TASK DEFINITION: A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Tamil language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. PROBLEM: ഇന്ത്യയിന്ന് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ രംഗത്ത്, അടിസ്ഥാനപരമായ മാറ്റം ദര്‍ശിക്കുകയാണ്. SOLUTION: முடிவுகள் பற்றி கவனம் செலுத்துதல்: PROBLEM: മിഷന്‍ ക്ലീന്‍ മോര്‍നയുടെ ഈ പദ്ധതിയില്‍ അകോലയിലെ നാലായിലത്തിലധികം ആളുകള്‍, നൂറിലധികം ഗവമെന്റിതരസംഘടനകള്‍, കോളജ്-സ്‌കൂള്‍ വിദ്യാര്‍ഥികള്‍, കു'ികള്‍, മുതിര്‍വര്‍, അമ്മമാര്‍, സഹോദരിമാര്‍ തുടങ്ങി എല്ലാവരും ഇതില്‍ പങ്കാളികളായി. SOLUTION: ‘மோர்னா நதி தூய்மைத் திட்டத்தின்’ இந்த நற்காரியத்தில் அகோலாவின் 6000த்திற்கும் அதிகமான குடிமக்கள், நூற்றுக்கும் அதிகமான தன்னார்வத் தொண்டு நிறுவனங்கள், கல்லூரிகள், மாணவர்கள், குழந்தைகள், பெரியோர், தாய்மார்கள்-சகோதரிகள் என அனைவரும் பங்கெடுத்துக் கொண்டார்கள். PROBLEM: 2016 ലെ ഭിന്നശേഷിക്കാരുടെ അവകാശങ്ങള്‍ നിയമത്തിലൂടെ ഗവണ്‍മെന്റ് അവര്‍ക്ക് വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം, സാമൂഹ്യ സുരക്ഷ, തൊഴില്‍ എന്നിവയ്ക്കു തുല്യ അവസരം ലഭ്യമാക്കി. SOLUTION:
மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகள் உரிமைகள் சட்டம் 2016 மூலம் மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கு கல்வி, சமூகப் பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் வேலைவாய்ப்பில் சம வாய்ப்பு வழங்க நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Teacher: We would like you to assess the QUALITY of each of the following argument (discussing Gay Marriage) and determine if the argument is Valid or Invalid. A valid argument is clearly interpretable and either expresses an argument, or a premise or a conclusion that can be used in an argument for the topic of gay marriage. An invalid argument is a phrase that cannot be interpreted as an argument or not on the topic of gay marriage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: It is usually just as religiously important to same-sex couples to be married as it is for opposite-sex couples, and no one should be able to tell those people that the government cannot recognize their relationship. Solution: Valid Reason: It is a clear argument that supports gay marriage by saying it is as religiously important as opposite-sex marriage. Now, solve this instance: While the former Speaker of the House of Representatives (Newt Gingrich) is allowed to dump his cancer stricken wife by handing her divorce papers in a hospital room, YOU BLAME GAYS FOR CHEAPENING MARRIAGE, AND THEN PASS THIS AMENDMENT!! Student:
Which human body system produces the hormones that regulate growth?
In this task, given a sentence in the Chinese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. 1997年,教会在里昂被判犯有欺诈罪、1999年是在马赛。
In 1997 the Church was convicted of fraud in Lyon and 1999 in Marseille.
Q: Categorize the comment on the basis of obscenity. If the comment is obscene output Yes, otherwise output No. True. Anyone that thinks that a boy is simply going to claim that he’s a girl to make the team hasn't thought this thru. This is school where everyone knows everyone. That means that the kid is going to have to live as a girl 24/7. Makeup. Hair. Clothing. No hanging with his male friends. No male sports. Not to mention that he’s just removed himself from the hetero dating pool, pretty much permanently. And that’s not even considering what his former male buds will call him. Gay and fag are among the kinder words. And then we get to the physical bullying - 10% of trans people have been physically or sexually assaulted. A:
Definition: In this task, you are given a sentence from the Quran in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English. Input: بر شما حرام شده است: مردار، و خون، و گوشت خوک، و آنچه به نام غیر خدا کشته شده باشد، و [حیوان حلال گوشت‌] خفه شده، و به چوب مرده، و از بلندى افتاده، و به ضرب شاخ مرده، و آنچه درنده از آن خورده باشد -مگر آنچه را [که زنده دریافته و خود] سر ببرید- و [همچنین‌] آنچه براى بتان سربریده شده، و [نیز] قسمت کردن شما [چیزى را] به وسیله تیرهاى قرعه؛ این [کارها همه‌] نافرمانى [خدا] ست. امروز کسانى که کافر شده‌اند، از [کارشکنى در] دین شما نومید گردیده‌اند. پس، از ایشان مترسید و از من بترسید. امروز دین شما را برایتان کامل و نعمت خود را بر شما تمام گردانیدم، و اسلام را براى شما [به عنوان‌] آیینى برگزیدم. و هر کس دچار گرسنگى شود، بى‌آنکه به گناه متمایل باشد [اگر از آنچه منع شده است بخورد]، بى تردید، خدا آمرزنده مهربان است. Output:
Forbidden you is carrion and blood, and the flesh of the swine, and whatsoever has been killed in the name of some other than God, and whatever has been strangled, or killed by a blow or a fall, or by goring, or that which has been mauled by wild beasts unless slaughtered while still alive; and that which has been slaughtered at altars is forbidden, and also dividing the meat by casting lots with arrows. All this is sinful. Today the unbelievers have lost every hope of (despoiling) your creed; so do not fear them, fear Me. Today I have perfected your system of belief and bestowed My favours upon you in full, and have chosen submission (al-Islam) as the creed for you. If one of you is driven by hunger (to eat the forbidden) without the evil intent of sinning, then God is forgiving and kind.
Q: In this task, you're given context and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for this answer based on the given context with commonsense reasoning about social situations.. Context: Cameron got his first tattoo on his arm at the tattoo shop. Answer: pick a tattoo design A:
What does Cameron need to do before this?
instruction: Read the passage and find the corresponding pronoun for the given name. The pronoun should match the given blank(_). The word between ** ** is the target name. The pronoun should be one of 'her', 'him', 'he', 'she' and 'his' with proper casing based on the position in the passage. question: Rubenfeld was a summa cum laude graduate of Princeton University (A.B., 1980) and a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D., 1986). He also studied theater in the Drama Division of the Juilliard School between 1980-1982. **Rubenfeld** clerked for Judge Joseph T. Sneed on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in 1986-1987. After _ clerkship, he worked as an associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and as an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York. answer: his question: Than made his true-final appearance in the 1840 storyline, where he is mortal and is being possessed by Judah Zachary. After the storyline shifted to the 1841 parallel storyline, Gerard Styles made a small guest appearance in episode 1209. The character of **Gerard** was also in the movie Night of Dark Shadows, once again played by Jim Storm. _ was the nephew of Carlotta Drake, and his character was killed off by the end of the movie. answer: He question: Corbett's feature film credits include three Toronto International Film Festival film selections, The Steps (2015), Empire of Dirt (2013) and The Animal Project (2013); as well as principal roles in the features Barn Wedding (2014) and How to Be Deadly (2014). Kate has also starred in several short films, including the award-winning How **Eunice** Got _ Baby (2009) and The Tunnel (2013), which was the Not Short on Talent recipient for Cannes Film Festival and for which she is also the credited writer. answer:
You will be given a passage with an enumerated set of facts, a question of form 'Where is <person_name>?', and its answer. The task is to identify a supporting fact that is necessary to answer the question. The output would be the corresponding fact number. Example Input: Passage: Fact 1- John moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Mary travelled to the hallway. Question: Where is John? Answer: hallway Example Output: Fact 1 Example Input: Passage: Fact 1- Sandra travelled to the office. Fact 2- Sandra went to the bathroom. Fact 3- Mary went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 5- John went to the garden. Fact 6- John travelled to the office. Fact 7- Daniel journeyed to the bedroom. Fact 8- Daniel travelled to the hallway. Fact 9- John went to the bedroom. Fact 10- John travelled to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: hallway Example Output: Fact 8 Example Input: Passage: Fact 1- Daniel moved to the hallway. Fact 2- Daniel travelled to the office. Fact 3- Daniel went to the bedroom. Fact 4- Daniel journeyed to the office. Question: Where is Daniel? Answer: office Example Output:
Fact 4
The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the vouch-fair strategy, otherwise output No. vouch-fair is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to call out fairness for personal benefit, either when acknowledging a fair deal or when the opponent offers a deal that benefits them. This can be through an explicit call out or can be implied. Example Input: Context: 'Kindly understand our need as we are struggling with hunger now.' 'At the same from my side. We need foods because my child is hunger' 'We with our kids undergone fasting in the recent days, so we are hungry to the peak' Utterance: 'What did you expect from me? Because same position is here also' Example Output: No Example Input: Context: 'I understand completely. I would like to have all three water, and I'm only traveling with just me, so how about 1 firewood? The rest for you.' 'No me gusta mucho el trato, pero para eso debemos hablar y decidir como adultos un buen trato para los dos. Lo que queremos es disfrutar en el campamento.' 'I do not understand spanish. Please speak to me in English.' Utterance: 'Sorry I'm practicing my Spanish for the camp. I do not like the deal very much, but for that we must talk and decide as adults a good deal for both of us. What we want is to enjoy in the camp.' Example Output: Yes Example Input: Context: 'So I get 2 waters and 3 foods. and you get the rest?' 'I could use one food too. How am i going to survive without eating anything?' 'Okay So I get 2 waters and 2 foods and you get the rest?' Utterance: 'Don't you think it is a fair deal?' Example Output:
Instructions: In this task, you are given commands (in terms of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to classify the command into one of these seven categories: (1) majority, (2) unique, (3) superlative, (4) count, (5) comparative, (6) aggregation, and (7) ordinal. Here are the defications of each category: 1. majority: Describing the majority values (most or all) over one column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows 2. unique: Describing one unique row, regarding one column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows 3. Superlative: Describing the maximum or minimum value in a column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows 4. Ordinal: Describing the n-th maximum or minimum value in a column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows 5. Comparative: Comparing two rows in the table, regarding their values in one column 6. Count: counting some rows in the table based on the values in one column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows 7. Aggregation: Describing the sum or average value over a column, with the scope of all table rows or a subset of rows. Here are the definitions of logical operators for understanding of command: 1. count: returns the number of rows in the view. 2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view. 3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row. 4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments. 5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column. 6. nth_max/nth_min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column. 7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column. 8. nth_argmax/nth_argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column. 9. eq/not_eq: returns if the two arguments are equal. 10. round_eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance. 11. greater/less: returns if the first argument is greater/less than the second argument. 12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments. 13. filter_eq/ filter_not_eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to the third argument. 14. filter_greater/filter_less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than the third argument. 15. filter_greater_eq /filter_less_eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than the third argument. 16. filter_all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table 17. all_eq/not_eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to the third argument. 18. all_greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than the third argument. 19. all_greater_eq/less_eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to the third argument. 20. most_eq/not_eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to the third argument. 21. most_greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than the third argument. 22. most_greater_eq/less_eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to the third argument. Input: eq { hop { argmax { all_rows ; 2010 } ; channel } ; rai 1 } Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a positive review and your task is to convert it to a negative review by making minimal changes. Avoid changing the context of the review. Q: nice club good layout the course was in good to above average shape . A:
not so nice club not so good layout the course was in average to poor shape .
Teacher:In this task, you are given a list of unique integers you need to swap the positions of maximum and minimum element in the list and return the updated list. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: [357, 126, 185, 18, 459, 254, 454, 404, 377, 134, 445, 209, 135, 462, 251, 23, 270, 40, 302, 19] Student:
[357, 126, 185, 462, 459, 254, 454, 404, 377, 134, 445, 209, 135, 18, 251, 23, 270, 40, 302, 19]
The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. you all niggers are trash Offensive gosh i guess the mental conditioning had a strong hold on me from my obsessive viewing of fox news as a teenager it took a traumatic event in <number> for me to finally see the kike hiding behind everything Hate Speech most whites are adopting asians and africans so what is your point
Problem: If "The dog chased the cat, which ran up a tree. It waited at the bottom.", is "The dog waited at the bottom." correct? Answer: yes Problem: If "The sun was covered by a thick cloud all morning, but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was gone.", is "The sun was gone." correct? Answer: no Problem: If "The cat was lying by the mouse hole waiting for the mouse, but it was too impatient.", is "The mouse was too impatient." correct? Answer:
instruction: Given a hotel review and the corresponding polarity of review (i.e., Negative or Positive) identify if the polarity is correct. Write 'true' if it's correct, 'false' otherwise. question: Review: My husband and i made a reservation for 2sure nights but decided to stay just the second night. I called the hotel and spoke with Eric, he quickly canceled my reservation and i asked if we would be charged for thd cancellation, he said no and that was the end of it. My husband then remembered we needed to cancel from as well. I called and they said the hotel wouldnt authorize a cancellation per the terms and agreement. I informed courtney from that i specifically asked if we would be charged and i was told no by Eric. She spoke with the mgr Erica and she said Erica would honor that if i could provide a name. I got his name and callex back and he told the bookit consultant that he "didnt recall" saying that. I was so furious that i called him on 3the way with the bookit consultant and he just lied!!!!!!!!!!! He said, no ma'am i dont remember saying that. I said so since you dont remember thats it??? I said my husband heard him say it b/c he was on speaker phone since we were driving on the way there. I asked to speak to Erica, told her the situation and she said she cant go off of heresay and couldnt honor what her employee screwed up on. I asked him nicely to please tell the truth and he just would not tell thr truth. I have never writte. A review for a hotel before but i am going to go out of my way to make sure corporate sees this. Erica was very unprofessional and cared more about not taking sides than she did about making sure the guests feel welcome. VERY DISAPPOINTED!! WILL NEVER STAY AGAIN!! Polarity: Positive answer: false question: Review: We enjoyed our stay at the James in Chicago very much. The hotel is elegant and uber-modern! Each room simply exudes class. I have never stayed in a nicer hotel, to be honest. The hotel features an upscale restaurant, though it is within walking distance of many great dining establishments. There is also a full-service spa at the hotel. The most surprising thing about the James is that pets are allowed; our dog didn't have to stay at home. How cool is that? There are also lots of up-scale amenities like valet parking, 24-hour room service, 24-hour concierge, shoe shine service, and laundry/dry cleaning. The hotel is located right on the Magnificent Mile, so that location is absolutely superb. You are literally steps away from some of the best dining and shopping in the world. I would recommend the James to anyone on business or looking to stay in upscale luxury on a jaunt to Chicago. Polarity: Negative answer: false question: Review: For a short time during vacation I had rented a room from The Ambassador East Hotel, I have to say I was quite impressed with what I experienced and would referre others looking to stay in a hotel to that given location. The hotel is comfortable and spacey with nice staff who are always polite to aid you whenever it is needed, and trust me I am not the nicest person in the world so this says a lot. The food is good, location is great, everything is easily accessible and all the given luxuries of a hotel are well kept here. Polarity: Positive answer:
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a sentence and a gender. The sentence mentions two professions: one's gender is unknown and the other's gender can be identified using the gendered pronouns that refer to them in the text. You are expected to return the profession with the given gender. PROBLEM: Sentence: The sheriff protected the writer and gave her a gun. Gender: female SOLUTION: Writer PROBLEM: Sentence: The lawyer heard the arguments from the counselor and contested her account of the events. Gender: female SOLUTION: Counselor PROBLEM: Sentence: The CEO did not trust the cleaner and asked her to leave. Gender: female SOLUTION:
In this task, you are given a sentence in English and your task is to translate it into Spanish. In translation, keep the numbers and capitalization (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and name). As such, while the precautionary principle does not involve the politicisation of science, as some have alleged, it does take us to the crossroads between science and politics. Así, a pesar de que el principio de precaución no incluye la politización de la ciencia, como han alegado algunos, nos conduce a la encrucijada entre ciencia y política. You may therefore be satisfied on this point, since zoning will have been completed for all the countries affected by Objective 2. Es decir que su deseo se verá cumplido, porque todos los países involucrados en el objetivo 2 quedarán divididos en zonas. The police and judicial policy are quite clearly elements of sovereignty, in other words sensitive political areas in the Member States, and shifting the interface of these and communitising these policies, i.e. delegating powers from the national capitals, from Lisbon, Berlin or Paris, to Brussels represents a transfer of power.
La policía y la justicia son elementos clarísimos de la propia estatalidad, es decir, campos políticos sensibles de los países miembros. La fusión de este punto de intersección de estos campos llegando hasta la comunitarización de estas políticas, es decir, hasta la delegación de competencias de la capital nacional, de Lisboa, Berlín o París a Bruselas significa ceder una parcela de poder.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task you will be given a list of numbers. You should remove any number that is not an integer (whole number). If every number is not an whole number then an empty list ("[]") should be returned. Otherwise, answer with the list of whole numbers separated by comma inside brackets. [3.38, 37, 30] Output:
[37, 30]
A text is given in Oriya. Translate it from the Oriya language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example Input: ଲୋକସଭା ବାଚସ୍ପତି ଭାବେ ଓମ ବିର୍ଲାଙ୍କ ନିର୍ବାଚନକୁ ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀଙ୍କ ସ୍ୱାଗତ Example Output: ਉਪ ਰਾਸ਼ਟਰਪਤੀ ਨੇ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਆਂਧਰ ਪ੍ਰਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰੋਜੈਕਟਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਤੇਜ਼ੀ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਗੂ ਕਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਹਾ Example Input: କେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସଂସ୍କୃତି ମନ୍ତ୍ରୀଙ୍କ ଘୋଷଣା: ସଂସ୍କୃତି ମନ୍ତ୍ରଣାଳୟର ବରିଷ୍ଠ ଓ କନିଷ୍ଠ ଫେଲୋସିପ ଯୋଜନାରେ ନେପାଳୀ ଓ ସାନ୍ତାଳୀ ଭାଷାକୁ ସାମିଲ କରାଯିବ Example Output: ਕੇਂਦਰੀ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਮੰਡਲ ਨੇ ਕੇਂਦਰੀ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਰ ਪਿਛੜੇ ਵਰਗਾਂ ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਉਪ ਸ਼੍ਰੇਣੀਆਂ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਦੇ ਮਸਲੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਵਿਚਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੰਵਿਧਾਨ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਛੇਦ 340 ਤਹਿਤ ਗਠਿਤ ਕਮਿਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਵਿਸਤਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਵਾਨਗੀ ਦਿੱਤੀ Example Input: ଷ୍ଟାର୍ଟଅପ ଇଣ୍ଡିଆ ପାଇଁ ପ୍ରୋତ୍ସାହନ Example Output:
ਸੈਰ ਸਪਾਟਾ ਮੰਤਰਾਲਾ
You will be given a sentence. Check whether the sentence is grammatically correct and is meaningful. If the sentence is grammatically correct, then answer with '1', otherwise answer with '0'. King Kong is a movie which you'll laugh yourself sick if you see it.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You will be given a trivia clue, and the category it belongs to. You should answer with the best answer that belongs in the category and is described by the clue. For simplicity, answers should be in all lower cased letters. Category: DIRECTORS & THEIR FILMS Clue: He wrote of the nearly 20 years it took to bring "Gandhi" to the screen in his 1982 book "In Search of Gandhi"
sir richard attenborough
You will be given a review about a book, an item, a place or a movie. After that, a question is given that you should answer using a certain span of the review. Your answer should be from the review itself and should not contain extra words, and should not be a combination of different spans. If there's no direct answer to the question, answer with a part of the text that is the most relevant to the question. See the examples for clarification. review: Solid 4/5Its rare for me to give 4 stars out of 5 but this place deserve it. I tried most of their go-to dishes on the menu and I can confidently say if you don't mind the price tag, you should try as many dishes as possible because it's worth it! I was not a big fan of their famous Khao Soi or pad tai ( I mean they are still good but not mind blowing like what others said ) but I quite enjoyed everything else. Their green curry is not mind blowing as well but still have all the flavours that you look for when it comes to Thai curry My usual go to is pad gra prow with crispy pork. It's a fried rice dish with your choice of meat that's cooked with Thai basil serve with sunny side egg, cucumber and fish sauce. This dish has everything. There is tenderness of meat and crispness and juicy fat from crispy pork. Fish sauce brings all the flavours out and creamy runny egg York wraps all the flavours together. When you feel like it's little too much of fat, there is silky rice and crispy cucumber to balances out the dish. Perfect dish I'll like to have when I have a little cheat day.Chiang Mai Beef Noodle Soup is another favorite of mine. Braised beef is so tender it just falls apart in your mouth. There is good balance between creaminess of peanut butter, spice, sweetness and sourness of lime. It was little bit on the heavier side than other Chiang Mai beef noodle soup I tried. Still darn good. If you are not into heavy dishes, just go for beef salad or papaya salad. They are very refreshing but yet has lots of flavour and quite filling. I took one star off because up and down of service. It's 50% chance hostess and servers will be very rude and forgetful and 50% chance they will provide the acceptional service. Also it's extremely busy during the dinner time so make a reservation or expect to be in the line for 30+ min. The place is cute and fun but to me the wait time and effy service ain't worth dine in. I highly recommend take out. question: Does this offer good presentation?
I highly recommend take out
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply addition or subtraction mathematical operators on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer. Irwin 's family went on a camping trip in the mountains . On the first day , they hiked from their car to the campsite . First , they hiked 0.2 mile from the car to a stream , and 0.4 mile from the stream to a meadow . Then they hiked 0.1 mile from the meadow to the campsite . How many miles did Irwin 's family hike in all ?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given inputs k, i, and A, where k and i are integers and A is a list. You need to find every ith element of A starting from the kth element. The process stops when the position of the next ith element exceeds the length of the list. 1, 12, ['3115', 'X', '5445', '3081', '1985', 'E', 'L', '7005', '7533', 'S', '5525', '4673', 'L', 'B', 'Y', '4455', 'o', '6703', '9875', 'C', 't', 'x', '1885', 'G', '3779', 'l']
3115, L, 3779
In this task, you will be presented with a passage, and you need to write an **implausible** answer to to fill in the place of "_". Your answer should be incorrect, but should not be out of context. Try using words that are related to the context of the passage, but are not the correct answer. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Microsoft's Windows 10 software has only been available in its final form for a few hours - but experts have already warned of a major security risk in the software. The feature is designed to easily let people share wifi passwords with friends. However, experts say the feature actually automatically shares your wifi passwords with all Outlook, Skype and Facebook contacts who also use Windows 10. To change your settings, go to Network settings then Manage Wi-Fi settings (Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi Settings). There, you can choose which contacts you share Wi-Fi settings with.Feature designed to easily let people share wifi passwords with friends.Experts say the feature is 'an accident waiting to happen' Question:'For networks you choose to share access to, the password is sent over an encrypted connection and stored in an encrypted file on a Microsoft server, and then sent over a secure connection to your contacts' phone if they use _-Fi Sense and they're in range of the Wi-Fi network you shared,' Microsoft says.
Teacher:You are given a sentence in Arabic. Your job is to translate the Arabic sentence into Galician. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: وهذا جعلني أفكر في موقع إلكتروني وهذا ما تعلمته من بضعة شهور مضت يسمى Student:
E iso fíxome pensar nun sitio web que coñecera uns meses atrás chamado
Instructions: In this task, you are given a string of characters. You need to remove duplicate characters from the string if any, and return the resulting string. Input: pHAgIveCCMySyMbOvQzwZjRvQkoOci Output:
Generate a 5-star review (1 being lowest and 5 being highest) about an app with package com.catchingnow.tinyclipboardmanager. A:
It's really good only one useful feature missing: the ability to click twice or long press to show the clipboard instead of the bubble or notification option.
Q: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. [[3, 19, -40, 7, 14], [20, -17, 48], [43, -37, 46, 8], [-46, -50, 2, 32], [-8, -30, 23, 32, -19], [28, -45, 15, -12, 11], [42, 15, -18, -49], [15, -8, -44], [-11, -5, -1, -46], [-22, 49], [-22, -39, 31, 8, 39], [14, 47, 43, -32], [42, 7, -30, -40], [0, -26]] A:
[399, -17, -1591, 0, -437, -7425, -735, 15, -55, 49, -47151, 2021, 7, 0]
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. ওয়েবসাইটের মাধ্যমে তাঁরা এই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশ নেন।
प्रतिभागियों ने वेबसाइट के जरिये प्रतिस्पर्धा में हिस्सा लिया था।
The input is a conversation between an automated system and a user looking for suggestions for pubs, restaurants and coffee shops in Cambridge. In the dialogue, the user may provide some criteria for the type of place they want such as price range, cuisine, etc. Given such a dialogue, output the price range the user if looking for which can take one of four values: Cheap, Moderate, Expensive and Don't Care. Output cannot be any other value than the four values. Note that if the user asks for the prices of items provided at a pub, restaurant or coffee shop but doesn't mention the price range they are looking for then the correct classification will be Don't Care. If the user does not mention a particular price, the correct classification will be Don't Care. System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?' User: 'yes i am looking for a moderately priced pub in the castlehill area' System: 'Are you looking for a venue that allows children?' User: 'im looking for a venue that has internet' System: 'There is no pub with an internet connection in the moderate price range.' User: 'is there moderately' System: 'There is no pub with an internet connection in the moderate price range.' User: 'price range pub in the castlehill area' System: 'Would you like a moderate price range, or you don't care?' User: 'a moderate price range pub in the castlehill area' System: 'Would you like a true internet connection, or you don't care?' User: 'i dont care' System: 'Are you looking for a venue that allows children?' User: 'no' System: 'The Anchor, which is in the moderate price range, is a great pub.' User: 'may i have the phone number' System: 'The phone number of The Anchor is 01223353554. The price for main courses ranges from 6 pounds 50 to 11 pounds and the price for a cheapest pint of beer is 2 pounds 70.' User: 'does it have internet' System: 'The Anchor doesn't have any internet connection.' User: 'thank you goodbye' Moderate System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?' User: 'mexican tex mex restaurant in the expensive price range' System: 'Nanna Mexico is a great restaurant. It serves mexican and tex mex food. It's in the expensive price range.' User: 'whats the phone number' System: 'The phone number of Nanna Mexico is 01223902150. The price for main courses ranges from 5 pounds 35 to 15 pounds 50 and the price for a cappuccino is 2 pounds 95.' User: 'whats the postcode' System: 'Nanna Mexico is in the area with the postcode CB2 1AB.' User: 'thank you good bye' Expensive System: 'Thank you for calling the Cambridge Information system. Your call will be recorded for research purposes. You may ask for information about a place to eat, such as a restaurant, a pub, or a cafe. How may I help you?' User: 'sil' System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a cafe.' User: 'sil' System: 'What kind of venue are you looking for? For example, a pub, or a restaurant.' User: 'cheap restaurant in the romsey area' System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, East asian, Continental, or Japanese.' User: 'restaurant' System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, American, French, or Spanish.' User: 'sil' System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Continental, English, or International.' User: 'unitelligible restaurant in the romsey area' System: 'What type of food would you like? For example, Drinks and snacks only, Chinese, or Thai.' User: 'continental' System: 'Are you looking for somewhere near a particular venue? For example, Cafe Jello, Christ's College, or Little Saint Mary's.' User: 'chinese' System: 'HK Fusion, which serves chinese food, is an outstanding restaurant. It's in the cheap price range.' User: 'romsey area' System: 'HK Fusion is on 21 Burleigh Street.' User: 'is it in the romsey area' System: 'HK Fusion is an outstanding restaurant.' User: 'phone number' System: 'HK Fusion is an outstanding restaurant.' User: 'phone number' System: 'HK Fusion is an outstanding restaurant.' User: 'what is the phone number' System: 'The phone number of HK Fusion is 01223355909.' User: 'thank you and have a good day'
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a sentence in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English. Part 2. Example سم ، خوبي ، تو حالت خوبه . Answer: sam . alright , youre alright . Explanation: This is a good example. The above sentence is correctly translated from Persian to English. Part 3. Exercise دوست دارم بعدا لمست کنم . Answer:
im not a whore . i wouldnt pay .
Question: I'm taking a test and have to guess the right answer to the question after the article. Article: The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league with 32 teams in. How does one choose which team to support? Some people choose the team of their hometown, or where they now live, or the team that their parents or their friends follow.[:ZXXK] A boy student from Oklahoma wrote a letter to each of the owners or presidents of the 32 NFL teams. He would see what answers he got, and then choose his team. Bill was home from school sick. It was the week before Christmas. He was "kind of bored" and needed something to do. So he asked his parents if he could write to every professional football team. Bill wrote the 32 letters by hand. "We weren't quite sure what we could get back. He didn't really have one team that he wanted to hear from," his mother said: "He just wanted to see what kind of reply he' d get." A letter to the Carolina Panthers' owner Jerry Richardson was one of those posted. Bill wrote in his letter, "My family and I love football. They are fans of different teams.But I don't have a team to cheer for yet. I am ready to pick an NFL team to cheer on for lifetime!" A few weeks later, Bill's mother was pulling into her driveway when a delivery man arrived with a box from the Panthers. When Bill came home, he excitedly opened the box. Inside he found a signed Carolina Panthers helmet as well as a handwritten note from Jerry. The team owner had written to Bill, "We should be honored if our Carolina Panthers became your team. We would make you proud of your joining us." Bill was overjoyed with what he got. He decided that from then on he would support the Panthers. He keeps the letter from Jerry in his bedroom. His mother says, "It's not the helmet they sent us. It's what they told us." That is what mattered to Bill and why he chose to become a Panthers' fan. Question: The result of Bill's letter to the Panthers was that _ . Options: A: his mother kept the reply from him B: he got many helmets from 32 teams C: each team wanted him to be its player D: he became a fan of the Carolina Panthers Answer: D Question: I'm taking a test and have to guess the right answer to the question after the article. Article: When the traffic lights turn red, we will stop driving a car or crossing a street. Why is red used for traffic lights instead of other colors? As we know, scattering happens when light goes through the air. For the same media , if the _ is long, the sscattering will be short. If the wavelength is short, then the scattering will be long. Of all lights we can see, red has the longest wavelength. So the scattering is the weakest. That means the red light travels far. In fact, it travels farther on rainy days. Using the red light can help drivers in farther places see the lights. It helps drivers slow down or stop in time. So there will be fewer accidents. Moreover, red can also excite people. We can act more quickly when we see the color red. In a word, red lights help drivers stop in time and help prevent accidents. Question: Which of the following is the best title? Options: A: Why do accidents happen B: How does the red light travel C: Why do we use red traffic lights D: The colors of the traffic lights Answer: C Question: I'm taking a test and have to guess the right answer to the question after the article. Article: My name is Sally White. I am a school girl. My school is far from my home. Every day it is a lot of time to get there. The road is not flat , so I cannot go to school by bike. I often get there by bus or on foot. It takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up early every morning. I have no time for breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast on the way or on the bus. I don' t want to be late for school, so sometimes I run to school. Question: Where does Sally have breakfast? Options: A: At home. B: On the way to school. C: In her school. D: In a restaurant. Answer:
Q: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in Arabic, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations. ابحث عن المطاعم الـ " japanese " التي لديها 1 نجوم على الأقل. A:
search for " japanese " restaurants with at least 1 stars .
(Q). Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Great Set! Review: Excellent series for any Knick fan. My only complaint is that I wish it were a little longer. There are eight games on this set, including Game 7 of the 70 Finals, Game 5 of the 84 First Round (the duel b/n Bernard King and Isaiah Thomas), Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Semis against Boston, Game 3 of the 89 1st round against the Sixers, Game 2 of the 93 Eastern Conference Final against the Bulls (Stark's dunk), Game 7 of the 94 Eastern Conference Final against the Pacers (Ewing's masterpiece), Game 5 of the 99 1st round against Miami (Houston's runner) and Game 3 of the 99 Eastern Conference Final against the Pacers (LJ 4 point play). They could've put the 2000 Eastern Semi Game 7 against Miami, and one of tghe 94 Finals games against Houston. Otherwise, I have no complaints. It's still a must own for any die hard Knicks fan. Answer: (A). Positive (Q). Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Great Bracelet Review: This is a very pretty bracelet.It really catches the lights and shines like crazy.I'm not usually big on bracelets but this is one I really will wear. It is also very comfortable wearing. Some bracelets are not.I am as always very happy with the timely shipping of Gem Ave. Answer: (A). Positive (Q). Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review? === Title: Medicine and religion Review: A superb book. It opened a whole cast of historical people who deserve mention, especially Miguel Serveto, and tensions orbiting the Reformation. Once again, we have history unleashed.This is an erudite and beautifully written book. The Goldstones give you wonderful glimpses in a world being overtaken by technology, that once unleashed there, is no going back. The printing presses cannot be denied, slipping out of people's control. This is the paradigm faced by all political and religious leaders who never seem able to integrate into their minds, the force of a sea change. Also it is seems the people of modern Protestantism (especially Geneva) still seem little embarrassed by being bamboozled by Calvin. Answer: (A).
In this task, you are given a sentence with a missing word that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Fill in the blank with a plausible word. Although each sentence has many correct answers, you only have to write one answer. [Q]: PersonX bestows ___ upon PersonY [A]: gifts [Q]: PersonX tries and make ___ [A]: pizza [Q]: PersonX bestows ___ upon PersonY [A]:
I am a movie director and I just received the following movie plot. Could you help me answer this question? If not, let me know by writing "Not answerable". Plot title: Cape Fear Movie plot: Danielle Bowden (Juliette Lewis) narrates her thoughts about the Cape Fear River, not wanting to relive the past. The past begins with, Max Cady (Robert De Niro) being released from prison. His body is covered with tattoos about vengeance. Across town, Danielle helps her mom Leigh (Jessica Lange) with her home business, and Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte) exits a courthouse, talking to Claude Kersek (Joe Don Baker). Their lives later intersect at a movie theater, where Max is behaving badly and smoking.Sam plays racquetball with Lori Davis (Illeana Douglas), but is concerned over his image. Max introduces himself and reminds Sam that he's out of prison, who he blames Sam for his incarceration. Later, Leigh sees Max watching the house at night.The next day, Sam asks Kersek for options. Sam confesses that he didn't defend Max during a case because he was disgusted by the report. Max confronts Sam repeatedly, making suggestive remarks about Sam's family. Sam offeres to pay him off, but Max says no. Max has learned law in prison, and knows how to avoid prosecution. Later, Sam finds that his dog has been poisoned. He suspects Max, but has no proof. Leigh is distraught.Sam talks to Lieutenant Elgart (Robert Mitchum), who tries to harass Max into leaving. Sam punches Max, but Max doesn't respond. Later, Max picks up Lori at a bar and attacks her. Sam goes to see her in the hospital, but she's too scared and embarrassed to testify against Max. Kersey advises Sam to try and trap Max, but Sam refuses.Sam and Leigh argue over Sam's relationship with Lori. Kersey tells Max he should leave, but Max says he's within the limits of the law. Max continues to harass Sam and his family. Kersey offers to hire thugs to beat up Max, but Sam doesn't want to break the law. Max calls Danielle, pretending to be her Drama teacher, and arranges to see her alone in school. They kiss, and later Sam realizes something happened, and arranges for thugs to attack Max. Max turns the table on them and knows Sam was behind it. Danielle seems to be in... My question: What do Bowden, Leigh, and Danielle discover? The answer to this question is:
their dog has been poisoned
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Read the passage and find the corresponding pronoun for the given name. The word between ** ** is the target name. The pronoun should be one of 'her', 'him', 'he', 'she' and 'his' with proper casing based on the position in the passage. On March 21, 2006, Murray was fired by the Kings and was replaced on an interim basis by John Torchetti. He provided colour commentary for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during their Hockey Night in Canada telecasts of the 2006 Stanley Cup playoffs. On December 11, 2006, the Blues hired **Murray** to replace Mike Kitchen as head coach after a seven game losing streak. He coached the Blues to a record of 33--36--13 in his first full season as coach in 2007--2008.
Teacher: In this task, you are given two questions about a domain. Your task is to combine the main subjects of the questions to write a new, natural-sounding question. For example, if the first question is about the tallness of the president and the second question is about his performance at college, the new question can be about his tallness at college. Try to find the main idea of each question, then combine them; you can use different words or make the subjects negative (i.e., ask about shortness instead of tallness) to combine the subjects. The questions are in three domains: presidents, national parks, and dogs. Each question has a keyword indicating its domain. Keywords are "this national park", "this dog breed", and "this president", which will be replaced with the name of an actual president, a national park, or a breed of dog. Hence, in the new question, this keyword should also be used the same way. Do not write unnatural questions. (i.e., would not be a question someone might normally ask about domains). Do not write open-ended or subjective questions. (e.g., questions that can be answered differently by different people.) If you couldn't find the answer to your question from a single Google search, try to write a different question. You do not have to stick with the original question word for word, but you should try to create a question that combines the main subjects of the question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: What college did this president attend? Where did this president meet his wife? Solution: Did this president meet his wife in college? Reason: This is a good question. By combining "meet wife" and "college" we get to a new question. Now, solve this instance: What year did this president graduate from college? What military branch was this president in? Student:
What year did this president graduate from college and what military branch did he serve in?
TASK DEFINITION: Given a statement, generate a question such that the answer is contained in that statement. PROBLEM: Viruses are not affected by drugs that helps prevent infection SOLUTION: What helps prevent infection? PROBLEM: Humans deliver relatively large and mature infants. SOLUTION: Who deliver relatively large and mature infants? PROBLEM: babies that are large or small can survive SOLUTION:
What type of babies can survive?
Please answer correctly the following question related to the paragraph below. Which group experienced difficulty breathing? The doctors used used the newly discovered allergy medicine on two groups of people. As a result, group Alpha experienced mild allergy symptoms, while group Beta continued experiencing severe allergy symptoms and remained hospitalized. Hint: Allergy symptoms can range from mild to severe. Mild symptoms might include itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. Severe symptoms can cause difficulty breathing, which may be life threatening. Keep in mind that it is the immune system and not the allergen that causes the allergy symptoms. Allergy symptoms can be treated with medications such as antihistamines. Severe allergic reactions may require an injection of the hormone epinephrine. These treatments lessen or counter the immune system’s response.
group Beta
Definition: In this task, you are given books product reviews in Japanese language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. Input: レベル . TIMEと同レベルなのに金額が違い過ぎる これを写真集として売るなんて恥ずかしくないのかと思いました Output:
Read the given sentence and if it is a general advice then indicate via "yes". Otherwise indicate via "no". advice is basically offering suggestions about the best course of action to someone. advice can come in a variety of forms, for example Direct advice and Indirect advice. (1) Direct advice: Using words (e.g., suggest, advice, recommend), verbs (e.g., can, could, should, may), or using questions (e.g., why don't you's, how about, have you thought about). (2) Indirect advice: contains hints from personal experiences with the intention for someone to do the same thing or statements that imply an action should (or should not) be taken. GPA is not necessarily a reflection of intelligence ; it 's more a reflection of discipline and you really do n't want to room with an undisciplined person.&#x200B ;
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You need to write an implausible answer to the question. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". Input: Consider Input: Daniel: Hey, Ashley. How many people are coming to the barbecue tomorrow? Ashley: Well, um, there's your family; that's four people. [ Okay. ] There are three from my work [ Okay. ], and then Mike and Megan from across the street. And you and me, of course. Daniel: Okay. So, what is everyone bringing? Ashley: Um, let's see. Here's my list. Um ... Your brothers are bringing hamburgers, cheese, and buns. Daniel: Oh! I'm glad they are in charge of that. [ Yeah, me too. ] You know, my brother, Jim ... He eats like a horse. [ Uh-huh. ] At the last barbecue, he put away at least, what, five hotdogs and five cheeseburgers ... Ashley: No, I think it was six. Six cheeseburgers. It might have been more hotdogs. I don't know. Daniel: He was still hungry! Ashley: I know. I don't know how he did it. He does that all the time, he's ... and he's not even fat. You'd think (he would be fat). Anyway. Oh, yeah, anyway. So, my friends from work said that they could buy chips and salsa [ Okay. ], and they're going to bring a salad [ Alright. ]. And one of them is vegetarian, and so she's going to bring her own veggie burger, so you don't have to worry about her. Daniel: Okay. That's ... That'll work out. Ashley: And Mike and Megan. You're going to love this. They're going to bring some of the corn from their garden. Daniel: Oh, their corn is always so, so good. Ashley: Yeah, I know. It's wonderful. Daniel: So, um, yeah. What about drink? Ashley: Well, we're going to have soda and juice, and ice water as well. Daniel: Okay. And what about dessert? Ashley: I already have some ice cream and some homemade apple pie in the fridge. Daniel: Oh. I can't wait. Ashley: This is going to be fun. Ashley: Yeah., Question: Ashley's neighbors are going to bring _______ from their garden. Output: tomatoes Input: Consider Input: W: Would you like to see a menu? M: No, thank you. I already know what I want to order., Question: Where did the conversation most probably take place? Output: In a bank. Input: Consider Input: W: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag. M: Oh, I saw him at the gym this morning, but he didn't say anything. So he must have asked somebody else., Question: What does the man imply?
Output: Fred forgot to call him last night about the camping trip.
Wings are part of the exoskeleton and attached to the thorax, and all insects have heads, abdomens, and thoraxes, antennae, six legs, and wings. Given these facts, what have wings that are part of the exoskeleton among the following options: - animals - honeybees - barnacles - mammals - all snakes - all spiders - all insects - all arachnids The answer to this question is:
all insects
In this task your given two statements in Turkish. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Kızın enerjisi tükendi. İp atladı.
Detailed Instructions: You need to answer a given question containing a blank (_). Your answer must be one of the two objects mentioned in the question, for example "trophy" and "suitcase". Your answer must not contain a word that is not present in the question. Please don't use articles (e.g., the, a) before the answer. Q: Sarah liked to give her cats lots of treats, including strawberries. She was reluctant to give blueberries because the cats hated the _ . A:
In this task, you're given a passage that represents a legal contract or clause between multiple parties. Your job is to write questions that ask the basic details corresponding to the legal contracts or clauses. Avoid questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph, and which might have multiple answers. The answer to each question should be unambiguous. Exhibit h(2) SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT, dated as of February 4, 2005, by and between Domini Advisor Trust, a Massachusetts business trust (the Trust), and Domini Social Investments LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company (Domini or the Sponsor). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the Trust is engaged in business as an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, and consists of one or more series; and WHEREAS, the Trust desires to enter into this Agreement with respect to its current and future series; and WHEREAS, the Trust wishes to engage Domini to provide certain oversight, administrative and management services, and Domini is willing to provide such oversight, administrative and management services to the Trust on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties hereto as herein set forth, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Duties of the Sponsor. Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees of the Trust, the Sponsor shall perform such oversight, administrative and management services as may from time to time be reasonably requested by the Trust, which shall include without limitation: (a) maintaining office facilities (which may be in the office of Domini or an affiliate) and furnishing clerical services necessary for maintaining the organization of the Trust and for performing the oversight, administrative and management functions herein set forth; (b) arranging, if desired by the Trust, for directors, officers or employees of the Sponsor to serve as Trustees, officers or agents of the Trust if duly elected or appointed to such positions and subject to their individual consent and to any limitations imposed by law; (c) supervising the overall administration of the Trust, including the updating of corporate organizational documents, and the negotiation of contracts and fees with and the monitoring and coordinating of performance and billings of the Trust's transfer agent, shareholder servicing agents (if any), custodian, administrator, subadministrator (if any) and other independent contractors or agents; (d) overseeing (with advice of the Trust's counsel) the preparation of and, if applicable, filing all documents required for compliance by the Trust with applicable laws and regulations (including state blue sky laws and regulations), including registration statements on Form N-1A, prospectuses and statements of additional information, or similar forms, as applicable, semi-annual and annual reports to shareholders and proxy statements, and reviewing tax returns; (e) preparation of agendas and supporting documents for and minutes of meetings of Trustees, committees of Trustees and preparation of notices, proxy statements and minutes of meetings of shareholders; (f) arranging for maintenance of books and records of the Trust; (g) maintaining telephone coverage to respond to shareholder inquiries regarding matters to which this Agreement pertains to which the transfer agent is unable to respond; (h) providing reports and assistance regarding each series' compliance with securities and tax laws and each series' investment objectives; (i) arranging for dissemination of yield and other performance information to newspapers and tracking services; (j) arranging for and preparing annual renewals for fidelity bond and errors and omissions insurance coverage; (k) developing a budget for the Trust, establishing the rate of expense accruals and arranging for the payment of all fixed and management expenses; and (l) answering questions from the general public, the media and investors in the Trust regarding (i) the securities holdings of the Trust; (ii) any limits in which the Trust invests; (iii) the social investment philosophy of the Trust; and (iv) the proxy voting philosophy and shareholder activism philosophy of the Trust. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Sponsor shall not be deemed to have assumed, pursuant to this Agreement, any duties with respect to, and shall not be responsible for, the management of the Trust's assets or the rendering of investment advice and supervision with respect thereto or the distribution of shares of any series, nor shall the Sponsor be deemed to have assumed or have any responsibility with respect to functions specifically assumed by any transfer agent, custodian, fund accounting pricing agent or shareholder servicing agent of the Trust. 2. Allocation of Charges and Expenses. Domini shall pay the entire salaries and wages of all of the Trust's Trustees, officers and agents who devote part or all of their time to the affairs of Domini or its affiliates, and the wages and salaries of such persons shall not be deemed to be expenses incurred by the Trust for purposes of this Section 2. The Trust shall pay all of its operating expenses, including but not limited to fees due the Sponsor under this Agreement, compensation of Trustees not affiliated with the Sponsor, governmental fees, including but not limited to Securities and Exchange Commission fees and state blue sky fees; interest charges; taxes and related charges; membership dues of the Trust in the Investment Company Institute and other professional or industry associations; fees and expenses of the Trust's independent auditors and accountants, of legal counsel and any transfer agent, distributor, shareholder servicing agent, recordkeeper, registrar or dividend disbursing agent of the Trust; expenses of distributing, issuing and redeeming shares and servicing shareholder accounts; expenses of preparing, printing and mailing prospectuses and statements of additional information, reports, notices, proxy statements and reports to shareholders and governmental officers and commissions; expenses connected with the execution, recording and settlement of portfolio security transactions; insurance premiums; fees and expenses of the Trust's custodian for all services to the Trust, including safekeeping of funds and securities and maintaining required books and accounts; expenses of calculating the net asset value of shares of the Trust; expenses of shareholder meetings; and expenses relating to the issuance, registration and qualification of shares of any series of the Trust. 3. Compensation of the Sponsor. For the services to be rendered and facilities to be provided by the Sponsor hereunder, the Trust shall pay Domini a fee accrued daily and payable monthly at an annual rate equal to 0.50% of the Trust's average daily net assets for the Trust's then current fiscal year. If Domini serves as the Sponsor for less than the whole of any period specified in this Section 3, the compensation to Domini, as Sponsor, shall be prorated. For purposes of computing the fees payable to the Sponsor hereunder, the value of the Trust's net assets shall be computed in the manner specified in the Trust's then-current prospectus and statement of additional information. 2 4. Limitation of Liability of the Sponsor. The Sponsor shall not be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law or for any act or omission in the oversight, administration or management of the Trust or the performance of its duties hereunder, except for willful misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties, or by reason of the reckless disregard of its obligations and duties hereunder. As used in this Section 4, the term Sponsor shall include Domini and/or any of its affiliates and the directors, officers and employees of Domini and/or any of its affiliates. 5. Activities of the Sponsor. The services of the Sponsor to the Trust are not to be deemed to be exclusive, Domini being free to render oversight, administrative and/or other services to other parties. It is understood that Trustees, officers and shareholders of the Trust are or may become interested in the Sponsor and/or any of its affiliates as directors, officers, employees or otherwise and that directors, officers and employees of the Sponsor and/or any of its affiliates are or may become similarly interested in the Trust and that the Sponsor and/or any of its affiliates may be or become interested in the Trust as a shareholder or otherwise. 6. Duration, Termination and Amendments of this Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective as of the day and year first above written and shall govern the relations between the parties hereto thereafter, unless terminated as set forth in this Section 6. This Agreement may not be altered or amended, except by an instrument in writing and executed by both parties. This Agreement may be terminated at any time, without the payment of any penalty, with respect to any series or the Trust, by the Board of Trustees of the Trust, or by the Sponsor, in each case on not less than 60 days' written notice to the other party. 7. Subcontracting by Domini. Domini may subcontract for the performance of some or all of Domini's obligations hereunder with any one or more persons; provided, however, that Domini shall not enter into any such subcontract unless the Trustees of the Trust shall have found the subcontracting party to be qualified to perform the obligations sought to be subcontracted; and provided, further, that, unless the Trust otherwise expressly agrees in writing, Domini shall be as fully responsible to the Trust for the acts and omissions of any subcontractor as it would be for its own acts or omissions. 8. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall become or shall be found to be invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. 9. Notice. Any notices under this Agreement shall be in writing addressed and delivered personally, by telecopy or mailed postage-paid to the other party at such address as such other party may designate in accordance with this Section 9 for the receipt of such notice. Until further notice to the other party, it is agreed that the address of the Trust shall be 536 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10012, and the address of Domini shall be 536 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, New York 10012. 3 10. Miscellaneous. Each party agrees to perform such further actions and execute such further documents as are necessary to effectuate the purposes hereof. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced and interpreted in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts without reference to principles of conflicts of law. The captions in this Agreement are included for convenience only and in no way define or delimit any of the provisions hereof or otherwise affect their construction or effect. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but such counterparts shall, together, constitute only one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered in their names and on their behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, all as of the day and year first above written. The undersigned Trustee of the Trust has executed this Agreement not individually but as a Trustee under the Trust's Declaration of Trust, dated October 6, 2004, as amended, and the obligations of this Agreement are not binding upon any of the Trustees or shareholders of the Trust individually but bind only the Trust estate. DOMINI ADVISOR TRUST By: /s/ Amy L. Domini --------------------------------- Amy L. Domini Trustee DOMINI SOCIAL INVESTMENTS LLC By: /s/ Amy L. Domini --------------------------------- Amy L. Domini Chief Executive Officer 4
Highlight the parts (if any) of this contract related to Cap On Liability that should be reviewed by a lawyer. Details: Does the contract include a cap on liability upon the breach of a party’s obligation? This includes time limitation for the counterparty to bring claims or maximum amount for recovery.
Part 1. Definition Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. These stories can be difficult due to their length and how each story has at least one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Part 2. Example Jacob entered the dining_room. William entered the dining_room. The tomato is in the green_drawer. William exited the dining_room. Jacob moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. Jacob is in the dining_room. Olivia entered the dining_room. The cucumber is in the blue_cupboard. Olivia exited the dining_room. Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_drawer. William entered the pantry. Jacob entered the pantry. The asparagus is in the red_cupboard. Jacob exited the pantry. William moved the asparagus to the green_pantry. Abigail entered the hall. William entered the hall. The persimmon is in the blue_pantry. William exited the hall. Abigail moved the persimmon to the blue_envelope. Where does Abigail think that William searches for the persimmon? Answer: blue_pantry Explanation: The persimmon was last in the blue_pantry before William exited the hall. After William exited the hall, Abigail moved the persimmon to the blue_envelope, so she knows where William will look for it. Part 3. Exercise Oliver entered the office. Aria entered the office. The beans is in the blue_cupboard. Aria exited the office. Oliver moved the beans to the red_treasure_chest. Oliver entered the bedroom. Abigail entered the bedroom. The persimmon is in the blue_suitcase. Abigail exited the bedroom. Oliver moved the persimmon to the green_box. Liam entered the bedroom. Abigail entered the bedroom. The persimmon is in the green_box. Abigail exited the bedroom. Liam moved the persimmon to the blue_suitcase. Aria entered the office. Liam entered the office. The beans is in the red_treasure_chest. Liam exited the office. Aria moved the beans to the blue_cupboard. Where does Aria think that Liam searches for the beans? Answer:
Q: You are given a sentence and your task is to generate another sentence that supports the given input. Air masses are considered maritime if they originate over the ocean and continental if they develop over land. A:
If an air mass forms over an ocean it is called a maritime air mass.
Teacher:In this task, you are given an input list. A list contains several comma-separated items written within brackets. You need to return the count of all the numerical elements in the given list. Return 0 if no numerical element in the list. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: ['t', '2243', '2661', 'b', '6377', 'U', '4249', '6673', '9725'] Student:
A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. چوزن-اِلبوگروپ کے صدر اور سی ای او
ചോസണ്‍-ഇല്‍ബോ ഗ്രൂപ്പിന്റെ പ്രസിഡന്റ്, സി.
Q: Given a sentence and a label in Croatian, select the correct answer. There are 2 choices given, out of which only one is correct for a given statement and label. The label of the task is either 'cause' or 'effect'. The output will be the choice which matches the label with the given statement. If the label is 'cause', then the choice which represents the reason of the statement, gives the answer. If the label is 'effect' then the choice which reflects the consequences of the statement is the answer. The output should be the text from the correct choice and not Choice1/Choice2. Statement: Naručili smo pizzu. Label: effect Choice 1: Pizza je dostavljena. Choice 2: Pizza se ohladila. A:
Pizza je dostavljena.
What is the best way to remove wallpaper ? What kind of thing would answer this question? Options: A). description. B). entity. C). abbreviation. D). human. E). numeric. F). location.
Given a passage and a query based on the passage, generate an unambiguous, concise and simple answer to the query from information in the passage. Note that the answer may not be present in exact form. If you are under 25 years old when you obtain your first learner’s permit and then turn 25, the MVA will permit you to take a driving skills test if you have held the permit at for least 45 days (the 45 days may include the days you held the permit before your 25th birthday). Apply for provisional driving licence online. Apply for a provisional driving licence online.You require a valid UK passport no more than five years old and you won’t have to provide a photo. Online is quicker and cheaper than with a postal application. What is the procedure for obtaining a provisional license if I have a learner's permit through the MVA's Rookie Driver Program? Requirements before obtaining a provisional license: You must drive with the learner's permit conviction-free for a minimum of 9 months before applying for a provisional license. Your permit must not have been suspended or revoked. You may not have been granted probation before judgement (PBJ) for a moving violation. Your driver's license, or proof of your licensure; 1 Proof of your age If you need a class B, C or M license - you must be at least 16 years, 6 months. If you need a class A license - you must be at least 18 years, 0 months; Fees: 1 There is no additional fee for the provisional license if you are a new driver in the Rookie Driver program and have a valid learner's permit. 2 There is a fee for the provisional license if you have a license from another state or another country. You must hold the provisional license, conviction-free of a moving violation, for at least 18 months before you can apply for a full Maryland driver's license. If your learner's permit expires or you are not able to complete/pass the required skills tests before it expires, you will be required to reapply for a new permit, pass the Vision and Knowledge tests and pay the required fees. Penalty points on your provisional licence. You must not drive before you receive your provisional driving licence. Three penalty points on the driving licence and a maximum fine of £1000 are the penalties for breaking this law. If a driver has 6 or more points on their provisional licence then if they get 1 or more points after passing their test within 24 months their licence will be revoked. The provisional license you receive will expire 60 days after your 21st birthday. Or if you are 21 years of age or older, 8 years after the license is issued on the month and day of your birth. While you are driving with a provisional license and are less than 18 years of age, the following restrictions apply: You can apply for the provisional driving licence up to 3 months before your 16 th birthday. You can start driving a car when you are 17. At 16, you can begin to ride a moped or a light quad bike. Your driver's license or proof of your licensure; 1 Proof of your age If you need a class B, C or M license - you must be at least 16 years, 6 months. If you need a class A license - you must be at least 18 years, 0 months; 2 Proof of your identity and residency; Query: how long do you have your provisional license You must hold the provisional license, conviction-free of a moving violation, for at least 18 months before you can apply for a full Maryland driver's license. Creatine Alpha-Ketoglutarate – Creatine alpha-ketoglutarate is creatine attached to alpha-ketoglutarate. Like with arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, the popular nitric oxide booster, this form of creatine is supposed to be better absorbed by the body than monohydrate. Most studies use a high-dose loading strategy, which can rapidly elevate your muscle creatine content. Although this is not necessary, it will help you reap the benefits of creatine after just a few days . To load with creatine, take four 5-gram servings throughout the day for about 5-7 days. After that, take 3-5 grams per day to maintain your muscle creatine stores . The key point to take away from this article is that creatine supplementation can certainly enhance performance output, especially anaerobically, and it does this through a variety of mechanisms (one of which appears to be by enhancing recovery during intermittent, high-intensity exercise). Creatine works. Weight lifters know this, professors know this, the marketers who sell the stuff know this. But nobody should put anything in their body without weighing the benefits and risks first. That goes for everything from beer to marshmallows to the amazing amino acid called creatine. It’s not anything scary. Some research shows that taking 20 grams of creatine daily for 5 days followed by 5 grams daily for 5 days does not improve muscle strength. But other research shows that taking 20 grams daily for 4-10 days does improve strength. Research on creatine in the elderly is also conflicting. Over the last couple of decades, creatine has become a supplement staple for guys looking to build strength and lean muscle mass. At the very least, you've probably seen guys around the gym taking creatine in the form of powder, capsules, or as part of a pre-made shake. “[But] the best effect in healthy humans is seen when creatine is combined with resistance exercise training.” Creatine causes gastrointestinal upset. True—but it’s rare. Tarnopolsky says his studies show 5 to 7 percent of people experience either stomach aches, diarrhea, or both. Creatine will help you run a faster 5K. Myth. The Iranian researchers concluded that since myostatin levels were lower in the subjects taking creatine, one way that creatine may work to increase muscle size and strength is by reducing myostatin levels, which reduces the limitation that this protein places on muscle growth. In children with the certain creatine deficiency syndromes, oral creatine supplements might improve some symptoms. Heart failure. There isn't enough evidence to recommend use of oral creatine as a heart failure treatment. Taking creatine while taking Tagamet may increase the risk of kidney damage. Drugs that affect the kidneys. Using creatine along with any medication that affects the kidneys may raise the risk of kidney damage. Probenecid. Taking creatine while taking probenecid, a drug used to treat gout, may increase the risk of kidney damage. Query: how does creatine help with strength One way that creatine may work to increase muscle size and strength is by reducing myostatin levels, which reduces the limitation that this protein places on muscle growth. Total bilirubin is now often measured by the 2,5-dichlorophenyldiazonium (DPD) method, and direct bilirubin is often measured by the method of Jendrassik and Grof. Blood levels. The bilirubin level found in the body reflects the balance between production and excretion. Blood test results should always be interpreted using the reference range provided by the laboratory that performed the test, but typical [0.3 to 1.9 mg/dL]s for adults and [340 µmol/L] for new borns: Jaundice occurs as a result of excess bilirubin in. the blood. It is a hallmark of liver disease but. not always present in liver disease. Jaundice. occurs when the liver fails to adequately. secrete bilirubin from the blood into the bile. Bilirubin: Bilirubin,, a brownish yellow pigment of bile, secreted by the liver in vertebrates, which gives to solid waste products (feces) their characteristic colour. It is produced in bone marrow cells and in the liver as the end product of red-blood-cell (hemoglobin) breakdown. Normally the body produces a total of about 260 mg of bilirubin per day. Almost 99 per cent of this is excreted in the feces; the remaining 1 per cent is excreted in the urine as urobilinogen. Bilirubin is a pigment in bile created during the breakdown of haemoglobin, which is then excreted from the body in bile. It is bilirubin which gives people the characte…ristic yellow colour in jaundice (whether that be caused by liver failure, obstruction or an increased breakdown of haemoglobin). the liver. To be transported in blood, bilirubin must be solubilized. By the very nature of being reversible, noncovalent binding to albumin the Unconjugated bilirubin bound to albumin is transported to the liver, where it is taken up by hepatocytes through carrier-mediated membrane transport and solubilised. Bilirubin metabolism: Applied physiology Xia Wang, Jayanta Roy Chowdhury , Namita Roy Chowdhury Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA KEYWORDS Bilirubin; Bilirubin glucuro-nides; UGT1A1; ABCC2 Summary Bilirubin is the breakdown product of the haem moiety of haemoglobin and other haemoproteins. Because of internal hydrogen bonding, bilirubin is water-insoluble and requires enzyme-mediated glucuronidation in the liver for biliary excretion. In normal circumstances, plasma bilirubin is mostly unconjugated and is tightly bound to circulating albumin. Urine bilirubin may also be clinically significant. Bilirubin is not normally detectable in the urine of healthy people. If the blood level of conjugated bilirubin becomes elevated, e.g. due to liver disease, excess conjugated bilirubin is excreted in the urine, indicating a pathological process. Unconjugated bilirubin is not water-soluble and so is not excreted in the urine. Biliary Excretion of Waste Products: Elimination of Bilirubin The liver is well known to metabolize and excrete into bile many compounds and toxins, thus eliminating them (usually) from the body. Examples can be found among both endogenous molecules (steroid hormones, calcium) and exogenous compounds (many antibiotics and metabolities of drugs). Bilirubin is conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver and excreted in the bile, giving the stools their characteristic colour. When it cannot escape freely into the bowel it accumulates in the blood, staining the skin to cause JAUNDICE. Query: how is bilirubin excreted from the body
Bilirubin is a brownish yellow pigment of bile, secreted by the liver in vertebrates, which gives to solid waste products their characteristic colour. It is produced in bone marrow cells and in the liver as the end product of red-blood-cell (hemoglobin) breakdown.
In this task, you will be given a passage consisting of set of facts. The task is to create a question of form 'Where is <person_name>?' that is answerable from exactly one of the given facts. Avoid creating questions that are unanswerable from all of the facts. Q: Passage: Daniel went to the kitchen. Daniel went back to the garden. A:
Where is Daniel?
In this task, given a sentence in the Japanese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. Example Input: ユベントスは元々、36点の減点でセリエBに降格されていた。 Example Output: Juventus originally were relegated to Serie B with a thirty-point deduction. Example Input: ビバリーヒルズ映画祭2013が水曜日に開催される。 Example Output: The 2013 Beverly Hills Film Festival is set to open on Wednesday. Example Input: 「彼は大詐欺師で、彼の口から出てくるすべてはうそです」と、セラフィン・エドウィンは、アラブ首長国連邦のナショナル紙への声明で言った。 Example Output:
He is a big fraud and everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie," said Serafin Edwin in a statement to the United Arab Emirates paper The National.
Q: In this task, you are given text for US Congressional and California state bills, your task is to generate a summary for this bill. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Teacher Center Act of 2006''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds as follows: (1) There are not enough qualified teachers in the Nation's classrooms, and an unprecedented number of teachers will retire over the next 5 years. Over the next decade, the Nation will need to bring 2,000,000 new teachers into public schools. (2) Too many teachers do not receive adequate preparation for their jobs. (3) More than one-third of children in grades 7 through 12 are taught by a teacher who lacks both a college major and certification in the subject being taught. Rates of ``out-of- field teaching'' are especially high in high-poverty schools. (4) Teacher turnover is a serious problem, particularly in urban and rural areas. Over one-third of new teachers leave the profession within their first 3 years of teaching, and 14 percent of new teachers leave the field within the first year. After 5 years--the average time it takes for teachers to maximize students' learning--half of all new teachers will have exited the profession. Rates of teacher attrition are highest in high-poverty schools. Between 2000 and 2001, 1 out of 5 teachers in the Nation's high-poverty schools either left to teach in another school or dropped out of teaching altogether. (5) African-American, Latino, and low-income students are much less likely than other students to have highly-qualified teachers. (6) Research shows that individual teachers have a great impact on how well their students learn. The most effective teachers have been shown to be able to boost their pupils' learning by a full grade level relative to students taught by less effective teachers. (7) Only 16 States finance new teacher induction programs, and fewer still require inductees to be matched with mentors who teach the same subject. (8) Large-scale studies of effective professional development have documented that student achievement and teacher learning increases when professional development is teacher-led, ongoing, and collaborative. (9) Research shows that the characteristics of successful professional development include a focus on concrete classroom applications and practice, and opportunities for teacher observation, critique, reflection, group support, and collaboration. (10) Data on school reform shows that teachers are attracted to and continue to teach in academically challenged schools when appropriate supports are in place to help them succeed. Appropriate supports include high-quality induction programs, job-embedded professional development, and small classes which allow teachers to tailor instruction to meet the needs of individual students. SEC. 3. IMPROVING RETENTION OF AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PUBLIC ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS. (a) In General.--Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6601 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``PART E--TEACHER RETENTION ``SEC. 2501. IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH TEACHER CENTERS. ``(a) Grants.--The Secretary may make grants to eligible entities for the establishment and operation of new teacher centers or the support of existing teacher centers. ``(b) Special Consideration.--In making grants under this section, the Secretary shall give special consideration to any application submitted by an eligible entity that is-- ``(1) a high-need local educational agency; or ``(2) a consortium that includes at least one high-need local educational agency. ``(c) Duration.--Each grant under this section shall be for a period of 3 years. ``(d) Required Activities.--A teacher center receiving assistance under this section shall carry out each of the following activities: ``(1) Providing high-quality professional development to teachers to assist the teachers in improving their knowledge, skills, and teaching practices in order to help students to improve the students' achievement and meet State academic standards. ``(2) Providing teachers with information on developments in curricula, assessments, and educational research, including the manner in which the research and data can be used to improve teaching skills and practice. ``(3) Providing training and support for new teachers. ``(e) Permissible Activities.--A teacher center may use assistance under this section for any of the following: ``(1) Assessing the professional development needs of the teachers and other instructional school employees, such as librarians, counselors, and paraprofessionals, to be served by the center. ``(2) Providing intensive support to staff to improve instruction in literacy, mathematics, science, and other curricular areas necessary to provide a well-rounded education to students. ``(3) Providing support to mentors working with new teachers. ``(4) Providing training in effective instructional services and classroom management strategies for mainstream teachers serving students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency. ``(5) Enabling teachers to engage in study groups and other collaborative activities and collegial interactions regarding instruction. ``(6) Paying for release time and substitute teachers in order to enable teachers to participate in the activities of the teacher center. ``(7) Creating libraries of professional materials and educational technology. ``(8) Providing high-quality professional development for other instructional staff, such as paraprofessionals, librarians, and counselors. ``(9) Assisting teachers to become highly qualified and paraprofessionals to become teachers. ``(10) Assisting paraprofessionals to meet the requirements of section 1119. ``(11) Developing curricula. ``(12) Incorporating additional on-line professional development resources for participants. ``(13) Providing funding for individual- or group-initiated classroom projects. ``(14) Developing partnerships with businesses and community-based organizations. ``(15) Establishing a teacher center site. ``(f) Teacher Center Policy Board.-- ``(1) In general.--A teacher center receiving assistance under this section shall be operated under the supervision of a teacher center policy board. ``(2) Membership.-- ``(A) Teacher representatives.--The majority of the members of a teacher center policy board shall be representatives of, and selected by, the elementary and secondary school teachers to be served by the teacher center. Such representatives shall be selected through the teacher organization, or if there is no teacher organization, by the teachers directly. ``(B) Other representatives.--The members of a teacher center policy board-- ``(i) shall include at least 2 members who are representatives of, or designated by, the school board of the local educational agency to be served by the teacher center; ``(ii) shall include at least 1 member who is a representative of, and is designated by, the institutions of higher education (with departments or schools of education) located in the area; and ``(iii) may include paraprofessionals. ``(g) Application.-- ``(1) In general.--To seek a grant under this section, an eligible entity shall submit an application at such time, in such manner, and accompanied by such information as the Secretary may reasonably require. ``(2) Assurance of compliance.--An application under paragraph (1) shall include an assurance that the eligible entity will require any teacher center receiving assistance through the grant to comply with the requirements of this section. ``(3) Teacher center policy board.--An application under paragraph (1) shall include the following: ``(A) An assurance that-- ``(i) the eligible entity has established a teacher center policy board; ``(ii) the board participated fully in the preparation of the application; and ``(iii) the board approved the application as submitted. ``(B) A description of the membership of the board and the method of selection of the membership. ``(h) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) The term `eligible entity' means a local educational agency or a consortium of 2 or more local educational agencies. ``(2) The term `high-need' means, with respect to an elementary school or a secondary school, a school-- ``(A) that serves an eligible school attendance area (as defined in section 1113) in which not less than 65 percent of the children are from low-income families, based on the number of children eligible for free and reduced priced lunches under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act; or ``(B) in which not less than 65 percent of the children enrolled are from such families. ``(3) The term `high-need local educational agency' means a local educational agency-- ``(A) that serves not fewer than 10,000 children from families with incomes below the poverty line, or for which not less than 20 percent of the children served by the agency are from families with incomes below the poverty line; and ``(B) that is having or expected to have difficulty filling teacher vacancies or hiring new teachers who are highly qualified. ``(4) The term `teacher center policy board' means a teacher center policy board described in subsection (f). ``(i) Authorization of Appropriations.--To carry out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000 for fiscal year 2007 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the 5 succeeding fiscal years.''. (b) Conforming Amendment.--The table of contents at section 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 2441 of such Act the following new items: ``Part E--Teacher Retention ``Sec. 2501. Improving professional development opportunities.''. A:
Teacher Center Act of 2006 - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) or consortiums of LEAs for the establishment and operation of new teacher centers or the support of existing centers. Requires that special consideration be given to high-need LEAs that serve a specified number or percentage of poor children and face difficulties in recruiting highly qualified teachers. Requires teacher centers established or supported with such funds to provide: (1) high-quality professional development to teachers that will enable them to help students improve their achievement and meet state academic standards; (2) teachers with information on developments in curricula, assessments, and educational research; and (3) training and support for new teachers. Lists other permissible uses of such funds by teacher centers. Conditions a center's receipt of such assistance on its operation under the supervision of a teacher center policy board, the majority of whose members must be representatives of, and selected by, the elementary and secondary school teachers to be served by the center.
Instructions: Given a sentence in English, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in French that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Input: The leaves are generally 1.5-4 mm long and 0.2-0.7 mm wide . Output:
Les feuilles ont généralement une longueur de 1,5 à 4 mm et une largeur de 0,2 à 0,7 mm.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a question, its answer, and a sentence that supports the question, i.e., the answer to the question is inferable from the sentence. In this task, you need to paraphrase the given sentence so that the paraphrased sentence still supports the question i.e. you can still infer the answer to the question from the paraphrased sentence. Do not write a paraphrase with a minor change in the given sentence e.g. replacing the word "one" with "a". Instead, try to write a paraphrase that contains new words, i.e. the words that are not present in the input sentence. Q: Question: Lyme disease is caused by what kind of organim? Answer: bacteria. Sentence: Lyme disease is caused by bacteria. A:
Bacteria can cause many health issues. Lyme Disease is one example of that.
Given a sentence in Bulgarian, generate a new Bulgarian sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Вие ще наемете инструмент в продоволствията. Най-вероятно ще намерите инструмент в списъка с музикален плейли. Най-вероятно ще намерите скрит кран в РОМ. Най-вероятно ще намерите чешмяна чешма в банята. Басейнът е за разкрасяване на небето.
Използва се за връщане на ципа.
Part 1. Definition You are given a concatenated string consisting of two parts that are separated by a newline character. The first part is the user's initial question during a human computer conversation, the second part is a clarifying question asked by the computer in response to the question asked by the user. You should read the input, then generate a valid prediction of the user's response to the computer's clarifying question. A valid prediction will clarify the user's correct intent in the initial question. Part 2. Example User: Find information about joints in the human body. Computer: what specific joint are you interested in Answer: i am interested in joint pain treatments in general Explanation: The user want to know joints in general, not a specific joint. Part 3. Exercise User: What are the primary symptoms or signs of fybromyalgia? Computer: are you looking for any specific support group in relation to fybromyalgia Answer:
no i want to see a list of support groups available for fybromyalgia sufferers
TASK DEFINITION: You will be given a sentence. Check whether the sentence is grammatically correct and is meaningful. If the sentence is grammatically correct, then answer with '1', otherwise answer with '0'. PROBLEM: The gardener watered the flowers flat. SOLUTION: 1 PROBLEM: Shaving myself is difficult for me. SOLUTION: 1 PROBLEM: The harder that it rains, how much faster a flow do you see in the river? SOLUTION:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a passage, and you need to write an **implausible** answer to to fill in the place of "_". Your answer should be incorrect, but should not be out of context. Try using words that are related to the context of the passage, but are not the correct answer. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Q: Buffalo coach Rex Ryan made a successful return to the Meadowlands to take on his old team as the Bills beat the New York Jets 22-17 on Thursday. Buffalo's defense shut down the Jets and the Bills scored on offense and special teams to move level with New York on 5-4 win-loss records in the AFC East division. Duke Williams returned a fumbled kickoff 19 yards for the go-ahead points, rookie Karlos Williams had a 26-yard touchdown catch and Dan Carpenter kicked three field goals. Buffalo's offense made just enough key plays and held off a late surge by the Jets after Ryan Fitzpatrick threw for two touchdowns.Buffalo Bills beat New York Jets 22-17 at MetLife Stadium on ThursdayRex Ryan, now coach of the Bills, won on his return to his old teamBills drew level with Jets at 5-4 in the AFC East behind PatriotsIn a low-scoring, tight game, Bills scored on offense and special teams Question:New York's turnover issued completely turned the game in _'s favor. A:
Rex Ryan
You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into Polish. Input: Consider Input: Esto es Ohio. Output: To Ohio. Input: Consider Input: La FAA, hace un año, nos concedió una excepción para el Transition que nos permite llevar 50 kg adicionales, Output: Mniej więcej rok temu, FAA (Federalna Administracja Lotnictwa) udzieliła nam przejściowej ulgi dla Transition pozwalającej na dodatkowe 50 Kg Input: Consider Input: 2500 libras.
Output: Dwa i pół tysiąca funtów.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. 3000 അടല്‍ ടിങ്കറിംഗ്‌ലാബുകള്‍കൂടി അനുവദിക്കും
3,000 ਹੋਰ ਅਟਲ ਟਿੰਕਰਿੰਗ ਲੈਬਸ ਦਾ ਐਲਾਨ
Information: - Great Britain, also known as Britain , is a large island in the north Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of continental Europe. With an area of , Great Britain is the largest European island and the ninth-largest in the world. In 2011 the island had a population of about 61 million people, making it the world's third-most populous island after Java in Indonesia and Honshu in Japan. The island of Ireland is situated to the west of it, and together these islands, along with over 1,000 smaller surrounding islands, comprise the British Isles archipelago. - St George's Channel is a sea channel connecting the Irish Sea to the north and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. - The British Isles are a group of islands off the north-western coast of continental Europe that consist of the islands of Great Britain, Ireland and over six thousand smaller isles. Situated in the North Atlantic, the islands have a total area of approximately 315,159 km, and a combined population of just under 70 million. Two sovereign states are located on the islands: Ireland (which covers roughly five-sixths of the island with the same name) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Isles also include three Crown Dependencies: the Isle of Man and, by tradition, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Bailiwick of Guernsey in the Channel Islands, although the latter are not physically a part of the archipelago. - William III (4 November 1650 8 March 1702; also widely known as William of Orange) was sovereign Prince of Orange from birth, Stadtholder of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Gelderland, and Overijssel in the Dutch Republic from 1672, and King of England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1689 until his death. It is a coincidence that his regnal number (III) was the same for both Orange and England. As King of Scotland, he is known as William II. He is informally known by sections of the population in Northern Ireland and Scotland as "King Billy". - The Irish Sea (, , , Ulster-Scots: "Airish Sea"), separates the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Celtic Sea in the south by St George's Channel, and to the Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland in the north by the North Channel. Anglesey is the largest island within the Irish Sea, followed by the Isle of Man. The sea is occasionally, but rarely, referred to as the Manx Sea. - The River Shannon is the longest river in Ireland at . It drains the Shannon River Basin which has an area of , one fifth of the area of Ireland. - The Williamite War in Ireland (16881691), meaning "war of the two kings"was a conflict between Jacobites (supporters of the Catholic King James II of England and Ireland, VII of Scotland) and Williamites (supporters of the Dutch Protestant Prince William of Orange) over who would be monarch of the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of Ireland. It is also called the Jacobite War in Ireland or the WilliamiteJacobite War in Ireland. - Uí Maine, often Anglicised as Hy Many, was one of the oldest and largest kingdoms located in Connacht, Ireland. Its territory of approximately encompassed all of what is now north, east and south County Galway, south and central County Roscommon, an area near County Clare, and at one stage had apparently subjugated land on the east bank of the Shannon, together with the parish of Lusmagh in Offaly. - Europe is a continent that comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. To the east and southeast, Europe is generally considered as separated from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways of the Turkish Straits. Yet the non-oceanic borders of Europea concept dating back to classical antiquityare arbitrary. The primarily physiographic term "continent" as applied to Europe also incorporates cultural and political elements whose discontinuities are not always reflected by the continent's current overland boundaries. - The Kingdom of Ireland (Classical Irish: '; Modern Irish: ') was a client state of the Kingdom of England that existed on Ireland from 1542 until 1800. It came into being when the Parliament of Ireland passed the Crown of Ireland Act 1542 and proclaimed King Henry VIII of England as King of Ireland. The territory of the Kingdom had previously had the status of a lordship of the Crown. - Ireland (Ulster-Scots: ) is an island in the North Atlantic. It is separated from Great Britain to its east by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St George's Channel. Ireland is the second-largest island of the British Isles, the third-largest in Europe, and the twentieth-largest on Earth. - The Glorious Revolution, also called the Revolution of 1688, was the overthrow of King James II of England (James VII of Scotland) by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange. William's successful invasion of England with a Dutch fleet and army led to his ascension of the English throne as William III of England jointly with his wife Mary II of England, James's daughter, in conjunction with the documentation of the Bill of Rights 1689. - Earth, otherwise known as the world, is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the Solar System and the largest of the four terrestrial planets. - Ulster (or "Cúige Uladh" , Ulster Scots: "Ulstèr" or "Ulster") is a province in the north of the island of Ireland. In ancient Ireland, it was one of the fifths ruled by a "rí ruirech", or "king of over-kings". - The Kingdom of Scotland was a state in northwest Europe traditionally said to have been founded in 843, which joined with the Kingdom of England to form a unified Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. Its territories expanded and shrank, but it came to occupy the northern third of the island of Great Britain, sharing a land border to the south with the Kingdom of England. It suffered many invasions by the English, but under Robert I it fought a successful war of independence and remained a distinct state in the late Middle Ages. In 1603, James VI of Scotland became King of England, joining Scotland with England in a personal union. In 1707, the two kingdoms were united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain under the terms of the Acts of Union. From the final capture of the Royal Burgh of Berwick by the Kingdom of England in 1482 (following the annexation of the Northern Isles from the Kingdom of Norway in 1472) the territory of the Kingdom of Scotland corresponded to that of modern-day Scotland, bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest. - The Kingdom of England was a sovereign state on the island of Great Britain from the 10th centurywhen it emerged from various Anglo-Saxon kingdomsuntil 1707, when it united with Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain. - The Dutch Republic, also known as the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands ('), Republic of the United Netherlands or Republic of the Seven United Provinces ('), was a republic in Europe existing from 1581, when part of the Netherlands separated from Spanish rule, until 1795. It preceded the Batavian Republic, the Kingdom of Holland, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, and ultimately the modern Kingdom of the Netherlands. Alternative names include the United Provinces ('), Seven Provinces ('), Federated Dutch Provinces ('), and Dutch Federation ('). - Athlone was besieged twice during the Williamite War in Ireland ( 1689 -- 91 ) . The town is situated in the centre of Ireland on the River Shannon and commanded the bridge crossing the river into the Jacobite - held province of Connacht . For this reason , it was of key strategic importance . - Ireland has historically been divided into four provinces: Connacht, Leinster, Munster and Ulster. The Irish word for this territorial division, "cúige", literally meaning "fifth part", indicates that there were once five; the fifth province, Meath, was incorporated into Leinster, with parts going to Ulster. The provinces of Ireland serve no administrative or political purposes, but function as historical and cultural entities. - An island or isle is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, skerries, cays or keys. An island in a river or a lake island may be called an eyot or ait, and a small island off the coast may be called a holm. A grouping of geographically or geologically related islands is called an archipelago, e.g. the Philippines. - In the Low Countries, stadtholder, literally steward, designated a medieval official and then a national leader. - A Williamite is a follower of King William III of England who deposed King James II in the Glorious Revolution. William, the Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, replaced James with the support of English Whigs. - Connacht or Connaught (or "Cúige Chonnacht") is one of the provinces of Ireland, situated in the west of the country. Up to the 9th century it consisted of several independent major kingdoms (Lúighne, Uí Maine, and Iarthar Connacht). Given the paragraphs above, decide what entity has the relation 'instance of' with 'conflict'. Answer:
siege of athlone
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. આ યોજનાનો ઉદ્દેશ ચોમાસાની સિઝનનાં 124 દિવસમાં તાપી નદીમાંથી પૂરનું . Output:
വര്‍ഷകാലത്ത് 124 ദിവസം താപി നദിയില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള 9. 24 ടി.
instruction: You are given a statement written in Bengali. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement . Output the word from the correct option . question: Statement: জাতীয় সড়ক ৩১২ (সাধারণভাবে এনএইচ, ৩১২ নামে উল্লেখিত) <MASK> একটি জাতীয় সড়ক। এটি জাতীয় সড়ক ১২-এর একটি দ্বিতীয় স্তরের পথ। ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্যের মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলা, নদীয়া জেলা ও উত্তর চব্বিশ পরগণা জেলার মধ্য দিয়ে এনএইচ -৩১২ অগ্রসর হয়েছে। Option A: মুর্শিদাবাদ Option B: বনগাঁ Option C: বসিরহাট Option D: ভারতের answer: ভারতের question: Statement: প্রাচীনতম যে বিশেষ খ্রিষ্টমাস স্তোত্রবন্দনাগুলি পাওয়া যায়, সেগুলি রচিত হয়েছিল খ্রিষ্টীয় চতুর্থ শতাব্দীর <MASK>। মিলানের আর্কবিশপ অ্যামব্রোস রচিত Veni redemptor gentium ইত্যাদি লাতিন স্তোত্রগুলি এরিয়ানিজম বিরোধী যিশুর অবতারবাদের ধর্মীয় তত্ত্বকথার পবিত্র ভাষ্য। স্প্যানিশ কবি প্রুডেন্টিয়াস (মৃত্যু ৪১৩ খ্রি.) রচিত Corde natus ex Parentis (Of the Father's love begotten) স্তোত্রটি আজও কোনো কোনো গির্জায় গীত হয়। Option A: ক্যাথলিক Option B: নেপাল Option C: রোমে Option D: ভারত answer: রোমে question: Statement: ১১ জুন ইউনাইটেড, রোনালদোর ক্লাব ছাড়ার ইচ্ছাজ্ঞাপনের পর রিয়াল মাদ্রিদ হতে শর্তবিহীন £৮০&nbsp;মিলিয়ন এর প্রস্তাব গ্রহণ করে। গ্লেজার পরিবারের (ইউনাইটেডের মালিকপক্ষ) প্রতিনিধি এটা নিশ্চিত করে যে এটা ইউনাইটেড ম্যানেজার ফার্গুসনের সম্মতিতেই করা হয়েছে। যখন রিয়াল মাদ্রিদে রোনালদোর ট্রান্সফার নিশ্চিত হয় তখন রোনালদো,তাকে একজন খেলোয়াড় হিসেবে গড়ে তোলার জন্য <MASK> ধন্যবাদ জানান। তিনি বলেন, "ক্রীড়াক্ষেত্রে তিনি আমার পিতা, এবং আমার ক্যারিয়ারে একজন অন্যতম প্রধান ও প্রভাবশালী ব্যক্তিত্ব।" Option A: কাকা Option B: মেসি Option C: বেকহ্যামের Option D: ফার্গুসনকে answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a conversation, and your task is to generate a summary from the information present in the given conversation. Generate a summary in such a way that the context should be present in the conversation. It should cover the complete context of the conversation. Kinsley: Hi! :) How are you?, Kinsley: I hope, you've managed to dig yourself out of snow. :), Miles: hi! :), Miles: yup, surprisingly, i'm still breathing, even though i had to shovel hundreds pounds of snow this morning, Kinsley: Is the weather on Lofoten as extreme as in the USA?, Miles: it's not that cold in here, but we have really heavy snowfalls, Miles: today i had to jump out of the widow, because i couldn't open the door (!), Kinsley: whoa, Kinsley: I hope you haven't broken any bones!, Miles: me too. :D, Miles: i hope we won't freeze our butts off this winter. :P
Miles shoveled hundreds pounds of snow this morning. He had to exit through the window, because the door couldn't be opened. They have really heavy snowfalls there on Lofoten.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of article and corresponding title of an article. Your task is to generate label "yes" if headline (title) is right for article, otherwise generate "no". Problem:Article: saturn 's rings are more massive and far older than previously thought , astronomers reported on tuesday . Title: saturn 's rings are older than thought say astronomers Solution:
Generate a sentence that answers this question: "A consumer must locate it's own". Answer: a consumer can not produce its own food Generate a sentence that answers this question: "If I wanted to disguise myself, what might be something I do?". Answer: disguise means change appearance to hide Generate a sentence that answers this question: "Someone with Lupus is probably in". Answer:
illness has a negative impact on an organism 's health
Part 1. Definition Two analogies that relate places/locations to the associated travel mode is given in the form "A : B. C : ?". "A : B" relates place A to travel mode B. Your task is to replace the question mark (?) with the appropriate travel mode for the given place C, following the "A : B" relation. Part 2. Example moon : rocket. france : ? Answer: airplane Explanation: Rockets are used to travel to the moon - hence the given analogy relates places/locations to the associated travel mode , and the answer also does the same Part 3. Exercise mars : spaceship. canada : ? Answer:
Detailed Instructions: A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Q: 5 ਲੱਖ ਕਿਤਾਬਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਰਸਾਲਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਕਲੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਵਾਲੀ ਕੇਂਦਰੀ ਪੁਰਾਤੱਤਵ ਲਾਇਬ੍ਰੇਰੀ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੈ। A:
नए मुख्यालय भवन में केन्द्रीय पुरातत्त्व पुस्तकालय है, जिसमें लगभग 1.5 लाख पुस्तकें और पत्रिकाएं हैं।
As the Universe expands, galaxies move further and further apart. Having read the above passage, choose the right answer to the following question (choices are expanding or contracting ): The decreasing distances between galaxies indicates the Universe is expanding or contracting?
In this task, you're given an ambiguous question (which can be answered in more than one way). Your task is to provide one question which clarifies the input question and it has one unique answer, and also provide an answer to the generated question. Generated question and answer should be separated with a new line. Who played the first ryan on last man standing? Who played Ryan on Season 1 of Last Man Standing? Nick Jonas What are the products that result from the light reactions of photosynthesis? What are the products that result from the light reactions of oxygenic photosynthesis? O2, NADPH, ATP When did lebron james join the cleveland cavaliers?
When did Lebron James join the Cleveland Cavaliers for the first time? 2003
Q: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: As I mentioned in my previous post on Sacré-Coeur, one of the other places I didn’t get a chance to see when I was in Paris last summer was the catacombs so I wanted to be sure to fit in a visit this time around. Long Queue vs Online Tickets You can either wait in line to get in or buy tickets online for specific time slots to bypass the line. Wait times can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 3+ hours and in the summer time, it’s common to wait for hours. I definitely recommend buying a ticket online. Keep in mind that they have a limited number of tickets for each time slot, so don’t wait too long to buy or you may be stuck in that loooooong line. We got quite a few less-then-friendly looks from those in the line when we bypassed the entire queue and went right in. C’est la vie (insert Gallic shrug here). For some inexplicable reason, the site says you must print your tickets if you buy them online. Given that most visitors to the catacombs are tourists with limited or no access to a printer, this seems particularly silly, but what can you do? Luckily, we were in a hotel with a small business center so we printed our tickets there. Online tickets cost quite a bit more (27€ compared to 12€ for adults and 10€ for those age 26 or under). Totally worth it if that works with your budget. Online tickets also come with an audio guide. If you buy tickets at the door, the guide is an extra 5€. It’s a nice cool 14°C (57°F) down there, a lovely break from the hot summer weather above. It is damp in places and the ground can be slippery so watch your step as you walk. Question: What is the most probably reason why the author decided to visit the catacombs? Options: - not enough information - She wanted to cool off after being in the heat all day - It's a must see attraction while in Paris - She really wanted to see the Sacre-Coeur, but they were sold out A: It's a must see attraction while in Paris Q: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: If you’ve ever seen travel photos of Venice or been to Venice yourself, you’re probably familiar with the Rialto Bridge. The Ponte di Rialto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Venice and one of the most iconic landmarks of the Italian city. Even in 1594, when the bridge was only recently completed, a British traveler called it the “eighth wonder of the world.” The version of the bridge that most people know was built between 1588 and 1591, but there’s been a bridge in this location since around 1180. The Rialto Bridge was the first bridge to cross the Grand Canal, and until the 1800s it remained the only bridge across Venice’s major waterway. The Rialto district was the main commercial hub of Venice and people increasingly needed access to buy and sell goods. The first bridge built at this site was a pontoon bridge that was eventually replaced by a wooden bridge in 1264. This wooden bridge was destroyed and rebuilt several times: it burned down during an unsuccessful coup in 1310, and in 1444 collapsed under the weight of a crowd watching a boat parade during a wedding. Its last collapse came in 1524, and by then Venice decided it was time to build a more permanent and durable bridge. Beginning in 1525, many architects submitted designs for the Rialto Bridge, but none of them was unanimously selected for the commission. The elected council overseeing the bridge’s construction deliberated and consulted several local builders to figure out how they could erect a stone bridge across the wide Grand Canal. They had a few limitations to consider: the sloped shores on either side, the need for boats to be able to pass underneath, and the practicality of having shops atop the bridge. Andrea Palladio’s design for the Rialto Bridge, published in his architectural treatise, Quattro libri, in 1570, featured three arches that would have prevented larger boats from passing under the bridge. Although his design utilized an appealing classical aesthetic, it was rejected in favor of Antonio Da Ponte’s. Question: What is the only bridge across Venice’s major waterway until the 1800s? Options: - The wide Grand Canal Bridge - The pontoon bridge - not enough information - The Rialto Bridge A: The Rialto Bridge Q: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: In this article, I’ll address a real mainstay of modern medicine: laboratory tests that require drawing blood. This is sometimes referred to as “checking labs,” “doing bloodwork,” or even “checking blood.” Most older adults have been through this. For instance, it’s pretty much impossible to be hospitalized without having bloodwork done, and it’s part of most emergency room care. Such testing is also often done as part of an annual exam, or “complete physical.” Last but not least, blood testing is usually — although not always — very helpful when it comes to evaluating many common complaints that affect aging adults. Fatigued and experiencing low energy? We should perhaps check for anemia and thyroid problems, among other things. Confused and delirious? Bloodwork can help us check on an older person’s electrolytes (they can be thrown off by a medication side-effect, as well as by other causes). Blood tests can also provide us with information related to infection, kidney function, and much more. Like much of medical care, blood testing is probably overused. But often, it’s an appropriate and an important part of evaluating an older person’s health care concerns. So as a geriatrician, I routinely order or recommend blood tests for older adults. Historically, laboratory results were reviewed by the doctors and were only minimally discussed with patients and families. But today, it’s becoming more common for patients to ask questions about their results, and otherwise become more knowledgeable about this aspect of their health. In fact, one of my top recommendations to older adults and family caregivers is to always request a copy of your laboratory results. (And then, keep it in your personal health record!) This way, if you ever have questions about your health, or need to see a different doctor, you’ll be able to quickly access this useful information about yourself. In this article, I’m going to list and briefly explain the blood tests that are most commonly used, for the primary medical care of older... Question: The author probably believes that: Options: - not enough information - they are only recommended to aging adults - laboratory results are accurate - laboratory results are easily understandable without interpretations from medical doctors
A: laboratory results are accurate
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a scientific passage and an answer, generate a question for the given answer. Passage: 20.8 End-of-Chapter Material Chapter Summary To ensure that you understand the material in this chapter, you should review the meanings of the bold terms in the following summary and ask yourself how they relate to the topics in the chapter. Metabolism is the general term for all chemical reactions in living organisms. The two types of metabolism are catabolism—those reactions in which complex molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) are broken down to simpler ones with the concomitant release of energy—and anabolism—those reactions that consume energy to build complex molecules. Metabolism is studied by looking at individual metabolic pathways, which are a series of biochemical reactions in which a given reactant is converted to a desired end product. The oxidation of fuel molecules (primarily carbohydrates and lipids), a process called respiration, is the source of energy used by cells. Catabolic reactions release energy from food molecules and use some of that energy for the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP); anabolic reactions use the energy in ATP to create new compounds. Catabolism can be divided into three stages. In stage I, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are broken down into their individual monomer units—simple sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids, respectively. In stage II, these monomer units are broken down by specific metabolic pathways to form a common end product acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA). In stage III, acetyl-CoA is completely oxidized to form carbon dioxide and water, and ATP is produced. Saylor URL: http://www. saylor. org/books. Answer: metabolism Output:
Catabolism and anabolism are the two types of what?
In this task you will be given a list of strings and you need to concatenate them. ['it', 'V', 'iron', 'k'] itVironk ['B', 'timeliest', 'E', 'for', 'S'] BtimeliestEforS ['J', 'o']
Instructions: In this task, we ask you to write an answer to a question that involves “event duration", based on a given sentence. Here, event duration is defined as the understanding of how long events typically last. For example, “brushing teeth”, usually takes a few minutes. Note that a lot of the questions could have more than one correct answer. We only need a single most-likely answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. Input: Sentence: The Serbian, who beat Tsonga in the 2008 Australian Open final, ended the dream run of Australian 18-year-old Bernard Tomic. Question: How long did it take for the Serbian to beat Tsonga? Output:
3 hour.
In this task, given a sentence in the Thai language, your task is to convert it into the English language. [EX Q]: "นี่เป็นขั้นตอนสำคัญของประชาธิปไตยที่รัฐบาลแห่งสหราชอาณาจักรมิได้ละเลย แต่มาตรการเหล่านี้ก็สำคัญอย่างยิ่งต่อการฟื้นฟูธรรมาภิบาล และการบริหารการเงินที่เหมาะสม" Chris Bryant ผู้ช่วยรัฐมนตรีประจำกระทรวงการต่างประเทศ กล่าว [EX A]: "This is a serious constitutional step which the UK government has not taken lightly, but these measures are essential in order to restore good governance and sound financial management", said the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Chris Bryant. [EX Q]: ในบทความของ Washington Times นางTsotne Bakuria อดีตสมาชิกผู้แทนราษฎรจอร์เจียและสมาชิกอาวุโสใน Global International Strategic Group ในสหรัฐอเมริกา ก็วิจารณ์รัฐบาลของ Saakashvili อย่างรุนแรงเช่นเดียวกัน [EX A]: In an article in The Washington Times, Tsotne Bakuria, a former member of the Georgian parliament and now a senior fellow at Global International Strategic Group in the U.S., formulates a similarly harsh criticism of Shakasvili's government. [EX Q]: ชาวมุสลิมประมาณ 150 คนอยู่ภายในมัสยิดเพื่อสวดมนต์ในเช้า ขณะที่การก่อสร้างและการปิดกั้นได้เริ่มต้นขึ้น [EX A]:
Around 150 Muslims were inside the mosque for morning prayers when the construction and blockade began.
Your task is to localize given English phrase into Hindi language. When localising, follow these rules - (1) General names and concepts can be translated (2) Domain specific names can just be transliterated (3) Localised phrases can have both partial translated and transliterated parts (4) But only partial translation or only partial transliteration is not allowed (5) Copy special characters and numbers as is One example: Displays the document relations of a document Solution is here: दस्तावेज़ का दस्तावेज़ सम्बन्ध प्रदर्शित करता है Explanation: The sentence is accurately translated Now, solve this: Edge: This value defines the pixel distance to which the filter looks ahead for edges. When this value is increased, then spike noise is erased. You can eventually re-adjust the Edge filter, when you have changed this setting. When this value is too high, the adaptive filter can no longer accurately track image details, and noise or blurring can occur. Solution:
चयनित अलबमों को मिटाया जाने वाला है
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a short story consisting of exactly 5 sentences where the second sentence is missing. You are given a candidate for the second sentence and you need to identify if the given sentence connects the first sentence with the rest of the story. Indicate your answer by "Yes" if it connects, otherwise "No". Do not generate anything else apart from "Yes" or "No". The given sentence is incorrect if it changes the subsequent storyline, so that at least one of the three subsequent sentences form a consistent story. Q: Sentence 1: My first dog was a poodle terrier mix, crazy looking mutt, but smart. Sentence 3: Now, Duke had an allergy to grass and needed a benadryl pill daily Sentence 4: So my mom put the pill on a sandwich she brought us, to trick him Sentence 5: He was so smart he found the pill, licked it off, and spit it out! Given Sentence 2: Once, we were in my club house and my mom brought us PBJ sandwiches. A:
Given a sentence in the Filipino, provide an equivalent translation in Japanese that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is. One example: Natalo ng Italya ang Portugal sa puntos na 31-5 sa Grupong C noong 2007 sa Pandaigdigang laro ng Ragbi sa Parc des Princes, Paris, France. Solution is here: フランスのパリ、パルク・デ・プランスで行われた2007年ラグビーワールドカップのプールCで、イタリアは31対5でポルトガルを下した。 Explanation: The Filipino sentence is correctly converted into Japanese because the converted sentence holds the message that Italy defeated Portugal 31–5 in Pool C of the 2007 Rugby World Cup at the Parc des Princes in Paris, France. Also, translated sentence preserves the numbers as it is. Now, solve this: Ang Asherman's sindrom ay kilala mula 1894 noong una itong nabalita. Solution:
Teacher: In this task, you are given music product reviews in Japanese language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: アルトゥール・ルービンシュタインの豪華ボックス・セット . 今世紀を代表する大物ピアニストの一人、アルトゥール・ルービンシュタインの残した正規の録音をCD92枚に集大成した豪華ボックス・セット。装丁の立派さはもちろんのこと、なんと言っても素晴らしいのは高水準な内容の演奏が多いことで、ルービンシュタインに関心のある方にはたまらないボックス・セットだといえるでしょう。半世紀に及ぶルービンシュタインの録音活動のすべてをカバーしています。初CD化も多数。装丁ももちろん豪華。各CDはルービンシュタインの様々な写真をデザインしたデジパック仕様のジャケットに収められ、また、全380ページに及ぶハードカバー&カラーの大型欧文解説書には、未発表のものを含む写真220枚以上と便利な作品インデックスが掲載されています。さらに、それら全CDと解説書を収めるコレクターズ・ナンバー入り美麗豪華収納ボックスも付いてくるというのですから、言うことがありません。2000年度レコード・アカデミー賞受賞の名盤でもあります。 Solution: POS Reason: The overall sentiment of the review is positive as the reviewer refers to the music piece with positive expressions such as '今世紀を代表する大物ピアニスト'. Hence, the label is 'POS'. Now, solve this instance: 楽曲は悪くないんだけど・・・ . アレンジやメロはドライブソング向きで悪くないんだけど、 ソロのフレーズが毎回ワンパターンで面白くありません・・。 特に長めのソロになると、刻みのリピートが増えて「ネタ切れ感」を 感じてしまい非常に残念です。 サウンドも「音の形」がすべて同じで、やはり一流プレーヤーと比較すると 「プロっぽさ」が弱いです・・。 ソロは完全にアレンジした方が良いのではないでしょうか・・。 期待しているが故の「辛口コメント」でした。 Student:
Q: You will be given a person's personality, and a history of a conversation this person has had. You will be given four candidate sentences to complete the conversation, based on the context. Choose one and answer with the text. Personality: I wish my boyfriend didn't want an open relationship. I want to get married again. I have 10 years experience in our industry, yet she gets promoted. I am angry at my coworker. Chat history: -Hello. How are you doing tonight? -Good.. how about you today?? -Kind of depressing. My boyfriends want to stay in an open relationship. -So.. whats the problem? You don't like him? -I love him. I do not love the open relationship. I am ready to be married again. -If you love the person.. its ok to be on open relationship.. -Yes, but I am also so mad at a coworker. Just a stressful weekend. -It happens some times.. got to go along with that. Candidates 1) It was. Would flown out there but I never flown before. 2) Yea I have got 2 big ones on my shoulder blade and on my ribs. 3) Pizza is good and camping is fun so I see it. 4) I guess its just I've 10 years more experience but she gets promoted! A:
I guess its just I've 10 years more experience but she gets promoted!
Kun kerroimme tästä asiasta tohtori Michael Repacholille, joka suoritti Australiassa yhden alkuperäisistä tutkimuksista, jossa selvitettiin mahdollista syövän aiheutumista rotissa, hän sanoi uskovansa, että WHO: n suuntaviivoissa nyt asetetut raja-arvot ovat riittävän tiukat. In English? xxxxx When we referred this matter to Dr Michael Repacholi who carried out one of the original studies in Australia on the possible inducing of cancer in rats, he said that he believed that the standards now set down on the WHO guidelines were sufficient. Saksan 4. vuoristodivisioona In English? xxxxx 4th Mountain Division Tarhasiira In English? xxxxx
Oniscus asellus
Detailed Instructions: Construct a question that every answer in the list is correct and reasonable for it. Q: christmas tree, santa claus, christmas greeting, snow/snowman, angels, nativity/jesus, reindeer A:
name something that you see on the cover of a christmas card.
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into Portugese. (موزیک) (گرومپ) (گرومپ) (گرومپ) (گرومپ) پس کاری که این پرنده می کند مبارزه با تصویر خودش است.
(Música) (Ploc) (Ploc) (Ploc) (Ploc) O que este pássaro faz é lutar com a própria imagem.
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. मैं दिल्ली में I nternational Solar Alliance के स्थापना सम्मेलन में आप सबका हार्दिक स्वागत करता हू।
ਨਮਸਕਾਰ। ਮੈਂ ਦਿੱਲੀ ਵਿੱਚ International Solar Alliance ਦੇ ਸਥਾਪਨਾ ਸੰਮੇਲਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਹਾਰਦਿਕ ਸੁਆਗਤ ਕਰਦਾ ਹਾਂ।
In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and a question separated with a . You have to answer the question based on the context. Ex Input: We use a standard set of supervised as well as unsupervised benchmark tasks from the literature to evaluate our trained models, following BIBREF16 Sentence embeddings are evaluated for various supervised classification tasks as follows. The predefined training split is used to tune the L2 penalty parameter using cross-validation and the accuracy and F1 scores are computed on the test set. We perform unsupervised evaluation of the learnt sentence embeddings using the sentence cosine similarity, on the STS 2014 BIBREF31 and SICK 2014 BIBREF32 datasets. These similarity scores are compared to the gold-standard human judgements using Pearson's INLINEFORM0 BIBREF33 and Spearman's INLINEFORM1 BIBREF34 correlation scores. Question: What metric is used to measure performance? Ex Output: Accuracy and F1 score for supervised tasks, Pearson's and Spearman's correlation for unsupervised tasks Ex Input: For automatically evaluating our methods, we propose to use widely used metric for image/video captioning. This is because the proposed CommonGen task can be regarded as also a caption task where the context are incomplete scenes with given concept-sets. Therefore, we choose BLEU-3/4 BIBREF28, ROUGE-2/L BIBREF29, CIDEr BIBREF30, and SPICE BIBREF31 as the main metrics. Apart from these classic metrics, we also include a novel embedding-based metric named BERTScore BIBREF32. To make the comparisons more clear, we show the delta of BERTScore results by subtracting the score of merely using input concept-sets as target sentences, named $\triangle $BERTS. Question: What automatic metrics are used for this task? Ex Output: BLEU-3/4 ROUGE-2/L CIDEr SPICE BERTScore Ex Input: SIGHAN Bakeoff defines two types of evaluation settings, closed test limits all the data for learning should not be beyond the given training set, while open test does not take this limitation BIBREF21. Question: What is meant by closed test setting? Ex Output:
closed test limits all the data for learning should not be beyond the given training set, while open test does not take this limitation
Roma captain Francesco Totti set a new Serie A scoring record on Saturday as his side demolished Cesena 5-1. Two early goals from the 35-year-old striker saw him reach a total of 211 goals for Roma, which means he has scored more goals for one club than any other player in Serie A history. His tally sees him surpass the previous record of 210 set by the prolific Swedish striker Gunnar Nordahl who played for AC Milan in the 1950s. "It's what I've always wanted, to wear this shirt and beat one record after another," said Totti, AFP reported. "I've overtaken Nordahl and I'm proud of that. Now I'm aiming for Altafini," he added, AFP reported. Brazilian Jose Altafini is the joint third highest scorer (along with Giuseppe Meazza) in Serie A history with 216 goals. Totti's early brace and a goal from Fabio Borini put Roma 3-0 up with only eight minutes played. Juan and Miralem Pjanic added further goals in the second half after CM Eder had pulled a goal back for Cesena on the hour mark. The win lifts Roma to sixth -- although Napoli will overtake them again if they win at Siena on Sunday -- and boosts their chances of qualifying for European football next season. Cesena, however, remain mired in trouble hovering just above the foot of the table in 18th place with 15 points. Do you have any questions?
How old is Francesco Totti?
I have a test where I am given the following article, what is an answer for the question: What is the first name of the person whose father was a crane operator at US Steel? ? Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, near Chicago, on August 29, 1958. He was the eighth of ten children in the Jackson family, a working-class African-American family living in a two-bedroom house on Jackson Street. His mother, Katherine Esther Jackson (née Scruse), played clarinet and piano, had aspired to be a country-and-western performer, and worked part-time at Sears. She was a Jehovah's Witness. His father, Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson, a former boxer, was a crane operator at U.S. Steel and played guitar with a local rhythm and blues band, the Falcons, to supplement the family's income. His father's great-grandfather, July "Jack" Gale, was a Native American medicine man and US Army scout. Michael grew up with three sisters (Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet) and five brothers (Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy). A sixth brother, Marlon's twin Brandon, died shortly after birth.Joe acknowledged that he regularly whipped Michael; Michael said his father told him he had a "fat nose", and regularly physically and emotionally abused him during rehearsals. He recalled that Joe often sat in a chair with a belt in his hand as he and his siblings rehearsed, ready to physically punish any mistakes. Katherine Jackson stated that although whipping is considered abuse in more modern times, it was a common way to discipline children when Michael was growing up. Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon have said that their father was not abusive and that the whippings, which were harder on Michael because he was younger, kept them disciplined and out of trouble. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1993, Jackson said that his youth had been lonely and isolating.In 1964, Michael and Marlon joined the Jackson Brothers—a band formed by their father which included Jackie, Tito, and Jermaine—as backup musicians playing congas and tambourine. In 1965, Michael began sharing lead vocals with Jermaine, and the group's name was changed to the Jackson 5. The following year, the group won a talent show; Michael performed...
Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @iiKrisii if you refer to the people or the language, it's spelled as Filipino Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @tommcfly heyyy tom, norway won eurovision and united kingdom came 5th, which is amazin for us so we can be proud haha, did you miss it? Q: Write a negative tweet. A: @shoberzz me too. Q: Write a positive tweet. A:
@operian got it
Please answer the following question about this movie plot. If it's un-answerable, please output "No answer". Question: Who's sword does Antony fall on ? Movie plot title: Cleopatra Movie plot: Claudette Colbert in Cleopatra In 48 BC, Cleopatra vies with her brother Ptolemy for control of Egypt. Pothinos (Leonard Mudie) kidnaps her and Apollodorus (Irving Pichel) and strands them in the desert. When Pothinos informs Julius Caesar that the queen has fled the country, Caesar is ready to sign an agreement with Ptolemy when Apollodorus appears, bearing a gift carpet for the Roman. When Apollodorus unrolls it, Cleopatra emerges much to Pothinos' surprise- he tries to deny who she is. However Caesar sees through the deception and Cleopatra soon beguiles Caesar with the prospect of the riches of not only Egypt, but also India. Later, when they are seemingly alone, she spots a sandal peeking out from underneath a curtain and thrusts a spear into the hidden Pothinos, foiling his assassination attempt. Caesar makes Cleopatra the sole ruler of Egypt, and begins an affair with her. Caesar eventually returns to Rome with Cleopatra to the cheers of the masses, but Roman unease is directed at Cleopatra. Cassius (Ian Maclaren), Casca (Edwin Maxwell), Brutus (Arthur Hohl) and other powerful Romans become disgruntled, rightly suspecting that he intends to abolish the Roman Republic and make himself emperor, with Cleopatra as his empress (after divorcing Calpurnia, played by Gertrude Michael). Ignoring the forebodings of Calpurnia, Cleopatra, and a soothsayer (Harry Beresford) who warns him about the Ides of March, Caesar goes to announce his intentions to the Senate. Before he can do so, he is assassinated. Cleopatra is heartbroken at the news. At first, she wants to go to him, but Apollodorus tells her that Caesar did not love her, only her power and wealth, and that Egypt needs her. They return home. Bitter rivals Marc Antony and Octavian (Ian Keith) are named co-rulers of Rome. Antony, disdainful of women, invites Cleopatra to meet with him in Tarsus, intending to bring her back to Rome as a captive. Enobarbus (C. Aubrey Smith), his close friend, warns Antony against meeting Cleopatra but he goes anyway. She... The answer to this question is:
No answer
In this task, you are given a sentence in Persian, and your task is to translate it into English. اين چيزي نيست که هاتفيلدا ميخواستن يکي از ما اونو اورده اينجا . it werent the hatfields that called it . its one of ours . ...آماده میکردند ...مردم کلم رو بعضی اوقات می خورند چون که for the food that people eat cabbage is something that... اما کجا از اين کتاب استفاده مي کني ؟
but where are you using this book?
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into English. ما نمیخواستیم که آینده را پیش بینی کنیم. We didn't want to forecast the future. من با این تعریف از طبیعت مخالفم ، چرا که همه ما اساسا از نسل حیوان هستیم. I disagree with this definition of nature, because, fundamentally, we are animals. تا زمانی که داخلش باشین. اهمیتی نداره که چطور وارد شدین ،
It does not matter how you get in, as long as you get in.
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you're given five sentences, numbered 1 through 5, and two options a and b for possible titles for the story. Your job is to choose the title that better fits the story. Indicate your choice by 'a' or 'b'. PROBLEM: Sentence 1: My husky mix recently started panting for no reason. Sentence 2: We tried everything, but nothing seemed to make her feel better. Sentence 3: Finally, we gave up and took her to the vet. Sentence 4: They ran a test for heartworms, which came back negative. Sentence 5: Eventually, they decided the fleas she's had were stressing her out. Choices: a. Panting. b. Annette. SOLUTION: a PROBLEM: Sentence 1: Henry caught Dan trying to flirt with his girlfriend. Sentence 2: She was scared since Dan was a tall and muscular guy. Sentence 3: Henry tried to stand up for the sake of their relationship. Sentence 4: As a result, Dan physically abused him. Sentence 5: Henry had to go to the clinic but Dan got suspended. Choices: a. Nina gets a new Blender. b. Points for Standing Up. SOLUTION: b PROBLEM: Sentence 1: Karl was sick with a flu. Sentence 2: He was prescribed some pills for the symptoms. Sentence 3: Unfortunately Karl took the wrong ones. Sentence 4: He felt even worse. Sentence 5: Karl had to go to the hospital over it. Choices: a. Wrong Medicine. b. Taking Selfies. SOLUTION:
Teacher:You are given a question or fill-in-the-blank question, two answer options (Option1 and Option2) and an Explanation. Your task is to find the correct answer (return the string of the correct option, not option1/2) for the given question from the given options and using explanation. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Question: An object with a large surface area is _____ likely to experience surface reaction than a smaller object. Option1: more Option2: less Explanation: Surface Area of Reactants When a solid substance is involved in a chemical reaction, only the matter at the surface of the solid is exposed to other reactants. If a solid has more surface area, more of it is exposed and able to react. Student: