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hmmokay so ive thought about this quite a bit having trouble almost creating a koan its not safe for me to be perfect because thenim not good enough i took perfect to mean exactly the way i should be or maybe the best that is possible for me i always have future fantasies about if i only tried harder or if i could stay focused on one thing or really if i really wanted to be fill in the blank theres also some subtext about being a showoff i used to get told by fellow students friends even to shut up and let other people answer questions and even now in grad school some of my professors have essentially told me to shut up hmmm so i dont like me if because im not perfect but other people dont like me if i fully exert myself or i worry that they wont okay this was some excellent advice you gave me can you expound further?
ive been flirting with socialism for a while but none of its truly meshed with what ive been learning in my econ program so this subs been a good influence on my learning not in the summer ive still got a wicked farmers tan from laying in the sun at hempfest but i see what youre saying p youve successfully created perspective yeah ill be listening to a song and my friends will ask so what do you think of the lyrics? and ill say uh it sounds really nice it kind of explains why im better with writing melody than lyrics when doing my own thing im an econ major and i would totally do this if i had a breathalyzer am i in the wrong major? those last two lines were totally black and i am totally a racist i believe everything should be solved by a competitive run
your last point made me lol and i dont like acronyms i do feel as if it is unethical to do such a thing but im sure you assumed as much i will tell you why if you are trying to abolish something unethical while in transition abusing it how are you any better than those you speak against? perhaps you arent looking to be any better or for the betterment at all but then what is the point in speaking out against such a thing? it all seems very self serving and individualistic and perhaps hypocritical to feel as if you have the right to be a certain way while trying to eradicate the behavior openly however there is this the system creates this climate of sneaking past and getting your by the fundamental basis of it these are the principles that capitalism was built upon every
yes and yes and fuck that i just want new blood money on glacier engine 2 theyre not cars weigh in this game as feathers we love this new feature t howard bigger than fuel map? whoah whoah whoah guys you are so sweet but i just wanted to say you know some people want expensive things etc im fine but hey you are really sweet both of you i just want to be with my loved ones at christmas thats my wish ronan the running man he reminds me this guy or similar mutant i really enjoy witcher series no black amp white choices like in kotor best star wars game ever or mass effect i have often inner conflict in that game mostly im trying to be neutral tidy one closet two tables pc green walls one window green lava lamp chinese style lamp blackampwhite poster of eiffel tower and your empire needs you with darth vader poster in frames on walls i like my room modest and cozy
they say that you cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs and this in my experience is true for most choices in life given how complex our social relations are as humans you cannot prevent yourself from offending everyone but you can act with the objective in mind of respecting others to the best of your ability sorry for the wall of text edit i think i went off on a tangent to get back to your scenario in that moment of putting your financial gain above bills right and preference to live you were not respecting him even if you respected him in the past at that moment you made a bad or evil choice we may change the meaning of good and bad too at other times a bad choice may be one which does not benefit you directly or which causes you more harm than the alternative in the instance of killing bill versus acquiring 5mil the question would be of which do you define as more valuable
your points have been totally incoherent so far when challenged you change the subject its boring gt thats not the reason its the reason in the context i used it lets assume hes right why would it have a different effect on voters when a republican says lets lower taxes and cut programs than a libertarian? whats the logic there? has bernie ever said anything that could even be interpreted as a call for violence? i mean certain people on the right might get misinterpreted that way like rand paul gtwhy do we have a second amendment? its not to shoot deer its to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical! no people told you major in whatever you want youre very much twisting my argument
gorgeous collection there are some really good ones in there thanks for sharing! exactly this in the short time of using my note 7 before everything went kaboom i let my boss try the taking down notes while the screen is off function and said he really liked that and would probably switch from his iphone to a note 7 because of that convenient function no need to carry a notebook anymore! i have nothing but good things to say about the note 7 gtsimply hand her your name and phone number on a scrap of paper look her dead in the eye and say text me please dont forget to smile this comes off super creepy if you dont smile while you do it i love her voice in this so sweet and light nice cover! alternatively davids tea?
not really she had just come to a point in her life where she was really comfortable but honestly probably verging on bored and when it happened her fencesitter oh decided maybe it wouldnt be so bad with her i think there was a calculated my life is set now oh is great doing well in every aspect i could afford to give up work and itll all be set in stone the proof of this i think is that they were together 12years before she got pregnant but of course once she was pregnant they had to get married i dont think oh was commitment shy but it was an exercise in wrapping up any loose ends far as i could see once you have a child your life changes so significantly that really having a second only makes sense she did wait until she was at the point of becoming disposable eligible for work again as young child was school age to us that would seem like horrible timing but to continue with the
a hard kick to the balls is 100x more painful than childbirth i wasnt talking about that policy im talking about china actually working to make genius babies they will be the worlds top superpower because they are working on creating the most intelligent population jihad is a muslim thing not just an isis thing nasa already has a printer that prints metal rocket parts equality is not about better or worse its about sameness being better or worse requires that they be unequal but being unequal does not necessarily imply that they are better or worse white people are on average smarter and less violent than black people while black people tend to be more athletic this is an objective fact which mix of traits you consider superior is a different matter science only deals with the objective facts not judgment of which is better
between 1997 and 2007 we had 10 years of prosperity here in the uk no major recessions no major problems yes there was the iraq war and afghanistan but that was bushs fault then the financial collapse happened by 2010 were climbing our way out of it with the wto and others praising how well the government was handling the situation then we elected airbrushed dave i had friends who said they voted conservative because they said brown was too miserable and wanted someone more cheery in charge the same people voted leave this time since then the economy has been slower to recover than it should have been cutting investment in a recession is bloody stupid and now this 1997 to 2007 mostly pretty good nhs and schools getting funded general prosperity 2008 to now generally crap getting worse this government needs to go
gt i understand that all the commentschat messageszero mails are stored in the sqlite db and replicated yes that seems to be the common way of doing things stuff is stored in an sqlite db and shared amongst peers gtbut am i downloading every comment since the beginning of time? for the particular websites you visit yes theres also ways of making optional files that users can download but dont need to this is how stuff like gif hosting works the main site is downloaded but only the gifs you visit are downloaded the same idea can be used for messages gthow is that going to scale? either prune your site to keep it small or turn older less visted content to be optional afaik theres nothing preventing you from making a site completely optional and then providing a dedicated host for it which would make it similar to how the regular web works edit on the client side of things you can set
honestly the only place that would probably be able to do something like this for you would be craigslist but then youre risking fake tickets the 10 charge is way too damn high but i guess they have to make some kind of profit considering they arent the ones setting ticket prices no no but had way too many cheaters in my life with little to no explanation from any of them enough mystery behind all of them to make me want to shoot myself a few times then my own mother did it anyway im babbling i actually just got hired final offer today hopefully! by a major fast food company for a corporate office it spot my manager the helpdesk manager and the senior most network admin are all women aghhhhhhh i had exactly 39 cents!
one mans trash is another mans treasure the hard part is not finding a fulfilling relationship its keeping it fulfilling long term im horrible at maintaining my relationship i dont live up to my own standards i cant keep to a routine im a neglectful parent im a very flawed individual let it out not healthy at all to bottle it up i know from personal experience give in to the feelsgasm youre bound to feel better after venting not everyone will get it or understand fuck those that dont theyre not worth your time gtthe terrible awful nogood very bad threesome does not compute unless it was a devils three way in which case i understand when you stab your first walker you risk your breakfast
sex gym lol bike thinking about random things till i remember i have to eat im not racist i want to have sex with some butts with my anaconda uff i dont know whats worst at least you interact more with others and you get sunshine on your skin the problem is that in usa guns are allowed here in the eu we are civilized enought to forbid them and we have lower criminal and murder rates its easier to shoot a gun than to kill with a knife a generalist learning platform cant run in internet for me its interesting but its more interesting to stay at earth till we can go there safely to create an interesting world no brain implants are near psychologists are a waste of money palmer should announce it nowwww
were going off of what op told us the fu emphasizes the guy seeming gay and ops remark and then the guys reaction the best result if op apologizes is the guy doesnt even remember what happened all clear no loss to op if the guy reacts positively and accepts the apology then potential trouble avoided if the guy rejects the apology then its evident the problem is with him and knowing this op can tread carefully around him apologizing in this case will not hurt op in the comics its very apparent that green martians are abundant this becomes even more relevant in season 2 this looks almost fantasylike but he doesnt have twohanded mastery like his brother thats originally what got me to follow the subs theres a lot of applied psychology and a bit of deductive reasoning i prefer to use it in understanding many of my own biases and fallacies when i dothink things and it helps maintain an approach to objectivity when talking to someone or deciding on the best course of action btw ive
and gets more magical internet points i bet if you threw it into a fire youd find it next to you when you woke up the next morning someone was mad about this guy using manlets i think he was pretty heavily downvoted there for a while im an employment lawyer and i like this kind of thing this is what creates greater change it helps in the sense that the joint responsibility will discourage organisations to host eventsset up companies in qatar i do think its misguided an an injustice to other slave labourers to only paint fifa as the bad guy many other companies blindly benefit from this kind of system this is exactly how childslavesweatshop labour changes need to occur it goes beyond individual consumer choice unfortunately as it is our nature to choose whats cheap and easily disassociate it with the real source this is just one case but hopefully opens the floodgates for others of the same type
oyster card debit cards phone and money i live in london and while it is hyped up a lot i personally think it is a lot like what it is shown to be i mean ive been living here since birth yet ive always wanted to experience the city like a tourist i always say one day im going to holiday in london its pretty much my dream holiday lol its horrible when its family gtyou have been indulged way too much in your life i say this about myself but id rather be in my position than in one filled with bitterness like yours nsv i got asked if i contour! d d i dont i just use a looooot of glitter as highlighter gtwhat are pie toppings? puff pastry shortcrust pastry mashed potato roasted veg like moussaka roast potato theres a lot more but those are just off the top of my head gtedit wait what are pie fillings??!!! minced meat chicken and white sauce moussaka filling vegetables cooked in various ways fish and white sauce oceanfish pie tuna pasta hmm now that i think about it maybe ill cut
finally i was waiting for someone from tech insider to affirm everything we saw in the trailer is actually coming into the game who needs to hear from the devs when weve got tech insider making assumptions based on a trailer released before the game even came out? the ferry building is the best place i caught about 20 there yesterday along with 5 dragonair ive always played in c on my 6 string and i like ernie ball beefy slinky 11 gauge strings dont like elixir much always used daddario for my acoustic as well no complaints it does seem to be this way doesnt it? im sure everyone would love to see some studies surveys done on this phenomenon sounds like the video games might not be the problem
so i also feel solitude which to me equals peace sunsets win though how do tell someone that an outfit is unflattering? your outfit is unflattering wait youre actually upset? okay okay im sorry but not really im just being honest and i happen to be incredibly blunt and a bad outfit is not as bad as a bad personality if thats any consolation are you usually early on time or late? early if im on time im panicking and if im late im dead because the word late is not in my vocabulary year to year but if you do really well on that then itll boost your chances! good luck i hope this helped! favorites are adele marina and the diamonds mika pentatonix sam smith sara bareilles taylor swift and tove lo
tbh the title was better than the read afic whilst having a jointsmoking lady sitting on his face and giving out free butterball soya turkeys to students its yours go forth and register your bet ill never forget the sadness i felt when the company i worked for moved out of the building we had rented a server room all under floor cabling and patch panels were removed and scrapped they would have been completely useful to the next tenants but the terms of the lease stated it had to be returned to the state we took it in such a terrible waste of time money and materials if they vote yes it will be worse for everyone they have had the right to change taxes by 3p for a few years but not used it salmond is marching to his own drum
nah intps are usually individualistic so theres a big spectrum of all different shades within that type and i think youre dealing with surface impressions like is somebody nerdy or whatever whereas im dealing with how people think i actually dont know star trek but im just guessing so some intps are warm and confident others are shy or dismissive some are badass others are meek some are kind to people others are dismissive of people and so on different shades the thing that makes all these people the same colour is the fact that they really do like to deal with truefalse and truefalse only if you just determine the truth of things then everything follows from that they view value judgments such as this is offensive which is what op was trying to convey when they said fuck off there is no other good reason why they would have written that intps dont do offensive because i am offended is an
play the victim ignore the fact that by your logic it should be insensitive to others too and dont bother to note that the quiz clearly allows for nondiagnosed individuals i posted here as i thought members would be clearminded enough to give their thoughts and get on with their lives the reason i avoided posting in bpd was the concern that somebody might misinterpret as you seem to have into sober mode when i feel necessary incredibly easily my medicine has altered this all a bit though babbling that? try strangling your young daughter to death about 4 times then take offense when she speaks out as an adult then refuse her help with medical help? pfft luckily my narcissisticbpd grandmother on my fathers side hilariously has answered some questions and im hoping to hear from my dad who actually shows signs of as himself literally born out of a broken biscuit tin of human psychology! ha we both needed a vent
wow thats a cool detail about trains i never knew about! thanks! limes are key to life satisfaction dude thats awesome! youre my hero! d i hope that is indeed the answer as it would mean theres a lot less horrible things in her life that she needs to heal from sadly im not sure thats the case judging from the descriptions the years finally those who hunt elves is a show about stripping elves to see if they have spell fragments in order to go home yeah its a comedy mostly but its got some decent plot progression and action hope this helps! that was certainly more than i expected when i started trying to think of all the fantasy ive encountered over the years its a genre near and dear to my heart and i always wish there was more
lets me process things in the back ground i have a good understanding of concepts and i do it on the fly i said in another thread about how i used to read things twice because i felt like i wasnt picking up the info but sure enough i can always barf it out later i work in it so its less about knowing how to do everything and more about being able to put things together quickly to devise a solution also i was talking to my therapist about it i dont get excited about anything i always look into everything and figure it all out ahead of time uncertainty causes stress for the most part i like to look at everything and make the best choice when there is too much info to dig through to get the best choice then i freak out regardless
gtif god doesnt exist and this existence is random who cares about trump winning? because we support his policies gtwho cares if people pay their taxes? the government gtwho cares if they go to work? people who need money gt or decide to murder a random person instead? people who have morals dont murder people you dont need god to have morals gtits all random nothing has any consequence wrong gtheres no reason to even try and behave or think well in life wrong again morals i love how calm and eloquent this professor is awesome job was his name dindu nuffin? afaik its an old railway bed and is relatively gradual most people start at the ne end as the elevation is highest there gtsanders is pulling some of the libertarian vote which is weird populists are conflating libertarianism with antiestablishmentism
not so much about failure its just nice to have a pommel especially with a lanyard hole tell them you were confused and thought it was something else entirely yes actually thats exactly how it works contracts get renegotiated all the time hell my employer just renegotiated a 10year contract with a supplier after only 3 years because prices dropped significantly and the supplier was trying to make us keep paying fuck that so it looks like it should dip again any day now? sushi and indian food theres a reason they stay in business i want a geisselle sdc so bad true i suppose i see them going hand in hand you have to be closed minded to remain ignorant when confronted with contrary information
amazing pic you guys look brilliant together lt3 yes i worded that poorly for each of the conciousnesses that individual could not have predicted they would be that conciousness awesome i am glad to hear about this! im headed to a continental ma this fall good luck to you! its such a difficult and fascinating field but very competitive a lit degree should serve you well from my limited experience we have 2 ma lit phds in my undergrad department which does not specialize in literature related phil we do have to remember though that he was working with the very earliest translations of these texts into europe ive heard it said that schopenhauer takes a very nihilistic view of buddhism which buddhism doesnt take itself to be but can easily be read that way much like the early interpretations of nietzsche being nihilistic and fascist based on his sisters editing and promotion of his works
as others have said i would not watch those children for her anymore with an attitude like that she has some set of balls asking you for favors after how she reacted to this situation people like this will not change unless there are consequences for their actions you continuing to watch her kids is a big bold message to her saying please continue to treat me like shit and act like a gigantic baby anytime you please because we wont do anything about it gthow do i approach her? with kindness and honesty hey i remember you telling me about the issues youre having with your teeth my father happens to be a dentist and when i talked to him about your situation he offered to help is that something you would be interested in?
yeah there were no coattails involved more like they both were wearing a twoperson animal costume in which both were essential for the whole thing to remain upright and he called danny the worst iron fist ever which was hilarious not to mention rapists that was amazing the first time we ever see her show that much emotion! they do that on vikings too i think well technically if they only show asos theres just something about cw shows and comedic episodes about bad luck yeah fucking cdc will finally start doing their jobs yeah for a moment i thought i was on facebook on reddit i thought we accepted that while we enjoy it a lot this is still a flawed show at this point im not even reading the comments just upvoting
i think in life we cross many thresholds as intps in this regard there are many solutions for any problem and the one that tends to work best for us is the use of logic personal will people i just developed working models and such as this person is like x therefore do x related stuff and the relationship works out the other one personally i had was stopping giving a fuck about certain things this was the first threshold the second threshold was not giving a fuck if they liked me or not im very capable socially at this point because of these two however i personally have yet to the cross the threshold relating to everyone should have an opinion about because i have yet ironically for an intp to say
my darkest secret is that i love pooping outside its probably about 43 of the reason why i love camping and hiking oh come on you didnt know the minorities love him!? s honestly ive abused adderall and it felt the same way i miss it a lot but abstain from taking it what happens to me is that i channel all of my nervous energy into the speech i am usually really on point when i give presentations or speeches i thrive off of the adrenaline oh my god i love how youre casually holding a mug i want to go to there i was thinking how sad it was because we met sister mary eunice when she was such a sweet girl i bet she did treat pepper well for those two years then by another unfortunate turn of events pepper lost the person who cared for her i only just watched asylum for the first time a few weeks ago so peppers arc is still clear in my head really gives her character so much depth now grossman is an amazing actress
now i feel bad for being a solo gamer though apart of it is my brother is a bit of a gaming perfectionist where i just play for fun though its a good response i havent found the right one yet also works that works thanks very much i thought you were talking about sunnydale until i looked it up night vale what is it about? what does tifu stand for? how to pay town tax pole tax on another reddit post some guy did this because he learned to do it while in jail and it was just a habit he kept note to self learn a hand full of phrases in another language helping people start a business because its become a new fad mainly i would like to design and pay someone to build apartments i can rent out wow that magickarp one is really cute the echo madoka rebellion one was really good and i think i watched a section of it before which makes me want to find the full series in fact this is how i use to find out about anime before i was on reddit i would look through batches of amvs and than
cant say im in need a wife maybe a husband its hard to find the right fit too selfaware and worry too much leads to lots of mental anguish bad moods and the time wasting i seem to lack the ability to just let things be because i must understand why and even once i know why i must figure out how it happened how to avoid it and etc say it to my face so i can proceed to tell you what i think to your face! if anyone needs an example just look into mine edit word i am so sad i cant spell can you elaborate? im under the impression bcp stops you from ovulating which in turn would make ttc pretty difficult if you like pets i always recommend finding a local shelter to volunteer at tons of different types of tasks and the commitment is generally no more than 2 hours a week get you out of the house gets you hanging out with animals who need love and a chance to meet others with similar care for the community and pets
nt! currently attending or alumnus? get out of here youre not allowed to guess if you know me you twat im a 3rd year hochdeutsch student and while i have little trouble understanding standard german i can assure all of you that speaking a language with 5000 dialects can get pretty tough last year i found this interview by a band i listen to since im always trying to improve my german i decided to ignore the subtitles and just listen to what the guy was saying to see if i could pick some of it out queue 12 minutes of me sitting staring at the screen with my pokerface on wondering if i was having a stroke since i had no idea what he was saying then i realised he was speaking a swiss dialect just keeping things moving
have major beef or be brothers or something constantly warring for the throne or carving out separate parts of the seas and on the break of civil war speaking of civil war it gets interesting when you throw in superman and wonder woman and batman who can all make a major impact on the battle mabye superman is proregistration antiregistration but it becomes law and he holds himself to it and batman goes against it because he doesnt want to be a government lackey oh and the joker and all of batmans costumed freaks do their shit in gotham city until the punisher catches wind and goes on a mass cleanse of gotham the next time batmans in space or something doing justice leagueavengers shit leaving the batfamily to protect their supervillains from him punisher vs nightwing? yes please punisher and damian meeting? yes please!
what can i find this to watch? all i know is i hate that i care about this stuff and follow it emotional roller coasters with no ending until signing day the feelings fatigue is real and usually once you have a girlfriend girls notice you more thats why i good female wing man is the best! coward of the county kenny rodgers reconciling the line between being violent and standing your ground perfect gif choice i applaud you good sir i dont know if its unreasonable or not but i would like my phone to work that way that was merely one example though another one is im listening to a podcast while using gps in my car and getting a text will cause the podcast to force close so annoying thus im looking forward to the jump to 3gb
unless they robotstxt nocrawled it being conceived i barely won the race the first time they have been for years with beetus especially the stubble aaaaaand im turned on dumb and dumber superbad end of the world rick and morty futurama just to name a few i watch more youtube than anything because of all the questions that i have chocolate shit cake with doodoo filling playing and watching other play then watching hand analysis you must have doucheybro friends come play with us instead! i cant imagine what he saw before it collapsed your family is beautiful! doublefisting while drinking two beers that escalated quickly catching up on the posts on my lunch break shrimp fried rice was a bad choice literally stopped eating cuz of the smell of hot fish and the image that you vividly painted in my mind youre like picasso if picasso were to paint a masterpiece using her foul squirt syrup as a medium
for power do you have the usb plugged into a charger on the wallpower strip or a usb port on the tv itself? why cant they open any stores in more than four states some even go on to sit on the iron throne! in other news house bill that would have killed gerrymandering was killed by the two dominant parties hell i figured out that the money i save on gas alone is enough to cover the cost of a membership at costco piece of shit probably still gets a free bloomin onion at outback on 1111 too wow i remember having my mind blown by the footprints in the snow in the original metal gear solid to be perfectly honest playing the titanfall beta was the first time i ran into the limitations of crossfire and probably the main reason that i ended up opting to switch to a single gpu solution
life is too boring what is life without selfdefense? come join the galactic fringe border worlds militia! i like plays on morality peaceful plants have nap then i mean its a respectable position serious no sarcasm gt would like to think you for your time gt doesnt get answer about sharing goes ahead and shares unjustified? killing a feminist supporting mra there is ur failure at rationality no different than paying the mafia to keep competitors away and the mafia keeping competitors away to butfuck the business its not crime because its the social contract the social contract makes it legitimate hahaha if you choose wrong answer it asks the same question again! 1010 argumentation maybe we need to detect the right jews too good a joke
and one of my tenets is the necessity of freedom and the general undesirability of violence and coercion so such an idea sickens me how could they possibly talk about politics without ltmedia icongt being around to tell them how to think on the issues? i think ive read it three or four times now and every time i do so i realize some other shade of what hes talking about the idea of undermining how we deal with and interpret language as a way to undermine how we can effectively engage with thought and ideas obviously dovetails well with orwells take on things from 1984 is it bad that i occasionally go back and reread that thread? if thats wrong then i dont want to be right agreed auto is really only useful in a military context when youre trained on how to use covering fire a 30 round mag discharged in full auto will likely hit fewer people than a 10 or 12 round magazine of aimed shots
pixars animated short paperman that first bold thats my life right now summon your ni and figure out what you are passionate about and figure out what you can offer to it theres a way to pursue your own interests while keeping that of others at heart so youll continue feeling like youre serving a greater cause just frame your intentions correctly and you will go far and honestly id recommend doing things that are different things you may have at one point been afraid of doing unfamiliarity is such a great way of learning something new about yourself and establishing new often improved direction dont be afraid interesting i suspect the same thing just happened to mejust tried to sign on to an account and saw i was vac banned hoping i have some kind of luck getting unbanned best of luck to you too
me i like ties or just businesswear in general chicks in ties man seeing those discs crushed into that flower shape was soooo satisfying also sharing little inside joketype stories helps for bonding i know its not but this also reminds me of laputa castle in the sky its probably nearby the spawn isnt the same each time someone needs to adjust there render distance settings this should be added to that ghibli world thing 67802 67802 nidoking because he was one of my first pokemon i caught near mt moon and he was forever on my team thereafter but there are plenty of sillycute moments in the souls series submission statement this article provides some really interesting insight and history behind one of ancient romes most iconic monuments the interactive comic book section is especially interesting
make people like you from the first day make a good impression so people are interested in you the be yourself! thing isnt always true but dont pretend like youre a different person and if you ever have problems regarding time look into managing your time every time you wake up or go to sleep depending on what you prefer get a piece of paper or download an app for that and write down a schedule for the day that will make you pick up good habits be responsible and generally make your life easier and better im in my second year now and have enough sleep have a girlfriend a great social life good sleep am physically active i go for a run every day and still have plenty of time for videogamesetc
uh you do realize that im not the original poster here? gt when people are drunk they do dumb things when adults realize they cant control their actions and are hurting people when they drink they either stop or restrict their drinking fairly fucking obvious by the way sorry but drinking in excess isnt a fucking excuse its a problem and it leads to more problems that should be recognized and dealt with incidentally if you think that drinking is an excuse i probably want to be done with this conversation yesterday the diabeticinsulin analysis usually works pretty well as an explanation for most people there are always the completely ignorant ones who choose to remain ignorant of course but it does work for most people
oh well im not a mod though so it doesnt really matter is zelis a real place or not? with some artistic inspiration but the method is mostly my own to be honest your map was brilliant and i did try to mimic the art style a tiny bit the turkish people formally recognize the new state congratulations on your independence if we researched something beforehand does that mean i have to make a post to start producing it or is it just instantaneous? we thank you for your hospitality ah okay sorry i was being a little dim there p ignore previous post please i didnt check the claim list change all nouns to their basque equivalents adjectives ending in er will now be standardized by just adding more before the word same with adjectives ending in est into most nors haizea and eguzkia were disputing quich was more strong quen bidaiari came along wrept in warm kapa dem agrae dat one quom first succade in making bidaiari take his kapa off should be considert more strong dan over den nors haizea
i believe the rate of divorce is so high because the value of marriage has changed in the uk its seen as something to do when you reach a certain age all my friends are getting married and the concept of competition when it comes to planning a overthetop wedding is obscene and sadly alltoprevalent also there is less stigma with divorcing nowadays in the earlier decades of the twentieth century people stuck together because it was the done thing whether they really wanted it or not and willingness to try and make something work was probably more common as a result nowadays its widely accepted to get divorced and subsequently people dont feel the need to try and make it work when the spark disappears this was of thinking means that lots of people
you want the big picture? a hillary administration will do far more long term damage what do i mean by that? hillary is a stain on the democrats and the democrat brand all democrats will suffer because of the never ending scandals and lies before hillary was the nominee we were looking at taking back the senate now because of the dncs war on progressives that is not happening its been written off you are going to see more reactionary politics in the form of more red state houses and more red governors the democrats are going to implode they had their chance at course correction when it was revealed the dnc sabotaged bernie they had an additional course correction opportunity at the convention to seal the deal on tpp and endless wars they blew it they cashed in all their chips in an orwellian coup of the media state parties local parties and the administration
i dont people help me anyway and now i have a list of people i plan to help out when i become rich and famous which probably numbers to 300400 people the selfish jerks dont realize that not being able to repay their help is what keeps me up at night someone showed me ben ablemans cover of what about me and i was intrigued by the guitar line and the weird chords on the breakdown but that was about it for some reason i just felt it sounded very videogameish then on a whim a long time later i decided to see the we like it here version and then after watching what about me and lingus i was floored just like almost every other good musician i know everyone in the scene whom i respected was talking about this band!
to that than most alternatives i would not choose to live in a world where creativity and the pursuit of power is stifled so everyone can live a comfortable life i respect the views of those who disagree but i think life should be a struggle because if it isnt whats the point? all greatness is born from sacrifice edit i should clarify though that i favor capitalism as a meritocracy where those who develop and perform exceptionally specialized and marketable skills are rewarded and those who do not are allowed to fall by the wayside what we have in america is more of an oligarchy based heavily on nepotism which i despise any system in which someone can be guaranteed a comfortable life simply by merit of having been born is broken
it was okay i was at her party and we had to leave an hour early so i said bye to everyone im oddly a really positive person president nesss death it was a few days before my most recent chapter everybody is shocked because its the first president to die and a popular one and confused about who killed him and why even though the killer wrote he killed him because he just felt like it i hated my 6th grade mathscience teachers laugh hanging off my other couch could probably catch myself before i fall off i like thanksgivukah its a tradition in my family to combine thanksgiving and chanukah because my grandparents are in florida by chanukah which are 2 of my favorite holidays anyway i dont really like halloween because im very indecisive about everything especially about what to wear that year to make it worse all costumes are gendered which isnt good for a transgender person like me and are usually uncomfortable anyway but at least theres candy
one would think the people in the department would talk to each other and figure out a way around it my original major at ucsd was anthro and iirc it wasnt a big department 8 isnt even the lowest allow me to introduce two buck chuck i believe it used to be sold for 2 but now its up to 250 the first time i did it someone said oh im actually not a packers fan i had to wear a green shirt for work ive been too shy to say anything ever since congrats! i love how it sparkles! same! i was really pissed off at first! we are conversers but not entertainers but its not the first time theyve partnered up female 24 the limbo period between leaving the family i grew up and before starting my own does give me a weird detached feeling im trying to embrace it moving back in with my family after college helps the transition ill be moving out soon to have my own space but i do recommend living with your parents again after college im very different now than when i was 18 and so my relationship with
the us is crazy about white meat thats one variety theres also dysphoric mania gtthe new york times article that broke this story says the psychiatric condition dysphoric mania a form of bipolar disorder combines the frenetic energy of mania with the agitation dark thoughts and in some cases paranoid delusions of major depression link its hard to smell good when you work at the dump and your boss is a living dumpster fire always look for the helpers there will always be helpers its a power exchange lots of the stuff that turns people on includes aspects where one person allows themselves to be dominated by their partner its basically bdsmlite lots of people get off on power exchange play like this which can seem degrading except its done with a willing consenting partner whos often getting off on feeling like theyre being slutty or taboo
yovre talking to someone vvhos very considerate as far as trves go yov false i actvally try to mix my gvitars as lovv as possible so that the other instrvements dont get drovvned ovt thats vvhy bvrn and die the falses gvitars are so hard to hear relative to the bass ltnojerkgt i actually did that with the first version of badtf which is why it can be hard to distinguish the guitars from the rest it was to avoid smothering banjaxes bass but it sort of had the opposite effect instead speaking of badtf i may see about rerecording guitars and vocals for the original version instead of using the 20 version because the slowdowny part was cool and theres already bass and drum tracks there yeah figured that weed might be a factor for banjaxe he also mentioned a camping trip recently djherp seems to have been getting high a lot lately too does this mean that goatcifer is
but what if i have a master ball? this is why everyone uses priceline now i used to use expedia all the time and when i began travelling to nj every couple of months and they were putting extra charges in and saying they were fees assigned by the airline after the first time i called the airline and confirmed they didnt charge an additional 45 fee for anything and then they even referred me to priceline to book and get the trip cheaper than expedia and with the hotel and flight together no we were forced to wait across the street some were from earlier when i accidentally walked right smack through the middle of their set others were when we came back from the met and they wouldnt let us cross to go into central park so we had to wait for between takes
these were my advisors standards he dropped me as a student for not living up to them even though i was still working my ass off in meetings with other faculty they expressed support of his expectations i was his first grad student i hear now that he hasnt lowered his expectations but he has slightly relaxed the consequences of not meeting them thank you! ill take a look to be fair im sure male astronauts have been asked how theyd cope without women or football or some similar stereotype im 26 too and my mom passed away unexpectedly in july its very hard im sorry for your loss this is great thank you so much! hmmm i havent had any issues definitely post on their tech supportbug forum theyve got decent customer service
okay see you later! d a millennia? which is it a thousand years or many? yeah you kinda get used to it though though it is kinda sp00ky without anyone else in the house dodges really not wanting to get hurt while shauns on his trip something tells me shes just looking around idly wel this is camp jupiter ive heard scratch that read seeing as nobody from that time is alive anymore that it was more common those days you two just dont understand the concept of demoskratos do you? short? digs up your body and kicks your skull youre dead i aint got time fo dat reburies you sloppily and goes back to redditing ooc all this is happening when im gone ooc yeah well say hello to sophies gun for me while youre at it
im completely new to this just got sickbeard up and running last night but snatches and failed issue? could you explain? i may have seen this already myself it says it snatched a bunch of episodes of mad men but they didnt show up in sabnzbd i flipped those back to wanted manually this morning is this the issue you are referring to? am i going to have to periodically babysit sickbeard to make sure this doesnt happen? did you find a fork that solves it? but factory farming kills a lot of animals mostly small rodents but still and of course insects ultimately the choice is an individual one but not eating is clearly not a realistic alternative either way you eat living things and the death of other things was involved in some way in putting food on your table
hey its cool guys i love the suggestion thanks! d ive used both and significantly prefer jansen over schmelzer they are similar in defense jansen has better heading jansen is better going front better positioning but similar passing and dribbling schmelzer stays back more but jansens work rates dont cause much of a problem if youre at least decent in defending the flanks then jansens high attacking work rate shouldnt be a problem at all wheres jeong ho? the bundesliga cb i am so grateful you were here to see this thread i just wrote the wife off as someone who wasnt happy with her birthday gifts but your post gave me an amazing perspective on this that i couldve never understood on my own thank you for helping me understand the wider perspective
man i wish i had some advice for this sadly ive only had to deal with friends who were jealous of my obvious superiority what area are you in? physical i would vastly increase my metabolism so i could eat whatever the fuck i wanted nonphysical meh im good bust out the big dice? i ressurect soandso nothing happens bam instant plot hook when she touches my penis shhhhhhh shhshhshhshhshh dont spoil the moment im prolonging my erection thats really the way i felt about it it started off really strong and i binged the first few seasons but then it started trying to turn itself into breaking bad i think had it kept its lighthearted attitude about the prevalence of weed in society and she spent her free time trying to get into the countryclub to expand her business it could have kept being great but then they had to start killing the crap out of people i feel like the whole dea agent blackmailing her was just a plotline that they wrote in to add some tension but didnt know where to go
now thats how to do it because an entp ruined his life because some suaveashell intj stole his girlfriend because he has nothing better to do i mean being surrounded by people better than you immediately after you grew up thinking you were on the very right of the bell curve is a pretty cold shower edit positions we wont need roads where were going i got excited when i saw your head in that position but was let down to see there was no noose around your neck dont talk to me or my many sons ever again this man thinks he can fling shit at milo and not get fucking destroyed hahaha ncix has various keyboards on display that can be clicked and typed at hey man gotta have priorities right? i am pretty dead inside thanks
ive never been helped but ive been almost helped a few times once at the grocery store i opened a freezer door to get coffee creamer and an older man used his shopping cart at an angle to trap me he bent over until he was almost looking up my skirt and said damn youve got really nice legs you know that? as this was happening another man closer to my age watched from the other side of the aisle looking concerned and sort of frozen with some random grocery item in his hand he looked like he started to come over a few times but ultimately didnt when the creepy guy left he gave me sort of a sheepish look and carried on another time i was at a bar with a party of people and a man who apparently went to my high school came on to me in a way that made me super uncomfortable and he wouldnt let me leave it took what felt like forever to get away from him and when i did my friend pulled me aside and
my bf has a very lax attitude about farting which is funny because when we were first dating hed remove himself from my presence to do it i didnt prompt this in any way other than being respectful with my gas as well im not that gassy anyway so its not like its a huge effort anyway i took him camping for the first time after we were dating for 4 months or so my friends and i get pretty immature gross while camping and i will fart at opportune times to be funny i lifted my leg and farted while sitting next to him very demurely he jumped up and looked at me in horror! i explained to him that he farts all the time why shouldnt i fart on occasion? my friends howling in laughter at him being so prissy probably helped p he wasnt too happy but he adjusted we also saw each others poop that week in the latrine quite a few times and didnt shower so i suppose he didnt really have a choice
do you do this fulltime? ive always enjoyed math tutoring and i have tons of experience with it but i imagine it would be very hard to make a living just on that since the hours are so limited is this accurate or no? if it would be feasible i would love nothing more in life than teachingtutoring math but its hard to do that without a graduate degree of some kind if mike pettine comes out to the press conference and says anything along the lines of we did some good things today im pulling my fan card same here i agree with you i dont want to sound like im better than anyone else and i dont fault anyone whos really ambitious im not opposed to seeing paris or japan either and im not opposed to taking up new hobbies i dont hate the idea of that but i just never put it at the top of my mental todo list theres nothing wrong with your way of life in my mind
you know you will probably start a storm of fury regarding sex offender info not being open to the public why in the world are you against that? i understand if the offense is that someone is a year under the age of consent and the other is not thats not a big deal but what about all the other horrendous shit that happens that the public should know and be warned about? so when youre in social situations now do you try to talk to other people? if so what do you say usually? or do you stand there quietly? i think id and other redditors would need to know exactly what girls are going away from theres generally always a reason i dont know what music you like but your thoughts reminded me of left and leaving by the weakerthans you should check it out edit try not to worry too much about when this will happen because it will youre young youre passionate and youre about to enter into some of the most beautiful and damaging times of your life get ready for the time of your life
amazing samples fooled me how long until we have text to speech at this level in our computers? verizon was greedy now they are burned i just hope apple will open up and be more permissive like android it depends on wether the intention is pointed towards unification nonduality or division duality ardent aspiration towards enlightenment is a big boost i got a simpler explanation for you nobody converts to christianity chances are one in a thousand most are born into their religion so the only way to win more human cattle is to get them to ditch birth control its all about money member count perl is 23 times faster than tcl? if i didnt read it wrong perl is listed a number of times in the additional table interesting alternative programs with times of 119s 27x faster than tcl! whats up with that? heres the table interesting alternative programs 03 pascal free pascal 3 110 19604 2927 04 perl 6 119 22500 462 04 perl 3 122 31696 424 07 perl 5 232 24616 470 09 python 2
i will never complain about my city ever again hormones and how they workaffect people i cheated once when i was 18 situation was muddy from all sides never again since so yeah i dont agree with the phrase have often not been taken seriously some of it is because im a woman and some is because im fat everything from sexual healthinfertility heart pain asthma to knee pain so much fun keep up the good work gt i mean ffs can anyone besides hookers be summoned for sex with a rando in like 10 minutes? ive always wondered this do people get up and get ready every morning like their going to get laid at any moment? yep i met one guy who looked half decent in his picture when i met him in person he much bigger and looked about 10 years older it didnt work out for him especially after he tried to rub my neck 10 minutes in to meeting me
high fives do people still do that? gteither your too stupid but youve fixed it thank you! at first i thought the extra table was a bit meh but the more i think about it the more it seems like a great benefit as you said no more or not as much project slippage joannes after selecting three pul packages and their minorder of 2pkitem doubling my order subtotal 5394 canada shippingduty 1795 processing fee 480 special handling 810 estimated total 8479 the same item qty at fabricville is 6550 after tax and they dont have a sale that doubles my purchase i have a feeling its going to be more effective for me to pay the 38mtr in store 21x24 x 3 is smaller than a meter and then more math pretty sure its more expensive getting the precut packs
how often does it happen and why would that be useful to rp men? in general or as an aggregate do you think that men and women are equally indecisive? maybe men should get some agency for themselves and become better material for husbands instead of demanding than women become better wife material men who are relationship material are still getting married men sitting on their computers and doing nothing are not going to i am going to be learning mandarin next year i have a very elementary understanding of it right now then i am going to be learning spanish and arabic this post is such a mess i do not even know where to begin why would they doxx you? well i am going to need some time to think that through
play every gig as if its your first your only and your last that is definitely a pearl of a find! could we get a closeup pic of the headstock? it looks really cool gt weve got to make sure this isnt the new hip if it is the angel of the lord will wrestle with it and break it dont nail it at work you dont have an ambo? granted our ambo looks like the lectern dont like the psalms eh? probably not a big fan of the liturgy of hours either? my new jerusalem bible has the beatitudes in matthew 5 set like poetry and i know that it uses poetic parallelism that was used in most of the bible though im sure if its technical poetry or prose yeah the haydock is great ive got his commentary in an old bible that was printed during the pontificate of pope leo xiii im glad were catholic and were bothand folks not eithe
i wasnt happy about the harvin trade either but i got over it and looking back we definitely won that trade i dont want ap off this team and ill be pissed if we lose him hopefully whatever happens well be able to look back years from now and be sure we made the right decision no one is a fortune teller i see a web comic in the making! hanks yeah? in the beginning always gets me god damn do i love this show fucking nipple lights how do they work?!?! yeah! i think it was cloyster cloyster used withdraw so ash told kingler to just keep crabhammering it! and the shell was cracking or something like that am i wrong? not to mention he writes as if he never passed the 5th grade go ahead and play them friend no region lock on ds games
well i think we need to look at it from an in universe explanation rather than from that point i would assume that uniforms that are issued to the fleet would go through much more rigorous testing and development than costumes for a set i made that mistake once i was flying home for christmas from hawaii back to pennsylvania with a layover in san francisco it gets cold in san francisco gt intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear in order to achieve a political religious or ideological aim it isnt indiscriminate though if youre not a fash or bourgie you dont have anything to worry about proles need to get woke were not after fellow workers youre missing the point these are two different issues labor is valued at how little an employer can pay to keep workers depending on the quality of worker they want they may offer more raw materials become worthwhile to consumers through labor workers must create a product to make it worth selling sometimes its
of jupiter and encourage reinvestment of profits and waste reduction thereby making a business more profitable saturn makes mercury smarter by giving him the focus and the patience to repeat experiments and work out difficult problems while taking careful notes saturn makes luna more mature and independent saturn makes sol more responsible moderates his solipsistic tendencies and makes him wise in his rulership saturn makes venus able to commit to love we dont like to admit it but a drop of poison can be a medicine a little bitterness improves the flavor of whats sweet a little adversity makes victory meaningful we appreciate things more when their attainment isnt easy be an uncarved block another way to bypass the conscious mind is through creating art or music if you have the muse you dont have to be talented just fully emotionally engaged in your process another way is through intense stress were all a lot more psychic when theres danger but there are side effects if this
i had just moved into a basement level apartment of a house and it was my first night there i didnt have any furniture moved in yet so i slept in a sleeping bag in the middle of the living room because i was 19 and i was excited about all the space i had to myself also because i assume that every house besides the one i grew up in is always haunted and the last place a ghost would be in is a living room anyways it was about 3am when i wake up to go get some water from the kitchen and i lie back down in my bag and after about 30 seconds i suddenly hear a sound that i could only describe as a plastic bag full of other plastic bags being crunched up extremely close to my face needless to say i sat in the bathtub with the light on until dawn never had a problem after that night but to this day i cant figure out rationally what caused that sound
sticking metal into electric sockets and taking whole bottles of pills isnt urgent? what is? this sounds like the opposite of supportive you are basically saying after trauma she should just deal with it and is being unreasonable? you realise just following procedures put in by an authority is basically the nuremberg defense right? it makes no sense procedures do not make what happened to her ok if procedures can harm and traumatise patients rather than help them theres an issue with them and the people who choose to enforce them most important rule of medical ethics is do no harm because its better to do nothing than risk causing more harm than good its unfortunately not followed much by those who work in mental health and its obviously not the fault of ops sister that more harm was done by people meant to help her than good
thank you thank you thank you this brightened my night seeing this on reddit hey thanks! my friends been in france for a few months and sent this to me after a trip to see the cirque de navacelles she said it was the scariest drive of her life later that night infjs in bed staring at the ceiling fan overanalyzing why intp refuses to accept infjs warm and fuzzy feelings of affection and i keep looking for that blindfold faith lighting candles to a cynical saint who wants the last laugh at the fly trapped in the windowsill tape you can go right out of your mind trying to escape from the panicked paradox of day to day if you cant understand something then its best to be afraid oh your life sounds terrible
merry meet everyone been a lurker here but havent felt the need to post until today asking for some guidance my father passed away suddenly at the age of 49 december 22 2013 i was wondering if someone could guide me to what i can do to help grieve i found him so its been hard to process that as myself and my father have the same type of energy what godsgoddesses could i ask for help? i have a deep interest in the greek parthenon and have meditated talking to apollo a while back when i was first into learning about wicca what about simple spells even to help with grief his passing communicating with him? i lost my interest in studying wicca but this tragedy helped me realize that there are gods goddesses and nature willing to help me from this experience i just need to tap in on that and need help blessed be and hope everyone had a good imbolc
i take it youve never met a sadist sociopath combo before? well thats your sister im not being flippant what you described is just that ive seen it in person a few times they are all the same they create problems and when the problem comes back to bite them they are always the victim always your sister is also a sadist getting gratification out of hurting other people you cant talk to a brain like that you cant work with it and it will never change the best thing to do is let everyone who knows her in on the truth what i said should be a light bulb going on for all of you these people usually fuck up and end up in jail eventually thats the best you can hope for cut all contact and encourage everyone else to do the same
the primaries are where the crazies flourish i wouldnt be so certain naked wearing makeup staying in and playing skyrim aww yeah this the only reason many nonbelievers celebrate christmas is that its a cultural tradition in the western world its really more of a solstice holiday with christ shoehorned in you dont have to celebrate his birth to be able to celebrate the holiday most of us were never exposed to hannukah or ramadan nor do they share the secularreligious mix that christmas embodies im sure plenty of people raised jewish who are now atheists celebrate hannukah to keep up tradition but christianity is a lot more pervasive mines 41 as well but ive been way less anxious than usual lately then again it looks like theyre trying to sell me something so ill take it with a grain of salt lol
smash melee ill take my chances that im not thrown in with someone like mang0 or armada the black dahlia murder they have great melody and kickass solos plus theyre drummer sounds like hes on speed because he plays so fast great driving music too for when you hop on the freeway streetlight manifesto still puts out great stuff when there are lots of cars on the road and the car in front of you waits until the last fucking second to brake what can i do to punish people specifically characters like toon link who use an up special to recover without their attack hitting mecausing minimal damage? i use sheik dr mario and jigglypuff if that helps a bit late to the party but they were dope! one of the best shows ive ever been to sycamore and mu330 rocked it for openers plus streetlight played all of my favorites especially the songs off of somewhere in the between so i was very happy
i suppose its all how you look at it for me they help because a lot of my anxiety stems from being taught shitty selfdestructive inner voices by parents shitty teachers and bullies its nice to add a voice to that mix thats understanding and compassionate maybe someday my brain will always say you can do this just try instead of youll never amount to anything get a real job sorry they didnt help you no version of encouragement is universal any luck on the feeding by hand? what are you afraid about toddlerhood for? i hope that i could drum up enough interest for a semiactive board it was just kinda a thought but i like it more and more there is not enough resources for neurodivergent parenting imo
i dont even like anime however cowboy bebop is a work of art and one of the best shows ive ever seen period would it then be best to sign a dm that can play as backup and be content as the backup to coq? someone cheaper like a ki sung yueng? he is very serviceable and composed reminds me very much of a taller arteta bloodsport not only is it from van dammes prime it has a ton of memorable and funny quotes you have to admit they sure do talk alike intp here i have an estj friend who is also a lefty obviously this guy could have used some of phil baronis advice its funny how my esxx friends see me as being more stoic rational unemotional and therefore associate me with being pretty manly in fact they even refer to me that way in most cases yet my intx and more rational thinker friends see more of my indecisive and hesitating side and accuse me of not being assertive enough so they probably think otherwise
you can do what my parents did they would put christmas presents under the tree from santa and they would put cookies out and all that jazz i figured something was up from a young age and i always tried to find out the truth at some point however i did believe in santa and it was one of the most magical and happy times of my life when i became more skeptical i finally asked my parents if they actually believed in santa they had never explicitly lied to me saying santa was real so i wanted to hear it from them my dad said i believe in the spirit of santa claus when i first heard that i was like wtf does that mean? im 23 and i get it now i still get gifts from santa and its really a cool thing obviously you should raise your kids how you best see fit but i know that i would have been deprived of some seriously great feelingsmemories if i had just been told that santa wasnt real and that was it
gtto whom did god sacrifice his son then? okay the trinity makes it weird but here we go keep in mind christ is fully god and the father is fully god and the holy spirit is fully god so the son christ died who is god god died not sacrificing his son but himself mankind and god were separated by sin there was no way for man to cross this gap so god came to us but even while on earth there still was that separation it was christ dying that brought us a way to get across the gap quit your sexist whining youre better off using a king as a metaphor which jesus did but odd in that story no one paid the fine matthew 1231 31 and so i tell you every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven citizenship doesnt fine what is human or not the us still regard the human rights of noncitizens
i think it is hilarious that you say this to me because thats exactly what feminists need to hear i can agree to that but ideally if i were needing to do heterosex it would be for making offspring could not be a cinephile without knowing this hmm is there a cinephile or otherwise movie related subreddit? well no you could also wind up homeless you are insulting people with dry senses of humor i think it is generally wanting to avoid perverse incentives this i didnt go through with nanowrimo this time because i had to attend to other more critical things but from what amount i did this is what i learned just spit out everything youre thinking on the page and dont get bogged down with it being right you can edit and fill in small details or fix agreement between different sections later the joys of modern technology
i agree a little change here and there is never bad still woulda liked one or two tame weaponized vehicles to come with the update rather than in dripfeed if im not mistaken the actual mmi building is right across the street or a couple blocks away yet our vehicles get sent to a vapid dealership spoiler for any onlookers click image first s one fucking kill to 22 omg xd they changed that back on last gen cant be done anymore yeah i dont blame you as it could get pretty creepy at times i always kinda felt bad for courage amen i have met a few that were cool most are just whiny assclowns with delusions of grandeur though id rather see top men working on getting srl back we craaaave it the hydra never was king of the skies the lazer was always better in almost every way unless sr buffs it beyond the lazar pls no the hydra is only popular due to its convenience
consequences or the gritty parts ifwhen your behavior comes up short and need to be taken to task for your coldness of heart or that you want an escape plan ifwhen you hit a cold spell with your partner or meet a new beautiful interesting person thank god marriage isnt as fickle as the human heart thank god that we have laws that make sure that we and other people are honestly protected from our own callousness thank god we cannot get away because love will not stand for that thank god that when people get divorced there are agreements to make sure that the economically weaker side might yet be protected its not a perfect system but dang does it ever beat the alternatives that ive seen such as the ops premarital sex one of the most intimate part of a physical relationship with none of the legal protections for when shit goes wrong and it will
not usually ive had an issue with getting tight chested and sometimes jittery if i see a toyota camry or avalon that looks similar to my childstealing ex but it wasnt ever like full on attacks ive had a few actual attacks this week though i understand what you mean by freaked out because its something ive never really felt in my 29 year life to realize im in the middle of one suddenly has been very startling like yesterday i was driving back from helping a coworker move and at a red light i suddenly had the absolute strongest urge to pull my arms against my chest defensively and teared up when i realized that it was doing that i panicked more because wtf got home and curled in a ball on my recliner the other attacks have mostly been catching myself racing
probably try and take care of my mental health more than my physical d definitely but with health i think im pretty healthyy sometimes i forget to eat even if my stomach hurts like right now so thanks gonna go get something d i read that its common for infjs to either be forgetful about health or extreme on ithave a health plan but i think we can get a balance and that would probably be best which is what i was able to do past two years but kind of stopped d what do u mean by panic?? u worry about ur health a lot? my mom and sister are like that so i see them and how its usuallyalways nothing so i dont do it but if it wasnt for them i probably would d i have some health problems but i was born with them and nothing that will stop me from living my life so its really nothing i think im pretty average with taking care of myself stuff i think are common sense and just go with that
npnp i got one for myself too d lt3 so giving that to my mutant bird when hes finally a mutant bird its likely nothing really especially if the shop doesnt look out of place and it wasnt just the one really underpriced item sitting in the shop even if you did click on something youve done all the appropriate steps already dont worry about it! thanks for telling me! i really like your reddit un too pretty d gt you have given five dubloon coin to user southofchaos click the button below to continue x3 d neerg! is it just me who finds it really funny to say these backward words out loud? like neerg the headbumps i love cat headbumps! never never zap an expensive petpet like the other comments theres just as much a chance of a 1np petpet getting zapped into a pplrexclusive one and yes they never change colour alone im trying to zap a deviled egg goldy too! its my favourite d
i started the game in hard and i was able to outrun volatiles the secret is to avoid running in a straight line not enough speed and stamina to outrun them in the start but to take a lot of quick turns and climb a lot they are not as good as the player when it comes to complicated obstacles and get disoriented very quickly and even if they see you it takes them time to recognize you and start a chase sometimes i go right in front of them without them noticing the most troublesome ones at the start are the virals they can see you from miles!!! deleted did she find out? are you thsunderejellyfish? he isnt a hunter he cant vote spoiler gon will defeat genthuru et will give him space herpes emitter i bet my arm on it!
landauer was a pacifist violence employed to gain power was what he was against to protect oneself in defense is not violence how do you fight power if you are powerless? is a loaded question building alternatives on its own never works itself is a conception which is applicable on very small scale but when a large enough people are involved the claim doesnt apply state and capitalism will try to destroy things but itll only show their hypocrisy towards an educated and connected people who are creating alternatives more can be said and landauer says it all so you are welcome to try his political insights gt amazon could make it offchain a lot of of us do enough business with them that if they were to give us a credit line and let us settle up once a month in bitcoin it would be sensible even with highish transaction fees gt actually this would save them a lot on the credit card fees the naivety of butters
and you know you have a pw on an empty board thats a great worst case scenario is there a way to tell the difference without seeing actual through the breach? is a solid sub if youre a fan of minesweeper btw so many times this weekend a commentator has suggested playing a card that was reflector maged the previous turn and cant be cast or missed an obvious line of play the commentary is mostly uninformed and cringeworthy thats why those words get used every pro tour hate should be powerful but not the game ends on turn 0 powerful leyline is still good against burn but not leyline you game 3 see if i can do it again? nonsense shuffling your opponents deck and watching them draw just to ask if they have a turn 0 kill is the worst feeling
an npo is able to give goods or services to those in need charitable organizations is a subset of 501c3 nonprofit standing wed set it up as a charitable organization that didnt require membership to receive funds membership has a very specific legal definition the possibility exists that those who give monetary donations may be under us law unable to participate in the ubi aspect of the organization id have to look into this further that being said inkind donators who are not considered members can still receive funds from the npo so if you were to donate stocks bonds volunteer intellectual property or services other than some protected services which are nondeductible then you would still be eligible for benefits ill have to look into it more either way
infinite jest cloud atlas amp 1q84 i just finished 1q84 which was my first murakami took me about 10 days it will not be my last! i really enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading more of his books soonso many of them sound really fascinating woman here saw this link after someone shared one of those every woman needs to read these books list on facebook a few mins ago i like this list a lot better you get dostoevskywe get advice by popular tv starsand a lot of heterosexual romance moral read what you want do they measure annoyance by loud and nasty complaints because perhaps they havent had that yet but i can guarantee you they had a plane full of annoyed people to varying degrees particularly those who got stuck with the dreaded southwest middle seat already
model s has it! its pretty legit good on you for not being weightist no you dont not to have a chance of a third party deseating the second party yes fptp will tend to result in two parties in the long run but there are not two stable parties atm democrats are probably safest most stable though not perfectly so but either libertarians are gonna move to a more moderate position and subsume republican party or republican party is going to be reshaped after a huge schism and move to a more conservative platform republicans need to start being defined as conservative instead of being defined as antidemocrat never said you did! haha but seriously i was surprised the list was so good until i saw gambino and deltron as the seeds speaking of deltron i honestly found doom and phi life cypher through gorillaz november has come feel good inc and the phi life cypher mix of clint eastwood were huge influences on hooking me on rap
hodor? what is this i remember one of those studies at the micro level social psych done with boy scouts or some scouting group iirc the qualifier is that they both have to engage in positive interactions to achieve mutual goals together to really have that effect put them competing with each other and theyll hate each other gladly even if for arbitrary reasons most stories involving about tree fiddy how much pressure is necessary for me to get this cork out of my ass without having to call the doctor? statemanufactured bassoons came here to say that have your upvote looks to me like its about to be mounted by another lambeosaur yes and all they do now is fuck five thousand trigendered pyrofoxes a day they dont want our godly cisgendered lifestyles the heathens!
spoiler it vibrates back and forth rather then spins this is incorrect any guy can enjoy a compliment from anyone else gay or straight youre only gay if you then want to have gay sex with the dude after he compliments you so thats why those keyboards in the back of the commissary are always so fucking clogged with dust p nope one of my best years at burning man was when i went alone marcie that aint mine! its just such an amazing scene and marcies bombastic demeanor is simply perfect youre kind of a new redditor and your name is confusing i use google voice commands and searches constantly an intelligence behind that? yes! ive never heard about williams syndrome thank you for the education i thought the photo included a buttugly individual who knew it was diagnosable a genetic disorder?
no need for any of that to explain why we see lawful stupid primarily in paladins your theory that bad game design has forced gms to test players under the rules and then players necessarily reacted to those tests by becoming ls is exactly the kind of ridiculous overly complicated theory that occams razor is meant for no other class can say if my alignment shifts i lose my powers no other class has a code of conduct with things like i will not abide by evil or theft and deceit are intolerable a player who doesnt want to play along with his party or even has decided to instigate pvp can see those as endorsements or justification for their behavior far more than a typical lg player could this isnt hard ls is a player behaving badly using their alignment as an excuse or springboard its not caused some complicated chain of events as a result of their gm feeling obligated to test them because otherwise they would be overpowered
mj pippen and rodman were all time elite in their roles ron harper was pretty good too i think its the bigs and 2nd unit that were the weakest link warriors would work the bigs in pick and roll action while running michael and scotty off screens over and over it would be fascinating to see how the warriors depth spreading the floor and pickscreen action would play out i tend to think the 3 ball differences in the eras favor the warriors the bulls role players i think would struggle with small ball wisconsin has taken of attention because of the stalemate senate democrats were able to establish the fake koch phone conversation blew it up along with lots of vocal protesters in an era of sensationalist media it drew and is holding attention unfortunately many are just starting to realize the extent of the assault on unions the middle class and the poor with trickle down economic tax breaks to the rich ohio indiana florida michigan tennessee texas new hampshire idaho new jersey are all
waking up on a foggy morning and smelling the saltsoaked air slipping through my window i love living next to the ocean i like how they word it as if theyre helping you by giving you a deal on the pass good call i am going to try that thank you! i have 5 new pedals in the mail so i really hope to figure out what is causing it ahem go vote in november this is a very good time to check and make sure you are registered to do so take it is as it is and make of it what you can 2700 a month i assume it all goes back to yesterday before the rain started the rain has become the defining line that cuts my life into before and after same here though im bitter about it as i like the idea of having music on while studying
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