int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
119,620 | PMoffice | P Moffice |
90,429 | FearFactory | Fear Factory |
23,784 | HariNagarAssembly | Hari Nagar Assembly |
236,906 | LuvTyagi | Luv Tyagi |
22,129 | HighSpeedInternet | High Speed Internet |
161,180 | May23Withdidi | May 23 Withdidi |
31,567 | scared2Answer | scared 2 Answer |
175,473 | Jokowi2Periode | Jokowi 2 Periode |
17,027 | DisabilitasMemilih | Disabilitas Memilih |
268,800 | CharlesLeclerc | Charles Leclerc |
102,938 | ArbaazKhan | Arbaaz Khan |
271,711 | AkashMK1S | Akash MK 1 S |
224,820 | VMuraleedharamn | V Muraleedharamn |
204,307 | MoversandPackersinBhopal | Moversand Packersin Bhopal |
330,917 | #ParliamentWinterSession | Parliament Winter Session |
47,683 | ModiIsHope | Modi Is Hope |
148,024 | DigitalGangster | Digital Gangster |
223,321 | PollQuery | Poll Query |
22,360 | DhairyasheelPatil | Dhairyasheel Patil |
102,373 | OdishaCylone | Odisha Cylone |
73,922 | ChooseYourAlberta | Choose Your Alberta |
126,616 | HappySakuraDay | Happy Sakura Day |
91,639 | KahoDilSeSanjuBhauPhirse | Kaho Dil Se Sanju Bhau Phirse |
236,699 | DidiDirect | Didi Direct |
7,363 | HusbandWife | Husband Wife |
10,766 | HoshangabadNarsinghpur | Hoshangabad Narsinghpur |
316,912 | LiquidHandling | Liquid Handling |
130,697 | RafaleWala | Rafale Wala |
146,277 | DelhiCm | Delhi Cm |
83,891 | ViratExitPoll | Virat Exit Poll |
83,991 | MaleRape | Male Rape |
15,095 | ACloserLook | A Closer Look |
243,331 | FreeThePill | Free The Pill |
171,077 | GlobalCitySamplingDay | Global City Sampling Day |
240,283 | AURACOOLExclusiveQnA | AURACOOL Exclusive Qn A |
264,037 | ModernArts | Modern Arts |
5,013 | TheDespicabals | The Despicabals |
69,122 | 2008MumbaiAttack | 2008 Mumbai Attack |
22,655 | 52ndTweet | 52 nd Tweet |
260,107 | RegaipKandili | Regaip Kandili |
53,033 | FlUnite2020 | Fl Unite 2020 |
81,428 | IndiaFIrstModiBest | India F Irst Modi Best |
232,621 | SVEEPIndore | SVEEP Indore |
174,909 | GMadhvanNair | G Madhvan Nair |
104,481 | ProjectHelpYouGrow | Project Help You Grow |
284,658 | MedicalCollege | Medical College |
186,866 | DrDavidfrawlay | Dr Davidfrawlay |
294,580 | TouchYourHeart | Touch Your Heart |
220,058 | NaMoInUP | Na Mo In UP |
17,444 | TeacherAppreciationWeek | Teacher Appreciation Week |
111,716 | BigilPoduForThalapathyVijayism | Bigil Podu For Thalapathy Vijayism |
173,495 | WhereYourMusicsAt | Where Your Musics At |
304,314 | CBIvsKolkataPolice | CB Ivs Kolkata Police |
151,363 | LS19Elections | LS 19 Elections |
153,619 | TwitchPrime | Twitch Prime |
57,793 | malaRajyaLakshmisah | mala Rajya Lakshmisah |
232,582 | IndiaAhead | India Ahead |
7,744 | BantikTok | Bantik Tok |
115,944 | KangraChambaMP | Kangra Chamba MP |
133,105 | DeshbhaktKaVote | Deshbhakt Ka Vote |
300,748 | ElectionsWIthHT | Elections W Ith HT |
205,083 | PollingPhase5 | Polling Phase 5 |
214,574 | YoungScientistsConference | Young Scientists Conference |
197,843 | ElectionPolls2019 | Election Polls 2019 |
173,728 | FirstFamilyOfTheNation | First Family Of The Nation |
96,764 | BJP4Krishnanagar | BJP 4 Krishnanagar |
81,230 | ChiefMinisterKCR | Chief Minister KCR |
300,224 | YogiBabu | Yogi Babu |
35,182 | FeelingTheFlow | Feeling The Flow |
58,656 | SpringJewellery | Spring Jewellery |
164,272 | RoxnaSwamy | Roxna Swamy |
95,275 | votekarGurgaon | votekar Gurgaon |
62,064 | ThaiPBSnews | Thai PB Snews |
133,519 | ConcentrationCampsUSA | Concentration Camps USA |
249,988 | KamalHinduterrorjibe | Kamal Hinduterrorjibe |
180,324 | MediaHitParade | Media Hit Parade |
137,753 | PechuPechaIrukanum | Pechu Pecha Irukanum |
99,443 | TheChaiwala | The Chaiwala |
197,234 | bjpMasterstroke | bjp Masterstroke |
27,793 | ModiCabinetministers | Modi Cabinetministers |
57,587 | ElectionWatch2019 | Election Watch 2019 |
23,345 | BarstoolBestBar | Barstool Best Bar |
231,695 | IndianGorkha | Indian Gorkha |
198,503 | KondaSurekhaChallengeTrs | Konda Surekha Challenge Trs |
274,692 | JMNews | JM News |
220,130 | DangerousDonald | Dangerous Donald |
147,869 | FrontLineFriday | Front Line Friday |
11,647 | EntireApoliticalScience | Entire Apolitical Science |
326,733 | #FirstSingleTeaserFromToday | First Single Teaser From Today |
54,473 | ApunBhiChowkidar | Apun Bhi Chowkidar |
24,882 | LakshadweepNo1 | Lakshadweep No 1 |
196,684 | BadContent | Bad Content |
65,717 | AvengersEndgameTamil | Avengers Endgame Tamil |
166,571 | LogicMyFoot | Logic My Foot |
26,796 | BesharamKumar | Besharam Kumar |
130,647 | JavedbhaiShaikh | Javedbhai Shaikh |
215,846 | SoniyoForever | Soniyo Forever |
89,110 | ReadMeVishal | Read Me Vishal |
101,003 | KHANDANIchor | KHANDAN Ichor |
286,779 | VoteSWAG | Vote SWAG |
Subsets and Splits