stringlengths 17
| response
stringlengths 0
Q: In this task, you will be presented with an English sentence, and you have to translate it into Arabic.
Adopted by a slim majority at the 25th meeting of the Committee of the Whole and incorporated by the Drafting Committee in the provisional text of article 17, this passage was ultimately deleted from the final text of the Convention by the Committee of the Whole “on the understanding that the question of objections to reservations to constituent instruments of international organizations formed part of a topic already before the International Law Commission [the question of relations between international organizations and States], and that meanwhile the question would continue to be regulated by general international law”.
A: | وعموماً، في غياب مثل هذه القواعد ومراعاة للظروف التي يمكن أن يبدى فيها التحفظ، يمكن افتراض أن ما يُقصد ﺑ "الجهاز المختص" هو الجهاز الذي يبت في طلب انضمام الدولة المتحفظة أو، في غياب إجراءات رسمية للانضمام، الجهاز المختص بتعديل الوثيقة المنشئة للمنظمة أو تفسيرها، دون أن يبدو من الممكن للجنة وضع ترتيب للأفضليات بين مختلف الأجهزة. |
In this task, You are given an amazon review and its polarity (positive or negative). Your task is to answer "True" if the specified sentence and its polarity match; otherwise, answer "False"
Review: Nice, clean looking Bamboo Jar. The top swivels to open and it is held closed by a tiny magnet. Works perfectly for keeping my Himalayan salt.
Polarity: positive
Review: This is made from cheap materials -- think styrofoam egg carton material. If you took it to the park, it could blow away. This should go for 24.99 and even then I bet they would be making a killing. Also, the pattern could be more fun or more vivid. I would get something else if I were to do it again. Let's see if it lasts the year.
Polarity: positive
Review: We’ve had ours for a little around a month and the black strip that is holding the top to the base is fraying and breaking. Other than that it does keep everything cold for a long time! Update.. the underside of the top completely busted this didn’t last long at all 😡
Polarity: positive
| False
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a tweet and you must identify whether the tweet contains any offense or any form of (untargeted) profanity. Label the post as NOT if the post does not contain offense or profanity. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or profanity. label the post as OFFENSIVE if the post contains offensive language or a targeted (veiled or direct) offense. Twitter user mentions were substituted by @USER and URLs have been substitute by URL.
Q: @USER @USER @USER You are clearly not a pokemon master! I have almost 400 in rare candy alone. Over 150 legacy moveset pokemon. It just all depends on what you like to keep as collection pieces and what you value in the game.
A: | NOT |
In this task you're given two statements in Marathi. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Output either the word 'cause' or 'effect' .
वंदल्यांनी खिडकीजवळ एक खडक फेकला.
खिडकीला तडे गेले. | effect |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an ambiguous question/query (which can be answered in more than one way) and a clarification statement to understand the query more precisely. Your task to classify that if the given clarification accurately clarifies the given query or not and based on that provide 'Yes' or 'No'.
Q: Query: what are continental plates
Clarification: are you looking for information on plate tectonics and the lithosphere
A: | Yes |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given reviews written about the restaurants in Bengali. You are expected to classify the sentiment of the reviews into two classes: positive or negative.
PROBLEM: প্রায়ই এখানে আসা হয় নিয়মিত গ্রাহকের মত। খাবারের মান এবং পরিবেশ দুইটাই ভাল। তাদের পিজা এবং সেট মেনুর দুইটাই জোস ..
SOLUTION: positive
PROBLEM: একটি উচ্চ প্রাইস.Nothing সঙ্গে খুব খারাপ সেবা বলতে।
SOLUTION: negative
PROBLEM: খাদ্যের মান এবং স্বাদ অনুযায়ী অফারটা ভাল ছিল।
SOLUTION: | positive
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Japanese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
트라 브존 월드 트레이드 센터 (Trabzon World Trade Centre)의 복합 단지는 트라 브존 공항 (Trabzon Airport)에서 가깝습니다. | 世界貿易センタートラブゾンの複合体はトラブゾン空港の近くに位置しています。 |
Read the following context and answer the question. Context: One time I was walking my puppy (profile pic) who was then around 5 months, with my mum and grandma. By the time we were about to reach our house, we spot two dogs, a German Shepherd and a Husky, both male, on the other side of the street sniffing around with no owner in sight. I was ready to hightail out of there with my dog, but I knew if I ran they would chase, so we formed a wall in front of her to hide her. Of course she decides to stick out her head and start barking. Those two dogs whipped their heads so fast and came running towards us to see her. Since she is a puppy she has zero impulse control and starts throwing herself at them, at their backs, face, plus the fact that she doesn’t like being sniffed at her rear (which they are trying very hard to get to). Here I am nervously sweet talking to them, my voice trembling saying good boys. My grandma is her despair grabs the GS’s neck, and his hair bristled and growled for a second before turning back to our pup. At this point my baby girl is sitting down with her tail tucked close, ears flattened, and head down. I thought “Dear Lord someone’s losing a limb today.” When suddenly this car comes pulling up and this man comes out with a leash, the owner. He practically had to wrestle the GS into the car. A woman in a pickup truck comes next trying to get the husky but he ran away again, but my mom didn’t care, she scooped up our pup and ran, the leash trailing behind her, and even my grandma who has troubles in her knees speed walked. My mom would later laugh at me because I became so pale and because I tried to baby talk a dog to leave us alone. Question: When did he and his puppy spot a German Shepherd and a Husky? Answer:
Answer: Before reaching his house
Read the following context and answer the question. Context: Back at their house by the cemetery, Paul and Chloe found Bee in her room, what Paul referred to as her sanctum sanctorum - although no one else ever got the joke, and he refused to explain the comic book reference. As always, lighting was minimal (as opposed to Bee's workshop out behind the house, which was flooded with fluorescents). A bank of TV sets and computer monitors covered one whole wall, arranged on a precarious system of metal shelves that Bee had installed herself. A low, flat coffee table squatted below the glowing displays, supporting three keyboards, a bank of video editing tools and four different phone carriages. Bee sat in her accustomed place - in the midst of a pile of cushions on the floor, fiddling with a mouse in one hand and typing on one of the keyboards while she talked quietly into her headset. Paul and Chloe didn't bother to knock as they came in - Bee already knew they were there. Paul glanced at one of the screens mounted on the wall. Its display, divided into four quadrants, showed various images from inside the house, including the front door they'd just come through and the stairs they'd just climbed. The screen next to it - which Paul himself had salvaged from a bar on Duval that'd recently renovated into a finedining restaurant - showed images from four other cameras that covered the house's exterior. Nothing happened within fifty yards of their Crew's house that Bee didn't see, and if she had her way, that omniscience would soon extend to cover the entire island. "So, Bee, how goes Project Big Brother?" Paul asked. "I wish you wouldn't call it that," she replied. "Sorry, but I have to call it something." "You could call it something nice. Big Brother sounds so mean." "What's mean about a reality show?" said Paul, joking. "What isn't bad about a reality show?" countered Chloe, stepping in to defend her friend. Question: How long has the crew most likely been working together? Answer:
Answer: Several months
Read the following context and answer the question. Context: The sound of the clacking grew unbearable, so we turned the volume down. "Mute it." We muted it. "Turn it up; we might miss something." It's a silent movie. We won't miss anything. The sound of clacking gradually fills the room as my brother reluctantly turns up the volume. I can tell he's pressing hard on the button, jamming his thumb down in defiance or muted anger. He doesn't like for anyone to tell him what to do with the remote. But my grandmother wants the volume up, so we turn it up. We're all sitting along the edges of the tiny living room, staring at the fuzzy black-and-white images as they hazily walk across the television screen. I can hear a siren outside, barely discernable and then gone entirely. "Who's that?" my brother asks, evidently past his momentary and barely-noticeable indignation over the remote. "Uncle Arehl, and maybe his sister, Edna," my grandmother says, leaning in closer. "I think it's Edna," she says, in the tone of a doctor diagnosing a disease, as if the verdict was somehow relevant to someone who has only the vaguest idea who Arehl's sister is, or was. Uncle Arehl (I don't know precisely whose uncle he is, or for what the two initials of his name once stood) saunters slowly across a dry, patchy lawn, and the camera follows him. For some reason I'm more interested in the lawn--if it can be called that--than in the people on it. The sun in the movie is blazing, and everyone filmed looks only briefly at the camera before averting their faces once again to look at the stubbly grass. The camera pans once again and I can see an incredibly rutted path leading from the porch to the fence at the edge of the yard, broken pieces of concrete amid deep tire tracks fossilized in sun-baked mud. The fence is low, wire like a chain-link, but lower, with metal stakes holding it up instead of tubes. Question: How long had they been watching the movie? Answer:
Answer: | A few minutes. |
Anna Maria: Yes, I feel quite at home now. I haven't got used to the food yet, but I'm enjoying the life on campus. Tutor: Good. Now we'd better make sure you enjoy your studies. We offer a very wide range of options on the foundation course, as you know; but you can only take six modules -do you know what you want to do yet? Anna Mafia: Yes, more or less, but I'm not sure whether to do biological sciences or German. Tutor: Well, that's quite a difference. You want to do computer studies, don't you? Anna Maria: Mmmmm, yeh. Tutor: Well, let's see-you elected to do physical sciences, basic electronics, art and design CAD-that computers and design-isn't it? Anna Maria: Computer-aided design actually, "CAD", but... Tutor: Oh, right-anyway, CAD and..., and English. That's quite a range. Don't you want to do maths-or computer programming, for example? Why don't you choose to do art and design? Anna Maria: Well, I'm interested in electronics-in computer-especially in writing computer games. I'd like to produce educational software, educational games, eventually. I've taught myself a lot of programming- I... I don't think I'd benefit much from a foundation level course. Tutor: No... no, I see that-go on. Anna Maria: So, er, I want the basics-the physical science and electronics I was hopeless at physics in school and we didn't have electronics-but I was good at maths-I don't think I need that. Tutor: And the art and design? Anna Maria: That will be good for my graphics-I need that to produce games-CAD too-I've never done CAD before. Tutor: No-right-they've got some powerful packages in the computer graphics and CAD offices-you'll enjoy that. So... that leaves English. It's mostly English lit. I know your English is very good, but did you know you can take English as a foreign language as one of the modules in the foundation year? Anna Maria: No... no, I didn't. That's great - if they've got classes at my level. I don't have any problem speaking-but my writing is terrible. Tutor: Oh, I'm sure they... What was said before this conversation?
A: | Tutor: Have you settled in? |
In this task the focus is on physical knowledge about the world. Given the provided goal task in the input, describe a process that would lead to the asked outcome. This process often involves physical motions with objects, such as moving them, arranging them in a certain way, mixing them, shaking them, etc.
How do you hollow out the wood for a beer koozie?
To hollow out the blank it needs to be mounted it in a chuck. Cut a tenon on the end of the blank with the square tool and then under cut it into a dovetail to match the chuck. Take the blank off the lathe and installed the chuck on the headstock and put the dovetailed tenon into the chuck and locked it down.
To safely sleep with your baby in your bed,
lay on top of the cover, keep yourself between them and the other parent or preferably have the other parent sleep somewhere else, and put up a barrier to keep the baby from falling onto the floor.
To secure the sides of a wooden box together without using a hammer, you can
| Use a nail gun to get the sides of the box to stay together
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, we ask you to write an answer to a question about the events that may happen before or after a certain event. For example, "earning money" usually appears before "spending money". Note that a lot of the questions could have more than one correct answer. We only need a single most-likely answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones.
Sentence: California was first to require smog checks for clean air, pass anti-tobacco initiatives and bike helmets laws.
Question: What happened after the bike helmets law was passed?
Output: | people started following the law. |
In this task, you're given a review from Amazon's food products. Your task is to generate a rating for the product on a scale of 1-5 based on the review. The rating means 1: extremely poor, 2: poor, 3: neutral or mixed, 4: good, 5: extremely good.
Mrs. May's pumpkin crunch is a great snack. For those of you watching calories and intake, be aware that the 2oz portions are two servings. Most of Mrs. May's products are great, but with the fat at 11g per serving, i find it's not a complete guilt free snack. However, the pumpkin seed crunch has 9gms of protein per serving vs. the usual 4gms in their other snacks. So if you're monitoring your intake and want to indulge in these now and then, the pumpkin seed crunch is the healthiest option of the bunch. That said, they are all tasty and certainly not bad for you, just a little high in fat if you're watching your weight. | 5 |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you're given a context, a sentence, and a character. The sentence describes an action or job of the given character. Also, the context provides more information about the sentence or the character. Your task is to write the character's motivation by doing a specific job, which is given in the sentence. You can use context to find the motivation; however, all the inputs do not provide context. Also, in some inputs, there can be zero motivation; output, 'None' in this case.
PROBLEM: Context: Hannah fought with her mom over being grounded. The fight had a harsh exchange of words. Her mom got her feelings hurt. However, she still decided to cook for Hannah that day.
Sentence: Hannah felt bad and apologized for the fight.
Character: Mom
PROBLEM: Context: Max and Linda are boyfriend and girlfriend. Max loves Linda!
Sentence: Linda does not feel the same about Max.
Character: Linda
PROBLEM: Context: None
Sentence: Tim was a very clumsy boy.
Character: Tim
Roger: When you're laying tile how many rows can/should you do in a day?
Jim: Floor?
Roger: walls
Dan: which mortar are you using?
Roger: pre-mixed. seems like it dries very slowly
Jim: Why would it matter how long it takes to dry? Only takes a day to be able to grout with the pre mix. You can do as many rows as you like also.
Roger: Right o. I just didn't know if they would shift around with more rows stacked on them?
Dan: you just make a level ledger (2nd row). Mark a center line on all walls then see where the last tile is going to be on sides and ceilings. You do the bottom row closest to the shower pan last after the ledger row dries.
Jim: Exactly, don't do the bottom row 1st, for some reason makes getting everything to line up pretty difficult. And push everything flat on the tile with a level so it looks good.
Roger: Okay, good to know. I was just going to start at the bottom and work my way up
Dan: Might not work. Shower pans are usually not level so everything will end up off.
Jim: Do you have a digital level? I can give you mine if you need
Roger: I have a digital one.
Jim: Ok cool.
Dan: Good luck. Let us know if you need anything.
Briefly summarize:
Roger can do as many rows of tile in a day as he wants. He should make a level ledger, mark a center line and do the bottom row when the ledger row dries.
Hetty: do you know how I can get an app on the ipad from internet
Alfred: through the app store
Hetty: no I mean if you are already on a site
Alfred: what site?
Hetty: if you are on a website and you want to make it an app
Alfred: oh like a shortcut to a link
Hetty: yeah that
Alfred: when you are on the website there is a square with an arrow at the top
Hetty: hold on, just opening the website
Hetty: where is the square?
Alfred: In the top right somewhere
Hetty: where? I can't see it
Hetty: oh yeah, got it
Alfred: if you look in there there should be a button called add to home screen or link to homescreen or something
Hetty: hold on
Hetty: is it in more?
Alfred: No I don't think so, bottom row I think
Hetty: oh yeah I found it
Alfred: then give it a name and off you go!
Hetty: oh wow, thanks lovely xx
Alfred: no worries mum
Alfred: what site are you on anyway
Hetty: in my Hotmail but that has a link already!
Hetty: where?
Alfred: the envelope in the bottom row of your ipad!!!!
Hetty: oh is that my Hotmail? I didn't know!
Alfred: there you go, learned two things!
Hetty: thanks lovely xx
Briefly summarize:
Alfred helps his mother Hetty create a shortcut to a link in her Hotmail.
Liz: Have you watched The Little Drummer Girl on BBC?
Tony: Nope. Saw the first ep and didn't like it.
Liz: I like it! You should give it another try.
Tony: Not sure the story is for me.
Liz: Oh, it gets good!
Tony: She's also kinda whiny.
Liz: She changes. Trust me!
Tony: Maybe.
Briefly summarize:
Tony didn't like The Little Drummer Girl.
Mary: I don't know what to get for my dad for Christmas
Bruce: What does he like?
Mary: He watches TV all the time
Bruce: Maybe you should get him a pair of warm slippers and a coffee cup
Mary: I need something more original
Bruce: How about a new TV?
Mary: That's too expensive
Bruce: Does he like football?
Mary: Yes, he watches sport channel all the time
Bruce: Get him a hat or a jacket with a name of his favorite team
Mary: That's not a bad idea
Bruce: I will send you a link to a store online that personalizes items like these. Will stay in touch.
Briefly summarize:
| Mary looks for a Christmas present for her dad. As dad is a great football fan, Bruce recommends a hat or jacket with a name of his favourite team. |
In this task, you are given an ambiguous question/query (which can be answered in more than one way) and a clarification statement to understand the query more precisely. Your task to classify that if the given clarification accurately clarifies the given query or not and based on that provide 'Yes' or 'No'.
Query: tell me about UNC
Clarification: would you like to see the most effective methods of gmat prep
Query: What is martha stewart and imclone?
Clarification: what kind of satellite are you looking for
Query: Fine me beef stroganoff recipe
Clarification: do you care about reviews
| Yes
Q: In this task your given two statements in Indonesian. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character.
Sopir itu mengambil jalan memutar.
Ada kecelakaan terjadi di jalan utama.
A: | cause |
What is it called when one solvent combines with another, what forms?
- (A) chemical pair
- (B) permineralization
- (C) chemical bonds
- (D) a solute
- (E) chemical duo
- (F) substance bonds
- (G) Condensation
- (H) kinetic energy Think carefully first, then make a decision. My thoughts: | Chemical bonds form when substances react with one another. Solvents are substances, usually liquid, that dissolve other substances. When one solvent reacts with another, chemical bonds form. So the answer is (C). |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in the Bulgarian language and corresponding Greek translation of this sentence. Here, your job is to generate label "True" if translation is correct, otherwise generate label "False".
Q: При спиране на лечението с инхибитори на CYP3A4 или CYP2D6 (изваждането им от комбинираното лечение), дозата на арипипразол трябва да се повиши (вж. точка 4. 5).Όταν ο αναστολέας του CYP3A4 ή CYP2D6 αποσύρεται από τη θεραπεία συνδυασμού, η δόση της αριπιπραζόλης θα πρέπει μετά να αυξάνεται (βλέπε παράγραφο 4. 5).
A: | True |
Given a trivia question, classify broad topical category from this list: 'theater', 'geology', 'book', 'tv', 'astronomy', 'aviation', 'military', 'government', 'boxing', 'projects', 'metropolitan_transit', 'law', 'venture_capital', 'broadcast', 'biology', 'people', 'influence', 'baseball', 'spaceflight', 'media_common', 'cvg', 'opera', 'olympics', 'chemistry', 'visual_art', 'conferences', 'sports', 'language', 'travel', 'location', 'award', 'dining', 'martial_arts', 'comic_strips', 'computer', 'user', 'tennis', 'music', 'organization', 'food', 'event', 'transportation', 'fictional_universe', 'measurement_unit', 'meteorology', 'distilled_spirits', 'symbols', 'architecture', 'freebase', 'internet', 'fashion', 'boats', 'cricket', 'film', 'medicine', 'finance', 'comic_books', 'celebrities', 'soccer', 'games', 'time', 'geography', 'interests', 'common', 'base', 'business', 'periodicals', 'royalty', 'education', 'type', 'religion', 'automotive', 'exhibitions'.
Having been the M.P. for this constituency since 1970, Labour M.P. Dennis Skinner has acquired the nickname, The Beast of ---- where? | government |
Answer this question: when is susan smith eligible for parole?
| According to the South Carolina Department of Corrections , Smith will be eligible for parole on November 4, 2024, after serving a minimum of thirty years. |
Q: In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a short summary for this text. The summary must include a situation which caused humor. The summary should be one or two sentences long.
Text: right, so i wasn't really too invested in the eclipse (don't live in path of totality), and didn't know when it was going to be. i was planning on watching a live-stream and in my mind, i remembered the date as somewhere between august 25 - 30.
so, i decided to go for a morning run as i usually do. lo and behold, it fell right on the timeslot of the eclipse. out of habit, i went on the same trail that i always go on, which happened to align perfectly with the sun, where if i was facing directly down the path, even just tilting my head the slightest bit upwards would have my eyes looking at the sun directly. i glanced at it about 5 times (0.75 seconds - 1 second each time), spread out over 9 minutes, until the 6th time where i looked at it for 3 full seconds and thought:
"feels kind of weird toda-"
then it hit me.
"i-it's not today, right?"
i did a quick google search on my phone and my heart sank. it's been 6 hours since then. i had a floater in my right eye after the run, but it quickly went away.
i'm hoping that it wasn't enough to damage my eyesight, but i think those 3 seconds might have done me in. fuck me.
A: | didn't know eclipse was today. went for run and looked at sun a couple of times, one time lasted 3 secs. anxiety setting in. |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you will be given a list. The list is several integers and letters separated with a comma, written within a []. You can create new lists by dropping one of the items in the input list. Your task is to write a list containing all the possible lists you can make by dropping one item from the input list. For example, if the input list contains two items, you can drop one of the items each time. So the output should be a list comprising two inner lists that you have created by decreasing the items.
PROBLEM: ['e', 'X', 'J']
SOLUTION: [['e', 'X'], ['e', 'J'], ['X', 'J']]
PROBLEM: ['4', '2', '7']
SOLUTION: [['4', '2'], ['4', '7'], ['2', '7']]
PROBLEM: ['z', '3', '4', 'h']
SOLUTION: | [['z', '3', '4'], ['z', '3', 'h'], ['z', '4', 'h'], ['3', '4', 'h']]
In this task, you are given two simple actions (associated with "A", "B"). You must identify which action is considered less ethical. Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B'.
Question: (A) always dumping my friends request to play fortnite with him, even though I was the one who originally made that proposal
(B) backing out of volunteering
Answer: B
Question: (A) asking my wife to finally take my sister-in-law off of our phone plan
(B) eating my sister's expired food from the shared fridge
Answer: B
Question: (A) ghosting a guy because of his taste in films
(B) misinterpreting a friend's sexual proposition
Answer: | A
Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words.
Alex Younger, chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, made the revelation as he encouraged more women to join the service. He said there is a stereotype that MI6 spies were posh and he wanted recruits from diverse backgrounds. The character of Q, a technology expert, has always been played by a man in the Bond films. Speaking at the Women in IT awards on Wednesday, Mr Younger said: "The real-life Q is looking forward to meeting you and I'm pleased to report that the real-life Q is a woman." The MI6 chief said one of his priorities is to employ talent but "we've got to get over and see through the Bond thing". He recognised that the fictional MI6 spy is great in some ways as it "means that all of our opponents think there's an MI6 officer behind every bush and that we're 10,000 times larger than we actually are". However, he went on to say that the character leads to a stereotype of the "particular sort of person that will join MI6 - whether they're really posh or going to Oxford". "The issue for me is that stands in the way of something that I regard as being so important, which is that we can reach into every community in Britain and make sure that we get the people that are the best regardless of their background," he added. Mr Younger said he wanted to make MI6 even more diverse which would bring a full range of skills to the service and improve its decision-making. He added: "The more different people you have in the room, in these high-pressure circumstances in which we operate, the better the decisions. "So, success for me is a deeper, broader range of technological skills in MI6 and more diversity, in particular more women."
Real-life 'James Bond Q' is a woman, MI6 reveals
Since late April, soldiers have conducted about 100,000 Covid-19 tests in communities around Scotland The highest number of people tested at an army run Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) on one day was 773. Soldiers and ambulance service staff worked together last week in preparation for Monday's handover. The Army said the soldiers' work had been instrumental in maintaining the safety of communities across Scotland, as part of the integrated response to coronavirus. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said the MTUs had helped reach some of the country's most remote and rural areas. He said: "Since the outbreak of the pandemic the men and women of the UK's Armed Forces have worked tirelessly to support our response to tackle the virus." He added: "I would like to thank all the troops who have worked so hard to run the units for the past few months. We are all very grateful for their work. "The UK government is boosting Covid testing capacity in Scotland. This includes providing six drive through sites, the Lighthouse mega-lab in Glasgow and the opening of the walk-in testing site in St Andrews. This is on top of testing capacity provided by the Scottish government". The Army said that at peak times, 18 MTUs were deployed. They were each crewed by 12 staff and all soldiers deployed to the MTUs were fully trained infantry, engineers or Royal Armoured Corps personnel. Some of the MTU staff have been Army reservists, mobilised at the start of the pandemic restrictions. They will now be going back to their civilian jobs and their regular Army colleagues will return to their units and their operational military roles.
Coronavirus: Ambulance service takes over mobile testing
By John CampbellBBC News NI Economics & Business Editor Revenue commissioner Liam Irwin was giving evidence to the Irish parliament's finance committee. He said the authorities would try to minimise customs controls but they are required under EU law. It would mean checks on 6% to 8% of freight, mainly on documents but with a "small number" of physical inspections. 'Trade facilitation posts' Mr Irwin said checks would not happen at the border but at "trade facilitation posts" which would be "10 or 15 kilometres back from the border." He also said there would also be some form of random, or risk-based, customs checks carried out by mobile units. The commissioner emphasised that customs declarations would happen electronically, and most transactions would be immediately approved. He said there would not be a return to a pre-1992 situation when there were customs posts at the border. Seamus Leheny, from the NI Freight Transport Association, described the plans as "quite concerning to those involved in moving goods cross-border". "On average we're looking at a minimum 6,000 HGV movements cross-border on a daily basis so if we're looking at 8% of those vehicles having to be checked, there's potentially 500 to 600 vehicles actually having to stop and have goods looked at," he said. "These costs would obviously have to be passed on, because there would be consequences with delays and journey time reliability. "If you have 500 to 600 lorries having to stop every day, those delays could be anything from five minutes, half an hour. 'Costs' "It depends really on paperwork checks or maybe physical inspection of goods and the running costs for a 44-tonne lorry which typically travels cross-border is £1 a minute and those costs have to be covered by someone." Sinn Féin's finance spokesperson, Pearse Doherty, said border communities would be especially affected. "Obviously, any restrictions on traffic and consignments entering and leaving the north will have a devastating impact on the economies both north and south," he said. "Businesses on both sides will suffer greatly should what was revealed by revenue come to pass and that is simply stating an undeniable fact." The UK government has said it intends to leave the EU Customs Union as part of Brexit but is seeking new customs arrangements. Hard border The EU, the UK government and the Irish government have all said they do not want a "hard border". Mr Irwin said Irish customs authorities are not currently in "any form of discussion" with the UK. He said that the number and value of customs declarations would increase by a factor of 10 as a result of Brexit. His organisation is also looking at how "small local traders" can be facilitated.
| Brexit: Up to 8% of cross-border freight 'could be subject to checks'
Title: Worth the price Review: This 1998 Roxy Music collection is named "The Greatest", one of a series of limited editions of artists from the EMI catalog in Japan (though Roxy was signed to the Warner family of labels). This is probably the most complete collections of Roxy out there on a single disc that covers the best of all the studio recording from the beginning of Virginia Plain all the way through Avalon's three singles including Take A Chance With Me. For me, one of the best inclusions was the dramatic For Your Pleasure, all 6+ distorted and experimental minutes of it. My only gripes is that they went with the disco version of Angel Eyes instead of the more rocking version on the original Manifesto release, and because of it's limited release that the price is really steep. If stranded on a desert island and you had to take one Roxy album, I'd go with this one. Does this product review convey a negative or positive sentiment?
Title: Necromentia Review: I love scary movies;This is a low key scary movie. But a good story of Horror and betrayal searching for truth Does this product review convey a negative or positive sentiment?
Title: Yin Or Yang? Review: For me this is a far better album than "Zenyatta Mondatta." I even prefer it over "Synchronicity." Here the band is sour, relaxed, & robust. Some of their previous work seemed a little forced, but with these songs they appear to gel. I'll only focus on four of them. "Spirits In The Material World," is a cutting testament to the shallow material things that many view as essential to their momentary contentment. The reggae feel enlivens the somber mood. "Everything She Does Is Magic," is a spunky love song with a soaring bridge. "Invisible Sun," here Sting is at his sardonic best. His matter of fact voice blended well with Copeland's strong percussion & Summer's echoing chords. This is one of the few anti-war anthems I have ever liked. "Omegaman," is a good rocker with Andy Summer's standing out. Does this product review convey a negative or positive sentiment?
| Positive |
Definition: A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Marathi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Input: আমার তরুণ বন্ধুরা,
Output: | माझा भारत विश्व गुरू बनेल. |
Suggest a movie title for the following movie plot: In AD 180, Hispano-Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius leads the Roman army to a decisive victory against the Germanic tribes near Vindobona on the northern frontier. Now weary of battle, Maximus only desires to retire to his Spanish farm estate. But Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells him that his own son and heir, Commodus, is unfit to rule and appoints Maximus as regent to help save Rome from corruption. When the emperor reveals his plan to his son, Commodus murders him in a fit of rage. Commodus announces he is the new Emperor and asks Maximus for his loyalty. When the general refuses, he is arrested by his officers and is sentenced to death at dawn. He kills his captors and rides for his farm. However, he arrives too late to find it destroyed and his family murdered, under Commodus' orders. Maximus buries them and collapses from his wounds and grief. He is found by slavers who take him to Zucchabar, a colonia in the Roman North African province of Mauretania Caesariensis, where he is sold to a lanista (gladiator trainer) named Proximo. Although reluctant at first, Maximus fights in local tournaments and makes friends with two other gladiators named Juba, a Numidian, and Hagan, a German. As he wins every match because of his military skills and indifference to death, he gains fame and recognition. But Proximo, who reveals that he himself was once a gladiator who fought well enough to be given his freedom, advises Maximus that being a good killer is not enough; a good gladiator is one who can "win the crowd". Proximo encourages Maximus to go to Rome and fight in the Colosseum because Commodus has organized 150 days of games. He could then use the power he commands in the arena as leverage against the Emperor. Maximus' first gladiatorial combat in the Colosseum is a re-enactment of the Roman victory over Carthage at the Battle of Zama. Although the gladiators (portraying the Carthaginians) are expected to be massacred, Maximus leads them to victory over the legionaries of Scipio Africanus. This prompts a...
| Gladiator |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
Given a sentence in Japanese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Kevin Lepageが3位、Terry Labonteが4位、Robby Gordonが5位となりました。
Output: | Kevin Lepage排名第三,Terry Labonte排名第四,Robby Gordon排名第五。 |
In this task, you will be given a debate topic, along with a sentence from the debate. You should classify the given sentence and choose the type of that sentence. Possible types are explained below.
Policy: This refers to a sentence proposing a specific course of action to be taken. It typically contains modal verbs like "should" and "ought to". It cannot be directly proved with objective evidence, and a proper type of support is a logical reason from which the proposition can be inferred.
Value: This refers to a sentence containing value judgments without making specific claims about what should be done (If so, then it is a Policy sentence.). Because of the subjectivity of value judgments, it cannot be proved directly with objective evidence.
Fact: This refers to an objective proposition expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations. A Fact sentence has a truth value that can be verified with objective evidence that may be available at the time the claim is made; predictions about future are considered unverifiable.
Testimony: This refers to an objective sentence about the author's personal state or experience. Evidence for Testimony is not publicly available in most cases.
Question: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: When you abort a child you are murdering it before that child can experience life.
Answer: Value
Question: topic: Should abortion be made illegal?
sentence: Risky procedures exist, and without base numbers of injury rates, saying a 77% increase doesn't mean much.
Answer: Value
Question: topic: Is it wrong for atheists to try and 'convert' theists?
sentence: Go ahead, challenge this and look foolish.
Answer: | Value
TASK DEFINITION: Given a paragraph about cooking, and a set of conversational question answers about the paragraph, answer a follow-up question from the paragraph. The paragraph has a prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix 'Q:' followed by answer prefix 'A:'. The final followup question has a prefix 'FOLLOWUP_Q:'.
PROBLEM: CONTEXT: No, the fat will not render at about 50 C (122 F).However, you said core temperature, which implies the surface temperature will be higher assuming you are not cooking in a 50 C oven (which you should not, for safety reasons). If you are pre-cooking the steak at, for example 120 C (250 F), the surface will be hotter by the time the center reaches your target temperature, so you may get some rendering.Still, there is a quite simple answer: trim the excess fat. What remains should char and develop a good flavor when you sear it on the grill. <sep> Q: will the fats render when the steak is being slow cooked at low temperatures? A: the fat will not render at about 50 C (122 F Q: When will fat render ? A: at, for example 120 C (250 F), the surface will be hotter by the time the center reaches your target temperature, so you may get some rendering <sep> FOLLOWUP_Q: is there any other way to render the fat without going to such high temperature ?
SOLUTION: trim the excess fat. What remains should char and develop a good flavor when you sear it on the grill
PROBLEM: CONTEXT: If I have to cook for a big group, 9 times out of 10, I go for scampi.But if you use scampi as the second course, I'm not sure what to serve it with.(I make it as an entree). Rice or bread, I'd say. I've never tried it with baked potatoes, but maybe it could work; or other options of course.But I don't know if two times fish (in a broad meaning) works for you.You can also make your meat in advance (stewing, ragout (of chicken, in vol-au-vent), meatballs) so you just need to warm it.Edit: Oops, I just saw that this is an old question... <sep> Q: I need help to plan a Menu for 10 people. I want to start off with an appetizer. any suggestions? A: If I have to cook for a big group, 9 times out of 10, I go for scampi <sep> FOLLOWUP_Q: That sounds great? what is in it?
SOLUTION: I make it as an entree
PROBLEM: CONTEXT: I think grilling is probably a bad plan for duck legs; the fat content is a real danger like you said, and duck legs are tough enough you probably want to confit them or braise them.If you absolutely have to grill them, I would suggest confiting them at 200 degrees for three or four hours first (you could use veggie oil in a pinch) and then resting them in the fridge for a day or so in oil. As for finishing them on the grill, rinse them off gently, re-season if needed, cook flesh side down on a medium heat portion of the grill for a while until mostly heated through, then flip them over on a high heat portion of the grill to crisp up the skin, watching out for flares. <sep> Q: Tips for grilling duck legs? A: I think grilling is probably a bad plan for duck legs Q: What makes you say that? A: the fat content is a real danger like you said, and duck legs are tough enough you probably want to confit them or braise them Q: How long should I confit or braise them? A: If you absolutely have to grill them, I would suggest confiting them at 200 degrees for three or four hours first Q: At what temperature? A: 200 degrees Q: Are there any other steps? A: then resting them in the fridge for a day or so in oil <sep> FOLLOWUP_Q: What abouy the grilling process?
SOLUTION: | cook flesh side down on a medium heat portion of the grill for a while until mostly heated through, then flip them over on a high heat portion of the grill to crisp up the skin
In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Swahili language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge.
Q: Question: Je! Ni maelezo gani mazuri kuhusu makazi ya asili ya sloth?
Options: A basement B ulimwengu C msitu wa kitropiki D msitu E amazonia
A: C
Q: Question: Alihisi kujazana kwenye shati, akaanza kufungua shati la mtindo gani?
Options: A vuta juu B zip up C funga D kifungo juu E fanya juu
A: D
Q: Question: Ndugu walipenda kufanya kazi kwenye ukumbi wa mazoezi, hii ilikuwa wapi?
Options: A chuo kikuu B spa C sekondari D shule au ymca E uwanja
A: | A
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
그는 1866 년에 포츠머스 해군장에 배정되었고, 1868 년에는 펜사콜라 해군장에 임명되었습니다. | Es wurde 1866 dem Portsmouth Navy Yard und 1868 dem Pensacola Navy Yard zugewiesen. |
Q: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into Italian.
Barack Obama dixo, antes de ser investido, "" Non debemos preguntarnos simplemente '¿É rendible?' senon '¿É o correcto?' E cando as profesións se privan da moralidade todos os profesionais fanse dependentes de — adictos aos — incentivos e deixan de preguntarse "" ¿É o correcto? "" Podemos velo na medicina.
A: | Barack Obama ha detto prima del suo insediamento, "Noi non dobbiamo chiederci solo 'Ci porterà un profitto?' ma 'E' giusto? '" E quando i professionisti sono demoralizzati ciascuno di essi comincia a dipendere dagli incentivi, ad esserne assuefatto e quindi non si chiedono più "" E' giusto? "" Possiamo vedere questo nella medicina. |
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into Hebrew.
“Health Leads ” naceu destas conversas, un simple modelo onde médicos e enfermeiras poidan receitar comida nutritiva, calefacción no inverno e outra asistencia básica para o paciente igual que receitan medicamentos. | אז. "" בריאות מובילה "" נוצרה מהשיחות האלו — מודל פשוט שרופאים ואחיות יכולים לתת מרשמים לאוכל מזין, חימום בחורף ועוד משאבים בסיסים למטופלים שלהם באותו האופן שהם נותנים מרשם לתרופות. |
In this task, positions of two consecutive words have been swapped. You need to output the position of the swaped words. e.g. in the sentence 'Seattle has nice a weather', the word 'a' and 'nice' have been swapped. These words are at 3rd and 4th position respectively. So, the output should be (3, 4). Note that the index of first word is 1.
One example: I a am professional dancer.
Solution is here: (2,3)
Explanation: words 'a' and 'am' have been swapped. The correct sentence would be 'I am a professional dancer.'. Since the position of 'a' is 2 and 'am' is 3, the answer is (2,3).
Now, solve this: The Big Ben clock tower in London has England the flag on it
Solution: | (9, 10) |
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Spanish.
[EX Q]: This is a piece that every two or three minutes scans the world's newly-posted blog entries for occurrences of the phrases "" I feel "" or "" I am feeling. "" And when it finds one of those phrases, it grabs the sentence up to the period, and then automatically tries to deduce the age, gender and geographical location of the person that wrote that sentence.
[EX A]: Es una pieza que cada dos o tres minutos escanea las últimas entradas de blog publicadas en el mundo buscando frases que comienzan por "" Siento "" o "" Estoy sientiendo. "" Y cuando encuentra una de esas frases, captura la oración hasta el punto, y después automáticamente deduce la edad, el género, y la ubicación geográfica de la persona que escribió dicha oración.
[EX Q]: What if all of you had that kind of information flowing to you from the things you create in the real world?
[EX A]: ¿Qué pasaría si todos tuvieran ese tipo de información desde todas las cosas que creamos en el mundo?
[EX Q]: Now, I have three options that I would like to show you.
[EX A]: | Tengo tres opciones que quisiera mostrarles.
In this task, you are given a text which is the body of a document. Your job is to classify the topic of the document into these categories: 1)Company, 2)Educational Institution, 3)Artist, 4)Athlete, 5)Office Holder, 6)Mean of transportation, 7)Building, 8)Natural place, 9)Village, 10)Animal, 11)Plant, 12)Album, 13)Film, 14)Written work. Your output should be the category number. Don't generate anything apart from numbers 1-14.
Question: Text: The Press is a daily broadsheet newspaper published in Christchurch New Zealand. It is owned by Fairfax Media.
Answer: 14
Question: Text: Royal University of Dhaka (Bengali: রয়াল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) (RUD) is a non-profit non-sectarian private university in Dhaka Bangladesh.The University Grants Commission (UGC) evaluated and approved the academic programs on July 30 2003 and the approval of the Ministry of Education was accorded on August 30 2003 under the Private University Act 1992.It started functioning in 2004. Dr. Momtaz Begum as the chairperson is the administrative chief and Professor Dr.
Answer: 2
Question: Text: Lamar Community College is the smallest of the Colorado community colleges. In was established in 1937 in Lamar in southeast Colorado.
Answer: | 2
input with options: Title: Good for a short time Review: Very handy at first and if it hadn't started leaking on the second day and completely broke down by the sixth day I would say it is great. Maybe I just had a lemon and others will be better. Is this product review negative?
- Yes
- No
output: Yes
input with options: Title: Well worth it. Review: Product was very easy to install and has been working great ever since. I particularly like how quiet it is and the lifetime warranty. Would definitely purchase this product again if the need arose. Is this product review negative?
- Yes
- No
output: No
input with options: Title: Thunderstorms Review: Very dissapointing. Too many wildlife creature noises. If I had wanted to hear birds singing in the rain and other animal noises I would have looked for a title that matched my request. I wanted to hear rain and thunder only. Is this product review negative?
- Yes
- No
output: Yes
input with options: Title: Not a good fit Review: I bought these for my littermaid and I am having difficulty putting it in and taking out due to it being a little too big. Is this product review negative?
- Yes
- No
output: | Yes |
The price has jumped from around £40 per megawatt hour to almost £200, the most expensive in a decade.
Demand from cranked-up air-conditioning comes on top of a lull in wind power and gas and nuclear power stations going offline.
Gas power stations provide over half the UK's electricity.
The day-ahead price of electricity, the amount generators charge to put power into the UK network the next day, has rocketed in the past two days.
Power stations put electricity into the National Grid's network and it is sold on to household energy suppliers.
Around a tenth of UK electricity is bought by suppliers at the day-ahead price. Wholesale electricity costs make up just under half of household electricity bills.
The heatwave hitting the south of England means air conditioning units are being turned up.
Demand is higher than average for September and at its highest since April, when a cold snap and snow storms led to severe weather warnings in parts of the UK.
The unseasonal September weather has also reduced wind power in the system.
And adding to the pressure, the number of gas power stations that have been shut down for planned maintenance is at its highest level since 2009.
Unplanned outages at other stations have compounded the problem.
Glenn Rickson, head of power analysis at Platts, said: "It seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back this week."
The surprise rise in demand and a drop in supply has left the UK with less spare power than usual. It comes after concerns about spare capacity going into winter.
Usually extra electricity can be drawn in from a connection between the UK's grid and the French network, but the crucial cable is not working properly, limiting transfers.
In France, several nuclear power stations are also offline, meaning there is less electricity for the French to sell to the UK.
Nick Grogan, an energy industry analyst, said it was "almost the perfect storm".
He added: "The price tells you suppliers are looking at the market and saying: 'Is there enough power there?'
"It's rare for it to get this bad."
National Grid admitted the UK's electricity supply was "a little tight" but said it was "completely manageable".
The operator said it was comfortable it had enough power in reserve to keep the lights on.
Factories have not been asked to reduce demands on the grid and emergency generating capacity has not been called on.
In a statement it said: "Electricity demand is picking up as we head into autumn, and some power stations are still offline for their summer maintenance programme, which is not unusual at this time of year.
"We are monitoring the situation and have tools and services we can call on if we need them."
What was that article about? | UK wholesale electricity prices for the day ahead shot up as a heatwave in some parts of the country helped push up the demand for power. |
- ru amateurclubs is newbridge rfc barbarian f.c. monmouthshire - ru nationalpoints is -lrb- 0 -rrb- - birth name is dennis hughes - ru nationalyears is 1967 & ndash ; 1970 - ru nationalcaps is 6 - university is university college , aberystwyth - birth date is 3 july 1941 - school is pengam grammar school - birth place is argoed , wales - ru position is flanker - ru nationalteam is wales - occupation is bank clerk Given the details above, guess who could this information be about.
Ans: dennis hughes -lrb- rugby player -rrb-
- death date is 1810 - birth date is 1748 - image size is 200px - nationality is swedish - image is louis masreliez-1849 . jpg - birth place is paris - occupation is painter Given the details above, guess who could this information be about.
Ans: louis masreliez
- sport is football , basketball - player team is west virginia - player sport is football - caption is allen maine yearbook pictured in '' the prism 1943 '' , - death date is 2 september 1997 - coach team is brown -rrb- brown maine -lrb- backfield -rrb- maine maine fordham -lrb- backfield - player years is 1932 -- 1934 - coach years is 1937 c. 1954 1938 -- 1941 1945 -- 1949 -- 1940 1941 1946 -- 1948 1949 -- - overall record is 15 -- 53 -lrb- basketball -rrb- -- 11 -- 2 -lrb- football -rrb- 73 - birth date is 31 december 1911 - player positions is quarterback - coach sport is football basketball - cfbdwid is 26 - image is eck allen.png - birth place is oldtown , kentucky - championships is football 1 maine intercollegiate athletic association -lrb- 1947 -rrb- Given the details above, guess who could this information be about.
Ans: george e. allen -lrb- coach -rrb-
- death place is dwight mission , oklahoma , indian territory - other names is daniel sabin buttrick - known for is a.b.c.f.m missionary to the cherokee nation , 1817-1851 - birth name is daniel sabin butrick - death date is 8 june 1851 - spouse is elizabeth proctor butrick -lrb- 1783 -- 1847 ? -rrb- - birth date is 25 august 1789 - nationality is euro-american - birth place is windsor , massachusetts - religion is evangelical_christian - occupation is minister , cherokee defender Given the details above, guess who could this information be about.
| Ans: daniel sabin butrick |
Detailed Instructions: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning).
The generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type "number", are expected to start with "How many". For instance, "How long did an event last?" can be phrased as "How many years did an event last?". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is.
Q: Passage: As early as late 1919 the leader of Russia's new Bolshevik government, Vladimir Lenin, inspired by the Red Army's civil-war victories over White Russian anti-communist forces and their Western allies, began to see the future of the revolution with greater optimism. The Bolsheviks proclaimed the need for the dictatorship of the proletariat, and agitated for a worldwide Communist community. They had an avowed intent to link the revolution in Russia with an expected revolution in Germany and to assist other Communist movements in Western Europe; Poland was the geographical bridge that the Red Army would have to cross to provide direct physical support in the West.Lenin aimed to regain control of the territories abandoned by Russia in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty of March 1918, to infiltrate the borderlands, to set up Soviet governments there as well as in Poland, and to reach Germany - where he expected a Socialist revolution to break out. He believed that Soviet Russia could not survive without the support of a socialist Germany. By the end of the summer of 1919 the Soviets had taken over most of Ukraine, driving the Ukrainian Directorate from Kiev. In February 1919 they also set up a Lithuanian-Belorussian Republic . This government was very unpopular due to terror and the collection of food and goods for the army. Officially, however, the Soviet Government denied charges of trying to invade Europe. As Polish-Soviet fighting progressed, particularly around the time Poland's Kiev Offensive had been repelled in June 1920, the Soviet policy-makers, including Lenin, increasingly saw the war as a real opportunity to spread the revolution westwards. Historian Richard Pipes noted that before the Kiev Offensive, the Soviets had prepared for their own strike against Poland.
A: | How many months after the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was they Lithuanian-Belorussian Republic set up? |
In this task, you're given a short article. Your job is to classify the article based on its category. Use the following classification labels, 0. World, 1. Sports, 2. Business, 3. Science or Technical. Label the text "0" if it contains information related to world. Label the text "1" if it contains information related to sports. Label the text "2" if it contains information related business. Label the text "3" if it contains science or technical related information.
Nikkei Ends Down, Oil Worries Weigh TOKYO (Reuters) - Tokyo stocks ended slightly lower on Friday as worries about record-high oil prices took the edge off investors #39; appetite for recently battered technology issues such as Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.
Croom's Bulldogs Stun Zook's Gators (AP) AP - The latest low point in Ron Zook's tenure at Florida even has the coach wondering what went wrong. Meanwhile, Sylvester Croom's first big win at Mississippi State has given the Bulldogs and their fans a reason to believe in their first-year leader. Jerious Norwood's 37-yard touchdown run with 32 seconds remaining lifted the Bulldogs to a 38-31 upset of the 20th-ranked Gators on Saturday.
Lewis Tapped to Become Chairman of BofA Chad K. Gifford is retiring earlier than initially expected as chairman of Bank of America, a title he gained when the bank acquired FleetBoston Financial Corp.
| 2
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a word, followed by two sentences. Your task is to figure out whether both the sentences use the aforementioned word with the same meaning. You should respond with 'True' if the words in both sentences share the same meaning, and 'False' otherwise.
PROBLEM: solution
Sentence1: The solution took three hours.
Sentence2: They were trying to find a peaceful solution.
PROBLEM: region
Sentence1: In the abdominal region.
Sentence2: The temperate regions.
Sentence1: The clarinet was out of tune.
Sentence2: He can not sing in tune.
SOLUTION: | False.
Q: In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Hindi language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Hindi or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time.
Fissure sealants should be applied as soon as the new back teeth come completely through the gums at about age 6-7 years , before the teeth have a chance to decay .
A: | English |
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a sentence in Spanish. Your job is to translate the Spanish sentence into Arabic.
PROBLEM: Hablamos unos minutos y luego cada uno se desvaneció en el caos.
SOLUTION: تحدثنا لعدة دقائق ، ثم اختفى كل منا عائدا إلى تلك الفوضى.
PROBLEM: Si inhibimos un tipo particular de neurona y encontramos que un comportamiento se bloquea, podemos concluir que esas neuronas son necesarias para ese comportamiento.
SOLUTION: فإذا تم إيقاف نشاط خلايا معينة سنجد أننا استطعنا إيقاف السلوك إذا نستنتج أن هذه الخلايا العصبية مهمة لذلك السلوك
PROBLEM: De hecho, este es el gráfico de cantidad de sets de datos en los repositorios de y
SOLUTION: | في الحقيقة ، هذا هو رسم بياني لعدد من مجموعات البيانات في مخازن البيانات ، و
Detailed Instructions: Given a text passage as input comprising of dialogue of negotiations between a seller and a buyer about the sale of an item, your task is to classify the item being sold into exactly one of these categories: 'housing', 'furniture', 'bike', 'phone', 'car', 'electronics'. The output should be the name of the category from the stated options and there should be exactly one category for the given text passage.
Q: Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your 1phone 6. Having it be 64GB is a plus. Does it have any dings or scratches?
Seller: Good afternoon! As mentioned in the posting, the condition of the iPhone is "like new." There are no dings or scratches anywhere on the phone.
Buyer: Wonderful, I wanted to double check. Can I ask why you are selling the phone?
Seller: I have upgraded to a different phone recently and have no use for it.
Buyer: Ok. What all comes with the phone? I was hoping it would at least have the charger and screen protector on it.
Seller: It comes with the original charger that came with the phone. No screen protector. Are you interested?
Buyer: Yes, I hope my offer will be suitable.
Seller: We should have negotiated the price before you made an offer. I'm sorry, but $320 is very reasonable for the phone considering that it has 64GB and it is almost brand new. I am going to have to reject your offer.
Buyer: Thank you for your time.
A: | phone |
Teacher:You will be given a person's personality, and a history of a conversation this person has had. You will be given four candidate sentences to complete the conversation, based on the context. Choose one and answer with the text.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Personality: I enjoying keeping up with the news and learning about political issues.
I often spend my free time engaging in activism work with friends and family.
I also enjoy reading novels by female authors and exploring new areas.
I enjoy this type of activist work, as my job isn T very personally fulfilling.
I work as a legal assistant in a law firm that basically only handles real estate work.
Chat history: -I love women political leaders, because I am a feminist.
-Cool. I am just reading.
-Today women need to change, that is why I am very active in politics.
-True. I am also a feminist. A vegan as well.
-You should read more novels by women like me.
-I will think about that. I could read them on the beach.
-Do you have a home life like me?
-Kind of. I spend most of my time at my job. Been there for 7 years.
-I like to see changes in people lives and also in society.
-That is awesome. You seem like a nice person.
Candidates 1) Good to trust in a higher power! Always time to change. 2) Hi how are you today. 3) 7 years is a long time, I'm not very satisfy with my job. 4) What do you do for work?
Student: | 7 years is a long time, I'm not very satisfy with my job. |
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or physical relationships, such as a relationship in economics, scientific law, or nature. You need to come up with a fictional story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. Make sure that your story does not repeat the relation in the given paragraph (e.g., by avoiding verbatim copies of the given paragraph). Start by reading the background paragraph, and determine what relationship(s) are in the paragraph. Write a story that involves the relationship(s) that you determined are in the background paragraph. Try to use your own words as much as possible and not repeat the background paragraph. Feel free to make up places and events as long as they tie back to the background paragraph in a way that you can ask a question about.
[EX Q]: Background Paragraph: The traditional model of child psychology in relation to parents is called, “Classical Attachment” in which the child has a strong attachment to one figure (the mother). In alloparenting communities, attachment theory suggest that the same sort of bond is shared between the child and multiple community members.[32] This has potential advantages for the child and the parents. The child has a diversified network of caregivers which can provide intimate emotional support.[33] The parent’s cost of child rearing goes down as well as the emotional cost and cost of tangible resources. According to The US National Library of Medicine, alloparenting has proven to activate portions of the brain that are correlated with decreasing stress levels.[34].
[EX A]: Beth is about to be a new mother, and is deciding on how she will raise her child. She has been suggested to join a an alloparenting group that will offer a robust community for her child to interact with, but she has also considered to do things on her own, and raise her child herself. Also, saving money is of a concern, since she would have to use daycare if she cannot find someone to babysit for cheap.
[EX Q]: Background Paragraph: Raising the temperature of a chemical reaction usually results in a higher rate of reaction. When the reactant particles are heated, they move faster and faster. This results in a greater frequency of collisions. A more important effect of the temperature increase is that the collisions occur with a greater force and are thus more likely to surmount the activation energy barrier and go on to form products. Increasing the temperature of a reaction increases the number of effective collisions between reacting particles, so the reaction rate increases.
[EX A]: Two colleagues read about types of chemical reactions. Sean studied about the influence of temperature on chemical reactions. Gabe studied about other influencing factors.
[EX Q]: Background Paragraph: Blood vessels help regulate body processes by either constricting (becoming narrower) or dilating (becoming wider). These actions occur in response to signals from the autonomic nervous system or the endocrine system. Constriction occurs when the muscular walls of blood vessels contract. This reduces the amount of blood that can flow through the vessels (see Figure below ). Dilation occurs when the walls relax. This increases blood flows through the vessels.
[EX A]: | Greg is a physician working for the city hospital. Today he is seeing two patients, patient A and patient B. He noticed that patient A's blood vessels are constricted, but blood vessels of patient B are dilated. He needs to prescribe medicine according to his observation.
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given two strings A,B. You must perform the following operations to generate the required output list: (i) Find the longest common substring in the strings A and B, (ii) Convert this substring to all lowercase and sort it alphabetically, (iii) Replace the substring at its respective positions in the two lists with the updated substring.
PROBLEM: zcJGmqFsTiaDfVpEVFmaMucJIyrkhMeirns, EuyiRvouyiaDfVpEVFmaMucJIPUcHErhU
SOLUTION: zcJGmqFsTaacdeffiijmmpuvvyrkhMeirns, EuyiRvouyaacdeffiijmmpuvvPUcHErhU
PROBLEM: eNzyjzBNRrAenfYaeApJbEwsRarcKDCYV, EryjzBNRrAenfYaeApiwhK
SOLUTION: eNzaaabeefjnnprryyzJbEwsRarcKDCYV, EraaabeefjnnprryyziwhK
SOLUTION: | qOdGtadeelmoqrsstvvwxWcHgozqPo, FADHrEqzSznnTadeelmoqrsstvvwxtFgkv
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you will be presented with a premise sentence and a hypothesis sentence in Persian. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails, contradicts, or is neutral with respect to the given premise sentence. Classify your answers into "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment".
PROBLEM: Premise: ما با سرعت 65 رانندگی می کنیم اوه بله خوب <sep> Hypothesis: این وسیله ی نقلیه هیبریدی بود و ما با سرعت 65 رانندگی می کردیم.
PROBLEM: Premise: ناظر مهرگیاه با تعمق نسبت به او شروع شده بود. <sep> Hypothesis: مهرگیاه قد بلند از آنچه فکر می کرد بزرگتر بود.
PROBLEM: Premise: هرچه سازمانها نتایج گرا تر می شدند ، آنها غالباً <sep> Hypothesis: آنها می خواستند بهترین باشند.
SOLUTION: | Neutral
Pick your answer from: [+] television is quieter. [+] radio is quieter.
Complete the following sentence.
James just bought a new television that could hardly be heard over the radio because the
| television is quieter. |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a set of queries separated by '
', and your job is to find out the query which is not a well-formed or well-structured query in terms of grammar, punctuations, or spelling errors.
Q: How many milimeters make up one centimeter ?
What is the lowest common multiple of 10 and 9 ?
What is contained in granite ?
In what year was the 27th ammendment ?
A: | In what year was the 27th ammendment ? |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you will be presented with a question, a word, and a POS tag. You have to determine whether the part-of-speech tag of the given word in the question is equal to the given POS tag or not. Give your answer with True or False. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb
PROBLEM: Who are the children of the character played by Philip Carey on One Life to Live ?
, Word: on
, POS tag: IN
PROBLEM: Where was the person who was known for The Golden Strings born ?
, Word: the
, POS tag: DT
PROBLEM: What is the population of the 6th largest city in Mexico ?
, Word: Mexico
, POS tag: NN
You are given a sentence in Japanese. Your job is to translate the Japanese sentence into Galician.
誰かが後ろを歩いているのなら「付いて行く」という意味の字になります昔からの諺にあるように 2人なら仲間 3人なら人込み | Se alguén camiña detrás significa: seguir. Como di o vello refrán: Dous son compañía e tres son multitude. |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head happens before the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Q: Head: PersonX accepts PersonY's resignation<sep>Tail: PersonX tells hr to start looking for new candidates
A: | Yes |
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply multiplication or division mathematical operators on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer.
Luke was putting his spare change into piles . He had 5 piles of quarters and 5 piles of dimes . If each pile had 3 coins in it , how many coins did he have total ? | 30 |
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Hindi language and a corresponding English translation of the Hindi sentence. Your task is to generate a label "Yes" if the translation is correct, otherwise generate label "No". In the translation, English sentence should preserve the number as it is and it should be in sentence case (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and noun).
Hindi: मुझे यकीन है कि आप परिचित हो इससे पहले से ही
English: ” Thirdly : For that , he being a subject of the British Government of India , and not regarding the duty of his allegiance , did , at Delhi , on the llth of May , 1857 , or thereabouts , as a traitor against the State , proclaim and declare himself the reigning King and sovereign of India and did then and there traitorously seize and take unlawful possession of the city of Delhi and did , moreover , at various times , between the 10th of May and 1st of October , 1857 , as such false traitor aforesaid , treasonably conspire , consult and agree with Mirza Mughal , his own son , and with Muhammad Bakht Khan -LRB- Jawan Bakht -RRB- Subedar of the Regiment of Artillery , and diverse and other false traitors unknown , to raise levy and make insurrection , rebellion and war against the State and further to fulfil and protect his treasonable design of over- throwing and destroying the British Govern- ment in India , did assemble armed forces at Delhi and send them forth to fight and wage war against the said government .
Hindi: आजादी की घोषणा के साथ ही राजपूताना के देशी रियासतों के मुखियाओं में स्वतंत्र राज्य में भी अपनी सत्ता बरकरार रखने की होड सी मच गयी थी उस समय वर्तमान राजस्थान की भौगालिक स्थिति के नजरिये से देखे तो राजपूताना के इस भूभाग में कुल बाइस देशी रियासते थी।
English: when independence was announced, independence state wanted to be independent only, they rushed for this.
Hindi: अनुच्छेद 17 में दिए गए मूल अधिकार का उद्देश्य अस्पृश्यता के आचरण का अंत करना था , जो मनुष्य की गरिमा का एक अपमान था ।
English: Article 17 as a fundamental right was directed at abolishing the practice of untouchability which was an affront to human dignity .
| Yes
In this task you should classify the given text as 'violence' if there is inhumanity associated with it. Otherwise, classify it as 'not violence'. Mentioning killing people, or hurting them in any way is considered violent.
I just don't like Homosexuals raising kids it's my opinion.
not violence
I just don't like Homosexuals raising kids it's my opinion.
| not violence
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
In this task, you're given a context passage, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write unambiguous answers to the questions and your answer must refer to a specific phrase from the paragraph. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the answer that is the most plausible.
Hilda Rix Nicholas (née Rix, later Wright, 1 September 1884 – 3 August 1961) was an Australian artist. Hilda Rix was born in the Victorian city of Ballarat. Her father was an education administrator and poet, her mother was a musician and artist. She studied under a leading member of the Heidelberg School, Frederick McCubbin, at the National Gallery of Victoria Art School from 1902 to 1905 and was an early member of the Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors. Following the death of her father in 1907, Hilda Rix, her only sibling Elsie and her mother travelled to Europe where she undertook further study in London and then in Paris. Her teachers during the period included John Hassall, Richard Emil Miller and Théophile Steinlen. After travelling to Tangiers in 1912, Rix held several successful exhibitions of her work, with one drawing, Grande marche, Tanger, purchased by the French government. She was one of the first Australians to paint post-impressionist landscapes, was made a member of the Société des Peintres Orientalistes Français, and had works hung in the Paris Salon first in 1911 and again in 1913. The family evacuated from France to England after the outbreak of World War I. A period of personal tragedy followed, as Rix's sister died in 1914, then her mother in 1915. In 1916 she met and married George Matson Nicholas, only to be widowed the next month when he was killed on the Western Front. Returning to Australia in 1918, Rix Nicholas once more took up professional painting, and held an exhibition of over a hundred works at Melbourne's Guild Hall. Many sold, including In Picardy, purchased by the National Gallery of Victoria. Following a period painting in rural locations in the early 1920s, Rix Nicholas returned to Europe. A 1925 exhibition in Paris led to the sale of her work In Australia to the Musée du Luxembourg, followed by an extensive tour of her paintings around regional British art galleries. There followed representation in other exhibitions, including at the International Society of Sculptors, Painters and Gravers, and the Royal Academy of Arts, both in London. Following the inclusion of several works in the 1926 Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts Spring exhibition in Paris she was made an Associate of that organisation.
Question: What is the full name of the person whose teachers included John Hassall?
Output: | Hilda Rix Nicholas |
Definition: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in Persian, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations.
Input: رستورانهای " denver , colorado " را پیدا کن.
Output: | find restaurants in " denver , colorado " . |
Please answer the following question: Given the following passage "Possible improvements include clarification of clinical trial regulations by FDA. Furthermore, appropriate economic incentives could persuade pharmaceutical companies to invest in this endeavor. Antibiotic Development to Advance Patient Treatment (ADAPT) Act aims to fast track the drug development to combat the growing threat of 'superbugs'. Under this Act, FDA can approve antibiotics and antifungals treating life-threatening infections based on smaller clinical trials. The CDC will monitor the use of antibiotics and the emerging resistance, and publish the data. The FDA antibiotics labeling process, 'Susceptibility Test Interpretive Criteria for Microbial Organisms' or 'breakpoints', will provide accurate data to healthcare professionals. According to Allan Coukell, senior director for health programs at The Pew Charitable Trusts, "By allowing drug developers to rely on smaller datasets, and clarifying FDA's authority to tolerate a higher level of uncertainty for these drugs when making a risk/benefit calculation, ADAPT would make the clinical trials more feasible."", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: MRSA is a bacteria known for its resistance to antibiotics, these kinds of bacteria are commonly categorized as?
A: | superbugs |
Definition: In this task, you will be shown a Persian passage and a question, and you have to determine whether the question is answerable based on the passage or not. If the question is answerable, choose the "True" label, and if not select "False"
Input: گیتهاب (به انگلیسی: GitHub) یک سرویس میزبانی وب برای پروژههایی است که از سیستم سورس کنترل گیت استفاده میکنند. گیتهاب با استفاده از روبی آن ریلز و ارلنگ ساخته شدهاست. این سرویس هم دارای گزینه رایگان برای پروژههای متنباز و هم پولی برای پروژههای تجاری است. توسعهٔ پلت فرم گیتهاب در اکتبر ۲۰۰۷، آغاز شد. گیتهاب در سال ۲۰۰۸ توسط تام پرستون، کریس ونسترت و پی جی هیت پایهگذاری گردید و بر اساس گزارشی در ژوئن ۲۰۱۱، این سرویس محبوبترین سرویس ارائهدهنده گیت است. این سایت عملکردهای یک جامعهٔ مجازی شامل: فید، دنبالکننده و گراف شبکه برای نمایش دادن توسعه دهندگانی که بر یک نسخهٔ مرجع (مخزن) کار میکنند، را به کاربرانش ارائه میدهد. در ژوئیه ۲۰۱۲ این شرکت با صد میلیون دلار آمریکا در سری A سرمایهداران اصلی، از طرف اندرسون هورویتز ردهبندی شد.گیتهاب قابلیت توزیع کنترل نسخه و مدیریت کد منبع(SCM) از گیت و همچنین اضافه کردن ویژگیهای خاص آن را عرضه میکند.
Question: گیت هاب واسه ی کدوم پروژه ها استفاده میشه؟
Output: | True |
This article: A diocesan return of 1563 recorded 145 households in the parish of New Sleaford, while the Compton Census (1676) reveals that New Sleaford had a Conformist population of 576 people, no "Papists", and 6 Non-conformists. There is a widely held local tradition that St Denys' was used during the English Civil War (1642–51) as a barracks for parliamentary troops who destroyed the interior furnishings. The local historian Trollope stated that the soldiers looted the brass eagle lectern (last recorded in 1622), broke the stained glass windows and the organ, and stole valuables. Whether this damage occurred or not, repairs to the windows and roof were carried out in 1657, paid for by public subscription. Galleries were also added to the church in the 18th century: the south in 1758, west in 1772, and north in 1783–84. In 1772, Edward Evans, a ship's surgeon on HMS Egmont, donated £300 to replace the organ with one built by Samuel Green of London.For most of the 19th century, the Anglican community dominated Sleaford's civic bodies, including the Board of Guardians, who oversaw the workhouse, and the Local Board of Health. Dr Richard Yerburgh and his son, Richard, were vicars in 1809–51 and 1851–82 respectively and had family connections with the local builders Kirk and Parry; Yerburgh and Thomas Parry (one half of the firm) were on the Board of Guardians and were labelled members of a "family party" by opponents during the Board's 1870 elections (they were nonetheless re-elected). They and other local clergymen were key players in the establishment of National schools in Sleaford and Quarrington, which Kirk and Parry built. The Anglican congregation, at an estimated 700 to 800 people in 1851 (St Denys' had enough space for 743 people), was less than half of the size of the nonconformist community, which was probably larger than 2,000 and tended to flourish in poorer parts of the town.The 19th century also witnessed two major restorations to St Denys'. As the congregation expanded, the need for greater space was met... contains an answer for the question: What are the last names of the two individuals who were nonetheless re-elected despite being labelled members of a "family party" by opponents during the Board's 1870 elections?, what is it ?
Answer: Parry
This article: After the band released two slow-paced albums in a row, R.E.M.'s 1994 album Monster was, as Buck said, "a 'rock' record, with the rock in quotation marks." In contrast to the sound of its predecessors, the music of Monster consisted of distorted guitar tones, minimal overdubs, and touches of 1970s glam rock. Like Out of Time, Monster topped the charts in both the US and UK. The record sold about nine million copies worldwide. The singles "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" and "Bang and Blame" were the band's last American Top 40 hits, although all the singles from Monster reached the Top 30 on the British charts. Warner Bros. assembled the music videos from the album as well as those from Automatic for the People for release as Parallel in 1995.In January 1995, R.E.M. set out on its first tour in six years. The tour was a huge commercial success, but the period was difficult for the group. On March 1, Berry collapsed on stage during a performance in Lausanne, Switzerland, having suffered a brain aneurysm. He had surgery immediately and recovered fully within a month. Berry's aneurysm was only the beginning of a series of health problems that plagued the Monster tour. Mills had to undergo abdominal surgery to remove an intestinal adhesion in July; a month later, Stipe had to have an emergency surgery to repair a hernia. Despite all the problems, the group had recorded the bulk of a new album while on the road. The band brought along eight-track recorders to capture its shows, and used the recordings as the base elements for the album. The final three performances of the tour were filmed at the Omni Coliseum in Atlanta, Georgia and released in home video form as Road Movie.R.E.M. re-signed with Warner Bros. Records in 1996 for a reported $80 million (a figure the band constantly asserted originated with the media), rumored to be the largest recording contract in history at that point. The group's 1996 album New Adventures in Hi-Fi debuted at number two in the US and number one in the UK. The five million copies... contains an answer for the question: What group brought along eight-track recorders to capture its shows?, what is it ?
Answer: R.E.M.
This article: The commission for the brand new house of Knightshayes Court was obtained from Sir John Heathcoat-Amory in 1867 and the foundation stone was laid in 1869. By 1874, the building was still incomplete, owing to ongoing difficulties with Heathcoat-Amory, who objected to many of Burges's designs on the grounds of cost and of style. Although work had begun on the interior, the turbulent relationship between architect and client led to Burges's sacking in 1874 and his replacement by John Dibblee Crace. Nevertheless, Knightshayes Court remains the only example of a medium-sized Burges country house, built in a standard Victorian arrangement. Early French Gothic in style, it follows a standard neo-Tudor plan of a large central block with projecting gables. The tower Burges planned was never built. The interior was to have been a riot of Burgesian excess but not a single room was completed to Burges's designs. Of the few interior features that were fully executed, much was altered or diluted by Heathcoat-Amory and his successors. However some of the interiors, such as the library, vaulted hall and the arched red drawing room, remain or have been re-instated.Since the house passed to the National Trust in 1972, major works of restoration and re-creation have been undertaken and a number of pieces of Burges furniture, mostly not original to the house, are displayed. These include a bookcase from Buckingham Street and a chimney piece from the Hall at Worcester College, Oxford, where, in the 1960s, some decorative works by Burges were removed, although his redecoration of the college Chapel remains. The aim is, as far as possible, to reinstate the work of Burges and Crace. contains an answer for the question: Along with Sir John Heathcoat-Amory, who altered and diluted the interior features of the house he commissioned in 1967?, what is it ?
Answer: | his successors |
Teacher:In this task, you are given a word, followed by a sentence. You should respond with a valid sentence which contains the word with the same meaning as in the given sentence. For example, if the given sentence refers to a 'fly' as the insect, you should not respond with a sentence which uses 'fly' as the verb. You may use the word in a different tense than is given. For example, you may use the word 'ended' in the output where the given input word is 'end'.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: liver
Sentence: You could fry up some chicken livers for a tasty treat. -- Nah, I don't like chicken liver.
Student: | I'd like some goose liver pate. |
In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language and your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. In translation, keep numbers as it is.
India saw the emergence of Islam right in the 7th century, when the Arab traders came to India.
भारत में इस्लाम का आगमन तो अरब व्यापारी ७वीं सदी में ही ले आये थे।
There is an speaker in Praliament who is elected by members of parliament from them selves, speakera has two function
लोकसभा का अध्यक्ष होता है इसका चुनाव लोकसभा सदस्य अपने मध्य मे से करते है इसके दो कार्य है
Narendranath , or Naren or Noren as he was known in those days , was born in 1887 in Arbelia , a village not far from Calcutta in the district of 24 Parganas .
| उन दिनों नरेंद्रनाथ या नरेन ( जिन नामों से वह जाने जाते थे ) का जन्म 1887 में अरबेलिया नामक गांव में हुआ था जो कलकता के निकट ही जिला परगना में स्थित है ।
Definition: In this task, you are given music product reviews in Japanese language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative.
Input: ケイオ〜〜リ〜〜(ため息) . またかよ、ってかんじです。 まあヒット曲だけ並べて脱いで叫んで最後に自分の曲を… って洋楽と同列に並べんなよ!! 今年の洋楽ヒットを一度も聴いてないなら良いのでは? おれは聞き飽きた曲ばっかりなんで買いませんけど。 新鮮味はほぼないです。 確かにいい曲ばっかです、KAORIが叫ばなければね。
Output: | NEG |
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive.
This is a very hopeful and enlightening book as the various thoughts and stories help us to look at life in a more positive way, which can only improve quality of our lives. It made me realize to be aware of the world around me and to learn to appreciate things and people in our lives. We usually live our lives in such hustle and bustle that we overlook the many experiences and people that we face in our daily lives. In the stories of the common everyday people in the book, we realize that we are not alone, that there are factors beyond us which are involved and that we should be open to them and not overlook our experiences.This book is very easy to read and understand and each chapter stands by itself. You can open up any chapter at any time and with the thoughts and the connected stories of real people, you can find enlightenment.A wonderful book, full of hope and insight. | Positive |
You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into English.
Quando tinha 25 anos fui para o Bali. E foi lá que conheci a minha incrível esposa, Cynthia, e juntos, nos últimos 20 anos, construímos um negócio de joalheria fantástico. | I left when I was 25 years old to go to Bali, and there I met my incredible wife, Cynthia, and together, over 20 years, we built an amazing jewelry business. |
In this task, a passage will be given and the goal is to identify an event from the passage. An event is defined as a single word representing something that happened, is happening, or may happen. An event can be factual or hypothetical, positive or negative, certain or uncertain. While most events are based on verbs, an event can also be based on a noun (ex. storm, snow, rainfall) or a copula verb (is, was, been, etc.). The event must not be a pronoun or an adjective. For noun events with multiple words, use the last word in the phrase as event.
Q: Passage: Ljubicic, who enjoyed his best season by winning two ATP titles in eight finals and broke into top ten for first time, cracked five aces throughout the match but failed to hold his nerve against the steady-handed Nalbandian. The 26-year-old sensation of the late-season, who hardly upset the superlative Swiss Federer in his Red Group opener on Sunday, had earned a place in Shanghai thanks to his autumn efforts, including the indoor title win over the past month in Metz and Vienna as well as the final encounters in both the Masters Series Madrid and Paris two week ago.
A: enjoyed
Q: Passage: Liberia and Sierra Leone are in their post-conflict period following more than ten years of war while Cote d'Ivoire is yet to restore peace. The coordination of military exercises involving various UN missions and their local counterparts is seen as a confidence- building measure.
A: post-conflict
Q: Passage: Three weeks ago David Noko became the first black person to run De Beers' local operations, taking over from Johathan Oppenheimer, who is the fourth generation of the Oppenheimer family to have managed the business. But local newspaper The Star on Tuesday pointed out that the black empowerment deal will be "tricky" because five out of the seven local mines are losing money.
A: | became
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Hindi language.
"I don't know if there are any more bodies down there, we just have to wait."
"मुझे पता नहीं है कि नीचे अब भी अन्य शव हैं या नहीं, हमें बस प्रतीक्षा करनी होगी।
According to the National Geographic News, "NASA, the European Space Agency, Japan, and Russia all have developed solar sails, but none has yet tried to prove that the sails can propel a spacecraft under controlled flight."
नेशनल ज्योग्राफिक न्यूज़ के अनुसार, "नासा, यूरोपीय अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी, जापान और रूस सभी ने सौर पाल विकसित किए हैं, लेकिन किसी ने भी अभी तक यह साबित करने की कोशिश नहीं की है कि पाल नियंत्रित उड़ान के तहत एक अंतरिक्ष यान को प्रेरित कर सकते हैं।"
Agriculture Commissioner Gene Hugoson verified production levels in the August 29 edition of the Minnesota State Register, meaning that the law will become effective following a month-long notification period.
| एग्रीकल्चर कमिश्नर जीन ह्यूगोसन ने मिनिसोटा स्टेट रजिस्टर के 29 अगस्त के संस्करण में उत्पादन स्तरों की पुष्टि की, जिसका अर्थ है कि एक महीने की अधिसूचना अवधि के बाद कानून प्रभावी हो जाएगा।
Read the given query and classify it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' query depending on how well the query is formed, 'Bad' being the expected output for a not so well formed query and 'Good' being the expected output for a well formed query. A query may be wrong based on common sense or general facts, but if it is well formed, you should answer with Good.
What are exclusive advantages of fidelio pms ? | Good |
In this task, you are given a part of an article. Your task is to generate headline (title) for this text. Preferred headlines are under fifteen words.
We propose an approximation method for thresholding of singular values using Chebyshev polynomial approximation (CPA). Many signal processing problems require iterative application of singular value decomposition (SVD) for minimizing the rank of a given data matrix with other cost functions and/or constraints, which is called matrix rank minimization. In matrix rank minimization, singular values of a matrix are shrunk by hard-thresholding, softthresholding, or weighted soft-thresholding. However, the computational cost of SVD is generally too expensive to handle high dimensional signals such as images; hence, in this case, matrix rank minimization requires enormous computation time. In this paper, we leverage CPA to (approximately) manipulate singular values without computing singular values and vectors. The thresholding of singular values is expressed by a multiplication of certain matrices, which is derived from a characteristic of CPA. The multiplication is also efficiently computed using the sparsity of signals. As a result, the computational cost is significantly reduced. Experimental results suggest the effectiveness of our method through several image processing applications based on matrix rank minimization with nuclear norm relaxation in terms of computation time and approximation precision. | Fast Singular Value Shrinkage with Chebyshev Polynomial Approximation Based on Signal Sparsity |
In this task your given two statements in Vietnamese. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character.
Cậu bé bước xuống bùn.
Bùn dính vào giày cậu. | effect |
In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative.
Fact1: Tom lures Jerry out with cheese tied to string before trying to drop iron onto Jerry, Fact2: Jerry moves Tom 's foot, Fact3: mouse moves onto alternate path, Fact4: cat sticks foot into goldfish bowl to put out fire, Fact5: Spike begins to whack Tom with golf club down way
Tom lures Jerry out with cheese tied to a string before trying to drop an iron onto Jerry, but Jerry moves Toms foot to make him drop it onto it. Tom then chases Jerry up stairs and both slide down the railing, but the mouse moves onto an alternate path while the cat crashes into the wall and a cuckoo clock falls on him. Tom then uses bellows to suck Jerry away from his mousehole, and then tosses him into the air, but Jerry catches a plate on the shelf and hits Toms head. Jerry then hides in an invisible ink bottle to evade Tom, and then discovers he has become half invisible, so he turns himself fully invisible and eats a whole bowl of chocolate truffles. When he finds Tom has set up another cheeseiron trap for him, Jerry eats the cheese and walks away, much to Toms disbelief, and again drops the iron onto Toms foot before stuffing the cats tail into an electric socket and turning it on. Tom retreats in fright and goes to drink his milk, but Jerry moves the bowl back and forth, much to Toms confusion, before slurping the drink and spitting it into Toms face. Tom then checks himself, and overcome with exhaustion, goes to sleep, but Jerry lights matches in between Toms toes. The cat sticks his foot into the goldfish bowl to put out the fire, but then hears the piano playing ominously with no visible assistance. When Tom peeks inside the belly of the instrument, Jerry drops the cover onto his head. Tom then sees a banana being eaten, but spots the shadow of Jerry on the wall. Now knowing whats going on, Tom sneaks up and whacks Jerry with a book, forming a bump on the mouses head. Tom goes to grab the mouse, but Jerry grabs an apple and flees under a refrigerator. Tom throws flour over the kitchen to force Jerry to come out, but misses hitting him with a frying pan. Jerry runs away and Tom chases him and grabs him, but Jerry twists his whiskers. Tom then grabs a curtain and traps Jerry underneath. Tom then hits the curtain with a book, but Jerry escapes and hits Tom on the rear with a golf club, causing him to squeal in pain. Jerry then goes outside and whacks a sleeping Spike on the head before putting the club on Toms hands to frame Tom. Thinking that Tom has hit him, Spike begins to whack Tom angrily with the golf club down the way. Meanwhile, inside, Jerry drinks chocolate milk in Toms milk bowl and renders himself to become visible again. Oblivious, Jerry continues sipping.
Fact1: Apsara persuades mother to travel to New Delhi to meet him, Fact2: father rescue them from terrible condition, Fact3: mother returns and takes to drink Rejected, Fact4: girl accepts living with Om Puri, Fact5: protector dies of heart attack
Geeta Devi Neena Gupta is one of the daughtersinlaw of a prominent and wealthy family, who is unfortunately widowed. Still youthful and attractive, she gives in to the wiles of one of the men in the neighbourhood, Lalit Ramji Paresh Rawal, and starts living with him. She has a daughter, Apsara Pallavi Joshi by him, and the three are portrayed as a happy family. One day, Lalit disappears without explanation, and from then on, the lives of the abandoned mother and daughter go steadily downward. Apsara is forced to leave school through her erstwhile inlaws machinations; with no income, their landlord is forced to let them go, and they have to move to a hutment colony, Geeta begins work as a maidservant in order to earn a living and support her daughter. One of the poignant themes in the movie is Apsaras relationship with her father, to whose illusory love she hangs on with a childlike and, in the end, horribly unjustified faith. Learning that Lalit is now a successful politician, Apsara persuades her mother to travel to New Delhi to meet him as she is sure her father will rescue them from their terrible condition. Rejected, the mother returns, and having lost all hope and faith in human goodness, takes to drink. Soon after, she dies leaving her daughter aged 16 all alone. The daughter takes up her mothers job as maidservant in the house of a widower Om Puri of 15 years. He seems genuinely concerned for the welfare of the girl and slowly gains her trust and finally asks her to come live with him despite the age gap. After some initial reluctance, the girl finally accepts and starts living with Om Puri, and briefly the young girl is restored to a secure life free of want. Her protector then dies of a heart attack. His relatives accuse the girl of murder and she is taken into custody and questioned by the police. After a few months, she is released for lack of evidence. Left to her own devices, she works for a time as a prostitute until she decides to move to Delhi and try to get in touch with her father. In Delhi, she lives in the railway station with three other street children, even acquiring a status of leadership among them. One day, she learns that her father is coming to the city and will be giving a conference. She decides to attend and during the conference, she gets up and starts shouting to her father that she is his daughter. Lalit ignores her calls and she is led out by the police and left a few miles down the road. She then realizes that her mother was right and that her father had really abandoned them to their fate. Faced with the treacherous cruelty that life can show, she is walking along, loudly lamenting her fate and reviling life, when one of her fathers henchmen slips up behind her, and brutally slits her throat. The movie ends with her lying dead on the grass.
Fact1: Beth is becoming bored with life in Florida, Fact2: dad tells her to follow dream of moving to Las Vegas, Fact3: young woman named arranges for Beth to meet Dink Heimowitz to lay big-money bets for him, Fact4: young journalist from New York meets Beth in casino, Fact5: Gambling is illegal in New York and Dink worries about Beth
| Beth is becoming bored with her life in Florida, doing stripteases and lap dances for private customers. Her dad, Jerry, tells her to follow her dream of moving to Las Vegas, where she seeks honest work as a cocktail waitress. A young woman named Holly, who lives at the same Vegas motel, arranges for Beth to meet Dink Heimowitz, a professional gambler who follows the fastchanging odds on sporting events and employs assistants at Dink, Inc., to lay bigmoney bets for him. Beth is intrigued and it turns out she has a good mind for numbers, easily grasping Dinks system and becoming his protegee and he views her as his lucky charm. When Beth begins expressing a more personal interest in her mucholder mentor, Dinks sharptongued wife, Tulip, lets it be known in no uncertain terms that she wants Beth out of her husbands life. As a result from pressure from his wife, Dink lets Beth go. A young journalist from New York, Jeremy, meets Beth in the casino and they immediately hit it off and she makes plans to move back to New York with him, having nothing left in Las Vegas to keep her there. She is hooked on the excitement and income that gambling provides and backs out suddenly whenever Dink, facing a heavy losing streak without his lucky charm, asks her to come back to work for him. Whenever Dinks losing streak continues even with Beths return, he has a meltdown and fires everyone in his office. Having enough, Beth goes to New York to be with Jeremy but accepts a similar job for a rival bookie called Rosie. Gambling is illegal in New York and Dink worries about Beth. Rosie then sets up a legal operation based in Curacao and Beth goes down to help run the betting. Rosie and his men are more interested in drugs and hookers and Beth wants out. A New York gambler, Dave Greenberg, is in debt for sixtythousand dollars and may be working for the Feds. Dink and his wife Tulip come to New York to help out Beth and Jeremy. They strong arm Greenberg and he gives them a hot tip on a New Jersey basketball team. The team wins in the last second by one point and everyone clears their gambling debts. The movie is a true story based on Beth Raymers memoir who in real life goes to college and becomes a writer.
Established in 1591 by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Hyderabad remained under the rule of the Qutb Shahi dynasty for nearly a century before the Mughals captured the region. In 1724, Mughal viceroy Asif Jah I declared his sovereignty and created his own dynasty, known as the Nizams of Hyderabad. The Nizam's dominions became a princely state during the British Raj, and remained so for 150 years, with the city serving as its capital. The Nizami influence can still be seen in the culture of the Hyderabadi Muslims. The city continued as the capital of Hyderabad State after it was brought into the Indian Union in 1948, and became the capital of Andhra Pradesh after the States Reorganisation Act, 1956. Since 1956, Rashtrapati Nilayam in the city has been the winter office of the President of India. In 2014, the newly formed state of Telangana split from Andhra Pradesh and the city became joint capital of the two states, a transitional arrangement scheduled to end by 2025.
Who is the person that established Hyderabad?
Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah
In the martial arts, Faisal Jeylani Aweys and Mohamed Deq Abdulle also took home a silver medal and fourth place, respectively, at the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup in Tongeren. The Somali National Olympic committee has devised a special support program to ensure continued success in future tournaments. Additionally, Mohamed Jama has won both world and European titles in K1 and Thai Boxing.
Who came in fourth in the 2013 Open World Taekwondo Challenge Cup?
Mohamed Deq Abdulle
The Licchavi era was followed by the Malla era. Rulers from Tirhut, upon being attacked by Muslims, fled north to the Kathmandu valley. They intermarried with Nepali royalty, and this led to the Malla era. The early years of the Malla era were turbulent, with raids and attacks from Khas and Turk Muslims. There was also a devastating earthquake which claimed the lives of a third of Kathmandu's population, including the king Abhaya Malla. These disasters led to the destruction of most of the architecture of the Licchavi era (such as Mangriha and Kailashkut Bhawan), and the loss of literature collected in various monasteries within the city. Despite the initial hardships, Kathmandu rose to prominence again and, during most of the Malla era, dominated the trade between India and Tibet. Nepali currency became the standard currency in trans-Himalayan trade.
Who ruled Nepal after the Licchavi?
| Malla |
Q: In this task you are given a small conversation between two persons and 4 options on how the conversation should continue. Your job is to choose the most reasonable option. The conversation and the options are separated by a newline character. Each dialogue in the conversation are separated by a comma. F and M indicate female and male, respectively.
F: Hi, Tony. Have you finished reading these articles? ,M: Yes, but my eyes feel uncomfortable after staring at the computer screen for hours. ,F: I've read an article about eye problems recently. It says that people usually blink less when they use computer, so they may always feel tired and dry after using computers. ,M: That is what I am doing. And I am suffering from dry eyes. ,F: It is so common for people who have eye problems. ,M: But what does it have to do with the computer? ,F: The article found that people blink 22 times a minute in average when relaxed, but just 7 times a minute while staring at things on a computer screen. ,M: Really? That's quite a difference.
(A) F: Yes, when we stare at the computer, our eyes will blink five times more than usual,we will blink 27 times a minute. (B) F: Yes, although people blink only 7 times a minute when staring at the computer, they may feel less dry after using computers. (C) F: Excuse me, could you repeat the question? (D) F: Yes, I never knew that people blink only 7 times in a minute when staring at the computer. That’s a lot fewer than usual.
A: | D |
Instructions: A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Input: जेईई (एडवांस्ड) 2019 का परिणाम घोषित
Output: | ഇ. (അഡ്വാന്സ്ഡ്) ഫലം പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you need to write a topic word from the given fact. The topic word must have at least one word overlap with the given fact. The topic word often involves adding a new word from a related concept. In your topic word, use at least one word from the given fact. Topic words with two or more words work best.
Example: Fact: pesticides cause pollution.
Output: pollution harms.
This is a good topic word, because it contains one overlapping word "pollution".
New input case for you: Fact: Producers are organisms that produce food for themselves and other organisms.
Output: | Producers plants. |
Q: In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated.
Passage: Saudi Arabian princes are the wealthiest in the world. The wealthiest in the world are generous.
A: | Anti-stereotype |
Further delays could undermine everything the UN has achieved in the province since 1999 and jeopardise regional stability, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned on Wednesday.
Translate to Turkish | BM Genel Sekreteri Ban Ki-moon Çarşamba günü yaptığı açıklamada, daha fazla gecikmenin BM'nin eyalette 1999 yılından beri kazandığı her şeyi bozup bölgede istikrarı tehlikeye atabileceği konusunda uyardı. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Urdu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
94 ہے۔ اوسطا فرٹیلائزر کا محکمہ اپنے پلانٹس اور بندرگاہوں سے ریاستوں کے لئے یومیہ تقریبا ایک لاکھ میٹرک ٹن یوریا سپلائی کررہا ہے۔
Output: | उर्वरक विभाग सभी राज्यों, रेलवे और उर्वरक कंपनियों के साथ लगातार संपर्क साधे हुए है और दिन प्रतिदिन आधार पर गहनता से स्थिति की निगरानी कर रहा है। |
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a tuple, comprising Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether, as a result of the Head, PersonX will be seen as what is mentioned in the Tail or not. In this task, PersonX will be seen as the Tail if the Tail describes PersonX's persona or attribute as perceived by others given an event. In the gift-giving example, X may be seen as generous or giving. In contrast, in an event such as PersonX steals a car, PersonX may be perceived as evil. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX draws a picture of PersonY<sep>Tail: skilled
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX goes the way of the dodo<sep>Tail: incompetent
PROBLEM: Head: PersonX gets the point<sep>Tail: Listening
Given a sentence in Bulgarian, generate a new Bulgarian sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true.
Ефектът от глобалното затопляне е, че ледът започва да се променя.
Ефектът на глобалното затопляне е, че случаят започва да се топи.
Закачвате гердана си за сметището и го оставяте там.
Ще вземеш адреса си на клона и ще го оставиш там.
Най-вероятно ще намерите куче в магазин за домашни любимци.
| И ще видиш ти как [ о, Мухаммад ] сеят.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text from a social media post. Your task is to classify the given post into two categories: 1) yes if the given post is intentionally offensive, 2) no, otherwise. Also, generate label 'no' for offensive statements that appear to be unintentional, or non-offensive statements that are underhandedly offensive. Warning: the examples and instances may contain offensive language.
Q: I have purchased a few DLC's for Black Ops 2 but I don't know how to play the maps in public matches? Always end up on standard maps.
A: | No |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
You are given a target person and two sentences. Your task is to determine whether the second sentence conveys either a stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated with respect to the first sentence and the target. A stereotype is a widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against the widely held but oversimplified notion of a group of people. Sentences and targets are unrelated if there is no relevance between them.
Example: Target: mother
The mother walked into her kitchen. She pulled a beer out of the fridge and leaned against the doorway, sipping it slowly.
Output: anti-stereotype
This is an anti-stereotype because as a stereotype, mothers do not drink alcohol and do not have a casual, care-free stance when they do so.
New input case for you: Target: gentlemen
The fraternity contained lots of gentlemen. Time for me to hit submit.
Output: | unrelated |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action.
Problem:Head: prepare for vote<sep>Tail: remember republican
Solution: | Yes |
In this task, you must classify if a given review is positive/negative, indicating your answer as P or N.
the one question that eats at me after seeing corky romano is why touchstone spent so much money marketing this throwaway film .
since june , i have n't been able to turn on the tv or go to the movies without getting hit by some ad depicting chris kattan as the spastic corky , shrieking out a - ha 's " take on me " in his yellow miata .
why would disney sink so much cash into the corky hype machine ?
honestly , i was hoping that all the goofball ads were actually a front for a decently funny movie .
man , was i wrong .
corky romano is one of those throwaway , clich ?
tv - star - to - film vehicles built upon the most rickety of plots .
fortunately for chris kattan 's precariously positioned career , corky does have some good laughs , even if most of them are of the lowest - brow variety
kattan plays the title character , the unsinkable assistant veterinarian corky who has a penchant for sunshiny ' 80s tunes , bright ties , and banal coffee mug slogans ( " you do n't have to be crazy to work here , but it sure helps . " ) .
when his mob boss dad ( peter falk ) is about to be put away on murder charges , his bungling , lughead brothers ( peter berg and chris penn ) rope in innocent , black sheep corky to infiltrate the fbi as an agent and steal the evidence .
predictably , hijinks ensue .
if the basic plot sounds bad , wait until you get into the inner - workings of this clunker .
the writers will amaze you with the depth of their inanity .
corky 's fbi agent identity is named corky pissant ( " that 's pronounced pees - ahn .
it 's french . " ) .
he becomes a first - rate agent by accidentally stumbling mr .
magoo - style onto the proper clues and talking his way in and out of situations , which plays like something out of a sitcom .
and not a good sitcom , i mean .
the romano family brothers even insult each other by farting in each other 's face .
and in a scene taken straight from there 's something about mary ,
corky gives a dachshund mouth - to - mouth resuscitation .
but it 's not a complete disaster .
the manic kattan does occasionally rescue some comic moments , including a bit featuring a cat in a fat suit named jesus and another involving schoolchildren , a german shephard , and a kilo of cocaine .
plus , berg -- whose career has obviously gone downhill since the last seduction and chicago hope -- gives a great turn as the illiterate brother paulie .
and , it 's nice to see that richard roundtree of shaft fame is getting work .
unfortunately for those out there who ca n't truly appreciate animal or fart jokes , corky wo n't have much to offer you .
so the next time one of those pesky ads appears on your tv , asking , " who is corky ?
you can simply reply , " who cares ? " | N |
Given the following passage "Mill's empiricism thus held that knowledge of any kind is not from direct experience but an inductive inference from direct experience. The problems other philosophers have had with Mill's position center around the following issues: Firstly, Mill's formulation encounters difficulty when it describes what direct experience is by differentiating only between actual and possible sensations. This misses some key discussion concerning conditions under which such "groups of permanent possibilities of sensation" might exist in the first place. Berkeley put God in that gap; the phenomenalists, including Mill, essentially left the question unanswered. In the end, lacking an acknowledgement of an aspect of "reality" that goes beyond mere "possibilities of sensation", such a position leads to a version of subjective idealism. Questions of how floor beams continue to support a floor while unobserved, how trees continue to grow while unobserved and untouched by human hands, etc., remain unanswered, and perhaps unanswerable in these terms. Secondly, Mill's formulation leaves open the unsettling possibility that the "gap-filling entities are purely possibilities and not actualities at all". Thirdly, Mill's position, by calling mathematics merely another species of inductive inference, misapprehends mathematics. It fails to fully consider the structure and method of mathematical science, the products of which are arrived at through an internally consistent deductive set of procedures which do not, either today or at the time Mill wrote, fall under the agreed meaning of induction.", answer the following question. Note that the answer is present within the text. Question: What is another word for methods?
The answer to this question is: | procedures |
the sixth book of the harry potter series will be called `` harry potter and half blood prince '' , british author j. k. rowling revealed on wednesday on a website dedicated to her schoolboy wizard creation .
Summarize the aforementioned text in a single phrase. | j. k. rowling spells out new harry potter title |
You are given a sentence in Japanese. Your job is to translate the Japanese sentence into Arabic.
إنها عملية دائرية
هررها, الله وحده يعلم كم عددهم, الذين يجب أن يتبولوا على سجادتها, أرضها تفوح منها رائحة مقززة.
また街で客を引かずにどうやって罰金が払えるのでしょう ?
| كيف تدفع الغرامة بدون العودة إلى الشوارع ؟
In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is happy or not. Label the instances as "Happy" or "Not happy" based on your judgment.
Need your help guys 😊 survey for a friend
Not happy
The birds chirp , the sun shines and the wind chimes chime. There was once a smile on this face.
Not happy
God favors men and women who delight in being made worthy of happiness before the happiness itself.
| Happy
Please answer the following question: Extract the answer to the question from the following context. Question: What is the substance that begins digestion? Context: Digestion of some fats can begin in the mouth where lingual lipase breaks down some short chain lipids into diglycerides. However fats are mainly digested in the small intestine. The presence of fat in the small intestine produces hormones that stimulate the release of pancreatic lipase from the pancreas and bile from the liver which helps in the emulsification of fats for absorption of fatty acids. Complete digestion of one molecule of fat (a triglyceride) results a mixture of fatty acids, mono- and di-glycerides, as well as some undigested triglycerides, but no free glycerol molecules.
A: | lingual lipase |
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
ଏହି ଅବସରରେ ଉପସ୍ଥିତ କେନ୍ଦ୍ରମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଏବଂ କେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସରକାରଙ୍କ ବରିଷ୍ଠ ଅଧିକାରୀଙ୍କ ସହିତ ଜିଲ୍ଲାପାଳମାନଙ୍କୁ ଉଦବୋଧନ ଦେଇ ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ କହିଥିଲେ ଯେ ଡ.
13 विधेयक संसद के दोनों सदनों द्वारा पारित किए गए।
ଦେଶର ନିର୍ମାଣ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନକୁ ବାସ୍ତବରେ ପରିଣତ କରିବାକୁ ଜିଏଚଟିସି-ଇଣ୍ଡିଆର ପରିକଳ୍ପନା କରାଯାଇଛି । GTC- India ବାସଗୃହ ନିର୍ମାଣ ଉପାୟ ଓ ଭାବନାରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଆଣିବ । ଏହି ଚ୍ୟାଲେଞ୍ଜରେ ତିନୋଟି ଅଂଶ ରହିଛି, ଯଥା- 1.
आईएमडी के अवलोकन नेटवर्क पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए केंद्रीय मंत्री ने आज कहा कि आईएमडी अपने अवलोकन नेटवर्क को मजबूत कर रहा है और इस साल के अंत तक, एनडब्ल्यू हिमालय (जम्मू कश्मीर, हिमाचल प्रदेश और उत्तराखंड) में 10 नए एक्स-बैंड मौसम रडार स्थापित किए जाएंगे।
କଚ୍ଛି ଭାଇ ଭଉଣୀମାନେ କେନିୟାରେ ରୁହନ୍ତୁ ଅବା କଚ୍ଛରେ । ଚାଲେଞ୍ଜକୁ ସେମାନେ କିଭଳି ସୁଯୋଗରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିପାରନ୍ତି ତାହା ମୁଁ ନିଜ ଆଖିରେ ଦେଖିଛି । 2001 ମସିହାର ବିନାଶକ ଭୂକମ୍ପ ସମୟରେ କଚ୍ଛର ଏଭଳି ସ୍ଥିତି ଥିଲା କି ସାରା ଦୁନିଆଁକୁ ଲାଗୁଥିଲା ଯେ କଚ୍ଛ କଦାପି ଉଠିପାରିବ ନାହିଁ । କିନ୍ତୁ କିଛି ବର୍ଷ ମଧ୍ୟରେ କଚ୍ଛର ପରିଶ୍ରମୀ ଲୋକମାନେ, ଆପଣ ସବୁ ଭାଇ ଓ ଭଉଣୀମାନେ, ସ୍ୱଜନମାନେ ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ଧାରଣାକୁ ଭୁଲ୍ ପ୍ରମାଣିତ କରିଦେଇଛନ୍ତି ।
| प्रदान किये गये कार्यों में उपरोक्त उछाल के साथ, एनएचएआई ने अक्टूबर, 2017 में सरकार द्वारा अनुमोदित महत्वाकांक्षी भारतमाला परियोजनाओं के लिए एक अच्छी शुरुआत की है, जिसे 5 वर्ष (2017-18 से 2021-22) के बहुत ही कठोर लक्ष्य के साथ लागू किया जाना है।
Please answer the following question: Dialogue: W: Operator, can I help you? M: Yes. I'd like to make a collect call. My number is 7683384. W: And the number you're dialing? M: That's 7638558. Oh, no, I'm sorry, I forgot it's just changed. It's now 7643388. W: Please hold the line, caller. Question: What is the caller's number? - 7643388. - 7638558. - 7683384.
A: | 7683384. |
Given a command in a limited form of natural language, provide the correct sequence of actions that executes the command to thus navigate an agent in its environment. A command can be broken down into many different actions. Actions are uppercase and are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. The word 'opposite' turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output.
run around right thrice and run around right
turn around right thrice and look around right twice
run around right twice and turn around left twice
Q: In this task you're given two statements in Marathi. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Output either the word 'cause' or 'effect' .
स्पर्धा संपली.
संघांनी हातमिळवणी केली.
A: | effect |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a piece of text. Your task is to classify the text based on whether a religion or a person/group of people are receiving hate based on religion. If there is a hate based on religion in the text, answer with 'religious hate', otherwise, answer with 'not religious hate'.
Stand the fuck up and take them out all you fucking lazy white males! fuck being called a racist protect your woman and children. If you find it in the street kill it and bury it right there these animals will wipe you out if your not careful
| not religious hate |
Teacher:The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the other-need strategy, otherwise output No. other-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used when the participants discuss a need for someone else rather than themselves. For instance, describing the need for firewood to keep the kids warm.
Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Context: 'Hi friend. 🙂 I'm going camping in the woods near my grandparents cabin. I'm inviting some friends along for a little bit of fun too because they have a guest house and a great field for tents. Would you like to come too? ' 'Oh that sounds awesome. I am actually going camping with my grandparents and my children. So I would love to have 2 firewoods for them. They get cold easily so I would like a little extra to make sure they can stay warm throughout the evening. 🙂' 'Yes, I would love to give you two firewoods! 🙂 My grandparents might check in on us, they like camping. But my grandpa has rheumatic problems so he needs lots of water. Could we take all three?'
Utterance: 'Thank you for the two firewoods. I totally understand that. Since we do have young children I want to make sure they stay hydrated so I would be willing to give you two if I can just have on extra for them.'
Student: | Yes |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task.
Given an object and a part, decide whether the object has that part. For example if you are asked 'gun has barrel?', you need to decide if a gun has a barrel as one of its components or parts, indicating 1 or 0 as your answer respectively. All sentences strictly follow the template 'object has part?.'
phone has interior?
Output: | 0 |
In this task, you are given an adjective, and your job is to generate its antonym. An antonym of a word is a word opposite in meaning to it.
Let me give you an example: accident
The answer to this example can be: purpose
Here is why: An accident is unintentional, while purpose involves intention. So the two words have opposite meaning and are hence antonyms.
OK. solve this:
Answer: | fear |
Subsets and Splits