int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
215,892 | PopulationJihaad | Population Jihaad |
65,926 | RiseYourFingerWithPride | Rise Your Finger With Pride |
15,781 | WomensWednesday | Womens Wednesday |
211,420 | ModihaintohmumkinHain | Modihaintohmumkin Hain |
306,590 | RanhanGogoi | Ranhan Gogoi |
332,835 | #Iran | Iran |
279,418 | UrbanScamsters | Urban Scamsters |
134,317 | UrduVOA | Urdu VOA |
105,943 | VikasPagalHoGaya | Vikas Pagal Ho Gaya |
61,077 | SkyNewsLive | Sky News Live |
265,268 | LeeZeldin | Lee Zeldin |
50,882 | TV9bharatbarsh | TV 9 bharatbarsh |
224,290 | ChincholiAssembly | Chincholi Assembly |
265,685 | UturnCBN | Uturn CBN |
250,992 | RoRaheSaareChor | Ro Rahe Saare Chor |
3,964 | RaJivGandhi | Ra Jiv Gandhi |
117,330 | eToll | e Toll |
112,860 | BetheCHANGE | Bethe CHANGE |
197,542 | TamilnaduMedia | Tamilnadu Media |
324,208 | HashimAmla | Hashim Amla |
290,302 | InternationalWomensday | International Womensday |
169,038 | DynastymuktIndia | Dynastymukt India |
32,080 | PrajaVedikaBuilding | Praja Vedika Building |
151,530 | ModiSupportsTraitor | Modi Supports Traitor |
5,948 | SpeakerUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives | Speaker United States Houseof Representatives |
279,685 | LicypriyaKangujam | Licypriya Kangujam |
264,688 | ABetterEuropeIsPossible | A Better Europe Is Possible |
62,387 | MarkingSolution | Marking Solution |
103,794 | APloksabhaELections2019 | A Ploksabha E Lections 2019 |
140,457 | NetaMuktBharat | Neta Mukt Bharat |
157,954 | MimmoLucano | Mimmo Lucano |
123,012 | HindiCalligraphy | Hindi Calligraphy |
168,361 | IStandForTruth | I Stand For Truth |
320,635 | RahulmocksModi | Rahulmocks Modi |
300,295 | SonikOmi | Sonik Omi |
178,178 | RafaelLies | Rafael Lies |
168,738 | RIPPolitics | RIP Politics |
60,730 | QAndA | Q And A |
35,961 | InclusiveSmartCity | Inclusive Smart City |
132,157 | ScumMo | Scum Mo |
325,930 | UdtaCongress | Udta Congress |
95,223 | ZindagiAajKal | Zindagi Aaj Kal |
65,514 | StrengthenTheNation | Strengthen The Nation |
285,406 | AhmedabadEastSeat | Ahmedabad East Seat |
218,796 | WednesdayAfternoon | Wednesday Afternoon |
218,011 | NigeriaElection2019 | Nigeria Election 2019 |
169,613 | ErnakulamElectionResults | Ernakulam Election Results |
331,229 | #SamsungF22 | Samsung F 22 |
311,666 | BiasCorrect | Bias Correct |
208,242 | ModiChaukidaarNahiTuChorHai | Modi Chaukidaar Nahi Tu Chor Hai |
252,487 | LokSabhaElections2019Bjp | Lok Sabha Elections 2019 Bjp |
32,945 | YCPScumstealsData | YCP Scumsteals Data |
229,525 | Justice4TamilGenocide | Justice 4 Tamil Genocide |
68,973 | BeFullyInformed | Be Fully Informed |
112,276 | ModiKaRajtilak | Modi Ka Rajtilak |
327,536 | #VandeMataram | Vande Mataram |
73,246 | ModiWeedEffect | Modi Weed Effect |
161,616 | TuesdayAfternoon | Tuesday Afternoon |
159,858 | ResearchandAnalysisWing | Researchand Analysis Wing |
190,543 | RahulTheBhagora | Rahul The Bhagora |
270,739 | AbdulSalam | Abdul Salam |
76,184 | LatinoVote | Latino Vote |
131,778 | CallTheirNames | Call Their Names |
159,731 | TuticorinMassacre | Tuticorin Massacre |
121,444 | LaGranGranada | La Gran Granada |
261,602 | DecimateSabootGang | Decimate Saboot Gang |
98,945 | SanghMitraMaurya | Sangh Mitra Maurya |
173,279 | EVMVVPATawareness | EVMVVPA Tawareness |
49,678 | SamaadhiDiwas | Samaadhi Diwas |
267,707 | ShaktiKantaDas | Shakti Kanta Das |
209,184 | News18LiveResultHu | News 18 Live Result Hu |
79,712 | BailDynasty | Bail Dynasty |
24,131 | PatriotsAwakened | Patriots Awakened |
201,615 | ISISkids | ISI Skids |
107,057 | TwitterSafety | Twitter Safety |
219,729 | ChhotaUdaipurelections2019results | Chhota Udaipurelections 2019 results |
237,220 | BigEventInAP | Big Event In AP |
52,033 | GulfofOman | Gulfof Oman |
122,821 | GouriLankeshMurder | Gouri Lankesh Murder |
82,827 | NativeTwitter | Native Twitter |
139,382 | HindustanKiPartyBJP | Hindustan Ki Party BJP |
28,471 | BiharTopNews | Bihar Top News |
173,052 | KhemkaMotors | Khemka Motors |
177,576 | ECIPressConference | ECI Press Conference |
266,619 | BasavarajRayareddy | Basavaraj Rayareddy |
236,964 | HarsimratKaurBadal | Harsimrat Kaur Badal |
28,353 | IndiaTodayAxisExitPoll | India Today Axis Exit Poll |
185,083 | PotatoGoldFactory | Potato Gold Factory |
34,269 | SummerPoolParty | Summer Pool Party |
15,726 | AoGProTips | Ao G Pro Tips |
171,541 | SabJhumlaTha | Sab Jhumla Tha |
35,095 | ThalaivaaThalaivaa | Thalaivaa Thalaivaa |
314,108 | GautamBuddhaNagarelections2019voterlist | Gautam Buddha Nagarelections 2019 voterlist |
225,658 | VoteforYourFuture | Votefor Your Future |
163,011 | NoScam | No Scam |
182,406 | SunDesign | Sun Design |
171,917 | MakkalNeethiMaiam | Makkal Neethi Maiam |
238,356 | ChateauLaurier | Chateau Laurier |
189,548 | ExitPoll2019v | Exit Poll 2019 v |
281,425 | indianCartoons | indian Cartoons |
Subsets and Splits