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4. 大会在其 1998 年 12 月 9 日第 53/111 号决议中要求拟订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪的全面国际公约,并在适宜时拟订其他国际文书,包括打击非法制造和贩运枪支、枪支零部件和弹药的国际文书和为此设立一个不限成员名额的特设政府间委员会。在拟订这些文书过程中,拟订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特设委员会审议了处理枪支、枪支零部件和弹药问题的文书是否也可处理爆炸物的问题。经过审议后,根据提供的关于爆炸物不属于大会第 53/111 号决议所确定的职权范围的法律意见,特设委员会决定不在此种文书中提及爆炸物。 | 4. In its resolution 53/111 of 9 December 1998, the General Assembly called for the elaboration of a comprehensive international convention against transnational organized crime and, as appropriate, further international instruments, including an instrument combating the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition, and established an open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc committee for that purpose. In the course of developing those instruments, the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime considered whether the instrument dealing with firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition, should also deal with explosives. After some deliberation, and based on legal advice to the effect that explosives did not fall within the mandate established by Assembly resolution 53/111, the Ad Hoc Committee decided to exclude references to explosives. |
5. 在特设委员会进行审议期间,一些会员国表示了这样的看法,即一项打击非法制造、贩运和使用爆炸物的国际法律文书不仅是可行的而且是必要的。其他一些会员国则认为在这一基础上处理爆炸物在技术上是不可行的,而且即使可行,这 样 一项文书也是不 必 要 的 ( 见A/AC.254/4/Add.2/Rev.3,脚注 74,和 A/AC.254/25,第 22 段)。大会随后在其 1999 年 12 月 17日第 54/127 号决议中要求提交一份关于犯罪分子非法制造和贩运爆炸物及为犯罪目的使用爆炸物的情况的本研究报告。 | 5. During the deliberations of the Ad Hoc Committee, some Member States expressed the view that an international legal instrument against the illicit manufacturing, trafficking and use of explosives was both feasible and desirable. Other Member States expressed the view that it was not technically feasible to deal with explosives on that basis, and that even if feasible, such an instrument was not needed (see A/AC.254/4/Add.2/Rev.3, footnote 74, and A/AC.254/25, para. 22). In its resolution 54/127 of 17 December 1999, the General Assembly sub-sequently called for the present study of the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives by criminals and their use for criminal purposes. |
6. 专家组获得和评估了会员国内和会员国之间与爆炸物问题的性质和范围相关的资料,并编写了本研究报告。在其第一次会议上,专家组审查了处理爆炸物问题的现有文件和文书,拟订了一份调查表分发给各会员国,并决定自行进行若干方面的额外调查。调查表于 2001 年 7 月 4 日分发给各会员国,要求其尽快,但最晚不迟于2001 年 9 月 30 日作出答复。截至 2001 年 12 月20 日止,总共有 50 个国家作出了答复,在该日第二次会议结束后又收到两份答复。 | 6. The Group of Experts obtained and assessed information relating to the nature and scope of explosive-related problems within and among Member States, and produced the present study. At its first meeting, the Group reviewed existing documents and instruments dealing with explosives, prepared a survey questionnaire for distribution to Member States, and decided to conduct additional research in several areas itself. The survey questionnaire was disseminated to Member States on 4 July 2001, requesting that they reply as soon as possible, but preferably no later than 30 September 2001. As of 20 December 2001, a total of 50 States had replied, and two further replies were received after the closing of the second meeting on that date. |
7. 2001 年 11 月 10 日,编拟了在该日之前所收答复的统计分析资料并分发给专家组成员以便使他们在第二次专家组会议召开之前有足够的时间进行审查。在 2001 年 11 月 10 日对结果进行汇编时,已收到 35 个国家的答复。截至 2001年 12 月 20 日专家组第二次会议结束时又收到 15份答复。专家组在这次会议上也审查和直接审议了这些答复。还审议了成员国发来的补充说明和评论。在第二次会议上,专家组根据收到的答复和专家们的经验,最后审定了其研究报告,并将研究结果提交委员会(E/CN.15/2002/9/Add.1)。专家组根据其专门知识和研究结果提出了各项结论和建议,这些结论和建议载于本报告第四节。 | 7. On 10 November 2001, a statistical analysis of the replies received by that date was prepared and distributed to members of the Group of Experts, in order to give them sufficient time to review it prior to the second meeting of the Group. When the results were compiled on 10 November 2001, replies had been received from 35 States. Fifteen further replies received up to the closing of the second meeting of the Group on 20 December 2001 were also reviewed and directly taken into consideration by the Group at that meeting. Other additional notes and comments received from Member States were also taken into consideration. At its secondmeeting, based on the replies received and the experience of the experts, the Group finalized its study, the results of which are before the Commission (E/CN.15/2002/9/Add.1). The Group also produced conclusions and recommenda-tions, based on its expertise and the results of the study, which are set forth in section IV of the present report. |
三. 专家组审议情况 | III. Deliberations of the Group of Experts |
8. 专家组第一次会议上简单介绍了现有有关国际文书并讨论了这些文书供审议非法制造、贩运和使用爆炸物问题时所涉问题。与会者还简要了解和审议了依照大会第 52/38 号决议于 1999 年向大会提交的弹药和爆炸物问题专家组的报告(A/54/155)。 | 8. The first meeting of the Group of Experts was briefed on relevant existing international instruments and there was a discussion of the implications of those instruments for the consideration of the problem of the illicit manufacturing, trafficking and use of explosives. Participants were also briefed on and considered the report of the Group of Experts on the problem of ammunition and explosives (A/54/155) submitted to the General Assembly in 1999 pursuant to its resolution 52/38J. |
9. 专家组讨论了爆炸物的标识问题,包括为确保通过取样或使用诸如机场用于鉴别行李和乘客的嗅探器等装置进行侦测的标识,还讨论了有时被称为“标签”的更复杂的标识形式,这些形式的标识意在确保爆炸物在爆炸之前,有些情况下甚至在爆炸发生之后能够予以识别或跟踪。 | 9. There was a discussion of the marking of explosives, including marking in order to ensure detection by sampling or sniffer devices such as those used to screen luggage and passengers in airports, and more elaborate forms of marking, also sometimes described as tagging, intended to ensure that explosives can be identified or traced prior to, and in some cases even after, detonation has occurred. |
10. 有关确保侦测的标识涉及使用某种其性质和挥发性能确保通过取样装置被测出和识别为爆炸物爆炸性化学品。多数爆炸物散发出足够的微量,无需任何添加剂便可侦测出来,但当不是这种情况时,可添加某种挥发性化学品,从而对爆炸物作标记。这种类型的标识根据国际民用航空组织(民航组织)的《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》是需要的,但该文书没有涵盖所有种类的爆炸物并且不是所有国家都是其缔约国。除此之外,审议的主要问题还涉及与发现明显可侦测的、不降低稳定性、耐久性或爆炸性能且不大幅增加制造成本的化学添加剂有关的标识种类。 | 10. Marking to ensure detection involved including in explosives chemicals of a nature and volatility which ensured that they would be detected and identified as explosives by sampling devices. Most explosives emitted sufficient traces to permit such detection without any additives, but where that was not the case, certain volatile chemicals were added, marking the explosive. That type of marking was required under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, but that instrument did not cover all types of explosive and not all countries were parties to it. Apart from that fact, the major issues considered regarding that type of marking were associated with finding chemical additives that were clearly detectable, that did not degrade stability, durability or explosive performance, and that did not unduly increase the costs of manufacture. |
11. 关于为识别和跟踪目的对爆炸物作标识或标签,专家组注意到,虽然有着某些相似之处,但爆炸物不是枪支,而且对标签的需要所提出的问题也不同于枪支、机动车辆和其他此类器械上使用的序号或其他独特的标识的问题。用于在爆炸之前识别和跟踪目的的标识一般是在爆炸物的包装上刻印、雕印或压印出有关信息,因为许多爆炸物是软的、半固体或甚至是液体材料,不能使用永久性标识。即使使用了这类标识,在许多情况下,爆炸物也能够轻易地被那些想隐瞒其特性或来源的人加以重新包装或组成。用于爆炸后识别目的的标识提出了更大的技术挑战。由于爆炸后爆炸物及其包装被完全毁坏,在标识方面的努力集中于添加在爆炸后可留下不同的微粒或残余物的物理或化学物质上。由于变化的数目比起诸如序号等物理标识要少得多,能够附上的信息量很有限。多数情况下,目前的爆炸物标签只能识别制造公司或产地以及大概的制造日期或生产批号或批次。 | 11. Regarding the marking of explosives for the purpose of identification and tracing, or tagging, the Group noted that, while there were some similarities, explosives were not firearms, and the issues raised by the need for tagging were different from those involved with attaching and using serial numbers or other unique markings used on firearms, motor vehicles and other such items. Marking for the purpose of identification and tracing prior to detonation generally involved information stamped, embossed or stencilled onto the casings into which the explosive is packed, since many explosives were soft, semi-solid or even liquid materials that would not accept permanent markings. Even when such markings were applied, in many cases the explosives could be easily repacked or reconstituted by those wishing to conceal identity or origin. Marking for the purpose of post-detonation identification represented even greater technical challenges. Since the explosive and its casing were completely destroyed, efforts to mark had focused on the addition of physical or chemical substances that would leave distinctive particles or residues after detonation. Since the number of variations was much more limited than with physical markings such as serial numbers, there was a limit to the amount of information that could be attached. In most cases, explosive tagging would currently identify only the company or place of manufacture and possibly the approximate date or production lot or batch of its manufacture. |
12. 据悉一些国家正在进行各种爆炸物标识的研究。更详细和可靠形式的爆炸物标识很可能通过对犯罪分子的威慑和对执法机构的协助作用而大大减少与爆炸物有关的犯罪。考虑到在有些情况下由于国家安全或商业利益等原因,这个问题比较敏感,专家组决定获得有关这类研究一般情况的进一步资料。 | 12. It was noted that research was ongoing in a number of countries into all kinds of explosive marking. More detailed and reliable forms of explosive marking had significant potential to reduce explosive-related crime by deterring offenders and assisting law enforcement agencies. The Group of Experts decided to obtain further information about the general state of such research, taking into consideration that in some cases it would be seen as sensitive for reasons of national security or commercial interests. |
13. 专家组还讨论了与爆炸物有关的犯罪的性质和范围。一般而言,大部分事件属轻微事件,例如青年和未成年罪犯用自制或从合法来源偷来的爆炸物进行实验,少数事件属重大事件。重大爆炸事件包括在制造、运输、储存或使用过程中发生的意外爆炸和可造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失的故意轰炸。 | 13. The Group also discussed the nature and scope of explosive-related crime. Generally, incidents ranged from substantial numbers of minor incidents, such as young people and minor criminals experimenting with explosives that were home-made or stolen from legitimate sources, to a small number of major incidents. Major explosives incidents included accidental detonations in thecourse of manufacture, transport, storage or use, and intentional bombings capable of causing major loss of life, injury and destruction of property. |
14. 专家组注意到它所讨论的重大故意事件中,多数涉及的犯罪分子的动机包括通过大爆炸产生引人注目的轰动效应。专家组认为很难对恐怖活动与一般犯罪之间作任何明确的区分,但考虑到由于所有国家都将安置或引爆可造成人员伤亡或财产损害风险的爆炸装置视为犯罪行为,作这种区分对于其工作是没有必要的。专家组因此决定不作此种区分地收集所有与爆炸物有关的犯罪活动的数据并在此基础上进行分析。 | 14. The Group of Experts noted that most of the major intentional incidents that it discussed involved offenders whose motives encompassed the high profile and publicity generated by large explosions. It considered the difficulties in attempting to develop any clear distinction between terrorist activities and crime in general, but it was aware that, since planting or detonating explosive devices where there was a risk of death, injury or property damage were treated as criminal acts by every State, making such a distinction was not necessary to its work. It therefore decided to collect and analyse data on the basis of including all explosive-related criminal activity without such distinctions. |
15. 专家组认为在一些关键方面需要进一步的资料。需要有关这一问题的总体范围、程度或严重性的一般资料。这包括犯罪或事件在数量上的严重程度和某些重大事件的严重程度的资料。还包括有关跨国因素的性质和范围的资料,因为国际社会没有必要作出共同努力以制定一项法律文书或采取其他此类行动来处理纯属国内性质的与爆炸物有关的事件。涉及的跨国性质可能是多种多样的,从单纯的走私实际爆炸物到有组织犯罪集团与其他跨国势力参与其他国内事件。从广义上讲,甚至可包括将有关如何制造爆炸物或爆炸装置的资料从一国转移到另一国。专家组决定对范围比较宽泛的跨国方面进行审议。 | 15. The Group of Experts felt that further information was needed on several key points. General information regarding the overall scope, extent or seriousness of the problem was needed. That included seriousness both in terms of the numbers of offences or incidents, and in terms of the seriousness of some of the major occurrences. It also included information about the nature and extent of transnational elements, since concerted efforts by the international community to produce a legal instrument or take other such action would not be necessary to deal with explosive-related incidents of a purely domestic nature. The nature of transnational involvement could vary, ranging from the simple smuggling of actual explosives, to the involvement of organized criminal groups with other transnational interests in otherwise domestic incidents. On the broadest interpretation, it could even involve the simple transfer of information about how to make explosives or explosive devices from one country to another. The Group decided to consider a relatively wide range of transnational aspects. |
16. 专家组决定通过拟订一份调查表并分发给所有会员国来征集资料,而且专家组在其第一次会议上已花了许多时间确定问题和编写必要的文件。它还决定通过其成员的专长寻求以下方面的资料:(a) 识别各会员国有关爆炸物的资料来源;(b) 有关爆炸物的标识、标签和跟踪问题,以及在这些方面正在进行的研究成果;(c) 事件的跨国性问题,包括据以认定事件具有跨国性质的各种方法以及实际发生的程度;(d) 业已建立的国内和国际法律管制的类型,包括诸如制造、储存、运输和使用方面的安全措施,旨在限制接触爆炸物和确保安全使用爆炸物的国际海关管制、管理、许可或授权制度以及类似事项;(e) 各国在诸如下述有关方面对技术援助的需要情况:交流有关标签、标识、侦测和跟踪方面的科学资料、法院和执法专家培训以及交流有关犯罪方法和手段的资料。 | 16. The Group of Experts decided to seek information by developing a survey questionnaire and distributing it to all Member States, and spent much of its first meeting identifying issues and developing the necessary document. It also decided to seek information through the expertise of its own members in the following areas: (a) The identification of sources of information about explosives in various Member States; (b) Issues relating to the marking, tagging and tracing of explosives, as well as the results of any ongoing research in those areas; (c) Issues of transnationality in incidents, including the various ways in which an incident might be considered as transnational in nature, and the extent to which that actually occurred; (d) The types of domestic and international legal controls already in place, including such things as security in manufacture, storage, transportation and use, international customs controls, regulations and licensing or authorization systems intended to limit access and ensure the safe use of explosives, and similar matters; (e) The needs of countries for technical assistance in relevant areas such as the sharing of scientific information about tagging, marking, detection and tracing, the training of forensic and law enforcement experts and the sharing of information about criminal methods and techniques. |
17. 专家组在其第二次会议 1 上审查了对其调查表的答复,对答复进行了分析并完成了其关于犯罪分子非法制造和贩运爆炸物及为犯罪目的使用爆炸物的情况的研究报告。除了分析所收到的答复外,专家组还分析和总结了现有有关国际文书及其他文件并审议了在研究过程中提出的一系列建议。 | 17. At its second meeting,1 the Group of Experts examined the replies to its survey questionnaire, developed an analysis of the replies and completed its study on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives by criminals and their use for criminal purposes. In addition to the analysis of the replies received, it also analysed and summarized existing relevant international instruments and other documents and considered a series of recommendations arising out of the study process. |
18. 专家组注意到,许多答复中所载的资料未将与恐怖集团或恐怖活动有关的事件同那些与其他个人或有组织犯罪集团有关的事件区分开来。专家组认为,在分析这些答复时,恐怖因素的涉及在某些情况下对于适当说明所报告的资料是必要的,而且那些报告这种情况的国家在多数情况下都将这个问题确定或定性为全部或部分具有恐怖主义性质。专家组因此认为,为调查分析目的,在报告国根据其自己的资料定性或认定为恐怖主义的情况下,专家组将接受这种定性或认定。 | 18. The Group of Experts noted that many of the survey responses contained data that did not distinguish between incidents associated with terrorist groups or activities and those associated with other individuals or organized criminal groups. It decided that, in analysing the replies, the involvement of terrorist elements was in some cases necessary to properly account for the information reported, and that the States that reported that information in most cases identified or characterized the problem as being wholly or partly of a terrorist nature. The Group therefore decided to accept the characterization or designation of terrorism where that was made by reporting States in respect of their own data for the purposes of the survey analysis. |
19. 专家组审议了是否应建议拟订一项具体处理非法制造和贩运爆炸物的国际文书问题。一致认为研究结果表明发生的具有跨国性质的事件较少,但也注意到事件可能报告得不充分,应考虑到个别事件的潜在严重性,即使这类事件较少发生。一些专家认为,虽然研究表明发生了一些跨国活动,考虑到国际社会所面临的其他问题和优先事项,上述活动在程度、频率或严重性方面都不足以因此而花费大量时间、费用和努力来制订一项文书。有些专家还认为,鉴于在诸如爆炸物标识等方面的技术和法律发展情况,任何文书都不应具有法律约束性。另一些专家指出,现有的国际文书中还没有处理这一问题各个方面的。这些专家认为,考虑到一些国家所遇到的严重问题,以及个别尽管并不经常发生的事件对人的生命和安全构成严重威胁的事实,制订一项国际法律文书是必要的。 | 19. The Group of Experts considered the question whether an international instrument dealing speci-fically with the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives should be recommended. There was agreement that the results of the study suggested that relatively few incidents of a transnational nature occurred, but it was also noted that incidents were likely to be underreported, and that the potential seriousness of individual incidents should be taken into consideration, even if they occurred relatively infrequently. Some experts were of the view that, while the research suggested some transnational activities, they were not sufficient in extent, frequency or seriousness to warrant the time, costs and efforts required to produce an instrument, having regard to other issues and priorities confronting the international community. Some also expressed the view that, given the state of technical and legal developments in areas such as the marking of explosives, any instrument should not be of a legally binding nature. Other experts noted that none of the existing international instruments dealt with the problem in all of its aspects. Those experts were of the view that an international legal instrument was desirable, having regard to the serious problems encountered by some States and the fact that individual incidents, even if infrequent, could represent serious threats to human life and security. |
20. 专家组还指出,其研究表明,许多发生的跨国事件涉及报告国认为具有恐怖主义性质的活动。专家组未能就需要一项国际文书的建议达成一致。但专家组一致认为,如果联合国决定拟订这样一项文书,不应以任何方式对其适用范围加以限制,以免将任何特定形式的犯罪包括恐怖主义排除在外。因此,专家组决定建议不将任何此种文书拟订成《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》的议定书,因为该公约的确含有某些这类限制。 | 20. The Group of Experts also noted that its research suggested that many of the transnational incidents that did occur involved activities considered by the States that reported them to be of a terrorist nature. It did not agree on any recommendation regarding the desira-bility of an international instrument. It did, however, agree that should the United Nations decide to proceed with the development of such an instrument, it should not be restricted in the scope of its application in any way that would exclude any particular form of crime, including terrorism. In this context, it decided to recommend that any such instrument should not be developed as a further protocol to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which did contain some such restrictions. |
21. 专家组在其第二次会议,也即最后会议结束时通过了其审议情况概要、其关于犯罪分子非法制造和贩运爆炸物及为犯罪目的使用爆炸物的情况的研究报告案文及其各项结论和就爆炸物采取进一步行动的建议。专家组请秘书长依照大会第 54/127 号决议就此向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会第十一届会议提出报告。 | 21. At the conclusion of its second and final meeting, the Group of Experts adopted a summary of its deliberations, the text of its study on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives by criminals and their use for criminal purposes, and its conclusions and recommendations for further action concerning explosives. It requested that the Secretary-General report thereon to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice at its eleventh session, in accordance with General Assembly resolu-tion 54/127. |
四. 结论和建议 | IV. Conclusions and recommendations |
A. 结论 | A. Conclusions |
22. 专家组认为,各国关于爆炸物的法律应制定管理、基本安全和保安方面的一般最低标准,以及对达不到具体标准的人的定罪。专家组还认为,爆炸物的基本特性产生与损失、盗窃或转移、犯罪性滥用和意外爆炸有关的巨大危险,制订任何标准时都应考虑到爆炸物作为危险物质的基本特性。专家组注意到对调查表作出答复的国家,绝大多数认为爆炸物至少部分是一个刑事司法问题。多数国家已确立了刑事犯罪并责成负责公共安全、刑事执法或类似事项的官员分管爆炸物问题。在许多情况下,刑事犯罪和制裁不仅适用于故意滥用爆炸物,也适用于疏忽或过失行为,而且有时也与执行许可要求或其他使用限制的情况有关。 | 22. The Group of Experts concluded that national laws regarding explosives should establish general minimum standards of care, basic safety and security, and offences for those who fail to meet specific standards. It was also of the view that the basic nature of explosives created significant risks associated with loss, theft or diversion, criminal misuse and accidental detonation, and that any standards set should take account of the basic nature of explosives as dangerous substances. It noted that the vast majority of States that responded to the survey questionnaire considered explosives to be a criminal justice issue, at least in part. Most had established criminal offences and assigned responsibility for explosives matters to officials responsible for public security or safety, criminal law enforcement or similar matters. In many cases, criminal offences and sanctions applied not only to the intentional misuse of explosives, but also to conduct involving carelessness or negligence, and in some cases relating to the enforcement of licensing requirements or other access restrictions. |
23. 专家组还审议了国际法的作用,并建议在适当情况下批准、实施和适用有关爆炸物和跨国有组织犯罪的现有国际文书。专家组审议了是否应建议拟订一项具体处理非法制造和贩运爆炸物的国际文书问题。会上表达了各种不同的看法,专家组未能就需要一项国际文书的建议达成一致。但根据专家的评估和研究结果,总体上一致认为,如果联合国决定拟订一项国际文书,该文书不应以任何方式将其适用范围限制在包括或排除任何特定形式的犯罪,包括恐怖主义的范围内。专家组因此认为,任何此种文书应独立于而不是从属于《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。 | 23. The Group of Experts also considered the role of international law, and recommended that existing international instruments relating to explosives and transnational organized crime be ratified, implemented and applied in appropriate cases. It considered the question whether an international instrument dealing specifically with the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives should be recommended. A range of views was expressed and the Group did not agree on any recommendation regarding the desira-bility of an international instrument. Based on the assessment of experts and the results of the study, however, there was general agreement that, should the United Nations decide to proceed with the develop-ment of an international instrument, such an instrument should not be restricted in the scope of its application in any way that would include or exclude any particular form of crime, including terrorism. The Group therefore was of the view that any such instrument should be independent of, rather than subordinate to, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. |
24. 专家组注意到,许多最严重的与爆炸物有关的犯罪或者涉及报告国认定具有恐怖主义性质的罪犯或活动,或者涉及其他有组织犯罪集团的成员或活动。在有些情况下,这类团伙因相互勾结或合并而难以区分。此外,虽然“有组织犯罪集团”是一个国际界定的术语,但恐怖主义的概念和含义却是多种多样的。专家组因此认为今后进行任何研究和制定意在区分犯罪和恐怖主义的研究或制订任何这类政策都是不切实际的。 | 24. The Group of Experts noted that many of the most serious explosive-related crimes involved either offenders or activities identified by the States that reported them as being of a terrorist nature, or involved the members or activities of other organized criminal groups. In some cases, such groups were cooperating or were merged to the point where they became indistinguishable. Also, while “organized criminal group” was an internationally defined term, the concept and meaning of terrorism varied. The Group therefore considered the conduct of any future research and development of policies which attempted to distinguish between crime and terrorism to be impracticable. |
25. 专家组还审议了应请求提供有助于处理跨国案件和协助各国建立其处理国内问题的能力的技术援助和其他形式的国际合作的作用问题。专家组向联合国及其会员国提出了有关这方面的一些建议。 | 25. The Group of Experts also considered the role of technical assistance and other forms of international cooperation that could be useful in dealing with transnational cases and in assisting States in building their capacities to deal with domestic problems, where requested. The Group made several recommendations to the United Nations and its Member States in that regard. |
26. 专家组进一步审议了为侦测以及爆炸前和爆炸后识别和跟踪目的在爆炸物标识方面的技术和研究现况。虽然建议采取强制性的国内或国际要求目前看来尚不可行,但专家组认为,标识今后很可能被用作一种预防措施、一种调查工具和一种潜在的威慑。专家组注意到在这方面正在进行的研究,并建议各国在技术上可行和经济上可承受的情况下考虑采取标识要求,这种要求必要时可加以调整以保持与科学和工业发展同步。 | 26. The Group of Experts further considered the current state of technology and research into the marking of explosives for the purpose of detection as well as pre- and post-detonation identification and tracing. While it was not seen as currently feasible to recommend that mandatory domestic or international requirements be adopted, the Group was of the view that marking offered considerable future potential as a preventive measure, an investigative aid and as a potential deterrent. It noted that research was ongoing in that area and recommended that States consider adopting marking requirements, if and when shown to be technically feasible and economically viable, and that such requirements be adjusted as necessary to keep pace with scientific and industrial developments. |
27. 专家和调查表答复者都关注的一个问题是,现在通过因特网和其他媒介能够广泛获得各种信息,包括化学和爆炸物的制造以及诸如雷管、炸弹和其他装置等的建造的信息(A/54/155,第 30段)。专家组认为这不可能对狡猾的犯罪分子的活动产生影响,因为他们能够通过其他来源获取信息。但这却有可能有助于那些对爆炸物知之甚少的人,例如儿童或没有经验的犯罪分子制造爆炸装置,从而使与爆炸有关的事件增多。专家组还考虑到鉴于产生的各种跨国问题以及诸如国内和国际各种保护言论自由规定的制约,对因特网和类似媒介进行管理方面存在的困难。专家组建议各国可在对待这些问题上酌情考虑采取限制传播这类信息的办法。 | 27. A concern raised by both experts and respondents to the survey was the fact that the information now becoming widely available through the Internet and other media included information about the chemistry and production of explosive substances and the construction of such things as detonators, bombs and other devices (A/54/155, para. 30). The Group of Experts considered that unlikely to influence the activities of sophisticated offenders, who were able to obtain the information through other sources. It could, however, assist those with little knowledge of explosives, such as children or unsophisticated offenders, in the making of explosive devices, thereby contributing to additional explosive-related incidents. The Group also considered the difficulties of regulating the Internet and similar media, given the transnational issues raised as well as constraints such as the domestic and international provisions protecting the freedom of expression. It recommended that States consider such means of curtailing the dissemination of such information as were appropriate having regard to those issues. |
28. 专家组注意到,虽然许多军用和商用爆炸物质需要尖端的知识和工业设施才能生产,但一些自制物质用通常可获得的化学品就能制造。这些化学品的一系列普通、合法的用途引起人们对接触这些化学品加以法律限制的关注并要求改变这类化学品,使其不能在这方面发生化学作用,同时又具有除制造爆炸物以外的其他用途。专家组注意到正在进行这方面的研究,建议在技术上可行和经济上可承受的情况下继续进行这种研究并将其作为进一步管制的基础。 | 28. The Group of Experts noted that while many military and commercial explosives substances required sophisticated knowledge and industrial facilities to produce, a number of home-made substances could be produced from commonly available chemicals. The range of common, legitimate uses for those chemicals generally raised concerns about the application of legal restrictions on access and about requiring the alteration of such chemicals in ways that would render them inert while still preserving their utility for purposes other than pro-ducing explosives. The Group noted that research in those areas was ongoing, and recommended that it be continued and used as the basis for further controls, if and when that became technically feasible and eco-nomically viable. |
B. 建议 | B. Recommendations |
29. 关于通过国家立法,专家组建议: | 29. Regarding the adoption of national legislation, the Group of Experts recommended that: |
(a) 国家立法应以足以支持制定和执行有关刑事犯罪的规定和各项法律限制或其他安全保障碍措施的方式对爆炸物加以界定和分类; | (a) National legislation should define and classify explosives in a manner that was adequate to support the creation and enforcement of criminal offences and legal restrictions or other safeguards; |
(b) 国家立法应对以下方面的行为规定:适当的定罪、处罚和/或行政制裁,即涉及爆炸物的危险或非法行为,包括在制造、进口、出口、运输、转移、储存、拥有和使用爆炸物过程中发生的行为; | (b) National legislation should provide appropriate offences, penalties and/or administrative sanctions for dangerous or illicit conduct involving explosives, including such conduct that occurred in the course of the manufacture, import, export, transport, transfer, storage, possession and use of explosives; |
(c) 国家立法应对爆炸物的制造、拥有或获得加以法律限制以禁止那些无资格的人或给个人或公共安全带来不可接受的风险或危险的人接触爆炸物。一般而言,这类限制应视许可证或类似的要求的情况而定,许可证只颁发给符合特定标准的人。许可标准可包括诸如使用爆炸物的能力、无诸如犯罪记录等风险因素,以及确定对爆炸物的正当需要; | (c) National legislation should subject the manufacture, possession or acquisition of explosives to legal restrictions intended to deny access to those who were not qualified or who represented an unacceptable risk or danger to individual or public safety. Generally, such restrictions should be contingent on licensing or similar requirements, with licences being available only to those who met specified criteria. Licensing criteria might include such things as competence in the use of explosives, the absence of risk factors such as criminal records, and the establishment of a legitimate need for access to explosives; |
(d) 国家立法应对非法制造和贩运爆炸物进行刑事定罪并规定视犯罪后果的严重程度予以制裁。此类犯罪应包括适用于那些在无规定许可证或类似证件情况下制造、进口、出口、拥有、使用或贩运爆炸物的人的犯罪行为; | (d) National legislation should criminalize the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives and provide for sanctions that take into account the gravity of the consequences of such offences. Such offences should include offences applicable to those who manufacture, import, export, possess, use or traffic in explosives without the required licence or equivalent; |
(e) 国家立法应包括关于禁止那些构成不可接受的风险的人获得或拥有爆炸物的规定。这类人可包括那些被判定有罪的人、青少年或因精神错乱而无行为能力的人; | (e) National legislation should include provisions prohibiting persons who represented an unacceptable risk from acquiring or possessing explosives. Such persons might include those convicted of crimes, juveniles or those not competent by reason of a mental disorder; |
(f) 国家立法应要求保持尽可能详细的有关制造、转移、进口、出口、储存和使用爆炸物的记录。至少应包括能有助于追查爆炸物的来源的记录,包括采用最终用户许可证和类似要求; | (f) National legislation should require the keeping of records respecting the manufacture, transfer, import, export, storage and use of explosives in as much detail as is feasible. At a minimum, that should include records that enable the tracing of explosives back to their sources, including by means of the use of end-user permits and similar requirements; |
(g) 国家立法应包括要求爆炸物制造厂商和经销商向有关执法部门报告爆炸物失窃或损失情况; | (g) National legislation should include requirements that explosives manufacturers and dealers report all thefts or losses of explosives to the appropriate law enforcement authorities; |
(h) 国家立法应列入有关安全和保安的适当规定和标准。应包括与以下方面有关的适宜的制造、储存和运输标准:有关爆炸物的种类和数量;有关人员的安全工作条件;要求有关人员分散或隔开爆炸物并避开爆炸会造成人员伤亡的居民区、人口聚集区或公共地区。还应包括有关敏感的爆炸物质的制造、储存和运输方面的具体管制措施。 | (h) National legislation should incorporate appropriate regulatory standards for both safety and security. They should include manufacturing, storage and transportation standards that were appropriate to the types and quantities of explosives involved; that established safe working conditions for those involved; and that required those involved to disperse or compartmentalize explosives and to avoid residential, populated or public areas where detonation would result in loss of life. They should also include specific controls on the manufacturing, storage and transportation of sensitive explosive substances. |
30. 关于国际文书的制订和适用问题,专家组建议: | 30. Regarding the development and application of international instruments, the Group of Experts recommended that: |
(a) 尚未批准有关国际文书的国家应尽快成为这些文书的缔约国并执行这些文书,其中包括有关爆炸物的文书和《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》,在满足其其他适用条件的情况下,该公约可适用于涉及有组织犯罪集团和具有跨国性质的活动的案件; | (a) States that had not ratified the relevant international instruments should become parties to and implement them as quickly as possible. That included instruments that dealt with explosives and the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which could be applied to cases that involved the activities of organized criminal groups and an element of transnationality, where its other conditions for application were met; |
(b) 各国在通过研究和技术开发认为可行的情况下,应考虑对民航组织《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》予以扩充或补充,要求为侦测目的对所有其他无法测出的爆炸物添加标识(见 A/54/155,第 80-83 段); | (b) States should consider, if established as feasible by research and technological developments, the expansion or supplementing of the ICAO Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection to call for the marking of all otherwise undetectable explosives for purposes of detection (see A/54/155, paras. 80-83); |
(c) 各国应考虑扩大《制止恐怖主义爆炸事件的国际公约》(大会第 52/164 号决议,附件)的范围,要求对非法制造和贩运爆炸物进行刑事定罪;2 | (c) States should consider expanding the scope of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings (General Assembly resolu-tion 52/164, annex) to require the criminalization of the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives;2 |
(d) 任何处理与爆炸物有关的犯罪的进一步国际法律文书,只要国际社会决定予以制订,便不应将其适用范围局限于任何犯罪形式,包括恐怖主义,而且不应使其成为从属于《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》3的文书。 | (d) Any further international legal instrument dealing with explosive-related crime, in the event that the international community should decide to develop such an instrument, should not be limited in its application to any form of crime, including terrorism, and should not be a subordinate instrument to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.3 |
31. 关于技术援助和国际合作问题,专家组进一步建议: | 31. Regarding matters of technical assistance and international cooperation the Group of Experts further recommended that: |
(a) 各国应为在爆炸之前和之后进行识别的目的加快对爆炸物标识的研究。在经过研究确定爆炸物标识和标签在技术上可行和经济上可承受的情况下,各国应考虑通过立法规定对其管辖区域内制造的或进口到其辖区内的爆炸物作标识,并合作制定、传播和实施有关标识和标签的共同标准。在可行的情况下,此类标准应包括为爆炸后识别和跟踪目的对爆炸物作标记,纳入尽可能详细的信息以协助调查人员。此类信息可包括诸如爆炸物种类和制造日期与地点等内容; | (a) States should accelerate research into the marking of explosives for the purpose of identification both before and after detonation. To the extent that such research established that the marking and tagging of explosives was technically feasible and economically viable, States should consider adopting legislation requiring marking on explosives manufactured in or imported into their jurisdictions, and cooperate to develop, disseminate and implement common standards for marking and tagging. To the extent feasible, such standards should include the tagging of explosives for the purpose of post-detonation identification and tracing, and incorporate information in as much detail as possible to assist investigators. Such information may include elements such as the type of explosive and the date and place of manufacture; |
(b) 应鼓励各会员国爆炸物专家之间尽可能自由地交流资料,包括刑事犯罪方面的情报,同时切记不要使这类资料落入潜在罪犯之手。应 | (b) Member States should be encouraged to share information, including criminal intelligence, among explosives experts as freely as possible, bearing in mind that such information should not fall into the hands of potential offenders. Subject areas in which information should be shared included the following: |
㈠ 爆炸物的制造和技术特性,以便于专家进行识别、跟踪、侦测和培训; | (i) The manufacturing and technical nature of specific explosives to facilitate identification, tracing, detection and the training of experts; |
㈡ 犯罪分子或集团使用的装置或技术,特别是在类似资料很可能通过犯罪渠道从一国传递到另一国的情况下; | (ii) Devices or techniques used by criminal individuals or groups, in particular if similar information was likely to be passed from one country to another through criminal channels; |
㈢ 涉及爆炸物的跨国界合法商业活动,在需要协助有关国家提供足够的安全或其他措施时; | (iii) Legal cross-border commerce involving explosives, where needed to assist the countries involved in providing adequate security or other measures; |
㈣ 具体的犯罪活动,在可能的情况下通过非正式渠道提供,在必要的情况下可通过正常司法互助渠道提供; | (iv) Specific criminal activities, both informally where possible and through normal mutual legal assistance channels where necessary; |
(c) 为便利资料的交流,各国应考虑建立执法机构之间进行交流的媒介或论坛,对交流的资料要有与其敏感程度相适宜的安全措施; | (c) To facilitate the sharing of information, States should consider the establishment of a medium or forum for communication between law enforcement agencies, with a degree of security appropriate to the sensitivity of the information being shared; |
(d) 各国应相互协助确定从事合法进口、出口和转口爆炸物的个人和公司的身份、合法性及合法资格; | (d) States should assist one another in establishing the identity, legitimacy and legal eligibility of individuals and companies involved in the legal import, export and transit of explosives; |
(e) 各国应在可能的情况下,以双边方式或通过秘书处药物管制和预防犯罪厅国际预防犯罪中心在以下方面根据请求国的需要参与和支助技术援助: | (e) States should engage in and support technical assistance where possible, either bilaterally or through the Centre for International Crime Prevention of the Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention of the Secretariat, in the following areas and in accordance with the needs of requesting States: |
㈠ 编写和分发技术材料以协助调查人员、立法人员、管理人员和其他官员; | (i) The development and dissemination of technical materials to assist investigators, legislators, regulators and other officials; |
㈡ 对专家进行有关方面的培训和专业训练;包括使爆炸装置失效、对爆炸物爆炸和其他与爆炸物有关事件进行调查以及监测和检查与爆炸物有关的合法活动; | (ii) The training and professional development of experts in relevant areas, including the deactivation of explosives devices, the investigation of explosive detonation and other explosive-related incidents, and the monitoring and inspection of legitimate explosive-related activities; |
㈢ 在可行的情况下根据请求派国内专家或调查人员协助处理涉及爆炸物的具体刑事案件; | (iii) The assistance of national experts or investigators, where feasible and requested, in specific criminal cases involving explosives; |
㈣ 协助获得精密仪器,特别是用于通过取样和其他方法侦测爆炸物和用于分析爆炸物残余的仪器,以及协助进行对使用这类仪器的人员的培训; | (iv) Assistance in acquiring sophisticated apparatus, notably for the detection of explosives by sampling and other methods, and for the analysis of explosives residues, as well as assistance with the training of personnel in the use of such apparatus; |
(f) 根据弹药和爆炸物问题专家组的研究结果和建议(A/54/155,第 104-110 段)并依照经社理事会第 1998/17 号决议,应在专家组所进行的研究基础上进行进一步研究; | (f) Further research, based on the study conducted by the Group of Experts, in accordance with the findings and recommendations of the Group of Experts on the problem of ammunition and explosives (A/54/155, paras. 104-110), and consistent with Council resolution 1998/17, should be conducted; |
(g) 各国应探讨采取各种法律、技术和其他措施,制止特别是通过诸如因特网等传播媒介传播有关制造爆炸物和爆炸装置的技术资料; | (g) States should explore legal, technical and other means of discouraging the dissemination of technical information about the manufacture of explosives and explosive devices, in particular through mass media such as the Internet; |
(h) 虽然一般而言对获取属于爆炸物前体或成分的化学品加以法律限制不大可行,但各国应考虑采取措施制止诸如某些硝酸铵化合物等化学品的不适当转移。例如,要求或指导制订“了解客户”原则,类似于预防洗钱所采用的那些原则,要求分销商或卖方保持适当的销售记录以阻止不正当的转移和协助调查人员,或者鼓励或要求报告可疑交易; | (h) While it was not generally feasible to impose legal restrictions on access to chemicals that were explosive precursors or components, States could consider measures to discourage inappropriate transfers of chemicals such as certain ammonium nitrate compounds. Examples could include requirements or guidelines establishing “know-your-customer” principles similar to those applied as a precaution against money-laundering, requiring distributors or vendors to keep appropriate records of sales to deter improper transfers and assist investigators, or encouraging or requiring the reporting of suspicious transactions; |
(i) 各国还应进行有关使诸如硝酸铵等物质不能成为爆炸物的一种成分的添加剂或处理方法的研究,如果技术上可行和经济上可承受,还应考虑实施这种研究的结果; | (i) States should also conduct research into additives or processes for rendering substances such as ammonium nitrate unusable as a component of explosives, and consider implementing the results of such research, if technically feasible and economically viable; |
(j) 联合国应建立一个统计数据库以收集各国知识库,如炸弹数据中心、各区域组织和其他此类资料来源的与爆炸物有关的事件的资料,并发挥资料库的作用,同时考虑到各会员国的合法安全与执法需要; | (j) The United Nations should establish a statistical database to collect and serve as a repository of information about explosive-related incidents from national repositories such as bomb data centres, regional organizations and other sources of such information, taking into consideration the legitimate security and law enforcement needs of Member States; |
(k) 联合国应编纂和出版有关国际文书和其他文件的概要,供各国决策者、立法者和执法人员参考。这种汇编可包括各项法律文书、国际 | (k) The United Nations should compile and publish a compendium of relevant international instruments and other documents, to serve as a reference for national policy makers, legislators and law enforcement personnel. Such a compilation would include legal instruments, international and regional agreements, resolutions and other such material; |
(l) 联合国可编制和分发立法方面的提要或示范法律以便对各国立法者提供帮助并对诸如以下方面立法的国际标准化提供支助:刑事犯罪;有关玩忽职守与安全方面的规定;许可证要求和其他有关获取的管制;制造和进出口管制;前体化学品管制;关于使用、运输及储存方面的管制措施以及保持相关记录。 | (l) The United Nations could produce and disseminate legislative outlines or model laws to assist national legislators and support the international standardization of legislative elements such as: criminal offences; negligence and safety-related provisions; licensing requirements and other controls on access; controls on manufacturing, importation and exportation; controls on precursor chemicals; controls on use, transportation and storage; and the keeping of relevant records. |
五. 专家组会议 | V. Meetings of the Group of Experts |
A. 安排 | A. Organization |
32. 非法制造和贩运爆炸物问题专家组于 2001年 3 月 12 日至 16 日和 2001 年 12 月 18 日至 20日举行了会议。由于现有资金不足以提供专家差旅费或其他费用,只能够提供第二次即最后一次会议的同声传译费用,因此一些专家未能亲自出席会议。酌情向专家们提供了用英文、法文和西班牙文编写的关于第一次会议非正式报告的案文和调查表以及用有关语文编写的其他文件。正如第一次会议所决定的,一些专家对某些特定问题进行了研究,全体专家对调查表答复进行了审查。由此而产生的资料则由专家组在其第二次即最后一次会议上加以审议。 | 32. The Group of Experts on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives held meetings in Vienna from 12 to 16 March 2001 and from 18 to 21 December 2001. The resources available did not permit the assistance of individual experts with travel or other expenses, and it was only possible to provide simultaneous interpretation at the second and final meeting. As a result, some experts were not able to attend in person. Texts of the informal report on the first meeting and of the survey questionnaire were made available to the experts in English, French and Spanish, as appropriate, and other documents were provided to the experts in the languages in which they were received. As decided at the first meeting, individual experts conducted research into specific issues, and all the experts reviewed the replies to the survey questionnaire. The information thus generated was then considered by the Group at its second and final meeting. |
33. 在专家组第一次会议上,Stan Joubert(南非)以鼓掌方式当选为主席。 | 33. At the first meeting of the Group, Stan Joubert (South Africa) was elected by acclamation as Chairman. |
B. 出席情况 | B. Attendance |
34. 与各区域组主席协商后任命了 17 位专家为专家组成员。有 8 位专家和两名观察员出席了第一次会议。有 8 位专家和 3 名观察员出席了第二次会议。专家组与会人员名单载于本报告附件一。 | 34. Seventeen experts were appointed as members of the Group of Experts, in consultation with the Chairmen of the regional groups. The first meeting was attended by eight experts. The second meeting was attended by eight experts and three observers. The participants in the meetings of the Group of Experts are listed in annex I to the present report. |
C. 文件 | C. Documentation |
35. 在进行审议时,专家组收到了下列大会决议:1997 年 12 月 12 日题为“制止恐怖主义爆炸事件的国际公约”的第 52/164 号决议;题为“有组织跨国犯罪”的第 53/111 号决议;题为“拟订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特设委员会的活动:非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药以及审议是否需要拟订一项关于非法制造和贩运爆炸物的文书”的第 54/127 号决议;2000 年 11 月15 日题为“联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约”的第 55/25 号决议;和 2001 年 5 月 31 日题为“联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书”的第 55/255 号决议。专家组还收到了安全理事会2001 年 9 月 28 日谴责 2001 年 9 月 11 日发生的对 美 利 坚 合 众 国进行 恐 怖 袭 击事件的第1373(2001)号决议以及经济及社会理事会1997年7 月 21 日题为“为预防犯罪及公共健康和安全目的实行枪支管制”的第 1997/28 号决议和题为“为预防犯罪确保公共健康和安全管制爆炸物”的第1998/17 号决议。专家组还根据大会 1997 年 12月 9 日第 52/38 号决议 J 中的请求审议了弹药和炸药问题专家组的报告(A/54/155)、一系列国际法律文书和论述包括爆炸物、恐怖主义爆炸和跨国有组织犯罪在内的有关专题的其他文件以及专家组成员获得的或研究编写的其他材料。除了上述决议外,还有一份非法制造和贩运爆炸物问题专家组审议的文件一览表载于本报告附件二。 | 35. In its deliberations, the Group of Experts had before it the following resolutions of the General Assembly: resolution 52/164 of 15 December 1997, entitled “International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings”; resolution 53/111, entitled “Transnational Organized Crime”; resolution 54/127, titled “Activities of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime: illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, as well as consideration of the need to develop an instrument on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives”; resolution 55/25 of 15 November 2000, entitled “United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime”; and resolution 55/255, titled “Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime”. It also had before it Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) of 28 September 2001, condemning the terrorist attacks against the United States of America on 11 September 2001, and two resolutions of the Economic and Social Council, resolution 1997/28 of 21 July 1997, entitled “Firearm regulation for purposes of crime prevention and public health and safety”, and resolution 1998/17, entitled “Regulation of explosives for the purpose of crime prevention and public health and safety”. The Group also took into consideration the report of the Group of Experts on the problem of ammunition and explosives (A/54/155), requested by the Assembly in its resolution 52/38 J of 9 December 1997, as well as a series of international legal instruments and other documents dealing with relevant subjects, including explosives, terrorist bombing and transnational organized crime, and other materials obtained or produced by the research of its members. In addition to the above-mentioned resolutions, a list of the documentation considered by the Group of Experts on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives is contained in annex II to the present report. |
1 专家组第二次会议安排在 2001 年 12 月 18 日至 21 日,但实际上是于 2001 年 12 月 20 日完成工作并休会的。 | 1 The second meeting of the Group of Experts was scheduled for 18 to 21 December 2001, but it was actually able to complete its work and adjourn the meeting on 20 December 2001. |
2 在审议这项建议时,专家组很注意“贩运”一词在《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书》中的含义以及在《美洲国家禁止非法制造和贩运枪支、弹药、炸药及其他有关材料公约》中的类似含义。 | 2 In considering this recommendation, the Group of Experts was mindful of the meaning of the term “trafficking” in the Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, as well as the similar meaning in the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials. |
3 见大会第55/25号决议附件一,第 2条(a)中“有组织犯罪集团”的定义和第 3 条,适用范围。 | 3 See General Assembly resolution 55/25, annex I, article 2 (a), definition of “organized criminal group”, and article 3, scope of application. |
附件一 | Annex I |
专家组会议与会者名单 | List of participants in the meetings of the Group of Experts |
A. 专家 | A. Experts |
Adrian Baciu(罗马尼亚) | Adrian Baciu (Romania) |
(南非), 主席 | Stan Joubert (South Africa), Chairman |
(巴西) | Gilmar Pinto Barbosa (Brazil) |
(乌克兰) | Sviatoslav Lokutov (Ukraine) |
(意大利) | Giancarlo Roberto Bellelli (Italy) |
(伊朗伊斯兰共和国) | Sayed Ali Mohammad Mousavi (Islamic Republic of Iran) |
(法国) | Claude Calisti (France) |
(俄罗斯联邦) | Andrey Perederiy (Russian Federation) |
(秘鲁) | Oscar F. Musso Garcia (Peru) |
(土耳其) | Ertan Seven (Turkey) |
(哥伦比亚) | Jose R. Vivas Guevara (Colombia) |
(大韩民国) | Lee Sang Sik (Republic of Korea) |
(墨西哥)a | Joel Hernández (Mexico)a |
(捷克共和国) | Vlastimil Sporek (Czech Republic) |
(印度) | Satish Chandra Jha (India) |
(美利坚合众国) | William Spruce (United States of America) |
Carlos Marin Jiminez(墨西哥)a | Carlos Marin Jiminez (Mexico)a |
a Joel Hernández 代替 Marin Jiminez 出席专家组第二次会议。 | a Marin Jiminez was replaced by Joel Hernández at the second meeting of the Group of Experts. |
B. 观察员 | B. Observers |
Linda Briza (阿尔及利亚) | Linda Briza (Algeria) |
S. Flores Liera (墨西哥) | S. Flores Liera (Mexico) |
Guy K. Hummel (美利坚合众国) | Guy K. Hummel (United States of America) |
Subsets and Splits