Explanation for the following question's answer: If they scored, they should be the winners. Question: Of the below sentences, which one does *not* make sense? Options: - Sentence A: ""They finally scored!", said the narrator, "They are the final loser of this match."" - Sentence B: ""They finally scored!", said the narrator, "They are the final winner of this match."" Answer: Sentence A Explanation for the following question's answer: Crying is a natural response to being sad and many people cry when they are sad to express the feeling. Question: Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense? Options: - Sentence A: "People only cry when they are angry." - Sentence B: "People cry when they are sad." Answer: Sentence A Explanation for the following question's answer: Mammals are warm-blooded animals, and ants are not warm-blooded; ants are insects. Question: Which of these sentences doesn't make sense? Options: - Sentence A: "Antss are mammals." - Sentence B: "Tigers are mammals." Answer: Sentence A Explanation for the following question's answer: You get gas at a petrol bunk, not cash.
Question: Which of the following two sentences does not make sense? Options: - Sentence A: "He visited ATM to withdraw cash" - Sentence B: "He visited petrol bunk to withdraw cash" Answer: Sentence B
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Italian. And another idea, again, that came from one of the nurses — which I love — was they took traditional, sort of, corporate white boards, then they put them on one wall of the patient's room, and they put this sticker there.
Un'altra idea arrivata da una delle infermiere - un'idea che adoro - è stata prendere delle normalissime lavagne bianche da ufficio e appenderle al muro nelle stanze dei pazienti con questo cartello sopra. [Questa parte del muro è per disegni, messaggi, domande e scarabocchi della vostra famiglia e dei vostri amici. Usatelo e godetevelo!]
Géraud Sénizergues (born 1957) is a French computer scientist at the University of Bordeaux. With Yuri Matiyasevich he obtained results about the Post correspondence problem. He won the 2002 Gödel Prize "for proving that equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata is decidable" Géraud Sénizergues was born in the 50s A: Yes LONDON, July 28 (Reuters) - Italy's Elio Verde beat Peru's Juan Postigos in the Olympic men's Judo 60kg last 64 at the 2012 London Games on Saturday. Verde won 0100-0001 at ExCeL in London to reach the next round. Results Table Elio Verde (Italy) beat Juan Postigos (Peru) 0100-0001 Kenny Alexander Godoy Godoy (Honduras) beat Zakari Gourouza (Niger) Betkil Shukvani (Georgia) beat Arnie Dickens (Australia) 0103-0000 Ludwig Paischer (Austria) beat Jacob Nel Gnahoui (Benin) 0100-0000 The 2012 London Games was on Friday. A: No On Thursday, February 11, Ed Roberson will read at the University of Chicago. Roberson is the recipient of the 2015 Ron Offen prize and the subject of a special section in the upcoming issue of CR. He will read from his ten books of poetry and present unpublished work. Event co-sponsored by the Ron Offen Poetry Prize Fund and the Program in Poetry & Poetics Thursday, February 11, 6 PM Logan Center for the Arts Seminar Terrace, Room 801 University of Chicago 915 E. 60th St. Free admission Ed Roberson will perform a dance number A:
In this task, you are given a question. Your task is to generate an answer that is relevant to the question. Ex Input: Should we meet again next week? Ex Output: Shall we say 7pm in the Royal Oak ? Ex Input: Have you lived in Austin long? Ex Output: I am new here. Ex Input: Do you enjoy nature? Ex Output:
I really do
In this task, you are given an article. Your task is to summarize the article in a sentence. In his latest post the vlogger said: "I want to make my little community here on YouTube more inclusive." His decision was inspired by YouTuber Rikki Poynter, who is hard of hearing and campaigns for producers to make their work more accessible. "I don't want this to feel like a place where only certain people can come," said Tyler. "The fact that now millions, and millions and millions more people can enjoy my content is a cool thing." In his post called Hear Me Out, Tyler, who has more than six million subscribers to his channel, went on to explain how other vloggers can closed caption their videos. "I just want everyone to enjoy YouTube the way I enjoy YouTube," he said. As #HearMeOut trended worldwide Tyler tweeted: "Thank you for being a part of this, I hope it completely changes YouTube's community." In Rikki Poynter's original video asking for help to raise awareness for closed captioning on YouTube she pointed out that there are others who could benefit. She said: "[This is] Not only for the deaf or hard of hearing, but for people who are learning English, those with auditory processing disorder and simply just people who prefer to read instead of listen." Following Oakley's video Rikki told Newsbeat "Tyler giving me a shout out was pretty awesome and very much appreciated" but suggested his video could have included a little more encouragement for others to do the same thing. "The only thing I would say could have been an improvement is instead of just emphasizing on the fact that people who are deaf/hard of hearing can understand what he's saying in his videos, he could've also emphasized that all YouTubers should CC their content and then those deaf/hard of hearing can watch theirs as well. "Of course, regardless, other people have been CCing their videos but I, and somebody else who mentioned it to me, think it would've had a touch more impact if there was a little more emphasis on saying that all YouTubers should do this. "It's going to help the #WithCaptions campaign and just CCing YouTube videos in general since Tyler Oakley is very well known on YouTube. "When somebody with a lot of attention talks about this, it's obviously going to reach hundreds and thousands of people, a lot more than I am able to reach at the moment so it's really good!" You can find help on how to closed caption your videos from Google. Follow @BBCNewsbeat on Twitter, BBCNewsbeat on Instagram and Radio1Newsbeat on YouTube
Tyler Oakley has closed captioned (cc) all his YouTube videos - meaning his posts have the option to be subtitled.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage which has extra information available on certain terms mentioned in it, i.e., the proper nouns in the passage. Your job is to determine whether information from more than one term is needed to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No. Q: Question: How many miles per gallon does the car driven by the championship leader get? Passage:Dani Sordo, who targeted himself for a podium finish, led nine-time world champion Sébastien Loeb by 7.2 seconds after two days. Both drivers benefited from low start positions in the sweltering mountain speed tests above León. Ott Tänak, 11 seconds off the pace in third, drove around overheating problems in his Toyota Yaris, ahead of last year winner Kris Meeke. Defending world champion Sébastien Ogier limited his losses from second in the start order in fifth place, despite a spin. Norwegian Andreas Mikkelsen was sixth, only 1.5 seconds behind the Frenchman. It was a nightmare catastrophe for championship leader Thierry Neuville. The road opener fared worst in the conditions and lost more than 20 seconds due to a fuel pressure problem and a power steering issue in his i20. He placed seventh overall when Jari-Matti Latvala retired with alternator problems before SS9. Elfyn Evans retired from the rally because of rolling out though he managed to reach the finish line, while teammate Teemu Suninen and Esapekka Lappi retired from the day due to hitting a barrier and crashing respectively. WRC 2 leader Pontus Tidemand, Gus Greensmith and Pedro Heller completed the top ten. A:
Generate the answer for a given question. The question requires common knowledge of English. Make sure that the answer is in detail, long, consistent with the context, and requires general knowledge of English. To be less repetitive, please vary your language for each question. Give a proper explanation to answer, and if necessary, provide the definition of various terms. And conclude your answer if it's long. If you have used other resources (e.g., Merriam Webster's.) to answer the question, include citations in your answer. You don't need to paraphrase the context of your resources, but make sure that your answer is consistent and complete. Let me give you an example: How are i.e. and e.g. pronounced? The answer to this example can be: i.e. stands for id est (Latin), which means 'that is'. You use it to link in a deeper explanation about something. Pronounce it 'eye - ee'. e.g. stands for exempli gratia (also Latin), which means 'for example'. You use it to link in an example of a more generic term. Pronounce it 'ee - jee' Here is why: Perfect answer because it's consistent with context uses required information from the question to provide the detailed answer with an example. OK. solve this: You won't catch the train if you don't leave in time You won't catch the train if you won't leave in time I'm pretty sure the correct version is 'You won't catch the train if you don't leave in time', but I'm trying to explain it to someone and I don't know how to explain it. I also don't know how to google it. Can you please help me with a simple explanation or a link that explains it?. Answer:
As implied in the comments, the specific meaning of the two are slightly different (albeit both grammatically correct). It helps to break down the contractions. You will not catch the train if you do not leave on time This phrase is neutral in its blame: not catching the train will happen if you, for whatever reason, do not leave on time. You will not catch the train if you will not leave on time This places blame more directly on addressee: 'will not' implies that the addressee plays a causal role in themselves being late for the train, as if they refuse to leave at the correct time.
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Persian. Capitalism is not just about accumulation.
سرمایه گذاری فقط درباره ی جمع اوری مال نیست.
Yes, after my mother died I found out from my supposed half-sister that my dad was not my birth father. She was 19 yrs older than me and had been living in Colorado since I was young. I was born and raised in N.J. I did not see her she did not come to see us. I was grown, married, had children and was living in FL. when she showed up at my door with her husband. I was shocked since we never heard from her and I did not know she even knew where I lived. She stayed all of about 20 minutes, just long enough to very unpleasantly state that “my father is NOT your father and I am NOT your sister!” I always wondered why my mom hated me SO much, I found out that both my mom and “dad" were having affairs while married and both had children by someone else. I have never met my birth father (to my knowledge) only know his name, but understand that he was the father of my supposed half-brother (which would make him my only whole sibling out of seven siblings.) Obviously my oldest “half-brother", who is 20 yrs older than me, is not actually related to me either. I don't have for sure “proof" about my other siblings, but they all have strong resemblances to my “dad" and each other. Growing up people would comment about how much I looked like my mom but I also was told a lot that you would never know me and my other sisters were sisters, we used to laugh about it as kids because my sisters (all light haired/light skinned) and I (dark haired/deeper skin toned) were very different in appearance but we “knew" we were sisters. I also found out that my apparently ONLY whole brother, approximately 9 yrs older than me, did not even know his real fathers name even though he knew our “dad“ was not his birth father. How long probably was it since the author had seen her supposed half-sister? A. 2 years B. Since the author was young. C. About 20 minutes D. not enough information
You need to read the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. The question should be answerable from the passage. Most importantly, only those questions are allowed whose answers cannot be determined from a single sentence. Do not generate questions that require only a single sentence to answer. Instead, try to combine two sentences and create a question from that combination. Do not create open-ended questions, i.e., the answers to them cannot be found precisely from the information provided in the passage. -------- Question: Paragraph- Sent 1: In spring 333 BC, Alexander crossed the Taurus into Cilicia. Sent 2: After a long pause due to illness, he marched on towards Syria. Sent 3: Though outmanoeuvered by Darius' significantly larger army, he marched back to Cilicia, where he defeated Darius at Issos. Sent 4: Darius fled the battle, causing his army to collapse, and left behind his wife, his two daughters, his mother Sisygambis, and a fabulous treasure. Sent 5: He offered a peace treaty that included the lands he had already lost, and a ransom of 10,000 talents for his family. Sent 6: Alexander replied that since he was now king of Asia, it was he alone who decided territorial divisions. Sent 7: Alexander proceeded to take possession of Syria, and most of the coast of the Levant. Sent 8: In the following year, 332 BC, he was forced to attack Tyre, which he captured after a long and difficult siege. Sent 9: Alexander massacred the men of military age and sold the women and children into slavery. Answer: Who offered a peace treaty? Question: Paragraph- Sent 1: WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Libya has paid $1.5 billion to the families of terrorism victims, overcoming the final obstacle to full relations with the United States, the State Department said Friday. Sent 2: Police officers survey the wreckage of Pan Am Flight 103 in Lockerbie, Scotland, in December 1988. Sent 3: The payment ends Tripoli's legal liability in U.S. terror cases and paves the way for increased U.S. involvement in the oil-rich nation. Sent 4: President Bush signed an executive order Friday restoring Libyan immunity from terrorism-related lawsuits and dismissing pending cases over compensation as part of a deal reached this summer. Sent 5: David Welch, the top U.S. diplomat for the Middle East, who negotiated the agreement, called Libya's rehabilitation from a terrorist nation to a U.S. ally "historic."Sent 6: The pact closes the book on a contentious period in U.S.-Libyan relations, which began in the 1980s with a series of attacks involving the two countries, including the bombings of Pan Am flight 103, a German disco and U.S. airstrikes over Libya. Sent 7: U.S. business executives hope the new relationship will lead to billions of dollars of new investment in Libya, a country rich in petroleum reserves but lacking a developed infrastructure. Sent 8: This summer, the United States and Libya signed a deal for the State Department to create a $1.8 billion compensation fund to finalize the claims for the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, and the 1986 bombing of La Belle disco in Berlin, Germany. Sent 9: It also compensates Libyan victims of U.S. airstrikes in the 1980s. Sent 10: Congress unanimously adopted the Libyan Claims Resolution Act, sponsored by Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, which cleared the way to end the feud and created the victim compensation fund. Sent 11: Under the agreement, Libya pays more than $500 million to settle remaining claims from the Lockerbie case and more than $280 million for victims of the disco bombing. Sent 12: It will also set aside funds to compensate victims of several other incidents blamed on Libya, although Libya has not accepted responsibility. Answer: What motivations does the United States have for having relations with Libya? Question: Paragraph- Sent 1: Static electricity is like a teeter-totter. Sent 2: What happens if a teeter-totter is balanced? Sent 3: Correct! Sent 4: It does not move. Sent 5: What about when its not balanced? Sent 6: Yes, it will now begin to move. Sent 7: Charges move when they are not balanced. Sent 8: Charges can build up by friction. Sent 9: Maybe you rub your feet on a wool mat or carpet. Sent 10: Rubber soled shoes readily gain charges. Sent 11: The wool carpet easily gives up charges. Sent 12: The two items become unbalanced. Sent 13: One item has a positive charge. Sent 14: The other has a negative charge. Sent 15: The difference in charge is called static electricity. Sent 16: Just like the teeter-totter, something is going to move. Sent 17: Positive charges build up on the mat. Sent 18: Negative charges build up on you. Answer:
Does a teeter-totter move if it is balanced?
Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: Why can anyone create a church in America? Context: The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" The two parts, known as the "establishment clause" and the "free exercise clause" respectively, form the textual basis for the Supreme Court's interpretations of the "separation of church and state" doctrine. Three central concepts were derived from the 1st Amendment which became America's doctrine for church-state separation: no coercion in religious matters, no expectation to support a religion against one's will, and religious liberty encompasses all religions. In sum, citizens are free to embrace or reject a faith, any support for religion - financial or physical - must be voluntary, and all religions are equal in the eyes of the law with no special preference or favoritism.
first amendment
I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What publication did the lead singer of band that got a budget of $40,000 tell that the album was them "...trying to remain somewhat grungy"? ? Recording sessions for the album began on October 31, 1988, at Downtown Recorders in Boston, Massachusetts, at the time a professional 24-track studio. 4AD allowed the Pixies a budget of $40,000, excluding producer's fees. This was a modest sum for a 1980s major label album; however, it quadrupled the amount spent on the band's previous album, Surfer Rosa. Along with Norton, two assistant recording engineers and two second assistants were assigned to the project. The sessions lasted three weeks, concluding on November 23, with "nearly a song a day" being recorded.Production and mixing began on November 28. The band relocated to Carriage House Studios, a residential studio in Stamford, Connecticut, to oversee production and record further tracks. Norton recruited Steve Haigler as mixing engineer, whom he had worked with at Fort Apache Studios. During production, Haigler and Norton added layers of guitars and vocals to songs, including overdubbed guitars on "Debaser" and double tracking vocals on "Wave of Mutilation". During the recordings, Norton advised Francis to alter several songs; a noted example being "There Goes My Gun" which was originally intended as a much faster Hüsker Dü-style song. However, at Norton's advice, Francis slowed down the tempo.Norton's suggestions were not always welcome, and several instances of advice to add verses and increase track length contributed to the front man's building frustration. Eventually, Francis took Norton to a record store, where he handed him a copy of Buddy Holly's Greatest Hits, in which most of the songs are about two minutes long. He told Norton, "If it's good enough for Buddy Holly ..." In a Rolling Stone interview, Francis later recalled that "this record is him trying to make us, shall I say, commercial, and us trying to remain somewhat grungy". Production continued until December 12, 1988, with Norton and Haigler adding extra effects, including gated reverb to the mix. The master tapes were then sent for final post-production later that month. ---- Answer: Rolling Stone Q: I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the first name of the person whose first operatic masterpiece was Agrippina? ? Agrippina (HWV 6) is an opera seria in three acts by George Frideric Handel with a libretto by Cardinal Vincenzo Grimani. Composed for the 1709–10 Venice Carnevale season, the opera tells the story of Agrippina, the mother of Nero, as she plots the downfall of the Roman Emperor Claudius and the installation of her son as emperor. Grimani's libretto, considered one of the best that Handel set, is an "anti-heroic satirical comedy", full of topical political allusions. Some analysts believe that it reflects Grimani's political and diplomatic rivalry with Pope Clement XI. Handel composed Agrippina at the end of a three-year sojourn in Italy. It premiered in Venice at the Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo on 26 December 1709. It proved an immediate success and an unprecedented series of 27 consecutive performances followed. Observers praised the quality of the music—much of which, in keeping with the contemporary custom, had been borrowed and adapted from other works, including the works of other composers. Despite the evident public enthusiasm for the work, Handel did not promote further stagings. There were occasional productions in the years following its premiere but Handel's operas, including Agrippina, fell out of fashion in the mid-18th century. In the 20th century Agrippina was revived in Germany and premiered in Britain and America. Performances of the work have become ever more common, with innovative stagings at the New York City Opera and the London Coliseum in 2007. Modern critical opinion is that Agrippina is Handel's first operatic masterpiece, full of freshness and musical invention which have made it one of the most popular operas of the ongoing Handel revival. A: George I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the last of the person who was in dire need of money, but felt no inspiration to compose and was convinced that his works would never sell to an American audience? ? Szigeti was an avid champion of new music, and frequently planned his recitals to include new or little-known works alongside the classics. Many composers wrote new works for him, notably Béla Bartók, Ernest Bloch, and Eugène Ysaÿe, along with lesser-known composers such as David Diamond and Hamilton Harty. The reason for Szigeti's appeal to composers was articulated by Bloch upon completion of his Violin Concerto: the concerto's premiere would have to be delayed a full year for Szigeti to be the soloist, and Bloch agreed, saying that Modern composers realize that when Szigeti plays their music, their inmost fancy, their slightest intentions become fully realized, and their music is not exploited for the glorification of the artist and his technique, but that artist and technique become the humble servant of the music. Szigeti was also the dedicatee of the first of Eugène Ysaÿe's Six Sonatas for Solo Violin; in fact, Ysaÿe's inspiration to compose the sonatas came from hearing Szigeti's performances of J.S. Bach's Six Sonatas and Partitas, to which they are intended as a modern counterpart.Perhaps Szigeti's most fruitful musical partnership was with his friend Béla Bartók. The first piece Bartók dedicated to him was the First Rhapsody for violin and orchestra (or piano) of 1928; the rhapsody, based on both Romanian and Hungarian folk tunes, was one of a pair of violin rhapsodies written in 1928 (the other being dedicated to Zoltán Székely.) In 1938, Szigeti and clarinetist Benny Goodman teamed up to commission a trio from Bartók: originally intended to be a short work just long enough to fill both sides of a 78 rpm record, the piece soon expanded beyond its modest intent and became the three-movement Contrasts for piano, violin and clarinet. In 1944, by which time Szigeti and Bartók had both fled to the United States to escape the war in Europe, Bartók's health was failing and he had sunk into depression. He was in dire need of money, but felt no inspiration to compose and was convinced that his works would... ---- Answer:
Q: In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Context: The Governor of Hawaii is the chief executive of the state of Hawaii and its various agencies and departments, as provided in the Hawaii State Constitution Article V, Sections 1 through 6. It is a directly elected position, votes being cast by popular suffrage of residents of the state. The governor is responsible for enforcing laws passed by the Hawaii State Legislature and upholding rulings of the Hawaii State Judiciary. The role includes being commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Hawaii and having the power to use those forces to execute laws, suppress insurrection and violence and repel invasion. The Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii becomes acting governor upon the governor's absence from the state or if the governor is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office. Historically, the Governor of Hawaii has been from either the Democratic Party of Hawaii or Hawaii Republican Party., The Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, concurrently the Secretary of State of Hawaii, is the assistant chief executive of that U.S. state and its various agencies and departments, as provided in the Hawaii State Constitution Article V, Sections 2 though 6. The Lieutenant Governor is elected by popular suffrage of residents of the state on the same ticket as the Governor of Hawaii. The Lieutenant Governor becomes acting Governor upon the absence of the Governor from the state, or if the Governor becomes disabled from duty. Historically, Lieutenant Governors were members of either the Hawaii Democratic Party or Hawaii Republican Party., The Kingdom of Hawaii was established in 1795 with the unification of the independent islands of Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, and Lnai into one government. In 1810 the entirety of the archipelago was unified when Kauai and Niihau joined the kingdom willingly and without bloodshed or war. The kingdom was ruled by two major dynastic families: the House of Kamehameha and the House of Kalkaua. , The Mayor of Honolulu is the chief executive officer of the City and County of Honolulu and considered the third most powerful official in the U.S. state of Hawaii, behind the Governor of Hawaii and the Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii. An office established in 1900 and modified in 1907, the mayor of Honolulu is elected by universal suffrage of residents of Honolulu to no more than two four-year terms. The mayor of Honolulu is one of only two officers elected countywide; the other is the prosecuting attorney. The Mayor of Honolulu is the successor of the Royal Governors of Oahu of the Kingdom of Hawaii., Lester Petrie ( 1878 -- 1956 ) was an American politician and Mayor of Honolulu from 1941 to 1947 , including when the city was attacked on December 7 , 1941 by the Japanese military ., The concept of universal suffrage, also known as general suffrage or common suffrage, consists of the right to vote of all except a small number of adult citizens (or subjects). As minors are generally excluded, the concept is frequently described as "universal adult suffrage". Many countries make an exception for small numbers of adults that are considered mentally incapable of voting. Other countries also exclude people convicted of serious crimes or people in jail, but this is considered a violation of a basic human right in an increasing number of countries. In some countries, including the United States, it is very difficult and expensive for convicted criminals to regain this right even after having served their jail sentence. In any case, where universal suffrage exists, the right to vote is not restricted by race, sex, belief, wealth, or social status., Subject: lester petrie, Relation: member_of_political_party, Options: (A) democratic party (B) independent (C) the right A:
democratic party
Billy Jones has joined Sunderland on a free transfer after rejecting a new contract from West Bromwich Albion. The right-back, 27, was offered a three-year deal at the Hawthorns but has opted for the extra year tabled by the north-east club. Jones has been one of West Brom’s most consistent performers since signing in 2011 even though he only played 22 games last season due to injury. Deal: Billy Jones has joined Sunderland on a free transfer after rejecting a new contract from West Brom Looking out for his future: The defender was offered a four-year deal at the Stadium of Light OPTIONS: - Billy Jones had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - Gus Poyet had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - Hawthorns had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - Jones had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - Stadium of Light had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - Sunderland had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - West Brom had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. - West Bromwich Albion had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. ===== West Brom had been in negotiations with Jones since October and offered ‘vastly-improved terms’ but will now turn their attentions to other right-backs. Russian Alexander Kudryavtsev has allegedly labelled the behaviour of Australian tennis fans as 'animals' during his five-set loss to Aussie favourite Marinko Matosevic. It was a moment of triumph for Matosevic who broke his six-year drought, winning his first ever match at the Australian Open at Melbourne Park on Monday. As fans packed the Show Court 3 on day one of the tennis tournament, the roaring crowd didn't distract Matosevic from defeating Kudryavtsev in five sets 6-4 6-7(5) 4-6 7-5 6-3. But Kudryavtsev appeared frustrated at the rowdy crowd during the match as he complained and alerted the umpire for the disruptive noise following a double-fault in the fourth set. But OPTIONS: - Alexander Kudryavtsev said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Aussie said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Australian said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Australian Open said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Kudryavtsev said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Marinko Matosevic said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Matosevic said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Melbourne Park said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Russian said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. - Show Court said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. ===== Marinko Matosevic said he thought the crowd were 'respectful' and it was all just an overreaction. New York (CNN) -- In an era of entourages and media minders, rock-n-roll hall of famer Deborah Harry arrived to our interview alone. Wearing a black and white graphic scarf draped over a long sleeve T-shirt and practical black flip-flops, she wandered in off the street, browsing the hotel art installation like any other tourist. But this was no casual viewing. Strewn around the room was four decades of memories -- stunning black and white photos taken by Blondie bandmate and one-time boyfriend Chris Stein. It took me a few minutes to realize it was her. She seemed strangely detached looking at her younger self. But then, it was a lifetime ago. The new studio album may be called OPTIONS: - Blondie, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - CNN, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - Chris Stein, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - Deborah Harry, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - Ghosts of Download, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - Maggie Lake, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. - New York, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations. =====
Ghosts of Download, but both artists feel it's forward looking, especially in the collaborations.
Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence. Q: Passage: On 28 February 2008, Kibaki and Odinga signed an agreement on the formation of a coalition government in which Odinga would become Kenya's second Prime Minister. Under the deal, the president would appoint cabinet ministers from both PNU and ODM camps depending on each party's strength in Parliament. The agreement stipulated that the cabinet would include a vice-president and two deputy Prime Ministers. After debates, it was passed by Parliament, the coalition would hold until the end of the current Parliament or if either of the parties withdraws from the deal before then. Question: What would be Odinga's role in the government? A:
Prime Minister
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and a question separated with a . You have to answer the question based on the context. [EX Q]: We defined a sequence labeling task to extract custom entities from user input. We assumed seven (7) possible entities (see Table TABREF43) to be recognized by the model: topic, subtopic, examination mode and level, question number, intent, as well as the entity other for remaining words in the utterance. We defined a classification problem to predict the system's next action according to the given user input. We assumed 13 custom actions (see Table TABREF42) that we considered being our labels. In the conversational dataset, each input was automatically labeled by the rule-based system with the corresponding next action and the dialogue-id. Thus, no additional post-labeling was required. Question: How does the IPA label data after interacting with users? [EX A]: It defined a sequence labeling task to extract custom entities from user input and label the next action (out of 13 custom actions defined). [EX Q]: Currently, the following WSD models induced from a text corpus are available: Word senses based on cluster word features. This model uses the cluster words from the induced word sense inventory as sparse features that represent the sense. Word senses based on context word features. This representation is based on a sum of word vectors of all cluster words in the induced sense inventory weighted by distributional similarity scores. Super senses based on cluster word features. To build this model, induced word senses are first globally clustered using the Chinese Whispers graph clustering algorithm BIBREF9 . The edges in this sense graph are established by disambiguation of the related words BIBREF11 , BIBREF12 . The resulting clusters represent semantic classes grouping words sharing a common hypernym, e.g. “animal”. This set of semantic classes is used as an automatically learned inventory of super senses: There is only one global sense inventory shared among all words in contrast to the two previous traditional “per word” models. Each semantic class is labeled with hypernyms. This model uses words belonging to the semantic class as features. Super senses based on context word features. This model relies on the same semantic classes as the previous one but, instead, sense representations are obtained by averaging vectors of words sharing the same class. Question: Do they use a neural model for their task? [EX A]: No [EX Q]: Then, we created test sets with varying levels of perturbation operations - $\lbrace 20\%,40\%,60\%\rbrace $. Question: Are recurrent neural networks trained on perturbed data? [EX A]:
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and a question separated with a . You have to answer the question based on the context. One example: We evaluate the proposed approach on the Chinese social media text summarization task, based on the sequence-to-sequence model. Large-Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset (LCSTS) is constructed by BIBREF1 . The dataset consists of more than 2.4 million text-summary pairs in total, constructed from a famous Chinese social media microblogging service Weibo. Question: Are results reported only for English data? Solution is here: No Explanation: Based on the context, the dataset is constructed from a famous Chinese social media microblogging service Weibo. Now, solve this: Given a proof state $= (_, _)$ , where $_$ and $_$ denote a substitution set and a proof score, respectively, unification is computed as follows: The resulting proof score of $g$ is given by: $$ \begin{aligned} \max _{f \in \mathcal {K}} & \; {unify}_(g, [f_{p}, f_{s}, f_{o}], (\emptyset , )) \\ & = \max _{f \in \mathcal {K}} \; \min \big \lbrace , \operatorname{k}(_{\scriptsize {grandpaOf}:}, _{f_{p}:}),\\ &\qquad \qquad \qquad \operatorname{k}(_{{abe}:}, _{f_{s}:}), \operatorname{k}(_{{bart}:}, _{f_{o}:}) \big \rbrace , \end{aligned}$$ (Eq. 3) where $f \triangleq [f_{p}, f_{s}, f_{o}]$ is a fact in $\mathcal {K}$ denoting a relationship of type $f_{p}$ between $f_{s}$ and $f_{o}$ , $_{s:}$ is the embedding representation of a symbol $s$ , $$ denotes the initial proof score, and $\operatorname{k}({}\cdot {}, {}\cdot {})$ denotes the RBF kernel. Question: How are proof scores calculated? Solution:
'= ( , { ll k(h:, g:) if hV, gV 1 otherwise } ) where $_{h:}$ and $_{g:}$ denote the embedding representations of $h$ and $g$ , respectively.
The woman suffered amnesia. cause:
She got into a car accident.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for the answer based on the given article. Article: The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the United States, becoming a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year. The Super Bowl uses Roman numerals to identify each game, rather than the year in which it is held, with Super Bowl I being the 1966 season championship game, when the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs. Super Bowl XLVI (46) was played at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, on February 5, 2012, to determine the champion of the 2011 season; the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots. The game was created as part of a _ agreement between the NFL and its rival league, the American Football League (AFL). It was agreed that the two leagues' champion teams would play in an AFL--NFL World Championship Game until the merger was to officially begin in 1970. After the merger, each league was appointed as a "conference", and the game was then played between the conference champions. Currently, the National Football Conference (NFC) leads the series with 25 wins to 21 wins for the American Football Conference (AFC). The day on which the Super Bowl is played, now considered to be an existing American national holiday, is called "Super Bowl Sunday", though it is not determined by the government. It is the second--largest day for U.S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day. In addition, the Super Bowl has frequently been the most watched American television broadcast of the year. Because of its high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl broadcast is the most expensive of the year. Due to the high cost of investing in advertising on the Super Bowl, companies regularly develop their most expensive advertisements for this broadcast. As a result, watching and discussing the broadcast's commercials has become a significant aspect of the event. In addition, many popular singers and musicians have performed during the event's pre-game and halftime ceremonies because of the exposure's attracting more fans. Answer: Arabic numerals
What does the Super Bowl use to show each game?
Choose how you want this story to end. While people on Earth celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday with turkey, yams and fruit cobbler, astronauts on the ISS tucked into a rather more cosmic version of this festive meal. On the menu for the six crew members were bags of freeze-dried, irradiated and thermostabilised food that resembled their Earthly counterparts. From a bag containing smoked turkey to some questionable-looking cornbread dressing, both the US and Russian segments of the station came together to enjoy the feast in space. Scroll down for video Nasa in Washington revealed the Thanksgiving meal enjoyed on the ISS. Astronauts ate freeze-dried, irradiated and thermostabilised foods. Pictured here is Nasa astronaut Barry 'Butch' Wilmore with the meal enjoyed by all six of the crew on the ISS Where once astronauts were limited to tubes of pasted food, now they at least have foods that you would find back on OPTIONS: - Earth (shown) - Earthly (shown) - ISS (shown) - Nasa (shown) - Russian (shown) - Thanksgiving (shown) - US (shown) - Washington (shown)
Earth (shown)
Teacher:In this task you will be given a question and a passage. You need to determine if the answer to the question is contained in the passage. If the answer can be found in the passage you should output 'True'. If the answer cannot be found in the passage you should output 'False'. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Passage: 'The citric acid cycle (CAC) -- also known as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle or the Krebs cycle -- is a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic organisms to release stored energy through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into carbon dioxide and chemical energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In addition, the cycle provides precursors of certain amino acids, as well as the reducing agent NADH, that are used in numerous other biochemical reactions. Its central importance to many biochemical pathways suggests that it was one of the earliest established components of cellular metabolism and may have originated abiogenically. Even though it is branded as a' cycle', it is not necessary for metabolites to follow only one specific route; at least three segments of the citric acid cycle have been recognized.'. Question: 'when would a bill go to a conference committee in congress'. Student:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task you will be given a question and a passage. You need to determine if the answer to the question is contained in the passage. If the answer can be found in the passage you should output 'True'. If the answer cannot be found in the passage you should output 'False'. Passage: 'In humans the pharynx is part of the digestive system and also of the conducting zone of the respiratory system. (The conducting zone also includes the nostrils of the nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles, and their function is to filter, warm, and moisten air and conduct it into the lungs.) The pharynx makes up the part of the throat situated immediately behind the nasal cavity, behind the mouth and above the esophagus and larynx. The human pharynx is conventionally divided into three sections: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx. It is also important in vocalization.'. Question: 'journey to the centre of the earth novel'.
Please answer the following question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: This age group would be considered the geriatric millennial's comparatively coming in last in terms of population composition? Context: There are 119,500 males within the city and 117,400 females. The 20–24 age range is the most populous, with an estimated 32,300 people falling in this age range. Next largest is the 25–29 range with 24,700 people and then 30–34 years with 17,800. By population, Southampton is the largest monocentric city in the South East England region and the second largest on the South Coast after Plymouth. A:
Its a bit difficult to judge really because HP makes so many different models with similar numbers but very different configurations but after digging around on this one for a while I decided it is a very good price for this configuration Add punctuation.
It’s a bit difficult to judge, really, because HP makes so many different models with similar numbers but very different configurations, but after digging around on this one for a while I decided it is a very good price for this configuration.
(CNN)A man suspected in last year's killing of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham has been charged with first-degree murder in the case, a prosecutor told reporters Tuesday. The murder charge against Jesse Matthew Jr. comes in addition to a count of abduction with intent to defile filed against him previously, Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney Denise Lunsford said. "These indictments signal the beginning of the next phase in what has been an incredibly difficult process for the family of Hannah Graham, for our community and for the men and women of the many departments and agencies who have worked on this matter since September of last year," Lunsford said. Lunsford's team decided not to charge Matthew with capital murder, which could have led to a death sentence if he were convicted. Lunsford said she wouldn't give details on what led to that decision, except to say that a "great deal of serious thought" went into it. Those considerations included "the impact on the community, the Grahams, and the need to provide Mr. Matthew with a fair trial." "I have discussed this matter with the Grahams on many occasions, and they are aware of the indictments," Lunsford said. Matthew also was charged with reckless driving in two incidents about a week after Graham's disappearance, Lunsford said. Matthew's first court appearance on the indictments is scheduled for February 18. His attorney, Jim Camblos, declined to comment Tuesday, except to acknowledge the February 18 court appearance and to say that he received news of the indictments late Monday afternoon. What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. Who was murdered? 2. And who is charged with her murder? 3. With what murder charge, exactly? 4. How long has the case been open? 5. When is his first court appearance? 6. Has he been charged with anything else? 7. What else? 8. Is there another charge? 9. Who is the prosecuting attorney? 10. Did he say anything about the case? Answer: 1. Hannah Graham 2. Jesse Matthew Jr. 3. first-degree murder 4. since September of last year 5. February 18 6. yes 7. reckless driving 8. yes two incidents 9. Jim Camblos 10. no (CNN) -- Tjaart van der Walt will seek to upstage two of his most illustrious golfing compatriots and win his first professional tournament at the Africa Open on Sunday. The 37-year-old goes into the final round tied for the lead with 2010 British Open champion Louis Oosthuizen and one shot ahead of two-time U.S. Open winner Retief Goosen after carding a superb eight-under-par 65 in East London on Saturday. Van der Walt, who finished second in a 2005 U.S. PGA Tour event, eliminated Oosthuizen's two-shot overnight lead as he started with four successive birdies and -- like his fellow South African -- picked up a shot at the final hole. The world No. 347's only blemish at his home event came at the par-four eighth hole, and he was confident he could contend for his first title since turning pro in 1996 in the opening event of the 2012 European Tour season. "At the end of the day, the golf ball doesn't know that they are major champions," he said of his rivals. "I've played at the highest level, I've never won majors or big events, so who knows what can happen. "I do feel as if I am controlling the golf ball as well as I have in a long time. Not just tee to green, but on the greens as well. And that's a good sign for me. I'm entitled to forget the one bad shot I hit all day." Defending champion Oosthuizen's only lapse came at the par-five 11th hole as he took four shots to reach the green. What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. What is happening Sunday? 2. Who is seeking to win? 3. How? 4. Has he won before? 5. What is he in the world? 6. How old is he? 7. Who is he close to in the rankings? 8. Is he tied with them? 9. Is he playing away? 10. When did he become a professional? 11. Has he ever won a major event? 12. What does he say? 13. Who won this last year? 14. What was his best finish? 15. When? 16. Where? 17. Has he messed up in the event? 18. When? Answer: 1. Africa Open 2. Tjaart van der Walt 3. bu upstaging two of his most illustrious golfing compatriots 4. not as a professional 5. 347 6. 37 7. Louis Oosthuizen and Retief Goosen 8. tied for the lead Louis Oosthuizen 9. no 10. 1996 11. no 12. I do feel as if I am controlling the golf ball as well as I have in a long time. 13. Louis Oosthuizen 14. second 15. 2005 16. U.S. PGA Tour 17. yes 18. par-four eighth hole CHAPTER V. TARDY REPENTANCE. Seth was as happy and proud as a boy well could be. Never before had he dared to remain very long near any particular engine lest some of the firemen should take it upon themselves to send him outside the lines, consequently all his "points" had been gathered as he moved from place to place. Now, however, he was in a certain sense attached to Ninety-four, and each member of the company had some kindly word with which to greet him, for it had become known to all that if the amateur did not actually save 'Lish Davis's life, he had assisted in preventing that gentleman from receiving severe injury. Dan was enjoying the advantages thus arising from his partner's popularity, which was quite sufficient for him, since, not aspiring to become a fireman, he thought only of the present moment, and the privilege of remaining by the engine as if he were really a member of the Department was some thing of which he could boast in the future among his comrades. It is true there was little of interest to be seen after the fire was apparently extinguished, when the men had nothing more to do than remain on the lookout for any smoldering embers which might be fanned into a blaze; but Seth's interest was almost as great as when the flames were fiercest. Shortly after sunset hot coffee and sandwiches were served to the weary firemen, and Master Bartlett believed he had taken a long stride toward the goal he had set himself, when the captain shouted: What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. what is the title of the chapter? 2. who is happy and proud? 3. why? 4. how had he gathered his points? 5. what is he attached to? 6. were the people there nice to him? 7. had he done something to deserve it? 8. who had he helped? 9. how? 10. who is Seth's partner? 11. is he a fireman? 12. was he happy for Seth? 13. was he pretending to be a fireman? 14. how? 15. why was he doing that? 16. boast to who? 17. what food was served? 18. and drink? 19. when was it served? 20. was seth interested after the fire was put out just as much as when it was blazing? Answer:
1. TARDY REPENTANCE 2. Seth 3. Never before had he dared to remain very long near any particular engine 4. as he moved from place to place. 5. Ninety-four 6. yes 7. yes 8. Lish Davis 9. he had assisted in preventing that gentleman from receiving severe injury. 10. Dan 11. no 12. yes 13. yes 14. by remaining by the engine as if he were really a member 15. so he could boast in the future 16. among his comrades 17. sandwiches 18. hot coffee 19. Shortly after sunset 20. yes
This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Now, your task now is to decide which review is fake?
Ahora, la tarea de Uds. es decidir cuál de ellos es falso.
You are given a passage. Using the information present in the passage, you need to classify it into one of the 10 topics: 0 - 'Society & Culture', 1 - 'Science & Mathematics', 2 - 'Health', 3 - 'Education & Reference', 4 - 'Computers & Internet', 5 - 'Sports', 6 - 'Business & Finance', 7 - 'Entertainment & Music', 8 - 'Family & Relationships', 9 - 'Politics & Government'. Q: There are two basic fees:\n1. Insertion fee\n2. Final value fee\n\nThe lower your set the opening price, the lower the insertion fee. Low opening prices help drive more bids.\n\nYou can also add feature fees (galley, bold, etc...) or add a reserve price or Buy It Now price. \n\nWhatever you sell, make sure you accept PayPal. It protects both you and buyer and it's listed on more than 85% of listings. A:
Determine the topic of the passage. "A medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are done on clinical specimens in order to get information about the health of a patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease." Topic: ---- Answer: Medical laboratory Determine the topic of the passage. ""Cocaine" is a song written and recorded by JJ Cale in 1976, but also known as a cover version recorded by Eric Clapton ." Topic: ---- Answer: Cocaine (song) Determine the topic of the passage. "The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned from Sunday, October 8, to early Tuesday, October 10, 1871, killing hundreds and destroying about in Chicago , Illinois ." Topic: ---- Answer:
Great Chicago Fire
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a passage, and you need to write an **implausible** answer to to fill in the place of "_". Your answer should be incorrect, but should not be out of context. Try using words that are related to the context of the passage, but are not the correct answer. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. (CNN) Mitt Romney has added his voice to the chorus of Republicans who are dismayed that an ignorant demagogue such as Donald Trump could be poised to capture the presidential nomination of their grand and noble party. In a speech Thursday morning, Romney said, "Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University." He laid out a comprehensive case for why Republicans should reject Trump and pick one of the other candidates still in the race. But before we start lauding Romney for being a statesmanlike voice of reason and moderation, it's worth remembering a few things about him.Paul Waldman: Romney, GOP have used same ugly tactics as Trump, only with more politesseHe says Romney's 2012 campaign used racial code words, bullying mightTrumpism is GOP conservatism stripped of its veneer of subtlety, Waldman says Question:When it comes to foreign policy, _ offers nothing but an appeal to strength: We'll be strong, we'll kick ass, and everyone will bow down before us. Output:
Legal experts said the case may mark the first time a parent has been convicted of contributing to a child 's suicide . Experts said the case marks one of the first times in which a parent was charged with contributing to a child 's suicide . If the first sentence is true, is the second one also true?
Detailed Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into English Tokens. Problem:The United States military Strategic Command (STRATCOM) has said that the 'fireballs' spotted over areas of Texas in the United States on Sunday February 15, are not related to the collision of a U.S. and Russian satellite in space. Solution:
The United States military Strategic Command -LRB- STRATCOM -RRB- has said that the ` fireballs ' spotted over areas of Texas in the United States on Sunday February 15 , are not related to the collision of a U.S. and Russian satellite in space .
Phish is openly progressive and promotes liberal thinking. yes Yes / no, is the following a verifiable fact? "Many modern hippies and far left progressives make up the bulk of Phish's fan base." Explanation and answer: In 1870, John D. Rockefeller established Standard Oil, which by the early 1880s controlled some 90 percent of U.S. refineries and pipelines. yes The corresponding question: Does the following sentence make sense? "John D. Rockefeller established Standard oil." Options: - yes - no Charles was succeeded in 741 by his sons Carloman and Pepin the Short, the father of Charlemagne. yes Claim: "Charlemagne governed the Franks in lieu of a king and declined to call himself king." Is the claim above correct, and can it be verified by human common sense and without a web search? Options: - yes - no Explanation and answer: Tony Bennett was from New York, which is on the East Coast. yes The corresponding question: Claim: "Tony Bennett lived on the East Coast." Is the claim above correct, and can it be verified by human common sense and without a web search? Options: - yes - no It is a tradition in many cultures to tell children about Santa Claus delivering presents for Christmas. yes Is the following statement true? "Many children are told that Santa Claus will bring them presents on Christmas eve." The National Weather Service is an information service and not a restaurant. no
Is the following a factual statement? "The National Weather Service serves weather with take-out delivery as well as in a sit-down environment." Options: - yes - no
Given the rationale, provide a reasonable question and answer. Step-by-step reasoning process: Durian has a pungent odor that many people describe as being similar to feet and onions. Unpleasant smells can make people feel nauseous. The question and answer:
Could Durian cause someone's stomach to feel unwell? The answer is yes
A sleepover at Legoland Discovery Centre, at the Trafford Centre in Manchester, may sound like the perfect place to host your child's next birthday party -- but it will set parents back more than PS1,000. All rides -- Kingdom Quest Laser Ride, Merlin's Apprentice and Lego City Forest Pursuit -- are open during the evening and supervision on these rides is provided at all times. The Lego Studios 4D Cinema is also open and guests have _ use of the Lego construction play area until 10:00 pm, which means you will have a good time and don't need to share any facilities with other groups. But at PS35 a head, with a minimum guest list of 30, it's unlikely to be something the average parent could afford, reports Manchester Evening News. A Legoland spokesman said: "The sleepover package is aimed at groups such as boys between eight and ten, girls between six and eight and youth groups, however it is open to everyone within the terms of the offer. " There is a birthday room to use, and in regard to food, snack boxes can be purchased for the additional cost of PS4.50. Guests are also welcome to bring along their own food and drinks, and there are storage facilities where they can be kept. "Also we do have daytime party packages available, which are PS15 per child midweek and PS18 per child at the weekend. But these packages have a policy of a minimum of nine and a maximum of 21 people, due to room capacity. " The spokesman continued, "Included in the price for these parties is the birthday cake, and children's meal of sandwiches, crisps, fruit juice, fruit and Haribo sweets. All attending adults also get a free hot drink and the birthday child gets a free group photograph." Legoland says that the pricing for the sleepover package is based on overall operating costs of opening the centre exclusively for the group. The sleepover at the Legoland Discovery Centre _ . A) charges PS35 per child at the weekend in daytime B) chargesPS4.50 for a birthday cake C) is only open to groups D) provides all people with group photographs for free C Philip Pullman spent a great deal of his childhood traveling abroad because both his father and stepfather were pilots in the Royal Air Force . As a child, he went on several long ocean voyages, and he lived in Africa and in Australia. "Before I was 11 I had been to eight different schools." "In Australia, I made a great discovery. TV hadn't reached Australia yet, but everyone listened to the radio. I remember listening to gangster serials , and cowboy serials, and best of all--Superman! When I first saw a superman comic , it changed my life. I'd been reading books for a long time, but I'd never known comics before. Soon afterwards, I discovered Batman, too, whom I loved even more." Pullman started writing his first novel the day after he had finished his final exams at Oxford University. "I discovered after about an hour that it was much harder than I'd expected. It still is! I found that the amount I could write comfortably every day was about three pages, so that's what I've done ever since." Before he became a full-time writer, Pullman had been teaching for many years. "What I enjoyed most during that time was telling stories over and over, until I knew them as well as I knew my own life." He had always loved telling stories--as a schoolboy he had entertained his friends by reading stories to them, or by making up his own. One day he got a letter that had arrived at his door even though the writer of the letter didn't know his address. The envelope just said, "Philip Pullman, The Storyteller, Oxford." What can we learn about Pullman? A) He was a pilot in the Royal Air Force. B) He went to eight different schools in Africa. C) He was encouraged to write by his father and stepfather. D) He traveled a lot when he was a young child. D (Q). A few years ago,my friend Al won the lottery. It changed his life. He did not have a rich family. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Instead,my friend was always hard up for cash. He did not have much money. And the money he did earn was chicken feed -- very little. Sometimes Al even had to accept handouts,gifts from his family and friends. But do not get me wrong. My friend was not a deadbeat. He was not the kind of person who never paid the money he owed. He simply _ pennies. He was always very careful with the money he spent. In fact,he was often a cheapskate. He did not like to spend money. The worst times were when he was flat broke and had no money at all. One day,Al scraped together a few dollars for a lottery ticket. He thought he would never strike it rich or gain lots of money unexpectedly. But his combination of numbers was chosen and he won the lottery. He hit the jackpot. He won a great deal of money. Al was so excited. The first thing he did was buy a costly new ear. He splurged on the one thing that he normally would not buy. Then he started spending money on unnecessary things. He started to waste it. It was like he had money to burn. He had more money than he needed and it was burning a hole in his pocket so he spent it quickly. When we got together for a meal at a restaurant,Al paid every time. He would always foot the bill,and pick up the tab. He told me the money made him feel like a million dollars. He was very happy. But,Al spent too much money. Soon my friend was down and out again. He had no money left. He was back to being strapped for cash. He had spent his bottom dollar, his very last amount. He did not even build up a nest egg. He had not saved any of the money. I admit I do feel sorry for my friend. He had enough money to live like a king. Instead,he is back to living on a shoestring--a very low budget. Some might say he is penny wise and pound foolish. He is wise about small things,but not about important things. Why did A1 live a poor life again after he won the lottery? A) Because he lost a lot of money he had won. B) Because he spent much money freely on unnecessary things. C) Because his friend borrowed much money from him. D) Because he gave away a lot of money to others. (A).
Larisa Grollemond is conducting a comparative study of illuminations in the Mirror of History (Speculum historiale, Miroir historial) as a graduate intern in the Manuscripts Department of the Getty Museum. The massive text, compiled in the 1200s by friar Vincent of Beauvais and translated into French in the 14th century by Jean de Vignay, attempts to compile all of world history from creation to the present into a single source. “If our twenty-first-century way of understanding everything is to put it on the Internet,” she says, “the medieval way of understanding was to create big encyclopedic texts that try to encompass all of human history and biblical history in an organized way.” Larisa, who recently completed her PhD at the University of Pennsylvania with a focus on 15th-century French manuscript culture, is focusing on the Getty volumes’ unique program of illuminations. The French translation of the Miroir historial exists in some 40 known copies, and while the text remains mostly unchanged from copy to copy, the illuminations vary dramatically, both in how scenes are depicted and in which episodes artists choose to depict. Larisa has decided to focus on the evolution of depictions of India and its inhabitants across these various copies, because the Getty copy, which dates to 1475, contains images that are different from earlier illuminated versions. While other copies don’t dedicate more than one or two illustrations to India, the Getty copy has several that draw upon the medieval tradition of the “monstrous peoples” as well as knowledge of geography, materials, and customs newly gained through trade. This work ties into broader scholarly efforts to shed light on globalization in the Middle Ages. “Scholars of medieval art have generally thought of Western Europe as the center and non-European places as the periphery. There has now been a revision of that view,” says Larisa. “These manuscripts provide an interesting glimpse into how late-medieval Europeans made sense of their world, including... Who is Larisa Grollemond? Pick the correct answer from the following options: - 15th-century French manuscript expert - not enough information - A graduate intern in the Manuscripts Department of the Getty Museum - European The answer to this question is:
A graduate intern in the Manuscripts Department of the Getty Museum
I read this background article the other day: Something that is elastic can return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. This property is called elasticity . As you stretch or compress an elastic material like a bungee cord, it resists the change in shape. It exerts a counter force in the opposite direction. This force is called elastic force . The farther the material is stretched or compressed, the greater the elastic force becomes. As soon as the stretching or compressing force is released, elastic force causes the material to spring back to its original shape. You can watch a demonstration of elastic force at this URL: I am facing a new situation today: Andy is playing with a rubber band. He stretches the rubber band out as far as he can without breaking it Using the knowledge I acquired from the background article, how should I answer correctly the following question regarding my new situation: Given a spring, will compressing it down cause it to stay compressed or return to its original shape?
original shape
Please answer this: Information: - Thomas Russell Craddick, Sr., known as Tom Craddick (born September 19, 1943), is member of the Texas House of Representatives representing the 82nd district. Craddick was Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives from January 2003 to January 2009. He was the first Republican to have served as Speaker since Reconstruction. Craddick resides in Midland, the largest city in his district. Craddick was first elected in 1968 at the age of twenty-five. - A politician (from "politics" + "-ian", from the Greek title of Aristotle's book "Politika", meaning "Civic Affairs") is a person active in party politics, or a person holding or seeking office in government. In democratic countries, politicians seek elective positions within a government through elections or, at times, temporary appointment to replace politicians who have died, resigned or have been otherwise removed from office. In non-democratic countries, they employ other means of reaching power through appointment, bribery, revolutions and intrigues. Some politicians are experienced in the art or science of government. Politicians propose, support and create laws or policies that govern the land and, by extension, its people. Broadly speaking, a "politician" can be anyone who seeks to achieve political power in any bureaucratic institution. - Tan Parker ( born May 22 , 1971 ) is a businessman and politician from Flower Mound , Texas , who serves in the Texas House of Representatives . He was elected in 2006 as a Republican to represent District 63 . Parker was educated at the University of Dallas , where he served as student body president and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political philosophy . He later earned a Master 's Degree from the London School of Economics . Parker is married with two daughters . - The Legislature of the state of Texas is the state legislature of Texas. The legislature is a bicameral body composed of a 31-member Senate and a 150-member House of Representatives. The state legislature meets at the Capitol in Austin. It is a powerful arm of the Texas government not only because of its power of the purse to control and direct the activities of state government and the strong constitutional connections between it and the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, but also due to Texas's plural executive. - Coahuila, formally Coahuila de Zaragoza, officially the Free and Sovereign State of Coahuila de Zaragoza, is one of the 31 states which, along with Mexico City, compose the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. The state is located in Northeastern Mexico on the US border. - Tamaulipas, officially the Free and Sovereign State of Tamaulipas, is one of the 31 states which, with Mexico City, comprise the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided into 43 municipalities and its capital city is Ciudad Victoria. The capital city was named after Guadalupe Victoria, the first President of Mexico. - Texas is the second largest state in the United States by both area and population. Geographically located in the south central part of the country, Texas shares borders with the U.S. states of Louisiana to the east, Arkansas to the northeast, Oklahoma to the north, New Mexico to the west, and the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the southwest, while the Gulf of Mexico is to the southeast. - The Texas House of Representatives is the lower house of the bicameral Texas Legislature. It consists of 150 members who are elected from single-member districts for a term of 2 years. As of the 2010 Census, each member represents an average of 167,637 people. There are no term limits, with the most senior member, Tom Craddick, having been elected in 1968. - Nuevo León, or New Leon, officially the Free and Sovereign State of Nuevo León, is one of the 31 states which, with Mexico City, compose the 32 Federal Entities of Mexico. It is divided into 51 municipalities and its capital city is Monterrey. Given the paragraphs above, decide what entity has the relation 'position held' with 'member of the texas house of representatives'. ++++++++ Answer: tan parker Please answer this: Information: - Telotroch is the free-swimming stage of members of the order Sessilida. Sessilida are ciliates of the subclass Peritrichia. - The ciliates are a group of protozoans characterized by the presence of hair-like organelles called cilia, which are identical in structure to eukaryotic flagella, but are in general shorter and present in much larger numbers, with a different undulating pattern than flagella. Cilia occur in all members of the group (although the peculiar Suctoria only have them for part of the life-cycle) and are variously used in swimming, crawling, attachment, feeding, and sensation. All behavioral patterns are coordinated by signaling processes. - The peritrichs ( Latin : Peritrichia ) are a large and distinctive group of ciliate protozoa . They are usually bell or disc shaped , with a prominent paroral membrane arising from the oral cavity and circling counter-clockwise around the anterior of the cell , accompanied by a smaller series of membranelles . The oral cavity is apical and funnel shaped , with a contractile vacuole discharging directly into it . When disturbed , the anterior of the cell can contract . The rest of the body is unciliated , except for a telotroch band circling the posterior in mobile species and stages . The larger order of peritrichia are the Sessilida . Most of these have modified posterior kinetosomes which secrete a contractile stalk . The unattached stage , called a telotroch , is mouthless . These are common in both freshwater and marine environments , and many live attached to aquatic plants and animals . They are either solitary or produce branched colonies . A few secrete a lorica . Vorticella is one of the best - known genera . Stalks may be as long as 2 mm , and in some cases where they are highly contractile can be extended up to 3 mm. The other peritrichia make up the order Mobilida . In these the posterior of the cell is enlarged and modified to form a complex holdfast , allowing the cell to temporarily attach to some host organism . Most live on the integument or gills of freshwater and marine invertebrates , but other hosts occur , including fish and even other ciliates , and other locations as well . Some can be pathenogenic in high populations . The peritrichs were first defined by Friedrich von Stein in 1859 . Initially they were considered spirotrichs , then treated as a separate category , before receiving their modern placement . Given the paragraphs above, decide what entity has the relation 'taxon rank' with 'subclass'. ++++++++ Answer:
In this task, you will be presented with a question and you have to answer the question based on your knowledge. Your answers should be as short as possible. Which provincial championship is associated with the GAA county which has won five Football Championships , with the most recent in 1918 ?
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible. [Q]: Taking a trip to celebrate a holiday is a wonderful experience. I decided to take a trip to New York City this year to celebrate New Years Eve with friends. My first question was if I should stay in a hotel or with friends. Due to the cost of hotels I decided that staying with friends was the very best option. I then decided that to travel to New York City my best choice would be to take the train. The train trip from Boston to New York City is relatively short and it's very convenient because the train stop is very close to my friends apartment. My friends and I then decided that we should make dinner reservations for a nice new years dinner in New York. I took care of the reservations for dinner and the train and now I am just waiting a couple of months so I can take this really exciting trip. Question: What event are they looking forward to most? [A]: New Year's Eve. [Q]: Other instances of napalms use include by France during the First Indochina War (1946-1954), the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), the Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974), the Six-Day War by Israel (1967), in Nigeria (1969), India and Pakistan (1965 and 1971), Egypt (1973), by Morocco during the Western Sahara War (1975-1991), by Argentina (1982), by Iran (1980-88), by Iraq (1980-88, 1991), by Angola during the Angolan Civil War, and Yugoslav Wars (1991-1996). Question: Which war started after the First Indochina War ended? [A]: the Algerian War of Independence [Q]: Austin repelled it by force during the game of tennis but they were eventually beaten in the tournament. Question: What will happen to Austin? [A]:
have to train harder
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence. Sentence: His brother told him that the piano was better to start, so Jimmy played the piano. Question: What was the instrument that Jimmy played first?
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. What part of Bentham influenced Peel?, Context: Peel, widely regarded as the father of modern policing, was heavily influenced by the social and legal philosophy of Jeremy Bentham, who called for a strong and centralized, but politically neutral, police force for the maintenance of social order, for the protection of people from crime and to act as a visible deterrent to urban crime and disorder. Peel decided to standardise the police force as an official paid profession, to organise it in a civilian fashion, and to make it answerable to the public. philosophy How do you know that the main topic of discussion is not overall considered high power?, Context: LEDs have also been used as a medium-quality voltage reference in electronic circuits. The forward voltage drop (e.g. about 1.7 V for a normal red LED) can be used instead of a Zener diode in low-voltage regulators. Red LEDs have the flattest I/V curve above the knee. Nitride-based LEDs have a fairly steep I/V curve and are useless for this purpose. Although LED forward voltage is far more current-dependent than a Zener diode, Zener diodes with breakdown voltages below 3 V are not widely available. LEDs have also been used as a medium-quality voltage What is caused by this?, Context: For example, at 30 MHz (10 m wavelength) a true resonant 1⁄4-wavelength monopole would be almost 2.5 meters long, and using an antenna only 1.5 meters tall would require the addition of a loading coil. Then it may be said that the coil has lengthened the antenna to achieve an electrical length of 2.5 meters. However, the resulting resistive impedance achieved will be quite a bit lower than the impedance of a resonant monopole, likely requiring further impedance matching. In addition to a lower radiation resistance, the reactance becomes higher as the antenna size is reduced, and the resonant circuit formed by the antenna and the tuning coil has a Q factor that rises and eventually causes the bandwidth of the antenna to be inadequate for the signal being transmitted. This is the major factor that sets the size of antennas at 1 MHz and lower frequencies.
the reactance becomes higher as the antenna size is reduced
In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc. Cruel and unusual punishment is a phrase describing punishment that is considered unacceptable due to the suffering , pain , or humiliation it inflicts on the person subjected to it .
Cruel and unusual punishment is punishment that causes severe suffering , pain , or humiliation .
In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. People escaping during this event utilized the McCorkell Line to seek passage to Canada and US. In the country where this took place, it is referred to as ""an Gorta Mor"" or ""an Drochshaol. "" One response to this event was Robert Peel's decision to repeal the Corn Laws. Thought to be caused an oomycete known as Phytophthora infestans, this event resulted in approximately a million deaths. For 10 points, name this massive dying caused by a blight, which affected a particular crop in the 1840's and 50's in Ireland. Social Science Urban renewal in this city has focused on the Docklands neighborhood. It is the location of La Trobe, Deakin and Monash universities and its downtown is centered on the pedestrian malls of Bourke and Swanston. Extending east to Point Nepean, it is the southernmost metro area of more than a million residents in the world and is found where the Yarra River enters Port Phillip Bay. For ten points, name this southeastern Australian city, the capital of Victoria and the second-largest city in the country after Sydney. Social Science This novel's central character ponders an alternative to his misery while hearing "Some of These Days" at the Railwaymen's Rendezvous, before which his former lover describes her satisfaction as a "kept" woman. The Corsican punches one of this novel's characters, causing a nosebleed as tries to read all of the books in a library in alphabetical order. The narrator of this novel spends years in (*) Bouville working on the biography of the Marquis de Rollebon, a project that he considers futile after losing both the love of his life, Anny, and his only friend, The Self-Taught Man. This novel ends with a planned move to Paris by diarist Antoine Roquentin. For 10 points, name this novel by Jean-Paul Sartre about a "sweetish sickness".
With more and more cars on the road, the traffic _ will happen. How do we see it and how can we solve the problem? We know that the traffic jam happens in many places, especially in big cities. What are reasons for the problem? On one hand, some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then it's easy to go out and they can feel comfortable. On the other hand, a growing number of people hope to use their cars to show off . What's more, years of research has shown that one of other reasons for the traffic jam is the driving habit. For example, many young people enjoy driving very fast, so they can feel excited. At last, most of them hardly care about the speed rules. Many governments are working at how to make the traffic better. In my opinion, firstly, the governments should educate those people who have cars or plan to buy cars. The governments must make them know that the traffic jam is very serious, and set up a much more perfect traffic system to solve the traffic pressure. What should the governments do to make the traffic better? A) They should educate those people who are young. B) They should set up a much more perfect traffic system. C) They shouldn't allow people to buy so many cars. D) They should make people know the difficult to solve the problem of the traffic jam. The answer to this question is:
In this task, you're given an article, a question which often contains a blank and four options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). Your task is to find the correct answer (from the given options) for the question from the given article and return one of the options from "A", "B", "C", and "D". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: "A", "B", "C", "D". There is only one correct answer for each question. Article: If you are sitting down listening to what I'm going to say, stand up. Move your legs. Touch your toes, if you can. Do anything but sit. If you cut down on the time you spend sitting, you might live longer. New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might extend your life by two years. Just the opposite, says Peter Katzmarzyk. He is a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States. He says that sitting is _ in our lives. "We sit while we're eating; we sit in the car; we sit while we watch TV. Many of us sit for many hours at work. " But, he adds, that does not make sitting good for us. The human body is designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely give us the chance to move around. Exercise is important. So is not sitting. "We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, what goes on in the other 23-and-a-half hours a day is also very important." Mr. Katzmarzyk and his co-workers are part of a new generation of researchers studying how sitting all day affects length of life. This is a relatively new area of study--studies that have assessed the relationship between sitting and mortality or television viewing and mortality. Making uses of the few studies available to them, they found that cutting television time to less than two hours a day could add one-point four years to life. New desk designs are helping Change is already coming to some offices, especially in the design of desks. A "standing desk" lets people stand while they work. Another new design is called the "treadmill desk." A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. That's one of the strategies that many companies are using now. Some companies may equip their employees with a "standing desk" or a "treadmill desk". Other companies may not buy one for everybody, but they'll have a bank of these desks where people can go for an hour a day and answer their emails or talk on the phone. Even some U.S. schools are beginning to experiment with such desks to keep children moving. Mr. Katzmarzyk says studying this problem has inspired his team to make a few changes in their own lives. "As a university professor, you know, it is a very sedentary occupation. We're chained to a desk in terms of writing papers and doing research. We really try to limit the amount of time we spend doing that." Suggestions for sitting less If you work in office job or have a sedentary job, Mr. Katzmarzyk and his team suggest a few simple changes: get up from your desk as often as you can take walks at lunch time walk to your colleagues' offices and talk directly instead of emailing them All these activities may help you live longer. Question: What might be the best title for the passage? Options: (A) Take exercise, keep fit. (B) Change more, achieve greater. (C) Talk directly, improve relationship. (D) Sit less, live longer. D Article: Speaking Club HK $1,950 (18hours) This course aims to help develop vocabulary. Each student will also have a reader, which provides a topic for discussion. Students are level tested and then placed in different classes according to their level of English and their age. It is only for students whose level test shows them to be at intermediate level of above. The fee includes a course folder and _ . Bridging Course Available in July and August HK $1,950 (18hours) Our Bridging Course is aimed at students from Chinese primary schools who are about to enter an English secondary school in September. The course is a fun way to develop students' confidence in using English through topic-based speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Students also widen their vocabulary by participating in a variety of language games. The fee includes a course folder and a field trip to a local museum. Preparation for prefix = st1 /UKStudy HK $1,950 (18hours) This course is for students who are leaving Hong Kong to study at boarding senior school in the UK. It focuses on functional English language to increase students' confidence in their ability to use appropriate language in the appropriate situations by communicating with natives. We also provide students with information on British culture and traditions and aim to increase students' interest in the country in which they are about to live. The fee includes a course folder and a reader called British Life. Question: Wang Lin, who will go to Englandto attend junior school, will be interested in _ . Options: (A) Speaking Club. (B) any course (C) Preparation for UKStudy (D) Bridging Course D Article: A quarter of US adults say they read no books at all in the past year, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos survey. The typical person said that he / she read four books in the last year and, excluding those who had not read any books at all, the usual number of books read was seven. Of those who did read, women and pensioners were the most eager readers, and religious works and popular fiction were the top choices. The number of books read was nine books for women and five for men. The number also showed that those with college degrees read the most, and people aged 50 and over read more than those who are younger. People from the West and Midwest are more likely to have read at least one book in the past year. Southerners who do read tend to read more books -- mostly religious books and romance novels -- than people from other regions. Those who said they never attend religious services read nearly twice as many books as those who attend frequently, but the Bible and religious works were read by two thirds of the people in the survey, more than all the other categories. Popular fiction, histories, biographies and mysteries took up about half, while one in five read romance novels. Politics, poetry and classical literature were named by fewer than 5% of readers. More women than men read every major category of books except for history and biography books. Men tend to prefer non-fiction. Book sales in the US have been flat in recent years and are expected to stay that way, which, experts think, results from competition from the Internet and other media, and the unsteady economy. Question: The passage mainly tells us _ . Options: (A) the number of Americans who read books last year dropped (B) the book sales in the US have been dropping in recent years (C) the reasons why one in four Americans read no books last year (D) about region differences in the number and kind of books read last year
What do people in love do on their birthdays? A. stay away from each other B. please parents C. meet friend D. buy presents for others E. make friends The best answer is D (Question) If a person is shy, what do they feel when meeting people for the first time? A. anxiety B. stress C. being bored D. smile E. making new friends The best answer is (Answer) B Ques: A cat sometimes has trouble deciding whether or not to come in or out of what? A. residence B. warm place C. zoo D. floor E. front door The best answer is Ans: E (Q). It is a lovely day, let's go outside and skate instead of doing what? A. really B. put on helmet C. sing D. not work so hard E. falling down The best answer is (A). D Ques:John pulled the cover over his head. He was hoping that this would allow him to hide. Where is he hiding? A. divert suspicion B. underneath C. opening D. landcover E. leave open The best answer is Ans:B Ques:As one side made advances on the other it seemed it would soon be over, the losers were doomed because not everyone gets to celebrate what? A. understood B. pleasure C. happy D. happiness E. victory in war The best answer is Ans:
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics as passages and a question from the passage. We ask you to answer the question by classifying the answer as 0 (False) or 1 (True) Example Input: Passage: George O'Malley -- Knight auditioned for the show, expecting a one-season run. In 2007, Knight's co-star Isaiah Washington (Preston Burke) insulted him with a homophobic slur, which resulted in the termination of Washington's Grey's Anatomy contract. In 2009, after the conclusion of the fifth season, it was confirmed that Knight would not be returning for the show's sixth season. The actor stated the reason for his departure was due to a ``breakdown in communication'' with Rhimes, his character's lack of screen time, as well as his decision to come out as openly gay. Knight received generally positive reviews for his performance as O'Malley, and garnered a nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards. Despite this, his death received mixed feedback. Question: does george ever come back to grey's anatomy Example Output: 0 Example Input: Passage: Channel Tunnel -- At the time of the decision about building the tunnel, 15.9 million passengers were predicted for Eurostar trains in the opening year. In 1995, the first full year, actual numbers were a little over 2.9 million, growing to 7.1 million in 2000, then dropping to 6.3 million in 2003. Eurostar was initially limited by the lack of a high-speed connection on the British side. After the completion of High Speed 1 in two stages in 2003 and 2007, traffic increased. In 2008, Eurostar carried 9,113,371 passengers, a 10% increase over the previous year, despite traffic limitations due to the 2008 Channel Tunnel fire. Eurostar passenger numbers continued to increase, reaching 10,397,894 in 2014. Question: does the eurostar go under the english channel Example Output: 1 Example Input: Passage: Noun adjunct -- Adjectival noun is a term that was formerly synonymous with noun adjunct but is now usually used to mean ``an adjective used as a noun'' (i.e. the opposite process, as in the Irish meaning ``Irish people'' or the poor meaning ``poor people''). Japanese adjectival nouns are a different concept. Question: can you use an adjective as a noun Example Output:
Q: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "In Homer's Iliad, the names Danaans (or Danaoi: Δαναοί) and Argives (Argives: Αργείοι) are used to designate the Greek forces opposed to the Trojans. The myth of Danaus, whose origin is Egypt, is a foundation legend of Argos. His daughters Danaides, were forced in Tartarus to carry a jug to fill a bathtub without a bottom. This myth is connected with a task that can never be fulfilled (Sisyphos) and the name can be derived from the PIE root *danu: "river". There is not any satisfactory theory on their origin. Some scholars connect Danaans with the Denyen, one of the groups of the sea peoples who attacked Egypt during the reign of Ramesses III (1187-1156 BCE). The same inscription mentions the Weshesh who might have been the Achaeans. The Denyen seem to have been inhabitants of the city Adana in Cilicia. Pottery similar to that of Mycenae itself has been found in Tarsus of Cilicia and it seems that some refugees from the Aegean went there after the collapse of the Mycenean civilization. These Cilicians seem to have been called Dananiyim, the same word as Danaoi who attacked Egypt in 1191 BC along with the Quaouash (or Weshesh) who may be Achaeans. They were also called Danuna according to a Hittite inscription and the same name is mentioned in the Amarna letters. Julius Pokorny reconstructs the name from the PIE root da:-: "flow, river", da:-nu: "any moving liquid, drops", da: navo "people living by the river, Skyth. nomadic people (in Rigveda water-demons, fem.Da:nu primordial goddess), in Greek Danaoi, Egypt. Danuna". It is also possible that the name Danaans is pre-Greek. A country Danaja with a city Mukana (propaply: Mycenea) is mentioned in inscriptions from Egypt from Amenophis III (1390-1352 BC), Thutmosis III (1437 BC)."? A: Who might the Danaans have been? Q: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "The Jugurthine War of 111–104 BC was fought between Rome and Jugurtha of the North African kingdom of Numidia. It constituted the final Roman pacification of Northern Africa, after which Rome largely ceased expansion on the continent after reaching natural barriers of desert and mountain. Following Jugurtha's usurpation of the throne of Numidia, a loyal ally of Rome since the Punic Wars, Rome felt compelled to intervene. Jugurtha impudently bribed the Romans into accepting his usurpation. Jugurtha was finally captured not in battle but by treachery."? A: Who turned their backs on someone? Q: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "The only cosmetic difference between an RLV disc and a regular factory-pressed LaserDiscs is their reflective purple-violet (or blue with some RLV discs) color resulting from the dye embedded in the reflective layer of the disc to make it recordable, as opposed to the silver mirror appearance of regular LDs. The purplish color of RLVs is very similar to DVD-R and DVD+R discs. RLVs were popular for making short-run quantities of LaserDiscs for specialized applications such as interactive kiosks and flight simulators."? A: What does LD mean? Q: I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "New Haven Harbor is home to the Port of New Haven, a deep-water seaport with three berths capable of hosting vessels and barges as well as the facilities required to handle break bulk cargo. The port has the capacity to load 200 trucks a day from the ground or via loading docks. Rail transportation access is available, with a private switch engine for yard movements and private siding for loading and unloading. Approximately 400,000 square feet (40,000 m2) of inside storage and 50 acres (200,000 m2) of outside storage are available at the site. Five shore cranes with a 250-ton capacity and 26 forklifts, each with a 26-ton capacity, are also available."? A:
How much land is occupied by the Port of New Haven?
Q:Aage Llievang tried explaining to his mother, but she shook her head. "Now, Aage. Really. Your own car? A car? What would the other co-op members think?" "Mom, this is a classic! 1952 MG-TD. It's even--" "British Racing green... yes, Aage. I know. Your father knows. Your grandmother knows. We all know about the car." "But Mom, look." He waved his Handy at her. The MG glowed on its small screen. "There's one up for auction on and I'm too young to bid. You've got to help me." "Aage!" She put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Your age is not the problem. You can't even afford it." "I'd pay you back." How could he explain his fascination with the Vehicular Age to her? The seductive sheen, the rumble, the combustive power of automobiles called to him like a siren at sea. He coveted the sense of possibility inherent in the turn of a key. And the MG-TD held a place high in his list of hope. British Racing Green, wood dashboard and a four-stroke engine. He had only seen one MG-TD, when he'd gone on holiday with his folks to the U.K. They had been walking down the street in downtown London. Most of the traffic had been pedestrian or cyclist. The occasional fuel-cell car glided by like a ghostly leftover from the Vehicular Age. Double-decker biodiesel buses roared past regularly, trailing the odor of fish and chips after them. And then it came down the street toward them. A car that purred as its rounded lines soaked up the sun with a green so deep it was almost black. It pulled into the valet parking of a grand hotel and two people got out. Aage barely noticed them. He stared inside the car, where chrome and brass gleamed against a burled wood dashboard. The doors of the car shut with the heavy thunk of real metal. A valet pulled the car out of the parking circle and Aage never saw it again. Question: After the end of this story, Aage is experiencing: Options: A. Longing B. not enough information C. The security of having enough funds to afford multiple cars D. The joy of driving his new car === The correct answer is A:
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You need to answer the question and choose the correct option based on the conversation. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". Q: W: I enjoy going through a secondhand bookstore, don't you? It's interesting to see what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children's stories? M: Some of these books aren't so old, though... See? This mystery was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents. You can't beat that. W: Hey! Look at this! M: What? Are you getting interested in nineteenth century poetry all of a sudden? W: No. Look at the inscription! Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It's dated 1893. Maybe it's worth something. M: Everything on that shelf is worth fifty cents. W: But if this is a signature of someone who is well known, it might bring a lot more. I hear William Shakespeare's signature is worth about a million dollars., Question: Why is William Shakespeare mentioned in the conversation? (A) He gave gifts to millions of people. (B) He was a very wealthy man in his times. (C) His signature is worth a lot of money. A:
(C) His signature is worth a lot of money.
instruction: You are given a passage. Using the information present in the passage, you need to classify it into one of the 10 topics: 0 - 'Society & Culture', 1 - 'Science & Mathematics', 2 - 'Health', 3 - 'Education & Reference', 4 - 'Computers & Internet', 5 - 'Sports', 6 - 'Business & Finance', 7 - 'Entertainment & Music', 8 - 'Family & Relationships', 9 - 'Politics & Government'. question: A loyal friend is someone who can keep secrets and promises. Someone who will not hurt your feelings but will be honest with you. answer: 8 question: Their lower sales rate in Washington state would suggest that no, they wouldn't. I knew quite a few people (even Amazonians) who didn't buy from Amazon due to that factor. Given a high state sales tax (>8% in both WA and CA), it's the simple economics of a higher price. Also, WA no longer has a shipping facility, so the convenience of buying online is occasionally outweighed by the delay of obtaining the goods. answer: 6 question: It is much easier to manage one person (yourself) than two people. Having a significant other doesn't always mean all sunshine and roses. What it does is it widens the spectrum of your emotions and your life. You will be happier than you ever felt, and other times sadder than you've ever been. answer:
In this task, you're given a context passage. Your job is to generate relevant questions that can be answered by directly referring to the passage. I am so excited to learn how to drive today with Scott. We are in a large vacant parking lot and no one else is around so it will be perfectly safe for us, the car and anyone else. As we both get in the car, we put on our seatbelts. Check. Now he instructs me to put the key in the ignition and give it a gentle turn forward toward the front of the car. I hear the engine crank and can feel it hum. He tells me to grab the crankshaft and put it into the "D" position. I feel the car surge forward and immediately hit the brake pedal on the left and car stops. He tells me it's fine and to give it a little gas. The car begins to move forward as travel in a straight line. The more gas I give it from the pedal on the right, the faster we go!
Are they going to take further lessons?
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Persian. And third chance for Sweden, against Brazil here. و شانس سوم برای سوئد ، اینجا در برابر برزیل. It's a completely different way of doing it. آن کاملا روشی متفاوت تر از آن است And just a final thought.
و در نهایت می ‌ رسیم به ایده نهایی
In this task you will be given a question and a passage. You need to determine if the answer to the question is contained in the passage. If the answer can be found in the passage you should output 'True'. If the answer cannot be found in the passage you should output 'False'. Passage: 'The Ballon d'Or is an annual football award presented by France Football. It has been awarded since 1956, although between 2010 and 2015, an agreement was made with FIFA and the award was temporarily merged with the FIFA World Player of the Year, and known as the FIFA Ballon d'Or, but the partnership was ended in 2016 and the award been reversed back to Ballon d'Or while FIFA also renamed its traditional award. Conceived by sports writer Gabriel Hanot, the Ballon d'Or award honours the male player deemed to have performed the best over the previous year, based on voting by football journalists. Originally, only European players were in contention for the Ballon d'Or: in 1995 the award was expanded to include all players at European clubs and in 2007 to all players from around the world.'. Question: 'when will the ballon dor winner be announced'. True Passage: 'United States foreign policy in the Middle East has its roots as early as the Barbary Wars in the first years of the U.S.'s existence, but became much more expansive after World War II. American policy during the Cold War tried to prevent Soviet Union influence by supporting anti-communist regimes and backing Israel against Soviet-sponsored Arab countries. The U.S. also came to replace the United Kingdom as the main security patron of the Persian Gulf states in the 1960s and 1970s, working to ensure a stable flow of Gulf oil. Since the 9 / 11 attacks of 2001, U.S. policy has included an emphasis on counter-terrorism. The U.S. has diplomatic relations with all countries in the Middle East except for Iran, whose 1979 revolution brought to power a staunchly anti-American regime.'. Question: 'why did us interest in iraq increased after world war ii'. True Passage: 'Fried Green Tomatoes is a 1991 comedy-drama film based on the novel Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg. Directed by Jon Avnet and written by Flagg and Carol Sobieski, it stars Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy, Mary Stuart Masterson, and Mary-Louise Parker. It tells the story of a Depression-era friendship between two women, Ruth and Idgie, and a 1980s friendship between Evelyn, a middle-aged housewife, and Ninny, an elderly woman. The centerpiece and parallel story concerns the murder of Ruth's abusive husband, Frank, and the accusations that follow. It received a generally positive reception from film critics and was nominated for two Academy Awards.'. Question: 'what was the movie fried green tomatoes about'.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, your goal is to judge a correct answer to a given question based on an associated paragraph and decide if it is a good correct answer or not. A good correct answer is one that correctly and completely answers the question. A bad correct answer addresses the question only partially or incorrectly. If you think the given correct answer is good, indicate it by responding "Yes". Otherwise, respond "No". There are only two types of responses possible: "Yes" and "No". Q: Paragraph- Sent 1: The Ghost Inside tells the story of a young mother , Lin Xiaoyue , who flees an abusive husband , taking their young daughter with her . Sent 2: She rents an apartment in a new apartment block but soon regrets the move as a neighbor tells her the apartment is haunted by the spirit of a young mother who threw her daughter out of the window before jumping to her death herself . Sent 3: A series of strange occurrences convince Lin there really is a ghost before the spirit finally reveals herself to Lin . Sent 4: The ghost tells Lin she too will one day committed murder\/suicide in the same fashion . Sent 5: Lin finds some solace in the company of a male neighbor who helps fend off Lin 's husband when he finally manages to track Lin and his daughter down . Sent 6: But something about this neighbor and several other inhabitants of the building does n't seem right . Sent 7: When Lin 's husband shows up at the apartment late one night with two goons intent on taking his daughter back by force , Lin finds herself standing on her balcony , under encouragement from the ghost , considering whether or not to throw her daughter and herself off to stop her abusive husband from parting her from her daughter . Sent 8: The police arrive and Lin is committed to a psychiatric institute . Question: Is Lin fit to be a mother? Correct Answer: She is doing what she can to protect herself and her daughter. A:
In this task, you need to translate the given English sentence to the French language Ex Input: Why do you want to communicate with people? Ex Output: Pourquoi veut-on communiquer avec les gens ? Ex Input: What can be done to protect the variety of journalistic content in situations where different media outlets in a given market are controlled by a single entity? Ex Output: Que pouvons-nous faire afin de protéger les contenus journalistiques multiples lorsqu'une seule entité contrôle les différents types de média dans un marché donné? Ex Input: Why was she scored on any items beyond her first five? Ex Output:
Pourquoi a-t-elle été notée sur tous les éléments au-delà des cinq premiers?
Instructions: You are given a sentence and a question. You're expected to write the correct answer based on the sentence. Input: Sentence: Jim could run twice as fast as his sister Jen. They had to deliver some urgent vaccines to the next town to stop the spread of a dangerous virus. Question: Who should run with the vaccines in order to get them there in a shorter amount of time? Output:
This task is about reading the given passage and the question, return an incorrect answer to the given question. Example input: "story" : "Honolulu is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is an unincorporated part of and the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu on the island of Oahu. The city is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major portal into the United States. The city is also a major hub for international business, military defense, as well as famously being host to a diverse variety of east-west and Pacific culture, cuisine, and traditions. Honolulu is the most remote city of its size in the world and is the westernmost major U.S. city. For statistical purposes, the U.S. Census Bureau recognizes the approximate area commonly referred to as "City of Honolulu" (not to be confused with the "City and County") as a census county division (CCD). Honolulu is a major financial center of the islands and of the Pacific Ocean. The population of the city of Honolulu was 337,256 as of the 2010 census, while the Honolulu CCD was 390,738 and the population of the consolidated city and county was 953,207. "Honolulu" means "sheltered harbor" or "calm port". The old name is said to be Kou, a district roughly encompassing the area from Nuuanu Avenue to Alakea Street and from Hotel Street to Queen Street which is the heart of the present downtown district. The city has been the capital of the Hawaiian Islands since 1845 and gained historical recognition following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan near the city on December 7, 1941.", "question: " "What does Honolulu mean?" Example output: Macau Example explanation: This answer for the given question is not present in the passage and is irrelevant to the given question. So, it is a good example. Q: story: Once upon a time, there was a little white mouse that lived on a farm. He liked to hide in the hay stacks where it was warm through the day and night. On cold winter days, he would wiggle out from the hay stack to get closer to the lamp in the barn, getting some extra warmth. One winter day, the mouse was very cold, but needed something to eat. He left the hay stack, and ran past the lamp. He ran across an old wood board that was laying on top of the snow - the mouse didn't have mittens and wanted to keep his feet warm. He ran and ran until he couldn't any longer. The cold weather was keeping every living thing inside, so the mouse was all alone. He walked towards the house and met a little bug named Fred. Fred told the mouse that he went inside and found lots of crumbs to eat on the kitchen floor. The mouse waited until the farmer's wife, Julie, came out the back door, and then the mouse ran into the kitchen. There were bread crumbs everywhere! The mouse ate as many as he could before anyone found him. He heard the back door open again, and hid under the oven. It was warm there - there must have been a pie baking. Farmer Bill liked pies more than bread, cake, or cookies. The mouse stayed there to warm up, then ran back to the barn to sleep for the night.', question: 'What is the farmers name? A:
bread crumbs
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, given a sentence in the Japanese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. 「評議会は彼を本当に好きだし、彼のショーを愛していて、彼の私たちへの気遣いを、誰もが素晴らしいと思っているので、彼のことで本当に頭を抱えている」と州の民主党会長キャロル・ファウラーは述べた。 Output:
“The council really agonized over this because they really like him, they love his show, and everyone thinks it’s wonderful that he cares about us,” said Carol Fowler, the chairwoman of the state’s Democratic Party.
What are the keywords in the following sentence: right and politician left greeting each other
greet, leave, politician
And once again, high blood pressure is making headlines in the news: the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) have just released new guidelines about hypertension. Since this development is likely to cause confusion and concern for many, I’m writing this post to help you understand the debate and what this might mean for you and your family. By the way, if you’ve read any of my other blood pressure articles on this site, let me reassure you: I am not changing my clinical practice or what I recommend to others, based on the new AHA/ACC guidelines. The core principles of better blood pressure management for older adults remain the same: * Take care in how you and your doctors measure blood pressure (more on that here), * Start by aiming to get blood pressure less than 150/90 mm Hg, as recommended by these expert guidelines issued in 2017 and in 2014, * And then learn more about what are the likely benefits versus risks of aiming for more intensive BP control. Perhaps the most important thing to understand is this: treatment of high blood pressure in older adults offers “diminishing returns” as we treat BP to get lower and lower. Scientific evidence indicates that the greatest health benefit, when it comes to reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks, is in getting systolic blood pressure from high (i.e. 160-180) down to moderate (140-150). From there, the famous SPRINT study, published in 2015, did show a further reduction in cardiovascular risk, when participants were treated to a lower systolic BP, such as a target of 120. However, this was in a carefully selected group of participants, it required taking three blood pressure medications on average, and the reduction in risk was small. As I note in my article explaining SPRINT Senior, in participants aged 75 or older, pushing to that lower goal was associated with an estimated 1-in-27 chance of avoiding a cardiovascular event. (The benefit was even smaller in adults aged 50-75.) After the release of the new AHA guidelines, what is going to happen to the author's patients? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. Their blood pressure treatment protocol will stay the same. B. not enough information C. They will be enrolled in a study. D. They will call their doctor. A Angela Hammerly dedicated her life to becoming District Attorney. At 42, she had never been married, or even seriously dated. All she could think about, night and day, was her ultimate goal. And her dream finally came true, thanks to the death of 74-year-old Porter Strickley. She could not deny that she had learned the job well, working for that old pain-in-the-butt. He was 57 when she interviewed for the position of Assistant District Attorney. At the time, she thought he was 70. Two months ago, she had become the District Attorney. She loved seeing her name on the door. And she felt a rush of adrenaline every time a judge referred to her as 'The District Attorney' in open court. The D.A.'s office would be better than ever--now that she was running the show. There was a soft knock, and Andrea Newly opened the door just enough to peek in. "Come in, Andrea." Angela sometimes wondered if she had made a mistake two weeks ago when she hired this timid young lady as her assistant. Angela had been impressed with her resume. But in person, Andrea was quiet, and seemed to be rather intimidated by Angela. But Andrea was enthralled with every word Angela spoke. And the new D.A. couldn't resist the prospect of being god to her assistant. She had hired her on the spot, even though she knew Andrea would stress her patience. But Angela was confident the 25-year-old could be molded into her mentor's image. And thereby, become a powerful force for justice in the D.A.'s office. Andrea took a chair across from the D.A. The furniture in the District Attorney's office was similar to that found in most old government offices-largely unchanged since the 1950s. Yet the hardwood chairs and desks were of such good quality that an exact replacement would be cost prohibitive in today's market. Angela planned to upsize her diminutive desk as soon as possible, even if the money came out of her own pocket. What is probably true about Andrea? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. She sees Angela as incompetent B. She is obnoxious C. She is introverted D. not enough information C WASHINGTON — Republicans in the U.S. House of Representative plan to hold a vote next week on an immigration bill despite Trump urging them Friday to abandon efforts to pass legislation until after the mid-term elections. Even if the Republicans — who have a majority in both the House and Senate — approve a bill, it faces almost certain defeat in the upper chamber where Democrats hold enough seats to prevent Republicans, even if they all vote together, from reaching the 60 votes needed for passage. Earlier in the week, the president had called for Congress to quickly approve sweeping immigration legislation. But in a Friday tweet the president said, "Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!" Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican representing a majority Hispanic district in the state of Florida, who is not running for re-election, termed the president's tweets "schizoid policy making." Another retiring lawmaker, Republican Congressman Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a frequent Trump critic who recently lost his primary election, said Trump's reversal sends "a horrifically chilling signal" that "makes immigration reform that much more unlikely." On Saturday, California Democratic Senator Kamala Harris spoke in Otay Mesa, a community in San Diego, at a rally for revised immigration policies. "This is a fight born out of knowing who we are and fighting for the ideals of our country," she said. Harris spoke after touring a detention facility and speaking with several mothers.​ Trump's call for Congress to postpone action came as House Republican leaders failed to garner enough support for two bills that would overhaul U.S. immigration laws and bolster border security. A hard-line measure authored by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte failed to pass on... What is probably true about when immigration reform will take place? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. before the election in November B. not enough information C. after the election in November D. after the next President is in office
[Q]: Who does Thespis suggests goes down to earth in disguise to mingle and judge for themselves what people think of them? Answer the above question based on the context below: Scene: A Ruined Temple on the Summit of Mount Olympus On Mount Olympus, the elderly deities complain of feeling old and lament their waning influence on Earth. Mercury complains that the older gods are lazy and leave all their duties to him, while he gets no credit for all his drudgery. Jupiter says that matters have reached a crisis, but he is unsure what can be done about it. Just then, the gods see a swarm of mortals ascending the mountain and withdraw to observe them from a distance. Thespis's acting company enters for a picnic celebrating the marriage of two of its members, Sparkeion and Nicemis. The actors, being cheap, have failed to contribute substantial food items to the picnic. Sparkeion flirts with his former fiancée, Daphne, which annoys Nicemis. In retaliation, Nicemis flirts with her old suitor, Thespis, but he declines to flirt back. Thespis explains to his troupe that a successful manager must be aloof from those he manages, or he will lose his authority. Jupiter, Mars and Apollo enter. All of the actors flee in terror, except for Thespis. Jupiter asks Thespis whether he is impressed with the father of the gods. Thespis replies that the gods are unimpressive and suggests that they go down to earth in disguise to "mingle" and judge for themselves what people think of them. They agree to invest the actors with their powers, as they take a merry holiday below on Earth. Thespis agrees that he and his company will keep things running on Mount Olympus during the gods' absence. Each actor takes the place of one of the gods, with Thespis himself replacing Jupiter. Mercury stays behind to offer any advice the actors may need. **** [A]: gods input: Please answer the following: What is the last name of the person whose early separation from his mother for boarding school was followed by his mother's early death? Answer the above question based on the context below: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (English: chy-KOF-skee; Russian: Пётр Ильи́ч Чайко́вский, tr. Pyótr Ilʹyích Chaykóvskiy, IPA: [pʲɵtr ɪlʲˈjitɕ tɕɪjˈkofskʲɪj] (listen); 7 May 1840 [O.S. 25 April] – 6 November [O.S. 25 October] 1893), was a Russian composer of the romantic period, whose works are among the most popular music in the classical repertoire. He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, bolstered by his appearances as a guest conductor in Europe and the United States. He was honored in 1884 by Emperor Alexander III, and awarded a lifetime pension. Although musically precocious, Tchaikovsky was educated for a career as a civil servant. There was scant opportunity for a musical career in Russia at that time and no system of public music education. When an opportunity for such an education arose, he entered the nascent Saint Petersburg Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1865. The formal Western-oriented teaching he received there set him apart from composers of the contemporary nationalist movement embodied by the Russian composers of The Five, with whom his professional relationship was mixed. Tchaikovsky's training set him on a path to reconcile what he had learned with the native musical practices to which he had been exposed from childhood. From this reconciliation he forged a personal but unmistakably Russian style—a task that did not prove easy. The principles that governed melody, harmony and other fundamentals of Russian music ran completely counter to those that governed Western European music; this seemed to defeat the potential for using Russian music in large-scale Western composition or for forming a composite style, and it caused personal antipathies that dented Tchaikovsky's self-confidence. Russian culture exhibited a split personality, with its native and adopted elements having drifted apart increasingly since the time of Peter the Great. This resulted in uncertainty among the intelligentsia about the country's national identity—an ambiguity... ++++++++++ output: Tchaikovsky Problem: What was the full name of the person Lennon become involved with in a protest? Answer the above question based on the context below: In 1970, Lennon and Ono went through primal therapy with Arthur Janov in Los Angeles, California. Designed to release emotional pain from early childhood, the therapy entailed two half-days a week with Janov for four months; he had wanted to treat the couple for longer, but they felt no need to continue and returned to London. Lennon's debut solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (1970), was received with praise by many music critics, but its highly personal lyrics and stark sound limited its commercial performance. Critic Greil Marcus remarked, "John's singing in the last verse of 'God' may be the finest in all of rock." The album featured the song "Mother", in which Lennon confronted his feelings of childhood rejection, and the Dylanesque "Working Class Hero", a bitter attack against the bourgeois social system which, due to the lyric "you're still fucking peasants", fell foul of broadcasters. In January 1971, Tariq Ali expressed his revolutionary political views when he interviewed Lennon, who immediately responded by writing "Power to the People". In his lyrics to the song, Lennon reversed the non-confrontational approach he had espoused in "Revolution", although he later disowned the message, saying that it was borne out of guilt and a desire for approval from radicals such as Ali. Lennon became involved with Ali in a protest against the prosecution of Oz magazine for alleged obscenity. Lennon denounced the proceedings as "disgusting fascism", and he and Ono (as Elastic Oz Band) released the single "God Save Us/Do the Oz" and joined marches in support of the magazine. Eager for a major commercial success, Lennon adopted a more accessible sound for his next album, Imagine (1971). Rolling Stone reported that "it contains a substantial portion of good music" but warned of the possibility that "his posturings will soon seem not merely dull but irrelevant". The album's title track later became an anthem for anti-war movements, while the song "How Do You Sleep?" was a musical attack on McCartney in response... A:
Tariq Ali
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Japanese language. The chairman of the Tomsk branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia said that a source close to the investigation told him that Popov was not only beaten but was also "tortured" and "violated" with a foreign object. ロシアのジャーナリスト連盟トムスク支所の会長は、「ポポフは叩かれただけでなく、”拷問され”、異物で”冒涜された”と調査に詳しい関係者が話した」と言った。 The little car can travel as fast as 38 mph (61 kph), and comes equipped with a handle on the car so the driver can pull the car to back up. 小型車は毎時38マイル(時速61km)で走ることができ、運転手が引っ張ってバックできるように、取っ手が標準装備されている。 The largest multiplex cinema complex in Southeastern Europe opened on Friday in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.
Information: - Diatoms are a major group of algae, and are among the most common types of phytoplankton. Diatoms are unicellular, although they can form colonies in the shape of filaments or ribbons (e.g. "Fragilaria"), fans (e.g. "Meridion"), zigzags (e.g. "Tabellaria"), or stars (e.g. "Asterionella"). The first diatom formally described in scientific literature, the colonial "Bacillaria paradoxa", was found in 1783 by Danish naturalist Otto Friedrich Müller. Diatoms are producers within the food chain. A unique feature of diatom cells is that they are enclosed within a cell wall made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide) called a frustule. These frustules show a wide diversity in form, but are usually almost bilaterally symmetrical, hence the group name. The symmetry is not perfect since one of the valves is slightly larger than the other, allowing one valve to fit inside the edge of the other. Fossil evidence suggests that they originated during, or before, the early Jurassic period. Only male gametes of centric diatoms are capable of movement by means of flagella. Diatom communities are a popular tool for monitoring environmental conditions, past and present, and are commonly used in studies of water quality. - Trigonella is a genus from the family Fabaceae. The best known member is the herb fenugreek. - Clover or trefoil are common names for plants of the genus Trifolium (Latin, "tres" "three" + "folium" "leaf"), consisting of about 300 species of plants in the leguminous pea family Fabaceae. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution; the highest diversity is found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere, but many species also occur in South America and Africa, including at high altitudes on mountains in the tropics. They are small annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial herbaceous plants. Clover can be evergreen. The leaves are trifoliate (rarely quatrefoiled, cinquefoil, or septfoil), with stipules adnate to the leaf-stalk, and heads or dense spikes of small red, purple, white, or yellow flowers; the small, few-seeded pods are enclosed in the calyx. Other closely related genera often called clovers include "Melilotus" (sweet clover) and "Medicago" (alfalfa or Calvary clover). - Alfalfa , Medicago sativa also called lucerne, is a perennial flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world. It is used for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop. The name alfalfa is used in North America. The name lucerne is the more commonly used name in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The plant superficially resembles clover (a cousin in the same family), especially while young, when trifoliate leaves comprising round leaflets predominate. Later in maturity, leaflets are elongated. It has clusters of small purple flowers followed by fruits spiralled in 2 to 3 turns containing 1020 seeds. Alfalfa is native to warmer temperate climates. It has been cultivated as livestock fodder since at least the era of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Alfalfa sprouts are a common ingredient in dishes made in South Indian cuisine. - Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen in the Earth's atmosphere is converted into ammonia (NH) or other molecules available to living organisms. Atmospheric nitrogen or molecular dinitrogen (N) is relatively inert: it does not easily react with other chemicals to form new compounds. The fixation process frees nitrogen atoms from their triply bonded diatomic form, NN, to be used in other ways. - A shrub or bush is a small to medium-sized woody plant. It is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height, usually under 6 m (20 ft) tall. Plants of many species may grow either into shrubs or trees, depending on their growing conditions. Small, low shrubs, generally less than 2 m (6.6 ft) tall, such as lavender, periwinkle and most small garden varieties of roses, are often termed subshrubs. - Melilotus, known as melilot, sweet clover, and kumoniga (from the Cumans), is a genus in the family Fabaceae (the same family that also includes the "Trifolium" clovers). Members are known as common grassland plants and as weeds of cultivated ground. Originally from Europe and Asia, it is now found worldwide. - Medicago is a genus of flowering plants, commonly known as medick or burclover, in the legume family. It contains at least 87 species and is distributed mainly around the Mediterranean basin. The best-known member of the genus is alfalfa ("M. sativa"), an important forage crop, and the genus name is based on the Latin name for that plant, "medica", from median (grass). Most members of the genus are low, creeping herbs, resembling clover, but with burs (hence the common name). However, alfalfa grows to a height of 1 meter, and tree medick ("M. arborea") is a shrub. Members of the genus are known to produce bioactive compounds such as medicarpin (a flavonoid) and medicagenic acid (a triterpenoid saponin). Chromosome numbers in "Medicago" range from 2"n" = 14 to 48. - Rhizobium is a genus of Gram-negative soil bacteria that fix nitrogen. "Rhizobium" species form an endosymbiotic nitrogen-fixing association with roots of legumes and "". - Medicago falcata is a plant species of the genus Medicago . It is native to the Mediterranean basin , but is found throughout the world . It forms a symbiotic relationship with the bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti , which is capable of nitrogen fixation . Its common names include blue alfalfa , sickle alfalfa , sickle medick , yellow lucerne , and yellow - flowered alfalfa . - Triterpenoid saponins are triterpenes which belong to the group of saponin compounds. Triterpenes are a type of terpene containing 30 carbon atoms. Triterpenes are assembled from a five-carbon isoprene unit through the cytosolic mevalonate pathway to make a thirty-carbon compound. Some triterpenes are steroidal in nature. Cholesterol, phytosterols and phytoecdysteroids are triterpenes. The triterpenes are subdivided into some 20 groups, depending on their particular structures. Some triterpenoid compounds are found as saponin glycosides which refers to the attachment of various sugar molecules to the triterpene unit. These sugars can be cleaved off in the gut by bacteria, sometimes allowing the aglycone (triterpene) to be absorbed into the bloodstream or to insert into cell membranes. - Flavonoids (or bioflavonoids) (from the Latin word "flavus" meaning yellow, their color in nature) are a class of plant and fungus secondary metabolites. - Root nodules occur on the roots of plants (primarily Fabaceae) that associate with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Under nitrogen-limiting conditions, capable plants form a symbiotic relationship with a host-specific strain of bacteria known as rhizobia. This process has evolved multiple times within the Fabaceae, as well as in other species found within the Rosid clade. The Fabaceae include legume crops such as beans and peas. - Sinorhizobium meliloti is a Gram-negative nitrogen-fixing bacterium (rhizobium). It forms a symbiotic relationship with legumes from the genera "Medicago", "Melilotus" and "Trigonella", including the model legume "Medicago truncatula". This symbiosis results in a new plant organ termed a root nodule. The "S. meliloti" genome contains three replicons: a chromosome (~3.7 megabases) and two chromids, pSymA (~1.4 megabases) and pSymB (~1.7 megabases). Five "S. meliloti" genomes have been sequenced to date: Rm1021, AK83, BL225C, Rm41, and SM11 - Medicago truncatula, the barrelclover, strong-spined medick, barrel medic, or barrel medick, is a small annual legume native to the Mediterranean region that is used in genomic research. It is a low-growing, clover-like plant 1060 cm tall with trifoliate leaves. Each leaflet is rounded, 12 cm long, often with a dark spot in the center. The flowers are yellow, produced singly or in a small inflorescence of two to five together; the fruit is a small, spiny pod. - A legume (or ) is a plant or its fruit or seed in the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae). Legumes are grown agriculturally, primarily for their grain seed called pulse, for livestock forage and silage, and as soil-enhancing green manure. Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, lentils, lupin bean, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts and tamarind. "Fabaceae" is the most common family found in tropical rainforests and in dry forests in the Americas and Africa. Given the information, choose the subject and object entities that have the relation of 'parent taxon'. A:
medicago falcata , medicago sativa
Q: In this task, you need to translate the given English sentence to the French language Where are the macroeconomists who are needed to come forward and point out that this very narrow, micro, unimaginative approach towards economics, simply has no relevance when it comes to a complex democracy such as ours? A:
Où sont les macro-économistes dont nous avons besoin pour qu'ils élèvent la voix et déclarent que cette approche très étroite, micro-économique et sans imagination n'a aucun sens quand on l'applique à une démocratie complexe comme la nôtre?
(CNN) -- Rafael Nadal is known as the undisputed king of clay with seven French Open titles to his name -- but the Spaniard was given an almighty scare in the quarterfinals of the Monte Carlo Masters Friday. Nadal, who has won the past eight editions of the tournament, was made to fight all the way by Bulgaria's Grigor Dimitrov before eventually prevailing 6-2 2-6 6-4. It was the first time the 26-year-old had dropped a set at the tournament since 2009 as he racked up a 45th consecutive match victory in the French principality. That record had looked in doubt until his opponent began to suffer with cramp in his leg, allowing Nadal to emerge victorious. But despite working his way back to fitness following a seven month absence with a knee injury, Nadal admits he still lacks match sharpness. "I didn't play tennis for seven months," he told reporters. "I'm losing little bit intensity of the match for moments. "That's normal after being a lot of time outside of the competition. I played for a month, then I stopped for another month. I need time to play with top rhythm for the whole match. "I was playing great at the first set, playing my best level. So that's the most important thing." Nadal was spotted playing with taping on his back, but he refused to elaborate on the problem when asked. He added: "I'm happy to be in the semifinals, I played the best with what I had. It's normal have problems on the back, on the shoulder, on the elbow." What are the answers to this following set of questions: 1. who is the story about? 2. what else is he called? 3. of what? 4. is he a potter? 5. what is his profession? 6. what is his nationality? 7. his age? 8. was he victorious in many important games? 9. in which competition? 10. did he win more or less than 9 times? 11. how many exactly? 12. was he hurt? 13. what was hurt? 14. did that prevent him from competing? 15. for how long? 16. how many times did he win in a row in Monte Carlo? 17. was he scared there? 18. on what day? 19. in what competition? 20. in which round? Answer: 1. Rafael Nadal 2. the undisputed king 3. clay 4. No 5. tennis player 6. Spanish 7. 26 8. Yes 9. The French Open 10. less 11. seven 12. Yes 13. his knee 14. Yes 15. seven months 16. 45 17. Yes 18. Friday 19. the Monte Carlo Masters 20. the quarterfinals Problem: Robert is sixteen now. He'll finish middle school in two years. His father has a shop and got much money. He hopes his son can go to university and makes him study hard. But the young man likes to play cards. He has to go out when his parents fall asleep. One night, when Robert came back, his father happened to see him. The old man was very angry and told his son to live upstairs. Robert has to go up and down quietly. Of course it troubles him. He thought and thought but didn't find a way. Last evening Robert listened carefully. And he was sure his parents went to sleep, he went out to play cards with his friends. He won some money and was happy. And he got back, he took off his shoes and was going upstairs. He heard a noise in his parents' bedroom. He stood behind the door and saw a man come out. He understood it was a thief . He stopped him at once. The man was very afraid and brought out all the things he stole in the room. "Tell me how you didn't wake my parents up," said Robert. "Or I'll take you to the police station!" 1. when will Robert finish middle school? 2. how old will he be? 3. what does his dad want him to do then? 4. what does he make Robert do? 5. What would he rather do? 6. when does he like to go out? 7. who caught him? 8. was he happy? 9. did he sneak out successfully after that? 10. did he go to play cards? 11. did he win? 12. what did he do before going up the stairs? 13. what made him pause? 14. What was it? 15. What was the intruder worried about? 16. What was Robert's concern? 17. what was he going to do if the intruder woke his parents? Answer: 1. Yes 2. Eighteen 3. Go to university 4. Study hard. 5. Play cards 6. After his parents fall asleep 7. His father 8. No 9. Yes 10. Yes 11. Yes 12. Took off his shoes 13. He heard a noise 14. A thief 15. The things he stole 16. How the thief went up the stair without waking his parents. 17. ell me how you didn't wake my parents up," said Robert. "Or I'll take you to the police station question: (CNN) -- The unexpected resignation of David Petraeus as head of the CIA must have come as a shock to many Americans, especially given his impeccable record as a distinguished military commander. But like the greatest heroes from Shakespeare, it would appear that he was not exempt from the time-honored temptations of human folly and self-destruction. And now the plot is thickening, as details emerge that Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, is involved somehow in the scandal. As Americans are coming to terms with the revelation of Petraeus' adultery, on the other side of the Atlantic, the feeling among the French can be summed up by a blasé shrug. Every time a steamy sexual intrigue is laid bare near the corridors of Washington power, the French don't see what all the fuss is about. It's only sex, after all. It's impossible to imagine a French political leader resigning because of an extramarital indiscretion. If this rule were observed, the French parliament would be nearly vacant. The Petraeus affair: A lot more than sex The past five French presidents are known to have had at least one -- and in some cases, many more -- mistresses throughout their political career. The current resident of the Elysée Palace, Francois Hollande, has been caught in the middle of an embarrassing dispute between his previous and current female companions. The French, long used to regarding their leaders with cynical detachment, have been following this tormented domestic feud with interest and maybe some contempt. 1. Who was head of the CIA? 2. Is he still in charge? 3. What happened? 4. Who is in charge of US and NATO troops? 5. In which country? 6. How do the French feel about these events? 7. Where does the French president live? 8. How many French presidents haven't been faithful? 9. Have any had more than one mistress? 10. Who is the current president? 11. How could Petraeus's record be characterized? 12. What country is Petraeus from? 13. How many temptations are mentioned? 14. What's the first one? 15. And the second? 16. How many other people are in Hollande's dispute? 17. Who is one? 18. And the other? 19. How does Hollande feel about it? 20. Is it a domestic or international feud? **** answer:
1. David Petraeus 2. no 3. adultery 4. Gen. John Allen 5. Afghanistan 6. they don't see what all the fuss is about. 7. Elysée Palace 8. 6 including the current 9. yes 10. Francois Hollande, 11. a distinguished military commander. 12. America 13. Two 14. human folly 15. self-destruction 16. Two 17. previous female companion 18. current female companion 19. embarrassed 20. domestic
[Q]: I went to bed. What is the cause? OPTIONS: - It was a clear night. - It was late. [A]: It was late. [Q]: The girl made a wish. cause: OPTIONS: - She saw a black cat. - She saw a shooting star. [A]: She saw a shooting star. [Q]: cause? The girl shared her lunch with her friend. OPTIONS: - Her friend forgot to bring his lunch. - Her friend sat next to her at lunch. **** [A]: Her friend forgot to bring his lunch. QUES: The bar closed. What is a plausible cause? OPTIONS: - It was crowded. - It was 3 AM. ANS: It was 3 AM. Question: I excused myself from the group. What is the cause? OPTIONS: - I turned off my phone. - My phone rang. Answer: My phone rang. [Q]: effect? The police officer pulled over the celebrity. OPTIONS: - The celebrity offered the officer a bribe. - The celebrity sued the police officer. **** [A]:
The celebrity offered the officer a bribe.
Here is a premise: "A large bird has its wings spread above a body of water" Here is a hypothesis: "The bird is a flightless bird." .Does the premise tell us whether the hypothesis is true? Possible answers: a). yes; b). it is not possible to tell; c). no;
Instructions: In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Input: Context: In vertebrates the gallbladder (also gall bladder, biliary vesicle or cholecyst) is a small organ where bile (a fluid produced by the liver) is stored and concentrated before it is released into the small intestine. Humans can live without a gallbladder. The surgical removal of the gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy., Bilirubin (formerly referred to as haematoidin and discovered by Rudolf Virchow in 1847) is a yellow compound that occurs in the normal catabolic pathway that breaks down heme in vertebrates. This catabolism is a necessary process in the body's clearance of waste products that arise from the destruction of aged red blood cells. First the hemoglobin gets stripped of the heme molecule which thereafter passes through various processes of porphyrin catabolism, depending on the part of the body in which the breakdown occurs. For example, the molecules excreted in the urine differ from those in the feces. The production of biliverdin from heme is the first major step in the catabolic pathway, after which the enzyme biliverdin reductase performs the second step, producing bilirubin from biliverdin. , A bile duct is any of a number of long tube - like structures that carry bile . Bile , required for the digestion of food , is secreted by the liver into passages that carry bile toward the hepatic duct , which joins with the cystic duct ( carrying bile to and from the gallbladder ) to form the common bile duct , which opens into the intestine . The biliary tree ( see below ) is the whole network of various sized ducts branching through the liver . The path is as follows : Bile canaliculi Canals of Hering interlobular bile ducts intrahepatic bile ducts left and right hepatic ducts merge to form common hepatic duct exits liver and joins cystic duct ( from gall bladder ) forming common bile duct joins with pancreatic duct forming ampulla of Vater enters duodenum, Vertebrates comprise all species of animals within the subphylum Vertebrata (chordates with backbones). Vertebrates represent the overwhelming majority of the phylum Chordata, with currently about 64,000 species described. Vertebrates include the jawless fish and the jawed vertebrates, which include the cartilaginous fish (sharks and rays) and the bony fish. , Lecithin (from the Greek "lekithos", "egg yolk") is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownish fatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues, which are amphiphilic - they attract both water and fatty substances (and so are both hydrophilic and lipophilic), and are used for smoothing food textures, dissolving powders (emulsifying), homogenizing liquid mixtures, and repelling sticking materials. Lecithins are usually phospholipids, composed of phosphoric acid with choline, glycerol or other fatty acids usually glycolipids or triglyceride. Glycerophospholipids in lecithin include phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid., The liver is a vital organ of vertebrates and some other animals. In the human, it is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm. The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion., Bile or gall is a dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrates, that aids the digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In humans, bile is produced continuously by the liver (liver bile), and stored and concentrated in the gallbladder (gallbladder bile). After eating, this stored bile is discharged into the duodenum. The composition of gallbladder bile is 97% water, 0.7% bile salts, 0.2% bilirubin, 0.51% fats (cholesterol, fatty acids and lecithin), and 200 meq/l inorganic salts., The duodenum is the first section of the small intestine in most higher vertebrates, including mammals, reptiles, and birds. In fish, the divisions of the small intestine are not as clear, and the terms anterior intestine or proximal intestine may be used instead of duodenum. In mammals the duodenum may be the principal site for iron absorption., In biology, lipids comprise a group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, and others. The main biological functions of lipids include storing energy, signaling, and acting as structural components of cell membranes. Lipids have applications in the cosmetic and food industries as well as in nanotechnology., Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble food molecules so that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. In certain organisms, these smaller substances are absorbed through the small intestine into the blood stream. Digestion is a form of catabolism that is often divided into two processes based on how food is broken down: mechanical and chemical digestion. The term mechanical digestion refers to the physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces which can subsequently be accessed by digestive enzymes. In chemical digestion, enzymes break down food into the small molecules the body can use., The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food., Cholesterol, from the Ancient Greek "chole-" (bile) and "stereos" (solid) followed by the chemical suffix "-ol" for an alcohol, is an organic molecule. It is a sterol (or modified steroid), a type of lipid molecule, and is biosynthesized by all animal cells, because it is an essential structural component of all animal cell membranes; essential to maintain both membrane structural integrity and fluidity. Cholesterol enables animal cells to dispense with a cell wall (to protect membrane integrity and cell viability), thereby allowing animal cells to change shape and animals to move (unlike bacteria and plant cells, which are restricted by their cell walls)., Subject: bile duct, Relation: subclass_of, Options: (A) alcohol (B) ancient greek (C) animal (D) biology (E) brown (F) change (G) digestion (H) eating (I) energy (J) enzyme (K) fat (L) feces (M) fish (N) fluid (O) food (P) function (Q) greek (R) green (S) iron (T) liquid (U) majority (V) nanotechnology (W) organ (X) part (Y) plant (Z) process ([) production (\) red (]) second (^) section (_) species (`) steroid (a) sterol (b) stream (c) suffix (d) vertebrata (e) water (f) yellow Output:
In this task, you're given two sentences. Indicate if the first sentence clearly entails the second sentence (i.e., one can conclude the 2nd sentence by reading the 1st one). Indicate your answer with '1' if the first sentence entails the second sentence, otherwise answer with '0'. [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Polish-born Pope John Paul II, credited for inspiring Poland's return to democracy after more than 40 years of communism, is expected to dedicate the church during his visit next summer. Sentence 2: Pope John Paul II was born in Poland. [EX A]: 1 [EX Q]: Sentence 1: It uses the first day of the first month of the Lunar Year as the start of the Chinese New Year. Sentence 2: The Chinese New Year's Day falls on the first day of the first month of the Lunar Year. [EX A]: 1 [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas has offered 'the hand of peace' to Israel after his landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election. Sentence 2: Mahmoud Abbas has claimed victory in the presidential elections. [EX A]:
Of the below sentences, which one does *not* make sense? Options: - Sentence A: "The game could not end until the team scored the goal." - Sentence B: "The football team scored a goal in the last few minutes of the game." Let's be accurate as possible. So think first.
Games end when the time is up, not when a team scores a goal. The final answer: Sentence A.
Teacher: You will be given a sentence. Check whether the sentence is grammatically correct and is meaningful. If the sentence is grammatically correct, then answer with '1', otherwise answer with '0'. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Our friends won't buy this analysis, let alone the next one we propose. Solution: 1 Reason: Since all the entities are in thier correct positions the statement is grammatically correct.Hence, the output is 1. Now, solve this instance: Willy is taller than Bill by as much as it is believed that Joe is taller than Dan. Student:
q... "Ca n't Help Falling in Love" is a pop ballad originally recorded by American singer Elvis Presley and published by Gladys Music, Elvis Presley's publishing company. It was written by Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore and George David Weiss. The melody is based on "Plaisir d'amour" (1784), a popular romance by Jean-Paul-Égide Martini (1741 -- 1816). It was featured in Elvis Presley's 1961 film, Blue Hawaii. During the following four decades, it was recorded by numerous other artists, including Tom Smothers, British reggae group UB40, whose 1993 version topped the U.S. and UK charts, and Swedish pop group A-Teens. Answer this question: can't help falling in love who wrote it? a... To answer the above question, the relevant sentence is: It was written by Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore and George David Weiss. The answer is Hugo Peretti q... Six of the Earth's seven continents are permanently inhabited on a large scale. Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.54 billion inhabitants accounting for 60 % of the world population. The world's two most populated countries, China and India, together constitute about 37 % of the world's population. Africa is the second most populated continent, with around 1.28 billion people, or 16 % of the world's population. Europe's 742 million people make up 10 % of the world's population as of 2018, while the Latin American and Caribbean regions are home to around 651 million (9 %). Northern America, primarily consisting of the United States and Canada, has a population of around 363 million (5 %), and Oceania, the least-populated region, has about 41 million inhabitants (0.5 %). Though it is not permanently inhabited by any fixed population, Antarctica has a small, fluctuating international population based mainly in polar science stations. This population tends to rise in the summer months and decrease significantly in winter, as visiting researchers return to their home countries. How much of the worlds population is asian? a... The relevant information to answer the above question is: Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.54 billion inhabitants accounting for 60 % of the world population. The answer is 60 % q... In archaeology, rock art is human-made markings placed on natural stone; it is largely synonymous with parietal art. A global phenomenon, rock art is found in many culturally diverse regions of the world. It has been produced in many contexts throughout human history, although the majority of rock art that has been ethnographically recorded has been produced as a part of ritual. Such artworks are often divided into three forms: petroglyphs, which are carved into the rock surface, pictographs, which are painted onto the surface, and earth figures, formed on the ground. The oldest known rock art dates from the Upper Palaeolithic period, having been found in Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Archaeologists studying these artworks believe that they likely had magico-religious significance. What is the art of drawing or painting on stone called? a... To answer the question, consider the following: Such artworks are often divided into three forms: petroglyphs, which are carved into the rock surface, pictographs, which are painted onto the surface, and earth figures, formed on the ground. The answer is pictographs q... Italy is one of the most successful national teams in the history of the World Cup, having won four titles (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006), just one fewer than Brazil. The team was present in 18 out of the 21 tournaments, reaching six finals, a third place and a fourth place. Answer this question based on the passage: how many times has itay won the world cup? a...
This is the relevant information: Italy is one of the most successful national teams in the history of the World Cup, having won four titles (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006), just one fewer than Brazil. The answer is four
Is "In the US, starting in 2013, under the Physician Financial Transparency Reports (part of the Sunshine Act), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has to collect information from applicable manufacturers and group purchasing organizations in order to report information about their financial relationships with physicians and hospitals." a good answer to the question "Where can financial relationships between Medicaid, Medicare and pharmaceutical companies be found?"
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Grande dame of cooking still going strong at 90: Julia Child celebrates in San Francisco. How does it feel to turn 90 and have attained the status of an icon, a living legend? "It feels just like it felt before," Julia Child says with the throaty laugh familiar to millions who cut their culinary teeth on her "French Chef" television series. The show, along with her seminal book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" (1961), revolutionized the way America cooks and eats. While making light of the difference a day -- or another decade -- makes, Child intends to enjoy her birthday thoroughly. First, there will be all the public observances, including a sold-out dinner Thursday at San Francisco's tony Fifth Floor restaurant, which -- like dinners that night at 19 other venues across the country -- will benefit the scholarship fund of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (which Child co-founded). Friday to Sunday, the action moves to Napa, with both members-only and public events at COPIA: The American Center for Wine, Food and the Arts, of which she is an honorary board member. Aug. 15, her actual birthday, will see her in Maine at an annual gathering of nieces, nephews, their offspring and friends, who for many years have rolled a joined birthday celebration for several members of the group into a jolly reunion. The schedule Child and her assistant of 14 years, former pastry chef Stephanie Hersh, have laid out is not exactly a senior-citizen routine, even though Child has always been candid about her age and realistic in assessing her own capabilities. When the Pasadena native moved back to California from her long-time home in the Boston area last year, she also made the move from a condominium she and her late husband, Paul, had purchased many years ago to a progressive retirement home. She is in the most active of the four levels available, but should the need arise, she can move on to assisted living facilities within the same complex. <sep>As Julia Child turns 90, she will celebrate in San Francisco. The celebration will host many sold out dinners that will benefit which dear charity of Child's?<sep>COPIA A: No **** Q: ( -- Chris Rock is an Emmy-winning comedian, devoted husband and loving father --but it's time to get to know a new side of this funnyman. Meet Chris Rock, hair expert. It's a detour he took after an innocent carpool ride left Rock with an idea he just couldn't shake. "I was with my daughter one day, and we're in the car and she's with one of her friends in the back seat, a little white friend," he says. "She was just kind of raving about her friend's hair a little too much for my comfort [saying]: 'You've got great hair. Oh, your hair's so good.'" Not wanting to make her comments a big deal, Rock says he tried to play his them off. "[I said]: "Oh, baby, your hair's beautiful. Come on,'" he says. "If I would have really reacted, then she would have a complex about her hair." Still, Rock couldn't let it go. "It sparked something in me," he says. Oprah's hair throughout the years! What Rock discovered is a $9 billion industry that affects the daily activities, wallets, self-esteem -- and even the sex lives -- of black women. Because women spend so much time and money on their hair, Rock says men are forced to adopt a hands-off policy. "You cannot touch a black woman's hair. You are conditioned not to even go there," he says. "When I was a dating guy, I dated women from different races. Anytime I was with an Asian or a Puerto Rican girl or a white girl, my hands would constantly be in their hair. <sep>Which women do not allow men to touch their hair, according to Chris Rock?<sep>White women A: No **** Q: Water flowing over Earths surface or underground causes erosion and deposition. Water flowing over a steeper slope moves faster and causes more erosion. How water transports particles depends on their size. When water slows down, it starts depositing sediment. This process starts with the largest particles first. Runoff erodes the land after a heavy rain. It picks up sediment. Runoff carries most of the sediment to bodies of water. Mountain streams erode narrow, V-shaped valleys and waterfalls. Erosion and deposition by slow-flowing rivers create broad floodplains and meanders. Deposition by streams and rivers may form alluvial fans and deltas. Floodwaters may deposit natural levees. Erosion and deposition by groundwater can form caves and sinkholes. Stalactites and stalagmites are mineral deposits. They build up in caves as water continues to drip. <sep>What kind of deposits build up in caves as water continues to drip?<sep>Oil deposits A:
No ****
Generate a correct and concise answer for the question based on the words in the context. Example Input: Context : ISO 3166-2:KN is the entry for Saint Kitts and Nevis in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1. Question : Who set the standards for ISO 3166-2:KN? Example Output: International Organization for Standardization Example Input: Context : The 1522 Vila Franca earthquake, alternately the 1522 Vila Franca landslide (Portuguese: Subversão de Vila Franca or Terramoto de Vila Franca) refers to the great earthquake and landslides that occurred between 21--22 October 1522, in the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo (then provincial capital), on the island of São Miguel, in the Portuguese archipelago of the Azores. Question : The date of 1522 Vila Franca earthquake? Example Output: 22 October 1522 Example Input: Context : Ole Hannibal Sommerfelt (3 March 1753 -- 6 April 1821) was a Norwegian jurist, civil servant and topographer. Question : What was the date of death for Ole Hannibal Sommerfelt? Example Output:
6 April 1821
Read the following paragraph and extract the answer for the question: What contains an ornately carved fireplace? In comparison to other rooms within the castle, Lord Bute's Bedroom, sited above the Winch Room, is relatively small and simple. The original plan had Bute's personal accommodation in the Keep but the expansion of the Drawing Room to a double-height room in 1879 required a late change of plan. The bedroom contains an ornately carved fireplace. Doors lead off the room to an internal balcony overlooking the courtyard and to the bretache over the gate arch. The furniture is mainly by Chapple and post-dates Burges, although the washstand and dressing table are pared-down versions of two pieces – the Narcissus Washstand and the Crocker Dressing Table – that Burges made for his own home in London, The Tower House.This bedroom is also less richly ornamented than many in the castle, making extensive use of plain, stencilled geometrical patterns on the walls. Crook suggested this provided some "spartan" relief before the culmination of the castle in Lady Bute's Bedroom but Floud considered the result "thin" and drab in comparison with the more richly decorated chambers. The bedroom would have been impractical for regular use, lacking wardrobes and other storage. The answer to this question is:
Lord Bute's Bedroom
Teacher:In this task, you are given news articles and you need to generate a highlight, i.e., a short summary, with a maximum length of 10 lines. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: During 15 years of talking to high school students about sex and bullying, Laurie Halse Anderson has continued to get the same questions from boys: Why was the main character in her book, "Speak," so upset about what happened to her? Didn't she want the attention of one of the popular boys? And why was the impact so traumatic? Anderson, who published the award-winning novel in 1999, believes the questions come from an honest place. They're teen boys, after all, growing up in a society where media and pop culture tell them women are created for sexual gratification. They're not used to reading novels that feature characters like Melinda Sordino, a teen who is raped by a classmate at a house party. As her classmates and neighbors go to great lengths to protect her attacker, Melinda plunges into near-silence, refusing to say what happened while still feeling ostracized by her classmates. Fifteen years after its publication, society has shed some of the stigma associated with sexual violence, but the conflict at the heart of "Speak" still shows up in headlines, from Steubenville, Ohio, to Maryville, Missouri. And yet, many parents still struggle to find the words or the courage to talk to teens about sex and intimacy, Anderson said. As a mother who raised four girls, Anderson knows that parents today are navigating uncharted territory when it comes to adolescent sexuality, and they're doing it earlier than parents in other generations. Talking to teens about sexuality, intimacy and consent is urgent, she said. "We've fallen down on our responsibility to our children by somehow creating this world where they're surrounded by images of sexuality; and yet, we as adults struggle to talk to kids honestly about sex, the rules of dignity and consent," she said. "So many teens out there are operating in a vacuum, they're operating in adult situations without any adult support or advice." For the 15th anniversary of "Speak," Anderson is lending her support to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, a resource for survivors of sexual violence. Macmillan, the publisher of "Speak," is matching donations to the organization in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Anderson said she wrote "Speak" based on her own experience of being raped as a teen. She struggled for years to find the words or the courage to express what she'd gone through. Much has changed since then, she said, and "Speak" has become required reading in some schools across the country. Scores of students still describe the same struggles to Anderson, and she often directs them to the RAINN hot line, she said. Over the years, more resources have emerged for survivors of sexual violence, especially online. Today, if you're a victim of any crime, including sexual violence, you can go online and "find someone who's walked in your shoes who can help you make sense of what happened," she said. "I do see reduction of shame, which is very good. We still have a long way to go yet.That's the reason many victims don't come forward. That feeling is understandable, but it's why we still need to do more to reduce the stigma around rape," she said. While the Internet brings people together and creates supportive communities, it has also become the source of damaging images and intense bullying, she said. "We as a culture are still figuring out how to teach our children the awesome parts of the Internet and cell phones and new media, but we also have to figure out how to keep them safe," she said. Although many students first encountered "Speak" in high schools, it's now being taught in middle schools, Anderson said. She thinks it's an acknowledgment that sex education needs to start earlier if we want to help teens feel comfortable talking openly about sex and what feels right and wrong. She believes parents can be more involved, too; just take a deep breath and commit to talking about sex and what constitutes consent, she said. "Because boys and girls can be victims of rape, we need to try to teach them to make decisions about life that keep them safe, sober and with people they can trust, and make sure people who might be inclined to rape -- who think they can get away with it -- know they can't get away from it. "It used to be that we teach girls not to be raped, but we need to start teaching boys not to be rapists, and that's a really hard thing for parents of boys to process," she said. "No one wants to think of their sons as rapists. "We are a culture who is right now in 2014 finally having the conversation that it actually doesn't matter what a woman is wearing, you're not supposed to rape her. I think we're all trying to find the right language surrounding sexual assault. I'm optimistic that we're heading in a better direction as a culture." The term "young adult lit" was hardly in use when Anderson wrote "Speak." She didn't set out to be a public touchstone in the genre, she said. A teacher who uses "Speak" in her classroom told Anderson that she calls it "resilience literature," a term Anderson said she is proud of. "Speak" is about teen rape, the pressures of high school and the insularity of small-town life, but most importantly, it's about overcoming stigma, Anderson said. "That can be the most painstaking aspect of being a teen, figuring out what the world really looks like," she said. "If you find someone in a book, you know you're not alone and that's what's so comforting about books." Student:
Real talk about sex among families is more important than ever, "Speak" author says . Laurie Halse Anderson's acclaimed young adult novel "Speak" turns 15 this year . The novel's central themes -- teen rape and stigma -- are still relevant, Anderson says .
Reconstruct a question, answer pair from this explanation: Medals are made of metals or PVC and can never be made from rice.
Q:Pick which sentence is not logical. Options: - Sentence A: "He won the rice medal in a race" - Sentence B: "He won the gold medal in a race" A:Sentence A
Bethanie Mattek-Sands and Coco Vandeweghe were the defending champions, but chose not to participate together. Mattek-Sands played alongside Lucie Šafářová, but lost in the semifinals to Chan Yung-jan and Martina Hingis. Vandeweghe teamed up with Shelby Rogers, but lost in the first round to Andreja Klepač and María José Martínez Sánchez. Vandewegheg had a match against Sanchez and Rogers, which Vandewegheg lost in the first round against them. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Ratatouille is a video game based on the Pixar film of the same name. It was developed at Heavy Iron Studios and released by THQ, on June 26, 2007. "Ratatouille" was released on thirteen systems—Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox 360, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Microsoft Windows, OS X, J2ME, and mobile phone. THQ was created on June 26, 2005. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Swaay is the debut EP by American band DNCE. The EP was released worldwide on October 23, 2015, by Republic Records. The majority of the EP was co-produced and co-written by lead singer and frontman Joe Jonas. The EP debuted at number 39 on the US "Billboard" 200. Swaay was released all over the world. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Given a paragraph from a Wikipedia article about some topic, and a question related to the topic, determine whether the question is answerable from the paragraph. If the question is answerable, answer "True", otherwise, answer "False". The incentive to use 100% renewable energy, for electricity, transport, or even total primary energy supply globally, has been motivated by global warming and other ecological as well as economic concerns. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has said that there are few fundamental technological limits to integrating a portfolio of renewable energy technologies to meet most of total global energy demand. In reviewing 164 recent scenarios of future renewable energy growth, the report noted that the majority expected renewable sources to supply more than 17% of total energy by 2030, and 27% by 2050; the highest forecast projected 43% supplied by renewables by 2030 and 77% by 2050. Renewable energy use has grown much faster than even advocates anticipated. At the national level, at least 30 nations around the world already have renewable energy contributing more than 20% of energy supply. Also, Professors S. Pacala and Robert H. Socolow have developed a series of "stabilization wedges" that can allow us to maintain our quality of life while avoiding catastrophic climate change, and "renewable energy sources," in aggregate, constitute the largest number of their "wedges." Question: What has incentivized people to use renewable energy?
input: Please answer the following: Determine the topic of the passage. "Its basic function is to transport water, but it also transports some nutrients through the plant." Topic: ++++++++++ output: Xylem Please answer this: Determine the topic of the passage. "The Serenity Prayer is the common name for an originally untitled prayer by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971)." Topic: ++++++++ Answer: Serenity Prayer Problem: Determine the topic of the passage. "Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743 O.S. ) – July 4, 1826) was an American Founding Father , the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the third President of the United States (1801–1809)." Topic: A: Thomas Jefferson Problem: Given the question: Determine the topic of the passage. "It uses an external power supply to make the DRAM non-volatile." Topic: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is: Solid-state drive input question: Determine the topic of the passage. "Homo erectus and Homo ergaster were the first of the hominina to leave Africa, and these species spread through Africa, Asia, and Europe between ." Topic:??? output answer: Human evolution input question: Determine the topic of the passage. "The color burgundy is similar to other shades of dark red such as maroon ." Topic:??? output answer:
Burgundy (color)
Q: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. The Juris Doctor degree (J.D. or JD), also known as the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree (J.D., JD, D.Jur. or DJur), is a graduate-entry professional degree in law and one of several Doctor of Law degrees. It is earned by completing law school in Australia, Canada and the United States, and some other common law countries. It has the academic standing of a professional doctorate in the United States, a master's degree in Australia, and a second-entry, baccalaureate degree in Canada, (in all three jurisdictions the same as other professional degrees such as M.D. or D.D.S., the degrees required to be a practicing physician or dentist, respectively). A:
are you a doctor if you have a jd?
Answer the question from the given passage. Your answer should be directly extracted from the passage, and it should be a single entity, name, or number, not a sentence. Q: Passage: The advances made in the Middle East in botany and chemistry led medicine in medieval Islam substantially to develop pharmacology. Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) (865–915), for instance, acted to promote the medical uses of chemical compounds. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) (936–1013) pioneered the preparation of medicines by sublimation and distillation. His Liber servitoris is of particular interest, as it provides the reader with recipes and explains how to prepare the `simples’ from which were compounded the complex drugs then generally used. Sabur Ibn Sahl (d 869), was, however, the first physician to initiate pharmacopoedia, describing a large variety of drugs and remedies for ailments. Al-Biruni (973–1050) wrote one of the most valuable Islamic works on pharmacology, entitled Kitab al-Saydalah (The Book of Drugs), in which he detailed the properties of drugs and outlined the role of pharmacy and the functions and duties of the pharmacist. Avicenna, too, described no less than 700 preparations, their properties, modes of action, and their indications. He devoted in fact a whole volume to simple drugs in The Canon of Medicine. Of great impact were also the works by al-Maridini of Baghdad and Cairo, and Ibn al-Wafid (1008–1074), both of which were printed in Latin more than fifty times, appearing as De Medicinis universalibus et particularibus by 'Mesue' the younger, and the Medicamentis simplicibus by 'Abenguefit'. Peter of Abano (1250–1316) translated and added a supplement to the work of al-Maridini under the title De Veneris. Al-Muwaffaq’s contributions in the field are also pioneering. Living in the 10th century, he wrote The foundations of the true properties of Remedies, amongst others describing arsenious oxide, and being acquainted with silicic acid. He made clear distinction between sodium carbonate and potassium carbonate, and drew attention to the poisonous nature of copper compounds, especially copper vitriol, and also lead compounds. He also describes the distillation of sea-water for drinking.[verification needed] Question: Who authored the Liber servitoris? A: Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi **** Q: Passage: The embargo had a negative influence on the US economy by causing immediate demands to address the threats to U.S. energy security. On an international level, the price increases changed competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. Macroeconomic problems consisted of both inflationary and deflationary impacts. The embargo left oil companies searching for new ways to increase oil supplies, even in rugged terrain such as the Arctic. Finding oil and developing new fields usually required five to ten years before significant production. Question: Which problem consists of both inflationary and deflationary impacts? A: Macroeconomic **** Q: Passage: The embargo had a negative influence on the US economy by causing immediate demands to address the threats to U.S. energy security. On an international level, the price increases changed competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. Macroeconomic problems consisted of both inflationary and deflationary impacts. The embargo left oil companies searching for new ways to increase oil supplies, even in rugged terrain such as the Arctic. Finding oil and developing new fields usually required five to ten years before significant production. Question: The oil crisis caused oil companies to increase oil supplies in which area? A:
Arctic ****
This is a paraphrasing task. In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence which express same meaning as the input using different words. Example Input: státní rozpočet ( 15 % ) — czk 472,18 ( in millions ) Example Output: state budget ( 15 % ) - czk 472,18 ( in millions ) Example Input: you see , he 's helpless locked in a sub-electronic dilemma between my direct orders and his basic inhibitions against harming rational beings . Example Output: you see , he has not been able to stop him from following the brutal dilemma between my direct orders and his basic bans to harm reasonable beings . Example Input: without this watermelon , all these pretty girls will stay sober , and we know what that means . Example Output:
no , no , no , without this watermelon , all the girls will be sober , and we all know what it means .
To answer the question, consider the following: The United States Championship is currently held by Baron Corbin, who is in his first reign. Baron Corbin Secondary titles in WWE include the WWE Intercontinental Championship for Raw and the WWE United States Championship for SmackDown. The Intercontinental Championship is currently held by The Miz, who is in his seventh reign. He won the title by defeating Dean Ambrose at Extreme Rules. The United States Championship is currently held by Baron Corbin, who is in his first reign. He won the title by defeating Tye Dillinger and former champion AJ Styles in a triple threat match at Hell in a Cell by pinning Dillinger. Based on this passage, who is the current us champion in wwe? This is the relevant information: Before this, the viceroy Lord Irwin announced in October 1929, a vague offer of' dominion status' for India in an unspecified future and a Round Table Conference to discuss a future constitution. The second round table conference which was held in 1931 the viceroy Lord Irwin Passage: The Gandhi -- Irwin Pact was a political agreement signed by Mahatma Gandhi and the then Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin on 5 March 1931 before the second Round Table Conference in London. Before this, the viceroy Lord Irwin announced in October 1929, a vague offer of' dominion status' for India in an unspecified future and a Round Table Conference to discuss a future constitution. The second round table conference which was held in 1931 Question: Based on this passage, who announced a vague offer of dominion status for india in 1929? To answer the question, consider the following: When the shooting began, country music singer Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance. country music singer Jason Aldean
The mass shooting occurred between 10: 05 and 10: 15 p.m. PDT on October 1, 2017, which was the third and final night of the festival. When the shooting began, country music singer Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance. Based on this passage, who was playing during the las vegas shooting?
In July 2009 , video director Derek Pike shot a video for the single `` 24k Rap '' featuring Havoc and Raekwon . In July 2009 , video director Derek Pike shot a video for the single “ 24k Rap ” with Havoc and Raekwon . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? yes This victory repeated this victory in an Opel Astra in 2003 with Reuter , Marcel Tiemann , Volker Strycek and Timo Scheider . This victory repeated in an Opel Astra in 2003 this victory with Reuter , Timo Scheider , Volker Strycek and Marcel Tiemann . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? yes The Edmonton Oilers became the first NHL team in Alberta as they were absorbed by the National Hockey League when the WHA folded . The Edmonton Oilers were the first NHL team in Alberta when they were absorbed by the National Hockey League as the WHA folds . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other? yes On 24 May 2017 , Lajunen signed a 1-year contract with KHL from HC Spartak Moscow . On May 24 , 2017 Lajunen signed a 1-year contract with KHL from HC Spartak Moscow . Are these two sentences paraphrases of each other?
Multi-choice problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: B: I understand we are doing care of the elderly, right? A: Yes. B: And how do you feel about putting someone in the nursing home? A: Well, I don't think that uh, any of my relatives would really like to go there. Hypothesis: some of her relatives would really like to go there Select from the following. (1). Yes (2). No (3). It's impossible to say
They are dressed in biking gear with protective helmets and clothing. They are going on hilly slopes and uneven terrain on their motorbikes. they OPTIONS: - use an intertube and continue riding through hilly, wooded areas. - are going down the hill through tall hilly hills. - go through extremely steep and dangerous dirt roads at high speed. - continue wheeling and adjusting with the use of their paddles and the pedals, making progress with speed. go through extremely steep and dangerous dirt roads at high speed. How to find a honeymoon venue in the bahamas Determine your budget for your honeymoon. Knowing exactly how much you can spend on travel, accommodation and expenses will help narrow down your search for a honeymoon venue in the bahamas. Choose when you want to travel. OPTIONS: - It may not be the best time for a honeymoon. Mexico may close during the summer as the weather changes, but paris may close during the winter, and the sun may change after mid-august. - Staying in the bahamas for a couple of months won't be worth it if you find yourself spending it all on yourself. Focusing on travel for a couple of years you would still rather go on dates where you stay there for the same amount of time instead, so that you can take some of that money on trip. - The bahamas has a moderate climate all year round, but the summer months are more humid due to the rainy season. Because the climate is dryer and there's less chance of rain in the winter, the bahamas are busier and prices of flights and accommodations are higher than during the summer months. - Is it currently april or april? The bahamas offers no seasons during that time. In fact, the time of year in which they offer many days is exponential to almost all tropical vacations when in fact it does not matter if you intend to travel for a more rustic experience or a more showy stay. The bahamas has a moderate climate all year round, but the summer months are more humid due to the rainy season. Because the climate is dryer and there's less chance of rain in the winter, the bahamas are busier and prices of flights and accommodations are higher than during the summer months. Then he takes a spray bottle and sprays his hair with water and combs it. He then takes a razor and begins shaving the sides and the back of his head. he OPTIONS: - then removes the razors and puts water in the sink. - separate his hair and tapes it back together. - takes a pair of scissors and starts trimming the top part of hair. - pushes the hair out from underneath with a toothbrush. takes a pair of scissors and starts trimming the top part of hair. A woman is seen getting makeup put on and leads into two women speaking. One woman then begins putting makeup on the other while still speaking. they OPTIONS: - continue to put makeup on the girl and she shows it off. - try again and two women are seen putting makeup on the other as well. - then play a game of table tennis while speaking. - continue to speak while more people wearing makeup come into frame and end by getting a cigarette and smoke it.
continue to put makeup on the girl and she shows it off.
Q: You are given a passage. You need to construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) its answer is the whole paragraph. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph. The puzzle was designed by Howard Garns, a retired architect and freelance puzzle constructor, and first published in 1979. Most likely inspired by the Latin square invention of Leonhard Euler, Garns added a third dimension (the regional restriction) to the mathematical construct and (unlike Euler) presented the creation as a puzzle, providing a partially-completed grid and requiring the solver to fill in the rest. The puzzle was first published in New York by the specialist puzzle publisher Dell Magazines in its magazine Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games, under the title Number Place (which we can only assume Garns named it).\n\nIt was popularized by Nikoli in Japan, who gave it the current name of "Sudoku. A:
who invented sudoku?
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Input: Consider Input: passage: Hornets have stings used to kill prey and defend hives. Hornet stings are more painful to humans than typical wasp stings because hornet venom contains a large amount (5%) of acetylcholine. Individual hornets can sting repeatedly; unlike honey bees, hornets and wasps do not die after stinging because their stingers are not barbed and are not pulled out of their bodies. question: do bees and hornets have the same venom? Output: No Input: Consider Input: passage: A prison, also known as a correctional facility, jail, gaol (dated, British and Australian English), penitentiary (American English), detention center (American English), or remand center is a facility in which inmates are forcibly confined and denied a variety of freedoms under the authority of the state. Prisons are most commonly used within a criminal justice system: people charged with crimes may be imprisoned until their trial; those pleading or being found guilty of crimes at trial may be sentenced to a specified period of imprisonment. question: are prisons and correctional facilities the same thing? Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: passage: The large intestine, also known as the large bowel or colon, is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates. Water is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation. question: is the large intestine also called the colon?
Output: Yes
Detailed Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Malay language. Problem:While Los Lunas managed several rebounds, they were unable to get any baskets over the outstretched arms of Moya and Thompson. Solution:
Sementara Los Lunas menangani beberapa lantunan, mereka tidak mendapat sebarang jaringan melepasi tangan terentang Moya dan Thompson.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". When 74-year-old Penny Sweat was evicted from the HUD-subsidized Glendale Senior Housing in Salt Lake City last month, she moved to a nonsubsidized apartment at five times her previous rent because she was unaware of her rights. It turns out the manager of the seniors complex, its attorneys and government overseers were unaware, too. Lee Kemp, a hearing-impaired World War II disabled vet, also was evicted, but he contacted Utah Legal Services and was told to stay put. Attorney Marty Blaustein then notified Utah Nonprofit Housing Corp., the building's owner, that Kemp's eviction was not legal and that he had a right to a hearing. That didn't stop Utah Nonprofit Housing's attorneys from then sending Kemp a summons to show cause why he had not moved out. Meanwhile, Sweat's granddaughter called Salt Lake City housing officials, federal housing officials, state officials and several agents of Utah Nonprofit Housing to find out about her grandmother's rights. Nobody knew. Blaustein then took Sweat's case along with Kemp's and demanded her ousting be rectified. Utah Nonprofit Housing President Marion Willey returned from an out-of-town trip and learned HUD procedures were not followed. The eviction was activated because of ongoing personality conflicts among seniors in the complex, he said, and the new building manager decided the problems were with Sweat and Kemp. Several tenants blame other neighbors as perpetrators of the rift, however. Willey said when his building manager called attorneys retained by the company, they erroneously told her she could go ahead and kick out the tenants. When she called HUD to make sure, the inquiry got bogged down in bureaucracy and nobody called her back. Willey says he has offered Sweat and Kemp apartments in another complex operated by his company at their old rates. He also is retaining new attorneys. <sep>Who called HUD to make sure she was allowed to kick out the tenants?<sep>Penny
This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Some even claimed that he was the reason she divorced.
Algunos llegaron a afirmar que él era el motivo por el que se divorció.
Miliband pledges to strengthen minimum wage 0 OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Portugal-China to strengthen scientific research ties Audi to buy motorcycle maker Ducati 1 OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 Probe into motor insurance market n.r. mohanty stated that an agreement had been signed between the defense research and development organisation, hindustan aeronautics limited and the indian air force to upgrade india's ageing fleet of mig-27 m aircraft. 3 OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 mohanty stated that the upgrade will be done soon as it has almost been finalised by the defense research and development organisation, hindustan aeronautics limited and the indian air force. A woman mixes a beauty treatment in a glass. 4 OPTIONS: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
A woman is mixing a cream in a glass with a spoon.
In this task, you are given Wikipedia articles on a range of topics, we ask you to write a question based on the content of the articles that can be answered in a binary manner i.e. True or False. Example Input: Vertebra -- The vertebral arch is formed by pedicles and laminae. Two pedicles extend from the sides of the vertebral body to join the body to the arch. The pedicles are short thick processes that extend, one from each side, posteriorly, from the junctions of the posteriolateral surfaces of the centrum, on its upper surface. From each pedicle a broad plate, a lamina, projects backwards and medialwards to join and complete the vertebral arch and form the posterior border of the vertebral foramen, which completes the triangle of the vertebral foramen. The upper surfaces of the laminae are rough to give attachment to the ligamenta flava. These ligaments connect the laminae of adjacent vertebra along the length of the spine from the level of the second cervical vertebra. Above and below the pedicles are shallow depressions called vertebral notches (superior and inferior). When the vertebrae articulate the notches align with those on adjacent vertebrae and these form the openings of the intervertebral foramina. The foramina allow the entry and exit of the spinal nerves from each vertebra, together with associated blood vessels. The articulating vertebrae provide a strong pillar of support for the body. Example Output: do spinal nerves pass through the transverse foramina Example Input: Bicycle helmet laws by country -- Australia was the first country to enact mandatory bicycle helmet use for all cyclists. Mexico City has had mandatory cycle helmet laws repealed, and in Italy the Federazione Italiana Amici della Bicicletta managed to block a proposed helmet law. While bicycle helmets are not required to be worn by law in the United Kingdom the British Medical Association advocates the compulsory use of helmets. Cyclists' Touring Club, the largest cycling advocacy organisation in the UK, consider helmet wearing as personal choice rather than being mandated by legislation. In 2002 an attempt was made to introduce bicycle helmet legislation in Poland but it was opposed by cyclists' organisations. Example Output: is it the law to wear a bicycle helmet in uk Example Input: Antihistamine -- Second-generation antihistamines cross the blood--brain barrier to a much lower degree than the first-generation antihistamines. Their main benefit is they primarily affect peripheral histamine receptors and therefore are less sedating. However, high doses can still induce drowsiness through acting on the central nervous system. Some second-generation antihistamines, notably cetirizine, can interact with CNS psychoactive drugs such as bupropion and benzodiazepines. Example Output:
do second generation antihistamines cross the blood brain barrier
"Lyra" is a song written, produced, and performed by British recording artist Kate Bush, from the 2007 soundtrack album "The Golden Compass" from the film of the same name. It is used in the closing credits of the film. Bush was commissioned to write the song, with the request that it make reference to the lead character, Lyra Belacqua. Can we draw the following conclusion? Kate bush writes songs in the early 2000's Select from the following. +Yes; +It's impossible to say; +No;
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. The results are in, and this year’s best jobs may look a little different from years past. Job search site Indeed has crunched the numbers to help identify the jobs workers love most. In particular, the site focused on salary, looking at jobs that have a baseline salary of $75,000, and abundance of opportunity—positions whose listings have seen the most growth on the Indeed site since 2014. As is to be expected, tech jobs performed well, but this year’s list saw some industry diversity. The No. 1 spot for 2018 went to commercial project manager, which landed at No. 19 last year. According to Indeed’s findings, commercial project managers, who are responsible for developing and overseeing profitable projects and contracts from inception to completion, earn an average base salary of $81,023. Job postings for these roles have grown 277% in the last three years. Full stack developer, the No. 1 job in 2017, came in at No. 2 this year. Computer vision engineer, machine learning engineer, and preconstruction manager rounded out the top five. Indeed's list of best jobs of 2018. Preconstruction manager, the individual responsible for planning a construction project prior to its start, is a newcomer to the list. In fact, 16 jobs are new entries on 2018’s ranking. They draw from a range of industries, including construction and healthcare. ||||| Think of your ideal job: What makes it the “best”? Responses will vary from person to person, but factors such as work environment, job security and satisfaction, culture, career potential and salary matter to us all. Nowadays, there’s more data than ever on what makes a job good, great or the best. And in our hyperconnected world employees have instant access to online tools that empower them to share exactly what it is that they like or don’t like in a job or company. These raves (and, at times, rants) help others identify what their best job could be, and where they might find it. To identify the best jobs in America in 2018 we here at Indeed focused on two factors: salary (jobs with a baseline salary of at least $75,000) and abundance of opportunity (jobs which have seen the most growth on Indeed since 2014). Some of these jobs require many years of education; others don’t even require a college degree. However, they all require skill, commitment and excellent results. Want to know more? Read on! Here are the best jobs of 2018 Last year tech roles dominated the best jobs results, but the 2018 rankings contain a wider variety of industries, with a particularly strong showing for construction and healthcare-related roles. Overall, 16 jobs appeared in the results that we didn’t see last year. And as for which job came first—commercial project manager leapt from # 19 in 2017 to the number one spot this year—propelled by an average base salary of $81,023 and an impressive 277% growth in job postings between 2014 and 2017. Construction time again Not only are construction jobs booming, but many of them are making their debut on our best jobs list. Preconstruction manager (#5), construction estimator (#12), and construction manager (#19) are newcomers. Meanwhile, construction superintendent moved from # 24 on last year’s list to 6th place in 2018, with an overall 122% growth in postings since 2014. Why so many construction jobs? In a recent post, Indeed Chief Economist Jed Kolko noted that this is part of a wider trend: the construction sector, along with mining, has seen the fastest job growth year over year as of this past December. Construction spending is soaring and three-quarters of employers in the sector reported plans to add staff in 2018. Office construction in particular—largely moribund since the recession—is experiencing a revival. Who can do these jobs? Managerial level construction jobs vary when it comes to education requirements. Many companies preferring at minimum a bachelor’s degree in a construction-related field or equivalent experience working in construction. However, some jobs require only a high school diploma plus experience. One concern for the construction industry? Indeed research shows that construction searches are actually trending downward—so employers will need to be proactive when it comes to sourcing the talent they need. Tech jobs still going strong Although the world of tech may not be quite as dominant on the best jobs front as it was last year, it is still going strong—with full stack developer (last year’s number one), computer vision engineer, and machine learning engineer holding the second, third and fourth spots respectively. The rise of the machine learning engineer is particularly striking. This role shot up from 17th place in 2017 to #4 in 2018, likely reflecting increasing interest in AI and robotics. Data scientist, however, cooled a little, dropping from its previous second place ranking to eighth this year. We also see some tech newcomers in the ranks of “best jobs.” Agile coach (#11), product owner (#21) and user experience researcher (#23), are all new to the best jobs list. An agile coach helps a team adopt agile methods and practices in order to better go about development, while a product owner is responsible for working with the user group to determine what features to include in a new product. A user experience researcher seeks to establish facts, find problems and reach new conclusions related to user-centered design, via interviews, usability testing and other means. Healthcare roles and more add variety to this year’s best jobs Healthcare-related jobs are also prominent this year, with roles such as optometrist (#7), staff pharmacist (# 16), senior clinical specialist (#22) and registered nurses with a specialization in infusion (#24) making the final results. Out of these healthcare roles, optometrist ranks the highest and has seen a 118% growth in job postings from 2014 – 2017. Registered nurses specializing in infusions are also doing well—job postings have risen by 19% over the past few years. In fact, as we explored in a recent post, “RN” and “registered nurse” ranked among the top ten most-searched terms overall on Indeed Resume last year. Also of note is that this “best job” does not necessarily require a college degree, yet still offers a very competitive average salary of $79,952. Beyond healthcare, we also see jobs for people with a variety of skill sets, such as head of sales, partnership manager and senior talent acquisition manager, which is a recruitment role. These further contribute to the occupational diversity of this year’s best jobs compared to the tech-dominant results we saw the previous year. So those are the best jobs of 2018 in terms of job growth, and pay. If you’re a job seeker with skills in these areas, you may want to give them serious consideration. And if you’re an employer looking for candidates, then you are in a good place in terms of what you have to offer. Methodology: Indeed compiled this list by including jobs with an average base salary of at least $75,000 and at least 15 job postings per 1M total postings, combined with consistent growth in share of postings from 2014-2017. ||||| A:
Tech jobs dominated's 2017 list of the best careers in the US, but this year other industries are jumping into some of the top spots—of the top 25 jobs, 16 are ones that did not appear on last year's list. Construction, in particular, is having a moment: Some construction roles jumped into the top 25 for the first time, while others saw their placement on the list rocket higher in 2018. Commercial project manager, for example, jumped from No. 19 last year to the top spot this year. As Fortune explains, commercial project managers are responsible for developing and overseeing commercial projects and contracts; the position saw 277% growth in job postings between 2014 and 2017. takes growth percentage into account as well as salary (jobs on the list must have an average base salary of at least $75,000). The top 10 on this year's list along with their average base salaries:
This is a paraphrasing task. In this task, you're given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence which express same meaning as the input using different words. when i asked how you got assigned here , you avoided the question . when i asked who you were assigned to , you dodged the question . it is generally estimated that one in six europeans suffers from a disability . it is widely believed that every sixth european citizen is suffering from a disability . 12 the interveners lodged their statements in intervention within the time-limits set .
12 the interveners submitted their observations within the prescribed periods .
Instructions: This task involves asking a question, providing a set of 2 options. You are expected to choose the best answer to the question. The output will be in the form of A or B, corresponding to which option is chosen. Input: Question:Who was the snooker player that beat Steve Davis in a world snooker final after being 8 - 0 down? , Options: [A.Nigel Bond B.Dennis Taylor] Output: