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that we share with other mammals and lay out the Program Peace method of overcoming |
them Throughout the book combine modern science with my personal experiences to |
explain key concepts related to optimal wellbeing Each chapter addresses a different bodily |
system and explains why you should use the exercises how they can help you and what you |
can expect your progress to look and feel like |
A little more background on the book started developing it along with its philosophy on |
life morality and healing in early childhood have been working weekly on the present text for |
more than years Much of the material in it has been available on my blog for more than ten |
years have been training clients to perform the exercises for more than five have read |
hundreds of related books and hundreds of scientific journal articles to inform and refine the |
content The intended audience is everyone including people without a hint of anxiety or |
depression However it is also for physicians psychiatrists psychologists social workers |
life coaches personal trainers and other health and wellness professionals looking for safe |
effective and free ways to bring about growth and progress in their clients |
The Importance of Diaphragmatic Breathing |
The Program Peace methodology is applied to organ systems all over the body but begins with |
the breath After introducing the method in Chapters and Chapter will teach you how to |
breathe in a way that activates the resting and healing division of your nervous system The key |
is to breathe with maximal activation of the diaphragm Mammals in a calm and peaceful state |
breathe diaphragmatically When they are exposed to adversity they instead breathe without |
the diaphragm relying on the breathing muscles in their upper torsos Known as distressed |
breathing this is the bodys way of preparing itself for a threatening and hostile environment |
Distressed breathing is an integral part of how animals survive in the wild but too much of it |
promotes chronic hyperventilation An animal that experiences ongoing mental or emotional |
trauma will eventually turn distressed breathing into a deepseated habit Due to how this |
affects its brain the animal ends up in constant fear for its life |
PROGRAM PEACE Self Care Exercises to Reprogram Your Mind and Body |
Our nervous system will always prioritize shortterm survival over longterm wellbeing as |
long as it assumes our environment is dangerous This strategy holds even though it is |
completely unnecessary in the modern world where we are rarely in immediate physical |
danger Most stcentury humans are stuck in a state of distress because nondiaphragmatic |
breathing has been ingrained in their nervous system It convinces their bodies that death may |
be imminent dramatically increases muscle tension and results in constant fatigue Non |
diaphragmatic breathing may be the primary reason why so many people endure persistent |
pain age rapidly experience unceasing negative emotions and can never fully catch |
their breath |
Like most adult mammals you and have learned to stifle and strain our diaphragm |
Cumulatively the nonpeaceful moments in our lives have programmed us to breathe |
shallowly Program Peace is designed to teach you how to reverse this by recruiting the |
diaphragm with every breath This is the process of transitioning from short shallow breaths to |
long deep breaths As your diaphragm strengthens from consistent use its range of motion |
increases and your neurological control over it improves allowing you to breathe more deeply |
and easily without even trying It will take months but the results are worth it Adopting |
diaphragmatic breathing is one of the most significant changes you can make in your life |
because your body interprets it as indisputable proof that your environment is friendly |
and safe |
Shortcomings of This Book |
created the reprogramming exercises in this book to heal my anxiety As developed them |
thought they were original After researching the details came to find that variations on |
some of them already existed in different clinical spiritual and selfimprovement circles It is |
difficult to look for precedent in selfhelp literature because it is not organized as well as |
academic literature This book focuses on methods rather than recounting a history of past |
contributors apologize in advance if have not given proper credit to similar work However |
am quite confident that most of the exercises in these chapters cannot be found anywhere else |
Some readers may find the technical terms in this book to be overwhelming have tried |
my best to make sentences with jargon accessible so that you can get the gist even if you dont |
know the word wanted to keep the science in the text for the scienceminded and other |
interested parties but please dont get frustrated by it If you encounter some unfamiliar |
terminology just power through it and try to enjoy the read There are only a few unfamiliar |
words that you will need to memorize because they pop up over and over These include |
parasympathetic nervous system developmental plasticity and partial muscular |
contraction |
The book is very long Skim through it if you have to You can get an overview by reading |
the bullet points at the end of each chapter Please take your time reading and dont feel |
pressured to finish it or to read it linearly Chapters and may be the most valuable to |
people trying to change their breathing By all means dogear the pages highlight text you like |
and write your notes in the margins This will increase its usefulness to you and allow you to |
more easily reference the passages or exercises you found helpful The book can seem |
repetitive at times intentionally structured it this way to get the therapeutic and bigpicture |
Preface |
messages across from different angles also often use imperative sentences but am not |
trying to be bossyjust a helpful coach |
These pages contain over illustrations created most of them by tracing photographs |
that took Each of the illustrations on the cover of the book corresponds to an analogy in the |
text hoped that it would be fun for the reader to uncover the hidden meanings and have a |
way to reference some of the major principles of Program Peace at a glance |
Much of This Book Is Theoretical |
must be clear that much of what is written in this book is speculative have strong convictions |
about it coming from scientific knowledge and personal experience However as with much |
else in alternative health there is no authority to confirm these hypotheses The writing |
alternates between offering personal anecdotes and theories and reporting on clinical findings |
and research literature To help readers discern between speculation and fact try to make it |
clear which statements are supported by scientific evidence They are often accompanied by a |
bibliographical citation of which there are over Many of the uncited claims are my |
opinions think of them as unproven but heavily informed by scientific knowledge and based |
on a new synthesis of diverse fields |
It would be difficult to reach a quick and firm conclusion about the efficacy of the |
techniques outlined here Empirically validating clinical methods in psychology often takes |
decades It can take just as long in medicine The Program Peace activities and exercises have |
not been subjected to controlled largescale experimental studies You cant just assign |
randomly selected people to the treatment conditions like you would with drugs and placebos |
To benefit from the exercises takes time dedication and discipline that only comes from having |
a deep understanding of why and how the exercises are beneficial in the long run Of course |
thats exactly what this book attempts to provide |
have spent the last ten years stringently testing the exercises In this time have used |
myself as a guinea pig to evaluate and hone the techniques Since doing this have trained |
dozens of clients in the Program Peace method Working with individuals listening to their |
feedback and seeing their bodies and minds transform have given me conviction that the |
exercises here can help you hope that as you read about them and perform them yourself |
you can see clearly how and why they lead to improvement Even if you never perform any of |
Subsets and Splits