int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
207,684 | RashtravadKiJeet | Rashtravad Ki Jeet |
249,111 | ModiNoonGothei | Modi Noon Gothei |
197,313 | VeenaDevgan | Veena Devgan |
95,949 | ChowkidarStrongHai | Chowkidar Strong Hai |
19,258 | SMSChallenge | SMS Challenge |
32,409 | NoMoreDynastyRule | No More Dynasty Rule |
102,166 | ModiTsunamo | Modi Tsunamo |
246,114 | HalfIsUsHalfIsOurs | Half Is Us Half Is Ours |
311,805 | thiefChidu | thief Chidu |
324,697 | SameOldGossip | Same Old Gossip |
151,157 | FakeStrikes | Fake Strikes |
127,586 | thankyouRajole | thankyou Rajole |
264,892 | firstphaseElection | firstphase Election |
278,872 | cloudScience | cloud Science |
296,786 | TheWalkingDead | The Walking Dead |
308,317 | 15yearsOfLakshya | 15 years Of Lakshya |
35,666 | ChowkidarKaMayaJaal | Chowkidar Ka Maya Jaal |
178,994 | JioFan | Jio Fan |
326,955 | #AmazonSpecialsOppoA15 | Amazon Specials Oppo A 15 |
39,980 | MockPoll2019 | Mock Poll 2019 |
4,269 | HomeworkHelp | Homework Help |
242,435 | ManoramaNewsPrepollSurvey | Manorama News Prepoll Survey |
182,386 | VijayBhrath | Vijay Bhrath |
287,304 | MomaiIceCream | Momai Ice Cream |
228,392 | khandaniCharsi | khandani Charsi |
80,560 | BHUfundScam | BH Ufund Scam |
279,583 | apnatimeaayegaCAPF | apnatimeaayega CAPF |
325,285 | WeWelcomeYouRaghulgandhi | We Welcome You Raghulgandhi |
104,645 | NeverTrumpers | Never Trumpers |
150,302 | AnantnagConstituency | Anantnag Constituency |
199,892 | GlobalNews | Global News |
27,002 | SpecialFeatures | Special Features |
220,487 | JailTime | Jail Time |
196,325 | ThankyouRussia | Thankyou Russia |
317,238 | justiceforebizThey | justiceforebiz They |
78,184 | ExpiryCM | Expiry CM |
105,771 | PGArrested | PG Arrested |
77,811 | TuesdayMasti | Tuesday Masti |
304,836 | ProfitSeeking | Profit Seeking |
104,516 | AalokBeniwal | Aalok Beniwal |
95,346 | HotelnResort | Hoteln Resort |
271,676 | OrganizedCrime | Organized Crime |
220,485 | PMKedarnathVisit | PM Kedarnath Visit |
181,490 | MonsoonAssembly | Monsoon Assembly |
96,495 | myPMNarendraModi | my PM Narendra Modi |
62,073 | ExitPollsAP | Exit Polls AP |
172,337 | NationalDayofPakistan | National Dayof Pakistan |
229,878 | RahulGandhiinpunjab | Rahul Gandhiinpunjab |
147,714 | BossNass | Boss Nass |
49,976 | ExitpollResults | Exitpoll Results |
170,282 | christeinMichael | christein Michael |
119,254 | jailThem | jail Them |
231,496 | TiruchiSiva | Tiruchi Siva |
40,336 | GooglePixel3a | Google Pixel 3 a |
179,795 | PMnominee | P Mnominee |
10,735 | HindustanAmbassador | Hindustan Ambassador |
116,129 | NominationWithdrawal | Nomination Withdrawal |
200,686 | murderAccused | murder Accused |
277,299 | keralaElections | kerala Elections |
10,452 | MahaGhatabandhan | Maha Ghatabandhan |
257,656 | MediaBinPendeKaLota | Media Bin Pende Ka Lota |
225,216 | voteIndie | vote Indie |
3,189 | HimachalCM | Himachal CM |
192,640 | TruthTeller | Truth Teller |
165,338 | ModiVsDynastyPolitics | Modi Vs Dynasty Politics |
264,306 | DietaKeto | Dieta Keto |
331,750 | #ShivangiOurPride | Shivangi Our Pride |
291,714 | BringRafaelFirst | Bring Rafael First |
140,917 | ModiUndefeated | Modi Undefeated |
161,703 | ManaKhammam | Mana Khammam |
256,319 | YazKocaSeyyah | Yaz Koca Seyyah |
159,429 | DisasterJournalism | Disaster Journalism |
20,015 | ModiHaintohMumkinHain | Modi Haintoh Mumkin Hain |
213,841 | PublicOpion | Public Opion |
185,264 | CongQuestionsForces | Cong Questions Forces |
15,717 | TSInterresults | TS Interresults |
259,751 | StayWithSayaji | Stay With Sayaji |
111,579 | OpenChallenge | Open Challenge |
331,833 | #FarmersDoneWithModiJumlas | Farmers Done With Modi Jumlas |
31,684 | ANCSiyanqoba | ANC Siyanqoba |
164,711 | RachanaBanerjee | Rachana Banerjee |
202,308 | Vote4MajorityGovernment | Vote 4 Majority Government |
51,645 | changeAP | change AP |
125,382 | NewsInTweetsIn | News In Tweets In |
169,185 | facistRahul | facist Rahul |
54,718 | AbKiskoChahiyeAzaadi | Ab Kisko Chahiye Azaadi |
227,829 | KPs | K Ps |
261,285 | trumpsAuthoritarian | trumps Authoritarian |
266,689 | SatyabrataSahu | Satyabrata Sahu |
269,847 | HowManyVillagesGotAdopted | How Many Villages Got Adopted |
95,433 | ZeroTolerance | Zero Tolerance |
118,369 | UPCCCongress | UPCC Congress |
127,076 | BookfotheMonth | Bookfothe Month |
20,055 | SNSerio | SN Serio |
73,566 | NitecoreAccessories | Nitecore Accessories |
53,815 | AapExposed | Aap Exposed |
265,648 | SavingsPlan | Savings Plan |
232,929 | ChandaBegger | Chanda Begger |
184,521 | PradiptaKumarNaik | Pradipta Kumar Naik |
275,836 | CongressWithPak | Congress With Pak |
Subsets and Splits