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cynikles | if you look at google images this one pops up in the first page among mostly socceroos images i guess someone just copied and pasted i do this a lot really i cycle mainly between fiction and nonfiction and ive left a bunch of books unread im currently cycling between populations wars by greg graffin kafka on the shore by haruki murakami in japanese a book on okinawan political activism and probably something else im missing im very moody when it comes to my reading so my kindle is quite good for that he has the right to play whichever way he wants err just fyi you edited your op instead of finishing your reply to me even with context i would disagree but lets just call it a difference of opinion | 3ENTP
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SyphiliticMonk | incorporating millennial into your point is like the modern day hitler defense if you bring it up youre probably losing the argument yikes well nothing new for sammy i guess no because other teams with a bunch of rings are still just as likely to do it it was the chin wasnt it wait so youre telling me we sparked a butterfly effect where the packers ended up beating both of our rivals in the playoffs back to back? id say thats pretty cool literally none of those teams besides the 15 cardinals actually had a shot at winning it all you need to look at how they went 49 though im not gonna blame it all on lane johnson but we were in basically every game besides a 3 game stretch with seattle green bay and cincinnati the narrative seems to be after the steelers game we were like a peewee football team and i really dont know why we gave the falcons their worst loss of the year and were in position to win so many games but couldnt follow through from the lions to the packers we didnt play a | 3ENTP
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bunker_man | well look at it this way no two situations are the same are gay adoptive parents as good as regular ones? we can even assume theyre not if we want theres certainly some reasons to question however? it doesnt matter if your options are throwing them through foster homes or giving them to a stable gay home the first of those is the true willful abuse do you have any idea what it does to a young child to have to make new bonds and live life constantly repeatedly torn away from them? they leave knowing that the people may very well be moving on and forgetting them since they lost only one person while the mover loses everything anyone who considers loving gay parents worse than this has clearly never experienced this edit one of my parents knew someone who tried to kill themself since they were so afraid of losing the people they were used to not that thats everyone in the foster system obviously but it happens | 10INTJ
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MaddiKate | what did chvches say about them? i googled it and couldnt find the answer thats why i called it polarizing lol on certain undertones and looks it looks really cool on a warmtoned gal like me it looks nasty gtsmall town alabama thats youre problem right there plus even a lot of midlevel influencers get sponsored so a lot of that stuff may have been free for them the governors race could get pretty wild oh fuck off charlie you dropped out of college bc you couldnt handle having liberal agenda shoved down your throat listening to people whine about petty things allthetime cant wait to graduate or heck that probably wont change anything i have many leatherbound books and my apartment smells like rich mahogany | 8INFJ
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Choogly | thanks for the tip ill change how i handle it i was wondering if it works that way i wasnt sure if that kind of conditioning works with blue tongues but im always impressed by how smart he seems hey not too far at all! im in baltimore the public transit hereleaves much to be desired part of why i hope to move to dc in a few years another is that ive taken up cycling and love it and the dc area is a relatively great place to bike no i have been paying just as much attention same websites same frequency of checking maybe its the media? but i doubt it theyve know for a long time that this stuff gets ratings i really like how considerate your post is but the op was satirizing popular misconceptions of infps not making a serious post about his mbtirelated struggles | 9INFP
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Kafke | gtthis always puzzled me malefemale gender roles are almost exclusively dictated by culture so would it be possible for someone to be trans in america but at the same time cis in another culture? no transsexualism is a medical condition and is identical in every country it mostly has to do with how one relates to their body but given that neurology plays a part in how one conforms to gender naturally the social side of the symptomspresentation will change per culture which is why the social side of symptoms are more i socially align with other malesother females and less i like dresses and the color pink gtto be completely honest transgender is something that seems very difficult for me to wrap my head around its a real thing but i cant even fathom what it feels like would really love to hear some insight into this imagine that you live your entirely life hating | 15ISTP
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eraserhill | gt persistent trails very cool thanks tech support? you just put a lamp on the wall homeless are constantly asking for money at the gas station by my house i wouldnt be surprised if this type of shit happens every week even if you ignore them some will keep asking and even follow you to your car there are soup kitchens in the city so i dont know why theyre asking me for a dollar so they dont have to give dusty handjobs for crack money and they felt the need to film this jesus christ take two trips! ive been meaning to pick up a bluetooth game controller for my phone dubai can sink into the desert and stay there forever i only pump gas in the nude lets hope he doesnt graduate to real firearms with that kind of steel reserve | 10INTJ
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Rocky_Bukkake | you sound like youre in the exact same situation as my friend shes also tested enfj i deeply care for her and weve got a good bond i hope only the best from the parents to the boyfriend its so similar its freaky weve confessed feelings for each other in the past and it hasnt changed but right now were doing a friends thing which im all about as well she doesnt trust any of that stuff right now and says she wants to live alone but also talks about having a husband all the time its just imagination but i know she still wants it says that if shes ready shed choose me i would choose her too but we dont know how long thats gonna be or if our minds will change i know she finds solace in that i havent found anyone and she treats me like a boyfriend | 9INFP
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soupychicken89 | so you told her to stand there while you took a picture of her just so you could post it to reddit? why they dont just fucking get it that and i feel like im always the one stepping aside or shifting my body when walking down a hallway for example i think youre on to something you may need to change your name and leave the country its bad for freedom when you have ideas that work with some people two of my friends love gnr one of them absolutely loves the song the other literally heard the track for the first time a few months ago both have liked gnr for years look up what muscles are worked while doing pull ups its not just the biceps perhaps someone drove on the concrete before it was put in or they did that just to get people to look and say oh my how did that happen | 10INTJ
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Rammite | how dare that man not be acquainted with dota 2 pro scene terminology this is them on the dreamleague stream or are you trying to tell me that a dota 2 tournament isnt related to dota 2? my guess is that fire spirits makes the bear a nonfactor and sun ray obliterates the bears high health pool evo moment 37 only made sense to me because i recently picked up fighting games and i know that parrying is a thing a month ago i would be confused as fuck why that kick was stuttering constantly and did no damage and would chalk it up to lag or something you left your name in the chat i dont get why people have to censor their names we arent gonna lynch you or anything gt i detect someone who has bully issues gt do you want to talk about it? gt i shouldnt be surprised the entire subreddit is a playground for people who torture and terrorize fictional people to deal with their stress unless of course youre going to do the pedantic route of ahah but i never explicitly state my distaste for | 8INFJ
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variableIdentifier | to kill a mockingbird is a fantastic book and blew my mind as a 14 year old really teaches some important lessons i think every student should read it engineering students usually have long classes my sisters an engineering student oh nursing students too not to mention the long ass placement days my first thought was that its cats because their eyes can seem to glow in reflected light at night thats what mcdonalds has done in a lot of areas with their rebranding i feel as though the quality of the food has in many ways improved over the years also the selection but theyre trying to appeal to younger more healthconscious more fastpaced lifestyle kind of people not that mcdonalds is a prime example of that but still | 12ISFJ
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Edgar_Allan_Vogon | you want to talk about it? daylon can lead block for tra carson pickled onions are good raw onions no i think its that hes a walkon were you at the game? jesus christ stop talking in memes yay super powerful privateish military force causing massive civilian casualties! certainly a laudable ideal for our summer blockbusters he was too ensconced in highquality flannel to notice that part of the comment well i was under the impression that unc didnt have any class but that might be a different thing than what youre getting at i saw neighbors 1 and surprisingly enjoyed it might give the second one a go ive never been idd when buying movie tickets my friends and i would regularly go see r movies from the time we were 13 or so nobody ever cared | 11INTP
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Empiricalbaker | istps are self absorbed ti yet adventurous and thrill seeking se the combination can be intoxicating and infuriating as with relationships in general if they want you in their life they will make time for you ill actually get some prodromal labor andor braxton hicks stomach tightening after i ask baby to come out so we can meet the baby its cute but trolling! my husband complained that my hair was wrapped around his computer charger at work that has never been in my presence i liked the stability that marriage brought its not that we cant ever break up but it would have to be a long process not one argument and we are done my husband intj didnt feel any different after being married besides a general must keep this woman happy that he didnt have as strongly before | 9INFP
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wicksa | kind of afraid to post an intro as i havent had a drs appointment yet and i am paranoid its a chemical pregnancy or ectopic or something according to my lmp i am due 1227 but i didnt get a positive test until 5w5d i was testing every couple of days so i am thinking i am actually going to be due in jan well see! this will be my first i am a labor and delivery nurse so i have seen some shit and i am scared of it all! my husband and i have been together for 65 years but just got married in november we started trying in february so if this is legit it didnt take very long! i have two fur babies papillonslt3 i am looking forward to being at that cute stage of pregnancy during the summer and not having to suck my gut in in my bikini d i am also looking forward to the first ultrasound so i can hopefully see that little bean and stop worrying about whether or not it exists | 9INFP
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markobv | gastei 1 controle de ps3 com esse jogo e so parei porque o controle estragou same 2 raslers 1 kdelita wilhelm needs them! no need to nerf magic just 15 evade to some bosses and its enough can confirm was rocking a 4 undergeared xon with a 5 pirate jake plus guest pirate jake after 45 i was sure i will lose but odin killed him d i dont like 30 fps but over 45 seems fine for me and low settings is the norm i want to see what the 4704601050 can offer before i buy one will be a massive upgrade if this helps im running on an athlon 2 x2 250 3ghz 4gb ram 1066htz hd5770 vaporx fps is okish2030 res 1152x648 full config picture 1 picture 2 picture 3 i really want that game! | 11INTP
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TheKingofHearts | but now he commands deathknights to killresurrect people as his four horsemen not a very good guy thing no youre right im sorry for the way i worded it i didnt mean to imply they were saying tsm will win worlds tsm is actually respected internationally and i think we have to keep that in mind if youre playing on xbox you might want to ease them into how tricky the xbox controllers make execution when you first start out it doesnt make a difference to learn how to play if you cant execute it well 9 years since hes been teased i think it was worth it i will also corroborate this statement if push comes to shove get arrested sent to jail and sleep through serving your sentence it tends to get everything working properly for me after doing it once in most situations in regards to ai bugging out like that if need be you can get arrested again and sleep your sentence and 99 of the time itll be fixed but im willing to bet that just the first time will be enough edit ordinarily to get | 9INFP
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EvilPhd666 | in the wrong body trapped in a prison thats why this only 2 genders line sells so easy because its lazy i suggest you go out and get to know these people before you allow someone else to scare you with the rotten apple of the bunch and lies thats the real conspiracy religious groups trying to pass laws restricting freedom of individuals to conform with their dogma unless it is pedoshit which takes advantage of minors let people live thier lives them and develop them legalize marijuana instead of shoving opium all over specific strains of cbd and thc are proven to help a wide range of ailments huge market and job opportunity save the tax payers cost of jailing non violent for possession or sale save on costs treatments instead of expensive pill regimens and pills for the side effects all things that can help us get there and improve the quality of life in this country and help people keep more of what they earn in their pocket rather than handing out such a large percentage to | 8INFJ
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pallidio3 | of information not sure if you need it but still michael pierce on functions 6 minutes transcript of this video image of every types cognitive configurations also personalityjunkiecom got a bunch of articles explaining it rather nicely and just search for whatever question you got on its huge bank with mbti related information ps btw if you are intrested about my profile for that test there is special infpintp test on celebritytypes illustrative picture of every functions view of the world just gives some hints dont take it too srsly that know its not scientific i dont think it is the case as i said most people dont really know at least i would assume it if not then tell me how do majority of people know its not scientific by what? if you are so confidently say it | 9INFP
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kairon156 | live in another realm connected to my universe theres another race that live with the espers im temporarily calling the gray eyes this other race has a natural ability to detect magic the secret is how the gray eyes came into existence unknown gods of the espers realm breaded with the espers creating the gray eyes though no one remembers this as it was before recorded history when ever i see a tittle that looks like its just trying to grab my attention in the wrong way i didnt read the forth one because it was a long rant i rarely read ventsrants and only do if im in the mood and if i see that its very long i usually ignore them or just read through the comments tldr over all i do see your point that even the ones that mean well dont get the positive response they really should | 8INFJ
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ashleeeyyy88 | im not even entirely sure of the difference to be honest and refuse to google it for fear of having to look into their beady little eyes lol currently working on mermaid tail lapghan im knitting with two different shaded strands of blue yarn held together and im really liking the colour effect it makes i have read the book but have not watched the film why would you suggest avoiding it? well this was the first time ive tried knitting in the round heres my ravelry page i used the magic loop on circular needles it was easier than id expected! the little cap has its flaws but overall im happy with the end result sizings a little bit off i think but now that i have the basics down ill knit up a few more of these with a more appropriate size for my nephew coming in november! | 9INFP
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roland00 | in other words my point the intj is trying to make is you will not find answers here because someone is so convinced the awesomeness of their answers instead exploring these things will help develop your critical thinking and thus will help you find your own personal answer your own subjective answer subjectivity is both awesome and sucky it is a contradiction for humans want it both ways we want both objectivity and subjectivity but our consciousness works by using these two things as an argument between two or more different people in order to find a better answer than our instincts heuristics suggest you know me way too well sure it was not directed specifically at me but you gal you get me | 10INTJ
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TheChicagoOutfit | hey just know that there are some hot spots to avoid after dark i work for the harbors and all i hear from the cops who work the lakefront who come by are horror stories first off the area just east of the golf course called marovitz aint that safe there are tennis courts and a baseball field just south of the course near a parking lot and a lot of activity happens there montrose beach eh play it safe play it safe and bike on a weekend where there are still a good amount of people on the bike paths gt undercover swat armored tactical car d he left cause of reasons long hair dont care yeah you know! for scientific purposes! science! you go to jail! you go to jail! did you take this down? more like 16 and 23 quarters! | 9INFP
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11equals7 | hes commenting from the hospital if you can eat you can do the dishes you can afford dish soap there now go wash yourself thats exactly the kind of question i used to ask and the grown ups never gave me serious answers that sounded right being a curious kid was frustrating when the only things i was allowed to learn was the school curriculum and nobody would tell me why that was more important than other things because i say so is not a valid reason that was unexpected i dig it you could make a subreddit for this and let others contribute information about their countries right i realized that a few minutes later this is just a concept is it? i love it well gotta stick with the red army vodka for now at least thats real | 1ENFP
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trippin_daisies | or somewhat centripetal lies lies to client to suit needs gt client lies to wife and to self about the nature of the relation with sex worker and closeness gt sex worker lies to self about perpetuating lies instead of pointblank telling client to divorce or mend fences with spouse because that would rip the rug out from under said sex workers cashcow if the client were to start actively dating or start the reconciliation process the client is the one with the power here despite seeking a domme i find that a bit funny what a tangled web we weave im not sure what to say about the amount of mental twists one would have to make to not see the unabashed delusions it takes to glamorize lies guess its a fetish in itself | 7ESTP
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Voxous | there are at least a few different ways to stun the summoner if it really is an issue for you you can toss the summoner instead as long as one is down i am somewhat reminded of cicero from skyrim world leap already did a number on it you could always come to windia like most of the people who left indie game development i want to build games and make worlds come to life but building management systems pays the bills it gives you a 2 chance for each attack to cause a monster to drop one of its items before being killed it does not seem to work on bosses but does work on event monsters it works best on classes with keydown skills like phantom and actually triggers rather often i would keep this and create a new cane this will be very useful for event related monsters as you will not have to wait 10 minutes for their hp to hit 0 to get the drop | 10INTJ
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fromkentucky | completely understandable i realize im missing quite a bit this was just an attempt to articulate how im visualizing what little i understand gtnothing is stretching or getting thinner its growing and the universe is enlarging to accommodate that growth so is something feeding that growth or rather is this not a closed system? the idea of heat death gave me the impression that this is a closed system and once everything expands far enough there wont be enough energy density to do anything hence the misconception that space was being stretched although i realize the two may not be related okay i get that space is expanding not because something is pulling it but because theres nothing stopping it my question then is this is there a finite amount of space such that the universe will stop expanding at some point? if not is there something fueling that expansion or is it just the nature | 10INTJ
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WittyOriginalName | i heh gtbecause its dumb lol gt it really doesnt matter that youve dated strippers that doesnt mean you know strippers or shae or can apply rules to either of them you know and dated a person who happens to be a stripper werent you saying before i was focusing on the form and not the individual? isnt that what youre doing now? im simply pointing out where your logic falls apart because it seems dumb to you doesnt make it dumb if we were to say get rid of tyrions ambition to rule in some fashion or lessen it so that other incompatible desiresgoals such as being with shae could overcome that variable then it would be dumb of him to stay in kings landing stupid is relative to the situation and objectives right? gt if you truly want to get into personal beliefs about the matter i personally think one just shouldnt date a stripper thats like being a drug dealer and doing your | 3ENTP
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mjcov | sounds like something you should report upstream the datetime object allows itself to be put into an invalid state it will fizz out your mouth like adding vinegar to baking soda soy fizz i made 25000 per year at my first programming job my only experience was programming as a hobby before that i was making minimum wage at tj maxx so of course i was happy to be making 12hour doing something that i thought would be interesting gtuse it we have a winner repay i mean repost popular threads from r all that are not picture threads but one where people reply then we can reenact it here without backspace what part did you live in? i was around sarasotabradenton its a pretty nice area growing crazy fast though | 11INTP
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HateKnuckle | somehow i have low empathy but im the one that doesnt want to annoy people with my problems weird huh? of course i will be downvoted like you because people are very sure were wrong they dont know why were wrong but just that were wrong first of all that vocal minority is actually large when you include the ones that arent vocal there is a surprising amount of people who love taking advantage of unregulated markets as seen by the crypto market secondly that minority has a lot invested in the rls viability as an investment opportunity remember the guy who bought out led? he sold magic cards not as a hobby but as his living he manipulated the market so that he could feed his family these people have a lot to lose and would probably fight pretty hard to keep their jobs | 11INTP
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PM_ME_YOUR_BURDENS | i guess ill be the dissenting opinion here i think stranger things deserves every single praise it gets one of the best first seasons of any tv show ever maybe im just dumb but what on earth are you talking about? now that is an interesting fight to think about karate isnt going to save your life against a man im sorry but theres no equality of force there critical thinking shoes you can run in and pepper spray will save your life a lot more readily than knowing how to throw a punch against somebody who more than likely can easily shrug off your hardest hit arrival made me cry like a bitch so no matter what his alter ego doublelift still didnt make it to worlds this year? kelsier gt kaladin anyways lets be real | 10INTJ
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anxiousalpaca | why would parents send kids to a camp which does not allow candy and then knowingly break the rules by sending candy? this does not make sense i dont know about this guys credibility if he is reporting about ancient aliens but ill probably read it well the logo doesnt promise anything too good political protest does not mean anticapitalism im an anarchist and a capitalist all right so thats not it please post this kind of content to sounds like a good guy edit read the article definitely a smart guy at least hes trying to keep indepence from politics gt once the pressure is on them to compete with milk producers who sell cheaper milk those home grown milk companies might either go away or start cutting costs in order to stay in the game that would only prove that canadian consumers dont really care about the high milk standards | 11INTP
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FueledUp | hope this thread blows up! most definitely it really bothers me that nuclear bombs can just devastate an entire area and generally we would just all be fucked i dunno why i live in the city probably worst place to live feeling like this sort of? the only thing i like about it is that it exists i think it needs to be completely redone just like you said op its not helping the individual expand its only following a cookiecutter path for everyone else i think a lot of it is due to money problems its a very good sign more people are noticing these kinds of things hurt your feelings? how about destroying everything decent in your childs wake until i hear a full apology from a narc im convinced there is no fixing them | 3ENTP
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ronaldtrip | greetings fellow humans i like to simulate this on spherical cows anyone else? holland here its a pretty even mix of tops verse and bottoms its why i only do single player games enjoyability ends with 2 or more in the mix gtfound it difficult to use it with windows programs in wine thats what forced me back to windows linux becomes a lot easier when not considering windows programs viable to run on linux find out what alternative programs are available natively on linux make a few sacrifices here and there if necessary the most frustrating thing is trying to keep running your win32 program collection on a largely incompatible platform wine is an awesome feat of engineering but it is also never finished cutting your losses and getting proficient in linux native programs as soon as possible will make transitioning far less painful live in an all linux world and most program headaches just dissapear | 11INTP
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Freeze95 | yeah of course! you can get a 40 every semester from here on out if you work at it although theres a lot to be said for getting as and bs while doing something like research or an internship it isnt a forgone possibility you can get your cumulative gpa back up if you work hard the remaining semesters you have youre fortunate that you only have a few credits so far so any positive changes you make next semester will have a big impact on your gpa its a simple calculation check what your cumulative gpa when your reach senior year will be if you get a 37 every semester from here on out youll see this is something that can be fixed with some dedication and lifestyle changes edit thought i would give some practical advice for actually getting those good grades i think your choices to decrease the partying and work | 2ENTJ
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Vwyx | most of us wouldnt have waited that long to start accusing communists the treatment would likely be either gradual or sudden exposure im not sure therapists offer that kind of service you might have better luck with a gigolo ok fair point i thought that jack had killed ghosts before but apparently i was wrong watching the video she seems to have said im not a fan of video games what i like best about marcone is that we seldom see him doing really evil things but harry who will make nice with vampires and literal demons from hell is extremely cautious and constantly mindful of how much of a monster he is some of that is probably just the fact that he doesnt like marcone but when the guy who rode a polkapowered zombie trex into battle is giving you props you probably deserve them | 11INTP
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ftmichael | hey there i transitioned as a teenager too this is more of a resource dump than specific advice but i hope it helps! come chat in yay for queers if you want i think youd like it there its mostly trans folks and questioning people its not a bustling hive of constant chatter but if you talk people will respond and be happy to chat with you the book the transgender child by stephanie brill and rachel pepper is your new bible seriously yes it talks about teens not just younger kids read it then give it to your parents when youre ready never give or recommend anything you havent first read yourself! theres also a new book out for trans youth and their families called wheres my book? by linda gromko md i havent read it yet but it looks well worth a look check out and too youd love camp aranutiq | 8INFJ
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Rammite | wait wait hold up is that to say phoenixs fire spirits talent effectively never does anything? holy shit just google nestle water africa basi isnt about the mana you get but the mana and armor everyone else gets 6 damage is also seriously nice early game im sure if we keep up this line of questioning hell also say he doesnt believe marksupermegagrumps can have problems and emotions because theyre cis white males ahh every peaceful group has their neighborhood fuckup that ruins public image for us atheists that fuckup is he is a bit but balanced in the sheer skill required to make him op doesnt matter what game is in question anyone that defaults to blaming teammates probably needs to git gud | 8INFJ
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TheSupremist | welcome brother also at this point i even fear booting on my w7 hd i have dualboot on two separate hds just to avoid ms from fucking my mint up thinking that it may have already converted itself into w10 even though i practically killed windows update via registry ever since i installed it yep internets full of em perfect timing for this well i dont really care if people know where it was at this moment im a fucking walking meme so i dont care anymore thanks for the support btw woah there youre at the remake already? damn cant wait for pc release this is the desktop file !us xdgopen desktop entry namept_brminecraft nameminecraft execjava jar localsharesteamsteamappsnonsteamminecraftshiginimalaunchersev2jar terminalfalse typeapplication categoriesutilityapplication i added the desktop as a nonsteam game it shows up in the status and then quickly goes back to normal i had this problem before with native steam games but i fixed them by setting up | 9INFP
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jporch | gti understand that every couple is different and has a time that suits them but less than a year seems a bit insane to me i would envision 23 years together at least? what specifically seems insane about that to you? the vast majority of our perceptionsunderstanding of marriage seems to be related to what cultural elements we absorb and how that meshes with our internal philosophy of what marriage is so the reason i ask is because if you can express what seems so specifically crazy to you thats likely a good insight on where those sorts of peoples perspectives differ and thus may provide an interesting answer to your question personally while i guess there is a lower bound where id question some elements i think it perfectly reasonable that giving a couple where both individuals were in a healthy starting place in terms of their own faith and self worth a few months is more than | 10INTJ
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seeegma | edit3 hey folks since i still receive messages from people asking for help using this method please be aware that i dont use this method anymore i use pays4porns method and i use adobe imageready cs2 when i want to add text better than gimp for this purpose because it doesnt make you do it framebyframe so you should ask him for help instead of me because im still not really an expert at this one peace my method 1 freemake video converter this is an extremely basic free video editor can basically just clip the video and then export it to any format desirable in this case mp4 or flv use whatever software you like for this though 1 apparently this download now gives you a nasty browse search engine download at your own risk video to gif converter free use this to actually convert the video | 10INTJ
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Rhamni | to make use of that name i was so offended by how crap the books were that stole my name that i decided there was not going to be anything even vaguely related to vampires of any kind in my world so i replaced the vampire woman with a fairy prince and now that hes fleshed out he is a much better fit for the world than she ever was also the tower of souls is probably a better name than twilight you could also make on chain transactions the only legal form of currency in your country and give every citizen exactly one wallet that is linked to their identity who decided to deny him workers comp but from the perspective of the person pulling the lever and the perspective of the redditors dad some outside force they could not have influenced or predicted determined the outcome and youre just being contrarian if you stubbornly insist that there is no luck get a grip | 10INTJ
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Kaeliss | cartoons meant for children i have netflix and internet and no excuses they are just magnetic all the time thats why i keep blutac over the lens yeah i remember seeing an interview he did where he confirmed this bloody glorious well thats mildly concerning man you local hmv looks so much better than my local hmv i never bring it up irl unless its actually relevant the vocal ones are definitely the minority took me moment to spot all that beetus in the background i was so busy marvelling at the bizarre geological formations in the centre of the image i kept seeing content of a similar format that i wanted to see more of so i looked it up and found out it was from reddit i just branched out from there | 3ENTP
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bunker_man | i hate how modern masculine culture redefined non emotional to openly aggressive and its praiseworthy no less constantly angry seethingly jealous occasionally physically violent and uh pretty much fully emotional and feeds off it heavily other than that they dont like crying in public also being a dick to other people and not caring about their suffering is now non emotional ?? in terms of the hierarchy of emotions and what i would define as non emotional pretty much all those things are 10x more negative emotion than crying while someone sees anger is directed at someone usually for bad reasons sadness doesnt have to be so out of those cases jettisoning feeding off of the one thats more likely to lead to crazy paths of action is a far more stoic goal | 10INTJ
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koalaroo | i have an mg30cfx that i started out with i would describe the distortion as very flat sounding its there and it sounds ok but its nothing super great like you said sounds like muddy soup theres tons of options when it comes to fixing this you could get a new amp new pickups new guitar these are all pretty pricey options so if youre looking to save money you could try an overdrive or distortion pedal this will allow you to play through the clean or crunch channel and then use the drive on your pedal for high gain stuff boss makes some great affordable drive pedals since youre a beginner i wouldnt advise spending a whole lot on guitar stuff since youre not sure if youre going to run with this new hobby you could probably get a used boss distortion pedal for about 40 or less so that would be my first move just my 2 cents but if you absolutely have to upgrade something i would suggest | 9INFP
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ranterbach | i think we all understand that there is a reason to communicate reloads with your team but a character screaming changing maaag!!1!!!11 while you lay in a bush in a ghillie suit with a suppressed rifle is just a tiny bit stupid large gauge wire and too many coils? what are you talking about? lack of battery safety would be my guess battery insulation was ripped or worn so the battery shorted on the inside of the mod or perhaps he kept vaping discharging the battery too far how is enjoying the smoothest shave of your life being hipster? i dont fucking understand that so many people are calling op a hipster but that really has nothing to do with it because you dont understand how a power button works i guess if you want the radio off turn the radio off youre just leaving the radio on and getting out of the car | 10INTJ
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dejoblue | the core of the problem is that they have disincentivized running gold much like the wowificationcasualization of all other mmos disincentivizes any form of perseverance to complete difficult dungeons and raids it is progression meaning one progresses through it eventually one will outgear the content and progress on to the next one at a very basic core level the gear we get in ga 20 man will help most progress through ds 40 it is a natural nerf your raid gets more gear the content becomes easier we are one month in and they are already nerfing content it does not bode well for the game when ga 20 man clears are months away for most guilds and datascape is not even a consideration at this point for most guilds of course this is about 5 man gold dungeons but the design remains the same unskilledunorganized players will now be about blurring the line between who is skilled and who is not as a gm this makes it more difficult to | 10INTJ
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NanoGoesMeow | i need some more old weezer photos i need them! woah really? i remember there being a group near me and one of them sounded like another hardcore weezer fan it seems kind off topic but its really nice to see league personalitiesstreamers being featured on youtube on a more mainstream channel hey thanks man! im honestly surprised to see this sub is still alive with how weezer is a 90s band other bands subs are kinda dead if you look through enough really?? i love it it looks really well made too i made a desktop background and an iphone background since someone wanted them if youd want another resolution let me know! w this is the new and fabled black album aww but yeah! most of the good life was soooo good i loved it i loved every second of it and the hey ya! cover was really fun too | 9INFP
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PunchSploder | president trump crushed by a landslide did not expect to see northumberland brand milk from my hometown and a symbol of my carefree childhood while aimlessly scrolling reddit miramichi nb represent! how can you be an intj and also be this smooth and charming? blush a doghouse for my puppy very nice! inspired by himym? that is legit a contender for one of the best kisses ive ever had and it was on the damn internet what is my life? he is fun to watch isnt he? hahaha okay but only if you all promise to come and dance awkwardly together i want a smorgasbord of awkwardness! that is a cute story i bet you and your bf are super cute together both have a gold standard though hey me too whaddya know! | 1ENFP
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SgtPepperjack | it only counts if you call it! the villainy with counterbalance braced frame and third eye for each of your points could you elaborate on why that is? this is legitimately frightening behavior any way you slice it even as a joke or trolling that they would say things of this nature is a good sign that this person is not psychologically emotionally or socially healthy and i hope this person gets the professional help they need if this starts happening i am 100 in ive had my eyes peeled for a proper march in my region for ages i was just trying him out a few days ago its going to take a good while to get used to quickcasting his e but he is fun! may i ask what specifically led you to recommend viktor? | 9INFP
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Jawzper | gtopen your mouth just a bit to breathe it all back in then hold it as long as you can yeah that one the idea is to have it actually in your lungs so that it can enter your bloodstream its not going to do nearly as much if the smoke is just sitting in your mouth as for holding it in as long as you can you dont really need to hold it in for that long because gas exchange happens very quickly if you just hold it in for a good 5 seconds or so youll be peachy and can rest assured that youve gotten the most out of it no need to give yourself oxygen deprivation or anything oh and on a side note i recommend using a long pipe over a bong you have more direct control over how much smoke youre pulling at once the pipe should be long to give the smoke some room to cool a vaporizer is probably ideal though | 11INTP
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oOGeneral_RyanOo | news suggests its worsening irl he lived long enough to become baguette was never used was really laggy even for au players was way to pricey to run finnourgic states really did have easternesque tech though tbh finland should be eastern too and finnish ideas should be renamed finnourgic ideas and distributed to finnourgic states save for perm gtsays the franco top kek they never went through italian airspace we are using tech from the former us and aside humanitarian aid for humans always comes above drawn nations ottomans are disgusting islam seeped into spain could you make invalid not grey on pink? grey and pink is just gonna make it harder for a good 8 of our players ireland is not spain ireland vasconia catalonia galicia stronk | 10INTJ
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codepoet | that is exactly the right takeaway! clearly its a hemorrhoid scratcher i dig photography think about it the art is already there waiting for you to just snap it then you move on! and tons of things to fiddle with shutter exposure aperture color framing crop etc i take a walk downtown and have at it or find old towns and farms nearby sometimes a garden spring or beach or whatever and of course my poor son and cat who have more photos of them than cells in their bodies astrophotography is the next one for me should be fun! by slowing things down you said steps matter now you want to take a step and he thinks it has more meaning than it does if it doesnt matter dont slow it down you dont have to use it you dont have to use it you dont have to use it you dont have to use it | 11INTP
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EverydayCynic | id call my ex boyfriend and ask him if he ever actually cared thats it gym 4x a week for two hours usually one hour on the elliptical ten minute break 30 minutes on the bike machine and then a half hour on the stairmaster my affinity for junk food makes this mostly a necessity i wish i could go swimming more but my hair i also run 45 miles a week on the weekends normally when i have time its really a lot of fun and relaxing but ive met plenty of bitchy gay guys bitchiness is primarily a state of mind its one of my favorites too nothing my lack of direction in life has been really disturbing me lately im not working just mainly playing guitar and reddit i might go back to school in january i might not | 9INFP
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TableHockey31313 | you besmirch the holy name of mcleafer cant spoil anything you keep watching i see it i the mask and body structure plus the colors remind me alot street spirit for me hadnt really listened to it till now my god that is a powerful song i dont use instagram but i got yt and twitter interesting definitely a lofi sound on the track liking it probably aladdin sane and they do span many themes too isolation is my challenge too but im heading towards being a therapist after finishing school any tips for a high schooler soon to study psychology? hahah thatd be funny! who confirmed? i honestly never heard just went off ear what? its pg13? that sucks fair enough i liked it when i first saw it but its grown on me might just beat nldw if its perfect with the music | 12ISFJ
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SawRub | lets hope this fandom does not resort to irrationally hating her like they do with such characters on other shows nonamerican shows dont often get pulled from youtube the dea has a warning system like the nights watch one horn blast for returning dea agents two horn blasts for the cartel three horn blasts for heisenberg andy is accepted now but last year right here on this sub people hated him a lot yobannannagirl may have not been around recently to see the change what? its pretty great! his deathstroke was one of the better villains of tv that year! why am i never able to see these things? i have never regretted watching i fucking despise the methheads i straight up didnt know if i would watch season 2 but luckily i did and it turned out to be one of the best seasons of tv i had ever watched | 11INTP
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SnowyArticuno | racism sexism homophobia and pretty much all kinds of prejustices it baffles my mind how people can be so cruel to people who are really nice just because of their skin colour sexual orientation etc god that makes me angry! im glad you enjoyed them its such a nostalgia trip for me i was pretty creative if nothing else oh yeah that noopt sends so many of these straight to opland this is really well made and fun! if you had chosen a correct answer what would it have been? also how do i get the clips from bipper and eight to work? theyre less than 8 letters so i cant get them to input i havent tried it but perhaps you would like cart life check it out if you havent thats a way of decrying numales as being feminine because of a nonscientific theory that soy makes emasculates men here is a great video about the whole thing though if you cant spend 30 minutes watching the best youtuber the jist is that soy contains something called phytoestrogen which sounds like estrogen and is therefore | 11INTP
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throwthetrash16 | every moment i live is agony gtthe uss interventionist policy dragged its nato partners europeans into wars like the iraq and lybia which destabilized the region they were already in wars by the time we got there lybia ahs been free of western influence since independence mostly kotaku was found to be doing the right thing as gamergate is sexist1 blah blah blahcitation needed footnotes 1 kotaku gtbut i think the guy is american thats not very helpful then from what i can remember when i saw this thing posted months back these two wanted to have sex and chose to do it in a parking garage alcohol and then it closed leaving the car trapped so he tried to force his way out and this is the result | 2ENTJ
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ceph8 | highly trained at moving an item across a scanner? i shut it off after he killed the first couple and creamed his pants i was watching it with my parents and it made me uncomfortable so we instead rewatched inglorious bastards cause that was somehow less uncomfortable shouldnt food that has been shown to shorten the lives of those that consume it be given a better environmental score because human life is the most environmentally damaging thing? i probably shouldnt say this with ai bots around i think saving money is pretty manly what about shellfish eaters??? this was pretty reasonable except the argument about lowering the birth rate and then the last paragraph was just silly if anyone has any feedback i could change things | 11INTP
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SawRub | lol you are like famous for this now honestly im tired of the trump jokes but his impression is so good im actually interested in this he should get that guy that played bernie against him in the debate as a frequent guest yeah its crazy to think that people like her and even conan almost never became famous onscreen and would have just stayed as writers had they not been given that chance that happened to work out great do it on twitter or facebook we are sick of them too and wed love for them to be brought down a peg the us version of big brother has 247 live feeds so people can verify what really did happen and make sure it wasnt scripted and since in this version the audience doesnt vote the contestants have no incentive to act raunchy or try too hard since that just makes the people inside turn against you surprisingly good | 11INTP
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Lynac | yay! looking good! i envy your chroma mm i wish i got one of those rather than the regular version ah that makes sense i can pm it to you just to make sure if they pay him full price which probably means he will have to provide a charger and they may take off for his joystick rubber if it is not replacedfixed then he will recieve 64 in cash or 80 in store credit confirmed! thanks a bunch i had a friend do mine for me he would use rubber bands to tie all the cords together and would then velcrotapeadhese the bundle unto the edge of the desk making sure to not allow the wire to drape down he then tried to keep the powerstrip hidden too that was the hard part but we managed to do it well enough to look nice | 9INFP
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Toraxa | the problem isnt what it is its what theyre targeting all the early games said 108060 and ended up 72030 or similar if theyre targeting 108030 then were probably going to end up with something awful like 63025 all i can hope is that maybe we wont because they seem to have been working with the ps4 already for a couple of years the current terrible state of the console generations though isnt leaving me much hope even earlier than that the abilities and some other things were the slots weve come a long way since the early days im not entirely sure i dont know if there are distinct north american and european versions of the game and if that makes a difference im pretty sure ive heard people say in the past they bought the wrong region and couldnt combine that with a code from the other region but you can play in whatever server you want once youre in game im not 100 sure but i believe if you buy it from amazoncouk then youll be able to play even on na or japanese servers but you | 8INFJ
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white_crust_delivery | yeah i think both sides kind of get tunnel vision sometimes honestly i agree with a lot of what you and other have said but i try pretty hard to avoid letting myself form a strong opinion on either side of the issue prolifers see it as nothing more than murder prochoicers think that the fetus is never alive or its life doesnt matter at all i think a really good way of deciding whether a fetus was alive or when it was alive would be really good but im not sure that it will ever exist because its such an emotional and controversial topic in the same why that prolifers get tunnel vision and can be sort of blind about the rights of the mother i think the idea that if you dont like abortion you shouldnt get one! is almost equally blind if you dont establish a validation for it not being murder it sounds like youre saying if you dont like murder then dont do it! other people should still be able to though! liberty!!! | 11INTP
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DreamLord1 | i dont like it it feels wrong but fine our lack of consequence is a necessary evil shhh logic dont work with these folks slightly unrelated but i remember reading about a reactor design involving liquid sodium metal as a coolant coolant leaks must have been spectacular to watch from a safe distance at which point we can expect to see republicans reaching across the aisle to oppose him the red states really hate us though i admit i misspoke cultural divides still exist bu the majority actually wants to mend them racial ones? majority wants to mend those economic ones? i believe we have the name welfare for the current attempt at mending religious ones? majority admittedly thin wants those gone see the opposition to the muslim ban i guess my point is that we have reached the point where the majority reliably wants to mend those divides other than that my argument still stands except maybe with a moral majority | 11INTP
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etmarae | another shimane redditor awesome i have to agree with you 100 about the nature and the scenery im up in the mountains and the view is spectacular we even get fall colours up here as opposed to the dull brown that most places get i also agree that it can get a bit boring at times no paintball kayaking or cinema for you! damn ive been in japan much too long everyone is over at fark thank you for this ill check it out theyre just ridiculously slow and backlogged right now the canadian government shuttered a bunch of visa processing centres in asia and moved everything to that shithole manila additionally theyve been giving priority to filipinosfilipinas now because of the typhoon its just been one frickin thing after another this year | 8INFJ
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jetblackswan | i can share! my family got a really weird letter a few months ago it was typed out and really short but the mysterious person who sent it had some old stone lions fit for a fancy front lawn he said that he was trying to sell his and thought they would look great in our yard luckily he included some photos of them for us! they seemed like really dated photos and a little bit blurry of these lions and from what it looked like it seemed like the lions came from this lavish mansion with stones and vines and the like i couldnt tell the location from what we were given but it didnt exactly remind me at all of where we currently live he left no name nor contact info it was strange someone new skeletal family forget tomorrow drab majesty louchald neva | 1ENFP
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SecularNotLiberal | good to know thanks for educating me highschool graduation? i graduated in 08 and none of my class 40 people have spawned yet its amazing to me how much it differs by region how in some areas youre the odd one out if youre 22 and dont have at least one kid tell her now that way if she wants to abort she can abort before its too late dont take that choice away from her abortion is a perfectly valid and acceptable choice especially here think of it this way you may tell her she aborts you guys divorce and you dont have to deal with the hassle of coparenting and custody issues clean break most of my posts are that way too memes and pics of my cat mostly sometimes i post news articles mostly traffic warnings to warn others my mom sends me articles about mental health i just dont want coworkers looking at my stuff i hear them bitch about peoples postings so i think what if they did that with me so i just block all my coworkers even new one before they find me then they say wow i searched | 15ISTP
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onafarawaybeach | about as often as chance the two arent related money hasnt always existed nor is it an eternal development civilization 5k yrs old industrialization less than 200 yrs old capitalism will be obsolete eventually its actually called and its horrifically overused it should be used very sparingly like the singers of the past did with american popular song its like distortion on the guitar used to cover up mistakes and to imply talent blurbed by nancy grace and ann coulter less than surgical drone strikes that was his primary motivation among other atrocities that we knew nothing about in fact the drone strike video was the first thing released hes a whistleblower and im not sure why anyone would question this edit sorry didnt mean drone strikes meant helicopter strike | 10INTJ
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SemperJ550 | i highly doubt you are boring you seem to just be stuck in a rut and youre turning that inward into a subjective negative view of yourself you might want to consider trying to make a change some how youre stuck in a routine and you need to spice things up to make yourself feel more alive you could try something small like changing the environments you spend most of your time in by that i mean redecorate your homeapartmentroom whatever or really look for a hobby and go into it with an open mind if you dont enjoy it then dont do it look for something else you seem to have limited time so maybe look for something small that doesnt require much time investment hell even trying to learn something new can give you drive and a new sense | 8INFJ
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IWillNotBeBroken | day9 is not a fan of the trumpets either you dont have to be high to potentially be impacted what if youre offered some more if you vote a certain way? or need some money to buy more? heh i dont post to nanog i just liked the quote enough that i kept it not relevant at all nope nsfw i dunno dead_harmonics seems pretty happy already based on a comment by someone who admittedly didnt spend the hour it took to actually watch the video? hint the conclusion that came to was not what was presented might be more suitable for your provider question ive been focusing on paying off my house excluding that i dont include it in my nw im around 125 wheelbarrows and ten years older than you youre just not looking at it with the right perspective you could literally walk into a place with a wheelbarrow full of money if you wanted to! | 11INTP
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Cimice268 | self love is very complex and difficult to be honest finding balance was the key for me self compassion is a very important step in my opinion to make it simple cut yourself some slack! if you mess up you can still try to make things better or youll do better next time have a little faith in yourself remember all the good things you accomplished youre not perfect you have flaws and issues and that is okay you need to accept that this is what you are right now and forgive yourself for it then you need to find someone to talk to it could be a therapist if you think no one else will understand they definitely will if you need to drop people or cut them off i know its painful do it do it gradually let go of them and find people who can appreciate you and understand you more or just ask for help openly someone will listen once you have done all of this you can work on getting better take small | 8INFJ
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cloudkey | i almost did three majors i was doing artscommerce and wanted to major in pr journalism and marketing i ended up hating journalism and dropping it and picking up random arts electives instead including literature which im now studying a masters in i loved having the opportunity to take more electives i would say if the third major is something you love or will give you a lot more career options then do it otherwise just take something you like! or something that will give you an awesome twoday timetable gt shes very intelligent mensa member im in mensa so this makes me smile i recently read the dinner by herman koch which is really good its intellectually stimulating and raises a lot of questions about society but within an intriguing story gone girl by gillian flynn is excellent too part thriller part psychological drama also perhaps dan browns latest novel? i havent read it yet but its based on dantes inferno and is meant to be quite good it might be a good way to ease her | 3ENTP
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xthorgoldx | you have a friggin time machine you have all the time in the world they dont have to be but these ones were and the payment wasnt fulfilled if the contract says theres gonna be payment theres gotta be payment pretty much i just needed to share the pain to reduce my own a jump from a shipdeck to water is a controlled jump not an unplanned fall and again 30m is within the realm of survivability once you get up to 5060m you will be injured regardless of form yeah thats what im saying what im curious about is how many cases of depression are triggered by the hormonal flux and subsequent lack of destabilization of puberty and how many cases are triggered by other factors such as genetic predisposition or environmental contamination | 11INTP
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awhaling | microsoft is super harsh if you report them their que times go through the roof and it applies to all games no just overwatch eventually they arent allowed to play anymore and here we see a wild female stealing watermelon from the males stash didnt you have to wait before playing again each time? like the first one is ten minutes but im pretty sure it gets to a day or something before so im not sure what you are saying is possible mobile also im at college so i cant block ads through my router like i can at home so i still get ads on my phone im a college kid haha but its so good ahh this angle is much better testicle cancer was actually spot on for me this comment is like a nightly ritual for me crazy | 11INTP
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quiteafewfireflies | nope i disagree with everyone all the time anyway lol im used to it ive heard a lot of intjs say similar so maybe its a ni thing i am genuinely interested to hear what others think about things whether or not i agree im always talking to people about sensitive topics we dont agree on im pretty diplomatic i just had an mbti thought and figured the community might be interested i relate im good with theory horrible at longhand calculations i make tons of mistakes lose focus get frustrated etc i have to have a calculator but otherwise pretty good with math and forget doing any sort of calculations in my head lol i can barely add and subtract in my head is the only mbti sub that seems openly hostile to other types half the time they upvote me half the time someone asks me to butt out because they only want to talk to other infps touchy bunch | 8INFJ
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Aleysia | take some time to read some of the guides on the right side theyre super helpful youll learn a lot about how skin works and what effects different ingredients have also skin can be both oily and dehydrated at the same time! dehydrated skin lacks water content which often leads to more oil production as the skin attempts to protect itself from further dehydration hmm i dont think being around them would be painful but seeing them flirt withdate other people certainly would so yeah i can see avoiding them in that case i think that kind of thing can only be proven with time true colors always show eventually anyone can say some words or keep up a facade for a short time so there isnt too much that can be saiddone to show your character before its shown itself | 9INFP
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missgracie | thanks! not sure how to describe my style actually quirky minimalist? my outfits are pretty mundane but i like how i can change the look completely with key statement accessories if only i could buy everything in my favorites! are you on etsy? i treat it like social media and love to follow other people and check out their favorites! yes hes still in houston! the adoption fee is 150 and is through scouts honor theyre one of the best rescue groups in town and put so much effort in making sure dogs are a good fit with their prospective new families you can find out more on his online profile at feel free to shoot me a pm if you have any other questions! uh it wont be safe to go back for a while since you and your dogs are safe stay with your brother heed all the warnings and stay off the roads until conditions get better | 3ENTP
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Azdahak | that you use words like almost exclusively just shows your biased antiamerican attitude that you down voted my comment shows that this is an emotional issue for you which is to say youre not actually thinking because i look better in natural light considering how closeminded and preachy the millenials are theyre off to a good start gt of course theres a million different infj threads at any given time but cuz theres a million different infjs making them d theyre like the ironic locusts of the mbti subs the rarest type with one of the most populous sub gt not really something that can be broken down and analyzed do not compute error error error i meanrockstwigshow can that not hurt? | 3ENTP
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eruoto | everyone wants to be jhope when they grow up where are you in the world? its been raining quite a bit where i am you ruined our baby channelling wednesday addams edit i looked gross so i changed the picture ive consistently liked red and pink but usually i go through phases where im obsessed with one or two colours usually weird ones i recently got over my obsession with mustard and wine for example ughh yes plain chocolate is just so boring 1 my fashion sense this is a big part of me because it also dictates my lifestyle and its very much the first thing people recognise me for 2 my love for hello kitty as i write this i sit in a hello kitty themed bedroom wearing a hello kitty pajama shirt 3 my culture im filipina and this is also made me who i am 4 my ability to make stuff i like making things and learning how yo make things those things are usually clothing or crafts but i hope to make something worthwhile to the world one day | 2ENTJ
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thor214 | i would have excellent days when i was young when i slept very well these were few and far between but i would just wake up and feel good and confident as for using melatonin to achieve this i think the effect will likely wear off over time melatonin is a hormone sometimes a neurotransmitter in the body and like with most other chemicals in the body too much of something usually is adapted to too much being defined by the baseline amount produced by his body versus the amount you give him i must say as an adult 10mg was way too much i would end up having halfsleeping dreams and just roll and have a truly add mind x10 this may very well be different for your son similar to how some adults need less medication than they did as a child for adhd if it works it works melatonin is rather difficult to muck up resulting in a bad nights sleep when too much is given your son sounds very similar | 11INTP
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CherryDaBomb | no were not talking about a single question that comes up once were talking about an intent to nag someone about something that is none of the naggers business were talking about a willingness to annoy to pester to impose beliefs and make demands when the demander has zero authority to do so youre 100 correct that if i had a family member so selfconsumed so arrogant so incredibly obtuse and selfish that they would ask me incessantly about my personal rights i would absolutely disown them this isnt the only thing the poster is annoying about i guarantee it their continued comments reveal the depth of their depravity and no its not someone id keep around when you have a life you like free of horrible people youll be the same way | 8INFJ
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thor214 | the effects of poverty on school children and their families is not that relevant to how much city schools pay their teachers oop said there was no internet connection thus being why his grandfather couldnt get a page to load change more often nothing more than an hour or two regardless of how satisfying more is air out between those changes wipe with a reasonably wet washcloth during changes if you arent showering every single day powder using an astringent powder any baby powder really helps i bet it is named after a river like nilecom or something where they have a movietv episode streaming service their own ereader and ultrasaver shipping from what i understand this feature was somewhat unique among the cult of skaro i doubt they upgraded oswins body to that point | 11INTP
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madcowbomber | check out the end of reason by ravi zacharias he wrote it in direct response to the new atheists like dawkins and hitchens yes and no the bible is a book from thousands of years ago and from the other side of the planet it really helps to have some specialized training in understanding it even if you can just read a few books on hermeneutics common sense in application sure i dont think jesus was literally telling us to rip our eyes out and chop off our hands but having someone like a pastor get special training to interpret and share the bible is important that is really cool! i did their smp program in 2001 with their western team and it was a really great experience where are you going to be serving at? send is a great organization and you wont regret it | 9INFP
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2hands10fingers | once i wasnt sure if i asked a girl to homecoming or not but i was fairly sure she said yes it was awkward she didnt end up going with me lets just say that i also did this but worse parallel processing with 2 compressors on each like what even in the eff edit i was doing this for piano are you wanting to zoom in on the waveform to see it on a more granular level or do you want to just enlarge the clip size to see a bigger representation of the wave form? you can do both in ableton fairly easy not exactly selling to specific niches in different ways is target marketing knowing you have a market to sell to and entering that market is just marketing 101 that niche may be your only market so to speak | 3ENTP
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joantheunicorn | yes i dumped a boyfriend who was abusive alcoholic had some mommy issues and very depressed 3yr relationship i also dumped a boyfriend in a depression so deep that i couldnt even separate it from who he washe just became the depression 65 years he was absolutely dead inside as far as i could tell that wasnt the bad part he bad part was he hid it from me so well i couldnt deal with being lied to like that and not really knowing who i was with i do not mean to offend anyone struggling with depression i have gone through bouts of it myself but bottom line was i am not their keeper so all that is left is to let go there is no other way im not going to sit there and knowingly be abused or stagnant frozen in time because the other person is stuck maybe thats really selfish but it was suffocating me idgaf where they are now doorslam | 8INFJ
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Silver_Dynamo | im subscribed here out of sheer curiosity the more i posted attention to it the more it started to ring true for me and those i associate myself with unfortunately i dont know the first thing about socionics but what you brought up seems to make sense to me heard its hard to find it properly done i assume it would be wwjd? or something either in your workplace social events or clubs no not the wubwub molly type clubs i mean organized clubs for different things you may be interested in intramural sports and community centers also im personally for cutting into huge profit margins for the benefit of the working consumers spam refried beans chili pineapple yams this mans fucks could buy and sell me | 2ENTJ
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IAmADudette | theyre real problems! oh yay! well like i said its a long way off but cross atlantic colab would be ossum imo 3 paddy is the shortened term for patrick please use it correctly it makes us much happier im not falling for that one! i know its a sheeps belly! wasnt even a century it was a film in the 50s iirc it was while a male actor was changing his shirt one of his nipples appeared on camera for a second and there was outrage over it depends what hair theyre smelling too much? hypocrites if you cant stand by what you say dont fucking say it and i will call you out on that shit but im not the one at fault here so dont blame me your boyfriend looks liek quite a sir! compliment his facial hair for me im an artiste so im around people doing instalations and such a lot i really like his one tell him to come make one in dublin! would be amazing that post box sounds lovely! so unique! have you photos from your shoot? or can you not post them? thank you for submitting | 8INFJ
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Rhamni | is necromancy really unnatural though? where does it come from? certainly there are assholes everywhere but with ateists it is quite common for the most vocaldouchy ones to be people who grew up being subject to constant indoctrination and abuse from very strongly religious parents and authority figures not all sure but many im atheist but was never treated badly by christians growing up so i dont have a problem with them its a bit like how if you grew up with alcoholic parents you are probably more likely than most to be annoyed by people drinking alcohol in general yeah but he tried it anyway i was more saying i was doubting whether the contribution was sincere havent heard of it but if its the log horizon writer yeah probably | 10INTJ
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Ausemere | thank god i started watching the original some time ago after it im gonna read both the old and new still publishing manga and hope i can catch up with it all before this new anime tornado of souls from the blood in the water dvd on youtube eu quando eu era pivete virei a tela jogando nfsu2 botava nitro no alt marcha no shift jogava nas setinhas pense no desespero meanwhile all i have is a 16gb hi thank you for your help i should have clarified that im in need of academic articles papers i believe i need to get this groundwork prioritized the one you linked is the same i talked about in my post its indeed an excellent research!! watamote! because i can relate but she never sees our posts first time watcher here this series been on my ptw for a while but i knew nothing from it its very intriguing people have powers but theres a creepy atmosphere it seems that the mother has lost children before to the copycats?! thats very interesting | 9INFP
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msg_V2 | how do you explain hot pie then? any theory as such must take into account hot pie looks like the starship enterprise i think it was a joke indeed feel free to snap up all the women you just acquired through cockblocking so they are two different species replace it with a christopher hitchens book instead so he can learn how to think for himself instead of mindlessly following authority figures i think the one thing the atheist movement lacks these days is a leader to work out what things are ok and not okay for an atheist to believe i think the reason catholics are so successful at spreading their mindless dogma around is that they have an authority figure in the pope atheism needs a pope so that everyone can learn the proper doctrines to become freethinking individuals | 11INTP
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poroburger | im plain curious is there anyone who decided to leave the link to kates video episode 2? according to statistics via steam only a few people have done it i read it regularly but no fav character so far i dont pay much attention to pick one nice webcomic though im a walking flypaper for intp folks closest friends have always been intps or at least some sort of nt people strange not so strange oh and im always just a friend a very close one and thats truly great and heartwarming yet i often feel not worthy of love and i must be not good enough they cant watch porn that easily thats risky too see the legal status of porn in korea compared to european countries or the usa asian countries policies are very strict but lets say even if japan has weird things their attitude is more open minded than sks | 9INFP
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flameylamey | huh? 2014 is the second graph from the bottom although it doesnt go all the way through to 2016 each graph just shows the massive runup followed by the bottom in this case early 2015 i built a rig in january to mine vtc which has been chugging away ever since its been going pretty well i reckon vtc has some good days ahead of it still i think high waisted anything just looks awful on women especially high waisted shorts imo its just very unflattering and gives girls very strange proportions to the point where they just end up looking like a giant egg gteverything happens before you expect it in crypto indeed i cant even count the number of end of year predictions ive seen that ended up happening in 2 months | 8INFJ
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jread | so much shit talking by the pac 12 leading up to this as we have said everyone in the big 12 is good this year well 9 out of 10 dont know why youre getting down voted youre absolutely right also i can guarantee you that the cities in texas are not voting for perry especially austin but the gerrymandering that happens around here makes sure that it happens but yeah it blows my mind that there are enough people in this state to vote for that colossal piece of shit over and over again its been happening to me the whole time keep having to closereopen the app you would think they could handle the bandwidth for everyone streaming this game yes ive always done it i was taught that this was correct and no one has ever said otherwise | 10INTJ
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solarsavior | if everyone was a vegetarian there would be no cattle they make very boring zoo animals macbook air and dell latitude e6520 with docking station and running four monitors if you know how to grill steaks well and can find good meat hello costco you can easily outcook the majority of steakhouses i seldom find steaks cooked better than i can do at home lol! fun fact it was not illegal to consume alcohol dont believe me? go read the 18th amendment there was still plenty of alcohol to be found as well as the crime that went along with it if someone is going to drink they will find a way its just like drugs being illegal people always find a way too bad the american government is hostile to private ownership of weapons so i believe your argument to be invalid the swiss people arent having to fight their government to be armed the american people are | 10INTJ
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mackenzieb123 | i love sunsets like this when the sky looks like its on fire it is so pretty yes they can when you get calls about someone like this they go on a list when said person starts traveling to and from countries that are known hot beds you do something about it america didnt set this bomb off and your security services failed period yeah i just read that crazy q how do you get 15 babies in a box? a a blender q how do you get them out of the blender? a a chip yep but he is holding it up to her backbutt thats not her belly its her butt she is looking at him not the camera unless of course she can bend her arms like that while looking at us but i dont think so these appear to be turkeys circling a dead cataaannnd a quick google search reveals they are it gets weirder they are probably just following the leader who went to investigate i love this i would love to see this in real life for the comedic value | 8INFJ
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Poisson_Boisson | gender roles and stereotypes are sociallyimposed theres nothing scientific about it women dont slap on lipstick because its inherently in their dna oooh! now do some csitype shit to tell us how big his wanger is based on the size of his flip flop under the desk and the angle of the crumple on his fapkin! hottest it is not but definitely the best thing ever uttered in my ear you feel like home when i was twelveyearsold i discovered my mothers vast dildo collection wheeling is so fetch your armpit hair? get rid of it all of it now burn all of your ed hardy shit bathe in acqua di gio remember my birthday call when you say you will wait what were we talking about?? can you explain what makes this holy shit? from the title alone i dont think ill be able to stomach watching it im assuming its heartbreakingly gruesome? | 8INFJ
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braeica | okay heres the run down keto lowers your insulin studies are starting to show that lower in sulin helps your body be able to regulate its own hormones better your cycle is going to be hellish for about two or three months until it stabilizes but after that youll probably have much more regular periods also even with pcos women on keto tend to still retain water based on their period hormones so if youre getting ready to have a period chances are its water weight i start going up a couple of days before hand and just dont get on the scale until its all over and done with its not what youre eating at all and theres unfortunately not anything you can do to control it if youre doing keto on top of metformin make sure your doctor knows that its possible to hit a point where your metformin dose will need to be lowered because keto is also helping lower your insulin and too much of that help at once can make you sick | 10INTJ
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AlenaBrolxFlami | no i havent a clue what its supposed to mean my possibly n ex never stood up for me against his own family and while he seemed to be supportive when it came to my own family that fell away within months when he started saying stuff like theyre your only family members i told him how that made me feel and he just did not understand he has his own n dad but does not have a concept of boundaries around him from what ive seen bad idea unless she is also into star wars is that a good thing or a bad thing? can you kick him out? i have no idea sounds interesting though! hes cheating on you get someone your own age later not true my ex is proof of that she said that?! that makes it even worse! to clarify i would have agreed with her right up to the point where she said she wouldnt have needed or wanted your consent just because you wrote about it in a locked online post doesnt mean that youre ready to tell reallife people authorities about it for all she knew you were just writing it to | 11INTP
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MZ603 | id lean towards the latter gt in another world i would have a huge issue with this anyone who studies power or effective oration will likely have a copy hell i have a copy on my bookshelf from an intro level political science course back in college owning the book shouldnt be held against someone we dont hold own machiavels the prince against people even though the de medicis were absolutely awful the reason this instance is important is because he seems to be channeling hitler directly at this point its literally how the investigation progressed other articles were based on interviews i can only speak for myself but ive been saying lets wait for all the facts before jumping to any conclusions | 8INFJ
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candydaze | i think there are some issues in wanting baptism to represent your choosing of faith rather than something done to you its trusting in yourself not in him i think it depends what kind of area youre looking at for example whenever the should ishouldnt i get an abortion? comes up people are really supportive of either side when relationship issues come up we get lots of different opinions theres support for all types of occupation and career etc one thing i personally have noticed is that the sub is generally a bit circlejerky when it comes to religionreligious people to be fair this is true across many subs which are normally ok but it seems that most people consider it to be completely fine to belittle and insult people based on their religion even when theyre not trying to push their beliefs and opinions onto op | 10INTJ
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rAtheismSelfPostOnly | im going to try both ways thank you for the suggestion if its important write a letter and give it to them its nice to have different modes of communication other you gabbing your mouth for hours you could be using too much calf when you run yea we should be more like and amirite lol except you arent quite right about the easter bunny the bunny is quite elusive and only special people who truly believe in it get to see it all you have to do is tweak the claim a little bit so its impossible to disprove every imaginary thing can be tweaked to make it unable to be disproved you arent making a good point what am i believing in that cant be proven wrong? i wouldnt even mind idiotsdying i could never spend money on porn this makes me always wonder if id be as much of a wreck if the internet didnt exist in all honesty i could just go from memories so maybe itd be the same | 11INTP
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Subsets and Splits