stringlengths 1
the exercises but simply read the book you will learn actionable rules of thumb for maintaining |
and improving the condition of your body |
This books exercises are subject to validation through your experience am quite |
confident you will quickly see and feel results that place you on a path toward expressing your |
optimal genetic potential If this book helps enough people it will influence scientists and |
doctors in behavioral medicine to look at the proposed methods carefully and further test and |
refine them The present copy is merely the first iteration of this book Future revisions will |
reflect further user feedback and researchbased findings welcome community criticism and |
collaboration also want anyone to feel free to create content based on what is written here |
If the program works for you and you think it can help others please share it sincerely hope |
that the Program Peace method will be successful in expanding your repertoire of self |
regulatory healing practices |
PROGRAM PEACE Self Care Exercises to Reprogram Your Mind and Body |
Disclaimer |
cannot guarantee that the activities recommended here are completely safe for everyone |
Some of them ask you to perturb traumatized areas of the body that could become injured |
or lead to any number of medical complications Although most of the activities here are |
harmless some have the potential to cause damage if performed incorrectly or by someone |
with a preexisting injury or condition The exercises that have the highest potential to cause |
harm are noted |
The method and accompanying documentation are furnished as is and without warranty |
You assume the entire risk as to the results you may obtain by use or misuse of the exercises |
Please perform them with caution restraint and common sense Most importantly none of |
these exercises should produce pain or discomfort after the exercise is completed If it hurts |
afterward or even the next day you are doing it wrong Discontinue participation in any |
exercise or activity that causes pain In such an event medical consultation should be obtained |
immediately |
The materials information and techniques in this book are general in nature reflect the |
opinions of Jared Reser and are not intended to be a substitute for medical counsel |
The content provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose treat |
cure or prevent any disease No specific claims are made regarding the treatment of medical |
diseases or disorders Always consult your doctor or health care provider before making any |
medical decisions Many of the psychological topics brought up here should be explored with |
a qualified mental health professional Importantly the Program Peace activities and exercises |
are to be used with traditional therapies and not in place of mainstream treatment |
How to Support |
This entire book was never copyrighted and can be found for free at wwwprogrampeacecom |
as a series of webpages and also as a single downloadable PDF chose to selfpublish the |
printed version of this book to keep the price as low as possible There is zero profit margin as |
the price only covers the printing and distribution costs All illustrations are in the public |
domain The dedicated app available for iOS and Android is also free The tutorial videos are |
free on YouTube However if you would like to contribute to Program Peace you can do so |
through the Patreon link here patreoncomprogrampeace You can also make a donation via |
PayPal here paypalmeprogrampeace Your help goes toward future content and updates |
Thank you for your consideration To support you can also join or engage with our online |
community Find us on Instagram programpeace Twitter programpeace |
and Facebook and YouTube just type in Program Peace |
Acknowledgments |
express my gratitude to my brother William Reser and my parents Daniel Reser and Paula |
Freund for fruitful and encouraging discussions would especially like to thank my mother for |
providing incisive feedback on the manuscript Special thanks to Tyran Grillo PhD Matt Harvey |
PhD and Beverly Gearreald each of whom edited multiple chapters Any remaining mistakes |
are my own Thank you to Laura Duffy Design for help with the book cover want to thank my |
friends clients and all the people who have written emails posted comments and made other |
Preface |
contributions to this work greatly appreciate the thoughtful insights and criticisms of |
everyone who has been involved and dedicate this book to these cherished friends |
About the Author |
Jared Edward Reser has been developing the Program Peace exercises for over a decade |
He holds a PhD and Masters degree in brain and cognitive science from the University of |
Southern California He also has a Masters in psychology from Pepperdine University He has |
been certified as a personal trainer and health coach He specializes in writing theoretical |
research articles and emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to integrative biology |
cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence You can find out more about his research at |
httpwwwjaredresercom |
Welcome to Program Peace |
Jared Edward Reser PhD |
PROGRAM PEACE Self Care Exercises to Reprogram Your Mind and Body |
Program Peace Testimonials and Praise |
The following are unsolicited message board comments about Program Peace |
Anonymous |
found this site several months ago and it has been such a blessing Your method sounded too |
good to be true but it made perfect sense and it worked Thank you so much for sharing this |
with us |
Andrew S |
After looking through the techniques used in this article knew there was something to |
thisSo started doing it myself days a week for about half an hour and it works |
Jinu G |
had immediate relief am going to try this every day |
Jennifer L |
Wow So happy to finally find a resource about all of this Seriouslythis is a life changer |
Thank you |
Dalia M |
Wow Just wow just went through the whole routine and my splitting headache has been |
relieved This is my new favorite thing to do Thank you |
Jill |
bet Im clearing away all sorts of garbage actually feel clear headed like brain fog is just |
going away cant wait to keep going This is profound |
Anonymous |
Fantastic instant relief |
Jay M |
This has caused me a great deal of depression and anxiety in the past years of my life Now I |
feel that a huge weight has been lifted cant wait to continue with this for the rest of my life |
Brian S |
Suffice to say that finding your website has been an absolute godsend In the past had never |
found a guide that actually taught me how to breathe diaphragmatically and not just faking it |
with stomach movement Within a few months practice have experienced a massive reduction |
in all negative emotions feel substantially happier healthier and more like myself |
PROGRAM PEACE Self Care Exercises to Reprogram Your Mind and Body |
Chapter Optimal Quality of Life Training |
Subsets and Splits