Question: Question: Where would you see someone using a thermometer? Options: - outside - hospital - cabinet - doctor's office - drawer Explain why a human would choose "hospital" to answer the question above: Answer:
thermometer is a instrument
question: Write a dialog with this premise "Aioli offer a lunch for 1 PLN on Black Friday.". dialog: Alexander: Aioli have a Black Friday deal - lunch for 1 pln :D Jacek: Haha, people will be fighting like for bags in Lidl Filip: It will be an all out war between vloggers and influencers Jacek: Cheap clothes, free lunch. Living the dream question: Write a dialog with this premise "Richard is on his way to meet David. Susan is sick, so she cannot join tonight.". dialog: David: Why nobody is here? Richard: I'm on the way, don't worry Susan: I'm sick, I can't come tonight David: 🤦🏻‍♂ question: Write a dialog with this premise "Martha met Diana Collins today. Diana has 4 children and her husband is a sailor. She is as nice and friendly as she used to be. ". dialog: Martha: guess what! Martha: I met Diana Collins today Luke: OMG, where? Martha: I was walking to the dry cleaner and we bumped into each other Luke: so how is she doing nowadays? Luke: is she still pretty?:D Martha: well she looked really tired Martha: it turned out she had 4 children! Luke: wow! Martha: yeah, 3 girls and a boy Luke: that sounds like a lot of work! Martha: surely it is, and her husband is a sailor, can u imagine? Martha: so she is almost all alone all the time Luke: Martha: but otherwise she was all nice and friendly, as she used to be question: Write a dialog with this premise "Legend is reading "The black streets" these days. Lara's already read it. Legend doesn't want Lara to tell him what happens at the end.". dialog:
Lara: What book are you reading these days? Legend: I am reading "The black streets" Lara: I have already read it Lara: Should i tell what happens at the end? Legend: No please dont :/ Lara: Haha why :p Legend: Please dont ruin the suspense
[Q]: The woman hit a midlife crisis. effect: OPTIONS: - She retired. - She went sky diving. [A]: She went sky diving. [Q]: cause? The leader received praise. OPTIONS: - He fought poverty. - He raised taxes. **** [A]: He fought poverty. QUES: The fugitive hid from the police. What is a plausible effect? OPTIONS: - The police dropped the case. - The fugitive remained at large. ANS: The fugitive remained at large. Question: The woman wrote a check to the gas company. What is the cause? OPTIONS: - She preferred paying by cash. - She received her monthly bill. Answer: She received her monthly bill. Q: Here is a premise:The shirt shrunk. What is the cause? OPTIONS: - I poured bleach on it. - I put it in the dryer. A: I put it in the dryer. [Q]: The man held his breath. cause: OPTIONS: - He went underwater. - He treaded water. [A]:
He went underwater.
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Tamil language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example: Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh today met Ms Example solution: தொழிற்சங்க வேளாண் மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் நலத்துறை அமைச்சர் ஸ்ரீ ராதா மோகன் சிங் இன்று எம்.எஸ் Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh today met Ms' which is the same as the output sentence. Problem: This necessarily involved the formalisation of the Economy and a blow to the black money.
Solution: இது பொருளாதாரத்தை முறைப்படுத்துதல், கருப்புப் பணத்தை ஒழித்தல் ஆகியவற்றை உள்ளடக்கியதாகும்.
Given the question: This article: At a London music hall theatre, Richard Hannay is watching a demonstration of the superlative powers of recall of "Mr. Memory" (Wylie Watson) when shots are fired. In the ensuing panic, Hannay finds himself holding a seemingly frightened Annabella Smith, who talks him into taking her back to his flat. There, she tells him that she is a spy, being chased by assassins, and that she has uncovered a plot to steal vital British military information, masterminded by a man with the top joint missing from one of his fingers. She mentions the "39 Steps", but does not explain its meaning. Later that night Smith, fatally stabbed, bursts into Hannay's bedroom and warns him to flee. He finds a map of the Scottish Highlands clutched in her hand, showing the area around Killin, with a house or farm named "Alt-na-Shellach" circled. He sneaks out of his flat disguised as a milkman to avoid the assassins waiting outside. He then boards the Flying Scotsman express train to Scotland. He learns from a newspaper article (read by a pair of women's undergarment salesmen) that he is the target of a nationwide manhunt for Smith's murder. When he sees the police searching the train, he enters a compartment and kisses the sole occupant, Pamela, in a desperate attempt to hide his face and escape detection. She frees herself from his unwanted embrace and alerts the policemen, who stop the train on the Forth Bridge. Hannay then escapes, hiding behind the bridge's truss. contains an answer for the question: What's the full name of the person posing as a milkman?, what is it ? The answer is:
Richard Hannay
Question: What is the surname of the twin brothers who founded The Guinness Book of Records? Answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a text of the article. Your task is to generate a headline (title) for this article. australia 's current account deficit shrunk by a record #.## billion dollars -lrb- #.## billion us -rrb- in the june quarter due to soaring commodity prices , figures released monday showed . Solution: australian current account deficit narrows sharply Why? This headline is appropriate for the given article text because the focus of this article is Australian current accounts. New input: at least ## people were killed as typhoon sepat hit the chinese mainland after more than ###,### were evacuated as a precaution , state media reported . Solution:
storms lash chinese coast killing ## ; ###,### evacuated as precaution
Problem: Background: When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change. Paragraph: Recently a large amount of factories have been built in Illinois using fossil fuels as their main energy source. In Indiana however, many of their factories have been shut down and replaced by parks with many plants and trees. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Given Illinois adds even more of these fossil fuel burning factories will the levels of carbon dioxide increase or decrease? A: increase Problem: Given the question: Background: Reptiles are a class of animals comprising turtles, tuataras, lizards, snakes and crocodiles. They are tetrapods, but the snakes and a few species of lizard either have no limbs or their limbs are much reduced in size. Their bones are better ossified and their skeletons stronger than those of amphibians. The teeth are conical and mostly uniform in size. The surface cells of the epidermis are modified into horny scales which create a waterproof layer. Reptiles are unable to use their skin for respiration as do amphibians and have a more efficient respiratory system drawing air into their lungs by expanding their chest walls. The heart resembles that of the amphibian but there is a septum which more completely separates the oxygenated and deoxygenated bloodstreams. The reproductive system has evolved for internal fertilization, with a copulatory organ present in most species. The eggs are surrounded by amniotic membranes which prevents them from drying out and are laid on land, or develop internally in some species. The bladder is small as nitrogenous waste is excreted as uric acid.Turtles are notable for their protective shells. They have an inflexible trunk encased in a horny carapace above and a plastron below. These are formed from bony plates embedded in the dermis which are overlain by horny ones and are partially fused with the ribs and spine. The neck is long and flexible and the head and the legs can be drawn back inside the shell. Turtles are vegetarians and the typical reptile teeth have been replaced by sharp, horny plates. In aquatic species, the front legs are modified into flippers.Tuataras superficially resemble lizards but the lineages diverged in the Triassic period. There is one living species, Sphenodon punctatus. The skull has two openings (fenestrae) on either side and the jaw is rigidly attached to the skull. There is one row of teeth in the lower jaw and this fits between the two rows in the upper jaw when the animal chews. The teeth are merely projections of bony material from the jaw... Paragraph: Two continents were known for the strange discrepancies in animal populations. Asia was mostly populated by reptiles of all species, while Africa was mostly populated by birds and very few reptiles. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which continent was inhabited by more turtles? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is: Asia input question: Background: Since AM fungi are biotrophic, they are dependent on plants for the growth of their hyphal networks. Growing a cover crop extends the time for AM growth into the autumn, winter, and spring. Promotion of hyphal growth creates a more extensive hyphal network. The mycorrhizal colonization increase found in cover crops systems may be largely attributed to an increase in the extraradical hyphal network that can colonize the roots of the new crop (Boswell et al. 1998). The extraradical mycelia are able to survive the winter, providing rapid spring colonization and early season symbiosis (McGonigle and Miller 1999). This early symbiosis allows plants to tap into the well-established hyphal network and be supplied with adequate phosphorus nutrition during early growth, which greatly improves the crop yield. Paragraph: Ted had two farmlands. Hill land had good mycorrhizal colonization because ted used cover crops, while Meadow land had fewer AM fungi present in the soil. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which land had a more extensive hyphal network.???? output answer: Hill Background: Old age begins in the mid-60s and lasts until the end of life. Most people over 65 have retired from work, freeing up their time for hobbies, grandchildren, and other interests. Stamina, strength, reflex time, and the senses all decline during old age, and the number of brain cells decreases as well. The immune system becomes less efficient, increasing the risk of serious illnesses such as cancer and pneumonia. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease that cause loss of mental function also become more common. Paragraph: Two neighboring towns had different demographics. Hill town had younger inhabitants, most of them in their 30's and 40's. Lake town was inhabited by elderly people, most of them above 65 years of age. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which town had fewer people that freed up time for their grandchildren? ---- Answer: Hill Q: Background: Many respiratory diseases are caused by pathogens. A pathogen is an organism that causes disease in another organism. Certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi are pathogens of the respiratory system. The common cold and flu are caused by viruses. The influenza virus that causes the flu is pictured below ( Figure below ). Tuberculosis, whooping cough, and acute bronchitis are caused by bacteria. The pathogens that cause colds, flu, and TB can be passed from person to person by coughing, sneezing, and spitting. Illnesses caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Those caused by viruses cannot. Paragraph: People of Iran had more respiratory diseases caused by fungi and viruses, while their neighbor Iraq had more disease caused by bacteria. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which country had more people with acute bronchitis? A: Iraq [Q]: Background: Anemophilous pollen grains are light and non-sticky, so that they can be transported by air currents. They are typically 20–60 micrometres (0.0008–0.0024 in) in diameter, although the pollen grains of Pinus species can be much larger and much less dense. Anemophilous plants possess well-exposed stamens so that the pollens are exposed to wind currents and also have large and feathery stigma to easily trap airborne pollen grains. Pollen from anemophilous plants tends to be smaller and lighter than pollen from entomophilous ones, with very low nutritional value to insects. However, insects sometimes gather pollen from staminate anemophilous flowers at times when higher-protein pollens from entomophilous flowers are scarce. Anemophilous pollens may also be inadvertently captured by bees' electrostatic field. This may explain why, though bees are not observed to visit ragweed flowers, its pollen is often found in honey made during the ragweed floral bloom. Other flowers that are generally anemophilous are observed to be actively worked by bees, with solitary bees often visiting grass flowers, and the larger honeybees and bumblebees frequently gathering pollen from corn tassels and other grains. Paragraph: Frank owned two parcels of land. He called them Forest and Field. The Forest parcel was covered in old-growth pine, while Field one was covered in grass and wildflowers. Frank was very proud of his properties. Given the paragraph above, please answer correctly the following question: Which parcel had more plants with non-sticky pollen grains? **** [A]:
Q: In this task, you are given a word, followed by a sentence. You should respond with a valid sentence which contains the word with the same meaning as in the given sentence. For example, if the given sentence refers to a 'fly' as the insect, you should not respond with a sentence which uses 'fly' as the verb. You may use the word in a different tense than is given. For example, you may use the word 'ended' in the output where the given input word is 'end'. now Sentence: It worked up to right now. A:
Now is a good time to do it.
Question: Read the following paragraph and extract the answer for the question: What is the first name of Josette's colleague? In an opening scene before the credits, an assassin, Banat, is seen preparing a gun while a gramophone skips as it plays. The story that follows is the narrative of a letter from Howard Graham, an American armaments engineer, to his wife Stephanie. While journeying to the Soviet port of Batumi to return to the United States to complete his business with the Turkish Navy, Graham and his wife stop in Istanbul and are met by Kopeikin, a Turkish employee of Graham's company, who under the pretense of discussing business, takes Graham to a nightclub to introduce him to dancer Josette Maretl and her partner Gogo. Banat tries unsuccessfully to kill Graham during a magic act, shooting the magician instead. Graham is brought to the headquarters of the Turkish secret police for questioning, where Colonel Haki blames the assassination attempt on German agents seeking to delay the re-arming of Turkish ships. The colonel shows Graham a photograph of Banat, who he says was hired by a Nazi agent named Muller. Haki then orders Graham to travel secretly to Batumi aboard a tramp steamer, while Haki personally oversees the safe overland transit of Stephanie. Graham's fellow passengers include Josette and Gogo; Kuvetli, an ingratiating Turkish tobacco salesman; Professor Haller, an apolitical German archeologist; and the henpecked Matthews and his French wife. Josette sees that Graham is frightened, and not knowing that he is married, tries to become close to him. At an interim port call, Graham is made aware of the arrival of a new passenger by the annoying clamor of a gramophone, while Haller warns him that Kuvetli is not who he claims to be. At dinner Graham recognizes Banat and tries to persuade the ship's captain and purser to put him ashore, but they believe that he is crazy. Graham turns to Josette for help and she has Gogo engage Banat in a poker game while Graham unsuccessfully searches Banat's cabin for the assassin's gun. Answer:
Given a paragraph, your job is to generate a question that can be answered from the passage. The answer to your question should be a single entity, person, time, etc. that can be extracted from the passage. One example: There are a million times more viruses on the planet than stars in the universe. Viruses also harbor the majority of genetic diversity on Earth. Scientists are finding evidence of viruses as a planetary force, influencing the global climate and geochemical cycles. They have also profoundly shaped the evolution of their hosts. The human genome, for example, contains 100,000 segments of virus DNA. Solution is here: How many segments of virus DNA does the human genome contain? Explanation: The paragraph states the number of segments of virus DNA does the human genome contain, hence the question asked above is appropriate. Now, solve this: Nearby, in Ogród Saski (the Saxon Garden), the Summer Theatre was in operation from 1870 to 1939, and in the inter-war period, the theatre complex also included Momus, Warsaw's first literary cabaret, and Leon Schiller's musical theatre Melodram. The Wojciech Bogusławski Theatre (1922–26), was the best example of 'Polish monumental theatre'. From the mid-1930s, the Great Theatre building housed the Upati Institute of Dramatic Arts – the first state-run academy of dramatic art, with an acting department and a stage directing department. Solution:
What is the Saxon Garden in Polish?
At least I could do all my push - ups . I am hoping if I get all my complaints out here , I wo n't have to think about them all night long . There are lots of good things about life , too . My friend gave me a big bag of clothes for Erik . Question: What was in the bag I recieved ?
Definition: You are given two sentences(Sentence1 and Sentence2). Answer "Yes" if these sentences are a paraphrase of one another, otherwise answer "No". Input: Sentence1: Health Minister Peter Coleman said about 300 people had been killed and 1,000 wounded in the past few days ., Sentence2: Health Minister Peter Coleman said about 300 people had been killed and 1,000 injured as the rebels fought into the capital . Output:
Please capitalize where necessary: let it be noted that no such wind-sound is heard in modern-day “pentecostal” meetings! A: Let it be noted that no such wind-sound is heard in modern-day “pentecostal” meetings! Q: bloomberg reported apple has assembled a team of robotics and data-collection experts who will use the drones to update its google maps competitor. A: Bloomberg reported Apple has assembled a team of robotics and data-collection experts who will use the drones to update its Google Maps competitor. Q: do not waste a chance to win this massive megamillions jackpot A: Do not waste a chance to win this massive MegaMillions jackpot Problem: once the download process gets completed, run it to start the repair process by following the instructions displayed on the screen Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: Once the download process gets completed, run it to start the repair process by following the instructions displayed on the screen Text: the flowers are composed of four sepals large and small petals, sitting on thin stalks. in form they broadly, 2-6 cm in diameter, azure-blue or violet-blue color. Correct capitalization: The flowers are composed of four sepals large and small petals, sitting on thin stalks. In form they broadly, 2-6 cm in diameter, azure-blue or violet-blue color. Q: individuals with surname selchou A:
Individuals with surname SELCHOU
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and you have to write an answerable question based on the context. Your questions can be extractive, abstractive, or yes-no questions. Example input: Questions are gathered from anonymized, aggregated queries to the Google search engine. Queries that are likely to be yes/no questions are heuristically identified: we found selecting queries where the first word is in a manually constructed set of indicator words and are of sufficient length, to be effective. Questions are only kept if a Wikipedia page is returned as one of the first five results, in which case the question and Wikipedia page are given to a human annotator for further processing. Annotators label question/article pairs in a three-step process. First, they decide if the question is good, meaning it is comprehensible, unambiguous, and requesting factual information. This judgment is made before the annotator sees the Wikipedia page. Next, for good questions, annotators find a passage within the document that contains enough information to answer the question. Annotators can mark questions as “not answerable" if the Wikipedia article does not contain the requested information. Finally, annotators mark whether the question's answer is “yes" or “no". Annotating data in this manner is quite expensive since annotators need to search entire Wikipedia documents for relevant evidence and read the text carefully. Example output: how was the dataset built? Example explanation: This is a good question, and it is answerable based on the context. Q: This kind of error affects the precision and recall for the “troll” and “engage” classes. A solution to this problem may be the inclusion of longer parts of the conversation. A:
What potential solutions are suggested?
In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Q: That settled it, and telling him of Meg's mishap, A:
جو همان طور برای پیدا کردن یک مستخدم دیگر این طرف و آن‌طرف را نگاه می‌کرد که لاری که شنیده بود جو به مستخدم چه گفته است،
In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. One example is below. Q: Ms Bourne, who became Sussex's first PCC in 2012, was declared winner after the vote went to a second count. Three candidates were eliminated in the first count, leaving only Ms Bourne and Labour's Michael Jones. In the first count, Ms Bourne had 114,570 votes and Mr Jones had 61,017. The second count brought their totals to 139,335 and 86,392 respectively. She said: "I'm absolutely honoured and very privileged to be elected." She said she needed to "find extra savings because budgets are still reducing" and "to invest in frontline policing because I know that is really important to people in Sussex". Voter turnout was 22.5% compared with 15.3% in 2012. The three eliminated in the first count were Green Party candidate James Doyle, UKIP's Patrick Lowe and James Walsh from the Liberal Democrats. Results listed alphabetically by surname are as follows. BBC News App users: tap here to see the results. A: Conservative Katy Bourne has been re-elected police and crime commissioner for Sussex. Rationale: This is a good example. The output correctly summarizes the article. Q: The Shanghai Composite tumbled by 8.5%, its biggest fall since 2007. That plunge wiped out this year's gains as investors refused to buy into the Chinese government's repeated attempts to shore up confidence. Its latest move over the weekend, to allow pension funds to invest in stocks for the first time, was dismissed by panicky traders. For many, it was just too little, too late. "The writing has been on the wall for a couple of weeks now," said Stephen Innes, a senior trader with Oanda. "We've seen a lot of pressure on the Chinese markets and we've seen a lot of government intervention propping that up. From experience, that government intervention can only last so long until investor confidence starts to wane." And this anxiety was felt across the region, with share markets from Sydney to Seoul sinking into the red. It's being called the contagion effect, namely the concern that a China-led global slowdown could hurt economies in Asia badly - particularly commodity countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia, that have seen their economies boom because of the demand from China over the last decade. But do Asian economies just need to bite the bullet and get used to a slower-growing China? As economies develop, they typically tend to slow down, and that's the transition that China is going through. But the government is now trying to put the brakes on a slowdown that may be going too fast for its liking. Everyone wants to know what the Chinese government is going to do next to shore up shares and confidence in the economy. The smart money is on the central bank reducing interest rates and injecting a semblance of consumer confidence into the markets. That is what many had hoped would happen over the weekend. But at each point in what appears to be an ever-deepening Chinese slowdown, the government has seemed slow to react. A:
Beijing's official mouthpiece has called it China's "Black Monday".
Question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: A poor man has an orange tree in his garden. There are many fine oranges on it. He finds one of the oranges much bigger than the others. It is as big as a ball. the poor man takes the orange to the king. The king is very happy. He gives him a lot of money. A rich man hears of this. He takes his gold cup to the king. He hopes to get much more money from the kind. The king likes the cup very much. He says, "This cup is very nice. I'm going to show you something nicer. Please take this orange." The rich man is very angry and throws the orange away. Question: The poor man _ . Answer: Answer: grows an orange tree Question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Every year at our school, we have a special day called International Day . It is for students to learn about different cultures from different countries. On this day, each class must tell other classes about a different country. Of course you will see many dances and different foods. If you visit the classroom of Japan, you can play the games Japanese children play. You also have some special Japanese foods. In the classroom of Mexico , there are tomalleys and chips to eat. In the afternoon, all the students, teachers and parents watch the dances. There are lots of dances. These dances are beautiful. People enjoy the shows. I enjoy International Day very much. Question: 'International Day' is a special festival in _ . Answer: Answer: our school Question: Read the following article and answer the question. Article: Traveling is very interesting. Many people love traveling. There are many ways to travel: by plane, by train, by ship or by car. Everyone has their favorite way. Greg:My favorite way of traveling is by car. I can bring my pet dog along. I can travel three hundred miles or only fifty miles a day. I can stop at a good restaurant to enjoy a good meal or at a hotel to spend the night. Eliza:I love traveling by train best! It's very exciting. I traveled most of Europe in 5 months by train. It's the best way to talk with the local people and make new friends on the way. Trains make even the longest trip enjoyable. The train ride to me is just like a big moving party. I also like traveling by ship. It is a very great way to spend a vacation. I can go to parties and movies on the ship, and enjoy the blue sky and water. Danny:Planes are my favorite. It's the fastest way of traveling. I can quickly get to another country. Planes have very comfortable seats. I can have something to drink and to eat. I can also read some free magazines and newspapers. . Question: What does Eliza think of traveling by train? Answer: Answer:
[Q]: He said that President Bush 's proposed Clean Air Act amendment , called the Clear Skies Initiative , would result in greater efficiency and therefore less pollution . He said that by allowing power companies more flexibility , the Clear Skies Initiative would result in greater efficiency and therefore less pollution . (See options at the end). If the first sentence is true, is the second one also true? [A]: no [Q]: Both were declared dead about 6 p.m. at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center . Both shooting victims were rushed to Brookdale University Hospital Medical Center , where they died a short time later . (See options at the end). If the first sentence is true, is the second one also true? [A]: no [Q]: The shares represent more than half the 115.9 million shares Turner held at the end of April , according to Bloomberg data . The sale represents about 52 per cent of the 115.9 million shares Mr Turner held at the end of April . (See options at the end). If the first sentence is true, is the second one also true? [A]:
Teacher:You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Vitamins and essential minerals, also called micronutrients, are needed in tiny amounts to promote essential biochemical reactions in your cells. Student:
Micronutrients is the term used to describe the minerals and vitamins that are not needed for providing the body with energy but are still essential for good health.
Formulate questions about the information mentioned in a given passage. Input: Consider Input: context: A person is trying to stack plates, lamps, eggs, and flowers. Output: What are the things that the person is trying to stack? Input: Consider Input: context: A person paints a circle around a table, a car, a book, and a mountain. Output: What are the things that the person painted a circle around? Input: Consider Input: context: A person paints a circle around a table, a car, a house, and a microwave.
Output: What are the things that the person painted a circle around?
Q: You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Italian. And then this happened. A:
E poi è successo questo.
In this task, you are to Translate German text to English Example input: Das Textilband (1) ist insbesondere als (Kreuz-) Band-, Ligament- oder Sehnenersatz einzusetzen. Example output: The textile band (1) is used particularly as (cross) ligament or tendon replacement. Example explanation: The translation is fluent, formal, and accurate Q: Die Anmeldung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Nukleinsäuredoppelsträngen. A:
The invention relates to a method for producing nucleic acid duplexes.
[Q]: The shirt shrunk. cause: [A]: I put it in the dryer. [Q]: The student's answer on the exam was incorrect. effect: [A]: The teacher subtracted points off the student's grade. [Q]: The fugitive hid from the police. effect: [A]: The fugitive remained at large. [Q]: The man went away for the weekend. cause: [A]:
He wanted to relax.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Hebrew. Q: Then we can really see, how are we doing? A:
ואז אנחנו באמת נוכל לראות, איך הם מצליחים?
W: Why not go to the office? What was said before this conversation? A:
M: The air conditioner in my room is broken and I can't work.
Instructions: In this task, you're given five sentences, numbered 1 through 5. Your job is to generate a title for the story that makes complete sense. The title must be short, with less than three words, use simple language, and include the main topic of the story. Input: Sentence 1: Miranda hated listening to the news. Sentence 2: But she did love getting it delivered to her. Sentence 3: Miranda was happy about that. Sentence 4: They told her things she wouldn't have known. Sentence 5: Miranda decided to keep it. Output:
news alerts
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in French, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning. Problem:À la fois dans la scène et dans la version cinématographique de Hedwig et The Angry Inch, le personnage de Hedwig est attiré en Allemagne de l’Est après avoir quitté Junction City. Solution:
Dans les versions théâtrale et cinématographique de Hedwig et The Angry Inch, le personnage de Hedwig déménage en Allemagne de l’Est après avoir quitté Junction City.
In this task, we are given a sentence in either 'English' or 'Kurdish' languages and we have to determine what the language of the sentence is as output -------- Question: Li gor herêman... Answer: Kurdish Question: Qeymiqamiya Qilabanê li gundên Robozik û Bêcihê yên Qilabanê ji siet 3:00ê şevê ve derketina derve qedexe kir. Answer: Kurdish Question: Tarık Nejat Dinç, in charge of Greenpeace Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Campaign has commented on the warning of the chicken companies as follows: Answer:
In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D". One example is below. Q: [header] How to create a christmas tree forest [title] Consider the type of tree you want to plant. [step] There are a wide variety of christmas trees and include fir, pine, spruce, cypress, and cedar. These trees thrive in different climates and look different from one another. <sep> (A) It is important to research the tree before setting up your tree to try it out to make sure you can write the tree's growing season so that you can get the most supplies you need. If you're just interested in having a tree stand out, then make sure to check for the following : [substeps] Spruce trees. (B) [substeps] Trees green may be used in a mix of green and evergreen. Greens, such as pintos and olive oil, may be more delicate than these. (C) Where the trees grow together is up to you. [substeps] Spruce trees light up the night for hours in the morning and drown out the morning sunrise between afternoons. (D) Think about where your tree forest will be located and choose a tree that can thrive in that climate. [substeps] Balsam firs are a popular christmas tree species that grow in the northern united states and canada, in hardiness zones 3-5 or states like minnesota, north dakota, and montana. A: D Rationale: This is a good example. Only option D is about Christmas trees. So, it's the correct option. Q: A man is wearing a yellow vest. he <sep> (A) is lifting several weights over his head. (B) balances on a white mat. (C) is standing in front of a building cleaning a window. (D) ski in a field, skating. A:
Instructions: Given a passage classify if the passage has a definite objective/aim/goal or not. Output '1' if the passage has a defininte objective/aim/goal and output '0' if the passage does not have a definite objective/aim/goal. Input: To determine whether burn-induced peroxynitrite production and expression of lung inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1, CXCR2, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-2, and neutrophil chemokine (KC) are mediated by the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK).', 'Prospective, experimental study.', 'Research laboratory at a university hospital.', 'Thermal injury models in the mice.', 'In experiment 1, specific pathogen-free C57/BL6 mice were subjected to 30% total body surface area third-degree burn over shaved back. At 0 hr, 2 hrs, 4 hrs, and 6 hrs after burn, lung tissues of those mice were harvested for JNK activity assay, AP-1 DNA-binding activity, and pJNK immunohistochemistry. In experiment 2, a specific JNK inhibitor, SP600125, was given (30 mg/kg intraperitoneally) to mice immediately postburn to suppress the JNK activity. At 8 hrs after burn, blood was assayed for the peroxynitrite-mediated dihydrorhodamine (DHR) 123 oxidation. Lung tissues were harvested for myeloperoxidase (MPO) determination, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, CXCR2, KC, MIP-2, interleukin-1beta, and interleukin-6 messenger RNA expression; iNOS immunohistochemical staining; and histologic studies. Pulmonary microvascular dysfunction was quantified by measuring the extravasations of Evans blue dye.', 'The JNK activity and AP-1 DNA-binding activity of lung tissue significantly increased to a peak at 2 hrs and 4 hrs, respectively, after thermal injury. Immunohistochemical study demonstrated that the increase of the pJNK was mostly from the bronchiole epithelial cells. This increase of MPO activity in lung, blood DHR 123 oxidation level, and lung permeability increased six-fold, nine-fold, and four-fold after burn. SP600125 administration obliterated the thermal injury-induced JNK activity, AP-1 DNA-binding activity, and iNOS expression in lung tissue. SP600125 treatment also significantly decreased MPO activity, blood DHR 123 oxidation, and lung permeability by 54%, 8%, and 47%, respectively, and markedly decreased the thermal injury-induced perivascular and interstitial inflammatory cell infiltration and septum edema. Furthermore, SP600125 abolished thermal injury-induced ICAM-1, VCAM-1, CXCR2, MIP-2, and KC but not interleukin-1beta and interleukin-6 messenger RNA levels of lung tissues. Output:
In this task, you are given a set of context paragraph and some supporting facts to answer a question. Your task is to generate answer for given question based on set of context paragraphs and supporting facts. Example: Context_1 : Charles Edward Ives ( ; October 20, 1874May 19, 1954) was an American modernist composer. He is one of the first American composers of international renown, though his music was largely ignored during his life, and many of his works went unperformed for many years. Over time, he came to be regarded as an "American original". He combined the American popular and church-music traditions of his youth with European art music, and was among the first composers to engage in a systematic program of experimental music, with musical techniques including polytonality, polyrhythm, tone clusters, aleatory elements, and quarter tones, foreshadowing many musical innovations of the 20th century. Context_2 : Daniel Evan Freeman (born 27 April 1959) is an American musicologist who specializes in European art music of the eighteenth century, in particular the musical culture of eighteenth-century Prague and the Bohemian lands. He is also active as a pianist and music editor. Context_3 : Art music (also known as Western classical music, cultivated music, serious music, canonic music, and more flippantly, real music or normal music) is an umbrella term that refers to musical traditions, implying advanced structural and theoretical considerations and a written musical tradition. "Serious" or "cultivated" music are terms frequently used as a contrast for ordinary, everyday music (popular and folk music, also called "vernacular music"). After the 20th century, art music was divided into two extensions: "serious music" and "light music". Context_4 : In the history of European art music, the term "common practice period" refers to the era between the formation and the dissolution of the tonal system. Though there are no exact dates for this phenomenon, most features of the common-practice period persisted from the mid to late baroque period, through the Classical and Romantic periods, or roughly from around 1650 to 1900. While certain prevailing patterns and conventions characterize the music of this period, the time period also saw considerable stylistic evolution. Some conventions evolved during this period that were rarely employed at other times during what may still be labeled "common practice" (for example, Sonata Form). Thus, the dates 1650–1900 are necessarily nebulous and arbitrary borders that depend on context. The most important unifying feature through this time period concerns a harmonic language to which modern music theorists can apply Roman numeral analysis. Context_5 : The Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht ("Utrecht Early Music Festival") is an annual music festival that showcases and celebrates early European art music. The ten-day festival takes place in the Dutch city of Utrecht, and begins in August. The programme comprises concerts, activities, lectures, exhibitions, and a symposium. Context_6 : Assaf Shelleg (Hebrew: אסף שלג‎ ‎ ), is a musicologist and pianist, a senior lecturer of musicology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was previously the Schusterman Visiting Assistant Professor of Musicology and Jewish Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia (2011–14), and had taught prior to that as the visiting Efroymson Scholar in the Jewish, Islamic & Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department at Washington University in St. Louis (2009–11). Shelleg specializes in twentieth-century Jewish and Israeli art music and has published in some of the leading journals in both musicology and Israel Studies on topics ranging from the historiography of modern Jewish art music to the theological networks of Israeli art music. Shelleg's book, "Jewish Contiguities and the Soundtrack of Israeli History", appeared in November 2014 with Oxford University Press. The book studies the emergence of modern Jewish art music in central and Western Europe (1910s-1930s) and its translocation to Palestine/Israel (1930s-1970s), exposing the legacies of European antisemitism and religious Judaism in the making of Israeli art music. Moving to consider the dislocation of modern Jewish art music the book examines the paradoxes embedded in a Zionist national culture whose rhetoric negated its pasts, only to mask process of hybridizations enchained by older legacies. "Jewish Contiguities" has won the 2015 Engle Prize for the study of Hebrew Music, and the 2016 Jordan Schnitzer Book Award. Context_7 : Vocal harmony is a style of vocal music in which a consonant note or notes are simultaneously sung as a main melody in a predominantly homophonic texture. Vocal harmonies are used in many subgenres of European art music, including Classical choral music and opera and in the popular styles from many Western cultures ranging from folk songs and musical theater pieces to rock ballads. In the simplest style of vocal harmony, the main vocal melody is supported by a single backup vocal line, either at a pitch which is above or below the main vocal line, often in thirds or sixths which fit in with the chord progression used in the song. In more complex vocal harmony arrangements, different backup singers may sing two or even three other notes at the same time as each of the main melody notes, mostly with consonant, pleasing-sounding thirds, sixths, and fifths (although dissonant notes may be used as short passing notes). Context_8 : David Wallis Reeves (February 14, 1838 – March 8, 1900), also known as D. W. Reeves or Wally Reeves, was an American composer, cornetist, and bandleader. He developed the American march style, later made famous by the likes of John Philip Sousa, and his innovations include adding a countermelody to the American march form in 1876. Sousa called Reeves "The Father of Band Music in America", and stated he wished he himself had written Reeves' "Second Regiment Connecticut National Guard March". Charles Ives also borrowed from the "Second Connecticut" on four occasions. Context_9 : "Indian classical music is one of many forms of art music that have their roots in particular regional cultures. For other "classical" and art music traditions, see List of classical and art music traditions." Context_10 : Progressive music is music that subverts genre and expands stylistic boundaries outwards. Rooted in the idea of a cultural alternative, musical progressiveness embodies a continuous move between explicit and implicit references to genres and strategies derived from various cultural domains, such as European art music, Celtic folk, West Indian, or African. The word "progressive" comes from the basic concept of "progress", which refers to development and growth by accumulation, and is often deployed in numerous music genres such as progressive country, progressive folk, progressive jazz, and (most significantly) progressive rock. fact_1 : Charles Ives also borrowed from the "Second Connecticut" on four occasions. fact_2 : Charles Edward Ives ( ; October 20, 1874May 19, 1954) was an American modernist composer. fact_3 : He combined the American popular and church-music traditions of his youth with European art music, and was among the first composers to engage in a systematic program of experimental music, with musical techniques including polytonality, polyrhythm, tone clusters, aleatory elements, and quarter tones, foreshadowing many musical innovations of the 20th century. Question: What is the birthyear of the American composer that borrowed from "Second Connecticut" on four occasions and combined American popular and church-music traditions with European art music? Example solution: 1874May Example explanation: From the fact_1 from context _8, and fact _2 and fact _3 from context _1, we can arrive at 1874 May which is accurate answer of given question. Problem: Context_1 : Michael Wayne Godwin (born October 26, 1956) is an American attorney and author. He was the first staff counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), and he created the Internet adage Godwin's law and the notion of Internet meme, as reported in the magazine "Wired" of October 1994. From July 2007 to October 2010, he was general counsel for the Wikimedia Foundation. In March 2011 he was elected to the Open Source Initiative board. Godwin has served as a contributing editor of "Reason" magazine since 1994. He is currently general counsel and director of innovation policy at the R Street Institute. Context_2 : Wired is a monthly American magazine, published in print and online editions, that focuses on how emerging technologies affect culture, the economy, and politics. Owned by Condé Nast, it is headquartered in San Francisco, California, and has been in publication since March/April 1993. Several spin-offs have been launched including: "Wired UK", "Wired Italia", "Wired Japan" and "Wired Germany". Context_3 : The Circle of Reason is a Twin Cities, Minnesota-based international society of theists, atheists, conservatives, and liberals who espouse the social philosophy of "pluralistic rationalism" (also "plurationalism" or "methodological rationalism"). Pluralistic rationalism is described in cultural media as "commitment to reason[ing], regardless of one's worldview," and by the society itself as "communal commitment to more consistently practice the basic methodological tenets of a reasoning lifestyle (reality's acceptance, assumption's denial, and emotion's mastery) irrespective of our theological, ethical, cultural or political worldviews." According to The Circle of Reason, pluralistic rationalism is practiced through encouraging not a particular worldview, but rather factualism, skepticism, and moderationism; and furthermore through discouraging their opposing practices of denialism, dogmatism, and emotionalism -- or "denials of reality, unquestioned assumptions (potentially false realities), and emotive arguments or actions (dissociation from reality)." Plurationalist practices include discouraging the verbal, printed or televised use of insults (which the group asserts is immoral because, as "ad hominem" argumentation, it seeks to "irrationally persuade by evoking emotionality.") Because plurationalists hold that "as a sapient being one's best tool to survive is one's ability to reason," they claim people's basic universalized moral imperative must then be "to consistently allow, and encourage, others to reason." Context_4 : Seth Franklin Berkley, M.D. (born 1956 in New York City, New York) is a medical epidemiologist by training. He is the CEO of the GAVI Alliance and a global advocate on the power of vaccines. He is also the founder and former President and CEO of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). After graduation from McBurney School, New York, in 1974, he received a Bachelor of Science and medical degrees from Brown University, and trained in internal medicine at Harvard University. Berkley has been featured on the cover of Newsweek and recognized by Wired Magazine as among "The Wired 25"—a salute to dreamers, inventors, mavericks and leaders—as well as by TIME magazine as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2009. In 2010, "Fortune" magazine named Berkley as one of its "Global Forum Visionaries." Speaking at the TED 2010 conference, Dr. Berkley explains how innovative vaccine design and production technologies are bringing us closer to controlling global health threats like flu and HIV. Context_5 : Reason is an American libertarian monthly magazine published by the Reason Foundation. The magazine has a circulation of around 50,000 and was named one of the 50 best magazines in 2003 and 2004 by the "Chicago Tribune". Context_6 : Jane Metcalfe is the co-founder, with Louis Rossetto, and former president of Wired Ventures, creator and original publisher of the magazine "Wired". Prior to that, Metcalfe managed advertising sales for the Amsterdam-based "Electric Word" magazine. Context_7 : Richard Anthony Wolf (born December 20, 1946) is an American television producer, best known as the creator and executive producer of the "Law & Order" franchise, which since 1990 has included six police/courtroom dramas and four international spinoffs, as well as a creator and executive producer of the "Chicago" franchise, which since 2012 has included four Chicago-based police/courtroom/fire/medical dramas. Wolf has won numerous awards, including an Emmy Award and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Context_8 : Daniel Terdiman is a journalist, who has been published in both print and non-print media, including "Time Magazine", "The New York Times", "Wired Magazine", "CNET", "Wired News", "Martha Stewart Weddings", "", "Business 2.0", Venture Beat and the "San Francisco Chronicle". He writes about a wide range of subjects from hi-tech to the web to sports. Context_9 : The Wired CD is an album that was released in 2004 as a collaborative effort between "Wired" magazine, Creative Commons, and sixteen musicians and groups. "The Wired CD" was distributed inside the front cover of the November 2004 issue of "Wired", which also featured a variety of interviews and bios of the performers. Unusually, the songs were released under one of two Creative Commons Licenses, permitting sampling and file-sharing of the songs. Context_10 : Hotwired (1994–1999) was the first commercial web magazine, launched on October 27, 1994. Although it was part of Wired Ventures, "Hotwired" was a separate entity from "Wired", the print magazine, and had original content. fact_1 : Several spin-offs have been launched including: "Wired UK", "Wired Italia", "Wired Japan" and "Wired Germany". fact_2 : The magazine has a circulation of around 50,000 and was named one of the 50 best magazines in 2003 and 2004 by the "Chicago Tribune". Question: Which magazine, Wired or Reason, have had more international spinoffs?
Solution: Several spinoffs have been launched
Q: In this task, we ask you to write an event that is not likely to happen after a certain event or is not likely to have happened before it. Pay attention that you will be asked the correct question, and you need to answer it incorrectly. For example, "earning money" usually appears before "spending money". Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. Sentence: Meanwhile , whilst living on the estate , Mr. Neville gains quite a reputation with its dwellers , especially with Mrs. Herbert's son-in-law , Mr. Talmann . Question: Where did he go after leaving the estate? A:
a gas station.
Given a paragraph about movies, and a set of conversational question answers about the paragraph, generate a relevant question to the topic of the paragraph. The paragraph has the prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix `Q:` followed by the answer prefix `A:`. Q: CONTEXT: It is more likely to have been real imho. Bond is superficially charasmatic and able to make shallow relationships with ease, like his ability to seduce women. However, he has issues forming deep relationships with anyone. His relationships with women usually end quickly with little emotional connection. It is the same in the bar, one minute he is able to impress everyone and become the centre of attention but none of them are actually his friends and he quickly ends up alone again. <sep> Q: In Skyfall, was the bar scene a daydream or was it real? A: It is more likely to have been real imho Q: Why do you say this when it is not really explained in the film? A: Bond is superficially charasmatic and able to make shallow relationships with ease, like his ability to seduce women Q: What does his charisma have to do with the dream sequence? A: It is the same in the bar, one minute he is able to impress everyone and become the centre of attention but none of them are actually his friends and he quickly ends up alone again Q: So do you think his lack of charisma suggests this is a dream? A: he has issues forming deep relationships with anyone. His relationships with women usually end quickly with little emotional connection A:
Does Bond never form a deep relationship with anyone at all?
input: Wii U Pro Controller The Wii U Pro Controller (Wii U PRO コントローラー) is a video game controller produced by Nintendo for the Wii U video game console. OPTIONS: - no - yes do wii pro controllers work on wii u **** output: yes Question: Under the Dome came to a conclusion in September 2015. Over three seasons, 39 episodes were produced. Executive producer and showrunner Neal Baer stated in an interview after the finale aired: ``I'm very happy with this ending. I feel very satisfied. We made it so there could be another (season)... but it wasn't necessary.'' is there an under the dome season 4 OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no IN: Miami Beach is a coastal resort city in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States. It was incorporated on March 26, 1915. The municipality is located on natural and man-made barrier islands between the Atlantic Ocean and Biscayne Bay, the latter of which separates the Beach from Miami. The neighborhood of South Beach, comprising the southernmost 2.5 square miles (6.5 km) of Miami Beach, along with downtown Miami and the Port of Miami, collectively form the commercial center of South Florida. As of the 2010 census, Miami Beach had a total population of 87,779. It has been one of America's pre-eminent beach resorts since the early 20th century. are miami and miami beach the same city? OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT: no What's the best answer to this question: is season 6 the last season of grimm? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Text: The Department of Defense hoped to lower rates of tobacco use to 12% by the end of 2010. To achieve their goal, Pentagon health experts have begun to urge the Defense Secretary Robert Gates to ban the use of tobacco by troops and end its sale on military property. The Navy implemented a ban on smoking in submarines by the end of 2010 -- highlighting one of the last loopholes in the indoor smoking ban imposed in 1994. Question: can you smoke cigarettes in the air force? OPTIONS: - no - yes [separator] Answer: no IN: Dextrocardia (from Latin dexter, meaning ``right,'' and Greek kardia, meaning ``heart'') is a rare congenital condition in which the apex of the heart is located on the right side of the body. There are two main types of dextrocardia: dextrocardia of embryonic arrest (also known as isolated dextrocardia ) and dextrocardia situs inversus. Dextrocardia situs inversus is further divided. can a person's heart be on the right side? OPTIONS: - no - yes OUT:
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. Example: where did france surrender ww2? Example solution: Mediterranean Sea Example explanation: This is a good example and the output correctly answers the question. Problem: who is angelina jolie husband name?
Solution: Brad Pitt
Generate a correct and concise answer for the question based on the words in the context. Example input: Context : Isaac Nicola Romero (1916 in Havana, Cuba -- 1997) was a prominent Cuban guitarist and one of the founders of the modern Cuban Guitar School. Question : What was Isaac Nicola's city of birth? Example output: Havana Example explanation: According to context Issac Nicola's city of birth is Havana. Hence this is a correct output. Q: Context : The Eruption of Mount Pelee was released by Méliès's Star Film Company and is numbered 397 in its catalogues. Question : What production company or companies created The Eruption of Mount Pelee? A:
Star Film Company
Q: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. He also shared information regarding some of the projects and proposals in the pipeline. A:
ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଶ୍ରୀ ନରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋଦୀ ଆଜି ଗୁଜରାଟର ଗାନ୍ଧୀଧାମଠାରେ କାଣ୍ଡଲା ବନ୍ଦର ଟ୍ରଷ୍ଟ ପକ୍ଷରୁ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ପ୍ରକଳ୍ପର ଶୁଭାରମ୍ଭ କରିଛନ୍ତି ।
You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. One example is below. Q: Optical mice use an LED and a camera to rapidly capture images of the surface beneath the mouse. The infomation from the camera is analyzed by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and used to detect imperfections in the underlying surface and determine motion. Some materials, such as glass, mirrors or other very shiny, uniform surfaces interfere with the ability of the DSP to accurately analyze the surface beneath the mouse. \nSince glass is transparent and very uniform, the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. Mirrored surfaces are also a problem, since they constantly reflect back the same image, causing the DSP not to recognize motion properly. When the system is unable to see surface changes associated with movement, the mouse will not work properly. A: why doesn't an optical mouse work on a glass table? Rationale: The passage talks about the glass and mirror surfaces beneath the optical mice and how the mouse is unable to pick up enough imperfections in the underlying surface to determine motion. The last line of the passage explains why the mouse will not work properly on these surfaces. Thus it is a positive example. Q: Yes, you can use your account after activating it. you lose your account only if you deleted it by account deletion ((or if you lose the right to access it; lost your user name& Password))\n\nsee the link below and follow the steps.\n A:
yahoo acoount deactiveated can i ever use my id again?
In this task, you will be presented with a passage, and you need to write an **implausible** answer to to fill in the place of "_". Your answer should be incorrect, but should not be out of context. Try using words that are related to the context of the passage, but are not the correct answer. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Example input: For four years we have waited expectantly for the pitter patter of tiny paws. Soon, that wait could finally be over. Tian Tian, the UK's only female giant panda, has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as August. However Edinburgh Zoo, where the pandas live, have warned people 'not to get too excited' as the process is 'extremely complex'. Moreover, on the two previous occasions keepers inseminated Tian Tian - whose name means 'Sweetie' - she has failed to produce a panda cub. She was artificially inseminated again in March this year, but keepers at the zoo say implantation - when a fertilised egg attaches to the uterus - has not yet occurred.Tian Tian has conceived and could give birth to a cub as early as AugustShe has been inseminated twice before but so far failed to produce a cubTian Tian and Yang Guang arrived in 2011 from China to great fanfareOn loan at £600k a year, became first giant pandas to live in UK for 17 years Question:Under the terms of the agreement any cubs will return to _ at the age of two, the age at which they would normally leave their mother in the wild. Example output: Tian Tian Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the passage, any cubs will return to China at the age of two. Q: London (CNN) Police on both sides of the Atlantic are investigating allegations of sexual assault involving Harvey Weinstein as the scandal surrounding the disgraced Hollywood movie mogul mounts. In London, the Metropolitan Police are investigating an allegation of sexual assault against Weinstein, while in New York, his hometown, police are reviewing claims made by victims interviewed in a bombshell New Yorker article. The news comes on the heels of mounting accusations of sexual harassment and assault against Weinstein. The studio executive and political power broker is facing allegations of rape, unwanted touching and assault by a number of women, including accusations of harassment by actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie, in recent stories published in The New York Times and The New Yorker.London police investigating sexual assault allegation related to 1980 incidentNew York police investigating claims detailed in New Yorker article, including 2004 incident Question:CNN reached out for comment regarding the fresh investigation launched in _, but has not yet received a response. A:
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the following sentence into one of the five different emotions: anger, confusion, joy, sadness and neutral. Q: This is straight up depressing A:
Instructions: In this task, you are given a passage and a question regarding that passage. You must determine whether or not the question is answerable from the given passage. If a question is answerable, output should be 'True', otherwise 'False'. You must not consider any other information that is not provided in the passage while labelling True or False. Input: Passage: The further decline of Byzantine state-of-affairs paved the road to a third attack in 1185, when a large Norman army invaded Dyrrachium, owing to the betrayal of high Byzantine officials. Some time later, Dyrrachium—one of the most important naval bases of the Adriatic—fell again to Byzantine hands. Question: What naval base fell to the Normans? Output:
Q: You are given a sentence, a question and two answer options ('A' and 'B'). Your task is to find the correct answer (return the string of the correct option, not 'A' or 'B') for the given question. Sentence: A grapefruit rolling across a kitchen table experiences more resistance then one rolling across a kitchen counter. Question: Which surface is the smoother one? (A) kitchen table (B) kitchen counter A:
kitchen counter
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question containing a blank (_) and two options. You should pick the best option to answer the question. Please answer with "A" or "B". Input: Benjamin was more likely to ask questions during class than Joel because _ did not find the material interesting. (A) Benjamin (B) Joel Output:
In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Example input: not just the words . and thats where a great film editor can help a director . Example output: فقط کلمات نيستن؛ يک تدوينگر خوب خيلي به کار گردان کمک ميکنه . Example explanation: This is a good example. The above sentence is correctly translated from English to Persian. Q: what is happening? A:
چه اتفاقي داره ميافته؟
Problem: Information: - Max Picard ( June 5 , 1888 in Schopfheim -- October 3 , 1965 in Sorengo , Switzerland ) was a Swiss writer , important as one of the few thinkers writing from a deeply Platonic sensibility in the 20th century . - Schopfheim is a town in the district of Lörrach in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is situated on the river Wiese, 10 km north of Rheinfelden, and 13 km east of Lörrach. - The Wiese is a river in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and Basel-City, Switzerland, a right tributary of the Rhine. It rises in the Black Forest, on the Feldberg. The Wiese flows through Todtnau, Schönau im Schwarzwald, Schopfheim and Lörrach. After crossing the border with Switzerland, the Wiese flows through the quarters of Basel on the right side of the Rhine, and joins the Rhine opposite the French town Saint-Louis. Its length is 55 km. - Rheinfelden is a municipality in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, seat of the district of Rheinfelden. It is located 15 kilometres east of Basel. The name means the fields of the Rhine, as the town is located on the Hochrhein. It is home to Feldschlösschen, the most popular beer in Switzerland. The city is across the river from Rheinfelden in Baden-Württemberg; the two cities were joined until Napoleon Bonaparte fixed the GermanSwiss border on the Rhine in 1802 and are still socially and economically tied. - Lörrach is a city in southwest Germany, in the valley of the Wiese, close to the French and the Swiss borders. It is the capital of the district of Lörrach in Baden-Württemberg. The largest industry is the Milka chocolate factory. The city had a population of 10,794 in 1905 and of 47,707 in 2007. Given the paragraphs above, decide what entity has the relation 'languages spoken or written' with 'german'. A: max picard Problem: Information: - Los Angeles (Spanish for "The Angels"), officially the City of Los Angeles and often known by its initials L.A., is the second-most populous city in the United States (after New York City), the most populous city in California and the county seat of Los Angeles County. Situated in Southern California, Los Angeles is known for its mediterranean climate, ethnic diversity, sprawling metropolis, and as a major center of the American entertainment industry. Los Angeles lies in a large coastal basin surrounded on three sides by mountains reaching up to and over . - The Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the Philippines , Inc. ( abbreviated as CFGPI ) is a Christian Pentecostal Group in the Philippines . The CFGPI is the national church body of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel originated in Los Angeles California . It is one of the largest Pentecostal groups in the Philippines . - A Christian (or ) is a person who follows or adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word "Christós" (), a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term "mashiach". - The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG), commonly referred to as the Foursquare Church, is a evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in 1923 by preacher Aimee Semple McPherson. As of 2000, it had a worldwide membership of over 8,000,000, with almost 60,000 churches in 144 countries. The headquarters is in Los Angeles, California, United States. - California is the most populous state in the United States and the third most extensive by area. Located on the western (Pacific Ocean) coast of the U.S., California is bordered by the other U.S. states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona and shares an international border with the Mexican state of Baja California. The state capital is Sacramento. Los Angeles is California's most populous city, and the country's second largest after New York City. The state also has the nation's most populous county, Los Angeles County, and its largest county by area, San Bernardino County. - Aimee Semple McPherson ("Aimée", in the original French; October 9, 1890  September 27, 1944), also known as Sister Aimee or simply Sister, was a Canadian-American Pentecostal evangelist and media celebrity in the 1920s and 1930s, famous for founding the Foursquare Church. McPherson has been noted as a pioneer in the use of modern media, as she used radio to draw on the growing appeal of popular entertainment in North America and incorporated other forms into her weekly sermons at Angelus Temple, one of the first megachurches. Given the paragraphs above, decide what entity has the relation 'instance of' with 'christian denomination'. A:
church of the foursquare gospel in the philippines
Instructions: You will be given two pieces of text with the same meaning. One of them is simpler and easier to understand for non-native English speakers. Complex texts may contain more difficult words, have unnecessary phrases or contain long sentences. Your task is to choose the simpler piece of text. You are expected to output 'Text one' if the first sentence is simpler. Otherwise output 'Text two'. Input: Text one: Doctors performed various medical treatments if needed. Text two: Doctors performed various medical treatments if needed. Output:
Text one
Q: In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to classify the genre of the sentences from the 10 options displayed. Indicate your answer by entering the number of the choice as 1-10. Sentence 1: Beg your pardon? Sentence 2: I understand completely. Choices: 1. FACE-TO-FACE, 2. GOVERNMENT, 3. LETTERS, 4. 9/11, 5. SLATE, 6. TELEPHONE, 7. TRAVEL, 8. VERBATIM, 9. OUP, 10. FICTION. A:
Write a question about the following article. It 's a domestic day around here , so I thought it might be more fun to relive the best Labor Day weekend ever while I clean up from last week 's fun and prepare for this weekend 's windy wetness . I mentioned my act of bravery the other day , and found in my husband 's pictures the proof - here I am standing at the point of no return ! The parking lot is on the other side of that bridge , and in this photo I ' ve walked over and must soon walk back . All that separates me from a nice , safe , manual 6-cylinder mountain - loving car is a mile - deep chasm and a swinging metal bridge . Question:
Why did they call it domestic day ? Options are: (1). They have chores to do . (2). They have shopping to do . (3). They have taxes to do . (4). They have cooking to do .
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence. Passage: Some forms of civil disobedience, such as illegal boycotts, refusals to pay taxes, draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins, make it more difficult for a system to function. In this way, they might be considered coercive. Brownlee notes that 'although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion by their conscientious aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they may find it necessary to employ limited coercion in order to get their issue onto the table.' The Plowshares organization temporarily closed GCSB Waihopai by padlocking the gates and using sickles to deflate one of the large domes covering two satellite dishes. Question: When large groups of people all boycott a system or don't pay taxes it can be considered?
Article:Nottinghamshire Police said it would be increasing police activity after gathering intelligence on Notts County followers all season. The news comes after three people were charged following trouble at County's 5-0 defeat at Mansfield on Saturday. The club said it did not "condone the behaviour of a very small minority" of supporters at the Mansfield match. Live updates and more from Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire Police believe a gang of "about 60 to 80" hooligans is targeting Notts County matches. Supt Mark Holland, who is head of football policing in Nottinghamshire, said he had been concerned about the group for some time. "We've been monitoring this all season and there is definitely an emerging group there," he said. "There's about 60 to 80 'supporters' who have been attending away games, causing problems and disorder. "We don't police more than 50% of the games in Nottinghamshire, but we've been attending all Notts County games in an intelligence-gathering capacity. "They're trying to get themselves established, but we've arrested quite a few of them, we've gathered quite a bit of intelligence and there'll be further action to come." Formed in 1862, Notts County is considered to be the oldest professional football team in the world and was one of 12 founding members of the Football League in 1888. Saturday's arrests at the League Two match at Mansfield were for possession of a firework/flare at a sporting event, being drunk at a sports ground and accessing the pitch. Three men were charged and have been bailed to appear in court next month. Summarize the main points of that article.
One of the Football League's founding clubs has an "emerging" hooligan firm, a police force has warned.
Teacher:This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) its answer is a continuous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Some of the leading art groups of China are based in Nanjing; they include the Qianxian Dance Company, Nanjing Dance Company, Jiangsu Peking Opera Institute and Nanjing Xiaohonghua Art Company among others. Student:
Where do some of the country's most prominent art groups call home?
Instructions: You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. Input: at least one Output:
How many died in the civil war?
Given a document, an entity and its sentiment towards the entity, verify if it is the correct sentiment towards the entity. Answer should be yes or no. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. One example: Verify if the sentiment of the following document towards the entity Bill Clinton is Positive . Bill Clinton knows how to win friends and influence people. The former president is a master of reinvention — and the same talents that guided him into office have propelled him, more recently, into the stratosphere of Internet stardom. Solution is here: yes Explanation: Here the author of the document praises Bill for this ability to win friends. Hence the sentiment should be Positive and the answer is yes. Now, solve this: Verify if the sentiment of the following document towards the entity Steven Mnuchin is Neutral . Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced Friday that the United States is imposing the toughest sanctions ever put in place against the Communist regime in North Korea for its nuclear program. “This action targets the deceptive shipping practices that enable the Kim regime to fund its dangerous weapons programs ” Mnuchin said. “Our actions target shipping and trade companies vessels and individuals across the world who we know are working on North Korea’s behalf.” Specifically Mnuchin said the sanctions target 27 entities 28 vessels and 1 individual for evading existing sanctions. “Today’s actions will significantly hinder North Korea’s ability to conduct evasive maritime activities that facilitate illicit coal and fuel transports limit the regime’s ability to ship goods through international waters ” Mnuchin said. “Our actions are part of the ongoing maximum economic pressure campaign to cut off sources of revenue that this regime derives from the U.N. and U.S. prohibited trades to fund its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.” “We are releasing new imagery of the deceptive shipping practices used by those who aid and profit from illicit trade with North Korea ” Mnuchin said. Mnuchin said the images from December of last year show transfer of fuel and other products from ships to ships bound for North Korea. “They shine a spotlight on the practices employed by the government of North Korea to falsify identifying information on ships and conceal illicit cargo ” Mnuchin stated noting this behavior also violates the United Nations Security Council resolutions. He said the U.S. is “putting companies and countries on notice” about dealings with North Korea and that the Trump administration “views compliance with U.S. and U.N. sanctions as a national security imperative.” “The United States will leverage our economic strength to enforce President Trump’s directive that any company that chooses to help North Korea fund its nuclear and ballistic missile programs will not be allowed to do business with anyone in the United States ” Mnuchin said. Mnuchin slammed North Korea for financing nuclear weapons while its people suffer and starve. Meanwhile at the White House Mnuchin said the U.S. is determined to reach its ultimate goal for North Korea. “The United States will not sit idly by while he threatens American allies and territories ” Mnuchin said. “This administration is committed to full irreversible and permanent denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Solution:
question: french parliament members voted thursday for a compulsory referendum allowing new european union -lrb- eu -rrb- admission bids , which will be applied to turkey if its eu admission negotiations conclude . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: french parliament votes on compulsory referendum on eu admissions question: the caribbean countries are considering the establishment of a regional tsunami early warning system for preventing huge losses in such disasters as that in asia , said press reports on wednesday . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: caribbean countries consider building tsunami early warning system question: ugandan rebels attacked northern villages from their bases in neighboring sudan , looting food and medicine despite an ongoing ugandan army offensive , an army official said monday . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: ugandan rebels attack northern villages despite battles near their question: manchester united manager sir alex ferguson insisted he would not opt for wholesale changes for wednesday 's champions league match at home to czech outfit sparta prague . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary:
ferguson refuses to panic for sparta clash
Ques:Tracy took Lee into a better life by giving a lot of gifts and good food. Given the context: Why did Tracy do this? Possible answers: bored, say thank you, proud Ans:proud ----- Ques:Ash told Sydney about the thing she had forgotten when she left college. Given the context: What does Ash need to do before this? Possible answers: listen to ash, meet up with Sydney, ignore Sydney's phone calls Ans:meet up with Sydney ----- Ques:Tracy was trying to figure out what to do and the Tracy picked a movie to watch. Given the context: How would you describe Tracy? Possible answers: felt good, felt relieved, watch a movie Ans:felt relieved ----- Ques:Lee took Alex's time sheet and marked that she was there when she wasn't. Given the context: Why did Lee do this? Possible answers: be mean to Alex, be a nice person, get Alex fired Ans:
be a nice person -----
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a set of context paragraph and some supporting facts to answer a question. Your task is to generate answer for given question based on set of context paragraphs and supporting facts. Problem:Context_1 : Radiant Angel is a 2015 novel by American author Nelson DeMille. It is the seventh of DeMille's novels to feature Detective John Corey, now working as a contractor for the fictional FBI Anti-Terrorist Task Force in New York City. The novel is the sequel to "The Panther". Radiant Angel debuted as #1 on the "New York Times" Best Seller List. It was released in England as A Quiet End. Context_2 : The Lion's Game is a 2000 novel by American author Nelson DeMille. It is the second of DeMille's novels to feature the detective John Corey, now working as a contractor for the fictional FBI Anti-Terrorist Task Force in New York City. The 2000 novel The Lion’s Game is the sequel to Plum Island and is followed by the 2004 book Night Fall. The book also briefly mentions events from other DeMille novels like "The Charm School" and "The Gold Coast", that aren't strictly part of the Corey-universe. Context_3 : Nelson Richard DeMille (born August 23, 1943) is an American author of action adventure and suspense novels. His novels include "Plum Island", "The Charm School", and "The Gold Coast". DeMille has also written under the pen names Jack Cannon, Kurt Ladner, Ellen Kay and Brad Matthews. Context_4 : Wild Fire is a 2006 novel by American author, Nelson DeMille. It is the fourth of DeMille's novels to feature Detective John Corey, now working as a contractor for the fictional FBI Anti-Terrorist Task Force in New York City. The novel is the sequel to Night Fall and takes place approximately one year later. Wild Fire is followed by DeMille’s 2010 novel, The Lion. Context_5 : Theodore Harold White (, May 6, 1915 – May 15, 1986) was an American political journalist and historian, known for his wartime reporting from China and accounts of the 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976 and 1980 presidential elections. Context_6 : The Panther is a 2012 novel by American author Nelson DeMille. It is the sixth of DeMille's novels to feature Detective John Corey, now working as a contractor for the fictional FBI Anti-Terrorist Task Force in New York City. The novel is the sequel to "The Lion". The Panther is followed by DeMille’s 2015 novel, "Radiant Angel". Also featured in this novel is DeMille’s other fictional character, Paul Brenner, who appears in The General's Daughter and Up Country. Context_7 : The Lion is a 2010 novel by American author Nelson DeMille. It is the fifth of DeMille's novels to feature Detective John Corey, now working as a contractor for the fictional FBI Anti-Terrorist Task Force in New York City. The novel is the sequel to "Wild Fire". The Lion is followed by DeMille’s 2012 novel, "The Panther". Context_8 : The Theodore H. O. Mattfeldt House is a historic house located at 202 S. Marion St. in Mount Pulaski, Illinois. The house was constructed circa 1860 for Theodore H. O. Mattfeldt, a Mount Pulaski politician, businessman, postmaster, and surveyor. The Italianate house features a low-pitched hip roof, arched windows, and paired brackets along its roof line, all characteristic features of the style. The house is considered the most historically intact of Mount Pulaski's several Italianate homes. Context_9 : The Sniper is a 1974 thriller novel by American author Nelson DeMille. It was DeMille's first published novel. "The Sniper" introduces character NYPD Sergeant, Joe Ryker. Like the other books in the Joe Ryker series, it was re-published in 1989 with the author as "Jack Cannon." Context_10 : The General's Daughter is a 1992 novel by American author Nelson DeMille. The novel introduces protagonist Paul Brenner, who is also featured in DeMille's novels "Up Country" and "The Panther". "The General's Daughter" was made into a 1999 film of the same name, starring John Travolta and Madeleine Stowe. In the movie, Captain Ann Campbell's first name was changed to Elisabeth. fact_1 : Theodore Harold White (, May 6, 1915 – May 15, 1986) was an American political journalist and historian, known for his wartime reporting from China and accounts of the 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976 and 1980 presidential elections. fact_2 : Nelson Richard DeMille (born August 23, 1943) is an American author of action adventure and suspense novels. Question: Who was born first, Theodore H. White or Nelson DeMille? Solution:
Theodore Harold White
Come up with a question and stream of consciousness reasoning that would justify this answer: Sentence B
The question is: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense? Options: - Sentence A: "A word is comprised of letters from the alphabet." - Sentence B: "A pig is comprised of letters from the alphabet." Stream of consciousness: A pig is a physical creatures and cannot consist of letters.
Definition: In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible. Input: Aubrey put on Baileys had and asked Bailey how it looked on them. Question: Why did Aubrey do this? Output:
see how it looked
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into English. Example input: Perché? Perché quel profitto fa sì che qualunque soluzione da noi creata sia infinitamente riproducibile su scala. Example output: Why? Because that profit allows whatever solution we've created to be infinitely scalable. Example explanation: The Italian sentence is correctly translated into English, because the meaning is preserved. Q: Non è poca cosa cambiare un sistema carcerario. A:
It's no small thing to change a prison system.
Problem: I know that the answer to the question "Who wrote that Khan attained immense influence over the Mongols?" is in "Laird writes that Altan Khan abolished the native Mongol practices of shamanism and blood sacrifice, while the Mongol princes and subjects were coerced by Altan to convert to Gelug Buddhism—or face execution if they persisted in their shamanistic ways. Committed to their religious leader, Mongol princes began requesting the Dalai Lama to bestow titles on them, which demonstrated "the unique fusion of religious and political power" wielded by the Dalai Lama, as Laird writes. Kolmaš states that the spiritual and secular Mongol-Tibetan alliance of the 13th century was renewed by this alliance constructed by Altan Khan and Sönam Gyatso. Van Praag writes that this restored the original Mongol patronage of a Tibetan lama and "to this day, Mongolians are among the most devout followers of the Gelugpa and the Dalai Lama." Angela F. Howard writes that this unique relationship not only provided the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama with religious and political authority in Tibet, but that Altan Khan gained "enormous power among the entire Mongol population."". Can you tell me what it is? A: Angela F. Howard Problem: Given the question: I know that the answer to the question "When did coruna gowth stop in other cities?" is in "In northern Galicia, the A Coruña-Ferrol metropolitan area has become increasingly dominant in terms of population. The population of the city of A Coruña in 1900 was 43,971. The population of the rest of the province including the City and Naval Station of nearby Ferrol and Santiago de Compostela was 653,556. A Coruña's growth occurred after the Spanish Civil War at the same speed as other major Galician cities, but it was the arrival of democracy in Spain after the death of Francisco Franco when A Coruña left all the other Galician cities behind.". Can you tell me what it is? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is: after the death of Francisco Franco input question: I know that the answer to the question "What did Ed Sheeran become?" is in "Since the mid-2000s, the mainstreaming of bands like Wilco and Feist have pushed indie rock into the adult contemporary conversation. In the early 2010s, indie musicians like Imagine Dragons, Mumford & Sons, Of Monsters & Men, The Lumineers and Ed Sheeran also had indie songs that crossed over to the adult contemporary charts.". Can you tell me what it is???? output answer: adult contemporary I know that the answer to the question "What did the members of the black guard start as?" is in "In the 18th century, the Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail "the Bloodthirsty" (1672–1727) raised a corps of 150,000 black slaves, called his Black Guard, who coerced the country into submission.". Can you tell me what it is? ---- Answer: slaves Q: I know that the answer to the question "Which is not a last name, Hafez or Sustain?" is in "Nasser's street following was still too small to sustain his plans for reform and to secure him in office. To promote himself and the Liberation Rally, he gave speeches in a cross-country tour, and imposed controls over the country's press by decreeing that all publications had to be approved by the party to prevent "sedition". Both Umm Kulthum and Abdel Halim Hafez, the leading Arab singers of the era, performed songs praising Nasser's nationalism. Others produced plays denigrating his political opponents. According to his associates, Nasser orchestrated the campaign himself. Arab nationalist terms such "Arab homeland" and "Arab nation" frequently began appearing in his speeches in 1954–55, whereas prior he would refer to the Arab "peoples" or the "Arab region". In January 1955, the RCC appointed him as their president, pending national elections.". Can you tell me what it is? A: sustain [Q]: I know that the answer to the question "What acts as a protective barrier for the brain?" is in "Another approach to brain function is to examine the consequences of damage to specific brain areas. Even though it is protected by the skull and meninges, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier, the delicate nature of the brain makes it vulnerable to numerous diseases and several types of damage. In humans, the effects of strokes and other types of brain damage have been a key source of information about brain function. Because there is no ability to experimentally control the nature of the damage, however, this information is often difficult to interpret. In animal studies, most commonly involving rats, it is possible to use electrodes or locally injected chemicals to produce precise patterns of damage and then examine the consequences for behavior.". Can you tell me what it is? **** [A]:
skull and meninges
Q: Translate from English to Hindi. You heard me. A:
तुमने सुना.
Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, and your task is to convert it into the Burmese language. Input: The accounts of the Pakistan army's offensive in the tribal region near the Afghan border are difficult to verify, as journalists and aid workers are not allowed into the battle zone. Output:
သတင်းထောက်များ နှင့် အကူအညီပေးရေး လုပ်သားများ ကို တိုက်ပွဲ သတ်မှတ်နယ်မြေ သို့ ခွင့်မပြုကြ သလို ၊ အာဖဂန် နယ်စပ် အနီး လူမျိုးစု ဒေသ တွင် ပါကစ္စတန် စစ်တပ် ၏ ထိုးစစ် ၏ ထိရောက်မှုများကို အတည်ပြု ရန် ခက်ခဲသည် ။
Question: Q: Genetic variation helps ensure that some organisms will survive if what happens? Read this paragraph and choose the correct option from the provided answers: No physical object can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. (Maximum speed is finite). Choices: - they get eaten - there's an earthquake - they die - their environment changes A: Answer:
their environment changes
Question: This article: The Sitwells looked after their protégé both materially and culturally, giving him not only a home but a stimulating cultural education. He took music lessons with Ernest Ansermet, Ferruccio Busoni and Edward J. Dent. He attended the Russian ballet, met Stravinsky and Gershwin, heard the Savoy Orpheans at the Savoy Hotel and wrote an experimental string quartet heavily influenced by the Second Viennese School that was performed at a festival of new music at Salzburg in 1923. Alban Berg heard the performance and was impressed enough to take Walton to meet Arnold Schoenberg, Berg's teacher and the founder of the Second Viennese School.In 1923, in collaboration with Edith Sitwell, Walton had his first great success, though at first it was a succès de scandale. Façade was first performed in public at the Aeolian Hall, London, on 12 June. The work consisted of Edith's verses, which she recited through a megaphone from behind a screen, while Walton conducted an ensemble of six players in his accompanying music. The press was generally condemnatory. Walton's biographer Michael Kennedy cites as typical a contemporary headline: "Drivel That They Paid to Hear". The Daily Express loathed the work, but admitted that it was naggingly memorable. The Manchester Guardian wrote of "relentless cacophony". The Observer condemned the verses and dismissed Walton's music as "harmless". In The Illustrated London News, Dent was much more appreciative: "The audience was at first inclined to treat the whole thing as an absurd joke, but there is always a surprisingly serious element in Miss Sitwell's poetry and Mr Walton's music ... which soon induced the audience to listen with breathless attention." In The Sunday Times, Ernest Newman said of Walton, "as a musical joker he is a jewel of the first water".Among the audience were Evelyn Waugh, Virginia Woolf and Noël Coward. The last was so outraged by the avant-garde nature of Sitwell's verses and the staging, that he marched out ostentatiously during the performance. The players did... contains an answer for the question: What is the last name of the person who asked the composer that met Stravinsky and Gershwin whether "...a clarinet player ever done you an injury?"?, what is it ? Answer:
Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Washington University in St. Louis: Tyson Research Center is a 2,000-acre (809 ha) field station located west of St. Louis on the Meramec River. Washington University obtained Tyson as surplus property from the federal government in 1963. It is used by the University as a biological field station and research/education center. In 2010 the Living Learning Center was named one of the first two buildings accredited nationwide as a "living building" under the Living Building Challenge, opened to serve as a biological research station and classroom for summer students. Where is Tyson Research Center located? A: west of St. Louis on the Meramec River Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Greeks: Greeks from Cyprus have a similar history of emigration, usually to the English-speaking world because of the island's colonization by the British Empire. Waves of emigration followed the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, while the population decreased between mid-1974 and 1977 as a result of emigration, war losses, and a temporary decline in fertility. After the ethnic cleansing of a third of the Greek population of the island in 1974, there was also an increase in the number of Greek Cypriots leaving, especially for the Middle East, which contributed to a decrease in population that tapered off in the 1990s. Today more than two-thirds of the Greek population in Cyprus is urban. Whee these new inhabitants welcomed ? A: Turkish invasion of Cyprus Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about John von Neumann: Von Neumann entered government service (Manhattan Project) primarily because he felt that, if freedom and civilization were to survive, it would have to be because the US would triumph over totalitarianism from Nazism, Fascism and Soviet Communism. During a Senate committee hearing he described his political ideology as "violently anti-communist, and much more militaristic than the norm". He was quoted in 1950 remarking, "If you say why not bomb [the Soviets] tomorrow, I say, why not today? If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock?" What was the project that von Neumann first participated in government? A: Manhattan Project Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Modern history: Engineering achievements of the revolution ranged from electrification to developments in materials science. The advancements made a great contribution to the quality of life. In the first revolution, Lewis Paul was the original inventor of roller spinning, the basis of the water frame for spinning cotton in a cotton mill. Matthew Boulton and James Watt's improvements to the steam engine were fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both the Kingdom of Great Britain and the world. What did the advancements during the revolution improve for people? A:
quality of life
Answer the following question: Answer this question: how long was richard nixon a president? Answer:
Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States , serving from 1969 to 1974, when he became the only president to resign the office.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in English language and its corresponding French translation. Here, your job is to output "yes" if the translation is correct, otherwise output "no". Input: English: What is the potential for important new observations or knowledge? French: À quels besoins la publication peut-elle mieux répondre que d’autres publications? Output:
Instructions: Your task is to extract the thesis of an opinionated news article by selecting some of its text segments. The thesis is a summarization of what the author wants to persuade the reader of. Your answer should consist of segments of the given text. Note that you are not allowed to combine different sentences. Input: Islamic terror and Obama White House: Josh Earnest summons ghost of Ron Ziegler. French Muslims trained by Al Qaeda and inspired by the Islamic Caliphate murder seventeen people in Paris . Their announced reason is revenge for the defamation of the Prophet Muhammad . Their battle cry is the Arabic declaration that 'Allah hu Akbar'(Allah is the greatest!) . In the aftermath, White House spokesman Josh Earnest briefs the media on how his boss, President Obama, sees the slaughter in Paris . His diagnosis: A deplorable case of "terrorism." Reporters notice a missing adjective . Has Earnest forgotten to mention something about the identity of the killers? No, not at all, Earnest says . He is simply trying to be accurate . He explains(and I paraphrase) that the Paris assassins were just folks who happened to commit mass murder against some journalists(every spokesman's fantasy-- I speak from personal experience) and then , stuck for an explanation, invoked Islam . The proof that this had nothing to do with the Religion of Peace is that it was "roundly condemned by (unnamed) Muslim spiritual leaders . Not since the hapless Ron Ziegler assured the press that his boss, Richard Nixon, was not a crook, has a White House spokesman been reduced to invoking the,"who-are-you-going- to- believe, me-or-your-lying-eyes," defense in quite such a pitiful way . The name "Josh Earnest" may not go down in history , but it is destined to become a "Jeopardy" answer : What presidential spokesman denied the existence of Islamic terrorism? Of course Earnest did this in a good cause-- keeping his job . And to be charitable, his boss probably has virtuous reasons for his see-no-evil approach , For one thing, he doesn't want to insult American Muslims , who are his supporters . For another, he may imagine that he is protecting them from Tea Party pogroms, an abiding, if entirely imaginary, liberal concern . It is likely that Obama also thinks that his discreet silence about who did what to whom in Paris is a boon the American fight for hearts and minds in the Middle East . If so , he is mistaken . Muslims from Nigeria to Chechnya know perfectly well that he is dissembling . Islam is the world's leading exporter of political and religious violence . Some Muslims regret it ; others see it as the fulfillment of a Koranic duty . Either way, they don't expect the victims to pretend that the infidel bodies lying dead at their desks in Paris just happened to drop dead . Alibiing for Islam makes Obama come off like Freddo ("Moe didn't mean nothin' by slapping me around, Mikey, he's a good guy. He's sorry, right Moe?"). Corleone . Like Freddo, Obama can be bullied into silence and appeased by insincere apologies . Just how insincere was evident a few days after the Paris massacre when the editors of Charlie Hebdo, in an act of startling courage, put another "offensive" cartoon of Mohammed on the cover of their magazine . Suddenly, it was back to yesterday in the House of Islam . Churches were torched by the faithful in Mali . Wild anti-Western rallies took place from Chechnya to Nigeria . The free-speech loving Imams and Ayatollahs of Josh Earnest's imagination incited worshippers with cries of blasphemy and holy war . The New York Times, house organ of the Obama administration, responded by not publishing the caricature because "some readers" (unspecified) might be offended . Such weakness is entirely transparent to the Muslim world--not only to the jihadis themselves, whose ranks are swelling with every attack but to their countless millions of admirers, apologists and silent supporters . It is also completely clear to Israel . For two years, Obama and Secretary of State Kerry have relentlessly and futilely tried to convince Jerusalem to withdraw from the West Bank and agree to the creation of a Palestinian state . The plan has been on life support for months ; it died--at least for the duration of the Obama administration-- in the kosher supermarket where four Jews were shot dead by a gunman inspired by the (non-denominational!) Islamic Caliphate of Iraq and Syria . The killer dedicated the job to the Palestinian people . The victims were buried in Jerusalem partly because their families feared their graves would be desecrated in France . The funerals coincided with the start of the election season in Israel . Prime Minister Netanyahu, running for a fourth term, is implacably opposed to making concessions to the Palestinian Authority , one of whose components, Hamas, is a branch of the M-word Brotherhood . Obama has made it clear that he would like Netanyahu to lose . This is a good thing for the Prime Minister . Even the left understands that there can be no deal backed by an American Godfather who is who is scared of Moe Greene . Output:
French Muslims trained by Al Qaeda and inspired by the Islamic Caliphate murder seventeen people in Paris Their battle cry is the Arabic declaration that 'Allah hu Akbar'(Allah is the greatest!)
A small dog runs through an obstacle course. A small dog jumping over an obstacle. Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing". Answer: 4 Chinese icebreaker changes course towards suspicious objects Chinese search plane finds 'suspicious objects' Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing". Answer: 2 Anti-government protesters storm the streets of Kyiv Ukraine protesters topple Lenin statue Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing". Answer: 1 Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will return home late Friday but will remain in detention after recovering from surgery at a Yangon hospital, her personal physician said. Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will be kept under house arrest following her release from a hospital where she underwent surgery, her personal physician said Friday. Rate the textual similarity of these two sentences on a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is "no meaning overlap" and 5 is "means the same thing". Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and answer options for that question. Using this information, you have to classify each text into different topics: medicine, nursery, psychology, chemistry, pharmacology, biology. See one example below: Problem: Question: A distension is defined as: Options: <0> Soft tissue injury. <1> Forced movement of abrupt production. <2> Injury by stretching a muscle. <3> Injury of the joint capsule. <4> Interruption in the continuity of a bone. Solution: nursery Explanation: Distension means Bloating and swelling in the belly area. It does not have much to do with chemistry, psychology, pharmacology, biology and medicine. Hence, the correct topic is nursery. Problem: Question: The mitochondrial complex α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase needs all the following compounds EXEPT: Options: <0> CoA. <1> FAD. <2> NAD +. <3> NADP +. <4> Thiamine pyrophosphate. Solution:
Question: I read this background article the other day: When soil is flooded, hypoxia develops, as soil microorganisms consume oxygen faster than diffusion occurs. The presence of hypoxic soils is one of the defining characteristics of wetlands. Many wetland plants possess aerenchyma, and in some, such as water-lilies, there is mass flow of atmospheric air through leaves and rhizomes. There are many other chemical consequences of hypoxia. For example, nitrification is inhibited as low oxygen occurs and toxic compounds are formed, as anaerobic bacteria use nitrate, manganese, and sulfate as alternative electron acceptors. The reduction-oxidation potential of the rhizhosphere decreases and metal ions such as iron and manganese precipitate. Aerenchyma is a modification of the parenchyma. I am facing a new situation today: Two farmers are having a conversation at a bar about how their soil is doing. Jeff takes a sip of his beer and says that he just discovered that his soil is hypoxic. Brandon is trying to get the attention of the bartender so he can order another martini. Upon hearing Jeff's remark about his soil, Brandon states that the soil on his own farm is not hypoxic. Brandon is relieved when he notices the bartender is finally walking over to them. Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Does Brandon's soil have more or less toxic compounds than Jeff's? Answer:
Question: You are given a new situation: India decided to use fossil fuels to produce their electricity, and Nepal decided to go renewable and use only hydro power to produce their electricity. and a hint : When humans dig up and use fossil fuels, we have an impact on the carbon cycle ( Figure below ). This carbon is not recycled until it is used by humans. The burning of fossil fuels releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than is used by photosynthesis. So, there is more carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere than is coming out of it. Carbon dioxide is known as a greenhouse gas , since it lets in light energy but does not let heat escape, much like the panes of a greenhouse. The increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is contributing to a global rise in Earth’s temperature, known as global warming or global climate change. Please answer this question : Which country had more of an impact on the carbon cycle? Answer:
Leo: Premise: "Several people in a restaurant." Hypothesis: "People are outside walking." Is the hypothesis entailed by the premise? Options: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Mei: OK, So, let's think first... Me:
If the people are outside walking they cannot be in the restaurant at the same time. Thus, the answer is no.
Question: Given the below context: Set in New York City, Candy Mountain tells the tale of a struggling guitarist named Julius. After he promises a rock star he can find an elusive guitar maker and acquire his valuable products, he sets off on a quest to Canada to find the legendary Elmore Silk, in order to strike a deal with him. Along his journey via T-Bird, Volkswagen, and hitchhiking, he experiences a series of encounters and misadventures with those who claim to have known the reclusive Silk. Each encounter provides him with valuable insight into the kind of man Silk is, and his journey is filled with "musicians playing small roles: David Johanson as the star who wants to buy up the guitars, Tom Waits as Elmore's middle-class brother, Joe Strummer as a punk, Dr. John as Elmore's cranky son-in-law, Leon Redbone as one-half of a peculiar Canadian family who enjoy imprisoning passers-by". As he ventures further North, and reaches Canada, he is finally in the presence of the famous guitarist he had been searching for. Once he meets Silk, he is faced with the realization that financial gain is nothing compared to the development of one's artistic ability. Guess a valid title for it! Answer:
Candy Mountain
Background: Bobby Darin (born Walden Robert Cassotto; May 14, 1936 - December 20, 1973) was an American singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and actor in film and television. He performed jazz, pop, rock and roll, folk, swing, and country music. He started his career as a songwriter for Connie Francis. Context: Born Walden Robert Cassotto in the East Harlem neighborhood of New York City, Bobby Darin was reared by his maternal grandmother, whom he believed was his mother. Darin's birth mother, Vanina Juliette "Nina" Cassotto (born November 30, 1917), became pregnant with him in the summer of 1935 when she was 17. Presumably because of the scandalous nature of out-of-wedlock pregnancies in that era, Nina and her mother hatched a plan to pass her baby off as Nina's younger brother. Years later, when Nina finally told Darin the truth about his upbringing, she refused to reveal the identity of his biological father, and kept the secret to her death in 1983. Darin's maternal grandfather, Saverio Antonio "Big Sam Curly" Cassotto (born January 26, 1882), was of Italian descent and a would-be mobster who died in prison from pneumonia a year before Darin's birth. His maternal grandmother, Vivian Fern Walden (also born in 1882), who called herself Polly, was of English ancestry and a vaudeville singer. From his birth, Darin always believed Nina to be his older sister and Polly his mother. But in 1968, when he was 32, Nina told Darin the truth, reportedly devastating him. By the time he was a teenager, Darin could play several instruments, including piano, drums, and guitar. He later added harmonica and xylophone. Darin moved to the Bronx early in his life (with a rented summer home in Staten Island) and graduated from the prestigious Bronx High School of Science. In later years he attributed his arrogance to his experiences there, where he was surrounded by brighter students who teased him. He then enrolled at Hunter College and soon gravitated to the drama department. After only two semesters, he dropped out to pursue an acting career. Question: Where did he go to school? Answer: graduated from the prestigious Bronx High School of Science. Problem: Background: Scott Kevin Walker (born November 2, 1967) is an American politician serving as the 45th and current Governor of Wisconsin since 2011. First elected Wisconsin Governor in the 2010 general election, he won a 2012 recall election and was reelected a second time in 2014. He is a former member of the Wisconsin State Assembly and a former Milwaukee County Executive. Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Walker was raised in Iowa and in Delavan, Wisconsin, before attending Marquette University. Context: In 2011, the WEDC was created by Walker as a quasi-public entity to replace the state's Department of Commerce with the objective of incenting job creation in Wisconsin. A 2013 report from the state's Legislative Audit Committee indicated that the organization gave some "grants, loans, and tax credits to ineligible recipients, for ineligible projects, and for amounts that exceeded specified limits." It also reported that WEDC "did not consistently perform statutorily required program oversight duties such as monitoring the contractually specified performance of award recipients". According to Wisconsin Public Radio, "The agency has been plagued by mismanagement and questions about handing out loans without properly vetting recipients." In June 2015, it was reported that under Walker, WEDC gave out $124 million between the years 2011 and 2013 without formal review. Based on the 27 awards during that period, 2,100 jobs had been created to date out of a total expected of 6,100. $62.5 million was awarded to Kohl's to create 3,000 jobs as part of a headquarters expansion but only 473 had been created, $18 million was awarded to Kestrel Aircraft which was supposed to create 665 jobs but only created 24, and $15 million went to Plexus Corp. to create 350 jobs, but created zero. In July 2013, WEDC adopted a new policy requiring written reviews on all program awards. According to WEDC, it had approved more than 760 reviewed awards under the new policy by June 2015. Walker introduced a state budget in February 2015 which removed all of the elected officials from the board. This included removing himself from chairmanship of WEDC. This was revised by the Legislature's budget committee who altered it to only remove Walker. Walker signed the budget in July 2015. Question: was it successful? Answer:
It also reported that WEDC "did not consistently perform statutorily required program oversight duties
question: What is the answer: Future British Chancellor of the Exchequer Francis Dashwood founded which club in the 18th century? answer: hellfire question: What is the answer: Which pensioner is played by Caroline Aherne? answer: mrs merton question: What is the answer: During World War II, U.S. soldiers used the first commercial aerosol cans to hold what? answer: insecticide question: What is the answer: "The ""Ring of Fire"" is an area of seismic activity around which ocean?" answer:
Definition: In this task, you are given a question and a corresponding answer. Your task is to generate a fact statement that is useful in answering the given question. Input: Question: All animals need to be what during cold conditions in order to survive? Answer: warm enough. Output:
an animal requires warmth for survival
Q: In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You need to answer the question and choose the correct option based on the conversation. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". M: Um... What do you plan to do this weekend? W: Well... I have a lot of homework and I must hand it in on Monday., Question: What will the woman do? (A) Study at home. (B) Go shopping. (C) Clean her house. A:
(A) Study at home.
Question: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "In March 1971, the residential office of an FBI agent in Media, Pennsylvania was burglarized by a group calling itself the Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI. Numerous files were taken and distributed to a range of newspapers, including The Harvard Crimson. The files detailed the FBI's extensive COINTELPRO program, which included investigations into lives of ordinary citizens—including a black student group at a Pennsylvania military college and the daughter of Congressman Henry Reuss of Wisconsin. The country was "jolted" by the revelations, which included assassinations of political activists, and the actions were denounced by members of Congress, including House Majority Leader Hale Boggs. The phones of some members of Congress, including Boggs, had allegedly been tapped."? Answer: What did burglars break into the steal files? Question: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Greek drama exemplifies the earliest form of drama of which we have substantial knowledge. Tragedy, as a dramatic genre, developed as a performance associated with religious and civic festivals, typically enacting or developing upon well-known historical or mythological themes. Tragedies generally presented very serious themes. With the advent of newer technologies, scripts written for non-stage media have been added to this form. War of the Worlds (radio) in 1938 saw the advent of literature written for radio broadcast, and many works of Drama have been adapted for film or television. Conversely, television, film, and radio literature have been adapted to printed or electronic media."? Answer: What was pivotal for a massive change for many of the areas mentioned in the passage? Question: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Within the city of Detroit, there are over a dozen major hospitals which include the Detroit Medical Center (DMC), Henry Ford Health System, St. John Health System, and the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center. The DMC, a regional Level I trauma center, consists of Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Harper University Hospital, Hutzel Women's Hospital, Kresge Eye Institute, Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan, Sinai-Grace Hospital, and the Karmanos Cancer Institute. The DMC has more than 2,000 licensed beds and 3,000 affiliated physicians. It is the largest private employer in the City of Detroit. The center is staffed by physicians from the Wayne State University School of Medicine, the largest single-campus medical school in the United States, and the United States' fourth largest medical school overall."? Answer:
What can Harper Univeristy hospital be found?
In this task, you are given two facts, and a multiple-choice question. Based on the given facts, answer the question with index of the correct option (e.g, "A"). Example: Fact1: a plant requires sunlight to grow, Fact2: Plants to avoid are fast-growing vines that can take over an area in no time., Question: What requires sunlight in order to take over an area? (A) spores (B) fish (C) plants (D) humans (E) pods (F) Oak (G) opossums (H) coral Example solution: C Example explanation: This is a good example. Based on the facts plants require sunlight in order to take over an area. Problem: Fact1: an animal requires energy to move, Fact2: Animals get their energy from food., Question: What do animals require to move? (A) Heat (B) Prey (C) warmth (D) oxygen (E) Shelter (F) air (G) Food (H) Predators
Solution: G
In this task, You are given a review of Amazon's food products. Your task is to divide them into two classes: negative or positive, depending on the content of the review. Example input: These are junk! Both bulbs have burned out within a two month period!! I cannot believe that this company can be in business with such poor quality. I have used infrared lights for my ball python for many years now and I get a varied range of months from a bulb, but I have never gone through two bulbs in a matter of two months! I am very disappointed. Example output: negative Example explanation: The user seems very disappointed in the product. Because the bulb they ordered has been burned out earlier than usual. So, it's a negative review. Q: Didnt work at all. As soon as I began filling a tube it would shut off (overheating). Wasnt happy as I hade 7 tubes to blow up. Luckily I had a manual one. A:
question: slovenians began voting sunday in a run-off presidential election , which the opposition centre-left candidate danilo turk is favored to win , according to the latest surveys . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: slovenians vote in run-off presidential election question: the presidents of azerbaijan , georgia and turkey turned on the taps wednesday to send the first drops of caspian oil into a pipeline seen as key to reducing the west 's reliance on middle east oil . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: officials inaugurate pipeline to ship caspian sea oil to mediterranean question: saudi arabian recruitment agencies have agreed to employ more sri lankans and to pay higher service charges to sri lankan recruitment agencies , official sources said today . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: more sri lankans to be employed in saudi arabia question: prosecutors began their closing arguments in the cia leak trial tuesday by scoffing at the idea that vice president dick cheney 's former top aide was the victim of a white house conspiracy . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary:
prosecutors begin closing arguments in cia leak case
Detailed Instructions: Predict the next word given an incomplete English Sentence. Problem:but i'd rather believe that it Solution:
Answer this question: The wheels and gears of a machine are greased in order to decrease. Answer:
Given a passage and a question, find the answer to the question based on the passage. The answer should consist of only one word that lies in the span of only one of the sentences in the passage. Q: Paragraph: The Great Outdoors is a 1988 American comedy film directed by Howard Deutch , and written and produced by John Hughes . It stars Dan Aykroyd , John Candy , Stephanie Faracy and Annette Bening in her film debut . Question: what year did the great outdoors come out A:
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the fill-in-the-blank question for this answer based on the given article. The blanks are always at the end of the question, and can be filled with more than one word or phrase. One example is below. Q: Article: Homework can put you in a badmood , and that might actually be a good thing. Researchers from the University of Plymouth in England doubted whether mood might affect the way kids learn. To find out the answer, they did two experiments with children. The first experiment tested 30 kids. Someshapes were hidden inside a different, larger picture. The kids had to find the small shapes while sitting in a room with either cheerful or sad music playing in the background. To test their mood, the scientists asked the kids to point to one of five faces, from happy to sad. Children who listened to cheerful music tended to point to the smiley faces while the others pointed to the unhappy ones. The researchers found that sad kids took at least a second less to find the small shapes. They also found an average of three or four more shapes. In the second experiment, 61 children watched one of two scenes from a film. One scene was happy, and the other was sad. Just like in the first experiment, kids who saw the sad scene acted better compared to the others. The researchers guessed that feeling down makes people more likely to focus on a problem or difficult situation. Not all scientists agree with them, however. Other studies argued that maybe, that cheerful music in the first experiment distracted kids from finding shapes. While scientists work on finding out the answers, it still might be wise to choose when to do your tasks according to your mood. After eating a delicious ice cream, for example, write an essay. Answer: whether mood affects their learning ability A: Researchers did experiments on kids in order to find out _ . Rationale: It is clearly mentioned in the article that to the check effect of mood on children is the main purpose of the experiment. Q: Article: Welcome to Coteborg University Coteborg University is one of Sweden's largest and most popular universities. We are very proud of this and believe that there are several reasons for our popularity. The principal reasons we believe to be the high quality of our education and research and the broad range of courses that we offer. In addition to this, Coteborg University provides an attractive and exceptionally high-standard study environment. Most parts of the university are situated in the city centre and this enriches city life as well as student life. Coteborg has a lot to offer its students: it has a rich and varied cultural life with many theatres, concerts and festivals. For those looking for outdoor life, forests and vast recreation areas are not far away from the city centre; the sea and the archipelago are also within easy reach. Industry and commerce are expanding, and have a joint interest with the University in meeting the ever-changing and growing demands of society. Coteborg University strives to be an attractive choice for students from all over the world. We look forward to welcoming you to Coteborg University. Answer: the high quality education and research and the wide range of courses A:
The main reasons for Coteborg University's popularity according to the passage is _ .
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Q: The training partners for the programme shall be from the partners approved under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna, keeping in view, their local presence and experience in skill training. A:
ସହିଦ ସ୍ମାରକ ଠାରେ ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଶ୍ରଦ୍ଧାଞ୍ଜଳି ଅର୍ପଣ କରିବେ । ଏହାପରେ ସେ ସିଆଇଏସଏଫ ବାହିନୀଙ୍କୁ ସମ୍ବୋଧିତ କରିବେ ।
What's the most logical way to complete this passage? (CNN) -- It was a moment of triumph amid a personal tragedy for Malaysian leader Najib Razak. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, he could finally stand in front of his nation with news of a deal -- the breakthrough to release MH17's flight recorders from rebels' hands, and, as important, to bring home the remains of the victims. Najib's own step-grandmother was on the flight, which was shot down near the Ukrainian-Russian border last Thursday. The second wife of his grandfather was flying to Malaysia to celebrate Hari Raya -- the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. The victims of
MH17 had been left in a field in Ukraine for three days before their removal.
Detailed Instructions: Generate an appropriate single-sentence summary for the given text such that it includes the main topic of the text. Problem:By Roger HarrabinBBC environment analyst Environment ministers from Britain's overseas territories say the government has cut funds and been distracted by Brexit. They say there is huge confusion among government departments about responsibility for the territories. The government calls the criticism unfair and points to its creation of large marine protection areas. The UK holds jurisdiction over 19 British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies - parts of the British Empire that have not been granted independence or have voted to remain British territories. Their lands hold an extraordinary wealth of rare species: 94% of the UK's endemic species - found nowhere else in the world - are in outposts of the former empire. Among the endangered creatures are a giant frog called the Montserrat mountain chicken; the Spiky yellow woodlouse, existing only land the size of a tennis court on St Helena; and the Grand Cayman blue iguana. Representatives of 14 of the territories - ranging from Bermuda to Pitcairn and Gibraltar - joined the meeting of the UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum on the Channel island of Alderney. The islands are highly vulnerable to climate change, but ministers complained that the government had almost halved Foreign Office spending on the climate. They also said cuts had eroded the capacity of the experts in the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), who used to offer conservation advice. The delegates in Alderney said other decisions on funding were going against them and that civil servants who had previously provided support are distracted by Brexit. Who's in charge? Confusion reigns over responsibility for supporting the islands, the ministers said. The Foreign Office has the policy lead but it delegates biodiversity issues to the environment department, Defra. The lead for the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey (which includes Alderney) is with yet another department: the Ministry of Justice. Claude Hogan from Montserrat said: "There is confusion in policy. We don't know the best person to approach and we end up going round in circles between different ministries. "To protect the island and adapt to climate change we need to put in sea defences - but we only get enough money to go from one consultancy to the next." The territories had previously received support for environment-focused programmes from the aid department DFID. But they said that ministers have now switched interest towards traditional job creation - even though the islanders said their economic future depends on a healthy environment. Brexit is a major concern, as many of the territories have received substantial funding from the EU. The minister from from Pitcairn, Michelle Christian, said: "We can apply for EU funding for environmental issues such as soil erosion, waste management and water, so we are concerned about the future." Gibraltar's minister John Cortes, a professional ecologist, said he was nervous at the possibility of Spanish encroachment on protected marine zones after the UK has left the EU. A Foreign Office spokeswoman said the government was already working to improve cross-departmental policies on the territories. She pointed to the internationally-acclaimed programme of marine protection around some key territories. The zone around Pitcain, for instance, will protect an area of ocean three and a half times the size of Britain. The spokeswoman added: "Climate change and energy work is a network-wide priority. The Foreign Office works closely in partnership with departments across Whitehall on the international climate change agenda." 'Critical environmental issues' The government's delegate had been forced to withdraw from the meeting in Alderney because of the election. The meeting's organisers said the government had declined to foot the bill for the meeting, which was funded by Alderney in conjunction with voluntary groups. They applauded the government's marine programme, but said many of the most critical environmental issues were on land. Their best hope is that when Brexit is settled, the UK will devote more of its time and energy to them, rather than less. Follow Roger on Twitter. Solution:
Wildlife and the environment in far-flung British territories are under threat, says a report.
Given an abstract of a paper, generate a title for this paper such that conveys the key focus of the paper. One example is below. Q: Abstract: Some patients converted from ventricular fibrillation to organized rhythms by defibrillation-trained ambulance technicians (EMT-Ds) will refibrillate before hospital arrival. The authors analyzed 271 cases of ventricular fibrillation managed by EMT-Ds working without paramedic back-up. Of 111 patients initially converted to organized rhythms, 19 (17%) refibrillated, 11 (58%) of whom were reconverted to perfusing rhythms, including nine of 11 (82%) who had spontaneous pulses prior to refibrillation. Among patients initially converted to organized rhythms, hospital admission rates were lower for patients who refibrillated than for patients who did not(53% versus 76%, P = NS), although discharge rates were virtually identical (37% and 35%, respectively). Scene-to-hospital transport times were not predictively associated with either the frequency of refibrillation or patient outcome. Defibrillation-trained EMTs can effectively manage refibrillation with additional shocks and are not at a significant disadvantage when paramedic back-up is not available. A: Refibrillation managed by EMT-Ds Rationale: The abstract is about refibrillation and it is also mentioned in the abstract that it is managed by EMT-Ds. So it is an apt title. Q: Abstract: The Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) in humans has a number of similarities to the immunodeficiencies found in CBA/N mice, including X-chromosome-linked inheritance, inability to produce antibodies to various carbohydrate antigens, susceptibility to various bacterial infections, and an imbalance in B lymphocyte subpopulations. Moreover, in both man and mice, IgG antibodies to polysaccharides are predominantly, but not exclusively, restricted to a single IgG subclass--IgG2 in man, and IgG3 in the mouse. Because CBA/N mice have a deficiency of IgG3 antibodies and because human IgG2 subclass deficiencies have been generally associated with inability to produce antibodies to carbohydrate antigens, it would seem likely that patients with WAS would have greatly reduced levels of IgG2. Quite to the contrary, the data presented here demonstrate that WAS patients have normal levels of the different IgG subclasses, including IgG2. Thus, inability to produce antibodies to carbohydrates is not always associated with IgG2 subclass deficiency. A:
Patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome have normal IgG2 levels.
In this task, you are given a part of an article. Your task is to generate headline (title) for this text. Preferred headlines are under fifteen words. Q: We present a method for learning treewidthbounded Bayesian networks from data sets containing thousands of variables. Bounding the treewidth of a Bayesian greatly reduces the complexity of inferences. Yet, being a global property of the graph, it considerably increases the difficulty of the learning process. We propose a novel algorithm for this task, able to scale to large domains and large treewidths. Our novel approach consistently outperforms the state of the art on data sets with up to ten thousand variables. A:
Learning Bounded Treewidth Bayesian Networks with Thousands of Variables
You are given a sentence, a question and two answer options ('A' and 'B'). Your task is to find the correct answer (return the string of the correct option, not 'A' or 'B') for the given question. One example is below. Q: Sentence: Jacob and Benny are squatting at the gym. Jacob has thin frail legs and Benny has big strong legs. Question: Who squats less weight? (A) Jacob (B) Benny A: Jacob Rationale: Typically, people with thin frail legs squat less weight than people with big strong legs, so the answer is Jacob. Q: Sentence: David and Michael are doing laps at the park. Question: If David is running and Michael is walking, who travelled a higher distance after ten minutes? (A) David (B) Michael. A:
Translate the following sentence to German: Precisely when we need to tackle this situation, however, the lack of commitment and support contained in the Commission’s Communication is regrettable, since it only provides for measures offering a long-term solution and, even then, they are the most painful solutions for the sector, such as restructuring of the fleet.
Aber gerade jetzt, da wir uns dieser Situation stellen müssen, ist das fehlende Engagement und die mangelnde Unterstützung, die die Mitteilung der Kommission erkennen lässt, zu bedauern, da sie nur Maßnahmen für eine langfristige Lösung anbietet, und selbst dann sind es die schmerzhaftesten Lösungen für den Sektor wie die Umstrukturierung der Flotte.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No". See one example below: Problem: what latitude is tropic of cancer, Answer: It currently (Year 2013) lies at 23° 26′ 15.143′′ north of the Equator. Solution: Yes Explanation: This is a good example, and the given answer correctly answers the question. Problem: how old were the twin towers when destroyed, Answer: Memory Foundations , designed by Daniel Libeskind , was selected as the master plan, but this went through substantial changes in design. Solution:
Given the question: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "what are loan originations?"; Answer: "Loan origination is a specialized version of new account opening for financial services organizations."? Topic: The answer is:
Loan origination
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of the article. Your task is to generate a headline (title) for this article. Input: after the longest and most expensive us presidential campaign ever , newspaper headlines on tuesday reflected both the historic importance of the occasion and relief that the outcome will soon be known . Output:
us press hail historic presidential vote
Q: In this task, you are given a sentence. You are expected to recognize the name of company or organization. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. Journalism majors visit the Associated Press this morning where they sat in on the world-wide morning meeting . A:
Associated Press
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. One example is below. Q: Pointing out that world over, thousands of innocent people were being killed and still the world community, the Vice President opined that without attaining peace, progress would have no meaning A: اس دنیا سے زیادہ اشارہ کرتے ہوئے، ہزاروں معصوم افراد کو ہلاک کر دیا گیا اور اب بھی عالمی برادری، نائب صدر نے کہا کہ امن حاصل کرنے کے بغیر، ترقی کا کوئی مطلب نہیں ہوگا Rationale: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Pointing out that world over, thousands of innocent people were being killed and still the world community, the Vice President opined that without attaining peace, progress would have no meaning' which is the same as the output sentence. Q: It has also put India among the fastest growing sources of tourism in Southeast Asia. Over a 6 million strong Indian diaspora in the region -- rooted in diversity and steeped in dynamism -- constitutes an extraordinary human bond between us. A:
تجارت اور صنعت و حرفت کے بارے میں بات کرتے ہوئے سنگا پور کے وزیر اعظم نے اپنے مضمون میں کہا ہے کہ آسیان ہندوستان فری ٹریڈ ایریا ( اے آئی ایف ٹی اے ) کے تحت آسیان ہندوستان تجارت ، جو 1993 ء میں 2.
Question: Read the following paragraph and extract the answer for the question: What is the name of the character who has a series of encounters and misadventures? Set in New York City, Candy Mountain tells the tale of a struggling guitarist named Julius. After he promises a rock star he can find an elusive guitar maker and acquire his valuable products, he sets off on a quest to Canada to find the legendary Elmore Silk, in order to strike a deal with him. Along his journey via T-Bird, Volkswagen, and hitchhiking, he experiences a series of encounters and misadventures with those who claim to have known the reclusive Silk. Each encounter provides him with valuable insight into the kind of man Silk is, and his journey is filled with "musicians playing small roles: David Johanson as the star who wants to buy up the guitars, Tom Waits as Elmore's middle-class brother, Joe Strummer as a punk, Dr. John as Elmore's cranky son-in-law, Leon Redbone as one-half of a peculiar Canadian family who enjoy imprisoning passers-by". As he ventures further North, and reaches Canada, he is finally in the presence of the famous guitarist he had been searching for. Once he meets Silk, he is faced with the realization that financial gain is nothing compared to the development of one's artistic ability. Answer: