty-ridden Somalia are amongst the highest in the world: According to UNICEF one out of 12 women die of pregnancy related causes and only 9% of births are attended by a skilled birth attendant. Due to Somalia
's malfunctioning government and lack of education NGOs bear great responsibility of organizing healthcare for the population. Hence the long-term objective of this project is to strengthen the provision of public healthcare and to improve maternal/sexual
health in Somalia. These aims coincide with the UN Millennium Development Goals of improving maternal health reducing child mortality and promoting gender equality and empowering women. To achieve these objectives the project continues the operation of th
e FinSom Maternity Clinic in Afgoye near Mogadishu and gives trainings to traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and community health workers (CHWs) in different locations in Somalia. Additionally as a new element the project also aims at upgrading the suppor
t services given to rape victims by establishing a hotline at the Afgoye Clinic.By improving maternal health the project works directly towards reducing inequalities which is one of the cross-cutting themes of Finnish development policy. Furthermore when w
omen achieve better health they are better equipped to participate in society and hence the project also promotes gender equality. Therefore an additional long-term development goal of the project is to encourage women's participation in society and decisi
on making.The day-to-day implementation of the project done by African Care's local partner Volunteers for Medical and Development Service (VMDSO) based in Afgoye. The FinSom Clinic has been governed jointly by African Care and VMDSO since 2012 and around
1300 babies are delivered and circa 15 000 outpatients treated there annually.The direct beneficiaries of the project are the women living in the Afgoye area who now have the chance to deliver in a safe environment with the help of trained staff as well as
the victims of sexual violence who can make use of better support services. Direct beneficiaries also include the TBAs/CHWs who receive training within the project and the women and children they treat. In addition the surrounding communities will benefit
since the trained TBAs/CHWs as well as the mothers treated at the Clinic are expected to spread the knowledge they have acquired in their own communities. |
Audio-visual material and videos The realisation of the objectives of Finland's development policy requires support from citizens and their confidence in the effectiveness and potential impact of any actions taken. The MFA's Development Communications Unit is responsible for raising publ
ic awareness about global development issues and the objectives themes and results of Finland's development policy. Effective development communications require that medium and message meet citizen and stakeholder needs that texts be written in clear lang
uage and that each message be tailored to its target group. Information is made available not only through traditional official channels but also via social media and at public events. Specific programmes are being prepared to help the media learn about
development issues and development cooperation. Each year the Development Communications Unit (VKO-40) awards funding for the production of TV programmes on development issues. The purpose is to promote production of Tv broadcasts dealing with developmen
t policy and development cooperation and to give them a higher profile on Finnish TV channels. The objective is that sponsored programmes would handle issues relating to development problems and development cooperation from different angles and support glo
bal education provided in schools and elsewhere in the Finnish society. Finnish production companies can apply for the support. Of the appropriation EUR 10 000 has been reserved for the purchase of photographs/videos and rights to them. |
Frame agreement with NGO (SASK) The project aims to develop a multi-stakeholder alliance at the national level in the natural stone quarry sector that shall feed into and lend further strength to the ongoing interventions by the BWI and its affiliate at State-level (Rajasthan). The proje
ct shall bring together different stakeholders on a common platform including various certification programs such as TFT, Xertifix, ETI to form an alliance and come up with strategies and actions at the country level. According to a recent study carried ou
t in the sector reveals that salaries of the stone quarry workers are really low, working and living conditions are appalling, a exposure to serious Silicosis is wide, social security and government of India programs do not reach out to Rajasthan stone qua
rries, and the use of child labour is widely spread in this hazardous industry. Through a strong alliance in between trade unions and certification bodies, an effective advocacy process will be jointly carried out, in order to influence poor working and li
ving conditions, to enable social protection and eradicate child labour use.The project shall establish a National-level Alliance of different key players in the natural stone quarry sector including various certification programs to collectively pursue de
cent work agenda with their respective networks and interventions. The project shall also strengthen efforts to bring about policy level changes at the State level (Rajasthan) so as to include the stone quarry sector under the State Construction Workers? W
elfare Board as has been done in other states. Joint meetings on specific issues including social security, OHS and child labour shall form key feature of the project. Broadly, following outputs and results are expected from the project, i) Multi-stakehold
er National-level Alliance established to collectively work to improve working conditions and lessen of child labour use, ii) Regular dialogue established with concerned Government departments, CSOs and Certification agencies, and iii) Inclusion of Stone Q
uarry sector in the State Construction Workers? Welfare Board.Advocacy work carried out through the National-level Alliance will ultimately benefit workers in India stone quarry industries, particularly in Rajasthan state. Also the trade unions involved an
d the certification bodies will benefit from this cooperation.The project is implemented by Building and Woodworkers? International BWI, their local affiliate RPKNMS and certification bodies Xerti |
Abo Akademi Human Rights training Participation of approximately ten Ph.D. students and scholars from developing countries to the professional training organized by the grant recipient is supported by the discretionary government grant. The professional participant will be chosen amongst
researchers teachers government officials and jurist. The participants are given the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the latest developments of the international human rights protection and of different national mechanisms for implementing human
rights. During the previous years the participants have possessed key positions in universities governmental offices and non-governmental organizations. The participants come from ODA-eligible (the OECD list of development assistance countries ODA-DAC) cou
ntries in Africa Latin America and Asia. Therefore the training benefits mostly an enlarged group of people in developing countries. The government grant will enable the recipient to organize two different trainings1) Advanced Course on Realizing Human Rig
hts through Criminal Law (18.-22.8.20142) Advances Course on Justiciability of Economic Social and Cultural RightsOne aim of the first mentioned course is to find ways for improving women?s rights by punishing engendered criminality based on international
criminal law. In addition gender equality is considered as a cross-cuttingly in other components of the course.The second training aims at developing legal remedies for implementation of economic social and cultural rights on national and regional levels.
The training aims at advancing the enforcement of ESC-rights by teaching effective use of legal remedies. Both of the courses correspond contentually to the Human rights Strategy for the Foreign Service of Finland in the aspect of aiming at advancing and
strengthening the justiciability of ESC-rights as well as improving women?s and girl?s rights and their opportunities of participation. Gender equality and reducing inequality are crosscutting themes in Finland?s Development Policy Programme and Government
report on development policy. The realization of ESC-rights is a key component in reducing inequality. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Plan International Finland Foundation) The project aims to improve protection mechanisms and community practices against female genital mutilation (FGM) and Child Marriage particularly in Amhara and Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples (SNNP) Regions. FGM and Child Marriage are among the
most serious violations of children's right in Ethiopia, and they are the product of various forms and degrees of gender discrimination in Ethiopia that generally value boys more than girls. Victims of FGM suffer physically, and psychologically, and the he
alth consequences are severe. Child marriage often results in girls quitting school, and it also results in sexual abuse as victims are forced to start sexual relationship at an early age. Hence, the project contributes to the improvement of community, sch
ool and district level protection structures and mechanisms for the elimination of these harmful practices. The project also works towards improving knowledge and positive attitude of girls and boys towards equality of girls, and towards sensitizing the co
mmunity on the fight against FGM and child marriage. The project also supports the institutional and technical capacity of key district government offices to improve their response to cases of FGM and child marriage. Girls but also their families and the c
ommunities in the two districts (Fagtalekuma in Amhara and Bonazuria in SNNP) are the primary beneficiaries. A total of 20 kebeles (smallest administrative unit) are addressed in both districts. Professional Alliance for Development (PADet) and Kembatti Me
nti Gezima (KMG) are the implementing partners respectively, working in close partnership with the Bureau of women, children and youth (BoWCYA). Overall project implementation is led by Plan International Ethiopia. |
Productive Workshop for Trainees with Intellectual Disabilities piloting an innovative and sustainable process for inclusive tra The main focus of the project is to strengthen in particular educational and training opportunities for children and young people with special needs in the area of the Mathare slum in Nairobi Kenya. The project aims at improving the living standards of yo
ung people living in urban slums and to reduce their vulnerability to various crimes violation of human rights and chance attitude toward people with special needs by giving them basic education and vocational training in an inclusive environment giving th
em entrepreneurial or employment skills and finally giving them the opportunity to be self-reliant full members of their society.The vehicle for the project is to raise the MSTC?s ability to function inclusively and effectively in supporting children with
special needs. In the process the MSTC will become a pilot ? exemplary ? inclusive school in Kenya which is open to all and which supports the development of children with disabilities to find their place in society.The project is based on the human rights
of everyone. The project plan is made in light of Kenya and the region's own resources to implement the project as well as to take into account the needs of children. The project utilizes the different stakeholders? own strengths. The project will be clos
ely monitored and will set clear measurable long-term objectives. All the functions of the project to be developed are based on financial and environmental sustainability. In particular the project's business environment is based on the principle of sustai
nable development to use recycled materials or renewable materials. The development of the training center and the construction of the workshop environmental issues are taken into account including pollution-free operations as well as recycling. An importa
nt long-term goal is to in the process develop good governance activities which on its part will contribute to a stable social development and democracy in Kenya. |
Promotion of a transparent media environment in Northern Kosovo The main goal of the ?Promotion on Transparent Media in Northern Kosovo? project is to contribute to increase media transparency in northern Kosovo by 1) providing the general public with quality daily radio information related to socioeconomic and politic
al issues, and 2) increasing the capacities of local actors to deal with the media and to provide public information.This would ultimately lead to a better informed population in northern Kosovo a pre-condition for them to take grounded decisions when part
icipating to decision-making process affecting their daily lives.Sub-Objective 1: Increasing the awareness of citizens of northern Kosovo on socio-economic (Social Welfare Education Healthcare Economic development and Employment) and political issues by qu
ality radio programmes designed as a safe space for dialogue.Sub-Objective 2: Strengthen local public authorities? and local civil society organisations? professional ability to provide independent information in an efficient way and increase local journal
ists? awareness on human rights and community issues. The project will be implemented by ECMI and their partner NGO Radio Kontakt Plus. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) There are increasing needs to have a presence in Myanmar in order to improve programme quality, ensure development of new programme initiatives, identifying new local partnerships as well as network with other stakeholders, such as ACT Myanmar Forum, UN an
d other development partners. In addition, having a country presence allows FCA to better respond to changing needs and funding opportunities arising from the volatile country context and strong donor interest. FCA is also interested in registration in Mya
nmar and presence is required in order to get registration in the country. The field presence is in line with FCA?s regional strategy, and supporting the strategic goals especially related to programme quality, capacity building, advocacy, programme develo
pment, thematic/technical support and fundraising.The overall objective is to improve effectiveness, quality and impact of the FCA country programme focusing on the thematic areas, Right to livelihood, Right to education and Right to peace through establis
hed field presence in Myanmar.Activities: ? Strategic and operational planning for the country ? Programme and project PME and administrative support ? Planning, monitoring of country programme and projects ? Building the capacity of local partners ? Ident
ification and selection of new partners ? Networking at country level ? Broadening the access to funding opportunities ? Coordination of work and cooperation with other aid organisations ? Ensuring increased input of partner organisations and topics from t
he region into the lobby and advocacy work.Partners:Local and regional civil society actors, international organisations, donors |
CEOSS - Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security Project aims at poverty alleviation and socio-economic development for small farmers that represent one of Egypt's poorest and most vulnerable categories. The project will target small farmers (owning 3 or less feddans of land) in 2 of Egypt's poorest gove
rnorates [Qalyoubia and Beni Suef Governorates] where farmers cannot access their rights of the services provided by the governmental institutions. Farmers have no access to information on market needs most profitable crops or marketing opportunities. The
target category also includes a significant number of female headed families and marginalized women who lack skills and capacities and are unable to generate income for their families. A set of tailored initiatives/projects capacity building and trainings
are to be conducted to address the various needs of the target categories to empower them increase their income levels and achieve their domestic food security.The project is to follow the Right Based Approach for development whose main principles are the
organization and empowerment of citizens inclusion of citizens in the available services whether governmental or private and adopting advocacy campaigns to voice needs and activate neglected laws.Community based Committees are to be democratically elected
from among the target citizens to represent them in advocating their rights. The democratically elected committees' capacities will be built in various aspects to be able to have the effective and influential role that would enable them to be represented i
n Farmers Cooperatives (FCs) Farmers will implement agricultural modalities for strategic crops to achieve food security and apply adaptive agricultural techniques such as composting. Furthermore Female households will implement income generating projects
such as breeding high-output strains of goats and poultry dairy projects or post-harvest segregation and packaging or undertaking food processing. The project will build the capacities of FCs elected committees and clusters of small farmers on the necessar
y skills to successfully manage projects and attain food security. |
Resource Mobilisation for Investment fo girls' education from poor families in Morogoro Region particularly in Mvomero District The number of girl pupils enrolled in secondary schools in Tanzania is one of the lowest in the world. Gender disparity while not significant at the primary level is still wide at secondary level. The conclusion of many empirical studies is that child deve
lopment depends more on increased schooling of the mother than increased schooling of the father. The development of the child includes health of the child schooling and productivity in adulthood.This project is addressing the access to secondary educatio
n among the female children of poor families in Morogoro region especially in Mvomero district. Key idea of the project is to promote and improve education to girls and increase awareness of education.The project continues to support the poor and talented
girls who pass the national examination and fail to get school fees to join secondary education. Essential point is the sensitization of and mobilization of the families especially parents or guardians to understand the importance of education to children.
Particularly the project intends to support girls from absolutely poor families orphans or otherwise vulnerable children. Another focus in terms of beneficiaries are the bright children who would not have otherwise possibility to progress with their stud
ies.Through the continuation project we intend to continue supporting the enrolled students and improving teaching and learning environments in selected rural villages in Morogoro region. The special focus of continuation project is on the evaluation which
will take place during 2014.The continuation project will make follow up of health clubs established since the beginning of the project so as to ensure their accomplishment. By making follow-up we insure improved health practices in pilot schools and thro
ugh healthy students better performance and less absenteeism. Project will also create new possibilities for fundraising of WEETU with a purpose on increasing financial sustainability. One possibility is to accomplish theatre building to be used as a fund
ing source for WEETU through rent from outside users.The project aspires to achieve improved gender disparity in enrolment performance and access to secondary education. In the long run it will improve gender equality in decision making improved life skill
s of women improved economic growth and reduced poverty. |
Empowerment of Aymara-women in the Bolivian Altiplano This project is part of AYNI?s development strategy to support the Aymara community. The aim is to empower Aymara women working in agriculture. The objective is to enhance their skills and production capacity in order to strengthen their position in strong
ly patriarchal and gender-based communities. In Aymara communities women have basically neither power nor influence and are easily victims of violence and segregation. Not even all the girls have access to school and hence illiteracy rates are exceptionall
y high.The first step of the project is to map those activities that bring add value to the production of agriculture in the area. When these activities have been identified the most suitable one for women will be chosen and transferred to the responsibili
ty of the beneficiaries (women).The next step is to organise a wide training programme where 100 workshops will be arranged. The workshops will be aimed at enhancing the professional skills of the beneficiaries. Three times a year there will be a meeting f
or all the members of the community where the participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and realise the dignity and importance of their work.The third and last phase is the organisation of workshops on human and citizens? rights as well a
s gender equality. Six workshops will be arranged in every community on the status of women gender discrimination etc. |
CBTA / REVISING SIMPLIFIED TRADE REGIME (STR) ROLLING OUT THE EXPORT CAPACITY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMMES This project is to fund the revision of the STR programme conduct export capacity and entrepreneurship skills trainings and create a national secretariat management.-The Trade Information Desks (TID's) in the borders between Zambia Zimbabwe and Zambia Mala
wi are very important to cross border trading or intra-regional trade integration by our micro small and medium cross border traders (SME's). This programme adds value to the cross border traders by providing easy efficient and effective clearing of goods
at the borders whenever t exporting or importing of the goods. This will reduce delayment/time spent at the borders the cost of doing business and it will maximize profits to small scale cross border traders. - The export capacity and entrepreneurship trai
ning help small scale cross border traders understand the principals in doing business be able to export their products to other markets outside the regions.- The secretariat will enable efficiency and effective operation of the association as it will have
professionals to run the programmes. Beneficiaries include CBTA membership over 37000 countrywide and more than that across the regional who are doing cross border trade and there able to supply food where there is deficit from where there is surplus. Thi
s makes it easier for consumers to have variety of products to buy and consume. Project Objectives:1.To uplift the standard of small scale traders from informal to entrepreneurs 2.To reduce the poverty level among the grass roots as cross border traders a
re able to get food from where there is surplus to where there is deficit.3.To promote women and youth empowerment.4.To develop entrepreneurship skills among membersExpected Project Results:1.Facilitation of trade among small scale traders in COMESA SADC a
nd EAC countries especially Zambia Zimbabwe and Malawi.2.4 workshops are held in four different centers3.Capacity building for 1600 members 4.About 9600 traders pass through TIDs and access STRs5. Smooth increased volume of listed goods of import and expor
t6.Improved statistics 7.1600 CBTA members departed with knowledge of entrepreneurship and export procedure |
Support for the Expansion of Social Protection Programme The Social Protection Programme aims to reduce poverty among the most vulnerable groups in Zambia in order for them to live a life of dignity and to participate in economic activities. The programme is implementing previously succesfully piloted family gra
nt and child grant models and developing employment pension and social pension schemes. It also strengthens the capacities of the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services (MCDSS) and Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS).64% of all Zam
bians and 80% of the country's rural population live under the poverty line. The Social Protection Programme has proven to be an effective way to impact the extreme poverty in Zambia and the government has showed increasing political and financial support
to the programme. In 2014 the government of Zambia will increase its allocation of funds for social cash transfers by 800%. The additional funding from donors ensures that the Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health has sufficient capacit
y and technical support to implement the rapid expansion of the programme to extend the cover of the programme from 13 districts to 50. Finland?s additional funding for 2014 will cover in particular developing an implementation plan for the National Social
Protection Policy implementing a National Disability Survey as well as establishing a grievance mechanism which allows beneficiaries to report of any problems in the programme.The programme is a joint effort by Unicef ILO DFID IrishAid Finland and Zambia
and the current phase is being implemented between 2010-2014. The additional funding will be channeled through Unicef. The next phase of the programme is currently being planned and it will cover years 2015-17. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) In order to improve programme quality and programme development, and ensure strategic guidance and partners? capacity building, it is of essence to have presence in the countries and support PMER. Working with the local partners successfully requires worki
ng hand in hand throughout the project cycle. The field presence is in line with FCA?s regional strategy, and supporting the strategic goals especially related to programme quality, capacity building, advocacy and relationship building with other organisat
ions/actors as well as broadening the funding base.The overall objective is to improve effectiveness, quality and impact of the FCA regional programme focusing on the thematic areas, Right to Livelihood, Right to Education and Right to Peace through establ
ished field presence.? Strategic and operational planning for the region ? Programme and project PME and administrative support ? Planning, monitoring of regional and country programmes and projects ? Provision of thematic advice to the regional and countr
y programmes and projects ? Building the institutional capacity of local partners ? Facilitate dialogue with authorities and various actors at regional and country level ? Identification and selection of new partners ? Networking at both country and region
al level ? Emergency response/humanitarian aid during disasters ? Intensification of cooperation with other stakeholders ? Ensuring support and input for communication purposes ? Broadening the access to funding opportunities ? Coordination of work and coo
peration with other aid organisations ? Ensuring increased input of partner organisations and topics from the region into the lobby and advocacy work ? Resourcing and staffing of the Regional Office and Programme Countries? Further strengthening of the man
agement and administration of the Regional Office and provide support to field presence in programme countriesLocal and regional civil society actors, international organisations, government and donors are benefiting from support and closer collaboration a
nd capacity building provided by Asia Regional Office that covers following programme countries: Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal. |
Marine resarch ICI project The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE has since 2012 implemented an Institutional Cooperation Instrument (ICI) Project on marine research (Marinam) with Namibian National Marine Information and Research Centre (NatMIRC) that is part of Namibia's Ministry
of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). The Project is planned to continue until 2015. MFMR commissioned a fisheries and marine research vessel from the STX Finland shipyard with concessional credit loan from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Fin
land. The ICI Project was designed to complement the acquisition of this vessel. The aim of the Marinam Project is to achieve conditions where the regulation of fish stocks in Namibia is based on valid scientific information. In order to reach this goal th
e research vessel has to be used efficiently. Training of the crew has a key role in this and as part of the ICI Project the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) has been training the crew in the use of the research vessel. It was the wish of th
e Namibian partner to include the SAMK training component in the Project. The aim of the ICI Project's SAMK training component is that the research vessel is used efficiently and safely. The training has progressed as planned but at the same time a need fo
r further training has arisen. A recent evaluation of the concessional credit loan project also recommended further training for the crew of the vessel. As the training component has an impact on the whole ICI Project and the efficient use of the vessel fu
rther financing of the component is justifiable. |
Youth in Action for Change Youth are in a central role in developing their communities and societies as well as in poverty reduction. In Paraguay youth face multiple challenges for their social and economic participation. Main challenges relate to lack of quality education occupatio
nal training and decent work possibilities and to lack of participation structures. Considering this the overall objective of the Project is to promote and enhance youth?s social and economic participation. The specific objective is to empower 700 disadvan
taged youth 15 to 29 years of age in Departments of Central Misiones Cordillera Caaguazu and Caazapa in Paraguay through training in life skills employability skills entrepreneurship support and social participation support. The aim is to enhance the possi
bilities for youth?s joined actions. In order to enhance youth?s possibilities for participation and economic involvement teachers? capacities and public sector support structures are strengthened. The total number of direct beneficiaries is 880 including
school youth out of school youth youth groups and associations secondary school teachers and public sector employees.FCYF?s local partner organization in Paraguay is CIRD Centro de Informacion y Recursos para el Desarrollo. The crosscutting themes of Finla
nd?s Development Policy are included in the Project through mainstreaming gender equality and environmental sustainability and through decreasing inequality by focusing on most vulnerable youth. |
Collaborative Partner-Donor Evaluations At the November 2012 meeting of EvalNet France accepted to prepare a ?survey of partner countries involved in the Paris Declaration Evaluation (PDE) in order to identify opportunities to support joint partner-donor evaluations?. Collaborative partner-donor
evaluation is understood as just one among many capacity-building instruments. Together with country-led evaluations it activates a series of learning-by-doing mechanisms. The project will add value to the previous international efforts at promoting joint
evaluation in the sense that first it shifts the focus from cooperation between donors to partner-donor cooperation and second it concentrates on collaborative activities that are intended to strengthen country evaluation systems. The objectives of the st
udy are: (1) to understand the capacity building potential of collaborative evaluation work (2) to draw new lessons about capacity building strategies and (3) to pave the way to a multi-annual partner-donor collaboration on evaluation work. The project con
sists of a series of partner country studies each one including: (1) a review of the PDE process in terms of its contribution to building evaluation capacity, (2) the collection of positive stories of partner-donor evaluation work (in addition to PDE), and
(3) an exploration of future opportunities for undertaking such work. The country studies will be prepared in an international workshop in Uganda in March 2014. The study will end in an international workshop aimed at synthesizing the country studies and
proposing steps forward in Vietnam in September 2014. Altogether 18 partner countries and 15 donors or international institutions have confirmed participation in the initiative. Finland participates as a financing partner and influences the start-up of the
study through membership in the management group of the initiative during the first half of 2014. |
People Participation in Improvement of Forestry Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Vietnam/ ActionAid The project People Participation in Improvement of Forestry Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Vietnam (PPFG ? Vietnam) aims to create an open and interactive space for people from grassroots communities to participate in national forestry management i
nformation system to improve forestry governance and contribute to poverty alleviation in Vietnam. It is designed to fit with objectives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland: (i) to achieve the goals of Finland's development policy, (ii) to achiev
e Finland's country- and organisation-specific objectives and (iii) to strengthen civil societies and democracies in developing countries paying due regard to the citizens' opinions and needs in the national and international decision-making.With overall o
bjective of an initiative to improve forestry governance in Vietnam the project will achieve the purpose of participation of the grassroots communities and people in national forestry management information system is promoted to improve forestry governance
and contribute to poverty alleviation in Vietnam. Democratic governance women's rights ethnic minority climate change and poverty reduction are cross cutting themes in all designing planning implementing and monitoring project activities.The expected resu
lts of the project are: 1) Transparent forest governance is improved through community based forestry management basing on digitalized forest management information system created in Finland funded bilateral FORMIS project (Development of Management Infor
mation System for the Forestry Sector in Vietnam), 2) Knowledge and skills of the poor ethnic minority groups in project areas in knowing and using the data from FORMIS are supported to improve accountability in forest governance, 3) Relevant changes in po
licy and practices to facilitate good forest governance are made basing on evidence of success generated from ground work. The project aims to reach 260000 women and men who get improved control over forest through better access to information and institut
ions. People will get trained and organized to use digital tools on highly affordable mobile phones.Project is implemented in 2014 - 2017 in four provinces in Vietnam. The proposed budget is EUR 1049652 for three years. |
Improving Forest Governance for Climate Sustainability in two Poor Ethnic Minority Communes in Son La province Project goal is to contribute to sustainable management and use of forest resources through a better forest governance for climate sustainability in Chieng Khua and Chieng Son communes. The project has 3 specific objectives: 1) to promote better forest gov
ernance practices for climate sustainability, 2) to enhance capacity of local communities on forest governance, 3) to pilot climate-smart models in smallholder agro-forestry systems for income sustainability and mainstreaming forest governance.The expected
results of the project are 1) Forest governance practices for climate sustainability are implemented in the projected area during the project life, 2) By the project end knowledge of local communities on forest governance for climate sustainability is imp
roved and their behavior is changed accordingly, 3) Climate-smart models in smallholder agro-forestry systems for income sustainability and mainstreaming forest governance are developed and sustained in Chieng Son and Chieng Khua communes Son La province.T
he project is implemented in 2 communes of Son La province for the period from July 2014 to August 2016 |
InformAction Limited - A vision for change: Mobilizing Communities in the Counties for Accountability The proposal is based upon the second phase project carried out by InformAction in partnership with the Embassy of Finland on Social Justice Vision: Mobilizing communities through Film. The project uses a field-based approach to enhance citizen?s participa
tion in human rights governance and democratization. Its main output is film and community discussions. Social justice films are used to mobilize and spark discussion- they are a practical tool to carry forward the ideology of change and accountability.The
newly devolved government structures bring a whole new spectrum of opportunities and challenges. There has been insignificant public information on devolution making interventions around devolved structures crucial. The dismissive attitude of the central
authorities towards devolution has resulted in inadequate resources to the counties and the appointment of parallel power structures that report to the presidency. There are efforts by the centre to ?supervise? the counties claiming ?financial and results
-based management.? This tug-of-war between the center and the regions will have significant impact on freedom of expression association and assembly.At the same time issues affecting Kenya pre-election phase continue: terrorism isolation and insecurity in
Northern Kenya, marginalization and political isolation of Luo Nyanza, rising political violence in Western Kenya, extra-judicial killings by the police and a rise of criminal gangs, and paralysis of security sector reforms. The recurring problem of ethni
c divisions and animosity are now aggressively fought out on social media mirroring the underlying anxiety and tensions. A sense of empathy understanding and common cause urgently needs to be inculcated across the country.By creating formal networks of hum
an rights defenders and community organizers IFA will work to organize communities in more structured and effective ways emphasizing the benefits of joint actions. Reaching across ethnic and political divisions to create a progressive national outlook from
the bottom up is critical. Old models of civic education and ?top down? civil society engagement are not enough, CSOs will need to connect more and better with ordinary people at the grassroots in order to be more effective as well as generate a measure o
f protection when under siege. |
One-UN Social Protection Floors Initiative The One-UN Social Protection Floor Initiative (SPF-I) promotes successfully the goal of UN Delivering as One: UN agencies promote together the human right to social protection and essential services for all (Universal Declaration of Human Rights Art. 22-27
). This proposal (350.000e) is a 1-year extention (4/15-->) to an ILO-executed through which Finland encourages and supports the joint planning coordination and statistics development of the UN country offices and HQs (incl. WB) developing country gover
nments development partner agencies and civil society organisations in the framework of the Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation Board (SPIAC-B) where Finland is a respected member. Finland's previous support has enabled several countries in Asia an
d Africa to set up broadly participatory national dialogue processes and high-level technical studies for shaping national SPF strategies and coordinating the activities of national and international partners. The next phase will focus on the development t
esting and documentation of joint tools for country level Inter-Agency Social Protection Assessments (ISPA). As an outcome developing country governments will receive increasingly well coordinated and harmonised support to their efforts to develop social p
rotection floors and national social protection systems. As a development outcome inequalities will be reduced when vulnerable children women and men will be better able to manage the risks of impoverishment in all phases of their life cycle (e.g. childhoo
d maternity ill health old age disability). |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Foundation for Human Rights/KIOS) Activities are capacity building, advocacy and awareness-raising. Uganda has signed International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1987, but there are significant shortcomings in the Ugandan legislation, including the Constitution, with
respect to ESC rights. ESC rights under valuation will inevitably lead to deficiencies in state funds resourcing and public awareness of their rights. ESC rights are unevenly realised across the country and in different population groups, particularly the
most disadvantaged are suffering from the situation. They do not often have the economic opportunity to challenge their case and obtain rectification for their right violation. Civil society organizations are also unaware of the content of ESC rights, and
do not require any active role in the implementation. The project aims to build the capacity of beneficiaries so that they are acting on behalf of ESC rights and call for their implementation. The project also aims at strengthening ESC rights-related legis
lation and improving the access to the ESC rights-related services. Project's direct beneficiaries are civil society actors, legal staff and representatives of the media, invited by the organization to participate in the training. In addition, the organiza
tion seeks to reach out the relevant authorities in terms of ESC rights, including the Parliament's Human Rights Committee, the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Uganda Human Rights Commission. Some of the capacity building and information activities
are directed to university communities and women's groups. Iser's Board members responsible for the ISER?s operations have a diverse educational background and experience, and thus the organization has diversified expertise in the various economic, social
and cultural rights. |
Dissemination and implementation of Anti-discrimination law in Chile The Law Establishing Measures against Discrimination was enacted by the Government of Chile in 2012.Now with the Anti-Discrimination Act passed the LGBT population has for the first time in its history an effective tool to deal with this type of abuse beca
use sexual minorities are specifically mentioned in the law being it then necessary to empower the social sector in this warranty.Between 2002 and 2011 allegations of homophobia are divided among others in 17 murders 66 assaults perpetrated by civilians 28
police misconduct employment discrimination 53 and 37 Educational discriminations etc. The LGBT population mostly does not report cases of discrimination. Only 7.4 percent report these abuses among other reasons because they believe they will not achieve
justice. The experience reinforces that idea since before the adoption of the Anti-discrimination law most courts that have seen cases have gone unpunished.Four pillars support the project:1) Free legal advice to LGBT people affected by discrimination and
legalization of organizations, 2) Preparation of Annual Report on Human Rights on the realities of LGBT people in Chile,3) Information campaign and dissemination of LGBT human rights and promotion of the Anti-discrimination law. This campaign aims to devel
op training workshops for government officials and schools and universities forums conducting film festivals addressing sexual diversity, and4) Proposed enforcement or monitoring of anti-discrimination law in the state and private sectors with particular f
ocus on discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.The project is co-financed with the European Union and the Embassy of the Netherlands |
Frame agreement with NGO (SASK) The project recruits new members to the Mine Workers? Wives Associations (MWA) of Obuasi and Tarkwa, Ghana, and supports the women?s literacy and entrepreneurship skills through training, counseling and coaching. Additionally the associations improve famil
y welfare through health education campaigns and peer support groups focusing on family life education and self-confidence development. The status of the women who are rather dependent on their spouses is weak, which leads to poor possibilities to particip
ate in improving the quality of life of their families and the welfare of the whole community. By increasing the self-confidence and concrete life ownership of the women their more active role in the families and community development is supported. The ben
eficiaries are primarily the women empowered by the project and secondarily their families and the whole communities. The project is implemented by the Mine Workers? Wives Associations (MWA) of Obuasi and Tarkwa and managed and facilitated by the Ghana Min
e Workers? Union (GMWU). |
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) The ICJ?s mission is to promote and protect human rights through the rule of law and the effective and fair administration of justice.To achieve its mission the ICJ developed a strategic plan focused on four pillars: (1) access to justice for all, (2) acco
untability for human rights violations, (3) independence of judges and lawyers, and (4) rule of law and international human rights instruments.This two and half year proposal is based on ICJ?s mission and strategic plan. The aim of this plan is to contribu
te to the promotion and protection of human rights and the rule of law, the ICJ seeks to achieve this aim through the following objectives:i) Enable victims of human rights violations and abuses including those of the most disadvantaged and marginalized gr
oups to access justice through effective remedies and reparation,ii) Help bring to justice the perpetrators of human rights violations in particular gross human rights violations and crimes under international law,iii) Strengthen and protect the independen
ce of judges and lawyers as actors that are able to give effect to objectives i) and ii), andiv) Help develop international human rights law and standards and support the effectiveness of the mechanisms thereunder in order to give effect to objectives i) a
nd ii).The ICJ developed a Results-Based Framework (RBF) which includes specific objectives outcomes outputs indicators and related baselines and targets. Objectives have been formulated for each of ICJ?s strategic directions. Outcomes have been defined fo
r each of the ICJ?s main target groups: the legal practitioners and other human rights defenders that use the law to defend human rights, the judiciary and other institutions that implement the legal framework, and the policy and law makers that define the
legal framework.The ICJ reviews and adapts its plan through internal monitoring undertaken on a regular basis at the programmatic level by management (fortnightly meetings of the Management Team and meetings every six months with the ICJ Executive Committ
ee) and at the institutional level (through annual reports). Monitoring and review are increasingly based on the outcomes and impact of project activities on the ICJ?s strategic objectives. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Operation a Day?s Work) This project aims on giving youth in Sierra Leone a stronger voice in developing their communities and society in general through facilitating the improvement of their life-skills and education and reduction of the barriers the youth face in accessing educ
ation. The current social and economic situation in Sierra Leone has been shaped by the civil war which ran from 1991-2002. During the war mistrust between the older and younger generations was created as youth were seen to be the reason for the conflict t
o start and endure. Even after the war young people have been seen as a ?flash-point? of social instability which has been growing again since the end of the war.One of the key challenges for youth in Sierra Leone is that their education is inadequate e.g.
in terms of employablity. That leaves young people with little opportunities to contribute meaningfully in their lives and society. Resulting hopelessness and frustration create undesirable actions. This project recognizes the role of youth in the decade-
long civil conflict and offers opportunities for young people to transform their own status and other peoples' perception about them.
The overall objective for the project is to empower the Sierra Leonean outh to engage meaningfully in decision making processes that affect their lives. Special focus is given on the most vulnerable youth that are young women and y
outh with disabilities. Especially in the rural areas of the project districts (Moyamba, Port Loko, Bo and Western Area) their rights to education and participation are violated. The approaches of the project relate to facilitation of education and life-sk
ills for the youth as a basis for meaningful contribution in society. Also the project aims to capacitate the youth with skills and means to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives and the development of their communities. While em
phasis is put on trainings and capacity building, through advocacy on education and also gender and disability related policies the project supports resolving the underlying barriers in the community, district and national levels that currently hinders you
th accessing education. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Finn Church Aid) The project is based on a need repeatedly expressed by Shiite, Sunni, Druze and Christian women participating in previous WAD projects, WAD?s inter-religious activities, and through programme?s sponsored by one of WAD?s main partner the Lebanese Ministry o
f Social Affairs/Social Development Centers (SDC).ObjectivesPromoting and advancing the process of dialogue previously started, thus fostering rapprochement and reconciliation between women of different religious backgrounds in three Lebanese regions.Activ
ities- Organising three-day Training Workshops- Establishing contacts with local religious leaders- Organising follow-up and evaluation day- Creation of an interactive websiteRights-holders /beneficiaries: - 60 women leaders will be trained on TOT (trainer
of trainers) to become trainers in their organisations, communities and regions.- 20 local NGOs will learn from the experience and will be able to duplicate the experience.- 3 SDCs (one in each targeted region) will participate closely in the action as pa
rtner but will also benefit from the experience and outcome.Implementing partner:Women in Action for Development (WAD) |
Jovenes protegiendo el medio ambiente Environmental consciousness in Matagalpa and whole Nicaragua is very weak. People have no knowledge on the effects of environmental problems and about what they can do to improve the state of the environment. In the project there will be an environmental e
ducation course for the 5th and 6th grade students and for two environmental youth groups in two poor neighborhoods. The purpose of the training is to increase environmental consciousness. In this second phase of the project the activities will be amplifi
ed in four new schools in the area. In addition to that the activities will be continued in the six schools that were involved in the project earlier and also the two neighborhoods. By including the six schools already participating in the project it will
be possible to make good use of the previous experiences and better support the the continuity of the activities once the project ends. The environmental education will be integrated in the local education authority's national curriculum and will be amplif
ied in the other schools in the area. |
Makuya Traditional Culture and Performing Arts Festival 2014 in Mtwara Region The Makuya Festival was launched in 2008 and repeated again in 2009 2010 2012 and 2013. The event proved enormously popular with the public. Objectives of the activities are, to continue the tradition of the Makuya Festival, to continue setting the Makuya
Festival and an appreciation for traditional culture and performance in the Mtwara region, to encourage newly established international corporations working in Mtwara to annual support Makuya and to train Tanzanian staff to effectively communicate with the
se potential partners, to place full responsibility to manage the weekend of the event on the Tanzanian team members for the purpose of sustainability.The expected final results of the activities include: A festival near entirely in the hand of Tanzanians,
the perpetuation of the Makuya Festival, a cultural banda that is more engaging and educational with additional activities, Interviews and research to be conductes with elders at festival to prepare for expected eventual exhibition in Dar es Salaam, expan
ded traditional games, continued encouragement of cultural -tourism activities in the Mtwara region, income generation for not only the performers event workers and Makuya team but guest houses restaurants food vendors craft producers and transport provide
rs.Targeted groups include: Traditional Performing Artists of Mtwara Region, District Cultural Officers and General public with special attention to elders and school children. |
Voluntary support to United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) through the Secretariat United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is a legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. The Convention aims to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought e
specially in Africa. The Convention entered into force in 1996 and has currently 195 Parties. Finland ratifed the agreement in 1995.The Sessions of the Conference of the Parties (COP) are held on a biennial basis. The COP approves the budget of the Convent
ion and the indicative scale of contributions to the core budget. The achievement of the UNCCD workplan objectives is dependent on voluntary support. The year 2014 is important for the UNCCD in preparing for the meetings for 2015 including the 3rd UNCCD sc
ientific conference to be held in March 2015 and the COP 12 to be held in September 2015. The issues of combatting desertification and drought are also reflected in the global discussions on Post 2015 process as well as in the negotiations for a new global
climate change agreement. The UNCCD Secretariat has made a proposal for the 2014 voluntary support by Finland. With the allocation of 400 000 euros Finland will support activies taken by the secretariat to enhance scientific knowledge on land-based adapta
tion to organise the 3rd UNCCD scientific conference in Mexico in March 2015 to prepare a publication on drought to enhance rights-based approach to sustainable land management to prepare advocacy material on equitable access to land and to organise a Gend
er Forum to be held at COP 12. In addition Finland will support developing country participation in the sessions of the COP and its subsidiary bodies. A significant part of Finland's previous support for the UNCCD has been targeted to regional coordination
in developing countries and to support to developing country participation in the decision-making in the Convention processes. As a result the inclusion of the special needs of developing countries in the UNCCD negotiations has strengthened. |
Developing Health among Rural People The right to health is a basic human right that in many cases is not upheld in rural areas of North-West Bangladesh (the target area of this project). This project works to address this situation by providing low cost access to quality healthcare and esta
blishing structures that can ensure that health care provision in project areas is sustainable. The project targets vulnerable people particularly pre- and post-natal mothers children and members of ethnic minority groups.Healthcare is provided in two com
munity clinics and mobile clinics. Community Health Assistants (CHAs) and Community Birth Attendants (CBAs) are trained through the project and play a key role in health care provision though other actors are also involved. In addition to providing basic
health care services awareness raising is organized on important health issues such as contagious diseases and other services are offered including eye care family planning and vaccinations. Nutrition seminars are also organized for mothers of young chil
dren. The work is overseen by Local Health Committees (LHCs) in addition to project staff. During the project period various types of training will be provided for LHCs to help prepare them for taking over responsibility for health care provision once th
e project period is over.Cross-cutting themes in the project are:a. Human rights b. Environmentc. Disabled people (this is an emerging theme that the project explores for further capacity building) |
Ukraine gypsy comminity development programme The community development program in Ukraine Carpathian region among the Roma villages is designed to solve the problems of marginalized Roma people by improving their living conditions in their own place to live. The main objectives of the project is incr
eased children's education housing conditions and living environment improvement life management and employment improvement. The project takes account human rights by encouraging children and young people to educate themselves. Gender is taken into account
in improving girls' and women's position in the community and the decision-making. The project will develop an already existing structure and improve the partner (Carpathian Life and Light organization). The main beneficiaries are the target of the Roma
inhabitants of the villages in the short term children and young people in the long run the whole village community (about 4700 inhabitants of which the share of children is about 3000 850 women and 850 men). The project has been operating in the villages
since 2008 and we have achieved development activities especially the understanding of the importance of education. The main functions of the second phase of the project is to continue the CDE-education improvement of standards of hygiene (clean water sani
tation) literacy education pre-school and other support work with school. Parents 'and teachers' attitudes with regard to Roma children's school will be continued. Children young people men women and the elderly are organized activities that are empowerin
g them out of exclusion. |
Review of the human rights situation of the indigenous peoples in Paraguay The dismissal of the president of Paraguay Fernando Lugo in 2012 and the sudden change of the government endangered the implementation of government programs and proceeding of new plans that promoted rights of the indigenous peoples. The 2013 is an electio
n year that most probably will delay even more the advancement of these programs unless the situation is carefully monitored. The project at hand aims to guarantee and assure the implementation of the programs and secure their proceeding e.g. by following
the actions of the government institutions and the new decision-makers and officials to safeguard the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples in Paraguay. To get unbiased information and to guarantee its dissemination mechanisms that enable the fol
lowing of the implementation of these programs and the realization of the rights are developed in order to influence the improvement of the human rights situation and effective implementation of the rights. The projects contains e.g. gathering of general i
nformation of the different indigenous peoples in Paraguay and about their human rights situation establishment of a library and a virtual archive follow up of the media and cases taken to the justice preparing of general announcements as well as announcem
ents of defaults and abuses. Furthermore project contains dissemination of the information to the whole society and preparing of initiatives to be presented to decision makers. The overall aim is to better the human rights situation of the indigenous peopl
es and further intercommunication between cultures as well as guarantee the fulfillment of their rights by monitoring the actions of the state and by formulating enhancement proposals for the decision makers. |
Supporting the Arms Trade Treaty: Improving Controls to Reduce Armed Violence in Latin America The main development result is to Decrease levels of development-debilitating violence in Latin America by reducing the quantity of small arms and light weapons circulating illegally in the region and the frequency of their transfer. Goal is also to enhan
ce security situation so that there exist better possibilities for social and economic development. Several countries in the region suffer from armed violence and in many developing countries armed violence is a key issue that hinders sustainable developme
nt.The purpose of the project is also to support the developing countries in Latin America to sign ratify and implement the Arms Trade Treaty that has positive impacts in reducing armed violence. Effective and global implementation of Arms Trade Treaty inc
reases both national and regional safety thus creating better possibilities for sustainable development. In addition the project assists countries in the national legal procedures and strengthens local capacity in creating security related structures. Proj
ect also creates a regional platform of impact (using south-south cooperation) and national support is given. The human rights basis of the project is strong since the goal is to increase the realization of basic human rights in partner countries - right t
o life and right to safe living. Direct beneficiaries are government officials that are responsible for the national security related infrastructure and its development processes. Indirect beneficiaries are the whole population through improved security si
tuation. The project is implemented by Oscar Arias Foundation in Costa Rica. It has long traditions in implementing development projects link with safety especially in Latin America. Costa Rica has been a longstanding supporter of the Treaty. The project w
ill be funded for two years and main activities occur during 2015-2016. |
ZCSMBA: INTEGRATION OF THE RURAL AGRO-ENTERPRISE EXPORT PROMOTION PROJECT INTO THE MAINSTREAM ACTIVITIES (REAP PHASE II) Project is aimed at integrating the interventions of REAP! Phase I (pilot phase) into the mainstream of ZCSMBA activities as outlined in its strategic plan. This will be done by incorporating lessons learnt and refining of strategies and activities based o
n the ACCESS! for African Businesswomen in International Trade model and the 6-monthly BDS model to achieve the desired objectives. It is expected that the mainstreaming of the project will improve the operational efficiency business skills and enhance mar
ket access value addition and packaging for the selected MSMEs in the selected districts. Once these bottlenecks have been addressed this will open up trade possibilities not only in the local and regional markets but more importantly in the Internationall
market and in this case with Finnish counterparts which will be facilitated through the Finpartnership and annual Zambia/Finland Trade Forum.The specific objectives of the project are:i.To increase the competitiveness of MSMEs engaged in agribusiness.ii.T
o contribute to a friendly business environment for MSMEs through policy dialogue and tracking.iii.To enhance MSME access to finance.iv.To establish at least five long-term trade partnerships between Zambian MSMEs and Finnish companies. |
Frame Agreement with NGO (Plan International Finland Foundation) The programme aims to build opportunities for 0-6 year old children to grow in a healthy and stimulating environment through an inclusive and integrated community based early childhood care and development intervention. The programme includes four key comp
onents that include strengthening parenting skills and knowledge to support child development, increasing access to quality early learning services for vulnerable children, facilitating effective transitions to primary school and advocacy at community, dis
trict and national level to meet the development needs of young children. Of the country?s 0-6 year old children, only 4% has access to some form of ECCD and especially in the rural areas access to early learning is limited due to lack of awareness and pov
erty on the part of communities and parents, lack of supportive policy and commitment on the part of government, and also neglect on the part of donors to this very crucial sector. The programme targets the most vulnerable children including girls, orphans
and children with disabilities. In total 8 000 children, 8 350 parents and 125 teachers will benefit from the programme. The programme is implemented by Plan Mozambique in cooperation with the communities and the government. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Suomen Lahetysseura ry) The program promotes the human rights of the indigenous, Afro Colombian and other vulnerable peoples in Colombia, strengthens the disaster preparedness and food security of the communities in the departments of Choco and Arauca and in the municipality of S
oacha. As a result of 50 years of armed conflict in Colombia, of one of the most unequal societies in the world and of violation of human rights there are over 5 million intern refugees in the country. The program aims to reduce human suffering by supporti
ng the work of local partner organizations in strengthening of the communities in the program area. The approximately 16 local partner organizations work to defend land rights, strenghten food security and protect human rights defenders. By the end of the
current program phase the capacity of networking of the local organizations has been strenghtened, human rights defenders have better protection, food security has been improved by promoting more sustainable crop varieties and improved cultivation technics
, and the disaster preparedness of the communities has improved through training and capacity building. The program is implemented by the Lutheran World Federation/Department of World Service as the Colombia Country Program. |
Integrated project against HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS continues to pose a serious threat to people living in southern Somalia: according to some estimates approximately 75.000 people are HIV positive. Somalia being a weak state its statistics is poor, in reality the figure is much higher. Communities
in Banadir and lower Shabelle regions have limited access to education and health care. Large parts of these communities are still not correctly informed on health issues hygiene and STIs. People's knowledge of HIV/AIDS is commonly based on false beliefs
and incorrect information spread by healers. Using a condom is a taboo and people living with HIV are stigmatised.The direct objective of the project is to raise awareness and capacities of target communities to fight HIV/AIDS. In the long term the achieve
ments lead to non-rising/decreased prevalence rates in the project area and the surrounding communities. The partner organisation in the project is KASAB - Community Empowerment Programme. This project is a continuation to the ongoing project of six years
financed by Ministry for Foreign Affairs.The main beneficiaries of the project are the youth and the so called bridge populations e.g. female tea vendors IDPs truck drivers and Khat dealers. Investing in the youth means investing in the future. The Nation
al AIDS Forum healthcare workers and community health promoters are also direct beneficiaries. The project empowers women by targeting especially female tea vendors who will become increasingly aware of the risks and ways to protect oneself from HIV/AIDS.
In case of HIV/AIDS in the family women are the ones responsible for the extra resources for coping with the situation. Marginalised IDPs will be given attention. By raising awereness on HIV/AIDS the project aims to reduce stigma around the disease and tha
t way contribute to social inclusion of the often discriminated HIV positive and to social and economic equality in the long run. HIV and climate change being profoundly linked communities with stronger response to AIDS epidemic are also better equipped to
social resilience against climate change threats.The key project activities include identifying and training volunteer community health promoters training healthcare workers and risk groups organising HIV/AIDS campaigns and events and preparing and broadc
asting a drama to be sent in the local radio and printing an educational booklet on HIV/AIDS. |
Balkans Policy Research Group//Strengthen the state institutions and peace in Kosovo The Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG) is a non-profit non-governmental think tank researching and developing policy recommendations on peacebuilding and state building issues in South-eastern Europe. The founding staff are veterans of Crisis Group?s Bal
kans and Kosovo projects. Webpage: http://balkansgroup.org/. The organisations? staff is highly experienced (adequate qualifications) the objectives of the project and activities areclear beneficiaries well defined and the expected results are realistic an
d concrete. Kosovo has made a considerable progress in setting up its institutions negotiating the integration of the North but still after six years of its independence Kosovo?s sovereignty and democratic government remain fragile and dependant on interna
tional support. The four Northern municipalities are in transit from Serbian to the Kosovo system largely against the population? preferences. The new elected leadership in these municipalities have little popular legitimacy and no experience with the Kos
ovo system. Their effectiveness in addressing these needs helping people to exercise their rights their ability to provide effective governance are the keys to securing stability justice and development in the North. In order to address the above mentioned
problems BPRG will conduct a research in order to identify best ways for smooth and prosperous transition establishment and empowering of local institutions and enhance services for the citizens. The organization will also develop practical policies that
address the weaknesses of local institutions. Beneficiaries: Specifically- the population in the Northern municipalities and whole Kosovo populationThe overall objective is to identify and remove the most salient obstacles or weaknesses in two broad areas
,a) State-building: Strengthen state institutions increase service-delivery quality to citizens and enhance citizens? rights and access to services and rights. Identify obstacles weaknesses that prevent and promote policies that help strengthen the state i
nstitutions increase quality of government services human rights and citizens? access to services. b) Peace-building institutional and human capacity building: Effective use of local governance by the local communities particularly in the Serb areas. Addre
ss challenges and promote rights and effective governance in the northern Kosovo. |
MCA/Training Support to Rural Crafts Producers and Market Access The purpose of the project is to train 125 craft producers of Mumwa Crafts Association (MCA) to produce better quality and variety of products especially those currently in demand. These products are mainly hand woven baskets made out of different natural
materials such as grass and roots. These 125 training of trainers are supposed to train in turn on average three other craft producers thus the number of direct beneficiaries increases up to 500 people. The average income of these producers is expected to
increase towards the end of the project and this development will be monitired. The trainings will be organised in four districts of Western Province and in five different MCA training centers. In addition the project will support market access in Zambia a
nd Finland by developing a website contacting potential customers in Finland and recruiting a Finnish unversity student as a trainee if possible. In addition MCA will carry out a baseline study in the beginning of the project to research income levels livi
ng standards challenges successes as well as MCA's impact. Around 50 craft producers will be interviewed. |
Institute for Law and Environmental Governance - Stregthening Local Communities Participation in Forest Governance The Constitution presents considerable challenges for the forest sector. The most critical issue is how forest management obligations will be shared between the national and county governments. At the county level counties are required to be largely self-s
ustaining. This demand is already making communities and county leaders lay strong claims over natural resources which they target as source of revenue. Many new issues with important links to local forest governance are emerging in the global arena. There
are emerging trends towards large land acquisitions by foreign firms for biofuel and agriculture. There is a lot of misconception misinformation and concern about these issues at national and local level. Most local communities do not understand what thes
e means for their livelihoods and the sustainability of their forest resources.This project is premised on the need to empower local communities to actively and effectively participate in the implementation of Kenya?s Constitution 2010. It aims at empoweri
ng communities to realize the host of constitutional provisions and rights on environment and natural resources.Project Objective: - to build capacity of local communities to participate effectively in forest governance by strengthening community institut
ions (CFAs and CFA networks)- support implementation of the Constitution at county level by fostering participatory forest governance influencing the development of county legislation on forest management benefit sharing and forest concessions |
Ensuring a future for orphan and vulnerable children through educational support and the economic empowering of their mothers The objective of the project is to improve the educational and nutritional status of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and to sustain their welfare through the economic empowerment of their mothers or caregivers. The main beneficiaries of the project
are disadvantaged and OVC children enrolled in Maedot's Alternative Basic Education (ABE) Centres as well as their mothers or care givers and other family members. The project will benefit 1200 OVC children (550 male and 650 female) and their families in t
he worst slums of Addis Ketema and Gullele Sub-Cities of Addis Ababa and urban and rural Woredas of Woliso and Zeway Woreda of Oromia Region. Although primary education is free in Ethiopia OVC are unable to attend school because of poverty. Even if the chi
ldren are enrolled in school they may not be learning because they are hungry or unable to concentrate due to their difficult situations at home. Through this project OVC are provided with access to Alternative Basic Education nutrition and tutorial suppor
t. After the three year cycle these children are able to integrate into formal education. They receive a nutritious meal at school and their mothers or caregivers are trained to prepare more nutritious food from locally available ingredients. Project susta
inability is guaranteed by ensuring the economic empowerment of the OVC mothers or caregivers who are provided with training and organised into saving and credit cooperatives. The mothers and caregivers are trained in basic business and leadership skills.
The project highly encourages the involvement of women in economic activities and leadership affairs and promotes gender equality. As the women are able to support their families through their own income their decision making power in household affairs is
increased and their status in the family improved. The local authorities are closely involved in the project and the local communities will also be sensitised about the issues of OVC. Psycho-social support to the OVC and their families is organised through
community support groups community volunteer workers and child clubs. |
Srijon -creating vocational education and work opportunities for the young adults with ASDs in Bangladesh The development problem for the project is to create work opportunities and develop vocational education for the adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in Bangladesh at the SWAC (Society for the Welfare of Autistic Children)Schools. The overall ob
jectives are to make a clear structure and model for the work activities at the SWAC Schools in Dhaka and Rangamati and create possibilities for safe and meaningful adulthood for the adults with ASDs. The SWAC personnel will be resourced so that they can s
ufficiently implement the working activities. Bangladesh government together with a local bank donated a plot of land to the SWAC last year. The architectural plan for the future work and activity center will be done following the principles for sustainabl
e development and using local materials and labour. The job coach is at work and working places for some students at the SWAC are found. Parents participate actively in their networks and the local model of adaptive training has been introduced to the act
ivities of the SWAC. The project follows the crosscutting development policy objectives. It promotes gender equality and democracy reduces inequality and promotes the rights of the minorities by creating vocational education and possibilities for better fu
ture for the adults with ASDs in the capital area and in the tribal district of Rangamati. The project builds new structures and the most important of them is the work and activity center for the young adults with ASDs. The main beneficiaries of the proje
ct are young adults with ASDs their parents siblings and other relatives and the teachers of the SWAC. The key activities are: to educate and support the SWAC personnel by giving them information arrange workshops evaluate and monitor their learning and ex
change ideas with the Finnish educational team. The architectural plan is made together with Finnish and local architects on 2015.The job coach will be trained to work at the SWAC. Adaptation training for the parents and families will be modeled to the lo
cal context as part of the SWAC activities by the support of Finnish educational team. Awareness campaigns on disabled adults employment will be arranged countrywide in a co-operation with the sister associations of the SWAC. |
Aktiv ? Strengthening the Institutional Response to domestic violence in northern Kosovo The overall objective of this project is to foster a women's rights agenda and to promote gender equality in North Kosovo through tackling domestic violence at a local societal and institutional level.The specific objective is to improve the status of the
victims of domestic violence in North Kosovo through institutional capacity building and the implementation of the Kosovo law on domestic violence through application of regional and European best practices.The main target groups are:a) Local professionals
working in relevant public institutions who provide services for victims of domestic abuseb) Female victims and potential victims of domestic violencec) NGO sector workers who work with women and women issuesd) The international donor community and its re
presentatives who work in related fieldsThe action will be focused in the four municipalities in the North of Kosovo. There is an institutional deficit in responding to violence against women in North Kosovo. According to researches as many as 96% of wome
n surveyed stated that they were not satisfied with the response of public bodies (police and municipalities) to domestic violence. This project will work directly with local institutions and the police in order to establish the groundwork for the construc
tion of a safe house in North Kosovo which will cater to the needs of victims. |
Central America Security Strategy / Prevention of violence against women in Central America Support to the Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America as part of the Central American Security Strategy (ESCA). The project seeks to contribute to the reduction of violence against women trafficking in women and femicide through interventi
ons on the factors that contribute to it. Specifically the project will support the strengthening institutional capacities to prevent and address violence against women trafficking and femicide at regional national and local levels. The project will be imp
lemented in Belize Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua and Panama and is organized through three results : 1) Improved regional and national coordination for the implementation of prevention and response to violence against women traffickin
g and femicide 2) Capacity of the institutions at regional national and local levels strengthened to prevent and deal with violence against women trafficking of women and femicide 3) local plans and mechanisms for comprehensive care violence against wome
n trafficking and femicide implemented in selected territories. |
Legal protection of media through strengthening the capacity of juricial system One of the main reasons of considerable worsening of freedom of speech in Kyrgyzstan is the increase of the number of court issues where one of the parties is media and journalists. At the same time started to increase amounts of court claims. Also the ma
ximum material amount of claims has increased from thousands of soms to millions of soms. Most of the cases with claim amount 1 million soms already became usual for Kyrgyz courts. There even was the case when claimant tried to demand 1 000 000 USD from t
he media outlet. The tendency of growth of evaluation of the scandal reputation depends on the position in society of the claimer or in the state hierarchical ladder. The practice of Media Policy Institute shows that higher status of the plaintiff means
more expensive valuation of his reputation. It is necessary to mention that all the norms of the media legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic meaning the responsibility mass media and journalists are estimated. And there is serious question of ?bringing? or ?
not bringing? to responsibility. The amount and the type of the punishment depends on personal evaluation and judge?s relation to this case. In the project international experts will be invited to gain experiences. The project focuses on journalists' righ
ts. High-level expert from Finland will be invited to the train judges. The judiciary and media cooperation will be developed. Journalists want fair trials. Supreme Court decisions are followed. |
Sustainable livelihoods for farmers in Sulawesi The Sustainable Livelihoods for Farmers in Sulawesi ?project will be carried out by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki and Payo-Payo in 2013-2015. The project is the continuation of a previous project of HYY Payo-Payo and LPTP on the same them
es. This project aims at influencing agricultural policy providing better agricultural methods for farmers improving post-production methods and teaching farmers to work collectively. The main themes of the project are environmental sustainability self-sus
tainability and the empowerment of farmers. The project is directed at smallholders and landless and near landless farmers in three villages in South and West Sulawesi Indonesia. The project plans to form villages that are decently self-sufficient and sove
reign in their livelihoods. This means that the villagers should be more empowered and free from dependency on governmental institutions. The project works towards sovereignty in the use of natural resources and agricultural production by the villagers. Th
is way the villages should be able to provide sufficient livelihoods in terms of both income and food in a healthy and sustainable environment. Also the idea is to give the villagers a sense of security from the availability of basic social services in the
ir own villages to become pools of knowledge that are a source of pride for villagers and to sustain harmonious relations of villagers by keeping up collective social traditions. Payo-Payo will enhance sustainable production and agricultural practices at t
he village level. Working through farmer groups in three villages the project will strengthen the financial basis of farmer groups by improving their post-production methods and creating new forms of income. Project activities will take into account the di
fferent characteristics of each village. Tombobulu village will concentrate on post-production. In Bonne-Bonne the main theme is to continue promoting organic farming methods and in Soga to find ways to increase household incomes. The project will also cov
er policy advocacy and public education at the district level to influence government policies that in turn will support work in the field through sound policies and programs. |
Frame agreement with NGO (Siemenpuu) The project involves making a documentary film on the struggles of the communities living in the Sundarbans area to preserve their sustainable livelihoods. The focus is on the Sundarban Rural Development Society (SRDS), which has been formed by the local v
illagers and which operates particularly in the Gosaba island in West Bengal. The goal is to document how the people in the area can sustainably maintain the local ecosystems without destroying them, and how the rights of these communities are nevertheless
being undermined with strict conservation policies and fostering tourism business in the area. The planned length of the documentary is 45-50 minutes. It will be sent to various international film festivals, and it will also be published in internet (YouT
ube / Vimeo). The film is aimed to increase international consciousness on the situation of the mangrove communities and strengthen the voices of these communities in decision-making over the forest areas. The director will be Moushumi Basu, who is a film-
maker and well acquainted with the situation in the Sundarbans. DISHA functions as the accounting organization in the project. |
Humanitarian assistance, Save the Children Finland Spring 2014:Save the Children applies funding for two operations in 1) Mali and 2) Somalia. Operation in Somalia protects the children from the abuse and violence. As results communities and families are able to create a safe environment to children childr
en have an acces to local protection services and have the skills and knowledge to protect themselves. Activities: enhancing dialogue organizing psychosocial trainings establishing the child welfare committees direct support creating child groups and givin
g trainings to teachers. The financing of the operation is 482 500 euro.Operation in Mali protects the children from the abuse and violence. As a result of the operation communities and families are capable to identify and redirect children to the protecti
on services. Activities: establishing the child friendly spaces psychosocial support training of child protection committees and local partrners and co-operation with the local authorities. The financing of the operation is 517 500 euro. |
Citizens Support Network for Welfare and Poverty Reduction (CISUNET) Tanzania is at a crucial stage of development: high economic growth large findings of natural resources with high potential for revenues key political processes including new constitution (2014) and multi-party elections (2015) high population growth and i
ncreasing inequality. Wealth for some but wide-spread poverty for the vast majority combined with special challenges of the most vulnerable groups of society and major environmental problems (deforestation impact of climate change pollution due to extracti
on of natural resources) are some of the major challenges over the next decade. In this process of change civil society organisations have an important role to play firstly as advocates of the most vulnerable people and on changes needed in terms of policy
and implementation and secondly as service providers for vulnerable groups who are without care. However the capacity of NGOs remains low especially in terms of ability to perform advocacy work. There is a need to further increase the capacity and profess
ionalism of NGOs and to strengthen their coordination and cooperation.Key aim of the CISUNET project is to achieve socially and ecologically sustainable development and reduction of poverty. While the first phase (2008-2010) and second phase (2011-2013) p
rioritized on strengthening the working capacity and networking of local NGOs the third phase (2014-2016) will precedence strengthening the advocacy element of NGO work. It will increase the capability of Tanzanian civil society via community-based NGOs an
d umbrella NGO TACOSODE to influence policy and decision-making towards reduction of poverty and inequality and to perform advocacy work to improve the situation and rights of the most vulnerable groups (women children people with disabilities people livin
g with HIV/AIDS elderly people unemployed youths etc.). Further the project increases the capacity and networking of Tanzanian NGOs among NGOs themselves and between NGOs and the public and private sectors on a local national and international level. It pr
omotes understanding on issues of globalisation and development among social and health NGOs in Finland and internationally via the global umbrella organisation ICSW thus promoting North-South cooperation. Means of intervention are assessment of local NGOs
, training workshops and seminars, regional national and international awareness-raising, provision of IT equipment and internet access to NGO networks. |
Learning Together-Afghan and Finnish Women Journalist's Professional Training The training project ?Learning together? for Afghan women journalistsoffers professional education a continuation of the previous courses for Afghan women journalists all over Afghanistan. The trainings have so far taken place in Kabul and some provinces
for example Bamiyan Masar-e-Sharif and Herat twice a year. The trainings will concentrate on different aspects of journalism such as radio- and visual journalism digital camera and video technologyon-line journalismethics of journalism print-media skil
ls producingnews UN Resolution 1325 and media and social media.The specific objectives and activities are carried out on a local levelin accordance with the counterpart association Afghan Women Journalist's Union AWJU the Embassy of Finland in Kabul the M
inistry of Women Affairs in Afghanistan the Department of Journalism in Kabul University and other Afghan entities involved in the project. The target group of the training project includes all female journalists in Afghanistan and they are found throu
gh the partner organization AWJU.During the new training period 2014-2017 a special group of selected fewfemale journalists will be rained so that they are ready to work as trainers later after the project is finnished.The project was born out of the needs
of Afghan women journalists themselves. |
Tax Justice Network-Africa - transparent and citizen tax driven system that promotes equality participation The Tax Justice Network - Africa (TJN-A) is a Pan African initiative and member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice. TJN-A was launched at the World Social Forum in Nairobi in January 2007. TJN-A aims to promote socially just democratic and progressive
taxation systems in Africa. It advocates for tax systems which are favourable to the poor and finance public goods. TJN-A challenges harmful tax policies and practices which favour the wealthy and which encourage unacceptable inequality. One of the main pu
rposes of the initiative is to mainstream tax justice in the economic policy and development discourse in Africa. TJN-A provides a platform dedicated to enabling African researchers campaigners and policy makers to cooperate in the struggle against illicit
capital flight tax evasion tax competition and other harmful trends in tax policy and practice.TJN-A aims to foster strong partnerships between its members and other actors in promoting tax justice in Africa. To achieve this the organization seeks to esta
blish and strengthen national platforms and coalitions on taxation. Currently there are existing platforms in Cameroon Ghana Sierra Leone South Africa Kenya Uganda Tanzania and Zambia. The East African Tax and Governance Network an East African initiative
emerged from this process.The East Africa Tax and Governance Network (EATGN) was formed out of a process that started in late 2009 and has since expanded to include 13 member organizations1 with the initial aim of increasing stakeholder engagement and publ
ic debate on tax and governance issues in Kenya and across East Africa. The overall goal of the network is to ?contribute to a just transparent and citizen-driven tax system that promotes equality participation and accountability in East Africa?.Since ince
ption the network has engaged on a number of tax issues mostly in Kenya, through conducting research and carrying out follow up advocacy activities targeting different stakeholders including policy makers in Government Legislators in the East African Regio
n the media and the public. |
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