You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Vietnamese language. The Lexmark P450 is scheduled to be released in the USA in October, with an estimated retail price of $199USD, and Canada in November, with an estimated retail price of $299CAD. Output:
Lexmark P450 dự kiến được bán ra ở Mỹ vào tháng Mười, với giá bán lẻ ước tính khoảng $199USD, và Canada vào tháng Mười Một, với giá bán lẻ ước tính khoảng $299CAD.
The answer to the question: What does the duck say immediately before starting a war between him and Mr. Meek? is inside the article: The cartoon begins with Mr. Meek carrying an axe in his hands. He turns to the audience and explains that his wife, Sweetypuss, told him that if he didn't bring home a roast duck for dinner, she would 'cook (his) goose'. (A parody of Wallace Wimple and his wife "Sweetie Face".) The scene cuts to Daffy eating corn while singing "I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" minding his business. A shadow of Meek is show getting ready to chop off Daffy's head. Then he jumps and shouts "WATCH IT, BUB!!!" directly in his face. After a brief talk to Meek, he flicks his beak at his face and marches to a hay stack. Meek chops the stack various times and on the last chop, he thinks he kills the duck. Daffy fakes his death by squirting ketchup and throwing his feathers around ("You crushed my little head!") This fools Meek by pretending he is beheaded and runs rapidly. Meek feels sad and goes back to his house, where Daffy is seen putting lots of sugar cubes into a cup of coffee. Meek guiltily tells him that he has killed a duck. Daffy cheers up Meek into giving him a cup of coffee and asks how many lumps (of sugar) his wife usually gives him. Meek shows Daffy a 'lump' (a bump on his head), and Daffy hits him on the head (giving him another 'lump') and pours cream on it. Daffy dances on the cakes and pies, singing "Shortening Bread", and Meek immediately recognizes the duck he thought he killed ("Say. That's that Daffy Duck.") Daffy then utters 'YOU AIN'T JUST WHISTLING DIXIE!!!', then throws a pie at him, leading into a war between himself and Meek. Daffy goes into army plane mode, by dropping an egg on Meek as a "Secret Bomb Site." Next, he goes into battle weaponry mode, by making various sounds and smashing household items. After all the fun and games are over, Meek gets mad, which causes the egg to fry on his head., can you guess it ? Ans: 'YOU AIN'T JUST WHISTLING DIXIE!!!' The answer to the question: What has advantages over land-based mining? is inside the article: The seabed contains enormous reserves of minerals which can be exploited by dredging. This has advantages over land-based mining in that equipment can be built at specialised shipyards and infrastructure costs are lower. Disadvantages include problems caused by waves and tides, the tendency for excavations to silt up and the washing away of spoil heaps. There is a risk of coastal erosion and environmental damage. Seafloor massive sulphide deposits are potential sources of silver, gold, copper, lead and zinc and trace metals since their discovery in the 1960s. They form when geothermally heated water is emitted from deep sea hydrothermal vents known as "black smokers". The ores are of high quality but prohibitively costly to extract. Small scale mining of the deep sea floor is being developed off the coast of Papua New Guinea using robotic techniques, but the obstacles are formidable.There are large deposits of petroleum, as oil and natural gas, in rocks beneath the seabed. Offshore platforms and drilling rigs extract the oil or gas and store it for transport to land. Offshore oil and gas production can be difficult due to the remote, harsh environment. Drilling for oil in the sea has environmental impacts. Animals may be disorientated by seismic waves used to locate deposits, probably causing the beaching of whales. Toxic substances such as mercury, lead and arsenic may be released. The infrastructure may cause damage, and oil may be spilt.Large quantities of methane clathrate exist on the seabed and in ocean sediment at a temperature of around 2 °C (36 °F) and these are of interest as a potential energy source. Some estimates put the amount available at between one and 5 million cubic kilometres (0.24 to 1.2 million cubic miles). Also on the seabed are manganese nodules formed of layers of iron, manganese and other hydroxides around a core. In the Pacific these may cover up to 30 percent of the deep ocean floor. The minerals precipitate from seawater and grow very slowly. Their commercial extraction for..., can you guess it ? Ans: dredging The answer to the question: Who makes up a fake description of the assailant? is inside the article: Johnny English is a kindhearted but inept MI7 secret agent with dreams of being their most trusted employee. After Agent One dies in a submarine accident unknowingly caused by English, the remaining agents are assassinated via a bombing at Agent One's funeral, leaving English as the lone surviving agent capable of finishing the mission Agent One left when he died. English is assigned to thwart a plot to steal the Crown Jewels, which are on display at the Tower of London. During the display, the power suddenly suffers a blackout and the jewels are stolen. During the chaos, English accidentally knocks out the deputy head of security and pretends to fight an assailant to make up for his mistakes. He later makes up a false description of the "assailant" to MI7 head Pegasus. English and his assistant Angus Bough find that the jewels were removed via a hole dug beneath their display case. The two follow a tunnel where they confront the two thieves Dieter Klein and Klaus Vendetta, who escape in a hearse, with English trying to pursue them but he mistakes another hearse for the escaped vehicle to which he accidentally gatecrashes a funeral until Bough comes to his aid by pretending English is an escaped mental patient. English connects the thieves to Pascal Sauvage, a French prison entrepreneur who helped restore the Crown Jewels. Pegasus finds the claims of his involvement absurd and warns English not to involve Sauvage. In the car park, English and Bough are attacked by Vendetta but are unharmed. English again encounters Lorna in a sushi restaurant as he recognized her pink motorcycle. During their meeting, English is suspicious of her since he has seen her at two of their crime scenes and her records cannot be found on any government computer. English and Bough then decide to break into Sauvage's headquarters via parachutes, but English mistakenly lands on a visually identical tower which turns out to be the City Hospital., can you guess it ?
Ans: Johnny English
In this task, you are given a sentence in either Spanish or English. Your task is to determine the language of the input sentence. Input sentences can only be in Spanish or English, and they cannot be in two languages ​​at the same time. We cannot say that it is all wrong. English However, there is no guarantee that the chocolate industry will use shea nut oil which, in any case, can only replace 50% of the cocoa butter. English Es algo que ya se está haciendo y la mención explícita no hace otra cosa que causar la impresión de que éste no es el caso.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Galician. And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social-evaluative threat — threats to self-esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance.
E concluíron que as tarefas que implican avaliación; ameazas á autoestima ou ao status social nas que outros nos poderían xulgar.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. Problem:How many years would it take for me to have the down payment for a 300-square-foot apartment in Tin Shui Wai ? How much would I have to pay for the monthly mortgage? And at what age could I afford to have children? Solution:
چند سال طول می‌کشد که من پول پیش‌قصد یک آپارتمان ۳۰۰ فوت مربع در تین شوی وای را جمع کنم؟ ماهیانه چقدر باید برای وام خانه بپردازم؟ در چند سالگی توانایی مالی‌ برای بچه دار شدن را دارم؟ من از پدرم بخاطر پرداخت اینقدر هزینه زیاد برای تحصیل من عذر خواهی‌ کردم، ولی‌ من از پر کردن شکم خودم هم ناتوان هستم و به احتمال زیاد باید با پدر و مادرم تا سی‌ و چند سالگی زندگی‌ کنم.
In this task, we are given a sentence in either 'English' or 'Kurdish' languages and we have to determine what the language of the sentence is as output Q: The curfew declared in the center of Şırnak province on March 14 is utill in effect. A: English **** Q: Ji sedî 12,5ê jinan ji ber ku dixwestin ji mêrên xwe cida bibin an jî ji ber ku teklîfa lihevhatinê,seksê, zewacê qebûl nekirine tundkarî li wan hatiye kirin. A: Kurdish **** Q: Following statement has been made on the official website of Şırnak Governorship as to the curfew this morning: A:
English ****
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. This task is about identifying the subject of a given sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single subject. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified subject of that sentence. Sour cream, chopped fruits, condensed milk. granola, raisins and shredded coconut are the main ingredients in Bionico. Output:
I want to test the ability of students to read a passage and answer questions about it. Could you please come up with a good question for the passage "Incubation, which optimises temperature for chick development, usually begins after the last egg has been laid. In monogamous species incubation duties are often shared, whereas in polygamous species one parent is wholly responsible for incubation. Warmth from parents passes to the eggs through brood patches, areas of bare skin on the abdomen or breast of the incubating birds. Incubation can be an energetically demanding process; adult albatrosses, for instance, lose as much as 83 grams (2.9 oz) of body weight per day of incubation. The warmth for the incubation of the eggs of megapodes comes from the sun, decaying vegetation or volcanic sources. Incubation periods range from 10 days (in woodpeckers, cuckoos and passerine birds) to over 80 days (in albatrosses and kiwis)."? The answer to this question is:
__ are part of the family Picidae
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given a process, and a question. The process contains a sequence of steps that happen in order. The question asks about the effect of a certain event on another event. If the first event has a positive effect on the second event, answer with "for", if it has a negative effect, answer with "against". If there's no causal relationship between the two, answer with "none". Q: Process: -Place your non dominate foot on the front of the skateboard -Push off with your other foot on the ground -Keep pushing with your dominate leg -When comfortable put both feet on the skateboard -Balance your body as you roll on the skateboard. Question: What is the effect of kicking harder with your leg on hurting you to skateboard well.? A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in the Hindi language and your task is to convert it into the English language. In translation, keep numbers as it is and make it sentence case (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and noun). Q: Xbox 360 के मालिकों के लिए एक खुले पत्र में, Microsoft के पीटर मूर ने कहा, "आज तक, सभी Xbox 360 कंसोल को एक विस्तारित वारंटी कार्यक्रम द्वारा कवर किया जाता है, ताकि विशेष रूप से सामान्य हार्डवेयर विफलताओं को संबोधित किया जाए, ये विफलताएं कंसोल पर तीन चमकती लाल बत्तियों द्वारा इंगित होती है। A:
In an open letter to owners of the Xbox 360, Peter Moore of Microsoft said, "As of today, all Xbox 360 consoles are covered by an enhanced warranty program to address specifically the general hardware failures indicated by the three flashing red lights on the console."
You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Arabic. So, every single time that somebody got into a taxi in Belfast without knowing, actually, was funding the IRA.
لذلك, كل مرة أي شخص يستعمل تاكسي في بلفاست بدون معرفة, حقيقة, كان يمول جماعة ال IRA (جماعة الأيرش المسلحة).
Given a sentence with a missing word, pick the answer option that best fills out the missing word in the sentence. Indicate each answer with its index ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'). Q: Cannons are a three ball shot from a corner spot or on the ____ yard line.\Question: Choose the right answer from options given a) no b) four c) five d) one A: d **** Q: Summer is the hottest of the ____ temperate seasons , falling between spring and autumn .\Question: Choose the right answer from options given a) six b) four c) no d) nine A: b **** Q: Titanium is ____ times stronger than steel.\Question: Choose the right answer from options given a) ten b) three c) one d) two A:
b ****
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be shown a conversation. You need to write a question with three choices for the conversation. Your question should be answerable based on the conversation and only have one correct answer. Note that you don't need to answer your question. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man". W: Mr. Green, is it fair to say that negotiation is an art? M: Well, I think it's both an art and science. You can prepare for a negotiation quite scientifically, but the execution of the negotiation has quite a lot to do with one's artistic quality. The scientific part of a negotiation is in determining your strategy. What do you want out of it? What can you give? Then of course there are tactics. How do you go about it? Do you take an opening position in a negotiation which differs from the eventual goal you are heading for? And then of course there are the behavioral aspects. W: What do you mean by the behavioral aspects? M: Well, that's I think where the art comes in. In your behavior, you can either be an actor. You can pretend that you don't like things which you are actually quite pleased about. Or you can pretend to like things which you are quite happy to do without. Or you can be the honest type negotiator who's known to his partners in negotiation and always plays everything straight. But the artistic part of negotiation I think has to do with responding immediately to cues one gets in the process of negotiation. These can be verbal cues or even body language. This is where the artistic quality comes in. W: So really, you see two types of negotiator then, the actor or the honest one. M: That's right. And both can work. I would say the honest negotiator can be quite effective in some circumstances. In other circumstances you need an actor.
When is a scientific approach best embodied in a negotiation according to the man? (A) In giving concessions. (B) In the concluding part. (C) In the preparatory phase.
In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question about healthcare. Answer the question based on your information and classify your answers into '1', '2', '3', and '4'. Example Input: Question: Question linked to image no. 5 A 41-year-old man referred for presenting for more than 5 years bilateral alternating gluteal pain predominantly nocturnal, which interferes with sleep and relieves with mobilization. It is accompanied by stiffness for more than 1 hour after inactivity. Denies pain, swelling or deformity to another level. It provides elementary analytics without alterations except PCR 11.5 mg / dl (N <5) and the attached radiograph. The objective radiological alteration and the most probable diagnosis would be: Options: <1> Fracture of Looser- Osteomalacia. <2> Bilateral sacroiliitis - Ankylosing spondylitis. <3> Coexistence of lytic and blastic lesions Paget's disease. <4> Blastic lesions - Prostatic adenocarcinoma with bone metastases. <5> Osteosclerosis - Lymphoma. Example Output: 2 Example Input: Question: A 29-year-old woman with a history of abundant rules and long-standing iron-deficiency anemia who have required treatment with ferrotherapy since she was 17 years old. Consult because after a tooth extraction you have hemorrhage that has required local hemostatic treatment. He relates that a maternal aunt presents frequent epistaxis. In analytical presents: 8000 leukocytes / uL, Hb 10.7 g / dL, VCM 76 fL, 380,000 platelets / uL; the biochemistry is normal. Prothrombin activity 90%; INR 0.9; Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) 48 sec (39 sec) with an APTT ratio of 1.3 and fibrinogen derivative 340 mg / dL. What is the most likely diagnostic suspicion and how would it confirm it? Options: <1> Hemophilia A and mixtures test. <2> Lupus anticoagulant and ANAS study. <3> Sideroblastic anemia and spinal aspiration. <4> Congenital thrombocytopathy and study of platelet aggregation. <5> Von Willebrand disease and determination of factor vW. Example Output: 5 Example Input: Question: What kind of memory can we use to plan what we have to do to arrive on time for an appointment next Tuesday? Options: <1> Prospective report. <2> Autobiographical memory <3> Episodic memory. <4> Semantic memory <5> Procedural memory. Example Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a statement and question, generate the answer to the question such that the answer is contained in the statement. statement: Healing of breaks requires cells specialized in bone remodeling, question: What does healing of breaks require cells specialized in? Output:
bone remodeling
Given the following context: When an ally of the Ü-Tsang ruler threatened destruction of the Gelugpas again, the fifth Dalai Lama Lozang Gyatso pleaded for help from the Mongol prince Güshi Khan (1582–1655), leader of the Khoshut (Qoshot) tribe of the Oirat Mongols, who was then on a pilgrimage to Lhasa. Güshi Khan accepted his role as protector, and from 1637–1640 he not only defeated the Gelugpas' enemies in the Amdo and Kham regions, but also resettled his entire tribe into Amdo. Sonam Chöpel urged Güshi Khan to assault the Ü-Tsang king's homebase of Shigatse, which Güshi Khan agreed upon, enlisting the aid of Gelug monks and supporters. In 1642, after a year's siege of Shigatse, the Ü-Tsang forces surrendered. Güshi Khan then captured and summarily executed Karma Tenkyong, the ruler of Ü-Tsang, King of Tibet.Soon after the victory in Ü-Tsang, Güshi Khan organized a welcoming ceremony for Lozang Gyatso once he arrived a day's ride from Shigatse, presenting his conquest of Tibet as a gift to the Dalai Lama. In a second ceremony held within the main hall of the Shigatse fortress, Güshi Khan enthroned the Dalai Lama as the ruler of Tibet, but conferred the actual governing authority to the regent Sonam Chöpel. Although Güshi Khan had granted the Dalai Lama "supreme authority" as Goldstein writes, the title of 'King of Tibet' was conferred upon Güshi Khan, spending his summers in pastures north of Lhasa and occupying Lhasa each winter. Van Praag writes that at this point Güshi Khan maintained control over the armed forces, but accepted his inferior status towards the Dalai Lama. Rawski writes that the Dalai Lama shared power with his regent and Güshi Khan during his early secular and religious reign. However, Rawski states that he eventually "expanded his own authority by presenting himself as Avalokiteśvara through the performance of rituals," by building the Potala Palace and other structures on traditional religious sites, and by emphasizing lineage reincarnation through written biographies. Goldstein states that the government of... answer the following question: What was the full name of the person who pleaded for help from the Mongol prince?
Lozang Gyatso
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, we ask you to rewrite a sentence in simple English without changing its general meaning. Essentially, you want to make the sentence easier to read by using simpler words, utilizing more straightforward sentence structures, and omitting non-essential information etc. Unsportsmanlike conduct ( also called unsporting behaviour or ungentlemanly conduct or bad sportsmanship or poor sportsmanship or anti fair-play ) is a foul or offense in many sports that violates the sport 's generally accepted rules of sportsmanship and participant conduct . Output:
Unsportsmanlike conduct ( or unsporting behaviour , or ungentlemanly conduct ) describes a kind of action by professional sportspeople .
When a tree suffers from a decreased ability to transport materials within the phloem, what is directly impacted? OPTIONS: - volume of water in the xylem - flow of necessary nutrients - response to environmental factors - rate of photosynthesis in leaves A: flow of necessary nutrients Which mechanism helps carbon to cycle from the atmosphere to living organisms? OPTIONS: - tissue decomposition - cellular respiration - photosynthesis - transpiration A: photosynthesis What travels through the stem of a plant? OPTIONS: - water and food - food and nectar - nectar and soil - soil and water A: water and food Which of the following foods is highest in polysaccharides? OPTIONS: - broccoli - potatoes - cheese - fish A:
Q: In this task, you're given the title of a story consisting of five sentences, numbered 1 through 5. Your job is to arrange the sentences in order to make a story that makes complete sense and is apt for the title. Indicate your answer using the number of the sentences in order, such as '34152'. Title: Acrobat. Sentence 1: The ringmaster's voice echoed throughout the circus tent. Sentence 2: Ming steadily built up enough momentum and then let go. Sentence 3: Her partner grabbed her wrists amidst the roar of the crowd. Sentence 4: Ming was swinging upside down by her knees high above the crowd. Sentence 5: She somersaulted through the air her hands outstretched. A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Polish language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge. Question: HOW oglądasz film przed jego nagraniem? Options: A nosić soczewki kontaktowe B wynająć jedną osobę C otwarte oczy D mieć oczy E chodzić do kina
You are here: Home / Archives for cool kids bathrooms Please remove spaces between words.
In this task you will be given a question and a passage. You need to determine if the answer to the question is contained in the passage. If the answer can be found in the passage you should output 'True'. If the answer cannot be found in the passage you should output 'False'. Passage: 'The eighth and final season of the fantasy drama television series Game of Thrones was announced by HBO in July 2016. Unlike the first six seasons that each had ten episodes and the seventh that had seven episodes, the eighth season will have only six episodes. Like the previous season, it will largely consist of original content not found currently in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and will instead adapt material Martin has revealed to showrunners about the upcoming novels in the series, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring.'. Question: 'is this the last season of game of thrones'.
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. E al-jebr traducido quere dicir "" o sistema para reconciliar partes dispares "". And al-jebr roughly translates to "the system for reconciling disparate parts." En 2008, Barack Obama era candidato á presidencia por primeira vez, e levamos a cabo un estudo con centos de estadounidenses un mes antes das eleccións. In 2008, Barack Obama was running for president for the very first time, and we surveyed hundreds of Americans one month before the election. E cremos que hai dous factores que nos permiten comunicarnos.
And we think there are two factors that enable us to communicate.
U.S. lawmakers grilled Trump administration officials Tuesday about the war in Afghanistan, saying the new White House strategy was inconsistent and was not producing results. The comments made at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing reflected growing frustration in Congress about the U.S.-led war, which is entering its 17th year. ​As recently as November, General John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, acknowledged that the conflict remained a stalemate. Since then, a wave of high-profile insurgent attacks have rocked the capital, Kabul. The Taliban now controls or contests almost half the country, according to latest U.S. estimates. Despite the setbacks, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan, who is helping oversee the new White House strategy, gave a positive assessment of the conflict. "The president's South Asia strategy is showing some signs of progress," Sullivan said. "On the battlefield, we are seeing the Taliban's momentum begin to slow." But lawmakers from both parties expressed skepticism. "Something is clearly not working," said Senator Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat and longtime Afghan war critic. "By any standard, the current security situation is grim." Some lawmakers took aim at President Donald Trump, who last week said he didn't want to talk with the Taliban — a statement that seemingly contradicted his own strategy. After Sullivan and a top Pentagon official told the lawmakers that the U.S. was in fact still open to negotiations with the Taliban, lawmakers pressed for more details. "You can see that the world and those involved in the peace process may be pretty confused about what the U.S. position is. What is it?" asked Senator Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat. Sullivan said he thought Trump was expressing a reaction to last month's terrorist attacks, and was pointing out that "significant elements of the Taliban are not prepared to negotiate." "And it may take a long time before they are willing to negotiate," he added. But many in the Senate appear... What is Senator Ben Cardin a critic of? - The Afghan war - not enough information - The Vietnam War - The war on Iraq The Afghan war ------ Two signatures. That's all that's needed to force a wide-ranging House debate — and votes — on border security and the immigration status of 700,000 undocumented young people brought to the U.S. as children. Since moderate Republicans opposed House leadership two weeks ago with a rare discharge petition to force a so-called "queen of the hill" debate (House rule based on the most votes) on immigration, the measure has steadily accumulated support within their own party. The petition needs 218 signatures to start that debate and — with the assumption that all 193 House Democrats will sign on — Republicans need just two more signatures. But that effort now goes on hold as Congress leaves town for an 11-day holiday recess, giving all sides breathing room to figure out what comes next. Many of the 23 Republican signers of the petition face tough re-election races in their districts this November. The debate over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients has challenged lawmakers since last September, when U.S. President Donald Trump ended the program, calling on Congress to find a permanent legislative solution. Lawmakers will return to Washington facing an immediate deadline. Representative Jeff Denham, a California Republican who is one of the leaders of the petition effort, told reporters that June 7 would be the absolute last moment to allow the petition to mature before lawmakers run up against a seven-week summer recess. Denham said talks with House leadership and the House Freedom Caucus, a conservative voting bloc seeking significant security concessions in return for a citizenship path for DACA recipients, have been productive. "We've had an agreement in principle," Denham said of a deal that would provide a 12-year path to citizenship for DACA recipients, known colloquially as Dreamers. "Now it's trying to put that information on paper. So, assuming we can continue to move forward, that is something we would bring to our conference on the 7th when we have our two-hour immigration meeting,... Why is June 7 the absolute last moment to allow the petition to mature? - Because the two-hour immigration meeting takes place on the 7th - Because Congress leaves town for a holiday recess - not enough information - Because the petition needs 218 signatures Because the two-hour immigration meeting takes place on the 7th ------ Imagine the person you would most like to be, the version of you that is living the life you always imagined. This person has somehow found the solution to all the challenges you face right now. You don’t know how, but you can tell that she has her shit together at long last. She is not perfect because she is still growing and learning but she is what you ache to be. Can you see a picture of this wonderful evolved future you? PHYSICAL What does she look like? What clothes is she wearing? What colour and style is her hair? How does she stand and walk? How does she speak? How often does she smile? Make the physical image colourful and bright and see the beauty, love and light in her eyes. EMOTIONAL How does the wonderful evolved future you connect with your partner and children? How is she at work? What does she do after a bad day? What are her sources of rest and renewal? MENTAL How does the wonderful evolved future you think about her life? Is she filled with positive optimism for the future? Is she grateful for the past struggles that have made her strong? Does she think kind and loving thoughts towards herself? Does she take great care of herself? BEHAVIOUR How does the wonderful evolved future you behave around food? Does she eat fresh, healthy food in appropriate amounts? Does she move her body in ways that fill her with energy and vitality? Does she indulge in treats occasionally? Does she forget about food unless she is hungry? Does she get enough sleep? Does she take great care of herself? NOW PUT HER TO WORK Once you have a brilliant, clear, detailed description of the wonderful evolved future you it is time to put her to work. Every time you are faced with a behavioural choice ~ what to eat, how to train, believing negative thoughts ~ ask yourself “What would the wonderful evolved me do?” Vividly imagine her in the situation you are now in and take note of what she would do. Who probably examines his life after writing the text? - not enough information - the author's kids - the author - no one
the author ------
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a piece of text either about an everyday event, or a general statement. If the event seems a plausible event to you, or the general statement makes sense matches your commonsense, output 'True', otherwise output 'False'. Q: Alex is a gardener and Jack is a plumber. When Jack's toilet broke he asked Alex to fix it for him. A:
If so you know oh yeah there's a lot you know they call themselves Christians but you know they are over there doing witchcraft and stuff and just a whole the lot of it generational things too like the Mayans and the Incas you can't find a trace of them because God totally destroyed them for how wicked they were and yet they're revered and honored and almost worshipped by so many people even now in America you know everyone's all intrigued with all of these Indian groups that were totally removed from the face of the earth because of how wicked they were i've been down to the pyramids and i've climbed to the top of the pyramid of the sun where they used to take a beating heart out of a young thirteen year old boy and then hold it up to the sun God and that's pretty heavy duty you know, can we conclude that "Is it because they sacrificed humans that God destroyed the Mayans?"? Pick your answer from: +yes; +it is not possible to tell; +no;
it is not possible to tell
Given a passage, write a short incorrect summary based on the passage. construction spending in the united states rose a healthy #.# percent to a record level in april , as office construction surged and activity in the red-hot housing market hit an all-time high , the government reported wednesday .
hushovd wins first stage at dauphine libere armstrong finishes in chasing pack
Teacher: You are given a sentence and a question in the input. The information provided in the sentence should be enough to answer the question. You're expected to write the correct answer. Do not use any facts other than those provided in the sentence. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Sentence: GOP leaders submitted the new offer Tuesday afternoon in an effort to appease Democrats, whose votes are needed to avert a shutdown of federal agencies, several House and Senate aides said. Question: Who has to be appeased to keep the government open? Solution: Democrats. Reason: The sentence says that "Democrats" have to be appeased, which answers the question. Now, solve this instance: Sentence: To keep up this population growth, the KMC-controlled area of 5,076.6 hectares (12,545 acres) has expanded to 8,214 hectares (20,300 acres) in 2001. Question: How many acres of land did the KMC control in 2001? Student:
20,300 acres.
instruction: Write a phrase, the answer to which is present in the passage. The answer to this question should be completely and unambiguously found in the passage. The query must be about a single or multiple linked entities. question: Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Chanda, MD has not yet specified details about his education and training. Rama E. Chandran, MD and Shaun E. Chandran, MD are committed to excellence by pledging to provide the highest quality of orthopaedic care possible to the Hawthorne, Torrance and San Pedro communities.We believe the most important aspect of providing quality care is listening to patient needs, contributing to the knowledge of the procedure, presenting treatment options, and establishing a close relationship with our patients. Medical Forms. Provided on our website are various forms that require completion prior to your visit and/or surgery. Please download the appropriate form as directed by your physician and/or staff by clicking on the name of the form. If you cannot access the form, please click on the Adobe icon. Dr. Rama Rao is a pediatric infectious disease specialist in Toledo, Ohio and is affiliated with University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers. She received her medical degree from Maharaja Krishna Chandra Gajapati Medical College and has been in practice for more than 20 years. She is one of 9 doctors at University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers who specialize in Pediatric Infectious Disease. 8-2-703, Road Number 12, Landmark: Near Elbit Diagnostic Center, Hyderabad. Get Directions + Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Chanda, MD has not yet specified details about his experience and accolades. Practice & Hospital Affiliations Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Chanda, MD has not yet indicated the hospitals that he is affiliated with. Dr. Rama Rao is a Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist in Toledo, OH. Find Dr. Rao's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Feedback for Dr. A Jayachandra. The best mentor, best doctor of India (as i Visited many doctors of Hyderabad no one was able to detect proper problem, but he is one who detected it and treated) , i feel blessed to have doctor like him, i have been following him since last 13 years when i was age of 13 . The orthopedic practice of Shaun E Chandran, MD and Rama E. Chandran, MD provides treatment for a range of orthopedic conditions. 1 Our orthopedic surgeons in Torrance, Hawthone and San Pedro California performs the following orthopedic procedures: 1 Hip Joint Replacement – We offer minimally invasive surgery (MIS) hip replacement using a direct anterior approach, as well as a robotic-assisted partial hip replacement to treat severe hip pain. Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Chanda is a physician based out of Liberal, Kansas and his medical specialization is Hospitalist. He practices in Liberal, Kansas and has the professional credentials of MD. The NPI Number for Dr. Rama Krishna Reddy Chanda is 1710261961 and he holds a License No. 04-37609 (Kansas). His current practice location address is 315 W 15th St, , Liberal, Kansas and he can be reached out via phone at 620-629-6477 and via fax at 620-629-6651. answer: dr. rama chanda phone number question: Another thought that a scarlet mole should be buried alive in the public park and a suitable incantation chanted over the remains. View in context At one corner of the mouth there was a mark, apparently a mole, which added to the characteristic peculiarity of the face. the standard unit used to measure the amount of a substance. A mole of a substance is the amount containing the same number of elementary particles as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon 12, typically 6.02 × 1023 particles. This number is called Avogadro's number. benign, localized, overgrowth of skin melanocytes or blood vessels (see ABCDE) 1 naevus pigmentosus; mole congenital, raised/sessile, pigmented, benign skin lesion. 2 naevus pilosus hairy mole. The president said that this is not removing a mole You know, removing a mole that's an outpatient sort of an operation. This was removing a cancer, removing a cancer takes more time. Gordon England. hydatid mole, hydatidiform mole. a condition in females characterized by an abnormal pregnancy resulting from a pathological ovum, with proliferation of the epithelial covering of the chorionic villi and dissolution and cystic cavitation of the avascular stroma of the villi. It results in a mass of cysts resembling a bunch of grapes. pigmented mole European Mole, golden mole, le carre character, lump on skin, Mole (animal), near sighted varmint, pigmentary naevus, 3. a fleshy growth caused by a defect in development of the skin; a nevus. The name is also sometimes incorrectly used to describe the tactile hairs and underlying tubercles which are sometimes distinctively pigmented, on either side of the face in dogs. A fleshy mole that has undergone calcific degeneration in the uterus. true mole. A mole representing the degenerated embryo or fetus. vesicular mole Hydatid mole. mole. 1. A coloured (pigmented) birth-mark (naevus). Hairy moles may be disfiguring but are never dangerous. pigmented mole see under nevus. mole 1 (mōl) n. A skin lesion, commonly a nevus, that is typically raised and discolored. mole 2 (mōl) n. A fleshy abnormal mass formed in the uterus by the degeneration or abortive development of an ovum. mole 1. Etymology: L, mass, Usage notes: informal. 1 a pigmented nevus. 2 (in obstetrics) a hydatid mole. mole 2 hydatid mole. A rare form of gestational trophoblastic disease in which there is overproduction of chorionic villi normally destined to develop into the placenta. A partial mole is characterized by an abnormal placenta and some fetal development; a complete mole, by an abnormal placenta and no fetal development. answer: another name for a nevus question: Further testing will involve more specific tests for confirmation of cat scratch fever. Growing, or culturing, the causative organism from a blood sample remains the most reliable method for diagnosis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a more advanced test for detecting bacterial DNA, which may be done by taking a sample of tissue from the lesion. Cat fleas are respon- sible for horizontal transmission of the disease from cat to cat, and on occasion, arthropod vectors (fleas or ticks) may transmit the disease to humans. Cat-scratch disease is commonly diagnosed in children, but adults can present with it as well. The causative microorganism, B. henselae, is difficult to culture. Until around 15 years ago, only three human diseases were recognized as clearly attributable to Bartonella organisms: cat scratch disease (CSD, also sometimes referred to as cat scratch fever), caused by B. henselae; Carrion's disease, caused by B. bacilliformus (and limited to South America); and trench fever, caused by B. quintana. Adult fleas feed on cat blood; in young kittens this can cause weakness, anaemia and death. Fleas are important in the transmission of ‘cat scratch disease’ between cats and to humans. This is an infection with the bacterium Bartonella hensellae, and is spread when fleas feed on blood. Some dogs and cats develop an allergy to flea bites, which causes them to scratch excessively or develop skin disease. Cat fleas can cause itchy bites on sensitive humans, typically around the ankles . These are older products that have been on the market for decades and have been causing deaths for decades. They also do not do a very good job of killing fleas! Avoid these scrupulously in geriatric cats, as they require metabolism and/or clearance by the liver or kidneys to remove the product from the body. Patients with typical late cat scratch disease who has demonstrated constant improvement in the clinical manifestations of the involved lymph node. Atypical cat scratch disease (e.g. encephalitis, pneumonitis, osteomyelitis). Drug: prednison and azithromycin. 1 Patients with typical cat-scratch disease will be treated with a 5-day course of prednison and azithromycin. 2 Cap Azithromycin 500 mg qd (first day), then 250 mg qd for 4 days and Tab prednison 1 mg/kg/day, not exceeding 60 mg/day, qd, for 5 days. Control fleas. 1 Keep your cat's nails trimmed. 2 Apply a flea product (topical or oral medication) approved by your veterinarian once a month. BEWARE: Over-the-counter flea products may not be safe for cats. 3 Check with your veterinarian before applying ANY flea product to make sure it is safe for your cat and your family. Bilavsky E, Amit S, Avidor B, Ephros M, Giladi M. Cat scratch disease during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2012 Mar. 119(3):640-4. . Arvand M, Schad SG. Isolation of Bartonella henselae DNA from the peripheral blood of a patient with cat scratch disease up to 4 months after the cat scratch injury. J Clin Microbiol. 2006 Jun. 44(6):2288-90. . Watch out for cat scratch disease. Cat scratch disease, the commonest disease spread by cats, is caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae. Cats act as a reservoir for the disease, and it's especially prevalent among young cats and cats with fleas. answer:
effective methods for treating cat scratching disease
People in Iran used extensive grazing, fell most of their trees so they have lots of problems with desertification. Iraq took a more mindful approach to land use, they preserved native species, planted trees and didn't overgraze the land. Which country destroyed less land through overexploitation? Ans: Iraq Ethiopia and Sudan are two neighboring countries where extreme poverty can be seen. Still Ethiopia has pushed for women's education in the last decade. Sudan has largely failed in investing on women's education. Elsewhere in Africa, the country of Botswana has just overcome extreme poverty, thanks to vast mineral deposits. But they invested on women's education. Would Sudan more likely or more likely not experience between 1.2% and 1.5% total missed GDP? Ans: more likely Molly has just moved to a new city for a job she was just hired for. She used to live in a city up in the mountains named Midgar. She liked living there due to the hikes she could go on and seeing the beautiful nature of the hills and mountains. The town she lives in now, Treno, is closer to sea level and is mostly flat plains and farm land. It's a change of scenery, and she hopes she starts to enjoy it more. Is air pressure in Treno higher or lower than in Midgar? Ans: higher Jimothy and Dwight are two brothers living in the same house. Jimothy is a freshman in high school and Dwight is a junior in high school. Their mother takes them to see a doctor and to have their testosterone tested. The tests reveal that Dwight has significantly more testosterone than Jimothy, but that is to be expected given their age difference. Will Dwight finish his growth spurt before or after Jimothy?
Ans: before
Instructions: This task involves creating questions from a given passage that involve some kind of complex reasoning (including numerical reasoning). The generated questions must require looking at more than one part of the passage to answer. Try to use a variety of reasoning types in your questions (some of the sample reasoning types are illustrated in the 'positive examples' field) and also have a variety of answer types (spans, numbers, dates). A span is a continuous phrase taken directly from the passage or question. In such questions, the answer spans are recommended to be five words. Questions with answer type "number", are expected to start with "How many". For instance, "How long did an event last?" can be phrased as "How many years did an event last?". To increase diversity, try to create more questions for which the answer will be multiple spans. Please create questions that require AT LEAST 2 arithmetic operations as illustrated in the 'positive examples' field. You are encouraged to try DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS of operations and not just limit to the combinations shown in those examples. The more challenging questions you create, the better it is. Input: Passage: In 1916, the Lincoln Highway was legislated as part of Pre-1927 Route 1 (New Jersey) between New Brunswick and Elizabeth and as pre-1927 Route 13 between Trenton and New Brunswick in 1917. In the 1927 New Jersey state highway renumbering, Route 27 was designated to run from Trenton to the intersection of Frelinghuysen Avenue and Astor Street in Newark, replacing the portions of Routes 1 and 13 that ran along the Lincoln Highway. With the creation of the United States Numbered Highways, U.S. Route 1 was designated along the length of Route 27 from 1927 until sometime before the 1940s, when the U.S. Route 1 designation was moved to New Jersey Route 26, New Jersey Route S26, and New Jersey Route 25 between Trenton and Newark. U.S. Route 206 was designated along the portion of route between Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey by the 1940s. In the 1953 New Jersey state highway renumbering, the southern terminus of Route 27 was cut back to Princeton to avoid the U.S. Route 206 concurrency. Output:
Before the terminus of route 27 was cut back to Princeton, where did it end?
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you're given reviews of various products in multiple languages. Domain is English - en, Japanese - ja, German - de, French - fr, Chinese - zh, Spanish - es. Given a review you need to predict the language in which it was written from en, ja, de, fr, zh, es. Schmeckt einfach nicht gut, es kostet ziemlich Überwindung es zu trinken und ist einfach gar nichts für mich! Das einige was ginge wäre es mit Joghurt zu mischen aber das war's denn auch schon! Mein Mann meinte es schmeckt nach Penicillin und irgendwie stimmt das auch...
instruction: You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into Spanish. question: Foi por este trabalho que, no ano passado, Eric Betzig ganhou o Prémio Nobel. answer: Por este trabajo, el año pasado, Eric Betzig ganó el Premio Nobel. question: E a solução política de Perry era pedir à população do Texas que rezasse para que chovesse. answer: Y la solución política de Perry fue pedirle a la gente de Texas que rezara por lluvia. question: Vou mostrar-vos só duas. answer:
Me limitaré a mostrarles solo dos.
In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Russian language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge. Q: Question: В каком месте есть вращающаяся дверь и есть вещи, которые можно в ней купить? Options: A Нью-Йорк B общественное место C банк D дверь супермаркета E торговый центр A:
They may be out of bed, but for some they don't what until they eat breakfast? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: - set an alarm - open mouth - prepare breakfast - wake up - buy food wake up What do people want to feel more than anything? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: - hurry home - appreciated - laugh out loud - feel loved - thank god feel loved The patient was recovering well but still had a long recovery ahead, while chatting with friends he explained all the what? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: - laughter - discomfort - glee - fun - inspiration discomfort Those who cut themselves despite being warned that an object is sharp could be called what? Choose the most suitable option to answer the above question. Options: - unobservant - facecious - complimentary - inelegant - inaccurate
Please answer this: Here's a question: She would only buy things on sale as to what? Here are possible answers to this question: - selling - get money - save money - steal - spend money I believe the correct choice is "save money", here's why: ++++++++ Answer: she is smart with her money Please answer this: Here's a question: Where would you find a heel on apparel? Here are possible answers to this question: - loaf of bread - foot - shoe - sock - boot I believe the correct choice is "boot", here's why: ++++++++ Answer: boots have heels Please answer this: Here's a question: The token was taken out of the folder due to being fraudulent, what was it taken from? Here are possible answers to this question: - ashtray - pocket - coin collection - slot machine - deposit box I believe the correct choice is "coin collection", here's why: ++++++++ Answer:
this word is most relavant
Detailed Instructions: In each example you will read a short sentence (or two). Then, a pronoun in the text is mentioned. Your task is to choose a referent which the mentioned pronoun refers to. You will be given two options in each case and one choice should seem much more likely to you than the other. Problem:sentence: the canine chased the feline , which ran up a tree . it waited at the top .pronoun: it. A) the canine B) the feline Solution:
the feline
In this task, you are given a sentence that is either in the Yoruba language or the English language. Your task is to identify the language of the input sentence. Input sentences should be in Yoruba or English language and also it cannot have two languages at a time. Jehovah’s Witnesses released the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in the Laotian language at a regional convention held in Nong Khai, Thailand, on August 16, 2019.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a sentence. You are expected to recognize the name of any form of chemical substances. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. Effect of cyproheptadine on serum leptin levels. Output:
Given a question and a context passage, generate the answer having the word or phrase from the context passage. Here, the answer should be a shortest continous span from the passage. Q: Context: After a tough win over the Texans, the Steelers stayed home for a game against the Colts. In the first quarter, the Colts scored first as Adam Vinatieri nailed a 31-yard field goal for a 3-0 lead. However, the Steelers took the lead later on in the quarter when Ben Roethlisberger found Markus Wheaton on an 18-yard TD pass for a 7-3 game. In the 2nd quarter, the Steelers would score again increasing their lead as Roethlisberger found Martavis Bryant on a 5-yard TD pass for a 14-3 game. This was followed by William Gay picking off Andrew Luck and returning it 33 yards for a TD as they increased their lead to 21-3. The Colts however responded as Andrew Luck threw a 21-yard TD pass to Dwayne Allen for a 21-10 game. However, the Steelers pulled away as Roethlisberger would find Antonio Brown on 2 consecutive TD passes: from 8 and 47 yards out to increase their lead at first from 28-10 to 35-10. The Colts responded with 10 straight points first being Luck who found T. Y. Hilton on a 28-yard TD Pass for a 35-17 game followed by Vinatieri kicking a 23-yard field goal before halftime to make the score 35-20. The Steelers went back to work in the 3rd quarter as Roethlisberger and Bryant hooked up again on a 2-yard TD pass to increase their lead making the score 42-20. The Colts however were able to come within 8 later on when Ahmad Bradshaw ran for a 12-yard TD followed by Luck finding Donte Moncrief on a 31-yard TD pass to make the score 42-27 and then 42-34. In the 4th quarter, it was all Steelers when a penalty was enforced on Luck in the end zone for a safety making the score 44-34. The Steelers were able to seal the game later on when Roethlisberger found Heath Miller on an 11-yard TD pass for a final score of 51-34. Roethlisberger set franchise records with 522 yards passing and six touchdowns while picking up his 100th victory in his 150th start. Roethlisberger's yardage total was the fourth highest in NFL history. He became the first player in NFL history to go over 500 yards passing twice as the Steelers won consecutive games for the first time this season. Question: Which team gave up the ball in the first half? A: colts **** Q: Context: The movie opens with the Barden Bellas about to perform at the ICCA championships. One of them, Chloe (Brittany Snow) is running late to the start of the performance. When she arrives she is reprimanded by the older Bellas. As they are about to perform, Aubrey (Anna Camp) tries to assure them she'll do a good job, but is shot down. The group sings 'The Sign'.. and all is going well, until the very end when Aubrey has a solo, and projectile vomits all over the stage and front rows of the audience.Cut to the start of a new year at Barden University, and freshman Beca (Anna Kendrick) is arriving by taxi. While she is receiving directions and her Rape Whistle, a car passes her by, and another student, Jesse (Skylar Austin) is singing along to the radio, and catches her attention.Beca finds her new dorm room, and meets her roommate Kimmy-Jin, who is hostile and unfriendly. Beca's dad, a professor at Barden then arrives, and asks her how she got there. It is revealed that Beca's parents have split up as she refers to her dad's new wife as her 'step monster', and seems very reluctant to be attending College. Beca's dad tries to encourage her to enjoy it, but Beca escapes to the Activities fair.In another dorm room, Jesse is meeting his roommate Benji (Ben Platt), who is into Star Wars and magic.At the Activities fair, we are introduced to the Trebles - one of the Campus singing groups, all male, who are talented and have a high opinion of themselves, especially Bumper (Adam Devine) the lead singer. Jesse and Benji approach the Trebles, as Benji is desperate to join, but Bumper is not impressed with his enthusiasm.Across the campus, the Bellas are now down to just 2 members - Aubrey and Chloe, who are trying to recruit new ones. Due to their disastrous performance at the last Championships, they are not having much luck, and are even ridiculed by 'Baloney Barb' who has tried out for them previously. They are then approached by Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), an outgoing and quirky student from Tasmania who doesn't hesitate to demonstrate her singing and dancing abilities. They then meet Beca, who quickly rebuffs their offer to audition, saying it is lame, which immediately puts Aubrey offside.Instead of being interested in joining any of the singing groups, Beca has much more of an interest in remixing music on her laptop. She gets a job at the campus radio station, and much to her dismay, so does Jesse.Her dad pays her a visit in her dorm, and gives her an ultimatum - if she makes an effort and joins a group at College , but still doesn't like it by the end of the year, she can quit and follow her true dream of becoming a DJ, and he will help her... but he wants her to really make an effort.As Beca goes into the communal showers singing to herself, Chloe happens to be in the showers as well, and confronts Beca in her shower stall , insisting that she try out for the Bellas. Although Beca is mortified, she sings along with Chloe to 'Titanium'.Finally the auditions are on, and Jesse, Benji and Fat Amy are among the hopefuls trying out, auditioning to 'Since you've been gone'. Beca comes late, and hasn't prepared the audition song, but auditions with 'Cups (miss me when I'm gone)', and Chloe and Jesse are impressed, while Aubrey is unsure. We then see the initiation of the new Bellas including Beca, Fat Amy, Stacie (Alexis Knapp), Cynthia-Rose (Esther Dean) and the very softly spoken Lilly (Hana Mae Lee). They all swear an oath and drink the 'blood of the Bellas who came before them' (wine). Cut to the initiation of the new Trebles.. Jesse has made it, but Benji has not. That night, there is Aca-initiation where all the groups Question: Who provides an impromptu back-up of one of her favorite songs into the "traditional" song? A: chloe **** Q: Context: The film opens with an animated prologue revealing the origins of leprechauns, stating that they were summoned by a king to protect his gold from those who would try to steal it. After the death of the king the Leprechauns returned to their places of origin, all except one (Warwick Davis) who remained in the mortal world and through the ages slowly became corrupted and obsessed with the treasure he still guarded. In the present Father Jacob (Willie C. Carpenter) is chased through the construction site of the youth center he had planned on building by the Leprechaun, whose gold Jacob had taken to fund the building project. Using four-leaf clover laced holy water Jacob manages to banish the Leprechaun, summoning demonic hands which drag him underground, but soon after drops dead of injuries inflicted by the Leprechaun during the fight.One year later two down on their luck friends Emily Woodrow (Tangi Miller) and Lisa Duncan (Sherrie Jackson) have their fortune told when the clairvoyant Esmeralda (Donzaleigh Abernathy) who warns them that they will attain great wealth soon, but it must be denied as it will come at a great price and summon a terrible evil. While having a barbecue at the abandoned youth center construction site with Lisa, their stoner friend Jamie Davis (Page Kennedy) and her ex-boyfriend turned drug dealer Rory Jackson (Laz Alonso) Emily falls through a hole and discovers the Leprechaun's gold in an old tunnel where it was hidden by Father Jacob. Splitting up the gold (which is produced in a never ending amount by the chest it was contained in) evenly the quartet of friends use it to fulfill their fantasies, unaware that by taking the gold they have released the Leprechaun, who begins stalking the group (killing a guest who takes one of his coins at a party held by Jamie, prompting the police to temporarily arrest him). At the salon where Emily works the Leprechaun sneaks in and, after killing a regular customer, Doria, on the massage table by breaking her neck, attacks Emily, who barely escapes and warns Rory and the recently released Jamie, who rush to get to Lisa's. In her house Lisa is attacked by the Leprechaun and manages to fight him off for a short while, but is killed when the Leprechaun claws her in the stomach, with her friends finding her body moments later.While Emily and Jamie want to return the gold Rory does not and takes off with it; shortly after realizing Rory is gone Emily is attacked and chased outside by the Leprechaun, but is saved when Rory has a change of heart and comes back for her. Searching for Rory the Leprechaun stops by his house and kills Rory's profligate girlfriend Chanel (Keesha Sharp) by tearing out her upper jaw, reclaiming the gold she used to make a tooth while Rory and Emily are stopped and harassed by Officers Thompson (Beau Billingslea) and Whitaker (Chris Murray). After the Leprechaun appears and kills the two officers Emily and Rory escape and regroup with Jamie, only to be confronted by a machine gun wielding group of Rory's drug dealing rivals, led by Watson (Shiek Mahmud-Bey) and Cedric (Sticky Fingaz). Planning on executing Rory for infringing on their territory Watson and his gang are all disposed of by the Leprechaun, (who kills Watson and Cedric while the other two members run off) while Emily, Rory and Jamie drive off in Watson's car (which the Leprechaun latches to the bottom of for a short while) and go looking for help from Esmeralda.Advised to use four-leaf clovers against the Leprechaun by Esmeralda, Rory laces the hollow-point bullets of his gun with clovers Jamie finds in the marijuana Rory had earlier sold him. When the Leprechaun arrives Rory shoots him several times with the clover bullets, only for his gun to jam before he can finish the Leprechaun off. Rory and Emily are given the chance to run with the gold when the Leprechaun is distracted by Jamie and Esmeralda (the latter dying in a magical duel with the Leprechaun). Followed to the roof of the building Rory tries fighting the Leprechaun and is knocked out, though before the Leprechaun can kill him Question: What does Jacob summon, to drag Lubdan underground? A:
banish the leprechaun ****
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, given a sentence in the Lao (Laotian) language, your task is to convert it into the English language. ວານນີ້ຕໍ່ຫນ້າ USS Wisconsin ໃນ Norfolk Virginia ພັກລີພັບລີກັນໄດ້ມີການຄັດເລືອກເອົາ ທ່ານ Mitt Romney ອະດີດຜູ້ປົກຄອງລັດ Massachusetts ເປັນຜູ້ທ້າຊຶງຕໍາແຫນ່ງປະທານາທິບໍດີຂອງສະຫະລັດອາເມລິກາ ແລະ ໄດ້ຄັດເລືອກເອົາ ທ່ານ Paul Ryan ອະດີດຜູ້ຮ່າງນິຕິບັນຍັດໃນລັດ Wisconsin ເປັນຄູ່ຮ່ວມງານກັບຕົນ. Output:
Yesterday, in front of the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Virginia, presumptive Republican presidential nominee, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney selected Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate.
In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in "_" and classify the answers based on options. [Q]: A diamond encrusted mirror, delicate perfume bottles, antique hair pins and a 700-piece tea set are just a small selection of treasures used by Russia's Catherine the Great 250 years ago. Now these priceless pieces of her personal collection have been transported to Australia for the first time for exhibition from the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. More than 500 of Catherine the Great's paintings, sculptures and decorative treasures are now on display at the National Gallery of Victoria. Her extraordinary collection includes a 32-piece gold toilet set and a mirror encrusted with more than 400 diamonds. Catherine’s Chinese silver filigree toilet set is the largest of its kind and was ordered from China as a wedding gift from her family.Priceless pieces of Catherine the Great's personal collection are on display at National Gallery of VictoriaMore than 500 of the Russian's treasures have been transported from St Petersburg's State Hermitage MuseumCollection includes a 32-piece gold toilet set and a mirror encrusted with more than 400 diamondsSixty pieces from an opulent blue and gold 700-piece dinner service bought for Catherine's lover will also feature Questions:Her reign in _ from 1762 to 1796 was known as a golden age and Catherine is remembered for her exceptional patronage of the arts, literature and education. (A) Russia (B) Catherine the Great (C) Australia (D) State Hermitage Museum (E) St Petersburg (F) National Gallery of Victoria (G) Catherine (H) Chinese (I) China (J) Priceless [A]: (A) [Q]: Soccer star Hope Solo was spotted in Vancouver on Wednesday spending time with husband Jerramy Stevens. Stevens flew up to join his wife as she and Team USA prepare for their Round of 16 match against Colombia on Monday. The former football star has been very vocal in supporting his wife recently after reports emerged that she was required to stay 300 feet away from a student when she was a senior at Richland High School in Washington back in 1998 after allegedly  punching the girl in the eye and mouth and saying 'I f****** hate you, you fat a** whore.'Hope Solo was spotted with husband Jerramy Stevens in Vancouver on WednesdaySolo is in Canada with Team USA for the World CupThe team next plays Colombia on Monday in the Round of 16Stevens defended his wife against a report released last week claiming she punched and taunted a girl as a teenagerThe former NFL player says his wife is being treated unfairly calling what happened an 'unfortunate incident'Stevens was arrested in January on suspicion of DUI while driving the Team USA van, a move that got Solo suspended for 30 days Questions:But _ is the strongest person that I've ever known. (A) Hope Solo (B) Vancouver (C) Jerramy Stevens (D) Stevens (E) Team USA (F) Round of 16 (G) Colombia (H) Richland High School (I) Washington (J) Solo (K) Canada (L) World Cup (M) NFL (N) DUI [A]: (A) [Q]: (CNN) Since the headline-grabbing murder of American journalist James Foley by ISIS militants in August 2014, the world has been regularly confronted with a modern form of an ancient, horrifying method of execution. British and American aid workers, Japanese and American journalists, Kurdish and Syrian soldiers, Egyptian and Ethiopian Christians and an alleged Russian spy were among those who followed in Foley's wake: their gruesome beheadings documented on camera and disseminated as propaganda to a global online audience. Canadian John Ridsdel, held by the Philippines-based, ISIS-allied jihadist group Abu Sayyaf since he was abducted in September, is the latest victim to be murdered in this way.The wave of jihadist beheadings in recent years has horrified people all over the worldIt may have contributed to beheading incidents by non-jihadists, says academicAcademic says exposure to the videos could help "prime" some people to emulate them Questions:For many, a baffling aspect to the executions has been how such overweening brutality could win support for the _ cause. (A) CNN (B) American (C) James Foley (D) ISIS (E) British (F) Japanese (G) Kurdish (H) Syrian (I) Egyptian (J) Ethiopian Christians (K) Russian (L) Foley (M) Canadian (N) John Ridsdel (O) Philippines (P) Abu Sayyaf (Q) Academic [A]:
In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Title: Calling. Sentence 1: Jerry had a close friend he missed. Sentence 2: They had not spoken in years. Sentence 3: Jerry called his friend. Sentence 4: They reconnected. Choices: a. Jerry was happy to talk to his old friend. b. When she came back it was gone! b Title: Sloppy Handwriting. Sentence 1: I was writing in my journal when my room mate passed by. Sentence 2: He noticed that my handwriting was very sloppy. Sentence 3: I agreed with him once I stepped back to look at my writing. Sentence 4: I took some handwriting courses online. Choices: a. After two weeks my handwriting was beautiful. b. Even though we got laughed at, we had lots of fun. b Title: Valentine's daMary. Sentence 1: Mark liked a girl. Sentence 2: Mark was afraid the girl didn't feel the same. Sentence 3: So on valentines day he asked her to be his. Sentence 4: She told him she would love to be with him. Choices: a. They kissed and became a couple on valentine's day. b. Angela and her boys moved into the large house and we're happy.
In this task, you are given a set of context paragraph and some supporting facts to answer a question. Your task is to generate answer for given question based on set of context paragraphs and supporting facts. Context_1 : Calceolariaceae is a family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales that has been recently segregated from Scrophulariaceae. The family includes three genera, "Calceolaria", "Porodittia", and "Jovellana", but analysis suggests that the monotypic "Porodittia" should be placed within "Calceolaria". Recent molecular phylogenies that included "Calceolaria" have shown not only that this genus does not belong in Scrophulariaceae (or any of the numerous families recently segregated from Scrophulariaceae) but also that it is the sister clade to the majority of the other families of the Lamiales. Morphological and chemical characters also support the separation of Calceolariaceae from Scrophulariaceae and other Lamiales. Some recent studies have supported a sister-group relationship between Calceolariaceae and Gesneriaceae. Context_2 : Calceolaria tomentosa is a perennial plant belonging to the genus "Calceolaria" and native to Peru. Context_3 : Calceolaria" Herbeohybrida Group, also called Calceolaria" ×"herbeohybrida" Voss, is a cultivar group of hybrids in the genus "Calceolaria", derived from three species from Chile and Argentina, "C. crenatiflora", "C. corymbosa" and "C. cana". Context_4 : Bouteloua megapotamica is a grass in the genus Bouteloua, family Poaceae. It has a disjunct distribution in Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Context_5 : Calceolaria ( ), also called lady's purse, slipper flower and pocketbook flower, or slipperwort, is a genus of plants in the Calceolariaceae family, sometimes classified in Scrophulariaceae by some authors. This genus consists of about 388 species of shrubs, lianas and herbs, and the geographical range extends from Patagonia to central Mexico, with its distribution centre in Andean region. "Calceolaria" species have usually yellow or orange flowers, which can have red or purple spots. The "Calceolaria" Herbeohybrida group, also called "C. herbeohybrida" Voss, is a group of ornamental hybrids known only in cultivation, called florists slipperwort. Context_6 : Calceolaria integrifolia, the bush slipperwort, is a shrub belonging to the "Calceolaria" genus and native to Argentina and Chile. Context_7 : Calceolaria crenata is a perennial plant belonging to family Calceolariaceae and native to the Peruvian Andes and the Ecuadorian Andes.The genus "Calceolaria" has been recently segregated from other members of the Scrophulariaceae, along with "Porodittia", and "Jovellana" into its own family. Context_8 : Calceolaria uniflora (syn. Calceolaria darwinii, known as Darwin's slipper) is a perennial plant of the genus "Calceolaria", known as the slipperworts. It is originally from Tierra del Fuego in the southern part of South America. Context_9 : Bouteloua is a genus of plants in the grass family. Members of the genus are commonly known as grama grass. Context_10 : Ophiosphaerella is a genus of fungi in the family Phaeosphaeriaceae. The genus was described by Italian-Argentinian botanist and mycologist Carlos Luigi Spegazzini in 1909. Several species are pathogens of turfgrass, causing darkly pigmented hyphae on roots known as "dead spot". "Ophiosphaerella korrae", "O. narmari", and "O. herpotricha" affect bermudagrass ("Cynodon" species), while the latter fungus also causes dead spot in buffalo grass ("Bouteloua dactyloides"). "Ophiosphaerella korrae" is a cause of necrotic ring spot in creeping red fescue ("Festuca rubra"). fact_1 : Calceolaria ( ), also called lady's purse, slipper flower and pocketbook flower, or slipperwort, is a genus of plants in the Calceolariaceae family, sometimes classified in Scrophulariaceae by some authors. fact_2 : Bouteloua is a genus of plants in the grass family. Question: Calceolaria and Bouteloua are both what?
genus of plants
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. 50 കോടി ജനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഈ പദ്ധതിയില്‍ നിന്ന് ഗുണഫലങ്ങള്‍ ലഭിക്കുമെന്ന് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി പറഞ്ഞു. Output:
He said this scheme would positively impact 50 crore people.
Instructions: You are given a sentence and a question. You're expected to write an **incorrect** answer to the given question, such that it is relevant to the given sentence. Your answer should not be completely out of context. Try to write short answers with one or two words. Input: Sentence: Shaquille O'neal weighs more than twice Allen Iverson's weight. Question: Who would take longer to run the length of the basketball court? Output:
In this task, given a sentence in the Japanese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. Example Input: 救助隊は、北タスマニアのビーコンスフィールド鉱山に閉じ込められた鉱夫と連絡をとる努力を続けている。 Example Output: Rescuers are continuing their efforts to reach the trapped miners in the Beaconsfield mine in northern Tasmania. Example Input: 男の子だけは歳を重ねるにつれて「最近」その行為をしたと報告する傾向が高いが、自慰行為の割合は男女共に加齢とともに上昇した。 Example Output: Masturbation rates for both genders increased along with age, though only boys were more likely to report having "recently" engaged in the activity as they grew older. Example Input: グルジア政府は、紛争の結果として経済成長が半分以上縮小すると予想している。 Example Output:
Georgia's government expects that economic growth will be more than cut in half as a result of the conflict.
Instructions: In this subtask, you will answer a simple science question. Please indicate the correct answer. If you're not sure about the answer, choose the last option "I don't know". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B, 'C', 'D', 'E'. The "A"-"D" responses correspond to the answer options mentioned in the input. There is a 5th option "E" which should be used for questions for which you're not sure about the answer (e.g., when the questions do not provide enough information to answer). Input: Question: Which of these would help to prevent infections from occurring in small cuts and scrapes? (A) apply a cold ice pack (B) raise the injured area (C) apply pressure to stop bleeding (D) wash the area with warm, soapy wate? Output:
Read the following context and answer the question. Context: April 1, 2006 Walter died today. Found out this morning over breakfast. Suicide. Walter. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. Suicide. Walter wasn't suicidal. I know that, know it for a fact. But he is dead. Why? I am not foolish enough to suspect "foul play" as they say in the mystery stories. No one cares enough about a community college art teacher to murder him. But suicide? Something is wrong here. Very wrong. April 2, 2006 I didn't realize until this morning that yesterday was April Fools day. Some kind of sick joke? But that's not like Walter either. He was a little crazy, but not that kind of crazy. Still I keep half expecting to pick up my voice and hear his voice yell, "Gotcha!" But it is no joke. I know he is dead. (Later) Got a package today. From Walter. Scary considering what I wrote about expecting him to call. I can't express the chill I got when I saw his name on the label. A message from the dead. Surely it's not a good Omen. It's a painting. Or at least I think it is. The package is the right shape, and knowing Walter it seems likely, but...I haven't yet worked up the courage to open it yet. I'm afraid of what I might find. April 3, 2006 Went to the funeral today. Walter's wife, Martha, was in hysterics. Can't say I blame her. It was awkward being there seeing someone in the most vulnerable possible condition. I didn't know her that well. Walter and I rarely interacted outside of work, so I have very little knowledge of his personal life. Sylvia went up to her and hugged her even though she'd never met her before in her life. It must be something with women to be able to make that kind of spontaneous connection. I just shook her hand, and told her I was sorry. I don't make a habit of crying in public, but seeing her so shaken up brought tears to the edges of my eyes, and I did nothing to wipe them away. After five years of friendship it's the least Walter deserves of me. One other thing. The package. It's still sitting there in my study. Mocking me. That's how it feels anyway. Should... Question: Martha is: Answer: Answer:
not enough information
Given a context passage, generate a question from the passage such that its answer is shortest continous span from the passage. Coming off their last-second victory over the Bengals, the Broncos would play their Week 2 home opener against the Cleveland Browns. In the first quarter, Denver would trail early as Browns kicker Phil Dawson got a 22-yard field goal. Afterwards, the Broncos took the lead as quarterback Kyle Orton completed a 2-yard touchdown pass to tight end Tony Scheffler. Cleveland would creep close as Dawson made a 47-yard field goal, but Denver would answer as kicker Matt Prater got a 23-yard field goal in the second quarter and a 38-yard field goal in the third quarter. In the fourth, the Broncos pulled away as fullback Peyton Hillis got a 2-yard touchdown run and running back Correll Buckhalter got a 45-yard touchdown run. Which player kicked the second longest field goal? The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of lysyl oxidase (LOX) and lysyl oxidase like (LOXL) 2 in pathologic wound healing after glaucoma surgery. We therefore investigated the expression of LOX and LOXL2 and evaluated the therapeutic potential of anti-LOX (GS-639556, formerly M64) and anti-LOXL2 (GS-607601, formerly AB0023) antibodies in a rabbit model of glaucoma trabeculectomy. Ocular expression of LOX and LOXL2 was investigated by immunohistologic staining at different time points after trabeculectomy. Treatment with GS-639556 or GS-607601 was initiated in rabbits immediately after trabeculectomy by giving both intracameral and subconjunctival injections. Thereafter, the antibodies were given twice a week subconjunctivally until day 30 after surgery (day of euthanization). Treatment outcome was studied by clinical investigation of the bleb and by immunohistochemical analysis of angiogenesis, inflammation, and collagen deposition. LOX and LOXL2 were both upregulated in Tenon's capsule and the conjunctiva after glaucoma surgery. Repeated administration of LOX- or LOXL2-targeting monoclonal antibodies increased bleb area and bleb survival. Analyses of immunohistologic stainings showed that both antibodies significantly decreased fibrosis, whereas the anti-LOXL2 antibody also significantly reduced blood vessel density and inflammation. Targeting LOXL2 with an inhibitory monoclonal antibody (GS-607601) reduced pathologic angiogenesis, inflammation, and fibrosis. These results suggest that LOXL2 could be an appealing target for treatment of scar formation after glaucoma surgery, and point to the potential therapeutic benefits of simtuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody derived from GS-607601. What is the drug target for Simtuzumab? Pittosporum viridulatum is a critically endangered species of plant in the Pittosporaceae family.
What is the conservation status of Pittosporum viridulatum?
Explain simply why stomach aches is the correct answer to: Eating to much will lead to what kind of pain? Options: - food - getting full - full stomach - full belly - stomach aches. Explanation:
Eating too much makes your stomach upset. Upset stomach gives pain also.
Detailed Instructions: Given a question and a context passage, generate the answer having the word or phrase from the context passage. Here, the answer should be a shortest continous span from the passage. Q: Context: We show that overexpression of Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4) in human cells induces centrosome amplification through the simultaneous generation of multiple procentrioles adjoining each parental centriole. This provided an opportunity for dissecting centriole assembly and characterizing assembly intermediates. Critical components were identified and ordered into an assembly pathway through siRNA and localized through immunoelectron microscopy. Plk4, hSas-6, CPAP, Cep135, gamma-tubulin, and CP110 were required at different stages of procentriole formation and in association with different centriolar structures. Remarkably, hSas-6 associated only transiently with nascent procentrioles, whereas Cep135 and CPAP formed a core structure within the proximal lumen of both parental and nascent centrioles. Finally, CP110 was recruited early and then associated with the growing distal tips, indicating that centrioles elongate through insertion of alpha-/beta-tubulin underneath a CP110 cap. Collectively, these data afford a comprehensive view of the assembly pathway underlying centriole biogenesis in human cells. Question: Where in the cell do we find the protein Cep135? A:
This task is to translate the English language Input to Telugu Language Output [EX Q]: Misslamode 0.07mm 3D Pre-fanned Volume eyelash New Package 5pcs [EX A]: మిస్లేలొడ్ 0.07mm 3D ప్రీ-ఫిన్డ్ వాల్యూమ్ వెంటెష్ న్యూ ప్యాకేజీ 5pcs [EX Q]: Alcorcón, Spain [EX A]: అల్కొర్కన్, Spain [EX Q]: There is also a combination of sole material, namely PU/TPU (polyurethane/thermoplastic polyurethane). It is comfortable to wear. Moreover, the use of thermoplastic polyurethane to make the outsole meets the needs of contemporary designers, because the sole made of TPU can produce a colorful sole, and the carving process on the sole can also be varied. [EX A]:
ఏకైక పదార్ధం, అవి పు / TPU (పాలియురేతేన్ / థర్మోప్లాస్టిక్ పాలియురేతేన్) యొక్క కలయికతో కూడా ఉంది. ధరించడానికి సౌకర్యవంతంగా ఉంటుంది. అంతేకాక, outsole చేయడానికి థర్మోప్లాస్టిక్ పాలియురేతేన్ ఉపయోగం TPU తయారు ఏకైక ఒక రంగుల ఏకైక ఉత్పత్తి ఎందుకంటే, సమకాలీన డిజైనర్లు అవసరాలను కలుస్తుంది, మరియు ఏకైక చెక్కడానికి ప్రక్రియ కూడా మారుతుంది.
Detailed Instructions: The task is about reading the given story and question, then finding an answer to the given question. Based on the passage provided and the given question, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the passage that serves as an answer to the given question. Avoid answers that are incorrect or provides incomplete justification for the question. Q: story: (CNN) -- Samantha Stosur stopped Caroline Wozniacki from clinching the year-end women's No. 1 tennis ranking with a shock 6-4 6-3 victory at the WTA Championships in Qatar on Wednesday night. The Australian romped to her second straight victory in the Maroon Group, following her revenge win over French Open champion Francesca Schiavone on Tuesday. The Roland Garros runner-up's kick serve was a potent weapon against Wozniacki, with the triumph giving the 26-year-old every chance of reaching the semifinals ahead of her final group match against Russia's Elena Dementieva on Thursday. It was her second victory over a top-ranked player this year, having beaten Serena Williams on the way to reaching the final in Paris. The fifth seed fired 26 winners to Wozniacki's 14, and could afford to serve two double-faults in the deciding game before the Dane returned a backhand long on her first match-point. Wozniacki, who thrashed seventh seed Dementieva on Tuesday, will next take on Italy's Schiavone on Thursday. Kim Clijsters, who won the $4.5 million season-ending event in 2002 and 2003, earlier triumphed in her opening White Group match 6-2 6-3 against fellow former No. 1 Jelena Jankovic despite serving 10 double-faults. The Belgian, returning to action after having a mole cut off her foot, broke Jankovic to love in the first game of the match and then again in the seventh. The three-time U.S. Open champion was less impressive in the second set but had enough to see off the Serbian, who is struggling with illness in the oppressive heat in Doha. , question: In what game did she lose her chance at it? A:
6-4 6-3 defeat in the WTA Championships in Qatar on Wednesday night.
Given the fact that: As you increase the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon, the number of isomers quickly increases. Answer the question: A hydrocarbon that halves its carbon atoms will cause an decrease or increase in the amount of isomers?
What might have been said before this? Narendra Modi ran for Prime Minister of India
See the 2 person dialog: Speaker 1: What happened in Narenda Modi's final years?; Speaker 2: While campaigning for the 2012 assembly elections, Modi made extensive use of holograms and other technologies allowing him to reach a large number of people; Speaker 1: How did Narendra Modi use holograms and other technologies allowing him to reach a large number of people?; Speaker 2: Narendra Modi assembled a team of up to 40 technologists and more than 400 camera and sound staff in 120 truck-based teams.; Speaker 1: Did Narendra Modi ran for any political positions?; Speaker 2:
Given a sentence, judge the quality of this sentence by indicating "Good" and "Bad". The quality depends on the grammar and the meaning of the sentence. If a sentence is easily understandable, and doesn't have grammatical errors, answer with "Good", otherwise answer with "Bad". Example Input: In other modern cities you are likely to see such a cariety of costumes,Hasidic Jews wear black hats, often trimmed with fur, and long black or brocaded coats. Example Output: Bad Example Input: I can't see myself asking Jessie out on a date, can you? Example Output: Bad Example Input: "I haven't been able to entertain you very often in the past," McCain shot back, giggling. Example Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Chinese language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge. Q: Question: 当他们跳过石头的时候,他们在哪里寻找新的石头? Options: A 车道 B 胆囊 C 采石场 D 河床 E 滩涂 A:
Given the below context: A tsunami is an unusual form of wave caused by an infrequent powerful event such as an underwater earthquake or landslide, a meteorite impact, a volcanic eruption or a collapse of land into the sea. These events can temporarily lift or lower the surface of the sea in the affected area, usually by a few feet. The potential energy of the displaced seawater is turned into kinetic energy, creating a shallow wave, a tsunami, radiating outwards at a velocity proportional to the square root of the depth of the water and which therefore travels much faster in the open ocean than on a continental shelf. In the deep open sea, tsunamis have wavelengths of around 80 to 300 miles (130 to 480 km), travel at speeds of over 600 miles per hour (970 km/hr) and usually have a height of less than three feet, so they often pass unnoticed at this stage. In contrast, ocean surface waves caused by winds have wavelengths of a few hundred feet, travel at up to 65 miles per hour (105 km/h) and are up to 45 feet (14 metres) high.A trigger event on the continental shelf may cause a local tsunami on the land side and a distant tsunami that travels out across the ocean. The energy of the wave is dissipated only gradually, but is spread out over the wave front, so as the wave radiates away from the source, the front gets longer and the average energy reduces, so distant shores will, on average, be hit by weaker waves. However, as the speed of the wave is controlled by the water depth, it does not travel at the same speed in all directions, and this affects the direction of the wave front - an effect known as refraction - which can focus the strength of the advancing tsunami on some areas and weaken it in others according to undersea topography. As a tsunami moves into shallower water its speed decreases, its wavelength shortens and its amplitude increases enormously, behaving in the same way as a wind-generated wave in shallow water, but on a vastly greater scale. Either the trough or the crest of a tsunami can arrive at the coast first.... Guess a valid title for it! The answer to this question is:
Given a sentence in English, provide an equivalent paraphrased version from the original that retains the same meaning. Now resolve the indifference bid price for Formula 31 to solve .
Now to solve the indifference bid price find for formula _ 31 .
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given an article, a question which often contains a blank, four options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D") and the answer to that question. Your task is to classify whether the given answer is correct or not by providing "Yes" or "No", based on the article. Q: Article: If your family is thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting from an animal shelter. Animal shelters are full of dogs, cats, rabbits, and more animals, all in need of loving homes. Some may come with emotional or behavioral issues, but most are happy, healthy, and ready for a loving home. Here are some tips for you to find great animals. Make some decision. Think about what you want in a pet and remember that all pets have different personalities. Cats tend to be more independent and need less affection, but kittens need lots of attention. Cats don't need to be walked, but you need to clip their nails and play with them. Dogs need to be walked at the very least twice a day. However, they are usually great companions and love to spend time with their family. Visit the shelter. Set aside at least a few hours to visit shelters in your area--remember that you may need to visit more than one visit. Try to bring along everyone who will be living with a new pet. Ask the shelter staff lots of questions. And never adopt an animal because you feel sorry for it--be patient so you find a pet who is truly a good match for your family. Get everything ready. Buy all necessary supplies and food well before the animal comes home. Make sure that the entire household is in agreement about rules and responsibilities--will the dog be allowed on the couch? Who will clean the litter box? Put it in writing before the pet arrives. Bring your new friend home! You'll probably be excited when your new pet arrives, but be sure to give them space and time to get adjusted to a new home and a new family. The pet may act differently once they leave the shelter. Interact with your pet a lot and get them used to a routine, and soon you'll be one big happy family ! Question: Which of the following is the first important factor should be considered when adopting a pet? Options: (A) Think twice about the adoption. (B) Get detailed information about the pets. (C) Make full preparations for the coming pet. (D) Try to make the pet your family member. Asnwer: B A:
Produce a long descriptive sentence that uses all these words: Table of Theophoric names with Yah and Yahu suffixes; HEBREW_WORD נְתַנְיָה; נְתַנְיָה STRONGS_TRANSLITERATION N e thanyah; N e thanyah STRONGS_WORDS_COMPOUNDED nathan & Yah
The strongs words compounded of Hebrew word נְתַנְיָה is nathan [# 5414] & Yah
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Australian Aboriginal myths , also known as Dreamtime stories and Songlines , are the stories traditionally performed and told by the indigenous people of Australia .
Australian Aboriginal religion and mythology ( also known as Dreamtime or Dreaming stories , songlines , or Aboriginal oral literature ) are the stories traditionally performed by Aboriginal peoples within each of the language groups across Australia .
High lake had a lot of fresh and salt water mixing, therefore presented layers of stratified water.The water was poor in nutrients.Low lake had no such problems and it was a very abundant and prolific fishing spot. Which lake had more dissolved nutrients?
Low lake
Q: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: WHO DOES BIANCE WISH TO DATE ? Title: 10 Things I Hate About You Movie plot: Cameron James (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the new kid at Padua High School, is given a tour of the school by Michael Eckman (David Krumholtz), who is an audio-visual geek and former leader of a clique of future MBAs. Michael provides Cameron with information on the schools various cliques. During the tour, Cameron spots the beautiful and popular Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik) and is immediately smitten with her. Michael warns that Bianca is shallow, conceited, and worst of all, not allowed to date. Michael does, however, inform Cameron that Bianca is looking for a French tutor.At the Stratford residence, Biancas outcast older sister Kat (Julia Stiles) receives a letter of acceptance to Sarah Lawrence College. Her protective father, Walter (Larry Miller), is distraught by the news, as he wants Kat to attend college nearby. Kat distracts her father by revealing that Bianca was given a ride home from school by Joey Donner (Andrew Keegan). Bianca begs her father to allow her to date, but to no avail. Kat's aversion to dating prompts the father to come up with a new rule: Bianca can only date if Kat is dating.Cameron starts tutoring Bianca, and she informs him of her fathers rule after Cameron makes many failed attempts to ask her out. This news motivates Cameron and Michael to set out to find a boy who is willing to date Kat.Cameron suggests Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger), an outcast who is just as ill-tempered as Kat. Cameron tries asking Patrick for his assistance, but Patrick scares him off. Michael then poses the idea to Joey, also attempting to date Bianca, to pay Patrick to take Kat out. Patrick agrees, but Kat, however, wants nothing to do with Patrick. Cameron and Michael finally explain their situation to Patrick and inform him that Bogie Lowenstein (Kyle Cease) is throwing a party (this is actually a plot by Michael to get revenge, as a rumor from Bogie had got him kicked out of their clique). Cameron and Michael spread rumors around school that Bogie's party will have free beer and dancing, although it... A: Joey Question: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: Why did Gian sneak across the border? Title: Partition Movie plot: Gian Singh & Avtar Singh are officers with the Indian Army serving under the command of Andrew Stilwell, who lives with his sister, Margaret, in Delhi. During 1941 the trio are dispatched to active duty in Burma where Andrew is killed. Both Gian and Avtar return to their village in Sarsa, Punjab, where Gian lives with his widowed mom, Shanti. During 1947, after 350 years of occupying India, the British decide to leave, but not before separating Islamic Pakistan and secular India. Millions of Muslims crossed from India to Pakistan, while an equal number of Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians crossed over from the other side. A group of Muslims who were crossing over to Pakistan are attacked by a mob of sword wielding horse-riding Sikhs, and Hindus, including Avtar, many are slaughtered, but some do manage to escape. Muslims, in turn, kill all Hindus, Sikhs and Christian passengers on a train en-route to India. While Gian, who refuses to participate in any killing, is picking up wood for his fireplace, he comes a across a young Muslim girl, Naseem Khan, in hiding, and decides to shelter her. He brings her home with him, places a turban over head to make her look like a young Sikh lad, and hides her in a trunk from his mother. But the villagers do find out, while some want to outrightly kill her, others want her to leave. Gian donates some money for the displaced Sikhs and Hindus from Pakistan, and asks the villagers to give him some time to locate her family from Pakistan and then send her on her way, to which they agree. Gian seeks the help of Margaret, who does her best to liaise with the Ministry of Unification of Families, but to no avail. In the meantime, Naseem adapts herself to the village life, and soon she and Gian fall in love with each other. Shortly thereafter both get married, and soon Naseem gives birth to a boy, Vijay. Years later, they get a surprise visit from Margaret, who has now located Naseem's family. Naseem's is thrilled, and departs to Kasur in Pakistan to meet her family, who she will be... Answer: as his papers are not sufficient. Question: Extract the answer to the following question from the movie plot. If the question isn't answerable, please output "Can't answer". Question: What is the name of ex-convict? Title: Death Wish Movie plot: Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) and his wife Joanna (Hope Lange) vacation in Hawaii. They return to New York City, where Paul works as an architect.Joanna and their daughter Carol Anne (Kathleen Tolan) shop for groceries at D'Agostino's. Three hooligans (one played by Jeff Goldblum) are wreaking havoc in the supermarket. They catch Joanna's address after she asks that her groceries be delivered. They follow her to the apartment, burst in and trash the apartment. They search for money but find only $7. The hooligans then rape Carol and savagely beat Joanna, escaping scot-free.Paul's son-in-law Jack Toby (Steven Keats) calls to tell him only that Joanna and Carol are in the hospital. After waiting impatiently, Paul is told by a doctor that his daughter is okay and that she was sedated and put to bed, but his wife has died. Devastated, he is told by police that the likelihood of catching the criminals is small since his wife is dead and his daughter, the only witness, traumatized from her ordeal of being raped, cannot speak. That night, a frustrated Paul goes out for a walk and quickly encounters a mugger who attempts to rob him with a gun. Carrying a sock full of quarters, Paul swings it at the would-be-mugger and flees, narrowly escaping from being shot.The next day, Paul's boss gives him an extended business vacation to Tucson, Arizona to meet a client, Ames Jainchill (Stuart Margolin), who shows him the ropes. Paul witnesses a mock gunfight at Old Tucson, a reconstructed Western frontier town used as a movie set. At a gun club, Ames is impressed when Paul shoots near bulls-eye accuracy. He reveals that he was a "CO" (conscientious objector) during the Korean War who served his country as a combat medic. Ames drops him at the airport, slipping a little going-away present into Paul's bag.Back in New York, Paul visits Jack who tells him that his daughter is catatonic and will likely never recover. At home, Paul opens his suitcase and the gift box that Ames left him to find a nickel-plated .32 Colt Police Positive... Answer:
Thomas Leroy Marston
This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) the answer is unique, (iv) its answer is a continous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage -------- Question: A bracket is a tall punctuation mark typically used in matched pairs within text, to set apart or interject other text. The matched pair may be described as opening and closing, or left and right symbols. Forms include round (also called "parentheses"), square, curly (also called "braces"), and angle brackets (also called "chevrons"); and various other pairs of symbols. In addition to referring to the class of all types of brackets, the unqualified word "bracket" is most commonly used to refer to a specific type of bracket: in modern American usage this is usually the square bracket and in modern British usage this is usually the round bracket. Chevrons were the earliest type of bracket to appear in written English. Desiderius Erasmus coined the term "lunula" to refer to the rounded parentheses (), recalling the shape of the crescent moon. Some of the following names are regional or contextual. The characters ‹ › and « », known as guillemets or "angular quote brackets", are actually quotation mark glyphs used in several European languages. Which one of each pair is the opening quote mark and which is the closing quote varies between languages. In English, typographers generally prefer to not set brackets in italics, even when the enclosed text is italic. However, in other languages like German, if brackets enclose text in italics, they are usually set in italics too. Answer: What was the first form of brackets in written English? Question: Art lovers around the world have thought about this question for so many years: what is the secret behind the Mona Lisa's smile? However, they can ask Mona Lisa herself in the interactive exhibition in Beijing. This exhibition brings the 500-year-old painting to life. Now Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting can move her head and wave her hand in 3D, and even answer questions. She can answer the questions about her life, her age and so on. But when she talks she doesn't speak Italian but Chinese like: "Da jia hao, wo jiao Mengna Lisha. Hen gao xing jian dao ni men." The new, digital picture of Mona Lisa is the center piece of the World Classic Interactive Arts Exhibition in Beijing. You can also see other world-famous paintings such as Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. Last Supper is another picture that they made alive with 3D. In this picture, Jesus can walk and talk with his believers . It took the organizer Wang Hui and over 400 digital artists in South Korea two years to make the picture, at a cost of around 50 million yuan. He says, "What's special about it is that it's the first time to use computer technology to make her speak and move." So what does the Mona Lisa say if you ask her why she is smiling? Answer: What do people wonder about? Question: CHAPTER TWELVE. SAGE CONVERSE BETWEEN HAKE AND BERTHA--BIARNE IS OUTWITTED--A MONSTER IS SLAIN, AND SAVAGES APPEAR ON THE SCENE. Not long after this an event occurred which produced great excitement in the new settlement; namely, the appearance of natives in the woods. It occurred under the following circumstances. One morning Karlsefin gave orders for one of the exploring parties to be got ready to go out immediately. Karlsefin's plan from the beginning had been to class his men in two divisions. One half stayed at home to work, the other half searched the land,--always taking care, however, not to travel so far but that they could return home in the evening. They were careful also not to wander far from each other. Sometimes Karlsefin went with the exploring party, at other times stayed at home to superintend the work there, while Biarne or Thorward filled his place. On the occasion in question Biarne was in charge. Soon after the party had started, Hake, who was one of them, observed a female figure disappear round a copse near the shores of the lake. At that part they were about to strike off into the thick woods, so Hake went up to Biarne and asked leave to go along by the borders of the lake, saying that he could overtake the party again before they had reached the Willow Glen, a well-known rendezvous of the hunters and explorers of the colony. "Go as thou wilt, Hake," replied Biarne; "only see to it that ye overtake us before noon, as I intend to go on a totally new path to-day." Answer:
Who gave orders?
TASK DEFINITION: Given a sentence, fill out the missing word with a 'no' or a number (between zero and ten). You should write the numbers with english alphabet, like: four instead of 4. PROBLEM: Differentiation is caused by the energy going in ____ directions. SOLUTION: two PROBLEM: Parallel coordinates use ____ or more parallel axes. SOLUTION: two PROBLEM: Polymer clay is formed to metal spring back barrettes, and are available in ____ different styles. SOLUTION:
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Filipino language. Example Input: They were charged with theft, trespassing and destruction of property. Example Output: Sila ay hinatulan ng pagnanakaw, pagpasok nang walang pahintulot at pagwasak ng ari-arian. Example Input: Less than three minutes later, Jason Blake would notch his 36th of the year, beating Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury. Example Output: Pagkatapos ng wala pang tatlong minuto, ginatlaan na ni Jason Blake ang kaniyang ika-36 ngayong taon, tinalo ang goalie ng Penguins na si Marc-Andre Fleury. Example Input: The store room contains 15,000 spare parts, with everything from spare carbon fibre running blades to spare tyres — over 2,000 of them. Example Output:
Ang tindahan ay naglalaman ng 15,000 na spare na mga parte, mula sa karbon fayber ng pantakbong bleyd hanggang sa mga ekstrang gulong--mahigit 2,000 lahat.
In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Malay language. The EU still saw this as an unreasonable rate, and Microsoft, two month after lowering the rates, reduced the rates yet again to a flat rate of €10000 or a royalty of 0.4% applicable worldwide. EU masih nampak ini sebagai kadar yang tidak munasabah, dan Microsoft, selepas dua bulan menurunkan kadar tersebut, menurunkan lagi kadar kepada kadar rata €10,000 atau 0.4% royalti digunapakai seluruh dunia. Another collaborative effort product presented to us was YouFig, which is software designed to allow a group of people to collaborate on work product. Satu lagi produk usaha kerjasama dipersampaikan kepada kita adalah YouFig, yang merupakan perisian yang direka untuk membenarkan sekumpulan orang untuk bekerjasama dalam produk usaha. The Caucasus region of Russia has seen an increase in attacks recently, following a few years of relative calm after two wars with separatists in the neigbouring region of Chechnya.
Rantau Caucasus Rusia telah menyaksikan peningkatan serangan baru-baru ini, berikutan beberapa tahun tenang selepas dua peperangan dengan puak pemisah di kawasan jiran Chechnya.
Definition: In this task, we ask you to write an answer to a question about the events that may happen before or after a certain event. For example, "earning money" usually appears before "spending money". Note that a lot of the questions could have more than one correct answer. We only need a single most-likely answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. Input: Sentence: Some are trying to escape eviction or an abusive marriage. Question: What happens if they manage to escape? Output:
they end up in a shelter.
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to choose whether the two sentences clearly agree (entailment)/disagree (contradiction) with each other, or if this cannot be determined (neutral). Your answer must be in the form of the letters E, C, and N respectively. Example Input: Sentence 1: A man with a dog and a woman carrying something blue in a clear plastic bag, standing on a city street. Sentence 2: The man and woman have a tiger on a diamond-encrusted leash. Example Output: C Example Input: Sentence 1: Small boy wearing a blue shirt being brought up out of water by man in white shirt and wearing glasses. Sentence 2: A man and a woman are eating dinner. Example Output: C Example Input: Sentence 1: A bicyclist in a helmet and a man in a business suit both talk on cellphones near a fountain. Sentence 2: There is no cell phone signal available anywhere within a ten mile radius of the picture. Example Output:
A question is presented to you in this task, and your job is to write a potentially correct answer. what province is toronto canada located in? Ontario who plays kermit in the muppets movie? Jim Henson who is the chicago bulls head coach?
Tom Thibodeau
Give the rationale and then the answer. Yes / no, is the following a verifiable fact? "Grilling leaves the meat with distinctive marks after the steak, burger, or chicken is removed from the heated surface."
Grilling cooks meat by applying pieces of dead animal flesh to a heated element that tends to leave distinctive visible indications of contact with the meat. The final answer: yes.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a sentence, generate what should be the most likely next statement. The next statement should be reasonable and logically correct. With seven walls of white stone, so strong and old that it seems to have been not built, minas tirith looks carven by giants out of the bones of the earth. Suddenly the sun Output:
climbs over the eastern hills, and sends forth a shaft of sunlight that gleams against the face of the city.
Q: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: It is not a question of culture, it is not even a question of killing animals. Even a carrot dies when pulled out of the ground. It is a matter of the protection of the planet because our meat eating habits might be stressing (......) our ecological ( ) system. It's no longer --might||, we are destroying our planet. Most of the meat that we eat comes from livestock, which is about 23 billion in population and causes the waste of our natural resources. Every second of every day one football field size rainforest is destroyed, and much of it is used to farm and raise livestock. Raising the animals also requires huge quantities of water, mostly to grow the grains fed to them. It takes over 2,000 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef, which can be used for a seven-minute shower every day for a minimums of four months. Take your pick: four months without a shower or a hamburger. Meat has to be cut, cleaned and processed. One doesn't just buy a cow and start eating it. According to David Pimentel from Cornell University, it takes 20 times more energy to produce beef than tofu, and both have the same good sources of protein ( ). The waste from the animals is one of the main causes of water and air pollution. The animal waste cannot be used in the fields because it can spread diseases to humans. In 1995, 25 million gallons of animal waste flowed into the New River in North Carolina, killing 10 million fish and destroying 364,000 acres of coastal ( ) wetlands. Animal farming also produces larger quantities of greenhouse gases, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). If your next Christmas is unusually hot or especially cold, blame the steak you ate the night before. I am not saying that everybody needs to stop eating meat right this minute. I don't think we can produce enough corns, fruits, and vegetables. I am just saying we need to cut our meat consumption , 70 grams per day is okay if we want normal weather, clean air and drinking water. Options: A animal waste should be used for planting B we're destroying the farm to raise animals C animal farming produces greenhouse gases D we use the same energy to produce beef and tofu Answer: C animal farming produces greenhouse gases Question: A: From the passage, we can learn that . Question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world, is now making efforts to reinvent the toilet. Gates has donated a big part of his wealth to charity. Now his charitable organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is looking for future toilets that can improve the living conditions of millions of people. The flush toilet we use today was invented in 1775. While it works well in getting rid of our waste, it also uses a lot of water and needs a costly sewage system . Besides, it's not necessarily practical for the developing world. In some developing countries, lack of toilets leads to poor hygiene ,and _ could kill people. According to the World Health Organization, 1.5 million children under the age of five die each year because of hygiene problems. Last year, the Gates Foundation gave money to eight universities around the world and asked them to start inventing the toilet of tomorrow: a toilet that uses little or no water is cheap and easy to fix, and is safe and hygienic. At the " Reinvent the Toilet Fair " competition recently held in Seattle, twenty-eight designs were displayed. The winners, from the California Institute of Technology , were awarded a $ 100,000 prize by the Gates Foundation. "We couldn't be happier with the response that we've gotten," Bill Gates said at the event. Many of the new designs would not only greatly improve hygiene in the developing world, but also help change the dependence on traditional flush toilets in developed nations, he said. Options: A Eight. B Eighty. C Eighteen. D Twenty-eight. Answer: D Twenty-eight. Question: Answer: How many designs were displayed at the "Reinvent the Toilet Fair"? [Q]: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon. They don't feel hurt .If the same two people meet again, even years later, they _ the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand. Friendships between us develop more slowly but may become lifelong feelings, extending deeply into both families. There is another difficult point for us to understand .Although Americans treat friends warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don't show their politeness to them if it requires a great deal of time. But in China, we are usually generous with our time. We, as hosts, will appear at an airport even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off from our work to act as guides to our friends. It is opposite in America .Americans can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily plans. They will probably expect the visitors to get themselves from the airport to the hotels. And they expect the visitors will phone them from there. Once the visitors arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. For Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to restaurants, except for business matters. Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life .So accept their hospitality at home and enjoy your visit in America ! Options: A Treating friends at home. B Taking days off to be with friends . C Meeting friends at the airport at midnight. D Sharing everything they have. Answer: A Treating friends at home. Question: **** [A]: Which of the following is the typical way of American hospitality ? Question: Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: In London, everyone is busy in the early morning. Some are running to the stations, buses and cars. Some are stopping only to drink a cup of coffee. They usually have no time for breakfast. At about eight thirty, one after another, the shops open for business .Taxis and buses are running in the streets. People work busily all day. At six o'clock in the evening, people go home quickly from work. Most of the shops closed , but some are still open. Many people work at night in a big city. In newspaper offices, reporters work hard. Doctors and nurses work in the hospital. Taxis and buses take people around the city all night. Some people are going to the movies. Some people are going to watch the plays. You can hear people talking, laughing and singing. You can listen to music, too. Every night, there are many people on the sidewalks . Some stop to look at shop windows, but they never buy clothes. Others are waiting for buses and taxis. Day and night you can find people working and playing in London. A big city never sleeps. Options: A All shops are open in the evening. B Some people work at night in a big city. C All people go to relax after work. D Some are going to classes in the evening. Answer: B Some people work at night in a big city. Question: Answer:
Which of the following is right?
In this subtask, you will answer a simple science question. Please indicate the correct answer. If you're not sure about the answer, choose the last option "I don't know". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: 'A', 'B, 'C', 'D', 'E'. The "A"-"D" responses correspond to the answer options mentioned in the input. There is a 5th option "E" which should be used for questions for which you're not sure about the answer (e.g., when the questions do not provide enough information to answer). Q: Question: In studying layers of rock sediment, a geologist found an area where older rock was layered on top of younger rock. Which best explains how this occurred? (A) Earthquake activity folded the rock layers. (B) Volcanic eruptions destroyed a rock layer. (C) Erosion removed several layers of rock. (D) Weathering changed the layering of the rocks? A: A. **** Q: Question: Bears growing fur in winter is an example of (A) growth (B) adaptation (C) migration (D) variatio? A: B. **** Q: Question: Which of the following would result in a decrease in the polar bear population in the arctic? (A) An increase in the amount of grass (B) An increase in the fish population (C) A decrease in the fish population (D) A decrease in the human populatio? A:
C. ****
Information: - Tiánmìmì ( , literally `` very sweet '' ) is a 1979 Mandarin Chinese song by Teresa Teng . The lyrics were written by Zhuang Nu ( born 1922 ) , the tune is the Indonesian folk song Dayung Sampan . - "When Will You Return?" is a Chinese song first sung by Zhou Xuan in 1937, but now better known as a song by Teresa Teng. The song has also been variously translated as "When Will the Gentleman Come Back Again?" or "When Will You Come Back Again?" The lyrics were written by Huang Jiamo to a tune composed by Liu Xue'an. - Teresa Teng, Teng Li-Chun or Deng Lijun (January 29, 1953 May 8, 1995) was a Taiwanese pop singer. She was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads. Many became standards in her lifetime, such as "When Will You Return?" and "The Moon Represents My Heart". She recorded songs not only in her native Mandarin but also in Taiwanese Hokkien, Cantonese, Japanese, Indonesian and English. - Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia. Neighbors include China (officially the People's Republic of China, abbreviated as PRC) to the west, Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taiwan is the most populous state that is not a member of the United Nations, and the one with the largest economy. - A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads derive from the medieval French "chanson balladée" or "ballade", which were originally "danced songs". Ballads were particularly characteristic of the popular poetry and song of the British Isles from the later medieval period until the 19th century. They were widely used across Europe, and later in the Americas, Australia and North Africa. Ballads are 13 lines with an ABABBCBC form, consisting of couplets (two lines) of rhymed verse, each of 14 syllables. 'tian mi mi' is related to which object entity through the relation of 'genre'? Choices: - ballad - chanson - economy - narrative - pop - romantic - song - will Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Q: Question: When did the Second World War end? Passage:When the Second World War broke out in September 1939, Norway followed a policy of neutrality, as it had successfully done during the First World War, hoping to stay out of the war once again engulfing Europe. So Norway was at peace in April 1940 when it was suddenly attacked by naval, air and military forces from Nazi Germany. Unlike in the First World War, the Norwegian military was only partially mobilised, with the Royal Norwegian Navy and the coastal artillery being set up with skeleton crews. The Norwegian Army activated only a few battalions in North Norway (amongst others the Alta Battalion) as a precaution in connection with the Soviet Winter War invasion of Finland. Although the Norwegian Government had carried out a hurried modernisation of the military in the second half of the 1930s, the armed forces were still in a shambles. Effects of the wide-ranging budget reductions carried out during the pacifist policies of the late 1920s and early 1930s were still apparent. In 1940, the Norwegian armed forces were among the weakest in Europe. Links: a. Alta Battalion b. Royal Norwegian Navy c. World War II d. Alta Battalion A:
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a corresponding answer. Your task is to generate a fact statement that is useful in answering the given question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Question: Breathing is when the lungs convert oxygen from inhaled air into? Answer: oxygen dispersed from respiratory bronchioles through air sacs to hemoglobin proteins. Student:
breathing is when a lung converts from oxygen in air into oxygen in blood
I heard that Alex designed Robin's experiment using rigorous controls and setting up things for statistical analysis. And I was wondering What does Alex need to do before this?
have an understanding of statistics
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in English that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Das Basketballteam der Kansas State Wildcats Männer (2007 - 08) vertritt die Kansas State University in der 2007 - 08 College - Basketball - Saison. Output:
The 2007 -- 08 Kansas State Wildcats men 's basketball team represented Kansas State University in the 2007 -- 08 college basketball season .
Detailed Instructions: A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Gujarati language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Problem:કેન્દ્રીય મંત્રીએ વધુમાં ઉમેર્યું હતું કે 1200 કેન્દ્રીય યુનિવર્સિટી, 600 નવોદય વિદ્યાલયો, CBSE સાથે જોડાયેલી 18000 શાળાઓ, 30 SCERT અને NCTE સાથે જોડાયેલી 1000 સંસ્થાઓની વેબસાઇટને ‘સ્કૂલ એજ્યુકેશન શગુન’ પોર્ટલ સાથે જોડવામાં આવી છે. Solution:
তিনি জানান, ১,২০০টি কেন্দ্রীয় বিদ্যালয়, ৬০০টি নবোদয় বিদ্যালয়, ১৮,০০০ অন্য সিবিএসই অনুমোদিত বিদ্যালয়, ৩০টি এসসিইআরটি, এনটিসিই অনুমোদিত ১৯,০০০ সংগঠন এবং অন্যরা এই ‘শগুন’-এর অধীন।
Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: As the economy begins to recover, salary increases should do the same. In the past few years, employers have raised workers' salaries by about 4 percent per year--except for 2009, when the figure dropped to a historically low 2.1 percent, according to a survey of World at Word. About one-third of companies froze raises altogether. For 2010, World at Work's survey projects an average salary increase budget of 2.7 percent, a figure that shows the situation has improved but the job market is still weak. Between 10 percent and 15 percent of companies said they would freeze raises--far fewer than in 2009, but still more than in most years. How can you get a raise? Avalos and others offer the following tips: * Do your job well. This means producing high-quality work, of course, but also keeping the big picture in mind. "It really comes down to positioning yourself as a high performer, somebody who is aware of business goals and helps the company meet their goals as an organization", Avalos said * Be visible. When times are tough, some workers think. "I'm going to hunker down and hope that nobody notices me, because I don't want to be on a layoff list," said Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions. This is a mistake, because you're unlikely to get a raise if no one knows what you have accomplished. "If anything, what you want to do is be more visible." * Make your boss's life easier. This means everything from having a good attitude to taking on extra tasks. If you don't know how you can help your boss, ask. * Ask for a raise. Talk to your boss and present your case: Here's what I've done, here's how it fits with the company's goals, and here is why I think it's worth a salary increase. In some cases, even if your company has an official raise freeze, you can get a raise if you make good case. If the answer is no -- or if you're not ready to ask directly -- Phillips suggests asking, "What would you like to see from me that would put me in line for a raise?" A question like this can improve your... Options: A the situation has improved but the job market is still weak B salary increases should recover as the economy does C producing high-quality work will surely help you get a raise D that in and off an employee makes no difference Answer: D that in and off an employee makes no difference Question: ---- Answer: All the statements are true except _ . Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: What do you know about the sea? You may have seen it. Some of us have swum or bathed in it. It looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very _ when there is a strong wind. What other things do we know about it? Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land. The sea covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. It is not deep everywhere, some parts of it are very great. At one spot, near Japan the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep! Just think of it, the highest mountain in the world is only about 9 kilometers high! If you have swum in the sea, you know that the water is salty. Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some parts of the sea are more salty than other parts. Do you know the Dead Sea in Arabia? It is very salty. Swimmers cannot sink in it! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea. It is a strange sea. In most parts of the sea, there are a lot of fishes and plants. Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. No sunlight can reach the depth of the sea. So it is completely dark. Strange fishes live there. Some are blind. Some have their own lights. Some have great jaws. With their great jaws, they swallow fish larger than themselves. The sea can be very cold. Deep sea divers know this well. At the top of the water may be warm. Then as the divers go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Many scientists are now making a study of animal and plant life in the sea. They hope to find new resources for mankind. Options: A Some of the fish living in the depth of the sea can not see by themselves. B Some fish give out light for themselves. C Some fish live on other fish. D All of the above Answer: D All of the above Question: ---- Answer: Which of the following statements is true? Write a multi-choice question for the following article, with the given choices and answer: Article: With big handbags becoming a key fashion accessory for working women, health experts are warning they can also become a key health concern. Bags for women have become bigger and heavier as designers combine briefcases with handbags and straps have become longer, resulting in many users complaining of neck, shoulder and back problems. "I see so many women with neck pains and headaches and what I usually do is look for their purse and pick it up,"said Jane Sadler, a family practice physician at Baylor Medical Center in Garland, Texas."We take it over to the scale and weigh it and usually they're anywhere from 7 to 10 pounds. We're really going to see women with more and more problems later on if we continue the big purse craze." William Case, a physical therapist in private practice in Houston, Texas, urged designers"to place a cute, educational caution tag on all bags to inform buyers of potential neck and shoulder dangers."Above all, he suggested correct posture while carrying big purses, keeping the head and shoulders upright. Patients should also often change the size and weight of purses carried. "The extra-large purses are quite extraordinary. They look beautiful when the women wear them, but I don't know how aware they are of the potential problems,"Case said. Placing objects on one shoulder was one of the least efficient ways of carrying a load, according to a professor from Cornell University in New York State."This causes a great imbalance,"he said."If a big bag is a fashion accessory, then occasional and symbolic use is fine. If not, then keep it light." Options: A contained enough B were worth a lot of pounds C were too heavy D were too large Answer: C were too heavy Question: ---- Answer:
Jane Salder would"look for their purse and pick it up"in order to see whether the purses_.
In this task, you are given a question. Your task is to generate an answer that is relevant to the question. Is Don't Go in the House any good?
I haven't seen it.
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is a great film, and often regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. I never much paid attention to how the film was lit, but on examination I don’t know what I think of the lighting. Maybe i’m totally wrong, but the lighting seems quite obvious when you pay attention to it, which makes me thing it could have been done better? Certainly the lighting is masterfully done, in the way it properly exposes the characters faces and splashes off and around certain props and objects, adding a great deal of dimension to many of the shots. But it does look quite obvious, once you pay attention to it, especially when you can see multiple shadows coming from a single character. All that said, the lighting is still pretty masterful and I’m very intrigued to properly analyse it. The first shot of the scene has extremely beautiful (even though it is obvious 😉 ) lighting. As the cowboy stands in the hallway you can tell that there is a strong key light coming from the left of the frame, that will light his face once he steps out of the shadows. It seems like there is another light, maybe coming from high up near the roof, lighting the right hand side of the frame, near the back of the hallway. Most likely facing towards the character to light him from his right hand side, to seperate him from the background. The lighting setup of this shot is extremely beautiful the way it enhances the various pieces of wood and props within the frame, and how they’ve managed to keep the cowboy drenched in shadows as he sneaks around, even though there is quite a lot of light within the frame. It looks like they may have used a cutter to achieve that effect as its a very specific area, essentially just the top half of the cowboy thats drenched ins shadow. Theres also this curious black circular shadow which exists at the very top of the door near the cowboys head which permanently stays extremely dark, much darker than the rest of the shadows in the frame. I wonder how they achieved this effect? Maybe a... How does the writer feel about the lighting in the movie "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?" Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. he is impressed B. he doesn't think it is superior C. he doesn't care about it D. not enough information A ------ Every so often I see a scenario play out that I find rather disappointing. It works like this: someone posts a topic to their blog that is critical or controversial. This person can either be a community member, commentator, employee or otherwise; it doesn’t matter who the person is. Then what happens is a series of comments are posted to that blog entry from readers that are critical of the post, thus challenging the author on their views. The author then either deletes the blog entry or disables the comments based on the feedback. In other words, a viewpoint is shared, an invitation for comment is provided, but that invitation is then revoked when the author of the blog post is dissatisfied with the response from their readers. I have seen this happen countless times over the years and I don’t like this. I believe we should all be accountable for our words. Our words have the ability to inspire, to entertain, to challenge, but to also hurt. Actions have consequences, and so do words. As such, when I see someone openly share their thoughts on their blog and invite their readers to provide comments, I see that as a wonderful demonstration of accountability and engagement; debate is a beautiful thing when executed with politeness and respect. To then close that door, seemingly because people disagree with you, is in my mind the equivalent of walking out of a room in the middle of a debate. The excuse when folks are criticized of this behavior is typically “it is my blog and I can run it how I like“. This is true: it is your blog, and you can run it how you like, but the true measure of a person is not just in what they say, but also in the conversation and discourse that follows. What is probably true about the author? Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. he doesn't read blogs B. not enough information C. he hates blogs D. he likes blogs D ------ For a moment, Paul wasn't even sure who had walked into the room. Chloe had totally transformed herself since he'd last seen her. She wore a wig for starters, and a very good one. It was light brown and shoulder length. It looked so natural that if he didn't know she had much shorter hair, he would have guessed that she had dyed it. But it was the outfit that made the change. She wore a well-tailored, very professional, gray woman's skirt/blazer combo with a yellow silk blouse. Her wrist sported what looked to Paul's uneducated eye like an expensive and fashionable gold lady's watch from which he thought he detected a glint of diamond. In short, she looked just like the high priced lawyer she was supposed to be. She was certainly the best-dressed person in the room. Chloe reached across the table to shake Greg's hand, stretching forward as she did so. Paul watched Greg glance down at her cleavage while he shook her hand. "I'm Rachel Roth, here on behalf of Mr. Paul Reynolds." "Hi," said Greg. "I'm Greg Driscol, and this is..." "I know the rogues gallery here," said Chloe cutting Greg off and looking around at the assembled board members. "I've learned all about you gentlemen." Marie stood up and shook Chloe's hand. "Marie Cooper, from Johnson, Myers, and Wick," she said. "Nice to meet you," she said. "Ok, we've got the intros down, shall we get on with the dirty business?" "Um, sure," Greg said as he sat back down. "I was just about to turn things over to Marie." The plan was now in action, and so far so good. But Paul knew that this was a crucial moment. Chloe didn't really know the law - just a few points that her friend had helped her out with. She couldn't let the real lawyer take over the meeting. Her dramatic, unexpected entrance had them off guard, and Paul hoped she seized the moment and pressed on. Immediately after this story ends, Marie believes Pick the correct answer from the following options: A. that there is something suspicious about Reynolds B. Paul is a fraud C. not enough information D. Chloe is an attorney
D ------
instruction: In this task, you are given a context and four options. Each option is a suggested ending for the context. You should read the context and pick the best ending for the context. Please answer with "A", "B", "C", and "D". question: [header] How to make football brownies [title] Preheat the oven and melt the butter with the unsweetened chocolate. [step] Turn the oven on to 350 degrees f (176 c). Get out a medium saucepan and place 1 cup (226 g) of butter in it. <sep> (A) Turn the heat to medium low and let the butter melt for about 1 minute or until it melts. [substeps] It's best to use unsweetened butter because it doesn't contain the white chocolate protein it caramelizes more effectively. (B) Stir the two together with a wooden spoon until melted and the mixture is smooth. [substeps] You can use either unsweetened or unsweetened chocolate. (C) Place a sieve over the top to break up any remaining clumps of butter and sugar that might be settling in the butter and place the bowl inside the pan. [substeps] If you prefer, you can use a stand mixer that is set to low speed or you can run a light mixer over the top. (D) Chop 6 ounces (170 g) of unsweetened chocolate into chunks and add it to the saucepan. Melt the butter with the chocolate over low heat. answer: D question: A small group of people are seen lifting a large object into the back of a van and close ups of them and a building. The people are seen riding around a large gymnasium on roller blades performing various flips and tricks. the boys <sep> (A) continue skating around and interacting with one another and performing impressive tricks. (B) continue riding around a sports stadium and performing tricks. (C) play the drums while riding around on bouncy chairs that run in a tight group. (D) ride around again in the end with more people watching on the side. answer: A question: [header] How to update blackberry software [title] Navigate to the home screen and select " options. [title] Select " device, " then select " software updates. [title] Select the latest software update displayed on-screen, then tap on " download. <sep> (A) [substeps] Some wireless service providers have restrictions in place that may prevent you from installing the latest software updates over the air. Update your blackberry software using method two if you are unable to install ota updates using your device. (B) [title] Download the latest version of blackberry software from the blackberry website. [step] If you have not downloaded the latest version, you will be directed to the blackberry website. (C) [title] Launch the software update program on your computer. [step] Tap on the application name, then enter the terms of use for the version of blackberry software you want to update. (D) [title] Wait for blackberry update to finish installing. [title] Tap on " update, " then select " for updates. answer:
instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a premise and a hypothesis sentence. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails (implies), contradicts (opposes), or is neutral with respect to the given premise. Please answer with "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment". question: Premise: Going My Way is an American comedy-drama series starring dancer and actor Gene Kelly. Based on the 1944 film of the same name starring Bing Crosby, the series aired on ABC with new episodes from October 3, 1962 to April 24, 1963. The program was Kelly's first and only attempt at a weekly television series. The series was canceled after one season of thirty episodes. <sep> Hypothesis: Gene Kelly appeared in 32 episodes. answer: Contradiction question: Premise: Elizabeth "Long Liz" Stride (née Gustafsdotter) (27 November 1843 – 30 September 1888) is believed to be a victim of the notorious unidentified serial killer called Jack the Ripper, who killed and mutilated several women in the Whitechapel area of London from late August to early November 1888. <sep> Hypothesis: Long Liz died in 18888 answer: Contradiction question: Premise: Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas Day, the festival commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Christmas Day is observed around the world, and Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day. Together, both days are considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in Christendom and Western society. <sep> Hypothesis: Jesus of Nazareth was a real person. answer:
Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : A stronger acid produces a greater concentration of ions than a weaker acid. Question: Milo is measuring acidity levels in his drink fridge. If his sprite is less acidic then his coke, which item has the greater concentration of ions coke or sprite? coke Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : By using multiple stages, empty fuel containers could drop away. This reduced the mass of the rocket so that it could fly higher. Question: What happens when you lighten a rocket goes higher or falls down? goes higher Use information from the paragraph to answer the question. Paragraph : Plug-in hybrids run for a longer time on electricity and so are less polluting than regular hybrids. Question: Kevin has a hybrid car and Steve has a large truck. Which car likely pollutes less hybrid or truck?
Instructions: In this task, given a sentence in the Chinese language, your task is to convert it into the English language. Input: 巴尔的摩,华盛顿特区和费城都预计高点将达到100ºF(37.8ºC)以上。 Output:
Baltimore, Washington D.C. and Philadelphia are all expecting highs to reach above 100ºF (37.8ºC).
Teacher:In this task, you are given a passage and a question regarding that passage. You must determine whether or not the question is answerable from the given passage. If a question is answerable, output should be 'True', otherwise 'False'. You must not consider any other information that is not provided in the passage while labelling True or False. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Passage: However, this definition is disputed by Thoreau's political philosophy pitching the conscience vs. the collective. The individual is the final judge of right and wrong. More than this, since only individuals act, only individuals can act unjustly. When the government knocks on the door, it is an individual in the form of a postman or tax collector whose hand hits the wood. Before Thoreau’s imprisonment, when a confused taxman had wondered aloud about how to handle his refusal to pay, Thoreau had advised, “Resign.” If a man chose to be an agent of injustice, then Thoreau insisted on confronting him with the fact that he was making a choice. But if government is “the voice of the people,” as it is often called, shouldn’t that voice be heeded? Thoreau admits that government may express the will of the majority but it may also express nothing more than the will of elite politicians. Even a good form of government is “liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it.” Moreover, even if a government did express the voice of the people, this fact would not compel the obedience of individuals who disagree with what is being said. The majority may be powerful but it is not necessarily right. What, then, is the proper relationship between the individual and the government? Question: Who was famous for disobedience against a tax collector? Student:
Given an English sentence, convert it into the french language. Let me give you an example: He later scouted in Europe for the Montreal Canadiens . The answer to this example can be: Il a plus tard été dépisteur du Canadiens de Montréal en Europe . Here is why: English sentence is converted to the French language. OK. solve this: He marked his 500th appearance in the Premier League by scoring in an 8-0 win against Aston Villa on 23 December . Answer:
Il célèbre le 500e matchs de Premier League de sa carrière en marquant lors de la victoire 8 à 0 face à Aston Villa , le 23 décembre .
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given a text which is the body of a document and a title which is the title of the document. Here the title is present in the document and it is the entity which is referred in the document. The title might have some text in parentheses, for example: "HMS Mallow (K81)", or be slightly different from what is present in the text. If they still refer to the same entity, then it is a correct title. Indicate your answer as "Yes" if the title is correct, otherwise indicate your answer as "No". Do not generate anything else apart from "Yes" or "No" Text: Candice S. Miller (born May 7 1954) is the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 10th congressional district serving since 2003. She is a member of the Republican Party.The district includes all of Michigan's Huron Lapeer Sanilac and St. Clair counties plus northern Macomb and eastern Tuscola counties. She is one of only a few members in Congress whose highest level of education is a high school diploma. Title: Candice Miller Output:
It’s October, which means it’s that time of the year again: flu vaccination time! Back when I worked in a primary care clinic, this is when we made a big push to offer the seasonal flu shot to all of our patients. (And we got ourselves immunized, as well.) Not all of our patients agreed. Many older adults are skeptical of the need to get a yearly vaccination against influenza. They aren’t sure it will help. Or they think that the vaccination will actually give them a mild case of the flu. Or they just don’t like needles. Or maybe they aren’t sure which type of seasonal flu shot to get: the regular one or one of the newer “stronger” versions, designed for older adults? I’m never surprised when people bring up these questions. Vaccination for seasonal influenza can indeed be a confusing topic. But it’s certainly important to consider. Depending on the year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that every year, influenza affects 9-60 million Americans, causes 140,000-710,100 hospitalizations, and results in 12,000-56,000 deaths. (Influenza is more severe in some years than others.) Most people get better without needing hospitalization, but some people get very sick. Older adults are especially likely to get dangerously ill from catching the flu. So I agree with the CDC’s recommendation: everyone over the age of 6 months should get their seasonal flu shot. In fact, I’m about to go get mine. As a healthy woman in her 40s, I’m not that concerned about getting dangerously ill from influenza. Instead, I get my annual flu shot because I want to minimize my chance of getting sick and perhaps exposing my older patients to influenza. This month, you’ll probably be encouraged to get vaccinated too. So in this article, I’ll address some key things to know about influenza and the flu shot, along with some common questions and concerns. Here’s what I’ll cover: * The basics of influenza and vaccination against the flu * What to know about flu shots for older adults * What’s new and resources for the 2017-2018 flu... Question: What does the Centers for Disease Control probably believe. Options: - not enough information - They probably believe all adults should get the seasonal flu. - They probably believe all adults should get a flu shot. - They probably believe all adults should go to the hospital for the flu. === The correct answer is The answer to this question is:
They probably believe all adults should get a flu shot.
Definition: The task is to write a full sentence or two using all of the information given. The sentence(s) will be a brief review of a restaurant. Use all of the information provided. Input: name[xname], cuisine[Japanese], rating[high] Output:
The Japanese restaurant called xname has a high customer rating
You are given two sentences(Sentence1 and Sentence2). Answer "Yes" if these sentences are a paraphrase of one another, otherwise answer "No". Sentence1: Maddox , 87 , cracked two ribs when he fell about 10 days ago at an assisted living home where he was recovering from intestinal surgery , Virginia Carnes said ., Sentence2: Maddox , who had battled cancer since 1983 , cracked two ribs earlier this month when he fell at an assisted living home where he was recovering from surgery .
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Japanese. Questo è su un pezzo di carta 8x12. 8x12インチの紙にプリントされます (Applausi) L'arte e il cinema ufficiali sono stati usati in tutto il mondo per parlare di temi sociali. (拍手) 主流芸術である映画は社会問題を語るときに、世界中で利用されています Non ha nemmeno un corpo.
instruction: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Filipino language. question: Less than three minutes later, Jason Blake would notch his 36th of the year, beating Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury. answer: Pagkatapos ng wala pang tatlong minuto, ginatlaan na ni Jason Blake ang kaniyang ika-36 ngayong taon, tinalo ang goalie ng Penguins na si Marc-Andre Fleury. question: Earlier today, the Australian Institute of Sport and Swimming Australia cancelled a team meeting for the Australian Stingers and a Swimming Australia Grand Prix event scheduled for this weekend after two Olympic bound water polo players, Melissa Rippon and Nicola Zagame, were diagnosed with whooping cough. answer: Ngayong umaga, kinansela ng Instituto ng Palakasan at Paglalangoy ng Australya ang pagpupulong ng koponan para sa mga Australyanong Stinger at isang pagdiriwang ng Swimming Australia Grand Pix na itinakda ngayong Sabado at Linggo pagkatapos nasuri ang dalawang manlalaro ng Olympic bound water polo na sina Melissa Rippon at Nicola Zagame ay may tuyong ubo. question: At least five of those killed were children, according to local officials. answer:
Hindi bababa sa lima sa mga namatay ay kabataan, ayon sa mga lokal na opisyal.
Q: The provided files include famous book titles and sentences in the English language, and we ask you to translate those to the Portuguese Language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and form of each sentence in the Portuguese Language. 2) Also names, dates and places should be preserved it should not get translated. The three soldiers wandered about for a minute or two, looking for them, and then quietly marched off after the others. A:
Os três soldados procuraram por cerca de um ou dois minutos, procurando por eles, e depois marcharam embora rapidamente atrás dos outros.
You are given an open-domain question from an open movie database. Your task is to provide an answer to that question. Try to only include the answer. Do not put it in a sentence. what does Shôta Sometani appear in? Lesson of the Evil, Himizu, Sadako 3D is The King of Comedy considered good? good Robert Allan Ackerman directed which movies?
The Ramen Girl, Safe Passage
Stream of consciousness rationale: First, we need to determine how many feet Ian runs in a week. We begin this by multiplying the number of laps by the number of feet per lap, performing 5 * 100 = 500 feet per day. Since there are 5 days in the period being measured, this means Ian runs 500 * 5 = 2500 feet jogged. Since it takes 25 feet of jogging to burn a calorie, this means Ian burns 2500 / 25 = 100 calories burned jogging throughout the week. The question and answer pair are described below.
Q: Ian is looking to lose some weight. He decides to start jogging around his apartment complex every night to burn some calories. He does 5 laps around the complex every night. Each lap is 100 feet. If it takes 25 feet of jogging to burn a calorie, how many calories does Ian burn after 5 days of jogging like this? A: 100