The ability of the United Nations to fulfil its promises also depends on its reform. Reform would adapt it to today’s world and allow it to better provide adequate responses to the root causes of the aforementioned scourges, which cause more harm in developing countries with limited capacities. All these remaining challenges require everyone’s commitment to the United Nations Charter and the strengthening of multilateralism. They also call for a renewed commitment and stronger collective action by our States through increased international cooperation, with strong and targeted development actions that assist vulnerable States, landlocked developing countries, least developed countries and small island developing countries.
Achieving the UN’s goals also requires us to strengthen the commendable efforts already made, namely with regard to partnerships with regional organizations. We take this opportunity to again laud the partnership between the UN and the African Union, which enables us to work together to achieve common goals.
Increased efforts in conflict prevention and peacebuilding will not only save lives but also better focus resources where they are most needed. Similarly, mandates that are better adapted to peace operations will enhance their effectiveness, in compliance with international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions, of course.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate my country’s commitment to the objectives and principles outlined in the Charter of the United Nations and to working tirelessly to achieve them.
I thank you.
Annex 29
Statement by Mr. Pedro Brolo Vila,Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala
[Original: Spanish; English translation provided by the delegation]
Guatemala, as a founding member of the United Nations, recognizes that this is the most representative central mechanism for dialogue and creation of norms that we have as an international community, and we must congratulate ourselves on these 75 years of existence.
The UN has accompanied the world to face various crises, wars and challenges of all kinds, but the current pandemic caused by COVID-19 is the largest emergency that humanity has faced, that also highlighted the gaps and socioeconomic problems in our countries. It is an important time to reflect on whether it is necessary to rethink ourselves as States to make deep changes to this Organization in order to make it more agile and at the service of the true protagonists, the most vulnerable populations.
We must redouble our commitment and strengthen the United Nations system, to regain confidence and be able to face emerging common challenges and fulfill the purposes of the Charter of the Organization.
We call for us to multiply efforts through strategic cooperation and direct it to where it is most needed, preventing resources from being centralized in administrative aspects in the United Nations System, both at headquarters and in country offices.
It is appropriate to emphasize that Guatemala has contributed to the pillars of this Organization, allow me to highlight that: In the pillar of peace and security, we favour the strengthening of preventive diplomacy. We continue to support different Missions of Peacekeeping Operations with men and women. Guatemala reaffirms its position and ratifies that weapons of mass destruction should not be used under any circumstance.
In the development pillar, we are implementing the SDGs and next year we will be presenting our third National Voluntary Report. We know that by redoubling our joint efforts we can fulfill the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
In the human rights pillar, we highlight the importance of not losing sight of the concept of universality of human rights, we must act with unity, promote equal access to opportunities for all. We reiterate our efforts to comply with universal and effective respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people.
We reiterate the need to break the silos between the pillars to achieve a coherent and integrated approach to the work of the Organization, which recognizes that peace and security, development, and human rights are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.
We reaffirm our commitment to multilateralism; we are convinced of the role of the United Nations to forge an inclusive and sustainable future for future generations. They count on us.
Thank you very much.
Annex 30
Statement by Mr. Abdulaziz Kamilov,Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Distinguished Secretary-General,
Distinguished President of the General Assembly,
Ladies and gentlemen,
This year we are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations. Thanks to this Organization, we are able to consolidate common efforts in addressing the most acute tests which affect the interests of both humankind in its entirety and certain countries and regions. The leadership of the United Nations in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences has once again demonstrated the need for close cooperation and a multilateral approach to overcoming common problems.
Today, Uzbekistan has resolutely entered the quality stage of its development. We have achieved significant results by conducting an open, pragmatic and constructive foreign policy. The new course of the President of Uzbekistan, Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev is being actively implemented in terms of strengthening political trust and mutual understanding in Central Asia.
Our country continues to play an important role in consolidating the efforts of United Nations Member States with the aim of putting an end to the war in neighbouring Afghanistan. As a result of profound efforts, there is now a real opportunity for further peaceful construction of the Afghan statehood and its recovery, economy and social sphere.
The 28 years of constructive cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United Nations have been filled with substantial events. We have been continuing the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals with measures to overcome poverty and improve the social well-being of population, to ensure gender equality and freedom of speech, to protect the environment and overcome the consequences of climate change.
Among a number of key initiatives that we intend to push forward and implement in practice, I would like to emphasize the development of an international convention on the rights of use and the promotion of a General Assembly draft resolution to declare the Aral Sea region a zone of ecological innovations and technologies.
Uzbekistan firmly intends to continue to make its contribution to United Nations activities with the goal of implementing the international agenda in practice.
Allow me, on behalf of the leadership and entire people of Uzbekistan, to congratulate all participants in today’s event on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations and wish you and your families sound health, new success and well-being. Thank you for your attention.
Annex 31
Statement by Mr. Téte António, Minister for External Relations of the Republic of Angola
It is with great honour that we participate in the celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the creation of the United Nations. We fully subscribe to the joint Declaration, which highlights many of the issues that we consider crucial for the stability and development of all countries in the world and the importance of multilateralism as the best way to solve our problems and ensure a more prosperous, safe and fair world.
Unfortunately, since the founding of this valuable Organization, many countries are still plagued by poverty, hunger and economic inequality. Those factors contribute to the increase in armed conflicts, religious and ethnic extremists and forced displacement of entire communities. Those phenomena are prevalent in many parts of the world, especially in the poorest and least developed countries, which are often still dealing with the consequences of internal and external factors.
In that regard, we must take advantage of this occasion to highlight some points that we believe are imperative and should be considered as we move forward in order to make our Organization more relevant and better equipped to face the current challenges and wars of the future in the post-pandemic world.
We need to avoid mistrust among people by using all available means and resources to promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts, as established by the Charter of the United Nations. The Republic of Angola believes in the principles of the Charter, but significant structural changes must be implemented. One of those changes is the long-awaited reform of the Security Council, which needs to reflect the current reality of the international system. We reaffirm the demands contained in the Ezulwini Consensus on Security Council reform, where Africa has two permanent seats and five non-permanent seats, enjoying full rights and privileges.
Another change that is pertinent in our view is the improvement of the focus on and redirection of resources to more effective partnerships to ensure more effective and inclusive responses to the complex challenges that our societies are facing. That becomes even more relevant now as we have to deal with the consequences of the unexpected pandemic, which has claimed the lives of so many innocent victims around the world.
Moreover, despite the pandemic and the need for cooperation and solidarity to deal with health crises, a greater focus on partnership should also apply to political and military disputes. The current geopolitical restructuring is a cause for concern and we strongly urge those with the means to influence these trends to opt for preventive diplomacy and mediation to prevent the escalation and recurrence of hostilities that are fuelling radical ideologies and violent extremism in many parts of the world.
Finally, we stress the importance of supporting United Nations efforts to protect our planet and mitigate the dangerous threat posed by climate change. If we do not make a coordinated and more determined effort to protect our planet and continue to deplete its natural resources without taking into account the impact on the environment, future conflicts will arise from the displacement of communities based on climate-related challenges such as drought, desertification, food shortages, water shortages and forest fires, among others.
In that regard, Mr. President, President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço has set out sound reforms to reduce our dependence on oil and protect our country’s rich biodiversity for future generations.
I would like to conclude by taking this opportunity to commend His Excellency António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, for all his efforts in promoting peace and sustainable development. In that regard, we pledge to remain an active partner in his efforts to reform the pillar of peace and security and his commitment to improve the capacity of the United Nations to fulfil its mandate for a demonstrative reform that will increase the impact of peacekeeping.
Annex 32
Statement by Mr. Mohammed AbdullahAl-Hadhrami, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yemen
[Original: Arabic]
Today we commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations against a backdrop of major political, economic and humanitarian challenges. In addition to the difficulties that many countries around the world, including my own, are facing, the outbreak of the COVID-19 represents a new global challenge that has affected all aspects of our lives and underscores, more than ever before, the fact that the United Nations and multilateral diplomacy are no longer an option, but an indispensable necessity.
The Republic of Yemen was one of the first countries to join the United Nations. This Organization and its specialized agencies continue to play a prominent role in supporting development and stability in Yemen. Since 2011, the United Nations has actively contributed to the peace process in my country through the efforts of the Secretary-General and his Special Envoy. We support the process to find a comprehensive and sustainable solution on the basis of the agreed terms of reference to put an end to the Houthi militia coup against the State and its institutions.
My government is committed to restoring peace and stability and has made great strides in achieving it. The Yemeni population accepted the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue conference, in which it was unanimously agreed to draft a new federal constitution to meet the aspirations of the Yemeni people to build a modern, democratic, civil State based on the principles of justice, equality, rule of law, good governance and a fair distribution of wealth and power.
However, that process was taken hostage by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, jeopardizing our constitutional legitimacy led by His Excellency President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi Mansour. On this very day in 2014, Yemen was thrust into the furnace of war. It produced the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and has eradicated the Yemeni people’s dreams of freedom, development, stability and a decent life.
In light of our belief in peace and the importance of alleviating the suffering of our people, we will continue to reach out our hands to achieve a just and sustainable peace based on the three agreed terms of reference, namely the Gulf Initiative and its implementation mechanism, the outcomes of the national dialogue and the relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolution 2216 (2015).
We value the role played by the Secretary-General and his Special Envoy for Yemen and we reaffirm that we will continue making positive contributions to all efforts and initiatives aimed at ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable peace in Yemen. We applaud the coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen led by the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a view to restoring the State and its institutions, as well as to preserve the unity and territorial integrity of and promote security and stability in Yemen. We commend all humanitarian aid provided by donor countries to alleviate the situation of humanitarian suffering due to the futile war waged by the Houthi militia in Yemen.
In conclusion, Mr. President, the Republic ofYemen reaffirms its belief in and commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law in order to achieve peace, justice and equality and promote a spirit of mutual cooperation among the peoples of the world.
Thank you.
Annex 33
Statement by Ms. Kamina Johnson Smith, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Jamaica
Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the face of multiple complex challenges, growing anti multilateral sentiments, a global pandemic and related economic crisis,this 75th Anniversary assumes added significance. The pledge our governments made 75 years ago to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples, is worthy of deep reflection.
The UN Charter embodies our vision of a world defined by inclusive, sustainable development, in an environment of peace and security. This is the world to which we aspire and the world we need.
The UN has brought international focus on the critical issues of human rights, decolonisation, racism, climate change, economic cooperation, indebtedness, and disarmament which are all fundamental to development and remain relevant for individual, national and global equality and prosperity.
Indeed, it is only through international dialogue, cooperation and assistance that we will achieve our socioeconomic development goals and a lasting legacy of peace, security and prosperity for this and future generations.
The unprecedented events of the COVID 19 pandemic, have concretised our long-held view that, “going it alone” is not a feasible option forSmall Island Developing States like Jamaica.We know that in theses challenging times, countries large and small, rich and poor have experienced the commonality of our humanity and the reality of our interconnectedness. The tremendous contribution of the United Nations in addressing the many challenges afflicting our global citizenry is without question. Today, we thank the UN in particular for the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.
Recognizing the pivotal role that multilateralism plays in an interdependent world, Jamaica continues to support the work of the UN. Jamaica remains committed to all efforts towards making the Organization more coherent, effective and fit-for-purpose. Jamaicans have therefore, continued to serve the Organisation, its bodies and Specialized Agencies, in various capacities with the sole aim of securing the United Nations we need and the future we want.
As we celebrate this 75th milestone in the midst of an ever changing global environment, each Member State must assume responsibility for promoting increased understanding and compromise as well as continued dialogue and cooperation so that together we can create the UN we need to foster the future we want for us and generations to come.
I thank you.
Annex 34
Statement by Mr. Linas Linkevičius,Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania
Mr. President, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,
75 years ago, with reaffirmed faith in equal rights of large and small countries, the United Nations were formed. This Organization created confidence that togetherness could deliver more peace and security than one country alone. During this time the United Nations brought 193 countries together to prove that collectively we can achieve ambitious goals — peace, disarmament, non-proliferation, stability, equality and prosperity.
This occasion has two sides. On one side, we want to celebrate the great achievements made throughout these 75 years, on the other — we realize the gap between the future we want and the reality. There is still a lots of work left in SDGs implementation, protracted conflicts in Europe and around the world are not resolved yet, human rights need protection more than ever, we also encounter new challenges of public health. Yet despite these flaws, there is little doubt that the multilateral system has decisively helped promote and protect peace, prosperity and security around the world over the past 75 years.
Mr. President,
By celebrating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, we renew our dedication to its Charter, reflect on its significance to the international peace and security, and reaffirm its fundamental importance to multilateralism.
Lithuania was one of the very few countries, full-fledged members of the League of Nations that disappeared from the world map after the Second World War and were not be able to become a signatory to the United Nations Charter and founding member of the United Nations. Instead, we experienced lawlessness, disregard of international law and aggression. Our history obliges us to counter attempts to distort historical facts and whitewash crimes by the totalitarian regimes. Doubting the real facts leads to return to the methods of division into spheres of influence, justifying incitement to hatred, rise of nationalism and aggression against neighboring countries.
Mr. President,
Next year, Lithuania will celebrate the 30th anniversary of its membership at the United Nations. Our past has made the preservation of liberty, freedom and democracy the main national priority, which should not be taken for granted. We have to work together to defend and adhere to the founding principles of the United Nations, to overcome challenges and have the future we want with modern, values based and effective United Nations.
I thank you.
Annex 35
Statement by Mr. Sabri Boukadoum, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
[Original: Arabic]
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate,
Mr. President,
At the outset, it is my pleasure to express my deep gratitude to those who organized this initiative to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. We recall the determination of the founding fathers to realize people’s aspirations for a world of peace, security and development. We take this opportunity to recall our commitment to multilateralism and review the development of this organization — its successes and the challenges it faces. The Charter of the United Nations is the basic tenet on which the vision of a new kind of international relations. All countries have committed to refraining from the causes of conflicts, crises and war and to the peaceful settlement of issues, based on justice, which has played a major role in containing and settling several wars that would have claimed many human lives.
However, given rapid international development, the crises we face and the reliance on unilateral decisions are to the detriment of multilateral frameworks, to which everyone aspired, as they would constitute a permanent forum for the people of the world in which to settle disputes and defend our rights. We therefore need to expedite the reform of the United Nations so that the organization can face the challenges of the day, in particular ending colonialism, maintaining international peace and security and achieving sustainable development, which are all aspirations of people.
Mr. President,
We are confident that the success of the United Nations cannot be realized without the efforts of the member states to develop and enhance its objectives and purposes. Therefore, I assure you of Algeria’s commitment to multilateralism and to the United Nations, as a sincere and active partner in all efforts that seek to maintain international peace and security, in consonance with the principles and purposes of our organization, and in all initiatives that seek to expedite the realization of sustainable development and the long-awaited reform that will make the United Nations an organization for all the people of the world.
Mr. President,
We thank you for the floor.
Annex 36
Statement by Mr. Lejeune Mbella Mbella, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cameroon
[Original: French and English]
Mr. President,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
All protocol duly respected,
The theme chosen for this year’s commemoration is an eloquent testament to the United Nations being the most appropriate and soon the most successful forum to respond to current challenges.
Mr. President,
The commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of our Organization provides me with an opportunity to commend the cooperation between Cameroon and the United Nations. Indeed, my country, which has enjoyed the support of the United Nations, maintains a rich cooperation with the Organization.
First, on 12 June 2006 in Greentree, under the auspices of the United Nations, Cameroon and Nigeria signed a historic agreement setting out the modalities and the timeline for the implementation of the 2002 ruling in which the International Court of Justice ordered the transfer of the Bakassi peninsula from Nigeria to Cameroon.
Secondly, on 10 June 2019, my country became eligible for the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund. Finally, on 5 May 2020, Cameroon and the United Nations Development Programme signed a financing agreement to start the implementation of the presidential plan for the reconstruction and development of the North-West and South-West regions. Cameroon takes this opportunity to reiterate its call for a more active international mobilization in favour of the presidential plan, which is one of the levers for the advent of lasting peace in our country.
Mr. President,
The situation the world is facing today constitutes a threat that all countries must address. As the Head of State of Cameroon said on 17 May 2014 at the summit for peace and security in Africa held in Paris: “A global threat requires a global response”. Cameroon therefore calls for mobilization and active international solidarity to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
May I be allowed to add my humble voice to those of previous speakers in wishing a happy anniversary to our Organization, which today turns 75.