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adorable and i love the pinkgreen highlighting! completely and totally irrelevant to your beautiful ride but i have the same phone mount just to warn you i have noticed though that my phone has a tendency to go flying out of it when the road gets too rough my ex just went on a caribbean cruise this week fingers crossed as a layperson who loves browsing this forum i am loving the text only posts! seems that there is much more thought going into the posts there was always this thought in mind honestly i was either going to give it back to him or pay it forward to someone to use right away or put it in with my other emergency repair parts i keep in my car for when i stop to help other cyclists who appear stranded as for helping him with his beater? of course in a heartbeat honestly though i am surprised that no one has stopped sooner at my porch since i am always outside working on my bike when not at work or riding i always hope someone will swing by and ask for a hand or air or a
gt its an emotional issue this is very true as far as i can tell i agreed with this earlier and ill agree with it again here however the important thing to find in all of this is any factual basis that could dismiss my original hypothesis of not wanting to share the toys i was really hoping i could find a factual reason to give the opposite side a point in the debate but i would of liked to dismiss this idea and see more to the issue then simply an emotional one based on a attachment but it appears even though after our discussion thats unfortunately not the case similarly in light with the discussion as a whole i really cant see the true harm in transformation culture still actually as a last counter point we do actually maintain cultural references however its not always a living culture which is i suppose that is where the emotional argument sits people wish to maintain their culture
ive been using 2014 deck since the beginning of school and am scoring well on my practice questions and exams but n1 should be noted i study exclusively using anki and dont actually look at first aid myself ignore this commenting to remember and check how this turns out for op i did bare minimum meaning i didnt add anything or stop to review very much if i had forgotten the topic it was definintely worth it for a whole year i was thinking this is pointless why did i do this but now that im studying for boards im so glad i did it theres no way students as a whole are quite that bad but the trend is moving toward that way they only taught us to do manual pressures once at orientation week first yearthis is when i had no idea what blood pressure even meant i barely could wear a stethoscope im fine now because i practiced but still we are treated like babies once in the clinic a nurse came out and said i got 190100 can someone go double check me on that?? and i said sure thing and they
looks like the rain will stop before the race start im sure the nsa would get access to voice chat if they wanted these bad bad fps players are surely up to no good! there are people who are insecure about being in a toilet stall for longer than 2 minutes did is truly a happy song i dont see anything truly negative about it do you know a way to turn the nk leadership from i dont give a shit about my populace to sure lets stop doing what were doing and give in to the demands of oh just the entire world? sanctions are supposed to cripple their economy but it clearly doesnt bother kim jong un at all look harder its related to radiohead yeah its pretty ironic isnt it? better hope nobody tips it over
goliad was based around her fear of getting old and dying though i wanted to leave a comment to let you know that after trying all other solutions in this thread with no luck this was the one that did it! thanks man im sorry i wish i could but this is pretty strictly against the rules only gifting painted pets is allowed this comment gave me pause because while im not entirely sure if its what youre referring to christian science is that extremely nonscientific sect whose followers keep letting their kids die because they wont take them to the hospital if youre lucky itll have caramelized a little for sweetness oh my god! im not the only one! i called my boyfriend immediately after seeing this to tell him someone else agrees with me and he still thinks im crazy for some reason
they didnt have the game in store but would simply go through their website to order the first available copy i said fuck that not gamestop gt the inside g you just made me realize that the gamecube logo is a big g i feel like an idiot now the common denominator is religion people arent shitty for no reason depends on the role of the boss obviously i see a great incentive to go with a flat hierarchy for businesses many tech companies have adopted this model and it has worked out but personally im not all to fond of the idea of companies those are artificial entities created to exploit loopholes in the legislature ideally each individual would act as their own entity a boss in this case would be the individual paying each employee for their service much like how youd pay a plumber to do your plumbing
is it super political? it was all of them except the right wing ones and tyt and huffington post oh and morning joe mika and joe are great wait youre still on this trip as we speak type?!! oh how id love to quit my job right now and be doing the exact same thing!! thanks for the wallpaper i wish i had an account that would allow me to swing trade this is true but i guess thats a good thing perhaps the christian right including chick fil a will finally start to realize gay prejudice is becoming unpopular in hindsight this may finally be the nail in the coffin for getting the entire country on board the lgbt people dont deserve hate train who would this be sent to? all registered sc dems? known undecided dems? do we have a list of said people? i would love to get one of these not that i need one
civ also sets challenges for the civ of the month and it takes much longer to play through a civ game than a tank wot also has a lot more tanks than civ has civilizations so i think tank of the week would work rather well! 80 million is a lot of people but out of those 80 million about 20 million more also use simplified chinese i was simply pointing out the absurdity of your statement that most of the world uses traditional and the fact that you were whining about not wanting to switch to simplified its like complaining that you only learnt shakespearean english and complain when people reply to you in modern sure go ahead and insist on being archaic so you feel better about being genuine and pretty dont expect anyone to sympathise when you use it on the internet
this is a good explanation of why different people have different illnesses and reactions to similar environments im a thyroid weakness type which means i get depressed really fat and cold easily if i dont have the nutrients i need for my thyroid to be healthy my ideal diet is suggested to be lots of nutsseeds lots of protein and fat especially those with omega3 fatty acids and plenty of cruciforous vegetables yay for kale chips! which is as ive learned by trial and error in my actual diet pretty much spot on and my housemates are adrenal types and they can get really stressed really fast as opposed to me who can take a huge amount of shit before i get stressed and are more susceptible to sleep disorders also another guy dr cass ingram says that finger length ratio can tell you which type you are though he doesnt have quite the same types as this dr berg has two are identical though
relationships that they would never consider taking against them i guess i can give some ground on this since the statement itself is true though i still assert that its not unique to intjs by any stretch of the imagination nor is it something that an intj cant learn to overcome let me reword this one because sensors need to seetouchtastesmell the world around them they are more often the ones that are out there experiencing them and in large numbers concerts for example are a place where youll find far more sensors while intuitives stay at home listening to it sporting events car shows museums are places that cater directly to the sensor sensibility this can cause the belief that sensors far outweight nonsensors but the numbers than anyone gives are unreliable at best which goes back
i have two for the first one i was underage and had been at a party where i got way too drunk and i was abusing my lithium prescription and walked through a glass door the police found me in my boxers and a yellow submarine tshit covered in my own blood walking home down a four lane road they ended up driving me home and making sure i got into my house alright i remember them asking me why i was walking in the road and me telling them i did it all the time because there was no sidewalk and them telling me not to get blood on the inside of their police car i did and they yelled at me for it but i got off with no charges no ticket nothing the second time i was in college tripping on acid i was having a great time clearing out my own mind but was being obnoxious and some kids thought i was having a nervous breakdown or something and called campus security they called the police because the
conservative has such a broad term now that i think about it id put him closer to a libertarian the hostages are the terrorists! im into ambitious competent women bitch face gives off a i know what im doing vibe that i cant resist im sure i can only say this because i know that people resting bitch face arent actually bitches political philosophy gt america do you ever wonder like what you were in a past life? youre journaling? pffft youre such an infp ditto i work in a cutthroat business getting caught lying is damn right stupid can destroy deals destroy relationships destroy your reputation it also takes a lot of effort to lie to be honest keeping stories straight? i dont have time for that so i dont do it the best way to keep deals alive or work a deal to your advantage or even personal relationships is to tell the version of reality that is simultaneously true and appeals to the values of those you are dealing with same goes for personal relationships
if its possible i suggest figuring out a way to suspend the gun so you can spray paint all sides at the same time cuts down on drying time and you dont need to worry about the paint sticking to a surface when you flip it over if you do it too early dishonoreds spring razor trap this is going to get messy thats my alarm in the morning scares the shit out of me but gets me out of bed im on the fence while theyre nice to look at it pulls me out of combat for that second or two and i have to reorient myself when i regain control of my character unless you can only perform them on the last enemy engaging you i have a lot of issues with it am i invulnerable while i perform the attack? do other enemies continue to attack me? or do they just chill like in so many other games with finisher moves and watch their friend get dismembered?
sounds greati really want one wow thats a huge book!! those all sounds super interesting! and this list is now updated please tell your team release quaffles for slytherin now release bludgers now thank you right?? everyone did a wonderful job!! it was very close for each place! implying that simply i want hogwarts to have the best in a way you thhink is wrong does not mean im a slytherin to imply so shows the lack of intelligence displayed by the majority of gryffindor so are you planning to reopen thhe shop now that college is almosst coming to an end for the semester? if you feel uncomfortable with sharing your reddit username and wish to remain anonymous please put none in place of your reddit username
i dont hate cats but i am so allergic that being around them is misery so no cats for me thanks actually working to serve the people go on dates where you do something together so you have the activity to focus on and bring up conversation topics less pressure all around stuff like scavenger hunts cooking classes rock climbing playing games board games card games videogames it doesnt matter arts and crafts etc potentially even something like going to a museum so you can talk about the exhibits but two introverts going out for coffee on a first date is a recipe for awkward silence lol theyre so cute! theyre definitely not for everyone or even every outfit but i love the purse and overnight bag i have
always try to match t which usually happens since most people get them around the same time at the end of a match i just got light beyond nemesis from an engram time to level up that alt i mean its still the first month of destiny i suspect well see modifications like reducing round numbers and reducing score limit caps gtand now wait till the white knights arrive to defend why the casual approach is the best and how they are still sick of bungie suggestions in the front page shit like this doesnt help people were allowed to have a different perspective and voice it dont make snarky comments about them just because you disagree you werent even responding to anyone in particular acting this way so youre just making strawman insults
he 162 is not marvelous its shit glorious horten is a jewel to fly right now but explaining jet combat isnt something im particularly good at know that horten is good maybe too good but it takes a certain mindset to fly it dude for real i had 5 pokemon in gyms last night woke up with one all of the ones that had gotten taken over flipped to red i wouldve had more but i cant figure out how to fight a gym more than once every battle after the first just hangs at 1hp or shoots me back to the gym stat screen because they dont have a central nervous system and thusly dont feel pain? i mean honestly do you go out and socialize with that wit? thats like bad dadjoke from the 90s still sad because the f4us flight model is apparently one of the most inaccurate prop models in the game also hes complaining about us bnz fighters bearcats one of the uss only turnfighters brother has some salt but yeah some of his criticisms are valid
ive been studying for the physics exam with depression so great lolll nothing special we were both extremely witty we laughed and spent a lot of time together however we werent in a commited friendship and never had that type of heart to heart talk we were friends of 5 years and we didnt talk to each other for a whole year lol not because we had an argument or offended each other we didnt talk just because im in a long term relationship with him at the moment though i guess this is the universe telling me get used to it loll even in entp subreddit i get warnings on procrastination entp subreddit for fcks sake thanks for the warning though ill go study me too i always feel like im in a war and try to defend myself i often find myself asking is it weird to be like that?
you need an algorithm that takes in to account each heros play styles each hero weakest and each heros advantages you cant just program a catch all solution that can accurately assess positioning positioning against a pudge is completely different to a kunkka youre the one who thinks youre the hotshot programmer im just saying your simplistic view of performance analysis is naive replays are 50mb a pop you cant send that via http to be processed client side everytime someone loads the page so youre either gonna be doing it server side and have scaling issues or have to do it in client while the game is running which when youre trying to compute a bunch of the more important stuff youre also gonna have performance issues sure you may be able to fix all theses issues but my point was you claimed you could do it in 4 days valve have already tried a perhero performance system and replaced
relative to well most other things for example his example the iss one useful reference frame with to share data with other observers is the comoving or cmb rest frame when compared to which your experience of time is warped probably chillstep i generally tend to avoid music with lyrics or vocals for a reason i cant explain i dont think so either statistics has nothing to do with this first post from account is from three years ago the poseur seems committed it was an analogy and my point that these measurements are relative still stands please elaborate on what you meant by handled yeah the strange link that we both follow the laws of physics saying qm is involved in consciousness is akin to saying general relativity is involved in consciousness
i like little things thoughout the day i can have more variety and shit in your pantry doesnt spoil plus you go out shopping more often for more opportunities to interact with new people and avoid eating your leftovers the same day when you should be sleeping im certain its an air bison becoming jaded is easy this position i dont blame you i have to fight it consistently its not pleasant or easy i understand you resistance to something like it isnt easy to obtain shrugging negativity like water off a ducks back is a highly appreciable skill to have and it will make you indestructible unstoppable youll become a godly fucking steam locomotive it also takes a godly amount of effort to sustain you do you but consider resilience as an asset to have
now that was a fucking game i dont care if painter played us like a drum a few years ago i like purdue mostly because watching swanigan never gets old and last year i liked them because well how can you not like a team with a guy named basil smotherman? honestly ill take condoms any day before a taint stab i can barely handle getting a flu shot or tetanus booster i really do not do well with needles if the vitamin a thing works i might try it sideeffects and all but needles are a nogo edit sorry my wimpiness was so offensive meh not a nitrometh bike after seeing some of his other shit in here usc should kick his ass out of the team but my assumption is that this will go about like the allen thing where he supposedly turns a new leaf or what the fuck ever lies they decide to repeatedly throw out
thats a fuel storage tank first off second off youll have to starve sort of i guess it just means they havent really gotten enough publicity for their standpoints if you kill me youll never find out if dragons really come to game of thrones arent asian people incredibly lactose intolerant? i can just imagine this guy with a tablespoon shoveling ice cream into his mouth from the box farting away in his hotel room i mean theyve had 50 years to train but there was a reason they were stopped last time north korea is really hard to fight through and then when you finally make it almost all the way to china a bunch of chinese soldiers come down on vacation til costs more than 4000 well that first one may or may not be true some may think its killing and not care while others think it isnt and doesnt matter
experience isnt transferable i been there too and had to learn from my own mistakes i hope you guys ended on good terms and wishing each other the best love should be easier there is great people around you having a fixation for someone far away just complicates things hope you get better soon and find the love you deserve! but what about the interview op posted? its hypocritical to say that being vegan reduces animal suffering because they kill birds and rodents to keep crops safe they also kill thousands of bugs and they also destroys forests and any wildlife on it to expand farming individual stats can be deceiving these complex ones plus combined with the others we already have increases the chances of them being more closer to the reality of the game nice work congrats and keep up!
yeah at least in the philosophy reddit people should comment if they are going to downvote otherwise whats the point of being here? there are three basic kinds of actions 1 positive productive actions promotion 2 neutral actions neither promotion nor suppression 3 negative destructive actions suppression i think its pretty nearly always a waste of time to do the negative stuff as it depletes resources and well is destructive its only useful in emergencies where you dont have the time to think of a more productive solution reddit is not an emergency hopefully! and neither is the consideration of peoples theories so when confronted with something you dont find useful the neutral action is far better as it wastes no resources at all and doesnt risk harming anyone
yeah thats pretty much how i would sum up my thoughts sleep would be nice but forever is too much no publicity is bad publicity oh really? heres the actual link pablo honey is my 6th favorite album with in rainbows and tkol behind yes i prefer pablo honey to in rainbows fite me m8 so yeah i made a round of 64 um 96 bracket of this here it is on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you desire to just lay in your bed and pretend this never happened? i did it manually i dont think theres any other way i counted both native and english posts to doublecheck if i couldnt tell if the post was in native or english i just checked the comments there were few posts where the titlevideo linkcomments differed between english and native i went with my gut feeling if the video was meant for the natives if i couldnt understand the context in english took me a couple of hours to do it if anyone thinks they can do better feel free to try it for up to 1000 posts for even more detailed research
as a survivor of multiple suicide bereavements myself i can tell you that the grieving process is unique its not like losing someone any other way and what happened to your brother sounds like it was a worstcase scenario in terms of the impact on you i am so sorry its pretty normal for peoples lives to completely fall apart after something like that and to continue falling apart for what might seem like an unreasonably long time over in we maintain a list of bereavement resources there are a lot of survivor stories out there and i think they might help you to see that your experience is very much that of a normal person confronted with something that confounds our strongest instinct and tears a hole in our personal universe also exists its small but there are some tremendously caring people there
this was very helpful thanks! thats a good point that does make it more of an issue but i still dont know the solution im reminded of the politicians syllogism when people argue for solutions by proving a problem not that you are to get from point a to point c you have to go through point b point b is not the same as point c gonna reply to the comment here i guess gt they simply present circular arguments that lead nowhere games are sexist because women arent in the gaming industry because computer science fields are sexist because games are sexist because women arent in thats less of a circular argument and more pointing out a vicious cycle not that i agree with it just pointing out its not what youre saying
noisy eaters not a euphemism so the response is always relaxationsleepiness? best update the wiki interesting perhaps this is just one of those things that is largely type independent except intj we would never hug unless hugged i definitely get stuff done better in the morning with fresher undistracted wetware assuming a good nights sleep before thanks for taking our quiz! your result is nitefise these letters refer to the various functions your mind uses to process information and make decisions go here to learn what they mean intj law of diminishing returns iterate in 500 years who gives a fuck move on to the next thing if these phones still offer binaural recording then i very much welcome the shift of the camera to a more central position on the back it will help close axistovisual alignment be more naturally balanced tho still not perfect pity i have no money! definitely keeping an eye on this though
there is a lot but there are hoops disability you have to prove youre nonfunctional im lucky to be functional jobs well you have to hide the mental illness marijuana well it made my bipolar worse but that was illegal use rehab im in a rural area theres a psychiatrist and a therapist that come here once a week that i used to see once a month had troubles getting work off the last thursday of every month back then and rehab clinics well then the job knows plus the nearest mental health ward to me personally is two hours away when i lived even further out it was six hours away and there are ways to fire bipolar people legitimately lawyers cost money to get money you need a job if youve been working you cant get disability and
gtdonkeys amp snakes cannot talk this is straightup nonsense completely agree with you gti cannot accept that anyone seriously believes in talking donkeys thats just stupid i wouldnt necesarily call it stupid i would call it te consequence of believing in the truth of something that isnt true ten following the logic to its conclusion no matter how crazy the conclusion may seem because thats exactly whats at stake here christianity convinces people of the crazy claims that someone healed other people walked on water turned water into wine resurrected people and came back from the dead himself anyone believing all of that about anyone else living in modern times would likely need to find mental health services believing that this crazy story happened 2000 years ago however is all fine and good sarcasm
the problem is that recording voice acting is significantly more expensive and timeconsuming than writing dialogue the older fallout games had a lot more branching dialogue trees depending on your stats and the choices you make but recording that many lines wouldnt be viable so they have to streamline the writing to compensate a good example of this is how intelligence worked in the originals if your intelligence was below a certain threshold all of your lines were different this made a ton of sense from a roleplay immersion standpoint but you could never do this with va nobody can afford to say okay now that were finished recording thousands of lines of dialogue lets do it again for the low int characters
key word usually meaning theres a big chance a person claiming they speak more than 3 languages is full of shit and speaking fluency most people ive encountered in universities claiming to speak more than three and boast they speak them fluently are usually bullshitting in my opinion fluency in a language gt speaking a language oh shiet i apologized to the wrong person i am not a smart man _ boner4scp106 crying_reaper gtill hold you to that yes hold him saw the pic i dont understand how youre ugly nice skin nice bone structure nice eyes the only thing that looks a little off is your expression you look like youre in pain partial balding? big deal overall i think youre handsome actually most of the things on that list could be applied to how native americans were treated as well not just wwii camps destroying a culture you could perhaps fit the rest in but youd need more sources the ones i pointed out are the far obvious
yep utter bollocks misinformation being spread around someone was telling me the other day it was only open from 8am4pm perfectomondo cheers! what the fuck happened to chinese taipei? whats up in the air is russias definition of target target can also equal a fuel tanker doesnt necessarily equal people so lets say 1 airstrike takes out 10 tankers 10 tankers 20 people 30 targets for 1 airstrike this is by the way what the af commander reports back to putin in the video also just a sidenote only about an estimated 20 of russian airstrikes are carried out against is theres a difference between british indians and indian indians i go to india and i get called phoreigner or you have come from the uk no? and even speaking to my british indianswhite friends they agree too that there is a difference between the two its subtle but simple
its marketing now every time you think of an healthy apple you think of an evil corporation that has manipulated you in thinking it is healthy for you! it would actually be really cool to have zombie servants in your fort wel if something goes wrong youll be alone for ever are you willing to risk that? well you cant win weight so what have you to lose then? there can only be one! milk it just always act like an incredible idiot around them in such a way that theyll get annoyed by it just make sure you annoy no one else while doing that maybe make it even funny for by standers you tried the decent approach it didnt work time to try something else works actually quite good for programming just drop the exception in google and let him figure it out
condoms are standard for me in a casual relationship the pill here would be a backup until things became more long term if i had a nickel for every time a guy assumed that pill no condom i dont even tell men these days i take it to control acne anyhow oh god the whole tryhard thing makes me cringe being uncool for caring and doing your best shouldve been left behind in high school yeah sigh i sometimes do this because i hate fighting i mean if we could talk calmly and resolve things sure but we dont he gets defensive i wear them at work to look more professional i can literally wear the same outfit with flats but if i suddenly wear it with heels i get compliments and treated a lot better i rarely wear them outside of work i feel im tall enough and they really arent that comfortable to walk in
her posture is certainly a little odd not the most flattering pose ive ever seen well its a tv show someone will probably just treat her woulds helping her recover enough to run for her life heck this is a show where people can die then get brought back to life in various ways if death can be a mere footnote then so can a few stab wounds theyre 30 up not a great time to label belgium as incompetent sure they had a rocky start but if they keep up this form theyll do very well overall surely could have come up with a better title too is flippity flopsing noticed doze performing poorly ie losing 510 at night as opposed to 23 have done a complete factory reset if that doesnt help i guess ill just have to wait for google to release a fix
i see you naruto uchiha emblem implying hentai isnt art gt lt to be continued ftfy i think i still have the strawpoll somewhere too bad nobody voted _ yeah this image managed to fool me but once i looked at their tumblr it became obvious that it was 2d or at least a mix of 2d and 3d as there is some anatomy issues gtthis needs more bigger upvotes lol ftfy long ago in a distant land gthes gonna chill in his chair for the next oh lets see 9990 years no biggie for an immortal actually he has around 19989 years left a skilled artist and animator can do this easily with photoshop _nico nico nii_ fuck this comment made me die laughing id give you gold but sadly im dead his thought is slow but always kind
when you initialize it youre saying create an address p that points to an int and set it to the address size it will check if size points to an int and if it doesnt it will tell you you fucked up thats what the is for it tells you youre makingstoring an address otherwise youre just going to end up with an int with the value 2686680 and when you say p p 5 the result will be 2686685 and neither of those values will look for an address in memory theyll just be numbers i like how reddit blames everything they dont understand on christianity kind of similar to what christians do with god isnt it? its the passing lane on a highway even with a dying car you have time to get to the right side of the road when youre slowing down from up to 100kph and it doesnt even matter because it wasnt a broken car it was a negligent driver you dont say a drunk driver that hits and kills someone shouldnt go to jail because it could have been that their brakes failed
blank answer sheet _____ round 1 1 answer here 2 answer here 3 answer here 4 answer here 5 answer here 6 answer here 7 answer here 8 answer here 9 answer here 10 answer here _____ round 2 1 answer here 2 answer here 3 answer here 4 answer here 5 answer here 6 answer here 7 answer here 8 answer here 9 answer here 10 answer here _____ round 3 1 answer here 2 answer here 3 answer here 4 answer here 5 answer here 6 answer here 7 answer here 8 answer here 9 answer here 10 answer here _____ round 4 1 answer here 2 answer here 3 answer here
funnest survey ever! my only problem is not being given enough time to study each painting i had only seconds botfly go in and get it i give you a place i never want to live nope it covers the manager in case a lawsuit is filed against the building ownership every manager should be asking for this keep in mind that with such strong exposure to light whatever you put in your living room will change quite a bit as the day goes on shame food thats great haha!! they are in riverwoods of course it matters jesus spent time with them but he did not partake in their behaviors big difference you made it sound like your store was lacking in options and thats why you only had one lookknowing sephora theres a zillion things you can do there they carry a plethora of lines and all the colors so i got the impression you just dont know what to do with some of it its overwhelming sometimes! ive found that emily eddingtons vlog on youtube emilynoel83 is the most helpful her blog is
thank you for the advice it seems surreal that i might have to excommunicate my parents for any time period especially over something as trivial as a name still the way theyre treating me feels nontrivial and negatively impacts my life my dad wants me to drive 3 hours down to his parents house hes still dealing with it after their deaths to take any belongings i want before he estatesales everything i wanted to but thinking about being with him after hes made these power plays is sort of agonizing or did he call me my maiden name to try and guilt me into coming? his actions make no sense ive always known him to be cool and logical my moms emotional manipulation has a sick logic i comprehend but his behavior totally baffles me
my main concern is eli does he stay the same maybe bounce back or get worse? and i dont trust the defense to be that dominant two years in a row just considering how volatile defenses are year to year but itll still be really solid probably so the dropoff might be minimal if at all jeez cowboys have a lot of injury prone players it was really only 4 years and theyve just been mediocre since oh yeah baby i love huff stuff its mcnabbs fault we didnt have a remotely reliable receiver until to? well ill be damned i guess youre right ab and green have just been complete nonfactors 10 wins with our secondary situation turnover issues early season oline issues and mark sanchez for half the season is a hell of an accomplishment not far out there at all
yes linguistically and thats a mistake in my experience most of the time when people say gender and mean sex its because theyre too shy to say the word sex because its dirty even though theyre talking about biological sex not fucking gt what i mind is people jumping out to nit pick no thats not sex thats gender when they know damn well what i mean and sexgender isnt even the topic at hand yeah thats fair i dont correct people just to be an asshole but i do notice every time someone uses it wrong and it irks me however im not irked because im offended im irked because i care too much about accuracy i wish people would say what they mean more often instead of using euphemisms but thats a whole different subject itself i do think language is important though we change the meanings of words by using them differently there are some studies that have been done that are finding that language
update ive found out the problem was because the serverand other clients are not receiving the clients selectedmaterial variable so another question has sprang up that i could not find an answer for on google how do i access other players variables if the 2or more players share the same character blueprint? my favourite movie is the emoji movie all of the hunger games movies me with literally any form of enticing media whether its a show a series or a video game orwell keeping an eye on you higher ground by rasmussen ive been so much in love with that song the nordic theme is phenomenal! this looks like a great game but whats up with all the old games recently? im not against it was just wondering if anyone knew or is dan just trying to return to the 00s
infp 32 years got an awesome and beautiful esfpgirlfriend she likes that i am nerdy tip stop making it hard for yourself and feeling sorry for yourself even if things suck for infp males there are people who have real problems out there you are responsible for your own happiness stop idealizing women people and especially that girl that friendzoned you you are missing out on a lot of fun by only sitting and chatting with other broken people online the earlier you realize this the better you dont have to pretend to be someone else just put yourself out there hunks will get more girls than you deal with it confidence gt more girls working out dressing better and developing a skill will also help because it builds confidence you dont have
technically a nondescript crosspost terminal but some allowance has to be made for the joke referencing this in case anyone missed it well humans are technically made up of billions and trillions of microscopic organisms and they taste great awesome thanks! im also up for doing any random rebels or background characters as needed ps sorry about that i recorded this late last night in one or two takes each edit is this the take youll use? in that case i can redo them to focus on timing these were more of a proof of concept than anything heroes never break the iris! i made this joke in a pub last night after someone posed the question seriously thought would appreciate instant backstabs good long range damage and horrible area denial it would tick off absolutely everyone well done!
a girl goes back to her dorm in college to get something she forgot doesnt turn on the light to not disturb her roommate she returns several hours later to find her roommate dead and arent you glad you didnt turn on the light? written on her lipstick in the mirror this sounds like a variation of the legend oh my god that gave me chills i think you did everything you could possibly have done in that situation thank god david was there its terrible about his neighbour though thats pretty disgusting that the police didnt stop the person who came close to matching the description you gave they could have prevented that girls rape matts story doesnt add up 1 why wouldnt he pass the shoes on to his wife a friend or one of his kids if he has any? 2 why say its a prank and when you outline why thats unacceptable backpedal and say its a gift? 3 he said the prank was successful after you guys said that it scared your grandma that would indicate his intent was to scare your grandma
and note the difference hell i bet no one even knew that kony was a christian terrorist try christian terrorist headlines too while youre at it not a single mention or grouping people do not lump christian terrorists in one group or rarely do they dont look at the ira kony nlft who are backed by the baptist church kkk antibalaka aryan nation nscn and the lra and go oh look there is a problem with all of christianity! they are all crazy! barbarians the lot of them! yet they do it with muslims this was my point swans just fuck some male swan then drive him off in order to raise the egg with their lesbian mate sometimes a cuckoo will lay her eggs in another nest so she doesnt have to raise her babies sometimes a female insect will eat the head off her mate midcoitus because she is stressed out in a cage and she wants to make sure she milks every drop of him maybe women are the problem just kidding! in all seriousness though there has been another study that suggests humans evolved
i dont know legos have kind of sharp edges isnt there something softer? wtf is up with all these blowouts? i think its interesting youre being downvoted you bring up very clear logical points and back them up even if you disagree thats no reason to downvote the problem is has become a subsidiary of which is a real shame everything is connected to politics and if youre not a devout statist who thinks every problem in the world is the fault of bush or the republicans then you must be wrong i like that lineup sneaky pick with tucker what is your projection on him tonight? i predict well see zero minutes from noah today vs the warriors every time i hear someone reminiscing about the clinton surplus i want to scream people love to believe the lies from whichever party theyre naive enough to trust
are you allowed to take it with antibiotics? mufes aqua brow is supposed to be amazing for natural colours there are no reds though but if you want a brown brow then check them out! is is that benedict cumberbatchs bum? i believe the road by cormack mccarthy is a very popular postapocalyptic story that people get emotionally invested in ive not read it myself yet though can you open your gates so i can bring your stuff back? if you dont find a suggestion that suits you here you might be able to get more suggestions at and is that a public bathroom? she has a lot of skins though here you go hope thats helpful its got 2 black lines im using the official adapter plus the 35 to 25mm cable that comes with it that one has 3 black lines is that the problem? i figured if it was it wouldnt work at all but at the minute it seems to work now and again but most of the time no one can hear me
he put a razorblade up his ass why? i dont know this this and this not that im trying to rub it in but canadas pretty cool it was divine intervention to give blu a chance something interesting that i like about this is that when youre building with a soldier this way for maybe about 7 seconds when they return to their primary they have crit heals and are healed to 300 almost instantly the great scythe 1h r1 also hits her human portion this im almost positive its an isfp thing the hippie kind of mantra that is as much as i dont associate with hippies although id like to it seems really chill im saying that isfp is contrary for the sake of being contrary i always feel as though i need to distinguish myself and have some sort of title something that im known for i used to have really long curly thick hair im a dude so i could be that metal guy thats really quiet with the long hair you aint alone person
you could give andy more time to establish his career by saying that the little girl in the third movie ends up having a few younger siblings who have the toys passed to them before they grow up then you could start the movie with a montage of the siblings playing with the toys together similar to andy and woodys montage in the first movie im pretty sure this is the library at mount char i was a high school historian and this thread has taught me that whatever my job was supposed to be i certainly wasnt doing it the point is more that if its only a craving and not actual hunger you probably shouldnt be eating at all its easier said than done but at least putting yourself through the mental process of refusing the apple reminds you that youre not going to die if you ignore a craving
its the same as sitting inside doing exclusively any action you get fat socially isolated and you dont get laid selfcleaning teeth please! honestly for me it was slowgoing and it just took time and experiences to build it up the biggest tip i can give you is to not compare yourself to others whether its appearance place in life relationship status financial status etc everyone starts at a different point and different factors influence how quickly you get there do your best and remember where you started and how far youve come ive kept a journal since i was about 12 or 13 and looking back a few years even now gives me a good sense of progression i tend to be hard on myself but doing that gives me an objective look at things
was that even necessary? i most recently got introvert78 intuitive25 intuitive thinking75 judging22 looks pretty well proportioned yeah he was a massive dick he walked around peoples houses taking all their shit nah if youre doing something good for society then you should be allowed to stay no he has a point in what hes saying i bet you hate america youre as far from being centrist as possible that man breathed from my air! private military away! gt2 i agree with what youre saying about ores but chests should stay that way if you place the chests it should be up to you to memorise their position but this isnt a discussion about corbyn fucking seriously? cineworld sheffield is the best cinema in town
note for the le pliage buyers if you want the real sturdy ones make sure the one you get is the made in france one the nylon lining in the french ones are thicker than the chinese lining both are good quality but if you want a lessrubbery and thicker lining then make sure youre purchasing the french one if you prefer thinner lining then the made in china one will be good for you ill see but i was not in a western airline but a philippines asean one and theyre known for being the most idgaf airlines around because they have a monopoly on the only decent airport in my country i actually agree with this sentiment i was just voicing out from an advertisers perspective thats what ive been telling him
dont feel bad we tried a 68 yarder with 1 second left last week didnt work out for us in other news black man arrested for everything that part nudged my chuckle box god this makes me so nostalgic they need to bring all the old music back hahahhahahahahhahahah oh my godddd my nftl team spent like 80 of our game on gumbo trying to make this happen i chortled on more than one occasion over 10 games the best win rate was 20 at that rate it would take 20 games for a team to get four victory royales the stream was already almost 6 hours long nobody is going to remain interested after 12 straight hours of fortnite especially when most teams wont even have a shot at winning by that point is there a meanest person award? i think most would agree that im up there
now you know for the next time! i think it may also work for wdw racesim hoping at leastim planning on doing the wine and dine half in the future and i know if fills up super fast were they part of the year of the ear promotion regarding ears that were only sold during 2013? i love the spinner but i cant wait for the cartoony lanyards to be done im proud of my medal but i loathed the lanyard on my tink bling the best advice i could give is to contact your local council and see what type of volunteer work they need sometimes theyre looking for long term volunteers like leaders others theyre looking for people to come and help with events and do short term volunteering since youre a runner maybe see if theyd be interested in doing a healthy living series or a couch to 5k where you could help train girls etc no matter where you volunteer you will have to undergo a background check i wish you the best!
are we playing a game where we keep repeating the point? i guess ill just add that thursday comes from the norse words for thors day i think youre oversimplifying it to deny that there are people who care very little or not at all about the opinions of others but i agree that trying to care less is not necessarily the solution so what process exactly are you saying is under the persons control and not just controlled by automatic processes? maybe a philosophy expert can tell me why emil is singling out the cynics specifically? seems to me that relative to other philosophical schools they didnt have some special claim of certainty because tradition i presume they said officially speaking which you seem to have ignored
exactly we need more of them to stay at home and jerk off to call of duty nightclubs are a waste of time though online dating is much easier lesson 1 the quality of the answers you get to questions you ask is directly correlated to how specific your question is a good guy will always give you a safeword and respect its use ive been working on my future my entire life but i will never settle down my life is very much in order and having fun is always on the agenda maybe i dont really understand your question its all a fashion thing boxer briefs are basically at the forefront of design and utility but boxers hold on because of hiphop skater and other subcultures no less thats what insufficiently means not enough
every time i readhear his name i picture darth nihilus of kotor 2 doesnt quite fit lol i bet he doesnt even have 6 gtx 980s in sli all watercooled fucking peasant we got new physics textbooks and some kid piled a bunch of them up in the mens bathroom and pissed all over them for reasons unknown id love that helm im doing a holy knightcrusader type build not associated with the player covenant and not very many helmets fit that theme and those that do dont look too great with the mirrah chain armor solaires helmet and the cathedral knight are okay though a really boring night at work nobody goes grocery shopping on a sunday night especially in the winter its basically dead from 810 and before that its generally slow there also just isnt much of anything for me to do on these nights almost all of my work is done by the morning crew who are bored out of their minds too
i briefly worked with a woman named entity she was at least 35 ipfnbathtimethe combination of a highly fluid identity and relative sensory preference in this type means they like an inordinate quantity of alone time reminds me of this woman who walked into my workplace one time it was a small cafe she babbled for a while about how the cia killed her mother and put implants in her brain to control her psychic abilities my boss said something that set her off and she left in a huff about 5 minutes later the guy from the record store next door came over to ask if we had seen the crazy woman she had walked in and started screaming at a bob dylan poster about how he had stolen her music we figured she had gone off her meds
fuck this guy seriously if hes that unhappy why doesnt he give all the money away? i have no sympathy for people who are given a golden ticket and then cant figure work out that the world is literally theirs for the taking for a genius hes a bit stupid edit leaving this up despite the downvotes fuck notch firemelon the inextinguishable? im not sure whos more stupid the guy in the gif or op haha brilliant! youre a cool guy op fuck how have i never heard this?! scream needs to smoke a doob and start making these bangers again if you didnt study engineering at university you are pretty much on par with my friend who calls himself a refrigeration engineer he repairs fridges high fucking five im pretty sure silent shout is my favourite album ever every song is so bloody good
its about a jesuit missionary priest who comes to 17th century japan to investigate claims that his former mentor apostatized under torture it centers on the theme of gods silence i just finished it yesterday actually i strongly recommend it its considered one of the greatest japanese novels ever edit spelling sounds delicious i hear im not involved with any groups but i did give a speech about it at my university last semester and i talk with people about it more than most my slampoet detector is beeping er snapping this so fucking hard i kinda hope youre kidding when i turned 8 i got the exact same thing from my uncle! super cool gift it took a while for me to accept that they were real money
oh noyouve overwhelmed me with too much attention and extroverted friendlinessi feel like im starting to hate you too now!! o you should know by now not to try and dignify nparents with thoughtful and rational and reasonable requests you just give them another chance to hurt you aka nope just cut block and run the original always makes me cry haha thanks for the reply! i enjoyed reading it and im glad it got you excited for things i think infps and maybe especially 4w3s lol have a ton of potential in this world i am also definitely a magician of sorts when it comes to life and yeah i am looking for someone old fashioned as well xd might take a lifetime so good thanks for this gt we reconnect and she tells me how she messed up and i was the one personrelationship she regretted screwing up and that if the opportunity ever came about again she wouldnt mess it up again as soon as i read this i knew even if this wasnt about ghost stories id know she was probably engaged and about to be
you might want to ask her about it and see if she wants to talk more on the phone having conversations over text can get really old really fast have you tried having a conversation with him on the phone? yeah that definitely does sound like shes not making you a priority i know youve discussed it with her but id say discuss it one more time and if you dont see any improvement then id really consider ending the relationship it sounds to me she likes the idea of having a boyfriend but doesnt wanna put the work into it if you dont mind me asking how long has this been going on? was there a shift in her behavior at some point or something that may have caused this? yeah i know what you mean life can be a pain sometimes
thank you for your response! my pinnacles are 2 2 4 2 so that makes sense i did read somewhere that 0 could represent all the challenges or none of them and ive definitely learned a lot of things the hard way so id have to identify with the former i guess i have to put some hard work into strengthening my connection with my guides! those sneaky higher selves! yay im always looking forward to your videos youre amazing! that was wonderfully worded and succinct im really proud of you o i was totally oblivious to the comment being taken as anything other than a really lame jokey compliment so im sorry for coming off as insulting i hope christine doesnt take it that way! i meant that she looks really pretty in it this is coming from a female as well
dr scott! janet! brad! rocky! adriaaaannn!!! so why would you respect someones choice to kill themselves? why would you want that? just because its their choice? why? that was painful i love it neurotypicals arent allowed to really like things! those fingers through my hair that sly comehither stare that strips my conscience bare its wiitchcraaaft noooooo it was so close!! are you sure it isnt saveable? might it have been due to the peppermint oilwater i was spraying on it? and if i do harvest now would they be okay to smoke? or pointing straight down from up on those mall grates fuck kids help phone i called as a 13 year old suicidal kid and they told me to stop joking around because im a guy
i know many catholics who have extramarital sex some with samesex partners i know at least two who have had abortions what people say is not always what people do on that point abortion has already been effectively legal in qld for over thirty years because there have been two prosecutions since 1985 and both have led to aquittal so the current situation in qld is that abortion is legal but they just dont want to say so i support changing the law so that its made more difficult for a conservative government to change actual practice but if they did that theyd do it because theyre conservatives not because theyre christians conservatives only pretend to be christians for advantage scott morrison being an excellent example of that habit conservative extremists not ordinary decent christians are our opponent in this
if your security work is the not much to do unless something happens variety maybe read up on financial stuff listen to money podcasts heck you could study something in that time i made the really dumb decision to buy a car from a dealership never ever ever again ill drive this car into the damn ground and because i was a young fuckwit i was paying 2149 interest for seven years on a 18000 car while earning minimum wage! stupid stupid stupid! anyway i did the same as you got a second job to help me pay off this car after a year the dealership refused to refinance youre in the same position as you were last year youre not earning more too bad so sad so i refinanced with my bank at 1445 but i kept paying it at the higher payment and more besides the funny thing was because the extra work was paying off the car and i was using the car to get to and from work every trip was a reminder of why
first of great and factual post! ________ well he did calculate roughly how much building dams would cost if it ever came to that hes also thought more indepth about this than the article suggests theres a lecture for example as you correctly noticed its his opinion though even if backed up by economic assumptions and calculations and his political stance also has to be factored in the economics may not be important for climate science directly but for the reaction to the effects climate scientists can only give suggestions as to what to do and not strictly impose what they think is best to avoid global warming so economics is a big factor in how people deal with this ____ how can you be so sure what exactly will happen? the only thing that i would agree we can safely assume is that some species will go extinct but also that new species will take their place why would the status quo
hey there honestly i can relate in a different form you see the main problem is that we lie to ourselves like almost all the time and we are afraid to persuade the things that we want to i am miserable right now because i want a goal in my life when i had to take the exams for my univeristy where 75 out of 1000 people could pass i was working really hard i was a wreck everyday but the happiest person in the whole damn worldafter i passed i was left empty and depressed no goal in my vincinity clear as the previous one i then realized that i lied to myself i wanted to be a cop in order to protect people and the law as far as it was fair toor a firefigther not having a job where i will have to sit on a desk 15 hours in order to illustrate the dreams
yes it was you just dont know it although from your username i realise there are probably lots of things you dont know gtsince shareblue has to do their job to make money how does shareblue make money botting shit to the front page? pastry mince usually with gratuitous amounts of watties tomato sauce ketchup but im a vegetarian so for me i throw in veges and mushrooms and other tasty stuff one of my favourites is the one the gas station down the road does which is mexican style beans salsa and rice in a pie fucking phenomenal i thought it was in a museum that flooded? dming dampd is like dming a scuba dive i suggest practicing then youll want it better! nah maori warriors are badass this guy was just bad
well to be fair that ride is pretty much designed with children in mind that does suck though i have this album on standby whenever someone asks about my cat here you go this is loki my 4 year old demon cat who lives for the camera i can cut steaks with those bones oh man i have tried so hard to forgive anders for what he does but wow it is so difficult no matter what playthrough i end up doing i am always so fucking heartbroken and disappointed in him i understand how he feels but why did he have to do that you know? ugh well usually the first detail that pops into my head is something stupid last time she asked me this we were laying in bed together and the first thing that popped into my head was youre so close to my face that youre out of focus how romantic right? there are a million things on my mind at any given time its usually just picking one that seems most appropriate to share
correct that video is someone taking a video of what im looking for and basically stealing it right after gw breaks away from the octopus and walks away sadly he comes up to the creator of the video and they start dancing to the music mad i forgot to buy turnips in animal crossing today excited because when i get off work in about 3 hours im on vacation for two weeks! going to visit the husbands family in another state i cant be more excited and happy i get sressed really easily and im super jealous of my husbands ring of super tight super supportive friends they are all a blast and im so ready for the better weather and better company these next two weeks! look up custom controller videos on youtube and kind of decide for yourself i personally think krylon is a reliable brand but i dont really spray paint i dont know much about spray paint but if possible go for acrylic paint if theres even an option it just sticks better to stuff also dont forget to get a sealant or top coat or else
no we can deploy them on custom servers this post is wrong im just out frome a session of chasing and i think its not finished but better than ever! i run ragelw with bolt launcher lar and impact nitron using a bolt jump many times depending on map and route its enough with that one but else a single nitron will do the trick will be fun to try it in pugs! well as other keeps saying snaipeyrs however how far can you punt the flag on this route? could you possibly punt it all over the hillmountainunnatural rock land formationcliffwhatever or where should someone be up there to pick up the pass? supervillain but maybe spot? wait the launch is in a month or so? in a concise way the struggle against capitalism is against a system not the agents of the system remove an agent the system will create another one
we made molten core in 1 week yeah it showed yes wouldnt recommend it doesnt make any sense jet fuel cant melt steel beams is mostly a silly offhand joke meme sure theres variations of it but they typically flow with the sentence ie jet fuel cant melt dank memes negative gearing cant melt steel beams comes across as someone trying to use a meme and failing miserably i think you mean dissenting opinions she mightve been australian that guy had a point until he went full retard with the drugs example australia had less guns per person and a completely different view of firearms in general we dont have a 2nd amendment no freedum! mentality no civil wa war in our history so it was much easier to implement a buyback scheme over here also less gun related suicide doesnt mean much just means people are using other methods to off themselves suicides didnt actually drop just gun related suicides tldr thank god we live in australia where gun control worked due to our circumstances also
christanity will save you from north korea! bang! bang! bang! get on the ground! i cant sir you destroyed the nerves to my legs and ive had massive loss of blood pressure bang! bang! bang! bang! thank you sir im on the ground now! sure they are you just arent looking in the right placesplus with google censoring and filtering on their behalf most people will never find what they take down google pnac now search that with duckduckgo you are looking for newamericancenturyorg the site created in 1996 for cheneys think tank that launched the bush administration project for a new american century to maintain us military dominance and perpetual profits for the military industrial complex obama referenced the new american century in a speech to west point grads then explore what the internet wayback machine has on it
well truth be told this game is not beginner or casual friendly to say the very very least i started playing in season 2 and just never played enough to level myself past level 17 at which i currently sit this is sad because i cannot play with my friends last time i tried i got absolutely obliterated in a mirror matchup yay runes oh and if you are pre 30 and get matched with a 30 on either side they are that unforgiving allpowerful god of vengeance that just swoops over the battlefield and destroys everything in their wake i think that wasnt gramatically correct well i went supervillain mode a few days ago i spawncamped on nucleus as a blutsaugervaccinatorubersaw combat medic popped a bullet uber on myself flung out my saw killed a revved heavy switched to vaccinator activated a bullet uber again switched to ubersaw and killed two more heavies that were shooting at me for the past 5 seconds im a bad person and my victories are few and far between
that love does not equal sex you can have sex with strangers and never see them again love fits nowhere into that equation imo separating sex from emotions is one of the biggest signs of maturity in an adult yes sex is a huge part of a relationship but you can have one without the other theyre not mutually inclusive studies show that emotional attachment can develop from having sex and having sex with a boyfriend or girlfriend does make you feel more deeply about them and have a closer connection hugging? that is so friggin adorable op i smiled pretty hard it sounds like your bf is trying to do the right thing by you but honestly i dont think either of you should be or are ready to be in the type of relationship you are trying to have or think you are in you both need to mature and grow whether you have sex or not
we have to get politically active many people are complacent about voting and american politics and the politicians like it that way hmm i dont know if i have any entp friends ill keep convincing friends to testheehee milwaukee checking in from the highbury! im standing here amongst a bunch of pissed chelsea fans 38 min in teehee never been drunk at 9 am before which makes me a bad wisconsinite so thats fun! bahahha burnley scored a 3rd one hehehe i did but it always ended up being because my intuition told me something was wrong my intuition was right and i ignored it listen to it dont exterminate anyone make it socially acceptable to not have children make birth control and abortions available globally i would rather we be proactive than reactive have a slow steady controlled reduction of human population sadly i dont see how the nations of the world could ever come to an agreement on this based on various religionsbeliefs
so much funk oh god love it this is so adorable! do you have a deviantart? id love to follow you over there even just for the sake of it i love this art style i still play occasionally with a friend weve been playing clonk for about a decade so at this point we cant seem to let go hey i realise you didnt make this originally but thank you for the continued support im now using this to maintain tabs on my collection with google docs its so useful! so again thank you very much and i hope you continue to support the doc for a long time! also come 43 how will i integrate that into my current google doc? gives me morrowind vibes thanks for sharing! languedoc did change it used to be the only province between rousillon and provence in 18 languedoc was split into two provinces with languedoc itself retaining the northern half forgot the name of the southern half though nothing should have changed for languedoc in this patch though or so i assume
ive heard of this experiment and thats why you always want to be second to market let the competition do the initial research build on theirs and make something even better than they could look into the venus project if you havent already movement supporting shifting to a resource based global economy theres a good documentary on the site while you are at it also check out the rosetta project it is focused on thinking far ahead with our actions on the order of 10000 years well i didnt downvote him but op himself said the comment wasnt helpful to him the purpose of life is to collect experiences this definition agrees with every major religion daily life historical life and future life you couldnt not collect experiences if you tried to thus it seems that since we all collect experiences no matter what that is our purpose this has interesting implications to technological advances it seems as if we are meant to be a hive mind we started with grunting emotions during rituals around
i think most people are physically attractive in some way already so personality is what sets people apart and makes them particularly attractive to me theyd have to mail it to me from far away so thatd be weird since its been years for all of them my high school ex gave me a birthday present when we saw each other two years ago which wasnt weird because weve been broken up forever and were friends if my most recent ex sent me a gift id be pissed that he didnt just send me any of my stuff that he probably still has of mine lol my story a girl messaged me on okcupid and two days later we met for coffee coffee turned into staying out all night two days after that we went on our first official date to an art museum two days after that we went on our second date ice skating it went on like this for another week and then we were officially exclusively dating and already surprisingly serious we got engaged seven months later and then married 9 months after that
will absolutely happen some people like being offensive and unless you pathologize them as having some sort of antisocial personality they will continue to be offensive even in a stateless society i was referring to the entire thing not just the drawing but also gt francoamerican imperialism in north africa and southwest asia gt muslim groups in the west that face inequality and if you read my other comments the existence of a strong reactionary group which uses the above two circumstances as raison detre you cant remove the charlie hebdo shooting from these circumstances circumstances which are nigh impossible to arise without the abolition of anarchism edit i guess my boldfacing of the statement about liberal free speech was simply my critique of the freeze peach argument any time there is offense
you have to know that all the mbti is only a simplification created for the needs of world war ii something like instant coffee or created for the purpose of world war ii but it is not 100 real coffee and its taste do you want to i can write their applications with contact with this infj the key to this is that we can not find reason is a false perspective like the ships infj looking looking for new data information within yourself maybe the problem is that they may not be there at a given stage of development infj not everyone has everything inside like a car in a long rally is not always ready at once the entire route entp can find something just outside hence reddit is needed for entp on the sub infj entp to show that 2 2 4 has to find a person who has both 2 and then to add infj must find the two doubles in itself and in this is the problem because two people will
on the glasses not from the glasses justsaying op you might like to check out thank you for posting this it was interesting and informative im again impressed by cheryls maturity she brought up a lot of important points about them both choosing to reenter the experiment and how they had only known each other for a few days i also liked that even now she was willing to share the blame for some of the failures of their relationship she also seemed to suggest that her and andrew are no longer together which im glad to hear since she so obviously deserves better im not talking about abusers in general though just david so because his one off time did not lead to any other incidences i said what i said
anyone who knows anything about the internet knows that you cant do shit to police it and that trying to is the same as trying to stop a tsunami by building a wooden fence gthow entitled do you have to be to feel that you dont even have to thank people for saving your life? jeez i wasnt aware people werent entitled to life now you know theres not much that makes me question the sort of society we live in but sometimes theres just that one little bit of information about the fucking arrogance of humanity that just make you sit back and say what a world we live in there is no reference what youre seeing is literally the whole joke its just one of the many dank memes making their way around the net
i hear all her music because my daughter loves it and shes someone that i dont mind my daughter listening to theres nothing nsfw about her music so i hear all her stuff and its been really good this new cd is definitely all pop and catchy as all hell i have one brand new in the box i have had it for 3 years and never used it dont really know what id use it for no way! did you make your costume or were you able to buy one? i love shy guys! money is tight so im not buying a new costume i may use my luigi costume over from the year before last where my daughter went as waluigi and i was luigi oh no thats sad but a tarantula!!! shudders our cats are very active and all super social so we are lucky they also are very schedule oriented same thing every day haha
her way up a company and then became ceo its very common for a high profile executive to serve on the board of multiple corporations there are quite a few who sit on several boards actually 1 in 10 is surprisingly low actually pretty much dead but the lack of profitability is because the other players in the world market played dirty whilst the uk was complacent and unambitious not because wales is inferior or uncompetitive inwards you were just unlucky to be there at that particular time to be the scapegoat if it wasnt you it would be someone else tldr its all about them and nothing to do with you i think parents and teachers try too hard to micromanage kids just let them be themselves children are a blank slate its only cynical adults that teaches them to do bad things or emotionally traumatises them by doing things like what my parents did
my roommate is i believe an infp i also live with an enfj and infj so were all three fe users shes a nice person in general the infp but she doesnt seem to understand other peoples feelings very well for example if we say something that upsets her she almost immediately bursts into tears but when she intrudes on our space or does something we dont like she seems extremely oblivious to our feelings unless we point them out verbally i feel like the fi makes it harder for her to immediately understand our perspective on things but it could be something else america is an abbreviation for the united states of america it is just as correct as saying the united states what about it bothers you? of course they didnt say it that way and they wouldnt treat it that way either
depth of personality now the infj tends to crave true intimacy not just a close relationship but a true union of hearts and minds eurgh and this is where it stings as relationships last longer we begin to lose interest in others during our pursuit for the one as we slowly come to terms with the fact that we will almost never meet those who are most qualified to understand us the more we get to know somebody the more we realise they are not the person we seek the infjs tendency to idealise partners makes this revelation cut even deeper long story short how lonely someone is largely depends on their complexity but the infj likely feels it with greater intensity mainly due to their focus on true intimacy in relationships
i feel like my brain uses the fact that hes desperate for sex to start a relationship with him i havent dated anyone in my 15 years of being alive and now im also the desperate one i want someone to be friends with and then flirt and eventually start dating but i dont think high school is the best moment to do that youre right i feel like im stuck with the same guys and i just pick one simply to feel lovebeing loved in 2 months hell be gone just like every other cute guys at my school and ill probably just start all over again but be more careful until eventually school ends and i can start focusing of my love life thanks a lot for your opinion probably act as good as ben in this scene i can already somewhat act but i struggle a lot with it so this power would be more like a boost and not necessarily cheating but then being wise and as you said understanding the world however most of our society isnt wise so being one of the few wise people alive would become frustrating having
gtif you are a singleissue voter im not but i think bodily autonomy is a pretty important right gttrump isnt for you guess not so then that still leaves my question trump wants to punish the person performing the abortion a woman uses an old widely known abortifacient to induce a miscarriage therefore the woman is the one performing the abortion an illegal act consistent with at least manslaughter and must be punished under the law so if these all are true how is what trump said with matthews interview not true? if you live in central ohio go there no seriously right now misaki tanaka mi is my main can do alot but has no money zero fallen zero is the char i just made to do support for mi
gt even then i really dont think megaten normally goes far enough in the direction of actual religious commentary to even be considered actual criticism it does a bit though its often so abstract that its hard to notice the neutral humans thing translated to real life can arguably refer to neutral realistic human condition with law and chaos referring to various kind of constructed ideals that are not sensemaking in a human context in the later games especially law becomes the ideal of the stoic sage and chaos becomes the ideal of the ubermensch and though this is more ideological than purely religious its showing what extreme ideas of religious ideals can arguably represent and so neutral is human in that it expects people to be more normal and flawed as humans and function in a normal realistic paradigm instead of a more extreme one that may be unrealistic and it shows as related to
dna and protein based computing is a thing ai is going to look much more like us than computers it wont use gpu cards to do its magic forever i expect humans to integrate with ai and be uplifted instead of the various scary scenarios weve seen in the media ai grija nu e pc ultima oara cand cineva a zis ca femeile au preferinte diferite in cariera si studii fata de barbati sia pierdut jobul la google one product centralized economy disaster we are on reddit here where men by far outnumber women the women who like it here are very different from the average women i think how many of us hang out at women forums with fashion dating and baby rearing talk? gtit only works for you in your head but you know there is no real effect right? so is my head not real?
there may be truth to this maybe just because weve been together for years but my beloved intj understands my emotions better than anyone he cant explain them or appropriately respond half the time but he tries and thats what matters to me its the keyboard spamming and the excessive wheel spinning on the mouse as a former 13 year old white girl i concur i know one positive comment cant make up for a childhood full of bullying but i felt really sad when reading your comment i always though asian people was the most beautiful race im also from the midwest and this makes me very annoyed with the world we live in my college seems nice to asian people but then again im not asian so just because i dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen i watched on discovery that everyone in the world is 999 genetically identical chimpanzees have more genetic diversity than humans from a scientific standpoint it makes no sense to say there are different races because we are all so similar
gtfor the life of me i cant figure out how to play ashe at all first and foremost your priority is landing your ult to start a team fight disengage pick off an enemy champion so your team can follow up on it ashe has several power spikes such as first back bf sword but her first big power spike comes at level 6 then when she has essence reaver gt hurricane for the 30 cdr at this point usually map rotations begin to happen your goal here is to land that global arrow and create advantages that way once you get ie the damage should begin to become noticeable when you use q gtive played like 10 games and still cant understand how to do damage i can never get close because i have 0 mobility most fights i dont even end up using my q because i cant get close enough to get 4 hits off unfortunately the only answer i have is to play ashe more the more experience you
the dicksography penis honey the boners ok cumputer dik a am easy in the sack hail to the beef in rain blowjobs the king of limbs i saw you comment this earlier and it freaked me out i still cant unhear i kind of wish we just had no idea about this so when it drops it really is an awesome surprise like the eraser was i trust them based on the choices theyve made in the past i dont think they would put out versions they thought were sub par it makes sense that these songs arent coming out on new albums they belong to the okc era and pairing them up with a reissue is probably the best way to let them exist in the world i think that one may be a diet choice rather than a medical thing or he just happened to be in a particularly wanky bakery when he took that pic
yes but the magnet must be made of arsenic and you must lick it to activate it why would you downgrade? its glorious but eugh but vazki does so much other cool stuff and her mod is not like any other its really creative gtwhy are they imposible to pick out of a crowd gtonly redhead in the crowd amen also gr8 b8 m8 imagine if you had a seizure or something of that sort on the toilet and fell unconscious nobody could get in to help you well i dont want to give out any specific ideas for anything like it for reasons but i liked it because of how powerful it was the modularity made it so you could really do anything you wanted with it also i like how making the spells werent too grindy too bad leveling up was p