> “How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency" ]
> And these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”" ]
> Law and Order party, my ass!
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart" ]
> Can anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!" ]
> So much for the law and order party
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall." ]
> The party of law and order.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party" ]
> The party of law and order, what a joke.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order." ]
> Crooks!
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke." ]
> Law and order
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!" ]
> How about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order" ]
> The party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer." ]
> If they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but" ]
> You are so lucky that they are this stupid.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI." ]
> Are republicans just scum now? Come on
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid." ]
> Before the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on" ]
> This goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. The Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress." ]
> But…back the blue?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations" ]
> Republicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump This shouldn't surprise anyone.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?" ]
> The America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone." ]
> From my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency." ]
> That's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy." ]
> Stepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations. Honestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority." ]
> Unpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do." ]
> The civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down." ]
> I wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?" ]
> DOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests." ]
> Lol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties." ]
> You’re thinking of the CIA
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up." ]
> Why not both?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA" ]
> Has the FBI ever not been corrupt?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?" ]
> As opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?" ]
> "Back the Blue!!!"
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything." ]
> This will work out well for everyone I’m sure.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"" ]
> But what about back the blue
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure." ]
> Has there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue" ]
> Why do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing." ]
> Given the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office." ]
> Whoops.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace." ]
> Hey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops." ]
> Listen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news. Have you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? Because I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )" ]
> Who was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored." ]
> While ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?" ]
> Quick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house? If you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. Private companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol." ]
> Seeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways." ]
> Oh no a laptop
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI." ]
> Yet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop" ]
> Are you confusing the FBI with the USSS?
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them." ]
> Hey man, spelling is hard for these guys.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?" ]
> Not really a matter of spelling. It's more a matter of being able to differentiate between federal agencies at a basic level.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?", ">\n\nHey man, spelling is hard for these guys." ]
> This post smells funny
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?", ">\n\nHey man, spelling is hard for these guys.", ">\n\nNot really a matter of spelling. It's more a matter of being able to differentiate between federal agencies at a basic level." ]
> I think they should try to smash up the FBI building… grabs bag of popcorn.
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?", ">\n\nHey man, spelling is hard for these guys.", ">\n\nNot really a matter of spelling. It's more a matter of being able to differentiate between federal agencies at a basic level.", ">\n\nThis post smells funny" ]
> See, this is the point I normally roll my eyes and change the channel because *this doesn't actually happen in real life"...
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?", ">\n\nHey man, spelling is hard for these guys.", ">\n\nNot really a matter of spelling. It's more a matter of being able to differentiate between federal agencies at a basic level.", ">\n\nThis post smells funny", ">\n\nI think they should try to smash up the FBI building… grabs bag of popcorn." ]
[ "This tracks. This is the same party that beat cops on Jan 6 with thin blue line flags.", ">\n\nThin blue line is the new confederate flag as far as I’m concerned", ">\n\nThe thin blue line flag is just a nazi flag for cowards.", ">\n\nDon’t forget the punisher skull stretched out over a huge gut", ">\n\nDon't forget the garden snek flag", ">\n\nI've always been partial to this one.", ">\n\nlol. thanks. i’m adding this to my collection", ">\n\nI love how an institution that was the favorite pet of Republicans for decades is now enemy #1 solely because their orange shitgibbon had his feelings hurt. \nOh, and the whole multiple felony crimes thing.", ">\n\nI don't think they've ever had a director who wasn't Republican.", ">\n\nForget the director. I work at another 3 letter agency and no one talks politics but it's almost universally understood that 95%+ of anyone over at CIA, NSA, FBI, etc are Republican generally. I think in recent years they're probably either too embarrassed to admit they were, or vote Dem begrudgingly knowing what the GOP has turned into.", ">\n\nLaw enforcement across the board is packed with white supremacists, it's literally been their plan to infiltrate law enforcement and it's been going on for decades.\nIt's not like that stopped at their local podunk police stations. Hell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\nAmerica doesn't want to have the discussion, but our court system and law enforcement are already owned by fascists. The Supreme Court and lower federal Trump appointees will legislate from the bench, and cops will be the jack-booted thugs of an authoritarian regime. Might as well be already for some communities, honestly.", ">\n\n\nHell, I remember in 2016 everyone was calling the FBI \"Trumpland\" due to how much support he had in there at the time - and that was before the fucker got into power.\n\nIt's like everyone forgot the only reason Trump got elected was Comey announcing another investigation into Hillary's Emails back in 2016 days before the election.", ">\n\nAnd then as per usual got cucked by Trump", ">\n\nits hillarious how if Trump is consistant about 1 thing and 1 thing only\nits that he fucks over absolutely everyone that isin't him. \nlike its astounding how consistant he is in this one thing.\nand yet republicans love him like an abused housewife. no matter how bad it gets, they keep going back for more.\n\"but i LOOOOOVE HIMMMMM. I CAN MAKE HIM CHAAAAAANGE /cries\"\nother than he says the quite parts out loud, shamelessy at that. i dont see what they could possibly like about him.\nESPECIALLY the evangelicals. the sheer hypocricy of it all!", ">\n\nLay down with dogs - don't be surprised if you get fleas.\nLay down with Trumps? Don't be surprised if you get fleeced.", ">\n\nOr both--fleas and fleeced.", ">\n\nSo Republicans don't back the blue anymore?", ">\n\nThey back their local good old boys- not law. It is the essence of privilage.", ">\n\nBut only until they get a ticket", ">\n\n\"Tread on those people, not me!\"", ">\n\nThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.", ">\n\nThey call that 'law and order.' \nNever to be confused with the 'rule of law.'", ">\n\nTrump could be convicted for burning down and orphanage and Republicans will still have his back.\nIt’s genuinely scary that if Trump faces serious charges, Republicans will take it as an “act of war” and push back full force on democrats.", ">\n\nNot because they LIKE him, but because they are afraid of him (and his handlers) and what they know and hold over them...\nain't America great?", ">\n\nIt's baffling, because Trump lost big time in the midterms with candidates he supported and that went all in on election conspiracies and the like. \nIt paints a pretty clear picture. Even if the economy isn't that great and inflation is quite high, independents will choose Democrats if all that Republicans have to offer are room temperature IQ candidates. \nIf I were in their position, I'd be cheering for the FBI and hoping they get rid of the Trump problem. Republicans don't seem to realize that even if that's their personal belief, they're still tied to loonies unless they make a firm stand.", ">\n\nThe GOP has a serious 'rock and a hard place' problem where, while there aren't enough diehard Trump supporters to actually win campaigns, there *are* enough of them that without them the GOP is absolutely guaranteed to lose. If the GOP outright goes to war with Trump, there's about 20-30% or so of the GOP base that's going to choose Trump, and without them even a lot of seriously red seats would be up for grabs in 2024. At the same time Trump is absolutely toxic outside of the GOP, so him endorsing candidates is also a loser for them.\nSo they're desperately trying to figure out some middle ground where Trump goes along with the GOP, but also keeps his mouth shut in public. And good luck with that.", ">\n\nThey fucked around and now they can find out.", ">\n\nThat's what happens when you think you can \"manage\" a narcissistic sociopath. Sad thing is, though, they still keep trying.", ">\n\nBut wait, what about “blue lives matter”…..", ">\n\n*Terms and conditions may apply", ">\n\nConservative opinions are all nonsense, if they were investigating a Democrat they would have FBI flags in their front yards.", ">\n\nThey literally did though, all of 2016 was “lock her up!” chanting, signs and bumper stickers. It was the FBI engaged in a nonsensical investigation of Clinton so Republicans loved them.\nRepublican trash love authority as long as it’s being used to attack their enemies, otherwise they whine and cry about how they’re being persecuted.", ">\n\nThe party of Law and Order.", ">\n\n“Special Victims Unit” (read: Non-Trump supporters on all sides of the spectrum)", ">\n\nI'm pretty sure the Republicans would like to defund the FBI now.", ">\n\nPretty sure? I believe the rhetoric in our favorite sister subreddit is “gut the whole damn thing [FBI]”", ">\n\nWow Republicans no longer backing the blue! Who would have thought conservatives would turn on law enforcement who are largely conservative themselves?", ">\n\nThey should just go after the source and attack the guy who hired the guy leading the F.B.I.", ">\n\nSo let me get this right, the GOP prides itself on being the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. That is, until one of them are investigated and their dirty laundry/hypocrisy is on display for the world to see.", ">\n\nQuite frankly, most GOP supporters have no clue what that means, being the party of or how to be the party of patriots, heroes, servicemen and law enforcement. They just like saying it.\nJudging by Jan. 6, I'd say that group is the least patriot of any.", ">\n\nSo, Trump and Republicans are guilty. Okay.", ">\n\nThis is the most concerning, ongoing, internal existential threat to the USA IMHO.\nThe GOP is effectively normalizing a level of law enforcement corruption that we would associate with countries like Brazil or Russia..\nNot because it's real yet! Bare with me..\nGOP leadership who know better are allowing the rest of their party to make absurd allegations and normalize the IDEA that this level of corruption exists.\nWhen the GOP regains the executive there will be massive pressure to wield the FBI the way they SOLD THE LIE that it's being wielded now! If that ends up happening it will be excused on the right as \"of course, that's what the left does!\"\nA self-fulfilling prophecy. The danger of this rhetoric should be obvious to the civic minded in the GOP. But the outward voice of the party is loudly very unpatriotic right now.", ">\n\nCorrect, it’s sickening to watch it unfold", ">\n\nDonald Trump is a stupid hill to die on", ">\n\nPut them in jail too", ">\n\nParty of law and order, folks", ">\n\nParty of scofflaws.", ">\n\nClearly a great use of time and resources…what shit for brains the GOP have become.", ">\n\nFBI gave trump an 11th hour blow job in 2016, but now they turn on it. interesting.", ">\n\nI am certain that the FBI is disproportionately conservative. That is, FBI agents are significantly more likely to self-describe as conservative rather than progressive than would the general public. These snowflake whiners are a subset of conservatives and they are anti-Constitution and the FBI should absolutely purge them. As should the Secret Service.", ">\n\nThat is an indication Republicans believe Donald Trump is guilty", ">\n\nAh yes the “pro-police” party steps up their law enforcement hate. Crazy how many law enforcement officers are Republican bootlickers… the cognitive dissonance must be so painful", ">\n\nFucking traitors", ">\n\nWhen the corrupt are in power agencies that uphold the law are the enemy. \nThe FBI and IRS are both being attacked. What do they have in common?", ">\n\nThe GQP is a terrorist organization and should be outlawed in the United States.", ">\n\nCan we abolish the GOP and label them as a domestic terrorist organization? Seriously so many still support Jan 6", ">\n\nI think the gop should just submit", ">\n\nSo the party of law and order has now turned against the top law enforcement agency in the country, because the criminal activities of TFG ~~is~~ are under investigation?", ">\n\nI’m growing tired of sore losers bashing our country", ">\n\nThe insurrection continues.", ">\n\nPretty sure nobody had this on their 21st century Bingo card when the Supreme Court installed George W. Bush into the White House.", ">\n\nYou'd think at this point they would cut their losses and just disown Trump entirely. I mean, you'd think they'd do that if they weren't in a cult.", ">\n\nJames Comey and the New York FBI office were influential enough to push the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. And yet here we are… the definition of irony.", ">\n\nTrump will be their 2024 nominee, I guarantee it", ">\n\nWe support the blue!!! Wait, no… not that Blue!", ">\n\nBecause if there’s one thing the GOP will stand Against- it’s Law Enforcement.", ">\n\nGood throw them domestic terrorist in jail", ">\n\nSure. Protect Trump at all costs. Even to the destruction of the US. Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a terrorist organization and it's about time we publicly called them such.", ">\n\nOnly because they now realize their crimes will eventually be exposed.", ">\n\nFuck the GOP- hypocrisy personified.", ">\n\nI never thought my fbi movie prop windbreaker would be “anti American” to a conservatives. Yet now my father in law call it an “f.b. Antifa” jacket… ok", ">\n\nFuck the police coming' straight out the country club.", ">\n\nEvery last one of those fascist, traitorous trumphumping Repugnicans belongs in the ground, under a prison. Less than 100 years ago, that's where they would be, not running our country.", ">\n\nJust wait, the new GOP Congress will be all over the poor FBI.", ">\n\nThe FBI are doing their jobs to protect democracy and law. I wish the republicans would do the same instead of breaking law, ruining democracy, and opening the door to con artists and grifters!!", ">\n\nDog whistle.", ">\n\nIt worries me, because the more they protect him the more invested they will feel in a t.Rump.2024 run.", ">\n\nI’m convinced they are just always investigating everything passively to make these headlines make sense", ">\n\nDespite the FBI being historically scum this is still so unhinged of people to do.", ">\n\nNow that republicans are heavily into insurrection - or support for insurrection - and other skeevy behavior, they are turning on the people who will be investigating them.", ">\n\nOf course they are Because if you did enough you'll see more than half the GOP are doing illegal shit... Hopefully they catch EVERYONE DOING ILLEGAL SHIT.", ">\n\nCrime is a major concern unless it's committed by Republicans.", ">\n\nLaw and order party my ass.", ">\n\nThat whole \"BlueLivesMatter\" BS ended really fast once Republicans realized that laws apply to them too", ">\n\nI still don’t understand why Rs don’t see this is their (maybe literal) get out of jail free card. Trump goes to jail, he can’t run against their pudgy Florida man, and they get to rally their bozos against Biden again without splitting anyone.", ">\n\nLAW AND ORDER… for everyone else though geez", ">\n\nBasically they attack any agency that's a threat to their racket. It's getting really old. I'm sick of corrupt public officials and they're all corrupt until they address the Citizen's United ruling.", ">\n\nBack the blue until they come for you", ">\n\nYou remember all the times Republicans cried about \"the rule of law\" when they were playing politics? I remember.", ">\n\nRepublican logic:\nDefund the police, meaning to reallocate funding to mental health services = BAD 🚫\nOpenly attacking the US capitol with homemade spears and explosives = PATRIOTIC 🇺🇸", ">\n\nThe party of whatever sells.", ">\n\nThe FBI and DoJ need to stop dawdling. Trump will continue to engage in criminal activity until they stop him by indicting, prosecuting and convicting him and then stick his ass in prison. And do so also with his enablers.", ">\n\nSooo not distancing ourselves from Trump after all then, fellas??", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nHe still has the confidential docs -or his contacts do. Why is this still a thing?", ">\n\nI mean sure the FBI does have a lot issues, but Trump has already stated he took the documents so there's not a whole lot they can argue about.", ">\n\nConned till the very end.", ">\n\nWhat's this about the J6 Committee dropping its subpoena to make Trump testify? WTF?", ">\n\nThey would prefer to import FSB agents to run things.", ">\n\nDomestic terrorism insurgency", ">\n\n“How dare you investigate an innocent man! Now hold still while I put these bullets in you…”", ">\n\nAnd these dumbasses have the most skeletons in the closet. Yea make an enemy of the FBI. Smart", ">\n\nLaw and Order party, my ass!", ">\n\nCan anyone post the article? It is behind a paywall.", ">\n\nSo much for the law and order party", ">\n\nThe party of law and order.", ">\n\nThe party of law and order, what a joke.", ">\n\nCrooks!", ">\n\nLaw and order", ">\n\nHow about investigating why choirboy Comey felt compelled to hand the 2016 election to a dumb blackmailer.", ">\n\nThe party of “law and order” and “family values” is anything but", ">\n\nIf they followed the 14th amendment sec 3 the House would be democratic and the republicans wouldn't have the power to attack the FBI.", ">\n\nYou are so lucky that they are this stupid.", ">\n\nAre republicans just scum now? Come on", ">\n\nBefore the criminal conspiracy aka tRump entere4d the field, GOPerLords were content to direct their elected vassals to removing government oversight of corporate crimes. Since 2016 it's been necessary for them to add a very quiet War Against Police-Who-Investigate-Politicians. Expect a budget fight to defund the FBI (or reduce their staffing) in the next Congress.", ">\n\nThis goes beyond Trump. Republicans want to prevent the only agency charged with counterterrorism from being able to investigate and stop their armed militias. \nThe Seattle infrastructure attacks were far right groups testing their capabilities. These groups have been getting stronger and bolder in preparation for a massive battle. Only the FBI has the resources to bring them down, so yeah, let's cut their funding and fill leadership with people who will stop investigations", ">\n\nBut…back the blue?", ">\n\n\nRepublicans Step Up Attacks on F.B.I. as It Investigates Trump\n\nThis shouldn't surprise anyone.", ">\n\nThe America Treason Party: pro-crime, pro-Russia, pro-fascism, pro-insurgency.", ">\n\nFrom my experience young republicans hate the feds they constantly meme about the feds so this is not a surprise. the only surprise here is that this is news worthy.", ">\n\nThat's ok. They expected this. They waited until enough information could be made public to ensure those who would do this are of sufficient minority.", ">\n\nStepping up attacks on a federal agency sounds like a good way to open investigations.\nHonestly it’s the most I’m doing stuff you shouldn’t look at proclamations they could do.", ">\n\nUnpopular opinion: good. The FBI sucks and has a shitty history. Look at what they did during the civil rights movement. Let the batshit right try to tear them down.", ">\n\nThe civil rights movement was 60 years ago, do you think they’ve changed / improved since then?", ">\n\nI wonder how long we will wait before we find out FBI and law enforcement were behind some violence in the BLM protests.", ">\n\nDOJ doesn’t want to indict Trump. They’re afraid it will trigger a violent breakdown between political parties.", ">\n\nLol when the FBI are considered the 'good guys' you know you've massively fucked up.", ">\n\nYou’re thinking of the CIA", ">\n\nWhy not both?", ">\n\nHas the FBI ever not been corrupt?", ">\n\nAs opposed to politicians? With the FBI they at least stand a chance of getting nailed to the wall for doing bad shit. Politicians can get away with almost anything.", ">\n\n\"Back the Blue!!!\"", ">\n\nThis will work out well for everyone I’m sure.", ">\n\nBut what about back the blue", ">\n\nHas there ever been a more useless political party than what the GQP has become? Do they really think that their constituents voted them into office for this? Not to take care of our country's many actual physical crises, but to further and expand the mental culture war with reality currently ongoing inside GQP heads? Truly unhinged. They won't get shit done but they'll sure do their damnedest to make a stink to cover that fact as they accomplish nothing.", ">\n\nWhy do they fear a government agency looking into a person no longer in office.", ">\n\nGiven the recent Twitter dumps it looks like the FBI should be fired in disgrace.", ">\n\nWhoops.", ">\n\nHey guys it’s probably not a good idea to attack an intelligence organization (they should attack the CIA next )", ">\n\nListen, I truly understand that MSNBC, CNN and all of the major news networks are not covering this, but I find it truly hard to comprehend that the progressives are 100% on board with the FBI, DOJ and the White House having the ability to decide what gets reported as news.\nHave you not been following the Twitter files, where the FBI set up standing weekly meetings with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Reddit to let them know what was acceptable content on their platforms? Are you really OK with this? \nBecause I guarantee that eventually, the speech that you care about will be the speech that is being censored.", ">\n\nWho was leading the FBI at that time? Who appointed that person?", ">\n\nWhile ya was busy chasing trump. FBI was censoring accounts on Twitter. Silencing mostly conservatives. That should worry anybody republicans or democrats. But most of you guys are so far left gone in socialist land that ya would censor your own family political opinions lol.", ">\n\nQuick question. Do you have the right to ask someone to leave your house if you don't agree with what they say while in your house?\nIf you believe you have the right, then you are in fact censoring them based on your comment. Do you believe that you have the right to censor someone else while they are in your house? Of course you aren't censoring them, they can go to any other house and try their shit on for size there. \nPrivate companies can't censor you. Just like you have the right to ask someone to leave your house, they have the right to kick you off their platform. Or, are you saying that businesses should be forced to accommodate individuals that they don't agree with? You know like bakers not wanting to make a gay wedding cake because of bullshit religious beliefs. If you force Twitter, then be ready for the flip side of that coin also. You literally can't have it both ways.", ">\n\nSeeing the release of twitter data and the fact that the laptop news was stifled before the election I would say that the FBI needs to be revamped. I doubt very much now that many trust the FBI.", ">\n\nOh no a laptop", ">\n\nYet our esteemed Potus will not be candid in front of them.", ">\n\nAre you confusing the FBI with the USSS?", ">\n\nHey man, spelling is hard for these guys.", ">\n\nNot really a matter of spelling. It's more a matter of being able to differentiate between federal agencies at a basic level.", ">\n\nThis post smells funny", ">\n\nI think they should try to smash up the FBI building… grabs bag of popcorn.", ">\n\nSee, this is the point I normally roll my eyes and change the channel because *this doesn't actually happen in real life\"..." ]
Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.
> I tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane." ]
> My first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence." ]
> lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face. Is that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face." ]
> Might want to see a doctor if it's red.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky." ]
> To an average person, you look like you are either: A very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components Or a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red." ]
> Everytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube." ]
> I'd say that it's warranted
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing." ]
> Just imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted" ]
> Start with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good" ]
> start with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40." ]
> Flight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?” OP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“ Flight Attendant: runs to the air marshall
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad" ]
> 🤣
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall" ]
> Must be a long flight
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣" ]
> Was 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight" ]
> u from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired." ]
> I SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?" ]
> It was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane." ]
> I'm amazed you got that on the plane
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors." ]
> Luckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane" ]
> Considering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it." ]
> They miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz. Gotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater." ]
> Can't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport." ]
> The bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?" ]
> False
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz." ]
> "Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!" Seat neighbor: o.o
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse" ]
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o" ]
> Can only imagine the looks from those around you
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"" ]
> As a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you" ]
> i thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board ." ]
> Why you gotta bring switch color into this?
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?" ]
> i have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?" ]
> I feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize" ]
> I couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you." ]
> I thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news." ]
> Just a little bit of turbulence…
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭" ]
> Bruh what about the turbulence?
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…" ]
> Great idea really
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?" ]
> How do u bring switch lube into a plane
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really" ]
> usually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane" ]
> Black box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)" ]
> Imagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail." ]
> better be doing it switch by switch or else one piece of turbulence screws it
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.", ">\n\nImagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away" ]
> There's no way I would risk it on a tiny tray table hurtling through the sky
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.", ">\n\nImagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away", ">\n\nbetter be doing it switch by switch or else one piece of turbulence screws it" ]
> Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.", ">\n\nImagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away", ">\n\nbetter be doing it switch by switch or else one piece of turbulence screws it", ">\n\nThere's no way I would risk it on a tiny tray table hurtling through the sky" ]
> You can tell this guy is white, when it didn't end in the plane being landed prematurely.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.", ">\n\nImagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away", ">\n\nbetter be doing it switch by switch or else one piece of turbulence screws it", ">\n\nThere's no way I would risk it on a tiny tray table hurtling through the sky", ">\n\nDuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude." ]
> This dude’s going places.
[ "Yeah this is brave. I always end up dropping a few springs and stems when I’m lubing. Can’t imagine trying to locate them on a plane.", ">\n\nI tried to mitigate this by putting all the parts into ziploc bags when I wasn't using them, which worked out. Luckily the plane didn't hit turbulence.", ">\n\nMy first thought was, man if I did this the plane would hit an air pocket and the lady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.", ">\n\n\nlady behind me would get half a cherry red to the face.\n\nIs that what they're calling it these days? How kinky.", ">\n\nMight want to see a doctor if it's red.", ">\n\nTo an average person, you look like you are either:\nA very creative yet dumb drug dealer having product in the components\nOr a total nutjob for swabbing 'broken' keyboard parts that you just have brought along with you, with lube.", ">\n\nEverytime someone sees me lubing switches they ask me wtf im doing.", ">\n\nI'd say that it's warranted", ">\n\nJust imagine dropping part of a switch and losing it for good", ">\n\nStart with enough for a TKL, end with enough for a 40.", ">\n\nstart with enough for a full size, end with enough for a numpad", ">\n\nFlight Attendant: “Hello sir may I ask what you’re doing?”\nOP: “Uhh… I’m j-just tuning this um switch to kill some ti-“\nFlight Attendant: runs to the air marshall", ">\n\n🤣", ">\n\nMust be a long flight", ">\n\nWas 4 hours, not too long. I was planning on doing it on the previous leg (12 hours) but then was too tired.", ">\n\nu from asian country ? probably transit in japan or korea?", ">\n\nI SUCK at putting films on switches. I cannot imagine doing this on a plane.", ">\n\nIt was tedious, messed up a couple times, but no major errors.", ">\n\nI'm amazed you got that on the plane", ">\n\nLuckily didn't get questioned by security. I would have thought they would have asked about it.", ">\n\nConsidering they miss about 80% of firearms when tested, I wouldn't be surprised. TSA is theater.", ">\n\nThey miss 80% of firearms but I guarantee they have never once missed a beverage more than 3.1oz.\nGotta get that $8 post security water bottle money for the airport.", ">\n\nCan't you just bring an empty water bottle through and fill it at a fountain?", ">\n\nThe bottle itself can't be larger than 3oz.", ">\n\nFalse", ">\n\n\"Man, this keyboard's gonna be the bomb!\"\nSeat neighbor: o.o", ">\n\n\"HE'S MAKING A BOMB!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!\"", ">\n\nCan only imagine the looks from those around you", ">\n\nAs a brown man, if I get this far, I cannot imagine the look of all the kens and Karen’s when they see me fiddling with a board .", ">\n\ni thought you were talking about brown switches and i was like ?", ">\n\nWhy you gotta bring switch color into this?", ">\n\ni have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement, i do not expect to forgiven, i am simply here to apologize", ">\n\nI feel like this would be the worst of both worlds for me. The process and flight would seem incredibly longer. I hope it worked out for you.", ">\n\nI couldn’t do this for two reasons. I don’t want to lose a part of a switch, and I don’t want to be on the news.", ">\n\nI thought that was a bag of bud 😭😭", ">\n\nJust a little bit of turbulence…", ">\n\nBruh what about the turbulence?", ">\n\nGreat idea really", ">\n\nHow do u bring switch lube into a plane", ">\n\nusually lube is less than 3.1 oz so it should be fine (USA TSA anyways)", ">\n\nBlack box switches... I see what you did there, and I appreciate the commitment to detail.", ">\n\nImagine plane shake and the whole parts and efforts fly away", ">\n\nbetter be doing it switch by switch or else one piece of turbulence screws it", ">\n\nThere's no way I would risk it on a tiny tray table hurtling through the sky", ">\n\nDuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.", ">\n\nYou can tell this guy is white, when it didn't end in the plane being landed prematurely." ]